Membership Profile of the 2019 Nevada Legislature
Research Division | April 10, 2019
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MEMBERSHIP PROFILE OF THE 2019 NEVADA LEGISLATURERESEARCH DIVISION STAFFAPRIL 2019Nevada’s 2019 Legislature represents a wide range of ages and vocations, with Democrats and women holding majorities. Here are some highlights:• Nevada has the first female-majority state legislature in the nation. Women make up 52 percent of legislators overall, holding 55 percent of seats in the Assembly and 48 percent of seats in the Senate.• Democrats hold majorities in both houses, with a 38-point advantage in the Assembly and a 24-point advantage in the Senate.• Legislators range in age from 23 (Selena Torres) to 75 (David R. Parks). A majority of legislators (56 percent) fall in the 40-to-59 age range. Legislators in the Senate trend slightly older than their counterparts in the Assembly.• Legislators’ primary occupations include everything from small business owner or nonprofit administrator, to physician or rancher. The most represented occupation—with 12 legislators—is attorney.• Legislators hail from 23 states and 1 foreign country, Ethiopia (Alexander [Alex] Assefa). Twenty-five legislators (40 percent) were born in Nevada.2019 NEVADA LEGISLATORS BY PARTYWomenMenSENATE(10 Women; 11 Men)ASSEMBLY(23 Women; 19 Men)69%DEM(29)31%REP(13)62%38%DEM(13)REP(8)ASSEMBLYSENATELEGISLATURE OVERALLDemocratic 42 (66.7%)Republican 21 (33.3%)2019 NEVADA LEGISLATORS BY GENDERLEGISLATURE OVERALL Women 33 (52.4%) Men 30 (47.6%)52%48%55%45%
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