Apply for Appointment to a Board, Commission, or Similar Entity

Following is a list of boards, commissions and similar entities to which members of the general public are appointed by legislators, legislative officers or legislative committees. If you are interested in being considered for appointment to one of these entities, please fill out the form below and follow the instructions for submitting the form. Each entity has specific requirements for appointment; please review those requirements before applying for appointment to ensure that you are eligible. A separate application is required for each entity to which you would like to be considered for appointment. Applications are kept on file for 2 years.

Application Form

If you have any questions concerning a particular board, commission or other entity, please contact the Director's Office at (775) 684-6800.

This form only applies to appointments made by the Legislature.

If you are interested in being appointed to a board, commission or similar entity to which members are appointed by the Governor, please visit the Governor's Boards and Commissions homepage.


Appointment Information

Summary: The forum identifies and acts upon issues of importance to aging persons. The Legislative Commission appoints the members, but each member must be nominated by a member of the Senate. After consulting with the members of the Assembly who reside within his or her senatorial district, each member of the Senate must nominate a person who:
  (1) is at least 60 years of age,
  (2) has resided in the state for at least 5 years, and
  (3) has been a registered voter in the senatorial district for at least 3 years.

Appointment Information

The Nevada Youth Legislature (NYL) is a two-year program that gives high school students an opportunity to learn about representative government and take an active role in the legislative process. This includes presenting one bill per term to the Nevada Legislature on an issue important to Nevada youth.

During odd numbered years, each of Nevada's 21 senators appoints a youth legislator to represent his or her senatorial district. Each member of the Senate shall, taking into consideration any recommendations made by a member of the Assembly, appoint a person who submits an application and meets the following qualifications:

  • Is a resident or goes to school in the senatorial district of the senator who appoints him or her; and
  • Is enrolled in a public school or private school in Nevada in grade 9, 10, or 11 for the first school year of the term for which he or she is appointed; or is a homeschooled child who is otherwise eligible to enroll in a public school in Nevada in grade 9, 10, or 11 for the first school year of the term for which he or she is appointed.

Any interested students are encouraged to submit an application.

More details regarding the youth legislator selection process, activities and duties, meetings, and attendance can be found in the NYL application.

For questions, please contact Tina Ashdown, Program Facilitator, at (775) 684-6740 or via email at [email protected].