[Rev. 9/10/2021 11:35:53 AM]





      Agreements to locate property, requirements, 87

      Applicability of laws, exemptions, 77

      Confidentiality of information, 84

      Definitions, 76, 77

      Election to take payment or delivery, 76, 86

      Estates, claims filed on behalf of, procedures, 84, 85

      Game-related digital content exempt from provisions of laws, 76

      Holder’s state of domicile, effect of change since presumption of abandonment, 81

      Indication of interest by apparent owner, requirements, effect, 79

      Intrastate agreements and cooperation, regulatory authority of Administrator, 86

      Jurisdiction of courts, effect of holder’s state of domicile, 81

      Payment or delivery of property without apparent owner filing claim, regulatory authority, 76, 86

      Property presumed to be abandoned, 77, 79

      Records, retention and examination, 85, 86

      Reimbursement of holders who pay or deliver property to Administrator, procedures, 82, 83

      Virtual currency, definition, applicability of laws, 76, 77


      Endowment Account, deposits and use, 30, 31

      Enrollment procedures, regulation, 30

      Savings trust accounts, procedures regarding, regulation, 30

      State Treasurer, powers and duties, 30, 31


      Courses of instruction, standards of content and performance

             Ethnic and diversity studies, 1958

             History and contributions of certain groups of persons, duties, 948

             Social studies, 906

             Substance misuse and substance abuse disorders, curriculum requirements, 2819

      Regulatory requirements, exemptions, 910


      Motor vehicle crashes, findings of commission of civil infractions, 3304, 3305

      Traffic Safety, Advisory Committee on, creation, duties, 161-163


      Authorization from governing body, requirements, violations, civil penalties, 2394, 2402

      Quarterly reports, submission to Department of Taxation, 2397, 2406

      Taxes on rental of residential units in Clark County, collection and remittance, requirements, 2396, 2404


      Sealing records of criminal proceedings, procedures, 2597



             Liability for damages as a result of consumption, requirements, 2379

             Violations, actions seeking injunctions and civil penalties, 2140

      Commercially sexually exploited children, receiving centers for unlicensed operation, injunctions against, 2647

      COVID-19, laid-off employees, recovery for certain violations committed by employer, 3590

      Damages (See DAMAGES)

      Deeds upon death, actions relating to liens, liability of title companies, 996

      Doxing, civil remedies, 2136


             Common-law wrongful termination, limitation of actions in tort, 723

             Noncompetition covenants, employer prohibited from bringing action under certain circumstances, 314, 315

             Unlawful employment practices by employer, remedies, 1679

             Unpaid wages upon termination, private right of action for certain claims, establishment, 1763

      Estates of decedents, nonacceptance of letters, remedies, 969

      Food delivery service platform providers, food dispensing establishments authorized to bring actions for damages, 1699

      Foreclosure of real mortgage, nonjudicial sale of property consisting of several lots or parcels, applicability of laws, 1413

      Gold and silver extracted in State, excise tax on annual gross revenue, remedies for violations, 1278, 1279

      Immunities from liability

             Auto-injectable epinephrine, administration to school pupils, 426, 428

             Children’s advocacy centers, employees, officers and members of multidisciplinary team, 536

             Drug testing products, provision, administration or use under certain circumstances, 894

             Health insurance all-payer claims database, establishment, exemption from liability for certain persons, 3055

             Insolvent insurers, 111

             Insurance, Commissioner of, 122

             Lupus and variants, information provided to Division of Public and Behavioral Health, 3134

             Mobile crisis intervention services performed by behavioral health specialists, 897

             Opioid antagonists, orders for and administration to school pupils, 424, 426, 428

             Pen register or trap and trace device, use, 215

             Pharmacies, translation of certain information by third party under certain circumstances, 862

             Qualified improvement districts, creation, governing body of municipalities, 3245

             Wildfires, entities responsible for causing, requirements, 1370

      Indigent litigants, prosecuting or defending action without paying costs, 489-491

      Injunctions (See INJUNCTIONS)

      Juvenile justice, actions to eliminate patterns or practices that deprive persons of certain rights, privileges or immunities, 186-188

      Monitored autonomous vehicle providers, liability for damages arising out of provision of transportation services, 3754

      Motor vehicle lessors

             Service of process on lessors, procedures, 505, 506

             Violations, 1429

      Motor vehicle towing or immobilization, actions seeking expedited relief arising from, 1306

      Orders for protection against child under 18 years of age, removal of information from Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History, 608, 609

      Organ transplants, access to persons with a disability, remedies for violations, priority of action, 1166

      Peace officers, discriminatory conduct relating to incidents involving, right of victim to seek damages and attorney’s fees, 342

      Peer recovery, uncertified practice, 2810, 2814

      Peer-to-peer car sharing programs, liability for certain damages, assumption, 1844-1846

      Petroleum products, violations, actions to enforce civil penalty, 1012

      Professional employer organizations, noncompliance with provisions, damages, 1928

      Sexual offenses against minors

             Liability, effect of criminal conviction, 1585

             Limitation of actions, elimination, 1585

      Traffic control, civil infractions, adoption of rules, 3354

      Veterans’ benefits and services provided or advertised, disclosure violations, remedies, collection of civil penalties, 955

      Wildfires, actions against responsible entities, exceptions, 1369

      Wrongful conviction, exemption of certain records from requirement to be sealed, 1375


      Abandoned property, use of addresses for purposes of jurisdiction, 81

      Alternate address on driver’s license or identification card, persons authorized to request, 291, 668, 1265

      Confidentiality of personal information contained in certain public records, persons authorized to request, 286-291, 665-667

      Domestic violence, applications for orders for protection, disclosure of address, requirements, 3260

      Fictitious address issued to certain victims, confidentiality of personal information, 286-291

      Film and other productions, transferable tax credits, certain requirement removed, 281


      Deputy Staff Attorney, filling of position, requirements, 1799

      Enterprise Information Technology Services, Division of, loan to, appropriation to Office of Finance, 2761

      Grant Procurement, Coordination and Management, Office of

             Administrator, duties, 265

             Federal Assistance, Nevada Advisory Council on, duties, 3711

             Personnel and operating costs, upgrades to grant management system, appropriation, 3715

             Transfer to Office of Governor, renamed Office of Federal Assistance, 3706

      Hearings Division, Vending Facility Program, disputes regarding, duties, 839

      Human Resource Management, Division of

             Equity in the workplace, duties, receipt of reports, 1886

             Executive Department, annual fee to be charged for each employee position that falls within a designated bargaining unit, duties, 2801

             Salaries of state employees, duties, 1793

             Sex- or gender-based harassment or discrimination, duties, creation of Investigation Unit, 1912, 1913

      Mail Services Division, creation within Department, 2759

      Minority Affairs, Commission on, duties transferred to Department of Business and Industry, 267

      Purchasing Division

             Advertisements, duties, 2026

             Bids and proposals, inverse preferences, duties, 300

      School districts, annual budget reports, transfer of certain duties to Office of Finance, 1124

      State Library, Archives and Public Records, Division of, duties transferred to Mailing Service Division, 2760

      State Public Works Division, appropriation for certain capital improvement projects, authorized expenditures, 2879

      Unclassified staff, salaries, 1781, 1782


      Circumstances under which assessment deemed uncollectible, 3353

      Court Administrator, Office of, prospective expiration of provisions regarding distribution of certain money, repeal, 2736

      Driver’s licenses, suspension or denial for nonpayment, removal of authority of court, 3292

      Traffic and related offenses punishable as civil infractions, requirements, 3317, 3318


      Courses of study, standards of content and performance, exemption from requirements regarding regulations, 910

      Opioid use disorder, statewide plan concerning, exemptions from regulations of administrative procedure, 2855

      Regulations, text and notice of intent to act upon, 1212


      One or more adults, adoption by, procedures, determinations by court, 3404-3407

      Programs for adoption assistance, money from grant remaining at end of fiscal year, nonreversion to General Fund, 2712


      Veterans’ adult day health care facilities, establishment authorized, 431


      Agricultural products, compliance with national standards regarding invasive species, 151

      Cannabis establishments, requirements, 2150

      Motor vehicle fuel, willful violations, penalties, 1014

      Petroleum products, willful violations, penalties, 1014

      Public works job order contracts, requirements, 3512

      Residential photovoltaic systems, advertisements for work, requirements, prohibited acts, 1057

      Salvage title agents, use of trademark of Department of Motor Vehicles, restrictions, 7, 8

      School buses, "race" defined, 1715

      Solar systems, residential, advertisements for work, requirements, prohibited acts, 1057

      State purchasing, advertisements for bids and proposals, requirements, 299, 2026

      Veterans, events or services

             Penalties and remedies, 955

             Required disclosures, 953, 954

      Vision care providers, contracts with insurers, prohibited acts, penalties, 900


      Arrest warrants, no-knock, requirements for issuance, 192, 193

      Death of Grantor Affidavit, recording, requirements, 994, 996

      Fictitious address issued to certain victims, requests for confidentiality of personal information contained in certain public records, 286, 288

      Notaries public, increase in certain fees, 935

      Pen register or trap and trace device, use by certain peace officers, requirements, 214-216

      Search warrants, no-knock, requirements for issuance, 195, 196


      Affordability restrictions, notice of termination, expiration or ending, procedures, penalties, 255-259

      Business entities

             Nevada Rural Housing Authority, authority to create, 1090

             Powers of entities, 1089, 1091, 1092

      Definitions, 1089, 1090

      Individual Development Account Program, establishment, requirements, 1551

      Transferable tax credits, applications for, issuance, 1043-1045


      Alcohol, unlawful acts committed by persons under age 21, penalties, 851-853

      Attorney General, qualifications, 932

      Cannabis, unlawful acts committed by persons under age 21, penalties, 860

      Equality of rights under law guaranteed to all persons, constitutional amendment, 3992, 3993

      Guardianship of minors, "home state" of child less than 6 months of age defined, 201

      Hunting tags, program authorizing transfer of tags to another person or qualified organization, use of tags, 471

      Marijuana, unlawful acts committed by persons under age 21, penalties, 856

      Maternal Mortality Review Committee, age of mothers who experience maternal mortality, duties, 339


             Admission to certain grade levels, requirements, 1027, 1028

             Disciplinary procedures, restrictions, 2234

      Sexually transmitted diseases, duties of certain providers of emergency medical services relating to testing of persons age 15 years or older for, exceptions, 3138

      State employees to reflect demographic diversity of State, public policy of State, requirements, 2703

      Tobacco and related products

             Age verification through enhanced controls, sales of cigarettes and other tobacco products to persons under age 40, requirements, civil penalties, 820-822

             Minimum age for sale of products raised to 21, 444

             Vapor products, minimum age for sale of products raised to 21, 444

      Young Adult Support Services Program, Extended, establishment, procedures, 2728-2736

      Youthful offenders between 18 and 24 years of age, feasibility study of housing in correctional facilities, requirements, 3572, 3573


      Abuse, neglect, exploitation, isolation or abandonment

             Doulas, duty to report, requirements, 2624

             Peer recovery support specialists and specialist supervisors, duty to report, requirements, 2816

             Public Safety, Department of, certain reporting requirement repealed, 620

             Statistical data, accessibility on Central Repository’s Internet website, 620

      Healthy Nevada, Fund for a

             Consolidation of programs, 64-72

             Eligibility for subsidies for services or benefits, requirements, 69-71

             Repeal of certain provisions, 72

             "Senior citizen" defined, 69

             Subsidies for services or benefits, 64-72

      Home care employment standards boards (See HOME CARE)

      Hospital to residence transition, establishment of program to facilitate, authority of Aging and Disability Services Division, 553


      Hay, height of vehicle transporting on highway, measurement, clarified, 38

      Plant Health and Compliance, Division of, creation, appointment of Administrator, classification, duties, use of certain fees, 100, 102, 103

      Produce intended for human consumption, federal regulations, adoption and compliance, 2005

      Quarantine Officer, State, authority to declare any weed noxious, 1368

      Rural agricultural residential common-interest communities, establishment and foreclosure of certain liens, applicability of laws, 709-711


      Aviation fuel, adoption and enforcement of specifications, 139

      Composition, membership, 675

      Diesel exhaust fluid, adoption and enforcement of specifications, variances, 136, 137, 139

      Meetings, requirements for quorum, 676

      Motor vehicle fuel, regulations, 2219

      Petroleum products, adoption and enforcement of specifications, variances, 139


      Administrative Services, Division of, appointment of Administrator, classification, duties, 99, 100

      Agricultural police officers

             Appointment, 1904

             Certification, 1908

             Powers and duties, 1907

      Animal Industry, Division of, creation, appointment of Administrator, classification, duties, 100

      Brands and marks (See BRANDS AND MARKS)

      Consumer Equitability, Division of

             Name changed to Division of Measurement Standards, appointment and classification of Administrator, duties, 100

             State Sealer of Consumer Equitability

                   Cannabis weighing and measuring equipment, powers and duties, regulations, 3600-3603

                   Containers, pumps, dispensers or storage tanks

                          Contents, disposition, duties, 142

                          Outlets, duties related to closing and sealing of, 141

                   Field reference standards and transfer standards, duties, 173

                   Measurement Standards, State Sealer of, redesignated as, 100

                   Open dating of packaged food, duty removed, 173

                   Petroleum products, civil penalties for certain unlawful acts, duties, regulations, procedures, 1012

                   Property or equipment, unlawful acts relating to access, 141


             Agricultural police officers, appointment, powers and duties, 1904, 1907

             Home Feeds Nevada Agriculture Food Purchase Program, creation, duties, 1095

             Lunch Program, National School, duties transferred from Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1113

             Noxious weed seeds, duties, regulations, 2022

             Organization of Department and reassignment of responsibilities and duties, authority, 100

      Eggs and egg products, duties, 2214

      Food and Nutrition, Division of, creation, appointment of Administrator, classification, duties, 100, 101

      Laboratory equipment and maintenance contracts related to veterinary medical services, appropriation, 2804

      Plant Health and Compliance, Division of, creation, appointment of Administrator, classification, duties, use of certain fees, 100, 102, 103

      Produce intended for human consumption, duties, regulations, 2005

      Quarantine Officer, State (See also QUARANTINE OFFICER, STATE)

             Duties, 2005

             Regulations, 2215

      State Veterinarian, appointment, classification, duties, 100

      THC concentration for hemp, establishment of maximum concentration, duties, 3156

      Unclassified staff, salaries, 1782


      Conservation and Natural Resources, State Department of, greenhouse gases, annual reports, 584

      Emission control device, violation deemed civil infraction, 3341

      Pollution Control Account, distribution of certain fees, repeal of provisions, 701, 702


      Cannabis establishments, location at airports prohibited, 2360, 2362

      Hospitality and Travel Workers Right to Return Act, Nevada (See HOSPITALITY ENTERPRISES)

      Limousine motor carriers that have entered into contracts with transportation services, requirements to operate at airport, 2252

      Vending facilities operated by persons who are blind, authority, 840, 841


      Sounding of by counties, cities or towns, prohibited acts, 2073



             Continuing education relating to cultural competency and diversity, equity and inclusion, requirements, 892

             Postgraduate counseling, requirements, 752, 753

      Mental health records, requirements concerning recordings used for certain training activities, 2195

      Peer recovery support specialists and specialist supervisors, laws inapplicable, 2834


      Children, violations, issuance of citations, penalties, 855, 856

      DUI offenders

             Testing, requirements, 2464

             Treatment programs, placement, effect, 2462, 2469

      Mental diseases, persons in institutions for, Medicaid coverage of treatment of substance use disorder, 2837

      Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, adherence to applicable provisions by certain insurers and organizations, reports, 870


             Substance use disorders or co-occurring disorders, treatment programs for, 207-213

             Therapeutic communities, terminology repealed and replaced, 207-214

      Persons under 21, penalties for offenses related to purchase, consumption or possession, 851-853

      Prevention coalitions, requirements, 2830

      Public assistance, eligibility following felony drug conviction, requirements, 73, 74

      Resilient Nevada, Advisory Committee for, creation, 2845

      Resilient Nevada, Fund for a, creation, 2847

      Schools, curricula or programs regarding substance misuse or substance use disorder, 2819

      "Screening, brief intervention and referral to treatment approach," definition of term, 386, 389, 390, 392, 395, 396

      Statewide Substance Use Response Working Group, creation, 2857

      Substance use disorder prevention coalitions, requirements, 2830


      Continuing education for licensees, duties, 892

      Health care providers, database of information concerning, duties, 809

      Official transcripts, alternate means for submission, duties, 3500

      Recordings used for certain training activities, duties, regulation, 2192

      Regional behavioral health policy boards, reports to, requirements, 3501, 3502

      Remote supervision, regulations, 3501


      Schools, liability for actions relating to auto-injectable epinephrine, 426, 428



      Kinetic energy projectiles, use by peace officers in response to demonstrations or protests, prohibited acts, 2641


      Schools, liability for actions relating to auto-injectable epinephrine, 426, 428


      Copening, Senator Allison, honored for advocacy of organ donation, 3991


      Equality of rights under law guaranteed to all persons, constitutional amendment, 3992, 3993


      Animal Industry, Division of, creation in Department of Agriculture, appointment and duties of Administrator, 100, 101

      CBD products, veterinarians authorized to administer, 917, 918

      Dangerous wild animals, prohibited acts, penalties, 1734

      Dogs, insurance, discrimination based solely on breed of dog on applicable property prohibited, 1524

      Hemp products, veterinarians authorized to administer, 917, 918

      Shelters, North Las Vegas, charter amendment, 1330

      State Veterinarian, appointment, qualifications, duties, 100, 101


      Minors, compromise of claims, when blocked financial investments required, 498, 499


      Transient lodging, rental in Clark County for purposes of, regulation, 2392, 2400


      Decisions, printing and distribution, duties of Supreme Court, 217, 219, 220


      Energy efficiency, adoption of standards, 2201

      Flexible demand technology, adoption of appliance standards to facilitate, 2206


      Technology fee, imposition upon issuance or renewal of registration, 3537


      Labor Commissioner, powers, 2790, 2791

      Occupational, vocational and technical training, credit for hours required for apprenticeship program, determination, 2158

      Skilled trades, approval or rejection of proposed programs, considerations, duties, 814, 2799


      Approval and registration, structure, requirements, 812-815, 2793, 2796, 2797

      Construction trades, time-based program, requirement, 812, 2797

      Definition, 812

      Skilled trades, procedures, requirements, 2799


      Administrative Services Division of the Department of Motor Vehicles, 2753

      Aging and Disability Services Division, 2551, 2864

      Agriculture, State Department of, 2804

      Attorney General, Office of the, 2784, 2899

      Budget Division, 2756

      Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History, 1950, 2802

      Child and Family Services, Division of, 1834-1836, 2762, 2763, 3573

      Compliance Enforcement, Division of, 2753

      Conservation and Natural Resources, State Department of, 2898

      Corrections, Department of, 2190, 2872, 2875

      Courts, Administrative Office of the, 3263

      Economic Development, Office of, 2

      Education, Department of, 1838, 2895-2897

      Enterprise Information Technology Services, Division of, appropriation to Office of Finance for loan to, 2761

      Examiners, State Board of, 1795

      Family Planning, Account for, 1835

      Federal Assistance, Office of, 3715

      Field Services, Division of, 2752, 2753, 3876

      Finance, Office of, 2003, 2004, 2761, 3663

      Forestry, Division of, 2865

      Gaming Control Board, Nevada, 2805

      General appropriations legislation, 1800-1830

      Grant Procurement, Coordination and Management, Office of, 3715

      Health and Human Services, Department of, 3136, 3652

      Health Care Financing and Policy, Division of, 1295, 2550, 2566, 2680, 3061, 3145

      Health Service Corps, Nevada, appropriation to Office of Finance for allocation to, 2643

      Highway Patrol Division, Nevada, 1999, 2000

      Immunize Nevada, 3720

      Information Technology, Division of, 2751, 2752

      Interim Finance Committee, 2680, 2753, 2754, 3717

      Internal Audits, Division of, 2899

      International Gaming Institute of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, appropriation to Interim Finance Committee for allocation to, 3717

      Investigation Division, 2803

      Labor Commissioner, Office of the, 3662

      Legislative Fund (See LEGISLATURE)

      Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health, 3718

      Military, Office of the, 2006, 2007

      Millennium Scholarship Trust Fund, 2871

      Motor Carrier Division, 2752

      Motor Vehicles, Department of, 1998, 2751-2753, 3296

      Museums and History, Division of, 2800

      Nevada Blind Children’s Foundation, 3719

      Nevada Promise Scholarship Account, 2863

      Nevada State Museum, Las Vegas, 3719

      Nevada System of Higher Education, 1295, 1838, 3698, 3907

      Parole and Probation, Division of, 2803

      Pensions for Silicosis, Diseases Related to Asbestos and Other Disabilities, Account for, 2867

      Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, 1834-1837, 2934-2936, 3662

      Public Health Resource Office, 3651

      Public Option Trust Fund, 3647

      Public Safety, Department of, 3353

      Public Works Division, State, certain capital improvement projects, 2879

      Real Estate Division, 2866, 2869

      Restoration of balances, certain state accounts, 2750


             1/5 Retirement Credit Purchase Program Account, 2913

             Charter schools, transfers of appropriation to certain charter schools, 2895-2897

             Civic Engagement, Nevada Center for, 3717

             Contract services, provision for examinations and assessments, 2932

             Other State Education Programs Account, 2909

             Professional Development Programs Account, 2912

             Pupil-Centered Funding Plan Account, 2902

             Special Education Services, Account for State, 2909

             State Distributive School Account, 198

             Teach Nevada Scholarship Program Account, 2914

             We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution Programs, 3717

      Secretary of State, Office of, 1266, 2867, 2869, 3875

      Sentencing Policy, Department of, 2444

      Silver State Health Insurance Exchange, 3647

      State Controller, Office of the, 2863, 3715

      State Parks, Division of, 2352

      Supreme Court, Nevada, 1996, 2001, 2002

      Taxation, Department of, 1860, 1994, 1995, 2754, 2755

      Tourism and Cultural Affairs, Department of, 1837

      Transportation, Department of, 2868

      Veterans Services, Department of, 1951

      Water Resources, Division of, 2876

      Welfare and Support Services, Division of, 2567, 2870, 3646


      State purchasing contracts, prohibition against provisions requiring arbitration in another state or nation, 2025


      Behavioral health professions

             Licenses or certificates, issuance to certain persons affiliated with the Armed Forces, requirements, 3485, 3489, 3494, 3501, 3502

             Licensing fees, restrictions on, 3488, 3492, 3499, 3507

      Licenses by endorsement, issuance to certain persons affiliated with the Armed Forces, duties of professional and occupational licensing boards, 3488, 3492, 3499, 3507

      Nevada System of Higher Education, tuition charges prohibited, requirements, 3683


      Additional rights of officers, creation, 3418

      Deadly force, use limited to peace officers, 1456

      Nonviolent means, when use required when effecting arrest, procedures, 2637, 2639

      Physical force, use, 1456, 2637, 2639

      Pretrial release, orders for, requirements and restrictions, authority of court to modify or vacate, 2230

      Prostitution or solicitation, provision of certain information to person arrested, duties, 3119

      Sealing records of criminal proceedings, procedures, 2597

      Traffic and related offenses, authority of peace officers, 3313, 3353


      Contents, required information, 193

      No-knock arrest warrants

             Affidavits filed with complaint or citation, requirements, 192, 193

             Definition, 192

             Execution, requirements, 194

             Issuance, requirements, when deemed void, 192, 193

      Summons or arrest warrants, authority of magistrates to issue, requirements, 192, 193


      Permanent total disability, limiting or terminating compensation prohibited on basis that injured employee earns income, 1982


      Technology fee, imposition upon issuance or renewal of permit or certificate, 3539, 3540


      Agents, gifts to athletes, restrictions, requirements, 503, 504


      Board of Athletic Trainers, database of information concerning health care providers, duties, 806


      Appliances, duties related to violations of energy efficiency standards, 2205

      Children in need of protection, petitions alleging, authority to sign, 2239

      Cigarettes and other tobacco products

             Delivery sales, violations, 448

             Inspections, duties, 445-447

      City officers or employees, investigation and prosecution under certain circumstances, authority, 2442

      Consumer Affairs Unit of the Department of Business and Industry, Commissioner of the, duties, 2745

      Corrections, Department of, list of offenders receiving credits while incarcerated during COVID-19 emergency, receipt of reports, 2602

      Data brokers, violations, remedies, 1676

      Deceptive trade practices

             Authority to file action for violations, 1348

             Duties, 1344

      District attorneys, requests to Office for assistance in criminal prosecutions, procedures, reimbursement of expenses, 648

      Domestic violence

             Committee on Domestic Violence, name change, composition, duties, 659

             Office of Ombudsman for Victims of, name change, duties, 658

      Employees, requests for confidentiality of personal information contained in certain public records, 665-667

      Extradition Coordinator, Office of the, projected shortfall, appropriations, 2899

      Financial Independence, Nevada Statewide Council on, membership, 1548

      Gold and silver extracted in State, excise tax on annual gross revenue, duties, 1278

      Health care issues, receipt of reports from State or local governmental entities, 3050

      Health care or health carrier transactions, duties regarding reportable transactions, receipt of notices, 308, 309

      Health insurance all-payer claims database, access to data, duties, 3053

      Human trafficking, duties, 659, 836

      Immigration enforcement, model policies, duties, 3907

      Interception of communications, authority, 1736

      Juvenile justice, investigations of patterns and practices that deprive persons of certain rights, 186-188

      Law enforcement agencies, model policies, duties, 3906

      Mental health facilities or programs of community-based or outpatient services, approval of forms related to, 3078

      Office of the Attorney General

             Carson City office, replacement of standard windows and doors with ballistic glass and frames, appropriations, 2784

             Consumer Affairs, Bureau of

                   Consumer Protection Administrative Account, creation, sources, use, 2184-2186

                   Deceptive trade practices, action for, authority for employee to serve process, 1352

                   State agencies, access to records in possession of agency relating to consumer protection, 1355

             Consumer Protection Legal Account, creation, sources, use, duties, receipt of reports, 2183

             Emergency vehicles, vehicles of Office designated authorized emergency vehicles, 669

             Health and Human Services, Department of, receipt of reports, 2848

             Motor vehicles used in investigations, special license plates for

                   Prohibited acts, confidentiality of information, 690

                   Requirements, 689

             Unclassified staff, salaries, 1779, 1798

      Peace officers, use of physical force, data, duties, submission of reports, 2639

      Pregnant women, examination or testing, enforcement of civil penalties, 2574

      Pro bono legal services, contracts with Executive Department, 651, 652

      Prosecuting attorneys, generally (See PROSECUTING ATTORNEYS)

      Prostitution or solicitation, concurrent jurisdiction, 165

      Public restrooms, single-stall, inclusiveness and accessibility, reports of violations, duties, 2349-2351

      Qualifications, 932

      Resilient Nevada, Advisory Committee for, appointments, 2845, 2855

      Resilient Nevada, Fund for a, duties, 2847, 2849

      Restraint of trade, use of certain fees to investigate prohibited contracting practices, 3545-3552

      Salvage title agents of Department of Motor Vehicles, approval of bonds, 8

      Sex- or gender-based harassment or discrimination, duties, 1912

      Sexual assault, duties, 659

      Statewide Substance Use Response Working Group

             Creation, duties, 2857

             Receipt, reports, 2861

      Unfair trade practices, duties, 310, 311

      Veterans’ benefits and services provided or advertised, disclosure violations, action to collect civil penalties, 955


      Cannabis consumption, actions for damages, award of fees under certain circumstances, 2379

      Doxing, civil remedies, 2136

      Employees laid off due to COVID-19, remedies, 3591

      Estates of decedents, remedies for certain violations, 969, 970

      Evictions, award for wrongful eviction, 2123

      Indigent defense services, fees earned by certain attorneys, removal of limitations, 2263

      Motor vehicles lessors, violations, 1429

      Noncompetition covenants, award of fees in actions to enforce or challenge, 315

      Orders for protection against child under 18 years of age, remedy for failure to remove information from Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History, 609

      Peace officers, certain discriminatory conduct by, victim’s right to recover fees, 342

      Wildfires, recovery of fees by governing body against entities responsible for causing, exceptions, 1369


      Attorney-client privilege, effect on meetings of executive board of common-interest communities, 714

      Child under 18 years of age, orders for protection against, appointment of counsel for child, 605

      Civil infraction citations, hearings on, representation of defendant, 3316, 3317

      Community-based or out-patient services, involuntary commitment to, requirements regarding continued representation of person, 3072, 3090

      Contingent fee contracts with Attorney General, restriction on entering, 652

      Employment Security Division, filling of personnel positions by registers, exemption for attorney positions, 1471

      Estates of decedents

             Compensation of attorneys representing personal representatives, 977

             "Independent attorney" defined, 978

             Transfers of property, 970

      Industrial insurance, compensation subject to attorney’s lien, 1184

      Pro bono legal services, contracts with agency of Executive Department, 651, 652

      Veterans, benefits and services provided or advertised, required disclosures, applicability of laws, 954


      Behavioral health professionals, remote supervision, requirements, 3484, 3488, 3493, 3501

      Behavioral health specialists performing mobile crisis intervention services, immunity from liability, 897

      Municipal courts, sound recording equipment use authorized in jury trials, 1313

      Public bodies, participation by videoconference, requirements, 1207-1212

      Telehealth, requirements and procedures, 3016


      Central Repository, authority to audit qualified entities providing care to children, elderly persons or persons with disabilities, 204

      Consumer Protection Legal Account, use of money received from, 2184

      Elections, requirements, 1223, 1250, 3848

      Film and other productions, transferable tax credits, requirements, 280

      Lactation rooms in courthouses for use by members of the public, requirements, 3263

      Nevada System of Higher Education

             Appropriation, 2894

             Requirements, 2894, 4013

      Salvage title agents of Department of Motor Vehicles, requirements, 8

      State University and other public institutions of higher education, biennial audits, constitutional amendment, 4013

      Walking audits of urbanized areas in larger counties, requirements, 3446, 3447


      General authorized expenditures legislation, 2765-2783

      Health Care Financing and Policy, Division of, 2566

      Military, Office of the, replacement of equipment and shop tools, 2007

      Supreme Court, Nevada, replacement of computer hardware and software, 2001, 2002

      Welfare and Supportive Services, Division of, 2567


      Autism Treatment Assistance Program, increased reimbursement rates behavior technicians, appropriation to pay for, 2551


      Equipment, exemptions from certain equipment requirements, 2223

      "Low-speed vehicles" defined, 2223

      Monitored autonomous vehicle providers

             Damages arising out of provision of transportation services, liability, 3754

             Insurance, requirements, 3762-3765

      "Neighborhood occupantless vehicle" defined, 2222

      Speed restrictions, applicability of laws, 2223

      Transportation network companies, agreements with monitored autonomous vehicle providers to receive connections to passengers, 3754


      Specifications, adoption and enforcement, 139



      Orders imposing condition of release prohibiting contact, authority of victim to request, requirements, procedures, 1948

      Pretrial release, procedures, 2230

      Release without bail, procedures, 2230, 3579


      Expiration of license, renewal, 3000

      Surety bond, requirements, 3000


      Contracts, translations in languages other than English, requirement inapplicable, 1447

      National Infrastructure Bank Act of 2020, Congress urged to pass, 3997


      Background investigations of certain employees that serve children, requirements relating to convictions or pending charges of battery, 2632, 3472, 3478

      School pupils, battery against school personnel, disciplinary procedures, 2333


      Dangerous wild animals, prohibited acts, penalties, 1734


      Plant Health and Compliance, creation of Division in State Department of Agriculture, appointment of Administrator, classification, duties, use of certain fees, 100, 102, 103


      Competence examinations, grounds, procedures, 1640

      Disciplinary action, grounds, 1636

      Ethics, compliance with certain requirements, 1627

      Health care provider, licensees and registrants defined as, applicability of laws, 1594

      Licenses or registrations

             Continuing education relating to cultural competency and diversity, equity and inclusion, requirements, 893

             Denial, grounds, procedures, 1633

             Fees, 1628

             Qualifications, 1631

      Practice of applied behavior analysis, definition, applicability of laws, 1625

      Registered behavior technician, definition, 1625

      Supervision of assistant behavior analysts and registered behavior technicians, 1642


      Aging and Disability Services, Division of, duties transferred to Board, 1642

      Applicability of laws relating to licensing boards and contested cases, 1591

      Continuing education for licensees, duties, 893

      Contracts with public or private agencies of organizations to carry out duties, 1624

      Fees, duties, 1627

      Membership, qualifications, 1627


      Autism spectrum disorders, persons with, reimbursement rates for services provided to, 2546, 2551



      Health care and behavioral health services, grants to reduce disparities in, 2701, 2706

      Hospitals, endorsement to provide crisis stabilization services, requirements, 238-240

      Peace officers

             Annual behavioral wellness visit, 552

             Crisis intervention, training programs, 951

      Regional behavioral health policy boards

             Reports, receipt, 2848, 3485, 3489, 3494, 3501, 3502

             Telehealth, duties, 3013

      School pupils

             Attendance, behavioral health as condition for excusing child, evidence of inability of child to attend, effect on rating of school prohibited, 3221

             Youth risk behavior by, collection of data, 2819

      Specialists performing mobile crisis intervention services, immunity from liability, 897


      Health and Human Services, Department of, receipt of reports, 2844, 2848

      Suicide prevention and behavioral health crisis hotline, usage and services, receipt of reports, 2844

      Telehealth, duties, 3012


      Sounding of by counties, cities or towns, prohibited acts, 2073


      Peace officers, evaluations to identify implicit bias, requirements, 574

      State employers, officer and employee training in diversity and racial equity, requirements, 2703


      Complete Streets Program, integration of bicycle lanes and routes, requirements, 1049, 1050

      Driver’s duty of care owed to, requirements, 1048

      Electric bicycles (See ELECTRIC BICYCLES)


             Right side of the roadway, conditions when operation is not safe, 1049

             Rules for passing by drivers, 1048

             Traffic laws, violation made civil infraction, penalties, 3338


      Golden eagles, licensing requirements to transport, transfer, possess or use in falconry, 1085


      Homeless persons, receipt of certificate without charge, requirements, prohibited acts, 523

      Prisoners, charging of fees for issuance prohibited, 33


      Diversity survey conducted by UNLV, requirements, 3523

      Self-administered hormonal contraceptives, dispensing, insurance coverage, 3274

      Sexual assault victims, certain medical facilities to provide emergency contraceptive to victims upon request, requirements, 1070


      Definition, 3436

      Director, requirements, 3442

      Location, requirements, 3442

      Medical facilities, applicability of laws, 3428, 3437, 3443

      Surgery, prohibition of performance of, 3442


      Nevada Blind Children’s Foundation, appropriation, 3719

      Public institutions, persons supported by, change in terminology, constitutional amendment, 4029

      Vending facilities operated by persons who are blind, training program for licensees, establishment, 839


      Pregnant women, requirements, 2572, 2573


      Game wardens, citations for certain offenses relating to vessels, requirement to issue and discretionary issuance, 3469, 3470

      Operating vessel under the influence, prohibition on having specified amount of marijuana or marijuana metabolite in blood eliminated, effect, 1464

      Peace officers, citations for certain offenses relating to vessels, requirement to issue and discretionary issuance, 3469, 3470


      Water heaters, exemptions from standards governing boilers, 1959, 1960


      Environmental Improvement Program for the Lake Tahoe Basin, general obligation bonds, issuance, requirements, 1007, 1008

      Foreign bonds, notes or other obligations, authorized investments, requirements, 452, 454, 455, 458, 460

      School facilities, issuance of general obligation bonds, authority of school district trustees, 3216


      Estates of decedents, requirement that public administrator or similar person post bond prohibited, 972

      Peer-to-peer car sharing programs, requirements of licensee’s, 1849

      Residential photovoltaic systems, requirements for contractors performing work, 1060

      Salvage title agents of Department of Motor Vehicles, requirements, 8

      Structured settlement purchase companies, requirements, 1724


      Walking audits of urbanized areas, collaboration, 3446, 3447


      Agriculture, State Department of

             Applications, fees, authority, 1832

             Rerecording, frequency, procedures, duties, 1833

      Animal Industry, Division of, appointment of Administrator, classification, duties, 101

      Brand inspections to be visual examination, 1905


      Courthouses to contain lactation rooms for use by members of the public under certain circumstances, appropriation, 3262

      Public Option, establishment, requirements, 3637


      Sale of malt beverages to wholesaler, limitation on number of barrels sold, 1689


      Clark County, requirements, applicability of laws, 631

      Single-stall restrooms in public facilities or in places of accommodation, requirements, 2346


      Abandoned property laws, applicability, 79

      Agents, renewal of license, requirements, 2975

      Permits, renewal, 2974

      Surety bond, requirements, 2973


      Abandoned property laws, exemptions, 77

      Prehistoric Indian burial sites on private lands, permits to conduct lawful activity on lands, requirements, 1087


      Consumer Affairs Division

             Commissioner, duties regarding Consumer Affairs Unit, 2742, 2749

             Elimination, 2742

             Structured settlement purchase companies, duties, 1722

      Consumer Affairs Unit, establishment, 2742


             Deceptive trade practices, duties, 1349

             Economic Development, Board of, member, 326

      Financial Institutions, Division of


                   Collection agencies, debts collected for homeowners’ association, receipt of reports, 3749

                   CRA ratings of certain institutions, availability, receipt of notice, reports, 737, 738

                   Fingerprints, receipt, removal of certain provisions, 2038, 2043, 2049, 2053, 2057, 2062, 2067, 2070

                   Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry

                          Duties, 2032-2070

                          Regulations, 2033, 2036, 2040, 2047, 2051, 2055, 2059, 2065

             CRA ratings of certain financial institutions, duties, 738

      Housing Division

             Affordable housing

                   Affordability restrictions, notice of termination, expiration or ending, duties, regulations, 255-259

                   Transferable tax credits, duties, 1043, 1044

             Energy Assistance and Conservation, Fund for, distributions to Division, 36

      Industrial Relations, Division of

             Cannabis establishments, safety and health courses, duties, 232, 233

             Employee leasing companies, transfer of certain duties to Labor Commissioner, 1927

             Water heaters, regulations, duties, 1959, 1960

      Infrastructure Bank, Nevada State, provision of technical advice, support and assistance, 3816

      Insurance Division

             Captive insurers, duties, 2991

             Disaster declared or state of emergency, acquisition of refills during, authority, 824-832

             Engagement in activities relating to insurance, authority to terminate license, permit or certificates without hearing, 2963

             Fees, duties, 2947

             Genetic counseling, testing and screening for mutations in BRCA gene, coverage for, enforcement of provisions, 784

             Health insurance all-payer claims database, duties, 3061

             Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, duties, 870

             Nevada Insurance Guaranty Association, duties, 119

             Patient Protection Commission, reports to, 3061

             Prepaid limited health service organizations, duties, 2997

             Public Option, public health benefit plan, establishment, duties, 3617-3622

             Reinsurers, duties, 2949, 2951-2953

             Self-insured employers, duties, 3001

             Service of process, certain duty removed, 2944

             Stop-loss insurance, duties, 2970

             Surety bonds, duties, 2941

             Vision care insurance, duties, 900

             Wildfires, program to incentivize property owners to mitigate risk of loss or damage caused by, duties, 488

      Minority Affairs, Nevada Commission on

             Duties, 267

             Reporting requirements, 3228

      Real Estate Division

             Common-interest communities, authority to investigate complaints of certain violations, penalties, 1397

             Licensing software system upgrade and replacement of computer hardware and software, appropriations, 2866

             Technology Account, administration, duties, 3532, 3535, 3537, 3538, 3540

             Time share filing fees, projected shortfall relating to, appropriations, 2869

      Unclassified staff, salaries, 1780


      Limousine motor carriers that have entered into contracts with transportation services, requirements to operate at airport, 2252

      Pest control, prohibited acts, 155


             Debts owed by license holder to state agencies, suspension of license, reinstatement, 2273

             LGBTQ-owned businesses, right to receive additional information upon application for license, 3171

             Peer recovery support services, requirements, 2814


      LGBTQ-owned businesses, portal to enable LGBTQ-owned businesses to indicate status on portal, 3171


      Individual Development Account Program, establishment, requirements, 1550

      Tax credits

             Affordable housing projects, transferable tax credits for qualified projects, requirements, 1043-1045

             Independent Development Account Program, donations made to fiduciary organizations, 1550



      Natural Heritage, Division of, confidentiality of certain information, authorized release, 1361


      Contributions or commitments to make contributions


                   Appointment of Legislator to fill vacancy in office of a Legislator, authority to accept contributions during certain periods, prohibited acts, 2491, 2499

                   Unspent contributions, authorized uses, reporting requirements, 2492, 2495, 2499, 2500

      Text messages advocating election or defeat of candidate, disclosure requirements, 819


      Applicability of laws, requirements and procedures, 509-514


      BRCA gene, screening of women for

             Continuing education relating to genetic counseling and testing, 776, 778, 780

             Criminal penalties for failure to comply with provisions, exemptions, 771, 772

             Duties of certain health care providers, 771

      Fee for support of system for reporting of information on cancer and other neoplasms, requirements, 2256

      Maternal Mortality Review Committee, access to information in system for the reporting of information on cancer and other neoplasms, 3436

      Ovarian and Prostate Cancer Prevention and Awareness Month, proclamation, 519

      Prescription drugs, exemption from step therapy in treatment of persons with stage 3 or stage 4 cancer, insurance requirements, penalties, 2659-2679


      Business premises, cannabis products consumed on, local licensing or other authority to operate business prohibited, exception, repeal of certain provisions, 2381-2385, 2389

      Concentrated cannabis

             Possession, penalties, 2443

             Unauthorized extraction causing a fire or explosion, penalties, 1740

      Investigation Division of Department of Public Safety, criminal investigations, 914

      Persons under 21, penalties for offenses related to possession or obtaining, 860

      Public places, consumption of cannabis in, regulation, 2360, 2373, 2376

      "Ready-to-consume cannabis products," definition, regulation, applicability of laws, 2356, 2371, 2376, 2378

      "Single-use cannabis product," definition, regulation, 2357, 2376

      Synthetic cannabinoids, prohibited acts, 3149, 3155, 3156

      Violations of certain prohibitions causing a fire or explosion, penalties, 1740

      Weighing and measuring equipment, powers and duties of State Sealer of Consumer Equitability, regulations, 3600-3603


      LGBTQ-owned businesses, duties of subcommittee on market participation relating to, 3170


      Cannabis sales facilities, curbside pickup, duties, 743

      Criminal investigations, Investigation Division of Department of Public Safety to assist upon request, 914, 916

      Database containing information relating to testing of cannabis and cannabis products, duties, reports, 1883

      Establishments (See also CANNABIS ESTABLISHMENTS)

             Adult-use cannabis retail stores

                   Cannabis consumption lounges, regulation, requirements and prohibited acts, 2357, 2373-2375

                   Licensure, duties, fees, 2358, 2359, 2366, 2389

                   Social equity applicants for license as cannabis consumption lounge, duties, 2358, 2367

             Engaging in business without license, civil penalties, duties, 2140

             Interest in ownership of less than 5 percent, authority of Board to adopt policies and procedures that waive registration requirements, 3149, 3150

             Packaging of cannabis and cannabis products, regulation, duties, 742


                   Agent registration card for cannabis receivers, regulations, 2141, 2151

                   Possession of establishments, procedures and requirements for, regulations, 2141

             Records relating to delivery of cannabis and cannabis products, regulation, duties, 747

      Executive Director, service of respondents with complaints, duties, 3148


             Employment of persons necessary for purposes of hearing disciplinary proceedings, authority, 3148

             Testimony of witness by deposition, removal of authority to take, 3149

             Time of hearing, extensions, 3148

      Interest in ownership of less than 5 percent, authority of Board to adopt policies and procedures that waive registration requirements, 3149, 3150

      Public places, consumption of cannabis in, regulations, 2360, 2373, 2376

      "Ready-to-consume cannabis products," definition, regulation, 2356, 2376

      Unclassified staff, salaries, 1793

      Unfair Trade Practice Act, Nevada, effect of certain violations, report, 2389


      Advertising, requirements, 2150

      Agent registration card for cannabis receivers

             Issuance, requirements, 2141

             Prosecution for certain crimes related to cannabis, exemptions, 2153, 2155

             Revocation of card, effect, 2144, 2146

             Search of person or property, possession of card not probable cause for, 2154

      Airports, location at airports prohibited, 2360, 2362

      Board, duties (See CANNABIS COMPLIANCE BOARD)

      Consumption lounges

             Licensure and regulation, taxation, 2357-2376, 2386-2389

             Notice of eligibility, 2389

      Employees, safety and health courses

             Completion cards, requirements, penalties, associated costs, 233, 234

             Definitions, 232, 233

             Failure to complete course, suspension or termination of employment, 233

             Fines for certain violations, 233

      Engaging in business without license, additional penalties, 2140

      Excise tax, applicability and exclusions, 1971, 2386

      Independent testing laboratories, database of information relating to testing conducted on cannabis and cannabis products, establishment, use, regulation, 1883

      Interest in ownership of less than 5 percent, authority of Board to adopt policies and procedures that waive registration requirements, 3149, 3150

      Labeling, requirements, 743, 744, 3152


             Cannabis independent testing laboratories, requirements, 3604

             Consumption lounges, requirements, 2357

             Transfer of license, requirements, 2359, 2365

      Packaging of cannabis and cannabis products, regulation, 742

      Records relating to delivery of cannabis and cannabis products, regulation, 747

      Sales facilities

             Curbside pickup, requirements, procedures, 743

             Purchasers, provision of written notification conveying certain information, requirements, 744

      Weights and measures, possession or sale of incorrect weight or measure for use in establishment prohibited, penalties, 3601


      Legislative Fund, appropriations, 2931


      Certificates of dormancy, renewal, 2992


      Requirements, penalties, 177-179

      Short-term lessors, disclosures regarding use, 176



      Advisory technical skills committee

             Duties, 302, 303

             Membership, 302

             Open Meeting Law, exemptions, 303, 305

             Superintendent of school district, authority to consult with stakeholders as alternative to establishing advisory committee, 302

      Other State Education Programs Account, award of grants for programs, funding, 2911


      Services provided, provision of notices to employers in State, duties, 952


      Sheriffs, qualifications, 3465

      State Public Defender, fees for services, 2779


      Board of Directors

             Membership increased, appointment, qualifications, terms, 720

             Taxation of property within District, authority to levy restricted, 720

      Boundaries, expansion to include portions of Storey County, 719


      Veterinarians, authority to administer CBD products, 917, 918


      Motor vehicle operation, use of phone made civil infraction, penalties, 3331


      Abandoned property laws, exemptions, 77

      Veterans Cemeteries, Advisory Committee for, increase in length of terms for members, 435


      Reapportionment and redistricting, interim committee to conduct an investigation into matters relating to, creation, 4034


      Peer recovery support specialists or specialist supervisors, certification, duties, 2811-2814, 2822, 2835


      Transportation, Advisory Working Group to Study Issues Related to, membership, 180

      Workforce development, committee to conduct interim study of alignment of workforce training and programs offered by community colleges, membership, 1202


      Solicitation of contributions

             Deceptive trade practices, expansion of types of organizations subject to provisions, 229, 230

             Definitions, 224, 230

             Forfeiture of right to transact business in State for failure to pay civil penalties or comply with cease and desist order, 229

             Registration and disclosure requirements, expansion to certain entities, 224, 230

      Special license plates

             Applications for, design, 681-686

             Issuance, procedures, 350-352

             Violations by organizations, procedures following, 50-52, 696-698


      Definition of "qualified organization,” 1387

      Professional sports organizations, authority to conduct online ticket sales in conjunction with certain lotteries, requirements, 1388

      Registration through use of mechanical, electromechanical or electronic device prohibited, 1388


      Peace officers, use of chemical agents in response to demonstrations or protests, prohibited acts, 2641


      Adoption of child, petitions for, requirements, 3406

      Child welfare services, agencies which provide

             Assessment using resources of children’s advocacy center, requirements, 2652

             Case dispositions, assignment, requirements, 787, 792, 793

      Doulas, duty to report, requirements, 2622

      Emotional disturbance, certain children with, admission to psychiatric treatment facilities with inpatient care, procedures, 235

      Paternity, establishment during proceeding concerning protection of child, procedures, 146-148

      Peer recovery support specialists and specialist supervisors, screenings for employees or applicants, requirements, 2814

      Statewide Central Registry

             Abuse or neglect of child, case dispositions, restrictions on reporting to Registry, 792

             Peer recovery support specialists and specialist supervisors, duties, 2814, 2815


      Adoption of child, petitions for, requirements, 3406


      Address of person or entity for whom support is being collected, notice of change, requirements, 2282

      Assignment orders, service requirements, 2283

      Collection fee deducted by income payer, requirements, 2280

      Definitions, 2276, 2278

      Deposits with State Treasurer, procedures, 330, 331

      Gambling winnings, withholding, 382

      Income of obligor, amount to be withheld, requirements, 2277, 2278

      Lump sum payments to obligor

             Immunity from civil liability for income payers, requirements, 2281

             Income payers who refuse to withhold or deliver lump sum payments, penalties, 2281

             Notices to income payers and obligors, requirements, 2278

             Withholding or assignment of money, authority relating to certain payments, 2282-2284

      Support-enforcement agencies, authority to issue orders redirecting support under certain circumstances, 130


      Adoption assistance programs, money from grant remaining at end of fiscal year, nonreversion to General Fund, 2712

      Background investigations of employees and applicants

             Objective weighing test, tracking of certain data, 2630, 3477, 3478

             Requirements, 3475, 3476

      Case dispositions, assignment of, requirements, 787, 792, 793

      Child abuse or neglect, receipt of reports, duties, 2622

      Children’s advocacy centers, duties, 536

      Emotional disturbance, children with, admission to certain facilities, plan for continued education, duties, 3158-3162

      Extended Young Adult Support Services Program, duties, 2729-2736

      Kinship Guardianship Assistance Program, determination of eligibility, 3117, 3118

      Receiving centers for commercially sexually exploited children, duties, 2646

      Warrant to place child in protective custody, authority to request, 2234


      Expungement of records, authority, procedures, 3424

      "Minor traffic offense" defined, 3352, 3353


      Account to Support Children’s Advocacy Centers, creation, sources, use, 537

      Confidentiality of information, duties, 537

      Credentialing and operation, immunities, 536


      Behavior technicians, payment of certain rate of reimbursement for services provided by, duties, appropriation, 2551

      Behavioral health services, provision by managed care organizations in a culturally competent manner, requirements, 2705, 2706

      Crisis stabilization centers, requirements, 240

      Prescription drugs, authority of Department of Health and Human Services to enter into agreements with private entities for purchase, 1751


      Business entities providing services

             Fees, enumerated, 528

            Penalties for violations, 532, 533

             Registration, requirements, 525

      Chiropractic Physicians’ Board of Nevada, database of information concerning health care providers, duties, 803

      "Chiropractor," title changed to "chiropractic physician,” 534

      "Chiropractor’s assistant," title changed to "chiropractic assistant,” 534

      Communications between patient and chiropractor deemed to be privileged, 532

      Drugs or devices, authority to recommend, dispense or administer, limitations, 532

      Licenses, qualifications, 526-528


      Carson Water Subconservancy District, appointive duties, 720


      Age verification through enhanced controls, sales to persons under age 40, requirements, civil penalties, 820-822

      Criminal penalties, repeal of certain provisions, 450

      "Delivery sale" defined, 448

      Inspection of locations selling tobacco products, procedures, 446

      Mailing or shipment of cigarettes, prerequisites to, repeal of certain provision, 450

      Minimum age for sale of products increased to age 21, 444

      Telephonic, computer or electronic network, distribution of cigarettes to person under 21 by means of, penalties, 445

      Vapor products (See VAPOR PRODUCTS)


      Cannabis establishments, imposition of fines, procedure, 233

      Children, offenses relating to alcohol or marijuana, authority to issue citations, 855

      Game wardens, citations for certain offenses relating to, requirement to issue and discretionary issuance, 3469, 3470

      Guardianship of minors, transfers of jurisdiction, registration of orders, 200

      Misdemeanor citations, requirement to issue and discretionary issuance, prohibited acts, 3454, 3455

      Prostitution or solicitation, provision of certain information to person arrested, duties, 3119

      Safety belt violations, 179

      Sheriffs, citations for certain offenses relating to vessels, requirement to issue and discretionary issuance, 3469, 3470

      Traffic control (See TRAFFIC CONTROL)

CITIES (See also specific city)

      All-terrain vehicles, operation of large vehicles on streets and highways, authority, 1442

      Community gardens and urban farms, establishment by ordinance, requirements, 1990

      Correctional officers, duty of employer to make available certain information and counseling relating to mental health issues, 2138

      Diversity survey conducted by UNLV, requirements, 3521-3523

      Easements, vacation or abandonment, authority to establish simplified procedure, 469, 470

      Enterprise funds, use of funds authorized for construction of fire stations, requirements, 1141, 1142

      Firefighters, duty of employer to make available certain information and counseling relating to mental health issues, 2138

      Firefighting foam containing perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoralkyl substances, discharge, use or release, requirements and prohibitions, 480, 481

      Legislators, training regarding local governments, 42

      Limousine motor carriers under contract with transportation network companies, imposition of tax or fee upon carrier prohibited, 2251

      Live entertainment tax, exemptions, 2710

      Medicare supplemental policies, requirements, 881

      Mesquite, City of, City Manager and City Attorney, revision of appointment, process, 731

      Motor vehicles used in investigations, special license plates for

             Prohibited acts, confidentiality of information, 690

             Requirements, 689

      Ordinances (See ORDINANCES)

      Police officers, duty of employer to make available certain information and counseling relating to mental health issues, 2138

      Public restrooms, single-stall, inclusiveness and accessibility, regulations, 2346, 2347

      Redevelopment plans, enactment of procedural ordinances, authority, 2163

      Small Business Advocacy, Office of, duty to work with small businesses and local governments to facilitate interactions, 1148, 1149

      Subdivision of land, potential impact to wildlife and habitat, duties, 2585, 2586

      Tiny houses and tiny house parks, zoning, authority, 1525-1527

      Traffic control

             Enacting ordinances providing for criminal penalties for certain offenses prohibited, 3321, 3344, 3345

             Permits regarding size and weight limitations, requirements, 38

      Wildfires, action against entities responsible for causing, exceptions, authority, 1372


      College tuition and savings programs, prohibited acts, 3697

      Immigration, model policies, requirements, 3906


      Cannabis violations, duties, 2141

      Civil infraction citations, hearings on, representation of plaintiff, 3316, 3317

      Criminal proceedings, trials in municipal courts, duties, 1312

      "Record of criminal history," definition revised to include decisions not to prosecute, 612


      Wage or salary history of applicants for employment, authorized and prohibited acts, penalties for violations, 1678, 1679, 1681, 1682

      Wildfires, authority to bring action against entities responsible for causing, exceptions, 1372


      Population totals certified by Governor, use, laws clarified, 59-62

      Seller’s permits, fees, disbursements from, requirements, 2009


      Attorney General, investigation and prosecution of city officers or employees, authority, 2442

      Compensation, prohibited acts related to employment contracts, exceptions, 2207

      Motor vehicles, short-term lessors, authority to maintain records electronically, availability of electronic records upon request, 378

      Promotion of employees, decisions regarding requirements for testing used, 1706, 1707

      Termination of employment, receipt of certain payments or benefits, requirements, 2208


      Health insurance all-payer claims database, establishment, requirements, 3051-3057

      Minors, compromise of claims, when blocked financial investments required, 498, 499


      Fund for Cleaning Up Discharges of Petroleum, duties, 1866

      Members, nomination and appointment, 1863


      2020 General Election for Assembly District 21, receipt of report regarding contest, 4038

      Building codes, requirements, applicability of laws, 631

      Burn injuries caused by open flame, explosion or flash fire, reports, requirements, 1079

      Complete Streets Program, 1049, 1050

      Consolidated library districts, duties of trustees, 945

      County clerk’s offices, space for display of certain materials, requirements, 573

      Engine emission control, additional fees, imposition, authority, duties, 2178

      Media production companies, alternate signature requirement for registrations eliminated, 328

      Medicaid, reinvestment advisory committee, establishment, 1062

      Public defender deputies, removal of provision relating to merit personnel system, 2270

      Public works, job order contracts, requirements and procedures, 3511-3514

      Regional Business Development Advisory Council, local businesses owned and operated by disadvantaged persons, duties, 3178

      Transient lodging, rental for purposes of, regulation, 2392, 2400

      Walking audits of urbanized areas, collaboration, 3446, 3447


      Other State Education Programs Account, allocations for training programs, duties, 2910, 2911


      Days of school, removal of certain restrictions on alternative schedules, 3516

      Height and weight measurements of pupils, requirements, 252

      Ratio of pupils to specialized instructional support personnel, plans to improve, requirements, 739


      Public works, job order contracts, requirements and procedures, 3511-3514


      Assisted outpatient treatment, admission of person to mental health facilities, procedures, 3068-3077


             By endorsement, reporting requirements, 3489

             Continuing education relating to cultural competency and diversity, equity and inclusion, requirements, 891

             Provisional license, requirements, 3491

      Mental health records, requirements concerning recordings used for certain training activities, 2193

      Mobile crisis intervention services performed by behavioral health specialists, immunities from liability, 897


      Certificates of registration as a foreign collection agency

             Cancellation, 2069

             Expiration, date, 2069

             Fingerprints, requirements, 2066

             Issuance through the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry, authority, 2066

             Reinstatement of cancelled certificate, prohibited, 2069

             Renewal through the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry, authority, requirements, 2069

      Homeowners’ associations, collection of debts for, duties, reports, 3749


             Fingerprints, requirements, 2066

             Issuance through the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry, authority, 2066

             Reinstatement of cancelled license, requirements, 2070

             Renewal through the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry, authority, requirements, 2070

      Managers’ certificates

             Cancellation, 2070

             Expiration, date, 2070

             Fingerprints, requirements, 2070

             Issuance through the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry, authority, 2070

             Reinstatement of cancelled certificate, requirements, 2070

             Renewal through the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry, authority, requirements, 2070

      Medical debt, collection practices, prohibited acts, 1669, 1670

      Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry, procedures and requirements, 2064-2067

      Owners, prohibition on collecting certain debts owed to certain persons related to or affiliated with, 3750

      Traffic and related violations, authority of courts to contract with agencies, 3320


      Education concerning Program, provision to school pupils, 1156, 1157


      Nevada College Savings Program, eligibility requirements, prohibited acts, 3697

      Nevada Higher Education Prepaid Tuition Program

             Eligibility requirements, prohibited acts, 3697

             Trust Fund, authorized uses of money, 560


      Unclassified staff, salaries, 1789


      Exemptions, requirements, 581


      Definitions, 2645

      Receiving centers, licensing, requirements, 2645, 2646

      "Secured child care facility" defined, 2649


      Criminal proceedings, transport of certain persons on conditional release to forensic facility, procedures following, 296


      Food and Nutrition, creation of Division in State Department of Agriculture, appointment of Administrator, classification, duties, 100, 101

      Plant Health and Compliance, creation of Division in State Department of Agriculture, appointment of Administrator, classification, duties, use of certain fees, 100, 102, 103


      Creation, alteration and termination, applicability of certain provisions of law governing, 1398-1400

      Executive boards

             Construction work, restriction of hours in which work may begin prohibited under certain circumstances, 939

             Meetings in executive session, requirements, 714, 715


             Foreclosure of liens

                   Notice of sale, requirements, 1411

                   Persons prohibited from purchasing, 3748

             Limited-purpose associations, lien laws applicable to, 709-711

      Sales of units

             Foreclosure of liens, notice of sale, 1411

             Public offering statement and resale package, exemptions from requirements for certain dispositions of units, 1406

      Unit-owners’ associations

             Electronic portal, requirements, duties, 3746, 3751

             Fees, restrictions and limitations on enumerated fees, requirements, penalties, 1401, 1403, 1407, 1409

             Internet website, duties, 3746, 3751

             Liens against units

                   Demand or intent to lien letters, increase in cost, 1404

                   Persons prohibited from purchasing, 3748

             Notices to unit owners regarding association, procedures, 3747

             Towing of vehicles, prohibited acts, 1438

             Unregistered vehicles unfit for use, penalties for possession of, exemptions, 1440


             Continuing violations, additional fines, commencement of period to cure violation, 713

             Fines, amount, applicability of laws, 711-713

             Hearings, procedures regarding, 713, 714


      Violations posing imminent threat of causing substantial adverse effect on health, safety or welfare, regulations, 711



      Sexual Misconduct at Institutions of Higher Education, Task Force on, membership, 3671

      Workforce development, committee to conduct interim study of alignment of workforce training and programs offered by community colleges, representation, 1202


      Medicaid, services provided by workers to be included in State Plan, 2568, 3636


      Collection agencies, debts owed to certain persons related to or affiliated with, collection, 3750


      Clark County development plans and amendments, termination, requirements, 2163

      Las Vegas, employment plans included in proposals for certain projects, requirements, progress reports, 2160


      Alcohol violations, offenders under age 21, requirements, 856

      Cannabis violations, offenders under age 21, requirements, 860

      Driver’s licenses, suspension or denial for failure to complete community service to satisfy delinquent fines, administrative assessments, fees or restitution, court’s authority removed, 3292

      Marijuana violations, offenders under age 21, requirements, 858

      Traffic and related violations, 3318, 3319


      Bicycle lanes and routes, integration into plans for roadways, 1049, 1050

      Definition, 1049


      Minors, compromise of claims, when blocked financial investments required, 498, 499


      Cannabis Compliance Board, testing of cannabis or cannabis products, establishment of database, 1883

      County clerk, use of certain fees for technology, 570, 571

      Distance education, access to technology to participate in program, requirements, 3517

      Doxing, content provided by another person, no imposition of liability on interactive computer services, 2136

      Elections, voter registration, establishment of centralized database, 3843

      Employment Security Division, upgrade of unemployment compensation information system, 3700

      Health insurance all-payer claims database, establishment, requirements and procedures, reports using data, 3051

      Investigation Division, replacement of hardware and software, appropriation, 2803

      Natural Heritage, Division of, confidentiality of information in data systems, authorized release, 1361

      Older persons, crimes against, accessibility of statistical data, 616

      Parole and Probation, Division of, replacement of computer hardware and software, appropriation, 2803

      Public accommodation laws, applicability to online establishments and private online discussion forums, exemptions, 1391

      Pupils, access to Internet and telecommunications technology, development of statewide system of gathering data relating to pupil access, requirements, 911-913

      Real Estate Division

             Appropriations, 2866

             Technology fee, imposition, use, 3532-3540

      Supreme Court, hardware and software replacement, appropriation, 2001, 2002

      Technological crimes, duties of Investigation Division, 914, 916

      Telehealth, requirements and procedures, 3004

      Vulnerable persons, crimes against, accessibility of statistical data, 616


      Hospitality and Travel Workers Right to Return Act, Nevada (See HOSPITALITY ENTERPRISES)


      Transient lodging, rental in Clark County for purposes of, regulation, 2392, 2400


      Abandoned or unclaimed property, certain reports, 84

      Attorney General employees, authority to request confidentiality of personal information contained in certain public records, 665-667

      Children’s advocacy centers, information maintained by, exceptions, 537, 541-543

      Chiropractic Physicians’ Board of Nevada, duties, 526

      Chiropractors, communications between patient and chiropractor deemed to be privileged, 533

      Collection agencies, confidentiality of information, 2065

      Common-interest communities, meetings in executive session, effect of attorney-client privilege, 714

      Communicable diseases, personal identifying information of persons investigated by health authority, 3188

      Consumer litigation funding companies, 2051

      County assessor’s records, authority of certain persons to request confidentiality of personal information, 287-289, 666, 1241, 1263, 1264

      County recorder’s records, authority of certain persons to request confidentiality of personal information, 286, 287, 665, 1241, 1263, 1264

      Debt-management services providers, confidentiality of information, 2041

      Deferred deposit loans, high-interest loans, title loans and check-cashing services, 2047

      Diversity survey conducted by UNLV, confidentiality of information provided by Department of Taxation, 3524

      Driver’s licenses, authority of certain persons to request display of alternate address, 291, 668

      Economic Security Division, confidentiality and disclosure of information relating to unemployment compensation, 1474

      Election records, authority of certain persons to request confidentiality of personal information, 289, 290, 667, 1241, 1263, 1264

      Exchange facilitators, 2060

      Gaming Control Board, information and data obtained from a manufacturer, distributor or operator relating to regulated technology, 3380

      Gender identity or expression, information collected by governmental agencies, 3166, 3168

      Health and Human Services, Department of, duties, 71

      Health care or health carrier transactions, information received by Attorney General regarding, 309

      Health care providers, database of information concerning, certain information provided by applicants for renewal of license, certificate or registration, 797, 798, 800, 802-810

      Health insurance all-payer claims database, establishment, requirements, 3052

      Holding companies, certain documents, materials and other information, 2990

      Identification cards, authority of certain persons to request display of alternate address, 291, 668

      Installment loans, confidentiality of information, 2036

      Insurance Guaranty Association, Nevada, certain financial information from insureds and claimants, 116, 124

      Issuers of instruments for transmission or payment of money, 2033

      Juvenile justice, patterns or practices that deprive persons of certain rights, privileges and immunities, information provided to Attorney General, 187, 188

      License plates used in investigations by certain governmental agencies, requirements, 690

      Lupus and variants, reported information concerning patients, physicians and facilities, 3133-3135

      Medical Examiners, Board of, data requests, 545, 546

      Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, information reported by insurers to Commissioner of Insurance, 869, 870

      Natural Heritage, Division of, duties, 1361

      Nevada System of Higher Education, sexual misconduct, certain information relating to, 3674, 3680, 3681, 3683

      Paternity, orders establishing not confidential, 148

      Private professional guardians, 2055

      Public works, job order contracts, documents and information submitted by persons seeking, 3513

      Sex- or gender-based harassment or discrimination in Executive Department, information relating to complaints, 1913-1917

      Sexual orientation, information collected by governmental agencies, requirements, 3166, 3168

      Small Business Advocacy, Office of, records, files and communications, 1151, 1153

      Taxation, Department of, authority to disclose certain information to Budget Division, 26

      Traffic stops by law enforcement officers, confidentiality of certain identifying information, 1964, 1966, 1967

      Unemployment compensation, confidentiality and disclosure of information by Administrator, 1471-1474

      Vehicle miles traveled, pilot program, disclosure of information provided to Department of Motor Vehicles to insurers prohibited, 1077

      Victims of crime issued fictitious address, authority to request confidentiality of personal information contained in certain public records, 286-291

      Wrongful conviction, civil actions for, confidentiality of certain records concerning action, 1375


      Communicable diseases, personal identifying information of persons investigated by health authority, requirements, 3188

      Minors, consent to health care

             Authority, requirements, 521

             Prohibited acts by providers, 522


      Environmental Improvement Program for Lake Tahoe Basin, duties, 1008

      Environmental Protection, Division of

             Emergency Management, Division of, compilation of list of utilities and providers of new electric resources, coordination, 264

             Exploration projects or mining operations

                   Applications for, requirements, 2339, 2341

                   Restrictions on issuance of permits, exception, 2339, 2341

             Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoralkyl substances, receipt of notice, duties, 480, 481

             Reclamation, remedies for certain violations, 2340, 2342

      Forestry, Division of

             Appropriation for deferred maintenance projects, 2865

             Forest Fire Suppression budget account

                   Allocation from appropriation to Interim Finance Committee, 2750, 2751

                   Supplemental appropriation, 2898

             Forester Firewarden, State

                   Bahsahwahbee Traditional Cultural Property, swamp cedars within, duties, regulations, 343, 344

                   Buildings and structures, duties, 632

                   Conservation plant materials, duties, 623

                   Early warning or detection of wildfires, authority to purchase or acquire equipment, 1367

                   Fire board of directors, authority to enter into cooperative agreements relating to creation of, 485

                   Fire-hazardous forested areas, duties removed, 626

                   Fires, determination of entities responsible for causing, considerations, duties, 1369

                   Lake Tahoe Basin and Lake Mead Basin, fire codes, rules and regulations, certain duties removed, 630

                   Mitigation activities, cooperation with State Fire Marshal, 630

                   Public-private partnerships, authority to enter into to address threat of wildfires, 1365

                   Rangelands, duties, 626-629

                   Wildland Fire Protection Program, duties, 485

      Greenhouse gases, annual report, duties, 584

      Infrastructure Bank, Nevada State, technical advice, support and assistance to, 3816

      Natural Heritage, Division of, confidentiality of certain information, authorized release, 1361

      Outdoor Recreation, Division of

             Dark sky, program for awarding designation to sites, regulations, powers and duties, 105-107

             Education and Recreation Grant Program, Outdoor, duties transferred from Division of State Parks, 2029

      Petroleum, Fund for Cleaning Up Discharges of, duties, 585

      "Reforestation," terminology changed to "revegetation,” 622-624, 632

      State Land Office, purpose, 562

      State Land Use Planning Agency, duties, 563-565

      State Parks, Division of

             Account for maintenance of State Parks, sources, use, 98


                   Fees, collection for repair, operation and maintenance of sewer, water, communication and electrical systems, authority clarified, 98

                   Organization of areas under Division’s jurisdiction into regions, authority, 97

             Outdoor Education and Recreation Grant Program, duties transferred to Division of Outdoor Recreation, 2029

             Public restrooms, single-stall, replacement signage and mounting hardware, appropriation, 2352

             Vending facilities, operation by persons who are blind, requirements, 841

             Veterans, annual permit for entering, camping and boating in state parks, elimination of service-connected disability rating requirement, 440

      Unclassified staff, salaries, 1784

      Water pollution resulting from diffuse sources, plans for regulating, duties, 3410, 3411

      Water Resources, Division of, repairs and maintenance of Fork Dam, appropriations, 2876

      Wildfire prevention, restoration and long-term planning, reversion of money from previous appropriation, requirements, 2898


      Mineral County, inclusion in Area 2, 94


      Biennial audit of State University and other public institutions of higher education, 4013

      Board of Regents, removal of status as constitutional body, 4013

      Education Article, removal of obsolete provisions and clarification of laws, 4014

      Equality of rights under law guaranteed to all persons, 3992, 3993

      Initiative petitions, withdrawal notices, time for filing, 1261

      Minimum wage, increase, authority of Legislature, 4035, 4036

      Public institutions, certain persons supported by, change in terminology, 4029

      Slavery and involuntary servitude as criminal punishment, removal of language authorizing, 4008


      Unclassified staff, salaries, 1786



             Cancellation, 2052

             Expiration, date, 2052

             Fingerprints, requirements, 2052

             Issuance and renewal through the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry, authority, requirements, 2052

             Reinstatement of cancelled license, requirements, 2053

      Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry, procedures and requirements, 2050-2053


      Administrative Account, Consumer Protection, creation, sources, use, 2184-2186

      Legal Account, Consumer Protection, creation, sources, use, 2183


      Self-administered hormonal contraceptives, dispensing, insurance coverage, 3274

      Sexual assault victims, certain medical facilities to provide emergency contraceptive to victims upon request, requirements, 1070


      Disciplinary action, grounds, 817

      Persons who may perform work for contractor, requirements, 816

      Qualified improvement projects, contracts with, requirements, 3249

      Recovery Fund

             Assignment of right to enforce judgment, effect, 421

             Residential contractor, failure to notify owner of rights relating to Fund, penalties, 421

             "Single-family residence" defined, 420

      Residential solar systems used in electricity, requirements, prohibited acts, 1053

      State Contractors’ Board, residential photovoltaic systems, advertisements and performance of work concerning, regulations, 1054, 1057


      Abandoned property, agreements to locate, requirements, 87

      Behavior Analysis, Board of Applied, contracts with public and private entities authorized, 1624

      Blind or Visually Impaired, Bureau of Services to Persons Who Are, authority to enter into contracts with public entities regarding vending facilities, 841, 843, 844

      Board of Regents, authority to enter into agreements with medical facilities and related entities, requirements, duties, 108

      Charter schools, contracts with educational management organizations, 1005

      Emergency response employees, contracts for provision of peer support counseling programs, authorized acts, requirements, 338

      Financial institutions, translations in languages other than English, requirement inapplicable, 1447

      Harassment, discrimination or retaliation, provision prohibiting relevant testimony during certain proceedings deemed void and unenforceable, 164

      Health care providers, contracts containing certain provisions prohibited, 3552, 3553

      Hospitals, management contracts, requirements, 3544

      Liquor, contracts between suppliers and wholesalers, terms of contract attempting to alter or waive certain provisions of law are void and unenforceable, 1685

      Medical facilities, contracts containing certain provisions prohibited, 3552, 3553

      Noncompetition covenants, when void and unenforceable, applicability of laws, 314, 315

      Peer support counseling, provision to emergency response employees, authorized acts, requirements, 338

      Pharmacists, removal of prohibition on collaborative practice agreements for management of controlled substances, 1661

      Pharmacy, State Board of, authority to enter into certain agreements, 1017

      Physician group practices or owners, contract for management, duties, 3544, 3545

      Prescription drugs, authority of certain state agencies and departments to enter into agreements with private entities for purchase, 1751

      Pro bono legal services, contracts with Executive Department, requirements, 651, 652

      Public restrooms, single-stall, inclusiveness and accessibility, certain nonconforming contracts deemed void and unenforceable, 2350

      Public works

             Expiration of authority of public bodies to enter into contracts with construction managers at risk, removal, 736

             Job order contracts, requirements and procedures, 3511-3514

      Residential photovoltaic systems, contracts for performance of work concerning, requirements, violations, 1054-1060

      Salvage title agents of Department of Motor Vehicles, appointment, requirements, 7, 8

      Sporting events, agreements to engage in unlawful acts related to gaming, 1892

      State officers and employees, prohibited acts related to employment contracts, exceptions, 2207

      Student athletes, compensation for use of name, image or likeness, requirements, 941

      Translations in languages other than English, failure to provide is deceptive trade practice, duties, 1446-1448

      Transportation network companies

             Limousine motor carriers, contracts with, authority, requirements, 2246

             Monitored autonomous vehicle providers, contracts with authorized, 3754

      Vision care providers, contracts with insurers, requirements, penalties, 899


      Fire or explosion caused by commission of certain prohibited acts, penalties, 1739

      Livestock, exemption of certain products from regulation under state law, 724

      Pharmacists, removal of prohibition on collaborative practice agreements for management of controlled substances, 1661

      Public assistance, eligibility following felony drug conviction for possession, use or distribution, requirements, 73, 74

      School pupils, disciplinary action, requirements and procedures, 2333

      Technical violations of parole, system of graduated sanctions, use, 2434, 2435

      Testing products, provision, administration or use under certain circumstances, 894-896


      Hospitality and Travel Workers Right to Return Act, Nevada (See HOSPITALITY ENTERPRISES)


      Financial Institutions, Division of, authority of Commissioner to enter into agreements, 2033, 2037, 2041, 2048, 2051, 2055, 2060, 2066

      Forester Firewarden, State, authority to enter into agreements for purpose of creating fire board of directors, 485

      Schools, dual credit courses, agreements to establish, 1097

      Voter registration list, authority of Secretary of State and State Registrar of Vital Statistics to match information in database to enter certain agreements, 1239


      Older or vulnerable persons, reports of abuse, neglect, exploitation, isolation or abandonment, receipt, duties, 2624


      Articles of incorporation, forum selection clause authorized, 1501

      Directors and officers, exercise of power, considerations, 1502

      Diversity survey conducted by UNLV, requirements, 3521-3523

      Indemnification of certain persons, procedures, 1512

      Insolvent corporations, authority of creditors or stockholders to petition court for injunction and appointment of receivers or trustees, requirements, 1511

      Merger without stockholder approval, procedures, 1521

      Record date, requirements, 1507


             Dissenter’s rights, applicability of limitations on, 1522

             "Distribution" defined, 1503

             Meetings, notice, remote communications authorized, 1510, 1511

             Payment of shares, prerequisites for demand for, 1523

      Unit-owners’ associations, exception to issuance of certificate of membership requirement, 1513

      Voting agreements, validity and enforceability, duration, 1509



             COVID-19 emergency, list of offenders receiving credits while incarcerated during emergency, reports, 2602

             HIV educational program, duty repealed, 3199

             Individual accounts of prisoners, monthly statements, duties, 1896

             Medicaid, application for enrollment of offender, duties, 2187

             Package program for offenders, establishment and maintenance, duties, 1894

             Substance use or co-occurring disorders, treatment programs, duties, 207-213

             Youthful offenders, tracking system for expenses related to housing, duties, 1001

      Employees, unclassified service, salaries, duties, 1784, 1797

      Historic Preservation of the Nevada State Prison, Endowment Fund for the, allocation of money in Fund, 2080

      Industrial Programs, Committee on, abolishment, 2538

      Management systems, replacement cameras, storage area networks, ovens, appropriation, 2875

      Medicaid, costs related to assisting offenders with eligibility and enrollment, appropriation, 2190

      Medical and dental equipment, hepatitis C treatments, appropriation, 2872

      Organ transplants, access to persons with a disability

             Prohibited acts, 1165

             Remedies for violations, 1166

             Requirements, 1165, 1166

      Therapeutic communities, terminology repealed and replaced, 207-214

      Use-of-force data, duties, reports, 2638

      Vending facilities operated by persons who are blind, operation in or on buildings or properties authorized, 841

      Wages and individual accounts of offenders, deductions, regulations, 1895, 1897

      Youthful offenders, feasibility study of housing offenders between 18 and 24 years of age in correctional facilities, duties, 3572, 3573


      Definitions, 2684

      Establishments, display of license, requirements, penalties, 2694, 2696



             Course of study, duties, 2686

             Disciplinary action, grounds, 2696

             Licensure and regulation, duties, 2685, 2698

      Prostitution or solicitation, violations committed by licensees, duties, 3130

COUNTIES (See also specific county)

      Adoption assistance programs, money remaining at end of fiscal year from appropriation to Division of Child and Family Services, use, 2711, 2712

      All-terrain vehicles, operation of large all-terrain vehicles on streets and highways, authority, 1442

      Correctional officers, duty of employer to make available certain information and counseling relating to mental health issues, 2138

      Diversity survey conducted by UNLV, requirements, 3521-3523

      Domestic Violence, Account or Aid for Victims of, eligibility for grant, requirements based on county population, 3256, 3258

      Easements, vacation or abandonment, authority to establish simplified procedure, 469, 470

      Enterprise funds, use of funds authorized for construction of fire stations, requirements, 1141, 1142

      Firefighters, duty of employer to make available certain information and counseling relating to mental health issues, 2138

      Firefighting foam containing perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoralkyl substances, discharge, use or release, requirements and prohibitions, 480, 481

      Fireworks, ordinances, penalties for violations, 1468

      Jury selection, jurors to be summoned from qualified electors in county, 1316

      Land use planning, retention and detention of stormwater, certain laws inapplicable, 1443

      Legislators, training regarding local governments, 42

      Limousine motor carriers under contract with transportation network companies, imposition of tax or fee upon carrier prohibited, 2251

      Live entertainment tax, exemptions, 2710

      Medicare supplemental policies, requirements, 881

      Motor vehicles used in investigations, special license plates for

             Prohibited acts, confidentiality of information, 690

             Requirements, 689

      Police officers, duty of employer to make available certain information and counseling relating to mental health issues, 2138

      Public restrooms, single-stall, inclusiveness and accessibility, regulations, 2346, 2347

      Redevelopment plans, enactment of procedural ordinances, authority, 2163

      Sheriffs, qualifications in certain counties, 3465

      Small Business Advocacy, Office of, duty to work with small businesses and local governments to facilitate interactions, 1148, 1149

      Subdivision of land, potential impact to wildlife and habitat, duties, 2585, 2586

      Tiny houses and tiny house parks, zoning, authority, 1525-1527

      Traffic control

             Size and weight limitations, permits, requirements, 38

             Violations, prohibition against enacting ordinance providing for criminal penalties for certain offenses, 3321, 3344, 3345

      Wildfires, authority of county to bring action against entities responsible for causing, exceptions, 1370


      Confidentiality of personal information contained in records, persons authorized to request, 287-289, 666, 1241, 1263, 1264



             Collection, permissible uses of fees, 571

             Payment to county treasurer, duties, 570

      Space for display of certain materials in larger counties, requirements, 573


      Children’s advocacy centers, duties, 537

      Community gardens and urban farms, establishment by ordinance, requirements, 1989, 1990

      District attorneys, requests for assistance from Office of the Attorney General, duties, 649

      Engine emission control, additional fees, imposition, authority, duties, 2177

      Indigent defense services, transfer to State Public Defender, requirements, 2269

      Intoxicating liquors, licensing of persons engaged in certain activities, duties, 1693, 1694

      Legislators, filling of vacancy in office, duties, 1975-1978

      Peer-to-peer car sharing programs, imposition of short-term lease fees in larger counties, authority, 1853, 1854

      Wage or salary history of applicants for employment, authorized and prohibited acts, penalties for violations, 1678-1681

      Wildfires, authority to bring action against entities responsible for causing, exceptions, 1371

COUNTY OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES (See also specific officer)

      Compensation, prohibited acts related to employment contracts, exceptions, 2207

      Motor vehicles, short-term lessors, authority to maintain records electronically, availability of electronic records upon request, 378

      Promotion of employees, requirements for testing used for decision regarding, 1706

      Termination of employment, receipt of certain payments or benefits, requirements, 2208


      Confidentiality of personal information contained in records, persons authorized to request, 286, 287, 665, 1241, 1263, 1264

      Electronic documents, submission of certified paper copy for recording authorized, 1162, 1163

      Land, divisions of, filing, submission and presentation of certain maps and other documents electronically, authority, exception, 1297


      Administrative assessments, distribution of money collected, repeal of prospective expiration of provision, 2736

      Committee on Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Human Trafficking, representation, 659

      Interpreters, committee to advise Administrator, composition, duties, reports, 929


      Nevada Supreme Court and district courts, inclusion of rules in Nevada Revised Statutes, provisions removed, 220


      Appeals Court (See APPEALS, COURT OF)

      District (See DISTRICT COURTS)

      Family (See FAMILY COURTS)

      Immigration enforcement at courthouses, model policies, duties, 3907

      Justice (See JUSTICE COURTS)

      Juvenile (See JUVENILE COURTS)

      Municipal (See MUNICIPAL COURTS)

      Supreme (See SUPREME COURT)


      Appropriation, 3263

      Traffic Safety, Advisory Committee on, membership, 162


      Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds, disbursement of funds, duties of Budget Division, 1295, 2877

      Economic Development, Office of, appropriation for grants to certain entities impacted by, duties, report, 2

      Evictions relating to defaults in payment of rent, automatic sealing of records for certain summary evictions, 507, 508

      Food delivery service platform providers, commission charged to food dispensing establishments, prohibited acts made deceptive trade practices, 1699, 1700

      Grants for operational support to certain entities impacted by, appropriation, 2

      Health districts, persons with limited English proficiency, availability of services to restrain the spread of COVID-19, duties, 3232

      Hospitality and Travel Workers Right to Return Act, Nevada (See HOSPITALITY ENTERPRISES)

      Language access plans, duties of state agencies, 3234

      Legislature, appreciation for assistance in its response to pandemic during 81st Session expressed, 4039, 4045

      Long-term health implications on frontline workers, study, 3612, 3613

      Offenders, additional credits against sentence while incarcerated during emergency declared due to communicable or infectious disease, 2602

      Personal protective equipment, employers urged to provide to employees, 3995

      Response by State to pandemic, interim study, 3612, 3613


             Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds, disbursement of funds, requirements, 1295, 2878

             Loss of learning as result of pandemic, plan to address, requirements, reports, 3217

      Systemic racism, action urged to address public health crisis caused by, 4005

      Telehealth, health insurance coverage of certain services provided, expiration of provisions, 3046

      Vaccinations for employees, paid leave, requirements, 3609, 3610


      Contracts, translations in languages other than English, requirement inapplicable, 1447

      Individual Development Account Program, establishment, requirements, 1551


      Decedent’s estate, requirements for setting aside all or part without administration, property subject to creditors of estate, 974

      Trusts, creditors seeking to satisfy claim against settlor or trust, procedures, prohibited acts, 974


      Abandoned property laws, exemptions, 77



      Alcohol purchase, consumption or possession by persons under 21, penalties, 856

      Bahsahwahbee Traditional Cultural Property, swamp cedars within, violations, penalties, 343, 344

      BRCA gene, screening for mutation in, penalties for failure to comply with provisions, exemptions, 771, 772

      Cannabis establishments, possession or sale of incorrect weight or measure for use in establishment, penalties, 3603

      Cannabis possession by persons under 21, penalties for first offense, 860

      Chiropractic services, violations, 532, 533

      Cigarettes and other tobacco products

             Criminal penalties, repeal of certain provisions, 450

             Delivery sale, penalties, 448

             Telephonic computer or electronic network, distribution by means of, penalties, 445

      Communicable diseases, intentional transmission of disease, penalties, 3185

      Conditions of release, orders imposing, violations, 1948

      Controlled substances, unauthorized manufacturing or compounding of substance other than marijuana causing a fire or explosion, penalties, 1739

      Deceptive trade practices, acts constituting, 1343

      Decriminalization of crime, grounds for appeal of denial of certain petition, 2598

      Dietitians, unlawful use of words or letters, provisions repealed, 336

      Discrimination, prohibited actions and procedures, penalties, 1706, 1707, 1717, 1718

      DUI, penalties, 2453, 2463

      Elections, drop boxes, unauthorized establishment, penalties, 1241

      Electric bicycles, causing wrongful damage to, penalties, 1745


             Serial number, firearms without imprint, prohibited acts, 3223

             Unfinished frame or receiver, prohibited acts, 3223

      Gold and silver extracted in State, excise tax on annual gross revenue, violations, penalties, 1278, 1279

      Health care providers, contracts containing certain provisions, penalties, 3553

      Home care employers, unlawful acts, 3659

      Juvenile justice, patterns or practices that deprive persons of certain rights, privileges and immunities, failure to comply with requests by Attorney General for information, 186-188

      Motor vehicle fuel, willful violations, 1014

      Peer-to-peer car sharing programs, violations, 1844

      Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoralkyl substances, violations, penalties, 480

      Petroleum products, willful violations, penalties, 1013, 1014

      Pregnant person, battery constituting domestic violence against, penalties, 661

      Prostitution or solicitation, violations, 165, 3119, 3122

      Public restrooms, single-stall, prohibited acts, 2345

      Public weighmasters, violations, 1011

      Receiving centers for commercially sexually exploited children, unlicensed operation, 2647

      Residential photovoltaic systems, performance of work concerning, unlawful acts, 1058

      Sick leave, use by employees, violations relating to, 1024

      Slavery and involuntary servitude as criminal punishment, removal of language authorizing, constitutional amendment, 4008

      Solar systems, residential, performance of work concerning, unlawful acts, 1058

      Suicide, failure of health care providers to report certain information, penalties, 866

      Weights and measures, violations, 1011


      Abuse or neglect of child, case dispositions related to reports of, duties regarding release of information, 787

      Agencies of criminal justice, compliance with certain reporting laws, duties, 612

      Assisted outpatient treatment, admission of person to mental health facilities, transmission of order to Repository, 3075

      Computer programming, costs, appropriation, 1950

      Electronic access to data relating to crime and domestic violence, requirements, 616

      High-risk protection orders, expiration or dissolution, receipt of information, duties, 596

      Internet access to Central Repository’s website, duties, 616

      Name-based search of records of employees or volunteers, dissemination of information, 617

      Nevada Criminal Justice Information System, modernization, appropriation, 2802

      Orders for protection against child under 18 years of age, petitions regarding basis for order, 608, 609

      Orders imposing, modifying, suspending or canceling condition of release prohibiting contact, receipt, 1948

      Pedestrians, violations related to crossing highway, removal of records of bench warrants issued, 381

      "Record of criminal history," definition includes decisions of prosecuting attorney not to prosecute, 612

      Sealing records of criminal proceedings, procedures, 2591

      Traffic and related offenses, duties regarding civil infractions, 3354

      Use-of-force data, receipt of reports from law enforcement agencies, duties, 2638


      Cannabis crimes, authority of Investigation Division to assist investigation upon request from certain state agencies, 914, 916

      City officers or employees, investigation and prosecution under certain circumstances, authority of Attorney General, 2442

      Presentence investigations, reports, 2423

      Technological crimes, functions and responsibilities of Investigation Division, 914, 916


      City officers or employees, investigation and prosecution under certain circumstances, authority of Attorney General, 2442

      Communicable diseases, affirmative defenses to charge of exposing another person to disease, 3185

      Contract provisions prohibiting testimony at certain proceedings deemed void and unenforceable, 164

      Health insurance all-payer claims database, establishment, exemption from criminal liability for certain persons, 3055

      HIV, intentional conduct likely to transmit HIV to another person, prosecution as a felony, repeal of provisions, 3185

      Mental illness, defendants with

             Assisted outpatient treatment, admission of defendant to mental health facilities, procedures, effect, 3068-3077

             Conditional release, transport of certain persons to forensic facility, procedures following, 296

             Incompetent defendants, dismissal of proceedings, procedures following, 292, 293

      Municipal courts, number of jurors required in certain cases, 1312

      Sex trafficking, limitation of time to bring criminal prosecution, 834


      Criminal defendants with mental disorders, protective custody, 296



      Doxing, remedies for violations, 2136

      Employees laid off due to COVID-19, remedies, 3591

      Employers, unlawful employment practices, remedies of employee, 1680

      Food delivery service platform providers, food dispensing establishments authorized to bring actions for damages, 1699

      Hate crimes, certain crimes motivated by certain characteristics of victim, recovery of damages, 1531

      Monitored autonomous vehicle providers, liability for damages arising out of provision of transportation services, 3754

      Peace officers, discriminatory conduct relating to incidents involving officers, right of victim to seek damages, 342

      Wrongful convictions, amount, limitations, reimbursements, 1376


      Exemptions from requirements, 1672


      Collection and sale of consumer information by data brokers

             Duties, 1673

             Penalties for violations, 1676


      Embalming, access to room where bodies are being embalmed, restrictions, exceptions, 184, 185


      Public institutions, persons supported by, change in terminology, constitutional amendment, 4029

      Terminology to be used in Nevada Revised Statutes and Nevada Administrative Code, 577


      Elections, cooperation with State Registrar of Vital Statistics to match information in statewide voter registration list, 1239

      Encumbrances upon property, requirements regarding proof of death, 992

      Maternal Mortality Review Committee, duties, 339

      Real property, transfers pursuant to a deed upon death of grantor, requirements, 995, 996


      Death of owner of real property with encumbrance against, proof of death, procedures following, 992


      Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry, procedures and requirements, 2039-2042


      Medical debt

             Collection practices, 1669, 1670

             Definition, 1668

             Prohibited acts, 1670

      Medical debtors

             Definition, 1669

             Protections and rights, waiver prohibited, 1669, 1670

      State business license holders, debts owed to state agencies, suspension of license, reinstatement, 2273


      Designated eviction proceedings, affirmative defenses, 2121, 2122



             Cancellation, 2050

             Expiration, date, 2049

             Fingerprints, requirements, 2048

             Issuance and renewal through the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry, authority, requirements, 2048, 2049

             Reinstatement of cancelled license, requirements, 2050

      Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry, procedures and requirements, 2046-2048


      Peace officers, prohibited acts in response to demonstration, 2641


      Certificates of authority, surety bond requirements, 2995

      Overpayments, requirements for recovery, provision of notice to dentist, 3528

      Preauthorized care, refusal to pay claim prohibited, exceptions, 3528, 3529

      Telehealth, requirements, prohibited acts, 3040


      Health care providers, database of information concerning, duties, 802


      Appointment, duties, 3605



      Claims for preauthorized care, health carrier or organization for dental care prohibited from refusing to pay claim, exceptions, 3526-3529

      Overpayments, attempts to recover, notice from health carrier or organization for dental care to dentist, 3525, 3528

      Preauthorized care, health carrier or organization for dental care prohibited from refusing to pay claim, exceptions, 3526-3529

      Restricted license to perform dental services at certain facilities, supervision by licensed dentist, requirements, 3606

      Substance use disorders, training and continuing education, requirements, 390


      Drugs essential for treatment, list, requirements, 3724


      Adoption and enforcement of specifications for fluid, variances, regulations, 136, 137


      Dietetic Registration of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Commission on, update of name, 332, 336


      Disciplinary action, unprofessional conduct defined, 335


             Application, qualifications, 333

             Fees, regulation, 335

             Provisional license, qualifications, 334

             Renewal, certain requirements removed, 335

      Practice without license, requirements, 334

      Unlawful use of words or letters designating person as licensed or registered dietitian, repeal, 336


      Abandoned or unclaimed property, game-related digital content exempt from provisions of laws, 76

      Environmental Commission, State, notice of certain hearings, 3413

      Slot machine wagering voucher, definition to include digital representation of wagering instrument, 1304

      Virtual currency, definition, applicability of laws, 76, 77

      Voting by persons with disabilities, use of digital signature authorized, 1870


      Blind or visually impaired (See BLIND OR VISUALLY IMPAIRED, PERSONS WHO ARE)

      Collaboration Center Foundation, sources, 2878

      Deaf or hard of hearing (See DEAF OR HARD OF HEARING, PERSONS WHO ARE)


      Discriminatory conduct relating to incidents involving peace officers, right of victim to seek damages and attorney’s fees, 342

      Equality of rights under law guaranteed to all persons, constitutional amendment, 3992, 3993

      Hate crimes, additional criminal penalty for certain crimes motivated by certain characteristics of victim, 1530

      Health care and behavioral health services, grants to reduce disparities in, 2701, 2706

      Healthy Nevada, Fund for a

             Consolidation of programs, 64-72

             Eligibility for subsidies for services or benefits, requirements, 69-71

             "Person with a disability" defined, 64

             Repeal of certain provisions, 72

             Subsidies for services or benefits, 64-72

      Home care employment standards boards (See HOME CARE)

      Hunting tags, establishment of program authorizing transfer of tags to qualified organization for use by person with a disability, 471


      Nevada Blind Children’s Foundation, appropriation, 3719

      Organ transplants, access to transplants

             Providers of medical or related services

                   Prohibited acts, 1165

                   Remedies for violations, 1166

                   Requirements, 1165, 1166

      Peace officers, evaluation to identify implicit bias, 574

      Public restrooms, single-stall, inclusiveness and accessibility, requirements, prohibited acts, penalties and remedies, 2344, 2349


             School instruction in history and contributions of certain groups of persons, requirements, 947

             Special Education Services, Account for State, appropriation, 2909

             Statewide multiplier for support of, establishment, 1108

      State agencies

             Collaboration with minority groups, accessibility to programs and services, 3227

             Diversity and inclusion liaison, designation, duties, distribution of information, reports, 3227

      Teachers and other educational personnel, administration of examinations for initial licensing, requirements, 2600

      Transition from hospital to residence, establishment of program to facilitate, authority of Aging and Disability Services Division, 553

      Voting, use of electronic transmissions to register and to cast absent ballot authorized, procedure, 1870

      Vulnerable persons, abuse, neglect, exploitation, isolation or abandonment

             Duty to report

                   Doulas, requirements, 2624

                   Peer recovery support specialists and specialist supervisors, requirements, 2816

            Public Safety, Department of, certain reporting requirement repealed, 620

             Statistical data, accessibility on Central Repository’s Internet website, duties, 620


      Dogs, insurance, discrimination based solely on breed of dog on applicable property prohibited, 1524


             Contract provisions prohibiting testimony concerning discrimination, void and unenforceable, 164

             Unlawful employment practices, remedies, 1680

      Equality of rights under law guaranteed to all persons, constitutional amendment, 3992, 3993

      Equity in the workplace, duties of state appointing authorities, annual reports, 1886

      Geographic Names, Nevada State Board of, authority regarding names of geographic features or places that are racially discriminatory, reports, 2074

      Hate crimes, additional criminal penalty for certain crimes motivated by certain characteristics of victim, 1530

      Landlords, contract provisions prohibiting testimony concerning discrimination deemed void and unenforceable, 164

      Law enforcement agencies, establishment of early warning system for identifying officers with bias indicators or other problematic behavior, 1962

      LGBTQ-owned businesses, elimination of discrimination against, legislative finding and declaration, 3174

      Minority Affairs, Commission on, duties, 3228

      Minority Health and Equity, Office of, duties, 3228

      New Americans, Office for, duties, 3228

      Peace officers

             Bias indicators or other problematic behavior, early warning system for identifying officers with, establishment, 1962

             Conduct of discriminatory nature relating to incidents involving officers, right of victim to seek damages and attorney’s fees, 342

             Evaluations to identify implicit bias, requirements, 574

      Public accommodations, applicability of laws to online establishments and private online discussion forums, exemptions, 1391

      Race discrimination, prohibited acts, remedies, 1702-1718, 3355-3372


             Policies regarding racially discriminatory identifiers of pupils, requirements regarding, 2073

             Prohibited actions and practices, penalties and remedies, 1714-1718, 3355-3372

      Sex- or gender-based discrimination in Executive Department, prohibited acts, requirements and complaint procedures, 1912-1914

      Sirens, bells or alarms, sounding of by counties, cities or towns, prohibited acts, 2073

      Systemic racism, action urged to address public health crisis caused by, 4005

      Women, Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against, Congress urged to ratify, 4016


      Communicable diseases

             Court orders requiring person to be tested, requirements, 3185

             Personal identifying information of persons investigated by health authority, confidentiality, 3188

      Kidney disease, disparities based on race, grants to address, requirements, 2702

      Mental diseases, persons in institutions for, Medicaid coverage of treatment of substance use disorder, 2837


      Charter schools for distance education, disciplinary action against pupils, procedures, 2327

      Programs of distance education, plans for conducting, 3518


             Completion of course by certain pupils in shorter period of time than allotted, authority, 3519

             Enrollment, eligibility, 3519

             Information regarding course, receipt, 3520

      Teachers, courses offered through program, duties, 3520


      Wine, blending and distilling by estate distilleries, requirements, 1690, 1691


      Cannabis violations, duties, 2141

      Civil infraction citations, hearings on, representation of plaintiff, 3316, 3317

      Criminal prosecutions

             Assisted outpatient treatment, admission of defendant to mental health facilities, duties, 3069, 3071-3073

             Diesel exhaust fluid, violations, duties, 136, 144

             Orders imposing condition of release prohibiting contact, duties, 1948

             Petroleum products, violations, duties, 136, 140, 144

             Requests for assistance from Office of the Attorney General, procedures, reimbursement of expenses, 648

      Interception of communications, authority, 1736

      Juvenile justice

             Certification of child for criminal proceedings as adult, certain duties removed, 3421, 3422

             Expungement of records, receipt of notice, procedures, 3424

      Nevada System of Higher Education, policy on sexual misconduct, requirements, 3661, 3675

      Pregnant women

             Sexually transmitted infections, failure of physician to test for, authority to bring action to enforce civil penalties, 2574

             Syphilis, failure of hospital or medical facility to conduct examination for discovery of syphilis, authority to bring action to enforce civil penalties, 2574

      Prostitution, solicitation or sex trafficking, concurrent jurisdiction of Attorney General, 165


      Battery constituting domestic violence, indictment or information charged in municipal court to be charged in district court, 1311

      Business entities, service of process on registered agent of entity, duty removed, 1496


             Adoption of child by one or more adults, procedures, determinations by court, 3404-3407

             Child in need of protection, procedure to establish paternity, duties, 147, 148

             Receiving centers for commercially sexually exploited children, duties, 2647

      Communicable diseases, orders requiring person to be tested, requirements, 3185, 3187

      Criminal defendants

             Indigent defendants, selection of attorney other than public defender to represent, duties, procedures, 2263-2266, 2270

             Orders imposing conditions of release, duties, 1948

      Ignition interlock devices, authority, 2455, 2470-2472

      Lactation rooms for use by members of the public, requirements, appropriation, 3262

      Medical malpractice, training of judges regarding complex issues, statutory requirements removed, 222

      Mental illness crisis holds, emergency admissions to mental health facilities, procedures, 3067, 3068, 3079-3084

      Orders for protection against child under 18 years of age, jurisdiction, duties, 605, 606

      Pen register or trap and trace device, applications for, requirements, 51, 52

      Probation or parole, standards to assist in formulating a recommendation concerning the granting of probation, removal of requirement requiring court to consider such standards, 2424, 2428

      Rules, inclusion in Nevada Revised Statutes, provisions removed, 220

DISTRICTS (See also specific district)

      Clark County Water Reclamation District, job order contracts, 3511-3514

      Consolidated library districts, duties of trustees, 945

      Legislators, training regarding local governments, 42

      Live entertainment tax, exemptions, 2710

      Local improvement districts (See LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS)

      School districts (See SCHOOL DISTRICTS)

      Sealing records of criminal proceedings, procedures, 2591-2597

      Small Business Advocacy, Office of, duty to work with small businesses and districts to facilitate interactions, 1148, 1149

      Tiny house zoning districts, requirements, exceptions, 1525-1527

      Wildfires, authority of general improvement districts to bring action against entities responsible for causing, exceptions, 1373


      Registration, increase in certain fees, 936, 937

      Violations, civil penalties, determination of violations deemed public records, 938


      Insurance, discrimination based solely on breed of dog on applicable property prohibited, 1524


      Merger, conversion or exchange, requirements for approval, 1521


      Background investigations of employees of certain institutions, agencies and facilities that serve children, requirements, 2632, 3472, 3478


             District courts, same indictment or information to be charged in as in municipal court, 1311

             Jury trial for misdemeanor cases in certain courts, requirements, 1319

             Pregnant person, battery constituting domestic violence against, penalties, 661

             Technical violations of parole, system of graduated sanctions, use, 2434, 2435

      Central Repository, electronic access on Internet website to statistical data, 616, 619

      Committee on Domestic Violence, name change, composition, duties, 659

      Firearms, unlawful possession, penalties, 1320

      Office of Ombudsman for Victims of Domestic Violence, name change, duties, 658

      Orders for protection

             Applications for orders, proper venue, requirements, 3259

             Central Repository, monitoring of compliance by law enforcement agencies, annual reports, 612

             Child under 18 years of age as adverse party, jurisdiction of courts, procedures, 605-609

             Statistical data, accessibility on Central Repository’s website, duties, 619

      Sexual Misconduct at Institutions of Higher Education, Task Force on, creation, 3670


             Aid for Victims of Domestic Violence, Account for, name change, 132, 3256

             Fictitious address issued to victims, requests for confidentiality of personal information, 286-291

             Grants to nonprofit organizations providing services to victims, eligibility requirements, 132, 3255

             Pregnant victim, battery constituting domestic violence against, penalties, 661


      Sheriffs, qualifications, 3465


      Child abuse or neglect, reports, duties, 2622

      Health and Human Services, Department of, duties, 2620

      Health Care Financing and Policy, Division of, enrollment, duties, 2620

      Medicaid coverage of services, 2620

      Older or vulnerable persons, reports of abuse, neglect, exploitation, isolation or abandonment, duties, 2624

      Public Option, establishment, requirements, 3636, 3637


      Civil actions, remedies, 2136


      Alternate address, persons authorized to request display on license, 291, 668, 1265

      Civil infractions, unlawful acts not otherwise declared to be a misdemeanor, gross misdemeanor or felony, penalties, 3312

      Demerit point system, effect of commission of civil infractions, 3306, 3308, 3309

      Denial for failure of defendant to pay delinquent fines, administrative assessments, fees or restitution, removal of authority of court, 3292

      Drivers’ records, inclusion of information regarding civil infractions, 3307, 3308

      Driving without license, misdemeanor offense, 3310, 3311

      Electronic licenses or certificates, issuance, requirements, 1037

      Examination of applicants, waiver, exception, 3303

      Future driving privileges, effect of commission of civil infractions, 3306

      Identification purposes, licenses issued for purposes of, use for purpose other than identification deemed misdemeanor offense, 3304

      Ignition interlock device, effect of driving without or tampering with, 2449-2451

      Instruction permits, renewal requirements, 91, 92

      Minors, prerequisites to issuance of license, 3300

      Peer-to-peer car sharing programs, agreements with persons not possessing license prohibited, 1851

      Restricted license, issuance of ignition interlock privilege in lieu of, requirements, 2453


             Civil infractions, effect of commission, reinstatement, 3305-3307, 3309, 3319, 3320

             Fines, administrative assessments, fees or restitution, nonpayment, removal of authority of court, 3292, 3319

             Reinstatement of license suspended for failure of defendant to pay delinquent fines, administrative assessments, fees or restitution, notification, appropriation to Department, 3296


      Books and records, maintenance and inspection, penalties, 91, 93, 94

      Courses of instruction, required content, 1047

      Licenses, qualifications, requirements, 92, 93

      Traffic safety course approved by DMV, court may order certain persons to complete, 3306, 3317, 3318


      Background investigations of employees of certain institutions, agencies and facilities that serve children, requirements relating to convictions or pending charges of DUI, 2632, 3473, 3479

      Intoxication, Committee on Testing for, certain duties transferred to Department of Public Safety, 2473

      Marijuana or marijuana metabolite in blood, prohibition on having specified amount in blood eliminated, effect, 1458-1464

      Technical violations of parole, system of graduated sanctions, use, 2434, 2435

      Traffic violations punishable as civil infractions, effect of DUI on charges, 3321


      Auto-injectable epinephrine administered by schools to pupils, liability, 426, 428

      Chiropractors, authority to recommend, dispense or administer certain drugs or devices, 532

      Contraceptives, self-administered hormonal, insurance coverage, regulations, 3268, 3274

      Diabetes, drugs essential for treatment, list, requirements, 3724

      HIV, drugs to prevent acquisition, certain health plans to include coverage, 3203-3214

      Mental health, "chemical restraints" defined, 3067, 3110, 3112

      Paraphernalia prohibited for delivery, sale, possession, manufacture, advertising or use, exclusion of testing products, 895, 896



      Tampering with, prohibited acts, civil penalties, 1085, 1086


      Vacation or abandonment, authority of city or county to establish simplified procedure, 469, 470


      Natural Heritage, Division of, confidentiality of certain information, authorized release, 1361


      Abatement of taxes

             Document certifying abatement or partial abatement, receipt from Department of Taxation, requirements, 2286

             Execution of agreements with Office of Economic Development, when effective, 2290, 2294, 2297, 2302, 2307, 2310, 2312, 2314, 2316

             Refunds, requirements, 2286

      Infrastructure Bank, Nevada State, infrastructure concerning provision of loans and other financial assistance, requirements, 3815

      NV Grow Program, appropriation to assist and carry out, 3698

      Transferable tax credits for film and other productions, requirements, withholding of credits, 279-284

      Workforce development programs, requirements, 2539-2543


      Business and Industry, Department of, Director, member, 326

      Meetings, requirements clarified, 327

      Office of Economic Development, Executive Director, number of persons recommended by Board, 327

      Quorum, requirements clarified, 327

      Workforce recruitment, assessment and training programs, regulation, 2541


      Abatement of taxes, agreements between Office and applicants, duties, 2287, 2290, 2294, 2297, 2302, 2307, 2310, 2312, 2314, 2316

      COVID-19 pandemic, appropriation for grants to certain entities impacted by, duties, report, 2

      Electric Rate Rider Program, duties, 3801

      Executive Director, number of persons recommended by Board of Economic Development, 327

      Financial Independence, Nevada Statewide Council on, membership, 1548

      Infrastructure Bank, Nevada State, provision of technical advice, support and assistance, 3816

      LGBTQ-owned businesses, loan program to include, requirements, 3172, 3173

      Motion Pictures, Division of, renamed Nevada Film Office, 327, 328

      Production companies, transferable tax credits, powers and duties, 280

      Regional Transmission Coordination Task Force, membership, duties, 3788, 3789

      Workforce development

             Committee to conduct interim study of alignment of workforce training and programs offered by community colleges, membership, 1202

             Development programs, duties, redistribution of equipment, 2539-2543


      Emotional disturbance, children with, admission to certain facilities, plan for continued education. requirements, 3158-3162

      Health care and prescription drugs, program to educate patients in ways to reduce costs, 3057

      Individual Development Account Program, establishment, instruction in financial literacy to account holders, 1552

      Mental health records, requirements concerning recordings used for certain training activities by program of education, 2192-2196

      Occupational, vocational and technical training, provision for equivalent credit towards requirements for professional and occupational licenses and certificates, 2156


      Schools, subjects related to (See headings beginning with SCHOOL or SCHOOLS)

      Small Business Advocacy, Office of, duty to establish and maintain education course for small businesses, 1151


      We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution Programs, appropriation, 3717


      Continuing education for school counselors and school psychologists, regulation, 740

      Licenses for teachers and other educational personnel, regulations, duties, 2600

      Paraprofessionals, duties, 3556

      Psychologists, internship programs, duties, 3556


      Adult high school diploma, duties, 931, 2910

      Civics examinations, receipt of reports, 1954

      Clark County Public Education Foundation, Inc., transfer of funds, duties, 2910, 2911

      Crisis, emergency, suicide or epidemic, model management plan, requirements, 638-640

      Disabilities, pupils with

             Assessment of reading proficiency, duties, 251

             Pupil-Centered Funding Plan Account, duties, 2903, 2906

             Reports regarding, certain requirements removed, 251

             Special Education Services, Account for State, appropriation, duties, 2909

      Discipline of pupils, duties, 924, 2330, 3558, 3559

      Dual credit courses, cooperative agreements, receipt of copy, 1097

      Dual credit programs, duties, 750

      Educational Choice Scholarship Program, Nevada, tax credits for donations

             Amount for Fiscal Year 2021-2022, approval, 1283, 1284

             Requirements, duties, 1282

      Educational expenditures, elimination of certain reporting requirements, 1120

      English learners, recommendations regarding, receipt of reports, duties, 1383

      Examinations and assessments generally, duties, appropriation, 2932

      Financial literacy, duties, appropriation, 1813

      Institute on Teaching and Educator Preparation, Nevada, appropriation, 1838

      Literacy of pupils, duties, 22, 251

      New Nevada Education Funding Plan, Account for the, distribution of money in Account, 18

      Professional Development Programs Account, duties, 2912

      Pupil-Centered Funding Plan Account, duties, 2902-2908

      "Race" defined, 1715

      Ratio of pupils to specialized instructional support personnel, plans to improve, receipt of reports, duties, 739, 740

      Safe and Respectful Learning Environment, Office for a

             Discipline of pupils, duties, 927

             Discrimination based on race, receipt of reports, duties, 3361, 3362, 3368

      School accountability, duties

             Criterion-referenced examinations, temporary waiver or pause of requirements, duties, 12, 25

             Rating of schools, temporary waiver or pause of requirements, duties, 12, 18, 25

      Stabilization Account, Education, duties, 2915

      State Education Fund

             Duties, 1108, 1109, 1139, 2915

             Funding of operation from fund, requirement eliminated, 1105

      State seals issued to certain graduating pupils, requirements, duties, 1953

      Statewide longitudinal data system, educational and workforce data, duties, 2788

      Student teaching, accelerated programs of, acceptance of experience completed in another state or a foreign country, 3556

      Substance misuse and substance abuse disorders, curricula and programs, duties, 2835

      Textbooks and instructional supplies, recommendations concerning minimum expenditures, duties, 1122, 1123

      Unclassified staff, salaries, 1784


      Accountability reports, contents, 2319-2321, 3357

      Courses of study generally, exemption from requirements governing regulations, 910

      Dual credit programs and courses, receipt of reports, duties, 749, 3666

      Examinations and assessments, limitation on time taken from instruction, requests for waivers, duties, 2932

      History and contributions of certain groups of persons, requirements for instructional materials, duties, 948

      Holocaust and other genocides, subcommittee to review and make recommendations concerning instruction of pupils, appointment, 1159

      International baccalaureate courses, uniform grading scale, duties, 749

      Ratio of pupils to specialized instructional support personnel, plans to improve, receipt of reports, 740

      Rural and remote portions of counties, definition, removal of duty, 3517

      Science, Innovation and Technology, Office of, receipt of report relating to pupil access to Internet and telecommunications technology, 913

      State Education Fund, funding of operation of Board, requirement eliminated, 1105

      Work-based learning programs, receipt of reports, 304


      Legislative findings and declaration, 2211

      Production and sale of eggs and egg products, regulation, civil penalties, 2213-2215



             Mail ballots, verification of signatures, 1223, 1250

             Risk-limiting audit, pilot program, requirements, 3848


             Absent ballots

                   Deadline for clerk to receive ballot, 1219, 1246

                   Electronic transmission by persons with disabilities authorized, procedure, 1870

                   Repeal of provisions, 1266

             City elections, when name of candidate must appear on, charter amendment, 716, 717

             Drop boxes, establishment, requirements, penalties, 1219, 1241, 1246

             Mail ballots

                   Central counting board, composition, procedures, 1222, 1249

                   Deadline for clerk to receive ballot, 1219, 1246

                   Prohibited acts, penalties, 1220, 1247

                   Repeal of provisions, 1266

                   Use in all elections, requirements, procedures, 1216-1218, 1243-1245

                   Verification of signatures, audit requirements, 1223, 1250

                   Voters, election not to receive mail ballot, procedures, 1216, 1243

             Mailing ballots, repeal of provisions, 1266

      Board of Regents, removal of constitutional requirements, constitutional amendment, 4013


             City elections, when name of candidate must appear on, charter amendment, 716, 717

             Contest of election, notices to defendant, requirements, 567

             Presidential preference primary elections, declaration of candidacy, requirements, 3900

      Confidentiality of personal information contained in records, persons authorized to request, 289, 290, 667, 1241, 1263, 1264

      Contests, 2020 General Election for Assembly District 21, adoption of report and recommendation of Assembly Committee on Election Contests, 4038

      Election districts

             2020 General Election for Assembly District 21, adoption of report and recommendation of Assembly Committee on Election Contests, 4038

             Interim committee to conduct an investigation into matters relating to reapportionment and redistricting, creation, 4034

      Initiative or referendum petitions, withdrawal notices, time for filing, 1261

      Mechanical voting systems and mechanical recording devices

             Presidential preference primary election, applicability of provisions, 3898

      Polling places

             Drop boxes, establishment, requirements, penalties, 1219, 1241, 1246

             Indian reservation or colony, establishment of polling places within, 1228, 1252, 3882, 3887

             Minimum number, establishment, 1216

             Presidential preference primary elections, requirements, 3884

      Precincts or districts, maximum number of voters in precinct, increase, 718

      Primary elections

             Early voting, period for, 3901

             Presidential preference primary elections

                   Death of candidate, notice requirements, 3883

                   Information collected by county clerks, procedures, 3888

                   Procedures, regulation, 3881, 3899-3901


             Challenge to voter’s signature, certain personal data requested, 1222, 1229, 1231, 1249, 1253, 1255

             Deadline to require voter to provide signature or confirmation of signature on certain ballots, 1221, 1248

             Devices to verify signatures, requirements, 1223, 1250

             Disabilities, persons with, use of digital or electronic signature, 1870

             Forensic signature verification, participation in class by certain officers and their staff, 1223, 1250

             Verification of signatures, requirements and procedures, 1220, 1247, 3852

      Special elections, requirements for calling, 1974, 1975

      Voter registration

             Automatic registration

                   Appropriation, 3875

                   Voter registration agencies

                          Designation, requirements for transmission of voter registration information, 3850, 3876

                          National Voter Registration Act, applicability of laws, 3859

                   Voter Registration System, Automatic, proof of identification or residency not required first time voting in election for federal office, laws clarified, 1226

             Centralized database, establishment, use, 3843

             Disabilities, persons with, use of electronic transmission authorized, procedure, 1870

             Election day, registration through day of election, requirements, 1237

             Eligibility, notice, 3868

             Political party affiliation, cancellation of registration for persons who request change in affiliation, removal of requirement, 1879

      Voter registration list

             Attorney General’s Office, certain employees, confidentiality of personal information, 667

             Early voting period, registration during, 3841

             Fictitious address issued to certain victims, confidentiality of personal information, 290

             Presidential preference primary, procedures during early voting, 3901

             Statewide registration list

                   Centralized database, use of database to create list, 3844

                   Secretary of State, authority to enter certain cooperative agreements, 1239


             Signature verification, requirements, prohibited acts, 1240

             Voter challenges, procedures, 1231, 1255

      Voting by persons with disabilities, electronic transmission of absent ballots authorized, procedure, 1870


      Definition, classifications, 1743

      Equipment and manufacturing, compliance with federal regulations, 1743

      Labelling, requirements, 1743

      Repeal of certain provisions, 1746

      Riding as recreational activity, liabilities associated with persons using premises for recreational activities, 1742

      Speedometers, requirements, 1743

      Traffic laws, violation made civil infraction, penalties, 3338


      Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstration Program, repeal of provisions, 3780, 3808


      Alternative fuel, definition, 137

      Flexible demand technology, adoption of appliance standards to facilitate, 2206

      Qualified improvement projects, creation of districts, procedures, applicability of laws, 3246

      Residential photovoltaic systems, definitions, requirements, prohibited acts, 1052-1061


      Brands and marks, rerecording, procedures, 1833

      Cannabis establishments, certain records, creation and maintenance in electronic format, 747

      Charitable lotteries and charitable games, registration of qualified organization to operate through use of electromechanical or electronic device prohibited, 1388

      Child support

             Address of person or entity for whom support is being collected, notice of change, 2282

             Assignment orders, service requirements, 2283

      Common-interest communities, notices to unit owners, requirements, 3747

      Employment Security Division, electronic transmission of certain documents and notices authorized, 1475, 1479-1487

      Gaming credit instruments, use of electronic signatures, regulation, 1304

      Industrial insurers, written determinations regarding claims, authority to send by electronic transmission, 1182, 1183, 1186, 1187, 1190, 1199, 1200

      Investment advisers, electronic filing of reports to Deputy of Securities, 245

      Land, divisions of, filing, submission and presentation of certain maps and other documents electronically, authority, exception, 1297

      Landlords, use of electronic form to secure rental assistance for certain tenants, 2123, 2124

      Motor vehicle insurance, evidence of insurance provided in electronic format, 3314

      Motor vehicles

             Brokers and dealers, maintenance of books and records electronically authorized, duty to make records available electronically, 378

             Short-term lessors, electronic maintenance of records authorized, duty to make records available upon request, 378

      Motor Vehicles, Department of

             Electronic branch office, establishment authorized, 1038

             Electronic cards, certificates and licenses, powers and duties, 1037

      Nevada Supreme Court, distribution of court rules and decisions, 217, 219-221

      Nevada System of Higher Education, sexual misconduct, duties related to electronic availability of certain documents and services, 3674, 3677

      Pen register or trap and trace device, use by certain peace officers, requirements, 214-216

      Physicians and osteopathic physicians, electronic data requests, 545, 546

      Public accommodations, applicability of laws to online establishments and private online discussion forums, exemptions, 1391

      Public utilities

             Notices required to be provided to customer, electronic transmission authorized, requirements, 412

             Quarterly rate adjustments, provision of notice to customers by electronic transmission authorized, 415, 417

      Quarantine Officer, State, authority to send certain notices to property owners by electronic mail, 151, 152

      Recording of certified paper copy of electronic document, requirements, 1162, 1163

      Regulations of public bodies, text and notice of intent to act upon, 1212

      Rental assistance, form to secure rental assistance for tenants who are in default, contents, 2123, 2124

      Short-term lessors of motor vehicles, electronic maintenance of records authorized, 378

      Towing of vehicles, proof of registration, electronic format authorized, 1433, 1436

      Traffic violations, civil infraction citations, procedures, 3312, 3314

      Transportation network companies, contracts with certain limousine motor carriers to provide services, requirements, 2251

      Trusts, conversion of electronic trust into an original paper trust, duties of custodian, 982, 983

      Voter registration

             Automatic voter registration, transmission of voter information, requirements, 3866

             Disabilities, persons with, use of electronic transmissions authorized, procedure, 1870

             Fictitious address issued to certain persons, confidentiality of electronic mail address, 290

      Voting absent ballot by use of electronic transmissions, authority of persons with disabilities, procedure, 1870

      Wills, electronic, requirements and procedures, 962-967

      Workforce training programs, e-mail address, required for submission of applications, 2539


      Sheriffs, qualifications, 3465


      Licenses and certificates of registration

             Qualifications, 183, 184

             Reciprocity, license by, requirements, 184

      Room where bodies are being embalmed, restrictions regarding access, exceptions, 184, 185


      Motor vehicles, penalty for violations, 2433


      Unlicensed caregivers, training, requirements, 363, 364



      Behavioral health specialists performing mobile crisis intervention services, immunity from liability, 897

      Disaster Identification Coordination Committee, State

             Duties, removal of certain duties, 277

             Health care providers, submission of injury report made discretionary, 277

             Meetings, frequency, 276

      Division of Emergency Management, transferred to Office of the Military, 2102, 2104

      Fund to stabilize operation of local government and mitigate effects of natural disaster or emergency

             "Emergency" defined, 319

             "Natural disaster" defined, 319

             Use, 318

      Highways and roads, communication system for members of the general public, establishment by Department of Transportation made discretionary, 41

      Presidential preference primary elections, applicability of certain emergency or disaster provisions relating to elections, 3894-3897

      State of emergency or disaster declarations

             Food delivery service platform providers, commission charged to food dispensing establishments, prohibited acts made deceptive trade practices, 1699, 1700

             Offenders, additional credits against sentence while incarcerated during emergency declared due to communicable or infectious disease, 2602

             Prescription drugs, acquisition of refills, requirements, 823-833

      Utilities and providers of new electric resources, coordination among certain agencies to compile list of, 264


      Emergency response employees, applicability of provisions, 338


      Health care providers as personnel, database of information concerning, requirements, 798

      Independent centers for

             Sexual assault victims, duties, training for employees, 1067, 1070

             Suicide, duties relating to reporting of information to Chief Medical Officer, penalties, 865, 866

      Medical debt, collection practices, prohibited acts, 1669, 1670

      Peer support counseling for emergency response employees, authority of governmental entities to establish, requirements, 338

      Permanent total disability, limiting or terminating compensation prohibited on basis that injured employee earns income, 1982

      Sexually transmitted diseases, duties of certain providers relating to testing for, exceptions, 3138


      Division of Emergency Management, regulations regarding allocation of certain money relating to hazardous materials, duty removed, 2110


      "Employee leasing company," terminology changed to "professional employer organization,” 1936

      Licensing, regulatory duties transferred to Labor Commissioner, 1921-1923

      Repeal of certain provisions, 1936


      Cannabis establishments, safety and health courses, requirements, duties, 232-234

      Common-law wrongful termination of employment, limitation of actions in tort, 723

      Contract provisions prohibiting testimony at certain proceedings deemed void and unenforceable, 164

      Criminal history, records of, conduct of name-based search of records of employees and prospective employees, 617

      Diversity survey, requirements, 3521-3523

      Employment, Training and Rehabilitation, Department of, notices regarding services provided by Department, duty to post, 952

      Home care employment standards boards (See HOME CARE)

      Marijuana use by employees, prohibition on having specified amount of marijuana metabolite in blood eliminated, effect on claims for industrial insurance, 1465, 1466

      Paid leave

             Leave authorized for certain uses, requirements, 3609-3611

             Vaccinations, paid leave for employees authorized, 3609, 3610

      Personal protective equipment, employers urged to provide to employees to prevent spread of COVID-19, 3995

      Sick leave, use, requirements, exceptions, prohibited acts, 1023, 1024

      Unlawful employment practices, prohibited acts, remedies of employee, 1679

      Unlicensed drivers, employment, misdemeanor offense, 3312

      Workforce development programs, requirements, 2539-2543


      Applicant’s wage or salary history, authorized and prohibited acts, penalties for violations, 1678, 1679

      Wage or salary range or rate for a position, promotion or transfer to new position, disclosures, requirements, 1678


      Blind or Visually Impaired, Bureau of Services to Persons Who Are, duties regarding operation of vending facilities, 839-849


             Financial Independence, Nevada Statewide Council on, member, duties, 1548

             Services provided by Department, notices to Labor Commissioner, 952

      Employment Security Division

             Confidential information, duties, 1474

             Personnel, filling of positions by register, exceptions, 1471

             Refunds, duties, 1486

             Reimbursement due from employers who elect to make reimbursement in lieu of contributions, determination, requirements, 1488

             Unemployment compensation information system, disbursement of certain federal money in certain circumstances to Division, 3700

      Statewide longitudinal data system, educational and workforce data, duties, 2788

      Unclassified staff, salaries, 1784, 1785

      Unemployment compensation information system, disbursement of certain federal money in certain circumstances for upgrade, 3700

      Workforce Innovation, Governor’s Office of, creation within the Department, 2786, 2788


      Technology fee, imposition upon issuance or renewal of license, 3538


      Qualified improvement projects, creation of districts, procedures, applicability of laws, 3246


      Appliances, adoption of energy efficiency standards, duties, regulations, 2201-2204

      Emergency Management, Division of, compilation of list of utilities and providers of new electric resources, coordination, 264

      Generating facilities, partial abatement of certain taxes, duties, 3775, 3777

      Green Building Rating System, prospective elimination, duties of Director, 2015, 2016, 2020

      Greenhouse gases, annual report issued by State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, duties, 584

      Infrastructure Bank, Nevada State, membership on Board of Directors, 3812

      New Energy Industry Task Force, abolishment, 3808

      Renewable Energy Account, duties, 3779

      School ventilation and filtration systems, assessment and improvement, receipt of reports, 1776

      Transmission Coordination Task Force, Regional, membership, 3788

      Unclassified staff, salaries, 1780


      Additional fees in larger counties, imposition, authority, duties, 2178

      Electronic monitoring of emissions, fees, 2174

      Inspectors, license for additional locations, issuance and renewal, fee, 2175

      New motor vehicles, exemptions, duration, 2175

      Older motor vehicles, exemptions, requirements, 2170

      Pollution control devices, violations made civil infraction, penalties, 3341


      License requirements, exemption of employees of certain utilities, removal of exemption, 410


      Limited English proficiency, persons with, availability of services to restrain the spread of COVID-19, 3230

      Prescriptions, information regarding in language other than English, duties of pharmacy, immunities, 861, 862


             Distribution of information regarding rights of English learners, 1383

             Identification of English learners, 1382

             Policies to teach English learners, 1385


      Greenhouse gases, annual report issued by State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, regulations, 584

      Underground water, infiltration by contaminants, duties, regulations, 3412, 3413

      Underserved communities, considerations when adopting certain regulations, 3412


      Meetings by public bodies for purpose of predecisional and deliberative discussions relating to Act, exemptions from Open Meeting Law, 3163, 3164


      Lake Tahoe Basin, Environmental Improvement Program for the, issuance of general obligation bonds, requirements, 1007, 1008


      Schools, administration to pupils, requirements, liability, 426, 428


      Complaints alleging unlawful employment practice, procedures, 1704

      Declaration of public policy, 1704, 1705

      Division Administrator, salary, 1793

      "Race" defined, 1705

      Unfair employment practices, procedures used and notices given by, 1704, 1705

      Unlawful employment practices, procedures, 1394


      Licenses, expiration, renewal, 2979


      Creation, 2806


      Abandoned property claims, requirements, 84, 85

      Administrators, requests to serve as, requirements, voiding of request, 968

      Attorneys representing personal representatives, compensation, 977

      Business of decedent, continuation, procedures, 971, 973

      Creditors of estate, property set aside without administration subject to creditors, 974

      Deeds upon death, procedure, 995, 996

      Definitions, 962, 972, 978

      Guardians, nomination of, use of form, 978-980

      Letters, acceptance or nonacceptance, procedures, remedies for nonacceptance, 969

      Personal representatives

             Conflicts of interest when there are two or more representatives, 970

             Petitions to administer estate, authority of court to grant, 973

      Property set asides, authorization, 974

      Public administrator or similar person, requirement to post bond when obtaining certain ex parte orders prohibited, 972

      Real property of estate, sale for less than 90% of appraised value, procedures, 973

      Set aside of decedent’s estate without administration, authority, requirements, 974

      Transfers of property, court orders regarding, procedures, 970


      Advanced estheticians, licenses, requirements, fees, 2685, 2688-2692

      Instructors of advanced estheticians, licenses, requirements, fees, 2685, 2688-2691


      Behavior analysts and technicians, requirements, 1627

      Estates of decedents, procedures for conflicts of interest when there are two or more representatives, 970


      Unclassified staff, salaries, 1789


      Maternal Mortality Review Committee, ethnicity of mothers who experience maternal mortality, duties, 339

      Sirens, bells or alarms, sounding of by counties, cities or towns, prohibited acts, 2073

      State employees to reflect demographic diversity of State, public policy of State, requirements, 2703


      COVID-19 emergency, automatic sealing of records for certain summary evictions granted during, 507, 508

      Rental assistance

             Electronic form, use by landlord to secure rental assistance for tenant who has defaulted, 2123, 2124

             Notice of proceedings, provision to tenant, requirements, 2123

             Stay of designated eviction proceedings, 2122, 2123

             Wrongful eviction, claims against landlord, requirements, civil penalties, 2123

      Stay of certain proceedings concerning

             Alternative dispute resolution

                   Applicability of provisions, 2121

                   Repeal of certain provisions, 2125

                   Stay to facilitate, 2123

             Pending application by tenant for rental assistance, effect, 2122


      Bail, clear and convincing evidence required for imposition under certain circumstances, 3580

      Hate crimes, burden of proof, requirements for conviction, 1530

      Sexual misconduct within Nevada System of Higher Education, respondents, responsibility for alleged incident to be based on preponderance of evidence, 3680

      Sexual offenses against minors, effect of criminal conviction, 1585


      General appropriations legislation, duties, 1826

      Gold and silver extracted in State, excise tax on annual gross revenue, duties, 1277, 1279

      Presidential primary election costs, duties, 3902

      Salaries, appropriations, duties, 1794, 1795, 1798

      State purchasing contracts, maximum amount of contract Clerk authorized to approve, increase, 2028



             Cancellation, 2063

             Expiration, date, 2063

             Fingerprints, requirements, 2060

             Issuance through the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry, authority, 2061

             Reciprocal licenses

                   Expiration, date, 2064

                   Renewal, requirements, 2064

             Reinstatement of cancelled license, requirements, 2063

             Renewal through the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry, authority, requirements, 2063, 2064

             Special licenses

                   Expiration, date, 2064

                   Renewal, requirements, 2064

      Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry, procedures and requirements, 2059-2061


      Commerce tax, exemptions, 581


      Interception of communications, grounds, 1736

      Penalties for explosion caused by commission of certain prohibited acts, 1739



      Golden eagles, requirements to transport, transfer, possess or use in falconry, 1085


      Hemp growers, handlers or producers, violations, penalties, 707

      Public utilities, reporting violations, penalties, 269, 270


      Assisted outpatient treatment, admission of person to mental health facilities, jurisdiction, 3104

      Children in need of protection, jurisdiction, hearings, 2238, 2239


      Industrial insurers, written determinations regarding claims, authority to send by fax upon request by claimant, 1182, 1183, 1186, 1187, 1190, 1199, 1200

      Pen register or trap and trace device, application to use, 215


      Membership, duties, 3710-3712



             Appointment, duties, 3703, 3704

             Creation, office locations, 3703

             Nevada Advisory Council on Federal Assistance, membership, 3711

             Reports, 3707-3709

      Grant Matching Account, creation, sources, use, administration, 3704, 3714

      Grant Matching Program, Nevada, creation within Office, duties, 3704

      Grant Procurement, Coordination and Management, Office of, renaming, 3716

      Personnel and operating costs, upgrades to grant management system, appropriation, 3715


      Hate crimes, receipt of records related to, 237


      Additional criminal penalty for certain crimes motivated by certain characteristics of victim, 1530

      Public assistance, eligibility following felony drug conviction for possession, use or distribution, requirements, 73, 74

      Wrongful convictions, actions for, requirements, 1376, 1378


      Public land, fencing or enclosure of not a public nuisance under certain circumstances, 1491


      Declaratory relief, authority of principal or person granted authority to act for principal, 960

      Individual Development Account Program, selection and duties of fiduciary organizations, 1554, 1555

      Individual retirement accounts, trust companies or savings banks acting as custodian excluded from fiduciary status, 1422

      Sellers of real property, exemption of certain fiduciaries from requirement to provide disclosure form, 961


      Amount of tax credits issued to qualified production company, calculation, 282, 283

      Applicability of tax credits, 279

      Audits, requirements, 280

      Business address in State, requirement removed, 281

      Eligibility, 280, 281

      Expenditures, requirements, 282, 283

      Withholding of credits, grounds, 284


      Internet website, directory of names and available locations for production of motion pictures in State, 328

      Media production companies, all registrations to be signed by Administrator, 328

      Motion picture company, term changed to media production company, 328

      Motion Pictures, Division of, renaming, 327, 328

      Program to promote production of motion pictures in State, requirements, duties, 328


      Affordable housing projects, transferable tax credits for qualified projects, receipt of information, 1043, 1044

      Budget Division

             College of Southern Nevada, disbursement of federal funds, duties, 3690

             Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds, disbursements, duties, 1295, 2877

             General authorized expenditures legislation, duties, 2777

             Nevada Executive Budget System upgrade project, appropriation, 2756

             Rental assistance for defaulting tenants, duties, 2125

             Textbooks and instructional supplies, recommendations concerning minimum expenditures, duties, 1122, 1123

      Capital improvement projects, funding, duties, 2885

      Enterprise Resource Planning System

             Advantage Financial and Human Resources System, replacement of, appropriations, 2003

             Operations center, replacement of furnishings for, appropriations, 2004

      General appropriations legislation, duties, 1800-1812, 1819-1821, 1826

      Health Service Corps, Nevada, receipt of appropriation for allocation to, 2643

      Internal Audits, Division of, appropriation for payroll shortfall, 2899

      Loan to Division of Enterprise Information Technology Services of the Department of Administration, appropriation, 2761

      Medical school, construction at University of Nevada Las Vegas, appropriation, 3663

      School districts, annual budget reports, transfer of certain duties from Director of Department of Administration, 1124

      Unclassified service, salaries, duties, 1780, 1794-1798


      Capital improvement projects, funding, duties, 2880, 2887

      Interim debentures to pay for general operations of State, procedures, 672

      Reverse-repurchase agreements, authorized investments, duties, 1941

      School district debt service of bonds, when approval of report from Executive Director of Department of Taxation required, 1944


      Affordable housing projects, transferable tax credits for qualified projects, requirements, 1043-1045


      Creation, duties, 1548


      CRA ratings of certain institutions, notice to Commissioner of Financial Institutions of availability, requirements, 737

      Death of owner of property, access to safe deposit box rented in name of decedent, procedures following, 992

      Individual Development Account Program, establishment, requirements, 1551

      National Infrastructure Bank Act of 2020, Congress urged to pass, 3997

      Private Investigator’s Licensing Board, deposits of money received, requirements, prohibited acts, 54, 55


      Affordable housing, failure of owner to provide notice of termination, expiration or ending of affordability restrictions, administrative fines, 257, 258

      Appliance manufacturers, distributors, retailers or installers, violations, 2205

      Cannabis establishments, safety and health violations, 233

      Cannabis, violations, 2141

      Child support, violations, 2281

      Chiropractic services provided by business entities, violations, 531

      Cigarettes and other tobacco products, violations related to certain sales, 820

      Common-interest communities, violations, 711-713, 1398

      Contractor’s Board, State, violations, 421

      Contracts, translations in languages other than English, administrative fines for failure to provide, 1451

      Data brokers, violations, 1676

      Deceptive trade practices, 1345, 1351

      Document preparation services, violations, 938

      Driver’s licenses, suspension or denial for failure of defendant to pay delinquent fines, removal of authority of court, 3292

      Driving schools, violations, 93, 94

      Eagles, violations, 1086

      Eggs and egg products, production and sale, violations, 2215

      Evictions, civil penalties for violations, 2123

      Fireworks, violations, 1468

      Flame-retardant organohalogenated chemicals, limitation on use in certain products, 482, 483

      Food delivery service platform providers, violations, 1699

      Health insurance all-payer claims database, certain violations, 3056

      Home care employers, violations, 3659

      Liquefied petroleum gas, violations, 269

      Motor vehicle fuel, violations, 1014

      Natural gas, violations, 269

      Petroleum heating products, violations, 136

      Petroleum products, violations, 1012

      Postsecondary educational institutions, private, failure to provide certain information to students, 517

      Pregnant women

             Battery constituting domestic violence against, 661

             Sexually transmitted infections, failure of physician to test for, 2574

             Syphilis, failure of hospital or medical facility to conduct examination for discovery of syphilis, civil penalties, 2574

      Professional employer organizations, violations, 1928

      Public utilities violations, 269-271

      Residential photovoltaic systems, performance of work concerning, violations, 1058

      Sick leave, use by employees, violations relating to, 1024

      Traffic control (See TRAFFIC CONTROL)

      Transient lodging, rental of residential units in Clark County, violations, 2394, 2396, 2401, 2404

      Uncollectible fines, when deemed, 3353

      Unfair trade practices, violations, 309

      Unlawful employment practices, violations, 1679

      Vehicle miles traveled, pilot program, failure to comply, 1077

      Veterans’ benefits and services provided or advertised, disclosure violations, 955

      Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education, participant failure to comply with regulations, removal of certain fines, 2616


      Aged persons, requirements for persons working with or providing care to, requirements, 203, 204

      Children, requirements for persons working with or providing care to, requirements, 203, 204, 3473

      Disabilities, persons with, persons providing care, 203, 204

      Hemp growers, handlers or producers, registration, requirements, 705

      Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry, procedures and requirements, 2033, 2037, 2044, 2048, 2052, 2055, 2060, 2066

      Pharmacists and pharmaceutical technicians, applicants for registration, 1018, 1019

      Salvage title agents, requirements for applicants, 7, 8

      School districts or charter schools, hiring of retired public employees, requirements, 3218


      Enterprise funds, use by city or county to construct fire stations, requirements, 1141, 1142

      Reports of burn injuries caused by open flame, explosion or flash fire, authority to investigate to determine origin of fire, 1079


      Burn injuries caused by open flame, explosion or flash fire, reports from health care providers, 1079, 1080

      Division Administrator, salary, 1787

      Mitigation activities, cooperation with State Forester Firewarden, 630


      Qualified improvement districts, creation of districts, procedures, applicability of laws, 3247


      Juvenile court, removal of certain exclusions from jurisdiction, certification of child as an adult, 3420-3422

      Kinetic energy projectiles, use by peace officers in response to demonstrations or protests, prohibited acts, 2641

      Offenders, release without bail, condition of release prohibiting firearm possession, 3580

      School pupils, disciplinary proceedings, requirements, 2333

      Serial number, firearms without imprint, prohibited acts, exceptions, penalties, 3223

      Unfinished frame or receiver, prohibited acts, exception, 3223


      Employer, duty to make available certain information and counseling relating to mental health issues, 2138

      Permanent total disability, limiting or terminating compensation prohibited on basis that injured employee earns income, 1982


      Fire retardant roofing materials, use, 630, 632

      Firefighting foam containing perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoralkyl substances, discharge, use or release, requirements and prohibitions, 480, 481

      Highways and roads, communication system for members of the general public, establishment by Department of Transportation made discretionary, 41


             Forest Fire Suppression budget account

                   Allocation from appropriation to Interim Finance Committee, 2750, 2751

                   Appropriation for budget shortfall, 2898

             Governing bodies, authority to bring action against entities responsible for causing wildfire, exceptions, 1369

             Insurers, program to provide incentives to property owners to mitigate risk of property loss due to wildfires, creation, 488

             Prevention, restoration and long-term planning, reversion of money from previous appropriation to State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, requirements, 2898

             State Forester Firewarden, powers and duties, 485-488, 1365

             Wildland Fire Protection Program, creation, 485

             Wildlife Trust Fund, gifts related to unanticipated emergency events, procedures for acceptance, 1756


      Violations, penalties, 1468


      Specialty combination hunting and fishing licenses, removal of certain requirement, 1759



      Common-interest communities, establishment and foreclosure of certain liens, applicability of laws, 709-711


      Fully protected species of native flora gathered by Native Americans for certain reasons, exemptions, 345

      Natural Heritage, Division of, confidentiality of certain information, authorized release, 1361


      Qualifications to perform, 2738


      Cannabis consumption lounges, licensure and regulation, 2370, 2374

      Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds, disbursement of funds to address increased food insecurity, 2878

      Division of Food and Nutrition, Department of Agriculture, creation, appointment of Administrator, classification, duties, 100, 101

      Eggs and egg products, production and sale, regulation, civil penalties, 2213-2215

      Home Feeds Nevada Agriculture Food Purchase Program, creation, 1095

      Lunch Program, National School, transfer of duties to Director of State Department of Agriculture, 1113

      Nutritious Food Purchase Account, creation, use, 1095

      Open dating of packaged food, information relating to, duty of State Sealer of Consumer Equitability removed, 173

      Produce intended for human consumption, State Department of Agriculture, adoption of regulations, 2005

      Sales and use tax, basis for determining exemption of food for human consumption, repeal of certain provisions, 53

      Vending facilities, operation by persons who are blind

             Requirements, 841

             Unlawful acts involving commodities reserved for, penalties, 847


      Hemp, food containing

             Exemption from certain requirements under certain circumstances, 728, 729

             Production and sale, authority to engage in certain activities related to, 729

      Hospitality and Travel Workers Right to Return Act, Nevada (See HOSPITALITY ENTERPRISES)

      Sales and use tax, basis for determining exemption of food for human consumption, repeal of certain provisions, 53


      Agriculture, State Department of, food received from, duties, reports, 1095


      Definition, 1698

      Disclosures, requirements, violations made deceptive trade practices, 1699, 1700

      Food dispensing establishments

             Agreements authorizing delivery services, requirements, 1698

             Likeness, trademark or intellectual property, unauthorized use, penalties, 1699

             Removal from delivery service platform, requirements, penalties, 1698, 1699

      Prohibited acts, penalties, 1698


      Community gardens and urban farms, recommendations, 1987

      Home Feeds Nevada Agriculture Food Purchase Program, creation, receipt of reports, 1095


      Actions for foreclosure of real mortgages

             Nonjudicial sale of property consisting of several lots or parcels, certain requirements inapplicable, 1413

             One action for recovery of debt, technical change relating to the Uniform Commercial Code, 1415

      Common-interest communities, laws applicable to limited-purpose associations, 709-711

      Nonjudicial foreclosures

             Location of sale, requirements, 1412

             Notice of sale, service, requirements, 1411

      Notice of sale, service, requirements, 1411


      Bonds, notes or other obligations issued by foreign entities, authorized investments, requirements, 452, 454, 455, 458, 460

      Canadian Money Judgments Act, Uniform Registration of, adoption, 509-514

      Dietitians, documentation of education, provisions repealed, 336

      Greece, recognition of bicentennial of Greek independence, 3993

      Student teaching programs completed in foreign country, acceptance by Department of Education, requirements, 3556

      Taiwan, celebration of the sister-state relationship with Nevada, 4018


      Contracts, translations in languages other than English, failure to provide is deceptive trade practice, 1446-1448

      Court Administrator, committee to advise, membership of Spanish language interpreters, 930

      Language access plans, duties of state agencies and departments, 3234

      School pupils, suspension or expulsion, distribution of appeal policy, 924

      State agencies, accessibility of programs and services, requirements, 3227


      Forest, rangeland and soil health, recognition of link to water quantity and quality, 4000

      "Reforestation," terminology changed to "revegetation,” 622-624, 632


      Charitable organizations, violations, forfeiture of right to do business in State, 229

      Dangerous wild animals, procedures, 1734


      Canadian Money Judgment, Registration of, 511-513

      Deed upon death, property transferred pursuant to, notice to creditors, 995

      Electronic documents, submission of certified paper copy for recording, form of certificate, 1163

      Sales of residential property, completion of disclosure forms by seller’s agent on behalf of seller prohibited, 1081


      Emotional disturbance, children with, admission to certain facilities, plan for continued education, requirements, 3161

      Individual development accounts, establishment by foster care provider for child, requirements, 1556

      Schools, discipline of pupils, inclusion of foster care pupils in certain procedures, 3563, 3564, 3568, 3570


      Cancer drugs, exemption from step therapy in treatment of persons with stage 3 or stage 4 cancer, requirements, penalties, 2665-2667

      Certificates of authority, surety bond requirements, 2993

      Contraceptives, self-administered hormonal, required coverage, 3281

      Form letters, submission to Commissioner, 2943

      Genetic counseling, testing and screening for mutations in BRCA gene, required coverage, 782

      HIV, drugs to prevent acquisition and testing, required coverage, 3209

      Organ transplants for persons with a disability, care related to, prohibited acts, 1172

      Prescriptions, acquisition of refills during period of declared disaster or state of emergency, 825

      Sexually transmitted infections and syphilis, testing and examination of pregnant women, coverage, 2579

      Telehealth, requirements, prohibited acts, 3028


      Divine Nine, issuance of special license plates in support of, 3733


      Consumer Protection Legal Account, creation, sources, use, 2183

      Pharmacy, State Board of, false or fraudulent information to secure certificate, license or permit issued by, penalties, 1021

      Weighing or measuring devices, use or possession of altered device to facilitate fraud, elements of crime, 1011


      Embalming, access to room where bodies are being embalmed, restrictions, exceptions, 184, 185


      Abandoned property laws, applicability, 79

      Agents, renewal of license, requirements, 2973

      Sellers, surety bonds, requirements, 2972


      Offenders, revision to priority of deductions from individual account to defray related expenses, 1898



      Flame-retardant organohalogenated chemicals, limitation on use in certain products, penalties, 482, 483



      Citations for certain offenses, requirement to issue and discretionary issuance, 3469, 3470


      Abandoned or unclaimed property, game-related digital content exempt from laws, 76

      Associated equipment

             Finding of suitability of certain persons, repeal of provisions, 3392

             Manufacturers or distributors, registration, fee, 3392


             Hospitality and Travel Workers Right to Return Act, Nevada (See HOSPITALITY ENTERPRISES)

      Charitable games, qualified organizations operating, registration, regulations, requirements, 1387

      Child support, withholding from gambling winnings, 382

      Credit instruments

             Conclusion of gaming operation, monthly payment option removed, 1304

             Electronic signatures, use, regulation, 1304

      Definitions, 1300, 1305, 3377-3380


             Nevada Hospitality and Travel Workers Right to Return Act (See HOSPITALITY ENTERPRISES)

             State Gaming Control Board, person required to register with, regulation, 1300

      Foreign gaming, filing of systems of accountability and internal control utilized, removal of requirement, 1891

      Games or gambling games, recommendations for and approval, procedures, 3376

      International Gaming Institute of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, appropriation, 3717

      License fees

             Affordable housing projects, transferable tax credits for qualified projects, requirements, 1043-1045

             "Gross revenue" defined, 1301

      Race books and sports pools, wagers by businesses, repeal of provisions, 3386, 3396

      Slot machine wagering voucher, definition to include digital representation of wagering instrument, 1304

      Sporting events, agreements to engage in unlawful acts, 1892


      Approval of games of gambling devices, duties, regulation, 3376

      Charitable lotteries and charitable games, regulations, requirements, 1388

      Electronic signatures on credit instruments, regulation, 1304

      Gaming employees required to register with Board, regulation, 1300

      Inter-casino linked systems, regulation as associated equipment, authority, 3377, 3381, 3382


      Approval of games or gambling games, duties, regulation, 3376

      Charitable lotteries and charitable games, qualified organizations operating, duties, 1388

      Esports Technical Advisory Committee, creation, appointments, regulations, 2806

      Foreign gaming, filing of certain documents and reports, removal of requirement, 1891

      Information system, appropriation, 2805

      Members, salaries, 1790, 1798, 1799

      Officers and employees, exemptions from State Personnel System, 1302

      Transferable tax credits, receipt of certain notices, 1043, 1044

      Unclassified service, salaries, duties, 1790, 1797


      Community gardens and urban farms

             Ad valorem taxes, county commissioners authorized to approve partial abatements for owners of real property, 1988

             Food Security, Council on, duties, 1987

             Master plans, required elements, 1987

             State lands, lease of lands for use as community gardens and urban farms, requirements, 1993

      Nevada State Museum Las Vegas, ethnobotanical garden at Las Vegas Springs Preserve, appropriation, 3719


      Unlocked gate as public nuisance, 1491


      Commercially sexually exploited children, receiving centers for, treatment of child in accordance with child’s gender identity or expression, 2646

      Doxing, civil actions, remedies, 2136

      Equality of rights under law guaranteed to all persons, constitutional amendment, 3992, 3993

      Harassment or discrimination in Executive Department, prohibited acts, requirements and complaint procedures, 1912-1914

      Hate crimes, additional criminal penalty for certain crimes motivated by certain characteristics of victim, 1530

      Health care and behavioral health services, grants to reduce disparities in, 2701, 2706

      Information related to gender identity collected by governmental agencies, requirements, confidentiality of information, 3166-3169

      Juvenile justice system, persons employed in, cultural competency, training requirements, 2628

      "LGBTQ" defined, 3227

      Peace officers

             Discriminatory conduct relating to incidents involving officers, right of victim to seek damages and attorney’s fees, 342

             Implicit bias, evaluations to identify, 574

      Public restrooms, single-stall, inclusiveness and accessibility, requirements, prohibited acts, penalties and remedies, 2345, 2349

      School instruction in history and contributions of certain groups of persons, requirements, 947

      Small or disadvantaged business entities

             LGBTQ-owned businesses, right to receive certain additional information, 3171

             Transportation, Department of, award of contracts for certain projects, duties, 3175

      State agencies

             Collaboration with minority groups, accessibility to programs and services, 3227

             Diversity and inclusion liaison, designation, duties, distribution of information, reports, 3227

             Employees to reflect demographic diversity of State, public policy of State, requirements, 2703

      Terminology, changes, 3441


      Contents, 1800-1830


      Contents, 2765-2783


      Wildfires, authority of district to bring action against entities responsible for causing, exceptions, 1373


      Offenders, revision to priority of deductions from individual account and wages for payment of fees, 1899-1901


      Chair and Vice Chair, clarification of designation, duties, 169

      Executive Secretary, selection by voting members of Board, 169

      Names of geographic features or places that are racially discriminatory or named after certain persons, authority regarding, reports, 2074

      Nevada Indian Commission, membership, 168


      ABLE Savings Program, Nevada, authority of State Treasurer, 31

      Aging and Disability Services Division, authority to accept gifts, 553

      Agriculture, Director of State Department of, authority to accept gifts, 1095

      Central Repository, authority to accept, 2639

      Charter schools, governing bodies, authority to accept, 3266

      Child and Family Services, Division of, authority to accept, 537, 2260, 2646

      College of Southern Nevada, authority to apply for and accept, 3666

      Education, Department of, authority to apply for gifts, 3559

      Education Gift Fund, interest and income to be credited to Fund, 1101

      Federal Assistance, Office of, authority to apply for and accept, 3709

      Financial Independence, Nevada Statewide Council on, creation, authority to apply for and accept, 1549

      Health and Human Services, Department of, authority of Director to accept, 798

      Health districts, local, authority to accept, 3234

      Indigent Defense Services, Department of, authority to apply for and accept gifts, 2267

      Individual Development Account Program, creation, authority of State Treasurer to seek and accept, 1554

      Intercollegiate athletics, gifts by agents to athletes, restrictions, requirements, 503, 504

      Lieutenant Governor, Keep Nevada Working Task Force, authority to accept, 3905

      Motor Vehicles, Department of, authority to accept, 3735

      Nevada System of Higher Education, climate survey on sexual misconduct, authority of institutions to accept, 3674

      Pro bono legal services, contracts with Executive Department, exemption from laws, 654

      Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, authority to accept, 2844, 3134, 3231

      Public Health Resource Office, authority to accept, 3649

      Public Safety, Department of, authority to accept gifts, 178

      Small Business Advocacy, Office of, authority to apply for and receive, 1151

      Western Regional Education Compact, Office of the, authority to accept, 2611

      Wildlife Trust Fund, gifts related to unanticipated emergency events, procedures for acceptance, 1756


      Excise tax on annual gross revenue from extraction in State, imposition and collection, penalties, 1274-1279


      Pregnant women, testing for gonorrhea, requirements, 2572


      Collective bargaining agreements

             Claims for wages or other complaints, jurisdiction of Labor Commissioner, determination, effect, 1763

             Executive Department, annual fee to be charged for each employee position that falls within a designated bargaining unit, use, 2801

             Fact-finders, disputes between cities and employee organizations, submission of findings to second fact-finder, procedures, effect, 1765-1767

             Sex- or gender-based harassment or discrimination, information relating to complaints, confidentiality, 1913-1917

      Local government employers and employee organizations

             Fact-finders, disputes between cities and employee organizations, submission of findings to second fact-finder, procedures, effect, 1765-1767

             "Race" defined, 1712

             Subject matters not subject to negotiations with employee organization, 1710-1713


             County school district funds, restrictions on use of budgeted ending fund balance for collective bargaining, 1138

             Learning goals as part of teacher’s evaluation, temporary suspension, effect of existing collective bargaining agreement, 1339

      Unclassified staff, salaries, 1783


      Legislative Operations and Elections, Joint Standing Committee on, recommendations, 2527


      Peer-to-peer car sharing programs, imposition, collection, 1842-1844


      Aides-de-camp to the Governor, removal of Adjutant General’s power to appoint, 2102

      Appointments made by

             Advisory Task Force on HIV Exposure Modernization, reappointments, 3198

             Agriculture, State Board of, 675, 676

             Behavior Analysis, Board of Applied, 1627

             Claims, Board to Review, 1863

             Federal Assistance, Office of, Director, 3707

             Gubernatorial appointees, restrictions on appointments, 272

             Keep Nevada Working Task Force, 3904

             Land Use Planning Advisory Council, 3398

             Nursing, State Board of, 475

             Outdoor Recreation, Advisory Board on, 655

             Peace Officers’ Standards and Training Commission, 495, 496

             Public Employees’ Benefits Program, Board of the, 1778

             Public Health Resource Officer, 3649

             Restrictions on certain appointments, 272

             Transmission Coordination Task Force, Regional, 3788

             United States Senator, filling of vacancy, 1974

             Workforce development, committee to conduct interim study of alignment of workforce training and programs offered by community colleges, 1202

             Workforce Innovation, Governor’s Office of, appointment of Executive Director, 2786

      City-county relief tax, use of population totals certified by Governor, laws clarified, 59-62


             Automatic voter registration agencies, designation, duties, 3851

             Special elections, duties, 1974, 1975

      General appropriations legislation, duties, 1800, 1811-1824, 1826

      General authorized expenditures legislation, duties, 2777

      Grant Procurement, Coordination and Management, Office of

             Renamed Office of Federal Assistance, 3716

             Transfer from Department of Administration, 3705

      Minimum wage, publication of bulletin announcing adjusted rates, removal of constitutional mandate, 4036

      Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry, receipt of notice regarding, 2071

      Ovarian and Prostate Cancer Prevention and Awareness Month, proclamation, duties, 519

      Patient Protection Commission, duties transferred, 555

      Peace Officers’ Standards and Training Commission, duties, 495, 496

      Public Health Resource Office, creation, appropriation, 3649-3652

      Reports, receipt

             2020 General Election for Assembly District 21, contest, 4038

             Attorney General, Office of the, 2639

             Court Administrator, 1889

             Financial Independence, Nevada Statewide Council on, 1550

             Fiscal Analysis Division, 1039

             Health and Human Services, Department of, 2848, 3054

             Health Care, Legislative Committee on, 3613

             HIV Exposure Modernization, Advisory Task Force of, 3199

             Human Resource Management, Division of, 1886

             Innovation zones, joint special committee, 4032

             Insurance, Commission of, 870

             Legislative Commission, 1969

             Legislative Counsel Bureau, Director, 1889

             Minority Affairs, Commission on, 3228

             Minority Health and Equity, Office of, 3228

             Nevada System of Higher Education

                   Regents, Board of, 1890

                   UNLV, 3524

             New Americans, Office for, 3228


                   Adult High School Diploma program, funding, 2910

                   Dual credit programs, 3666

                   Funding, Commission on School, 1296

                   Ratio of pupils to specialized instructional support personnel, plans to improve, 740

                   Superintendent of Public Instruction, 3219

             Science, Innovation and Technology, Office of, 913, 3448, 3449

             Sentencing Commission, Nevada, 2414

             Statewide Substance Use Response Working Group, 2861

             Traffic Safety, Advisory Committee on, 163

             Transmission Coordination Task Force, Regional, 3789

             Workforce development, committee to conduct interim study of alignment of workforce training and programs offered by community colleges, 1203

             Workforce Innovation, Governor’s Office of, 2786, 2787

      School funding, duties, 2910, 2913

      Western Regional Education Compact, Office of the, removal from Office of the Governor, 2739, 2740


      Agricultural police officers, exemption from service as juror, 1910


      ABLE Savings Program, Nevada, authority of State Treasurer, 31

      Adoption assistance programs, money from grant remaining at end of fiscal year, nonreversion to General Fund, 2712

      Aging and Disability Services Division, authority to accept, 553

      Agriculture, Director of State Department of, authority to seek and accept, 1095

      Broadband services, establishment of infrastructure grants, 3448, 3451

      Central Repository, authority to accept, 2639

      Charter schools, governing bodies, authority to accept, 3266

      Child and Family Services, Division of, authority to accept, 537, 2260, 2646

      COVID-19, grants for operational support to certain entities impacted by, 2

      Domestic Violence, Account for Aid for Victims of, name change, eligibility for grant, 132, 3255


             Career and technical education, appropriation for grant program, 2911

             College of Southern Nevada, authority to apply for and accept, 3666

             Department of Education, authority to apply for, 3559

             Higher education, publicly funded grant programs for persons pursuing, study of effectiveness, 1945

             School districts, board of trustees, authority to accept, 3266

             Sexual misconduct within Nevada System of Higher Education

                   Climate survey on sexual misconduct, authority of institutions to accept grants, 3674

                   Victims of sexual misconduct, waiver of certain requirements or academic activities for, requirements, 3682

             Western Regional Education Compact, Office of the, authority to seek and accept, 2611

      Federal Assistance, Office of, authority to apply for and accept, 3709

      Financial Independence, Nevada Statewide Council on, creation, authority to seek and accept, 1549

      Grant Matching Account, creation, eligibility for grant from, 3705

      Health and Human Services, Department of, authority of Director to accept, 798

      Health districts, local, authority to accept, 3234

      Indigent Defense Services, Department of, authority to apply for and accept, 2267

      Individual Development Account Program, creation, authority of State Treasurer to seek and accept, 1554

      Lieutenant Governor, authority to accept for Keep Nevada Working Task Force, 3905

      Motor Vehicles, Department of, authority to accept, 3735

      Old Nevada State Prison, nonprofit corporations receiving grants for certain purposes, retention of money received, 2082

      Ombudsman for Victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Human Trafficking, use, 658

      Pro bono legal services, contracts with Executive Department, exemption from laws, 654

      Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, powers and duties, 2701, 2702, 2706, 2844, 3134, 3231

      Public Health Resource Office, authority to accept, 3649

      Public Safety, Department of, authority to accept, 178

      Resilient Nevada, Fund for a, award of grants, requirements, 2847, 2851

      Sexual Assault, Account for Aid for Victims of Domestic Violence or, grants from, eligibility requirements, 132, 3255

      Small Business Advocacy, Office of, authority to apply for and receive, 1151

      Springs Preserve Foundation, receipt of money from Nevada State Museum, Las Vegas, 3719


      Bicentennial of Greek independence, legislative resolution recognizing, 3993


      Rating System, prospective elimination, effect, 2020


      Conservation and Natural Resources, State Department of, annual report, requirements, 584


      Assisted outpatient treatment, petition for admission of ward to mental health facilities, authority, 3069

      Behavior analysis, exemptions from regulation, 1626

      Nomination of guardian, use of form, 978

      Persons released from mental health facility or assisted outpatient treatment, notification of guardian, 3088, 3095-3098


      Behavior analysis, exemptions from regulation, 1626

      Compromise of claims, when blocked financial investments required, 498, 499

      Distance education, information regarding course, receipt, 3520

      English learners, distribution of information regarding rights, 1383

      Financial planning, FAFSA and Nevada College Kick Start Program, education about importance and value of, 1155-1157

      Guardianship orders, registration and recognition of orders issued in another state, procedures, modification of registered guardianship prohibited, 200, 201

      "Home state" of child less than 6 months of age, definition, 201

      Intercollegiate athletics, gifts by agents to athletes, restrictions, requirements, 503, 504

      Jurisdiction, transfer to or from another state, 199, 200

      Kinship Guardianship Assistance Program, eligibility for assistance, 3117, 3118

      Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association, governing board, membership of guardian, 3401, 3402

      Orders for protection against child under 18 years of age, procedures, 605

      Public restrooms, single-stall, inclusiveness and accessibility, requirements, prohibited acts, penalties and remedies, 2344, 2349

      Tuition charges, students whose parent was stationed at military installation associated with Nevada, Board of Regents prohibited from fixing charges against, 3683

      Types of guardians, 201



      "Protective hairstyle" defined, 1703-1705, 1708, 1712, 1714, 1715, 1717, 1718


      Diversity survey, requirements, 3522

      Doxing, prohibited acts, penalties and civil remedies, 2136

      Employers and landlords, contract provisions prohibiting testimony concerning harassment deemed void and unenforceable, 164

      Equity in the workplace, duties of state appointing authorities, annual reports, 1886

      Orders for protection

             Central Repository, monitoring of compliance by law enforcement agencies, annual reports, 612

             Child under 18 years of age as adverse party, jurisdiction of courts, procedure, 605-609

             Statistical data, accessibility on Central Repository’s website, duties, 619

      Sex- or gender-based harassment in Executive Department, prohibited acts, requirements and complaint procedures, 1912-1914

      Technical violations of parole, system of graduated sanctions, use, 2434, 2435


      Additional criminal penalty for certain crimes motivated by characteristics of victim, 1530


      Height of vehicle transporting on highway, maximum, laws clarified, 38


      Advisory Task Force on HIV Exposure Modernization, provision of staff, 3198

      Aging and Disability Services Division

             Applied behavior analysis, duties transferred to Board of Applied Behavior Analysis, 1632

             Autism spectrum disorders, services provided by Autism Treatment Assistance Program, duties, 2548

             Desert Regional Center, appropriation for pavement maintenance at Jones campus, 2864

             Disabilities, persons with, transition from hospital to residence, establishment of program to facilitate authorized, 553

             Home care employment standards boards, duties, 3657

             Interpreters, duties, 1537

             Older or vulnerable persons

                   Reports of abuse, neglect, exploitation, isolation or abandonment, receipt, duties, 2624

                   Transition from hospital to residence, establishment of program to facilitate authorized, 553

             Real time captioning providers, duties, 1538

      Automatic voter registration agency, designation, 3850

      Behavioral health and health care services, disparities in, duties, reports, 2701, 2706

      Cancer drugs, Medicaid recipients diagnosed with stage 3 or 4 cancer, duties, 2677-2679

      Chief Medical Officer

             Emergency response employees, duties, 338

             Lupus and variants, system for reporting information, duties, 3132

             Maternal Mortality Review Committee, collaboration, 340

             Suicide, information from certain providers of health care relating to, receipt of information, reports, 865

      Child and Family Services, Division of

             5-year strategic plans, report on progress in achieving measures, 1010

             Adoption assistance programs, money from grant remaining at end of fiscal year, duties, 2712

             Background investigations of persons working with children, requirements, 3478-3480

             Children, Youth and Family Administration budget, Nevada Partnership for Training contract, appropriation, 1836

             Children’s Advocacy Centers, Account to Support, duties, 537

             Clark County Child Welfare budget, fiscal incentives program, appropriation, 1835

             Domestic violence victims, services provided to, funding, receipt of reports, 3256, 3257

             Emotional disturbance, children with, admission to certain facilities, duties, 235

             Extended Young Adult Support Services Program, duties, reports, regulations, 2728, 2729

             Fictitious address issued to certain victims, duties, 286, 288

             Foster Youth Account, Normalcy For, use, 1559

             Human trafficking, statewide plan for delivery of services to victims and State of Nevada Human Trafficking Coalition, duties, 835

             Incompetent, child found to be

                   Correctional facility, placement of child in facility prohibited, 2555

                   Plan for structure of services, requirements, 2558

                   Proceedings to determine competency, receipt of report, 2556

             Juvenile justice prevention activities, interim study, duties, 2933

             Juvenile justice system, persons employed in, cultural competency, duties, 2629

             Maintenance projects at certain centers and facilities, appropriations, 2762, 2763

             Receiving centers for commercially sexually exploited children, duties, regulations, 2645

             Sexual assault victims, services provided to, funding, receipt of reports, 3256, 3257

             Victim Support Gift Account, administration, duties, 2260

             Victims, statewide center to provide assistance to certain victims, designation, requirements, duties, 2259

             Washoe County Child Welfare budget, fiscal incentives program, appropriation, 1834

             Youthful offenders between 18 and 24 years of age, feasibility study of housing in correctional facilities, duties, appropriation, 3572, 3573

      COVID-19, appreciation of Legislature for assistance with its response to pandemic during 81st Session expressed, 4039, 4045


             Autism spectrum disorders, behavior analysts, assistant behavior analysts and behavior technicians providing services, duties, 2546

             Cognitive assessment and care planning services, duties, 2588


                   Amendment of certain regulations pertaining to, authority, 3598

                   Appreciation for assistance to Legislature with its response to pandemic during 81st Session expressed, receipt of report, 4039, 4045

             Doulas, duties, 2620, 2625

             Financial Independence, Nevada Statewide Council on, member, duties, 1548

             Health care providers, database of information concerning, establishment, duties, 796-798

             Health Care Workforce Working Group, establishment, 798

             Home care employment standards boards, duties, 3656-3659

             Nevada System of Higher Education, sexual misconduct violations, duties, receipt of reports, 3683

             Patient Protection Commission, duties transferred from Office of the Governor, receipt of reports, 555, 557

             Reinvestment advisory committee, establishment, duties, 1062, 1063

             Resilient Nevada, Advisory Committee for, appointments, receipt of reports, 2845, 2846

             Resilient Nevada, Fund for a, duties, receipt of reports from grantees concerning use of money, 2851

             Silver State Health Insurance Exchange, collaboration, 3618

             Statewide Substance Use Response Working Group, membership, 2857

      Doulas, duties, 2620

      Health care and prescription drugs, program to educate patients in ways to reduce costs, duties, 3057

      Health Care Financing and Policy, Division of

             Authorized expenditures, 2550

             Behavior analysts, assistant behavior analysts and behavior technicians, training, duties, reports, 2546

             Children’s Health Insurance Program, duties, 2705, 2706

             Dental Health Officer, State, duties, 3605, 3606

             Doulas, duties, 2620, 3627, 3636, 3637, 3641

             Health insurance all-payer claims database, duties, appropriation, 3061

             Home care employment standards boards, duties, 3657

             Information system and actuarial costs, appropriation, 2566

             Managed care organizations, duties, 2705, 2706

             Medical service costs, projected, appropriation, 2566

             Organ transplants, regulations, 1167, 1170

             Personal care services for Medicaid recipients, appropriation, 1295

             Prescription drug costs, appropriation, 2680

             Reinvestment advisory committee, receipt of reports, 1063

             Sexually transmitted diseases, costs for testing, appropriation, 3145

      Health insurance all-payer claims database

             Appropriation, 3061

             Duties, prohibited acts, reports, 3051-3057, 3061

             Establishment, 3051

             Reports using data, applicability of law, 3052

      Healthy Nevada, Fund for a

             Consolidation of programs, 64-72

             Disclosure of personal information, 71

             Duties generally, 64-72

             Subsidies for benefits or services, 64-72

      Hemp, duties, regulation, 729

      Hospitals, merger, acquisition, joint venture or contract for management, receipt of notice, duties, reports, 3544, 3545

      Individual Development Account Program, establishment, duties, receipt of reports, 1550

      Lupus and variants, additional staff for system for reporting information, appropriation, 3136

      Minority Health and Equity, Office of

             Maternal Mortality Review Committee, collaboration, 340

             Meetings between diversity and inclusion liaisons of state agencies, facilitation, receipt of information, 3228

             Minority Health and Equity Account, creation, sources, use, 2703

             Partnerships, authority to enter into, 2705

             Public Health Resource Officer, duties, 3651

             Reporting requirements, 3228

             Resilient Nevada, Advisory Committee for, appointments, 2845

      Pharmacy benefit managers, duties, receipt of reports, 3723, 3727

      Physician group practices or owners, certain transactions or contract for management, receipt of notice, duties, reports, 3544, 3545

      Physicians, development and receipt of data requests, duties, confidentiality of information, reports, 550

      Prescription drugs

             Agreements with private entities in other jurisdictions for collaborative purchasing, authority, 1751

             Drugs with certain wholesale acquisition cost, list of, duties, 3723

      Prostitution or solicitation, provision of certain assistance and information to law enforcement agencies, duties, 3119

      Public and Behavioral Health, Division of

             Assisted outpatient treatment, procedures, duties, 3068-3077

             Behavioral health and health care services, grants to reduce disparities in, powers and duties, 2701, 2706

             Cancer and other neoplasms, fee collected for support of system for reporting of information on, duties, 2257

             Cannabis, criminal investigations regarding, Investigation Division to assist upon request, 914, 916

             Chronic Disease budget, vaping prevention activities, appropriation, 1836

             Committee on Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Human Trafficking, appointment of members, qualifications, 659

             Contraceptives, certain medical facilities to provide emergency contraceptive to sexual assault victims upon request, duties, 1070


                   Legislature, appreciation for assistance with its response to pandemic during 81st Session expressed, 4039, 4045

                   Limited English proficiency, persons with, availability of services to restrain the spread of COVID-19, duties, 3230

             Crisis Response Account, creation, administration, duties, 2844

             Crisis stabilization centers, endorsements of hospitals as, authority, 238, 239

             Dental Health Officer, State, appointive authority transferred to Division of Health Care Financing and Policy, 3605

             Emergency response employees, duties related to mental health issues, requirements, 338

             Health care and behavioral health services, grants to reduce disparities in, powers and duties, 2701, 2706

             Health Care Facilities Regulation budget, community-based living arrangement services, replacement equipment, appropriations, 1837

             Home care employment standards boards, appropriation for personnel, operating and equipment costs, 3662


                   Endorsements as crisis stabilization centers, authority, 238, 239

                   Mental health crisis holds, number of persons placed on at facility, reports, 3100

                   Sexually transmitted diseases, duties, regulations, 3139

             Kidney disease, disparities based on race, authority to apply for grants to address, reports, 2702

             Lupus and variants, duties, 3133, 3134

             Maintenance and repairs, replacement of certain equipment at certain facilities, appropriations, 2934-2936

             Mental health services

                   Assisted outpatient treatment, procedures, duties, 3068-3077

                   Community-based or outpatient services, approval of forms related to, 3078

                   Crisis holds, number of persons placed on mental health crisis holds at certain facilities, receipt of reports, 3100

                   Emergency response employees, duties related to mental health issues, requirements, 338

                   Hotline, suicide prevention and behavioral health crisis, establishment, duties, reports, 2842, 2844

                   Northern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services budget, community-based living arrangement services, appropriation, 1834

                   Southern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services budget, office space and operating costs, appropriation, 1836

             Peer recovery support specialists or specialist supervisors, duties, regulations, 2811, 2815, 2835

             Problem Gambling budget, gambling treatment and prevention services, appropriation, 1835

             Rural Clinics budget account, psychiatric services, appropriation, 1834

             School pupils

                   Height and weight measurements of pupils in more populous counties, requirements, 252

                   Opioid antagonists, administration to school pupils, receipt of reports, 425

             Suicide hotline, suicide prevention and behavioral health crisis, establishment, reports, 2842, 2844

             Training of unlicensed caregivers, duties, 364

      Public Option, public health benefit plan, establishment, duties, regulations, 3617-3622

      Real property, claims against upon death of grantor, receipt of notice, action to release lien, 996

      Resilient Nevada, Advisory Committee for a

             Composition, duties, 2845, 2846

             Creation, 2845

             Reports, 2846, 2847

      Substance Use Response Working Group, Statewide, creation, reports, 2857, 2861

      Telehealth, duties, 3004

      Traffic Safety, Advisory Committee on, membership, 161

      Unclassified service, salaries, duties, 1785, 1797

      Welfare and Supportive Services, Division of

             Child support enforcement program, continuation of technology modernization project, appropriation, 2870

             Child support payments

                   Deposit with State Treasurer, duties, 330, 331

                   Lump sum payments to obligor, duties, 2277

             Energy Assistance and Conservation, Fund for, contents of annual reports, distributions, duties, 36

             Information system changes and training, appropriation, 2567

             Public Option, information technology system enhancements, appropriation, 3646

             Reinvestment advisory committee, establishment, membership, 1063

HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS (See also specific provider)

      Applied behavior analysis, analysts and technicians defined as health care providers, applicability of laws, 1594

      Burn injuries caused by open flame, explosion or flash fire, reports, requirements, 1079

      Cancer and other neoplasms

             Fee for support of system for reporting of information, requirements, 2256

             Reporting of cases, applicability to other facilities, 2257

      Contracts containing certain provisions prohibited, 3552, 3553

      Cultural competency and diversity, equity and inclusion, continuing education, requirements, 884

      Database of certain information concerning, establishment, 796-798

      Disaster Identification Coordination Committee, State, submission of injury report made discretionary, 277

      Health care or health carrier transactions, notice of reportable transactions to Attorney General, requirements, 308, 309

      Health Care Workforce Working Group, establishment, representation, 798

      Medical debt, collection practices, prohibited acts, 1669, 1670

      Mental health records, requirements concerning recordings used for certain training activities, 2192-2196

      Minors, consent to health care, prohibited acts by providers, 522

      Organ transplants, access to transplants for persons with a disability

             Prohibited acts, 1165

             Remedies for violations, 1166

             Requirements, 1165, 1166

      Pelvic examinations prohibited under certain circumstances, 1570

      Physician group practices or owners, certain transactions or contract for management, notice, duties, 3544, 3545

      Public Option, establishment, requirements, 3617-3622

      Schools, authority to issue orders to for opioid antagonists, requirements, liability, 424

      Sexually transmitted diseases, duties of certain providers of emergency medical services relating to testing for, exceptions, 3138

      Suicide, duties relating to reporting of information to Chief Medical Officer, penalties, 865, 866


             Applicability of laws, 3015

             Patient relationship, authority of provider to establish through telehealth, 3015

      Women, screening for mutation in BRCA gene

             Continuing education relating to genetic counseling and testing, 776, 778, 780

             Criminal penalties for failure to comply with provisions, exemptions, 771, 772

             Duties of certain providers, 771, 772


      Communicable diseases, personal identifying information of persons investigated by health authority, confidentiality, 3188

      Contagious or infectious diseases

             Examination or testing, requirements for orders, appeal, 3183, 3184

             Involuntary treatment, court order, requirements, 3185

             Isolating, quarantining or treating persons, procedures, rights of person, 3181-3183, 3189, 3190

             Orders pertaining to must state reasons for actions prescribed by order, requirements, 3182-3184

             Warnings from health authorities, restrictions, 3185

      COVID-19, persons with limited English proficiency, availability of services to restrain the spread of COVID-19, duties, 3234

      Health care providers, database of information concerning, duties, 798


             Crisis, emergency, suicide or epidemic, membership on emergency operations plan development committees, 634

             Height and weight measurements of pupils in more populous counties, duties, 252

      Walking audits of urbanized areas, collaboration, 3446, 3447


      Cancer drugs, exemption from step therapy in treatment of persons with stage 3 or stage 4 cancer, requirements, penalties, 2669-2671

      Children’s Health Insurance Program, negotiation for inclusion of hospitals with endorsement as crisis stabilization center in network of providers, 240

      Contraceptives, self-administered hormonal, required coverage, 3286


             Overpayments, attempts to recover, requirements, notice, 3525

             Preauthorized care, refusal to pay claim prohibited, exceptions, 3526, 3527

      Disaster declared or state of emergency, acquisition of refills during, requirements, 826

      Form letters, submission to Commissioner, 2943

      Genetic counseling, testing and screening for mutations in BRCA gene for women, required coverage, 783

      HIV, drugs to prevent acquisition and testing, required coverage, 3211

      Medicaid managed care program, establishment, requirements, 3638, 3639

      Medicaid, negotiation for inclusion of hospitals with endorsement as crisis stabilization center in network of providers, 240

      Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, adherence to applicable provisions, reports, 870

      Organ transplants for persons with a disability, care related to

             Failure to comply with requirements, suspension or revocation of certificate of authority, 1174

             Prohibited acts, applicability of provisions, 1173

      Sexually transmitted infections and syphilis, testing and examination of pregnant women, coverage, 2580

      Telehealth, requirements, prohibited acts, 3036

      Vision care providers, contracts with, requirements, penalties, 902


      Maternal Mortality Review Committee, duties, 339

      Pregnant women (See PREGNANCY)


      Birthing centers, freestanding, licensure, regulations, duties, 3440

      Cancer and other neoplasms, fee collected for support of system for reporting of information on, regulations, 2256

      Contagious or infectious diseases

             Examination or testing, requirements for orders, appeal, 3183, 3184

             Medical or epidemiological evidence, requirements for determining sufficiency and legitimacy of, regulations, 3186

             Orders pertaining to must state reasons for actions prescribed by order, requirements, 3182-3184

      Crisis stabilization centers, endorsement of hospital as, fees for issuance or renewal, 238

      Dietitians, licensing and regulation, duties, 335, 336

      Health care providers, database of information concerning, duties, 806, 807

      Lupus and variants, duties, regulations, 3132

      Peer recovery support services, regulation, 2811

      Peer support recovery organizations, regulations void, 2836

      Sewage disposal, resident undivided systems for, receipt of notice, regulation, 3410, 3412

      Sexual assault victims, training for employees of hospitals and independent centers for emergency medical care who provide care to victims, regulations, 1067

      Sexually transmitted diseases, testing for, regulation, 3138

      Substance use disorder prevention coalitions, duties, 2830


             Hotline, suicide prevention, duties, 2843

             Reports of information relating to, regulations, 864

      Syphilis, designation as communicable disease, duties, 2570

      Telehealth, duties, 3015

      Training of certain unlicensed caregivers, regulation, duties, 363


      Healthy Nevada, Fund for a

             Consolidation of programs, 64-72

             Eligibility for subsidies for services or benefits, requirements, 69-71

             Repeal of certain provisions, 72

             Subsidies for services or benefits for senior citizens and persons with a disability, 64-72


      Food containing hemp, not to be deemed adulterated solely because contains hemp, 729

      Food establishments

             Exemption from certain requirements under certain circumstances, 728, 729

             Production or sale under certain circumstances, authority, 729

      Growers, handlers or producers

             Disciplinary action, grounds, penalties for certain violations, 707

             Harvesting crop, time for, procedures following failure to timely harvest crop, 707

             Registration, time for and requirements, 704

             Remediation activities on crop having THC concentration that exceeds federal limits, authority of grower, 705, 706

             Sample of crop submitted for testing, procedures, effect of harvesting crop before sample submitted, 706, 707

      THC concentration for hemp, establishment of maximum concentration by State Department of Agriculture, 3156

      Veterinarians, authority to administer hemp or CBD products, 917, 918


      Accommodations facilitators, regulation, 2394, 2402

      Public works, job order contracts, requirements and procedures, 3511-3514

      Transient lodging, rental for purposes of, regulation, 2392, 2400

      Walking audits of urbanized areas, collaboration, 3446, 3447


      Offenders, hepatitis C treatments, appropriation, 2872

      Pregnant women, testing for hepatitis, requirements, 2572


      Child under 18 years of age as adverse party, jurisdiction of courts, procedures, 605-609

      Emergency or extended orders

             Applications, requirements, review by court, 590, 591

             Availability of court for issuance, 589, 591

             Central Repository, monitoring of compliance by law enforcement agencies, annual reports, 612

             Duty of courts to assist parties, repeal, 603

             "Ex parte order," term changed to "emergency order," meaning, 594-602

             Expiration or dissolution, effect, 589, 595, 596

             Factors for consideration by court, 591, 592

             Firearms, surrender, procedures, return to owner, 592, 593, 596

             Hearings, procedures, 588, 589, 591, 592

             Issuance, procedures, denial, 589, 591

             Personal identifying information, authority of court to redact from application or supplemental documents, requirements, 594, 595

             Search warrants, issuance, grounds, 593

             Service of orders or applications, 589, 591, 594

             Telephonic hearings authorized, requirements, 589, 591


      Chief, salary, 1787

      Computer hardware and software, appropriation, 2000

      Lieutenant Colonel, salary, 1787

      Multidisciplinary investigation reconstruction teams, appropriation, 2000

      Petroleum products, storage, unlawful acts relating to access to certain property or equipment, 143

      Printers and associated mobile adapters, appropriation, 2000

      Vehicles and motorcycles and certain equipment, replacement, appropriation, 1999


      Cooperating committee, representatives from the Joint Interim Standing Committee on Growth and Infrastructure, designation, 2535


      All-terrain vehicles, operation of large all-terrain vehicles, requirements, 1442

      Communication system for members of the general public, establishment by Department of Transportation made discretionary, 41

      Construction and maintenance, expansion of considerations by Department of Transportation, 1050, 1051

      Controlled-access highways, restrictions on use, violations made civil infraction, penalties, 3334

      Gates erected across public roads, authority, requirements, 1493

      Hay, height of vehicle transporting, maximum, laws clarified, 38

      Pedestrians, restrictions on use, violations made civil infraction, penalties, 381

      Size, weight or load exceeding legal maximum, permit applications, 38-40

      Traffic Safety, Advisory Committee on, creation, 161-163


      Old Nevada State Prison, maintenance, funding, 2080

      Prehistoric Indian burial sites on private lands, permits to conduct lawful activity on lands, requirements, 1087

      Stewart Indian School, preservation and maintenance, funding, 2078, 2079


      Advisory Task Force on HIV Exposure Modernization, reestablishment, 3198

      Conduct likely to transmit HIV to another person, prosecution as a felony, repeal of provisions, 3199

      Doxing, civil actions, remedies, 2136

      Drugs to prevent acquisition, testing

             Insurers, coverage, requirements, 3203-3214

             Pharmacists, authority to prescribe, dispense and administer, requirements, 3201

      Nevada Administrative Code, use of terminology associated with HIV, requirements, 3195

      Nevada Revised Statutes, use of terminology associated with HIV, requirements, 3194

      Testing for sexually transmitted diseases, duties of certain providers of emergency medical services, exceptions, 3138


      Capital, requirements, 2983-2988

      Corporate governance annual disclosure, submission of amended version, 2989

      Liquidity stress tests, requirements, 2983


      Ovarian and Prostate Cancer Prevention and Awareness Month, 519


      Governor’s Advisory Council on Education Relating to the Holocaust, membership on subcommittee to review and make recommendations concerning instruction of pupils, 1161


      Employment standards boards

             Composition, 3656

             Definitions, 3655, 3656

             Meetings, 3656

             Powers and duties, 3657, 3658

             Preliminary investigations, requirements, 3656, 3657

             Recommendations, approval, effect, 3658


      Rental assistance for defaulting tenants, duties, 2123, 2124


      Birth certificates, receipt without charge, requirements, prohibited acts, 523

      School pupils, considerations in suspending, expelling or removing from school, 3563-3566

      Veterans, duties of Department of Veterans Services related to decreasing homelessness among, 434


      Burn injuries caused by open flame, explosion or flash fire, reports, requirements, 1079

      Health care providers, database of information concerning, duties, duties of Board, 802

      Lupus and variants, duty to report case information, 3132

      Pelvic examinations prohibited under certain circumstances, 1570


      Justifiable homicide, persons authorized to assert, applicability of laws, 2642


      Cancer and other neoplasms, fee for support of system for reporting of information, requirements, 2256

      Suicide, duties relating to reporting of information to Chief Medical Officer, penalties, 865, 866

      Unlicensed caregivers, training, requirements, 363, 364


      Cancer drugs, exemption from step therapy in treatment of persons with stage 3 or stage 4 cancer, requirements, penalties, 2667-2669

      Contraceptives, self-administered hormonal, required coverage, 3283


             Overpayments, attempts to recover, requirements, notice, 3525

             Preauthorized care, refusal to pay claim prohibited, exceptions, 3526, 3527

      Disaster declared or state of emergency, acquisition of refills during, requirements, 826

      Form letters, submission to Commissioner, 2943

      Genetic counseling, testing and screening for mutations in BRCA gene, required coverage, 782, 783

      HIV, drugs to prevent acquisition and testing, required coverage, 3210

      Medicare supplemental policies, requirements, 880

      Organ transplants for persons with a disability, care related to, prohibited acts, 1172, 1173

      Sexually transmitted infections and syphilis, testing and examination of pregnant women, coverage, 2580

      Telehealth, requirements, prohibited acts, 3032

      Vision care providers, contracts with, requirements, penalties, 901


      Nevada Hospitality and Travel Workers Right to Return Act

             Aggrieved employees, enforcement of provisions, procedures, 3590, 3591

             Applicability of provisions, 3592

             Construal of provisions, 3592

             Definitions, 3586-3588

             Employers, prohibited acts, 3590

             Job positions, offers to laid-off employees, requirements, 3589, 3590

             Layoff notices, requirements, 3588, 3589

             Records, retention by employer, requirements, 3589

             Severability of provisions, 3593


      Assisted outpatient treatment, admission of person to mental health facilities, procedures, 3068-3077

      Burn injuries caused by open flame, explosion or flash fire, reports, requirements, 1079

      Cancer and other neoplasms, fee for support of system for reporting of information, requirements, 2256

      Contracts with certain provisions prohibited, 3552, 3553

      Crisis holds, emergency admissions to mental health facilities, procedures, 3079-3085

      Crisis stabilization services provided at hospital with endorsement as crisis stabilization center, reimbursement under Medicaid, 238-240

      Lupus and variants, duty to report case information, 3132, 3133

      Medical debt, collection practices, prohibited acts, 1669, 1670

      Merger, acquisition, joint venture or contract for management, notice, duties, 3544

      Pregnant women

             Sexually transmitted infections, testing, requirements, 2572, 2573

             Syphilis, examination for discovery of syphilis, requirements, 2573

      Psychiatric hospitals, children admitted to, plan for continued education, requirements, 3158-3162

      Sexual assault victims, duties, training for employees who provide care to victims, requirements, 1067, 1070

      Sexually transmitted diseases, duties of certain providers of emergency medical services relating to testing for, exceptions, 3138

      Statewide Substance Use Response Working Group, membership, 2858

      Suicide, duties relating to reporting of information to Chief Medical Officer, penalties, 865, 866

      Unlicensed caregivers, training, requirements, 363, 364


      Interception of communications by certain persons, authority, 1736


      Nevada Hospitality and Travel Workers Right to Return Act (See HOSPITALITY ENTERPRISES)


      Definitions, 1089, 1090

      Energy Assistance and Conservation, Fund for, reports, contents, 36

      Tiny houses and tiny house parks, zoning districts, requirements, 1525-1527

      Youthful offenders between 18 and 24 years of age, feasibility study of housing in correctional facilities, duties, appropriation, 3572, 3573


      Financial Independence, Nevada Statewide Council on, representation, 1548

      Home Means Nevada, Inc., receipt of information regarding rental assistance for defaulting tenants, 2124

      Individual development accounts, deposits by tenants not to be considered income for purposes of determining eligibility to reside in housing project, duty of authority to provide instruction in financial literacy, 1567

      State Treasurer, duty to ensure instruction and training is provided to tenants regarding available business opportunities and benefits, 1565


      Business entities, authority to create, powers, 1089-1092

      Determination of income, repeal of provision, 1093

      Individual development accounts, deposits by tenants not to be considered income for purposes of determining eligibility to reside in housing project, duty of Authority to provide instruction in financial literacy, 1567

      State Treasurer, duty to ensure instruction and training is provided to tenants regarding available business opportunities and benefits, 1565



      Adoption of child, petitions for, requirements, 3406

      Committee on Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Human Trafficking, composition, duties, 659

      Fictitious address issued to victims, requests for confidentiality of personal information, 286-291

      Office of Ombudsman for Victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Human Trafficking, duties, 658

      Statewide plan for delivery of services to victims, requirements, 835

      "Victim of human trafficking" defined, 836


      Paper or electronic form of tag

             Validation of electronic tag before transport of wildlife, requirement, 1757

             Wildlife, Department of, authority to designate, 1757

      Specialty combination hunting and fishing licenses, removal of certain requirement, 1759

      Transfer of tag to certain organizations, program to allow, creation authorized, 471



      Alternate address, persons authorized to request display on license, 291, 668, 1265

      Electronic cards, issuance, requirements, 1037

      Pupil identification cards, certain mental health resource information to appear on card, 3220


      Ignition Interlock Program, requirements, 2453


      College tuition and savings programs, prohibited acts, 3697


             Law enforcement agencies, model policies, duties, 3906

             Legislative declaration, 3904

             State agencies, model policies, duties, 3906

             Status, grants to reduce disparities in health care and behavioral health services, 2701, 2706

      Millennium Scholarship, certain requirements prohibited, 3687

      School instruction in history and contributions of certain groups of persons, requirements, 947


      Appropriation, 3720


      Noncompetition covenants, when void and unenforceable, applicability of laws, 314, 315


      Executive Director, salary, 1788

      Geographic Names, Nevada State Board on, membership, 168

      Gift Fund, sources, 2078, 2079

      Land Use Planning Advisory Council, representation, effect of failure to submit name of nominee for membership, 3398

      Transmission Coordination Task Force, Regional, membership, 3788


      Criminal defendants, selection of attorney other than public defender to represent, procedures, 2263, 2266, 2270

      Special Account for the Support of Indigent Defense Services, creation, sources, use, 2267

      Unclassified staff, salaries, 1786


      Affordable housing (See AFFORDABLE HOUSING)

      Broadband services, establishment of infrastructure grants, 3448, 3451

      Civil actions, prosecuting or defending without paying costs, determination, procedures and criteria, 489-491

      Defense Services, Special Account for the Support of Indigent, creation, sources, use, 2267

      Driver’s licenses, removal of authority of court to suspend or deny for failure of defendant to complete community service to satisfy delinquent fine, administrative assessment, fees or restitution, 3292

      Hunting tags, establishment of program authorizing transfer of tags to qualified organization for use by certain persons, 471

      Individual Development Account Program, creation, 1551

      Water quality and effluent limitations, consideration of underserved communities when adopting standards, 3412, 3413


      Account holders, qualifications, requirements, 1551

      Establishment, requirements, 1550


      Advanced practice registered nurses

             Claims for compensation, completion and filing, 1180, 1181

             Injured employees, examination and treatment, authority, 1179, 1180

      Agricultural police officers, coverage, 1910


             Contested claims

                   Claimant, entitlement to award of certain costs, procedures related to award, 1189, 1190

                   Hearing or appeal, certain time limitations may be tolled, 1187, 1191

             Determinations made by insurers, authority to send by electronic transmission upon request by claimant, 1182, 1183, 1186, 1187, 1190, 1199, 1200

      Compensation, may be subject to attorney’s lien, 1184

      Permanent partial disability

             Lump sum payments, termination of benefits and waiver of rights, reservation of certain additional rights, 1197, 1198

             Previous disability, apportionment of percentages for present and previous disabilities

                   Installment payments, 1196

                   Procedures, 1177, 1178

      Permanent total disability, limiting or terminating compensation to certain injured employees prohibited on basis that employee earns income, 1982

      Physician assistants

             Claims for compensation, completion and filing, 1180, 1181

             Injured employees, examination and treatment, authority, 1179, 1180

      Self-insured employers, surety bond requirements, 3001, 3002

      Telehealth, requirements and prohibited acts, 3015

      Vocational rehabilitation counselors, selection by injured employee, requirements, 1199


      Examination or testing, requirements for orders, appeal, 3183-3185, 3187

      Exposure of another person to disease, affirmative defenses, 3185

      Involuntary treatment, court order, requirements, 3185

      Isolating, quarantining or treating persons, procedures, rights of person, 3181-3183, 3189, 3190

      Legislative declaration, 3183

      Medical facilities and related entities, training of unlicensed caregivers, requirements, 363, 364


             Additional credits against sentence while incarcerated during emergency declared due to communicable or infectious disease, 2602

             Hepatitis C treatments, appropriation, 2872

      Orders issued by state and local health authorities, statement of reasons for prescribed actions, requirements, 3182-3184

      Pharmacists, considered providers of health care for purposes of providing certain information to health authorities, 1663

      Warnings from health authorities, restrictions, 3185


      Bank Fund, Nevada State Infrastructure, sources, duties, 3813

      Board of Directors, composition, 3812

      Establishment, 3812

      Loans and other financial assistance, provision to certain facilities and entities, duties, 3814


      Withdrawal notices, time for filing, 1261


      Appliance manufacturers, violations of energy efficiency standards, 2205

      Cannabis, violations, 2140

      Charitable organizations, failure to comply with cease and desist orders, forfeiture of right to do business in State, 229

      Commercially sexually exploited children, receiving centers for, unlicensed operation, 2647

      Data brokers, violations, 1676

      Doxing, authority of courts, 2136

      Organ transplants, access to transplants for persons with a disability, remedies for violations, 1166

      Peer recovery support services, uncertified practice, 2814

      Produce intended for human consumption, violations, 2005


      Competitive suppliers, duties, 1747-1749

      Regulation, 1747


      Legislative study, 4032


      Technology fee, imposition upon issuance or renewal of certificate, 3538



             Cancellation, 2039

             Expiration, date, 2039

             Fingerprints, requirements, 2037

             Issuance through the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry, authority, 2037

             Reinstatement of cancelled license, requirements, 2039

             Renewal through the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry, authority, requirements, 2039

      Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry, procedures and requirements, 2035-2037


      Dogs, discrimination based solely on breed of dog on applicable property prohibited, 1524

      Exchange enrollment facilitators, certificates, renewal, 2998

      Group insurance for public officers and employees

             2021-2023 biennium, subsidies for, establishment, 2763, 2764

             Cancer drugs, exemption from step therapy in treatment of persons with stage 3 or stage 4 cancer, requirements, penalties, 2661-2663

             Contraceptives, self-administered hormonal, required coverage, 3276


                   Overpayments, attempts to recover, requirements, notice, 3525

                   Preauthorized care, refusal to pay claim prohibited, exceptions, 3526, 3527

             Disaster declared or state of emergency, acquisition of refills during, requirements, 824, 831

             Genetic counseling, testing and screening for mutations in BRCA gene for women, 781

             HIV, drugs to prevent acquisition and testing, required coverage, 3203

             Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, adherence to applicable provisions, reports, 870

             Sexually transmitted infections and syphilis, testing and examination of pregnant women, coverage, 2576, 2577

             Telehealth, requirements, prohibited acts, 3020

             Vision care providers, contracts with, requirements, penalties, 903, 904

      Health benefit plans

             Organ transplants for persons with a disability, care related to, prohibited acts, 1171, 1172

             Public Option, establishment, requirements, 3617-3622

      Health insurance

             Agricultural police officers, eligibility for certain programs, 1910

             Cancer drugs, exemption from step therapy in treatment of persons with stage 3 or stage 4 cancer, requirements, penalties, 2659-2661

             Claims, establishment of all-payer claims database, requirements and procedures, prohibited acts, exemption from liability, 3051-3057

             Contraceptives, self-administered hormonal, required coverage, 3274

             Disaster declared or state of emergency, acquisition of refills during, requirements, 823

             Genetic counseling, testing and screening for mutations in BRCA gene, required coverage, 780, 781

             HIV, drugs to prevent acquisition and testing, required coverage, 3206

             Medicare supplemental policies, requirements, 880

             Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, adherence to applicable provisions, reports, 870

             Organ transplants for persons with a disability, care related to, prohibited acts, 1170, 1171

             Public Option, public health benefit plan, establishment, 3617-3622

             Sexually transmitted infections and syphilis, testing and examination of pregnant women, coverage, 2577

             Stop-loss insurance, requirements for issuance, 2970

             Telehealth, requirements, prohibited acts, 3016

             Voluntary purchasing groups, surety bonds, requirements, 2979

      Motor vehicle insurance

             Claims for personal injuries

                   Disclosures to claimant relating to coverage, duties of insurer, procedures, 1420

                   Medical reports, records and bills, provision by claimant or claimant’s attorney, procedures, 1420

             Peer-to-peer car sharing programs

                   Insurable interest in shared vehicle, requirements, 1848

                   Liability insurance, requirements, 1844, 1845

             Renewal of policy under altered terms, required notifications, 126, 127

             Uninsured vehicle coverage, maximum amount of coverage, limitation eliminated, 127

      Motorcycle insurance

             Medical expenses, offer of coverage, requirement, 501

             Premiums, certain provisions of motor vehicle insurance policy for reduction inapplicable, clarification, 502

      Risk retention groups, requirements, 2995

      Small employers, health insurance for

             Cancer drugs, exemption from step therapy in treatment of persons with stage 3 or stage 4 cancer, requirements, penalties, 2663-2665

             Disaster declared or state of emergency, acquisition of refills during, requirements, 825

             Health benefit plans

                   Contraceptives, self-administered hormonal, required coverage, 3278

                   Genetic counseling, testing and screening for mutations in BRCA gene, required coverage, 781, 782

             HIV, drugs to prevent acquisition and testing, required coverage, 3208, 3209

             Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, adherence to applicable provisions, reports, 870

             Telehealth, requirements, prohibited acts, 3024

      Stop-loss insurance, requirements for issuance, 2970

      Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education, insurance as security or joint liability on loan, repeal of provisions, 2618

      Wildfires, program to incentivize property owners to mitigate risk of loss or damage caused by, duties, 488


      Licenses, renewal, 2966


      Certificates of registration, requirements, surety bonds, 2959


      Managing general agents, license renewal, 2960

      Utilization review, agents who perform, registration fee, 2964


      Licenses, renewal, 2968



      Dogs, discrimination based solely on breed of dog on applicable property prohibited, 1524

      Health insurance all-payer claims database, establishment, requirements and procedures, prohibited acts, civil and criminal liability, 3051-3057

      Health insurers


                   Overpayments, attempts to recover, requirements, notice, 3525

                   Preauthorized care, refusal to pay claim prohibited, exceptions, 3526, 3527

             Form letters, submission to Commissioner, 2943

             HIV, drugs to prevent acquisition and testing, required coverage, 3206

             Medicare supplemental policies, requirements, 880

             Public Option, establishment, requirements, 3617-3622

             Sexually transmitted infections and syphilis, testing and examination of pregnant women, coverage, 2577

             Vision care providers, contracts with, requirements, penalties, 899

      Motorcycle insurance

             Medical expenses, offer of coverage, requirement, 501

             Premiums, certain provisions of motor vehicle insurance policy for reduction inapplicable, clarification, 502

             Uninsured and underinsured vehicle coverage, offer, requirement, 501

      Reinsurers, additional requirements, 2948-2958

      Stop-loss insurance, requirements for issuance, 2970

      Wildfires, program for insurers to incentivize property owners to mitigate risk of loss or damage caused by, creation, 488


      Licenses, expiration, renewal, 2965


      Applicability of laws, 111

      Board of Directors, duties, 121, 122

      Insolvent insurers

             Claims, actions and proceedings involving, 111-114

             Records of insolvent insurer, access by Association, requirements, 122

      "Person" and "self-insurer" defined, 111

      Plan of operation, requirements, 118


      Affordable housing projects, transferable tax credits for qualified projects, requirements, 1043-1045


      Licenses, renewal, 2962


      Healthy Nevada, Fund for a

             Consolidation of programs, 64-72

             Eligibility for subsidies for services or benefits, requirements, 69-71

             "Person with a disability" defined to mean a person with an intellectual disability, 64

             Repeal of certain provisions, 72

             Subsidies for services or benefits, 64-72

      Obsolete language and terms, removal from Nevada Revised Statutes, 579

      Persons supported by public institutions, change in terminology, constitutional amendment, 4029


      Traffic Safety, Advisory Committee on, appointment of member, 162


      Peace officers or certain other persons, circumstances under which actions not unlawful, 1737


      Agents, gifts to athletes, restrictions, requirements, 503, 504

      Athletes, compensation for use of name, image or likeness, requirements, study, 941, 942



      Attorney General, duties, 1344

      Autism Treatment Assistance Program, duties, 2548

      Brands and marks, rerecording, procedures, 1833

      Central Repository, duties, 616, 2638

      Common-interest communities, unit-owners’ associations, duties, 3746

      Consumer information, collection and sale, requirements and restrictions, 1673-1676

      Data collectors and operators, collection and sale of consumer information, requirements, prohibited acts, penalties, 1673-1676

      Diversity and inclusion liaison designated by state agencies, publication of certain information, 3228

      Diversity, state employees to reflect the diversity of State, agencies to publish public policy, 2703

      Education and schools

             Charter School Authority, State Public, duties, 2225

             Charter schools, duties, 637

             Disabilities, pupils with, certain reporting requirements removed, 251

             Education, Department of, duties, 740, 1109, 1120, 1123, 2819, 3571

             Educational expenditures, elimination of certain reporting requirements, 1109

             Nevada System of Higher Education, duties, 3524, 3674, 3676

             Number of positions in district held by certain teachers, 2129

             Patient relationship, authority of health care provider to establish through telehealth, 3015

             Private schools, notice of review of development plans, 643, 644


                   English learners, publication of certain information pertaining to, 1384

                   Internet and telecommunications technology, development of statewide system of gathering data relating to the extent pupils have access, requirements, 911-913

                   Suspension or expulsion of pupil, appeal policy, 924

             School districts

                   Development plans, notice of review and update, 637

                   Distance education, duties, 3518

                   State Education Fund, duties, 1120

             Schools for Profoundly Gifted Pupils, University, duties, 3518

      Emergency Management, Division of, duties, 263

      Federal Assistance, Office of, duties, 3703

      Film Office, Nevada, duties, 328

      Financial Institutions, Division of, duties, 738, 2071

      Fiscal Analysis Division, reports, duties, 1039

      Food delivery service platform providers, prohibited acts made deceptive trade practices, penalties, 1699, 1700

      Health and Human Services, Department of, duties, 550, 2679, 3004, 3545

      Horticultural nurseries, licensing, exemptions for businesses licensed by another state that sell exclusively via Internet, 152

      Insurers, exemption from step therapy in treatment of stage 3 and stage 4 cancer, form for requesting exemption, 2661, 2663, 2665, 2667, 2669, 2671, 2675

      Labor Commissioner, duties, 1023

      Managed care organizations, duties, 2706

      Motor Vehicles, Department of, duties, 350, 1038

      Patient Protection Commission, duties, 3006

      Pharmacy, State Board of, duties, 3270

      Public accommodations, applicability of laws to online establishments and private online discussion forums, exemptions, 1391

      Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, duties, 338, 364

      Regulations of public bodies, publication of text and notice of intent to act upon, 1212

      Science, Innovation and Technology, Office of, duties, 3449

      Secretary of State, duties, 246

      Technological crimes, functions and responsibilities of Investigation Division, 914, 916

      Telehealth, requirements and procedures, 3004-3006

      Walking audits of urbanized areas in larger counties, 3447


      "Certification," terminology changed to "credentialing,” 1537

      Court Administrator, committee to advise, composition, duties, reports, 929

      Mentors, qualifications for professional mentors to be prescribed by Aging and Disability Services Division, 1537

      "Practice of interpreting," terminology changed to "practice of sign language interpreting,” 1534, 1544


             Nonprofit civic organizations, requirements to practice sign language interpreting, 1534

             Provisional registration, requirements, 1535

             Supplemental registration to practice in legal or medical settings, elimination, 1537


      Consumers importing 1 gallon or less per month for personal use, exception to licensing requirement, 1695

      Contracts between suppliers and wholesalers, terms of contract attempting to alter or waive certain provisions of law are void and unenforceable, 1685

      Nevada State Prison, sale or consumption of beer and wine at certain events, authority, requirements, 2080

      Retail liquor stores, delivery of liquor to consumers, requirements, 1692

      Suppliers of liquor, applicability of laws, prohibited acts with respect to wholesalers, 1687

      "Vendor," change in terminology, 1694


      Traffic and related offenses committed while under the influence, penalty, 3321


      Licensing, exemption for advisers to certain qualifying private funds, requirements, reports, 244-246


      "Equity interest" defined, 2959

      Minors, compromise of claims, when blocked financial investments required, 498, 499


      Advancing prostitution, removal of element of crime relating to, 1379

      Criminal punishment, use as, removal of language authorizing, constitutional amendment, 4008

      "Human trafficking, victim of," person against whom a violation of certain provisions has been committed defined as, 836


      Small Business Advocacy, Office of, duty to work with small businesses and districts to facilitate interactions, 1148, 1149



             Expiration, date, 2034

             Fingerprints, requirements, 2033

             Issuance and renewal through the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry, authority, requirements, 2034

             Reinstatement of expired license, requirements, 2035

      Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry, procedures and requirements, 2032-2034



      Immigration, model policies, duties, 3906

      Incarcerated persons, suspension of Medicaid eligibility, reinstatement upon release, 2187

      Organ transplants, access to transplants for persons with a disability

             Prohibited acts, 1165

             Remedies for violations, 1166

             Requirements, 1165, 1166


      Other State Education Programs Account, funding, 2910


      Canadian Money Judgments Act, Uniform Registration of, adoption, 509-514

      Criminal procedure, orders imposing condition of release prohibiting contact, 1948

      Estates of decedents, transfers of property, 970

      Guardianship of minors, procedures to transfer jurisdiction, registration of guardianship orders, 199-201

      Orders for protection against child under 18 years of age, petitions regarding basis for order, procedures, 608, 609

      Pretrial release hearings, administrative orders, authority to issue, 2230


      General Counsel, salary, 1789, 1798

      Members, terms, limitation on number, applicability of laws, 160

      Supreme Court study of certain issues, 160


      Land use planning, procedures for judicial review, 1443

      Public Utilities Commission of Nevada, review of decisions, procedures, 677, 678

      Review, Board of, petitions seeking review of decisions, service, 1482


      Agricultural police officers, exemption from service as juror, 1910

      Cases required to be tried by jury, inclusion of justice courts and municipal courts as venues, 1312, 1314, 1321

      Domestic violence battery cases, jury trial required in certain courts, 1319

      Jurors, selection, 1314, 1315


      Abolishment, 2538

      Reports, receipt

             Corrections, Department of, list of offenders receiving credits while incarcerated during COVID-19 emergency, 2602

             Sexual assault, subcommittee to conduct interim study on, 1393

             Statewide Substance Use Response Working Group, 2861

      Sex Offender Registration, Advisory Committee to Study Laws Concerning

             Abolishment, duties transferred to Commission, 242

             Special Account for the Support of the Committee, transfer of money to Special Account for the Support of the Advisory Commission on the Administration of Justice, 242

      Sexual assault, subcommittee to conduct interim study on, appointment, 1393


      Cases required to be tried by jury, inclusion of justice courts as venue in certain cases, 1312

      Commissioners, authority of court to assign jury commissioners, 1314

      Lactation rooms for use by members of the public, requirements, appropriation, 3262

      Motor vehicle liens, duties, 2133

      Motor vehicle towing or immobilization, civil cases arising from, duties, 1307

      Orders for protection against child under 18 years of age, removal of jurisdiction, 606, 607

      Traffic and related offenses, actions to determine commission of civil infraction, jurisdiction

             Adoption of rules, 3354

             Filing of citation with court, effect, 3314, 3315, 3320

             Jurisdiction, 3348


      Pretrial release hearings, authority to conduct in another township, 2232

      Traffic and related offenses, appointment of referee, 3346


      Alcohol, offenses relating to possession or consumption, jurisdiction, 853

      Certification of child for criminal proceedings as adult, 3421, 3422

      Child found to be incompetent, authority of court to place child in certain facilities, requirements, 2554

      Children in need of protection

            Hearings, procedures, 2239

             Jurisdiction, 2238

             Selection of attorney for child, duties, procedures, 2265

      Expungement of records, petitions for, procedures, 3424

      Jurisdiction of court, removal of certain exclusions, 3420

      Marijuana, offenses relating to possession, jurisdiction, 853

      Orders for protection against child under 18 years of age, jurisdiction of courts, 605

      Sealing of records pertaining to child, grounds, procedures, 3425, 3426


      Background investigations of persons working with children

             Objective weighing test, tracking of certain data, requirements, 2630

             Requirements, 3472-3474

      Deprivation of certain rights, prohibited acts, powers and duties of Attorney General following, 653

      Immigration, model policies, duties, 3906

      Inmate calling services, regulation, 1747

      Social studies courses of instruction, requirements, 905


      Alcohol, cannabis or marijuana violations by offenders under age 21, penalties, 851, 853, 856, 858, 860

      Deprivation of certain rights, prohibited acts, powers and duties of Attorney General following, 653

      Employees in juvenile justice system, cultural competency, training requirements, 2628

      Incompetent, child found to be, Child and Family Services, Division of, placement of child in facility, authority of court, 2554

      Interrogation of child, procedural requirements, 3373

      "Minor traffic offense" defined, 3352, 3353

      Youthful offenders, feasibility study of housing offenders between 18 and 24 years of age in correctional facilities, appropriation, 3572, 3573


      Juvenile justice prevention activities, interim study, receipt of report, 2934

      Legislative Committee on Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice, 5-year strategic plans, report, 1010

      Youthful offenders between 18 and 24 years of age, feasibility study of housing in correctional facilities, consultations with Department of Corrections and Division of Child and Family Services, 3572, 3573


      Employees, criminal charges pending against

             Award of back pay to peace officer employees, requirements, 3769, 3770

             Period of time for employee to resolve pending charges, time begins after arrest, 3769, 3770


      Interrogation of child, requirements, 3373

      Juvenile court, petitions to expunge records, duties, 3424



      Disparities based on race, grants to address, requirements, 2702


      Assisted outpatient treatment, petition for admission of relative to mental health facilities, authority, 3069

      Fictive kin, individual development accounts, establishment, 1558

      Kinship Guardianship Assistance Program, eligibility for assistance, 3117, 3118

      Sick leave, use by employees, requirements, penalties for violations, 1023

      Veterans, dependents of, restrictions on tuition charges at NSHE, 1000


      Peace officers, use in response to demonstrations or protests, prohibited acts, 2641



      Appliances, energy efficiency certification, regulations, 2205

      Cannabis establishments, requirements, 743, 744, 3152

      Electric bicycles, labeling requirements, 1743

      Livestock, exemption of certain products from regulation under state law, 724

      Motor vehicle fuel, unlabeled or mislabeled containers, procedures, 141

      Petroleum products, unlabeled or mislabeled containers, procedures, 141

      Seeds, containers, requirements, 2023


      Apprenticeship Agency, Council and Director, duties, 2789-2791

      Claims for wages or other complaints, jurisdiction, 1763

      COVID-19, employees laid-off due to, complaints against former employer, duties, 3590, 3591, 3610

      Employee leasing companies, duties of Division of Industrial Relations transferred to Commissioner, 1927

      Home care employment standards boards, duties, appropriation for personnel, operating and equipment costs, 3660-3662

      Job training, provision of notices relating to employers in state, duties, 952

      Public works job order contracts, enforcement, duties, 3511

      Sick leave, use by employees, duties, authority to impose administrative penalty, 1023

      Unclassified staff, salaries, 1783

      Wage or salary range or rate for a position, promotion or transfer to a new position, complaints related to nondisclosure, duties, 1679


      Transportation, Advisory Working Group to Study Issues Related to, membership, 180

      Workforce development, committee to conduct interim study of alignment of workforce training and programs offered by community colleges, membership, 1202


      Cancer and other neoplasms, fee for support of system for reporting of information, requirements, 2256

      Cannabis independent testing laboratories, database relating to testing of cannabis or cannabis products, establishment and use, regulation, 1883

      Contracts containing certain provisions prohibited, 3552, 3553

      State Public Health Laboratory, appreciation by Legislature for assistance to Legislature in its response to pandemic during 81st Session expressed, receipt of report, 4039, 4045


      Forensic facility, definition, 295



      Licenses, eligibility of applicant to take examination, elimination of experience requirement, 410


      Community gardens and urban farms, master plans, requirements, 1987

      Divisions of land, filing, submission and presentation of certain maps and other documents electronically, authority, exception, 1297

      Easements, vacation or abandonment, authority of city or county to establish simplified procedure, 469, 470

      Judicial review, procedures, 1443

      State Land Use Planning Agency, duties, 563-565

      Stormwater retention or detention, certain laws inapplicable in certain counties, 1443


      Composition, 3398

      Duties, 3400

      Hearings, notice, 3400

      Terms, exception, 3399

      Vacancies, 3399


      Affordable housing (See AFFORDABLE HOUSING)

      Contracts, provisions prohibiting testimony at certain proceedings concerning discrimination deemed void and unenforceable, 164

      Late fees, requirements, 399

      Qualified improvement projects, financing agreements between capital provider and person leasing property authorized, 3245

      Rent increases, required notices, 401

      "Security deposit" defined, 399


      Common-interest communities, establishment and foreclosure of certain liens, applicability of laws, 709-711


      Accommodations facilitators, regulation, 2394, 2402

      Consolidated library districts, duties of trustees, 945

      Golden Knights hockey team, special license plates, additional fees, 442

      Public works, job order contracts, requirements and procedures, 3511-3514

      Transient lodging, rental for purposes of, regulation, 2392, 2400

      Walking audits of urbanized areas, collaboration, 3446, 3447


      Advancing prostitution, elements of crime, revision, 1379

      Bias indicators or other problematic behavior, establishment of early warning system for identifying peace officers with, 1962

      Child abuse or neglect, receipt of reports, duties, 2622

      Criminal defendants, transport of certain persons on conditional release to forensic facility, duties, 296

      Emergency response employees, applicability of provisions, 338

      Hate crimes, submission of monthly reports to Central Repository, use of data, 236, 237

      High-risk behavior protection orders (See HIGH-RISK BEHAVIOR PROTECTION ORDERS)

      Immigration, model policies, duties, 3906

      Mobile devices, agencies to adopt written policy setting forth standards of conduct for use, requirements, 2599

      Nevada System of Higher Education, sexual misconduct policy, requirements, 3675, 3676

      Peace officers (See also PEACE OFFICERS)

             Bias indicators or other problematic behavior, establishment of early warning system for identifying peace officers with, regulation, 1962

             Pen register or trap and trace device, use by certain peace officers, requirements, 214-216

      Use of force and de-escalation techniques, policy for, training, requirements, 2637

      Use-of-Force Data Collection of the Federal Bureau of Investigations, participation, 2639



      Peer-to-peer car sharing programs, short-term lease fees, imposition, 1853, 1854

      Public restrooms, single-stall, inclusiveness and accessibility, requirements, prohibited acts, penalties and remedies, 2350

      Qualified improvement projects, financing agreements between capital provider and person leasing property authorized, 3245


      Consumer Protection Legal Account, creation, sources, use, duties, reports, 2183


      COVID-19, study of response by State to pandemic, 3612, 3613

      Crisis response call centers, interim study, 1968, 1969

      Election districts, reapportionment and redistricting, 4034

      Firefighting foam containing perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoralkyl substances, discharge, use or release, 481

      Higher education, scholarship and grant programs for persons pursuing, 1945

      Innovation zones, 4032

      Interim studies, appropriation in support of, 2538

      Judicial Discipline, Commission on, 160

      Juvenile justice prevention activities, 2933

      School districts, composition of boards of trustees, 1296

      Sexual assault, Advisory Commission on the Administration of Justice, 1393

      Student athletes, compensation for use of name, image or likeness, 942

      Traffic Safety, Advisory Committee on, duties, 162, 163

      Transportation, Advisory Working Group to Study Issues Related to, duties, 180, 181

      UNLV, diversity study, 3521-3524

      Water conservation, 2181

      Workforce development, study of alignment of workforce training and programs offered by community colleges, 1202

      Youthful offenders, feasibility study of housing offenders between 18 and 24 years of age in correctional facilities, duties, 3572, 3573


      Appointments made by

             Public Lands, Legislative Committee on, 477, 478

             Student athletes, compensation for use of name, image or likeness, study committee, 942

      Audit requests

             Civic Engagement, Nevada Center for, 3718

             Clark County Public Education Foundation, Inc., 2911

             Immunize Nevada, 3720

             Lactation rooms in courthouses for use by members of the public, 3263

             Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health, 3719

             Nevada Blind Children’s Foundation, 3719

      Crisis response call centers, appointment of interim study committee, 1968

      Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau, standing committee to consult with, abolishment, 2538

      General authorized expenditures legislation, duties, 2777

      Joint Interim Standing Committees, duties, 2506-2508

      Membership and organization, 4030, 4031

      Reports, receipt

             Financial Independence, Nevada Statewide Council on, 1550

             Financial Institutions, Commissioner of, 738

             Geographic Names, Nevada State Board on, 2074

             Health and Human Services, Department of, 2702, 2707

             Joint Interim Standing Committees, 2538

             Keep Nevada Working Task Force, 3905

             Legislative Auditor, 359

             Minority Affairs, Commission on, 3228

             Minority Health and Equity, Office of, 3228

             Motor Vehicles, Department of, 350

             New Americans, Office for, 3228

             Public works, job order contracts, 3514

             Science, Innovation and Technology, Office of, 913, 3449

             Secretary of State, 246, 3848

             Sexual orientation and gender identity or expression, governmental agencies to report certain information related to, 3167, 3169

             UNLV, 3524


      Audit Division

             Legislative Auditor

                   Charitable organizations, duties, reports, 358

                   Civic Engagement, Nevada Center for, duties, 3718

                   Director or chief executive officer of audited agencies, self-identity of such persons, inclusion of information in audit reports, 2702, 2703

                   Immunize Nevada, duties, 3720

                   Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health, 3719

                   Nevada Blind Children’s Foundation, duties, 3719

                   Nevada System of Higher Education, duties, 2894


             Advance sheets, authority to receive in pamphlet or electronic format, 219, 220

             Equity in the workplace, annual reports, duties, 1889

             General authorized expenditures legislation, duties, 2777

             Joint Interim Standing Committees, duties, 2506, 2507, 2517-2522, 2534

             Lobbyists, registration statements, receipt, 4

             Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry, receipt of notice regarding, 2071

             Nevada Reports, removal of authority to sell or distribute, 221, 222

             Reports, receipt

                   Adult High School Diploma program, 2910

                   Attorney General, Office of the, 2639

                   Cannabis Compliance Board, 1884, 2389

                   Child and Family Services, Division of, 2934

                   Corrections, Department of, 1111, 2602, 3573

                   Court Administrator, 1889

                   Crisis response call centers, interim study, 1969

                   Education, Department of, 2835

                   Federal Assistance, Office of, 3705

                   Financial Independence, Nevada Statewide Council on, 1550

                   Geographic Names, Nevada State Board on, 2074

                   Health and Human Services, Department of, 2547, 2702, 2707, 2848, 3054, 3061

                   Health Care, Legislative Committee on, 3613

                   HIV Exposure Modernization, Advisory Task Force of, 3199

                   Human Resource Management, Division of, 1886

                   Insurance, Commission of, 870

                   Keep Nevada Working Task Force, 3905

                   Legislative Auditor, 359

                   Lieutenant Governor, 1151

                   Maternal Mortality Review Committee, 340

                   Minority Affairs, Commission on, 3228

                   Minority Health and Equity, Office of, 3228

                   Motor Vehicles, Department of, 350

                   Nevada System of Higher Education, 3524, 3683

                   New Americans, Office for, 3228

                   Pro bono legal contracts by Attorney General, 652

                   Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, 2844

                   Public Lands, Legislative Committee on, 2181

                   Public Utilities Commission of Nevada, 3802

                   Public works, job order contracts, 3514

                   Regents, Board of, 998, 1890, 2076

                   Reinvestment advisory committee, 1064


                          Charter schools, sponsors, 1005

                          Dual credit programs, 750

                          Education, Legislative Committee on, 943, 1161, 1297

                          English learners, identification and requirements to teach, 1383

                          Funding, Commission on School, 1296

                          Menstrual products, access to by pupils, plans regarding, 3266

                          Ratio of pupils per licensed teacher and specialized instructional support personnel, 740, 2129

                   Science, Innovation and Technology, Office of, 3449

                   Secretary of State, 246, 3848

                   Sentencing Commission, Nevada, receipt of reports, 2414

                   Sexual orientation and gender identity or expression, governmental agencies to report certain information related to, 3167, 3169

                   Silver State Health Insurance Exchange, 3648

                   Statewide Substance Use Response Working Group, 2861

                   Traffic Safety, Advisory Committee on, 163

                   Transmission Coordination Task Force, Regional, 3789

                   Welfare and Supportive Services, Division of, 36

                   Workforce development, committee to conduct interim study of alignment of workforce training and programs offered by community colleges, 1203

                   Workforce Innovation, Governor’s Office of, 2787

      Fiscal Analysis Division

             Budget stress tests, duties, reports, 1039

             Finance, Office of

                   Federal funds, consultations, 2877

                   Receipt of reports, 1802, 1819-1821

             Reports, receipt

                   Finance, Office of, 2885

                   Housing Division, 1043, 1044

                   Superintendent of Public Instruction, 3219

             Textbooks and instructional supplies, recommendations concerning minimum expenditures, duties, 1122, 1123

             Unclassified service, duties regarding salaries, 1793

      Interim Finance Committee

             Adult High School Diploma program, 2910

             Education Stabilization Account, transfers, approval, 1104

             Environmental Improvement Program for Lake Tahoe Basin, approval of use of money, 1008

             General appropriations legislation, duties, 1811-1819, 1821-1826

             Interim debentures to pay for general operations of State, procedures, 672-674

             International Gaming Institute of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, receipt of appropriation for allocation to, duties, 3717

             Motor Vehicles, Department of, appropriation for allocation to, 2753, 2754

             Public Employees’ Benefits Program, receipt of appropriation for allocation to Program, 2680

             Reports, receipt

                   Adult High School Diploma program, 2910

                   Civic Engagement, Nevada Center for, 3717

                   Clark County Public Education Foundation, Inc., 2911

                   Economic Development, Office of, 2

                   Health and Human Services, Department of, 2848, 3055

                   Immunize Nevada, 3720

                   Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health, 3718

                   Nevada Blind Children’s Foundation, 3719

                   Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, 2844

                   Secretary of State, 3848

                   Statewide Substance Use Response Working Group, 2861

                   Superintendent of Public Instruction, 3219

                   Welfare and Supportive Services, Division of, 36

                   Young Adult Support Services Program, Extended, 2729

             School funding, duties, 2910, 2913

             Taxation, Department of, allocations to, appropriation, 2750

             Unclassified service, duties regarding salaries, 1793

      Interim studies, appropriation in support of, 2538

      Legal Division

             Bill draft requests

                   Submission to Legislative Counsel, 949

             Court decisions, Legislative Counsel to receive decisions of certain courts without charge, 221

             Deaf or hard of hearing, persons who are, duties regarding terminology, 577

             HIV, duties regarding use of terminology associated with, 3194

             Mental illness, persons with, duties regarding terminology, 577

             Nevada Administrative Code, duties regarding name changes, transfers of responsibilities and other requirements, 104, 133, 329, 362, 585, 586, 664, 910, 1936, 2618, 2749, 2836, 3046, 3258, 3607

             Nevada Revised Statutes, duties regarding name changes and transfers of responsibilities, 104, 133, 329, 362, 430, 664, 1936, 2618, 2749, 2760, 3258

      Session staff, appreciation expressed, 4041, 4044


      Appropriation, 1823



             Minority Leader

                   Appointments made by

                          Innovation zones, joint special committee, 4032

                          Joint Interim Standing Committees, 2505

                          Statewide Substance Use Response Working Group, 2857

                   Bill draft requests, allocation, 2490

                   Vacancies in office of legislator, duties related to filling of office, 1976-1978


                   Appointments made by

                          Innovation zones, joint special committee, 4032

                          Joint Interim Standing Committees, 2505

                          Peace Officers’ Standards and Training Commission, 495, 496

                          Reapportionment and redistricting, interim committee to conduct an investigation into matters relating to, 4034

                          Statewide Substance Use Response Working Group, 2857

                          Student athletes, compensation for use of name, image or likeness, study committee, 943

                          Traffic Safety, Advisory Committee on, 162

                          Transmission Coordination Task Force, Regional, 3788

                   Bill draft requests, allocation, 2490

                   Pro bono legal contracts by Attorney General, receipt of reports, 652

                   Vacancies in office of legislator, duties related to filling of office, 1976-1978

             Transmission Coordination Task Force, Regional, membership, 3788

             Wall of Distinction, additions

                   Bates, Robin, 4003

                   Lyons, Marsheilah D., 4025

      Bills and resolutions

             Drafting requests

                   Innovation zones, joint special committee, 4032

                   Joint Interim Standing Committees, limitations, 2504

                   Regional transportation commissions in larger counties, authority, 3445

                   Vacancy in office of Legislator during certain period, allocation of legislative measures, 2490

      Board of Regents, removal of status as constitutional body, effect, constitutional amendment, 4013

      Clergy, payment for services, 4002


             Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice

                   Abolishment, 2538

                   Competency of children, structure of services for, receipt of plan for, 2558

                   Corrections, Department of, receipt of reports, 1001, 3573

                   Juvenile Justice Oversight Commission, receipt of report, 1009, 2934

                   Youthful offenders, housing, reports, 3573


                   Abolishment, 2538

                   Boards of trustees of school districts, interim study of composition, duties, 1296

                   Dual credit programs, duties, 750

                   Reports, receipt

                          Adult High School Diploma program, 2910

                          Board of Regents, 998

                          Charter school sponsors, 2225

                          COVID-19 pandemic, plan to address loss of learning as result of, 3219

                          Dual credit programs, 750, 3666

                          Education, State Board of, 1161

                          English learners, identification and requirements to teach, 1383

                          Nevada System of Higher Education, information regarding sexual misconduct, 3683

                          Ratio of pupils per licensed teacher and specialized instructional support personnel, 740, 2129

                          Scholarship and grant programs, effectiveness, 1946

                          Science, Innovation and Technology, Office of, 913

                          Teachers participating in alternative route to licensure program, 2130

                   Scholarship and grant programs, duties, 1946

                   Student athletes, compensation for use of name, image or likeness, appointments to study committee, reports, 942, 943

                   Substance misuse and substance abuse disorders, school curricula and programs, receipt of reports, 2835

             Election Contests, Assembly Committee on, 2020 General Election for Assembly District 21, 4038

             Energy, abolishment, 2538

             Growth and Infrastructure

                   Traffic Safety, Advisory Committee on, membership, 162

                   Transportation, Advisory Working Group to Study Issues Related to, membership, 180

             Health Care

                   Abolishment, 2538

                   COVID-19, study of response by State, duties, 3612, 3613

                   Joint Interim Standing Committee on Health and Human Services, transfer of duties to, 2533

                   Reports, receipt

                          Health and Human Services, Department of, 2547, 2702, 2707, 2848, 3054, 3061

                          Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, 2844

                          Reinvestment advisory committee, 1064

                          Statewide Substance Use Response Working Group, 2861

                          Walking audits of urbanized areas in larger counties, 3446

                   Telehealth, authority, 3007

             Joint Interim Standing Committees

                   Bill draft requests, number, limitations, 2504

                   Creation, 2505

                   Health and Human Services, evaluation and review of issues relating to child welfare, 2507

                   Judiciary, evaluation and review of issues related to juvenile justice, 2507

                   Legislative Operations and Elections, evaluation and review of issues relating to governmental purchasing, 2507

             Public Lands

                   Inter-Tribal Council of Nevada, Inc., recommendation of member, 477

                   Membership revised, 477

                   Natural Resources, Joint Interim Standing Committee on, Public Lands Committee replaced by subcommittee, 2510

                   Per diem allowance and travel expenses of certain member, restrictions, 478

                   Water conservation, interim study, duties, 2181

             Radioactive Waste, abolishment, 2538

             Senior Citizens, Veterans and Adults with Special Needs

                   Bill draft requests, reduction in number, 2504

                   Reports, receipt, 2844

      Election districts, interim committee to conduct an investigation into matters relating to reapportionment and redistricting, creation, 4034


             Appointment, 3936, 3987, 3989, 3994

      Legislative Fund

             Clergy, payment for services to Legislature, 4002

             Dues to national and regional organizations, information technology purchases, capital improvement projects, appropriations, 2931

             General appropriations, 1797

             LCB personnel, salaries, appropriation, 1797

             Security scanner positions, personnel costs, appropriation, 1838

             Senate positions, personnel, travel and operating costs, appropriation, 1838

             Session expenses, appropriation, 1, 1823


             Allowances, 3935, 3988

             Training required for newly elected members, 42

      Minimum wage, authority, 4036

      Reports, receipt

             Assembly Standing Committee on Ways and Means, 36

             Board of Regents, 998

             Cannabis Compliance Board, 1884, 2389

             Child and Family Services, Division of, 2729

             Court Administrator, 930, 1889

             Crisis response call centers, interim study, 1969

             Equity in the workplace, 1889

             Federal Assistance, Office of, 3705

             Financial Independence, Nevada Statewide Council on, 1550

             Fiscal Analysis Division, 1039

             Geographic Names, Nevada State Board on, 2074

             Health and Human Services, Department of, 2547, 2702, 2707, 2848, 3054, 3062

             Health Care, Legislative Committee on, 3613

             HIV Exposure Modernization, Advisory Task Force of, 3199

             Human Resource Management, Division of, 1886

             Innovation zones, joint special committee, 4032

             Insurance, Commissioner of, 870

             Legislative Auditor, 359

             Lieutenant Governor, 1151

             Motor Vehicles, Department of, 350

             Nevada System of Higher Education, 3524, 3683

             Peace officers, incidents of alleged unlawful use of force, 2639

             Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, 2844

             Public Lands, Committee on, 2181

             Public Utilities Commission of Nevada, 3802

             Public works, job order contracts, 3514

             Regents, Board of, 1890, 2076

             Reinvestment advisory committee, 1064


                   Charter schools, sponsors, 1005

                   Dual credit programs, 750

                   Education, Legislative Committee on, 1161, 1297

                   Funding, Commission on School, 1296

                   Menstrual products, access to by pupils, plans regarding, 3266

                   Work-based learning programs, 304

             Science, Innovation and Technology, Office of, 3449

             Senate Standing Committee on Finance, 36

             Sentencing Commission, Nevada, 2414

             Sexual orientation and gender identity or expression, governmental agencies to report certain information related to, 3167, 3169

             Silver State Health Insurance Exchange, 3648

             Statewide Substance Use Response Working Group, creation, 2861

             Traffic Safety, Advisory Committee on, 163

             Workforce development, committee to conduct interim study of alignment of workforce training and programs offered by community colleges, 1203

             Workforce Innovation, Governor’s Office of, 2786


             Hall of Fame, inductions

                   Amodei, Mark, 4024

                   Parks, David R., 4023

             Majority Leader

                   Appointments made by

                          Innovation zones, joint special committee, 4032

                          Joint Interim Standing Committees, 2505

                          Peace Officers’ Standards and Training Commission, 495, 496

                          Reapportionment and redistricting, interim committee to conduct an investigation into matters relating to, 4034

                          Statewide Substance Use Response Working Group, 2857

                          Student athletes, compensation for use of name, image or likeness, study committee, 943

                          Traffic Safety, Advisory Committee on, 162

                          Transmission Coordination Task Force, Regional, 3788

                   Bill draft requests, allocation, 2490

                   Pro bono legal contracts by Attorney General, receipt of reports, 652

                   Vacancies in office of legislator, duties related to filling of office, 1976-1978

             Minority Leader

                   Appointments made by

                          Innovation zones, joint special committee, 4032

                          Joint Interim Standing Committees, 2505

                          Statewide Substance Use Response Working Group, 2857

                   Bill draft requests, allocation, 2490

                   Vacancies in office of legislator, duties related to filling of office, 1976-1978

             Transmission Coordination Task Force, Regional, membership, 3788


             Expenses, appropriation, 1, 1823

             Staff, appreciation expressed, 4042, 4046

      Special license plates authorized by Legislature, procedures, 687

      Standing rules

             Assembly, 3958-3987

             Joint, 3937-3957

             Senate, 3909-3935

      Transportation, Advisory Working Group to Study Issues Related to, membership, 180

      Vacancies in office of Legislator, requirements for filling, 1976, 1977


      Consolidated library districts

             Executive director, appointment, 945

             Las Vegas-Clark County Library District, duties of trustees, 945


      Investigations by governmental agencies, vehicles used in, requirements for plates, confidentiality of information, 689

      Monitored autonomous vehicle providers, requirements, 3758

      Pollution Control Account, distribution of certain fees, repeal of provisions, 701, 702

      Reissuance, authority of Department of Motor Vehicles, 682

      Special license plates

             Applications for, design, issuance and renewal, 681-686

             Charitable organizations, violations by, procedures following, 51, 52, 696-698

             Classic cars, emissions control, exemptions, 2172

             Classic rods, emissions control, exemptions, 2171

             Divine Nine, issuance of special plates, fees, 3733

             Issuance, procedures, duties of Department of Motor Vehicles, 348-350

             Old Timer vehicles, emissions control, exemptions, 2170

             Vegas Golden Knights, additional fees, imposition and distribution, 442

      Transportation network companies, contracts with certain limousine motor carriers to provide services, requirements, 2251


      Common-interest communities

             Foreclosure of liens, persons prohibited from purchase, 3748

             Limited-purpose associations, applicability of laws, 709-711

      Industrial insurance, compensation subject to attorney’s lien, 1184

      Mechanics’ liens, notice of waiver of owners’ rights, time limitation for service on prime contractor and certain lien claimants, 1419

      Motor vehicles

             Contest of lien, procedures, 2132, 2133

             Expiration of lien, 2134

             Notice of lien, requirements, 2134

             Writ of possession, requirements, 2133

      Qualified improvement projects

             Assessment liens, requirements, 3245

             Districts, procedures for creating, duties of capital provider, 3248

      Real property transferred upon death, actions to impose and release liens, 996


      Financial Independence, Nevada Statewide Council on, member, duties, 1548

      Keep Nevada Working Task Force, creation, duties, 3904, 3905

      Small Business Advocacy, Office of

             Duties, 1148, 1151

             Reports, regulations, 1151

      Unclassified staff, salaries, 1780


      Program for awarding dark sky designation to sites, establishment, 105-107


      Deceptive trade practices, limitation on time in which action may be commenced, exception, 1353

      Employment, action in tort for common-law wrongful termination, 723

      Minors, sexual offenses against, elimination of limitation on time to commence action, 1585

      Sex trafficking, limitation of time to bring criminal prosecution increased, 834

      Unlawful employment practices, actions for, 1394


      Capital, form of contributions to, applicability of laws, 1514

      "Distribution" defined, 1514

      Merger, conversion or exchange, requirements for approval, 1521

      Vote of approval of certain actions, determination by specified proportion in interest, 1514, 1516, 1517


      Cash as payment for fare, prohibition against soliciting for or accepting, 2250

      Contracts with certain limousine motor carriers to provide services, requirements, exemptions, 2246

      Taxes or fees, imposition by local government entities prohibited, 2251


      Alternative fuel, term includes liquefied petroleum gas, 137

      Intrastate pipelines, violations, administrative fines increased, 269

      Storage facilities, violations, administrative fines increased, 269


      Governmental entities, exemptions, 2710

      Tickets of admission, removal of requirement to display admission charge, 3395


      Animal Husbandry, Division of, appointment of Administrator, classification, duties, 101

      Exemption of certain products from regulation under state law, 724-726

      State Veterinarian, appointment, qualifications, duties, 100, 101


      LGBTQ-owned businesses, loan program to include, requirements, 3172, 3173

      Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education, conversion of stipend into loan, repayment procedures, 2618


      Lobbying Disclosure and Regulation Act, Nevada, applicability of provisions, registration statements, 4, 5


      Enterprise funds, use of funds authorized for construction of fire stations, requirements, 1141, 1142

      Foreign bonds, notes or other obligations, authorized investments, requirements, 460

      Fund to stabilize operation of local government and mitigate effects of natural disaster or emergency

             "Emergency" defined, 319

             "Natural disaster" defined, 319

             Use, 318

      Legislators, training requirements, 42


      Operating cost-savings measures, performance contracts, 2559-2561


      Qualified improvement projects

             Definitions, 3242

             Districts, creation of, procedures, applicability of laws, 3246-3251

             Financing agreements, requirements, 3243, 3244

             Voluntary assessment agreements, requirements, 3244


      Members, qualifications, 2420, 2421


      Seller’s permits, disbursements from fees, requirements, 2008


      Schools, racially discriminatory identifiers of pupils, policies regarding, 2073


      Disciplinary action, grounds for, 375


      Vending facilities, operation by persons who are blind, requirements, 841


      Appropriation, 3718



      Chief Medical Officer, establishment and maintenance of system for reporting information, 3132

      Health and Human Services, Department of, additional staff for system for reporting information, appropriation, 3136


      Sheriffs, qualifications, 3465



      Indigent defendants in criminal proceedings, selection of attorney other than public defender to represent, duties, procedures, 2263-2266, 2270

      Juvenile justice system, implicit bias and cultural competency, training requirements, 2628


      Administration, Department of, creation of Mail Services Division within Department, 2759

      Child support

             Address of person or entity for whom support is being collected, notice of change, 2282

             Assignment of orders, service requirements, 2283

             Notices to withhold income, requirements, 2279

      Common-interest communities, foreclosure sales, procedures, 1411

      Medical debt, collection agencies, notifications, 1669


      BRCA gene, notice regarding, requirements, criminal penalties, exemptions, 772

      Cancer and other neoplasms, fee for support of system for reporting of information, requirements, 2256


      Children’s Health Insurance Program, negotiation for inclusion of hospitals with endorsement as crisis stabilization center in network of providers, 240

      Disaster declared or state of emergency, acquisition of refills during, requirements, 829


             Negotiation for inclusion of hospitals with endorsement as crisis stabilization center in network of providers, 240

             Statewide managed care program, establishment, 3638, 3639

      Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, adherence to applicable provisions, reports, 870

      Telehealth, requirements, prohibited acts, 3043


      Cancer drugs, exemption from step therapy in treatment of persons with stage 3 or stage 4 cancer, requirements, penalties, 2673-2675

      Children’s Health Insurance Program, provision of behavioral health services by managed care organizations in a culturally competent manner, requirements, 2705, 2706

      Contraceptives, self-administered hormonal, required coverage, 3288

      Form letters, submission to Commissioner, 2943

      Genetic counseling, testing and screening for mutations in BRCA gene, required coverage, 785

      HIV, drugs to prevent acquisition and testing, required coverage, 3213, 3214


             Behavioral health services, provision by managed care organizations in a culturally competent manner, requirements, 2705, 2706

             Reinvestment advisory committee, establishment in larger counties, receipt of reports, 1062, 1063

      Organ transplants for persons with a disability, prohibited acts, 1175

      Sexually transmitted infections and syphilis, testing and examination of pregnant women, coverage, 2583


      Background investigations of employees of certain institutions, agencies and facilities that serve children, requirements relating to convictions or pending charges of involuntary manslaughter, 2632, 3472, 3478


      Affordable housing (See AFFORDABLE HOUSING)

      Movement of homes

             Size limitations, effect, procedures, 39

             Violation of requirements made civil infraction, penalties, 3342


      Appliances, energy efficiency certification prior to sale, requirements, 2204

      Electric bicycles, labeling requirements, 1743

      Firearms without imprint of serial number, prohibited acts, 3223

      Flame-retardant organohalogenated chemicals, limitation on use in certain products, penalties, 482, 483

      Prescription drugs with certain wholesale acquisition cost, list of, duties, 3724, 3725


      Divisions of land, filing, submission and presentation of certain maps and other documents electronically, authority, exception, 1297

      Subdivision of land, potential impact to wildlife and habitat, map to be forwarded to Department of Wildlife, exceptions, 2585


      Children, violations, issuance of citations, penalties, 855

      Definition, 3155

      Driving under the influence, prohibition on having specified amount in blood eliminated, effect, 1458-1464

      Employees, prohibition on having specified amount of marijuana metabolite in blood eliminated, effect on claims for industrial insurance, 1465, 1466

      Persons under age 21, unlawful acts, penalties, 856

      Possession of certain amount, penalties, 2443

      "THC" defined, 3155

      Violations of certain prohibitions causing a fire or explosion, penalties, 1740



             By endorsement, reporting requirements, 3489

             Continuing education relating to cultural competency and diversity, equity and inclusion, requirements, 891

             Provisional license, requirements, 3491

      Mental health records, requirements concerning recordings used for certain training activities, 2193

      Mobile crisis intervention services performed by behavioral health specialists, immunities from liability, 897


      Continuing education for licensees, duties, 891

      Health care providers, database of information concerning, duties, 808

      Official transcripts, alternate means for submission, duties, 3488

      Recordings used for certain training activities, duties, regulation, 2193

      Regional behavioral health policy boards, reports to, requirements, 3489

      Remote supervision, regulations, 3488


      Fees used to fund Account for Aid for Victims of Domestic Violence, increase, 3257

      Wedding chapels, issuance of licenses during certain hours, repeal of provision, 573


      Armed Forces, Federal Government urged to create and implement a retirement plan for spouses of members, 4010

      Assisted outpatient treatment, petition for admission of spouse to mental health facilities, authority, 3069

      Sick leave, use by employees, requirements, penalties for violations, 1023, 1024

      Veterans, restrictions on tuition charges by Nevada System of Higher Education, 1000


      Schools, racially discriminatory identifiers of pupils, policies regarding, 2073


      Personal protective equipment, employers urged to provide to employees to prevent spread of COVID-19, 3995


      Assisted outpatient treatment, admission of person to mental health facilities, procedures, 3068-3077

      Juvenile justice system, implicit bias and cultural competency, training requirements, 2628

      Orders for protection where the adverse party is child under 18, appointment, 606

      Traffic violations punishable as civil infractions, appointment by municipal court, duties, 3348


      Cancer and other neoplasms, access to system for the reporting of information on, 3436

      Disparities in incidence of maternal mortality and preventable infant deaths, duties, reports, 339


      Fire codes, rules and regulations, certain duties of State Forester Firewarden removed, 630


      Notice of waiver of owners’ rights, time limitation for service on prime contractor and certain lien claimants, 1419


      Autism spectrum disorders, reimbursement rates for services provided by behavior analysts and technicians under State Plan, 2546

      Automatic voter registration agencies, designation of certain agencies to receive applications for Medicaid, 3850

      BRCA gene, genetic counseling, testing and screening for mutations, inclusion in State Plan, duties, 773, 775

      Cognitive assessment and care planning services, inclusion in State Plan, 2588

      Community health workers, services provided by, inclusion in State Plan, 2568, 3636

      Contraceptives, self-administered hormonal, inclusion in State Plan, 3272

      Crisis stabilization services provided at hospital, reimbursement, 240

      Deeds upon death, property transferred pursuant to, action to impose lien on, 996

      Disaster declared or state of emergency, acquisition of refills during, requirements, 832

      Doula services, inclusion in State Plan, reimbursements for, 2620

      HIV, drugs to prevent acquisition and testing, coverage, rate of reimbursement for services, 3204

      Hospitals, reimbursement for crisis stabilization services, 240

      Incarcerated persons, suspension of eligibility, reinstatement upon release, 2187

      Individual development accounts, money deposited not to be considered income for purposes of determining eligibility to receive benefits, instruction of recipient in financial literacy, 1547

      Managed care program, establishment of statewide program, requirements, 3638, 3639

      Mental diseases, persons in institutions for

             Adults with serious mental illness or child with serious emotional disturbance, coverage, 2837

             Substance use disorder, coverage for treatment, 2837

      Personal care services, reimbursements for, 1290

      Postpartum care, required coverage, 2565

      Pregnant women

             Expansion of coverage for pregnant woman and child, requirements, 2565

             Presumptive eligibility for prescribed period of time, requirements, 2565

             Residence in the United States for a prescribed period of time before enrolling in Medicaid, imposition of requirement prohibited, 2565

             Sexually transmitted infections and syphilis, examination and testing, requirements, 2577

      Public Option, establishment, requirements, 3617-3622

      Reinvestment advisory committee, establishment in larger counties, 1062

      Telehealth, requirements, prohibitions, 3008, 3009


      Continuing education of licensees, duties, 884

      Data requests, receipt, duties, confidentiality of information, 545, 546

      Health care providers, database of information concerning, duties, 801

      Pelvic examinations, duties, 1571-1583

      Physician assistants, supervision electronically, telephonically or by fiber optics, removal of authority to adopt regulations, 760


      Birthing centers, freestanding, applicability of laws, 3428, 3437, 3443

      Board of Regents, authority to enter into certain agreements with facilities and entities, requirements, duties, 108

      Cancer and other neoplasms, fee for support of system for reporting of information, requirements, 2256

      Collection agencies, practices regarding medical debt, prohibited acts, 1669, 1670

      Crisis stabilization centers, endorsement as, accreditation, requirements, 238-240

      Dependent, facilities for the

             Organ transplants, access to transplants for persons with a disability

                   Prohibited acts, 1165

                   Remedies for violations, 1166

                   Requirements, 1165, 1166

      Intermediate care and skilled nursing, facilities for

             Cancer and other neoplasms, fee for support of system for reporting of information, requirements, 2256

             Unlicensed caregivers, training, requirements, 363, 364

      Organ transplants, access to transplants for persons with a disability

             Prohibited acts, 1165

             Remedies for violations, 1166

             Requirements, 1165, 1166

      Pregnant women

             Sexually transmitted infections, testing, requirements, 2573

             Syphilis, examination for discovery of syphilis, requirements, 2573

      Public Option, establishment, requirements, 3617-3622

      Sexually transmitted diseases, duties of certain providers of emergency medical services relating to testing for, exceptions, 3138

      Suicide, duties relating to reporting of information to Chief Medical Officer, penalties, 865, 866

      Unlicensed caregivers, training, requirements, 363, 364

      Veterans’ adult day health care facilities, establishment authorized, 431


      Lupus and variants, duty to report case information, 3132, 3133


      District judges, training regarding complex issues, statutory requirement removed, 222


      Recordings used for certain training activities, requirements, 2192-2196


      Health insurance policies to supplement Medicare, requirements, 880


      "Action" defined, 1205

      Advisory technical skills committees, exemptions form Open Meeting Law, 303, 305

      Charter School Authority, State Public, time for meeting to consider application to form school, 320

      Motor Vehicles, Department of, meetings relating to issuance of special license plates, requirements, 348

      National Environmental Policy Act, exemptions from Open Meeting Law of predecisional and deliberative discussions relating to, 3163, 3164

      Nevada Rural Housing Authority, business entities created by, exemption from Open Meeting Law, 1093

      Notice of meeting

             Minimum public notice requirements, 1208, 1209

             Remote technology system, use, contents of notice, 1207, 1208

      Pharmacy, State Board of, certain meetings to be open and public, 1016

      "Public body" defined, 1206

      Quarantine Officer, State, public meeting required before designating weed as noxious weed, 1368

      Remote technology systems, participation by, requirements, 1207-1212

      School pupils, disciplinary proceedings, applicability of laws, 924, 2326, 2327, 2335-2337

      Schools, meetings concerning emergency response plans, exemption from Open Meeting Law, 640, 645

      Witnesses testifying before public body, qualified privilege to publish defamatory matter, 1212


      Chairez, Judge John P., 4028

      Glover, Assemblyman and Senator Alan H., 4019

      Neal, Jr., Senator Joseph M., 3989


      Public schools, access by pupils to products, requirements, reports, 3266


      Alcohol and drug counselors, postgraduate counseling, requirements, 752

      Assisted outpatient treatment, admission of person to mental health facilities, procedures, 3068-3077

      Background investigations of persons working with children, requirements, 3472-3474

      "Chemical restraints" defined, 3067, 3110, 3112

      "Consumer" defined, 3067

      Counsel, same counsel to continue to represent person involuntarily admitted to program of community-based or outpatient services until person is unconditionally released, removal of requirement, 3090

      Criminal defendants and offenders

             Central Repository, monitoring of compliance by agencies of criminal justice with reporting requirement, annual reports, 612

             Comprehensive risk assessment, duties of Division of Public and Behavioral Health, 292, 293

             Forensic facility, definition, 295

             Incompetent defendants, dismissal of proceedings, procedures following, 292, 293

             Substance use disorders or co-occurring disorders, treatment programs, 207-213

             Transport of certain persons on conditional release to forensic facility, procedures, 296

      Crisis holds, emergency admissions to mental health facilities, procedures, 3079-3085

      Crisis stabilization centers, endorsement as, accreditation, requirements, 238-240

      Discriminatory conduct relating to incidents involving peace officers, right of victim to seek damages and attorney’s fees, 342

      Emergency Response Employees Mental Health Commission, membership of mental health professional, 338

      Emotional disturbance, certain children with, admission to psychiatric treatment facilities with inpatient care, procedures, 235

      Institutions for mental diseases, persons in

             Adults with serious mental illness or child with serious emotional disturbance, Medicaid coverage, 2837

             Substance use disorder, Medicaid coverage for treatment, 2837

      Involuntary court-ordered admissions

             Release from mental health facility, notification of court and guardian, 3088, 3095-3098

             Transfer of involuntarily admitted person to another facility, notifications, 3093

             Transfer of proceedings when qualified professionals are not available in county, procedures, payment of costs, 3089

      Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act, adherence to applicable provisions by certain insurers and organizations, reports, 870

      Mental health professionals

             Cultural competency and diversity, equity and inclusion, continuing education, requirements, 884-893

             Records, requirements concerning recordings used for certain training activities, 2192-2196

             Transfer of involuntary court-ordered admissions proceedings when qualified professionals are not available in county, procedures, payment of costs, 3089

      Northern Nevada Mental Health Services, community-based living, appropriation, 1834

      Peace officers

             Behavioral healthcare, wellness visit, 552

             Crisis intervention, continuing education courses, 951

      Public institutions, persons supported by, change in terminology, constitutional amendment, 4029

      Pupil identification cards, certain mental health resource information to appear on card, 3220

      Rural Clinics, psychiatric services, appropriation, 1834

      Sealing of records related to admission and treatment, procedures, 3101, 3102

      Southern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services, office space and operating costs, appropriation, 1836

      Terminology to be used in Nevada Revised Statutes and Nevada Administrative Code, 577


      City Manager and City Attorney, process for appointment, revision, charter amendments, 731


      Criminal defendants, transport of certain persons on conditional release to forensic facility, duties, 296

      Immigration, model policies, duties, 3906


      "Midwife" defined, 3428, 3432

      Sexually transmitted diseases, duties of certain providers of emergency medical services relating to testing for, exceptions, 3138

      Sexually transmitted infections, testing of pregnant women, requirements, 2573

      Syphilis, examination of pregnant women for discovery of syphilis, requirements, 2571, 2573


      Adjutant General

             Aides-de-camp to the Governor, removal of power to appoint, 2102

             Eligibility for appointment to office, requirements, 2103

             Emergency Management, Division of, authority over, 2089, 2104, 2105, 2110

             Term limit removed, service at pleasure of Governor, 2102

      Computer hardware and software, replacement of, appropriations, 2006

      Emergency Management, Division of

             Chief of Division, granted powers of peace officer, 2090

             Transferred to Office, 2102, 2104

      Equipment and shop tools, authorized expenditure for replacement of, appropriations, 2007

      Maintenance projects, authority to use expenditures for, appropriations, 2006

      Unclassified staff, salaries, 1791


      Eligibility, 3687

      Governor Guinn Millennium Scholarship Program, appropriation, 2871


      Conservation Commission, State, inclusion of county in Area 2, 94


      Unclassified staff, salaries, 1789, 1790


      Exploration projects or mining operations

             Applications for, requirements, 2339, 2341

             Restrictions on issuance of permits, exceptions, 2339, 2341

      Gold and silver extracted in State, excise tax on annual gross revenue, imposition and collection, penalties, 1274-1279

      Net proceeds, tax on, proceeds to be deposited in State Education Fund, requirements, 1282

      Reclamation, remedies for certain violations, 2340, 2342


      Bias indicators or other problematic behavior, peace officers with, establishment of early warning system for identifying, 1962

      COVID-19, committee to study response of State to pandemic and long-term impacts on frontline workers, 3612, 3613

      Diversity survey, requirements, 3521-3523

      Divine Nine, issuance of special license plates in support of, 3733

      Geographic features or places that are racially discriminatory or named after certain persons, changes to, authority of Nevada State Board on Geographic Names, reports, 2074

      Hate crimes, additional criminal penalty for certain crimes motivated by certain characteristics of victim, 1530

      Health care and behavioral health services, grants to reduce disparities in, 2701, 2706

      Juvenile justice system, persons employed in, implicit bias and cultural competency, training requirements, 2628

      Kidney disease, disparities based on race, grants to address, requirements, 2702

      "Minority group" defined, 3227

      "Race" defined, 1703-1705, 1708, 1712, 1714, 1715, 1717, 1718


             Instruction in history and contributions of certain groups of persons, requirements, 947

             Racially discriminatory identifiers of pupils, policies regarding, 2073

      Sirens, bells or alarms, sounding of by counties, cities or towns, prohibited acts, 2073

      State agencies

             Collaboration with minority groups, accessibility programs and services, 3227

             Diversity and inclusion liaison, designation, duties, distribution of information, reports, 3227

             Equity in the workplace, annual reports, duties of appointing authorities, 1886

             Respect, dignity and equity, all state employees to be afforded, legislative declaration, 1886

      Systemic racism, action urged to address public health crisis caused by, 4005

      Water quality and effluent limitations, consideration of underserved communities when adopting standards, 3412, 3413


      Bill draft requests, maximum number, submission to Legislative Counsel, 949

      Business and Industry, Department of, staff assistance, 267

      Community redevelopment projects, employment plans and progress reports, receipt, duties, 2161, 2162


      Backgrounds investigations of persons working with children, requirements, 203, 204

      Care or care placement services, persons providing, screenings for criminal history, procedures, 203, 204

      Commercial sexual exploitation of child, receiving centers for, licensing, prohibited acts, 2645-2647

      Flame-retardant organohalogenated chemicals, limitation on use in certain children’s products, penalties, 482, 483

      Health care, authority to consent to, requirements, 521

      Hunting tags, establishment of program authorizing transfer of tags to another person or qualified organization, use of tag by person under 16 authorized, 472

      Kinship Guardianship Assistance Program, eligibility for assistance, 3117, 3118

      Mental health crisis hold, placement of unemancipated minor on, requirements, release, 3084, 3085

      Orders for protection against child under 18 years of age, jurisdiction of courts, procedures, 605-609

      Prostitution, soliciting child for, prohibited acts, 165

      Safety belts and child restraint devices, requirements, disclosures, penalties, 176-179

      Sexual offenses against, elimination of limitation on time to commence civil action, liability, 1585

      Youthful offenders, tracking system for expenses related to housing in correctional facilities, duties, 1001


      Peace officers, law enforcement agencies to adopt written policy setting forth standards of conduct for use, requirements, 2599


      Abandoned and unclaimed property, applicability to virtual currency, 76, 77



      Geographic features or places that are racially discriminatory or named after certain persons, authority of Nevada State Board on Geographic Names to recommend changes, reports, 2074


      Local ordinances, restriction on penalties, 3344


      Transferable tax credits for film and other productions, requirements, withholding of credits, 279-284


      Limousine motor carriers, contracts with transportation services, authority, requirements, exemptions, 2246


      Agents, license renewal, 2999

      Certificates of authority, fees, renewal, 2947, 2999

      Surety bonds, requirements, 2998


      Brokers and dealers

             Books and records

                   Electronic maintenance authorized, availability of records electronically, 377

                   Provision upon request at location specified in request, limitations, 377

      Lessors of vehicles

             Consumer vehicle leases, requirements, 1426-1429

             Definitions, 1429, 1430

             Short-term leases

                   Child restraint systems, disclosures regarding use, 176

                   Peer-to-peer car sharing programs, short-term lease fees, imposition, 1853, 1854

                   Records, authority to maintain electronically, duty to make electronic records available upon request, penalty, 377

                   Service of process upon lessor in actions arising from operation of vehicle, procedures, 505, 506

                   Traffic offenses, liability for civil infractions, 3339

             Unlicensed persons, renting motor vehicle to, misdemeanor offense, 3312

      Movement of vehicles outside of State, special permits, expiration, 698

      Off-highway vehicles, violations deemed misdemeanor offense, 3345


      Additives, definition, 136

      Advertising, violations, penalties, 1014

      Agriculture, State Board of, regulations regarding ethanol content, 2219

      Bulk storage facility, duties of operator relating to violations, procedures, 141-143

      Term, exclusion of motor vehicle fuel additives, 137


             Procedures, removal of duty of State Sealer of Consumer Equitability, 141

             Updating of certain publication, 143


             Advertisements, 1014

             Removal and disposition, procedures, 140


      Civil infractions, commission of, peace officer to demand proof of insurance, 3314

      Claims for personal injuries

             Disclosures to claimant relating to coverage, duties of insurer, procedures, 1420

             Medical reports, records and bills, provision by claimant or claimant’s attorney, procedures, 1420

      Evidence of insurance provided in electronic format, 3314

      Renewal of policy under altered terms, required notifications, 126, 127

      Uninsured vehicle coverage, maximum amount, limitation eliminated, 127


      Licenses, surety bond requirements, fees, renewal, 2967


      Movement of vehicles outside of State, special permits, expiration, 698

      Permits to operate vehicle not currently registered, temporary exemptions from requirements, 698

      Unregistered vehicles unfit for use, penalties for possession of, exemptions, 1440


      Attorney General, vehicles of Office designated authorized emergency vehicles, 669

      Brakes, use of compression brakes restricted, violation deemed civil infraction, penalties, 3340

      Civil infraction citations, procedures for issuance (See TRAFFIC CONTROL)

      Communication system on certain highways for members of the general public, establishment by Department of Transportation made discretionary, 41

      Consumer vehicle leases, requirements, 1426-1429

      Embezzlement, penalties, 2433

      Hay, height of vehicle transporting on highway, laws clarified, 38

      License plates (See LICENSE PLATES)

      Liens on motor vehicles, contest of, procedures, 2132, 2133

      "Low-speed vehicles" defined, 2222

      Peer-to-peer car sharing programs

             Charging and collection of certain fees, requirements, 1840-1844

             Licensing and operation, 1848, 1849

      Safety belts and child restraint systems

             Requirements, penalties, 177-179, 3340, 3341

             Short-term lessors, disclosures regarding use, 176

      Traffic Safety, Advisory Committee on, creation, duties, 161-163

      Vehicle miles traveled, pilot program, reporting requirements for recreational vehicles removed, 1076, 1078


      Administrative Services Division, replacement of computer hardware and software, appropriations, 2753

      Automatic voter registration agency, designation, appropriation, 3850

      Brokers and dealers, maintenance and availability of electronic records, 377

      Compliance Enforcement, Division of, replacement of computer hardware and software, appropriations, 2753


             Ignition interlock devices, duties, 2449-2453

             Office of, replacement of computer hardware and software, appropriations, 2753

      Driving schools, duties, 91, 93, 94

      Electronic branch office, authority to establish, duties, prohibited transactions, 1038

      Electronic cards, certificates and licenses, duties, 1037

      Employees, unclassified service, salaries, duties, 1786, 1796

      Engine emission control

             Additional fees in larger counties, duties, 2178

             Electronic monitoring, fees, duties, 2174

      Field Services, Division of

             Automatic voter registration, appropriation, 3876

             Computer hardware, software and certain equipment, appropriations, 2752, 2753

      Greenhouse gases, annual report issued by State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, duties, 584

      Information Technology, Division of, replacement of certain equipment and applications, 2751, 2752

      License plates (See LICENSE PLATES)

      Liens on motor vehicles, duties, 2133

      Management Services and Programs, Division of, name change, 585

      Motor Carrier Division, replacement of computer hardware and software, appropriations, 2752

      Motor vehicle crashes, findings of commission of civil infractions, 3304, 3305

      Peer-to-peer car sharing programs, duties, regulations, 1844, 1848-1851

      Reinstatement of driver’s license suspended for certain acts, notification, appropriation, 3296

      Research and Project Management, Division of, name change, 585

      Revolving Account for the Assistance of the Department, abolishment, 2872

      Salvage vehicle agents

             Salvage title agents, authority of Department to appoint, requirements, 7, 8

             Trademarks or logo of Department, authority of agent to use, 7, 8

      Short-term lessors, authority to maintain records electronically, duty to make electronic records available upon request, 377

      Special License Plates, Commission on, abolishment, duties transferred to Department, reports, 348-362

      Statewide longitudinal data system, educational and workforce data, duties, 2788

      Technology fee, refunds, issuance, appropriation, 1998

      Traffic Safety, Advisory Committee on, membership, 161

      Vegas Golden Knights, special license plates, additional fees, duties, 442

      Vehicle miles traveled, pilot program, duties, prohibited acts, 1077


      Instruction permits, renewal requirements, 91, 92

      Instructors, qualifications, 3344

      Insurance coverage

             Medical expenses, offer of coverage, requirements, 501

             Medical reports, records and bills, provision by claimant or claimant’s attorney, procedures, 1420

             Premiums, certain provisions of motor vehicle insurance policy for reduction inapplicable, clarification, 501

      Local ordinances, restriction on penalties, 3344

      Special license plates, design requirements, 682

      Violation of laws made civil infraction unless otherwise prescribed, 3345


      Jury trials

             Cases required to be tried by jury, inclusion of municipal courts as venue in certain cases, 1314, 1321

             Commissioners, authority of court to assign jury commissioners, 1314

             Criminal cases, number of jurors required, 1312

             Fees for attendance and travel allowances, jurors or prospective jurors entitled to, 1315

             Sound recording equipment, use authorized, 1313

      Lactation rooms for use by members of the public, requirements, appropriation, 3262

      Traffic and related offenses, actions to determine commission of civil infraction

             Adoption of rules, 3354

             Appointment of referee or hearing master, duties, 3348

             Filing of citation with court, effect, 3314, 3315, 3320

             Jurisdiction of court, 3348


      Nevada State Museum Las Vegas, ethnobotanical garden at Las Vegas Springs Preserve, appropriation, 3719


      Nevada State Prison, requirement to create trust fund removed, 2082



      Fictitious address issued to certain victims, confidentiality of personal information, 286-291

      Geographic Names, Nevada State Board of, authority regarding names of certain geographic features or places, 2074

      Schools, policies regarding racially discriminatory identifiers of pupils, requirements regarding, 2073

      Student athletes, compensation for use of name, requirements, study, 941, 942


      Board of Regents fee waivers for spouse or children of certain members, qualifications, 2118

      Code of Military Justice

             Sexual assault, revision of provisions, 465, 466

             Sexual harassment, establishment of offense, penalties, 465

      Maintenance projects at certain facilities, appropriation to Office of the Military, 2006

      Sales and use taxes, purchases by certain members and certain relatives, exemptions, eligibility, 2083-2085

      Unclassified staff, salaries, 1791, 1799


      Additional criminal penalty for certain crimes motivated by certain characteristics of victim, 1530

      Equality of rights under law guaranteed to all persons, constitutional amendment, 3992, 3993

      Health care and behavioral health services, grants to reduce disparities in, 2701, 2706

      Peace officers, evaluation to identify implicit bias, 574


      Automatic voter registration agencies, designation, 3850, 3851

      Career and technical education, membership on advisory technical skills committees, 302

      Elections, establishment of polling places

             Deadline for submitting request, 1228, 1229, 1252, 1254

             Drop boxes, establishment, requirements, 1228, 1252

             Presidential preference primary elections, 3882, 3887

      Flora, fully protected species of native flora gathered by Native Americans for certain reasons, exemptions, 345

      Grant Matching Program, Nevada, creation to provide funds to certain tribal governments, 3704

      Infrastructure Bank, Nevada State, infrastructure concerning provision of loans and other financial assistance, requirements, 3815

      Nevada System of Higher Education, fees, requirements for waiver of certain fees, 2075

      Prehistoric Indian burial sites on private lands, permits to conduct lawful activity on lands, requirements, 1087

      Public Lands, Legislative Committee on

             Inter-Tribal Council of Nevada, Inc., recommendation of member, 477

             Membership revised, 477

             Per diem allowance and travel expenses, restrictions, 478

      Racially discriminatory identifiers, use in schools with approval of tribe, requirements, 2073

      School instruction in history and contributions of certain groups of persons, requirements, 947

      Sirens, bells or alarms, sounding of by counties, cities or towns, prohibited acts, 2073

      Stewart Indian School, preservation and maintenance of buildings and grounds, funding, 2078, 2079

      Swamp cedars

             Bahsahwahbee Traditional Cultural Property, special permit required to cut, destroy, mutilate, pick or remove cedars within, penalties, 343, 344

             Spring Valley, President and Congress urged to protect certain land containing cedars in, 4002

      Systemic racism, action urged to address public health crisis caused by, 4005

      Traffic Safety, Advisory Committee on, representation, 162

      Tribal Emergency Coordinating Council, Nevada, meetings, 275

      Water pollution, consultation or notification of certain actions relating to pollution, 3414, 3415


      Alternative fuel, term includes natural gas, 137

      Intrastate pipelines, violations, administrative fines increased, 269

      Storage facilities, violations, administrative fines increased, 269

      Vulnerability assessments, list of utilities providing, 264


      Wildfires, authority of certain governing bodies to bring action against entities responsible for causing, exceptions, 1369


      Deaf or hard of hearing, persons who are, terminology, 577

      HIV, references and use of terminology associated with, requirements, 3195

      Mental illness, persons with, terminology, 577


      Land Use Planning Advisory Council, duties removed, 3399

      Outdoor Recreation, Advisory Board on, membership, duties, 655

      Traffic Safety, Advisory Committee on, appointments, 162


      Education programs, appropriation for support, 3717


      Advisory boards, composition, qualifications, 3402

      Governing board, composition, qualifications, 3401, 3402


      Services provided, provision of notices to employers in State, duties, 952


      Land Use Planning Advisory Council, appointments, 3398

      Traffic Safety, Advisory Committee on, appointment of member, 162


      Director of Legislative Counsel Bureau, authority regarding sale or distribution removed, 221, 222

      Missing volumes of district judges, procedure for replacement, 220


      Transportation, Advisory Working Group to Study Issues Related to, membership, 180



      Deaf or hard of hearing, persons who are, terminology, 577

      Mental illness, persons with, terminology, 577

      Obsolete language relating to supervision of parolees and probationers, removal from Nevada Revised Statutes, 2436

      Parent and child relationship by one or more adults, interpretation of terms, 3408

      Persons with intellectual disabilities or developmental disabilities, removal of obsolete language, 579


      Emergency Response Employees Mental Health Commission, membership, 338

      Statewide Substance Use Response Working Group, membership, 2858

      Traffic Safety, Advisory Committee on, appointments, 162



             Biennial auditing of State University and other public institutions of higher education, constitutional amendment, 4013

             Legislative Auditor to conduct performance and compliance audit, requirements, appropriation, 2894

      Board of Regents

             Agricultural Extension Department, Director, appointment, 2658

             Constitutional body, removal of status as, constitutional amendment, 4013

             Dual credit programs

                   Receipt of reports, 3666

                   Reports, consultations with Department of Education, 750

             Equity in the workplace, annual reports, 1890

             Medical facilities or related entities, authority to enter into certain agreements, requirements, duties, 108

             Racially discriminatory identifiers of pupils, requirements regarding, 2073

             Sexual misconduct, duties, 3670-3683

             Tuition charges, prohibited acts, 3683, 3684

             Veterans as students, reports to Legislature, requirements, 998

             Workforce development, committee to conduct interim study of alignment of workforce training and programs offered by community colleges, receipt of report, 1203


             Compensation of student athletes, membership on study committee, 942

             Sexual Misconduct at Institutions of Higher Education, Task Force on, member, 3671

             Workforce development, committee to conduct interim study of alignment of workforce training and programs offered by community colleges, membership, 1202

      College of Southern Nevada, appropriation to assist and carry out the NV Grow Program, 3698

      Cooperative Extension Service budget, travel and operating costs, appropriation, 1838

      Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds, disbursement of funds, requirements, 2878

      Diversity study and survey to be conducted by UNLV, requirements, reports, 3521-3524

      Education Article of Nevada Constitution, removal of obsolete provisions and clarification of laws, constitutional amendment, 4014

      Employees, unclassified service, salaries, duties, 1796, 1797

      Employment contracts, exclusion from certain provisions, 2208

      Financial Independence, Nevada Statewide Council on, representation, 1548

      Health Care Workforce Working Group, establishment, representation, 798


             Enforcement, model policies, duties, 3907

             Police departments, campus, model policies, duties, 3906

             Pro bono legal services to be provided by UNLV, provision, appropriation, 3907

      Lake Tahoe Basin, legislative resolution supporting NSHE to work collaboratively among its institutions to address the needs of the Basin, 4027

      Medical school, construction at University of Nevada Las Vegas, appropriation, 3663

      Nevada Partnership for Training, appropriation, 1836

      Nursing program, preference in admission for certain veterans, 998

      Police department, use-of-force data, reports, 2638

      Public Service Division, Director of Agricultural Extension Department, duties, 2657, 2658

      "Race" defined, 1718

      Scholarship and grant programs, study of effectiveness, consultations and input, 1946

      Sexual misconduct

             Annual reports, submission, requirements, 3682, 3683

             Awareness and prevention, programming, duties, 3679

             Climate surveys, requirements, 3672

             Grievance process, training, 3679

             Investigations, procedures, 3681, 3682

             Memoranda of understanding with organizations that assist persons involved in sexual misconduct, requirements, 3676

             No-contact directives, issuance, authority, 3682

             Policies, adoption by institutions, requirements, 3675

             Reports of incidents, prohibited acts, 3679

             Respondents, responsibility for alleged incident to be based on preponderance of evidence, determination, 3680

             Scholarships or academic activities, waiver from certain requirements for students who have experienced sexual misconduct, 3682

             Task Force on Sexual Misconduct at Institutions of Higher Education, creation, 3670

             Victim’s advocate

                   Designation, training, 3675

                   Duties, 3677

      Silver State Opportunity Grant Program, appropriation, 1295

      Southern Nevada, College of, dual credit programs, duties, reports, 3665, 3666

      Statewide longitudinal data system, educational and workforce data, duties, 2788


             College tuition and savings programs, prohibited acts, 3697

             Discipline based on race prohibited, 1718

             High school graduation in State, tuition prohibited, 3684

             Identification cards, certain mental health resource website information to appear on card, 3221

             Intercollegiate athletics

                   Agents, gifts to athletes, restrictions, requirements, 503, 504

                   Athletes, compensation for use of name, image or likeness, requirements, study, 941, 942

             National Guard, fee waivers for spouse or child of certain members authorized, qualifications, 2118

             Native Americans, requirements for waiver of certain fees, 2075

             Racially discriminatory identifiers of students, requirements regarding, 2073

             Silver State Opportunity Grant, certain requirements for receiving removed, 3691


                   5-year limitation on assessing certain tuition charges, limitation removed, 2563

                   Preference in admission to certain programs, requirements, 998

                   Tuition charges, assessment, restrictions, 1000

      Traffic Safety, Advisory Committee on, membership, 162

      Vending facilities operated by persons who are blind, operation in or on buildings or properties authorized, 841


      Director, salary, 1780

      Keep Nevada Working Task Force, appointment, 3904

      Reporting requirements, 3228


      Land Use Planning Advisory Council, notice of public hearings, 3400

      Presidential preference primary elections, notice of qualified candidates, 3900

      Vending facilities, operation by persons who are blind, requirements, 841


      COVID-19 pandemic, grants for operational support to certain entities impacted by, 2

      Domestic Violence, Account for Aid for Victims of, name change, eligibility for grant, 132, 3255

      Emergency response employees, authority of governmental entities to enter into contract for peer support counseling program, requirements, 338

      Grant Matching Program, Nevada, creation to provide funds to certain nonprofit organizations, 3704

      Infrastructure Bank, Nevada State, infrastructure concerning provision of loans and other financial assistance, requirements, 3815

      Nevada Rural Housing Authority, creation of nonprofit business entities, authority, 1090

      Old Nevada State Prison, corporations receiving grants for certain purposes, retention of money received, 2082

      Sexual Assault, Account for Aid for Victims of Domestic Violence or, grants, 132, 3255

      Solicitation of contributions, disclosure requirements, 228, 229



             Civil infractions committed by, records regarding, 3305

             Driving without license, misdemeanor offense, 3311

      Lessors of vehicles, receipt of service of process on behalf of certain lessees, procedures, 505, 506

      Property presumed abandoned, effect of change of holder’s state of domicile, 81


      Accommodations facilitators, regulation, 2394, 2402

      Charter amendments

             Animal shelters, establishment, 1330

             Charter Committee, creation, membership, duties, 1325

             City Attorney

                   Collection and disposition of certain money, authority, 1332

                   Removal in accordance with employment agreement, 1332

             City Clerk, duties, 1331

             City Council

                   Charter Committee, establishment, duties, 1325

                   Ordinances, enactment procedures following postponement of action on, 1328

                   Riots, removal of authority to prevent riots or acts tending to promote, 1329

                   Special meetings, contracts or claims involving expenditure of money, notice, 1327

             City Manager, collection and disposition of certain money, authority, 1332

             Poultry, regulation, removal of references, 1330

      Public works, job order contracts, requirements and procedures, 3511-3514

      Transient lodging, rental for purposes of, regulation, 2392, 2400

      Walking audits of urbanized areas, collaboration, 3446, 3447


      Electronic notaries public, applicability of laws, 1163

      Fees, 934, 935

      Recording of electronic documents, submission of certified paper copy for recording, form of certificate, 1162, 1163


      Unclassified staff, salaries, 1780


      Eviction, proceedings relating to eviction, applicability of laws, 2121

      Public nuisances

             Fencing or enclosure of public land not a public nuisance under certain circumstances, 1491

             Unlocked gate, in and of itself, does not constitute public nuisance, 1491


      Licensing, exemptions for businesses licensed by another state that sell exclusively via Internet, 152


      Advanced practice registered nurses

             Advanced esthetics, practice of, exemption from cosmetology provisions, 2687

             BRCA gene, screening of women for

                   Continuing education relating to genetic counseling and genetic testing, 778

                   Criminal penalties for failure to comply with provisions, exemptions, 771, 772

                   Duties, 771

             Emotional disturbance, certain children with, admission to Division facilities with inpatient care, procedures, 235

             Industrial insurance

                   Claims for compensation, completion and filing, 1180, 1181

                   Injured employees, examination and treatment, authority, 1179, 1180

             Mobile crisis intervention services performed by behavioral health specialists, immunities from liability, 897

             Schools, authority to issue orders to for opioid antagonists, requirements, liability, 424, 425

             Sexually transmitted diseases, duties of certain providers of emergency medical services relating to testing for, exceptions, 3138

             Substance use disorders, training and continuing education, requirements, exemptions, 390, 391

      Assisted outpatient treatment, admission of person to mental health facilities, procedures, 3068-3077

      Burn injuries caused by open flame, explosion or flash fire, reports, requirements, 1079

      Continuing education relating to cultural competency and diversity, equity and inclusion, requirements, 886

      Disciplinary action, grounds, 3143

      Lupus and variants, duty to report case information, 3132

      Pelvic examinations prohibited under certain circumstances, 1570

      Pregnant women

             Sexually transmitted infections, testing of pregnant women, requirements, 2573

             Syphilis, examination of pregnant women for discovery of syphilis, requirements, 2571, 2573

      School nurses, administration of opioid antagonists to school pupils, requirements, liability, 424, 425

      Violations, duty of peer recovery support specialists and special supervisors, 2832


      Unlicensed caregivers, training, requirements, 363, 364


      Assisted outpatient treatment, sworn statements, regulations, 3114

      Continuing education of licensees, duties, 886

      Health care providers, database of information concerning, duties, 802

      Membership, removal of certain limitation on terms of service, 476


      Nutrition and Dietetics, Commission on Accreditation for Dietetics Education of the Academy of, update of name, 332


      Controlled substances, eligibility following felony conviction for possession, use or distribution, requirements, 73, 74

      Division of Food and Nutrition, Department of Agriculture, creation, appointment of Administrator, classification, duties, 100, 101


      Sheriffs, qualifications, 3465



      Licensing and regulation, elimination of, 3440, 3442

      Terminology changed from "obstetric center" to "freestanding birthing center,” 3428, 3430, 3432, 3433, 3437


      Pensions for Silicosis, Diseases Related to Asbestos and Other Disabilities, Account for, appropriation, 2867


      Cannabis establishments, safety and health courses

             Employees, mandatory training, time to complete, effect of failure to complete, 233-234

             Providers of courses

                   Display of trainer card evidencing authorization to provide course, duties, 232

                   Tracking registries, establishment, 232


      Health care providers, database of information concerning, provisions inapplicable, 801


      Credit towards requirements for professional and occupational licenses and certificates, requirements, 2156


      Account for Off-Highway Vehicles, sources, 2872

      Large all-terrain vehicles, operation on certain streets and highways, requirements, 1442

      Local ordinances, restriction on penalties, 3345

      Violation of laws, penalties, 3345


      Intrastate pipelines, violations, administrative fines increased, 269

      Storage facilities, violations, administrative fines increased, 269


      Consumer Affairs for Minorities, Ombudsman for, salary, 1784


      Vision care providers, contracts with insurers, prohibited acts, penalties, 899


      Opioid antagonists

             Health care providers, issuance of orders or prescriptions to schools, requirements, liability, 424, 425

             Pharmacists, transfer of prescriptions or orders, liability, 428

             Schools, obtaining and administering to pupils, requirements, liability, 426, 428

      Resilient Nevada, Advisory Committee for, creation, 2845

      Resilient Nevada, Fund for a, creation, 2847

      Statewide Substance Use Response Working Group, creation, 2857


      Health care providers, database of information concerning, duties of Board, 804


      Health care providers, database of information concerning, duties of Board, 804

      Substance use disorders, training and continuing education, requirements, 396

      Vision care providers, contracts with insurers, prohibited acts, penalties, 899



      All-terrain vehicles, operation of large all-terrain vehicles on streets or highways in counties or cities, requirements, 1442

      Community gardens and urban farms, partial abatements of ad valorem taxes for use of land as community garden or urban farm, authority, 1988

      Dangerous wild animals, enactment of additional restrictions or requirements concerning, authority, 1735

      Easements, vacation or abandonment, authority to establish simplified procedure, 469, 470

      Fireworks regulation, 1468

      Gates erected across public roads, authority, requirements, 1493

      Hemp growers, handlers or producers, penalty for certain violations, 706, 707

      Motorcycles, restrictions on criminal penalties, 3344

      North Las Vegas, enactment procedures following postponement of action, charter amendment, 1328

      Off-highway vehicles, restrictions on criminal penalties, 3345

      Peer-to-peer car sharing programs, imposition of short-term lease fees, authority, 1853, 1854

      Planned unit developments, enactment ordinance, requirements, 1031, 1032

      Public restrooms, single-stall, inclusiveness and accessibility, requirements, 2346, 2347

      Redevelopment plans, enactment of procedural ordinances, authority, 2163

      Tiny houses and tiny house parks, zoning districts, requirements, 1525-1527

      Traffic ordinances, restriction on penalties, 3321, 3344, 3345

      Transient lodging, rental of residential units in Clark County and cities, regulation, authority, 2392, 2400


      Communicable diseases, intentional transmission of disease, acts not constituting, 3186


      Disabilities, persons with, access to organ transplants, 1165, 1166


      Health care providers, database of information concerning, duties of Board, 803

      Pelvic examinations prohibited under certain circumstances, 1570


      Advanced esthetics, practice of, exemption from cosmetology provisions, 2687

      Assisted outpatient treatment, admission of person to mental health facilities, procedures, 3068-3077

      BRCA gene, screening of women for

             Continuing education relating to genetic counseling and testing, 780

             Criminal penalties for failure to comply with provisions, exemptions, 771, 772

             Duties, 771

      Burn injuries caused by open flame, explosion or flash fire, reports, requirements, 1079

      Data requests, receipt, duties, confidentiality of information, 546

      Disciplinary action, grounds, 3145


             Continuing education relating to cultural competency and diversity, equity and inclusion, requirements, 884

             Renewal, data requests, requirements, confidentiality of information, 546

      Lupus and variants, duty to report case information, 3132

      Pelvic examinations prohibited under certain circumstances, 1570

      Pregnant women

             Sexually transmitted infections, testing of pregnant women, requirements, 2572

             Syphilis, examination of pregnant women for discovery of syphilis, requirements, 2571, 2573

      Schools, authority to issue orders to for opioid antagonists, requirements, liability, 424

      Sexually transmitted diseases, duties of certain providers of emergency medical services relating to testing for, exceptions, 2572, 3138

      State Board of Osteopathic Medicine

             Continuing education of licensees, duties, 889

             Health care providers, database of information concerning, duties, 803

             Physician assistants, duties regarding licenses, 763, 767-769

      Substance use disorders, training and continuing education, requirements, exemptions, 394

      Vision care providers, contracts with insurers, prohibited acts, penalties, 899


      Dark sky designation to sites, establishment of program for awarding, 105-107

      Education and Recreation Grant Program, Outdoor, duties transferred from Division of State Parks to Division of Outdoor Recreation, 2029


      Membership, 655



      Background investigations of employees of certain institutions, agencies and facilities that serve children, requirements relating to convictions or pending charges of pandering, 2632, 3472, 3478

      "Human trafficking, victim of," person against whom a violation of certain provisions has been committed defined as, 836


      Sealing records of criminal proceedings, procedures, 2591


      Assisted outpatient treatment, petition for admission of parent or child to mental health facilities, authority, 3069

      Compromise of claims, when blocked financial investments required, 498, 499

      Distance education, plan for conducting program and information regarding course, receipt, 3518-3520

      Financial planning, FAFSA and Nevada College Kick Start Program, education about importance and value of, 1155-1157

      Intercollegiate athletics, gifts by agents to athletes, restrictions, requirements, 503, 504

      Medicaid, expansion of coverage for pregnant woman and child, requirements, 2565

      "Mother," change in terminology relating to pregnancy and birth, 3428-3431, 3433-3436, 3442

      Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association, governing board, membership, 3401, 3402

      Nevada Revised Statutes, parent and child relationship by one or more adults, interpretation of terms, 3408

      Orders for protection against child under 18 years of age, procedures, 605

      Protection of child, establishment of paternity during proceeding, 146-148

      Public restrooms, single-stall, inclusiveness and accessibility, requirements, prohibited acts, penalties and remedies, 2344, 2349

      Sick leave, use by employees, requirements, penalties for violations, 1023, 1024

      Tuition charges, students whose parent was stationed at military installation associated with Nevada, Board of Regents prohibited from fixing charges against, 3683

      Veterans, dependents of, restrictions on tuition charges at NSHE, 1000


      Dark sky designation to sites, establishment of program for awarding, 105-107

      Rangers, use-of-force data relating to, submission of reports by political subdivisions employing park rangers, 2638

      Restrooms, single-stall, inclusiveness and accessibility, requirements, prohibited acts, penalties and remedies, 2344, 2349


      Grant or revocation of parole, frequency of review of standards, 2167

      Obsolete language relating to supervision, removal from Nevada Revised Statutes, 2426, 2427

      Risk and needs assessment, applicability of laws, 2436

      System of graduated sanctions for parole officers, adoption by Division of Parole and Probation, 2434, 2435

      Technical violations of parole, system of graduated sanctions, requirements for use, training of officers, 2434, 2435


      Lifetime supervision of sex offenders, petitions for release, duties, 2421, 2422

      Members, salaries, 1787

      Review of standards relating to grant and revocation of parole, frequency, 2167


      Courts, duty to ascertain state of title to property pursuant to title report, 1413


      Protection of child, establishment of paternity during proceedings, 146-148


      Chief Medical Officer, receipt of reports, 865

      Health and Human Services, Department of, receipt of reports, 3054, 3061, 3062

      Insurance, Commission of, receipt of reports, 870

      Peterson-Milbank Program for Sustainable Health Care Costs, duties, 559

      Reports concerning health care issues, authority to request from state or local governmental entities, requirements, 3050

      Telehealth, duties, 3005

      Unfair trade practices, proceedings instituted by Attorney General, provision of certain information to Executive Director, exemption from requirement, 310, 314


      Mental health records, requirements concerning recordings used for certain training activities, 2192-2196

      Pelvic examinations prohibited under certain circumstances, 1570

      Sexually transmitted diseases, duties of certain providers of emergency medical services relating to testing for, exceptions, 3138

      Telehealth, authority of health care provider to establish patient relationship through, 3015


      Agricultural police officers

             Appointment, 1904

             Certification, 1908

             Powers and duties, 1907

      Behavioral healthcare, wellness visit, 552

      Bias indicators or other problematic behavior, establishment of early warning system for identifying officers with, 1962

      Child abuse or neglect, receipt of reports, duties, 2622

      Child in productive custody, authority to place, 2237

      Citations and arrests

             Additional rights for officer, creation, 3418

             Civil infractions, duties, 3312-3315, 3322, 3323

             Misdemeanor citations, certain offenses and violations, requirement to issue and discretionary issuance, 3454, 3455

             Prostitution or solicitation, provision of certain information to person cited, duties, 3119

      Crisis intervention, training programs, 951

      Deadly force used to effectuate arrest, requirements, 1456

      Demonstrations or protests, prohibited acts in response to, 2641

      Discriminatory conduct relating to incidents involving peace officers, right of victim to seek damages and attorney’s fees, 342

      Force, use of, requirements, restrictions, 1456, 2637, 2639

      Immigration, model policies, duties, 3906

      Implicit bias, evaluations to identify, requirements, 574

      Juvenile justice

             Children, offenses relating to alcohol or marijuana, authority to issue citations, 855

             Interrogation of child, requirements, 3373

             Patterns or practices that deprive persons of rights, investigations, procedures, 186-188

      Mental health crisis holds, emergency admission of person experiencing mental health crisis, procedures, 3067, 3076, 3089

      Mental health issues, duty of employer to make available certain information and counseling relating to, 2138

      Mental illness, persons with, crisis intervention, training programs, 951

      Mobile devices, law enforcement agencies to adopt written policy setting forth standards of conduct for use, requirements, 2599

      Motor vehicle insurance, evidence of insurance provided in electronic format, duties, prohibited acts, 3314

      Pen register or trap and trace device, use by certain peace officers, requirements, 214-216

      Prostitution or solicitation, provision of certain information to person cited or arrested, duties, 3119

      Traffic control (See TRAFFIC CONTROL)

      Traffic Safety, Advisory Committee on, representation, 162

      Vessels, certain offenses relating to, requirement to issue and discretionary issuance, 3469, 3470

      Wiretapping, when actions not unlawful, 1736


      Agricultural police officers, certification duties, 1908

      Behavioral wellness visit for peace officers, duties, 552

      Crisis intervention, training programs, duties, 951

      Implicit bias, evaluations to identify, regulations, 574

      Members, appointment, qualifications, 495, 496

      Unclassified staff, salaries, 1791


      Traffic violations, penalties, 381, 3327



      Health, State Board of, duties, 2832

      Peer recovery support services, definition, regulation, 2810-2814

      Specialists and specialist supervisors

             Alcohol, drug and gambling counselors, laws inapplicable, 2834

             Certification, requirements, penalties for uncertified practice, 2810, 2814

             Child abuse or neglect, duties, reports to Division of Public and Behavioral Health, 2822

             Nursing violations, duty to report, 2832

             Older persons or vulnerable persons, abuse, neglect, exploitation, isolation or abandonment, duties, reports to Division of Public and Behavioral Health, 2816, 2819

             Psychologists, laws inapplicable, 2833

             Social workers, laws inapplicable, 2834


      Emergency response employees, provision of counseling for employees experiencing work-related mental health issues, 338


      Governmental services fees, collection, duties, penalties, 1842-1844

      Licensing and operation, 1848, 1849

      Local governmental entities, imposition of additional taxes, fees or licensing requirements, restrictions, 1852

      Safety recalls, effect, 1851

      Sales and use taxes, collection, penalties, 1843

      Shared vehicle owners and drivers, disclosures, requirements, 1846, 1850

      Short-term lease fees, applicability, 1853, 1854


      Cancer and other neoplasms, fee for support of system for reporting of information, requirements, 2256

      Medicaid recipients, reimbursement for services received, 1290


      Implicit bias, duties related to training supervisors and managerial employees, regulations, 1888



             Business license, unlicensed operation prohibited, 154, 155

             Definitions, 154

             Governmental agencies, certification of employees who engage in pest control, requirements, 154

      Plant Health and Compliance, creation of Division in State Department of Agriculture, appointment of Administrator, classification, duties, use of certain fees, 100, 102, 103

      Quarantine Officer, State, authority to send certain notices to property owners by electronic mail, 151, 152


      Applicators, change in terminology, 150, 153, 154, 156, 159

      Restricted use pesticides

             Applicants, requirements, 158, 159

             Disciplinary action, grounds, 159

             Records of sale and distribution, maintenance requirements, 159, 160, 170

             Supervision of use, requirements, 158, 159


      Violations, penalties, 1012, 1013


      Collaborative practice, requirements, 1660, 1661

      Disaster declared or state of emergency, acquisition of refills during, requirements, 832

      Drug therapy

             Guidelines and protocols, requirements, 1662, 1663

             Removal of certain provisions, 1660-1663, 1667

      Fees, increase in certain fees, 1020

      Infectious diseases or toxic agents, pharmacist considered provider of health care for purposes of providing certain information to health authorities, 1663

      Insurance claims, creation of all-payer claims database by Department of Health and Human Services, 3051

      Language other than English, information regarding prescriptions in, duties, immunity from civil liability, 861, 862

      Livestock, exemption of certain products from regulation under state law, 724

      Manufacturers and wholesalers, requirements, license fees, unlawful acts, 1017, 1020

      Pharmaceutical technicians, applicants for registration, background checks, 1019


             Certificates of registration

                   Applicants, criminal background check required, 1018

                   Suspension or revocation, certain acts, 3272

             Contraceptives, self-administered hormonal, authority to dispense, requirements and procedures, 3269

             HIV, authority to prescribe and dispense drugs to prevent acquisition and perform certain tests, 3201

             Opioid antagonists, transfer of orders or prescriptions, liability, 428

             Patient Protection Commission, membership, 556

      Prescriptions (See PRESCRIPTIONS)

      State Board of Pharmacy

             Administrative proceedings, Statement to Respondent, 1021

             Agreements, authority to enter into certain agreements, 1017

             Certificates of registration, suspension or revocation, certain acts, authority, 3201, 3272

             Contraceptives, self-administered hormonal, protocol for dispensing, regulations, 3268

             Disciplinary action, hearings, 1021

             Health care providers, database of information concerning, duties, 805

             HIV, protocol authorizing pharmacist to prescribe and dispense drugs to prevent acquisition and perform tests, duties, regulations, 3201

             Language other than English, information regarding prescriptions in, regulations, 862

             Laws and regulations, duty to furnish free copies to applicants and registrants repealed, 1022

             Meetings to deliberate on a decision in an administrative action to be open and public, 1016

             Pharmacies, information regarding prescription in language other than English, duties, immunity from civil liability, 862

             Wholesalers and wholesale distributors, protection of information, duties, 1021


      Diabetes, drugs on list of essential diabetes drugs, reports, 3726

      Drugs with certain wholesale acquisition cost, list of, duties, 3726

      HIV, drugs to prevent acquisition and perform certain tests, authority to prescribe and dispense, 3206


      Student athletes, compensation for use of image, requirements, study, 941, 942

      Traffic violations, use of photography prohibited for purpose of gathering evidence, 3321

      Transportation network companies, contracts with certain limousine motor carriers to provide services, requirements, 2251


      Health care providers, database of information concerning, duties of Board, 805


      Advanced esthetics, practice of, exemption from cosmetology provisions, 2687

      Assisted outpatient treatment, admission of person to mental health facilities, procedures, 3068-3077


      BRCA gene, screening of women for

             Continuing education relating to genetic counseling and testing, 776, 780

             Criminal penalties for failure to comply with provisions, exemptions, 771, 772

             Duties, 771

      Continuing education, requirements, 884

      Disciplinary action, grounds, 758, 768, 3141

      Emotional disturbance, certain children with, admission to Division facilities with inpatient care, procedures, 235

      Industrial insurance

             Claims for compensation, completion and filing, 1180, 1181

             Injured employees, examination and treatment, authority, 1179, 1180


             Annual renewal, regulations, 766

             By endorsement, certification in a specialty, removal of requirement, 760, 761, 764, 765

             Inactive status, requirements, 758, 768

             Simultaneous licenses

                   Application, requirements and procedures, 755, 756, 762

                   Renewal, requirements and procedures, 762, 763

      Mobile crisis intervention services performed by behavioral health specialists, immunities from liability, 897

      Pelvic examinations prohibited under certain circumstances, 1570

      Schools, authority to issue orders to for opioid antagonists, requirements, liability, 424

      Sexually transmitted diseases, duties of certain providers of emergency medical services relating to testing for, exceptions, 3138

      Substance use disorders, training and continuing education, requirements, exemptions, 388

      Supervising physician, powers and duties, 765, 766


      Advanced esthetics, practice of, exemption from cosmetology provisions, 2687

      Assisted outpatient treatment, admission of person to mental health facilities, procedures, 3068-3077


      BRCA gene, screening of women for

             Continuing education relating to genetic counseling and testing, 776

             Criminal penalties for failure to comply with provisions, exemptions, 771, 772

             Duties, 771

      Burn injuries caused by open flame, explosion or flash fire, reports, requirements, 1079

      Disciplinary action, grounds, 3141

      Emotional disturbance, certain children with, admission to Division facilities with inpatient care, procedures, 235

      Insurers, entering into contract containing certain provisions prohibited, 899

      License or registration renewal, data requests, requirements, confidentiality of information, 544, 545

      Lupus and variants, duty to report case information, 3132

      Patient Protection Commission, membership, 556

      Pelvic examinations prohibited under certain circumstances, 1570

      Pregnant women

             Sexually transmitted infections, testing of pregnant women, requirements, 2572

             Syphilis, examination of pregnant women for discovery of syphilis, requirements, 2571, 2573

      Schools, authority to issue orders to for opioid antagonists, requirements, liability, 424

      Sexually transmitted diseases, duties of certain providers of emergency medical services relating to testing for, exceptions, 3138

      Substance use disorders

             "Screening, brief intervention and referral to treatment approach" defined, 386, 389, 390, 392, 395, 396

             Training and continuing education, requirements, exemptions, 387, 388

      Vision care providers, contracts with insurers, prohibited acts, penalties, 899


      Common open space

             Offers to dedicate, requirements regarding acceptance, 1032

             Reservation, 1032

      Ordinances, requirements, procedures, authority of cities and counties, 1031, 1032

      Parking spaces, minimum for each dwelling unit, requirement, exception, 1032

      Plan for development

             Approval, grant or denial

                   Revocation of approval under certain circumstances, 1036

                   Schedule for applications for approval, 1035

                   Statement of objectives, findings regarding, 1035

                   Tentative approval not required, exception, fee, 1034

             Approved plans, consent by landowners to modification or impairment, 1036

             Enforcement and modification of approved plan, requirements, procedures, 1032, 1033

             Modification, removal or release of provisions of plan, procedures, 1033

      Site area, minimum requirements, exception, 1032


      Community gardens and urban farms, master plans, duties, 1987

      Subdivision of land, potential impact to wildlife and habitat, duties, 2585, 2586

      Walking audits of certain urbanized areas in larger counties, collaboration, 3446, 3447


      Plant Health and Compliance, creation of Division in State Department of Agriculture, appointment of Administrator, classification, duties, use of certain fees, 100, 102, 103

      Rare plants, confidentiality of certain information, authorized release, 1361


      Burn injuries caused by open flame, explosion or flash fire, reports, requirements, 1079

      Health care providers, database of information concerning, duties of Board, 804

      Pelvic examinations prohibited under certain circumstances, 1570

      Substance use disorders, training and continuing education, requirements, 395


      Chief of police, certain jury trials, duties, 1313, 1315

      Immigration, model policies, duties, 3906

      Older or vulnerable persons, reports of abuse, neglect exploitation, isolation or abandonment, receipt, duties, 2624

      Peace officers

             Permanent total disability, limiting or terminating compensation prohibited on basis that injured employee earns income, 1982

             Use-of-force data, duties, reports, 2638


      Campaign solicitations and text messaging, disclosure requirements, 819


      Campaign practices

             Solicitations and text messages, disclosure requirements, 819

      Major parties

             National convention, selection of delegates and alternates, 3880

             Precinct meetings, time for, 3878

      Minor parties, qualification as, requirements, 1973

      Party affiliation, cancellation of voter registration for persons who request change in affiliation, removal of requirement, 1879


      City-county relief tax, use of population total certified by Governor, laws clarified, 59-62


      Background investigations of employees of certain institutions, agencies and facilities that serve children, requirements relating to convictions or pending charges of pornography, 2632, 3472, 3478

      Civil actions, limitation on time to commence, 1585

      Minors, elimination of limitation on time to commence civil action, liability, 1585


      Correctional officers, duty of employer to make available certain information and counseling relating to mental health issues, 2138

      Firefighters, duty of employer to make available certain information and counseling relating to mental health issues, 2138

      Police officers, duty of employer to make available certain information and counseling relating to mental health issues, 2138


      Complaints, policies, access requirements, 517

      Disclosures to students, requirements, penalty, 516, 517


             Enforcement, model policies, duties, 3907

             Police departments, campus, model policies, duties, 3906

      Intercollegiate athletics

             Agents, gifts to athletes, restrictions, requirements, 503, 504

             Athletes, compensation for use of name, image or likeness, requirements, study, 941, 942

      Recruiting activities, authorized and prohibited activities at certain locations and under certain circumstances, 515, 516

      Training programs, "substantially failed to furnish" defined, 518


      Egg-laying hens, housing system, prohibited acts, 2213

      Eggs and egg products, production and sale, regulation, civil penalties, 2213-2215

      North Las Vegas, removal of references, charter amendment, 1330


      Declaratory relief, authority of principal or person granted authority to act for principal, 960

      Guardians, nomination of, use of form, 978


      Battery constituting domestic violence against pregnant woman, penalties, 661

      Communicable diseases, transmission to unborn child, acts not constituting violations, 3186


             Presumptive eligibility for pregnant women for prescribed period of time, requirements, 2565

             Public Option, establishment, requirements, 3617-3622

      "Mother," change in terminology relating to pregnancy and birth, 3428-3431, 3433-3436, 3442

      Restraint chairs, use on persons who are pregnant prohibited, 2640

      Sexually transmitted infections, testing of pregnant women, requirements, 2572

      Syphilis, examination of pregnant women for discovery of syphilis, requirements, 2573


      Disaster declared or state of emergency, acquisition of refills during, requirements, 828, 829

      Examinations and investigations, authority of Commissioner of Insurance, 2997

      Fidelity bonds, requirements, 2997, 3002

      Form letters, submission to Commissioner, 2943

      Vision care providers, contracts with, requirements, penalties, 902


      Cancer, exemption from step therapy in treatment of persons with stage 3 or stage 4 cancer, insurance coverage for, penalties, 2659-2679

      Costs of prescription drugs, program to educate patients concerning ways to reduce, 3057

      Disasters or state of emergency, acquisition of refills during, requirements, 823-833

      Drugs with certain wholesale acquisition cost, list of, duties of manufacturers, wholesalers, pharmacy benefit managers and third parties, 3723

      English language, information regarding prescription in language other than, duties of pharmacy, immunities, 861, 862

      Healthy Nevada, Fund for a

             Consolidation of programs, 64-72

             Eligibility for subsidies for services or benefits, requirements, 69-71

             Repeal of certain provisions, 72

             Subsidies for services or benefits, 64-72

      Public agencies in State, agreements with private entities for purchase of drugs and related services, authority, 1751-1754

      State purchasing, agencies to report to Purchasing Division, removal of requirement, 2027


      Primary elections, procedures, 3881


      Abandoned property, property presumed to be, 79, 81

      Public utilities, incurred expenses, investments or other costs, removal of presumption that expenses were prudently incurred, 3789

      Sealing records of criminal proceedings, statutory presumption, application, effect, 2591-2597

      Weights and measures, field reference standards in possession of certain persons, 172


      Immigration, model policies, duties, 3906


             Birth certificates and records issued to, charging of fees prohibited, 33

             Deductions from individual account and wages, revision to priority, 1895, 1897

             Hepatitis C treatments, appropriation, 2872

             HIV testing, repeal of provisions, 3199

             Inmate calling services, regulation, 1747

             Medicaid, suspension of eligibility, reinstatement upon release, 2187

             Organ transplants, access to transplants for persons with a disability

                   Prohibited acts, 1165

                   Remedies for violations, 1166

                   Requirements, 1165, 1166

             Substance use disorders or co-occurring disorders, treatment programs, 207-213

      Old Nevada State Prison

             Endowment Fund for the Historic Preservation of the Nevada State Prison, prohibition regarding reserved principal removed, sources, 2080, 2081

             Maintenance, requirements regarding funding, 2081

             Nonprofit corporations, agreements regarding conducting tours and other activities, retention of grant money, 2082

             Sale or consumption of beer and wine at certain events, authority, requirements, 2080


      Internet privacy, collection and sale of consumer information, 1673-1676

      Wire communications, interception and disclosure, 1736


      Fund for the Private Investigator’s Licensing Board, abolishment, 54, 55

      Money received by Board, deposit and use, requirements, prohibited acts, 54, 55



             Expiration, date, 2057

             Fingerprints, requirements, 2055

             Issuance or renewal through the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry, authority, requirements, 2056, 2057

             Reinstatement of cancelled license, requirements, 2058

      Nationwide Multistate Licensing System and Registry, procedures and requirements, 2054-2057


      Obsolete language relating to supervision of probationer, removal from Nevada Revised Statutes, 2436

      Standards considered in grant of probation, certain requirements repealed, 2444

      Violation of conditions

             Inquiry to determine probable cause, repeal of provisions, 2444

             Risk and needs assessment, applicability of laws, 2436

             Technical violations of probation, system of graduated sanctions, use, 2434, 2435


      Continuing education relating to cultural competency and diversity, equity and inclusion, requirements, 892

      Mental health records, requirements concerning recordings used for certain training activities, 2195

      Peer recovery support specialists and specialist supervisors, laws inapplicable, 2834


      Business entities, mailings to management persons, requirements, 1496

      High-risk behavior protection orders and applications for orders, 589, 591, 594

      Indigent litigants, process served on behalf of, 490

      Insurers, requirements, 2944

      Lessors of vehicles, receipt of service of process on behalf of certain lessees, procedures, 505, 506

      Orders for protection against child under 18 years of age, procedures, 605

      Traffic and related offenses, civil infraction citations, 3314

      Veterinary Medical Examiners, Nevada State Board of, methods of service if personal service cannot be made, 875


      Ovarian and Prostate Cancer Prevention and Awareness Month, 519


      Definitions, 1921

      Licensing, regulatory duties of Labor Commissioner, 1921-1923


      Carson Water Subconservancy District, restriction on taxation of property within District, 720

      Consolidated Bond Interest and Redemption Fund, levy of tax to support, 2889

      Green Building Rating System, prospective elimination, effect, 2016, 2020

      Property of an interstate or intercounty nature, duties of Department of Taxation, retention of commission, 2901

      Qualified local improvement projects, financing, 3243


      Bail, requirements for imposition, duties, 3580

      Criminal history, records of, includes decisions of prosecuting attorney not to prosecute, 612

      Hate crimes, burden of proof, requirements for conviction, 1530

      Prostitution or solicitation, belief that person charged is victim of sex trafficking, effect, 3119

      Traffic violations, civil infractions, powers and duties, 3313, 3320


      Advancing prostitution, elements of crime, revision, 1379

      Attorney General, concurrent jurisdiction, 165

      Background investigations of employees of certain institutions, agencies and facilities that serve children, requirements relating to convictions or pending charges of prostitution, 2632, 3472, 3478

      HIV testing, repeal of certain provisions, 3199

      "Human trafficking, victim of," person against whom a violation of certain provisions has been committed defined as, 836

      Peace officers, provision of certain information to person cited or arrested, requirements, 3119

      Sex trafficking, belief of prosecuting attorney that person charged is victim of sex trafficking, effect, 3119

      Soliciting child for, prohibited acts, 165


      Domestic violence (See DOMESTIC VIOLENCE)

      Form for transmittal to Central Repository, duties, 596, 609

      Harassment (See HARASSMENT)


      Orders for protection against child under 18 years of age, jurisdiction of courts, procedures, 605-609

      Repository for Information Concerning Orders for Protection, orders prohibiting the contact of a specific person, duties, 1949

      Sexual assault (See SEXUAL ASSAULT)

      Stalking (See STALKING)

      Statistical data, accessibility on Central Repository’s Internet website, duties, 619


      Peace officers, prohibited acts in response to protest, 2641


      Crisis stabilization centers, endorsement as, accreditation, requirements, 238-240


      Assisted outpatient treatment, admission of person to mental health facilities, procedures, 3068-3077

      Continuing education relating to cultural competency and diversity, equity and inclusion, requirements, 884

      Mobile crisis intervention services performed by behavioral health specialists, immunities from liability, 897


      Assisted outpatient treatment, admission of person to mental health facilities, procedures, 3068-3077

      Board of Psychological Examiners

             Health care providers, database of information concerning, duties, 807

             Official transcripts, alternate means for submission, duties, 3484

             Recordings used for certain training activities, duties, regulation, 2192

             Regional behavioral health policy boards, reports to, requirements, 3485

             Remote supervision, regulations, 3484


             By endorsement, reporting requirement, 3485

             Provisional license, 3487

      Mental health records, requirements concerning recordings used for certain training activities, 2192

      Mobile crisis intervention services performed by behavioral health specialists, immunities from liability, 897

      Peer recovery support specialists and specialist supervisors, laws inapplicable, 2833


      Hospitality and Travel Workers Right to Return Act, Nevada (See HOSPITALITY ENTERPRISES)

      Online establishments and private online discussion forums, applicability of laws, exemptions, 1391

      Single-stall restrooms provided to public, inclusiveness and accessibility, requirements, prohibited acts, penalties and remedies, 2344, 2349


      Death of owner of real property with encumbrance against, proof of death, procedures following, 992

      Ex parte orders restraining personal representatives, requirement to post bond prohibited, 972


      Affordable housing (See AFFORDABLE HOUSING)

      Controlled substances, eligibility for assistance following felony conviction for possession, use or distribution, requirements, 73, 74

      Financial Independence, Nevada Statewide Council on, representation, 1548

      Medicaid (See MEDICAID)


      Single-stall restrooms provided to public, inclusiveness and accessibility, requirements, prohibited acts, penalties and remedies, 2344, 2349

      Unlawful sale, solicitation or delivery of certain goods on public property, exceptions, 847


      Children in need of protection, compensation and expenses, 2266

      Compensation in smaller counties, compliance with regulations adopted by the Board on Indigent Defense Services, requirements, 2269

      Disqualification, selection of attorney, procedures, 2263-2265

      State Public Defender

             Corrections, Department of, list of offenders receiving credits while incarcerated during COVID-19 emergency, receipt of reports, 2602

             Indigent defense services, transfer of responsibility for provision from county commissioners, requirements, 2269


      2021-2023 biennium, subsidies for, establishment, 2763, 2764

      Appropriation to Interim Finance Committee for allocation to Program, use, 2680

      Enteral formulas, required coverage, 3632

      Health insurance all-payer claims database, receipt of data, 3052

      Health insurance policies which provide for payment of expenses not covered by Medicare, requirements, 882

      Public Option health benefit plan, establishment, requirements, 3617-3622

      Retired officer or employee or surviving spouse, reinstatement of insurance, requirements, 316, 317

      Unclassified staff, salaries, 1791


      Membership, appointment of members from list of nominations of classified employees of the State, 1777, 1778

      Patient Protection Commission, membership, 556

      Vision care providers, contracts with, requirements, duties, 904


      Chief Investment Officer, requirements, creation, 2873

      Deputy Investment Officer, name change, 2873

      Executive Officer, appointments, 2873

      Investment Officer, name change, 2873


      Chief Investment Officer, administrative role, 2874

      Correctional officers, duty of employer to make available certain information and counseling relating to mental health issues, 2138

      Firefighters, duty of System to make available certain information and counseling relating to mental health issues, 2138

      Legislators’ Retirement System, appropriation, 1823

      Police officers, duty of System to make available certain information and counseling relating to mental health issues, 2138


      Creation, duties, appropriation, 3649-3652


      Persons supported by public institutions, change in terminology, constitutional amendment, 4029


      Traffic Safety, Advisory Committee on, membership, 161


      Board of Review, repeal of provisions, 565

      Definition of "public lands,” 562, 565

      Federal use of public lands, state consent, provisions repealed, 56

      Lands and waters of State, support for goal of protecting, 4021

      Legislative Committee on Public Lands

             Membership revised, 477

             Per diem allowance and travel expenses of certain member, restrictions, 478

      State land use planning, elimination of certain provisions, 562, 565

      State Public Land Trust, repeal of provisions, 565

      Sunrise Mountain and Frenchman Mountain, Congress urged to protect public lands including and adjacent to, 3999


      Definitions, 3616, 3617

      Establishment, requirements, 3617, 3618

      Federal waivers, application for, authority, 3618

      Gifts, grants and donations, authority to accept, 3619

      Health care providers, participation, 3620, 3621

      Legislative declaration, 3616

      Statewide competitive bidding process, proposals, requirements, 3619

      Trust Fund, creation, appropriation, 3621, 3647


      Wildfires, authority of State Forester Firewarden to enter into certain partnerships to address threat of, 1365


      Community redevelopment projects, employment plans and progress reports, 2162

      Document preparation services, determinations of violations are public records, 938

      Pro bono legal services, contracts with Executive Department, 652

      State purchasing of prescription drugs by agencies, record of information relating to purchase is public record, 2027

      Taxation, Department of, information provided to UNLV relating to diversity survey is not public record, 3524


      Assisted outpatient treatment, court orders for admission of person to mental health facilities, duties regarding certain forms, 3075


             Emergency Management, Division of, authority over Division transferred to Adjutant General, 2105, 2110, 2114

             Identification within Department, designations, authority, 915

             Salary, 1787

             Use-of-force data, duties, 2638

      Emergency Management, Division of

             Nevada Intrastate Mutual Aid System, duties, 2104, 2110

             Utilities and providers of new electric resources, coordination with certain agencies to compile list, 264

             Written guide to assist persons or governmental entities to file emergency response plans, distribution, 263

      Employees, unclassified service, salaries, duties, 1787, 1796

      Hate crimes, submission of records to Central Repository, duties, 236

      Highway Patrol Division, Nevada, appropriations, 1999, 2000

      Ignition Interlock Program, duties, regulations, 2453, 2454

      Intoxication, Committee on Testing for, certain duties transferred to Department, 2473

      Investigation Division

             Cannabis, investigation of crimes upon request by certain state agencies, 914, 916

             Chief, powers and duties, 916

             Motor vehicles used in investigations, special license plates for, requirements, prohibited acts, confidentiality of information, 689

             Pro bono legal services, contracts with Executive Department, 651, 652

             Technological crimes, functions and responsibilities, 914, 916

      Older persons, crimes against, accessibility of statistical data on Central Repository’s Internet website, duties, 616

      Parole and Probation, Division of

             Immigration, model policies, duties, 3906

             Standards to assist in formulating a recommendation concerning the granting of probation, repeal of provision requiring Chief to adopt standards, 2444

             Technical violations of parole or probation, system of graduated sanctions, duties, prohibited acts, 2434, 2435

             Traffic citations, peace officers employed by, applicability of laws, 3470

      Protection orders

             Form for transmittal to Central Repository, duties, 596, 609

             Statistical data, accessibility on Central Repository’s Internet website, duties, 619

      School buses, notice of defects or inspection issues, requirements, reports, 383-385

      System upgrades and training of personnel, appropriation, 3353

      Traffic Safety, Advisory Committee on, membership, 161

      Traffic stops made by law enforcement officers, duties, 1966-1968

      Unclassified staff, salaries, 1787

      Vulnerable persons, crimes against

             Vulnerable persons, crimes against, accessibility on Central Repository’s Internet website, duties, 616


      Microtransit services authorized in Clark County, 1003

      On-call public transit system authorized in Clark County, 1004, 1005


      Easements, vacation or abandonment, authority of city or county to establish simplified procedure, 469, 470

      Electric service

             Definitions, 3781, 3783

             Energy efficiency plans, requirements, 3793, 3799, 3801, 3807

             Generation assets, disposal, requirements, 3800

             Net metering systems, applicability of public utility laws, 3790

             Regional Transmission Coordination Task Force, creation, 3788

             Resource plans

                   Transmission infrastructure construction projects, inclusion within resource plan, requirements, 3784, 3786

                   Transportation electrification plans, requirements, 3782, 3804

             Transmission providers, membership in regional transmission organization, requirements, 3787

             Vulnerability assessments, list of utilities providing, 264

      Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstration Program, repeal of provisions, 3780, 3808

      Emergency telephone calls, exception to wiretapping requirements, 1736

      Engineering license requirements, exemption of employees of certain utilities, removal, 410

      Expenses, investments or other costs incurred, removal of presumption that expenses were prudently incurred, 3789

      Natural gas (See NATURAL GAS)

      Notices required to be provided to customer, electronic transmission authorized, requirements, 412

      Pen register or trap and trace device, immunities from liability relating to use, 215

      Quarterly rate adjustments, provision of notice to customers, requirements, 415, 417

      Violations, administrative fines and criminal fines increased, 269-271

      Wastewater utilities, submission of vulnerability assessments to Division of Emergency Management, 263


      Administrative fines, duties, 270

      Economic Development Electric Rate Rider Program, duties, 3801

      Electric utilities

             Resource plans, duties, 3782, 3784, 3797, 3799, 3806

             Transmission providers, duties, 3787

      Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstration Program, repeal of provisions, 3780, 3808

      Emergency Management, Division of, compilation of list of utilities and providers of new electric resources, coordination, 264

      Engineering license requirements for employees of certain utilities, duties, regulations, 411

      Greenhouse gases, annual report issued by State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, duties, 584

      Inaccurate or misleading information provided to Commission, administrative fines increased, 269, 270

      Inmate calling services, duties, 1747

      Judicial review of decisions, procedures, 677, 678

      Unclassified staff, salaries, 1791, 1792


      Unlawful acts, penalties, 1011


      Construction manager as agent

             Award of certain contracts between public body and construction manager as agent, basis for, requirements, 2217

             Qualifications, 2217

      Construction managers at risk, expiration of authority of public bodies to enter into contracts with, removal, 736, 2218

      Horizontal construction, type of work included in the scope of, 734

      Job order contracts

             Award of contracts, procedures, 3511-3513

             Pilot program to gather data on use for certain public works, establishment, 3511

             Public bodies, written policy for assignment of job orders, requirements, 3512

      "Race" defined, 1714

      Vertical construction, type of work included in the scope of, 735



      Eggs and poultry, regulations, 2215

      Electronic transmission of notices to certain property owners authorized, 151, 152

      Noxious weeds, authority to declare any weed to be noxious by regulation, duties, procedures, 1368

      Produce intended for human consumption, duties, 2005



      Bias indicators or other problematic behavior, establishment of early warning system for identifying peace officers with, 1962

      Contract provisions prohibiting testimony at certain proceedings concerning discrimination deemed void and unenforceable, 164

      Diversity survey, requirements, 3521-3523

      Equality of rights under law guaranteed to all persons, constitutional amendment, 3992, 3993

      Equity in the workplace, annual reports, duties of appointing authorities, 1886

      Hate crimes, additional criminal penalty for certain crimes motivated by certain characteristics of victim, 1530

      Health care and behavioral health services, grants to reduce disparities in, 2701, 2706

      Kidney disease, disparities based on race, grants to address, requirements, 2702

      Maternal Mortality Review Committee, race of mothers who experience maternal mortality, duties, 339

      Peace officers, discriminatory conduct relating to incidents involving, right of victim to seek damages and attorney’s fees, 342

      "Race" defined, 1703-1705, 1708, 1712, 1714, 1715, 1717, 1718

      Respect, dignity and equity, all state employees to be afforded, legislative declaration, 1886


             Discrimination, prohibited actions and practices, penalties and remedies, 1714-1718, 3355-3372

             Instruction in history and contributions of certain groups of persons, requirements, 947

      Sirens, bells or alarms, sounding of by counties, cities or towns, prohibited acts, 2073

      State employers, officer and employee training in diversity and racial equity, requirements, 2703

      Systemic racism, action urged to address public health crisis caused by, 4005


      Hospitality and Travel Workers Right to Return Act, Nevada (See HOSPITALITY ENTERPRISES)


      Other State Education Programs Account, funding for public broadcasting, 2911


      Computed tomography, qualifications to perform, 2737, 2738

      Fluoroscopy, qualifications to perform, 2738

      Radiation machines, fee for support of system for reporting of information on cancer and other neoplasms, collection from certain facilities and health care providers, requirements, 2254, 2258


      Technology fee, imposition upon issuance or renewal of certificate, license or registration, 3536


      Technology fee, imposition upon issuance or renewal of license or registration, 3534


      Death of owner of real property with encumbrance against, proof of death, procedures following, 992

      Qualified improvement projects

             Districts, creation of, applicability of laws, 3247, 3249

             Voluntary assessment agreements between owner and municipality, requirements, 3244

      Seller’s agents

             Defects in residential property, agent not liable to purchaser for nondisclosure under certain circumstances, 1082

             Disclosure forms, completion by agent on behalf of seller prohibited, 1081

      Seller’s requirement to provide disclosure form, certain fiduciaries exempt from requirement, 961


      Conveyance of real property exempt from taxes, requirements, 994


      "Certification," terminology changed to "credentialing,” 1537

      Registration, nonprofit civic organizations, requirements to practice real time captioning, 1534


      Interim committee to conduct an investigation into matters relating to reapportionment and redistricting, creation, 4034


      Assignments of mortgages, removal of obsolete provisions regarding certain mortgages of personal property or crops, 1415

      Death of Grantor Affidavit, requirements, 994, 996

      Divisions of land, filing, submission and presentation of certain maps and other documents electronically, authority, exception, 1297

      Foreclosure or trustee’s sale of property, instruments subordinating or waiving priority of mortgage or deed of trust not enforceable until recorded, 1416


      Vehicle miles traveled, pilot program, recreational vehicles removed from reporting requirements, 1076, 1078


      Infrastructure Bank, Nevada State, infrastructure concerning provision of loans and other financial assistance, requirements, 3815


      Interim committee to conduct an investigation into matters relating to reapportionment and redistricting, creation, 4034


      Withdrawal notices, time for filing, 1261


      Clark County

             Bill draft requests, authority, requirements, 3445

             Microtransit services, provision authorized, 1003

             On-call public transit system, elimination of requirement to receive a determination from Nevada Transportation Authority before providing, 1004, 1005

             Walking audits of certain urbanized areas, collaboration, 3446, 3447

      Washoe County

             Bill draft requests, authority, requirements, 3445

             Walking audits of certain urbanized areas in larger counties, collaboration, 3446, 3447


      Discriminatory conduct relating to incidents involving peace officers, right of victim to seek damages and attorney’s fees, 342

      Equality of rights under law guaranteed to all persons, constitutional amendment, 3992, 3993

      Hate crimes, additional criminal penalty for certain crimes motivated by certain characteristics of victim, 1530

      Legislative services, compensation of clergy, 4002

      School instruction in history and contributions of certain groups of persons, requirements, 947


      Electric service, partial abatement of taxes for certain generating facilities, requirements, 3775

      Infrastructure Bank, Nevada State, infrastructure concerning provision of loans and other financial assistance, requirements, 3815

      New Energy Industry Task Force, abolishment, 3808

      Qualified improvement projects, creation of districts, procedures, applicability of laws, 3247


      Walking audits of urbanized areas, collaboration, 3446, 3447




      DUI, residential confinement in lieu of imprisonment, requirements, 2468, 2469

      Peace officers, evaluation to identify implicit bias, 574


      Unlicensed caregivers, training, requirements, 363, 364


      Attorney General, qualifications, 932

      Carson Water Subconservancy District, qualifications of members of Board of Directors, 720

      Healthy Nevada, Fund for a, eligibility for subsidies for services or benefits, requirements, 69-71

      Hunting and fishing, specialty combination licenses, removal of certain requirement, 1759

      National Guard, exemption from sales and use taxes for purchases by certain members and certain relatives, eligibility, 2084, 2085

      Silver State Opportunity Grant, certain requirements removed, 3691

      Tuition charges, students who graduated from high school in State, fixing tuition charges against prohibited, 3684


      Meetings, frequency, 275


      Constitutional amendments (See CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS, NEVADA)

      COVID-19, Legislature’s appreciation for assistance with its response to pandemic during 81st Session expressed, 4039, 4045

      Discrimination Against Women, Congress urged to ratify the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of, 4016

      Election Contests, Assembly Committee on, adoption of report and recommendation regarding the 2020 General Election for Assembly District 21, 4038

      Forest, rangeland and soil health, recognition of link to water quantity and quality, 4000

      Greece, recognition of bicentennial of Greek independence, 3993

      Innovation zones, creation of joint special committee to conduct study, 4032

      Lands and waters of State and planet, support for goal of protecting, 4021

      Legislative Counsel Bureau, session staff, appreciation expressed, 4041, 4044


             Assembly session staff, appreciation expressed, 4042

             Clergy services for Legislature, payment of compensation, 4002

             Copening, Senator Allison, honored for advocacy of organ donation, 3991

             Employees, appointment, 3936, 3987, 3989, 3994

             Members, allowances, 3935, 3988

             Standing rules, 3909-3935, 3937-3957, 3958-3987

      Memorials (See MEMORIALS)

      Military members, Federal Government urged to create and implement a retirement plan for spouses, 4010

      Minimum wage, increase, authority of Legislature, 4035, 4036

      National Infrastructure Bank Act of 2020, Congress urged to pass, 3997

      Personal protective equipment, employers urged to provide to employees to prevent spread of COVID-19, 3995

      Reapportionment and redistricting, interim committee to conduct an investigation into matters relating to, creation, 4034

      Senate session staff, appreciation expressed, 4046

      Spring Valley, President and Congress urged to protect certain land containing swamp cedars in, 4002

      Sunrise Mountain and Frenchman Mountain, Congress urged to protect public lands including and adjacent to, 3999

      Systemic racism, action urged to address public health crisis caused by, 4005

      Tahoe Basin

             East Shore Trail, Congress urged to provide funding for completion, 3998

             Identification of key transportation priorities, support for, 4006

             Nevada System of Higher Education, support for NSHE to work collaboratively among its institutions to address the needs of the Basin, 4027

      Taiwan, celebration of the sister-state relationship with Nevada, 4018


      Nevada Hospitality and Travel Workers Right to Return Act (See HOSPITALITY ENTERPRISES)


      Driver’s licenses, suspension or denial for delinquent payments, removal of authority of court, 3292

      Victims of crime, revision to priority of deductions from offender’s individual account and wages, 1898


      Peace officers, use by officer on another person, requirements, 2640


      Single-stall restrooms provided to public, inclusiveness and accessibility, requirements, prohibited acts, penalties and remedies, 2344, 2349


      Judicial review of decisions, petitions for review to be served upon Administrator of Employment Security Division, requirements, 1482


      Noxious weeds, State Quarantine Officer to consult with state agencies, departments and local governing bodies, 1368

      Vacation or abandonment, authority of city or county to establish simplified procedure, 469, 470


      North Las Vegas, removal of authority of City Council to prevent riots or acts tending to promote, charter amendment, 1329

      Peace officers, prohibited acts, 2641




      Accommodations facilitators, collection and remittance of taxes on rental of residential units in Clark County, requirements, 2396, 2404

      Residential units, rental for purposes of transient lodging in Clark County, requirements, 2398, 2405


      Peace officers, use in response to demonstrations or protests, prohibited acts, 2641



      Traffic Safety, Advisory Committee on, creation, duties, 161-163


      Requirements, penalties, 176-179, 3340, 3341

      Short-term lessors, disclosures regarding use, 176


      Abatements and partial abatements, execution of agreements between Office of Economic Development and applicants, requirements, 2290, 2294, 2297, 2302, 2307, 2310, 2312, 2314, 2316

      Exemptions, food for human consumption, basis for determining exemption, repeal of certain provisions, 53

      National Guard, purchases by certain members and certain relatives, exemptions, eligibility, 2083-2085

      Peer-to-peer car sharing programs, imposition, collection, 1843

      Seller’s permits, disbursements from fees, requirements, 2008


      Contracts, translations in languages other than English, requirement inapplicable, 1447

      Fiduciary accounts, authorized deposits and investments, 1423

      Individual Development Account Program, establishment, requirements, 1551

      Individual retirement accounts

             Assumption of role of custodian, notice to account holders, requirements, 1422

             Savings banks acting as custodian, exclusion from fiduciary status, 1422


      Higher education, publicly funded scholarship programs for persons pursuing, study of effectiveness, 1945

      Millennium Scholarship, eligibility, 3687

      Nevada Promise Scholarship

             Account, appropriation, 2863

             Eligibility, removal of certain requirements, 3691

      Sexual misconduct, victims of, waiver of certain requirements or academic activities, 3682


      Accountability reports, contents, 12-14, 920, 921, 2319-2321, 3265, 3356, 3357

      Behavioral health, pupils excused from attendance due to, effect on rating of school prohibited, 3221

      Charter schools

             Alternative performance framework, use in rating school, effect, 321, 322

             Low ratings of performance, schools that received, requirements, 2226

             Termination or elimination of enrollment of elementary, middle, or high schools or campuses, grounds, 322-325

      Data to schools that reduce frequency of certain disciplinary actions, 3558

      Examinations, waiver or pause of requirements, effect, 12, 25

      Financing of school projects, effect of ratings received by charter schools, 23

      Ratings of schools, waiver or pause of requirements, applicability of laws, 18, 25

      Title I status of schools, applicability of laws, 16


      Capital projects, fund for, transfers of certain revenue to fund, authority of school district trustees, 3216

      Financing of school projects, effect of ratings received by schools, 23

      General obligation bonds, issuance for school facilities, authority of school district trustees, 3216

      Single-stall restrooms provided to public, inclusiveness and accessibility, requirements, penalties and remedies, 2347

      Ventilation and filtration systems, assessment and improvement, requirements, reports, 1769-1776


      Advertising on buses, attacks based on characteristics associated with race prohibited, 1714

      Inspection issues, notice of defects, requirements, 383-385

      Museums and History, Division of, appropriation to restore school bus program, 2800


      Accountability, statewide system (See SCHOOL ACCOUNTABILITY, STATEWIDE SYSTEM OF)

      Adult high school diploma, requirements for enrollment in program, duties, 931

      Auto-injectable epinephrine, administration to school pupils, liability, 426

      Civics examinations, reports, duties, 1954

      Crisis, emergency, suicide or epidemic response plans, duties, 634-636

      Distance education, plans for conducting program, duties, 3518

      Dual credit programs, duties, reports, 3666

      Employees, requirements for testing used by district for decision regarding promotion, 1717, 1718

      Examinations and assessments, limitation on time taken from instruction, requests for waivers, 2932

      History and contributions of certain groups of persons, requirements for instruction, duties, 947

      Immigration enforcement, model policies, duties, 3907

      Job vacancies, duties, Internet publication of number of positions held by certain teachers, 2129


             Accountability reports, contents, 920, 921, 2319-2321, 3265, 3356-3358

             Civics Program, State Seal of, participation, duties, 1953

             Disabilities, pupils with, certain reporting requirements removed, 251

             Discipline based on race of pupil, 1718, 3358

             Discrimination based on race, incidents of, duties, 3358

             Dress codes, discrimination based on race prohibited, 1715

             Dual credit programs, 749-751, 1097, 3665, 3666

             Emotional disturbance, children with, admission to certain facilities, plan for continued education, duties, 3158, 3159, 3161, 3162

             English learners

                   Identification, 1382

                   Policies to teach, 1385

                   Publication of rights, 1384

             Financial planning, FAFSA and Nevada College Kick Start Program, duties, reports, 1155-1157

             Internet and telecommunications technology, development of statewide system of gathering data relating to the extent pupils have access, duties, reports, 911-913

             Literacy of pupils, plans to improve, requirements, 251

             Opioid antagonists, administration to school pupils, adoption of policy, 425

             Racially discriminatory identifiers of pupils, requirements regarding, 2073

             Suspension or expulsion, requirements and procedures, 923, 2334

             Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System, participation, duties, 2819

      Retired public employees, employment in summer schools, receipt of fingerprints, 3218

      Single-stall restrooms provided to public, inclusiveness and accessibility, requirements, penalties and remedies, 2347

      Statewide Substance Use Response Working Group, membership, 2858

      Substance misuse and substance abuse disorders, curricula and programs, duties, 2835


             Career and technical education, advisory technical skills committee, duties, 302

             Reports, receipt, 383


             Capital projects, fund for, transfers of certain revenue to fund, authority of school district trustees, 3216

             Composition of boards of trustees, interim legislative study, 1296

             COVID-19, plan to address loss of learning as result of, powers and duties, 3217

             General obligation bonds, issuance for school facilities, authority, 3216

             Menstrual products, access by pupils, development of plan, reports, 3266

             Work-based learning program, contents of report, 303-305

      Ventilation and filtration systems in schools, assessment and improvement, duties, reports, 1769-1776

      Work-based learning programs, duties, 303-305


      1/5 Retirement Credit Purchase Program Account, appropriation, 2913

      Apportionments, 2021-2023 biennium, total public support for districts and charter schools, 2901, 2902

      Basic support guarantee

             2021-2023 biennium, requirements, 2901, 2902

             Disabilities, pupils with, requirements, 2916, 2917

      Budgets, ending fund balance, restrictions on use for purposes of collective bargaining, 1138

      Bullying Prevention Account

             Elimination, 1140

             Renamed Discrimination and Bullying Prevention Account, 3362

      Capital projects, fund for, transfers of certain revenue to fund, authority of school district trustees, 3216

      Computer Education and Technology, Account for, elimination, 1140

      Disabilities, pupils with, statewide multiplier for support of, establishment, 1108

      Education Gift Fund, sources, 1101

      Education Stabilization Account

             Creation, 2915

             Excess of the total actual expenditures, authority to apply to, 1104

             State Education Fund, transfers to, 1104, 1105

      Educational expenditures, elimination of certain reporting requirements for school districts and public schools, 1120

      Educational Trust Account, elimination, 1134

      Examinations and assessments, contract services for, appropriation, 2932

      Financial Literacy, Account for Instruction in, elimination, 1140

      Great Teaching and Leading Fund, elimination, 1140

      Incentives for Licenses Educational Personnel, Grant Fund for, elimination, 1140

      Innovation and the Prevention of Remediation, Account for Programs for, reversions to State Education Fund, 2914

      Lunch Program, National School, transfer of duties to Director of State Department of Agriculture, 1113

      Necessarily small schools, calculation of adjustment factor, repeal of provision, 1140

      New Nevada Education Funding Plan, Account for the

             Distribution of money in Account, 18

             Reversions to State Education Fund, 2914

      Other State Education Programs Account, appropriation, 2909

      Professional Development Programs Account, appropriation, 2912

      Pupil-Centered Funding Plan Account

             Appropriation, 2902

             Sources, 2902

             Use, 2902-2908

      School facilities, issuance of general obligation bonds, authority of school district trustees, 3216

      Small school districts, adjustment for increased cost per pupil, requirements, 1115, 2922

      Special Education Services, Account for State

             Appropriation, 2909

             Name change, use, 1126

      State Distributive School Account, supplemental appropriation, 198

      State Education Fund

             Creation, 2915

             Sources, 1103, 1134, 1137-1139

             Superintendent of Public Instruction, authority to create accounts within Fund, elimination, 1104

             Use, 1105-1108, 2902, 2915, 2919, 2920

      State Permanent School Fund

             Corporations for public benefit, increase in maximum amount of transfers to, 1943

             School district bonds, increase in maximum amount guaranteed, 1943

      Teach Nevada Scholarship Program Account, appropriation, 2914

      Teachers’ School Supplies Assistance Account, State Education Fund, reversions to, 2914

      Textbooks and instructional supplies, recommendations concerning minimum expenditures, requirements, 1122, 1123


      Meetings, when authorized, 2918

      Public education, investigation of sources of revenue, reports, 1296


      1/5 Retirement Credit Purchase Program Account, appropriation, 2913

      Administrators, training opportunities, funding, 2912

      Auto-injectable epinephrine, administration to school pupils, liability, 426

      Background checks required when district or charter school hires retired public employees, 3218

      Battery by pupil against school personnel, disciplinary procedures, 2333

      Behavior analysis, exemptions from regulation, 1626


             Continuing education, requirements, 740

             Ratio of pupils to specialized instructional support personnel, plans to improve, requirements for larger districts, 739

      Educator Civic Leader, designation of teacher or other personnel, regulation, 1954

      Emergency operations plan development committees, membership, qualifications, 634

      Evaluations, effect of failure to report discrimination based on race, 3366, 3368, 3371

      Hate crimes, additional criminal penalty for certain crimes motivated by certain characteristics of victim, 1530

      Job vacancies, requirements, Internet publication of positions held by certain teachers, 2129

      Licenses and endorsements

             Charter school teachers, requirements, 492-494

             Examinations for initial licensure, administration to certain applicants, requirements, 2600

             Paraprofessionals, qualifications, 3556

      Opioid antagonists, administration to pupils, requirements, liability, 425, 426


             Commission on Professional Standards in Education, duties, 3556

             License, qualifications, 3556


             Discrimination based on race, receipt of reports, development of restorative practices, 3368

             Plans to improve the achievement of pupils, duties, 921

      Professional Development Programs Account, appropriation, 2912, 2913


             Continuing education, requirements, 740

             Internship programs, employment of person while completing, requirements, 3556

             Ratio of pupils to specialized instructional support personnel, plans to improve, requirements for larger districts, 739

      Pupil-teacher ratios

             Certain personnel not to be included as teacher, 2127-2129

             Statewide performance evaluation system, requirements, 2131

      Regional Training Programs, Statewide Council for the Coordination, funding, 2912

      Safety specialists, duties, 641

      Social workers

             Continuing education, requirements, 740

             Ratio of pupils to specialized instructional support personnel, plans to improve, requirements for larger districts, 739

      Specialized instructional support personnel, plan to improve ratio to pupils, requirements for larger districts, 739

      Statewide performance evaluation system

             Pupil-teacher ratios, requirements, 2132

             Use of pupil growth for 2021-2023 school years, 1339


             Development of learning goals for pupils, temporary suspension of requirement, exceptions, 1340

             Distance education, courses offered through program, duties, 3520

             English learners, qualifications to teach, collection of data, 1383

             Internet publication of number of positions held by certain teachers, 2129

             Student teaching, accelerated program of, participation by certain paraprofessionals, 3556

             Teach Nevada Scholarship Program, Account for, appropriation, 2914

             Teacher of the Year program, funding, 2913


      Admission to certain grade levels, age requirements, 1027, 1028

      Age, attendance requirements, 1027, 1028

      Attendance, behavioral health as condition for excusing child, evidence of inability of child to attend, effect on rating of school prohibited, 3221

      Auto-injectable epinephrine, administration by schools, liability, 426

      Behavioral health as condition for child to be excused from attendance, evidence of inability of child to attend, effect on rating of school prohibited, 3221

      Civic Leader, Student, designation, 1954

      Civics Program, State Seal of, establishment, 1952

      Disabilities, pupils with

             Basic support guarantee, requirements, 2916, 2917

             Definition, 2329

             Disciplinary action, requirements, 2326, 2328, 2330, 2334

             Individual education program or other plans

                   Psychiatric hospital or other facility, children admitted to, requirements, 3158-3162

                   Reporting requirements removed, 251

             Special Education Services, Account for State, appropriation, 2909

             Statewide multiplier for support of, establishment, 1108

      Disciplinary action

             Accountability of schools

                   Data to schools that reduce frequency of certain disciplinary actions, 3558

                   Reports, contents, 356, 357, 920, 921, 2319-2321

             Battery against school personnel, procedures, 2333

             Collection of data by schools, requirements, 3560

             Disabilities, pupils with, applicability of laws, 2326, 2328, 2333

             Discrimination based on race prohibited, 1718

             Habitual disciplinary problem, pupils deemed, procedures regarding, 2331, 2334

             Pupils less than 11 years of age, procedures, 2334, 2335

             Race, discrimination based on race prohibited, 1718

             Restorative justice, plan of action based on, applicability of laws, 2333-2335

             Suspension, expulsion or removal

                   Expulsion of pupils, requirements and procedures, 923, 2334, 3563, 3566

                   Restorative justice, plan of action based on, applicability of laws, 3558

                   School accountability, data to schools that reduce frequency, 3558

      Distance education

             Completion of course by certain pupils in shorter period of time than allotted, authority, 3519

             Enrollment, eligibility, 3519

             Information regarding course, receipt, 3520

      Dress codes, discrimination based on race prohibited, 1715

      Emotional disturbance, children with, admission to certain facilities, plan for continued education, requirements, 3158-3162

      English learners

             Identification, 1382

             Policies to teach, 1385

             Publication of rights, 1384

      Financial planning, FAFSA and Nevada College Kick Start Program, education about importance and value of, 1155, 1156

      Hate crimes, additional criminal penalty for certain crimes motivated by certain characteristics of victim, 1530

      Height and weight of pupils, requirements to measure, 252

      Identification cards, certain mental health resource information to appear on card, 3220

      Literacy of pupils, plans to improve, requirements, 251

      Menstrual products, access to, requirements, reports, 3266

      Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association, governing and advisory boards, membership, 3402

      Opioid antagonists, administration to pupils, requirements, liability, 426

      Racially discriminatory identifiers of pupils, requirements regarding, 2073

      Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System, participation, 2819



      Alternative performance framework, rating of school by, effect, 321, 322

      Application to form charter school, consideration by State Public Charter School Authority, requirements, 320

      Auto-injectable epinephrine, administration to pupils, liability, 426

      Campuses, authority of sponsor to eliminate or limit enrollment, 323-325

      Charter contract, termination by sponsor, grounds, 322, 323

      Civic Excellence, Nevada School of, designation, regulation, 1953

      Crisis, emergency, suicide or epidemic

             Emergency Management, Division of, role of coordinating with schools transferred to Office of the Military, 2091-2101

             Emergency operations plan development committees, membership, qualifications, 634

             Meetings concerning response plans, Open Meeting Law inapplicable, 640

             Mental health resources, certain information to appear on pupil identification cards, 3220

             Plan, consultations with certain entities, requirement removed, 637

      Educational management organizations

             Contracts with, requirements, 1005

             Definition, 182

      Elementary, middle, or high schools, authority of sponsor to eliminate or limit enrollment, 323-325

      Enrollment, priority for certain children, 20, 21

      Governing bodies

             Charter management organizations, disclosure of certain information, duties, 2225

             Civics Program, State Seal of, participation, duties, 1953

             Disabilities, pupils with, certain reporting requirements removed, 251

             Disclosure of certain information, duties, 2225, 2228

             Discrimination based on race, incidents of, duties, 3358

             Distance education, plan for conducting program, duties, 3518, 3520

             Dual credit programs, duties, reports, 1097, 3665, 3666

             Educational management organization, contracts with, requirements, 1005

             Examinations and assessments, limitation on time taken from instruction, requests for waivers, 2932

             Financial planning, FAFSA and Nevada College Kick Start Program

                   Duties, 1155-1157

                   Reports, 1156, 1157

             History and contributions of certain groups of persons, requirements for instruction, duties, 947

             Menstrual products, access by pupils, development of plan, reports, 3266

             Opioid antagonists, administration to school pupils, adoption of policy, 426

             Racially discriminatory identifiers of pupils, requirements regarding, 2073

             Reconstitution of governing body by sponsor, grounds, 323, 324

             Retired public employees, employment in summer schools, receipt of fingerprints, 3218

             Substance misuse and substance abuse disorders, curricula and programs, duties, 2835

             Training on governance of schools, completion at certain times, duties, 2224

             Ventilation and filtration systems in schools, assessment and improvement, requirements, reports, 1769-1776

             Work-based learning programs, duties, 303-305

             Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System, participation, duties, 2819

      Opioid antagonists, obtaining and administering to pupils, requirements, liability, 425, 426

      Performance of charter schools, elimination of certain duplicative language, 323-325

      Personnel (See also SCHOOL PERSONNEL)

             Hate crimes, additional criminal penalty for certain crimes motivated by certain characteristics of victim, 1530

             Safety specialists

                   Designation, duty of governing body, 641

                   Duties, 641, 642


                   License or endorsement, requirements, 492-494

                   Qualifications, 22, 23

      Pupil-Centered Funding Plan

             Applicability of laws, 2915, 2916

            Appropriation to Department of Education, transfers to certain charter schools having potential to receive less funding, 2895-2897

      Pupils (See also SCHOOL PUPILS)

             Accountability reports, contents, 920, 921, 3265, 3356

             Dual credit programs, 749-751, 1097, 3665, 3666

             Hate crimes, additional criminal penalty for certain crimes motivated by certain characteristics of victim, 1530

             Literacy of pupils, plans to improve, requirements, 251

             Menstrual products, access by pupils, requirements, reports, 3266

             Mental health resources, certain information to appear on identification cards, 3220

             Racially discriminatory identifiers of pupils, requirements regarding, 2073

             State Seal of Civics Program, establishment, regulation, 1952

             Suspension or expulsion, requirements and procedures, duties, 921, 2326, 2328

             Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System, participation, 2819

      Race, definition, 1717


             Charter contracts, requests to amend, requirements, 2227

             Contracts between governing body and educational management organization, duties, reports, 1005, 2225

             Distance education, plan for conducting program, receipt, 3518

             Proposed operators of proposed charter school, duties of proposed sponsor, 2226

      State Public Charter School Authority

             Application to form school, consideration, time limitation, 320

             COVID-19 pandemic

                   Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds, disbursement of funds to address the impacts of learning loss, 1295

                   Loss of learning as result of, plans to address, powers and duties, 3217

             Internet and telecommunications technology, development of statewide system of gathering data relating to the extent pupils have access, duties, reports, 911-913

             Proposed operators of proposed charter school, duties of proposed sponsor, 2226

             Training on responsibilities of members and governance of schools, duties, 2224

             Unclassified staff, salaries, 1792


      Civic Excellence, Nevada School of, designation, regulation, 1953

      Distance education, plan for conducting program, duties, 3518, 3520

      Dual credit programs, duties, 1097

      Emotional disturbance, children with, admission to certain facilities, plan for continued education, requirements, 3158-3162

      Pupil-Centered Funding Plan, applicability of laws, 2915, 2916

      "Race" defined, 1717

      Racially discriminatory identifiers of pupils, requirements regarding, 2073

      State Seal of Civics Program, establishment, regulation, 1952

      Suspension or expulsion, requirements and procedures, 922, 2328


      Auto-injectable epinephrine, administration to school pupils, liability, 428

      Crisis, emergency, suicide or epidemic

             Emergency operations plan development committees, membership, qualifications, 642

             Meetings concerning response plans, Open Meeting Law inapplicable, 645

             Model management plan, requirements, 638-640

             Response plan, requirements, 642-644

      Emergency Management, Division of, role of coordinating with schools concerning disaster and emergency preparation transferred to Office of the Military, 2100-2102

      Emotional disturbance, children with, admission to certain facilities, plan for continued education, requirements, 3158-3162

      Financial planning, FAFSA and Nevada College Kick Start Program for high school pupils, duties, reports, 1157, 1158

      Opioid antagonists, orders for and administration to pupils, adoption of policy, requirements, liability, 427, 428


      Auto-injectable epinephrine, administration to pupils, liability, 426

      Civic Excellence, Nevada School of, designation, regulation, 1953

      Courses of instruction

             Civics, 905

             Dual credit programs, 749-751, 1097, 3665, 3666

             Ethnic and diversity studies, 1958

             Financial literacy, 905

             History and contributions of certain groups of persons, requirements, 947

             Multicultural education, 905

             Social studies, 905, 1956

             Substance misuse or substance use disorders, 2819

      Crisis, emergency, suicide or epidemic

             Emergency Management, Division of, role of coordinating with schools transferred to Office of the Military, 2091-2101

             Meetings concerning response plans, Open Meeting Law inapplicable, 640

             Mental health resources, certain information to appear on pupil identification cards, 3220

             Model management plan, requirements, 638-640

             Response plan, requirements, 635

      Days of school, removal of certain restrictions on alternative schedules, 3516

      Examinations and assessments

             Accountability reports, contents, 12, 13

             COVID-19 pandemic, plan to address loss of learning, inclusion of certain standardized assessment results, 3219

             Criterion-referenced examinations, temporary waiver or pause of requirements authorized, effect, 12, 25

             Reading proficiency, time for assessment, 251

             Review of tests administered to pupils, duties of Department of Education, 2932

             Time taken to conduct tests and number of tests administered in school year, limitation, regulations, waiver of limitations, 2932

      High school

             Adult high school diploma, requirements for enrollment in program, regulation, 931

             Civics Program, State Seal of, establishment, 1952

             Financial planning, FAFSA and Nevada College Kick Start Program, education about importance and value of, 1155, 1156

             Jobs for America’s Graduates Program, funding, 2910

             Social studies, requirements for graduation, 1955

      Immigration enforcement, model policies, duties, 3907

      Instructional materials to include history and contribution of certain groups of persons, requirements, 948

      Opioid antagonists, orders for and administration to pupils, requirements, liability, 425, 426

      Personnel (See SCHOOL PERSONNEL)

      Pupil-teacher ratios

             Certain personnel not to be included as teacher, 2127-2129

             Statewide performance evaluation system, effect of exceeding recommended ratio, 2131

      Pupils (See SCHOOL PUPILS)

      Safe and respectful learning environment, accountability reports, contents, 2319-2321, 3356, 3357

      Ventilation system

             Plan for safe return, addendum requirements, 1776

             Schools having little or no system, duty of certain personnel to complete an assessment report, 1773

      We the People program in schools, appropriation in support of, 3717

      Week of Respect, inclusion of information relating to racial discrimination, 3370, 3372


      Broadband infrastructure grants, establishment of program, duties, 3448, 3450

      Broadband Ready Communities Certification program, establishment, duties, 3449

      Director, employment status changed to unclassified service, 2757

      Pupils, access to Internet and telecommunications technology, development of statewide system of gathering data relating to the extent pupils have access, duties, 911-913


      Alcohol, cannabis or marijuana violations, sealing of records for offenders under age 21, requirements, 851, 853, 858, 860

      Child found to be incompetent, authority to request sealing of records, procedures, 2555

      Denial of petition to seal records, grounds for appeal, 2598

      Juvenile court, petitions to seal records, grounds, procedures, 3425, 3426

      Procedures, 2598


      Cannabis establishment agent registration card for cannabis receivers, possession of card does not constitute probable cause for search, 2154

      No-knock search warrants

             Contents of warrant to indicate whether warrant is no-knock warrant, 197

             Definition, 195

             Execution, requirements, 196

             Issuance, requirements, warrants deemed void, 195, 196


      2020 General Election for Assembly District 21, receipt of report regarding contest, 4038

      Ballot stock, postage and postcard notifications, appropriation for costs, 1266

      Charitable organizations, violations, remedies, 229, 230

      Computer hardware and software, appropriation for replacement, 2867

      Confidentiality of personal information contained in records, persons authorized to request, 289, 290, 665-667, 1241, 1263, 1264

      Credit card processing fees, projected shortfall related to, appropriations, 2869

      Deputy of Securities, duties, reports, 246, 247

      Document preparation services, duties, 937, 938

      Survey of businesses, extension of prospective expiration of provisions, 3524

      Unclassified staff, salaries, 1781


      Reverse-repurchase agreements, authorized investments of state money, requirements, 1941


      Agricultural crops, containers for seeds, requirements, 2023

      Containers of seed, labels, requirements, 2023

      Definitions, 2021

      Plant Health and Compliance, creation of Division in State Department of Agriculture, appointment of Administrator, classification, duties, use of certain fees, 100, 102, 103


      Dangerous wild animals, procedures, 1734


      Credits on term of imprisonment, emergency declared due to communicable or infectious disease, additional credits against sentence, 2602

      Felonies, additional penalty for certain crimes motivated by certain characteristics of victim, 1530

      Misdemeanors, additional penalty for certain crimes motivated by certain characteristics of victim, 1531

      Presentence investigations, reports, 2423


      Biennial reports, contents, requirement of additional reports removed, 2414

      Costs avoided by passage of certain legislation, calculation, duties, 2444

      Local Justice Reinvestment Coordinating Council, Nevada, qualification of members, duties, 2420, 2421


      Corrections, Department of, list of offenders receiving credits while incarcerated during COVID-19 emergency, receipt of reports, 2602

      Data management, personnel costs related to, appropriation, 2444

      Executive Director, assistance to Nevada Sentencing Commission, 2412

      Unclassified staff, salaries, 1787


      Residential individual systems for, notices, regulation, 3410, 3412

      State parks, collection and use of certain fees, 98

      Wastewater utilities, submission of vulnerability assessments to Division of Emergency Management, 263


      Equality of rights under law guaranteed to all persons, constitutional amendment, 3992, 3993


      Abolishment, duties transferred to Advisory Commission on the Administration of Justice, 242

      Special Account for the Support of the Committee, transfer of money to Special Account for the Support of the Advisory Commission on the Administration of Justice, 242


      Attorney General, concurrent jurisdiction, 165

      Criminal prosecution, limitation of time to bring action, 834

      Prostitution or solicitation, belief of prosecuting attorney that person charged is victim of sex trafficking, effect, 3119


      Civil actions, elimination of limitation on time to commence action, liability, 1585


      Committee on Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Human Trafficking, composition, duties, 659

      Definition revised by replacing gendered language with gender-neutral language, 1392

      Juvenile court, removal of certain exclusions from jurisdiction, certification of child as an adult, 3420-3422

      Military Justice, Nevada Code of, revision of certain provisions, 465, 466

      Nevada System of Higher Education, procedures relating to sexual misconduct, 3669-3683

      Office of Ombudsman for Victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Human Trafficking, duties, 658

      Orders for protection

             Central Repository, monitoring of compliance by law enforcement agencies, annual reports, 612

             Child under 18 years of age as adverse party, jurisdiction of courts, procedures, 605-609

             Statistical data, accessibility on Central Repository’s website, duties, 619


             Aid for Victims of Domestic Violence or Sexual Assault, Account for, use, 132, 3256

             Fictitious address issued to victims, requests for confidentiality of personal information, 286-291

             Grants to nonprofit organizations providing services to victims, eligibility requirements, 132, 3255

             Hospitals and independent centers for emergency medical care who provide care to victims, duties, training of employees, 1067, 1070

             Pelvic examination on anesthetized or unconscious patient prohibited, exceptions, 1571

             Sexually transmitted diseases, provision of information concerning testing to victim, 3192


      Contract provisions prohibiting testimony at certain proceedings deemed void and unenforceable, 164

      Diversity survey, requirements, 3522

      Executive Department, sex-based harassment, prohibited acts, requirements and complaint procedures, 1912-1914

      Military Justice, Nevada Code of, establishment of offense, penalties, 465


      Creation, membership, 3670

      Duties, 3672


      Doxing, civil actions, remedies, 2136

      Equality of rights under law guaranteed to all persons, constitutional amendment, 3992, 3993

      Hate crimes, additional criminal penalty for certain crimes motivated by certain characteristics of victim, 1530

      Health care and behavioral health services, grants to reduce disparities in, 2701, 2706

      Information related to sexual orientation collected by governmental agencies, requirements, confidentiality of information, 3166-3169

      Juvenile justice system, persons employed in, cultural competency, training requirements, 2628

      Peace officers, evaluation to identify implicit bias, 574

      Receiving centers for commercially sexually exploited children, treatment of child in accordance with child’s sexual orientation, 2646

      School instruction in history and contributions of certain groups of persons, requirements, 947

      Small or disadvantaged business entities

             LGBTQ-owned businesses, right to receive certain additional information, 3171

             Transportation, Department of, award of contracts for certain projects, duties, 3175

      State agencies

             Collaboration with minority groups, accessibility to programs and services, 3227

             Diversity and inclusion liaison, designation, duties, distribution of information, reports, 3227

             Employees to reflect demographic diversity of State, public policy of State, requirements, 2703


      Emergency medical services, testing by providers, exceptions, 3138

      Pregnant women, examination and testing, requirements, 2573


      Animal Industry, Division of, appointment of Administrator, classification, duties, 101

      State Veterinarian, appointment, qualifications, duties, 100, 101


      Immigration, model policies, duties, 3906

      Indigent litigants, process served on behalf of, 490

      Older or vulnerable persons, reports of abuse, neglect, exploitation, isolation or abandonment, receipt, duties, 2624

      Qualifications, requirements in certain counties, 3465

      Use-of-force data, duties, reports, 2638

      Vessels, certain offenses relating to, requirement to issue and discretionary issuance, 3469, 3470


      Interpreters, registration

             Nonprofit civic organizations, requirements to practice sign language interpreting, 1534

             Provisional registration, requirements, 1535, 1544

             Supplemental registration to practice in legal or medical settings, elimination, 1537

      "Practice of interpreting," terminology changed to "practice of sign language interpreting,” 1534, 1544


      Elections (See ELECTIONS)

      Gaming Commission, State, regulations regarding electronic signatures on credit instruments, 1304

      Land, divisions of, filing, submission and presentation of certain maps and related documents, electronic signature authorized, exception, 1297

      Pen register or trap and trace device, applications for use, 215


      Single-stall restrooms provided to public, inclusiveness and accessibility, requirements, prohibited acts, penalties and remedies, 2345, 2349


      Excise tax on annual gross revenue from extraction in State, imposition and collection, penalties, 1274-1279


      Automatic voter registration agency, designation, 3850

      Public Option, public health benefit plan, establishment, duties, appropriation, 3617-3622, 3647, 3648

      Tradespersons, policy of insurance to meet needs of, duties, 3625

      Unclassified staff, salaries, 1792


      Eligibility, 3691

      Nevada System of Higher Education, use of appropriated money, 1295


      Sounding of by counties, cities or towns, prohibited acts, 2073


      Criminal punishment, use as, removal of language authorizing, constitutional amendment, 4008


      Creation, 1148

      Duties, 1148-1151

      Requests by small business for assistance

             Protocol, 1151

             Review, authority, 1150


      COVID-19 pandemic, grants for operational support to certain entities impacted by, 2

      LGBTQ-owned businesses, right to receive additional information upon application for state business license, 3171


      Medical debt, small claims actions initiated by collection agencies, authority, 1670


      Controlled substances, eligibility following felony conviction for possession, use or distribution, requirements, 73, 74

      Division of Food and Nutrition, Department of Agriculture, creation, appointment of Administrator, classification, duties, 100, 101


      Doxing, civil actions, remedies, 2136


      Assisted outpatient treatment, admission of person to mental health facilities, procedures, 3068-3077

      Board of Examiners for Social Workers

             Assisted outpatient treatment, sworn statements, regulations, 3115

             Continuing education for licensees, duties, 740, 891

             Inactive status of license, regulation, 3493

             Official transcripts, alternate means for submission, duties, 3493

             Recordings used for certain training activities, duties, regulation, 2194

             Regional behavioral health policy boards, reporting requirements, 3494

             Remote supervision, regulations, 3493


             Applications, requirements, 3492, 3493, 3497

             Clinical social worker, requirements, 3496

             Continuing education

                   Cultural competency and diversity, equity and inclusion, requirements, 884

                   School social workers, regulations, 740

             Inactive status, placement on, 3493

             Independent social worker, requirements, 3495

             Master social worker, requirements, 3494

             Provisional license, 3497, 3498

      Mental health records, requirements concerning recordings used for certain training activities, 2194

      Mobile crisis intervention services performed by behavioral health specialists, immunities from liability, 897

      Peer recovery support specialists and specialist supervisors, laws inapplicable, 2834



      Deceptive trade practices, solicitation by telephone or text message or during sales presentation, acts constituting, 1345

      Political action, committees for, campaign solicitations and text messaging, disclosure requirements, 819


             Attorney General, concurrent jurisdiction, 165

             Peace officers, provision of certain information to person cited or arrested, requirements, 3119

             Sex trafficking, belief of prosecuting attorney that person charged is victim of sex trafficking, effect, 3119

      Public buildings, unlawful sale, solicitation or delivery of certain goods on public property, exceptions, 847

      Vending machines, solicitation or delivery of certain goods on public property, unlawful sales, exceptions, 847


      Divine Nine, issuance of special license plates in support of, 3733


      Members, qualifications, 2165

      Redevelopment projects, employment plans and progress reports, receipt, 2161, 2162


      Elections, charter amendments

             Ballots, when name of candidate must appear on, 716, 717

             Elected officials, when deemed to have entered office, 717

      Walking audits of urbanized areas, collaboration, 3446, 3447


      Abolishment, duties transferred to Department of Motor Vehicles, 362

      Charitable organizations, violations by, procedures following, 50-52, 696-698

      Composition, 2535


      Size, weight or load exceeding legal maximum, permits regarding, procedure, 38-40


      Health care providers, database of information concerning, duties of Board, 805


      Online ticket sales by qualified professional sports organization, requirements, 1388

      Vegas Golden Knights hockey team, special license plates, additional fees, 442


      Hospitality and Travel Workers Right to Return Act, Nevada (See HOSPITALITY ENTERPRISES)


      Hospitality and Travel Workers Right to Return Act, Nevada (See HOSPITALITY ENTERPRISES)


      Doxing, civil actions, remedies, 2136

      Fictitious address issued to victims, requests for confidentiality of personal information, 286-291

      Orders for protection

             Central Repository, monitoring of compliance by law enforcement agencies, annual reports, 612

             Child under 18 years of age as adverse party, jurisdiction of courts, procedures, 605-609

             Statistical data, accessibility on Central Repository’s website, duties, 619

      Technical violations of parole, system of graduated sanctions, use, 2434, 2435


      Debts owed to state agencies

             Certification of peer recovery support specialists or specialist supervisors, requirements, 2814

             Exploration projects or mining operations, effect of defaulted obligations relating to reclamation, 2340

             State business license holders, suspension of license, reinstatement, 2273


             Inclusion and diversity liaison, designation, duties, distribution of information, reports, 3227

             Officer and employee training in diversity and racial equity, requirements, 2703

             State employees to reflect the diversity of State, public policy, 2703

             Survey conducted by UNLV, requirements, 3521-3524


             Applicant’s wage or salary history, authorized and prohibited acts, penalties for violations, 1678, 1679, 1682, 1683

             Equity in the workplace, annual reports, 1886

             Unlawful employment practices, remedies of employee, 1679

             Wage or salary range or rate for a position, promotion or transfer to new position, disclosures, requirements, 1678, 1683

      Executive Department, annual fee to be charged for each employee position that falls within a designated bargaining unit, use, 2801

      Firefighting foam containing perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoralkyl substances, discharge, use or release, requirements and prohibitions, 480, 481

      Gender identity, information related to gender identity collected by governmental agencies, requirements, confidentiality of information, 3166-3169

      Health care providers, database of information regarding, establishment, duties of professional licensing boards and agencies, 796-810

      Immigration, model policies, duties, 3906

      Investigation Division, Chief to assist in criminal investigations, 916

      Juvenile justice, investigations of patterns and practices that deprive persons of certain rights, investigations, procedures, 186-188

      Language access plans, duties, 3234

      Live entertainment tax, exemptions, 2710

      Minority groups, collaboration with, accessibility to programs and services, duties, 3227

      Motor vehicles used in investigations, special license plates for, 689, 690

      Occupational, vocational and technical training, provision for equivalent credit towards requirements for professional and occupational licenses and certificates, regulations, 2156

      Prescription drugs, agreements with private entities for purchase of drugs and related services, authority, 1753

      Pro bono legal services, contracts for, requirements, 651, 652

      Redevelopment projects, employment plans and progress reports, receipt, duties, 2161, 2165

      Sex- or gender-based harassment or discrimination, prohibited acts, requirements and complaint procedures, 1912-1914

      Sexual orientation, information related to sexual orientation collected by governmental agencies, requirements, confidentiality of information, 3166-3169

      Small Business Advocacy, Office of, duty of agencies to cooperate with and assist, 1148


      Attorney General, qualifications, 932


      Apprenticeship Council, State, skilled trades, proposed programs, duties, 812-815

      Behavioral Health, Commission on, receipt of reports, 2844, 2848


             Inclusion and diversity liaison, designation, duties, distribution of information, reports, 3227

             State employees to reflect the diversity of State, public policy, 2703

             Survey conducted by UNLV, requirements, 3521-3524

      Financial Independence, Nevada Statewide Council on, creation, 1548

      Gender identity, information related to gender identity collected by governmental agencies, requirements, confidentiality of information, 3166-3169

      Gubernatorial appointees, restrictions on appointments, 272

      Health care providers, database of information regarding, establishment, duties of professional licensing boards and agencies, 796-810

      Investigation Division, Chief to assist in criminal investigations, 916

      Language access plans, duties, 3234

      Minority groups, collaboration with, accessibility to programs and services, 3227

      New Energy Industry Task Force, abolishment, 3808

      Occupational, vocational and technical training, provision for equivalent credit towards requirements for professional and occupational licenses and certificates, regulations, 2156

      Peer recovery support specialists or specialist supervisors, renewal of certification, requirements, 2814

      Pro bono legal services, contracts for, requirements, 651, 652

      Public lands, Board of Review, repeal of provisions, 565

      Sentencing Commission, Nevada, duties, 2412, 2414, 2419-2421

      Sex- or gender-based harassment or discrimination, prohibited acts, requirements and complaint procedures, 1912-1914

      Sex Offender Registration, Advisory Committee to Study Laws Concerning, abolishment, duties transferred, 242

      Sexual Misconduct at Institutions of Higher Education, Task Force on, creation, 3670

      Sexual orientation, information related to sexual orientation collected by governmental agencies, requirements, confidentiality of information, 3166-3169

      Small Business Advocacy, Office of, agencies of Executive Department to cooperate with and assist, 1148

      Southern Nevada Enterprise Community Board

             Employment plans and progress reports, receipt, 2161, 2162

             Members, qualifications, 2165

      Telehealth, regulations of regulatory bodies that conflict with certain provisions of law relating to telehealth void, 3046

      Traffic Safety, Advisory Committee on, creation, 161

      Transmission Coordination Task Force, Regional, creation, 3788


      Single-stall restrooms provided to public, inclusiveness and accessibility, requirements, prohibited acts, penalties and remedies, 2344


      Appropriations for certain capital improvement projects, duties, 2880

      Business licenses, state, duties, 2273

      Capital improvement projects, funding, duties, 2884

      Clergy services for Legislature, payment, duties, 4002

      Consolidated Bond Interest and Redemption Fund, duties, 2889

      Federal Assistance, Nevada Advisory Council on, membership, 3710

      Foreign bonds, notes or other obligations, authorized investments, duties, 454

      General appropriations legislation, duties, 1801, 1819-1821, 1823-1826

      General authorized expenditures legislation, duties, 2776, 2781, 2782

      Grant Procurement, Coordination and Management, Account for the Office of, duties, appropriation, 3715

      Printers, appropriation for replacement of, 2863

      Private Investigator’s Licensing Board, Fund for the, duties, 55


      COVID-19, appreciation for assistance to Legislature with its response to pandemic during 81st Session expressed, 4039, 4045


      Abandoned Property Trust Account, transfer of certain money to Grant Matching Fund, 3710, 3716

      ABLE Savings Program, Nevada, deposits and use of Endowment Account, 30, 31

      Air Quality, Account for the Management of, sources, 584, 585

      Broadband Infrastructure, Account for the Grant Program for, creation, 3448, 3451

      Budget stress tests, Fiscal Analysis Division to perform, requirements, 1039

      Children’s Advocacy Centers, Account to Support, creation, sources, use, 537

      Consolidated Bond Interest and Redemption Fund, sources, use, 2884, 2889, 2891

      Consumer Protection Administrative Account, creation, sources, use, 2184-2186

      Consumer Protection Legal Account, creation, sources, use, 2183

      Contingency Account, restoration of balance, appropriation, 2750

      Crisis Response Account, creation, sources, use, 2843

      Deposits of state money, weekly deposits required, exceptions, 330, 331

      Domestic Violence, Account for Aid for Victims of, name change, funding, 132, 3256

      Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault and Human Trafficking, Account for Programs Related to, use, 658

      Education Fund, State, sources, 1282, 1288

      Emergency Account, restoration of balance, appropriation, 2750

      Endowment Account, use, 1946

      Energy Assistance and Conservation, Fund for, use, 36

      Family Planning, Account for, appropriation, 1835

      Federal Assistance, Account for Office of, name change, 3709

      Foreign bonds, notes or other obligations, authorized investments, requirements, 452, 454, 455, 458

      Grant Matching Account, creation, sources, use, 3704

      Grant Procurement, Coordination and Management, Account for Office of, name change, 3709

      Healthy Nevada, Fund for a, use, 65

      Highway Fund, State

             Costs of administration, limitation, 1997

             Use, 1794, 1795

      Ignition Interlock Program, Account for, creation, 2453

      Indian Commission’s Gift Fund, Nevada, sources, 2078, 2079

      Indigent Defense Services, Special Account for the Support of, creation, sources, use, 2267

      Interim debentures to pay general obligations of State, procedures, 672

      Justice, Special Account for the Support of the Advisory Commission on the Administration of, sources, 242

      Legislative Fund, sources, use, 2538, 2894

      Local Government Tax Distribution Account, allocations and distributions, 56-62

      Minority Health and Equity Account, creation, sources, use, 2703

      Motor Vehicles, Revolving Account for the Assistance of the Department of, abolishment, 2872

      Nevada Higher Education Prepaid Tuition Trust Fund, use, 560

      Nevada Promise Scholarship Account, sources, 2863

      Nevada State Prison

             Endowment Fund for the Historic Preservation of the Nevada State Prison, prohibition regarding reserved principal removed, sources, 2081

             Silver State Industries Endowment Fund, allocation of money, requirements, 2080

             Trust fund, requirement to create removed, 2082

      Nutritious Food Purchase Account, creation, 1095

      Off-Highway Vehicles, Account for, sources, 2872

      Parks, Account for Maintenance of State, sources, use, 98

      Pensions for Silicosis, Diseases Related to Asbestos and Other Disabilities, Account for, sources, 2867

      Petroleum, Fund for Cleaning Up Discharges of, use, 585, 1866

      Pollution Control Account, distribution of certain fees, repeal of provisions, 701, 702

      Prisoners’ Personal Property Fund, sources, 1896, 1899, 1901

      Private Investigator’s Licensing Board, Fund for the, abolishment, 54, 55

      Public Land Trust Fund, provisions repealed, 565

      Public Option Trust Fund, creation, 3621

      Renewable Energy Account, uses, 3779

      Reserve for Statutory Contingency Account

             Collective-bargaining agreements, compensation of fact-finding panels, provisions repealed, 1767, 1768

            Presidential primary elections, payment of costs, 3901

             Restoration of balance, appropriation, 2750

             Special primary and special general elections, payment of costs under certain circumstances, 1975, 1980

      Resilient Nevada, Fund for a, creation, sources, use, 2847, 2856

      Salvage Titles, Revolving Account for the Issuance of, sources, 7

      Sexual Assault, Account for Aid for Victims of Domestic Violence or, use, 132, 3256

      Sexual Assault and Human Trafficking, Account for Programs Related to Domestic Violence, use, 658

      Small Business Advocacy, Account for, creation, sources, use, 1151

      Special License Plates, Revolving Account for the Issuance of, sources, 3735

      Stale Claims Account, restoration of balance, appropriation, 2750

      Technology Account, creation, administration, sources and use, 3532-3542

      Unemployment Compensation Fund, sources, 2877

      Victim Support Gift Account, establishment, sources, use, 2260

      Victims of Crime, Fund for the Compensation of, sources, 1897-1901

      Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education’s Account, name change, 2612

      Western Regional Higher Education Compact Account, abolished, 2618

      Wildlife Account, sources, 2584, 2587

      Wildlife Trust Fund, sources, 1756


      Purpose, 561


      Stewart Indian School, agreements with Museum Director, requirements, 2079


      Compensation, prohibited acts related to employment contracts, exceptions, 2207

      Correctional officers, duty of employer to make available certain information and counseling relating to mental health issues, 2138

      Deposits of state money, weekly deposits required, exceptions, 330, 331

      Diversity, state officers and employees to reflect the diversity of State, public policy, 2703


             Applicant’s wage or salary history, authorized and prohibited acts, penalties for violations, 1678, 1679, 1682, 1683


                   Inclusion and diversity liaison, designation, duties, distribution of information, reports, 3227

                   Officer and employee training in diversity and racial equity, requirements, 2703

                   State employees to reflect the diversity of State, public policy, 2703

                   Survey conducted by UNLV, requirements, 3521-3524

             Equity in the workplace, annual reports, 1886

             Unlawful employment practices, remedies of employee, 1679

             Wage or salary range or rate for a position, promotion or transfer to new position, disclosures, requirements, 1678, 1683

      Firefighters, duty of employer to make available certain information and counseling relating to mental health issues, 2138

      Gaming Control Board, Nevada, certain officers and employees exempt from State Personnel System, 1302

      Juvenile justice, investigations of patterns and practices that deprive persons of certain rights, investigations, procedures, 186-188

      Marijuana use by employees, prohibition on having specified amount of marijuana metabolite in blood eliminated, effect on claims for industrial insurance, 1465, 1466

      Medicare supplemental policies, requirements, 882

      Police officers, duty of employer to make available certain information and counseling relating to mental health issues, 2138

      Pro bono legal services, contracts for, requirements, procedures, 651, 652

      Public Employees’ Benefits Program, Board of the, representation, 1778

      "Race" defined, 1708

      Respect, dignity and equity, all employees to be afforded, legislative declaration, 1886

      School districts or charter schools, hiring of retired public employees, background checks, requirements, 3218

      Sex- or gender-based harassment or discrimination, prohibited acts, requirements and complaint procedures, 1912-1914

      Termination of employment, receipt of certain payments or benefits, requirements, 2208

      Unclassified service, compensation, 1779-1799

      Unfair trade practices, proceedings instituted by Attorney General, provision of information, requirements, 310, 311


      Account for Maintenance of State Parks, sources, use, 98

      Sewer, water, communication and electrical systems, collection and use of certain fees, 98


      Nevada Reports and advance sheets, certain duties removed, 219-221


      Counties, fees for services, collection, 2779


      Filing of actions or arbitration in another state or nation, prohibited provisions in purchasing contract, 2025

      Indemnification of another party by State, prohibition against in purchasing contract, 2025

      Inverse preference, imposition on bidders with principal place of business in another state under certain circumstances, 298

      Prescription drugs, pharmaceutical services and medical supplies, agencies to report to Purchasing Division, removal of requirement, 2027


      Geographic Names, Nevada State Board on, duty to serve as Executive Secretary removed, 169


      Abandoned or unclaimed property, powers and duties, 84-86

      ABLE Savings Program, Nevada

             Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds, disbursement of funds, requirements, 2878

             Powers and duties, 30, 31

      Broadband voluntary contribution program, establishment, duties, 3450, 3451

      Consolidated Bond Interest and Redemption Fund, duties, 2889

      Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds, disbursement of funds, duties, 2878

      Divine Nine, special license plates, duties, 3734

      Federal Assistance, Nevada Advisory Council on, membership, 3710

      Financial Independence, Nevada Statewide Council on, member, duties, 1548

      Financial Literacy and Security, Deputy of, appointment, 1564

      Foreign bonds, notes or other obligations, authorized investments, duties, 452, 454

      General authorized expenditures legislation, duties, 2779

      Healthy Nevada, Fund for a, duties, 64, 65

      Individual Development Account Program, creation, duties, 1550

      Infrastructure Bank, Nevada State, provision of technical advice, support and assistance, 3816

      Interim debentures to pay for general operations of State, procedures, 672

      Plant Health and Compliance, Division of, duties regarding certain fees, 103

      Public Option Trust Fund, duties, 3621

      Rental assistance for defaulting tenants, duties, 2124

      Reverse-repurchase agreements, authorized investments, duties, 1941

      Salvage Titles, Revolving Account for the Issuance of, duties, 8

      Scholarship and grant programs, study concerning effectiveness, duties, reports, 1945

      Schools, FAFSA and related financial events, receipt of reports regarding pupil involvement, 1156-1158

      State Permanent School Fund, duties, 1943

      Taxation, Department of, deposit to account of Department a certain amount of property taxes collected as a commission, 2901

      Unclassified staff, salaries, 1781

      Vegas Golden Knights, special license plates, additional fees, duties, 442

      Victims of Crime, Fund for the Compensation of, duties, 1897-1901


      Bulk storage facility, duties of operator relating to violations, procedures, 141-143

      Definition, expansion, 1863

      Fund for Cleaning Up Discharges of Petroleum

             Board to Review Claims, duties, 1866

             Eligibility for coverage of certain costs from, requirements, 1865

      Operator, definition expanded, 1862

      Petroleum heating products

             Additives, definition, 136

             Definition, 138

             Specifications for products

                   Adoption and enforcement, 139

                   Sales of nonconforming products prohibited, additional penalties, 141


             Procedures, removal of duty of State Sealer of Consumer Equitability, 141

             Update of certain publication, 143


             Penalties, 1012, 1013

             Removal and disposition, procedures, 140


      Carson Water Subconservancy District

             Board of Directors, members, appointive duties, 720, 722

             Boundaries, expansion, 719

             Taxation of property within District, restriction, payment from county’s general fund to District in lieu, 720

      State Public Defender, fees for services, 2779


      All-terrain vehicles, operation of large all-terrain vehicles, requirements, 1442


      Definitions, 1720

      Purchase companies, registration, requirements, prohibited acts, 1722-1725

      Repeal of certain provisions, 1731

      Transfer of right to payment, requirements, procedures, 1726-1730


      Electronic filing, submission and presentation of certain maps and other documents, authority, exception, 1297

      Wildlife and habitat, consideration of potential impact of land use proposals, requirements, 2585, 2586


      Agricultural police officers, service of process, power, 1907


      Emergency response employees, collection of information regarding suicide and attempted suicide, requirements, 338

      Health, State Board of, reports from certain health care providers to Chief Medical Officer of information relating to suicide, requirements, 865

      Hotline, suicide prevention, establishment, 2842

      Pupil identification cards, certain suicide prevention resource information to appear on card, 3220

      Veterans, duties of Department of Veterans Services related to preventing suicide among, 434


      Arrest warrants, issuance of summons instead of arrest warrant, requirements, 192, 193


      Advanced estheticians, suspension of license under certain circumstances, expiration of provision, 2698

      Affordable housing transferable tax credits, continuation, 1045

      Board of Regents, reports regarding student veterans, sunset removed, 998

      Construction managers at risk, expiration of authority of public bodies to enter into contracts with, sunset removed, 2218

      Court Administrator, Office of, distribution of money collected from administrative assessments, repeal of prospective expiration of provision, 2736

      Diversity survey to be conducted by UNLV, expiration, 3524

      Enterprise funds, use of funds authorized for construction of fire stations, 1146

      Grant matching pilot program, continuation, 3715, 3716

      Highway Fund, State, costs of administration, expiration of certain limitation, 1999

      Hospitality and Travel Workers Right to Return Act, Nevada, prospective expiration of provisions, 3598

      Interim debentures to pay for general operations, repeal of expiration, 674

      National Guard, exemption from sales and use taxes for purchases by certain members and relatives, expiration, 2084, 2086

      Nonfunctional Turf Removal Advisory Committee, expiration, 2180

      Peer recovery support specialists and specialist supervisors, suspension of license, expiration of provision, 2836

      Public utilities, expiration of certain provisions concerning energy programs, 3808

      Public works

             Expiration of authority of public bodies to enter into contracts with construction managers at risk, removal, 736

             Job order contracts, pilot program to gather data on use, expiration, 3514

      Rental assistance, expiration of provisions, 2125


             COVID-19 pandemic, plan to address loss of learning, prospective expiration of provisions, 3219

             Dual credit programs, prospective expiration of provisions, 3666

             Teachers, effects of learning goals for 2020-2022 school years, expiration of provisions, 1340

             Ventilation and filtration systems in schools, prospective expiration of provisions, 1776

      Self-insured employers, expiration of provision, 3002

      Small Business Advocacy, Office of, expiration of provisions, 1154

      Survey of businesses by Secretary of State, extension of prospective expiration of provisions, 3524

      Transportation, Department of, prospective expiration of certain provisions relating to LGBTQ-owned businesses, 3178


      Adult high school diploma, appropriation for courses of study, duties, 2910

      Civic Excellence, Nevada School of, designation, regulation, 1953

      Civics Program, State Seal of, establishment, regulation, 1952

      COVID-19 pandemic, plan to address loss of learning as result of, receipt, duties, 3217, 3219

      Days of school, duties, 3516

      Department (See EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF)

      Educator Civic Leader, designation of employee as, regulation, 1954

      Financial Independence, Nevada Statewide Council on, membership, 1548

      Holocaust and other genocides, subcommittee to review and make recommendations concerning instruction of pupils, membership, 1161

      Lunch Program, National School, transfer of duties to Director of State Department of Agriculture, 1113

      Retired public employees, employment in summer schools, receipt of fingerprints, 3218

      Salary, 1784

      State Education Fund

             Duties, 1102-1104, 1109, 1112-1115, 1124, 1130

             Funding of operation from fund, requirement eliminated, 1105

      Student Civic Leader, designation of pupil as, regulation, 1954

      Traffic Safety, Advisory Committee on, membership, 161

      Workforce development, committee to conduct interim study of alignment of workforce training and programs offered by community colleges, membership, 1202


      Chief Justice

             Corrections, Department of, list of offenders receiving credits while incarcerated during COVID-19 emergency, receipt of reports, 2602

             Court Administrator

                   Committee to advise, receipt of annual report regarding court interpreters, 930

                   Equity in the workplace, receipt of reports, 1889

             Printing of Nevada Reports, decisions regarding, 220

             Sentencing Commission, Nevada, receipt of reports, 2414

             Traffic Safety, Advisory Committee on, membership, 162


             Fees, removal of authority to charge fees to certain persons for receipt of court decisions, 218

             Nevada Reports of district judges, replacement of volumes, procedures, 220

      Computer hardware and software, certain expenditures for replacement authorized, appropriations, 2001, 2002

      Cultural competency training, authority to require, 2629

      Equity in the workplace, annual reports, duties of Court Administrator, 1889

      Judicial Discipline, Commission on, study of certain issues, duties, 160

      Medical malpractice cases, training regarding, certain requirement removed, 222

      Nevada Reports and advance sheets, printing, sales and distribution, powers and duties, 219-222

      Pen register or trap and trace device, authority regarding use by certain peace officers, 215

      Rules, inclusion in Nevada Revised Statutes, provisions removed, 220

      Trial courts, statewide technology system, appropriation, 1996

      Unclassified staff, salaries, 1792, 1798


      Unlicensed caregivers, training, requirements, 363, 364


      Interception and disclosure of wire communications, 1736


      Pregnant women, examination for discovery of syphilis, requirements, 2573



      East Shore Trail, Congress urged to provide funding for completion, 3998

      Environmental Improvement Program, issuance of general obligation bonds, requirements, 1007, 1008

      Fire codes, rules and regulations, certain duties of State Forester Firewarden removed, 630

      Nevada System of Higher Education, legislative resolution supporting NSHE to work collaboratively to address needs of Basin, 4027

      Transportation, legislative resolution supporting identification of key transportation priorities, 4006


      Unclassified service, salaries, duties, 1798


      Sister-state relationship with State of Nevada, legislative resolution celebrating, 4018


      Eagles, prohibited acts, civil penalties, 1085, 1086


      Gold and silver extracted in State, excise tax on annual gross revenue, duties, 1278


      Accommodations facilitators, receipt of reports, 2397, 2406

      Affordable housing projects, transferable tax credits for qualified projects, receipt of information, duties, 1043, 1044

      Brew pubs, audits, duties, 1689

      Budget Division, Office of Finance, disclosure of certain confidential information to, authority, 26

      Cannabis, criminal investigations regarding, Investigation Division to assist upon request, 914, 916

      Cigarettes and other tobacco products, violations, duties, 445

      City-county relief tax, duties, 56-62, 2008, 2009

      Diversity survey, duties, 3523, 3524

      Gold and silver extracted in State, excise tax on annual gross revenue, collection, duties, 1274

      Independent Development Account Program, tax credits for donations made to fiduciary organizations, duties, 1550

      Information systems hardware, software and printers, appropriation, 1994, 1995

      Liquor stores, delivery of liquor to consumers, regulations, 1692, 1693

      Minerals, tax on net proceeds to be deposited in State Education Fund, requirements, 1282

      Modified business tax, personnel costs related to, allocations from appropriation, 2750

      Motor vehicles, short-term lessors, authority to maintain records electronically, duty to make electronic records available upon request, 377

      Offices in Las Vegas Valley, relocation and consolidation, appropriation, 2755

      Peer-to-peer car sharing programs

             Appropriation, 1860

             Duties, 1842-1844, 1855-1860

      Property of an interstate or intercounty nature, property taxes, duties, retention of commission, 2901

      Sales and use tax, duties, 53, 2286

      Seller’s permits, duties, 2008, 2009

      Unclassified staff, salaries, 1787, 1788

      Unified Tax System modernization, appropriation, 2754

      Vapor products, sale to persons under legal age, duties related to violations, 445

TAXES AND TAXATION (See also specific tax)

      Cannabis and cannabis products excise taxes, applicability and exclusions, 1971, 2386

      City-county relief tax, use of population totals certified by Governor, laws clarified, 59-62

      Commerce tax, exemptions, requirements, 581

      Gold and silver extracted in State, excise tax on annual gross revenue, imposition and collection, penalties, 1274-1279

      Minerals, tax on net proceeds to be deposited in State Education Fund, requirements, 1282


      Peace officers, use in response to demonstrations or protests, prohibited acts, 2641


      Credit towards requirements for professional and occupational licenses and certificates, requirements, 2156


      Investigation Division, functions and responsibilities, 914, 916


      Behavioral Health, Commission on, duties, 3012

      Data dashboard, requirements, 3004

      Definition, 3015

      Health and Human Services, Department of, duties, 3004

      Health, State Board of, duties, 3015

      Industrial insurance, requirements, 3015

      Insurers, requirements, prohibited acts, 3016-3043

      Patient Protection Commission, duties, 3005

      Patient relationship, authority of health care provider to establish through telehealth, 3015

      Regional behavioral health policy boards, duties, 3013


      Automatic dialing and announcing, devices for, prohibited acts, penalties, deceptive trade practices, 1342, 1343

      Behavioral health specialists performing mobile crisis intervention services, immunity from liability, 897

      Broadband services

             Grant program to assist persons with low income in obtaining access, establishment, requirements, 3448, 3450

             State Treasurer, duties, 3450, 3451

             Voluntary contribution program, establishment, requirements, penalties, 3450, 3451

      Crisis response call centers, interim study, 1968

      Emergency response employees, establishment of hotline for employees experiencing work-related mental health issues, 338

      Inmate calling services, 1747-1749

      Meetings of public agencies, participation by teleconference, requirements, 1207-1212

      Public accommodations, applicability of laws to online establishments and private online discussion forums, exemptions, 1391


             Identification cards, certain mental health resource website information to appear on card, 3220

             Internet and telecommunications technology, development of statewide system of gathering data relating to the extent pupils have access, requirements, 911-913

      Suicide prevention and behavioral health crisis hotline, immunities from liability for telecommunications providers, 2842

      Telehealth (See TELEHEALTH)

      Voters, registration of persons issued fictitious address, confidentiality of telephone number, 290

      Wiretapping requirements, exception for emergency calls, 1736


      Other State Education Programs Account, funding for public broadcasting, 2911

      Transferable tax credits for film and other productions, requirements, 279-284

      Video service providers, vacation or abandonment of easements, authority of city or county to establish simplified procedure, 469, 470


      Controlled substances, eligibility following felony conviction for possession, use or distribution, requirements, 73, 74


      Doxing, authority of court to issue orders, 2136



      Hate crimes, additional criminal penalty for certain crimes motivated by certain characteristics of victim, 1530


      Election campaign text messages, disclosure requirements, 819

      Motor vehicles, texting while operating, violation made civil infraction, penalties, 3331

      Pupil identification cards, certain mental health resource information to appear on card, 3221


      Contracts, translations in languages other than English, requirement inapplicable, 1447

      Individual Development Account Program, establishment, requirements, 1551


      Filing fees, projected shortfall relating to, appropriations, 2869

      Technology fee, imposition upon issuance or renewal of license, 3542


      Zoning districts, requirements, 1525-1527


      Licenses, surety bond requirements, 2980, 3002


      Deeds upon death, recognition of notices, liability, 996


      Single-stall restrooms provided to public, inclusiveness and accessibility, requirements, prohibited acts, penalties and remedies, 2344


      Computed tomography, qualifications to perform, 2737, 2738


      Museums and History, Division of, appropriation to restore school bus program, 2800

      Nevada Humanities program, appropriation, 1837

      Unclassified staff, salaries, 1788


      Civil cases arising from towing or immobilization of vehicles, release of vehicle to owner upon court order, duties, 1308

      Collection agencies, prohibition on collecting certain debts owed to certain persons related to or affiliated with, 3750

      Liens on motor vehicles, applicability of laws, 2133, 2134

      Registration of vehicle to be towed, proof of registration, duties, 1433

      Training, requirements, 1025, 1026


      Civil actions in justice courts, expedited relief, requirements, 1306

      Fees, 1433, 1435

      Hardship tariff, payment, requirements, 1435, 1436

      Registration of vehicle to be towed

             Expired registration, vehicle towed solely due to, prohibited acts, 1435, 1438

             Proof of registration, determination, effect, 1433

      Requests by person other than owner of vehicle, conditions for towing, 1434, 1435


      Diversity survey conducted by UNLV, requirements, 3521-3523

      Legislators, training regarding local governments, 42

      Traffic and related offenses, prohibition against enacting ordinance providing for criminal penalties for certain offenses, 3344

      Wage or salary history of applicants for employment, authorized and prohibited acts, penalties for violations, 1678, 1679, 1682


      Charitable organizations subject to provisions, expansion of types of organizations, 229, 230

      Deceptive trade practices

             Broadband voluntary contribution program, violations, 3451

             Contracts, translations in languages other than English, failure to provide, 1446-1448

             Emergency or disaster, sale or rent of certain goods and services for price grossly in excess of usual price, 1343

             Food delivery service platform providers, acts constituting, 1699, 1700

             Internet websites or online services, acts constituting, 1343, 1699, 1700

             Motor vehicle leases, violations, 1429

             Residential photovoltaic systems, performance of work concerning, violations, 1058

             Solicitation by telephone or text message or during sales presentation, acts constituting, 1345

             Telephone calls, use of device for automatic dialing and announcing to disseminate a prerecorded message, 1343

             Unconscionable practice, acts constituting, 1346

      Flame-retardant organohalogenated chemicals, limitation on use in certain products, penalties, 482, 483

      Motor vehicle fuel, advertising, 1014

      Petroleum products, advertising, 1014

      Public weighmasters, violations, 1011

      Unfair trade practices

             Health care or health carrier transactions, provision of notice to Attorney General, requirements, 308, 309

             Mergers and acquisitions, provision of notice to Attorney General, requirements, 309

             Noncompetition covenants, void and unenforceable, exceptions, 314, 315


      Commerce tax, exemptions, 581


      Salvage titles, authority of issuing agents to use trademark of Department of Motor Vehicles, 7, 8



      Autonomous vehicles, speed restrictions, applicability of laws, 2223

      Citations (See also Civil infractions, this heading)

             Peace officers

                   Additional rights, creation, 3418

                   Requirement to issue at scene of crash and discretionary issuance, 3469

      Civil infractions

             Administrative assessments, 3317, 3318

             Arrest of person detained for alleged civil infraction, effect, 3313

             Automobile rental agencies, liability for civil infractions, 3339

             Bicycles, electric bicycles and electric scooters, violations, 3338

             Carpool lanes, violations, 3333

             Cell phone use while driving, violation made civil infraction, penalties, 3331


                   Appeal from court’s order in hearing, notice, bond, 3317

                   Complaints, 3312-3314

                   Disposal of citation, unlawful acts, penalty, 3515

                   Electronic filing with court, requirements, 3314

                   Filing of citation with court, effect, 3314, 3315, 3320

                   Hearings, procedures, penalties, 3315-3317, 3351, 3352

                   Issuance, 3314, 3315

                   Peace officers, powers and duties, prohibited acts, 3312-3315, 3322, 3323

                   Records, maintenance, 3315

                   Response to citation, requirements, contesting citation, effect of failure to respond, 3315, 3316, 3322

                   Safety belts, violations, issuance of citation, 3340, 3341

                   Service of citation, 3314

                   Traffic enforcement agencies, duties, 3312, 3315

             Collection fees, 3319, 3320

             Commission while under the influence, penalty, 3321

             Community service, 3318, 3319

             Compression brakes, prohibited use, 3340

             Controlled-access highways, restrictions on use, violations, 3334

             Court orders, requirements, 3315-3320

             Demerit point system, commission of civil infractions, effect, 3306, 3308, 3309

             Double penalty for certain offenses punishable as civil infraction, 3326, 3327

             Driver’s license, suspension for delinquent fines, administrative assessments or fees, 3319

             Emission control device, violations, 3341

             Flatbed truck, person riding upon bed, violation, 3330

             Justice courts, jurisdiction, adoption of rules, 3348, 3354

             Juvenile justice, "minor traffic offense" defined, 3352, 3353

             Length of vehicle, restrictions on operating certain vehicles, violation, 3342

             Minors, transportation of minor passengers, 3302

             Motor vehicle crashes, commission of civil infraction, finding of court, 3304, 3305

             Motor Vehicles, Department of, maintenance of records, 3304, 3305

             Municipal courts, jurisdiction, appointment of referee or hearing master, adoption of rules, 3348, 3354

             Nonresidents, commission of infractions, 3305

             Oversize or overweight vehicles, operation without permit, 3342

             Peace officers, powers and duties, 3312-3314, 3322, 3323, 3353

             Pedestrian safety zones, violations, 3327

             Pickup truck, person riding within bed of, violations, 3330

             Punishment by civil penalty, 3317, 3318

             Repeat offenders, 3325

             Right-of-way of person who is blind, 3333

            Slow-moving vehicle, duty of driver to turn off roadway, 3337

             Texting while driving, 3331

             Traffic safety course, court order to complete, effect, 3306, 3317, 3318

      Hay, height of vehicle transporting, measurement, laws clarified, 38

      Local ordinances, restriction on penalties, 3321, 3344, 3345

      Minor drivers, prohibited acts, penalties, 3302, 3311

      Motor vehicle crashes

             Commission of civil infractions, finding of court, 3304, 3305

             Communication system on certain highways for members of the general public, establishment by Department of Transportation made discretionary, 41

             Creation and duties of Advisory Committee on Traffic Safety, 161-163

      Pedestrians, decriminalization of certain violations related to crossing a highway, civil penalties, 381

      Permits to operate vehicle not currently registered, temporary exemptions from requirements, 698

      Photographic, digital or video equipment, use prohibited for purpose of gathering evidence, 3321

      Safety belts and child restraint systems

             Civil infraction citation, issuance, 3340, 3341

             Requirements, penalties, 177

             Short-term lessors, disclosures regarding use, 176

      Size, weight or load exceeding legal maximum for vehicle, permits regarding, procedures, 38-40

      Slow-moving vehicle, duty of driver to turn off roadway, violation made civil infraction, penalties, 3337

      Speeding, civil and criminal penalties, 3335-3337

      Traffic incidents, duties of driver approaching, penalties, 3332

      Unauthorized persons, driving by, misdemeanor offense, 3311

      Violations, designation of certain violations as civil infractions, 3334-3342

      Weight of vehicle, civil penalties for violations, 3342


      Size, weight or load exceeding legal maximum

             Measurement of height, length and width of load, 40

             Permit applications, requirements, 38-40


      Creation, 3788

      Membership, duties, 3788

      Reports, 3789


      Transplant institute, legislative support expressed for development of institute in Nevada, 3991


      Employees, unclassified service, salaries, duties, 1783, 1796

      Monitored autonomous vehicles, receipt of reports regarding crashes involving providers, 3760

      Towing of vehicles, hardship tariffs, regulations, 1436

      Training of certain employees and owners and operators of tow cars, duties, regulation, 1025, 1026


      Advisory Working Group to Study Issues Related to Transportation, creation, 180

      Chief Engineer, classification, 32

      Communication system on certain highways for members of the general public, duties, 41

      Community gardens and urban farms, duties, 1993

      Construction and maintenance of roadways, expansion of considerations by Department, 1050, 1051

      Deputy Director, qualifications, 32

      Greenhouse gases, annual report issued by State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, duties, 584

      Height, weight or load exceeding legal maximum for vehicle, permits regarding, procedures, 38-40

      Highway Fund, State, costs of administration, limitation, 1997

      Nevada Shared Radio System, replacement, appropriations, 2868

      Small or disadvantaged business entities, award of contracts for certain projects, duties, 3175

      Traffic Safety, Advisory Committee on, membership, 161

      Unclassified staff, salaries, 1788

      Walking audits of urbanized areas, collaboration, 3446, 3447


      Definitions of "transportation network company" and "transportation services" revised, 3755

      Limousine motor carriers, contracts with certain carriers to provide services, authority, requirements, exemptions, 2246

      Monitored autonomous vehicles

             Agreements to receive connections to passengers from the company authorized, 3754

             Crashes involving providers, reports to Nevada Transportation Authority, duties, 3760

             Definitions, 3754

             Insurance, requirements, 3762-3765


      Natural Heritage, Division of, confidentiality of certain information, authorized release, 1361

      Swamp cedars

             Bahsahwahbee Traditional Cultural Property, special permit required to cut, destroy, mutilate, pick or remove cedars within, penalties, 343, 344

             Spring Valley, President and Congress urged to protect certain land containing cedars in, 4002


      Meetings, frequency, 275


      Flatbed truck, person riding upon bed, violation as civil infraction, 3330

      Hay, height of vehicle transporting, measurement, laws clarified, 39

      Pickup truck, person riding within bed of, violation as civil infraction, 3330

      Size, weight or load exceeding legal maximum, permits regarding, procedures, 38-40


      Individual Development Account Program, establishment, requirements, 1551

      Individual retirement accounts

             Assumption of role of custodian, notice to account holders, requirements, 1422

             Trust companies acting as custodian, exclusion from fiduciary status, 1422


      ABLE Savings Program, Nevada, procedures regarding savings trust account, regulation, 30, 31

      Endowment care funds, exemption from abandoned property laws, 77

      Nevada State Prison, requirement to create trust fund removed, 2082


      Appointment of property of one trust to another trust, authority of trustees, requirements, 985-988

      Combination or division of trusts, when court order required, 983

      Creation of trust over property, declaration by owner of property, effect, 981

      Creditors seeking to satisfy certain claims, prohibited acts, procedures, exceptions, 984


             Real property owners, requirements and procedure following proof of death, 992

             Settlors, discovery of additional creditors after initial notice to creditors, 990

      Electronic trusts, conversion into original paper trust, duties of custodian, 982

      Form for claims against settlor and trust, 989, 990

      Investment trust advisors, powers granted to, 984

      Irrevocable trusts, certain trusts deemed, actions to make trusts revocable, 981

      Minors, compromise of claims, when blocked financial investments required, 498, 499

      Revocable trusts, change to irrevocable trusts, restrictions on contest of validity, 988

      Settlors, reimbursements by trustees, settlor not deemed to be beneficiary, 980

      State Public Land Trust, repeal of provisions, 565


      Nonfunctional Turf Removal Advisory Committee, creation, 2180

      Southern Nevada Water Authority, duties regarding nonfunctional turf, 2180



      Confidential information, authorized disclosures, 1471-1474

      Educational institutions, eligibility for benefits of persons who provide services in multiple capacities for, 1477-1479

      Electronic transmission of documents and notices by Economic Security Division, authority, 1475, 1479-1487

      Experience rating record, charges against record, requirements, 1488

      Extended benefit period, beginning of period, authorization, 1475

      Reimbursement due from employers who elect to make reimbursement in lieu of contributions, determination, requirements, 1479

      Unemployment Compensation Law, charging of fees to State prohibited, 1487

      Weekly benefit, calculation of amount, 1474


      Cancer drugs, exemption from step therapy in treatment of certain persons, expenses of a local government relating to, 2680

      Contraceptives, self-administered hormonal, additional expenses of local government, 3291

      Courthouses, lactation rooms for use by members of the public, expenses of local government relating to, 3264

      Criminal justice system, pretrial release hearings, cost associated with, 2232

      Disaster declared or state of emergency, acquisition of refills during, 831

      Elections, 1266, 3848, 3876

      Enteral formulas, additional expenses for coverage under Public Employees’ Benefits Program, 3648

      Firefighters, certain information and counseling relating to mental health issues, additional expenses of local government, 2138

      Foster care, individual development accounts established for child, duties of licensing authority, 1569

      Gender identity or expression, costs to governmental agencies concerning collection of information related to, 3169

      Genetic counseling, testing and screening for mutations in BRCA gene for women, 785

      Hate crimes, additional expenses of a local government regarding reporting, 237

      HIV, drugs to prevent acquisition and testing, requirements of certain health plans, 3203, 3204

      Hospitals and independent centers for emergency medical care who provide care to victims, duties, training of employees regarding sexual assault victims, 1067, 1070

      Housing authorities, provision of instruction in financial literacy to certain tenants, 1569

      Juvenile justice system, training of persons employed in, additional expenses of local government, 2634

      Medicare supplemental policies, requirements, 882

      Organ transplants, access to transplants for persons with a disability, requirements, 1175

      Peace officers

             Bias indicators or other problematic behavior, early warning system for identifying officers with, establishment, 1969

             Mental health issues, certain information and counseling relating to, additional expenses of local government, 2138

             Use-of-force data, costs associated with compilation, reports, 2642

      Receiving centers for commercially sexually exploited children, expenses of local government relating to, 2656


             Adult high school diploma, enrollment in program, requirements, 931

             Disciplinary action against pupils, requirements and prohibited acts, 3571

             Dual credit programs, establishment, reports, 750

             English learners, identification, policies to teach, 1386

             Financial planning, FAFSA and Nevada College Kick Start Program, costs related to education of pupils about importance and value of, 1158

             History and contributions of certain groups of persons, instruction pertaining to, 948

             Menstrual products, access to by pupils, requirements, reports, 3267

             Ratio of pupils to specialized instructional support personnel, plans to improve, requirements for larger districts, 740

             Suspension or expulsion of pupils, requirements and procedures, 928

             Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System, participation, duties, 2836

      Sexual orientation, costs to governmental agencies concerning collection of information related to, 3169


      Athlete Agents Act, Revised, 501, 502

      Canadian Money Judgments Act, Registration of, 509-514

      Debt Management Services Act, 2039-2042

      Unclaimed Property Act, 74-87


      Adoptions Act of 2008, Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing, Extended Young Adult Support Services Program pursuant to, 2729

      Agriculture, State Department of, adoption and compliance with certain federal regulations, 2005

      Discrimination Against Women, Congress urged to ratify the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of, 4016

      Election for federal office, voter registration using Automatic Voter Registration System, laws clarified, 1226

      Employment Security Division, disbursement of certain federal money in certain circumstances to Division, 3700

      Federal Assistance, Office of, creation for purpose of obtaining and maximizing federal assistance, 3703

      Federal Bureau of Investigation, receipt of records related to hate crimes, 237

      Health and Human Services, U.S. Secretary of, reimbursement rate for services provided by behavior technicians, 2551

      Immigration, federal authorities, model policies for law enforcement agencies, requirements, 3906

      Justice, Department of, investigations of whether Office of Attorney General has engaged in certain patterns or practices that deprive persons of certain rights, cooperation, 186-188

      Lands and waters, Congress and President urged to support, 4021

      Live entertainment tax, exemptions, 2710

      Military members, Federal Government urged to create and implement a retirement plan for spouses, 4010

      National Infrastructure Bank Act of 2020, Congress urged to pass, 3997

      Outdoor Recreation, Advisory Board on, membership of Department of Agriculture and Department of the Interior, 656

      Pen register or trap and trace device, use by certain peace officers, requirements, 214-216

      Pregnant women, residence in the United States for a prescribed period of time before enrolling in Medicaid, imposition of requirement prohibited, 2565

      Public lands, state consent to federal use, provisions repealed, 565

      Reapportionment and redistricting, interim committee to conduct an investigation into matters relating to, 4034

      Rental assistance, use of federal funding to provide, 2125

      Representatives in Congress, vacancies in office, procedures to fill, 1974

      Senators, vacancies in office, procedures to fill, 1974

      Sunrise Mountain and Frenchman Mountain, Congress urged to protect public lands including and adjacent to, 3999

      Swamp cedars, President and Congress urged to protect certain land containing cedars in Spring Valley, 4002

      Tahoe East Shore Trail, Congress urged to provide funding for completion, 3998

      Use-of-Force Data Collection of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, National, participation, 2639


      Diversity study and survey, requirements, reports, 3521-3524


      Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds, disbursement of funds, requirements, 2878



      "Delivery sale" defined, 448

      Minimum age for sale of products increased to age 21, penalties for violation, 445, 448


      Special license plates, additional fees, imposition and distribution, 442



      Blind, vending facilities operated by persons who are, revision of provisions governing vending program, 839-849

      Unlawful sale, solicitation or delivery of certain goods on public property, exceptions, 847

      Vendors Who Are Blind, Nevada Committee of

             Blind or Visually Impaired, Bureau of Services to Persons Who Are, consultations, 847

             Members, election, 843


      Adopt a Vet Dental Program, appropriation, 1951

      Adult Day Health Care facilities for, establishment authorized, 431

      Benefits and services provided or advertised

             Penalties and remedies, 955

             Required disclosures, 953, 954

      Cemeteries, Advisory Committees for Veterans, increase in length of terms for members, 435

      Homes for veterans, locations, elimination of certain requirements, 431

      Nevada System of Higher Education

             5-year limitation on assessing certain tuition charges, limitation removed, 2563

             Board of Regents, reporting requirements, 998

             Preference in admission to certain programs, requirements, 998

             Tuition charges, assessment, restrictions, 1000

      State parks, annual permits for entering, camping and boating in, service-connected disability rating, elimination of requirement, 440

      Transition assistance programs, receipt of information, 429

      Women Veterans Advisory Committee, terms of members decreased, 436


      Terms of members increased, 435


      Adopt a Vet Dental Program, appropriation, 1951

      Adult day health care facilities for veterans, duties, 431

      Benefits and services provided or advertised

             Civil penalties, 955

             Required disclosures, regulation, 953-955


             Homelessness among veterans, duties related to decreasing, 434

             Suicide among veterans, duties related to prevention of, 434

      Penalties and remedies, 955

      Transition assistance programs, duties, 429

      Unclassified staff, salaries, 1788

      Veterans’ homes, duties, 431


      Appointment, qualifications, duties, 100, 101


      Hemp or CBD products, authority to administer, 917, 918


             Applications, requirements, 875, 877

             Renewal, requirements, 877

      Practice of veterinary medicine, requirements, 872, 873

      Supervision of veterinary technician via veterinary telemedicine, 873

      Vaccinations, persons authorized to administer, 878


      Disciplinary action, authority of committee designated by Board, 878

      Nondisciplinary letters of correction, issuance, regulations, 879

      Process, methods of service, requirements, 875


      Brokers or providers, surety bond requirements for licensing, 2972


      Aid for Victims of Domestic or Sexual Violence, Account for, eligibility, 3255

      Hate crimes, additional criminal penalty for certain crimes motivated by certain characteristics of victim, 1530

      Nevada System of Higher Education, victims of sexual conduct, powers and duties, 3669-3683

      Statewide center to provide assistance to certain victims, designation, requirements, duties, 2259


      Homeless persons, receipt of certificate without charge, requirements, prohibited acts, 523

      "Mother," change in terminology relating to pregnancy and birth, 3428-3431

      Prisoners, birth certificates and records issued to, charging of fees prohibited, 33

      Voter registration list, cooperative agreement between Secretary of State and State Registrar of Vital Statistics to match information in database, 1239


      Credit towards requirements for professional and occupational licenses and certificates, requirements, 2156




             Applicant’s wage or salary history, authorized and prohibited acts, penalties for violations, 1678, 1679

             Unlawful employment practices, remedies of employee, 1679

             Wage or salary range or rate for a position, promotion or transfer to new position, disclosures, requirements, 1678

      Home care employment standards boards (See HOME CARE)

      Labor Commissioner, claims for wages or other complaints with, jurisdiction, 1763

      Minimum wage

             Governor, publication of bulletin announcing adjusted rates, removal of constitutional mandate, 4036

             Increase, authority of Legislature, 4035, 4036

      Offenders, revision of priority of deductions, 1895, 1897-1901

      Unpaid wages upon termination, private right of action for certain claims, establishment, 1763


      Agricultural police officers, service of process, power, 1907

      Arrest warrants (See ARREST WARRANTS)

      Child in protective custody, warrant to place, requirements, 2234

      Child welfare services, agency which provides, authority to request warrant to place child in protective custody, 2234

      Pedestrians, violations relating to crossing highway, cancellation of bench warrants for failure to appear, 381

      Search warrants (See SEARCH WARRANTS)


      Burn injuries caused by open flame, explosion or flash fire, reports, requirements, 1079

      Complete Streets Program, 1049, 1050

      County clerk’s offices, space for display of certain materials, requirements, 573

      Engine emission control, additional fees, imposition, authority, duties, 2178

      Walking audits of urbanized areas, collaboration, 3446, 3447


      Pupils, requirements regarding height and weight measurements removed, 252

      Ratio of pupils to specialized instructional support personnel, plans to improve, requirements, 739


      Vulnerability assessments, submission by utilities to Division of Emergency Management, 263


      Forest, rangeland and soil health, recognition of link to water quantity and quality, 4000

      Infrastructure Bank, Nevada State, infrastructure concerning provision of loans and other financial assistance, requirements, 3815

      Pure water, definition, 138

      Right to clean water, legislative declaration, 3411

      Underground water, control of infiltration or contaminates into, regulations, 3412, 3413


      Southern Nevada Water Authority, nonfunctional turf, duties, 2180


      Small Business Advocacy, Office of, duty to work with small businesses and districts to facilitate interactions, 1148, 1149


      Interim study, requirements, 2181

      Lands and waters of State, support for goal of protecting, 4021

      Qualified improvement projects, creation of districts, procedures, applicability of laws, 3247


      Community gardens and urban farms, provision of water to, requirements, 1991

      Small Business Advocacy, Office of, duty to work with small businesses and districts to facilitate interactions, 1148, 1149


      Diffuse sources, pollution resulting from, plans to regulate, 3410, 3411

      Indian tribes, consultation or notification of certain actions relating to pollution, 3414, 3415

      Right to clean water, legislative declaration, 3411

      Underground water, control of infiltration or contaminates into, regulations, 3412, 3413

      Water quality and effluent limitations, consideration of underserved communities when adopting standards, 3412, 3413


      Colorado River, waters distributed by Southern Nevada Water Authority, prohibited acts, 2180

      Land use planning, retention and detention of stormwater in certain counties, certain laws inapplicable, 1443

      Place of diversion, manner of use or place of use, applications to change, procedures, 125


      Community gardens and urban farms, provision of water to, requirements, 1991

      Vulnerability assessments, submission to Division of Emergency Management, 263


      School pupils, disciplinary proceedings, requirements, 2333


      Marriage license, issuance during certain hours, repeal of requirement, 573


      "Control" defined, 150, 151

      Program to certify agricultural products free from and purposes of program, expansion, 151

      Quarantine Officer, State

             Authority to declare any weed to be noxious, 1368

             Notices to property owners, authority to send by electronic mail, 151, 152


      Consumer Equitability, Division of (See AGRICULTURE, STATE DEPARTMENT OF)

      Consumer Equitability, State Sealer of, cannabis equipment, powers and duties, 3600-3603

      Field reference standards, establishment and use, presumption, 172

      Open dating of packaged food, duty of State Sealer of Consumer Equitability removed, 173

      Transfer standards, establishment and use, 172

      Violations, penalties, 1011


      Nevada State Commissioners

             Default charges, duties, 2615

             Delegation of authority to enter into certain agreements, powers, 2610

             Loan and Stipend Fund, Nevada Office of the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education’s, uses, 2613


                   Insurance as security or joint liability on loan, repeal of provisions, 2618

                   Repayments, regulations, 2612-2615, 2618


                   Failure to comply with regulations, elimination of certain penalties, 2616

                   List of applicants, compilation and transmission to Compact Office, 2611


                   Insurance as security or joint liability for stipend, repeal of provisions, 2618

                   Repayment or conversion into loan, procedures, 2615, 2618

             Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education’s Account, name change, 2612

             Western Regional Education Compact, Office of the, appointment of Director, 2740

             Western Regional Higher Education Compact Account, abolished, 2618

      Office of the Western Regional Education Compact

             Gifts, grants and donations, authority to accept, 2611

             Name changed to Nevada Office of the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education, 2617

             Removal from Office of the Governor, 2739, 2740

      Support fees, removal of requirement that part of fee be designated a loan, 2618


      U.S. Pacific Territories and Freely Associated States, inclusion as signatories to compact, 2606


      Dangerous wild animals, prohibited acts, penalties, 1734

      Endangered wildlife, confidentiality of information, authorized release, 1361

      Game wardens, citations for certain offenses relating to, requirement to issue and discretionary issuance, 3470

      Golden eagles, licensing requirements to transport, transfer, possess or use in falconry, 1085

      Subdivision of land, potential impact to wildlife and habitat, requirements for approval of proposals, 2585, 2586


      Golden eagles, duties, regulations, 1086

      Hunting tags, establishment of programs authorizing transfer of tags to another person or organization under certain circumstances, regulation, 471, 474

      Subdivision of land, fees for review of tentative map, regulations, 2584, 2585

      Trust Fund, Wildlife, duties, 1756


      Falconry licenses, duties, 1085

      Fishing, specialty combination hunting and fishing licenses, removal of certain requirement, 1759


             Paper or electronic form of tag, authority to designate, 1757

             Specialty combination hunting and fishing licenses, removal of certain requirement, 1759

      Subdivision of land, potential impact to wildlife and habitat, duties, regulations, 2584, 2585

      Trust Fund, Wildlife, acceptance of gifts and grants for deposit, exemption from certain requirements, duties, reports, 1756, 1761

      Unclassified staff, salaries, 1789


      Definitions, 962

      Electronic wills, requirements and procedures, 962-968

      Qualified custodians, duties, 963-968

      Revocation, requirements, 963

      Set aside of decedent’s estate without administration, additional grounds, requirements, 974


      Multiple noncontiguous locations, operation from, requirements, 1691

      Sales of alcoholic beverages on premises, requirements, 1691, 1692


      Cannabis Compliance Board, hearings, removal of authority to take testimony of witness by deposition, 3149

      Traffic and related offenses, actions to determine commission of civil infraction, witness fees, 3351, 3352


      Discrimination Against Women, Congress urged to ratify the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of, 4016

      Diversity survey, requirements, 3522, 3523

      Equality of rights under law guaranteed to all persons, constitutional amendment, 3992, 3993

      Genetic counseling, testing and screening for mutations in BRCA gene, procedures, insurance coverage, 771-785

      Juvenile justice system, persons employed in, cultural competency, training requirements, 2628

      Pelvic examinations prohibited under certain circumstances, 1570

      Pregnant women (See PREGNANCY)

      Sex-based harassment or discrimination in Executive Department, prohibited acts, requirements and complaint procedures, 1912-1914


      Community colleges, alignment of workforce training and programs offered by colleges, Governor to appoint interim study committee, 1202

      Workforce recruitment, assessment and training programs, requirements, 2539-2543


      Employment, Training and Development, Department of, creation of Office in the Department, 2786, 2788

      Executive Director, unclassified service, duties, 2786, 2787


      Renamed Governor’s Office of Workforce Innovation, 2786


      Career and technical education, membership on advisory technical skills committees, 302


      Award of damages and other relief

             Applicability of laws, expansion, 1376

             Compensation, limitations, clarification of period of time used to calculate, 1376

             Interest, exemption, 1376

             Reimbursements to State for certain amounts previously obtained, 1378

             Tuition, health care and counseling services, payments for, 1376

      Offers of judgment, exemption of State from requirements in civil action, 1376



      Establishment, 2728, 2729


      Chief, salary, 1785

      Juvenile court, petitions to expunge records, duties, 3424


      Natural Heritage, Division of, confidentiality of certain information, authorized release, 1361



      Cannabis consumption lounges, restrictions on, prohibited acts, 2378

      Tiny houses, zoning districts, requirements, 1525-1527