Apply for Appointment to a Board, Commission, or Similar Entity

Following is a list of boards, commissions and similar entities to which members of the general public are appointed by legislators, legislative officers or legislative committees. If you are interested in being considered for appointment to one of these entities, please fill out the form below and follow the instructions for submitting the form. Each entity has specific requirements for appointment; please review those requirements before applying for appointment to ensure that you are eligible. A separate application is required for each entity to which you would like to be considered for appointment. Applications are kept on file for 2 years.

Application Form

If you have any questions concerning a particular board, commission or other entity, please contact the Director's Office at (775) 684-6800.

This form only applies to appointments made by the Legislature.

If you are interested in being appointed to a board, commission or similar entity to which members are appointed by the Governor, please visit the Governor's Boards and Commissions homepage.

There are no entities currently accepting public appointments.