Bill and Resolution Information

  • Senate Joint Resolution

1-14 of 14 results

Proposes to amend the Nevada Constitution to revise provisions governing the taxation of minerals extracted in this State. (BDR C-27)

Proposes to amend the Nevada Constitution to provide that the Nevada Court of Appeals has original jurisdiction over certain cases relating to water. (BDR C-310)

Proposes to amend the Nevada Constitution to revise the membership of the Commission on Judicial Selection. (BDR C-83)

Urges Congress to provide funding to reduce the wild horse and burro populations to appropriate management levels. (BDR R-465)

Urges Congress to grant additional school trust lands to Nevada. (BDR R-469)

Urges the Legislature, Governor and community organizations to work together to resolve various issues created by the COVID-19 pandemic. (BDR R-958)

Expresses support for the creation of a retirement plan for spouses of members of the military. (BDR R-384)

Proposes to amend the Nevada Constitution to remove the constitutional provisions governing the election and duties of the Board of Regents of the State University and to authorize the Legislature to provide by statute for the governance of the State University and for the auditing of public institutions of higher education in this State. (BDR C-944)

Proposes to amend the Nevada Constitution to revise certain provisions relating to property taxes. (BDR C-957)

Proposes to amend the Nevada Constitution to guarantee equal rights. (BDR C-1278)

Proposes to amend the Nevada Constitution to create an independent redistricting commission. (BDR C-160)

Urges Congress to protect the public lands including and adjacent to Sunrise Mountain, Frenchman Mountain and Rainbow Gardens. (BDR R-101)

Urges Congress to ratify the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women. (BDR R-969)

Expresses the priority of the timely completion of the Tahoe East Shore Trail extension project and urges Congress to provide federal funding for completion of the project. (BDR R-363)

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