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Nevada Legislative Police
Peace Officer Memorial

The Nevada Law Enforcement Officers Memorial was dedicated on May 13, 1998. Governor Bob Miller, hundreds of state dignitaries and law enforcement officers from around the nation attended the first Nevada Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Ceremony. This memorial to Nevada's slain law enforcement officers was built through private funds. The fund raising effort was led by the Nevada Conference of Police and Sheriffs. The Memorial receives no funding from any government agency. The maintenance and up-keep is also paid by private contributions.

Each year in May, Nevada's law enforcement officers make an Olympic type run from Las Vegas to the Memorial in Carson City. They carry a roll of the names of all the officers that have lost their lives so they will always be remembered. It starts a week before the Memorial Ceremony and ends at the presentation.

The Memorial Ceremony is usually held the second week of May. The ceremony itself is an honor to watch and includes:
Presentation of the colors, bag pipes, 21-gun salute, laying of the wreath, speeches, prayer, reverent songs, rider less horse, finalized by families of the fallen laying carnations on the Memorial and Taps.

Since 2007, the Legislative Police are the official “Keepers of the Nevada’s Law Enforcement Memorial”. We have proudly assumed the responsibility to maintain the Memorial, the US Flags and monitor the lighting. Each May officers from our staff volunteer to clean and polish the memorial in preparation of Memorial services.