Getting Involved

MyDistricting Nevada 2021

The 2020 Census redistricting data released on August 12, 2021 was made available in the Nevada Legislature’s public redistricting application, MyDistricting Nevada, for members of the public to draw redistricting plans and share them with the Legislature for consideration. Redistricting plans submitted and approved during the 2021 redistricting cycle were posted to the MyDistricting Nevada 2021 plan list page and made available for download and public comment. Additionally, members of the public had the opportunity to submit communities of interest for consideration. All publicly-submitted plans and communities of interest are archived under "Proposed Districts" on the District Plans tab in shapefile and PDF format.

Access the MyDistricting Nevada User Guide here and the Spanish version here.

Communities of Interest

Communities of Interest were used to help stakeholders understand local interests in preserving areas within a district. A community of interest can be a subdivision, a city, a neighborhood, or any geographic area defined and submitted for consideration. Please note that sometimes the process of balancing population in a district along with other demographic issues may result in splits even if a community of interest is known.

33rd (2021) Special Legislative Session

The 33rd Special Session of the Legislature convened on November 12, 2021 and adjourned sine die on November 16, 2021.

The Assembly Select Committee on Redistricting and Elections and the Senate Select Committee on Redistricting and Elections heard two redistricting bills—Senate Bill 1 and Assembly Bill 1—to revise the boundaries of Nevada’s congressional, legislative, and Board of Regents districts. Members of the public had the opportunity to testify and provide comments to the committees at their public meetings. Governor Sisolak signed the two bills into law on November 16, 2021.

2021-2022 Legislative Interim

Senate Concurrent Resolution 13 (2021) provided for the creation of the Committee to Conduct an Investigation into Matters Relating to Reapportionment and Redistricting in Nevada. The Committee was charged with reviewing issues relating to reapportionment and redistricting in conjunction with the data from the decennial census of 2020. The Committee examined data from the United States Census Bureau and monitored redistricting systems established or recommended for use by the Nevada Legislature, including the requirements for computer equipment, computer software, and the training of personnel. Relevant case law and the programs of other states relating to redistricting were also reviewed, as well as possible procedures for use by the Nevada Legislature to ensure that members of the public were involved in the redistricting process to the greatest extent possible.

Members of the public had the opportunity to testify and provide comments to the Committee at its public meetings. Review the Committee’s activities and meetings here.

2021 Legislative Session

The 81st session of the Nevada Legislature convened February 1, 2021 and adjourned sine die June 1, 2021.

The 2020 Census redistricting data was not available during the 81st Legislative Session for the Legislature to complete redistricting and thus the Assembly Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections and Senate Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections did not hear any redistricting bills. However, the committees did hold hearings on SCR 13, which created an interim committee to conduct an investigation into matters relating to reapportionment and redistricting. The concurrent resolution passed out of both houses of the Legislature.

2019-2020 Legislative Interim

Senate Concurrent Resolution 9 (2019) directed the Legislative Commission to conduct an interim study of the requirements for the reapportionment and redistricting of election districts for Nevada’s members of the State Legislature, the United States House of Representatives, and the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education. Every 10 years, during the interim prior to each redistricting session, the Nevada Legislature conducts an interim study of the requirements for reapportionment and redistricting.

The Committee to Conduct an Interim Study of the Requirements for Reapportionment and Redistricting in the State of Nevada examined and monitored redistricting systems established or recommended by the Nevada Legislature, reviewed pertinent case law, reviewed redistricting programs and plans used in other states, and ensured the continuation of Nevada’s participation in programs of the U.S. Census Bureau, including the decennial census, to ensure a complete and accurate count of all Nevadans. Members of the public had the opportunity to testify and provide comments to the Committee at its public meetings. Review the Committee’s activities and meetings here.


Legislative Counsel Bureau Staff

Michael J. Stewart
Director, Research Division

  • General information concerning reapportionment and redistricting
  • Historical data and information

Asher A. Killian
Chief Deputy Legislative Counsel, Legal Division

  • Analysis of legal issues relating to reapportionment and redistricting

Samuel J. Quast
Senior Deputy Legislative Counsel, Legal Division

  • Analysis of legal issues relating to reapportionment and redistricting

Haley Proehl
Senior Policy Analyst / GIS Specialist, Research Division

  • District maps
  • Training and technical assistance with:
    - MyDistricting Nevada application
    - Population calculations
  • Statistical analysis of demographic information, including mapping
  • Participation of the State in the Census 2020 Redistricting Data Program

Kathy Steinle
Redistricting Specialist, Administrative Division

  • Training and technical assistance with:
    - MyDistricting Nevada application
    - Population calculations
  • Statistical analysis of demographic information
  • Reapportionment and Redistricting Website feedback and help

Steven Jamieson
Research Policy Analyst, Research Division

  • Activities of the interim Committee to Conduct an Investigation into Matters Relating to Reapportionment and Redistricting in Nevada