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Statutes of the State of Nevada - Seventy-Sixth Session, 2011









AN ACT making an appropriation to the Legislative Fund for the costs of the 76th Legislative Session; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 1 — Senators Horsford and McGinness. Approved February 11, 2011



AN ACT relating to the Legislature; eliminating the requirement for compiling sets of books of legislative measures and related materials; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 127 — Assemblyman Oceguera. Approved March 17, 2011



AN ACT relating to governmental administration; repealing requirements for the compilation and publication of certain biennial reports and statistical abstracts; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 15 — Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections. Approved March 17, 2011



AN ACT relating to the adoption of children; clarifying the entity responsible for carrying out certain duties relating to the adoption of a child with special needs; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 23 — Committee on Judiciary. Approved March 21, 2011



AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; revising the definition of “low-speed vehicle” to comport with the federal definition of that term; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 28 — Committee on Transportation. Approved March 21, 2011



AN ACT relating to traffic laws; extending from semiannual to annual the interval at which records of traffic citations must be audited by governmental agencies; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 43 — Committee on Judiciary. Approved March 24, 2011



AN ACT relating to funeral directors; requiring a funeral director who obtains possession of the unclaimed human remains of a deceased person whom the funeral director knows, has reason to know or reasonably believes is a veteran to report the name of the deceased person to the Office of Veterans’ Services; requiring the Office to determine whether certain deceased persons are veterans who are eligible for interment at a national or veterans’ cemetery; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 124 — Committee on Commerce and Labor. Approved March 24, 2011



AN ACT relating to grand juries; revising provisions governing the selection and summoning of grand jurors in certain counties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 5 — Committee on Judiciary. Approved March 25, 2011



AN ACT relating to judges; extending the time by which an answer to an affidavit seeking disqualification of a judge must be filed; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 7 — Committee on Judiciary. Approved March 30, 2011



AN ACT relating to discovery; enacting the Uniform Interstate Depositions and Discovery Act; establishing procedures for requesting and issuing certain subpoenas; providing for the service and enforcement of such subpoenas; requiring that an application for a protective order or to enforce, quash or modify such subpoenas comply with all applicable rules of court and laws of this State; repealing the Uniform Foreign Depositions Act; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 87 — Assemblyman Segerblom. Approved March 30, 2011



AN ACT relating to foreign declarations; enacting the Uniform Unsworn Foreign Declarations Act; authorizing the use in this State under certain circumstances of unsworn declarations executed outside of the United States; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 88 — Assemblyman Segerblom. Approved March 30, 2011



AN ACT relating to criminal procedure; prohibiting the imposition of a sentence of life imprisonment without the possibility of parole upon a juvenile offender convicted of a non-homicide crime; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 134 — Committee on Judiciary. Approved March 30, 2011



AN ACT relating to the Department of Corrections; authorizing the interception of certain communications relating to the escape of an offender; authorizing certain employees of the Department to seek the tracing of certain communications under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 11 — Committee on Judiciary. Approved April 12, 2011



AN ACT relating to crimes; requiring written notice concerning a person’s right to bear arms to be given to the person when his or her criminal records are sealed; authorizing the State Board of Pardons Commissioners to inquire into and inspect certain sealed records of a person who applies to the Board for a pardon; requiring the official document that is given to a person who is granted a pardon to include certain information concerning the person’s right to bear arms; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 66 — Committee on Judiciary. Approved April 12, 2011



AN ACT relating to governmental administration; requiring any interest and income earned on money in the Gift Fund for the State Library and Archives to be credited to the Fund; revising the requirements for saving images of public records before the records may be destroyed; eliminating the Fund for the Support of the Division of Museums and History of the Department of Cultural Affairs; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 10 — Committee on Government Affairs. Approved April 12, 2011



AN ACT relating to the Airport Authority Act for Carson City; amending the qualifications of certain members of the Board of Trustees of the Airport Authority of Carson City; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 103 — Assemblyman Livermore (by request). Approved April 12, 2011



AN ACT relating to public works; requiring the State Public Works Board to obtain prior approval from the Nevada Legislature or Interim Finance Committee before cancelling or, in certain circumstances, delaying a project authorized by the Legislature; requiring the Interim Finance Committee to consider certain criteria in determining whether to approve a change in the scope of the design or construction or the cancellation or delay of a project; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 193 — Committee on Ways and Means. Approved April 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to education; temporarily delaying the statutory deadline for notifying certain school employees of reemployment status for the 2011-2012 school year; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 565 — Committee on Ways and Means. Approved April 20, 2011



AN ACT relating to education; establishing the Kenny C. Guinn Memorial Millennium Scholarship; providing for the establishment of criteria for the annual selection of a recipient of the Scholarship; requiring the Board of Trustees of the College Savings Plans of Nevada to review applications for and select the recipient of the Scholarship; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 220 — Senators Kieckhefer, Cegavske, McGinness, Schneider, Horsford; Breeden, Brower, Copening, Denis, Gustavson, Halseth, Hardy, Kihuen, Lee, Leslie, Manendo, Parks, Rhoads, Roberson, Settelmeyer and Wiener. Joint Sponsors: Assemblymen Oceguera, Smith, Conklin, Grady, Goicoechea; Aizley, Anderson, Atkinson, Benitez-Thompson, Bobzien, Brooks, Bustamante Adams, Carlton, Carrillo, Daly, Diaz, Dondero Loop, Ellison, Flores, Frierson, Goedhart, Hambrick, Hammond, Hansen, Hardy, Hickey, Hogan, Horne, Kirkpatrick, Kirner, Kite, Livermore, Mastroluca, McArthur, Munford, Neal, Ohrenschall, Pierce, Segerblom, Sherwood, Stewart and Woodbury. Approved April 27, 2011



AN ACT relating to public works; revising provisions relating to preferences in bidding for contracts for certain public works projects; requiring the inclusion in a contract for a public work of certain conditions that must be satisfied to obtain such a preference in bidding; providing for the investigation of a failure to satisfy the conditions for such a preference in bidding; providing for the recovery of damages for a failure to satisfy the provisions in a contract relating to preferences in bidding; prohibiting the use of a certificate of eligibility to receive a preference in bidding in certain circumstances; prohibiting a person from bidding on a public work in certain circumstances; revising provisions relating to the keeping, by certain persons, of records relating to public works; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 144 — Assemblymen Kirkpatrick, Oceguera, Smith, Conklin, Atkinson; Aizley, Anderson, Benitez-Thompson, Bobzien, Brooks, Bustamante Adams, Carrillo, Daly, Diaz, Dondero Loop, Ellison, Flores, Frierson, Goicoechea, Grady, Hammond, Hardy, Hogan, Horne, Livermore, Mastroluca, Munford, Neal, Ohrenschall, Pierce and Stewart. Approved April 27, 2011



AN ACT relating to eminent domain; removing the authorization of a person who is not a public agency to exercise the power of eminent domain to acquire real property for mining, smelting and related activities; eliminating the use of the power of eminent domain to acquire real property for pipelines of the beet sugar industry; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 86 — Senators Leslie; Breeden, Copening, Roberson, Schneider, Settelmeyer and Parks. Joint Sponsors: Assemblymen Horne; Aizley, Anderson, Atkinson, Bobzien, Conklin, Flores, Frierson, Hardy, Kirkpatrick, Oceguera, Ohrenschall, Pierce, Segerblom and Smith. Approved April 29, 2011



AN ACT relating to parole; abolishing the Parolees’ Revolving Loan Account; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 12 — Committee on Judiciary. Approved May 10, 2011



AN ACT relating to parole; clarifying that meetings of the State Board of Parole Commissioners are quasi-judicial; clarifying the rights of prisoners and other persons who appear before the Parole Board; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 18 — Committee on Judiciary. Approved May 10, 2011



AN ACT relating to psychologists; requiring the Board of Psychological Examiners to investigate certain complaints; authorizing the Board to issue a cease and desist order to a person who practices psychology in this State without a license; authorizing the Board to issue a citation to a person who practices psychology in this State without a license; requiring the Board to impose an administrative fine against a person who practices psychology in this State without a license; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 33 — Committee on Commerce and Labor. Approved May 10, 2011



AN ACT relating to dentistry; authorizing the Board of Dental Examiners of Nevada to issue a holder of a limited license a permit to perform certain dental practices; requiring the Board to adopt regulations relating to such permits; revising the requirements for the issuance of a limited license; authorizing the Board to impose certain fees to recover the costs of certain examinations; revising the eligibility requirements for dental hygienists; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 55 — Committee on Commerce and Labor. Approved May 10, 2011



AN ACT relating to courts; revising certain provisions relating to the security of court facilities; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 121 — Committee on Judiciary. Approved May 10, 2011



AN ACT relating to criminal records; revising the crimes against older persons that are required to be reported to the Repository for Information Concerning Crimes Against Older Persons; requiring that certain information be included in the record maintained by the Repository; requiring the annual reporting of statistical data concerning such crimes to the Legislature; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 125 — Committee on Judiciary. Approved May 10, 2011



AN ACT relating to statutes; ratifying certain technical corrections made to sections of NRS; correcting the effective dates of certain provisions, correcting and clarifying certain provisions and repealing certain provisions of Statutes of Nevada; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 464 — Committee on Judiciary. Approved May 10, 2011



AN ACT relating to days of observance; requiring the Governor annually to proclaim June 19 to be “Juneteenth Day”; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 174 — Assemblymen Munford; Hogan and Neal. Approved May 12, 2011



AN ACT relating to process servers; requiring that a proof of service filed with a court contain certain information; revising provisions relating to orders to cease and desist conduct; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 156 — Assemblymen Frierson, Horne, Segerblom and Flores. Joint Sponsor: Senator Wiener. Approved May 12, 2011



AN ACT relating to crimes; revising the statute of limitations for crimes relating to identity theft; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 83 — Assemblyman Oceguera. Approved May 12, 2011



AN ACT relating to the City of Sparks; amending the Charter of the City of Sparks to revise the process for appointing various positions in city government; revising the selection process for Mayor pro tempore; revising the list of classes of persons protected from employment discrimination by the City; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 97 — Assemblywoman Smith. Approved May 12, 2011



AN ACT relating to juries; repealing the prospective expiration of the exemption from jury service of any police officer; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 250 — Assemblymen Conklin, Horne; and Ohrenschall. Approved May 12, 2011



AN ACT relating to courts; increasing the monetary limit in actions for small claims adjudicated in a justice court; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 261 — Assemblymen Hansen, Kirner; Carrillo, Diaz, Goedhart, Hammond, Hardy and Kite. Joint Sponsor: Senator Lee. Approved May 12, 2011



AN ACT relating to domestic relations; providing that the termination of parental rights does not terminate the right of a child to inherit from his or her parent or parents except under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 147 — Assemblymen Mastroluca, Ohrenschall; Benitez-Thompson, Dondero Loop, Flores and Frierson. Approved May 12, 2011



AN ACT relating to domestic relations; authorizing certain prospective adoptive parents to attend by telephone hearings concerning a petition for adoption; revising the residency requirements for certain adoptions; authorizing a court in an adoption proceeding to grant a sibling of the child a right to visitation under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 111 — Committee on Judiciary. Approved May 12, 2011



AN ACT relating to municipal obligations; revising provisions authorizing a municipality to call a special election for the purpose of refunding bonds; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 166 — Assemblymen Bustamante Adams, Kirkpatrick; and Hardy. Joint Sponsor: Senator Hardy. Approved May 12, 2011



AN ACT relating to firearms; repealing provisions governing the interstate sale of certain firearms; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 217 — Assemblymen Ellison, Hansen; Aizley, Anderson, Bobzien, Bustamante Adams, Carrillo, Goedhart, Goicoechea, Grady, Hambrick, Hammond, Hardy, Hickey, Kirkpatrick, Kirner, Kite, Livermore, McArthur, Munford, Sherwood, Stewart and Woodbury. Joint Sponsors: Senators Hardy, Settelmeyer, Gustavson; Brower, Lee, Manendo and McGinness. Approved May 12, 2011



AN ACT relating to public administrators; making the District Attorney of Storey County the ex officio Public Administrator of Storey County; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 262 — Assemblyman Grady. Joint Sponsor: Senator Settelmeyer. Approved May 12, 2011



AN ACT relating to general improvement districts; revising the provisions governing the formation of a general improvement district; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 168 — Assemblywomen Dondero Loop and Kirkpatrick. Approved May 12, 2011



AN ACT relating to crimes; increasing the monetary threshold for the classification of certain crimes against property; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 142 — Assemblymen Ohrenschall, Horne, Frierson, Pierce, Munford; Aizley, Carlton, Carrillo, Daly, Diaz, Dondero Loop, Flores, Hickey, Kirkpatrick, Kirner, Mastroluca, Segerblom and Smith. Approved May 12, 2011



AN ACT relating to estates; revising provisions governing the apportionment of federal transfer taxes upon the death of a person; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 348 — Assemblymen Ohrenschall, Sherwood, Munford; Aizley, Carlton, Carrillo, Daly, Diaz, Flores, Hansen, Hardy, Hickey, Kite, Pierce and Segerblom. Approved May 12, 2011



AN ACT relating to collaborative law; enacting the Uniform Collaborative Law Act; establishing the requirements of a collaborative law participation agreement and the collaborative law process; establishing standards applicable to collaborative lawyers; providing that certain collaborative law communications are confidential and privileged; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 91 — Assemblyman Segerblom. Approved May 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to the Nevada System of Higher Education; encouraging the Board of Regents of the University of Nevada to examine, audit and revise certain aspects of the System to ensure the educational needs of students and prospective students will be met in an economical and efficient manner; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 220 — Assemblymen Oceguera, Bobzien, Smith, Kirkpatrick, Conklin; Aizley, Anderson, Atkinson, Benitez-Thompson, Brooks, Bustamante Adams, Carlton, Carrillo, Dondero Loop, Flores, Frierson, Hammond, Hardy, Hickey, Hogan, Kirner, Mastroluca, Munford, Neal, Ohrenschall, Pierce and Woodbury. Joint Sponsors: Senators Leslie, Horsford and Denis. Approved May 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to human remains; authorizing certain persons who are designated by a member of the Armed Forces of the United States, a reserve component thereof or the National Guard to order the burial or cremation of the human remains of the member upon his or her death on active duty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 295 — Assemblymen Bobzien, Anderson; Bustamante Adams, Hogan, Kirkpatrick, Mastroluca and Smith. Joint Sponsor: Senator Leslie. Approved May 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to long-term care administrators; revising provisions governing the imposition of certain administrative sanctions by the Board of Examiners for Long-Term Care Administrators; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 296 — Assemblymen Daly, Kirkpatrick; and Smith. Approved May 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to dead bodies; authorizing certain persons who assume legal and financial responsibility for the final disposition of the human remains of a deceased person to order the burial of those human remains; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 319 — Assemblywoman Diaz. Approved May 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to contractors; requiring a licensed contractor to submit a request for an increase in the monetary limit of his or her license to the State Contractors’ Board at least 5 working days before submitting a bid on certain projects; requiring a contractor to obtain approval by the Board of a request for an increase in the monetary limit of his or her license before submitting a bid on certain projects; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 32 — Committee on Commerce and Labor. Approved May 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to gaming; authorizing the Nevada Gaming Commission to provide by regulation for the operation of hosting centers and service providers; revising provisions relating to the transfer of certain ownership interests in a gaming operation; revising provisions relating to the licensing of persons who hold an ownership interest in certain business entities which hold a gaming license; authorizing the State Gaming Control Board to take certain actions regarding its operations without the approval of the Commission; making various other changes relating to the regulation of gaming; prohibiting certain actions relating to gaming; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 218 — Committee on Judiciary. Approved May 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to certified court reporters; revising the educational requirements to take the examination for certification by the Certified Court Reporters’ Board of Nevada; authorizing the Board to impose a civil penalty against a person for certain violations; requiring the Board to conduct certain hearings; revising the authority of the Board to investigate certain conduct; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 25 — Committee on Commerce and Labor. Approved May 18, 2011



AN ACT relating to crimes; revising provisions relating to the registration of offenders convicted of a crime against a child and of sex offenders; adding a member to the Advisory Committee to Study Laws Concerning Sex Offender Registration; requiring notification of certain agencies after changes in a sex offender’s location or length of stay in a jurisdiction; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 57 — Committee on Judiciary. Approved May 18, 2011



AN ACT relating to professional licenses; revising the requirements for licensure as a professional engineer or professional land surveyor for certain applicants; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 102 — Assemblywoman Carlton. Approved May 18, 2011



AN ACT relating to energy; revising the definition of “energy efficiency measure” for the purposes of the portfolio standard for providers of electric service; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 150 — Assemblymen Bobzien, Atkinson, Conklin, Oceguera, Smith; Benitez-Thompson, Bustamante Adams, Frierson, Hickey, Kirkpatrick, Kirner, Mastroluca and Pierce. Joint Sponsors: Senators Horsford, Schneider and Leslie. Approved May 18, 2011



AN ACT relating to sexually dangerous persons; revising the duties of the Advisory Commission on the Administration of Justice to include evaluation of the policies and practices relating to the involuntary civil commitment of sexually dangerous persons; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 181 — Assemblymen Horne, Dondero Loop, Anderson, Carrillo; Aizley, Brooks, Goicoechea, Hansen, Hogan, Mastroluca, Munford, Neal, Segerblom and Smith. Joint Sponsors: Senators Breeden and Lee. Approved May 18, 2011



AN ACT relating to courts; clarifying that a person with a communications disability who participates in a civil judicial proceeding must not be required to pay for interpretive services; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 194 — Assemblymen Ohrenschall and Dondero Loop. Approved May 18, 2011



AN ACT relating to property; revising various provisions governing landlords and tenants; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 226 — Assemblymen Frierson, Brooks, Carrillo, Segerblom; and Pierce. Approved May 18, 2011



AN ACT relating to protection of children; requiring a court that orders a child to be placed with someone other than a parent to retain jurisdiction over the child after the child reaches the age of 18 years in certain circumstances; requiring an agency which provides child welfare services to continue to provide services and monetary payments to such a child while the child remains under the jurisdiction of the court; requiring the agency which provides child welfare services and such a child to enter into a written agreement; requiring the agency which provides child welfare services to develop a plan for such a child to assist the child in transitioning to independent living; revising various provisions relating to a child placed with someone other than a parent to clarify the application of those provisions to persons who remain in foster care beyond the age of 18 years; revising provisions governing the placement of children who are taken into protective custody or placed with someone other than a parent; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 350 — Assemblywoman Mastroluca. Approved May 18, 2011



AN ACT relating to health care practitioners; prohibiting certain health care practitioners from knowingly procuring or administering certain drugs that are not approved in accordance with federal regulations; providing that such participation is grounds for disciplinary action or denial of licensure; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 537 — Committee on Commerce and Labor. Approved May 18, 2011



AN ACT relating to the use of force; revising the provisions governing justifiable homicide; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 321 — Assemblymen Oceguera, Anderson, Kirkpatrick, Atkinson, Hambrick; Aizley, Benitez-Thompson, Bobzien, Bustamante Adams, Carrillo, Conklin, Daly, Diaz, Dondero Loop, Ellison, Flores, Frierson, Goedhart, Goicoechea, Grady, Hammond, Hansen, Hardy, Hickey, Hogan, Horne, Kirner, Kite, Livermore, McArthur, Munford, Neal, Ohrenschall, Segerblom, Sherwood, Smith, Stewart and Woodbury. Joint Sponsors: Senators Hardy; Gustavson, Horsford and Lee. Approved May 19, 2011



AN ACT relating to trade practices; providing that various actions related to certain persons with an inability to reasonably protect their rights or interests constitute a deceptive trade practice; allowing equitable relief for certain actions related to consumer fraud; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 352 — Assemblywoman Carlton. Approved May 19, 2011



AN ACT relating to victims of crime; clarifying that money remaining in the Fund for the Compensation of Victims of Crime at the end of each fiscal year does not revert to the State General Fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 355 — Assemblymen Frierson, Horne, Segerblom, Carrillo, Diaz; and Brooks. Approved May 19, 2011



AN ACT relating to manufactured housing; requiring a landlord of a manufactured home park to pay certain costs associated with moving a tenant’s manufactured home under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 429 — Assemblymen Ohrenschall, Anderson, Frierson, Carrillo, Hogan; Aizley, Benitez-Thompson, Brooks, Bustamante Adams, Carlton, Daly, Dondero Loop, Munford, Neal, Pierce and Segerblom. Joint Sponsors: Senators Manendo, Kihuen; and Parks. Approved May 19, 2011



AN ACT relating to pawnbrokers; revising the rate of interest that may be charged by pawnbrokers; revising the minimum time a pawnbroker must hold certain property; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 538 — Committee on Commerce and Labor. Approved May 19, 2011



AN ACT relating to the Public Employees’ Benefits Program; changing the fund into which certain subsidies paid for coverage under the Program are deposited; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 556 — Committee on Ways and Means. Approved May 19, 2011



AN ACT relating to criminal procedure; authorizing courts to allow certain victims of sex trafficking or involuntary servitude who have been convicted of engaging in or soliciting prostitution to have their judgments of conviction vacated; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 6 — Assemblyman Hambrick. Approved May 19, 2011



AN ACT relating to state employees; revising provisions governing the Merit Award Program; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 286 — Senator Rhoads. Joint Sponsor: Assemblywoman Smith. Approved May 19, 2011



AN ACT relating to criminal procedure; authorizing a defendant to submit a statement concerning the results of a preliminary hearing to a grand jury; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 269 — Committee on Judiciary. Approved May 19, 2011



AN ACT relating to off-highway vehicles; authorizing the Department of Motor Vehicles to release certain personal information relating to off-highway vehicles; revising the prospective terms of the members of the Commission on Off-Highway Vehicles; revising the effective date of certain other provisions governing the titling and registration of off-highway vehicles; repealing the prospective transfer of authority to approve the designation of portions of state highways for off-highway vehicle use from the Department of Transportation to the Department of Motor Vehicles; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 130 — Committee on Natural Resources. Approved May 19, 2011



AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; revising the manner in which drivers of motor vehicles may overtake and pass bicycles or electric bicycles; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 248 — Senators Parks, Lee; Breeden, Copening, Denis, Horsford, Kihuen, Leslie, Manendo, Schneider and Wiener. Joint Sponsor: Assemblyman Anderson. Approved May 19, 2011



AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; requiring the Department of Motor Vehicles to waive any fees that would otherwise be imposed against a person for the late renewal of a driver’s license or the registration of a vehicle, if the late renewal resulted from the person being on military deployment; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 406 — Committee on Transportation. Approved May 19, 2011



AN ACT relating to public roads; providing that filing by a board of county highway commissioners of a map that includes a county road located on a certain right-of-way constitutes the establishment of the existence and location of a right-of-way that is open for public use; providing that acceptance by the Department of Transportation of that map constitutes acknowledgment by the Department of the establishment of the existence and location of a right-of-way that is open for public use; authorizing the board of county highway commissioners in certain counties to locate and determine the width of certain rights-of-way and to open those rights-of-way for public use; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 49 — Committee on Transportation. Approved May 19, 2011



AN ACT relating to highways; revising certain provisions relating to roadblocks; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 84 — Senator Manendo. Approved May 19, 2011



AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; revising provisions governing the issuance of special license plates; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 408 — Committee on Transportation. Approved May 19, 2011



AN ACT relating to crimes; revising provisions governing the crime of trespassing; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 161 — Assemblyman Anderson. Approved May 20, 2011



AN ACT relating to the administration of justice; restricting the use of restraints on pregnant females who are in confinement; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 408 — Assemblymen Segerblom and Flores. Approved May 20, 2011



AN ACT relating to real property; enacting the Uniform Partition of Heirs Property Act; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 244 — Assemblymen Segerblom and Ohrenschall. Approved May 20, 2011



AN ACT relating to real property; providing for the regulation of private transfer fee obligations affecting real property; providing that certain such obligations are void and unenforceable; revising the disclosures that a seller of real property must make to a buyer to include certain information concerning such obligations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 271 — Assemblymen Bustamante Adams, Horne and Conklin. Approved May 20, 2011



AN ACT relating to contractors; requiring the State Contractors’ Board to establish an advisory committee relating to the classification of licensing for certain persons who install and maintain building shell insulation or thermal system insulation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 441 — Assemblymen Brooks; Anderson and Diaz. Approved May 20, 2011



AN ACT relating to State Government; deleting the provisions that require the offices of all state officers, departments, boards, commissions and agencies to remain open during a certain period; requiring such offices to post their days and hours of operation; requiring advance notice of any change in days or hours of operation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 37 — Committee on Government Affairs. Approved May 20, 2011



AN ACT relating to criminal procedure; requiring the adoption of certain policies and procedures governing the identification of criminal suspects; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 107 — Assemblywoman Flores. Approved May 20, 2011



AN ACT relating to real property; revising provisions governing the recording of assignments of mortgages and deeds of trust; revising provisions governing the exercise of the power of sale under a deed of trust; revising provisions concerning the crimes of mortgage lending fraud and making a false representation concerning title to real property; providing civil and criminal penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 284 — Assemblymen Conklin, Horne; and Kirkpatrick. Approved May 20, 2011



AN ACT relating to state financial administration; requiring certain governmental entities to report financial information periodically to certain legislative bodies; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 1 — Assemblywoman Kirkpatrick. Approved May 24, 2011



AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; revising provisions relating to the authorization of certain emergency vehicles; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 30 — Committee on Transportation. Approved May 24, 2011



AN ACT relating to indigent persons; revising provisions governing the Fund for Hospital Care to Indigent Persons; revising the membership of the Board of Trustees of the Fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 36 — Committee on Health and Human Services. Approved May 24, 2011



AN ACT relating to counties; authorizing a county to lease certain real property acquired directly from the Federal Government in certain circumstances without obtaining an appraisal; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 42 — Committee on Government Affairs. Approved May 24, 2011



AN ACT relating to district attorneys; revising requirements relating to attendance at meetings and at the county seat of certain district attorneys; requiring district attorneys to perform certain legal duties for the boards of county commissioners; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 45 — Committee on Government Affairs. Approved May 24, 2011



AN ACT relating to taxation; clarifying the inapplicability of certain partial abatements of property taxes to various assessments relating to the adjudication of water rights and management of water resources; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 46 — Committee on Taxation. Approved May 24, 2011



AN ACT relating to public health; authorizing the Health Division of the Department of Health and Human Services to collect the actual costs incurred for the enforcement of provisions relating to medical and related health facilities; providing exceptions to the collection of such costs; revising provisions governing homes for individual residential care; requiring facilities for the care of adults during the day to pay fees relating to licensure; repealing certain provisions relating to homes for individual residential care; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 50 — Committee on Health and Human Services. Approved May 24, 2011



AN ACT relating to substance abuse; creating the Substance Abuse Working Group temporarily within the Office of the Attorney General to study issues relating to substance abuse in this State; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 61 — Committee on Government Affairs. Approved May 24, 2011



AN ACT relating to the Office of the Attorney General; authorizing the Attorney General to charge a fee for the prosecution of certain felony cases; authorizing the Attorney General to charge a regulatory body for certain training services provided by the Attorney General; authorizing the Attorney General to charge the Board of Homeopathic Medical Examiners, the State Board of Oriental Medicine and the Board of Psychological Examiners for all services relating to certain investigations conducted by the Attorney General; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 62 — Committee on Government Affairs. Approved May 24, 2011



AN ACT relating to the Office of the Attorney General; revising provisions governing the duties of, and services provided by, the Attorney General; revising the conditions under which certain cooperative agreements between various public agencies may be reviewed by the Attorney General; authorizing the Attorney General to designate a city attorney or district attorney to prosecute certain false claims; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 63 — Committee on Government Affairs. Approved May 24, 2011



AN ACT relating to administrative regulations; requiring that the name and contact information of, and the name of the entity or organization represented by, each person who presented testimony at the hearing on the adoption of a regulation be included in the informational statement if such information was provided to the adopting agency; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 201 — Committee on Government Affairs. Approved May 24, 2011



AN ACT relating to escrow accounts; requiring that certain disbursements of money from escrow accounts be payable in United States currency; requiring that certain disbursements of money from escrow accounts be disbursed in accordance with federal law governing next-day availability of such money; establishing provisions concerning the disbursement of money from an escrow account by a title insurer, title agent or escrow officer; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 214 — Committee on Commerce and Labor. Approved May 24, 2011



AN ACT relating to utilities; authorizing certain public utilities that purchase natural gas for resale and electric utilities to request approval from the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada to make quarterly rate adjustments based on deferred accounting; requiring that written notices which are provided to customers of certain public utilities that purchase natural gas for resale and electric utilities contain information about the review of certain quarterly rate adjustments by the Commission; authorizing the Commission to allow public utilities that purchase natural gas for resale and electric utilities to apply for certain additional rate adjustments upon a showing of good cause; prohibiting public utilities which purchase natural gas for resale and electric utilities from applying for certain annual rate adjustments after receiving approval from the Commission to make quarterly rate adjustments based on deferred accounting; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 215 — Committee on Commerce and Labor. Approved May 24, 2011



AN ACT relating to the administration of taxes; clarifying provisions governing the determination and certification of population for apportionment purposes and requiring additional projections of population; revising provisions governing joint and several liability of certain responsible persons for taxes and certain waivers of penalties and interest; extending the period for the Department of Taxation or a county to bring an action in a court of competent jurisdiction for summary judgment against a person owing a delinquent tax or deficiency determination; extending the period for the Department or a county to record a tax lien; extending the period for the Department or a county to issue a warrant for the enforcement of a lien and collect a delinquent tax; temporarily extending the deadline for submitting cooperative agreements altering the formula for the distribution of money from the Local Government Tax Distribution Account; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 31 — Committee on Revenue. Approved May 24, 2011



AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; revising provisions relating to the reporting of certain convictions for the violation of certain traffic laws; revising the penalties imposed for operating a commercial motor vehicle under certain circumstances; providing for the imposition of a civil penalty against the employer of a person who operates a commercial motor vehicle under certain circumstances; deleting a provision concerning driver’s licenses surrendered to a court under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 51 — Committee on Transportation. Approved May 24, 2011



AN ACT relating to administrative regulations; requiring an agency, if practicable, to make a proposed emergency regulation available to the public before the agency adopts the emergency regulation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 7 — Senator Wiener. Approved May 24, 2011



AN ACT relating to child care facilities; requiring employees of certain child care facilities to complete training each year relating to the lifelong wellness, health and safety of children; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 27 — Senator Wiener. Approved May 24, 2011



AN ACT relating to mental health; requiring the Division of Mental Health and Developmental Services of the Department of Health and Human Services to adopt regulations defining eligibility for services; revising the term used to refer to persons who receive services from the Division; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 44 — Committee on Health and Human Services. Approved May 24, 2011



AN ACT relating to state financial administration; changing the designation of certain funds and accounts; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 74 — Committee on Government Affairs. Approved May 24, 2011



AN ACT relating to state financial administration; revising the statutes of limitation for the State Controller to take action regarding the collection of certain debts owed to state agencies; providing for the electronic payment of certain payments; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 81 — Committee on Government Affairs. Approved May 24, 2011



AN ACT relating to controlled substances; requiring certain reports made by the Investigation Division of the Department of Public Safety to be transmitted to the Legislative Committee on Health Care; authorizing the exchange of certain information concerning controlled substances with other states under certain circumstances; providing civil and criminal immunity to certain persons who provide to the State Board of Pharmacy and the Division certain information concerning controlled substances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 114 — Committee on Health and Human Services. Approved May 24, 2011



AN ACT relating to public health; prescribing priorities for the Health Division of the Department of Health and Human Services to consider when contracting with laboratories to perform certain tests of infants; authorizing the State Board of Health to require the Health Division to provide for services of laboratories to perform certain tests of infants; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 131 — Committee on Health and Human Services. Approved May 24, 2011



AN ACT relating to land use planning; removing certain tracts of local governmental and private land from the state definition of the Spring Mountains National Recreation Area; providing that such tracts may only be used for facilities and operations related to outdoor recreational activities; prohibiting a local government from authorizing certain types of development on such tracts; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 232 — Senators Lee; and McGinness. Joint Sponsor: Assemblyman Hammond. Approved May 24, 2011



AN ACT relating to veterans; revising provisions governing the use of money from the Gift Account for Veterans; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 280 — Senators Brower; Breeden, Manendo and McGinness. Joint Sponsors: Assemblymen Anderson; and Grady. Approved May 24, 2011



AN ACT relating to crimes; prohibiting the sale of black powder and smokeless gunpowder to certain persons; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 302 — Senator Hardy. Approved May 24, 2011



AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; establishing provisions for new school buses purchased on and after July 1, 2014, governing the permissible flammability of occupant seating and plastic components contained within the engine compartments of the school buses; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 318 — Senators Parks; and Manendo. Joint Sponsors: Assemblymen Pierce; and Ohrenschall. Approved May 24, 2011



AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; requiring that the additional funds generated by the special license plates for the support of the natural environment of the Mount Charleston area be administered and distributed by the Board of County Commissioners of Clark County, with the advice of the Mount Charleston Town Advisory Board or its successor, rather than by the Administrator of the Division of State Lands of the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 396 — Committee on Government Affairs. Approved May 24, 2011



AN ACT relating to education; requiring the State Board of Education to develop a model curriculum for the subjects of English language arts and mathematics; providing for the dissemination of the model curriculum to school districts, charter schools and the regional training programs for the professional development of teachers and administrators; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 14 — Committee on Education. Approved May 24, 2011



AN ACT relating to local governments; exempting certain leases of real property from requirements relating to appraisal and auction; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 68 — Committee on Government Affairs. Approved May 24, 2011



AN ACT relating to contractors; requiring the State Contractors’ Board to issue or authorize the issuance of a written administrative citation to a person who acts as a contractor without an active license of the proper classification; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 203 — Assemblymen Carrillo, Kirkpatrick, Brooks; Daly, Ellison, Hansen and Segerblom. Joint Sponsor: Senator Manendo. Approved May 24, 2011



AN ACT relating to employment practices; prohibiting discriminatory employment practices based upon the gender identity or expression of a person; authorizing the Nevada Equal Rights Commission to investigate certain acts of prejudice against a person with regard to employment based on gender identity or expression and sexual orientation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 211 — Assemblymen Aizley, Ohrenschall, Carrillo, Horne; Atkinson, Conklin, Dondero Loop, Frierson, Goedhart, Hambrick, Hogan, Oceguera, Pierce and Stewart. Joint Sponsors: Senators Leslie, Parks; and Denis. Approved May 24, 2011



AN ACT relating to water; authorizing the State Engineer or any assistant or authorized agent of the State Engineer to enter certain land to investigate and carry out the duties of the State Engineer; revising provisions relating to the forfeiture of certain water rights; removing provisions requiring the State Engineer to adopt regulations establishing a program to allow a public water system to receive a credit for adding a new customer to the system; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 73 — Committee on Government Affairs. Approved May 24, 2011



AN ACT relating to education; removing the requirement that certain information concerning paraprofessionals be maintained in the automated system of accountability information for Nevada; revising the manner in which the results of pupils on certain examinations are reported by charter schools to the Department of Education; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 35 — Committee on Education. Approved May 24, 2011



AN ACT relating to education; revising the elements and goals which must be included in the policy adopted by the State Board of Education to encourage parental and family involvement in supporting the education of their children; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 229 — Senators Denis, Wiener, Breeden; and Kihuen. Joint Sponsors: Assemblymen Bobzien, Smith; Benitez-Thompson, Brooks, Bustamante Adams, Carrillo, Flores and Mastroluca. Approved May 24, 2011



AN ACT relating to unincorporated towns; providing for the extension of the debts, laws, ordinances, regulations and municipal taxes of an unincorporated town to any territory annexed by the unincorporated town; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 393 — Committee on Government Affairs. Approved May 24, 2011



AN ACT making a supplemental appropriation to the State Distributive School Account for unanticipated shortfalls in Fiscal Year 2010-2011 in certain tax revenue; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 483 — Committee on Ways and Means. Approved May 26, 2011



AN ACT relating to insurance; enacting the Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Compact; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 23 — Committee on Commerce and Labor. Approved May 27, 2011



AN ACT relating to the Office of the Attorney General; authorizing the Attorney General, acting through the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit, to issue a subpoena to obtain certain documents, records or materials; authorizing the Attorney General to recover and retain certain costs and expenses that are incurred pursuant to an investigation or prosecution by the Unit; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 56 — Committee on Judiciary. Approved May 27, 2011



AN ACT relating to the Public Employees’ Benefits Program; revising provisions concerning reinstatement of insurance under the Program; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 76 — Committee on Government Affairs. Approved May 27, 2011



AN ACT relating to public welfare; requiring the Department of Health and Human Services to establish and administer the Kinship Guardianship Assistance Program; requiring the Department to adopt a state plan for the administration of the Program; authorizing agencies which provide child welfare services to enter into agreements to provide assistance under the Program; prescribing the requirements for receiving assistance pursuant to the Program; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 110 — Committee on Health and Human Services. Approved May 27, 2011



AN ACT relating to education; revising the contents of the plan to improve the academic achievement of pupils prepared by the State Board of Education to require a 5-year strategic plan; revising the dates on which determinations must be made whether public schools and school districts are making adequate yearly progress; revising various other dates for the preparation and submission of reports and plans relating to the statewide system of accountability for public schools; requiring the Department of Education to revise the testing schedule for the administration of the criterion-referenced examinations in grades 3 through 8; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 113 — Committee on Education. Approved May 27, 2011



AN ACT relating to affordable housing; allowing affordable housing entities to participate in a program of joint self-insurance; exempting such a program of joint self-insurance from the Nevada Insurance Code; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 130 — Assemblywoman Smith. Approved May 27, 2011



AN ACT relating to occupational diseases; expanding the frequency with which certain volunteer firefighters must submit to physical examinations to receive workers’ compensation coverage for certain occupational diseases; revising provisions relating to the procedure for scheduling such physical examinations under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 141 — Assemblymen Goicoechea; Ellison and Hansen. Approved May 27, 2011



AN ACT relating to unincorporated towns; requiring a copy of an ordinance proposing the annexation of an area by an unincorporated town to be sent to each owner of real property in the area under certain circumstances; requiring a notice of the proposed annexation to be posted on the Internet website, if any, established and maintained by the town board or board of county commissioners proposing the annexation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 145 — Assemblyman Goicoechea. Approved May 27, 2011



AN ACT relating to the Office for Consumer Health Assistance; expanding the definition of “consumer” to include more situations in which the Office may render assistance; expanding the authority of the Director of the Office to adopt regulations; authorizing the Director to appoint a designee to mediate, arbitrate or resolve by alternative means certain disputes between patients and hospitals; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 146 — Committee on Health and Human Services. Approved May 27, 2011



AN ACT relating to education; revising provisions governing the requirements for a pupil to receive credit for a course of study without attending the classes for the course; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 233 — Assemblymen Bobzien, Smith, Mastroluca, Dondero Loop; Atkinson, Carlton and Oceguera. Joint Sponsor: Senator Leslie. Approved May 27, 2011



AN ACT relating to county recorders; providing authorization for the collection and disposition of an additional fee for certain recorded documents; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 192 — Committee on Ways and Means. Approved May 27, 2011



AN ACT relating to juveniles; making it discretionary rather than mandatory for a peace officer or probation officer to take a child into custody for an unlawful act involving the possession, use or threatened use of a firearm; providing for the disposition of cases involving the killing or possession of certain animals; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 13 — Committee on Judiciary. Approved May 27, 2011



AN ACT relating to fishing; requiring the Department of Wildlife to issue special fishing permits to certain social groups operated for the benefit of children; requiring the Department to issue to a person who is not a bona fide resident of the State of Nevada an annual license to fish solely in certain reciprocal waters upon the payment of a fee; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 19 — Committee on Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Mining. Approved May 29, 2011



AN ACT relating to secured transactions; enacting the amendments to Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 109 — Assemblyman Segerblom. Approved May 29, 2011



AN ACT relating to education; authorizing the Department of Education to work in consultation with the Nevada System of Higher Education to establish a plan to ensure that high school pupils are adequately prepared for postsecondary education and success in the workplace; revising certain requirements for the reports of accountability information prepared by the State Board of Education and the boards of trustees of school districts; revising provisions governing the academic plans for ninth grade pupils; authorizing school districts to adopt a policy for pupils to report unlawful activities; repealing certain provisions relating to the exemption of certain children from compulsory school attendance; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 138 — Committee on Education. Approved May 29, 2011



AN ACT relating to the protection of children; establishing provisions which set forth certain rights of children who are placed in foster homes; requiring notice of those rights to children placed in foster homes; establishing a procedure for children who are placed in foster homes to report alleged violations of those rights; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 154 — Assemblymen Frierson, Mastroluca, Smith, Benitez-Thompson, Ohrenschall; Bustamante Adams, Diaz and Segerblom. Joint Sponsor: Senator Leslie. Approved May 29, 2011



AN ACT relating to school property; requiring boards of trustees of school districts, under certain circumstances, to grant the use of certain athletic fields to nonprofit organizations which serve adults and children with disabilities or which provide programs for youth sports; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 227 — Assemblymen Hambrick; Aizley, Anderson, Brooks, Goedhart, Goicoechea, Grady, Hammond, Hardy, Hickey, Hogan, Kirner, McArthur, Stewart and Woodbury. Joint Sponsors: Senators Halseth and Kihuen. Approved May 29, 2011



AN ACT relating to counties; authorizing certain counties to issue securities to finance a program to provide financial assistance to persons to connect to the public water or sewer system; authorizing counties to issue special obligation bonds in connection with water projects and sewerage projects; providing for the maximum interest rate that may be paid on securities issued to finance the program to provide financial assistance; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 237 — Committee on Government Affairs. Approved May 29, 2011



AN ACT relating to common-interest communities; authorizing candidates for membership on the executive board of an association of a common-interest community to obtain a list of the addresses of units’ owners under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 246 — Assemblymen Stewart; Ellison, Goicoechea, Grady, Hammond, Hansen, Hardy, Hickey, Livermore and Sherwood. Joint Sponsors: Senators Hardy; Lee and Settelmeyer. Approved May 29, 2011



AN ACT relating to state financial administration; revising certain requirements for the proposed budget of the Executive Department of the State Government; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 248 — Assemblymen Smith, Oceguera, Conklin, Bobzien, Kirkpatrick; Aizley, Atkinson, Goicoechea, Hogan, Horne and Mastroluca. Approved May 29, 2011



AN ACT relating to court reporters; making various changes pertaining to the appointment, duties and work product of court reporters in the district courts and justice courts of this State; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 249 — Assemblyman Oceguera. Approved May 29, 2011



AN ACT relating to financial administration; requiring the State Controller to make certain data available for public inspection on an Internet website established and maintained by the State Controller; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 276 — Assemblymen Conklin and Kirkpatrick. Approved May 29, 2011



AN ACT relating to public health; requiring certain medical facilities to establish patient safety checklists and patient safety policies; revising the requirements of the patient safety plans of certain medical facilities to include the patient safety checklists and patient safety policies; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 280 — Assemblymen Oceguera, Anderson, Mastroluca, Brooks, Conklin; Benitez-Thompson, Dondero Loop, Flores, Frierson, Horne, Kirkpatrick, Munford, Neal and Pierce. Joint Sponsor: Senator Manendo. Approved May 29, 2011



AN ACT relating to eminent domain; prohibiting an appraiser from using certain appraisal reports to evaluate real property in a judicial proceeding for eminent domain; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 292 — Assemblymen Horne; Daly, Dondero Loop, Flores, Frierson, Ohrenschall and Segerblom. Approved May 29, 2011



AN ACT relating to conservation districts; revising the manner in which certain supervisors of a conservation district are appointed; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 306 — Assemblymen Kite; Benitez-Thompson, Bustamante Adams, Ellison, Flores, Hickey, Livermore, McArthur, Neal, Sherwood, Stewart and Woodbury. Joint Sponsors: Senators Kieckhefer and Settelmeyer. Approved May 29, 2011



AN ACT relating to livestock; requiring the State Department of Agriculture to prepare and maintain certain books in an electronic format; authorizing a person to transport a saddle horse into and from this State without a brand inspection or livestock movement permit issued by the Department under certain circumstances; revising provisions governing certain fees collected by the Department; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 368 — Assemblyman Munford (by request). Approved May 29, 2011



AN ACT relating to real property; prohibiting under certain circumstances the removal, concealing or destruction of real property that is subject to foreclosure with the intent to defraud; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 373 — Assemblyman Goicoechea. Approved May 29, 2011



AN ACT relating to the Nevada National Guard; providing for the confidentiality of personal information in certain documents recorded with a county recorder by a member of the Nevada National Guard; revising provisions governing the termination of employment of a member of the Nevada National Guard; prohibiting a member of the Nevada National Guard from being served a summons for, or notice of, a civil action or administrative proceeding against him or her during certain periods; postponing such an action or proceeding during certain periods; providing for a preference for certain employment with the government of this State for members of the Nevada National Guard; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 420 — Assemblyman Stewart. Approved May 29, 2011



AN ACT relating to the Advisory Council on the Metric System; repealing obsolete provisions regarding the Advisory Council on the Metric System; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 451 — Committee on Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Mining. Approved May 29, 2011



AN ACT relating to land use planning; extending the period within which certain parcel maps must be recorded in certain counties; removing the prospective expiration of certain provisions concerning tentative maps and final maps of certain subdivisions of land; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 454 — Committee on Government Affairs. Approved May 29, 2011



AN ACT relating to group homes; providing certain financial protections for residents of group homes and similar facilities; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 533 — Committee on Health and Human Services. Approved May 29, 2011



AN ACT relating to group homes; increasing the monetary civil penalties to be assessed against persons who operate a residential facility for groups or a home for individual residential care without a license; increasing the period within which persons who operate a residential facility for groups or a home for individual residential care without a license are prohibited from applying for a license to operate such a facility; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 534 — Committee on Health and Human Services. Approved May 29, 2011



AN ACT relating to residential facilities for groups; revising provisions governing the referral of persons to such facilities; requiring the State Board of Health to track certain violations and to disseminate certain information to the public; providing a civil penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 535 — Committee on Health and Human Services. Approved May 29, 2011



AN ACT relating to group homes; requiring, under certain circumstances, that local governments adopt names for group homes and similar facilities which are the same as the names used in state law; clarifying that the names so adopted are solely for purposes of reference and are not definitions for regulatory purposes; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 544 — Committee on Government Affairs. Approved May 29, 2011



AN ACT relating to courts; authorizing the electronic reproduction of the seal of a court; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 6 — Committee on Judiciary. Approved May 29, 2011



AN ACT relating to air pollution; repealing certain reporting requirements for the emission of greenhouse gases; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 12 — Committee on Natural Resources. Approved May 29, 2011



AN ACT relating to fuel taxes; authorizing the Department of Motor Vehicles to use electronic mail to serve notice of the determination of the deficient payment of certain taxes owed; repealing certain provisions that allow the Department to grant an extension of time to file certain reports and returns; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 13 — Committee on Revenue. Approved May 29, 2011



AN ACT relating to the Department of Motor Vehicles; requiring the Department to cancel the driver’s license of a person convicted of driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor or a controlled substance under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 15 — Committee on Transportation. Approved May 29, 2011



AN ACT relating to gaming; authorizing the Nevada Gaming Commission to adopt regulations relating to the issuance of a preliminary finding of suitability; revising provisions relating to investigations and the initiation of complaints by the State Gaming Control Board; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 213 — Committee on Judiciary. Approved May 30, 2011



AN ACT relating to industrial insurance; revising certain provisions concerning catastrophic injuries; specifying additional injuries that constitute a catastrophic injury; revising the qualifications of a certified vocational rehabilitation counselor; revising provisions governing claims for catastrophic injuries; revising the requirements of a life care plan developed by an insurer for an injured employee; revising the qualifications of an adjuster who administers a claim for a catastrophic injury; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 21 — Committee on Commerce, Labor and Energy. Approved May 30, 2011



AN ACT relating to courts; revising the method used to determine the number of justices of the peace in a township in certain counties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 25 — Committee on Judiciary. Approved May 30, 2011



AN ACT relating to peace officers; revising provisions conferring the powers of a peace officer upon certain personnel of the Department of Public Safety; providing that certain personnel of the Department are category I peace officers; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 45 — Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections. Approved May 30, 2011



AN ACT relating to taxation; consolidating provisions requiring confidentiality of certain records and files of the Department of Taxation; allowing the disclosure of information in such records and files to a federal agency under certain circumstances; clarifying the taxpayer information that is authorized to be made public concerning certain hearings of the Nevada Tax Commission; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 33 — Committee on Revenue. Approved May 30, 2011



AN ACT relating to domestic violence; authorizing the Attorney General to organize or sponsor multidisciplinary teams to review the death of the victim of a crime that constitutes domestic violence under certain circumstances; revising provisions concerning such teams organized or sponsored by a court or an agency of local government; imposing a civil penalty upon members of such teams who disclose confidential information concerning the death of a child; authorizing all such teams to receive data and information from certain reports and investigations and to use certain death certificates; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 66 — Committee on Government Affairs. Approved May 30, 2011



AN ACT relating to health care; requiring the Health Division of the Department of Health and Human Services to apply certain standards in determining whether to approve an amendment to a license to operate certain medical facilities to add certain services to the license; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 10 — Committee on Health and Human Services. Approved May 30, 2011



AN ACT relating to intoxicating liquor; authorizing a brew pub to obtain a special permit for the transportation of certain malt beverages donated by the brew pub for charitable or nonprofit purposes; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 200 — Assemblymen Smith, Bobzien, Horne, Conklin; Atkinson, Daly, Dondero Loop, Hickey, Kirkpatrick, Mastroluca and Oceguera. Approved May 31, 2011



AN ACT relating to inland ports; authorizing the creation of inland ports and inland port authorities under certain circumstances; requiring the Commission on Economic Development to develop a State Plan for Inland Ports; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 182 — Committee on Commerce and Labor. Approved May 31, 2011



AN ACT relating to concealed firearms; revising provisions concerning permits to carry concealed semiautomatic firearms; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 143 — Assemblymen Bobzien, Smith, Goicoechea, Horne, Oceguera; Conklin, Daly, Ellison and Hardy. Approved May 31, 2011



AN ACT relating to water; revising provisions governing the approval or rejection by the State Engineer of an application to appropriate water for beneficial use; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 115 — Committee on Government Affairs. Approved May 31, 2011



AN ACT relating to education; authorizing the Superintendent of Public Instruction to deduct from, withhold from or otherwise make adjustments to the quarterly apportionments paid to a school district, charter school or university school for profoundly gifted pupils under certain circumstances; revising provisions governing the calculation of apportionments which take into account the effect of the declining enrollment of pupils in a school district or charter school; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 38 — Committee on Education. Approved May 31, 2011



AN ACT relating to business associations; authorizing the Secretary of State to adopt regulations to define certain terms to allow certain corporations, associations, organizations, partnerships and other entities to carry out their powers and duties using the most recent technology available; providing that certain meetings of corporations may be conducted through the use of available technology; authorizing the Secretary of State to develop and make available a model operating agreement for use by limited-liability companies; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 564 — Committee on Ways and Means. Approved May 31, 2011



AN ACT relating to industrial insurance; revising provisions involving certain employees who are injured during certain cooperative governmental activities; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 396 — Assemblymen Diaz, Conklin, Kirkpatrick, Segerblom; Aizley, Atkinson, Benitez-Thompson, Brooks, Bustamante Adams, Daly, Dondero Loop, Flores, Frierson, Mastroluca, Neal, Oceguera, Pierce and Smith. Approved May 31, 2011



AN ACT relating to public safety; requiring the Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association and the board of trustees of each school district to adopt policies concerning the prevention and treatment of injuries to the head sustained by pupils while participating in sports and other athletic activities and events; requiring certain organizations for youth sports in this State to adopt a similar policy; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 455 — Committee on Education. Approved May 31, 2011



AN ACT relating to educational personnel; creating a separate category of licensure to teach special education; revising provisions governing the reciprocal licensure of educational personnel; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 395 — Assemblymen Dondero Loop; Benitez-Thompson, Bobzien, Bustamante Adams, Conklin, Diaz, Frierson, Mastroluca, Segerblom and Smith. Approved May 31, 2011



AN ACT relating to youth shelters; repealing provisions relating to the approval of youth shelters by a county; revising provisions relating to immunity from civil liability; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 472 — Committee on Government Affairs. Approved May 31, 2011



AN ACT relating to child custody; providing for the expiration by operation of law of certain orders modifying custody and visitation of children for persons who are members of the military; authorizing a court to delegate the visitation rights of a member of the military to a family member of the member of the military under certain circumstances; requiring a court, under certain circumstances, to provide an expedited hearing concerning custody or visitation matters to allow participation in such a hearing by affidavit or electronic means, or to both hold an expedited hearing and allow such participation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 313 — Assemblymen Bustamante Adams, Bobzien, Anderson and Horne. Joint Sponsor: Senator Gustavson. Approved May 31, 2011



AN ACT relating to education; placing the burden of proof and the burden of production on a school district in a due process hearing held pursuant to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act in which the school district is a party; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 318 — Assemblywomen Mastroluca and Smith. Approved May 31, 2011



AN ACT relating to civil actions; revising provisions relating to the commencement of civil actions concerning certain claims relating to residential property after the completion of nonbinding arbitration of such claims; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 317 — Assemblyman Segerblom. Approved May 31, 2011



AN ACT relating to education; authorizing the principal of a high school or the principal’s designee to postpone the administration of the high school proficiency examination in the subject areas of mathematics and science for a pupil who is not academically ready in those subject areas; authorizing the board of trustees of a school district to administer the practice test of the high school proficiency examination to pupils enrolled in high school; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 290 — Assemblymen Neal; Aizley, Benitez-Thompson, Bobzien, Diaz, Flores, Hardy, Horne, Livermore, Munford, Ohrenschall, Pierce and Stewart. Approved May 31, 2011



AN ACT relating to off-highway vehicles; authorizing the Department of Motor Vehicles to assign a distinguishing number to any off-highway vehicle that does not have a unique vehicle identification number or serial number; providing for the imposition of a fee for the assignment of such a distinguishing number; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 387 — Committee on Transportation. Approved May 31, 2011



AN ACT relating to gaming; revising the boundaries of the Las Vegas Boulevard gaming corridor; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 459 — Committee on Judiciary. Approved May 31, 2011



AN ACT relating to the Nevada System of Higher Education; increasing the total principal amount of bonds and other securities that may be issued by the Board of Regents of the University of Nevada to finance certain projects at the University of Nevada, Reno; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 478 — Committee on Ways and Means. Approved May 31, 2011



AN ACT relating to water; providing specific authority for public bodies to lease water rights to certain owners or holders of water rights; revising provisions relating to the Program for the Management of Groundwater in the Las Vegas Valley Groundwater Basin; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 422 — Assemblywoman Kirkpatrick. Approved May 31, 2011



AN ACT relating to the Public Employees’ Retirement System; revising provisions relating to the administration of the System; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 477 — Committee on Ways and Means. Approved May 31, 2011



AN ACT relating to public health; requiring each retail establishment in which cigarettes are sold or offered for sale to post a sign regarding the dangers of smoking tobacco during pregnancy; providing a civil penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 170 — Assemblymen Pierce, Ohrenschall, Anderson; Aizley, Benitez-Thompson, Bustamante Adams, Flores, Kirkpatrick, Mastroluca, Neal and Smith. Approved May 31, 2011



AN ACT relating to education; requiring the board of trustees of each school district in this State to assess the feasibility of sharing services, functions and personnel with other school districts of this State; requiring the Committee on Local Government Finance to adopt certain regulations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 551 — Committee on Ways and Means. Approved May 31, 2011



AN ACT relating to older persons; creating the Statewide Alert System for the Safe Return of Missing Endangered Older Persons; requiring the Department of Public Safety to administer and adopt regulations for the System; prescribing the circumstances under which a law enforcement agency may activate the System; providing immunity from civil liability for certain persons who disseminate certain information pursuant to a notification of activation of the System; providing immunity from civil liability for certain persons who enter into agreements with the Department to establish or maintain an Internet website for the System; providing that a person who intentionally makes certain false or misleading statements to cause activation of the System is guilty of a category E felony; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 245 — Senators Parks, Manendo, Copening; and Denis (by request). Joint Sponsor: Assemblyman Anderson. Approved May 31, 2011



AN ACT relating to drugs; authorizing an owner of an animal to donate certain drugs for reissuance by licensed veterinarians; establishing certain requirements for the reissuance of those drugs for certain animals; authorizing the Nevada State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners to adopt regulations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 17 — Senator Wiener. Approved May 31, 2011



AN ACT relating to public health; requiring certain reports relating to sentinel events to be made available to the public; revising provisions relating to the use and release of certain information submitted to the Internet-based surveillance system established by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States Department of Health and Human Services; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 209 — Committee on Health and Human Services. Approved June 1, 2011



AN ACT relating to industrial insurance; providing for the punishment of an employer who knowingly misrepresents or conceals a material fact relating to a person’s eligibility for industrial insurance benefits; granting certain immunities to persons who disclose information relating to such an employer; directing the Administrator of the Division of Industrial Relations of the Department of Business and Industry and the Fraud Control Unit for Industrial Insurance of the Office of the Attorney General to establish procedures concerning the reporting, notification of prosecution and sharing of information regarding such an employer; authorizing the Attorney General to prosecute criminal and civil actions relating to such an employer; providing that certain books, records and payrolls must be open to inspection under certain circumstances; providing that such an employer is liable for certain costs of investigation and prosecution; requiring a provider of health care to make certain health care records available for inspection during the investigation of such an employer; making various other changes relating to an employer who knowingly makes a false statement or representation or concealment of a material fact regarding the eligibility of a person claiming industrial insurance benefits; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 58 — Committee on Commerce, Labor and Energy. Approved June 1, 2011



AN ACT relating to the protection of children; authorizing an agency which provides child welfare services to make available reports of the abuse or neglect of children under certain circumstances; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 167 — Senator Leslie. Approved June 1, 2011



AN ACT relating to elections; revising provisions relating to the statewide voter registration list; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 390 — Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections. Approved June 1, 2011



AN ACT relating to secondhand dealers; exempting a person who engages in the business of buying and selling coins and collectibles from state and local regulation as a secondhand dealer; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 353 — Senator Leslie. Approved June 1, 2011



AN ACT relating to housing; prohibiting discrimination in housing and certain other transactions involving real property on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity or expression; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 368 — Senators Parks and Leslie (by request). Approved June 1, 2011



AN ACT relating to public accommodations; revising provisions relating to unlawful discrimination based on sex and gender identity or expression in places of public accommodation; providing that certain promotions or marketing of places of public accommodation are not unlawful or grounds for a civil action; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 331 — Senators Leslie and Parks. Joint Sponsor: Assemblyman Aizley. Approved June 1, 2011



AN ACT relating to compensation; exempting creative professionals from requirements relating to compensation for overtime; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 328 — Senator Horsford. Approved June 1, 2011



AN ACT relating to education; removing the restriction on the number of empowerment schools that may be established statewide; removing the prospective expiration of the Program of Empowerment Schools; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 196 — Committee on Education. Approved June 1, 2011



AN ACT relating to elections; authorizing the donation of unspent campaign contributions to a governmental entity or fund of this State or a political subdivision of this State; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 157 — Senators Wiener, Horsford, Denis, Parks, Breeden; Copening, Leslie and Manendo. Approved June 1, 2011



AN ACT relating to local governmental planning; providing for the construction of additional bus turnouts at certain locations in certain counties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 137 — Committee on Government Affairs. Approved June 1, 2011



AN ACT making an appropriation to the Division of Health Care Financing and Policy of the Department of Health and Human Services for the completion of the takeover phase of the Medicaid Management Information System; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 480 — Committee on Ways and Means. Approved May 30, 2011



AN ACT making an appropriation to the Nevada Highway Patrol Division of the Department of Public Safety to replace certain fleet vehicles; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 481 — Committee on Ways and Means. Approved May 30, 2011



AN ACT relating to physicians; allowing a resident who is enrolled in a progressive postgraduate training program in the United States or Canada to be considered for a license to practice medicine after completing 24 months of the program and committing in writing to complete the program; requiring an applicant for a license to practice medicine to submit proof of satisfactory completion of a progressive postgraduate training program under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 117 — Committee on Commerce, Labor and Energy. Approved June 1, 2011



AN ACT relating to local financial administration; revising provisions governing limitations on fees for business licenses which may be imposed by a local government on a public utility; providing that any proceeds from the interstate sale of natural gas to a wholesale provider of electric energy are not considered revenue for the purposes of imposing certain fees for business licenses; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 109 — Senator Parks. Approved June 1, 2011



AN ACT relating to industrial insurance; establishing provisions for the collection of certain amounts owed to the Division of Industrial Relations of the Department of Business and Industry for payments from the Uninsured Employers’ Claim Account; revising provisions governing the penalty for failure to provide mandatory industrial insurance; prohibiting certain conduct by persons who fail to pay certain amounts owed to the Division; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 63 — Committee on Commerce, Labor and Energy. Approved June 1, 2011



AN ACT relating to the Public Employees’ Benefits Program; revising the procedure for the Board of the Public Employees’ Benefits Program to contract with a vendor; authorizing the Board to engage the services of an attorney who specializes in health plans and health care law; revising the provisions of certain contracts entered into by the Board that the Commissioner of Insurance must approve; making various changes concerning the Executive Officer of the Board; revising provisions governing the authority for certain groups to leave the Program; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 365 — Assemblymen Kirner and Hickey. Approved June 1, 2011



AN ACT relating to the State Controller; authorizing a county treasurer to enter into a cooperative agreement with the Office of the State Controller for the purpose of assigning the responsibility of collecting fines, administrative assessments and fees from certain criminal defendants; making various changes relating to the collection of fines, administrative assessments and fees from certain criminal defendants; making various changes relating to debt collection between this State and the Federal Government; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 196 — Committee on Judiciary. Approved June 1, 2011



AN ACT relating to health care; requiring the Chiropractic Physicians’ Board of Nevada to establish a preceptor program; prescribing requirements for participation in the program; authorizing unlicensed persons participating in the program to perform chiropractic under certain circumstances; authorizing an applicant for a license to practice chiropractic to perform chiropractic adjustment or manipulation under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 382 — Assemblymen Hammond, Ohrenschall, Sherwood; and Woodbury. Approved June 1, 2011



AN ACT relating to health care; increasing the compensation of members of hospital advisory boards; revising provisions governing the staff of physicians at public hospitals; requiring certain hospitals to report information concerning the transfers of patients between hospitals to the Legislative Committee on Health Care; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 29 — Committee on Health and Human Services. Approved June 1, 2011



AN ACT making a supplemental appropriation to the Department of Corrections for an unanticipated shortfall in revenue at the Casa Grande Transitional Housing Center; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 482 — Committee on Finance. Approved June 1, 2011



AN ACT relating to taxation; proposing a competing measure to Initiative Petition No. 1 by requiring a uniform and equal rate of sales and use tax in a county and prohibiting the creation of special districts in which a higher sales and use tax rate applies in a certain portion of the county; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 495 — Committee on Revenue. Approved June 1, 2011



AN ACT making a supplemental appropriation to the Department of Corrections for an unanticipated shortfall in Fiscal Year 2010-2011 for increased outside medical costs; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 470 — Committee on Finance. Approved June 1, 2011



AN ACT making a supplemental appropriation to the Department of Motor Vehicles for an unanticipated shortfall in kiosk vendor payments; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 478 — Committee on Finance. Approved June 1, 2011



AN ACT making a supplemental appropriation to the Department of Motor Vehicles for an unanticipated shortfall in the merchant services fees associated with electronic payments; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 479 — Committee on Finance. Approved June 1, 2011



AN ACT making a supplemental appropriation to the Department of Corrections to offset a reduction in funds for the State Criminal Alien Assistance Program; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 474 — Committee on Finance. Approved June 1, 2011



AN ACT relating to the Fund for the Compensation of Victims of Crime; revising provisions governing the disbursement of money from the Fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 67 — Committee on Judiciary. Approved June 1, 2011



AN ACT relating to the Department of Motor Vehicles; providing for the imposition of certain fees for the processing by a supplier of self-service terminals or kiosks of certain transactions with the Department; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 441 — Committee on Finance. Approved June 1, 2011



AN ACT relating to tobacco; revising provisions relating to the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 79 — Committee on Revenue. Approved June 1, 2011



AN ACT relating to administrative procedure; exempting the judicial review of decisions of the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada from the requirements of the Nevada Administrative Procedure Act; revising provisions governing the procedure for the judicial review of decisions of the Commission; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 17 — Committee on Government Affairs. Approved June 2, 2011



AN ACT relating to emergencies; enacting the Uniform Emergency Volunteer Health Practitioners Act, which allows a participating state to establish a system whereby medical and veterinary service providers from other states may register to provide volunteer medical and veterinary services in that state in the event of an emergency; allowing a participating state to determine how various licensing, liability and certain other state laws will apply to registered medical and veterinary service providers who provide such volunteer services in a state in which they are not licensed to practice; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 98 — Assemblyman Segerblom. Approved June 2, 2011



AN ACT relating to energy; revising provisions concerning the imposition of certain reasonable restrictions or requirements relating to systems for obtaining wind energy; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 122 — Assemblyman Livermore. Approved June 2, 2011



AN ACT relating to elections; revising provisions governing the dates for certain city elections; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 132 — Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections. Approved June 2, 2011



AN ACT relating to medical facilities; revising provisions governing the form and publication of financial reports of certain medical facilities; requiring hospitals to include certain information in the financial reports submitted by the hospitals; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 160 — Assemblymen Segerblom; Aizley, Benitez-Thompson, Flores, Frierson, Hogan, Neal and Pierce. Joint Sponsors: Senators Kihuen and Leslie. Approved June 2, 2011



AN ACT relating to state financial administration; temporarily revising the distribution of revenue from certain licensing fees for slot machines to the Revolving Account to Support Programs for the Prevention and Treatment of Problem Gambling; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 500 — Committee on Ways and Means. Approved June 2, 2011



AN ACT relating to health; transferring the Office for Consumer Health Assistance from the Office of the Governor to the Department of Health and Human Services; requiring the Director of the Department to appoint the Governor’s Consumer Health Advocate to head the Office; including the Office of Minority Health within the Office for Consumer Health Assistance; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 519 — Committee on Ways and Means. Approved June 2, 2011



AN ACT relating to insurance; consolidating certain funds and accounts of the Division of Insurance of the Department of Business and Industry into the Fund for Insurance Administration and Enforcement; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 521 — Committee on Ways and Means. Approved June 2, 2011



AN ACT relating to health care; requiring a health care licensing board to refer certain complaints to another health care licensing board; requiring a health care licensing board to notify the appropriate health authority of certain public health emergencies or other health events; providing immunity from civil liability, under certain circumstances, to a health care licensing board or its agents or employees who make such referrals or provide such notifications; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 37 — Senator Wiener. Approved June 2, 2011



AN ACT relating to health care; extending the prospective expiration of provisions governing the list of preferred prescription drugs to be used for the Medicaid program; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 97 — Senator Wiener. Approved June 2, 2011



AN ACT relating to public utilities; increasing the cumulative capacity of net metering systems operating in this State; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 59 — Committee on Commerce, Labor and Energy. Approved June 2, 2011



AN ACT relating to common-interest communities; revising provisions governing the audit and review of financial statements of common-interest communities; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 89 — Senator McGinness. Approved June 2, 2011



AN ACT relating to education; encouraging a student who receives a Governor Guinn Millennium Scholarship to volunteer at least 20 hours of community service per year; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 96 — Senator Hardy. Approved June 2, 2011



AN ACT relating to educational personnel; requiring the board of trustees of each school district and the governing body of each charter school to adopt a policy requiring the licensed employees of the school district or charter school to report information concerning arrests for or convictions of certain crimes; requiring the Commission on Professional Standards in Education to include in the fee for the renewal of licensure of teachers and other educational personnel the amount required for processing the fingerprints of the applicant for renewal by the Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History and the Federal Bureau of Investigation; requiring the Central Repository to investigate the criminal background of each applicant for renewal of a license submitted to the Superintendent of Public Instruction; revising other provisions governing the renewal of licensure of teachers and other educational personnel; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 393 — Assemblymen Dondero Loop, Diaz, Smith; Aizley, Benitez-Thompson, Bobzien, Bustamante Adams, Carrillo, Conklin, Frierson, Mastroluca and Ohrenschall. Approved June 2, 2011



AN ACT relating to guardianships; revising provisions governing the appointment, powers and duties of guardians; requiring certain guardians to undergo a background investigation at their own cost and expense; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 128 — Committee on Judiciary. Approved June 2, 2011



AN ACT relating to juveniles; authorizing a juvenile court to review certain records relating to the custody of a child or the involvement of a child with an agency which provides child welfare services for certain purposes; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 112 — Committee on Health and Human Services. Approved June 2, 2011



AN ACT relating to the City of Elko; providing for the general municipal election to be held on the date for the state general election; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 134 — Senator Rhoads. Approved June 2, 2011



AN ACT relating to nursing; requiring national certification for a registered nurse to receive a certificate of recognition as an advanced practitioner of nursing; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 205 — Senators Leslie and Hardy. Joint Sponsors: Assemblymen Mastroluca, Carlton; and Bobzien. Approved June 2, 2011



AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; revising provisions relating to enforcement of weight limits on vehicles; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 322 — Senators Settelmeyer; Hardy and Manendo. Approved June 2, 2011



AN ACT relating to anatomical gifts; providing under certain circumstances that certain anatomical gifts pass to a family member of the donor who is a medically suitable recipient for the gift; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 337 — Senators Kieckhefer and Copening. Approved June 2, 2011



AN ACT relating to regional transportation commissions; revising provisions pertaining to vending stands provided for by such a commission; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 358 — Senators Denis and Brower. Joint Sponsor: Assemblyman Ohrenschall. Approved June 2, 2011



AN ACT relating to the protection of children; requiring agencies which provide child welfare services to develop and implement a plan to ensure that certain requirements concerning the placement of children in protective custody are understood and carried out; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 111 — Senator Settelmeyer. Joint Sponsor: Assemblyman Kite. Approved June 2, 2011



AN ACT relating to fire protection; codifying in statute the requirement in regulation that a person obtain a certificate of registration before acting as a fire performer; authorizing a person to act as a fire performer if the person holds a certificate of registration as an apprentice fire performer; providing for the application for and issuance of a certificate of registration as an apprentice fire performer; prohibiting an apprentice fire performer from acting as a fire performer without certain supervision; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 304 — Assemblymen Bobzien; Benitez-Thompson, Hickey, Segerblom and Smith. Joint Sponsors: Senators Leslie; and Copening. Approved June 2, 2011



AN ACT relating to insurance; revising provisions governing insurance adjusters; exempting certain persons from provisions of the Nevada Insurance Adjusters Law governing the licensing and regulation of adjusters; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 152 — Senator Schneider. Approved June 3, 2011



AN ACT relating to renewable energy; revising certain provisions governing the Solar Thermal Systems Demonstration Program; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 182 — Senator Schneider. Approved June 3, 2011



AN ACT relating to food establishments; allowing a health authority to require the testing of food processed or otherwise prepared by a food processing establishment under certain circumstances; requiring records of the test results to be maintained and the results to be reported if contamination is indicated; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 210 — Committee on Health and Human Services. Approved June 3, 2011



AN ACT relating to trapping; requiring the Board of Wildlife Commissioners to adopt regulations governing the trapping of fur-bearing mammals in certain counties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 226 — Senators Leslie and Parks. Joint Sponsors: Assemblywomen Pierce; and Carlton. Approved June 3, 2011



AN ACT relating to vehicles; prohibiting a manufacturer from requiring a dealer to alter substantially an existing facility of the dealer or construct a new facility; prohibiting a manufacturer from taking adverse action against a dealer relating to the exportation of a vehicle outside the United States except under certain circumstances; revising provisions governing the modification or replacement of a franchise; revising provisions relating to unfair practices; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 234 — Senator Horsford. Approved June 3, 2011



AN ACT relating to osteopathic medicine; authorizing an osteopathic physician to engage in telemedicine under certain circumstances; authorizing the State Board of Osteopathic Medicine to place any condition, limitation or restriction on a license under certain circumstances; requiring the Board to submit to the Governor and to the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau certain reports compiling disciplinary action taken by the Board against physician assistants; revising provisions governing applications for licensure by the Board; revising provisions governing the requirements for licensure by the Board; revising certain provisions relating to the renewal of a license by the Board; revising provisions relating to certain continuing education requirements for licensees; authorizing the Board to prorate the initial license fee for certain licenses; expanding the authority of the Board to discipline a physician assistant for certain conduct; revising provisions requiring certain persons to report information relating to certain malpractice claims to the Board; expanding the authority of the Board to investigate a physician assistant for certain conduct; revising provisions governing certain complaints filed with the Board; authorizing the Board summarily to suspend the license of a physician assistant under certain circumstances; authorizing the Board to seek injunctive relief against an osteopathic physician or physician assistant for engaging in certain conduct; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 273 — Senator Copening. Approved June 3, 2011



AN ACT relating to education; revising certain provisions governing the Nevada Youth Legislature; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 237 — Senator Wiener. Approved June 3, 2011



AN ACT relating to juveniles; prohibiting, under certain circumstances, a minor from using an electronic communication device to possess, transmit or distribute certain sexual images of a minor; clarifying the definition of “cyber-bullying” for the purposes of certain provisions relating to education; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 277 — Senator Wiener. Approved June 3, 2011



AN ACT relating to facilities for long-term care; requiring certain facilities that provide long-term care to establish certain policies concerning the readmission to the facility after a patient is transferred out of the facility; requiring certain facilities that provide long-term care to post certain information about persons or entities that have ownership or control over the facility; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 420 — Committee on Health and Human Services. Approved June 3, 2011



AN ACT relating to the Department of Public Safety; eliminating the Administrative Services Division of the Department; revising the duties of the Director of the Department; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 444 — Committee on Finance. Approved June 3, 2011



AN ACT making an appropriation to the Interim Finance Committee for allocation to the State Treasurer for a consultant to assist with the development of a request for proposals for the E-payment and Merchant Services contracts; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 450 — Committee on Finance. Approved June 3, 2011



AN ACT making an appropriation to the Interim Finance Committee for allocation to the State Treasurer; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 481 — Committee on Finance. Approved June 3, 2011



AN ACT relating to education; revising provisions governing plans for responding to a crisis in public schools of school districts, charter schools and private schools, so that such plans also address responding to an emergency; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 317 — Senator Wiener. Approved June 3, 2011



AN ACT relating to correctional institutions; authorizing the Attorney General to establish a program to mediate complaints by offenders; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 201 — Senators Parks, Leslie; Breeden, Copening, Denis, Horsford, Kihuen and Manendo. Joint Sponsors: Assemblymen Munford, Anderson; Atkinson, Bobzien, Carlton, Carrillo and Hogan. Approved June 3, 2011



AN ACT relating to music therapy; providing for the licensure of music therapists by the State Board of Health; authorizing the Board to establish a voluntary Music Therapy Advisory Group; prohibiting a person from engaging in the practice of music therapy without a license; prescribing the requirements for the issuance and renewal of a license as a music therapist; establishing the grounds for disciplinary action against a music therapist; providing the disciplinary actions the Board may take against a music therapist; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 190 — Senator Denis. Approved June 3, 2011



AN ACT relating to classifications based on population; changing the population basis for the exercise of certain powers by local governments; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 545 — Committee on Government Affairs. Approved June 4, 2011



AN ACT relating to recycling; providing for the placement of recycling containers on the premises of certain apartment complexes and condominiums; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 417 — Committee on Natural Resources. Approved June 4, 2011



AN ACT relating to nursing; providing for the certification by the State Board of Nursing of nursing assistants as medication aides - certified; prescribing the acts a medication aide - certified may perform; authorizing a medication aide - certified to possess and administer certain drugs and medications in certain medical facilities; authorizing the Board to establish certain fees and charges; prohibiting certain acts relating to medication aides - certified; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 411 — Committee on Commerce, Labor and Energy. Approved June 4, 2011



AN ACT relating to osteopathic medicine; removing the prospective expiration of the provisions governing licensure by endorsement of osteopathic physicians; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 132 — Committee on Health and Human Services. Approved June 4, 2011



AN ACT relating to wildlife; revising the civil penalties for unlawfully killing or possessing certain big game mammals and other wildlife and for hunting, fishing or trapping without a valid license, tag or permit; requiring the Board of Wildlife Commissioners to adopt regulations for the taking of antlers naturally shed by big game mammals; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 102 — Committee on Natural Resources. Approved June 4, 2011



AN ACT relating to real property; enacting the Uniform Real Property Transfer on Death Act; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 88 — Committee on Judiciary. Approved June 4, 2011



AN ACT relating to protection of children; requiring certain entities that have custody of children pursuant to the order of a court to adopt a policy concerning the administration and management of medication; requiring such entities to ensure that employees who will administer medication to a child receive a copy of and understand the policy; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 246 — Senator Leslie. Approved June 4, 2011



AN ACT relating to public health; establishing provisions for the designation of certain hospitals as primary stroke centers; authorizing the State Board of Health to adopt regulations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 225 — Senator Cegavske. Approved June 4, 2011



AN ACT relating to children; transferring the authority to regulate and oversee certain child care facilities to the Health Division of the Department of Health and Human Services; eliminating the Bureau of Services for Child Care of the Division of Child and Family Services of the Department; repealing provisions relating to the Chief of the Bureau; eliminating the Board for Child Care; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 430 — Committee on Finance. Approved June 4, 2011



AN ACT relating to the Nevada Rural Housing Authority; revising the definition of “local government” to include the Authority for the purpose of loans from a local government in certain counties to the Authority; revising the requirements for eligibility to serve as a commissioner of the Authority; authorizing the Authority to receive a loan from a local government; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 198 — Assemblymen Grady; Ellison and Livermore. Approved June 4, 2011



AN ACT relating to judicial retirement; transferring the responsibility to deposit certain money for the purpose of paying pension benefits to justices of the Supreme Court or district judges from the State of Nevada to the Court Administrator; requiring the State of Nevada to make an appropriation for this purpose; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 436 — Committee on Finance. Approved June 4, 2011



AN ACT relating to the state militia; authorizing the rental of facilities of the Office of the Military; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 445 — Committee on Finance. Approved June 4, 2011



AN ACT relating to water; requiring the State Engineer to designate certain groundwater basins as critical management areas in certain circumstances; requiring the State Engineer to take certain actions in such a basin unless a groundwater management plan has been approved for the basin; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 419 — Assemblyman Goicoechea. Approved June 4, 2011



AN ACT relating to mortgage loans; revising provisions governing the requirement for certain mortgage agents, mortgage bankers, mortgage brokers and other employees to register with the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System and Registry; revising provisions governing continuing education requirements for certain licensees; clarifying that certain investors who deposit money with a mortgage broker are exempt from criminal and civil liability for the acts or omissions of the mortgage broker; revising provisions governing the employment or association of mortgage agents; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 283 — Assemblyman Conklin. Approved June 4, 2011



AN ACT relating to employee leasing companies; revising the requirements for the issuance or renewal of a certificate of registration to operate an employee leasing company in this State; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 213 — Senator Schneider. Approved June 4, 2011



AN ACT relating to local government finance; revising provisions concerning the refunding of municipal securities related to infrastructure projects in certain counties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 238 — Committee on Government Affairs. Approved June 4, 2011



AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; prohibiting operators of tow cars from imposing certain fees under certain circumstances; authorizing an insurer to take possession of a motor vehicle upon obtaining the consent of the owner of the motor vehicle or the authorized agent of the owner under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 142 — Committee on Commerce, Labor and Energy. Approved June 4, 2011



AN ACT relating to personal financial administration; providing for nonprobate transfers of property to take effect on the death of the owner of the property; establishing provisions relating to transfers of property which are found or presumed to be void and providing the effect of such transfers; providing for the independent administration of estates; revising provisions concerning the administration of trusts and estates; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 221 — Senator Wiener. Joint Sponsor: Assemblyman Segerblom. Approved June 4, 2011



AN ACT relating to commercial tenancies; prohibiting a landlord’s interference with a tenant’s use of commercial premises under certain circumstances; establishing a procedure for a tenant to recover possession of commercial premises following a lockout; setting forth the circumstances under which a tenant can be presumed to have abandoned commercial premises; repealing and reenacting provisions relating to the disposal of personal property abandoned by a tenant on commercial premises; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 398 — Assemblyman Ohrenschall. Joint Sponsor: Senator Parks. Approved June 4, 2011



AN ACT relating to public personnel; requiring that certain procedures be followed before taking disciplinary action against a public employee; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 179 — Assemblymen Anderson, Conklin, Segerblom, Carrillo; Brooks, Daly and Neal. Joint Sponsors: Senators Manendo and Parks. Approved June 5, 2011



AN ACT relating to dietetics; providing for the licensure of dietitians by the State Board of Health; prohibiting a person from engaging in the practice of dietetics without a license issued by the Board; setting forth the grounds for disciplinary action against a licensed dietitian; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 289 — Assemblymen Mastroluca, Carlton; and Atkinson. Joint Sponsors: Senators Wiener; and Schneider. Approved June 5, 2011



AN ACT relating to medical facilities; revising provisions governing billing and related practices of certain larger hospitals; revising requirements relating to notices of billing practices which must be provided to patients of certain hospitals; providing administrative penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 300 — Senator Leslie. Approved June 5, 2011



AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; providing an exemption from emissions inspection for certain motor vehicles; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 2 — Assemblymen Kirkpatrick and Kirner. Approved June 6, 2011



AN ACT relating to elections; revising the districts from which the members of the Board of Regents of the University of Nevada are elected; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 570 — Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections. Approved June 9, 2011



AN ACT relating to water; authorizing the issuance of a temporary permit to appropriate water to establish fire-resistant vegetative cover in certain areas; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 361 — Senator Rhoads. Approved June 10, 2011



AN ACT relating to mortgage lending; revising provisions governing certain mortgage lending professionals to be consistent with certain federal law governing the provision of mortgage assistance relief services; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 308 — Assemblymen Conklin, Kirkpatrick, Smith, Atkinson; Bustamante Adams, Carrillo, Daly, Dondero Loop, Frierson, Mastroluca, Oceguera and Segerblom. Approved June 10, 2011



AN ACT relating to public health; requiring certain medical facilities to provide to patients and to post certain information relating to facility-acquired infections; requiring providers of health care to provide certain information to a patient who has an infection or a person authorized by the patient to receive such information; revising requirements for patient safety plans adopted by certain medical facilities; requiring certain medical facilities to designate an infection control officer and establish an infection control program; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 339 — Senators Breeden and Wiener. Approved June 10, 2011



AN ACT relating to vehicles; revising provisions governing the reinstatement of the registration of a motor vehicle whose registered owner has allowed his or her policy of liability insurance to lapse; revising provisions governing registration of vehicles in this State by residents of this State; requiring certain nonresidents to register vehicles in this State; prohibiting the Department of Motor Vehicles from registering a motor vehicle under certain circumstances; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 323 — Senator Parks. Approved June 10, 2011



AN ACT relating to animals; requiring the board of county commissioners of each county and the governing body of each incorporated city to adopt an ordinance requiring commercial breeders of dogs or cats to obtain a permit to act as a breeder under certain circumstances; setting forth the requirements for the issuance of those permits; making various changes to the standards of care for dogs and cats; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 299 — Senator Manendo (by request). Approved June 10, 2011



AN ACT relating to crimes; revising various provisions governing graffiti offenses; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 257 — Senator Wiener. Approved June 10, 2011



AN ACT relating to highways; declaring that it is the policy of this State to encourage and promote the use of recycled aggregate, recycled bituminous pavement and recycled rubber from tires in the construction, reconstruction, improvement, maintenance and repair of public highways in this State; requiring the Director of the Department of Transportation to adopt policies that provide for the use of such materials in highway projects; requiring a local government that undertakes certain road or highway projects to adopt policies that provide for the use of such materials in the projects; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 236 — Committee on Natural Resources. Approved June 10, 2011



AN ACT relating to animals; authorizing a person to report an act of cruelty against an animal; requiring such a report to be kept confidential under certain circumstances; making certain willful and malicious acts of cruelty to certain animals punishable as a felony; clarifying that a retailer, dealer or operator who separates a dog or cat from its mother is guilty of a misdemeanor under certain circumstances; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 223 — Senators Breeden, Parks; and Manendo. Joint Sponsor: Assemblyman Segerblom. Approved June 10, 2011



AN ACT relating to notaries public; revising provisions relating to the requirements for appointment as a notary public, storage of the stamp and journal of a notary public, documentation of notarial acts, and liability and penalties for certain misconduct and violations of law by a notary public or an employer of a notary public; prohibiting a notary public from performing a notarial act on certain documents or from making or noting a protest of a negotiable instrument under certain circumstances; authorizing the Secretary of State to impose a civil penalty for certain violations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 77 — Committee on Government Affairs. Approved June 10, 2011



AN ACT relating to state financial administration; revising provisions relating to stale claims by state agencies; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 530 — Committee on Ways and Means. Approved June 10, 2011



AN ACT relating to corrections; revising provisions governing compensation for travel expenses for certain persons employed at certain correctional institutions or facilities within this State; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 489 — Committee on Ways and Means. Approved June 10, 2011



AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; providing an expedited process for the forfeiture of certain seized vehicles; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 463 — Committee on Judiciary. Approved June 10, 2011



AN ACT relating to public works; making various changes relating to the withholding of retainage on progress payments for public works contracts; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 413 — Assemblymen Daly, Conklin, Hickey; Atkinson, Bobzien, Bustamante Adams, Carlton, Ellison, Horne, Kirkpatrick, Pierce and Smith. Approved June 10, 2011



AN ACT relating to energy assistance; clarifying that certain tenants are eligible for energy assistance under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 390 — Assemblymen Carlton, Ohrenschall, Brooks, Frierson, Carrillo; Atkinson, Benitez-Thompson, Bobzien, Bustamante Adams, Daly, Dondero Loop, Grady, Hansen, Hickey, Kirner, Kite, Oceguera, Pierce and Segerblom. Joint Sponsors: Senators Breeden, Kihuen, Manendo, Parks and Schneider. Approved June 10, 2011



AN ACT relating to railroads; exempting an engineer who is driving a locomotive in a quiet zone established pursuant to federal regulations from provisions requiring the ringing of the bell or the sounding of the whistle of the locomotive; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 384 — Assemblymen Hickey; Goicoechea and Grady. Approved June 10, 2011



AN ACT relating to mobile equipment; requiring the Director of the Department of Transportation to submit a report to the Governor and the Legislature relating to the elimination by outsourcing or the purchase or leasing of certain mobile equipment; requiring the Department to prepare and present an analysis of the costs and benefits associated with the purchasing or leasing of certain mobile equipment or contracting for the performance of the work which would have been performed using that mobile equipment; prohibiting the Board of Directors of the Department from approving the purchase of certain mobile equipment unless the Department justifies the purchase based on the costs and benefits analysis; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 374 — Assemblymen Woodbury, Atkinson; Daly and Hammond. Approved June 10, 2011



AN ACT relating to manufactured buildings; requiring the Administrator of the Manufactured Housing Division of the Department of Business and Industry to adopt regulations prescribing certain safety standards with respect to portable buildings; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 358 — Assemblyman Bobzien. Approved June 10, 2011



AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; providing that a person who, while violating certain rules of the road, causes a collision with a pedestrian or person riding a bicycle has committed reckless driving; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 328 — Assemblywoman Benitez-Thompson. Approved June 10, 2011



AN ACT relating to wildlife; revising the membership of the Board of Wildlife Commissioners to include one member who is actively engaged in conservation and possesses experience and expertise in advocating issues relating to conservation; revising the circumstances under which the Director of the Department of Wildlife is appointed; revising the provisions governing a program for the issuance of certain additional big game tags each year; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 322 — Assemblymen Smith, Oceguera, Bobzien; Conklin and Goicoechea. Approved June 10, 2011



AN ACT relating to gaming; revising certain definitions relating to gaming for the purposes of the Nevada Gaming Control Act; removing the authority of the Nevada Gaming Commission to regulate certain independent contractors; making it unlawful to distribute gaming devices, systems or related equipment under certain circumstances; revising provisions relating to the location of a computer system associated with mobile gaming; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 294 — Assemblymen Horne, Atkinson, Ohrenschall, Segerblom; Aizley, Carrillo, Daly, Dondero Loop, Flores, Frierson, Hogan, Munford and Pierce. Approved June 10, 2011



AN ACT relating to education; authorizing the board of trustees of a school district and the governing body of a charter school to request, for the 2011-2013 biennium, a waiver from the required minimum number of school days in a school year during an economic hardship; setting forth certain provisions governing a furlough program of employees of school districts and charter schools as the program relates to the Public Employees’ Retirement System; expiring the provisions of this act; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 117 — Committee on Education. Approved June 10, 2011



AN ACT relating to energy; providing for the partial abatement of certain property taxes for certain new manufacturing businesses in this State; providing that eligibility for the partial abatement of certain property taxes is limited to certain new manufacturing businesses that renovate an existing building or other structure; revising provisions governing eligibility for a partial abatement of taxes for a building or other structure that is determined to meet the equivalent of the silver level or higher pursuant to the Green Building Rating System; requiring the Director of the Office of Energy to adopt certain regulations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 202 — Assemblymen Atkinson, Conklin, Kirner, Hardy, Hickey; and Kirkpatrick. Approved June 10, 2011



AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; revising provisions relating to licensed automobile wreckers that obtain vehicles to be processed as parts or scrap metal; revising provisions relating to the determination that a motor vehicle is a total loss vehicle; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 204 — Committee on Transportation. Approved June 10, 2011



AN ACT relating to transportation; revising provisions governing the authority of the Department of Transportation to enter into contracts with design-build teams; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 212 — Assemblymen Woodbury; Goicoechea, Grady, Hammond, Hansen, Hardy, Hickey, Kite and Stewart. Joint Sponsors: Senators Hardy; Gustavson, Kieckhefer and Settelmeyer. Approved June 10, 2011



AN ACT relating to motor carriers; authorizing the payment of certain fees for annual permits issued by the Department of Transportation to operators of certain combination vehicles to be made during certain registration cycles; requiring the Department to adopt regulations establishing the registration cycles; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 232 — Assemblymen Woodbury; Aizley, Anderson, Ellison, Goedhart, Goicoechea, Grady, Hambrick, Hammond, Hardy, Hickey, Kirner, Kite, Livermore, McArthur, Sherwood and Stewart. Joint Sponsors: Senators Hardy, Gustavson; and Settelmeyer. Approved June 10, 2011



AN ACT relating to gaming; requiring the Nevada Gaming Commission to adopt regulations relating to the licensing and operation of interactive gaming; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 258 — Committee on Judiciary. Approved June 10, 2011



AN ACT relating to the Legislature; requiring newly elected Legislators to attend training before the beginning of their first legislative session; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 260 — Assemblymen Oceguera, Conklin, Smith, Kirkpatrick, Bobzien; Atkinson, Carrillo, Horne, Mastroluca, Pierce, Segerblom and Sherwood. Approved June 10, 2011



AN ACT relating to estates; making certain agreements between an heir finder and an apparent heir relating to the recovery of property in an estate void and unenforceable under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 291 — Assemblymen Horne; Aizley, Atkinson, Bustamante Adams, Carlton, Carrillo, Daly, Dondero Loop, Frierson, Goicoechea, Hogan, Livermore, Mastroluca, Munford, Pierce and Segerblom. Approved June 10, 2011



AN ACT relating to state financial administration; requiring each designated organization that receives money from the Department of Health and Human Services to make available certain information to the public and to make reports biannually to the Department; requiring the Department to submit those reports to the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 242 — Assemblymen Kirkpatrick, Smith, Oceguera, Conklin and Atkinson. Approved June 10, 2011



AN ACT relating to real property; revising provisions governing the exercise of the power of sale under a deed of trust concerning owner-occupied real property; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 388 — Assemblyman Ohrenschall. Approved June 10, 2011



AN ACT relating to local government financial administration; limiting the authority of a governing body of a local government to loan or transfer money from an enterprise fund and to increase fees imposed for the purpose of an enterprise fund; requiring certain reports from the Committee on Local Government Finance; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 471 — Committee on Government Affairs. Approved June 10, 2011



AN ACT relating to campaign practices; requiring a notice of an alleged violation of provisions governing campaign practices to include certain information; requiring the Secretary of State to provide a copy of the notice and any accompanying information to the person alleged in the notice to have committed the violation; authorizing the person to respond to such a notice; authorizing the Secretary of State to conduct an investigation based on such a notice in certain circumstances; authorizing the Secretary of State or a designated officer or employee of the Secretary of State to subpoena witnesses and require the production of documents or records by subpoena when conducting an investigation based on such a notice in certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 337 — Assemblyman Daly. Approved June 10, 2011



AN ACT relating to governmental administration; requiring the electronic filing of certain campaign contribution and expenditure reports and statements of financial disclosure; amending the deadlines for filing certain campaign contribution and expenditure reports; requiring candidates to report certain contributions and expenditures in the aggregate on campaign contribution and expenditure reports; requiring candidates to report the disposal of certain unspent campaign contributions in the aggregate on campaign contribution and expenditure reports; making various other changes relating to campaign finance; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 452 — Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections. Approved June 10, 2011



AN ACT relating to grants; establishing the Office of Grant Procurement, Coordination and Management in the Department of Administration; setting forth the duties of the Chief of the Office; requiring all state agencies to notify the Office of any grants for which the agency applies and any which they receive; authorizing state agencies, commissions and departments to hold certain hearings relating to grants; authorizing state departments, institutions and agencies to take certain actions to carry out a grant before receiving approval from the Interim Finance Committee; increasing the monetary thresholds at which certain approval of revisions of work programs and acceptance of gifts and grants is required; increasing the amount of certain gifts and grants that certain state agencies may accept under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 233 — Senators Parks, Horsford and Kieckhefer. Joint Sponsors: Assemblymen Oceguera, Conklin, Hansen, Brooks, Hardy; Anderson, Bustamante Adams, Kirkpatrick and Smith. Approved June 10, 2011



AN ACT relating to real property; revising provisions governing the amount which a person holding a junior lien on real property may recover in a civil action under certain circumstances; prohibiting certain persons holding a junior lien on certain residential property from bringing a civil action under certain circumstances; revising provisions governing the amount of a deficiency judgment after the foreclosure of a mortgage or a deed of trust; limiting the amount of certain judgments against guarantors, sureties or other obligors of obligations secured by real property under certain circumstances; revising provisions governing mortgages and deeds of trust; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 273 — Committee on Commerce and Labor. Approved June 10, 2011



AN ACT relating to peace officers; revising the circumstances under which a law enforcement agency is prohibited from suspending a peace officer without pay during an investigation; authorizing a representative of a peace officer to attend an interview with the peace officer under certain circumstances; requiring a law enforcement agency to revise a peace officer’s work schedule for attending certain hearings and administrative proceedings; prohibiting the use in a criminal proceeding of a statement or answer of a peace officer obtained during an investigation under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 265 — Assemblyman Daly (by request). Approved June 10, 2011



AN ACT relating to health care; requiring the Director of the Department of Health and Human Services to establish a statewide health information exchange system in accordance with federal law; requiring the Director to establish or contract with a nonprofit entity to govern the statewide health information exchange system; requiring the Director to prescribe standards to ensure the security and confidentiality of electronic health records; requiring the Director to take action necessary to comply with federal law concerning electronic health records and the statewide health information exchange system; making various changes relating to electronic health records; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 43 — Committee on Health and Human Services. Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to nursing facilities; revising provisions governing the Fund to Increase the Quality of Nursing Care; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 54 — Committee on Health and Human Services. Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to energy; revising certain provisions governing the administration of the Fund for Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation Loans; authorizing the Director of the Office of Energy to enter into agreements and cooperate with third parties for certain purposes; authorizing the Director to make loans from the Fund to qualified applicants for the construction of an energy efficiency project or an energy conservation project, the construction, expansion or operation of a renewable energy system or the manufacturing of components of a renewable energy system; authorizing the Director to use the interest earned from money in loans from the Fund and interest earned on loans made from the Fund to defray certain costs and expenses; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 60 — Committee on Commerce, Labor and Energy. Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to district courts; providing for the realignment of certain judicial districts; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 94 — Senator McGinness. Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to Nevada Magazine; expanding the purposes for which Nevada Magazine is authorized to trade its advertising services; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 106 — Senator Settelmeyer. Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to children; requiring foster homes to develop and implement plans to care for children during a disaster; requiring agencies which provide child welfare services to develop and implement such plans; requiring the Division of Child and Family Services of the Department of Health and Human Services to adopt regulations to establish the minimum requirements and procedures for such plans; requiring the Division to develop a plan to care for children in the custody of another agency which provides child welfare services during a disaster; providing a penalty in certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 113 — Committee on Health and Human Services. Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to concealed firearms; revising certain provisions relating to permits to carry concealed firearms; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 126 — Senators Settelmeyer and Lee. Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to elections; providing that petition districts from which signatures for an initiative or referendum petition must be gathered are conterminous with congressional districts; providing for the method by which county clerks verify signatures on such petitions; revising certain requirements for petitions of referendum; amending the filing deadline for certain petitions; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 133 — Senator Rhoads. Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; providing for the issuance of special license plates for family members of persons who died as a result of injuries sustained while on active duty in the Armed Forces of the United States; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 154 — Senator Settelmeyer. Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to civil practice; urging the Nevada Supreme Court to amend the Nevada Rules of Civil Procedure to require an attorney in certain class actions to provide certain disclosures under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 194 — Senator Hardy. Joint Sponsors: Assemblymen Hardy and Stewart. Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to public health; revising requirements for various reports concerning the care provided by certain medical and related facilities; revising provisions relating to administrative fines collected by the Health Division of the Department of Health and Human Services; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 264 — Senator Leslie. Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to trust companies; revising provisions governing the management of a trust by a family trust company or licensed family trust company; specifying the applicability of the Uniform Prudent Investor Act to a trust managed by a family trust company or licensed family trust company; authorizing a family trust company or licensed family trust company to engage in certain transactions involving the assets of the trust or take certain actions if the transaction or action is in the interest of the beneficiaries and complies with certain other requirements; authorizing a family trust company or licensed family trust company and an interested person to enter into a nonjudicial settlement agreement to resolve any matter related to the management, administration or interpretation of a trust; requiring a family trust company and licensed family trust company to provide an annual report or certain information in lieu of an annual report to certain persons concerning the management of a trust; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 259 — Senator Schneider. Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; increasing the membership and revising the duties of the Advisory Board on Automotive Affairs; establishing certain qualifications for membership on the Board; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 238 — Senator Manendo (by request). Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to chiropractic; requiring the completion of certain continuing education requirements for the renewal of a certificate as a chiropractor’s assistant; revising certain provisions governing the issuance and renewal of a certificate as a chiropractor’s assistant; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 215 — Senator Hardy. Joint Sponsors: Assemblymen Hammond and Stewart. Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to liens; revising certain provisions governing liens of owners of facilities for storage; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 150 — Senator Schneider. Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to insurance; removing the requirement that a resident producer of insurance maintain a place of business in this State which is accessible to the public; revising provisions relating to a certificate of insurance issued pursuant to a contract or policy of property or casualty insurance; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 143 — Committee on Commerce, Labor and Energy. Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to elections; revising the dates by which the contributions to or expenses of a campaign must be reported; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 125 — Senator Kieckhefer. Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to marriage; revising certain provisions relating to certificates of marriage and the solemnization of marriage; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 101 — Senator Manendo. Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to governmental administration; requiring the Chief of the Office of Information Security of the Department of Information Technology to investigate and resolve certain matters relating to security breaches of information systems of certain state agencies and elected officers; authorizing the Director of the Department or the Chief of the Office of Information Security to inform members of certain governmental entities of such security breaches; amending the membership and increasing certain terms of office of the Information Technology Advisory Board; revising the authority of the Department to provide services and equipment to local governmental agencies; requiring certain agencies and officers that use the equipment and information services of the Department to report certain incidents to the Office of Information Security; making various other changes relating to governmental information systems; requiring the Chief of the Purchasing Division of the Department of Administration and local governments to publish certain advertisements for bids or proposals on their respective Internet websites; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 82 — Committee on Government Affairs. Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to older persons; revising the crimes against an older person that are subject to an additional civil penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 55 — Committee on Government Affairs. Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to health care providers; requiring each person licensed by the State Board of Podiatry to maintain a permanent mailing address with the Board; requiring each licensee to provide the Board with written notification of any change in his or her permanent address; requiring the Board to impose a fine if a licensee fails to notify the Board of a change in his or her permanent address; requiring a licensee who closes his or her office in this State to notify the Board of the location and custodian of the medical records of the patients of the licensee for a certain period; codifying in statutory form the requirement in administrative regulation that an applicant for a license issued by the Board submit to a criminal background check; revising provisions governing the qualifications for obtaining a license to practice dental hygiene; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 36 — Committee on Commerce, Labor and Energy. Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to the equalization of property valuations; extending under certain circumstances the deadline for appeals to county boards of equalization; extending certain deadlines for the State Board of Equalization to conclude the business of equalization; requiring the State Board to post a schedule of certain meetings on the Internet website of the Department of Taxation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 32 — Committee on Revenue. Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to common-interest communities; providing for the electronic transfer of money to the United States Government or federal or state agencies under certain circumstances; authorizing an association to use electronic signatures to withdraw money from the operating account of the association under certain circumstances; revising provisions relating to the requirement that the executive board of an association make certain records available for review at a designated location; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 30 — Committee on Judiciary. Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to contractors; requiring an applicant for a contractor’s license or a licensed contractor to notify the State Contractors’ Board if the applicant or licensee is convicted of, or pleads guilty, guilty but mentally ill or nolo contendere to, certain crimes; providing that the failure of an applicant or a licensee to submit such notification constitutes grounds for disciplinary action by the Board; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 19 — Committee on Commerce, Labor and Energy. Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to contractors; authorizing the State Contractors’ Board to discipline a licensed contractor for failure or refusal to comply with an order of the Board; requiring the Board to impose an administrative fine against a licensee who fails or refuses to comply with an order of the Board; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 18 — Committee on Commerce, Labor and Energy. Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to civil actions; providing that a certain amount of money held in a personal bank account that is likely to be exempt from execution is not subject to a writ of execution or garnishment except in certain circumstances; providing a procedure to execute on property held in a safe-deposit box; revising the procedure for claiming an exemption from execution on certain property; making various other changes to provisions governing writs of execution, attachment and garnishment; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 223 — Assemblymen Segerblom, Smith, Dondero Loop; Aizley, Anderson, Benitez-Thompson, Bobzien, Carrillo, Daly, Frierson, Kirkpatrick, Neal and Pierce. Joint Sponsors: Senators Breeden, Parks; Kihuen, Leslie and Manendo. Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to state financial administration; providing that all interest and income earned on any money in the Fund for Manufactured Housing or in any account in the Fund must be credited to the Fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 531 — Committee on Ways and Means. Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to public financial administration; revising provisions relating to the use of money in the Fund for Hospital Care to Indigent Persons; transferring money from an account in the Fund to the State General Fund for the next biennium; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 529 — Committee on Ways and Means. Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to private postsecondary educational institutions; revising the requirements concerning background investigations of certain applicants for employment or contracts with private postsecondary educational institutions; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 40 — Committee on Education. Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to mental health; authorizing mental health consortia to perform certain activities relating to children’s mental health; authorizing mental health consortia to accept and expend money for certain purposes; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 48 — Committee on Health and Human Services. Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to elections; enacting the Uniformed Military and Overseas Absentee Voters Act; repealing certain provisions governing the use of absent ballots by Armed Forces of the United States personnel and overseas citizens; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 100 — Assemblyman Segerblom. Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to the protection of children; requiring a law enforcement agency to determine whether an infant who is relinquished to a provider of emergency services has been reported as a missing child; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 148 — Assemblymen Mastroluca, Ohrenschall, Smith, Bobzien; Benitez-Thompson, Conklin, Dondero Loop, Flores, Frierson, Horne and Pierce. Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to vehicles; authorizing an agricultural user to apply to the Motor Carrier Division of the Department of Motor Vehicles for the issuance of a license plate and decal to operate a farm tractor or self-propelled implement of husbandry on a highway in this State under certain circumstances; requiring the license plate to be displayed on the farm tractor or self-propelled implement of husbandry in a certain manner; authorizing the Department to issue a replacement license plate or decal upon the payment of a fee if a license plate or decal is lost or destroyed; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 247 — Assemblymen Goicoechea; Grady and Hansen. Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to occupational safety; requiring the Division of Industrial Relations of the Department of Business and Industry to provide certain persons with specified information and notifications relating to an investigation of an accident which results in the death or, under certain circumstances, the injury of an employee; requiring the Division to use its best efforts to interview certain persons during an investigation of an accident which results in the death of an employee; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 255 — Committee on Commerce and Labor. Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to energy; revising the categories of uses, capacity goals and prospective expiration of the Waterpower Energy Systems Demonstration Program; revising provisions governing net metering for waterpower energy systems; revising provisions governing net metering for certain wind energy systems; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 359 — Assemblymen Goicoechea; and Grady. Joint Sponsor: Senator Settelmeyer. Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to energy auditors; establishing the qualifications for an energy auditor; providing for the licensure of energy auditors by the Real Estate Division of the Department of Business and Industry; establishing the requirements with which an energy auditor must comply when conducting an energy audit; repealing provisions that require the Nevada Energy Commissioner to establish a program for evaluating the energy consumption of residential property in this State; making an appropriation; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 432 — Assemblywomen Kirkpatrick and Benitez-Thompson. Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to educational personnel; removing the requirement that the Superintendent of Public Instruction notify a licensee by mail of the date of expiration of his or her license; requiring the Department of Education to maintain a directory of licensees on the Internet website maintained by the Department; requiring the Department to provide on a monthly basis an electronic file with a list of each licensed employee whose license will expire to the board of trustees of the school district that employs the person; requiring the board of trustees of the school district to notify each licensee of the date of expiration of his or her license; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 39 — Committee on Education. Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to transportation; requiring the Director of the Department of Transportation to charge fees based upon market value for authorizing the placement of trademarks or symbols identifying individual enterprises on certain signs and for providing information regarding attractions and services along highways of the State; authorizing the Director to recommend to the Board of Directors of the Department programs for providing information to the traveling public to be funded from money received from fees charged on those signs; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 53 — Committee on Transportation. Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to education; creating the Office of Parental Involvement and Family Engagement within the Department of Education; prescribing the duties of the Office; revising the contents of the annual reports of accountability for school districts prepared by school districts; revising the contents of the plans to improve the achievement of pupils prepared by school districts and public schools; requiring the Commission on Professional Standards in Education to prescribe course work on parental involvement and family engagement; revising the membership of the Statewide Council for the Coordination of the Regional Training Programs; requiring the Statewide Council to establish a statewide program for teachers and administrators concerning parental involvement and family engagement; requiring the regional training programs for the professional development of teachers and administrators to provide training on parental involvement and family engagement; making an appropriation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 224 — Assemblymen Benitez-Thompson, Smith, Bobzien, Oceguera; Aizley, Brooks, Bustamante Adams, Carrillo, Daly, Flores, Frierson, Kirkpatrick and Segerblom. Joint Sponsor: Senator Denis. Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; requiring the Department of Motor Vehicles, with respect to special license plates for the support of outreach programs and services for veterans and their families, to make such plates available to female veterans with an optional image representative of female veterans; providing for the issuance of special license plates inscribed with the words “DISABLED FEMALE VETERAN”; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 277 — Assemblymen Anderson; Benitez-Thompson, Bustamante Adams, Carlton, Diaz, Dondero Loop, Flores, Mastroluca, Neal, Pierce and Woodbury (by request). Joint Sponsors: Senators Halseth, Leslie; Breeden, Cegavske, Copening and Wiener. Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to education; establishing the Interim Task Force on Out-of-School-Time Programs; requiring the Task Force to prescribe standards for out-of-school-time programs and to make certain recommendations relating to out-of-school-time programs; exempting out-of-school-time programs, out-of-school recreation programs and seasonal or temporary recreation programs from licensure and regulation as child care facilities; requiring certain out-of-school recreation programs to obtain a permit; establishing certain requirements for the operation of an out-of-school recreation program; authorizing an out-of-school-time program to report certain information to the Bureau of Services for Child Care of the Division of Child and Family Services of the Department of Health and Human Services; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 362 — Assemblymen Diaz, Carrillo, Frierson, Dondero Loop, Sherwood; Aizley, Atkinson, Benitez-Thompson, Bobzien, Bustamante Adams, Daly, Flores, Horne, Kirkpatrick, Neal, Ohrenschall, Pierce, Segerblom and Smith. Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to personal information; authorizing the Office of Information Security of the Department of Information Technology to adopt certain regulations relating to encryption; revising provisions governing the protection of personal information collected by a data collector; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 267 — Senator Wiener. Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to insurance; revising provisions relating to nonadmitted insurance; authorizing the Commissioner of Insurance to enter into a multi-state agreement concerning nonadmitted insurance; revising provisions relating to the assessment and disbursement of taxes on nonadmitted insurance; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 289 — Senator Copening (by request). Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to insurance; providing for the licensure and regulation of persons who sell or offer coverage under a policy of portable electronics insurance; providing a fee; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 292 — Senator Schneider (by request). Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to real property; revising provisions governing the exercise of the power of sale under a deed of trust concerning owner-occupied property; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 307 — Senator Copening. Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to pharmacy; authorizing certain education and training to be provided to practitioners concerning the management by a patient of medications of the patient; requiring practitioners to post a sign informing patients of the right to have the symptom or purpose for which a drug is prescribed be included on the label of the container of the drug; revising provisions relating to prescriptions for controlled substances included in schedule II; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 329 — Senators Breeden and Wiener. Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to counties; providing for the establishment of county programs for the issuance of marriage licenses by certain commercial wedding chapels; removing the prospective expiration of provisions allowing a county office to deviate from the required hours of operation under certain circumstances; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 381 — Senator Manendo. Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to common-interest communities; revising provisions relating to the information which must be provided by a unit’s owner in a resale transaction; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 403 — Committee on Judiciary. Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to financial institutions; prohibiting a banking or other financial institution from unreasonably delaying a response to an offer for a sale in lieu of a foreclosure sale on real property secured by a residential mortgage loan; prohibiting a banking or other financial institution from obtaining a deficiency judgment in certain circumstances; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 414 — Committee on Commerce, Labor and Energy. Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to public health; requiring certain persons who are licensed, registered or certified by the Health Division of the Department of Health and Human Services, certain district boards of health or certain boards which license, register or certify health care professionals to attest that they have knowledge of and are in compliance with certain guidelines concerning safe infection practices as a condition of the issuance or renewal of their licenses, registration or certificates; requiring certain medical laboratories licensed by the Health Division and persons who register a radiation machine with the Health Division to provide similar attestations regarding certain employees; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 419 — Committee on Health and Human Services. Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to energy; eliminating the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Authority and the position of Nevada Energy Commissioner; requiring the Office of Energy and its Director to assume certain responsibilities of the repealed entities; transferring authority for the program to track the use of energy in buildings occupied by state agencies to the Office of Energy; revising provisions governing certain contracts necessary to carry out the program; revising provisions relating to the partial abatement of certain taxes for qualified energy systems; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 426 — Committee on Finance. Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT making a supplemental appropriation to the Department of Corrections to cover stale claims for prison medical care for Fiscal Year 2007-2008; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 472 — Committee on Finance. Approved June 13, 2011



AN ACT relating to elections; revising provisions governing registering to vote by computer; authorizing additional mailing precincts in certain circumstances; making various other changes relating to the administration and conduct of elections; prohibiting foreign nationals from making campaign contributions; prohibiting certain persons from receiving such contributions; authorizing the disposition of unspent campaign contributions to a governmental entity and for the use of legal expenses; requiring the annual registration of committees for political action; making various other changes relating to campaign finance; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 82 — Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections. Approved June 10, 2011



AN ACT relating to public health; requiring certain facilities for skilled nursing to submit information to the secure, Internet-based surveillance system established by the Division of Healthcare Quality Promotion of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States Department of Health and Human Services; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 338 — Senators Breeden and Wiener. Approved June 14, 2011



AN ACT relating to nonprofit organizations; requiring nonprofit organizations which provide certain jobs and day training services or which operate certain rehabilitation facilities or workshops to be on file and in good standing with the Secretary of State as a nonprofit organization and meet certain other requirements as a condition of participating in such programs; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 293 — Senator Cegavske. Approved June 14, 2011



AN ACT relating to parole; replacing the requirement for prisoners convicted of certain sexual offenses to be certified by a panel before being released on parole with a process to evaluate such prisoners before their parole is granted or continued; authorizing the State Board of Parole Commissioners to request an evaluation of certain sex offenders; revising provisions relating to immunity from liability based upon certain actions of a panel; providing that certain meetings of a panel are subject to the provisions of the Open Meeting Law; requiring the adoption of regulations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 187 — Committee on Judiciary. Approved June 14, 2011



AN ACT relating to common-interest communities; enacting provisions governing registration of tenants of units’ owners with associations or their agents; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 222 — Senator Copening. Approved June 14, 2011



AN ACT relating to education; ensuring sufficient funding for K-12 public education for the 2011-2013 biennium; apportioning the State Distributive School Account in the State General Fund for the 2011-2013 biennium; authorizing certain expenditures; making appropriations for purposes relating to basic support, class-size reduction and other educational purposes; temporarily diverting the money from the State Supplemental School Support Fund to the State Distributive School Account for use in funding operating costs and other expenditures of school districts; revising provisions governing local funds available for certain school districts for the 2011-2013 biennium; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 579 — Committee on Ways and Means. Approved June 14, 2011



AN ACT relating to state financial administration; making appropriations from the State General Fund and the State Highway Fund for the support of the civil government of the State of Nevada for the fiscal years beginning July 1, 2011, and ending June 30, 2012, and beginning July 1, 2012, and ending June 30, 2013; providing for the use of the money so appropriated; authorizing the State Treasurer to establish a line of credit under certain circumstances; making various other changes relating to the financial administration of the State; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 580 — Committee on Ways and Means. Approved June 14, 2011



AN ACT relating to state financial administration; authorizing expenditures by various officers, departments, boards, agencies, commissions and institutions of the State Government for the fiscal years commencing on July 1, 2011, and ending on June 30, 2012, and beginning on July 1, 2012, and ending on June 30, 2013; authorizing the collection of certain amounts from the counties for the use of the services of the State Public Defender; revising the provisions governing the Secretary of State’s General Fund Budget Account; eliminating the provision of guardianship services by Office of Veterans’ Services; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 503 — Committee on Finance. Approved June 14, 2011



AN ACT relating to projects of capital improvement; authorizing certain expenditures by the State Public Works Board; levying a property tax to support the Consolidated Bond Interest and Redemption Fund; making appropriations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 504 — Committee on Finance. Approved June 14, 2011



AN ACT relating to public employees; establishing the maximum allowed salaries for certain employees in the classified and unclassified service of the State; requiring employees of the State to take a certain number of days of unpaid furlough leave during the 2011-2013 biennium; providing exceptions to the furlough requirement; making appropriations from the State General Fund and State Highway Fund for the salaries of certain employees of the State; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 505 — Committee on Finance. Approved June 14, 2011



AN ACT relating to higher education; creating the Committee to Study the Funding of Higher Education; prescribing the powers and duties of the Committee; making appropriations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 374 — Senator Lee. Approved June 14, 2011



AN ACT relating to education; revising provisions governing safe and respectful learning environments in public schools; requiring the Department of Education to establish and recommend training programs for members of the State Board of Education, boards of trustees of school districts and school district personnel on the prevention of bullying, cyber-bullying, harassment and intimidation in public schools; creating the Bullying Prevention Fund in the State General Fund; requiring the principal of each public school to establish a school safety team; authorizing a parent or legal guardian of a pupil involved in an incident of bullying, cyber-bullying, harassment or intimidation to appeal a disciplinary decision of the principal made against the pupil concerning the incident; revising provisions governing the grounds for disciplinary action against teachers and administrators; requiring the Governor to annually proclaim the first week in October to be “Week of Respect”; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 276 — Senators Parks and Leslie. Approved June 14, 2011



AN ACT relating to public health; requiring certain persons who operate or work in facilities for intermediate care, facilities for skilled nursing, agencies to provide personal care services in the home, facilities for the care of adults during the day, residential facilities for groups and homes for individual residential care to complete certain training; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 129 — Committee on Health and Human Services. Approved June 14, 2011



AN ACT relating to educational personnel; requiring certain teachers and administrators who receive unsatisfactory evaluations to serve an additional probationary period; authorizing certain employees to request an expedited hearing under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 225 — Committee on Ways and Means. Approved June 15, 2011



AN ACT relating to education; revising the annual reports of accountability information for public schools; requiring the board of trustees of each school district to establish and implement a program of performance pay and enhanced compensation for the recruitment and retention of licensed teachers and administrators; removing probationary teachers and probationary administrators from the applicability of certain provisions governing certain disciplinary measures by school districts; revising provisions governing the demotion, suspension, dismissal and nonreemployment of certain teachers and administrators; expanding the grounds for immediate dismissal and refusal to reemploy; revising the designations of the overall performance of teachers and administrators required by the policies for evaluations of each school district; authorizing a probationary or postprobationary employee to request an expedited hearing under certain circumstances; revising provisions governing the probationary periods of teachers and administrators and the evaluations of probationary teachers and probationary administrators; revising provisions governing the reduction in the workforce of a school district; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 229 — Assemblymen Oceguera, Bobzien, Smith, Horne, Conklin; Anderson, Atkinson, Benitez-Thompson, Brooks, Bustamante Adams, Daly, Dondero Loop, Flores, Kirkpatrick, Mastroluca, Munford, Ohrenschall, Pierce and Segerblom. Approved June 15, 2011



AN ACT relating to education; removing provisions creating a 10-member elected State Board of Education; providing for the election and appointment of members to the State Board; revising the qualifications and duties of the Superintendent of Public Instruction; revising the components of the statewide plan to improve the academic achievement of pupils; revising provisions governing the regional training programs for the professional development of teachers and administrators; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 197 — Committee on Education. Approved June 15, 2011



AN ACT relating to education; revising provisions relating to sponsorship of charter schools; creating the State Public Charter School Authority; prescribing the membership, duties and powers of the State Public Charter School Authority; imposing certain restrictions on contracts between a charter school or proposed charter school and a contractor or educational management organization; repealing the Subcommittee on Charter Schools of the State Board of Education; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 212 — Committee on Education. Approved June 15, 2011



AN ACT relating to court records; revising requirements for saving images of court records before the records may be destroyed; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 195 — Committee on Judiciary. Approved June 15, 2011



AN ACT relating to the Open Meeting Law; requiring a public body to take certain actions if the Attorney General finds that the public body has violated the Open Meeting Law; authorizing the Attorney General to issue subpoenas during investigations of such violations; providing that meetings of a public body that are quasi-judicial in nature are subject to the Open Meeting Law; requiring a public body to include certain notifications on an agenda for a public meeting; excluding a meeting held to consider an applicant for employment from certain notice requirements; making members of a public body subject to a civil penalty for violations; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 59 — Committee on Government Affairs. Approved June 15, 2011



AN ACT relating to taxation; directing the Legislative Commission to conduct an interim study concerning the equitable allocation of money distributed from the Local Government Tax Distribution Account; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 71 — Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections. Approved June 15, 2011



AN ACT relating to water; revising the amount of the fee for issuing and recording a permit to change the point of diversion or place of use only of an existing water right for irrigational purposes; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 114 — Committee on Government Affairs. Approved June 15, 2011



AN ACT relating to public health; requiring facilities for intermediate care, facilities for skilled nursing, residential facilities for groups and homes for individual residential care to provide itemized statements under certain circumstances; requiring facilities and homes to provide notices of deficiencies to patients or other responsible persons upon discovering a deficiency during an inspection of such facilities by the Health Division of the Department of Health and Human Services; providing administrative penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 123 — Committee on Health and Human Services. Approved June 15, 2011



AN ACT relating to aquatic species; prohibiting a person from introducing certain aquatic species into the waters of this State; providing for the inspection of vessels for aquatic invasive species; requiring vessels to be inspected for the presence of aquatic invasive species before being operated on the waters of this State; requiring decontamination of any vessels where an aquatic invasive species is present; authorizing the impoundment or quarantine of certain vessels; requiring an aquatic invasive species fee to be paid by all operators of vessels; providing a civil penalty; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 167 — Assemblymen Bustamante Adams, Bobzien; Goicoechea, Grady and Hardy. Joint Sponsors: Senators Lee; and Manendo. Approved June 15, 2011



AN ACT relating to records; revising provisions governing the recording of civil judgments; requiring the recording of letters testamentary and letters of administration; revising provisions governing the recording of letters of guardianship; revising provisions concerning the protection of certain personal identifying information included in certain records; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 186 — Senator McGinness. Approved June 15, 2011



AN ACT relating to common-interest communities; enacting certain amendments to the Uniform Common-Interest Ownership Act; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 204 — Senator Copening. Approved June 15, 2011



AN ACT relating to transportation; requiring certain governmental entities in certain counties to develop a plan for a regional rapid transit system; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 151 — Senator Schneider. Approved June 15, 2011



AN ACT relating to assistance to certain persons; revising provisions concerning intermediary service organizations; revising provisions concerning financial assistance for certain persons with physical disabilities; eliminating the Senior Citizens Property Tax Assistance Program; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 423 — Committee on Finance. Approved June 15, 2011



AN ACT relating to the Children’s Health Insurance Program; revising provisions relating to the authority of the Department of Health and Human Services to contract for transportation services for the recipients of services under the Program; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 429 — Committee on Finance. Approved June 15, 2011



AN ACT relating to state parks; creating the Fund for State Park Interpretative and Educational Programs and Operation of Concessions; authorizing the Administrator of the Division of State Parks of the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources to establish certain concessions within state parks; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 442 — Committee on Finance. Approved June 15, 2011



AN ACT relating to probation; requiring counties to pay a percentage of the expense of presentence or general investigations and reports made by the Division of Parole and Probation of the Department of Public Safety; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 443 — Committee on Finance. Approved June 15, 2011



AN ACT relating to governmental administration; revising provisions governing the composition of the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources; eliminating the Advisory Board on Natural Resources, the Division of Conservation Districts and the Commission for the Preservation of Wild Horses; creating the Conservation Districts Program within the Department; transferring the duties of the Division of Conservation Districts to the Conservation Districts Program; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 446 — Committee on Finance. Approved June 15, 2011



AN ACT relating to protection of children; revising provisions governing the corrective actions that are required when an agency which provides child welfare services is not in compliance with certain laws, plans or policies; providing for the Division of Child and Family Services of the Department of Health and Human Services to award block grants, categorical grants and to administer a program to award incentive payments to an agency which provides child welfare services in larger counties; requiring the Division to submit an annual report to the Governor and the Legislature concerning the program to award incentive payments; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 447 — Committee on Finance. Approved June 15, 2011



AN ACT relating to the Nevada System of Higher Education; authorizing the Board of Regents of the University of Nevada to fix tuition charges and assess registration fees and other fees based on the demand for or the costs of providing the academic program or major for which the tuition charges are fixed or the registration fees are assessed; requiring the Board of Regents to establish a program authorizing scholarships and reduced fees for students who are economically disadvantaged under certain circumstances; requiring the Board of Regents to make certain reports to the Legislature; requiring the Director of the Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation to provide certain information on employment and wages to the Board of Regents for purposes of the report made by the Board of Regents; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 449 — Committee on Finance. Approved June 15, 2011



AN ACT relating to public welfare; eliminating the requirement that the Director of the Department of Health and Human Services apply for a Medicaid waiver pursuant to the Health Insurance Flexibility and Accountability demonstration initiative; requiring the transfer of certain money that is set aside for the costs of carrying out the program established pursuant to the waiver; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 452 — Committee on Finance. Approved June 15, 2011



AN ACT relating to public health; requiring counties to pay an assessment to the Health Division of the Department of Health and Human Services for the cost of providing various services; authorizing a county to submit a proposal for the county to provide such services and receive an exemption from the assessment; revising the membership of a district board of health in certain counties; transferring the powers and duties of the Health Division regarding communicable diseases to a health authority in a county; authorizing the Health Division to impose administrative penalties for violations of certain provisions governing emergency medical services; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 471 — Committee on Finance. Approved June 15, 2011



AN ACT relating to transportation; revising various provisions governing the administrative authority of the Department of Transportation concerning bicycle and pedestrian safety; revising the authorized uses of money in the Highway and Safety Administrative Account in the State Highway Fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 475 — Committee on Finance. Approved June 15, 2011



AN ACT relating to juvenile justice; requiring each county to pay an assessment to the State for the activities of the Youth Parole Bureau of the Division of Child and Family Services of the Department of Health and Human Services; authorizing a county to submit a proposal for the county to provide the services of the Youth Parole Bureau for the county and receive an exemption from the assessment; prohibiting a juvenile court from committing a delinquent child to a private institution; revising the manner in which a determination is made about where to commit a delinquent child; revising provisions relating to a juvenile who is held in a detention facility pending a hearing concerning a violation of parole; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 476 — Committee on Finance. Approved June 15, 2011



AN ACT relating to public welfare; authorizing the Administrator of the Division of Health Care Financing and Policy of the Department of Health and Human Services to administer oaths, take testimony and issue subpoenas for the purposes of recovering Medicaid benefits paid on behalf of certain recipients; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 477 — Committee on Finance. Approved June 15, 2011



AN ACT relating to the protection of children; requiring certain less populated counties to pay an assessment to the Division of Child and Family Services of the Department of Health and Human Services for the costs of providing child protective services; authorizing a county to submit a proposal for the county to provide those services and receive an exemption from the assessment; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 480 — Committee on Finance. Approved June 15, 2011



AN ACT relating to unarmed combat; expanding the authorized use of proceeds from the additional fee for each ticket sold for admission to a live professional contest of unarmed combat; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 498 — Committee on Finance. Approved June 15, 2011



AN ACT relating to the State Judicial Department; repealing the provisions creating the Fund for the National Judicial College and the Fund for the National College of Juvenile and Family Law; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 499 — Committee on Finance. Approved June 15, 2011



AN ACT relating to children; establishing procedures for the Children’s Advocate or his or her designee to obtain, under certain circumstances, a warrant to take physical custody of a missing child who was allegedly abducted; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 57 — Committee on Judiciary. Approved June 15, 2011



AN ACT relating to health care; revising provisions governing the modification of contracts between insurers and providers of health care under certain circumstances; requiring the Department of Health and Human Services to report certain rates of reimbursement for physicians for care and services provided pursuant to certain state plans and programs which provide medical assistance; providing that certain requirements concerning health insurance shall be deemed not to apply to certain nonprofit entities; revising the requirement that certain insurers and health care facilities accept a standardized form to obtain information relating to the credentials of a provider of health care; requiring the Department to conduct a study concerning medical homes; requiring the Department to submit reports concerning certain studies to the Legislature; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 278 — Senators Horsford and Hardy. Approved June 15, 2011



AN ACT relating to taxation; authorizing a veteran to transfer to his or her spouse the exemption from the governmental services tax to which the veteran would otherwise be entitled; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 245 — Assemblymen Stewart; Ellison, Goicoechea, Grady, Hammond, Hardy, Hickey, Kirner, Kite, Livermore, McArthur and Sherwood. Joint Sponsors: Senators Hardy, Gustavson; Lee and Settelmeyer. Approved June 15, 2011



AN ACT relating to governmental administration; requiring a person who files certain applications for an energy development project to file a notice concurrently with the Department of Wildlife; requiring the Department of Wildlife to adopt regulations for the provision of information relating to wildlife based on the location of an energy development project; creating the Energy Planning and Conservation Fund; requiring the Department of Wildlife to use money from the Energy Planning and Conservation Fund for certain wildlife activities; creating the Fund for the Recovery of Costs; requiring the Department of Wildlife to use money from the Fund for the Recovery of Costs solely to provide certain information relating to wildlife based on the location of an energy development project; requiring the Director of the Office of Energy to coordinate certain discussions with interested parties relating to an energy development project in certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 307 — Assemblymen Bobzien, Carlton; Atkinson, Kirkpatrick, Segerblom and Smith. Joint Sponsors: Senators Leslie, Horsford and Rhoads. Approved June 15, 2011



AN ACT relating to state buildings; requiring the Chief of the Buildings and Grounds Division of the Department of Administration to negotiate and approve any agreements to lease office rooms for use by certain state entities; requiring certain state entities to provide the Chief with an inventory of all real property used by the entity; requiring the Chief to post on an Internet website certain information regarding certain real property owned or leased by the State; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 404 — Assemblyman Oceguera. Approved June 15, 2011



AN ACT relating to state financial administration; requiring a state agency to seek and obtain the approval of the State Board of Finance to enter into a contract to allow the agency to accept credit or debit cards or electronic transfers of money unless it is impracticable for the agency to enter into such a contract; authorizing the Director of the Department of Administration to enter into contracts for the benefit of all state agencies for the acceptance of credit or debit cards or electronic transfers of money, in which any state agency may participate; requiring a state agency that does not enter into such a contract or participate in a contract entered into by the Director of the Department of Administration to report periodically to the Legislative Commission and the Interim Finance Committee concerning the reasons for the failure; requiring the administration of such contracts to be coordinated with the State Treasurer; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 402 — Assemblyman Oceguera. Approved June 15, 2011



AN ACT relating to energy; revising the prospective expiration of the Wind Energy Systems Demonstration Program and the Waterpower Energy Systems Demonstration Program; providing for the expiration of the Solar Energy Systems Incentive Program; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 380 — Assemblymen Conklin, Kirkpatrick, Atkinson; Oceguera and Smith. Approved June 15, 2011



AN ACT making an appropriation to the Division of Forestry of the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources for the replacement of critical equipment; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 486 — Committee on Ways and Means. Approved June 15, 2011



AN ACT making an appropriation to the Legislative Fund for major computer projects for the Legislative Counsel Bureau; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 490 — Committee on Ways and Means. Approved June 15, 2011



AN ACT making an appropriation to the Division of Forestry of the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources for major repair and renovation work on certain crew carriers; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 491 — Committee on Ways and Means. Approved June 15, 2011



AN ACT making appropriations to the Legislative Fund for dues to national organizations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 492 — Committee on Ways and Means. Approved June 15, 2011



AN ACT relating to education; extending the prospective expiration of the temporary waiver from certain requirements governing expenditures of money for textbooks, instructional supplies, instructional software and instructional hardware by school districts, charter schools and university schools for profoundly gifted pupils; providing a temporary waiver from certain requirements governing expenditures of money for library books, software for computers, the purchase of equipment relating to instruction and the maintenance and repair of equipment, vehicles, and buildings and facilities by school districts; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 493 — Committee on Ways and Means. Approved June 15, 2011



AN ACT making an appropriation to the Division of Forestry of the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources for necessary services and equipment to transition the State’s Very High Frequency radio system from wideband to narrowband in accordance with the Federal Communications Commission mandate; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 495 — Committee on Ways and Means. Approved June 15, 2011



AN ACT making a supplemental appropriation to the Real Estate Division of the Department of Business and Industry for an unanticipated shortfall in Fiscal Year 2010-2011; making a supplemental appropriation to the Department of Business and Industry for costs associated with relocation of the Director’s office; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 497 — Committee on Ways and Means. Approved June 15, 2011



AN ACT relating to the promotion of livestock; making various changes to the Nevada Junior Livestock Show Board; repealing the requirement that the promotion of livestock be funded by direct legislative appropriation from the State General Fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 515 — Committee on Ways and Means. Approved June 15, 2011



AN ACT relating to programs for public personnel; establishing for the next biennium the amount to be paid to the Public Employees’ Benefits Program for insurance for certain active and retired public officers and employees; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 563 — Committee on Ways and Means. Approved June 15, 2011



AN ACT relating to breaches of contracts for public works; revising the provisions of Assembly Bill No. 144 of this session relating to a material breach of certain contracts; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 574 — Committee on Ways and Means. Approved June 15, 2011



AN ACT relating to public financial administration; establishing a program to provide private equity funding to businesses engaged in certain industries in this State; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 75 — Select Committee on Economic Growth and Employment. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to public school finance; directing the Legislative Commission to appoint a committee to conduct an interim study concerning the development of a new method for funding public schools in this State; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 11 — Committee on Finance. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to financial organizations; revising provisions governing the period that a bank may hold certain real property; removing provisions requiring a bank annually to charge off a certain percentage of the value of certain real property held by the bank and acquired as a result of a debt owed to the bank; revising provisions governing the review of certain applications for licensure by the Commissioner of Financial Institutions; revising provisions relating to the control of a retail trust company; revising provisions governing the assets which certain trust companies are required to maintain; revising provisions governing applications for a license to operate a retail trust company; authorizing certain persons to appeal certain decisions of the Commissioner; revising the period after which certain property is presumed to be abandoned; requiring the State Controller to develop and operate with financial institutions a data-match system for the collection of certain debts owed to the State; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 136 — Senator Rhoads (by request). Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to persons with disabilities; establishing the policy of this State relating to the considerate and respectful treatment of persons with intellectual disabilities; revising the preferred manner of referring to certain persons with intellectual disabilities in the Nevada Revised Statutes and Nevada Administrative Code; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 149 — Senators Cegavske, Leslie, McGinness, Horsford, Schneider; Breeden, Brower, Copening, Denis, Gustavson, Halseth, Hardy, Kieckhefer, Kihuen, Lee, Manendo, Parks, Rhoads, Roberson, Settelmeyer and Wiener. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to convicted persons; requiring the Director of the Department of Corrections to provide certain information to an offender upon his or her release, including information regarding employment assistance; providing for the waiver of fees for the issuance of certain forms of identifying information for certain persons released from prison; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 159 — Senator Gustavson. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to education; requiring the Legislative Committee on Education to conduct a study concerning the implementation of the Common Core State Standards in the public schools in this State; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 211 — Committee on Education. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to crimes; prohibiting the willful and intentional public posting or displaying of the social security number of another person; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 282 — Senators Gustavson; Cegavske, Denis, Halseth, Kieckhefer, McGinness, Roberson and Settelmeyer. Joint Sponsors: Assemblymen Sherwood; Aizley, Ellison, Goicoechea, Grady, Hambrick, Hammond, Hansen, Hickey, Kirner, Kite and McArthur. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to providers of health care; revising provisions governing persons authorized to possess and administer dangerous drugs; revising provisions regarding certain acts of physicians; revising provisions governing the practice of applied behavior analysis; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 294 — Senators Cegavske and Leslie. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to livestock; authorizing a person to remove from his or her property livestock for which he or she has, by contract, provided care and shelter under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 309 — Senator Settelmeyer. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to educational personnel; requiring the Commission on Professional Standards in Education to adopt regulations prescribing the qualifications for licensing teachers and administrators pursuant to an alternative route to licensure; requiring the State Board of Education to evaluate the providers of education and training approved by the Commission to offer an alternative route to licensure; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 315 — Senator Kieckhefer. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to criminal offenders; requiring the Department of Corrections to establish a pilot diversion program for certain probation violators to receive treatment for alcohol or drug abuse or mental illness; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 93 — Assemblyman Segerblom. Joint Sponsors: Senators Horsford and Parks. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT making various appropriations to the Department of Motor Vehicles and the Department of Administration; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 425 — Committee on Finance. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT making an appropriation to the State Gaming Control Board to replace computer and technology hardware; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 428 — Committee on Finance. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to public assistance; revising provisions governing assistance provided to parents and relatives caring for certain persons with mental retardation or related conditions or children with certain developmental delays; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 437 — Committee on Finance. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to the Lake Tahoe Basin; requiring the issuance of general obligation bonds to carry out certain environmental improvement projects included in the second phase of the Environmental Improvement Program for the Lake Tahoe Basin; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 438 — Committee on Finance. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to fire protection; amending the membership and duties of the State Board of Fire Services; eliminating the Fire Service Standards and Training Committee; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 439 — Committee on Finance. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to health insurance; creating the Silver State Health Insurance Exchange; setting forth the purposes of the Exchange; providing for the composition, appointment and terms of members and powers and duties of the Board of Directors of the Exchange; providing for the appointment and powers and duties of the Executive Director of the Exchange; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 440 — Committee on Finance. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to the reorganization of State Government; continuing the transfer of the powers and duties of the Consumer Affairs Division of the Department of Business and Industry and the Commissioner of Consumer Affairs to the Office of the Attorney General; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 473 — Committee on Finance. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to motor carriers; revising provisions relating to the period of operation of certain taxicabs; prohibiting a short-term lessor from offering, arranging for or allowing the use of a paid driver; requiring the suspension of the drivers’ licenses of certain persons who fail to pay administrative fines to the Nevada Transportation Authority; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 320 — Senator Manendo (by request). Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to public health; requiring the Department of Health and Human Services to collect information from hospitals and surgical centers for ambulatory patients relating to physicians who perform surgical procedures to the extent that money is available; requiring the Department to post such information on an Internet website if available; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 340 — Senators Breeden and Wiener. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to child welfare; providing for elementary schools to develop academic plans for foster children enrolled in elementary schools to assist such children in achieving academic success; requiring the licensee of a foster home to obtain a written explanation of the need for and effect of any prescription medication provided to a foster child; requiring the Department of Corrections to allow a prisoner who has a child that has been placed in foster care to maintain contact with the child in certain circumstances; providing for the use of telecommunications devices by prisoners for that purpose; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 370 — Senators Horsford and Leslie. Joint Sponsors: Assemblymen Frierson; and Horne. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to children; requiring the nomination and appointment of a person who is legally responsible for the psychiatric care of a child who is placed in the custody of an agency which provides child welfare services; establishing the duties and responsibilities of such a legally responsible person; revising provisions governing the provision of psychiatric care to children in the custody of agencies which provide child welfare services; revising provisions relating to the health care records of children who are placed in the custody of such an agency; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 371 — Senators Cegavske; Horsford and Leslie. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to the Department of Motor Vehicles; authorizing the Department to enter into certain agreements relating to advertising; authorizing the Director of the Department to release certain information to certain persons; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 483 — Committee on Finance. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to public welfare; revising provisions governing payment by the State for certain care provided under the State Plan for Medicaid; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 485 — Committee on Finance. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT making an appropriation to the Office of the State Treasurer for the Millennium Scholarship Program; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 486 — Committee on Finance. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to taxicabs; requiring the Taxicab Authority to establish a system for the use of radio frequency identification or other electronic means in the enforcement of its allocations of taxicabs; providing for the use of a physical security seal or an electronic security seal for a taximeter; requiring the establishment of standards for a daily trip sheet in electronic form; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 321 — Senator Manendo (by request). Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to mining; creating the Mining Oversight and Accountability Commission and establishing its membership, powers and duties; revising provisions governing the calculation of net proceeds from certain mining operations conducted in this State; repealing a fee imposed on certain filings regarding mining claims; making an appropriation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 493 — Committee on Revenue. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to persons with disabilities; requiring the Aging and Disability Services Division of the Department of Health and Human Services to designate a standard protocol for measuring outcomes and assessing and evaluating persons with autism spectrum disorders through the age of 21 years who receive services through certain public programs; establishing the Autism Treatment Assistance Program within the Division; requiring certain state and local governmental agencies that provide services to persons with autism spectrum disorders to submit reports to the Division; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 345 — Assemblymen Ohrenschall, Conklin, Carlton, Oceguera, Woodbury; Aizley, Anderson, Atkinson, Benitez-Thompson, Bobzien, Bustamante Adams, Carrillo, Daly, Diaz, Dondero Loop, Flores, Frierson, Hogan, Horne, Kirkpatrick, Livermore, Mastroluca, Munford, Neal, Pierce, Segerblom, Smith and Stewart. Joint Sponsors: Senators Schneider, Leslie, Horsford, Lee, Rhoads; Breeden, Hardy, Kieckhefer, Kihuen, Manendo, Parks and Wiener. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to persons with disabilities; requiring the Aging and Disability Services Division of the Department of Health and Human Services to designate a standard protocol for measuring outcomes and assessing and evaluating persons with autism spectrum disorders through the age of 21 years who receive services through certain public programs; establishing the Autism Treatment Assistance Program within the Division; requiring certain state and local governmental agencies that provide services to persons with autism spectrum disorders to submit reports to the Division; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 316 — Assemblymen Woodbury, Ohrenschall, Carrillo, Sherwood, Carlton; Bobzien, Conklin, Daly, Diaz, Ellison, Flores, Grady, Hambrick, Hammond, Hansen, Hardy, Horne, Kirkpatrick, Livermore, Mastroluca, McArthur, Munford, Oceguera, Pierce, Smith and Stewart. Joint Sponsors: Senators Leslie, Kieckhefer, Hardy, Manendo, Schneider; Breeden, Cegavske, Copening, Gustavson, Halseth, Horsford, Kihuen, Parks, Rhoads and Settelmeyer. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to government contracts; declaring privatization contracts to be public records; requiring governmental entities to submit certain information to the Chief of the Budget Division of the Department of Administration relating to the use of privatization contracts; requiring state agencies and local governments to include certain information relating to privatization contracts in the tentative budget of the state agency or local government; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 330 — Assemblyman Oceguera. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to the Public Employees’ Benefits Program; making various changes relating to the Program; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 80 — Committee on Government Affairs. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to taxation; revising the provisions governing the administration of sales and use taxes to ensure continued compliance with the Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement and to apply the taxes to retailers whose activities have a sufficient nexus with this State; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 34 — Committee on Revenue. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to business entities; revising provisions governing the manner in which business entities send and receive notices and communications; providing that certain nonprofit entities are exempt from the requirement to obtain a state business license; revising provisions governing the information included in a certificate of change in the number of an authorized class or series of shares; revising provisions governing restrictions on transfers of stock; authorizing a stockholder of a corporation to designate a proxy to consent or dissent in writing to a corporate action; revising provisions governing notice of a meeting of stockholders of a corporation, certain transactions between certain domestic corporations and interested stockholders and the dissolution of a corporation; revising provisions governing indemnification and advancement of expenses by a corporation under certain circumstances; reducing the maximum amount of the fee for filing with the Secretary of State certain instruments authorizing an increase in the stock of a corporation; revising provisions governing corporate records; revising provisions governing corporations organized under the law of a different jurisdiction; revising provisions governing the rights of a judgment creditor to satisfy a judgment out of the debtor’s ownership interest in certain business entities; revising provisions governing mergers and conversions of certain business entities; revising provisions related to the right of dissent to certain corporate actions; revising provisions governing the time at which certain documents filed with the Secretary of State become effective; revising provisions governing business trusts; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 405 — Committee on Judiciary. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to real property; exempting property managers from certain registration and permitting requirements relating to the practice of asset management; providing for the registration and regulation of asset management companies; providing for the permitting and regulation of asset managers employed or independently contracted by asset management companies; setting forth the causes for disciplinary action for asset management companies and asset managers; prohibiting a purchaser of residential property from voluntarily waiving or being required to waive his or her right to a disclosure form; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 314 — Senator Lee. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to gaming; revising the provisions governing the expiration of slot machine wagering vouchers; requiring the Nevada Gaming Commission to adopt regulations relating to expired slot machine wagering vouchers; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 219 — Assemblymen Horne; Aizley, Atkinson, Bobzien, Brooks, Carrillo, Conklin, Daly, Dondero Loop, Frierson, Hogan, Ohrenschall, Segerblom and Smith. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to public works; directing the Commission to Study Governmental Purchasing to conduct a study of the feasibility of standard form contracts for public works at the state and local levels; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 228 — Assemblymen Hickey, Hansen; Goedhart, Goicoechea, Grady, Hambrick, Hardy, Kirner, McArthur, Segerblom, Sherwood, Smith and Stewart. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to the Open Meeting Law; revising provisions governing periods devoted to public comment; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 257 — Assemblymen Ellison, Goicoechea; Hickey, Livermore and Segerblom. Joint Sponsors: Senators Brower, Gustavson, Halseth, Hardy and Rhoads. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to gaming; requiring the Nevada Gaming Commission to adopt regulations pertaining to independent testing laboratories; authorizing independent testing laboratories to inspect and certify gaming devices, equipment and systems; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 279 — Assemblyman Ohrenschall. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to trade regulations; directing the Legislative Commission to conduct an interim study concerning trademark and copyright law; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 383 — Assemblymen Hickey; Goicoechea, Grady and Kirner. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to programs for recycling; directing the Legislative Commission to conduct an interim study concerning the establishment of a program requiring the payment and refund of deposits on recyclable products sold in this State; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 427 — Assemblyman Ohrenschall. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to education; authorizing the Board of Regents of the University of Nevada to request an allocation from the Contingency Fund to cover a projected shortfall in the Trust Fund for the Education of Dependent Children; providing that money in the Trust Fund does not revert to the State General Fund; making an appropriation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 476 — Committee on Ways and Means. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT making appropriations to the State Board of Examiners for employee retirement buyouts and terminal leave payments for eliminated positions; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 487 — Committee on Ways and Means. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT making appropriations to restore the balances in the Stale Claims Account, Emergency Account, Reserve for Statutory Contingency Account and Contingency Fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 494 — Committee on Ways and Means. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to appraisers of real estate; revising certain fees for the issuance or renewal of a license or certificate; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 524 — Committee on Ways and Means. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to the State Fire Marshal; revising the requirement that the State Fire Marshal inspect all state buildings; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 526 — Committee on Ways and Means. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT making an appropriation for the implementation and operation of a principal leadership training program; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 527 — Committee on Ways and Means. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to public health; authorizing the transfer of money received to carry out provisions relating to the medical use of marijuana; requiring the Division of Mental Health and Developmental Services of the Department of Health and Human Services to use certain money for alcohol and drug abuse programs for certain persons; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 528 — Committee on Ways and Means. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to public health; revising provisions governing access to certain medical records; revising provisions governing the submission of certain reports concerning surgeries requiring conscious sedation, deep sedation or general anesthesia; revising provisions governing reports to the Board of Medical Examiners and the State Board of Osteopathic Medicine of a change in the privileges of certain providers of health care; revising provisions governing the standard of proof in any disciplinary hearing before the Board of Medical Examiners; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 168 — Senators Hardy; and Gustavson. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to public health; increasing the percentage of certain money received by the State to be allocated to the Fund for a Healthy Nevada; revising provisions relating to the allocation of money in the Fund for a Healthy Nevada; eliminating the Trust Fund for Public Health; providing for the transfer of money remaining in the Trust Fund for Public Health; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 421 — Committee on Finance. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to transportation; providing certain privileges to the owner or long-term lessee of a qualified alternative fuel vehicle; authorizing in this State the operation of, and a driver’s license endorsement for operators of, autonomous vehicles; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 511 — Committee on Transportation. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to wildlife; revising certain provisions governing the use of money in the Wildlife Obligated Reserve Account; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 503 — Committee on Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Mining. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to homeland security; increasing the number of members on the Nevada Commission on Homeland Security; revising provisions governing the confidentiality of vulnerability assessments and emergency response plans of utilities, public entities and private businesses in this State; clarifying that certain documents, records and other items of information may be inspected by and released to the Legislative Auditor when conducting a postaudit; making various changes concerning grants and other funding for homeland security; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 549 — Committee on Government Affairs. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to state employees; eliminating the required payment of a state employee at the rate of time and one-half for working on a holiday; continuing the temporary suspension of the semiannual payment of longevity pay and merit pay increases for state employees; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 560 — Committee on Ways and Means. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to governmental financial administration; delaying the commencement of certain transfers to the Fund to Stabilize the Operation of the State Government; revising the provisions governing the rate and calculation of the payroll tax imposed on certain businesses other than financial institutions; requiring the deposit of certain fees imposed on the short-term lease of passenger cars into the State General Fund; extending the prospective expiration of certain requirements regarding the imposition and advance payment of certain taxes and fees; requiring the transfer of money from the Fund to Stabilize the Operation of the State Government to the State General Fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 561 — Committee on Ways and Means. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to local governments; revising provisions relating to collective bargaining between local government employers and employee organizations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 98 — Senator Hardy. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to local government financial administration; revising provisions regarding the establishment and maintenance of a reserve account for payment of the outstanding bonds of a school district; authorizing certain modifications after a local improvement project has begun and assessments have been levied; requiring the Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada to establish a demonstration project for a toll road in connection with the Boulder City Bypass Project; authorizing the Commission to enter into one or more public-private partnerships to design, construct, develop, finance, operate or maintain the demonstration project; authorizing the issuance of certain bonds or notes of the Commission to finance the Project; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 506 — Committee on Finance. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to state governmental administration; providing for the merger of various state agencies into the Department of Administration; creating new divisions of the Department of Administration; creating the new Department of Tourism and Cultural Affairs; providing for the dissolution of the existing Department of Cultural Affairs and the placement of its constituent parts under the management of other departments; making certain appropriations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 427 — Committee on Finance. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to governmental administration; prohibiting the appointment of a person to a board, commission or similar body if the person is serving on another board, commission or similar body; creating the Sunset Subcommittee of the Legislative Commission; providing for its membership; requiring the Sunset Subcommittee to review certain boards and commissions in this State to determine the need for the termination, consolidation, modification or continuation of those boards and commissions; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 251 — Senator Kieckhefer. Joint Sponsors: Assemblymen Smith, Brooks and Hansen. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT providing a charter for the City of Laughlin, in Clark County, Nevada; providing for an election to be held on the question of incorporation; making the incorporation of the City contingent upon a determination by the Board of County Commissioners of Clark County or the Legislative Commission and approval of this act by qualified electors of the City; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 262 — Senator Hardy. Joint Sponsor: Assemblyman Hardy. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to cosmetology; revising certain provisions governing schools of cosmetology; establishing the procedures for the licensure of certain persons who engage in the practice of hair braiding and persons who operate an establishment for hair braiding; revising provisions relating to the regulation of sanitary conditions; revising provisions relating to the licensure of various cosmetology professionals and cosmetological establishments; revising provisions relating to the surety bond requirements for a school of cosmetology; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 193 — Senator Hardy. Joint Sponsors: Assemblymen Hardy and Stewart. Approved June 16, 2011



AN ACT relating to education; revising provisions governing the membership of a committee to form a charter school and the governing body of a charter school; revising provisions for the process of review of an application to form a charter school; authorizing the governing body of a charter school to set a salary for the attendance of its members at meetings of the governing body; revising the requirements for a charter school to be eligible for an exemption from annual performance audits and to receive certain money for facilities; revising provisions governing the employment of licensed employees by a charter school; revising various other provisions governing charter schools; repealing the Subcommittee on Charter Schools; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 171 — Assemblymen Benitez-Thompson, Smith; Carrillo, Daly, Diaz, Dondero Loop, Frierson, Kirkpatrick, Neal and Pierce. Joint Sponsors: Senators Denis and Kihuen. Approved June 17, 2011



AN ACT relating to the State Personnel System; clarifying the selection process of the Chair of the Employee-Management Committee; making various changes related to the hearing process of the Committee; requiring the Personnel Commission to adopt certain regulations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 354 — Assemblyman Segerblom. Approved June 17, 2011



AN ACT relating to elections; revising the deadline for preparing and sending absent ballots to certain voters; revising the hours of operation during the final days of voter registration; requiring that complaints challenging initiatives or referenda be given priority over all other matters pending before the court, except for criminal proceedings; revising the filing deadline for candidates for the Board of the Virgin Valley Water District; making various other changes relating to elections; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 473 — Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections. Approved June 17, 2011



AN ACT relating to the practice of pharmacy; revising provisions governing the authority of a registered pharmacist to collaborate with a practitioner for the implementation, monitoring and modification of drug therapy; authorizing the State Board of Pharmacy to establish regulations relating to collaborative pharmacy practice; revising provisions governing the use of the letters “Rx” and “RX” by certain persons; revising provisions relating to the authority of a registered pharmacist to possess and administer controlled substances and dangerous drugs under certain circumstances; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 199 — Assemblymen Smith, Atkinson, Horne, Conklin; Bobzien, Daly, Dondero Loop, Hickey, Kirkpatrick, Mastroluca and Oceguera. Approved June 17, 2011



AN ACT relating to education; creating the Teachers and Leaders Council of Nevada; prescribing the membership and duties of the Council; requiring the State Board of Education to establish a statewide performance evaluation system for teachers and administrators; revising provisions governing the policies for the evaluation of teachers and administrators; revising the designations required of the evaluations of teachers and administrators; making an appropriation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 222 — Assemblymen Smith, Bobzien, Oceguera, Conklin, Anderson; Atkinson, Benitez-Thompson, Carrillo, Daly, Dondero Loop, Frierson, Hansen, Hickey, Hogan, Horne, Kirner, Mastroluca, Segerblom and Stewart. Joint Sponsors: Senators Horsford and Leslie. Approved June 17, 2011



AN ACT relating to educational personnel; requiring the State Board of Education to evaluate certain providers of education and training which are offered to qualify a person to be a teacher or administrator or to perform other educational functions; requiring the Commission on Professional Standards in Education to adopt regulations prescribing the qualifications for licensing teachers and administrators pursuant to an alternative route to licensure; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 230 — Committee on Education. Approved June 17, 2011



AN ACT relating to public agencies; revising the restrictions on contracts with or employment of former or current state employees by a state agency; providing certain exceptions; requiring state agencies to report all contracts for services as part of the budget process; requiring that a contractor with a state agency be in active and good standing with the Secretary of State; requiring certain reporting to the 77th Session of the Legislature; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 240 — Assemblymen Smith, Conklin, Oceguera, Bobzien, Kirkpatrick; Aizley, Atkinson, Diaz, Goicoechea, Grady, Hardy, Hickey, Hogan and Mastroluca. Approved June 17, 2011



AN ACT relating to firearms; revising provisions concerning permits to carry concealed semiautomatic firearms; revising provisions governing the renewal of a permit to carry a concealed firearm; revising provisions concerning the confidentiality of information relating to permits to carry concealed firearms; revising provisions governing the possession of firearms in state parks; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 282 — Assemblymen Oceguera, Bobzien, Smith, Conklin, Kirkpatrick; Anderson, Benitez-Thompson, Brooks, Daly, Dondero Loop, Ellison, Flores, Frierson, Goedhart, Goicoechea, Hambrick, Hansen, Hardy, Hickey, Horne, Kirner, Kite, Livermore, McArthur, Munford, Neal, Stewart and Woodbury. Joint Sponsors: Senators Manendo; Brower, Cegavske, Denis, Gustavson, Halseth, Hardy, Kieckhefer, McGinness, Rhoads, Roberson and Settelmeyer. Approved June 17, 2011



AN ACT relating to state financial administration; amending certain reporting requirements of the Economic Forum; requiring the Economic Forum to hold additional meetings; authorizing the Economic Forum to request certain information and testimony; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 332 — Assemblymen Conklin, Kirkpatrick; and Smith. Approved June 17, 2011



AN ACT relating to local governments; requiring a city or county to provide by ordinance that property owners have 30 days to abate a nuisance or dangerous or noxious condition under certain circumstances; authorizing a city or county to collect civil penalties imposed for failure to abate certain conditions and nuisances on property within the city or county as a special assessment against the property under certain circumstances; revising provisions relating to the maximum amount of a civil penalty that may be imposed for failure to abate certain nuisances on property within the city or county under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 360 — Assemblyman Bobzien. Approved June 17, 2011



AN ACT relating to unemployment compensation; revising provisions relating to extended unemployment compensation; making appropriations to the Interim Finance Committee for allocation to the State Treasurer for interest payments due the Federal Government for the loan that was made available to the State upon depletion of Nevada’s Unemployment Compensation Fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 484 — Committee on Ways and Means. Approved June 17, 2011



AN ACT relating to education; eliminating the requirement for the administration of norm-referenced examinations in public schools; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 498 — Committee on Ways and Means. Approved June 17, 2011



AN ACT relating to taxation; requiring the Department of Taxation to provide an annual report to the Nevada Tax Commission of delinquent taxes owed to the Department; requiring the Nevada Tax Commission to request that the State Board of Examiners designate certain delinquent taxes owed to the Department as bad debt; revising the interest rate for the payment of certain delinquent taxes; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 504 — Committee on Taxation. Approved June 17, 2011



AN ACT relating to wildlife; requiring the Department of Wildlife to establish the Wildlife Trust Fund; authorizing the Department to accept any gift, donation, bequest or devise from any private source for the Wildlife Trust Fund; requiring the Director to report income and expenditures from the Wildlife Trust Fund to the Chief of the Budget Division of the Department of Administration, the Interim Finance Committee and the Board of Wildlife Commissioners; designating the Wildlife Account and the Wildlife Obligated Reserve Account as the Wildlife Fund Account; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 525 — Committee on Ways and Means. Approved June 17, 2011



AN ACT relating to taxation; revising provisions governing the expenditure by police departments of the proceeds of the sales and use tax imposed pursuant to the Clark County Sales and Use Tax Act of 2005; revising certain reporting requirements concerning such expenditures; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 572 — Committee on Ways and Means. Approved June 17, 2011



AN ACT relating to government; revising provisions relating to the Legislative Department of the State Government; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 576 — Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections. Approved June 17, 2011



AN ACT relating to courts; revising provisions concerning writs of execution in justice courts; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 24 — Committee on Judiciary. Approved June 17, 2011



AN ACT relating to the Legislature; establishing deadlines by which sufficient detail must be submitted concerning bill draft requests submitted by Legislators and legislative committees; providing that bill draft requests submitted by Legislators who will not be returning to the Legislature count against limitations on requests for Legislators or standing committees that become primary sponsors of the requests; restricting bill draft requests of nonreturning Legislators; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 577 — Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections. Approved June 17, 2011



AN ACT relating to elections; clarifying how a minor political party may be organized; revising certain requirements for petitions of referendum; revising provisions relating to counting ballots, posting voting results and recounts; providing that the residency of spouses of certain military personnel is not changed whether absent or present in this State; making various changes concerning campaign contributions and expenditures; making various other changes to provisions governing elections; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 81 — Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections. Approved June 17, 2011



AN ACT relating to the Public Employees’ Benefits Program; revising provisions governing the subsidy for coverage of certain retired persons under the Program; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 562 — Committee on Ways and Means. Approved June 17, 2011



AN ACT relating to the Public Employees’ Benefits Program; revising provisions governing subsidies for the coverage of certain persons under the Program; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 553 — Committee on Ways and Means. Approved June 17, 2011



AN ACT relating to governmental financing; authorizing regional transportation commissions in certain counties to issue revenue bonds and other securities to finance certain projects under certain circumstances; providing an exception to certain limitations on the issuance of such bonds and other securities by certain counties under certain circumstances; extending the period within which the repayment of certain bonds or other securities must commence; extending the period within which certain general obligation bonds issued for a water facility or wastewater facility must mature; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 432 — Committee on Finance. Approved June 17, 2011



AN ACT relating to local governmental administration; authorizing certain local governments to impose a surcharge for the improvement and maintenance of certain publicly owned facilities; making various changes regarding the financing of certain local improvements with revenue pledged from sales and use taxes; providing a procedure for the selection of subcontractors on certain contracts; authorizing the imposition of a surcharge in certain counties on the amount charged for any items or services related to a minor league baseball stadium project; revising provisions regarding the establishment and maintenance of a reserve account for payment of the outstanding bonds of a school district; requiring certain plans relating to the water reclamation facility of the City of North Las Vegas; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 376 — Assemblymen Smith, Bobzien, Kirkpatrick; Conklin, Hogan and Oceguera. Joint Sponsor: Senator Leslie. Approved June 17, 2011



AN ACT relating to insurance; requiring the Commissioner of Insurance to adopt regulations relating to electronic signatures, records and payments; revising provisions relating to the external review of adverse determinations of health carriers; clarifying the circumstances under which an actuary is not liable for damages with respect to the actuary’s opinion; authorizing the electronic transmission of fingerprints with an application for a license; revising provisions relating to the licensing of adjusters; revising provisions relating to surplus lines insurance; revising provisions relating to the use of credit information; requiring that certain policies of group insurance be filed with and approved by the Commissioner; revising provisions relating to annuities, pure endowment contracts and policies of life insurance; revising provisions relating to evidence of insurance for motor vehicles; revising provisions relating to disciplinary action by the Commissioner; revising and clarifying provisions relating to employee leasing companies; providing for coverage by the Nevada Life and Health Insurance Guarantee Association for certain unallocated annuity contracts owned by certain governmental retirement plans; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 74 — Committee on Commerce and Labor. Approved June 17, 2011



AN ACT relating to economic development; creating and prescribing the duties of the Advisory Council on Economic Development; creating and prescribing the duties and powers of the Board of Economic Development; creating and prescribing the duties and powers of the Office of Economic Development; prescribing the duties and powers of the Executive Director of the Office; establishing a fund to provide grants and loans to regional development authorities for the purpose of economic development; establishing a fund to provide financial assistance to certain institutions within the Nevada System of Higher Education for the development and commercialization of new technologies; amending provisions relating to the Commission on Economic Development, the Governor’s Workforce Investment Board and the Secretary of State’s business portal; transferring the duties and powers of the Commission on Economic Development to the Office of Economic Development; revising the provisions governing certain partial abatements from taxation and the issuance of certain revenue bonds; revising and repealing various provisions relating to economic development; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 449 — Assemblymen Oceguera, Kirkpatrick, Conklin, Smith, Goicoechea; Aizley, Anderson, Atkinson, Benitez-Thompson, Bobzien, Brooks, Bustamante Adams, Carlton, Carrillo, Daly, Diaz, Dondero Loop, Ellison, Flores, Frierson, Goedhart, Grady, Hambrick, Hammond, Hansen, Hardy, Hickey, Hogan, Horne, Kirner, Kite, Livermore, Mastroluca, Munford, Neal, Ohrenschall, Pierce, Segerblom, Sherwood, Stewart and Woodbury. Joint Sponsors: Senators Horsford and McGinness. Approved June 17, 2011



AN ACT relating to records; establishing a process by which a state agency may obtain certain county records at no charge for the purpose of economic development and population estimate research; prohibiting certain uses of confidential information contained in such county records; providing civil and criminal penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 400 — Select Committee on Economic Growth and Employment. Approved June 17, 2011



AN ACT relating to education; eliminating certain requirements imposed by statute on school districts and public schools in this State; revising the requirements for the board of trustees of certain school districts to adopt a pilot program to provide a program of small learning communities in certain middle schools, junior high schools and high schools; extending the effective date for the implementation of academic plans for pupils enrolled in middle school or junior high school; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 365 — Senator McGinness. Approved June 17, 2011



AN ACT relating to water; requiring that protests against the granting of certain applications relating to water rights by a government, governmental agency or political subdivision of a government be verified or signed by the person in charge of the government, agency or political subdivision; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 410 — Assemblymen Goedhart, Sherwood; Goicoechea, Grady, Hambrick, Hansen, Hardy, Hickey, Kirner, Kite, Livermore and Stewart. Joint Sponsors: Senators Rhoads and Settelmeyer. Approved June 17, 2011



AN ACT relating to public financial administration; revising provisions relating to the use of money in the Account for Foreclosure Mediation; authorizing the Court Administrator to transfer certain funds from the Account to the operating budget for the Supreme Court for the 2011-2013 biennium; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 581 — Committee on Ways and Means. Approved June 17, 2011



AN ACT relating to the taxation of property; revising the provisions governing the administration of certain exemptions from taxation, the determination of the taxable value of the community units of a common-interest community, the conversion of mobile or manufactured homes from real to personal property, the issuance of certain notices by the county assessor and county treasurer, the payment of taxes on personal property in installments, and the determination of when an overpayment of taxes on personal property will not be refunded or a deficiency in the payment of such taxes will be exempted from collection; postponing the prospective expiration of certain provisions for the funding of accounts for the acquisition and improvement of technology in the offices of county assessors and revising the authorized uses of such accounts; repealing certain requirements relating to the minimum valuation of certain land; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 249 — Senators Parks; Denis and Manendo. Joint Sponsor: Assemblyman Anderson. Approved June 17, 2011



AN ACT relating to real property; restricting the disclosure of certain information about owners of time shares; requiring certain mailings to owners of time shares upon request by an owner; authorizing a notice of sale on the foreclosure of a time share to be given by posting on an Internet website under certain circumstances; revising provisions concerning the posting of a notice of default and election to sell or a notice of sale; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 200 — Senator Schneider. Approved June 17, 2011



AN ACT relating to the protection of children; requiring an investigation of the criminal history of certain persons associated with certain facilities that provide residential services to children; requiring such a facility to terminate the employment of or remove from the facility certain persons based on the results of an investigation of the person’s criminal history; requiring the maintenance of records concerning the employees and residents of the facility; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 536 — Committee on Health and Human Services. Approved June 17, 2011



AN ACT relating to smoking; revising the definition of “stand-alone bar, tavern or saloon” as used in provisions regulating smoking tobacco; revising provisions governing the areas in which smoking is not prohibited; revising, removing and reenacting certain provisions of the Nevada Clean Indoor Air Act; providing civil and criminal penalties; making an appropriation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 571 — Committee on Ways and Means. Approved June 17, 2011



AN ACT relating to property; eliminating limits on the amounts of certain property that is exempt from execution; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 348 — Senators Roberson; Cegavske, Gustavson, Halseth, McGinness and Settelmeyer. Approved June 17, 2011



AN ACT relating to real property; requiring certain state agencies and officials to consult with the deputy manager for compliance and code enforcement before adopting regulations concerning the construction, maintenance, operation or safety of buildings and structures; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 40 — Committee on Government Affairs. Approved June 17, 2011



AN ACT relating to local financial administration; revising provisions concerning the publication of certain financial information by an incorporated city or a county; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 65 — Committee on Government Affairs. Approved June 17, 2011



AN ACT relating to consumer protection; prescribing certain mandatory terms of a contract for grant writing services; providing certain exemptions; revising certain provisions concerning solicitations by telephone; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 99 — Senator Hardy. Approved June 17, 2011



AN ACT relating to persons involved in the administration of insurance; authorizing the Administrator of the Division of Industrial Relations of the Department of Business and Industry to conduct certain investigations and examinations of third-party administrators; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 164 — Senator Schneider. Approved June 17, 2011



AN ACT relating to businesses; requiring a board of county commissioners and the governing bodies of certain incorporated cities to enter into an agreement to establish a business license to allow a licensed contractor to engage in the business of contracting in the county and cities under certain circumstances; authorizing a board of county commissioners and the governing bodies of certain other incorporated cities to enter into such an agreement; revising the circumstances for obtaining a county or city business license; revising certain provisions for the issuance of a license for a food establishment; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 110 — Senator Lee. Approved June 17, 2011



AN ACT relating to mortgage lending; revising provisions relating to the licensing of escrow agents and escrow agencies; revising provisions relating to a surety bond or substitute security posted by an escrow agency; requiring the Commissioner of Mortgage Lending to establish certain fees; revising provisions relating to disciplinary action for an escrow agent or escrow agency; establishing provisions governing the arranging or servicing of loans in which an investor has an interest; requiring a mortgage broker who services a loan to make certain reports; exempting certain natural persons and nonprofit organizations from statutes governing mortgage brokers and mortgage agents; revising provisions relating to a surety bond posted by a mortgage broker; requiring a mortgage broker to review an impound trust account annually; revising provisions relating to the renewal of a license as a mortgage banker; enacting requirements for mortgage brokers and for mortgage bankers to make the statutory schemes governing the two professions more similar; allowing disclosure of certain confidential information relating to an investigation; enacting provisions for the enforcement of the federal Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage Licensing Act of 2008; requiring the licensing of a person who performs the services of a construction control; requiring the licensing of a provider of certain additional services as a provider of covered services; revising provisions relating to compensation for a provider of covered services; increasing certain administrative fines; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 77 — Committee on Commerce and Labor. Approved June 17, 2011



AN ACT relating to traffic laws; prohibiting a person from using a cellular telephone or other handheld wireless communications device while operating a motor vehicle in certain circumstances; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 140 — Senators Breeden, Schneider, Manendo, Parks, Denis; Copening, Horsford and Wiener. Joint Sponsors: Assemblymen Segerblom, Atkinson, Munford and Smith. Approved June 17, 2011



AN ACT relating to crimes; increasing the penalty for certain technological crimes; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 376 — Senators Cegavske; Breeden, Brower, Gustavson, Halseth, Hardy, Kihuen, Lee, Manendo, McGinness, Parks, Rhoads, Roberson, Schneider and Settelmeyer. Approved June 17, 2011



AN ACT relating to legal services; requiring a portion of certain existing fees to be used for certain programs for legal services; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 259 — Committee on Judiciary. Approved June 17, 2011



AN ACT relating to motor carriers; authorizing operators of taxicabs and operators of limousines to accept credit cards and debit cards for payment of rates, fares and charges; authorizing the prescribing of maximum fees that may be charged to customers of taxicabs and limousines for the convenience of payment by a credit card or debit card; prohibiting issuers of credit cards and debit cards and certain other persons from prohibiting the collection of the convenience fees; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 351 — Assemblywoman Carlton. Approved June 17, 2011



AN ACT relating to public employees’ retirement; setting forth a legislative declaration; directing the Interim Retirement and Benefits Committee of the Legislature to conduct a study; setting forth the requirements for the study and directing the Committee to submit a report to the Legislative Commission; making an appropriation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 405 — Assemblyman Oceguera. Approved June 17, 2011



AN ACT relating to the Legislature; making various changes relating to the Legislature and the Legislative Counsel Bureau; authorizing the Legislative Commission to adopt reasonable regulations governing vehicle and pedestrian traffic on certain property within the supervision and control of the Legislature; providing that a violation of such regulations is a misdemeanor; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 575 — Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections. Approved June 17, 2011



AN ACT relating to public works; revising provisions relating to preferences when competing for contracts for certain public works projects; requiring a contractor to replace an unacceptable subcontractor on a public work of this State without an increase in the amount of the bid; requiring a prime contractor to forfeit a portion of the amount of a contract for a public work under certain circumstances; revising the manner in which a construction manager at risk may solicit bids and select a subcontractor for a public work; revising provisions governing the selection of a construction manager at risk for preconstruction services and the construction of a public work; revising the manner in which a construction manager at risk may solicit bids and select a subcontractor for a public work; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 268 — Senator Lee. Approved June 17, 2011



AN ACT relating to land use planning; providing for the withdrawal of the State of Nevada from the Tahoe Regional Planning Compact under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 271 — Senators Lee; and Settelmeyer. Joint Sponsors: Assemblymen Hickey, Kirner and Kite. Approved June 17, 2011



AN ACT relating to development; revising provisions relating to the preservation of historic neighborhoods in certain regional plans; authorizing redevelopment agencies to expend money, subject to certain limitations, to improve educational facilities located within certain cities or counties; requiring redevelopment agencies to file reports with their respective governing bodies and the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau; requiring certain redevelopment agencies to set aside certain revenue from property taxes for an additional purpose; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 92 — Senator Hardy. Approved June 17, 2011



AN ACT relating to pets; reducing the amount of real property required for the operation of a pet cemetery; revising provisions governing crematories for pets; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 191 — Senator Manendo (by request). Approved June 20, 2011