[Rev. 12/20/2019 5:14:24 PM]






      Confidential information, interagency agreements to share authorized, 3012

      Debts, certain property held by Administrator subject to, 3018

      Definitions, 3011-3014

      Fraudulent claims, penalties, 3012

      Holders of abandoned or unclaimed property, duties, assessment for noncompliance, 3016-3019

      Presumption of abandonment of certain property, determination, 3014-3016

      Real property with delinquent taxes, determination whether property is abandoned, criteria, 749

      Residential property, qualifications for rehabilitation, 1414

      Savings bonds, when presumed abandoned, escheats to State, claims following, 608, 609


             Agreements between tow operator and owner of real property for removal of certain vehicles authorized, effect, 1232

             Salvage pools, procedures regarding abandoned vehicles, 1447


      Duties transferred to State Treasurer, 117


      Informed consent

             Form indicating consent, contents, copy to be provided to pregnant women, 1503, 1504

             Oral information to be provided to pregnant women, requirements, 1503

             When consent deemed given by woman seeking abortion, 1502-1504

      Physicians, duty to certify woman’s marital status and age before performing abortion removed, 1502

      Records, 1504

      Termination of pregnancy, laws criminalizing certain actions repealed, 1504



      Animals (See CRUELTY TO ANIMALS)


      Domestic violence (See DOMESTIC VIOLENCE)

      Elder (See AGED PERSONS)

      Substance (See ALCOHOL OR DRUG ABUSE)

      Vulnerable persons (See DISABILITIES, PERSONS WITH)


      Governor’s appointees, status as civil officers, removal from office, 1566

      Health courses, standards, duties, 1766


      Cannabis Compliance Board, representation, 3776

      Certificates or permits

             Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256

             Insurance administrators’ applications for certificates, review of accompanying financial documents, 1696

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

             Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278

      Common-interest communities and condominium hotels, Real Estate Division to employ certified public accountant, exception, 675

      Insurance administrators’ applications for certificates of registration, review of accompanying financial documents, 1696

      Nevada State Board of Accountancy (See also PROFESSIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL REGULATORY BODIES)

             Sunset Subcommittee of Legislative Commission

                   Criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, review, recommendations, 2904, 2905

                   Study of professional and occupational licensing boards, 4629, 4630


      Consumer litigation funding contracts, requirements, 2402, 2404


      Abandoned real property, judicial review of tax receiver’s determination of abandonment, 749

      Cannabis Compliance Board decisions, judicial review, 3788, 3789

      Cigarettes and other tobacco products, taxes on, prohibited actions, 622

      Common-interest communities, commencement of certain actions, procedures, 1381

      Constructional defects (See CONSTRUCTIONAL DEFECTS)

      Consumer form contracts, actions based on, award of interest, limitations, 2310

      Consumer litigation funding companies, actions by Commissioner of Financial Institutions, 2413

      Continuance of court proceedings during legislative session, requirements, procedures, 3606, 3607

      Corporations, actions involving (See CORPORATIONS)

      Damages (See DAMAGES)

      Discovery, mental or physical examinations ordered by court, procedures, 966, 967

      Document preparation services

             Bond, claims against, 843, 844

             Motor Vehicles, Department of, receipt of notices regarding remedies for violations, 1877, 1878

      Education, Department of, due process hearings involving pupils with disabilities, enforcement of orders, 915

      Employers and employees

             Unlawful employment practices, 548-550

             Wage violations, remedies, 3749

      Evidence (See EVIDENCE)

      Government Employee-Management Relations Act, actions or proceedings, jurisdiction, 3741

      Hazardous waste, remedies for certain violations, 3980

      High-interest loan businesses, violations, 945

      High-risk behavior protection orders, action for removal of information from Central Repository, 4177

      Human trafficking, actions against perpetrators, inclusion of additional persons as victims, 2634

      Immunities from liability

             Advanced practice registered nurses, 499, 529

             Charitable lotteries and charitable games, immunity of State, Gaming Commission and Gaming Control Board, 957

             Chiropractic Physicians’ Board of Nevada, immunity of persons initiating or assisting in lawful investigation, 2295

             County tax receivers, inspection of property to determine abandonment, 748

             Disasters, reports by health care providers of injuries treated during, 1079

             Emergency medical services personnel, 2096

             Insurance companies, compliance with certain requirements, 1496

             Interstate Waters, California-Nevada Compact for Jurisdiction on, claims against officers or employees, limitations, 447, 448

             Manufactured or mobile homes, issuance of new certificates of ownership, 2423

             Marketplace facilitators, overpayments of taxes, 3688, 3694

             Marriage, clergy or religious organization refusing to solemnize, 4604

             Maternal Mortality Review Committee personnel and consultants, 42

             Nonprofit corporations formed by counties to provide certain services during emergencies, 1474

             Psychological Examiners, Board of, 1002

             Public health emergencies, reports by health care providers of illness treated during, 1079

             Regional transportation commissions, 803

             Regulatory Experimentation Program for Product Innovation, regulators, 3991

             SafeVoice Program, team and members of team, 3970

             School districts contracting with private schools for provision of school police officers, 3252

             School governing bodies, 1514, 1519, 1523, 1525

             Sickle cell disease and variants, reporting of information, 2160

             Supported decision-making agreements, 463

             Wrongful conviction actions, immunity of State waived, 4367

      Indian tribes, laws governing state agency interaction with, private right of action not established, 3169

      Interstate Waters, California-Nevada Compact for Jurisdiction on, claims brought against officers or employees, limitations, 447, 448

      Limitation of actions (See LIMITATION OF ACTIONS)

      Limited-liability companies, actions involving insolvent companies, 2491-2495

      Manufactured or mobile homes, right of action relating to issuance of certificates of ownership, 2422

      Meetings of public bodies

             Delegation by public body of authority regarding litigation authorized, 3618

             Violations by or fines against members, procedures following, 3629

      Mental or physical examinations ordered by court for purposes of discovery, procedures, 966, 967

      Mining operations, reclamation of land, remedies for certain violations, 3980

      Offers of judgment, procedures, 274, 275

      Peace officers, actions against

             Sexual conduct with person in custody, rebuttable presumption of nonconsent, 836

             Statements officer compelled by law to make, use or disclosure in civil cases, restrictions, procedures, 2661

      Personal injury liability, authority to void certain prior releases, requirements, procedures, 2499

      Physicians, violations related to supervision of students, recovery of fines, 4043, 4044

      Public records, actions relating to inspection or copying, 4007, 4008

      Public water systems, remedies for certain violations, 3979

      Recall of public officers, violations, recovery of certain costs, civil penalties, 1655

      Regulatory Experimentation Program for Product Innovation, remedies for violations, 3992

      Savings bonds, actions to determine escheats to State, 608

      Small claims actions in justice courts, venue, 52, 53

      Storage tanks, remedies for certain violations, 3980

      Ticket resellers and secondary exchanges, remedies for violations, 1135, 1136

      Water pollution control, remedies for certain violations, 3978

      Worker cooperative corporations, remedies regarding expulsion, termination or suspension of members, 909

      Wrongful convictions, actions for damages or other relief, 4366-4369



      Cigarette retail dealers and manufacturers, address to be maintained with Department of Taxation, 624

      City or county clerks, persons authorized to request confidentiality of personal information contained in records, 728, 729, 867, 868

      Consumer litigation funding companies, notice of change required, penalty for noncompliance, 2411

      County assessor’s records, persons authorized to request confidentiality of personal information, 727, 728, 866, 867

      County recorder’s records, persons authorized to request confidentiality of personal information, 726, 727, 865, 866

      Driver’s licenses and identification cards, persons authorized to request display of alternate address

             Child welfare services or child protective services personnel, 868, 869

             Code enforcement personnel, 729

             County managers, 868

             Prosecuting attorneys, 1827

      Fictitious address program for victims of crime

             Certain entities required to allow use of fictitious address, 1800, 1801

             School funding, count of pupils for apportionment purposes, 4236

      Guardianships, establishment of permanent placement for protected person, notice of change of address, 1241

      Insurance adjusters, notice of change to be given Commissioner of Insurance, 3037

      Legislators, declaration of eligibility to fill vacancy in office, requirements, 883

      Secretary of State’s elections records, persons authorized to request confidentiality of personal information, 728, 729, 867, 868

      Voters registered by certain methods, documents which may be presented at polling place as proof of address, 4054


      Authorized expenditures, 3132, 3133

      Capital improvements, funding, 3305, 3306, 3308-3310

      Dental care services for certain persons, collaboration with Department of Health and Human Services to purchase, 2419

      Enterprise Information Technology Services, Division of

             Appropriations for certain projects, repayment, 3712, 3713

             Chief Information Officer, duties, 781

             Information Security, Office of, duties, 2574

      Fleet Services Division

             Appropriation for vehicles, 2782, 2783

             Retired vehicles, duties regarding sales, 3146

      General appropriations, 3342, 3352, 3353

      Grant Procurement, Coordination and Management, Office of

             Administrator, training powers and duties, appropriation, 3708, 3710

             Federal Assistance, Nevada Advisory Council on, administrative support, 3708

             Pilot program for government and nonprofit entities to request matching funds

                   Appropriation, duties regarding, 4017

                   Duties, 3708-3710

      Hearings Division

             Occupational and professional licensing boards, recovery of fees for hearing officers, 981

             State purchasing, appeals by bidders, procedures, 783, 784

      Human Resource Management, Division of

             Government Employee-Management Relations Board, submission of recommendations regarding bargaining units and job classifications, duties, procedures following, 3744

             Indian nations, training of state employees in ongoing communication with, 3169

             Reprisal for disclosure of improper governmental action, development of written summary or video regarding laws, duties, 811

             Salaries of state employees, duties, 3336

             Veterans Services, Department of, reports to, contents, 175

      Public Works Division, State (See also PUBLIC WORKS)

             Capital improvements legislation, duties, funding, 3305, 3313, 3315

             Compliance and Code Enforcement Section

                   Confidentiality of personal information contained in certain official records, authority of certain personnel to request, 726-729

                   Driver’s license or identification card, display of alternate address, authority of certain personnel to request, 729

             Grant Sawyer Office Building remodel, appropriation, duties, 4016, 4017

             Great Basin College Welding Lab expansion, funding, duties, 4019

             State Public Works Board, status of Governor’s appointee, removal from office, 1566

             UNLV College of Engineering, Academic and Research Building, appropriation for construction, duties, 4018, 4019

             Western Nevada College Marlette Hall refurbishment, appropriation, duties, 4020

      Salaries of unclassified staff, 3324, 3325

      State Library, Archives and Public Records, Division of

             Book scanner, appropriation for replacement, 2790

             Public librarians, certification, duties, 2909, 2910, 4339

      Victims of Crime, Fund for the Compensation of, transfer of duties, 4147-4151



      Community service in lieu of payment authorized, 2454

      Court Administrator, distribution of money received, 3303, 3304

      Court facilities, assessments for, time limitation removed, 384

      Delinquent assessments

             Attachment or garnishment of defendant’s property, wages or other money receivable, provisions repealed, 2274, 2453

             Collection fee to be assessed on per case basis, requirements, 2275

             Credit reporting agencies, authority of state or local entities to report delinquencies, provisions repealed, 2273, 2452

             Driver’s license, suspension, 2274, 2453

             Indigent persons, failure to complete community service to satisfy entire amount owed, determination of indigency, 2276

             Order of priority of collection, procedures removed, 2453

             Prosecuting attorneys, duty to collect delinquencies removed, 2274, 2453

             Willful avoidance of payment, penalties, 2274, 2275, 2453

      Incarceration, amount of daily credit toward payment of assessments increased, 2275, 2276

      Juvenile proceedings, certain assessments eliminated, 1958, 1959, 1963-1965, 1969, 1970

      Traffic violations (See TRAFFIC CONTROL — Violations generally)



      Continuance of administrative proceedings during legislative session, requirements, procedures, 3606, 3607

      Government Employee-Management Relations Board, applicability of laws to hearings, 3734

      Peace officers, hearings involving, disclosure or use of compelled statements made by officer, remedies for certain violations, 2661

      Postsecondary educational institutions, suspension of approval of courses for training of veterans, hearings and review of decisions, 2456, 2457

      Unarmed combat, Nevada Administrative Procedure Act inapplicable to rules of Nevada Athletic Commission governing contests, 1251, 1260


      Government shutdowns, protections for federal, tribal or state workers extended to certain household members, 3173

      Health insurance, prohibition on restricting coverage of certain children, duplicative provisions repealed, 307, 310, 318

      Judicial Retirement System, benefits to children of deceased members

             Cessation upon adoption, repeal, 678

             Resumption of payment, requirements, procedures, 679

      Legislators’ Retirement System, benefits to children of deceased members

             Cessation upon adoption, repeal, 677

             Resumption of payment, requirements, procedures, 679

      Medical marijuana registry identification cardholders, prohibited acts by court, procedures, 2757

      Nevada National Guard Youth Challenge Program, eligibility of child going through process of adoption, 1981

      Physical disabilities, persons with, prohibited acts by court, procedures, 2757

      Public Employees’ Retirement System, benefits to children of deceased members

             Cessation upon adoption, repeal, 677

             Resumption of payment, requirements, procedures, 679

      Restrictive covenants based on familial status deemed void, duties of county recorders, 373-375


      Assisted living facilities, study of feasibility of establishing in rural areas facilities that also provide services of adult day care facilities, 584


             Instructions for making complaint, posting, penalty for violations, 267

             Investigation of complaints, procedures, 264, 266, 267

      Deaths occurring in, reports, exemptions from investigations, penalties for violations, 1666-1671

      Discrimination, prohibited acts, required policies and notices, 1333, 1334

      Electronic records, duties, regulations, 1335

      Employees or agents

             Cultural competency training, requirements, 1334, 1681, 1682

             Standards for and minimum competencies, study, 253, 254

      Patient safety officer, designation, duties, 1667, 1670

      Persons receiving care

             Gender identity or expression, duties of facilities, regulation, 1333-1336

             Name, duties of facilities, regulations, 1335

             Privacy, duties of facilities, 1335

      Sentinel events defined to include deaths, reports, investigations, penalties, 1666-1671

      State Long-Term Care Ombudsman, duties, 264-267



      Healthcare Decisions Day, designation, 35

      Mental health facilities, emergency admission of person in mental health crisis, notice to attorney-in-fact, requirements, 354, 355, 2621



      Alcohol and drug abuse treatment providers, facilities and program operators, prohibited acts, 1679

      Cannabis and cannabis products, prohibited acts, 3809

      Cannabis establishments

             Cannabis Compliance Board, regulations, 3779

             Restrictions on advertisements, 3808, 3809, 3838, 3839

      Contractors advertising unlawfully, repeal of prohibition on disconnection of telephone number of paging service, 2036, 2037

      Deferred deposit, high-interest and title loans, services offered through Internet, authority of certain agencies to provide information to public, 943

      Document preparation services, use of term "notary public" prohibited, exception, 849, 850

      Kratom products, prohibited acts, penalties, 2658, 2659

      Marijuana establishments (See MARIJUANA ESTABLISHMENTS)

      Medical cannabis establishments

             Cannabis Compliance Board, regulations, 3779

             Restrictions on advertisements, 3809

      Medical marijuana establishments (See MEDICAL MARIJUANA ESTABLISHMENTS)

      Motor Vehicles, Department of, use of Department’s name, service marks, trademarks or logo, restrictions, 74

      Personal property storage insurance licensees, prohibited acts, 1223

      Real estate licensees

             Nickname, advertising under, regulations, 2777

             Required contents of advertisements, 2777

      School service providers, restrictions on targeted advertising, 3944

      Tahoe Douglas Visitor’s Authority, powers, 2362

      Ticket resellers and secondary exchanges, prohibited acts, penalties, 1134-1136


      State law, alignment with Act, duties of insurers, prohibited acts, 296, 297


      Account for Low-Income Housing

             Distribution and use of money to benefit families, 1422

             Name change, 1415, 1420-1423

      Advisory Committee on Housing, creation, duties, 2428, 2429

      Aging and Disability Services Division, reports from certain owners, duties repealed, 832


             Database of low-income housing, cooperation with Housing Division, 832

             Fees, authority to reduce or subsidize certain fees, 827-829

             Nonprofit organizations, conveyance of real property for development of affordable housing, 1417, 1418


             Database of low-income housing, cooperation with Housing Division, 832

             Fees, authority to reduce or subsidize certain fees, 827-829

             Nonprofit organizations, conveyance of real property for development of affordable housing, 1416, 1417

             Real property transfer taxes, authority to use revenue to develop, 1423

             Sales and use tax, authority to impose for development or redevelopment, procedures, reports, 3261-3263

      Definition of "affordable housing" standardized, tiers established, 1409, 1410

      Fines, fees and assessments in criminal proceedings, persons presumed indigent for purposes of exemptions, 2276, 2452

      Medicaid, provision of tenancy support services to recipients, 3106

      Multifamily residential housing accessible to persons with disabilities, reports to Housing Division, regulation, 831

      Pets, right of tenants to keep, 1219, 1220

      Private Activity Bond Council, creation, duties, 2430, 2431

      Transferable tax credits to qualified projects for acquisition, development or rehabilitation of low-income housing, requirements, 3761-3766


      Buffalo Soldiers Day, designation, 1208

      Right to vote, ratification of Fifteenth Amendment by Nevada commemorated, 4585, 4586


      Apprentices age 40 or older, discrimination prohibited, 2398

      Autism treatment assistance program, participants to receive appropriate services after reaching 20 years of age, 3058

      Cannabis, persons under age 21

             Advertising, restrictions, 3838

             Cannabis establishments, entering, loitering or remaining on premises, penalty for violations, exception, 3837

             Delivery to, persons not exempt from state prosecution, exceptions, 3835, 3836

             False representation of age to obtain, penalty for violations, 3837

             Giving cannabis or cannabis products to, penalty for violations, 3837

      Driver’s licenses

             Defensive driving course, requirement for persons under certain age, 2971, 2972

             Homeless persons, waiver of certain fees for persons under age 25, requirements, 4503, 4505

      Electric scooters, minimum age for operating shared scooter, penalties for violations, 1883

      Employment discrimination committed by local elected officer, powers and duties of Equal Rights Commission, 1946

      Equality of rights under law guaranteed to all persons, constitutional amendment, 4636, 4637

      Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, Medicaid coverage, requirements, 541

      Foster care, study of programs to improve outcomes for persons who leave custody of agency upon reaching 18 years of age, 2894

      Gaming manufacturers or distributors, employment of certain persons under age 21 authorized, 112

      HIV exposure laws, study of possible disparities in arrests, prosecutions and convictions, 467

      Identification cards, waiver of certain fees for persons under age 25, 4505

      Marijuana establishments, restrictions on advertisements, penalties, 2345, 2346

      Marriage of minors under age 17 prohibited, exception for minors age 17 with consent of parent or guardian and authorization of court, 3660, 3661

      Medical facilities and related entities, discrimination against person based on age, prohibited acts, duties, 1333, 1334

      Medical marijuana establishments, restrictions on advertisements, penalties, 2334, 2335

      Mental health services, emergency admissions, notice requirements, applicability of laws, 2621

      Minors (See MINORS)

      Prisoners, photo identification card issued upon release to indicate age verification, 646-648, 4448


             Bullying, cyber-bullying and discriminatory harassment, legislative study, 3082, 3083

             Suspension, expulsion or removal of pupils, applicability of provisions, 3568, 3569, 3575-3578


      Abuse, neglect, exploitation, isolation or abandonment

             Radiation therapy and radiologic imaging licensees, duty to make reports, 2713, 2714

             Reports and records, permissible disclosures, 3489

             Repository for Information Concerning Crimes Against Older Persons, name change, duties expanded to include vulnerable persons, 3473, 3474

             Sheriffs, designation of point of contact for Aging and Disability Services Division, duties of employee, 3483

             Supported Decision-Making Act, provisions not to affect reporting requirements, 463

      Advanced practice registered nurses, appropriation for participation of students receiving training in geriatrics, 3049

      Crimes against aged persons, aggregation of sentences, 234

      Group housing arrangements, licensing of businesses providing referrals to, 406

      Independent living, programs for, reallocation of certain money in Fund for a Healthy Nevada for purposes of funding, 3114

      Meal programs for food-insecure persons, appropriation, 3456

      Medical facility agents and employees, cultural competency training relating to senior citizens, requirements, 1334, 1681, 1682

      Nonmedical services related to personal care, employment agencies contracting with persons to provide, license requirements clarified, 248


             Geriatric parole authorized, 4448-4450

             Residential confinement, authorization for certain older offenders, 3063

      Real estate licensees, exemptions from continuing education requirements, 2779

      Respite care

             Assisted living facilities, study of feasibility of establishing in rural areas facilities that also provide respite care, 584

             Grant programs, appropriations, 2983

      Silver Haired Legislative Forum (See SILVER HAIRED LEGISLATIVE FORUM, NEVADA)

      State parks, permit for free entry, qualifications, 581, 582



      District boards of agriculture, status of Governor’s appointees, removal from office, 1566

      Food Security, Council on, creation, representation, 689

      Licenses to inspect or classify agricultural products (See also PROFESSIONS AND OCCUPATIONS, LICENSING)

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2955, 2956

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2955

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2954, 2955

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2955

      School gardens for Title I schools, appropriation, requirements, 3457-3459

      Trespassing, sufficiency of warnings against, 2477


      Authorized expenditures, 3137

      Cannabidiol used in commodities or products intended for human consumption, regulation, duties, 3883, 3884

      Cannabis Compliance Board, consultation, 3778

      Cannabis, exemptions from prosecution, 3806

      Capital improvements, funding, 3310

      Food Security, Council on, membership, duties, 689

      General appropriations, 3348

      Industrial hemp (See HEMP)

      Laboratory equipment, appropriations, 2784

      Licensing, criminal history disqualification

             Petitions, procedures, prohibited acts, reports

                   Agricultural products, licenses to inspect or classify, 2954-2956

                   Commercial feed manufacturers, distributors or guarantors, 2954-2956

                   Hemp growers, handlers and producers, 2948, 2949

                   Livestock and farm products dealers and other licensees, 2950, 2951

                   Milk testers, 2953, 2954

                   Pesticide applicators, 2945, 2946

             Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

      Livestock auctions

             Audit of custodial account for consignors’ proceeds, receipt, 1385

             Limited license to conduct, authority to issue, inspection of records of sale, penalties for violations, 2609-2611

      Quarantine Officer, State, duties, 1614, 1615

      Salaries of unclassified staff, 3325

      Vehicles, appropriation, 2784


      Administrators of facilities for long-term care, grounds for discipline, 1119, 1341, 2600


      Engine emission control (See ENGINE EMISSION CONTROL)

      Greenhouse gas emissions, annual reports, 1971, 1972

      Local air pollution control agencies

             Environmental health specialist laws inapplicable to employees, exception, 2112

             Pollution Control Account, receipt of distributions from, 83


      Composition, 2144

      Creation, 2144

      Gifts, grants and other money, authority to accept, 2145

      Legislative findings and declaration, 2143, 2144

      Meetings, 2144

      Powers and duties generally, 2145


      Burglary of a motor vehicle, elements of offense, penalties, 4425-4427

      Cigarettes and other tobacco products, applicability of licensing laws to common carriers engaged in interstate commerce, 621

      Grant program to assist air carriers, creation, 2145

      Nevada Air Service Development Fund, creation, sources and use, 2144, 2145

      Tax abatements for aircraft and component industry, eligibility, 2246, 2247


      Northwestern Nevada, reports on growth issues by counties, consultation, 799

      Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority, applicability of prevailing wage laws, 719


      Acquisition of real or personal property, requirements, 878

      Board of Trustees, appointment, terms, reappointment, 877, 879

      Compliance with state laws, statutory references provided, 877

      District Attorney of Carson City, obsolete transitory provision removed, 879

      Emergency services for Authority, removal of authority of Board to provide, 878

      Employees, certain requirements removed, 878, 879

      Fixed base operators, contracts with, approval requirement repealed, 878

      Sharing of resources, agreements regarding, authority, 878


      Alcohol and drug abuse treatment providers, prohibited acts, penalties, 1679, 1680


      Cannabis Compliance Board, membership, 3777

      Commercial sexual exploitation, reports, penalties for noncompliance, 1932

      Licenses or certificates

             Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257, 4311-4323

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

             Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278

      Mental health services, disclosure of consumer records to health care providers, 363, 367

      Veterans, duties regarding, continuing education and receipt of information related to health issues, 2692, 2694

      Vulnerable persons abused, neglected, exploited, isolated or abandoned, duty to report, 3485-3487


      Addictive disorders, persons with, terminology to be used in Nevada Revised Statutes and Nevada Administrative Code, 1944, 1945

      Coroners, duties when death caused by drug use, 4165


      High-risk behavior, orders for protection against, procedures, 3948, 3950-3952, 4170-4177

      Juvenile courts, evaluation and treatment of child for abuse, duties, restrictions on seeking payment of costs from parent or guardian, 1967

      Medical marijuana, "chronic or debilitating medical condition" defined to include dependence upon or addiction to opioids, 1619


             Advanced practice registered nurses, authority to evaluate DUI offenders, 502-509

             Civil commitment of alcoholics and drug addicts convicted of crime, provisions repealed, 4488

             Justice courts, specialty court programs, funding, 2280, 2281

             Municipal courts, specialty court programs, funding, 2280, 2281

             Prisoners in jail or detention facility, coordination of care, applicability of laws, 2198

             Residential confinement, assignment made discretionary, considerations in determination, 239, 241

             Substance use disorder

                   Deferment of judgment of certain persons placed in court program, 4388-4391

                   Probation and treatment for certain offenders, 4390, 4391, 4442, 4443

      Prohibited acts by treatment providers, facilities and program operators, 1679, 1680

      Suicide, pupils at high risk of

             Crisis, emergency or suicide model management plan, contents, 1765

             Grades 7-12, adoption of suicide prevention policy, requirements, 1761, 1762

      Treatment facilities (See also MEDICAL FACILITIES AND RELATED ENTITIES)

             Deaths occurring in, reports, exemptions from investigations, penalties for violations, 1666-1671

             Discrimination, prohibited acts, required policies and notices, 1333, 1334

             Electronic records, duties, regulations, 1335

             Employees and agents, cultural competency training, requirements, 1334

             License, grounds for denial, suspension or revocation, 1339, 1677

             Licensing status and quality, publication of information, 1673, 1674

             Name of person receiving care, duties of facilities, regulations, 1335

             Patient safety officer, designation, duties, 1667, 1670

             Privacy of persons receiving care, duties, 1335

             Sentinel events defined to include deaths, reports, investigations, penalties, 1666-1671


      Definitions, 572, 573

      Regulation of operation and testing, 573, 574

      Violations, administrative fines, 574


      Fleet vehicles, repeal of provisions requiring use of alternative fuels, 1061


      Prohibited acts involving, 403-405


      Defined as "other tobacco product," applicability of laws, 3590

      Sales to persons under certain age, prohibited acts, duties of sellers, 3588-3590, 3596, 3597


      Portable event recording devices or vehicular event recording devices, funding for purchase and maintenance, 3255



      Special license plates, renewal statements, duty of holder to surrender plates, 1389, 1390


      Veterans Services, Department of, collaboration duties, 2691


      Veterans Services, Department of, collaboration duties, 2691


      Self-medication by school pupils, persons authorized to sign statement allowing, 138-143


      Nontransplant anatomical donation organizations, certification and regulation, penalties for violations, reports, 2765, 2766


      Creditworthiness evaluations, prohibited acts, study of and programs to prevent or eliminate discrimination in credit practices, 1594

      Equality of rights under law guaranteed to all persons, constitutional amendment, 4636, 4637

      Medical facilities and related entities, discrimination against persons based on ancestry, prohibited acts, duties, 1333, 1334

      Restrictive covenants, provisions deemed void, duties of county recorders, 373-375

      Schools, legislative study of bullying, cyber-bullying and discriminatory harassment, 3082, 3083


      Dental hygienists and dental therapists, authorized acts, 3206

ANIMALS (See also LIVESTOCK; WILDLIFE; specific kinds of animals)

      Cosmetics tested on animals, importation or sale prohibited, exceptions, penalties, 1589, 1590

      Cruelty (See CRUELTY TO ANIMALS)

      Impoundment due to arrest of owner, procedures, applicability of laws, recovery of costs, 1774-1778

      Pets (See PETS)


      Public utilities and rural electric cooperatives, notice of annexation to be provided by certain cities, 570, 571


      Abandoned or unclaimed property, presumption of abandonment relating to amounts owed by insurer, determination, 3014


      Medical marijuana, "chronic or debilitating medical condition" defined to include anorexia, 1619


      Medical marijuana, "chronic or debilitating medical condition" defined to include anxiety disorders, 1619


      Electronic waste, removal of data before disposal required, 2217, 2574

      General appropriations, 3343

      Judges, payment of salaries, 3364

      Recycling, general duties, 2216, 2217


      Definitions, 477, 479, 480

      Disciplinary action

             Registration, expiration, revocation, suspension or surrender, effect, 479

             Reports to federal authorities, 479

      Exemption from laws, criteria, 483


             Fees, establishment, use, 480, 487

             Reports to Appraisal Subcommittee of the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council, 479


             Application, requirements, 483-485

             Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905


                   Immigration or citizenship status, denial based solely on prohibited, 4256, 4257

                   Notice, contest, hearing, 477, 485, 486

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

             Reapplication, procedures, effect of denial or untimely submission, 485

             Renewal, 477, 486


                   Grounds, 488

                   Procedures, effect, 478, 479

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

             Suspension, procedures, effect, 478, 479

             Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278

             Voluntary surrender, effect, 479


      Motor vehicle physical damage appraisers, surrender of license, provisions repealed, 1700, 1728


      Real estate (See REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS)


      Appraisal management companies, duties, 477-479, 487

      Investigatory staff, oath and subpoena powers, 482

      Members, status as civil officers, removal from office, 1566


      Agreements of apprenticeship, contents, 2398

      Discrimination, prohibited acts, 2398

      Electrical linemen, work on electric infrastructure of electric utility, requirements for, 556, 557

      Foster care, pupils in, completion of apprenticeship program, determination of amount of credit to award, procedures, 1162

      Homeless or unaccompanied pupils, completion of apprenticeship program, determination of amount of credit to award, procedures, 1162

      Public works projects

             Graduates of program, deemed apprentice or journeyman for certain purposes, 3154

             Legislative declaration, 3153, 3154

            Requirements, exemption, modification or waiver, procedures, 3154, 3155

      Purposes of laws, 2396


      Chair and Vice Chair, selection, term, voting rights, 2397


             Governor’s appointees, status, removal from office, 1566

             Number of voting members, 2396

             Qualifications of voting members, 2396

             Terms of incumbent members, expiration, 2398

      Public works projects, duties, 3154

      Quorum, requirements, 2397



      Aging and Disability Services Division, 2983, 3345, 3346, 3456

      Agriculture, State Department of, 2784, 3348

      Atomic Testing Museum, relocation, 4012

      Attorney General, Office of the, 2852, 3342

      Boys and Girls Clubs, Inc., Nevada Alliance of, 2866

      Budget Division, 3720

      Carson City, voter registration and election expenses, 4144

      Central Repository, 2798, 3349

      Central Services and Records, Division of, 3349, 3350, 3711

      Child and Family Services, Division of, 2805, 2894, 3077, 3346

      Churchill County, voter registration and election expenses, 4144

      Clark County, voter registration and election expenses, 4144

      Conservation and Natural Resources, Department of (See CONSERVATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES, STATE DEPARTMENT OF)

      Contingency Account, 3718

      Corrections, Department of (See CORRECTIONS, DEPARTMENT OF)

      Douglas County, voter registration and election expenses, 4144

      Economic Development, Office of, 3343, 3456

      Eighth Judicial District Court, 2969

      Employment, Training and Rehabilitation, Department of, 2793, 3349

      Enterprise Information Technology Services, Division of, 3712, 3713

      Equal Rights Commission, Nevada, 2788, 3349

      Examiners, State Board of, 3337, 3338, 3340

      Finance, Office of (See FINANCE, OFFICE OF)

      Fire Marshal, State, 3152, 3349

      Fleet Services Division, 2782, 2783

      Forestry, Division of, 2803, 2804, 3348, 3361

      Gaming Control Board, Nevada, 2795

      General appropriations legislation, 3341-3364

      Governor, Office of the, 3341, 3716, 3717

      Grant Procurement, Coordination and Management, Office of, 3342, 3352, 3710

      Grant Sawyer Office Building remodel, 4016

      Health Care Financing and Policy, Division of, 2023, 3345

      Highway Patrol (See HIGHWAY PATROL, NEVADA)

      Historic Preservation, Office of, 3349, 3724, 3900

      Information Technology, Division of, 3721

      Interim Finance Committee (See LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL BUREAU)

      Investigation Division, 3349, 3711, 3712

      Judicial Discipline, Commission on, 2350, 3343

      Legislative Fund (See LEGISLATURE)

      Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health, 4015

      Marlette Lake, 2790, 2802, 2803, 3342

      Meal programs for food-insecure aged persons, 3456

      Medicaid, 2023, 3345, 4017

      Mentoring, Nevada Advisory Commission on, 4511, 4512

      Millennium Scholarship Trust Fund, 3532

      Minority Affairs, Nevada Commission on, 4253, 4254

      Motor Vehicles, Department of (See MOTOR VEHICLES, DEPARTMENT OF)

      Nevada Blind Children’s Foundation, 4022

      Nevada Center for Civic Engagement, 2868

      Nevada Check-Up Program, 2023, 3345, 4017

      Nevada Health Service Corps, 3073

      Nevada Main Street Program, 2893

      Nevada Partners, 2867

      Nevada State Museum, Las Vegas, 3343, 4014

      Nevada State Radio System, 2807

      Nevada System of Higher Education (See NEVADA SYSTEM OF HIGHER EDUCATION)

      Non-State Retiree Rate Mitigation Account, 1781, 3350

      Parole and Probation, Division of, 2799, 3349, 4487

      Parole Commissioners, State Board of, 2800, 3349

      Postsecondary Education, Commission on, 2793, 3349

      Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, 3346, 3347, 3717-3719

      Public Works Division, State (See ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF)

      Reno Rodeo Association, 4013

      Reserve for Statutory Contingency Account, 3718

      Respite care, grant programs, 2983


      Science, Innovation and Technology, Office of, 3096, 3341, 3351

      Secretary of State, 3342, 4143

      Stale Claims Account, 3718

      State Library, Archives, and Public Records, Division of, 2790, 3342

      State Parks, Division of, 2785, 3348, 3962

      Supreme Court, 2870, 3117, 3343, 3362, 3363

      Taxation, Department of, 2802, 3342, 3599, 3694

      Teach Nevada Scholarship Program Account, 2389

      Tobacco prevention and control programs, 3598

      Training Division, 3349, 3350, 3714

      Transportation, Department of, 2807

      Vegas PBS, 4014

      Veterans Services, Department of, 3007, 3347

      Voters, Automatic Voter Registration Initiative expenses, 3711

      Washoe County, voter registration and election expenses, 4144

      Water Resources, Division of, 2792, 2793, 3348

      Welfare and Supportive Services, Division of, 2796, 2797, 3347, 3428

      Western Regional Higher Education Compact Account, 3049

      White Pine County, courthouse construction, 4016


      Emergency medical services provided by out-of-network providers, disputes regarding payment, procedures, reports, 324-326

      Government Employee-Management Relations Act, procedures, 3739, 3740

      Wills and trusts, enforceability of arbitration provisions, 1872-1874



      Certificates of registration

             Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

             Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278

      Landscape architects (See LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS)

      Public works, certain authority of public body to enter into design-build contracts removed, 1580

      School blueprints, disclosures upon request, 1062, 1063



      Buffalo Soldiers Day, designation, 1208

      Cigarettes and other tobacco products, sales on military reservations, 616

      Consumer credit loans, lender requirements and prohibitions, action for violation, 940-942, 945, 950

      Contractor licensees on active duty, reinstatement of suspended licenses, 2035, 2036

      Criminal defendants, specialty court programs

             Eligibility for assignment, discharge from program, 2445-2447, 4395-4397

             Justice courts and municipal courts, funding of programs, 2280, 2281

      Desert National Wildlife Refuge, Congress urged to oppose expansion of United States Air Force in, 4621-4623

      Environmental health specialists, initial registration fee for Armed Forces members and spouses, 2122

      Fallon Range Training Complex, opposition to expansion expressed, 4610

      Insurance adjusters, waiver of license renewal requirements, 3036

      LGBT members, outreach and assistance by Department of Veterans Services, certain requirements removed, 58

      "Military and naval service," terminology changed to "Armed Forces,” 126, 127, 131-133

      Military Children, Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for

             Interscholastic activities, immediate eligibility of transferred child, 271

             Liaison between school district and military families, designation by districts of employee to serve as, duties, 271, 272

      Military vehicles, retired, special license plates, exemption from certain taxes and fees, requirements for operation on highways, 1323, 1324, 1331

      National Guard (See NATIONAL GUARD)

      Nevada Promise Scholarship recipients, authority of student to request leave of absence from Program, 1210

      Northwestern Nevada, reports on growth issues by certain counties, consultation with military bases, 799

      Radiation therapy and radiologic imaging personnel, licensing procedures for members and spouses, 2727, 2728

      Suicide prevention training, provision to family members, 3107

      Teachers, licensing procedures for military members and spouses, 888, 889

      Veterans (See VETERANS)


      Animals impounded due to arrest of owner, procedures, applicability of laws, recovery of costs, 1774-1778

      Battery perpetrators, duties and immunities of peace officers, 1805-1807

      California-Nevada Compact for Jurisdiction on Interstate Waters, concurrent jurisdiction of law enforcement officers, 447

      Controlled substances violations involving prescriptions, duties of law enforcement agency following arrest, 168-170

      Domestic violence

             Perpetrators, duties and immunities of peace officers, 1805-1807

             Protection orders, when arrest for violation may be made, 2857

      Gaming employees, effect of certain arrests, 213

      Handle with Care Program (See also SCHOOLS, PUBLIC)

             Law enforcement officer or employee, duty to notify if arrest of parent or guardian made in presence of child, 3972

      High-risk behavior, orders for protection against, violation, procedures for arrest, 4175, 4176


             Exposure laws, study of possible disparities in related arrests, 467

             Sexual assault perpetrators, time for performing HIV test, requirements, 1915

      Indian tribes, police officers employed by, jurisdictional limitations, 535

      Interrogation of persons in custody, policies regarding electronic recording, requirements, 794, 795

      Parking violations, issuance of bench warrant for failure to appear restricted, 383, 384

      Prostitution, duty of peace officers upon making arrest, 1911

      Sexual conduct by law enforcement officer with person under arrest prohibited, penalty, consent no defense to prosecution, 836

      Traffic violations

             Citation, refusal to take physical delivery as grounds for being taken immediately before magistrate, 1443

             Presumption that person arrested should be released on own recognizance, exceptions, 2277, 2278

             Warrant issued for failure to appear or failure to pay administrative assessment, fine or court fee, grace period required, exceptions, 2278

      Witnesses, failure to appear, issuance of warrant

             Attorney, appointment upon arrest of witness, requirements, 2270

             Detention of witness pursuant to warrant, procedures, 2270

             Scheduling case in which witness will testify, requirements, 2270



      Authorized expenditures, 3133

      General appropriations, 3344

      Members, status as civil officers, removal from office, 1566


      Control of asbestos, licenses (See also PROFESSIONS AND OCCUPATIONS, LICENSING)

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2958, 2959

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2959

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2958, 2959

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2959

      Occupational disease coverage for certain persons, inclusion of asbestos as known carcinogen, 3430, 3431


      Domestic violence (See DOMESTIC VIOLENCE)

      First responders, crimes committed against spouse or child, additional penalty, 1462, 1463

      Prosecuting attorneys, inclusion as "officer" for penalty purposes, 1811

      Radiation therapy and radiologic imaging licensees, enhanced penalty for assault upon, 2712, 2713

      Sexual assault (See SEXUAL ASSAULT)



      Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257

      Criminal history disqualification

             Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

             List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

             Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

             Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

      Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256

      Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902


      Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

      Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278



      Drugs essential for treatment, tracking and reporting of pricing information, 1465, 1466

      Self-medication by pupils, persons authorized to sign statement allowing, 138-143


      Authorized expenditures, 3131

      Continuation of effectiveness of contracts and regulation, 3902

      Executive Director, appointment, authority to employ additional personnel, 3901

      Fingerprints, authority regarding submission, 1253, 1254

      Members, status as civil officers, removal from office, 1566

      Salaries of unclassified staff, 3326

      Transfer to Office of the Governor, 3901

      Unarmed combat, powers and duties, 1250-1260



             Dry needling, regulation, 1588

             Sunset Subcommittee of Legislative Commission

                   Criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, review, recommendations, 2904, 2905

                   Study of professional and occupational licensing boards, 4629, 4630

      Commercial sexual exploitation of child, duty to report, penalty for violations, 1932, 1939

      Dry needling, authority to perform, regulations, 1587, 1588

      Health carrier network of providers, denial of application to be included, use of form letter, requirements, 551


             Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257, 4300

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

             Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278

      "Practice of athletic training" defined, 1588

      Vulnerable persons abused, neglected, exploited, isolated or abandoned, duty to report, 3485-3487


      Scanning devices, installing, affixing or accessing for unlawful purpose prohibited, penalty, 680, 4439, 4440


      Appropriation for relocation, requirements, 4012


      Delinquent fine, fee, administrative assessment or restitution, removal of collection method, 2453


      Authorized expenditures, 3131, 3132

      Cannabis Advisory Commission, membership, 3773

      Cannabis Compliance Board, reports of violations, duties, 3779, 3784

      Capital improvements legislation, duties, 3315

      Cigarettes and other tobacco products, duties, 472, 473, 623, 3597, 3598

      Common-interest communities and condominium hotels

             Deputy Attorney General designated to assist Real Estate Division, qualifications, duties, 675, 676

             Task force to study issues, representation, 676

      Consumer Protection, Bureau of

             Deferred deposit, high-interest and title loans, services offered through Internet, authority to provide information to public, 943

             Regulatory Experimentation Program for Product Innovation, consultations, 3992

             Ticket resellers, complaints related to violations, duties, 1135

      Contractors’ Board, State, removal of duty relative to, 154

      Data collectors, prohibited acts by operators of websites or on-line services, duties, 1173

      Decriminalization of offense, requests to seal criminal record, duties, 1459

      Disaster Identification Coordination Committee, State, representation, 1067

      Document preparation services

             Cash bond or surety bond, approval as to form, 841

             Duties, 1877, 1878

      Domestic Violence, Committee on, quorum, powers and duties, 1825, 3495

      Education, Department of, due process hearings involving pupils with disabilities, enforcement of orders, 915

      Employee misclassification, communication with certain agencies, duties, 3157

      Employers, annual paid leave violations, duties, 3754

      Factual innocence, hearing to establish based on newly discovered evidence, procedures, duties, 2978-2980

      Gaming violations, authority to request interception of communications during investigations, 826

      General appropriations, 3342

      Grant Sawyer Office Building remodel, duties, 4017

      Great Basin College Welding Lab expansion, duties, 4019

      High-risk behavior, orders for protection against, receipt of copy, 4176, 4177

      Higher education, establishment of outreach program to connect victims of domestic violence and human trafficking with database of information relating to sources of funding, 2324

      Medical cannabis, effect of provisions on adoption of policies and procedures precluding use by employees, 3833, 3834

      Missing children, removal of duty to provide information to State Disaster Identification Team, 1079

      Native Americans

             Grants or loans following disaster, agreements with tribes authorized, 3630

             Nevada Tribal Emergency Coordinating Council, duties, 1081

      Office building, capital improvements, funding, 3310

      Open Meeting Law violations, duties, 3627, 3628

      Physicians, violations related to supervision of students, recovery of fines, 4043, 4044

      Product Innovation, Regulatory Experimentation Program for, duties, 3992

      Prosecuting attorneys, generally (See PROSECUTING ATTORNEYS)

      Prostitution, advancing, concurrent prosecutorial jurisdiction with district attorneys, 2630

      Psychological Examiners, Board of, removal of certain duties relative to, 999

      Psychology personnel, unregistered practice, action to enjoin, 1001, 1002

      Public works, prevailing wage violations, receipt of reports, authority to prosecute, 702

      Radiation therapy and radiologic imaging, injunctions, duties, 2732

      Recall of public officers, violations, recovery of civil penalties, 1655

      Salary, payment, 3364

      Sentencing Commission, Nevada, removal as member, 2873

      Sexual assault

             Committee on Rights of Survivors of Sexual Assault, membership, duties, authority to seek certain funding, 2846-2848

             Sexual Assault Survivors’ Bill of Rights, development and distribution of document explaining rights and providing further information, duties, 2844, 2845

             Victims’ advocates, grants to recruit and train, appropriation, 2852

      Unclassified staff, salaries, 3322, 3323, 3340

      UNLV College of Engineering, Academic and Research Building, duties, 4019

      Vulnerable persons, crimes committed against, investigation and prosecution, powers and duties, 3492-3494

      Western Nevada College Marlette Hall refurbishment, duties, 4020

      Wrongful conviction, actions for, pleadings to be served upon Attorney General, 4367


      Consumer form contracts, actions based on, calculation of amount of award, 2310, 2311

      Consumer litigation funding companies, action by Commissioner of Financial Institutions, 2413

      Disabilities, pupils with, due process hearings involving, failure to comply with decision, 915


             Labor Commissioner, imposition of administrative penalty for sick leave violations, authority to recover fees, 345

             Minimum wage laws, violations, remedies, 3749

      Government shutdowns, certain prohibited actions against federal, tribal or state workers during, civil remedies, 3176, 3177, 3195

      High-risk behavior, orders for protection against, action for removal of information from Central Repository, 4177

      Juvenile proceedings, orders to pay costs of court-appointed attorney prohibited, 1961

      Occupational regulatory bodies, requirements for recovery of fees from subject of proceeding, 540

      Offers of judgment, procedures, 275

      Public records actions, appeals, 4008

      Radiation therapy or radiologic imaging, actions for professional negligence, fee restrictions, 2709

      Ticket reseller violations, recovery of fees by certain prevailing parties, 1136

      Trustees, proceedings for removal initiated by certain persons, penalties for bad faith or lack of probable cause, 1864

      Wrongful conviction of felony, actions for, authority of court to award fees, 4368


      Administrative or court proceedings, continuance during legislative session, requirements, procedures, 3606, 3607

      Cannabis Advisory Commission, representation, 3774

      Cannabis Compliance Board, representation, 3777

      Commercial sexual exploitation of child

             Agency which provides child welfare services, access to information maintained by, restrictions, 1934

             Coordinator of services for commercially sexually exploited child, duty to provide legal representation for child, 3075, 3076

             Duty to report, exceptions for conflicts with ethical duties, 1932

      Consumer litigation funding

             Complaints, filing, 2414

             Contracts, requirements, 2402, 2404, 2405

             Interest in certain funding companies prohibited, 2405

             Liens related to claim, priority, 2406

             Privileged communications, 2406

      Eviction, summary proceedings, requirements for proof of service or order, 3919-3921

      Factual innocence, hearing to establish

             Appointment of counsel for petitioner, 2981

             Finding by court of ineffective assistance of counsel as basis for filing petition, 2978

      Guardianships of adults

             Abuse, neglect, exploitation, isolation or abandonment of older or vulnerable person, authority to receive information, required disclosures to court, 3488-3491

             Sterilization of protected person, appointment, procedures, 84

      Indigent Defense Services, Board on, membership, 2880, 2881

      Indigent Defense Services, Department of, qualifications of Executive Director and deputy directors, 2884, 2885

      Mental health facilities, hearings regarding involuntary court-ordered admissions, duties, 357

      Mental or physical examinations ordered in civil actions, persons authorized to attend, procedures, 966, 967

      Motor vehicle personal injury claims, procedures for exchange of medical and insurance information, 2499, 2500

      Name change of minor in custody of agency which provides child welfare services, procedures, 2087

      Peace officers, investigations for misconduct, requests for representation, rights of representatives, 2661, 2662

      Schools, reports of abuse, neglect or other illegal conduct, authority of parent or guardian to share information, 416, 417

      Sentencing Policy, Department of, qualifications of Executive Director, 2872

      Sexual Assault, Advisory Committee on Rights of Survivors of, membership, 2846

      Sexual assault victims, right to have counsel present during any forensic medical examination or interaction with representatives of the legal or criminal justice system, 2843

      Witnesses in criminal proceedings

             Domestic violence and sexual assault victims, appointment of attorney, 2269

             Failure to appear, appointment of attorney upon arrest of witness, 2270

      Wrongful convictions, actions for damages or other relief, authority of court to appoint attorney for person wrongfully convicted, 4368


      City real property

             Internet auctions authorized, procedures, 1040-1042

             Notice of auction, requirements, 1041

      County real property

             Internet auctions authorized, procedures, 1034-1036

             Notice of auction, requirements, 1035

      General improvement districts, sale of real property, 2569-2571


             Limited license to conduct annual sales, issuance, requirements, applicability of laws, penalties for violations, 2609-2611

             Public auctions

                   Audit of custodial account for consignors’ proceeds, duties of licensee, 1385

                   Renewal of license of operator, requirements, 1384, 1385

                   Surety bond, amount and type, 1383, 1384

      Local government purchasing, on-line solicitations, procedures, 769

      Public works, reverse auction prohibited when awarding contract, 704

      Regional transportation commissions, sale of property acquired through eminent domain, 803





      Cannabis establishments and medical cannabis establishments, tax audits of licensees, 3783, 3784

      Captive insurers, 1716

      Children’s Health Insurance Program, contracts for payments and rebates for prescription drugs, requirements, 4027, 4028

      Chiropractors, continuing education requirements, random audits to ensure compliance authorized, 2292

      Cigarettes and other tobacco products, records of licensees, 619

      Corporations, requests by stockholders to audit records, requirements, 2486

      Elections, requirements for risk-limiting audits, 3370, 3371, 3426

      Energy efficiency measures by state agencies, 4628

      Executive Branch Audit Committee, status of Governor’s appointee, removal from office, 1566

      Home Means Nevada, Inc.

             Removal of duty of Division of Internal Audits to conduct audit, 1363

             Time for submission to Interim Finance Committee, 1363, 1364

      Legislative Commission, audit requests (See LEGISLATIVE COMMISSION)

      Livestock auctions, custodial account for consignors’ proceeds, 1385

      Medicaid, contracts for payments and rebates for prescription drugs, requirements, 4027, 4028

      Motor Vehicles, Department of, defensive driving course expenses, 2975

      Portable and vehicular event recording devices, telephone surcharges for purchase and maintenance, audit, 1562, 1565


             Crisis, emergency or suicide response plans, 3233

             Out-of-state medical facilities requesting reimbursement for providing educational services to pupils, appropriation for audits, regulations, 3111, 3112

      Telephone system used for reporting emergency, surcharge imposed by telecommunications providers, audit, 1562, 1565

      Water loss audits, duties of suppliers of water, 2098, 2104, 2105


      Cannabis Compliance Board, 2393

      Endowment Account, 2507, 3132, 3906, 3907

      General authorized expenditures legislation, 3131-3147

      General capital improvements legislation, 3313, 3314, 3317, 3320, 3321

      Great Basin College Welding Lab expansion, 4019

      Housing Crisis Response System, Nevada, 834

      Marijuana Regulation and Control Account, 2393

      Medicaid, 2023, 4018

      Nevada Check-Up Program, 4018

      School funds and accounts (See SCHOOL FINANCES AND FUNDS)

      State Library, Archives and Public Records, Division of, 4002

      Teach Nevada Scholarship Program Account, 2389, 2390

      UNLV College of Engineering, Academic and Research Building, 4018, 4019

      Welfare and Supportive Services, Division of, 2796, 2797, 3428

      Wildlife Heritage Account, 758


      Autism Treatment Assistance Program

             Audit by Legislative Auditor, duties, 3050

             Authorized expenditures, 3136

             General appropriations, 3345

             Treatment plans, participants to receive appropriate services after reaching 20 years of age, 3058

      Medical marijuana, "chronic or debilitating medical condition" defined to include autism spectrum disorders, 1619


      Administrative support, 3056

      Chair and Vice Chair, 3056

      Composition, 3055

      Creation in statute, 3055

      Duties generally, 3056

      Meetings, quorum, 3056

      Study of processes used for evaluating children, duties, 3053

      Subcommittees, 3056

      Terms, 3055, 3060

      Vacancies, 3056


      Medical marijuana, "chronic or debilitating medical condition" defined to include, 1619


      Scanning devices, installing, affixing or accessing for unlawful purpose prohibited, penalty, 680, 4439, 4440


      Criminal history disqualification

             Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2935

             List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2934

             Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2934

            Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

      Deposit in lieu of bond, acceptable deposits, 62

      Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2934





      Bond or undertaking

             Applicability to any proceeding arising from charge on which bail originally given, 650

             Exoneration, when required, delay authorized, duration, 650, 651

      Material witness in criminal proceeding, bail to secure, 2269

      Traffic violations, certain forfeitures to be paid into State Permanent School Fund, 2281


      Examination by Commissioner of Insurance, payment of expenses, 1686

      Microchips and similar identification, unlawful acts, penalties, 2125, 2126

      Surrender of license, provisions repealed, 1726, 1728



      Captive insurers, additional requirements to transact insurance in State, 1713

      Consumer form contracts, laws inapplicable, 2308

      Exploitation of vulnerable persons, reporting requirements, 3499

      Financial Literacy Advisory Council, State, representation, 1987

      Housing, Advisory Committee on, representation, 2429

      Notices regarding check violations, contents, 4429, 4436, 4437

      Occupational licensing boards, withdrawals from accounts in banks, procedures, reviews, 1304

      Privacy of covered information collected by operators of Internet websites or online services, certain financial institutions exempt from notice requirements, 1172

      Product Innovation, Regulatory Experimentation Program for, establishment, 3985-3993, 3997

      Residential mortgage loan originators, requirement to be licensed as mortgage agent eliminated, 1424

      State Treasurer

             Deposits of state money to be made in insured banks, 668, 669

             Uninsured balances of public money, collateral for, establishment of monitoring program, requirements, reports, assessments, 670, 671

      Voters registered by certain methods, documents which may be presented at polling place as proof of address, 4054



             Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

             Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278

      State Barbers’ Health and Sanitation Board (See PROFESSIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL REGULATORY BODIES)


      Washoe County, baseball stadium project, applicability of prevailing wage laws, 706


      Domestic violence (See DOMESTIC VIOLENCE)

      First responders, crimes committed against spouse or child, additional penalty, 1462, 1463

      Prosecuting attorneys, inclusion as "officer" for penalty purposes, 1813

      School pupils, battery causing injury to school employee, disciplinary procedures, 3291, 3575, 3576


      Autism Spectrum Disorders, Nevada Commission on, membership, 3055

      Board of Applied Behavior Analysis

             Approval by Board for certain actions by Aging and Disability Services Division, 2537, 2538, 2547-2550

             Competence of licensee or registrant, examinations, orders, 2549, 2550

             Delegation of certain responsibilities to Aging and Disability Services Division authorized, 2537

             Disciplinary proceedings, powers and duties, records, 2538, 2546-2548

             Fees, regulation, 2538

             Injunctions, approval of applications to court, 2550

             Legislative study of professional and occupational licensing boards, 4629, 4630

             Members deemed civil officers, removal from office, 1566

             Members, status as civil officers, removal from office, 1566

             Renewal of license, regulations, 2543, 2544

             Suspension or revocation of license or registration, reinstatement, 2544, 2545, 2547, 2551

      Definitions, 2534, 2535

      Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, Medicaid coverage, requirements, 541-543

      License, certificate or registration

             Applications for licensure, procedures, 2540, 2541

             By endorsement, issuance, 2541-2543

             Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4342-4344

             Continuing education requirements, 2543, 2544

             Criminal background checks, authority of technicians to forego, procedures, 2539, 2540

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4342

             Disciplinary action, procedures, 2545-2551

             Exemptions from requirements, 2536

             Renewal, 2543, 2544

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4342

             Suspension or revocation, reinstatement, 2544, 2545, 2547, 2551

      State certified interventionists, provisions removed, 2534-2567


      Behavioral health regions, reconfiguration, 2044

      Behavioral health services, creation of electronic information repository, 2048

      Emergency or disaster, development of plan to address behavioral health needs during, requirements, 591

      Law enforcement agencies, duties, 4462

      Law enforcement dispatchers, training relating to behavioral health crisis intervention, 4463

      Law enforcement field response grant program, development, requirements, 4460-4462

      Nonemergency secure behavioral health transport services, regulation, 1923, 1924

      Psychiatric hospitals, endorsement to provide crisis stabilization services, 1918, 1919

      School crisis or emergency model management plan, requirements, 3244


      Behavioral health regions, reconfiguration, 2044

      Members, status as civil officers, removal from office, 1566

      Regional behavioral health policy boards

             Duties generally, 2047, 2048

             Employees to assist boards, hiring, 2044

             Governor’s appointees, status, removal from office, 1566

             Legislator members, attendance at certain meetings excused, 2047

             Qualifications of members, alternate qualifications for certain appointees, 2045, 2046

             Vacancies, filling, 2047


      Electric bicycles (See ELECTRIC BICYCLES)

      Parking on sidewalks, authority, 1892


      Utilities, powers and duties regarding renewable natural gas, regulations, 228-230


      Homeless child or youth, entitlement to free certified copy, laws clarified, persons authorized to assist in obtaining, 4506, 4507

      Unaccompanied youth, issuance of statement as to date of birth when necessary for admission to school or securing employment, 4507


      Director of Health and Human Services, duties, 1505-1508

      Family Planning, Account for, use, 1506, 1507

      Grant program for family planning services, requirements, 1506

      Sexual assault or attempted sexual assault victims, receipt of information concerning emergency contraception, 335, 336

      Sterilization of protected person, restrictions, procedures, 84, 85


      Child welfare, discrimination in certain proceedings relating to children, prohibited acts, procedures, 2756-2764


      Nevada Blind Children’s Foundation, appropriation for afterschool programs, 4022


      Business entities, authority to use blockchain technology, 2821-2825

      Cannabis Advisory Commission, duties, 3775

      Definition, 2819, 2826

      Public blockchains

             Definition, 2818, 2826-2828

             "State of the public blockchain" defined, 2818, 2826

             "Unaffiliated computers or machines" defined, 2818, 2826

             Use, retention of ownership rights to information, 2818


      Arrest, presumption that person should be released on own recognizance inapplicable, 2277

      Burglary of a motor vehicle, elements of offense, penalties, 4425-4427

      Game mammals or birds, unlawful to harass with motorboat, 762

      Interstate Waters, California-Nevada Compact for Jurisdiction on, concurrent jurisdiction of law enforcement officers, limitation on civil actions, 447, 448

      Operating vessel under the influence, system established for making pleas and defenses via mail or electronic means, use prohibited, 381

      Trailers used to transport boats or personal watercraft, rights of holders of storage liens, 1449


      Criminal history disqualification from obtaining license

             Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2935

             List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2934

             Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2934

             Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

      Deposit in lieu of bond, acceptable deposits, 66

      Internet publication of requirements for obtaining license, 2934


      Criminal history disqualification from obtaining certificate

             Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2929

             List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2928

             Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2928, 2929

             Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

      Internet publication of requirements for obtaining certificate, 2928


      City Economic Development Revenue Bond Law, applicability of prevailing wage requirements, 708

      Corridor improvements, Carson and Truckee rivers, 2862

      County Economic Development Revenue Bond Law

             "Historic structure" defined, 971

             Prevailing wage laws, applicability of requirements, 707

      General capital improvements legislation, 3309, 3311-3313

      Historic preservation

             Cultural center projects, 3315

             Medium-term obligations to finance preservation, "historic structure" defined, 973

      Industrial development revenue bonds

             "Historic structure" defined, 972

             Prevailing wage laws, compliance requirements, 714

      Limited-liability companies, issuance for purpose of reorganizing company, 2493

      Museums, establishment, improvement or expansion, 2862

      Parks, wildlife and recreation purposes

             Issuance, allocations, 2861-2864

             Legislative findings and declaration, 2865

      Private Activity Bond Council, creation, duties, 2430, 2431

      Tahoe Basin, improvements, 891, 2862, 3315

      Tahoe Douglas Visitor’s Authority, issuance for multiuse event and convention center, 2363, 2364

      Water conservation and system improvements, grant program, 3315


      Bail (See BAIL)

      Cigarettes and other tobacco products, wholesale dealers, 618, 642, 643

      Community-based living arrangement services, applicants for license, regulation, 2152

      Consumer litigation funding companies, requirements, 2409, 2410

      Document preparation services (See DOCUMENT PREPARATION SERVICES)

      Livestock auction operators

             Amount and type of bond, 1383, 1384

             Limited license to conduct annual sales, requirements, 2609-2611

      Logging permits, application requirements, 736, 741

      Manufactured homes or mobile homes, bond requirements for issuance of new certificate of ownership under certain circumstances, 2422

      Motor Vehicles, Department of

             Deposits in lieu of bond, restrictions, 68

             Salvage title applicants, requirements, 1449

             Special license plates, release of bond posted by person requesting issuance, criteria, 202

      Offenders employed by private employers, amount of surety bond required, procedure for setting, 816

      Optometry, Nevada State Board of, bond requirement for Executive Director removed, 3639

      Special fuel users, requirements, 1572

      Timberland conversion certificate, application requirements, 740, 741


      Elections, charter amendments

             Canvass of returns, time for completion, 4130

             Conduct, applicability of state laws, 4130

             Date of holding, 3547, 3548

      Homelessness, working group to reduce, creation, duties, reports, 2042

      Police Department, sales taxes for additional officers

             Reporting requirements, penalties for violations, 4189-4191

             Sunsets removed, 4192



      Nevada Alliance of Boys and Girls Clubs, Inc., appropriation, 2866, 2867


      Estate distilleries, bulk transfers of malt beverages authorized, taxation, 2768-2772

      Transport and storage of malt beverages on premises other than where manufactured authorized, limitations on sales, 2769, 2770


      Alcohol and drug abuse treatment providers, facilities and program operators, prohibited acts, 1679

      Gaming, penalty for certain acts, 4477, 4478



      Designation, 1208


      Plumbing fixtures, minimum standards, 2100, 2101


      Environmental health specialist laws, exemptions, 2112


      Affordable housing, reduction of fees by governing body, authority, 828, 829


      Categories, penalties, 4425-4427

      Domestic violence, additional acts constituting, 1805

      Incompetent defendant, applicability of certain procedures, 4404


      Abandoned or unclaimed property, when certain property presumed abandoned, 3016

      Agents, surrender of license to Commissioner of Insurance, provisions repealed, 1705, 1728


             Examination by Commissioner of Insurance, payment of expenses, 1686

             Permit, surrender to Commissioner of Insurance, provisions repealed, 1705, 1728


      Charter buses, drivers’ permits (See also PROFESSIONS AND OCCUPATIONS, LICENSING)

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2960

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2960

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2959, 2960

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2960

      Cigarettes and other tobacco products, applicability of licensing laws to common carriers engaged in interstate commerce, 621

      Disabilities, persons with, authority of advanced practice registered nurses to sign statement regarding disability, 530, 531

      General provisions (See MOTOR VEHICLES)

      Medical marijuana establishments, location of advertisements, restrictions, penalties, 2334, 2335

      Microtransit, use authorized in less populous counties, 804, 805

      School buses

             2019-2021 biennium, waiver of certain expenditure requirements, 3268

             Controlled substances, sale or distribution by pupil, disciplinary procedures, 3291, 3575, 3576

             Felony committed on bus, aggregation of sentences, 234

      Vehicle registration, additional weight tier, maximum fee, 2966, 2967


      Authorized expenditures, 3139, 3140

      Consumer Affairs Division

             Consumer Affairs Unit, continuation of provisions, 2500, 2501

             Telephone solicitations, criminal disqualification of applicants, petitions regarding, duties, reports, 2957, 2958

      Deferred deposit, high-interest and title loans, services offered through Internet, authority to provide information to public, 943


             Common-interest communities, task force to study issues, member, duties, 676

             Housing, Advisory Committee on, duties, 2428, 2429, 2431

             Private Activity Bond Council, member, duties, 2430, 2431

             Salary, 3325

      Financial Institutions, Division of

             Auditing Financial Institutions, Account for, assessments for, 2412

             Collection agencies and agents (See COLLECTION AGENCIES AND AGENTS, LICENSES)

             Consumer litigation funding companies, regulation, 2399-2416

             Discrimination in credit practices, study, programs to prevent or eliminate, 1594

             Exchange facilitators (See EXCHANGE FACILITATORS)

             High-interest loan businesses, duties, 942-944, 951

             Investigative Account, deposits, 2410

             Private professional guardians (See PRIVATE PROFESSIONAL GUARDIANS, LICENSES)

      General appropriations, 3348, 3350

      Housing, Advisory Committee on, creation, duties, 2428, 2429

      Housing Division

             Advisory Committee on Housing, administrative support, 2429

             Homelessness to Housing, Nevada Interagency Advisory Council on, membership, 2108

             Low-income housing

                   Database, inclusion of certain reports as source of information, 830

                   Multifamily residential housing accessible to persons with disabilities, receipt of reports, regulation, 831

                   Transferable tax credits to qualified projects for acquisition, development or rehabilitation, duties, 3761-3766

             Manufactured home parks, maintenance or repairs, authority to receive certain complaints and forward orders, 1611, 1612

             Manufactured homes or mobile homes

                   Certificates of ownership, duties, procedures, 2422, 2423

                   Certificates of ownership in beneficiary form, duties, procedures, 2423, 2424

                   Criminal history disqualification for licenses, petitions regarding, duties, reports, 2935, 2936

             Transitional housing for probationers, parolees and offenders, funding priority, report, 4379

      Industrial Relations, Division of

             Advisory Council, status of members, removal from office, 1566

             Assessments levied on insurers, use, 1468, 1469, 1471, 1472, 3440

             Criminal history disqualification for certain licenses or certificates, petitions regarding, duties, reports, 2928, 2929, 2958, 2959

             Employee misclassification, communication with certain agencies, duties, 3157

             Exhibition facilities, training for certain employees, duties, 491

             Industrial insurance (See also INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE)

                   Benefits offered by nonprofit entities, authority to notify injured employee or surviving spouse or dependent, restrictions, 195, 196

             Insurance administrators, receipt of information regarding, 1698

             Medical facilities, reports of workplace violence, duties, 3671-3677, 3680, 3681

             Occupational safety and health (See also OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH)

                   Construction industry, safety and health hazard recognition courses, receipt of information, duties, 976, 977

             Uninsured Employers’ Claim Account, repeal of authority to make certain annual payments from Account, 3440

      Insurance, Division of

             Affordable Care Act, authority to apply for certain waiver, 1433

             Assessments for fraud investigations, amount increased, 1689

             Captive insurers, duties, 1708, 1709

             Commissioner of Insurance

                   Nevada Life and Health Guaranty Association Board of Directors, appointments, 1089

                   Patient Protection Commission, member, 2810

                   Salary, 3326

             Compacts with other states, authority to enter, 1433

             Complaints against issuers of health care plans, duty of Consumer Health Advocate to assist consumers in filing, 315

             Delinquency proceedings, receipt of reports, 1725

             Domestic surplus lines insurer, designation of insurer as, eligibility, 1700, 1701

             Examination of insurers, authorized expenses of examiners, 1686

             Health benefit plans, notice of eligibility for financial assistance, regulation, 1429

             Health carrier network of providers, denial of application by provider to be included, development of form letter, reports, 551, 552

             Health maintenance organizations, duties, 1089, 1103

             Insurance adjusters

                   Contracts for assistance in performing Division duties relating to, authority, 3037

                   Prelicensing course of study, regulatory duty removed, 3036

             Insurance administrators, duties, 1698, 1699

             Medical malpractice

                   Contents of certain report, 2738, 2739

                   Repeal of certain duties and reports, 1687, 1688, 1706, 1726-1728

             Multiple employer welfare arrangements, certificates of authority, requirements, 1426

             Nevada Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association, plan of operation, requirements, 1103

             Personal property storage insurance, regulation, 1221-1225

             Premium surcharge to recoup cost of certain assessments, approval, 1102

             Rate filings by health insurers, assessment for cost of reviewing authorized, 1704, 1705

             Reciprocal licensure, authority, 1433

             State-chartered risk retention groups, prior approval of payment of dividends or distributions, 1714

             Surplus lines brokers, authority regarding directors of nonprofit organizations, 1704

      Labor Commissioner, Office of (See LABOR COMMISSIONER)

      Mortgage Lending, Division of

             Escrow agencies and agents (See ESCROW AGENCIES AND AGENTS)

             Mortgage brokers and agents (See MORTGAGE BROKERS AND AGENTS)

      Product Innovation, Regulatory Experimentation Program for, powers and duties, 3985-4000

      Qualified equity investments, certification, duties, 3699

      Real Estate Division

             Appraisal management companies (See APPRAISAL MANAGEMENT COMPANIES)

             Asset management companies (See ASSET MANAGEMENT COMPANIES, CERTIFICATES OR PERMITS)

             Common-interest communities and condominium hotels

                   Certified public accountant, employment required, exception, 675

                   Deputy Attorney General, qualifications for designation, duties, 675, 676

                   Task force to study issues of concern to, representation, 676

             Community managers and reserve study specialists, duties, 69

             Declarations of removal of discriminatory restriction, duties, 373

             Energy auditors (See ENERGY AUDITORS, LICENSES)

             Inspectors of structures (See INSPECTORS OF STRUCTURES, CERTIFICATES)

             Real estate appraisers (See REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS)

             Real estate licensees (See REAL ESTATE LICENSEES)

      Salaries of unclassified staff, 3325-3327

      Taxicab Authority (See TAXICAB AUTHORITY)

      Transportation Authority (See TRANSPORTATION AUTHORITY, NEVADA)


      Cigarettes and other tobacco products, local governments may require certain dealers to obtain license, 619, 643

      State license

             Conducting business in State, determination, 396

             Contracts with State, exceptions to license requirement, 401

             Exemption from obtaining, criteria, 396


      Abandoned property, electronic filing of report concerning property, 3018


      Low-income housing projects, transferable tax credits to qualified projects, 3762

      Qualified projects, capital investment of at least $1 billion, requirements for issuance of transferable tax credits, 2603, 2604, 2607

      Rate adjustment procedure repealed, legally operative rates maintained and continued, 3294

      Scholarship organizations, tax credits for donations to

             Annual authorized 10 percent increase in amount of credits, elimination, 2298

             Total amount of credit authorized, 3276, 3277


      Blockchain technology

             Authority to use, regulation, 2825

             Records, procedures for inspection, admissibility, 2825

      Documents, maintenance at certain locations, requirements, 399

      Electronic records, authority to keep, inspection procedures, admissibility, 2825

      Local emerging small businesses, reinstatement following forfeiture of right to transact business, procedures, 928-930



      Beginning dates of certain terms of office, charter amendment, 3551

      Canvass of election returns, time for completion, charter amendment, 4132

      Conduct of elections, applicability of state laws, charter amendment, 4132

      Continuation of certain officers, charter amendment, 3549

      Dates of holding elections, charter amendment, 3550

      Vacancy in elective office, time of service of appointee filling, charter amendment, 3549


      Arrest powers of law enforcement officers, 447

      Claims against law enforcement officers, 447, 448

      Legislative declaration, 447


      Relocation to foreign country, duty of employers, penalty for noncompliance, 2898, 2899


      Civil penalty for failure to register or make reports, maximum amount, 3958

      Employment discrimination committed by local elected official, penalties not to be paid from contributions received, 1946

      Organizations, definition, reports, duties, 3953, 3956-3958

      Personal use of contributions, prohibited acts, 3953, 3954

      Recall elections

             Committees for recall

                   Failure to register or make reports, civil penalty, 3958

                   Reports of contributions and expenditures, 1648-1652

             Expenditures, reports, 1647, 1651, 1652

             Expenses, reports, 1644

             Limitation on contributions, penalty for violations, 1632-1634

             Periods when contributions prohibited, effect of recall proceeding, 1633

             Reports of contributions, requirements, 1635-1639, 1648-1650

             Unspent contributions, disposal, reports, 1640, 1641, 1645

      Salary, payment to self using contributions prohibited, 3954


      Childhood cancer, special license plates to increase awareness, use of fees, 1479, 1480

      Occupational diseases (See OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES)

      Pediatric cancer, dissemination of information, duties of certain licensing boards, 1489, 1491, 1493

      Prescriptions for pain management, exemption from certain requirements, informed consent requirements for issuance of initial prescription, 2136

      Rare Disease Advisory Council, creation, duties, 1476-1478

      Schools, policy regarding pupil exposure to sun, requirements, 546


      Applicability of provisions, 3836

      Cultivation facilities

             Reports to Department of Taxation, contents, 3872

             Wholesale sales to other cannabis establishment, excise tax, rate, distribution of proceeds, 3873

      Cultivation, prohibited acts, exceptions, penalties for violations, 3836, 3837

      Definitions, 3770-3773


      Exemptions from state prosecution, requirements, 3806, 3834, 3835

      Legislative declaration, 3769, 3770

      Licensing or allowing businesses to operate where cannabis or cannabis products are consumed, prohibited acts by local governments, 3854, 3858, 3862

      Medical cannabis (See MEDICAL CANNABIS)

      Products, sale, requirements, 3838

      Prohibited acts, persons subject to state prosecution for certain acts, 3835, 3836

      Retail sales, imposition of excise tax, distribution of proceeds to Cannabis Compliance Board, 3873

      Taxation, Department of, receipt of reports, 3872


      Creation, duties, 3773

      Duties, generally, 3774, 3775

      Meetings, 3774


             Compensation, 3774

             Governor’s appointees, status as civil officers, removal from office, 1566

             Qualifications, 3773, 3774

             Terms, vacancies, 3774

      Subcommittees, appointment, duties, 3775, 3776


      Administrative Procedure Act, exemption from requirements, 3849, 3850

      Agriculture, State Department of, consultation, 3778

      Authorized expenditures, 2393

      Cannabis Advisory Commission, provision of staff, 3774

      Chair, appointment, qualifications, salary, 3777

      Creation, 3776

      Disciplinary action against licensees and registrants, procedures, 3784-3789

      Excise tax imposed on certain wholesale sales, receipt of revenue, 3873

      Executive Director

             Cannabis Advisory Commission, membership, duties, 3773

             Creation of position, appointment, 3778

             Powers and duties, 3778, 3784, 3894

             Salary, 3336, 3778

             State Personnel System, exemption from provisions, 3779

             Study of businesses which allow consumption of cannabis, duties, 3894

      Independent testing laboratories, duties, 3809-3811

      Meetings, 3777, 3782


             Ethics, 3777

             Governor’s appointees, status as civil officers, 1566

             Hearings, requirements for, 3787

             Oath, 3777

             Qualifications, 3776, 3777

             Removal from office, 3777

             Salaries, 3777

             State Personnel System, exemption from provisions, 3779

             Term of office, 3777

      Powers generally, 3779

      Regulations, authority generally, 3779-3782


             Employment, assignment, per diem allowance, 3777, 3778

             Peace officer employees, duties, 3784

             Unclassified staff, salaries, 3336

      Study of businesses which allow consumption of cannabis, duties, 3894



             Entertainment events, percentage of attendees less than 21 years of age, duties, prohibited acts, penalties, 3838

             Local governments, regulatory authority, 3809, 3839

             Radio, television or in publications, percentage of audience less than 21 years of age, prohibited acts, 3838


             Disqualification, grounds for, 3800


                   Application, accompanying information, fee, 3798, 3799

                   Authorized activities of registrants, 3801

                   Background investigations, 3800


                          Expiration and renewal, 3801, 3802

                          Fees, 3804

                          Issuance, 3800

                          Nontransferability, 3805

                          Suspension, grounds, 3805

                   Child support obligations, effect, 3805

                   Conditional approval of application, 3800, 3801

                   Requirement, 3798-3800

                   Temporary registration, 3801

      Cannabis Compliance Board, creation, regulatory authority, 3776, 3779, 3780

      Confidentiality of information and data, authorized disclosures, 3782, 3783

      Counties, requirement to obtain license or pay license tax prohibited, 3863

      Cultivation facilities, authority to cultivate outdoors, requirements, 3837

      Dual licensees, authority to combine inventory with medical cannabis establishment for tracking and reporting purposes, 3839

      Duties and prohibited acts generally, 3806-3809

      Exemptions from state prosecution, requirements, 3814, 3815

      Facilities, requirements, 3806, 3807

      Fees, 3803, 3804

      Independent contractors contracting to provide labor to or be employed by, requirements, 3799

      Legislative declaration, 3769, 3770


             Application, 3795

             Issuance, 3795

             Nontransferability, 3805

             Requirements, 3795, 3796

             Restrictions on and determinations regarding issuance, 3795-3798

      Location, restrictions, 3795, 3879

      Move to new location, requirements, 3806

      Operating documents, requirements, 3806

      Ordinances, compliance, requirement, 3806

      Ownership interest of 5 percent or more, holders of, requirements, 3801

      Ownership interest of less than 5 percent, holders of, requirements, 3799, 3800

      Persons under age 21, entering, loitering or remaining on premises, penalty for violations, exception, 3837

      Retention or employment of volunteers, requirements, 3798, 3799

      Smoking or consuming cannabis or cannabis products in adult-use cannabis retail store, penalties for violations, 3837

      Towns, requirement to obtain license or pay license tax prohibited, 3863

      Transportation of cannabis, edible cannabis products or cannabis-infused products to retail store prohibited, exceptions, 3837, 3838


      Electronic tracking system, appropriation, 2782

      General CIP legislation, contents, 3305-3322



      Advanced practice registered nurses, authority to make determinations and sign statements exempting child from use of child-restraint system, 500, 501

      Mobility enhancing equipment, sales and use tax exemption, 1393, 1394


      Authorized expenditures, 3134

      Block grants to support pupil career and technical organizations

             Appropriations, transfers of money, 2378, 2387, 2388

             Distribution of money, procedures, 3266-3268

      Foster care, pupils in, completion of program at trade or vocational school, determination of amount of credit to award, procedures, 1162

      Grants for career and technical education programs, appropriation, 2377, 2378

      Homeless or unaccompanied pupils, completion of program at trade or vocational school, determination of amount of credit to award, procedures, 1162

      Vocational student organizations, appropriation, 2377, 2378


      Canvass of election returns, time for completion, charter amendment, 4133

      Conduct of elections, applicability of state laws, charter amendment, 4132, 4133


      Airport Authority (See AIRPORT AUTHORITY OF CARSON CITY)

      Charter amendments

             Canvass of election returns, time for completion, 4134

             Conduct of elections, applicability of state laws, 4134

             Public Administrator, technical amendment, 1552

      Election procedures, appropriation for implementation of changes required by law, 4144

      Growth in County and region, reports, duties, 798-800

      Lake Tahoe Path System, enhancement and development, bond issue, 2862

      State Public Defender, fees for services, 3145

      State Public Works Division, duty to cooperate with, 4020

      STEM, statewide event recognizing schools demonstrating exemplary achievement, location requirement removed, 3096


      Corridor improvements, bond issue for grants, 2862




      Persons performing scans, requirements, prohibited acts, 2730


      Hearing aid sales by catalog, authority of physician assistant to sign required statement, 148, 149



      Advisory committees, status of Governor’s appointees, removal from office, 1566

      Capital improvements, funding, 3307, 3313, 3314

      Establishment and operation, 58, 128, 131, 132

      Voluntary services, removal of certain procedural requirement, 59



      Appropriation, use for outreach and educational activities for 2020 census, 4254

      Citizenship question, prevention of inclusion in 2020 census urged, 4608, 4609

      Election districts, treatment of incarcerated persons in determining population counts, 985-987








      Issuance with intent to defraud, monetary threshold for penalty purposes, 4428, 4429

      Monetary instrument or other property representing proceeds of or derived from unlawful activity, prohibited acts, penalties, 1798, 1799

      School teachers, issuance of check to pay for purchase of school supplies authorized, 3225

      Stopping payment with fraudulent intent, penalties, contents of notice, 4435-4437



      Children in need of protection

             Medical marijuana registration identification cardholders, child not to be found in need of protection based solely on cardholder status of person responsible for child’s welfare, 2761-2763

             Physical disability of person responsible for child’s welfare, child not to be deemed in need of protection based solely on disability, 2761-2763

             Placement of child outside home

                   Educational decision makers (See also Schools and education, this heading)

                          Person who "has a special interest in a child," decision maker deemed for purposes of receiving notices and testifying at hearings, 257

                   Semiannual review

                          Notice of hearing, requirements, 260, 261

                          Reports by agency acting as custodian, contents as to child’s education, review, 259-261

             Release of child to convicted parent or guardian, restrictions, 2614

      Handle with Care Program (See also SCHOOLS, PUBLIC)

             Law enforcement officer or employee, duty to notify of child exposed to traumatic events, 3972

      Juvenile assessment centers, appropriation, 2969

      Radiation therapy and radiologic imaging licensees, duty to report abuse or neglect, 2720

      Schools and education

             Disabilities, children with, educational surrogate parents, provisions repealed, educational decision makers deemed surrogate parent for purposes of certain federal regulations, 257-259

             Educational decision makers

                   Appointment, rebuttable presumption as to best interest of child, appointment of person other than parent or guardian, 257, 258

                   Foster care, children in, consultations with child welfare services agencies, 260, 261

                   General duties, 258, 259

                   Notice of hearing to review placement of child, receipt, 260, 261

                   Surrogate parent, deemed for purposes of certain federal regulations, 259

             Employees and volunteers, reports made against

                   Agencies which provide child welfare services, authority to interview child witness to allegations in report, protection of identity, 413-417

                   Contact information of parent or guardian, duty of school, 414

             Licensed personnel

                   Disciplinary action, substantiated reports grounds for certain disciplinary action, 1056, 1057

                   Issuance or renewal of license, background checks, 1051, 1052

             Number of incidents of abuse disclosed or reported to law enforcement agency, reports by school districts or charter schools, 2651, 2652

             Personal safety of children, training of school personnel, reports, 2651, 2652

             Placement of child outside home, reports of information concerning child’s education, review, 259-261



      Cannabis establishments, adult-use, restrictions on location, 3795-3797

      Commercial sexual exploitation of child, duty to report, 1932

      Medical cannabis establishments, restrictions on location, 3791, 3792

      Program for Child Care and Development, state plan components, reimbursement requirements, 2420, 2421


      Medical marijuana registry identification cardholders, discrimination by court prohibited, 2756

      Mental illness or emotional disturbance, children with, program to prevent custody relinquishment or voluntary placement of child, establishment, 872-874

      Physical disabilities, persons with, discrimination by court prohibited, 2756

      Restrictive covenants based on familial status deemed void, duties of county recorders, 373-375


      Medical marijuana registry identification cardholders, determination of suitability of prospective adoptive home, prohibited acts, 2758

      Physical disabilities, persons with, determination regarding suitability of adoptive home, prohibited acts, 2758


      Abandoned or unclaimed property, subject to claims for payment of child support debt, 3018

      Child Support Enforcement Modernization system, funding, 2796

      Collection fee retained by Division of Welfare and Supportive Services, amount, 3722

      Insurance companies, withholding of certain payments to insureds required, 1495-1497

      Juvenile court, orders for payment of support of child placed outside home, provisions repealed, 1957, 1970

      Wildlife, Department of, suspension of recreational licenses for nonsupport, 390, 391


      Adoption, determination of suitability of prospective adoptive home

             Medical marijuana registry identification cardholders, prohibited acts relative to, 2758

             Physical disabilities, persons with, prohibited acts relative to, 2758

      Child abuse or neglect (See CHILD ABUSE OR NEGLECT)

      Commercial sexual exploitation of child (See COMMERCIAL SEXUAL EXPLOITATION OF CHILD)

      Confidentiality of personal information contained in certain official records, persons authorized to request, 865-868

      Driver’s license or identification card, persons authorized to request display of alternate address, 868, 869

      Educational decision makers, duties, consultations, 258, 261, 262

      Foster homes (See also FOSTER CARE)

             Plans for recruitment and retention of homes, duties, requirements, 2183, 2184

      Mental illness or emotional disturbance, children with, program to prevent relinquishment of custody to agency, representation on task force, reports, 872-874

      Name change of minor in custody of agency, procedures, 2087-2090

      Schools, reports of abuse, neglect or other illegal conduct committed against child

             Child witness to allegations in report, authority to interview, protection of identity, 413-417

             Substantiation of reports, duties following, 416, 417



      Insurance coverage for participation in certain programs, 1960-1963

      Prostitution or solicitation for prostitution, child not to be adjudicated as child in need of supervision, 3076


      Exploited children, duties, 1826, 2638


      Minimum wage laws, exemption, 537


      Mental health crisis stabilization services, negotiation with psychiatric hospitals to become network providers, 1926, 1927

      Nevada Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association, coverage not provided, 1086

      Prescription drugs

             Health and Human Services, Department of, certain contracts authorized, requirements, 4027, 4028

             Preferred list, required use, 4028

             Purchasing agreements, requirements, reports, 4028, 4029



      Acupuncture, license to practice Oriental medicine required to perform, 2295

      Chiropractic Physicians’ Board of Nevada (See also PROFESSIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL REGULATORY BODIES)

             Discipline of chiropractor, immunity for person initiating or assisting in any lawful investigation, 2295

             Dry needling, qualifications to perform, regulation, requirements, 2287

             Members, qualifications, certain prohibition on membership removed, 2288

             Secretary, certain duties transferred to Executive Director, 2288, 2290

             Sunset Subcommittee of Legislative Commission

                   Criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, review, recommendations, 2904, 2905

                   Study of professional and occupational licensing boards, 4629, 4630

             Veterans, authority to question licensees regarding patients, 2694

      Commercial sexual exploitation of child, duty to report, 1932

      Continuing education requirements, random audits to ensure compliance authorized, regulation, 2292

      Disciplinary action, grounds, orders imposing, 2294

      Dry needling

             Authority to perform, 2295

             Definition, 2287

             Qualifications to perform, regulation, requirements, 2287

      Gross malpractice, provisions relating to repealed, 2295

      Industrial insurance, insurer’s list of health care providers, requirements, removal from list, 3442-3454


             Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257, 4283

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256


                   Application for examination, deadline for filing eliminated, 2288

                   Practice by qualified applicant waiting to take examination, time period reduced, 2290

                   Reinstatement of expired license, requirements, 2293

                   Requirements for licensure, 2289

                    Time for taking, 2288

             Fee for application for license, deadline for payment eliminated, 2290

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

             Qualifications, deadline for submitting certain documents eliminated, 2289

             Reinstatement of expired license, requirements, 2293


                   Fee, prorating or waiving authorized, requirements, regulation, 2292

                   Veterans, patients who are, provision of certain information regarding, 2694

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

             Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278

      Piercing or severing body tissue, authorized acts, 2295

      Professional entities, formation authorized, applicability of laws, 1391, 1392

      Radiation Therapy and Radiologic Imaging Advisory Committee, membership, 2723

      Veterans, duties regarding, continuing education and receipt of information related to health issues, 2692-2694

      Vulnerable persons abused, neglected, exploited, isolated or abandoned, duty to report, 3485-3487


      Animals susceptible to disease, prohibited acts involving, 403-405


      Cannabis establishments, adult-use, restrictions on location, 3795-3797

      Medical cannabis establishments, restrictions on location, 3791-3793


      Election procedures, appropriation for implementation of changes required by law, 4144


      Alternative nicotine products, licensing and regulation of sales as other tobacco products, 3590

      Cigarette vending machine operators

             Duties, 616, 629

             Scope of license, 617

      Civil penalties (See Disciplinary action against licensees, this heading)

      Conventions, issuance of temporary license to operate at authorized, restrictions, 616


             Consumer, 613

             Contraband tobacco products, 469

             Knowingly, 613

             License, 613, 623

             Logistics company, 613

             Negligently, 613

             Other tobacco product, 3590

             Sale, to sell, 623

             Tobacco retail dealer, 614

             Vapor product, 3590

             Warehouse or distribution center, 614

             Wholesale dealer, 623, 624

             Wholesale dealer of other tobacco products, 635, 636

             Wholesale price, 636

      Disciplinary action against licensees

             Civil penalties

                   General penalty provisions, 634, 635

                   Knowing or negligent noncompliance with provisions of law or regulations, 619, 620

                   Manufacturers of tobacco products, applicability of penalty provisions, violation of regulations, 473

                   Sales or distributions to minors prohibited, exceptions, civil in lieu of criminal penalties, amount, 3588, 3589

                   Taxes, failure to pay within time prescribed, 635

                   Wholesale dealers of cigarettes, violations of regulations, 472, 473

                   Wholesale dealers of other tobacco products, monthly reporting requirements, penalty provision repealed, 637

             Suspension or revocation of license

                   Grounds, generally, 619, 643

                   Inaccurate or incomplete reports or certifications, filing, considerations of Department of Taxation in determining penalty, 619-621

                   Knowing or negligent noncompliance with provisions of law or regulations, 619, 620

                   Notice and hearing required, 619

                   Permanent revocation, grounds, 620

                   Procedure, establishment by regulation, 621, 643

                   Prohibited acts during suspension or revocation, 620, 643

                   Reinstatement, 643

                   Sale of cigarettes by wholesale dealers, violations, 643

                   Taxes, failure to pay within time prescribed, 635

             Wholesale dealers exporting cigarettes, knowing or negligent noncompliance with law, penalties, 631

      Distributors, time for submission of information to Department of Taxation, 640

      Enforcement of laws, licensees to provide certain information to Department of Taxation upon request, 619

      Indian reservation or colony

             Authority to do business on, issuance of license without fee, 616

             List of tribes from which Department of Taxation does not collect tax, maintenance and distribution, 614, 615, 643

             Unused tribal stamps, duty of wholesale dealer ceasing operation to return to Department of Taxation, 630

      Internet sales, duties of sellers and distributors relative to minors, 3596, 3597

      Juvenile courts, orders for payment of costs for child to attend tobacco awareness and cessation program, 1965


             Applicability of laws, 621

             Application, 615, 616, 643, 3300

             Automatic cancellation for nonpayment of fees, 617, 643, 3301

             Contents, 616, 643

             Fees, 616-618, 643, 3299-3301

             Issuance, 615, 616, 643

             Period of validity, 617, 643

             Renewal, 617, 618, 643, 3301

             Requirements, 614, 643

             Restrictions on issuance, maintenance or renewal, 615, 643

             Scope, 616, 617, 643

             Separate license required for each activity, 614

             Signing, posting and transfer, 616, 643

             Suspension or revocation (See Disciplinary action against licensees, this heading)

             Temporary license, 616

      List of licenses and licensees, maintenance and distribution, 614, 615, 643

      Location of operations, restrictions, 616

      Logistics companies, licensing and regulation, 613, 614, 617, 642


             Address, duty to maintain permanent mailing address and e-mail address with Department of Taxation, 624

             Certification by manufacturers to include styles of cigarettes, 470

             Directory of manufacturers and brand families

                   Department of Taxation, notices regarding changes to directory, duties, 472, 639

                   Styles of cigarettes to be included in directory, notices regarding, 470, 472, 639

                   Wholesale dealers, receipt of notices of certain changes to directory, duties, 472, 639

             Issuance, maintenance or renewal of license, restrictions, 615

             Licenses (See also Licenses, this heading)

                   Fees, 617, 643, 3300, 3301

             Logistics companies, prohibited use, 614

             Reports, certain duties repealed, 643

             Sales, restrictions on, provisions repealed, 643

             Scope of license, 616, 643

             Violations, applicability of penalty provisions, imposition for violations of regulations, 473

      Military or other federal reservation, authority to do business on, issuance of license without fee, 616

      Minors, sales or distributions to prohibited, exceptions, civil in lieu of criminal penalties, amount, 3588, 3589

      Other tobacco products

             Alternative nicotine products, regulation as other tobacco products, 3590


                   Delinquent taxes, restrictions on issuance, maintenance or renewal of licenses, 615

                   Failure to pay within time prescribed by law or regulation, penalty, 635

                   Reports or returns, retention of records, inspection and audit, 618, 619

                   Wholesale dealers, tax imposed on products received, possessed or sold, requirements, time for payment, 636, 637, 643

             Tobacco retail dealers

                   Business license, local governments may require, 619

                   Invoices for certain products required, duties, 637, 638

                   Licenses (See also Licenses, this heading)

                          Fees, 617, 3300

                          Scope of license, 617

             Vapor products, definition, regulation as other tobacco products, 3590

             Wholesale dealers

                   Bond or other security, requirements, 618, 642

                   Business license, local governments may require, 619

                   Inventory, required wholesale value of products to be kept on hand at all times, 621

                   Invoices for certain products, requirements, 637, 638

                   Licenses (See also Licenses, this heading)

                          Fees, 617, 3300

                          Scope of license, 617

                   Monthly reporting requirements, contents to be prescribed by regulation, penalty provision removed, 637, 643

      Reports or returns, records relating to, retention, inspection and audit, 618, 619

      Retail dealers of cigarettes

             Accepting or possessing certain cigarette packages, restrictions, 632, 633

             Address, duty to maintain permanent mailing address with Department of Taxation, 624

             Business license, local governments may require, 619, 643

             Directory of manufacturers and brand families, receipt of notice of changes, 639

             E-mail address, duty to maintain with Department of Taxation, 624

             Licenses (See also Licenses, this heading)

                   Fees, 643

             Possession of package of cigarettes, duties upon taking, 629

             Purchase of cigarettes, restrictions, provisions repealed, 643

             Styles of cigarettes, prohibited acts regarding, penalties, 472, 473

      Seizure of cigarettes not bearing identifying marks necessary to ascertain origin and numbering, 629

      Taxation of cigarettes

             Delinquent taxes, restrictions on issuance, maintenance or renewal of licenses, 615

             Failure to pay tax within time prescribed by law or regulation, penalty, 635

             Injunction or other process to prevent tax collection prohibited, 622

             List of tribes from which Department of Taxation does not collect tax, maintenance and distribution, 614, 615, 643

             Metered machine impressions, terminology repealed, 624-626, 629-634

             Overpayments, credits and refunds, 621-623

             Reports or returns, retention of records, inspection and audit, 618, 619

      Tobacco prevention and treatment programs, appropriation, 3598

      Tobacco Settlement, use and disbursement of money, 3136, 3141, 3142

      Trade shows, issuance of temporary license to operate at authorized, restrictions, 616

      Unstamped cigarettes

             Notice of certain shipments, requirement removed, 624

             Possession by persons engaged in certain activities authorized, 624

      Vapor products, licensing and regulation of sales as other tobacco products, 3590

      Warehouse or distribution centers

             Application for license, contents, requirements, 616

             Definition, 614

             "License" defined to include license to operate warehouse or distribution center, 613

             License fees prohibited, 617

             Time for existing centers to obtain license following effective date of legislation, 643

      Wholesale dealers of cigarettes

             Accepting or possessing certain cigarette packages, restrictions, 632, 633

             Bond or other security, requirements, 618, 642, 643

             Business license, local governments may require, 619, 643

             Definition, 623, 624

             Directory, receipt of notices of certain changes, duties, 472, 639

             Exported cigarettes, duties, penalties for violations, 631

             Inventory, reporting requirements, 626-628, 643


                   Automatic cancellation for nonpayment of fees, renewal, 617, 618, 643, 3301

                   Fees, 616, 617, 643, 3300

             "Metered machine impressions," terminology repealed, 624-626, 629-634

             Monthly reports, requirements, amendments, submission of additional information, 626-628, 643

             Purchase of cigarettes, restrictions, provisions repealed, 643

             Regulations, civil penalties for violations, 472, 473

             Revenue stamps

                   Bond required to defer payment on purchase of revenue stamps, 618, 642

                   Tax paid on cigarettes which are damaged, refunds authorized, 630

                   Unused tribal stamps, duty to return to Department of Taxation upon ceasing operations in State, 630

             Scope of license, 616, 617, 643


      Contents, 3305-3322

      Electronic tracking system for capital improvement projects, appropriation, 2782


      Attestation, requirements, effect of inclusion, 1442

      Constable fees, collection procedures, 1556, 1557

      Design, required contents, 382

      Juvenile traffic offenders, physical receipt of citation deemed personal service of notice to appear, 1444

      Motor Vehicles, Department of, release to courts of contact information for notification purposes, 379

      Order in which payments to be applied for certain citations, 2279

      Parking violations issued to person who has not signed citation, issuance of bench warrant for failure to appear restricted, 383, 384

      Physical receipt deemed personal service of notice to appear, 1443

      Pleas and defenses, system for making via mail or electronic means, establishment, procedures, 380-382

      Refusal to take physical delivery, procedures following, 1443

      Speeding, reduction of violation to nonmoving violation, presumption regarding, 2282


      Affordable housing (See also AFFORDABLE HOUSING)

             Database of low-income housing, cooperation with Housing Division, 832

             Fees, authority to reduce or subsidize certain fees, 827-829

             Nonprofit organizations, conveyance of real property for development of affordable housing, 1417, 1418

      Animals impounded due to arrest of owner, procedures, applicability of laws, recovery of costs, 1774-1778

      Annexation of territory, notice by certain cities to public utilities and rural electric cooperatives, 570, 571

      Boulder City (See BOULDER CITY)

      Brothels, legislative study of working conditions at licensed brothels, consultation, 4641

      Business impact statements, procedures, objection to and readoption or amendment of rules, actions taken in violation of laws deemed void, 886, 887

      Caliente (See CALIENTE, CITY OF)

      Cannabis (See Marijuana, this heading)

      Carlin, charter amendments regarding elections, 4132, 4133

      Carson City (See CARSON CITY)

      Charitable games, regulatory authority, 958

      Cigarettes and other tobacco products, certain dealers, authority of city to require license, 619, 643

      Courts (See MUNICIPAL COURTS)

      Cybersecurity incident response plans, duties, 2472

      Disabilities, persons with, cities to install and maintain ramps on certain public easements and rights-of-way, 569, 570

      Elections (See ELECTIONS; specific cities)

      Electric scooters and operation of scooter-share programs, regulation, 1882, 1883

      Electric utilities

             Natural disaster protection plans, receipt, 556

             Portfolio standards, applicability, determination of total amount of electricity sold, reports, 16, 20, 21, 23

      Electronic records, powers and duties regarding certified records, 2818, 2819

      Elko, charter amendments regarding elections, 4134, 4135

      Ely, date of city election, effect on terms of elected officers, 3533, 3566

      Emergency management (See also EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT)

             Disaster Identification Coordination Committee, State, activation and duties, 1066, 1067

             Electric utility natural disaster protection plans, receipt, 556

             Emergency operations plan, requirements, 4155

             Emergency or disaster recovery plan, Division of Emergency Management to provide training upon request, 589

             Health care providers with training in treatment of trauma related to disaster or emergency, lists to be provided on request of governmental entity, 4157-4161

             Homeland security emergency response plans, revision, duties, notice of compliance, receipt of guide, 2465, 2466, 2470


      Fallon, date of city election, effect on terms of elected officers, 3533, 3566

      Family planning services, grant program, requirements, 1506

      Fernley, county reports regarding regional growth, consultations, duties, 799

      Fictitious address program for victims of crime, city to allow participants to use fictitious address, restrictions regarding records, 1800, 1801

      Finances and funds (See also LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCES)

             Enterprise funds, authority to reduce or subsidize fee imposed for purpose for which fund was created, 827-829

      Fire and smoke dampers in buildings, inspections, receipt of reports, 3148, 3149

      Grants, pilot program to award grants to cities needing matching funds, 3709

      Henderson (See HENDERSON, CITY OF)

      Historic neighborhoods, designation, procedures, 968, 969

      Homelessness, county sales and use tax to reduce authorized, procedures, reports, 3261-3263

      Homelessness to Housing, Interagency Advisory Council on, collaboration, 2109

      Hospitality industry, joint labor-management programs of workforce training, county sales and use tax to support authorized, procedures, reports, 3261-3264

      Housing Crisis Response System, Nevada, coordination, 834

      Information processing systems, duties regarding updates, 2818

      Land sales, solicitation of customers for, criminal history disqualification for license, petitions regarding, procedures, Internet publication of information, reports, 2956, 2957

      Las Vegas (See LAS VEGAS, CITY OF)

      Local improvements, accountings, duties, 1298, 1299


             Cannabis or cannabis products consumed on premises, licensing or allowing business to operate prohibited, 3858

             Cultivation facilities, excise tax on wholesale sales to other cannabis establishments, distribution of proceeds, 3873


                   Advertising relating to marijuana, regulatory authority, 2345, 2346, 2349, 3839

                   Cannabis Compliance Board, authority to request information from local government regarding inspection or review of establishments, 3795

                   Effect of cannabis provisions on adoption and enforcement of local control measures pertaining to zoning and land use, 3836

                   Payment processing systems, requirements, pilot program, 2508-2510

      Medical marijuana establishments

             Advertising relating to marijuana, regulatory authority, 2335

             Payment processing systems, requirements, pilot program, 2508-2510

      Mesquite (See MESQUITE, CITY OF)

      Motor vehicles owned by cities, repeal of required use of alternative fuels or clean vehicles, 1061

      Nevada 24/7 Sobriety and Drug Monitoring Program, participation, 2749, 2751, 2752

      New Americans, Office of, duty of cities to assist, 4362

      North Las Vegas (See NORTH LAS VEGAS, CITY OF)

      Occupations and professions, licensing generally

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4338

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4338

      Officers (See CITY OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES; specific officers)

      Ordinances (See ORDINANCES)

      Personal information, receipt by

             Data collectors, compliance with certain standards, requirements, 2574

             Electronic means, procedures, 2576

      Property management, denial of certification based on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4338


      Real property

             Affordable housing, conveyance of real property to nonprofit organizations for development, 1417, 1418

             Internet auctions authorized, procedures, 1040-1042

             Sale or lease of certain real property

                   Amount accepted must be at appraised value or average of appraised value if two or more appraisals, 1036, 1038

                   Second or subsequent offering of property for sale or lease, when new appraisals are required, 1039, 1040

             Transfer taxes, authority to use revenue to develop affordable housing, 1423

      Reno (See RENO, CITY OF)

      Resilience Advisory Committee, Nevada, creation, duties, 1024-1026

      Securities, authorized investments, applicability of laws, 661-666

      Smoke control systems in buildings, inspections, receipt of reports, 3149

      Sparks (See SPARKS, CITY OF)

      State Public Works Division, duty to cooperate with regard to capital improvement projects, 3315

      Video service providers

             Franchise fee, in lieu of recurring rental charges, 193

             Powers and duties of cities and providers, 191, 192

      Water resource plan, development and maintenance required, exception, 1294

      Water, right to appropriate dedicated to city, requirements, effect, 2530-2532

      Wells, charter amendments regarding elections, 4141, 4142

      Workforce training in hospitality industry, county sales and use tax to support joint labor-management programs authorized, procedures, reports, 3261-3263

      Yerington (See YERINGTON, CITY OF)

      Youth sports organizations sponsored by local government, duties regarding medical clearance certificate, 136, 137, 150



      Annexation of territory, duties, 570

      Elections (See also ELECTIONS)

             Confidentiality of personal information contained in records, persons authorized to request, 728, 729, 867, 868


      Affordable housing database, cooperation with Housing Division, duties, 832

      Business impact statements, procedures, objection to and readoption or amendment of rules, actions taken in violation of laws deemed void, 886, 887

      Henderson, election by ward, charter amendments, ballot question, 2178-2182

      Jails, duties, receipt of reports, 2196

      Mobile carrying devices, regulation, 3105

CITY ELECTIONS (See ELECTIONS; specific cities)


      Child welfare or child protective services, employees performing tasks related to

             Confidentiality of personal information in certain official records, authority to request, 865-868

             Driver’s license or identification card, display of alternate address, authority to request, 868, 869

      Code enforcement, employees performing tasks related to

             Confidentiality of personal information contained in certain official records, authority to request, 726-729

             Driver’s license or identification card, authority to request display of alternate address, 729

      Disclosure of improper governmental action, protections against reprisal or retaliatory action, remedies for violations, distribution of summary of laws, 810, 811

      Employment discrimination committed by elected officers, powers and duties of Equal Rights Commission, 1946

      Group insurance for public employees (See INSURANCE)

      Marijuana use by employees, authorized and prohibited acts by employers, 2625, 2626

      Microchips and similar identification, unlawful acts, penalties, 2125, 2126

      Regional behavioral health policy boards, membership, 2046


      Tort actions against, limit on damages increased, 3061


      Municipal courts, certain fees received from traffic violations, duties, 2280



      General appropriation, 3352



      Decriminalization of offense, procedures following, effect, 1459, 1460

      Ex-felons, restoration of voting rights

             Parole, discharge from, restoration of voting rights, certain provisions repealed, 1454, 1455, 1458

             Prison, immediate restoration of voting rights upon release, 1455, 1456, 1458

             Probation, discharge from, restoration of voting rights, certain provisions repealed, 1452-1454, 1458


      Behavioral health region, transfer of County to separate region, 2044

      Clark County Crime Prevention Act of 2016, reporting requirements, penalties for violations, 4190, 4191

      Clark County Sales and Use Tax Act of 2005

             Reporting requirements, penalties for violations, 4189, 4190

             Sunsets removed, 4192

      Election procedures, appropriation for implementation of changes required by law, 4144

      Firearms seized or recovered by law enforcement agency, ballistics testing, 937, 938

      Homelessness to Housing, Nevada Interagency Advisory Council on, Sheriff to serve as member, 2108

      Industrial insurance, insurer’s list of health care providers in larger counties, requirements, 3443

      Las Vegas Valley Rim Trail, bond issue, 2862

      Park projects, bond issue, duties, 2861, 2862

      Sentencing Commission, Nevada, membership of County Public Defender, 2873

      State Public Works Division, duty to cooperate with, 4019

      Taxicab certificate holders, increase in annual fee per taxicab allocated, 2028


      Other State Education Programs Account, allocations for training programs, duties, 2377, 2378


      Computer literacy and computer science, appropriation, 2701

      Financial literacy, appropriation to support instruction, 2392, 2393

      Local school precincts (See SCHOOL PRECINCTS, LOCAL)

      Nevada Early Literacy Intervention Program, funding, duties, 2385, 2386

      Professional development for teachers and administrators, funding, duties, 2385, 2386

      School safety specialists, designation, duties, 3234

      Zoom schools program (See SCHOOLS, ZOOM)


      Commercial sexual exploitation of child, duty to report, 1932

      Legislative services, compensation of clergy, 4612

      Sexual conduct with person in position of authority over alleged victim, rebuttable presumption of nonconsent, 1906



      Blockchains, authority to use, regulation, 2822


      Arrest of violator, procedures regarding animals following, 1775-1777


      Determination of nonjudicial punishment by commanding officer, consultation with judge advocate and superior commissioned officer, 745

      Trial by court-martial in lieu of nonjudicial punishment, authority to request removed, 744-746


      Domestic violence, additional acts constituting, 1805

      Employee misclassification, prohibited acts, penalties, 3158, 3159

      State or local government officers or employees, use of official authority or influence, prohibited acts, 809


      Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257, 4331, 4332

      Criminal history disqualification

             Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

             List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

             Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

             Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

      Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256


      Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

      Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

      Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278



      Prevailing wages, effect of collectively bargained for wage for craft or type of work, 701


      Board of Trustees of the College Savings Plans of Nevada

             Administrative costs and certain marketing costs, authority to seek and accept gifts and grants, 3907

             Chair, term of office provision removed, 3905

             Composition, 3904

             Governor’s appointees

                   Number, terms of office, 3904, 3907

                   Status, removal from office, 1566

             Voting members, 3904

      "Marketing" defined, 3904

      Nevada College Savings Program

             Authority of Board to accept gifts and grants, 3907

             Endowment Account, sources, authorized expenditures, 2507, 3132, 3906, 3907

             Nevada College Kick Start Program, accounting method for money in accounts, funding of marketing costs, 3905-3907

      Nevada College Savings Trust, authorized expenditures, 3132

      Nevada Higher Education Prepaid Tuition Trust Fund

             Authorized investments, 652-654

             Marketing costs, authorized expenditures, 3907

             State Treasurer, requirement to pay certain employees from assets of Trust Fund removed, 3905



      Authorized expenditures, 3138

      Electric service providers

             Annual reports of compliance with portfolio standards, 12, 23

             Public Utilities Commission, providers not subject to jurisdiction, 12, 23

      Emergency response plans, notice regarding compliance with laws, receipt of guide, 2470

      Governor’s appointees, status, removal from office, 1566

      Salaries of unclassified staff, 3332


      Filing of return, elimination of requirement for certain businesses, 2022

      Payroll taxes, rate adjustment from combined revenue with commerce tax, procedure repealed, legally operative rates maintained and continued, 3294


      Certificates of ownership, issuance, requirements, procedures, 2422, 2423

      Transfer of ownership by certificate of ownership in beneficiary form upon death of owner, 2423, 2424

      Transfer of title or interest, signature requirements, 2424


      Criminal history disqualification from obtaining license

             Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2955, 2956

             List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2955

             Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2954, 2955

             Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

      Internet publication of requirements for obtaining license, 2955


      Coordinator of services for commercially sexually exploited children, creation of position, duties, appropriation, 3075, 3077


             Acts "as soon as reasonably practicable,” 1931

             Agency which provides child welfare services, 1931

             Child, 1931

             Child welfare services, 1931

             Commercial sexual exploitation, 1931, 3077

             Commercially sexually exploited child, 1931, 3076, 3077

             Has "reasonable cause to believe,” 1931

             Information maintained by an agency which provides child welfare services, 1931

             Juvenile justice agency, 3076, 3077

      Housing and services, assessment of needs and development of plan to provide, requirements, 3075, 3076

      Juvenile courts

             Adjudication of child as delinquent or in need of supervision, restrictions, 3076

             Agencies which provide child welfare services

                   Access to information maintained by agency, restrictions, 1934, 1935

                   Reports to agency, duties, 3076

             Juvenile detention facilities, placement prohibited, 3076

      Juvenile justice agencies, duties, 3076, 3077

      Legal representation of child, duty of coordinator to provide, 3075, 3076

      Prostitution or solicitation, adjudication of child as delinquent or in need of supervision prohibited, 3076

      Reports of commercial sexual exploitation of child

             Agencies which provide child welfare services

                   Assessment of child and family, duties, provision of counseling, training or other services, 1933

                   Information maintained by, duties, confidentiality and disclosures, penalties, 1933-1935

                   Initial screening and report to law enforcement agency, duties, 1932

                    Receipt of reports, 1932, 3076, 3077

             Attorneys, reports conflicting with ethical duties, requirements, 1932

             Juvenile courts, duties, 3076

             Juvenile justice agencies, duties, 3076, 3077

             Law enforcement agencies, duty of certain persons to report directly to agencies, penalties for violations, 1932

             Persons authorized and required to report, duties, penalties for violations, 1932

             Violent or sexual offenses, reports deemed to be reports of commercial sexual exploitation of child, 1935

      Secured placement of child, requirements, duties of coordinator, 3075, 3076


      Civil actions, commencement voted on by owners of units, procedures, 1381

      Community managers, fingerprints of applicant seeking certificate or temporary certificate required, 69

      Constructional defects, authority of associations, 2263, 2267

      Homesteads (See HOMESTEADS)

      Nonresidential planned communities, applicability of laws, authorized provisions of declaration, 1377, 1378

      Pets, restrictions on regulation by unit-owners’ association, 2626, 2627

      Reserve study specialists, fingerprints of applicants required, 69

      Study of issues of concern to communities authorized, 676

      Towing of vehicle from residential complex, notice requirements, exceptions, 1168, 1169


             Files for units, fees for opening or closing, limitations, 852

             Government shutdowns, foreclosure sales during period of, procedures, limitations, penalty for violations, 3183-3187

             Resales of units

                   Demand, statements of, duties of association, time for taking action, fees, 858, 861

                   Documents in electronic format, authority of association to charge fee removed, 860

                   Resale packages

                          Certificates, fees charged for preparation, regulation, limitation, 860

                          Period of validity, 858

                          Time frame for certain actions to be taken, 857, 858, 860

             Use, restrictions, removal of unanimous consent requirement to change, 1380


      Community managers and reserve study specialists, regulations regarding background investigations, repeal of provisions, 71, 72

      Members, status as civil officers, removal from office, 1566

      Resale packages, maximum fee for preparing certain certificate, regulations, 860


      Administrative sanctions, grounds, 2155

      Certification, repeal of provisions, 254

      Commercial sexual exploitation of child, duty to report, 1932


             Instructions for making complaint, posting, penalty for violations, 267

             Investigation of complaints, procedures, 264, 266, 267

             Telephone number for making complaint, posting, 267, 2148

      Contracts with Division of Public and Behavioral Health

             Contents, requirements, 2148

             Overpayments, reimbursement to Division, effect of failure to reimburse, 2149, 2156

      Deaths occurring in, reports, exemptions from investigations, penalties for violations, 1666-1671

      Definition, 247, 248, 250, 2147

      Developmental disabilities, persons with

             Removal or repeal of provisions regarding, 252, 254

             Secondary diagnosis of developmental disability, authority to provide services to, 2148


             Ability to communicate with recipients to whom person provides services required, 2148

             Background investigations, requirements, 249

             Training (See Training for employees and operators, this heading)

      Facilities for the dependent (See also MEDICAL FACILITIES AND RELATED ENTITIES)

             Inclusion of services as, 248, 250, 251

      Inspection of building or premises, 250, 2153

      Intellectual disability, persons with secondary diagnosis of, authority to provide services to, 2148


             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2911

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2911

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2910, 2911

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial, suspension or revocation, grounds, 2154

             Expiration, 2153

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2911

             Issuance, qualifications, 2153


                   Requirements, 249, 2153

                   Restrictions, 2149

             Surety bond or other security, requirement, regulation, 2152

      Mental illness, authority to provide services to any person with primary diagnosis of, 2148

      Minors, residing in building operated by provider prohibited, 2148

      Nursing license requirements, inapplicability, criteria, 252, 253

      Overpayments to provider, reimbursement to Division of Public and Behavioral Health, effect of failure to make reimbursement, 2149, 2156

      Patient safety officer, designation, duties, 1667, 1670

      Recipients of services

             Access to qualified licensed professionals, duties of providers, 2148

             Categorization system for recipients, regulations, 1779

             Individualized plans for provision of services, requirements, 2148

      Regulations, renumbering, removal of void provisions, 254

      Sentinel events defined to include deaths, reports, investigations, penalties, 1666-1671

      State Long-Term Care Ombudsman, duties, 264-267

      Training for employees and operators

             Labor and industrial relation laws, training requirements, regulation, 2152

             Mental illness, persons with, training and continuing education regarding provision of services to, requirements, exemptions, 2152

             Standards for and minimum competencies, study, 253, 254


      Discrimination, prohibited acts, required policies and notices, 1333, 1334

      Employees and agents, cultural competency training, requirements, 1334


      Certificates or temporary certificates, fingerprints of applicant required for background investigation, 69


      Transmutation of property held in trust, burden of proof, 1852


      Abandoned residential property, qualifications for rehabilitation, 1414

      "Dwelling units for low-income households,” phrase replaced with "affordable housing,” 1411, 1412

      "Low-income housing,” definition repealed, 1424

      Prevailing wage laws, applicability of requirements, 711

      Residential property, qualifications for rehabilitation, 1413

      Schools, allocation of certain tax proceeds to school district rather than redevelopment agency, procedure, 1406, 1408


      Administrative assessments, community service in lieu of payment authorized, 2454

      Arrest for traffic violations

             Presumption that person arrested should be released on own recognizance, exception for willfully refusing to perform community service, 2277, 2278

             Warrant, issuance for failure to perform service to satisfy entire amount of assessment, fine or fee owed, 2278

      Driver’s licenses, suspension for failure perform community service, 2274, 2453

      Hourly amount to be credited toward payment of fine, establishment, 2277

      Indigent, persons determined to be, effect of failure to complete community service to satisfy entire amount owed, 2276

      Juvenile courts

             Alternative programs, authority of court to order payment of costs associated with participation by performing community service repealed, 1962

             Insurance coverage for persons performing community service, payment of costs, provisions repealed, waiver of liability, 1962

      Trick driving displays, penalty, 686


      California-Nevada Compact for Jurisdiction on Interstate Waters, authority of law enforcement officers, claims against, 447, 448

      Insurance Commissioner, authority to enter, regulations, 1433

      Military Children, Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for

             Interscholastic activities, immediate eligibility of transferred child, 271

             Liaison between school district and military families, designation by districts of employee to serve as, duties, 271, 272

      Western Regional Educational Compact, appropriation for nursing student program, 3049



      Blockchain technology

             Authority of business entities to use, 2821-2825

             Public blockchains, use, retention of ownership rights to information, 2818

      County clerks, use of certain fees, 457, 458

      Cybersecurity (See CYBERSECURITY)

      Deferred deposit, high-interest and title loans, creation of database, submission of information, 942, 943


      Electronic waste, disposition by certain governmental entities, requirements, exemptions, 2215-2221, 2574-2578

      Finance, Office of, information technology system, extension of reversion date of previous appropriations, 2781

      Gang database, use by local law enforcement agencies to identify suspected members and affiliates of criminal gangs, requirements, 2199, 2200

      Government agencies, duties regarding updates to information processing systems, 2818

      Higher education, statewide database of sources of financial assistance, establishment, duties of State Treasurer, 2324

      Homeless and unaccompanied pupils, creation of databases related to, 370, 371

      Internet (See INTERNET)

      Justice courts and municipal courts, funding of court information technology, 2280

      Local government purchasing, exemptions from competitive bidding, 774

      Motor Vehicles, Department of, technology fee continued, 2501, 2502

      Reapportionment and redistricting, authority of Legislative Commission to enter into contracts, 4619


             Computer science instruction programs, assistance to schools in establishing, availability of Internet resource repository, 2696

             Cyber-bullying, investigations, plan to protect safety of pupil involved, 1308, 1310

             Desktop monitoring and school improvement software, appropriation, 3471

             Minimum recommended expenditure, duties, procedures, 4221-4223

             Minimum required expenditures

                   2019-2021 biennium, waiver of certain requirements, procedures, 3268

                   Repeal of provisions, 4221-4223, 4253

             Nevada Ready 21 Technology Program

                   Appropriation for competitive grant program, 2383

                   Block grants, issuance, use, 3266, 3267

             School services, information to be provided by schools before allowing pupils to use or providing pupils with any technology, 3942

             Teachers, computer literacy or computer science

                   Curriculum and standards required to educate and train persons studying to become teacher, grant to develop, funding, 2697, 2700

                   Endorsement to teach, costs of coursework to receive, reimbursement, funding, 2696, 2697

                   Incentives to earn degree or credentials in, grant program, 2697

                   Training in methods to teach pupils, requirements of regional training programs, appropriation, 2698, 2701

      Voter registration by computer (See ELECTIONS — Registration of voters)



      Community managers, fingerprints of applicant seeking certificate or temporary certificate required, 69

      Resale packages, period of validity, time for taking certain action, 863

      Reserve study specialists, fingerprints of applicants required, 69


      Abandoned or unclaimed property, interagency agreements to share information authorized, 3012

      Athletic Commission, Nevada, duties, 1254, 1255

      Cannabis Compliance Board, certain information and data, authorized disclosures, 3782, 3783

      Cannabis, medical use of, School of Medicine research program, records and certain information, authorized release, 3831

      City or county clerks, persons authorized to request confidentiality of personal information contained in records, 728, 729, 867, 868

      Commercial sexual exploitation of child, information maintained by agencies which provide child welfare services, 1933-1935

      Consumer litigation funding claims, privileged communications, 2406

      County assessor’s records, persons authorized to request confidentiality of personal information, 727, 728, 866, 867

      County recorder’s records, persons authorized to request confidentiality of personal information, 726, 727, 865, 866

      Cyber Defense Coordination, Nevada Office of, duties, 2475

      Cybersecurity incident response plans, 2472

      Deferred deposit, high-interest and title loans database, 943


             Provisional ballots, system to obtain information on ballots cast, requirements, 4057

             Security of information systems, records relating to, 3370

      Electric scooter-share programs, trip data, 1882, 1883

      Emergency medical services provided by out-of-network providers, arbitration of disputes regarding payment, related information, 325, 326

      Employee misclassifications, authority of state agencies to communicate confidential information, 3157

      Equal Rights Commission, Nevada, access to and disclosure of information, restrictions, 807, 808

      Health carriers

             Network of providers, letter denying inclusion, contents, 551

             Provider network contracts, requirements, 1604

      Homeland security, certain records of providers of new electric resources, 3530

      Judicial Retirement System, files and records, certain information, 1174

      Legislators’ Retirement System, files and records, certain information, 1174

      Low-income housing projects, transferable tax credit program, certain information provided by project sponsors, 3764, 3765

      Marijuana taxes, certain information, 2509

      Marriage and Family Therapists and Clinical Professional Counselors, Board of Examiners for, lists of licenses with certain disaster training, 4160

      Maternal Mortality Review Committee, records and information, 43, 44

      Medical Examiners, Board of, lists of licensees with certain disaster training, 4157

      Medical facilities and related entities, information concerning sexual orientation or HIV status of patient or resident, 1335

      Mental illness, persons with, disclosure of consumer records to health care providers, 363

      Nevada Threat Analysis Center Advisory Committee, certain information and materials, 162, 163

      Nevada Threat Analysis Center, disclosure of collected confidential information prohibited, penalties, 161

      Nursing, State Board of, lists of licensees with certain disaster training, 4158

      Optometry, Nevada State Board of, information relating to complaints against licensees, 3640

      Osteopathic Medicine, State Board of, lists of licensees with certain disaster training, 4159

      Patient Protection Commission, certain information maintained by state agencies, 2811, 2812

      Peace officers, peer support counseling, removal of exception to privileged communications with counselor, 974

      Product Innovation, Regulatory Experimentation Program for, records or information submitted to or obtained by regulators, 3990

      Psychological Examiners, Board of, lists of licensees with certain disaster training, 4159

      Public Employees’ Retirement System, files and records, certain information, 1174

      Public records, authority of governmental entities to declare certain records confidential, 4009

      Radiation therapy and radiologic imaging, reports of investigations and inspections, 2731

      Resilience Advisory Committee, Nevada, information and materials received, 1024, 1025


             Blueprints of schools, confidentiality, disclosures, 1062, 1063

             Licensing of educational personnel, certain information shared by governing bodies, 1053

             SafeVoice Program, requirements, 3236-3239, 3968, 3971, 3972

      Secretary of State’s elections records, persons authorized to request confidentiality of personal information, 728, 729, 867, 868

      Sexual Assault, Advisory Committee on Rights of Survivors of, information obtained by independent experts, 2847, 2848

      Sickle cell disease and variants, reports regarding, certain identifying information, immunity from liability, 2159, 2160

      Social security numbers or other identifying number provided by licensing applicants

             Behavior analysts, interventionists and technicians, 4342

             City licensing

                   Professions or occupations generally, 4338

                   Property managers, 4338

             Emergency medical services personnel, 4348

             Engine emission control devices, inspectors, 4345

             Notaries public, 4337

             Property tax appraisers, 4339

             Public librarians, 4339

             School personnel, 4340

             Time shares, project managers, representatives and sales agents, 4335

             Title 54 professions and occupations, 4256

             Towns, professions or occupations generally, 4338

      Social Workers, Board of Examiners for, lists of licensees with certain disaster training, 4161

      Supported decision-making agreements, information collected on behalf of principal, 462

      Taxation, Department of, records and files, 118, 121, 3867-3870

      Victims of crime

             Fictitious address program, restrictions regarding records of participants, 1800, 1801

             Residential confinement of offenders, information relating to victims, 240, 3063

             Victim’s advocates and victims, communication privilege extended to additional persons, 86, 2634


      Abortion, informed consent requirements, 1502-1504

      Common-interest communities, uses to which unit is restricted, removal of unanimous consent requirement to change, 1380

      Dental therapists, contents of written practice agreements, 3201

      Electric scooter-share programs, requirements for disclosure of trip data, 1883

      Law enforcement officers, sexual conduct with person in custody prohibited, consent no defense to prosecution, 836

      Marriage of minor 17 years of age, consent of parent or guardian and authorization of district court required, 3660, 3661

      Mental health facilities, emergency admissions of minors

             Detention of minor for evaluation, observation and treatment, consent to admission unnecessary, 2619

             Person applying for emergency admission, duty to attempt to obtain consent before making application, maintenance of documentation of attempts, 2620

      Prescriptions for pain management

             Initial prescriptions issued to certain patients, requirements, 2136, 2138, 2139

             Medical records, documentation of informed consent, 2139

             Voiding of regulation regarding previous consent, 2141

      Sexual conduct with person in position of authority over alleged victim, rebuttable presumption of nonconsent, 1906

      Sterilization of protected person, consent by guardian, requirements, 84, 85


      Authorized expenditures, 3138, 3139, 3145, 3146

      Bond issue, reports on use of proceeds, duties, 2865

      Capital improvements, funding, 3306, 3310

      Carson River corridor improvements, bond issue, 2862


             Natural Heritage, Division of, appointment of Administrator, 579

             Outdoor Recreation, Advisory Board on, member, duties, 3705

             Outdoor Recreation, Division of, appointment of Administrator, receipt of report, 3704, 3706

             Recycling, duties, receipt of reports, 2216, 2219

             Salary, 3327

      Environmental Commission (See ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION, STATE)

      Environmental health specialist laws inapplicable to employees, exception, 2112

      Environmental Protection, Division of

             Mining operations, reclamation of land, remedies for certain violations, 3980

             Public water systems, remedies for certain violations, 3979

      Fire suppression

             Appropriation for allocation for expenses, 3361

             Temporary advances of money for expenses, requests, 3357, 3358


                   Landscape projects to reduce threat, bond issue, 2863, 2864

                   Prevention, restoration and long-term planning, funding, duties, 2791, 2792

      Fleet vehicles using alternative fuels or clean vehicles, duties repealed, 1061

      Forestry, Division of

             Deferred maintenance projects, appropriation, 2803, 2804

             Equipment replacement, appropriation, 2803, 2804

             Fire prevention and forest health report, duties, 740, 741

             Fire suppression and emergency response, appropriation for allocation, 3361

             Flora, permit requirements regarding fully protected species, duties, 732

             Helicopter and vehicles, replacement, appropriation, 2803, 2804

             Landscape projects to reduce wildfire threats, bond issue, coordination of grants, 2863

             Logging, duties, 736-738

             Renewable natural resources, certain powers and duties removed, 741

             Timberland conversion certificates, duties, 740, 741

      General appropriations, 3348, 3349, 3352, 3353

      Greenhouse gas emissions, duties, 1971, 1972

      Hazardous waste, remedies for certain violations, 3980

      Historic Preservation, Office of

             Passport program for historical sites, creation, appropriation, 3723, 3724

             State Register of Historic Places, inclusion of landmarks, duties, 973

             Technical advisory program for preservation of certain buildings and structures, establishment, appropriation, 3899, 3900

      Information technology infrastructure replacement, appropriation, 2791

      Lake Tahoe Path System, enhancement and development, bond issue, 2862

      Natural Heritage, Division of

             Administrator, appointment, classification, duties, 579, 580

             Composition, 579

             Duties of Division, 580

             Part of Department, 580

      Nevada Natural Heritage Program

             Repeal of Program, transfer of duties to Division of Natural Heritage, 580

             Wetlands projects, bond issue, coordination of grants, 2863

      Outdoor Recreation, Division of


                   Appointment, classification, 3704

                   Biennial report, submission to Director, 3705

                   Duties, 3702, 3704-3706

                   Executive head of Division, 3702

                   Regulations, authority, 3705

             Appropriation for personnel and operating costs, 3706

             Creation, 3703

             Definitions, 3703

             Employees, duties, 3702

             Part of Department, 3703

      Personnel and costs of certain grant program, appropriation, 2865, 2866

      Recreational facilities, campsites and trails, bond issue, 2863, 2864


             Biennial report, contents, 2216

             Consultations with certain governmental entities, requirements, 2217-2221

      Sagebrush Ecosystem Council, status of members, removal from office, 1566

      Sagebrush ecosystems, bond issue, 2863, 2864

      State Lands, Division of

             Historic preservation projects, bond issue, 2862

             Lake Tahoe Basin

                   Account for License Plates for Support of Preservation and Restoration of Natural Environment, authorized uses, 892

                   Environmental improvements, bond issue, 891

             Wildlife habitat protection, wetlands and other environmental resources, bond issue, coordination of grants, 2863

      State Parks, Division of (See also STATE PARKS)

             Administrator, member of Advisory Board on Outdoor Recreation, 3705

             Facilities, vehicles and equipment, appropriations, 2785

             Motor vehicle fuel tax, receipt of allocations, 3145

             Outdoor Education and Recreation Grant Program, creation, appropriation, 3960-3962

             Preservation of property or natural resources of State, bond issue, 2861

             Recreational facilities, campsites and trails, bond issue, coordination of grants, 2863

             Reversion of certain previous appropriations extended, 3359

            Violation of regulations, when criminal liability attaches, 672, 673

      Storage tanks, remedies for certain violations, 3980

      Tourism and Cultural Affairs, Department of, consultation regarding Historic Sites Passport Program, 3723, 3724

      Truckee River corridor improvements, bond issue, 2862

      Water pollution control, remedies for certain violations, 3978

      Water Resources, Division of

             State Engineer (See STATE ENGINEER)

             Vehicles and computer hardware and software, appropriation, 2792, 2793

             Water conservation plans, contents, review, 2098, 2099

      Weather modification, criminal disqualification of applicants for license and permit, petitions regarding, procedures, Internet publication of information, reports, 2943, 2944

      Wetlands projects, bond issue, 2863, 2864

      Wildlife habitat projects, bond issue, 2863, 2864


      Authorized expenditures, 3137, 3139

      Forestry conservation camps, appropriations, 2803, 2804, 3348

      General appropriations, 3347, 3348

      Repair of facilities, appropriations, 2794


      Facilitating sex trafficking, penalty, 1810

      Gaming, penalty for certain violations, 4478


      Certification as peace officer, requirements, effect of failure to obtain or maintain certification, 1554

      Civil cases, fees for certain services, 1557

      Clerical and operational staff, possession of firearm while performing duties prohibited, 1555, 1556

      Collection of sums on execution or writ, fee on amount over $3,500, 1558


             Certification as peace officer, requirements, 1555

             Compensation, approval requirements for certain offices, 1555

      Eviction proceedings

             Inspection of notices to surrender prohibited, exceptions, 269

             Summary eviction proceedings, duties, 3910, 3913-3915, 3921

      Nonpartisan office, designation as, 1559

      Office established by county commissioners as enterprise fund

             Deputy constables, compensation, approval requirements, 1555

             Fees collected, duties, 1559

      Traffic citations, collection of fees, procedures, 1556, 1557

      Vacancies, procedures for filling, 1555


      Fifteenth Amendment, ratification by Nevada commemorated, 4585, 4586


      Equality of rights under law guaranteed to all persons, 4636, 4637


             Recognition regardless of gender, equal treatment under law, 4604

             Refusal to solemnize, rights of religious organizations and clergy, 4604

      Minimum wage, increase, authority of Legislature, 4630-4632

      Pardons Commissioners, State Board of, express provision for Board, procedures, 4613, 4614

      State University, Legislature’s authority to adopt statutes, 4591-4595

      Voters’ Bill of Rights, adoption, 4614, 4615


      Builder’s warranty

             Contractors, duty to provide to purchaser of single-family residence, requirements, penalty for failure to provide or to respond reasonably to claim under warranty, 2283-2285

             Homeowner’s warranty, redesignated as "builder’s warranty," requirements, 2259-2261

      Civil actions

             Common-interest communities, authority of associations, 2263, 2267


                   Additional costs reasonably incurred by claimant, requirement that claimant prove constructional defect removed, 2261

                   Fraud, damages resulting from, time for commencement of actions, 2263

             Homeowner’s warranties

                   Claimant, duty to disclose to contractor all information regarding warranty, provision repealed, 2262

                   Exhaustion of claims under warranty before commencing action, requirement repealed, 2261

      Inspections, procedures, 2260

      Insurance, homeowner’s warranty not type of, laws clarified, 2261

      Notice of defect

             Contents, requirements, 2259, 2261

             Homeowner’s warranty, denial of claim under warranty required before sending notice, provisions repealed, 2261

      Recovery Fund

             Contractors, disclosures to purchasers concerning rights related to account, penalty for violations, 2283, 2284

             Notice of rights, increase in amount of recovery, 37, 38

      Rights of purchasers of single-family residences, contractors to provide disclosure document to purchasers, 2283



      Discrimination, prohibited acts, duties of Commissioner of Financial Institutions, 1594


      Public weighmasters, licenses

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2953

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2953

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2952, 2953

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2953

      Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on license applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

      Weights and measures, certificates to adjust or repair devices

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2944

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2943

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2943, 2944

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2951


      Advocate, assistance to consumers, duties, reports, 314, 315

      Health carriers offering network plans, annual receipt of information, compilation of reports, duties, 297, 315

      Salaries of unclassified staff, 3328, 3329


      Amount to be paid company pursuant to contract, requirements, limitations, 2405, 2406

      Annual report to Commissioner of Financial Institutions, 2412

      Assessments, payment, 2412, 2414, 2415

      Assets, requirements, 2411

      Attorneys, prohibited interest in company, 2405

      Books and accounting records, requirements, 2411, 2412

      Change of address, notice, penalty for noncompliance, 2411

      Conduct of business by other name or at unstated place, prohibitions, 2412

      Contracts, requirements, void provisions, 2401-2406, 2414

      Definitions, 2400, 2401

      Enforcement powers of Commissioner of Financial Institutions, 2412, 2413

      Inspections and examinations, 2411, 2412


             Applications, 2407-2410

             Bond, requirements, 2409, 2410

             Fees, 2409

             Grant or denial, order for, 2410, 2411

             Nontransferability, 2411

             Refusal to issue or renew, grounds, 2408

             Suspension or revocation, grounds, 2409, 2413

             Withdrawal of application, when deemed, 2407

      Liens, priority, 2406

      Registered agent, requirements, 2411


             Unlicensed practice, penalties, 2406, 2407, 2413

             Voiding of contracts, 2406



      Actions to collect consumer debt

             Attorney’s fees, awards, amount, 2310, 2311

             Award of interest, requirements, limitations, 2310

      Applicability of laws, 2308, 2309

      Consumer form contracts

             Change of terms, agreement by affirmative consent, requirements, 2309

             Choice of law, requirements, certain provision deemed void, 2309

             Contracts between consumer and unlicensed persons deemed void, effect, 2310

             Forum selection, certain provisions deemed void, 2309

             Prohibited contents, 2309, 2310

             Provisions in contract violating laws deemed void and unenforceable, 2310

             Signatures, requirements, 2309

             Use restricted, 2308

      Definitions, 2307, 2308

      Purpose and construction of laws, 2307

      Short title, 2307


      Delinquent fine, fee, assessment or restitution, authority of state of local entities to notify credit agencies removed, 2273, 2452


      Legislative sessions, continuance of administrative or court proceedings during, requirements, procedures, 3606, 3607



      Advertising violations, repeal of prohibition on disconnection of telephone number of paging service, 2036, 2037

      Cease and desist orders of State Contractors’ Board, procedures, penalties, right to contest, 154-157

      Classification or subclassification of license, work outside of authorized in certain circumstances, 1608

      Constructional defects (See CONSTRUCTIONAL DEFECTS)

      Disciplinary action, grounds, 2284, 2285

      General building contractors

             Hiring by general engineering contractors, restrictions in certain circumstances, 159

             Management and counseling services on projects, authority, 159

             Prime contractors, requirements for construction projects, exceptions, 159

      Housing, Advisory Committee on, membership, 2428

      Independent contractors (See also INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS)

             Presumption of status, criteria, 3160


             Armed Forces or National Guard members on active duty, reinstatement of suspended license, fee waiver, 2035, 2036

             Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905


                   Based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256

                   Hearings, 2031

             Inactive status, validity period extended, 2034, 2037

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

             Qualifications regarding experience, 2032, 2033

             Residential construction, demonstration of financial responsibility, requirements for renewal application repealed, 2033, 2034

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

             Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278

      Manufactured home parks, authority to perform maintenance to home or park without license in certain circumstances, complaint procedures, 1610-1613

      Public works (See PUBLIC WORKS)

      Recovery Fund

             Contractors, disclosures to purchasers concerning rights related to account, penalty for violations, 2283, 2284

             Notice of rights, increase in amount of recovery, 37, 38

      School blueprints, disclosures upon request, 1062, 1063


             Cease and desist orders

                   Compliance with order, determination, 154

                   Contesting order, procedures, 157

                   Issuance, grounds, 154

                   Noncompliance with order, determination, procedures following, 154-156

             Denial of license application, delegation of authority to hold hearings, duties, 2031

             Labor Commissioner, notification to Board regarding violations of prevailing wage laws, 702

             Manufactured home parks, contractors authorized to perform unlicensed work in, complaint procedures, 1611, 1612

             Sunset Subcommittee of Legislative Commission

                   Criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, review, recommendations, 2904, 2905

                   Study of professional and occupational licensing boards, 4629, 4630

      Unlicensed practice, penalties, 156


      Airport Authority of Carson City, authority to enter certain agreements, certain approval requirements eliminated, 878

      Alcohol and drug abuse treatment providers, facilities and programs, prohibited practices, exceptions, 1679, 1680

      Business license required for contracts with State, exceptions, 401

      Cannabis Compliance Board, authority to enter into, 3779

      Central Repository, requirements for certain contracts, 2255

      Challenge schools, agreements to establish, deemed public school upon execution of agreement, 1981

      Charitable games and charitable lotteries, qualified organizations

             Unsuitability of associated persons, effect, 962

             Vendors, prohibited contracts, 963

      Children’s Health Insurance Program, prescription drugs

             Payments and rebates, contracts for, requirements, 4027, 4028

             Purchasing agreements, requirements, reports, 4028, 4029

      Commissioner of Insurance, authority to enter certain contracts, 3037

      Community-based living arrangement services, contracts between Division of Public and Behavioral Health and provider, requirements, 2148, 2149

      Consumer litigation funding contracts, requirements, cancellation, void contracts, 2401-2406, 2414

      Consumer Protection from the Accrual of Predatory Interest After Default Act, adoption, 2307-2311

      Core correctional services, contracts with private entities for provision prohibited, exception, 953

      Dental therapists, written practice agreements, contents, 3201

      Group insurance for public employees, authority to obtain prescription drugs through purchasing agreements, 4026, 4028

      Indian tribes

             Disasters, grants or loans following, agreements with Attorney General, 3630

             Police officers employed by, agreements with police departments regarding jurisdictional limitations, 534

      Local purchasing (See LOCAL GOVERNMENT PURCHASING)

      Medicaid, prescription drugs

             Payments and rebates, contracts for, requirements, 4027, 4028

             Purchasing agreements, requirements, reports, 4028, 4029

      Medical plans, short-term limited duration, cancellation or rescission, 1429

      Motor Vehicles, Department of, authority to contract with vendors to provide and track temporary placards issued upon sale or long-term lease of vehicles, 3298

      Nonprofit health benefit plans, authority to obtain prescription drugs through purchasing agreements, 4028, 4032

      Occupational licensing boards, contracts for acceptance of payments by credit card, debit card or electronic transfer, 1303, 1304

      Personal injury liability, authority to void certain prior releases, requirements, procedures, 2499

      Reapportionment and redistricting, authority of Legislative Commission to enter into contracts, 4619

      School districts, contracts with private schools for provision of school police officers authorized, requirements, immunity from liability, 3252

      Settlement agreements (See SETTLEMENT AGREEMENTS)

      Small claims actions brought in justice court, venue, 52, 53

      State purchasing (See STATE PURCHASING)

      Supported decision-making agreements authorized, requirements, 461

      Tahoe Douglas Visitor’s Authority, powers, 2362, 2365

      Transportation, Department of, filing requirements for contracts with independent contractors, 51


      Cannabis, driving under the influence, persons not exempt from state prosecution, 3835

      Civil penalties for violations involving schedule I-III substances, 4476

      Date rape drugs

             Habitual criminal, conviction for possession may be used as basis for conviction as, 4441

             Probation or suspension of sentence prohibited, 4473

             Sex offenders (See SEX OFFENDERS)

             Trafficking, penalty, 4474

      Drug abuse (See ALCOHOL OR DRUG ABUSE)

      First offense, penalties for certain unauthorized acts, 4466

      Hemp, unregistered activities, reports to local law enforcement agency, 2588, 2589

      High-risk behavior, orders for protection against, procedures, 3948, 3950-3952, 4170-4177

      Optometrists, authority regarding pharmaceutical agents, 3646

      Place for illegal sale or use, penalty for keeping, 4465

      Possession, penalties, probation or suspension of sentence, 4470, 4471, 4474

      Prescriptions (See PRESCRIPTIONS)

      Probation authorized if mitigating circumstances exist, exceptions, 4466, 4467, 4474

      Recovery centers

             Chart orders, authority to use, 723

             Delivery of substances to facility without pharmacy on premises, 725

             Licensing and regulation by State Board of Pharmacy, 723, 724

      Registration to dispense, suspension or revocation, grounds, 172

      School pupils, certain sale or distribution by, disciplinary procedures, 3291, 3575, 3576

      State employees, screening tests may include sample of person’s blood or other bodily substance, 598, 599

      Subsequent offenses, penalties for certain unauthorized acts, 4466

      Trafficking, quantity of substance for determining penalties, 4474

      Unlawful use, penalty, 4475


      Cigarettes and other tobacco products, issuance of temporary license to operate at conventions authorized, 616

      Employees, health and safety training requirements, 490-494

      Tahoe Douglas Visitor’s Authority, authority as to convention center, 114, 2361-2368


      Child welfare proceedings, restrictions on release of child to convicted parent or guardian, 2614

      Civil commitment of alcoholics and drug addicts convicted of crime, provisions repealed, 4488

      Decriminalization of offense, procedures following, effect, 1459, 1460

      Domestic violence perpetrators, entry of findings by court, orders, 1808, 1809

      Habitual criminals, determination of status, criteria, 4441

      HIV exposure laws, study of possible disparities in related convictions, 467

      Involuntary servitude victims, vacation of certain judgments, procedures, 409-411

      Postconviction procedures

             Factual innocence, hearing to establish based on newly discovered evidence, procedures, 2976-2981

             Habeas corpus petitions challenging time served, filing requirements, procedures, 3008-3010

      Sex trafficking victims, vacation of certain judgments, procedures, 409-411

      Specialty court programs, authority of district court to enter judgment of conviction for certain offenses before placing defendant on probation, 2444-2446

      Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for certain purposes, exceptions, 2278

      Voting rights, restoration to certain convicted persons, 1452-1458

      Wrongful convictions, actions for damages or other relief

             Attorney General, pleadings to be served upon, 4367

             Attorney’s fees, awards, 4368

             Damages, amount, limitations, 4368

             Dismissal of action, 4367

             Immunity of State waived, 4366

             Limitation of actions, 4368

             Reserve for Statutory Contingency Account, payment of awards from account, 4369, 4370

             Restitution, authority of court to order reimbursement for, 4368

             Settlement agreements, effect of settlement on amount awarded by court, 4369

             Sex offenders, remedies for, 4368

             Trial of action, setting of time for, 4370


      Abandoned or unclaimed property, interagency agreements to share confidential information, 3012

      Cannabis Compliance Board, authority to enter into, 3779

      Emergency management, county organizations, 1081

      Fuel taxes, authority of Department of Motor Vehicles, 1573

      Investments of administrative entities, authorized securities, applicability of laws expanded, 661-666

      Medical facilities providing educational services, requirements for agreements with out-of-state facilities, 3111, 3112

      Motor Vehicles, Department of, authority to enter agreement with Department of Veterans Services for certain purposes, 574, 575

      Regulatory Experimentation Program for Product Innovation, multijurisdictional operation of participants, 3992

      State Forester Firewarden, agreements to collect and publish data related to renewable natural resources, authority removed, 741


      Blockchains, authority to use, regulation, 2822

      Electric service providers, applicability of portfolio standards, determination of total amount of electricity sold, reports, 14, 16, 17, 20, 21, 23


      Applicability of laws expanded, restrictions on use of records, 1531, 1532


      Account for support of office

             Sources, 4166, 4167

             Use, 4164

      Appointed coroners, applicability of laws, 4163, 4164

      Commercial sexual exploitation of child, duty to report, 1932

      Communicable diseases, testing of decedents, authority, 4163

      Controlled substances, computerized program to track prescriptions, duty to upload information removed, effect, 169, 172

      Disaster Identification Coordination Committee, State, representation, 1067

      Maternal Mortality Review Committee, access to investigative records, 43

      Mental health and bereavement services programs, creation, funding, 4163, 4164

      Suspicious deaths, powers and duties regarding, 4165

      Vulnerable persons abused, neglected, exploited, isolated or abandoned, duty to report, 3485-3487


      Articles of incorporation

             Amendment, approval procedures, 97, 98

             Forum selection clause authorized, 88, 89

      Blockchains, authority to use, regulation, 2821

      Campaign financing, reports, requirements, 3953, 3956-3958

      Civil or criminal action, suit or proceeding

             Advancement of expenses of officers and directors incurred in defending suit or proceeding, procedures, 101, 102

             Alter ego of corporation, determination, liability, 99

             Forum selection clause, inclusion in bylaws or in articles of incorporation authorized, 88, 89

             Indemnification of certain persons, procedures, 100-102

      Dissolution, procedures, 99

      Engineering firms, requirement for employment of professional engineer at each place of business eliminated, 1529

      Foreign corporations

             Blockchains, authority to use, regulation, 2822

             Local emerging small businesses, reinstatement following forfeiture of right to transact business, procedures, 919, 930

      Gaming corporations, state policy, duties of certain shareholders, 1281-1283

      Intellectual disabilities or developmental disabilities, persons with, certification requirements for jobs and day training services, 392, 393

      "Issuing corporation" defined, 97

      Land surveying firms, requirement for employment of professional land surveyor at each place of business eliminated, 1529

      Local emerging small businesses, reinstatement following forfeiture of right to transact business, procedures, 918, 930

      Merger without stockholder approval, procedures, 107-109

      Mismanagement, authority of stockholders to apply for injunction and appointment of receiver, 2490, 2491


      Officers and directors

             Breach of fiduciary duty, acts constituting, 90, 91

             Removal of directors by majority vote under certain circumstances, procedures, 2489, 2490

      Receiver, basis for appointment, authority of stockholder, 2490, 2491


             Admissibility in evidence of electronic records or records kept on or by means of blockchain, 2822

             Blockchain technology, maintenance of records using authorized, 2821, 2822

             Clarification of laws regarding records kept by corporation, 2484

             Financial records, requests to audit, requirements, 2486

             Inspection and copying of records

                   Affidavit to be furnished by person requesting, requirements, 2485, 2486

                   Blockchain, requested records kept on or by means of, requirements for complying with request, 2822

                   Denial of request for inspection, grounds, 2485, 2486

                   Failure to keep records open for inspection, penalty, 89

                   Financial records, requests to inspect and copy, requirements, 2486

                   Location of records outside of State, procedures for inspection, 89, 90

      Stock, fractional shares, 92-94, 110


             Definition of "stockholder of record,” 2484

             Dissent from corporate actions

                   Cancellation of all outstanding shares, requirement to accept money or script rather than receiving fractional shares, 92-94, 110

                   Merger of corporation without stockholder approval, 109, 110

                   Right to dissent generally, limitations, 110, 111, 2496

             Dissolution of corporation, notice requirements, 99


                   Determination of stockholders entitled to distribution, record date may be fixed, 2488

                   Dissolution of corporation, applicability of laws, 95

                   Fraudulent Transfers Act, Uniform, applicability of laws, 95

             Injunction and appointment of receiver, basis for applying to district court, requirements, 2490, 2491


                   Quorum, determination, 2488, 2489

                   Remote communication, authority to hold meetings by, 97

            Merger of corporation without stockholder approval, notice requirements, 108

      Worker cooperative corporations (See WORKER COOPERATIVE CORPORATIONS)


      Blockchain technology, authority to use, regulation, 2823

      Local emerging small businesses, reinstatement following forfeiture of right to transact business, procedures, 921, 930


      Authorized expenditures, 3137

      Capital improvements, funding, 3306, 3310, 3314

      Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice, Legislative Committee on, interim study regarding juvenile detention, duties, 2426, 2427

      Core correctional services, provision by private entities restricted, duties, 952-955


             Homelessness to Housing, Interagency Advisory Council on, member, 2108

             Office, supplemental appropriation, 2350

             Salary, 3327

             Sexual Assault, Advisory Committee on Rights of Survivors of, member, 2846

      Employees (See also STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES)

             Appropriation for certain costs, 4487

             Peer support counseling, removal of exception to privileged communications with counselor, 974

             Program Officers, appropriation to fund positions, 3360

             Substance Abuse Counselors, appropriation to fund positions, 3360

             Training, requirements, 4444

             Unclassified service, salaries, duties, 3327, 3339

      Equipment, appropriations, 2786, 2794

      Facility repairs, appropriations, 2794

      General appropriations, 3347, 3348, 3352, 3355

      Nevada Offender Tracking Information System, appropriations, 2786

      Offenders (See also PRISONS, STATE)

             Census population counts, adjustment to account for residency of incarcerated persons, duties, 986, 987

             Employment by private employers, requirements for personal guarantee or surety bond, duties, 816

             Photo identification card issued upon release, requirements, 646, 4447

             Reentry plans, requirements, 4457, 4458

             Residential confinement, notice requirements, 239-242, 3063

      Prison Medical Care, appropriations for equipment, 2787, 2788

      Reentry programs, funding priority, report, 4379

      Vehicles, appropriation, 2787


      Animal testing, importation or sale of cosmetics for which testing was performed prohibited, exceptions, penalty, 1589, 1590


      "Cosmetologist," definition, removal of service of electrolysis, 1165


             Definition, inclusion of additional practices, 1166

             Examination for license, qualifications, 1166, 1167


             Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257, 4324-4329

             Cosmetological establishments, issuance and activation of license, procedures, 1167

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256

             Estheticians, examination for license, qualifications, 1166, 1167

             Hair designers, examination for license, qualifications, 1166

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

             Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278


             Complaints, referral to other licensing board, 2737, 2738

             Sunset Subcommittee of Legislative Commission

                   Criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, review, recommendations, 2904, 2905

                   Study of professional and occupational licensing boards, 4629, 4630





      Psychologists (See PSYCHOLOGISTS)

      School counselors (See SCHOOL PERSONNEL)

      Sexual conduct with person in position of authority over alleged victim, rebuttable presumption of nonconsent, 1906


      Adult education programs operated by school district or public schools, sales and use tax to support, procedures, reports, 3261-3263

      Affordable housing (See also AFFORDABLE HOUSING)

             Database of low-income housing, cooperation with Housing Division, 832

             Fees, authority to reduce or subsidize certain fees, 827-829

             Nonprofit organizations, conveyance of real property for development of affordable housing, 1416, 1417

             Real property transfer taxes, authority to use revenue to develop, 1423

             Sales and use tax to pay costs of development or redevelopment, procedures, reports, 3261-3263

      Air pollution, distribution of certain fees from Pollution Control Account, 83

      Animals impounded due to arrest of owner, procedures, applicability of laws, recovery of costs, 1774-1778

      Brothels, legislative study of working conditions at licensed brothels, consultation, 4641

      Business impact statements, procedures, objection to and readoption or amendment of rules, actions taken in violation of laws deemed void, 886, 887

      Cannabis (See Marijuana, this heading)

      Carson City (See CARSON CITY)

      Charitable games, regulatory authority, 958

      Churchill County, appropriation for implementation of changes to election procedures, 4144

      Cigarette and other tobacco products, wholesale dealers and tobacco retail dealers, county may require business license, 619, 643

      Clark (See CLARK COUNTY)

      Courts (See DISTRICT COURTS)

      Douglas (See DOUGLAS COUNTY)

      Early childhood education programs operated by school districts or public schools, sales and use tax to support authorized, procedures, reports, 3261-3263

      Electric scooters and operation of scooter-share programs, regulation, 1882, 1883

      Electric utility franchises

             Applicability of portfolio standards to electric services, determination of total amount of electricity sold, reports, 16, 20, 21, 23

             State Education Fund, deposit of percentage of net profits, 4197, 4251, 4252

      Electronic records, powers and duties regarding certified records, 2818, 2819

      Emergency management (See also EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT)

             Cybersecurity incident response plans, duties, 2472

             Disaster Identification Coordination Committee, State, activation and duties, 1066, 1067

             Electric utility natural disaster protection plans, receipt, 556

             Emergency operations plan, requirements, 4155

             Emergency or disaster recovery plan, Division of Emergency Management to provide training upon request, 589

             Health care providers with training in treatment of trauma related to disaster or emergency, lists to be provided on request of governmental entity, 4157-4161

             Homeland security emergency response plans, revision, duties, notice of compliance, receipt of guide, 2465, 2466, 2470

             Local organization, formation required, 1081

             Nonprofit corporations, formation to provide certain services during emergencies, authority, procedures, liability, 1473, 1474

             Resilience Advisory Committee, Nevada, creation, duties, 1024-1026


      Family planning services, grant program, requirements, 1506

      Fictitious address program for victims of crime, county to allow participants to use fictitious address, restrictions regarding records, 1800, 1801

      Finances and funds

             Collateral for uninsured deposits, requirements, 669, 670

             Enterprise funds

                   Constable’s office established by county commissioners as enterprise fund, procedures, 1555, 1559

                   Reduction or subsidization of fee imposed for purpose for which fund was created, 827-829

                   Telecommunication services, exemption from requirements regarding enterprise funds, 1322

             Intergovernmental Fund, deposits, 3262, 4246

             Securities, authorized investments, applicability of laws, 661-666

      Grants, pilot program to award grants to counties needing matching funds, 3709

      Historic neighborhoods, designation, procedures, 968, 969

      Homeless youths, legislative declaration, 255

      Homelessness, sales and use tax for programs to reduce authorized, procedures, reports, 3261-3263

      Homelessness to Housing, Interagency Advisory Council on, collaboration, 2109

      Hospitality industry, joint labor-management programs of workforce training, county sales and use tax to support authorized, procedures, reports, 3261-3264

      Housing Crisis Response System, Nevada, coordination, 834

      Indigent defense services

             Formula for determining maximum amount county may be required to pay for providing services, regulation, 2884

             State Public Defender, transfer of responsibility for services to, procedures, funding, requests that responsibility be transferred back to county, 2886, 2887

      Information processing systems, duties regarding updates, 2818

      Juvenile proceedings

             Ancillary services provided to child, orders for parent or guardian to reimburse county for costs restricted, 1957

             Juvenile detention facilities

                   Local detention facilities, reimbursement for support of child, provisions repealed, 1970

                   Medical care provided to child, payment of certain costs, 1956

             Regional facility for treatment and rehabilitation, reimbursement to county for expenses, authority of court to order repealed, 1958

      Land sales, solicitation of customers for, criminal history disqualification for license, petitions regarding, procedures, Internet publication of information, reports, 2956, 2957

      Lincoln County, transfer to other behavioral health region, 2044

      Local governing bodies in less populous counties, appointment authority of county commissioners, procedures, 742-746

      Local improvements, accountings, duties, 1298, 1299

      Lyon County, growth in County and region, reports, duties, 798-800


             Cannabis or cannabis products consumed on premises, licensing or allowing business to operate prohibited, 3854

             Cultivation facilities, excise tax on wholesale sales to other cannabis establishments, distribution of proceeds, 3873


                   Advertising relating to marijuana, regulatory authority, 2345-2347, 3839

                   Cannabis Compliance Board, authority to request information from local government regarding inspection or review of establishments, 3795

                   Effect of cannabis provisions on local control measures pertaining to zoning and land use, 3836

                   Payment processing systems, requirements, pilot program, 2508-2510

                   Requirement to obtain license or pay license tax prohibited, 3863

      Medical marijuana establishments

             Advertising relating to marijuana, regulatory authority, 2335

             Payment processing systems, requirements, pilot program, 2508-2510

      Microtransit, use authorized in less populous counties, 804, 805

      Mineral County, transfer to other behavioral health region, 2044

      Motor vehicles owned by, repeal of required use of alternative fuels or clean vehicles, 1061

      Nevada 24/7 Sobriety and Drug Monitoring Program, participation, 2749, 2751, 2752

      New Americans, Office of, duty of counties to assist, 4362

      Nye County, reconfiguration of behavioral health region, 2044

      Occupations and professions, licensing generally (See also PROFESSIONS AND OCCUPATIONS, LICENSING)

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2907, 2908

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2907

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2906, 2907

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2907

      Officers (See COUNTY OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES; specific officers)

      Ordinances (See ORDINANCES)

      Personal information, receipt by

             Data collectors, compliance with certain standards, requirements, 2574

             Electronic means, procedures, 2576


      Real property

             Abandoned property, expedited sale for delinquent taxes, 748-753

             Affordable housing (See also Affordable housing, this heading)

                   Nonprofit organizations, conveyance of real property for development of affordable housing, 1416, 1417

                   Real property transfer taxes, authority to use revenue to develop, 1423

             Federal lands, apportionment of revenue received by State from leases, amount, 4238

             Internet auctions authorized, procedures, 1034-1036

             Purchase or lease of property for use by county, procedure for selection of appraisers, 1030, 1031

             Sale or lease of certain real property, appraisal requirements, amount accepted to be at appraised value, 1033, 1034

      Resilience Advisory Committee, Nevada, creation, duties, 1024-1026

      State Public Works Division, duty to cooperate with regard to capital improvement projects, 3315

      Storey (See STOREY COUNTY)

      Teachers, incentives for recruitment or retention of teachers for high-vacancy schools, imposition of sales and use tax to pay costs, procedures, reports, 3261-3264

      Telecommunication services, exemption from requirements regarding enterprise funds, 1322

      Truancy reduction programs, sales and use tax to support, procedures, reports, 3261-3263

      Veterans, offices of coordinator of services for

             Financial support by Department of Veterans Affairs, removal, 127, 134

             Training and certification of coordinator, requirements, 128, 133, 134

      Video service providers

             Franchise fee, in lieu of recurring rental charges, 193

             Powers and duties of counties and providers, 191, 192

      Washoe (See WASHOE COUNTY)

      Water resource plan, development and maintenance required, exception, 1294

      Water, right to appropriate dedicated to county, requirements, effect, 2530-2532

      Well supervisors and assistants, payment of salaries and expenses from county general fund in certain circumstances, 838, 839

      White Pine County, appropriation for courthouse construction, 4016

      Workforce training in hospitality industry, sales and use tax to pay costs for joint labor-management programs, procedures, reports, 3261-3263

      Youth sports organizations sponsored by local government, duties regarding medical clearance certificate, 136, 137, 150


      Confidentiality of personal information contained in records, authority of certain persons to request, 727, 728, 866, 867

      Department of Motor Vehicles, authority of Director to appoint assessors as agents, redundant language removed, 74

      Residential real property, changes in ownership, reports to county treasurers, 644


      Elections (See also ELECTIONS)

             Confidentiality of personal information contained records, persons authorized to request, 728, 729, 867, 868



                   Assumed or fictitious name or renewal, 458

                   Marriage certificates, certified copy or certified abstract, 458


                   Permission to perform marriages or specific marriage, 457, 458

                   Termination of business or ownership in business under assumed or fictitious name, 458

             Declaration or acceptance of candidacy for public office, 458

      Marriages of minors 17 years of age, duties, reports to Legislature, 3663, 3665

      Technology upgrades, use of certain fees, 457, 458


      Affordable housing database, cooperation with Housing Division, duties, 832

      Business impact statements, procedures, objection to and readoption or amendment of rules, actions taken in violation of laws deemed void, 886, 887

      Clark County Board, working group to reduce homelessness, creation, duties, reports, 2042

      Constables, duties regarding, 1555


             Canvass of returns, time for completion, 4084

             Property tax to fund school capital projects, authority, 2650

      Emergencies, nonprofit corporations formed to provide certain services to county during, receipt of reports, 1474

      Fire and smoke dampers in buildings, inspections, receipt of reports, 3148, 3149

      Indigent defense services

             Board on Indigent Defense Services and Department of Indigent Defense Services, cooperation with, provision of data and reports, 2891

             Corrective action plans to meet minimum standards for providing services, procedures, funding of services, 2885, 2886

             State Public Defender, transfer of responsibility for services to, procedures, requests that responsibility be transferred back to county, 2886, 2887

      Jails, duties, receipt of reports, 2196, 2197

      Justice Reinvestment Coordinating Council, Nevada Local, appointment of members, 4380

      Justices of the peace, increase in number, duties, 3949

      Legislators, vacancy in office, requirements to fill, 882, 884

      Local governing bodies in less populous counties, appointment authority, procedures, 742-744

      Marriages, violations relating to solicitation, delegation of authority to hearing officer, 457

      Mobile carrying devices, regulation, 3104, 3105

      Northwestern Nevada, reports by certain counties, duties, 798-800

      Offenders, notice of assignment of older offender to residential confinement, 3063

      Public administrators, abolishment of office in less populous counties authorized, duty to contract with or employ person to perform duties and functions, 1535

      Purchase of real property, selection of appraiser, 1030, 1031

      Regional transportation, imposition of sales and use tax for support, extension of time to submit ballot question to voters, 446

      Renewable energy facilities receiving partial tax abatements, receipt of payroll reports from, 1180

      Schools, advisory committee to recommend property tax to fund capital projects, duties, 2650

      Smoke control systems in buildings, inspections, receipt of reports, 3149

      Washoe County Board, nomination of member of Board on Indigent Defense Services, 2881


      Diesel fuel, additional tax authorized in certain counties, rate, exempt sales and uses, 1262, 1263

      Nonpayment, liability of responsible person, 1571


      Confidentiality of personal information contained in certain official records, authority to request, 865-868

      Driver’s license or identification card, authority to request display of alternate address, 868


      Child welfare or child protective services, employees performing tasks related to

             Confidentiality of personal information contained in certain official records, authority to request, 865-868

             Driver’s license or identification card, display of alternate address, authority to request, 868, 869

      Code enforcement, employees performing tasks related to

             Confidentiality of personal information contained in certain official records, authority to request, 726-729

             Driver’s license or identification card, authority to request display of alternate address, 729

      Disclosure of improper governmental action, protections against reprisal or retaliatory action, remedies for violations, distribution of summary of laws, 810, 811

      Employment discrimination committed by elected officers, powers and duties of Equal Rights Commission, 1946

      Group insurance for public employees (See INSURANCE)

      Marijuana use by employees, authorized and prohibited acts by employers, 2625, 2626

      Microchips and similar identification, unlawful acts, penalties, 2125, 2126

      Public administrators, abolishment of office in less populous counties authorized, contract with or employment of person to perform duties and functions, 1535

      Regional behavioral health policy boards, membership, 2046


      Tort action against, limit on damages increased, 3061

      Veterans, offices of coordinator of services for

             Financial support by Department of Veterans Affairs, removal, 127, 134

             Training and certification of coordinator, requirements, 128, 133, 134


      Confidentiality of personal information contained in records, authority of certain persons to request, 726, 727, 865, 866

      Fees, additional fee for support of services to persons in guardianship proceedings, 1246, 1247

      Restrictive covenants in certain documents deemed void, duties, 373-375


      Abandoned real property, expedited sale for delinquent taxes, procedures, 748-753

      Constables in certain offices, accounting and payment of fees, 1559

      Justice courts, certain fees received from traffic violations, duties, 2280

      Residential real property, changes in ownership, receipt of reports, 644

      Sales and use tax imposed by counties for benefit of counties and school districts, duties, 3262

      School finances, duties, 4218, 4220, 4223, 4238, 4252


      Administrative assessments, distribution of money received, duties, 3303, 3304

      Court interpreters, duties, 2903, 2904


      Administrative assessment, fine or fee remaining unpaid in a criminal proceeding, collection fee to be assessed on per case basis, 2275

      Offers of judgment, award of costs, 274

      Traffic violations

             Court fees to be assessed on per case basis, 2278, 2279

             Safety course, fee in lieu of, fee to be included in sentence, requirements for payment and use of fees, 2279, 2280

      Unclaimed property held by Administrator declared subject to claims for costs, 3018


      Criminal history disqualification from obtaining certificate

             Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2904

             List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2903

             Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2903, 2904

             Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

      Internet publication of requirements for obtaining certificate, 2903



      Licenses or certificates

             Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257, 4334

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

             Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278


      Appeals Court (See APPEALS, COURT OF)

      District (See DISTRICT COURTS)

      Family (See FAMILY COURTS)

      Justice (See JUSTICE COURTS)

      Juvenile (See JUVENILE COURTS)

      Municipal (See MUNICIPAL COURTS)

      Specialty (See SPECIALTY COURTS)

      Supreme (See SUPREME COURT)


      Criminal history disqualification from obtaining registration

             Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2955, 2956

             List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2955

             Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2954, 2955

             Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

      Internet publication of requirements for obtaining registration, 2955


      Criminal history disqualification from obtaining certification

             Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2959

             List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2959

             Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2958, 2959

             Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

      Internet publication of requirements for obtaining certification, 2959


      Landscape Architecture, State Board of, acceptance for payment of fees, 2514

      Occupational licensing boards, acceptance as payment, 1303, 1304

      Scanning devices, prohibited acts, penalty, 680, 4439, 4440

      School teachers

             Payment of balances owed on credit cards, use of money in special revenue fund, 3224

             School supplies, issuance of credit card or debit card to directly purchase, 3225


      Advisory Council, status of members, removal from office, 1566

      Captive insurers, additional requirements to transact insurance in State, 1713

      Collateral for uninsured balances of public money, establishment of monitoring program, requirements, reports, assessments, 670, 671

      Consumer form contracts, laws inapplicable, 2308

      Exploitation of vulnerable persons, reporting requirements, 3502, 3503

      Financial Literacy Advisory Council, State, representation, 1987

      Occupational licensing boards, withdrawal from accounts in credit unions, procedures, reviews, 1304

      Privacy of covered information collected by operators of Internet websites or online services, certain financial institutions exempt from notice requirements, 1172

      Product Innovation, Regulatory Experimentation Program for, establishment, 3985-3993, 4000

      Residential mortgage loan originators, requirement to be licensed as mortgage agent eliminated, 1424

      Voters registered by certain methods, documents which may be presented at polling place as proof of address, 4054



      Advancing prostitution, inclusion as crime, 2635

      Sex offenders, criteria for status as Tier II offender, 2636

CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS (See also specific crimes)

      Alcohol and drug abuse treatment providers, facilities and program operators, prohibited acts, 1680

      ATMs, installing, affixing or accessing scanning device for unlawful purpose, 680, 4439, 4440

      Big game mammals, use of drones to kill, 758

      Campaign contributions, violations, 1633


             Cultivation, prohibited acts, exceptions, 3836, 3837

             False representation of age to obtain, 3837

             Manufacture by chemical extraction or chemical synthesis, penalty, exception, 3837

             Motor vehicles, smoking or consuming cannabis or cannabis products in, 3837

             Persons under age 18, giving cannabis or cannabis products to, 3837

             Persons under age 21, giving cannabis or cannabis products to, 3837

             Possession by offender confined in institution, 3848

             Retail stores, smoking or consuming cannabis or cannabis products in, 3837

      CAT scans, uncertified performance, 2730

      Charitable lotteries, violations, 963, 964

      Cigarettes and other tobacco products

             Dealers of other tobacco products, violations regarding licensure, 643

             Minors, civil in lieu of criminal penalty for violations involving, 3588, 3589, 3595, 3596

             Prohibited acts regarding certain styles of cigarettes, 472

      Clark County Crime Prevention Act of 2016, violations related to reports, 4191

      Clark County Sales and Use Tax Act of 2005, violations related to reports, 4190

      Collecting for benefit without authority, 4437

      Commercial sexual exploitation of child, failure to report or unlawful release or dissemination of information, 1932, 1933, 1935

      Consumer litigation funding companies, engaging in business without license, 2406

      Decriminalization of offense, procedures following, effect, 1459, 1460

      Dental therapy, unlicensed practice, 3221

      Documents of title, violations, 4438, 4439

      Domestic violence protection orders, intentional violations, 2835, 2836, 2855-2857

      Drones, use to kill big game mammals, 758

      Electric scooters, throwing substance at or willfully damaging, 1899

      Employers, annual paid leave, violations, 3754

      Enhanced penalties for certain crimes, aggregation with sentence, 234

      Firearms (See FIREARMS)

      First responders, certain acts against spouse or child of, 1462, 1463

      Flora, violations concerning fully protected species, 732

      Fluoroscopy, violations, 2730

      Fuel pumps, violations involving scanning devices, 680, 4439, 4440

      Government shutdowns, certain acts committed against federal, tribal or state workers during, 3176, 3177, 3195

      Health care, unlicensed performance of certain procedures, 2717

      Hemp, removal of criminal penalty for certain violations, 2588

      High-risk behavior, orders for protection against, violations relating to, 4177, 4178

      Historic or prehistoric sites or resources on state lands, theft or damage, 586

      Human organs, organizations engaging in certain activities without certification, 2766

      Indian graves or cairns, theft or damage, penalties increased, 585, 586

      Law enforcement officers, sexual conduct with person in custody, 836

      Legal summons, complaint, judgment, order or other process, unlawful use of simulated documents, 1798

      Legislators, declaration of eligibility to fill vacancy in office, violations, 883

      Livestock, persons conducting annual sales without license, 2613

      Loans, unlawful receipt of money to obtain loan for another, 4441

      Lotteries, violations, 963, 964

      Meetings of public agencies, violations, 3628

      Microchips and similar identification markers, unlawful acts, 2125, 2126

      Money laundering, 1798, 1799

      Moose, unlawful killing, 758

      Nevada Threat Analysis Center, disclosure of confidential information, 161

      Organized retail theft, 2497, 2498

      Peace officers, sexual conduct with person in custody, 836

      Psychological assistants, interns and trainees, violations, 1004

      Radiation therapy and radiologic imaging, violations, 2725, 2731

      Radiologist assistants, uncertified practice, 2729

      Recall of public officers, violations, 1633, 1657

      Simulated legal documents, unlawful acts with intent to induce payment or submission to authority, 1798

      State parks, violation of regulation, when criminal liability attaches, 672, 673

      Stolen vehicles, violations involving, 4433

      Surgery, unlicensed performance of certain procedures, 2717

      Tahoe Township tourism surcharge, failure to remit or properly account, 2366

      Ticket resellers and secondary exchanges, violations, 1136

      Traffic violations (See TRAFFIC CONTROL)

      Unclaimed property, fraudulent claims, 3012

      Vapor products, civil in lieu of criminal penalty for certain violations, 3588-3590

      Victims (See VICTIMS OF CRIME)

      Vulnerable persons abused, neglected, exploited, isolated or abandoned, willful failure by certain persons to report, 3487

      Water, sinking or boring replacement well to divert groundwater already appropriated, 2526


      Felony committed to promote gang activities, aggregation of sentences, 233, 234

      Local law enforcement agencies, use of database to identify suspected members and affiliates of gangs, requirements, 2199, 2200


      Central Repository

             Gaming employee registration applicants, submission of fingerprinting fees, 216

             General appropriations, 3349

             High-risk behavior, orders for protection against, receipt of information, procedures for removal, 4176, 4177

             Name-based searches of criminal history records

                   Contracts with Central Repository, requirements, 2255

                   Employer, persons deemed for purposes of eligibility to conduct search, 2256

                   Employment screening services, authority expanded, 2256, 2257

                   Written consent to perform search and release information, manner of providing, 2257

             Nevada Criminal Justice Information System, appropriation for replacement, 2798

             Uniform crime rates, collection and reporting duties, 4378

      Decriminalization of offense, procedures following, effect, 1459-1461

      Disaster Identification Team, State, right to request records removed, 1069, 1072, 1074, 1079

      Domestic Violence, Repository for Information Concerning Orders for Protection Against, name changed and duties expanded, 2834-2837

      Firearms purchased from private persons, charging fee for background checks prohibited, 5, 6

      Occupations and professions, disqualification determination, authority of regulatory bodies to request records, 2902

      Orders for Protection, Repository for Information Concerning

             All orders to be retained unless sealed by order of court, 2837

             Contents, regulation, 2837

             Creation, 2837

             Firearms, existence of record of expired order does not prohibit person from obtaining firearm or permit for concealed firearm, 2837

             Statistical information, reports, 2837

             Transmittal of information to Repository, requirements, 2838


      Gaming violations, authority of district attorney to request interception of communications during investigations, 826

      Immigrants, certification of nonimmigrant status for certain victims of crime, 4350, 4351

      Interrogation of persons in custody, policies regarding electronic recording, requirements, 794, 795

      Maternal Mortality Review Committee, access to and review of certain investigative information, 42, 43

      Presentence investigations, procedures, reports, 4385

      Schools, bullying or cyber-bullying, plan to protect safety of pupil involved during investigation, 1310

      Taxation, Department of, release of certain records and files authorized, 118-121

      Vulnerable persons, abuse, neglect, exploitation, isolation or abandonment, duties of Office of Attorney General, 3492-3494


      Bail (See BAIL)


            Exemptions from state prosecution, 3806, 3834-3836

             Persons not exempt from state prosecution for certain acts, 3835, 3836

      Complaints, unlawful use of documents simulating, penalty, 1798

      Contractors, noncompliance with cease and desist orders, 155

      Deferment of judgment authorized, discharge of defendant if conditions met, 4388, 4389

      Domestic violence protection orders, violations, each act may be prosecuted as separate violation, 2835, 2856

      Factual innocence, hearing to establish based on newly discovered evidence, procedures, 2976-2981

      False documents simulating complaints, summons, order or other process, penalty, 1798

      Gender identity or expression of victim, certain defenses based on prohibited, 227

      HIV exposure laws, study of possible disparities in related prosecutions, 467

      Immigrants, certification of nonimmigrant status for certain victims of crime, 4350, 4351

      Indigent defendants

             Case records, contents, 2879

             Defense services, creation of Board and Department, 2880, 2884

      Medical use of cannabis

             Affirmative defense to charge of possession, delivery or production, procedures, 3822, 3823

             Exemptions from state prosecution, requirements, 3814-3816, 3827

      Murder, sexual assault arising out of same facts and circumstances, no limitation for prosecution, 464

      Peace officers, suspension without pay pending outcome of criminal prosecution, receipt of back pay if case dismissed or peace officer found not guilty, 2660

      Pretrial release of defendants, legislative study, 4643, 4644

      Schools, information provided to SafeVoice Program, defendant’s right to compel disclosure, procedures, 3971, 3972

      Sex trafficking victims, dismissal of charges for prostitution, 1913

      Sexual assault

             DNA evidence, removal of statute of limitations when identity of accused established by, 1498, 1499

             Forensic evidence from sexual assault, use to prosecute survivor, restrictions, 2844

             Murder, no limitation for prosecution of assault arising out of same facts and circumstances, 464

             Survivors’ Bill of Rights

                   Failure of law enforcement agencies and forensic laboratories to comply with prescribed timeline, effect, 1910, 2844

                   Interviews with law enforcement officials or prosecutors, rights of survivors, 2841-2843

      Sexual orientation of victim, certain defenses based on prohibited, 227

      Stalking, course of conduct initiated in State or having effect on victim in State, person may be prosecuted in State, 1819

      Summons, unlawful use of documents simulating, penalty, 1798

      Taxation, Department of, release of certain records and files authorized, 118-121

      Vulnerable persons, abuse, neglect, exploitation, isolation or abandonment, duties of Office of Attorney General, 3492-3494


      Bullying, cyber-bullying and discriminatory harassment, legislative study, consultation, 3082, 3083


      Arrest of violator, procedures regarding animals following, 1775-1777

      Juvenile courts, duties in providing counseling or treatment to child, restrictions on seeking payment of costs from parent or guardian, 1968

      Societies for prevention of cruelty, reports to Legislature eliminated, 1013


      Abandoned property laws, virtual currency included as "property,” 3013

      Monetary instrument or other property representing proceeds of or derived from unlawful activity, prohibited acts, laws applicable to virtual currency, 1798, 1799

      Taxation, virtual currency exempt from taxation as intangible personal property, 2827



      Cities and counties, incident response plans required, 2472

      Cybersecurity Awareness Month, designation, 2463

      Elections, security of information systems, requirements, 3370

      Legislative Auditor, duty to make certain reports, 2575

      National Guard, Governor’s authority to call into duty in event of security incident clarified, 2468

      Nevada Office of Cyber Defense Coordination (See PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF)

      Regulatory Experimentation Program for Product Innovation, notice of security breaches or other unauthorized acquisition of computerized data, 3990

      Resilience Advisory Committee, Nevada, creation, duties, 1023-1027

      State agency policies, testing of adherence, duties, 2475



      Employers, violation of minimum wage laws, remedies, 3749

      Government shutdowns, certain acts against federal, tribal or state workers during, civil remedies, 3176, 3177, 3195

      Landlord and tenant, remedies of evicted or locked out tenant not provided reasonable opportunity to retrieve essential personal effects, 3915

      Ticket resellers and secondary exchanges, violations, 1136

      Tort action against government entity, officer or employee, increase in limit on damages, 3061

      Wrongful conviction of felony, remedies for, amount, limitations, reimbursements, 4367, 4368



      Electricity plants or equipment, exclusion from regulation as utility, 3513, 3514

      Local school support tax, requirements for abatements, 2249-2251


      Governmental agencies, records containing personal information, compliance with certain standards, requirements, 2574

      Operators of websites or on-line services

             Consumers, procedures to request that operators not sell collected covered information, duties of operators, penalties for violations, 1171-1173

             Definition, certain entities exempted as operators, 1172


      Aging and Disability Services Division, transfer to, 3044


             Compensation, funding, 3047, 3048

             Redesignation as Executive Director, qualifications, classification, 3044

      General appropriations, 3341

      Immigrants, certification of nonimmigrant status for certain victims of crime, duties of certifying agency, 4351

      Impaired Speech or Hearing, Account for Services for Persons With, duties, 3935

      Indigent children, program to provide hearing aids to, receipt of reports, 3931


             Number, qualifications, 3044

             Status as civil officers, removal from office, 1566

      Name change, 3044


      Child welfare, discrimination in certain proceedings relating to children, prohibited acts, procedures, 2756-2764

      Hearing aids for children

             Indigent children, development of program to provide hearing aids to, funding, 3931, 3935

             Negotiated discounts and rebates for hearing devices and related costs, establishment of program authorized, authorized participants, 3930, 3931



      Bereavement services programs, authority of coroners to establish, 4163

      Candidates for office, retention of name on ballot, when, 3543-3545

      County and city jails, review of deaths, reports, requirements, 2196, 2197

      First responders, stress-related injury or disease, industrial insurance compensation, 1901, 1902

      Forensic pathologists, duties regarding certain postmortem examinations, 4163

      Handle with Care Program (See also SCHOOLS, PUBLIC)

             Law enforcement officer or employee, duty to notify of child exposed to certain traumatic events, 3972

      Health facilities, deaths occurring in, reporting of as sentinel event, investigations, 1666-1671

      Limited-liability companies, actions against receiver do not abate upon receiver’s death, 2495

      Manufactured homes or mobile homes, transfer of ownership by certificate of ownership in beneficiary form upon death of owner, 2423, 2424

      Maternal Mortality Review Committee, creation, duties, 41-44, 46

      Offenders, residential confinement if death expected within certain time, 4445

      Suicide (See SUICIDE)

      Suspicious deaths, investigative powers of coroners, 4165


      Copies of certificate or record, fee for support of county coroner’s office, 4166, 4167

      Forensic pathologists, duties, 4163


      Other crime committed for which punishment is death, execution of sentence without reference to parole eligibility, 234

      Residential confinement of older offenders, ineligible for assignment if sentenced to death, 3064



      Regulatory Experimentation Program for Product Innovation, applicability of Act, 3999, 4000




      Adoption of covenants by reference, terminology changes, 1345-1348

      Cooperative housing corporations, change in terminology, 1344, 1345, 1354

      Definitions, 1344, 1352

      Government shutdowns, protection of affected employees, applicability of laws, 3181-3183

      Property tax, deeds conveyed pursuant to expedited sale for delinquent taxes as evidence of abandoned property, 752, 754

      Statutory covenants, amounts, 1347, 1348

      Tenants, notice of property foreclosure, contents, 3925

      "Trust agreement" redesignated "deed of trust,” 1352, 1356, 1358, 1359, 1364, 1369

      Trustee’s power of sale, terminology changes, 1352-1359

      Works of improvement, requirements for written notice of waiver, service, 1371, 1372


      Alternative livestock, prohibited acts, 403-405

      Carcasses, prohibited import into Nevada, exception, 403, 404

      Drones, killing through use of unlawful, 449, 450


      Actions for violations, 945

      Armed Forces members and dependents, consumer credit, required and prohibited acts, 940-942

      Consumer form contracts, laws inapplicable, 2308

      Database regarding loans, creation, fee for entry of loan, 942, 943

      Gross monthly income of customer, prohibited acts relative to, 944

      Internet website, services offered through, certain agencies authorized to provide information to public, 943

      Public assistance, distribution of information by licensees, 943


      Health care power of attorney for adults with dementia, form, 1732-1738

      Health care power of attorney, general form, contents, 2191

      Health, State Board of, adoption of separate regulations governing licensing and operation of facilities providing care for persons with severe dementia, 2595

      Residential facilities for groups, duty to conduct assessment of condition and needs of residents, procedures following, 2594

      Respite care, grant programs, appropriations, 2983


      Annual statements, 1721

      Capital, requirements, 1720

      Examination by Commissioner of Insurance, payment of expenses, 1686

      Quarterly statements, 1690, 1691, 1721

      Rates, Commissioner of Insurance authorized to assess fee to review rate filings, 1704, 1705


      Dental therapy, regulation of practice, 3205, 3214, 3215

      Members, qualifications of certain members, 3204

      Prescriptions for controlled substances

             Complaints, review and investigation, certain requirements removed, 2129, 2130

             Schedule II-IV substances, laws regarding, development and dissemination of explanation or technical advisory bulletin, duties, 2130

             Tracking program, grounds for termination of access, 170

      Quorum, 3205

      Sunset Subcommittee of Legislative Commission

             Criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, review, recommendations, 2904, 2905

             Study of professional and occupational licensing boards, 4629, 4630


      Practice of dental therapy, reports, duties, 3222


      Anesthesia, authorized acts, 3206


      Commercial sexual exploitation of child, duty to report, 1932

      Committee on Dental Hygiene, name change, composition, duties, 3205

      Dental therapists, supervisory authority, 3203


             Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257, 4274, 4275

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

             Temporary license, removal of obsolete provisions, 3211, 3212

             Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278

      Unprofessional conduct, acts constituting, exception, 3886, 3887

      Vulnerable persons abused, neglected, exploited, isolated or abandoned, duty to report, 3485-3487


      Authority to practice, 3199-3201

      Authorized acts, 3201-3203, 3206

      Authorizing dentists, duties, 3201

      Board of Dental Examiners of Nevada (See also DENTAL EXAMINERS OF NEVADA, BOARD OF)

             Membership, 3204

             Regulation of practice, 3205, 3214, 3215

      Certificates of registration, requirements, 3199

      Controlled substances, prohibited acts, 3203

      Definitions, 3198

      Illegal practice, penalties, 3220, 3221

      Intraoral tasks, performance, 3214


             Application, 3208

             Child support enforcement, suspension and reinstatement of license, 3219

             Continuing education requirements, 3203

             Examinations, 3199

             Fees, 3216, 3217

             Issuance, 3209

             Limited license, 3209, 3210

             Qualifications, 3199

             Renewal certificate, requirements, effect of failure to obtain, 3214, 3215

             Restricted geographic license, 3212, 3213

             Temporary license, 3211, 3212

      Prohibited acts, 3199, 3203, 3220, 3221

      Public health dental hygiene, practice, 3217

      Referrals, duties, 3201

      Students, authority to perform procedures, 3206

      Supervisory authority, 3203

      Unprofessional conduct, 3217, 3218

      Written practice agreements

             Authorizing dentists, restriction on number of agreements, 3201

             Contents, 3201



      Commercial sexual exploitation of child, duty to report, 1932

      Dental therapists, supervision, 3201, 3214

      Disciplinary action, grounds, 2202


             Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257, 4273, 4274

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

             Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278

      Medicaid, coverage for dental care for certain persons, 2417-2419

      Prescriptions (See PRESCRIPTIONS)

      Radiation Therapy and Radiologic Imaging Advisory Committee, membership, 2723

      Unprofessional conduct, acts constituting, exception, 3886, 3887

      Vulnerable persons abused, neglected, exploited, isolated or abandoned, duty to report, 3485-3487


      Videotaped depositions, authority of court to order and use for certain victims of crime, 1807, 1808


      Authorized expenditures, 3134

      General appropriations, 3345

      Legislative study of renewable and clean energy, assistance, 4627, 4628



      Criminal history disqualification from obtaining certificate

             Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2931

             List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2931

             Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2930, 2931

             Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

      Internet publication of requirements for obtaining certificate, 2931




      Dental care for certain persons, Medicaid coverage, 2417-2419

      Driver’s licenses for certain persons, authority of advanced practice registered nurses to sign statement, 497

      Self-medication by pupils, persons authorized to sign statement allowing, 138-143


      Public assistance recipients and low-income families, provision of diapers and diapering supplies, funding, 3042, 3043


      Counties, additional tax authorized in certain counties, 1262, 1263

      Exhaust, deemed known carcinogen for purposes of occupational disease coverage for certain persons, 3430, 3431

      Fee for cleanup of discharges, liability for nonpayment, 1571


      Commercial sexual exploitation of child, duty to report, 1932


      Hospitals, authority to grant clinical privileges to dietitians, 1112


             Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

             Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278

      Special diet or nutritional supplement, authority to order, 1118

      Vulnerable persons abused, neglected, exploited, isolated or abandoned, duty to report, 3485-3487


      Advanced practice registered nurses, authority to sign certain statements, 497, 499, 530, 531

      Assisted living facilities, study of feasibility of establishing in rural areas facilities that also provide respite care and services of adult day care facilities, 584

      Blind or visually impaired (See BLIND OR VISUALLY IMPAIRED, PERSONS WHO ARE)

      Child Care and Development, Program for, state plan components, enhanced rate of reimbursement for certain providers, 2420, 2421

      Child welfare, discrimination in certain proceedings relating to children, prohibited acts, procedures, 2756-2764

      Correctional staff, training in interaction with certain persons, requirements, 4444

      Creditworthiness evaluations, prohibited acts, study of and programs to prevent or eliminate discrimination in credit practices, 1594

      Deaf or hard of hearing (See DEAF OR HARD OF HEARING, PERSONS WHO ARE)


      Employment discrimination committed by local elected officers, powers and duties of Equal Rights Commission, 1946

      Equality of rights under law guaranteed to all persons, constitutional amendment, 4636, 4637

      Group housing arrangements, licensing of businesses providing referrals to, 406


             Affordable multifamily residential housing accessible to persons with disabilities, reports to Housing Division, regulation, 831

             Aging and Disability Services Division, reports regarding housing suitable for persons with disabilities, provisions repealed, 832

      Insurance adjusters with long-term medical disability, waiver of license renewal requirements, 3036


      Intermediary service organizations

             Certificates to operate (See also PROFESSIONS AND OCCUPATIONS, LICENSING)

                   Criminal history disqualification

                          Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2915, 2916

                          List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2915

                          Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2915

                          Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

                   Denial of license based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4346

                   Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2915

                   Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4346

             Vulnerable persons abused, neglected, exploited, isolated or abandoned, duty to report, 3485-3487

      Medical facilities and related entities

             Cultural competency training relating to persons with disabilities, requirements, 1334, 1681, 1682

             Discrimination against person based on physical disability, prohibited acts, duties, 1333, 1334

      Mental illness (See MENTAL ILLNESS, PERSONS WITH)


             Child abuse or neglect proceedings, appointment of educational surrogate parents, provisions repealed, educational decision makers deemed surrogate parent for purposes of certain federal regulations, 257-259

             Individualized family service plan for child who is deaf, hard of hearing, blind or visually impaired, requirements, 3930


             School pupils (See SCHOOL PUPILS)

      Mobile optometry clinics, operation to provide services, 3636

      Nevada Promise Scholarship Program, eligibility, 1215

      Nonmedical services related to personal care, employment agencies contracting with persons to provide, license requirements clarified, 248

      Parole and probation officers, training in interaction with persons with certain disabilities, requirements, 4453

      Ramps, installation and maintenance by cities on certain public easements and rights-of-way, 569, 570

      Restrictive covenants, provisions deemed void, duties of county recorders, 373-375

      Special license plates, placards or stickers

             Physician assistants, authority to certify applications, 143-146

             Veterans, documents acceptable as proof of permanent disability, 78, 79

      State agencies and departments

             Classified service, filling positions without competition, regulations, 598

             Temporary limited appointments, requirements, conflicts of interest, 3020

      Supported Decision-Making Act, adoption, 460-463

      Vulnerable persons

             Abuse, neglect, exploitation, isolation or abandonment

                   Aging and Disability Services Division, duties, applicability of laws, 3489-3491

                   Attorney General, investigation and prosecution of violations, 3492-3494

                   Civil penalties, deposit and use, 3493, 3494

                   Crimes Against Older Persons, Repository for Information Concerning, name change, duties expanded to include vulnerable persons, 3473, 3474

                   Peace officers, training in handling of cases, 3496

                   Radiation therapy and radiologic imaging licensees, duty to report, 2715

                   Reports, requirements, permissible disclosures of information, 3485-3487, 3490, 3491

                   Sheriffs, designation of point of contact for Aging and Disability Services Division, duties of employee, 3483

                   "Victim" of crime, definition for purposes of compensation, 3491, 3492, 4460

             Crimes against vulnerable persons, aggregation of sentences, 234


      Activation, duties, certain duties removed, 1066-1068

      Composition, 1067

      Illnesses or injuries treated during disaster or health emergency, reports from health care providers, duties, 1068, 1079

      Meetings, requirements, exemption from Open Meeting Law, 1068, 1077

      Peace officer powers of members, removal, 1077, 1078

      Records regarding criminal history or missing children, removal of right to receive, 1069, 1072, 1074, 1079

      Redesignation of Team as Coordination Committee, 1067

      Regulations, adoption, 1068

      Reports to Legislature, 1068


      Apprenticeships, prohibited acts, 2398

      Compensation discrimination, complaints to Equal Rights Commission, 3757, 3758

      Creditworthiness evaluations, prohibited acts, study of and programs to prevent or eliminate discrimination in credit practices, 1594

      Employment, court’s authority to award legal or equitable relief for unlawful employment practice, 548

      Equality of rights under law guaranteed to all persons, constitutional amendment, 4636, 4637

      Family planning services providers, prohibited acts by certain entities, 1507

      HIV Exposure Modernization, Advisory Task Force on, duties, 467

      Maternity care insurance, prohibited acts by insurers, 1005-1009

      Medical facilities and related entities, prohibited acts, duties, 1333-1335

      Medical marijuana registry identification cardholders, certain proceedings relating to child welfare, prohibited acts by court or agency, 2756-2764

      Peace officers, continuing education courses, requirements, 1009, 1010

      Physical disabilities, persons with, certain proceedings relating to child welfare, prohibited acts by court or agency, 2756-2764

      Restrictive covenants, provisions deemed void, duties of county recorders, 373-375

      Schools, legislative study of bullying, cyber-bullying and discriminatory harassment, 3082, 3083

DISEASES (See also specific diseases)

      Coroners and first responders possibly exposed to communicable disease, testing of decedents, 4163

      Medical marijuana, "chronic or debilitating medical condition,” definition expanded, 1619

      Occupational diseases (See OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES)

      Rare Disease Advisory Council, creation, duties, 1476-1478


      Factual innocence, hearing to establish based on newly discovered evidence, 2978, 2979

      Peace officers, actions against, effect of evidence obtained in violation of rights of officer, 2663

      Summary eviction, time for automatic sealing of court case file, 268

      Wrongful convictions, actions seeking damages or other relief, 4367



      Charter schools

             Enrollment of pupils who reside outside district prohibited, 1621

             Pupils enrolled full-time in programs

                   Formula for calculating apportionments to schools, certain amounts to be paid to Department of Education, 2038, 2039

                   State Education Fund, appropriations to schools, 4199

             Schools operating exclusively as charter school for distance education, regulation, 1621-1623

      Enrollment of pupil from outside district, authority removed, 1621

      Foster care, pupils in, completion of correspondence or distance education course, determination of amount of credit to award, procedures, 1162

      Homeless or unaccompanied pupils, completion of correspondence or distance education course, determination of amount of credit to award, procedures, 1162

      Opt-in children, provisions repealed, 3284, 3294

      State Education Fund, appropriations to charter schools and university schools for profoundly gifted pupils for pupils enrolled full-time in distance education programs, 4199


      Estate distilleries, authorized practices, duties, taxation, 2768-2774


      Airport Authority of Carson City, obsolete transitory provision removed, 879

      Child support enforcement, duties, 388-392

      Commercial sexual exploitation of child, access to information maintained by agency which provides child welfare services, 1934

      Contractors, State Board of, notice of noncompliance with cease and desist orders, 154, 155

      Document preparation services, duties, 1877, 1878

      Elections, taxes on diesel fuel, receipt of form for submitting question to voters, 1263

      Employers, annual paid leave violations, duties, 3754

      Factual innocence, hearing to establish based on newly discovered evidence, notice, duties, 2978-2981

      Gaming violations, authority to request interception of communications during investigations, 826

      Interrogation of certain persons in custody, recording requirements, duties, 795

      Involuntary servitude victims

             Juvenile delinquents, petitions to vacate adjudication and seal records, procedures, 1907

             Petitions to vacate certain judgments of conviction and seal documents, procedures, 409-411

      Legislative Commission, compilation of certain records and reports, requirement repealed, 3130

      Medical cannabis, effect of provisions on adoption of policies and procedures precluding use by employees, 3833, 3834

      Medical facilities and related entities, discrimination against patients or residents, prosecution of violations, 1340

      Mental illness, persons with, hearings regarding involuntary court-ordered admissions to facilities, duties, 357

      Physicians, violations related to supervision of students, recovery of fines, 4043, 4044


             Advancing prostitution, prosecutorial jurisdiction with Attorney General, 2630

             Sex trafficking victims, dismissal of charges, 1913

      Recall of public officers, violations, recovery of civil penalties, 1655

      Sex trafficking victims

             Juvenile delinquents, petitions to vacate adjudication and seal records, procedures, 1907

             Petitions to vacate certain convictions and seal documents, 409-411

             Prostitution, dismissal of charges, 1913


      Cannabis Compliance Board decisions, judicial review, 3788, 3789

      Child support enforcement, duties, 389, 390

      Commercial sexual exploitation of child, access to information maintained by certain agencies, restrictions, 1934

      Corporations, applications for appointment of receiver, requirements, 2490, 2491

      Electronic waste, removal of data before disposal required, 2217, 2574

      Employment discrimination committed by local elected officer, Equal Rights Commission to present complaint, 1946

      Estates and wills

             No-contest clauses, enforcement, requirements, 1854-1856

             Personal representatives, ex parte orders to restrain performance of duties, requirements, termination, penalties for obtaining without probable cause, 1856

             Probate of wills, petitions for, requirements, 1853

             Settlement of estate, venue, jurisdiction, 1852

      Factual innocence, hearing to establish based on newly discovered evidence, procedures, 2976-2981

      Government Employee-Management Relations Act, actions or proceedings, jurisdiction, 3741

      Government shutdowns, foreclosure sales during period of protection, duties, 3176, 3177, 3183, 3184


             Appointment of guardians, procedures, duties, 1235-1239, 1244, 1245

             Attorneys for minors in proceedings, additional fees charged by county recorder, use, 1246, 1247

             Guardians of the person, reports, duties, 1242

      Habeas corpus postconviction petitions challenging computation of time served

             Failure to exhaust administrative remedies, dismissal of petition, 3010

             Venue, offenders incarcerated out of State while serving a Nevada sentence, 3009

      Involuntary servitude victims, sealing of certain records, duties, 411


             Homelessness to Housing, Nevada Interagency Advisory Council on, membership, 2108

             Immigrants, certification of nonimmigrant status for certain victims of crime, procedures, 4350, 4351

             Number in certain judicial districts, increase, appropriation, 2870

             Presentence investigation reports, training requirements, 4384

             Salaries, payment, 3364

      Juvenile assessment centers, appropriation, 2969

      Limited-liability companies, appointment of receivers, general powers, 2491-2495

      Marriage of minors 17 years of age, authorization by court required, duties, 3660, 3661

      Mental illness, persons with

             Disclosure to health care providers of information contained in sealed records, 367

             Involuntary court-ordered admissions to facilities, duties, 356-359

      Name change of minor in custody of agency which provides child welfare services, procedures, 2087-2090

      Nevada 24/7 Sobriety and Drug Monitoring Program, participation, duties, 2749-2751

      Property tax, review of tax receiver’s determination that property is abandoned, 749

      Public records, actions relating to inspection or copying, 4007, 4008

      Recycling, general duties, 2216, 2217

      Savings bonds, proceedings to determine escheats to State, 608

      Sex trafficking victims, sealing of certain records, duties, 411

      Ticket resellers and secondary exchanges, civil actions against, jurisdiction, 1135

      Trusts and trustees

             Ex parte orders to restrain performance, requirements, termination, penalties for obtaining without probable cause, 1859

             Expenses and compensation of certain trustees, requirements, 1869, 1870

             No-contest clause in trusts, enforcement, requirements, 1859-1862

             Removal of trustee, grounds, procedures, penalty for bad faith request for removal, 1863, 1864

      Unlawful employment practices, authority to award employee same legal or equitable relief awarded pursuant to Title VII of Civil Rights Act, 548

      Victims of crime, court to provide certain documentation to victim or relative, 242

      Worker cooperative corporations, duties, 910


      Agricultural district boards, status of Governor’s appointees, removal from office, 1566

      County hospital districts

             Appointment of members of governing bodies, authority of county commissioners, procedures, 742-744

             Purchasing, authority, 3581, 3582

      Election districts (See ELECTIONS)

      Electronic records, powers and duties regarding certified records, 2818, 2819

      Fictitious address program for victims of crime, districts to allow participants to use fictitious address, restrictions regarding records, 1800, 1801

      Fire protection (See FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICTS)

      General improvement (See GENERAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS)


      Homelessness to Housing, Interagency Advisory Council on, collaboration, 2109

      Information processing systems, duties regarding updates, 2818

      Irrigation (See IRRIGATION DISTRICTS)

      Local improvement (See LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS)

      New Americans, Office of, duty of districts to assist, 4362

      Officers and employees

             Code enforcement, employees performing tasks related to

                   Confidentiality of personal information contained in certain official records, authority to request, 726-729

                   Driver’s license or identification card, authority to request display of alternate address, 729

             Disclosure of improper governmental action, protections against reprisal or retaliatory action, remedies for violations, distribution of summary of laws, 810, 811

             Employment discrimination committed by elected officers, powers and duties of Equal Rights Commission, 1946

             Group insurance for public employees (See INSURANCE)

             Marijuana use by employees, authorized and prohibited acts by employers, 2625, 2626


             Tort action against, limit on damages increased, 3061

      Personal information, receipt by

             Data collectors, compliance with certain standards, requirements, 2574

             Electronic means, procedures, 2576


      School (See SCHOOL DISTRICTS)

      Securities, authorized investments, applicability of laws, 661-666

      State Public Works Division, duty to cooperate with regard to capital improvement projects, 3315

      Tahoe transportation district board of directors, composition, officers, 1156

      Tourism improvement districts, certain assessments to be distributed to State Education Fund, 4196, 4241

      Video service providers

             Franchise fee, in lieu of recurring rental charges, 193

             Powers and duties of districts and providers, 191, 192

      Water (See WATER DISTRICTS)

      Water conservancy (See WATER CONSERVANCY DISTRICTS)

      Youth sports organizations sponsored by local government, duties regarding medical clearance certificate, 136, 137, 150


      Child support (See CHILD SUPPORT)

      Creditworthiness evaluations, consideration of credit history of applicant’s spouse established during marriage, procedures, effect of violation, 1593, 1594

      Custody and visitation (See CHILD CUSTODY OR VISITATION)


      Sexual assault, removal of statute of limitations when identity of accused established by DNA evidence, 1498, 1499

      Sexual Assault Survivors’ Bill of Rights, requirements under, 1908-1910, 2843, 2844


      Advertisements, use of term "notary public" prohibited, exception, 849, 850

      Bond by business entity on behalf of registrant employees

             Amount, 843

             Approval, requirements, 841

             Authority to file, 841

             Claims against, 843, 844

             Conditions, 841, 842

             Exhaustion of penal sum, notice, 842

             One registrant only, procedures when, 842

             Release, 842

             Retention by Secretary of State, 842

             Withdrawal, prohibitions, 841

      "Business entity" defined, 841

      Compliance with certain provisions, reference to compliance by entity or registrant prohibited, 843

      Definition, 844

      Enrolled agents practicing before IRS, exemptions from regulation as document preparation service, 844, 845

      Federal law, effect on required compliance with certain state provisions, 850

      Motor Vehicles, Department of

             Complaints filed with Department authorized, procedures, 1876, 1877

             Notices regarding violations, receipt, authority to suspend privileges, 1877, 1878

             Service windows or locations dedicated to, 1876


             Applicant to be natural person, 845

             Cash bond or surety bond, requirements, amount, 843, 846, 847

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2906

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2906

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2905, 2906

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial if applicant’s appointment or registration as notary public revoked or suspended, 845, 846

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2906

             Reinstatement when business entity files new bond, 842


                   Application requirements, 846, 847

                   Refusal to renew, notice from Secretary of State to Department of Motor Vehicles, effect, 1877

             Revocation, notice from Secretary of State to Department of Motor Vehicles, effect, 1877


                   Bond exhausted or lacking, 842

                   Motor Vehicles, Department of, receipt of notice from Secretary of State, effect, 1877

                   Upon suspension of registrant’s appointment as notary public, 850

      Tax return preparers, applicability of laws, 844


      Violations, monetary threshold for penalty provisions, 4438, 4439



      Affordable housing tenants, right to keep pets, 1219, 1220

      Common-interest communities, restrictions on regulation of pets, 2626, 2627

      Fighting, procedures regarding animals following arrest of violator, 1775-1777

      Wildlife, killing of certain animals to protect pets authorized, 758, 759


      Confidentiality of personal information contained in certain official records, persons authorized to request, 726-729, 865-868

      Driver’s license, persons authorized to request display of alternate address, 729, 868, 869, 1827

      Guardianships, claims to acquire personal property of protected person, priority, 1243

      High-risk behavior, orders for protection against, procedures, 3948, 3950-3952, 4170-4177

      Identification card, persons authorized to request display of alternate address, 729, 868, 869, 1827

      Restrictive covenants, provisions deemed void, duties of county recorders, 373-375

      Veterans’ benefit claims against federal or state government, assistance, 127

      Wrongful convictions, counseling of relative of convicted person may be provided, 4369


      Account for Programs Related to Domestic Violence, deposits, 1808, 1809, 1824

      Additional acts constituting domestic violence, 1805


             Arrest, duties and immunities of peace officers, 1805-1807

             Pregnant victims, defendant’s knowledge of pregnancy, penalties, 1816

             Previous conviction for domestic violence battery with use of deadly weapon, penalty, 2858

             Subsequent offenses, penalties, 1815

      Committee on Domestic Violence

             Certain duties removed, quorum, authority to adopt regulations, 1825

             Maternal Mortality Review Committee, sharing of information, 43

      Correctional staff, training in interaction with victims, 4444

      Counseling of convicted persons, requirements, 1808, 1809, 4421

      Handle with Care Program (See also SCHOOLS, PUBLIC)

             Law enforcement officer or employee, duty to notify of child exposed to traumatic events, 3972

      Higher education, statewide database of sources of financial assistance, establishment, access by victims, 2324

      Juvenile assessment centers, appropriation, 2969

      Nevada Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence, consultation on legislative study of bullying, cyber-bullying and discriminatory harassment, 3082

      Orders for protection

             Contents, 2830, 2831

             Court determination to issue order, considerations restricted, 2854

             Extended orders

                   Dissolution or modification of order based on changed circumstances authorized, 2833

                   Intentional violations, penalties, 2835, 2836, 2855-2857

                   Time of authorized expiration extended, court to enter basis for extending order beyond one year, 2833

             High-risk behavior, protection against, procedures, 3948, 3950-3952, 4170-4177

             Repository for Information Concerning Orders for Protection Against Domestic Violence, name changed and duties expanded, 2834-2837

             Service of orders, requirements, use of alternative service method for temporary orders, 2831, 2832

             Temporary orders

                   Expiration, 1500

                   Service of orders, 2831, 2832


                   Arrest of person violating, when arrest may be made, 2857

                   Each act may be prosecuted as separate violation, 2835, 2856

                   Felony committed in violation of order, aggregation of sentences, 234

                   Intentional violations of extended orders, penalties, 2835, 2836, 2855-2857

                   Responding to communication initiated by applicant may constitute violation of order, 2831

      Parole and probation officers, training in interaction with victims, requirements, 4453

      Victim as witness in criminal proceedings

             Bail to secure appearance, procedures, appointment of attorney, 2269

             Detention as witness pursuant to arrest warrant, procedures, 2270


      Convention center, authorized uses, funding, 114, 2361-2368

      Election procedures, appropriation for implementation of changes required by law, 4144

      Growth in County and region, reports, duties, 798-800

      Lake Tahoe Path System, enhancement and development, bond issue, 2862

      Tourism surcharge, imposition on lodging in Tahoe Township, 2361


      Defensive driving, Department of Motor Vehicles to post list of approved courses on website, 2971


      Advanced practice registered nurses, authority to sign certain statements, 497

      Alternate address, persons authorized to request display of

             Child welfare services or child protective services personnel, 868, 869

             Code enforcement personnel, 729

             County managers, 868

             Prosecuting attorneys, 1827


             Photo identification card issued by Department of Corrections used as proof of name and age, requirements, 647, 4478

             Traffic laws, receipt of information on recent changes, 1226

      Defensive driving course, requirement for licensure of certain drivers, 2971, 2972

      Homeless persons, fee waiver for persons under age 25, 4503, 4505

      Instruction permits

             Applications, receipt of information on recent changes to traffic laws, 1226

             Photo identification card issued by Department of Corrections used as proof of name and age, requirements, 647, 4478

      Military vehicles, retired, requirements for operation, 1331

      Mopeds and trimobiles, requirements, 3104

      Renewal notices, inclusion of information on recent traffic law changes, 1226

      Restricted license, issuance to Nevada 24/7 Sobriety and Drug Monitoring Program participants, 2747, 2750, 2751

      "State" defined for purposes of using driver’s license from another jurisdiction for certain purposes, 1791


             Delinquent fines, fees and assessments, collection procedures, 2274, 2453

             Trick driving displays, violations, 686

      Veterans, declaration of status as, digital verification of honorable discharge from Armed Forces authorized, 575-579


      24/7 Sobriety and Drug Monitoring Program, Nevada, assignment of subsequent offenders, 2749

      Advanced practice registered nurses

             Evaluation of offenders, authority, 502-509

             Exemption from blood tests, acceptance of determinations made by nurse, 501

      Cannabis, persons not exempt from state prosecution, 3835

      Ignition interlock devices

             Certification of exemption from required use, authority of advanced practice registered nurses, 509

             Exemptions from requirements, certain exemptions removed, 3102

             Period of installation, conditions, 3101

      Marijuana, study of issues relating to driving under the influence, 4641, 4642


      Harassment of wildlife, prohibited acts, 450, 762

      Hunting or killing big game mammals, prohibited acts, 449, 450, 758

      Programs related to unmanned aircraft, establishment, appropriation, 3455, 3456



      Chief Medical Officer, duty to upload information to controlled substances prescription tracking program, 167

      Coroners, duties when death caused by drug use, 4165


      Athletic Commission, recovery of testing costs related to disciplinary action, 1258

      Employers, authorized and prohibited acts relative to marijuana, 2625, 2626

      State employees, screening tests may include sample of person’s blood or other bodily substance, 598, 599


      Asthma, drugs essential for treatment, tracking and reporting of pricing information, 1465, 1466

      Controlled substances (See CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES)

      Dangerous drugs included in schedule III or IV, restrictions on filling and refilling, 2213

      Dental therapists, duties regarding medications, contents of written practice agreements, 3201

      Kratom products, prohibited acts, penalties, 2658, 2659

      Mental illness, persons with, procedures for involuntary administration of medication, regulation, 347

      Prescription drugs (See PRESCRIPTIONS)

      Radiation therapy and radiologic imaging licensees, authority to possess and administer dangerous drugs, 2705-2707, 2737

      Recovery centers

             Chart orders, authority to use, 723

             Dangerous drugs, delivery to facility without pharmacy on premises, 725

             Licensing and regulation by State Board of Pharmacy, 723, 724


      Athletic trainers, authority to perform, regulation, 1587, 1588

      Chiropractors, authority to perform, requirements, regulation, 2287, 2295

      Definition, 1585, 1587, 1596, 1597

      Insertion of same needle more than once prohibited, 1586, 1587

      Oriental medicine defined to include dry needling, 1597

      Physical therapists, authority to perform, regulation, 1585-1587






      Composition, duties, 48, 49

      Status as civil officers, removal from office, 1566


      County sales and use tax for support of programs authorized, procedures, reports, 3261-3263

      English learners

             Zoom schools funding and grants to school districts and charter schools

                   Distribution and use of money, requirements, reports, 3460-3462

                   Innovation and the Prevention of Remediation, Account for the, appropriation to support program, requirements, 2381, 2382

             Zoom services, additional funding for programs for English learners, 4203

      New Nevada Education Funding Plan, Account for the, appropriation, use, 2391

      Prekindergarten programs, establishment of program to award grants to schools and nonprofit organizations, requirements, regulation, 3981-3983

      Teachers, additional license to teach outside grade level of experience, competency testing requirements, 1051

      Victory schools, prekindergarten programs

             Appropriations, 2383, 2384

             Distribution and use of money, requirements, 3468-3470

      Victory services, additional funding for programs for at-risk pupils, 4203


      Electric utility line clearance, requirements for performance by person who is not utility employee, 556

      Regional transportation commissions, sale of property acquired through eminent domain, reservation of easements, 803

      Utility easements, cities authorized to install and maintain ramps within, 569, 570


      Abatement of taxes

             Aircraft and component industry, eligibility, 2246, 2247

             Data centers, eligibility, 2249-2251

             Expanding businesses, certain abatements inapplicable, 2236-2244

             Local sales and use taxes, applicability, 2225-2244

             Local school support tax, abatements inapplicable, 2225-2245, 2254

             Previous partial abatement received, prohibition on additional abatements, 2236-2244

      Bond issues (See BOND ISSUES)

      Call centers relocating to foreign country, ineligibility of employer to receive incentives, waiver, 2898

      Energy, development of renewable and clean energy resources, study, 4625-4628

      Low-income housing projects, transferable tax credits to qualified projects, 3761-3766

      Nevada Main Street Program, appropriation, 2893

      Nevada New Markets Jobs Act, procedures, 3696-3701

      Qualified projects, capital investment of at least $1 billion, requirements for issuance of transferable tax credits, 2603, 2604, 2607

      Southern Nevada Enterprise Community, duties of Community Board and Office of Economic Development, 870, 871


      Governor’s appointees, status, removal from office, 1566

      Local school support tax, approval of certain abatements, requirements, 2247, 2251


      Authorized expenditures, 3133

      Drones, programs related to, duties, appropriation, 3455, 3456

      Executive Director

             Food Security, Council on, representation, duties, 689

             Nevada Air Service Development Commission, member, 2144

             Outdoor Recreation, Advisory Board on, member, 3705

             Private Activity Bond Council, member, 2430

             Southern Nevada Enterprise Community Board, meetings and collaboration with, duties, 870, 871

      General appropriations, 3343

      Nevada Main Street Program, appropriation, 2893

      Nevada New Markets Jobs Act, duties, 3697

      NV Grow Program, duties transferred, 3666

      Outdoor Recreation, Division of, coordination with, 3704


      Achievement charter schools (See SCHOOLS, ACHIEVEMENT CHARTER)

      Adult education programs, county sales and use tax for support authorized, procedures, reports, 3261-3263

      Asthma, funding of education programs, 1466

      Challenge schools (See SCHOOLS, CHALLENGE)

      Charter schools (See SCHOOLS, CHARTER)

      Children in need of protection

             Educational decision makers, appointment, procedures, duties, 257-262

             Educational surrogate parents, appointment for children with disabilities, provisions repealed, 257-259

      Distance education (See DISTANCE EDUCATION)

      Early childhood education (See EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION)


      First responders, stress-related injury or disease, employing agency to provide educational training related to mental health issues, 1901



             Statewide database of sources of funding for higher education, establishment, requirements, 2324

             Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purposes of educational opportunities, 2278

      Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health, appropriations for educational programs, 4015

      National Guard Youth Challenge Program, Nevada (See SCHOOLS, CHALLENGE)

      Personnel, public schools (See SCHOOL PERSONNEL)

      Prekindergarten (See EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION)


      Public schools (See SCHOOLS, PUBLIC)

      Pupils, public schools (See SCHOOL PUPILS)

      Scholarships (See SCHOLARSHIPS)

      School districts (See SCHOOL DISTRICTS)

      Student Loan Ombudsman, course for student loan borrowers, duties, 2506


      We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution Programs, appropriation, 2868


      Annual status reports, time for, 1050


             Appointment, qualifications of certain members, 1046, 1060

             Status as civil officers, removal from office, 1566


             Armed Forces members, expedited application by spouse for license, regulations, 888

             Financial literacy, endorsement to teach, regulations, 1991

             License by endorsement, regulations, 1314, 1316


      Abuse or sexual abuse of child, employee training and number of incidents disclosed or reported to law enforcement agency, reports, 2652

      Adult standard high school diploma, appropriation for courses of study, duties, reports, 2376

      Authorized expenditures, 3134

      Average daily attendance in elementary schools, receipt of district reports repealed, 792

      Average daily enrollment, receipt of district reports, duties, 789-792

      Challenge schools, receipt of accountability and expenditure information from district where school is located, duties, 1983

      Charter schools

             Demographic information of pupils, academic needs of pupils and needs of pupils at risk of dropping out, annual evaluation, collaboration, 2302

             Distance education

                   Charter schools for distance education, regulatory duties, 1623

                   Pupils enrolled full-time in program, distribution of apportionment, certain amounts to be paid to Department, 2038, 2039

             English learners, grants to fund programs and services, duties, reports, 3462-3465

             Growth of schools, plan to manage, collaboration, receipt of report, duties, 2301, 2306

             Opening or expanding school, receipt of notice of certain actions, 2301

             Reading, pupils deficient in, receipt of reports, 4492, 4493


                   Annual reports, receipt, form, submission to State Board of Education, 2069, 2070

                   Comprehensive review, duties, 2065, 2066

      Clark County Public Education Foundation, Inc., transfer of funds, duties, 2377

      Clark County School District, receipt of reports, duties, 3462-3465

      College and career readiness grant program, funding, duties, 2379

      College and career ready high school diplomas, incentive grants or reimbursements, funding, duties, 2378

      Computer literacy and computer science

             Appropriations, use, 2701

             Incentives for teachers to earn degree or other credentials, grant program, duties, 2697

             Instruction program, assistance to schools in establishing, development of Internet resource repository, 2696

      Crisis, emergency or suicide

             Model management plan, requirements (See SCHOOLS, PUBLIC)

             Private schools, time for response plans to be made available to Department, 2467, 2468, 3253

      Disabilities, pupils with

             Aging and Disability Services Division, services available, provision of information to districts and charter schools, 3052

             Basic support guarantee

                   2019-2021 biennium, duties, 2372

                   Repeal of provisions, 4253

             Due process hearings, compliance procedures following, enforcement of orders, duties, 914, 915

             Individualized education programs or plans, pupils with, receipt of reports, duties, 3051, 3052

             Language and literacy skills of children who are deaf, hard of hearing, blind or visually impaired, duties, 3937-3940

      Discipline of pupils

             Data collected by schools, receipt, duties, 1019, 1020, 3570

             Guidance documents, Internet publication, 3570

             Restorative disciplinary practices, requirements and methods, duties, 3234, 3235

             Restorative justice, plan of action based on, approval, regulation, duties, 3570, 3571

             State of public education, contents of annual reports, 1018, 1019

      Early childhood education (See also EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION)

             Grants to support prekindergarten programs, duties, 3981-3983

      Educator Effectiveness budget account, appropriations, duties, 3361, 3362

      English learners

             College and career readiness assessments, duty to ensure availability of authorized supports, 4359

             Criterion-referenced examinations, duty to ensure availability of authorized supports, 4357

             Data regarding achievement of pupils, receipt of reports, 4354

             Policy for instruction to teach English and plan to ensure policy achieves objectives, duties, 4357

             School accountability, corrective action plans adopted by certain schools, duties, reports, 4355, 4356

             Zoom schools and grants for programs and services

                   Appropriation, duties, 2381-2383

                   Receipt of reports, duties, 3462-3465

      English Mastery Council, appropriation for expenses, 2442

      Examinations and assessments

             College and career readiness assessments, duty to ensure availability of authorized supports to English learners, 4359

             Criterion-referenced examinations

                   English learners, duty to ensure availability of authorized supports, 4357

                   Examinations to be made available to pupils in any language in which they are published, duties, 4357

             New Nevada Education Funding Plan, Account for the, allocations from, assessment of proficiency of pupils in certain grades, duties, 2503

      Expenditures by schools and districts

             2019-2021 biennium, waiver of certain expenditure requirements, duties, 3268

             Minimum expenditure requirements, provisions repealed, 4221, 4222, 4253

             Minimum recommended expenditures, duties, 4221-4223

             Personnel and services, reporting requirements, duties, 4208, 4209

      Financial literacy

             Account for Instruction in Financial Literacy, appropriation, duties, 2392, 2393

             State Seal of Financial Literacy Program, appropriation for administration, 3361, 3362

             Teacher training, duties, funding of certain training programs, 1986, 1993, 2386

      Financial Literacy Advisory Council, State, administrative support, funding, 1988, 3362

      Financial Literacy Month

             Annual summit for educators, duties, 1988, 1991

             Appropriation for administration, 3362

             Establishment, duties, 1986, 1987

             Student Smart Week, Money Week and parent and family engagement summit, duties, 1986-1988

      Fingerprints and background checks of certain personnel of Department authorized, duties, 1054

      Gardens for Title I schools, appropriation, duties, 3457

      General appropriations, 3344

      Gifted and talented pupils, funding for differentiated instruction, duties, 2378, 2379

      Great Teaching and Leading Fund, duties, 2387, 2388

      Innovation and the Prevention of Remediation, Account for Programs for (See SCHOOL FINANCES AND FUNDS)

      Integrated student supports, statewide framework for, requirements, 3247, 3248

      Jobs for America’s Graduates Programs, funding, duties, 2377

      Language Development for Children Who Are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Blind or Visually Impaired, Advisory Committee on (See LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT FOR CHILDREN WHO ARE DEAF, HARD OF HEARING, BLIND OR VISUALLY IMPAIRED, ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON)

      Literacy of elementary school pupils

             Charter schools, receipt of reports, 4492, 4493

             Plans to improve, contents, receipt, 4490, 4491

             Read by Grade 3 grant program, duties, receipt of reports, 2380, 2381, 4499, 4500

             School districts, annual reports, requirements, 4498

      Medical facilities outside Nevada requesting reimbursement for educational services provided to Nevada residents, duties, appropriation for audits, 3110-3112, 4213, 4214

      Mental illness or emotional disturbance, children with, task force to develop program to prevent custody relinquishment or voluntary placement, representation, 872

      Mentoring, Nevada Advisory Commission on

             Administrative support, 4509

             Coordinator for mentorship programs, consultations relating to, 4511

      National School Lunch Program state match, duties, 2373

      Native American pupils, transportation to school outside home district, reimbursement for additional costs, duties, 2373

      New Nevada Education Funding Plan

             Assessment of proficiency of pupils in certain grades, duties, 2503

             Evaluation of services, duties, 2504

      Other State Education Programs Account, duties, 2376-2380, 3457, 4499, 4500

      Professional Development Programs Account, duties, 2385, 2386, 2388, 2394

      Pupil-Centered Funding Plan (See also SCHOOL FINANCES AND FUNDS)


                   Allocations to implement, receipt, 4252

                   Guidance on implementation, receipt, correction of deficiencies, 4207

             Statewide base per pupil funding

                    Adjusted base per pupil funding, deductions by districts for administrative expenses, regulation, 4203

                   Adjustment factors, establishment, review and revision, receipt of recommendations, 4201, 4207, 4208

      Pupil-teacher ratios, funding for grades 1-3, duties, 2375

      Safe and Respectful Learning Environment, Office for a

             Authorized expenditures, 3134

             Handle with Care Program (See SCHOOLS, PUBLIC)

             Safe-to-Tell Program, renamed SafeVoice Program, 3236-3239, 3967, 3968, 3971, 3972

             SafeVoice Program (See SCHOOLS, PUBLIC)

             School safety specialists, training of, duties, 3233

             School security risk assessments, receipt, duties, 3234

             Suicide prevention, duties, 1761, 1762


             Committee on statewide school safety, representation, receipt of recommendations, 3232

             Personal safety of children, training and reported incidents of abuse, reports, 2652

             School Safety Account, appropriation, duties, 4020, 4021

             School safety facility improvements, grants for, duties, 2391, 3293

             School safety specialists, receipt of summary of findings and recommendations, 3234

      Salaries of unclassified staff, 3327, 3328

      School accountability (See also SCHOOL ACCOUNTABILITY)

             Grants and other financial support to improve pupil achievement, duties, 2380

      School Funding, Commission on, provision of services, assistance and meeting rooms, 4207

      School gardens for Title I schools, appropriation, duties, 3457

      School personnel

             Discipline of pupils, reporting and analysis of data, provision of training and professional development regarding, 1019, 1020

             Evaluations of licensed personal

                   Electronic tool for providing documents, development, requirements, 1783

                   Pupil growth in evaluations, percentage of evaluation based on reduced, recommendations for revised performance measures, duties, 1787, 1788

                   Statewide performance evaluation system, study of impact and validity, 1787

             Expenditures by schools and districts for personnel reporting requirements, duties, 4208, 4209

             Expiration of licenses, duties, 1055

             Financial literacy, professional development for teachers

                   Appropriation, duties, 2392

                   State Seal of Financial Literacy Program, provision of training to teachers, duties, 1986

             Incentives for certain teachers, appropriation, 2895

             Integrated pest management coordinators, receipt of reports, 1942

             Mental health workers in schools with identified needs, appropriation for block grants, 2390, 4020, 4021

             Resource officers or school police officers, grants to employ and equip additional officers, duties, 2390, 2391, 4021

             School Safety Account, duties, 2390, 2391, 4020, 4021

             Social workers in schools with identified needs, appropriation for block grants, 2390, 4020, 4021

             Suicide prevention training, receipt of reports, duties, 673, 674

             Teacher Recruitment and Retention Advisory Task Force, Nevada State, creation, duties, appropriation, 2448-2450

             Teachers’ School Supplies Reimbursement Account, duties, 2392, 3224

             Violence and suicide, training in prevention, duties, 1763

      School Safety Account, duties, 2390, 2391, 3293, 4020, 4021

      Services provided by schools and districts, expenditure reports, duties, 4208, 4209

      Social and environmental factors that affect educational experience of pupils, receipt of description, duties, 1178

      Social, emotional and academic development program, appropriation for implementation, 4021

      State Distributive School Account, duties, 2371-2374

      State Education Fund (See also SCHOOL FINANCES AND FUNDS)

             Adjustment of apportionments, procedures repealed, 4216, 4217

             Appropriations, use to fund operations of Department, 4198, 4199

             Biennial budget requests, preparation, 4225

      State of public education, annual report, contents, 1018, 1019

      State Supplemental School Support Account, duties, 2392

      Suicide among pupils

             Courses of study and training of personnel in suicide prevention, receipt of information from districts and charter schools, duties, 673, 674

             Grades 7-12, development of model policy for suicide prevention, 1761, 1762

             Number of incidents of suicide, attempts and suicide ideation during school year, collection of information, duties, 674

             Statewide Program for Suicide Prevention, consultation, duty to post link to Internet or network site, 1761, 1762

             Suicide response model management plan, contents, 1765

             Violence and suicide, training for school district and school personnel, requirements, 1763

      Superintendent of Public Instruction (See SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION)

      Victory schools

             Appropriation, duties, 2383, 2384

             Designation of schools, duties, 3466

             Distribution of money to school districts and sponsors of charter schools, 3466

             Educational needs of pupils enrolled in schools, comprehensive plans for meeting, receipt and review, 3467, 3468

             Evaluation of effectiveness of programs and services, contracts with independent contractors, receipt of evaluations, 3469

             Reports, receipt, 3469, 3470

      Volunteers, background checks, duties, 1522

      Washoe County School District, receipt of reports, duties, 3462-3465

      Work-based learning pilot programs, competitive grants, duties, 2379

      Zoom schools

             Appropriation, duties, 2381-2383

             Continuation of program, receipt of reports, duties, 3462-3465


      Apportionments to school districts, determination, 3283, 4214

      Charter schools, enrollment of opt-in child, count of pupils for apportionment purposes, 4232

      Grant of money required to be deposited in account, percentage of statewide base per pupil funding amount, 4239

      Repeal of program, 3294


      Challenge schools, authority regarding textbooks and courses of study, 1982

      Charter schools

             Annual reports from sponsors, receipt and review, 2070

             English learners, grants for programs and services, receipt of reports, duties, 3463-3465

             Funding sources, duty to provide information to schools, 4229

             State Public Charter School Authority, appointment of members, duties, 2067, 2079

      Computer Education and Technology, Account for, duties, 2697

      Core academic subjects, placement of pupils in more rigorous courses, duties, 1205, 1206

      Disabilities, children with

             Deaf, hard of hearing, blind or visually impaired, language and literacy skills

                   Assessment of language and literacy skills, receipt of recommendations regarding ways to improve, 3937

                   Children who are less than 6 years of age

                          Criteria for use by parents or guardians to evaluate development of skills, receipt and evaluation of recommendations, duties, 3936, 3937, 3940

                          Criteria for use by school employees and providers of services to assess development of skills, receipt of recommendations, duties, requirements, 3937-3940

             Examination of children for placement in special education programs, receipt of recommendations, 3937

      Discipline of pupils

             State of public education, annual reports, contents, 1018, 1019

             Superintendent of Public Instruction, receipt of reports, 1017, 1018

      Emergency financial assistance to school districts, certain provisions repealed, 4253

      English learners

             Accountability reports, contents, 4354, 4355

             Zoom schools and grants for programs and services, receipt of reports, duties, 3463-3465

      English Mastery Council, recommendations to Board, 2441

      Foster care, pupils in, credits for coursework and attaining diploma, regulations, 1164

      Governor’s appointees, status, removal from office, 1566

      Handle with Care Program, regulations, 3967

      Homeless pupils, credits for coursework and attaining diploma, regulations, 1164

      Prekindergarten programs, grants to support, regulation, 3983

      Private schools, failure to adopt policy for suicide prevention, penalties, 1771

      Professional Standards in Education, Commission on, reports, receipt, 1058

      Pupil-counselor ratios, nonbinding recommendations, establishment, requirements, 980, 3233

      Pupil-social worker ratios, nonbinding recommendations, establishment, requirements, 980, 3233

      Pupil-specialized instructional support personnel ratios, development of nonbinding recommendations for, requirements, 3233

      Pupil-teacher ratios

             Statewide performance evaluation system, whether classes exceed recommended ratios and effect on employee’s performance to be considered, 1784, 1785

             Variance from maximum prescribed ratios, requests for, requirements, 979

      Read by Grade 3 grant program

             Receipt of reports, 4500

             Recommendations regarding, 2381

      Reading proficiency and assessments, duties, certain duties repealed, 4490, 4492-4494, 4496-4498

      School personnel

             Counselors, evaluations of performance, requirements, regulation, 1786

             Letters of reprimand, issuance, regulation, 1056, 1057

             Librarians, evaluations of performance, requirements, regulation, 1786

             Licenses, suspension or revocation, adoption of rules for conducting hearings, requirements, 1058

             Recruitment and retention incentives for certain licensed educational personnel, duty to prescribe, 3463, 3464, 3469

             Statewide performance evaluation system

                   Other licensed educational personnel, requirements, regulation, 1786

                   Pupil growth in evaluations, percentage of evaluation based on reduced, receipt of recommendations for revised performance measures, 1787, 1788

                   Pupil-teacher ratios, whether classes exceed recommended ratios and effect on employee’s performance to be considered, 1784, 1785


                   Computer science credentials, incentives to earn, grant program, 2697

                   Elementary school teachers, professional development requirements, regulation, 4491, 4492

                   Financial incentives for newly hired teachers, applications for, duties, 2384

                   Learning strategists, duties repealed, 4492

                   Literacy specialists, duties, regulation, 4492

                   Title I or underperforming schools, incentives to teach at, duties, 2895

      Social and environmental factors that affect educational experience of pupils, identification, regulation, 1178

      State accountability reports, requirements, 2056, 4354, 4355

      State Education Fund (See also SCHOOL FINANCES AND FUNDS)

             Appropriation to Department of Education, use to fund operations of State Board, 4198, 4199

      Unaccompanied pupils, credits for coursework and attaining diploma, regulations, 1164

      Victory schools, duties, receipt of recommendations, 3469, 3470

      Volunteers, background checks, certain regulation declared void, 1525


      Governor’s appointees, status as civil officers, removal from office, 1566

      Nevada Ready 21 Technology competitive grant program, duties, 2383




      Absent ballots

             Authority to request and receive, 4078, 4079, 4113, 4114

             Counting, time for, 4081

             Delivery of return envelope, 4080

             Distribution of forms to request, notice, mailing of forms, 1661, 1662, 4077, 4078, 4113

             Receipt by clerk, procedure following, 4079, 4080

             Time to request, 4078, 4113

             Time to return, 4079, 4105

      Abstracts of votes, time for making, 4084

      Ballot questions

             Diesel fuel, imposition of additional tax in certain counties, 1263

             Henderson, election of Council members by ward represented, 2181, 2182

             School capital projects, imposition of property tax to fund, 2650

             Statewide measures, removal of certain publication requirement, 4069

             Transportation projects, imposition of additional sales and use tax, 446


             Absent ballots (See Absent ballots, this heading)

             Deceased candidates, retention of name on ballot, when, 3543-3545

             Mailing ballots, time for mailing to voters in certain cities, 3544

             Provisional ballots

                   Authority of voter to cast, 4076, 4077

                   Canvass, requirements, 4057

                   Collection of information regarding ballots, duties of county clerks, 4086

                   Final verification, procedures, 4057

                   Information, system to obtain information on ballots cast, establishment, 4057

                   Mail, casting by, 4077


                          By computer, voting by provisional ballot required, exception, 4053, 4054

                          During early voting period, voting by provisional ballot required, exception, 4054, 4055

                          On day of election, voting by provisional ballot required, 4056, 4057

                   Required contents, 4052, 4057

                   Update of voter registration information after close of registration, voting by provisional ballot may be required, procedures, 4053

             Sample ballots, contents, 4100, 4101, 4122

      Campaign practices (See CAMPAIGN PRACTICES)


             Certificate of candidacy designating qualified person as candidate, provisions repealed, 3426

             Certified list, time for forwarding to county clerk, 3381


                   Office designated nonpartisan, 1559

                   Qualification in certain townships, 1554

             Deceased candidate, appearance of name on ballot, time for determination, 3543-3545

             Declaration or acceptance of candidacy

                   "Acceptance of candidacy," removal of terminology, 3371-3388, 3394-3423

                   Definition of "declaration of candidacy,” 3370

                   Fees, use, 458

                   Time for filing in certain cities, 3536-3540

             Vacancy in nomination of legislator from multi-county district, filings, 3373

      Canvass of returns, time for completion, 4084, 4119

      City elections

             Absent ballots

                   Authority to request and receive, 4113, 4114

                   Counting, time for, 4116

                   Delivery of return envelope, 4115

                   Distribution of forms to request, notice, mailing of forms, 1662, 4113

                   Receipt by clerk, procedure following, 4114, 4115

                   Time for return, 4105

                   Time to request, 4113

             Applicability of certain laws, preemption and supersession of conflicting charter provisions, 4052, 4060

             Canvass of returns, time for completion, 4119

             Charter amendments (See specific cities)

             Dates of elections, ordinances, duties of governing bodies, 3535

             Deceased candidates, appearance of name on ballot, time for determinations, 3543-3545

             Declaration or acceptance of candidacy, time for filing, 3398, 3399, 3536-3540

             Early voting

                   City governing bodies, duties, 4105

                   Hours of operation of polling places, 4117

                   Inapplicability of certain laws, 4052

                   Statement for polling places using mechanical recording device, contents, 4118

                   Verification that voter has not voted twice in same election, procedures, 4117, 4118

             Indian reservation or colony, establishment of polling places within, 177-180

             Mailing ballots, time for mailing to voters, 3544


                   Criteria for vacancy in, procedures following, 3542, 3543

                   Vacancy in nomination, procedures following, 3398, 3399, 3424, 3425

             Observers, time for submission of accommodation plan by city clerk, 3534

             Polling places

                   All votes cast per roster, removal of provision regarding closing of polling place after, 4109

                   Electors waiting in line to apply to register or vote, effect on closing procedures, 4112

                   Guardrail, persons permitted inside, 4109, 4110

                   Proclamation regarding voter registration on day of election, duty of election board officer, 4109


                          Electronic rosters, testing, 3394, 3426

                          Possession by election board, requirements, 3394, 3425, 3426, 4072

                          Preparation and delivery to polling places, 4099, 4104, 4123

                   Student trainee election board officer, limit on number removed, 4109

                   Verification that person has not already voted in current election, 4110

             Provisional ballots, applicability of laws, 4052

             Registration of voters

                   Appearance in person, time for, 4120

                   By computer, procedures, effect, 4109, 4120

                   By mail, voting in first election after, 4109

                   Day of election, registration on, procedures, 4055, 4056

                   Early voting period, registration during, procedures, 4052

                   General prohibition on registration after deadlines, exception, 4121

                   Notices regarding registration, publication requirements, 3400

                   Update of information after close of registration, authority, procedures, 4053

             Sample ballots, contents, 4122

             Voting by any entitled person on day of election, establishment of polling place for, procedures, 4103-4105

      Constable, office designated as nonpartisan, 1559

      Counties (See also Ballot questions, this heading)

             Appropriation to certain counties for purposes of implementing certain procedures required by law, 4144


             Attacks on information systems, duties of election officials, 3370

             Confidentiality of records relating to security of information systems used for elections, 3370

             Training for city or county election staff, 3370

      Early voting

             City elections, certain laws inapplicable, 4052

             Hours of operation of polling places, 4081, 4082

             Registration to vote during period, procedures, 4054, 4055

             Verification that voter has not voted twice in current election, procedures, 4082, 4083

      Election districts

             Boundaries, time limit for revision of boundaries, 3384

             Legislative study of reapportionment and redistricting, 4618, 4619

             Treatment of incarcerated persons in determining population counts, 985-987

      Federal Election Commission, references to in existing law, revision, 3387, 3394

      Judges and justices

             Declaration or acceptance of candidacy, time for filing in certain cities, 3536-3540

             District courts, election of additional judges in certain counties, 2870

      Motor Vehicles, Department of, duties regarding certain offices, 1876

      Newspapers, notice requirements

             Day and time that each method of registration will be closed, 4099

             Hours for early voting at each polling place, 4082

             Locations of polling places, 4050, 4103

             Primary election or general election, 4066, 4108

             Statewide measures, repeal, 4069

      Polling places

             Closing of polls

                   All votes cast per roster, removal of provision regarding closing of polling place after, 4071

                   Rights of certain persons to register or vote after, 4075

             Early voting, requirements, 4081, 4082, 4118

             Election board officers, determination of number, 4067

             Guardrail, persons permitted inside, 4072

             Indian reservation or colony, establishment of polling places within, 177-180

             Instructions, posting, 4074

             Observers, time for submission of accommodation plan by city clerk, 3534

             Private property rented as polling place, rights and remedies of lessor unaffected, 3389, 4085

             Registration of voters on day of election, designation of locations, procedures, 4071-4073


                   Definition, 4060

                   Electronic rosters, testing, 3387, 3425

                   Possession by election board, requirements, 3425, 3426, 4072

                   Preparation and delivery to polling places, 4051, 4099

             Student trainee election board officer, limit on number removed, 4067, 4109

             Voting by any entitled person on day of election, establishment of polling place for, 4050, 4051

      Primary elections

             Retention of name of deceased candidate on ballot, when, 3544, 3545

             Tie vote, procedures in event of tie, 3387, 3388

      Recall elections (See RECALL OF PUBLIC OFFICERS)

      Registration of voters

             Appearance in person, time for, 4098

             Appropriations for related expenses, 3711, 4143, 4144

             By computer

                   County clerks, duties, 4090

                   Establishment of system, 4058

                   Generally, 4053, 4091-4093

                   Last day to register, 4098

                   Regulations of Secretary of State, 4067

                   Update of voter information, 4053

                   Voting in first election after registration, 4070

                   Voting in person after registration, 4053, 4054

             By mail, voting in first election after, 4070

             Cancellation of registration, effect of felony conviction, authority to reregister upon release from prison, requirement to submit certain documentation prohibited, 1457, 1458


                   Definition, contents, 4050

                   Time for issuance to voter deemed conditionally registered, 4057, 4087, 4088

             Day of election

                   Any polling place, registration at, procedures, 4055-4057

                   Proclamation regarding registration, duty of election board officer, 4071, 4072

                   Roster, requirements, 4072

                   Verification that person has not already voted in same election, 4073

             Department of Motor Vehicles, procedures, effect of ineligibility of voter to register, 4058, 4059, 4102

             Early voting period, registration during, procedures, 4054, 4055

             General prohibition on registration after deadlines, exception, 4099

             New application in same county, designation of affiliation when not indicated by voter, 3390

             Notices regarding registration, publication requirements, 3393, 3394

             Secretary of State’s website, establishment of registration system, 4058

             Unlawful acts, clarification of penalty provisions, 4126, 4127

             Update of information after close of registration, authority, procedures, 4053

      "Regular votes" defined, 4060

      Right to vote

             Decriminalization of offense, restoration of right to vote, 1459, 1460

             Legislative declaration, 4069

             Offenders, immediate restoration of right upon release from prison, 1455, 1456, 1458

             Parole, restoration of right upon discharge, certain provisions repealed, 1454, 1455, 1458

             Persons in line at time polling place closes, 4075, 4076

             Probation, restoration of right upon discharge, certain provisions repealed, 1452-1454, 1458

             Ratification of Fifteenth Amendment by Nevada commemorated, 4585, 4586

             Women’s suffrage centennial, issuance of special license plates, 894, 895

      Risk-limiting audits

             Pilot program, development, 3426

             Requirements, regulations, 3370, 3371

      Special elections

             Bond issue election, office hours of county clerk, 4129

             Recall of public officer, contents of call for special election, 4125

      "Statewide office" defined, 1626

      Verification that voter has not voted twice in current election, prescribing of procedure for, 4072, 4110

      Voters’ Bill of Rights, inclusion in Nevada Constitution, 4614, 4615


      Collisions with vehicle, acts constituting reckless driving, enhanced penalties when motorist at fault, 1890, 1892, 1893

      Definition of "electric bicycle" excludes electric scooters, 1879, 1881, 1885

      Parking on sidewalks, authority, 1892


      Definition, 1879, 1881, 1885

      Motor vehicle laws inapplicable, 1880, 1881, 1897

      Scooter-share programs

             Definitions, 1883

             Insurance coverage, requirements, 1883

             Operation of shared scooter by person under age 16, prohibited acts, penalties, 1883

             Regulation by local authority, requirements, 1882, 1883

             Trip data, provision to local authority, confidentiality, 1882

      Throwing substance at or willfully damaging scooter, penalty, 1899

      Traffic laws (See also TRAFFIC CONTROL)

             Applicability of traffic laws, 1895

             Attaching to vehicle upon roadway prohibited, 1896

             Bicycles and electric bicycles, laws and rights and duties of persons operating, applicability, exceptions, 1885

             Carrying packages, prohibited acts, 1896

             Collision with vehicle

                   Acts constituting reckless driving, 1893

                   Enhanced penalties when motorist at fault, 1886, 1890, 1892, 1893

             Driver of motor vehicle to exercise due care, 1885, 1886

             Intentionally interfering with

                   Movement of motor vehicle, prohibited, 1886

                   Movement of operator of scooter, prohibited, 1885

             Lamps, reflectors and brakes required, 1896, 1897

             Manner of operating scooter upon roadway, requirements, exceptions, prohibited acts, 1896

             Number of persons permitted to ride, 1896

             Overtaking and passing, requirements for operator and driver of motor vehicle, 1885, 1886

             Pathways or lanes

                   Designation of routes, authority of local governments, 1884

                   Right-of-way, driver of motor vehicle to yield, 1886

                   Speed limits, requirement, penalty for violations, 1885, 1895

                   Stopping, parking or driving motor vehicle on pathway or lane prohibited, exception, 1886


                   Parking on, authority, restrictions, 1892

                   Speed limits, penalty for violations, 1882, 1885, 1895

             Signals required to be given by operator, 1895, 1896

             Speeding, penalty for violations, 1885, 1895

             Traffic-control devices, procedures when signal malfunctions or fails to detect scooter, 1889


      General provisions (See MOTOR VEHICLES)

      Infrastructure Demonstration Program, Electric Vehicle, incentives to certain public schools that are customers of public utility, requirements, 693

      Legislative study of vehicle use and highway funding options, 4635, 4636

      Parking in designated charging station when vehicle not connected to station prohibited, penalties, 1388

      Special license plates, issuance, 2519, 2520

      Vehicle miles traveled, pilot data program, requirements, procedures, 2999-3006

      Weight limits for operation on highways, exemptions for vehicles powered by one or more electric motors, 295


      Colorado River Commission, electric service providers

             Annual reports of compliance with portfolio standards, 12, 23

             Public Utilities Commission, providers not subject to jurisdiction, 12, 23

      Public utilities (See PUBLIC UTILITIES)

      Renewable energy (See RENEWABLE ENERGY)


      Abandoned property, duties of property holders regarding e-mail notices and electronic filing of reports, 3017, 3018

      Aging and Disability Services Division, reports to Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2912, 2913

      Agriculture, State Department of, reports to Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2946, 2949, 2950, 2954, 2955

      Behavioral health services, electronic repository of data and information concerning, 2048

      Blockchain technology (See BLOCKCHAINS)

      Business trusts, authority to keep electronic records, inspection procedures, admissibility in evidence, 2825

      Cannabis Advisory Commission, duties, 3775

      Central Repository, name-based searches of criminal history records, written consent, 2257

      Child support enforcement, process to exchange information with insurers, 1496

      Cigarette retail dealers and manufacturers, e-mail address to be maintained with Department of Taxation, Department required to provide certain notices by e-mail, 624

      Cities, governing bodies, reports to Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2957

      City or county clerks, persons authorized to request confidentiality of personal information contained in records, 728, 729, 867, 868

      City or county real property, auctions by electronic medium authorized, procedures, 1034-1036, 1040-1042

      Common-interest communities, resales of units, removal of associations’ authority to charge fee for provision of documents in electronic format, 860

      Conservation and Natural Resources, State Department of, reports to Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2944

      Consumer Affairs Division, reports to Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2958

      Consumer Equitability, State Sealer of, reports to Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2952, 2953

      County assessor’s records, persons authorized to request confidentiality of personal information, 727, 728, 866, 867

      County commissioners or county licensing boards, reports to Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2907, 2908, 2957

      County recorder’s records, persons authorized to request confidentiality of personal information, 726, 727, 865, 866

      Court Administrator, reports to Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2904

      Dental care, organizations for, filing of quarterly statements, 1690, 1721

      Fire Marshal, State, reports to Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2932

      Gaming violations, authority to request interception of communications during investigations, 826

      Governmental agencies, generally

             Certified copies of agency records in electronic form, agency powers and duties, 2818, 2819

             Data collectors, collection, dissemination and maintenance of records containing personal information, compliance with certain standards, requirements, audit, 2574, 2575

             Public records, provision in electronic format, requirements, exceptions, 4006

             Required personal information in documents submitted by electronic means, procedures, 2576

      Guardianships, attendance of proposed protected person at hearing for appointment of guardian, 1238, 1239, 1245

      Health authorities, reports to Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2925

      Health maintenance organizations, filing of quarterly statements, 1690, 1719

      Higher education, statewide database of sources of financial assistance, establishment, requirements, 2324

      Hospital, medical or dental services, nonprofit corporations for, filing of quarterly statements, 1690, 1717

      Housing Division, reports to Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2936

      Industrial Relations, Division of, reports to Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2929, 2959

      Insurance adjusters, valid e-mail address required for licensure, 3035

      Insurance companies, filing of quarterly statements by domestic insurers, 1690

      Limited-liability companies, authority to keep electronic records, inspection procedures, admissibility in evidence, 2823

      Limited partnerships, authority to keep electronic records, inspection procedures, admissibility in evidence, 2824

      Local improvement districts, demand for deed to property sold for assessment, procedures, 1302

      Medical cannabis establishments

             Electronic verification system, requirements, 3824, 3825

             Licenses, requirements for issuance, 3791, 3792

      Medical facilities and related entities, gender identity or expression of patients or residents, requirements for electronic records, 1335

      Motor carriers, display of registration on mobile device authorized, surrender of device upon demand of certain persons, liability for damage to device, 1571

      Motor Vehicles, Department of

             Criminal history disqualification for occupational licenses, reports to Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2914, 2933-2935, 2937

             Digital verification of honorable discharge of veterans, interlocal agreements with Department of Veterans Services authorized, 574, 575

      Nevada Lockbox, storage of powers of attorney for health care, 2188, 2194

      Nonprofit corporations, authority to keep electronic records, inspection procedures, admissibility in evidence, 2822, 2823

      Occupational licensing boards, acceptance of payments by electronic transfer, 1303, 1304

      Optometry, Nevada State Board of, notices to licensees, 3655

      Prepaid limited health services organizations, filing of quarterly statements, 1690, 1723


             Controlled substances tracking program, integration of records of patients in database with electronic health records of practitioners, requirements, 2141

             Electronic transmission of certain prescriptions to pharmacy required, exceptions, administrative penalties, 2208-2210, 2213

      Product Innovation, Regulatory Experimentation Program for, documents and signatures may be provided or maintained in electronic form, 3991

      Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, reports to Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2911, 2915-2917, 2930, 2931

      Public works, submission of records to public body, regulations, 936

      Recycling of electronic waste by certain entities, prior removal of data from waste required, 2217-2220, 2574-2578


             Cyber-bullying, investigations, plan to protect safety of pupil involved, 1308, 1310

             Evaluation of educational personnel, development of electronic tool for providing documents, requirements, 1783

      Secretary of State

             Document preparation services, reports to Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2906

             Election records, persons authorized to request confidentiality of personal information, 728, 729, 867, 868

      Special fuel users, display of license on mobile device authorized, liability for damage to device, liability for other infractions, 1574

      State Engineer, reports to Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2943

      State Library, Archives and Public Records Administrator, reports to Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2910

      Taxation, Department of, reports to Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2909, 2926, 2927

      Title 54 regulatory bodies, reports to Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2902, 2903

      Traffic citations, establishment of system for making pleas and defenses via electronic means authorized, procedures, 380-382

      Transportation Authority, Nevada, reports to Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2960

      Wildlife, Department of, reports to Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2938-2942

      Worker cooperative corporations, notice of meetings by electronic transmission, requirements, 910, 911


      Landscape Architecture, State Board of, acceptance for payment of fees, 2514

      Occupational licensing boards, acceptance as payment, 1303, 1304


      Definition, 2216

      Disposal of waste, governmental entities to remove data before disposal, 2217-2220, 2574-2578


      Neon, designation as official state element, 27


      Criminal history disqualification from obtaining certificate

             Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2929

             List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2928

             Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2928, 2929

             Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

      Internet publication of requirements for obtaining certificate, 2928


      Carcasses, prohibited import into Nevada, exception, 403, 404

      Drones, killing through use of unlawful, 449, 450


      Canvass of election returns, time for completion, charter amendment, 4135

      Conduct of elections, applicability of state laws, charter amendment, 4134


      Nevada Early Literacy Intervention Program, funding, duties, 2385, 2386

      Professional development for teachers and administrators, funding, duties, 2385, 2386


      City election, date of holding, effect on terms of elected officers, 3533, 3566



      Behavioral health needs during emergency, development of plan to address, requirements, 591


             Homeland security emergency response plans, revision, duties, notice of compliance, receipt of guide, 2465, 2466, 2470

             Plans for emergency operations, requirements, 4155

             Recovery plans, receipt of training upon request, 591


             Homeland security emergency response plans, revision, duties, notice of compliance, receipt of guide, 2465, 2466, 2470

             Local organizations for emergency management, formation required, 1081

             Nonprofit corporations, formation to provide certain services during emergencies, authority, procedures, liability, 1473, 1474

             Plans for emergency operations, requirements, 4155

             Recovery plans, receipt of training upon request, 591

      Disaster Identification Coordination Team (See DISASTER IDENTIFICATION COORDINATION COMMITTEE, STATE)

      Electric utilities, natural disaster protection plans, duties, 555, 556

      Emergencies of disasters, development of certain written plans, duties of Division of Emergency Management, 588-590

      Health care providers with training in treatment of trauma related to disaster or emergency, lists to be provided on request of governmental entity, 4157-4161

      Homeowners, revolving account to assist following disaster, creation, 3630

      Mobile support units, redesignation as incident management assistance teams, membership of certain volunteers, 1021, 1022

      Native Americans

             Attorney General authorized to make agreements regarding grants or loans following disaster, 3630

             Recovery plans, receipt of training upon request, 591

      Public utilities, emergency response plans and vulnerability assessment, notice of compliance with laws, receipt of guide, 2470

      Resilience Advisory Committee, Nevada, creation, duties, 1023-1027

      Resort hotels, emergency response plans, duties, notices regarding compliance, receipt of guide, 2470, 2471

      Schools, public (See also SCHOOLS, PUBLIC — Crisis, emergency or suicide)

             Mitigation, school district funds for, provisions repealed, 4243, 4244

      State agencies, receipt of training regarding recovery plans upon request, 591

      State emergency management plan, requirements, 4155

      Terrorism (See TERRORISM)

      Towns, receipt of training regarding recovery plans upon request, 591

      Volunteer health practitioners, expedited provisional registration during emergencies, procedures, 209, 210



      Deaths occurring in, reports, exemptions from investigations, penalties for violations, 1666-1671

      National provider identifier of off-campus locations to be distinct from that of main location or other off-campus locations, 4033

      Out-of-network facility providing services to covered person, duty to notify third party, requirements, payment for services, 321, 322

      Patient safety officer, designation, duties, 1667, 1670

      Sentinel events defined to include deaths, reports, investigations, penalties for violations, 1666-1671

      Sexual assault or attempted sexual assault victims

             Document of information and available services, provision to victims, duties, 335, 336

             SAFE kits, duties of medical providers, 2842, 2848

      Violence in the workplace, prevention measures required, records, reports, 3671-3677, 3680, 3681


      Commercial sexual exploitation of child, duty to report, 1932

      Crimes committed against first responders, aggregation of sentences, 234

      Crimes committed against spouse or child of first responder, additional penalty, 1462, 1463

      Developmental disabilities, persons with, training in identifying and interacting with, requirements for emergency services personnel, immunities, 2091-2093, 2096

      Disasters, reports of injuries treated during, duties, immunity from liability, 1079

      Electric scooter used while on duty, exemption from traffic laws, 1895

      Health care providers, generally (See HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS)

      Independent centers for emergency medical care (See EMERGENCY MEDICAL CARE, INDEPENDENT CENTERS FOR)

      Licensure or certification of personnel (See also PROFESSIONS AND OCCUPATIONS, LICENSING)

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2925

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2925

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2924, 2925

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4348

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2925

             Social security number or alternative personally identifying number of applicants, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4348

      Payment for service (See HEALTH CARE, RESTRAINING COSTS OF)

      Peer support counseling, removal of exception to privileged communications with counselor, 974

      Public health emergencies, reports of illnesses treated during, duties, immunity from liability, 1079

      School blueprints, required disclosures, 1062, 1063

      Schools, private, time for provision of crisis, emergency or suicide response plans to local public safety agency, 2467, 3253

      Stress-related injury or disease of first responders, industrial insurance compensation, 1901, 1902

      Technicians, screening tests, applicability of laws, 2625, 2626

      Trauma treatment centers, approval, requirements, 4039, 4040

      Vulnerable persons abused, neglected, exploited, isolated or abandoned, duty to report, 3485-3487


      Authorized expenditures, 3138

      General appropriations, 3350

      Members, status as civil officers, removal from office, 1566



      Applicability, 209

      Authority of volunteers to practice in State, 210

      Confirmation of provisional registration, 210

      Division of Emergency Management, duties, 210

      Registration system, qualifications, 209


      Regional transportation commissions, sale of property acquired through eminent domain, procedures, 802, 803, 805



      Chair and Vice Chair, selection, 3158

      Creation, 3157

      Duties generally, 3158

      Meetings, quorum, 3157, 3158


             Qualifications, 3157

             Status, removal from office, 1566

             Terms, vacancies, 3157, 3166

      Subcommittees, 3158


      Annual leave, duty to provide, requirements, exemptions, penalties for violations, 3752-3754

      Brothels, study of working conditions at licensed brothels, 4640, 4641

      Call centers relocating to foreign countries, duty of employers, penalties for violations, 2898, 2899

      Cannabis in workplace, effect of cannabis provisions on employer, 3836

      Central Repository, service to conduct name-based searches of criminal records, persons deemed employer for purposes of eligibility to conduct search, 2256

      Discrimination in compensation, complaints to Equal Rights Commission, 3757, 3758

      Domestic violence protection orders, service at adverse party’s place of employment, requirements, 2831, 2832

      Employee Misclassification, Task Force on, creation, membership, 3157

      Employee misclassifications, duties of certain agencies concerning, penalties, complaints, 3157, 3158

      False pretenses, labor obtained by, penalties, 4435

      Gaming employees (See GAMING)

      Health plans, multiple employer welfare arrangements, certificate of authority, requirements, 1426

      Hearing devices for children, employer participation in program to negotiate discounts and rebates authorized, 3930, 3931

      Industrial insurance (See INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE)

      Juvenile proceedings, insurance coverage required for participating in restitution through work program, exception, 1960, 1966

      Labor obtained by false pretenses, penalties, 4435

      Marijuana use by employees, authorized and prohibited acts by employers, 2625, 2626

      Medical cannabis use in workplace, effect of medical cannabis provisions on employer, 3833

      Microchips and similar identification, unlawful acts, penalties, 2125, 2126

      Occupational diseases (See OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES)

      Offenders, employment of, amount of personal guarantee or surety bond required, 816

      Paid leave, duty to provide, requirements, exemptions, penalties for violations, 3752-3754


             Crew requirements for certain freight trains, penalties for violations, 341, 342

             Obsolete law regarding persons employed on certain dates, repeal, 344

      Settlement agreements, certain provisions prohibited, exception, 800, 801

      Sexual conduct with person in position of authority over alleged victim, rebuttable presumption of nonconsent, 1906

      Sick leave, notification by employee of sickness or injury, authorized and prohibited acts by employer, penalty, 344, 345

      Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for employment, 2278

      Unaccompanied youth, issuance of statement as to birth date to youth when necessary for securing employment, 4507

      Unlawful employment practices (See also EQUAL RIGHTS COMMISSION, NEVADA)

             Court’s authority to award employee same legal or equitable relief awarded pursuant to Title VII of Civil Rights Act, 548

             Marijuana screen testing, prohibited acts, 2625, 2626

      Wages (See WAGES)


      Nonmedical services related to personal care, agencies contracting with persons to provide, license requirements clarified, 248



      Authorized expenditures, 3140

      Employment Security Division

             Employee misclassification, communication with certain agencies regarding, duties, 3157

             Labor Commissioner, notification to Division regarding violations of prevailing wage laws, 702, 703

      General appropriations, 3349

      Postsecondary Education, Commission on, issuance of Alcohol Beverage Awareness cards, appropriation for system to serve as state approving agency for certain programs, 2793

      Salaries of unclassified staff, 3328

      Veterans enrolled in graduate degree programs, designation of critical need occupations for purposes of fee waiver, 1951


      Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257

      Criminal history disqualification

             Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

             List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

             Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

             Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

      Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256

      Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902


      Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

      Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278


      Audit of energy efficiency measures by state agencies, 4628

      General purpose lights, redesignation as general service lamps, definition, establishment of energy efficiency standards, prohibited sales, 905, 906

      Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation Loans, Account for, name change, use expanded, 2024-2027

      State buildings, repeal of provisions relating to reduction of grid-based energy purchases, 906


      Authorized expenditures, 3131

      Colorado River Commission, annual reports of compliance with portfolio standards, receipt, 12

      Energy status, reports to Legislature and Governor, duties, 1013, 1014

      General appropriations, 3341

      Greenhouse gas emissions, consultation with State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, 1972

      Lights, establishment of energy efficiency standards, duties, 905, 906

      Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation Loans, Account for, duties, name change, 2024-2027

      Renewable energy facilities receiving partial tax abatements, receipt of reports, authority to charge additional fee, 1180, 1184

      Salaries of unclassified staff, 3323

      State-owned buildings, duty to prepare energy reduction plan for certain buildings repealed, 906


      Fleet vehicles, repeal of laws requiring use of alternative fuel or clean vehicles, 1061

      Inspectors of engine emission control devices (See also PROFESSIONS AND OCCUPATIONS, LICENSING)

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2914

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2913

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2913, 2914

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4345

             Internet publication of qualifications, 2913

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4345

      Local air pollution control agencies, receipt of distributions from Pollution Control Account, 83

      Military vehicles, retired, exemption from certain emissions testing requirements, 1331

      Used vehicles, transfers, exemptions from emission testing requirement, 189


      Employment of professional engineer at each place of business, requirement eliminated, 1529

      "Engineer," "engineering" or "engineered," unlawful use of terms, 1530


             Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257, 4262

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256

             Education requirements, repeal of certain provisions, 1532

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

             Interns, experience requirement removed, 1529

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

             Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278

      Public works, certain authority of public body to enter into design-build contracts removed, 1580

      School blueprints, disclosures upon request, 1062, 1063

      State Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors (See also PROFESSIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL REGULATORY BODIES)

             Cease and desist orders, authority to issue, 1530, 1531

             Sunset Subcommittee of Legislative Commission

                   Criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, review, recommendations, 2904, 2905

                   Study of professional and occupational licensing boards, 4629, 4630

      Supervision of work, remote supervision authorized, 1529


      Immigrants, certification of nonimmigrant status for certain victims of crime, duties of certifying agency, 4351


             English as a second language, endorsement to teach, eligibility for Teach Nevada Scholarship, 4360

             English learners (See also SCHOOL PUPILS)

                   Policy for instruction to teach English, requirements, 4356, 4357

             English Mastery Council, duties, 2441


      Appropriation, 2442

      State Board of Education, receipt of Council’s recommendations regarding certain pupils, 2441

      Termination date, extension, 2442



      Fleet vehicles using alternative fuels or clean vehicles, duties repealed, 1061

      Governor’s appointees, status, removal from office, 1566

      Hazardous waste facilities, time period for permits increased, 1533

      Mining Oversight and Accountability Commission, effect of failure timely to review regulations, 1592

      Recyclable materials, removal of certain duties, 2218


      Board of Registered Environmental Health Specialists (See also PROFESSIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL REGULATORY BODIES)

             Biennial report, repeal, 2124

             Complaints, procedures, 2114

             Executive Director, employment, 2117

             Inspections, 2114

             Meetings, 2116


                   Qualifications, 2116

                   Secretary, provisions removed, 2116-2118

                   Vacancies, 2116

                   Vice Chair, election, 2116

             Name change, 2115

             Powers and duties, generally, 2113

             Register, repeal, 2124

             Salaries and expenses, payment, 2117

             Sunset Subcommittee of Legislative Commission

                   Criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, review, recommendations, 2904, 2905

                   Study of professional and occupational licensing boards, 4629, 4630

      Definitions, 2112, 2114, 2115

      Disciplinary and other action, procedures, 2117, 2123, 2124

      Exemptions from laws, 2112, 2113

      Legislative declaration, 2112


             Applications, 2118

             By endorsement, 2120

            Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257

             Continuing education requirements, exemptions, 2114, 2122

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256

             Eligibility, 2113

             Examinations, 2121

             Fees, 2118, 2121, 2122

             Inactive status, 2114

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

             Issuance without examination, 2119

             Refusal to issue or renew, 2123

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

             Temporary registration, 2114

             Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278

             Trainees, qualifications, provisional registration, 2120, 2121

      Unprofessional conduct, acts constituting, 2123

      Unregistered practice, penalties, 2124



      Driver’s licenses for epileptics, authority of advanced practice registered nurses to sign statement, 497

      Driving prohibition for certain persons, duties of advanced practice registered nurses, 499, 528


      Attorney’s fees, presentation of claims to pay, 3756

      Authorized expenditures, 3139

      Cease and desist orders, required contents, 3757

      Compensation, complaints of discrimination, procedures, 3757, 3758

      Complaints, limited access to information related to, prohibited disclosures, exceptions, 808

      Division Administrator, salary, 3328

      Fines and civil penalties, deposit, 3756

      General appropriations, 3349

      Intake process, automation solution to streamline, appropriation, 2788

      Investigation costs, presentation of claims to pay, 3756

      Members, status as civil officers, removal from office, 1566

      Settlement agreements, certain provisions prohibited, exception, 800, 801

      Unlawful employment practices

             Back pay, period for, 3758

             Complaints, procedures, 548-550, 3757, 3759

             Conclusion that no unfair practice occurred, duties of Commission following, 3759

             Criminal history consideration by public employer, complaints of injury based on, 3759

             Local elected officers, employment discrimination committed by, powers and duties, 1946

             Right-to-sue, notices, duties, 548, 549

             Sex discrimination, remedies, 3758

             Wage inquiries, complaints of injury based on, 3759

             Willful violations, penalties, 3758



             Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

             Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278

      Mortgage Lending, Commissioner of, duties (See PROFESSIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL REGULATORY BODIES)

      Product Innovation, Regulatory Experimentation Program for, establishment, 3985-3993, 3995


      Authorized practices, taxation, 2768-2774


      Letters, petitions for issuance

             Contents, requirements, 1853

             Court fees, 1833

      Nonprobate transfers on death

             Claims of creditors against property transferred pursuant to power of attorney, 1849

             Spouse or minor child, petition for exclusion from liability, 1848

      Perpetuities, statutory rule against, trust or other property arrangement established for charitable purposes excluded from rule, 1847

      Personal representatives

             Ex parte orders to restrain from performance of duties, requirements, termination, penalties for obtaining order without probable cause, 1856

             No-contest clause in will, authority to suspend distributions to devisee, 1855

      Setting apart exempt property for surviving spouse or minor child, procedures, 1856, 1857

      Settlement of estate, venue, jurisdiction, 1852

      Trusts (See TRUSTS)

      Vesting or termination periods, removal of certain provision regarding inoperative language, 1846

      Wills (See WILLS)


      Attorneys, prohibited interests in consumer litigation funding companies, 2405

      Cannabis Compliance Board members, 3777

      Disclosure of improper governmental action, protections against reprisal, 810

      Financial disclosure statements

             Appointed public officers, requirements for first statements, 2998

             Codification into statute of existing interpretations by Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2996-2999

             Educational or informational meeting, event or trip, exclusions from definition, 2996, 2997

             Gift, exclusions from definition, 2997

             Nevada Financial Disclosure Act, citation, administration, 2996-2999

      Optometrists, unethical conduct, acts constituting, 3649

      State agencies, temporary limited appointments of persons with disabilities, conflicts of interest, 3020


      Authorized expenditures, 3131

      General appropriations, 3350

      Members, status as civil officers, removal from office, 1566

      Salaries of unclassified employees, 3332



             Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257, 4293

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

             Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278

      Nevada State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners (See PROFESSIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL REGULATORY BODIES)


      Government shutdowns, authority of landlord to petition court for relief from certain requirements, considerations by court, effect of court’s grant of relief, 3188

      Summary eviction

             Automatic sealing of case court file, time for, 268

             Commercial premises, procedures, 3909-3912

             Default in payment of rent, appeal of orders, 224

             Essential personal effects, remedies of tenant not provided reasonable opportunity to retrieve, 3915

             Failure to pay rent during appeal, initiation of new proceedings for summary eviction, 225

             Government shutdowns, provisions inapplicable to tenant who provides proof of protected status, 3181

             Holding over of tenant after transfer or sale of property, rights, obligations and liabilities of new owner, notice requirements, 3917

             Notices to surrender

                   Public inspection prohibited, exceptions, 269

                   Service requirements, 3910, 3913-3915, 3919-3921

             Time to perform certain acts, 3912, 3913

      Tenant’s complaint for expedited relief to recover premises, consolidation with certain pending actions between landlord and tenant authorized, 225

      Unlawful detainer

             Government shutdowns

                   Default in payment of rent, provisions inapplicable upon proof of protected status, 3178, 3179

                   Notice to surrender, duty of landlord to allow employee to remain in premises upon request, authority to petition court for relief from provisions, 3178, 3188

             Orders for removal of tenant, service requirements, 3919-3921


      Business trusts, admissibility of electronic records and records kept on blockchain, 2825

      Corporations, admissibility of records kept on blockchain, 2822

      Factual innocence, hearing to establish based on newly discovered evidence, procedures, 2976-2981

      Limited-liability companies, admissibility of electronic records and records kept on blockchain, 2823

      Limited partnerships, admissibility of electronic records and records kept on blockchain, 2824

      Mental or physical examinations ordered for purposes of discovery in civil actions, procedures, 966, 967

      Nonprofit corporations, admissibility of electronic records and records kept on blockchain, 2823

      Offers of judgment, restrictions on admissibility of offers, 274

      Peace officers, use or disclosure of statements officer compelled by law to make, restrictions, procedures, 2661

      Property held in trust, transmutation of property between community property and separate property, burden of proof, 1852

      Sexual assault, restrictions on use of forensic evidence, 2844

      Sexual Assault Survivors’ Bill of Rights, failure of law enforcement agencies to comply with timeline, effect, 1910, 2844

      Supported decision-making agreements, use as evidence of adult’s incapacity prohibited, 462

      Worker cooperative corporations, affidavit attesting notice of meeting deemed prima facie evidence of proper notice, 910


      Cigarettes and other tobacco products, taxes on, duties, 621, 623

      Collective bargaining or similar agreements involving Executive Department, approval required, duties, 3738

      Environmental Health Specialists, Board of, claims to cover certain costs, presentation, 2117

      Equal Rights Commission, claims to cover certain costs, presentation, 3756

      General appropriations legislation, duties, 3364

      Salaries, appropriations, duties, 3337-3340

      School districts

             Apportionments, approval of adjustments, provisions repealed, 4216, 4217

             Emergency financial assistance, certain provisions repealed, 4253

      Transportation, Department of, filing requirements for contracts with independent contractors, 51

      Victims of Crime, Fund for the Compensation of, appeals, transfer of duties, 4148-4151

      Wrongful conviction of felony, claims by persons awarded relief, duties, 4369, 4370



             Modification of certificate, removal of fee provision, 3025

             Surrender to Commissioner of Insurance, provisions repealed, 1689, 1723, 1724

      Termination of appointment, effect, 3039




             Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

             Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278

      Product Innovation, Regulatory Experimentation Program for, establishment, 3985-3993, 3996



             Exemptions from execution

                   Amount, increase, 279, 284, 287, 291

                   Proceeds from sale of homestead, requirement for exemption, 1851

             Sum paid in execution to defendant or spouse to possess all protections original homestead possessed, 1851

      Tenants, notice of property foreclosure, contents, 3923



      State agencies and departments (See STATE AGENCIES AND DEPARTMENTS, specific agency or department)

      State officers and employees (See STATE OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES, specific officers)


      Employees, health and safety training requirements, 490-494

      Military vehicles, retired, authorized use, 1323

      Tahoe Douglas Visitor’s Authority, advertising and promotion powers, 2362


      Children’s Advocate, duties, 1826, 2638

      Commercial sexual exploitation (See COMMERCIAL SEXUAL EXPLOITATION OF CHILD)


      Certification of certain persons (See also PROFESSIONS AND OCCUPATIONS, LICENSING)

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2959

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2959

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2958, 2959

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2959

      School incidents involving explosions, requirements for crisis or emergency model management plan, 3244



      Appeal of order granting or denying hearing on petition, 2980

      Appointment of counsel, 2981

      Attorney General, receipt of notice and copy of petition, duties, 2978, 2979

      Bona fide issue of factual innocence, court to determine existence, 2980

      Contents of petition, 2978, 2979

      Court’s determination as to evidence of factual innocence, written explanation, 2980

      Definitions, 2976, 2977

      Denial of petition, 2980

      Dismissal of petitions, requirements, notice, written explanation of orders, 2978, 2979

      District attorney, receipt of notice and copy of petition, duties, 2978, 2979, 2981


             Preservation, 2979, 2980

             When material, determination, 2977

      Filing of petition, time for, 2977, 2978

      Habeas claim, claim of factual innocence separate, 2977

      Hearing on petition, 2980

      Motion by prosecuting attorney to dismiss original charges, 2980

      Nevada Rules of Civil Procedure, applicability, 2979

      Postconviction relief vacating or reversing conviction or sentence, authority to file petition, 2979

      Response to petition, orders for, reply to response, 2979, 2980

      Review of petitions, determinations, 2978, 2979

      Sealing documents and records, orders for, 2980

      Second or subsequent petitions, grounds for dismissal, 2979

      Stipulation by parties that evidence establishes factual innocence, 2980

      Vacation of conviction and order of factual innocence and exoneration, 2980

      Victim, notice of petition and hearing, 2981


      Licenses, criminal history disqualification, petitions regarding, procedures, Internet publication of information, reports, 2938, 2939



      City election, date of holding, effect on terms of elected officers, 3533, 3566


      First responders, crimes committed against spouse or child, additional penalty, 1462, 1463


      High-risk behavior protection orders, applications for, violations, 4177

      Marijuana establishments

             Advertising containing false or misleading statements or illustrations, penalties, 2346

             Agent registration cards, grounds for revocation, 2339

      Medical marijuana establishments

             Advertising containing false or misleading statements or illustrations prohibited, penalties, 2334, 2335

             Agent registration cards, grounds for revocation, 2332

      Money, property, rent or labor obtained by, penalties, 4435

      Short-term limited duration medical plans, applications for, effect of false statements, 1429


      Restrictive covenants, provisions deemed void, duties of county recorders, 373-375


      Commercial sexual exploitation of child, access to information maintained by child welfare services agency, restrictions, 1934

      Domestic violence protection orders, considerations in court’s determination to issue restricted, 2854

      High-risk behavior, orders for protection against, procedures, 3948, 3950-3952, 4170-4177

      Judges, number in certain judicial districts, increase, appropriation, 2870



      School gardens at Title I schools, appropriation, requirements, 3457-3459

      Tax credits for investment in fresh food retailers in certain areas, establishment, 4363, 4364


      Food Security, Council on, representation, 689

      Livestock (See LIVESTOCK)


      Administrative support, provision, 3708




      Growth in region, reports by counties, consultation, duties, 799


      Medicaid coverage, requirements, 541-543



      Advantage Financial and Human Resources System, appropriations for replacement, 2780

      Budget Division

             Authorized expenditures, approval of augmentations, 3143, 3144

             Contract costs, supplemental appropriation, 3717

             Expenditures by school districts and schools, duties, 4221

             Furniture, appropriation, 3720

             Nevada Executive Budget System, appropriation for upgrade, 3720

             Recycling of electronic waste by state agencies, waiver of requirements, removal of certain duties, 2218

      Capital improvement projects, electronic tracking system, appropriation, 2782

      Census, appropriation for outreach and educational activities for 2020 federal decennial, 4254

      Computer applications, appropriation, 3712, 3713


             Capital improvements legislation, duties, 3312, 3313

             Salary, 3323

      Emergency Assistance Account, duties, 3631

      Financial and human resource management information technology system

             Help desk support, appropriation for allocation, 3361

             Reversion date of previous appropriations extended, 2781

      General appropriations legislation, duties, 3350, 3352, 3357, 3358, 3363, 3364

      General appropriations to Office, 3341, 3350

      Internal Audits, Division of, removal of duty to audit Home Means Nevada, Inc., 1363

      Low-income housing projects, transferable tax credits to qualified projects, receipt of information, 3762

      Marlette Lake, appropriation for Snowcat vehicle, 2802, 2803

      Occupational boards, participation in contracts regarding payments by credit or debit card or electronic transfer, approval, 1303, 1304


             Apportionments, receipt of certain reports repealed, 4215

             Great Teaching and Leading Fund, duties, 2387

             School districts affected by district of residence issue, appropriation, 2789

             School Funding, Commission on, provision of professional staff services, 4207

             State Distributive School Account, duties, 2371, 2372

             Superintendent of Public Instruction, receipt of reports, 4224, 4227

      Unclassified service, salaries, duties, 3323, 3337-3340


      Bond issues (See BOND ISSUES)

      Capital improvements legislation, duties, 3309, 3311-3313, 3316

      General portfolio of state and local governments, receipt of reports, 659, 663

      Governor’s appointees, status, removal from office, 1566

      Private Activity Bond Council, advisory powers and duties, 2431


      Low-income housing projects, transferable tax credits to qualified projects, 3762

      Qualified projects, capital investment of at least $1 billion, requirements for issuance of transferable tax credits, 2603, 2604, 2607

      Rate adjustment procedure repealed, legally operative rates maintained and continued, 3294

      Scholarship organizations, tax credits for donations to

             Annual authorized 10 percent increase in amount of credits, elimination, 2296, 2297

             Total amount of credit authorized, 2296, 2297, 3274


      Citation, administration, 2996-2999



      Administrative support, funding, 1988, 3362

      Chair and Vice Chair, election, term, 1987

      Composition, 1987

      Creation, 1987

      Duties, 1988

      Meetings, quorum, 1987, 1988

      Per diem allowance and travel expenses, 1988

      Quorum, 1988

      State Seal of Financial Literacy, criteria for awarding, duties, 1988

      Subcommittees, appointment, 1988

      Term of office, 1987

      Vacancies, filling, 1987


      Annual summit for educators, 1988, 1991, 3362

      Appropriation for administration, 3362

      Establishment, 1986, 1987

      Parent and family engagement summit, 1986, 1988, 3362

      Student Smart Week and Money Week, 1987, 1988

FINES (For criminal fines, see CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS; specific crimes)

      Abandoned property, property holder’s failure to file report, 3018

      Adult day care centers, violations, 267, 1671

      Alternative electronic transportation system vehicles, violations, 574

      Call centers relocating to foreign country, failure of employer to comply with notice requirements, 2899

      Campaign contributions

             Failure of persons donating to candidates to file reports, 3958

             Organizations, penalty for violations, applicability of provisions, 3957, 3958


             Cultivation, prohibited acts, exceptions, penalties for violations, 3836, 3837

             Establishments, persons under age 21 entering, loitering or remaining on premises, penalty for violations, exception, 3837

             Retail stores, smoking or consuming cannabis or cannabis products in, penalty for violations, 3837

      Cannabis Compliance Board, authority to impose civil penalties, 3788

      Cigarettes and other tobacco products (See also CIGARETTES AND OTHER TOBACCO PRODUCTS — Disciplinary action against licensees)

             General penalty provision, 634, 635

             Licensees, knowingly or negligently failing to comply with laws or regulations, 619, 620

             Manufacturers of tobacco products, applicability of penalty provisions, violations of regulations, 472, 473

             Minors, civil penalties for unlawful sale or distribution to, 3588, 3589

             Wholesale dealers of cigarettes

                   Exported cigarettes, knowingly or negligently failing to comply with requirements, 631

                   Regulations, violations, 472, 473

             Wholesale dealers of other tobacco products, monthly reports, violations, 637

      Community-based living arrangement services providers, violations, 267, 1671

      Community service in lieu of fine, hourly amount to be credited toward payment, 2277

      Consumer litigation funding companies, violations, 2411-2413

      Contractors, violations, 155, 156

      Controlled substance

             Prescriptions, electronic transmission to pharmacy, violations, 2209, 2210

             Schedule I-III substances, violations, 4476

      Data collectors, prohibited acts by operators of websites or on-line services, 1173

      Delinquent fines

             Attachment or garnishment of defendant’s property, wages or other money receivable, provisions repealed, 2274, 2453

             Collection fee to be assessed on per case basis, requirements, 2275

             Credit reporting agencies, authority of state or local entities to report delinquencies, provisions repealed, 2273, 2452

             Driver’s license suspension, grounds, 2274, 2453

             Indigent persons, failure to complete community service to satisfy entire amount owed, determination of indigency, 2276

             Order of priority of collection procedures removed, 2453

             Prosecuting attorneys, duty to collect delinquencies removed, 2274, 2453

             Willful avoidance of payment, penalties, 2274, 2275, 2453

      Depositories, failure to comply with reporting requirements, 671

      Electric scooters, operation of shared scooter by person under age 16, 1883

      Electric service providers, failure to comply with portfolio standards, 24


             Annual paid leave violations, administrative penalty, 3754

             Employee misclassification, violations, 3158, 3159

             Sick leave violations, 344, 345

             Unlawful employment practices, willful violations, 3758

      Employment discrimination committed by local elected officer, fines not to be paid with public money or from contributions received, 1946

      Environmental health specialists, violations, 2123, 2124

      Equal Rights Commission, deposit of money collected, 3756

      Government Employee-Management Relations Board, failure of Executive Department to pay annual fee, civil penalty, 3731

      Health facilities, violations, 1671

      Hemp growers, handlers or producers, violations, 2586, 2588

      Homes for individual residential care, violations, 267, 1671

      Hospitals, violations, 1116, 2644, 4038

      Human organs, uncertified organizations engaging in certain activities, 2766

      Indigency of offender, determination or presumption, effect, 2276, 2452

      Intermediate care, facilities for, violations, 267, 1671

      Kratom products, prohibited acts involving, 2658, 2659

      Livestock, persons conducting annual sales without license, 2613

      Living arrangement services providers, violations, 267

      Long-term care, administrators of facilities for, discrimination against patients or residents, 1341

      Long-term care facilities, violations, 267

      Long-term rehabilitation facilities, violations, 267

      Marijuana establishments, advertising violations, 2346

      Marriages, solicitation or solemnization, violations regarding, 457

      Medical marijuana establishments, advertising violations, 2335

      Meetings of public bodies, violations, 3629

      Mobile carrying devices, violations, 3100

      Occupational safety and health violations, 492, 493, 604

      Optometry, violations, 3656

      Personal representatives, ex parte order to restrain or secure performance of duties, obtaining without probable cause, 1856

      Physicians, supervision of students, violations, 4043, 4044

      Prescriptions for controlled substances, electronic transmission to pharmacy, violations, 2209, 2210

      Public records violations, civil penalties, 4002

      Public Utilities Commission of Nevada, authority to impose, 24

      Public works

             Apprentices, use on certain projects, noncompliance by contractors, 3155

             Prevailing wages, unauthorized discharge of obligations by contractors or subcontractors, 702, 703

      Railroads transporting freight, violations, 342

      Recall of public officers, civil penalties for violations, 1655

      Residential facilities for groups, violations, 267, 1671

      Sickle cell disease and variants, failure of health care facilities to provide records to Chief Medical Officer, 2159

      Skilled nursing facilities, violations, 267, 1671

      Supported living arrangement services providers, violations, 267

      Traffic control (See TRAFFIC CONTROL — Violations of laws)

      Trustees, ex parte order to restrain performance of specified acts or exercise of powers, obtaining without probable cause, 1859

      Vapor products, violations involving minors, 3588-3590

      Vulnerable persons, abuse, neglect, exploitation, isolation or abandonment, 3365, 3366


      Athletic Commission, authority to require submission, 1253, 1254

      Behavior technicians, exemption from background check in certain circumstances, 2539, 2540

      Cannabis establishments

             Agents and employees of agents, 3798, 3799

             Applicants, owners, officers and board members, requirements, 3795, 3796

             Independent contractors, persons contracting to provide labor or be employed by, requirements, 3799

             Ownership interest of 5 percent or more, holders of, requirements, 3801

             Ownership interest of less than 5 percent, holders of, requirements, 3800

             Volunteers retained or employed by, requirements, 3798, 3799

      Community-based living arrangement services, providers and employees and contractors of providers, 249

      Community managers, requirements, 69

      Consumer litigation funding companies, requirements, 2408

      Education, Department of, certain personnel, 1054

      Firearms, sales or transfers, requirements, penalties for violations, 4, 6

      Gaming employment applicants, procedures, fees, 215, 216

      Marijuana establishments, agents and employees of agents, 2337

      Medical cannabis establishment applicants, owners, officers and board members, requirements, 3791, 3792

      Medical marijuana establishments, agents and employees of agents, 2327, 2328

      Reserve study specialists, requirements, 69

      School personnel, applicants for issuance or renewal of license, procedures, confidentiality of information, 1052, 1053

      School volunteers, alternative procedures and exemptions

             Achievement charter schools, 1514, 1515

             Charter schools, 1510-1514

             Private schools, 1523-1525

             Public schools, 1519-1523

             University schools for profoundly gifted pupils, 1515-1519

      Taxation, Department of, employees, prospective employees, contractors and prospective contractors, requirements, 3295, 3296


      County fire department districts, appointment of members of governing bodies, authority of county commissioners, procedures, 742-744

      Electric utility natural disaster protection plans, receipt, 556

      Northwestern Nevada, reports on growth issues by certain counties, consultation with public safety agencies, 799

      Personnel (See FIREFIGHTERS)

      Resort hotels, receipt of emergency response plans, 2471


             Blueprints of schools, required disclosures, 1062, 1063

             Private schools, time for provision of crisis, emergency or suicide response plans to local public safety agency, 2467, 3253

             SafeVoice Program, access to personally identifiable information concerning pupils, 3236, 3237


      Authorized expenditures, 3138, 3145, 3146

      Community-based living arrangement services, inspection of buildings, 250

      Fire and smoke dampers, regulations, duties, 3148-3150

      Fire performers, powers and duties, 2931, 2932

      General appropriations, 3349

      Personnel, appropriation, 3152

      Public Safety Department (See PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF)

      Salary, 3330


             Committee on statewide school safety, representation, 3232

             Crisis, emergency or suicide response

                   Development committees, consultations, 3241

                   School committees, membership, 3243

             Safety drills, requirements, 3250

      Smoke control systems, regulations, reports, duties, 3149, 3150


      Criminal history disqualification from obtaining certificate of registration

             Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2932

             List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2932

             Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2931, 2932

             Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

      Internet publication of requirements for obtaining certificate of registration, 2932


      Electric utilities, natural disaster protection plans, duties, 555, 556

      Fire and smoke dampers in buildings, inspections, requirements, 3148, 3149

      Forest and wildland fires, funding of suppression programs, 3145

      Smoke control systems in buildings, inspections, requirements, 3149

      Theft of device to prevent, control, extinguish or give warning of fire, penalty, 4478


      Appointment of members of governing bodies, authority of county commissioners, procedures, 742-744

      Northwestern Nevada, reports on growth issues by certain counties, consultation with public safety agencies, 799

      School blueprints, required disclosures, 1062, 1063


      Alcohol in blood or breath of person in possession, allowable concentration reduced, 4180

      Ballistics testing of firearms seized or recovered by law enforcement agency in certain counties, requirements, 937, 938

      Cannabis, persons not exempt from state prosecution, 3835, 3836

      Children, storage or placement of firearm where child has access prohibited, penalty, 4181

      Concealed firearms, denial or revocation of permit of person subject to high-risk behavior protection order, 4185

      Constables, possession by certain staff while performing duties prohibited, 1555, 1556

      Discharging firearm at or into structure, vehicle, aircraft or watercraft, penalties, 231

      Enhanced penalties for certain crimes, aggregation of sentences, 234

      Game birds or mammals, unlawful to harass with firearm, 762

      Muzzle-loading rifles or muskets, authorized carrying in vehicles, 402

      Peace officers, continuing education courses, requirements, 1009, 1010

      Protection orders

             Expired protection orders, existence of record does not prohibit person from obtaining firearm or concealed carry permit, exceptions, 2837

             High-risk behavior, orders for protection against, procedures, effect, 3948, 3950-3952, 4170-4177

      Red flag law, protection orders against high-risk behavior, 3948, 3950-3952, 4170-4177

      Sale or transfer, background checks

             Central Repository, charging certain fees prohibited, 5, 6

             Licensed dealers, duties, requirement to contact National Instant Criminal Background Check System removed, 4, 6

             Private persons selling or transferring firearms, duties, exemptions from requirements, penalties for violations, 3-6

             Repeal, revision and reenactment of Background Check Act, 3-6

      School pupils in possession of, disciplinary action, 3292, 3575-3578

      Semiautomatic firearms, prohibited acts involving, penalties, 4179, 4180

      Storage, criminal penalty for negligent storage under certain circumstances, 4181


      Collective bargaining, prohibition on being deemed supervisory employee, 544

      Crimes committed against first responders, aggregation of sentences, 234

      Crimes committed against spouse or child of first responder, additional penalty, 1462, 1463

      Emergency medical services


                   Criminal history disqualification

                          Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2925

                          List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2925

                          Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2924, 2925

                          Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

                   Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4348

                   Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2925

                   Social security number or alternative personally identifying number of applicants, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4348

             Training requirements, immunities, 2091-2093, 2096

      Peer support counseling, removal of exception to privileged communications with counselor, 974

      Screening tests, applicability of laws, 2625, 2626

      Stress-related injury or disease of first responders, industrial insurance compensation, 1901, 1902


      "Controlled fire," terminology changed to "prescribed fire,” 733

      Logging, fire prevention practices, requirements, 739, 740



             Crisis or emergency model management plan, requirements, 3244

             Safety drills, requirements, 3250

      Tahoe Basin, fire prevention and forest health report, contents, 741


             Landscape projects to reduce wildfire threats, bond issue, 2863

             Legislative study, 4639, 4640

             Prevention, restoration and long-term planning, appropriation for allocation, 2791, 2792



      Habitat projects, bond issues, 2861, 2863, 2864

      Licenses and permits

             Child support obligations, suspensions for violations related to, 388-392

             Residency requirement, criteria, 760

             Revocation of license, grounds, 759

      Recovering America’s Wildlife Act, support expressed, 4615, 4616



      Northwestern Nevada, reports on growth issues by certain counties, consultation with flood control agencies, 799

      Prevailing wage laws, compliance requirements for flood control projects, 718


      Persons performing, requirements, prohibitions, 2730


      Aged persons, appropriation for programs for food-insecure persons, 3456

      Food for People, Not Landfills Program, creation, 691

      Grocery stores (See GROCERY STORES)

      School gardens for Title I schools, appropriation, requirements, 3457-3459


      Defrauding proprietors, penalties, 4437

      Food Security, Council on, representation, 689

      Hospitality industry, joint labor-management programs of workforce training, county sales and use tax to support authorized, procedures, reports, 3261-3264


      Council on Food Security, representation, 689

      Database, creation by Liaison for Post-Secondary Education for Homeless Pupils, 371


      Creation by statute, duties, reports, 689-691




      Government shutdowns, certain foreclosure sales during period of protection, procedures, limitations, penalty for violations, 3175-3177, 3182-3187

      Holding over by tenant, rights, obligations and liabilities of new owner, notice requirements, 3917

      Home Means Nevada, Inc., audits, reports, duties, 1363, 1364

      Mortgage not deemed conveyance absent foreclosure sale, 1372


      Census, Congress urged to prevent citizenship question being added to 2020 decennial census, 4608, 4609

      New Americans, Office for, creation, duties, 4361, 4362

      Occupations and professions (See also specific occupation or profession)

             Online informational resource for immigrants, creation, duties of occupational and professional regulatory bodies, 4362

            Qualifications, application procedure when social security number lacking, 4256

      Prisoners, questioning regarding immigration status, duty to inform prisoner of purpose for questioning, 2223

      Victims of crime providing assistance in criminal investigation or prosecution, certification of nonimmigrant status, procedures, 4350, 4351


      Blockchains, authority to use, regulation, 2822

      Local emerging small businesses, reinstatement following forfeiture of right to transact business, procedures, 919, 930


      Call centers relocating to foreign country, duty of employers, penalties for violations, 2898, 2899

      Interscholastic activities, eligibility of pupil returning after period as foreign exchange student, requirements, conflicting regulations unenforceable, 278

      Taiwan, sister-state relationship celebrated, enhancement of bilateral trade, education and cultural relations urged, 4597, 4598


             Issuance of license by endorsement, 1314, 1316

             Reciprocal agreements authorized, 1318


      Motor Vehicles, Department of, duties regarding certain offices, 1876

      Sexual Assault Survivors’ Bill of Rights, explanatory document, requirements, 2845


      Ballistics testing in certain counties, requirements, 937, 938

      Factual innocence, hearing to establish based on newly discovered evidence, preservation of evidence, 2979, 2980

      Forensic pathologists, duties regarding certain postmortem examinations, 4163

      Sexual Assault, Advisory Committee on Rights of Survivors of, representation, 2846

      Sexual assault forensic evidence (SAFE) kits, duties, 1909, 2843-2845, 2849


      "Adequately stocked," terminology changed to "minimally stocked," criteria revised, 734, 741

      "Controlled fire," terminology changed to "prescribed fire,” 733

      Cutting practices, requirements, 736, 737

      Definitions, 734, 735

      Logging (See LOGGING)

      Repeal of certain provisions, 741

      Timberland conversion certificates, bond requirements, 740, 741



      Advancing prostitution, remedies, 2631, 2634

      Constables, failure to obtain or maintain certification as peace officer, effect, 1554

      Corporations, failure to keep records open for inspection, penalty, 89

      Drones used in hunting or killing certain animals, subject to forfeiture, 450, 759

      Imprisonment to pay off forfeiture, amount of daily credit received increased, 2275, 2276

      Medical cannabis establishments, seizure of evidence by law enforcement agency, applicability of forfeiture provisions, 3829

      Nonprofit corporations, failure to keep records open for inspection, penalty, 103

      School funding, procedures for deposit and use of criminal forfeitures, reports, 4196, 4224, 4237


      Affidavits in hearings before Cannabis Compliance Board, 3786, 3787

      Checks, notices regarding unlawful acts involving, contents, 4429, 4436, 4437

      Consumer litigation funding contracts, 2403, 2404

      Contact lenses, optometrist’s prescription, 3655, 3656

      Elections, declaration of candidacy for office, contents, 3375, 3376, 3395, 3422

      Financial matters, power of attorney for, requirement of notary’s declaration removed, 425, 1743

      Guardianships, form to request nomination of guardian, contents, 33, 420, 1731

      Health care decisions, power of attorney for

             Advanced practice registered nurses, inclusion of citations in forms, 515-528

             Dementia, adults with any form of, 1732-1738

             Effect regarding life-sustaining treatment, 2194

             General form, notary’s declaration, requirement removed, 432, 1750

             Incurable or terminal condition, statement of desires regarding medication, 2191

             Intellectual disability, adults with, declaration by notary removed from form, 1754, 1756

             Living arrangements, inclusion of information, 3476, 3477, 3480

             Nevada Lockbox, inclusion of notice regarding, 2188

      Legislators, declaration of eligibility to fill vacancy in office, 882, 883

      Nontestamentary trusts, notice to creditors of settlors, 1870

      Tenants, notice of property foreclosure, contents, 3923, 3925


      Children placed outside of State, reports, Internet publication, 2184

      Commercial sexual exploitation of child, duty to report, penalties for noncompliance, 1932

      Confidentiality of personal information contained in certain official records, persons authorized to request, 865-868

      Driver’s license or identification card, persons authorized to request display of alternate address, 868, 869

      Recruitment and retention of foster homes, duties of agencies which provide child welfare services, 2183, 2184

      School pupils

             Charter schools, development of plan for accrual of credits and progress towards graduation, 1161

             Credits for coursework or course of study, determination of amount to award and accept, procedures, 1162

             Educational decision makers, appointment, duties, 257-259, 261, 262

             High school diploma, requirements for award to pupils, 1163

             Identification, procedures for, review and adjustment of academic plans, 1161

             Nevada National Guard Youth Challenge Program, eligibility for participation, 1981

             Suicide, pupils at high risk of

                   Crisis, emergency or suicide model management plan, contents, 1765

                   Grades 7-12, adoption of suicide prevention policy, requirements, 1761, 1762

      Study of programs to improve outcomes for persons who leave custody of agency upon reaching 18 years of age, 2894

      TANF, provision of assistance to fictive kin on behalf of child in certain circumstances, eligibility, 2434, 2435


      Public utility franchises

             Applicability of portfolio standards to electric services, determination of total amount of electricity sold, reports, 16, 20, 21, 23

             State Education Fund, deposit of percentage of net profits, 4197, 4251, 4252

      Video service providers, franchise fee deemed in lieu of certain rental charges, 193


      Agents, fees for licenses, appointments and renewals, removal of provisions, 3024, 3027

      Examination by Commissioner of Insurance, payment of expenses, 1686

      Health benefit plans (See also HEALTH BENEFIT PLANS)

             Genetic information, prohibited adjustment of premium, deductible, copay or coinsurance, 305

             Health status, effect on offering or issuing plan, benefits, enrollment or renewal, requirements, prohibited acts, 305

      Health care providers

             Access to services and discounts of provider pursuant to provider network contract, requirements, prohibited acts, 1601-1605

             Network plans, health carriers offering, provision of certain contact information and annual reports to Office of Consumer Health Assistance, 297, 298

      Hearing devices for children, participation in program to negotiate discounts and rebates authorized, 3930, 3931

      Maternity care coverage, prohibited discrimination, 1006

      Prescription drugs (See PRESCRIPTIONS)

      Reciprocal licensure, authorization, 1433

      Sickle cell disease and variants, coverage requirements, 2171


      Constructional defects, damages resulting from fraud, time for commencement of actions, 2263

      Documents of title, violations, penalties, 4438, 4439

      Employee misclassification, prohibited acts, penalties, 3158, 3159

      Gaming, penalty for certain violations, 4477, 4478


             Annual assessments on insurers to cover costs of fraud investigations, amount increased, 1689

             Radiation therapy and radiologic imaging licensees, inclusion as practitioners for purposes of laws, 2739, 2740

      Money, property, rent or labor obtained by false pretenses, penalties, 4435

      Multiple transactions involving fraud in course of enterprise, penalty, 4434, 4435

      Odometer rollback, penalty for knowing sale of vehicle with, 4484

      Optometrists, grounds for disciplinary action, 3648, 3649

      Real property, fraudulent sale, penalty, 4434

      Swindling, penalty, 4434

      Unclaimed property, fraudulent claims, penalties, 3012



      Licenses, permits or certificates

             Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

            Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278


      Vulnerable persons abused, neglected, exploited, isolated or abandoned, duty to report, 3485-3487


      Agents, surrender of license to Commissioner of Insurance, provisions repealed, 1705, 1728


             Examination by Commissioner of Insurance, payment of expenses, 1686

             Permits, surrender to Commissioner of Insurance, provisions repealed, 1705, 1728


      Criminal history disqualification from obtaining license

             Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2941, 2942

             List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2941

             Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2941

             Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

      Internet publication of requirements for obtaining license, 2941



      Seizure or destruction of wildlife possessed or imported into Nevada unlawfully, authority, 404


      Associated equipment

             Definition, 214

            Regulations, authority, legislative declaration, 221, 222

      Cannabis establishments and medical cannabis establishments, restrictions on location, 3791, 3795, 3796, 3876, 3878, 3879

      Cash transactions, unlawful acts with intent to evade reporting laws, penalty, 1799

      Cashless wagering system defined, 214

      Charitable bingo games operated by qualified organizations, provisions repealed, 965

      Charitable games

             Declaration of public policy, 957, 958

             Definitions, 957, 958, 964

             Local governments, regulatory powers, 958

             Operation outside of State prohibited, 962

             Qualified organizations

                   Compensation for goods and services restricted, 962, 963

                   Employees, finding of suitability may be required, 961

                   Expenditure of proceeds, 963

                   Financial reports, submission, 963

                   Operation without license authorized, conditions, 957

                   Vendors, prohibited contract provisions, 963

             Registration of qualified organizations

                   Application, requirements, fees, 960, 961

                   Conditions, 959, 960

                   Revocable privilege, 960

                   Revocation, grounds, 961, 962

             Unsuitability of associated persons, effect on contracts with qualified organizations, 962


             Shareholders, duties of certain shareholders, 1282, 1283

             State policy with regard to, 1281


             Arrest, temporary suspension of registration following, 213

             Charitable games, employees of qualified organizations, finding of suitability may be required, 961

             Distributors, employment of certain persons under age 21 authorized, 112

             Fingerprinting, procedures, fees, 215, 216

             Manufacturers, employment of certain persons under age 21 authorized, 112


                    Application requirements, 215, 216

                   Objection to or suspension of registration, grounds, 218

                   Revocation of registration, grounds, 221

             Security guards, change of employment notices, duties, 215

      Food Security, Council on, representation, 689

      Interactive gaming service providers

             Legislative declaration, 820

             Regulation, 820-825

      International Gaming Institute, appropriation, 4013

      Investigation of unlicensed activities, requests for interception of communications, 826


             Definition of "gross revenue,” 818, 819

             Fees on certain gross revenue

                   Collection, disposition of certain fees, 2809

                   Low-income housing projects, transferable tax credits for qualified projects, 3762

                   Qualified projects, capital investment of at least $1 billion, requirements for issuance of transferable tax credits, 2603, 2604, 2607

             Legislative declaration, 213, 214

      Mobile gaming

             Applicability of laws, 1274-1291

             Inclusion as gaming device, 1274

             Repeal of certain provisions relating to, 1291

      Resort hotels, emergency response plans, duties, notices regarding compliance with laws, receipt of guide, 2470, 2471

      Service providers

             Definition, 822

             Registration in lieu of licensure, regulation, 820-825

      Slot machine excise tax, deposit of certain proceeds in State Education Fund, 4197, 4248, 4249

      Tahoe Douglas Visitor’s Authority, advertising and promotion powers, 2362

      Trespass on premises by certain persons, assignment of person to drug treatment program, 4442, 4443

      Unlawful acts and equipment, penalties, 4477, 4478

      Unregistered activities, prohibitions, 819


      Associated equipment, regulation, 221, 222

      Authorized expenditures, 3142, 3143

      Charitable lotteries and games

             Immunity from liability, 957

             Regulatory authority, 958, 959, 961

      Corporate acquisitions, regulations, duties, 1281

      Corporations, receipt of notices from certain shareholders of publicly traded corporations, 1282

      Gaming employees, temporary suspension of registration, regulations, 213

      Interactive gaming service providers, regulation, 820-825

      Low-income housing projects, transferable tax credits for qualified projects, duties, 3765

      Members, status as civil officers, 1566

      Problem Gambling, Revolving Account to Support Programs for the Prevention and Treatment of, deposits, removal of certain duty, 2809

      Service providers, regulation, 820-825


      Alpha Migration Project, appropriation for modernization, reversion date of previous appropriation extended, 2795, 2796

      Associated equipment, regulation, 221, 222

      Authorized expenditures, 3137

      Charitable lotteries and games

             Immunity from liability, 957

             Registration, duties, prohibited acts, 959, 960, 962

             Statewide ticket sales and online sales, approval, 962

      Fingerprints of registration applicants, procedures, fees, 215, 216

      Gaming employees, temporary suspension of registration, regulations, 213

      Interactive gaming service providers, regulation, 820-825

      Low-income housing projects, transferable tax credits to qualified projects, receipt of information, 3762

      Medical cannabis, effect of provisions on adoption of policies and procedures precluding use by employees, 3833, 3834


             Salaries, 3333, 3340

             Status as civil officers, 1566

      Open Meeting Law, exemptions, 214, 215, 223

      Resort hotels

             Emergency response plans, receipt of notices regarding compliance with laws, duties, 2470

             List of resort hotels maintained by Board, copy to be provided to Division of Emergency Management upon request, 2472

      Security system equipment, appropriation for replacement, 2795

      Service providers, regulation, 820-825

      Unclassified service, salaries, duties, 3333, 3334, 3339


      Felony committed to promote gang activities, aggregation of sentences, 233, 234

      Local law enforcement agencies, use of gang database to identify suspected members and affiliates of criminal gangs, requirements, 2199, 2200


      Deposit in lieu of bond, acceptable deposits, 65


      School gardens for Title I schools, appropriation, requirements, 3457-3459


      Delinquent fine, fee, administrative assessment or restitution, removal of collection method, 2453


      Prohibitions, 227


      Creditworthiness evaluations, prohibited acts, study of and programs to prevent or eliminate discrimination in credit practices, 1594

      Crimes based on, certain defenses prohibited, 227

      Employment discrimination committed by local elected officers, powers and duties of Equal Rights Commission, 1946

      Equality of rights under law guaranteed to all persons, constitutional amendment, 4636, 4637

      HIV exposure laws, study of possible disparities in arrests, prosecutions and convictions, 467

      Medical facilities and related entities

             Cultural competency training, requirements, 1334, 1681, 1682

             Discrimination, prohibited acts, duties, 1333-1335

             Electronic records to reflect diverse identities or expressions, regulations, 1335

             Patient or resident to be addressed by preferred name or pronoun, regulations, 1335

      Restrictive covenants, provisions deemed void, duties of county recorders, 373-375


             Bullying, cyber-bullying and discriminatory harassment, legislative study, 3082, 3083

             Pupils at high risk of suicide

                   Crisis, emergency or suicide model management plan, contents, 1765

                   Grades 7-12, adoption of suicide prevention policy, requirements, 1761, 1762

      Sexual Assault, Advisory Committee on Rights of Survivors of, membership, 2846

      Veterans Services, Department of, outreach and assistance to transgender veterans and members of military, certain requirements removed, 58


      Contents, 3341-3364



      Contents, 3131-3147


      Contents, 3305-3322

      Electronic tracking system for projects, appropriation, 2782


      Boards of trustees

             Appointment of members, authority of county commissioners, procedures, 742-744

             "Compensation" defined, 1560

      Electric service providers, applicability of portfolio standards, determination of total amount of electricity sold, reports, 16, 20, 21, 23

      Prevailing wage laws, applicability of requirements, 712

      Real property, sale procedures, 2568-2571

      Water, right to appropriate dedicated to district, requirements, effect, 2530-2532


      Apprenticeships, discrimination based on genetic information prohibited, 2398

      Health carriers, prohibited acts

             Fraternal benefit societies, 305

             Group or blanket health insurers, 300, 301

             Health maintenance organizations, 308

             Hospital, medical and dental service, nonprofit corporations for, 306

             Individual health insurers, 299

             Managed care organizations, 313

             Prepaid limited health service organizations, 312

             Small employers, health insurance for, 303


      Factual innocence, hearing to establish based on newly discovered evidence, procedures, 2978

      Search warrant to obtain specimen, time for execution and return, 465

      Sexual Assault Survivors’ Bill of Rights, requirements under, 1908-1910, 2843, 2844


      Insurance for maternity care, prohibited discrimination by insurers, 1005-1009


      Aging and Disability Services Division

             Authority to seek and accept, 3931

             Respite care, appropriations for grant programs, 2983

      Air carriers, grant program, creation, 2145

      Air Service Development Commission, Nevada, authority to accept, 2145

      Assisted living facilities, grants to establish or expand, 3114

      Attorney General

             Higher education, certain outreach program to victims of domestic violence and human trafficking, funding, 2324

             Tribal governments, authority to enter agreements to distribute grants following disasters, 3630

      Behavioral health field response grant program, development, requirements, 4460-4462

      Call centers relocating to foreign country, ineligibility of employer to receive incentives for economic development, waiver, 2898

      Cannabis Compliance Board, authority to seek and accept, 3779

      Carson River corridor improvements, bond issue for grants to state and local entities and nonprofit organizations, 2862

      College Savings Plans of Nevada, Board of Trustees, authority to seek and accept, 3907

      Computer Education and Technology, Account for, sources and use, 2696, 2697

      Conservation and Natural Resources, State Department of, authority to seek for wildfire prevention, restoration and long-term planning, 2792

      Disaster Relief Account, grants to homeowners authorized, 3630

      Economic Development, Office of, authority to accept, 3455

      Emergency Management, Division of

             Disasters, awarding of grants to persons who own and occupy homes for costs related to damages resulting from, 3630

             Terrorism, certain projects and programs related to, awarding of grants to state agencies, political subdivisions and tribal governments, reports, duties, 602

      Emergency management, state plan to include procedures for coordinating and accepting donations on behalf of victims of emergency, 4155

      Environmental resources, protection and enhancement pursuant to open space plan, bond issue for grants to counties and municipalities, 2863, 2864

      Family planning services, grant program, 1506

      Financial disclosure statements, exclusions from definition of gift, 2997

      Food Security, Council on, authority to seek and accept, 690

      Grant Matching Fund, creation, 3708

      Grant Procurement, Coordination and Management, Office of, pilot program to award grants to entities needing matching funds, appropriation, 3709, 3710, 4017

      Health and Human Services, Department of, authority to seek and accept

             Family Planning, Account for, 1508

             Maternal Mortality Review Committee, 42

             Nevada Housing Crisis Response System, 834

      Healthy Nevada, Fund for a, grants to establish or expand assisted living facilities, 3114

      Higher education, statewide database of sources of financial assistance, establishment, funding, 2324

      Highway Safety Grants Account, appropriation, 3350

      Historic or cultural resources, protection and enhancement pursuant to open space plan, bond issue for grants to counties and municipalities, 2863, 2864

      Historic Preservation, Office of, authority to make and accept grants, 3899, 3900

      HIV Exposure Modernization, Advisory Task Force on, authority to seek, 467

      Homeless youths, counties work with local community organizations to identify sources of funding to reduce, legislative declaration, 255

      Homelessness to Housing, Interagency Advisory Council on, authority to seek and accept, 2109

      Homeowners, grants from Disaster Relief Account authorized, 3630

      Justice grants, authorized expenditures, 3138

      Justice Reinvestment Coordinating Council, Nevada Local, duties, 4380

      Lake Tahoe Basin, Account for License Plates for Support of Preservation and Restoration of Natural Environment, use, 892

      Lake Tahoe Path System, enhancement and development, bond issue for grants to certain counties and municipalities, 2862

      Legislative Commission, authority to seek and accept, 4638

      Lobbyists, gifts to Legislators

             Exemptions from definition of "gift,” presumption regarding certain gifts, 2988, 2989

             Legislative declaration, 2987

      Local government purchasing, donation of personal property authorized, 777

      Medical marijuana establishments, restrictions on offering "free" or "donated" products, 2335

      Mentoring, Nevada Advisory Commission on, appropriation for grant program, 4512

      Military, Office of the, authority to apply for and accept, 1981

      Motor Vehicles, Department of, authority regarding gifts and grants

             Childhood cancer, license plates to increase awareness, 1480

             STEM license plates, 3085

             Vegas Strong license plates, 559

             Vehicle miles traveled, pilot data program, 3001

      Nevada 24/7 Sobriety and Drug Monitoring Program agencies, authority to seek and accept, 2751

      Nevada Health Service Corps, appropriation for matching grants, 3073

      Nevada System of Higher Education

             Community colleges, acceptance for purposes of Nevada Promise Scholarship Program, regulations, 1212

             Computer literacy and computer science, education of teachers in, grants to provide certain funding or reimbursements, 2696, 2697, 2700

             Division of Workforce and Economic Development, College of Southern Nevada, authority to seek and accept, 3669

             Nevada Institute on Teaching and Educator Preparation, authority to seek and accept, 2020

             Post-Secondary Education for Homeless Pupils, Liaison for, funding, 370

             Teach Nevada Scholarship Program Account, appropriation, use, 2389, 2390

             University of Nevada, Reno, School of Medicine research program, authority to seek and accept, 3831

             Veterans, enrollment in programs related to critical need occupations, funding of fee waivers, 1952

      New Americans, Office of, authority to seek and accept, 4361, 4362

      NV Grow Program, appropriation, use, 3669

      Outdoor Recreation, Division of, powers and duties, 3705

      Perpetuities, statutory rule against, trust or other property arrangement established for charitable purposes excluded from rule, 1847

      POST Commission, mental health field response program, grants, 4461

      Post-Secondary Education for Homeless Pupils, Liaison for, funding for position, 370

      Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, authority to seek and accept, 2160, 3042, 3832

      Recreational facilities, campsites and trails, bond issue for grants to state and local entities and nonprofit organizations, 2863, 2864

      Resilience Advisory Committee, Nevada

             Authority to seek and accept, 1026

             Review of grants proposed by agencies of State, political subdivisions and tribal governments, duties, 1025

      Respite care, appropriations for grant programs, 2983

      Sagebrush ecosystems, protection, enhancement or restoration, bond issue for grant program, 2863, 2864


      Sexual assault

             Advisory Committee on Rights of Survivors of Sexual Assault, authority of Attorney General to seek funding for, 2848

             Victims’ advocates, grants to recruit and train, appropriation, 2852

      Silver State Opportunity Grant Program

             Award of grants, order of priority, 3964

             Credit hours required for eligibility, 3963, 3964

             General appropriations, 3345

      Special License Plates, Commission on, receipt of information from charitable organizations using special license plate fees to award grants, 206

      Springs Preserve Foundation, funding, 4014

      State Parks, Division of, authority to seek and accept, 3962

      Tahoe Douglas Visitor’s Authority, power to accept gifts and make and accept grants, 2362

      Teach Nevada Scholarship Program Account, appropriation, use, 2389, 2390

      Transportation, Department of, authority to accept, 237

      Tribal governments, authority of Attorney General to enter agreements to distribute grants following disasters, 3630

      Truckee River corridor improvements, bond issue for grants to state and local entities and nonprofit organizations, 2862

      Vehicles donated to nonprofit organization, procedures when title not obtained, 1447

      Water conservation and system improvements, bond issue to fund grant programs, 3315

      Water resource plan, grants for costs of development and maintenance, 1294, 1295


             Inventory, enhancement and restoration, bond issue for grants to state and local entities and nonprofit organizations, 2863, 2864

             Protection and enhancement pursuant to open space plan, bond issue for grants to counties and municipalities, 2863, 2864

      Wildfires, landscape projects to reduce threats, bond issue for grants to state and local entities and nonprofit organizations, 2863, 2864

      Wildlife Account, voluntary donation by purchase of resource enhancement stamps authorized, 761

      Wildlife habitats, protection and enhancement pursuant to open space plan, bond issue for grants to counties and municipalities, 2863, 2864


      Authority of optometrists to treat, 3646, 3647

      Certification by endorsement for optometrist to treat, requirements, 3637

      Regulations of Nevada State Board of Optometry, 3647


      Bargaining units, establishment, 3735, 3744

      Breastfeeding accommodations, filing of complaints regarding, 3727

      Budget, Governor’s authority, 3733

      Collective bargaining agreements

             Approval by State Board of Examiners required, duties, 3738

             Arbitration proceedings, 3739, 3740

             Conflict between agreement and laws, resolution, 3733

             Contents, requirements, 3732

             Data relevant and necessary to discussions, duty of Executive Department to provide, 3731, 3732

             Decisions and determinations of Board before October 1, 2019, deemed applicable, 3732, 3733

             Effectiveness of agreement, with or without approval of Legislature, 3738

             Emergencies, right of Executive Department to suspend agreement or take other action, 3731

             Exclusions from scope of mandatory bargaining, 3731

             Failure to reach new agreement, effect, 3738

             Matters outside scope of mandatory bargaining, authority of Executive Department, 3731

             Mediation, requests for, procedures, 3739

             Mutual obligations of entities, 3731

             Negotiations, procedures, 3738, 3739

             Period of effectiveness, 3738

             Programs for public employees, applicability of laws, 3728

             Representative to negotiate on behalf of Executive Department, designation, 3738

             Rights of employees, 3731

             State Personnel System, applicability of laws, 3728

             Supplemental bargaining, 3740, 3741

      Definitions, 3728-3730

      Exclusive representatives, general duties, 3737

      Grievances, procedures, 3732, 3733, 3737

      Legislative findings and declaration, 3730

      Open Meeting Law, exemptions, 3741

      Prohibited practices, enumeration, complaints regarding, 3733, 3734

      Sue or be sued, rights of entities, 3741

      Union dues or fees, restrictions on withholdings from salary by Executive Department, 3738


      Annual fee, charging and collecting from Executive Department, use of proceeds, 3730, 3731

      Complaints, duties, 2674, 2680, 3742

      Decisions and determinations made before October 1, 2019, deemed applicable, 3732, 3733

      Exclusive representatives of bargaining units, rule-making authority of Board, 3741, 3742

      Hearings, 3734

      Human Resource Management, Division of, submission of recommendations regarding bargaining units and job classifications, duties, procedures following, 3744

      Local Government Employee-Management Relations Board, redesignation, 3741


             Appointment, qualifications, 3741

             Status as civil officers, removal from office, 1566

      Prohibited practices, grievances, duties, 3733, 3734

      Salaries of unclassified staff, 3326


      Assistance in paying for natural gas and electricity, requirements, 3197, 3198

      Foreclosure sales, procedures, limitations, penalties and civil remedies, 3175-3177, 3182-3187

      Landlord and tenant

             Late rental payments

                   Retaliatory conduct by landlord, prohibited acts, 3189, 3190

                   Terms of rental agreement unenforceable, duty of landlord to accept late payments, authority to petition court for relief from provisions, 3188, 3189

                   Unlawful detainer, provisions inapplicable upon proof of protected status, 3178, 3179

             Notice to surrender, duty of landlord to allow employee to remain in premises upon request, authority to petition court for relief from provisions, 3178, 3188

             Summary eviction, provisions inapplicable to tenant who provides proof of protected status, 3181

      Manufactured home parks, prohibited acts by landlords

             Rental payments, late fees prohibited, 3191, 3193

             Termination of rental agreement for failure to pay rent prohibited upon proof of protected status, retaliatory action by landlord prohibited, 3194, 3195

      Repossession of vehicles, procedures, prohibited acts, penalties, civil remedies, 3195, 3196


      Deposit of proceeds, continuation of allocation, 2029

      Retired military vehicles, exemptions, 1323

      Schools, distribution of proceeds, 4197, 4250


      Appointments made by

             Apprenticeship Council, State, 2396-2398

             Athletic Commission, Nevada, Executive Director, 3901

             Autism Spectrum Disorders, Nevada Commission on, 3055, 3056, 3060

             Cannabis Advisory Commission, 3773, 3774

             Cannabis Compliance Board, 3776, 3777, 3893, 3894

             Collective bargaining, representative to negotiate on behalf of Executive Department, 3738

             College Savings Plans of Nevada, Board of Trustees, 3904, 3907

             Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Nevada Commission for Persons Who Are, 3044, 3046, 3048, 3049

             Dental Examiners of Nevada, Board of, 3204

             Early Childhood Advisory Council, Nevada, 48

             Education, Commission on Professional Standards in, 1046, 1047, 1060

             Employee Misclassification, Task Force on, 3157, 3166

             Environmental Health Specialists, Board of, 2116

             Financial Literacy Advisory Council, State, 1987

             Food Security, Council on, 689

             Government Employee-Management Relations Board, 3741

             HIV Exposure Modernization, Advisory Task Force on, 466, 467

             Homeland Security, Nevada Commission on, 1292

             Homelessness to Housing, Nevada Interagency Advisory Council on, 2108, 2110

             Homeopathic Medical Examiners, Nevada Board of, 3583, 3586

             Incident management assistance teams, emergency management, 1021, 1022

             Indigent Defense Services, Board on, 2881

             Indigent Defense Services, Department of, Executive Director, 2884

             Industrial insurance appeals officers, 1566, 1567

             Mentoring, Nevada Advisory Commission on, 4512

             New Americans, Office for, Director, 4361

             Outdoor Recreation, Advisory Board on, 3705

             Patient Protection Commission, 2810, 2811, 2816

             Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, removal of duty, 4030

             Post-Secondary Education for Homeless Pupils, Liaison for, 369

             Postsecondary Education, Commission on, 2457, 2458

             Psychological Examiners, Board of, 990

             Radiation Therapy and Radiologic Imaging Advisory Committee, 2723, 2743, 2744

             Regional behavioral health policy boards, 2045

             Removal of appointees to boards, commissions and similar bodies, authority, 1566

             School Funding, Commission on, 4206, 4252

             School safety, committee on statewide, 3232

             Sentencing Policy, Department of, Executive Director, 2872

             Status of appointees to boards, commissions and similar bodies, 1566

             Tahoe transportation district board of directors, 1156

      Athletic Commission, Nevada, transfer to Office of the Governor, 3901

      Authorized expenditures

             Approval of augmentations, 3143, 3144

             Generally, 3131

      Budget, authority regarding provision for employee compensation, 3733

      Buffalo Soldiers Day, proclamation, 1208

      Campaign contributions, solicitation or acceptance, applicability of time restrictions, 1652, 1653

      Cannabis Compliance Board, duties, 3776, 3777

      Chief Information Officer, duties, 781

      Cybersecurity Awareness Month, proclamation, 2463

      Deaf, Hard of Hearing or Speech Impaired, Nevada Commission for Persons Who Are, transfer to Aging and Disability Services Division, 3044

      Economic Development Office (See ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, OFFICE OF)

      Emergency or disaster, authority to allow out-of-state emergency medical and mental health services providers practice within State, 4156, 4157

      Energy, Office of (See ENERGY, OFFICE OF)

      Food Security, Council on, creation by statute, duties, 689, 690

      General appropriations for Office and Mansion, 3341

      General appropriations legislation, duties, 3350-3352, 3354-3356, 3360, 3361, 3364

      General authorized expenditures legislation, duties, 3143, 3144, 3147

      Greenhouse gas emissions, designation of entities to consult with State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, 1972

      Healthcare Decisions Day, proclamation, 35

      Homeless Pupils, Liaison for Post-Secondary Education for, duties, 369, 370

      Human organ donation organizations, receipt of information from Division of Public and Behavioral Health upon request, 2766

      Medicaid, appropriation, duties, 4018

      Minimum wage, publication of bulletin announcing adjusted rates, removal of constitutional mandate, 4631

      National Guard, authority to call into active service clarified, 2468

      Native Americans, State-tribal summit meetings, requirement, 3169

      Nevada Check-Up Program, appropriation, duties, 4018

      New Americans, Office for, creation, duties, 4361

      Optometry, Nevada State Board of, bond from Executive Director unnecessary, 3639

      Pardons Commissioners, State Board of, duties, 4613

      Patient Protection Commission, duties, 2810, 2811

      Post-Secondary Education for Homeless Pupils, Liaison for, duties, 369, 370

      Private Activity Bond Council, advisory powers and duties, 2431

      Public Employees’ Benefits Program, duties, 3147

      Reports, receipt

             Autism Spectrum Disorders, Nevada Commission on, 3056

             Conservation and Natural Resources, State Department of, 2865

             Cyber Defense Coordination, Nevada Office of, 2475

             Cybersecurity, vulnerabilities of agency information systems, 2575

             Disaster Identification Coordination Committee, State, 1068

             Early Childhood Advisory Council, Nevada, 49

             Energy efficiency measures for state agencies, statewide audit, 4628

             Energy, Office of, certain report eliminated, 1014, 1015

             Energy status, 1013, 1014

             Environmental Health Specialists, Board of, repeal of biennial report, 2124

             Financial Literacy Advisory Council, State, 1988

             Forester Firewarden, State, 740, 741

             Health care cost restraint, effect of laws on, elimination of report, 1013

             Hearing aids for uninsured children, program to provide, 3931

             HIV Exposure Modernization, Advisory Task Force on, 468

             Homelessness to Housing, Nevada Interagency Advisory Council on, 2109

             Housing Division, 3766

             Indian Commission, Nevada, 3169

             Indigent Defense Services, Department of, 2884

             Insurance, Commissioner of, 551, 552

             Patient Protection Commission, 2813

             Peace Officers’ Standards and Training Commission, 4462

             Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, 2692, 2693

             Rare Disease Advisory Council, 1478

             Resilience Advisory Committee, Nevada, 1026, 1027


                   Adult High School Diploma program, expenditures and performance results, 2376

                   Basic support guarantee, equity allocation model, repeal of report, 4253

                   Prekindergarten education programs, grants to support, 3983

                   Read by Grade 3 grant program, 2381, 4500

                   Statewide base per pupil funding, adjustment factors, 4201

             Sentencing Commission, Nevada, 2876, 4378, 4379

             State Public Defender, report repealed, 2888

             Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, 606, 607

             Veterans, health of, 2692, 2693

             Veterans Services, Department of, 2691

      Salary, payment, 3364


             Great Teaching and Leading Fund, duties, 2387

             Incentives for Licensed Educational Personnel, Grant Fund for, duties, 2389

             Other State Education Programs Account, duties, 2376

             Proposed executive budget, powers and duties, 4204-4206

             Pupil-Centered Funding Plan, implementation, receipt of recommendations, 4252

             State Distributive School Account, duties, 2371, 2372

             State Education Fund, duties, 4204, 4205

             Statewide base per pupil funding

                   Adjustment factors, receipt, 4201

                   Recommendations regarding funding, duties, 4205, 4206

             Statewide school safety, committee on, receipt of recommendations, 3232


      State Public Defender, removal of supervisory duties, 2887

      Supplemental appropriations, 3716, 3717

      Utility vulnerability assessments and emergency response plans, receipt of notices regarding compliance with laws, 2470


      "Protected site" defined, 971


      Taxation, Department of, release of certain records and files authorized, 118





      Costs of transportation-related pollution relative to highway funding needs, legislative study, 4635, 4636

      Reports regarding emissions, duties of State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, 1971, 1972


      Council on Food Security, representation, 689

      Defrauding proprietors, penalties, 4437

      Tax credits for investment in stores in underserved communities, establishment, 4363, 4364




      Abuse, neglect, exploitation, isolation or abandonment of older persons or vulnerable persons, authority to receive certain data or information, 3488, 3489



             Abuse, neglect, exploitation, isolation or abandonment of older persons or vulnerable persons, authority of court-appointed attorney to receive certain information, disclosure of information to court, requirements, 3488-3491

             Guardians of the person, reports to court, contents, authority of court to waive certain service requirement, 1242

             Hearing for appointment of guardian, attendance by proposed protected person, 1238, 1239

             Move or change in placement of protected person, notices to interested persons or court, exceptions, reports, 1240-1242

             Personal property, priority of claims to acquire, 1243

             Receipts or vouchers, production upon request of court, 1244

             Requests to nominate guardian, declaration by notary removed, 33, 420

             Sterilization of protected person, restrictions, procedures, 84, 85

             Successor guardians, appointment, procedures, 1235

             Temporary guardians, authority, court procedures, 1238

             Temporary substitute guardians, appointment, procedures, 1235

             Transfer to other health facility with less restrictive level of care, petitions, 1235, 1236

      High-risk behavior, orders for protection against, procedures, 3948, 3950-3952, 4170-4177

      Legal services to persons in proceedings, additional county recorder fee to support, 1246, 1247

      Mental health facilities, emergency admission of person in mental health crisis, notice to guardian, requirements, 354, 355, 2621


             Child in need of protection, rebuttable presumption that appointment of guardian as educational decision maker in child’s best interest, 257

             Commercial sexual exploitation of child, access to information maintained by child welfare services agency, restrictions, 1934

             Handle with Care Program (See also SCHOOLS, PUBLIC)

                   Law enforcement officer or employee, duty to notify if arrest of guardian made in presence of child, 3972

             Hearing for appointment of guardian, attendance by proposed protected minor, 1245

             Judicial Retirement System, resumption of benefits to adopted children of deceased members, procedures, 679

             Juvenile detention facilities, payment of costs for certain medical care, 1956

             Language and literacy skills of children less than 6 years of age

                   Criteria for use by guardians to evaluate the development of skills, requirements regarding, 3936, 3937, 3940

                   Written resource to be used by guardians to evaluate development of skills, 3937, 3938

            Legislators’ Retirement System, resumption of benefits to adopted children of deceased members, procedures, 679

             Medical marijuana registry identification cardholders, appointment as guardian, prohibited acts by court, 2758, 2760

             Mental health facilities, emergency admissions

                   Detention of minor for evaluation, observation and treatment, consent to admission unnecessary, 2619

                   Notice requirements, 2617, 2618

                   Person applying for emergency admission, duty to attempt to obtain consent before making application, maintenance of documentation of attempts, 2620

             Physical disabilities, persons with, appointment as guardian, prohibited acts by court, 2758, 2760

             Public Employees’ Retirement System, resumption of benefits to adopted children of deceased members, procedures, 679

             Rare Disease Advisory Council, representation, 1476

             School pupils (See also SCHOOL PUPILS)

                   Cyberbullying, reports of, extension of time to complete investigation, procedures, 1308

             Successor guardians, appointment, procedures, 1244

             Temporary substitute guardians, appointment, procedures, 1244, 1245

      Nomination of guardian, form to request, contents, 33, 420, 1731

      Power of attorney, effect of court’s appointment of guardian after execution of durable power of attorney, 2186

      Qualifications and suitability, considerations, 3841, 3845

      Sexual conduct with person in position of authority over alleged victim, rebuttable presumption of nonconsent, 1906

      TANF, provision of assistance to a fictive kin on behalf of child in certain circumstances, eligibility, 2434, 2435


      Criminal history disqualification from obtaining license

             Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2940

             List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2940

             Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2939, 2940

             Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

      Internet publication of requirements for obtaining license, 2940




      Factual innocence, petitions to establish, claim separate from state habeas claim, 2977

      Postconviction petitions challenging time served, filing requirements, procedures, 3008-3010


      Convictions, determination of status, criteria, 4441


      Deaths occurring in, reports, exemptions from investigations, penalties for violations, 1666-1671

      Discrimination, prohibited acts, required policies and notices, 1333, 1334

      Electronic records, duties, regulations, 1335

      Employees and agents, cultural competency training, requirements, 1334

      Licensing status and quality, publication of information, 1673, 1674

      Name of person receiving care, duties of facilities, regulations, 1335

      Patient safety officer, designation, duties, 1667, 1670

      Right to privacy, requirements, 1335

      Sentinel events defined to include deaths, reports, investigations, penalties for violations, 1666-1671


      Domestic violence, acts constituting, 1805

      High-risk protection orders, applications for, violations, 4177

      Orders for protection against harassment

             Extended orders

                   Dissolution or modification of order based on changed circumstances authorized, 2839

                   Time of authorized expiration extended, court to enter basis for extending order beyond one year, 2838, 2839

             Felony committed in violation of order, aggregation of sentences, 234

             Repository of Information Concerning Orders for Protection (See CRIMINAL HISTORY, RECORDS OF)

             Temporary orders, expiration, 1501

             Transmittal of information to Central Repository, requirements, 2838

      Schools, legislative study of bullying, cyber-bullying and discriminatory harassment, 3082, 3083

      Wildlife, prohibited acts involving, 450, 762


      Enhanced penalties, aggregation of sentences, 234

      Gender identity or expression of victim, certain defenses based on prohibited, 227

      Public safety personnel, crimes committed against spouse or child, additional penalty, 1462, 1463

      Sexual orientation of victim, certain defenses based on prohibited, 227


      Cancer as occupational disease, applicability to officers providing training concerning hazardous materials, 3429, 3430

      Radioactive plutonium, objection to transfer to Nevada expressed, 4619-4621

      Waste facilities, time period for permits increased, 1533

      Waste, remedies for certain violations, 3980


      2-1-1 information system

             Licensing status of medical facilities and related entities, inclusion of information, 251

             Veterans, service-connected disabilities and diseases, inclusion of information concerning, 2691

      Aging and Disability Services Division

             ABLE Savings Program, Nevada, duties transferred, 117

             Applied Behavior Analysis, Board of

                   Approval of Board required before performance by Division of certain duties, 2537, 2538, 2547-2550

                   Transfer of certain duties to or from Board, 2537-2551

             Autism Spectrum Disorders, Commission on (See AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS, NEVADA COMMISSION ON)

             Autism Treatment Assistance Program, duties, 3056


             Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Nevada Commission for Persons Who Are, transfer to Division, 3044

             Food Security, Council on, membership, 689

             Healthy Nevada, Fund for a, reallocation of certain money to Division for independent living programs, 3114

             Hearing aids, program for provision to certain children, duties, 3931, 3933, 3935

             Housing suitable for persons with disabilities or low income, reports, repeal of provisions, 832

             Impaired Speech or Hearing, Account for Services for Persons With, duties, 3935

             Interpreters and realtime captioning providers (See INTERPRETERS AND REALTIME CAPTIONING PROVIDERS, REGISTRATION)

             Jobs and day training services, duties, 392, 393, 2912, 2913

             Language and literacy skills of children who are deaf, hard of hearing, blind or visually impaired, receipt of certain recommendations, duties, reports, 3937-3939

             Long-Term Care Ombudsman, duties, jurisdiction, 264-267

             Meal programs for food-insecure aged persons, appropriation, 3456

             Mental illness or emotional disturbance, children with, program to prevent custody relinquishment or voluntary placement, representation on task force, 872

             Respite care grant programs, appropriations, 2983

             Supported living arrangement services, duties, 2912, 2913

             Vulnerable persons, abuse, neglect, exploitation, isolation or abandonment

                   Duties of Division, 3489-3491

                   Sheriff’s offices to designate point of contact for consultation and advice, 3483

      Assisted living facilities, grants to establish or expand facilities, allocations from Fund for a Healthy Nevada, 3114

      Asthma, drugs essential for treatment

             Compilation of list, reports concerning price, duties, 1465

             Education and prevention programs, duties, funding, 1466

      Authorized expenditures, 3134-3136

      Behavioral health situations, coordination of responses, duties of POST Commission, 4461

      Cannabidiol used in commodities or products intended for human consumption, testing and labeling, regulation, duties, 3874

      Capital improvements, funding, 3306, 3307, 3310

      Chief Medical Officer

             Disaster Identification Coordination Committee, State, membership, 1067

             Maternal Mortality Review Committee, collaboration, 42

             Overdoses, duties regarding reports of drug overdoses, 167

             Sickle cell disease and variants, system for reporting certain information on, establishment and maintenance, duties, 2158

      Child and Family Services Division

             Agency which provides child welfare services, duties as (See CHILD WELFARE SERVICES, AGENCIES WHICH PROVIDE)

             Child and Adolescent Services, appropriations, 2805

             Child welfare services, augmentation of money for, approval of Interim Finance Committee, 3146

             Commercially sexually exploited children, coordinator of services for

                   Appropriation for payment of costs of coordinator, 3077

                   Creation of position, employment or contract with, duties, 3075, 3077

             Domestic violence, biennial report to Legislature eliminated, 1011

             Fictitious address program, restrictions regarding records, 1800, 1801

             Foster care, study of programs to improve outcomes for persons who leave custody of agency upon reaching 18 years of age, appropriation, 2894

             Juvenile detention facilities

                   Appropriations for deferred maintenance, upgrades and operational costs, 2805

                   Juvenile court, placement of child in Division facilities, authority to order support payments from parent or guardian repealed, 1970

                   Superintendents, salaries, 3328

             Mental illness or emotional disturbance, children with, program to prevent custody relinquishment or voluntary placement, representation on task force, administration of laws, 872, 874

      Child Care and Development, Program for, duties, 2420, 2421

      Childhood cancer, special license plates to increase awareness, receipt and use of certain fees, 1480

      Children’s Health Insurance Program, prescription drug coverage, powers and duties, 4027-4029

      Consumer Health Assistance, Office for (See CONSUMER HEALTH ASSISTANCE, OFFICE FOR)


             Family planning services and Account for Family Planning, duties, 1505-1508

             Food for People, Not Landfills Program, duties, 691

             Food Security, Council on, membership, duties, receipt of reports, 689-691

             Homelessness to Housing, Nevada Interagency Advisory Council on, member, 2108

             Maternal Mortality Review Committee, powers and duties, 41, 42

            Mental illness or emotional disturbance, children with, program to prevent custody relinquishment or voluntary placement, establishment of task force to develop, duties, 872, 873

             Missing children, removal of duty to provide information to State Disaster Identification Team, 1079

             Patient Protection Commission, member, 2810

             Rare Disease Advisory Council, duties, 1476, 1480

             Salary, 3328

             Silver State Scripts Board, appointment, duties, 4030, 4032

             TANF, provision of assistance to a fictive kin on behalf of child in certain circumstances, duties, 2434, 2435

             Veterans Services, Department of, receipt of reports, 2691

      Disaster Identification Coordination Committee, State, membership, 1067

      Education, Department of, development of suicide, crisis or emergency model management plan, collaboration, 2622

      Emergency medical services, payments to out-of-network providers, duties, receipt of reports, 325, 326

      Emergency or disaster, plan to address behavioral health needs during, duties, 591


             Unclassified service, salaries, duties, 3328, 3329, 3339

             Vulnerable persons abused, neglected, exploited, isolated or abandoned, duty to report, 3485-3487

      Food for People, Not Landfills Program, establishment, 691

      Food Security, Council on, provision of administrative support, 690

      Foster care, federal financial participation, duties, 2894

      General appropriations

             Enumeration, 3345-3347

             Powers and duties regarding certain money, 3354-3356

      Health care costs restraint, effect of laws on, biennial report eliminated, 1013

      Health Care Financing and Policy, Division of

             Autism Spectrum Disorders, Nevada Commission on, reports to Division, 3055

             Hospital Care to Indigent Persons, Fund for, use to offset certain state share program losses, 2432, 2433

             Medicaid (See also MEDICAID)

                   Diabetes, dental care for certain persons, duties, reports, 2417-2419

                   Tenancy support services, duties, 3106

             Mental illness or emotional disturbance, children with, program to prevent custody relinquishment or voluntary placement, representation on task force, 872

             Nevada Check-Up (See NEVADA CHECK-UP PROGRAM)

      Healthy Nevada, Fund for a, certain allocations to be used for grants to establish or expand assisted living facilities, 3114

      Hearing devices for children, program to negotiate discounts and rebates authorized, participants, 3930, 3931

      Hemp used in commodities or products intended for human consumption, regulation, duties, 2355, 2358, 3874

      High-interest loan businesses, distribution of information regarding public assistance, consultation, 943

      HIV Exposure Modernization, Advisory Task Force on, provision of staff, 467

      Homelessness to Housing, Nevada Interagency Advisory Council on, administrative support, 2109

      Housing Crisis Response System, Nevada, creation, duties, 833-835

      Maternal Mortality Review Committee, creation, duties, 41-44, 46

      Medicaid (See MEDICAID)

      Medical marijuana establishments, regulation, 2358

      Mental health services, certain authority of accredited agents of Department removed, 351, 352, 356

      Mental illness or emotional disturbance, children with, program to prevent custody relinquishment or voluntary placement, regulations, reports, 873, 874

      Palliative Care and Quality of Life, State of Nevada Advisory Council on, membership of Chair on Rare Disease Advisory Council, 1476

      POST Commission, review of certain grant applications, consultation, 4461

      Prisoners in jail or detention facility, coordination of care, applicability of laws, 2198

      Prostitution, law enforcement agencies providing information regarding and opportunities for connecting with social service agencies, assistance, 1911

      Psychological Examiners, Board of, assistance by Department, 991

      Public and Behavioral Health, Division of


                   Food Security, Council on, representation, 689

                   Radiation Therapy and Radiologic Imaging Advisory Committee, duties, 2723

                   Regional behavioral health policy boards, appointments, duties, 2045

                   Salary, 3329

             Alcohol or drug abuse treatment, facilities and programs, duties, 1673, 1674, 1677, 1680

             Anatomical gifts, certification of certain organizations, duties, receipt of reports, 2765, 2766

             Annual physical examinations of children, information regarding, duties, 1478

             Behavioral health situations, coordination of responses, duties of POST Commission, 4461

             Community-based living arrangement services, duties, 250, 1779, 2910, 2911

             Community Health Services system, appropriation, 3719

             Computer hardware and software, appropriations, 3718, 3719

             Deaths occurring in health facilities, reporting of as sentinel event, 1666-1671

             Dental Health Officer, State, reports regarding dental therapy, duties, 3222

             Detoxification technicians, duties, 2930, 2931

             Diapering Resources Account, duties, 3042, 3043

             Diet ordered or prescribed for patients in medical facilities, receipt of compliance, enforcement authority, 1111, 1115-1117

             Domestic violence, treatment programs for perpetrators, duties, 4465

             Emergency medical services personnel, licensure or certification (See EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES)

             Family Planning, Account for, transfer of oversight, 1505

             Group housing arrangements for certain persons, duties, 407

             Human organs, certification of certain organizations, duties, receipt of reports, 2765, 2766

             Indirect cost rate revenue, supplemental appropriation, 3717

             Infants, testing for preventable or inheritable disorders

                   Duties, 812, 813

                   Priority in contracting with laboratory, repeal, 813

             Intermediary service organizations, duties, 2915, 2916, 4346

             Medicaid, dental care for certain persons, duties, reports, 2417-2419

             Medical facilities and related entities, generally

                   Discrimination against patients or residents

                          Complaints regarding discrimination, notice and contact information for Division, posting, 1334

                          Penalties for violations, 1340


                   Out-of-state facilities providing educational services to state residents, cooperative agreements, regulations regarding reimbursements, 3111, 3112

                   Patient safety and sentinel events, duties, reports, 1668-1671

                   Sentinel events, reports of, duties, 1668

                   Workplace safety, regulations, duties, 3678-3680

             Medical laboratories (See MEDICAL LABORATORIES)

             Medical use of cannabis

                   Chronic or debilitating medical condition, inclusion of particular disease or condition, procedures, regulations, 3832

                   Registry identification cards and letters of approval, duties, prohibited acts, confidentiality and authorized release of certain information, 3816-3822, 3832, 3833

             Mental health services

                   Children with mental illness or emotional disturbance, program to prevent custody relinquishment or voluntary placement, representation task force, 872

                   Emergency admissions to hospitals or facilities

                          Accredited agents of Division, authority, regulation by State Board of Health, 352

                          Medical examinations of persons before admission, regulatory authority removed, 353

                          Receipt of reports from hospitals and facilities, regulation, 348

                   Facilities, appropriations, 3306, 3307, 3719

                   Prisoners in jail or detention facility, coordination of care, applicability of laws, 2198

                   Psychiatric hospitals, endorsements as crisis stabilization centers, powers and duties, 1918

                   Rural clinics, appropriation for additional mental health counselors, 3360

             Radiation control, duties, 2709

             Radiation machines, registration, 2708

             Radiation Therapy and Radiologic Imaging Advisory Committee, duties, 2723

             Radiation therapy and radiologic imaging personnel, duties, 2722-2732, 2929, 2930

             Rare Disease Advisory Council, representation, duties, 1476

             Rural clinics, appropriation for additional mental health counselors, 3360

             Sexual assault or attempted sexual assault victims, document of information and available services, development, duties, 335

             Sickle cell disease and variants

                   Abstracts from records of health care facilities, duties, reports, 2159, 2160

                   Screenings, duties, 2161

             Trauma treatment centers, approval procedures, duties, 4039, 4040


                   Annual report concerning health of veterans in State, duties, 2692, 2693

                   Department of Veterans Services, receipt of reports, 2690

                   Health care providers, continuing education courses and information concerning health of veterans, duties, 2692, 2693

      Rare Disease Advisory Council, creation, duties, reports, 1476-1478, 1480

      School safety, committee on statewide, representation, 3232

      Severe functional disabilities assistance program, report to Legislature eliminated, 1012, 1013

      Sickle cell disease and variants, list of nonprescription supplements, duties, 2167

      State Public Defender, Office of (See STATE PUBLIC DEFENDER)

      Suicide Prevention, Statewide Program for, duties, 3107

      Tobacco prevention and control programs, appropriation, 3598

      Victims of crime

             Fund for the Compensation of Victims of Crime, transfer of duties regarding, 4147-4151

             State Plan for Services for Victims of Crime, development, duties, 4146-4149, 4152, 4153

      Welfare and Supportive Services, Division of

             Child support enforcement, duties, 390, 391, 1495-1497, 3722

             Child Support Enforcement Modernization system, funding, 2796

             Computer hardware and software, funding, 2796, 2797

             Energy assistance program, eligibility of federal, tribal or state worker during period of government shutdown, regulation, 3197, 3198

             Food Security, Council on, representation, 689

             Furniture, funding, 2797

             Medicaid, analysis of coverage of children, funding, 3427, 3428


      Definition, short-term health insurance policies excluded from definition, 1427, 1430

      Fraternal benefit societies, duties, prohibited acts, 305

      Group and blanket health insurers, duties, prohibited acts, 301

      Health maintenance organizations, duties, prohibited acts, 308, 309

      Hospital, medical or dental service, nonprofit corporations for, duties, prohibited acts, 305, 306

      Individual health insurers, duties, prohibited acts, 298, 299

      Managed care organizations, duties, prohibited acts, 313

      Minimum wage determination, required health benefits, 536, 537

      Nevada Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association, limitations on obligations as to health insurance, 1094

      Nonprofit plans, prescription drugs, use of list of preferred prescription drugs developed for Medicaid as formulary, authority to obtain drugs through purchasing agreements, 4028, 4032

      Prepaid limited health service organizations, duties, prohibited acts, 312, 313

      Silver State Health Insurance Exchange

             Notice to consumers of eligibility for financial assistance on Exchange, duties of certain carriers, 1428, 1429

             Plans not purchased on Exchange, certain requirements removed, 1440

      Small employers, health insurers for, duties, prohibited acts, 302-305


      Authorized expenditures, 3146


HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS (See also specific professions)

      Annual physical examinations of children, information regarding, duties of Division of Public and Behavioral Health, 1478

      Cannabis, medical use of, professional licensing board not to take disciplinary action against provider, when, 3829, 3830

      Dementia, assessments conducted by residential facilities for groups, procedures following, 2594

      Disaster Identification Coordination Committee, State, notice to providers of certain requirements, 414.280

      Disasters, reports of injuries treated during, duties, immunity from liability, 1079

      Drug overdoses, reports, duties, 166, 167

      Emergency medical services provided by out-of-network providers, payment for services, requirements, arbitration of disputes, reports, 320-326

      Emergency or disaster, Governor authorized to allow out-of-state emergency medical services providers practice within State, 4156, 4157

      Health carriers

             Access to services and discounts of provider pursuant to provider network contract, requirements, prohibited acts, 1601-1605

             Denial of application to be included in network of providers, use of form letter, duties, 551

             Network plans, health carriers offering, provision of certain contact information and annual reports to Office of Consumer Health Assistance, 297, 298

      Industrial insurance (See INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE)

      Lead levels in children, blood testing, duties, 3042

      Maternal Mortality Review Committee, representation, 41

      Mental health services, disclosure of consumer records to health care providers, 363, 367

      Nevada Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association, coverage, 1084

      Patient Protection Commission, representation, 2810

      Privacy of information collected by operators of Internet websites or online services, exemptions from notice requirements, 1172

      Public health emergencies, reports of illnesses treated during, duties, immunity from liability, 1079

      Residential facilities for groups, physical examination and assessment of condition and needs of residents, requirements, 2594

      Sexual assault forensic evidence (SAFE) kits, duties of medical providers, 2842, 2848

      Sexual conduct with person in position of authority over alleged victim, rebuttable presumption of nonconsent, 1906

      Sickle cell disease and variants, duty to report case information, 2159

      Supported decision-making agreements, reliance on, requirements, 463

      Volunteers during emergencies, expedited provisional registration, procedures, 209, 210



      Asthma, drugs essential for treatment

             Compilation of list, reports concerning price, 1465

             Education and prevention programs, funding, 1466

      Emergency medical services, payment for services

             Applicability of laws, 321

             Definitions, 320, 321

             Local governmental and state agencies, authority to opt into provisions of law, Internet publication of list, regulation, 325

             Out-of-network emergency facility providing services to covered person, duty to notify third party, requirements, payment for services, 321, 322

             Out-of-network providers other than facilities, payment for services

                   Acceptance or rejection of amount as payment in full, procedures following rejection, 323-325

                   Arbitrators, selection, decisions, reports, 324-326

                   Collecting amount exceeding that required for such services by in-network providers prohibited, 321

                   Provider contract with third party within 12 months immediately preceding date services rendered, effect of termination of contract, 322, 323

      Legislative Committee on Health Care

             Meetings, 3129

             Review of regulations, duties

                   Community-based living arrangement services, duties removed, 247

                   Radiation therapy and radiologic imaging, 2704




      Business impact statements, applicability of laws to health districts, procedures, 886, 887

      Death, certified copy of record, fee for support of county coroner’s office, 4166, 4167

      Decedents, coroner’s reports of certain tests for communicable diseases, receipt, 4163

      Disaster Identification Coordination Committee, State, representation, 1067

      Emergency medical services personnel, licensure or certification (See EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES)

      Food Security, Council on, representation, 689

      Lead, receipt of reports of blood tests of certain children, 3042

      Trauma treatment centers, approval procedures, duties, 4039, 4040


      Annual statements, 1719

      Capital, requirements, 1717, 1718

      Certificate of authority, grounds for suspension or revocation, 311, 1103, 2173, 2174

      Children’s Health Insurance Program

             Crisis stabilization services, negotiation with psychiatric hospitals to become network providers, 1926

             Prescription drugs

                   Contracts with Department of Health and Human Services authorized, requirements, 4027, 4028

                   Purchasing agreements, requirements, reports, 4028, 4029

      Examination by Commissioner of Insurance, payment of expenses, 1686, 1720

      Genetic information, prohibited use, duplicative provisions repealed, 310

      Health benefit plans (See also HEALTH BENEFIT PLANS)

             Genetic information, prohibited adjustment of premium, deductible, copay or coinsurance, 308

             Health status, effect on offering or issuing plan, benefits, enrollment or renewal, requirements, prohibited acts, 308

             Wellness program that reduces premium, deductible or copayment based on health status, authority to include, requirements, 308, 309

      Health care providers

             Access to services and discounts of provider pursuant to provider network contract, requirements, prohibited acts, 1601-1605

             Crisis stabilization services, negotiation with psychiatric hospitals to become network providers, 1926

             Denial of application to be included in network of providers, use of form letter, duties, 551

             Network plans, health carriers offering, provision of certain contact information and annual reports to Office of Consumer Health Assistance, 297, 298

      Hearing devices for children, participation in program to negotiate discounts and rebates authorized, 3930, 3931

      Insolvency, duty to take certain measures to continue coverage for enrollees repealed, 1110

      Maternity care coverage, prohibited discrimination, 1007, 1008


             Crisis stabilization services, negotiation with psychiatric hospitals to become network providers, 1926

             Dental care for certain persons with diabetes, duties, 2418, 2419

             Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, coverage requirements, 541-543

             Managed care services to recipients, applicability of laws, 309, 1007, 2173

             Prescription drug coverage, contracts for payments and rebates, requirements, 4027, 4028

      Nevada Life and Health Guaranty Association, membership, requirements, applicability of laws, 1087-1090, 1101, 1103-1106, 1110

      Portability and accountability laws, applicability, 1718

      Preexisting conditions, certain duplicative provisions repealed, 310

      Prescription drugs (See also PRESCRIPTIONS)

             Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program, contracts for payments and rebates, requirements, 4027, 4028

             Sickle cell disease and variants, coverage requirements, 2172, 2173

      Quarterly statements, 1690, 1691, 1719

      Rate filings, Commissioner of Insurance authorized to assess fee to review, 1704, 1705

      Rates and service organizations, applicability of laws, 1718

      Reciprocal licensure, authorization, 1433

      Sickle cell disease and variants, coverage requirements, 2172, 2173


      Diapers and diapering supplies, provision to public assistance recipients and low-income families, funding, 3042, 3043

      Family home visiting system, support to new parents based on certain risk factors, study, 880

      Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, Medicaid coverage, requirements, 541-543

      Lead levels, blood tests, 3042

      Maternal Mortality Review Committee, creation, duties, 41-44, 46

      Maternity care, prohibited discrimination by insurers, 1005-1009

      Sickle cell disease and sickle cell trait, screening for, requirements, regulation, 2161

      Testing of infants for preventable or inheritable disorders, requirements, 813


      Dementia, facilities providing care for persons with severe dementia, adoption of regulations, 2595

      Diapering Resources Account, creation, regulations, 3042

      Dietitians (See DIETITIANS)

      Employment agencies contracting with persons to provide nonmedical services related to personal care, license requirements clarified, 248

      Family Planning, Account for, regulations, 1508

      Infants, testing for preventable or inheritable disorders, regulations, 812, 813

      Lead, receipt of reports of blood tests of certain children, 3042

      Medical facilities and related entities

             Community-based living arrangement services, regulations, 2149, 2152

             Criminal history disqualification for license, petitions for, procedures, regulation, 2917

             Cultural competency training for agents and employees, regulations, 1334, 1681, 1682

             Discrimination, prohibited types, regulation, 1333, 1336

             Gender identity or expression, patients and residents to be addressed by preferred name and pronoun, electronic records to reflect diverse identities or expressions, regulation, 1335

             Group housing arrangements for certain persons, businesses providing referrals to, duties, 406

             Off-campus locations of hospitals, regulations, 4034

      Members, status as civil officers, removal from office, 1566

      Mental health services

             Discharge of person admitted to facility or hospital, adoption of plan, 348

             Emergency admissions to hospitals or facilities

                   Accredited agents of Division of Public and Behavioral Health, regulation, 352

                   Medical examinations of persons before admission, regulation, 353

                   Reports to Division of Public and Behavioral Health, regulation, 348

             Medications, procedures for involuntary administration, regulation, 347

             Nonemergency secure behavioral health transport services, regulation, 1923, 1924

      Music therapists (See MUSIC THERAPISTS)

      Nontransplant anatomical donation organizations, establishment of standards and guidelines, regulations, duties, 2765, 2766

      Patient diets, regulations, duties, 1112

      Radiation Therapy and Radiologic Imaging Advisory Committee, recommendations, 2723

      Radiation therapy and radiologic imaging personnel, regulation, 2723, 2724

      Sickle cell disease and variants, information to be reported by certain facilities, regulation, adoption of fee schedule, 2159

      Sickle cell trait, testing of infants for, regulation, 2161

      Sunset Subcommittee of Legislative Commission

             Criminal history disqualification petitions, review of decisions, 2904, 2905

             Study of professional and occupational licensing boards, 4629, 4630


      Designation, 35


      Discounts and rebates for hearing devices for children, program to negotiate, authority to establish, 3930, 3931

      Indigent children, development of program to provide hearing aids to, funding, 3931, 3935

      Sales by catalog, mail or Internet, authority of physician assistant to sign statement, 148, 149

      Speech-Language Pathology, Audiology and Hearing Aid Dispensing Board (See PROFESSIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL REGULATORY BODIES)



      Fee for cleanup of discharges, liability for nonpayment, 1571


      Mopeds and trimobiles, protective headgear requirement, 3104


      Advanced practice registered nurses, determinations, acceptance for purposes of exemption from DUI blood test, 501


      Cannabis Compliance Board, consultations, regulations, 3778, 3780

      Definition, 2352, 2583

      Exemptions from laws, 2583, 2584

      Growers, handlers and producers

             Agricultural hemp seed, requirements for obtaining, 2587

             Certification and registration of sites required, 2583

             Commodities or products intended for human consumption, testing and labeling, regulation, 3874

             Detention, seizure or embargo of crop, grounds, procedures, 2588

             Fines for violations, 2586, 2588

             Handlers, restrictions on obtaining hemp, 2587

             Records of growers and handlers, requirements, 2586

             Registration (See also PROFESSIONS AND OCCUPATIONS, LICENSING)

                   Contents of application, 2584

                   Criminal history disqualification

                          Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2949

                          List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2949

                          Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2948, 2949

                          Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

                   Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2949

                   Renewal, 2584, 2588

                   Surrender or nonrenewal, procedures, 2584

                   Suspension or revocation, 2586

                   Transfer, regulation, 2584, 2585

             Testing of crops

                   Cannabis independent testing laboratory, submission of crop to, regulation, 3883, 3884

                   Crop failing test, authority to resubmit crop, regulations, 2354

                   Exemptions from requirements, 2353, 3883

                   Independent testing laboratories, submission of crop to, requirements, 2353, 2354, 2587

                   Submission of sample before harvesting, procedures, effect of crop being harvested before testing completed, 2354, 2587, 2588

      Redesignation of industrial hemp as "hemp,” 2352, 2583

      Research, repeal of provisions relating to, 2593

      Sites for growing, handling or producing, certification and registration, 2583

      Unregistered activities, penalty, reports to law enforcement agency, 2588, 2589


      Charter amendments

             Beginning dates of certain terms of office, 3554, 3555

             Canvass of election returns, time for completion, 4136

             Conduct of elections, applicability of state laws, 4135

             Continuation of certain officers, 3551

             Council members, election by voters of ward represented, ballot question, 2178-2182

             Dates of holding elections, 3553

             Mayor and Council, election, terms, 3554

             Mayor pro tem, acting as Mayor during vacancy in office, 3552

             Municipal Judges, election, terms, 3554, 3555

      Homelessness, working group to reduce, creation, duties, reports, 2042

      Police Department, sales taxes for additional officers

             Reporting requirements, penalties for violations, 4189-4191

             Sunsets removed, 4192



      Acts constituting high-risk behavior, 4171, 4172

      Application for order, 4172

      Arrest of adverse party for violation of orders, procedures, 4175, 4176

      Assistance to parties in filing application, receipt of information and copies,  4175

      Attorney General, transmittal of information to, 4176, 4177

      Central Repository, transmittal of information to, procedure for removal of information, 4173, 4176-4178

      Contents of orders, 4173

      Court clerks, duties, 4173, 4175

      Crime committed in violation of order, additional penalty, 4178

      Definitions, 4170, 4171

      Dissolution of orders, procedures, 4176

      Enforcement of orders, 4175

      Ex parte orders, issuance, 3948, 3950-3952, 4172, 4173

      Expiration of orders, 4176

      Extended orders, issuance, 3950, 3951, 4173

      False or misleading applications, penalty, 4177

      Firearms, procedures for surrender, return of surrendered or seized firearms, 4174, 4175

      Hearings, requirements, 3952, 4172, 4173

      Justice courts, jurisdiction, availability for issuance of ex parte orders, 3948, 3950, 3951, 4173

      Persons who may apply for order, 4172

      Renewal of extended orders, 4176

      Service of order, requirements, 4175

      Violations of order, penalties, 4177, 4198


      Authorized expenditures, 3138


             Nevada Threat Analysis Center Advisory Committee, member, 161

             Salary, 3330

      Computers, appropriations, 2801

      Dignitary protection services, supplemental appropriation, 1682

      Gasoline costs, supplemental appropriation, 1683

      General appropriations, 3349, 3350

      Lieutenant Colonel, salary, 3330

      Patrol vehicles and motorcycles, appropriations, 2804

      Personnel (See PEACE OFFICERS)

      Radio equipment, appropriations, 2801


      Construction or improvement

             Electric vehicles, study of options for contributions to highway funding, 4635, 4636

             Prevailing wage laws, compliance requirements for state highway projects, 717

             Retention amounts by Department of Transportation, requirements, 151-153

      Disabilities, persons with, cities authorized to install and maintain ramps on certain public easements and rights-of-way, 569, 570

      Northwestern Nevada, reports by counties regarding growth issues, 799

      Prevention or obstruction of free passage, acts constituting nuisance, 2579, 2580

      Purple Heart Highway, designation, marking, 237

      Rules of the road (See TRAFFIC CONTROL)

      Trap setting near highway or road, restriction inapplicable to Department of Wildlife employees, 763

      Trick driving displays, prohibited acts, penalties, 684, 686

      Vehicle miles traveled, pilot data program, requirements, procedures, 2999-3006

      Video service providers

             Franchise fee, in lieu of recurring rental charge, 193

             Political subdivisions and providers, powers and duties, 191, 192


      Bond issue for preservation purposes, 2862, 3315

      Historic neighborhoods, designation, procedures, 968, 969

      Nevada Main Street Program, appropriation, 2893

      Passport program for historical sites, creation, appropriation, 3723, 3724

      State lands, penalties for theft or vandalism of sites or resources, 586

      State Register of Historic Places, inclusion of landmarks, procedures, 973

      Technical advisory program for preservation of certain buildings and structures, establishment, appropriation, 3899, 3900



      Advisory Task Force on HIV Exposure Modernization, creation, duties, 466-468

      Medical facilities and related entities, discrimination against person based on HIV status, prohibited acts, duties, 1333-1335

      Medical marijuana, "chronic or debilitating medical condition" defined to include related medical conditions, 1619

      Sexual assault perpetrators, time for performing test, requirements, 1915


      Buffalo Soldiers Day, designation, 1208

      Cybersecurity Awareness Month, designation, 2463

      Healthcare Decisions Day, designation, 35


      Advanced practice registered nurses, authority to order, 147

      Physician assistants, authority to order, 147, 148


      Domestic violence, acts constituting, 1805

      Elements of offense, penalty, 4427

      Sealing records of criminal proceedings, prohibitions, 4406


      Reports and other documents, time for submission to Interim Finance Committee, 1363, 1364


      Cybersecurity (See CYBERSECURITY)

      Nevada Threat Analysis Center and Nevada Threat Analysis Center Advisory Committee, creation, 160-162

      Political subdivisions, review and revision of emergency response plans, duties, notice of compliance, receipt of guide, 2465, 2466, 2470

      Resilience Advisory Committee, Nevada, creation, duties, 1023-1027


      Emergency Management, Division of, receipt of reports, 602


             Nevada Broadcasters Association President and CEO, ex officio member, 1292

             Status as civil officers, removal from office, 1566

      Resilience Advisory Committee, Nevada, receipt of recommendations and reports, 1025-1027


      Birth certificates, child or youth entitled to free certified copy, laws clarified, certain persons authorized to assist in obtaining, 4506, 4507

      Clark County, working group to reduce homelessness, creation, duties, reports, 2042

      Driver’s licenses, waiver of certain fees for person under age 25, requirements, 4503, 4505

      Homeless youths, funding to reduce number, legislative declaration, 255

      Housing Crisis Response System, Nevada, creation, duties, 833-835

      Identification cards, waiver of certain fees for persons under age 25, 4505

      Interagency Advisory Council on Homelessness to Housing, membership, 2109

      Legislative findings and declarations, 255, 2041, 2042

      Pupils in public or charter schools

             Birth certificates, persons authorized to obtain certified copy free of charge, 4506, 4507

             Credits for coursework or course of study, determination of amount to award and accept, procedures, 1162

             High school diploma, award to pupil who transfers to school while enrolled in grade 11 or grade 12, requirements, 1163

             Identification, procedures for, review and adjustment of academic plans, 1161

             Immediate enrollment in charter schools required, 2070

             Liaison for Post-Secondary Education for Homeless Pupils, creation of position, duties, 369-371

             Suicide, pupils at high risk of

                   Crisis, emergency or suicide model management plan, contents, 1765

                   Grades 7-12, adoption of suicide prevention policy, requirements, 1761, 1762

      Sales and use tax, authority of counties to impose for programs to reduce homelessness, procedures, reports, 3261-3263


      Administrative support, 2109

      Collaboration, duties of state and local agencies, 2109

      Composition, 2108-2110

      Creation, 2108

      Meetings, 2108

      Powers and duties, generally, 2109

      Reports, 2109


      Board of Homeopathic Medical Examiners (See also PROFESSIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL REGULATORY BODIES)

             Homeopathic assistants, regulation, 2734

             Name change, 3583

             Number of members, 3583

             President, voting rights, 3584

             Qualifications of members, 3583, 3584

             Sunset Subcommittee of Legislative Commission

                   Criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, review, recommendations, 2904, 2905

                   Reports to, duties, 3586

                   Study of professional and occupational licensing boards, 4629, 4630

             Terms of members, expiration, 3586

      Commercial sexual exploitation of child, duty to report, 1932

      Health care providers, generally (See HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS)

      Licenses or certificates

             Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257, 4271-4273

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256

             Fees, 3584, 3585

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

             Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278

      Professional entities, prohibited acts by licensed persons in, 1392



      Complaints to Ombudsman, instructions for making complaint, posting, penalty for violations, 267

      Deaths occurring in, reports, exemptions from investigations, penalties for violations, 1666-1671

      Discrimination, prohibited acts, required policies and notices, 1333, 1334

      Electronic records, duties, regulations, 1335

      Employees or agents

             Cultural competency training, requirements, 1334, 1681, 1682

             Standards for and minimum competencies, study, 253, 254

      Gender identity or expression of persons receiving care, duties, regulation, 1333-1336


             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2916, 2917

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2916

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2916

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial, suspension or revocation, grounds, 1339

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2916

      Name of person receiving care, duties of facilities, regulations, 1335

      Patient safety officer, designation, duties, 1667, 1670

      Privacy of residents receiving care, duties, 1335

      Sentinel events defined to include deaths, reports, investigations, penalties for violations, 1666-1671


      Charter schools, count of pupils for apportionment purposes, 4232


      Execution against homestead, sum paid to defendant or spouse to possess all protections original homestead possessed, 1851

      Exemption from execution

             Increase in amount, 279, 284, 287, 291

             Proceeds from sale of homestead, requirements for exemption, 1851


      First responders, stress-related injury or disease, industrial insurance compensation, 1901, 1902

      Interrogation of persons in custody, policies regarding electronic recording, requirements, 794, 795


      Game mammals or birds, unlawful to harass with horse, 762


      Deaths occurring in, reports, exemptions from investigations, penalties for violations, 1666-1671

      Diet ordered or prescribed for patients, duty to provide, documentation required, penalties for violations, 1111, 1115-1117

      Patient safety officer, designation, duties, 1667, 1670

      Prescriptions issued for pain management, exemption from certain requirements, informed consent requirements for issuance of initial prescription, 2136

      Sentinel events defined to include deaths, reports, investigations, penalties for violations, 1666-1671


      Adoption of children, duplicative provisions repealed, 307

      Annual statements, 1717

      Capital, requirements, 1716, 1717

      Examination by Commissioner of Insurance, payment of expenses, 1686, 1717

      Genetic information, prohibited use, duplicative provisions repealed, 308

      Health benefit plans (See also HEALTH BENEFIT PLANS)

             Genetic information, prohibited adjustment of premium, deductible, copay or coinsurance, 306

             Health status, effect on offering or issuing plan, benefits, enrollment or renewal, requirements, prohibited acts, 305, 306

             List of preferred drugs developed by Department of Health and Human Services, use authorized, 4032

             Wellness program that reduces premium, deductible or copayment based on health status, authority to include, requirements, 306

      Health care providers

             Access to services and discounts of provider pursuant to provider network contract, requirements, prohibited acts, 1601-1605

             Denial of application to be included in network of providers, use of form letter, duties, 551

             Network plans, health carriers offering, provision of certain contact information and annual reports to Office of Consumer Health Assistance, 297, 298

      Hearing devices for children, participation in program to negotiate discounts and rebates authorized, 3930, 3931

      Insolvency, duty to take certain measures to continue coverage for insureds repealed, 1110

      Maternity care coverage, prohibited discrimination, 1006

      Preexisting conditions, certain provisions repealed, 307

      Prescription drugs (See also PRESCRIPTIONS)

             Sickle cell disease and variants, coverage requirements, 2172

      Quarterly statements, 1690, 1691, 1717

      Rate filings, Commissioner of Insurance authorized to assess fee to review, 1704, 1705

      Reciprocal licensure, authorization, 1433

      Sickle cell disease and variants, coverage requirements, 2172


      Food Security, Council on, representation, 689

      Joint labor-management programs of workforce training, county sales and use tax to support, procedures, reports, 3261-3263


      2-1-1 information system to include information concerning licensing status, requirements, 251

      Advanced practice registered nurses, admission to medical staff authorized, prohibited acts, 1398

      Caregiver to whom hospital provides instructions concerning aftercare, duty to provide notice to patients of right to designate, 537, 538


             Commercial sexual exploitation of child, duty to report, 1932

             Lead levels in children, duties regarding blood testing, reports, 3042

             Out-of-state facilities providing educational services to state residents, reimbursements to

                   Amount of reimbursement, determination, 3110, 3111, 4213, 4214

                   Audits of facilities receiving reimbursements, regulation, appropriation, 3111, 3112

                   Educational records, transfer, regulation, 3110, 3111

                   Pupils with disabilities, requirements, regulation, 3111

                   Requests for reimbursement, authority, procedures, 3110

      Complaints and grievances, duty to notify patients of rights and to provide certain information, 537, 538

      County hospital districts (See also DISTRICTS)

             Appointment of members of governing bodies, authority of county commissioners, procedures, 742-744

             Purchasing, authority, 3581, 3582

      County hospitals, purchasing, authority, 3579-3581

      Crisis stabilization centers (See Psychiatric hospitals, this heading)

      Deaths occurring in, reports, exemptions from investigations, penalties for violations, 1666-1671

      Diet ordered or prescribed for patients, duty to provide, documentation required, penalties for violations, 1111, 1115-1117

      Dietitians, authority of hospitals to grant clinical privileges for certain purposes, 1112

      Disasters, reports of injuries treated during, duties, immunity from liability, 1079

      District hospitals, purchasing, authority, 3581, 3582

      Emergency care, out-of-network facility providing services to covered person, duty to notify third party, requirements, payment for services, 321, 322

      General hospitals, removal of classification from laws, 2640, 2645-2647

      Group housing arrangements for certain persons, referrals to, 406

      Health care providers, generally (See HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS)

      Hospital Care to Indigent Persons, Fund for, use to offset certain state share program losses, 2432, 2433

      Licenses to operate (See also PROFESSIONS AND OCCUPATIONS, LICENSING)

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2916, 2917

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2916

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2916

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial, suspension or revocation, grounds, 336, 1115, 2643, 4037

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2916

      Local government purchasing, exemptions from bidding requirements, 775

      Medical equipment, implantable devices and pharmaceuticals, purchases exempt from bidding requirements, 775


             Noncompliance with requirements, penalties, 2642-2645

             Participation of hospital as provider required, exceptions, 2641, 2647

      Off-campus locations, national provider identifier to be distinct from that of main location or other off-campus locations, 4033

      Patient Protection Commission, representation, 2810

      Patient safety officer, designation, duties, 1667, 1670

      Privacy of persons receiving care, duties of facilities, 1335

      Psychiatric hospitals

             Endorsement as crisis stabilization center

                   Application, 1918

                   Children’s Health Insurance Program, negotiation with psychiatric hospitals to become network providers, 1926, 1927

                   "Crisis stabilization services," definition, 1919

                   Issuance, requirements, 1918, 1919

                   Medicaid, reimbursement for services, negotiation with psychiatric hospitals to become network providers, 1923, 1926, 1927

                   Renewal of endorsement, 1919

             Violence in workplace, prevention measures required, records, reports, 3671-3677

      Public health emergencies, reports of illnesses treated, duties, immunity from liability, 1079

      Sentinel events defined to include deaths, reports, investigations, penalties, 1666-1671

      Sexual assault or attempted sexual assault victims

             Document of information and available services, provision to victims, duties, 335, 336

             SAFE kits, duties of medical providers, 2842, 2848

      Sickle cell disease and variants, duty to make records available to Chief Medical Officer, assessment of certain fee, penalty for violations, 2158, 2159

      Staffing committee, membership, duties, 3673, 3680

      Trauma treatment centers, approval, requirements, 4039, 4040

      Violence in workplace, prevention measures required, records, reports, 3671-3677

      Vulnerable persons abused, neglected, exploited, isolated or abandoned, duty to report, 3485-3487

      Workplace safety committee, establishment, membership, 3673


      Defrauding proprietors, penalties, 4437

      Douglas County, tourism surcharge, imposition on lodging in Tahoe Township, 2361

      Food Security, Council on, representation of hospitality industry on, 689

      Hospitality industry, joint labor-management programs of workforce training, county sales and use tax to support authorized, procedures, reports, 3261-3264

      Resort hotels, emergency response plans, duties, notices regarding compliance with laws, receipt of guide, 2470, 2471


      Affordable housing (See AFFORDABLE HOUSING)

      Commercially sexually exploited children, coordinator of services for, duty to develop specialized housing plans and recruit housing providers, 3075, 3076

      Common-interest communities (See COMMON-INTEREST COMMUNITIES)

      Condominium hotels (See CONDOMINIUM HOTELS)

      Constructional defects (See CONSTRUCTIONAL DEFECTS)

      Crisis Response System, Nevada Housing, creation, duties, 833-835

      Firearms, unlawful discharge from or into structure, penalties, 231

      Group housing arrangements for certain persons, businesses providing referrals to, licensure, prohibited acts, penalties, 406

      Homelessness to Housing, Nevada Interagency Advisory Council on, creation, duties, 2107-2110

      Homesteads (See HOMESTEADS)

      Landlord and tenant (See LANDLORD AND TENANT)


      Plumbing fixtures, minimum standards, 2101, 2104

      Restrictive covenants, provisions deemed void, duties of county recorders, 373-375

      Towing of vehicle from residential complex, notice requirements, exceptions, 1168, 1169


      Administrative support, 2429

      Chair, selection, term, 2429

      Composition, 2428, 2429, 2431

      Creation, 2428

      Duties generally, 2429

      Meetings, 2429

      Regulations, 2431, 2432

      Terms of members, reappointments, vacancies, 2429


      Advisory Committee on Housing, representation, 2428


      Creation, 833

      Duties, 834

      Funding sources, authority, 834

      Reports to Legislature, 834, 835



      Illegal harvesting and trafficking, support expressed for Congressional actions to combat, 4607, 4608

      Nontransplant anatomical donation organizations, certification and regulation, penalties for violations, reports, 2765, 2766



      Advancing prostitution, victims of, inclusion within meaning of victim of human trafficking, 2634, 2637

      Higher education, statewide database of sources of financial assistance, establishment, access by victims, 2324

      Immigrants, certification of nonimmigrant status for certain victims of crime, 4350, 4351

      Peace officers, continuing education courses, requirements, 1009, 1010


      Drones, prohibited acts involving, 449, 450, 758

      Licenses, permits and tags

             Child support obligations, suspensions for violations related to, 388-392

             Deferment of use or return or transfer of tag due to extenuating circumstances, program to authorize, regulations, 2657

             Dream Tag raffle, requirement to purchase resource enhancement stamp removed, 761

             Residency requirement, criteria, 760

             Revocation of license, grounds, 759

      Moose, killing unlawfully, penalty, 759

      Muzzle-loading rifles or muskets, authorized carrying in vehicles, 402




      Advanced practice registered nurses, authority to sign certain statements, 499

      Alternate address, persons authorized to request display of

             Child welfare services or child protective services personnel, 868, 869

             Code enforcement personnel, 729

             County managers, 868

             Prosecuting attorneys, 1827

      Homeless persons, waiver of certain fees for persons under age 25, 4505

      Prisoners, issuance of photo identification card upon release, requirements, use as proof of name and age, 646-648, 4447, 4448, 4479

      "State" defined for purposes of regulations setting criteria for issuance of card, 1791, 1795

      Veterans, declaration of status as, digital verification of honorable discharge from Armed Forces authorized, 576, 577




      Family Planning, Account for, authorized uses, 1506, 1507


      Affordable housing, reduction of fees by governing body, authority, 828, 829


      Brothels, study of working conditions at licensed brothels, 4641

      Cannabis establishment agents, registration and regulation, 3798, 3799

      Employee Misclassification, Task Force on, representation, 3157

      Employers, prohibited acts, penalties, 3158, 3159

      Marijuana establishment agents

             Registration and regulation, 2335-2339

             Training, authority to provide, 2480

      Medical marijuana establishment agents

             Registration, procedures, 2328, 2330

             Training, authority to provide, 2478

      Presumption regarding status, clarification, 3160

      State purchasing, award of contract, applicability of preference for veterans with service-connected disability, 782

      Taxation, Department of, background investigations of contractors and prospective contractors, requirements, 3295, 3296

      Transportation, Department of, filing requirements for contracts with independent contractors, 51


      Authorized expenditures, 3133

      Chair, member of Advisory Board on Outdoor Recreation, 3705

      Cultural competency in provision of services, duties, 3168

      Directory of tribal leaders and state agency liaisons, publication, 3168

      Executive Director, salary, 3331

      General appropriations, 3344

      Members, status as civil officers, removal from office, 1566

      State agencies

             Annual reports to Commission regarding certain matters, 3169

             Policy to promote collaboration between agencies and Indian tribes, development, duties, 3167, 3168

      Stewart Indian School Museum and Cultural Center, establishment, duties, 3170-3172



      Sexual assault, exceptions to time limit for indictment, 1498, 1499


      Appointments, terms of office of voting members, 2880, 2882, 2892

      Chair, selection, term, 2882

      Composition, 2880, 2881

      Counties providing indigent defense services, formula for determining maximum amount of payment by county, regulation, 2884

      Department of Indigent Defense Services

             Creation of Board within Department, 2880

             Executive Director

                   Appointment, recommendations, 2884

                   Secretary of Board, duty to serve as, 2884

      Duties, 2882-2884

      Meetings, 2882

      Qualifications, persons prohibited from serving on Board, 2881, 2882

      Removal of voting members, grounds, 2882

      Standards for provision of indigent defense services, regulations, 2883

      Vacancies, 2882


      Corrective action plans, duties, 2885

      Creation, 2884

      Deputy directors, selection, qualifications, outside employment prohibited, 2884, 2885

      Executive Director

             Appointment, 2884

             Classification, 2884

             Duties, 2884

             Employees or consultants, authority, 2884

             Other employment prohibited, 2884

             Qualifications, 2884

             Removal, 2884

             Reports, submission, 2884

             Secretary of Board on Indigent Defense Services, duty to serve as, 2884

      General appropriations, 3341

      Indigent defense services provided in counties, oversight, receipt of reports, 2885-2887, 2891

      Legal education programs, development and provision, 2885

      Salaries of unclassified staff, 3329

      State Public Defender, transfer of Office to, 2885, 2887


      Assessments, fines or fees

             Community service to satisfy entire amount owed, effect of failure to complete, 2276

             Delinquent payments, failure to complete service to satisfy debt, penalty, 2274, 2453

             Persons determined or presumed indigent for purposes of exemptions, 2276, 2452

      Criminal proceedings, right to representation, contents of case records, 2879, 2880

      Hearing aids, development of program to provide to children, funding, 3931, 3935

      Homeless persons (See HOMELESS PERSONS)

      Mobile optometry clinics, operation to provide services, 3636

      Public assistance (See MEDICAID; PUBLIC ASSISTANCE)

      Traffic offenses, persons presumed to be indigent for purposes of administrative assessments, fines or fees, 2452

      Victory schools (See SCHOOLS, VICTORY)


      When presumed abandoned, 3015



      Appeals officers

             Status, Governor’s authority to remove from office, 1566, 1567

             Treatment of injured employee by more than one health care provider authorized, procedures, 3446-3448

             Vocational rehabilitation programs, extension, procedures, 3975, 3976

      Child support enforcement, withholding of certain payments to insureds required, exchange of information, 1495-1497

      Death benefits, annual increase for certain persons, establishment of base amount, 1469, 1470, 1472

      Employee benefits offered by nonprofit entities, authority of Division to notify injured employee or surviving spouse or dependent, restrictions, 195, 196

      Employee misclassifications to avoid employer’s obligations, agency communications and creation of task force to address, 3157, 3158

      Employers, posting of notice identifying insurer, contents, 3164

      First responders, stress-related injury or disease compensable under certain circumstances, requirements, 1901, 1902

      Health care providers

             Adequate choice of providers deemed substantive right, choice of treating providers expanded, 3442

             Change of health care provider, requests for, procedure, 3446-3448

             Continuation of treatment of injured employee, requirements, 3444

             Insurer’s list, requirements, removal of provider from list, 3442-3444

             Panel of health care providers, duties of Administrator, 3445-3448

             Permanent partial disability, injured employee may request Administrator to select rating physician or chiropractor, procedures, 3450, 3451

      Insurers paying increases in compensation for

             Death benefits, reimbursements for

                   Approval of reimbursements required, 1470

                   Assessments, current or future, authority to apply reimbursements, 1470

                   Eligibility for reimbursements, 1469, 1470

                   Workers’ Compensation and Safety, Fund for, use, 1468, 1469

             Permanent total disability, eligibility for reimbursement, duties, 3437, 3438

      Juvenile proceedings, requirements for child’s performance of community service or participation in certain programs, 1960-1962, 1966

      Permanent partial disability, injured employee may request Administrator to select rating physician or chiropractor, procedures, 3450, 3451

      Permanent total disability

             Additional annual payment to certain persons, repeal of provisions, 3440

             Increase in compensation for certain persons, 3439

             Insurers, eligibility for reimbursement of increase in payments, duties, 3437, 3438

      Subsequent injury accounts, boards for administration of, status of members, removal from office, 1566

      Vocational rehabilitation

             Appeal of determination regarding third program, prohibition removed, 3975

             Length of programs, extension in certain circumstances, 3974

             Lump sum payment in lieu of services, maximum percentage, 3977

      Wages, method for determining average monthly wage

             Concurrent wages to be included, requirements, 1902, 1903

             Period of wages earned by employee, determination, use in calculating average monthly wage, 3438


      Offenders employed by private employers, procedure for setting amount of surety bond or personal guarantee, 816





      Sexual assault, exceptions to time limit for filing information, 1498, 1499


      Abortion, requirements, 1502-1504

      Dental therapists, contents of written practice agreements, 3201

      Prescriptions for pain management

             Initial prescriptions issued to certain patients, requirements, 2136, 2138, 2139

             Medical records, documentation of informed consent, 2139

             Voiding of regulation regarding previous consent, 2141


      Qualifications to sign petition, 4060

      Signatures, verification procedures, time for submission of documents, 4060, 4061, 4124

      Unique identifier, assignment by Secretary of State, requirements, 3406


      Cigarettes and other tobacco products, collection of taxes, actions to prevent prohibited, 622

      Contractors, noncompliance with cease and desist orders, 154, 155

      Corporations, authority of stockholders to file for writ, requirements, 2490, 2491

      Cruelty to animals, ownership or possession of animals by certain violators, 1776, 1777

      Data collectors, prohibited acts by operators of websites or on-line services, 1173

      Hazardous waste, remedies for certain violations, 3980

      Limited-liability companies, insolvency or mismanagement, issuance of writ, 2491, 2492

      Livestock, persons conducting annual sales, violations, 2612, 2613

      Mining operations, reclamation of land, remedies for certain violations, 3980

      Product Innovation, Regulatory Experimentation Program for, authority of Attorney General, 3992

      Protection orders (See PROTECTION ORDERS)

      Psychological assistants, interns and trainees, unregistered practice, 1001, 1002

      Public water systems, remedies for certain violations, 3979

      Radiation therapy and radiologic imaging, violations, 2732

      Storage tanks, remedies for certain violations, 3980

      Water pollution control, remedies for certain violations, 3978


      Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257

      Criminal history disqualification

             Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

             List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

             Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

             Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

      Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256

      Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902


      Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

      Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278


      Consumer credit loans, interest limits for loans to service members and dependents, 950

      Internet lenders, licensing and operation, 3998, 3999

      Product Innovation, Regulatory Experimentation Program for, establishment, 3985-3993, 3998


      Abandoned or unclaimed property, presumption of abandonment relating to amounts owed by insurer, determination, 3014

      Companies (See INSURANCE COMPANIES)

      Countersignature required for policy or bond, provisions repealed, 1691, 1728

      Electric scooters, requirements for scooter-share programs, 1883

      Group insurance for public employees

             2019-2021 biennium, subsidies for, establishment, 3118, 3119

             Health benefit plans (See also HEALTH BENEFIT PLANS)

                   Genetic information, prohibited adjustment of premium, deductible, copay or coinsurance, 315-318

                   Health status, effect on offering or issuing plan, benefits, enrollment or renewal, requirements, prohibited acts, 315-318

                   Wellness program that reduces premium, deductible or copayment based on health status, authority to include, 315-318

             Hearing devices for children, participation in program to negotiate discounts and rebates authorized, 3930, 3931

             Maternity care coverage, prohibited discrimination, 1009

             Medical cannabis provisions, effect on duties of insurer, 3833

             Prescription drugs (See also PRESCRIPTIONS)

                   Medicaid, use of list of preferred drugs as formulary, authority to obtain drugs through purchasing agreements, 4026, 4028

                   Sickle cell disease and variants, coverage requirements, 2170

             Retirees, reinstatement of coverage, exclusion of claims for preexisting conditions, 317, 318

             Sickle cell disease and variants, coverage requirements, 2165, 2166

      Health insurance

             Asthma, drugs essential for treatment, duties, 1466

             Eligibility, rules of eligibility in conflict with laws prohibited, 302, 303

             Emergency medical services provided by out-of-network provider, payment for services, effect of previous provider contract, arbitration of disputes, 320-326


             Genetic information, prohibited use, certain duplicative provisions repealed, 299, 300, 304

             Health benefit plans (See also HEALTH BENEFIT PLANS)

                   Genetic information, prohibited adjustment of premium, deductible, copay or coinsurance, 299, 301, 303

                   Health status of person or dependents, duty to offer and issue plan regardless of status, requirements, prohibited acts, 298, 299, 301-303

                   Wellness program that reduces premium, deductible or copayment based on health status, authority to include, 301, 303

             Hearing devices for children, participation in program to negotiate discounts and rebates authorized, 3930, 3931

             Maternity care coverage, prohibited discrimination, 1005

             Medical cannabis provisions, effect on duties of insurer, 3833

             Minimum wage

                   Annual increase established by law, effect of health benefits, 3748

                   Determination, required health benefits, 536, 537

             Multiple employer welfare arrangements, requirements for certificate of authority, governing provisions, 1426

             Preexisting conditions and equitable premiums, certain duplicative provisions repealed, 300, 302, 304

             Prescription drugs (See also PRESCRIPTIONS)

                   Sickle cell disease and variants, coverage requirements, 2169, 2170

             Public healthcare insurance plan for all state residents, study, 4637, 4638

             Short-term health insurance policies, restrictions on coverage, exclusion as health benefit plan, 1427, 1430

             Short-term limited duration medical plans, restrictions on cancellation or rescission, procedures, 1429

             Sickle cell disease and variants, coverage requirements, 2169, 2170

      Health insurance for small employers

             Health benefit plans (See HEALTH BENEFIT PLANS)

             Maternity care coverage, prohibited discrimination, 1006

             Sickle cell disease and variants, coverage requirements, 2170, 2171

      Juvenile proceedings, coverage for child’s participation in certain programs, waiver of liability, 1960-1963, 1966

      Motor vehicle insurance, personal injury claims, procedures for exchange of medical and insurance information, 2499, 2500

      Personal property storage insurance, regulation, 1221-1225


      Address change, notice to Commissioner of Insurance, 3037

      Associate adjusters, provisions repealed, 3023, 3026, 3033-3040

      "Company adjuster" defined, 3034

      Examination by Commissioner of Insurance, payment of expenses, 1686

      Industrial insurance, list of health care providers filed with Administrator of Division of Industrial Relations to be certified by adjuster, 3443


             Qualifications, 3035

             Renewal, waiver of requirements, 3036

             Surrender of license, provisions repealed, 1700, 1728

      Name change, notice to Commissioner of Insurance, 3037

      Place of business, requirements, 1699

      Records, period of retention, 1700


      Annual reports, filing fee, certain duties of Commissioner of Insurance removed, 1699

      Certificates of registration

             Division of Industrial Relations, submission of information to, 1698

             Financial statements accompanying applications, requirements, 1696

             Surrender of certificate, provisions repealed, 1689, 1698



      Board of directors of nonprofit organizations, procedures for appointment, 1704

      Examination by Commissioner of Insurance, payment of expenses, 1686

      Fee for procuring coverage, charging, 1704

      Placing surplus lines insurance with domestic surplus lines insurers, requirements, 1701, 1702

      Surrender of license to Commissioner of Insurance, provisions repealed, 1704, 1728


      Annual statements, requirements, quarterly statements, 1690, 1691

      Assessments for fraud investigation, amount increased, 1689

      Captive insurers

             Annual audits, extensions and exemptions, 1716

             "Association captive insurer" defined, 1709

             Capital and surplus required, use of surplus notes, 1711, 1712

             Definition of "captive insurer,” 1709

             Dividends or distributions, when prior approval of Commissioner of Insurance required, 1714

             Dormancy, certificates of, issuance to certain insurers authorized, procedures, regulation, 1708, 1709

             Licenses, suspension or revocation, procedures, grounds, 1712

             State-chartered risk retention groups

                   Applicability of laws, 1710

                   Definition, 1709

                   Formation, 1710

                   Investments, requirements, 1714

                   Prohibited acts, 1713, 1714

                   Reports of financial condition, 1716

                   Unimpaired paid-in capital and unencumbered surplus, requirements, 1711

             Transacting insurance in State, additional requirements, 1713

      Casualty insurers

             Home protection insurance, insurers to file quarterly statements, 1690, 1706

             Medical liability insurers, reports regarding closed claims, provisions repealed, 1728

      Certificates of authority, return to Commissioner of Insurance, provisions repealed, 1689

      Child support enforcement, duties, exchange of information, 1495-1497

      Consumer form contracts, laws inapplicable, 2308

      Countersignature required for policy or bond, provisions repealed, 1691, 1728

      Delinquent insurers

             Delinquency proceedings, reports by receiver and guaranty association, 1724, 1725

             Insurer Receivership Model Act, citation, 1725

      Domestic surplus lines insurer, designation as, eligibility, applicability of laws, 1700, 1701

      Examination by Commissioner of Insurance, payment of expenses, 1686

      Health insurers

             Assessments of Nevada Life and Health Guaranty Association, recoupment of costs, 1102

             Health benefit plans (See HEALTH BENEFIT PLANS)

             Health care providers

                   Access to services and discounts of provider pursuant to provider network contract, requirements, prohibited acts, 1601-1605

                   Denial of application to be included in network of providers, use of form letter, duties, 551

                   Network plans, health carriers offering, provision of certain contact information and annual reports to Office of Consumer Health Assistance, 297, 298

             Patient Protection Commission, representation, 2810

             Rates, Commissioner of Insurance authorized to assess fee to review rate filings, 1705

             Reciprocal licensure, authorization, 1433

      Investments in real estate for accommodation of business operations, limitations, 1696

      Life insurers, assessments of Nevada Life and Health Guaranty Association, recoupment of costs, 1102

      Motor vehicle insurance, personal injury claims, procedures for exchange of medical and insurance information, 2499, 2500

      Nonadmitted insurance

             Foreign insurers, eligibility, 1703

             "Nonadmitted insurer" defined, 1701

             Surplus lines insurance, placement and acceptance, eligibility, 1701, 1702

      Radiation therapy and radiologic imaging licensees, applicability of insurance provisions, 2738-2741

      Salvage vehicles, duties, 1445


      Qualifications for license, 3032



      Child support enforcement, duties of Nevada Insurance Guaranty Association, exchange of information, 1495-1497



      Captive insurers, penalty for failure to pay tax, 1712

      Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association, Nevada, procedure for member insurers who are exempt from tax to recoup assessments, 1102

      Low-income housing projects, transferable tax credits for qualified projects, 3762

      Nevada New Markets Jobs Act, procedures, tax credits, 3696-3701, 4363, 4364

      Qualified projects, capital investment of at least $1 billion, requirements for issuance of transferable tax credits, 2603, 2604, 2607


      Examination by Commissioner of Insurance, payment of expenses, 1686


             Authorized lines of authority, 1224, 3030

             Limited lines travel insurance, qualifications, 3028

             Out-of-state licensees, exemption from examination for applicants in certain lines of authority, 3032

             Qualifications, 3029

             Renewal, continuing education requirements, 3031

             Return to Commissioner of Insurance, provision repealed, 1728

      Microchips and similar identification, unlawful acts, penalties, 2125, 2126


      Community-based living arrangement services (See COMMUNITY-BASED LIVING ARRANGEMENT SERVICES)

      Correctional staff, training in interaction with certain persons, requirements, 4444

      Criminal defendants, specialty court programs

             Eligibility for assignment, discharge from program, 2444, 2445, 4393-4396

            Justice courts and municipal courts, funding of programs, 2280, 2281

      Durable power of attorney for health care decisions, form

             Advanced practice registered nurses, inclusion as care provider, 521-526

             Declarations by notary removed, 436, 439, 1754, 1756

      Emergency medical services, training requirements for certain first responders, 2091-2093

      Emergency or disaster, plan to address behavioral health needs during, requirements, 591

      Group housing arrangements, licensing of businesses providing referrals to, 406

      Health care decisions for adults with intellectual disabilities, requirement for notary’s declaration removed, 436, 439

      Jobs and day training services providers, certificates (See also PROFESSIONS AND OCCUPATIONS, LICENSING)

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2912, 2913

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2912

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2912, 2913

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Financial documents and statements, submission, 392, 393

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2912

      Medical facilities and related entities

             Agents and employees, cultural competency training relating to persons with disabilities, requirements, 1334, 1681, 1682

             Discrimination against person based on mental or physical disability, prohibited acts, duties, 1333, 1334

      Parole and probation officers, training in interaction with certain persons, requirements, 4453

      Peace officers, training in interaction with certain persons, requirements, 4460-4463

      Sexual abuse, educational requirements for persons with disabilities and training requirements for employees of facilities, 1915

      Supported living arrangement services

             Authority to provide services to any person with primary diagnosis of intellectual disability or developmental disability, 199

             Certificates (See also PROFESSIONS AND OCCUPATIONS, LICENSING)

                   Criminal history disqualification

                          Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2912, 2913

                          List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2912

                          Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2912, 2913

                          Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

                   Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2912

             Commercial sexual exploitation of child, duty to report, 1932


                   Instructions for making complaint, posting, penalty for violations, 267

                   Investigation of complaints, procedures, 264, 266, 267

             Employee training, standards for and minimum competencies, study, 253, 254

             Guardians of the person, reports to court, contents, 1242

             State Long-Term Care Ombudsman, duties, 264-267


      Consumer credit loans, limits for loans to service members and dependents, 946, 950

      Consumer form contracts, actions based on, award of interest, limitations, 2310

      Document preparation services, accrual of interest on cash bonds, 842





      Certificates of registration

             Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

             Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278





      Document preparation services, applicability of laws, 844, 845


      Abandoned real property, expedited sale for delinquent taxes, publication of notice, 748

      Accountancy, Nevada State Board of, duties, 2901, 2902

      Adult day care facilities, duties, 267, 1333, 1334

      Aging and Disability Services Division, duties, 2901, 2902, 2912

      Agriculture, State Department of, occupational licenses, duties

             Agricultural products, licenses to inspect or classify, 2955

             Commercial feed, manufacturers, distributors or guarantors, 2955

             Hemp, growers, handlers or producers, 2949

             Livestock and farm products dealers and other licensees, 2950

             Milk testers, 2954

             Pesticide applicators, 2946

      Alcohol and drug abuse treatment

             Nondiscriminatory practices, posting of statement, 1333, 1334

             Providers, facilities and program operators, prohibited acts, 1679

      Alcohol, Drug and Gambling Counselors, Board of Examiners for, duties, 2901, 2902

      Architecture, Interior Design and Residential Design, State Board of, duties, 2901, 2902

      Asthma drugs, duties of certain health insurers, 1466

      Athletic Commission, Nevada, duties, 1250, 1251

      Athletic Trainers, Board of, duties, 2901, 2902

      Barbers’ Health and Sanitation Board, State, duties, 2901, 2902

      Behavioral health services, creation of on-line information repository, 2048

      Business and Industry, Department of, duties, 943, 944, 3990

      Cannabis Compliance Board, powers and duties, 3779, 3780

      Central Repository, name-based searches of criminal history records, written consent, 2257

      Child placement, reports of agencies providing child welfare services, 2184

      Children’s Health Insurance Program, prescription drug coverage, audits and reports, 4028, 4029

      Chiropractic Physicians’ Board of Nevada, duties, 2901, 2902

      Cigarettes and other tobacco products

             List of licenses and licensees and Indian tribes, publication, 614, 615, 643

             Sales to persons under certain age, duties of sellers and distributors regarding, 3596, 3597


             Land sales, license to solicit customers for, requirements for obtaining and list of crimes disqualifying applicants, 2956, 2957

             Real property, Internet auctions authorized, procedures, 1040-1042

      Community Health Services web-based system, appropriation, 3719

      Conservation and Natural Resources, State Department of, duties, 2943

      Consumer Affairs Division, duties, 2958

      Consumer Equitability, State Sealer of, duties, 2951, 2953

      Consumer Protection, Bureau of, duties, 943, 944

      Contractors’ Board, State, duties, 2901, 2902

      Controlled substances prescription tracking program, authority of State Board of Pharmacy to terminate access by certain boards, 170

      Cosmetology, State Board of, duties, 2901, 2902


             Land sales, license to solicit customers for, requirements for obtaining and list of crimes disqualifying applicants, 2956, 2957

             Licenses generally, requirements for obtaining and list of crimes disqualifying applicants, 2907

             Real property, Internet auctions authorized, procedures, 1034-1036

      County recorders, duties, 373

      Court Administrator, duties, 2903

      Court Reporters’ Board of Nevada, Certified, duties, 2901, 2902

      Cybersecurity (See CYBERSECURITY)

      Data collectors, duties of operators of websites or on-line services, prohibited acts, penalties, 1171-1173

      Deferred deposit, high-interest and title loans, services offered through Internet, authority of certain agencies to provide information to public, 943

      Dental Examiners of Nevada, Board of, duties, 2130, 2901, 2902

      Dependent, facilities for the, duties, 1333, 1334


             Provisional ballots cast, information regarding, 4057

             Registration to vote, establishment of system on Secretary of State’s website, appropriation, 4058

      Emergency medical services, payments to out-of-network providers, certain information and reports, 325, 326

      Environmental Health Specialists, Board of Registered, duties, 2901, 2902

      Examiners, State Board of, duties, 3738

      Financial Institutions, Commissioner of, duties, 2901, 2902

      Fire Marshal, State, duties, 2932

      Foster homes, plans for recruitment and retention, annual reports, 2183, 2184

      Funeral and Cemetery Services Board, Nevada, duties, 2901, 2902

      Governor, duties, 2813

      Health and Human Services, Department of, duties, 325, 326, 4028, 4029, 4147

      Health authorities, duties, 2925

      Health carriers and health care providers

             Provider network contracts, requirements, 1603, 1604

             Silver State Health Insurance Exchange, notice of eligibility for financial assistance by enrolling on Exchange, duties of certain carriers, regulation, 1428, 1429

      Health, State Board of, duties, 2901, 2902

      Hearing aid sales via Internet, authority of physician assistant to sign required statement, 148, 149

      Higher education, statewide database of sources of funding, establishment, requirements, 2324

      Historic Preservation, Office of, duties, 3724, 3899

      Homes for individual residential care, duties, 267, 1333, 1334

      Housing Division, duties, 2935

      Immigrants, online informational resource for, creation, duties of occupational and professional regulatory bodies, 4362

      Indian Commission, Nevada, duties, 3168

      Industrial Relations, Division of

             Hospitals and psychiatric hospitals, workplace violence reports, 3676, 3677

             Insurer’s list of physicians and chiropractors, 3444

             Licenses, requirements for obtaining and list of crimes disqualifying applicants, 2928, 2959

             Registry to track persons completing certain OSHA courses, 976, 977

      Installment loans, licensing and operation of Internet lenders, 3998, 3999

      Insurance, Commissioner of, duties, 551, 552

      Intermediate care, facilities for, duties, 267, 1333, 1334

      Labor Commissioner, duties, 3753

      Landscape Architecture, State Board of, duties, 2901, 2902

      Language and literacy skills, development by children with certain disability in comparison with children without disability, reports, 3939

      Loans, licensing and operation of Internet lenders, 3998, 3999

      Local government purchasing

             Advertisements for purchasing contracts, requirements, 768, 769

             On-line solicitations, procedures, 768, 769

      Long-Term Care Administrators, Board of Examiners for, duties, 2901, 2902

      Long-term rehabilitation, facilities for, duties, 267

      Lotteries, charitable, on-line ticket sales authorized, restrictions, 962

      Marriage and Family Therapists and Clinical Professional Counselors, Board of Examiners for, duties, 2901, 2902

      Massage Therapy, Board of, duties, 2901, 2902

      Maternal Mortality Review Committee, duties, 42, 46

      Medicaid, prescription drug coverage, audits and reports, 4028, 4029

      Medical Examiners, Board of, duties, 2129, 2901, 2902

      Medical facilities and related entities, duties, 1333, 1334

      Microtransit, definition, use in less populous counties authorized, 804, 805

      Mortgage Lending, Commissioner of, duties, 2901, 2902

      Motor Vehicles, Department of

             Defensive driving, list of approved courses, publication, 2971

             Occupational licensing, certain information

                   Engine emissions control devices, inspectors, 2913

                   Motor vehicle dealers and related licensees, 2933

                   Off-highway vehicle dealers, lessors and manufacturers, 2936

                   Salvage pool operators, automobile wreckers and body shop operators, 2934

             Short-term lessors, waiver of damages, publication of adjusted maximum charge, 2223

             Traffic laws, dissemination of information on new laws, duties, 1226

             Veterans, digital verification of honorable discharge, requirements, duties, 574-579

             Women’s suffrage centennial, acceptance of applications for issuance of special license plates, 895

      Native Americans, list of tribal leaders and state agency liaisons, 3168

      Nursing, State Board of, duties, 2131, 2132, 2901, 2902

      Occupational Therapy, Board of, duties, 2901, 2902

      Opticians, Board of Dispensing, duties, 2901, 2902

      Optometrists, advertising includes commercial use of Internet, 3637

      Optometry, Nevada State Board of, duties, 2135, 2901, 2902

      "Organized retail theft," offense defined to include use of an Internet or network site, 2498

      Osteopathic Medicine, State Board of, duties, 2133, 2901, 2902

      Patient Protection Commission, reports, 2813

      Pharmacy, State Board of, duties, 2139, 2140, 2901, 2902

      Physical Therapy Examiners, State Board of, duties, 2901, 2902

      Podiatry, State Board of, duties, 2134, 2901, 2902

      Private Investigators’ Licensing Board, duties, 2901, 2902

      Product Innovation, Regulatory Experimentation Program for, requirements, 3990

      Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, State Board of, duties, 2901, 2902

      Psychological Examiners, Board of, duties, 992, 2901, 2902

      Public and Behavioral Health, Division of

             Alcohol or drug abuse treatment, facilities and programs, licensing status and quality, 1673, 1674

             Occupational licensing, certain information

                   Community-based living arrangement services, 2911

                   Detoxification technicians, 2931

                   Emergency medical services personnel, 2925

                   Facilities for the dependent, 2916

                   Intermediary service organizations, 2915

                   Mammography, operators of radiation machines, 2929

                   Medical facilities, 2916

                   Medical laboratories, 2901, 2902

      Public records, authority of governmental entities to declare certain information collected by automated means confidential, 4009

      Rare Disease Advisory Council, duties, 1478

      Real Estate Division, duties, 373, 2901, 2902

      Residential facilities for groups, duties, 267, 1333, 1334


             Computer science instruction, resource repository, 2696

             Cyber-bullying, investigations, plan to protect safety of pupil involved, 1308, 1310

             Disabilities, pupils with, certain information, 3052

             Discipline of pupils

                   Guidance documents, 3570

                   Progressive discipline, plans for, 3573

                   Restorative discipline, plans for, 3251

             Elementary schools

                   Average daily enrollment, posting of information, 792

                   Reading, pupils deficient in, certain information, 4492, 4493

             English learners

                   Achievement of pupils, data regarding, reports, 4354

                   Corrective action plans adopted for certain schools, 4355

             Expenditures by schools and districts on personnel and services, reports, 4208, 4209

             Language and literacy skills, development by children with certain disability in comparison with children without disability, reports, 3939

             Nevada Ready 21 Technology Program

                   Appropriation for competitive grant program, 2383

                   Block grants

                          Appropriations, transfers of money, 2378, 2387, 2388

                          Issuance, use, 3266, 3267

             Personnel employed and services provided, expenditures by schools and districts, reports, 4208, 4209

             Pupil-teacher ratios approved for each class in district, publication, 980

             SafeVoice Program, information regarding, 3237, 3238, 3969

             School services

                   Information to be provided by schools before allowing pupils to use services or providing pupils with any technology, 3942

                   Providers, restrictions on targeted advertising, 3944

             Suicide Prevention, Statewide Program for, link to site to be posted on websites of schools and Department of Education, 1762, 1770

      Secretary of State, duties, 2906, 4057, 4058

      Sexual assault victims

             Information and available services, development of document, publication, 335

             Updates regarding SAFE kits, access, 2850

      Skilled nursing, facilities for, duties, 267, 1333, 1334

      Social Workers, Board of Examiners for, duties, 2901, 2902

      State Engineer, duties, 2942

      State Library, Archives and Public Records Administrator, duties, 2910

      State Treasurer, duties, 2324

      Suicide Prevention, Statewide Program for, link to site to be posted on websites of schools and Department of Education, 1762, 1770

      Supported living arrangement services, duties, 267

      Taxation, Department of

             Cigarettes and other tobacco products, duties, 614, 615

             Medical marijuana establishments and agents, requirements for certification and list of crimes disqualifying applicants, 2926

             Property tax appraisers, requirements for certification and list of crimes disqualifying applicants, 2908

      Ticket resellers and secondary exchanges

             Internet robots, tickets obtained by misuse of, when resell of tickets prohibited, 1135

             Websites, notice requirements, prohibited acts, 1134

      Traffic citations, establishment of system for making pleas and defenses via electronic means authorized, procedures, 380-382

      Transportation Authority, Nevada, duties, 2960

      Veterans Services, Department of, duties, 575-579, 2690

      Veterinary Medical Examiners, Nevada State Board of, duties, 2901, 2902

      Wildlife, Department of, occupational licensing, certain information

             Falconry, 2939

             Fur dealers, 2941

             Guides, 2940

             Taxidermy, 2938



      Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257

      Court interpreters (See COURT INTERPRETERS)

      Criminal history disqualification

             Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

             List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

             Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

             Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

      Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256

      Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

      Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

      Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278


      Eligibility of pupil returning after period as foreign exchange student, requirements, conflicting regulations unenforceable, 278

      Medical clearance to participate following head injury, authority to provide, 138

      Military families, children of, immediate eligibility of transferred child to participate in sanctioned sport or other activity, 271

      Opt-in children, provisions repealed, 3279-3281, 3290, 3291, 3294


      Half blood kindred, equal inheritance, 1852


      State land, prevention or obstruction of free passage, prohibited acts, 2579, 2580

      State or local government officers or employees, use of official authority or influence, prohibited acts, 809


      Estate distilleries, authorized practices, duties, taxation, 2768-2774



      Firearms possession while under the influence, allowable alcohol concentration reduced, 4180


      Domestic violence, acts constituting, 1805

      Elements of offense, penalty, 4427

      Sealing records of criminal proceedings, prohibitions, 4406



      Advancing prostitution, establishment of crime, penalties, 2628

      Victims of involuntary servitude

             Juvenile courts, adjudication of delinquency for certain offenses, petitions to vacate adjudication and seal records, procedures, 1906, 1907

             Vacation of certain judgments of conviction and sealing of documents, procedures, 409-411


      When presumed abandoned, 3015


      Appointment of members of governing bodies, authority of county commissioners, procedures, 742-744

      Business impact statements, procedures, objection to and readoption or amendment of rules, actions taken in violation of laws deemed void, 886, 887

      Trust land within district, authority of trustee of trust, 442, 444


      Regulatory Experimentation Program for Product Innovation, establishment, restrictions on participants testing product or service, 3985-3993, 3997



      Administrative assessments or fines

             Daily credit toward payment increased, 2275, 2276

             Indigent persons, failure to complete community service to satisfy entire amount owed, 2276

             Willful avoidance of payment, grounds for ordering confinement of defendant, 2274, 2275, 2453

      Animals of detained persons, posting of notices regarding, opportunity to make telephone calls regarding animal, 1774, 1775

      Cannabis or paraphernalia, persons not exempt from state prosecution, 3835, 3836

      Census counts, adjustment to account for residency of incarcerated persons, 985-988

      Continuity of care, extension of requirements to all counties, 2198

      Core correctional services, provision by private entities prohibited, exception, 952, 953

      Deaths in county and city jails, review, reports, duties, 2196, 2197

      Forfeitures, imprisonment to pay off, amount of daily credit received increased, 2275, 2276

      Immigration status, questioning prisoner regarding, duty to inform prisoner of purpose for questioning, 2223

      Traffic violations, legislative declaration regarding incarceration, 2277


      Nonpayment, liability of responsible person, 1571



      Appropriation, 2377


      Domestic violence perpetrators, entry of findings by court, orders, 1808, 1809

      Execution proceedings (See EXECUTION OF CIVIL JUDGMENTS)

      Factual innocence, petitions to establish (See FACTUAL INNOCENCE, PETITIONS TO ESTABLISH)

      False documents simulating judgments or orders, use, penalty, 1798

      Injunctions (See INJUNCTIONS)

      Involuntary servitude or sex trafficking victims, vacation of judgment of conviction and sealing of documents for certain crimes, procedures, 409-411

      Offers of judgment, procedures, 274, 275

      Protection orders (See PROTECTION ORDERS)

      Specialty court programs, authority of district court to enter judgment of conviction for certain offenses before placing defendant on probation, 2444-2447

      Traffic violations, fee in lieu of completion of safety course, judgment to be rendered against defendant for fee, 2279, 2280


      General appropriations, 3343

      General Counsel, salary, 3333, 3340

      Governor’s appointees, status, removal from office, 1566

      Supplemental appropriation, 2350


      Deceased members, benefits to children of

             Cessation upon adoption, repeal, 678

             Resumption of payment, requirements, procedures, 679

      District judges, election of additional judges in certain counties, appropriation for retirement benefits, 2870

      Judicial Retirement System

             General appropriations, 3343

             Records and files, confidentiality, exceptions, 1174, 1175


      Governor’s appointees, status, removal from office, 1566


      Decriminalization of offense, restoration of right to serve on jury, 1459, 1460

      Grand jury, release of certain records and files of Department of Taxation authorized, 118


      Arrestee DNA, Subcommittee to Review, repeal, 2085

      Biennial report to Legislature, time for submission, 2084

      Chair, legislative member of Commission to serve as, 2082

      Duties generally, removal of certain duties, 2083-2085

      Governor’s appointees, status, removal from office, 1566

      Juvenile Justice, Subcommittee on, repeal, 2085

      Medical Use of Marijuana, Subcommittee on

             Membership, 3846, 3847

             Repeal, 2085

      Public officer or employee members, duties of employers, 2083

      Sexual assault forensic evidence (SAFE) kits, duties, receipt of report, 2084, 2085

      Victims of Crime, Subcommittee on, repeal, 2085


      Administrative assessments for court facilities, sunset removed, 384

      Court information technology, funding, 2280

      Domestic violence protection orders, considerations in court’s determination to issue restricted, 2854

      Electronic waste, removal of data before disposal required, 2217, 2574

      High-risk behavior, orders for protection against

             Availability of court for issuance, 3948, 4173

             Jurisdiction, 3950, 3951

             Procedures, 3948, 3950-3952, 4170-4177

      Justices of the peace

             Number of justices, increase, procedures, 3949

             Presentence investigation reports, training requirements, 4384

      Preprosecution diversion program, transfer of jurisdiction, 4390

      Small claims actions, venue or place of trial, 52, 53

      Specialty court programs, funding, use of money received, 2280, 2281

      Traffic control

             Citations, establishment of system for making pleas and defenses via mail or electronic means, procedures, 380-382

             Court fees to be assessed on per case basis, requirements, 2278, 2279

             Grace period to be imposed before warrant issued for failure to appear or to pay assessment, fine or court fee, exceptions, 2278

             Nevada 24/7 Sobriety and Drug Monitoring Program, participation, duties, 2749-2751

             Safety course, fee in lieu of completion, sentencing requirements, use of proceeds, 2279-2281

             Speeding violations, authority to reduce to nonmoving violation, 2282


      Creation, funding priority, duties, 4379, 4380


      Appropriation, use, 2969


      Administrative assessments, certain assessments eliminated, 1958, 1963-1965, 1969, 1970

      Alcohol or controlled substances, evaluation and treatment of child for abuse, duties of court, restrictions on seeking payment of costs, 1967

      Alternative programs, authority of court to order certain payment of costs associated with participation repealed, program to provide policies of insurance, 1962, 1963

      Ancillary services provided to child, duties of court, restrictions on seeking payment for costs, 1957

      Collection fee upon entry of civil judgment, provision repealed, 1958-1960

      Commercial sexual exploitation of child

             Adjudication of child as delinquent or in need of supervision, restrictions, 3076

             Agencies which provide child welfare services

                   Access to information maintained by agency, restrictions, 1934, 1935

                   Reports to agency, duties, 3076

             Placement of child in state or local detention facility prohibited, 3076

      Commitment of child to Division of Child and Family Services, orders for support payments, provisions repealed, 1970

      Coroner visitation program, payment of fee by parent or guardian repealed, 1970

      Court-appointed attorney to represent child, court’s authority to order payment of fees repealed, 1961

      Cruelty to or torture of animals, counseling or treatment of child, duties, restrictions on seeking payment of costs, 1968

      Expenses of proceedings, court’s authority to order payment repealed, 1970

      Insurance coverage required for court-ordered participation in certain programs or community service, effect of waiver of liability, 1962, 1963, 1966

      Involuntary servitude, victims adjudicated delinquent, petition to vacate adjudication and seal records, procedures, 1906, 1907

      Medical, psychiatric or psychological services provided to child, general duties, restrictions on seeking payment, 1963

      Placement of child outside home, orders for support payments, provisions repealed, 1957, 1970

      Prostitution or solicitation, adjudication of child as delinquent or in need of supervision prohibited, 3076

      Sex trafficking victims adjudicated delinquent, petition to vacate adjudication and seal records, procedures, 1906, 1907

      Tobacco awareness and cessation program, orders for payment of costs, provisions repealed, 1965


      Insurance coverage for participation in certain programs

             Alternative programs, 1963

             Cognitive training and human development programs, 1960, 1961

             Community service, 1962

             Restitution through work programs, 1960, 1961, 1966

      Prostitution or solicitation, child not to be adjudicated as delinquent, 3076


      Authorized expenditures, 3136

      Capital improvements, funding, 3307, 3310, 3320, 3321

      Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice, Legislative Committee on, interim study on juvenile detention, duties, 2426, 2427

      Commercially sexually exploited child, placement prohibited, 3076

      Deferred maintenance, upgrades and operational costs, appropriations to state facilities, 2805

      General appropriations, 3346, 3354

      Health and physical education courses, importance of annual physical examination to be included, 1479

      Medical care required by child, duties of local detention facilities, payment of costs, 1956

      Placement of child outside home, court’s authority to order support payments repealed, 1957, 1970

      Regional facility for treatment and rehabilitation of child, child committed to, court’s authority to order reimbursements to county repealed, 1958

      Superintendents, salaries, 3328


      Commercially sexually exploited children, duties, 3076, 3077


      Vulnerable persons abused, neglected, exploited, isolated or abandoned, duty to report, 3485-3487



      First responders, crimes committed against spouse or child, additional penalty, 1462, 1463


      Domestic violence, certain laws inapplicable to siblings and cousins, 1805, 1807

      Government shutdowns, protections for federal, tribal or state workers extended to certain household members, 3173-3198

      Guardianships, claims to acquire personal property of protected person, priority, 1243

      High-risk behavior, orders for protection against, procedures, 3948, 3950-3952, 4170-4177

      Intestate succession, half blood kindred, equal inheritance, 1852

      Mental health facilities, emergency admission of person in mental health crisis, notice to family member, requirements, 354, 2621

      Sexual conduct with person in position of authority over alleged victim, rebuttable presumption of nonconsent, 1906

      Suicide Prevention, Statewide Program for, suicide prevention training for certain persons, 3107

      TANF, provision of assistance to a fictive kin on behalf of child in certain circumstances, eligibility, 2434, 2435

      Veterans with service-connected disabilities and diseases, public outreach programs to include information concerning survivor benefits, 2691

      Wrongful conviction of felony, counseling of relative of convicted person may be provided, 4369


      Prohibited acts, penalties, 2658, 2659



      Annual leave to be provided by private employers, duties, 3753, 3754

      Business and Industry, Department of (See BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY, DEPARTMENT OF)

      Call centers relocating to foreign country, receipt of notice, duties, 2898, 2899

      Employee misclassification, duties, 3158, 3159

      Employee Misclassification, Task Force on, creation, duties, 3157

      General appropriations, 3348

      Minimum wage, administration and enforcement of laws, 3747, 3749

      Public works

             Apprentices, use on public works projects, duties, 3154

             Prevailing wages (See also PUBLIC WORKS)

                   Adjustment and reissuance of prevailing rate of wages, duties, 2529

                   Bona fide fringe benefits, discharge of obligation to pay wages by providing, duties, recovery of costs, 702, 703

                   Collectively bargained for wage for craft or type of work, 701

                   Determination of prevailing wage, generally, 932

                   Regions, determination of prevailing wage pursuant to, procedures, 2528, 2529

             Records of contractors and subcontractors, electronic submission to public body, regulations, 936

      Salaries of unclassified staff, 3326

      Sick leave, authority to impose administrative penalty, recovery of costs and fees, 344, 345


      Campaign financing, reports, requirements, 3953, 3956-3958

      Employee Misclassification, Task Force on, representation, 3157

      Marijuana establishment agents, contracts to provide training, authority, 2480

      Medical marijuana establishment agents, contracts to provide training, authority, 2478

      Peace officers, investigations for misconduct, requests for representation, rights of representatives, 2662

      Public works, project labor agreements, repeal of provisions, 722, 936

      State employees, collective bargaining

             Bargaining unit and job classification determinations, filing of objections, 3744, 3745

             Complaints regarding designation of exclusive representatives, temporary restriction on filing, 3745

             Dues or fees, restrictions on withholdings from employee’s salary by Executive Department, 3738

             Duties of exclusive representatives, authority to act for multiple bargaining units, 3737

             No organization designated as exclusive representative, procedures when, 3736, 3737

             Sue or be sued, rights of organizations, 3741


      Cannabis, independent testing laboratories

             Cannabis Compliance Board, duties, 3809-3811

             Hemp, submission for testing, 3884


      Hemp, submission of crops to independent testing laboratories, 2353, 2354, 2587




      Corners, duties, restrictions on use of records, 1531, 1532

      Employment of professional land surveyor at each place of business, requirement eliminated, 1529


             Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257, 4260, 4262

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256

             Education requirements, repeal of certain provisions, 1532

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

             Interns, experience requirement removed, 1528, 1529

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

             Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278

      School blueprints, disclosures upon request, 1062, 1063

      State Board of Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors (See also PROFESSIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL REGULATORY BODIES)

             Cease and desist orders, authority to issue, 1530, 1531

             Sunset Subcommittee of Legislative Commission

                   Criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, review, recommendations, 2904, 2905

                   Study of professional and occupational licensing boards, 4629, 4630

      Supervision of work, remote supervision authorized, 1529


      Northwestern Nevada, reports by certain counties, duties, 799

      Water resource plan, requirements, exception, 1294


      Affordable multifamily residential housing accessible to persons with disabilities, reports to Housing Division, regulation, 831

      Eviction (See EVICTION)

      Government shutdowns, protections of certain workers during

             Late rental payments

                   Retaliatory conduct by landlord, prohibited acts, 3189, 3190

                   Terms of rental agreement unenforceable, duty of landlord to accept late payments, authority to petition court for relief from provisions, 3188, 3189

                   Unlawful detainer, provisions inapplicable upon proof of protected status, 3178, 3179

             Notice to surrender, duty of landlord to allow employee to remain in premises upon request, authority to petition court for relief from provisions, 3178, 3188

             Summary eviction, provisions inapplicable to tenant who provides proof of protected status, 3181

      Medicaid, provision of tenancy support services to recipients, 3106

      "Periodic rent" defined, restrictions on late fees, 3926

      Rent obtained by false pretenses, penalties, 4435

      Settlement agreements, certain provisions prohibited, exception, 800, 801

      Solar access program, participation by renters in expanded program authorized, 2313

      Tenant’s complaint for expedited relief to recover premises, consolidation with certain pending actions authorized, 225

      Towing of vehicle from residential complex, notice requirements, exceptions, 1168, 1169



             Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257, 4259

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256

             Fees, 2513, 2514

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

             Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278

      Public works, certain authority of public body to enter into design-build contracts removed, 1580

      School blueprints, disclosures upon request, 1062, 1063

      State Board of Landscape Architecture (See also PROFESSIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL REGULATORY BODIES)

             Complaints, procedure for consideration, 2514

             Fees, authority to accept credit card, debit card or electronic transfer of money, 2514

             Sunset Subcommittee of Legislative Commission

                   Criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, review, recommendations, 2904, 2905

                   Study of professional and occupational licensing boards, 4629, 4630


      Assessment of skills, recommendations as to ways to improve, 3937

      Children less than 6 years old

             Compilation of sets of criteria for evaluating development of skills, duties of Department of Education, 3940

             Criteria for use by parents or guardians to evaluate the development of skills, recommendations, requirements, 3936, 3937, 3940

             Criteria for use by school personnel or providers of services to assess development of skills, recommendations, regulation, 3937-3940

             Development of skills by children with disability in comparison with children without disability, report of aggregated data, publication, 3939

             Individualized education programs, requirements, 3939

             Written resource to be used by parents or guardians to evaluate development of skills, 3937, 3938

      Individualized family service plans, requirements, 3930


      Chair, appointment, 3936

      Composition, 3936

      Definitions, 3936

      Establishment within Department of Education, 3936

      Examination of children for placement in special education programs, recommendations, duties, 3937

      Language and literacy skills of children

             Assessment of skills, recommendations as to ways to improve, duties, 3937

             Children less than 6 years of age

                   Compilation of sets of criteria for evaluating development of skills, receipt, 3940

                   Criteria for use by parents or guardians to evaluate development of skills of child, duty to recommend to State Board, requirements, 3936, 3937, 3940

                   Criteria for use by school employees and providers of services to assess development of skills of children, duty to recommend, 3937, 3940

      Meetings, quorum, 3936

      Per diem and travel expenses, members not entitled to receive, 3936


      Monetary threshold for categorization of offenses, 4429-4431


      Charter amendments

             Beginning dates of certain terms of office, 3557, 3559, 3560

             Canvass of election returns, time for completion, 4137

             Conduct of elections, applicability of state laws, 4136

             Continuation of certain officers, 3556

             Dates of holding elections, 3558-3560

             Mayor pro tem, acting as mayor during vacancy in office, 3557

      Homelessness, working group to reduce, creation, duties, reports, 2042

      State Public Works Division, duty to cooperate with, 4019

      Vegas Strong, issuance of special license plates, use of proceeds, 558


      Wildlife habitat and infrastructure projects, bond issue, 2861



      Behavioral health

             Employment or contract with behavioral health specialist, requirement, 4462

             Field response grant program, applications, procedures, duties of recipients, 4461, 4462

             Interactions with persons suffering from behavioral health issues, establishment of policies and procedures, duties, 4462

      Cannabis, paraphernalia and other related property, seizure, duties, 3829

      Commercial sexual exploitation of child, receipt of certain reports, 1932

      Criminal forfeitures, distributions to school districts, certain duties repealed, 4237

      Definition for purposes of peace officer laws, 2660

      Dispatchers, voluntary training program, standards, 4463

      Electric scooter-share programs, trip data to be shared only pursuant to valid legal process, 188

      Factual innocence, hearing to establish based on newly discovered evidence, preservation of evidence, 2979, 2980

      Firearms seized or recovered in certain counties, ballistics testing requirements, 937, 938

      Forensic equipment and supplies used in forensic analysis, purchases exempt from bidding requirements, 774, 775

      Gang database, use by local agencies to identify suspected members and affiliates of criminal gangs, requirements, 2199, 2200

      Highway Patrol (See HIGHWAY PATROL, NEVADA)

      Immigrants, certification of nonimmigrant status for certain victims of crime, 4350, 4351

      Indian tribes, police officers employed by, agreements with agencies regarding jurisdictional limitations, 534

      Interrogation of persons in custody, policies regarding electronic recording, requirements, 794, 795

      Involuntary servitude victims, petitions to vacate certain judgments of conviction and seal documents, notice, 410

      Maternal Mortality Review Committee, access and review of investigative records, 42, 43

      Medical cannabis

             Effect of medical cannabis provisions on adoption of policies and procedures precluding use by employees, 3833

             Medical cannabis establishments, seizure of evidence from, applicability of forfeiture provisions, 3829

             Registry identification card and letters of approval, holders and applicants, confidentiality of certain information, authorized release, 3832

             School of Medicine research program, confidentiality of records and certain information, authorized release, 3831

      Metropolitan police department (See METROPOLITAN POLICE DEPARTMENTS)

      Nevada 24/7 sobriety and drug monitoring program, designation of agency to enforce, duties, 2749, 2752

      Northwestern Nevada, reports on growth issues by certain counties, consultation with public safety agencies, 799


      Police departments (See POLICE DEPARTMENTS)

      Prescriptions for controlled substances, computerized tracking program, duties upon arrest of persons for certain violations, certain other duties repealed, 168-170

      Prostitution, duty to provide information regarding and opportunities for connecting with social service agencies, 1911

      Psychologists, unlicensed or unregistered practice, notice, 999, 1000

      Resort hotels, receipt of emergency response plans, 2471


             Blueprints of schools, required disclosures, 1062, 1063

             Handle with Care Program, establishment, duties of officers and agencies, training requirements, 3966, 3967, 3972

             Private schools, time for provision of crisis, emergency or suicide response plans to local public safety agency, 2467, 3253

             SafeVoice Program, access to personally identifiable information concerning pupils, 3236, 3237

             School districts deemed agency for purpose of regulating use of portable event recording devices by school police officers, duties, 3257

      Sex trafficking victims, petitions to vacate certain judgments of conviction and seal documents, notice, 410

      Sexual assault

             Copies of case reports, provision to survivor upon request, 2845

             SAFE kits

                   Duties, 1909, 2843, 2844, 2848, 2849

                   Failure to take certain actions within prescribed timeline, effect, 1910, 2844

      Suicide Prevention, Statewide Program for, training of agencies, 1772

      Taxation, Department of, release of certain records and files upon request, 118, 119


      Blood testing of children, requirements, 3042


      Airport Authority of Carson City, authority regarding real and personal property, 878

      City governing bodies, lease of real property, procedures, 1036, 1038-1040

      Consumer Protection from the Accrual of Predatory Interest After Default Act, adoption, 2307-2311

      County commissioners, lease of real property, procedures, 1033, 1034

      Election polling places, lease of property for use as, rights and remedies of lessor unaffected, 3389, 4085

      Federal land, revenue received by State from leases, amount of apportionments to counties, 4238



      Autism spectrum disorders, processes used for evaluating children, 3053

      Brothels, working conditions at licensed brothels, 4640, 4641

      Cannabis Compliance Board, duties regarding studies, 3779, 3894

      Child welfare system, funding of, appropriation for study, 3897, 3898

      Common-interest communities, study authorized, 676

      Credit, discrimination in credit practices, 1594

      Elections, reapportionment and redistricting, 4618, 4619

      Electric vehicles, use in Nevada, options for contributions to highway funding, 4635, 4636

      Energy, development of renewable energy and clean energy resources, 4625-4628

      Energy efficiency measures, use by state agencies, 4628

      Foster care, programs to improve outcomes for persons who leave custody of agency upon reaching 18 years of age, 2894

      Group housing arrangements for certain persons, 407

      HIV exposure criminalization, 467

      Juvenile detention, 2426, 2427

      Marijuana, issues relating to driving under the influence, 4641, 4642

      Maternal, infant and early childhood home visitation services, 880

      Personal care services, training standards and minimum competencies for persons providing, 253, 254

      Prescription drug prices, 1973

      Pretrial release of defendants in criminal cases, 4643, 4644

      Professional and occupational licensing boards, 4629, 4630

      Public healthcare insurance plan, 4637, 4638


             Bullying, cyber-bullying and discriminatory harassment, 3082, 3083

             Evaluation of personnel, study of impact and validity of statewide performance evaluation system, 1787

      Sexual Assault, Advisory Committee on Rights of Survivors of, duties, 2847

      Stem cell centers, 2481

      Studies or investigations assigned to Legislative Commission, earliest date for committees or subcommittees to meet, 3124

      Transportation system funding, 4635, 4636

      Water rights, extensions of time to perfect, survey, 2624

      Wildfires, issues relating to, 4639, 4640


      Appointments made by

             Brothels, working conditions in, study committee, 4640

             Housing, Advisory Committee on, 2428, 2431

             Marijuana, issues relating to driving under the influence, study committee, 4641

             Nevada Youth Legislature, Board of Directors, 1126

             Prescription drug prices, study committee, 1973

             Pretrial release of defendants in criminal cases, study committee, 4644

             Private Activity Bond Council, 2430, 2431

             Reapportionment and redistricting study committee, 4618

             Regional behavioral health policy boards, 2045

             Wildfires, study committee, 4639

      Audit requests

             Atomic Testing Museum, nonprofit corporation receiving allocations to relocate, 4012

             Boys and Girls Clubs, Inc., Nevada Alliance of, 2867

             Clark County Public Education Foundation, Inc., 2378

             Clark County School District, 3466

             Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health, 4016

             Nevada Blind Children’s Foundation, 4022

             Nevada Center for Civic Engagement, 2869

             Nevada Museum of Art, Inc., 2806

             Nevada Partners, 2867

             Reno Rodeo Association, 4013

             School gardens for Title I schools, nonprofit organizations operating, 3459

             Vegas PBS, 4014

             Victory schools, 3470

             Washoe County School District, 3466

      Audit Subcommittee, receipt of audit reports, 2575, 3050, 3269

      Cannabis Compliance Board, review of regulations at request of Legislator, procedures, 3781, 3782

      District attorneys, compilation of certain records and reports, requirement repealed, 3130

      General authorized expenditures legislation, duties, 3143, 3144

      Lobbying Disclosure Act, Nevada, authority to adopt exemptions and exceptions to, 2992

      Membership and organization, 4623-4625

      Mining regulations, review, 1592

      Public defenders, compilation of certain records and reports, requirement repealed, 3130

      Public Lands, Legislative Committee on, selection of members to attend certain meetings and tours, 2896

      Reapportionment and redistricting, authority to enter into certain contracts, 4619

      Recyclable materials, duties, 2217

      Reports, receipt

             Charter schools, use of certain money received as block grants, 3267

             Child welfare system, funding of, study, 3898

             Children’s Health Insurance Programs, purchasing agreements, 4029

             Corrections, Department of, 953

             Disaster Identification Coordination Committee, State, 1068

             Employee Misclassification, Task Force on, 3158

             Energy, Office of, certain reports eliminated, 906, 1014, 1015

             Indian Commission, Nevada, 3169

             Information systems of agencies, security vulnerabilities, 2575

             Medicaid, purchasing agreements for goods and services, 4029

             Motor Vehicles, Department of

                   Occupational licenses, criminal history disqualification, certain information, 2914, 2933-2935, 2937

                   Vehicle miles traveled, pilot data program, 3001

             Nevada Promise Scholarship Program, report repealed, 1219

             Northwestern Nevada, regional growth issues, 798-800

             Nye County Sales and Use Tax Act, reports eliminated, 1015, 1016

             Occupational and professional licensing, criminal history disqualification, certain information

                   Aging and Disability Services Division, 2912, 2913

                   Agriculture, State Department of, 2946, 2949-2951, 2954-2956

                   Cities, governing bodies, 2957

                   Conservation and Natural Resources, State Department of, 2944

                   Consumer Affairs Division, 2958

                   Consumer Equitability, State Sealer of, 2952, 2953

                   County commissioners or county licensing boards, 2907, 2908, 2957

                   Court Administrator, 2904

                   Fire Marshal, State, 2932

                   Health authorities, 2925

                   Housing Division, 2936

                   Industrial Relations, Division of, 2929, 2959

                   Motor Vehicles, Department of, 2914, 2933

                   Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, 2911, 2915-2917, 2930, 2931

                   Secretary of State, 2906

                   State Engineer, 2943

                   State Library, Archives and Public Records Administrator, 2910

                   Taxation, Department of, 2909, 2926, 2927

                   Title 54 regulatory bodies, 2902, 2903

                   Transportation Authority, Nevada, 2960

                   Wildlife, Department of, 2938-2942

             Public Defender, State, report repealed, 3128

             Public records determined to be confidential by governmental entities, 4009

             Public Utilities Commission of Nevada, 3523

             Resilience Advisory Committee, Nevada, 1026, 1027

             Sales and use tax imposed by counties, expenditure reports, 3263

             School districts

                   Block grants, certain money received as, use, 3267

                   Sales and use tax imposed by counties to fund certain programs, expenditure reports, 3263

             Sexual Assault, Advisory Committee on Rights of Survivors of, 2848

             Sexual assault forensic evidence (SAFE) kits tracking system, report eliminated, 2849

             State Treasurer, 2509

      Reports submitted to Legislature or Legislative Counsel Bureau, requirements for submission, regulations, 3124


      Sunset Subcommittee

             Homeopathic Medical Examiners, Nevada Board of, reports from, 3586

             Professional and occupational licensing boards

                   Criminal disqualification of applicants, review of decisions, duties, 2904, 2905

                   Interim study, duties, 4629, 4630


      Audit Division

             Atomic Testing Museum, nonprofit corporation receiving allocations to relocate, duties, 4012

             Autism spectrum disorders, services to persons with, duties, 3050

             Boys and Girls Clubs, Inc., Nevada Alliance of, duties, 2867

             Clark County Public Education Foundation, Inc., duties, 2378

             Clark County School District, duties, 3466

             Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health, duties, 4016

             Nevada Blind Children’s Foundation, duties, 4022

             Nevada Center for Civic Engagement, duties, 2869

             Nevada Museum of Art, Inc., duties, 2806

             Nevada Partners, duties, 2867, 2868

             Personal information held by agencies, audit of compliance with records laws, 2575

             Reno Rodeo Association, duties, 4013

             School districts, special audit or investigation, authority, allocation from Contingency Account to cover costs authorized, 3268, 3269

             School gardens for Title I schools, nonprofit organizations operating, duties, 3459

             Security of agency information systems, duties, 2575

             Vegas PBS, duties, 4014

             Victory schools, duties, 3470

             Washoe County School District, duties, 3466

      Authorized expenditures, 3133


             Financial disclosure laws, coordination with Secretary of State, duties, 2998, 2999

             General authorized expenditures legislation, duties, 3143, 3144

             Justices of the peace, procedures for increase in number, receipt of certain information, 3949

             Lobbying and lobbyists

                   Financial Disclosure Act, laws similar to, coordination with Secretary of State in interpretation and application, 2986

                   List of registrants, duties, 2993

             Medical forms of governmental entities, receipt and transmittal, 150

             Recycling, duties, 2217

             Reports, receipt and transmittal

                   Accountancy, Nevada State Board of, 2902

                   Aging and Disability Services Division, 2902, 2912, 2913

                   Agriculture, State Department of, 2946, 2949-2951, 2954-2956

                   Alcohol, Drug and Gambling Counselors, Board of Examiners for, 2902

                   Architecture, Interior Design and Residential Design, State Board of, 2902

                   Assisted living facilities in rural areas that also provide respite care and adult day care, feasibility study, 584

                   Athletic Trainers, Board of, 2902

                   Barbers’ Health and Sanitation Board, State, 2902

                   Cannabis Compliance Board, 3780, 3783, 3784, 3894

                   Child Care and Development, Program for, 2420, 2421

                   Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice, Legislative Committee on, 880, 2426

                   Children’s Health Insurance Programs, purchasing agreements, 4029

                   Chiropractic Physicians’ Board of Nevada, 2902

                   Cities, governing bodies, 2957

                   Conservation and Natural Resources, State Department of, 2216, 2865, 2944

                   Consumer Affairs Division, 2958

                   Consumer Equitability, State Sealer of, 2952, 2953

                   Consumer Health Advocate, 315

                   Contractors’ Board, State, 2902

                   Corrections, Department of, 953

                   Cosmetology, State Board of, 2902

                   County clerks, 3665

                   County commissioners or county licensing boards, 2907, 2908, 2957

                   Court Administrator, 2904

                   Court Reporters’ Board of Nevada, Certified, 2902

                   Dental Examiners, Board of, 2902

                   Dental Health Officer, State, 3222

                   Disaster Identification Coordination Committee, State, 1068

                   Early Childhood Advisory Council, Nevada, 49

                   Emergency medical services provided by out-of-network providers, payments for services, 325, 326

                   Employee Misclassification, Task Force on, 3158

                   Environmental Health Specialists, Board of Registered, 2902

                   Financial Institutions, Division of, 2902

                   Fire Marshal, State, 2932

                   Food for People, Not Landfills Program, 691

                   Food Security, Council on, 691

                   Funeral and Cemetery Services Board, Nevada, 2902

                   Grant Procurement, Coordination and Management, Office of, 3710

                   Health Care, Legislative Committee on, 253, 254, 2481

                   Health, district board of, 2925

                   Health, State Board of, 2902

                   Hearing aids for uninsured children, program to provide, 3931

                   Historic Preservation, Office of, 3724

                   HIV Exposure Modernization, Advisory Task Force on, 468

                   Homelessness prevention activities and services, 834

                   Homelessness to Housing, Nevada Interagency Advisory Council on, 2109

                   Housing Division, 2936, 3766

                   Immigrants, petitions for nonimmigrant status by certifying agencies, 4351

                   Indian Commission, Nevada, 3169

                   Industrial Relations, Division of, 2929, 2959

                   Insurance, Commissioner of, 551, 552

                   Landscape Architecture, State Board of, 2902

                   Local improvement districts, financial information, 1298

                   Long-Term Care Administrators, Board of Examiners for, 2902

                   Marriage and Family Therapists and Clinical Professional Counselors, Board of Examiners for, 2902

                   Marriage licenses issued for minors 17 years of age, 3665

                   Massage Therapy, Board of, 2902

                   Maternal Mortality Review Committee, 42, 43


                          Children, coverage, 3428

                          Dental care for certain persons with diabetes, 2419

                          Prescription drugs, purchasing agreements, 4029

                   Medical Examiners, Board of, 2902

                   Mental illness or emotional disturbance, children with, program to prevent custody relinquishment or voluntary placement, 873, 874

                   Mortgage Lending, Commissioner of, 2902

                   Motor Vehicles, Department of

                          Annual vehicle miles traveled for certain motor vehicles, compilation of data, 3001

                          Occupational licenses, criminal history disqualification, certain information, 2914, 2933-2935, 2937

                   Nevada Partners, 2868

                   Nursing, State Board of, 2902

                   Nye County Sales and Use Tax Act, reports eliminated, 1015, 1016

                   Occupational Therapy, Board of, 2902

                   Opticians, Board of Dispensing, 2902

                   Optometry, Nevada State Board of, 2902

                   Osteopathic Medicine, State Board of, 2902

                   Patient Protection Commission, 2813

                   Pharmacy, State Board of, 2902

                   Physical Therapy Examiners, State Board of, 2902

                   Podiatry, State Board of, 2902

                   Prescription drugs

                          Drug prices, legislative study, 1973

                          Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program, purchasing agreements, 4029

                   Private Investigators’ Licensing Board, 2902

                   Product Innovation, Regulatory Experimentation Program for, 3993

                   Professional and occupational licensing boards, legislative study, 4629, 4630

                   Professional Engineers and Land Surveyors, State Board of, 2902

                   Protection orders, statistical information, 2837

                   Psychological Examiners, Board of, 2902

                   Public and Behavioral Health, Division of

                          Dental care for adults with diabetes, 2419

                          Diapering Resources Account, use of money, 3042, 3043

                          Occupational licenses, criminal history disqualification, certain information, 2911, 2915-2917, 2930, 2931

                          Veterans’ health, 2692, 2693

                   Public records determined to be confidential by governmental entities, 4009

                   Public Safety, Department of, 2837

                   Public Utilities Commission, repeal of certain report, 1204

                   Rare Disease Advisory Council, 1478

                   Real Estate Division, 2902

                   Resilience Advisory Committee, Nevada, 1026, 1027

                   Sales and use tax imposed by counties, expenditure reports, 3263


                          Abuse or sexual abuse of child, employee training and number of incidents reported to law enforcement agency, 2652

                          Adult High School Diploma program, expenditures and performance results, 2376

                          Basic support guarantee, equity allocation model, repeal, 4253

                          Block grants received by districts and charter schools, use, 3267

                          Bullying, cyber-bullying and discriminatory harassment, study, 3082, 3083

                          Charter School Authority, State Public, 2306

                          Charter schools, site evaluations, 2306

                          County sales and use tax to support certain programs, expenditure reports by districts, 3263

                          Criminal forfeitures, distributions to school districts, report repealed, 4237

                          Crisis, emergency or suicide response plans, compliance reports, 3232

                          English learners

                                Achievement of pupils, data regarding, 4354

                                Zoom schools and grants for programs and services, 3463, 3465

                          Evaluation of personnel, study of impact and validity of statewide performance evaluation system, 1787

                          Personal safety of children, training and reported incidents of abuse, 2652

                          Personnel employed and services provided, estimated expenditures, 4208

                          Prekindergarten education programs, grants to support, 3983

                          Read by Grade 3 grant program, 2381, 4500

                          Safety and security of public schools, property tax to enhance, use of proceeds, repeal, 4253

                          SafeVoice Program, 3237, 3238, 3969, 3971

                          Statewide base per pupil funding, adjustment factors, 4201

                          Suicide among pupils, suicide prevention courses and personnel training, 673, 674

                          Teacher Recruitment and Retention Advisory Task Force, 2450

                   Secretary of State, 2906

                   Sentencing Commission, Nevada, 2876, 4378, 4379

                   Sexual Assault, Advisory Committee on Rights of Survivors of, 2848

                   Sexual assault forensic evidence (SAFE) kits tracking system, report repealed, 2849

                   Social Workers, Board of Examiners for, 2902

                   State Engineer, 2943

                   State Library, Archives and Public Records Administrator, 2910

                   State Treasurer, 2506, 2509

                   Stem cell centers, 2481

                   Student Loan Ombudsman and student loan borrowers, 2506

                   Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, 606, 607

                   Taxation, Department of

                          Cannabis and cannabis products, licensees, 3784, 37783

                          Medical marijuana establishments and agents, 2926, 2927

                          Property tax appraisers, 2909

                   Transportation Authority, Nevada, 2960

                   Veterans, health of, 2692, 2693

                   Veterans Services, Department of, 2691

                   Veterinary Medical Examiners, Nevada State Board of, 2902

                   Water rights, extensions of time to perfect, 2624

                   Wildfires, study, 4640

                   Wildlife, Department of, criminal history disqualification for occupational licenses, 2938-2942

             Sentencing Commission, Nevada, removal of duty to provide staff, 2874

             Silver Haired Legislative Forum, assistance to certain officers, 595, 596

             Tahoe Regional Planning Compact, duties, 1158

             Victims of crime, rules and regulations regarding compensation, duties, 4149

      Electronic waste, removal of data before disposal required, 2217, 2575


             Administrative leave, grant, 4634, 4635

             Lobbying laws, persons included as "member of the Legislative Branch,” 2990

      Fiscal Analysis Division

             Emergency Assistance Account, notices regarding temporary advances, 3631

             Finance, Office of, receipt of reports, 3313, 3357, 3358


                   Apportionments, receipt of certain reports repealed, 4215

                   Minimum recommended expenditures for schools and districts, duties, 4221

                   Superintendent of Public Instruction, receipt of reports, 4224, 4227

             Transferable tax credits, receipt of information, 3762, 3763

             Unclassified service, duties regarding salaries, 3336

      Interim Finance Committee

             Capital improvements legislation, duties, 3317

             Central Repository, appropriation for allocation, 2798

             Child welfare services, augmentation of money by Division of Child and Family Services, approval, 3146

             Conservation and Natural Resources, State Department of, appropriation for allocation, 2791, 2865

             Corrections, Department of, appropriation for allocation, 3360

             Disaster Relief Account, duties, 3630

             Environmental Health Specialists, Board of, claims to cover certain costs, presentation, 2117

             Equal Rights Commission, claims to cover certain costs, presentation, 3756

             Finance, Office of, appropriation for allocation, 3361

             Financial and human resource management information technology system, extension of reversion date of previous appropriations, duties, 2780, 2781

             Forestry, Division of, appropriation for allocation, 3361

             General appropriations legislation, duties, 3351-3356, 3360, 3364

             Grant Matching Fund, duties, 3709

             Grant Procurement, Coordination and Management, Office of, appropriation for allocation, 4017

             Grant Sawyer Office Building remodel, duties, 4016, 4017

             Indigent defense services, requests for allocations, 2886

             International Gaming Institute, appropriation for allocation, 4013

             Marijuana taxes, closed-loop payment processing system pilot program, duties, 2509

             Marsy’s Law, appropriation for implementation, 3716

             Medicaid, appropriation, duties, 4018

             Nevada Check-Up Program, appropriation, duties, 4018

             Nevada Museum of Art, Inc., appropriation for allocation, 2806

             Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, appropriation for allocation, 3360

             Public Employees’ Benefits Program, duties, 3147

             Public Works Division, State, appropriation for allocation, 4016, 4017

             Reports, receipt

                   Atomic Testing Museum, entity receiving allocations to relocate, 4012

                   Boys and Girls Clubs, Inc., Nevada Alliance of, 2866, 2867

                   Home Means Nevada, Inc., 1363, 1364

                   Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health, 4016

                   Nevada Blind Children’s Foundation, 4022

                   Nevada Museum of Art, Inc., 2806

                   Nevada Partners, 2867

                   Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, 3042, 3043

                   Reno Rodeo Association, 4013


                          Clark County Public Education Foundation, Inc., 2377, 2378

                          English learners, zoom schools and grants for programs and services, 3463

                          Nevada Center for Civic Engagement, 2868, 2869

                          School gardens for Title I schools, nonprofit organizations operating, 3459

                   Sentencing Commission, Nevada, 4379

                   State Treasurer, 3316

                   University of Nevada, Reno, School of Medicine, 3831

                   Vegas PBS, 4014

                   Veterans Who Have Suffered Sexual Trauma, Account to Assist, expenditures from, 474


                   Apportionments, approval of adjustments, provisions repealed, 4216, 4217

                   Incentives for Licensed Educational Personnel, Grant Fund for, duties, 2389

                   Minimum expenditure requirements, waiver, provisions repealed, 4253

                   Other State Education Program Account, duties, 2376

                   Pupil-Centered Funding Plan, allocations to implement, 4252

                   Retirement service credit, approval of certain purchases, 2389

                   State Education Fund, duties, 4198

                   Statewide performance evaluation system, study of impact and validity, request for allocation to conduct, 1787

             Supreme Court, appropriation for allocation, 3362, 3363

             Tahoe Basin Environmental Improvement Program, duties, 891

             Taxation, Department of, appropriation for allocation, 3694

             Unclassified service, duties regarding salaries, 3336

             Victims of crime, rules and regulations regarding compensation, receipt, 4149

      Legal Division

             Addictive disorders, persons with, duties regarding terminology, 1944, 1945

             Cannabis Compliance Board, receipt of regulations, duties, 3781, 3782

             Financial Disclosure Act, codification into statute of existing interpretations by Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2996-2999

             "General hospital," removal of references, duties, 2647

             Homeopathy laws, duties regarding terminology changes, 3586

             Lobbying Act, codification into statute of existing interpretations by Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2986-2990, 2994-2998

             Nevada Administrative Code

                   Achievement School District, duties, 2019, 2080

                   Community-based living arrangement services, duties, 254

                   Marijuana and medical marijuana, duties regarding name changes and transfers of responsibilities, 3896

                   Nevada Natural Heritage Program, duties, 580

                   Removal of void regulations, 60, 254, 1525, 1660, 2019, 2080, 2141, 2349

                   Safe-To-Tell Program, duties, 3973

             "Person with mental illness," duties regarding change in terminology, 368

             Resignation of former legislators, direction regarding certain legislative measures, 4587, 4588

             Substance abuse and similar terms, duties as to terminology changes, 4488

      Legislative Fund, appropriations (See LEGISLATURE)

      Public lands informational meetings and tours, appropriation for attendance of staff member, 2896

      Recyclable materials, disposition, requirements, exemptions, 2217, 2575

      Reports submitted to, additional requirements for submission, authority of Legislative Commission, 3124


      Appropriation, 3361

      Deceased members, benefits to children of

             Cessation upon adoption, repeal, 677

             Resumption of payment, requirements, procedures, 679

      Records and files, confidentiality, exceptions, 1174


      Anatomical gifts, receipt of information regarding certain organizations upon request, 2766


             Minority Leader, appointments made by

                   Financial Literacy Advisory Council, State, 1987

                   Mentoring, Nevada Advisory Commission on, 4508, 4512

                   Prescription drug prices, study committee, 1973

                   Pretrial release of defendants in criminal cases, study committee, 4644

                   School Funding, Commission on, 4206, 4252

                   Wildfires, study committee, 4639


                   Appointments made by

                          Financial Literacy Advisory Council, State, 1987

                          Homelessness to Housing, Nevada Interagency Advisory Council on, 2108, 2109

                          Indigent Defense Services, Board on, 2880

                          Mentoring, Nevada Advisory Commission on, 4508, 4512

                          Prescription drug prices, study committee, 1973

                          Pretrial release of defendants in criminal cases, study committee, 4644

                          Regional behavioral health policy boards, 2045

                          School Funding, Commission on, 4206, 4252

                          Wildfires, study committee, 4639

                   HIV Exposure Modernization, Advisory Task Force on, recommendation for appointment, 467

                   Patient Protection Commission, nomination of members, 2810

             Wall of Distinction, additions

                   Hurst, Sadie, 4595

                   Ohrenschall Daykin, Genie, 4596, 4597

      Bill drafting requests

             Housing, Advisory Committee on, authority to make, 2429

             Patient Protection Commission, authority to make, 2813, 2814

             Resignation of legislators, procedures following, 4586-4588

             Sentencing Commission, authority to make repealed, 2876

             State employee collective bargaining agreements, duties of Governor, 3738, 3743

      Budget shortfall, duties in event of, 3364

      Cannabis Compliance Board, authority to request review of regulations, procedures, 3781, 3782

      Clergy, payment for services, 4612


             Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice

                   Child Care and Development, Program for, receipt of report, 2420, 2421

                   Child welfare system, study of funding, duties, 3897, 3898

                   Commercially sexually exploited children, treatment and services, receipt of proposal, 3077

                   Foster care, programs to improve outcomes for persons who leave custody of agency upon reaching 18 years of age, receipt of report, 2894

                   Health and Human Services, Department of, receipt of reports, 874

                   Home visitation services, interim study, duties, 880

                   Juvenile detention, interim study, duties, 2426, 2427

                   Meetings, earliest date to meet, 3126


                   Basic support guarantee

                          Equity allocation model, time for review and revision, 1121

                          Repeal of provisions, 4253

                   Bullying, cyber-bullying and discriminatory harassment, study, 3082, 3083

                   Meetings, earliest date to meet, 3126

                   Read by Grade 3 grant program, recommendations regarding, 2381, 4500

                   Reports, receipt

                          Abuse or sexual abuse of child, employee training and number of incidents disclosed or reported to law enforcement agency, 2652

                          Adult High School Diploma program, expenditures and performance results, 2376

                          Charter School Authority, State Public, 2306

                          Charter schools, site evaluations, 2306

                          Crisis, emergency or suicide response plans, compliance reports, 3232

                          Early Childhood Advisory Council, Nevada, 49

                          English learners

                                Achievement of pupils, data regarding, 4354

                                Corrective action plans adopted by certain schools, 4356

                                Zoom schools and grants for programs and services, 3465

                          Evaluation of personnel, study of impact and validity of statewide performance evaluation system, 1787

                          Financial Literacy Advisory Council, State, 1988

                          Nevada Promise Scholarship Program, 1217, 1218

                          New Nevada Education Funding Plan, evaluation of services, report eliminated, 2504

                          Personal safety of children, training and reported incidents of abuse, 2652

                          Personnel employed and services provided by schools, estimated expenditures, 4208

                          Prekindergarten education programs, grants to support, 3983

                          Professional Standards in Education, Commission on, 1050

                          Read by Grade 3 grant program, 4500

                          SafeVoice Program, 3237, 3238, 3969, 3971

                          Suicide among pupils, suicide prevention courses and personnel training, 673, 674

                          Suicide, crisis or emergency, model management plan, 2622

                          Victory schools, 3469, 3470

                   School Funding, Commission on, receipt of recommendations, duties, 4207, 4208

                   State Public Charter School Authority, plan to manage growth of charter schools, duties, 2306

                   Statewide base per pupil funding, review and revision of certain adjustment factors, procedures, 4201

                   Suicide, crisis or emergency, model management plan, duties, 2622

                   Teacher Recruitment and Retention Advisory Task Force, Nevada State, duties, presentations, receipt of recommendations, 2449, 2450

                   Victory schools, receipt of evaluations, duties, 3469, 3470


                   Earliest date to meet, 3127

                   Renewable energy and clean energy sources, study, duties, 4626-4628

                   Transportation funding and electric vehicles, study, duties, 4635, 4636

             Growth and Infrastructure, receipt of reports on vehicle miles traveled, 3001

             Health Care

                   Autism spectrum disorders, children with, receipt of reports, 3053

                   Consumer Health Advocate, receipt of reports, 315

                   Early Childhood Advisory Council, Nevada, receipt of reports, 49

                   Group housing arrangements for certain persons, receipt of report, 407

                   Health and Human Services, Department of, receipt of reports, 325, 326

                   Medicaid, receipt of reports, 3428

                   Medical facilities and related entities, training requirements and minimum competencies for unlicensed personnel, study, duties, 253, 254

                   Meetings, earliest date to meet, 3129

                   Patient Protection Commission, receipt of reports, 2813

                   Prescription drug prices, legislative study, receipt of report, 1973

                   Psychological Examiners, Board of, receipt of reports, 991

                   Radiation therapy and radiologic imaging regulations, review, 2704

                   Rare Disease Advisory Council, receipt of reports, 1478

                   Stem cell centers, study, 2481

             High-Level Radioactive Waste, Committee on, earliest date to meet, 3130

             Interim Finance Committee (See LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL BUREAU)

             Judiciary, receipt of reports

                   Mental health field response grant program, 4462

                   Sexual assault forensic evidence (SAFE) kits tracking system, report repealed, 2849

             Public Lands

                   Attendance of members at meetings and tours, appropriation, 2896

                   Meetings, earliest date to meet, 3125

             Public records declared confidential by governmental entity, receipt of reports, 4009

             Resilience Advisory Committee, Nevada, reports to committees having jurisdiction over subject matter, 1026, 1027

             Senior Citizens, Veterans and Adults with Special Needs

                   Assisted living facilities in rural areas that also provide respite care and adult day care, feasibility study, receipt of report, 584

                   Meetings, earliest date to meet, 3126

                   Veterans’ health, receipt of reports, 2692, 2693

             Tahoe Regional Planning Agency and the Marlette Lake Water System, Review and Oversight of the

                   Meetings, earliest date to meet, 3125

                   Tahoe Basin, fire prevention and forest health, receipt of report, 740, 741

                   Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, receipt of reports, 606, 607

      Election districts, treatment of incarcerated persons in determining population counts, 985


             Administrative leave, grant, 4634, 4635

             Appointment, 4559, 4582, 4583

             Lobbying laws, persons included as "member of the Legislative Branch,” 2990

      Housing, Advisory Committee on, representation, 2428

      Legislative building and grounds, technical revision to description of land reserved for Legislature, 3128

      Legislative Fund

             Building maintenance, appropriation, 3715

             Child welfare system, appropriation for study expenses, 3897, 3898

             Clergy, payment for services to Legislature, 4612

             Computer hardware, appropriation, 3715

             General appropriations, 3343, 3350, 3354

             Legislative Counsel Bureau personnel, salaries, appropriation, 3339

             National organizations, dues, appropriation, 3715

             Nevada Right to Counsel Commission, appropriation, 3715

             Public Lands, Legislative Committee on, attendance at certain meetings and tours, appropriation, 2896

             Session expenses, appropriation, 1, 3361

             Telephone, expenses incurred by legislators from tolls and charges for use of land line service, payment from Fund, 3122, 3123

      Medical forms of governmental entities, receipt of certain updated forms, 150


             Administrative or court proceedings, continuance during legislative session, requirements, procedures, 3606, 3607

             Allowances, 3120-3124, 4560, 4582

             Campaign contributions, solicitation or acceptance, applicability of time restrictions, 1652, 1653

             Qualifications, 884

             Regional behavioral health policy board members, attendance at meetings during session excused, 2047

             Tort action against, limit on damages increased, 3061

             Travel expenses

                   Additional reimbursement in certain circumstances, 4534

                   Availability of state-owned automobiles in determining allowance, requirement removed, 3123

             Vacancy in office, requirements to fill

                   Applications, process for filing, 882, 884

                   Board of county commissioners, duties, 882, 884

                   Declaration of eligibility

                          Address of applicant included in declaration, requirements, 883

                         False statements, penalties, 883

                          Form, 882, 883

                   District residency, requirements, 884

      Mentoring, Nevada Advisory Commission on, representation, AB 235†

      Minimum wage, authority, constitutional amendment, 4631

      Nevada Youth Legislature (See also YOUTH LEGISLATURE, NEVADA)

             Board of Directors, membership, 1126

      Private Activity Bond Council, representation, 2430

      Radiation Therapy and Radiologic Imaging Advisory Committee, recommendations, 2723

      Regional behavioral health policy boards, representation, 2045

      Reports, receipt (See also LEGISLATIVE AND AGENCY STUDIES)

             Cannabis Compliance Board, 3780, 3894

             Children’s Health Insurance Programs, purchasing agreements, 4029

             Conservation and Natural Resources, State Department of, 2216, 2865

             Consumer Health Advocate, 315

             County clerks, 3665

             Dental Health Officer, State, 3222

             Disaster Identification Coordination Committee, State, 1068

             Domestic violence, report eliminated, 1011

             Early Childhood Advisory Council, Nevada, 49

             Emergency medical services provided by out-of-network providers, payments for services, 325, 326

             Energy efficiency measures for state agencies, statewide audit, 4628

             Energy status, 1013, 1014

             Food for People, Not Landfills Program, 691

             Grant Procurement, Coordination and Management, Office of, 3710

             Health care costs restraint, effect of laws on, biennial report eliminated, 1013

             Hearing aids for uninsured children, program to provide, 3931

             Historic Preservation, Office of, 3724

             Homelessness prevention activities and services, 834, 835

             Homelessness to Housing, Nevada Interagency Advisory Council on, 2109

             Housing Division, 3766

             Immigrants, petitions for nonimmigrant status by certifying agencies, 4351

             Indigent Defense Services, Department of, 2884

             Insurance, Commissioner of, 551, 552

             Marriage licenses issued for minors 17 years of age, 3665

             Maternal Mortality Review Committee, 42, 43


                   Dental care for certain persons with diabetes, 2419

                   Prescription drugs, purchasing agreements, 4029

             Mental illness or emotional disturbance, children with, program to prevent custody relinquishment or voluntary placement, 873, 874

             Motor Vehicles, Department of, 3001

             Nevada Partners, 2868

             Nevada Promise Scholarship Program, 1217, 1218

             Nye County Sales and Use Tax Act, reports eliminated, 1015, 1016

             Patient Protection Commission, 2813

             Product Innovation, Regulatory Experimentation Program for, 3993

             Property tax assessment, report eliminated, 1011, 1012

             Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, 2419, 3042, 3043

             Public healthcare insurance plan, 4637, 4638

             Public records determined to be confidential by governmental entities, 4009

             Public Utilities Commission, repeal of certain report, 1204

             Rare Disease Advisory Council, 1478

             Sales and use tax imposed by counties, expenditure reports, 3263


                   Block grants received by districts and charter schools, use, 3267

                   County sales and use tax to support certain programs, expenditure reports by districts, 3263

                   Crisis, emergency or suicide response plans, compliance reports, 3232

                   Emergency financial assistance to school districts, reports repealed, 4253

                   English learners

                          Achievement of pupils, data regarding, 4354

                          Zoom schools and grants for programs and services, 3465

                   Literacy of elementary school pupils

                          Intervention services and intensive instruction provided to pupils, 4492, 4493, 4498

                          Read by Grade 3 grant program, 2381, 4500

                   Personnel employed and services provided by schools, estimated expenditures, 4208

                   Safety and security of public schools, property tax to enhance, use of proceeds, repeal, 4253

                   SafeVoice Program, 3238, 3971

                   Teacher Recruitment and Retention Advisory Task Force, Nevada State, 2450

             Sentencing Commission, Nevada, 2876, 4378, 4379

             Severe functional disabilities assistance program, report eliminated, 1012, 1013

             Sexual assault forensic evidence (SAFE) kits tracking system, report repealed, 2849

             Societies for prevention of cruelty to animals, reports eliminated, 1013

             State Treasurer, 2506, 2509, 3316

             Student Loan Ombudsman and student loan borrowers, 2506

             Veterans Services, Department of, 2691

             Water rights, extensions of time to perfect, 2624

      Reports submitted to, additional requirements for submission, authority of Legislative Commission, 3124

      School funding

             Basic support guarantee, equity allocation model, receipt repealed, 4253

             Governor, receipt of certain recommendations authorized as part of proposed executive budget, 4205

             Legislative intent, 4198, 4200, 4211

             Pupil-Centered Funding Plan, receipt of recommendations for implementation, 4252

             Statewide base per pupil funding amount, determination, duties, 4198


             Hall of Fame, inductions

                   Cegavske, Barbara Katherine, 4599, 4600

                   Wiener, Valerie, 4598, 4599

             Majority Leader

                   Appointments made by

                          Financial Literacy Advisory Council, State, 1987

                          Homelessness to Housing, Nevada Interagency Advisory Council on, 2108, 2109

                         Indigent Defense Services, Board on, 2880

                          Mentoring, Nevada Advisory Commission on, 4508, 4512

                          Prescription drug prices, study committee, 1973

                          Pretrial release of defendants in criminal cases, study committee, 4644

                          Regional behavioral health policy boards, 2045

                          School Funding, Commission on, 4206, 4252

                          Wildfires, study committee, 4639

                   HIV Exposure Modernization, Advisory Task Force on, recommendation for appointment, 467

                   Patient Protection Commission, nomination of members, 2810

             Minority Leader, appointments made by

                   Financial Literacy Advisory Council, State, 1987

                   Mentoring, Nevada Advisory Commission on, 4508, 4512

                   Prescription drug prices, study committee, 1973

                   Pretrial release of defendants in criminal cases, study committee, 4644

                   School Funding, Commission on, 4206, 4252

                   Wildfires, study committee, 4639


             Administrative or court proceedings, continuance during session, requirements, procedures, 3606, 3607

             Expenses, appropriation, 1, 3361

      Silver Haired Legislative Forum (See SILVER HAIRED LEGISLATIVE FORUM, NEVADA)

      Standing rules

             Assembly, 4534-4558

             Joint, 4513-4533, 4643

             Senate, 4560-4581, 4589

      State University, authority to adopt laws governing, constitutional amendment, 4591-4595


      Veterans Services, Department of, collaboration duties, 2691



      Broadband development and improvement, appropriation, 3351

      Cannabis establishments, advertisements, restrictions, 3838

      Certification of public library personnel (See also PROFESSIONS AND OCCUPATIONS, LICENSING)

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2910

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2910

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2909, 2910

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4339

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2910

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4339

      Medical marijuana establishments, location of advertisements, restrictions, penalties, 2334, 2335

LICENSE PLATES (For motor vehicles generally, see MOTOR VEHICLES)

      Department of Corrections, authority of DMV to contract with vendors to produce plates outside facilities of Department, 76

      Disabilities, persons with

             Physician assistants, authority to certify applications, 143, 144

             Veterans, documents which veterans may present as proof of permanent disability, 78, 79

      Short-term lessors, vehicle registration program, establishment, 181, 182

      Special license plates

             Charitable organizations

                   Distribution of fees, duties of state agency, 204

                   Grant issuance, submission of information to Commission on Special License Plates, 206

                   Investigation of intended recipients of additional fees, 205, 206

                   Receipt of fees from plates, conditions under which certain documents must be provided to Commission on Special License Plates, 197

                   Souvenir plates, authority to request issuance, 204, 205

             Childhood cancer, plates to increase awareness, 1479, 1480

             Classic rods, distribution of fees, 77, 78

             Classic vehicles, distribution of fees, 78


             Electric vehicles, 2519, 2520

             Military vehicles, retired, 1323, 1324

             Old Timers, distribution of fees, 76

             Radio amateurs, renewal statements, duty of holders to surrender plates, 1389, 1390

             STEM educational programs, plates supporting, 3084, 3085

             Street rods, distribution of fees, 76, 77

             Vegas Strong, 558-568

             Women’s suffrage centennial, 894, 895


      Consumer litigation funding claims, priority of liens, 2406

      Limited-liability companies, insolvent

             Liens of employees for wages due, 2495

             Sales of encumbered property, 2495

      Mechanic’s liens, waiver of owners’ rights, notice of, procedures, 1371, 1372

      Trailers used to transport motor vehicles, boats or personal watercraft, rights of holders of storage liens, 1449


      Administrative or court proceedings, continuance during legislative session, requirements, procedures, 3606, 3607

      Campaign contributions, solicitation or acceptance, applicability of time restrictions, 1652, 1653

      General appropriations, 3342

      Outdoor Recreation, Advisory Board on, member, duties, 3705

      Salary, payment, 3364

      Unclassified staff, salaries, 3324


      Account for Health Insurance

             Allocation of certain assessments, 1100

             Name changed to Health Account, 1089, 1101

      Account for Life Insurance and Annuities

             Allocation of certain assessments, 1099, 1100

             Name changed to Life and Annuity Account, 1089, 1101


             Class B assessment for long-term care insurance, methodology for determining amount, allocation formulas, 1099, 1100, 1103

             Health maintenance organizations, applicability of provisions, 1101

             Recoupment of costs by certain member insurers, procedure, excess amount to be remitted to Association, 1102, 1103

      Board of Directors

             Composition, 1089

             Reports and recommendations, authority, 1104, 1105

      Delinquency proceedings, duties regarding reports, 1725

      Health care providers, coverage, 1084

      Health insurance

             Coverage, 1084

             Limitations on obligations, 1094

      Health maintenance organizations, membership, requirements, applicability of laws, 1087-1090, 1101, 1103-1106, 1110

      Insurers, applicability of laws clarified, 1082

      Long-term care benefits

             Class B assessments, methodology for calculating amount, allocation formulas, 1099, 1100, 1103

             Coverage, 1084

      Medicaid, coverage not provided, 1086

      Plan of operation, contents, 1103

      Policies or contracts

             Actuarially justified rate or premium increases, authority of Association to file for, 1095

             Applicability of laws clarified, 1082

             Court approval for certain actions removed, 1091

             Portions of policies or contracts, coverage, 1085

             Reissuance, authority, legal standing before court or agency, 1091-1093

      Refunds to member insurers, laws clarified, 1110


      Electric scooters, required equipment, 1896

      General purpose lights, redesignation as general service lamps, definition, establishment of energy efficiency standards, prohibited sales, 905, 906

      Tow cars and certain other vehicles, authority to equip with rear facing nonflashing blue lights, requirements, restrictions on use, 1230, 1231


      Challenge schools, action to collect upon a bill, 1983

      Cigarettes and other tobacco products, taxes on, action for refund, 622

      Constructional defects

             Fraud, damages resulting from, time for commencement of actions, 2263

             Homeowner’s warranty, tolling of limitations from time notice of claim submitted to insurer, provisions repealed, 2261

      Felony convictions

             Factual innocence, hearing to establish based on newly discovered evidence, 2977, 2978

             Wrongful convictions, action for damages or other relief, 4368

      Meetings of public bodies, procedures following violations by or fines against members, 3629

      Military, Office of the, action to collect upon a bill, 1983

      Physicians, violations related to supervision of students, recovery of fines, 4043, 4044

      Sexual assault

             DNA evidence, identity of accused established by, removal of statute of limitations, 1498, 1499

             Murder, no limitation for prosecution of assault arising out of same facts and circumstances, 464

      Unlawful employment practices, action for grant or restoration of rights, 550, 3759

      Worker cooperative corporations, actions challenging expulsion, termination or suspension of members, 909


      Alter ego of company, determination, liability, 104

      Insolvent or mismanaged companies


                   Abatement of actions due to receiver’s death prohibited, 2495

                   Creditor’s claims, action on, appeal of disallowed claims, 2494

                   Injunction and appointment of receiver, applications to district court, requirements, 2491-2493

                   Substitution of receiver as party, 2494


                   Action on creditors’ claims, appeal of disallowed claims, 2494

                   Claims to be in writing under oath, 2494

                    Distribution of money to creditors, requirements, 2495

                   Proof of claims, time for, when participation barred, notice, 2494

             Dissolution of company, authority of court, 2492, 2493

             Distribution of money to creditors and members, 2495

             District courts, general powers, 2493

             Employees’ liens for wages, 2495

             Injunction, application to district court, requirements, rights of members, 2491-2493

             Property and privileges of company to vest in appointed receiver, 2492

             Receivers or trustees

                   Acts of majority of receivers effectual, 2495


                          Managers or managing members, preference in appointment, 2493

                          Persons authorized to apply to court, requirements, 2491-2493

                          Temporary appointments, requirements, 2493

                   Assets, duty to take possession upon court order, 2494

                   Compensation, costs and expenses, 2495

                   Inventory, list of debts and reports, duties, 2494

                   Mismanaged companies, powers, 2493

                   Powers, generally, 2491, 2492

                   Property and privileges of company vest in receiver, 2492

                   Reconveyance of all property, franchises, rights and effects, duties, 2492, 2493

                   Removal and vacancies, 2495

                   Substitution as party in any suit or proceeding, 2494

                   Termination of receivership, 2493

             Reorganization by members, 2493

             Resumption of business and control, 2492, 2493

             Rights of members, certain rights may be exercised by noneconomic members, requirements, 2493

             Sales of encumbered or deteriorating property, 2495

      Local emerging small businesses, reinstatement following forfeiture of right to transact business, procedures, 921, 922, 930

      Managers or managing members, duties, 104


             Blockchain technology, authority to use, regulation, admissibility, 2823

             Electronic records authorized, admissibility in evidence, 2823

             Inspection of records

                   Electronic records or records kept on blockchain, procedures, 2823

                   Records not available for examination within State, procedures for inspection, 105

      Series of members

             Exercise of powers and privileges, 106, 107

             Recognition, legislative declaration, 104


      Documents, maintenance of certain documents at certain locations, requirements, 398


      Documents, maintenance of certain documents at certain locations, requirements, 396, 397

      Local emerging small businesses, reinstatement following forfeiture of right to transact business, procedures, 923, 924, 930


      Blockchain technology, authority to use, regulation, procedures for inspection of records, admissibility in evidence, 2824, 2825

      Documents, maintenance of certain documents at certain locations, requirements, 398

      Electronic records, authority to keep, inspection procedures, admissibility in evidence, 2824

      Local emerging small businesses, reinstatement following forfeiture of right to transact business, procedures, 925-927, 930


      Behavioral health region, transfer of county to other region, 2044


      Alternative livestock, prohibited acts involving, 403-405

      Annual sales of livestock, limited license to conduct, issuance, 2609-2611

      Custom processing units, regulation, 1614, 1615

      Larceny, monetary threshold for categorization of offenses, 4430, 4431

      Mobile processing units, regulation, 1614, 1615

      Poultry, permit for farm or other facility to slaughter and sell raw poultry, regulation, 1614

      Public auctions

             Audit of custodial account for consignors’ proceeds, duties of licensee, 1385

             Renewal of license of operator, requirements, 1384, 1385

             Surety bond, amount and type, 1383, 1384

      Wildlife, killing of certain animals to protect livestock authorized, 758, 759


      Criminal history disqualification

             Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2950, 2951

             List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2950

             Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2950

             Sunset Subcommittee of Legislative Commission, review of decisions of licensing board, requirements, 2904, 2905

      Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2950


      Call centers relocating to foreign country, ineligibility of employer to receive incentives for economic development, waiver, 2898

      Consumer credit loans, interest limits for loans to service members and dependents, 950

      Enterprise Information Technology Services, Division of, appropriations as loans for certain equipment, repayment, 3712, 3713


      Higher education, statewide database of sources of financial assistance, establishment, 2324

      Installment loans (See INSTALLMENT LOANS)

      Internet lenders, licensing and operation, 3998, 3999

      Product Innovation, Regulatory Experimentation Program for, establishment, 3985-4000

      Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation Loans, Account for, name change, use expanded, 2024-2027

      Small Business Enterprise Loan Account, authorized expenditures, 3133

      Tribal governments, Attorney General authorized to make agreements regarding loans following disaster, 3630

      Unlawful receipt of money to obtain loan for another, penalties, 4441


      Contributions or commitment to make contributions, prohibited period, 1660

      Nevada Lobbying Disclosure Act

             Codification into statute of existing interpretations by Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2986-2990, 2994-2998

             Definitions, 2986, 2988-2990

             "Educational or informational meeting, event or trip," exclusions from definition, 2988

             Financial Disclosure Act, laws similar to, coordination with Secretary of State in application and interpretation, 2986

             Gifts to legislators

                   Exemptions from definition of "gift," presumption regarding certain gifts, 2988, 2989

                   Legislative declaration, 2987

             Legislative Commission, authority to adopt exemptions and exceptions to laws, 2992

             Legislative findings, 2987

             List of registrants, compilation and distribution, 2993

             Name change of Act, 2987

             Persons required to register as lobbyist deemed to be lobbyist, exceptions, 2987

             Prohibited acts, 2994, 2995

             Registration statements, requirements, exemptions, 2990, 2991

             Suspension or revocation of registration, effect, 2994

             Termination of session activity, notice requirements, duties of lobbyist following, 2992


      Collective bargaining agreements

             Expiration, removal of certain laws governing, 2677

             Financial ability of employer to pay, exclusion of certain money from consideration, 3608

             Scope of mandatory bargaining, 2674

      Complaints, time for certain hearings regarding, 2674

      Executive Department, laws made applicable to (See GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE-MANAGEMENT RELATIONS)

      Leave to employees providing services to employee organizations, repeal of provisions, 2688


             Administrative and supervisory personnel, authority to join bargaining units, restrictions, 2677, 2678

             Appropriations for benefit increases, consideration in certain matters, 3609, 3612, 3614, 3615

             Arbitration, submission of dispute to arbitrator, procedures, time for hearing, 2679

             Classroom supplies and materials subject to negotiation by employers with employee organizations, 2373

             County school district funds, use of budgeted ending fund balance for collective bargaining, restrictions, 4240

             Disciplinary action, inapplicability of laws, 2683

             Expenditures of revenue by school districts, compliance with laws regarding negotiations required, 2373

             Notice by employee organization of intent to negotiate, requirements, 2678

             Salary increases

                   Money appropriated to carry out increase

                          Financial ability of school district, use of appropriated money in determining, 3612, 3614, 3615

                          Subject to negotiations with employee organizations, 3609

                   Negotiated increases, district to reserve sufficient amount of money to pay increased salary

                          Appropriations, transfers of money, 2378, 2387, 2388

                          Requirements and procedures, 3261, 3269

             Statewide base per pupil funding, use of additional weighted funding for collective bargaining, restrictions, 4200

      Supervisory employees, prohibition on certain police officers and firefighters being deemed, 544


      Complaints, duties, 2674, 2680, 3742

      Name change, 3741


      Diesel fuel, imposition of additional tax in certain counties, forms for submitting question to registered voters, duties, 1263


      Deferred compensation plans, authorized investments, 666

      Ending fund balance, amount excluded from collective bargaining negotiations, 3608

      Enterprise funds

             Constable’s office established by county commissioners as enterprise fund, procedures, 1555, 1559

             Telecommunication services, exemption from requirements, 1322


             General portfolio

                   Increase in maximum share of value authorized to be invested in certain obligations, 663, 665

                   Preservation of principal value and integrity, duties of State Treasurer, reports, 663

             Supranational organizations and foreign financial institutions, investment in securities issued by authorized, 661, 662


      Advertisements for purchasing contracts

             Monetary threshold for requirements to apply, increase, 769, 770

             Publication and contents, requirements, 768, 769

      "Bidder," terminology changed to "responding offeror,” 766-769, 773, 778, 779

      "Bids," terminology changed to "response,” 768, 769, 772, 775, 776, 778

      Competitive bidding, exceptions to requirements expanded, 774


             Assignment, exemption from restrictions, 773

             Cooperative purchasing organizations, contracts with local governments pursuant to solicitations, 777, 778

             Estimated annual amount to perform contract

                   Between $50,000 and $100,000, award of contract on basis of price, 767

                   More than $100,000

                          Advertisement, requirements, 769, 770

                          Award of contract, procedures, 770-772

                          Protest of award, 772

                          Rejection of response to solicitation, 773

                          Solicitation, issuance authorized, 769, 770

             Local governments, authority to enter contracts with other governmental entities pursuant to solicitations, 777, 778

             Performance contracts for operating cost-saving measures, compliance with prevailing wage laws, 713

      Donation of personal property to other governmental entity or nonprofit organization authorized, 777

      Metropolitan police departments, applicability of laws, 767

      Recycled products, preferences, 766, 767, 770-772


             Contents of each solicitation, requirements, 766

             Cooperative purchasing organizations, contracts with local governments pursuant to solicitations, 777, 778

             Definition, 768

             Local governments, authority to enter contracts with other governmental entities pursuant to solicitations, 777, 778

             On-line solicitations, definition, procedures, restrictions on use as exclusive means of receiving responses, 768, 769

             Records of solicitations and responses, maintenance, requirements, 766, 788

             "Request for bids," terminology changed to "solicitation,” 769, 770, 773, 779

             "Responding offeror" defined, 768

             Response to certain solicitations, rejection, 773


      Annual accountings, requirements, reports, 1298

      Certificates of sale, notices, expiration, 1302

      Demand for deed to property sold for assessment, procedures, 1302

      Prevailing wage laws, applicability of requirements, 710, 711

      Public capital improvements, use of certain money for, 1300, 1301

      Special funds, final accountings, procedures, 1298-1300

      State Education Fund, distribution of certain assessments, 4196, 4241

      Water, right to appropriate dedicated to district, requirements, effect, 2530-2532


      Abatement of taxes

             Board of Economic Development, approval requirements for certain abatements, 2247, 2251

             Provisions inapplicable, 2225-2244, 2254


             Durable medical equipment, 1394

             Medical devices prescribed by physician assistants, 137, 138

             Mobility enhancing equipment, 1394

             Oxygen delivery equipment, 1394

      Marketplace facilitators, collection and remittance of taxes, duties, immunity from liability, 3688-3694

      Referrers, collection and remittance of taxes, duties, 3688-3694

      School finances and funds

             Legislative findings and declaration, 4245, 4246

             Sales and Use Tax Account, transfers, 4246

             State Education Fund, sources, 4196, 4246

             State Permanent School Fund, loans from, certain withholding of tax distributions to repay repealed, 4225


      Fire prevention practices, requirements, 739, 740

      Grass seed, sowing requirements, 739

      Harvest area, stocking requirements, 736, 737


             Applications, requirements, 735, 736

             Performance bonds, authority to reduce removed, 741

             Suspension or revocation, grounds, 736

      "Tractor" and "tractor logging," terms repealed, 736, 738, 739, 741

      Variances, when required, factors, 737

      Water, prohibited acts near, 737


      Power of attorney, agent’s authority to place principal in secured facility to be expressly granted, repeal, 421, 424, 3509

      Rehabilitation facilities


                   Instructions for making complaint, posting, penalty for violations, 267

                   Investigation of complaints, procedures, 264, 266, 267

             Guardianships, notices regarding placement of protected persons, 1240, 1241

             State Long-Term Care Ombudsman, duties, 264-267



             Complaints, referral to other licensing board, 2738

             Sunset Subcommittee of Legislative Commission

                   Criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, review, recommendations, 2904, 2905

                   Study of professional and occupational licensing boards, 4629, 4630

      Disciplinary action, grounds for, 1119, 1341, 2600


             Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257, 4333

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

             Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278


      Complaints to Ombudsman

             Instructions for making, posting by certain facilities and providers, duties and penalty for violation, regulation, 267

             Investigation upon direction of Administrator of Division of Aging and Disability Services, procedures, 264, 266, 267

      Discharge of patient or transfer to another facility, notices, 440

      Jurisdiction, expansion, 264, 265


      Conditions for operation, 959

      Definitions, 958

      Number of lotteries by calendar quarter, limitation removed, 962

      Qualified organizations

             Approval, provisions repealed, 959-961

             Compensation to persons not regular employee of organization, certain restriction removed, 962

             Financial reports, submission, 963

             Vendors, prohibited contract provisions, 963

      Registration of qualified organizations

             Application, requirements, fees, 960, 961

             Conditions, 959, 960

             Expiration of registration, provisions repealed, 960

             Revocable privilege, 960

      Ticket sales, certain county limitation removed, statewide and online sales permitted upon approval, restrictions, 962

      Unsuitability of associated persons, effect on contracts with qualified organizations, 962

      Violations, penalties, 963, 964


      Appropriations, reports, duties, 4015, 4016




      Inspection fee, liability for willful nonpayment, 1571


      Disciplinary action against licensed school personnel, substantiated reports grounds for certain action, 1056, 1057

      Issuance or renewal of license of school personnel, background checks, 1051, 1052


      Growth in County and region, reports, duties, 798-800



      Abandoned real property, expedited sale for delinquent taxes, notice, 748, 753

      Cannabis Compliance Board, regulations, procedures, 3780

      Central Repository, name-based searches of criminal history records, written consent, 2257


             Casting ballot by mail, 4077

             Form to request absent ballot, time for mailing, 4078, 4113

             Return of absent ballot, time for, 4079, 4105

      Hearing aid sales by mail, authority of physician assistant to sign required statement, 148, 149

      Local improvement districts, demand for deed to property sold for assessment, procedures, 1302

      Mental health services, notice to parent or guardian of emergency admission of minor, 2617, 2618

      Optometry, Nevada State Board of, notices to licensees, 3655

      Psychological Examiners, Board of, disciplinary and other actions, service of process, 998

      Traffic citations, system for making pleas and defenses via mail authorized, procedures, 380-382

      Worker cooperative corporations

             Expulsion, termination or suspension of members, notice, 909

             Meetings, notice requirements, 909-911


      Boards, commissions and similar bodies, removal of Governor’s appointees, 1566, 1567

      Cannabis Compliance Board, removal of members, 3777

      Employment discrimination committed by local elected officer, procedure for removal from office, 1946, 1947


      Chiropractors, provisions relating to gross malpractice repealed, 2295

      Insurance, Division of

             Contents of certain report, 2738, 2739

             Repeal of certain duties and reports, 1687, 1688, 1706, 1726-1728

      Radiation therapy and radiologic imaging, applicability of laws, grounds for discipline, 2709, 2711, 2731


      Certificates of authorization to operate machine (See also PROFESSIONS AND OCCUPATIONS, LICENSING)

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2930

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2929

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2929, 2930

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Fee and continuing education exemption for certain persons, 2707, 2708

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2929

      Registration of machines, requirements, 2708


      Children’s Health Insurance Program, negotiation with psychiatric hospitals to become network providers, 1927

      Health benefit plans (See also HEALTH BENEFIT PLANS)

             Genetic information, prohibited adjustment of premium, deductible, copay or coinsurance, 313

             Health status, effect on offering or issuing plan, benefits, enrollment or renewal, requirements, prohibited acts, 313

             Wellness program that reduces premium, deductible or copayment based on health status, authority to include, requirements, 313

      Health care providers

             Access to services and discounts of provider pursuant to provider network contract, requirements, prohibited acts, 1601-1605

             Crisis stabilization services, negotiation with psychiatric hospitals to become network providers, 1927

             Denial of application to be included in network of providers, use of form letter, duties, 551

             Network plans, health carriers offering, provision of certain contact information and annual reports to Office of Consumer Health Assistance, 297, 298

      Hearing devices for children, participation in program to negotiate discounts and rebates authorized, 3930, 3931

      Independent review organizations, examination, payment of expenses, 1686

      Maternity care coverage, prohibited discrimination, 1008, 1009


             Dental care for certain persons with diabetes, duties, 2419

             Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, coverage requirements, 541-543

             Mental health crisis stabilization services, negotiation with psychiatric hospitals to become network providers, 1927

      Medical cannabis provisions, effect on duties of organization, 3833

      Prescription drugs (See PRESCRIPTIONS)

      Reciprocal licensure, authorization, 1433

      Sickle cell disease and variants, coverage requirements, 2175


      Plumbing fixtures, minimum standards, 2103, 2104


      Government shutdowns, prohibited acts by landlords

             Rental payments, late fees prohibited, 3191, 3193

             Termination of rental agreement for failure to pay rent prohibited upon proof of protected status, retaliatory action by landlord prohibited, 3194, 3195

      Maintenance or repairs, authority to perform without license under certain circumstances, complaint procedures, 1610, 1611

      Rent obtained by false pretenses, penalties, 4435

      Traffic control laws, applicability, 2653-2656


      Certificates of ownership, issuance, requirements, procedures, 2422, 2423

      Homesteads (See HOMESTEADS)


             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2936

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2935

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2935, 2936

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2935

      Plumbing fixtures, minimum standards, 2104

      Summary eviction of persons holding over after foreclosure or sale, 3917

      Transfer of ownership by certificate of ownership in beneficiary form upon death of owner, 2423, 2424

      Transfer of title or interest, signature requirements, 2424


      Cigarette manufacturers (See CIGARETTES AND OTHER TOBACCO PRODUCTS)

      Cosmetics tested on animals, importation or sale prohibited, exceptions, penalties, 1589, 1590

      Firearms, semiautomatic, prohibited acts involving, penalties, 4179, 4180

      Food Security, Council on, representation, 689

      Gaming manufacturers

             Employment of certain persons under age 21 authorized, 112

             Unlawful acts, penalty, 4477, 4478

      Ignition interlock devices, duty to notify of tampering, 3102

      Marijuana-infused or edible marijuana products, authority of production facilities to acquire and use hemp, 2357, 2358

      Motor vehicle manufacturers

             Consumer form contracts, laws inapplicable, 2308

             Privacy of covered information collected by operators of Internet websites or online services, manufacturers exempt from notice requirements, 1172


      Prescription drug manufacturers

             Legislative study of drug prices, 1973

             Pharmacy benefit managers (See PHARMACY BENEFIT MANAGERS)


      Driving under the influence, issues relating to, legislative study, 4641, 4642

      Employers, authorized and prohibited acts relative to marijuana, 2625, 2626

      Establishments (See MARIJUANA ESTABLISHMENTS)

      Financial transactions, payment processing systems, requirements, pilot program, 2508-2510

      Marijuana-infused or edible marijuana products, authority of production facilities to acquire and use hemp, 2357, 2358

      Reenactment and revision of provisions, 3834-3840

      Repeal of taxation and medical marijuana laws, 3896



             Entertainment events, percentage of attendees less than 21 years of age, duties, prohibited acts, penalties, 2345, 2346

             Local governments, regulatory authority, 2345-2347, 2349

             Penalties for certain violations, authority of Department of Taxation, 2346

             Prior approval of advertisements by Department of Taxation, requirement prohibited, 2341


             Definition, 2340

             Disqualification, grounds for, 2337

             Notification of termination of association with establishment, 2337


                   Application, accompanying information, fee, 2336

                   Authorized activities of registrants, 2337, 2338

                   Background investigations, 2336, 2337


                          Definition, 2340

                          Expiration and renewal, 2337

                          Issuance, 2337

                          Revocation, grounds, 2339

                   Child support obligations, effect, 2338, 2339

                   Conditional approval of application, 2337

                   Requirement, 2335, 2336

                   Temporary registration, 2338

      Cultivation facilities, tax on wholesale sales, deposit of proceeds, 4248

      Financial transactions, pilot program to establish closed-loop payment processing systems, requirements, 2508-2510

      Independent contractors, provision of agent training, authority, 2480

      Reenactment, revision and reorganization of provisions, 3834-3840

      Repeal of certain laws, 3896

      Retail marijuana stores, excise tax, deposit of proceeds, 3270, 4196, 4245

      Taxation, Department of, confidentiality of records and files, authorized disclosures, 118-121


      Closed-loop payment processing systems, pilot program, requirements, 2508, 2509

      Retail sales, deposit of proceeds, 3270, 4196, 4245

      Wholesale sales

             Deposit of proceeds, 3873, 4196, 4245, 4248

             Distribution of revenue, 3873


      Capital improvements, funding, 3309, 3314

      Snowcat vehicle for winter access, appropriation, 2802, 2803

      State Public Works Division, authorized expenditures, 3132

      Water System, support, appropriation, 2790


      Authorization to perform specific marriage, requirements for, 453


             Marriage certificates, certified copy or certified abstract, fees, 458

             Permission to perform marriages or specific marriage, requirements for, fee, 454, 457, 458

      Minors, marriage prohibited, exception for minors 17 years of age with consent of guardian and authorization of court, 3360, 3661

      Same-sex marriage, constitutional recognition, equal treatment under law, 4604


             By unauthorized persons, penalty, 457

             Refusal to perform, rights of religious organizations and clergy, 4604

      Solicitation on county property where license issued, penalty, 457

      Wedding chapels, marriage licenses for minor applicants, requirements for issuance, 3664


      Alcohol and drug abuse treatment providers, prohibited acts, penalties, 1679, 1680


             Compensation and expenses of employees, payment, 2666

             Emergency or disaster training received by certain license applicants, duties, 4160

             Sunset Subcommittee of Legislative Commission

                   Criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, review, recommendations, 2904, 2905

                   Study of professional and occupational licensing boards, 4629, 4630

      Cannabis Compliance Board, representation by clinical professional counselors, 3777

      Commercial sexual exploitation of child, duty to report, penalties, 1932


             By endorsement, time for approval, 2668

             Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257, 4305-4309

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256

             Emergency or disaster training received by certain applicants, duties, 4160

             Fees, 2671

             Inactive list, transfer to, reactivation procedure, 2669, 2670

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

             Interns, issuance and renewal, 2670, 2671

             Lapsed license, reinstatement, applicability of procedures, 2669

             Renewal, procedures, effect of failure to pay renewal fee, 2669

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

             Term, expiration, 2667

             Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278

      Mental health services, disclosure of consumer records to health care providers, 363, 367

      Schools with identified needs, block grants for contracts with mental health workers, 2390, 4020, 4021

      Scope of practice, 2665, 2666

      Veterans, duties regarding, continuing education and receipt of information related to health issues, 2692, 2694

      Vulnerable persons abused, neglected, exploited, isolated or abandoned, duty to report, 3485-3487


      Armed Forces members or veterans and spouses

             Benefit claims against federal or state government, assistance, 127

             Consumer credit loans, requirements and prohibitions, 940-942, 950

             Educational personnel, licensing procedures, 888, 889

             Environmental health specialists, initial registration fee, 2122

             Radiation therapy and radiologic imaging personnel, licensing procedures, 2727, 2728

             Suicide prevention training, provision to family of military members, 3107

      Confidentiality of personal information contained in certain official records, persons authorized to request, 726-729, 865-868

      Creditworthiness evaluations, consideration upon request of credit history of applicant’s spouse established during marriage, procedures, effect of violation, 1593, 1594

      Driver’s license, persons authorized to request display of alternate address, 729, 868, 869, 1827

      First responders, crimes committed against spouse of, additional penalty, 1462, 1463

      Government shutdowns, protections for federal, tribal or state workers extended to certain household members, 3173

      Guardianships, claims to acquire personal property of protected person, priority, 1243

      High-risk behavior, orders for protection against, procedures, 3948, 3950-3952, 4170-4177

      Identification card, persons authorized to request display of alternate address, 729, 868, 869, 1827

      Industrial insurance death benefits, annual increase for certain survivors, base amount, 1469, 1470, 1472

      Mental health facilities, emergency admission of person in mental health crisis, notice to spouse, requirements, 354, 2621

      Property held in trust, transmutation of property between community property and separate property, burden of proof, 1852

      Restrictive covenants based on familial status, provisions deemed void, duties of county recorders, 373-375

      Wrongful conviction of felony, counseling of relative of convicted person may be provided, 4369


      Portable event recording devices or vehicular event recording devices, funding for purchase and maintenance, 3255

      Prisoners in jail or detention facility, coordination of care, applicability of laws, 2198


      Appropriation for implementation, 3716


      Coroners, authority to establish mental health promotion program for persons providing services in response to, 4163

      Stress-related injury or disease of first responders, industrial insurance compensation, 1901, 1902



      Commercial sexual exploitation of child, duty to report, 1932


             Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257, 4300

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

             Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278


      Homelessness to Housing, Nevada Interagency Advisory Council on, membership, 2108



      Chair, appointment, 41

      Composition, 41

      Confidentiality of records and information, 44

      Definitions, 41

      Employees, 43

      Establishment, 41

      Funding, 42

      Immunities from liability, 42

      Meetings, 41-43

      Part of Department of Health and Human Services, 41

      Powers and duties generally, 42, 43

      Reports, duties, 42, 46

      Rules and regulations, adoption, 41, 42

      Secretary, election, 41

      Subcommittees, 43


      First responders, crimes committed against spouse or child, additional penalty, 1462, 1463


      Waiver of owners’ rights, notice of, procedures, 1371, 1372


      Government Employee-Management Relations Act, procedures, 3739


      Acute care per diem, funding for increase in certain reimbursement rates, 4017, 4018

      Assisted living facilities in rural areas that also provide adult day care and respite care, feasibility study, requirements, 584

      Authorized expenditures, 2023, 3135

      Autism spectrum disorders

             Audit of services for persons with, 3050

             Nevada Commission on Autism Spectrum Disorders, reports to, 3055

      Children, analysis of coverage, reports, 3427, 3428

      Dental care for adults with diabetes, coverage, 2417-2419

      Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, coverage requirements, 541-543

      General appropriations, 3345, 3354, 3355, 3363

      Health maintenance organizations

             Applicability of laws pertaining to health benefit plans, 309

             Crisis stabilization services, negotiation with psychiatric hospitals to become network providers, 1926

      Home and community-based services, requirement to provide certain additional services, 3106

      Hospital Care to Indigent Persons, Fund for, use to offset certain state share program losses, 2432, 2433

      Mental health crisis stabilization services, reimbursement for services, negotiation with psychiatric hospitals to become network providers, 1923, 1926, 1927

      Nevada Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association, coverage not provided, 1086

      Offenders released from prison, assistance with enrollment application paperwork, 4447

      Prescription drugs

             List of preferred drugs

                   Certain categories removed from list, 4028

                   Group insurance for public employees, use of list as formulary, 4026

                   Nonprofit health benefit plans, use of list as formulary, 4032

             Payments and rebates, contracts relating to, requirements, publication of audits, 4027, 4028

             Purchasing agreements

                   Group insurance for public employees, authority to obtain drugs through purchasing agreements, 4026, 4028

                   Nonprofit health benefit plans, authority to obtain drugs through purchasing agreements, 4028, 4032

                   Requirements, reports, 4028, 4029

      Sickle cell disease and variants, coverage requirements, 2166-2168

      Supplemental appropriation, 2023

      Tenancy support services, provision to recipients, 3106


      "Chronic or debilitating medical condition" defined, 3812, 3813

      Criminal charge of possession, delivery or production of cannabis, affirmative defense, 3822, 3823

      Cultivation facilities, excise tax on wholesale sales to other cannabis establishment, distribution of proceeds, 3873

      Exemptions from state prosecution, requirements, 3814-3816, 3827

      Legislative declaration, 3769, 3770

      Registry identification cards and letters of approval

            Application, denial, grounds, 3817

             Contents, 3818, 3819

             Exemptions from state prosecution, 3814-3816, 3827

             Expired, when deemed, effect, 3820, 3821

             Falsified information on application, effect, 3819, 3820

             Nonresident reciprocity, 3824, 3827

             Period of validity, 3819

             Reapplication after revocation, requirements, 3820

             Reenactment of provisions, 3816-3821, 3832-3833

             Unlawful acts, 3847

             Violations, penalties, 3822

      State not to be held responsible for deleterious outcomes from use by any person, 3834


      Advertising, regulatory authority of local governments, 3809

      Authorized and prohibited acts, 3824

      Cannabis Compliance Board, creation, regulatory authority, 3776, 3779-3781

      Confidentiality of certain information and data, authorized disclosures, 3782

      Cultivation facilities, authority to acquire cannabis or plants from holder of registry identification card, 3824

      Definitions, 3770-3773, 3790


             Acquisition of cannabis or plants from holder of registry identification card, authority, 3824

             Contracts with third party or intermediary business to deliver cannabis or medical cannabis products to consumer, 3827

             Hemp, authority to acquire and use, 3824

             Nonresidents, requirements to dispense to, 3828

             Powers and duties generally, 3826

             Storage and removal of medical cannabis, requirements, 3827

      Dual licensees, authority to combine inventory with cannabis establishment to maintain inventory control system, 3826

      Duties and prohibited acts generally, 3806-3809

      Electronic verification system, maintenance, requirements, co-ownership authorized, 3824, 3825

      Exemptions from state prosecution, requirements, 3814-3816

      Fees, 3803, 3804

      Inventory control systems, maintenance

             Dual licensees, authority to combine inventory, 3826

             Requirements, 3825

      Legislative declarations, 3769, 3770, 3790


             Application, 3791, 3792

             Child support obligations, effect, 3804, 3805

             Cultivation facilities, 3793

             Dispensaries, 3793

             Expiration, 3792

             Issuance, 3791-3794

             Nontransferability, 3805

             Production facilities, 3793

             Renewal, 3792

      Location, restrictions, 3791-3793, 3823, 3876

      Production facilities, authority to acquire and use hemp, 3824

      Seizure of evidence from establishment by law enforcement agency, applicability of forfeiture provisions, 3829

      Storage of medical cannabis, requirements, 3827

      Transportation of medical cannabis, authority, 3827

      Unlicensed engagement in business prohibited, 3790


      "Durable medical equipment," definition, sales tax exemptions, 1393, 1394

      "Mobility enhancing equipment," definition, sales tax exemptions, 1393, 1394

      "Oxygen delivery equipment," definition, sales tax exemptions, 1394

      Physician assistants, sales tax exemptions for devices prescribed by, 137, 138


      Controlled substances, computerized program to track prescriptions, duty to upload information removed, effect, 169, 172

      Vulnerable persons abused, neglected, exploited, isolated or abandoned, duty to report, 3485-3487


      Continuing education, training in diagnosis of rare diseases, duty to encourage, 1490

      Disciplinary action taken against licensee, reporting requirement, exception, 983

      Final orders imposing discipline, time for issuance, 984

      Inspections, authority, 4043

      Licenses (See also specific professions)

             Emergency or disaster training received by certain applicants, duties, 4157

             Physician assistants, duties, 2693, 4157

             Veterans, actions by licensees regarding, duties, 2693

      Malpractice, duties regarding closed claims removed, 1726, 1727

      Meetings, authority to meet at location where video conference facilities unavailable, requirements, 982

      Pediatric cancer, dissemination of information concerning, duties, 1489

      Prescriptions for controlled substances

             Complaints, review and investigation, certain requirements removed, 2128

             Schedule II-IV substances, laws, development and dissemination of explanation or technical advisory bulletin, duties, 2129

             Tracking program, grounds for termination of access, 170

      Respiratory care practitioners, regulation, 2733, 2734

      Sunset Subcommittee of Legislative Commission

             Criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, review, recommendations, 2904, 2905

             Study of professional and occupational licensing boards, 4629, 4630

      Veterans, authority to question licensees regarding patients who are veterans, 2693


      2-1-1 information system to include information concerning licensing status, requirements, 251

      Adult day care (See ADULT DAY CARE FACILITIES)

      Alcohol or drug abuse


             Treatment facilities (See ALCOHOL OR DRUG ABUSE)


             Commercial sexual exploitation of child, duty to report, 1932

             Lead levels in children, duties regarding blood testing, reports, 3042

             Out-of-state facilities providing educational services to state residents, reimbursements to

                   Amount of reimbursement, determination, 3110, 3111, 4213, 4214

                   Audits of facilities receiving reimbursements, regulation, appropriation, 3111, 3112

                   Educational records, transfer, regulation, 3110, 3111

                   Pupils with disabilities, requirements, regulation, 3111

                   Requests for reimbursement, authority, procedures, 3110

      Community health worker pools, required and prohibited acts, 1333, 1334

      Cultural competency training for agents and employees, requirements, 1334, 1681, 1682

      Deaths occurring in, reports, exemptions from investigations, penalties for violations, 1666-1671

      Diet ordered or prescribed for patients, duty to provide, documentation required, penalties, 111, 1115-1117

      Discrimination, prohibited acts, required policies and notices, 1333, 1334

      Electronic records, duties, regulations, 1335

      Emergency medical care, independent centers for (See EMERGENCY MEDICAL CARE, INDEPENDENT CENTERS FOR)

      Employees or agents

             Cultural competency training, requirements, 1334, 1681, 1682

             Retaliation or discrimination, prohibited acts by employers, 3678

      Gender identity or expression of persons receiving care, duties, regulation, 1333-1336

      Guardianships, transfer of adult to less restrictive facility, procedures, 1235, 1236

      Homes for individual residential care (See HOMES FOR INDIVIDUAL RESIDENTIAL CARE)

      Hospice (See HOSPICE CARE)

      Hospitals (See HOSPITALS)

      Intermediate care, facilities for

             Complaints to Ombudsman, instructions for making complaint, posting, penalty for violations, 267

             Deaths occurring in, reports, exemptions from investigations, penalties for violations, 1666-1671

             Discharge of patient or transfer to another facility, requirements, exceptions, 440

             Employee training, standards for and minimum competencies, study, 253, 254

             Internet website, duties, 1333, 1334

             Sentinel events defined to include deaths, reports, investigations, penalties, 1666-1671

             Workplace violence, prevention measures required, records, reports, 3671-3677, 3680, 3681

      Licenses for medical facilities and facilities for the dependent (See also PROFESSIONS AND OCCUPATIONS, LICENSING)

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2916, 2917

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2916

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2916

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial, suspension or revocation, grounds, 1339

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2916

      Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health, appropriations, 4015

      Name of patient or resident, duties of facilities, regulation, 1335

      Nursing in the home (See NURSING IN THE HOME, AGENCIES TO PROVIDE)

      Patient safety officer, appointment by additional facilities, duties, 1667, 1670

      Peer support recovery organizations (See PEER SUPPORT RECOVERY ORGANIZATIONS)

      Personal care services in the home (See PERSONAL CARE SERVICES IN THE HOME, AGENCIES TO PROVIDE)

      Privacy of persons receiving care, duties of facilities, 1335

      Released offenders, transitional living facilities (See PRISONS, STATE — Offenders)

      Residential facilities for groups (See RESIDENTIAL FACILITIES FOR GROUPS)

      Sentinel events defined to include deaths, reports, investigations, penalties, 1666-1671

      Sickle cell disease and variants, duty to make records available to Chief Medical Officer, assessment of fee, penalty for violation, 2159

      Skilled nursing, facilities for

             Complaints to Ombudsman, posting of instructions, requirements, penalty, 267

             Deaths occurring in, reports, exemptions from investigations, penalties for violations, 1666-1671

             Discharge of patient or transfer to another facility, requirements, 440

             Employee training, standards for and minimum competencies, study, 253, 254

             Internet website, duties, 1333, 1334

             Power of attorney, agent’s authority to place principal in facility to be expressly granted, repeal, 421, 424, 3509

             Sentinel events defined to include deaths, reports, investigations, penalties, 1666-1671

             Workplace violence, prevention measures required, records, reports, 3671-3677, 3680, 3681

      Surgical centers for ambulatory patients, national provider identify of off-campus locations to be distinct from that of main location or other off-campus location, 4033

      Trauma treatment centers, approval, requirements, 4039, 4040

      Violence in the workplace, prevention measures

             Definitions, 3671-3673

             Incidents of workplace violence

                   Records related to, maintenance and availability, 3676

                   Response and investigation procedures, requirements, 3674

             Industrial Relations, Division of, consultation with Division of Public and Behavioral Health, 3676

             Medical facilities, duties, 3675-3677

             Plan for prevention and response to violence, contents, 3673

             Training, requirements for employees and care providers, 3673, 3674

             Workplace safety committee, establishment, membership, 3673

      Vulnerable persons abused, neglected, exploited, isolated or abandoned, duty to report, 3485-3487


      Health care providers, generally (See HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS)


             Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

             Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278


      Sickle cell disease and variants

             Screenings, provision of laboratory services, requirements, 2161

             System established by Chief Medical Officer, duty to report information to system, requirements, 2158, 2159

      State Public Health Laboratory, testing of infants for preventable or inheritable disorders, duties, 813



      Child welfare, discrimination against registry identification cardholder in certain proceedings prohibited, 2756-2764

      "Chronic or debilitating medical condition" defined, 1619

      Driving under the influence, issues relating to, legislative study, 4641, 4642

      Employers, authorized and prohibited acts relative to marijuana, 2625, 2626


      Reenactment and revision of provisions, 3795-3834

      Repeal of provisions, 3896



             Entertainment or sporting events, percentage of attendees less than 21 years of age, duties, prohibited acts, penalties, 2334, 2335

             Local governments, regulatory authority, 2335

             Prior approval of advertisements by Department of Taxation, requirement prohibited, 2335

             Prohibited acts, duty to include certain warning, penalties for violations, 2334, 2335

             Radio, television or in publications, percentage of audience less than 21 years of age, duties, prohibited acts, penalties, 2334, 2335

      Agents, registration cards (See also PROFESSIONS AND OCCUPATIONS, LICENSING)


                   Accompanying information, 2326, 2329, 2330

                   Submission by establishment, authority removed, 2326, 2327

             Background investigations, procedures, 2327, 2328

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2926, 2927

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2926

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2925, 2926

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Fees for issuance or renewal of card, deposit of excess revenue in State Education Fund, 4196, 4247

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2926

             Revocation, grounds, 2331, 2332

      Financial transactions, pilot program to establish closed-loop payment processing systems, requirements, 2508-2510

      Hemp, authority of dispensaries to acquire and use, regulation, 2358

      Independent contractors, provision of agent training, authority, 2478

      Registration certificates

             Criminal history disqualification, petitions, Internet publication of information, reports, 2925-2927

             Fees, deposit of excess revenue in State Education Fund, 4196, 4247

      Repeal of laws, 3896

      Taxation, Department of, confidentiality of records and files, authorized disclosures, 118-121


      Abortion, contents of consent records, 1504

      Chart orders regarding drugs, authority of recovery centers, 723

      Dental therapists, duties, contents of written practice agreements, 3201

      Gender identity or expression of patient or resident, duties of facilities, 1335

      Maternal Mortality Review Committee, access and review, 42, 43

      Mental health services

             Disclosure of consumer records to health care providers, 363, 367

             Emergency admission to facility, permission to notify others, inclusion in record, 354, 2621

      Motor vehicle personal injury claims, procedures for exchange of medical reports, records and bills, payment of costs, 2499, 2500

      Optometrists leasing certain buildings, duties, 3653

      Prescribing controlled substances

             Controlled substance tracking program, integration of patient records in database with electronic health records of practitioners, requirements, 2141

             Pain management, documentation of informed consent, 2139

      Privacy of information collected by operators of Internet websites or online services, exemptions from notice requirements, 1172

      Sickle cell disease and variants, records of health care facilities to be made available to Chief Medical Officer, 2159


      Hospitals, participation as Medicare provider required, exceptions, 2641, 2647

      Liens, priority in consumer litigation funding claims, 2406

      Offenders released from prison, assistance with enrollment application paperwork, 4447



      Agenda, inclusion of item regarding findings and conclusions of Attorney General, 3628

      Attorney and members of public body

             Response to notice of violation, submission, 3628

             Training regarding legal obligations, exemption as meeting, 3619

             Violation by member relying on legal advice, effect, 3629

      Cannabis Compliance Board, applicability of laws, 3778

      Commendation or award, meetings held for exempt from notice requirements, 3625

      Conduct of meeting by teleconference or videoconference, requirements for, 3618

      Disaster Identification Coordination Committee, exemption from Open Meeting Law, 1068, 1077

      Emergency Management, Division of, Open Meeting Law inapplicable to certain meetings, 3246

      Employee Misclassification, Task Force on, compliance requirements, 3158

      Environmental Health Specialists, Board of, powers and duties, 2116

      Facilities, size requirements, 3621

      Gaming Control Board, exemptions from Open Meeting Law, 214, 215, 223

      Government Employee-Management Relations Act, exemptions from Open Meeting Law, 3741

      Legislative findings and declaration, 3618, 3619

      Maternal Mortality Review Committee, closure of meetings, 44, 46

      Military, Office of the, Open Meeting Law inapplicable to certain meetings, 1984

      Minutes, time for retention of audio recording or transcript, 3626

      Nevada Threat Analysis Center Advisory Committee, applicability of laws, 162, 165

      Nevada Youth Legislature, exemption from Open Meeting Law, 1125

      "Public body" defined, 3620

      Resilience Advisory Committee, Nevada, compliance with Open Meeting Law, exceptions, 1024, 1025, 1029

      Subcommittees or working groups of public bodies, applicability of laws, 3620

      Suit concerning action or proceeding, delegation of authority regarding, authorization, 3618

      "Supporting material" defined, 3620, 3621

      Training sessions for members of public bodies, excluded as meeting, 3619


             Attorney General’s findings, notification to public body, response, 3627, 3628

             Penalties, 3628

             Suits against public body, procedures, 3629


      Price, Assemblyman Bob, 4583, 4584

      Springer, Chief Justice Charles, 4602, 4603

      Thompson, Assemblyman Odis "Tyrone,” 4633, 4634


      Admissions to facilities or programs

             Accredited agents of Department of Health and Human Services, certain authority removed, 351, 352, 356

             Consumer records, disclosure to health care providers authorized, 363, 367

             Discharge of persons, adoption of plan, regulations, 348

             Emergency admissions

                   Detention for evaluation, observation and treatment

                          Limitation on time, 350

                          Minors, consent to admission by parent or guardian unnecessary, 2619

                   Medical examination before admission, regulation, 353

                   Minors, procedures, 2619, 2620

                   Nonemergency secure behavioral health transport services, use authorized, 1924

                   Notice of admission

                          Admission of persons at least 18 years of age, notice to family member or other person, procedures, 354, 355, 2621

                          Minors, notice to parent or legal guardian, requirements, 2617, 2618

                   Pupils, procedures for transporting, 2617

                   Release of person, court orders for, requirements, 350

                   Reports to Division of Public and Behavioral Health, regulations, 348

             Involuntary court-ordered admissions

                   Findings and order of court, 358, 359

                   Hearings on petitions, time for, 357

                   Transportation to facility

                          Certain prohibition removed, 362

                          Nonemergency secure behavioral health transport services, use authorized, 1925

             "Person in a mental health crisis"

                   Definition, 348

                   Terminology, adoption, 347-349, 365-368

             Reports to Division of Public and Behavioral Health, regulations, 348

             Sealed consumer records, authority of court to disclose to health care providers, 367

             Substantial likelihood of serious harm to self or others

                   Terminology, adoption, 348, 359-364

                   When person deemed to present, 347, 348

             Voluntary admissions

                   Change of status to emergency admission, limitation on period of detention, 350

                   Immediate release of person required upon filing of written request, 349

      Authorized expenditures, 3135, 3136

      Child and Adolescent Services, appropriations, 2805

      Coroners, creation of programs for employees and certain others, funding, 4163

      Criminal defendants, specialty court programs

             Co-occurring disorder, defendants with, placement in program, 4390, 4391

             Deferment of judgment of certain persons placed in program, 4390, 4391

             Eligibility for assignment, discharge from program, 2444-2447, 4393, 4394, 4400

             Justice courts and municipal courts, funding of programs, 2280, 2281

      Crisis stabilization services

             Children’s Health Insurance Program, negotiation with psychiatric hospitals to become network providers, 1926, 1927

             Medicaid, reimbursement for services, negotiation with psychiatric hospitals to become network providers, 1923, 1926, 1927

             Psychiatric hospitals, endorsement as crisis stabilization center, requirements, 1918, 1919

      Emergency or disaster

             Governor, authority to allow out-of-state mental health services providers practice within State, 4156, 4157

             Health care providers with training in treatment of related trauma, lists to be provided on request of governmental entity, 4157-4161

             Plan to address behavioral health needs during, requirements, 591

      Facilities, appropriations for equipment and maintenance, 2805, 3719

      Field response grant program, development, 4460-4462

      First responders, stress-related injury or disease, employing agency to provide educational training related to mental health issues, 1901

      Medications, procedures for involuntary administration, regulation, 347

      Minors (See also Schools, this heading)

             Detention for evaluation, observation and treatment, consent to emergency admission to facility unnecessary, 2619

             Emergency admission to facility, duties of person applying for, 2620

             Juvenile courts, duties regarding evaluation and treatment of certain children, 1957, 1963, 1968

             Program to prevent custody relinquishment solely to allow child to receive services to address mental illness or emotional disturbance, 872-874

      Nonemergency secure behavioral health transport services, regulation, use, 1923-1925

      Prisoners in jail or detention facility, coordination of care, applicability of laws, 2198

      Psychiatric hospitals (See HOSPITALS)


             Bullying and cyber-bullying, violence and suicide associated with, training in prevention of, requirements, 1763

             Crisis, emergency or suicide, model management plan to include plan for responding to pupil with mental illness, 2617

             Grants to employ or contract for mental health workers, appropriation, 2390, 4020, 4021

             Out-of-state facilities providing educational services to state residents, reimbursements to

                   Amount of reimbursement, determination, 3110, 3111, 4213, 4214

                   Audits of facilities receiving reimbursements, regulation, appropriation, 3111, 3112

                   Educational records, transfer, regulation, 3110, 3111

                   Pupils with disabilities, requirements, regulation, 3111

                   Requests for reimbursement, authority, procedures, 3110

             School psychologists, authorized services, 3080

             Suicide prevention policies, requirements, 1761, 1762


      Civil actions, mental examinations ordered by court, procedures, 966, 967

      Correctional staff, training in interaction with certain persons, requirements, 4444

      Criminal defendants, specialty court programs

             Eligibility for assignment, discharge from program, 2444-2447, 4393, 4394, 4400

             Justice courts and municipal courts, funding of programs, 2280, 2281

      Group housing arrangements, licensing of businesses providing referrals to, 406

      Juvenile assessment centers, appropriation, 2969

      Medical facilities and related entities, discrimination against person based on mental disability, prohibited acts, duties, 1333, 1334

      Medications, procedures for involuntary administration to certain persons, regulation, 347

      Parole and probation officers, training in interaction with certain persons, 4453

      Peace officers

             Continuing education courses relating to mental health, 1009, 1010

             Policies and procedures for interaction with certain persons, 4460-4463


             Procedures for responding to pupil with mental illness, requirements, 2617, 2622

            Suicide, pupils at high risk of

                   Crisis, emergency or suicide model management plan, contents, 1765

                   Grades 7-12, adoption of suicide prevention policy, requirements, 1761, 1762

      Supported living arrangement services, authority to provide services to any person with primary diagnosis of intellectual or developmental disability, 199


      Administrative support, duties of Department of Education, 4509

      Appropriations, 4511, 4512

      Coordinator for mentorship programs, duties relating to, 4511

      Meetings, failure of member to attend two consecutive meetings, procedures for replacement, 4509


             Governor’s appointees, status, removal from office, 1566

             Qualifications of certain appointees, 4508

             Terms, 4509, 4512

      Mentorship Advisory Council, duty to appoint repealed, 4509, 4510


      General appropriations, 3342


      Charter amendments, elections

             Canvass of returns, time for completion, 4138

             Conduct, applicability of state laws, 4137

      Homelessness, working group to reduce, creation, duties, reports, 2042

      Police Department, sales taxes for additional officers

             Reporting requirements, penalties for violations, 4189-4191

             Sunsets removed, 4192


      Gang database, use to identify suspected members and affiliates of criminal gangs, requirements, 2199, 2200

      Indian tribes, police officers employed by, agreements regarding jurisdictional limitations, 534

      Interrogation of persons in custody, policies regarding electronic recording, requirements, 794, 795

      Nevada Threat Analysis Center Advisory Committee, representation, 162

      Portable event recording devices, funding for purchase and maintenance, 3255

      Purchasing, applicability of Local Government Purchasing Act, 767

      Sales taxes for additional officers

             Reporting requirements, penalties for violations, 4189-4191

             Sunsets removed, 4192

      Vehicular event recording devices, funding for purchase and maintenance, 3255


      Implantation in other person, unlawful to require or authorize, penalties, 2125, 2126


      Use authorized in less populous counties, 804, 805


      Interscholastic activities, immediate eligibility of transferred child to participate in sanctioned sport or other activity or event, 271

      Liaison between district and military families, designation by districts of employee to serve as, duties, 271, 272

      State Council, meetings, requirements, 272


      Authorized expenditures, 3136, 3137

      Capital improvements, funding, 3307, 3310, 3311, 3314

      Emergency Operations Center Account, use, carryover of balance, 3146

      General appropriations, 3347, 3353

      National Guard (See NATIONAL GUARD)

      Nevada National Guard Youth Challenge Program and Account, administration, duties, 1980-1983

      Salaries of unclassified staff, 3334, 3340


      Criminal history disqualification from obtaining license

             Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2954

             List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2954

             Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2953, 2954

             Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

      Internet publication of requirements for obtaining license, 2954


      Continuing eligibility, requirements, 1664

      Memorial Scholarship

             Eligibility, additional criteria established by Board, 1387

             Maximum amount increased, 1387

             Nonprofit university awarding bachelor’s degree in education, pupils attending eligible for scholarship, 1386, 1387

             Number of recipients increased, 1386

      Millennium Scholarship Trust Fund

             Appropriation, 3532

             Sources, 3141, 3142


      Behavioral health region, transfer of county to other region, 2044


      Authorized expenditures, 3137

      Members, status as civil officers, removal from office, 1566

      Mining Oversight and Accountability Commission, effect of failure timely to review regulations, 1592

      Salaries of unclassified staff, 3333


      Clean energy sources, legislative study of development and use of or by mines, 4625-4628

      Environmental health specialist laws, exemptions for certain persons, 2112

      Lithium resources, study of feasibility of increased use, 4627, 4628

      Reclamation, remedies for certain violations, 3980

      Taxation of net proceeds of minerals extracted, school finances

             Apportionments to county school districts, deposits, use, 4196, 4200, 4243

             Levy for county school district, deposit and use of proceeds, 4196, 4220

             Mitigation, school district funds for, provisions repealed, 4243, 4244




             Qualifications, term, reappointment, 1592

             Status as civil officers, removal from office, 1566

      Review of certain regulations, effect of failure to review in timely manner, 1592


      Operating expenses, appropriation, 4253, 4254


      Indigent Defense Services, Board on, representation, 2881

      Motor Vehicles, Department of, duties regarding certain offices, 1876

      Sexual Assault, Advisory Committee on Rights of Survivors of, representation, 2846

      Solar access program, implementation, certain percentage of expanded program to be reserved for disadvantaged businesses, 2313, 2314


      Abuse or neglect (See CHILD ABUSE OR NEGLECT)

      Adoption (See ADOPTION OF CHILDREN)

      Annual physical examinations, information concerning importance, distribution, 1478


             Advertising, restrictions, 3838

             Delivery to, persons not exempt from state prosecution, exceptions, 3835, 3836

             Entering, loitering or remaining on premises of cannabis establishment, penalty for violations, exception, 3837

             False representation of age to obtain, penalty for violations, 3837

             Giving cannabis or cannabis products to, penalty for violations, 3837

      Car seats, authority of advanced practice registered nurses to make determinations and sign statements exempting child from required use, 500, 501

      Child abuse (See CHILD ABUSE OR NEGLECT)


      Child Care and Development, Program for, state plan components, reimbursement requirements, 2420, 2421


      Cigarettes and other tobacco products

             Electronic sales, duties of certain persons regarding, 3596, 3597

             Employment, authorization to handle or transport items, 3588

             Prohibited sales, civil penalties, 3588-3590

      Commercial sexual exploitation (See COMMERCIAL SEXUAL EXPLOITATION OF CHILD)

      Community-based living arrangement services, residing in building operated by provider prohibited, 2148

      Confidentiality of personal information contained in certain official records, persons authorized to request, 726-729, 865-868

      Crime committed by adult with assistance of minor, aggregation of sentences, 234

      Disabilities, children with (See DISABILITIES, PERSONS WITH)

      Driver’s licenses (See DRIVER’S LICENSES)

      Early childhood education (See EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION)

      Firearms, penalty for negligently allowing access by minor, 4181

      Foster care (See FOSTER CARE)

      Guardianships (See GUARDIANSHIPS)

      Hearing aids for children

             Indigent children, development of program to provide hearing aids to, funding, 3931, 3935

             Negotiated discounts and rebates for hearing devices and related costs, establishment of program authorized, authorized participants, 3930, 3931

      Homeless youths, funding to reduce number, legislative declaration, 255

      Identification cards, persons authorized to request display of alternate address, 729, 868, 869, 1827


      Kratom products, sales to minors prohibited, penalties, 2658, 2659

      Lead levels, blood testing of certain children, requirements, 3042

      Marijuana establishments, restrictions regarding advertisements, penalties for violations, 2345, 2346

      Marriage of minor prohibited, exception for certain minors 17 years of age, requirements, 3660, 3661

      Medicaid, analysis of coverage, reports, 3427, 3428

      Medical facility agents and employees, cultural competency training relating to children, requirements, 1334, 1681, 1682

      Medical marijuana establishments, restrictions regarding advertisements, penalties for violations, 2334, 2335

      Mental health services (See MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES)

      Missing children, right of State Disaster Identification Coordination Team to request records removed, 1079

      Name change of minor in custody of agency which provides child welfare services, procedures, 2087-2090

      Parent and child (See PARENT AND CHILD)

      Prekindergarten programs (See EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION)

      Prostitution, solicitation of child for (See PROSTITUTION)


      Stalking of victim under age 16, penalties, 1819

      Support (See CHILD SUPPORT)

      Traffic offenders, physical receipt of citation deemed personal service of notice to appear, 1444

      Unaccompanied youth

             School pupils

                   Credits for coursework or course of study, determination of amount to award and accept, procedures, 1162

                   High school diploma, award to pupils who transfer to school while enrolled in grade 11 or grade 12, requirements, 1163

                   Identification, procedures for, review and adjustment of academic plans, 1161

                   Liaison for Post-Secondary Education for Homeless Pupils, creation, duties, 369-371


             State Registrar of Vital Statistics, issuance of statement as to date of birth when necessary for admission to school or for securing employment, 4506, 4507

      Vapor products, prohibited acts, definition for purposes of, 3588-3590, 3596, 3597


      Disaster Identification Team, State, right to request records removed, 1079


      Authorized and prohibited use, 3099, 3100

      Counties or cities, authority to regulate, 3104, 3105

      Definition, 3099

      Penalty for violations, 3100


      Summary eviction for default in payment of rent, appeal of orders, applicability of procedure, 224, 225


      Low-income housing projects, transferable tax credits to qualified projects, 3762

      Qualified projects, capital investment of at least $1 billion, requirements for issuance of transferable tax credits, 2603, 2604, 2607

      Rate adjustment procedure repealed, legally operative rates maintained and continued, 3294

      Scholarship organizations, tax credits for donations to

             Annual authorized 10 percent increase in amount of credits, elimination, 2296-2298

             Total amount of credit authorized, 2296-2298, 3274, 3276, 3277


      False pretenses, obtaining by, penalties, 4435

      Interest (See INTEREST, MONEY)

      Issuers of instruments for transmission or payment, restrictions on participants in Regulatory Experimentation Program for Product Innovation, 3985-3993, 3997

      Unlawful activities, use of money from proceeds or derived from, penalties, 1798, 1799

      Virtual currencies, exemption from taxation as intangible personal property, 2827


      Prohibited acts, penalties, 1798, 1799


      Definition for purposes of abandoned property laws, 3013

      Issuers of instruments for transmission or payment of money, restrictions on participants in Regulatory Experimentation Program for Product Innovation, 3985-3993, 3997


      Carcasses, prohibited import into Nevada, exception, 403, 404

      Drones, hunting or killing big game mammals through use of unlawful, 450

      Killing, prohibited and authorized acts, penalty for violations, 759

      Live animals, import into Nevada prohibited, 405


      Definition of "moped" excludes electric scooters, 1880, 1881, 1883, 1884, 1897

      Education of Motorcycle Riders, Program for the, instruction authorized, eligibility to participate, 3104

      Protective headgear requirement, 3104

      Registration of moped, inspection by dealers authorized, 75


      Commercial mortgage loans, wholesale lenders purchasing or funding exempt from licensing requirements, 875

      Consumer form contracts, laws inapplicable, 2308


             Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

             Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278

      Mortgage Lending, Commissioner of, duties (See PROFESSIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL REGULATORY BODIES)

      Regulatory Experimentation Program for Product Innovation, establishment, 3985-3993, 3996

      Residential mortgage loan originators, requirement to be licensed as agent eliminated, 1424

      Wholesale lenders purchasing or funding commercial mortgage loans exempt from licensing requirements, 875


      Consumer form contracts, laws inapplicable, 2308

      Housing, Advisory Committee on, representation, 2429

      Mortgage Lending, Commissioner of, duties (See PROFESSIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL REGULATORY BODIES)

      Regulatory Experimentation Program for Product Innovation, establishment, 3985-3993, 3996

      Residential mortgage loan originators, requirement to be licensed as mortgage agent eliminated, 1424


      Conveyance, mortgage not deemed conveyance absent foreclosure sale or court order, 1372

      Deeds of trust (See DEEDS OF TRUST)

      Limited-liability companies, sales by insolvent companies of encumbered property, 2495


      Buses (See BUSES)

      Highway truck parking, use of proceeds from tax on diesel fuel to construct, maintain or repair sites, requirements, 1266

      Interstate users of highways, application for renewal of registration, time for filing, 1576

      Microtransit, use authorized in less populous counties, 804, 805

      Taxicabs (See TAXICABS)

      Traffic control (See TRAFFIC CONTROL)

      Vehicles (See also MOTOR VEHICLES)

             Combination of vehicles, permits, requirements, 2968


                   Display on mobile electronic device authorized, liability for damage to device, liability for other infractions, 1571

                   Expiration, date to be established by regulation, 1569, 1570

                   Renewal by interstate users of highways, time for filing application, 1576

             Weight, additional tier for registration, maximum fee, 2966, 2967


      Agents, examination by Commissioner of Insurance, payment of expenses, 1686

      Surrender of certificate, provisions repealed, 1728


      Consumer form contracts, laws inapplicable to manufacturers or distributors, 2308


             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2933, 2934

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2933

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2933

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Deposit in lieu of bond, acceptable deposits, 61

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2933

      Mopeds, inspection by dealers for purposes of registration authorized, 75

      Odometer rollback, penalty for knowing sale of vehicle with, 4484

      Privacy of covered information collected by operators of Internet websites or online services, manufacturers and certain persons servicing vehicles exempt from notice requirements, 1172

      Short-term lessors, vehicle registration program, establishment, 181, 182

      Temporary placards issued upon sale or long-term lease of vehicles, authority of DMV to contract with vendors to provide and track, 3298


      Allocations to Department of Wildlife and Division of State Parks, 3145

      Diesel fuel, additional tax authorized in certain counties, 1262, 1263

      Nonpayment, liability of responsible person, 1571

      "Supplier" defined, 1571, 1572


      Personal injury claims, procedures for exchange of medical and insurance information, 2499, 2500


      Surrender of license, provisions repealed, 1700, 1728


      Alternative electronic transportation system vehicles, definitions, authorized activities, regulation, 572-574

      Burglary of motor vehicle, penalties, 4425-4427

      Cannabis or cannabis products, smoking or consuming in vehicle, penalty for violations, 3837

      Crashes, personal injury claims, procedures for exchange of medical and insurance information, 2499, 2500

      Donated motor vehicles, duties of nonprofit organizations when title not obtained, 1447

      Electric bicycles and electric scooters excluded from definition of "motor vehicle" and "vehicle,” 1880, 1881, 1884, 1897

      Electric vehicles (See ELECTRIC VEHICLES)


             Muzzle-loading firearms, authorized carrying, 402

             Unlawful discharge from or into vehicle, penalties, 231

      Fleet vehicles

             Rental cars, vehicle registration program, establishment, 181, 182

             Repeal of required use of alternative fuels or clean vehicles, 1061

      Grand larceny, penalties, 4430, 4431

      Ignition interlock devices

             Certification of exemption from required use, authority of advanced practice registered nurses, 509

             Exemptions from requirements, certain exemptions removed, 3102

             Period of installation, conditions, 3101

             Tampering with, duty of manufacturer to notify court, 3102

      Lease of vehicles, authority of DMV to contract with vendors to provide and track issuance of temporary placards, 3298

      Length limits, exemption for towaway trailer transporter combinations, 294

      License plates (See LICENSE PLATES)

      Lights, authority to equip tow cars and certain other vehicles with rear facing nonflashing blue lights, 1230, 1231

      Livestock, regulation of mobile processing units, 1614, 1615

      Military vehicles, retired

             Definition, 1324

             Driver’s license, requirements, 1331

             Engine emission control, exemption from requirements, 1331

             Operation on highways, requirements for, 1323

             Special license plates, issuance, 1323, 1324

      Mopeds, inspection by dealers for purposes of registration authorized, 75

      Motor carriers (See MOTOR CARRIERS)

      Nonrepairable vehicle certificates, duties of insurers, 1445

      Optometry, operation of mobile clinics, 3636


             Commercial vehicles, additional weight tier, maximum fee, 2966, 2967

             Military vehicles, retired, exemption from fees, requirements, 1323, 1324

             Mopeds, inspection by dealers for purposes of registration authorized, 75

             Motor carriers, display of registration on mobile electronic device authorized, liability for damage to device, liability for other infractions, 1571

             Rental cars, vehicle registration program, establishment, 181, 182

             Used vehicles, exemptions from emission control testing requirement, 189

             Vehicle miles traveled, pilot data program, requirements, procedures, 2999-3006

             Voters registered by certain methods, documents which may be presented at polling place as proof of address, 4054

      Rental cars

             Fleet of vehicles, vehicle registration program, establishment, 181, 182

             Maximum charge for waiver of damages, annual adjustment, 2222, 2223

      Rules of the road (See TRAFFIC CONTROL)


             Odometer rollback, penalty for knowing sale of vehicle with, 4484

             Repossession of vehicle of federal, tribal or state worker during government shutdown, procedures, prohibited acts, penalties, civil remedies, 3195, 3196

             Temporary placards, authority of Department of Motor Vehicles to contract with vendors to provide and track issuance, 3298

      Salvage pools, procedures regarding abandoned vehicles, 1447

      Salvage titles

             Applicants, bond requirements, 1449

             Insurers, duties, 1445

      Seat belts, authority of advanced practice registered nurses to make determinations and sign statements exempting persons from use, 500, 501, 510, 511

      Stolen vehicles, offenses involving, penalty, 4433

      Trailers used to transport motor vehicles, boats or personal watercraft, rights of holders of storage liens, 1449

      Trick driving displays, impoundment of vehicle used in, 686

      Vehicle miles traveled, pilot data program, requirements, 2999-3006

      Weight limits for operation on highways, exemptions, 295


      Advanced practice registered nurses

             Driving privileges, authority to sign statements and forms, immunity from liability, 496-499, 528, 529

             Seat belts, authority to make determinations and sign statements exempting persons from use, 500, 501, 510, 511

      Advertisements involving name, service marks, trademarks or logo of Department, restrictions, 74


             Contracts with agents, compensation provisions, 74

             County assessors, authority of Director to appoint as agents, redundant language removed, 74

             Name, service marks, trademarks or logo of Department, permission required to use in advertisements, 74

      Alternative electronic transportation system vehicles, duties, authority to impose fines for violations, 572-574

      Authorized expenditures, 3140

      Bonds as security, restrictions on types of bonds accepted, 68

      Capital improvements, funding, 3308, 3311-3313, 3321, 3322

      Central Services and Records, Division of, appropriation, 3711

      Computer programming costs, appropriation, 3006, 4016

      Defensive driving courses, duties, appropriation, 2970-2975


             Capital improvements legislation, duties, 3312

             Salary, 3329

      Disabilities, statements indicating, duties, 143-146, 150

      Document preparation services

             Complaints filed with Department authorized, procedures, 1876, 1877

             Notices regarding violations, receipt, authority to suspend privileges, 1877, 1878

             Service windows or locations dedicated to, requirements, 1876

      Driver’s licenses (See DRIVER’S LICENSES)

      Driving schools (See DRIVER TRAINING SCHOOLS)

      Education of Motorcycle Riders, Program for the, instruction for trimobiles and mopeds authorized, eligibility to enroll in Program, 3104

      Engine emission control, duties, 2913, 2914, 4345

      Foreign language services, duties regarding certain offices, 1876

      General appropriations, 3349, 3350, 3352

      Greenhouse gas emissions, consultation with State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, 1972

      Identification cards (See IDENTIFICATION CARDS)

      Information Technology, Division of, appropriations, 3721

      License plates produced outside facilities of Department of Corrections, authority to contract with vendors, 76

      Long-term lease motor vehicles, authority to contract with vendors to provide and track issuance of temporary placards, 3298

      Military vehicles, retired, special license plates, duties, 1323, 1324, 1331

      Motor Carrier Division, vehicles registered through, expiration date to be established by Department, 1569, 1570

      Nonrepairable vehicle certificates, receipt of applications, duties, 1445, 1447

      Occupational licenses, criminal history disqualification, duties

             Automobile wreckers, body shop operators and salvage pool operators, 2934, 2935

             Engine emissions control devices, inspectors, 2913, 2914

             Motor vehicle dealers and related licensees, 2933, 2934

             Off-highway vehicle dealers, lessors and manufacturers, 2936, 2937

      Physicians, acceptance of report from physician in lieu of eye test, regulations, 496, 498

      Regional transportation commissions, receipt of reports, contents, 1272

      Registration (See also MOTOR VEHICLES)

      Salaries of unclassified staff, 3329, 3330

      Sale of motor vehicles, authority to contract with vendors to provide and track issuance of temporary placards, 3298

      Salvage titles, receipt of applications, duties, 1445, 1447, 1449

      Schedule for retention and disposition of certain records, repeal, 83

      Short-term lessors

             Vehicle registration program, regulations, duties, 181, 182, 188

             Waiver of damages, publication of adjusted maximum charge, 2222, 2223

      Taxes on fuels

             Cooperative agreements, authority of Department, 1573

             Diesel fuel

                   Counties, additional tax authorized in certain counties, distribution of proceeds, duties, 1262-1266

                   Reimbursement of taxes on fuel consumed outside Nevada, receipt of requests, duties, 1264-1266

             Nonpayment, liability of responsible person, 1571

      Technology fees

             Authorized expenditures, balance forward of certain fees, authority, 3146

             Duty to impose continued, 2501, 2502

      Temporary placards, authority to contract with vendors to provide and track issuance, 3298

      Traffic citations, release of information for notification purposes, 379

      Traffic laws, dissemination of information on new laws, duties, 1226, 1227

      Vehicle miles traveled, pilot data program, duties, appropriation, 2999-3006

      Veterans, digital verification of honorable discharge, interlocal agreements with Department of Veterans Services authorized, 574, 575

      Voter registration, duties, appropriations, 4058, 4059, 4102, 4143


      Definition of "motorcycle" excludes electric scooters, 1880, 1897

      "State" defined for purposes of regulations setting criteria for issuance of driver’s license, 1796


      Administrative assessments for court facilities, sunset removed, 384

      Court information technology, funding, 2280

      Electronic waste, removal of data before disposal required, 2217, 2574

      High-risk behavior, orders for protection against, availability of court for issuance, 3948


             Charter amendments (See specific cities)

             Immigrants, certification of nonimmigrant status for certain victims of crime, procedures, 4350, 4351

             Presentence investigation reports, training requirements, 4384

      Preprosecution diversion program, eligibility of defendants, transfer of jurisdiction, 4390

      Recycling, general duties, 2216, 2217

      Specialty court programs, funding, use of money received, 2280, 2281

      Traffic control

             Citations, establishment of system for making pleas and defenses via mail or electronic means, procedures, 380-382

             Court fees to be assessed on per case basis, requirements, 2278, 2279

             Grace period to be imposed before warrant issued for failure to appear or to pay assessment, fine or court fee, exceptions, 2278

             Nevada 24/7 Sobriety and Drug Monitoring Program, participation, duties, 2749-2751

             Safety course, fee in lieu of completion, sentencing requirements, use of proceeds, 2279-2281

             Speeding violations, authority to reduce to nonmoving violation, 2282


      First responders, crime against spouse or child of, additional penalty, 1462, 1463

      Sexual assault arising out of same facts and circumstances, no limitation for prosecution, 464


      Atomic Testing Museum, appropriation for relocation, 4012

      Authorized expenditures, 3133

      Bond issue for state museum projects, 2862

      Capital improvements, funding, 3311

      General appropriations, 3343, 3344

      Nevada State Museum, Las Vegas, appropriations, 3343, 4014

      Northern and Southern Museum of Arts, appropriation for expansion plan, 2806

      Stewart Indian School Cultural Center and Museum

             Establishment, 3170

             General appropriations, 3344

             Museum Director, classification, duties, 3170, 3171

      Transportation costs for public school pupils to visit state museums, funding, 3353


      Commercial sexual exploitation of child, duty to report, 1932



             Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

             Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278

      Vulnerable persons abused, neglected, exploited, isolated or abandoned, duty to report, 3485-3487



      Assumed or fictitious name

             Certificate of termination of business or ownership in business under, fees, use, 458

             Certificate or renewal, fees, use, 458

             Optometrists, practice under fictitious name, 3652

             Sex offenders under lifetime supervision, prohibited use, 2439

      Change of name

             Insurance adjusters, notice of change to be given Commissioner of Insurance, 3037

             Minors in custody of agency which provides child welfare services, procedures, 2087-2090

      Cigarettes and other tobacco products, license to contain name of person to whom issued, requirement if issued under fictitious name, 616

      Prisoners, photo identification card issued upon release to indicate whether full legal name has been verified, 646-648, 4448

      Real estate licensees, advertising under nickname, regulations, 2777


      Charitable lotteries, conditions for operation, 959


      Capital improvements, funding, 3305, 3307, 3310, 3311, 3314

      Code of Military Justice, nonjudicial punishment

             Determination of punishment by commanding officer, consultation with judge advocate and superior commissioned officer, 745

             Trial by court-martial in lieu of punishment, authority to request removed, 744-746

      Contractor licensees on active duty, reinstatement of suspended license, fee waiver, 2035, 2036

      Cybersecurity incident, Governor’s authority to call into duty in event of, 2468

      Expenses of emergency activation, temporary advances of money in event of, 3358

      Nevada Promise Scholarship recipients, authority of student to request leave of absence from Program, 1210

      Office of the Military (See MILITARY, OFFICE OF THE)

      Veterans (See VETERANS)


      Accountability and reporting of expenditures, duties, 1982

      Adult standard diploma, authority to apply certain credits received, 1981, 1982

      Agreements to establish challenge school, requirements, school deemed public school upon execution of agreement, 1981

      Applications to participate, establishment of guidelines, 1980

      Apportionments, students counted for purposes of determining, effect of school ceasing to operate, 1977, 1978, 1981, 1983

      Average daily attendance, method of calculating, 1981

      Basic support guarantee, count of pupils, 1976, 1983

      Courses of study, requirements, 1980-1982

      Creation, 1980

      Curriculum, development, 1982

      Days of school, challenge schools exempt from minimum requirement, 1979

      Definitions, 1980

      Disciplinary action

             Public school pupils, suspension or expulsion, authority to attend challenge school, 1983, 1984

             Rules of behavior and appropriate punishments for violations, adoption, distribution, 1982

             Suspension, expulsion or removal of pupil, grounds, procedure, 1982

      Education laws, authority of Superintendent of Public Instruction to waive provisions, 1981, 1982

      Eligibility to participate in Program, establishment of criteria, 1981

      Enrollment of pupils, 1981, 1982

      Federal money received for education, duty to comply with laws to prevent loss, 1982

      High school graduation, authority to apply certain credits received, 1981, 1982

      Limitation of civil actions to collect upon a bill, 1983

      Mentoring and monitoring of participants, requirements, 1980

      Military, Office of the, administration of Program, regulations, duties, 1980-1983

      Nevada National Guard Youth Challenge Program Account, creation, administration, 1981

      Payment of money, orders for, 1983

      Residential and nonresidential components of Program, requirements, 1980

      Schedule for program of instruction, 1981

      Textbooks, applicability of laws, 1982

      Truancy, adoption of rules relating to, requirements, 1983


      Charitable lotteries, conditions for operation, 959


      General appropriations, 3342


      Apprenticeships, discrimination based on national origin prohibited, 2398

      Creditworthiness evaluations, prohibited acts, study of and programs to prevent or eliminate discrimination in credit practices, 1594

      Employment discrimination committed by local elected officer, powers and duties of Equal Rights Commission, 1946

      Equality of rights under law guaranteed to all persons, constitutional amendment, 4636, 4637

      HIV exposure laws, study of possible disparities in arrests, prosecutions and convictions, 467

      Medical facilities and related entities

             Cultural competency training regarding patients of various ethnic backgrounds, requirements, 1334, 1681, 1682

             Discrimination against person based on national origin, prohibited acts, duties, 1333, 1334

      Restrictive covenants, provisions deemed void, duties of county recorders, 373-375

      Schools, legislative study of bullying, cyber-bullying and discriminatory harassment, 3082, 3083


      Cannabis, cross-jurisdictional administration of laws regarding use, agreements to coordinate, 3848, 3849

      Cigarettes and other tobacco products

             Authority to do business on Indian reservation or Indian colony, issuance of license without fee, 616

             List of tribes from which Department of Taxation does not collect tax, maintenance and distribution, 614, 615, 643

             Unused tribal stamps, duty of wholesale dealer ceasing operation to return to Department of Taxation, 630

      Elections, establishment of polling places within reservation or colony, 177-180

      Emergency management (See also EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT)

             Disaster Identification Coordination Committee, State, activation and duties, 1066, 1067

             Disasters, Attorney General authorized to make agreements regarding grants or loans following, 3630

             Emergency or disaster recovery plan, Division of Emergency Management to provide training to tribe or nation upon request, 589

             Nevada Tribal Emergency Coordinating Council, creation, duties, 1080, 1081

      Flora placed on list of fully protected species, applicability of regulation, 733

      Government shutdowns, protection of tribal workers from enforcement of certain civil liabilities, 3173-3198

      Governor, state-tribal summit meetings required, 3169

      Grants, pilot program to award grants to tribal governments needing matching funds, 3709

      Graves or cairns, theft or damage, penalties increased, 585, 586

      Indian Commission (See INDIAN COMMISSION, NEVADA)

      Leaders of tribes, publication of list, 3168

      Northwestern Nevada, reports on growth issues by certain counties, consultation with colonies and tribes, 799

      Police officers employed by tribes, peace officer powers, jurisdiction, 533-535

      Regional behavioral health policy boards, membership, 2046

      Resilience Advisory Committee, Nevada, creation, duties, 1024-1026

      School pupils, transportation to school outside home district, reimbursement to district for additional costs, 2373

      State agencies, designation of tribal liaison, duties, resolution of conflicts with state agencies, 3168

      Stewart Indian School Cultural Center and Museum

             Establishment, 3170

             General appropriations, 3344

             Museum Director, classification, duties, 3170, 3171

      Threat Analysis Center Advisory Committee, Nevada, representation, 162

      Victim’s advocates and victims of crime, communication privilege extended to additional advocates, 86

      Wildfires, representation on study committee, 4639


      Energy assistance program, eligibility of federal, tribal or state workers during period of government shutdown, 3197, 3198

      Motor vehicle weight limits, exemptions for vehicles fueled primarily by natural gas, 295

      Renewable natural gas, powers and duties of utilities, regulations, 228-230



      Repeal of Program, transfer of Program duties to Division of Natural Heritage, 580

      Wetlands projects, bond issue, coordination of grants, 2863


      State element, designation, 27


      Citation, 2748

      Core components and other requirements, 2749

      Court procedures, 2749-2751

      Definitions, 2748, 2749

      Establishment of program, 2749

      Fees, establishment, collection and use, 2751, 2752

      Legislative declaration, 2748

      Participants, duties, testing for presence of alcohol, 2751

      Restricted driver’s license, issuance to participants, 2747, 2750, 2751


      Addictive disorders, persons with, terminology changes, 1944, 1945

      Legal Division, duties (See LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL BUREAU)


      Appropriation, 2866, 2867


      Cannabis Advisory Commission, recommendations for appointment to certain subcommittees, 3776

      Indigent Defense Services, Board on, nomination of members, 2881

      Private Activity Bond Council, appointment of member, 2430, 2431


      Education, Commission on Professional Standards in, nominations, 1047

      School Funding, Commission on, nomination of members, 4206


      Duties transferred, 3057, 3058


      Afterschool programs, appropriation, 4022


      President and CEO, member of Nevada Commission on Homeland Security, 1292


      Education programs, appropriation for support, 2868


      Acute care per diem, funding to increase certain reimbursement rates, 4017

      Authorized expenditures, 3135, 4018

      General appropriations, 3345, 3354, 3355, 3363

      Supplemental appropriation, 2023


      Bullying, cyber-bullying and discriminatory harassment, legislative study, consultation, 3082, 3083



      Homelessness to Housing, Nevada Interagency Advisory Council on, appointment of member, 2108, 2109


      Nevada Threat Analysis Center Advisory Committee, representation, 162


      Matching grants, appropriation, 3073


      Disaster Identification Coordination Committee, State, representation, 1067


      General appropriations, 3344


      Eligibility of pupil returning after period as foreign exchange student, requirements, conflicting regulations unenforceable, 278

      Medical clearance certificates, duties regarding forms, 138


      Cannabis Advisory Commission, recommendations for appointment to certain subcommittees, 3776

      Private Activity Bond Council, appointment of member, 2430, 2431



      Durable power of attorney for health care decisions, inclusion, 2188, 2194


      Appropriation, 2893


      Radioactive waste or materials, objection to transfer to Nevada expressed, 4619-4621


      Qualified active low-income community businesses

             Definition, inclusion of fresh food retailers, 4363, 4364

             Waiver of tax abatements, procedure, effect, 3697

      Qualified community development entities, authorized investments, refinancing procedures, 3696-3701

      Recapture of tax credits, provisions clarified, 3700, 3701


      Community learning center, appropriation, duties, 2867



      Abuse, abuser, terminology changes in certain laws, 4488

      Addictive disorders, persons with, terminology changes, 1944, 1945

      General hospitals, removal of term, 2647

      Homeopathy, terminology changes, 3586

      Mental illness, persons with, terminology changes, 368

      Title 60, addition, 3769


      Domestic violence protection orders, service using alternative service method pursuant to Rules authorized, 2832

      Factual innocence, hearing to establish based on newly discovered evidence, applicability of Rules, 2979

      High-risk behavior protection orders, service and notice of application pursuant to Rules, 4172


      Homelessness to Housing, Nevada Interagency Advisory Council on, appointment of member, 2108, 2110

      Sexual Assault, Advisory Committee on Rights of Survivors of, appointment of member, 2846

      Threat Analysis Center Advisory Committee, Nevada, representation, 162


      NV Grow Program, duties, 3666


      Authorized expenditures, 3134, 3144-3146

      Board of Regents

             Computer Education and Technology, Account for, application for grants from, use, 2697, 2700

             Constitutional provisions, removal, 4591-4595

             Election districts, adjustment of population counts, 987

             General appropriations legislation, duties, 3356

             Liaison for Post-Secondary Education for Homeless Pupils, Account for the, duties, 370, 371

             Nevada Promise Scholarship Program, duties, 1210-1219

             Silver State Opportunity Grant Program, duties, 3963, 3964

             Veterans, enrollment in programs related to critical need occupations, waiver of fees, grants to fund waivers, 1952

      Capital improvements, funding, 3307, 3311, 3314

      Chancellor, member of State Financial Literacy Advisory Council, duties, receipt of reports, 1987, 1988

      Charter school sponsors (See SCHOOLS, CHARTER)

      Community colleges

             Great Basin College Welding Lab expansion, funding, 4019

             Nevada Promise Scholarship Program, duties of colleges and Board of Regents, 1210-1219

             Western Nevada College Marlette Hall refurbishment, appropriation, duties, 4020

      Cooperative Extension, representation on Council on Food Security, 689

      Dental therapists, issuance of limited licenses, 3209, 3210

      Desert Research Institute, assistance with legislative study of renewable and clean energy, 4627, 4628

      Electronic waste, removal of data before disposal required, 2220, 2578

      Energy, renewable and clean resources, legislative study, cooperation with universities, 4627, 4628

      General appropriations

             Enumeration, 3344, 3345

             Powers and duties regarding certain money, 3353, 3354, 3356, 3357

      High school pupils, funding to support dual enrollment in high school and college courses, 2379

      Homeless Pupils, Liaison for Post-Secondary Education for, creation of position, duties, 370, 371

      Institute on Teaching and Educator Preparation, Nevada

             Funding, restrictions on use, 2377

             Powers and duties, 2020, 2021

      Law, School of, collaborative work with Board on Indigent Defense Services to determine incentives to provide indigent defense services, 2883

      Legislature, authority regarding State University, constitutional amendment, 4591-4595

      Marijuana establishment agents, contracts to provide training, authority, 2480

      Medical marijuana establishment agents, contracts to provide training, authority, 2478

      Medicine, School of

             Cannabis, medical use of, research program, duties, reports, 3830

             State Public Health Laboratory, testing of infants for preventable or inheritable disorders, duties, 813

      NV Grow Program, duties, appropriation, 3666-3669

      Public works, prevailing wages, determination, threshold lowered for applicability of laws, 931-933

      Recyclable materials, disposition, requirements, exemptions, 2220, 2221, 2578

      Settlement agreements, certain provisions prohibited, exception, 800, 801

      Stem cell centers, establishment, legislative study, 2481

      STEM, events recognizing pupils demonstrating exemplary achievement, location requirement removed, 3906


             Bullying, cyber-bullying and discriminatory harassment, legislative study, consultation, 3082, 3083

             Child Care and Development, Program for, reimbursement of child care provided to children of certain eligible parents, 2420, 2421

             College savings programs (See COLLEGE SAVINGS PROGRAMS)

             Fictitious address program for victims of crime, System to allow participants to use fictitious address, restrictions regarding records, 1800, 1801

             Financial assistance for higher education, establishment of statewide database of sources, requirements, 2324

             Homeless or unaccompanied youths, fee waivers, qualifications, 371

            Homeless Pupils, Liaison for Post-Secondary Education for, creation of position, duties, 369-371

             Nevada College Kick Start Program, accounting method for money in accounts, funding of marketing costs, 3905-3907

             Scholarships (See SCHOLARSHIPS)

             Sexual conduct with person in position of authority over alleged victim, rebuttable presumption of nonconsent, 1906

             Silver State Opportunity Grant Program, credit hour requirements, 3963, 3964

             Teacher education

                   Background investigation, student taking course which requires time spent in classroom excluded as volunteer for purposes of laws, 1511, 1515, 1520, 1524

                   Computer literacy and computer science, grant to develop curriculum and standards required to educate and train person studying to become teacher, funding, 2697, 2700

                   Financial literacy, course of study to obtain endorsement to teach, requirements, offsetting of costs, 1993, 1994

                   Institute on Teaching and Educator Preparation, Nevada, authority to support students obtaining degree or teacher’s license, 2021

                   Teach Nevada Scholarship Program, eligible teaching programs, 4360


                   Graduate degree, enrollment in programs related to critical need occupations, waiver of fees, funding of fee waivers, 1952

                   Purple Heart recipients

                          Registration, laboratory and other mandatory fees, waiver, requirements, 1948, 1949

                          Tuition charges, assessment against recipients prohibited, 1950

      Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of any occupational opportunity, exceptions, 2278

      University of Nevada, Las Vegas

             College of Engineering, Academic and Research Building, funding of construction, 4018, 4019

             International Gaming Institute, appropriation for Leaderverse Initiative, 4013

      Victims of crime

             Fictitious address program, System to allow participants to use fictitious address, restrictions regarding records, 1800, 1801

             Sexual Assault, Advisory Committee on Rights of Survivors of, representation, 2846

             Victim’s advocates and victims, communication privilege extended to additional advocates, 86


      Assistance, duties of state and local government agencies, 4362

      Creation, 4361


             Appointment, classification, 4361

             Duties, 4361, 4362

             Salary, 3323


      Abandoned real property, expedited tax sale, publication of notice, 748, 753

      Auctions of county and city real property, notice requirements, 1035, 1041

      Document preparation services, publication of notices of interpleader actions, 843

      Elections, publication of notices

             Day and time that each method of registration will be closed, 4099

             Hours for early voting at each polling place, 4082

             Locations of polling places, 4050, 4103

             Primary election or general election, 4066, 4108

             Statewide measures, repeal, 4069

      General improvement districts, publication of notices regarding property sales, 2570

      Medical marijuana establishments, advertisements, restrictions, duties regarding age of audience, penalties for violations, 2334, 2335

      Name change of minor in custody of agency which provides child welfare services, publication of notice of proceedings, 2088

      Regional transportation commissions, procedures for selling property acquired through eminent domain, 803

      Worker cooperative corporations, notice of meetings, requirements, 911


      Atomic Testing Museum, relocation of, receipt of allocations, duties, 4012

      Charitable games or charitable lotteries, certification of qualified organizations as not operated for profit required, 958

      Cities, conveyance of property to nonprofit organizations for development of affordable housing, 1417, 1418


             Affordable housing, conveyance of county property for development, 1416, 1417

             Formation of corporation to provide certain services during emergency, authority, procedures, liability, 1473, 1474

      Drones, operation of programs on behalf of Office of Economic Development, 3455

      Electric service providers

             Amount of electricity sold, determination, 20, 21

             Applicability of portfolio standards, 14, 16, 20, 23

             Reports, 21, 23

      Family planning services, grants to support, requirements, 1506

      Grant Procurement, Coordination and Management, Office of, pilot program to award grants to nonprofit organizations needing matching funds, 3709

      Hearing devices for children, participation in program to negotiate discounts and rebates authorized, 3930, 3931


      Housing Crisis Response System, Nevada, coordination, 834

      Industrial insurance, benefits offered by nonprofit entities, authority of Division of Industrial Relations to notify employee or surviving spouse or dependent, restrictions, 195, 196

      Intellectual disabilities or developmental disabilities, persons with, certification requirements for jobs and day training services, 392, 393

      Lake Tahoe Basin, grants to nonprofit organizations from Account for License Plates for Support of Preservation and Restoration of Natural Environment authorized, 892

      Local emerging small businesses, reinstatement following forfeiture of right to transact business, procedures, 920, 930

      Local government purchasing, authority to donate personal property to nonprofit organization, 777

      Marijuana establishment agents, contracts to provide training, authority, 2480

      Maternal Mortality Review Committee, representation, 41

      Medical marijuana establishment agents, contracts to provide training, authority, 2478

      Mobile optometry clinics, operation, 3636

      Nevada Promise Scholarship Program, agreements with community colleges for training and mentoring programs, regulation, 1212

      Occupational diseases, benefits offered by nonprofit entities, authority of Division of Industrial Relations to notify employee or surviving spouse or dependent, restrictions, 195, 196

      Outdoor Education and Recreation Grant Program, creation, purpose, 3960-3962

      Perpetuities, statutory rule against, trust or other property arrangement established for charitable purposes excluded from rule, 1847

      Prekindergarten education programs, grants to support, requirements, regulation, 3981-3983


             Blockchain technology, authority to use, procedures regarding inspection, admissibility of records in evidence, 2822, 2823

             Electronic records authorized, procedures regarding inspection, admissibility in evidence, 2822, 2823

             Failure to keep members’ ledger or duplicate copy open for inspection, penalty, 103

             Location outside of State, procedures for inspection, 103

      School gardens for Title I schools, appropriation for creation and maintenance, requirements, 3457-3459

      Solar access program, implementation, certain percentage of expanded program to be reserved for nonprofit organizations, 2313

      Special license plates (See LICENSE PLATES)

      Stem cell centers, establishment as nonprofit entity, legislative study, 2481

      STEM educational programs, license plates supporting, identification of nonprofit corporation to assist in distributing certain funds, 3085

      Surplus lines brokers, procedures for appointing board of directors, 1704

      Vehicles donated to nonprofit organization, procedures when title not obtained, 1447

      Veterans Services, Department of, collaboration to identify and refer to appropriate services veterans who have service-connected disabilities and diseases and their descendants, 2691

      Work-based learning pilot programs, competitive grants for development and implementation, funding, 2379


      Emergency or disaster, Governor authorized to allow out-of-state emergency medical and mental health services providers practice within State, 4156, 4157

      Solar access program, expanded, implementation, requirements, 2311-2314

      Veterans, state employment preference extended to nonresidents, 174


      Charter amendments

             Beginning dates of certain terms of office, 3562, 3563

             Canvass of election returns, time for completion, 4139

             Conduct of elections, applicability of state laws, 4138

             Dates of holding elections, 3562, 3563

             Vacancies, termination date of certain appointments to fill, 3560

      Homelessness, working group to reduce, creation, duties, reports, 2042

      Police Department, sales taxes for additional officers

             Reporting requirements, penalties for violations, 4189-4191

             Sunsets removed, 4192


      Administering oath or affirmation, elimination of obsolete fee language, 28, 31


             Application for appointment, simultaneous application for registration as electronic notary public, 30

             Citizen of or permanent residency in United States, requirement for appointment removed, 4337

             Social security number or alternative personally identifying number, collection by Secretary of State prohibited, 4337

             Suspension or revocation, effect on registration as document preparation service, 845, 846, 850

      Authentication of signature of notarial officer, requirement for documents used in United States removed, 29

      Electronic notaries public

             Fee for administering oath or affirmation, elimination of obsolete language, 31

             Registration, requirements, simultaneous application for appointment as notary public, 29, 30

      Guardianships, requests to nominate guardian, declaration by notary removed, 33, 420, 1731

      Powers of attorney, declaration by notary removed

             Health care decisions

                   Adults with intellectual disabilities, power of attorney for, 439, 1754, 1756

                   Durable power of attorney, 432, 1750

             Statutory form power of attorney, 425, 1743

      Transfer of title of manufactured home, mobile home or commercial coach, notarization requirements, 2424


      Authorized expenditures, high level nuclear waste, 3131

      General appropriations, high level nuclear waste, 3341

      Salaries of unclassified staff, 3323


      Highways or public lands, unlawful prevention or obstruction of free passage, 2579, 2580


      Advanced practice registered nurses

             Alcohol or drug abuse, evaluation of certain offenders, authority, 502-509

             Child-restraint systems in vehicles, authority to make determinations and sign statement exempting child from use, 500, 501

             Custodial trusts, authority to make certifications, 528

             Disabilities, persons with, authority to sign statements and forms

                   Diabetics or epileptics, issuance of driver’s license, 497

                   Disabilities, persons with physical or mental, free or reduced rates for transportation, 530, 531

                   Epilepsy, persons with, operation of motor vehicle, 499

             Disciplinary action, grounds, 2203, 2204

             Driving privileges, authority to sign statements and forms, 496-499, 528

             Head injuries sustained by children, authority to provide medical clearance to participate in sport, 136, 137

             Home health care, authority to order, 147

             Hospital staff membership authorized, prohibited acts by hospitals, 1398

             License (See Licenses, this heading)

             Power of attorney, authority to make certifications and determinations, 512-514

             Rare diseases, continuing education encouraged, 1492, 1493

             Self-medication, persons authorized to sign statement allowing private school pupil to perform, 141-143

             Veterans, duties regarding, continuing education and receipt of information related to health issues, 2692, 2693

             Western Regional Education Compact, funding participation of certain students, appropriation, 3049


      Disciplinary and other actions, grounds, exception, 3887, 3888

      Group housing arrangements for certain persons, referrals to, 406

      Home health care agencies (See NURSING IN THE HOME, AGENCIES TO PROVIDE)

      Lead levels in children, blood testing, duties, 3042


             Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257, 4276-4278

             Community-based living arrangement services, inapplicability of nursing license requirements, criteria, 252, 253

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256

             Emergency or disaster training received, inclusion of information in application, 4157, 4158

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

             Renewal, provision of certain information regarding patients who are veterans, 2693

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

             Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278


             Commercial sexual exploitation of child, duty to report, 1932

             Lead levels in children, blood testing, duties, 3042

             Pediatric cancer, information concerning, receipt, 1491

      Offenders in custody of Division of Parole and Probation, authority to verify health of offender for purposes of medical release, 4445

      Rare Disease Advisory Council, representation, 1476

      School nurses (See SCHOOL PERSONNEL)

      Sexual Assault, Advisory Committee on Rights of Survivors of, membership, 2846

      Sexual conduct with person in position of authority over alleged victim, rebuttable presumption of nonconsent, 1906

      Skilled nursing, facilities for (See MEDICAL FACILITIES AND RELATED ENTITIES)

      Violations, duty of radiation therapy and radiologic imaging licensees to report, 2734

      Vulnerable persons abused, neglected, exploited, isolated or abandoned, duty to report, 3485-3487




             Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257, 4276-4278

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256, 4257

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

             Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278

      Commercial sexual exploitation of child, duty to report, 1932

      Violations, duty of radiation therapy and radiologic imaging licensees to report, 2734


      Commercial sexual exploitation of child, duty to report, 1932

      Employee training, standards for and minimum competencies, study, 253, 254

      Patient safety officer, designation, duties, 1667, 1670

      Violence in the workplace, prevention measures required, records, reports, 3671-3677, 3680, 3681

      Vulnerable persons abused, neglected, exploited, isolated or abandoned, duty to report, 3485-3487



      Advanced practice registered nurses, regulations, duties, 529

      Continuing education, training in diagnosis of rare diseases, duty to encourage, 1492, 1493

      Licenses or certificates

             Emergency or disaster training received by certain applicants, duties, 4157, 4158

             Veterans, authority to question licensees regarding patients who are veterans, 2693

      Pediatric cancer, dissemination of information concerning, duties, 1491

      Prescriptions for controlled substances

             Complaints, review and investigation, certain requirements removed, 2131

             Schedule II-IV substances, laws, development and dissemination of explanation or technical advisory bulletin, duties, 2131, 2132

             Tracking program, grounds for termination of access, 170

      Sunset Subcommittee of Legislative Commission

             Criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, review, recommendations, 2904, 2905

             Study of professional and occupational licensing boards, 4629, 4630


      Nevada System of Higher Education, appropriation for Program purposes, 3669

      Oversight, transfer, 3666


      Behavioral health region, reconfiguration, 2044


      Reports by governing bodies, requirements, 1015, 1016




      Death benefits, annual increase for certain persons, establishment of base amount, 1469, 1470, 1472

      Employee benefits offered by nonprofit entities, authority of Division to notify employee or surviving spouse or dependent, restrictions, 195, 196

      Health care providers, choice of treating providers expanded, legislative declaration, 3442, 3443

      Insurers paying increases in compensation for death benefits, reimbursements

             Approval of reimbursements required, 1470

             Assessments, current or future, authority to apply reimbursements, 1470

             Eligibility for reimbursements, 1469, 1470

             Workers’ Compensation and Safety, Fund for, use, 1468, 1469

      Police officers, firefighters and arson investigators, cancer as occupational disease

             Claims after retirement, certain persons entitled to medical benefits only, 3433

             Firefighters, requirements for finding occupational disease, provisions expanded to certain investigators, instructors and training officers, 3429, 3430

             List of substances deemed to be known carcinogens associated with disabling cancers, 3430, 3431

             Presumption that disabling cancer is occupationally related, 3432, 3433


      Abatement of violations, time to contest reasonableness of time for abatement, 604

      Citation or proposed assessment of penalty, time to contest, 603, 604

      Construction industry, safety and health hazard recognition courses, tracking registries and trainers, 976, 977

      Entertainment industry, safety and health hazard recognition courses, completion card requirements, exemptions, 977

      Exhibition facilities, training for certain employees

             Completion of training courses, requirements, 491-494

             Definitions, 490

             Employers, violations, administrative fines, 492, 493

             Noncompliance by worker or supervisory employee, suspension or termination of employment, 492, 494

             Registry of providers of training courses, establishment, 491

             Regulations, adoption, 491

             Trainers, duties, 491

             Training course provided by person other than trainer prohibited, 491

             Volunteers, provisions inapplicable to, 490

      Failure to correct violations, limitation on fines, 604, 605

      Medical facilities, workplace violence prevention measures required, records, reports, 3671-3677, 3680, 3681

      Notices and records, failure to post and maintain, limitation on fines, 604, 605

      Review Board, status of members, removal from office, 1566

      Serious and nonserious violations, limitation on fines, 604, 605

      Willful or repeated violations, limitation on fines, 604, 605



      Commercial sexual exploitation of child, duty to report, 1932

      Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, Medicaid coverage, requirements, 541-543


             Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257, 4298, 4299

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

             Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278


      Criminal history disqualification

             Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2937

             List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2936

             Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2936, 2937

             Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

      Deposit in lieu of bond, acceptable deposits, 67

      Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2936


      Procedures, 274, 275



      Common-Interest Communities and Condominium Hotels, Office of the Ombudsman for

             Deputy Attorney General, designation, duty to assist Ombudsman in performing duties, 675, 676

             Task force to study issues of concern to communities, representation, 676

      Consumer Affairs for Minorities, Ombudsman for, salary, 3327

      Long-term care (See LONG-TERM CARE OMBUDSMAN, STATE)

      Student Loan Ombudsman, designation, duties, 2505, 2506

      Victims of Domestic Violence, Ombudsman for, salary, 3322


      Glaucoma patients, referral by optometrists, requirements, 3646

      Optometrists, collaboration, records regarding, 3654


      Drug abuse (See ALCOHOL OR DRUG ABUSE)

      Medical marijuana, "chronic or debilitating medical condition" defined to include dependence upon or addiction to opioids, 1619

      Prescriptions, issuance without obtaining patient utilization report authorized, requirements, 2137



      Commercial sexual exploitation of child, duty to report, 1932


             Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257, 4289, 4290

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

             Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278


      Applicability of laws, 3639

      Assistants, authorized activities, 3635, 3636

      Business locations, notice to Board, licenses, leases, 3653

      Commercial sexual exploitation of child, duty to report, 1932

      Complaints against licensees, procedures, 3649, 3650

      Contact lenses, prescriptions, initial fitting, 3655, 3656

      Continuing education, requirements, 3644

      Definitions, 3635, 3637

      Disciplinary action

             Form of disciplinary action, authority of Board, 3647

             Grounds, 2208, 3647-3649, 3892, 3893

      Exemptions from laws, 3639

      Fictitious name, practice under, procedures, 3652

      Glaucoma, authority to treat, certificate of endorsement, 3637, 3646, 3647


             Applications, requirements, 3642, 4256, 4287

             Business locations, issuance of duplicate licenses, 3653

             Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257, 4287, 4288

             Contents, 3643

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256

             Examinations, 3642, 3643

             Fees, 3641

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

             Qualifications, 3642, 3643, 4256, 4287

             Renewal, 3644, 3645

             Restoration of suspended license, 3645

             Signing, 3643

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

             Suspension or revocation, 3645, 3647, 3651

             Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278

      Mobile optometry clinics, authorization, 3636

      Nevada State Board of Optometry (See also PROFESSIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL REGULATORY BODIES)

             Complaints, confidentiality of certain information, 3640

             Consultants, authority to employ clarified, 3640

             Executive Director, bond unnecessary, 3639

             Fees, establishment and revision, 3641

             Glaucoma treatment, regulations, 3647

             Injunctions, authority, 3642

             Mobile optometry clinics, regulations, 3636

             Notices to licensees, transmittal, 3644

             Policies, authority to adopt, 3640

             Prescriptions for controlled substances

                   Complaints, review and investigation, certain requirements removed, 2135

                   Schedule II-IV substances, laws, development and dissemination of explanation or technical advisory bulletin, duties, 2135

                   Tracking program, grounds for termination of access, 170

             President, election, 3639

             Sunset Subcommittee of Legislative Commission

                   Criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, review, recommendations, 2904, 2905

                   Study of professional and occupational licensing boards, 4629, 4630

      Ophthalmologists, collaboration, records regarding, 3654

      Penalties for violations, 3656

      Pharmaceutical agents, authority to administer and prescribe, 3645, 3646

      Practice of optometry

             Acts constituting, 3638

             Repeal of certain provisions, 3659

      Prescriptions (See PRESCRIPTIONS)

      Rosters, preparation, 3640

      Schools of optometry

             Accreditation, approval, 3640

             License renewal, 3643

      Service of process, procedures, 3654, 3655

      Supervision of optometrist by other persons, restrictions, 3653, 3654

      Topical diagnostic ophthalmic agents, authority to administer, 3655

      Unethical or unprofessional conduct, acts constituting, 3649

      Unlicensed practice, investigation, forwarding of findings to law enforcement agency, 3641, 3642

      Vulnerable persons abused, neglected, exploited, isolated or abandoned, duty to report, 3485-3487


      Arrested or detained persons, opportunity to locate person to take possession of animals, 1775


             Cities, restrictions on enactment and enforcement of ordinances, 3859, 3860

             Counties, restrictions on enactment and enforcement of ordinances, 3855

      Cannabis establishments

             Advertisements, regulation, 3839

             Compliance with local ordinances, requirement, 3806

      Cosmetics tested on animals, prohibition on importation or sale, restrictions on local regulation, 1590

      Diesel fuel, imposition of additional tax in certain counties, 1262, 1263

      Disclosure of improper governmental action, protections against reprisal, 810, 811

      Elections, requirements for city elections, 3535

      Electric scooters and operation of scooter-share programs, authority, requirements, 1882, 1883

      Governing bodies, designation of members of certain bodies as appointive rather than elective, procedures, 742-744

      Historic neighborhoods, ordinance designating, requirements, 968, 969

      Marijuana establishments, advertisements, regulation, 2345-2347, 2349

      Marriages, violations relating to solicitation, delegation of authority to hearing officer, 457

      Medical marijuana establishments, regulation regarding advertisements, 2335

      Mobile carrying devices, regulation, 3104, 3105

      Public administrator, abolishment of office, employment or contract for services, 1535

      Sales and use tax, authority of counties to impose new tax for benefit of counties and school districts, procedures, 3261-3263


      Acupuncture point injection therapy, endorsement to practice authorized, 1596

      Chiropractors, license to practice Oriental medicine required to perform acupuncture, 2295

      Commercial sexual exploitation of child, duty to report, 1932

      Definitions, 1596, 1597

      Dry needling, oriental medicine defined to include, 1597


             Annual fee, maximum amount, 1600

             Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257, 4279

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256, 4257

             Examinations, requirements, 1598

             Expiration automatically in certain circumstances, reinstatement, 1600

             Injection practices, repeal of certain requirement regarding, 1600

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

             Qualifications, 1598-1600

             Renewal, requirements, 1600

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

             Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278

      Schools and colleges, qualifications, 1598

      Scope of practice, authorized acts, 1596

      State Board of Oriental Medicine (See also PROFESSIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL REGULATORY BODIES)

             Acupuncture point injection therapy, duties, 1596

             Colleges and schools, certain duty removed, 1598

             Secretary-Treasurer, salary provision removed, 1597

             Sunset Subcommittee of Legislative Commission

                   Criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, review, recommendations, 2904, 2905

                   Study of professional and occupational licensing boards, 4629, 4630


      Abortion (See ABORTION)

      Cannabis Advisory Commission, representation, 3774

      Cannabis Compliance Board, representation, 3777

      Civil actions, physical examinations ordered by court, authority of examiner, procedures following suspension of examination, 967

      Disciplinary action, grounds, 2204-2206, 3889-3891

      Driver’s licenses, acceptance of physician’s report in lieu of eye test, authority, 496, 498

      Emergency medical services provided by out-of-network providers, payment for services, requirements, arbitration of disputes, reports, 320-326

      Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, Medicaid coverage, requirements, 541-543

      Group housing arrangements for certain persons, referrals to, 406

      Homeopaths (See HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE)

      Industrial insurance, insurer’s list of health care providers, requirements, removal from list, 3442-3454


             Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257, 4279

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256, 4257

             Emergency or disaster training received, inclusion of information in application, 4158, 4159

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

             Renewal, provision of certain information regarding patients who are veterans, 2693

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

             Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278

      Malpractice closed claims, repeal of provisions regarding reports of, 1688, 1728


             Commercial sexual exploitation of child, duty to report, 1932

             Lead levels in children, blood testing, duties, 3042

             Pediatric cancer, information concerning, receipt, 1493

      Physician assistants (See PHYSICIAN ASSISTANTS)

      Prescriptions (See PRESCRIPTIONS)

      Professional entities, prohibited acts by licensed persons in, 1392

      Radiation Therapy and Radiologic Imaging Advisory Committee, membership, 2723

      Rare Disease Advisory Council, representation, 1476

      Rare diseases, continuing education encouraged, 1494

      Sexual conduct with person in position of authority over alleged victim, rebuttable presumption of nonconsent, 1906

      State Board of Osteopathic Medicine (See also PROFESSIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL REGULATORY BODIES)

             Continuing education, training in diagnosis of rare diseases, duty to encourage, 1494

             Inspections, authority, 4043


                   Emergency or disaster training received by certain applicants, duties, 4158, 4159

                   Veterans, authority to question licensees regarding patients who are veterans, 2693

             Malpractice, duties regarding closed claims removed, 1727, 1728

             Pediatric cancer, dissemination of information concerning, duties, 1493

             Prescriptions for controlled substances

                   Complaints, review and investigation, certain requirements removed, 2132

                   Schedule II-IV substances, laws, development and dissemination of explanation or technical advisory bulletin, duties, 2133

                   Tracking program, grounds for termination of access, 170

             Sunset Subcommittee of Legislative Commission

                   Criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, review, recommendations, 2904, 2905

                   Study of professional and occupational licensing boards, 4629, 4630

      Supervision of medical students, violations, fines, 4043, 4044

      Veterans, duties regarding, continuing education and receipt of information related to health issues, 2692, 2693

      Vulnerable persons abused, neglected, exploited, isolated or abandoned, duty to report, 3485-3487


      Chair and Vice Chair, 3705

      Composition, compensation, 3705, 3706

      Creation, 3705

      Duties, 3706

      Governor’s appointees, status, removal from office, 1566




      Contractors advertising unlawfully, repeal of prohibition on disconnection of telephone number of paging service, 2036, 2037


      Dental hygienists and dental therapists, authorized acts during treatment, 3206

      Kratom products, prohibited acts, penalties, 2658, 2659

      Medical marijuana, "chronic or debilitating medical condition" defined to include chronic pain, 1619

      Prescriptions for controlled substances

             Acute pain, codification of definition, authority of practitioner regarding initial prescription, 2137, 2138

             Evaluation and risk assessment before issuance of certain prescriptions, requirements, 2138, 2139

             Patients with cancer or receiving hospice or palliative care, exemption from certain requirements, informed consent for initial prescriptions, 2136, 2137

             Schedule II-IV substances, laws, development and dissemination of explanation or technical advisory bulletin, 2129-2135, 2140

             Sickle cell disease and variants, initial prescriptions, 2136, 2169


      Lead levels, blood testing of certain children, requirements, 3042


      Domestic violence, additional acts constituting, 1805


      Wrongful conviction of felony, remedies for, limitation of actions, 4366-4369


      Express provision for Board, procedures, constitutional amendment, 4613, 4614


      Autism Spectrum Disorders, Nevada Commission on, representation, 3055

      Child Care and Development, Program for, state plan components, reimbursement requirements, 2420, 2421

      Child in need of protection, rebuttable presumption that appointment of parent as educational decision maker in child’s best interest, 257

      Commercial sexual exploitation of child, access to information maintained by child welfare services agency, restrictions, 1934

      Confidentiality of personal information contained in certain official records, authority of certain persons to request, 726-729, 865-868

      Consumer credit loans, requirements and prohibitions related to Armed Forces members and dependents, 940-942, 950

      Driver’s license, persons authorized to request display of alternate address, 729, 868, 869, 1827

      Family home visiting system, support to new parents based on certain risk factors, study, 880

      First responders, crimes committed against child of, additional penalty, 1462, 1463

      Government shutdowns, protections for federal, tribal or state workers extended to certain household members, 3173

      Guardianships, claims to acquire personal property of protected person, priority, 1243

      Handle with Care Program (See also SCHOOLS, PUBLIC)

             Law enforcement officer or employee, duty to notify if arrest of parent made in presence of child, 3972

      High-risk behavior, orders for protection against, procedures, 3948, 3950-3952, 4170-4177

      Identification card, persons authorized to request display of alternate address, 729, 868, 869, 1827

      Industrial insurance death benefits, annual increase for certain persons, base amount, 1469, 1470, 1472

      Intestate succession, half blood kindred, equal inheritance, 1852

      Judicial Retirement System, resumption of benefits to adopted children of deceased members, procedures, 679

      Juvenile detention facilities, payment of costs for certain medical care, 1956

      Language and literacy skills of children less than 6 years of age

             Advisory Committee on Language Development for Children Who Are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Blind or Visually Impaired, representation, 3936

             Criteria for use by parents to evaluate the development of skills, requirements regarding, 3936, 3937, 3940

             Written resource to be used by parents to evaluate development of skills, 3937, 3938

      Legislators’ Retirement System, resumption of benefits to adopted children of deceased members, procedures, 679

      Maternal and child health (See HEALTH, MATERNAL AND CHILD)

      Mental health facilities, emergency admissions

             Detention of minor for evaluation, observation and treatment, consent to admission unnecessary, 2619

             Notice requirements, 2617, 2618

             Person applying for emergency admission, duty to attempt to obtain consent before making application, maintenance of documentation of attempts, 2620

      Name change of minor in custody of agency which provides child welfare services, procedures, 2087-2090

      Public Employees’ Retirement System, resumption of benefits to adopted children of deceased members, procedures, 679

      Rare Disease Advisory Council, representation, 1476

      School pupils (See also SCHOOL PUPILS)

             Cyberbullying, reports of, extension of time to complete investigation, procedures, 1308

      Sexual conduct with person in position of authority over alleged victim, rebuttable presumption of nonconsent, 1906

      Sickle cell disease and sickle cell trait, screening of each biological parent, requirements, regulation, 2161


             Benefit claims against federal or state government, assistance, 127

             Service-connected disabilities and diseases, public outreach programs to include information concerning survivor benefits, 2691

      Wrongful conviction of felony, counseling of relative of convicted person may be provided, 4369


      Electric or hybrid vehicles, parking in designated charging station when vehicle not connected to station prohibited, penalties, 1388

      Highway truck parking, use of proceeds from tax on diesel fuel to construct, maintain or repair sites, requirements, 1266

      Shared scooters, regulations, 1882

      Sidewalks, parking of bicycles, electric bicycles and electric scooters, authority, 1892

      Traffic control laws, applicability, 2653-2656

      Violations, issuance of bench warrant for failure to appear restricted, 383, 384


      Cannabis establishments

             Adult-use, restrictions on location, 3795-3797

             Advertisements, restrictions, 3838

      Clark County, bond issue for certain projects in, 2861, 2862

      County park commissions, authority of county commissioners to appoint members, procedures, 742-744

      Medical cannabis establishments, restrictions on location, 3791-3793

      Medical marijuana establishments, location of advertisements, restrictions, penalties, 2334, 2335

      Northwestern Nevada, reports by counties regarding growth issues, 799


      Aggregated sentences, eligibility for parole, effect of earned credit, 234-236

      Early discharge of certain persons, requirement, recommendations, 4450

      Geriatric parole authorized, 4448-4450

      Level of supervision, frequency of review, 238

      Meeting with offender, grant of parole to certain offenders without meeting, procedures, 4454, 4457

      Modification of sentence after parole, removal of provision, 4382

      Reentry plan, requirements, 4457, 4458

      Release, provision of certain items and services to offender upon, 4447, 4448

      Revocation of parole

             Effect of parole revocation, 4458

             Marijuana use, when grounds for revocation, 3848

             Technical violations of conditions

                   Requirements for revocation, 4387, 4388

                   Temporary revocation of parole, 4459, 4460

      Risk and needs assessment, requirements, 4451, 4452

      Technical violations of conditions, procedures following, system of graduated sanctions, training of officers, 4387, 4388, 4459, 4460

      Voting rights, restoration upon honorable discharge, certain provisions repealed, 1454, 1455, 1458

      Wrongful conviction of felony, remedies for, 4366-4369



      Early release of certain persons from parole, duties, 4450

      Furniture and equipment, appropriations for replacement, 2800

      General appropriations, 3349

      Meeting with offender, grant of parole to certain offenders without meeting, procedures, 4454, 4457


             Salaries, 3330

             Status as civil officers, removal from office, 1566

      Modification of sentence after parole, removal of provision, 4382

      Sex offenders, lifetime supervision, authority to impose additional conditions, 2439


      Offers of judgment, procedures, 274, 275


      Blockchain technology, authority to use, regulation, 2823, 2824

      Campaign financing, reports, requirements, 3953, 3956-3958

      Engineering firms, requirement for employment of professional engineer at each place of business eliminated, 1529

      Intellectual disabilities or developmental disabilities, persons with, certification requirements for jobs and day training services, 392, 393

      Land surveying firms, requirement for employment of professional land surveyor at each place of business eliminated, 1529


      Advice and technical assistance, authority of Executive Director to request, 2811

      Appointment, terms of office, 2811, 2816

      Chair, appointment, 2811

      Composition, 2810

      Confidentiality of information, 2811, 2812

      Contracts with consultants, authority, 2811

      Creation, 2810

      Duties, 2812, 2813

      Executive Director, appointment, qualifications, duties, 2811, 2812

      Governor’s appointees, status as civil officers, removal from office, 1566

      Meetings, 2811

      Per diem and travel expenses, 2811

      Quorum, 2811

      Removal of members, 2811

      Subcommittees, authority to establish, 2811

      Vacancies, filling, 2811


      Gender identity or expression of patients, duties of facilities, regulations, 1335


             Caregiver to whom hospital provides instructions concerning aftercare, duty to provide notice to patients of right to designate, 537, 538

             Complaints and grievances, duty to notify patients of rights and to provide certain information, 537, 538

      Intermediate care, facilities for, discharge or transfer to other facility, duties, 440

      Name of patient, duties of facilities, regulations, 1335

      Residential facilities for groups, discharge or transfer to other facility, duties, 440

      Sexual assault or attempted sexual assault victims, duties of treating medical facilities to provide certain information, 36

      Sickle cell disease and variants, patients with, contents of certain reports, determination of trends in usage of and access to health care services, 2159, 2160

      Skilled nursing, facilities for, discharge or transfer to other facility, duties, 440


      Outdoor Nevada, appropriation for expenses related to series, 4014


      Behavioral health issues, training requirements, employment of specialists, 4461, 4462

      Body cavity search, search warrant to contain specific authorization, 115

      Cannabis Compliance Board

             Agents who exercise powers of enforcement

                   Category II peace officers, inclusion as, 3867, 3868

                   Deemed peace officers for certain purpose, 3866, 3867

             Representation, 3776


             Cigarettes and other tobacco products, enforcement of sales prohibitions, duties, 3589

             Handle with Care Program, duty to notify of child exposed to traumatic events, 3972

             Prostitution, soliciting officer or assistant posing as child, penalties, 3365, 3366

      Collective bargaining (See also GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE-MANAGEMENT RELATIONS)

             State employees, bargaining units for certain employees, 3735

             Supervisory employee, certain prohibition on being deemed, 544

      Constables (See CONSTABLES)

      Continuing education, minimum hours and course subjects, requirements, regulation, 1009, 1010

      Crimes committed against first responders, aggregation of sentences, 234

      Crimes committed against spouse or child of first responder, additional penalty, 1462, 1463

      Developmental disabilities, persons with, training in identifying and interacting with, requirements, immunities, 2096

      Domestic violence

             Arrest of perpetrators, duties and immunities, 1805-1807

             Temporary protection orders, service of, requirements, 2831, 2832

      Electric scooter used while on duty, exemption from traffic laws, 1895

      High-risk behavior, protection orders against

             Arrest of adverse party for violations, procedures, 4175, 4176

             Ex parte order, authority to file application, hearing by telephone authorized, 4172

             Service and enforcement of orders, 4175

             Surrender of firearms by adverse party, procedures, return of surrendered or seized firearms, 4174, 4175

      Indian tribes, police officers employed by

             Exercise of powers, authority, 533-535

             Written agreements between tribe and local law enforcement agency, requirements, 534

      Interrogation of persons in custody, policies regarding electronic recording, requirements, 794, 795

      Interstate Waters, California-Nevada Compact for Jurisdiction on, concurrent jurisdiction of law enforcement officers, 447

      Limited-liability companies, assistance provided to receiver in recovery of certain property, 2494

      Maternal Mortality Review Committee, representation, 41

      Peer support counseling, removal of exception to privileged communications with counselor, 974

      Portable event recording devices, certain personnel and training costs, funding, 1563, 1564


             Detaining, arresting or issuing citations, duties, 1911

             Solicitation of officer or assistant posing as child, penalties, 3365, 3366

      Rights of peace officers

             "Law enforcement agency" defined, 2660

             Misconduct investigations, procedures, 2661-2663

             Statements officer compelled by law to make, use or disclosure in civil cases and administrative hearings, restrictions, procedures, 2661

             Suspension without pay pending outcome of criminal proceeding, grounds for receipt of back pay, 2660

      School police officers (See also SCHOOL PERSONNEL)

             Peace officer powers, 3255, 3256


             Blueprints of school, required disclosures, 1062, 1063

             Handle with Care Program, duty to notify of child exposed to traumatic events, 3972

      Sexual Assault, Advisory Committee on Rights of Survivors of, membership, 2846

      Sexual assault survivors, interviews with, rights of survivors, duties, prohibited acts, 2842, 2843

      Sexual conduct

             Civil action concerning nonconsensual sexual conduct, rebuttable presumption of nonconsent if alleged perpetrator in position of authority over victim, 1906

             With person in custody prohibited, penalty, consent no defense to prosecution, 836

      Sheriffs (See SHERIFFS)

      State Disaster Identification Team, peace officer powers removed, 1077, 1078

      Stress-related injury or disease of first responders, industrial insurance compensation, 1901, 1902

      Traffic control (See also TRAFFIC CONTROL)

             Duties regarding citations, 382

             Refusal to take physical delivery of citation, procedures following, 1443

      Vehicular event recording devices, certain personnel and training costs, funding, 1563, 1564

      Vulnerable persons, abuse, neglect, exploitation, isolation or abandonment

             Duty to report, 3485-3487

             Training in handing of cases, 3496

      Wildlife carcasses unlawfully imported into or possessed in Nevada, seizure or destruction, 404


      Authorized expenditures, 3133

      Behavioral health field response program, duties, 4460-4462

      Continuing education of peace officers, regulations, requirements, 1009, 1010

      Developmental disabilities, persons with, training in identifying and interacting with, duties, 2096

      Members, status as civil officers, removal from office, 1566

      Salaries of unclassified staff, 3334

      Vulnerable persons, abuse, neglect, exploitation, isolation or abandonment of, training in handling of cases, duties, 3496


      Electric scooter used by certain persons while on duty, exemption from traffic laws, 1895


      Crossing signals, duties, 3100, 3101

      Mobile carrying devices, regulation as pedestrian, penalty for violations, 3099, 3100, 3104, 3105


      Law enforcement or public safety personnel and counselor, removal of exception to privileged communications, 974


      Discrimination, prohibited acts, required policies and notices, 1333, 1334

      Employees and agents, cultural competency training, requirements, 1334

      Vulnerable persons abused, neglected, exploited, isolated or abandoned, duty to report, 3485-3487



      Commercial sexual exploitation of child, duty to report, 1932

      Disciplinary and other action

             Deadline for issuing final orders imposing discipline, 984

             Grounds, 982

             Reporting requirement, exception, 983


            Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

             Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278


      Vulnerable persons abused, neglected, exploited, isolated or abandoned, duty to report, 3485-3487


      Applicability of laws expanded, restrictions on use of records, 1531, 1532


      Duration of trust, removal of prohibition on extending beyond rule against perpetuities, 1872

      Property interest in a power of appointment, rule inapplicable to certain interests, 1846, 1847

      Vesting or termination periods, removal of certain provision regarding inoperative language, 1846


      Discrimination, prohibited acts, required policies and notices, 1333, 1334

      Electronic records, duties, regulations, 1335

      Employee training

             Cultural competency training, requirements, 1334

             Standards for and minimum competencies, study, 253, 254

      Name of person receiving care, duties of facilities, regulations, 1335

      Patient safety officer, designation, duties, 1667, 1670

      Privacy of persons receiving care, duties, 1335

      Vulnerable persons abused, neglected, exploited, isolated or abandoned, duty to report, 3485-3487


      Liability for personal injuries, authority to void certain prior releases, requirements, procedures, 2499

      Motor vehicle personal injury claims, procedures for exchange of medical and insurance information, 2499, 2500

      Small claims actions brought in justice court, venue, 52, 53

      Speeding resulting in injury to another person, penalty, 2281, 2282


      Authority of licensees, 1222

      Billing of customer, 1223

      Compensation of licensee, 1223

      Definitions, 1221

      Employees or representatives of licensees, 1223

      Information to be provided occupants and prospective occupants, 1222, 1223

      License to offer, sell, solicit or negotiate

             Forms and fees, regulations, 1223

             Issuance, 1221, 1222

             Renewal, 1222

      Prohibited acts by licensees, 1222, 1223

      Purchase as condition of rental agreement, satisfaction of condition, 1223

      Rates, filing, 1222

      Responsibility for acts of licensee, 1224


      Disclosure of improper governmental action, reprisal or retaliatory action, authority of hearing officer to terminate employment, 810

      Members, status as civil officers, removal from office, 1566


      School districts, integrated pest management requirements, 1941-1943


      Criminal history disqualification from obtaining license

             Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2946

             List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2946

             Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2945, 2946

             Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

      Internet publication of requirements for obtaining license, 2946


      Affordable housing tenants, right to keep pets, 1219, 1220

      Common-interest communities, restrictions on regulation of pets, 2626, 2627

      Impoundment of animal due to arrest of owner, provision for care of animal by another person following, 1774-1777

      Wildlife, killing of certain animals to protect pets authorized, 758, 759


      Commercial sexual exploitation of child, duty to report, 1932

      Electronic transmission of prescriptions for controlled substances required, exceptions, administrative penalties, 2208-2210, 2213

      Hospitals, purchases of pharmaceuticals exempt from bidding requirements, 775

      License to conduct pharmacy, proof of citizenship or legal right to work, requirement removed, 4295, 4296

      Pharmacists (See also HEALTH CARE PROVIDERS)

             Certificates of registration

                   Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257, 4294

                   Criminal history disqualification

                          Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                          List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                          Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

                          Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

                   Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256

                   Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

                   Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

                   Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278

      Pharmacy benefit managers (See PHARMACY BENEFIT MANAGERS)

      Prescriptions (See PRESCRIPTIONS)

      Privacy of information collected by operators of Internet websites or online services, exemptions from notice requirements, 1172

      Radiation therapy and radiologic imaging licensees, authority, 2736, 2737

      Recovery centers (See RECOVERY CENTERS)


             Controlled substances prescriptions

                   Computerized tracking program, duties, 166-173

                   Disciplinary action for certain violations, authority, 2140

                   Electronic transmission to pharmacy, duties, 2209, 2210

                   Schedule II-IV substances, laws, development and dissemination of explanation or technical advisory bulletin, 2139, 2140

             Recovery centers, licensing and regulation, 723, 724

             Sunset Subcommittee of Legislative Commission

                   Criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, review, recommendations, 2904, 2905

                   Study of professional and occupational licensing boards, 4629, 4630


      Replacement by Silver State Scripts Board, duties, 4028-4032


      Imposing certain limitations on conduct of pharmacist or pharmacy, prohibited acts, 1928, 1929

      Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program, contracts relating to prescription drug coverage, requirements, 4027, 4028

      Obligation of good faith and fair dealing, 4032


      Criminal history disqualification from obtaining license

             Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2959

             List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2959

             Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2958, 2959

             Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

      Internet publication of requirements for obtaining license, 2959


      Commercial sexual exploitation of child, duty to report, 1932

      Dry needling, authority to perform, regulation, 1585-1587

      Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, Medicaid coverage, requirements, 541-543


             Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257, 4297

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

             Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278


             Dry needling, regulation, 1586, 1587

             Sunset Subcommittee of Legislative Commission

                   Criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, review, recommendations, 2904, 2905

                   Study of professional and occupational licensing boards, 4629, 4630

      "Practice of physical therapy" defined, 1586



      Disabilities, statements indicating, certification, 143-146

      Disciplinary and other action

             Deadline for issuing final orders imposing discipline, 984

             Grounds for disciplinary action, 982, 2201, 2202

             Reporting requirement, exception, 983

      Hearing aid sales by mail, catalog or Internet, authority to sign statement, 148, 149

      Home health care, authority to order, 147, 148


             Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257, 4270, 4271, 4281, 4282

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256

             Emergency or disaster training received, inclusion of information in application, 4157, 4158

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

             Renewal, provision of certain information regarding patients who are veterans, 2693

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

             Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278

      Medical devices prescribed by physician assistants, sales tax exemptions, 137, 138


             Commercial sexual exploitation of child, duty to report, 1932

             Head injuries sustained by children, authority to provide medical clearance to participate in sport, 136-138

             Lead levels in children, blood testing, duties, 3042

             Pediatric cancer, information concerning, receipt, 1489

             Self-medication, authority to sign statement allowing school pupil to perform, 138-143

      Prescriptions (See PRESCRIPTIONS)

      Rare diseases, continuing education encouraged, 1490

      Taxicab drivers’ medical certificates, authority regarding, 149

      Veterans, duties regarding, continuing education and receipt of information related to health issues, 2692, 2693

      Vulnerable persons abused, neglected, exploited, isolated or abandoned, duty to report, 3485-3487


      Abortion (See ABORTION)


      Cannabis Advisory Commission, representation, 3774

      Cannabis Compliance Board, representation, 3777

      Civil actions, physical examinations ordered by court, authority of examiner, procedures following suspension of examination, 967

      Disciplinary action and proceedings

             Deadline for issuing final orders imposing discipline, 984

             Grounds for disciplinary action, 982, 2201, 2202, 3886

             Reporting requirement, exception, 983

      Driver’s licenses, acceptance of physician’s report in lieu of eye test, authority, 496, 498

      Emergency medical services provided by out-of-network providers, payment for services, arbitration of disputes, reports, 320-326

      Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, Medicaid coverage, requirements, 541-543

      Group housing arrangements for certain persons, referrals to, 406

      Homeopaths (See HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINE)

      Industrial insurance, insurer’s list of health care providers, requirements, removal from list, 3442-3454


             Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257, 4262, 4264, 4265, 4269

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256

             Emergency or disaster training received, inclusion of information in application, 4157

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

             Renewal, provision of certain information regarding patients who are veterans, 2693

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

             Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278

      Malpractice, repeal of provisions regarding reports of closed claims, 1688, 1728


             Commercial sexual exploitation of child

                   Duty to report, 1932

                   Information maintained by agency which provides child welfare services, access, restrictions, 1933

             Lead levels in children, blood testing, duties, 3042

             Pediatric cancer, information concerning, receipt, 1489


      Prescriptions (See PRESCRIPTIONS)

      Professional entities, prohibited acts by licensed persons in, 1392

      Radiation Therapy and Radiologic Imaging Advisory Committee, membership, 2723

      Rare Disease Advisory Council, representation, 1476

      Rare diseases, continuing education encouraged, 1490

      Sexual conduct with person in position of authority over alleged victim, rebuttable presumption of nonconsent, 1906

      Supervision of medical students, violations, fines, 4043

      Veterans, duties regarding, continuing education and receipt of information related to health issues, 2692, 2693

      Vulnerable persons abused, neglected, exploited, isolated or abandoned, duty to report, 3485-3487


      Penalties, 4432


      Cannabis establishments, adult-use, restrictions on location and advertisements, 3795-3797, 3838

      Medical cannabis establishments, restrictions on location, 3791-3793

      Medical marijuana establishments, location of advertisements, restrictions, penalties, 2334, 2335


      Minimum standards in certain structures, 2101-2104


      Commercial sexual exploitation of child, duty to report, 1932

      Disciplinary action, grounds, 2206, 2207, 3891, 3892


             Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257, 4283-4287

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

             Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278

      Prescriptions (See PRESCRIPTIONS)

      Radiation Therapy and Radiologic Imaging Advisory Committee, membership, 2723

      Radiation therapy and radiologic imaging, authority of hygienists to perform, 2735, 2736, 2744


             Prescriptions for controlled substances (See also PRESCRIPTIONS)

                   Complaints, review and investigation, certain requirements removed, 2133

                   Schedule II-IV substances, laws, development and dissemination of explanation or technical advisory bulletin, duties, 2134

                   Tracking program, grounds for termination of access, 170

             Sunset Subcommittee of Legislative Commission

                   Criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, review, recommendations, 2904, 2905

                   Study of professional and occupational licensing boards, 4629, 4630

      Vulnerable persons abused, neglected, exploited, isolated or abandoned, duty to report, 3485-3487


      Death by poisoning, duties of coroners following, 4165


      Brothels, legislative study of working conditions at licensed brothels, consultation, 4641

      Gang database, use to identify suspected members and affiliates of criminal gangs, requirements, 2199, 2200

      Indian tribes, police officers employed by, agreements with law enforcement agencies regarding jurisdictional limitations, 534

      Interrogation of persons in custody, policies regarding electronic recording, requirements, 794, 795

      Portable event recording devices, funding for purchase and maintenance, 3255

      Secondhand dealers, certain transactions exempt from reporting requirements, 39

      Vehicular event recording devices, funding for purchase and maintenance, 3255


      Campaign financing, reports, requirements, 3953, 3956-3958




      Emergency telephone system, surcharge for enhancement

             Entities authorized to expend money, 3255

             Order of priority for expending money, 1564

             Return or repayment of money, grounds for, duties, 1564

             Uses of money authorized, 1564

      School police officers

             Purchase and maintenance, funding, 3255

             Use, requirements, regulation, 3257



      Habeas corpus petitions challenging time served, filing requirements, procedures, 3008-3010


      Alcohol Beverage Awareness cards, issuance, appropriation for business management system to serve as State approving agency for certain programs, 2793

      Authorized expenditures, 3140

      General appropriations, 3349


             Governor’s appointees, status as civil officers, removal from office, 1566

             Increase in number of voting members, veteran representation, 2457, 2458

      Oriental medicine, schools and colleges, qualifications, 1598

      Veterans, suspension of approval of courses for training, grounds, procedures, regulation, 2456, 2457


      Energy, renewable and clean resources, legislative study of methods to increase opportunities to study subjects, 4628

      Financial assistance for higher education, establishment of statewide database of sources, requirements, 2324

      Marijuana establishment agents, contracts to provide training, authority, 2480

      Medical marijuana establishment agents, contracts to provide training, authority, 2478

      Oriental medicine schools, qualifications, 1598

      STEM, events recognizing pupils demonstrating exemplary achievement, location requirement removed, 3906


             Child Care and Development, Program for, reimbursement of child care provided to children of certain eligible parents, 2420, 2421

             Homeless Pupils, Liaison for Post-Secondary Education for, creation of position, duties, 369-371

             Scholarships (See SCHOLARSHIPS)

             Sexual conduct with person in position of authority over alleged victim, rebuttable presumption of nonconsent, 1906

             Teacher education, student taking course which requires time spent in classroom excluded as volunteer for purposes of background investigation, 1511, 1515, 1520, 1524

      Teach Nevada Scholarship Program, eligible teaching programs, 4360

      Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of any occupational opportunity, exceptions, 2278

      Veterans, suspension of approval of courses for training, grounds, procedures, 2456, 2457


      Criminal defendants, eligibility for assignment to specialty court program, discharge from program, 2445-2447, 4395-4397

      Stress-related injury or disease of first responders, industrial insurance compensation, 1901, 1902


      Farm or other facility, permit to slaughter and sell raw poultry, regulation, 1614


      Advanced practice registered nurses, authority to make certifications and determinations, 512-514

      Financial matters, power of attorney for

             Continuation of authority of principal after execution, 1738

             Living arrangements, expression of intent required, 3506, 3507

             Notary’s declaration, requirement removed, 425, 1743

             Placement of principal in certain facilities, authority to be expressly granted, 424, 3476, 3477, 3480

      Guardian of estate, effect of appointment, 2186

      Health care decisions

             Advanced practice registered nurses, inclusion of citations in forms, 515-528

             Dementia, adults with, form, 1732-1738

             Guardian of person, effect of appointment, 2187

             Healthcare Decisions Day, proclamation, 35

             Intellectual disability, adults with, declaration by notary removed from form, 1754, 1756

             Life-sustaining treatment, withholding or withdrawal, effect of form, 2194

             Living arrangements, expression of intent required, 3476, 3506

             Medication at end of life, statement of desires, 2191

             Mental health facilities, emergency admission of person in mental health crisis, notice to agent, requirements, 354, 355, 2621

             Nevada Lockbox, inclusion of information in form, 2188, 2194

             Notary’s declaration, requirement removed, 432, 1750

      "Incapacity" defined, 2186

      Motor Vehicles, Department of, requirement to retain records pertaining to transfers of motor vehicle title repealed, 83

      "Nondurable" defined, 2185


      Claims of creditors, limitations, 1858

      Creation of power of appointment, requirements, 1857, 1858

      Governing law, 1857

      Nonprobate transfers of property on death, claims of creditors against property transferred pursuant to power of attorney, 1858

      Powerholders of nongeneral power, authority to create general power or nongeneral power in permissible appointee, 1858

      Revocation or amendment, restrictions, 1858

      Rule against perpetuities, certain powers of appointment regarding property interests excluded from rule, 1846, 1847

      Trusts, powerholder authorized to represent permissible appointee or taker in default of appointment, 1871


      Maternal Mortality Review Committee, creation, duties, 41-44, 46

      Restrictive covenants based on familial status deemed void, duties of county recorders, 373-375


      Annual statements, 1723

      Capital, requirements, 1722

      Examination by Commissioner of Insurance, payment of expenses, 1686, 1723

      Health benefit plans (See also HEALTH BENEFIT PLANS)

             Genetic information, prohibited adjustment of premium, deductible, copay or coinsurance, 312

             Health status, effect on offering or issuing plan, benefits, enrollment or renewal, requirements, prohibited acts, 312

             Wellness program that reduces premium, deductible or copayment based on health status, authority to include, requirements, 312, 313

      Health care providers

             Access to services and discounts of provider pursuant to provider network contract, requirements, 1602-1605

             Network plans, health carriers offering, provision of certain contact information and annual reports to Office of Consumer Health Assistance, 297, 298

      Quarterly statements, 1690, 1691, 1723

      Rate filings, Commissioner of Insurance authorized to assess fee to review, 1705

      Reciprocal licensure, authorization, 1433


      Asthma, drugs essential for treatment, tracking and reporting of pricing information, 1465, 1466

      Children’s Health Insurance Program (See CHILDREN’S HEALTH INSURANCE PROGRAM)

      Contact lenses, optometrist’s form, 3655, 3656

      Controlled substances

             Complaints, review and investigation by health profession licensing boards, certain requirement removed, 2128-2133, 2135

             Computerized tracking program

                   Chief Medical Officer, duty to upload information regarding drug overdoses, 167

                   Coroners and medical examiners, duty to upload information removed, 169, 172

                   Failure to comply with requirements relating to program, penalties, 172

                   Integration of records of patients in database with electronic health records of practitioners, requirements, 2141

                   Law enforcement agencies, duty to upload information following arrest for violations involving prescriptions, certain other duties repealed, 168-170

                   Patient utilization report, failure to obtain, penalties, 172

                   Termination of Internet access by occupational licensing boards, authority of State Board of Pharmacy, 170

             Consideration of certain factors before prescribing certain substances, repeal of requirement, 2141

             "Course of treatment,” codification of definition, 2136

             Dental therapists, prohibited acts, 3203

             Disciplinary action, authority of State Board of Pharmacy, 2140

             Electronic transmission to pharmacy, manner in which prescription must be given, exceptions, penalties, 2208-2210, 2213

             Patient utilization reports, use, exemption from requirement, development and dissemination of legal requirements regarding, 2137

             Schedule II-IV substances, laws, development and dissemination of explanation or technical advisory bulletin, 2129-2135, 2140

      Dangerous drugs included in schedule III or IV, restrictions on filling and refilling, 2213

      Group insurance for public employees, authority to obtain prescription drugs through purchasing agreements, 4026, 4028

      Medicaid (See MEDICAID)

      Nonprofit health benefit plans, authority to obtain prescription drugs through purchasing agreements, 4028, 4032

      Offenders released from prison, provision of supply of prescribed medications, 4447, 4448

      Prices, legislative study, 1973

      Sickle cell disease and variants, insurance coverage, 2169-2172, 2175


      Abandoned property, when presumed abandoned

             Burial funds, 3016

             Individual retirement account or defined benefit plan money, 3015

             Insurance or annuity proceeds, 3014

             Savings bonds, 608

      Children in need of protection, appointment of parent or guardian as educational decision maker in child’s best interest, 257

      Common-interest communities, restrictions on ownership of dangerous or vicious dog as pet presumed reasonable, 2627

      Immigrants, certification of nonimmigrant status for certain victims of crime, duties of certifying agency, 4351

      Independent contractors, presumption of status, clarification, 3160

      Legislators, certain gifts from lobbyists, 2989

      Occupational diseases, presumption that disabling cancer is occupationally related, 3432, 3433

      Regional transportation commissions, sale of property acquired through eminent domain, presumption of acting within authority, 803

      Sexual conduct

             Law enforcement officer, sexual conduct with person in custody, presumption of nonconsent, 836

             Person in position of authority over alleged victim, rebuttable presumption of nonconsent, 1906

      Traffic violations

             Arrests, presumption that person arrested should be released on own recognizance, exceptions, 2277, 2278

             Fines, fees and assessments, persons presumed indigent for purpose of exemptions, 2452

             Speeding, reduction of violation to nonmoving violation, presumption in favor, exception, 2282

      Wills, lost or destroyed, production of copy creates rebuttable presumption against revocation, requirements to overcome presumption, 1853, 1854



      Authorized expenditures, 3137

      Cannabis or paraphernalia, persons not exempt from state prosecution, 3835, 3836

      Capital improvements, funding, 3306, 3310, 3314

      General appropriations, 3347, 3348


             Administrative assessments or fines

                   Daily credit received toward payment increased, 2275, 2276

                   Indigent persons, failure to complete community service to satisfy entire amount owed, 2275, 2276

                   Willful avoidance of payment, grounds for ordering confinement of defendant, 2274, 2275, 2453

             Cannabis, possession, penalty, 3848

             Census counts, adjustment to account for residency of incarcerated persons, 985-988

             Employment by private employers, amount of personal guarantee or surety bond provided by employers, requirements, procedures for setting, 816

             Forfeitures, imprisonment to pay off, amount of daily credit received increased, 2275, 2276

             Geriatric parole, authorization, 4448-4450

             Habeas corpus postconviction petitions challenging time served, filing requirements, 3008-3010

             Medical release, requests, requirements, 4445

             Other crime committed by offender for which punishment is life imprisonment, execution of sentence, 233, 234

             Photo identification card issued upon release, requirements, use as proof of name and age, 646-648, 4447, 4448

             Released offenders, transitional living facilities (See also MEDICAL FACILITIES AND RELATED ENTITIES)

                   Cultural competency training for agents and employees, requirements, 1334, 1681, 1682

                   Deaths occurring in, reports, exemptions from investigations, penalties for violations, 1666-1671

                   Discrimination, prohibited acts, required policies and notices, 1333, 1334

                   Electronic records, duties, regulations, 1335

                   Gender identity or expression of persons receiving care, duties, regulation, 1333-1336

                   Name of offender, duties of facilities, regulations, 1335

                   Patient safety officer, designation, duties, 1667, 1670

                   Privacy of persons receiving care, duties, 1335

                   Sentinel events defined to include deaths, reports, investigations, penalties, 1666-1671

             Residential confinement of older offenders, forfeiture of credits for escape or violation of conditions, 3064

             Risk and needs assessment, requirements, 4445

             Traffic violations, legislative declaration regarding incarceration, 2277

             Transfer of prisoner to facility located out of State, requirements, 953

             Voter registration, grounds for cancellation, authority to reregister after release, requirement to submit certain documentation prohibited, 1457, 1458

             Voting rights, immediate restoration on release, 1455, 1456, 1458

             Wrongful conviction of felony, remedies for, restrictions, 4366-4369

      Repair of facilities, appropriations, 2794

      Staff training, requirements, 4444


      Electric scooter-share programs, trip data, 1882, 1883

      Medical facilities and related entities

             Data collectors, facilities exempt from certain notice requirements, 1172

             Duty to protect privacy of persons receiving care, 1335

      Operators of websites or on-line services, procedures for consumers to request that operators not sell collected covered information, duties of operators, penalties for violations, 1171-1173


      Administrative support, 2431

      Composition, 2430, 2431

      Creation, 2430

      Duties generally, 2431

      Meetings, quorum, 2431

      Terms of members, reappointment, vacancies, 2430




             Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257, 4329-4331

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

             Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278

      Public guardians, authority to act without private investigator’s license, 1757, 1758

      Security guards, change of employment notices by gaming employees, duties, 215



      Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257

      Criminal history disqualification

             Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

             List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

             Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

             Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

      Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256


      Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

      Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

      Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278




      Core correctional services, provision by private entities prohibited, exception, 952-955



      Controlled substance violations, authority of court, 4466, 4467, 4471-4475

      Early discharge, recommendations, 4387

      Extension to allow completion of specialty court program, 4400

      Level of supervision, frequency of review, 237

      Mandatory probation for certain felonies, exceptions removed, 4392

      Period of probation, time limits, 4399, 4400

      Revocation of probation, basis for, restrictions, 4387, 4388, 4401-4403

      Risk and needs assessment, requirements, 4451, 4452

      Technical violations, procedures following, system of graduated sanctions, 4387, 4402

      Treatment program, completion as condition of probation, authority of court, 4387-4390, 4401-4403

      Voting rights, restoration upon discharge, certain provisions repealed, 1452-1454, 1458


      Graduated sanctions program for technical violations, training requirements, 4387

      Vulnerable persons abused, neglected, exploited, isolated or abandoned, duty to report, 3485-3487


      Addictive disorders, persons with, terminology to be used in Nevada Revised Statutes and Nevada Administrative Code, 1944, 1945


      Revolving Account to Support Programs for the Prevention and Treatment of Problem Gambling, certain deposits repealed, 2809


      Domestic violence protection orders, service of temporary orders, 2831, 2832

      High-risk behavior protection orders, service of applications and orders, 4172, 4175

      Optometry, Nevada State Board of, proceedings, 3654, 3655

      Psychological Examiners, Board of, disciplinary and other actions, service of process, 998

      Savings bonds, proceedings to determine escheats to State, requirements, 608

      Traffic citations, physical receipt deemed personal service of notice to appear, 1443, 1444



      Application to participate

             Approval or denial, procedures, 3988, 3990

             Consultation among regulators, 3987, 3988

             Contents, 3986, 3987

             Effect of approval, 3988

             Fee, 3987

             Refusal to consider, 3987

             Submission, 3986, 3987

      Complaints, methods to submit, disclosure of complaints, 3990, 3991

      Definitions, 3985, 3986

      Disclosures to consumers, 3989, 3990

      Establishment, 3986

      Failure of product, notice requirements, 3990

      Financial transactions, monetary limits, 3989

      Harm to consumers or public, actual or threatened, remedies, 3992

      Intergovernmental agreements regarding participant operation in other jurisdictions authorized, 3992

      Limitations and requirements for products, 3988, 3989

      Period of testing, general rule, requests for extension of time, 3991

      Purpose, 3986

      Records of participants, requirements, 3990, 3991

      Regulations generally, 3992, 3993

      Relief from limitations on number of consumers served, requests for, 3989

      Removal or forced exit of participant, grounds, 3992

      Reports by participants, 3990-3992

      Reports to Legislature, 3993

      Security breach or other unauthorized acquisition of computerized data, notice requirements, 3990


      Controlled substances prescription tracking program, authority of State Board of Pharmacy to terminate access by occupational licensing boards, 170

      Disciplinary proceedings

             Attorney’s fees and costs, requirements for recovery by regulatory body, 540

             Hearing officers, authority to recover fees as costs incurred in regulatory proceedings, 981

      Governor’s appointees, status as civil officers, removal from office, 1566

      Immigrants, creation of online informational resource for, duties, 4362

      Legislative study of boards, 4629, 4630

      Payments by credit card, debit card or electronic transfer, requirements, 1303, 1304

      Sunset Subcommittee of Legislative Commission

             Criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, review, recommendations, 2904, 2905

             Study of professional and occupational licensing boards, 4629, 4630

      Withdrawals from accounts in financial institutions, procedures, reviews, 1304





      Blockchain technology, authority to use, regulation, 2825

      Chiropractors, formation of professional entities authorized, applicability of laws, 1391, 1392

      Documents, maintenance of certain documents at certain locations, requirements, 400

      Local emerging small businesses, reinstatement following forfeiture of right to transact business, procedures, 929, 930

      Optometrists, restriction on supervision by other persons, 3653, 3654

      Physician and psychologist entities, prohibited acts by persons in, 1392

PROFESSIONS AND OCCUPATIONS, LICENSING (See also specific profession or occupation)

      Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257

      Criminal history disqualification

             Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

             List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

             Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

             Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

      Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256

      Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902


      Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

      Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278


      Cities, certification of persons to engage in

             Denial of certification based on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4338

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4338

      Community managers, certificates or temporary certificates, fingerprints of applicant required for background investigation, 69


      Abandoned real property, expedited sale for delinquent taxes

             Deed to county treasurer, use as evidence of abandonment, 752

             Determination of abandonment

                   Affidavit in support of determination, requirements, delivery to clerk of board of county commissioners, 749

                   Criteria for determination, 749

                   Notice of determination, requirements, 748

                   Procedures, 748, 749

             Inspection of property, authority of tax receiver, restrictions, immunity from liability, 748

             Notice of sale, 753

             Quitclaim deed to purchaser, use as evidence of abandonment, 754

             Redemption period, 750, 751

             Trustee’s certificate, requirements, 751

      Changes in ownership of residential real property, reports by county assessors, 644

      Exemption of virtual currencies as intangible personal property, 2827

      Levy by State, 3315, 3316

      Redevelopment areas, allocation of certain tax proceeds to school district rather than redevelopment agency, procedure, 1406, 1408

      Schools, financing (See SCHOOL FINANCES AND FUNDS — Taxes and taxation)

      Well Drillers’ Advisory Board, levy for support, procedures, exemptions, 838, 839


      Criminal history disqualification

             Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2909

             List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2908

             Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2908, 2909

             Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

      Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4339

      Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2908

      Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4339


      Assault, inclusion as "officer" for purposes of enhanced penalties, 1811

      Attorney General (See ATTORNEY GENERAL)

      Battery, inclusion as "officer" for purposes of enhanced penalties, 1813

      Decriminalization of offense, requests to seal criminal record, duties, 1459

      Delinquent fine, fee, administrative assessment or restitution, removal of collection method, 2274, 2453

      District attorneys (See DISTRICT ATTORNEYS)

      Driver’s license or identification card, authority to request display of alternate address, 1827

      Factual innocence, hearing to establish based on newly discovered evidence, procedures, 2979, 2980

      Immigrants, certification of nonimmigrant status for certain victims of crime, 4350, 4351

      Involuntary servitude, victims of, petitions to vacate certain judgments of conviction and seal documents, procedures, 409-411

      Schools, information provided to SafeVoice Program, criminal defendant’s right to compel disclosure, procedures, 3971, 3972

      Sex trafficking victims

             Petitions to vacate certain convictions and seal documents, 409-411

             Prostitution, dismissal of charges, 1913

      Sexual assault survivors

             Duty to timely inform survivor of certain information, 2848

             Interviews with, rights of survivors, duties, prohibited acts, 2842, 2843

             Provision of information to, requirements, 2845


      Appropriations, 3342

      Authorized expenditures, 3131

      Governor’s appointees, status as civil officers, removal from office, 1566


      Adjudication of child as delinquent or in need of supervision prohibited, 3076

      Advancing prostitution

             Child victims, penalties when, 2631

             Children’s Advocate, duties, 2638

             Crime against a child, inclusion as, 2635

             Establishment of crime, elements of offense, 2628, 2629

             Forfeiture of assets derived from crime, 2631, 2634

             General penalty, 2629

             Human trafficking victims, inclusion of victims as, 2634, 2637

             Prosecution of crime, venue, 2630

             Racketeering, inclusion as crime related to, 2632, 2633

             Restitution of victim, court may order, 2630

             Sex offenders, classification criteria, 2636

             Violent or sexual offense, inclusion as, 2631, 2632

      HIV exposure laws, legislative study of modernization, 466-468

      Licensed brothels, legislative study of working conditions, 4640, 4641

      Living from earnings of prostitute, elements of offense, penalties, 2630

      Peace officer or assistant posing as child, penalties for solicitation of, 3365, 3366

      Peace officers, duties upon stopping, arresting or issuing citations, 1911

      Sex trafficking victims, dismissal of charges for prostitution, 1913


      Domestic violence (See DOMESTIC VIOLENCE)

      Felony committed in violation of order, aggregation of sentences, 234

      Harassment (See HARASSMENT)

      High-risk behavior, orders for protection against, procedures, 3948, 3950-3952, 4170-4177

      Mental or physical examinations in civil actions, request for protection order following suspension of examination, 967

      Red flag for firearms, orders for protection against high-risk behavior, 3948, 3950-3952, 4170-4177

      Sexual assault victims (See SEXUAL ASSAULT)

      Stalking (See STALKING)



      Alcohol and drug abuse treatment providers, prohibited acts, penalties, 1679, 1680

      Board of Psychological Examiners (See also PROFESSIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL REGULATORY BODIES)

             Complaints, review and investigation, 999

             Legislative Committee on Health Care, reports to, contents, 991


                   Number, increase, qualifications, 990

                   Secretary-Treasurer, duties, 990, 991

             Sunset Subcommittee of Legislative Commission

                   Criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, review, recommendations, 2904, 2905

                   Study of professional and occupational licensing boards, 4629, 4630

      Cannabis Compliance Board, representation, 3777

      Civil actions, mental examinations ordered by court, authority of examiner, procedures following suspension of examination, 967

      Commercial sexual exploitation of child, duty to report, 1932

      Disciplinary proceedings

             Out-of-state orders, evidentiary effect, 1001

             Psychological assistants, interns and trainees, applicability of laws, 996-1004

             Service of process, requirements, 998

      Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, Medicaid coverage, requirements, 541-543


             By endorsement, requirements, 992, 993, 996, 4302

             Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257, 4301-4303

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256

             Emergency or disaster training received, inclusion of information in application, 4159

             Fees, 995, 996

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

             List of jurisdictions having substantially similar licensing qualifications, duties, 992

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

             Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278

      Mental health services, disclosure of consumer records to health care providers, 363, 367

      Professional entities, prohibited acts by licensed persons in, 1392

      Psychological assistants, interns and trainees

             Applicability of laws, 996-1004

             Initial registration, requirements for, 994, 995

      School psychologists (See SCHOOL PERSONNEL)

      Sexual conduct with person in position of authority over alleged victim, rebuttable presumption of nonconsent, 1906

      Unlicensed or unregistered practice, notice to law enforcement agency, 999, 1000

      Veterans, duties regarding, continuing education and receipt of information related to health issues, 2692, 2694

      Vulnerable persons abused, neglected, exploited, isolated or abandoned, duty to report, 3485-3487


      Criminal defendants, eligibility for assignment to specialty court program, discharge from program, 2445-2447, 4395-4397

      Stress-related injury or disease of first responders, industrial insurance compensation, 1901, 1902


      Abolishment of office in less populous counties authorized, contract with or employment of person to perform duties and functions, 1535

      Laws, inclusion of persons contracted or employed to perform functions in less populous counties, 1534-1552



      Authorized expenditures, 3136

      Children’s health insurance program (See CHILDREN’S HEALTH INSURANCE PROGRAM)

      Diapers and diapering supplies, provision, requirements, funding, 3042, 3043

      Family home visiting system, support to new parents based on certain risk factors, study, 880

      Fines, fees and assessments in criminal proceedings, persons determined or presumed indigent for purposes of exemptions, 2276, 2452

      High-interest loan businesses, distribution of information regarding assistance, 943

      Housing Crisis Response System, Nevada, creation, duties, 833-835

      Meal programs for food-insecure aged persons, appropriation, 3456

      Medicaid (See MEDICAID)

      Nevada Check-Up Program (See NEVADA CHECK-UP PROGRAM)


             Authorized expenditures, 3136

             Fictive kin, provision of assistance to a fictive kin on behalf of child in certain circumstances, eligibility, 2434, 2435

             General appropriations, 3347


      Historic preservation, establishment of technical advisory program, 3899, 3900

      Plumbing fixtures, minimum standards, 2102, 2103

      State buildings

             Cannabis consumption, sale, delivery or transfer in building, effect of cannabis provisions on state agencies, 3836

             Capital improvements legislation, 3305-3322

             Energy, Office of, duty to prepare energy reduction plan for certain state-owned buildings repealed, 906

             Grant Sawyer Office Building remodel, appropriation, 4016, 4017


      County defenders

             Annual reports, 2891

             Sentencing Commission, Nevada, membership, 2873

      Legislative Commission, compilation of certain records and reports, requirement repealed, 3130

      State Public Defender, Office of (See STATE PUBLIC DEFENDER)


      Authorized expenditures, 3140, 3147

      Healthcare insurance plan for all state residents, legislative study regarding public participation in Program, 4637, 4638

      Hearing devices for children, participation in program to negotiate discounts and rebates authorized, 3930

      Non-State Retiree Rate Mitigation, appropriations, 1781, 3350, 3359, 3360

      Plan of self-insurance, compliance with certain requirements, 317, 318, 1009, 2166

      Salaries of unclassified staff of Program, 3334


      Governor’s appointees, status as civil officers, removal from office, 1566


      Deceased retirees, resumption of benefits to adopted children, duties, 679

      Disclosure of confidential information, restrictions, 1174

      Legislators’ Retirement System, appropriation, 3361

      Members, status as civil officers, 1566


      Authorized expenditures, 3140

      Deceased members, benefits to children of

             Cessation upon adoption, repeal, 677

             Resumption of payment, requirements, procedures, 679

      Group insurance for retired officers and employees, reinstatement of insurance, exclusion of claims for preexisting conditions, 317, 318

      Non-State Retiree Rate Mitigation Account, supplemental appropriation, 1781

      Records and files, confidentiality, exceptions, 1174

      School districts, purchase of retirement credit, funding, 2389


      Investigation of potential protected persons referred to guardian, authority, 1757, 1758


      Bureau of Land Management, opposition to elimination of Nevada office expressed, 4611, 4612

      Fallon Range Training Complex, opposition to expansion expressed, 4610

      Federal land, apportionment to counties of revenue received by State from leases, amount, 4238

      Prevention or obstruction of free passage, acts constituting nuisance, 2579, 2580

      Sagebrush ecosystem (See SAGEBRUSH ECOSYSTEM)

      State lands

             Fencing, unlawful acts, 2579, 2580

             Historic or prehistoric sites or resources, damage or theft, penalties, 586

             Prevention or obstruction of free passage, prohibited acts, 2579, 2580


      Preservation, "historic building" defined, 972



      Access, declaration of legislative intent, 4002

      Applied Behavior Analysis, Board of, 2538

      Cannabis Compliance Board, meeting records, 3782

      Committee to Approve Schedules for Retention and Disposition of Official State Records, status of Governor’s appointee, removal from office, 1566

      Cost to provide copy, determination, 4003

      Court orders, expansion of authority of record requesters to seek, 4007

      Electronic format, provision of records in, requirements, exceptions, 4006

      Extraordinary use of personnel or resources, repeal of authority to impose additional charge, 4008

      Governmental entities, authority to declare certain records confidential, procedures following declaration, 4009

      Judicial Retirement System, files and records, certain information, 1174, 1175

      Legislators’ Retirement System, files and records, certain information, 1174

      Optometry, Nevada State Board of, information relating to complaint against licensee public on request of licensee, 3640

      Public Employees’ Retirement System, files and records, certain information, 1174

      Receipt of copy on request, rights, 4002, 4006, 4007

      Records officials, duties, 4004

      Unavailability of record within certain time, procedures in cases of, 4007


      Authorized expenditures, 3138

      Capital improvements, funding, 3308, 3311

      Central Repository (See CRIMINAL HISTORY, RECORDS OF)

      Cyber Defense Coordination, Nevada Office of

             Cybersecurity incident response plans, regulation, receipt, 2472

             Cybersecurity incident response teams, membership, 2474

             Cybersecurity policy tests, receipt of results, 2475

             Cybersecurity threats, quarterly reports to Governor, duties, 2475

             Duties generally, 2473

             Private entities, partnerships with, requirements, confidentiality of records received from, 2473, 2475

             Statewide strategic plan, exclusion of identification of specific vulnerabilities, 2474


             Cannabis Advisory Commission, membership, 3773

             Nevada Threat Analysis Center Advisory Committee, appointments, membership, 161, 162

             Resilience Advisory Committee, Nevada, appointments, duties, 1024

             Salary, 3330

             Vehicles, authority to designate authorized emergency vehicles, 1228

      Emergency Management, Division of

             Behavioral health, plan to address needs during emergency, receipt, 591


                   Disaster Identification Coordination Committee, receipt of reports, 1068

                   Threat Analysis Center Advisory Committee, Nevada, member, 161

                   Tribal Emergency Coordinating Council, Nevada, receipt of reports, 1081


             Emergencies or disasters, development of certain written plans, requirements, training, 588-590

             Federal money received, regulations regarding allocation, reports, duties, 602

             Homeland security, receipt of emergency response plans from political subdivisions, 2465, 2466

             New electric resources, vulnerability assessment and emergency response plan, receipt of report, 3530

             Resilience Advisory Committee, Nevada, appointments, duties, receipt of recommendations, provision of staff, 1024-1026

             Resort hotels, receipt of emergency response plans and list of resort hotels, 2471, 2472

             School crisis, emergency or suicide

                   Model management plan (See SCHOOLS, PUBLIC)

                   Response plans

                          Audit of plans, duties, 3233

                          Compliance with laws, notices and reports, duties, 2470, 3232

                          Emergency response plan, development of written guide for preparation and maintenance, duties, 2470

                          Meetings regarding approval of plans, Open Meeting Law inapplicable, 3246

                          Private schools, time for provision of plans to Division, 2467, 3253

                          Receipt of plans for approval, 2466, 3241, 3242

             School safety, committee on statewide, representation, 3232

             Terrorism prevention, preparedness or response, grants related to, reports, duties, 602

             Tribal Emergency Coordinating Council, Nevada, creation, duties, 1080, 1081

             Volunteer health practitioners, expedited provisional registration, duties, 210

      Fire Marshal (See FIRE MARSHAL, STATE)

      General appropriations, 3349, 3350

      Highway Patrol Division (See HIGHWAY PATROL, NEVADA)

      Investigation Division

             Computer software and hardware, appropriations, 3712

             Controlled substances prescriptions, computerized tracking program, duties, 167, 168

             Cybersecurity incident response teams, membership, 2474

             Immigrants, certification of nonimmigrant status for certain victims of crime, procedures, 4350, 4351

             Nevada Threat Analysis Center and Nevada Threat Analysis Center Advisory Committee, creation, 160-162

             School crisis, emergency or suicide, model management plan (See SCHOOLS, PUBLIC)

             Vehicles, appropriations, 3711, 3712

      Medical cannabis establishments, seizure of evidence from, applicability of forfeiture provisions, 3829

      Nevada 24/7 Sobriety and Drug Monitoring Program, establishment, duties, 2749

      Orders for Protection, Repository of Information Concerning, regulation, duties, 2837

      Parole and Probation, Division of

             Computer hardware and software, appropriation for replacement, 2799

             Level of supervision of parolees and probationers, frequency of review, 237, 238

             Medical cannabis, registry identification card or letter of approval, holders and applicants, confidentiality of certain information, authorized release, 3832

             Offender Tracking Information System, appropriation for replacement, 2799

             Older offenders, notice of assignment to residential confinement, duties, 3063, 3064

             Personnel costs, appropriation, 4487

             Quality assurance, data tracking and record sealing and tracking, appropriation, 4487

             Reentry programs, funding priority, report, 4379

             Staff training, requirements, 4453

             Technical violations of parole or probation, adoption of system of graduated sanctions, requirements, training, 4387, 4388

      Salaries of unclassified staff, 3330


             Blueprints of school, required disclosures, 1062, 1063

             SafeVoice Program, access to certain pupil information, 3236, 3237

             School crisis, emergency or suicide, model management plan (See SCHOOLS, PUBLIC)

             Statewide school safety, committee on, representation, 3232

      Traffic Safety, Office of, consultation regarding dissemination of information on new traffic laws, 1227

      Training Division, appropriations, 3714



      Disabilities, persons with, authority of advanced practice registered nurses to sign statement regarding disability, 530

      Microtransit, use authorized in less populous counties, 804, 805

      Northwestern Nevada, reports by counties regarding growth issues, 799


      Annexation of territory by certain cities, notice to be provided to utilities, 570, 571

      Electric service

             Alternative rate-making plan

                   Applications to establish, 1189, 1190

                   Approval or denial, procedures, 1190

                   Contents, 1190

                   Definitions, 1187, 1188

                   General rate making authority of Commission unaffected, 1191

                   Investigations, 1190

                   Regulations, requirements, 1188, 1189

             Data centers, electric plants excluded from regulation in certain circumstances, 3513, 3514

             Electric infrastructure, performance of work on, restrictions and requirements, 556, 557

             Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstration Program, incentives to certain public schools that are customers of utility, 693

             Energy assistance program, eligibility of federal, tribal or state workers during period of government shutdown, 3197, 3198

             General rate applications, time for filing, 1193, 1194

             Integrated resource plans generally, requirements, 3516-3518

             Natural disaster protection plans, development, duties, 555, 556

             New electric resources

                   Annual limits on total amount of energy and capacity that customers may be authorized to purchase, acceptance or modification, 3520

                   Assessments, levy and collection, 3514-3516, 3527

                   Authority to sell energy, effect, 3523

                   Bundled electric service, purchase, regulations, 3521, 3522

                   Definition of "new electric resource,” 3522, 3523

                   "Eligible customer"

                          Definition, 3522

                          Purchases, requirements for, 3524-3526, 3531, 3532

                   Failure to pay assessment, remedies, 3528

                   Information to be provided Public Utilities Commission, 3521

                   Licensing of providers, 3520, 3521, 3531

                   Metering requirements, regulation, 3527

                   Revenue report forms, duties, 3515

                   Vulnerability assessment and emergency response plans, duties, 3530

             Renewable energy (See RENEWABLE ENERGY)

             Renewable energy facilities

                   Acquisition of existing or developing facilities without additional approval of Commission authorized, requirements, 11

                   Deferred accounting, use, filing of adjustments, 10, 11, 13, 14

                   Integrated resource plans that include provision for acquisition of facility, powers and duties of Commission, 10, 11

                   Just and reasonable price for energy produced, requests for establishment, requirements following grant of request, 10, 11

             Tree trimming, performance by person other than utility employee, procedures, 556

      Emergency response plans, notices regarding compliance with laws, receipt of guide, 2470

      Fictitious address program for victims of crime, utilities to allow participants to use fictitious address, restrictions regarding records, 1800, 1801

      Natural gas

             Energy assistance program, eligibility of federal, tribal or state workers during period of government shutdown, 3197, 3198

             Renewable natural gas, powers and duties of utilities, regulations, 228-230

      Ramps for persons with disabilities, authority of cities to construct on utility easement or right-of-way, 569, 570

      Theft of utility property, monetary threshold for penalty provisions, 4431, 4432

      Vulnerability assessments, notices regarding compliance with laws, receipt of guide, 2470


             Plan of conservation, required contents, 2098, 2104-2106

             Right to appropriate dedicated to public utility, requirements, effect, 2530-2532

             Water loss audits, duties of suppliers of water, 2098, 2104, 2105


      Authorized expenditures, 3137

      Commissioners, status as civil officers, 1566

      Electric utilities

             Alternative rate-making plan, adoption of program, applications, powers and duties, 1187-1191

             Colorado River Commission, providers of electric service

                   Compliance with portfolio standards, reports to Office of Energy, regulation, 23

                   Jurisdiction of PUCN, providers not subject to, 12, 23

             Integrated resource plans, factors to be considered, 3516-3518

             Natural disaster protection plans, receipt, regulations, 555, 556

             Net metering systems, repeal of certain duties, 1204

             New electric resources, regulation, duties, 3514-3516, 3520-3528

             Portfolio standard

                   Administrative fines and other administrative actions, authority, 24

                   Exemption of provider from compliance requirements, authority, 19, 20

                   New electric resources providers, duties, 26

             Renewable energy facilities owned by utilities, establishment of just and reasonable price for energy produced, duties, 10, 11

             Solar access program, implementation of expanded program, duties, 2312, 2313

             Tree trimming, performance by person other than utility employee, authorization, 556

      Emergency response plans of utilities, receipt of notices regarding compliance with laws, 2470

      Greenhouse gas emissions, consultation with State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, 1972

      Renewable natural gas, regulation of utility activities, duties, 228-230

      Salaries of unclassified staff, 3334, 3335

      Vulnerability assessments of utilities, receipt of notices regarding compliance with laws, 2470

      Water conservation plans, contents, 2104-2106


      Criminal history disqualification from obtaining license

             Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2953

             List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2953

             Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2952, 2953

             Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

      Internet publication of requirements for obtaining license, 2953



             Graduates of program, deemed apprentice or journeyman for certain purposes, 3154

             Legislative declaration, 3153, 3154

             Requirements, exemption, modification or waiver, procedures, 3154, 3155

      Design-build contracts, removal of certain authority, 1580

      "Discrete project" defined, 1578

      Electronic tracking system for capital improvement projects, appropriation, 2782

      Labor organizations, project labor agreements, repeal of provisions, 722, 936

      Prevailing wages

             Adjustment and reissuance of prevailing rate of wages, 2529

             Bona fide fringe benefits, discharge of obligation to pay prevailing wages by providing, requirements, penalty and remedies for violations, 702, 703

             Charter schools, applicability of laws, 715, 933

             City Economic Development Revenue Bond Law, applicability of requirements, 708

             Collectively bargained for wage for craft or type of work, effect, 701

             Community redevelopment, applicability of requirements, 711

             Competitive bidding process, award of contract pursuant to or not pursuant to, effect, 701

             County Economic Development Revenue Bond Law, applicability of requirements, 707

             Determination of prevailing wage generally, requirements, 932

             Effective period for prevailing wage, 701, 702

             Flood control projects, applicability of requirements, 718

             General improvement districts, applicability of requirements, 712

             Industrial development, revenue bonds for, applicability of requirements, 714

             Local improvement projects, applicability of requirements, 710, 711

             Nevada System of Higher Education, determination of prevailing wage, threshold lowered for applicability of laws, 931-933

             Performance contracts for operating cost-savings measures, applicability of requirements, 713

             Regions, establishment, determination of prevailing wage pursuant to, procedures, 2527-2529

             Renewable energy systems installed on public property, applicability of requirements, 718

             Reno-Tahoe Airport Authority, applicability of requirements, 719

             School districts, determination of prevailing wage, 932

             State highway projects, applicability of requirements, 717

             Tax increment areas, applicability of requirements, 711

             Threshold for applicability of provisions to certain projects lowered, 931, 933

             Washoe County baseball stadium project, applicability of requirements, 706

             Water projects, applicability of requirements, 714

      Records of contractors and subcontractors, electronic submission to public body, regulations, 936

      Reverse auctions, prohibited when awarding contract, 704


      Governor’s appointees, status, removal from office, 1566




      Nevada System of Higher Education

             Registration, laboratory and other mandatory fees, waiver for recipients, requirements, 1948, 1949

             Tuition charges, assessment against recipients prohibited, 1950

      Purple Heart Highway, designation, 237



      Livestock slaughter, duties, 1614, 1615



      Creditworthiness evaluations, prohibited acts, study of and programs to prevent or eliminate discrimination in credit practices, 1594

      Employment discrimination committed by local elected officer, powers and duties of Equal Rights Commission, 1946

      Equality of rights under law guaranteed to all persons, constitutional amendment, 4636, 4637

      HIV exposure laws, study of possible disparities in arrests, prosecutions and convictions, 467

      Medical facilities and related entities

             Cultural competency training regarding patients of various racial backgrounds, requirements, 1334, 1681, 1682

             Discrimination against person based on race, prohibited acts, duties, 1333, 1334

      Peace officers, continuing education courses relating to racial profiling, requirements, 1009, 1010

      Restrictive covenants, provisions deemed void, duties of county recorders, 373-375

      Right to vote, ratification of Fifteenth Amendment by Nevada commemorated, 4585, 4586

      Schools, legislative study of bullying, cyber-bullying and discriminatory harassment, 3082, 3083


      Advancing prostitution, crime related to racketeering, 2632, 2633

      Monetary instrument or other property representing proceeds of or derived from unlawful activity, unlawful acts, penalties, 1798, 1799


      Assault committed upon licensee, enhanced penalty, 2712, 2713

      CAT scans, authorized and prohibited acts, penalty for violations, 2730

      Child abuse or neglect, reports, duties, 2720

      Dangerous drugs

             Authority of licensees to possess, 2705-2707, 2737

             Conviction of violation, grounds for discipline, 2707

      Definitions, 2722

      Disciplinary proceedings, 2731, 2732

      Elder abuse, reports, duties, 2713, 2714, 2717

      Exemptions from laws, 2722, 2723

      Fluoroscopy, authorized and prohibited acts, penalty for violations, 2730

      Injunctions, 2732

      Inspection of premises, authority, penalty for failure to permit, 2730, 2731

      Insurance laws, applicability, 2738-2741

      Legislative review of regulations, 2704

      Licenses and limited licenses

             Applications, 2724, 2728

             By endorsement, 2726-2728

             Denial or refusal to renew, 2728, 2731

             Expiration, renewal, 2724, 2725, 2728

             Issuance, 2725, 2726

             Provisional licenses, 2724, 2725, 2728

             Qualifications, 2725

             Reciprocal licensure, agreements authorized, 2733

             Reinstatement, 2732

             Suspension or revocation, grounds, 2707, 2731, 2732

             Temporary student licenses, 2729

      Podiatry hygienists, authority to perform, 2735, 2736, 2744

      Professional negligence actions, applicability of laws, 2709, 2711

      Radiation machines for mammography, certificate of authorization to operate, fee and continuing education exemption, 2707, 2708

      Radiologic assistants, qualifications and authority to practice, 2728, 2729

      Registration of unlicensed persons to perform certain acts, 2729, 2730

      Unlicensed or uncertified practice

             Authorization to perform in certain circumstances, 2729, 2730

             Prohibitions, penalties, 2717, 2724, 2725, 2729

      Vulnerable persons, abuse of, reports, duties, 2715, 2717


      Chair and Vice Chair, selection, 2723

      Creation, 2723

      Meetings, 2723


             Appointment, qualifications, 2723, 2743, 2744

             Status as civil officers, removal from office, 1566

             Terms, vacancies, 2723, 2743, 2744

      Powers and duties generally, 2723

      Regulations, notice of related meetings and workshops, 2724


      Amateur radio special license plates, renewal statements, duty of holder to surrender plates, 1389, 1390

      Cannabis establishments, advertisements, restrictions, 3838

      Deferred deposit, high-interest and title loans, services offered through Internet, authority of certain agencies to provide information to public, 943

      Medical marijuana establishments, advertisements, restrictions, duties regarding age of audience, penalties for violations, 2334, 2335

      Nevada Commission on Homeland Security, representation of broadcasters, 1292

      Nevada State Radio System, appropriation for replacement, 2807


      Cigarettes and other tobacco products, applicability of licensing laws to common carriers engaged in interstate commerce, 621

      Crossings, duties of approaching drivers, 342-344

      Freight trains, crew requirements, penalties for violations, 341, 342

      Museums, bond issue for projects, 2862

      Obsolete law regarding persons employed on certain dates, repeal, 344



      Bullying, cyber-bullying and discriminatory harassment, legislative study, consultation, 3082, 3083


      Additional members, requests for appointment, term, 1476

      Administrative support, 1477

      Childhood cancer, special license plates to increase awareness, receipt and use of certain fees, 1480

      Composition, 1476

      Creation, 1476

      Duties, 1477, 1478

      Meetings, 1477, 1494

      Officers, 1477

      Per diem and travel expenses, 1477

      Reports, 1478

      Vacancies, filling, 1476

READ BY GRADE 3 (See also SCHOOL PUPILS — Literacy of elementary school pupils)

      2019-2021 biennium, funding, use, 2380, 2381

      Grants made noncompetitive, awarded upon weighted formula, applicable to programs for pupils enrolled in elementary school, 4499

      Reports, requirements, 2381, 4499, 4500

      School based efforts, authorized use of grants and other financial support, 2380, 2381, 4499


      Certificates, licenses or permits

             Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905


                   Grounds, 481

                   Immigration or citizenship status, denial based solely on prohibited, 4256, 4257

             Examination, prerequisites, 482

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

             Residential appraiser’s license, qualifications, 480

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

             Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278

      Commission of Appraisers of Real Estate

             Appraisal management companies, duties, 477-479, 487

             Investigatory staff, oath and subpoena powers, 482

             Members, status as civil officers, removal from office, 1566

      County commissioners, selection of appraisers when purchasing property, 1030, 1031

      Disciplinary action, reports to national registry, 477

      Federally related transactions, eligibility to perform, 481

      General improvement districts, selection of appraisers when selling property, duties of appraisers, 2568, 2569

      Independence, requirements, 483


             Reports to Appraisal Subcommittee of the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council, 477


      Advertisements, regulations, 2777

      Continuing education, regulations, 2779

      Members, status as civil officers, removal from office, 1566



      Advertisements, required contents, 2777

      Advertising under nicknames, regulations, 2777

      Continuing education, requirements, exemptions for certain older persons, 2779


             Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

             Maintenance by licensee, availability for inspection by others, 2778, 2779

             Qualifications for original license, 2777, 2778

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

             Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278


      Regional transportation commissions, procedures for selling property acquired through eminent domain, 803


      Abandoned property, expedited sale for delinquent taxes, 748-753

      Election polling places, lease of property for use as, rights and remedies of lessor unaffected, 3389, 4085

      Fraudulent sale, penalties, 4434

      General improvement district property, sale procedures, 2568-2571

      Life and health insurers, investment in certain types of real property, 1696

      Perpetuities, statutory rule against, trust or other property arrangement established for charitable purposes excluded from rule, 1847

      Regional transportation commissions, sale of property acquired through eminent domain, procedures, 802, 803, 805

      Restrictive covenants, provisions deemed void, effect, 373-375

      Solicitation of customers for land sales, criminal history disqualification for license, petitions regarding, procedures, Internet publication of information, reports, 2956, 2957

      Transfer of property, restrictive covenants deemed void, duties of county recorder, 373-375

      Trespassing, sufficiency of warnings against, 2476, 2477


      Affordable housing, authority of cities and counties to use revenue to develop, 1423



      Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program, contracts relating to rebates, requirements, audits, 4027, 4028


      Appointed officers, applicability of laws, 1657

      Call for special election, contents, 4125

      Campaign contributions, expenses and expenditures (See CAMPAIGN PRACTICES)

      Circulation and submission of petition, procedures, 1656

      Contents of petitions, 1657

      Notice of intent to file petition, requirements, 1655-1657

      Signatures on petitions

             Complaints regarding, time for filing, 1659

             False signatures, penalty for obtaining, 1657

             Removal, requests, 1656-1658


                   Regulations, certain provisions declared void, 1660

                   Requirements, 1628-1632, 1654, 1655

      Time for calling for election, 1658

      Violations, civil and criminal penalties, 1633, 1655, 1657


      Corner records, requirements, 1532

      Fees, additional fee for support of services to persons in guardianship proceedings, 1246, 1247

      Grant, bargain and sale deeds, requirements, 1377

      Name change of minor in custody of agency which provides child welfare services, recordation of order, 2089

      Transfer of property, restrictive covenants deemed void, duties of county recorder, 373-375

      Wells, recordation of sites of replacement wells, 2526


      Chart orders regarding administration of drugs, authority to use, 723

      Controlled substances and dangerous drugs, delivery to center without pharmacy on premises, 725

      Licensing and regulation by State Board of Pharmacy, 723, 724


      Electronic waste and other recyclable materials, disposition by certain governmental entities, exemptions, 2215-2221, 2574-2578

      Local government purchasing, preference for recycled products, 766, 767, 770-772



      Qualifications to sign petition, 4060

      Unique identifier, assignment by Secretary of State, requirements, 3406

      Verification of signatures, procedures, time for submission of documents, 4060, 4061, 4121


      Annual reports to Department of Motor Vehicles, contents, 1272

      Northwestern Nevada, reports on growth issues by counties, consultation, 799

      Property acquired by eminent domain, authority to sell, exceptions, 802, 803, 805

      Sales and use tax, imposition, extension of time to submit recommendations to county commissioners, 446


      Consumer litigation funding companies, requirements, 2411

      Resignation, procedures, 2483


      Clergy (See CLERGY)

      Creditworthiness evaluations, prohibited acts, study of and programs to prevent or eliminate discrimination in credit practices, 1594

      Employment discrimination committed by local elected officer, powers and duties of Equal Rights Commission, 1946

      Equality of rights under law guaranteed to all persons, constitutional amendment, 4636, 4637

      Medical facilities and related entities

             Cultural competency training regarding patients of various religious backgrounds, requirements, 1334, 1681, 1682

             Discrimination against person based on religion, prohibited acts, duties, 1333, 1334

      Nevada Promise Scholarship recipients, authority of student to request leave of absence from Program, 1210

      Restrictive covenants, provisions deemed void, duties of county recorders, 373-375

      Schools (See also SCHOOLS, PRIVATE)

             Bullying, cyber-bullying and discriminatory harassment, legislative study, 3082, 3083


      Corporations sole, authority to use blockchain technology, 2823

      Marriage, right to refuse to solemnize, recognition, 4604


      Account for Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation Loans

             Authorized expenditures, 3131

             Name change, use expanded, 2024-2027

      Electric service

             Abatement of taxes

                   Application for partial abatement, fee, 1184

                   Recipients of partial abatement, duties, 1180

                   "Wages," definition for purposes of abatement, payroll reports, 1183

             Portfolio standard

                   Colorado River Commission electric service providers, reports of compliance with portfolio standards, 12, 23

                   Cooperatives and certain other suppliers providing services for use of own members

                          Applicability of laws, 14, 16, 17

                          Reports, 21, 23

                          Total amount of electricity sold to customers, determination, 20, 21

                   Exemption from standards, determinations made by Public Utilities Commission, 19, 20

                   Failure to comply with standards, penalties, 24

                   Legislative findings and declarations, 11, 12

                   Local governments and local government franchises

                          Applicability of laws, 16

                          Reports, 21, 23

                          Total amount of electricity sold to customers, determination, 20, 21

                   New electric resources providers, requirements, applicability of restriction on use of energy efficiency measures, revision of standards, 20-22, 26

                   Nonprofit corporations and associations

                          Applicability of laws, 14, 16, 17

                          Reports, 21, 23

                          Total amount of electricity sold to customers, determination, 20, 21

                   Optional pricing programs, effect on compliance with standard, 20

                   "Portfolio energy system or efficiency measure" defined to include certain renewable energy systems that use waterpower, 16

                   "Retail customer" defined, 17

                   Revision of standard for calendar year 2021 through 2030 and for each calendar year thereafter, 18

                   Solar energy systems, repeal of certain compliance requirement, 18

                   Waterpower, kinds of power considered to be renewable energy, 16, 17

             Solar access program, expanded, implementation, requirements, 2311-2314

      Legislative study of development of resources, 4625-4628

      Natural gas, powers and duties of utilities regarding renewable natural gas

             Approval of renewable natural gas activities, 229, 230

             Definitions, 228

             Regulations authorizing renewable natural gas activities, adoption, 229

             Supply portfolio, goals for incorporating renewable natural gas, 230

      Net metering systems, impact of net metering on utility rates, determination and reports, provisions repealed, 1204

      Prevailing wage laws, applicability to installation of systems on public property, 718

      Renewable Energy Account, authorized expenditures, 3131


      Elections, charter amendments

             Canvass of returns, time for completion, 4139, 4140

             Conduct, applicability of state laws, 4139

      Growth in region, reports by counties, consultation, duties, 799


      Reno-Sparks Livestock Events Center, funding for renovation, 4013


      Renovation, funding, 4013


      Prevailing wage laws, applicability of requirements, 719



      Considerations in determination to assign, 241

      Death of offender expected within certain time, 4445

      Discretion to assign, 239

      Older offenders

             Assignment of certain offenders authorized, exceptions, 3063, 3064

             Escape or violation of conditions of residential confinement, effect, 3064

      Victims of crime

             Confidentiality of information regarding victim, 240, 3063

             Notices, requirements, 239-242, 3063



      Certificates of registration

             Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

             Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278


      Assisted living facilities

             Healthy Nevada, Fund for a, certain allocations to be used for grants to establish or expand assisted living facilities, 3114

             Power of attorney, agent’s authority to place principal in facility to be expressly granted, repeal, 421, 3509

             Rural areas, feasibility study of establishing and operating facilities that also provide respite care and adult day care, 584

      Complaints, posting of instructions for making, penalty, 267

      Deaths occurring in, reports, exemptions from investigations, penalties for violations, 1666-1671

      Dementia, assessment of condition and needs of residents, duties, procedures following, 2594

      Discharge of patients or transfer to another facility, requirements, exceptions, 440

      Discrimination, prohibited acts, required policies and notices, 1333, 1334

      Electronic records, duties, regulations, 1335

      Employees or agents

             Cultural competency training, requirements, 1334, 1681, 1682

             Standards for and minimum competencies, study, 253, 254

      Gender identity or expression of persons receiving care, duties, regulation, 1333-1336

      Internet website, duties, 1333, 1334

      Name of resident, duties of facilities, regulations, 1335

      Patient safety officer, designation, duties, 1667, 1670

      Physical examination and assessment of condition and needs of each resident, requirements, procedures following, 2594

      Power of attorney, agent’s authority to place principal in secured residential long-term care facility to be expressly granted, repeal, 421, 424, 3509

      Privacy of persons receiving care, duties, 1335

      Sentinel events defined to include deaths, reports, investigations, penalties, 1666-1671


      Aged persons, qualifications for permit for free entry to state parks, 581, 582

      Hunting, fishing or trapping licenses, residency criteria to obtain, 760

      Medical cannabis registry identification card or letter of approval, nonresident reciprocity, 3824

      Solar access program, expanded, certain percentage of employees engaged in construction of community-based solar resources to be residents, 2312


      Annual reports, 1026, 1027

      Chair, duties, 1024, 1026

      Creation, 1024

      Duties, 1025

      Gifts and grants, authority to seek and accept, 1026

      Meetings, 1024, 1025


             Administrative leave from public employment to engage in business of Committee or subcommittees, 1025

             Appointment, qualifications, 1024

             Per diem and travel expenses, 1025

             Term of office, 1024

             Voting members, 1024

      Subcommittees, 1026


      Bureau of Land Management, opposition to elimination of Nevada office expressed, 4611, 4612

      Census, Congress urged to prevent citizenship question being added to 2020 decennial census, 4608, 4609

      Desert National Wildlife Refuge, Congress urged to oppose expansion of United States Air Force in, 4621-4623

      Fallon Range Training Complex, opposition to expansion expressed, 4610

      Human organs, support for Congressional action combating illegal harvesting and trafficking expressed, 4607, 4608


             Price, Assemblyman Bob, 4583, 4584

             Springer, Chief Justice Charles, 4602, 4603

            Thompson, Assemblyman Odis "Tyrone,” 4633, 4634

      Radioactive plutonium, objection to transfer to Nevada expressed, 4619-4621

      Taiwan, sister-state relationship celebrated, enhancement of bilateral trade, education and cultural relations urged, 4597, 4598

      United States Constitution, ratification of Fifteenth Amendment by Nevada commemorated, 4585, 4586


             Recovering America’s Wildlife Act, support expressed, 4615, 4616

             Sage-grouse, support for Conservation Plan and Credit System expressed, requirement for compensatory mitigation urged, 4605-4607



      Commercial sexual exploitation of child, duty to report, 1932

      Disciplinary and other action

             Deadline for issuing final orders imposing discipline, 984

             Grounds, 982

             Reporting requirement, exception, 983


             Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

             Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278

      Vulnerable persons abused, neglected, exploited, isolated or abandoned, duty to report, 3485-3487


      Assisted living facilities in rural areas that also provide respite care, feasibility study, 584

      Grant programs, appropriations, 2983



      Advancing prostitution, authority of court to order payment to victim, 2630


      Historic or prehistoric resources on state lands, damage or theft, penalties, 586

      Indian graves or cairns, damage or theft, penalties, 585, 586

      Juvenile courts, insurance coverage for child participating in restitution through work program, requirement, exception, 1960, 1961, 1966

      Optometrists, payment of costs of restitution resulting from disciplinary action, 3651

      Residential confinement of older offenders, authority of Division of Parole and Probation to receive and distribute restitution paid by offender, 3064

      Unclaimed property

             Fraudulent claims, 3012

             Property subject to claim, 3018

      Wrongful conviction of felony, actions for, authority of court to award reimbursement of restitution, 4368


      Provisions deemed void, duties of county recorders, 373-375


      Consumer Protection from the Accrual of Predatory Interest After Default Act, adoption, 2307-2311

      Notices regarding check violations, contents, 4429, 4436, 4437

      "Organized retail theft" defined to include use of an Internet or network site, period for aggregation for general penalty purposes, prohibited acts, 2497, 2498


      Appropriation, 3715


      Electric utility line clearance, requirements for performance by person who is not utility employee, 556

      Utility rights-of-way, cities authorized to install ramps within, 569, 570

      Video service providers

             Franchise fee, in lieu of recurring rental charges, 193

             Political subdivisions and providers, powers and duties, 191, 192


      Corridor improvements, Carson and Truckee rivers, bond issue, 2862


      Elements of crime, fear of injury to property eliminated, 408

      First responders, crimes committed against spouse or child, additional penalty, 1462, 1463


      Reno-Sparks Livestock Events Center, renovation, funding, 4013


      State Education Fund, deposit of certain proceeds, penalty and interest, 4196, 4219

      State Supplemental School Support Account, transfer of proceeds from, reports, 2394, 4220



      Youth homelessness, funding to reduce number, legislative declaration, 255


      Annexation of territory by certain cities, notice to be provided to cooperatives, 570, 571

      Electric service providers, applicability of portfolio standards, determination of total amount of electricity sold, reports, 16, 20, 21, 23

      Natural disaster protection plans, procedures, 556



      Exemptions from required use, statements, authority of advanced practice registered nurses, 500, 501, 510, 511


      Authorized expenditures, 3139

      Habitat improvement projects, nonreversion of money, 3146, 3354

      Protection, enhancement or restoration, bond issue, 2863, 2864

      Support for Conservation Plan and Credit System expressed, requirement for compensatory mitigation urged, 4605-4607


      Counties, imposition of tax for benefit of counties and school districts

             Applicability of tax, 3262

             Authority to impose tax, 3261

             Computation of amount of tax to be paid, authority of Department of Taxation, 3264

             County treasurer, remittances to, 3262

             Intergovernmental Fund, transfers, 3262

             Money received from tax

                   Accounted for separately, 3263

                   Programs for which money may be used, 3263

                   Public schools ceasing to be high-vacancy school, effect on use of money, 3263

                   Retained by county or remitted to city or school district, 3263

             Notice of delinquency and demand for payment, 3266

             Ordinance enacting tax, approval, required provisions, 3261, 3262

             Overpayments, amount of interest, 3264

             Payments to be made in form of remittances to Department of Taxation, 3262

             Penalty for failure to pay tax, 3265

             Redistribution of proceeds authorized, restrictions, 3263

             Reports to Legislature, 3263

             Sales and Use Tax Account, deposits, transfers, 3262


             Durable medical equipment, 1394

             Medical devices prescribed by physician assistants, 137

             Mobility enhancing equipment, 1394

             Oxygen delivery equipment, 1394

      Marketplace facilitators, collection and remittance of taxes, duties, immunity from liability, 3683-3688

      Referrers, collection and remittance of taxes, duties, 3683-3688


      Abandoned vehicles, procedures regarding, 1447


             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2935

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2934

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2934

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Deposit in lieu of bond, acceptable deposits, 63

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2934


      Collateral for uninsured balances of public money, establishment of monitoring program, requirements, reports, assessments, 670, 671

      Consumer form contracts, laws inapplicable, 2308

      Exploitation of vulnerable persons, reporting requirements, 3500, 3501

      Occupational licensing boards, withdrawals from accounts in savings banks, procedures, reviews, 1304

      Privacy of covered information collected by operators of Internet websites or online services, certain financial institutions exempt from notice requirements, 1172

      Regulatory Experimentation Program for Product Innovation, establishment, 3985-3993, 3997

      Residential mortgage loan originators, requirement to be licensed as mortgage agent eliminated, 1424


      Abandoned property, when presumed, escheats to State, claims following, 608, 609


      Higher education, statewide database of sources of financial assistance, establishment, 2324

      Millennium Scholarships (See MILLENNIUM SCHOLARSHIPS)

      Nevada Promise Scholarships

             Annual reports, requirements, 1217, 1218

             Awards, calculation of amount, disbursement, restrictions, 1215-1217

             Creation of Nevada Promise Scholarship Program, administration by Board of Regents, 1211, 1212

             Definitions, 1210


                   Disabilities, students with, exemption from certain requirements, 1215

                   Duration of eligibility period, 1215

                   Requirements, generally, 1213, 1214

                   Waiver of certain requirements authorized if student granted leave of absence from Program, determination, 1210, 1211

             Financial aid eligibility, alternative determination procedure for certain students, 1213

             Leave of absence from Program, authority, requirements, 1210

             Nevada Promise Scholarship Account, appropriation, 2789

             Renewal of Scholarship, requirement repealed, 1219

      Scholarship organizations

             Modified business tax, tax credits for donations to organizations

                   Annual authorized 10 percent increase in amount of credits, elimination, 2297, 2298

                   Total amount of credit authorized, 2296-2298, 3274, 3276, 3277

             Use of donations for which taxpayer received tax credit, restrictions, repayment for violations, 3288

      Teach Nevada Scholarship Program

             Eligible teaching programs, 4360

             Endorsement to teach financial literacy, application for scholarship to offset costs of completing course of study, 1993

             Teach Nevada Scholarship Program Account, appropriation, use, 2389, 2390

      Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purposes of educational opportunities, 2278


      Accountability reports

             Disaggregation of information by certain categories of pupils required, 3229-3231

             Discipline of pupils, contents, 3231

            English learners, certain information, contents, 4353-4355

             State reports, portions of annual reports to be provided upon request, 2056

      English learners, certain schools to adopt corrective action plans, procedures, 4355, 4356

      Plans to improve achievement of pupils

             Grants and other financial support, use, 2380

             School climate, methods for evaluating and improving, inclusion, 3231, 3232

             Victory schools, requirements, 3469

      Underperforming schools

             Financial incentives for teachers

                   Currently employed teachers, 2895

                   Hiring of new teachers, 2385

                   Newly hired teachers, 2384

                   Teachers transferring to underperforming schools, 2385

             Grants and other financial support to improve pupil achievement, 2380

             Victory schools (See SCHOOLS, VICTORY)


      2019-2021 biennium, waiver of expenditure requirements for maintenance and repair, 3268

      Blueprints of school confidential, required and authorized disclosures, 1062, 1063

      Cannabis establishments, adult-use

             Advertisements, restrictions, 3838

             Location, restrictions, 3795-3797

      Cannabis or paraphernalia, persons not exempt from state prosecution, 3835, 3836

      Controlled substances, sale or distribution by pupil, disciplinary procedures, 3291, 3575, 3576

      Felony committed on premises, aggregation of sentences, 234

      Integrated pest management, requirements, 1941-1943

      Medical cannabis establishments, restrictions on location, 3791

      Medical marijuana establishments, location of advertisements, restrictions, penalties, 2334, 2335

      Property tax to fund capital projects, advisory committee to recommend, establishment authorized, use of tax, 2649-2651

      Public works

             Charter schools, applicability of prevailing wage laws, 933

             Determination of prevailing wage, 932

      Safety and security of public schools, property tax to enhance, repeal, 4253

      School safety facility improvements, grant program, appropriation, 2391, 3293


      2019-2021 biennium, waiver of certain expenditure requirements, 3268

      Controlled substances, sale or distribution by pupil, disciplinary procedures, 3291, 3575, 3576

      Felony committed on bus, aggregation of sentences, 234


      Abolishment, duties of schools upon, 2018, 2079, 2080


      Adult education programs, sales and use tax to support, procedures, reports, 3261-3263

      Autism Spectrum Disorders, Nevada Commission on, representation, duties, 3055

      Average daily attendance in elementary schools, quarterly reports, duties repealed, 792

      Average daily enrollment, reporting requirements, 789, 790, 792

      Block grants to support operations of school districts, 3266, 3267, 3293, 3294

      Bullying, cyber-bullying and discriminatory harassment, study committee, consultation, 3082, 3083

      Challenge schools

             Agreements with Office of the Military to establish, requirements, 1981

             Education, Department of, submission of information for purposes of accountability and reporting expenditures, 1983

      Charter schools

             Applications to form schools, duties, 2302

             Opening or expanding school, receipt of notice of certain actions, 2301

             State Public Charter School Authority, collaboration, 2301, 2302


      College and career readiness grant program, 2379

      College and career ready diplomas, reimbursement to districts for certain costs, funding, 2378

      Computer literacy or computer science

             Account for Computer Education and Technology, creation, use, 2696, 2697

             Degree or other credentials in computer science, incentives for teacher to earn, grant program, appropriation, 2697

             Endorsement to teach, reimbursement of costs for coursework to obtain, duties, 2696

             Great Teaching and Leading Fund, use, 2696

             Instruction programs, assistance in establishing, availability of Internet resource repository, 2696

      Crisis, emergency or suicide response plans

             Notices regarding compliance with laws, receipt, 2470

             Submission of plans for approval, 2466, 3241, 3242

      Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstration Program, incentives to certain schools that are customers of public utility, 693

      Electronic records, powers and duties regarding certified records, 2818, 2819

      Electronic waste, removal of data before disposal required, 2219, 2577


      Employee organizations, negotiations with (See LOCAL GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE-MANAGEMENT RELATIONS)

      Energy, assistance with legislative study of renewable and clean energy, 4628

      Fictitious address program for victims of crime, district to allow participants to use fictitious address, restrictions regarding records, 1800, 1801

      Financial literacy, funding to support instruction, grant program, 2392, 2393

      Financial Literacy Program, State Seal of, participation, duties, 1986

      Information processing systems, duties regarding updates, 2818

      Integrated pest management, adoption of policy, requirements, 1941, 1943

      Legislative Auditor, special audit or investigation of all districts, authority, allocation from Contingency Account to cover costs authorized, 3268, 3269

      Local school precincts (See SCHOOL PRECINCTS, LOCAL)

      New Americans, Office of, duty to assist, 4362

      Northwestern Nevada, reports on growth issues by counties, consultation, 799

      Operations of districts, block grants to support, 3266, 3267, 3293, 3294

      Other State Education Programs Account

             Appropriations, 2375, 2376, 3457

             Authorized expenditures, 2376

      Out-of-state medical facilities providing educational services to state residents, cooperative agreements, 3111, 3112

      Personnel (See also SCHOOL PERSONNEL)

             Competency examinations passed by teachers, provision of information to parents or guardians upon request, 1055

             Evaluations, electronic tool for providing documents, consultations, 1783

             Expenditures on employment of personnel, annual reports, Internet publication, regulation, 4208, 4209

             Expiration of license, notice requirement eliminated, receipt upon request of list of employees whose license will expire, 1055

             Financial literacy, duty to provide professional development for teachers, 1986

             Legal right to work in United States, employment authorized, 4341

             Military Children, Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for, designation of liaison between district and military families, duties, 271, 272

             Negotiated salary increases

                   Appropriations, transfers of money, 2378, 2387, 2388

                   Duties, 3261, 3269

             Professional qualifications of licensed employees, provision to parents or guardians upon request, 1055

             School police officers

                   Portable event recording devices

                          Purchase and maintenance, funding, 3255

                          Use, requirements, regulation, 3257

                   Private schools, contracts for provision of school police officers authorized, 3252

                   Vehicular event recording devices, purchase and maintenance, funding, 3255

             Specialized instructional support personnel, development of 15-year strategic plan to achieve pupil-personnel ratios, 3233

             Teachers’ School Supplies Reimbursement Account, duties, 3225, 3226

      Prekindergarten (See EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION)


      Property tax to fund capital projects, advisory committee to recommend, establishment authorized, procedures following, use of tax, 2649-2651

      Pupil-teacher ratios (See also SCHOOLS, PUBLIC)

             2019-2021 biennium, funding for grades 1-3, authority, duties, 2374, 2375

             Internet publication of ratios approved for each class in district, duties, 980

      Pupils (See also SCHOOL PUPILS)

             Abuse or sexual abuse of child, recognizing and reporting, employee training, reports, 2651, 2652

             Annual physical examinations, information concerning importance, duties, 1478


                   Average daily attendance, reporting requirements repealed, 792

                   Suspension, expulsion or removal of pupil, authorizing for attendance offenses prohibited, 3578

                   Truancy reduction programs, sales and use tax to support, procedures, reports, 3261-3263

             Core academic subjects, placement of pupils in more rigorous courses, duties, 1206

             Disabilities, pupils with

                   Aging and Disability Services Division, services available for children, provision of information to parents and guardians, duties, 3052

                   Data regarding pupils enrolled in district, annual reports to Department of Education, 3051, 3052

             Disciplinary action

                   Data collected by schools, receipt of reports, 3571

                   Expulsion, suspension or removal of pupils, permitted and prohibited authorizations, 3578

                   Progressive discipline, plans for, establishment, duties, 3572, 3573

                   Restorative discipline, plans for, receipt, duties, 3250, 3251

             Educational records, receipt by out-of-state medical facilities providing educational services to state residents, requirements, regulation, 3110, 3111

             English learners

                   Accountability reports, contents, 4353, 4354

                   Achievement of pupils, data regarding, reports, 4354

                   Assessment to measure literacy, identification and purchase, authority, requirements, 4357

                   Policy for instruction to teach English, requirements, 4356, 4357

             Gifted and talented pupils, funding for differentiated instruction, 2378, 2379

             Homeless or unaccompanied pupils or pupils in foster care

                   Credits for coursework or course of study, determination of amount to award, procedures, 1162

                   High school diploma, award to pupils who transfer to school while enrolled in grade 11 or grade 12, requirements, 1163

                   Identification, procedures for, review and adjustment of academic plans, 1161

             Military families, children of, regulations regarding eligibility or participation in interscholastic activities, limitations, 271

             Native American pupils, transportation to school outside home district, reimbursement for additional costs, 2373

             Personal safety of children, training and reported incidents of abuse, reports, 2651, 2652

             School services, data concerning pupils, receipt of notice regarding certain security breaches, duties following, 3945

             Self-medication by pupils, duties regarding forms, 138-141, 150

             Social and environmental factors that affect educational experience, identification, consideration when making decision affecting pupils, 1178

             Suicide, attempted suicide or suicidal ideation, number of incidents among pupils, reporting requirements, 674

             Suicide prevention

                   2019-2020 school year, courses of study and personnel training, reporting requirements, 673, 674

                   Grades 7-12, adoption of suicide prevention policy, requirements, 1760, 1761

                   Statewide Program for Suicide Prevention, duty to post link to Internet or network site, 1762

             Sun, exposure of pupils to, adoption of policy, requirements, 546

             Uniforms, optional policies regarding, 545


      Read by Grade 3 grant program, requirements, funding, reports, 2380, 2381, 4499, 4500

      Recyclable materials, disposition, requirements, exemptions, 2219, 2220, 2577

      School accountability (See also SCHOOL ACCOUNTABILITY)

             Annual reports of accountability, requirements, 3229-3231

             Underperforming schools, grants and other financial support to improve pupil achievement, 2380

      School Funding, Commission on, chief financial officer of certain districts to serve as members, 4206

      Services provided by districts, annual expenditure reports, Internet publication, regulation, 4208, 4209

      State Supplemental School Support Account, reports regarding expenditures, deadline for initial reports extended, 2394


             Dismissal of licensed personnel, duties, 1311

             Education, Commission on Professional Standards in, membership, 1046, 1047

             Integrated pest management, appointment of chief and subordinate coordinators, reports, 1941, 1942

             Legislative Auditor, duty to provide information necessary to assist with special audit or investigation, 3269

             Postprobationary administrators, reappointment, provisions repealed, 1131, 2682, 2688

             Property tax to fund capital projects, advisory committee to recommend, duties, 2649

             Pupil discipline

                   Modification to suspension or expulsion, authority, 3577

                   Plans for progressive discipline, certain reports repealed, 3573

                   Plans for restorative discipline, receipt, duties, 3250, 3251

             School safety specialist for district, designation, duties, 3233, 3234

             Statewide school safety, committee on, representation, 3232

             Suspension of licensed personnel, duties, 1312

      Tort actions against districts, limit on damages increased, 3061


             Handle with Care Program, receipt of training, 3967

             Legislative Auditor, duty to provide information necessary to assist with special audit or investigation, 3269

             SafeVoice Program

                   Teams to receive notification of certain activity, appointments, 3969

                   Training, receipt, 3969

      Victory schools

             Assessment of needs of pupils attending schools, duties, 3467

             Designation, consultations, 3466

             Distribution of money to schools, 3466

             Educational needs of pupils, comprehensive plan or letter of intent for meeting, duties, 3467, 3468

             Funding, 2383, 2384

             Reports, duties, 3469

      Violence and suicide, training of school district personnel, requirements, 1763


      Work-based learning pilot programs, development and implementation, competitive grant program, funding, 2379


      Achievement School District, Account for, repeal, 2019, 2080

      Adult standard high school diploma, courses of study for obtaining, funding, 2376

      Alternative Schools, Account for, appropriation, use, 3344


             2019-2021 biennium, total public support for districts and charter schools, 2369

             Achievement School District, abolishment, effect on count of pupils, 2005, 2061

             Challenge schools

                   Count of pupils for purposes of apportionment, 1977, 1978, 1981

                   School ceasing to operate, remaining payments to be made to districts where pupils reside, 1983

             Charter schools, pupils enrolled full-time in distance education program, formula for calculating apportionment, certain amounts to be paid to Department of Education, 2038, 2039

             Education savings accounts, 3283, 4214

             School districts affected by district of residence issue, appropriation, 2789

             State Education Fund

                   Adjustments to apportionment, procedures to compensate for delinquent taxes repealed, 4216, 4217

                   Charter schools

                          Count of pupils for apportionment, 4228, 4229, 4232

                          Deductions from apportionment for sponsor’s failure to submit report, provision repealed, 4218

                          Monthly apportionments, amounts, procedures, 4214-4216

                   Computation of yearly apportionment for each school district, 4212, 4213

                   Deductions from apportionment

                          Charter schools

                                Sponsor’s failure to submit report, effect, provision repealed, 4218

                                Sponsorship fee, deduction from monthly apportionment, 4229

                          Procedures, 4217, 4218

                          Teacher’s aide serving as teacher, violations, 4235

                   Distribution of money, time for, 4218, 4219

                   Fictitious address, pupils with, count of pupils for apportionment, 4236

                   Monthly apportionments to school districts, amounts, procedures, 4214, 4215

                   Recommended minimum expenditures, formula for determining not to be used to alter apportionments, 4221

                   University schools for profoundly gifted pupils

                          Count of pupils for apportionment, 4231

                          Monthly apportionments, amounts, procedures, 4214, 4216


             Alternative Schools, Account for, 3344

             Bullying Prevention Account, 2389

             Clark County School District, 2392, 2701

             Computer Education and Technology, Account for, 2701

             Computer education, statewide monitoring, 2701

             Computer literacy or computer science, costs related to teacher training and obtaining credentials, 2701

             Department of Education’s Educator Effectiveness budget account, 3361, 3362

             Desktop monitoring and school improvement software, 3471

             English Mastery Council, 2442

             Financial Literacy, Account for Instruction in, 2392

             Great Teaching and Leading Fund, 2387, 2394

             Incentives for Licensed Educational Personnel, Grant Fund for, 2389

             Innovation and the Prevention of Remediation, Account for Programs for, 2381-2385, 3293

             Literacy programs, 1781, 3344

             Medical facilities receiving reimbursement for educational services, audits, 3112

             New Nevada Education Funding Plan, Account for the, 2391

             Other State Education Programs Account, 2375, 2376, 3457

             Peer assistance and review programs, contingent appropriation, 2388, 2394

             Professional Development Programs Account, 2385, 2388, 2394

             Pupil-Centered Funding Plan, 4252

             School districts affected by district of residence issue, 2789

             School gardens for Title I schools, 3457

             School Safety Account, 2390, 2391, 3293, 4020, 4021

             Special Education Services, Contingency Account for, 2388

             State Distributive School Account, 1451, 2371

             Teacher Recruitment and Retention Advisory Task Force, Nevada State, 2450

             Teachers’ School Supplies Reimbursement Account, 2392

             Washoe County School District, 2392, 2701

             We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution Programs, 2868

      Authorized expenditures

             Bullying Prevention Account, 2389

             General authorized expenditures legislation, 3134

             Great Teaching and Leading Fund, 2387

             Innovation and the Prevention of Remediation, Account for Programs for, 2381-2385

             Mines, taxes on net proceeds, certain apportionments returned to districts, 4200

             New Nevada Education Funding Plan, Account for the, 2391

             Other State Education Programs Account, 2376

             Professional Development Programs Account, 2385

             Public Charter School Loan Program, 3134

             School Safety Account, 2390, 2391

             Special Education Services, Contingency Account for, 2389

             State Distributive School Account, 2371, 2372, 2374

             State Supplemental School Support Account, 2392

             Teachers’ School Supplies Reimbursement Account, 2392

             Victory schools program, 2383, 2384

      Basic support guarantee (See also Statewide base per pupil funding, this heading)

             2019-2021 biennium, requirements, 2369-2371

             Abolishment of Achievement School District, effect, 2003, 2004, 2059, 2060

             Challenge schools, count of pupils enrolled in, 1976, 1983

             Disabilities, pupils with, funding for statewide multiplier for 2019-2021 biennium, 2372, 2373

             Equity allocation model, time for review, revision and adoption, 1121

             Out-of-state medical facilities providing educational services to state residents, reimbursements, 3110, 3111

             Property tax proceeds for 2020-2021, requirements, 2370, 2371


                   Expenditures, failure to comply with required minimum requirements, provisions repealed, 4222, 4223

                   Reserve, reduction to effectuate, 2372

             Repeal of provisions, 4253

             Total public support

                   2019-2021 biennium, requirements, 2369

                   Legislative intent, 3261

      Block grants (See Gifts and grants, this heading)


             2019-2021 projected biennium budgets, districts to submit to Commission on School Funding, requirements, 4252

             Empowerment schools, requirements, 4234

             Ending fund balance, restrictions on use, 4240

             Proposed executive budget

                   Expenditures by schools for personnel and services using amount of money contained in proposed budget, biennial reports, 4208, 4209

                   Governor, authority to include recommendations for school funding, requirements, 4206

                   Multiplier for each category of pupils, inclusion of certain recommendations, exceptions, 4205, 4206

                   State Education Fund

                          Appropriations from Fund, authority of Governor to recommend revisions, 4205

                          Budgetary estimates for expenditures and revenue, reserve and transfer of money to Fund, 4204, 4205

                   Statewide base per pupil funding, inclusion of certain recommendations, exceptions, 4205, 4206

             Reports by school districts, contents, 4223, 4224

             State Education Fund, preparation of biennial budget requests, 4224, 4225

      Bullying Prevention Account, appropriation, use, 2389

      Capital Improvements, Fund to Assist School Districts in Financing, grants from, requirements, 1305

      Capital projects, funds for


                   Governmental services tax, distribution of proceeds, 4250

                   Property tax, distribution of proceeds, 2650

             Use, restrictions, 2650, 2651

      Computer Education and Technology, Account for, creation, use, appropriation, 2696, 2697, 2701

      Counseling services for elementary pupils at risk of failure, funding, 2377

      County school district funds

             Composition, certain sources removed, 4218, 4220, 4238, 4241, 4246, 4251-4253

             Ending fund balance

                   Education Stabilization Account, transfer of certain amount to Account, requirements, 4197, 4252, 4253

                   Use of budgeted ending fund balance, restrictions, 4240

      Criminal forfeitures

             Account for criminal forfeitures, duty to create and provisions regarding use repealed, 4224, 4237

             Deposit of portion of proceeds in State Education Fund, 4196, 4237

             Law enforcement agencies, reports regarding distributions to school districts repealed, 4237

      Debt service funds, sources, 4250

      Education Stabilization Account

             Balance, limitation, excess to be transferred to State Education Fund, 4197, 4198

             County school district funds, ending fund balance, transfer of certain amount to Account, use, 4197, 4252, 4253

             Creation in State Education Fund, 4197

             Interest and income earned to be credited to Account, 4197

             State Education Fund, certain balance not committed for expenditure to be transferred to Account, 4198

      Emergency financial assistance to school districts, certain provisions repealed, 4253

      Expenditures by schools and districts (See also Authorized expenditures, this heading)

             2019-2021 biennium, waiver of certain expenditure requirements, 3268

             Budgets (See Budgets, this heading)

             Challenge schools, reporting requirements for districts in which schools are located, 1983

             Criminal forfeiture accounts, duty to create and provisions regarding use repealed, 4224, 4237

             Educational reform, duties of school districts when expending revenue for 2019-2021 biennium, 2373

             Negotiations with employee organizations, compliance with laws when expending certain revenue required, 2373

             Personnel and services, expenditures by schools and districts, reporting requirements, distribution of information, 4208, 4209

             Recommended minimum expenditures for textbooks, instructional supplies, software and hardware, procedures for establishing, reports upon failure to expend, 4221-4223

             Required minimum expenditures for textbooks, instructional supplies, software and hardware

                   2019-2021 biennium, waiver of certain requirements, procedures, 3268

                   Repeal of provisions, 4221-4223, 4253

             State Supplemental School Support Account, initial expenditure reports, deadline extended, 2394

      Financial Literacy, Account for Instruction in, appropriation, use, 2392, 2393

      Financial transparency and accountability, legislative intent, 3261

      Gifted and talented pupils, funding for differentiated instruction, requirements, 2378, 2379

      Gifts and grants

             Bullying Prevention Account, appropriation, funding to districts, 2389

             Capital Improvements, Fund to Assist School Districts in Financing, grants from, requirements, 1305

             Career and technical education

                   Appropriation for grant program, 2377, 2378

                   Pupil organizations, block grants for support of

                          Appropriations, transfers of money, 2378, 2387, 2388

                          Issuance, use, 3266, 3267

             Charter schools

                   Block grants, use to support operations

                          Appropriations, transfers of money, 2378, 2387, 2388

                          Issuance, use, 3266, 3267

                   Governing bodies, authority to seek and accept gifts and grants, 1514

             College and career readiness grant program, funding, 2379

             College and career ready diplomas, incentive grants, 2378

             Computer Education and Technology, Account for, creation, sources, 2696, 2697, 2700

             Dual enrollment of pupils in high school and college courses, funding to support, 2379

             Early childhood education

                   English learners, programs and services for, funding, 2382, 3462, 3463

                   Prekindergarten programs, establishment of grant program to support, requirements, regulation, 3981-3983

             Education savings accounts, amount of grant to be deposited into account, percentage of statewide base per pupil funding amount, 4239

             English learners, grants for programs and services

                   Applications, use of money, evaluation of programs and services, reports, 2382, 3462-3465

                   Appropriation, use, 2382

             Financial Literacy, Account for Instruction in, establishment of grant program, 2393

             Financial Literacy Advisory Council, State, authority to apply for, 1988

             Great Teaching and Leading Fund (See Great Teaching and Leading Fund, this heading)

             Library books, block grants for purchase of, 3266-3268

             Mental health workers in schools with identified needs, block grants, 2390, 4020, 4021

             Nevada Ready 21 Technology Program

                   Appropriation for competitive grant program, 2383

                   Block grants, issuance, use, 3266, 3267

             Outdoor Education and Recreation Grant Program, creation, requirements, 3960-3962

             Police officers, grants for additional officers, funding, 2390, 2391, 4021

             Read by Grade 3 grant program, funding, use, 2380, 2381, 4499, 4500

             Resource officers, grants for additional officers, funding, 2390, 2391, 4021

             SafeVoice Program Account, authority of Director of Education to seek gifts and grants, publication of information, 3238, 3971

             Scholarship organizations, restrictions on use of donations, repayment for violations, 3288

             School districts, support of operations

                   Block grants, use to support operations of district

                          Appropriations, transfers of money, 2378, 2387, 2388

                          Issuance, use, 3266, 3267

                          Supplemental support, appropriation for block grants, 3293, 3294

                   Governing bodies, authority to seek and accept gifts and grants, 1523

             School safety facility improvements, grants for, appropriation, 2391, 3293

             Social workers or other licensed mental health workers in schools with identified needs, block grants, 2390, 4020, 4021

             STEM (See STEM, this heading)

             Teachers (See Teachers, this heading)

             Underperforming schools

                   Achievement of pupils, grants to improve, 2380

                   Incentives for newly hired teachers, grant to provide, 2384

             University schools for profoundly gifted pupils, authority of governing bodies to seek and accept gifts and grants, 1519

             Victory schools program (See SCHOOLS, VICTORY)

             Work-based learning pilot programs, competitive grants for development and implementation, 2379

      Great Teaching and Leading Fund

             Appropriation for competitive grant program, 2387, 2394

             Authorized expenditures, 2387

             Block grants

                   Appropriations, transfers of money, 2378, 2387, 2388

                   Issuance, use, 3266, 3267

             Grants from Fund, use

                   Computer science and computer literacy, endorsement to teach in field of specialization relating to, reimbursement for costs of coursework, 2696

                   Financial literacy, endorsement to teach course relating to, offset of costs to complete course, 1994

      Incentives for Licensed Educational Personnel, Grant Fund for, appropriation, use, 2389

      Innovation and the Prevention of Remediation, Account for Programs for

             Appropriations, 2381-2385, 3293, 3294

             Block grants to districts and charter schools

                   Appropriations, transfers of money, 2378, 2387, 2388

                   Distribution and use of money, procedures, 3266-3268

             English learners, zoom schools and grants for programs and services

                   Appropriation, transfer of money, 2381, 2382

                   Distribution and use of money, procedures, reports, 3460-3466

             Financial incentives to certain newly hired teachers, grants to provide, 2384

             Great Teaching and Leading Fund, transfer of money to Account, use, 2387, 2388

             Nevada Ready 21 Technology Program, transfers of money to Account, 2378, 2387, 2388

             Other State Education Programs Account, transfer of money, use, 2378

             Professional Development Programs Account, transfer of money, use, 2388

             Repeal, 4253

             School districts, supplemental support to operation of, block grants, 3293, 3294

             Victory schools

                   Appropriation, transfer of money, 2383, 2384

                   Distribution and use of money, procedures, reports, 3466-3470

      Library books

             2019-2021 biennium, waiver of expenditure requirements, 3268

             Block grants to purchase

                   Appropriations, transfers of money, 2378, 2387, 2388

                   Distribution of money, procedures, 3266-3268

             LEA library books, funding, 2377, 2378

      Local funds, certain provisions repealed, 4214-4216, 4229, 4253

      Local school precincts, allocations for next school year, requirements, 792, 3603

      Mitigation, school district funds for, repeal of provisions, 4243, 4244

      National Guard Youth Challenge Program Account, Nevada, creation, 1981

      National School Lunch Program state match requirements, reimbursements to districts for costs of providing meals, 2373

      Nevada Plan, repeal and replacement with Pupil-Centered Funding Plan, 4210, 4211

      Nevada Promise Scholarship Account, appropriation, 2789

      Nevada Ready 21 Technology Program

             Appropriation for competitive grant program, 2383

             Block grants

                   Appropriations, transfers of money, 2378, 2387, 2388

                   Issuance, use, 3266, 3267

      New Nevada Education Funding Plan, Account for the

             Allocations from Account, evaluation of services provided, reports, 2504

             Appropriations, 2391

             Repeal, 4253

      Other State Education Programs Account

             Adult standard high school diploma, courses of study for obtaining, 2376

             Appropriations, 2375, 2376, 3457

             Authorized expenditures, 2376, 2377

             Career and technical education grant program, 2377

             Clark County Public Education Foundation, Inc., 2377

             College and career readiness grant program, 2379

             College and career ready high school diploma, incentive grants or reimbursements, 2378

             Counselors, 5% salary increment for national certification, 2377

             Dual enrollment in high school and college courses, competitive grants, 2379

             Elementary school pupils at risk of failure, special counseling services, 2377

             Geographic Alliance in Nevada, 2377

             Gifted and talented pupils, funding for differentiated instruction, 2378, 2379

             Innovation and the Prevention of Remediation, Account for Programs for, transfer of money, use, 2378

             Jobs for America’s Graduates Program, 2377

             LEA library books, 2377

             Library media specialists with national certification, salary increase, 2377

             Nevada Institute on Teaching and Educator Preparation, 2377

             Psychologists, 5% salary increment for national certification, 2377

             Read by Grade 3 grant program, 2380, 2381, 4499, 4500

             School nurses, reimbursement of examination costs for national certification, 2376

             STEM, competitive grants for pupils enrolled in middle schools and high schools, 2379

             Teachers, reimbursement for costs of national certification, 2376

             Underperforming schools, grants and other financial support to improve pupil achievement, 2380

             Vocational student organizations, 2377, 2378

             Work-based learning pilot programs, competitive grant for development and implementation, 2379

      Professional Development Programs Account

             Appropriations, 2385, 2388, 2394

             Innovation and the Prevention of Remediation, Account for Programs for, transfer of money to, 2388

             Nevada Early Literacy Intervention Program, funding, 2385, 2386

             Peer assistance and review, contingent appropriation, 2388, 2394

             Regional training programs, funding, 2385, 2386

      Pupil-Centered Funding Plan

             Department of Education, receipt of allocations to implement Plan, 4252

             Enrollment decline, methods to mitigate, 4211

             Formula designated as Pupil-Centered Funding Plan, 4210

             Modified allocation of money to certain districts authorized, 4211

             Nevada Plan, replacement, 4210, 4211

             School Funding, Commission on, duties, 4207, 4208, 4252

             State Education Fund (See State Education Fund, this heading)

             Statewide base per pupil funding (See Statewide base per pupil funding, this heading)

             Transition from Nevada Plan

                   2021-2023 biennium, distribution of weighted funding, duties of school districts, 4253

                   Legislative intent, 4211

      Pupil-teacher ratios, funding for grades 1-3, 2374, 2375

      Retirement service credit, appropriation for purchase, 2389

      Safe-to-Tell Program Account, name changed to SafeVoice Program Account, 3238, 3971

      School Safety Account

             Resource officers or school police officers, grants to provide additional officers, 2390, 2391

             School safety facility improvement, competitive grant program, 2391, 3293

             Social workers or other licensed mental health workers in schools with identified needs, block grants, 2390, 4020, 4021

      Securities, authorized investments, 661-666

      Special Education Services, Contingency Account for, appropriation, use, 2388, 2389

      State Distributive School Account

             Appropriations, 1451, 2371

             Authorized expenditures, 2371, 2372, 2374

             Cannabis establishments and medical cannabis establishments, deposit of certain revenue, 3804

             Cannabis, excise tax on certain retail sales, deposit of certain proceeds, 3270, 3873

             Claims against Account, temporary advances of money authorized, limitations, 2372

             Disabilities, pupils with, funding for statewide multiplier for 2019-2021 biennium, 2372, 2373

             Emergency financial assistance to school districts, certain provisions repealed, 4253

             National School Lunch Program state match, 2373

             Pupil-teacher ratios in grades 1-3, funding to employ licensed teachers, alternative uses, 2374, 2375

             Repeal and replacement with State Education Fund, 4209, 4213, 4214, 4217, 4218, 4224-4228, 4231, 4234, 4236-4239, 4245-4249

             Special transportation costs to school districts, reimbursement, 2373

             State Supplemental School Support Account, transfer of money, 2392

             Supplemental appropriation, 1451

      State Education Fund

             Accounts, creation authorized, purpose, use of money in accounts restricted, interest and income earned to be credited to account, 4197

             Additional weighted funding for certain pupils

                   Appropriations for, 4199

                   Decrease in State Education Fund, effect on additional weighted funding, 4198, 4200

             Adjusted base per pupil funding, appropriations to provide, 4199

             Administration, 4196

             Apportionments (See Apportionments, this heading)


                   From Fund

                          Governor, authority to make recommendations regarding appropriations, 4205

                          Purposes of appropriations, requirements, 4198, 4199

                   To Fund, requirements, nonreversion of money, 4197

             Balance to carry forward to next fiscal year, certain amount to be transferred to Education Stabilization Account, 4197, 4198

             Biennial budget requests, preparation, 4224, 4225

             Claims, money in Fund to be paid out on, 4197

             Creation as special revenue fund, 4196

             Distance education, pupils enrolled full-time in programs, funding, 4199

             Education Stabilization Account (See also Education Stabilization Account, this heading)

                   Transfers of money to and from Account, requirements, restrictions, 4198

             Education, State Board of, funding for operations, 4198, 4199

             Federal Government, money received to be deposited in separate account, 4197

             Food services, transportation for pupils and other similar service, funding, 4199

             Interest and income to be credited to Fund, 4196

             Money in Fund to be paid out on claims, 4197

             Multiplier for each category of pupils, effect of changes in amount of Fund from preceding fiscal year or biennium, 4200, 4205

             Proposed executive budget, reserve and transfer of money from State General Fund, 4204, 4205


                   County school district funds, certain ending balance, 4197, 4252, 4253

                    Criminal forfeitures, deposit of portion of proceeds, 4196, 4237

                   Federal lands, revenue received by State from leases, 4196, 4238

                   Governmental services tax, proceeds, 4197, 4250

                   Legislative appropriations, requirements, nonreversion of money, 4197

                   List of sources, 4196, 4197

                   Local improvement districts, distribution of certain assessments, 4196, 4241

                   Local school support tax, proceeds of fees, taxes, interest and penalties, 4196, 4246

                   Marijuana sales, proceeds from excise tax, 3270, 4196, 4245, 4248

                   Medical marijuana establishments and agents, excess revenue from fees, 4196, 4247

                   Mines and minerals, tax on net proceeds of minerals extracted

                          Apportionments to county school districts, deposits, use, 4196, 4200, 4243

                          Levy for county school districts, deposit and use of proceeds, 4196, 4220

                   Property tax levied for county school districts, proceeds, 4196, 4220

                   Public utility franchises, percentage of net profits, 4197, 4251, 4252

                   Room tax, certain proceeds, penalty and interest, 4196, 4219

                   Sales and Use Tax Account, transfers, 4246

                   Slot machine excise tax, proceeds, 4197, 4248, 4249

                   State Permanent School Fund, money derived from interest, 4196, 4209

                   Tourism improvement districts, distribution of certain assessments, 4196, 4241

             State Distributive School Account, repealed and replaced with Fund, 4209, 4213, 4214, 4217, 4218, 4224-4228, 4231, 4234, 4236-4239, 4245-4249

             Statewide base per pupil funding, effect of decrease in State Education Fund, 4198, 4200, 4205

             Superintendent of Public Instruction, funding of operations, 4198, 4199

             Transportation for pupils and other similar service, funding, 4199

      State Permanent School Fund

             Authorized investments, 655, 656

             Repayment of loans made to districts, certain authorized withholding from distributions to district repealed, 4225

             Sources, 2281

             State Education Fund, sources, 4196, 4209

      State Supplemental School Support Account

             2019-2021 biennium, authorized expenditures, 2392

             Repeal of Account, 4219, 4220, 4253

             Transfer and distribution of money in Account, certain deadlines extended, 2394

      Statewide base per pupil funding

             Accounts, money in accounts not to be considered when calculating amount of funding, 4197

             Additional weighted funding for certain categories of pupils

                   2021-2023 biennium, distribution of weighted funding, 4253

                   Accounted for separately by school districts and distributed to relevant schools, duties, 4202

                   Appropriations to school districts and schools, 4199

                   Categories of weighted funding

                          Additional funding established separately for each category of pupils, 4199

                          Governor, authority to make recommendations regarding creation or elimination of categories, 4205

                          Pupils belonging to more than one category, effect, 4199, 4200

                          Schools to account separately for each category of funding received, 4202

                   Disabilities, pupils with

                          Legislative declaration, 4226

                          Out-of-state medical facilities providing educational services to state residents, reimbursements, 3111, 4214

                          Separate accounting by schools, requirements, 4202, 4203, 4210

                   Gifted and talented pupils, separate accounting by schools, requirements, 4202, 4203, 4210

                   Multiplier for each category of pupils

                          Additional funding expressed as multiplier applied to statewide base per pupil funding amount, 4199

                          Disproportionate change in multiplier for one category of pupils, authority, 4200

                          Fiscal year, multiplier for each category of pupils not to be less than that for immediately preceding fiscal year, exceptions, 4200

                          Governor, recommendations to be included in proposed executive budget, requirements, exceptions, 4205, 4206

                          Increase in multipliers for all categories of pupils in fiscal year, effect, 4200

                          School Funding, Commission on, review and recommendations, 4200, 4207

                          State Education Fund, effect of changes from preceding fiscal year of biennium, 4200, 4205

                   Reapportioning of money between weighted funding and adjusted base funding, certain schools given temporary flexibility, 4211

                   Reduction in funding from preceding fiscal year, grounds for, 4198, 4200

                   Use of additional weighted funding

                          At-risk pupils, use of funding to provide victory services, 4203

                          English learners, use of funding to provide zoom services, 4203

                          Prohibited uses, 4200, 4201

                          Schools, required use of weighted funding, exceptions, 4202

             Adjusted base per pupil funding

                   Administrative expenses, deductions authorized, maximum amount, 4201-4203

                   Appropriations to school districts and schools, 4199

                   Determination, application of adjustment factors, 4199

                   Disabilities, pupils with, transfers of money from funding to satisfy certain requirements, 4202

                   Distribution to schools, manner, 4202

                   Governor, authority to make recommendations regarding, 4205

                   Necessarily small schools, money received by school district to be distributed to schools, 4202

                   Out-of-state medical facilities providing educational services to state residents, reimbursements, 3110, 3111, 4213, 4214

                   Proposed executive budget, requirements, 4205

                   Reapportioning of money between adjusted base funding and weighted funding, certain schools given temporary flexibility, 4211

                   School Funding, Commission on, review and recommendations for revisions, 4207

                   Separate accounting for funding received

                          Districts, duties, 4201, 4202

                          Early intervening services, pupil who receive, 4210

                          Federal sources, accounting requirements, 4203

                          Schools, duties generally, 4202

                   State Education Fund, money appropriated to provide, 4199

                   Transfers of money from funding to meet additional needs of pupils with disabilities, 4202

                   Use to support educational needs of all pupils, requirements, 4202

             Adjustment factors

                   Cost adjustment factors, establishment, review and revision, 4199, 4201

                   Necessarily small schools, method for calculating adjustment, establishment, review and revision, 4199, 4201

                   School Funding, Commission on, duties, 4207, 4208

                   Small district equity adjustment, establishment, review and revision, 4199, 4201

             Amount to be determined by Legislature for each fiscal year of biennium, requirements, 4198

             Increase in amount, when considered, 4200

             Legislative intent, 4198, 4200

             Proposed executive budget, recommendations, requirements, exceptions, 4205, 4206

             Reduction in amount of statewide base per pupil funding from preceding fiscal year, basis for, 4198, 4200

             School Funding, Commission on, review and recommendations for revisions, 4207


             Activities and programs to promote and reinforce education in, appropriation for grant program, 3096, 3097

             Elementary schools, grants to promote equitable access to and increase quality of programs, appropriation, 3096

             Middle schools and high schools, competitive grant program for pupils enrolled in, funding, 2379

             Special license plates promoting educational programs, authority to accept gifts and grants for production and issuance, 3085

      Taxes and taxation

             Capital projects, advisory committee to recommend property tax to fund, establishment authorized, use of tax, 2649-2651

             County school district funds, certain sources removed, 4218, 4220, 4241, 4246

             Local school support tax

                   Legislative findings and declaration, 4245, 4246

                   Sales and Use Tax Account, transfers, 4246

                   State Education Fund, sources, 4196, 4246

                   State Permanent School Fund, loans from, certain withholding of distributions from tax to repay repealed, 4225

             Mines, taxation of net proceeds of minerals extracted

                   Apportionments to county school districts

                          Amount deemed first money appropriated for district, return to district of certain excess amount, authorized expenditure as continuing appropriation, 4200

                          State Education Fund, deposits, 4196, 4243

                   Levy for county school district, deposit and use of proceeds, 4196, 4220

                   Mitigation, school district funds for, provisions repealed, 4243, 4244

             Property tax

                   Advisory committee to recommend tax to fund capital projects, establishment authorized, procedures following, use of tax, 2649-2651

                   Apportionments, adjustment to, provisions repealed, 4216, 4217

                   Basic support guarantee for fiscal year 2020-2021, requirements, 2370, 2371

                   Partial abatements, exemptions, 2650

                   Redevelopment areas, allocation of certain tax proceeds to school district rather than redevelopment agency, procedure, 1406, 1408

                   Safety and security of schools, tax levy for, repeal, 4253

                   State Education Fund, sources, 4196, 4220

             Room tax

                   State Education Fund, deposit of certain proceeds, penalty and interest, 4196, 4219

                   State Supplemental School Support Account, transfer of proceeds from, reports, 2394, 4220

             Sales and use tax, authority of counties to impose new tax for benefit of school districts, procedures, reports, 3261-3264

             State Education Fund, sources (See State Education Fund, this heading)


             Computer science degree or other credentials for teachers, incentives to earn, grant program, 2697

             Incentives to new teachers

                   Appropriations, transfers of money, 2378, 2387, 2388

                   Block grants to provide, 3266, 3267

             Newly hired teachers at underperforming and Title I schools, grants to provide, 2384

             Peer assistance and review

                   Appropriations, transfers of money, 2378, 2387, 2388

                   Block grants to provide, 3266, 3267

             School supplies, special revenue funds

                   Additional disbursements or reimbursements, limitations per fiscal year, 3225

                   Authorized use of money, 3224, 3225

                   Disbursements and reimbursements of money, manner of accounting for, adoption of policy, 3226

                   Principal, duty to maintain receipts for supplies purchased repealed, 3225, 3226

                   Repayment of money received to directly pay for supplies, requirements, 3226

             Special education, funding for newly hired teachers, grants to provide, 2384

      Teachers’ School Supplies Reimbursement Account

             Appropriation for reimbursements to teachers for out-of-pocket expenses, 2392

             Name change, 3224-3226

             Repeal, 4253

      Textbooks (See Expenditures by schools and districts, this heading)


      2019-2021 biennium, projected funding distributions for schools, duties, 4252

      Appointments, terms, 4206, 4252

      Composition, 4206

      Creation, 4206

      Duties, generally, 4207, 4208

      Meetings, 4207

      Per diem and travel expenses, 4207

      Professional staff services, assistance and meeting rooms to be provided, 4207

      Proposed executive budget

             Expenditures by schools for personnel and services using amount of money contained in proposed budget, biennial reports, review and recommendations, 4208

             Reserve and transfer of money to State Education Fund, recommendations, 4205

      Pupil-Centered Funding Plan, recommendations as to implementation, 4252

      Qualifications of members, 4206

      Quorum, 4207

      Removal of members, 4207

      Rules, adoption, 4207

      Statewide base per pupil funding, recommendations, 4200

      Vacancies, 4207

      Vice Chair, election, term, filling of vacancies, 4207



             Bullying or cyber-bullying

                   Criminal investigations, plan to protect safety of pupil involved, duties, 1310

                   Investigations, extension of time to conduct, authority, procedures, 1308

                   Priority of victim’s interests over interests of perpetrator, duties, 1308, 1310

             Disciplinary action, inapplicability of laws, 2683

             Discipline of pupils, duties, 3572, 3573

             Education, Commission on Professional Standards in, membership, 1046

             Financial Literacy Advisory Council, State, representation, 1987

             Integrated student supports, statewide framework for, establishment of accountability standards for administrators, 3247

             Personal safety of children, training regarding, reporting requirements, 2651, 2652

             Postprobationary administrators, reappointment, provisions repealed, 1131, 2682, 2688

             Regional training, funding for additional training for educational administrators, 2386

             SafeVoice Program, membership of teams to receive notification of certain activity, 3969

             Sexual conduct with person in position of authority over alleged victim, rebuttable presumption of nonconsent, 1906

             Suicide prevention, training received, reporting requirements, 673, 674

             Supervision of certain personnel, requirements, 3080, 3081

      Autism Spectrum Disorders, Nevada Commission on, membership, 3055

      Battery by pupil resulting in bodily injury, disciplinary procedures, authority to appeal plan of action, 3575, 3576

      Child abuse or neglect

             Recognizing and reporting abuse, including child sexual abuse, training regarding, reports, 2651, 2652

             Substantiated reports grounds for certain disciplinary action, 1056, 1057

      Citizen or lawful permanent resident of United States, certain requirements for employment removed, 4340


      Commercial sexual exploitation of child, duty to report, 1932

      Corporal punishment

             Disciplinary action, substantiated reports grounds for certain disciplinary action, 1056, 1057

             Issuance or renewal of license, background checks, 1051, 1052


             5% salary increment for national certification, appropriation, 2377

             Authorized services, supervision, 3079, 3080

             Block grants for mental health workers in schools with identified needs, appropriation, 2390, 4020, 4021

             Crisis, emergency or suicide response, membership of development committees, 3240

             Definition of school counselor, 3079

             Duties, generally, 3079

             Evaluation of performance, requirements, regulation, 1786

             Full-time employment, requirement, 3079

             Pupil-counselor ratios, nonbinding recommendations, establishment, requirements, 980, 3233

             SafeVoice Program, membership of teams to receive notification of certain activity, 3969

             Sexual conduct with person in position of authority over alleged victim, rebuttable presumption of nonconsent, 1906

             Special counseling services for elementary pupils at risk of failure, funding, 2377

             Statewide school safety, committee on, representation, 3232

      Crisis, emergency or suicide response

             Conferences regarding safety in public schools, school police officers authorized to attend, 3246

             Development committees, membership, 3240

             School resource officers (See Resource officers, this heading)

      Disciplinary action

             Admonishment and suspension for same conduct authorized, 1313

             Letter of reprimand authorized, grounds, regulation, 1056, 1057

             Licenses, suspension or revocation, grounds, procedures, 1056-1058

             Suspension and dismissal, procedures, duration of receipt of salary, 1311, 1312

      Evaluations, statewide performance system

             Counselors, librarians and other licensed educational personnel, requirements, regulation, applicability of laws, 1783-1787

             Electronic tool for providing documents to licensed personnel, development, requirements, 1783

             Impact and validity of system, study, 1787

             Performance designated as developing

                   Postprobationary employees, certain requirement to serve additional probationary period removed, 1787

                   Probationary teachers or administrators, authority of district not to renew contract removed, 1786

                   Procedures made applicable to other licensed educational personnel, 1786, 1787

             Pupil growth, percentage of evaluation based on reduced, recommendations regarding revised performance measures, 1785, 1787, 1788

             Pupil-teacher ratios, whether classes exceed recommended ratios and effect on employee’s performance to be considered, 1784, 1785

             Teachers, assistance in meeting standards for effective teaching

                   Appropriations, transfers of money, 2378, 2387, 2388

                   Block grants to provide, 3266, 3267

      Expenditures by schools and districts for employment of personnel, reports, distribution and Internet publication, 4208, 4209

      Financial Literacy Month, annual summit for educators, 1988, 1991, 3362

      Group insurance for public employees (See INSURANCE)

      Homeless pupils, authority of certain personnel to obtain certified copy of birth certificate, 4506

      Immorality, grounds for certain disciplinary action, 1056, 1057

      Integrated pest management

             Appointment of chief and subordinate coordinators, duties, 1941, 1942

             Certification of certain personnel, requirements, 1942

      Language and literacy skills of children who are deaf, hard of hearing, blind or visually impaired

             Advisory Committee on Language Development for Children Who Are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Blind or Visually Impaired, representation, 3936

             Criteria to assess development of skills, regulation, training requirements, 3938, 3939

      Legal right to work in United States, employment authorized, 4341

      Librarians, evaluation of performance, requirements, regulation, 1786

      Library media specialists

             National certification, certain professional specialists with, appropriation to pay salary increase, 2377

             Pupil-media specialist ratios, nonbinding recommendations, establishment, requirements, 3233


             Background investigations, procedures, confidentiality of information, 1052, 1053

             Citizen or lawful permanent resident of United States, certain requirements removed, 4340

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4340

             Expiration of license, receipt of notice, requirements, 1055

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4340

             Suspension or revocation, grounds, procedures, reinstatement, 1056-1058


                   Additional license to teach outside grade level of experience, competency testing requirements, 1051

                   Armed Forces members, applications by spouses, expedited processing, 888

                   Early childhood education, additional license to teach outside grade level of experience, 1051

                   Endorsements to teach

                          Computer literacy or computer science, costs of coursework to receive, reimbursement, funding, 2696, 2697

                          English as a second language

                                Reimbursement for coursework to obtain endorsement, appropriation to Account for the New Nevada Education Funding Plan, 2391

                                Teach Nevada Scholarship, eligibility, 4360

                          Financial literacy

                                NSHE, course of study for obtaining endorsement, requirements, offsetting of costs, 1993, 1994

                                Regional training programs, training and continuing professional development for teachers who receive endorsement, funding, 1993, 2386

                                Requirements for obtaining endorsement, regulation, 1991

                         Special education, eligibility for Teach Nevada Scholarship, 4360

                   Foreign countries, applicants from, license by endorsement, 1314, 1316

                   Legal right to work in United States, effect of expiration, 4341

                   Multicultural education, proof of completion of course for renewal of license, applicability of requirement, 1053, 1060

                   Reimbursement of costs of obtaining license, authority of Nevada Institute on Teaching and Educator Preparation to provide, 2021

                   Special qualifications license eliminated, 1048-1051, 1060

                   Veterans and Armed Forces members and spouses, alternative route to licensure, 889

      Literacy programs, shortfall in personnel services expenditures, supplemental appropriation, 1781

      Mental health workers in schools with identified needs, block grants for, appropriation, 2390, 4020, 4021

      Military Children, Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for, designation of liaison between district and military families, duties, 271, 272

      Nevada Ready 21 Technology Program

             Appropriation for competitive grant program, 2383

             Block grants

                   Appropriations, transfers of money, 2378, 2387, 2388

                   Issuance, use, 3266, 3267


             Block grants for licensed mental health workers in schools with identified needs, appropriation, 2390, 4020, 4021

             National certification, reimbursement of actual examination costs, appropriation, 2376

             Pupil-nurse ratios, nonbinding recommendations, establishment, requirements, 3233


             Statewide school safety, committee on, representation, 3232

             Victory schools, employment of personnel to provide certain services authorized, funding, 2383, 2384, 3468

             Victory services, employment of paraprofessionals who provide, 4203

      Peer assistance and review programs

             Great Teaching and Leading Fund

                   Appropriation for competitive grant program, 2387, 2394

                   Block grants

                          Appropriations, transfers of money, 2378, 2387, 2388

                          Distribution, procedures, 3266-3268

             Teachers, contingent appropriation, 2388, 2394

      Police officers

             Additional officers, grants to employ and equip, funding, 2390, 2391, 4021

             Conferences regarding safety in public schools, authority to attend, 3246

             Crisis, emergency or suicide response, school resource officer defined to include school police officer, 3239

             Jurisdiction, 3248, 3249

             Peace officer powers, 3255, 3256, 3258

             Portable event recording devices

                   Purchase and maintenance, funding, 3255

                   Use, requirements, regulation, 3257

             Private schools, authority to contract with districts for provision of officers, 3252

             School safety teams, membership, 3235

             Sexual abuse or sexual exploitation of children, training requirements, 3258

             Suicide prevention, training requirements, 1769

             Vehicular event recording devices, funding for purchase and maintenance, 3255


             At-will employment or reassignment, repeal of provisions, 2682, 2688

             Core academic subjects, placement of pupils in more rigorous courses, duties, 1205, 1206

             Crisis, emergency or suicide response plans, duties, 3243

             Discipline of pupils

                   Collection of data, reports, duties, 3570, 3571

                   Progressive discipline, duties, certain duties removed, 3572, 3573

                   Restorative disciplinary practices, duties, 3250, 3251

             English learners, duty to adopt corrective action plan at certain schools, 4355

             Plans to improve achievement of pupils, duties, 3231, 3232, 3469

             Probationary period for certain persons promoted to principal, repeal of provisions, 2688


                   Learning strategist, duty to designate repealed, 4491

                   Literacy specialists, designation, duties, 4491

                   Pupils in elementary school deficient in reading, powers and duties, 4495, 4496, 4498

             Safety drills, duties, 3250

             School supplies, teachers using money from special revenue fund, duty to maintain receipts of purchases removed, 3225, 3226

             Statewide school safety, committee on, representation, 3232

      Professional development

             Discipline of pupils, reporting and analysis of data, requirements, 1019, 1020

             English learners

                   Zoom schools and grants for programs and services

                          Appropriations, 2381, 2382

                          Authorized use of money, restrictions, 3460-3463

                   Zoom services, additional funding for programs benefiting English learners, 4204

             Financial incentives, teachers to be provided professional development, 2384

             Financial literacy teachers

                   Endorsement to teach, training and continuing professional development

                          Department of Education, authority to provide, appropriation, 1993, 2386

                          Regional training programs, duties, 1993

                   Instruction in Financial Literacy, Account for, appropriation, use, 2392, 2393

                   State Seal of Financial Literacy Program, requirements, 1986

             Great Teaching and Leading Fund

                   Appropriation for competitive grant program, 2387, 2394

                   Block grants

                          Appropriations, transfers of money, 2378, 2387, 2388

                          Distribution and use of money, procedures, 3266-3268

             Literacy specialists, regulation, 4492

             New Nevada Education Funding Plan, Account for the, appropriation, use, 2391

             Read by Grade 3 grant program, funding for certain school-based efforts, 2380

             Reading, elementary school teachers providing instruction in, requirements, regulation, 4491, 4492

             Regional training programs, appropriation for allocations, 2385, 2386

             School gardens for Title I schools, use of money allocated for programs, 3458

             Victory schools

                   Appropriations, 2383, 2384

                   Distribution and use of money, procedures, 3468-3470

             Victory services, additional funding for programs benefiting at-risk pupils, 4203

      Professional qualifications of licensed employees, provision to parents or guardians upon request, 1055


             5% salary increment for national certification, appropriation, 2377

             Authorized services, supervision, 3080

             Block grants for mental health workers in schools with identified needs, appropriation, 2390, 4020, 4021

             Crisis, emergency or suicide response, membership of development committees, 3240

             Definition of school psychologist, 3079

             Pupil-psychologist ratios, nonbinding recommendations, establishment, requirements, 3233

             SafeVoice Program, membership of teams to receive notification of certain activity, 3969

             School safety teams, membership, 3235

             Statewide school safety, committee on, representation, 3232

      Recruitment and retention

             English learners

                   Zoom schools and grants for programs and services

                          Appropriation, transfer of money, 2381, 2382

                          Authorized use of money, restrictions, 3460-3463

                          State Board to prescribe list of incentives, 3463, 3464

                   Zoom services, licensed educational personnel who provide, incentives to hire and retain, 4204

             Great Teaching and Leading Fund

                   Appropriation for competitive grant program, 2387, 2394

                   Block grants

                          Appropriations, transfers of money, 2378, 2387, 2388

                          Distribution and use of money, procedures, 3266-3268

             New Nevada Education Funding Plan, Account for the, appropriation, use, 2391

             Teachers, financial incentives

                   Block grants to provide incentives to new teachers

                          Appropriations, transfers of money, 2378, 2387, 2388

                          Distribution and use of money, procedures, 3266-3268

                   High-vacancy schools, imposition of sales and use tax to support incentives authorized, procedures, reports, 3261-3264

                   Special education, grants to provide incentives to newly hired teachers, appropriation, 2384

                   Underperforming or Title I schools

                          Currently employed teachers, 2895

                          Hiring of new teachers, 2385

                          Newly hired teachers, 2384

                          Teachers transferring to schools, 2385

             Victory schools

                   Appropriation, transfer of money, 2383, 2384

                   Distribution and use of money, procedures, 3468-3470

                   State Board to prescribe list of incentives, 3469

             Victory services, licensed educational personnel who provide, incentives to hire and retain, 4203

      Regional training programs

             Computer literacy and computer science, requirements, appropriation, 2698, 2701

             Financial Literacy Month summit, duties of governing bodies, funding, 1991, 3362

             Financial literacy, teachers receiving endorsement to teach courses related to, requirements, funding, 1993, 2386

             Great Teaching and Leading Fund, leadership training and development programs

                   Appropriation for competitive grant program, 2387, 2394

                   Block grants

                          Appropriations, transfers of money, 2378, 2387, 2388

                          Distribution and use of money, procedures, 3266-3268

             Statewide Council for the Coordination of the Regional Training Programs, funding, duties, 2386

      Resource officers

             Additional officers, grants to employ and equip, funding, 2390, 2391, 4021

             Crisis, emergency or suicide response, definition of resource officer includes school police officer, 3239

             School safety teams, membership, 3235

             Statewide school safety, committee on, representation, 3232

             Suicide prevention, training requirements, 1762


             Service credit purchased by districts, appropriation, 2389

      Safety drills, duties of certain personnel, 3250


             Counselors, 5% salary increment for national certification, appropriation, 2377

             Financial incentives (See Recruitment and retention, this heading)

             Literary specialists, additional compensation, 4491

            Local government employee-management relations

                   Money appropriated to carry out salary increases

                          Subject to negotiations with employee organizations, 3609

                          Use to determine district’s financial ability, 3612, 3614, 3615

                   Negotiated salary increases

                          Appropriations, transfers of money, 2378, 2387, 2388

                          Districts, duties, nonreversion of money, applicability of provisions, 3261, 3269

             Professional school library media specialists with national certification, appropriation to pay salary increase, 2377

             Psychologists, 5% salary increment for national certification, appropriation, 2377

             Reading, elementary school teachers providing instruction in, additional compensation, 4491

      School safety specialist for district, designation, duties, 3233, 3234

      Settlement agreements, certain provisions prohibited, exception, 800, 801

      Social and environmental factors that affect educational experience of pupils, identification, consideration when making decisions pertaining to personnel, 1178

      Social workers

             Authorized services, supervision, 3080, 3081

             Block grants for social workers in schools with identified needs, appropriation, 2390, 4020, 4021

             Crisis, emergency or suicide response, membership of development committees, 3240

             Definition of “school social worker,” 3079

             Pupil-social worker ratios, establishment of nonbinding recommendations, requirements, 980, 3233

             SafeVoice Program, membership of teams to receive notification of certain activity, 3969

             School safety teams, membership, 3235

      Specialized instructional support personnel, development of nonbinding recommendations for ratio of pupils to personnel, establishment, requirements, 3233

      Speech-language pathologists, development of nonbinding recommendations for ratio of pupils to pathologist, establishment, requirements, 3233

      Suicide, training regarding

             Grades 7 to 12, adoption of policy for suicide prevention, requirements, 1761

             School resource officers and school police officers, training in suicide prevention, 1762, 1769

             Teachers and administrators, suicide prevention training received by, report to Legislature, requirements, 673, 674

             Violence and suicide associated with bullying and cyber-bullying, training requirements, 1763


             Competency examinations passed by teachers, provision of information to parents or guardians upon request, 1055

             Computer literacy or computer science

                   Endorsement to teach, costs of coursework to receive, reimbursement, funding, 2696, 2697

                    Incentives to earn degree or credentials, grant program, 2697

                   Training in methods to teach pupils, requirements of regional training programs, appropriation, 2698, 2701

             Endorsements to teach (See Licenses, this heading)

             Financial Literacy Advisory Council, State, representation, payment of costs of employing substitute while attending meetings, 1987, 1988

             Geographic Alliance in Nevada, appropriation, 2377, 2378

             Language Development for Children Who Are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Blind or Visually Impaired, Advisory Committee on, representation, 3936

             Legal right to work in United States, effect of expiration, 4341

             Licenses (See Licenses, this heading)

             Literacy of elementary school pupils

                   Learning strategists, provisions repealed, 4491, 4492

                   Literacy specialists

                          Additional compensation, 4491

                         Designation, qualifications, 4491

                          Duties, 4491, 4492, 4495

                          Hiring and training, funding, 4499

                          Professional development, 4492

                   Reading teachers, additional compensation authorized, professional development, 4491, 4492

             National certification, reimbursement of costs incurred, appropriation, 2376

             Peer assistance and review (See also Peer assistance and review programs, this heading)

                   Block grants

                          Appropriations, transfers of money, 2378, 2387, 2388

                          Distribution, procedures, 3266-3268

                   Contingent appropriation, 2388, 2394

             Personal safety of children, training regarding, reports, 2651, 2652

             Prekindergarten programs supported by certain grant, requirements, 3981

             Professional development (See Professional development, this heading)

             Pupil-teacher ratios (See also SCHOOLS, PUBLIC)

                   2019-2021 biennium, grades 1-3, employment of licensed teachers to comply with required ratios, funding, 2374

             Recruitment and retention (See Recruitment and retention, this heading)

             Recruitment and Retention Advisory Task Force, Nevada State Teacher, creation, appropriation, 2448-2450

             Safety drills, duties, 3250

             School supplies, authority and procedures to make direct payments from special revenue funds, limitations on amount, repayments, adoption of policies, 3224-3226

             Sexual conduct with person in position of authority over alleged victim, rebuttable presumption of nonconsent, 1906

             Special education

                   Endorsements to teach, eligibility for Teach Nevada Scholarship, 4360

                   Grants to provide incentives to newly hired teachers, appropriation, 2384

             Statewide school safety, committee on, representation, 3232

             Suicide prevention, training received, reporting requirements, 673, 674

      Teachers’ aides serving as teachers, violations, deductions from apportionment, 4235

      Veterans, consideration of Joint Services Transcript to satisfy qualifications for certain positions, 888

      Volunteers, alternative procedures for background checks, exemptions from requirements, 1519-1523


      Allocations to local school precincts for next school year, requirements, 792, 3603

      Measure for determining number and category of pupils, repeal, 793, 3603

      School associate superintendents, authority to oversee more than 25 local school precincts authorized, 3602

      Utilities, responsibility for, 3601


      Abuse, neglect or other illegal conduct committed against child, reports

             Child witness to allegations in report, authority to interview, protection of identity, 413-417

             Parent or guardian of child, authority to share information with attorney, 416, 417

             Substantiation of reports, duties of agencies which provides child welfare services following, 416, 417

      Achievement of pupils, plans to improve

             Grants and other financial support to improve pupil achievement, 2380

             School climate, methods for evaluating and improving, inclusion, 3231, 3232

             Victory schools, requirements, 3469

      At-risk pupils

             Additional educational needs, funding, 4199-4203, 4253

             New Nevada Education Funding Plan, Account for the, assessment of proficiency for purposes of receiving allocations, requirements, 2503

             Special counseling services for elementary pupils at risk of failure, funding, 2377


            Average daily attendance, reporting requirements repealed, 792

             English learners, authority to attend school outside zone of attendance under certain circumstances, 4355, 4356

             Opt-in children, provisions repealed, 3289

             Suspension, expulsion or removal of pupil solely for offenses related to prohibited, 3578

             Truancy, programs to reduce, authority of counties to impose sales and use tax to support, procedures, reports, 3261-3263

      Bullying or cyber-bullying (See SCHOOLS, PUBLIC — Safe and respectful learning environment)

      Career and technical education (See CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION)

      Core academic subjects, placement of pupils in more rigorous courses, procedures, 1205, 1206

      Crisis, emergency or suicide (See also SCHOOLS, PUBLIC)

             School committee to review response plans, membership, 3243

      Disabilities, pupils with

             Aging and Disability Services Division, services available for children, information to be provided to parents or guardians, 3052

             Diploma, criteria for receipt of alternative diploma, 917

             Due process hearings, compliance procedures following, enforcement of orders, 914, 915

             Funding for pupils

                   Basic support guarantee, funding for statewide multiplier, 2019-2021 biennium, 2372, 2373

                   Statewide base per pupil funding, additional weighted funding, 4199-4203, 4210, 4226, 4253


             Out-of-state medical facilities providing educational services to state residents, reimbursements, 3111, 4214

             Prekindergarten programs supported by certain grant, requirements, 3982

             Special education programs (See SCHOOLS, PUBLIC)

             Suicide, pupils at high risk of

                   Crisis, emergency or suicide model management plan, contents, 1765

                   Grades 7-12, adoption of suicide prevention policy, requirements, 1761, 1762

      Disciplinary action

            Accountability reports, contents, 3231

             Data collected by schools, requirements, reports, 1019, 1020, 3570, 3571

             Guidance documents, Internet publication, 3570

             Progressive discipline, plans for, requirements, 3572, 3573

             Restorative disciplinary practices

                   Plan for restorative discipline of pupils and on-site review of disciplinary decisions, requirements, 3250, 3251

                   Safe and respectful learning environment, policy for, contents, 3234, 3235

             Suspension, expulsion or removal

                   Age of pupil, requirements for certain actions, 3575-3578

                   Attendance, action taken solely for offenses related to prohibited, 3578

                   Battery resulting in bodily injury to employee, procedures, 3291, 3575, 3576

                   Becoming opt-in child, provisions repealed, 3291, 3292

                   Challenge schools, suspended or expelled pupil may be allowed to attend, 1984

                   Controlled substances, certain sale or distribution by pupil, procedures, 3291, 3575, 3576

                   Crime, pupil charged with, action authorized regardless of outcome of criminal or delinquency proceedings, conditions, 3578

                   Firearms possession, procedures, 3292, 3575-3578

                   Habitual disciplinary problems, development of plan of behavior, procedures, 3574, 3576

                   Modification to suspension or expulsion, 3577

                   Placement in another school, requirements, 3575, 3576

                   Removal of pupil from school premises, temporary alternative placement made discretionary, 3251, 3252

                   Restorative justice, plans of action based on

                          Approval of plans required, 3570

                          Battery resulting in bodily injury to employee, requirements, authority of employee to appeal plan of action, 3575, 3576

                          Controlled substances, certain sale or distribution by pupil, requirements, 3575

                          Examples of plan to be developed by Department of Education, requirements, 3570

                          Placement of pupil in another school, requirements, 3576

                          School to provide plan before expelling pupil, 3570

                   Special education program, pupils participating in

                          Permanent expulsion, procedure, 3577, 3579

                          Suspension, number of days for each suspension reduced, procedure, 3577, 3579

      Discriminatory harassment, legislative study, 3082, 3083

      Dual enrollment in high school and college courses, funding to support, 2379

      Educational records, transfer by out-of-state medical facilities providing educational services to state residents, requirements, regulation, 3110, 3111

      Election board officer trainees, limit on number removed, 4067, 4109

      English learners

             Additional educational needs, funding, 4199-4204, 4253

             Assessment to measure literacy, authority of districts to identify and purchase, requirements, 4357

             College and career readiness assessments

                   Accountability reports, contents, 4353-4355

                   Achievement of pupils, data regarding, reports, 4354

                   Availability of authorized supports required, 4359

             Corrective action plan, adoption at certain schools required, authority to attend school outside zone of attendance, 4355, 4356

             Criterion-referenced examinations

                   Accountability reports, certain information, contents, 4353-4355

                   Achievement of pupils, data regarding, reports, 4354

                   Availability of authorized supports required, 4357

             Expenditures by districts, use to attain goals of Legislature to assist pupils not proficient in English language, 2373

             Grants for programs and services

                   Applications for grants, requirements, 2382, 3462, 3463

                   Appropriation, requirements, 2382, 3465

                   Award based on number of pupils enrolled who are English learners, 3463

                   Effectiveness of programs and services

                          Independent evaluations to measure, contracts for, reports, 3464, 3465

                          Statewide performance levels and outcome indicators to measure, State Board to prescribe, requirements, reports, 3464, 3465

                   Notice of failure to implement programs and services and plan of corrective action, regulation, 3464

                   Parent and family engagement, programs for, restrictions on use of money, 3463

                   Professional development for licensed educational personnel, restrictions on use of money, 3463

                   Programs and services authorized, 3462, 3463

                   Recruitment and retention incentives

                          Authorized use of money, restrictions, 3463

                          State Board to prescribe list of incentives, 3463, 3464

                   Reports to Department of Education, requirements, 3463, 3465

                   Use of money received, restrictions, 3463

             Policy for instruction to teach English and plan to ensure policy achieves objectives, requirements, 4356, 4357

             Zoom schools (See SCHOOLS, ZOOM)

             Zoom services, additional funding for programs for English learners, 4203, 4204

      English proficiency and academic achievement of certain pupils who are not English learners, duties of English Mastery Council, 2441

      Financial literacy, funding to support instruction, grant program, 2392, 2393

      Financial Literacy Month

             Parent and family engagement summit, establishment, funding, 1986, 1988, 3362

             Student Smart Week and Money Week, 1987, 1988

      Financial Literacy, State Seal of, requirements for awarding, 1986, 1988

      Foster care, pupils in

             Credits for coursework or course of study, determination of amount to award and accept, procedures, 1162

             High school diploma, award to pupils who transfer to school while enrolled in grade 11 or grade 12, requirements, 1163

             Identification, procedures for, review and adjustment of academic plans, 1161

             Suicide, pupils at high risk of

                   Crisis, emergency or suicide model management plan, contents, 1765

                   Grades 7-12, adoption of suicide prevention policy, requirements, 1761, 1762

      Gifted and talented pupils

             2019-2021 biennium, funding for differentiated instruction, 2378, 2379

             Additional educational needs, funding, 4199-4203, 4210, 4253

      Handle with Care Program (See also SCHOOLS, PUBLIC)

             Child exposed to traumatic event, duty of law enforcement officer or employee to provide certain notification, 3972

      Homeless pupils

             Birth certificates, persons authorized to obtain certified copy free of charge, 4506, 4507

             Credits for coursework or course of study, determination of amount to award and accept, procedures, 1162

             High school diploma, award to pupils who transfer to school while enrolled in grade 11 or grade 12, requirements, 1163

             Identification, procedures for, review and adjustment of academic plans, 1161

             Liaison for Post-Secondary Education for Homeless Pupils, creation, duties, 369-371

             Suicide, pupils at high risk of

                   Crisis, emergency or suicide model management plan, contents, 1765

                   Grades 7-12, adoption of suicide prevention policy, requirements, 1761, 1762

      Integrated student supports

             Statewide framework for, requirements, 3247, 3248

             Victory schools, distribution and use of money, appropriations, 2383, 2384, 3468-3470

             Victory services, funding for at-risk pupils, 4203

      Interscholastic activities (See INTERSCHOLASTIC ACTIVITIES)

      Juvenile assessment centers, appropriation, 2969

      Literacy of elementary school pupils

             Academic retention of pupil in grade 3

                   Criterion-reference examination, effect of failure to obtain passing score, provisions repealed, 4494-4496

                   Principals, authority, consultations, 4495, 4496

                   Promotion of pupil to grade 4 anytime during school year, provisions repealed, 4493, 4497

                   Transitional instructional setting, placement of certain pupils, provisions repealed, 4497, 4498

             Assessment of pupil’s proficiency in reading, requirements, 4491, 4494

             Criterion-referenced examinations

                   Alternative examination for pupils who did not obtain passing score in reading, provisions repealed, 4496

                   Failure to meet passing score in reading

                          Academic retention of pupil, repeal of certain provisions, 4494-4496

                          Intervention services and intensive instruction to be provided to pupil, procedures following, 4494

                   Use in determining whether pupil will receive program or services, 4493

             Educational programs and services, notices regarding, reports, 4493, 4498

             Intervention services and intensive instruction, program to provide

                   Annual reports, requirements, 4498

                   Continuation of services and instruction, consultations regarding, requirements, 4495, 4496

                   Criterion-reference examination, effect of failure to obtain passing score, procedures following, 4494, 4496, 4497

                   Notice of deficiency in reading, contents, 4493

                   Plan to monitor growth of pupil, requirements, 4494, 4496

                   Plans to improve literacy of pupils, contents, 4490

             New Nevada Education Funding Plan, Account for the, appropriation, use, 2391

             Newly enrolled pupils, applicability of provisions, 4493

             Notice of deficiency in reading, requirements, 4493, 4494, 4496

             Plan to monitor growth to include regular assessments in any area of deficiency, 4494

             Plans to improve literacy of pupils, applicability expanded to all grades, requirements, 4490, 4491

             Read by Grade 3 grant program

                   2019-2021 biennium, funding, use, 2380, 2381

                   Grants made noncompetitive, awarded upon weighted formula, applicable to programs for pupils enrolled in elementary school, 4499

                   Reports, requirements, 2381, 4499, 4500

                   School based efforts, authorized use of grants and other financial support, 2380, 2381, 4499

             Victory schools, reading skills centers

                   Appropriations, 2383, 2384

                   Distribution and use of money, procedures, 3468-3470

             Victory services, reading skills centers for at-risk pupils, funding, 4203

             Zoom schools, reading skills centers

                   Appropriation, 2381, 2382

                   Requirements, 3460, 3461

             Zoom services, reading skills centers for English learners, funding, 4203

      Museum visits, funding for transportation costs, 3353

      Native American pupils, transportation to school outside home district, reimbursement to districts for additional costs, 2373

      Nevada College Kick Start Program, accounting method for money in accounts, funding of marketing costs, 3905-3907

      Nevada Ready 21 Technology Program

             Appropriation for competitive grant program, 2383

             Block grants

                   Appropriations, transfers of money, 2378, 2387, 2388

                   Issuance, use, 3266, 3267

      Opt-in children, provisions repealed, 3288-3291, 3294

      Out-of-state medical facilities providing educational services to state residents, reimbursements, 3110, 3111, 4213, 4214

      Outdoor Education and Recreation Grant Program, creation, requirements, 3960-3962

      Pupil-teacher ratios (See SCHOOLS, PUBLIC)

      Remediation, pupils in need of, expenditures by districts to be used to attain goals of Legislature with regard to assisting pupils, 2373

      Safe-to-Tell Program, renamed SafeVoice Program, 3236-3239, 3967, 3968, 3971, 3972

      SafeVoice Program (See also SCHOOLS, PUBLIC)

             Personally identifiable information of pupils, access by appropriate public safety agencies, 3236, 3237

      School safety, committee on statewide, creation, representation, duties, 3232

      School safety teams, membership, 3235

      School services

             Information to be provided by schools before allowing pupils to use services or providing pupils with any technology, 3942


                   Data concerning pupils, notice regarding certain security breaches, requirements, 3945

                   Personally identifiable information of pupils

                          Aggregated information, authorized use, 3945

                          Research required or authorized by federal or state law, use of information authorized, 3944

                          Targeted advertising, restrictions, 3944

      Self-medication, persons authorized to sign statement allowing pupil to perform, 138-141

      Social and environmental factors that affect educational experience, identification, consideration when making decisions pertaining to pupils, 1178

      Social, emotional and academic development, program of, appropriation for implementation, 4021

      Social, psychological or health care services to pupils and their families

             New Nevada Education Funding Plan, Account for the, appropriation, use, 2391

             Victory schools, provision of services authorized, 3468

      STEM events recognizing pupils demonstrating exemplary achievement, certain requirements removed, 3096

      Suicide (See also SCHOOLS, PUBLIC — Crisis, emergency or suicide; SUICIDE)

             Number of incidents of suicide, attempted suicide or suicidal ideation among pupils, reporting requirements, 674

             Pupils at high risk of

                   Crisis, emergency or suicide model management plan, contents, 1765

                   Grades 7-12, adoption of suicide prevention policy, requirements, 1761, 1762

             Suicide prevention, training requirements for pupils, adoption of policy, 1761

      Sun exposure, school policy requirements, 546

      Suspension, expulsion or removal (See Disciplinary action, this heading)

      Truancy, sales and use tax to support programs to reduce, procedures, reports, 3261-3263

      Unaccompanied pupils

             Credits for coursework or course of study, determination of amount to award and accept, procedures, 1162

             High school diploma, award to pupils who transfer to school while enrolled in grade 11 or grade 12, requirements, 1163

             Identification, procedures for, review and adjustment of academic plans, 1161

             Liaison for Post-Secondary Education for Homeless Pupils, creation, duties, 369-371

             State Registrar of Vital Statistics, issuance of statement as to date of birth when necessary for admission to school, 4507


      Creation, duties, 3232


      Achievement School District

             Conversion of public schools, effect of abolishment of District on, 2080

             Duties of schools upon abolishment, 2018, 2079, 2080

             Repeal of provisions, 2049-2080

      Charter contract entered into with State Public Charter School Authority, duties of governing bodies, 2079

      Education savings accounts, provisions repealed, 3285, 3286, 3294

      Volunteers, alternative procedures for background checks, exemptions from requirements, 1511-1513, 1515


      Accountability and reporting of expenditures, duties, 1982

      Adult standard diploma, authority to apply certain credits received, 1981, 1982

      Agreements to establish challenge school, requirements, school deemed public school upon execution of agreement, 1981

      Applications to participate, establishment of guidelines, 1980


             Count of pupils for purposes of apportionment, 1977, 1978, 1981

             School ceasing to operate, remaining payments to be made to school districts where pupils reside, 1983

      Average daily attendance, method of calculating, 1981

      Basic support guarantee, count of pupils, 1976, 1983

      Courses of study, requirements, 1980-1982

      Creation, 1980

      Curriculum, development, 1982

      Days of school, challenge schools exempt from minimum requirement, 1979

      Definitions, 1980

      Disciplinary action

             Rules of behavior and appropriate punishments for violations, adoption, distribution, 1982

             Suspension, expulsion or removal of pupil, grounds, procedure, 1982

             Suspension or expulsion of pupil from public school, authority to attend challenge school, 1983, 1984

      Education laws , authority of Superintendent of Public Instruction to waive provisions, 1981, 1982

      Eligibility to participate in Program, establishment of criteria, 1981

      Enrollment of pupils, 1981, 1982

      Federal money received for education, duty to comply with laws to prevent loss, 1982

      High school graduation, authority to apply certain credits received, 1981, 1982

      Limitation of civil actions to collect upon a bill, 1983

      Mentoring and monitoring of participants, requirements, 1980

      Military, Office of the, administration of Program, regulations, duties, 1980-1983

      National Guard Youth Challenge Program Account, Nevada, creation, administration, 1981

      Payment of money, orders for, 1983

      Residential and nonresidential components of Program, requirements, 1980

      Schedule for program of instruction, 1981

      Textbooks, applicability of laws, 1982

      Truancy, adoption of rules relating to, requirements, 1983


      Achievement charter schools, abolishment, procedures for being deemed charter school, 2018, 2079, 2080

      Applications to form school

             Demographic information of pupils, academic needs of pupils and needs of pupils at risk of dropping out, evaluation, 2302

             Review, considerations, criteria for approval, 2304

      Blueprints of school confidential, required and authorized disclosures, 1062, 1063

      Charter contracts or written charters

             Achievement charter schools, requirements, 2018, 2079, 2080

             Distance education, operation as school for, requirements, 1622

             Renewal of charter contract, minimum and maximum terms for, 1397

      Construction, applicability of prevailing wage laws, 715, 933

      Counseling program, duty to provide, 3079

      Crisis, emergency or suicide response plans

             Contents, 3241

             Development committees, membership, 3240

             Emergency Management, Division of

                   Audit of plans, duties, 3233

                   Compliance with laws, submission of notices and reports, 2470, 3232

                   Emergency response plans, development of written guide for preparation and maintenance, distribution to schools, 2470

                   Receipt of plans for approval, 2466, 3241, 3242

             Minimum requirements, plan developed by development committee constitutes, 3239, 3240

             School committees to review, membership, duties, 3243, 3244

      Distance education

             Operation exclusively as school for distance education, regulation, 1621-1623

             Pupils enrolled full-time in program, formula for calculating apportionments to schools, certain amounts to be paid to Department of Education, 2038, 2039

      Empowerment schools, budgets, requirements, 4234

      Finances (See also SCHOOL FINANCES AND FUNDS)

             New Nevada Education Funding Plan, Account for the

                   Allocations from Account, evaluation of services provided, reports, 2504

                   Appropriation, 2391

                   Repeal, 4253

             Sources of funding, receipt of information, 4229

             State Supplemental School Support Account, distributions from, reports, 2394

      Governing bodies

             Abuse or sexual abuse of child, recognizing and reporting, employee training, reports, 2651, 2652

             Computer literacy or computer science

                   Account for Computer Education and Technology, use, 2696, 2697

                   Degree or other credentials in computer science, incentives for teacher to earn, grant program, appropriation, 2697

                   Endorsement to teach, reimbursement of costs for coursework to obtain, duties, 2696

                   Great Teaching and Leading Fund, use, 2696

                   Instruction programs, assistance in establishing, availability of Internet resource repository, 2696

             Core academic subjects, placement of pupils in more rigorous courses, duties, 1206

             Disabilities, pupils with

                   Aging and Disability Services Division, services available for children, provision of information to parents or guardians, duties, 3052

                   Data regarding pupils enrolled in district, annual reports to Department of Education, 3051, 3052

             Financial Literacy Program, State Seal of, participation, duties, 1986

             Handle with Care Program, receipt of training, 3967

             Personal safety of children, training and reported incidents of abuse, reports, 2651, 2652

             SafeVoice Program

                   Teams to receive notification of certain activity, appointments, 3969

                   Training, receipt, 3969

             Social and environmental factors that affect educational experience of pupils, identification, duties, 1178

             State Supplemental School Support Account, reports, 2394

             Suicide prevention

                   2019-2020 school year, courses of study and personnel training, reporting requirements, 673, 674

                   Grades 7-12, adoption of policy for suicide prevention, requirements, 1760, 1761

             Teachers’ School Supplies Reimbursement Account, duties, 3225, 3226

             Victory schools, duties, 3467-3469

      High school diplomas

             Financial Literacy, State Seal of, requirements for awarding, 1986, 1988

             Homeless or unaccompanied pupils or pupils in foster care, transfer to school while enrolled in grade 11 or grade 12, requirements for award of diploma, 1163

      Library books, block grants to purchase

             Appropriations, transfers of money, 2378, 2387, 2388

             Distribution of money, procedures, 3266-3268

      Nevada Ready 21 Technology Program

             Appropriation for competitive grant program, 2383

             Block grants

                   Appropriations, transfers of money, 2378, 2387, 2388

                   Issuance, use, 3266, 3267

      Operation of charter schools, block grants to support

             Appropriations, transfers of money, 2378, 2387, 2388

             Distribution of money, procedures, 3266-3268

      Opt-in children, provisions repealed, 3284, 3294

      Out-of-state medical facilities providing educational services to state residents, cooperative agreements, 3111, 3112

      Personnel (See also SCHOOL PERSONNEL)

             Block grants to provide incentives for new teachers

                   Appropriations, transfers of money, 2378, 2387, 2388

                   Distribution and use of money, procedures, 3266-3268

             Citizen or lawful permanent resident of United States, certain requirement for employment removed, 4340

             Commercial sexual exploitation of child, duty to report, 1932

             Counselors, employment requirements, 3079

             Language and literacy skills of children who are deaf, hard of hearing, blind or visually impaired

                   Advisory Committee on Language Development for Children Who Are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Blind or Visually Impaired, representation, 3936

                   Criteria to assess development of skills, regulation, training requirements, 3938, 3939

             Legal right to work in United States, employment authorized, 4341

             Mental health workers in schools with identified needs, block grants for, appropriation, 2390, 4020, 4021


                   Plans to improve achievement of pupils, duties, 3231, 3232, 3469


                          Learning strategist, duty to designate repealed, 4491

                          Literacy specialists, designation, duties, 4491

                          Pupils in elementary school deficient in reading, powers and duties, 4495, 4496, 4498

                   School safety specialist for school, designation, duties, 3233, 3234

                   School supplies, teachers using money from special revenue fund, duty to maintain receipts of purchases removed, 3225, 3226

             Professional qualifications of licensed employees, provision to parents or guardians upon request, 1055

             Resource officers

                   Additional officers, grants for, funding, 2390, 2391, 4021

                   Training in suicide prevention, requirements, 1762

             School police officers, grants for additional officers, funding, 2390, 2391, 4021

             Social and environmental factors that affect educational experience of pupils, identification, consideration when making decisions affecting personnel, 1178

             Social workers in schools with identified needs, block grants for, appropriation, 2390, 4020, 4021

             Suicide prevention, training requirements, 1761, 1762


                   Competency examinations passed by teachers, provision of information to parents or guardians upon request, 1055

                   Computer literacy or computer science

                          Endorsement to teach, costs of coursework to receive, reimbursement, funding, 2696, 2697

                          Incentives to earn degree or credentials, grant program, 2697

                   Legal right to work in United States, effect of expiration, 4341

                   Literacy of elementary school pupils

                          Learning strategists, provisions repealed, 4491, 4492

                          Literacy specialists

                                Additional compensation, 4491

                                Designation, qualifications, 4491

                                Duties, 4491, 4492, 4495

                                Hiring and training, funding, 4499

                                Professional development, 4492

                          Reading instructors, additional compensation authorized, professional development, 4491, 4492

                   Peer assistance and review programs, block grants

                          Appropriations, transfers of money, 2378, 2387, 2388

                          Distribution of money, procedures, 3266-3268

                   School supplies, authority and procedures to make direct payments from special revenue funds, limitations on amount, repayments, adoption of policies, 3224-3226

      Prekindergarten (See EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION)

      Public Charter School Loan Program, authorized expenditures, 3134

      Pupils (See also SCHOOL PUPILS)

             Academic retention of pupils, adoption of rules for, provisions repealed, 4492

             Annual physical examinations, information about importance, duties, 1478

             Career and technical organizations, block grants to support

                   Appropriations, transfers of money, 2378, 2387, 2388

                   Distribution, procedures, 3266-3268

             Challenge schools, application of credits earned towards graduation or adult standard diploma, 1981, 1982

             Core academic subjects, placement of pupils in more rigorous courses, procedures, 1205, 1206

             Disabilities, pupils with

                    Aging and Disability Services Division, services available for children, information to be provided to parents and guardians, 3052

                   Due process hearings, compliance procedures following, enforcement of orders, 914, 915

                   Out-of-state medical facilities providing educational services to state residents, reimbursements, 3111, 4214

                   Special education programs and related services

                          Suspension, expulsion or removal of pupils

                                Permanent expulsion, procedure, 3568, 3569

                                Suspension, number of days for each suspension reduced, procedure, 3568

                          Transfer of pupil due to inability to provide, removal of authority, 2071

             Distance education, schools for, collection of information on attendance, truancy and transiency of pupils, requirements, 1622, 1623

             Dual enrollment in high school and college courses, funding to support, 2379

             Educational records, transfer by out-of-state medical facilities providing educational services to state residents, requirements, regulation, 3110, 3111

             English learners

                   College and career readiness assessments

                          Accountability reports, contents, 4353-4355

                          Achievement of pupils, data regarding, reports, 4354

                          Availability of authorized supports required, 4359

                   Criterion-referenced examinations

                          Accountability reports, certain information, contents, 4353-4355

                          Achievement of pupils, data regarding, reports, 4354

                          Availability of authorized supports required, 4357

                   Grants for programs and services

                          Applications for grants, requirements, 2382, 3462, 3463

                          Appropriation, requirements, 2382, 3465

                          Award based on number of pupils enrolled who are English learners, 3463

                          Effectiveness of programs and services

                                Independent evaluations to measure, contracts for, reports, 3464, 3465

                                Statewide performance levels and outcome indicators to measure, State Board to prescribe, requirements, reports, 3464, 3465

                          Notice of failure to implement programs and services and plan of corrective action, regulation, 3464

                          Parent and family engagement, programs for, restrictions on use of money, 3463

                          Professional development for licensed educational personnel, restrictions on use of money, 3463

                          Programs and services authorized, 3462, 3463

                          Recruitment and retention incentives

                                Authorized use of money, restrictions, 3463

                                State Board to prescribe list of incentives, 3463, 3464

                          Reports to Department of Education, requirements, 3463, 3465

                          Use of money received, restrictions, 3463

             Financial literacy, funding to support instruction, grant program, 2392, 2393

             Foster care, pupils in

                   Accrual of credits and progress towards graduation, development of plan required, 1161

                   Credits for coursework or course of study, determination of amount to award and accept, procedures, 1162

                   High school diploma, award to pupils who transfer to school while enrolled in grade 11 or grade 12, requirements, 1163

                   Identification, procedures for, development, 1161

                   Suicide, pupils at high risk of

                          Crisis, emergency or suicide model management plan, contents, 1765

                          Grades 7-12, adoption of suicide prevention policy, requirements, 1761, 1762

             Gifted and talented pupils, funding for programs or needs, 2378, 2379, 4199-4203, 4253

             Homeless or unaccompanied pupils

                   Accrual of credits and progress towards graduation, development of plan required, 1161

                   Birth certificates, persons authorized to obtain certified copy free of charge, 4506, 4507

                   Credits for coursework or course of study, determination of amount to award and accept, procedures, 1162

                   High school diploma, award to pupils who transfer to school while enrolled in grade 11 or grade 12, requirements, 1163

                   Identification, procedures for, development, 1161

                   Immediate enrollment of homeless pupils required, 2070

                   Liaison for Post-Secondary Education for Homeless Pupils, creation of position, duties, 369-371

                   Suicide, pupils at high risk of

                          Crisis, emergency or suicide model management plan, contents, 1765

                          Grades 7-12, adoption of suicide prevention policy, requirements, 1761, 1762

             Immediate enrollment of certain pupils, when required, 2070

             Literacy of elementary school pupils

                   Educational programs and services provided to pupils, reports, 4492, 4493

                   Intervention services and intensive instruction, program to provide, adoption of rules, reports, 4492, 4493

                   Notice of deficiency in reading, requirements, 4493, 4494, 4496

                   Plans to improve literacy of pupils, applicability expanded to all grades, requirements, 4490, 4491

                   Read by Grade 3 grant program, requirements, funding, reports, 2380, 2381, 4499, 4500

                   Retention of pupil in grade 3

                          Promotion to grade 4 anytime during school year, repeal, 4493, 4497

                          Transitional instructional setting, placement of certain pupils, provisions repealed, 4497, 4498

             Out-of-state medical facilities providing educational services to state residents, reimbursements, 3110, 3111, 4213, 4214

             Plans to improve achievement of pupils

                   Methods for evaluating and improving school climate, inclusion, 3231, 3232

                   Victory schools, requirements, 3469

             Social and environmental factors that affect educational experience of pupils, identification and consideration when making decisions affecting pupils, 1178

             STEM, competitive grant program for pupils enrolled in middle schools and high schools, funding, 2379

             Suicide (See also SUICIDE)

                   Number of incidents of suicide, attempted suicide or suicidal ideation among pupils, reporting requirements, 674

                   Pupils at high risk of

                          Crisis, emergency or suicide model management plan, contents, 1765

                          Grades 7-12, adoption of suicide prevention policy, requirements, 1761, 1762

                   Suicide prevention, training requirements for pupils, adoption of policy, 1761

             Suspension, expulsion or removal

                   Age of pupil, minimum age for procedures to apply, 3568

                   Removal of pupil, reasonable effort to complete plan of action based on restorative justice required, 3568

                   Special education programs, pupils participating in, procedures, 3568, 3569

      School safety facility improvements, grant program, appropriations, 2391, 3293

      School services

             Information to be provided by schools before allowing pupils to use services or providing pupils with any technology, duties, 3942

             Providers, data concerning pupils, notice regarding certain security breaches, duties of schools following, 3945


             Annual reports to Department of Education, time for submission, form, 2069

             Applications to form schools, duties, 2302

             Apportionments, deductions for failure to submit reports, provision repealed, 4218

             Comprehensive review of sponsors by Department of Education, procedures, 2065, 2066

             English learners, grants to fund programs and services, duties, 3462, 3463, 3465

             Financial literacy, funding to support instruction, duties, 2393

             Homeless or unaccompanied pupils or pupils in foster care

                   Accrual of credits and progress towards graduation, development of plan for, duties, 1161

                   Credits for coursework or course of study, determination of amount to award and accept, procedures, 1162

                   High school diploma, award to pupils who transfer to school while enrolled in grade 11 or grade 12, requirements, 1163

                   Identification, procedures for, development, 1161

             Intervention services and intensive instruction provided to pupils, receipt of reports, 4492, 4493, 4498

             Opening or expanding school, duty to provide certain notices, 2301

             Site evaluations of schools, requirements, duties, 2302, 2303, 2306

             Sponsorship fee, payment, deduction from monthly apportionment, 4229

             State accountability reports, certain sponsors may receive portions of reports upon request, 2056

             Victory schools, duties, 3466, 3467

      State Public Charter School Authority

             Achievement School District, abolishment, duties, 2018, 2079, 2080

             Applications to form schools, duties, 2302

             Authorized expenditures, 3134

             Block grants to support certain programs, duties, reports, 3266, 3267

             Demographic information of pupils, academic needs of pupils and needs of pupils at risk of dropping out, annual evaluations, duties, 2302, 2306

             Distance education, charter schools for, duties, 1622, 1623

             English learners, grants for programs and services, duties, 2382

             Governor’s appointees, status, removal from office, 1566

             Growth of schools, plan to manage, establishment, duties, 2300, 2301, 2306

             Local educational agency, authority as, 2068

             Members, number, appointment, 2067, 2079

             Quorum, 2068

             Salaries of unclassified staff, 3335

             State accountability reports, receipt of portions of reports upon request, 2056

      Sun, exposure of pupils to, adoption of policy, requirements, 546

      Victory schools (See SCHOOLS, VICTORY)

      Volunteers, alternative procedures for background checks, exemptions from requirements, 1510-1514

      Work-based learning pilot programs, development and implementation, competitive grants, 2379


      Blueprints of school confidential, required and authorized disclosures, 1062, 1063

      Computer science, assistance in establishing instruction programs, availability of Internet resource repository, 2696

      Finances and funds (See SCHOOL FINANCES AND FUNDS)

      Governing bodies

             Grades 7-12, adoption of suicide prevention policy, requirements, 1760, 1761

             State Seal of Financial Literacy Program, participation, duties, 1986

             Status of Governor’s appointees, removal from office, 1566

      Personnel (See SCHOOL PERSONNEL)

      Pupils (See also SCHOOL PUPILS)

             Suspension, expulsion or removal

                   Age of pupil, minimum age for procedures to apply, 3569

                   Removal of pupil, reasonable effort to complete plan of action based on restorative justice required, 3569

                   Special education program, pupil participating in

                          Permanent expulsion, procedure, 3569, 3570

                          Suspension, number of days for each suspension reduced, procedure, 3569

      School services

             Information to be provided by schools before allowing pupils to use services or providing pupils with any technology, duties, 3942

             Providers, data concerning pupils, notice regarding certain security breaches, duty of schools following, 3945

      Statewide base per pupil funding (See also SCHOOL FINANCES AND FUNDS)

             Adjusted base per pupil funding, determination of amount, 4199

             Apportionments, requirements, count of pupils for purposes of, 4214, 4216, 4231

             State Education Fund, appropriations to schools, use, 4199

      Volunteers, alternative procedures for background checks, exemptions from requirements, 1515-1519


      Aversive intervention by licensed school personnel

             Disciplinary action, substantiated reports grounds for certain disciplinary action, 1056, 1057

             Issuance or renewal of license, background checks, 1051, 1052

      Blueprints of school, disclosures to public safety agency upon request, restrictions on disclosure by agency, 1062, 1063

      Cannabis establishments, adult-use

             Advertisements, restrictions, 3838

             Location, restrictions, 3795-3797

      Cannabis, possession on school property, persons not exempt from state prosecution, 3836

      Commercial sexual exploitation of child, duty to report, 1932

      Crisis, emergency or suicide response plans, requirements

             Compliance with laws, notices and reports, duties of Division of Emergency Management, 2470, 3232

             Emergency response plans, written guide for preparation and maintenance, receipt, 2470, 2471

             Time for posting and distributing copies of plan, 2467, 3253

      Energy, assistance with legislative study of renewable and clean energy, 4628

      Medical cannabis establishments, restrictions on location, 3791

      Medical marijuana establishments, location of advertisements, restrictions, penalties, 2334, 2335

      Mobile optometry clinics, operation, 3636


             Election board officer trainees, limit on number removed, 4067, 4109

             School services

                   Information to be provided by schools before allowing pupils to use services or providing pupils with any technology, 3946

                   Providers, data concerning pupils, notice regarding certain security breaches, duties of schools following, 3945

             Self-medication, persons authorized to sign statement allowing pupil to perform, 141-143

             Sun exposure, adoption of policy, requirements, 546

      School police officers, authority to contract with school districts for provision of requirements, immunity from liability, 3252

      Suicide prevention, adoption of policy, penalties and remedies for violation, 1769-1771

      Suicide Prevention, Statewide Program for, link to site to be posted on website of schools, 1770

      Volunteers, alternative procedures for background checks, exemptions from requirements, 1523-1525

      We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution Programs, appropriation, 2868


      Adult education programs, sales and use tax to support, procedures, reports, 3261-3263

      Assessments (See Examinations and assessments, this heading)

      Broadband development and improvement, appropriation, 3351

      Cannabis establishments, adult-use

             Advertisements, restrictions, 3838

             Location, restrictions, 3795-3797

      Career and technical education (See CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION)

      Challenge schools (See also SCHOOLS, CHALLENGE)

             Agreements to establish, deemed public school upon execution of agreement, 1981

      Counseling programs, duty to provide, 3079

      Courses of instruction

             Adult standard high school diploma, courses of study, funding, 2376

             Challenge schools, applicability of laws, 1982

             Computer science instruction programs, assistance to schools in establishing, availability of Internet resource repository, 2696

             Core academic subjects, establishment of more rigorous courses, placement of pupils, regulation, 1205, 1206

             Financial literacy, funding to support instruction, 2392, 2393


                   Annual physical examination, health courses to include importance of, 1479

                   Mental health and its relationship to physical health, standards for health course to include, 1766

             Physical education, instruction to include importance of annual physical examination, 1479

             Suicide prevention courses, reporting requirement, 673

      Crisis, emergency or suicide

             Conferences on school safety, school police officers authorized to attend, 3246

             Emergency managers, collaboration with school safety specialist in larger districts, 3234

             Mental illness, pupil with, transportation to facility or hospital, procedures, 2617

             Model management plan to include procedures for

                   Disaster behavioral health related to crisis, emergency or suicide, providing, 3244

                   Drills to instruct pupils in appropriate procedures in response to crisis or emergency, providing, 3245

                   Fire, explosion or other similar situation, providing specific information relating to managing resulting crisis or emergency, 3244

                   Mental illness, pupil determined to be person with, responding to, 2617, 2622

                   Suicide or attempted suicide, responding to or mitigating effects of, 1765

                   Threats against school by pupil or pupils, selecting assessment tool which assists in responding to, 3245

             Resilience Advisory Committee, Nevada, creation, duties, 1023-1027

             Response plans

                   Contents, 3241

                   Development committees, membership, 3240

                   Emergency Management, Division of

                          Audit of plans, duties, 3233

                          Compliance with laws, submission of notices and reports regarding, 2470, 3232

                          Emergency response plans, written guide for preparation and maintenance, development, distribution to schools, 2470, 2471

                          Receipt of plans for approval, 2466, 3241, 3242

                   Minimum requirements, plan developed by development committee constitutes, 3239, 3240

                   School committees to review, membership, duties, 3243, 3244

             Safety drills, requirements, 3250

      Days of school, challenge schools exempt from minimum requirement, 1979

      Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstration Program, incentives to certain schools that are customers of public utility, 693

      Examinations and assessments

             College and career readiness assessments, English learners

                   Accountability reports, contents, 4353-4355

                   Achievement of pupils, data regarding, reports, 4354

                   Availability of authorized supports required, 4359

             Core academic subjects, identification of pupils for placement in more rigorous courses, requirements, regulation, 1205

             Criterion-referenced examinations

                   Availability to pupils in any language in which examinations are published, duties, 4357

                   English learners

                          Accountability reports, certain information, contents, 4353-4355

                          Achievement of pupils, data regarding, reports, 4354

                          Availability of authorized supports required, 4357

                   Literacy of elementary school pupils

                          Failure to meet passing score in reading

                                Academic retention of pupil, repeal of certain provisions, 4494-4496

                                Alternative examination for pupils who did not obtain passing score, provisions repealed, 4496

                                Intervention services and intensive instruction to be provided to pupil, procedures following, 4494

                          Use in determining whether pupil will receive program or services, 4493

             English learners, assessment to measure literacy, authority of districts to identify and purchase, requirements, 4357

            New Nevada Education Funding Plan, Account for the, assessment of proficiency of pupils for purposes of receiving allocations, requirements, 2503


                   Growth of pupil in subject area of reading, plans to monitor, requirements, 4494

                   Literacy of pupils, plan to improve to include procedures for assessing pupil’s proficiency in reading, requirements, 4491

      Felony committed at school event or on school property, aggregation of sentences, 234

      Financial Literacy Month, establishment, participation by school, 1985, 1986

      Gardens program for Title I schools, appropriation, 3457-3459

      Handle with Care Program

             Establishment, 3966, 3967

             Notifications by law enforcement officer or agency

                   Duties of officer or employee, 3972

                   Hotline or other method to provide notification to be established, 3967

                   Information to be included in notification, 3967

                   Receipt of notification, duties of support center, 3967, 3970, 3971

             Regulations, 3967

             SafeVoice Program, support center and teams

                   Duties, 3967, 3969-3971

                   Immunity from liability, 3971

                   Use by Handle with Care Program, 3967

             Training, requirements, 3967

      High schools

             Academic plans for homeless or unaccompanied pupils or pupils in foster care, review and adjustment, 1161

             Challenge schools, application of credits earned towards graduation, 1981, 1982

             College and career readiness grant program, funding, 2379


                   Adult standard high school diploma

                          Challenge schools, application of credits earned towards diploma, 1981, 1982

                          Courses of study for obtaining, appropriation, 2376

                   College and career ready diplomas, incentive grants or reimbursements to schools, funding, 2378

                   Disabilities, pupils with, criteria for receipt of alternative diploma, 917

                   Financial Literacy, State Seal of, requirements for awarding, 1986, 1988

                   Homeless or unaccompanied pupils or pupils in foster care, transfer to school while enrolled in grade 11 or grade 12, requirements for award, 1163

             National Guard Youth Challenge Program, Nevada, 1980-1983

             Opt-in children, requirements for promotion to high school, provisions repealed, 3288, 3289

      High-vacancy schools, incentives for recruitment or retention of licensed teachers, sales and use tax to fund, reports, 3261-3264

      Juvenile assessment centers, appropriation, 2969

      Library books

             2019-2021 biennium, waiver of expenditure requirements, 3268

             Block grants to purchase

                   Appropriations, transfers of money, 2378, 2387, 2388

                   Distribution of money, procedures, 3266-3268

             LEA library books, funding, 2377, 2378

      Medical cannabis establishments, restrictions on location, 3791

      Medical marijuana establishments, location of advertisements, restrictions, penalties, 2334, 2335

      Nevada Ready 21 Technology Program

             Appropriation for competitive grant program, 2383

             Block grants

                   Appropriations, transfers of money, 2378, 2387, 2388

                   Issuance, use, 3266, 3267

      Opt-in children, provisions repealed, 3294

      Optometric services

             Mobile optometry clinics, operation, 3636

             Repeal of obsolete provision, 3659

      Parent and family engagement summit, establishment, funding, 1986, 1988, 3362

      Personnel (See SCHOOL PERSONNEL)

      Prekindergarten (See EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION)

      Pupil-counselor ratios, nonbinding recommendations, establishment, requirements, 980, 3233

      Pupil-social worker ratios, establishment of nonbinding recommendations, requirements, 980, 3233

      Pupil-teacher ratios

             2019-2021 biennium, grades 1-3

                   Alternative program for reducing ratio authorized, use of funding, duties, 2374, 2375

                   Employment of licensed teachers to comply with required ratios, funding, 2374

                   Legislative findings and declaration, 2373, 2374

                   Money transferred for class-size reduction, requirements for distribution, use, prohibited acts, 2375

                   Plans for complying with ratios, districts to file with Superintendent, requirements, approval, 2375

                   Remedial education programs to improve achievement authorized, use of funding, duties, 2374, 2375

             Challenge schools, exemption from maximum ratios, 1978

             Evaluation of personnel, statewide system, whether classes exceed ratios to be considered in evaluation of employee’s performance, 1784, 1785

             Internet publication of ratios approved for each class in district, requirements, 980

             Prekindergarten programs supported by certain grant, requirements, 3981

             Variance from maximum prescribed ratios, requests for, requirements, 979

             Zoom schools, use of money to reduce class size for pupils who are English learners, 3461

      Pupils (See SCHOOL PUPILS)

      Safe and respectful learning environment

             Bullying or cyber-bullying

                   Criminal investigations, plans to protect safety of pupil during, 1310

                   Investigations, extension of time to conduct, procedures, 1308

                   Legislative study, 3082, 3083

                   Priority of victim’s interests over interests of perpetrator, 1308, 1310

                   Violence and suicide associated with bullying and cyber-bullying, training of personnel, 1763

             School safety teams, membership, 3235

      Safe-to-Tell Program, renamed SafeVoice Program, 3236-3239, 3967, 3968, 3971, 3972

      Safety and security of public schools, property tax to enhance, repeal, 4253

      Safety drills, requirements, 3250

      SafeVoice Program

             Establishment, requirements, 3236, 3237, 3968, 3969

             Identity of person reporting to Program, disclosures, regulation, penalty for certain willful disclosures of identity, 3236-3239

             Information regarding Program and hotline telephone number, distribution, 3237, 3969

             Legislative declaration, 3236, 3968

             Personally identifiable information concerning pupils, access by public safety agencies, requirements, 3236, 3237

             Records or information, confidentiality and disclosures, penalty for certain willful disclosures, 3238, 3239, 3971, 3972

             Reports to Legislature, 3237, 3238, 3969, 3971

             SafeVoice Program Account, creation, use, 3238, 3971

             Support center for initial reports

                   Establishment, 3237, 3968

                   Handle with Care Program, notification provided through, duties, 3967, 3970, 3971

                   Requirements, 3237, 3968-3971

             Teams to receive notification of certain activity

                   Appointment, duties, 3969, 3970

                   Handle with Care Program, receipt of notifications through, duties, 3967, 3970

                   Immunity from liability, 3970

             Training regarding Program, 3237, 3969

      School climate

             Achievement of pupils, plans to improve to include methods for evaluating and improving school climate, 3231, 3232

             New Nevada Education Funding Plan, Account for the, appropriation, use to improve school climate and culture, 2391

      School services

             Information to be provided by schools before allowing pupils to use services or providing pupils with any technology, duties, 3942


                   Data concerning pupils, notice regarding certain security breaches, requirements, 3945

                   Personally identifiable information of pupils

                          Aggregated information, authorized use, 3945

                          Research required or authorized by federal or state law, use of information authorized, 3944

                          Targeted advertising, restrictions, 3944

      Services provided by schools, annual expenditure reports, distribution and Internet publication, 4208, 4209

      Special education programs

             Disciplinary action against pupils participating in

                   Permanent expulsion, procedure, 3577, 3579

                   Suspension, number of days for each suspension reduced, procedures, 3577, 3579

             Examination of children for placement in programs, recommendations regarding, 3937

             Opt-in children, participation in programs, provisions repealed, 3289

             Special Education Services, Contingency Account for, appropriation, 2388, 2389

      Specialized instructional support personnel, development of nonbinding recommendations for ratio of pupils to personnel, establishment, requirements, 3233


             Elementary schools, grants to promote equitable access to and increase quality of programs, appropriation, 3096

             License plates supporting educational programs, issuance, use of fees to encourage study, 3084, 3085

             Middle schools and high schools, competitive grant program for pupils enrolled in, funding, 2379

             Schools demonstrating exemplary achievement, events recognizing, requirement as to number of schools recognized removed, 3095

      Suicide Prevention, Statewide Program for, duty to post link to Internet or network site, 1762

      Sun, exposure of pupils to, adoption of policy, requirements, 546

      Title I schools

             Financial incentives for teachers, appropriations

                   Currently employed teachers, 2895

                   Incentives for hiring of new teachers, 2385

                   Newly hired teachers, grants to fund incentives, 2384

                   Teachers transferring to Title I schools, 2385

             Gardens program, appropriation for creation and maintenance, 3457-3459

      Underperforming schools (See also SCHOOL ACCOUNTABILITY)

             Financial incentives for teachers, appropriations

                   Currently employed teachers, 2895

                   Incentives for hiring of new teachers, 2385

                   Newly hired teachers, grants to fund incentives, 2384

                   Teachers transferring to underperforming schools, 2385

             Grants and other financial support to improve pupil achievement, 2380

      Uniforms, optional policies regarding, 545

      Victory schools (See SCHOOLS, VICTORY)

      Victory services, additional funding for programs for at-risk pupils, 4203

      We the People: The Citizen and the Constitution Programs, appropriation, 2868

      Zoom schools (See SCHOOLS, ZOOM)

      Zoom services, additional funding for programs for English learners, 4203, 4204


      Account for Programs for Innovation and the Prevention of Remediation, appropriation, requirements, 2383, 2384, 3466

      Additional instructional or other learning opportunities, required and authorized use of money, 3468, 3469

      Corrective action, authority of State Board to require if pupil achievement and school performance unsatisfactory, 3469

      Designation, criteria, requirements, 3466

      Distribution of money to schools

             Requirements, 3466, 3467

             Withholding of additional money if pupil achievement and school performance unsatisfactory, authority of State Board, 3469

      Educational needs of pupils enrolled in each school

             Comprehensive plan for meeting, development, submission to Department of Education, 3467, 3468

             Letter of intent to meet needs, requirements, 3468

      Employment of paraprofessionals and other personnel who provide required programs or services, required use of money, 3468

      Expiration of program, 3471, 4252

      Incentives for hiring and retaining teachers and other licensed educational personnel, required use of money, 3468

      Independent evaluation of effectiveness of program, contracts for, 3469

      Integrated student support, wrap-around services and evidence-based programs, required use of money, 3468, 3470

      Legislative audits, 3470

      Legislative Committee on Education, recommendations regarding schools, duties, 3469, 3470

      Needs assessment of pupils attending school, requirements, 3467

      Parent and family engagement programs and services authorized, 3468

      Plans to improve achievement of pupils, requirements, 3469

      Prekindergarten programs, required use of money, 3468

      Professional development for teachers and other licensed educational personnel, required and authorized use of money, 3468, 3469

      Prohibited use of money received, 3469

      Reading skills centers, required use of money, 3468

      Recruitment and retention incentives for licensed educational personnel

             Authorized use of majority of money distributed to schools, 3468

             State Board of Education to prescribe list, 3469

      Reports, requirements, 3469, 3470

      Social climate and culture, programs to improve authorized, 3469

      Social, psychological or health care services to pupils and their families authorized, 3468

      Unsatisfactory pupil achievement and school performance, authority of State Board, 3469


      Account for the Innovation and Prevention of Remediation, appropriation, requirements, 2381-2383, 3465

      Clark County and Washoe County School Districts

             Continuation of zoom schools for 2019-2021 biennium, 3460, 3461

             Distribution of money to schools, 3460, 3461

             Elementary schools, programs and services required and authorized, requirements, 3460, 3461

             High schools, programs and services authorized, requirements, 3461, 3462

             Legislative audit, 3466

             Middle schools and junior high schools, programs and services authorized, requirements, 3461, 3462

             Reports to Department of Education, requirements, 3462, 3464, 3465

      Effectiveness of programs and services

            Independent evaluations to measure, contracts for, reports, 3464, 3465

             Statewide performance levels and outcome indicators to measure, State Board to prescribe, requirements, reports, 3464, 3465

      Grants to other school districts and sponsors of charter schools

             Applications for grants, requirements, 2382, 3462, 3463

             Award based upon number of pupils enrolled who are English learners, 3463

             Programs and services authorized, 3462, 3463

             Reports to Department of Education, requirements, 3463, 3465

      Notice of failure to implement programs and services and plan of corrective action, regulation, 3464

      Parent and family involvement of pupils who are English learners, restrictions on use of money, 3460-3463

      Professional development for licensed educational personnel, 3460-3463

      Recruitment and retention incentives

             Authorized use of money, restrictions, 3460-3463

             State Board to prescribe list of incentives, 3463, 3464

      Use of money received

             Appropriation, restrictions on use, 3466

             Clark County and Washoe County School Districts

                   Legislative audit, 3466

                   Zoom elementary schools, requirements, restrictions on use, 3461

                   Zoom middle school, junior high school or high school, restrictions on use, 3462

             Grants, restrictions on use of money received, 3463


      Appropriations, 3096, 3097, 3341, 3351

      License plates supporting STEM educational programs, duties, distribution of fees, 3085


      Events recognizing pupils and schools demonstrating exemplary achievement, certain requirements removed, 3095, 3096

      Governor’s appointees, status, removal from office, 1566

      Science, Innovation and Technology, Office of, certain consultations to encourage the study of STEM by pupils, 3085


      Theft, monetary threshold for penalty provisions, 4431, 4432


      Decriminalization of offense, procedures following, effect, 1459-1461

      Defendants meeting conditions of deferred judgment proceedings, 4389, 4391, 4398

      Factual innocence, hearing to establish based on newly discovered evidence, procedures, 2980-2982

      Invasion of home with deadly weapon, sealing records prohibited, 4406

      Involuntary servitude or sex trafficking victims, petitions to seal certain records, procedures, 409-411

      Wrongful conviction, procedures upon entry of certificate of innocence, 4367


      Duties, 591


      Abolishment, 592


      Biological specimens, time for return and execution of warrant to obtain, 465

      Body cavity search, warrant to contain specific authorization, 115

      High-risk behavior, orders for protection against, search and seizure of firearms, 4174


      Exemptions from required use, statements, authority of advanced practice registered nurses, 500, 501, 510, 511



      Reports to sheriffs, transactions involving video recordings exempt from requirements, 39


      Authorized expenditures, 3132

      Blockchain technology, use by business entities, regulations, 2821-2825

      Document preparation services, duties, 840-850, 1877, 2905, 2906

      Elections (See also ELECTIONS)

            Confidentiality of personal information contained in records, persons authorized to request, 728, 729, 867, 868

      Financial Disclosure Act, administration, coordination with Director of Legislative Counsel Bureau, 2998, 2999

      General appropriations, 3342

      Lobbying laws similar to Financial Disclosure Act, coordination with Director of Legislative Counsel Bureau in application and interpretation, 2986

      Nevada Lockbox, duties, 2188, 2194

      Notaries public (See NOTARIES PUBLIC)

      Personal information contained in election records, persons authorized to request confidentiality, 728, 729

      Registered agents (See also REGISTERED AGENTS)

             Resignation, procedures, 2483

      Salary, payment, 3364

      Tahoe Regional Planning Compact, duties, 1158

      Unclassified staff, salaries, 3324


      Abandoned property laws, securities included as "property,” 3013

      Exploitation of vulnerable persons, reports by certain personnel, requirements, 3474, 3475

      Local governments

             General portfolio

                   Increase in maximum share of value authorized to be invested in certain obligations, 663, 665

                   Preservation of principal value and integrity, duties of State Treasurer, reports, 663

             Supranational organizations and foreign financial institutions, investment in securities issued by authorized, 661, 662

             Tahoe Douglas Visitor’s Authority, powers, 2363, 2364

      Monetary instrument or other property representing proceeds of or derived from unlawful activity, unlawful acts, penalties, 1798, 1799

      State of Nevada

             General portfolio

                   Increase in maximum share of value authorized to be invested in certain obligations, 659

                   Preservation of principal value and integrity, duties of State Treasurer, reports, 659

             Higher Education Prepaid Tuition Trust Fund, Nevada, investments, 652-654

             State Permanent School Fund, investments, 655, 656

             Supranational organizations, state investments in securities issued by, 653, 655, 659



      Gaming employees, change of employment notices, duties, 215


             Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257, 4329-4331

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                    List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

             Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278

      Private Investigator’s Licensing Board (See PROFESSIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL REGULATORY BODIES)


      Agricultural hemp seeds, requirements for acquisition by growers, 2587

      Logging operations, grass seed, sowing requirements, 739


      Cannabis, paraphernalia and other related property, duties of law enforcement agency, 3829

      Cigarettes not bearing identifying marks necessary to ascertain origin and numbering, 629

      High-risk behavior, orders for protection against, firearms seized pursuant to, procedures for return, 4174

      Medical cannabis establishments, seizure of evidence from by law enforcement agency, applicability of forfeiture provisions, 3829

      Wildlife carcasses unlawfully imported into or possessed in Nevada, 404




      Aggregation of sentences, procedures, effect, 233-236

      Civil commitment of alcoholics and drug addicts convicted of crime, provisions repealed, 4488

      Parole, modification of sentence after, removal of provision, 4382

      Presentence investigations, procedures, reports, 4384-4386

      Prisoner, punishment for additional crime committed by, execution of sentence, 233, 234


             Controlled substance violations, authority of court, 4471-4475

             Extension to complete participation in specialty court program, 4400

             Periods for categories of crimes, 4399, 4400

             Portion of sentence, authority of court to suspend, 4415, 4417

             Revocation of suspension, grounds, 4401-4403

             Terms and conditions, 4398, 4399, 4415, 4417

      Traffic violations, fee in lieu of completion of safety course, fee to be included in sentence, 2279, 2280


      Biennial report, duties, 2876, 4378

      Bill draft request, authority repealed, 2876

      Composition, 2873

      Cost avoidance, development of formula for calculating, reports, duties, 4378

      Department of Sentencing Policy

             Creation of Commission within Department, 2873

             Executive Director

                   Appointment, recommendations, 2872

                   Executive Secretary of Commission, duties as, 2872, 2874

      Duties, generally, 2876, 4376-4378

      General appropriations, 3341

      Governor’s appointees, status as civil officers, removal from office, 1566

      Legislative Counsel Bureau, duty of Director to provide staff removed, 2874

      Meetings, 2874

      Nevada Local Justice Reinvestment Coordinating Council, assistance, advice, 4380


      Creation, 2872

      Executive Director

             Appointment, 2872

             Classification, 2872

             Duties, 2872, 2874

             Employees or consultants, authority, 2872

             Executive Secretary of Sentencing Commission, duty to serve as, 2872, 2874

             Other employment prohibited, 2872

             Qualifications, 2872

             Removal, 2872

             Salary, 3331

      Staff Attorney, salary, 3331


      Transmutation of property held in trust, burden of proof, 1852


      Providers, certificates of registration, period of validity, renewal, fees, 1707


      Fuel pumps, installing, affixing or accessing scanning device for unlawful purpose prohibited, penalty, 680, 4439, 4440



      Offers of judgment, judgment to be designated as compromise settlement, 274

      Personal injury liability, authority to void certain prior releases, requirements, procedures, 2499

      Prohibition on certain provisions, exception, 800, 801

      Pupils with disabilities, compliance procedures following due process hearings, enforcement or orders, 914, 915

      Wrongful conviction of felony, actions for, effect of settlement agreements on amount awarded by court, 4369


      Equality of rights under law guaranteed to all persons, constitutional amendment, 4636, 4637

      Medical facilities and related entities, discrimination based on gender, prohibited acts, duties, 1333, 1334

      Restrictive covenants based on sex, deemed void, duties of county recorders, 373-375

      Schools, legislative study of bullying, cyber-bullying and discriminatory harassment, 3082, 3083

      Settlement agreements, certain provisions prohibited, exception, 800, 801

      Unlawful employment practices

             Public officers, employment discrimination committed by, powers and duties of Equal Rights Commission, 1946

             Remedies, 3758


      Lifetime supervision, additional conditions, prosecution of violations, 2439, 2440

      Sexual assault offenders, victims to be provided with information from record of registration upon request, 2848

      Specialty court programs, certain offenders ineligible, 2444, 2445

      Tier II offenders, criteria for status as, 2636

      Wrongful conviction of felony, remedies for, 4368


      Commercial sexual exploitation of child (See COMMERCIAL SEXUAL EXPLOITATION OF CHILD)

      Facilitating sex trafficking

             Child victim, penalties, 1821

             Compensation to victims of crime, inclusion as "victim" for purposes of, 1823

             Conspiracy to commit, penalties, 1810, 1821

             Videotaped depositions of victims authorized, 1807, 1808

      Immigrants, certification of nonimmigrant status for certain victims of crime, procedures, 4350, 4351

      Juvenile delinquency, petition to vacate adjudication and seal records authorized for victims of sex trafficking, procedures, 1906, 1907

      Prostitution, dismissal of charges of sex trafficking victims, 1913

      Sex offenders (See SEX OFFENDERS)

      Vacation of certain judgments of conviction of victim and sealing of documents, procedures, 409-411

      Value received with intent of facilitating violation, prohibition, 796, 797


      Legislative study of working conditions at licensed brothels, 4640, 4641


      Intellectual disabilities or developmental disabilities, education of persons with and training of facility employees, requirements, 1915


      Commercial sexual exploitation (See COMMERCIAL SEXUAL EXPLOITATION OF CHILD)

      Juvenile assessment centers, appropriation, 2969


             Number of incidents disclosed or reported to law enforcement agency, reports, 2652

             Personal safety of children, training, reports, 2651, 2652

             School police officers, training requirements, 3258

      Sex offenders (See SEX OFFENDERS)


      Advisory Committee on Rights of Survivors (See SEXUAL ASSAULT, ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON RIGHTS OF SURVIVORS OF)

      Arrested persons, time for performing HIV test, requirements, 1915

      First responders, crimes committed against spouse or child, additional penalty, 1462, 1463

      Interrogation of persons in custody, policies regarding electronic recording, requirements, 794, 795

      Limitation of criminal and civil actions

             DNA evidence, removal of limitation when identity of accused established by, 1498, 1499

             Murder, no limitation for prosecution of assault arising out of same facts and circumstances, 464

      Medical facilities, duty to provide victims with document of information and available services, 335, 336

      Orders for protection

             Extended orders

                   Dissolution or modification of order based on changed circumstances authorized, 1910

                   Time of authorized expiration extended, court to enter basis for extending order beyond one year, 1910

             Felony committed in violation of order, aggregation of sentences, 234

             Repository of Information Concerning Orders for Protection (See CRIMINAL HISTORY, RECORDS OF)

             Transmittal of information to Central Repository, requirements, 2838

             Violation of order for protection against high-risk behavior, procedures following, 3948, 3950-3952, 4170-4177

      Prosecuting attorneys (See also Survivors’ Bill of Rights, this heading)

             Duty to timely provide victim with certain information, 2848

      Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, development of document of information and available services for provision to victims, duties, 335

      Rape Crisis Center, consultation on legislative study of bullying, cyber-bullying and discriminatory harassment, 3082

      Record of registration of offender, victim to be provided with information upon request, 2848

      SAFE kits

             Forensic laboratories, duties, 1909, 2843-2845, 2849

             Forensic medical examinations, duties of medical providers, prohibited acts, 2841, 2842, 2848

             Justice, Advisory Commission on the Administration of, duties, 2084, 2085

             Law enforcement agencies

                   Duties, 1909, 2843, 2844, 2848, 2849

                   Failure to take certain actions within prescribed timeline, effect, 1910, 2844

             Retention of kits, requirements, 1909, 2843, 2844

             Sexual Assault Survivors’ Bill of Rights related to, 1909, 2843, 2844

             Statewide tracking system

                   Annual reports, repeal of requirement, 2849

                   Study of effectiveness, 2851, 2852

                   Updates regarding status and location, ability of victim to access via telephone or on Internet website, 2850

      Sex offenders (See SEX OFFENDERS)

      Survivors’ Bill of Rights

             Definitions, 1908, 1909, 2841

             Explanation of rights

                   Attorney General, development and distribution of document explaining rights, requirements, 2844, 2845

                   Law enforcement officials and prosecutors, duties, retention of records, 2843

                   Medical providers, duties, retention of records, 2842

             Law enforcement agencies

                   Copies of case reports, provision to survivor upon request, requirements, 2845

                   Forensic medical examinations, rights of survivors, duties of medical providers, prohibited acts, 2841, 2842, 2848

                   Interviews with, requirements, prohibited acts, 2842, 2843

             Legislative declaration, 1909

             List of rights, 1909, 2841-2843, 2845, 2846


                   Interviews with, requirements, prohibited acts, 2842, 2843

                   Survivors, provision of information to, requirements, 2845

             Retention of rights, 2841, 2842

             SAFE kits

                   Forensic laboratories, duties, 1909, 2843-2845, 2849

                   Law enforcement agencies

                          Duties, 1909, 2843, 2844, 2848, 2849

                          Failure to take certain actions within prescribed timeline, effect, 1910, 2844

                   Retention of kits, requirements, 1909, 2843, 2844

                   Rights related to, 1909, 2843, 2844

             Short title, 1908, 2840

             Victim’s advocates, right to consult, 2841

             Waiver of rights, effect, 2842

             When rights attach, 2841

      Veterans, authority to obtain compensation from Fund for the Compensation of Victims of Crime, 474

      Victim as witness in criminal proceedings

            Bail to secure appearance, procedures, appointment of attorney, 2269

             Detention as witness pursuant to arrest warrant, procedures, 2270

      Victim’s advocates, grants for recruitment and training, appropriation, 2852


      Appointment, terms of office, 2846

      Chair, election, 2846

      Composition, 2846

      Creation, 2846

      Funding, authority of Attorney General, 2848

      Independent experts retained by Advisory Committee, authority, confidentiality of information obtained, 2847, 2848

      Meetings, 2847

      Per diem and travel expenses, 2847

      Powers and duties, 2847, 2848, 2852

      Quorum, 2847

      Reports, 2848

      Special Account for the Support of the Advisory Committee, creation, deposits, use, 2848

      Staff, 2847

      Vacancies, filling, 2846


      Law enforcement officers, sexual conduct with person in custody prohibited, consent no defense to prosecution, 836

      Licensed school personnel

             Disciplinary action, substantiated reports grounds for certain disciplinary action, 1056, 1057

             Issuance or renewal of license, background checks, 1051, 1052

             Sex offenders (See SEX OFFENDERS)

      Person in position of authority over alleged victim, rebuttable presumption of nonconsent, 1906


      Children’s Advocate, duties concerning exploited children, 1826, 2638

      Commercial sexual exploitation of child (See COMMERCIAL SEXUAL EXPLOITATION OF CHILD)

      Immigrants, certification of nonimmigrant status for certain victims of crime, procedures, 4350, 4351

      School police officers, training on sexual exploitation of children, requirements, 3258


      Schools, legislative study of bullying, cyber-bullying and discriminatory harassment, 3082, 3083

      Sexual conduct with person in position of authority over alleged victim, rebuttable presumption of nonconsent, 1906


      Creditworthiness evaluations, prohibited acts, study of and programs to prevent or eliminate discrimination in credit practices, 1594

      Crimes based on, certain defenses prohibited, 227

      Employment discrimination committed by local elected officer, powers and duties of Equal Rights Commission, 1946

      Equality of rights under law guaranteed to all persons, constitutional amendment, 4636, 4637

      HIV exposure laws, study of possible disparities in arrests, prosecutions and convictions, 467

      Marriage, recognition regardless of gender, equal treatment under law, 4604

      Medical facilities and related entities

             Cultural competency training, requirements, 1334, 1681, 1682

             Discrimination, prohibited acts, duties, 1333-1335

      Restrictive covenants, provisions deemed void, duties of county recorders, 373-375


             Bullying, cyber-bullying and discriminatory harassment, legislative study, 3082, 3083

             Suicide, pupils at high risk of

                   Crisis, emergency or suicide model management plan, contents, 1765

                   Grades 7-12, adoption of suicide prevention policy, requirements, 1761, 1762

      Sexual Assault, Advisory Committee on Rights of Survivors of, membership, 2846

      Veterans Services, Department of, outreach and assistance to LGBT veterans and members of military, certain requirements removed, 58


      Abuse, neglect, exploitation, isolation or abandonment of older persons or vulnerable persons, designation and duties of contact person for Aging and Disability Services Division, 3483

      Brothels, legislative study of working conditions at licensed brothels, consultation, 4641

      Clark County

             Nevada Interagency Advisory Council on Homelessness to Housing, member, 2108

             Nevada Threat Analysis Center Advisory Committee, appointment of member, 162

      County jails, review of deaths, reports, requirements, 2197

      Eviction proceedings, inspection of notices to surrender prohibited, exceptions, 269

      Gang database, use to identify suspected members and affiliates of criminal gangs, requirements, 2199, 2200

      Homelessness to Housing, Nevada Interagency Advisory Council on, membership, 2108

      Indian tribes, police officers employed by, agreements with law enforcement agencies regarding jurisdictional limitations, 534

      Interrogation of persons in custody, policies regarding electronic recording, requirements, 794, 795

      Portable event recording devices, funding for purchase and maintenance, 3255

      Prisoners in jail or detention facility, coordination of care, applicability of laws, 2198

      Secondhand dealers, certain transactions exempt from reporting requirements, 39

      Summary eviction proceedings, duties, 3910, 3913-3915, 3921

      Vehicular event recording devices, funding for purchase and maintenance, 3255

      Washoe County, member of Nevada Interagency Advisory Council on Homelessness to Housing, 2108


      Burglary of a business, definition, penalty, 4425-4427

      Organized retail theft, prohibited acts, offense defined to include use of an Internet or network site, period for aggregation for general penalty purposes, 2497, 2498


      Fully protected species, permit required to cut, pick or remove, 732


      Chief Medical Officer, establishment and maintenance of system for reporting certain information, requirements, 2158

      Health care facilities, duty to make records available to Chief Medical Officer, assessment of fee, penalties for violations, 2159

      Prescriptions issued for pain management, exemption from certain requirements, informed consent requirements for issuance of initial prescription, 2136, 2169

      Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, publication of reports, contents, provision of research data, 2159, 2160

      Screening for sickle cell disease and sickle cell trait, requirements, regulation, 2161


      Parking of bicycles, electric bicycles and electric scooters, authority, 1892

      Speed limits, electric scooters, penalty for violations, 1882, 1885, 1895


      Absent ballots, checking of signatures, 4079, 4080, 4114, 4115

      Consumer form contracts, requirements, 2309

      Initiative or referendum, verification of signatures, time for submission, 4060, 4061, 4121

      Insurers, provisions requiring countersignature for policy or bond repealed, 1691, 1728

      Manufactured homes or mobile homes, requirements for transfer of title, 2424

      Optometry licenses, requirements, 3643

      Voters at polling place where any entitled person may vote on day of election, verification, update of signature, 4051, 4104


      Community-based living arrangement services, posting of certain information for making complaints, 267, 2148

      Electric vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles, charging stations, requirements, 1388

      Marijuana establishments, advertisements, requirement to obtain prior approval prohibited, 2341

      Medical marijuana establishments, advertisements, requirement to obtain prior approval prohibited, regulatory authority of local governments, 2335

      Trespassing, sufficiency of warnings against, 2477


      Advisory members

             Appointment authorized, requirements, reappointment and termination of appointment, 593, 594

             Per diem and travel expenses, 596

      Appointed positions, vacancies, 594, 595

      Ex officio members

             Per diem and travel expenses, 596

             Rights and responsibilities, voting, 594

      Facilitators, appointment, duties, 595

      President, election, term, duties, 595, 596

      Secretary, elimination of position, 595

      Treasurer, elimination of position, 595

      Vice President, election, term, duties, 595, 596


      Authorized expenditures, 3141

      Board of Directors, status of Governor’s appointees, removal from office, 1566

      Employees in classified service, authority to appoint, 1020, 1021

      Health benefit plans

             Notice to consumers of eligibility for financial assistance on Exchange, duties of certain carriers, 1428, 1429

             Plans not purchased on Exchange, certain requirements removed, 1440

      Patient Protection Commission, membership, 2810

      Purchase of individual health policies outside rating area of residence, authority to facilitate, 1431

      Salaries of unclassified staff, 3335


      Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, replacement by Board, duties, 4028-4032



      Schools, policy regarding exposure of pupils to sun, requirements, 546


      Custom processing establishments, definition, regulation, 1614, 1615

      Mobile processing units, definition, regulation, 1614, 1615


      Emerging small cannabis businesses, pilot program, regulations, 3780

      Impact statements, adoption of rules affecting businesses

             Actions to adopt proposed rule in violation of provisions deemed void, 886

             Consideration of impact statement, procedures, 886

             Health districts, applicability of laws, 886

             Objection to adopted rule, grounds for filing petition, requirement to readopt or amend rule, 887

      Local emerging small businesses, reinstatement following forfeiture of right to transact business, procedures, 930

      NV Grow Program, oversight, appropriation, 3666-3669

      Small Business Enterprise Loan Account, authorized expenditures, 3133

      Solar access program, implementation, certain percentage of expanded program to be reserved for disadvantaged businesses, 2313, 2314


      Venue in justice courts, 52, 53


      Cannabis retail stores, smoking cannabis in, penalty for violations, 3837

      Electronic smoking devices, applicability of laws, 3590-3597

      Tobacco prevention and control programs, funding, 3598


      Deferred deposit, high-interest and title loans, services offered through Internet, authority of certain agencies to provide information to public, 943

      Statewide school safety, committee on, duties, 3232


      Notaries public, collection of information by Secretary of State prohibited, 4337

      Occupations and professions, licensing procedures

             Behavior analysts, interventionists and technicians, 4342

             City licensing, generally, 4338

             Emergency medical services personnel, 4348

             Engine emission control devices, inspectors, 4345

             Property managers, city licensing, 4338

             Property tax appraisers, 4339

             Public librarians, 4339

             School personnel, 4340

             Time shares, project managers, representatives and sales agents, 4335

             Title 54 professions and occupations, 4256

             Town licensing, generally, 4338


      Alcohol and drug abuse treatment providers, prohibited acts, penalties, 1679, 1680

      Birth certificates, authority to obtain certified copy free of charge on behalf of homeless child or youth, 4507

      Board of Examiners for Social Workers (See also PROFESSIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL REGULATORY BODIES)

             Emergency or disaster training received by certain license applicants, duties, 4160, 4161

             Sunset Subcommittee of Legislative Commission

                   Criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, review, recommendations, 2904, 2905

                   Study of professional and occupational licensing boards, 4629, 4630

      Cannabis Compliance Board, representation, 3777

      Child welfare services or child protective services, social workers providing

             Confidentiality of personal information contained in certain official records, authority to request, 865-868

             Driver’s license or identification card, authority to request display of alternate address, 868, 869

      Commercial sexual exploitation of child, duty to report, 1932

      Group housing arrangements for certain persons, referrals to, 406


             Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257, 4309, 4310

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256

             Emergency or disaster training received by certain applicants, duties, 4160, 4161

             Fees, 1780

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

             Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278

      Mental health services, disclosure of consumer records to health care providers, 363, 367

      School social workers (See SCHOOL PERSONNEL)

      Veterans, duties regarding, continuing education and receipt of information related to health issues, 2692, 2694

      Vulnerable persons abused, neglected, exploited, isolated or abandoned, duty to report, 3485-3487


      Alcohol and drug abuse treatment providers, facilities and program operators, prohibited acts, 1679

      Land sales, solicitation of customers for, criminal history disqualification for license, petitions regarding, procedures, Internet publication of information, reports, 2956, 2957

      Marriage, solicitation to perform, penalty for violations, 457


             Adjudication of child as delinquent or in need of supervision prohibited, 3076

             Soliciting peace officer or assistant posing as child, penalties, 3365, 3366

      Telephone solicitations, criminal history disqualification for registration, petitions regarding, procedures, Internet publication of information, reports, 2957, 2958


      Interrogation of persons in custody, policies regarding electronic recording, requirements, 794, 795

      Mental or physical examinations ordered by court, authority of observer to make recording, 966

      Minutes of meetings of public bodies, time for retention, 3626


      Maintenance, repair and operation, funding, 3353


      Board, communication with Office of Economic Development, duties, 870, 871

      Nevada Partners, appropriation, 2867


      Elections, charter amendments

             Canvass of returns, time for completion, 4141

             Conduct, applicability of state laws, 4140

      Growth in region, reports by counties, consultation, duties, 799


      Delinquent taxes, penalties, 1575


             Display on mobile electronic device authorized, liability for damage to device, liability for other infractions indicated on device, 1574

             Surrender upon cessation of business, 1574, 1575

      Nonpayment, liability of responsible person, 1571

      "Special fuel supplier" defined, 1572

      Special fuel users, agreements with Department of Motor Vehicles to license special fuel users, requirements, 1572



      Conditions under which charitable organizations must provide certain documents to Commission, 197

      Distribution of money received from additional fees, recommendations, 203

      Grants to be issued by charitable organization, receipt of information, 206

      Noncompliance by charitable organizations with provisions or decisions, authority to terminate design or suspend distribution of fees, 207, 208


      Deferment of judgment of certain persons placed in certain programs, 4388-4391

      General appropriations, 3343

      Justice courts, funding, use of money received, 2280, 2281

      Mental illness or intellectual disability, defendants with, eligibility for assignment, procedures following, 2444, 2445

      Municipal courts, funding, use of money received, 2280, 2281

      Veterans or military members, defendants who are, eligibility for assignment, procedures following, 2445-2447


      Commercial sexual exploitation of child, duty to report, 1932

      Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, Medicaid coverage, requirements, 541-543

      Hearing aid sales by catalog, mail or Internet, authority of physician assistants to sign statement, 148, 149


             Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257, 4291

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

             Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278

      Radiation therapy and radiologic imaging licensees, laws inapplicable, 2736

      Speech-Language Pathology, Audiology and Hearing Aid Dispensing Board (See PROFESSIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL REGULATORY BODIES)


      Bribery, penalty for certain acts, 4477, 4478

      Cannabis establishments, advertisements, restrictions, 3838

      Charitable lotteries, conditions for operation by qualified professional sports organizations, 959

      Head injuries sustained by children, persons authorized to provide medical clearance to participate in sport, 136-138

      Medical marijuana establishments, restrictions on advertisements, penalties, 2334, 2335

      Tahoe Douglas Visitor’s Authority, advertising and promotion powers, 2362


      Appropriation for grant to Foundation, requirements, 4014


      "Course of conduct" defined, 1820

      Elements of offense, 1818, 1819

      Orders for protection

             Extended orders

                   Dissolution or modification of order based on changed circumstances authorized, 2839

                   Time of authorized expiration extended, court to enter basis for extending order beyond one year, 2838, 2839

             Felony committed in violation of order, aggregation of sentences, 234

             Repository of Information Concerning Orders for Protection (See CRIMINAL HISTORY, RECORDS OF)

             Temporary orders, expiration, 1501

             Transmittal of information to Central Repository, requirements, 2838

      Prosecution in Nevada if initiated or had effect on victim in Nevada, 1819

      Third or subsequent offense, penalties, 1819

      Victim under age 16, penalties, 1819


      Administration (See ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF)


      Business and Industry (See BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY, DEPARTMENT OF)

      Cannabis provisions, effect on state agency, 3836

      Capital improvement projects, duty to cooperate with State Public Works Division, 3315, 4019, 4020


      Corrections (See CORRECTIONS, DEPARTMENT OF)

      Cyber Defense Coordination, Nevada Office of (See PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF)

      Cybersecurity policy, duties, 2475

      Disabilities, persons with

             Classified service, filling positions without competition, adoption of regulations, 598

             Temporary limited appointments, requirements, conflicts of interest, 3020

      Economic Development (See ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, OFFICE OF)

      Education (See EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF)

      Electronic records, powers and duties regarding certified records, 2818, 2819

      Electronic waste, removal of data before disposal required, 2218, 2575

      Emergency management (See also EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT)

             Disaster Identification Coordination Committee, State, activation and duties, 1066, 1067

             Emergency or disaster recovery plan, Division of Emergency Management to provide training upon request, 589

      Energy (See ENERGY, OFFICE OF)

      Fictitious address program for victims of crime, agency to allow participants to use fictitious address, restrictions regarding records, 1800, 1801

      Finance (See FINANCE, OFFICE OF)

      Grant Procurement, Coordination and Management, Office of, pilot program to award grants to agencies needing matching funds, 3709, 4017


      Homelessness to Housing, Nevada Interagency Advisory Council on, collaboration, 2109


      Indian tribes, agency duties regarding, designation and duties of tribal liaison, procedures regarding conflicts with tribes, reports, 3167-3169

      Indigent Defense Services, Department of, creation, 2884

      Information processing systems, duties regarding updates, 2818

      Information technology, reports from Legislative Auditor, 2575

      Military (See MILITARY, OFFICE OF THE)

      Motor Vehicles (See MOTOR VEHICLES, DEPARTMENT OF)

      Motor vehicles owned by, repeal of required use of alternative fuels or clean vehicles, 1061

      New Americans, Office for, creation, duty of other entities to assist, 4361, 4362

      Nuclear Projects (See NUCLEAR PROJECTS, AGENCY FOR)

      Personal information, receipt by

             Data collectors, compliance with certain standards, requirements, 2574

             Electronic means, procedures, 2576

      Public Safety (See PUBLIC SAFETY, DEPARTMENT OF)

      Purchasing (See STATE PURCHASING)

      Recyclable materials, disposition, requirements, reports, 2218, 2219, 2575


      Sentencing Policy, Department of, creation, 2872

      Taxation (See TAXATION, DEPARTMENT OF)


      Transportation (See TRANSPORTATION, DEPARTMENT OF)

      Veterans Services (See VETERANS SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF)

      Wildlife (See WILDLIFE, DEPARTMENT OF)


      Indigent Defense Services, Board on, membership, duties, 2881

      Sexual Assault, Advisory Committee on Rights of Survivors of, appointment of member, 2846




      Air Service Development Commission, Nevada, creation, duties, 2143-2145

      Apprenticeships (See APPRENTICESHIP COUNCIL, STATE)



      Behavioral Health (See BEHAVIORAL HEALTH, COMMISSION ON)



      Cannabis Advisory Commission, creation, duties, 3773-3776





      Early Childhood Advisory Council, composition, duties, 48, 49

      Economic Development (See ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BOARD OF)


      Educational Technology, Commission on, duties regarding Nevada Ready 21 Technology grant program, 2383

      Electronic records, powers and duties regarding certified records, 2818, 2819

      Electronic waste, removal of data before disposal required, 2218, 2575

      Emergency Response Commission, State, funding, 3138, 3350


      Employee Misclassification, Task Force on, creation, duties, 3157, 3158

      English Mastery Council, continuation, funding, 2441, 2442



      Ethics (See ETHICS, COMMISSION ON)

      Examiners (See EXAMINERS, STATE BOARD OF)

      Federal Assistance, Nevada Advisory Council on, administrative support, 3708

      Fictitious address program for victims of crime, body to allow participants to use fictitious address, restrictions regarding records, 1800, 1801

      Finance (See FINANCE, STATE BOARD OF)

      Financial Literacy Advisory Council, State, creation, duties, funding, 1987, 1988, 3362

      Food Security, Council on, creation by statute, 689


      Health (See HEALTH, STATE BOARD OF)


      Homelessness to Housing, Nevada Interagency Advisory Council on

             Collaboration, duties of state agencies, 2109

             Creation, duties, 2107-2110

      Housing, Advisory Committee on, creation, duties, 2428-2431


      Indian tribes, agency duties regarding, designation and duties of tribal liaison, procedures regarding conflicts with tribes, reports, 3167-3169

      Indigent Defense Services, Board on, creation, 2880

      Information processing systems, duties regarding updates, 2818

      Information technology, reports from Legislative Auditor, 2575

      Judicial Discipline (See JUDICIAL DISCIPLINE, COMMISSION ON)

      Justice Reinvestment Coordinating Council, Nevada Local, creation, duties, 4379, 4380

      Language Development for Children Who Are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Blind or Visually Impaired, establishment, duties, 3936-3938, 3940

      Legislative Commission (See LEGISLATIVE COMMISSION)

      Maternal Mortality Review Committee, creation, duties, 41-44, 46

      Merit Award Board, appropriation, 3342



      Minority Affairs, Nevada Commission on, appropriation, 4253, 4254

      New Americans, Office for, duty of other entities to assist, 4362

      Occupations and professions (See PROFESSIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL REGULATORY BODIES; specific occupation or profession)

      Outdoor Recreation, Advisory Board on, creation, duties, 3705, 3706

      Pardons Commissioners, State Board of, express provision for Board, constitutional amendment, 4613, 4614


      Patient Protection Commission, creation, duties, 2810-2813

      Personal information, receipt by

             Data collectors, compliance with certain standards, requirements, 2574

             Electronic means, procedures, 2576

      Personnel Commission (See PERSONNEL COMMISSION)

      Pharmacy and Therapeutics (See PHARMACY AND THERAPEUTICS COMMITTEE)


      Postsecondary Education (See POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION, COMMISSION ON)

      Private Activity Bond Council, creation, duties, 2430, 2431


      Public Employees’ Retirement (See PUBLIC EMPLOYEES’ RETIREMENT BOARD)


      Purchasing (See STATE PURCHASING)

      Radiation Therapy and Radiologic Imaging Advisory Committee, creation, duties, 2723

      Rare Disease Advisory Council, creation, duties, 1476-1478

      Recyclable materials, disposition, requirements, exemptions, reports, 2218, 2219, 2575


      Removal of appointees, general authority of Governor, 1566

      Resilience Advisory Committee, Nevada, creation, duties, 1023-1027

      Right to Counsel Commission, Nevada, appropriation, 3715

      School Funding, Commission, creation, duties, 4206-4208, 4252

      Search and Rescue, Board of, duties, 591

      Search and Rescue, Committee on Training in, abolishment, 592


      Sexual Assault, Advisory Committee on Rights of Survivors of, creation, 2846

      Silver State Scripts Board, creation, duties, 4028-4032

      Special License Plates (See SPECIAL LICENSE PLATES, COMMISSION ON)

      Status of Governor’s appointees as civil officers, 1566


      Sunset Subcommittee, review of certain boards and commissions, duties, receipt of reports, 2904, 2905

      Tahoe Regional Planning (See TAHOE REGIONAL PLANNING AGENCY)


      Teacher Recruitment and Retention Advisory Task Force, Nevada State, creation, appropriation, 2448-2450


      Tourism (See TOURISM, COMMISSION ON)

      Tribal Emergency Coordinating Council, Nevada, creation, 1080


      Well Drillers’ Advisory Board, payment of compensation and expenses from county general fund in certain circumstances, 838, 839

      WICHE, funding, 3131, 3146, 3342, 3355, 3356





      Authorized expenditures, 3132

      Capital improvements legislation, duties, notices, 3309, 3313, 3316

      Clergy services for Legislature, payment, duties, 4612

      Domestic Violence, Account for Programs Related to, duties, 1808, 1809

      Emergency Assistance Account, notice regarding temporary advances, 3631

      Federal Lands, Account for Revenue from Lease of, apportionments, duties, 4238

      General appropriations, 3342

      General appropriations legislation, duties, 3357, 3358, 3363, 3364

      Intergovernmental Fund, duties, 3262, 4246

      Justice court fees, duties, 2280

      Municipal court fees, duties, 2280

      Salary, payment, 3364

      Sales and Use Tax Account, duties, 3262, 4246

      State Distributive School Account, duties, 2372, 4215

      State Education Fund, duties, 4198, 4238, 4240, 4241

      Tobacco settlement money, duties, 3141, 3142


      Census counts, adjustment to account for residency of incarcerated persons, 987


      Neon, designation, 27


      Logging, duties, 737, 738

      Well drillers, powers and duties, 2942, 2943


      Abandoned Property Trust Account, deposits, use, 608, 609

      Adjutant General’s Special Armory Account, authorized expenditures, 3136

      Advocate for Missing or Exploited Children, Special Account for the Support of the Office of, use, 2638

      Air Service Development Fund, Nevada, creation, sources and use, 2144, 2145

      Appropriations generally (See APPROPRIATIONS)

      Athletic Commission’s Agency Fund, sources, 1256, 1258, 1259

      Attorney General Special Litigation Account, sources, 3141

      Authorized expenditures, generally (See AUTHORIZED EXPENDITURES)

      Budget, provision for employee compensation, Governor’s authority, 3733

      Catalyst Account

             Authorized expenditures, 3133

             Nonreversion and carrying forward of balance, 3354

             Unallocated balance, reversion to State General Fund, 3147

      Consolidated Bond Interest and Redemption Fund, deposits, 2861

      Contingency Account

             Appropriation to restore balance, 3718

             Indigent defense services, requests for allocations, 2886

             Interim Finance Committee, allocation from Account authorized, 3268

             Sagebrush Ecosystem, Account to Restore the, nonreversion of transferred balance of allocation to, 3146

      Contractors’ Recovery Fund, maximum amount of recovery by injured person or against single contractor, increase, 37

      Crimes Against Older Persons, Account for the Unit for the Investigation and Prosecution of, name change, use, 3494

      Dairy Fund, authorized expenditures, 3137

      Debt Recovery Account, authorized expenditures, 3132

      Deposits in financial institutions

             Collateral for uninsured deposits, requirements, 669

             Insured banks, deposits of state money to be made in, 668, 669

             Uninsured balances of public money, collateral for, establishment of monitoring program, reports, assessments, 670, 671

      Diapering Resources Account, creation, nonreversion of money, 3042

      Disaster Relief Account, use, 3630, 3632

      Domestic Violence, Account for Programs Related to, deposits, 1808, 1809, 1824

      Emergency Account, use to repay money temporarily advanced, 3358

      Emergency Assistance Account, temporary advances, 3631

      Emergency Operations Center Account, use, carryover of balance, 3146

      Employment Security Special Fund, authorized expenditures, 3140

      Endowment Account, sources, authorized expenditures, 2507, 3132, 3906, 3907

      Energy Assistance and Conservation, Fund for, use, 3197, 3198

      Equal Rights Commission, deposit of penalties and fines imposed, 3756

      Family Planning, Account for

             Administration, 1505, 1507

             Gifts, grants and other money, authority to seek and accept, 1508

             Use, requirements, 1506, 1507

      Federal Lands, Account for Revenue from Lease of, apportionments, 4238

      Financial Institutions, Account for Auditing, assessments, 2412

      Financial Institutions, Investigative Account for, deposits, 2410

      Gaming Control Board Investigation Fund, authorized expenditures, 3137

      General portfolio

             Increase in maximum share of value authorized to be invested in certain obligations, 659

             Preservation of principal value and integrity, duties of State Treasurer, 659

      Governmental services tax proceeds, deposit, continuation of allocation, 2029

      Grant Matching Fund, creation, 3708

      Grief Support Trust Account, authorized expenditures, 3135

      Healthy Nevada, Fund for a

             Sources, 3141, 3142, 3355

             Use of certain allocations, 3114

      Higher Education Prepaid Tuition Trust Fund, Nevada, investments, 652-654

      Highway Fund, State, deposits, 2029, 2520

      Highway Safety Grants Account

             Appropriation, 3350

             Authorized expenditures, 3138

      Impaired Speech or Hearing, Account for Services for Persons With, use, 3048, 3935

      Indian Commission’s Gift Fund, Nevada, accounting of revenues generated, 3172

      Inmate Welfare Account, authorized expenditures, 3137

      Justice Assistance Grant Account, authorized expenditures, 3138

      Knowledge Account

             Appropriation, 3343

             Authorized expenditures, 3133

             Nonreversion and carrying forward of balance, 3354

      Lake Tahoe Basin, Account for License Plates for Support of Preservation and Restoration of Natural Environment, use, 892

      Legislative Fund (See LEGISLATURE)

      Local Fuel Tax Indexing Fund, name change, 1266

      Low-Income Housing, Account for

             Distribution and use of money to benefit families, 1422

             Name change, 1415, 1420-1423

      Low-Level Radioactive Waste Fund, authorized expenditures, 3135

      Main Street Program, Account for the Nevada, appropriation, 2893

      Millennium Scholarship Trust Fund

             Appropriation, 3532

             Sources, 3141, 3142

      Municipal Bond Bank Debt Services account, authorized expenditures, 3132, 3146

      Municipal Bond Bank Revenue account, authorized expenditures, 3132, 3146

      Non-State Retiree Rate Mitigation Account, supplemental appropriation, 1781

      Northern Nevada Veterans Home Account, general appropriations, 3347

      Off-Highway Vehicles Account, authorized expenditures, 3138

      Offenders’ Store Fund, authorized expenditures, 3137

      Outdoor Education and Recreation Grant Program Account, creation, 3962

      Outdoor Education and Recreation Grant Program Endowment Fund, creation, 3962

      Patriot Relief Fund

             Authorized expenditures, 3136

             General appropriations, 3347

      Pollution Control Account

             Bond repayment costs, use of money, 3312

             Distribution of certain fees, 83

      Post-Secondary Education for Homeless Pupils, Account for the Liaison for, creation, 370

      Power Marketing Fund, authorized expenditures, 3138

      Problem Gambling, Revolving Account to Support Programs for the Prevention and Treatment of, deposits, 2809

      Radioactive Waste, Fund for the Care of Sites for the Disposal of, sources, 2724

      Reentry Programs, Account for, authorized expenditures, 3138

      Renewable Energy Account, authorized expenditures, 3131

      Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation Loans, Account for

             Authorized expenditures, 3131

             Name change, use expanded, 2024-2027

      Reserve for Statutory Contingency Account

             Appropriation to restore balance, 3718

             Persons wrongfully convicted, payments from Account, 4369, 4370

      Sagebrush Ecosystem, Account to Restore the

             Authorized expenditures, 3139

             Nonreversion of balance transferred from Interim Finance Contingency Account, 3146

      Sales and Use Tax Account, deposits, transfers, 3262, 4246

      School funds and accounts (See STATE FINANCES AND FUNDS)

      Sexual Assault, Special Account for the Support of the Advisory Committee on Rights of Survivors of, creation, deposits, use, 2848

      Small Business Enterprise Loan Account, authorized expenditures, 3133

      Special Capital Construction Fund for Higher Education, use of certain money, 3317

      Special License Plates, Revolving Account for the Issuance of, sources, 559, 3085

      Stabilize the Operation of State Government, Account to, deposit of certain marijuana excise tax proceeds repealed, 3270, 4244, 4245

      Stale Claims Account, appropriation, 3718

      Stewart Indian School Cultural Center and Museum, petty cash and change accounts authorized, 3171

      Supranational organizations and foreign financial institutions, state investments in securities issued by, 653-656, 659, 660

      Tourism Development Fund, authorized expenditures, 3133

      Uninsured Employers’ Claim Account, use, 3436, 3437

      Upper Payment Limit Holding Account, authorized expenditures, 3135

      Veterans Who Have Suffered Sexual Trauma, Account to Assist, expenditures, reports, 474

      Victims of Crime, Fund for the Compensation of

             Definition of "victim" for purposes of compensation

                   Harm as result of commission of crime, 4460

                   Immediate family members of certain victims, 4460

                   Person subjected to facilitating sex trafficking, 1823

                   Person who is injured, 4147

                   Veteran who experienced sexual assault while on active duty or in training, 474

                   Vulnerable person who is abused, neglected, exploited, isolated or abandoned, 3492

             Transfer of duties, 4147-4151

      Western Regional Higher Education Compact Account, appropriation, use, 3049

      Wildlife Account, voluntary donation by purchase of resource enhancement stamps authorized, 761

      Wildlife Heritage Account, authorized expenditures, 758

      Workers’ Compensation and Safety, Fund for, use, 1468, 1469, 3435

      Workforce Innovations for a New Nevada Account, appropriations, 3343





      Medical cannabis, State not to be held responsible for deleterious outcomes from use by any person, 3834

      Tort action against, limit on damages increased, 3061

      Wrongful conviction of felony, actions for damages or other relief, requirements, 4366



             Exemptions from prosecution, 3806

             Use in workplace, effect of cannabis provisions on employer, 3836

      Child welfare services or child protective services, employees performing tasks related to

             Confidentiality of personal information contained in certain official records, authority to request, 865-868

             Driver’s license or identification card, display of alternate address, authority to request, 868, 869

      Classified service

             Filling positions without competition, adoption of regulations, 598

             Silver State Health Insurance Exchange, authority to appoint employees in classified service, 1020, 1021

             Veteran’s preference, extension to nonresidents, 174

      Code enforcement, employees performing tasks related to

             Confidentiality of personal information contained in certain official records, authority to request, 726-729

             Driver’s license or identification card, authority to request display of alternate address, 729

      Collective bargaining (See also GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEE-MANAGEMENT RELATIONS)

             Collective bargaining units authorized for certain employees, 3735

      Disabilities, persons with, temporary limited appointments, requirements, conflicts of interest, 3020

      Disclosure of improper governmental action, protections against reprisal or retaliatory action, violations, 810

      Drug screening tests, procedures, 598, 599

      Government shutdowns, protection of state workers from enforcement of certain civil liabilities, 3173-3198

      Group insurance for public employees (See INSURANCE)

      Indian tribes, training in ongoing communication with, 3169

      Marijuana use by employees, authorized and prohibited acts by employers, 2625, 2626

      Microchips and similar identification, unlawful acts, penalties, 2125, 2126

      New Americans, Office for, duty of officers and employees to assist, 4362

      Official authority or influence, use, prohibited acts, duty to remedy any reprisal or retaliatory action, 809, 810

      Tort action against, limit on damages increased, 3061

      Unclassified service, compensation, 3322-3340


      Aged persons, qualifications for permit for free entry, 581, 582

      Bond issue for park purposes, 2861

      Capital improvements, funding, 3306, 3310

      Flora, special permit requirements relating to fully protected species, 732

      Ice Age Fossils State Park, appropriations, 2785

      Lake Tahoe Nevada State Park, appropriation, 2785

      Outdoor Education and Recreation Grant Program, creation, appropriation, 3960-3962

      Violation of regulations, when criminal liability attaches, 672, 673




      Annual reports, duties, 2888

      Authorized expenditures, 3134


             2019-2021 biennium, fees for services, collection, 3145

             Charges for services, restrictions, 2889

             Financial support from counties, amount to be collected, 2886

             Transfer of responsibility for services in certain circumstances, procedures, funding, requests that responsibility be transferred back to county, 2886, 2887

      General appropriations, 3345

      Indigent Defense Services, Department of, transfer of Office to, duties, 2885, 2887

      Legislative Commission, requirement to submit certain reports removed, 3128

      Sentencing Commission, Nevada, removal as member, 2873


      Cannabis Compliance Board, authority to publish studies and other material, 3779

      Labor Commissioner, duties regarding private employer leave laws, 3753

      Purchasing Division, repeal of publication of certain bulletins, 785


      Appeals by unsuccessful bidders, procedures, 783, 784

      Bulletins, removal of requirement to issue, 785

      Commodities and stores on hand, certain authority removed, 780


             Award of contracts, procedures related to, 781

             Contents and approval requirements, 783

             Governmental entities, authority of State to enter into contracts pursuant to solicitations by certain entities, 779

             Methods to obtain contracts, authorized procedures, 780

             Performance contracts for operating cost-saving measures, compliance with prevailing wage laws, 713

      Divisions within Executive Department, applicability of laws, 780

      Local business defined, 782


             Advertisement of requests for proposals, prerequisites, 781

             Technology procurement, proposals for, composition of committee to evaluate certain proposals, 781

      Public reading of bids, removal of requirement, 781

      Purchasing officers, facilitation of certain activities, 780

      Solicitation for bid or proposal, authority to enter purchasing contract pursuant to, applicability, 779

      State Administrative Manual, certain purchases in conformity with Manual required, 784

      Transportation, Department of, filing requirements for contracts with independent contractors, 51

      Using agencies, certain monetary limitation on purchases removed, authorization to purchase items indirectly, 784, 785

      Vendors having agreements with non-federal agencies, removal of authority to make agreements with, 785, 786

      Veterans, qualifications for preference for businesses of certain veterans, 782


      ABLE Savings Program, Nevada, duties, 117

      Deposits in financial institutions

             Collateral for uninsured deposits, requirements, 669-671

             Insured banks, deposits of state money to be made in, 668, 669


             Apportionments to schools and districts, time for distribution of money to county treasurers and governing bodies, 4218, 4219

             College Savings Plans of Nevada, voting member of Board of Trustees, 3904

             Education savings accounts, repeal of program, 3294

             Endowment Account, authorized expenditures, 2507, 3132, 3907

             Financial assistance for higher education, establishment of database, duties, 2324

             Nevada Higher Education Prepaid Tuition Trust Fund

                   Duties, 652-654

                   Payment of certain employees from assets, requirement removed, 3905

             Nevada Promise Scholarship Account, duties, 1211, 1216

             Sources of funding for higher education, establishment of database, duties, 2324

             State Education Fund, duties, 4219, 4220, 4225, 4238, 4243, 4245, 4247, 4251, 4252

             State Permanent School Fund, duties, 655, 656

             Student Loan Ombudsman, designation, duties, 2505, 2506

      General appropriations, 3342

      General authorized expenditures legislation, duties, 3132, 3145

      Marijuana, pilot program to facilitate certain financial transactions, creation, duties, reports, 2508-2510

      Motor vehicle fuel tax, allocation, 3145

      Municipal bond bank accounts, revision of work programs, approval of Interim Finance Committee not required, 3146

      Property tax levy by State, duties, 3316

      Salary, payment, 3364

      Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Office of, distribution of license plate fees, duties, 3085

      Securities, authorized investments of state and local funds, duties, reports, 652-656, 659, 663

      Temporary advance of money, receipt of notices, 3313

      Unclassified staff, salaries, 3324

      Vegas Strong Resiliency Center, distribution of license plate fees, duties, 558

      Women, Nevada Commission on, distribution of license plate fees, duties, 895



      Legislative study, 2481


      Guardianships of adults, procedures, 84, 85


      Authorized expenditures, 3133

      Establishment, 3170

      General appropriations, 3344

      Museum Director, classification, duties, 3170, 3171


      Penalties for certain violations, 4432, 4433, 4484


      Personal property storage insurance, regulation, 1221-1225

      Trailers used to transport motor vehicles, boats or personal watercraft, rights of holders of storage liens, 1449


      Fee for cleanup of discharges, liability for nonpayment, 1571

      Remedies for certain violations, 3980


      Abandoned or unclaimed property, stored value card defined as "property,” 3013

      Definition, 3012


      Growth in County and region, reports, duties, 798-800

      State Public Defender, fees for services, 3145


      Disabilities, persons with, cities authorized to install and maintain ramps on certain public easements and rights-of-way, 569, 570


      Designation, duties, 2505, 2506



      New or modified water service, requirements for, 2530, 2531

      Reduction of rate of diversion, approval requirements, 2531, 2532

      To public entity, requirements, effect, 2531


      Commission of Appraisers of Real Estate, powers of investigatory staff, 482

      Coroners, power to issue, 4165



      Coroners, investigative powers, 4165

      County and city jails to take precautions against, review of deaths, reports, 2196, 2197

      First responders, stress-related injury or disease, industrial insurance compensation, 1901, 1902


             Courses of study in suicide prevention, reporting requirements, 673

             Crisis, emergency or suicide (See also SCHOOLS, PUBLIC)

                   Contents of model management plan, 1765

                   Development committees, contents of plan, 3241

             Grades 7-12, adoption of policy for suicide prevention, requirements, 1760-1762

             Number of incidents of suicide, attempted suicide or suicidal ideation among pupils, reporting requirements, 674

             Private schools, adoption of suicide prevention policy, penalties and remedies for failure to adopt, 1769-1771

             Training of personnel

                   Policy for prevention of suicide in grades 7 to 12, requirements, 1761

                   Private schools, policy for suicide prevention, requirements, 1769

                   School resource officers and school police officers, training in suicide prevention, 1762, 1769

                   Teachers and administrators, suicide prevention training received by, report to Legislature, requirements, 673, 674

                   Violence and suicide associated with bullying and cyber-bullying, training requirements, 1763

      Statewide Program for Suicide Prevention

             Family members of persons at risk, suicide prevention training, 3107

             Link to network site maintained by Coordinator, duties of schools and Department of Education to post on websites, 1762, 1770

             Schools, development of model suicide prevention policy, consultation, 1761, 1762

             Training provided to law enforcement agencies, requirements, 1772



      Schools, possession and self-administration by pupils to be permitted, 546


      Administrative assessment for court facilities, sunset removed, 384

      Alpha Migration Project, reversion date of previous appropriation extended, 2795, 2796

      Clark County Sales and Use Tax Act of 2005, sunsets removed, 4192

      Consumer Affairs Unit, continuation of provisions, 2500, 2501

      Core correctional services provided by private entities, expiration, 955

      Court Administrator, distribution of proceeds from administrative assessments, 3304

      Economic Development, Office of, abatement of sales and use taxes, 2254

      Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstration Program, incentives to certain public schools, 693

      English Mastery Council, continuation, 2442

      Financial and human resource management information technology system, reversion date of previous appropriations extended, 2781

      Gaming Control Board, extension of Open Meeting Law exemption, 223

      Governmental services tax proceeds, continuation of allocation, 2029

      Grant Matching Fund and pilot program to award grants for matching funds, 3710

      Historic Sites Passport Program, expiration, 3724

      Indigent defense services, continuation of definition of term, 2891

      Low-income housing, transferable tax credit program for qualified projects, expiration, 3766

      Marijuana, payment processing systems to facilitate financial transactions, expiration of pilot program, 2512

      Minimum wage, determination, required health benefits, 539

      Mining Oversight and Accountability Commission, expiration of regulation review provision, 1593

      Motor Vehicles, Department of, technology fee continued, 2501, 2502

      Natural resources bond issue from 2002, expiration of period for issuance, 2866

      Northwestern Nevada, reports on growth issues by certain counties, 800

      Radiation therapy and radiologic imaging, expiration of certain provisions concerning podiatry hygienists, 2744

      Regional transportation, imposition of sales and use tax for support, extension of time to submit ballot question to voters, 446


             Capital projects, school advisory committees to recommend property tax to fund, 2651

             English learners, grants for programs and services, expiration, 3471

             State Supplemental School Support Account, duties and reports, certain deadlines extended, 2394

             Victory schools, expiration of program, 3471, 4252

             Zoom schools, continuation of program for 2019-2021 biennium, 3460, 3461

      State park projects, reversion of certain appropriations extended, 3359

      Vehicle miles traveled, expiration of pilot data program, 3006


      Adult standard high school diploma, appropriation for courses of study, duties, 2376

      Apportionments (See SCHOOL FINANCES AND FUNDS)

      Authorized expenditures, 3133

      Basic support guarantee

             Equity allocation model, time for review, revision and adoption, 1121

             Property taxes, receipt of certain information, duties, 2370, 2371

             Repeal of provisions, 4253

      Budget reports, receipt, duties, 4224, 4227

      Challenge schools, powers and duties, 1981-1983

      Chief Strategy Officer, salary adjustment, 3471

      Computer Education and Technology, Account for, creation, administration, 2696, 2697

      Department of Education (See EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF)

      Discipline of pupils

             Plan for restorative discipline, receipt of related reports, 3251

             Plans for progressive discipline, receipt of related reports, 3573

             Reports to State Board of Education, requirements, 1017, 1018

      Emergency financial assistance to school districts, certain provisions repealed, 4253

      Emergency response plans, receipt of notices regarding compliance, 2470

      Finance, Office of, reports to, 4224, 4227

      Financial Literacy Advisory Council, State, membership, receipt of reports, 1987, 1988

      Financial Literacy Program, State Seal of

             Establishment, duties, 1985, 1986

             Funding, 3361, 3362

      Food Security, Council on, representation, 689

      Foreign countries

             Issuance of license by endorsement, duties, 1314, 1316

             Reciprocal agreements authorized, 1318

      General appropriations, 3344

      Language Development for Children Who Are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Blind or Visually Impaired, Advisory Committee on, establishment within Department, duties of Superintendent, 3936

      Legislative Auditor, duty to provide information necessary to assist with special audit or investigation, 3269

      Licensing of school personnel (See SCHOOL PERSONNEL)

      Mental illness or emotional disturbance, children with, program to prevent custody relinquishment or voluntary placement, appointment of member to development task force, 872

      Private schools, failure to adopt suicide prevention policy, duties, 1771

      Pupil-teacher ratios, funding for grades 1-3, duties, receipt of plans, 2374, 2375

      Salary, 3328

      School Funding, Commission on, provision of professional staff services, 4207

      State Education Fund (See also SCHOOL FINANCES AND FUNDS)

             Accounts, creation authorized, 4197

             Administration, 4196

             Appropriation to Department of Education, use to fund operations of Office, 4198, 4199

             Biennial budget requests, preparation, 4224

             Compilation of district budget reports, duties, 4224

      State Supplemental School Support Account

             Duties, receipt of reports, 2392, 2394

             Repeal of Account, duties removed, 4219, 4220


      Agreements, supported decision-making

             Authority to enter into, requirements, 461

             Confidentiality of information collected on behalf of principal, 462

             Evidence of incapacity, use of agreement prohibited as, 462

             Health care providers, authority to act in reliance on, requirements, 463

             Independent action by principal not precluded, 462

             Recognition and enforcement of decision or request made pursuant to, 463

             Supporter, authorized and prohibited acts, duties, 462

             Termination, 461

      Citation, 460

      Construction and interpretation of Act, 461, 463

      Definitions, 460, 461

      Purpose, 461

      Reports of abuse, neglect, exploitation, isolation or abandonment of older or vulnerable person, duty unaffected, 463



      Administrative assessments, distribution of proceeds, 3303, 3304

      Authorized expenditures, 3133

      Chief Justice

             Indigent Defense Services, Board on, duties, 2881

             Sentencing Commission, receipt of report, 4378

      District judges, additional judges in certain counties, appropriation, 2870

      Electronic waste, removal of data before disposal required, 2217, 2574

      General appropriations, 3343

      Indigent Defense Services, Department of, receipt of report, 2884

      Judicial selection processes, supplemental appropriation, 3117

      Justices, payment of salaries, 3364

      Recyclable materials, disposition, requirements, exemptions, 2216, 2217, 2574

      Traffic citations, system for making pleas and defenses via mail or electronic means, adoption of rules, 382

      Unclassified staff, salaries, 3335, 3336, 3340

      Web-based statewide case management system, appropriation for replacement, 3362, 3363



      National provider identify of off-campus locations to be distinct from that of main location or other off-campus location, 4033



      Monetary threshold for categorization of crime, penalty, 4434



      Account for License Plates for Support of Preservation and Restoration of Natural Environment, use for grants to nonprofit entities, 892

      California-Nevada Compact for Jurisdiction on Interstate Waters, arrest powers of law enforcement officers, 447

      Environmental Improvement Program, bond issues, 891, 3315

      Fire prevention and forest health report, contents, 740, 741

      Lake Tahoe Nevada State Park, appropriation, 2785

      Path system, bond issue, 2862

      Science, support expressed for role in guiding preservation efforts, 4601, 4602

      Tahoe Bi-State Executive Committee and Tahoe Science Advisory Council, roles recognized, 4601, 4602

      Transportation issues, support for innovative solutions and work of Bi-State Working Group expressed, 4616, 4617


      Convention center

             Acquisition, bond issues, 2363, 2364

             Authorized uses, 114, 2361

      Definitions, 2360, 2364

      Occupancy tax

             Exemptions, authorization, 2365, 2366

             Use of proceeds, 114, 2363

      Prevailing wage required on non-public works projects funded by sale of bonds, 2364

      Tourism surcharge

             Collection and administration fee, 2367, 2368

             Exemptions, authorization, 2365, 2366

             Imposition on lodging in Tahoe Township, 2361

             Ordinances, 2366, 2367

             Use of proceeds, 2363, 2368

             Vendors, privileges, duties, 2361, 2366


      Annual report to Governor and LCB Director, due date, contents, 606, 607

      Authorized expenditures, 3139

      Employees, salary increase, appropriation, 3340

      Fire prevention and forest health report, duties, receipt, 740, 741

      General appropriations, 3349

      Governor’s appointee, status, removal from office, 1566

      Tahoe transportation district board of directors, composition, officers, 1156


      Foreign countries generally (See FOREIGN COUNTRIES)

      Sister-state relationship celebrated, enhancement of bilateral trade, education and cultural relations urged, 4597, 4598



      Cigarettes and other tobacco products, taxes on, duties, regulation, 622, 631

      Governor’s appointees, status, removal from office, 1566

      Low-income housing projects, transferable tax credits, duties, 3765

      Records pertaining to cannabis to be made available to Cannabis Compliance Board, 3783


      Prevailing wage laws, applicability of requirements, 711


      Authorized expenditures, 3133

      Background investigations of employees, prospective employees, contractors and prospective contractors of Department, 3295, 3296


             Establishments, tax audits of licensees, duties, reports, 3783, 3784

             Fair market value at wholesale, regulation, duties, 3811

             Regulations governing licensing and oversight, transfer to Cannabis Compliance Board, 3894

      Cannabis Advisory Commission, membership, 3773

      Charitable lotteries and charitable games, certification of qualified organizations as not operated for profit, 958

      Cigarettes and other tobacco products (See CIGARETTES AND OTHER TOBACCO PRODUCTS)

      County assessors, certain report to Legislature eliminated, 1011, 1012

      Employee misclassification, communication with certain agencies regarding, duties, 3157

      General appropriations, 3342

      Low-income housing projects, transferable tax credits for qualified projects, receipt of information, 3762, 3764

      Marijuana establishments

             Advertisements, requiring prior approval prohibited, authority to impose civil penalties for certain violations, 2341, 2346


                   Background investigations of agents and employees of agents, authority, 2337

                   Training by independent contractors, duties, 2480

             Confidentiality of departmental records and files, authorized disclosures, 118-121

             Environmental health specialist laws inapplicable to certain Department employees, exception, 2112

      Marijuana Regulation and Control Account, authorized expenditures, 2393

      Medical cannabis cultivation facilities, excise tax on wholesale sales to other cannabis establishment, repeal of receipt of revenue, 3873

      Medical cannabis establishments

             Cannabis Compliance Board, regulatory authority transferred to, 3894

             Tax audits of licensees, duties, reports, 3783, 3784

      Medical marijuana establishments

             Advertisements, requiring prior approval prohibited, authority to impose civil penalties for certain violations, 2335


                   Background investigations of agents and employees of agents, authority, 2328

                   Registration cards, petitions regarding criminal history disqualification, duties, reports, 2925-2927

                   Training by independent contractors, duties, 2478

             Confidentiality of departmental records and files, authorized disclosures, 118-121

             Environmental health specialist laws inapplicable to certain Department employees, exception, 2112

             Registration certificates, petitions regarding criminal history disqualification, duties, reports, 2925-2927

      Nye County Sales and Use Tax Act, receipt of reports, duties, 1015, 1016

      Payroll taxes, rate adjustment procedure repealed, legally operative rates maintained and continued, duties, 3294

      Property tax appraisers, certification (See PROPERTY TAX APPRAISERS, CERTIFICATION)

      Records and files, confidentiality, disclosures, 118-121, 3868-3870

      Salaries of unclassified staff, 3331

      Sales and use taxes

             Clark County Crime Prevention Act of 2016, receipt of reports, 4192

             Clark County Sales and Use Tax Act of 2005, receipt of reports, 4192

             Counties, imposition of new tax for benefit of counties and school districts, requirements, 3262, 3263

             Marketplace facilitators and referrers

                   Applicability of laws, 3684, 3685, 3690, 3691

                   Definitions, 3683, 3684, 3687-3690, 3693

                   Interim Finance Committee, appropriation for allocation, 3694

                   Overpayment of taxes, immunity of facilitators from liability, 3688, 3694

                   Regulations, 3686, 3693

                   Reports, receipt by Department, 3685, 3687, 3690, 3693

             School funding

                   Budget reports, contents, receipt, 4223, 4224

                   Minerals extracted, taxation of, submission of statement of estimated gross yield, net proceeds and royalties, duties, 2370

                   Property taxes received and credited to county’s school district fund, reports, 2370

      School funding (See SCHOOL FINANCES AND FUNDS — Taxes and taxation)

      State Demographer, adjustment of census population counts, duties, 987

      Unified Tax System, appropriation for needs assessment for modernization, 2802

      Vapor products

             Applicability of cigarette and tobacco laws, duties, appropriation, 3590, 3599

             Minors, civil penalties in lieu of criminal for violations involving, duties, 3588-3590

TAXES AND TAXATION (See also specific kinds of taxes)

      Disciplinary action against licensees, confidentiality and disclosures of information, 118-121

      Employee misclassifications to avoid employer’s obligations, agency communications and creation of task force to address, 3157, 3158

      Estate distilleries, taxation, 2768-2774

      Lubricating oil inspection fee, liability for willful nonpayment, 1571

      Payroll taxes, rate adjustment procedure repealed, legally operative rates maintained and continued, 3294

      Petroleum products, nonpayment of fee to cleanup discharges, liability, 1571

      Regional transportation, imposition of sales and use tax for support, extension of time to submit ballot question to voters, 446

      School capital projects, school advisory committees to recommend property tax to fund, establishment authorized, procedures following, use of tax, 2649-2651

      Unclaimed property held by Administrator declared subject to tax claims, 3018

      Vapor products, taxation of sales, 3590


      Certificate holders, increase in annual fee per taxicab allocated, 2028

      Medical examiner’s certificates for drivers, duties, 149, 150

      Members, status as civil officers, removal from office, 1566


      Certificate holders in large counties, increase in annual fee per taxicab allocated, 2028



                   Criminal history disqualification

                          Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2960

                          List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2960

                         Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2959, 2960

                          Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

                   Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2960

             Physician assistants, authority regarding medical examiner’s certificates, 149

      General provisions (See MOTOR VEHICLES)

      Medical marijuana establishments, location of advertisements, restrictions, 2334

      Safety belts, statement exempting passenger from use, requirements, 511


      Criminal history disqualification from obtaining license

             Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2938

             List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2938

             Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2937, 2938

             Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

      Internet publication of requirements for obtaining license, 2938



      Administrative support, 2449

      Appropriation, 2450

      Composition, 2449, 2450

      Creation, 2449

      Duties generally, 2449, 2450

      Meetings, quorum, 2449

      Reports to Legislature, 2450


      Statewide performance evaluation system

             Electronic tool for providing documents, development, consultations, 1783

             Other licensed educational personnel, duties, 1783, 1784

             Pupil growth in evaluations, percentage of evaluation based on reduced, recommendations for revised performance measures, duties, 1787, 1788

      Status of Governor’s appointees as civil officers, 1566


      Enhanced penalties for certain crimes, aggregation of sentences, 234


      2-1-1 information system

             Licensing status of medical facilities and related entities, inclusion of information, 251

             Veterans, service-connected disabilities and diseases, inclusion of information concerning, 2691

      Arrested persons, authority to make calls for purpose of locating impounded animal, requirements, 1775

      Behavioral health situations, coordination of responses, duties of POST Commission, 4461

      Cigarettes and other tobacco products, duties of sellers, prohibited acts, 3596, 3597

      Community-based living arrangement services, complaints, duties, 267, 2148

      Consumer Protection, Bureau of, duties regarding ticket reseller complaint hotline, 1135

      Contractors advertising unlawfully, repeal of prohibition on disconnection of telephone number of paging service, 2036, 2037

      County assessor’s records, persons authorized to request confidentiality of personal information, 727, 728, 866, 867

      County recorder’s records, persons authorized to request confidentiality of personal information, 726, 727, 865, 866

      Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Nevada Commission for Persons Who Are, use of surcharges, 3047


             City or county clerks and Secretary of State, persons authorized to request confidentiality of personal information contained in records, 728, 729, 867, 868

             System to obtain information on provisional ballots cast, 4057

      Emergency telephone system, surcharge for enhancement

             Analysis or audit of money collected by telecommunications providers, 1562, 1565

             Five-year master plan for enhancement of system, use of money to pay costs of adopting and reviewing, 1563

             Hearing aids for indigent children, use of surcharges to provide, 3935

             Portable event recording devices and vehicular event recording devices

                   Entities authorized to expend money, 3255

                   Order of priority for expending money, 1564

                   Return or repayment of money, grounds for, duties, 1564

                   Uses of money authorized, 1564

      Enterprise funds, exemption from requirements, 1322

      Fictitious address program for certain victims of crime, restrictions on records containing telephone number of participants, 1801

      Gaming violations, authority to request interception of communications during investigations, 826

      Guardianships, authority of proposed protected person to attend hearing for appointment of guardian by telephone, 1238, 1245

      Handle with Care Program, hotline for law enforcement officers or employees to provide notification, 3967

      Health carriers, requirements for access to services and discounts of health care providers pursuant to provider network contracts, requirements, 1603-1605

      Higher education, establishment of statewide database of sources of financial assistance, dissemination of information, 2324

      Legislators, expenses incurred from tolls and charges for use of land line service, payment from Legislative Fund, 3122, 3123

      Medical Examiners, Board of, authority to meet at location where video conference facilities unavailable, requirements, 982

      Mental health services, notice to parent or guardian of emergency admission of minor, 2617, 2618

      Product Innovation, Regulatory Experimentation Program for, toll-free number to be established for consumers to submit complaints, 3990

      Public bodies, attendance of member by teleconference, requirements for, 3618

      Radio System, Nevada State, appropriation for replacement, 2807

      Sexual assault victims, updates regarding SAFE kits, access, 2850


      Criminal history disqualification from obtaining registration

             Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2958

             List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2958

             Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2957, 2958

             Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

      Internet publication of requirements for obtaining registration, 2958


      Cannabis establishments, advertisements, restrictions, 3838

      Deferred deposit, high-interest and title loans, services offered through Internet, authority of certain agencies to provide information to public, 943

      Electronic waste, disposition by certain governmental entities, exemptions, 2215-2221, 2574-2578

      Medical marijuana establishments, advertisements, restrictions, duties regarding age of audience, penalties for violations, 2334, 2335

      Nevada Commission on Homeland Security, representation of broadcasters, 1292

      Vegas PBS, appropriation for expenses related to Outdoor Nevada series, 4014


      Authorized expenditures, 3136

      Fictive kin, provision of assistance to on behalf of child in certain circumstances, eligibility, 2434

      General appropriations, 3347


      Emergency Management, Division of, grants issued for projects related to prevention, preparedness or response, reports, 602

      Felony committed to assist or conceal terrorism, aggregation of sentences, 234

      Homeland security (See HOMELAND SECURITY)

      Nevada Threat Analysis Center and Nevada Threat Analysis Center Advisory Committee, creation, 160-162

      Victims, assistance, contents of state emergency management plan, 4155


      Categories, penalties, 4428

      Controlled substance prescriptions, duties of law enforcement agency upon receipt of report of stolen prescription, 168-170

      Gaming employees, grounds for objection to, suspension or revocation of registration, 218, 221

      Historic or prehistoric sites or resources on state lands, prohibited acts, penalties, restitution, 586

      Indian cairns or graves, prohibited acts, penalties, restitution, 585, 586

      Marijuana establishment agents, grounds for revocation of registration card, 2339

      Medical marijuana establishment agents, grounds for revocation of registration card, 2331

      Organized retail theft

             Elements of crime, 2497

             Offense defined to include use of an Internet or network site, 2498

             Period of aggregation for purposes of determining penalty increased, 2497

      Scrap metal or utility property, penalties, 4431, 4432

      Traps or snares, penalties, 4484

      Vending machines, theft from, penalty, repeal of law, 4488


      High-risk behavior, orders for protection against, procedures, 3948, 3950-3952, 4170-4177

      Nevada Threat Analysis Center and Nevada Threat Analysis Center Advisory Committee, creation, 160-162

      Schools, crisis or emergency model management plan, requirements, 3245

      State land, prevention or obstruction of free passage, prohibited acts, 2579, 2580

      State or local government officers or employees, use of official authority or influence, prohibited acts, 809


      Captive insurers, additional requirements to transact insurance in State, 1713

      Consumer form contracts, laws inapplicable, 2308

      Exploitation of vulnerable persons, reporting requirements, 3501, 3502

      Product Innovation, Regulatory Experimentation Program for, establishment, 3985-3993, 4000

      Residential mortgage loan originators, requirement to be licensed as mortgage agent eliminated, 1424


      Consumer Protection, Bureau of, duties regarding complaint hotline, 1135

      Internet robots, tickets obtained by misuse of, when resell of tickets prohibited, 1135

      Internet websites, notice requirements, prohibited acts, 1134

      Location in entertainment facility of seat or general admission area to which ticket corresponds, reselling ticket before disclosing prohibited, 1134, 1135

      Possession or constructive possession of tickets by reseller or contract with rights holder to obtain tickets, prior reselling or advertising of tickets prohibited, 1135

      Rights holder, permission required to resell tickets before tickets have been made available to public, 1135

      Total amount charged for tickets, disclosure required before reselling tickets, violation deemed deceptive trade practice, 1133

      Violations, damages, penalties, 1136


      Denial of registration based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4334

      Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application for registration, confidentiality of information, 4335


      Change in name or location of business or in association, fee removed, 3024




      California-Nevada Compact for Jurisdiction on Interstate Waters, arrest powers of law enforcement officers, 447


      Authorized expenditures, 3133

      Capital improvements, funding, 3311, 3314

      Director, member of Advisory Board on Outdoor Recreation, 3705

      General appropriations, 3343, 3344

      Historic Sites Passport Program, consultation, 3723, 3724

      Museums and History, Division of, bond issue, 2862

      Outdoor Recreation, Division of, coordination with, 3704

      Salaries of unclassified staff, 3331

      Transportation costs for public school pupils to visit state museums, funding, 3353


      Air Service Development Commission, Nevada, ex officio members, 2144

      Status of members as civil officers, removal from office, 1566


      State Education Fund, distribution of certain assessments, 4196, 4241


      Heavy-duty tow and recovery vehicles, exemption from weight limits, 293

      Nonflashing blue lights, authority to equip tow car with, restrictions on use, 1230, 1231

      Towaway trailer transporter combinations, exemption from length limits, 294


      Abandoned vehicles towed on behalf of owners or possessor of real property, agreements for voluntary payments to tow car operator authorized, effect, 1232

      Residential complex, towing from, notice requirements, exceptions, 1168, 1169


      Animals impounded due to arrest of owner, procedures, applicability of laws, recovery of costs, 1774-1778

      Brothels, study of working conditions at licensed brothels, consultation, 4641

      Cannabis establishments

             Advertisements, regulatory authority, 3839

             Cannabis consumption on premises, licensing of business or allowing such business to operate prohibited, 3862

             Cultivation facilities, excise tax on wholesale sales to other cannabis establishment, distribution of proceeds, 3873

             Effect of cannabis provisions on local control measures pertaining to zoning and land use, 3836

             Requirement to obtain license or pay license tax prohibited, 3863

      Charitable games, regulatory authority, 958

      Cigarette and other tobacco products, wholesale dealers and tobacco retail dealers, local governments may require business license, 619, 643

      Citizens’ advisory councils, authority of county commissioners to appoint members, procedures, 742-744

      Electric scooters and operation of scooter-share programs, regulation, 1882, 1883

      Electric utilities, applicability of portfolio standards, determination of total amount of electricity sold, reports, 16, 20, 21, 23

      Electronic records, powers and duties regarding certified records, 2818, 2819

      Emergency management (See also EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT)

             Disaster Identification Coordination Committee, State, activation and duties, 1066, 1067

             Emergency or disaster recovery plan, Division of Emergency Management to provide training upon request, 589

      Family planning services, grant program, requirements, 1506

      Fictitious address program for victims of crime, town to allow participants to use fictitious address, restrictions regarding records, 1800, 1801

      Grants, pilot program to award grants to towns needing matching funds, 3709

      Homelessness to Housing, Nevada Interagency Advisory Council on, collaboration, 2109

      Housing Crisis Response System, Nevada, coordination, 834

      Information processing systems, duties regarding updates, 2818

      Local improvements, accountings, duties, 1298, 1299

      Marijuana establishments and medical marijuana establishments, financial transactions, payment processing systems, requirements, pilot program, 2508

      Motor vehicles owned by, repeal of required use of alternative fuels or clean vehicles, 1061

      Nevada 24/7 Sobriety and Drug Monitoring Program, participation, 2749, 2751, 2752

      New Americans, Office of, duty of towns to assist, 4362

      Northwestern Nevada, reports on growth issues by counties, consultation, 799

      Nye County Sales and Use Tax Act, reports by governing bodies, 1015, 1016

      Occupations and professions, licensing generally

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4338

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4338

      Officers and employees

             Child welfare or child protective services, employees performing tasks related to

                   Confidentiality of personal information contained in certain official records, authority to request, 865-868

                   Driver’s license or identification card, display of alternate address, authority to request, 868, 869

             Code enforcement, employees performing tasks related to

                   Confidentiality of personal information contained in certain official records, authority to request, 726-729

                   Driver’s license or identification card, authority to request display of alternate address, 729

             Disclosure of improper governmental action, protections against reprisal or retaliatory action, remedies for violations, distribution of summary of laws, 810, 811

             Employment discrimination committed by elected officers, powers and duties of Equal Rights Commission, 1946

             Group insurance for public employees (See INSURANCE)

             Marijuana use by employees, authorized and prohibited acts by employers, 2625, 2626

             Microchips and similar identification, unlawful acts, penalties, 2125, 2126


             Tort action against, limit on damages increased, 3061

      Personal information, receipt by

             Data collectors, compliance with certain standards, requirements, 2574

             Electronic means, procedures, 2576


      Securities, authorized investments, applicability of laws expanded, 661-666

      State Public Works Division, duty to cooperate with regard to capital improvement projects, 3315

      Video service providers

             Franchise fee, in lieu of recurring rental charges, 193

             Powers and duties of towns and providers, 191, 192

      Water, right to appropriate dedicated to town, requirements, effect, 2530-2532

      Youth sports organizations sponsored by local government, duties regarding medical clearance certificate, 136, 137, 150


      Fictitious address program for victims of crime, township to allow participants to use fictitious address, restrictions regarding records, 1800, 1801

      Local improvement districts, use of certain money for public capital improvements, 1300, 1301

      Tahoe Township, Douglas County, imposition of tourism surcharge, 2361


      Employee Misclassification, Task Force on, representation, 3157


      Alcohol and drug abuse treatment providers, facilities and program operators, prohibited acts, 1679, 1680

      Consumer litigation funding companies, licensing and regulation, 2399-2416

      Deceptive trade practices

             Cigarettes, prohibited acts regarding styles of cigarettes, 472

             Cosmetics tested on animals, importation or sale, 1590

             Insurance businesses, prohibited acts relating to provider network contracts, 1601

             Ticket resellers and secondary exchanges, acts constituting, 1133

      Kratom products, prohibited acts, penalties, 2658, 2659


      Electric scooter-share programs, trip data, 1882

      Low-income housing, transferable tax credit program, protection of information provided by project sponsors, 3764, 3765


      Cigarettes and other tobacco products, issuance of temporary license to operate at trade show authorized, restrictions, 616

      Employees, health and safety training requirements, 490-494

      Tahoe Douglas Visitor’s Authority, advertising and promotion powers, 2362


      Department of Motor Vehicles, use by others of DMV trademark or mark resembling DMV trademark in advertisements, restrictions, 74


      Alternative electronic transportation system vehicles, regulation, 572-574

      Applicability of laws in additional locations, 2653-2656

      Arrest, presumption that person arrested should be released on own recognizance, exceptions, 2277, 2278

      Bicycles, authority to park on sidewalks authorized, restrictions, 1892

      Charging stations for electric or hybrid electric vehicles, violations, 1388

      Driving as a privilege, not a right, legislative declaration, 2748

      Electric bicycles, parking on sidewalks authorized, restrictions, 1892

      Electric or hybrid electric vehicles, charging stations for, violations, 1388

      Electric scooters, applicability of laws (See ELECTRIC SCOOTERS)

      Failure to stop on signal of peace officer, locations where law applicable, 2653

      Laws, duty of DMV to disseminate information regarding new laws and changes to existing laws, 1226, 1227

      Legislative declarations, 2277, 2748

      Length limits, exemption of towaway trailer transporter combinations, 294

      Military vehicles, retired, requirements for operation on highways, 1323

      Mobile carrying devices, regulation, penalty for violations, 3099, 3100, 3104, 3105

      Parking violations, issuance of bench warrant for failure to appear restricted, 383, 384

      Pedestrian crossing signals, symbols, duties of pedestrians, 3099-3101

      Railroad crossings, duties of approaching drivers, 342-344

      Reckless driving

             Acts constituting, 684, 1893

             Locations where laws applicable, 2654

      Safety course, fee in lieu of completion, sentencing requirements, use of proceeds, 2279-2281


             Electric scooters, speed limits, penalty for violations, 1882, 1885, 1895

             Parking of bicycles, electric bicycles and electric scooters, authority, 1892


             Fines, limitation on amount for certain violations, 2282

             Injury to another person or any property, penalty, 2281, 2282

             Reduction of violation to nonmoving violation, authority of court, presumption in favor, 2282

      Tow cars or certain other vehicles displaying blue lights, duties of approaching drivers, 1229, 1230

      Trick driving displays, prohibited acts, penalties, 684, 686

      Vehicular manslaughter, locations where laws applicable, 2656

      Violations, generally

             Administrative assessments, fines or court fees

                   Assessment of court fees on per case basis, requirements, 2278, 2279

                   Cancellation of fines determined to be uncollectible, effect, 2280

                   Citations with other court orders for payment, order in which payments to be applied, 2279

                   Delinquent payments, when deemed uncollectible, 2280, 2452

                   Fee in lieu of safety course, amount to be collected in addition to fine, procedures for payment, 2279, 2280

                   Grace period, provision before issuance of warrant for failure to pay, exceptions, 2278

                   Indigency of offender, presumption for purposes of exemptions, 2452

                   Installment payments, order in which payments to be applied, 2279

                   Legislative declaration, 2277

                   State Permanent School Fund, certain fines to be deposited, 2281

                   Uncollectible payments

                          Cancellation of fines determined to be uncollectible, effect, 2280

                          When deemed uncollectible, 2280, 2452

             Citations (See CITATIONS, TRAFFIC)

             Conviction not deemed criminal conviction for certain purposes, exceptions, 2278

             Demerit points, fee in lieu of completing safety course for purpose of reducing points, fee to be included in sentence, use of proceeds, 2279-2281

             Failure to appear in court, grace period to be provided before warrant issued, exceptions, 2278

             Safety course, fee in lieu of completion, sentencing requirements, use of proceeds, 2279, 2280

      Weight limits, exemptions, 295




      Prohibitions, 227


      Illegal harvesting and trafficking of organs, support expressed for Congressional actions to combat, 4607, 4608


      Criminal history disqualification for drivers’ permits

             Petitions regarding, procedures, Internet publication of information, reports, 2959, 2960

             Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

      General appropriations, 3350

      Members, status as civil officers, removal from office, 1566

      Salaries of unclassified staff, 3326, 3327


      Authorized expenditures, 3140

      Board of Directors, status of Governor’s appointees, removal from office, 1566

      Combination of vehicles, permits, requirements, 2968

      Contractors to aid motorists or mitigate traffic incidents, authority to equip vehicles with nonflashing blue lights, 1230, 1231


             Capital improvements legislation, duties, 3312

             Salary, 3331

      Greenhouse gas emissions, consultation with State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, 1972

      Highway truck parking, use of proceeds from tax on diesel fuel to construct, maintain or repair sites, duties, 1266

      Highways and roads (See HIGHWAYS AND ROADS)

      Independent contractors, filing requirements for contracts with, 51

      Nevada State Radio System, appropriation for replacement, 2807


      Licenses and permits

             Child support obligations, suspensions for violations related to, 388-392

             Residency requirement, criteria, 760

             Revocation of license, grounds, 759

      Setting trap near highway or road, restriction inapplicable to Department of Wildlife employees, 763

      Theft or stolen property violations, penalties, 4484


      Correctional staff, training in interaction with victims of trauma, 4444

      Criminal defendants affected by PTSD, eligibility for assignment to specialty court program, 2445-2447, 4395-4397

      First responders, stress-related injury or disease, industrial insurance compensation, 1901, 1902

      Handle with Care Program (See also SCHOOLS, PUBLIC)

             Law enforcement officer or employee, duty to notify of child exposed to traumatic events, 3972

      Health care providers with training in treatment of trauma related to disaster or emergency, lists to be provided on request of governmental entity, 4157-4161

      Parole and probation officers, training in interaction with certain persons, requirements, 4453

      Treatment centers, approval, requirements, 4039, 4040

      Veterans Who Have Suffered Sexual Trauma, Account to Assist, expenditures from, reports, 474


      "Adequately stocked," terminology changed to "minimally stocked," criteria, 734, 741

      Electric utility line clearance, requirements for performance by person who is not utility employee, 556

      Fully protected species, permit required to cut, pick or remove, 732

      Logging (See LOGGING)


      Domestic violence, acts constituting, 1805

      Gaming premises, assignment of certain trespassers to drug treatment program, 4442, 4443

      Warnings against trespass, sufficiency, 2476, 2477


      Creation, duties, 1080, 1081


      Prohibited acts, penalties, 684, 686


      Definition, 3099

      Education of Motorcycle Riders, Program for the, instruction authorized, eligibility to participate, 3104

      Protective headgear requirement, 3104


      Challenge schools, adoption of rules relating to, requirements, 1983

      Counties, authority to impose sales and use tax to support truancy reduction programs, procedures, reports, 3261-3263

      Distance education, charter schools for, collection of information on truancy of pupils, requirements, 1622, 1623


      Corridor improvements, bond issue for grants, 2862



      Consumer form contracts, laws inapplicable, 2308

      County treasurers, collateral requirements for depositories, 669, 670

      Product Innovation, Regulatory Experimentation Program for, establishment, 3985-3993, 3997

      Residential mortgage loan originators, requirement to be licensed as mortgage agent eliminated, 1424

      State Treasurer, collateral requirements for depositories, 669


      Contents, 1501-1504


      Arbitration provisions, 1872-1874

      Beneficiaries, repeal of provision on authority to vary rights of, 1874

      Business trusts (See BUSINESS TRUSTS)

      Campaign financing, reports, requirements, 3953, 3956-3958

      Custodial trusts, authority of advanced practice registered nurses to make certifications, 528

      Directed trusts

             Appointment of property of original trust to second trust removal of certain limitations, 1866

             "Excluded beneficiary," repeal of definition, 1874

             "First trust" redesignated "original trust,” 1865

             "Second trust" defined, 1868

      Disposition of property by statement or list authorized, exceptions, 1869

      Duration of trust, removal of prohibition on extending beyond rule against perpetuities, 1872

      Irrevocable, exception, powers which do not make trust revocable, 1862

      Irrigation districts, authority of trust beneficiary to exercise certain rights, 442, 444

      No-contest clause, definition, enforcement, exceptions, 1859-1862

      Nontestamentary trusts

             Claims against settlor, effect of failure to file timely, 1871

             Death of settlor, notice to creditors, 1870

             Trustee, expenses and compensation, requirements, 1869, 1870

      Powerholders, representation of permissible appointee or taker in default of appointment authorized, 1871

      Rule against perpetuities, removal of prohibition on extension of duration beyond applicable rule, 1872

      Spendthrift trusts, "settlor" defined, 1874

      Terms of trust instrument, variation of rights and interests of beneficiaries, provisions repealed, 1874

      Transmutation of property between community property and separate property, burden of proof, 1852


             Directed trusts, limitation on transfer of property into second trust removed, 1866

             Ex parte order to restrain performance of specific acts or exercise of powers, requirements, penalties for obtaining order without probable cause, 1859

             Nontestamentary trust, expenses and compensation, requirements, 1869, 1870

             Removal, grounds, procedures, penalty for bad faith request for removal, 1863, 1864

      Vesting or termination periods, removal of certain provision regarding inoperative language, 1846


      Contents, 2748-2752



      Boxing contest participants, time to be present and weigh in, 1258

      Disciplinary action, payment of costs of proceeding, inclusion of costs for drug tests, 1258

      Drug testing programs, requirements, 1256


             Admission fees not charged, Athletic Commission’s authority regarding events, submission of license fee by promoter, 1256

             Bond, filing requirements, 1252

             Renewal, grounds for denial, 1254

             Temporary licenses, issuance, 1253

             Temporary suspension, authority of Athletic Commission, 1257

      Regulations, authority of Athletic Commission, 1250-1252

      "Unarmed combatant" defined, 1252




      Employee misclassifications to avoid employer’s obligations, agency communications and creation of task force to address, 3157, 3158

      False statements to obtain benefits, penalties, 4486


      Arrested persons, procedures regarding animals owned or possessed by, 1778

      County and city jails, review of deaths, reports, requirements, 2199

      County clerks, reports to Legislature concerning marriage licenses issued for minors 17 years of age, 3665

      Diet prescribed or ordered for patients in medical facilities, purchase of necessary food or beverage, 1119

      District judges, additional positions in certain counties, 2870

      Elections, requirements, 180, 3426, 4144

      Emergency management organizations, establishment by counties, 1082

      Foster care, recruitment and retention of foster homes, duties, 2184

      Group insurance for public employees, coverage requirements, 2175

      Henderson, ballot question regarding Council election, 2182

      Improvement districts, accountings, refund of surplus assessment funds, 1303

      Interrogation of certain persons in custody, adoption of policies regarding, 795

      Judges, training, 4488

      Law enforcement agencies, behavioral health, duties, 4488

      Medical facilities, workplace violence prevention measures and reports, 3681

      Recall petitions, verification of signatures, 1660


             Evaluation of licensed educational employees, requirements, 1788

             Integrated pest management personnel and procedures, 1943

             Personnel, training in topics related to suicide among pupils, 1772

      Stress-related injury or disease of first responders, industrial insurance compensation, 1903

      Veterans, office of coordinator of services for, operating costs, 134

      Water resource plan, development and maintenance, 1296


      Debt-Management Services Act, applicability to Regulatory Experimentation Program for Product Innovation, 3999, 4000

      Emergency Volunteer Health Practitioners Act, applicability, 209

      Fraudulent Transfers Act, Uniform, laws inapplicable to corporate distributions to stockholders, 95

      Insurers Liquidation Act, financial reporting requirements, 1724, 1725

      Perpetuities, Uniform Statutory Rule Against (See PERPETUITIES)

      Powers of Appointment (See POWERS OF APPOINTMENT)

      Unclaimed Property (See ABANDONED OR UNCLAIMED PROPERTY)


      School districts, optional policies regarding pupil uniforms, 545


      Census Bureau, Congress urged to prevent citizenship question being added to 2020 decennial census, 4608, 4609

      Cigarettes and other tobacco products, sales on federal reservations, 616

      Congressional districts, adjustment of population counts, 986

      Environmental health specialists, federal employees exempt from state laws, exception, 2112

      Food Security, Council on, representation by Food and Nutrition Service of U.S.D.A., 689

      Government shutdowns, protection of federal workers from enforcement of certain civil liabilities, 3173-3198

      Internal Revenue Service, persons practicing before, exemptions from regulation as document preparation service, 844, 845

      Land Management, Bureau of, opposition to elimination of Nevada office expressed, 4611, 4612

      Notarial officers, requirement to authenticate signatures for documents used in United States removed, 29

      Savings bonds, when presumed abandoned, escheats to State, claims following, 608, 609

      Tahoe Basin, reports on forest health and fire prevention, receipt by Nevada’s representatives in Congress, 740, 741

      Veterans Affairs, United States Department of, collaboration

             Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, continuing education courses for health care providers, 2692

             Veterans Services, Department of, identification of veterans with service-connected disabilities or diseases and their descendants and referrals to appropriate services, 2691

      Wildfire study committee, recommendation of member by senior U.S. Senator, 4639




      Government shutdowns, applicability of laws to federal, tribal or state workers, 3178, 3179

      Orders for removal of tenant, service requirements, 3919-3921





      Family Planning, Account for, authorized uses, 1506, 1507


      Definition, 3590, 3594

      Licensing and regulation of sales, 3590

      "Other tobacco product," inclusion as, applicability of laws, 3590

      Prohibited acts involving minors, definition for purposes of laws, 3588-3590, 3596, 3597

      Smoking laws, applicability to electronic smoking devices, 3590-3597


      Outdoor Nevada, appropriation for expenses related to series, 4014


      Special license plates, issuance, use of proceeds, 558


      Entities authorized to expend money, 3255

      Order of priority for expending money, 1564

      Return or repayment of money, grounds for, duties, 1564

      Uses of money authorized, 1564


      Cannabis establishments, prohibited acts, 3807

      Cigarette vending machine operators, licensing and regulation, 614, 616, 617, 629

      Theft from machine, penalty, repeal of law, 4488


      Advancing prostitution, prosecution of offenses, 2630

      Consumer litigation funding companies, action by Commissioner of Financial Institutions, 2413

      Government Employee-Management Relations Act, actions involving labor organizations, 3741

      Habeas corpus postconviction petitions challenging computation of time served by offenders incarcerated outside Nevada while serving term imposed by Nevada court, 3009

      Small claims actions in justice courts, 52, 53

      Ticket resellers and secondary exchanges, civil actions against, 1135, 1136


      Adopt a Vet Dental Program, appropriation, 3007

      Benefit claims against federal or state government, provision of assistance by Department of Veterans Services, 127


             Advisory committees, status of Governor’s appointees, removal from office, 1566

             Capital improvements, funding, 3307, 3313, 3314

             Establishment and operation, 58, 128, 131, 132

             Voluntary services, removal of certain procedural requirement, 59

      Coordinators of services for veterans, training and certification, 128, 133, 134

      Criminal defendants, specialty court programs

             Eligibility for assignment, discharge from program, 2445-2447, 4395-4397

             Justice courts and municipal courts, funding of programs, 2280, 2281

      Disabilities or diseases, veterans with service-connected

             2-1-1 information system to include information concerning service-connected disabilities and diseases, 2691

             Identification of veterans and descendants and referral to appropriate services, 2691

             Public outreach programs to raise public awareness, requirements, 2690, 2691

             Questionnaire concerning military experience and disabilities or diseases, development, requirements, 2690

             Special license plates, placards or stickers, documents which may be presented as proof of permanent disability, 78, 79

      Driver’s license or instruction permit, declaration of veteran status, digital verification of honorable discharge from Armed Forces authorized, 575-579

      Educational personnel

             Alternative route to licensure program, 889

             Joint Services Transcript as credit towards required training, experience or licensure, 888

      Environmental health specialists, initial registration fee for veterans and spouses, 2122

      Health care providers

             Continuing education and receipt of information regarding health of veterans, requirements, 2692

             Veteran status and provision of information to veterans, authority of providers, 2693, 2694

      Health of veterans, annual reports, 2692, 2693

      Homes for veterans

             Authorized expenditures, 3134

             Capital improvements, funding, 3307, 3314, 3320, 3321

             Establishment and operation, 128, 130

      LGBT veterans, outreach and assistance by Department of Veterans Services, certain requirements removed, 58

      Nevada System of Higher Education

             Graduate degree, enrollment in programs related to critical need occupations, waiver of fees, funding of fee waivers, 1952

             Purple Heart recipients

                   Registration, laboratory fees and other mandatory fees, waiver, requirements, 1948, 1949

                   Tuition charges, assessment against recipients prohibited, 1950

      Postsecondary Education, Commission on, membership, 2457, 2458

      Postsecondary educational institutions, suspension of approval of courses for training of veterans, grounds, procedures, 2456, 2457

      Purple Heart Highway, designation, marking, 237

      Radiation therapy and radiologic imaging personnel, licensing procedures for veterans and spouses, 2727, 2728

      Sexual assault, authority to obtain compensation from Fund for the Compensation of Victims of Crime, 474

      Solar access program, implementation, certain percentage of expanded program to be reserved for disadvantaged businesses, 2313, 2314

      State employment, preference extended to nonresident veterans, 174

      State identification card, declaration of veteran status, digital verification of honorable discharge authorized, 576, 577

      State purchasing, applicability of certain veterans preference, 782

      Suicide prevention training, provision to family members, 3107

      Women Veterans Advisory Committee (See WOMEN VETERANS ADVISORY COMMITTEE)


      Governor’s appointees, status as civil officers, removal from office, 1566

      Meetings, removal of location requirements, 58

      Quorum, repeal of provisions, AB 12*


      Accounts, duties, 474

      Adopt a Vet Dental Program, appropriation, 3007

      Advocates for veterans in volunteer programs, assistance, 128

      Annual statistics, duties, 54, 55

      Authorized expenditures, 3133, 3134

      Benefit claims against federal or state government, assistance, 127

      Capital improvements, funding, 3307, 3313, 3314, 3320, 3321

      Cemeteries for veterans, duties, 58, 128, 131, 132

      Coordinators of services for veterans, duties, 127, 128, 133

      Deputy Director for Health and Wellness, qualifications, 57


             Homelessness to Housing, Nevada Interagency Advisory Council on, membership, 2108

             Primary public advocate for Nevada veterans, designation of Director as, 128

             Salary, 3332

      Employees, equipment and supplies, repeal of certain provisions, 60

      General appropriations, 3347

      Health care providers receiving continuing education and information concerning health of veterans, duties, 2692, 2693

      Homes for veterans, duties, 128, 130, 3358, 3359

      LGBT veterans and members of military, outreach and assistance, certain requirements removed, 58

      Motor Vehicles, Department of, digital verification of honorable discharge of veterans, interlocal agreements authorized, 574, 575

      Oaths, authority, repeal of provisions, 60

      Public and Behavioral Health, Division of, reports, duties, 2690

      Questionnaire regarding veteran’s military experience, development, Internet publication, duties, 2690

      Salaries of unclassified employees, 3332

      Service-connected disabilities and diseases

             Identification of veterans and descendants and referral to appropriate services, duties, 2691

             Public outreach programs to raise public awareness, duties, 2690

             Questionnaire, development, Internet publication, duties, 2690

      Veterans service officers

             Definition, 123

             Training requirements, 128



             Citizen of or legal right to work in United States, certain requirements removed, 4257, 4292

             Criminal history disqualification

                   Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2902

                   List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2901, 2902

                   Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2901, 2902

                   Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

             Denial based solely on immigration or citizenship status prohibited, 4256

             Internet publication of requirements for obtaining, 2901, 2902

             Social security number lacking, use of other identifying number in application required, confidentiality, restrictions on disclosure, 4256

             Traffic violations, conviction not deemed criminal conviction for purpose of applying for professional license, exceptions, 2278

      Nevada State Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners (See PROFESSIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL REGULATORY BODIES)

      Volunteers during emergencies, expedited provisional registration, procedures, 209, 210


      Advancing prostitution victims, inclusion within meaning of human trafficking victim, remedies, 2637

      Claims for compensation, procedures, 4147-4151

      Domestic violence (See DOMESTIC VIOLENCE)

      Factual innocence of person convicted of felony, hearing to establish based on newly discovered evidence, notice, 2981

      Fictitious address program

             Certain entities required to allow participants to use fictitious address, duties regarding records, 1800, 1801

             School funding, count of pupils for apportionment purposes, 4236

      Fund for the Compensation of Victims of Crime

             Definition of "victim" for purposes of compensation

                   Harm as result of commission of crime, 4460

                   Immediate family members of certain victims, 4460

                   Person subjected to facilitating sex trafficking, 1823

                   Person who is injured, 4147

                   Veteran who experienced sexual assault while on active duty or in training, 474

                   Vulnerable person who is abused, neglected, exploited, isolated or abandoned, 3492

             Transfer of duties, 4147-4151

      Immigrants, certification of nonimmigrant status for certain victims of crime, procedures, 4350, 4351

      Marsy’s Law, appropriation for implementation, 3716

      Residential confinement of offenders

             Confidentiality of contact information of victim, 240, 3063

             Notices to be provided victim, 239, 240, 3063

      Sexual assault victims (See SEXUAL ASSAULT)

      State Plan for Services to Victims of Crime, development, 4146-4149

      Vegas Strong, issuance of special license plates, use of proceeds, 558

      Victim’s advocates and victims, communication privilege extended to additional advocates, 86

      Videotaped depositions, authority of court to order and use for certain victims, 1807, 1808



      Franchise fee, in lieu of recurring rental charges, 193

      Micro wireless facilities, duties of providers and local governments, 191, 192


      Depositions, authority of court to order and use videotaped deposition of certain victims of crime, 1807, 1808

      Financial Literacy Advisory Council, State, meetings may be held by videoconference, 1988

      Guardianships, authority of proposed protected person to attend hearing for appointment of guardian by audio-video communication, 1238, 1239, 1245

      Public bodies, attendance of member by videoconference, requirements for, 3618

      Secondhand dealers, reports to sheriffs, certain transactions exempt from requirements, 39


      Abandoned property laws, virtual currency included as "property,” 3013

      Exemption from taxation as intangible personal property, 2827

      Monetary instrument or other property representing proceeds of or derived from unlawful activity, unlawful acts, laws applicable to virtual currency, 1798, 1799


      Death certificates, fee for support of county coroner’s office, 4166

      Homeless child or youth, entitlement to free certified copy of birth certificate, laws clarified, persons authorized to assist in obtaining, 4506

      Maternal Mortality Review Committee, representation by agencies involved vital statistics, 41

      Name change of minor in custody of agency which provides child welfare services, provision of order to State Registrar, 2089

      Unaccompanied youth, issuance of statement as to date of birth when necessary for admission to school or securing employment, 4507


      Appeal of determination regarding third program, prohibition removed, 3975

      Length of programs, extension in certain circumstances, 3974

      Lump sum payment in lieu of services, maximum percentage, 3977


      Crime against first responder, additional penalty removed, 1463


      Cannabis establishments, requirements, 3798, 3799

      Emergencies, expedited provisional registration for health practitioners during, 209, 210

      Emergency management, membership on incident management assistance teams, 1021, 1022

      Exhibitions, certain occupational safety training requirements inapplicable to volunteers, 490

      Marijuana establishments, requirements, 2335-2339

      Medical marijuana establishments, requirements, 2326-2329

      Reserve members of law enforcement or public safety agency, peer support counseling, removal of exception to privileged communications, 974


             Background checks, alternative procedures and exemptions

                   Achievement charter schools, 1514, 1515

                   Charter schools, 1510-1514

                   Private schools, 1523-1525

                   Public schools, 1519-1523

                   University schools for profoundly gifted pupils, 1515-1519

             Commercial sexual exploitation of child, duty to report, 1932

      Sexual assault victims’ advocates, grant program for recruitment and training, appropriation, 2852

      Stress-related injury or disease of first responders, industrial insurance compensation, 1901, 1902

      Veterans Services, Department of, assistance to volunteer advocates for veterans, 128

      Vulnerable persons abused, neglected, exploited, isolated or abandoned, duty to report, 3485-3487





      Abandoned or unclaimed property, payroll card defined as "property,” 3011, 3012

      Discrimination in compensation, complaints to Equal Rights Commission, procedures, 548-550, 3757, 3758

      Employee misclassification to avoid employer’s obligations

             Agency communications and creation of task force to address, 3157, 3158

             Liability of employer for lost wages and benefits, 3159

      Industrial insurance, method for determining average monthly wage

             Concurrent wages to be included, requirements, 1902, 1903

             Period of wages earned by employee, determination, use in calculating average monthly wage, 3438

      Limited-liability companies, employees’ lien against insolvent companies, 2495

      Minimum wage

             Determination of wage, required health benefits, 536, 537

             Establishment by law, annual increases, 3748

             Fines, community service in lieu of, minimum wage to be credited toward payment in certain circumstances, 2277

             Governor, publication of bulletin announcing adjusted rates, removal of constitutional mandate, 4631

             Health benefits provided by employer, effect, 3748

             Increase, authority of Legislature, constitutional amendment, 4631

      Prevailing wages (See also PUBLIC WORKS)

             Tahoe Douglas Visitor’s Authority, prevailing wage required on work on non-public works projects funded by sale of bonds, 2364

      Renewable energy facilities, wage defined for purposes of partial tax abatement, payroll reports, 1180, 1183



      Baseball stadium project, applicability of prevailing wage laws, 706

      Election procedures, appropriation for implementation of changes required by law, 4144

      Firearms seized or recovered by law enforcement agency, ballistics testing requirements, 937, 938

      Growth in County and region, reports, duties, 798-800

      Homelessness to Housing, Nevada Interagency Advisory Council on, Sheriff to serve as member, 2108

      Industrial insurance, insurer’s list of health care providers in larger counties, requirements, 3443

      Lake Tahoe Path System, enhancement and development, bond issue, 2862

      Sentencing Commission, Nevada, membership of County Public Defender, 2873


      Computer literacy and computer science, appropriation, 2701

      Financial literacy, appropriation to support instruction, 2392, 2393

      Growth in region, reports by counties, consultation, 799

      Nevada Early Literacy Intervention Program, funding, duties, 2385, 2386

      Professional development for teachers and administrators, funding, duties, 2385, 2386

      School safety specialists, designation, duties, 3234

      Zoom schools program (See SCHOOLS, ZOOM)


      Appropriation of public waters

             Dedication of right to appropriate public water

                   New or modified water service, requirements for, 2530, 2532

                   Reduction of rate of diversion, approval requirements, 2531, 2532

                   To public entities, requirements, effect, 2530-2532

             Groundwater not committed for use, rejection of application when water has been reserved, 2516, 2518

             Replacement wells, sinking or boring to divert groundwater already appropriated, procedures, penalty for violations, 2525, 2526

             Time for completion of work, duties of State Engineer, 2624

      Capital improvements to certain water systems, grant program, funding, 3315

      Construction, repair or reconstruction for water projects, applicability of prevailing wage laws, 714

      Groundwater boards, status of members, removal from office, 1566

      Groundwater not committed for use, reservation of certain percentage, requirement, 2515

      Interstate Waters, California-Nevada Compact for Jurisdiction on, concurrent jurisdiction of law enforcement officers, limitation on civil actions, 447, 448

      Lake Tahoe (See TAHOE BASIN)

      Logging, prohibited acts near certain bodies of water, 737

      Marlette Lake Water System, funding, 2790, 2802, 3309, 3314

      Pollution control, remedies for certain violations, 3978

      Public water systems, remedies for certain violations, 3979

      Resource plan, development and maintenance by cities and counties, 1294

      Water loss audits, duties of suppliers of water, 2098, 2104, 2105

      Well supervisors and assistants, payment of salaries and expenses from county general fund in certain circumstances, 838, 839


      Northwestern Nevada, reports on growth issues by counties, consultation, 799


      Boards of directors, status of members, removal from office, 1566

      Business impact statements, procedures, objection to and readoption or amendment of rules, actions taken in violation of laws deemed void, 886, 887

      Water, right to appropriate dedicated to district, requirements, effect, 2530-2532


      Grant program, bond issue, 3315

      Northwestern Nevada, reports by counties regarding growth issues, 799

      Plan of conservation, required contents, 2098, 2099, 2105, 2106

      Plumbing fixtures, minimum standards, 2101-2104

      Water loss audits, duties of suppliers of water, 2098, 2104, 2105


      Business impact statements, procedures, objection to and readoption or amendment of rules, actions taken in violation of laws deemed void, 886, 887

      Water, right to appropriate dedicated to district, requirements, effect, 2530-2532



      Renewable energy portfolio standards, kinds of waterpower considered to be renewable energy, 16, 17


      Enhanced penalties for certain crimes, aggregation of sentences, 234

      Firearms (See FIREARMS)

      School pupils in possession of dangerous weapon, disciplinary action

             Charter schools, requirements, 3568

             Public schools, requirements, 3292, 3576-3578

             Schools for profoundly gifted pupils, requirements, 3569


      Criminal history disqualification from obtaining license or permit

             Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2944

             List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2943

             Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2943, 2944

             Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

      Internet publication of requirements for obtaining license or permit, 2943


      School districts, weed control policy, requirements, 1941, 1943


      Criminal history disqualification

             Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2952

             List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2951

             Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2951, 2952

             Sunset Subcommittee of Legislative Commission, review of decisions, requirements, 2904, 2905

      Internet publication of requirements for obtaining license or permit, 2951




      Criminal history disqualification from obtaining license

             Legislative Counsel Bureau, reports to, 2943

             List of crimes disqualifying applicants, Internet publication, 2942

             Petitions regarding disqualification, procedures, fees, submission of false or misleading information prohibited, 2942, 2943

             Sunset Subcommittee, review of criminal history restrictions imposed on applicants, duties, 2904, 2905

      Internet publication of requirements for obtaining license, 2942


      Counties, payment of compensation and expenses from general fund in certain circumstances, 838, 839

WELLS (See also WATER)

      Replacement wells, sinking or boring to divert groundwater already appropriated, procedures, penalty for violations, 2525, 2526

      Well supervisors and assistants, payment of salaries and expenses from county general fund in certain circumstances, 838, 839

      Withdrawals of water in certain groundwater basins where withdrawals restricted to conform to priority rights, duties of State Engineer, 1790


      Canvass of election returns, time for completion. charter amendment, 4142

      Conduct of elections, applicability of state laws, charter amendment, 4141


      Authorized expenditures, 3131, 3146

      General appropriations, 3342, 3355, 3356

      Members, status as civil officers, removal from office, 1566


      Nevada State Commissioners, status as civil officers, removal from office, 1566

      Nursing students, appropriation for participation in certain program, 3049

      Office Director, salary, 3323


      Bond issue for wetlands projects, 2861-2864

      Division of Natural Heritage of State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, duties, 580


      Hearing officers, authority regarding reprisal or retaliatory action, 810, 811

      Local governments, requirements for ordinance providing protections, 810, 811

      Official authority or influence, use to remedy reprisal or retaliatory action, prohibited acts, 809, 810

      Placing false information in employee’s personnel file deemed reprisal or retaliatory action, 809

      Written summary or video explaining provisions of law, development, confirmation of receipt or viewing by governmental officers or employees, 811


      Courthouse, appropriation for construction, 4016


      Authorized expenditures for programs, 3139

      Carcasses, import into Nevada or possession of certain carcasses prohibited, exception, 403, 404

      Desert National Wildlife Refuge, Congress urged to oppose expansion of United States Air Force in, 4621-4623

      Drones, hunting or killing certain animals through use of unlawful, 449, 450, 758

      Habitat projects, bond issue, 2861, 2863, 2864

      Harassment of wildlife, prohibition expanded, 450, 762

      Killing certain animals to protect property, authorization removed, 758

      Live animals, import into Nevada of certain animals prohibited, 405

      Livestock, killing of certain animals to protect livestock authorized, 758, 759

      Pets, killing of certain animals to protect pets authorized, 758, 759

      Recovering America’s Wildlife Act, support expressed, 4615, 4616

      Recreational opportunities related to wildlife, enhancement, bond issue, 2861


      Hunting tags, regulations, 2657

      Members, status as civil officers, removal from office, 1566


      Capital improvements, funding, 3307, 3311

      Child support enforcement

             District attorney, receipt of reports and notices from, 388, 391

             Licenses and permits, suspension and reinstatement, procedures, 390, 391

             Welfare and Supportive Services, Division of, submission of certain information to, 390, 391

      Criminal history disqualification of licensing applicants, duties, reports

             Falconry, 2938, 2939

             Fur dealers, 2941, 2942

             Guides, 2939, 2940

             Taxidermy, 2937, 2938


             Logging, duties, 737, 738

             Outdoor Recreation, Advisory Board on, member, 3705

             Salary, 3332

      General appropriations, 3349

      Habitat projects, bond issue, 2861

      Motor vehicle fuel tax, receipt of allocations, 3145

      Outdoor Recreation, Division of, coordination with, 3704

      Recreational opportunities related to wildlife, bond issue, 2861

      Resource enhancement stamps, sale, provision repealed, 761

      Salaries of unclassified employees, 3332

      Taking of wildlife, public safety authority of employees, 757

      Traps near highway or road, employees exempt from general restriction, 763

      Wildlife Account, voluntary donation by purchase of resource enhancement stamps authorized, 761

      Wildlife Heritage Account, authorized expenditures, 758


      Arbitration provisions, 1872-1874

      Letters (See ESTATES OF DECEDENTS)

      Lost or destroyed wills, production of copy creates rebuttable presumption against revocation, requirements to overcome presumption, 1853, 1854

      No-contest clause, definition, enforcement, exceptions, 1854-1856

      Personal representatives (See also ESTATES OF DECEDENTS)

             Authority to suspend distributions to devisee under no-contest provision of will, 1855

      Probate of wills, petitions for, requirements, 1853

      Revocation of will, production of copy of lost or stolen will creates rebuttable presumption against, requirements to overcome presumption, 1853, 1854

      Vesting or termination periods, removal of certain provision regarding inoperative language, 1846


      Estate distilleries, bulk transfers of wine authorized, taxation, 2770-2774


      Gaming violations, authority to request interception of communications during investigations, 826


      Arrest of witness for failure to appear

             Appointment of attorney for witness, requirements, 2270

             Detention pursuant to arrest warrant, procedures, 2270

             Scheduling case in which witness will testify, requirements, 2270

      Domestic violence or sexual assault victims

             Bail to secure appearance as material witness, procedures, appointment of attorney, 2269

             Detention as witness pursuant to arrest warrant, procedures, 2270

      Traffic citations, waiver of right to confront witnesses if system for making pleas and defenses via electronic means is utilized, 381


      Equality of rights under law guaranteed to all persons, constitutional amendment, 4636, 4637

      HIV exposure laws, study of possible disparities in arrests, prosecutions and convictions, 467

      Maternal and child health (See HEALTH, MATERNAL AND CHILD)

      Medical facilities and related entities, discrimination based on gender, prohibited acts, duties, 1333, 1334

      Restrictive covenants based on sex, deemed void, duties of county recorders, 373-375

      Schools, legislative study of bullying, cyber-bullying and discriminatory harassment, 3082, 3083

      Solar access program, implementation, certain percentage of expanded program to be reserved for disadvantaged businesses, 2313, 2314

      Suffrage centennial, issuance of special license plates, 894, 895

      Unlawful employment practices

             Public officers, employment discrimination committed by, powers and duties of Equal Rights Commission, 1946

             Remedies, 3758


      Members, status as civil officers, removal from office, 1566

      Suffrage centennial, duties regarding special license plates, use of fees, 895


      Legislative declaration, repeal, 60

      Members, status as civil officers, removal from office, 1566



             Internal capital accounts

                   Establishment and use, 912

                   Internal capital account cooperatives, requirements, 913

             Reserve accounts

                   Establishment and use, 912

                   Internal capital account cooperatives, requirements, 913

      Articles of incorporation

             Contents, generally, 907, 908

             Requirements, 913

      Authority of corporations to form, governing law, 907

      Board of directors

             Composition, 908

             Considerations by board in exercising respective powers, 908

             Decisions of board, requirements and procedures to override, 908

             Election of director, distribution of ballots, 912

             Meetings with members, 908


             Amendment or repeal

                   Power may only be given to members, 908

                    Rights of holders of corporate shares adversely affected by amendment, restrictions on adoption, 909

             Contents, generally, 907, 908

      Definitions, 907

      Earnings and losses

             Apportionment, distribution and payment, assignment of portion to reserve account, use, 912

             Internal capital account cooperative, duties, 913

      Employees, percentage required to be members, 908

      Internal capital account cooperative, establishment, requirements, 913

      Legislative declaration, 907


             Adjournment, notice, commencement of adjourned meeting, 911

             Annual meetings between board of directors and members required, 908

             Ballots, distribution, contents, revocation, 911, 912

             Members-only meetings, notice requirements, veto of decisions, 910, 911

             Notice, manner of providing, 910, 911

             Override of decision of board of directors, percentage of members required to call meeting, 908

             Special meetings, requests for, procedures, notice, 909-911

             Validity of business transacted at meeting not fulfilling notice requirements, when waiver of notice effected, 911

             Vote, meetings during which members required or permitted to vote, notice requirements, 909-911


             Bylaws, power to amend or repeal, 908

             Decision of board of directors, majority vote required to override, 908

             Expulsion, restrictions and procedures, when deemed void, 908, 909

             Internal capital account cooperative, voting power, 913

             Patronage dividends, receipt of payment, 912

             Qualifications, 907

             Shareholders, members to have same rights and responsibilities, 908


                   Issuance, fee, 908

                   Only membership shares to be given voting power in cooperative, 908

                   Ownership, restrictions, 908, 909

                   Recall and redemption, 912

                   Security, not to be considered, 908

             Suspension, restrictions and procedures, when deemed void, 908, 909

             Termination of membership

                   Leave of absence, effect of revoking membership prohibited, 908

                   Recall and redemption of shares, 912

                   Restrictions and procedures, when deemed void, 908, 909

      Merger or consolidation with other cooperative, requirements, 913

      Revocation of election to be governed as worker cooperative, procedures, 913



      Apprenticeship Council, State, recommendations for membership, 2396, 2398

      Authorized expenditures, 3131

      Executive Director, selection of Chair and Vice Chair of State Apprenticeship Council, 2397

      General appropriations, 3341


      Sales and use tax to support joint labor-management programs of workforce training in hospitality industry, procedures, reports, 3261-3263


      Attorney General, pleadings to be served upon, 4367

      Attorney’s fees, awards, 4368

      Damages, amount, limitations, 4368

      Dismissal of action, 4367

      Immunity of State waived, 4366

      Limitation of actions, 4368

      Reserve for Statutory Contingency Account, payment of awards from Account, 4369, 4370

      Restitution, authority of court to order reimbursement for, 4368

      Settlement agreements, effect of settlement on amount awarded by court, 4369

      Sex offenders, remedies for, 4368

      Trial of action, setting of time for, 4370



      Dental therapists, authorized acts, 3206

      Limited license to engage in radiologic imaging, qualifications, 2725

      Podiatry hygienists, authority to take and develop, 2735, 2736, 2744

      Rural health clinics, authority of certain persons to take x-ray photographs at, 2729, 2730



      Charter amendments

             Beginning dates of certain terms of office, 3565

             Canvass of election returns, time for completion, 4143

             Conduct of elections, applicability of state laws, 4142

             Dates of holding elections, 3564, 3565

             Vacancies, termination date of certain appointments to fill, 3564

      Growth in region, reports by counties, consultation, duties, 799


      Chair and Vice Chair, term limits, filling of vacancies, 1124

      Meetings, issues which may be addressed, procedural requirements, 1124, 1125

      Membership by opt-in-child, provisions removed, 3277, 3278

      Vacancies, criteria, 1123, 1124


      Chief, salary, 3328

      Commercially sexually exploited children, duties, 3076, 3077


      Commercial sexual exploitation of child, duty to report, 1932



      Dedication of water rights (See SUBDIVISION OF LAND, DEDICATION OF WATER RIGHTS)