Search our database of reports required to be submitted to the Legislature pursuant to the Nevada Revised Statutes or Statutes of Nevada (1985-current)
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The information in this database was compiled using the index to the Nevada Revised Statutes, as well as the Index and Tables to Bills and Resolutions and the index of the Statutes of Nevada back through 1985. While we have cataloged several reports from before 1985, we have only gone through the Index and Tables to Bills and Resolutions and the index of the Statutes of Nevada back through 1985 because earlier indices are less complete. As we find older or missed reports, they are cataloged and entered in this database. We are only cataloging reports that are required, by Nevada Revised Statutes or Statutes of Nevada, to be submitted to the Legislature or one of its entities; reports that are required to go only to Executive or Judicial Branch agencies are not included here.
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