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Statutes of the State of Nevada - Seventy-Third Session, 2005








AN ACT making an appropriation to the Legislative Fund for the costs of the 73rd Legislative Session; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 1 — Senators Raggio and Titus.  Approved February 9, 2005



AN ACT relating to the legislative process; removing the provisions that require the printing of one copy of bills and resolutions on special paper; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 40 — Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections.  Approved March 3, 2005



AN ACT relating to attorneys; repealing the requirement that an attorney, other than a public defender or deputy public defender, appointed to represent an indigent defendant report to the State Public Defender concerning such representation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 17 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 11, 2005



AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; increasing the period during which a temporary permit for a short-term lessor to operate certain unregistered vehicles remains valid; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 49 — Senator Hardy.  Approved March 21, 2005



AN ACT relating to the Department of Administration; removing from the jurisdiction of the Buildings and Grounds Division of the Department the buildings, grounds and other properties owned or leased by certain boards; removing the duty of the Division to provide services to such boards; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 29 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved March 21, 2005



AN ACT relating to taxes; exempting from the imposition of the governmental services tax vehicles owned by the governing body of an Indian reservation or Indian colony under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 61 — Committee on Transportation.  Approved March 22, 2005



AN ACT relating to taxation; revising retroactively the formula for the distribution of certain revenues among local governments; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 38 — Senator Rhoads.  Approved March 22, 2005



AN ACT relating to justices of the peace; increasing the amount of the bond required of a justice of the peace before entering upon the duties of his office; requiring the county to furnish the bond for a justice of the peace; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 55 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 24, 2005



AN ACT relating to governmental administration; authorizing state agencies and political subdivisions to request and receive certain information concerning a person applying to attend an academy for training peace officers; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 23 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 28, 2005



AN ACT relating to residential contractors; revising provisions governing the Recovery Fund administered by the State Contractors’ Board; increasing the maximum amounts that the Board may pay from the Recovery Fund for individual claims and for multiple claims made against a single contractor; providing for retroactive application with regard to certain claims; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 34 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved March 28, 2005



AN ACT relating to vehicles; revising the manner in which the legal maximum width of a recreational vehicle is determined to exclude certain equipment in making such a determination; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 138 — Committee on Transportation.  Approved March 28, 2005



AN ACT relating to public works; clarifying that certain hiring preferences apply to all circumstances under which persons are employed in the construction of public works; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 114 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved March 28, 2005



AN ACT relating to projects of capital improvement; requiring the issuance of general obligation bonds to pay the costs of certain capital improvements; authorizing certain expenditures by the State Public Works Board; requiring the repayment of certain costs; making appropriations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 204 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved March 30, 2005



AN ACT relating to public welfare; revising the qualifications of the State Welfare Administrator of the Welfare Division of the Department of Human Resources; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 13 — Committee on Health and Human Services.  Approved April 6, 2005



AN ACT making appropriations to restore the balances in the Stale Claims Account, Emergency Account and Reserve for Statutory Contingency Account; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 96 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved April 6, 2005



AN ACT relating to veterans; revising the provisions governing the filling of certain vacancies on the Nevada Veterans’ Services Commission; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 130 — Assemblymen Grady, McCleary, Angle, Anderson, McClain, Allen, Atkinson, Carpenter, Claborn, Conklin, Giunchigliani, Goicoechea, Hettrick, Koivisto, Mabey, Manendo, Munford, Oceguera, Perkins, Seale, Sibley, Smith and Weber. Joint Sponsors: Senators Amodei, Care and McGinness.  Approved April 6, 2005



AN ACT relating to veterans; eliminating the requirement for joint meetings of the Advisory Committee for a Veterans’ Cemetery in Northern Nevada and the Advisory Committee for a Veterans’ Cemetery in Southern Nevada; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 131 — Assemblymen Grady, McCleary, Angle, Anderson, McClain, Allen, Atkinson, Carpenter, Claborn, Conklin, Giunchigliani, Goicoechea, Hettrick, Koivisto, Mabey, Manendo, Munford, Oceguera, Perkins, Seale, Sibley, Smith and Weber. Joint Sponsors: Senators Amodei, Care and McGinness.  Approved April 6, 2005



AN ACT relating to offenses; providing that counseling and evaluations required for certain offenses may be conducted in neighboring states under certain circumstances; requiring the Committee on Domestic Violence to include provisions in its regulations allowing a program for the treatment of persons who commit domestic violence that is located in another state to become certified in this State; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 86 — Committee on Transportation and Homeland Security.  Approved April 6, 2005



AN ACT making a supplemental appropriation to the University and Community College System of Nevada for matching money for the National Direct Student Loan Program for Fiscal Year 2004-2005; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 107 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved April 6, 2005



AN ACT relating to the taxation of property; providing for the partial abatement of the ad valorem taxes imposed on property; directing the Legislative Commission to conduct an interim study of the taxation of real property; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 489 — Committee on Growth and Infrastructure.  Approved April 6, 2005



AN ACT relating to dentistry; revising provisions governing the examination of applicants for a permanent license to practice dentistry; revising provisions governing the issuance of a temporary license to practice dentistry; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 85 — Senator Carlton.  Approved April 11, 2005



AN ACT making a supplemental appropriation to the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources for the costs of terminal leave, tort insurance premiums paid by the Division of Conservation Districts and updating joint funding agreements between the United States Geological Survey and the Division of Water Resources; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 94 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved April 13, 2005



AN ACT making a supplemental appropriation to the Department of Business and Industry for an unanticipated shortfall in money for Fiscal Years 2003-2004 and 2004-2005 resulting from the reclassification of positions in the Nevada Athletic Commission; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 95 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved April 13, 2005



AN ACT relating to traffic laws; authorizing a peace officer to issue a traffic citation that is prepared electronically; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 132 — Committee on Transportation and Homeland Security.  Approved April 22, 2005



AN ACT relating to hazardous materials; revising provisions relating to certain fees charged and collected by the State Emergency Response Commission concerning the storage or transportation of extremely hazardous waste and the reporting of toxic chemical releases; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 73 — Senator Nolan.  Approved April 22, 2005



AN ACT making an appropriation to the Account for the Governor’s Portrait to provide money for the preparation and framing of a portrait of Governor Kenny C. Guinn; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 97 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved April 25, 2005



AN ACT making appropriations to restore the balance in the Contingency Fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 94 — Committee on Finance.  Approved April 25, 2005



AN ACT making an appropriation and authorizing the expenditure of federal money for early funding for the design of the Las Vegas Readiness Center; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 496 — Committee on Finance.  Approved May 3, 2005



AN ACT relating to estates in property; revising the definition of “securities account” for the purposes of the Uniform TOD Security Registration Act; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 243 — Assemblyman Marvel.  Approved May 3, 2005



AN ACT relating to the administration of public agencies; transferring the Committee on Testing for Intoxication from the Department of Motor Vehicles to the Department of Public Safety; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 445 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 3, 2005



AN ACT relating to crimes; authorizing a compensation officer to obtain investigative and police reports concerning a minor who committed a crime in certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 205 — Assemblyman Manendo.  Approved May 3, 2005



AN ACT relating to civil practice; allowing the court under certain circumstances to require a person found guilty of contempt to pay the reasonable expenses incurred by a party as a result of the contempt; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 79 — Assemblywoman Buckley.  Approved May 3, 2005



AN ACT relating to capital punishment; prohibiting the imposition of a sentence of death upon a person for a crime committed while the person was under the age of 18 years; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 6 — Assemblywoman Giunchigliani.  Approved May 3, 2005



AN ACT relating to firearms; allowing the possession of a short-barreled rifle or a short-barreled shotgun that has been determined to be a collector’s item, curio or relic pursuant to federal law; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 88 — Assemblymen Goicoechea, Sherer, Allen, Anderson, Carpenter, Christensen, Claborn, Gansert, Grady, Hardy, Hettrick, Hogan, Mabey, Manendo, Marvel, Munford, Perkins and Sibley.  Approved May 3, 2005



AN ACT relating to crime; increasing the period of time that a justice of the peace or a municipal judge may suspend the sentence of a person convicted of a misdemeanor; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 92 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 3, 2005



AN ACT relating to notaries public; authorizing a notary public who is an attorney licensed to practice law in this State to perform a notarial act on an instrument or pleading relating to which he has or will receive a fee for providing legal services in excess of the fee authorized for the notarial act; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 178 — Assemblymen Oceguera, Horne, Allen, Arberry Jr., Buckley, Denis, Gansert, Gerhardt, Hettrick, Koivisto, Munford, Parks and Seale.  Approved May 3, 2005



AN ACT relating to notaries public; prohibits a notary public who is not an attorney licensed to practice law in this State from using the term “notario,” “notario publico” or any other equivalent non-English term in any form of communication that advertises his services as a notary public; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 227 — Assemblymen Denis, Pierce, McCleary, Leslie, Parks, Anderson, Atkinson, Buckley, Claborn, Conklin, Gansert, Gerhardt, Giunchigliani, Hogan, Holcomb, Kirkpatrick, Mabey, Munford, Oceguera, Seale and Smith. Joint Sponsors: Senators Carlton and Horsford.  Approved May 3, 2005



AN ACT relating to health care; revising the provisions governing the provision of care by a personal assistant for a person with a disability; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 126 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 3, 2005



AN ACT relating to highways; authorizing the Department of Transportation to designate lanes on highways for the use of high-occupancy vehicles in certain circumstances; restricting the use of farm tractors and other implements of husbandry on certain highways; revising provisions concerning the formula to determine the allowable gross weight carried by any group of axles on certain highways; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 82 — Committee on Transportation.  Approved May 3, 2005



AN ACT relating to crimes; creating the crime of vehicular manslaughter; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 295 — Assemblymen Leslie, Smith and Oceguera.  Approved May 5, 2005



AN ACT making a supplemental appropriation to the Department of Education for unanticipated expenses for Fiscal Year 2004-2005 relating to the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 108 — Committee on Finance.  Approved May 9, 2005



AN ACT relating to the Division of Parole and Probation of the Department of Public Safety; expanding the list of persons who may conduct investigations of certain persons being considered for probation and who may verify certain information relating to the economic hardship of a person placed on probation to include all employees of the Division; providing that upon entry of an order of probation a person is deemed accepted for probation and must submit a signed document concerning the conditions of his probation to the Division; providing that all information obtained in the discharge of official duty by an employee of the Division is privileged; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 137 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 9, 2005



AN ACT relating to pupils; requiring a principal or a school nurse of a public school to allow pupils to self-administer prescribed medications for asthma and anaphylaxis under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 182 — Assemblymen Sibley, Hardy, McCleary, Seale, Leslie, Allen, Anderson, Angle, Atkinson, Buckley, Carpenter, Christensen, Claborn, Conklin, Denis, Gansert, Gerhardt, Giunchigliani, Goicoechea, Grady, Hettrick, Hogan, Holcomb, Horne, Kirkpatrick, Koivisto, Mabey, Manendo, Marvel, McClain, Mortenson, Munford, Oceguera, Ohrenschall, Parnell, Perkins, Pierce, Sherer and Weber. Joint Sponsors: Senators Schneider, Townsend, Lee, Beers, Carlton, Hardy, Heck, Tiffany and Titus.  Approved May 9, 2005



AN ACT relating to crimes; revising the provisions prohibiting a person from holding another person in involuntary servitude; revising the provisions prohibiting a person from assisting in holding another person in involuntary servitude; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 456 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 9, 2005



AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; creating a Motor Carrier Division within the Department of Motor Vehicles; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 12 — Committee on Transportation and Homeland Security.  Approved May 9, 2005



AN ACT relating to education; providing for the issuance of a special license for persons with certain graduate degrees and work experience to teach pupils in public schools; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 206 — Assemblyman Mabey.  Approved May 9, 2005



AN ACT relating to education; authorizing the board of trustees of a school district to accommodate certain pupils who are physically or mentally unable to attend school in the policy for attendance of pupils at school; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 76 — Committee on Education.  Approved May 9, 2005



AN ACT relating to victims of crime; authorizing a victim of stalking to obtain a fictitious address from the Secretary of State; authorizing a pupil who is a participant in the fictitious address program or whose parent or guardian is a participant in that program to attend any public school in this State; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 271 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 9, 2005



AN ACT relating to industrial insurance; requiring the preparation of certain reports concerning the enforcement of the laws governing industrial insurance and the adjudication of claims for benefits; requiring the payment of compensation for the lost wages of certain injured employees who receive medical treatment under certain circumstances; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 58 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 9, 2005



AN ACT relating to metropolitan police departments; changing the date by which metropolitan police departments must submit their budgets for the next fiscal year to the governing bodies of the participating political subdivisions; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 16 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 9, 2005



AN ACT relating to criminal procedure; prohibiting the civil compromise of misdemeanor offenses involving domestic violence; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 21 — Assemblywoman Gerhardt.  Approved May 9, 2005



AN ACT relating to the City of Sparks; amending the Charter of the City of Sparks to increase the term of office of Municipal Judges; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 164 — Assemblymen Smith, Gansert, Gerhardt, Giunchigliani, Holcomb, Leslie, Marvel, Parks and Parnell (by request). Joint Sponsors: Senators Mathews and Washington.  Approved May 9, 2005



AN ACT relating to courts; authorizing a senior justice of the peace to serve temporarily in any justice’s court in this State regardless of whether he is a resident of the township or county in which the justice’s court to which he is assigned is located; authorizing a senior municipal court judge or a senior justice of the peace who formerly served as a municipal court judge to serve temporarily in any municipal court in this State regardless of whether he is a resident of the city in which the municipal court to which he is assigned is located; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 157 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 9, 2005



AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; authorizing designees of sheriffs, marshals and policemen to remove abandoned vehicles from public property in their jurisdiction; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 368 — Assemblyman Oceguera.  Approved May 9, 2005



AN ACT relating to the Marlette Lake Water System; authorizing the issuance of revenue or general obligation bonds to finance the capital costs of improving and modernizing the Marlette Lake Water System; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 49 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 9, 2005



AN ACT relating to criminal procedure; revising certain provisions governing forfeiture of bail; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 469 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 9, 2005



AN ACT relating to the Rehabilitation Division of the Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation; abolishing the positions of Chief of the Bureau of Services to the Blind and Visually Impaired and Chief of the Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation and transferring the powers and duties of those positions to the Administrator of the Rehabilitation Division; clarifying that the Division is the designated state unit for certain state programs for independent living established pursuant to federal law; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 28 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 9, 2005



AN ACT relating to civil actions; revising certain provisions relating to an offer of judgment in a civil action; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 166 — Assemblymen Hardy, Anderson, Hettrick, Sibley, Parks, Christensen, Claborn, Conklin, Denis, Gansert, Holcomb, Manendo, McCleary and Seale. Joint Sponsors: Senators Hardy, Nolan and Raggio.  Approved May 9, 2005



AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; revising provisions concerning penalties for failure to secure a child in an approved child restraint system; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 472 — Committee on Transportation and Homeland Security.  Approved May 9, 2005



AN ACT relating to the State Conservation Commission; authorizing the Commission to apply for available grants; revising provisions governing the distribution by the Commission of grants of money to conservation districts; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 294 — Committee on Natural Resources.  Approved May 9, 2005



AN ACT relating to debt management commissions; revising the date of the nonorganizational annual meeting of such a commission; authorizing the governing bodies of counties to reimburse certain members of such commissions for certain expenses; revising the dates for the submission by municipalities of certain annual statements and capital improvement plans to such commissions; prohibiting such commissions from adjourning meetings called to consider particular proposals in certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 413 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 9, 2005



AN ACT relating to public welfare; requiring the Director of the Department of Human Resources or his designee to adopt any state plan required by the Federal Government as a condition of the receipt of federal money for a program administered by the Department or any of the divisions of the Department; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 301 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 9, 2005



AN ACT relating to driving under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance; establishing the crimes of vehicular homicide and homicide by vessel for a person who drives a motor vehicle or operates a vessel under the influence of alcohol or certain controlled or prohibited substances in certain circumstances; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 256 — Assemblymen Buckley and Manendo.  Approved May 9, 2005



AN ACT relating to sporting events; expanding the sports officials to whom immunity from civil liability is provided for certain acts or omissions while officiating a sporting event; providing enhanced penalties in certain circumstances for committing assault or battery against certain sports officials at sporting events; extending the time for payment of certain license fees to the Nevada Athletic Commission; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 474 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 9, 2005



AN ACT relating to pharmacists; requiring a registered pharmacist, upon request by a patient, to transfer a prescription for the patient to another registered pharmacist; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 276 — Assemblymen Smith, Giunchigliani, Denis, McClain, Hogan, Koivisto and Weber (by request).  Approved May 9, 2005



AN ACT relating to municipal obligations; authorizing the acquisition by a county or the State of Nevada of municipal securities issued by certain wastewater authorities; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 167 — Assemblymen Hardy, Hettrick, McCleary, Denis, Parks, Arberry Jr., Buckley, Christensen, Claborn, Gansert, Giunchigliani, Holcomb, Leslie, Manendo, Seale and Sibley. Joint Sponsors: Senators Coffin, Beers, Hardy and McGinness.  Approved May 9, 2005



AN ACT relating to land use planning; authorizing the governing body of a local government to revise the procedure for the adoption of certain minor amendments to the applicable master plan; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 187 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 9, 2005



AN ACT relating to court reporters; increasing the compensation for a court reporter in district court; requiring each court reporting firm to appoint a person who meets certain qualifications as the designated representative of the court reporting firm; revising the fees relating to the issuance or renewal of a certificate of registration as court reporter; revising the fees relating to the issuance or renewal of a license to own a court reporting firm; revising the provisions relating to the discipline of a certified court reporter; revising the provisions relating to the temporary practice of court reporting; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 91 — Assemblymen Anderson, Parks, Atkinson, Claborn, Conklin, Denis, Gerhardt, Hettrick, Hogan, Holcomb, Horne, Koivisto, Marvel, Oceguera, Ohrenschall, Pierce, Sibley and Weber (by request).  Approved May 9, 2005



AN ACT relating to courts; providing that a client of a legal aid program which provides services to indigent persons may be allowed to proceed as an indigent litigant without submitting further proof of indigency to the court; increasing the maximum amount of certain fees that certain boards of county commissioners may impose for the filing of certain actions in district courts and justices’ courts; providing that certain fees charged in connection with a civil action in a district court may be used to support programs for alternative methods of resolving disputes; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 177 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 9, 2005



AN ACT making an appropriation to the Legislative Fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 504 — Committee on Finance.  Approved May 10, 2005



AN ACT relating to state obligations; revising the provisions governing the issuance of general obligation bonds of the State of Nevada to support the program to provide grants for water conservation and capital improvements to certain water systems; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 20 — Assemblyman Grady.  Approved May 10, 2005



AN ACT relating to unemployment compensation; requiring certain information to be included in the notice given to employers when a former employee files a claim for unemployment compensation; requiring those employers to submit certain evidence in response to such a notice; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 111 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 10, 2005



AN ACT relating to labor; revising provisions relating to enforcement by the Labor Commissioner of the prevailing rate of wage requirement for public works; providing for civil liability under certain circumstances for an employer who knowingly and willfully stops paying premiums on a policy of group life or health insurance and fails to give proper and timely notice to his employees; providing for enforcement of such civil liability by the Labor Commissioner; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 116 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 10, 2005



AN ACT relating to animals; prohibiting the importation of certain live animals to protect this State from the effects of chronic wasting disease; revising provisions governing alternative livestock; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 192 — Committee on Natural Resources.  Approved May 10, 2005



AN ACT relating to professions; increasing the number of members of the State Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors; allowing an applicant for licensure as a professional engineer to take certain licensing examinations before the applicant meets the active experience requirements for licensure; providing that graduation from a college or university with certain advanced degrees satisfies part of the active experience requirements for licensure; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 59 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 10, 2005



AN ACT relating to industrial insurance; providing that an injured employee who lives in this State may receive vocational rehabilitation services outside of this State under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 66 — Senators Hardy, Carlton, Amodei, Heck and McGinness. Joint Sponsor: Assemblyman Hardy.  Approved May 10, 2005



AN ACT relating to housing; revising the area of operation of the Rural Housing Authority; providing that the Rural Housing Authority may operate in an area in which it is authorized to operate without the approval of a local housing authority operating in the same area; providing that the Rural Housing Authority may make a mortgage loan for residential housing; revising the power of the Rural Housing Authority to issue bonds and notes; providing that the Rural Housing Authority may enter into agreements with and accept property from any person or governmental agency; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 372 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 10, 2005



AN ACT relating to cities; revising the provisions governing the changing of the boundaries of wards established in cities incorporated by general law; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 235 — Assemblyman Grady.  Approved May 10, 2005



AN ACT relating to purchasing; exempting certain purchases of personal safety equipment for use by local governmental agencies from requirements of competitive bidding; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 179 — Assemblymen Oceguera, Allen, Arberry Jr., Denis, Gerhardt, Horne, Koivisto, McCleary, Munford, Parks and Seale. Joint Sponsor: Senator Titus.  Approved May 10, 2005



AN ACT relating to professions; revising the provisions governing the licensure of athletic trainers; requiring the Board of Athletic Trainers to appoint the Advisory Committee to the Board to study the business and practice of personal trainers and other fitness instructors and make recommendations to the Legislature regarding any legislation that may be necessary concerning the regulation of those personal trainers and other fitness instructors; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 47 — Senator Wiener.  Approved May 10, 2005



AN ACT relating to persons with disabilities; increasing the period of validity of expedited service permits which are issued to certain persons with disabilities by the Department of Motor Vehicles to enable them to receive expedited services from state agencies under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 24 — Committee on Human Resources and Education.  Approved May 10, 2005



AN ACT relating to public health; providing for the establishment of the State Program for Fitness and Wellness; providing for the establishment of the Advisory Council on the State Program for Fitness and Wellness; authorizing the Health Division of the Department of Human Resources to apply for and accept grants and other money to carry out the Program; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 197 — Senators Wiener, Heck, Washington, Cegavske, Horsford, Mathews and Nolan.  Approved May 10, 2005



AN ACT relating to persons with disabilities; authorizing certain persons with physical disabilities to use signature stamps under certain circumstances; requiring the Department of Human Resources to adopt regulations governing the use of a signature stamp including the extent to which persons and governmental entities may incur liability related to the use of a signature stamp; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 23 — Committee on Human Resources and Education.  Approved May 10, 2005



AN ACT relating to industrial insurance; requiring an insurer, organization for managed care, third-party administrator or employer who improperly denies payment for certain treatment or other services for an injured employee to reimburse the injured employee directly under certain circumstances; requiring the direct reimbursement of certain health insurers and casualty insurers that pay for such treatment or other services on behalf of the injured employee; providing administrative penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 121 — Senators Heck, Townsend, Carlton, Hardy and Lee. Joint Sponsors: Assemblymen Oceguera, Buckley, Gerhardt, Hardy, Munford and Pierce.  Approved May 10, 2005



AN ACT making a supplemental appropriation to the Department of Public Safety for unanticipated out-of-state travel, in-state travel and operating expenses for dignitary protection; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 92 — Committee on Finance.  Approved May 12, 2005



AN ACT making an appropriation to the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources for the preparation of new offices for occupancy, replenishment of the Account for the Channel Clearance, Maintenance, Restoration, Surveying and Monumenting Program and litigation costs of the Division of Water Resources; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 106 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved May 12, 2005



AN ACT relating to education; encouraging the Clark County School District to construct a career and technical high school within a certain area of Clark County; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 286 — Senators Horsford and Wiener. Joint Sponsor: Assemblyman Munford.  Approved May 12, 2005



AN ACT relating to anatomical gifts; transferring certain duties pertaining to anatomical gifts from the Bureau of Consumer Protection in the Office of the Attorney General to the University of Nevada School of Medicine; requiring the Department of Motor Vehicles to contract with an organization that registers persons desiring to make anatomical gifts to carry out the exchange of certain information between such organization and certain persons who apply for the issuance or renewal of a driver’s license or identification card; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 234 — Assemblywoman Gansert.  Approved May 12, 2005



AN ACT relating to limitation of actions; revising the provision governing the recommencement of an action dismissed for lack of subject matter jurisdiction; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 266 — Senator Schneider.  Approved May 12, 2005



AN ACT relating to parentage; revising the provisions concerning inclusion of social security numbers and other personal identifying information in certain court orders or judgments relating to parentage; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 164 — Senator Raggio.  Approved May 12, 2005



AN ACT relating to accounting; providing for the retention and changing of documentation related to attestations; eliminating the annual register maintained and distributed by the Nevada State Board of Accountancy; requiring the Board to post certain information on its website; revising provisions relating to the experience needed to be eligible for a certificate of certified public accountant; eliminating the requirement that the Board conduct an examination at least once each year; revising the circumstances under which a candidate for a certificate as a certified public accountant may receive conditional credit for passing a section of the examination for the certificate; revising the fees charged by the Board; repealing provisions relating to the validity of certain certificates; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 257 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 12, 2005



AN ACT relating to occupational safety and health; prohibiting a person from holding himself out as an associate safety and health manager or a certified safety and health manager or using various titles, words or letters in connection with those professions without meeting certain requirements; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 278 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 12, 2005



AN ACT relating to education; revising the manner in which school districts schedule contingent school days; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 202 — Senators Raggio, Coffin, Schneider, Cegavske, Townsend, Amodei, Beers, Care, Hardy, Heck, Lee, McGinness, Nolan, Rhoads, Tiffany, Titus, Washington and Wiener. Joint Sponsors: Assemblymen Gansert, Allen, Christensen, Holcomb, Sherer, Atkinson, Conklin, Hardy, Hettrick, Koivisto, Mortenson, Parks, Perkins, Seale and Smith.  Approved May 12, 2005



AN ACT relating to osteopathic medicine; authorizing the State Board of Osteopathic Medicine to employ hearing officers or designate a panel to conduct disciplinary hearings; revising the provisions governing unprofessional conduct; revising the provisions governing the placing of a license on inactive status; revising the provisions governing the renewal of a license; increasing certain fees; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 203 — Assemblymen Seale, Parnell, Hardy, Buckley and Mabey.  Approved May 12, 2005



AN ACT relating to crimes; prohibiting the use of an electronic stun device under certain circumstances; prohibiting certain persons from possessing an electronic stun device; prohibiting the sale or disposal of an electronic stun device to certain persons; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 123 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 12, 2005



AN ACT relating to information services; repealing the prospective expiration of the authority of the Director of the Department of Information Technology to classify certain records of the Department as confidential; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 130 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 16, 2005



AN ACT relating to water districts; making provisions relating to the collection of a delinquent bill for water or services furnished; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 408 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 16, 2005



AN ACT relating to transportation; revising provisions governing the maximum period that a vehicle may be used as a taxicab in certain counties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 243 — Senator Hardy.  Approved May 16, 2005



AN ACT relating to dentistry and dental hygiene; revising various provisions governing the qualifications, examination and licensure of dentists and dental hygienists; revising the provisions governing activities that are deemed to be included within the practice of dentistry; providing for the biennial renewal of certain licenses; increasing the limits for certain licensing fees; changing the standard of proof in certain proceedings before the Board of Dental Examiners of Nevada; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 250 — Senator Carlton (by request).  Approved May 16, 2005



AN ACT relating to communications; requiring a county-owned telephone system to participate in the fund to maintain the availability of telephone service administered by the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada; authorizing a board of county commissioners that controls and manages a county-owned telephone system to create a separate corporation to provide certain communication services; requiring a county-owned telephone system that provides certain communication services outside county boundaries to comply with the same federal, state and local requirements that would apply to a privately held company providing the same communication services; prohibiting a county-owned telephone system from engaging in certain transactions; revising the provisions governing the sale or lease of a county-owned telephone system; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 210 — Senator McGinness.  Approved May 16, 2005



AN ACT relating to taxation; authorizing the Department of Taxation to suspend or revoke a business license under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 67 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 18, 2005



AN ACT relating to taxation; authorizing the Department of Taxation to refuse to issue or renew certain licenses or permits if the applicant for the license or permit is liable to the Department for the payment of money; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 68 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 18, 2005



AN ACT relating to taxation; revising provisions governing reporting and certification of gross yield and claimed net proceeds of minerals extracted for purposes of taxing such proceeds; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 163 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 18, 2005



AN ACT relating to taxation; extending the period during which the Department of Taxation may issue a deficiency determination concerning the liability for taxes owed by a taxpayer who files a claim for a refund for the overpayment of taxes; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 503 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 18, 2005



AN ACT relating to petroleum products; authorizing the Division of Environmental Protection of the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources to expend money from the Fund for Cleaning Up Discharges of Petroleum for the cleanup of discharges involving petroleum and other discharges under certain circumstances; providing for the reimbursement of money from the Fund that is expended by the Division; deleting certain provisions that require the Secretary of the Board for the Regulation of Liquefied Petroleum Gas to provide notice to applicants and licensees before the Board adopts regulations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 16 — Committee on Natural Resources.  Approved May 18, 2005



AN ACT making a supplemental appropriation to the Department of Human Resources for unanticipated operating expenses for Fiscal Year 2004-2005 at the emergency hospital annex at the Desert Regional Center and for an unanticipated shortfall in revenue for Fiscal Year 2004-2005 for rural clinics; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 90 — Committee on Finance.  Approved May 18, 2005



AN ACT relating to the Interstate Compact for Jurisdiction on the Colorado River; revising the provisions of the Compact to grant certain law enforcement officers concurrent jurisdiction to arrest offenders for prohibited conduct in certain circumstances; providing that certain claims brought against officers or employees of a party state or agency or political subdivision of a party state are subject to the conditions and limitations on civil actions established by the party state of that officer or employee; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 136 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 18, 2005



AN ACT relating to public utilities; revising civil penalties for violations involving certain pipelines; clarifying the application of certain provisions relating to railroads; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 3 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 18, 2005



AN ACT relating to the Commission on Judicial Discipline; requiring the appointment of two justices of the peace or two municipal judges for formal, public proceedings against such justices or judges; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 442 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 18, 2005



AN ACT relating to juries; revising the provisions governing the selection of alternate jurors in criminal trials; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 27 — Senator Wiener.  Approved May 18, 2005



AN ACT relating to mental health; requiring a facility that provides services to persons who are mentally ill or mentally retarded or have related conditions to obtain input and participation of the client, the parent or guardian of the client or the legal guardian of the client under certain circumstances, in developing and modifying an individualized plan of services for the client; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 21 — Committee on Human Resources and Education.  Approved May 18, 2005



AN ACT relating to taxation; requiring earlier filing of statements of estimated gross yield, net proceeds and royalties by persons extracting minerals in this State; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 292 — Assemblymen Goicoechea, Marvel and Carpenter.  Approved May 18, 2005



AN ACT relating to criminal procedure; removing the provision which requires corroboration to prove certain crimes relating to prostitution; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 470 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 18, 2005



AN ACT relating to traffic laws; authorizing the use of a single center lane when making a left-hand turn onto a highway; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 381 — Assemblyman Hettrick.  Approved May 18, 2005



AN ACT relating to child support; providing that a penalty may not be added to a delinquent installment of child support in certain circumstances when the delinquency was not caused by the responsible parent; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 473 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 18, 2005



AN ACT relating to elections; authorizing county clerks and city clerks to designate additional facilities at which electors may register to vote; prescribing the manner of operation of such a facility; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 89 — Committee on Elections, Procedures, Ethics, and Constitutional Amendments.  Approved May 18, 2005



AN ACT relating to residential leases; authorizing certain persons to terminate such a lease under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 278 — Assemblyman Hogan.  Approved May 18, 2005



AN ACT relating to public safety; changing the designation of fireman to firefighter; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 507 — Committee on Transportation.  Approved May 18, 2005



AN ACT relating to education; renaming the University and Community College System of Nevada as the Nevada System of Higher Education; clarifying that the System includes state colleges; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 527 — Committee on Education.  Approved May 18, 2005



AN ACT relating to manufacturers of tobacco products; providing additional procedures to aid in the enforcement of certain requirements for such manufacturers; revising the provisions governing the release from escrow of certain deposits by such manufacturers; providing civil and criminal penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 436 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 18, 2005



AN ACT relating to property; prohibiting a financial institution under certain circumstances from including a provision in a loan agreement that allows the financial institution to satisfy a debt or liability owed to the financial institution under the loan agreement from certain money in an account unrelated to the loan agreement; exempting payments received pursuant to the federal Social Security Act from execution and attachment; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 257 — Assemblywoman Pierce.  Approved May 18, 2005



AN ACT relating to civil actions; revising the criteria for determining whether a case must be submitted to arbitration; revising provisions concerning the use of alternative dispute regulation; increasing the maximum number of jurors who may serve on the jury for a short trial in district court; requiring the Nevada Supreme Court to adopt rules and procedures for jury trials in certain civil actions in justices’ courts that are designed to limit the length of such trials; reducing the maximum number of jurors who may serve on a jury in a civil action in a justice’s court; reducing the number of peremptory challenges that each party is entitled to use in a civil action in a justice’s court; repealing provisions concerning the establishment of a mandatory short trial program for certain civil actions in justices’ courts; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 468 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 18, 2005



AN ACT relating to estates; revising certain provisions relating to the powers and duties of a public administrator; revising provisions governing the sale of personal property of an estate; providing that the trustee of a living trust established by a deceased person may obtain the health care records of that person; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 78 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 18, 2005



AN ACT relating to juveniles; ratifying the revised Interstate Compact for Juveniles; renouncing the original Interstate Compact on Juveniles and repealing the provisions relating thereto; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 43 — Senator Washington.  Approved May 19, 2005



AN ACT relating to traffic laws; authorizing the governing bodies of cities and counties to regulate the use of electric personal assistive mobility devices; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 417 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 19, 2005



AN ACT relating to crimes against property; revising provisions governing the crime of burglary; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 449 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 19, 2005



AN ACT relating to unclaimed property; clarifying provisions regarding which entity is required to report certain abandoned property; allowing the Administrator of Unclaimed Property to require a person to file a verified report of abandoned property on diskette in certain circumstances; making various changes to the provisions governing the sale and disposition of abandoned property; allowing the Administrator to require a person with a claim in certain property to furnish a bond and indemnify the State in certain circumstances; allowing the Administrator to waive all or part of the interest penalty for a late payment or delivery of abandoned property under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 270 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 19, 2005



AN ACT relating to business entities; adopting the Uniform Partnership Act (1997) and providing for its applicability on a voluntary basis; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 199 — Senators Care and Amodei. Joint Sponsor: Assemblywoman Ohrenschall.  Approved May 19, 2005



AN ACT relating to unemployment compensation; requiring the Administrator of the Employment Security Division of the Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation to adopt certain regulations relating to unemployment insurance contributions; revising provisions relating to certain transfers of unemployment experience records; revising provisions relating to the timeliness of a request for review of or an appeal from certain actions of the Division; providing criminal and civil penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 502 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 19, 2005



AN ACT relating to wells; providing a procedure by which the State Engineer may approve a waiver from the requirement of plugging an abandoned well; requiring the State Engineer to adopt regulations relating to continuing education for well drillers; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 80 — Assemblymen Goicoechea, Christensen, Allen, Carpenter, Sherer, Gansert, Grady, Marvel and Sibley (by request). Joint Sponsor: Senator McGinness.  Approved May 24, 2005



AN ACT relating to wildlife; revising the number of members who may be appointed to the county advisory board to manage wildlife in larger counties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 159 — Committee on Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Mining.  Approved May 24, 2005



AN ACT relating to public schools; requiring local and regional governmental entities to conduct a study of safe walking routes for pupils in a certain area near schools; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 231 — Assemblymen Atkinson, Horne, McClain, Parks, Allen, Arberry Jr., Buckley, Christensen, Claborn, Conklin, Denis, Gansert, Giunchigliani, Kirkpatrick, Koivisto, Manendo, McCleary, Mortenson, Munford, Oceguera, Ohrenschall, Perkins, Pierce and Sibley.  Approved May 24, 2005



AN ACT making a supplemental appropriation to the Department of Corrections for unanticipated operating, maintenance, inmate-driven expenses and utilities for the Fiscal Year 2004-2005 and for expenses for services relating to the takeover of the Southern Nevada Women’s Correctional Facility for the Fiscal Year 2004-2005; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 91 — Committee on Finance.  Approved May 24, 2005



AN ACT relating to aging persons; authorizing the President of the Nevada Silver Haired Legislative Forum to excuse absences from meetings; providing that officers of the Forum shall serve terms beginning on July 1 of each year; eliminating the restrictions on the locations in which the Forum may hold hearings; revising the date on which the recommendations for legislation of the Forum must be submitted to the Legislative Commission and the Governor; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 31 — Senator Carlton.  Approved May 24, 2005



AN ACT relating to tobacco; prohibiting smoking of tobacco in certain video arcades; revising the provisions governing smoking of tobacco in child care facilities; providing civil and criminal penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 118 — Assemblymen McClain, Hardy, Conklin, Ohrenschall, McCleary, Allen, Anderson, Atkinson, Buckley, Claborn, Denis, Gerhardt, Giunchigliani, Goicoechea, Grady, Hettrick, Hogan, Holcomb, Horne, Kirkpatrick, Koivisto, Leslie, Manendo, Mortenson, Munford, Oceguera, Parks, Parnell, Perkins, Pierce, Sherer, Sibley and Weber (by request). Joint Sponsors: Senators Heck, Horsford, Schneider and Wiener.  Approved May 24, 2005



AN ACT relating to educational personnel; revising provisions governing the appointment of a hearing officer in cases involving the demotion, dismissal or refusal to reemploy licensed educational personnel and in cases involving the suspension or revocation of an educational license; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 108 — Committee on Education.  Approved May 24, 2005



AN ACT relating to public welfare; revising provisions governing family resource centers; creating the Grants Management Advisory Committee within the Department of Human Resources to provide guidance and oversight concerning awards of money to certain agencies, organizations and institutions for the provision of services to persons served by the programs administered by the Department; abolishing the Committee for Protection of Children; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 297 — Committee on Human Resources and Education.  Approved May 24, 2005



AN ACT relating to civil litigation; making various changes to the provisions governing the provision of a bond in certain civil actions concerning manufacturers of tobacco products; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 486 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 24, 2005



AN ACT relating to property; clarifying that a claimant or any contractor, subcontractor, supplier or design professional may submit a question or dispute to the State Contractors’ Board concerning any matter which may affect or relate to a constructional defect; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 537 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 24, 2005



AN ACT relating to agriculture; removing the requirement that a person obtain a license to act as a cash buyer or as an agent of a cash buyer of farm products or livestock; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 181 — Assemblymen Goicoechea, Carpenter, Grady, Atkinson and Marvel.  Approved May 24, 2005



AN ACT relating to hospice care; authorizing a licensed facility for hospice care to provide certain palliative services to a patient who is terminally ill; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 271 — Assemblymen Pierce, Leslie, Parks and Parnell.  Approved May 24, 2005



AN ACT relating to taxation; requiring the Nevada Tax Commission to adopt regulations governing the assessment of property for the purposes of taxation; requiring county boards of equalization and the State Board of Equalization to comply with such regulations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 392 — Assemblyman Hettrick.  Approved May 24, 2005



AN ACT relating to watercraft; requiring certain vessels to carry on board certain personal flotation devices accessible for use in an emergency; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 112 — Assemblywoman Parnell. Joint Sponsor: Senator Amodei.  Approved May 24, 2005



AN ACT relating to fuels; revising provisions relating to alternative fuels; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 220 — Assemblyman Hardy.  Approved May 24, 2005



AN ACT relating to city improvements; providing for the imposition and collection of a surcharge on access lines and trunk lines of telephone companies for the enhancement of the telephone system for reporting emergencies in certain incorporated cities; requiring a city council which imposes such a surcharge to create an advisory committee to develop a plan for the enhancement of the city’s telephone service for reporting emergencies; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 30 — Senator McGinness.  Approved May 24, 2005



AN ACT relating to water; redesignating the tax that a county of origin may impose for intercounty and interstate transfers of groundwater as a fee; increasing the amount of the fee; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 35 — Committee on Natural Resources.  Approved May 24, 2005



AN ACT relating to crimes; making it unlawful for a person to remove, possess, sell or offer or attempt to sell a tomb, monument, gravestone, fence, building or other structure placed in a cemetery under certain circumstances; increasing the penalty for engaging in certain other acts relating to a cemetery; requiring the payment of restitution for those acts under certain circumstances; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 205 — Senator Mathews.  Approved May 24, 2005



AN ACT relating to public safety; revising the provisions governing skier safety to include snowboarding; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 261 — Senator Townsend.  Approved May 24, 2005



AN ACT relating to justices’ courts; revising the jurisdiction of certain justices’ courts with respect to the issuance of orders for protection against domestic violence; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 237 — Assemblyman Hardy.  Approved May 24, 2005



AN ACT relating to taxation; authorizing a county to sell tax liens against parcels of real property located within the county under certain circumstances; requiring the county treasurer to issue a certificate of purchase for each tax lien sold; authorizing the purchaser of a tax lien to commence an action for the collection of the delinquent taxes, penalties, interest and costs; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 393 — Assemblyman Hettrick.  Approved May 24, 2005



AN ACT relating to education; authorizing the boards of trustees of school districts to apply to the Superintendent of Public Instruction for additional days or minutes of instruction for certain programs of remedial education; authorizing the board of trustees of a school district to prescribe the minimum attendance requirements for pupils who are enrolled in kindergarten or the first grade and for pupils who are enrolled in certain programs of remedial education; revising related provisions governing the attendance and truancy of pupils; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 518 — Committee on Education.  Approved May 24, 2005



AN ACT relating to appraisers of real estate; exempting persons who assess the value of property in connection with a judicial proceeding for eminent domain from the provisions governing appraisers; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 341 — Assemblymen Parks, Giunchigliani, Leslie and McClain (by request).  Approved May 26, 2005



AN ACT making an appropriation to the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education for upgrades in information technology for its accounting system; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 104 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved May 26, 2005



AN ACT making an appropriation to the State Department of Agriculture for the acquisition of equipment for the State Sealer of Weights and Measures; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 105 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved May 26, 2005



AN ACT relating to the State Department of Agriculture; making certain information collected by the Department confidential; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 32 — Committee on Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Mining.  Approved May 26, 2005



AN ACT relating to crimes; prohibiting a person from operating an audiovisual recording function of a device in a motion picture theater under certain circumstances; providing immunity from criminal and civil liability under certain circumstances to an owner or lessee of a motion picture theater who detains a person believed to have violated that prohibition; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 124 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 26, 2005



AN ACT relating to fire protection; increasing the maximum balance allowed in the district fire emergency fund of certain fire protection districts; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 141 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 26, 2005



AN ACT relating to parks; encouraging the adoption of regulations to facilitate the display and sale of artistic expressions protected by the First Amendment in state, county and municipal parks, recreational and cultural facilities; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 351 — Assemblyman Mortenson.  Approved May 26, 2005



AN ACT relating to land use planning; revising provisions governing continuances of matters before planning commissions in larger counties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 165 — Assemblymen Kirkpatrick, Parks, Ohrenschall, Goicoechea, Allen, Arberry Jr., Atkinson, Christensen, Claborn, Conklin, Denis, Gerhardt, Giunchigliani, Grady, Hardy, Hettrick, Hogan, Horne, Koivisto, Manendo, McClain, McCleary, Munford, Oceguera, Seale, Sibley and Smith. Joint Sponsors: Senators Hardy and Horsford.  Approved May 26, 2005



AN ACT relating to veterans; requiring the Executive Director for Veterans’ Services to establish and implement rules, policies and procedures for the management, maintenance and operation of veterans’ homes; requiring the State Board of Examiners to establish a schedule of rates to be charged for occupancy of rooms at veterans’ homes; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 26 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 26, 2005



AN ACT relating to health; requiring the licensure of community triage centers by the State Board of Health; making an appropriation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 40 — Assemblywoman Leslie.  Approved May 26, 2005



AN ACT relating to domestic violence; authorizing a court to order a person convicted of domestic violence to participate in counseling sessions on a biweekly basis in certain circumstances; requiring the Court Administrator to submit reports to the Legislature concerning the effectiveness of court-ordered participation in programs for the treatment of persons who commit domestic violence; requiring the Administrator of the Division of Mental Health and Developmental Services of the Department of Human Resources to report to the Legislature concerning certification of such programs in rural mental health clinics; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 77 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 26, 2005



AN ACT relating to property; authorizing a fiduciary to transfer trust property to a corporation, limited-liability company or other entity formed by the fiduciary; authorizing such an entity that acts as a fiduciary or trustee to be owned or controlled by the trust under certain circumstances; extending the time within which a nonvested property interest must vest or terminate; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 382 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 26, 2005



AN ACT relating to taxation; revising the formula for the distribution of revenue from a certain additional tax on certain motor vehicle fuel between a county and a city within that county; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 547 — Committee on Transportation.  Approved May 27, 2005



AN ACT relating to school property; expressing the sense of the Legislature concerning the use of school buildings and facilities by groups and organizations that are not part of a school district; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 70 — Assemblymen Kirkpatrick, McCleary, Sibley, Allen, Anderson, Arberry Jr., Atkinson, Conklin, Denis, Gansert, Giunchigliani, Goicoechea, Hardy, Hogan, Koivisto, McClain, Munford, Oceguera, Parks, Parnell, Pierce and Smith. Joint Sponsor: Senator Carlton.  Approved May 31, 2005



AN ACT relating to taxation; authorizing the Nevada Tax Commission to compromise amounts owed by taxpayers under certain circumstances; requiring the Nevada Tax Commission to adopt regulations concerning such compromises; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 15 — Committee on Taxation.  Approved May 31, 2005



AN ACT relating to elections; changing the name of the Northern Nevada Senatorial District to the Rural Nevada Senatorial District; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 19 — Senator Rhoads.  Approved May 31, 2005



AN ACT relating to mental health; increasing the number of members of the Commission on Mental Health and Developmental Services to include a current or former recipient of mental health services provided by the State; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 131 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 31, 2005



AN ACT relating to the Department of Public Safety; eliminating the provision requiring the principal office of the Chief Parole and Probation Officer to be in Carson City; repealing the provisions relating to the Committee for Public Safety Telecommunications Operators; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 443 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 31, 2005



AN ACT relating to taxation; increasing the amount of compensation a board of county commissioners is authorized to provide for certain members of the board of equalization; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 180 — Committee on Taxation.  Approved May 31, 2005



AN ACT relating to public health; transferring responsibility for the operation of certain programs from the Health Division of the Department of Human Resources to the Division of Environmental Protection of the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources; transferring regulatory authority for drinking water standards and community and public water systems to the State Environmental Commission; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 395 — Committee on Natural Resources.  Approved May 31, 2005



AN ACT relating to cities; revising the provision governing the authority of a governing body of a city to abate an abandoned nuisance; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 424 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 31, 2005



AN ACT relating to the tax for infrastructure; authorizing the boards of county commissioners of smaller counties to use money in the infrastructure fund for certain projects, facilities and activities; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 169 — Senator Amodei.  Approved May 31, 2005



AN ACT relating to historic preservation; expanding the definition of “prehistoric site” to include sites of religious or cultural importance to an Indian tribe; authorizing the Office of Historic Preservation of the Department of Cultural Affairs to enter into certain agreements with a state agency or political subdivision concerning the preservation of historic or prehistoric sites; requiring a state agency or political subdivision to submit certain information to the Office before changing the use of or initiating a project on any portion of certain land; making it a crime to take certain actions which tend to injure or destroy historic or prehistoric sites on state land or to receive, traffic in or sell cultural property from state land without a valid permit; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 81 — Committee on Human Resources and Education.  Approved May 31, 2005



AN ACT relating to taxation; establishing joint and severable liability for the payment of certain taxes, interest and penalties administered by the Department of Taxation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 483 — Committee on Taxation.  Approved May 31, 2005



AN ACT relating to taxation; limiting the circumstances in which the Department of Taxation may apply overpayments of taxes to underpayments in another reporting period to reduce penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 138 — Committee on Taxation.  Approved May 31, 2005



AN ACT relating to interior designers; revising provisions governing the qualifications of an applicant for a certificate of registration to practice as a registered interior designer; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 135 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 31, 2005



AN ACT relating to local governments; requiring local governments to create committees to provide recommendations on the operation of enterprise funds for certain permit fees; revising the provisions governing enterprise funds for building permit fees; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 184 — Senator Care.  Approved May 31, 2005



AN ACT relating to the system of criminal justice; making various changes concerning the composition of and the administration of the Advisory Commission on Sentencing; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 331 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 31, 2005



AN ACT making a supplemental appropriation to the Department of Motor Vehicles for unanticipated costs related to electronic payments in Fiscal Year 2004-2005 in administrative services; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 93 — Committee on Finance.  Approved May 31, 2005



AN ACT relating to education; making permanent the authority of the Board of Regents of the University of Nevada to grant waivers for registration and laboratory fees for active members of the Nevada National Guard; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 78 — Senators Care, Titus, Wiener, Nolan, Amodei, Carlton, Coffin, Lee, Mathews, McGinness, Schneider and Washington. Joint Sponsors: Assemblymen Perkins, Buckley, McCleary and McClain.  Approved May 31, 2005



AN ACT relating to state parks; creating the Account for Maintenance of State Park Facilities and Grounds; allowing, under certain circumstances, the sale of a parcel of land within the Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area to fund the Account; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 318 — Senator Titus. Joint Sponsor: Assemblyman Mortenson.  Approved May 31, 2005



AN ACT relating to wildlife; expanding the purposes for which the money in the Wildlife Heritage Trust Account must be used to include expenditures for the management and control of predatory wildlife in this State; authorizing the expenditure of certain annual deposits in the Account; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 15 — Committee on Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Mining.  Approved May 31, 2005



AN ACT relating to taxation; revising the provision concerning the exemption for disabled veterans from property taxes; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 145 — Committee on Growth and Infrastructure.  Approved May 31, 2005



AN ACT relating to water; requiring the Bureau of Consumer Protection in the Office of the Attorney General to conduct an audit and investigation of the rate-setting practices of the Truckee Meadows Water Authority; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 323 — Assemblymen Gansert, Smith, Angle, Anderson, Leslie, Marvel and Parnell. Joint Sponsors: Senators Townsend, Raggio, Washington and Mathews.  Approved May 31, 2005



AN ACT relating to public financial administration; requiring the State Controller to apply the fee charged by certain state agencies for returned checks to other methods of payment that are returned or dishonored; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 112 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 31, 2005



AN ACT relating to the Public Employees’ Benefits Program; eliminating the requirement that the annual salaries of the executive staff of the Public Employees’ Benefits Program be approved by the Interim Retirement and Benefits Committee; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 71 — Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections.  Approved May 31, 2005



AN ACT relating to weapons; authorizing certain law enforcement officers and retired law enforcement officers to carry certain concealed weapons and firearms in certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 232 — Assemblymen Perkins, Conklin, Anderson, Horne, Gerhardt and Denis.  Approved May 31, 2005



AN ACT relating to wildlife; authorizing a person to act on behalf of another to obtain a license, tag or permit from the Department of Wildlife under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 379 — Assemblyman Atkinson.  Approved May 31, 2005



AN ACT relating to real property; providing an exception to the requirement that a seller complete and serve a disclosure form on a purchaser of residential property for certain actions for foreclosure; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 215 — Assemblymen Sibley, Seale, Buckley, Kirkpatrick, Ohrenschall, Allen, Anderson, Angle, Atkinson, Carpenter, Christensen, Conklin, Gansert, Goicoechea, Grady, Hardy, Hettrick, Mabey, Manendo, Marvel, Mortenson, Munford, Oceguera and Sherer. Joint Sponsors: Senators Amodei and Heck.  Approved May 31, 2005



AN ACT relating to public health; requiring certain medical facilities to report facility-acquired infections as sentinel events to the Health Division of the Department of Human Resources; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 59 — Assemblymen Ohrenschall, Pierce, Leslie, Allen, Atkinson, Claborn, Gerhardt, Hogan, Horne, Manendo, Mortenson, Munford, Oceguera and Smith (by request). Joint Sponsors: Senators Amodei and Care.  Approved May 31, 2005



AN ACT relating to public health; making various changes concerning the Committee on Anatomical Dissection established by the University and Community College System of Nevada; prohibiting a person from receiving a dead body under certain circumstances; decreasing the period of time that the Committee is required to retain any dead body it receives in a receiving vault to not less than 30 days; requiring the Committee to charge and collect certain fees for obtaining, handling and distributing dead bodies; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 193 — Committee on Human Resources and Education.  Approved May 31, 2005



AN ACT relating to substances causing impairment; providing that once a person has been convicted of a felony for operating a vehicle or vessel while under the influence of alcohol or a controlled substance, any subsequent violation is treated as a felony; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 421 — Assemblymen Conklin, Anderson, Manendo, McCleary, Allen, Carpenter, Gerhardt, Horne, Mabey, Mortenson, Oceguera and Seale.  Approved May 31, 2005



AN ACT relating to education; prohibiting the use or attempted use of a false or misleading degree or honorary degree granted by a private entity or public postsecondary educational institution and the use or attempted use of a degree or honorary degree granted by such an entity or institution in a false or misleading manner; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 395 — Assemblywoman Giunchigliani.  Approved May 31, 2005



AN ACT relating to peace officers; making various changes concerning administrative files of peace officers; providing that evidence obtained in violation of certain provisions may not be used in an administrative proceeding or civil action against a peace officer; providing that the home address and photograph of a peace officer are confidential; revising various provisions relating to an interrogation or a hearing concerning a peace officer; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 259 — Assemblymen Conklin, Anderson, Horne, Gerhardt and Denis.  Approved May 31, 2005



AN ACT relating to persons with disabilities; prohibiting certain acts concerning service animals and service animals in training; revising provisions concerning persons accompanied by service animals or service animals in training; providing civil liability and the payment of restitution for certain violations; revising provisions concerning rental of certain dwellings by persons with a service animal; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 36 — Committee on Human Resources and Education.  Approved May 31, 2005



AN ACT relating to educational institutions; requiring each private postsecondary educational institution to use a prescribed formula for refunds of tuition; revising other provisions governing the payment of refunds by institutions; revising provisions regarding the bonding requirements of such institutions; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 133 — Committee on Human Resources and Education.  Approved May 31, 2005



AN ACT relating to economic development; creating tax incentives for expanding or relocating businesses in certain economic development areas; creating tax incentives for businesses who hire certain employees at a certain level of wages; providing a temporary tax incentive for locating or expanding businesses that are or will become grocery stores within the Southern Nevada Enterprise Community; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 229 — Senator Horsford. Joint Sponsor: Assemblyman Arberry Jr.  Approved May 31, 2005



AN ACT relating to real estate; providing for the regulation of certain business brokers; providing for the establishment of certain fees relating to such regulation; revising provisions governing disclosures in certain real estate transactions; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 315 — Senator Nolan.  Approved May 31, 2005



AN ACT relating to financial institutions; revising the provisions governing the acquisition of a branch of a Nevada depository institution by certain out-of-state depository institutions and holding companies; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 255 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 31, 2005



AN ACT relating to motor vehicle products; revising the provisions governing motor vehicle fuel and petroleum products; providing a civil penalty for certain violations concerning the advertising of motor vehicle fuel and petroleum products; providing for the regulation of alternative fuel as a motor vehicle fuel; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 295 — Committee on Natural Resources.  Approved May 31, 2005



AN ACT relating to property; revising the provisions governing dealers of manufactured homes, mobile homes and commercial coaches; authorizing a licensed real estate broker and his licensed salesman under certain circumstances to sell used manufactured homes and used mobile homes without being licensed as a dealer; revising the provisions governing transactions involving used manufactured homes or used mobile homes; revising the provisions governing the Real Estate Education, Research and Recovery Fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 114 — Assemblymen Marvel, Sibley, Allen, Carpenter, Grady, Hettrick and Seale (by request).  Approved May 31, 2005



AN ACT relating to the Office of the Attorney General; revising provision governing the payment of litigation expenses; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 426 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 31, 2005



AN ACT relating to state purchasing; exempting the University and Community College System of Nevada from the requirement to purchase prescription drugs, pharmaceutical services, or medical supplies and related services through the Purchasing Division of the Department of Administration; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 410 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 31, 2005



AN ACT relating to state government; requiring a state agency, under certain circumstances, to provide notice to an officer, employee or contractor of the agency when the agency accesses or causes to be accessed a computer assigned or loaned to the officer, employee or contractor; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 158 — Assemblyman Hettrick.  Approved May 31, 2005



AN ACT relating to public safety; creating the Nevada Highway Patrol Revolving Account; expanding the authority of certain personnel of the Department of Public Safety to exercise the powers of peace officers; requiring that certain fees be deposited for credit to the State Highway Fund instead of the Motor Vehicle Fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 384 — Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections.  Approved May 31, 2005



AN ACT relating to taxation; delaying the prospective expiration of the exemption from the Local School Support Tax and certain analogous taxes for certain products and systems that use renewable energy; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 398 — Committee on Natural Resources.  Approved May 31, 2005



AN ACT relating to the City of North Las Vegas; revising the procedure for the enactment of ordinances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 509 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 31, 2005



AN ACT relating to public officers; revising provisions relating to the authority of deputies appointed by certain public officers; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 477 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 31, 2005



AN ACT relating to the State Department of Agriculture; requiring the Department to immediately revoke the registry identification card of a participant in the State’s medical marijuana program who has been convicted of knowingly or intentionally selling a controlled substance or who has provided to the Department or its designee certain falsified information; providing for the notification of a person whose registry identification card has been revoked; providing for the return to the Department of revoked registry identification cards; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 519 — Committee on Health and Human Services.  Approved June 1, 2005



AN ACT relating to the Civil Air Patrol; eliminating the limit on the amount that may be transferred to the Civil Air Patrol Account from the proceeds of the excise tax on aviation fuel; expanding the permissible use of money by the Civil Air Patrol; eliminating the prohibition against expenditures for official missions of the United States Air Force; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 481 — Committee on Taxation.  Approved June 1, 2005



AN ACT relating to taxation; requiring the Department of Taxation, in administering the exemption for sales to nonprofit organizations formed for religious, charitable or educational purposes, to include motor vehicles transferred to such nonprofit organizations within the exemption; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 321 — Senator Raggio.  Approved June 1, 2005



AN ACT relating to land use planning; revising certain provisions to clarify the role of the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada in the approval of certain proposed subdivisions; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 125 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved June 1, 2005



AN ACT relating to physical therapists; revising the provisions governing the approval of schools and educational curricula for physical therapy; allowing applicants who meet certain qualifications and requirements to practice physical therapy or to practice as a physical therapist’s assistant under a temporary exemption from licensure pending the examination for licensure; authorizing the Board to establish a fee to review a course of continuing education; authorizing a civil penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 152 — Senator Mathews.  Approved June 1, 2005



AN ACT relating to the Legislature; revising the provisions governing the transfer of employees from the Legislative Counsel Bureau to the Senate or the Assembly; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 542 — Committee on Elections, Procedures, Ethics, and Constitutional Amendments.  Approved June 1, 2005



AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; revising provisions governing vehicle accident reports; revising provisions governing delivery of a certificate of title following performance of the terms of a contract or security agreement; revising provisions concerning the notification provided to the owner of a motor vehicle that is towed at the request of a person other than the owner; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 175 — Senator Titus.  Approved June 1, 2005



AN ACT relating to education; requiring the Department of Education to prescribe a policy for public schools to provide a safe and respectful learning environment; prohibiting a school official from interfering with or preventing the disclosure of information concerning harassment or intimidation in public schools; providing that certain causes of action may not be brought against a pupil or an employee or volunteer of a school who reports an incident of harassment or intimidation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 202 — Assemblymen Parks, Hardy, Parnell, Pierce, Horne, Smith, Anderson, Arberry Jr., Atkinson, Buckley, Claborn, Conklin, Gerhardt, Giunchigliani, Grady, Hogan, Kirkpatrick, Koivisto, Leslie, Manendo, McClain, Munford, Oceguera, Perkins and Sherer. Joint Sponsors: Senators Carlton and Titus.  Approved June 1, 2005



AN ACT relating to education; requiring the plans to improve the achievement of pupils to include strategies for the professional development of teachers and administrators that directly address the needs of pupils; revising provisions governing the professional development provided to teachers and administrators; requiring the governing body of each regional training program for the professional development of teachers and administrators to review certain plans to improve the achievement of pupils; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 368 — Committee on Human Resources and Education.  Approved June 1, 2005



AN ACT relating to gaming; authorizing the Nevada Gaming Commission to adopt regulations governing the use of mobile communication devices for gaming on the premises of licensed gaming establishments; providing that communications devices offered for play as part of a mobile gaming system are subject to the same fees and taxes applicable to slot machines; increasing the number of members of the Off-Track Pari-Mutuel Wagering Committee; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 471 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved June 1, 2005



AN ACT relating to general improvement districts; revising the requirements for providing notice of certain matters relating to a district; revising the provisions governing the compensation of members of the board of trustees of districts; authorizing the board of trustees of a district to adopt and enforce regulations regarding the date on which a charge for services provided by the district becomes delinquent; revising the provisions governing the merger, consolidation or dissolution of certain districts; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 475 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved June 1, 2005



AN ACT relating to local governmental financial administration; prohibiting a local government from requiring the licensure of, or imposing a license tax upon, certain professionals; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 218 — Senator Titus.  Approved June 1, 2005



AN ACT relating to public welfare; requiring the Department of Human Resources to contract for the provision of transportation services for recipients of Medicaid or recipients of services pursuant to the Children’s Health Insurance Program traveling to and returning from providers of services under the State Plan for Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program; exempting brokers of certain transportation services from certain provisions concerning the regulation and licensing of motor carriers; exempting common motor carriers and contract motor carriers that contract with the Department to provide such transportation services from the requirement of obtaining a certificate of public convenience and necessity to operate as a common motor carrier and the requirement of obtaining a permit to operate as a contract motor carrier; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 401 — Committee on Human Resources and Education.  Approved June 1, 2005



AN ACT relating to traffic; authorizing the Department of Transportation and the governing body of a city or county to issue a permit to operate an oversized vehicle under certain circumstances; requiring certain regulations adopted by the governing body of a city or county relating to the issuance of permits for oversized vehicles to be consistent with regulations adopted by the Department; requiring the Department and certain governing bodies to establish an expedited procedure for issuing permits for oversized vehicles under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 219 — Senator Care.  Approved June 1, 2005



AN ACT relating to governmental publications; requiring state agencies and local governments to provide the State Publications Distribution Center of the State Library and Archives with notification of and access to certain electronic documents; revising provisions governing depository agreements; revising the manner in which the Center provides notice of the titles of publications received by the Center; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 510 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved June 2, 2005



AN ACT relating to regulatory bodies; establishing a uniform disciplinary process for certain regulatory bodies which administer occupational licensing; revising certain provisions governing occupational licensing so they conform with the uniform disciplinary process; repealing certain provisions in the chapters governing occupational licensing so they conform with the uniform disciplinary process; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 276 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved June 2, 2005



AN ACT relating to structures; authorizing the Administrator of the Manufactured Housing Division of the Department of Business and Industry to establish a system for the issuance and renewal of permits for certain activities relating to manufactured homes, mobile homes or commercial coaches; requiring that a city or county building department have the written approval of the Division before enforcing regulations and making inspections regarding the installation and tie down of certain structures; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 381 — Committee on Transportation and Homeland Security.  Approved June 2, 2005



AN ACT relating to sanitation; revising the provisions governing the fees and charges levied by a municipality which has an approved plan for the management of solid waste; providing that any such unpaid fee or charge constitutes a lien against the property served; providing for the foreclosure of such a lien; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 354 — Senator Schneider.  Approved June 2, 2005



AN ACT relating to industrial insurance; setting forth the primary obligation of a vocational rehabilitation counselor; prohibiting a vocational rehabilitation counselor from providing services to an injured employee if the employer of the vocational rehabilitation counselor administers the case of the injured employee; requiring a provider of vocational rehabilitation services to employ certain vocational rehabilitation counselors; requiring a vocational rehabilitation counselor to prepare a written assessment not more than 30 days after it is requested by an insurer or injured employee under certain circumstances; requiring each written assessment of an injured employee to be signed by a certified vocational rehabilitation counselor; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 225 — Senator Carlton.  Approved June 2, 2005



AN ACT relating to public works; revising the requirements relating to the payment of overtime to certain mechanics and workmen employed on public works; revising the manner in which a contractor or subcontractor engaged on a public work may discharge his obligation to pay wages to workmen; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 83 — Assemblymen McCleary, Manendo and Munford.  Approved June 2, 2005



AN ACT relating to guardianships; requiring certain guardians to meet certain qualifications; requiring that a guardianship petition include proof of such qualifications under certain circumstances; expanding the list of guardians who may be appointed by the court for a minor under certain circumstances; providing the circumstances under which certain guardians may not receive compensation or expenses for certain services; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 353 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved June 2, 2005



AN ACT relating to local governments; revising provisions governing the timing of certain events for collective bargaining between local governmental employers and employee organizations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 483 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved June 2, 2005



AN ACT relating to public works; revising the provisions governing the terms of certain contracts between public bodies and certain design professionals; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 156 — Assemblymen Conklin, Hardy, Parks, Atkinson, Christensen, Kirkpatrick and Sibley. Joint Sponsors: Senators Hardy, Lee and Tiffany.  Approved June 2, 2005



AN ACT relating to the Uniform Commercial Code; revising the provisions of Articles 1 and 7 of the Uniform Commercial Code; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 201 — Senators Care and Amodei. Joint Sponsor: Assemblywoman Ohrenschall.  Approved June 2, 2005



AN ACT making an appropriation to the Department of Administration for litigation costs incurred by the Interstate Commission for Adult Offender Supervision; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 99 — Committee on Finance.  Approved June 3, 2005



AN ACT making an appropriation to the Office of Veterans’ Services to pay for construction costs of a shelter to protect state-owned vehicles; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 102 — Committee on Finance.  Approved June 3, 2005



AN ACT making an appropriation to the Department of Corrections for the purchase of replacement vehicles; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 104 — Committee on Finance.  Approved June 3, 2005



AN ACT relating to the Public Employees’ Retirement System; increasing the maximum assumed monthly wage of a volunteer firefighter for the purpose of determining the contribution to be paid into the Public Employees’ Retirement Fund and the Public Employees’ Retirement Administrative Fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 46 — Senator McGinness.  Approved June 3, 2005



AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; eliminating the additional fee charged and collected by the Department of Motor Vehicles for the renewal of a driver’s license by mail; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 87 — Committee on Transportation and Homeland Security.  Approved June 3, 2005



AN ACT relating to the Comstock Historic District Commission; authorizing staff of the Commission to issue certificates of appropriateness in certain situations; revising provisions governing notice of hearings of the Commission; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 82 — Committee on Human Resources and Education.  Approved June 3, 2005



AN ACT relating to air pollution; revising the provisions governing the distribution of money in the Pollution Control Account to local governmental agencies; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 26 — Committee on Natural Resources.  Approved June 3, 2005



AN ACT relating to the Commission for Cultural Affairs; authorizing the Commission to reimburse members for certain expenses; increasing the amount of financial assistance that the Commission may grant from the proceeds of certain bonds; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 4 — Committee on Finance.  Approved June 3, 2005



AN ACT relating to the Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History; requiring the Director of the Department of Public Safety to establish within the Department the Advisory Committee on Nevada Criminal Justice Information Sharing; prescribing the duties of the Advisory Committee; removing the requirement for the establishment of an Advisory Committee on the Uniform Program for Reporting Crimes; making various other changes concerning the Central Repository; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 452 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved June 3, 2005



AN ACT relating to subsurface installations; requiring an operator of a subsurface installation to install under certain circumstances a permanent device which designates or provides a means of detecting the subsurface installation; requiring an operator who marks the approximate location of a subsurface installation to use the identifying criteria and colors for such markings which are set forth in the regulations of the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 146 — Committee on Natural Resources.  Approved June 3, 2005



AN ACT making a supplemental appropriation to the State Distributive School Account for unanticipated expenses for Fiscal Year 2004-2005 for providing health care subsidies to retired school district employees; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 93 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved June 3, 2005



AN ACT making an appropriation to the Department of Administration for allocation to the Nevada Commission for National and Community Service to match federal funding for continuation of its programs dedicated to promoting citizen volunteerism; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 101 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved June 3, 2005



AN ACT relating to technology; extending the date for the reversion of a portion of the appropriation made by the 2003 Legislature to the Department of Administration for the digital microwave project; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 532 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved June 3, 2005



AN ACT relating to technology; extending the date for the reversion of the appropriation made by 2003 Legislature for state radio systems; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 533 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved June 3, 2005



AN ACT making an appropriation to the Department of Administration for allocation to the Nevada Rural Hospital Partners for establishment of a pool for loans for rural health care providers; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 103 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved June 3, 2005



AN ACT relating to taxation; authorizing the Board of County Commissioners of Clark County to increase sales and use tax to employ and equip additional police officers for the Boulder City Police Department, Henderson Police Department, Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, Mesquite Police Department and North Las Vegas Police Department; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 418 — Committee on Growth and Infrastructure.  Approved June 3, 2005



AN ACT relating to public health; requiring a portion of the money in the Fund for a Healthy Nevada to be used to provide certain services to certain senior citizens who reside in certain assisted living facilities; requiring the Housing Division of the Department of Business and Industry to certify certain assisted living facilities for the purpose of providing services pursuant to the home and community-based services waiver authorized by the Federal Government; requiring the Department of Human Resources to apply to the Secretary of Health and Human Services to amend its waiver to provide certain home and community-based services in certain assisted living facilities; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 248 — Assemblywoman Buckley.  Approved June 4, 2005



AN ACT making a supplemental appropriation to the Department of Education for signing bonuses for teachers; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 511 — Committee on Finance.  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT making an appropriation for expenses relating to the arbitration associated with the design and construction of the Southern Nevada Veterans’ Home; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 510 — Committee on Finance.  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT making an appropriation to the Office of the Governor for a contractor to update the State’s Energy Assurance Plan pursuant to federal guidelines; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 96 — Committee on Finance.  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT relating to crimes; revising the crime of intimidating or threatening public officers and employees and certain other persons; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 528 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; transferring the Advisory Board on Automotive Affairs from the Division of Insurance of the Department of Business and Industry to the Department of Motor Vehicles; revising the membership and duties of the Board; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 416 — Assemblyman McCleary.  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT relating to the Legislature; requiring the disclosure of the name of each Legislator who requests the preparation of a legislative measure on the list of requests prepared by the Legislative Counsel; authorizing the replacement of a primary requester on the list of requests prepared by the Legislative Counsel in certain circumstances when a Legislator does not return to the Legislature; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 415 — Assemblyman McCleary.  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT relating to crimes; prohibiting a person from entering upon certain property with the intent to surreptitiously conceal himself and peer, peep or spy through an opening in a building or other structure used as a dwelling; exempting law enforcement officers, building inspectors and employees of a public utility performing their duties from the prohibition; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 190 — Assemblymen Perkins, Conklin, Horne, Atkinson, Buckley, Gerhardt, Giunchigliani, Grady, Hettrick, Kirkpatrick, Leslie, Oceguera, Parks, Pierce, Sherer and Sibley. Joint Sponsors: Senators Carlton, Coffin and Heck.  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT relating to public safety; requiring the Nevada Commission on Homeland Security to advise and make recommendations to the Governor relative to certain systems of communication; revising the date on which certain bodies and agencies must follow certain provisions regarding the purchase of information systems and systems of communication; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 194 — Senator Nolan.  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT relating to cranes; requiring the Division of Industrial Relations of the Department of Business and Industry to adopt certain regulations relating to certification as a crane operator; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 540 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT relating to noxious weeds; authorizing a portion of the money collected for the registration of certain brands of pesticides to be used for the eradication and control of noxious weeds; authorizing the appointment of a larger board of directors of a weed control district; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 293 — Committee on Natural Resources.  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT relating to traffic laws; prohibiting the operation of, and the operation of a vehicle equipped with, any device or mechanism capable of interfering with or altering the signal of a traffic-control signal; prohibiting the sale in this State of such devices and mechanisms; providing certain exceptions for response agencies and providers of mass transit; providing a penalty; providing for an increased penalty under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 348 — Assemblymen Horne, Perkins, Oceguera and Anderson.  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT relating to crimes; revising provisions concerning falsely reporting that a crime has been committed; repealing provision concerning the filing of certain false or fraudulent complaints of misconduct against a peace officer; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 150 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT relating to domestic violence; creating the Nevada Council for the Prevention of Domestic Violence; providing for its membership and duties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 219 — Assemblymen Ohrenschall, McClain, Anderson, Manendo, Parks, Allen, Atkinson, Carpenter, Claborn, Denis, Koivisto, Munford, Oceguera, Pierce and Sibley.  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT relating to transportation; revising the provisions governing owners and operators of charter buses which are not fully regulated carriers; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 240 — Assemblyman Hettrick.  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT relating to housing; providing for judicial review of decisions by housing authorities to terminate certain housing assistance; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 355 — Assemblywoman Giunchigliani (by request).  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT relating to controlled substances; providing an additional or alternative penalty if a person sustains substantial bodily harm or death during the discovery or cleanup of the premises wherein certain controlled substances were unlawfully manufactured or compounded; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 531 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT relating to public health; requiring hospitals to provide patients with certain information regarding the Bureau for Hospital Patients; requiring hospitals to provide patients with certain information regarding the reduction and discounting of charges; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 155 — Senators Titus, Wiener, Horsford, Care, Carlton, Coffin, Lee, Mathews and Schneider. Joint Sponsor: Assemblywoman Leslie.  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT relating to public employees’ retirement; authorizing certain public employees who served on active military duty during Operation Desert Storm, Operation Enduring Freedom or Operation Iraqi Freedom to purchase additional years of service in the Public Employees’ Retirement System; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 122 — Senators Raggio, Townsend, Cegavske, Beers, Washington, Amodei, Care, Carlton, Coffin, Hardy, Heck, Horsford, Lee, Mathews, McGinness, Nolan, Rhoads, Schneider, Tiffany, Titus and Wiener. Joint Sponsors: Assemblymen Manendo, Parks, McCleary, Ohrenschall, Allen, Anderson, Atkinson, Buckley, Carpenter, Claborn, Conklin, Denis, Gerhardt, Giunchigliani, Goicoechea, Hogan, Holcomb, Horne, Kirkpatrick, Koivisto, Leslie, McClain, Mortenson, Munford, Oceguera, Parnell, Perkins, Pierce and Smith.  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT relating to protective orders; making various changes to the provisions governing temporary and extended orders for protection against stalking, aggravated stalking, harassment and domestic violence and for the protection of children; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 450 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT relating to the distribution of estates; providing that the owner of an interest in real property may convey his interest to a grantee in a deed which becomes effective upon the death of the owner as the sole and separate property of the grantee without the necessity of the filing of a quitclaim deed or disclaimer by the spouse of the grantee; requiring certain documents relating to the conveyance of real property by such deeds to be filed with a county recorder; exempting from the real property transfer tax a conveyance of real property by deed which becomes effective upon the death of the grantor; extending the time within which a nonvested property interest must vest or terminate; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 64 — Senator Rhoads.  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT relating to interpreters; requiring providers of Communication Access Realtime Translation to meet certain qualifications; prohibiting certain acts relating to such providers; providing a penalty; extending the effective date for the application of penalties to certain persons who engage in the practice of interpreting in public schools and private schools; requiring the Legislative Committee on Persons with Disabilities to study certain issues related to the provision of communication services for pupils who are deaf or hearing impaired and for all residents of this State who are deaf or hearing impaired; requiring the boards of trustees of school districts to review certain information related to the salaries of persons who provide interpreting services in public schools; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 134 — Senators Mathews, Wiener, Titus and Coffin.  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT relating to mental health; authorizing certain entities which provide transportation services to transport an allegedly mentally ill person to a mental health facility or hospital to allow for an application for the emergency admission of the allegedly mentally ill person to be made; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 280 — Senator Cegavske. Joint Sponsor: Assemblywoman Giunchigliani.  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT relating to water; authorizing grants for certain costs associated with connections to municipal water systems; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 18 — Senator McGinness.  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT relating to assessment of property; authorizing local assessment of the property of unscheduled air transport companies that only use three or fewer small planes; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 307 — Senator McGinness.  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT relating to crimes; prohibiting a person from knowingly and intentionally leaving a child who is 7 years of age or younger in a motor vehicle without certain supervision in certain circumstances; authorizing a prosecuting attorney to inquire into and inspect sealed records concerning such an offense under certain circumstances; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 287 — Senator Wiener. Joint Sponsor: Assemblyman Horne.  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT relating to property; revising the exemption from execution of certain money, benefits, privileges or immunities accruing or growing out of any life insurance; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 432 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT relating to meetings of public bodies; authorizing public bodies to hold closed meetings to prepare, revise, administer and grade examinations, and carry out certain other related activities; providing the circumstances under which minutes of meetings closed for such purposes become public records; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 415 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT relating to outdoor advertising structures; authorizing remedies under certain circumstances if the visibility of an outdoor advertising structure is obstructed as a result of certain highway construction projects; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 262 — Senators Raggio and Washington (by request).  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; authorizing the operation of certain motor vehicles without a front license plate under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 251 — Senators Raggio, Townsend, Hardy, Amodei, Beers, Cegavske, Heck, Mathews, McGinness, Rhoads, Tiffany, Titus, Washington and Wiener. Joint Sponsor: Assemblywoman Allen.  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT relating to the judiciary; authorizing justices of the peace and municipal judges to participate in the Judicial Retirement Plan under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 438 — Committee on Finance.  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT relating to insurance; prohibiting an insurer under certain circumstances from making payment to a representative of a claimant in settlement of a third-party liability claim without providing notice of the payment to the claimant; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 137 — Assemblymen Anderson, Buckley, Ohrenschall, Parks, Horne, Arberry Jr., Conklin, Denis, Gerhardt, Giunchigliani, Kirkpatrick, Koivisto, Leslie, Manendo, McClain, Munford, Oceguera, Parnell, Pierce and Smith.  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT relating to liens; revising the threshold for establishing a first and second lien on motor vehicles in certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 41 — Senator Washington.  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT relating to administrative procedure; prohibiting the admission of a person as a party to an administrative proceeding in a contested case involving the grant, denial or renewal of a license if the person does not have a direct financial interest in the grant, denial or renewal of the license; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 428 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT relating to public safety; requiring the Nevada Commission on Homeland Security to establish a statewide mapping system for the public buildings in this State to the extent money is available for a system; encouraging retail establishments doing business in this State to adopt the “Code Adam” program; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 365 — Senator Nolan.  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT making a supplemental appropriation to the Health Division of the Department of Human Resources for an unanticipated shortfall in money for Fiscal Year 2004-2005 resulting from the increased cost of the maintenance of effort requirement for the Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 89 — Committee on Finance.  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT making a supplemental appropriation to the Department of Human Resources for the support of the Nevada Medicaid Health Care Financing and Policy and the Nevada Check-Up Program; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 512 — Committee on Finance.  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT making an appropriation to the Motor Pool Division of the Department of Administration for additional vehicles; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 98 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT relating to state financial administration; extending the reversion date of the appropriation made in the 20th Special Session for distribution to the Fighting Aids in Our Community Today organization for expenses related to the provision of certain HIV/AIDS services; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 561 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT relating to residential leasing; removing the exemption for landlords who own and personally manage four or fewer dwelling units from provisions relating to landlords and tenants; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 404 — Assemblywoman Leslie.  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT relating to property; increasing the amount of the homestead exemption; exempting from execution by creditors a greater amount of equity in certain dwellings and a greater value of certain property; exempting from execution by creditors certain money held in a Roth Individual Retirement Account; making various other changes concerning property which is exempt from execution by creditors; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 173 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT relating to recreation; extending the reversion date of certain appropriations from previous sessions for state park improvements; allowing certain money authorized for expenditure in previous sessions for state park improvements to be carried forward to each fiscal year of the 2005-2007 biennium; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 517 — Committee on Finance.  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT relating to health care; revising the provisions governing the annual assessment of hospitals for the support of the Bureau for Hospital Patients within the Office for Consumer Health Assistance; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 514 — Committee on Finance.  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT relating to business associations; providing that the unclaimed capital credit of certain nonprofit cooperative corporations is not subject to the provisions of the Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 209 — Senator Rhoads.  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT relating to drivers’ licenses; decreasing the fees for the issuance and renewal of noncommercial drivers’ licenses; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 34 — Committee on Transportation and Homeland Security.  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT relating to programs for public personnel; establishing for the next biennium the amount to be paid to the Public Employees’ Benefits Program for group insurance for certain active and retired public officers and employees; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 571 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT relating to health care; making a technical correction to the date by which managed care organizations are required to report certain information to the Office for Consumer Health Assistance; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 569 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT relating to the University and Community College System of Nevada; authorizing the Board of Regents of the University of Nevada to issue revenue bonds to finance a portion of the cost of constructing parking facilities at the Community College of Southern Nevada and a residence hall at Western Nevada Community College; increasing the total authorized amount of certain revenue bonds that the Board of Regents may issue for certain facilities at the University of Nevada, Reno, and the University of Nevada, Las Vegas; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 534 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT relating to the Lake Tahoe Basin; authorizing the issuance of general obligation bonds to carry out the Environmental Improvement Program; extending the period for issuance of bonds to carry out the Program; clarifying the manner in which money from the proceeds of previously issued bonds must be administered; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 458 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT relating to juvenile justice; requiring certain children referred to the system of juvenile justice to be screened for mental health and substance abuse problems; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 47 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT relating to the transportation of pupils; requiring the Nevada Association of School Boards to study the feasibility and necessity of safety restraints for use by pupils on school buses; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 411 — Assemblyman Atkinson.  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT making an appropriation to the Supreme Court of Nevada for remodeling costs associated with the conversion of two offices for attorneys into meeting and training rooms; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 100 — Committee on Finance.  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT making an appropriation to the Department of Cultural Affairs for the development, renovation and expansion of the Southern Nevada Railroad Museum; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 103 — Committee on Finance.  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT relating to higher education; encouraging the Board of Regents to establish a program of agronomy, horticulture, landscape ecology, and design and plant sciences within the College of Agriculture of the University of Nevada, Reno; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 156 — Senator Lee.  Approved June 6, 2005



AN ACT relating to public records; making certain records of local governmental entities containing personally identifying information confidential if such information was provided to the local governmental entity in relation to the use of recreational facilities of the local governmental entity or participation in instructional or recreational activities of the local governmental entity; requiring the disclosure of such information for certain purposes; prohibiting a local governmental entity from requiring a social security number to be provided for certain purposes; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 31 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved June 8, 2005



AN ACT relating to public lands; clarifying the authority of the Legislative Committee on Public Lands to review and comment on certain matters relating to public lands; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 70 — Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections.  Approved June 8, 2005



AN ACT relating to children; providing that an officer or employee of a county may sign and verify an application for an instruction permit or driver’s license for a person under the age of 18 years who is in the legal custody of the county; providing a county and an officer or employee of a county with immunity from an action for damages caused by a minor driver whose application for a driver’s license was signed by the officer or employee while the minor was in the custody of the county; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 35 — Committee on Health and Human Services.  Approved June 8, 2005



AN ACT relating to public records; setting forth that certain databases which contain certain information provided to a governmental entity are confidential and not subject to disclosure or public inspection; providing certain exceptions; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 188 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved June 8, 2005



AN ACT relating to employment; encouraging the construction industry and women and members of certain minority groups to take active steps to include women and members of those groups in the construction industry; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 210 — Assemblymen Hogan, Giunchigliani, Oceguera, Ohrenschall, Parks, Arberry Jr., Atkinson, Buckley, Conklin, Denis, Gerhardt, Horne, Kirkpatrick, Koivisto, Leslie, Manendo, McClain, Munford, Parnell, Perkins and Smith. Joint Sponsors: Senators Titus and Carlton.  Approved June 8, 2005



AN ACT relating to education; changing the name of the State Board for Occupational Education to the State Board for Career and Technical Education; changing the term “occupational education” to “career and technical education”; requiring under certain circumstances that an advisory technical skills committee be appointed for a program of career and technical education in a school district; authorizing the Department of Education to provide grants, to the extent money is available, for distribution to school districts and charter schools for career and technical education; requiring a subcommittee of the Legislative Committee on Education to study career and technical high schools; requiring the Department of Education to conduct a public awareness campaign regarding career and technical high schools; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 388 — Committee on Education.  Approved June 8, 2005



AN ACT relating to controlled substances; prohibiting a person from allowing a child to be present in any conveyance or upon any premises wherein certain crimes involving controlled substances other than marijuana are committed; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 465 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved June 8, 2005



AN ACT relating to county coroners; authorizing a board of county commissioners to create an account for the support of the office of the county coroner; increasing the fee to obtain a certified copy of a death certificate originating in that county if the board of county commissioners creates such an account to provide financial support for the office of the county coroner; authorizing county coroners to use the money generated by the fee; requiring a pharmacist to divulge certain prescription information to a county coroner, medical examiner or investigator employed by an office of the county coroner under certain circumstances; continuing the authority of juvenile courts to conduct programs of visitation of delinquent children to the offices of county coroners; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 118 — Senator Nolan. Joint Sponsor: Assemblyman Atkinson.  Approved June 8, 2005



AN ACT relating to public retirement systems; eliminating the requirement that judgments, decrees or orders relating to child support, alimony or the disposition of community property submitted to the Executive Officer of the Public Employees’ Retirement System include social security numbers; providing for certain children of deceased members of the Public Employees’ Retirement System or the Judicial Retirement Plan to continue receiving monthly survivors’ benefits after the children reach the age of 18 years; providing for the reinstatement of monthly survivors’ benefits to those children who return to full-time student status; specifying that certain justices of the Supreme Court and certain district court judges will remain members of the Public Employees’ Retirement System unless they withdraw from the System in writing; directing the Administrative Office of the Courts to conduct an interim study concerning the salaries paid to justices, judges and judicial officers and the contributions paid to the Judicial Retirement Fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 328 — Committee on Finance.  Approved June 8, 2005



AN ACT relating to taxation; eliminating the requirement that a tax receiver must provide the Attorney General and the State Controller with a copy of a written protest filed by a property owner concerning property taxes; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 45 — Committee on Taxation.  Approved June 8, 2005



AN ACT relating to consumer health; requiring the Director of the Office for Consumer Health Assistance in the Office of the Governor to employ persons who have experience in the field of industrial relations; requiring the Administrator of the Division of Industrial Relations of the Department of Business and Industry to include contact information for the Office for Consumer Health Assistance on notices and forms provided to injured workers and on the Internet website of the Division; making an appropriation from the Fund for Workers’ Compensation and Safety to the Office for Consumer Health Assistance; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 126 — Senators Schneider, Care, Carlton, Coffin, Horsford, Lee, Mathews, Titus and Wiener. Joint Sponsors: Assemblymen McClain and Munford.  Approved June 8, 2005



AN ACT relating to persons with disabilities; authorizing the members of the Advisory Committee on Traumatic Brain Injuries to receive the per diem allowance and travel expenses provided for state employees generally in certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 187 — Committee on Human Resources and Education.  Approved June 8, 2005



AN ACT relating to public employees’ retirement; temporarily extending the prospective expiration of the provisions governing allowances paid to certain retired employees who fill positions for which a critical labor shortage exists; requiring the Public Employees’ Retirement Board to continue an experience study on the Public Employees’ Retirement System of the employment of certain retired persons by public employers; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 485 — Committee on Finance.  Approved June 8, 2005



AN ACT relating to the University and Community College System of Nevada; providing for a salary for members of the Board of Regents of the University of Nevada for attending meetings; making various changes regarding accounts established for members of the Board of Regents to pay for certain hosting expenditures; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 149 — Senator Lee.  Approved June 8, 2005



AN ACT relating to state printing; creating the State Printing Office within the Legislative Counsel Bureau and providing its duties; providing that the State Printer is the head of the State Printing Office; authorizing the State Printer to accept work for any state, local or federal governmental entity; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 520 — Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections.  Approved June 8, 2005



AN ACT relating higher education; requiring the Board of Regents of the University of Nevada to ensure that students enrolled in a program for the education of teachers are instructed in the academic standards required for high school pupils; requiring access to library facilities for students enrolled at an institution within the University and Community College System of Nevada; specifying that a student at a university or state college within the System completes a full course of study for the issuance of a diploma of graduation from the System if he satisfies the requirements for graduation and a degree as set forth in the catalog of the university or state college that is in effect at the time of enrollment or at the time of graduation, whichever the student elects; revising the terms of office of members of the Board of Regents; revising provisions regarding the degrees and transferability of credits earned within the System; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 280 — Assemblymen Giunchigliani, Conklin, Denis, Hogan, Horne, Koivisto and Ohrenschall.  Approved June 8, 2005



AN ACT relating to education; revising provisions governing the review of applications to form charter schools submitted for sponsorship by the State Board of Education; requiring the Superintendent of Public Instruction to submit a report to the Legislature concerning the applications to form charter schools that were submitted during the preceding biennium; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 168 — Assemblymen Denis, Smith, Hardy, Anderson, Atkinson, Buckley, Christensen, Gansert, Gerhardt, Giunchigliani, Goicoechea, Hogan, Horne, Kirkpatrick, Koivisto, Manendo, Marvel, McCleary, Munford, Oceguera, Parnell and Pierce. Joint Sponsors: Senators Titus, Carlton, Hardy, Heck and Lee.  Approved June 8, 2005



AN ACT relating to personal identifying information; authorizing the Attorney General to issue identity theft passports to victims of identity theft; prescribing the manner in which victims of identity theft may use such passports; requiring the Attorney General to adopt regulations relating to the issuance of identity theft passports; authorizing the Attorney General to accept gifts, grants and donations to carry out the provisions relating to the issuance of identity theft passports; making an appropriation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 304 — Senator Beers.  Approved June 8, 2005



AN ACT relating to industrial insurance; increasing the maximum amount of certain fines and benefit penalties; expanding the list of prohibited acts for which a benefit penalty may be imposed; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 254 — Assemblyman Claborn.  Approved June 8, 2005



AN ACT relating to peace officers; repealing a provision concerning the retirement of inspectors of the State Department of Agriculture; expanding the membership of the Peace Officers’ Standards and Training Commission; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 345 — Assemblyman Perkins.  Approved June 8, 2005



AN ACT relating to crimes; prohibiting the abuse, neglect, exploitation or isolation of a vulnerable person; requiring the report of the abuse, neglect, exploitation or isolation of a vulnerable person by certain persons; revising the provisions pertaining to the persons who are required to report the abuse, neglect, exploitation or isolation of an older person; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 267 — Assemblymen Anderson, Parnell, Conklin, Allen, Angle, Gerhardt, Holcomb, Horne, Mortenson and Oceguera.  Approved June 10, 2005



AN ACT relating to massage therapy; creating the Board of Massage Therapists; prescribing the powers and duties of the Board; providing for its membership; prohibiting a person from engaging in the practice of massage therapy unless he is issued a license by the Board; prescribing the requirements for the issuance or renewal of a license; setting forth the grounds for disciplinary action against a massage therapist; providing the actions the Board may take against a person who commits certain acts; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 250 — Assemblyman Arberry Jr. (by request).  Approved June 10, 2005



AN ACT relating to vehicles; making various changes relating to franchises for sales of vehicles; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 189 — Committee on Transportation and Homeland Security.  Approved June 10, 2005



AN ACT relating to taxation; expanding the circumstances under which the Department of Motor Vehicles may order the locking and sealing of a business; prohibiting a retailer or other person from selling or distributing dyed special fuel unless he controls the access to the dyed special fuel; requiring the retailer or other person to approve each purchaser of dyed special fuel; requiring the preservation of certain records; authorizing the Department of Motor Vehicles to take certain disciplinary action; authorizing the Department to adopt regulations that require the electronic filing of certain tax returns; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 255 — Assemblywoman Kirkpatrick (by request).  Approved June 10, 2005



AN ACT relating to education; requiring the State Board of Education, the board of trustees of each school district and the principal of each public school to prepare an annual summary of accountability information for public dissemination; revising provisions governing the annual reports of accountability prepared by the State Board and each school district; revising the date to determine whether public schools that operate on certain alternative schedules have made adequate yearly progress; revising provisions governing the annual designations of public schools and school districts based upon yearly progress; revising the grade levels for certain writing examinations and science examinations; requiring that fees collected pursuant to the Private Elementary and Secondary Education Authorization Act be deposited for credit to the appropriate account of the Department of Education; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 154 — Committee on Education.  Approved June 10, 2005



AN ACT relating to elected state officers; increasing the salaries of certain constitutional officers; providing for increases in the salaries of such officers and the compensation of members of the Legislature; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 462 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved June 10, 2005



AN ACT relating to tobacco; making various changes regarding the sale, delivery and taxation of cigarettes; revising the duties, rights and licensing requirements of manufacturers, wholesale dealers and retail dealers of cigarettes; providing additional procedures for statutory enforcement; increasing certain criminal penalties and providing additional civil and criminal penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 464 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved June 10, 2005



AN ACT relating to contractors; prohibiting certain unfair business practices and other improper practices by contractors; extending the statute of limitations for certain misdemeanor offenses; revising provisions regarding certain financial statements submitted to the State Contractors’ Board; authorizing the Board to deny a license or take disciplinary action for certain criminal offenses committed in other jurisdictions; increasing the amount of administrative fines the Board may impose for certain violations; requiring the Board to establish standards for use by the Board in determining the amount of certain administrative fines; requiring the payment of interest on certain administrative fines; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 501 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved June 10, 2005



AN ACT relating to the Judicial Department; revising the qualifications for justices of the Supreme Court, district judges and justices of the peace; urging the Supreme Court to conduct a study of the need for the establishment of an intermediate appellate court in this State; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 234 — Senator Lee.  Approved June 10, 2005



AN ACT relating to public welfare; exempting homeless persons from paying certain fees to obtain replacements of certain forms of identifying information; creating an exception to the duty to remit certain fees to the State Registrar of Vital Statistics for a person or governmental organization that issues a certified or official copy of a certificate of birth to a homeless person under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 84 — Assemblymen McCleary, Leslie, Parks, Manendo, Munford, Atkinson and Pierce.  Approved June 10, 2005



AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; requiring the owner of a vehicle abandoned on public lands to remove or cause the removal of that vehicle; setting forth the circumstances under which the owner of an abandoned vehicle may rebut the presumption that he abandoned the vehicle; allowing a card authorizing a dealer of motor vehicles to bid to purchase a vehicle from an operator of a salvage pool to be issued to a salesman who is employed by the dealer; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 169 — Assemblymen Denis, McCleary, Manendo, Smith, Hardy, Anderson, Atkinson, Buckley, Christensen, Gansert, Gerhardt, Giunchigliani, Goicoechea, Hogan, Horne, Kirkpatrick, Koivisto, Marvel, Munford, Oceguera, Pierce, Sherer and Weber. Joint Sponsors: Senators Carlton, Titus, Hardy, Heck and Lee.  Approved June 10, 2005



AN ACT relating to contractors; providing that certain owners of planned unit developments are not contractors; providing that such owners are subject to certain rights and duties with respect to contracts and subcontracts; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 193 — Assemblywoman Kirkpatrick.  Approved June 10, 2005



AN ACT relating to deceptive trade practices; prohibiting the issuance of a gift certificate that contains an expiration date under certain circumstances; prohibiting the issuer of a gift certificate from charging certain fees to the buyer or holder of a gift certificate under certain circumstances; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 19 — Assemblymen Parks and Hardy.  Approved June 10, 2005



AN ACT relating to the taxation of property; revising the provisions governing the assessment of ad valorem taxes and special assessments upon the property in a common-interest community; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 358 — Senators Beers and Nolan. Joint Sponsors: Assemblymen Christensen, Allen, Mabey and Sibley.  Approved June 10, 2005



AN ACT relating to the Legislature; making various changes relating to the Legislature and the Legislative Counsel Bureau; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 477 — Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections.  Approved June 10, 2005



AN ACT relating to animals; prohibiting the State Department of Agriculture or its authorized inspector from issuing a brand inspection clearance certificate or permit to remove animals from a brand inspection district under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 407 — Assemblymen Carpenter, Goicoechea, McCleary, Sherer and Grady.  Approved June 10, 2005



AN ACT relating to vehicles; authorizing the Director of the Department of Motor Vehicles to expend money appropriated by the Legislature to assist in the acquisition of certain evidence; authorizing the Department to impose an administrative fine against a person who engages in certain deceptive trade practices relating to the purchase, sale or lease of a vehicle under certain circumstances; authorizing a person who is injured by a bonded dealer, distributor, rebuilder, manufacturer, representative or salesman to bring an action or to apply to the Director for compensation from the bond; providing that a rebuilt vehicle may not be registered unless it is inspected and certified by a garageman or the owner of a body shop; prohibiting a person from removing certain markings on a certificate of title for a rebuilt vehicle; authorizing the Department to adopt certain regulations relating to liens on vehicles; revising the duties of a manufacturer or its agent or authorized dealer concerning the sale, lease or transfer of ownership of a vehicle that fails to conform to certain express warranties; providing penalties; making an appropriation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 249 — Assemblywoman Buckley.  Approved June 10, 2005



AN ACT relating to fire protection; authorizing the State Fire Marshal to adopt certain regulations relating to the use of fire by fire departments in providing training to firemen; authorizing the State Fire Marshal to participate in certain local, state or federal teams or task forces; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 346 — Assemblymen Grady and Oceguera (by request).  Approved June 10, 2005



AN ACT relating to public health; changing the portion of the money in the Fund for a Healthy Nevada that may be used to pay certain administrative costs incurred by the Department of Human Resources; revising provisions concerning the program to provide prescription drugs and pharmaceutical services to certain senior citizens; requiring the Department to coordinate the provision of prescription drugs and pharmaceutical services by state programs that provide pharmaceutical or medical assistance and certain Medicare pharmaceutical benefits; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 524 — Committee on Health and Human Services.  Approved June 10, 2005



AN ACT relating to education; revises provisions governing the appropriation and apportionment of money for school districts that participate in the National School Lunch Program; prescribing the circumstances under which a school district is required to request a variance from the requirements of the class-size reduction program; expressing the intent of the Legislature concerning the elimination of team-teaching in connection with the class-size reduction program; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 526 — Committee on Education.  Approved June 10, 2005



AN ACT relating to industrial insurance; limiting the amount of money that a provider of health care is entitled to be paid for providing treatment or other services to an injured employee under certain circumstances; requiring an insurer, organization for managed care, third-party administrator or employer who improperly denies payment for certain treatment or other services for an injured employee to reimburse the injured employee directly under certain circumstances; requiring the direct reimbursement of certain health insurers and casualty insurers that pay for such treatment or other services on behalf of the injured employee; providing administrative penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 226 — Senator Carlton.  Approved June 10, 2005



AN ACT relating to alcoholic beverages; authorizing certain grocery stores to serve samples of alcoholic beverages on the premises of the grocery store; providing for the regulation of such grocery stores and for the issuance of annual permits by local governing bodies; authorizing the operation of instructional wine-making facilities; providing for the licensure and regulation of such facilities; restricting the use of wine produced at such facilities; exempting such wine from the excise tax on liquor; authorizing certain fees; providing remedies and penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 233 — Senator Schneider.  Approved June 10, 2005



AN ACT relating to public utilities; revising certain provisions relating to the regulation of public utilities; changing the date on which the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada must mail certain report forms to public utilities and other regulated entities; revising certain provisions relating to changes in schedules; revising the period within which the Commission must take action on certain applications; revising the period within which an electric utility must file a general rate application; revising the period within which an electric utility must file an application to clear its deferred accounts; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 256 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved June 10, 2005



AN ACT relating to real estate; revising provisions relating to the regulation of real estate brokers, broker-salesmen and salesmen; requiring the preparation and distribution of booklets on disclosures; authorizing, under certain circumstances, the Administrator of the Real Estate Division of the Department of Business and Industry to charge and collect certain fees and costs relating to audits conducted of real estate brokers; prohibiting an owner-developer from employing salesmen unless the owner-developer also employs a qualified broker-salesman to act as a sales manager over the salesmen; prohibiting the issuance of a permit or registration under certain circumstances to a person whose previous permit or registration was revoked; revising provisions relating to the scope of a license as a residential appraiser; revising provisions relating to fingerprints required for background checks; requiring the Commission of Appraisers of Real Estate to adopt certain regulations relating to licensure of, and continuing education for, appraisers; increasing the period during which certain disciplinary proceedings must be commenced; revising the definition of “sales agent” involved in the sale of time shares; revising provisions relating to the registration of representatives involved in the sale of time shares; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 332 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved June 10, 2005



AN ACT relating to residential property; providing for the participation of certain nonprofit organizations in programs for the rehabilitation of residential neighborhoods and abandoned residential property; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 201 — Assemblymen Horne, Pierce, Leslie, Giunchigliani, Parks, Allen, Anderson, Atkinson, Buckley, Carpenter, Conklin, Denis, Gerhardt, Goicoechea, Grady, Hettrick, Hogan, Kirkpatrick, Koivisto, Marvel, Oceguera, Ohrenschall, Perkins, Sherer and Smith (by request). Joint Sponsors: Senators Wiener, Horsford, Carlton, Care, Beers, Coffin, Heck and Lee.  Approved June 10, 2005



AN ACT relating to wildlife; increasing the number of demerit points a person is allowed to accumulate before the Department of Wildlife is required to notify the person; increasing the period of suspension or revocation of a license, permit or privilege for the unlawful killing of certain big game; revising the provisions governing the disposition by the Department of seized or abandoned property; revising the provisions governing the employment and use of guides for wildlife activities; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 397 — Committee on Natural Resources.  Approved June 10, 2005



AN ACT relating to industrial insurance; providing for a payment of additional compensation to certain claimants and dependents of claimants who are entitled to receive compensation for a permanent total disability under industrial insurance; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 186 — Committee on Elections, Procedures, Ethics, and Constitutional Amendments.  Approved June 10, 2005



AN ACT relating to children; authorizing an agency which provides child welfare services to file a petition for the court-ordered admission to certain facilities of a child who is alleged to be an emotionally disturbed child and who is in the custody of the agency; requiring a court which is hearing such a petition to place the child in a less restrictive environment under certain circumstances; establishing a maximum period of days for which such children may be ordered by a court to be admitted to certain facilities; establishing certain rights for such children who are admitted to certain facilities; establishing procedures for the conditional and unconditional release of such children under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 369 — Assemblywoman Giunchigliani.  Approved June 10, 2005



AN ACT relating to intoxicating liquors; revising various provisions governing the sale and disposition of intoxicating liquor; prohibiting the sale, purchase, possession or use of an alcohol vaporizing device; prohibiting the use of the brand name of any alcoholic beverage in an advertisement or other promotion of an alcohol vaporizing device; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 221 — Assemblymen Oceguera, Manendo, Leslie, Parks, Anderson, Angle, Buckley, Christensen, Claborn, Conklin, Denis, Gerhardt, Hogan, Horne, Munford and Pierce.  Approved June 10, 2005



AN ACT relating to public health; establishing a program for the provision of prescription drugs and pharmaceutical services for certain persons with disabilities; changing the portion of the money in the Fund for a Healthy Nevada that may be used to pay certain administrative costs incurred by the Department of Human Resources; making various changes concerning the allocation of the money in the Fund for a Healthy Nevada; requiring the Department to coordinate the provision of prescription drugs and pharmaceutical services by state programs that provide pharmaceutical or medical assistance to certain Medicare pharmaceutical benefits; repealing the requirement that the Department apply to the Federal Government to establish programs to extend coverage for prescription drugs and other related services for certain persons; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 495 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved June 10, 2005



AN ACT relating to education; revising provisions governing the statewide system of accountability for public schools; redesignating the four regional training programs for the professional development of teachers and administrators based upon the geographic regions served by those programs; designating the board of trustees of certain school districts as the fiscal agent for the programs; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 109 — Committee on Education.  Approved June 10, 2005



AN ACT relating to public financial administration; authorizing the dissemination of certain reports of audits of state agencies and local governments without the consent of the auditor; authorizing certain banks and trusts to hold certain securities on behalf of local governments under certain circumstances; establishing requirements for agreements to locate, deliver, recover or assist in the recovery of certain property held in trust by a county treasurer; providing that a deed made to the county treasurer as trustee for the State and county is, except as against actual fraud, conclusive evidence of certain matters; increasing the payment to the county general fund from the proceeds of the sale of properties for delinquent taxes; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 371 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved June 10, 2005



AN ACT relating to emergency medical services; making various changes concerning programs for the treatment of trauma and the designation of hospitals as centers for the treatment of trauma in larger counties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 120 — Senators Heck, Hardy, Nolan and Lee. Joint Sponsors: Assemblymen Hardy, Conklin, Oceguera and Sibley.  Approved June 10, 2005



AN ACT relating to motor carriers; establishing provisions concerning hours of service for intrastate drivers; providing certain exceptions; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 245 — Senator Hardy.  Approved June 10, 2005



AN ACT relating to state lands; authorizing the exchange of certain parcels of land with the Reno-Sparks Indian Colony; authorizing the construction of a new restitution center for the Department of Corrections; authorizing an agreement to share sales tax revenue from a proposed retail project on property owned by the Reno-Sparks Indian Colony; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 299 — Assemblyman Marvel.  Approved June 10, 2005



AN ACT relating to gaming; requiring the Nevada Gaming Commission to adopt regulations authorizing a gaming licensee to charge a fee for admission to an area in which gaming is conducted under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 444 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved June 13, 2005



AN ACT relating to the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws; revising the provisions governing the appointment of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws to represent the State of Nevada; revising provisions governing reimbursement of expenses for engaging in certain activities as a Commissioner on Uniform State Laws; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 303 — Senator Care.  Approved June 13, 2005



AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; requiring disclosure of the existence of certain event recording devices in motor vehicles under certain circumstances; restricting the use of information retrieved from an event data recording device under certain circumstances; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 315 — Assemblymen Pierce, Parks, Buckley, Giunchigliani and McClain.  Approved June 13, 2005



AN ACT relating to county financing; authorizing the board of county commissioners in certain larger counties to transfer responsibility for the operation of the performing arts center in such a county to another governmental entity by cooperative agreement under certain circumstances; authorizing such a governmental entity to delegate to a nonprofit organization some or all of its responsibilities relating to such a center; providing that such a center may be designed and constructed pursuant to a contract with a design-build team; revising the provisions governing the planning, design and construction of a facility for vocational training for culinary skills in southern Nevada; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 456 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved June 13, 2005



AN ACT relating to environmental covenants; adopting the Uniform Environmental Covenants Act; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 263 — Senators Care, Titus and Amodei. Joint Sponsor: Assemblywoman Ohrenschall.  Approved June 13, 2005



AN ACT relating to parking by person with disabilities; providing for the issuance of letters to certain persons to whom a special license plate, placard or sticker that authorizes parking in spaces designated for the handicapped have been issued; making it unlawful under certain circumstances for persons named in such a letter to allow another person to park a vehicle displaying the plate, placard or sticker; increasing the minimum amount of the fines for unlawfully parking in a space designated for handicapped parking; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 269 — Senators Beers and Schneider.  Approved June 13, 2005



AN ACT relating to trade practices; revising provisions regulating organizations for buying goods or services at a discount; authorizing a parent business entity to serve as a trustee, under certain circumstances, for trust accounts maintained by its affiliate organizations; requiring such a parent to post additional security for the protection of buyers who are members of the affiliate organizations; providing an alternative method for trustees of such affiliate organizations to withdraw money from certain trust accounts; requiring that the membership contract between a buyer and an organization clearly specify certain of the buyer’s rights and the conditions and limitations on those rights; revising provisions that authorize a buyer to rescind his membership contract if the organization moves its place of business beyond a certain distance; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 44 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved June 13, 2005



AN ACT relating to mental retardation; providing for the regulation of certain services provided to mentally retarded persons in their homes to maximize independence; requiring certification to provide such services; requiring the Legislative Committee on Health Care to review certain regulations concerning providers of supported living arrangement services; exempting certain persons who provide supported living arrangement services from the state certification and licensing requirements for practicing nursing in this State; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 454 — Committee on Health and Human Services.  Approved June 13, 2005



AN ACT relating to local governments; authorizing the board of county commissioners of a county and the governing body of a city to designate persons who are charged with the enforcement of county or city ordinances to prepare, sign and serve written citations for violations of county or city ordinances in their jurisdiction; increasing the amount that the governing body of a city is authorized to impose as a civil penalty for a violation of certain city ordinances; requiring that if a county board of health, city board of health or district board of health has adopted a definition of garbage, that certain ordinances adopted by the governing body of an incorporated city use that definition; revising the provisions governing the authority of the governing body of a city to abate certain conditions on private property; authorizing persons charged with the enforcement of county or city ordinances to remove abandoned vehicles from public property in their jurisdiction; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 52 — Senator Townsend.  Approved June 13, 2005



AN ACT relating to water; requiring certain public bodies to make written determinations before selling or leasing for a certain period their water rights; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 466 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved June 13, 2005



AN ACT relating to airports; changing the name of the Airport Authority of Washoe County to the Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority; exempting certain contracts entered into by the Board of Trustees of the Authority from provisions requiring public bidding and certain other requirements under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 110 — Committee on Finance.  Approved June 13, 2005



AN ACT relating to local financial administration; allowing the governing body of a local government to invoke certain provisions of Nevada law relating to severe financial emergency under certain circumstances involving litigation or threatened litigation; staying certain actions by a creditor to attach, garnish or execute upon the assets of a local government whose management has been taken over by the Department of Taxation until such time as a program has been formulated to liquidate the debt owed by the local government to the creditor; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 67 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved June 13, 2005



AN ACT relating to local governmental finances; authorizing certain smaller counties to impose an additional local sales and use tax for certain purposes under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 170 — Senator McGinness.  Approved June 13, 2005



AN ACT relating to governmental administration; requiring certain state agencies to report information concerning capital improvements to the Legislature; requiring local governments to report information concerning capital improvements to the Legislature and the Department of Taxation; requiring the State Public Works Board to compile a report concerning projects of construction of state buildings that are financed by certain bonds or obligations; authorizing an additional date for the holding of budget hearings by certain local governments; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 107 — Senator Titus.  Approved June 13, 2005



AN ACT relating to meetings of public bodies; requiring all public bodies subject to the Open Meeting Law to make and retain an audio recording or transcript of each meeting, whether or not the meeting is public or closed; providing certain exceptions; requiring the Board of the Public Employees’ Benefits Program to post minutes of its meetings on its Internet website under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 421 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved June 13, 2005



AN ACT relating to the University and Community College System of Nevada; providing for the applicability of certain policies established by the Board of Regents in determining residency for purposes of eligibility for free tuition and certain student loans; lengthening certain minimum periods of residency required for students at institutions of the System to qualify for free tuition; expanding the categories of persons who are entitled to receive free tuition; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 32 — Committee on Human Resources and Education.  Approved June 13, 2005



AN ACT relating to the protection of consumers; prohibiting a person from subleasing a motor vehicle under certain circumstances; expanding the private right of action for victims of consumer fraud to include victims of unlawful subleasing of a motor vehicle; establishing the civil and criminal statutes of limitations for certain deceptive trade practices; increasing the amount of the civil and criminal penalties that a court may impose for engaging in certain deceptive trade practices; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 489 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved June 13, 2005



AN ACT relating to elections; providing that a primary election must be conducted on the twelfth Tuesday before a general election in an even-numbered year; revising the provisions governing areas at public buildings for the use in gathering of signatures on a petition; revising the provision governing the form for application to register to vote; revising the provisions governing registering to vote before an election; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 455 — Committee on Elections, Procedures, Ethics, and Constitutional Amendments.  Approved June 13, 2005



AN ACT relating to persons with disabilities; creating the Interagency Advisory Board on Transition Services within the Office of Disability Services of the Department of Human Resources to study matters relating to transition services for persons with disabilities who are transitioning from secondary school to adult living; providing for the prospective expiration of the Advisory Board; requiring the Rehabilitation Division of the Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation to establish and administer a program to encourage and facilitate the purchase of commodities from certain organizations by agencies of state and local governments; making an appropriation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 22 — Committee on Human Resources and Education.  Approved June 13, 2005



AN ACT relating to hospital districts; revising provisions relating to the procedure for the dissolution of hospital districts in certain smaller counties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 235 — Senator McGinness.  Approved June 13, 2005



AN ACT relating to welfare; requiring the Division of Health Care Financing and Policy of the Department of Human Resources to determine and report certain information concerning the uncompensated care percentage for hospitals in larger counties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 281 — Senator Washington.  Approved June 13, 2005



AN ACT relating to the Legislators’ Retirement System; providing for the voluntary participation of a Legislator in the Legislators’ Retirement System; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 346 — Senator Lee.  Approved June 13, 2005



AN ACT relating to real property; requiring certain governmental entities to conduct certain sales and other disposals of certain public lands and real property by public auction or upon sealed bids followed by oral offers; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 312 — Assemblymen Sibley, Hardy, Mabey, Conklin, Parks, Allen, Atkinson, Buckley, Carpenter, Christensen, Denis, Gansert, Gerhardt, Giunchigliani, Goicoechea, Grady, Hettrick, Horne, Kirkpatrick, Manendo, McCleary, Munford, Oceguera, Perkins, Seale, Sherer and Weber. Joint Sponsors: Senators Titus, Coffin, Townsend, Beers, Carlton, Amodei, Cegavske, Hardy, Heck, Lee and Wiener.  Approved June 13, 2005



AN ACT relating to health care; requiring a hospital to ensure that certain persons who are transported to the hospital are transferred to an appropriate place in the hospital to receive emergency services and care in a timely manner; requiring the Health Division of the Department of Human Resources to conduct a study concerning the cause of excessive waiting times for a person to receive emergency services and care from a hospital after being transported to the hospital by a provider of emergency medical services; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 458 — Committee on Human Resources and Education.  Approved June 13, 2005



AN ACT relating to administrative procedure affecting businesses; making various changes concerning the adoption of certain rules and regulations affecting business; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 488 — Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections.  Approved June 13, 2005



AN ACT relating to public records; authorizing certain persons to have personal information contained in the records of a county assessor kept confidential; authorizing a county assessor to create a program for the disclosure of confidential information for certain purposes; providing civil and criminal penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 142 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved June 13, 2005



AN ACT relating to taxation; preventing the issuance of additional allodial titles; eliminating the authority for an heir to transfer and reestablish an allodial title; eliminating the authority to delete or add additional allodial titleholders; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 570 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved June 13, 2005



AN ACT relating to industrial insurance; revising provisions relating to the notices required when a contractor’s coverage lapses; requiring an insurer that makes payments of compensation to an injured employee for a permanent total disability to provide certain accountings to the injured employee; requiring an insurer to reopen a claim to consider the payment of compensation for a permanent partial disability under certain circumstances; authorizing an insurer or an injured employee to request a vocational rehabilitation counselor to prepare a written assessment of the injured employee under certain circumstances; prohibiting a vocational rehabilitation counselor who is employed by the entity administering an injured employee’s case from providing services to the injured employee under certain circumstances; providing an injured employee with the right to be assigned an alternate vocational rehabilitation counselor who is not affiliated with the entity administering the injured employee’s case; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 364 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved June 13, 2005



AN ACT relating to waste; revising the scope of activity for certain fees regarding waste disposal and management; revising the provisions regarding searches and inspections of solid waste disposal facilities; revising the provisions regarding the disposal of motor vehicle batteries, tires and oil; revising the use of injunctions when regulating solid waste; creating a program for reducing and recycling solid waste from businesses in certain counties; revising the notice for the acceptance of used vehicle tires during the retail sale of new tires; authorizing certain grants for solid waste management; revising various provisions regarding permits, procedures, standards and variances for landfills; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 396 — Committee on Natural Resources.  Approved June 13, 2005



AN ACT relating to taxation; requiring the Department of Taxation and county assessors and treasurers to provide certain information concerning property taxes on the Internet; requiring a county assessor to include certain information in a notice of assessed valuation; requiring the ex officio tax receiver of a county to include certain information in an individual tax bill or individual tax notice; requiring the ex officio tax receiver of a county to include certain tax information in a certain published notice; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 128 — Assemblymen Weber, Mabey, McCleary, Sherer, Angle, Claborn, Gansert, Goicoechea, Grady, Hardy, Hettrick, McClain, Munford, Ohrenschall and Seale.  Approved June 13, 2005



AN ACT relating to taxation; revising the provisions concerning the average hourly wage that must be paid by a new or expanded business seeking a partial abatement of certain taxes; prohibiting the Commission on Economic Development from considering an application for an abatement without requesting a letter of acknowledgment of the request for the abatement from certain affected local governments; requiring the Administrator of the Employment Security Division of the Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation to determine the average hourly wage for nonmanagerial employees and report to the Legislature concerning the average hourly wage required to be paid to be eligible for the partial abatement of certain taxes; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 339 — Senator Amodei.  Approved June 13, 2005



AN ACT relating to nursing; prohibiting medical facilities from retaliating or discriminating unfairly against registered nurses, licensed practical nurses and nursing assistants for refusing to provide nursing services under certain circumstances; providing that nurses subjected to such retaliation or discrimination may file an action in a court of competent jurisdiction for appropriate relief; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 183 — Assemblymen Leslie, Smith, McClain, Giunchigliani, Pierce, Atkinson, Gerhardt, Manendo, Oceguera and Parks.  Approved June 13, 2005



AN ACT relating to personal identifying information; providing that a consumer may place a security freeze in certain files maintained by a credit reporting agency; providing for certain requirements and procedures relating to a security freeze; requiring a credit reporting agency to make certain disclosures relating to a security freeze; providing civil remedies; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 80 — Senators Beers, Horsford, Cegavske, Tiffany, Hardy, Amodei, Heck, Lee and Townsend. Joint Sponsors: Assemblymen Giunchigliani, Sherer, Hettrick, Buckley, Conklin, Allen and Sibley.  Approved June 13, 2005



AN ACT making an appropriation to the University of Nevada School of Medicine for support of its partnership with the Nevada Cancer Institute and Center of Excellence to expand research, treatment, education and teaching opportunities in Nevada; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 105 — Committee on Finance.  Approved June 13, 2005



AN ACT relating to the State Department of Agriculture; providing that certain fees and other money may only be used by the State Department of Agriculture to carry out certain provisions relating to weights and measures, public weighmasters and petroleum products; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 165 — Senator Rhoads.  Approved June 13, 2005



AN ACT relating to gambling; creating the Advisory Committee on Problem Gambling; prescribing its powers and duties; creating the Revolving Account to Support Programs for the Prevention and Treatment of Problem Gambling; requiring the Nevada Gaming Commission to deposit a portion of certain fees it collects in the Account; authorizing the Director of the Department of Human Resources to award grants of money or contracts for services to provide programs for the prevention and treatment of problem gambling; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 357 — Senators Nolan, Townsend, Raggio and Wiener.  Approved June 13, 2005



AN ACT relating to homeland security; providing that the Director of the Department of Public Safety may employ certain persons on behalf of the Nevada Commission on Homeland Security; requiring the State and political subdivisions to submit reports to the Commission regarding any money received from other governmental entities for programs or projects related to acts of terrorism; requiring the State and each political subdivision to adopt any national system for preventing and responding to acts of terrorism mandated by the United States Department of Homeland Security as a condition to the receipt of federal money; revising provisions relating to the membership and committees of the Commission; excluding certain airports from provisions requiring a security assessment by the Commission and relating to restricted documents; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 380 — Committee on Transportation and Homeland Security.  Approved June 13, 2005



AN ACT relating to pupils; revising provisions governing the formation of charter schools designed exclusively for pupils with disciplinary problems; providing that a pupil who is suspended or expelled from a public school may enroll in a program of independent study, in a program of distance education or in a charter school under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 367 — Committee on Human Resources and Education.  Approved June 13, 2005



AN ACT making appropriations to the Division of Parole and Probation of the Department of Public Safety and the State Board of Parole Commissioners for the installation of and expenses relating to closed-circuit security systems; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 521 — Committee on Finance.  Approved June 13, 2005



AN ACT relating to projects of capital improvement; authorizing certain expenditures by the State Public Works Board; levying a property tax to support the consolidated bond interest and redemption fund; making appropriations; requiring the repayment for certain projects by certain state agencies; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 524 — Committee on Finance.  Approved June 13, 2005



AN ACT relating to civil emergencies; replacing the Interstate Civil Defense and Disaster Compact with the Emergency Management Assistance Compact; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 518 — Committee on Transportation and Homeland Security.  Approved June 13, 2005



AN ACT relating to public health; making various changes concerning the duties of the State Dental Health Officer and the State Public Health Dental Hygienist; providing subsidies from the Fund for a Healthy Nevada for the coverage of certain additional benefits, including dental and vision benefits, within the program of subsidies for the provision of prescription drugs and pharmaceutical services to senior citizens; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 127 — Committee on Health and Human Services.  Approved June 13, 2005



AN ACT relating to cultural resources; requiring the Administrator of the Office of Historic Preservation of the Department of Cultural Affairs to establish a stewardship program for the protection of cultural resources; providing funding to carry out the stewardship program; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 289 — Assemblyman Mortenson.  Approved June 13, 2005



AN ACT relating to ethics in government; authorizing the Commission on Ethics to use legal counsel other than the Commission Counsel under certain circumstances; exempting a person elected as a supervisor of a conservation district from the requirement of filing a statement of financial disclosure with the Secretary of State; revising the provisions relating to the circumstances under which a public officer or employee has not committed a willful violation of certain provisions of the Nevada Ethics in Government Law; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 64 — Assemblymen Carpenter, Goicoechea, Marvel, Grady, Hettrick, Claborn and Sherer. Joint Sponsors: Senators Rhoads and McGinness.  Approved June 14, 2005



AN ACT relating to public officers; requiring any person appointed by the Legislature, members of the Legislature or the Governor to serve as a member of a public board to have resided in the State, district, county, township or other area prescribed by law to which the office pertains for at least 6 months immediately preceding the appointment; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 314 — Assemblymen McCleary, McClain, Holcomb, Manendo, Mortenson, Seale and Sibley.  Approved June 14, 2005



AN ACT relating to development; authorizing incentives for certain types of development; requiring zoning regulations to protect certain resources and to ensure smart growth; requiring a person requesting an amendment to a master plan to hold a neighborhood meeting in certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 425 — Assemblymen Giunchigliani, Parks and Atkinson. Joint Sponsor: Senator Titus.  Approved June 14, 2005



AN ACT relating to manufactured home parks; revising provisions governing the rights and obligations of landlords and tenants of manufactured home parks; revising provisions governing the obligations of a landlord before the closure of a manufactured home park in certain situations; revising provisions governing the membership of the board of directors or trustees of certain mobile home parks; revising provisions governing regulations for the issuance and renewal of a limited dealer’s license for mobile and manufactured homes; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 437 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved June 14, 2005



AN ACT relating to prescription drugs; requiring an applicant for licensure as a wholesaler of prescription drugs to submit a set of his fingerprints to the State Board of Pharmacy for use by the Board in obtaining a report on the applicant’s criminal history; authorizing the Board to require certain persons connected with the operations of a licensed wholesaler to submit a set of fingerprints to the Board for use by the Board in obtaining a report on the person’s criminal history; requiring certain licensed wholesalers to file a bond or cash deposit conditioned upon compliance with the laws relating to wholesalers; requiring the State Board of Pharmacy to ensure the safe and efficient operation of wholesalers and the integrity and propriety of transactions involving wholesalers; revising provisions governing the sale and purchase of prescription drugs by wholesalers; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 37 — Senator Wiener.  Approved June 14, 2005



AN ACT relating to deeds of trust; revising provisions relating to the sale of real property under a deed of trust; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 172 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved June 14, 2005



AN ACT relating to housing; requiring each established place of business of a dealer, manufacturer, general serviceman or specialty serviceman to include name of the business and to conform to certain other requirements; authorizing the Administrator of the Manufactured Housing Division of the Department of Business and Industry to issue a cease and desist order against unlicensed persons who engage in acts requiring a license; providing for the imposition of certain remedies and penalties against such unlicensed persons; deleting the provisions that require a person to obtain a license before engaging in the business of a rebuilder, serviceman or installer of manufactured homes, mobile homes or commercial coaches; prohibiting a person from engaging or offering to engage in the business of a general serviceman or specialty serviceman without a license to engage in that business issued by the Division; subjecting a licensee to disciplinary action for failing to use certain forms for the sale and listing for sale of a manufactured home, mobile home or commercial coach; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 427 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved June 14, 2005



AN ACT relating to financial transactions; establishing certain requirements and prohibitions relating to refund anticipation loans; providing remedies and penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 340 — Assemblymen Giunchigliani, Leslie, Parks, Ohrenschall, Anderson, Buckley, Claborn, Denis, Koivisto, McClain, McCleary and Perkins.  Approved June 14, 2005



AN ACT relating to education; requiring the Department of Education to establish a monitoring system for the statewide system of accountability; revising various provisions governing the statewide system of accountability; requiring the Department of Education to prescribe an educational involvement accord for use in all public schools; requiring the Department of Education to prescribe a code of honor relating to cheating; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 214 — Committee on Finance.  Approved June 14, 2005



AN ACT relating to education; revising provisions governing the operation of charter schools, the employees of charter schools and the enrollment of pupils in charter schools; providing for the issuance of a license to teach to certain persons with graduate degrees and work experience; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 162 — Committee on Education.  Approved June 14, 2005



AN ACT relating to public welfare; requiring the Department of Human Resources to apply for a Medicaid waiver pursuant to the Health Insurance Flexibility and Accountability demonstration initiative; providing a mechanism for funding the benefits provided pursuant to the waiver; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 493 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved June 14, 2005



AN ACT relating to domestic relations; revising provisions concerning the considerations of the court in determining the best interests of a child for the purpose of determining custody of the child; providing a procedure for parties to an adoption to enter into an enforceable agreement that provides for postadoptive contact; requiring certain persons to notify the court of the existence of such an agreement; authorizing a natural parent who has entered into such an agreement to petition the court to prove the existence of the agreement, to enforce its terms and to bring certain civil actions related to the agreement; authorizing an adoptive parent who has entered into such an agreement to petition the court to enforce the terms of the agreement and to modify or terminate the agreement; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 51 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved June 14, 2005



AN ACT relating to financial services; revising the standards and procedures for the licensing and regulation of check-cashing services, deferred deposit loan services, certain short-term loan services and title loan services; repealing provisions governing check-cashing services and deferred deposit loans to conform with the revised standards and procedures; revising provisions relating to certain unfair lending practices; providing remedies and administrative penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 384 — Assemblymen Buckley, Giunchigliani, Oceguera, Parks and Arberry Jr. Joint Sponsors: Senators Care and Horsford.  Approved June 14, 2005



AN ACT relating to common-interest communities; revising provisions relating to the payment of fines by units’ owners in common-interest communities; prohibiting community managers from being paid compensation, fees or other remuneration in certain ways; revising the definition of “collection agency” to include community managers under certain circumstances and to exclude unit-owners’ associations and other persons under certain circumstances; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 153 — Senators Hardy, Schneider, Townsend, Nolan, Beers, Amodei, Coffin, Lee, McGinness and Titus.  Approved June 14, 2005



AN ACT relating to taxation; authorizing certain counties, upon approval of the voters, to impose additional taxes on certain motor vehicle fuels; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 181 — Committee on Taxation.  Approved June 14, 2005



AN ACT relating to contractors; limiting the amount of money that may be withheld as a retention amount under certain contracts and subcontracts; revising provisions governing when contractors and subcontractors may stop work; revising provisions governing payments to contractors and subcontractors; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 300 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved June 14, 2005



AN ACT relating to health care; expanding the classification of hospitals that the Director of the Department of Human Resources is required to audit to ensure compliance with various provisions to restrain the costs of health care; expanding the classification of hospitals that are required to provide information to the Department in a specific form; making various changes concerning the reporting of financial information by certain hospitals to the Department; making various changes concerning the reporting of information by the Department; requiring the Legislative Committee on Health Care to develop a plan concerning the provision of health care in this State; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 342 — Assemblymen Leslie, Perkins, Pierce and Buckley.  Approved June 14, 2005



AN ACT relating to the taxation of property; making technical corrections to and providing for the administration of the provisions of Assembly Bill No. 489 of this session; providing for the allocation among taxing entities of certain reductions in ad valorem revenue; specifying the procedure for appealing determinations of the applicability of certain partial abatements of taxes; providing for the correction of the tax roll under certain circumstances when certain claims for a partial abatement are filed late; providing a penalty for falsely claiming to be entitled to certain partial abatements; specifying the order in which certain partial abatements and exemptions must be applied to reduce tax liability; clarifying certain provisions governing the determination of primary residences; exempting certain tax levies from the partial abatements; repealing the requirement for certain approval by the Nevada Tax Commission; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 509 — Committee on Taxation.  Approved June 14, 2005



AN ACT relating to taxation; providing provisions for the creation of tax increment areas by municipalities to defray costs of certain undertakings; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 389 — Committee on Taxation.  Approved June 14, 2005



AN ACT relating to taxation; revising various provisions governing sales and use taxes for clarification and consistency and to carry out the Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 515 — Committee on Taxation.  Approved June 14, 2005



AN ACT relating to the taxation of financial institutions; revising the provisions governing liability for the tax on financial institutions; providing additional procedures for enforcement of that tax; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 391 — Committee on Taxation.  Approved June 14, 2005



AN ACT relating to eminent domain; limiting the public purposes for which the right of eminent domain may be exercised; restricting the authority of a redevelopment agency to acquire real property by eminent domain; limiting the use and reconveyance of real property acquired by eminent domain; requiring an agency that acquires real property on which a business is conducted to compensate the owner of the business for the loss of goodwill under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 326 — Senator Care.  Approved June 14, 2005



AN ACT relating to public works; requiring only first tier subcontractors to be listed in the bid by the prime contractor in certain circumstances; providing an exception to the competitive bidding process in certain circumstances; requiring an arbitration clause in certain public works contracts; revising the requirements for a request for preliminary proposals for the design and construction of certain public works; decreasing the required number of proposals required before awarding a contract to a design-build team; requiring certain proposals and related information to be made available to the public; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 467 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved June 14, 2005



AN ACT relating to energy; revising provisions governing net metering systems; exempting certain types of renewable energy systems from the requirements of the Utility Environmental Protection Act; prohibiting certain restrictions on the location and use of wind energy systems; requiring local building codes and zoning ordinances to allow the use of certain types of renewable energy systems under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 236 — Assemblyman Hardy.  Approved June 14, 2005



AN ACT relating to local improvements; revising various provisions governing local improvements and the payment of assessments related to a local improvement; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 411 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved June 14, 2005



AN ACT relating to financial institutions; establishing requirements relating to applications for certain licenses; establishing additional grounds for refusing to issue or for suspending or revoking certain licenses; authorizing the Commissioner of Financial Institutions to conduct certain activities to investigate violations of certain regulated activities; revising the provisions governing the use of business names by financial institutions; increasing the maximum amount of various fees and fines imposed on financial institutions; authorizing the Commissioner of Financial Institutions to establish the amount of certain fees by regulation; revising the provisions governing the licensure of agents involved in the transmission of money and financial instruments; revising the provisions governing liability for nonpayment of certain financial obligations; revising the provisions governing certain interest rates; revising the provisions governing check-cashing services and deferred deposit services; authorizing a person to recover in a civil action compensation against a person who operates a deferred deposit service or check-cashing service without a license; revising the provisions governing collection agencies; increasing the amount of certain required surety bonds; revising the provisions governing examination of credit unions; providing for certain administrative fines and penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 431 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved June 14, 2005



AN ACT relating to liens; making various changes to the provisions related to mechanics’ and materialmen’s liens; requiring a lessee to record a notice of posted security under certain circumstances; requiring certain lessees to establish a construction disbursement account and obtain the services of a construction control; establishing requirements for administering a construction disbursement account; providing that a lien claimant has a lien against a construction disbursement account under certain circumstances; changing the form for a notice of lien; prohibiting a stay of a district court’s ruling on a motion related to a frivolous or excessive notice of lien under certain circumstances; revising the requirements of a notice of nonresponsibility; revising the calculation of interest related to an award of a lienable amount; changing the form of a surety bond posted to release a notice of lien; revising the requirements for bringing an action against a principal and surety; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 343 — Senator Hardy.  Approved June 14, 2005



AN ACT relating to public utilities; authorizing a public utility which purchases natural gas for resale to submit information with a general rate application regarding the effect that certain expected changes in circumstances will have on its operations; authorizing the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada to permit a public utility which purchases natural gas for resale to make quarterly adjustments in its rates based on changes in the costs of natural gas without complying with certain procedural requirements; requiring the Commission to conduct a study and prepare a report for the Legislature regarding the possible use of alternative ratemaking methodologies in general rate cases; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 238 — Senator Washington.  Approved June 14, 2005



AN ACT relating to the State Legislature; extending the date for expiration of the Legislative Committee on Taxation, Public Revenue and Tax Policy; directing the Committee to study the franchise fees, business license fees and all other fees and taxes imposed upon providers of telecommunication, video, data, electric and natural gas services; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 498 — Committee on Elections, Procedures, Ethics, and Constitutional Amendments.  Approved June 15, 2005



AN ACT relating to motor carriers; exempting an owner or operator of a motor vehicle that is used for the transportation of passengers or property from the provisions governing fully regulated carriers under certain circumstances; requiring the owner or operator to inspect the motor vehicle regularly and maintain a record of each inspection; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 504 — Committee on Transportation.  Approved June 15, 2005



AN ACT relating to state financial administration; providing for the one-time issuance of a check to certain persons and entities; providing for the appropriation of the reversion for grants to disaster victims; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 572 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved June 15, 2005



AN ACT relating to education; making appropriations to the State Distributive School Account for purposes relating to class-size reduction; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 575 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved June 15, 2005



AN ACT relating to state financial administration; making appropriations from the State General Fund and the State Highway Fund for the support of the civil government of the State of Nevada for the fiscal years beginning July 1, 2005, and ending June 30, 2006, and beginning July 1, 2006, and ending June 30, 2007; providing for the use of the money so appropriated; making various other changes relating to the financial administration of the State; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 576 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved June 15, 2005



AN ACT relating to state employees; establishing the maximum allowed salaries for certain employees in the classified and unclassified service of the State; making appropriations from the State General Fund and State Highway Fund for increases in the salaries of certain employees of the State; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 577 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved June 15, 2005



AN ACT relating to courts; increasing the number of district judges in the Eighth Judicial District; increasing the number of district judges in the Eighth Judicial District who must be judges of the family court; making an appropriation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 195 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved June 15, 2005



AN ACT relating to education; creating the Commission on Educational Excellence; prescribing the membership and duties of the Commission; creating the Account for Programs for Innovation and the Prevention of Remediation; authorizing school districts and public schools to apply for grants of money from the Account; revising the provisions governing the statewide system of accountability; making appropriations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 404 — Committee on Human Resources and Education.  Approved June 15, 2005



AN ACT relating to environmental health specialists; defining the practice of environmental health; authorizing the Board of Registered Environmental Health Specialists to employ certain persons; requiring the Chairman of the Board to be elected biennially on or before a certain date; requiring persons who engage in the practice of environmental health to hold a certificate of registration as an environmental health specialist or environmental health specialist trainee; revising the requirements relating to the issuance and renewal of a certificate of registration; authorizing the Board to issue a certificate of registration to certain persons by reciprocity; exempting certain retired persons from the requirements for continuing education; requiring certain application, examination and renewal fees; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 260 — Assemblymen Allen, Hardy and Hettrick (by request). Joint Sponsors: Senators Mathews and Heck.  Approved June 15, 2005



AN ACT relating to the Uniform Commercial Code; revising the provisions of Articles 3 and 4 of the Uniform Commercial Code; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 198 — Senators Care and Amodei. Joint Sponsor: Assemblywoman Ohrenschall.  Approved June 15, 2005



AN ACT relating to health insurance; requiring policies of health insurance to provide coverage for certain medical treatment provided to an insured who participates in certain Phase I studies or clinical trials for the treatment of cancer; revising the types of medical treatment that must be covered when an insured participates in certain studies or clinical trials for the treatment of cancer or chronic fatigue syndrome; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 29 — Senators Mathews and Townsend.  Approved June 15, 2005



AN ACT relating to off-highway vehicles; providing for the issuance of certificates of operation for off-highway vehicles by authorized dealers; prohibiting a person from operating an off-highway vehicle without a certificate of operation under certain circumstances; prohibiting a person from operating an off-highway vehicle on a paved highway under certain circumstances; authorizing a city or county to designate a portion of a highway within the city or county as permissible for the operation of off-highway vehicles for certain purposes; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 400 — Committee on Natural Resources.  Approved June 15, 2005



AN ACT relating to children; revising the provisions governing the Statewide Central Registry for the Collection of Information Concerning the Abuse or Neglect of a Child; authorizing an employer to obtain under certain circumstances certain information concerning whether a person has been found to have abused or neglected a child; requiring certain persons to notify an agency which provides child welfare services of newborn infants who are identified as being affected by illegal substance abuse or as having withdrawal symptoms resulting from prenatal drug exposure and to refer persons responsible for the welfare of such infants to such agencies for counseling, training and other services; revising the provisions governing when a child is in need of protection because he is affected by alcohol use, illegal substance abuse or has withdrawal symptoms resulting from prenatal drug exposure; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 296 — Committee on Human Resources and Education.  Approved June 15, 2005



AN ACT relating to crimes; revising the provisions governing when one offense involving the use of intoxicating liquor and controlled substances occurs within 7 years of another offense; making admissible in certain criminal proceedings the results of blood tests administered by phlebotomists or persons with special knowledge, skill, training and education in withdrawing blood in a medically acceptable manner; making mandatory the use of ignition interlock devices by persons convicted of certain offenses; limiting the admissibility of certain affidavits or declarations in certain criminal proceedings; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 550 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved June 15, 2005



AN ACT relating to public health; revising provisions governing the reserve and allocation of revenue in the Fund for a Healthy Nevada; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 176 — Assemblymen McClain, Koivisto, Giunchigliani, Parnell, Ohrenschall, Arberry Jr., Atkinson, Buckley, Claborn, Denis, Gerhardt, Hogan, Kirkpatrick, Leslie, Manendo, Marvel, McCleary, Munford, Oceguera, Parks, Perkins, Pierce, Smith and Weber.  Approved June 15, 2005



AN ACT relating to transfers of real property; making various changes regarding the applicability and administration of certain taxes on transfers of real property; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 390 — Committee on Taxation.  Approved June 15, 2005



AN ACT making appropriations for mental health services, mental health courts and community triage centers; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 175 — Committee on Health and Human Services.  Approved June 15, 2005



AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; making various changes concerning the registration of motor vehicles; requiring the Department of Motor Vehicles to compile certain statistical information relating to veterans; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 307 — Assemblymen McClain, Koivisto, Carpenter, Smith, Giunchigliani, Arberry Jr., Atkinson, Buckley, Claborn, Conklin, Denis, Gerhardt, Leslie, Manendo, McCleary, Munford, Oceguera, Parks, Parnell and Pierce.  Approved June 15, 2005



AN ACT relating to cancer; creating the Task Force on Cervical Cancer and providing its duties; revising the provisions relating to per diem allowances and travel expenses for members of the Task Force on Prostate Cancer; making an appropriation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 98 — Committee on Finance.  Approved June 15, 2005



AN ACT relating to the judiciary; revising the provisions governing the retirement benefits of retired justices of the Supreme Court and district judges; requiring the Public Employees’ Retirement Board to conduct an experience study on the Judicial Retirement System of the employment of certain retired justices and judges; and providing other matters properly related thereto.  Senate Bill No. 369 — Committee on Finance.  Approved June 15, 2005



AN ACT relating to public schools; apportioning the State Distributive School Account in the State General Fund for the 2005-2007 biennium; authorizing certain expenditures; making appropriations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 525 — Committee on Finance.  Approved June 15, 2005



AN ACT relating to the taxation of business; temporarily reducing the rate of the tax on certain businesses; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 523 — Committee on Finance.  Approved June 15, 2005



AN ACT relating to state financial administration; revising certain provisions relating to the Fund to Stabilize the Operation of the State Government; repealing certain statutory provisions relating to excess revenue collected by the State during a fiscal year; making appropriations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 95 — Committee on Finance.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to the Legislative Counsel Bureau; making an appropriation to the Legislative Counsel Bureau for the cost of reproducing out-of-print publications, informational technology upgrades, building improvements, an emergency generator for the State Printing Office and a portion of the payments for the lease-purchase of a warehouse connected to the State Printing Office, the resurfacing of the exterior of the State Printing Office and a parking lot; authorizing the Legislative Counsel Bureau to enter into a lease-purchase agreement; providing the requirements for such a lease-purchase agreement; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 101 — Committee on Finance.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT transferring money from the Fund for the Promotion of Tourism to certain state and local governmental entities for various cultural, historical and tourist-related activities; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 314 — Senators Titus and Beers.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to children; making various changes relating to child care facilities that are operated by businesses as an auxiliary service provided for their customers; requiring an agency which provides child welfare services to train certain employees concerning the legal rights of persons who are responsible for a child’s welfare; revising the provisions concerning the pamphlet developed and distributed to persons responsible for a child’s welfare; requiring an agency which provides child welfare services to inform persons who are responsible for a child’s welfare and who are the subject of an investigation of alleged abuse or neglect of a child of the allegations against them and their legal rights at the time of initial contact by the agency; establishing a presumption that it is in the best interests of a child who is in need of protection to be placed together with his siblings; authorizing a court to join a governmental entity which fails to provide certain legally required care, treatment or services to a child who is in need of protection as a party in a proceeding concerning the protection of the child to enforce such legal duties under certain circumstances; requiring an agency which provides child welfare services to include with its report to the court concerning the placement of a child in need of protection certain information concerning the placement of the child in relation to his siblings; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 42 — Committee on Health and Human Services.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to insurance; providing for the regulation of medical discount plans; providing the tax rate on premiums for risk retention groups; providing for the regulation of credit personal property insurance; allowing certain health insurers to offer, subject to regulation by the Commissioner of Insurance, policies of health insurance that have high deductibles and are in compliance with certain federal requirements for establishing health savings accounts; decreasing certain fees for risk retention groups; authorizing an insurer to invest in bonds or notes secured by second liens upon real property under certain circumstances; setting forth the circumstances under which a producer of insurance may pay a commission for selling, soliciting, procuring or negotiating insurance in this State; authorizing the Nevada Insurance Guaranty Association to perform certain acts requested by the Commissioner of Insurance; providing that coverage under a conversion health benefit plan must be renewed by the carrier that issued it under certain circumstances; providing for the regulation of consumer credit insurance; providing for the establishment and regulation of sponsored captive insurers; providing for the establishment and regulation of branch captive insurers; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 338 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to education; authorizing certain school districts to develop plans for alternative pupil-teacher ratios for grades 1 to 6, inclusive; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 460 — Committee on Human Resources and Education.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to public welfare; revising certain provisions governing the licensure of residential facilities for groups which provide assisted living services; requiring the licensure of agencies which provide personal care services in the homes of elderly persons and persons with disabilities; requiring such agencies to file a surety bond or deposit other security to provide indemnification to certain persons; requiring the periodic investigation of the criminal histories of employees and independent contractors of such agencies; requiring a person who maintains or is employed by such an agency to report the abuse, neglect or isolation of an older person and to report certain misconduct of nurses and nursing assistants; authorizing a person who receives nonmedical services from such an agency to submit a claim for damages to the property of the person by a person who maintains or is employed by the agency to the Aging Services Division of the Department of Human Resources; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 337 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to business associations; enacting certain provisions pertaining to real estate investment trusts; revising the provisions governing voting rights and the use of proxies; clarifying the provisions governing the treatment of fractional shares of stock under certain circumstances; revising the provisions pertaining to treasury shares; authorizing a limited-liability company to create series of members’ interests with separate rights, powers or duties; clarifying the procedures pertaining to dissenters’ rights under certain circumstances; providing that business associations must staff their registered offices during business hours; revising the provisions governing the adoption of fictitious names by business associations and natural persons; enacting provisions governing securitization transactions; revising various other provisions concerning business associations; requiring a domestic or foreign limited-liability company to disclose the names of certain owners of the domestic or foreign limited-liability company to the State, a local government or the Board of Regents of the University of Nevada under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 338 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to gaming; revising provisions governing the approval of a nonrestricted license for an establishment that is not a resort hotel in certain counties; revising provisions governing the moving of the location of an establishment and the transferring of its license to another location; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 574 — Assemblymen Perkins and Anderson.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to property; establishing certain requirements that a redevelopment agency must meet before commencing an eminent domain proceeding against a property owner; making various changes concerning factors characterizing a blighted area for purposes of the Community Redevelopment Law; establishing certain requirements that a governmental entity must meet before exercising the power of eminent domain to acquire certain property for the purpose of open-space use; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 143 — Assemblymen Horne, Giunchigliani, Parks, Conklin, Allen, Arberry Jr., Atkinson, Buckley, Christensen, Denis, Gansert, Gerhardt, Goicoechea, Grady, Hardy, Hogan, Kirkpatrick, Leslie, Mabey, Manendo, McClain, Mortenson, Munford, Oceguera, Ohrenschall, Parnell, Perkins, Pierce, Seale and Sibley. Joint Sponsors: Senators Amodei, Care, Carlton, Wiener, Beers, Cegavske, Hardy, Horsford, McGinness, Nolan, Titus and Washington.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to counties; revising the boundary line between Washoe County and Lyon County; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 440 — Assemblymen Grady and Goicoechea (by request). Joint Sponsors: Senators Amodei and Washington.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to cosmetology; requiring the State Board of Cosmetology and local governmental entities to reduce duplication in the licensing procedure by sharing certain background information of persons who apply for a license to practice cosmetology and a license to practice massage therapy; providing for the issuance of a limited license to practice cosmetology under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 496 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to property; increasing the amount of the homestead exemption; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 365 — Assemblywoman Ohrenschall.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to public employees; expanding the definition of “accident benefits” for purposes of industrial insurance to include preventive treatment for hepatitis administered as a precaution to certain police officers employed by State Government; revising provisions governing testing and compensation of certain police officers and firefighters for contagious diseases after termination of employment; including certain game wardens employed by State Government within the definition of “police officer” for various purposes relating to industrial injuries, occupational diseases and programs for public employees; creating a statutory presumption that hepatitis is an occupational disease for certain police officers employed by State Government; making an appropriation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 203 — Senator Mathews.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to meetings of public bodies; making various changes regarding the Open Meeting Law; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 267 — Senators Care and Hardy.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to meetings of public bodies; requiring a public body to allow a person whose character, alleged misconduct, professional competence, or physical or mental health is being considered by the public body in a closed meeting to attend the meeting, have an attorney or other representative present at the meeting and present testimony and written evidence during the meeting; providing additional requirements relating to the required notice for such a meeting; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 83 — Senators Coffin, Amodei, Care, Cegavske, Schneider and Beers. Joint Sponsors: Assemblymen Giunchigliani, Carpenter, Manendo, McClain and Sherer.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to entities regulated by the Secretary of State; revising various provisions concerning the timing, form and contents of certain filings by various business entities; clarifying that certain corporations and associations which are homeowners’ associations must comply with certain requirements; prohibiting a notary public from willfully notarizing the signature of a person in certain circumstances; making various other changes concerning notaries public; providing that a person who knowingly files a forged or false record is subject to civil liability under certain circumstances; establishing certain fees for services provided to business entities; making various other changes concerning business entities; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 453 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to government; repealing the provision prohibiting a person from making a false statement of fact concerning a candidate or a question on a ballot under certain circumstances; repealing the provision prohibiting certain persons from willfully impeding the success of the campaign of a candidate or the campaign for the passage or defeat of a question on a ballot; and other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 499 — Committee on Elections, Procedures, Ethics, and Constitutional Amendments.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to public office; revising various provisions relating to polling places; requiring the Secretary of State to maintain certain information on a website on the Internet; requiring that if a county clerk or city clerk maintains a website on the Internet, the county clerk or city clerk shall maintain certain information on the website; revising provisions relating to proof of residence for a person filing a declaration of candidacy; revising the provisions relating to public lists of registered voters; revising the provisions relating to a person convicted of a felony and the right to vote; revising the provisions relating to the filing of campaign finance reports; revising the definition of “public officer” for the purposes of the Nevada Ethics in Government Law; providing a civil penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 500 — Committee on Elections, Procedures, Ethics, and Constitutional Amendments.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; making various changes concerning the issuance of drivers’ licenses to persons who are 16 or 17 years of age; revising certain restrictions relating to the transportation of passengers who are minors by persons who are 16 or 17 years of age; revising provisions governing automobile driver education in public schools; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 52 — Committee on Transportation. Joint Sponsor: Senate Committee on Transportation and Homeland Security.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to transportation; providing under certain circumstances for the examination of a holder of a driver’s license; authorizing the Department of Motor Vehicles to establish a program to imprint certain indicators of a medical condition on a driver’s license or identification card; requiring the Department to send a notice of suspension of registration to certain owners of motor vehicles; transferring the authority to provide for benches and shelters for passengers of public mass transportation from local governments to the regional transportation commission in certain larger counties; requiring the regional transportation commission to establish an advisory committee to provide information and advice to the regional transportation commission concerning the construction and maintenance of those benches and shelters; revising certain provisions relating to the licensure of authorized inspection stations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 239 — Assemblyman Hardy.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to manufactured housing; enacting provisions relating to repairs and connection of utilities in manufactured home parks; requiring landlords of manufactured home parks to disclose to tenants certain information regarding utility charges; requiring certain information to be included in rental agreements and leases for certain manufactured homes; revising provisions governing the administrative powers and duties of the Manufactured Housing Division of the Department of Business and Industry; revising provisions relating to the closure of manufactured home parks for health and safety reasons; requiring the Division to provide certain information to owners of mobile home parks; requiring certain inspections of mobile home parks; prohibiting the operation of mobile home parks without certain approvals and permits; revising provisions governing the condemnation of mobile home parks; authorizing the imposition of certain administrative fines; requiring all manufactured homes, mobile homes, commercial coaches and travel trailers sold or used for residential purposes in this State to be equipped with a smoke detector; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 343 — Assemblymen Giunchigliani, Smith, Ohrenschall, Manendo, Parks, Buckley, Claborn, Gerhardt, Koivisto, Leslie, McClain and Pierce.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to local governments; authorizing the governing body of a local government to adopt an ordinance requiring a person to obtain a certificate to manage certain hotels, motels and apartment complexes; authorizing the governing body of a local government to adopt an ordinance requiring that certain hotels, motels and apartment complexes be managed by a person issued such a certificate; prohibiting the governing body of a local government from requiring that a person who is licensed as a contractor obtain more than one business license or pay more than one license tax relating to engaging in the business of contracting; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 422 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to insurance; prohibiting certain health insurers from denying certain claims solely because the claims involve an insured who was injured while intoxicated or under the influence of a controlled substance; prohibiting certain health insurers from cancelling or refusing to issue a policy or contract of health insurance solely because an insured or applicant has made such a claim in certain circumstances; repealing a section in the Uniform Health Policy Provision Law which allows certain health insurers to deny claims involving losses sustained by an insured while intoxicated or under the influence of a narcotic; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 63 — Assemblymen Leslie, Buckley, Giunchigliani, Parks, Anderson, McClain and Oceguera.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to convicted persons; prohibiting a person other than a state or local government or agency thereof from operating or maintaining a facility for transitional living for released offenders without licensure by the State Board of Health; providing that each alcohol and drug abuse program operated by such a facility must be certified by the Health Division of the Department of Human Resources; providing that such facilities are facilities for the dependent; revising the definition of “halfway house for recovering alcohol and drug abusers”; requiring the Board to adopt standards and regulations governing the licensure and operation of such facilities; authorizing the Board to impose fees for the issuance and renewal of a license to operate such a facility; providing that the fact that a facility for transitional living for released offenders is located near real property which is the subject of a sale, lease or rental is not material to the transaction and is not required to be disclosed by the seller, lessor or landlord; revising the provisions governing the sealing of records of convictions pertaining to certain crimes; making various changes concerning the restoration of civil rights of certain persons; allowing certain persons who have been dishonorably discharged from probation or parole to apply, for a limited period, to the Division of Parole and Probation of the Department of Public Safety to request that their dishonorable discharge be changed to an honorable discharge; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 282 — Senators Washington and Horsford.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to local governmental financing; authorizing under certain circumstances the pledge of certain sales and use tax proceeds and state funding for certain projects for the promotion of economic development and tourism; revising certain prerequisites to the pledge of certain sales and use tax proceeds and state funding for certain projects within a local improvement district; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 306 — Senator Washington.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to contractors; prohibiting a person from performing, for a fee, any work on residential pools or spas without the proper license or other authorization under state law; requiring the State Contractors’ Board to adopt classifications of licensing that authorize contractors who perform work on residential pools and spas to install plumbing and gas lines in connection with such work; revising the scope of the provisions regulating contractors who perform work on residential pools and spas; requiring contractors who perform work on residential pools and spas to provide a bond or cash deposit for the protection of consumers under certain circumstances; providing procedures for administering such bonds and cash deposits; revising provisions governing performance, payment and consumer protection bonds; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 434 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to the Legislature; increasing the amount of the supplemental allowance a Legislator is entitled to receive for reimbursement of travel and other expenses during a legislative session; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 311 — Senator Nolan.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to education; requiring the governing body of a charter school sponsored by the board of trustees of a school district to enroll pupils who reside in the district before enrolling pupils who reside outside the district; making various changes concerning the employment practices of charter schools; revising provisions governing an application to form a charter school and the revocation of the written charter of a charter school; revising the provisions governing apportionments from the State Distributive School Account to charter schools sponsored by the State Board of Education; revising the provisions governing programs of distance education; requiring a charter school to pay for an additional administration of achievement and proficiency examinations under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 56 — Senator Washington.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to education; providing for the enrollment of certain pupils in a university school for profoundly gifted pupils in lieu of enrolling in the schools that such pupils are otherwise scheduled to attend; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 461 — Committee on Human Resources and Education.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to public administration; providing that a person who lawfully obtains custody of a child after an order for support for that child has been issued may enforce that order under certain circumstances; creating the Office of Minority Health within the Department of Human Resources; providing for the establishment of a statewide nonemergency telephone system that is accessible by dialing the digits 2-1-1; requiring the Governor to publish a Nevada Report to taxpayers on the status of the state finances; providing for the periodic review of school districts to determine whether the school districts are carrying out certain financial management principals under certain circumstances; requiring the boards of trustees of school districts to pay increased salaries to certain speech pathologists who are employed by those districts; providing various benefits for members of the Nevada National Guard who are called into active service; requiring the Director of the Department of Human Resources to include in the State Plan for Medicaid a requirement that young adults who have “aged out” of foster care are eligible for Medicaid; creating the Account for the Control of Weeds; making appropriations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 580 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to district boards of health; revising the composition and duties of district boards of health in larger counties; requiring the board of county commissioners of larger counties to allocate funding for the support of the health district; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 380 — Assemblymen Parks and Giunchigliani.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to taxation; clarifying the definition of “employer” for the purpose of the tax on business; revising the provisions governing the applicability and administration of the tax on live entertainment; clarifying the provisions governing the administration of the use taxes on certain personal property acquired free of charge at public events; expanding the exemptions from the taxes on the transfer of real property; revising the provisions governing the application of sales and use taxes to retail sales of vehicles for which used vehicles are taken in trade; revising the provisions governing the application of sales and use taxes to retail sales of farm machinery and equipment; providing for the submission to the voters of the question whether the Sales and Use Tax Act of 1955 should be amended to provide an exemption from the tax for sales of vehicles for which used vehicles are taken in trade and for farm machinery and equipment; providing exemptions from certain analogous taxes; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 554 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to personal identifying information; prohibiting the establishment or possession of a financial forgery laboratory; enhancing the penalties for crimes involving personal identifying information that are committed against older persons and vulnerable persons; requiring the issuer of a credit card to provide a notice including certain information concerning its policies regarding identity theft and the rights of cardholders when issuing a credit card to a cardholder; requiring data collectors to provide notification concerning any breach of security involving system data; making various other changes concerning personal identifying information; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 347 — Senators Wiener, Titus, Raggio and Townsend. Joint Sponsor: Assemblyman Anderson.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to privacy; requiring a governmental entity, except in certain circumstances, to ensure that social security numbers in its books and records are maintained in a confidential manner; prohibiting the inclusion of social security numbers in certain documents that are recorded, filed or otherwise submitted to a governmental agency; requiring a governmental agency or certain persons who do business in this State that own, license or maintain computerized data to notify certain persons if personal information included in that data was, or is reasonably believed to have been, acquired by an unauthorized person; expanding the types of prohibited computer contaminants to include spyware; requiring the Chief of the Hearings Division of the Department of Administration to adopt regulations to provide for the redaction of personal identifying information of a person filing a claim for certain compensation from certain documents; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 334 — Assemblywoman Buckley.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to medical professionals; requiring a physician licensed to practice medicine or osteopathic medicine to report annually to the appropriate licensing board information concerning certain office-based surgery performed by him; providing that the failure to submit a report or knowingly filing false information in a report constitutes grounds for initiating disciplinary action; requiring the licensing boards of such physicians biennially to compile and report such information to the Governor and the Legislature; making various other changes to the provisions governing certain medical professionals; expanding the medical review committees that may refuse to disclose and to prevent other persons from disclosing certain information from their proceedings; providing that the proceedings and records of those medical review committees are not subject to discovery proceedings; revising the provisions limiting the liability of certain medical providers who render gratuitous care or assistance for certain entities; providing for the imposition of certain civil penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 555 — Assemblyman Mabey.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to employment practices; making employees who earn one and one-half times minimum wage or more per hour subject to the jurisdiction of the Labor Commissioner for disputes regarding overtime; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 44 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to medical professions; requiring an applicant for a license to practice medicine to submit to a criminal background check; requiring physicians and osteopathic physicians against whom disciplinary action is initiated to submit to criminal background checks; expanding the grounds for initiating disciplinary action against physicians and osteopathic physicians; requiring, upon request, an agency of criminal justice to disseminate records of criminal history to the Board of Medical Examiners and the State Board of Osteopathic Medicine; creating the Nevada Institutional Review Board and defining its powers and duties; requiring the Board of Homeopathic Medical Examiners to make recommendations to the Legislature regarding alternative and complementary integrative medicine; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 208 — Assemblymen Horne, Conklin, Allen, Arberry Jr., Atkinson, Christensen, Denis, Gansert, Gerhardt, Giunchigliani, Grady, Hardy, Hettrick, Kirkpatrick, Koivisto, Leslie, Mabey, Manendo, Marvel, McClain, McCleary, Mortenson, Munford, Oceguera, Parks, Parnell, Pierce, Sherer, Sibley, Smith and Weber. Joint Sponsors: Senators Care, Horsford and Titus.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to education; revising the provisions governing the review of applications to form charter schools submitted to the board of trustees of a school district and the State Board of Education; requiring the governing body of a charter school sponsored by the board of trustees of a larger school district to enroll pupils who reside in the district before enrolling pupils who reside outside the district; revising the provisions governing the licensed personnel of a charter school; revising provisions governing the use of certain accountability information; revising the provisions governing the reporting of accountability information for charter schools sponsored by the State Board of Education; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 180 — Committee on Education.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to government; providing a procedure for a bidder to file a notice of protest regarding certain contracts; expanding the criteria that may be used to select the lowest responsive and responsible bidder on certain contracts; expanding the types of contracts which by nature are not adapted to award by competitive bidding; requiring the Attorney General to defend a state officer or employee alleged to have committed an ethical violation under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 39 — Assemblyman Parks.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to medical services; authorizing the board of hospital trustees of a county hospital to compensate physicians for providing certain services to indigent persons; revising the provisions relating to limiting the liability of a person who renders gratuitous medical care involving the use of an automated external defibrillator; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 327 — Committee on Health and Human Services.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to water; clarifying provisions governing the duties of the State Engineer concerning water rights; revising the provisions concerning the approval or rejection of an application to change the point of diversion of water in certain circumstances; creating a fund to be used to protect existing water rights; eliminating the Division of Water Planning of the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources; creating the Water Planning Section of the Division of Water Resources of the Department; transferring the former duties of the Division of Water Planning to the Water Planning Section; making an appropriation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 62 — Senator Rhoads.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to common-interest communities; requiring persons who act as community managers to hold certificates; requiring persons who conduct studies of the reserves of associations to hold permits; providing for the regulation of such persons by the Commission for Common-Interest Communities; revising provisions governing the management of associations; requiring the Commission to adopt certain regulations relating to associations; making certain technical changes to the organization of the provisions governing common-interest communities; making various other changes related to common-interest communities; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 325 — Senator Schneider.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to professions; authorizing the State Barbers’ Health and Sanitation Board to seek injunctive relief and issue citations for certain violations; providing for a temporary exemption from licensure as a barber under certain circumstances; prohibiting certain unlawful acts relating to the practice of barbering; giving the State Barbers’ Health and Sanitation Board jurisdiction over cosmetologists who commit certain unlawful acts relating to the practice of barbering; limiting the number of consecutive terms a member of the State Board of Cosmetology may serve in a given period; revising provisions governing the disclosure of information by the State Board of Cosmetology; revising provisions governing the examination, training and licensure of persons who practice cosmetology and related professions; revising various provisions governing the regulation of cosmetological establishments and schools of cosmetology; revising provisions governing disciplinary action taken by the State Board of Cosmetology; increasing certain fees and fines; providing remedies and penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 335 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to property; revising various provisions governing the assessment, valuation and exemption of property for purposes of levying property taxes; providing funding for the accounts for the acquisition and improvement of technology in the office of the county assessor; increasing the assessed value of the home of a senior citizen for determining eligibility for a refund of a certain amount of property taxes paid by that senior citizen; revising certain provisions relating to the sale, lease or other disposal of public property by a governmental entity; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 394 — Committee on Taxation.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to intoxicating liquor; revising provisions governing the storage and transfer of liquor between certain retail liquor stores; authorizing a wholesale dealer, supplier, retailer or retail liquor dealer to bring a civil action for certain violations relating to intoxicating liquor; requiring certain persons employed at certain establishments where alcoholic beverages are sold to complete certain training; requiring the Department of Taxation to impose administrative fines upon the owners or operators of certain establishments for certain violations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 457 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to administrative regulations; removing the provision which allows the filing of permanent regulations without a review by the Legislative Commission; making the appointment of a subcommittee to review regulations mandatory; revising the procedure for objecting to an administrative regulation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 17 — Senator Wiener.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to local government; increasing the membership of certain county fair and recreation boards; requiring that, contingent on the approval of the registered voters of the City of North Las Vegas at the November 2006 general election, the City Councilmen of the City of North Las Vegas must be voted for and elected only by the registered voters of the ward that the Councilman will represent; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 20 — Senator Hardy.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to medical facilities; changing the term “facility for refractive laser surgery” to “facility for refractive surgery” to require licensure of all facilities which provide surgical treatment for refractive errors of the eye; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 68 — Senator Titus.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to occupations; prohibiting certain regulatory bodies which administer occupational licensing from holding a meeting outside this State under certain circumstances; requiring such regulatory bodies to indicate in their notices under the Open Meeting Law whether a meeting will be conducted by an audio or video teleconference at one or more locations; requiring a licensee who is involved in disciplinary proceedings to submit his fingerprints to the regulatory body to obtain a report of his criminal history; permitting a regulatory body to take disciplinary action against such a licensee under certain circumstances; extending the date on which certain provisions relating to occupational licensing expire by limitation; requiring a registered pharmacist, upon request by a patient, to transfer a prescription for the patient to another registered pharmacist; making technical revisions to certain provisions relating to occupational licensing; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 163 — Senator Carlton.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to chiropractic; increasing the number of members of the Chiropractic Physicians’ Board of Nevada; requiring any person who practices chiropractic and who does not maintain professional liability insurance to provide notice to patients that the person does not maintain such insurance; revising provisions governing disclosure by the Board of certain information related to investigations and disciplinary actions; increasing certain fees that may be charged by the Board; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 174 — Senator Carlton.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to education; designating the name of the association for interscholastic activities; providing for the participation of homeschooled children in certain interscholastic activities and events; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 221 — Senator Cegavske.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to elections; revising the provision governing eligibility to sign a petition required under the election laws of this State; revising the provision governing the designation of an area at a public building for the gathering of signatures on a petition; requiring nonprofit corporations to submit the names, telephone numbers and addresses of their officers to the Secretary of State under certain circumstances; requiring certain persons or groups of persons initiating or circulating a petition for a constitutional amendment or a petition for a statewide measure proposed by initiative or referendum to submit reports to the Secretary of State on campaign contributions and expenditures and expenses; requiring a petition for initiative or referendum to embrace a single subject; providing that the subject of a petition for initiative or referendum must be indicated in the title; requiring a petition for initiative or referendum to have a description of the effect of the initiative or referendum if approved by the voters; requiring the Secretary of State to obtain under certain circumstances a fiscal note from the Fiscal Analysis Division of the Legislative Counsel Bureau; requiring the Secretary of State to post a copy of the initiative petition, the description of the effect if the initiative is approved by the voters and any fiscal note on his Internet website; requiring a challenge to the description of the effect of an initiative to be filed not later than 7 days after the petition is certified as sufficient by the Secretary of State; revising the provisions relating to a petition for initiative or referendum by registered voters of a city or county; providing for the appeal of certain final decisions relating to a petition for an initiative or referendum by filing a complaint in court; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 224 — Senator Townsend. Joint Sponsor: Assemblywoman Gansert.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; authorizing certain Legislators appointed to serve on the Commission on Special License Plates to designate alternates; revising the provisions governing the issuance of special license plates; revising certain provisions governing special license plates in support of veterans’ homes; removing the limitation on the issuance of special license plates to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the founding of Las Vegas; revising the provisions governing the distribution of certain fees collected for the issuance or renewal of those special plates; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 290 — Senator Coffin.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to professions; providing for the licensure of student instructors; revising provisions governing demonstrators of cosmetics; revising provisions governing licensure of certain instructors regulated by the Board; revising and repealing various provisions governing the regulation of cosmetological establishments and schools of cosmetology; authorizing operators of cosmetological establishments to lease space to other professionals; revising the requirements for a surety bond for certain schools of cosmetology; authorizing schools of cosmetology to offer courses or programs relating to massage therapy and providing for the regulation of such courses or programs by the Board; revising the number of classroom hours required of certain cosmetological students; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 333 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to offenders; revising the provisions concerning requirements for providing certain notices and information relating to sex offenders and offenders convicted of a crime against a child; revising the provisions pertaining to lifetime supervision of sex offenders; providing that the court must require a sex offender to consent to warrantless searches as a condition of probation or suspension of sentence under certain circumstances; allowing an employer to obtain certain information concerning sex offenders and offenders convicted of a crime against a child from the Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History; requiring the Central Repository to provide certain information to nonprofit organizations without charge; requiring the Department of Public Safety to establish and maintain a community notification website to provide certain information to the public concerning certain sex offenders; clarifying the standard for determining whether a juvenile sex offender will be subject to registration and community notification as an adult sex offender; increasing penalties for a second or subsequent violation of certain requirements concerning registration of sex offenders and offenders convicted of a crime against a child; revising and increasing the penalties for certain sexual offenses; excluding sex offenders and offenders convicted of a crime against a child from participation in a program of sentencing diversion for alcoholics and drug addicts; providing that sex offenders and offenders convicted of a crime against a child may not renew their drivers’ licenses, commercial drivers’ licenses or identification cards if they are not in compliance with the requirements concerning offender registration; providing that sex offenders and offenders convicted of a crime against a child must renew their drivers’ licenses, commercial drivers’ licenses or identification cards annually; providing for suspension of the registration as a gaming employee of a sex offender or offender convicted of a crime against a child who is not in compliance with the requirements concerning offender registration; making various other changes pertaining to sex offenders and offenders convicted of a crime against a child; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 341 — Senators Titus, Raggio, Nolan, Wiener and Mathews. Joint Sponsors: Assemblymen Gansert, Parks and Ohrenschall.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to public financial administration; revising the provisions regarding the payment of prevailing wages on projects of the Nevada System of Higher Education; providing that certain documents furnished to a public body may be transmitted and stored electronically; requiring that annual energy savings resulting from energy retrofit projects meet or exceed the total annual contract payments; revising the provisions governing performance contracts for operating cost-savings measures in buildings occupied by state agencies; authorizing the issuance of refunding obligations relating to such performance contracts; authorizing the Nevada System of Higher Education for a temporary period to enter into installment-purchase and lease-purchase agreements under certain circumstances; clarifying the applicability of the provisions concerning prevailing wages to installment-purchase and lease-purchase agreements that involve improvements; creating an advisory group to conduct an interim study concerning installment-purchase and lease-purchase agreements; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 426 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to the State Board of Pardons Commissioners; revising the procedures pertaining to applications for clemency submitted to the Board; revising the provisions pertaining to the granting of pardons and restoration of civil rights by the Board; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 445 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to state financial administration; authorizing expenditures by various officers, departments, boards, agencies, commissions and institutions of the State Government for the fiscal years commencing on July 1, 2005, and ending on June 30, 2006, and beginning on July 1, 2006, and ending on June 30, 2007; authorizing the collection of certain amounts from the counties for the use of the services of the State Public Defender; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 522 — Committee on Finance.  Approved June 17, 2005