Interim Technical Advisory Committee for Intergovernmental Relations (S.B. 264, sec. 9)


The Interim Technical Advisory Committee for Intergovernmental Relations (ACIR) consists of six local government representatives and three State agency representatives. The ACIR is charged with fostering effective communication, cooperation, and partnerships among the State government and local governments to improve the provision of government services to Nevada residents. It serves as a forum for the discussion of intergovernmental challenges and may conduct studies relating to government powers and interrelationships. The ACIR must submit any recommendations to the Legislative Commission's Committee to Study Powers Delegated to Local Governments no later than June 1, 2010.



Agendas for the ACIR are posted on the Internet websites of the following organizations:


Additional Information

Pursuant to Section 9, subsection 6, of Senate Bill 264 (Chapter 462, Statutes of Nevada 2009), NACO and NLCM shall provide administrative support to the ACIR. Please contact NACO at (775) 883-7863 ( or NLCM at (775) 882-2121 ( for additional information.