[Rev. 8/25/2020 1:12:17 PM]





      Relative to, sine die, 43.

Adjutant-general —

      Duties of, in connection with State Police, 22.

      To be ex officio Commissary of Nevada State Police, 37.

Amendments —

      Of Act to create Judicial Districts, approved March 27, 1907, 31.

      Of Act concerning school bonds, approved March 12, 1907, 34.


      For Legislature, 19.

      For copying Senate Journal, 19.

      For Nevada State Police, 25.

      For legislative printing, 26.

      For State Orphans’ Home, 26.

      For State Prison, 26.

      To reimburse Governor Sparks, 27.

      For furnishing Mackay Building at University, 27.

      For Sheep Commissioners, 28.

      For relief of J. G. McCarthy, 28.

      For contingent expenses of Special Session, 29.

      For traveling and hotel expenses of Governor and Attorney-General, 31, 32.

      For purchasing additional land for State Prison, 33.

      For Nellie B. Milligan, 37, 38.

      For William Woodburn, Jr., 38.

Army regulations —

      To govern Nevada State Police, 23.


      Act to enlarge powers and duties, 25.

      May appear before grand juries, 25.

      Supervision over District Attorneys, 25.

      May take charge of criminal prosecutions, 25.

      May issue subpenas, 25.

      Appropriation for traveling and hotel expenses, 31, 32.

      May appoint deputies, 31.


bonds —

      Of Superintendent of State Police, 23, 24.

      Act enabling school districts to issue, 34.

BOARD OF EXAMINERS. See Examiners, Board of.


Carson Indian School —

      Congress requested to restore appropriation for, 42, 43.

Civil process —

      Not to be served by State Police, 21.

Cohn, miss tichelle —

      To copy Senate Journal, 19.

Commissary of nevada state police —

      Office created, 37.

      Adjutant-General to be ex officio, 37.

      Salary, 37.

Congress —

      Memorialized regarding Carson Indian School, 42, 43.

Controller —

      Duties of, 19, 20, 26, 27, 28, 38.

Court-martial —

      When members of State Police tried by, 25.

Crimes and punishments —

      Refusal of jailer to receive prisoners from State Police, 21, 22.

      Refusal to aid State Police, 24.

      Molestation of State Police, 24.

      Falsely impersonating State Police, 24.

      Insubordination of State Police, 24, 25.

Criminal prosecutions —

      Attorney-General may take charge of, 25.

Crowell, raymond b. —

      To copy Senate Journal, 19.


deputies —

      For Attorney-General, 31.

district attorneys —

      Attorney-General to exercise supervisory power over, 25.

DISTRICT JUDGES. See Judges, District.


election —

      On question of issuance of school bonds, 34.

examiners, board of —

      Duties of, 23, 24, 27, 37.


Federal troops —

      Resolutions requesting retention at Goldfield, 41, 42.


goldfield —

      Resolutions relative to troops at, 41, 42.

      Resolution requesting restoration of wages, 43.

governor —

      To appoint Superintendent of Nevada State Police, 20.

      To approve all appointments in State Police, 21.

      May declare martial law, 22.

      May request Attorney-General to take charge of any criminal prosecution in the State, 25.

      Appropriation to reimburse Governor Sparks, 27.

      Appropriation for traveling and hotel expenses, 31, 32.

grand juries —

      Attorney-General may appear before, 25.


hotel expenses —

      Of Governor and Attorney-General, 31, 32.


INDIAN SCHOOL. See Carson Indian School.

inspector of nevada state police —

      Office created, 21.

      Qualifications, 21.

      Salary, 23.

insubordination —

      Of State Police, how punished, 24, 25.


jailers —

      Must receive prisoners of State Police, 21.

journals —

      Of Special Session, resolution relative to, 42.

judges, district —

      Salaries of, 30.

      Two for Second District, 30.

      Two for Seventh District until 1911, 30.

judicial districts —

      Remodeled, 29.

      To take effect in 1911, 30.


legislature —

      Appropriation for Legislative Fund, 19.

      Appropriation for contingent expenses of Special Session, 29.

library fund —

      Expense of furnishing new State Library to come from, 33.


martial law —

      When Governor may declare, 22.

mackay building —

      Appropriation for furnishing, 27.

meffley, mrs. constance —

      To copy Assembly Journal, 20.

mccarthy, j. g., Superintendent of State Printing

      Appropriation for relief of, 28.

memorials —

      To Congress, 42, 43.

      To the President of the United States, 41, 42.

      To Mine Operators’ Association, 43.

      To United States Senators and Representative, 42.

milligan, nellie b. —

      Relief of, 37, 38.

mine operators’ association —

      Requested to restore wages at Goldfield, 43.


nevada state police —

      Created, 20.

      See State Police.


oath —

      Of members of State Police, 23, 24.

      Of deputies for Attorney-General, 31.

officers, peace —

      Not absolve from duties by State Police Act, 24.


Peace officers —

      Not released from duties by State Police Act, 24.

Penalties —

      For refusing prisoners of State Police, 21.

      For refusal to aid State Police, 24.

      For falsely impersonating State Police, 24.

      For molestation of State Police, 24.

      For insubordination, 24, 25.

POLICE. See State Police.

Popular vote —

      To decide question of issuance of school bonds, 34.

President of united states —

      Memorialized regarding troops at Goldfield, 41, 42.

Prison commissioners —

      Appropriation for State Prison to be expended under direction of, 31.

      To purchase additional land for State Prison, 33.

Prisoners —

      Of State Police, must be received by all jailers, 21, 22.


railroad officials —

      To transport members of Nevada State Police, and prisoners, 24.

regents of university of nevada —

      Authorized to furnish Mackay Building, 27.


salaries —

      Of Superintendent of State Police, 23.

      Of Inspector of State Police, 23.

      Of members of State Police, 23.

      Of Commissary of State Police, 37.

school districts —

      Act authorizing issuance of bonds for, 34.

secretary of state —

      To give certificates, 20.

      To hold bond of Superintendent of Nevada State Police, 24.

      Duties of, as State Librarian, 32, 33.

      To forward resolution to mine operators, 43.

sheep commissioners —

      Appropriation for, 28.

      Money to revert, 28.

sparks, john, Governor

      Appropriation to reimburse for expenses, 27.

state library —

      Act in relation to, 32.

      Secretary of State, as ex officio State Librarian, to furnish new building, 32, 33.

      Expense to come from Library Fund, 33.

      Restriction as to cost, 33.

state orphans’ home —

      Additional appropriation for, 26.

state police —

      Act creating, 20.

      How composed, 20, 21.

      Superintendent of, 21.

      Inspector of, 21.

      Qualifications of officers and members of, 21.

      Powers and duties, 21.

      Shall not serve civil process, 21.

      Jailers to receive prisoners from, 21,

      To have absolute power in communities when martial law is declared, 22.

      Reserve force of, 22.

      Arms, uniform, etc., 22.

      Rules and regulations, 22.

      Regular army regulations to govern, 23.

      Offices at Carson City, 23.

      Salaries, 23.

      Term of service, 23.

      Bond and oath of Superintendent, 23.

      All members to take constitutional oath, 24.

      Expenses, 24.

      Peace officers not absolved from duties, 25.

      Railroad officials to transport members and prisoners, 24.

      Refusal to aid, punishment of, 24.

      Molestation of, how punished, 24.

      Falsely impersonating, punished, 24.

      Insubordination, punished, 24, 25.

      Court-martial, when, 25.

      Appropriation for, 25.

      Adjutant-General to be Commissary of, 37.

state prison —

      Additional appropriation for, 26.

      Appropriation for additional land, 33.

statutes —

      Of Special Session, resolution relative to, 42.

      Price of, Special Session, 42.

STEWART INSTITUTE. See Carson Indian School.

subpenas —

      Attorney-General may issue in criminal prosecutions, 25.

superintendent of nevada state police —

      Office created, 20, 21.

      Qualifications, 21.

      Salary, 23.

      Bond of, 23, 24.


taxes —

      Special, for school bonds, 35, 36.

traveling expenses —

      Of Governor and Attorney-General, 31, 32.

treasurer —

      Duties of, 19, 20, 26, 27, 28, 38.

TROOPS. See Federal Troops.


united states army —

      Rules of, to govern State Police, 23.

university of nevada —

      Appropriation for furnishing Mackay Building at, 27.

      Regents of, authorized to furnish Mackay Building at, 27.


woodburn, william, Jr.

      Relief of, 37, 38.

wages —

      Requesting restoration of former schedule at Goldfield, 43.