Bills and Resolutions by Effective Date


232 Results

Revises provisions relating to services for persons with intellectual disabilities and persons with related conditions. (BDR 39-416)

Revises provisions governing support enforcement to ensure compliance with federal law. (BDR 11-373)

Revises provisions relating to economic development. (BDR 18-292)

Makes various changes to provisions governing elections. (BDR 24-446)

Revises the duties of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman. (BDR 38-415)

Revises provisions relating to plans to improve the achievement of pupils enrolled in public schools in this State. (BDR 34-312)

Revises provisions relating to special fuels. (BDR 32-382)

Changes the name of the Division of State Library and Archives of the Department of Administration. (BDR 33-318)

Makes various changes to provisions governing certain fire protection districts and fire safety. (BDR 42-369)

Revises provisions governing consignment auctions of motor vehicles. (BDR 40-379)

Increases the cap on the application fee for the Physician Visa Waiver Program. (BDR 40-328)

Revises provisions relating to mammography and the reporting of information on cancer. (BDR 40-331)

Revises provisions governing judgments by confession. (BDR 6-491)

Revises provisions governing the assessment by the Department of Corrections of prisoners convicted of sexual offenses. (BDR 16-152)

Revises provisions relating to securities. (BDR 7-449)

Revises provisions relating to administrative procedure. (BDR 18-160)

Revises provisions governing the taxation of purchases of direct mail. (BDR 32-306)

Revises certain provisions relating to veterans. (BDR 19-298)

Clarifies that certain candidates who are elected despite ending their campaigns must file with the Secretary of State certain campaign finance reports. (BDR 24-436)

Makes various changes relating to public affairs. (BDR 19-445)

Makes various changes relating to driving, operating or being in actual physical control of a vehicle or vessel while under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance or engaging in other prohibited conduct. (BDR 4-151)

Revises provisions relating to the Commission on Judicial Discipline. (BDR 1-494)

Provides for the administration and enforcement of various provisions relating to medical marijuana. (BDR 32-322)

Revises provisions relating to military veterans and members and relatives of members of the Nevada National Guard. (BDR 32-297)

Revises provisions governing programs of energy assistance. (BDR 58-336)

Revises provisions governing certain proposed changes in the schedule of rates or services of a public utility. (BDR 58-351)

Makes various changes relating to the education of veterans and their dependents. (BDR 34-296)

Makes various changes relating to the regulation of agriculture. (BDR 49-346)

Revises provisions relating to agriculture. (BDR 50-345)

Revises provisions governing programs of treatment for the abuse of alcohol or drugs. (BDR 40-488)

Makes various changes relating to wildlife. (BDR 45-365)

Revises provisions governing alcohol, drug and gambling counselors. (BDR 54-388)

Revises provisions governing the Silver State Health Insurance Exchange. (BDR 57-390)

Makes various changes to provisions relating to certain professions. (BDR 53-295)

Establishes the Nevada Intrastate Mutual Aid System. (BDR 36-391)

Provides for the issuance of special license plates for veterans who are awarded the Silver Star or the Bronze Star Medal with “V” device, Combat V or Combat Distinguishing Device. (BDR 43-22)

Revises provisions relating to reports of accountability for public schools. (BDR 34-407)

Clarifies rights of public school pupils regarding the free exercise of religion and freedom of expression. (BDR 34-520)

Revises provisions relating to displaced homemakers. (BDR 2-546)

Makes various changes relating to wildlife. (BDR 45-561)

Makes various changes relating to the Land Use Planning Advisory Council. (BDR 26-554)

Provides for a study relating to emissions from motor vehicles. (BDR S-15)

Revises provisions governing the Governor Guinn Millennium Scholarship Program. (BDR 34-200)

Revises provisions governing the issuance of special license plates for retired professional firefighters. (BDR 43-619)

Revises provisions governing family resource centers. (BDR 38-209)

Makes various changes to provisions governing public works. (BDR 28-936)

Provides for the establishment of the State Seal of Biliteracy Program. (BDR 34-526)

Revises provisions governing personal information. (BDR 52-756)

Revises provisions governing the biennial audit requirements for the Public Employees' Retirement System. (BDR 23-569)

Revises provisions governing special license plates. (BDR 43-529)

Revises provisions governing historic preservation. (BDR 33-246)

Makes various changes to certain advisory committees and programs relating to health care. (BDR 38-552)

Revises provisions relating to persons with impaired speech or hearing. (BDR 38-419)

Revises provisions pertaining to short-term lessors of vehicles. (BDR 43-572)

Requires the Legislative Committee on Education to consider matters relating to certain mentorship programs. (BDR S-116)

Revises provisions relating to certain notices provided to the parent or guardian of a pupil who attends a public school. (BDR 34-740)

Revises provisions relating to data concerning pupils. (BDR 34-147)

Enacts provisions related to multicultural education. (BDR 34-102)

Enacts provisions related to the promotion of public engagement by state agencies. (BDR 18-697)

Revises provisions relating to the solicitation of bids for a homeowners' association project. (BDR 10-808)

Directs the Legislative Commission to appoint a subcommittee to conduct a study of postacute care in Nevada. (BDR S-417)

Revises provisions governing vehicle dealers. (BDR 43-1129)

Revises provisions relating to foster care. (BDR 38-193)

Revises provisions relating to manufactured homes. (BDR 10-1143)

Revises provisions governing class-size reduction. (BDR 34-749)

Revises provisions relating to the self-administration of certain medications by pupils in public schools. (BDR 34-812)

Revises provisions relating to providers of health care who provide services through telehealth and various other provisions relating to insurance coverage for such services. (BDR 54-606)

Revises provisions relating to public administrators. (BDR 20-168)

Revises provisions relating to the provision of certain wellness services. (BDR 54-698)

Prohibits restrictions on the freedom to display the flag of the State of Nevada in certain places. (BDR 10-533)

Revises provisions relating to services for children with intellectual disabilities and children with related conditions. (BDR S-803)

Revises provisions relating to emergency medical services. (BDR 40-798)

Revises provisions relating to school police officers. (BDR 34-925)

Revises provisions relating to child welfare. (BDR 38-773)

Makes various changes concerning government purchasing and bidding. (BDR 28-256)

Provides for the consolidation of certain fire protection districts in certain counties. (BDR 42-650)

Revises provisions relating to pupils with disabilities. (BDR 34-832)

Revises provisions relating to projects to benefit charter schools. (BDR 34-1012)

Revises provisions relating to the state business portal. (BDR 7-696)

Revises provisions relating to the use of certain motor vehicle fuel taxes. (BDR 32-927)

Establishes provisions for the preservation, development and use of the Nevada State Prison as a historical, cultural, educational and scientific resource. (BDR 26-625)

Revises provisions relating to sales and use taxes. (BDR 32-964)

Revises provisions governing certain leaves of absence for military duty for public officers and employees. (BDR 23-180)

Revises provisions governing the exemption from property taxes of certain property used for religious worship. (BDR 32-825)

Creates an advisory committee and a technical committee to develop a plan to reorganize the Clark County School District and revises certain provisions related to collective bargaining. (BDR 22-900)

Directs the Office of Economic Development to create a pilot program to encourage the growth of existing businesses in this State. (BDR S-46)

Revises the membership of the Real Estate Commission. (BDR 54-741)

Clarifies the applicability of the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act. (BDR 10-1104)

Creates the Spending and Government Efficiency Commission for public education in this State. (BDR S-1083)

Revises provisions governing the Committee for the Statewide Alert System. (BDR 38-545)

Provides for the realignment of certain judicial districts. (BDR 1-302)

Makes an appropriation to the Legislative Counsel Bureau for the cost of dues and registration for national organizations and one-time building maintenance and information technology purchases. (BDR S-1221)

Makes various changes relating to redevelopment. (BDR 22-1100)

Revises provisions relating to the statewide performance evaluation system. (BDR 34-1120)

Revises provisions relating to property taxes. (BDR 32-847)

Abolishes certain committees, boards, funds and panels. (BDR 38-551)

Revises provisions governing reports required to be submitted by various entities. (BDR 1-937)

Creating the Office of Finance in the Office of the Governor. (BDR 18-1180)

Revises provisions governing the composition of the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. (BDR 18-1166)

Revises provisions governing the financial administration of the Real Estate Division of the Department of Business and Industry. (BDR 54-1171)

Revises provisions concerning the duties of the Taxicab Administrator. (BDR 58-1192)

Revises certain fees collected by the Real Estate Division of the Department of Business and Industry and imposes certain new fees to be collected by the Division. (BDR 10-1173)

Provides additional authority for the enforcement of the laws prohibiting deceptive trade practices. (BDR 52-1168)

Revises provisions relating to veterans. (BDR 37-1197)

Provides for the rolling reissuance of license plates by the Department of Motor Vehicles. (BDR 43-1179)

Revises provisions governing the duties and structure of the Office of Science, Innovation and Technology. (BDR 18-1155)

Revises provisions governing the budget accounts of the Division of Insurance of the Department of Business and Industry and certain fees collected by the Division. (BDR 57-1169)

Provides for compensation of state employees. (BDR S-1290)

Authorizes expenditures by agencies of the State Government for the 2015-2017 biennium. (BDR S-1291)

Authorizes and provides funding for certain projects of capital improvement. (BDR S-1289)

Grants power to the governing body of an incorporated city to address matters of local concern within certain parameters. (BDR 21-1296)

Makes various changes relating to bill draft requests. (BDR 17-1283)

Revises certain provisions relating to taxes. (BDR 22-1295)

Revises provisions governing certain personnel of the Public Employees' Retirement System. (BDR 23-385)

Revises provisions relating to the provision of public education to pupils with disabilities. (BDR 34-311)

Revises provisions governing the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee within the Department of Health and Human Services. (BDR 38-325)

Changes the name of the Commission for Cultural Affairs and moves the Commission to another department of the State Government. (BDR 33-319)

Revises provisions relating to certain taxes imposed on special fuels. (BDR 32-381)

Revises provisions governing the required submission of certain reports by the Department of Transportation. (BDR 35-376)

Revises provisions relating to education. (BDR 34-316)

Revises the amount of money that the Commission for Cultural Affairs may use each fiscal year from the proceeds of certain bonds to pay for administrative services. (BDR 18-321)

Grants power to a board of county commissioners to address matters of local concern within certain parameters. (BDR 20-465)

Authorizes an elected county officer to elect not to receive longevity pay. (BDR 20-468)

Revises provisions relating to detoxification technicians, facilities and programs. (BDR 40-329)

Authorizes the board of hospital trustees of a county hospital to hold a closed meeting under certain circumstances. (BDR 40-475)

Authorizes GPS tracking of parolees, probationers and certain other offenders who are subject to electronic supervision. (BDR 14-354)

Revises provisions governing the regulation of gaming. (BDR 41-350)

Revises provisions governing the stamp required for the hunting of migratory waterfowl. (BDR 45-364)

Makes various changes to provisions related to oil and natural gas. (BDR 46-344)

Makes various changes relating to the Consolidated Local Improvements Law. (BDR 22-421)

Revises provisions governing the release of information relating to children. (BDR 5-490)

Revises provisions relating to the state business portal. (BDR 7-448)

Revises various provisions related to the Office of the Attorney General. (BDR 16-470)

Revises provisions governing the employment, promotion, dismissal, demotion and suspension of state employees. (BDR 23-285)

Creates the Nevada Indian Commission's Gift Fund and designates the Commission as coordinating agency. (BDR 18-289)

Revises provisions governing local governmental agreements for the development of land. (BDR 22-422)

Revises provisions governing the regulation of insurance. (BDR 57-371)

Revises provisions governing judicial retirement. (BDR 1-496)

Revises provisions governing the abatement of certain taxes for economic development purposes. (BDR 32-293)

Revises provisions governing the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education. (BDR 34-320)

Makes various changes to provisions relating to taxation. (BDR 32-303)

Revises provisions governing the taxation of alternative nicotine products and vapor products. (BDR 32-307)

Includes certain alcohol and drug abuse counselors, problem gambling counselors, social workers and medical facilities in the definition of “provider of health care” for purposes of various provisions relating to healing arts and certain other provisions. (BDR 54-389)

Revises certain provisions of the Nevada Insurance Code. (BDR 57-153)

Revises provisions governing pipeline and subsurface safety. (BDR 58-347)

Revises provisions governing the Statewide Central Registry for the Collection of Information Concerning the Abuse or Neglect of a Child. (BDR 38-337)

Confers upon a person who is subject to the Nevada Code of Military Justice the right to demand a court-martial in lieu of accepting nonjudicial punishment. (BDR 36-338)

Revises provisions relating to education. (BDR 34-485)

Makes various changes relating to transferable tax credits for film and other productions. (BDR 32-58)

Revises provisions governing the publication of property tax rolls. (BDR 32-630)

Revises provisions relating to prison industries. (BDR 16-281)

Requires certain oversight of and reporting concerning children placed in specialized foster homes. (BDR 38-194)

Revises provisions relating to the sale or lease of a county-owned telephone system. (BDR 58-603)

Revises provisions governing the disposal of abandoned recreational vehicles. (BDR 43-609)

Requires the use of portable event recording devices by certain peace officers employed by the Nevada Highway Patrol Division of the Department of Public Safety. (BDR 43-618)

Revises provisions relating to telecommunications. (BDR 58-636)

Revises provisions relating to the Governor Guinn Millennium Scholarship. (BDR 34-96)

Authorizes the reimbursement of teachers for certain out-of-pocket expenses. (BDR 34-118)

Revises provisions relating to the payment of wages to certain employees. (BDR 53-629)

Makes various changes concerning motor vehicles. (BDR 43-11)

Revises provisions relating to collective bargaining by local governments. (BDR 23-704)

Makes various changes relating to the authorized activities of medical students. (BDR 40-797)

Revises provisions governing certain dangerous or deadly weapons. (BDR 15-87)

Revises provisions relating to higher education. (BDR 34-509)

Revises provisions relating to enrollment of pupils in charter schools. (BDR 34-183)

Revises provisions relating to plans to be used by a school in responding to a crisis or emergency. (BDR 34-404)

Requires certain notice to be provided to certain parents and legal guardians when a new charter school will begin accepting applications or an existing charter school expands enrollment by a certain percentage or opens a new facility. (BDR 34-729)

Revises provisions governing discipline of pupils and prohibited acts at public schools. (BDR 34-177)

Creates the Nevada Advisory Council on Federal Assistance. (BDR 31-837)

Creates the Silver State Opportunity Grant Program. (BDR 34-216)

Establishes requirements governing a contingent fee contract for legal services provided to the State of Nevada or an officer, agency or employee of the State. (BDR 18-658)

Revises provisions governing new construction by or on behalf of health facilities. (BDR 40-981)

Revises provisions relating to local financial administration. (BDR 31-1023)

Revises provisions relating to the civil liability of innkeepers. (BDR 54-1018)

Revises provisions relating to guardians. (BDR 13-643)

Revises provisions relating to the operation of certain vehicles. (BDR 43-1107)

Revises provisions relating to the tax on live entertainment. (BDR 32-720)

Temporarily provides certain services for veterans. (BDR 37-1042)

Revises provisions relating to the Virgin Valley Water District. (BDR S-730)

Revises provisions relating to health care records. (BDR 54-589)

Revises provisions governing dismantling of certain vehicles. (BDR 40-590)

Revises provisions relating to the Information Technology Advisory Board. (BDR S-892)

Revises certain provisions relating to redevelopment plans. (BDR 22-1028)

Establishes a program by which a child who receives instruction from a certain entity rather than from a public school may receive a grant of money in an amount equal to a certain percentage of the statewide average basic support per-pupil. (BDR 34-567)

Revises provisions relating to the protection of children. (BDR 38-1036)

Revises provisions relating to certain taxes. (BDR 21-834)

Authorizes the governing body of a private school or a university school for profoundly gifted pupils to provide a program of distance education. (BDR 34-1032)

Revises provisions governing certain health districts. (BDR 40-957)

Revises provisions concerning the Department of Transportation. (BDR 35-23)

Makes an appropriation to the Clark County School District to carry out a program of peer assistance and review of teachers. (BDR S-763)

Revises provisions relating to safety in or at a public school. (BDR 34-870)

Revises provisions governing unclaimed property. (BDR 10-770)

Provides for an interim study concerning energy efficiency programs and the financing of clean energy in this State. (BDR S-41)

Authorizes the Director of the Department of Health and Human Services to establish a program regarding the prevention of domestic violence under certain circumstances. (BDR 18-112)

Revises various provisions relating to the taxation of property. (BDR 32-542)

Establishing additional fees for filing certain motions in a divorce action. (BDR 2-1046)

Revises provisions relating to charter schools. (BDR 34-78)

Revises provisions governing educational instruction in the subject of reading. (BDR 34-644)

Expands the program of Zoom schools and the provision of programs and services to children who are limited English proficient in certain other schools. (BDR S-887)

Revises provisions relating to public retirement systems. (BDR 23-1049)

Revises provisions relating to motor vehicles. (BDR 43-705)

Prohibits the use of telemetry data to harass or take game mammals, game birds or other wildlife. (BDR 45-549)

Revises provisions relating to refunds paid by private postsecondary educational institutions. (BDR 34-727)

Revises provisions relating to services for persons with disabilities. (BDR 38-978)

Makes appropriations to the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources for the replacement of emergency response, firefighting and other critical equipment and vehicles. (BDR S-1223)

Makes various changes relating to marijuana. (BDR 15-85)

Revises provisions governing the deposit of certain public money in insured institutions. (BDR 31-1141)

Revises provisions governing the Advisory Commission on the Administration of Justice. (BDR 14-1140)

Revises certain provisions concerning the control and preservation of certain accessory roads. (BDR 35-1089)

Revises provisions governing notifications to patients regarding breast density. (BDR 40-979)

Revises provisions related to the statewide system of accountability for public schools. (BDR 34-1108)

Revises provisions relating to education. (BDR 34-411)

Revises provisions governing payments from the State Retirees' Health and Welfare Benefits Fund made on behalf of certain retired persons. (BDR 23-1178)

Revises provisions governing the eligibility of state officers and employees for health benefits. (BDR 23-1193)

Revises provisions relating to the Office of Grant Procurement, Coordination and Management of the Department of Administration. (BDR 18-839)

Amends provisions relating to certain local districts. (BDR 49-826)

Revises the membership of the county fair and recreation board in certain counties. (BDR 20-1113)

Revises provisions relating to certain local governments. (BDR 20-1114)

Makes various changes relating to elected county officers. (BDR 20-1117)

Revises provisions relating to governmental financial administration. (BDR 32-1182)

Revises provisions relating to veterinary biologic products and commercial feed sold in Nevada. (BDR 50-1164)

Provides for the award of a grant to a nonprofit organization for use in Fiscal Year 2015-2016 and Fiscal Year 2016-2017 for the recruitment of persons to establish and operate high quality charter schools to serve families with the greatest needs. (BDR S-1189)

Revises provisions governing the financial administration of off-highway vehicle titling and registration. (BDR 43-1175)

Makes appropriations to restore the balances in the Stale Claims Account, Emergency Account, Reserve for Statutory Contingency Account and Contingency Account. (BDR S-1152)

Revises the requirements for licensure as a facility for the treatment of abuse of alcohol or drugs. (BDR 40-1160)

Temporarily authorizes the Department of Motor Vehicles to collect a technology fee. (BDR 43-1177)

Provides for the creation and implementation of the Breakfast After the Bell Program. (BDR 34-1200)

Amends provisions relating to a safe and respectful learning environment in public schools. (BDR 34-1201)

Establishes the Teach Nevada Scholarship Program and incentives for new teachers in certain schools. (BDR 34-1277)

Makes various changes relating to the subsidies paid to the Public Employees' Benefits Program for insurance for certain active and retired public officers and employees. (BDR 23-1276)

Makes various changes regarding state financial administration and makes appropriations for the support of the civil government of the State. (BDR S-1288)

Ensures sufficient funding for K-12 public education for the 2015-2017 biennium. (BDR 34-1284)

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