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κ1908 Statutes of Nevada, 2nd Special Session, Page 41κ






No. I.–Senate Memorial and Joint and Concurrent Resolution, relative to the retention of Federal troops at Goldfield, Nevada.


[Passed January 17, 1908.]


      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, the Assembly concurring:

      That, whereas conditions exist in the State of Nevada that border upon and threaten an immediate state of domestic violence; and

      Whereas said State of Nevada has no State militia or other adequate police force at its disposal sufficient to protect its inhabitants against such domestic violence; therefore, be it

      Resolved, That application is hereby made by the Legislature of Nevada to the President of the United States to retain in the Goldfield Mining District of Nevada a sufficient force of the United States Army to protect said State against domestic violence, and to insure to the inhabitants of that community and the State domestic tranquility, the preservation of law and order, and the observance of the laws of the United States and the State of Nevada, and that such portion of the United States Army be maintained in said district until the State of Nevada, through its Legislature now in extraordinary session assembled, shall be able to provide by law for the organization and equipment of the State constabulary, or other police force, sufficient to maintain law and order, and suppress any domestic violence that may occur.












President requested to retain troops at Goldfield.





No. II.–Assembly Joint and Concurrent Resolution, relative to the retention of the Federal troops in Nevada.


[Passed February 1, 1908.]


      Whereas, The Legislature of the State of Nevada has by law provided for an efficient police force to be known as the “Nevada State Police,” and has directed and authorized the immediate organizing, arming and equipping of said “Nevada State Police”; and

      Whereas, The proper organizing, arming, and equipping of said “Nevada State Police” will take some sixty days or more from and after February 1, 1908; therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, the Senate concurring, That the President of the United States is hereby requested to maintain the present, or a like or sufficient, force of the United States Regular Army in the Goldfield Mining














President requested to continue troops until April 1, 1908.


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District, Esmeralda County, to protect the State of Nevada against domestic violence and to insure the inhabitants of said community the preservation of law and order, and that such force of the United States Regular Army be maintained in said district until the first day of April, 1908, so that the “Nevada State Police” may be organized, armed and equipped.











Relative to Statutes and Journals of Special Session.





Price of Statutes.



Bound permanently.

No. III.–Assembly Joint and Concurrent Resolution, relative to the printing, distribution and price of the Statutes of the present Special Session of the Nevada Legislature, and the printing and binding of the Journals thereof.


[Passed January 30, 1908.]


      Resolved by the Assembly, the Senate concurring, That the Superintendent of State Printing is hereby authorized and directed to print and bind in pamphlet form four thousand (4,000) copies of the Statutes and Journals of the present Special Session of the Nevada Legislature; and that in addition to the present number of advance sheets to which each member of the Legislature is now entitled, said members may obtain additional copies, not exceeding thirty, by notifying the Superintendent of State Printing; and be it further

      Resolved, That the Secretary of State is hereby authorized and directed to sell the Statutes of the present Special Session of the Nevada Legislature, in pamphlet form, at the price of fifty (50) cents each; and be it further

      Resolved, That the Statutes of this Special Session be bound in permanent form with the Statutes of the Twenty-fourth Session of the Nevada Legislature; and the Journals of this Special Session be bound in permanent form with the Journals of the Twenty-fourth Session of the Nevada Legislature.











Congress asked to continue Stewart Institute.

No. IV.–Assembly Joint and Concurrent Resolution, memorializing the Congress of the United States in the matter of the Stewart Institute.


[Passed January 31, 1908.]


      Whereas, The State of Nevada has a large population of Indians, and there is now, and for some years continuously last past there has been, located near Carson City, Nevada, the Stewart Institute, for the moral, intellectual and manual training of Indians, which Indians have no other school accommodations, and at which there is now, and always has been, a large attendance, and which is, and has been, of great and lasting benefit to said Indian population; and

      Whereas, It has been made to appear to the Legislature of Nevada that it is the intention of the Congress of the United States to discontinue the maintenance and conduct of the said Stewart Institute, and to that end withhold necessary appropriations therefor;



κ1908 Statutes of Nevada, 2nd Special Session, Page 43 (NUMBER 4)κ


the said Stewart Institute, and to that end withhold necessary appropriations therefor;

      Now, therefore, the Legislature of the State of Nevada duly convened in the Capitol, at Carson City, Nevada, do respectfully petition the Congress of the United States to continue the maintenance and conduct of the said Stewart Institute, and to make the necessary appropriation therefor, to the end that the moral, intellectual and manual training of said Indian population may be advanced; and the Secretary of State is hereby directed to forward a copy of this resolution to His Excellency the President of the United States, the United States Senators and the Representative of the State of Nevada in Congress.






No. V.–Assembly Joint and Concurrent Resolution, relative to conditions at Goldfield.


[Passed February 1, 1908.]


      Whereas, This Legislature believes the present industrial condition at Goldfield to be detrimental to the best interests of the State of Nevada, and as a condition of strike or lockout means the enforced idleness of many good citizens, and thereby in this instance the non-development of Nevada’s paramount industry, mining; and as there is reason for belief that the old wage schedule at Goldfield is not exorbitant, considering the cost of living, and the real value of the skilled labor required at mining in that district; and

      Whereas, It appears that the restoration of the former wage schedule at Goldfield would end the present unfortunate controversy there; therefore be it

      Resolved by the Assembly, the Senate concurring, That we believe that high wages and good conditions attract and secure a high and skilled class of labor, which results in a correspondingly cheaper cost of production, thereby eventually increasing the profits of the mine operator and bringing a better class of labor and citizens into the State; and we therefore suggest and recommend that the former scale of wages be restored to the miners at Goldfield; and be it further

      Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be forwarded by the Secretary of State of Nevada to the Mine Operators’ Association of Nevada at Goldfield, Nevada.





Conditions at Goldfield.









Operators asked to restore former wage rate.





No. VI.–Senate Joint and Concurrent Resolution.


[Passed January 31, 1908.]


      Resolved by the Senate, the Assembly concurring, That this, the Extraordinary Session of the Nevada Legislature, be adjourned sine die at 12 m. on Saturday, February 1, 1908.





Adjournment sine die.

