Bills and Resolutions by Failed Deadline

Note: Bills that have failed to meet a deadline may not be marked as such for up to one day after the deadline date. Please check back periodically on the day following the deadline for the full list of bills.


256 Results

Makes various changes relating to the administration of workers' compensation claims. (BDR 53-161)

Revises provisions governing the penalties for insurance fraud. (BDR 57-381)

Ratifies the Nurse Licensure Compact. (BDR 54-182)

Establishes a committee to review the current tax structure in this State. (BDR S-432)

Revises provisions governing the appointment of representatives to a governing board for regional planning in certain counties. (BDR 22-433)

Revises various provisions relating to public records. (BDR 19-389)

Revises provisions governing the partial abatement of taxes levied on residential and other property. (BDR 32-441)

Requires the waiver of certain fees for certain veteran-owned businesses. (BDR 7-423)

Requires the Department of Taxation to develop and operate a system for matching data for the collection of delinquent taxes and fees administered by the Department. (BDR 32-249)

Makes various changes relating to local government. (BDR 21-435)

Revises provisions regarding the collection of debts owed to state agencies. (BDR 31-231)

Revises provisions relating to the investigation and prosecution of certain crimes relating to the Medicaid program. (BDR 38-379)

Revises provisions relating to evidence collected from and the reimbursement of payment for forensic medical examinations of victims of sexual assault. (BDR 15-387)

Authorizes justice courts and municipal courts to establish programs for the treatment of certain offenders who are veterans or members of the military. (BDR 14-388)

Revises provisions governing the penalty for repeat violations of certain orders for protection against domestic violence. (BDR 3-383)

Revises provisions governing lifetime supervision of sex offenders. (BDR 16-392)

Revises provisions relating to parental rights. (BDR 11-398)

Establishes a program to provide emergency loans to certain persons in this State. (BDR 31-408)

Revises provisions governing public employees' retirement. (BDR 23-429)

Revises provisions relating to the Uniform Plumbing Code. (BDR 40-237)

Revises provisions relating to crimes against children and human trafficking. (BDR 15-380)

Revises provisions governing the acceptance of gifts and grants by state agencies. (BDR 31-244)

Revises provisions governing the responsibility for reporting the amount and payment of taxes on mineral royalties to the Department of Taxation. (BDR 32-248)

Establishes procedures relating to the payment of certain paychecks of state officers and state employees that are unclaimed by their owners. (BDR 23-415)

Lowers the minimum age at which a person is authorized to gamble and engage in certain other related activities. (BDR 41-37)

Revises provisions relating to permits to carry concealed firearms issued by certain other states. (BDR 15-96)

Provides additional protection against certain crimes for a peace officer, firefighter or emergency medical provider or the spouse or child of such a person. (BDR 15-156)

Revises provisions governing the penalty imposed for the murder of a peace officer in certain circumstances. (BDR 15-528)

Revises provisions governing the administration of welfare and supportive services. (BDR 38-38)

Revises provisions governing the mistreatment of a police animal. (BDR 50-527)

Revises provisions governing end-of-life care. (BDR 40-365)

Eliminates the Achievement School District. (BDR 34-691)

Requires the Legislative Auditor to conduct an audit of certain fees paid by applicants for game tags for predatory wildlife programs and activities. (BDR S-623)

Authorizes a physician assistant or advanced practice registered nurse to perform certain services. (BDR 40-98)

Authorizes advanced practice registered nurses to perform certain acts required to be performed by a physician or certain other providers of health care. (BDR 54-497)

Makes various changes relating to collective bargaining between local government employers and employee organizations. (BDR 23-621)

Revises provisions relating to the practice of optometry and the issuance of a prescription for an ophthalmic lens. (BDR 54-744)

Designates English as the official language of the State of Nevada. (BDR 19-797)

Revises the boundary line between Carson City and Washoe County. (BDR S-696)

Revises provisions relating to noncompete provisions in employment contracts. (BDR 53-316)

Revises various provisions governing the investment of public money. (BDR 31-782)

Requires counties to pay impact fees to certain local governments for certain costs incurred as a result of projects of intercounty significance. (BDR 22-796)

Requires a provider of health care or health facility to provide a patient with certain information relating to insurance coverage. (BDR 40-697)

Requires the State Board of Cosmetology to allow the use of fish for pedicures. (BDR 54-812)

Requires proof of identity for voting in person. (BDR 24-587)

Revises provisions governing education. (BDR 34-778)

Revises provisions relating to domestic relations. (BDR 11-588)

Makes various changes relating to the Nevada Transportation Authority. (BDR 58-645)

Removes the prohibition against carrying certain concealed weapons. (BDR 15-458)

Revises provisions governing business entities. (BDR 7-9)

Revises provisions concerning employment discrimination. (BDR 18-831)

Revises provisions governing the education of pupils with disabilities. (BDR 34-490)

Revises provisions regarding juvenile justice. (BDR 5-287)

Revises provisions governing the membership of the Board of Wildlife Commissioners. (BDR 45-763)

Requires the fluoridation of water in certain circumstances. (BDR 40-716)

Enacts the Uniform Trust Decanting Act. (BDR 13-715)

Revises provisions concerning domestic relations. (BDR 11-669)

Requires notice of exemptions from certain immunization requirements to be provided to parents or guardians of children under certain circumstances. (BDR 38-726)

Creates the Office of the Inspector General in the Office of Finance in the Office of the Governor. (BDR 18-548)

Prohibits certain vehicles from being operated in the extreme left lane of certain controlled-access highways. (BDR 43-189)

Authorizes the creation of community education advisory boards. (BDR 34-457)

Prohibits the use of pupil achievement data to evaluate employees of a school district. (BDR 34-693)

Revises provisions relating to dental care. (BDR 57-288)

Makes various changes relating to the prosecution of certain persons. (BDR 5-293)

Revises provisions governing the transportation of pupils to and from certain activities and programs. (BDR 34-526)

Revises provisions governing payday loans, title loans and installment loans. (BDR 52-574)

Revises provisions governing the time for the commencement of a school day for public high schools. (BDR 34-537)

Authorizes the use of supplemental stop lamps on motor vehicles. (BDR 43-508)

Abolishes capital punishment. (BDR 15-544)

Enacts provisions relating to the importation, possession, sale, transfer and breeding of dangerous wild animals. (BDR 50-760)

Makes various changes relating to transportation. (BDR 58-742)

Revises provisions governing unfair acts or practices relating to vehicle dealers. (BDR 43-877)

Revises provisions governing bail. (BDR 14-563)

Revises provisions relating to the enrollment of pupils in charter schools. (BDR 34-923)

Makes various changes relating to elections. (BDR 24-749)

Repeals the Commerce Tax. (BDR 32-317)

Revises provisions governing equipment used by the State to reduce the use of paper. (BDR 18-565)

Revises provisions relating to nursing. (BDR 40-352)

Requires certain school districts to collect and report the height and weight of certain pupils. (BDR 34-353)

Enacts the Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote. (BDR 24-1021)

Revises provisions governing business entities. (BDR 7-931)

Revises provisions relating to physician assistants. (BDR 54-728)

Revises provisions relating to the repair of certain roads. (BDR 18-704)

Enacts provisions to provide partial abatements and expedited permits for the development of facilities for smelting, processing or refining ores or metal in this State. (BDR 32-201)

Providing for presidential preference primary elections. (BDR 24-875)

Establishes certain safety standards for construction workers. (BDR 53-706)

Revises provisions governing vocational rehabilitation. (BDR 53-759)

Revises provisions governing the use of money collected from surcharges for the rental of a room in certain hotels. (BDR 20-731)

Revises provisions relating to legislative measures. (BDR 17-854)

Revises provisions governing allocation and distribution of proceeds of certain taxes to local governments. (BDR 32-647)

Enacts provisions governing geolocation information. (BDR 52-886)

Temporarily authorizes the use of mobile units for the practice of barbering. (BDR 54-510)

Revises provisions relating to state purchasing. (BDR 27-741)

Provides for the exemption of veterans' benefits from the income requirements of certain public assistance programs. (BDR 38-730)

Prohibits a driver from operating a motor vehicle in the extreme left-hand lane of a highway under certain circumstances. (BDR 43-1149)

Revises provisions governing taxidermists. (BDR 45-26)

Creates the Nevada System of Community Colleges. (BDR 34-28)

Creates the Licensing Review Panel. (BDR 45-882)

Revises provisions governing the crime of burglary. (BDR 15-505)

Revises provisions governing the admission into evidence in a civil action of certain violations of the requirement to wear a safety belt. (BDR 43-644)

Revises provisions relating to renewable energy. (BDR 58-1107)

Establishes provisions relating to the use of certain plastic bags. (BDR 40-958)

Provides for the vacating of certain judgments of conviction relating to marijuana. (BDR 14-745)

Requires the Legislative Auditor to conduct a performance and compliance audit of the Incline Village General Improvement District. (BDR S-585)

Provides for continued coverage for health care for certain chronic health conditions. (BDR 57-592)

Revises provisions governing professional licensing. (BDR 54-930)

Revises provisions relating to the adequacy of health care services offered by a network plan. (BDR 57-1118)

Restricts certain state and local governmental agencies from performing certain actions relating to immigration enforcement. (BDR 14-748)

Revises provisions relating to child support. (BDR 38-8)

Revises provisions governing off-highway vehicles. (BDR 43-89)

Enacts the Recognition of Emergency Medical Services Personnel Licensure Interstate Compact. (BDR 40-646)

Revises provisions relating to juvenile courts. (BDR 5-951)

Revises provisions relating to certain boards and commissions of the Executive Department of the State Government. (BDR 18-192)

Revises provisions governing certain contracts of school districts and annual budget reports of school districts and charter schools. (BDR 34-671)

Revises provisions governing access to public lands. (BDR 26-1159)

Revises provisions governing elections. (BDR 24-16)

Revises provisions governing the use of sick leave by employees in certain private employment. (BDR 53-637)

Temporarily exempts retail sales of electric vehicles from certain sales and use taxes. (BDR 32-719)

Requires the payment of an additional fee for registering or renewing the registration of a clean fuel vehicle or a hybrid fuel vehicle. (BDR 43-914)

Authorizes justice courts and municipal courts to establish programs for the treatment of certain offenders who are veterans or members of the military. (BDR 14-974)

Delays the implementation of the Achievement School District. (BDR 34-1036)

Prohibits the Board of Wildlife Commissioners from adopting regulations which authorize a person to hunt black bears with a dog. (BDR 45-1052)

Revises provisions relating to the carrying of a loaded rifle or shotgun and the discharge of a firearm on certain highways and roads. (BDR 45-334)

Imposes certain requirements concerning vapor products and alternative nicotine products. (BDR 15-355)

Revises provisions governing the practice of chiropractic. (BDR 54-91)

Prohibits insurers from using consumer credit information for certain purposes. (BDR 57-1056)

Revises provisions relating to constructional defects. (BDR 3-1010)

Revises provisions governing the retention of records by a local government. (BDR 19-900)

Proposes to amend the Nevada Constitution to limit certain changes to the commerce tax unless the change is approved by a majority of the voters voting on the question. (BDR C-97)

Recognizes the strategic partnership and bond of friendship with, and expressing the Nevada Legislature's support for, the State of Israel. (BDR R-303)

Proposes to amend the Nevada Constitution to abolish the Office of State Controller and the Office of State Treasurer. (BDR C-67)

Proposes to amend the Nevada Constitution to require approval of certain initiative measures by a two-thirds vote. (BDR C-916)

Urges Congress to abolish the Gold Butte National Monument. (BDR R-876)

Provides for the designation and operation of state agencies as charter agencies. (BDR 18-427)

Revises provisions relating to the confidentiality of personal information contained in records of county assessors. (BDR 20-376)

Revises provisions governing the procedure for filing certain postconviction petitions for a writ of habeas corpus. (BDR 3-378)

Revises provisions governing payday lending. (BDR 52-409)

Authorizes cities to enact ordinances requiring the registration of vacant properties. (BDR 21-421)

Revises provisions relating to the solicitation or acceptance of gifts by the Attorney General. (BDR 23-377)

Makes various changes relating to the support of children. (BDR 11-256)

Revises provisions relating to ethics in government. (BDR 23-230)

Revises provisions relating to relations between local governments and their employees. (BDR 23-428)

Revises provisions relating to writs of habeas corpus. (BDR 3-384)

Revises provisions governing the penalty for battery which constitutes domestic violence. (BDR 15-406)

Revises provisions which govern responsibility for the costs of maintenance and repair of certain county roads. (BDR 20-324)

Revises provisions relating to fire safety requirements for multi-story buildings occupied by people. (BDR 42-412)

Revises provisions governing crimes related to certain financial transactions. (BDR 15-382)

Revises provisions relating to water. (BDR 48-177)

Revises provisions relating to education. (BDR 34-252)

Makes various changes relating to the Public Employees' Benefits Program and the Deferred Compensation Program. (BDR 18-243)

Revises provisions relating to employment and trade secrets. (BDR 53-419)

Revises provisions relating to redevelopment projects. (BDR 22-207)

Revises provisions relating to elections. (BDR 24-268)

Revises provisions relating to elections. (BDR 24-19)

Revises provisions relating to public welfare. (BDR 38-77)

Revises provisions relating to taxation. (BDR 32-640)

Makes certain changes relating to elections. (BDR 24-522)

Authorizes the possession of a handgun in a vehicle that is on the property of certain educational entities or child care facilities in certain circumstances. (BDR 15-79)

Revises provisions governing elections. (BDR 24-521)

Revises provisions relating to teachers and other educational personnel. (BDR 34-329)

Prohibits any person from requiring another person to undergo implantation of a microchip or other permanent identification marker. (BDR 15-509)

Revises provisions relating to elections. (BDR 24-452)

Amends provisions regarding the regulation of certain accounting firms which perform attest services. (BDR 54-481)

Revises provisions concerning water. (BDR 48-787)

Revises provisions governing physical therapy. (BDR 54-511)

Authorizes tax credits for employers who assist employees in finding and paying for day care. (BDR 32-56)

Revises provisions relating to motor vehicles. (BDR 40-802)

Revises provisions relating to graduation from high school. (BDR 34-833)

Revises provisions governing the payment of compensation for overtime and the requirement for a 30-minute meal period. (BDR 53-453)

Revises provisions governing guardianships. (BDR 13-468)

Revises provisions governing the installation of drought tolerant landscaping in common-interest communities. (BDR 10-611)

Establishes the Wards' Bill of Rights. (BDR 13-6)

Revises provisions governing public records. (BDR 19-560)

Revises provisions relating to nonrepairable vehicles. (BDR 43-806)

Revises provisions relating to certain payments to public officers and employees. (BDR 23-81)

Revises provisions relating to health care. (BDR 57-24)

Revises provisions relating to elections. (BDR 24-58)

Revises provisions relating to crimes against children and human trafficking. (BDR 15-891)

Makes various changes governing the use of a cellular telephone or other handheld or mounted wireless communications device while operating a motor vehicle. (BDR 43-757)

Revises provisions governing the membership of the Public Employees' Retirement Board. (BDR 23-842)

Revises provisions relating to public notices. (BDR 19-981)

Requires school districts to submit to the Legislature a written report concerning the fiscal impact of collective bargaining agreements. (BDR 23-618)

Provides that certain noncompete provisions in employment contracts are void and unenforceable. (BDR 53-799)

Restricts certain state and local governmental agencies from performing certain actions relating to immigration enforcement. (BDR 14-626)

Revises provisions relating to registry identification cards and letters of approval. (BDR 40-576)

Revises provisions relating to water. (BDR 48-736)

Makes certain changes relating to real property. (BDR 55-541)

Revises provisions relating to the board of trustees of certain school districts. (BDR 34-104)

Removes provision that provides immunity from civil liability in actions involving use of force under certain circumstances. (BDR 3-683)

Creates the Board to License Master Guides and Subguides within the Department of Wildlife. (BDR 45-208)

Revises various provisions relating to business entities. (BDR 7-479)

Revises provisions relating to groundwater management plans. (BDR 48-367)

Makes various changes relating to water. (BDR 48-358)

Revises the penalties imposed for certain crimes. (BDR 15-532)

Revises provisions governing the administration of claims for industrial insurance. (BDR 53-888)

Revises provisions relating to certain crimes committed against an older person or a vulnerable person. (BDR 15-501)

Makes changes relating to programs for the treatment of veterans and members of the military. (BDR 14-150)

Revises provisions governing orders for protection against domestic violence. (BDR 3-967)

Revises provisions governing the issuance of a citation to a driver or passenger in a vehicle for failure to wear safety belts. (BDR 43-968)

Revises provisions relating to charter schools. (BDR 34-800)

Revises provisions relating to bullying. (BDR 34-449)

Provides for the issuance of a certificate of birth resulting in stillbirth. (BDR 40-73)

Revises provisions governing public employees' retirement. (BDR 23-843)

Revises provisions governing public assistance. (BDR 38-844)

Consolidates the Taxicab Authority and the Nevada Transportation Authority. (BDR 58-758)

Revises provisions governing public administrators. (BDR 20-1131)

Revises provisions governing concealed weapons. (BDR 15-198)

Makes various changes relating to the Nevada Transportation Authority. (BDR 58-199)

Authorizing an additional tax on the gross receipts from the rental of transient lodging in certain counties. (BDR 20-443)

Revises provisions relating to certain registered voters. (BDR 24-1127)

Enacts the Uniform Collateral Consequences of Conviction Act. (BDR 14-972)

Enacts the Right to Earn a Living Act. (BDR 54-849)

Requires the Secretary of State to verify whether certain persons who are not citizens of the United States are registered to vote. (BDR 24-847)

Revises provisions governing the calculation of governmental services taxes due annually for used vehicles. (BDR 32-845)

Prohibits a county or city from adopting, enforcing or endorsing a policy which prohibits, limits or discourages cooperation with the enforcement of the immigration laws of the United States. (BDR 20-944)

Establishes provisions authorizing public-private partnerships for certain projects. (BDR 22-1146)

Imposes a tax on wholesale sales of electricity generated from renewable energy. (BDR 58-962)

Revises provisions relating to certain State property. (BDR S-1112)

Revises provisions relating to economic development. (BDR 18-500)

Establishes the Health Care Funding and Pricing Task Force. (BDR 40-628)

Revises provisions relating to economic development. (BDR 18-1105)

Establishes provisions relating to the ability of a person who engages in the medical use of marijuana to possess a firearm or hold a permit to carry a concealed firearm. (BDR 15-946)

Authorizes school districts to develop alternative literacy achievement plans in lieu of complying with prescribed pupil-teacher ratios in certain circumstances and revises various provisions governing plans to reduce those ratios. (BDR 34-1109)

Revises provisions governing the forfeiture of property. (BDR 14-48)

Revises provisions relating to education savings accounts and education funding. (BDR 34-948)

Makes various changes relating to trapping. (BDR 45-108)

Revises provisions relating to mental health facilities. (BDR 39-995)

Revises provisions relating to health care. (BDR 54-963)

Revises provisions relating to controlled substances. (BDR 14-559)

Enacts provisions prohibiting gifts from lobbyists to members of certain local legislative bodies. (BDR 23-943)

Revises provisions relating to the board of trustees of certain school districts. (BDR 34-212)

Revises provisions relating to parental notification for certain abortions. (BDR 40-848)

Revises provisions relating to bullying and cyber-bullying. (BDR 34-1135)

Prohibits a governmental entity from providing certain information to the Federal Government. (BDR 19-1154)

Revises provisions relating to health insurance coverage of certain cancer treatment drugs. (BDR 57-467)

Revising provisions governing certain taxes on the gross receipts from the rental of transient lodging in Clark County. (BDR S-447)

Revises provisions relating to statutory liens for design professionals. (BDR 9-589)

Makes various changes related to elections. (BDR 24-846)

Revises provisions relating to civil actions. (BDR 3-1066)

Repeals the Solar Thermal Systems Demonstration Program. (BDR 58-338)

Prohibits certain discriminatory designs for prescription drug benefits in health benefit plans. (BDR 57-996)

Revises provisions relating to constructional defects. (BDR 3-1063)

Revises provisions relating to the class-size reduction program. (BDR 34-330)

Authorizing an appeal of certain rate increases imposed by certain water districts. (BDR S-934)

Clarifies the circumstances under which a barrier made of barbed wire is sufficient warning against trespassing. (BDR 15-335)

Revises provisions relating to the regulation of transportation network companies. (BDR 58-1051)

Revises various provisions relating to transportation network companies. (BDR 58-1009)

Revises provisions relating to grants for water conservation and capital improvements to certain water systems. (BDR 30-356)

Provides for certain causes of action against employers. (BDR 53-1153)

Extends and revises the Zoom schools program for the 2017-2019 biennium. (BDR S-1098)

Revises provisions relating to Victory schools. (BDR S-1100)

Urges Congress to enact legislation transferring title to certain public lands to the State of Nevada. (BDR R-841)

Urges Congress to enact legislation requiring the transfer of lands available for disposal under the Recreation and Public Purposes Act and other public lands by the Federal Government. (BDR R-190)

Proposes to amend the Nevada Constitution to preserve the right to hunt, trap and fish in this State. (BDR C-1001)

Proposes to amend the Nevada Constitution to limit the total amount of certain property taxes that may be levied on real property. (BDR C-1004)

Urges Congress to enact federal legislation relating to national monuments. (BDR R-333)

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