[Rev. 2/8/2019 9:56:48 AM]


Statutes of the State of Nevada - Twenty-Second Special Session, 2005








AN ACT relating to public welfare; repealing, reenacting, reorganizing and revising certain provisions relating to the Welfare Division, the Division of Health Care Financing and Policy and the Division of Child and Family Services of the Department of Human Resources; revising certain provisions relating to property tax assistance for senior citizens; revising certain provisions relating to the Chief Research and Statistical Analyst of the Health Division of the Department of Human Resources; providing that the Director of the Department or his designee is responsible for appointing and removing certain employees of the Department; repealing certain provisions which require the Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation to employ job development coordinators to promote employment for persons who receive public assistance; repealing certain provisions concerning community service block grants; transferring certain duties of the Health Division of the Department of Human Resources concerning services for the abuse of alcohol or drugs to the Division of Mental Health and Developmental Services of the Department; requiring the Department of Human Resources to prepare and submit certain plans concerning such transfer to the Governor and the Legislative Committee on Health Care; requiring the Legislative Committee on Health Care to conduct an interim study concerning the organizational and delivery structure of services for the treatment and prevention of substance abuse in this State; changing the name of the Department of Human Resources to the Department of Health and Human Services; changing the name of the Welfare Division of the Department of Human Resources to the Division of Welfare and Supportive Services of the Department of Health and Human Services; reenacting certain penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 2 — Committee of the Whole.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to energy; making various changes to encourage energy efficiency in construction and renovation; providing for a partial abatement of certain taxes for certain energy efficient buildings and green buildings; requiring the University and Community College System of Nevada to provide instruction in certain areas related to green buildings; providing for the licensure of certain persons engaged in photovoltaic system projects; requiring the Director of the Office of Energy to adopt certain regulations, plans and guidelines regarding building standards and energy efficiency; requiring the State to reduce its grid-based purchases for state-owned buildings; increasing the number of members of the Task Force for Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation; revising provisions relating to the universal energy charge and the Fund for Energy Assistance and Conservation; revising provisions governing the portfolio standard for renewable energy and energy from a qualified energy recovery process; allowing a provider of electric service to receive credits under the portfolio standard for certain energy efficiency measures; authorizing the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada to establish a temporary renewable energy development program for certain purposes; enacting provisions concerning the financial impact of certain long-term contracts required by the portfolio standard; revising the Solar Energy Systems Demonstration Program Act; transferring certain funds to the Trust Fund for Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 3 — Committee of the Whole.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to education; making an appropriation for certain schools to provide full-day kindergarten; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 4 — Committee of the Whole.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to the Nevada Equal Rights Commission; requiring the approval of the Legislature for the Commission to enter into certain contracts or memoranda of understanding to investigate and enforce laws relating to fair housing; revising provisions governing the receipt and investigation of complaints of discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodation by the Commission; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 5 — Committee of the Whole.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT making appropriations to the Nevada Commission on Sports to fund operational expenses and to Big Brothers Big Sisters of Northern Nevada, Inc., for costs relating to the purchase of a facility; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 7 — Committee of the Whole.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to statutes; making technical corrections to certain legislative measures; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 1 — Committee of the Whole.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to state financial administration; establishing the Nevada Economic Development Fund; requiring the Commission on Economic Development to administer the Fund; providing that certain grants for the purpose of economic development may be made from the Fund; requiring the Commission on Economic Development to develop a grant program to assist projects of economic diversification in certain counties; creating the Nevada War on Terrorism Medal; establishing the criteria for awarding the Medal; authorizing the Department of Transportation to conduct a study to identify sustaining funding sources for the Fund for Aviation; making appropriations to various entities; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 1 — Committee of the Whole.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to making an appropriation to the Department of Administration for security enhancements in the Attorney General’s Office, the Capitol Building and the Supreme Court Building; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 2 — Committee of the Whole.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to state financial administration; making various changes regarding the applicability and administration of the requirements for a state business license, certain taxes imposed on businesses and the tax on live entertainment; establishing annual salaries for the Chairman and other members of the Nevada Tax Commission; making various changes regarding the Taxpayers’ Bill of Rights; providing a Taxpayers’ Bill of Rights for Taxes on Fuels; making appropriations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 3 — Committee of the Whole.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to millennium scholarships; revising the provisions governing the administration of the Millennium Scholarship Program and the Millennium Scholarship Trust Fund; revising provisions governing eligibility for millennium scholarships; providing for the annual transfer of money from the Abandoned Property Trust Fund to the Millennium Scholarship Trust Fund; making an appropriation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 4 — Committee of the Whole.  Approved June 17, 2005



AN ACT relating to health care; revising certain provisions concerning the distribution of prescription drugs to authorize certain Canadian pharmacies licensed in Nevada to provide prescription drugs through mail order service to residents of Nevada under certain circumstances; requiring the Director of the Office for Consumer Health Assistance to establish and maintain an Internet website to provide certain information to consumers concerning purchasing prescription drugs from certain Canadian pharmacies licensed in this State; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 5 — Committee of the Whole.  Approved June 17, 2005