[Rev. 6/29/2024 4:31:19 PM--2023]



NRS 563.010           Creation.

NRS 563.020           Members: Number; appointment.

NRS 563.030           Qualifications of members.

NRS 563.040           Terms of members.

NRS 563.050           Termination of office.

NRS 563.055           Members serve without compensation, per diem or travel expenses.

NRS 563.070           Organization of Board; officers; terms of officers.

NRS 563.080           General powers and duties of Board.

NRS 563.100           Exhibitions to be held annually; locations; conditions of entry for persons and animals.

NRS 563.110           Cooperation of Board with farm organizations, livestock associations, counties and cities for exhibitions.

NRS 563.120           Appointment of marshals and police.

NRS 563.130           Dissemination of information; annual report of Board.


NRS 563.250           Definitions. [Expires by limitation on December 31 of the first year during which the Governor proclaims that the amount of the fees refunded by the Rangeland Resources Commission pursuant to NRS 563.340 for the immediately preceding calendar year is more than 50 percent of the fees collected by the Commission pursuant to that section for that calendar year.]

NRS 563.260           “Commission” defined. [Expires by limitation on December 31 of the first year during which the Governor proclaims that the amount of the fees refunded by the Rangeland Resources Commission pursuant to NRS 563.340 for the immediately preceding calendar year is more than 50 percent of the fees collected by the Commission pursuant to that section for that calendar year.]

NRS 563.270           “Grazing lands” defined. [Expires by limitation on December 31 of the first year during which the Governor proclaims that the amount of the fees refunded by the Rangeland Resources Commission pursuant to NRS 563.340 for the immediately preceding calendar year is more than 50 percent of the fees collected by the Commission pursuant to that section for that calendar year.]

NRS 563.280           “State grazing board” defined. [Expires by limitation on December 31 of the first year during which the Governor proclaims that the amount of the fees refunded by the Rangeland Resources Commission pursuant to NRS 563.340 for the immediately preceding calendar year is more than 50 percent of the fees collected by the Commission pursuant to that section for that calendar year.]

NRS 563.290           Creation; members; officers; terms; vacancies; expenses. [Expires by limitation on December 31 of the first year during which the Governor proclaims that the amount of the fees refunded by the Rangeland Resources Commission pursuant to NRS 563.340 for the immediately preceding calendar year is more than 50 percent of the fees collected by the Commission pursuant to that section for that calendar year.]

NRS 563.300           Meetings; quorum. [Expires by limitation on December 31 of the first year during which the Governor proclaims that the amount of the fees refunded by the Rangeland Resources Commission pursuant to NRS 563.340 for the immediately preceding calendar year is more than 50 percent of the fees collected by the Commission pursuant to that section for that calendar year.]

NRS 563.310           General authority. [Expires by limitation on December 31 of the first year during which the Governor proclaims that the amount of the fees refunded by the Rangeland Resources Commission pursuant to NRS 563.340 for the immediately preceding calendar year is more than 50 percent of the fees collected by the Commission pursuant to that section for that calendar year.]

NRS 563.320           Authority to research, advertise, make determinations and take action to support and stabilize livestock industry on grazing lands. [Expires by limitation on December 31 of the first year during which the Governor proclaims that the amount of the fees refunded by the Rangeland Resources Commission pursuant to NRS 563.340 for the immediately preceding calendar year is more than 50 percent of the fees collected by the Commission pursuant to that section for that calendar year.]

NRS 563.330           Authority to apply for and accept gifts, grants, donations and contributions. [Expires by limitation on December 31 of the first year during which the Governor proclaims that the amount of the fees refunded by the Rangeland Resources Commission pursuant to NRS 563.340 for the immediately preceding calendar year is more than 50 percent of the fees collected by the Commission pursuant to that section for that calendar year.]

NRS 563.340           Fee for grazing animals; refund. [Expires by limitation on December 31 of the first year during which the Governor proclaims that the amount of the fees refunded by the Rangeland Resources Commission pursuant to NRS 563.340 for the immediately preceding calendar year is more than 50 percent of the fees collected by the Commission pursuant to that section for that calendar year.]

NRS 563.350           Deposit and use of money of Commission. [Expires by limitation on December 31 of the first year during which the Governor proclaims that the amount of the fees refunded by the Rangeland Resources Commission pursuant to NRS 563.340 for the immediately preceding calendar year is more than 50 percent of the fees collected by the Commission pursuant to that section for that calendar year.]

NRS 563.360           Failure to pay fee for grazing animals: Notice to Attorney General or district attorney; penalty. [Expires by limitation on December 31 of the first year during which the Governor proclaims that the amount of the fees refunded by the Rangeland Resources Commission pursuant to NRS 563.340 for the immediately preceding calendar year is more than 50 percent of the fees collected by the Commission pursuant to that section for that calendar year.]

NRS 563.370           Financial statement of Commission; annual proclamation by Governor of fees refunded by Commission. [Expires by limitation on December 31 of the first year during which the Governor proclaims that the amount of the fees refunded by the Rangeland Resources Commission pursuant to NRS 563.340 for the immediately preceding calendar year is more than 50 percent of the fees collected by the Commission pursuant to that section for that calendar year.]

NRS 563.380           State Department of Agriculture to provide administrative services to Commission. [Expires by limitation on December 31 of the first year during which the Governor proclaims that the amount of the fees refunded by the Rangeland Resources Commission pursuant to NRS 563.340 for the immediately preceding calendar year is more than 50 percent of the fees collected by the Commission pursuant to that section for that calendar year.]



      NRS 563.010  Creation.  The Nevada Junior Livestock Show Board is hereby created within the State Department of Agriculture.

      [1:239:1945; 1943 NCL § 4040]—(NRS A 1999, 3670)

      NRS 563.020  Members: Number; appointment.  The Nevada Junior Livestock Show Board consists of eight members appointed by the Governor.

      [Part 2:239:1945; 1943 NCL § 4041]—(NRS A 1975, 170; 2013, 347)

      NRS 563.030  Qualifications of members.

      1.  One member of the Board must be a member of the teaching staff of the College of Agriculture, Biotechnology and Natural Resources of the University of Nevada, Reno.

      2.  One member of the Board must be a member of the staff of the University of Nevada Cooperative Extension.

      3.  One member of the Board must be a secondary agriculture educator nominated by the agriculture education program professional at the Department of Education.

      4.  One member of the Board must be a member of the Reno Rodeo Association nominated by its President.

      5.  Four members of the Board must be persons concerned with the raising and improving of livestock in the State of Nevada, not necessarily stock raisers, selected as follows:

      (a) Two persons whose interest is in cattle and sheep;

      (b) One person whose interest is in general agriculture; and

      (c) One person whose interest is in dairying.

      6.  All members must be residents of the State of Nevada.

      [Part 2:239:1945; 1943 NCL § 4041]—(NRS A 1969, 1446; 1975, 170; 1985, 817; 1993, 416; 2005, 1053; 2011, 2572; 2013, 347)

      NRS 563.040  Terms of members.  Members of the Board shall hold office for terms of 4 years and until their successors are appointed and qualified.

      [Part 2:239:1945; 1943 NCL § 4041]

      NRS 563.050  Termination of office.  When any member of the Board ceases to be a member of the particular department from which the member was appointed his or her office terminates automatically.

      [Part 2:239:1945; 1943 NCL § 4041]—(NRS A 1981, 68)

      NRS 563.055  Members serve without compensation, per diem or travel expenses.  The members of the Board serve without compensation and are not entitled to the per diem and travel expenses provided for state officers and employees generally.

      (Added to NRS by 2011, 2572)

      NRS 563.070  Organization of Board; officers; terms of officers.

      1.  Within 10 days after their appointment, the members of the Board shall qualify as required by the Constitution, and shall meet and organize by the election of one of their number as President, one as Vice President, and one as Secretary-Treasurer.

      2.  The Board may also, if it deems advisable, appoint a secretary-treasurer, or secretary, or treasurer, not of its number, who shall hold office at the discretion of the Board.

      3.  The President, Vice President and Secretary-Treasurer (other than the appointive secretary-treasurer) shall hold office for the term of 1 year.

      [3:239:1945; 1943 NCL § 4042]

      NRS 563.080  General powers and duties of Board.

      1.  The Board shall have possession and care of all property of the Nevada Junior Livestock Show and the Nevada Youth Livestock and Dairy Show and shall be entrusted with the direction of the entire business and financial affairs of these exhibitions.

      2.  The Board may:

      (a) Appoint employees and define their duties.

      (b) Adopt bylaws, rules and regulations for the government of the Nevada Junior Livestock Show Board, the Nevada Junior Livestock Show and the Nevada Youth Livestock and Dairy Show and for all exhibitions of livestock.

      (c) Acquire or lease real and personal property, buildings and improvements.

      3.  The Board shall review:

      (a) All uses of the real property leased to Washoe County for use as a fairground; and

      (b) Any physical improvements or changes to the facilities at the fairground,

Ę to ensure that the use of the property for purposes related to agriculture and livestock continues to comply with the provisions of the trust relating to the fairground imposed upon the conveyance.

      [Part 4:239:1945; 1943 NCL § 4043]—(NRS A 1961, 533; 1975, 170; 2011, 2572; 2013, 348)

      NRS 563.100  Exhibitions to be held annually; locations; conditions of entry for persons and animals.

      1.  The Nevada Junior Livestock Show Board shall each year conduct the Nevada Junior Livestock Show and the Nevada Youth Livestock and Dairy Show at places to be determined by the Board.

      2.  To enter any exhibition named in subsection 1, a person must:

      (a) Be certified by the State 4-H Club Leader or the agriculture education program professional at the Department of Education; and

      (b) Be under 19 years of age except that the Board, upon considering the requirements of a specific event involved may allow entry by a person 19 years of age or older who is registered as a regular student in an animal science course under the Nevada System of Higher Education.

      3.  Entries of animals in any exhibition named in subsection 1 are limited to those owned or controlled according to the requirements of the exhibition.

      [Part 4:239:1945; 1943 NCL § 4043]—(NRS A 1961, 472; 1969, 1446; 1975, 171; 1985, 817; 1993, 416; 2011, 2573)

      NRS 563.110  Cooperation of Board with farm organizations, livestock associations, counties and cities for exhibitions.  It is proper and lawful for the Nevada Junior Livestock Show Board to cooperate with the farm organizations and livestock associations of the State and the various counties and cities in the exhibitions for which the Board is responsible.

      [9:239:1945; A 1951, 304]—(NRS A 1975, 171)

      NRS 563.120  Appointment of marshals and police.  The Board may appoint all necessary marshals and police to keep order and preserve peace at the livestock shows and exhibitions that the Board conducts.

      [5:239:1945; 1943 NCL § 4044]—(NRS A 1975, 171; 1993, 2540)

      NRS 563.130  Dissemination of information; annual report of Board.  The Board shall:

      1.  Use all suitable means to collect and disseminate information calculated to educate and benefit producers, growers and breeders of livestock within the State of Nevada.

      2.  On or before February 1 of each year, report to the Governor a full and detailed account of its transactions and a full financial statement of all funds received and disbursed.

      [6:239:1945; 1943 NCL § 4045] + [7:239:1945; 1943 NCL § 4046]—(NRS A 1961, 533; 1975, 171)


      NRS 563.250  Definitions. [Expires by limitation on December 31 of the first year during which the Governor proclaims that the amount of the fees refunded by the Rangeland Resources Commission pursuant to NRS 563.340 for the immediately preceding calendar year is more than 50 percent of the fees collected by the Commission pursuant to that section for that calendar year.]  As used in NRS 563.250 to 563.380, inclusive, unless the context otherwise requires, the words and terms defined in NRS 563.260, 563.270 and 563.280 have the meanings ascribed to them in those sections.

      (Added to NRS by 1999, 1676)

      NRS 563.260  “Commission” defined. [Expires by limitation on December 31 of the first year during which the Governor proclaims that the amount of the fees refunded by the Rangeland Resources Commission pursuant to NRS 563.340 for the immediately preceding calendar year is more than 50 percent of the fees collected by the Commission pursuant to that section for that calendar year.]  “Commission” means the Rangeland Resources Commission created by NRS 563.290.

      (Added to NRS by 1999, 1676)

      NRS 563.270  “Grazing lands” defined. [Expires by limitation on December 31 of the first year during which the Governor proclaims that the amount of the fees refunded by the Rangeland Resources Commission pursuant to NRS 563.340 for the immediately preceding calendar year is more than 50 percent of the fees collected by the Commission pursuant to that section for that calendar year.]  “Grazing lands” means any public lands in this state:

      1.  That are managed or controlled by the United States Forest Service or the Bureau of Land Management; and

      2.  Upon which a person herds or grazes cattle or sheep pursuant to a license, lease or permit issued for that purpose by the Secretary of Agriculture or the Secretary of the Interior.

      (Added to NRS by 1999, 1676)

      NRS 563.280  “State grazing board” defined. [Expires by limitation on December 31 of the first year during which the Governor proclaims that the amount of the fees refunded by the Rangeland Resources Commission pursuant to NRS 563.340 for the immediately preceding calendar year is more than 50 percent of the fees collected by the Commission pursuant to that section for that calendar year.]  “State grazing board” means a state grazing board created by the provisions of NRS 568.040.

      (Added to NRS by 1999, 1676)

      NRS 563.290  Creation; members; officers; terms; vacancies; expenses. [Expires by limitation on December 31 of the first year during which the Governor proclaims that the amount of the fees refunded by the Rangeland Resources Commission pursuant to NRS 563.340 for the immediately preceding calendar year is more than 50 percent of the fees collected by the Commission pursuant to that section for that calendar year.]

      1.  The Rangeland Resources Commission is hereby created. The Commission consists of:

      (a) One member from each state grazing board; and

      (b) The president of:

             (1) The Nevada Cattlemen’s Association or its successor organization;

             (2) The Nevada Woolgrowers’ Association or its successor organization; and

             (3) The Nevada Farm Bureau or its successor organization.

Ę Each member specified in this paragraph serves as an ex officio member of the Commission and may designate another person to serve on the member’s behalf.

      2.  Not less than 30 days before the expiration of the term of a member of the Commission, the state grazing board from which the member was appointed shall submit to the Governor a written list of two persons for appointment to the Commission. A person nominated by a state grazing board must be a member of that board. If such a list is submitted to the Governor by a state grazing board within the period prescribed in this subsection, the Governor shall appoint to the Commission one member from the list. If the list is not submitted to the Governor by a state grazing board within that period, the Governor shall appoint to the Commission one member who is a member of that board.

      3.  The members of the Commission shall elect a Chair and Vice Chair by a majority vote. After the initial election, the Chair and Vice Chair serve in the office for a term of 1 year beginning on July 1 of each year. If a vacancy occurs in the office of the Chair or Vice Chair, the members of the Commission shall elect a Chair or Vice Chair from among its members to serve for the remainder of the unexpired term.

      4.  After the initial terms, each member of the Commission who is appointed serves for a term of 4 years.

      5.  A vacancy on the Commission must be filled in the same manner as the original appointment.

      6.  Each member of the Commission:

      (a) Serves without compensation; and

      (b) While engaged in the business of the Commission, and to the extent that money is available for that purpose from the fees collected pursuant to NRS 563.340, is entitled to receive the per diem allowance and travel expenses provided for state officers and employees generally.

      7.  The per diem allowance and travel expenses of a member of the Commission must be paid from the fees collected pursuant to NRS 563.340.

      (Added to NRS by 1999, 1676)

      NRS 563.300  Meetings; quorum. [Expires by limitation on December 31 of the first year during which the Governor proclaims that the amount of the fees refunded by the Rangeland Resources Commission pursuant to NRS 563.340 for the immediately preceding calendar year is more than 50 percent of the fees collected by the Commission pursuant to that section for that calendar year.]

      1.  The members of the Commission shall meet at least quarterly and at the times and places specified by a call of the Chair or by a majority of the members of the Commission.

      2.  A majority of the members of the Commission constitute a quorum, and a quorum may exercise all the powers and duties of the Commission.

      (Added to NRS by 1999, 1677)

      NRS 563.310  General authority. [Expires by limitation on December 31 of the first year during which the Governor proclaims that the amount of the fees refunded by the Rangeland Resources Commission pursuant to NRS 563.340 for the immediately preceding calendar year is more than 50 percent of the fees collected by the Commission pursuant to that section for that calendar year.]  The Commission may:

      1.  Cooperate with any local, state or federal agency, any local, state or national organization or any representatives of an industry whose duties and powers are the same as or similar to the duties and powers of the Commission;

      2.  Employ such persons or enter into such contracts as it determines are necessary to assist it in carrying out the provisions of NRS 563.250 to 563.380, inclusive;

      3.  Grant, donate or expend money:

      (a) To construct or maintain a range improvement; or

      (b) For any other purpose beneficial to the livestock industry on grazing lands; and

      4.  Purchase, lease or own any real or personal property.

      (Added to NRS by 1999, 1677)

      NRS 563.320  Authority to research, advertise, make determinations and take action to support and stabilize livestock industry on grazing lands. [Expires by limitation on December 31 of the first year during which the Governor proclaims that the amount of the fees refunded by the Rangeland Resources Commission pursuant to NRS 563.340 for the immediately preceding calendar year is more than 50 percent of the fees collected by the Commission pursuant to that section for that calendar year.]  The Commission may:

      1.  Conduct research and surveys to determine the opinions and knowledge of the residents of this state concerning the livestock industry on grazing lands;

      2.  Establish programs to provide information to the residents of this state concerning the livestock industry on grazing lands;

      3.  Conduct advertising campaigns to promote the livestock industry on grazing lands;

      4.  Support the responsible control, management or use of grazing lands;

      5.  Compile information concerning the livestock industry on grazing lands and disseminate that information to each state grazing board;

      6.  Make determinations concerning the availability of forage on grazing lands; and

      7.  Take any action it determines is necessary to stabilize the livestock industry on grazing lands.

      (Added to NRS by 1999, 1677)

      NRS 563.330  Authority to apply for and accept gifts, grants, donations and contributions. [Expires by limitation on December 31 of the first year during which the Governor proclaims that the amount of the fees refunded by the Rangeland Resources Commission pursuant to NRS 563.340 for the immediately preceding calendar year is more than 50 percent of the fees collected by the Commission pursuant to that section for that calendar year.]

      1.  The Commission may apply for or accept any gifts, grants, donations or contributions from any source to assist it in carrying out the provisions of NRS 563.250 to 563.380, inclusive.

      2.  Any money the Commission receives pursuant to subsection 1 must be deposited in the State Treasury pursuant to the provisions of NRS 563.350.

      (Added to NRS by 1999, 1678)

      NRS 563.340  Fee for grazing animals; refund. [Expires by limitation on December 31 of the first year during which the Governor proclaims that the amount of the fees refunded by the Rangeland Resources Commission pursuant to NRS 563.340 for the immediately preceding calendar year is more than 50 percent of the fees collected by the Commission pursuant to that section for that calendar year.]

      1.  The Commission shall, not later than January 15 of each year, charge and collect from each person who grazed cattle or sheep on grazing lands during the preceding calendar year a fee of 10 cents for each animal unit month that the person was authorized by the United States Forest Service or the Bureau of Land Management to use during the immediately preceding year.

      2.  A person who pays the fee required by this section may, not earlier than January 15 of each year and not later than February 15 of that year, apply to the Commission for a refund of the fee paid for the immediately preceding year. The application must be submitted on a form prescribed by the Commission. Upon receipt of the request and after determining that the fee has been paid by the person requesting the refund, the Commission shall, within 60 days after making that determination, refund to that person an amount equal to the fee paid by the person.

      3.  As used in this section, “animal unit month” means the amount of forage required to sustain one cow or its equivalent for 1 month.

      (Added to NRS by 1999, 1678)

      NRS 563.350  Deposit and use of money of Commission. [Expires by limitation on December 31 of the first year during which the Governor proclaims that the amount of the fees refunded by the Rangeland Resources Commission pursuant to NRS 563.340 for the immediately preceding calendar year is more than 50 percent of the fees collected by the Commission pursuant to that section for that calendar year.]

      1.  Any money the Commission receives pursuant to NRS 563.330 and 563.340:

      (a) Must be deposited in the State Treasury and accounted for separately in the State General Fund;

      (b) May be used by the Commission only for the costs of carrying out the provisions of NRS 563.250 to 563.380, inclusive; and

      (c) Does not revert to the State General Fund at the end of any fiscal year.

      2.  Any interest or income earned on the money in the account must be credited to the account. Any claims against the account must be paid in the manner that other claims against the State are paid.

      (Added to NRS by 1999, 1678)

      NRS 563.360  Failure to pay fee for grazing animals: Notice to Attorney General or district attorney; penalty. [Expires by limitation on December 31 of the first year during which the Governor proclaims that the amount of the fees refunded by the Rangeland Resources Commission pursuant to NRS 563.340 for the immediately preceding calendar year is more than 50 percent of the fees collected by the Commission pursuant to that section for that calendar year.]

      1.  If a person fails to pay the fee required by NRS 563.340, the Commission may provide a written notice of that fact to the Attorney General or the district attorney of the county in which the person resides.

      2.  A person who fails to pay the fee required by NRS 563.340 shall:

      (a) For the first violation, pay a civil penalty of not more than $250.

      (b) For the second violation, pay a civil penalty of not more than $500.

      (c) For the third or subsequent violation, pay a civil penalty of not more than $750.

      (Added to NRS by 1999, 1678)

      NRS 563.370  Financial statement of Commission; annual proclamation by Governor of fees refunded by Commission. [Expires by limitation on December 31 of the first year during which the Governor proclaims that the amount of the fees refunded by the Rangeland Resources Commission pursuant to NRS 563.340 for the immediately preceding calendar year is more than 50 percent of the fees collected by the Commission pursuant to that section for that calendar year.]

      1.  On or before June 1 of each year, the Commission shall submit to the Director of the Office of Finance a financial statement setting forth:

      (a) The assets and obligations of the Commission; and

      (b) The amount of the fees, if any:

             (1) Collected by the Commission pursuant to the provisions of NRS 563.340 for the immediately preceding calendar year; and

             (2) Refunded by the Commission pursuant to that section for that year.

      2.  On or before July 1 of each year, the Governor shall proclaim the percentage of the fees collected pursuant to subsection 1 of NRS 563.340 for the immediately preceding calendar year that were refunded by the Commission pursuant to the provisions of subsection 2 of NRS 563.340. The Director of the Office of Finance shall transmit a copy of the proclamation to the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau.

      (Added to NRS by 1999, 1679)

      NRS 563.380  State Department of Agriculture to provide administrative services to Commission. [Expires by limitation on December 31 of the first year during which the Governor proclaims that the amount of the fees refunded by the Rangeland Resources Commission pursuant to NRS 563.340 for the immediately preceding calendar year is more than 50 percent of the fees collected by the Commission pursuant to that section for that calendar year.]  The State Department of Agriculture shall, within the resources available to it, provide administrative services to the Commission to assist the Commission in carrying out the provisions of NRS 563.250 to 563.380, inclusive.

      (Added to NRS by 1999, 1679)