[Rev. 2/6/2019 2:14:22 PM]










Adopting the Joint Standing Rules of the Senate and Assembly for the 76th Session of the Legislature. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 1 — Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections.



Adopting the Standing Rules of the Senate for the 76th Session of the Legislature. Senate Resolution No. 1 — Senators Horsford and McGinness.



Providing allowances to the leadership and other members of the Senate for periodicals, stamps, stationery and communications. Senate Resolution No. 2 — Senators Horsford and McGinness.



Providing for the appointment of the Senate session staff. Senate Resolution No. 3 — Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections.



Providing for the voluntary transfer of a portion of Legislators’ salaries to the State General Fund. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 2 — Assemblyman Oceguera. Joint Sponsor: Senator Horsford.



Adopting the Standing Rules of the Assembly for the 76th Session of the Legislature. Assembly Resolution No. 1 — Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections.



Providing for the appointment of Assembly attaches. Assembly Resolution No. 2 — Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections.



Providing allowances to the leadership and other members of the Assembly for periodicals, stamps, stationery and communications. Assembly Resolution No. 3 — Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections.



Recognizing the month of February 2011 as a month to honor the contributions of Ronald Reagan. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 3 — Senators Cegavske; Breeden, Brower, Copening, Denis, Gustavson, Halseth, Hardy, Horsford, Kieckhefer, Kihuen, Lee, Leslie, Manendo, McGinness, Parks, Rhoads, Roberson, Schneider, Settelmeyer and Wiener. Joint Sponsors: Assemblymen Hammond; Aizley, Anderson, Atkinson, Benitez-Thompson, Bobzien, Brooks, Bustamante Adams, Carlton, Carrillo, Conklin, Daly, Diaz, Dondero Loop, Ellison, Flores, Frierson, Goedhart, Goicoechea, Grady, Hambrick, Hansen, Hardy, Hickey, Hogan, Horne, Kirkpatrick, Kirner, Kite, Livermore, Mastroluca, McArthur, Munford, Neal, Oceguera, Ohrenschall, Pierce, Segerblom, Sherwood, Smith, Stewart and Woodbury.



Rejecting Initiative Petition No. 1. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 4 — Committee on Revenue.



Expressing support for economic development and the development of a highly skilled workforce in the sectors of logistics, supply chain management and renewable energy technology in this State. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 4 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.



Adding former Assemblyman John C. Carpenter to the Assembly Wall of Distinction. Assembly Resolution No. 4 — Assemblymen Oceguera, Conklin and Goicoechea.



Adding former Assemblyman Marcia de Braga to the Assembly Wall of Distinction. Assembly Resolution No. 5 — Assemblymen Oceguera, Conklin and Goicoechea.



Adding former Legislative Counsel Frank W. Daykin to the Assembly Wall of Distinction. Assembly Resolution No. 6 — Assemblymen Oceguera, Conklin and Goicoechea.



Honoring Nevadans who have lost their lives in the Global War on Terrorism. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 7 — Assemblymen Grady; Aizley, Anderson, Atkinson, Benitez-Thompson, Bobzien, Brooks, Bustamante Adams, Carlton, Carrillo, Conklin, Daly, Diaz, Dondero Loop, Ellison, Flores, Frierson, Goedhart, Goicoechea, Hambrick, Hammond, Hansen, Hardy, Hickey, Hogan, Horne, Kirkpatrick, Kirner, Kite, Livermore, Mastroluca, McArthur, Munford, Neal, Oceguera, Ohrenschall, Pierce, Segerblom, Sherwood, Smith, Stewart and Woodbury. Joint Sponsors: Senators McGinness; Breeden, Brower, Cegavske, Copening, Denis, Gustavson, Halseth, Hardy, Horsford, Kieckhefer, Kihuen, Lee, Leslie, Manendo, Parks, Rhoads, Roberson, Schneider, Settelmeyer and Wiener.



Memorializing Marie H. Soldo. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 6 — Senators Breeden; Brower, Cegavske, Copening, Denis, Gustavson, Halseth, Hardy, Horsford, Kieckhefer, Kihuen, Lee, Leslie, Manendo, McGinness, Parks, Rhoads, Roberson, Schneider, Settelmeyer and Wiener. Joint Sponsors: Assemblymen Segerblom; Aizley, Anderson, Atkinson, Benitez-Thompson, Bobzien, Brooks, Bustamante Adams, Carlton, Carrillo, Conklin, Daly, Diaz, Dondero Loop, Ellison, Flores, Frierson, Goedhart, Goicoechea, Grady, Hambrick, Hammond, Hansen, Hardy, Hickey, Hogan, Horne, Kirkpatrick, Kirner, Kite, Livermore, Mastroluca, McArthur, Munford, Neal, Oceguera, Ohrenschall, Pierce, Sherwood, Smith, Stewart and Woodbury.



Providing for the appointment of an additional attache for the Assembly. Assembly Resolution No. 7 — Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections.



Providing for the appointment of additional attaches for the Assembly. Assembly Resolution No. 8 — Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections.



Inducting William J. Raggio into the Senate Hall of Fame. Senate Resolution No. 4 — Senators Horsford, McGinness; Breeden, Brower, Cegavske, Copening, Denis, Gustavson, Halseth, Hardy, Kieckhefer, Kihuen, Lee, Leslie, Manendo, Parks, Rhoads, Roberson, Schneider, Settelmeyer and Wiener.



Memorializing Milton D. Glick, President of the University of Nevada, Reno. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 7 — Senators Horsford; Breeden, Brower, Cegavske, Copening, Denis, Gustavson, Halseth, Hardy, Kieckhefer, Kihuen, Lee, Leslie, Manendo, McGinness, Parks, Rhoads, Roberson, Schneider, Settelmeyer and Wiener. Joint Sponsors: Assemblymen Smith; Aizley, Anderson, Atkinson, Benitez-Thompson, Bobzien, Brooks, Bustamante Adams, Carlton, Carrillo, Conklin, Daly, Diaz, Dondero Loop, Ellison, Flores, Frierson, Goedhart, Goicoechea, Grady, Hambrick, Hammond, Hansen, Hardy, Hickey, Hogan, Horne, Kirkpatrick, Kirner, Kite, Livermore, Mastroluca, McArthur, Munford, Neal, Oceguera, Ohrenschall, Pierce, Segerblom, Sherwood, Stewart and Woodbury.



Urging Congress to enact the Unemployment Insurance Solvency Act of 2011. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 9 — Assemblyman Oceguera. Joint Sponsor: Senator Horsford.



Making a formal request for the Governor to establish an open, fair and public process to fill the vacancy in the Office of United States Senator. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 8 — Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections. Joint Sponsor: Senate Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections.



Memorializing Enos LeRoy Arrascada, respected attorney and community leader. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 8 — Senators Brower; Breeden, Cegavske, Copening, Denis, Gustavson, Halseth, Hardy, Horsford, Kieckhefer, Kihuen, Lee, Leslie, Manendo, McGinness, Parks, Rhoads, Roberson, Schneider, Settelmeyer and Wiener. Joint Sponsors: Assemblymen Hickey; Aizley, Anderson, Atkinson, Benitez-Thompson, Bobzien, Brooks, Bustamante Adams, Carlton, Carrillo, Conklin, Daly, Diaz, Dondero Loop, Ellison, Flores, Frierson, Goedhart, Goicoechea, Grady, Hambrick, Hammond, Hansen, Hardy, Hogan, Horne, Kirkpatrick, Kirner, Kite, Livermore, Mastroluca, McArthur, Munford, Neal, Oceguera, Ohrenschall, Pierce, Segerblom, Sherwood, Smith, Stewart and Woodbury.



Memorializing Nevada’s first acupuncturist, Dr. Yee Kung Lok. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 9 — Assemblymen Segerblom; Aizley, Anderson, Atkinson, Benitez-Thompson, Bobzien, Brooks, Bustamante Adams, Carlton, Carrillo, Conklin, Daly, Diaz, Dondero Loop, Ellison, Flores, Frierson, Goedhart, Goicoechea, Grady, Hambrick, Hammond, Hansen, Hardy, Hickey, Hogan, Horne, Kirkpatrick, Kirner, Kite, Livermore, Mastroluca, McArthur, Munford, Neal, Oceguera, Ohrenschall, Pierce, Sherwood, Smith, Stewart and Woodbury. Joint Sponsors: Senators Breeden; Brower, Cegavske, Copening, Denis, Gustavson, Halseth, Hardy, Horsford, Kieckhefer, Kihuen, Lee, Leslie, Manendo, McGinness, Parks, Rhoads, Roberson, Schneider, Settelmeyer and Wiener.



Urging proactive protection and restoration of the population and habitat of the greater sage grouse in Nevada. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 3 — Committee on Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Mining.



Proposing to amend the Nevada Constitution to create an intermediate appellate court. Senate Joint Resolution No. 14 — Committee on Judiciary.



Urging Congress to enact legislation or take other appropriate action to expedite and streamline the requirements for conducting mining operations in this State. Senate Joint Resolution No. 8 — Senators Rhoads; Brower, Cegavske, Gustavson, Halseth, Hardy, Horsford, Kieckhefer, McGinness, Roberson and Settelmeyer.



Memorializing former state Senator Raymond C. Shaffer. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 10 — Senators Rhoads, McGinness; Breeden, Brower, Cegavske, Copening, Denis, Gustavson, Halseth, Hardy, Horsford, Kieckhefer, Kihuen, Lee, Leslie, Manendo, Parks, Roberson, Schneider, Settelmeyer and Wiener. Joint Sponsors: Assemblymen Hickey; Aizley, Anderson, Atkinson, Benitez-Thompson, Bobzien, Brooks, Bustamante Adams, Carlton, Carrillo, Conklin, Daly, Diaz, Dondero Loop, Ellison, Flores, Frierson, Goedhart, Goicoechea, Grady, Hambrick, Hammond, Hansen, Hardy, Hogan, Horne, Kirkpatrick, Kirner, Kite, Livermore, Mastroluca, McArthur, Munford, Neal, Oceguera, Ohrenschall, Pierce, Segerblom, Sherwood, Smith, Stewart and Woodbury.



Memorializing career military officer Colonel Jerry Bussell (Retired). Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 11 — Senators Kieckhefer, Brower; Breeden, Cegavske, Copening, Denis, Gustavson, Halseth, Hardy, Horsford, Kihuen, Lee, Leslie, Manendo, McGinness, Parks, Rhoads, Roberson, Schneider, Settelmeyer and Wiener. Joint Sponsors: Assemblymen Anderson; Aizley, Atkinson, Benitez-Thompson, Bobzien, Brooks, Bustamante Adams, Carlton, Carrillo, Conklin, Daly, Diaz, Dondero Loop, Ellison, Flores, Frierson, Goedhart, Goicoechea, Grady, Hambrick, Hammond, Hansen, Hardy, Hickey, Hogan, Horne, Kirkpatrick, Kirner, Kite, Livermore, Mastroluca, McArthur, Munford, Neal, Oceguera, Ohrenschall, Pierce, Segerblom, Sherwood, Smith, Stewart and Woodbury.



Memorializing visionary leader, businessman and advocate Edmundo “Eddie” Escobedo, Sr. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 12 — Senators Kihuen, Denis; Breeden, Brower, Cegavske, Copening, Gustavson, Halseth, Hardy, Horsford, Kieckhefer, Lee, Leslie, Manendo, McGinness, Parks, Rhoads, Roberson, Schneider, Settelmeyer and Wiener. Joint Sponsors: Assemblymen Diaz, Segerblom, Bustamante Adams, Benitez-Thompson, Brooks; Aizley, Anderson, Atkinson, Bobzien, Carlton, Carrillo, Conklin, Daly, Dondero Loop, Ellison, Flores, Frierson, Goedhart, Goicoechea, Grady, Hambrick, Hammond, Hansen, Hardy, Hickey, Hogan, Horne, Kirkpatrick, Kirner, Kite, Livermore, Mastroluca, McArthur, Munford, Neal, Oceguera, Ohrenschall, Pierce, Sherwood, Smith, Stewart and Woodbury.



Proposing to amend certain provisions of the Nevada Constitution related to the assessment and collection of property taxes to authorize the Legislature to provide by law for the calculation of the taxable value of improvements to real property upon the transfer, sale or conveyance of the property. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 1 — Committee on Taxation.



Urging Congress to take certain actions concerning federal public lands in Nevada. Senate Joint Resolution No. 4 — Committee on Natural Resources.



Proposing to amend the Nevada Constitution to limit the duration of special sessions of the Legislature to 20 consecutive calendar days with the exception of impeachment, removal and expulsion proceedings, to limit the types of bills which may be introduced, considered or passed during a special session, to provide that a special session may be convened by a petition signed by two-thirds of the Legislators of each House and to provide that regular and special sessions must be adjourned on the final calendar day not later than midnight Pacific time based on the actual measure of time used and observed by the general population of Nevada. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 5 of the 75th Session — Assemblymen Mortenson, Ohrenschall; Horne, Kihuen and Segerblom.



Amending the Joint Standing Rules of the Senate and Assembly for the 76th Session of the Nevada Legislature to extend the second House passage deadline from May 27, 2011, until May 30, 2011. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 11 — Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections.



Expressing support for the Pine Forest Wilderness Study Area Working Group. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 1 — Committee on Natural Resources.



Directing the Office of the Attorney General, the Agency for Nuclear Projects and the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources to conduct a joint investigation into whether Nevada could potentially receive monetary compensation from the Federal Government for contamination as a result of certain military exercises, nuclear weapons testing and other activities conducted by the Federal Government in Nevada, to the extent that such an investigation would not cost those agencies any money or resources. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 2 — Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections.



Commending Casey Family Programs for its dedication in helping children and families across the nation. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 13 — Senators Horsford; Breeden, Brower, Cegavske, Copening, Denis, Gustavson, Halseth, Hardy, Kieckhefer, Kihuen, Lee, Leslie, Manendo, McGinness, Parks, Rhoads, Roberson, Schneider, Settelmeyer and Wiener. Joint Sponsors: Assemblymen Mastroluca; Aizley, Anderson, Atkinson, Benitez-Thompson, Bobzien, Brooks, Bustamante Adams, Carlton, Carrillo, Conklin, Daly, Diaz, Dondero Loop, Ellison, Flores, Frierson, Goedhart, Goicoechea, Grady, Hambrick, Hammond, Hansen, Hardy, Hickey, Hogan, Horne, Kirkpatrick, Kirner, Kite, Livermore, McArthur, Munford, Neal, Oceguera, Ohrenschall, Pierce, Segerblom, Sherwood, Smith, Stewart and Woodbury.



Urging the Secretary of Transportation of the United States Department of Transportation to designate U.S. Highway No. 93 from Phoenix to Las Vegas as a future Interstate System route. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 6 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.



Designating certain members of the Assembly as regular and alternate members of the Legislative Commission for the 2011-2013 biennium. Assembly Resolution No. 9 — Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections.



Designating certain members of the Senate as regular and alternate members of the Legislative Commission for the 2011-2013 biennium. Senate Resolution No. 5 — Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections.



Urging Congress to enact legislation requiring the Secretary of the Interior to convey ownership of certain land to the State of Nevada to help fund education in Nevada. Senate Joint Resolution No. 3 — Committee on Natural Resources.



Directing the Legislative Committee on Health Care to create a task force to develop a state plan to address Alzheimer’s disease. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 10 — Assemblywoman Smith.



Directing the Legislative Commission to conduct an interim study concerning the laws of this State governing the protection of children. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 5 — Senator Cegavske.



Proposing to amend the Nevada Constitution to repeal the provision establishing a separate tax rate and providing for assessing and disbursing the tax on the net proceeds of mines. Senate Joint Resolution No. 15 — Committee on Revenue.



Directing the Legislative Commission to conduct an interim study concerning the structure and operations of the Nevada Legislature. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 12 — Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections.



Urging the Federal Government to engage in discussions with the State of Nevada and Clark and Nye Counties, Nevada, regarding the mitigation and containment of water contamination in Nevada which resulted from certain nuclear testing and storage activities that were conducted by the Federal Government in Nye County, Nevada. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 5 — Assemblymen Goedhart; Aizley, Goicoechea, Grady, Hambrick, Hammond, Hansen, Hardy, Hickey, Kirner, Kite, Sherwood, Stewart and Woodbury. Joint Sponsors: Senators Hardy; Cegavske, Gustavson, Halseth, Rhoads and Settelmeyer.



Providing for the compensation of the clergy and the coordinator of the clergy for services rendered to the Assembly and Senate during the 76th Session of the Nevada Legislature. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 13 — Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections.



Expressing appreciation to the staff of the Assembly for their dedication and exceptional performance during the 76th Session of the Nevada Legislature. Assembly Resolution No. 10 — Assemblyman Oceguera.