[Rev. 6/20/2022 8:20:04 AM]

[NAC-624 Revised Date: 5-22]



624.001        Definitions.

624.003        “Board” defined.

624.005        “Employee” defined.

624.010        “Professional fee” construed.

624.015        Exemption for owner-builder: Procedure.

624.017        Exemption for owner-builder: Owner-Builder Disclosure Statement.


624.030        Duties of Executive Officer.

624.070        Election of officers and changes in organization.

624.080        Chair: Duties; temporary Chair; appointment of acting officer.

624.090        Vacancies.

624.120        Petition for declaratory order or advisory opinion.

624.130        Fees.


624.132        Definitions.

624.133        “Compliance investigator” defined.

624.134        “Criminal investigator” defined.

624.135        Compliance investigator: Qualifications.

624.136        Criminal investigator: Qualifications.

624.137        Additional qualifications of investigators.


624.140        Classification A: General engineering.

624.150        Classification A: Subclassifications.

624.160        Classification B: General building.

624.170        Classification B: Subclassifications.

624.180        Classification AB: General building and general engineering.

624.190        Classification C-1: Plumbing and heating contracting; subclassifications.

624.200        Classification C-2: Electrical contracting; subclassifications.

624.210        Classification C-3: Carpentry, maintenance and minor repairs; subclassifications.

624.220        Classification C-4: Painting and decorating; subclassifications.

624.230        Classification C-5: Concrete contracting.

624.240        Classification C-6: Erecting signs; subclassifications.

624.250        Classification C-7: Elevation and conveyance; subclassifications.

624.260        Classification C-8: Glass and glazing contracting.

624.270        Classification C-9: Movement of buildings.

624.280        Classification C-10: Landscape contracting.

624.290        Classification C-11: Spraying mixtures containing cement.

624.300        Classification C-13: Using sheet metal.

624.310        Classification C-14: Steel reinforcing and erection; subclassifications.

624.320        Classification C-15: Roofing and siding; subclassifications.

624.330        Classification C-16: Finishing floors; subclassifications.

624.340        Classification C-17: Lathing and plastering; subclassifications.

624.350        Classification C-18: Masonry.

624.360        Classification C-19: Installing terrazzo and marble; subclassifications.

624.370        Classification C-20: Tiling; subclassifications.

624.380        Classification C-21: Refrigeration and air-conditioning; subclassifications.

624.400        Classification C-23: Drilling wells and installing pumps, pressure tanks and storage tanks.

624.410        Classification C-24: Erecting scaffolds and bleachers.

624.420        Classification C-25: Fencing and equipping playgrounds.

624.430        Classification C-26: Institutional contracting; subclassifications.

624.440        Classification C-27: Individual sewerage.

624.450        Classification C-28: Fabricating tanks; subclassifications.

624.470        Classification C-30: Installing equipment to treat water.

624.480        Classification C-31: Wrecking.

624.500        Classification C-33: Installing industrial machinery.

624.530        Classification C-36: Installing and applying polyurethane or other similar products and coatings.

624.540        Classification C-37: Solar contracting; subclassifications.

624.550        Classification C-38: Installing equipment used with liquefied petroleum and natural gas; subclassifications.

624.560        Classification C-39: Installing heaters.

624.570        Classification C-40: Specialties not authorized by other classifications.

624.572        Classification C-41: Fire protection contracting; subclassifications.

624.574        Classification C-42: Constructing, altering or improving video service networks.

624.580        License to build upon or improve own commercial property.

624.585        Abatement of asbestos without license classified for removal of asbestos.


624.590        Application: Separate application for each classification; contents; fees; fingerprint cards; licensure in another state; credit towards experience requirement; incomplete application deemed withdrawn.

624.593        Financial statement.

624.600        Examinations; requirements for waiver; retaking upon failure.

624.603        Conditional licensing.

624.615        Licensure in another state or territory: Determination by Board if requirements for licensure are substantially equivalent to Nevada; maintenance and publication of list of such states and territories; approval of experience and examination.

624.620        Notice of approval; security bond or cash deposit.

624.630        Renewal.

624.635        Inactive status.

624.640        Bid or contract void if licensee exceeds scope of license or monetary limit; duties of licensee.

624.650        Association with unlicensed person prohibited.

624.660        Death of licensee; termination or change of partnership.

624.665        Submission of application for certain changes regarding licensee.

624.667        Submission of application regarding conversion of business organization of licensee.

624.669        Application for increase in monetary limit on license.

624.670        Application for increase in monetary limit on license for single project.

624.675        Increase in monetary limit for indemnified licensee or applicant; withdrawal of indemnity.

624.681        Fee for processing of fingerprint cards.


624.685        Definitions.

624.6853      “Affidavit for a certificate of eligibility” defined.

624.6855      “Affidavit for renewal of a certificate of eligibility” defined.

624.6857      “Certificate of eligibility” defined.

624.6859      “Contractor” defined.

624.6863      “Statement of compliance” defined.

624.687        Prerequisites; separate application for each classification.

624.6873      Application; review of banking records.

624.6876      Issuance or denial.

624.6879      Contents of certificate.

624.6883      Issuance of duplicate certificate.

624.6886      Affidavit for renewal.

624.6889      Issuance of certificate prohibited if license not active; revocation; reapplication.

624.6893      Disciplinary action.

624.6896      Written objection filed with public body.

624.6899      Notification to Board of determination by public body; revocation of certificate.


624.693        Informational form regarding mechanics’ and materialmen’s liens.

624.6932      Informational form regarding contractors.


624.694        Practices constituting deceptive advertising; prohibited advertising practices; definitions.


624.695        Definitions.

624.69505    “Advertising” defined.

624.6952      “Contract” defined.

624.6954      “Contractor” defined.

624.6956      “Owner” defined.

624.6957      “Work concerning a residential pool or spa” defined.

624.69575    Bond or deposit for protection of consumers.

624.6958      Requirements for contracts.

624.696        Additional provisions in contract.

624.6964      Requirements for schedule of payments; exceptions.

624.6966      Duties of contractor.

624.6967      Practices constituting deceptive advertising.

624.69675    Prohibited advertising practices; sale to builder who is also owner of pool or spa.

624.6968      Compliance with applicable federal, state or local law.

624.697        Effect of failure to comply with requirements of law.


624.6975      Definitions.

624.6978      “Complaint” defined.

624.6981      “Contested case” defined.

624.6984      “Notice of hearing” defined.

624.6987      “Respondent” defined.

624.6989      “Suspend” defined.

624.699        Receipt of written documents by Board.

624.700        Allegations against licensees; investigations; authority of Executive Officer.

624.705        Qualifications of person serving as hearing officer.

624.710        Address of applicant or licensee on file with Board deemed correct address; notice of address change.

624.711        Conditions for contractor placed on probation in lieu of suspension or revocation of license to continue existing construction projects; subsequent discipline of contractor.

624.712        Requirements of order imposing probation; terms and conditions of probation.

624.713        Notice of contemplated action: Contents; response.

624.716        Notice of contemplated action: Hearing; default order; request for reconsideration.

624.720        Notice of impaired financial responsibility or violation of law; authority of Board to set hearing.

624.725        Administrative citation: Service; contents.

624.72505 Administrative citation: Withdrawal.

624.7251      Specification of violation for imposition of administrative fine; amount; reduction or stay of fine or any other penalty; grounds for assessment of maximum fine.

624.72512    Order for corrective action: Determination to include in administrative citation.

624.72514    Order for corrective action: Determination of time permitted for compliance.

624.72516    Order for corrective action: Extension of time for compliance.

624.72518    Order for corrective action: Joint responsibility of licensee and hired licensee for performance by hired licensee.

624.7253      Liberal construction of provisions governing practices in contested cases; deviation from provisions.

624.7256      Time and place of hearing; notice; time for objection.

624.7259      Addition or dismissal of cause for disciplinary action; amendment or withdrawal of complaint.

624.7263      Request for continuance; granting of continuance.

624.7266      Form of papers submitted to Board; consent to electronic service.

624.7269      Consolidation of contested cases.

624.7273      Motions: Contents; opposition; written reply; decision by Board.

624.7276      Subpoenas: Application; rebuttable presumption; issuance and service.

624.7279      Representation of parties; rules of conduct; provision of information to attorney; withdrawal of attorney; consideration of evidence or exhibits.

624.7283      Failure to appear; presentation of evidence.

624.7286      Order of proceedings.

624.7289      Examination of witnesses.

624.7291      Rebuttable presumption that misrepresentation or omission of material fact to Board does not form a defense against complaint.

624.7293      Petition for rehearing or reconsideration.

624.7296      Computation of periods.


624.730        Definitions.

624.735        “Claimant” defined.

624.740        “Complaint seeking recovery” defined.

624.745        Accompanying document required.

624.750        Claim: Form and contents; prerequisites to approval; changes in information; action by Executive Officer of Board; closing and reopening.

624.755        Procedure for processing: Notice to accused contractor; investigation; hearing.

624.760        Determination; final order.

624.765        Claimant’s agreement with Board.

624.770        Procedure upon final order approving payment.


624.780        Definitions.

624.781        “Appurtenance” defined.

624.782        “Board” defined.

624.783        “Claimant” defined.

624.784        “Constructional defect” defined.

624.785        “Contractor” defined.

624.786        “Design professional” defined.

624.788        “Request” defined.

624.7885      “Requester” defined.

624.789        “Residence” defined.

624.790        “Subcontractor” defined.

624.791        “Supplier” defined.

624.792        When request is deemed to have been submitted to Board.

624.793        Submission of request and pertinent documents, materials and information.

624.794        Review of request; investigation and report.

624.795        Assessment, notification and payment of fees.


General Provisions

624.810        “Commission” defined.

Practice and Procedure

624.820        Scope.

624.822        Meetings; principal office.

624.824        Rules of practice.

624.826        Written communications and documents to Commission.

624.828        Filings with Commission.

624.830        Proceedings to be informal.

Construction Education Account

624.840        Application for grant from Account: Requirements; review by Commission; notice of disposition; request for reconsideration.




      NAC 624.001  Definitions. (NRS 624.100)  As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires, the words and terms defined in NAC 624.003 and 624.005 have the meanings ascribed to them in those sections.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R023-19, eff. 10-30-2019)

      NAC 624.003  “Board” defined. (NRS 624.100)  “Board” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 624.010.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 12-29-97; A by R023-19, 10-30-2019)

      NAC 624.005  “Employee” defined. (NRS 624.100)

     1.  “Employee” means a natural person in the service of an employer under any appointment or contract of hire or apprenticeship, express or implied, oral or written, at-will or other, whether lawfully or unlawfully employed.

     2.  The term does not include an independent contractor.

     3.  As used in this section, “employer” means a contractor having control or custody over any employee.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R023-19, eff. 10-30-2019)

      NAC 624.010  “Professional fee” construed. (NRS 624.020, 624.100)  The Board construes “professional fee” used in subsection 4 of NRS 624.020 for a construction manager who performs management and counseling services as meaning any compensation he or she receives for those services.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83)

      NAC 624.015  Exemption for owner-builder: Procedure. (NRS 624.031, 624.100)

     1.  To apply for an owner-builder exemption from the provisions of chapter 624 of NRS pursuant to subsection 4 of NRS 624.031, an owner of property must submit an Owner-Builder Disclosure Statement to:

     (a) The Board; and

     (b) The local building official responsible for issuing the permit for the work that will be the subject of the exemption.

     2.  If the Owner-Builder Disclosure Statement submitted pursuant to subsection 1 is completed fully and accurately, and signed by the applicant under penalty of perjury, the Board will approve the owner-builder exemption.

     3.  Unless the Board notifies the applicant within 10 days after he or she submits the Owner-Builder Disclosure Statement to the Board that the owner-builder exemption is denied, the owner-builder exemption shall be deemed to have been approved by the Board.

     4.  If the Board denies an application for an owner-builder exemption, the Board will, within 10 days after the applicant submits the Owner-Builder Disclosure Statement to the Board:

     (a) Notify the applicant that the owner-builder exemption is denied; and

     (b) Set forth the reasons for the denial.

     5.  If the applicant is notified pursuant to subsection 4 that the owner-builder exemption is denied, the applicant may submit supplemental materials to the Board regarding the application for an owner-builder exemption.

     6.  If it appears to the satisfaction of the Board that the materials submitted pursuant to subsection 5 satisfy the reasons for the denial of the owner-builder exemption, the Board may approve the owner-builder exemption.

     7.  As used in this section, “Owner-Builder Disclosure Statement” means the form adopted by the Board pursuant to NAC 624.017.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R047-03, eff. 12-4-2003)

      NAC 624.017  Exemption for owner-builder: Owner-Builder Disclosure Statement. (NRS 624.031, 624.100)

     1.  The Board will adopt a form for the Owner-Builder Disclosure Statement.

     2.  The form must include, without limitation:

     (a) The name, mailing address, physical address and telephone number of the owner of property applying for the owner-builder exemption from the provisions of chapter 624 of NRS pursuant to subsection 4 of NRS 624.031;

     (b) The county where the property that will be subject to the owner-builder exemption is located;

     (c) The parcel number of the county assessor for the property;

     (d) A description of the work to be performed on the property;

     (e) With regard to the work described in paragraph (d), the type of permit for which the owner of property is, or will be, applying;

     (f) A description of the basis for the owner-builder exemption; and

     (g) A declaration, to be signed under penalty of perjury by the owner of property submitting the form, stating that:

          (1) The owner of property owns the property and is building or improving a residential structure on the property for his or her own occupancy and not intended for sale or lease;

          (2) The information contained in the Owner-Builder Disclosure Statement is accurate and complete; and

          (3) The owner of property will comply with all applicable statutes, regulations, ordinances and codes.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R047-03, eff. 12-4-2003)


      NAC 624.030  Duties of Executive Officer. (NRS 624.100)

     1.  The Executive Officer shall:

     (a) Execute the provisions of chapter 624 of NRS and the regulations and general orders of the Board;

     (b) Oversee the office and personnel of the Board;

     (c) Keep in the office of the Board a complete file of the pleadings, recorded evidence and exhibits of the Board;

     (d) Inform, at convenient intervals, all architects and awarding bodies of the State of Nevada of the licensed contractors in this State;

     (e) Make a quarterly report to the Board giving a summary of the activities of the Board during the past quarter, including:

          (1) The actions taken by the Board upon the contested matters that came before it;

          (2) The number and types of licenses issued;

          (3) The applications received during the quarter; and

          (4) A complete financial statement of the income and expenditures of the Board; and

     (f) Sign decisions and orders in contested and uncontested matters on behalf of the Board.

     2.  Except as otherwise provided in NAC 624.7259, the Executive Officer shall not decide any contested matter.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83; A 11-6-85; R014-02, 7-2-2002)

      NAC 624.070  Election of officers and changes in organization. (NRS 624.100)  At the first regular meeting of each fiscal year, the Board will elect its officers and make any changes in or additions to its permanent organization of the Board.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83)

      NAC 624.080  Chair: Duties; temporary Chair; appointment of acting officer. (NRS 624.100)

     1.  The Chair shall:

     (a) Preside at all meetings of the Board; and

     (b) Decide all questions of evidence and procedure unless an objection is made thereto by a majority of the members of the Board present.

     2.  In the absence of the permanent Chair, the members present shall choose, from their number, one member to act as Chair for the period during which the permanent Chair is absent.

     3.  The permanent or temporary Chair may appoint any member of the Board who is present to act for any other officer of the Board who is not present.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83)

      NAC 624.090  Vacancies. (NRS 624.100)

     1.  If a permanent vacancy occurs in any office, the remaining members of the Board shall, at the next meeting after the vacancy occurs, elect a successor to serve the unexpired term.

     2.  If a vacancy occurs on the Board, the Chair shall notify the Governor requesting him or her to appoint a new member.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83)

      NAC 624.120  Petition for declaratory order or advisory opinion. (NRS 624.100, 624.160)  Any person may file with the Board a petition for a declaratory order or advisory opinion as to the applicability of any provision of chapter 624 of NRS.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83; A by R098-12, 12-20-2012)

      NAC 624.130  Fees. (NRS 338.1389, 338.147, 624.100, 624.220, 624.253, 624.280, 624.282, 624.283)  The Board will charge and collect the following fees:


          To issue a duplicate license.............................................................................


          To issue a duplicate identification card...........................................................


          To issue a duplicate certificate of eligibility...................................................


          To consider an application for a change in the name of the licensee..............


          To consider an application regarding a conversion of the licensee conducted pursuant to chapter 92A of NRS................................................................


          To consider an application for an increase of a licensee’s monetary limit for a single project............................................................................................


          To supply a pamphlet containing the statutes and regulations relating to contractors..................................................................................................


          To supply a report containing information regarding not more than 500 current licensees.........................................................................................


          To supply a report containing information regarding more than 500 current licensees......................................................................................................


          To consider a request for a permanent increase or decrease of a licensee’s monetary limit............................................................................................


          To consider a request to change the qualified person or other principal listed on a license.................................................................................................


          To consider a request to broaden a license to include the entire classification or other specific subclassifications within the classification......................


          To issue or renew a license..............................................................................


          For the late filing of an application to renew an active license.......................


          For an administrative fee if the applicant or licensee has established a cash deposit with the Board................................................................................


          To issue or renew an inactive license..............................................................


          For the late filing of an application to renew an inactive license....................


          To consider an application for the issuance of a license for a classification in which the applicant is not licensed.............................................................


          To issue a certificate of eligibility...................................................................


          To renew a certificate of eligibility.................................................................


          To charge for returned checks.........................................................................



     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83; A 8-31-84; 11-6-85; 1-22-86; 10-17-86; 11-10-87; 11-12-87; 11-10-88; 12-19-89, eff. 1-1-90; 5-20-92; 9-11-92; 3-14-94; 1-2-98; R208-99, 5-24-2000; R002-99, 12-4-2000; R070-02, 7-1-2002; R048-03, 12-4-2003; R174-05, 12-29-2005; R094-07, 1-30-2008; R098-12, 12-20-2012)


      NAC 624.132  Definitions. (NRS 624.100, 624.112)  As used in NAC 624.132 to 624.137, inclusive, unless the context otherwise requires, the words and terms defined in NAC 624.133 and 624.134 have the meanings ascribed to them in those sections.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R061-01, eff. 11-20-2001; A by R098-12, 12-20-2012)

      NAC 624.133  “Compliance investigator” defined. (NRS 624.100, 624.112)  “Compliance investigator” means a person employed by the Board who is authorized to perform duties pursuant to NRS 624.112 and subsection 3 of NRS 624.115.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R061-01, eff. 11-20-2001; A by R146-07, 4-17-2008)

      NAC 624.134  “Criminal investigator” defined. (NRS 624.100, 624.112)  “Criminal investigator” means a person employed by the Board who is authorized to perform duties pursuant to NRS 624.112 and subsection 2 of NRS 624.115.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R061-01, eff. 11-20-2001; A by R146-07, 4-17-2008)

      NAC 624.135  Compliance investigator: Qualifications. (NRS 624.100, 624.112)  Each person who is employed by the Board as a compliance investigator must have:

     1.  A valid certificate in construction skills issued by a nationally recognized organization;

     2.  A high school diploma and at least 4 years of progressively responsible experience performing field investigations;

     3.  A high school diploma and at least 4 years of experience in the construction industry as a contractor, journeyman, foreman or supervising employee, or the equivalent thereof, as determined by the Board;

     4.  A bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university with a major in preengineering, construction inspection or construction technology, or a related area of study as determined by the Board, and at least 3 years of experience in the construction industry as a contractor, journeyman, foreman or supervising employee, or the equivalent thereof, as determined by the Board; or

     5.  Any sufficient combination of education and experience as determined by the Board.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R061-01, eff. 11-20-2001; A by R077-06, 6-1-2006)

      NAC 624.136  Criminal investigator: Qualifications. (NRS 624.100, 624.112)  Each person who is employed by the Board as a criminal investigator must:

     1.  Hold valid certification as a peace officer by the Peace Officers’ Standards and Training Commission pursuant to chapter 289 of NRS; and

     2.  Have one of the following:

     (a) A high school diploma and have at least 5 years of experience in law enforcement or criminal investigations, or equivalent experience, as determined by the Board;

     (b) A bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university with a major in criminal justice, law enforcement, or a related area of study as determined by the Board, and have at least 4 years of experience in law enforcement or criminal investigations, or equivalent experience, as determined by the Board; or

     (c) Any sufficient combination of education and experience as determined by the Board.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R061-01, eff. 11-20-2001)

      NAC 624.137  Additional qualifications of investigators. (NRS 624.100, 624.112)  In addition to the qualifications set forth in NAC 624.135 and 624.136, each compliance investigator and each criminal investigator who is employed by the Board must:

     1.  Be at least 21 years of age;

     2.  Be a citizen of the United States or lawfully entitled to remain and work in the United States;

     3.  Possess a Nevada driver’s license and be insurable as a driver under a motor vehicle liability policy obtained by the Board;

     4.  Demonstrate knowledge of the provisions of this chapter, chapter 624 of NRS and the building codes adopted for use in this State;

     5.  Be of good moral character;

     6.  Not have been convicted of or pleaded nolo contendere to a felony or a crime involving moral turpitude or the illegal use or possession of a dangerous weapon or drug;

     7.  Not have a license issued by the Board on active status;

     8.  Pass the Construction Management Survey Examination not later than 1 year after beginning employment with the Board;

     9.  Complete annually at least 16 hours of training relating to law enforcement or construction;

     10.  Comply with the code of ethical standards as prescribed in NRS 281A.400; and

     11.  Submit to the Board a complete set of his or her fingerprints and written permission authorizing the Board to forward those fingerprints to the Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History for submission to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for its report.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R061-01, eff. 11-20-2001)


      NAC 624.140  Classification A: General engineering. (NRS 624.100, 624.220)  The Board will grant to qualified applicants a license in the branch of general engineering. The Board designates such a license as a classification A license. A person who holds a “classification A” license may perform the work described in subsection 2 of NRS 624.215.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83)

      NAC 624.150  Classification A: Subclassifications. (NRS 624.100, 624.220, 624.925)  The subclassifications of a license designated classification A and the work authorized for persons licensed in the respective subclassifications are:

     1.  AIRPORTS (subclassification A-1): The construction, alteration and repair of airports, including any navigational equipment, lights, beacons, markers, taxiways, runways, hangars and terminals.

     2.  HIGHWAYS (subclassification A-2): The construction of highways, roads, streets and other public ways used for vehicular travel, including any drains, tunnels, bridges and other appurtenances to the construction.

     3.  DAMS AND RESERVOIRS (subclassification A-3): The construction, whether from earth, masonry, steel or concrete, or any combination of these materials, of dams and reservoirs designed to obstruct, control or use water, including the relocation of existing structures, any necessary excavation and the construction of embankments, foundations, piles, piers, spillways, tunnels, roadways and other incidental work.

     4.  BRIDGES (subclassification A-4): The installation, construction, alteration and repair of bridges which are fabricated of steel, masonry, concrete or other suitable materials, and are designed for use by pedestrians or moving traffic, and any abutments, foundations, piles, piers, culverts, roadways and other appurtenances to the bridges.

     5.  DIAMOND AND CORE DRILLING (subclassification A-5): The obtainment by diamond or core drilling, of concrete, soil and rock.

     6.  DRILLING OF OIL, GAS AND EXPLORATORY WELLS (subclassification A-6): The drilling, altering and repair of existing or new oil, gas or exploratory wells, including the casing, packing and installation of pumps and other supplemental material, equipment or structures.

     7.  EXCAVATING AND GRADING (subclassification A-7): The digging, movement and placement of material forming the surface of the earth, other than water, with hand and power tools, machines and explosives to cut, fill, excavate, grade, backfill and perform other similar excavating, grading and trenching operations.

     8.  SEALING AND STRIPING OF IMPERMEABLE PAVING SURFACES (subclassification A-8): The filling of cracks and voids in existing asphaltic, concrete or similar impermeable paving surfaces, the application of sealants and the installation of precast bumpers, traffic signs, nonelectrical markers and striping on the surfaces.

     9.  PIERS AND FOUNDATIONS (subclassification A-9): The examination, excavation, drilling, compacting, pumping, sealing and other work necessary to construct, alter or repair piers, piles, footings and foundations placed in the earth’s subsurface to prevent structural settling and to provide an adequate capacity to sustain or transmit the structural load to the soil or rock below.

     10.  COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL POOLS (subclassification A-10): The construction, alteration and repair of commercial and residential pools and spas, used for swimming, therapy or decoration, including any appurtenant equipment. The sub-subclassifications of this subclassification are:

     (a) RESIDENTIAL POOLS (sub-subclassification A-10a): The design, construction, alteration and repair of residential pools and spas, used for swimming, therapy or decoration, including any appurtenant equipment.

     (b) RESIDENTIAL SPAS (sub-subclassification A-10b): The design, construction and repair of residential spas, including any appurtenant equipment.

     (c) REPAIR OF POOLS AND SPAS (sub-subclassification A-10c): The repair and replacement of plaster, coping and coating of pool decks on residential pools and spas.

     (d) POOLS AND SPAS OF FIBERGLASS (sub-subclassification A-10d): The design, construction and repair of residential pools and spas which are made of fiberglass.

     (e) MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF POOLS AND SPAS (sub-subclassification A-10e): The alteration and repair of plaster, tile, coping, pumps, filters, heaters, decking, pool painting, timers, controls and lights on residential and commercial spas, pools, fountains, waterfalls and ponds.

     (f) WATER AND GAS LINES FOR RESIDENTIAL POOLS AND SPAS (sub-subclassification A-10f): The installation of water and gas service lines from the point of service to the pool equipment of the pool or spa of a single-family residence. Work in this sub-subclassification is authorized only for the holder of a certificate as a master plumber, journeyman plumber or journeyman in a plumbing specialty, or an equivalent certificate, issued by the appropriate local building department.

     11.  RECYCLING ASPHALT (subclassification A-11): The scarifications of existing asphaltic mat, the raking of the asphalt into rows, its pulverization, the incorporation of necessary additives, the aeration, spreading and compacting of the asphalt and the application of a coating composed of such ingredients as asphaltic concrete or slurry.

     12.  EXCAVATING, GRADING, TRENCHING AND SURFACING (subclassification A-12): All work authorized for a license of subclassification A-7 and the mixing, fabrication and placement of pavement and surfaces consisting of graded mineral aggregates, asphalt or concrete products.

     13.  WRECKING BUILDINGS (subclassification A-13): The wrecking of existing structures by the use of tools, equipment or explosives, and the raising, cribbing and underpinning of buildings and other structures so that alterations, repairs and new substructures may be constructed under the retained and undisturbed portion of the building or other structure.

     14.  STEEL ERECTION AND INDUSTRIAL MACHINERY (subclassification A-14): The fabrication and erection of steel shapes and plates, regardless of shape or size, to be used as structural members, including any related riveting, welding and rigging, and the installation of any industrial machinery.

     15.  SEWERS, DRAINS AND PIPES (subclassification A-15): The laying of cast-iron, steel, concrete, vitreous and nonvitreous pipe for sewers, drains and irrigation, including any related excavating, grading, trenching, backfilling, paving and surfacing, and the fabrication and erection of cesspools and septic tanks.

     16.  PAVING OF STREETS, DRIVEWAYS AND PARKING LOTS (subclassification A-16): Examination, excavation, grading, compacting, alteration and repair in the application of asphalt to streets, driveways, parking lots, boat ramps, and landing strips and taxiways for an airport.

     17.  LINES TO TRANSMIT ELECTRICITY (subclassification A-17): The installation, alteration and repair of primary overhead lines which transmit electricity, including the erection of poles, towers, anchors, guys, transformers, substations, circuit breakers and any other related hardware, equipment or systems.

     18.  FARM IRRIGATION (subclassification A-18): The excavation, fabrication, installation, alteration and repair of pipes, pumps, fixtures and any other material and equipment used in or incidental to systems for irrigating crops.

     19.  PIPELINE AND CONDUITS (subclassification A-19): The fabrication and installation of electrical conduits only, and pipelines including the trenching, boring, shoring, backfilling, compacting, paving, surfacing and application of protective coatings necessary to complete only the installation of the pipes and conduits. A person who holds a subclassification A-19 may perform any of the work authorized for the following subclassifications:

     (a) Water (subclassification A-19a).

     (b) Gas (subclassification A-19b).

     (c) Electrical conduits for underground transmission (subclassification A-19c).

     20.  INDUSTRIAL PIPING (subclassification A-20): The fabrication and installation of pipes for the transmission of steam, gases, chemicals and other substances required for industrial manufacturing or commercial operations and any related excavation, trenching and backfilling.

     21.  FENCING AND GUARDRAILS (subclassification A-21): The assembling, cutting, shaping, fabricating and installing of wood or metal fencing, guardrails, signs and nonelectric markers for highways, equipment for playgrounds and supplemental materials.

     22.  UNCLASSIFIED (subclassification A-22): Work limited in scope by the Board to a specialty which is supported by the licensee’s knowledge and experience in a trade or craft and which is not included in the other subclassifications of a license in classification A.

     23.  REMOVAL OF ASBESTOS (subclassification A-23): The cleaning, handling, repair, removal, encapsulation, enclosure, hauling and disposal of, or other work with, materials containing asbestos.

     24.  FOUNTAINS AND OTHER WATER FEATURES (subclassification A-24): The construction, alteration and repair of commercial and residential fountains, waterfalls, ponds and similar water features not intended to serve as swimming pools, including any appurtenant equipment.

     25.  TELECOMMUNICATION TOWERS (subclassification A-25): The fabrication and erection of towers used to support telecommunication equipment, including any related riveting, welding and rigging, and the installation of electrical components and related equipment.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83; A 10-17-86; 11-12-87; 8-24-88; 11-10-88; 1-25-89; 12-19-89, eff. 1-1-90; 9-13-91; 3-14-94; R207-05, 5-4-2006; R090-08, 9-18-2008; R095-12, 6-23-2014)

      NAC 624.160  Classification B: General building. (NRS 624.100, 624.220)  The Board will grant to qualified applicants a license in the branch of general building. The Board designates such a license as a “classification B” license. A person who holds a classification B license may perform the work described in subsection 3 of NRS 624.215.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83)

      NAC 624.170  Classification B: Subclassifications. (NRS 624.100, 624.220)  The subclassifications of a license designated classification B and the work authorized for persons licensed in the respective subclassifications are:

     1.  PREMANUFACTURED HOUSING (subclassification B-1): The fitting, assembling, placement and installing of premanufactured units, modular parts and their appurtenances for the erection of residential buildings which do not extend more than three stories above the ground.

     2.  RESIDENTIAL AND SMALL COMMERCIAL (subclassification B-2): The construction and remodeling of houses and other structures which support, shelter or enclose persons or animals or other chattels, and which do not extend more than three stories above the ground and one story below the ground.

     3.  SPECULATIVE BUILDING (subclassification B-3): The construction upon property owned by the contractor of structures for sale or speculation.

     4.  SERVICE STATIONS (subclassification B-4): The construction of structures and installation of equipment used to perform service upon vehicles.

     5.  PREFABRICATED STEEL STRUCTURES (subclassification B-5): The construction with prefabricated steel of structures to be used for the support, shelter or enclosure of persons or animals or other chattels.

     6.  COMMERCIAL REMODELING (subclassification B-6): The remodeling and improvement of interior spaces in structures which support, shelter or enclose persons or animals or other chattels, including, without limitation, structures which exceed more than three stories in height and buildings with fewer than three stories that are connected to structures which exceed three stories. The provisions of this subsection do not authorize a person licensed in subclassification B-6 to perform, manage or supervise the installation, removal or modification, temporarily or permanently, of any structural member, mechanical system, fire protection system, or other life safety system.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83; A 8-31-84; 10-17-86; A by R009-15, 12-30-2015)

      NAC 624.180  Classification AB: General building and general engineering. (NRS 624.100, 624.220)  The Board will grant a “classification AB” license in the branches of general building and general engineering to persons who are qualified to act as both general building (classification B) and general engineering (classification A) contractors. This classification is limited to those applicants or licensees who can show a sufficient degree of experience and financial responsibility to support an unlimited license in both the A and B classifications.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83)

      NAC 624.190  Classification C-1: Plumbing and heating contracting; subclassifications. (NRS 624.100, 624.220)

     1.  The Board will grant to qualified applicants a license in the specialty of plumbing and heating contracting. The Board designates such a license as a “classification C-1” license. A person who holds a classification C-1 license may perform any of the work authorized for the subclassifications of the classification C-1 license.

     2.  The subclassifications of the classification C-1 license and the work authorized for persons licensed in the respective subclassifications are:

     (a) BOILERS (subclassification C-1a): The installation of boilers and pipes for hot water and steam, including all related fittings, valves, gauges, pumps, radiators, convectors, tanks and lines for fuel oil, chimneys, flues, insulation and other appurtenances.

     (b) FIRE SPRINKLERS (subclassification C-1b): The fabrication and installation of all systems of sprinklers for protection from fire, including the appurtenances.

     (c) INSULATION OF PIPES AND DUCTS (subclassification C-1c): The insulation of pipes, ducts and related equipment.

     (d) PLUMBING (subclassification C-1d): The installation and maintenance of:

          (1) Material and fixtures to create sanitary conditions in buildings by providing a permanent means for a supply of safe water and any sanitary waste and vent systems that are required to ensure the appropriate removal of waste from those buildings;

          (2) Drainage systems for roofs;

          (3) Hydronic heating systems not exceeding 200,000 British thermal units;

          (4) Systems of landscape irrigation;

          (5) Systems to heat potable water, including, without limitation, solar equipment;

          (6) A permanent means to supply gas for residential and industrial purposes; and

          (7) Pipes for compressed air, vacuums and gases for medical use.

Ê In addition to any work specified in this paragraph, a person who holds a subclassification C-1d license may install piping for water and gas beginning at the edge of a building and ending at the utility meter for that building.

     (e) SHEET METAL (subclassification C-1e): The fabrication and installation of sheet metal, including, without limitation, cornices, flashings, gutters, leaders, downspouts for rainwater, pans, food service equipment, ducts, louvres, patented chimneys, flues and metal roof systems. The provisions of this paragraph do not authorize a holder of a subclassification C-1e license to install equipment which uses refrigeration as an integral part of the system.

     (f) HEATING, COOLING AND CIRCULATING AIR (subclassification C-1f): The fabrication and installation of systems for the heating, evaporative cooling and circulation of air, including, without limitation, the installation of solar equipment for that purpose. The provisions of this paragraph do not authorize a holder of a subclassification C-1f license to fabricate or install cooling systems which use refrigeration as an integral part of the system.

     (g) PIPES AND VENTS FOR GAS (subclassification C-1g): The installation of pipes from the source of supply of liquefied petroleum and natural gas into a building or structure and the installation of the related vents.

     (h) WATER HEATERS (subclassification C-1h): The installation, replacement and repair of water heaters, including the connection to existing lines for potable water and gas, the necessary venting and other incidental connections.

     (i) CHILLED-WATER PIPING (subclassification C-1i): The fabrication, installation, repair and removal of pipes, pumps, valves and other equipment used in the transfer of chilled water for the control of temperature. The provisions of this paragraph do not authorize a holder of a subclassification C-1i license to fabricate, install, repair, remove or connect to a chiller.

     (j) SYSTEMS TO REPLENISH BREATHING AIR FOR FIREFIGHTERS (subclassification C-1j): The installation, replacement and repair of systems to replenish breathing air for firefighters.

     (k) INDUSTRIAL PIPING (subclassification C-1k): The fabrication, installation, repair and removal of pipes and equipment used for the transmission of water, steam, gas, chemicals, food and other substances for industrial uses.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83; A 7-2-84; R095-07, 8-26-2008)


      The regulation of the State Contractors’ Board filed with the Secretary of State on August 26, 2008 (LCB File No. R095-07), which amended this section, contains the following provisions not included in NAC:

      “On August 26, 2008:

      1.  A person who holds a subclassification C-1a license issued pursuant to the former provisions of paragraph (a) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.190 shall be deemed to hold a subclassification C-1a license issued pursuant to the provisions of that paragraph as amended by the provisions of this regulation.

      2.  A person who holds a subclassification C-1c license issued pursuant to the former provisions of paragraph (c) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.190 shall be deemed to hold a subclassification C-1c license issued pursuant to the provisions of that paragraph as amended by the provisions of this regulation.

      3.  A person who holds a subclassification C-1d license issued pursuant to the former provisions of paragraph (d) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.190 shall be deemed to hold a subclassification C-1d license issued pursuant to the provisions of that paragraph as amended by the provisions of this regulation.

      4.  A person who holds a subclassification C-1e license issued pursuant to the former provisions of paragraph (e) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.190 shall be deemed to hold a subclassification C-1e license issued pursuant to the provisions of that paragraph as amended by the provisions of this regulation, but is restricted to the fabrication and installation of sheet metal.

      5.  A person who holds a subclassification C-1f license issued pursuant to the former provisions of paragraph (f) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.190 shall be deemed to hold a subclassification C-1f license issued pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (f) of that subsection as amended by the provisions of this regulation.

      6.  A person who holds a subclassification C-1g license issued pursuant to the former provisions of paragraph (g) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.190 shall be deemed to hold a subclassification C-1d license issued pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (d) of that subsection as amended by the provisions of this regulation, but is restricted to the installation of systems for landscape irrigation.

      7.  A person who holds a subclassification C-1h license issued pursuant to the former provisions of paragraph (h) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.190 shall be deemed to hold a subclassification C-1g license issued pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (g) of that subsection as amended by the provisions of this regulation.

      8.  A person who holds a subclassification C-1i license issued pursuant to the former provisions of paragraph (i) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.190 shall be deemed to hold a subclassification C-1h license issued pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (h) of that subsection as amended by the provisions of this regulation.

      9.  A person who holds a subclassification C-1j license issued pursuant to the former provisions of paragraph (j) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.190 and who installs systems for solar water heating shall be deemed to hold a subclassification C-1d license issued pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (d) of that subsection as amended by the provisions of this regulation, but is restricted to the installation of systems for solar water heating.

      10.  A person who holds a subclassification C-1j license issued pursuant to the former provisions of paragraph (j) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.190 and who installs systems for solar space heating shall be deemed to hold a subclassification C-1f license issued pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (f) of that subsection as amended by the provisions of this regulation, but is restricted to the installation of systems for solar space heating.

      11.  A person who holds a subclassification C-1k license issued pursuant to the former provisions of paragraph (k) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.190 shall be deemed to hold a subclassification C-1i license issued pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (i) of that subsection as amended by the provisions of this regulation.”


      NAC 624.200  Classification C-2: Electrical contracting; subclassifications. (NRS 624.100, 624.220)

     1.  The Board will grant to qualified applicants a license in the specialty of electrical contracting. The Board designates such a license as “classification C-2.” A person who has a license designated classification C-2 may:

     (a) Install any electrical wires, fixtures, appliances, apparatuses, raceways and conduits;

     (b) Install, modify and maintain systems that convert wind energy into electricity if such work is for residential and commercial installations and not scaled or intended solely for the commercial production and sale of electricity; and

     (c) Perform any other work authorized for the subclassifications of a license designated classification C-2.

     2.  The subclassifications of a license designated classification C-2 and the work authorized for persons licensed in the respective subclassifications are:

     (a) ELECTRICAL WIRING (subclassification C-2a): The installation, alteration and repair of electrical wires, fixtures, appliances and apparatuses, and the performance of any related wiring on existing structures.

     (b) INTEGRATED CEILINGS (subclassification C-2b): The installation, alteration and repair of wiring, fixtures, suspensive systems, ducts and other related apparatuses of integrated ceilings which:

          (1) Are primarily used for interior electrical illumination;

          (2) Are usually composed of modular units, each unit containing an electrical lighting fixture; and

          (3) Usually contain incidental acoustical tile or a similar material.

     (c) FIRE DETECTION (subclassification C-2c): The installation, alteration and repair of electrical sensors and alarms used to detect heat and smoke, including all appurtenances and related wiring.

     (d) LOW VOLTAGE SYSTEMS (subclassification C-2d): The installation, alteration and repair of systems that use fiber optics or do not exceed 91 volts, including telephone systems, sound systems, cable television systems, closed circuit video systems, satellite dish antennas, instrumentation and temperature controls, computer networking systems and landscape lighting.

     (e) LINES TO TRANSMIT ELECTRICITY (subclassification C-2e): The installation, alteration and repair of overhead or underground secondary lines which transmit electricity, including the installation of poles, towers, anchors, guys, transformers, substations, circuit breakers and any other related hardware, equipment or systems.

     (f) RESIDENTIAL WIRING (subclassification C-2f): The installation, alteration and repair of electrical wires, fixtures, appliances and apparatuses whose electrical current does not exceed 600 volts on new or existing structures which do not exceed more than three stories above the ground.

     (g) PHOTOVOLTAICS (subclassification C-2g): The installation, alteration and repair of photovoltaic cells, batteries and invertors used in the conversion of solar energy into electricity, but not the installation, alteration or repair of electrical wires beyond the service panel, if such work is for residential and commercial installations and not scaled or intended solely for the commercial production and sale of electricity.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83; A 11-6-85; 10-17-86; 11-10-87; 9-13-91; 3-14-94; R048-03, 12-4-2003; R123-04, 9-23-2004; R095-12, 6-23-2014)


      The regulation of the State Contractors’ Board filed with the Secretary of State on September 23, 2004 (LCB File No. R123-04), which amended this section, contains the following provisions not included in NAC:

      “On the effective date of this regulation [September 23, 2004]:

      1.  A person who holds a classification C-2e license that was issued pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (e) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.200 shall be deemed to hold a classification C-2d license issued pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (d) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.200 as amended by the provisions of this regulation.

      2.  A person who holds a classification C-2f license that was issued pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (f) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.200 shall be deemed to hold a classification C-2e license issued pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (e) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.200 as amended by the provisions of this regulation.

      3.  A person who holds a classification C-2g license that was issued pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (g) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.200 shall be deemed to hold a classification C-2f license issued pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (f) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.200 as amended by the provisions of this regulation.

      4.  A person who holds a classification C-2h license that was issued pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (h) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.200 shall be deemed to hold a classification C-2g license issued pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (g) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.200 as amended by the provisions of this regulation.”


      NAC 624.210  Classification C-3: Carpentry, maintenance and minor repairs; subclassifications. (NRS 624.100, 624.220)

     1.  The Board will grant to qualified applicants a license in the specialty of carpentry, maintenance and minor repairs. The Board designates such a license as “classification C-3.” A person who holds a license designated classification C-3 may perform any of the work authorized for the subclassifications of the classification C-3.

     2.  The subclassifications of a license designated classification C-3 and the work authorized for persons licensed in the respective subclassifications are:

     (a) CARPENTRY AND REPAIRS (subclassification C-3a): The construction of form work, framing or rough carpentry necessary to construct framed structures, the installation or repair of individual components of framing systems, rough carpentry or associated work, including the construction or installation of subflooring, siding, exterior staircases and railings, roof decking, truss members and sheathing, and the fabrication, installation and repair of wood and wood products for structural and finishing purposes, such as doors, windows, cabinets and fixtures. Studs and other members within this subclassification may be made of wood, formed sheet metal, vinyl, aluminum and similar products that emulate traditional milled wood and which may be installed or used with traditional methods of carpentry joinery such as glue, nails, screws and bolts and which do not require welding or other similar forms of joining.

     (b) FINISH CARPENTRY (subclassification C-3b): The installation, repair and finishing of cabinets, sash casing, door casing, wooden flooring, baseboards, countertops and other millwork. Finish carpentry does not include the installation of ceramic tile, marble and artificial or cultured stone.

     (c) INSULATION AND WEATHER STRIPPING (subclassification C-3c): The installation of material used for the insulation of buildings and the application of weather stripping and caulking for the internal control of the effects of weather, including, without limitation, the installation of firestop systems.

     (d) OVERHEAD DOORS (subclassification C-3d): The fabrication, erection and installation of guides, counterweights, tracks, weather stripping, automatic and manual controls, and all other apparatuses and equipment appurtenant to the efficient installation and operation of overhead doors.

     (e) DRYWALL (subclassification C-3e): The installation, taping and finishing of drywall, panels and assemblies of gypsum wallboard, sheathing, acoustical tile and studs made of sheet metal for the framing of ceilings and nonstructural partitioning.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83; A 11-6-85; 1-22-86; 10-17-86; 5-20-92; 4-22-94; R052-04, 7-19-2004; R096-12, 6-23-2014)


      The regulation of the State Contractors’ Board filed with the Secretary of State on July 19, 2004 (LCB File No. R052-04), which amended this section, contains the following provisions not included in NAC:

      “On July 19, 2004:

      1.  A person who holds a classification C-3c license that was issued pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (c) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.210 shall be deemed to hold a classification C-3b license issued pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (b) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.210 as amended by the provisions of this regulation.

      2.  A person who holds a classification C-3d license that was issued pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (d) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.210 shall be deemed to hold a classification C-3c license issued pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (c) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.210 as amended by the provisions of this regulation.

      3.  A person who holds a classification C-3e license that was issued pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (e) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.210 shall be deemed to hold a classification C-3a license issued pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (a) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.210 as amended by the provisions of this regulation.

      4.  A person who holds a classification C-3f license that was issued pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (f) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.210 shall be deemed to hold a classification C-3c license issued pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (c) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.210 as amended by the provisions of this regulation.

      5.  A person who holds a classification C-3g license that was issued pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (g) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.210 shall be deemed to hold a classification C-3e license issued pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (e) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.210 as amended by the provisions of this regulation.

      6.  A person who holds a classification C-3h license that was issued pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (h) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.210 shall be deemed to hold a classification C-3b license issued pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (b) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.210 as amended by the provisions of this regulation but is restricted to the installation, repair and finishing of countertops.

      7.  A person who holds a classification C-3i license that was issued pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (i) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.210 shall be deemed to hold a classification C-3d license issued pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (d) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.210 as amended by the provisions of this regulation.

      8.  A person who holds a classification C-3j license that was issued pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (j) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.210 shall be deemed to hold a classification C-3e license issued pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (e) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.210 as amended by the provisions of this regulation.

      9.  A person who holds a classification C-3k license that was issued pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (k) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.210 shall be deemed to hold a classification C-3a license issued pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (a) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.210 as amended by the provisions of this regulation.

      10.  A person who holds a classification C-3l license that was issued pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (l) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.210 shall be deemed to hold a classification C-3a license issued pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (a) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.210 as amended by the provisions of this regulation.

      11.  A person who holds a classification C-3m license that was issued pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (m) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.210 shall be deemed to hold a classification C-3e license issued pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (e) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.210 as amended by the provisions of this regulation.”


      NAC 624.220  Classification C-4: Painting and decorating; subclassifications. (NRS 624.100, 624.220)

     1.  The Board will grant to qualified applicants a license in the specialty of painting and decorating. The Board designates such a license as a “classification C-4” license. A person who holds a classification C-4 license may:

     (a) Apply any type of paint, varnish, shellac, stain, protective coatings and wax;

     (b) Attach papers, fabrics and plastics to the surfaces of buildings and their appurtenances;

     (c) Examine and prepare surfaces for painting and wallcovering; and

     (d) Install drywall, metal studs and acoustical tile.

     2.  The subclassifications of the classification C-4 license and the work authorized for persons licensed in the respective subclassifications are:

     (a) PAINTING (subclassification C-4a): The application of all paints, varnishes, protective coatings, shellacs, stains and other pigment by brush, spray or roller, including the installation and application of polyurethane or similar products.

     (b) WALLCOVERING (subclassification C-4b): The preparation of surfaces and the application to those surfaces of papers, fabrics, plastic foils and such other materials as are generally accepted by contractors as wallcovering materials.

     (c) TAPING AND FINISHING (subclassification C-4c): The taping and finishing of the surfaces of wallboard and sheathing to create a permanent surface.

     (d) SANDBLASTING (subclassification C-4d): The sandblasting of surfaces by use of equipment which is designed to clean, grind, cut or decorate surfaces with a blast of sand or other abrasive propelled by steam or compressed air.

     (e) DRYWALL (subclassification C-4e): The installation and coating of gypsum wallboard and sheathing, including the installation of a system of suspended ceilings made of gypsum wallboard.

     (f) SHEET METAL STUDS (subclassification C-4f): The erection and installation of studs made of sheet metal for the framing of ceilings and for nonstructural partitioning, but not the installation of wood or structural steel for framing.

     (g) ACOUSTICAL TILE (subclassification C-4g): The installation of wood, mineral, fiber and other types of acoustical tile by the use of adhesives or other acceptable materials and the preparation of the surface for the installation.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83; A by R095-12, 6-23-2014)


      The regulation of the State Contractors’ Board filed with the Secretary of State on June 23, 2014 (LCB File No. R095-12), which amended this section, contains the following provision not included in NAC:

      “Sec. 11.  On June 23, 2014:

      1.  A person who holds a subclassification C-4h license issued pursuant to the provisions of former paragraph (h) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.220, as amended by section 3 of this regulation, shall be deemed to hold a subclassification C-4a license issued pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (a) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.220, as amended by section 3 of this regulation.

      * * *”


      NAC 624.230  Classification C-5: Concrete contracting. (NRS 624.100, 624.220)  The Board will grant to qualified applicants a license in the specialty of concrete contracting. The Board designates such a license as a “classification C-5” license. A person who holds a classification C-5 license may:

     1.  Prepare the surface and place reinforcement steel and other embedded materials essential to or comprising an integral part of the concrete or concrete construction;

     2.  Pour, place, finish and install concrete;

     3.  Construct and assemble forms, molds, slipforms and pans;

     4.  Apply concrete sealants and other waterproofing products; and

     5.  Saw, cut, drill and core concrete and asphaltic paving material.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83; A 11-10-87; R054-03, 12-16-2003)


      The regulation of the State Contractors’ Board filed with the Secretary of State on December 16, 2003 (LCB File No. R054-03), which amended this section, became effective on that date and contains the following provisions not included in NAC:

      “On the effective date of this regulation:

      1.  A person who holds a classification C-5a license that was issued pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (a) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.230 shall be deemed to hold a classification C-5 license issued pursuant to the provisions of NAC 624.230 as amended by the provisions of this regulation.

      2.  A person who holds a classification C-5b license that was issued pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (b) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.230 shall be deemed to hold a classification C-5 license issued pursuant to the provisions of NAC 624.230 as amended by the provisions of this regulation, and is restricted to performing the work set forth in subsection 5 of NAC 624.230 as amended by the provisions of this regulation.”


      NAC 624.240  Classification C-6: Erecting signs; subclassifications. (NRS 624.100, 624.220)

     1.  The Board will grant to qualified applicants a license in the specialty of erecting signs. The Board designates such a license as a “classification C-6” license. A person who holds a classification C-6 license may fabricate, install and erect signs and perform the wiring necessary for electrical signs.

     2.  The subclassifications of the classification C-6 license and the work authorized for persons licensed in the respective subclassifications are:

     (a) OUTDOOR ADVERTISING (subclassification C-6a): The fabrication and erection of billboards and outdoor signs in such a manner and with such materials as are generally accepted by contractors for outdoor advertising, but not the installation of electrical lighting in any form for the illumination of the billboards or signs.

     (b) ELECTRICAL SIGNS (subclassification C-6b): The fabrication, installation and erection of electrical signs and the installation of any related wiring.

     (c) SHEET METAL (subclassification C-6c): The work with sheet metal which is necessary and incidental to the construction or erection of signs.

     (d) PAINTED SIGNS (subclassification C-6d): The painting of art and advertising messages on signs.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83; A 9-13-91)

      NAC 624.250  Classification C-7: Elevation and conveyance; subclassifications. (NRS 624.100, 624.220)

     1.  The Board will grant to qualified applicants a license in the specialty of elevation and conveyance. The Board designates such a license as a “classification C-7” license. A person who holds a classification C-7 license may fabricate and install systems designed to transport persons, animals and other chattels in elevators, conveyors, dumbwaiters and escalators, including any appurtenant controls, signal systems, devices and equipment.

     2.  The subclassifications of the “classification C-7” license and the work authorized for persons licensed in the respective subclassifications are:

     (a) ELEVATOR AND DUMBWAITER (subclassification C-7a): The fabrication and installation of elevators and dumbwaiters, including any supplemental systems and equipment.

     (b) ESCALATOR AND CONVEYOR (subclassification C-7b): The fabrication and installation of escalators for the vertical transport of passengers and conveyors for the transport of freight, including any supplemental systems and equipment.

     (c) PNEUMATIC TUBE (subclassification C-7c): The installation of pneumatic conveying systems, including the equipment, tubing, supports and other materials which are incidental or supplemental to pneumatic conveying systems.

     (d) MOVING WALKWAY (subclassification C-7d): The installation of equipment to transfer people horizontally, including the preparation of the structure and any other work and materials incidental or supplemental to moving walkways.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83)

      NAC 624.260  Classification C-8: Glass and glazing contracting. (NRS 624.100, 624.220)  The Board will grant to qualified applicants a license in the specialty of glass and glazing contracting. The Board designates such a license as a “classification C-8” license. A person who holds a classification C-8 license may install, repair and replace:

     1.  Glass and glass products, glass holding members, frames and hardware, including, without limitation, the glazing of frames, panels, sash and doors;

     2.  Window walls and store fronts, including, without limitation, the installation of lightweight metal;

     3.  Automatic and revolving doors; and

     4.  Enclosures for showers and tubs and toilet partitions.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83; A by R083-04, 7-19-2004)


      The regulation of the State Contractors’ Board filed with the Secretary of State on July 19, 2004 (LCB File No. R083-04), which amended this section, contains the following provisions not included in NAC:

      “On July 19, 2004:

      1.  A person who holds a subclassification C-8a license that was issued pursuant to the former provisions of paragraph (a) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.260 shall be deemed to hold a classification C-8 license issued pursuant to the provisions of NAC 624.260 as amended by the provisions of this regulation.

      2.  A person who holds a subclassification C-8b license that was issued pursuant to the former provisions of paragraph (b) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.260 shall be deemed to hold a classification C-8 license issued pursuant to the provisions of NAC 624.260 as amended by the provisions of this regulation.

      3.  A person who holds a subclassification C-8c license that was issued pursuant to the former provisions of paragraph (c) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.260 shall be deemed to hold a classification C-8 license issued pursuant to the provisions of NAC 624.260 as amended by the provisions of this regulation.

      4.  A person who holds a subclassification C-8d license that was issued pursuant to the former provisions of paragraph (d) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.260 shall be deemed to hold a classification C-8 license issued pursuant to the provisions of NAC 624.260 as amended by the provisions of this regulation but is restricted to the installation of enclosures for showers and tubs and toilet partitions.

      5.  A person who holds a subclassification C-8e license that was issued pursuant to the former provisions of paragraph (e) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.260 shall be deemed to hold a classification C-8 license issued pursuant to the provisions of NAC 624.260 as amended by the provisions of this regulation.”


      NAC 624.270  Classification C-9: Movement of buildings. (NRS 624.100, 624.220)  The Board will grant to qualified applicants a license in the specialty of the movement of buildings. The Board designates such a license as a “classification C-9” license. A person who holds a classification C-9 license may raise, crib, underpin and move buildings and other structures.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83)

      NAC 624.280  Classification C-10: Landscape contracting. (NRS 624.100, 624.220)

     1.  The Board will grant to qualified applicants a license in the specialty of landscape contracting. The Board designates such a license as a “classification C-10” license.

     2.  A person who holds a classification C-10 license may grade and prepare plots of land for architectural horticulture, decoratively treat, arrange, plant and maintain gardens, lawns, shrubs, vines, bushes, trees and other vegetation, construct systems of drainage and landscape irrigation, install rocks, sand, gravel and other landscape materials that use xeriscape principles, hydroseed by spraying mulch, seeds and nutrients under pressure, control soil erosion and install nonengineered decorative landscape ponds or nonengineered prefabricated trellises and arbors.

     3.  In conjunction with the work specified in subsection 2, a person who holds a classification C-10 license may install nonload-bearing walkways using brick or stone not exceeding 200 square feet in area, patio areas using brick or stone not exceeding 400 square feet in area, landscape retaining walls to a height not exceeding 3 feet and landscape lighting not exceeding 24 volts.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83; A 9-13-91; 5-20-92; R209-03, 11-17-2005)


      The regulation of the State Contractors’ Board filed with the Secretary of State on November 17, 2005 (LCB File No. R209-03), which amended this section, contains the following provisions not included in NAC:

      “On the effective date of this regulation [November 17, 2005]:

      1.  A person who holds a subclassification C-10a license that was issued pursuant to the former provisions of paragraph (a) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.280 shall be deemed to hold a classification C-10 license issued pursuant to the provisions of NAC 624.280 as amended by the provisions of this regulation.

      2.  A person who holds a subclassification C-10b license that was issued pursuant to the former provisions of paragraph (b) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.280 shall be deemed to hold a classification C-10 license issued pursuant to the provisions of NAC 624.280 as amended by the provisions of this regulation.

      3.  A person who holds a subclassification C-10c license that was issued pursuant to the former provisions of paragraph (c) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.280 shall be deemed to hold a classification C-10 license issued pursuant to the provisions of NAC 624.280 as amended by the provisions of this regulation.”


      NAC 624.290  Classification C-11: Spraying mixtures containing cement. (NRS 624.100, 624.220)  The Board will grant to qualified applicants a license in the specialty of spraying mixtures containing cement. The Board designates such a license as a “classification C-11” license. A person who holds a classification C-11 license may spray mixtures containing cement, under pressure, as through a hose.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83; A 9-13-91)

      NAC 624.300  Classification C-13: Using sheet metal. (NRS 624.100, 624.220)  The Board will grant to qualified applicants a license in the specialty of using sheet metal. The Board designates such a license as a “classification C-13” license. A person who holds a classification C-13 license may fabricate and install sheet metal, including, without limitation, cornices, flashings, gutters, leaders, downspouts for rainwater, pans, food service equipment, ducts, louvres, patented chimneys, flues and metal roof systems. The provisions of this section do not authorize a holder of a classification C-13 license to fabricate or install equipment which uses refrigeration as an integral part of the system.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83; A by R092-07, 8-26-2008)


      The regulation of the State Contractors’ Board filed with the Secretary of State on August 26, 2008 (LCB File No. R092-07), which amended this section, contains the following provision not included in NAC:

      “On August 26, 2008, a person who holds a classification C-13 license that was issued pursuant to the former provisions of NAC 624.300 shall be deemed to hold a classification C-13 license issued pursuant to the provisions of that section as amended by the provisions of this regulation.”


      NAC 624.310  Classification C-14: Steel reinforcing and erection; subclassifications. (NRS 624.100, 624.220)

     1.  The Board will grant to qualified applicants a license in the specialty of steel reinforcing and erection. The Board designates such a license as a “classification C-14” license. A person who holds a classification C-14 license may perform any of the work authorized for the subclassifications of the classification C-14 license.

     2.  The subclassifications of the classification C-14 license and the work authorized for persons licensed in the respective subclassifications are:

     (a) REINFORCING STEEL (subclassification C-14a): The fabrication, placement and tying of steel reinforcing bars (rods), and post-tensioning to reinforce concrete buildings and structures.

     (b) STRUCTURAL STEEL (subclassification C-14b): The fabrication and erection of structural steel shapes and plates used as structural members, or tanks, including any connected riveting, welding and rigging.

     (c) ORNAMENTAL METAL (subclassification C-14c): The assembling, casting, cutting, shaping, stamping, forging, fabricating and installing of metals for the architectural treatment, ornamental decoration or security of structures, but does not include the work authorized by a classification C-13 license issued by the Board in the specialty of using sheet metal.

     (d) CURTAIN WALL (subclassification C-14d): The installation of such materials as are generally accepted by contractors for use as curtain wall materials.

     (e) METAL DOORS AND WINDOWS (subclassification C-14e): The installation of metal doors and frames and metal windows and frames.

     (f) STORE FRONTS (subclassification C-14f): The construction of window walls in the fronts of stores and the installation of lightweight metals to a height not exceeding 25 feet from the threshold of the entrance on the ground floor of the store.

     (g) PREFABRICATED STEEL STRUCTURES (subclassification C-14g): The construction of structures made of prefabricated steel for the support, shelter or enclosure of persons, animals or other chattels.

     (h) AWNINGS AND LOUVRES (subclassification C-14h): The fabrication and installation of awnings and louvres made of wood, fabric, plastics, metal or other acceptable products.

     (i) RIGGING AND CRANES (subclassification C-14i): Rigging as it is customarily accepted by contractors and the operation of cranes.

     (j) CONVEYANCE OF GOODS (subclassification C-14j): The fabrication and installation of conveyor systems, dock levelers and pallet racks designed to transport and move goods and freight, including any appurtenant controls, devices and equipment. The provisions of this paragraph do not authorize a holder of a subclassification C-14j license to install electrical wiring or supply electrical power to conveyor systems, dock levelers or pallet racks designed to transport and move goods and freight.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83; A by R083-04, 7-19-2004; R095-12, 6-23-2014)


      The regulation of the State Contractors’ Board filed with the Secretary of State on July 19, 2004 (LCB File No. R083-04), which amended this section, contains the following provisions not included in NAC:

      “On July 19, 2004:

      1.  A person who holds a subclassification C-14f license that was issued pursuant to the former provisions of paragraph (f) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.310 shall be deemed to hold a subclassification C-14e license issued pursuant to the provisions of NAC 624.310 as amended by the provisions of this regulation.

      2.  A person who holds a subclassification C-14g license that was issued pursuant to the former provisions of paragraph (g) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.310 shall be deemed to hold a subclassification C-14f license issued pursuant to the provisions of NAC 624.310 as amended by the provisions of this regulation.

      3.  A person who holds a subclassification C-14h license that was issued pursuant to the former provisions of paragraph (h) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.310 shall be deemed to hold a subclassification C-14g license issued pursuant to the provisions of NAC 624.310 as amended by the provisions of this regulation.

      4.  A person who holds:

      (a) A subclassification C-14i license that was issued pursuant to the former provisions of paragraph (i) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.310; or

      (b) A subclassification C-14j license that was issued pursuant to the former provisions of paragraph (j) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.310,

Ê shall be deemed to hold a subclassification C-14h license issued pursuant to the provisions of NAC 624.310 as amended by the provisions of this regulation.

      5.  A person who holds a subclassification C-14k license that was issued pursuant to the former provisions of paragraph (k) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.310 shall be deemed to hold a subclassification C-14i license issued pursuant to the provisions of NAC 624.310 as amended by the provisions of this regulation.”


      NAC 624.320  Classification C-15: Roofing and siding; subclassifications. (NRS 624.100, 624.220)

     1.  The Board will grant to qualified applicants a license in the specialty of roofing and siding. The Board designates such a license as a “classification C-15” license. A person who holds a classification C-15 license may perform any of the work authorized for the subclassifications of the classification C-15 license.

     2.  The subclassifications of the classification C-15 license and the work authorized for persons licensed in the respective subclassifications are:

     (a) ROOFING (subclassification C-15a): The installation, application, alteration and repair of watertight and weatherproof material used on roofs, such as asphalt, pitch, tar, felt, flax, shakes, shingles, aluminum, tile, slate, urethane and photovoltaic roof tiles intended to serve in place of other existing roofing materials, but not the installation of siding or devices, such as stripping, for the internal control of the effects of weather. The provisions of this paragraph do not authorize a holder of a subclassification C-15a license to install conduits, inverters, batteries or electrical connections.

     (b) SIDING (subclassification C-15b): The installation, alteration and repair of siding, by use of material such as wood, aluminum, enameled steel, plastic and glass, to make the walls of a structure watertight and weatherproof.

     (c) INSULATION (subclassification C-15c): The installation of glass, metal, plastic, urethane and other material used for the insulation of buildings.

     (d) WATERPROOFING (subclassification C-15d): The application of solutions of rubber, latex, asphalt, pitch, tar and other materials to surfaces to prevent water in any form from penetrating the surfaces.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83; A 5-20-92; R095-12, 6-23-2014)

      NAC 624.330  Classification C-16: Finishing floors; subclassifications. (NRS 624.100, 624.220)

     1.  The Board will grant to qualified applicants a license in the specialty of finishing floors. The Board designates such a license as a “classification C-16” license. A person who holds a classification C-16 license may perform any of the work authorized for the subclassifications of the classification C-16 license.

     2.  The subclassifications of the classification C-16 license and the work authorized for persons licensed in the respective subclassifications are:

     (a) COVERING FLOORS (subclassification C-16a): The installation and application to floors of fabrics, carpet, polyurethane and other materials, excluding ceramic tile and marble, generally accepted by contractors as coatings or coverings used to finish floors, including the preparation of the floors for the finishing.

     (b) FINISHING COUNTERS (subclassification C-16b): The finishing of the tops of counters by the installation or application of vinyl, plastic, aluminates and such other materials as are generally accepted by contractors for use on the tops of counters, excluding ceramic tile, marble and artificial or cultured marble.

     (c) PLASTIC TILE AND WALLBOARD (subclassification C-16c): The cutting, forming, fitting and installing of such tile and board as are customarily used by contractors to cover surfaces for waterproofing or decoration within structures, including tile and products which are plastic, coated with plastic, or made of hardboard, fiberglass or other materials which are so accepted by contractors as appropriate for waterproofing and decoration.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83; A 3-22-94; 4-22-94; R095-12, 6-23-2014)


      The regulation of the State Contractors’ Board filed with the Secretary of State on June 23, 2014 (LCB File No. R095-12), which amended this section, contains the following provision not included in NAC:

      “Sec. 11.  On June 23, 2014:

      * * *

      2.  A person who holds a subclassification C-16d or C-16e license issued pursuant to the provisions of former paragraph (d) or (e) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.330, as amended by section 6 of this regulation, shall be deemed to hold a subclassification C-16a license issued pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (a) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.330, as amended by section 6 of this regulation.

      * * *”


      NAC 624.340  Classification C-17: Lathing and plastering; subclassifications. (NRS 624.100, 624.220)

     1.  The Board will grant to qualified applicants a license in the specialty of lathing and plastering. The Board designates such a license as a “classification C-17” license. A person who holds a classification C-17 license may perform any of the work authorized for the subclassifications of the classification C-17 license.

     2.  The subclassifications of the classification C-17 license and the work authorized for persons licensed in the respective subclassifications are:

     (a) LATHING (subclassification C-17a): The selection and application of wood and metal lath and any other material or product manufactured to provide key or suction bases for the support of plaster coatings, including channel iron for the support of fireproof lath and solid plaster partitions, but does not include any plastering or erecting of a wall, ceiling or soffit to which the bases are applied.

     (b) PLASTERING (subclassification C-17b): The coating of surfaces with a plaster, made of a mixture of such materials as sand, cement, quicklime, hydrated lime and water, and the installation of lath or other base for the plaster.

     (c) DRYWALL (subclassification C-17c): The installation and coating of gypsum wallboard and sheathing, including the installation of a system of suspended ceilings made of gypsum wallboard.

     (d) ACOUSTICAL TILE (subclassification C-17d): The installation of wood, mineral, fiber and other types of acoustical tile by the use of adhesives or other acceptable means, including the preparation of the surface for the installation.

     (e) COATINGS OF STUCCO AND CEMENT (subclassification C-17e): The application to surfaces, whether by manual or mechanical means, of coatings made of stucco and cement, including the preparation of the surfaces and the provision of a base, including fireproof lath, for the coatings, and the fireproofing of structural members.

     (f) STUDS OF SHEET METAL (subclassification C-17f): The erection and installation of studs made of sheet metal for the framing of ceilings and nonstructural partitioning walls.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83; A 1-22-86)

      NAC 624.350  Classification C-18: Masonry. (NRS 624.100, 624.220)  The Board will grant to qualified applicants a license in the specialty of masonry. The Board designates such a license as a “classification C-18” license. A person who holds a classification C-18 license may select, cut and lay brick, other baked clay products, rough cut and dressed stone, artificial stone, precast blocks and structural glass brick or block at random or in courses, with or without mortar. The person may not apply tile to existing surfaces.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83)

      NAC 624.360  Classification C-19: Installing terrazzo and marble; subclassifications. (NRS 624.100, 624.220)

     1.  The Board will grant to qualified applicants a license in the specialty of installing terrazzo and marble. The Board designates such a license as a “classification C-19” license. A person who holds a classification C-19 license may perform any of the work authorized for the subclassifications of the classification C-19 license.

     2.  The subclassifications of the classification C-19 license and the work authorized for persons licensed in the respective subclassification are:

     (a) TERRAZZO (subclassification C-19a): The creation of terrazzo by setting chips of marble, stone or other material in an irregular pattern by use of cement, including the preparation of the surface and the necessary grinding and polishing.

     (b) MARBLE (subclassification C-19b): The selection and cutting of marble or other dressed natural stone and laying it at random, with or without mortar.

     (c) ARTIFICIAL OR CULTURED MARBLE (subclassification C-19c): The cutting and installation of marble-like products, including the examination and preparation of the surface on which they are to be installed.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83)

      NAC 624.370  Classification C-20: Tiling; subclassifications. (NRS 624.100, 624.220)

     1.  The Board will grant to qualified applicants a license in the specialty of tiling. The Board designates such a license as a “classification C-20” license. A person who holds a classification C-20 license may install, by means of suction and adhesives, ceramic tile, encaustic tile, vitreous tile and other tile-like products except for hollow or structural partitioning tile.

     2.  The subclassifications of the classification C-20 license and the work authorized for persons licensed in the respective subclassifications are:

     (a) PLASTIC TILE AND WALLBOARD (subclassification C-20a): The cutting, forming, fitting and installing of such tile and board as are customarily used by contractors to cover surfaces for waterproofing or decoration within structures, including all tile and products which are plastic, are coated with plastic, or are made of hardboard, fiberglass or other materials generally accepted by contractors as appropriate for waterproofing and decoration.

     (b) SWIMMING POOL TILE AND COPING (subclassification C-20b): The installation and repair of decorative coping stones and ceramic tile on swimming pools and spas.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83)

      NAC 624.380  Classification C-21: Refrigeration and air-conditioning; subclassifications. (NRS 624.100, 624.220)

     1.  The Board will grant to qualified applicants a license in the specialty of refrigeration and air-conditioning. The Board designates such a license as a “classification C-21” license. A person who holds a classification C-21 license may perform any of the work authorized for the subclassifications of the classification C-21 license.

     2.  Work authorized by a classification C-21 license is not incidental or supplemental to the performance of any other work which may be performed by a specialty contractor.

     3.  The subclassifications of the classification C-21 license and the work authorized for persons licensed in the respective subclassifications are:

     (a) REFRIGERATION (subclassification C-21a): The construction, erection and installation of devices, machinery and units for the control of air temperatures below 50°F in refrigerators, refrigerated rooms and insulated spaces, and installation of any related insulation, ducts, blowers, registers, controls over humidity and thermostatic controls, lines for supplying natural gas from the unit to the point of connection in the existing line for natural gas at the meter or at any point thereafter, electrical service from the unit’s device to protect against excessive current to the main electrical panel, but not the installation of other gas or electric services for the devices, machinery or units.

     (b) AIR-CONDITIONING (subclassification C-21b): The installation, repair, service and maintenance of equipment, devices, machinery, units and related ductwork which use evaporation, refrigeration, boilers or combustion for the control of air temperatures in structures, including, without limitation, any humidity and thermostatic controls in connection with any such equipment, devices, machinery, units or ductwork.

     (c) SHEET METAL (subclassification C-21c): The fabrication and installation of sheet metal, including, without limitation, cornices, flashings, gutters, leaders, downspouts for rainwater, pans, food service equipment, ducts, louvres, patented chimneys, flues and metal roof systems, but not the fabrication or installation of equipment which uses refrigeration as an integral part of the system.

     (d) MAINTENANCE (subclassification C-21d): The repair and replacement of any parts of existing units or systems of air-conditioning and refrigeration, including the compressors, motors, relays, coils, heat exchangers and other appurtenances and equipment, but not the replacement of complete condenser assemblies on remote systems, air handlers or any work that may alter the design of an existing system.

     (e) SOLAR AIR-CONDITIONING (subclassification C-21e): The installation of the collectors, piping, storage and other equipment used in the conversion of solar energy to energy used for the control of air temperatures.

     (f) CHILLED AND HOT WATER SYSTEMS (subclassification C-21f): The installation of boilers, chillers, coils, cooling towers, piping, pumps, storage tanks, valves and other equipment used in the production and transfer of water for the control of temperatures.

     (g) INDUSTRIAL PIPING (subclassification C-21g): The fabrication, installation, repair and removal of piping and equipment used for the transmission of water, steam, gas, chemicals, food and other substances for industrial uses.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83; A 7-2-84; 8-31-84; 1-22-86; 7-18-88; R091-07, 8-26-2008)


      The regulation of the State Contractors’ Board filed with the Secretary of State on August 26, 2008 (LCB File No. R091-07), which amended this section, contains the following provisions not included in NAC:

      “On August 26, 2008:

      1.  A person who holds a subclassification C-21b license issued pursuant to the former provisions of paragraph (b) of subsection 3 of NAC 624.380 shall be deemed to hold a subclassification C-21b license issued pursuant to the provisions of that paragraph as amended by the provisions of this regulation.

      2.  A person who holds a subclassification C-21c license issued pursuant to the former provisions of paragraph (c) of subsection 3 of NAC 624.380 shall be deemed to hold a subclassification C-21c license issued pursuant to the provisions of that paragraph as amended by the provisions of this regulation.

      3.  A person who holds a subclassification C-21f license issued pursuant to the former provisions of paragraph (f) of subsection 3 of NAC 624.380 shall be deemed to hold a subclassification C-21f license issued pursuant to the provisions of that paragraph as amended by the provisions of this regulation.

      4.  A person who holds a subclassification C-21g license issued pursuant to the former provisions of paragraph (g) of subsection 3 of NAC 624.380 shall be deemed to hold a subclassification C-21f license issued pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (f) of subsection 3 of NAC 624.380 as amended by the provisions of this regulation.”


      NAC 624.400  Classification C-23: Drilling wells and installing pumps, pressure tanks and storage tanks. (NRS 624.100, 624.220)  The Board will grant to qualified applicants a license in the specialty of drilling wells and installing pumps, pressure tanks and storage tanks considered integral to water wells. The Board designates such a license as a “classification C-23” license. A person who holds a classification C-23 license may install and repair water wells, pressure tanks, storage tanks and pumps by boring, drilling, excavating, casing, cementing, dewatering and cleaning to provide a supply of uncontaminated water.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83; A 8-24-88; 4-22-94)

      NAC 624.410  Classification C-24: Erecting scaffolds and bleachers. (NRS 624.100, 624.220)  The Board will grant to qualified applicants a license in the specialty of erecting scaffolds and bleachers. The Board designates such a license as a “classification C-24” license. A person who holds a classification C-24 license may erect scaffolds, stages and bleachers by the use of such methods as are generally accepted by contractors.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83)

      NAC 624.420  Classification C-25: Fencing and equipping playgrounds. (NRS 624.100, 624.220)  The Board will grant to qualified applicants a license in the specialty of fencing and equipping playgrounds. The Board designates such a license as a “classification C-25” license. A person who holds a classification C-25 license may assemble, cut, shape, fabricate and install wood and metal fencing, guardrails and other equipment used in playgrounds.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83)

      NAC 624.430  Classification C-26: Institutional contracting; subclassifications. (NRS 624.100, 624.220)

     1.  The Board will grant to qualified applicants a license in the specialty of institutional contracting. The Board designates such a license as a “classification C-26” license. A person who holds a classification C-26 license may perform any of the work authorized for the subclassifications of the classification C-26 license.

     2.  The subclassifications of the classification C-26 license and the work authorized for persons licensed in the respective subclassifications are:

     (a) KITCHEN AND LABORATORY EQUIPMENT (subclassification C-26a): The installation of institutional kitchen equipment and laboratory equipment, such as ranges, ovens, stationary counters and tables, shelving partitions, dishwashers and such other equipment as is generally accepted by contractors for use in institutional kitchens and laboratories. Kitchen and laboratory equipment does not include the installation of pressure vessels, the installation of equipment that requires refrigeration as an integral part of the system, the installation of equipment that is integrated into an exhaust system or the installation of equipment that is integrated into a fire suppression system.

     (b) BUILDING ACCESSORIES AND SPECIALTIES (subclassification C-26b): The installation of accessories such as stationary desks, lockers, chalkboards, shelving, storage, seats in auditoriums (excluding stationary bleachers), equipment used on a stage, equipment used in a gymnasium and any other equipment and materials as are generally accepted by contractors for use as building accessories and specialties.

     (c) FLOORS OF GYMNASIUMS (subclassification C-26c): The installation of wood floors of gymnasiums, including the application of urethane to wood or concrete floors to create a finished surface.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83; A by R091-08, 9-18-2008)

      NAC 624.440  Classification C-27: Individual sewerage. (NRS 624.100, 624.220)  The Board will grant to qualified applicants a license in the specialty of individual sewerage. The Board designates such a license as a “classification C-27” license. A person who holds a classification C-27 license may lay and install individual systems for sewage disposal, including the installation of individual septic tanks and cesspools.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83)

      NAC 624.450  Classification C-28: Fabricating tanks; subclassifications. (NRS 624.100, 624.220)

     1.  The Board will grant to qualified applicants a license in the specialty of fabricating tanks. The Board designates such a license as a “classification C-28” license. A person who holds a classification C-28 license may perform any of the work authorized for the subclassifications of the classification C-28 license.

     2.  The subclassifications of the classification C-28 license and the work authorized for persons licensed in the respective subclassifications are:

     (a) FABRICATING TANKS (subclassification C-28a): The fabrication, placement and erection of structural tanks for the retention of liquids, solids and gases, either above or below the ground.

     (b) SANDBLASTING AND COATINGS (subclassification C-28b): The sandblasting of and application of coatings to structural tanks used for the retention of liquids, solids and gases, either above or below ground.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83; A 11-29-95)

      NAC 624.470  Classification C-30: Installing equipment to treat water. (NRS 624.100, 624.220)  The Board will grant to qualified applicants a license in the specialty of installing equipment to treat water. The Board designates such a license as a “classification C-30” license. A person who holds a classification C-30 license may install equipment in existing water lines for the treatment of alkali and other undesirable ingredients in the water.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83)

      NAC 624.480  Classification C-31: Wrecking. (NRS 624.100, 624.220)  The Board will grant to qualified applicants a license in the specialty of wrecking. The Board designates such a license as “classification C-31.” A person who holds a license designated classification C-31 may:

     1.  Wreck and demolish an existing structure with tools, equipment and explosives; and

     2.  Raise, crib, underpin and move a structure so that alterations, additions and repairs may be made and a new substructure may be built under the permanently retained portion of the structure, but may not alter, add to, repair or renovate the permanently retained portion of the structure.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83; A 10-17-86)

      NAC 624.500  Classification C-33: Installing industrial machinery. (NRS 624.100, 624.220)  The Board will grant to qualified applicants a license in the specialty of installing industrial machinery. The Board designates such a license as a “classification C-33” license. A person who holds a classification C-33 license may install all industrial machinery, including sawmills, generators, compressors and processors, which is bolted or otherwise attached so as to be permanently affixed to a structure.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83)

      NAC 624.530  Classification C-36: Installing and applying polyurethane or other similar products and coatings. (NRS 624.100, 624.220)  The Board will grant to qualified applicants a license in the specialty of installing and applying polyurethane or other similar products and coatings, whether in spray or rigid form, for the thermal insulation of structures, to create watertight and weatherproof roofs, or on existing floors by spreading, spraying or using adhesives. The Board designates such a license as a “classification C-36” license.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83; A by R095-12, 6-23-2014)


      The regulation of the State Contractors’ Board filed with the Secretary of State on June 23, 2014 (LCB File No. R095-12), which amended this section, contains the following provision not included in NAC:

      “Sec. 11.  On June 23, 2014:

      * * *

      3.  A person who holds a subclassification C-36a, C-36b or C-36c license issued pursuant to the provisions of former subsection 2 of NAC 624.530, as amended by section 7 of this regulation, shall be deemed to hold a classification C-36 license issued pursuant to the provisions of NAC 624.530, as amended by section 7 of this regulation.”


      NAC 624.540  Classification C-37: Solar contracting; subclassifications. (NRS 624.100, 624.220)

     1.  The Board will grant to qualified applicants a license in the specialty of solar contracting. The Board designates such a license as a “classification C-37” license. A person who holds a classification C-37 license may design, fabricate and install systems for the collection of solar energy to heat and cool water, air and chemicals.

     2.  The subclassifications of the classification C-37 license and the work authorized for persons licensed in the respective subclassifications are:

     (a) WATER HEATING (subclassification C-37a): The installation of systems for the collection of solar energy to heat water for potable uses, but not the installation of pipes or fixtures other than water heaters and storage tanks designed for the use of water so heated.

     (b) SPACE HEATING (subclassification C-37b): The installation of systems for the collection of solar energy to heat water or air which is in turn used to heat structures which house persons, animals or inanimate objects including storage, piping and heat exchangers, but excluding equipment for pools.

     (c) AIR-CONDITIONING (subclassification C-37c): The installation of the collectors, piping, storage and other equipment used in the conversion of solar energy to energy used for the control of air temperatures.

     (d) HEATING OF POOLS (subclassification C-37d): The installation of the collectors, piping and heat exchangers used to heat swimming pools and spas with solar energy, but not the plumbing of swimming pools or the installation of their equipment.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83)

      NAC 624.550  Classification C-38: Installing equipment used with liquefied petroleum and natural gas; subclassifications. (NRS 624.100, 624.220)

     1.  The Board will grant to qualified applicants a license in the specialty of installing equipment used with liquefied petroleum and natural gas. The Board designates such a license as a “classification C-38” license. A person who holds a classification C-38 license may perform any of the work authorized for the subclassifications of the classification C-38 license.

     2.  The subclassifications of the classification C-38 license and the work authorized for persons licensed in the respective subclassifications are:

     (a) PIPES AND VENTS (subclassification C-38a): The installation of pipes from the source of supply of liquefied petroleum or natural gas into a building or other structure and the installation of the related vents, including the installation of and connections to above-ground tanks that will contain a supply of liquefied petroleum or natural gas.

     (b) GAS APPLIANCES AND EQUIPMENT (subclassification C-38b): The installation of appliances and equipment requiring connection to a supply of liquefied petroleum or natural gas.

     (c) HEATING AND VENTILATING (subclassification C-38c): The fabrication and installation of systems for the heating of air with liquefied petroleum or natural gas and for circulating the air.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83; A by R095-12, 6-23-2014)

      NAC 624.560  Classification C-39: Installing heaters. (NRS 624.100, 624.220)  The Board will grant to qualified applicants a license in the specialty of installing heaters. The Board designates such a license as a “classification C-39” license. A person who holds a classification C-39 license may install devices for the heating of buildings, including wood-burning devices and their appurtenances. This license does not authorize the holder to install piping, ducting and equipment for transmitting the heated air or water produced by the devices.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83)

      NAC 624.570  Classification C-40: Specialties not authorized by other classifications. (NRS 624.100, 624.220)  The Board will issue an unclassified license to qualified applicants for the performance of specialties which are not authorized by a license of any other classification or subclassification. The Board designates such a license as a “classification C-40” license.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83)


      The regulation of the State Contractors’ Board filed with the Secretary of State on December 16, 2003 (LCB File No. R054-03), which repealed NAC 624.490, 624.510 and 624.520, became effective on that date and contains the following provisions not included in NAC:

      “On the effective date of this regulation:

      * * *

      3.  A person who holds a classification C-32 license that was issued pursuant to the provisions of NAC 624.490 shall be deemed to hold a classification C-40 license issued pursuant to the provisions of NAC 624.570, and is restricted to setting refractories and firebrick, with or without the use of cement or mortar, and preparing the surface for the setting.

      4.  A person who holds a classification C-34 license that was issued pursuant to the provisions of NAC 624.510 shall be deemed to hold a classification C-40 license issued pursuant to the provisions of NAC 624.570, and is restricted to installing, laying, finishing and repairing bowling alleys and the equipment used to handle pins and balls, including all equipment and controls required to install automatic scoring systems.

      5.  A person who holds a classification C-35 license that was issued pursuant to the provisions of NAC 624.520 shall be deemed to hold a classification C-40 license issued pursuant to the provisions of NAC 624.570, and is restricted to installing vaults, safes and depositories in structures and erecting concrete, masonry and steel vaults, including the installation of automatic tellers for banks.”


      NAC 624.572  Classification C-41: Fire protection contracting; subclassifications. (NRS 624.100, 624.220)

     1.  The Board will grant to qualified applicants a license in the specialty of fire protection contracting. The Board designates such a license as a “classification C-41” license. A person who holds a classification C-41 license may perform any of the work authorized for the subclassifications of the classification C-41 license.

     2.  The subclassifications of the classification C-41 license and the work authorized for persons licensed in the respective subclassifications are:

     (a) AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLERS (subclassification C-41a): The fabrication, installation, alteration, repair and service of fire protection systems using water, including required pressure and storage tanks, fire pumps and drivers, sprinkler heads and nozzles, and all associated valves and piping. Included in this subclassification is control wiring, any required excavation, backfilling and grading, and piping to a water supply which is not on the premises but is adjacent to the property with the fire protection system.

     (b) FIXED FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEMS (subclassification C-41b): The fabrication, installation, repair and service of fire protection systems using foam, gas or dry chemicals, including pressurized storage tanks, valves, associated piping and sensing and control devices.

     (c) FIRE ALARMS (subclassification C-41c): The installation, alteration, repair and servicing of electrical sensors and alarms used to detect heat and smoke, including all appurtenances and related wiring.

     (d) PRIVATE FIRE HYDRANTS (subclassification C-41d): The inspection, testing, maintenance and repair of existing privately owned fire hydrants, including the replacement of parts within the barrel of a fire hydrant up to and including the first flange directly below the fire hydrant and above the elbow.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 11-12-87; A 7-18-88; R095-12, 6-23-2014)

      NAC 624.574  Classification C-42: Constructing, altering or improving video service networks. (NRS 624.100, 624.218, 624.220)  The Board will grant to qualified applicants a license in the specialty of constructing, altering or improving video service networks. The Board designates such a license as a “classification C-42” license. A person who holds a classification C-42 license may construct, alter or improve video service networks.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 12-19-89; A by R093-07, 4-17-2008)


      The regulation of the State Contractors’ Board filed with the Secretary of State on April 17, 2008 (LCB File No. R093-07), which amended this section, contains the following provision not included in NAC:

      “On April 17, 2008, a person who holds a classification C-42 license that was issued pursuant to the former provisions of NAC 624.574 shall be deemed to hold a classification C-42 license issued pursuant to the provisions of that section as amended by the provisions of this regulation.”


      NAC 624.580  License to build upon or improve own commercial property. (NRS 624.100, 624.220)

     1.  Upon submitting to the Board written evidence of his or her eligibility, the Board will issue to a qualified applicant who is not regularly engaged in the business of construction a license to build upon or improve his or her own commercial property. Such a license does not authorize the holder to perform plumbing, electrical, refrigeration and air-conditioning or fire protection activities for which a contractor’s license is required. All such work must be performed by a person who holds a license in the appropriate specialty.

     2.  The Board designates such a license as a “classification E-1” license if it limits the holder to construction of a building or making an improvement which will not exceed three stories in height above the ground.

     3.  The Board designates such a license as a “classification E-2” license if it authorizes the holder to construct a building or make an improvement which will exceed three stories in height above the ground.

     4.  The owner shall obtain a separate license for each piece of his or her property upon which the owner wants to build or make improvements.

     5.  The owner shall not contract with a specialty or other contractor directly, pursuant to his or her contract with the managing contractor, without first obtaining the appropriate classification E license.

     6.  As used in this section, the term “owner” includes a person who leases real property for a term of at least 5 years.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83; A 11-6-85; R095-12, 6-23-2014)

      NAC 624.585  Abatement of asbestos without license classified for removal of asbestos. (NRS 624.100, 624.220)

     1.  If a licensed contractor who is engaging in activity for the abatement of asbestos has not obtained a contractor’s license which is classified for the removal of asbestos (subclassification A-23), the licensed contractor may not:

     (a) Remove more than 25 linear feet or 10 square feet of asbestos-containing material, as defined in 29 C.F.R. § 1926.1101(b); or

     (b) Exceed the federal standards for permissible exposure limits established in 29 C.F.R. § 1926.1101.

     2.  The provisions of this section do not authorize a licensed contractor to engage in activity for the abatement of asbestos unless the licensed contractor has complied with all other applicable statutes and regulations.

     3.  As used in this section, “activity for the abatement of asbestos” has the meaning ascribed to it in NAC 618.854.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R147-07, eff. 4-17-2008)


      NAC 624.590  Application: Separate application for each classification; contents; fees; fingerprint cards; licensure in another state; credit towards experience requirement; incomplete application deemed withdrawn. (NRS 622.087, 624.100, 624.240, 624.250, 624.265)

     1.  A person must make a separate application for each classification of license in which the applicant desires to conduct business.

     2.  The Board will not consider an incomplete application. Each application must include, without limitation:

     (a) All applicable fees;

     (b) Except as otherwise provided in subsection 3, one or more of the following types of documentation supporting the experience of the applicant or his or her qualified employee:

          (1) Four or more certificates of work experience completed on a form provided by the Board;

          (2) A current certification as a master issued by a governmental agency in a discipline substantially similar to the requested classification;

          (3) Proof of transferable military experience and training; or

          (4) If the applicant is seeking credit pursuant to subsection 4 toward the experience requirement set forth in subsection 6 of NRS 624.260, a certified copy of the certificate of completion or degree provided to the applicant upon the successful completion of a training program described in subsection 4;

     (c) All information which is required to be confirmed by a bank;

     (d) The financial statement required by NAC 624.593;

     (e) Pursuant to subsection 2 of NRS 624.265, a completed set of fingerprint cards and a form authorizing an investigation of the applicant’s background and the submission of the fingerprints to the Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History and the Federal Bureau of Investigation; and

     (f) Any other information required by the Board.

     3.  The Board will waive the requirements set forth in paragraph (b) of subsection 2 if the applicant or his or her qualified employee:

     (a) Has a minimum of 4 years of experience that is approved by the Board pursuant to NAC 624.615 as a contractor licensed in good standing in the endorsing state;

     (b) Has not been investigated for misconduct as a contractor or had a license revoked, modified, limited, suspended or otherwise disciplined by the endorsing state or any other jurisdiction in which he or she has been licensed;

     (c) Does not have any disciplinary actions or proceedings pending against the applicant or his or her qualified employee by a licensing body in the endorsing state or any other jurisdiction; and

     (d) Provides a completed application pursuant to subsection 2 on the form provided by the Board that includes, without limitation, the endorsing state verifying on a form provided by the Board that the applicant or his or her qualified employee has a valid license.

     4.  Pursuant to NRS 622.087, the Board may grant not more than 3 years of credit toward the satisfaction of the experience requirement set forth in subsection 6 of NRS 624.260 to an applicant who has successfully completed a training program for occupational, vocational, career, trade or technical education if the training program:

     (a) Is provided in secondary or postsecondary education;

     (b) Is approved by the Board and the State Board of Education; and

     (c) Provided training in a discipline substantially similar to the classification in which the applicant is applying for licensure.

     5.  The Board shall deem an application to be withdrawn if the Board has not received all the information and fees required to complete the application within 6 months after the date the application is submitted to the Board. If an application is deemed to be withdrawn pursuant to this subsection or if an applicant or his or her qualified employee otherwise withdraws an application, the Board may not issue a license to the applicant or his or her qualified employee unless the applicant or his or her qualified employee submits a new application and pays the required fees.

     6.  As used in this section:

     (a) “Endorsing state” means any state or territory in the United States, or the District of Columbia, that the Board determines to have requirements for licensing contractors which are substantially equivalent to the requirements for licensing contractors in this State pursuant to NAC 624.615.

     (b) “Person” means:

          (1) A natural person;

          (2) A corporation, partnership, limited partnership or limited-liability company that is organized pursuant to the laws of this State; or

          (3) A foreign corporation, foreign partnership, foreign limited partnership or foreign limited-liability company that is authorized to do business in this State.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83; A 10-17-86; R109-98, 11-6-98; R106-04, 8-17-2004; R155-05, 12-29-2005; R058-09, 6-30-2010; R042-17, 2-27-2018; R023-19, 10-30-2019; R021-21, 2-28-2022)

      NAC 624.593  Financial statement. (NRS 624.100, 624.220)  If a licensee or an applicant for a contractor’s license is required to submit a financial statement to the Board pursuant to NRS 624.262, 624.263 or 624.264, the financial statement must be:

     1.  If the requested monetary limit of the license is $10,000 or less:

     (a) Prepared by an independent certified public accountant;

     (b) Submitted on a form prescribed by the Board and accompanied by an affidavit that verifies the accuracy of the financial statement; or

     (c) Prepared using accounting software in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and accompanied by an affidavit that verifies the accuracy of the financial statement.

     2.  If the requested monetary limit of the license is more than $10,000 but less than $50,000:

     (a) Prepared and compiled by an independent certified public accountant within 6 months before the filing of the application; or

     (b) Prepared and reviewed or audited by an independent certified public accountant within 1 year before the filing of the application.

     3.  If the requested monetary limit of the license is $50,000 or more but less than $250,000:

     (a) Prepared and compiled by an independent certified public accountant with full disclosures within 6 months before the filing of the application; or

     (b) Prepared and reviewed or audited by an independent certified public accountant within 1 year before the filing of the application.

     4.  If the requested monetary limit of the license is $250,000 or more, prepared and reviewed or audited by an independent certified public accountant within 1 year before the filing of the application.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R058-09, eff. 6-30-2010)

      NAC 624.600  Examinations; requirements for waiver; retaking upon failure. (NRS 624.100, 624.240)

     1.  If the Board requires an applicant or his or her qualified employee to take an examination, he or she must take and pass an examination administered by an independent testing service.

     2.  The Board will waive the examination if the applicant or his or her qualified employee:

     (a) Has taken and passed an examination for licensing contractors that is:

          (1) Offered by an endorsing state and approved by the Board pursuant to NAC 624.615; or

          (2) Accredited by the National Association of State Contractors Licensing Agencies, if the Board determines that the examination for licensing contractors that is accredited by the National Association of State Contractors Licensing Agencies is substantially equivalent to the examination required pursuant to subsection 1; and

     (b) Provides a completed application pursuant to NAC 624.590 on the form provided by the Board that includes, without limitation:

          (1) The endorsing state verifying on a form provided by the Board that the applicant or his or her qualified employee has taken and passed an examination that is approved by the Board pursuant to NAC 624.615; or

          (2) The transcript of an examination that is accredited by the National Association of State Contractors Licensing Agencies which shows that the applicant or his or her qualified employee has taken and passed such an examination.

     3.  The Board may waive the examination if it is satisfied that the experience and qualifications of the applicant or qualified employee justify granting the license without examination.

     4.  Following any waiting period established by the independent testing service, an applicant or the qualified employee may retake the examination. If the applicant or qualified employee fails a second examination, he or she may take it a third time. The person qualifying for the applicant must take and pass the examination within 6 months after the filing of the application. If he or she fails the third examination, the application becomes void. The applicant may apply again with a new application and fee 30 days or more after the date of the last examination.

     5.  As used in this section, “endorsing state” means any state or territory in the United States, or the District of Columbia, that the Board determines to have requirements for licensing contractors which are substantially equivalent to the requirements for licensing contractors in this State pursuant to NAC 624.615.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83; A 8-31-84; 1-22-86; 10-17-86; 7-18-88; R070-02, 7-1-2002; R117-03, 12-4-2003; R042-17, 2-27-2018)

      NAC 624.603  Conditional licensing. (NRS 624.100, 624.220, 624.240)

     1.  The Board may issue a conditional license to an applicant for an original license or for renewal of a license if, after giving the applicant notice and an opportunity to be heard, the Board determines that the issuance of a conditional license to the applicant is in the best interest of the public.

     2.  The Board may summarily suspend a conditional license issued pursuant to this section if the licensee fails to comply with any condition or limitation on the license.

     3.  The Board may recover from the holder of a conditional license the costs incurred by the Board to determine whether the licensee is complying with the conditions imposed on his or her license, including, without limitation, the costs of:

     (a) Monitoring the activities of the licensee;

     (b) Reviewing financial or other reports required of the licensee; and

     (c) Reviewing the licensee’s contracts.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 12-29-97; A by R011-05, 10-31-2005)

      NAC 624.615  Licensure in another state or territory: Determination by Board if requirements for licensure are substantially equivalent to Nevada; maintenance and publication of list of such states and territories; approval of experience and examination. (NRS 624.100, 624.240)

     1.  The Board will:

     (a) Determine if the requirements for licensing contractors in another state or territory of the United States, or the District of Columbia, are substantially equivalent to the requirements in this State for licensing contractors;

     (b) If the Board determines pursuant to paragraph (a) that another state or territory, or the District of Columbia, has requirements for licensing contractors that are substantially equivalent to the requirements for licensing contractors in this State, maintain a list of all such other states or territories, or the District of Columbia; and

     (c) If the Board maintains a list pursuant to paragraph (b), publish the list required pursuant to paragraph (b) on the Internet website maintained by the Board.

     2.  If the Board determines pursuant to subsection 1 that another state or territory of the United States, or the District of Columbia, requires an applicant or his or her qualified employee to obtain experience to be licensed as a contractor in such other state or territory, or the District of Columbia, the Board may approve the experience of the applicant or his or her qualified employee that is obtained in such other state or territory of the United States, or the District of Columbia.

     3.  If the Board determines pursuant to subsection 1 that another state or territory of the United States, or the District of Columbia, requires an applicant or his or her qualified employee to take and pass an examination to be licensed as a contractor in such other state or territory, or the District of the Columbia, the Board may approve the examination taken and passed by the applicant or his or her qualified employee in such other state or territory of the United States, or the District of Columbia.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R042-17, eff. 2-27-2018)

      NAC 624.620  Notice of approval; security bond or cash deposit. (NRS 624.100, 624.240, 624.270)  Following the acceptance, investigation and approval of an application, the Board will issue to the applicant a notice of approval. If the applicant does not furnish the required surety bond or cash deposit within 30 days after receiving the notice of approval, the application shall be deemed withdrawn unless the applicant requests and the Board grants an extension of time not to exceed an additional 30 days.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83)

      NAC 624.630  Renewal. (NRS 624.100, 624.283)

     1.  The Board will mail to each licensee, at his or her address of record, an application for the renewal of his or her license. Except as otherwise provided in subsection 2, the licensee must return the completed application to the Board not later than the last day of the month in which the license expires. If the Board prescribes a shorter or longer period of validity for the licensee pursuant to NRS 624.283, the Board will notify the licensee of that fact.

     2.  If the Board has requested that a licensee submit a financial statement with the application for renewal, the licensee must return to the Board, not later than the first day of the month in which the license expires, a completed application, the renewal fee and:

     (a) For a licensee whose license is issued before June 30, 2010:

          (1) If the monetary limit of the license is less than $1,000,000:

               (I) A current financial statement prepared by an independent certified public accountant;

               (II) A current financial statement submitted on a form prescribed by the Board and accompanied by an affidavit that verifies the accuracy of the financial statement; or

               (III) A current financial statement prepared using accounting software in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and accompanied by an affidavit that verifies the accuracy of the financial statement; or

          (2) If the monetary limit of the license is $1,000,000 or more, a financial statement that is prepared and reviewed or audited by a certified public accountant within 1 year before the filing of the application.

     (b) For a licensee whose license is issued on or after June 30, 2010, the financial statement required by NAC 624.593.

     3.  If a licensee fails:

     (a) To renew his or her license before it expires, a late fee will be charged as set forth in NAC 624.130.

     (b) To attempt renewal within the first 6 months of the new license biennium, the Board will deny, revoke or refuse to renew the license. In either situation, the licensee must apply for a new license.

     4.  If a licensee has filed a timely application for renewal, accompanied by the required fee, but necessary information is lacking, the Board will conditionally renew the license until the information is received. If the information is not received within a reasonable time, the Board will deny the renewal.

     5.  If the completed application for renewal contains information which warrants the action, the Board will impose or reduce the limits upon the license, or remove a classification or subclassification from the license.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83; A 10-17-86; 11-12-87; R155-05, 12-29-2005; R094-07, 1-30-2008; R058-09, 6-30-2010; R098-12, 12-20-2012)

      NAC 624.635  Inactive status. (NRS 624.100, 624.282)

     1.  A contractor may apply to the Board to have his or her license placed on inactive status pursuant to NRS 624.282. The contractor must submit to the Board:

     (a) An application on a form provided by the Board; and

     (b) Any unexpired license on active status and any pocket card.

     2.  A contractor whose license has been placed on inactive status may renew that license on the date that the contractor would have renewed his or her license if it were on active status by submitting to the Board an application on a form provided by the Board and the fee set forth in NAC 624.130. Any license that is not renewed on or before the date for renewal automatically expires.

     3.  A license on inactive status that is not placed on active status within 5 years after the date the inactive status is granted will expire.

     4.  A licensee who holds a license on inactive status that is in good standing may apply for active status by:

     (a) Submitting an application on a form provided by the Board;

     (b) Paying the fee set forth in NAC 624.130 and any applicable assessments; and

     (c) Fulfilling any other requirement for an active licensee.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R208-99, eff. 5-24-2000)

      NAC 624.640  Bid or contract void if licensee exceeds scope of license or monetary limit; duties of licensee. (NRS 624.100)

     1.  If a licensee bids or contracts outside the scope of his or her license or exceeds the monetary limit placed on the license, the bid or contract is void.

     2.  Each licensee shall provide proof of licensure to any interested person.

     3.  If any change occurs in a licensee’s address or personnel which affects the accuracy of the statements in the application upon which his or her license is based, the licensee shall report the change in writing to the Board within 30 days after the change occurs.

     4.  If a license issued by the Board was based in part on the employment of a particularly qualified person, the licensee must continue to employ such a person in order to retain the license.

     5.  Each licensee shall include in all bids the licensee submits or contracts he or she enters into for construction work within this State, the number of his or her license and any monetary limit placed upon the license.

     6.  Each licensee shall ascertain that each person whose bid on a construction project the licensee considers is appropriately licensed.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83; A 4-22-94; R098-12, 12-20-2012; R021-21, 2-28-2022)

      NAC 624.650  Association with unlicensed person prohibited. (NRS 624.100)

     1.  A licensee shall not permit his or her contracting business to be operated by an unlicensed or unqualified person, under the power of attorney or otherwise.

     2.  Except for corporate stockholders and a spouse’s interest as community property, a licensee shall not permit a person to have a proprietary interest in the licensee’s contracting business unless that person’s name appears on the licensee’s license as a partner or party in interest.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83)

      NAC 624.660  Death of licensee; termination or change of partnership. (NRS 624.100)

     1.  The license of a licensee who is a sole proprietor is automatically suspended upon the date of his or her death. If, within 40 days after that date his or her executor, administrator, heirs or successors in interest do not acquire a qualified employee approved by the Board and apply for a new license, the license is revoked.

     2.  After the death of a partner of a licensed partnership other than the sole qualified partner, the license continues in effect until the expiration date of the license. Upon the death of the sole qualified partner, the license is automatically suspended 60 days after the date of death.

     3.  If a licensed partnership:

     (a) Is dissolved for a reason other than the death of a partner, the license is revoked.

     (b) Changes partners by adding or removing a partner other than by the death of a partner, the partnership must apply for a new license.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83; A 10-17-86; 9-13-91)

      NAC 624.665  Submission of application for certain changes regarding licensee. (NRS 624.100)  A licensee shall submit an application to the Board for any change in its:

     1.  Officers or directors, if the licensee is a corporation;

     2.  General partners, if the licensee is a limited partnership; or

     3.  Managers or managing members, if the licensee is a limited-liability company,

Ê before or within 30 days after such a change is made.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R109-98, eff. 11-6-98; A by R013-02, 7-2-2002; R094-07, 1-30-2008)

      NAC 624.667  Submission of application regarding conversion of business organization of licensee. (NRS 624.100)  A licensee shall submit an application to the Board regarding a conversion of the licensee conducted pursuant to chapter 92A of NRS before or within 30 days after such a conversion is made.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R048-03, eff. 12-4-2003)

      NAC 624.669  Application for increase in monetary limit on license. (NRS 624.100, 624.220)

     1.  A licensee may submit to the Board a written application for an increase in the monetary limit of his or her license. The application must be made on a form prescribed by the Board.

     2.  A licensee must submit with the application:

     (a) All applicable fees;

     (b) The financial statement required by NAC 624.593; and

     (c) Any other information required by the Board.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R058-09, eff. 6-30-2010)

      NAC 624.670  Application for increase in monetary limit on license for single project. (NRS 624.100, 624.220)

     1.  A licensee may, in accordance with the provisions of NRS 624.220, submit to the Board a written application requesting an increase, for a single project, in the monetary limit on his or her license. Not more than five such applications may be submitted by a licensee during any 12-month period.

     2.  A licensee must submit with the application:

     (a) The financial statement required by NAC 624.593; and

     (b) Any other supporting information the Board requests.

     3.  The Board will approve the application if it finds that the financial status of the licensee is adequate to justify the increase and if the licensee:

     (a) Procures and agrees to maintain any performance or payment bond, or both, that the Board requires; and

     (b) Complies with any other conditions the Board finds necessary to protect the public interest.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83; A 10-17-86; 8-25-97; R155-05, 12-29-2005; R128-08, 9-18-2008; R058-09, 6-30-2010; R034-11, 12-30-2011)

      NAC 624.675  Increase in monetary limit for indemnified licensee or applicant; withdrawal of indemnity. (NRS 624.100, 624.220)

     1.  If an applicant or licensee is indemnified by its officers, directors or any other person, the Board will consider a written request to increase, remove or not place a monetary limit on the license of an applicant or licensee although the financial condition of an applicant or licensee is not adequate to justify such a request.

     2.  If the applicant or licensee is a corporation and the officers or directors are personally indemnifying the corporation, the request must be submitted with:

     (a) The financial statement required by NAC 624.593; and

     (b) An agreement for indemnification made on a form supplied by the Board which has been signed by each indemnitor and his or her spouse, if any.

     3.  If another corporation will act as an indemnitor for the licensee, the request must be submitted with:

     (a) A resolution by the directors of the indemnitor in which they approve the indemnification;

     (b) The financial statement required by NAC 624.593; and

     (c) An agreement for indemnification which is made on the form supplied by the Board and is signed by the appropriate officer of the indemnitor.

     4.  If a natural person will act as indemnitor for the applicant or licensee, the request must be submitted with:

     (a) The financial statement required by NAC 624.593; and

     (b) An agreement for indemnification made on a form supplied by the Board which has been signed by each indemnitor and his or her spouse, if any.

     5.  Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, if an indemnitor wishes to withdraw his or her agreement for indemnification, the indemnitor must deliver to the Board a written notice of his or her withdrawal. The withdrawal becomes effective 90 days after the Board’s receipt of the notice. If the agreement for indemnification was provided as a precondition to the approval by the Board of an increase in the monetary limit on a license pursuant to NAC 624.670, the indemnitor may not withdraw the agreement.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83; A 10-17-86; 4-22-94; R155-05, 12-29-2005; R058-09, 6-30-2010)

      NAC 624.681  Fee for processing of fingerprint cards. (NRS 624.100, 624.265)  Any fingerprint cards required pursuant to subsection 2 of NRS 624.265 and paragraph (e) of subsection 2 of NAC 624.590 must be accompanied by a cashier’s check made payable to the “Nevada Highway Patrol” for an amount equal to the sum of the amounts charged by the Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History and the Federal Bureau of Investigation for processing the fingerprint cards.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R208-99, eff. 5-24-2000; A by R117-03, 12-4-2003; R042-17, 2-27-2018)


      NAC 624.685  Definitions. (NRS 338.1389, 338.147, 624.100)  As used in NAC 624.685 to 624.6899, inclusive, unless the context otherwise requires, the words and terms defined in NAC 624.6853 to 624.6863, inclusive, have the meanings ascribed to them in those sections.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R208-99, eff. 5-24-2000)

      NAC 624.6853  “Affidavit for a certificate of eligibility” defined. (NRS 338.1389, 338.147, 624.100)  “Affidavit for a certificate of eligibility” means an affidavit from a certified public accountant required pursuant to subsection 3 or 4 of NRS 338.1389 or subsection 3 or 4 of NRS 338.147.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R208-99, eff. 5-24-2000; A by R013-02, 7-2-2002)

      NAC 624.6855  “Affidavit for renewal of a certificate of eligibility” defined. (NRS 338.1389, 338.147, 624.100)  “Affidavit for renewal of a certificate of eligibility” means an affidavit from a certified public accountant required pursuant to subsection 6 of NRS 338.1389 or subsection 6 of NRS 338.147.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R208-99, eff. 5-24-2000)

      NAC 624.6857  “Certificate of eligibility” defined. (NRS 338.1389, 338.147, 624.100)  “Certificate of eligibility” means a certificate of eligibility to receive a preference in bidding on public works issued by the Board pursuant to NRS 338.1389 or 338.147.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R208-99, eff. 5-24-2000)

      NAC 624.6859  “Contractor” defined. (NRS 338.1389, 338.147, 624.100)  “Contractor” means:

     1.  A general engineering contractor;

     2.  A general building contractor;

     3.  A general engineering and general building contractor; or

     4.  A specialty contractor who is able to act as a prime contractor,

Ê who is properly licensed pursuant to the provisions of chapter 624 of NRS.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R208-99, eff. 5-24-2000; A by R081-00, 5-24-2000; R013-02, 7-2-2002)

      NAC 624.6863  “Statement of compliance” defined. (NRS 338.1389, 338.147, 624.100)  “Statement of compliance” means a statement from a contractor who applies for a certificate of eligibility which states that the contractor is properly licensed pursuant to the provisions of chapter 624 of NRS for the certificate of eligibility for which he or she is applying.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R208-99, eff. 5-24-2000; A by R013-02, 7-2-2002)

      NAC 624.687  Prerequisites; separate application for each classification. (NRS 338.1389, 338.147, 624.100)

     1.  A contractor who wishes to obtain a certificate of eligibility must submit to the Board:

     (a) An application on a form provided by the Board;

     (b) A notarized affidavit for a certificate of eligibility on a form provided by the Board;

     (c) A notarized statement of compliance on a form provided by the Board;

     (d) The fee set forth in NAC 624.130; and

     (e) Any other documentation required by the Board.

     2.  For each certificate of eligibility as a general contractor which is requested, the applicant must be a contractor who has been licensed as a general contractor pursuant to the provisions of chapter 624 of NRS for the 5 years immediately preceding the date on which he or she submits the application.

     3.  For each certificate of eligibility as a specialty contractor which is requested, the applicant must be a contractor who has been licensed as a specialty contractor pursuant to the provisions of chapter 624 of NRS for the 5 years immediately preceding the date on which he or she submits the application.

     4.  If an applicant has more than one classification of a license as a contractor, the applicant must submit a separate application for each classification of a license for which a certificate of eligibility is requested and must satisfy all applicable requirements pursuant to NRS 338.1389 or 338.147.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R208-99, eff. 5-24-2000; A by R081-00, 5-24-2000; R013-02, 7-2-2002; R014-07, 10-31-2007)

      NAC 624.6873  Application; review of banking records. (NRS 338.1389, 338.147, 624.100)

     1.  An application for a certificate of eligibility must include, without limitation:

     (a) The name of the applicant;

     (b) The license number of the applicant;

     (c) The date of issuance of the license of the applicant;

     (d) The mailing and physical address of the applicant;

     (e) The telephone number of the applicant;

     (f) The name and address of the designated agent for service of process;

     (g) The name of any officer of the applicant and any identifying information;

     (h) The signature of the applicant; and

     (i) Any other information that the Board may require.

     2.  For each classification of a license for which a certificate of eligibility is requested, a certified public accountant shall review and examine any necessary banking records in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, including, without limitation, bank statements, cancelled checks, electronic transfers, cash disbursement records and any other records that the Board deems appropriate, to substantiate an affidavit for a certificate of eligibility.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R208-99, eff. 5-24-2000; A by R081-00, 5-24-2000)

      NAC 624.6876  Issuance or denial. (NRS 338.1389, 338.147, 624.100)  The Board or its designee will issue or deny a certificate of eligibility within a reasonable time after the date on which the Board receives the application, all required documentation that supports the application and the fee set forth in NAC 624.130.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R208-99, eff. 5-24-2000)

      NAC 624.6879  Contents of certificate. (NRS 338.1389, 338.147, 624.100)  The certificate of eligibility must include, without limitation:

     1.  The date of issuance;

     2.  The date of expiration;

     3.  The classification of the license; and

     4.  Such other information that the Board deems appropriate.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R208-99, eff. 5-24-2000; A by R081-00, 5-24-2000)

      NAC 624.6883  Issuance of duplicate certificate. (NRS 338.1389, 338.147, 624.100)  The Board will issue a duplicate certificate of eligibility to any contractor who has received a certificate of eligibility and who certifies that his or her certificate of eligibility has been lost or destroyed.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R208-99, eff. 5-24-2000; A by R013-02, 7-2-2002)

      NAC 624.6886  Affidavit for renewal. (NRS 338.1389, 338.147, 624.100)  An affidavit for renewal of a certificate of eligibility must be on a form provided by the Board and must be notarized.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R208-99, eff. 5-24-2000)

      NAC 624.6889  Issuance of certificate prohibited if license not active; revocation; reapplication. (NRS 338.1389, 338.147, 624.100)  The Board will not issue a certificate of eligibility to a contractor whose license is not on active status. If the contractor whose license is not on active status has received a certificate of eligibility, the Board will revoke the certificate of eligibility. Such a contractor must reapply for a certificate of eligibility pursuant to subsection 3 or 4 of NRS 338.1389 or subsection 3 or 4 of NRS 338.147 and NAC 624.685 to 624.6899, inclusive.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R208-99, eff. 5-24-2000; A by R013-02, 7-2-2002)

      NAC 624.6893  Disciplinary action. (NRS 338.1389, 338.147, 624.100)

     1.  If a contractor who applies to the Board for a certificate of eligibility submits false or misleading information, submits an application which is incomplete or does not comply with this chapter or chapter 338 or 624 of NRS, the Board may:

     (a) Deny the application;

     (b) If the contractor has received a certificate of eligibility, revoke the certificate of eligibility; or

     (c) Take such actions that the Board deems appropriate under the circumstances.

     2.  In carrying out the provisions of this section, the Board may rely on information contained in the records maintained by the Board and need not conduct any investigation, inquiry or hearing regarding the information contained in those records.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R208-99, eff. 5-24-2000; A by R013-02, 7-2-2002)

      NAC 624.6896  Written objection filed with public body. (NRS 338.1389, 338.147, 624.100)  If a written objection is filed with a public body pursuant to subsection 13 of NRS 338.1389 or subsection 13 of NRS 338.147, the Board will, upon request by the public body, provide to the public body a copy of the application of the contractor against whom the complaint was made and any documentation submitted with the application.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R208-99, eff. 5-24-2000; A by R013-02, 7-2-2002)

      NAC 624.6899  Notification to Board of determination by public body; revocation of certificate. (NRS 338.1389, 338.147, 624.100)

     1.  If a public body determines that a written objection is accompanied by the required proof or substantiating evidence pursuant to subsection 14 of NRS 338.1389 or subsection 14 of NRS 338.147, the public body shall notify the Board in writing of the determination of the public body within 30 days after the date of its determination.

     2.  Upon receipt of the written documentation from the public body, the Board or its designee will immediately revoke the certificate of eligibility for the contractor. No formal disciplinary hearing is required before revocation of the certificate of eligibility based upon the receipt of the documentation from the public body which received the bid or proposal on a contract for the completion of a public work.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R208-99, eff. 5-24-2000; A by R013-02, 7-2-2002)


      NAC 624.693  Informational form regarding mechanics’ and materialmen’s liens. (NRS 624.100, 624.600)  The informational form that a general building contractor is required to provide regarding mechanics’ and materialmen’s liens pursuant to paragraph (b) of subsection 3 of NRS 624.600 to the owner of a single-family residence with whom he or she has contracted must be as follows:




Pursuant to NRS 108.221 to 108.246, inclusive, a contractor, subcontractor, laborer, supplier of materials or other person or entity who:

     (1) Performs work or furnishes materials of the value of $500.00 or more to improve the value of your property; and

     (2) Is not paid for the work or materials,

Ê has a right to place a lien on your property on which the work was performed and to sue you in court to obtain payment.


This means that after a court hearing, your property could be sold by an officer of the court and the proceeds of the sale used to satisfy the amount you owe. If you did not ask for and receive releases of liens from the contractors’ subcontractors, laborers or suppliers of materials, a lien may be placed on your property or you may be sued even if you have paid your contractor in full.


To preserve their right to file a claim or lien against your property, certain claimants, such as subcontractors, laborers and suppliers of materials, are each required to provide you with a document called a “preliminary or pre-lien notice.” A preliminary or pre-lien notice is not a lien against your property. Its purpose is to notify you regarding persons or entities who may have a right to file a lien or claim against your property if they are not paid. To perfect their lien rights, contractors, subcontractors, laborers and suppliers of materials must file mechanics’ liens with the county recorder, which then become recorded liens against your property. Generally, the maximum time allowed for filing a mechanics’ lien against your property is 90 days after substantial completion of your project.




     (1)Request that your contractor supply you with a payment and performance bond, which guarantees completion of your project and payment of the subcontractors, laborers and suppliers of materials who work on the project. This payment and performance bond is different from the surety bond that a contractor must file for licensure pursuant to NRS 624.270. A payment and performance bond provides that if the contractor does not complete the project, the bonding company will pay damages up to the amount of the bond. This payment and performance bond, as well as a copy of the construction contract, should be filed with the county recorder for your further protection. There is a fee for a payment and performance bond. This fee is usually equal to between 1 and 6 percent of the amount of the contract, depending on the ability of the contractor to be bonded.


     (2)Require that payments be made directly to subcontractors, laborers and suppliers of materials through a mechanism that controls payment for construction. In the area in which you live, services to control the funding of your project may be available, for a fee, to control payment of your contractor by the use of vouchers or other means. These services may also provide you with waivers of liens and other forms of protection.


     (3)Issue joint checks for payment, made payable to both your contractor and the subcontractors, laborers and suppliers of materials who were involved in the project or portion of the project for which payment is due and who sent a preliminary or pre-lien notice to you. Those persons or entities have indicated that they may have the right to place a lien on your property, and therefore you need to protect yourself. Making checks jointly payable will help to ensure that all persons due payment are actually paid.


     (4)Require your contractor to provide you with unconditional “waiver and release” (lien release) forms so that when you make a payment on any completed phase of your project, each subcontractor, laborer and supplier of materials involved in that portion of the work for which the payment was made can sign the waiver and release forms. This protects you from liability to them for work for which they have already been paid.


•     Some stationery stores sell waiver and release forms if your contractor does not have them. The subcontractors, laborers and suppliers of materials from whom you obtain releases should be those persons or entities who have filed preliminary or pre-lien notices with you. If you are not certain which subcontractors, laborers and suppliers of materials are working on your project, you may obtain a list from your contractor. In regard to projects involving improvements to a single-family residence or a duplex owned by an individual, the persons signing these releases lose their right to file a mechanics’ lien against your property. In regard to other types of projects, obtaining such releases may still be important, but may not provide complete protection.


•     To protect yourself by use of a waiver and release form, you must be certain that all subcontractors, laborers and suppliers of materials who work on your project sign a waiver and release form. If a mechanics’ lien has already been filed against your property, in most cases the lien can only be released voluntarily by a recorded “release of mechanics’ lien,” which is signed by the person or entity that filed the mechanics’ lien against your property. However, if the person or entity that filed the lien fails to bring an action to enforce the lien in a timely manner, the lien may be removed without voluntary action on the part of that person or entity. You should not make final payment on your project until all mechanics’ liens that are filed against your property have been removed.






     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 12-17-97)

      NAC 624.6932  Informational form regarding contractors. (NRS 624.100, 624.600)  The informational form that a general building contractor is required to provide regarding contractors pursuant to paragraph (a) of subsection 3 of NRS 624.600 to the owner of a single-family residence with whom he or she has contracted must be as follows:


     Contractors are required by law to be licensed and regulated by the State Contractors’ Board. The State Contractors’ Board has jurisdiction to investigate complaints that are filed against contractors. Any questions concerning a contractor may be referred to the State Contractors’ Board.


     The law of this State requires that a person or entity who enters into a contract to perform construction work be properly licensed by the State Contractors’ Board for the category of work that the person or entity intends to perform. Laws regulating licensed contractors are designed to protect the public. If you contract with a person or entity who is not licensed to perform construction work, your remedies against that person or entity may be limited to a suit in civil court. You may be liable for damages arising out of any injuries to an unlicensed contractor or that contractor’s employees, as well as withholding taxes, contributions pursuant to the Federal Insurance Contributions Act and contributions for industrial insurance and unemployment compensation. In addition, you must comply with other applicable state and federal laws regarding employment. Finally, you should be aware that construction performed on your property must comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, building codes and regulations.


     A contractor is required to include the contractor’s license number on all of his or her advertising, vehicles, bids and contracts. You may contact the State Contractors’ Board to find out if a contractor has a valid license and, if so, the status of that license and the status of any disciplinary action by visiting the website of the Board at http://www.nvcontractorsboard.com or calling the Board at one of the telephone numbers listed above.


     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 12-17-97; A by R013-02, 7-2-2002; R148-07, 4-17-2008; R022-21, 12-22-2021)


      NAC 624.694  Practices constituting deceptive advertising; prohibited advertising practices; definitions. (NRS 624.100, 624.880)

     1.  A contractor shall not engage in deceptive advertising or bait and switch advertising regarding work concerning a residential photovoltaic system used to generate electricity or the sale or lease of a residential photovoltaic system used to generate electricity.

     2.  A contractor engages in deceptive advertising if, when advertising work concerning a residential photovoltaic system used to generate electricity, the contractor knowingly:

     (a) Makes a false representation about work concerning a residential photovoltaic system used to generate electricity.

     (b) Makes a false representation as to the source, sponsorship, approval or certification of work concerning a residential photovoltaic system used to generate electricity.

     (c) Makes a false representation as to affiliation, connection, association with or certification by another person or entity.

     (d) Represents that work concerning a residential photovoltaic system used to generate electricity is of a particular standard, quality or grade, or that goods related to such work are of a particular style or model, if the contractor knows or reasonably should know that the work or goods do not meet the advertised standard, quality, grade, style or model.

     (e) Makes false or misleading statements of fact concerning the price of work concerning a residential photovoltaic system used to generate electricity or the reasons for, existence of or amounts of reductions in price.

     (f) Makes any untrue statement of a material fact while advertising for work concerning a residential photovoltaic system used to generate electricity.

     (g) Fails to disclose or omits any material fact in connection with advertising for work concerning a residential photovoltaic system used to generate electricity.

     (h) Disparages the goods, services or business of another provider of work concerning a residential photovoltaic system used to generate electricity by false or misleading representation of fact.

     (i) Advertises work concerning a residential photovoltaic system used to generate electricity with the intent not to perform the work as advertised.

     (j) Advertises work concerning a residential photovoltaic system used to generate electricity with the intent not to supply reasonably expected public demand, unless the advertisement discloses a limitation of quantity.

     (k) Advertises that work concerning a residential photovoltaic system used to generate electricity can be completed within a certain number of days, unless, at the time the advertisement was made, more than half of the projects of work concerning residential photovoltaic systems used to generate electricity the contractor has completed were completed within the advertised number of days.

     (l) As a part of an advertising plan or scheme, notifies a person that the person has won a prize and that as a condition of receiving the prize, the person must enter into a contract for work concerning a residential photovoltaic system used to generate electricity.

     (m) Advertises for work concerning a residential photovoltaic system used to generate electricity:

          (1) Using an illustration of a residential photovoltaic system used to generate electricity and setting forth a price, with interest if financed, that, at the time the advertisement was made, does not accurately reflect the completed residential photovoltaic system used to generate electricity as illustrated; or

          (2) Setting forth an offer for work concerning a residential photovoltaic system used to generate electricity that does not comply with the federal Truth in Lending Act, as amended, 15 U.S.C. §§ 1601 et seq., and any federal regulations adopted pursuant thereto.

     (n) Advertises that the use of a residential photovoltaic system used to generate electricity is free of charge without disclosing applicable costs which are a condition of receiving the residential photovoltaic system used to generate electricity.

     (o) Uses coercion, duress or intimidation in advertising work concerning a residential photovoltaic system used to generate electricity or the sale or lease of a residential photovoltaic system used to generate electricity.

     (p) Advertises work concerning a residential photovoltaic system used to generate electricity or the sale or lease of a residential photovoltaic system used to generate electricity without having all state, county or city licenses necessary to perform such work or conduct such sale or lease.

     (q) Fails to disclose or makes a false representation in advertising the characteristics, uses or benefits of:

          (1) Work concerning a residential photovoltaic system used to generate electricity; or

          (2) A residential photovoltaic system used to generate electricity.

     3.  As used in this section:

     (a) “Advertising” means attempting by publication, dissemination, solicitation or circulation to induce, directly or indirectly, any person to enter into any obligation for work concerning a residential photovoltaic system used to generate electricity.

     (b) “Bait and switch advertising” means an offer to sell or lease goods or provide services which, in truth, the seller, lessor or provider may not intend or desire to sell, lease or provide, accompanied by one or more of the following practices:

          (1) Refusal to show any goods which are advertised.

          (2) Disparagement in any material respect of the advertised goods or services or the terms of the sale, lease or contract.

          (3) Requiring other sales or services or other undisclosed conditions to be met before selling, leasing or providing the advertised goods or services.

          (4) Refusal to take orders for the sale, lease or provision of goods or services advertised for delivery within a reasonable time.

          (5) Showing or demonstrating defective goods for sale or lease which are unusable or impractical for the purposes set forth in the advertisement.

          (6) Accepting a deposit for the goods or services for sale, lease or provision and subsequently switching the purchase order, lease or contract to higher priced goods or services.

          (7) Tendering a lease of goods advertised for sale or a sale of goods advertised for lease or tendering terms of sale or lease less favorable than the terms advertised.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R030-21, eff. 12-22-2021)


      NAC 624.695  Definitions. (NRS 624.100)  As used in NAC 624.695 to 624.697, inclusive, unless the context otherwise requires, the words and terms defined in NAC 624.69505 to 624.6957, inclusive, have the meanings ascribed to them in those sections.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 12-17-97; A by R117-01, 4-5-2002; R094-05, 12-29-2005)

      NAC 624.69505  “Advertising” defined. (NRS 624.100)  “Advertising” means attempting by publication, dissemination, solicitation or circulation to induce, directly or indirectly, any person to enter into any obligation for the repair, restoration, improvement, construction or sale of residential pools or spas.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R117-01, eff. 4-5-2002)

      NAC 624.6952  “Contract” defined. (NRS 624.100)  “Contract” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 624.905.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 12-17-97; A by R098-12, 12-20-2012)

      NAC 624.6954  “Contractor” defined. (NRS 624.100)  “Contractor” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 624.910.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 12-17-97; A by R094-05, 12-29-2005; R098-12, 12-20-2012)

      NAC 624.6956  “Owner” defined. (NRS 624.100)  “Owner” means an owner of a single-family residence who enters into a contract for work concerning a residential pool or spa with a contractor.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 12-17-97; A by R098-12, 12-20-2012)

      NAC 624.6957  “Work concerning a residential pool or spa” defined. (NRS 624.100)  “Work concerning a residential pool or spa” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 624.915.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R094-05, eff. 12-29-2005)

      NAC 624.69575  Bond or deposit for protection of consumers. (NRS 624.100, 624.276)

     1.  An applicant for the issuance or renewal of a license to perform work concerning a residential pool or spa who is required to provide a bond or cash deposit solely for the protection of consumers pursuant to NRS 624.276 shall submit with his or her application an affidavit that sets forth:

     (a) The aggregate value of all contracts for work concerning a residential pool or spa that the applicant entered into during the 12 months immediately preceding the date of his or her application;

     (b) The aggregate value of all contracts for work concerning a residential pool or spa that the applicant expects to enter into during the 12 months immediately following the date of the application;

     (c) The average dollar value of all contracts for work concerning a residential pool or spa that the applicant entered into during the 12 months immediately preceding the date of the application; and

     (d) The number of contracts for work concerning a residential pool or spa that are pending on the date of the application.

     2.  In fixing the amount of an applicant’s bond or cash deposit, the Board will consider the applicant’s financial and professional responsibility and the magnitude of his or her operations, but ordinarily the Board will base the amount of the bond or deposit on the greater of the aggregate value of all contracts for work concerning a residential pool or spa that the applicant entered into during the 12 months immediately preceding the date of his or her application or the aggregate value of all contracts for work concerning a residential pool or spa that the applicant expects to enter into during the 12 months immediately following the date of his or her application and fix the amount of the bond or deposit as follows:


Aggregate value

        Amount of

of contracts

bond or deposit



$25,000 or less.........................................................................................................................


25,001 to 50,000.........................................................................................................................


50,001 to 100,000.........................................................................................................................


100,001 to 250,000.........................................................................................................................


250,001 to 500,000.........................................................................................................................


500,001 to 1,000,000.........................................................................................................................


1,000,001 to 5,000,000.........................................................................................................................


more than 5,000,000.........................................................................................................................



     3.  The Board will notify an applicant who is required to provide a bond or cash deposit of the amount the Board has fixed.

     4.  An applicant who disagrees with the amount of the bond or deposit fixed by the Board may petition the Board to reconsider the amount. The petition must:

     (a) Be addressed to the Executive Officer of the Board and filed with the Board within 10 days after the applicant receives notification of the amount;

     (b) Set forth specific reasons why the amount fixed by the Board should be modified; and

     (c) Include all documentary evidence in support of the petition that the applicant wishes the Board to consider.

Ê Within 30 days after receiving a timely filed petition, the Board or its designee will fully consider the issues raised in the petition, fix the amount of the bond or deposit and notify the applicant of the amount. The amount of the bond or deposit fixed after reconsideration may be less than, greater than or the same as the amount originally fixed.

     5.  The Board will provide a blank form of a bond to each applicant required to provide such a bond. The bond will be in substantially the following form:






License Bond No.: ........................................




That ....................................................................., having a principal place of business in the city of ......................................., in the State of .............., as principal (hereinafter “Principal”), and .............................................................................................., a corporation licensed to execute surety bonds under the provisions of the Nevada Insurance Code, and whose long-term obligations are rated “A” or better by a nationally recognized rating agency, as surety (hereinafter “Surety”), are held and firmly bound to the State of Nevada in the full and just sum of ...................................................... Dollars ($ .......................................) for which payment well and truly to be made, the Principal and Surety bind themselves, their respective heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents.




Whereas, the principal has applied for or holds a contractor’s license with the Nevada State Contractors’ Board pursuant to Chapter 624 of Nevada Revised Statutes to perform work concerning residential pools and spas.

NOW, THEREFORE, this bond is made in favor of the State of Nevada solely for the benefit of a consumer who entered into a contract with a contractor to perform work concerning a residential pool or spa and:

     (a) Is damaged by the failure of the contractor to perform the contract or to remove liens filed against the property; or

     (b) Is injured by any unlawful act or omission of the contractor in the performance of a contract.

If an action is commenced on this bond, the Surety shall notify the Board of the action within thirty (30) days after: (a) being served with a complaint and summons; or (b) the action is commenced, whichever occurs first. The total aggregate liability of the Surety for all claims shall be limited to the face amount of the bond, irrespective of the number of years the bond is in force or the number of claims filed. The Surety shall have the right to terminate its suretyship under this obligation by serving written notice of its election so to do upon the State Contractors’ Board, at its office in Reno, Nevada, by certified mail at least sixty (60) days prior to the date of termination of suretyship. Thereafter, the Surety shall be discharged from liability hereunder for any default of the Principal occurring after the date of termination. The liability of the Surety shall be confined to acts, omissions or defaults of the Principal occurring subsequent to the effective date hereof.

NO ACTION MAY BE COMMENCED on this bond after the expiration of two (2) years following the commission of the act upon which the action is based.

IN THE EVENT the Surety shall make any payments hereunder, without awaiting Court action, the bond amount shall be reduced to the extent of any payment made by the Surety in good faith under the bond, provided the Surety shall notify the Board, in writing, within ten (10) days of any payments made hereunder.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Principal and said Surety have executed this instrument on the .................... day of ..................................., ............., to be effective on the .................... day of ...................................., .............

By: ..................................................................             By:................................................................

         (SIGNATURE OF NEVADA AGENT)                        (SIGNATURE OF PRINCIPAL)

Agent License No.: .......................

Address: .........................................................             Surety:..........................................................

.........................................................................             ......................................................................

                                                                                         (SIGNATURE OF ATTORNEY-IN-FACT)

                                                                                   POWER OF ATTORNEY MUST BE ATTACHED


     6.  An applicant required to provide a bond or cash deposit must file the properly executed bond on the form provided by the Board or establish the deposit within 30 days after receiving the original or reconsidered notification from the Board of the amount of the bond or deposit required.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R094-05, eff. 12-29-2005)

      NAC 624.6958  Requirements for contracts. (NRS 624.100, 624.940)  A contractor shall ensure that each contract for work concerning a residential pool or spa that the contractor enters into:

     1.  Is evidenced in writing and that any changes to the contract are also evidenced in writing.

     2.  In addition to each provision required by NRS 624.940, contains the following, each of which must be printed in at least 10-point bold type:

     (a) A schedule of payments that meets the requirements of NAC 624.6964;

     (b) An agreement by the contractor to provide to each subcontractor or supplier prompt and full payment upon completion of each stage or phase of construction for the contracted amount of services rendered or materials supplied; and

     (c) A statement that upon satisfactory payment being made for any portion of the work performed, the contractor shall, in accordance with subsection 3 of NAC 624.6966 and before any further payment is requested or made, provide to the owner a full and unconditional release from any claim of mechanic’s lien for that portion of the work for which payment has been made.

     3.  Is signed by the contractor or a person named on his or her license.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 12-17-97; A by R117-01, 4-5-2002; R098-12, 12-20-2012)

      NAC 624.696  Additional provisions in contract. (NRS 624.100, 624.940)  A contract for work concerning a residential pool or spa may, in addition to the items required pursuant to NAC 624.6958, contain any provision agreed to by the parties.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 12-17-97; A by R098-12, 12-20-2012)

      NAC 624.6964  Requirements for schedule of payments; exceptions. (NRS 624.100, 624.940)  Except as otherwise provided in this section, a schedule of payments that is required to be included in a contract for work concerning a residential pool or spa pursuant to subsection 2 of NAC 624.6958 and any payment made pursuant to that schedule must comply with the following requirements:

     1.  The schedule of payments must be stated in dollars and cents and must, for each payment, specifically reference the amount of work or services to be performed and any materials and equipment to be supplied or installed.

     2.  The schedule of payments must not set a timetable for the completion of any stage or phase of the project that exceeds 30 days, unless completion of the stage or phase is delayed by an act of God or the owner agrees in writing to a longer period.

     3.  Except as otherwise provided in subsection 4, the schedule of payments must not provide for the contractor to receive, nor may the contractor actually receive, payments in excess of 100 percent of the contracted amount for any stage or phase of the work performed on the project at any time, excluding any applicable finance charges.

     4.  The schedule of payments may provide for the owner to pay to the contractor a down payment that complies with the provisions of paragraph (g) of subsection 2 of NRS 624.940.

     5.  Payment for any stage or phase of the work performed for the contracted amount, as set forth in the schedule of payments, must not be due until the completion of that stage or phase of construction.

     6.  A contractor may require final payment for the final stage or phase of the construction of a residential pool or spa after the completion of the plastering and the final inspection by the local building department, unless any installation of equipment, decking or fencing that is required in the contract is not completed.

     7.  The requirements set forth in subsections 1 to 6, inclusive, do not apply if the contract provides for:

     (a) The contractor to furnish a bond for payment and performance covering full performance and completion of the contract;

     (b) Full payment to be made upon satisfactory completion of the entire project; or

     (c) A schedule of payments to commence upon satisfactory completion of the entire project.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 12-17-97; A by R098-12, 12-20-2012)

      NAC 624.6966  Duties of contractor. (NRS 624.100, 624.930, 624.935, 624.940)

     1.  A contractor who receives an initial payment of $1,000 or 10 percent of the aggregate contract price, whichever is less, pursuant to a contract for work concerning a residential pool or spa shall start the work within 30 days after the date all necessary permits for the work, if any, are issued, unless the person who made the payment agrees in writing to a longer period to apply for the necessary permits or start the work or to longer periods for both.

     2.  A contractor who receives money pursuant to a contract for work concerning a residential pool or spa shall complete the work diligently and shall not refuse to perform any work for any 30-day period.

     3.  If satisfactory payment is made for any portion of the work performed, the contractor shall, before any further payment is made, furnish the owner a full and unconditional release from any claim of mechanic’s lien for that portion of the work for which payment has been made.

     4.  The requirements of subsection 3 do not apply if the contract provides for the contractor to furnish a bond for payment and performance covering full performance and completion of the contract and the bond is furnished by the contractor.

     5.  At the time the owner signs the contract, the contractor shall furnish the owner a legible copy of all documents signed and a written and signed receipt for any money paid to the contractor by the owner.

     6.  The contractor shall apply for and obtain all necessary permits in a timely manner.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 12-17-97; A by R098-12, 12-20-2012)

      NAC 624.6967  Practices constituting deceptive advertising. (NRS 624.100, 624.945)  A contractor engages in deceptive advertising if, in the course of his or her business or occupation, the contractor:

     1.  Knowingly makes a false representation as to the source, sponsorship, approval or certification of goods or services for work concerning a residential pool or spa or the sale of a residential pool or spa.

     2.  Knowingly makes a false representation as to affiliation, connection, association with or certification by another person or entity.

     3.  Represents that goods or services for work concerning a residential pool or spa or the sale of a residential pool or spa are of a particular standard, quality or grade, or that such goods are of a particular style or model, if the contractor knows or reasonably should know that the goods or services are of another standard, quality or grade or that the goods are of another style or model.

     4.  Makes false or misleading statements of fact concerning the price of goods or services for work concerning a residential pool or spa or the sale of a residential pool or spa or the reasons for, existence of, or amounts of reductions in price.

     5.  Fraudulently alters any contract, written estimate of repair, written statement of charges or other document in connection with work concerning a residential pool or spa or the sale of a residential pool or spa.

     6.  Knowingly makes any false representation in a transaction for work concerning a residential pool or spa or the sale of a residential pool or spa.

     7.  Makes any untrue statement of a material fact in an advertisement for the repair, restoration, improvement, construction or sale of residential pools or spas.

     8.  Fails to disclose a material fact in connection with advertising for the repair, restoration, improvement, construction or sale of residential pools or spas.

     9.  Disparages the goods, services or business of another by false or misleading representation of fact.

     10.  Advertises goods or services with the intent not to sell them as advertised.

     11.  Advertises goods or services for the repair, restoration, improvement, construction or sale of residential pools or spas with the intent not to supply reasonably expected public demand, unless the advertisement discloses a limitation of quantity.

     12.  Advertises that a residential pool or spa can be completed within a certain number of days, unless at least 51 percent of the residential pools or spas the contractor has completed were completed within the advertised number of days.

     13.  Fails to complete a project for work concerning a residential pool or spa or the sale of a residential pool or spa within the time set forth in an advertisement of the contractor.

     14.  As a part of an advertising plan or scheme, notifies a person, by any means, that the person has won a prize and that as a condition of receiving the prize the person must enter into a contract for work concerning a residential pool or spa or the sale of a residential pool or spa.

     15.  Advertises for work concerning residential pools or spas or the sale of residential pools or spas:

     (a) Using an illustration of a pool or spa and setting forth a price, if the price does not accurately reflect the completed residential pool or spa as illustrated.

     (b) Setting forth an offer for financing of the project, unless the advertisement identifies the person through which the financing will be obtained and the annual percentage rate that will be charged for the financing.

     16.  Provides a contract for work concerning a residential pool or spa or the sale of a residential pool or spa that contains terms which are less favorable than the terms the contractor advertised.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R117-01, eff. 4-5-2002; A by R098-12, 12-20-2012)

      NAC 624.69675  Prohibited advertising practices; sale to builder who is also owner of pool or spa. (NRS 624.031, 624.100, 624.945)

     1.  A contractor shall not:

     (a) Engage in deceptive advertising or “bait and switch” advertising in connection with the sale of contracts for work concerning residential pools or spas or the sale of residential pools or spas.

     (b) Sell a residential pool or spa for installation pursuant to the exemption set forth in subsection 4 of NRS 624.031 unless the contractor provides to the builder who is also the owner of the residential pool or spa a copy of the provisions of NRS 278.573, subsection 4 of NRS 624.031 and NRS 624.930.

     2.  As used in this section, “bait and switch” advertising has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 624.945.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R117-01, eff. 4-5-2002; A by R098-12, 12-20-2012)

      NAC 624.6968  Compliance with applicable federal, state or local law. (NRS 624.100)  The provisions of NAC 624.695 to 624.697, inclusive, do not relieve a contractor of the duty to comply with any other applicable federal, state or local law.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 12-17-97)

      NAC 624.697  Effect of failure to comply with requirements of law. (NRS 624.100, 624.940)  If a contractor, while carrying out duties preparatory to entering into or pursuant to a contract for work concerning a residential pool or spa, fails to comply with one or more of the provisions of NRS 624.900 to 624.965, inclusive, and NAC 624.695 to 624.697, inclusive, such failure:

     1.  Renders the contract unenforceable against the owner; and

     2.  Constitutes cause for disciplinary action pursuant to NRS 624.300.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 12-17-97; A by R098-12, 12-20-2012)


      NAC 624.6975  Definitions. (NRS 624.100)  As used in NAC 624.6975 to 624.7296, inclusive, unless the context otherwise requires, the words and terms defined in NAC 624.6978 to 624.6989, inclusive, have the meanings ascribed to them in those sections.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R014-02, eff. 7-2-2002; A by R022-04, 4-30-2004; R146-07, 4-17-2008; R014-19, 11-2-2020)

      NAC 624.6978  “Complaint” defined. (NRS 624.100)  “Complaint” means a document issued by the Executive Officer to a respondent that includes a short and plain statement alleging a violation of a provision of this chapter or chapter 624 of NRS.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R014-02, eff. 7-2-2002; A by R014-19, 11-2-2020)

      NAC 624.6981  “Contested case” defined. (NRS 624.100)  “Contested case” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 233B.032.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R014-02, eff. 7-2-2002)

      NAC 624.6984  “Notice of hearing” defined. (NRS 624.100)  “Notice of hearing” means a document that includes the information required by NRS 233B.121.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R014-02, eff. 7-2-2002)

      NAC 624.6987  “Respondent” defined. (NRS 624.100)  “Respondent” means a licensee or an applicant for a contractor’s license who is charged in a complaint with a violation of the provisions of this chapter or chapter 624 of NRS.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R014-02, eff. 7-2-2002)

      NAC 624.6989  Suspend” defined. (NRS 624.100)  “Suspend” means to impose a temporary prohibition against a licensee engaging in work as a contractor pursuant to chapter 624 of NRS.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R014-19, eff. 11-2-2020)

      NAC 624.699  Receipt of written documents by Board. (NRS 624.100)  A written document shall be deemed received by the Board if the document is:

     1.  Filed at the office of the Board in Henderson, Nevada, or Reno, Nevada, and addressed to the Executive Officer; or

     2.  Presented to the Board at a hearing.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R014-02, eff. 7-2-2002; A by R014-19, 11-2-2020)

      NAC 624.700  Allegations against licensees; investigations; authority of Executive Officer. (NRS 624.100, 624.335)

     1.  Any aggrieved person may file with the Board an allegation against any licensee. The allegation must:

     (a) Be written;

     (b) Describe the specific allegation; and

     (c) Include any documentation related to the allegation.

     2.  If the Board finds that an investigation is necessary, the Board’s staff shall commence the investigation within 10 days after the date the allegation was filed.

     3.  If it appears from the investigation that a licensee may have violated the provisions of this chapter or chapter 624 of NRS, the Executive Officer may:

     (a) Request the licensee to take appropriate corrective action;

     (b) Request the licensee to meet informally with the Board’s staff and the person who filed the allegation to resolve the issue;

     (c) Require the licensee to appear before the Board and show cause why disciplinary action should not be taken against the licensee; and

     (d) Take such other actions as the Executive Officer deems appropriate under the circumstances.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83; A 11-6-85; R014-02, 7-2-2002; R190-03, 1-22-2004; R014-19, 11-2-2020)

      NAC 624.705  Qualifications of person serving as hearing officer. (NRS 624.100, 624.2545)  A person serving as a hearing officer to whom the Board has delegated its authority pursuant to NRS 624.140 or 624.2545 must:

     1.  Be an attorney in good standing licensed to practice law in this State;

     2.  Have at least 5 years of experience as an attorney licensed to practice law in this State or another state which includes, without limitation, preparing for, participating in or reviewing formal hearings or trials in civil actions or administrative proceedings at the federal, state or local level; and

     3.  Possess one of the following qualifications:

     (a) Have at least 5 years of experience as an attorney licensed to practice law in this State or another state practicing in the fields of construction law, bankruptcy law and the licensing of contractors; or

     (b) Be a former:

          (1) Judge of a state court of general jurisdiction;

          (2) Federal judge; or

          (3) Federal magistrate judge.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R013-19, eff. 10-30-2019)

      NAC 624.710  Address of applicant or licensee on file with Board deemed correct address; notice of address change. (NRS 624.100)

     1.  The address of an applicant or licensee which is on file with the Board shall be deemed to be the correct address of the applicant or licensee.

     2.  Within 30 days after any change of address, an applicant or licensee shall provide to the Board written notice of any change of address of the applicant or licensee.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83; A by R081-01, 11-8-2001; R014-02, 7-2-2002; R014-19, 11-2-2020)

      NAC 624.711  Conditions for contractor placed on probation in lieu of suspension or revocation of license to continue existing construction projects; subsequent discipline of contractor. (NRS 624.100)  If the Board or its designee has grounds to suspend or revoke a contractor’s license or otherwise discipline a contractor, the Board or its designee may place the contractor on probation until the contractor completes the contractor’s existing construction projects or portions thereof under conditions deemed necessary by the Board to protect the public, the construction project and the owner of the construction project. The Board or its designee may thereafter suspend or revoke the contractor’s license or otherwise discipline the contractor.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R014-19, eff. 11-2-2020)

      NAC 624.712  Requirements of order imposing probation; terms and conditions of probation. (NRS 624.100)

     1.  An order of the Board that imposes probation must state:

     (a) The period of time during which a licensee is subject to probation;

     (b) The terms and conditions imposed by the Board during the period of probation; and

     (c) The consequences for the failure of a licensee to comply with the terms and conditions imposed by the Board.

     2.  The terms and conditions which the Board may impose during a period of probation include, without limitation:

     (a) Imposing disciplinary action pursuant to paragraphs (c), (e) and (f) of subsection 1 of NRS 624.300;

     (b) Monitoring or reviewing the contracts or practices of a licensee;

     (c) Ordering a licensee to complete remedial education;

     (d) Requiring the licensee to change the qualified person listed on a license or add a qualified person to a license; and

     (e) Requiring compliance with any other term or condition which is intended to address, remediate, correct or prevent a practice or harm which relates to the circumstances of the particular case as a result of which probation is imposed.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R014-19, eff. 11-2-2020)

      NAC 624.713  Notice of contemplated action: Contents; response. (NRS 624.100)

     1.  A notice that the Board provides to a licensee pursuant to NAC 624.7256 will include:

     (a) A copy of the complaint;

     (b) The date by which the licensee is required to submit an answer or responsive pleading and any supporting documents to the Board;

     (c) A statement that the licensee is entitled to a hearing only if the licensee complies with the provisions set forth in paragraph (b); and

     (d) A statement that the failure of the licensee to comply with the provisions of subsection 2 may cause the Board to enter a default order against the licensee.

     2.  The answer required by paragraph (b) of subsection 1 must be in writing, signed by the respondent or the respondent’s attorney and include a specific response to each allegation in the complaint. The response must admit or deny the allegation, or state that the respondent has insufficient information to admit or deny the allegation.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R081-01, eff. 11-8-2001; A by R014-02, 7-2-2002; R014-19, 11-2-2020)

      NAC 624.716  Notice of contemplated action: Hearing; default order; request for reconsideration. (NRS 624.100)

     1.  If a licensee receives a notice from the Board pursuant to NAC 624.7256, the licensee is entitled to a hearing only if the licensee complies with the provisions of paragraph (b) of subsection 1 of NAC 624.713. If the licensee fails to comply with those provisions, the Board or its designee will hold a hearing to determine whether it will enter a default order against the licensee.

     2.  The Board or its designee may consider at the hearing:

     (a) The complaint and any amended complaints provided to the licensee;

     (b) Any notices provided to the licensee pursuant to NAC 624.7256;

     (c) Any communication between the Board and the licensee; and

     (d) Any other evidence relating to the allegations set forth in the complaint or amended complaints.

     3.  The Board or its designee may:

     (a) Include evidence presented at the hearing in its findings of fact and conclusions of law; and

     (b) Enter a default order against the licensee.

     4.  If the Board or its designee enters a default order against the licensee, the Board or its designee will:

     (a) Send to the licensee by certified mail, return receipt requested, a copy of the default order, including any findings of fact and conclusions of law, not later than 7 days after the Board enters its order; and

     (b) Take such disciplinary action against the licensee as it deems appropriate.

     5.  A licensee against whom a default order is entered may submit to the Board a written request for reconsideration of the order not later than 14 days after receiving a copy of the order. The written request must set forth the reasons for reconsideration by the Board or its designee.

     6.  The Board or its designee will review the request to determine whether there is good cause for reconsideration of the order. If the Board or its designee determines that good cause for reconsideration exists, the Board or its designee will schedule a hearing and notify the licensee, in writing, of the time and place of the hearing. The Board or its designee will schedule the hearing for not later than 90 days after the decision granting reconsideration of the order is made.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R081-01, eff. 11-8-2001; A by R014-02, 7-2-2002; R190-03, 1-22-2004; R014-19, 11-2-2020)

      NAC 624.720  Notice of impaired financial responsibility or violation of law; authority of Board to set hearing. (NRS 624.100)  If the Board believes that a licensee’s financial responsibility is impaired or that the licensee is in violation of chapter 624 of NRS or this chapter, the Board will so notify the licensee and may set a hearing regarding the financial responsibility of the licensee or the alleged violation by the licensee of chapter 624 of NRS or this chapter.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd., eff. 8-26-83; A by R014-19, 11-2-2020)

      NAC 624.725  Administrative citation: Service; contents. (NRS 624.100, 624.341, 624.361)  A written administrative citation issued pursuant to NRS 624.341 may be served by personal service on the person named in the administrative citation, or a designated representative thereof, or by certified mail to the address of record of the person and must include, to the extent applicable:

     1.  The name and last known business or residential address of the person;

     2.  A numbered identification of the person;

     3.  The date on which the citation is issued;

     4.  The number of the citation;

     5.  A list of the sections of this chapter or chapter 624 of NRS which the person is alleged to have violated and a description of the alleged violation;

     6.  Corrective actions, if any, ordered against the person;

     7.  Administrative fines, if any, to be assessed against the person;

     8.  The reimbursement costs, if any, which the person is ordered to pay to cover the costs of any investigation;

     9.  The date by which the person must complete any corrective actions ordered;

     10.  The date by which the person must pay any administrative fines or reimbursement of investigative costs;

     11.  A description of the manner in which the person may contest the citation, including, without limitation, the period during which the person may contest the citation and the consequences of failing to contest the citation timely;

     12.  The signature of the Executive Officer; and

     13.  Any other information required by the Board.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R067-01, eff. 12-17-2001; A by R022-04, 4-30-2004; R146-07, 4-17-2008; R014-19, 11-2-2020)

      NAC 624.72505  Administrative citation: Withdrawal. (NRS 624.100, 624.341)  A written administrative citation issued pursuant to NRS 624.341 may be withdrawn:

     1.  By the Board at any time.

     2.  By the Executive Officer:

     (a) Before the citation is deemed a final order of the Board pursuant to NRS 624.345; or

     (b) If the cited person contests the citation, before the commencement of the hearing required pursuant to NRS 624.351.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R146-07, eff. 4-17-2008; A by R014-19, 11-2-2020)

      NAC 624.7251  Specification of violation for imposition of administrative fine; amount; reduction or stay of fine or any other penalty; grounds for assessment of maximum fine. (NRS 624.100, 624.300, 624.3016, 624.341, 624.361, 624.710)

     1.  If the Board or its designee issues an order imposing an administrative fine pursuant to the provisions of this chapter and chapter 624 of NRS, each such fine assessed by the Board or its designee must:

     (a) Specify the violation for which the person is being cited; and

     (b) Subject to the provisions of subsections 2, 3 and 4, be in an amount which is not less than the minimum amount or more than the maximum amount as follows for the violation:



Minimum Fine

Maximum Fine




     NRS 624.301............................................................



     Paragraph (a) of subsection 1 or subparagraph (4) of paragraph (b) of subsection 1 of NRS 624.3011...........................................................



     Subparagraph (1), (2) or (3) of paragraph (b) of subsection 1 of NRS 624.3011.........................



     Subsection 1, 2 or 3 of NRS 624.3012....................



     Subsection 4 of NRS 624.3012................................



     Subsection 1 or 4 of NRS 624.3013........................



     Subsection 2 of NRS 624.3013................................



     Subsection 3 of NRS 624.3013................................



     Subsection 5 of NRS 624.3013................................



     NRS 624.3014..........................................................



     Subsection 1 or 6 of NRS 624.3015........................



     Subsection 2, 3 or 4 of NRS 624.3015....................



     Subsection 5 of NRS 624.3015................................



     Subsection 7 of NRS 624.3015................................



     Subsection 1, 2, 4, 6, 7 or 8 of NRS 624.3016........



     Subsection 3, 5, 10, 11, 12 or 13 of NRS 624.3016



     Subsection 9 of NRS 624.3016................................



     NRS 624.30165........................................................



     Subsection 1 of NRS 624.3017................................



     Subsection 2 of NRS 624.3017................................



     Subsection 3 of NRS 624.3017................................



     Subsection 1 of NRS 624.302..................................



     Subsection 5 or 6 of NRS 624.302..........................



     Subsection 7 of NRS 624.302..................................



     Subsection 1 of NRS 624.305..................................



     NRS 624.520............................................................



     Subsection 1 of NRS 624.700..................................



     Subsection 1, 3 or 4 of NRS 624.720......................



     NRS 624.740............................................................




     2.  In determining the amount of an administrative fine to be imposed pursuant to subsection 1, the Board or its designee will consider the factors set forth in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of subsection 4 of NRS 624.300 and paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of subsection 2 of NRS 624.710, as applicable.

     3.  Unless otherwise prohibited by law and except as otherwise provided by subsection 6, the Board or its designee may reduce or stay a fine assessed pursuant to subsection 1 or any other penalty imposed pursuant to this chapter or chapter 624 of NRS pending completion of a training program, examination or any other means of remediation or retraining required by the Board or its designee which is based upon the circumstances for which the fine was assessed or the penalty imposed.

     4.  The Board or its designee will assess the maximum fine listed in subsection 1 only if one or more of the following circumstances apply:

     (a) The cited person has a history of violating the same or similar sections of NRS, NAC or any relevant administrative order;

     (b) The administrative citation specifies more than one violation;

     (c) The cited person has unreasonably ignored written warnings;

     (d) The violation or violations have caused harm to other persons;

     (e) The violation or violations were perpetrated against a person 60 years of age or older or a person with a diagnosed physical or mental disability; or

     (f) The violation or violations involved a construction project costing more than $500,000.

     5.  The Board or its designee will assess the maximum fine listed in subsection 1 if the cited person has previously violated the same or similar sections of NRS, NAC or any relevant administrative order at least twice in the immediately preceding 5 years.

     6.  If the Board or its designee intends to exercise the discretion authorized in subsection 3:

     (a) The Board or its designee may state the reasons for the exercise of discretion orally at the hearing on the matter and must state such reasons in writing in any written order or decision on the matter; and

     (b) The reasons for the exercise of discretion must be derived from the presentation of the case and the findings or determinations of the Board or its designee based on the presentation of the case.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R022-04, eff. 4-30-2004; A by R118-06, 6-28-2006; R146-07, 4-17-2008; R019-14, 10-24-2014; R014-19, 11-2-2020; R022-21, 12-22-2021)

      NAC 624.72512  Order for corrective action: Determination to include in administrative citation. (NRS 624.100, 624.341)  In addition to any other factors that the Board uses to determine whether an administrative citation issued pursuant to NRS 624.341 should include an order for corrective action, the Board or its designee may consider:

     1.  Whether compliance with such an order would result in excessive destruction or substantial waste to the existing construction on the construction project;

     2.  The willingness of the owner of the construction project to allow such corrective action; or

     3.  A determination by the Executive Officer or his or her designee that the licensee is able to perform the corrective action.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R022-04, eff. 4-30-2004; A by R014-19, 11-2-2020)

      NAC 624.72514  Order for corrective action: Determination of time permitted for compliance. (NRS 624.100, 624.341, 624.361)  In determining the time permitted for compliance with an order for corrective action issued pursuant to NRS 624.341, the Board or its designee will determine the time for compliance with the order by considering, without limitation:

     1.  The accepted industry practice regarding the performance of the work necessary to comply with the order for corrective action, in the climate or weather conditions of the area in which the construction project is located.

     2.  The number of days during which the owner of the construction project will make the site of the construction project available for the contractor to comply with the order for corrective action.

     3.  The time necessary to obtain materials required for the contractor to comply with the order for corrective action.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R022-04, eff. 4-30-2004; A by R014-19, 11-2-2020)

      NAC 624.72516  Order for corrective action: Extension of time for compliance. (NRS 624.100, 624.341, 624.361)

     1.  A licensee who is issued an administrative citation pursuant to NRS 624.341 which includes an order for corrective action may request an extension of time to comply with the order.

     2.  A request for an extension made pursuant to this section must:

     (a) Be submitted in writing to the Executive Officer;

     (b) Set forth an explanation of the efforts made by the licensee to comply with the order for corrective action; and

     (c) Be received by the Executive Officer or his or her designee before the expiration of the time allowed for compliance with the order set forth in the citation.

     3.  The Executive Officer or his or her designee may, upon a showing of good cause, grant a request for an extension made pursuant to this section.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R022-04, eff. 4-30-2004)

      NAC 624.72518  Order for corrective action: Joint responsibility of licensee and hired licensee for performance by hired licensee. (NRS 624.100, 624.300, 624.341)  If a licensee is issued an administrative citation pursuant to NRS 624.341 that includes an order for corrective action and the cited licensee hires and pays another licensee to perform the corrective action pursuant to subparagraph (2) of paragraph (f) of subsection 1 of NRS 624.300, the cited licensee and the hired licensee are jointly responsible for any failure of the hired licensee to comply with the order for corrective action included in the citation.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R022-04, eff. 4-30-2004; A by R014-19, 11-2-2020)

      NAC 624.7253  Liberal construction of provisions governing practices in contested cases; deviation from provisions. (NRS 624.100)

     1.  The provisions of NAC 624.6975 to 624.7296, inclusive, govern practices in any contested case before the Board, and the Board or its designee will liberally construe those provisions to determine all matters before the Board or its designee in a just, speedy and economical manner.

     2.  The Board or its designee may allow a deviation from the provisions of NAC 624.6975 to 624.7296, inclusive, if the Board or its designee determines that the deviation would not have a material adverse effect on the substantial interests of the parties and good cause for the deviation exists. If the Board or its designee allows such a deviation, it will include in the record the deviation and the reasons for the deviation.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R014-02, eff. 7-2-2002; A by R022-04, 4-30-2004; R014-19, 11-2-2020)

      NAC 624.7256  Time and place of hearing; notice; time for objection. (NRS 624.100)

     1.  The Board will:

     (a) Set the date, time and place of a hearing for a contested case; and

     (b) At least 21 days before the hearing, send a copy of the complaint and notice of hearing by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the respondent at the address on file with the Board, or by personal service in the manner provided in NRS and the Nevada Rules of Civil Procedure for service in civil actions. The complaint and notice of hearing may be included in the same document. A proof of service must be attached to the original of any document that is served by mail.

     2.  There is a rebuttable presumption that a complaint and notice of hearing has been received by a respondent 7 days after the date the complaint and notice of hearing is deposited with the United States Postal System.

     3.  An objection that any notice required by NAC 624.6975 to 624.7296, inclusive, was not provided in the manner set forth in those provisions will be deemed waived unless the objection is raised by the respondent before the introduction of any evidence into the record at a hearing of the Board.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R014-02, eff. 7-2-2002; A by R022-04, 4-30-2004; R014-19, 11-2-2020)

      NAC 624.7259  Addition or dismissal of cause for disciplinary action; amendment or withdrawal of complaint. (NRS 624.100)

     1.  The Executive Officer may add or dismiss a cause for disciplinary action against a respondent before the Board or its designee holds a hearing on that cause of action.

     2.  The Board or the Executive Officer may amend a complaint at any time. Notice of an amended complaint must be given in the same manner as a notice of an original complaint. The Board will grant a continuance if an amendment materially alters the complaint in such a way that the respondent will be unable to prepare the respondent’s case in a timely manner.

     3.  The Executive Officer may withdraw a complaint at any time before the Board holds a hearing on the complaint. After the hearing is commenced, only the Board may withdraw a complaint.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R014-02, eff. 7-2-2002; A by R190-03, 1-22-2004; R014-19, 11-2-2020)

      NAC 624.7263  Request for continuance; granting of continuance. (NRS 624.100)

     1.  A respondent or a respondent’s attorney may request a continuance of a hearing upon a showing of good cause. A request for a continuance must be submitted to the Executive Officer in writing on a form prescribed by the Board. The request must be received by the Executive Officer at least 14 days before the hearing.

     2.  A request for a continuance must specify the reasons constituting good cause for granting the continuance. A request for a continuance that is received less than 14 days before the hearing must indicate that the request is the result of an emergency which arose less than 14 days before the hearing.

     3.  The Executive Officer may grant a continuance before a hearing is held if the request for a continuance is received more than 14 days before the hearing. The Board or its designee may grant a continuance if the request for a continuance is received not more than 14 days before the hearing. The Board or its designee may continue a hearing at any time after the hearing is commenced.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R014-02, eff. 7-2-2002; A by R014-19, 11-2-2020)

      NAC 624.7266  Form of papers submitted to Board; consent to electronic service. (NRS 624.100)

     1.  All papers submitted to the Board by a party in a contested case must be typewritten on one side only, on white paper that is 8 1/2 by 11 inches in size. The first page of each document must include the names of the parties in the contested case and the number, if any, assigned to the case by the Board.

     2.  All papers submitted to the Board must be submitted to the Executive Officer or as otherwise directed by the Board or its designee.

     3.  The parties to a contested matter may consent to electronic service and serve papers electronically in a manner agreed to by the parties.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R014-02, eff. 7-2-2002; A by R014-19, 11-2-2020)

      NAC 624.7269  Consolidation of contested cases. (NRS 624.100)  The Executive Officer or the Board or its designee may consolidate two or more contested cases if the Executive Officer or the Board or its designee determines that the issues are substantially similar and the interests of the parties will not be prejudiced by the consolidation. The presiding officer of the hearing will determine the order of procedure at a consolidated hearing.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R014-02, eff. 7-2-2002; A by R014-19, 11-2-2020)

      NAC 624.7273  Motions: Contents; opposition; written reply; decision by Board. (NRS 624.100)

     1.  A party may only make those motions set out in subsection 2 of NRS 622A.360. A motion, unless made at a hearing, must be made in writing.

     2.  A written motion must set forth the nature of the relief requested and the grounds for the relief.

     3.  A party who wishes to oppose a motion must serve and file a written response to the motion not later than 14 days after receiving the motion.

     4.  The moving party may serve and file a written reply only if an opposition to the motion has been served and filed.

     5.  The Board or its designee may issue a decision on a motion without oral argument.

     6.  If the Board or its designee wishes to oppose a motion, the Board or its designee is not required to serve or file a written response to the motion.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R014-02, eff. 7-2-2002; A by R190-03, 1-22-2004; R098-12, 12-20-2012; R014-19, 11-2-2020)

      NAC 624.7276  Subpoenas: Application; rebuttable presumption; issuance and service. (NRS 624.100, 624.170)

     1.  A party may apply to the Board for the issuance of a subpoena pursuant to NRS 624.170. An application for the issuance of a subpoena must:

     (a) Be submitted in writing;

     (b) Include a statement of the facts that demonstrate the reasons why the subpoena is necessary;

     (c) Identify with reasonable particularity the document, identity of the witness or other evidence sought by the subpoena;

     (d) Include an address of where the document, witness or other evidence sought may be located or any other information necessary for sufficient service of process; and

     (e) Be received by the Board at least 14 days before the hearing for which the subpoena is issued.

     2.  The Board will issue a subpoena if the subpoena is reasonably calculated to lead to the presentation of admissible evidence in the contested case. An application for the issuance of a subpoena that does not meet the requirements of subsection 1 creates a rebuttable presumption that the subpoena is not reasonably calculated to lead to the presentation of admissible evidence. The presumption may be overcome if the party shows good cause for failing to meet the requirements of subsection 1. A hearing may not be continued solely for failure by a party to timely seek a subpoena or to serve a subpoena as required by this chapter or the Nevada Rules of Civil Procedure.

     3.  If the Board issues a subpoena, the party who requests the subpoena shall:

     (a) Serve the subpoena in the manner prescribed by Rule 45 of the Nevada Rules of Civil Procedure;

     (b) Submit proof of such service with the Board before any evidence produced by the issuance of the subpoena is presented at the hearing; and

     (c) Pay the costs related to the issuance and service of the subpoena including, without limitation, witness fees as provided by NRS 50.255. The Board may require payment of its costs before the issuance of the subpoena.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R014-02, eff. 7-2-2002; A by R014-19, 11-2-2020)

      NAC 624.7279  Representation of parties; rules of conduct; provision of information to attorney; withdrawal of attorney; consideration of evidence or exhibits. (NRS 624.100)

     1.  Any party who appears at a hearing may represent himself or herself or may be represented by an attorney licensed to practice law in this State.

     2.  Each person who appears at a hearing shall comply with the standards of ethical and courteous conduct required in the courts of this State. If a person fails to comply with those standards of conduct, the Board may:

     (a) Exclude the person or the person’s representative from the hearing; or

     (b) Terminate the hearing.

     3.  If a party is represented by an attorney, upon reasonable demand the Board will provide to the attorney any notice, document or other paper that the Board is required to provide to the party.

     4.  An attorney may withdraw from representing a party if the attorney provides written notice of his or her withdrawal to the Board and the party whom he or she represented.

     5.  The Board or its designee may refuse to consider any documentary evidence or exhibit presented by a party at a hearing if the evidence or exhibit was not reasonably provided to an opposing party. Documentary evidence provided 10 or more days before the date of the hearing is presumed to have been reasonably provided.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R014-02, eff. 7-2-2002; A by R190-03, 1-22-2004; R014-19, 11-2-2020)

      NAC 624.7283  Failure to appear; presentation of evidence. (NRS 624.100)

     1.  The failure of a party to appear at a hearing shall be deemed a waiver of the party’s right to present evidence at a hearing of the Board. After presentation to the Board or its designee of an offer of proof that the absent party was given proper notice, and upon a determination by the Board or its designee that proper notice was given to the absent party, the Board or its designee may hear evidence without the participation of the absent party and may make its decision based on the admitted evidence.

     2.  The Board or its designee may limit the time each party is allowed to present evidence.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R014-02, eff. 7-2-2002; A by R014-19, 11-2-2020)

      NAC 624.7286  Order of proceedings. (NRS 624.100)

     1.  Except as otherwise provided in this section, a hearing in a contested case will be conducted in the following order:

     (a) The hearing will be called to order and the parties will be introduced on the record.

     (b) The complaint, notice of hearing, answer and the file of the Board that relates to the complaint may be placed in evidence.

     (c) Any preliminary motions or stipulations will be considered.

     (d) The Board or its attorney will present its case.

     (e) The respondent will present the respondent’s case.

     (f) If allowed by the Board or its designee, rebuttal evidence and closing arguments will be presented.

     (g) The Board or its designee may deliberate the case.

     2.  A member of the Board or its designee may question a witness at any time.

     3.  The Board or its designee may waive any provision of this section, including taking witnesses out of order, to expedite or ensure the fairness of the hearing.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R014-02, eff. 7-2-2002; A by R190-03, 1-22-2004; R014-19, 11-2-2020)

      NAC 624.7289  Examination of witnesses. (NRS 624.100)

     1.  A party may call any other party or witness as an adverse witness. The party may question such a witness as if conducting a cross-examination.

     2.  A party who is surprised by the testimony of a witness, called in good faith as a witness on behalf of the party, may question the witness as if conducting a cross-examination.

     3.  All testimony to be considered at a hearing must be taken under oath.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R014-02, eff. 7-2-2002; A by R190-03, 1-22-2004; R014-19, 11-2-2020)

      NAC 624.7291  Rebuttable presumption that misrepresentation or omission of material fact to Board does not form a defense against complaint. (NRS 624.100, 624.3013)  The misrepresentation or omission of a material fact to the Board by an applicant or a licensee creates a rebuttable presumption that the misrepresented or omitted material fact does not form a defense against a complaint.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R014-19, eff. 11-2-2020)

      NAC 624.7293  Petition for rehearing or reconsideration. (NRS 624.100)  Except as otherwise provided by law:

     1.  A petition for a rehearing or reconsideration of a decision and order issued by the Board or its designee must be served on all parties not later than 14 calendar days after the date of service of a copy of the decision and order. The petition must state the specific grounds upon which relief is requested.

     2.  Any responses to a petition must be served not later than 14 calendar days after the receipt of the petition.

     3.  If a respondent submits a petition for reconsideration of a decision issued by the Board or its designee, the Board or its designee will review the petition to determine whether there is good cause for a reconsideration of the decision.

     4.  If a respondent submits a petition for a rehearing and wishes to present new evidence, the respondent must provide to the Board or its designee a statement setting forth the reasons for the respondent’s failure to introduce the new evidence at the previous hearing and a detailed description of the new evidence proposed to be introduced.

     5.  The Board or its designee will review a petition for a rehearing or reconsideration. A decision concerning the petition will be made not later than 14 calendar days after the petition is filed with the Board. If a new hearing is ordered, the decision concerning the petition will include the time, date and place of the hearing and the reasons for ordering a new hearing. The new hearing will be conducted not later than 90 calendar days after the decision granting a rehearing or reconsideration.

     6.  The Board or its designee will provide notice of its order approving or denying the petition to all parties at least 5 days before the expiration of the period for filing a petition for judicial review.

     7.  If a rehearing is conducted, the Board or its designee may require the respondent to pay the costs of the rehearing.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R014-02, eff. 7-2-2002; A by R190-03, 1-22-2004; R014-19, 11-2-2020)

      NAC 624.7296  Computation of periods. (NRS 624.100)  Except as otherwise provided by law, in computing periods for the purposes of carrying out the provisions of NAC 624.6975 to 624.7296, inclusive, the first day on which any act occurs that causes a period to begin to run is not counted, and the last day of the period is counted, unless the last day is a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday. If the last day is a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, the period runs until the end of the next day which is not a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R014-02, eff. 7-2-2002; A by R022-04, 4-30-2004)


      NAC 624.730  Definitions. (NRS 624.100, 624.560)  As used in NAC 624.730 to 624.770, inclusive, unless the context otherwise requires, the words and terms defined in NAC 624.735 and 624.740 have the meanings ascribed to them in those sections.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R068-01, eff. 11-8-2001)

      NAC 624.735  “Claimant” defined. (NRS 624.100, 624.560)  “Claimant” means an injured person who files a complaint seeking recovery pursuant to NRS 624.400 to 624.560, inclusive, and NAC 624.730 to 624.770, inclusive.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R068-01, eff. 11-8-2001)

      NAC 624.740  “Complaint seeking recovery” defined. (NRS 624.100, 624.560)  “Complaint seeking recovery” means a complaint filed with the Board by an injured person pursuant to NRS 624.400 to 624.560, inclusive, and NAC 624.730 to 624.770, inclusive, seeking a monetary recovery from the Recovery Fund.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R068-01, eff. 11-8-2001)

      NAC 624.745  Accompanying document required. (NRS 624.100, 624.560)  The Board will not make an award on a complaint seeking recovery unless the complaint seeking recovery is accompanied by a certified copy of a civil judgment or a certified copy of a final decision and order issued by the Board or its designee.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R068-01, eff. 11-8-2001)

      NAC 624.750  Claim: Form and contents; prerequisites to approval; changes in information; action by Executive Officer of Board; closing and reopening. (NRS 624.100, 624.560)

     1.  A complaint seeking recovery must be filed on a form entitled “Residential Recovery Fund Claim” that will be provided by the Board. A complaint seeking recovery must include, without limitation:

     (a) The name, address and telephone number of the claimant filing the complaint seeking recovery;

     (b) The name, address, license number and telephone number, if known, of the accused residential contractor;

     (c) A description of:

          (1) The facts concerning the alleged failure by the accused residential contractor to perform qualified services adequately; and

          (2) The nature and extent of the claimed loss;

     (d) The date on which, or the period during which, the alleged loss occurred;

     (e) A copy of the original contract and all change orders, credits, refunds or discounts;

     (f) Copies of the front and back of all cancelled checks payable to the contractor, subcontractor or supplier that support the claim;

     (g) Proof of any cash payment that supports the claim and a signed receipt from the contractor, subcontractor or supplier, if applicable; and

     (h) A copy of a perfected lien, if applicable.

     2.  The Board will not approve a complaint seeking recovery until 30 days after the date on which the civil judgment was issued by the court or the final decision and order was issued by the Board or its designee, as appropriate.

     3.  If, after a complaint seeking recovery is filed, any information in the complaint changes, the claimant shall forthwith notify the Board of the change.

     4.  The Executive Officer of the Board or his or her designee may request additional information or documentation to support the complaint.

     5.  The Executive Officer of the Board will issue a subpoena pursuant to NRS 624.170, if appropriate, upon the request of a claimant to assist the claimant in obtaining appropriate documentation pursuant to this section.

     6.  The Executive Officer of the Board or his or her designee may require a claimant to obtain and submit an itemized bid from a contractor licensed in this State for an estimate of the cost to complete a repair of the original work. The estimate must include only the cost of the repair or replacement of the original work and must not include any enhancement, improvement or upgraded service or material.

     7.  A claim that includes:

     (a) A false or altered document;

     (b) A document, billing, receipt or estimate that is found to include an enhancement, improvement, upgraded service or material; or

     (c) Work or repair that is outside the scope of the original contract,

Ê will be automatically denied by the Executive Officer of the Board or his or her designee and will not be considered by the Board or a committee appointed pursuant to NAC 624.755.

     8.  The Board will not approve a payment from the Residential Recovery Fund until the claimant has provided complete documentation of the claim, as determined by the Executive Officer of the Board or his or her designee.

     9.  The Executive Officer of the Board or his or her designee will advise the claimant by certified mail that the requirements of subsection 4 of NRS 624.500 are being tolled pending receipt of additional documentation to support the claim if the claim cannot be investigated and processed within 6 months after receipt of the claim. The letter from the Executive Officer of the Board or his or her designee will include an identification of the specific documents that the Board is requesting and a period within which the documents must be produced.

     10.  If, within 6 months after filing a claim or within the period specified pursuant to subsection 9, a claimant cannot provide adequate documentation to support the claim, the claim will be closed. A claim may be reopened upon receipt by the Board of all the documents the Executive Officer of the Board or his or her designee has requested from the claimant.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R068-01, eff. 11-8-2001; A by R201-03, 1-22-2004)

      NAC 624.755  Procedure for processing: Notice to accused contractor; investigation; hearing. (NRS 624.100, 624.560)

     1.  Upon receiving a complaint seeking recovery, the staff of the Board shall:

     (a) Send a copy of the complaint seeking recovery, by certified mail, to the address of record of the accused residential contractor named in the complaint seeking recovery; and

     (b) Commence an investigation into the facts alleged in the complaint seeking recovery.

     2.  When necessary, the Chair of the Board may appoint a committee to hear complaints seeking recovery filed with the Board or appoint a specific committee to hear a specific complaint seeking recovery. Such a committee will act as the designee of the Board.

     3.  A hearing on a complaint seeking recovery before the Board or an appointed committee is informal, and the Board or appointed committee will consider all relevant testimony and evidence presented. The written report of the results of the investigation conducted by the staff must be made a part of the record of the hearing.

     4.  A claimant or an accused residential contractor:

     (a) May appear before the Board or appointed committee to present evidence and arguments in support or defense of a claim.

     (b) Shall appear before the Board or appointed committee to present evidence and arguments in support or defense of a claim upon the request of any member of the Board or appointed committee.

     5.  The Board may refuse to consider any documentary evidence or exhibit presented by a party at a hearing if the documentary evidence or exhibit was not provided to the staff of the Board at least 10 calendar days before the date of the hearing.

     6.  If the Executive Officer of the Board or his or her designee determines that each complaint is complete as received, complaints seeking recovery will be investigated in the order in which the complaints are received.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R068-01, eff. 11-8-2001; A by R201-03, 1-22-2004)

      NAC 624.760  Determination; final order. (NRS 624.100, 624.560)

     1.  In making its determination on a complaint, the Board or appointed committee will consider all matters relevant to the complaint seeking recovery, including, without limitation:

     (a) The financial condition of the Recovery Fund;

     (b) The nature of the complaint seeking recovery and the amount of money sought to be recovered by the claimant; and

     (c) If there is more than one claimant, the equitable division of available money from the Recovery Fund among the claimants.

     2.  The Board or appointed committee will authorize payment of the complaint seeking recovery in full or in part, or deny the claim in full or in part, by entry of a final order.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R068-01, eff. 11-8-2001)

      NAC 624.765  Claimant’s agreement with Board. (NRS 624.100, 624.560)  As a condition of receiving payment from the Recovery Fund, a claimant must enter into an agreement with the Board pursuant to which the Board is subrogated to the rights of the claimant against the accused residential contractor, the estate of the accused residential contractor or a third party for an amount equal to the amount of money paid from the Recovery Fund to the claimant plus the amount of all costs incurred by the Board in recovering that amount of money from the accused residential contractor, the estate of the accused residential contractor or the third party. The agreement must provide that the claimant will cooperate with the Board in any proceeding commenced to recover such money from the accused residential contractor, the estate of the accused residential contractor or the third party.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R068-01, eff. 11-8-2001)

      NAC 624.770  Procedure upon final order approving payment. (NRS 624.100, 624.560)

     1.  If the Board or appointed committee issues a final order approving in full or in part a complaint seeking recovery, the Board or appointed committee will forward:

     (a) A copy of the final order approving the complaint seeking recovery to the Accounting Office of the Board; and

     (b) A copy of the complaint seeking recovery and the final order to the Office of the Attorney General so that the Attorney General may commence efforts to enforce any subrogation claims against the accused residential contractor.

     2.  The Accounting Office of the Board shall not commence procedures for the disbursement of money pursuant to a final order approving a complaint seeking recovery until 30 days after the date on which the Board or appointed committee issued the final order.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R068-01, eff. 11-8-2001; A by R201-03, 1-22-2004)


      NAC 624.780  Definitions. (NRS 40.6887)  As used in NAC 624.780 to 624.795, inclusive, unless the context otherwise requires, the words and terms defined in NAC 624.781 to 624.791, inclusive, have the meanings ascribed to them in those sections.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R158-03, eff. 5-14-2004)

      NAC 624.781  “Appurtenance” defined. (NRS 40.6887)  “Appurtenance” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 40.605.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R158-03, eff. 5-14-2004)

      NAC 624.782  “Board” defined. (NRS 40.6887)  “Board” means the State Contractors’ Board or its designee.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R158-03, eff. 5-14-2004)

      NAC 624.783  “Claimant” defined. (NRS 40.6887)  “Claimant” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 40.610.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R158-03, eff. 5-14-2004)

      NAC 624.784  “Constructional defect” defined. (NRS 40.6887)  “Constructional defect” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 40.615.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R158-03, eff. 5-14-2004)

      NAC 624.785  “Contractor” defined. (NRS 40.6887)  “Contractor” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 40.620.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R158-03, eff. 5-14-2004)

      NAC 624.786  “Design professional” defined. (NRS 40.6887)  “Design professional” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 40.623.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R158-03, eff. 5-14-2004)

      NAC 624.788  “Request” defined. (NRS 40.6887)  “Request” means a question or dispute that concerns any matter which may affect or relate to a constructional defect, including, without limitation, questions concerning the need for repairs, the appropriate method for repairs, the sufficiency of any repairs that have been made and the respective rights and responsibilities of homeowners, claimants, contractors, subcontractors, suppliers and design professionals, submitted to the Board pursuant to the provisions of NRS 40.6887.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R158-03, eff. 5-14-2004)

      NAC 624.7885  “Requester” defined. (NRS 40.6887)  “Requester” means a claimant or any contractor, subcontractor, supplier or design professional who submits a request to the Board.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R046-05, eff. 9-7-2005)

      NAC 624.789  “Residence” defined. (NRS 40.6887)  “Residence” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 40.630.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R158-03, eff. 5-14-2004)

      NAC 624.790  “Subcontractor” defined. (NRS 40.6887)  “Subcontractor” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 40.632.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R158-03, eff. 5-14-2004)

      NAC 624.791  “Supplier” defined. (NRS 40.6887)  “Supplier” has the meaning ascribed to it in NRS 40.634.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R158-03, eff. 5-14-2004)

      NAC 624.792  When request is deemed to have been submitted to Board. (NRS 40.6887)  For the purposes of subsection 3 of NRS 40.6887, the Board will deem a request to have been submitted to the Board when:

     1.  The request has been received by the Board;

     2.  All the materials and documentation required by the Board pursuant to NAC 624.793 have been provided to the Board; and

     3.  If the Board determines pursuant to the provisions of NAC 624.794 that an investigation into the request is required, the Board has completed the investigation.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R158-03, eff. 5-14-2004; A by R046-05, 9-7-2005)

      NAC 624.793  Submission of request and pertinent documents, materials and information. (NRS 40.6887)

     1.  A requester shall submit to the Board:

     (a) A request on a form prescribed by the Board; and

     (b) Copies of all documentation or materials related to the residence or appurtenance that is the subject of the request, if available.

     2.  If the Board determines that additional documentation or information related to the request is required to provide a response to or render a decision on the request, the Board will notify the requester of the additional documentation or information required by the Board.

     3.  If the Board notifies a requester pursuant to subsection 2 of additional documentation or information required by the Board, the requester shall submit the documentation or information requested to the Board.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R158-03, eff. 5-14-2004; A by R046-05, 9-7-2005)

      NAC 624.794  Review of request; investigation and report. (NRS 40.6887)

     1.  Upon the submission of a request pursuant to the provisions of NAC 624.793, the Executive Officer of the Board will review the request to determine if an investigation is required to provide a response to or render a decision on the request.

     2.  If the Executive Officer of the Board determines that an investigation is required to provide a response to or render a decision on the request, the Executive Officer will designate staff of the Board or an independent licensed professional to conduct an investigation into the request.

     3.  A written report of the results of any investigation into the request conducted pursuant to the provisions of this section must be submitted to the Executive Officer of the Board.

     4.  The Board will review the written report submitted to the Executive Officer of the Board before providing a response to or rendering a decision on the request.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R158-03, eff. 5-14-2004; A by R046-05, 9-7-2005)

      NAC 624.795  Assessment, notification and payment of fees. (NRS 40.6887)

     1.  Pursuant to the provisions of NRS 40.6887, a contractor who constructed or contracted for the construction of the residence or appurtenance that is the subject of the request may be required to pay to the Board fees sufficient to cover the costs of providing a response to or rendering a decision on the request.

     2.  The Board will notify the contractor of the assessment of any such fees by the Board.

     3.  The contractor shall pay any such fees assessed to cover the costs to the Board within 15 days after receiving notice of the fees pursuant to subsection 2.

     (Added to NAC by Contractors’ Bd. by R158-03, eff. 5-14-2004; A by R098-12, 12-20-2012)


General Provisions

      NAC 624.810  “Commission” defined. (NRS 624.570)  As used in NAC 624.810 to 624.840, inclusive, unless the context otherwise requires, “Commission” means the Commission on Construction Education.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Construction Educ. by R207-01, eff. 9-4-2002)

Practice and Procedure

      NAC 624.820  Scope. (NRS 624.570)  The provisions of NAC 624.820 to 624.830, inclusive, govern practice and procedure before the Commission.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Construction Educ. by R207-01, eff. 9-4-2002)

      NAC 624.822  Meetings; principal office. (NRS 624.570)

     1.  Regular meetings of the Commission must be held at:

     (a) The principal office or such other place as the Commission may specify; and

     (b) Such times as the Commission may designate.

     2.  The principal office of the Commission is located at the office of the person designated as the Secretary of the Commission.

     3.  The principal office of the Commission must be open during regular business hours.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Construction Educ. by R207-01, eff. 9-4-2002)

      NAC 624.824  Rules of practice. (NRS 624.570)

     1.  The Commission will liberally construe the rules of practice to secure just, speedy and economical determination of issues before it.

     2.  The Commission may permit deviation from the rules of practice where good cause appears.

     3.  The rules of practice must not be construed to conflict with any provisions of the Nevada Revised Statutes that pertain to the Commission.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Construction Educ. by R207-01, eff. 9-4-2002)

      NAC 624.826  Written communications and documents to Commission. (NRS 624.570)  All written communications and documents to the Commission must be addressed to the Secretary of the Commission.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Construction Educ. by R207-01, eff. 9-4-2002)

      NAC 624.828  Filings with Commission. (NRS 624.570)  When a filing with the Commission is made, an original and two legible copies of the document, application or other paper must be filed.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Construction Educ. by R207-01, eff. 9-4-2002)

      NAC 624.830  Proceedings to be informal. (NRS 624.570)  All proceedings before the Commission will be informal.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Construction Educ. by R207-01, eff. 9-4-2002)

Construction Education Account

      NAC 624.840  Application for grant from Account: Requirements; review by Commission; notice of disposition; request for reconsideration. (NRS 624.570)

     1.  A school district in this State or a program of education that has been approved by the Commission may file an application, on a form provided by the Commission, for a grant of money from the Construction Education Account.

     2.  An application must be received by the Commission before the deadline established by the Commission and must contain:

     (a) The full name, address and telephone number of the applicant.

     (b) The full name and telephone number of the fiscal agent or fiscal manager of the applicant.

     (c) The following information, supported by appropriate documentation, concerning the qualifications of the applicant to receive a grant pursuant to this section:

          (1) The applicant’s strategies to increase enrollment in programs of education which relate to building construction.

          (2) The applicant’s strategies to increase awareness concerning the advantages of employment in the construction industry.

          (3) The applicant’s plan for statewide dissemination of project objectives.

          (4) An outline of the applicant’s program of education.

          (5) The proposed expenses of the applicant.

          (6) Any other information requested by the Commission to ascertain the qualifications of the applicant to receive a grant pursuant to this section.

     3.  An application and all supporting documentation must be notarized.

     4.  The Commission will meet semi-annually to review and rate applications. The Commission will review and rate each application on a “review rating form” created by the Commission. The “review rating form” must rate the application based upon the proposals of the applicant to meet planning criteria, goals and benchmarks, and budgetary requirements.

     5.  Not later than 10 working days after the Commission reviews and rates an application, the Commission will notify the applicant of the disposition of the application.

     6.  If an application is denied by the Commission, the applicant may, within 30 days after the date on which the application is denied, submit a request for reconsideration of the application by the Commission. Within 30 days after receipt of a request for reconsideration, the Commission will:

     (a) Reconsider the application;

     (b) Determine whether to affirm the denial of the application or to approve the application; and

     (c) Notify the applicant of the disposition of the request for reconsideration.

     (Added to NAC by Comm’n on Construction Educ. by R196-01, eff. 9-4-2002)