New Legislator Orientation and Training: 2012-2013

Phase I: Orientation–November 28, 29, and 30, 2012 (Carson City)

Phase II: Issue Briefs–December 6 and 13, 2013 (videoconferenced among Carson City, Elko, and Las Vegas)

Phase III: Academy–January 14, 15, 16, and 17 (Carson City)

New Legislator Orientation is designed to instruct new legislators in legislative processes and offer insight into working with various participants.

All New Legislator Orientation and Training

9:30 a.m.—10:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast—Room 3100

10:00 a.m.—10:15 a.m. Welcome—Room 3100

  • Senate and Assembly Leadership

10:15 a.m.—10:45 a.m. Overview of the Legislative Counsel Bureau—Room 3100

  • Rick Combs, Director
  • Roger Wilkerson, Chief, Administrative Division
  • Paul V. Townsend, Legislative Auditor, Audit Division
  • Mark Krmpotic, Senate Fiscal Analyst, Fiscal Analysis Division
  • Cindy Jones, Assembly Fiscal Analyst, Fiscal Analysis Division
  • Brenda J. Erdoes, Legislative Counsel, Legal Division
  • Donald O. Williams, Research Director, Research Division

10:45 a.m.—11:15 a.m. Legislator Compensation, Benefits, and Travel—Room 3100

  • Chuck Mahoney, Chief Accountant, Accounting Unit, Administrative Division

11:15 a.m.—11:45 a.m. Tour of the Legislative Building

11:45 a.m.—Noon Break

Noon—1:45 p.m. Senate Lunch—Office of the Secretary of the Senate

  • David Byerman, Secretary of the Senate

Assembly Lunch—Office of the Chief Clerk of the Assembly

  • Susan Furlong, Chief Clerk of the Assembly

1:45 p.m.—2:00 p.m. Break

2:00 p.m.—5:00 p.m. Individual Legislator Activities—First Floor Foyer, Legislative Building

5:30 p.m. Group Dinner (bus leaves at this time)

7:45 a.m.—8:30 a.m. Breakfast—Room 3100

8:30 a.m.—8:45 a.m. Break

8:45 a.m.—11:45 a.m. Legislative Counsel Bureau:  Presentations from Divisions—Room 4100

Legal Division:  The Legislature's Lawyer

  • Brenda J. Erdoes, Legislative Counsel

Audit Division:  Assessing Performance

  • Paul V. Townsend, Legislative Auditor  Handout


Fiscal Analysis Division:  Preparing the Budget and Forecasting Revenue

  • Mark Krmpotic, Senate Fiscal Analyst
  • Cindy Jones, Assembly Fiscal Analyst

Research Division

Donald O. Williams, Research Director

  • Research Analysts:  Linking Research to Policy  Handout
  • Research Library and Research Publications:  Preserving the Record  Handout
  • Constituent Services Unit:  Serving Your Constituents  Handout

11:45 a.m.—12:15 p.m. Break

12:15 p.m.—1:45 p.m. Luncheon—Old Assembly Chamber

Table Topic:

What I Know Now That I Wish I Had Known Then

Roundtable Discussion with Returning Legislators


Remembering Citizen Legislators:  The Nevada Legislature Oral History Project

Dana R. Bennett, Ph.D., Bennett Historical Research Services

2:00 p.m.—5:00 p.m. Individual Legislator Activities

(4:00 p.m.—5:00 p.m.) Optional Tour of Carson City

5:00 p.m. Dinner (individual responsibility)

7:30 a.m.—8:30 a.m. Breakfast—Room 3100
Invited Guests from the Office of the Governor and the Office of the Lieutenant Governor

8:30 a.m.— 8:45 a.m. Break

8:45 a.m.—9:30 a.m. Ethics Basic Training—Room 4100

  • Eileen O'Grady, Chief Deputy Legislative Counsel, Legal Division  Handout

9:30 a.m.—10:00 a.m. Annual Filings of Contribution and Expense Reports—Room 4100

Office of the Secretary of State

  • Nicole Lamboley, Chief Deputy Secretary of State
  • Scott Gilles, Deputy Secretary for Elections

10:00 a.m.—10:15 a.m. Break

10:15 a.m.—11:15 a.m. Introduction to the Legislature's Website and Electronic Legislative Tools—Room 4100

  • Teresa Wilt, Assistant Librarian, Research Library

11:15 a.m.—11:45 a.m. Safety and Security Procedures—Room 4100

  • Bob Milby, Chief, Legislative Police

11:45 a.m.—Noon Review and Preview of Issue Briefings and Academy—Room 410

  • Rick Combs, Director, LCB

Noon—1:30 p.m. Luncheon—Room 3100

Informal Discussion:  Organizing Your Legislative Office for Session

  • Returning Legislators and Staff

1:30 p.m. Individual Legislator Activities (by appointment)

Location:  Room 4401, Grant Sawyer State Office Building, Las Vegas, Nevada; videoconferenced to Room 3137, Legislative Building, Carson City, Nevada; and Great Basin College, Room 124, Greenhaw Technical Arts Building, 1500 College Parkway, Elko, Nevada.

9:00 a.m.—Public Employees:  Benefits and Retirement

At this two-part briefing, legislators will receive information about the Public Employees' Retirement System and the Public Employees' Benefits Program.

The Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) is a tax-qualified defined benefit plan that provides retirement and disability benefits to State and local government employees in Nevada, including nonprofessional staff of the Nevada System of Higher Education. The Legislature oversees PERS, but the day-to-day operations are handled by an independent board and its executive officer and staff. The Legislative Retirement System and the Judicial Retirement System are also within PERS. Both nationally and in Nevada, state legislatures and local governments are grappling with the issues associated with unfunded liabilities. The economic recession, baby boomers reaching retirement age, shrinking State and local government workforces, and more stringent accounting rules are some of the challenges currently faced by PERS.

The Public Employees' Benefits Program (PEBP) is the entity that offers health and other insurance benefits to State employees and employees of local governments who voluntarily elect to participate in the Program. In addition to providing insurance benefits to active State and participating local government employees, the Program also makes insurance available to non-Medicare-eligible retirees. In 2010, the PEBP Board took action to move Medicare-eligible retirees (generally those 65 years of age and older) to an Individual Market Medicare Exchange for the 2012 plan year—making Nevada the first state to do so. The Legislature oversees PEBP, but the day-to-day operations are handled by an independent board and its executive director and staff. State revenue constraints and budget issues are challenges for PEBP, along with continuing increases in the cost of health care and implementation of the federal Affordable Care Act. In the current biennium, in order to address a budget shortfall, the Board increased deductibles and gave active employees a subsidy on their monthly premiums in the form of a contribution to a Health Savings Account.

Presenters:  James R. Wells, Executive Officer, PEBP; Dana K. Bilyeu, Executive Officer, PERS; and Susan E. Scholley, Chief Principal Research Analyst, Research Division, Legislative Counsel Bureau (LCB)  Presenters' Biographies   |   Handouts

10:30 a.m.—Health and Human Services

In this session, legislators will briefly review major health and human services topics, including an update on the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (federal health care reforms); Medicaid and Nevada Check Up; caseload growth for certain supportive services; funding hospitals for the care of indigent patients; juvenile justice system reforms; and county assessments for certain human services that were approved by the 2011 Legislature. Legislators will also receive information concerning the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) reorganization plans.

Presenters:  Michael J. Willden, Director, DHHS; Jane Gruner, Deputy Director, DHHS; Amber Howell, Administrator, Division of Child and Family Services, DHHS; Marsheilah D. Lyons, Supervising Principal Research Analyst, Research Division, LCB; and Kirsten Bugenig, Senior Research Analyst, Research Division, LCB  Presenters' Biographies   |   Handouts

1:45 p.m.—Economic Development and Tourism

At this briefing, legislators will learn about efforts to expand Nevada businesses and attract new enterprise to the State. The session will cover the Nevada Governor's Office of Economic Development, regional development authorities, and partners in such key areas as education and workforce development. Legislators will learn about recent efforts in the development of Nevada's economy in seven key industry sectors, as well as accomplishments in global business development. Legislators will also be briefed on strengths, weaknesses, and current issues in the economic development environment.

The second portion of this session will include a presentation highlighting Nevada's efforts to promote tourism in the State. Legislators will learn about key issues impacting the State's Department of Tourism and Cultural Affairs, the primary functions of the Division of Tourism, and potential tourism related issues that may arise during the 2013 Legislative Session. Also included will be a brief overview of the Nevada Governor's Conference on Tourism, which was held in Sparks, Nevada, on December 4 and 5, 2012. Finally, Legislators will learn about interagency efforts to coordinate tourism and economic development activities.

Presenters:  Doug van Aman, Regional Director, Nevada Governor's Office of Economic Development; Claudia Vecchio, Director, Nevada's Department of Tourism and Cultural Affairs; Michael J. Stewart, Chief Principal Policy Analyst, Research Division, LCB; and Kelly Richard, Senior Research Analyst, Research Division, LCB  Presenters' Biographies   |   Handouts

3:15 p.m.—Judiciary

During this session, legislators will receive an overview of the wide range of subjects that typically fall within the scope of the Judiciary committees. These topics include the corrections system; the court system; crimes and punishments; criminal procedure; domestic violence; family law; juvenile justice; and sex offenders as well as business and corporate law, gaming, and property rights. Legislators will also receive focused briefings on the statutory Advisory Commission on the Administration of Justice, common-interest communities (i.e., homeowners' associations) and Nevada's court system, and will have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss topics of interest.

Presenters:  John McCormick, Court Services Supervisor, Nevada Supreme Court Administrative Office of the Courts; Gail Anderson, Administrator, Real Estate Division, Department of Business and Industry; Dave Ziegler, Supervising Principal Research Analyst, Research Division, LCB; Nicolas Anthony, Senior Principal Deputy Legislative Counsel, Legal Division, LCB; and Melinda Martini, Principal Research Analyst, Research Division, LCB  Presenters' Biographies   |   Handouts

Location:  Room 4401, Grant Sawyer State Office Building, Las Vegas, Nevada; and Room 3137, Legislative Building, Carson City, Nevada; and videoconferenced to Great Basin College, Room 124, Greenhaw Technical Arts Building, 1500 College Parkway, Elko, Nevada.

9:00 a.m.—Education:  Public K-12

As a topic, public education draws a significant amount of attention during the legislative session in both the policy committees and the budget committees. Legislative staff will provide a brief overview of key features of the elementary-secondary policy and program report. The Superintendent of Public Instruction will then provide a briefing about K-12 education in Nevada, including issues involving governance, school district personnel, graduation rates, selected state rankings, and state-funded categorical programs.

Presenters:  James W. Guthrie, Ph.D., Superintendent of Public Instruction; Pepper Sturm, Chief Deputy Research Director, Research Division, Legislative Counsel Bureau (LCB)  Presenters' Biographies   |   Handouts

10:30 a.m.—Education:  Higher Education

Higher education is increasingly viewed as a key factor in a state's overall health. College graduates provide the expertise that drives economic development, while they also tend to be less dependent on the social safety net. Legislative staff will provide a brief overview of higher education in Nevada. The Chancellor will then provide a briefing about the Nevada System of Higher Education, including structure and governance, strategic initiatives, and proposed changes to the State funding formula.

Presenters:  Daniel J. Klaich, Chancellor, Nevada System of Higher Education; Todd Butterworth, Senior Research Analyst, Research Division, LCB  Presenters' Biographies   |   Handouts


An overview of the functions and responsibilities of the Department of Taxation with respect to State and local taxation will be provided during this session. Legislators will also receive information on the Economic Forum's Forecast of General Fund Revenues for Fiscal Year (FY) 2013, FY 2014, and FY 2015, approved by the Forum on November 30, 2012, with the focus on the State's major General Fund revenue sources. Legislators will learn about the tax changes approved by the 2011 Legislature (set to sunset in 2013), and their relation to the Economic Forum's Forecast for FY 2014 and FY 2015.

Presenters:  Christopher G. Nielsen, Executive Director, Department of Taxation; Russell J. Guindon, Principal Deputy Fiscal Analyst, Fiscal Analysis Division, LCB; Michael Nakamoto, Deputy Fiscal Analyst; Fiscal Analysis Division, LCB; Joe Reel, Deputy Fiscal Analyst, Fiscal Analysis Division, LCB  Presenters' Biographies   |   Handouts


In this session, the Departments of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and Transportation (NDOT) will provide a brief overview of their Departments and review current transportation issues. Meet the new Director of DMV and his staff, as they discuss self-service kiosks, web-based service improvements, veteran's exemptions, the Nevada Live program, the fair share initiative, and the new off-highway vehicle program. Presenters from NDOT will discuss the Department's legislative outreach plan, toll roads, public-private partnerships, road relinquishments, transportation's role in economic development, the construction manager at risk (CMAR) program, federal funding update, and safety initiatives including the Zero Fatalities campaign.

Presenters:  Troy L. Dillard, Director, DMV; Nancy Wojcik, Administrator, Field Services Division, DMV; Deborah Cook, Administrator, Administrative Services Division, DMV; Rudy Malfabon, Director, NDOT; Bill Hoffman, Deputy Director, NDOT; Jered McDonald, Senior Research Analyst, Research Division, LCB; and Jennifer Ruedy, Senior Research Analyst, Research Division, LCB  Presenters' Biographies   |   Handouts

8:15 a.m.—8:45 a.m. Breakfast—Welcome and Preview—Room 3100

  • Rick Combs, Director, Legislative Counsel Bureau (LCB)

8:45 a.m.—9:00 a.m. Break

9:00 a.m.—11:00 a.m. Public Policy and the Legislature—Room 4100

  • Larry Gerston, Ph.D., San Jose State University  Handout

11:00 a.m.—11:30 a.m. Break

11:30 a.m.—1:00 p.m. Luncheon and Panel Discussion: Being an Effective Legislator—Room 3100

  • Former Speaker of the Assembly Barbara E. Buckley
  • Former Senator Randolph J. Townsend

1:00 p.m.—1:30 p.m. Break

1:30 p.m.—5:30 p.m. Negotiation and Consensus Building—Room 2144

  • David Landis, Former Nebraska State Senator  Handout

8:00 a.m.—8:30 a.m. Breakfast—Room 3100

8:30 a.m.—8:45 a.m. Break

8:45 a.m.—9:00 a.m. 120-Day Calendar—Room 4100

  • Rick Combs, Director, Legislative Counsel Bureau (LCB)

9:00 a.m.—10:30 a.m. The Paper Chase:  How a Bill Becomes a Law, Process and Content—Room 4100

  • Rick Combs, Director, LCB

Research Division, LCB

  • Susan Scholley, Chief Principal Research Analyst  Handout
  • Michael Stewart, Chief Principal Research Analyst  Handout

10:30 a.m.—10:45 a.m. Break

10:45 a.m.—11:30 a.m. Beyond Google: Quality Research for Policy Decisions—Room 4100

Research Division, LCB

  • H. Pepper Sturm, Chief Deputy Research  Handout

1:30 a.m.—1:00 p.m. Luncheon and Program: Practical Advice on Legislating—Room 4100

  • Returning Legislators and Former Legislators

1:00 p.m.—1:15 p.m. Break

1:15 p.m.—2:00 p.m. Budget Process and Revenue Forecasts—Room 4100

Fiscal Analysis Division, LCB  Handout

  • Mark Krmpotic, Senate Fiscal Analyst
  • Cindy Jones, Assembly Fiscal Analyst
  • Russell J. Guindon, Principal Deputy Fiscal Analyst

2:00 p.m.—2:30 p.m. Fiscal Notes—Room 4100

Fiscal Analysis Division, LCB

  • Michael Nakamoto, Deputy Fiscal Analyst  Handout

2:30 p.m.—2:45 p.m. Break

2:45 p.m.—3:30 p.m. Working with Constituents—Room 4100—Room 4100

Research Division, LCB

  • Paul Mouritsen, Manager, Constituent Services Unit (CSU)
  • Beverly Mobley, Assistant Manager, CSU
  • Kay Graves, Research Analyst, CSU  Handout

3:30 p.m.—4:00 p.m. Working with the Media—Room 4100

  • Robert D. Fisher, President and Chief Executive Officer, Nevada Broadcasters Association
  • Barry Smith, Executive Director, Nevada Press Association

4:00 p.m.—4:30 p.m. Working with Lobbyists—Room 4100

  • Michael Hillerby, Director of Legislative Affairs, Kaempfer Crowell Renshaw Groanauer & Fiorentino
  • Randy Robison, Director of State Legislative Affairs, CenturyLink

4:30 p.m.—4:45 p.m. Announcements

5:30 p.m.—8:00 p.m. Reception, Plaza Event Center, 211 East Ninth Street, Carson City

7:30 a.m.—8:00 a.m. Breakfast—Foyer, State Printing Office—301 South Stewart Street

8:00 a.m.—9:30 a.m. NELIS Training for New Legislators—Training Room, State Printing Office

  • Information Technology Services Unit Staff, Legislative Counsel Bureau (LCB)

9:30 a.m.—10:00 a.m. Break

10:00 a.m.—12:00 noon *Time Management—Room 1214

  • Introduction—Senator Kelvin Atkinson, 2012-2013 Chair, Council of State Governments-West
  • Kevin Stacey, TrainRight Inc., WESTRAIN Speakers Bureau, Council of State Governments-West  Handout

12:00 noon—1:00 p.m. Lunch (Individual Responsibility)

1:00 p.m.—2:00 p.m. *Acting Ethically in the Legislative Environment—Room 1214

  • Introduction—Senator Debbie Smith, 2012-2013 Vice President, National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL)
  • Peggy Kerns, Director, Center for Ethics in Government, NCSL  Handouts

6:00 p.m. State of the State Address—Assembly Chamber

  • Governor Brian Sandoval

* open to all legislators

8:00 a.m.—8:30 a.m. Breakfast—Room 3100

Mock Committee Hearings and Mock Floor Sessions—Part I

8:30 a.m.—12:00 noon

Assembly Rules and Procedures—Assembly Chamber
Assembly Mock Committee Hearings—Room 4100
Mock Floor Session—Assembly Chamber

  • Susan Furlong, Chief Clerk of the Assembly
  • Invited Returning Legislators

10:00 a.m.—12:00 noon

Senate Rules and Procedures—Senate Chamber
Senate Mock Committee Hearings—Room 1214
Mock Floor Session—Senate Chamber

  • David Byerman, Secretary of the Senate
  • Invited Returning Legislators

12:00 noon—1:00 p.m. Lunch

Senate Caucus Room

Assembly Caucus Room

Mock Committee Hearings and Mock Floor Session—Part II

1:00 p.m.—5:00 p.m.

Assembly Mock Committee Hearings—Room 4100
Mock Floor Session—Assembly Chamber

  • Susan Furlong, Chief Clerk of the Assembly
  • Invited Returning Legislators

1:00 p.m.—2:00 p.m.

Senate Mock Committee Hearings—Room 1214

  • David Byerman, Secretary of the Senate
  • Invited Returning Legislators

New Legislator Mid-Session Orientation Breakfast
Room 3161, Legislative Building
7:00 a.m. to 7:45 a.m.


  • Donald O. Williams, Research Director, Legislative Counsel Bureau (LCB)


  • Brenda J. Erdoes, Legislative Counsel, LCB   Handout

Exempt Bills and Referrals to Senate Finance or Assembly Ways and Means

  • Rick Combs, Director, LCB   Handout

Working Your Bills in the Second House

  • Marilyn Kirkpatrick, Speaker of the Assembly

First House Deadlines

  • Marjorie Paslov-Thomas, Principal Research Analyst, Research Division, LCB

Future Training

  • Carol Stonefield, Managing Principal Policy Analyst, Research Division, LCB

Committee Chairs and New Legislators
Room 1214, Legislative Building
7:00 a.m.

Welcome and Overview

  • Marjorie Paslov-Thomas, Principal Research Analyst, Research Division, Legislative Counsel Bureau (LCB)

Review of Procedures for Conference Committees and Role of Legal Counsel

  • Brenda J. Erdoes, Legislative Counsel, LCB

Role of Committee Policy Analysts in Conference Committees

  • Susan E. Scholley, Chief Principal Research Analyst, Research Division, LCB
  • Michael J. Stewart, Chief Principal Research Analyst, Research Division, LCB

Role of the Front Desk in Conference Committees

  • David A. Byerman, Secretary of the Senate
  • Susan Furlong, Chief Clerk of the Assembly

Vetoes and Special Sessions

  • Bradley A. Wilkinson, Chief Deputy Legislative Counsel, Legal Division, LCB
  • Eileen G. O'Grady, Chief Deputy Legislative Counsel, Legal Division, LCB
  • Veto Handout  |  Special Session Handout

Post-Session Research Division Publications

  • Michelle L. Van Geel, Administrator of Publications and Technical Services, Research Division, LCB

Closing Comments

  • Carol M. Stonefield, Managing Principal Policy Analyst, Research Division, LCB