Prefiled Bills

Prefiled Bills - 236 Results

Introduced 12/18/2014
Revises provisions relating to constructional defects. (BDR 3-584)

Introduced 12/19/2014
Authorizes possession of a weapon in a vehicle that is on the property of certain educational entities or child care facilities in certain circumstances. (BDR 15-75)

Introduced 12/19/2014
Revises provisions governing the Public Employees' Retirement Board. (BDR 23-185)

Introduced 12/19/2014
Revises provisions relating to the operation of a winery in this State. (BDR 52-228)

Introduced 12/19/2014
Revises provisions relating to services for persons with intellectual disabilities and persons with related conditions. (BDR 39-416)

Introduced 12/19/2014
Revises provisions relating to autism spectrum disorders. (BDR 54-67)

Introduced 12/19/2014
Limits the recovery of damages arising from a civil action relating to a motor vehicle accident under certain circumstances. (BDR 3-227)

Introduced 12/19/2014
Revises provisions relating to children. (BDR 11-191)

Introduced 12/19/2014
Amends provisions concerning estates under guardianship. (BDR 13-504)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing the payment of costs associated with legal representation of indigent criminal defendants charged with capital crimes. (BDR 14-467)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing reports of presentence investigations. (BDR 14-356)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Provides for the continuation of the diversion program that allows certain probation violators to receive treatment for alcohol or drug abuse or mental illness in lieu of revocation of probation. (BDR 14-341)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing support enforcement to ensure compliance with federal law. (BDR 11-373)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Makes requirements for management of bad debts consistent among agencies of the Executive Branch of the State Government. (BDR 18-457)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Creates the Account for the Protection and Rehabilitation of the Stewart Indian School. (BDR 18-360)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions concerning sexual conduct between certain prisoners in lawful custody or confinement and other persons. (BDR 16-343)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions relating to economic development. (BDR 18-292)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Establishes the procedure for pursuing the redemption of unclaimed United States savings bonds by the State Treasurer. (BDR 10-460)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing the timing of the adoption of tentative budgets by certain local governments. (BDR 31-456)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions relating to the budget of the Executive Department of State Government. (BDR 31-287)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Extends the maximum period of maturity for certain special obligation bonds issued to provide funding for highway construction projects. (BDR 35-375)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions relating to annual audits of the count of pupils for apportionment purposes. (BDR 34-317)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Makes various changes to provisions governing elections. (BDR 24-446)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Authorizes payroll offsets to recover money related to delinquent balances on state-issued travel charge cards. (BDR 23-458)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing the residential construction tax. (BDR 22-454)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing surveys, analyses and evaluations to be administered to pupils in public schools. (BDR 34-332)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Makes various changes regarding the licensure of educational personnel. (BDR 34-315)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises the duties of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman. (BDR 38-415)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing the care and treatment of persons with intellectual disabilities and related conditions. (BDR 39-324)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions relating to plans to improve the achievement of pupils enrolled in public schools in this State. (BDR 34-312)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Removes the requirement that certain administrative regulations of the Department of Corrections be adopted in accordance with the Nevada Administrative Procedure Act. (BDR 16-340)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions relating to special fuels. (BDR 32-382)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Changes the name of the Division of State Library and Archives of the Department of Administration. (BDR 33-318)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Makes various changes to provisions governing certain fire protection districts and fire safety. (BDR 42-369)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Makes various changes relating to vessels. (BDR 43-363)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing emergency services and care provided by hospitals in certain larger counties. (BDR 40-474)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing consignment auctions of motor vehicles. (BDR 40-379)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing the admission of persons with certain mental conditions to and the release of such persons from certain facilities. (BDR 39-335)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Increases the cap on the application fee for the Physician Visa Waiver Program. (BDR 40-328)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions relating to the State Gaming Control Board. (BDR 41-352)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions relating to funding for indigent care. (BDR 38-327)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions relating to mammography and the reporting of information on cancer. (BDR 40-331)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Clarifies confidentiality provisions governing certain documents. (BDR 35-377)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing judgments by confession. (BDR 6-491)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing the assessment by the Department of Corrections of prisoners convicted of sexual offenses. (BDR 16-152)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions relating to the enforcement of certain civil judgments entered by a juvenile court for unpaid fines, administrative assessments, fees or restitution. (BDR 5-489)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Provides for the establishment within the Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History of a service to conduct a name-based search of records of criminal history. (BDR 14-294)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Makes various changes relating to fraudulent acts committed against the State or a political subdivision. (BDR 14-154)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing crimes. (BDR 15-158)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions concerning the solicitation of contributions. (BDR 7-447)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions relating to securities. (BDR 7-449)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing the persons responsible for a child's welfare. (BDR 38-192)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions relating to administrative procedure. (BDR 18-160)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions relating to local governments existing in a severe financial emergency. (BDR 31-308)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revising provisions relating to the licensure of certain teachers and other educational personnel. (BDR 34-473)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions regarding the equalization of assessments of property for purposes of taxation. (BDR 32-304)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing the taxation of purchases of direct mail. (BDR 32-306)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Provides the powers of peace officer to all sworn personnel of the Department of Public Safety. (BDR 23-355)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises the authority of the Administrator of the State Public Works Division of the Department of Administration regarding leases for certain office rooms for state agencies, boards and commissions. (BDR 27-299)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions relating to ethics in government. (BDR 23-309)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions requiring the submission of certain reports by the Personnel Commission and the Administrator of the Division of Human Resource Management of the Department of Administration. (BDR 23-286)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises certain provisions relating to veterans. (BDR 19-298)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Clarifies that certain candidates who are elected despite ending their campaigns must file with the Secretary of State certain campaign finance reports. (BDR 24-436)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Authorizes the governing bodies of certain cities to take actions otherwise reserved to the board of county commissioners. (BDR 21-429)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Makes various changes relating to public affairs. (BDR 19-445)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions relating to justice courts. (BDR 1-492)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Makes various changes relating to driving, operating or being in actual physical control of a vehicle or vessel while under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance or engaging in other prohibited conduct. (BDR 4-151)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions relating to the Commission on Judicial Discipline. (BDR 1-494)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises various provisions relating to the Judicial Branch of State Government. (BDR 1-497)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Provides for the administration and enforcement of various provisions relating to medical marijuana. (BDR 32-322)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions relating to military veterans and members and relatives of members of the Nevada National Guard. (BDR 32-297)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing state professional licensing boards. (BDR 54-161)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing programs of energy assistance. (BDR 58-336)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions relating to the resale of certain utility services. (BDR 58-348)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing certain proposed changes in the schedule of rates or services of a public utility. (BDR 58-351)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Makes various changes relating to the education of veterans and their dependents. (BDR 34-296)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Makes various changes relating to the regulation of agriculture. (BDR 49-346)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Makes various changes relating to wildlife. (BDR 45-362)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions relating to agriculture. (BDR 50-345)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing the prepayment of taxes on the net proceeds of minerals. (BDR 32-466)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing programs of treatment for the abuse of alcohol or drugs. (BDR 40-488)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Makes various changes relating to wildlife. (BDR 45-365)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions relating to tobacco. (BDR 32-175)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Authorizes the State Contractors' Board to issue a written administrative citation to a person who acts as a contractor without an active license of the proper classification. (BDR 54-386)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing alcohol, drug and gambling counselors. (BDR 54-388)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing the Silver State Health Insurance Exchange. (BDR 57-390)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises certain provisions governing the duties of insurers with regard to Medicaid. (BDR 57-326)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Makes various changes to the Charter of the City of Reno. (BDR S-478)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Makes various changes to provisions relating to certain professions. (BDR 53-295)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Establishes the Nevada Intrastate Mutual Aid System. (BDR 36-391)

Introduced 1/7/2015
Revises provisions governing the admission of persons with certain mental conditions to and the release of such persons from certain facilities. (BDR 39-665)

Introduced 1/7/2015
Makes various changes relating to parentage. (BDR 11-301)

Introduced 1/7/2015
Revises provisions relating to the continuing education required to renew certain licenses and certificates. (BDR 54-27)

Introduced 1/30/2015
Authorizes election officials to establish systems for registered voters to elect to receive sample ballots by electronic means. (BDR 24-518)

Introduced 1/30/2015
Exempts certain persons and entities who operate home-based businesses from the requirement to obtain a state business license. (BDR 7-34)

Introduced 1/30/2015
Revises provisions governing the payment of property taxes. (BDR 32-401)

Introduced 1/30/2015
Revises provisions governing wills. (BDR 12-505)

Introduced 1/30/2015
Revises provisions governing child support. (BDR 11-49)

Introduced 1/30/2015
Makes various changes concerning construction and labor camps. (BDR 40-53)

Introduced 1/30/2015
Requires the Attorney General to bring an action to protect and secure certain constitutional rights of residents of this State under certain circumstances. (BDR 18-50)

Introduced 1/30/2015
Revises provisions governing motor carriers. (BDR 58-69)

Introduced 1/30/2015
Revises provisions relating to child welfare. (BDR 38-196)

Introduced 1/31/2015
Provides for the issuance of special license plates for veterans who are awarded the Silver Star or the Bronze Star Medal with “V” device, Combat V or Combat Distinguishing Device. (BDR 43-22)

Introduced 1/31/2015
Provides for the designation and operation of charter agencies. (BDR 18-762)

Introduced 1/31/2015
Revises provisions governing the membership of the Public Employees' Retirement Board. (BDR 23-682)

Introduced 1/31/2015
Revises provisions related to public works. (BDR 28-244)

Introduced 1/31/2015
Revises provisions relating to reports of accountability for public schools. (BDR 34-407)

Introduced 1/31/2015
Revises provisions governing victims of sex trafficking. (BDR 14-750)

Introduced 1/31/2015
Requires an employee organization to prepare an annual report concerning the dues, expenditures, compensation and other finances of the employee organization. (BDR 23-929)

Introduced 1/30/2015
Recognizes the strategic partnership and bond of friendship with, and expresses the Nevada Legislature's support for, the State of Israel. (BDR R-525)

Introduced 1/30/2015
Urges the United States Congress and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service to take certain actions to reduce the impact of common ravens on the greater sage grouse and desert tortoise populations in this State. (BDR R-33)

Introduced 1/31/2015
Urges Congress to facilitate the payment of contractors who completed hazardous fuels treatment projects in the Lake Tahoe Basin pursuant to contracts with the Nevada Fire Safe Council. (BDR R-431)

Introduced 12/18/2014
Makes an appropriation to the Legislative Fund for the costs of the 78th Legislative Session. (BDR S-935)

Introduced 12/19/2014
Increases the maximum speed at which a person may drive or operate a vehicle. (BDR 43-13)

Introduced 12/19/2014
Requires the Department of Motor Vehicles to establish a registry of emergency contact information for certain persons. (BDR 43-14)

Introduced 12/19/2014
Revises requirements for the taking of wild mammals on private property. (BDR 45-89)

Introduced 12/19/2014
Revises provisions governing elections for nonpartisan offices. (BDR 24-90)

Introduced 12/19/2014
Revises provisions relating to the delivery of health care. (BDR 40-63)

Introduced 12/19/2014
Revises provisions governing the admission of persons with certain mental conditions to and the release of such persons from certain facilities and programs. (BDR 39-64)

Introduced 12/19/2014
Revises provisions relating to the evaluation of licensed educational personnel and administrators. (BDR 34-410)

Introduced 12/19/2014
Requires the Nevada Gaming Commission to adopt regulations relating to the development of technology in gaming. (BDR 41-61)

Introduced 12/19/2014
Revises provisions relating to incompetent defendants. (BDR 14-68)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Grants power to local governments to perform certain acts or duties which are not prohibited or limited by statute. (BDR 20-284)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing certain personnel of the Public Employees' Retirement System. (BDR 23-385)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions relating to the provision of public education to pupils with disabilities. (BDR 34-311)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee within the Department of Health and Human Services. (BDR 38-325)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Requires a mental health professional to take certain actions if a patient communicates an explicit threat in certain circumstances. (BDR 54-3)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing presentence and general investigations and reports made by the Division of Parole and Probation of the Department of Public Safety. (BDR 14-469)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Authorizes a deputy director of the Department of Corrections to accept part-time employment as an instructor at an institution of higher education. (BDR 16-339)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions relating to custody of children. (BDR 11-190)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Authorizes the board of trustees of a school district to place an advisory question on the ballot at a general election. (BDR 24-477)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Changes the name of the Commission for Cultural Affairs and moves the Commission to another department of the State Government. (BDR 33-319)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions relating to certain taxes imposed on special fuels. (BDR 32-381)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions relating to certain licenses pertaining to intoxicating liquor. (BDR 32-455)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing the required submission of certain reports by the Department of Transportation. (BDR 35-376)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing unemployment compensation. (BDR 53-383)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions relating to education. (BDR 34-316)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing the collection of debts by the State Controller. (BDR 31-499)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises the amount of money that the Commission for Cultural Affairs may use each fiscal year from the proceeds of certain bonds to pay for administrative services. (BDR 18-321)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Clarifies provisions governing the fees that may be charged for providing copies of certain public records. (BDR 19-464)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Grants power to a board of county commissioners to address matters of local concern within certain parameters. (BDR 20-465)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Authorizes an elected county officer to elect not to receive longevity pay. (BDR 20-468)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions relating to detoxification technicians, facilities and programs. (BDR 40-329)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing medical marijuana. (BDR 40-333)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Authorizes the board of hospital trustees of a county hospital to hold a closed meeting under certain circumstances. (BDR 40-475)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Eliminates provisions relating to authorized maintenance stations licensed to install, repair and adjust devices for the control of pollution from motor vehicle engines. (BDR 40-380)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Ratifies and enacts the Interstate Compact on Mental Health. (BDR 39-330)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing state business licenses. (BDR 7-368)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Authorizes GPS tracking of parolees, probationers and certain other offenders who are subject to electronic supervision. (BDR 14-354)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing the regulation of gaming. (BDR 41-350)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions relating to business associations. (BDR 7-450)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Prohibits certain acts relating to wagering. (BDR 41-353)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing the stamp required for the hunting of migratory waterfowl. (BDR 45-364)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Requires the Investigation Division of the Department of Public Safety to provide investigative services to other divisions of the Department and certain other units of the Executive Department of the State Government. (BDR 43-357)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing certain safety requirements for driving across railroad tracks. (BDR 43-378)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Makes various changes to provisions related to oil and natural gas. (BDR 46-344)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing the distribution of grants of money by the State Conservation Commission to conservation districts. (BDR 49-361)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions relating to the Colorado River Commission of Nevada and the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada. (BDR 31-359)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Makes various changes relating to the Consolidated Local Improvements Law. (BDR 22-421)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions relating to health information exchanges. (BDR 40-323)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions relating to emergency shelters for children. (BDR 38-498)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Makes various changes to the regulation of contractors by the State Contractors' Board. (BDR 54-387)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Creates the Nevada Main Street Program within the Office of Economic Development of the Office of the Governor. (BDR 18-463)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing criminal procedure. (BDR 14-159)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions relating to criminal procedure. (BDR 3-156)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing the commitment and release of incompetent criminal defendants. (BDR 14-334)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing waiver of the right of a criminal defendant to be present during sentencing proceedings. (BDR 14-432)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing graffiti. (BDR 15-479)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions concerning access to public records by offenders subject to the jurisdiction of the Department of Corrections. (BDR 16-342)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing the release of information relating to children. (BDR 5-490)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions relating to the state business portal. (BDR 7-448)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises various provisions related to the Office of the Attorney General. (BDR 16-470)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Makes various changes to the Uniform Unclaimed Property Act. (BDR 10-461)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing the employment, promotion, dismissal, demotion and suspension of state employees. (BDR 23-285)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Creates the Nevada Indian Commission's Gift Fund and designates the Commission as coordinating agency. (BDR 18-289)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises the qualifications for the Chief Financial Officer of the Housing Division of the Department of Business and Industry. (BDR 18-372)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions relating to the use of water. (BDR 48-366)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing local governmental agreements for the development of land. (BDR 22-422)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing the regulation of insurance. (BDR 57-371)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing professions. (BDR 54-290)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing judicial retirement. (BDR 1-496)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing meetings of public bodies. (BDR 19-155)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions relating to the amendment of city charters. (BDR 21-430)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Makes various changes relating to the Division of Enterprise Information Technology Services of the Department of Administration. (BDR 19-310)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing the suspension of judges from the exercise of office. (BDR 1-493)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing the abatement of certain taxes for economic development purposes. (BDR 32-293)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing the administration of certain examinations. (BDR 34-472)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education. (BDR 34-320)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions relating to education. (BDR 34-314)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Makes various changes to provisions relating to taxation. (BDR 32-303)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing the taxation of alternative nicotine products and vapor products. (BDR 32-307)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Makes changes relating to the imposition of use taxes on the storage, use or other consumption of personal property used in interstate or foreign commerce. (BDR 32-305)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions relating to the management and appropriation of water. (BDR 48-367)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Removes certain obsolete provisions relating to security services provided by the Capitol Police Division of the Department of Public Safety. (BDR 27-358)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Designates as confidential certain information that is reported to the Division of Internal Audits of the Department of Administration. (BDR 31-288)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Includes certain alcohol and drug abuse counselors, problem gambling counselors, social workers and medical facilities in the definition of “provider of health care” for purposes of various provisions relating to healing arts and certain other provisions. (BDR 54-389)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises certain provisions of the Nevada Insurance Code. (BDR 57-153)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing pipeline and subsurface safety. (BDR 58-347)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Authorizes the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada to modify resource plans submitted by certain public utilities. (BDR 58-349)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions governing the Statewide Central Registry for the Collection of Information Concerning the Abuse or Neglect of a Child. (BDR 38-337)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions regarding expenditures from the Fund for Cleaning Up Discharges of Petroleum. (BDR 51-370)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Confers upon a person who is subject to the Nevada Code of Military Justice the right to demand a court-martial in lieu of accepting nonjudicial punishment. (BDR 36-338)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Provides for the donation of unclaimed property by the owner for educational purposes. (BDR 10-462)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Revises provisions relating to education. (BDR 34-485)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Authorizes certain businesses to apply to the Office of Economic Development for a partial abatement from certain taxes. (BDR 32-291)

Introduced 1/30/2015
Makes various changes relating to transferable tax credits for film and other productions. (BDR 32-58)

Introduced 1/30/2015
Revises provisions governing the publication of property tax rolls. (BDR 32-630)

Introduced 1/30/2015
Revises provisions relating to prison industries. (BDR 16-281)

Introduced 1/30/2015
Revises provisions governing the restoration of certain civil rights for ex-felons. (BDR 16-138)

Introduced 1/30/2015
Revises Nevada's public policy concerning gaming. (BDR 41-100)

Introduced 1/30/2015
Revising provisions governing sex offenders and offenders convicted of a crime against a child. (BDR 14-134)

Introduced 1/30/2015
Revises provisions relating to education provided to children in a hospital or other licensed facility that provides residential treatment to children. (BDR 34-524)

Introduced 1/30/2015
Revises provisions relating to the reemployment of employees of school districts. (BDR 34-405)

Introduced 1/30/2015
Provides for the creation of rangeland fire protection associations. (BDR 42-484)

Introduced 2/1/2015
Exempts certain persons from the modified business tax on financial institutions. (BDR 32-42)

Introduced 2/1/2015
Makes various changes relating to political advertising. (BDR 24-86)

Introduced 2/1/2015
Authorizes the owners or operators of certain establishments to allow dogs to enter such establishments. (BDR 40-88)

Introduced 2/1/2015
Revises provisions relating to financing school facilities. (BDR 30-139)

Introduced 2/1/2015
Requires certain oversight of and reporting concerning children placed in specialized foster homes. (BDR 38-194)

Introduced 2/1/2015
Revises provisions relating to public works projects. (BDR 28-598)

Introduced 2/1/2015
Revises provisions relating to the sale or lease of a county-owned telephone system. (BDR 58-603)

Introduced 2/1/2015
Revises provisions governing the disposal of abandoned recreational vehicles. (BDR 43-609)

Introduced 2/1/2015
Requires the use of portable event recording devices by certain peace officers employed by the Nevada Highway Patrol Division of the Department of Public Safety. (BDR 43-618)

Introduced 2/1/2015
Revises provisions relating to telecommunications. (BDR 58-636)

Introduced 2/1/2015
Revises provisions relating to insurance. (BDR 57-690)

Introduced 2/1/2015
Makes changes relating to prescriptions for certain controlled substances. (BDR 40-239)

Introduced 2/1/2015
Revises provisions relating to certain town advisory boards. (BDR 21-241)

Introduced 2/1/2015
Revises provisions governing physician assistants. (BDR 54-260)

Introduced 2/1/2015
Revises provisions relating to immunizations. (BDR 34-691)

Introduced 2/1/2015
Revises various provisions of the Charter of the City of Sparks. (BDR S-500)

Introduced 2/1/2015
Revises provisions relating to educational facilities. (BDR 28-732)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Urges Congress to enact legislation transferring title to certain public lands to the State of Nevada in accordance with the report prepared by the Nevada Land Management Task Force. (BDR R-451)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Urges Congress to require the sharing of federal receipts from commercial activity on certain public lands with the State of Nevada and its counties. (BDR R-452)

Introduced 12/20/2014
Proposes to amend the Nevada Constitution to provide for the Lieutenant Governor to be elected jointly with the Governor. (BDR C-486)

Introduced 1/30/2015
Urges Congress to enact the Marketplace Fairness Act. (BDR R-98)

Introduced 1/30/2015
Expresses support for the 2014 Nevada Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation Plan developed by the Sagebrush Ecosystem Council and urges the United States Fish and Wildlife Service not to list the greater sage-grouse as endangered or threatened under the Endangered Species Act of 1973. (BDR R-480)

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