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NRS 380A.011        Policy of this State; purpose of chapter.

NRS 380A.021        “Council” defined.

NRS 380A.031        Creation; appointment of members; terms of office.

NRS 380A.041        Qualifications of members; ex officio members; term limits.

NRS 380A.061        Officers; records.

NRS 380A.071        Meetings; compensation of members.

NRS 380A.081        Powers and duties.

NRS 380A.101        Deposit and expenditure of gifts of money.

NRS 380A.111        Filing of documents with State Library, Archives and Public Records.



      NRS 380A.011  Policy of this State; purpose of chapter.  It is the policy of this State to foster and further the establishment and proper maintenance of superior libraries and the acquisition of resources, facilities, professional staffs and auxiliary personnel fully to support such services. The purpose of this chapter is to provide the means for the overview and study of existing library facilities, resources and services and for the formulation of recommendations to strengthen and expand these components.

      (Added to NRS by 1965, 331)

      NRS 380A.021  “Council” defined.  As used in this chapter, “Council” means the State Council on Libraries and Literacy.

      (Added to NRS by 1965, 332; A 1993, 1581)

      NRS 380A.031  Creation; appointment of members; terms of office.

      1.  The State Council on Libraries and Literacy is hereby created. The Council is advisory to the Division of State Library, Archives and Public Records of the Department of Administration.

      2.  The Council consists of 11 members appointed by the Governor. Unless specifically appointed to a shorter term, the term of office of a member of the Council is 3 years and commences on July 1 of the year of appointment. The terms of office of the members of the Council must be staggered to result in, as nearly as possible, the appointment of three or four members to the Council on July 1 of each year.

      (Added to NRS by 1965, 332; A 1977, 1212; 1981, 1005; 1993, 1581; 1997, 3149; 2001, 926; 2011, 2977)

      NRS 380A.041  Qualifications of members; ex officio members; term limits.

      1.  The Governor shall appoint to the Council:

      (a) A representative of public libraries;

      (b) A trustee of a legally established library or library system;

      (c) A representative of school libraries;

      (d) A representative of academic libraries;

      (e) A representative of special libraries or institutional libraries;

      (f) A representative of persons with disabilities;

      (g) A representative of the public who uses these libraries;

      (h) A representative of recognized state labor organizations;

      (i) A representative of private sector employers;

      (j) A representative of private literacy organizations, voluntary literacy organizations or community-based literacy organizations; and

      (k) A classroom teacher who has demonstrated outstanding results in teaching children or adults to read.

      2.  The director of the following state agencies or their designees shall serve as ex officio members of the Council:

      (a) The Department of Administration;

      (b) The Department of Education;

      (c) The Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation;

      (d) The Department of Health and Human Services;

      (e) The Office of Economic Development; and

      (f) The Department of Corrections.

      3.  Officers of State Government whose agencies provide funding for literacy services may be designated by the Governor or the Chair of the Council to serve whenever matters within the jurisdiction of the agency are considered by the Council.

      4.  The Governor shall ensure that there is appropriate representation on the Council of urban and rural areas of the State, women, persons with disabilities, and racial and ethnic minorities.

      5.  A person may not serve as a member of the Council for more than two consecutive terms.

      (Added to NRS by 1965, 332; A 1977, 1212; 1981, 1005; 1993, 1581; 1995, 579; 2001, 926, 1424; 2001 Special Session, 237; 2003, 289; 2011, 2977, 3469)

      NRS 380A.061  Officers; records.  The Council shall elect a Chair and a Vice Chair at the first meeting held after July 1 of each year. The State Library, Archives and Public Records Administrator shall serve as Secretary of the Council but is not entitled to a vote. The Secretariat is the State Library, Archives and Public Records, where all files and records of the Council must be maintained.

      (Added to NRS by 1965, 332; A 1981, 1005; 1985, 125; 1997, 3150)

      NRS 380A.071  Meetings; compensation of members.

      1.  The Council may meet regularly at least twice each year and, within the limits of legislative appropriations, may hold additional meetings upon the call of the Chair.

      2.  Each member of the Council is entitled to receive a salary of not more than $80, as fixed by the Council, for each day’s attendance at a meeting of the Council.

      3.  While engaged in the business of the Council, each member and employee of the Council is entitled to receive the per diem allowance and travel expenses provided for state officers and employees generally.

      4.  Payments must be made upon itemized and verified claims approved by the State Library, Archives and Public Records Administrator from money appropriated to the State Library, Archives and Public Records.

      (Added to NRS by 1965, 332; A 1977, 1212; 1981, 1005, 1981; 1983, 1440; 1985, 125, 417, 449; 1989, 1713; 1997, 3150)

      NRS 380A.081  Powers and duties.  The Council may:

      1.  Examine and overview the whole state of libraries, librarianship, library education, library resources, and all allied and cognate activities and prepare a record of its findings.

      2.  Require public libraries to provide necessary library statistics and reports and to make recommendations for the advancement of libraries.

      3.  Report biennially to the Governor and Legislature. The report must be filed on or before January 1 of each odd-numbered year.

      4.  Publish material pertaining to its work that it may order issued.

      5.  Review plans and applications submitted by libraries and political subdivisions for state grants-in-aid and make recommendations to the State Library, Archives and Public Records Administrator concerning approval.

      6.  Examine and evaluate the programs for literacy in this State.

      7.  Establish a plan for coordinating programs and activities for promoting and increasing literacy in this State.

      (Added to NRS by 1965, 332; A 1993, 1582; 1997, 3150)

      NRS 380A.101  Deposit and expenditure of gifts of money.  All gifts of money which the Council is authorized to accept must be deposited in the State Treasury in a nonreverting gift fund and expended in accordance with the budget laws of the State of Nevada upon properly itemized and verified claims approved by the State Library, Archives and Public Records Administrator and the Council.

      (Added to NRS by 1965, 333; A 1973, 1668; 1979, 617; 1997, 3150)

      NRS 380A.111  Filing of documents with State Library, Archives and Public Records.  The Council shall promptly file copies of any and all of its reports, studies, documents and publications, regardless of form of issue, with the State Library, Archives and Public Records.

      (Added to NRS by 1965, 333; A 1985, 125)