Minutes and Exhibits for Assembly Ways and Means Committee - 61st (1981) Session

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Index of Bills Discussed in Assembly Ways and Means
Index of Budget Hearings

An * next to a resolution indicates it is from the 60th (1979) Session

Past Meetings

January 1981 meetings


8:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

Bill Bible, Fiscal Analyst, Legislative Counsel Bureau, re Revenue Projections


9:30 AM      Meeting Minutes

Mike Alastuey, Deputy Budget Director, Department of Administration, re Recommended One-Shot and Supplemental Appropriations for 1980-1981


8:15 AM      Meeting Minutes

William Hancock, Manager, Public Works Board, re Recommended Capital Improvement Program

John Meder, Administrator, Division of State Parks, re Park Improvement Projects


8:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

Mike Alastuey, Depuy Budget Director, Department of Administration
   Overview of Budget
   Governor's Office Budget

Berlyn Miller, Chairman, Governor's Management Task Force, re Office of Operational Analysis Budget

Michael de la Torre, Director, Department of Law Enforcement, re Crime Prevention Budget

Bob Hill, Coordinator, State Planning Office
   Comprehensive Statewide Planning Budget
   Commission on the Future of Nevada Budget
   Four Corners Regional Commission Budget


Meeting Minutes

Walter McKenzie, Director, Department of Economic Development, re Department Budget

Caroline Hadley, Editor, Nevada Magazine, re Magazine Budget

E.H. Fitz, Chairman, State Public Works Board, re Board Budget

Roy Nickson, Executive Director, Department of Taxation, re Department Budget

Jim Wittenberg, Director, State Personnel Division, re State Employees' Pay Package

S.B. 59

8:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

Ralph DiSibio, Director, Department of Human Resources
   Overview of Department of Human Resources and its Budget

Frank Carmen, Director, Youth Services Division
   Youth Services Division Budget
   Innovative Youth Grant Project Budget
   Probation Subsidies Budget
   Youth Parole Budget
   Nevada Girls Training Center Budget
   Nevada Youth Training Center Budget
   Alternative Placements Budget
   Northern Nevada Children's Home Budget
   Southern Nevada Children's Home Budget

Bob Gagnier, Executive Secretary, Nevada State Employees Association, re Pay Package

S.B. 61

8:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

Ralph DiSibio, Director, Department of Human Resources, re Division of Mental Hygiene and Mental Retardation Budget


8:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

Ralph DiSibio, Director, Department of Human Resources, re Division of Mental Hygiene and Mental Retardation Budget

Mike Alastuey, Deputy Budget Director, Department of Administration, re Department Budget

Stan Colton, State Treasurer, re Treasurer's Budget


Meeting Minutes

William Engel, Adjutant General, re Department of the Military Budget

Barney Dahl, Director, Civil Defense and Disaster Agency, re Agency Budget

A.C.R. 18Discussed as BDR
S.B. 119

February 1981 meetings


8:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

John Duarte, Chief of Management Services, Welfare Division, re Division Budget

William Swackhamer, Secretary of State, re Secretary of State's Budget

Barney Dahl, Director, Civil Defense and Disaster Agency, re Agency Budget

Merlin Anderson, Administrator, Commission on Postsecondary Education, re Commission Budget


8:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

Ralph DiSibio, Director, Department of Human Resources, re Division of Aging Services Budget

Del Frost, Administrator, State Rehabilitation Division, re Division Budget

John Carr, Health Officer, re Health Division Budget


8:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

John Carr, Health Officer, re Health Division Budget

Bryn Armstrong, Chairman, Board of Parole Commissioners, re Board Budget

A. A. Campos, Chief Parole and Probation Officer, re Parole and Probation Budget


8:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

Michael de la Torre, Director, Department of Law Enforcement Assistance, re Department Budget

Charles Wolff, Director, Department of Prisons, re Department Budget


8:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

Perry Comeaux, Assistant Director, Department of Prisons, re Department Budget

Charles Wolff, Director, Department of Prisons, re Department Budget


8:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

Donald Baepler, Chancellor, University of Nevada System, re System Budget

Leonard Goodall, President, University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV), re UNLV Budget

Joe Crowley, President, University of Nevada, Reno (UNR), re UNR Budget

A.B. 56

7:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

Joe Crowley, President, University of Nevada, Reno (UNR), re UNR Budget

Robert Daugherty, Dean, University of Nevada Medical School, re School Budget

Clifford Murino, President, Desert Research Institute, re Institute Budget


7:30 AM      Meeting Minutes

William Berg, President, Northern Nevada Community College, re College Budget

Jack Davis, President, Western Nevada Community College, re College Budget

Jim Eardley, President, Truckee Meadows Community College, re College Budget

Judith Eaton, President, Clark County Community College, re College Budget

Joe Fisher, Executive Director, Nevada State Education Association, re University of Nevada System Funding

Ted Sanders, Superintendent of Public Instruction, re Distributive School Fund


7:30 AM      Meeting Minutes

Marvin Picollo, Temporary Secretary, Nevada State School Boards Association, re Distributive School Fund


8:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

Perry Comeaux, Deputy Director, Department of Prisons, re Department Budgets


8:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

Discussion of Recommendations of Governor's Management Task Force

James Wadhams, Director, Department of Commerce, re Department Budget

Al McNitt, Administrator, Housing Division, re Division Budget

Wayne Tetrault, Administrator, Manufactured Housing Division, re Division Budget

Tom Huddleston, State Fire Marshal, re Fire Marshal Budget

Lynn Luman, Administrator, Real Estate Division, re Division Budget


8:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

James Wadhams, Director, Department of Commerce, re Department Budget

Lynn Luman, Administrator, Real Estate Division, re Division Budget

Joseph Sevigny, Superintendent of Banks, re Financial Institutions Division Budget

Don Heath, Insurance Commissioner, re Insurance Division Budget

Nancy Spraig, Director, Consumer Affairs Division, re Division Budget

Dave Shaffer, Administrator, Unclaimed Property Division, re Division Budget

Holly Elder, Officer, Developmental Disabilities Advocate Office, re Office Budget

Ed McGoldrick, Labor Commissioner, re Labor Commission Budget

S.B. 193

8:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

John Schilling, Director, Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology, re Mining Cooperative Fund

Bill Wright, Chairman, Board of the Department of Museums and History, re Department Budget

Peter Bandurraga, Director, Nevada Historical Society, re Society Budget

Scott Miller, Director, Nevada State Museum, re Museum Budget

Joe Anderson, State Librarian, re Nevada State Library Budget

Tom Ballow, Executive Director, Department of Agriculture, re Department Budget

Phil Martinelli, Director, Division of Plant Industry
   Division of Plant Industry Budget
   Meat Inspection Budget
   Agricultural Registration and Enforcement Budget
   Alfalfa Seed Research Budget

Steve Mahoney, Director, Livestock Brand Division, re Livestock Inspection Fund

Jack Armstrong, Director, Animal Industry Division, re Veterinary Medical Services


8:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

Richard Bryan, Attorney General, re Attorney General's Office Budget

Norm Herring, State Public Defender, re Public Defender's Office Budget

Myron Leavitt, Lieutenant Governor, re Lieutenant Governor's Office Budget

Mary Finnell, Chief, Risk Management Division, re Division Budget

Mike Alastuey, Deputy Budget Director, Department of Administration, re Clear Creek Youth Center Budget

Bill Hatifield, Commmissioner for Veterans' Affairs, re Commissioner's Budget

A.B. 213Discussed as BDR
A.B. 214Discussed as BDR
A.B. 215Discussed as BDR
S.B. 100Re-refer

8:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

Noel Clark, Director, Department of Energy, re Department Budget

Duane Sudweeks, Administrator, Colorado River Resources Division, re Division Budget

Heber Hardy, Director, Public Service Commission, re Commission Budget

A.B. 58
S.B. 197

8:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

Bruce Greenhalgh, Director, Department of General Services, re Department Overview and Budget

A.B. 316Discussed as pre-BDR
A.B. 353Discussed as pre-BDR
A.B. 358Discussed as pre-BDR
S.B. 335Discussed as pre-BDR

8:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

Joseph Greenley, Director, Department of Wildlife, re Department Budget

Joe Packham, Wildlife Staff Specialist, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, re Predatory Animal and Rodent Control Budget

John Humphrey, Secretary, Nevada Sheep Commission
   Woolgrowers Predatory Animal Control Committee Budget
   Sheep Commission Budget
   Grazing Board Contributions

Ed Markovich, Director, Rural Housing Authority, re Rural Housing Buget

Doris Palazzolo, Director, State Occupational Information Coordinating Committee, re Committee Budget

Linda Ryan, Director, State Office of Community Services, re Office Budget

March 1981 meetings


8:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

Donald W. Driggs, Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE), re WICHE Budget

Larry McCracken, Director, Employment Security Department
   Unemployment Compensation Administration Budget
   OASI Administration Budget
   Las Vegas/Clark County Consortium Contract
   Washoe County Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA) Contract
   CETA - Nevada Balance of State
   Work Incentive Program
   Employment Security Fund

Will Keating, Assistant Executive Officer, Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS), re PERS Budget

Ann Silver, Executive Director, State Comprehensive Employment and Training Office, re Office Budget

Jim Wittenberg, Director, State Personnel Division, re Division Budget


8:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

Charles Springer, Associate Justice, Nevada Supreme Court, re Administrative Office of the Courts Budget

A.B. 271Discussed as BDR
A.B. 272Discussed as BDR
A.B. 273Discussed as BDR
A.B. 274Discussed as BDR

8:05 AM      Meeting Minutes

Joe Nusbaum, Chairman, Nevada Industrial Commission, re Commission Budget

Richard Bunker, Chairman, Gaming Control Board, re Board Budget

S.B. 339
S.B. 340

8:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

A.B. 26
A.B. 34
A.B. 91
A.B. 153
A.B. 154
A.B. 168
A.B. 212
A.B. 213
A.B. 215
A.B. 261
A.C.R. 18

8:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

Roland Westergard, Director, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, re Department Budget

William Newman, State Engineer, re Division of Water Resources Budget

Jim Hawke, Administrator, Division of Water Planning, re Division Budget

Jac Shaw, Administrator, Division of State Lands, re Division Budget

Joyce Hall, Administrator, Division of Mineral Resources
   Division of Mineral Resources Budget
   Oil and Gas Conservation Commmission Budget

Mimi Rodden, Member, Comstock Historic District Commission, re Commission Budget

S.B. 207
S.B. 292

8:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

John Fransway, Chairman, Environmental Commission, re Commission Budget

Lou Dodgion, Administrator, Division of Environmental Protection, re Division Budget

Mimi Rodden, Administrator, Division of Historic Preservation and Archeology, re Division Budget

John Meder, Administrator, Division of State Parks, re Division Budget

Lodi Smith, State Forester Firewarden, re Division of Forestry Budget

A.B. 316Discussed as BDR
A.B. 317Discussed as BDR
A.B. 318Discussed as BDR
A.B. 319Discussed as BDR
A.B. 320Discussed as BDR
A.B. 321Discussed as BDR
A.B. 332Discussed as BDR
A.B. 333Discussed as BDR
A.B. 334Discussed as BDR
A.B. 335Discussed as pre-BDR
A.C.R. 23Discussed as BDR
S.B. 50
S.B. 74
S.B. 165

Meeting Minutes

Bill Bible, Fiscal Analyst, Legislative Counsel Bureau, re Assembly Committee on Ways and Means Progress Report

A.B. 153Amend, and re-refer
A.B. 212Amend, and do pass as amended
A.B. 215Do pass
A.B. 271Do pass
A.B. 335Discussed as BDR
A.C.R. 23Do pass

8:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

Charles Springer, Associate Justice, Nevada Supreme Court, re Administrative Office of the Courts Budget

A.B. 26Amend, and do pass as amended
A.B. 154Amend, and do pass as amended
A.B. 351Discussed as BDR
A.B. 352Discussed as BDR
A.B. 353Discussed as BDR
A.B. 354Discussed as BDR
A.B. 355Discussed as BDR
A.B. 356Discussed as BDR
A.B. 357Discussed as BDR
A.B. 358Discussed as BDR
A.B. 359Discussed as BDR
A.C.R. 18
S.B. 377
S.B. 442Discussed as pre-BDR
S.B. 592Discussed as pre-BDR

Meeting Minutes

Jim Avance, Administrator, Taxicab Authority, re Authority Budget

Jim Wittenberg, Administrator, Personnel Division, re Division Budget

Wilson McGowan, State Controller, re Controller's Office Budget

Bruce Greenhalgh, Director, Department of General Services, re Central Data Processing Budget

S.B. 337

Meeting Minutes

Roy Tennison, Secretary, Athletic Commission, re Commission Budget

Joseph Nusbaum, Director, Nevada Industrial Commission
   Nevada Industrial Commission Budget
   Inspector of Mines Budget
   Rehabilitation Center Budget

Howard Barrett, Chief, Hearing Division, re Division Budget

Scott Baker, State Industrial Attorney, re State Industrial Attorney's Budget

Duane Goble, Executive Secretary, Racing Commission, re Commission Budget

S.B. 183
S.B. 191
3-25-81      Joint Meeting with Senate Finance

8:30 AM     Meeting Minutes

National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) Workshop on Medicaid


8:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

A.B. 144
A.B. 170Indefinitely postpone
A.B. 171
A.B. 174Do pass
A.B. 272Do pass
A.B. 274
A.B. 316Do pass
A.B. 319Do pass
A.B. 334Amend, and do pass as amended
A.B. 354Do pass
A.B. 358
A.J.R. 26Adopt
S.B. 277Do pass
S.B. 305Do pass
S.B. 337Amend, and do pass as amended

Meeting Minutes

Al Stone, Director, Department of Transportation, re Department Budget

Barton Jacka, Director, Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)
   DMV Director's Office Budget
   Motor Vehicle Pollution Control Budget
   DMV Administrative Services Division Budget

Hale Bennett, Chief, DMV Registration Division, re Division Budget

A.B. 4
A.B. 213
A.B. 303
A.B. 397Discussed as BDR
S.B. 284

8:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

Bart Jacka, Director, Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)
   DMV Records Search Budget
   DMV Drivers License Division Budget
   DMV Motor Carrier Division Budget
   Highway Patrol Budget
   Switcher Operation

Jackie Belmont, Director, Nevada State Council on the Arts, re Council Budget

Elwood Moose, Executive Director, Indian Affairs Commission, re Commission Budget

A.B. 274
A.C.R. 39Discussed as BDR
A.C.R. 40Discussed as BDR
S.B. 80

April 1981 meetings


8:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

Arthur Crosby, Manager, Computer Facility, re Facility Budget

Lee Rayford, Executive Director, Equal Rights Commission, re Commission Budget

Ken Frazier, Commissioner, Employee-Management Relations Board, re Board Budget

William Smith, Executive Director/Secretary, Dairy Commission, re Commission Budget

Marcia de Braga, High School Rodeo Association, re Association Budget

Bill Behrens, Secretary/Treasurer, Nevada Junior Livestock Show Board, re Board Budget

Barton Jacka, Director, Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)
   Traffic Safety Division Budget
   Traffic Safety Federal Grants
   Emergency Medical Services - Fleischmann Grant
   DMV Automation Division Budget

S.B. 290

8:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

Budget Closings

A.B. 434Discussed as BDR
A.B. 435Discussed as BDR

Meeting Minutes

A.B. 50
A.B. 51
A.B. 210
A.B. 228
A.B. 335
A.B. 352
A.B. 356
A.B. 367
S.B. 50
S.B. 191
S.B. 204
S.B. 209
S.B. 210
S.B. 348

8:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

Budget Closings

A.B. 50
A.B. 51
A.B. 210
A.B. 274
A.B. 335
A.B. 352Do pass
A.B. 356
S.B. 50Do pass
S.B. 191Amend, and do pass as amended
S.B. 204Do pass
S.B. 209Do pass
S.B. 210Do pass
S.B. 348Amend, and do pass as amended

8:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

A.B. 144Amend, and do pass as amended
A.B. 332
A.B. 357Do pass
A.B. 358
S.B. 205Do pass
S.B. 206
S.B. 207Do pass
S.B. 208Do pass

8:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

Bill Bible, Fiscal Analyst, Legislative Counsel Bureau, re Proposed Plan to Reduce Budget Items by a Percentage Method

Budget Closings

A.B. 153
A.B. 356
A.B. 485Discussed as BDR
A.B. 486Discussed as BDR
4-10-81      Joint Meeting with Assembly Government Affairs

9:05 AM     No Meeting Minutes (See Assembly Government Affairs Minutes of Joint Meeting)

A.B. 473
A.B. 484Discussed as BDR
A.J.R. 36Discussed as BDR

8:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

A.B. 168
A.B. 333
A.B. 353
A.B. 398
S.B. 516

7:30 AM      Meeting Minutes

Budget Closings

A.B. 168Do pass
A.B. 228Do pass
A.B. 333
A.B. 335Amend, and do pass as amended
A.B. 353
A.B. 355Do pass
A.B. 356Indefinitely postpone, failed; Amend, and do pass as amended
A.B. 358Amend, and do pass as amended
A.B. 359
A.B. 398
A.B. 434
A.B. 451Do pass
A.B. 498Discussed as BDR
A.B. 499Discussed as BDR
A.B. 500Discussed as BDR
A.B. 501Discussed as BDR
S.B. 49Do pass
S.B. 93Re-refer

7:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

Heber Hardy, Commissioner, Public Service Commission, re Commission Budget

A.B. 457Do pass
A.B. 473

8:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

Stephen Bradhurst, Director, MX Planning Office, re MX Planning

A.B. 65
A.B. 489
S.B. 340

8:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

Budget Closings

A.B. 51
A.B. 56Amend, and do pass as amended
A.B. 65
A.B. 153
A.B. 171Amend, and do pass as amended
A.B. 228
A.B. 233
A.B. 359Amend, and do pass as amended
A.B. 489Amend, and do pass as amended
S.B. 79

8:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

Budget Closings

A.B. 318Do pass
A.B. 320Amend, and do pass as amended
A.B. 321Amend, and do pass as amended
A.B. 351Amend, and do pass as amended
A.B. 485Do pass
A.B. 486
A.B. 497
A.B. 498Amend, and do pass as amended
S.B. 326Do pass
S.B. 648Discussed as BDR
S.J.R. 22Do pass

8:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

Budget Closings

A.B. 168
A.B. 213
A.B. 233
S.B. 284

8:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

Joe Nusbaum, Director, Nevada Industrial Commission, re Questions Regarding Commission Budget

A.B. 64
A.B. 360
A.B. 397
A.B. 435
A.B. 573Discussed as BDR
S.B. 81

8:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

Dr. Clifford Murino, President, and Dr. Martin Mifflin, Hydrogeologist, Desert Research Institute (DRI), re Water System at Jean Prison

A.B. 64
A.B. 380
A.B. 586Discussed as BDR
A.C.R. 35Discussed as BDR
S.B. 81

8:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

Budget Closings

A.B. 51Amend, and do pass as amended
A.B. 161Do pass
A.B. 257Indefinitely postpone
A.B. 353Do pass
A.B. 360Amend, and do pass as amended
A.B. 380Amend, and do pass as amended
A.B. 435Amend, and do pass as amended
S.B. 22Re-refer
S.B. 371

May 1981 meetings


8:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

Bill Bible, Fiscal Analyst, Legislative Counsel Bureau, re Education Subcommittee Report

Budget Closings

A.B. 369
A.B. 397Do pass
A.B. 462
S.B. 69
S.B. 411
S.B. 582
S.B. 590Do pass

8:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

A.B. 157
A.B. 247
A.B. 445
A.B. 515
S.B. 553
S.B. 79
S.B. 192
S.B. 339
S.B. 340
S.B. 342
S.B. 474
S.B. 515
S.C.R. 24

8:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

Budget Closings

A.B. 157Amend, and do pass as amended
A.B. 213
A.B. 445No further consideration, failed
A.B. 515Do pass, rescinded; Amend, and do pass as amended
A.B. 553Amend, and do pass as amended
S.B. 79Do pass
S.B. 192Indefinitely postpone
S.B. 339Do pass
S.B. 342
S.B. 474Do pass
S.B. 515Amend, and do pass as amended
S.C.R. 24Amend, and do pass as amended

8:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

A.B. 456
A.B. 506
A.B. 513
A.B. 544
A.B. 546
S.B. 26
S.B. 97
S.B. 151
S.B. 290
S.B. 335
S.B. 475
S.B. 512
S.C.R. 6

5:00 PM      Meeting Minutes

Assemblyman Nicolas Horn re the Switcher Report

Budget Closings

A.B. 456Do pass
A.B. 513
A.B. 544Amend, and do pass as amended
A.B. 546Do pass
S.B. 26
S.B. 97Amend, and do pass as amended
S.B. 151Do pass
S.B. 290Do pass
S.B. 335Do pass
S.B. 475Do pass
S.C.R. 6Do pass

7:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

A.B. 437
A.B. 478
A.B. 502
A.B. 552
A.B. 573
A.B. 586
A.B. 618
A.B. 619
A.C.R. 35
S.B. 480

5:00 PM      Meeting Minutes

Budget Closings

A.B. 437
A.B. 478Indefinitely postpone
A.B. 502Amend, and do pass as amended
A.B. 513
A.B. 586Do pass
A.B. 619Do pass
A.C.R. 35Do pass
S.B. 480

8:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

Bill Bible, Fiscal Analyst, Legislative Counsel Bureau, re Committee Work Session on Reductions in Various State Agencies' Budgets

Budget Closings

S.B. 193

9:30 AM      Meeting Minutes

Bill Bible, Fiscal Analyst, Legislative Counsel Bureau, re Subcommittee Report on University of Nevada Budget

Assemblyman Dean Rhoads re Subcommittee Report on Department of Transportation Budget

Budget Closings

A.B. 639
A.B. 648

7:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

Bill Bible, Fiscal Analyst, Legislative Counsel Bureau, re Gaming Subcommittee Report

Budget Closings

A.B. 397Do pass
A.B. 639Do pass
A.B. 648Amend, and do pass as amended
S.B. 29Do pass
S.B. 176
S.B. 336Do pass
S.B. 417Amend, and do pass as amended
S.B. 418
S.B. 421
S.B. 422Do pass
S.B. 490
S.B. 551Do pass

5:00 PM      Meeting Minutes

Assemblyman John Vegiels re Human Resources Subcommittee Report

Bill Bible, Fiscal Analyst, Legislative Counsel Bureau, re Human Resources Subcommittee Reports on Mental Hygiene and Mental Retardation, and Youth Services Division

Assemblyman John Vegiels re Human Resources Subcommittee Report on Probation Subsidies

Budget Closings

A.B. 119(Exhibit only)
S.B. 206(Exhibit only)

10:00 AM     Meeting Minutes

Budget Closings

S.B. 74
S.B. 176

3:30 PM      Meeting Minutes

Bill Bible, Fiscal Analyst, Legislative Counsel Bureau, re Classified Salary Proposal Subcommittee Report

Assemblyman Robinson and Bill Bible, Fiscal Analyst, Legislative Counsel Bureau, re Human Resources Subcommittee Report on Rehabilitation Administration, and Welfare Administration

Budget Closings

A.B. 333(Exhibit only)
A.B. 398(Exhibit only)
A.B. 499Do pass
A.B. 513
A.B. 528Do pass
A.B. 573Amend
A.B. 647Do pass
S.B. 516(Exhibit only)

1:00 PM      Meeting Minutes

Assemblyman Alan Glover re Capital Improvements Subcommittee Report

Assemblyman Nicolas Horn re Prison Subcommittee Report

Budget Closings

A.B. 214Amend, and do pass as amended
A.B. 500Do pass
A.B. 501Amend, and do pass as amended
S.B. 29
S.B. 291Do pass
S.B. 334Amend
S.B. 421
S.B. 481
S.B. 617Indefinitely postpone

8:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

Bill Bible, Fiscal Analyst, Legislative Counsel Bureau, re Estimated Budget Status as of May 17, 1981

A.B. 65
A.B. 397
A.B. 429
A.B. 500
A.B. 528
A.B. 555
A.B. 602
A.B. 638
A.B. 647
A.B. 649
A.B. 671
A.B. 674
A.B. 686Discussed as BDR
A.B. 687Discussed as BDR
A.B. 688Discussed as BDR
S.B. 291

7:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

A.B. 68
A.B. 119Amend, and do pass as amended
A.B. 437Amend, and do pass as amended
A.B. 497
A.B. 555Amend, and do pass as amended
A.B. 638Indefinitely postpone
A.B. 671Do pass
A.B. 674Do pass
A.B. 675Do pass
A.B. 678Do pass
A.C.R. 41Do pass
S.B. 340Do pass
S.B. 421Amend, and do pass as amended
S.B. 512Amend, and do pass as amended
S.B. 648
5-20-81      Joint Meeting with Senate Finance

8:10 AM     No Meeting Minutes (See Senate Minutes of Joint Meeting)

Discussion of State Employees' Pay Increase


5:00 PM      Meeting Minutes

A.B. 318
A.B. 330Indefinitely postpone
A.B. 587Do pass
A.B. 676Indefinitely postpone, failed; Do pass, failed
A.B. 677Amend, and do pass as amended
A.B. 679
A.B. 681Indefinitely postpone
A.B. 682Do pass
A.B. 687Indefinitely postone, failed; Amend, and do pass as amended
A.B. 688
A.B. 696Do pass
A.C.R. 45Amend, and do pass as amended
S.B. 198
5-22-81      Joint Meeting with Senate Finance

8:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

Budget Closings

A.B. 157
5-22-81      Joint Meeting with Senate Finance

5:00 PM      No Meeting Minutes (See Senate Minutes of Joint Meeting)

Budget Closings

5-23-81      Joint Meeting with Senate Finance

11:00 AM     No Meeting Minutes (See Senate Minutes of Joint Meeting)

William D. Swackhamer, Nevada Secretary of State, re Reductions in the Prison Budget

Budget Closings

5-24-81      Joint Meeting with Senate Finance

9:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

Bill Bible, Fiscal Analyst, Legislative Counsel Bureau, re Prison Subcommittee Report

Budget Closings


3:00 PM      Meeting Minutes

Budget Closings

A.B. 505
S.B. 80
S.B. 214
S.B. 427
5-25-81      Joint Meeting with Senate Finance

9:00 AM      No Meeting Minutes (See Senate Minutes of Joint Meeting)

Budget Closings


10:30 AM     Meeting Minutes

A.B. 97Do pass
A.B. 332
A.B. 602Do pass
A.B. 649Do pass
S.B. 80Amend, and do pass as amended
S.B. 214Do pass
S.B. 427Do pass

4:30 PM      Meeting Minutes

Assemblyman Alan Glover re Parks Subcommittee Report

Bill Bible, Fiscal Analyst, Legislative Counsel Bureau, re Remaining Differences Between the Assembly Ways and Means Committee and the Senate Finance Committee

A.B. 60Amend, and do pass as amended
A.B. 332Do pass
A.B. 378Indefinitely postpone
A.B. 497
A.B. 600Amend, and do pass as amended
S.B. 198
S.B. 206Do pass
S.B. 460Amend, and do pass as amended
S.B. 648
5-26-81      Joint Meeting with Senate Finance

7:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

Budget Closings

A.B. 699

4:00 PM      Meeting Minutes

Bill Bible, Fiscal Analyst, Legislative Counsel Bureau, re Classified Salaries Subcommittee Report

Conference Committee Report

A.B. 157

9:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

A.B. 173Do pass
A.B. 676Do pass
S.B. 26
S.B. 38Indefinitely postpone, failed; Do pass
S.B. 276Amend, and do pass as amended
S.B. 338Do pass
S.B. 342Do pass
S.B. 390
S.B. 582
S.B. 594Do pass
S.B. 628Do pass
S.B. 630Do pass
S.B. 653Do pass
S.B. 675Do pass
S.B. 676Do pass
S.B. 692Do pass
S.B. 706

7:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

A.B. 69Do pass
A.B. 369
A.B. 427
A.B. 698
S.B. 69
S.B. 79
S.B. 161Do pass
S.B. 193Amend, and do pass as amended
S.B. 304
S.B. 411
S.B. 425
S.B. 432
S.B. 479
S.B. 538Amend, and do pass as amended
S.B. 583Do pass
S.B. 591
S.B. 609
S.B. 619Do pass
S.B. 644Do pass
S.B. 669Do pass
S.B. 679Do pass
S.B. 685Amend, and do pass as amended
S.B. 698Do pass
S.C.R. 56

4:30 PM      Meeting Minutes

A.B. 429Do pass, as amended
A.B. 655
S.B. 144
S.B. 181
S.B. 238
S.B. 478
S.B. 485
S.B. 497
S.B. 514
S.B. 561
S.B. 618
S.B. 629
S.B. 664
S.B. 682
S.B. 683

7:30 AM      Meeting Minutes

A.B. 429
A.B. 655
A.B. 679Indefinitely postpone
S.B. 74Do pass
S.B. 81Indefinitely postpone
S.B. 144Do pass
S.B. 181Do pass
S.B. 198Amend, and do pass as amended
S.B. 238Amend, and do pass as amended
S.B. 390Amend, and do pass as amended
S.B. 478Amend, and do pass as amended
S.B. 480Indefinitely postpone
S.B. 485Do pass
S.B. 497Do pass
S.B. 514Do pass
S.B. 618Do pass
S.B. 629Do pass
S.B. 664Do pass
S.B. 682Amend, and do pass as amended
S.B. 683Do pass

11:00 AM     Meeting Minutes

A.B. 459
A.B. 677
A.B. 685Indeifnitely postpone
A.C.R. 39
A.C.R. 40
S.B. 315
S.B. 562
S.B. 572
S.B. 606
S.B. 609
S.B. 613

7:30 AM      Meeting Minutes

A.B. 271
A.B. 433
A.C.R. 39Do pass
A.C.R. 40
S.B. 304Amend, and do pass as amended
S.B. 315Amend, and do pass as amended
S.B. 562
S.B. 572Do pass
S.B. 606Do pass
S.B. 609
S.B. 613Amend, and do pass as amended
S.B. 651Do pass
S.B. 668
S.B. 706Do pass

11:00 AM     Meeting Minutes

A.B. 427
A.B. 655Amend, and do pass as amended
A.B. 688Amend, and do pass as amended
S.B. 562Amend, and do pass as amended
S.B. 609Do pass
S.B. 617Do pass

June 1981 meetings


9:00 AM      Meeting Minutes

S.B. 442Do pass
S.B. 592Do pass

8:30 AM      Meeting Minutes

S.B. 320Do pass
S.B. 712Do pass
S.B. 713Do pass
S.B. 714Do pass

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  Last updated 1/13/2015