Governor's Task Force on Tax Policy in Nevada

Handouts from Joint Taxation Committee Hearings

The handouts prepared by the Governor's Task Force on Tax Policy in Nevada for their presentation to the Joint Senate and Assembly Taxation Committee hearings on February 4 and 6 are available in Adobe PDF format by clicking on the following link provided for each meeting below.

FEBRUARY 4, 2003 MEETING Overview of the Approach and Findings of the Governor's Task Force on Tax Policy in Nevada

FEBRUARY 6, 2003 MEETING Overview of the Changes to Current Taxes and Proposed New Taxes Recommended by the Task Force.

Final Report
(Assembly Concurrent Resolution 1, 17th Special Session 2001)

The Governor's Task Force on Tax Policy in Nevada was created by Assembly Concurrent Resolution 1 (ACR 1) of the 17th Special Session (2001).  The Task Force was charged with examining the potential structural deficit due to disparity between the growth in general fund revenues from the state's current revenue sources and the growth in public spending needed to maintain current governmental services to the people of the State of Nevada.  ACR 1 required the Task Force to identify changes to the current tax structure or development of new taxes that broaden the state's tax base and reduce reliance on volatile or cyclical revenue sources.  The resolution required that a final report including the recommendations of the Task Force be provided to the Governor and the Legislature by November 15, 2002.

The Task Force's final report is provided below in Adobe PDF format.  Most computers already have the necessary Adobe reader installed. Please click on a link below. If you receive an error message, you can download Adobe Reader for free by clicking here. The larger files are most accessible to users with newer, faster computers and high-speed Internet connections.

Print and electronic copies of the report may be purchased online at Legislative Publications, or you may contact the Publications Unit of the Legislative Counsel Bureau at 775-684-6835, or via email at [email protected].  The complete report along with the Executive Summary is available on CD (in Adobe PDF format) for the cost of $10.00 plus $4.50 for S & H.  The report is available in print form at the following prices:




Executive Summary

Section 1

Section 2

Section 3

Section 4



Section 5



Section 6

Section 7



Section 8


Entire Report




































(Submitted November 15, 2002)

         Executive Summary 21 pages (1.0 MB)

         Table of Contents by Section for Complete Report

         Section 1 Nevada Economic Overview and Baseline Assumptions 112 pages (1.4 MB)

         Section 2 Fiscal System Overview 30 pages (0.4 MB)

         Section 3 Defining the Problem 24 pages (0.4 MB)

         Section 4 General Fund Outlook 235 pages (6.5 MB)

o       Main Text 47 pages (0.3 MB)

o       Appendix of Supporting Exhibits 188 pages (6.3 MB)

         Section 5 A State to State Comparison 254 pages (6.9 MB)

o       Main Text 19 pages (0.2 MB)

o       Appendix of Supporting Exhibits 235 pages (6.7 MB)

         Section 6 Identification and Review of Revenue Alternatives 269 pages (1.5 MB)

         Section 7 Fiscal Recommendations 194 pages (2.1 MB)

o       Main Text 56 pages (0.3 MB)

o       Appendix of Supporting Exhibits 138 pages (1.8 MB)

         Section 8 Other Observations and Recommendations 23 pages (0.3 MB)