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Statutes of the State of Nevada - Seventy Fifth Session, 2009








AN ACT making an appropriation to the Legislative Fund for the costs of the 75th Legislative Session; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 1 — Senators Horsford and Raggio.  Approved February 11, 2009



AN ACT relating to children; requiring the Legislative Auditor to conduct performance audits of governmental facilities for children as directed by the Legislative Commission; requiring the Legislative Auditor or his designee to inspect, review and survey governmental facilities for children and private facilities for children to determine whether such facilities adequately protect the health, safety and welfare of the children in the facilities; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 103 — Assemblywoman Leslie.  Approved March 12, 2009



AN ACT relating to offenders; requiring the State Forester Firewarden to establish and carry out a program for operating conservation camps which use offenders; authorizing the State Forester Firewarden to enter into contracts and cooperative agreements to carry out the program; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 78 — Committee on Corrections, Parole, and Probation.  Approved March 12, 2009



AN ACT relating to taxation; imposing an additional tax on the gross receipts from the rental of transient lodging in certain counties; providing for the use of the proceeds; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Initiative Petition No. 1.  Approved March 18, 2009



AN ACT relating to crimes; revising the provisions governing the application of victims of identity theft for an identity theft passport; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 27 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 24, 2009



AN ACT relating to agriculture; eliminating the requirement that the State Department of Agriculture provide annual proposed programs for the control of invasive species and certain endemic pests and weeds to counties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 39 — Committee on Natural Resources.  Approved April 2, 2009



AN ACT relating to property; revising certain provisions relating to an award of damages in an action for forcible or unlawful entry or detention of real property; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 132 — Assemblymen Conklin, Anderson; Kirkpatrick and Oceguera.  Approved April 2, 2009



AN ACT relating to unemployment compensation; adopting an alternate base period for determining entitlement to unemployment benefits; temporarily authorizing the payment of unemployment benefits for an extended period and increasing the total extended benefit payable under certain circumstances; requiring the Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation to take any additional actions necessary to ensure receipt by the State of Nevada of the benefits available for unemployment compensation pursuant to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 469 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved April 16, 2009



AN ACT relating to the City of North Las Vegas; revising the provisions governing primary municipal elections; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 39 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved April 21, 2009



AN ACT relating to license plates; requiring certain charitable organizations which receive proceeds from the issuance of special license plates to provide annually to the Commission on Special License Plates and to the Department of Motor Vehicles certain additional information pertaining to the charitable organization; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 172 — Committee on Transportation.  Approved April 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to crimes; revising the definition of the term “explosive” for the purposes of certain crimes involving explosives; reorganizing and reenacting various provisions pertaining to crimes involving explosives; making various other changes concerning crimes involving explosives; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 182 — Assemblyman Oceguera.  Approved April 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to motor carriers; requiring impounding of certain vehicles when no certificate of public convenience and necessity has been issued to authorize their operation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 169 — Assemblymen Atkinson, McClain, Segerblom; Anderson, Arberry, Carpenter, Claborn, Conklin, Denis, Dondero Loop, Goicoechea, Hardy, Hogan, Horne, Kirkpatrick, Koivisto, Leslie, Manendo, Mastroluca, Mortenson, Parnell, Pierce, Smith and Spiegel.  Approved April 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to pesticides; revising the provisions governing the issuance of certificates to apply or supervise the application of restricted-use pesticides; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 38 — Committee on Natural Resources.  Approved April 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to public health; establishing the State Program for Oral Health; creating the Advisory Committee on the State Program for Oral Health; authorizing the Health Division of the Department of Health and Human Services to apply for and accept grants and other money and adopt regulations to carry out the Program; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 136 — Assemblymen Parnell, McClain, Anderson, Smith, Hardy; Denis, Koivisto and Mastroluca. Joint Sponsors: Senators Lee, Wiener, Carlton; and Amodei.  Approved April 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to public health; designating the State Hygienic Laboratory as the State Public Health Laboratory; authorizing the University of Nevada School of Medicine to designate certain branch laboratories of the State Public Health Laboratory; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 137 — Assemblyman Hardy.  Approved April 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to evidence; revising certain provisions governing the admissibility of certain affidavits or declarations; authorizing personal service of a request to have such affidavits or declarations admitted into evidence at certain trials; defining certain terms; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 250 — Assemblyman Manendo (by request).  Approved April 22, 2009



AN ACT making a supplemental appropriation to the State Distributive School Account for unanticipated shortfalls in Fiscal Year 2008-2009 in certain tax revenue; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 533 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved April 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to education; temporarily delaying the statutory deadline for notifying certain school employees of reemployment status for the 2009-2010 school year; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 542 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved April 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to real estate; ratifying corrections of certain errors in real estate provisions and revising related provisions in a legislative enactment from a previous session; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 15 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 4, 2009



AN ACT relating to public safety; revising reporting requirements concerning missing persons and unidentified dead bodies; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 28 — Committee on Energy, Infrastructure and Transportation.  Approved May 4, 2009



AN ACT relating to elder care; creating the Office of the State Long-Term Care Ombudsman in the Aging Services Division of the Department of Health and Human Services; setting forth the duties of the Ombudsman; revising provisions relating to advocacy for residents of facilities for long-term care; abolishing the Office of Ombudsman for Aging Persons; creating the Office of the Community Advocate for Elder Rights; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 65 — Committee on Health and Education.  Approved May 4, 2009



AN ACT relating to declarations of homestead; requiring the Real Estate Division of the Department of Business and Industry to prescribe a form for such declarations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 67 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 4, 2009



AN ACT relating to the State Board of Architecture, Interior Design and Residential Design; creating an emeritus title for certain architects, registered interior designers and residential designers; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 90 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 4, 2009



AN ACT relating to state emblems; designates the Vivid Dancer Damselfly (Argia vivida) as the official state insect of the State of Nevada; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 166 — Senator Woodhouse. Joint Sponsor: Assemblyman Stewart.  Approved May 4, 2009



AN ACT relating to juvenile justice; requiring a juvenile court to hold a hearing to determine if certain persons should be transferred to district court for criminal proceedings; excluding certain crimes from the jurisdiction of the juvenile court; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 235 — Senators Parks, Horsford, Wiener, Woodhouse, Breeden; Care, Coffin, Copening and Lee. Joint Sponsor: Assemblywoman Pierce.  Approved May 4, 2009



AN ACT relating to purchasing; repealing an obsolete statute requiring annual payment to the State Treasurer by the Purchasing Division of the Department of Administration for the purchasing warehouse building and adjacent land; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 392 — Committee on Finance.  Approved May 4, 2009



AN ACT relating to escrows; establishing provisions concerning the disbursement of escrow money; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 133 — Assemblymen Conklin, Dondero Loop; Anderson, Grady, Mortenson, Oceguera, Ohrenschall and Parnell.  Approved May 6, 2009



AN ACT relating to education; authorizing the Board of Regents of the University of Nevada to waive certain fees and tuition for a child, widow or widower of a person who was killed while serving in the Nevada National Guard; authorizing the waiver of certain fees and tuition for the spouse or child of a person who is identified as a prisoner of war or missing in action while serving in the Armed Forces of the United States; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 188 — Assemblymen Stewart, Settelmeyer, Hogan, Gansert, Christensen; Grady, Hardy, Manendo and Munford.  Approved May 6, 2009



AN ACT relating to traffic laws; authorizing an operator of a tow car to tow an occupied vehicle under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 412 — Assemblymen Claborn; Atkinson, Bobzien, Gustavson, Hambrick, Hogan, Horne, Leslie, Manendo, McClain, Mortenson and Stewart.  Approved May 6, 2009



AN ACT relating to health; revising the membership and duties of the Nevada Academy of Health; removing the prospective expiration of the Nevada Academy of Health; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 216 — Committee on Health and Human Services.  Approved May 6, 2009



AN ACT relating to irrigation districts; revising limits on indebtedness and assessments of and purchases by irrigation districts; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 226 — Assemblymen Goicoechea and Grady (by request). Joint Sponsors: Senators Amodei, McGinness and Rhoads.  Approved May 6, 2009



AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; increasing the fee for the reinstatement of a driver’s license or commercial driver’s license that has been suspended, revoked, cancelled or disqualified under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 407 — Assemblymen Bobzien; and Smith. Joint Sponsor: Senator Parks.  Approved May 6, 2009



AN ACT relating to state financial administration; revising provisions governing the crediting and refunding of overpayments of certain taxes and fees; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 23 — Committee on Taxation.  Approved May 6, 2009



AN ACT relating to administrative hearings; revising provisions governing hearings conducted by the Department of Motor Vehicles; authorizing the taking of testimony in such hearings by telephone, videoconference or other electronic means; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 28 — Committee on Transportation.  Approved May 6, 2009



AN ACT relating to state business licenses; authorizing the Department of Taxation to relieve a person from paying all or part of the penalty for the late payment of the annual fee for a state business license under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 37 — Committee on Taxation.  Approved May 6, 2009



AN ACT relating to criminal procedure; requiring the Administrator of the Division of Mental Health and Developmental Services of the Department of Health and Human Services or his designee to notify certain victims of crime of the discharge, conditional release or escape of certain persons from the custody of the Administrator; requiring courts to inform certain persons of their right to such notification; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 61 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 6, 2009



AN ACT relating to crimes; revising the definition of the crime of assault; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 93 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 6, 2009



AN ACT relating to education; clarifying eligibility for and the administration of Millennium Scholarships for students who are enrolled in more than one eligible institution; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 96 — Committee on Education.  Approved May 6, 2009



AN ACT relating to criminal procedure; providing that a defendant convicted of certain offenses must submit a specimen for genetic marker testing without a court ordering him to do so; authorizing a board of county commissioners to accept gifts, grants and donations for the county’s fund for genetic marker testing; revising the purposes for which a forensic laboratory that receives money from a fund for genetic marker testing may use the money; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 105 — Assemblywoman Gansert.  Approved May 6, 2009



AN ACT relating to victims of crime; extending the time to appeal the denial of a claim for compensation to a victim of crime; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 114 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 6, 2009



AN ACT relating to highways; authorizing the Department of Transportation to adopt regulations to allow certified low emission and energy-efficient vehicles to be operated in a lane on certain highways designated for the preferential use or exclusive use of high-occupancy vehicles; authorizing counties and cities to adopt ordinances to allow certain low emission and energy-efficient vehicles to travel in designated lanes in planned communities; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 163 — Assemblymen Ohrenschall, Atkinson, Christensen, Manendo; Aizley, Bobzien, Carpenter, Claborn, Cobb, Dondero Loop, Hambrick, Hogan, Kihuen, Kirkpatrick, Koivisto, Leslie, Mastroluca, Mortenson, Munford, Oceguera, Pierce, Segerblom and Smith. Joint Sponsors: Senators Parks, Townsend; Breeden, Care, Copening, Nolan, Washington and Wiener.  Approved May 6, 2009



AN ACT relating to crimes; providing certain penalties for a battery that is committed by strangulation; increasing the penalty for a battery which constitutes domestic violence if the battery is committed by strangulation; increasing the penalty for a battery under other circumstances if the battery is committed by strangulation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 164 — Assemblymen Horne, Gansert, Anderson, Manendo, Kihuen; Aizley, Atkinson, Bobzien, Buckley, Carpenter, Christensen, Claborn, Conklin, Denis, Dondero Loop, Hambrick, Hardy, Kirkpatrick, Koivisto, Leslie, Mastroluca, McArthur, McClain, Mortenson, Munford, Oceguera, Ohrenschall, Parnell, Pierce, Segerblom, Smith, Spiegel and Stewart. Joint Sponsors: Senators Breeden, Wiener, Care, Parks, Copening; Horsford, Lee, Mathews, McGinness and Washington.  Approved May 6, 2009



AN ACT relating to state emblems; designating Engine No. 40 of the Nevada Northern Railway as an official state locomotive; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 180 — Assemblymen Goicoechea, Carpenter; and Grady. Joint Sponsors: Senators Amodei, McGinness and Rhoads.  Approved May 6, 2009



AN ACT relating to criminal procedure; requiring courts to ask a defendant whether he is a veteran or a member of the military; authorizing the establishment by district courts of a program for the treatment of certain offenders who are veterans or members of the military; authorizing justice courts and municipal courts to transfer original jurisdiction of certain cases to the district court for the purpose of assigning offenders to the program of treatment; enacting various provisions pertaining to the program of treatment; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 187 — Assemblymen Buckley, McClain, Parnell, Leslie, Bobzien; Aizley, Anderson, Arberry, Atkinson, Claborn, Conklin, Denis, Dondero Loop, Gansert, Hogan, Horne, Kihuen, Kirkpatrick, Koivisto, Manendo, Mastroluca, Mortenson, Munford, Oceguera, Ohrenschall, Pierce, Segerblom, Settelmeyer, Smith, Spiegel and Stewart. Joint Sponsors: Senators Parks, Raggio, Wiener; Breeden, Copening, Horsford, Lee, Mathews and Woodhouse.  Approved May 6, 2009



AN ACT relating to bicycles; revising provisions governing the operation of bicycles; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 247 — Assemblymen Bobzien, Leslie, Hardy, Denis; Aizley, Kihuen, Mastroluca, Ohrenschall, Pierce, Segerblom and Smith. Joint Sponsors: Senators Copening, Parks, Hardy and Lee.  Approved May 6, 2009



AN ACT relating to criminal procedure; revising provisions relating to procedures for the commitment to and conditional release from the custody of the Administrator of the Division of Mental Health and Developmental Services of the Department of Health and Human Services of certain criminal defendants whom the court finds to be incompetent; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 264 — Assemblywoman Leslie.  Approved May 6, 2009



AN ACT relating to support; enacting revisions to the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 280 — Assemblyman Segerblom.  Approved May 6, 2009



AN ACT relating to trespassing; revising the provisions governing the crime of trespassing; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 286 — Assemblymen Christensen, Arberry, Anderson; Gansert, Hambrick, Hardy, Kirkpatrick, Manendo, McArthur, Settelmeyer and Stewart. Joint Sponsors: Senators Hardy; Cegavske and Lee.  Approved May 6, 2009



AN ACT relating to crimes; providing that it is unlawful for a person to engage in certain fraudulent acts in the course of an enterprise or occupation; revising provisions relating to the crime of racketeering; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 322 — Assemblymen Hogan, Manendo, McClain; Aizley, Arberry, Bobzien, Cobb, Denis, Goedhart, Goicoechea, Hambrick and Mastroluca (by request).  Approved May 6, 2009



AN ACT relating to civil liability; revising provisions governing immunity from liability for donating, receiving or distributing certain grocery products or food; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 332 — Assemblymen Dondero Loop, Buckley, Manendo, Smith, Conklin; Aizley, Anderson, Arberry, Atkinson, Bobzien, Claborn, Denis, Goicoechea, Kirkpatrick, Koivisto, Leslie, McClain, Munford, Oceguera, Segerblom, Settelmeyer, Spiegel, Stewart and Woodbury.  Approved May 6, 2009



AN ACT relating to economic development; authorizing a program to provide grants to nonprofit private entities to be used to make loans to veterans and senior citizens to start small businesses; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 338 — Assemblywoman McClain.  Approved May 6, 2009



AN ACT relating to crimes; revising provisions making it a crime for prisoners to commit certain acts involving human excrement or bodily fluid; requiring certain law enforcement agencies to pay for certain examinations and testing requested by certain officers and employees who are victims of such a crime; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 384 — Assemblymen Kihuen, Manendo, Anderson; Denis, Gustavson, Hambrick, Horne, McArthur, Mortenson, Munford, Ohrenschall and Segerblom.  Approved May 6, 2009



AN ACT relating to traffic laws; revising provisions governing the operation of vehicles on highways and controlled-access highways; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 417 — Assemblymen Kirkpatrick, Atkinson; and Pierce.  Approved May 6, 2009



AN ACT relating to public safety; exempting a person who works for a landlord of a dwelling unit used for a residence for older persons from an additional background check; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 477 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 6, 2009



AN ACT relating to court reporters; revising definitions, educational requirements and provisions governing disciplinary actions with regard to certified court reporters; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 509 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 6, 2009



AN ACT relating to administrative regulations; providing, with certain exceptions, that words or terms defined in the Nevada Revised Statutes have the same definitions in the corresponding portions of the Nevada Administrative Code; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 517 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 6, 2009



AN ACT relating to statutes; making a technical correction to previously enacted provisions regarding taxes for regional transportation projects; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 518 — Committee on Transportation.  Approved May 6, 2009



AN ACT relating to crimes; making it a crime to remove the firearm or other weapon of a public officer while resisting, delaying or obstructing the public officer in the discharge of his duties; increasing the penalty for using a firearm in the course of such resistance, delay or obstruction; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 253 — Assemblymen Cobb, Hambrick; Carpenter, Christensen, Claborn, Gansert, Goedhart, Goicoechea, Grady, Gustavson, Hardy, Hogan, Manendo, McArthur, Mortenson, Ohrenschall, Parnell, Settelmeyer, Stewart and Woodbury.  Approved May 7, 2009



AN ACT relating to land use planning; revising provisions concerning tentative maps and final maps of certain subdivisions of land; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 74 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 7, 2009



AN ACT relating to tobacco; repealing certain requirements regarding the delivery of cigarettes sold to consumers; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 48 — Committee on Taxation.  Approved May 11, 2009



AN ACT relating to elections; clarifying that any registered voter of the State or appropriate political subdivision may sign a petition to demand the recall of a public officer, regardless of whether the registered voter voted in the election at which the public officer was elected; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 156 — Senator Care.  Approved May 11, 2009



AN ACT relating to farm vehicles; allowing a farmer or rancher to weigh a farm vehicle on a certified scale for purposes of registration in lieu of having the farm vehicle weighed by a public weighmaster; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 199 — Senator McGinness.  Approved May 11, 2009



AN ACT relating to crimes; revising the provisions relating to certain crimes involving credit cards and debit cards; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 223 — Senator Wiener.  Approved May 11, 2009



AN ACT relating to powers of attorney; adopting the Uniform Power of Attorney Act; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 314 — Senators Mathews; Amodei, Horsford, Lee, Townsend and Wiener. Joint Sponsors: Assemblymen Hardy; Anderson, Carpenter, Grady and Ohrenschall.  Approved May 11, 2009



AN ACT relating to the protection of children; expanding the relatives who receive preference when a child is placed in the custody of a person other than the parent of the child by a court, an agency which provides child welfare services or other person; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 342 — Committee on Health and Education.  Approved May 11, 2009



AN ACT relating to child welfare; authorizing the Director of the Department of Health and Human Services to create an interagency committee to evaluate the child welfare system; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 344 — Committee on Health and Education.  Approved May 11, 2009



AN ACT relating to child custody; creating a rebuttable presumption against an award of custody or unsupervised visitation for a person who has committed an act of abduction against a child; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 59 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 11, 2009



AN ACT relating to protective orders; authorizing a victim of a sexual assault to seek a protective order against the person who allegedly committed the sexual assault; establishing procedures for obtaining such orders; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 120 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 11, 2009



AN ACT relating to juveniles; revising the provisions governing the certification of certain juveniles as adults for criminal proceedings; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 237 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 11, 2009



AN ACT relating to criminal procedure; revising the provisions governing sureties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 462 — Assemblymen Ohrenschall; and Segerblom.  Approved May 11, 2009



AN ACT relating to education; revising provisions governing allocations of money from the Account for Programs for Innovation and the Prevention of Remediation by the Commission on Educational Excellence; revising the duties of the Legislative Auditor in conducting the biennial audit of programs funded from the Account; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 12 — Committee on Health and Education.  Approved May 12, 2009



AN ACT relating to common-interest communities; providing that an association may not unreasonably restrict the addition of shutters that are attached to certain common elements or limited common elements in a common-interest community under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 216 — Senator Schneider.  Approved May 12, 2009



AN ACT relating to wills; enacting the Uniform International Wills Act; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 141 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 12, 2009



AN ACT relating to education; changing the name of the Nevada Youth Legislative Issues Forum to the Nevada Youth Legislature; revising the appointment process and eligibility requirements for the members; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 161 — Senator Wiener. Joint Sponsor: Assemblywoman Parnell.  Approved May 12, 2009



AN ACT relating to education; revising provisions relating to the enrollment of certain pupils in charter schools; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 391 — Committee on Health and Education.  Approved May 12, 2009



AN ACT relating to marriage; increasing the portion of the fee for a marriage license that funds the Account for Aid for Victims of Domestic Violence; providing for the collection of additional fees relating to marriage licenses to fund the Account for Aid for Victims of Domestic Violence; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 14 — Senator Mathews.  Approved May 13, 2009



AN ACT relating to highways; providing for the evaluation and establishment of the maximum speed on certain portions of State Route 159; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 240 — Senators Breeden, Copening, Hardy, Horsford, Lee; Coffin, McGinness, Schneider and Woodhouse. Joint Sponsors: Assemblymen Manendo, Munford and Segerblom.  Approved May 13, 2009



AN ACT relating to the Department of Health and Human Services; transferring from the Governor to the Director of the Department the authority to appoint the Administrator of the Division of Mental Health and Developmental Services; providing greater flexibility in the appointment of administrative personnel; repealing certain provisions relating to the designation of deputy administrative officers; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 23 — Committee on Health and Education.  Approved May 18, 2009



AN ACT relating to gaming; revising the provisions concerning the establishment of branch offices of the State Gaming Control Board; revising the provisions relating to the confidentiality of certain information and data provided to or prepared by the Board and the Nevada Gaming Commission; authorizing the Board and Commission to require certain persons to be found suitable or licensed; making changes relating to the registration of gaming employees; making changes concerning disseminators of live broadcasts of racing; making various other changes relating to the regulation of gaming; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 83 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 18, 2009



AN ACT relating to design professions; creating a requirement for a written contract for professional services between a client and an architect, registered interior designer or residential designer in certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 49 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 18, 2009



AN ACT relating to public health; creating the Advisory Committee for the Prevention and Treatment of Stroke and Heart Disease within the Health Division of the Department of Health and Human Services; prescribing the duties of the Committee; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 107 — Assemblyman Oceguera.  Approved May 18, 2009



AN ACT relating to revenue and taxation; revising provisions governing the authorized uses of money in a school district mitigation fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 61 — Committee on Taxation.  Approved May 18, 2009



AN ACT relating to the State Board of Architecture, Interior Design and Residential Design; revising certain names related to examinations and national organizations; requiring that certain businesses and associations employ a person licensed or registered by the Board; revising provisions governing civil penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 91 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 18, 2009



AN ACT relating to dentistry; revising provisions governing continuing education for dentists and dental hygienists relating to the medical consequences of an act of terrorism that involves the use of a weapon of mass destruction; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 129 — Senator Hardy.  Approved May 18, 2009



AN ACT relating to public health; providing for the establishment of the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Program within the Health Division of the Department of Health and Human Services; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 220 — Committee on Health and Education.  Approved May 18, 2009



AN ACT relating to hunting; making it unlawful to hunt in the Carson Lake Wildlife Management Area without a permit or other documentation specified by the Department of Wildlife; requiring the Department to charge and collect certain fees; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 280 — Senator McGinness.  Approved May 18, 2009



AN ACT relating to public health; revising provisions relating to certain tests for certain communicable diseases; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 304 — Senators Parks, Copening, Horsford; Carlton, Coffin, Schneider and Wiener (by request). Joint Sponsors: Assemblywomen Pierce, Leslie; and Smith.  Approved May 18, 2009



AN ACT relating to public welfare; requiring the Office of the Director of the Department of Health and Human Services to study issues relating to Medicaid in this State; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 307 — Senators Wiener, Horsford, Woodhouse, Cegavske, Parks; Amodei, Copening, Hardy, Lee, McGinness, Nolan, Schneider and Washington.  Approved May 18, 2009



AN ACT relating to accountants; revising provisions governing registration of and professional accounting services provided by partnerships, corporations, limited-liability companies and sole proprietorships; providing for practice privileges to be granted to certain persons not licensed in this State under certain circumstances; revising provisions governing competency requirements, discipline, licensing requirements and retention of documents; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 335 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 18, 2009



AN ACT relating to public welfare; requiring the Director of the Department of Health and Human Services to provide priority access to treatment and services to certain parents who are referred for such treatment or services by an agency which provides child welfare services; requiring the Division of Welfare and Supportive Services of the Department to expedite the application of a person for treatment or services if the person is involved in the child welfare system; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 343 — Committee on Health and Education.  Approved May 18, 2009



AN ACT relating to trusts; revising certain provisions of the Uniform Principal and Income Act (1997); and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 348 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 18, 2009



AN ACT relating to mental health; authorizing the release of certain persons admitted to mental health facilities or hospitals under the procedures for emergency admission; revising provisions relating to the process for emergency admissions of persons alleged to be persons with mental illness to certain mental health facilities; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 6 — Committee on Health and Human Services.  Approved May 18, 2009



AN ACT relating to education; requiring the Department of Education to adopt a model which measures the achievement of pupils from year to year; revising provisions governing the alternative criteria for receipt of a high school diploma; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 14 — Committee on Education.  Approved May 18, 2009



AN ACT relating to agriculture; authorizing the Director of the State Department of Agriculture to provide grants to nonprofit organizations from the Account for License Plates for the Promotion of Agriculture Within This State; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 29 — Committee on Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Mining.  Approved May 18, 2009



AN ACT relating to elections; making various changes concerning voter registration and voting procedures for certain members of the Armed Forces of the United States and their spouses and dependents, and certain other voters who reside outside the United States; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 41 — Committee on Elections, Procedures, Ethics, and Constitutional Amendments.  Approved May 18, 2009



AN ACT relating to real property; authorizing the Real Estate Division of the Department of Business and Industry to keep confidential certain records and information obtained by the Division in regulating the sale of subdivided land; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 71 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 18, 2009



AN ACT relating to watercraft; revising the requirements for the operation of a vessel towing a person; deleting provisions governing certain equipment required on certain motorboats; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 73 — Committee on Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Mining.  Approved May 18, 2009



AN ACT relating to public health; requiring the Governor to determine whether a public health emergency or other health event requires a coordinated response if there is an immediate threat to the health and safety of the public; providing for the establishment of an emergency team to coordinate a response to a public health emergency or other health event; prescribing the membership, duties and scope of authority of such an emergency team; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 112 — Committee on Health and Human Services.  Approved May 18, 2009



AN ACT relating to controlled substances; revising sentencing provisions relating to certain convicted persons who provide substantial assistance in the investigation or prosecution of other offenses; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 168 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 18, 2009



AN ACT relating to driving under the influence; requiring an offender convicted of certain offenses relating to driving under the influence to attend a live meeting of a panel of victims in person; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 209 — Assemblyman Manendo.  Approved May 18, 2009



AN ACT relating to lobbying; exempting certain veterans from the requirement to pay any fee established for registration as an uncompensated lobbyist; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 231 — Assemblymen McClain, Koivisto, Smith, Ohrenschall, Kihuen; Aizley, Anderson, Arberry, Atkinson, Bobzien, Buckley, Carpenter, Christensen, Claborn, Cobb, Conklin, Denis, Dondero Loop, Gansert, Goedhart, Goicoechea, Gustavson, Hambrick, Hardy, Hogan, Horne, Kirkpatrick, Leslie, Manendo, Mastroluca, McArthur, Mortenson, Munford, Oceguera, Parnell, Pierce, Segerblom, Settelmeyer, Spiegel, Stewart and Woodbury.  Approved May 18, 2009



AN ACT relating to paleontology; requiring the Division of State Parks of the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources to administer certain paleontological sites; authorizing a public entity, in consultation with an Indian tribe, to enter into a cooperative agreement concerning a paleontological site under certain circumstances; providing other protections for paleontological sites; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 289 — Assemblymen Mortenson and Claborn.  Approved May 18, 2009



AN ACT relating to cultural affairs; providing for the Administrator of the Division of Museums and History of the Department of Cultural Affairs to require a museum director or a member of his staff to perform the functions of State Paleontologist; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 305 — Assemblyman Mortenson.  Approved May 18, 2009



AN ACT relating to periods of observance; designating the month of April of each year as “Paleontological Awareness Month” in this State; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 306 — Assemblyman Mortenson.  Approved May 18, 2009



AN ACT relating to the military; providing for the safekeeping of certain abandoned property; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 459 — Assemblywoman McClain.  Approved May 18, 2009



AN ACT relating to days of observance; requiring the Governor annually to proclaim March 31 to be “Cesar Chavez Day”; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 301 — Assemblymen Kihuen, Denis, Munford; Anderson, Arberry, Bobzien, Buckley, Christensen, Claborn, Kirkpatrick, Leslie, McClain, Mortenson, Oceguera, Parnell, Pierce, Segerblom, Smith and Spiegel.  Approved May 18, 2009



AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; authorizing the Department of Motor Vehicles to enter into agreements that authorize certain common, contract and private motor carriers and certain businesses or organizations to register motor vehicles without applying to the Department and to issue motor vehicle registration credentials on behalf of the Motor Carrier Division of the Department; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 455 — Assemblymen Woodbury, Hardy; Aizley, Atkinson, Carpenter, Christensen, Claborn, Cobb, Denis, Gansert, Goedhart, Goicoechea, Grady, Hambrick, Manendo, Spiegel and Stewart. Joint Sponsor: Senator Cegavske.  Approved May 19, 2009



AN ACT relating to state lands; requiring the acceptance by the Division of State Lands of the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources of the donation of certain improvements to certain state land; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 300 — Senators Cegavske and Schneider. Joint Sponsor: Assemblyman Manendo.  Approved May 19, 2009



AN ACT relating to vehicles; providing that an electric bicycle must be allowed on certain trails and pedestrian walkways; excluding electric bicycles from the provisions requiring licensing and registration of vehicles and vehicle drivers’ licenses; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 441 — Assemblymen Ohrenschall, Bobzien; Aizley, Buckley, Claborn, Denis, Goedhart, Goicoechea, Hambrick, Hogan, Kihuen, Koivisto, Leslie, Manendo, McClain, Mortenson, Munford, Oceguera, Parnell and Segerblom. Joint Sponsor: Senator Parks.  Approved May 19, 2009



AN ACT relating to property; revising the abatement procedures and penalties for a violation of certain state laws that prohibit public nuisances; expanding the applicability of certain abatement procedures available to a board of county commissioners; authorizing the solid waste management authority in all counties to establish a program for the control of unlawful dumping; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 353 — Assemblymen Bobzien, Smith, Leslie, Parnell, Anderson; Goicoechea, Kirkpatrick and Settelmeyer.  Approved May 19, 2009



AN ACT relating to the protection of children; making various changes to provisions governing the court-ordered admission of a child to a locked facility; requiring a court to provide a hearing to determine whether to include rights to visitation of siblings in a decree of adoption; requiring the development of policies concerning certain medication given to children with emotional disturbances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 364 — Assemblymen Mastroluca, Buckley, Leslie, Smith; Denis and Pierce.  Approved May 19, 2009



AN ACT relating to crimes; establishing the crime of criminal gang recruitment; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 142 — Senator McGinness.  Approved May 19, 2009



AN ACT relating to specialty courts; revising provisions relating to programs for the treatment of mental illness or mental retardation; revising provisions relating to programs of treatment for the abuse of alcohol or drugs; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 47 — Committee on Corrections, Parole, and Probation.  Approved May 19, 2009



AN ACT relating to public works; allowing a public body to resolve a dispute arising between the public body and the contractor engaged on a public work by way of methods of alternate dispute resolution; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 48 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 19, 2009



AN ACT relating to counties; authorizing a board of county commissioners to provide for the imposition of a civil penalty in lieu of a criminal penalty for the violation of an ordinance concerning the licensing or regulation of businesses unless state law provides a criminal penalty for the same act or omission; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 49 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 19, 2009



AN ACT relating to crimes; establishing the Advisory Committee to Study Laws Concerning Sex Offender Registration; prescribing the duties of the Committee; requiring the Committee to prepare and submit to the Legislative Commission a biennial report; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 85 — Committee on Corrections, Parole, and Probation.  Approved May 19, 2009



AN ACT relating to governmental financial administration; requiring the establishment by regulation of procedures for transferring governmental functions between and among local governments; requiring the establishment by regulation of procedures for transferring governmental functions between and among local governments and state agencies; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 97 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 19, 2009



AN ACT relating to public works; exempting the State Public Works Board from the requirements relating to construction managers at risk; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 174 — Assemblywoman Kirkpatrick.  Approved May 19, 2009



AN ACT relating to administrators of facilities for long-term care; renaming the Nevada State Board of Examiners for Administrators of Facilities for Long-Term Care as the Board of Examiners for Long-Term Care Administrators; revising provisions relating to disciplinary actions; granting subpoena powers to the Board; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 176 — Assemblywoman McClain.  Approved May 19, 2009



AN ACT relating to wildlife; revising the system of assessing demerit points for wildlife convictions to exclude certain convictions concerning master guides and subguides; prohibiting a person from providing compensation to a person acting as a master guide or subguide without proof of licensure; revising the penalty for acting as a master guide or subguide without a license issued by the Department of Wildlife; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 194 — Assemblymen Goicoechea, Bobzien; Hambrick and Settelmeyer (by request).  Approved May 19, 2009



AN ACT relating to public health; revising provisions relating to the licensure of facilities for refractive surgery; providing for the closure of a facility for refractive surgery if the facility is operating without a license; revising provisions governing collaboration agreements between optometrists and ophthalmologists; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 196 — Assemblywoman Leslie.  Approved May 19, 2009



AN ACT relating to cancer; requiring the State Board of Pharmacy to establish the Cancer Drug Donation Program; requiring the Board to adopt regulations to carry out the Program; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 213 — Assemblymen Anderson, Conklin, Horne, Kihuen, Parnell; Arberry, Atkinson, Carpenter, Dondero Loop, Gustavson, Hambrick, Kirkpatrick, Manendo, McArthur, McClain, Mortenson, Ohrenschall, Segerblom and Settelmeyer (by request). Joint Sponsor: Senator Cegavske.  Approved May 19, 2009



AN ACT relating to health; requiring the Department of Health and Human Services to encourage each provider of health care or other services to perform a blood test to determine the amount of lead in each child receiving services from the provider of health care or other services under certain circumstances; requiring a second blood test to be performed based on certain results; requiring a qualified laboratory that conducts a blood test for the presence of lead in a child to report the results of the test to the appropriate health authority under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 219 — Assemblyman Hardy. Joint Sponsor: Senator Horsford.  Approved May 19, 2009



AN ACT relating to the State Legislature; revising provisions governing the Legislative Commission and the Interim Finance Committee; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 232 — Assemblymen Smith, Pierce, Horne, Arberry, McArthur; Aizley, Anderson, Buckley, Claborn, Denis, Gansert, Goicoechea, Hogan, Kihuen, Koivisto, Leslie, Manendo, Mastroluca, McClain, Munford, Oceguera, Ohrenschall, Parnell, Segerblom and Spiegel.  Approved May 19, 2009



AN ACT relating to diseased animals; providing that a report of trichomonosis in cattle submitted to the State Quarantine Officer is not confidential under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 242 — Committee on Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Mining.  Approved May 19, 2009



AN ACT relating to common-interest communities; revising provisions governing the audit and review of financial statements of common-interest communities; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 311 — Assemblymen Settelmeyer; Aizley, Bobzien, Buckley, Carpenter, Christensen, Cobb, Conklin, Denis, Gansert, Goedhart, Goicoechea, Grady, Gustavson, Hambrick, Hardy, Kirkpatrick, Manendo, Mastroluca, McArthur, Smith, Stewart and Woodbury. Joint Sponsors: Senators Amodei, Hardy and Washington.  Approved May 19, 2009



AN ACT relating to wildlife; revising provisions governing the development of certain programs and other activities conducted by the Department of Wildlife; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 362 — Assemblyman Claborn.  Approved May 19, 2009



AN ACT relating to commercial motor vehicles; revising provisions regarding gross vehicle weight ratings and enforcement of weight limitations on certain motor vehicles and motor carriers; providing for administrative fines for certain violations by motor carriers; revising provisions relating to purchase by motor carriers of temporary permits; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 372 — Assemblyman Carpenter.  Approved May 19, 2009



AN ACT relating to water; declaring the policy of this State to encourage the State Engineer to consider the best available science in rendering decisions concerning the available surface and underground sources of water in Nevada; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 377 — Assemblyman Bobzien.  Approved May 19, 2009



AN ACT relating to education; authorizing the issuance and renewal of a special qualifications license to certain applicants who hold a bachelor’s degree; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 428 — Assemblymen Dondero Loop, Parnell, Horne, Kihuen; Arberry, Bobzien, Conklin, Denis, Goicoechea, Hambrick, Koivisto, Manendo, Mastroluca, McClain, Mortenson, Ohrenschall, Segerblom and Smith.  Approved May 19, 2009



AN ACT relating to education; revising the provisions governing the required minimum expenditures for textbooks, instructional supplies and instructional hardware; revising provisions governing certain reporting required of university schools for profoundly gifted pupils; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 429 — Assemblymen Smith, Anderson, Hardy; Buckley, Gansert, Leslie and Parnell. Joint Sponsor: Senator Mathews.  Approved May 19, 2009



AN ACT relating to intoxicating liquors; revising provisions relating to alcoholic beverage awareness programs; providing for enforcement of certain provisions by peace officers; revising the distribution of civil fines paid for certain violations; requiring certain reports to be made to the Legislature; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 432 — Assemblymen Smith and Oceguera.  Approved May 19, 2009



AN ACT relating to credit cards; providing that, in an action to collect credit card debt, a purchaser of credit card debt must include certain information in the complaint and satisfy certain evidentiary standards; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 472 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 19, 2009



AN ACT relating to the revision of statutes; clarifying the effect of changes to the organization and numbering of Nevada Revised Statutes; directing the Legislative Counsel to reorganize the traffic laws and to revise the Nevada Revised Statutes and the Nevada Administrative Code to make the provisions gender neutral; repealing certain obsolete definitions in the traffic laws; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 475 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 19, 2009



AN ACT relating to crimes; revising provisions relating to certain crimes involving firearms, ammunition or explosives; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 481 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 19, 2009



AN ACT relating to criminal procedure; requiring a prosecutor to provide certain defendants with certain discovery when the defendant is brought before a magistrate after an arrest or at another time not less than 5 days before a preliminary examination; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 499 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 19, 2009



AN ACT relating to real property; providing that a tenant may give a landlord a surety bond, or a combination of a surety bond and other security, instead of a security deposit under certain circumstances; providing that upon termination of a landlord’s interest in the property, the successor in interest must accept the tenant’s security or surety bond; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 512 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 19, 2009



AN ACT relating to wildlife; requiring any matching money received by the Department of Wildlife from any source to be used only for the management of wildlife; providing that certain fees from the sale of licenses, tags or permits must be used under the guidance of the Board of Wildlife Commissioners; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 516 — Committee on Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Mining.  Approved May 19, 2009



AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; providing for the issuance of special license plates for family members of persons killed in the line of duty while on active duty in the Armed Forces of the United States; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 139 — Senators Nolan, Coffin; Amodei, Breeden, Care, Carlton, Cegavske, Copening, Hardy, Horsford, Lee, Mathews, McGinness, Parks, Raggio, Rhoads, Schneider, Townsend, Washington, Wiener and Woodhouse.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to emergencies; requiring broadcasters in this State to develop plans for preparing for and responding to emergencies and disasters; authorizing the establishment of programs for the training and certification of first response broadcasters in restoring, repairing and resupplying facilities and equipment during an emergency or disaster; providing that broadcasters and first response broadcasters must be given certain priority for equipment and supplies during an emergency or disaster; providing that certain equipment and supplies of a broadcaster or first response broadcaster must not be confiscated during an emergency or disaster; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 147 — Senators Wiener, Care, McGinness, Copening and Schneider.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to care facilities; requiring a licensee or applicant for a license to operate a home for individual residential care to comply with certain provisions concerning the criminal history of the licensee or applicant and any employee or independent contractor of the home; revising provisions concerning crimes which constitute grounds for the revocation, denial or suspension of a license to operate such a home or certain other agencies and facilities or the termination of their employees or independent contractors; requiring such a home to file a surety bond with the Administrator of the Health Division of the Department of Health and Human Services or deposit with a bank or trust company certain obligations as a substitute for the surety bond; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 20 — Committee on Health and Human Services.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to school facilities; revising provisions governing the review and approval of plans for the construction or alteration of school buildings in certain school districts; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 40 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to justice courts; authorizing the appointment of masters in justice courts under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 63 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to forestry; requiring the State Forester Firewarden to submit an annual report concerning fire prevention and forest health in the Nevada portion of the Lake Tahoe Basin to certain persons and entities; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 75 — Committee on Natural Resources, Agriculture, and Mining.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to the protection of children; exempting certain relatives from licensure as foster care providers as a condition to placing a child in their custody in certain circumstances; revising provisions governing the background check required for obtaining a license as a foster care provider; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 76 — Committee on Health and Human Services.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to city elections; authorizing the governing body of a city to conduct a city election in which all ballots must be cast by mail under certain circumstances; providing that a candidate who receives a majority of votes cast in a city primary election in certain cities must be declared elected; revising provisions concerning requests for an absent ballot; requiring that the voting results of a city election be posted on the Internet under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 79 — Committee on Elections, Procedures, Ethics, and Constitutional Amendments.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to crimes; requiring a law enforcement agency and juvenile court to provide certain requested investigative and police reports within a specific period; excluding contributory conduct of a victim of domestic violence or sexual assault from consideration in certain determinations of compensation to the victim; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 116 — Assemblyman Carpenter.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to convicted persons; making various changes relating to parole hearings; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 117 — Committee on Corrections, Parole, and Probation.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to public health; requiring offices of physicians and related facilities to obtain a permit and national accreditation before providing certain services involving anesthesia and sedation; providing an exception for certain offices and facilities; requiring surgical centers for ambulatory patients to obtain national accreditation; requiring annual inspections of such offices, facilities and surgical centers; requiring that copies of reports relating to the use of anesthesia and sedation by physicians be submitted to the Health Division of the Department of Health and Human Services; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 123 — Committee on Health and Human Services.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to housing; requiring the Housing Division of the Department of Business and Industry to create and maintain a statewide low-income housing database; requiring certain owners of residential housing units to report to the Office of Disability Services of the Department of Health and Human Services information concerning each unit of housing that is available and suitable for use by a person with a disability; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 139 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to occupational diseases; exempting certain claims for occupational diseases from requirements relating to the burden of proof that disease arose out of and in course of employment; providing that certain occupational diseases are occupational diseases of arson investigators; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 173 — Assemblymen Mastroluca, Oceguera, Horne, Conklin, Smith; Atkinson, Bobzien, Buckley, Denis, Dondero Loop, Kirkpatrick and Parnell.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; revising provisions governing the liability of a short-term lessee of a passenger car for physical damage or loss of use of the car under certain circumstances; authorizing a short-term lessor to exclude from a waiver of damages losses resulting from the theft of a leased car if the theft is committed by an authorized driver or by a person aided or abetted by an authorized driver; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 177 — Assemblyman Oceguera.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to public health; revising provisions relating to reports of sentinel events and patient safety by medical facilities; authorizing health authorities to conduct investigations of cases or suspected cases of an infectious disease or exposure to biological, radiological or chemical agents and to issue cease and desist orders relating to those investigations; authorizing the Health Division of the Department of Health and Human Services to take control of certain medical records under certain circumstances; revising provisions relating to the licensure and discipline of certain medical facilities and facilities for the dependent; requiring the Director of the Office of Consumer Health Assistance to assist consumers in filing certain complaints; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 206 — Committee on Health and Human Services.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to concealed firearms; providing that certain retired law enforcement officers must be offered the opportunity to obtain the firearms qualification that is necessary for certification to carry a concealed firearm at least twice per year; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 230 — Assemblyman Segerblom.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to water conservation; revising the provisions governing grants of money for water conservation and capital improvements to certain water systems to include a nonprofit association or nonprofit cooperative corporation that provides water service only to its members; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 236 — Assemblymen Grady; Gansert, Goedhart, Goicoechea and Settelmeyer (by request). Joint Sponsor: Senator Amodei.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to crimes; revising provisions relating to habitual criminals; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 239 — Assemblymen Ohrenschall; Horne, Munford and Segerblom.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to higher education; requiring the Board of Regents of the University of Nevada to submit a biennial report to the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau for submission to the Legislature concerning the participation of certain protected classes in the Nevada System of Higher Education; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 327 — Assemblymen Denis; Arberry, Kihuen and Munford.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to taxation; authorizing the board of county commissioners of certain smaller counties to use the money from a sales and use tax to support the operation and maintenance of a county recreational facility; requiring the county treasurer to deposit the money received in the appropriate fund; authorizing the imposition of the tax in White Pine County without further approval of the voters; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 329 — Assemblymen Goicoechea; Carpenter, Gansert, Goedhart, Grady, Gustavson, Hambrick, Settelmeyer, Stewart and Woodbury (by request). Joint Sponsors: Senators Rhoads; and McGinness.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to taxation; revising the provision providing property tax exemptions for the property of certain nonprofit organizations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 369 — Assemblyman Mortenson.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to crimes; providing for the freezing and forfeiture of the assets of a person who commits certain offenses involving the pandering or prostitution of a child; authorizing a court to impose an additional criminal fine on a person convicted of certain offenses involving the pandering or prostitution of a child; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 380 — Assemblymen Hambrick, Anderson; Carpenter, Dondero Loop, Horne, Manendo, Ohrenschall and Parnell.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to personal identifying information; prohibiting a business from printing certain information concerning a credit card or debit card on any copy of a receipt retained by the business; prohibiting a person from providing machines that do not allow a business to comply with the prohibition against printing certain information; providing civil and criminal penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 389 — Assemblymen Parnell, Horne, Anderson, Kihuen, Koivisto; Carpenter, Conklin, Dondero Loop, Grady, Gustavson, Hambrick, Manendo, McArthur, Mortenson, Oceguera, Ohrenschall and Segerblom. Joint Sponsor: Senator Amodei.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to education; revising provisions relating to the enrollment of pupils in charter schools; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 393 — Assemblywoman Smith.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to taxes on retail sales; revising various provisions governing sales and use taxes to ensure continued compliance with the Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement; providing for the submission to the voters of the question whether the Sales and Use Tax Act of 1955 should be amended to authorize the Legislature to amend a provision of that Act only when necessary to resolve a conflict with a federal law or interstate agreement for the administration of sales and use taxes; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 403 — Assemblymen Settelmeyer; Gansert, Goedhart, Goicoechea, Grady, Hambrick, Hardy, Stewart and Woodbury.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to counties; authorizing certain smaller counties to combine or separate certain county offices after approval by a vote of the residents of the county; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 415 — Assemblymen Goicoechea; Carpenter, Goedhart, Grady, Hardy, Settelmeyer and Stewart. Joint Sponsor: Senator Rhoads.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to water; requiring the State Engineer or a person designated by him to conduct an inventory of a basin before approving an application for an interbasin transfer of groundwater under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 416 — Assemblymen Goicoechea, Carpenter, Leslie; Gansert, Goedhart, Grady, Hardy and Smith. Joint Sponsor: Senator Rhoads.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to education; authorizing the Superintendent of Public Instruction to issue an additional license to teach elementary education, middle school or junior high school education or secondary education to certain licensed teachers; revising provisions governing the reciprocal licensure of teachers and other educational personnel; requiring the Commission on Professional Standards in Education to conduct a review of the regulations of the Commission governing the licensure and endorsement of special education teachers; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 425 — Assemblymen Dondero Loop, Parnell, Horne, Kihuen; Arberry, Bobzien, Conklin, Denis, Goicoechea, Gustavson, Hambrick, Koivisto, Manendo, Mastroluca, McClain, Mortenson, Ohrenschall, Segerblom and Smith.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to housing; prohibiting the Housing Division of the Department of Business and Industry from adopting regulations that restrict or defer more than a certain percentage of the payment of profit and overhead to developers of certain projects under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 508 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada; requiring that the entire Commission must act in certain matters; requiring that the Commission appoint an Executive Director; revising the dates by which certain applications must be filed; indicating that certain provisions of law do not prohibit the Commission from taking certain action; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 510 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to the Department of Cultural Affairs; temporarily suspending the requirement that the State Library and Archives be open to the public during certain days and hours; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 528 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to controlled substances; transferring the program for the medical use of marijuana from the State Department of Agriculture to the Health Division of the Department of Health and Human Services; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 538 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to public welfare; requiring the Department of Health and Human Services to establish and maintain a system for the electronic submission of applications for Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program; requiring certain agencies to use the system to forward such applications to the Department; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 4 — Committee on Health and Education.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to motor carriers; revising provisions relating to persons required to obtain a certificate of public convenience and necessity; setting forth requirements for the issuance of a certificate of public convenience and necessity to an owner or operator of a charter bus; authorizing the Nevada Transportation Authority to dispense with a hearing on an application for a permit in the absence of a petition to intervene; revising the requirements for the release of a vehicle from impoundment; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 27 — Committee on Energy, Infrastructure and Transportation.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to courts; authorizing a magistrate to appoint a person to use sound recording equipment instead of employing a certified court reporter in certain proceedings in a justice court; providing for the use of transcripts produced from such recordings made by sound recording equipment; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 34 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to water pollution; authorizing the Division of Environmental Protection of the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources to award subgrants for set-aside programs authorized by the federal Safe Drinking Water Act; authorizing the Director of the Department to award subgrants for certain purposes relating to the control of water pollution; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 37 — Committee on Natural Resources.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to peace officers; designating certain employees of the Department of Corrections as category II peace officers; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 44 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to counties; revising provisions governing telephone systems used for reporting emergencies in certain counties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 59 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to water; providing that certain uses of water from the Muddy River and the Virgin River are beneficial uses of that water; authorizing the State Engineer to grant extensions of time for not more than a certain period for the completion of work or the application of water to a beneficial use; revising the circumstances under which the fee for filing an application for an extension of time must be paid; setting forth the circumstances under which an order or decision of the State Engineer may be stayed; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 66 — Committee on Natural Resources.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to assistance to finance housing; removing the prospective expiration of certain provisions relating to the use of various financial techniques by the Housing Division of the Department of Business and Industry; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 74 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to administrative procedure; revising provisions governing the summary suspension of a license by certain agencies of the Executive Department of State Government; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 76 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to education; authorizing the board of trustees of each school district to adopt a policy for a program of teen mentoring for public high schools within the school district; authorizing the principal of each public high school to establish a program of teen mentoring in accordance with the policy or a plan approved by the board of trustees of the school district; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 77 — Committee on Health and Education.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to health; creating the Nevada Commission on Services for Persons with Disabilities and prescribing its duties; restructuring certain committees into subcommittees of the Commission; revising provisions relating to the Commission on Mental Health and Developmental Services; authorizing the State Board of Health to appoint the members of the Advisory Committee in the Office of Minority Health of the Department of Health and Human Services, the Advisory Board on Maternal and Child Health and the Committee on Emergency Medical Services; repealing provisions creating and governing the Task Force on Prostate Cancer and the Task Force on Cervical Cancer; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 79 — Committee on Health and Education.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to water; revising the requirements for determining the amount of matching funds required for certain grants awarded by the Board for Financing Water Projects; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 105 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to real property; requiring the seller of a home or an improved or unimproved lot that is adjacent to open range to disclose to the purchaser the presence of certain roads or rights-of-way; requiring the seller to record a copy of the disclosures with the county recorder and provide a copy to the purchaser; providing that compliance with the requirement of disclosure constitutes an affirmative defense in certain actions brought against the seller; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 106 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to water; revising the membership of the Western Regional Water Commission to allow for the inclusion of the Mayor of the City of Sparks; revising the membership of the Northern Nevada Water Planning Commission to include a representative appointed by the governing body of the Indian reservation which is the largest in area and contiguous to the planning area of the Western Regional Water Commission and to include a member appointed by the Board of Directors of the Washoe County Water Conservation District; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 111 — Committee on Natural Resources.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to mental health; revising provisions governing the membership of mental health consortiums; revising provisions governing the plans required of each mental health consortium for the provision of services to children with emotional disturbance; authorizing each mental health consortium to request one legislative measure for a regular legislative session; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 131 — Senator Cegavske.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to traffic laws; revising provisions concerning the increased penalty imposed for certain traffic violations that occur in work zones; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 134 — Senator Coffin.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to explosives; setting forth the primary responsibilities of a public safety bomb squad under certain circumstances; requiring a public safety bomb squad to comply with certain national guidelines to the extent practicable; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 144 — Senator Amodei.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to education; revising provisions governing safe and respectful learning environments in public schools to include a prohibition on bullying and cyber-bullying; requiring the standards of content and performance for courses of study in computer education and technology established by the Council to Establish Academic Standards for Public Schools to include a policy for the ethical, safe and secure use of computers and other electronic devices; revising certain prohibited acts to specifically include cyber-bullying; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 163 — Senator Wiener. Joint Sponsor: Assemblywoman Parnell.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to nonprofit associations; adopting the Revised Uniform Unincorporated Nonprofit Association Act of 2008; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 169 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to conduits; authorizing an entity that owns, operates or maintains a ditch to recover from certain persons the reasonable expense of any work performed by the entity that is necessary for the operation and maintenance of the ditch; providing for the imposition of a lien against any property to which water is delivered through the ditch; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 170 — Senator Amodei.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to public employees’ retirement; exempting certain retired public employees who are serving with volunteer fire departments which are participating in the Public Employees’ Retirement System from the prohibition on simultaneously receiving retirement benefits; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 174 — Senator McGinness.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to education; revising provisions governing the Governor Guinn Millennium Scholarship Program; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 209 — Senator Lee.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to state financial administration; extending the date for the reversion of money transferred to provide historical interpretive signs for the California Trail Wayside Sites to be located in eight northern Nevada counties of this State; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 215 — Senator Rhoads. Joint Sponsor: Assemblyman Carpenter.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to the Department of Motor Vehicles; providing that certain applicants for drivers’ licenses, instruction permits, identification cards and commercial drivers’ licenses may authorize the Department of Motor Vehicles to forward to the Selective Service System personal information necessary for registration with the System; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 217 — Senator Coffin.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to public accommodations; revising provisions relating to unlawful discrimination based on sexual orientation in places of public accommodation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 207 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to the grounds of Northern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services; designating an area on the grounds of Northern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services as a historic cemetery and providing the boundaries of the cemetery; requiring the reinterment of certain human remains found outside the boundaries of the cemetery; requiring the Office of Historic Preservation of the Department of Cultural Affairs to oversee the maintenance and improvement of the cemetery by Northern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services; requiring the State of Nevada to terminate a lease of a portion of the cemetery to the City of Sparks; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 256 — Senator Mathews. Joint Sponsor: Assemblywoman Smith.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to marriage; revising provisions concerning the application for, issuance of and revocation of certificates of permission to perform marriages; revising provisions certifying the persons who may solemnize a marriage; requiring the Secretary of State to establish a database of persons who may solemnize a marriage; revising provisions governing the validity of a marriage; providing for the revocation of authority of a minister or other person authorized to solemnize a marriage after he is no longer authorized to solemnize marriages by his church or religious organization; revising the contents of a certificate of marriage; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 130 — Senators Hardy, Lee, Washington; and Cegavske.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to the Spring Mountains National Recreation Area; limiting certain powers of planning and zoning that may be exercised by local governments within the Area; limiting gaming in the Area to holders of restricted licenses; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 352 — Assemblymen Mortenson, Segerblom; Bobzien, Claborn, Horne, Kihuen, Kirkpatrick, Manendo, Munford, Ohrenschall, Parnell, Pierce, Smith and Spiegel.  Approved May 22, 2009



AN ACT relating to animals; prohibiting a person from restraining a dog in a certain manner; setting forth requirements for using a pen or other outdoor enclosure to maintain a dog; requiring the state emergency management plan and certain plans for emergency operations to include provisions concerning the evacuation, transportation and sheltering of service animals during a disaster or emergency; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 132 — Senator Townsend.  Approved May 26, 2009



AN ACT relating to mortgage lending; requiring escrow agencies and agents, mortgage brokers, mortgage agents and mortgage bankers to pay restitution under certain circumstances; authorizing additional remedies and penalties for conducting business as an escrow agency or agent, mortgage broker, mortgage agent or mortgage banker without a license; providing for the exercise of jurisdiction over a party to a civil action; increasing the fine imposed on escrow agencies and agents for certain violations; requiring a mortgage broker to deposit a surety bond or other security; providing for the payment of a claim against a surety bond; establishing fiduciary obligations of a mortgage broker and mortgage agent; increasing the fine imposed on a mortgage broker or mortgage agent for conducting business without a license; authorizing the Commissioner of Mortgage Lending to adopt regulations relating to mortgage lending and other such professions; requiring certain persons and institutions in the business of servicing mortgage loans to register with the Commissioner; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 486 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 26, 2009



AN ACT relating to occupational diseases; revising certain provisions concerning heart disease as an occupational disease of volunteer firefighters; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 6 — Senator Lee.  Approved May 26, 2009



AN ACT relating to taxicabs; extending the period that a hybrid electric vehicle may be used as a taxicab; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 9 — Senator Carlton.  Approved May 26, 2009



AN ACT relating to education; revising provisions governing the use of special education program units from the State Distributive School Account; authorizing the provision of early intervening services for certain pupils in certain counties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 62 — Committee on Finance.  Approved May 26, 2009



AN ACT relating to pharmacy; authorizing a registered pharmacist or a registered intern pharmacist to perform blood glucose tests; specifying standards governing the performance of such tests; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 72 — Senator Cegavske (by request).  Approved May 26, 2009



AN ACT relating to crimes; prohibiting certain acts relating to radio frequency identification documents; revising the provisions relating to certain offenses involving the possession or use of personal identifying information; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 125 — Senators Parks, Wiener, Schneider, Breeden, Care, Coffin, Copening, Horsford, Lee, Mathews and Woodhouse. Joint Sponsors: Assemblymen Pierce, Anderson; Grady, Hardy, Hogan, Koivisto, Segerblom and Spiegel.  Approved May 26, 2009



AN ACT relating to contractors; exempting a qualified person or group providing construction oversight services to a long-term recovery group from the provisions governing the licensure and regulation of contractors; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 127 — Senator Amodei.  Approved May 26, 2009



AN ACT relating to contractors; providing for the payment of claims from the Recovery Fund of the State Contractors’ Board under certain circumstances to an owner who has paid a subcontractor or materialman to obtain the release of a lien on his property; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 151 — Senator Carlton.  Approved May 26, 2009



AN ACT relating to secondhand dealers; exempting a person who engages in the business of buying and selling antiques from state and local regulation as a secondhand dealer; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 193 — Senator Mathews.  Approved May 26, 2009



AN ACT relating to weed control districts; removing the provision requiring a board of county commissioners to levy an assessment on all real property in the county which is in a weed control district and making the levy discretionary; requiring the board of county commissioners to hold at least one public hearing before levying an assessment under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 219 — Committee on Natural Resources.  Approved May 26, 2009



AN ACT relating to health care; establishing the Physician Visa Waiver Program in the Health Division of the Department of Health and Human Services; requiring the Program to provide for the oversight of employers and applicants for J-1 visa waivers in this State, evaluate requests for letters of support and issue such letters; requiring the State Board of Health to adopt regulations providing for the administration of the Program, establishing an application fee for a letter of support and establishing penalties for certain violations by applicants and employers; providing immunity from civil and criminal liability for a person who reports or provides information concerning a violation of the Program to a governmental entity; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 229 — Senator Carlton.  Approved May 26, 2009



AN ACT relating to criminal procedure; authorizing the State Board of Pardons Commissioners to adopt a policy to provide an expedited process to take action, without holding a meeting, to restore the civil rights of certain persons under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 238 — Senators Parks, Horsford; Coffin, Copening, Lee, Wiener and Woodhouse. Joint Sponsor: Assemblywoman Pierce.  Approved May 26, 2009



AN ACT relating to public health; requiring the Health Division of the Department of Health and Human Services, within the limitations of available funding, to establish and maintain a database of certain owners of automated external defibrillators for use in an emergency; providing for the registration of automated external defibrillators with the Health Division; authorizing all public schools in this State to acquire automated external defibrillators under certain circumstances; providing for the placement of automated external defibrillators in medical facilities and health clubs in this State; providing a civil penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 244 — Senators Cegavske and Nolan.  Approved May 26, 2009



AN ACT relating to special legislative license plates; granting to Senator William J. Raggio the use of a special legislative license plate designated “State Senator 1” as a lifetime endowment; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 247 — Senators Horsford, Townsend, Washington, Schneider, Cegavske; Breeden, Care, Carlton, Copening, Hardy, Lee, Mathews, McGinness, Nolan, Parks, Rhoads and Woodhouse.  Approved May 26, 2009



AN ACT relating to attorneys; providing that an attorney who performs the functions of a real estate broker in certain transactions must comply with the same ethical standards that apply to real estate brokers; providing that an attorney who violates such standards may be disciplined by the State Bar of Nevada; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 254 — Senator Nolan (by request).  Approved May 26, 2009



AN ACT relating to personal financial administration; revising provisions concerning the appointment of a guardian; providing for the classification of trusts; providing for the administration of directed trusts; adopting provisions governing the administration of trusts; revising provisions concerning spendthrift trusts; exempting certain property of a trust from execution and attachment; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 287 — Senator Wiener.  Approved May 26, 2009



AN ACT relating to occupational safety; revising provisions relating to occupational safety and health; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 288 — Senator Carlton. Joint Sponsor: Assemblyman Conklin.  Approved May 26, 2009



AN ACT relating to the Nevada System of Higher Education; authorizing the Board of Regents of the University of Nevada to plan for and establish programs for the study of energy efficiency and renewable energy resources within the Nevada System of Higher Education; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 298 — Senator Cegavske. Joint Sponsor: Assemblywoman Dondero Loop.  Approved May 26, 2009



AN ACT relating to public health; authorizing hospitals to enter into agreements for the provision of medical care under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 302 — Senators Nolan, Parks, Cegavske; Amodei, Care, Copening, Hardy, Raggio, Wiener and Woodhouse.  Approved May 26, 2009



AN ACT relating to communicable diseases; authorizing hospitals to establish a program concerning methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus; encouraging the Nevada Hospital Association to develop a method to collect information concerning such infections; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 325 — Senator Cegavske.  Approved May 26, 2009



AN ACT relating to public health; requiring the district board of health in certain counties and the State Board of Health in all other counties to evaluate the removal and remediation of methamphetamine and certain other substances; requiring the adoption of certain regulations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 60 — Committee on Health and Education.  Approved May 26, 2009



AN ACT relating to mining claims; providing that a hollow metal post which is used as a valid legal monument to mark the boundaries of a lode mining claim must meet certain requirements; requiring the replacement of durable plastic pipe on lode mining claims; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 108 — Committee on Natural Resources.  Approved May 26, 2009



AN ACT relating to recycling; providing for the placement of recycling containers on the premises of certain apartment complexes, condominiums and the Nevada System of Higher Education and its branches and facilities; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 137 — Senators Breeden, Parks, Copening and Woodhouse. Joint Sponsors: Assemblymen Segerblom; Denis, Koivisto, Manendo, Munford, Ohrenschall and Parnell.  Approved May 26, 2009



AN ACT relating to regional transportation commissions; reorganizing provisions governing regional transportation commissions; providing that regional transportation commissions may authorize vending stands; authorizing certain governmental entities to collect fees for placing street banners within rights-of-way and public easements; authorizing certain regional transportation commissions to enter into certain hedge contracts for fuel; making various other changes to provisions relating to regional transportation commissions; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 245 — Senator Lee.  Approved May 26, 2009



AN ACT relating to professions; allowing regulatory bodies to share information with each other and with the Health Division of the Department of Health and Human Services for reasons of public health; allowing regulatory bodies and the Health Division to conduct joint investigations in certain circumstances; requiring certain qualifications of members of regulatory bodies who are not licensed pursuant to the authority of the body on which they serve; exempting community service performed as a result of disciplinary action from limited immunity to civil liability for rendering gratuitous care; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 268 — Senator Carlton.  Approved May 26, 2009



AN ACT relating to energy; requiring the Colorado River Commission of Nevada to review and analyze available information, studies and reports to assess the feasibility of constructing a hydrokinetic generation project below Hoover Dam; requiring the Commission under certain circumstances to present its analysis to appropriate agencies of the Federal Government and request that those agencies determine whether to construct a hydrokinetic generation project below Hoover Dam; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 339 — Committee on Energy, Infrastructure and Transportation.  Approved May 26, 2009



AN ACT relating to public health; revising provisions governing the allocation by the Department of Health and Human Services of certain money from the Fund for a Healthy Nevada; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 340 — Committee on Health and Education.  Approved May 26, 2009



AN ACT relating to professions; clarifying the application of general provisions authorizing summary license suspensions by the Board of Medical Examiners, Board of Homeopathic Medical Examiners and State Board of Osteopathic Medicine; providing for certain health care professional licensing boards to suspend or revoke the professional license of the owner of a health care facility responsible for creating a public health threat; requiring certain health care professional licensing boards to retain every complaint filed with the board for a certain period of time; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 362 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 26, 2009



AN ACT relating to public works; revising provisions governing the awarding of certain smaller contracts of the Department of Transportation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 377 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 26, 2009



AN ACT relating to education; authorizing the board of trustees of a school district to request a waiver from the required minimum expenditure for textbooks, instructional supplies and instructional hardware during an economic hardship; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 13 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved May 26, 2009



AN ACT relating to emergency medical services; providing for the disclosure of certain information to an emergency response employee concerning possible exposure to an infectious disease; requiring certain notifications concerning such an exposure; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 16 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 26, 2009



AN ACT relating to charter schools; revising the deadline for submission of an application for renewal of a written charter; revising provisions governing the exemption from annual performance audits for certain charter schools; revising certain annual reports concerning the progress made by charter schools; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 26 — Committee on Education.  Approved May 26, 2009



AN ACT relating to education; revising provisions governing the use of physical restraint and mechanical restraint on pupils with disabilities; revising provisions relating to reports of the use of restraints and reports of violations; providing for the reporting of the use of corporal punishment on a pupil in public school; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 56 — Committee on Education.  Approved May 26, 2009



AN ACT relating to the protection of children; making various changes concerning the investigation of applicants for a license to operate a child care facility, licensees and others over whom applicants or licensees exercise some control; requiring applicants and licensees to terminate certain employees and remove certain residents and participants in outdoor youth programs who have been convicted of certain crimes or who have had a substantiated report of child abuse or neglect made against them; expanding the grounds for denying a license and for taking other disciplinary action against a licensee; authorizing the imposition of administrative fines for violations of certain laws and regulations concerning licensure of child care facilities; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 89 — Committee on Health and Human Services.  Approved May 26, 2009



AN ACT relating to education; revising the duties of the Deputy Superintendent for Administrative and Fiscal Services in the Department of Education relating to charter schools; revising provisions governing charter schools and university schools for profoundly gifted pupils; revising provisions governing the annual reports of school districts and charter schools; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 100 — Committee on Education.  Approved May 26, 2009



AN ACT relating to the support of children; authorizing each county in this State to participate in the Program for the Enforcement of Child Support; requiring each county that participates in the Program to pay the cost of the Program in that county; revising certain provisions governing the administration and enforcement of the Program; deleting provisions relating to the placement and confidentiality of certain records concerning the support of a dependent child; revising provisions governing a review by a district court of certain recommendations of a master; revising provisions governing the failure of an employer to deliver money that is withheld from the income of an employee for child support; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 101 — Committee on Health and Human Services.  Approved May 26, 2009



AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; requiring that license plates without distinguishing marks be furnished for two vehicles used by the office of the county coroner; deleting provisions which prohibit the Department of Motor Vehicles from issuing special license plates for the support and enhancement of parks, recreation facilities and programs in the City of Reno unless the Department receives at least 1,000 applications for the issuance of those plates before May 29, 2009; authorizing the Department to issue certain special license plates for use on motorcycles; prescribing the fees for special license plates for use on vehicles other than passenger cars and light commercial vehicles; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 109 — Committee on Transportation.  Approved May 26, 2009



AN ACT relating to local government purchasing; making various changes to the provisions governing performance contracts entered into by local governments for operating cost-savings measures; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 192 — Assemblymen Kirkpatrick, Conklin, Hardy; Aizley, Bobzien, Denis, Koivisto and Pierce.  Approved May 26, 2009



AN ACT relating to state financial administration; requiring certain governmental entities to report periodically to the Interim Finance Committee concerning certain financial information; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 193 — Assemblymen Kirkpatrick, Bobzien, Hardy, Conklin; Aizley, Denis, Koivisto, Pierce and Settelmeyer. Joint Sponsors: Senators Coffin; and Care.  Approved May 26, 2009



AN ACT relating to animals; prohibiting a person from owning, possessing, keeping, training, promoting or purchasing an animal with the intent to use it to fight another animal or from selling an animal knowing that it is intended to be used to fight another animal; revising the provisions regarding witnesses to such fights; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 199 — Assemblymen Gansert, Hardy; Aizley, Arberry, Claborn, Cobb, Gustavson, Horne, Kihuen, Leslie, Manendo, McClain, Munford, Settelmeyer, Stewart and Woodbury. Joint Sponsors: Senators Townsend; Cegavske, Hardy, McGinness, Raggio and Washington.  Approved May 26, 2009



AN ACT relating to common-interest communities; providing that the provisions governing common-interest communities do not modify the tariffs, rules and standards of a public utility; requiring the governing documents of an association to be consistent with the tariffs, rules and standards of a public utility; prohibiting an association from restricting the parking of certain utility service vehicles, law enforcement vehicles and emergency services vehicles; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 129 — Assemblymen Conklin, Anderson, Oceguera; Dondero Loop, Grady, Horne, Kirkpatrick, Mortenson, Ohrenschall and Parnell.  Approved May 26, 2009



AN ACT relating to education; providing for the reversion of certain money in the Account for Programs for Innovation and the Prevention of Remediation to the State General Fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 530 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved May 26, 2009



AN ACT relating to cranes; revising requirements for certification as a crane operator to include a certain amount of crane-related experience; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 208 — Assemblymen Claborn; and Hambrick.  Approved May 26, 2009



AN ACT relating to administrative assessments; revising provisions governing the distribution of the proceeds of certain administrative assessments; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 531 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved May 26, 2009



AN ACT relating to education; requiring the Department of Education to adopt regulations setting forth the standards for environmentally sensitive cleaning and maintenance products for use in the cleaning of all floor surfaces in the public schools; requiring school districts to ensure that only environmentally sensitive cleaning and maintenance products are used in the cleaning of all floor surfaces in the public schools; prescribing the process for a waiver under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 185 — Senators Copening, Parks, Wiener; Breeden, Coffin, Hardy, Lee, Mathews and Woodhouse. Joint Sponsors: Assemblymen Bobzien; Aizley, Hogan, Mastroluca and Munford.  Approved May 26, 2009



AN ACT relating to energy; revising the role of local governing bodies in enforcing standards for conservation of energy and energy efficiency; revising provisions relating to the use of electric resistance for heating spaces; requiring that applications for a partial abatement of certain property taxes be filed with various offices; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 73 — Committee on Energy, Infrastructure and Transportation.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to public utilities; requiring public utilities to submit certain information regarding renewable energy to the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada; authorizing the Commission to approve construction or expansion of transmission facilities based on an expectation of future renewable energy development; revising provisions requiring certain providers of electric service to comply with a portfolio standard for renewable energy; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 387 — Assemblymen Conklin, Kirkpatrick, Leslie, Buckley, Oceguera; and Bobzien.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to property; requiring certain persons to record foreclosure sales and sales of real property under a deed of trust within a certain period of time after the sale; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 128 — Senators Parks, Carlton, Horsford, Wiener; Amodei, Breeden, Cegavske, Coffin, Copening, Lee, Mathews, McGinness, Nolan, Schneider and Woodhouse (by request). Joint Sponsors: Assemblymen Conklin, Segerblom, Anderson, Koivisto, Pierce; Aizley, Bobzien, Buckley, Denis, Dondero Loop, Grady, Leslie, Manendo, McClain, Oceguera, Ohrenschall and Parnell.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to common-interest communities; providing that, under certain circumstances, a unit-owners’ association may, without liability for trespass, enter the grounds of a vacant unit or a unit in foreclosure to abate a public nuisance or maintain the exterior of the unit; providing that a unit-owners’ association may request a copy of certain deeds of trust under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 361 — Assemblyman McArthur.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to food establishments; exempting a licensed child care facility from certain regulations applicable to a food establishment, regardless of whether the child care facility includes a kindergarten; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 231 — Senator Cegavske.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to water; revising the fees collected by the State Engineer; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 480 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Veto Overridden. Date Filed May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to medical professions; requiring the Board of Medical Examiners, the Board of Homeopathic Medical Examiners and the State Board of Osteopathic Medicine to retain copies of acknowledgments by members of the boards related to conflict of interest provisions; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 8 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to chiropractic physicians; including certain activities within the scope of unprofessional conduct; allowing the Chiropractic Physicians’ Board of Nevada to impose a fine for each act which constitutes a ground for disciplinary action under chapter 634 of NRS; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 26 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to the Office of the Secretary of State; authorizing the establishment of an electronic registry for the storage of wills and other documents; revising provisions regarding fees collected for certain services; revising the job classification of the Administrator of the Securities Division within the Office; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 53 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to public financial administration; eliminating the requirement to submit certain reports and statements to the State Controller; moving certain accounts to different funds; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 63 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to driving under the influence; revising the provisions governing the period of revocation of a driver’s license upon conviction of certain offenses involving driving under the influence; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 100 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to real property; exempting from certain licensing and regulation requirements persons who are engaged in the sale of a subdivision which consists solely of undivided interests, which is not located in the State of Nevada, which is offered for investment only and which does not contain lots or parcels; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 121 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to government; implementing the constitutional doctrines of separation of powers and legislative privilege and immunity by codifying in statutory form the constitutional right of State Legislators to be protected from having to defend themselves, from being held liable and from being questioned or sanctioned in administrative or judicial proceedings for speech, debate, deliberation and other actions performed within the sphere of legitimate legislative activity; confirming that the constitutional doctrine of legislative privilege and immunity provides a testimonial privilege and an evidentiary privilege; revising provisions of the Nevada Ethics in Government Law and other provisions relating to ethics in government; making various statutory changes to comport with the constitutional doctrines of separation of powers and legislative privilege and immunity and with the constitutional provisions governing impeachment, expulsion and removal from office; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 160 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to energy; requiring certain utilities that supply electricity in this State to include in the resource plan of the utility certain provisions relating to demands made on its system by its customers; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 165 — Senator Schneider.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to real property; exempting nonresidential subdivisions from certain provisions governing the sale of subdivided land; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 172 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to solid waste management; providing for the issuance of permits for the operation of facilities for the management of waste tires; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 186 — Senators Copening, Parks; Amodei, Coffin, Hardy, Lee, Rhoads and Woodhouse. Joint Sponsors: Assemblymen Pierce, Segerblom; Goedhart, Manendo and Mastroluca.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to drugs; authorizing certain facilities to return certain prescription drugs for reissuance by nonprofit pharmacies; establishing procedures and requirements for the reissuance of certain prescription drugs transferred to nonprofit pharmacies; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 197 — Senators Wiener, Parks, Copening, Woodhouse, Breeden; Amodei, Cegavske, Hardy, Horsford, Lee, McGinness, Nolan and Washington.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to dentistry; authorizing the ownership or operation of a dental office or clinic by certain nonprofit corporations and other organizations under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 228 — Senator Carlton.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to vehicles; specifying certain circumstances under which a tow car can display flashing amber warning lights; requiring the driver of a vehicle to take certain actions when he approaches a tow car which is stopped and making use of flashing amber warning lights; specifying the circumstances under which a vehicle operated by a licensed private patrolman or his employee may display flashing amber warning lights; providing fees for certain permits; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 251 — Senator Nolan.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to common-interest communities; requiring a member of an executive board of a unit-owners’ association who stands to profit personally from a matter before the executive board to disclose and abstain from voting on the matter; requiring a member of an executive board who has a member of his household or relative who stands to profit from a matter before the executive board to disclose before voting on the matter; requiring that bids for an association project be considered and opened at a meeting of the executive board; revising provisions relating to the renting or leasing of units; making provisions authorizing the transient commercial use of units in a planned community in certain circumstances applicable in all counties; revising the provisions relating to the resale package furnished to the purchaser of a unit; increasing the amount of the administrative fine for engaging in certain activity without holding the required certificate or permit; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 253 — Senator Parks.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to the practice of medicine; authorizing the Board of Medical Examiners and the State Board of Osteopathic Medicine to issue special event licenses and establish fees for those licenses; requiring those boards to adopt regulations concerning those licenses; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 266 — Senator Carlton.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to taxation; clarifying the requirements for imposition and collection of the real property transfer tax on certain land sale installment contracts; requiring that such instruments be recorded; imposing conditions on the approval and recording of certain documents relating to the division of land; establishing certain actions relating to land sale contracts; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 276 — Senator McGinness (by request).  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to health care; requiring the Legislative Committee on Health Care to study the establishment of a health district in a county whose population is less than 100,000; requiring the Committee to study issues concerning the consolidation and integration of health and social services in certain larger counties; requiring the Committee to study the establishment of regional centers for certain substance abuse treatment; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 278 — Senator McGinness.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to education; requiring instruction on financial literacy for pupils enrolled in public high schools and certain charter schools; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 317 — Senators Copening, Parks, Woodhouse, Wiener; and Carlton. Joint Sponsor: Assemblyman Segerblom.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to employee leasing companies; authorizing the Administrator of the Division of Industrial Relations of the Department of Business and Industry to adopt regulations relating to a third party that may act on behalf of an employee leasing company; providing various means for an employee leasing company and its clients to provide workers’ compensation coverage; requiring employee leasing companies to pay an annual registration fee; requiring employee leasing companies to submit certain audited financial statements; providing the means by which an employee of an employee leasing company may notify a supervisor of an injury for the purposes of industrial insurance; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 361 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to trust companies; providing for the licensure and regulation of family trust companies; revising provisions relating to trust companies; providing a civil penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 365 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to the state legislative process; clarifying the authority to direct the Fiscal Analysis Division of the Legislative Counsel Bureau to obtain a fiscal note on a bill or resolution; eliminating certain requirements relating to the reprinting of bills; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 370 — Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to the Legislature; increasing the authority of the Legislative Commission over interim studies and statutory committees; limiting the duration of interim studies; limiting the assignment of staff of the Legislative Counsel Bureau to committees not chaired by Legislators; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 371 — Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to the Nevada National Guard; authorizing payments from the Patriot Relief Account in the State General Fund to certain members of the Nevada National Guard who return from deployment in a combat zone and attend a course on reintegration into the community; revising provisions governing the retention of interest and income earned on the money in the Account; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 408 — Committee on Finance.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to transportation; authorizing on-line bidding on contracts for the construction, improvement and maintenance of highways; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 409 — Committee on Finance.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to the Department of Information Technology; eliminating the Planning and Research Unit within the Planning and Programming Division of the Department; changing the name of the Planning and Programming Division to the Programming Division; requiring the Director of the Department to assume the duties of the Unit to develop certain policies, standards, guidelines and procedures regarding information systems; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 414 — Committee on Finance.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to state personnel; temporarily suspending the semiannual payment of longevity pay and merit pay increases for state employees; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 421 — Committee on Finance.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to state financial administration; revising provisions governing the payments of administrative costs of the Millennium Scholarship Trust Fund; revising the use of money collected from the enforcement of provisions relating to securities; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 428 — Committee on Finance.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to excavations; setting forth the duties of an operator of a sewer main with respect to a sewer service lateral connected to that sewer main; revising provisions relating to the operators of subsurface installations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 80 — Committee on Health and Human Services.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to state administration; revising the provisions governing the collection of certain debts owed to state agencies; establishing certain presumptions applicable to certain civil actions against employers who fail to provide mandatory industrial insurance or coverage for occupational disease; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 87 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to deceptive trade practices; requiring that information obtained in the course of certain investigations and proceedings be kept confidential in certain circumstances; authorizing the Attorney General to share such information, and otherwise cooperate with, officials of the Federal Government and other states; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 90 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to unemployment compensation; revising provisions relating to certain agricultural labor as employment; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 124 — Assemblyman Grady.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to education; revising provisions governing the establishment by the board of trustees of a school district of a policy prohibiting criminal gang activity on school property; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 154 — Assemblymen Munford, Denis, Segerblom; Bobzien, Dondero Loop, Ohrenschall, Parnell and Pierce.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to criminal procedure; authorizing certain persons convicted of a category A or B felony to petition the court for postconviction genetic marker analysis; providing the information that must be contained in a petition for such postconviction genetic marker analysis; revising the circumstances under which genetic marker analysis must be performed for those persons; requiring certain notices to be provided to the victims of the crimes allegedly committed by those persons; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 179 — Assemblymen Horne, Segerblom, Kihuen, Anderson; Aizley, Arberry, Atkinson, Buckley, Carpenter, Conklin, Dondero Loop, Hambrick, Hardy, Kirkpatrick, Manendo, Mastroluca, McArthur, McClain, Mortenson, Munford, Oceguera, Ohrenschall, Parnell, Pierce, Spiegel and Stewart. Joint Sponsors: Senators Parks, Care; Breeden, Coffin and Horsford.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to public utilities; revising the definition of “public utility” and “utility”; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 186 — Assemblymen Leslie, Bobzien, Pierce, Conklin; Kirkpatrick and Oceguera.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to education; revising provisions governing examinations of the height and weight of pupils enrolled in public schools; extending the prospective expiration of the requirement that those examinations be conducted; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 191 — Assemblymen Denis, Kihuen, Parnell, Hardy; Anderson, Leslie and Smith.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to common-interest communities; requiring the executive board of a unit owners’ association of a common-interest community to make available to each unit’s owner certain information concerning the association’s collection policy; extending the period of time certain liens have priority over certain other security interests; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 204 — Assemblymen Spiegel, McClain; Aizley, Anderson, Arberry, Bobzien, Buckley, Christensen, Claborn, Conklin, Denis, Hardy, Kirkpatrick, Koivisto, Leslie, Manendo, Mastroluca, Munford, Parnell, Pierce, Segerblom, Smith, Stewart and Woodbury. Joint Sponsors: Senators Parks; Woodhouse.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to the taxation of property; revising the provisions governing the calculation of certain partial abatements of taxes and the taxable value of improvements made on land, the designation of taxes on personal property as uncollectible and the taxation of open-space land; clarifying the provisions governing the notification, appeal and revision of the valuation of property on the unsecured tax roll; revising the requirements for certain segregation and statistical reports and projections of assessed value; delaying the required filing date for petitions for the review of certain determinations regarding the applicability of a partial abatement; postponing the prospective expiration of certain provisions for the funding of accounts for the acquisition and improvement of technology in the offices of county assessors; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 205 — Committee on Taxation.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to the subdivision of land; revising the requirements for the purchase of property for school construction; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 220 — Assemblymen Smith, Anderson, Bobzien; Atkinson, Conklin, Kihuen, Leslie, Mastroluca and Oceguera.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to county fire departments; requiring a board of county commissioners that creates a district for a fire department to adopt an ordinance requiring the imposition and collection of fees for the transportation of sick or injured persons by the department to a medical facility; mandating that such an ordinance in a county whose population is 400,000 or more limit the number of such transports by the department; requiring a board of county commissioners in a county whose population is 400,000 or more to submit a quarterly report to the Legislature and the Legislative Committee on Health Care of various information relating to the transport of sick and injured persons to medical facilities; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 225 — Assemblymen Pierce; Atkinson, Buckley, Hogan, Kihuen, Kirkpatrick, Leslie, Munford, Oceguera and Segerblom.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to scrap metal; enacting various requirements for transactions involving scrap metal and for persons involved in such transactions; providing that a person who removes, damages or destroys certain property to obtain scrap metal is guilty of a crime; increasing the penalty for stealing scrap metal under certain circumstances; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 233 — Assemblymen Oceguera, Koivisto, Ohrenschall, Bobzien, Conklin; Aizley, Anderson, Arberry, Atkinson, Buckley, Carpenter, Claborn, Denis, Dondero Loop, Goicoechea, Hogan, Horne, Kihuen, Leslie, Manendo, McClain, Smith and Spiegel. Joint Sponsors: Senators Cegavske and Parks.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to crimes; increasing the penalty for soliciting a child for prostitution; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 238 — Assemblymen Horne, Anderson, Hambrick; Aizley, Bobzien, Buckley, Dondero Loop, Hogan, Kihuen, Manendo, Mortenson, Oceguera, Ohrenschall, Segerblom and Smith. Joint Sponsors: Senators Parks; and Horsford.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to education; requiring certain employers to grant leave to a parent, guardian or custodian of a child enrolled in public school or private school to participate in certain school conferences, activities and events; prohibiting employers from taking certain retaliatory actions against an employee who takes the authorized leave; authorizing a parent, guardian or custodian who is retaliated against to file a claim or complaint with the Labor Commissioner; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 243 — Assemblymen Mastroluca, Parnell, Denis, Smith; Anderson, Atkinson, Bobzien, Dondero Loop, Hardy, Kirkpatrick, Stewart and Woodbury. Joint Sponsors: Senators Woodhouse; and Copening.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to common-interest communities; revising the procedures for voting for a member of the executive board of an association under certain circumstances; requiring that the regulations governing the issuance of certificates for community managers must contain certain provisions relating to persons who formerly engaged in community management; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 251 — Assemblymen Manendo; Anderson, Carpenter, Dondero Loop, Horne, Kihuen, Mortenson, Munford, Ohrenschall, Segerblom and Spiegel.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to public health; authorizing the Aging Services Division of the Department of Health and Human Services to establish a program of all-inclusive care for the elderly; authorizing the Division to adopt regulations to carry out the program; authorizing the Division to establish a schedule of fees for services provided under the program; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 263 — Assemblywoman Leslie.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to elections; revising the date of the primary election to the second Tuesday in June of each even-numbered year; revising the provisions governing the registration of voters by mail; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 162 — Senators Woodhouse, Coffin, Wiener, Horsford; Breeden, Copening, Parks and Schneider.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to retail installment sales; defining certain terms and revising certain definitions relating to retail installment sales; requiring that certain disclosures be made to a retail buyer; requiring that certain provisions relating to default be included in credit applications or contracts for the sale of vehicles; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 274 — Assemblymen Aizley, Conklin, Ohrenschall, Koivisto; Atkinson, Bobzien, Goicoechea, Kirkpatrick, Manendo, Mastroluca and Segerblom.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to industrial insurance; revising provisions relating to the duty of an insurer to accept or deny a claim for compensation; revising provisions relating to the selection of a physician or chiropractor by an injured employee; revising provisions relating to the denial of compensation due to discharge from employment for misconduct; revising provisions relating to the closure of a claim; creating an expedited appeals process for certain claims by police officers, firefighters and emergency medical attendants; repealing provisions requiring the reduction of compensation by the amount of federal disability insurance benefits received by an injured employee; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 281 — Assemblyman Conklin.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to group homes; directing the Legislative Commission to conduct an interim study concerning group homes; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 294 — Assemblymen Kirkpatrick; Anderson, Arberry, Atkinson, Christensen, Claborn, Conklin, Gansert, Kihuen, Mortenson, Munford, Parnell, Pierce, Segerblom, Smith, Spiegel and Stewart.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to motor carriers; revising the conditions for nonprofit carriers of elderly persons or persons with disabilities in certain larger counties (currently Clark County) to qualify for an exemption from the requirement to obtain a certificate of public convenience and necessity; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 296 — Committee on Transportation.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to sex offenders; prohibiting persons who are convicted of certain sexual offenses from having contact with a victim or witness; revising provisions relating to the confidentiality of records and reports that reveal identity in cases involving certain offenses; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 325 — Assemblymen Stewart, Gansert; Cobb, Goedhart, Grady, Gustavson, Hambrick, Hardy, Kirkpatrick, McArthur, Munford, Settelmeyer and Woodbury.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to controlled substances; revising provisions governing the tracking of prescriptions for controlled substances; requiring the Legislative Committee on Health Care to conduct a study of the abuse of prescription narcotic drugs in this State; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 326 — Assemblyman Denis.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; revising certain provisions relating to the towing of vehicles; authorizing an electronic notification to the Department of Motor Vehicles of the transfer of ownership of a motor vehicle; authorizing the Department to provide certain information about the transfer of ownership of a motor vehicle to tow car operators and other interested parties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 333 — Assemblymen Denis and Atkinson.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to criminal gangs; making various changes relating to nuisances and criminal gangs; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 335 — Assemblymen Parnell, Anderson; Carpenter, Cobb, Dondero Loop, Gustavson, Hambrick, McArthur, Mortenson, Ohrenschall and Segerblom.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to education; requiring each public school to post a notice of information concerning certain courses, services and programs available to pupils enrolled in the public school and the school district; requiring that the notice be made available to the parents and legal guardians of those pupils; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 348 — Assemblymen Munford, Anderson, Ohrenschall, Kihuen, Spiegel; Aizley, Arberry, Atkinson, Bobzien, Claborn, Denis, Gansert, Goedhart, Hogan, Kirkpatrick, Leslie, Manendo, McClain, Mortenson, Oceguera, Pierce, Segerblom and Stewart.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to special districts; authorizing the temporary creation of certain special districts to manage certain federal funds provided to the State; requiring that certain federal funds be distributed directly to certain special districts; requiring certain reporting in connection with such special districts; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 360 — Assemblymen Goicoechea; Gustavson and Settelmeyer (by request).  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to pharmacies; providing for the establishment of remote sites, satellite consultation sites and telepharmacies; requiring the State Board of Pharmacy to adopt regulations for the operation of such establishments and the governance of dispensing practitioners and dispensing technicians; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 370 — Assemblyman Carpenter.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to the Nevada System of Higher Education; extending the authority of the Board of Regents of the University of Nevada to issue bonds and other securities for certain projects; amending the names of certain colleges; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 401 — Assemblyman Bobzien.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to public utilities; requiring the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada to determine the parties to a public hearing concerning a resource plan of a public utility; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 402 — Assemblymen Bobzien and Leslie. Joint Sponsor: Senator Parks.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to air pollution; providing for a voluntary program of electronic submission of emissions information to the Department of Motor Vehicles through the use of onboard diagnostic and transmission equipment; providing for the establishment of standards for emissions from a reconstructed vehicle; revising provisions for the establishment of standards for emissions from a trimobile; revising provisions relating to the emissions inspections of certain heavy-duty diesel vehicles by the Department; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 414 — Assemblymen Claborn; Atkinson, Bobzien, Hambrick, Hogan, Leslie, Manendo, McClain, Mortenson and Stewart.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to real property; providing that a deficiency in payment on a mortgage, deed of trust or other encumbrance may be cured under certain circumstances before foreclosure; providing that a court shall not award a deficiency judgment on the foreclosure of a mortgage or a deed of trust under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 471 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to education; requiring the development of an academic plan for pupils enrolling in their initial year at a middle school or junior high school; requiring small learning communities in certain larger middle schools and junior high schools; requiring a program of peer mentoring for pupils initially enrolling in middle school or junior high school; requiring the board of trustees of each school district to adopt a policy for pupils enrolled in middle school or junior high school to conduct a pupil-led conference on educational progress; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 487 — Committee on Education.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to the Commission on Judicial Discipline; revising the statute of limitations for filing certain complaints with the Commission; revising provisions concerning the grounds upon which the Commission may discipline a judge; authorizing the Commission to impose additional forms of discipline upon a judge who is the subject of a complaint; revising certain provisions concerning the confidentiality of the proceedings of the Commission; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 496 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to the criminal justice system; providing for the collection and sharing of certain statistical data and information relating to the criminal justice system; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 497 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to domestic relations; revising provisions relating to adoptions; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 500 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT making a supplemental appropriation to the Office for Consumer Health Assistance in the Office of the Governor for unanticipated shortfalls in Fiscal Year 2008-2009 for the Bureau for Hospital Patients; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 534 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to state financial administration; revising provisions governing the renewal of the registration of a motor vehicle; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 547 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to state financial administration; temporarily suspending the requirement to transfer money from the Abandoned Property Trust Account in the State General Fund to the Millennium Scholarship Trust Fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 549 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to the State Department of Agriculture; eliminating the position of Weed Control Analyst within the Department; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 556 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT making a supplemental appropriation to the Department of Corrections for unanticipated shortfalls in Fiscal Year 2008-2009 for increased costs at various facilities; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 557 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to education; reorganizing the composition of the Regional Training Programs for the Professional Development of Teachers and Administrators; revising provisions governing the membership of the Statewide Council for the Coordination of the Regional Training Programs; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 560 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to energy; creating the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Authority; establishing the position of the Nevada Energy Commissioner; revising provisions related to energy and state and residential property; revising provisions related to public utility rates; revising provisions related to capacity and incentives in certain renewable energy programs; requiring the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada to adopt regulations authorizing electric utilities to recover certain costs; authorizing local governing bodies to establish improvement districts for the construction and installation of certain renewable energy projects, energy efficiency projects and public safety projects; abolishing the Task Force for Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation; transferring authority for the administration of the Trust Fund for Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation from the Task Force to the Authority; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 358 — Committee on Energy, Infrastructure and Transportation.  Approved May 28, 2009



AN ACT relating to state financial administration; revising the provisions governing the Fund to Stabilize the Operation of the State Government; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 165 — Assemblymen Buckley, Parnell, Conklin, Anderson, Oceguera; Aizley, Arberry, Atkinson, Bobzien, Carpenter, Claborn, Denis, Dondero Loop, Gansert, Goicoechea, Grady, Hardy, Hogan, Horne, Kihuen, Kirkpatrick, Koivisto, Leslie, Manendo, Mastroluca, McClain, Mortenson, Munford, Ohrenschall, Pierce, Segerblom, Smith, Spiegel, Stewart and Woodbury. Joint Sponsors: Senators Care, Wiener, Parks, Horsford, Hardy; Breeden, Coffin, Copening, Mathews and Schneider.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to lighters; prohibiting the sale of novelty lighters; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 266 — Assemblyman Oceguera.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to health care; prohibiting certain retaliation or discrimination against registered nurses, licensed practical nurses and nursing assistants who report certain information, refuse to engage in certain conduct or participate in certain investigations or proceedings relating to the safety of patients; providing civil remedies and civil penalties for violations; prohibiting the licensing boards of physicians from taking adverse action against a physician who discloses or cooperates in the investigation of a violation of any law, rule or regulation by an applicant or licensee; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 10 — Committee on Health and Human Services.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to counties; authorizing a board of county commissioners in certain counties to establish programs to provide financial assistance to persons to connect to a public water or sewer system or to make property resistant to flood damage; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 54 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to public health; authorizing a court to establish a program of treatment for problem gambling and to assign a person to the program; authorizing a problem gambler to elect to be assigned to such a program under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 102 — Committee on Health and Human Services.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to public health; prohibiting certain residential facilities for groups and homes for individual residential care from providing accommodations to certain persons; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 111 — Committee on Health and Human Services.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to real property; prohibiting public disclosure of the results of an annual examination of a mortgage broker under certain circumstances; revising provisions relating to appraisals of real property securing a loan in which an investor invests money; revising requirements which relate to the release of certain information on various mortgage brokers regarding ownership and management structure, annual or biennial examinations and other examinations or audits, investigations or hearings; suspending or revoking the license of certain mortgage brokers who receive the lowest possible rating on two consecutive annual or biennial examinations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 144 — Assemblymen Hogan, McClain, Koivisto; and Pierce.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to mortgage lending; requiring a mortgage broker to include his license number on any loan secured by a lien on real property for which he engages in activity as a mortgage broker; requiring certain financial institutions that offer nontraditional mortgage loan products to make certain disclosures to borrowers with respect to nontraditional mortgage loans; requiring such financial institutions to certify such disclosures to the Commissioner of Financial Institutions; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 151 — Assemblymen Conklin, Buckley, Oceguera, Leslie, Dondero Loop; Aizley, Anderson, Claborn, Denis, Gansert, Hambrick, Hardy, Hogan, Horne, Kihuen, Kirkpatrick, Koivisto, Manendo, Mastroluca, McClain, Mortenson, Munford, Pierce, Segerblom, Smith, Spiegel and Stewart. Joint Sponsors: Senators Carlton, Parks, Copening, Schneider; Coffin and Woodhouse.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to mortgage lending; defining the term “loan modification consultant”; requiring certain mortgage lending professionals to be licensed; establishing certain requirements for the provision of services by certain mortgage lending professionals; establishing provisions governing compensation of certain mortgage lending professionals; establishing certain powers of the Commissioner of Mortgage Lending; revising provisions relating to the imposition of certain fees and assessments on certain mortgage lending professionals; revising the definition of “homeowner” as it applies to services performed by certain mortgage lending professionals; revising provisions governing the applicability of requirements regarding foreclosure consultants and loan modification consultants; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 152 — Assemblymen Conklin, Bobzien, Oceguera, Spiegel, McClain; Aizley, Dondero Loop and Mastroluca. Joint Sponsor: Senator Parks.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to insurance; requiring certain policies of health insurance and health care plans to provide an option of coverage for screening for and treatment of autism; authorizing the Board of Psychological Examiners to license behavior analysts and assistant behavior analysts and to certify autism behavior interventionists; increasing the size of the Board of Psychological Examiners from five members to seven members; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 162 — Assemblymen Ohrenschall, Buckley, Leslie, Woodbury, Conklin, Aizley, Anderson, Arberry, Atkinson, Bobzien, Carpenter, Christensen, Claborn, Denis, Dondero Loop, Goicoechea, Grady, Hambrick, Hardy, Hogan, Horne, Kihuen, Kirkpatrick, Koivisto, Manendo, Mastroluca, McClain, Mortenson, Munford, Oceguera, Parnell, Pierce, Segerblom, Smith and Stewart. Joint Sponsors: Senators Horsford, Schneider, Lee, Wiener, Townsend; Amodei, Breeden, Care, Carlton, Coffin, Copening, Nolan, Parks, Rhoads and Woodhouse.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to public welfare; providing for the licensure of certain foster care agencies that provide services relating to the placement of children in foster care; requiring licensure of specialized foster homes; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 227 — Committee on Health and Human Services.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to holding companies; revising provisions relating to the approval of certain mergers or acquisitions of control; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 248 — Assemblymen Segerblom, Buckley, Oceguera, Horne, Conklin; Anderson, Kirkpatrick and Mortenson.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to public health; authorizing a district health officer or his designee who orders the extermination or abatement of mosquitoes, flies, other insects, rats or their breeding places to take certain actions to abate the nuisance; authorizing a district health officer to order an owner of real property to abate and prevent the recurrence of such a nuisance; providing that all money expended by the health district in abating and preventing the recurrence of such a nuisance constitutes a lien upon the property; authorizing the health district to bring an action to foreclose the lien; providing a district board of health with certain authority relating to the protection of the public health and safety with respect to residential property, rental dwelling units and commercial property; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 249 — Assemblymen Hardy, Horne; Conklin, Dondero Loop, Gansert, Hambrick, Hogan, Koivisto, Manendo, Smith, Spiegel and Stewart. Joint Sponsors: Senators Hardy, Cegavske; Copening and Woodhouse.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to the Department of Business and Industry; making the Ombudsman of Consumer Affairs for Minorities a permanent position within the Office of the Director of the Department; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 254 — Assemblymen Denis and Kihuen.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to marriage; allowing certain married persons to remarry each other; revising provisions governing the documentation a person is required to present to obtain a marriage license; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 262 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to victims of crime; increasing the amount of compensation that may be awarded to certain victims of crime, the dependents of those victims and certain members of the victim’s household; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 283 — Assemblyman Manendo (by request).  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to appraisals of real estate; prohibiting the improper influence of the results of an appraisal under certain circumstances; revising provisions governing unprofessional conduct and disciplinary action for appraisers; prohibiting certain professionals from improperly influencing the results of an appraisal; providing for the registration and regulation of appraisal management companies; revising the requirements for continuing education for appraisers; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 287 — Assemblymen Horne, Atkinson, Conklin, Oceguera; Anderson, Arberry, Buckley, Hambrick, Kirkpatrick, Manendo, Mortenson, Segerblom and Spiegel. Joint Sponsor: Senator Parks.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to dentistry; authorizing the Board of Dental Examiners of Nevada to issue a limited license to supervise certain courses of continuing education involving live patients; authorizing students to participate in such courses of continuing education under certain circumstances; authorizing the Board to issue a specialist’s license to a person who has completed the educational requirements for certification in a specialty under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 314 — Assemblymen Woodbury, Hardy, Oceguera, Ohrenschall; Aizley, Atkinson, Bobzien, Buckley, Carpenter, Christensen, Cobb, Conklin, Gansert, Goedhart, Goicoechea, Grady, Gustavson, Hambrick, Kihuen, Kirkpatrick, Manendo, Mastroluca, McArthur, Munford, Parnell, Settelmeyer, Spiegel and Stewart. Joint Sponsors: Senators Wiener, Carlton; Copening, Hardy and Parks.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to the protection of children; creating the Office of Statewide Coordinator for Children Who Are Endangered by Drug Exposure in the Office of the Attorney General; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 337 — Assemblywoman Leslie.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to emergency medical services; providing for the endorsement of intermediate emergency medical technicians and advanced emergency medical technicians to administer immunizations, dispense medication and provide certain services for an emergency or otherwise satisfy public health needs; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 349 — Assemblymen Parnell, Leslie, McClain; Bobzien, Goicoechea, Grady, Koivisto and Settelmeyer.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to education; creating the Grant Fund for the Training and Education of Personnel Who Work With Pupils With Autism; requiring that the boards of trustees of school districts and the governing bodies of charter schools, to the extent money is available, ensure that certain personnel possess the skills and qualifications necessary to work with pupils with autism; requiring the Health Division of the Department of Health and Human Services to ensure that certain personnel possess the skills and qualifications necessary to provide services to children with autism and their families; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 359 — Assemblymen Woodbury, Hardy, Gansert, Ohrenschall; Aizley, Atkinson, Bobzien, Christensen, Claborn, Denis, Dondero Loop, Goedhart, Goicoechea, Hambrick, Hogan, Kihuen, Kirkpatrick, Manendo, Munford, Oceguera, Pierce, Settelmeyer, Spiegel and Stewart. Joint Sponsors: Senators Breeden, Schneider and Woodhouse.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to liquor; authorizing a wholesale dealer to receive original packages of a brand of liquor from an affiliate of the wholesale dealer located outside this State under certain circumstances; prohibiting a supplier from unreasonably withholding or delaying its approval of certain decisions relating to a franchise with a wholesaler under certain circumstances; imposing other prohibitions on a supplier; providing a remedy for violations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 378 — Assemblyman Oceguera.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to recycling; requiring the Division of Environmental Protection of the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources to conduct a study concerning programs for reusing and recycling computers and other electronics; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 426 — Assemblymen Pierce; Arberry, Atkinson, Hogan, Horne, Kihuen, Kirkpatrick, Koivisto, Leslie, McClain, Mortenson, Munford, Oceguera, Ohrenschall and Segerblom. Joint Sponsors: Senators Parks; Copening and Wiener.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to parole; providing for the aggregation of consecutive sentences for the purposes of determining parole eligibility for certain prisoners under certain circumstances; requiring mandatory parole for certain prisoners who were under the age of 16 years when the offense was committed and who meet certain requirements; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 474 — Committee on Corrections, Parole, and Probation.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to public employees’ retirement; revising provisions governing the allowances that may be paid to a retired public employee who accepts employment or an independent contract with a public employer in a position for which there is a critical labor shortage; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 488 — Committee on Education.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to mortgage lending; establishing education requirements for an escrow agent or agency; revising provisions relating to the jurisdiction of the Commissioner of Mortgage Lending; revising subpoena powers of the Commissioner; revising provisions relating to holders of a beneficial interest in a loan; eliminating the exemption of consumer finance companies from provisions relating to mortgage brokers, mortgage agents and mortgage bankers; revising provisions for the issuance of a certificate of exemption to a mortgage broker, mortgage agent or mortgage banker; requiring a mortgage broker to make additional disclosures under certain circumstances; revising provisions for the revocation of the license of a mortgage broker or mortgage agent; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 513 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to the Legislature; making various changes relating to the Legislature and the Legislative Counsel Bureau; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 535 — Committee on Elections, Procedures, Ethics, and Constitutional Amendments.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to state financial administration; revising the manner of calculating the maximum fee per transaction for the use of a credit card, debit card or electronic transfer of money to make a payment to a state agency, local government or court; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 548 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to public retirement systems; requiring public employers that participate in the Public Employees’ Retirement System to select a liaison officer to certify records and coordinate certain matters between the System and members or public employers; clarifying provisions relating to the penalty that is assessed against a participating public employer for failing to file payroll reports or remit public employer contributions in a timely manner; providing a deadline for certain justices of the peace and municipal judges who are members of the System to withdraw from the System and become members of the Judicial Retirement Plan; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 41 — Committee on Finance.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to the Public Employees’ Benefits Program; making various changes relating to the Program; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 103 — Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to state grazing boards; deleting the provisions that place such boards within the State Department of Agriculture; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 109 — Committee on Natural Resources.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to energy; requiring the Director of the Office of Energy to make certain determinations relating to systems for obtaining solar energy; prohibiting certain restrictions on the use of systems for obtaining solar energy or wind energy; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 114 — Senator Schneider.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to time shares; providing for the relocation of a time share under certain circumstances; authorizing the withdrawal of time share units from a time-share plan under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 176 — Senator Schneider.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to security of personal information; requiring the compliance with certain standards or the use of encryption by data collectors when transferring personal information; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 227 — Senator Wiener.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to traffic laws; expanding to certain category I peace officers and certain inspectors in this State the authority for the enforcement of certain traffic laws relating to the weight of certain motor vehicles; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 243 — Senator Schneider.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to common-interest ownership; revising the provisions governing the applicability of the Uniform Common-Interest Ownership Act; making various other changes relating to common-interest ownership; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 261 — Senator Care.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to estates; revising provisions relating to the succession of property under certain circumstances; modifying the compensation structure authorized for attorneys for personal representatives; making various other changes relating to the administration of estates of deceased persons; revising provisions governing declaratory relief for certain probate matters; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 277 — Senator Wiener.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to guardianship; providing that a court may sanction certain persons who are vexatious litigants; requiring a guardian to maintain certain records for certain periods of time; adopting in part the Uniform Adult Guardianship and Protective Proceedings Jurisdiction Act; revising certain notice requirements for guardianship proceedings; revising certain procedural requirements for the appointment of a guardian; revising the authority of certain guardians in certain circumstances; making various other changes relating to guardianships; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 313 — Senators Mathews, Horsford, Care; and Lee. Joint Sponsors: Assemblymen Anderson; and Mortenson.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to real property; revising certain provisions governing encumbrances that secure future advances of principal; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 333 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to business associations; clarifying that an attorney who is a registered agent is not required to report certain privileged information under certain circumstances; increasing the fine imposed on certain foreign business entities that transact business in this State without qualifying to do business in this State; imposing a fine on persons purporting to do business in this State as a business entity without legally forming that entity; making various technical corrections to various provisions relating to business associations; revising the provisions relating to dissenters’ rights; revising the provisions relating to the maintenance of certain lists by certain business associations; revising the provisions relating to the proper venue for the posting of certain notices and the filing of certain actions and for certain other purposes; establishing provisions relating to restricted limited-liability companies and restricted limited partnerships; making various other changes to the provisions relating to business associations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 350 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to common-interest communities; providing that money collected by a unit-owners’ association must be deposited or invested in certain institutions or securities; providing that an executive board of an association may not fill a vacancy on the executive board if the governing documents require a vote of the membership of the association; making various other changes relating to common-interest communities; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 351 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to vehicles; authorizing a person other than an automobile wrecker, dealer of new or used motor vehicles or rebuilder to obtain an identifying card and bid to purchase a vehicle other than a nonrepairable vehicle from the operator of a salvage pool; imposing a fee for the issuance of such a card; prohibiting a person who obtains such a card from purchasing from operators of salvage pools in this State more than three vehicles in any calendar year; increasing the period within which an insurance company or its authorized agent must submit an application for a salvage title or nonrepairable vehicle certificate for a salvage vehicle; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 360 — Committee on Energy, Infrastructure and Transportation.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to real property; revising provisions governing foreclosures on property; providing for mediation under certain circumstances; providing for the imposition of a fee for mediation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 149 — Assemblymen Buckley, Oceguera, Conklin, Leslie, Smith; Aizley, Anderson, Atkinson, Bobzien, Claborn, Denis, Dondero Loop, Goicoechea, Grady, Hambrick, Hardy, Hogan, Horne, Kihuen, Kirkpatrick, Koivisto, Manendo, Mastroluca, McClain, Munford, Ohrenschall, Parnell, Pierce, Segerblom, Settelmeyer, Spiegel and Stewart. Joint Sponsors: Senators Horsford; and Coffin.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to insurance; creating the Fund for Insurance Administration and Enforcement and new fees to provide money for the Fund; eliminating certain restrictions on out-of-state insurers; requiring certain insurers to comply with newly enacted federal acts; revising provisions relating to viatical settlements; revising provisions related to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; requiring certain health insurers to provide notice regarding a change in its formulary concerning prescription drugs related to transplanted organs in certain circumstances; requiring certain health care plans and policies of insurance to provide continued coverage for certain prescription drugs related to transplanted organs; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 426 — Committee on Finance.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to veterans’ cemeteries; requiring the area immediately above and surrounding the interred remains in each veterans’ cemetery in this State to be landscaped with natural grass; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 3 — Assemblyman Manendo. Joint Sponsor: Senator Hardy.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to public safety; revising provisions relating to the information the Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History is required to disseminate to a licensing agency and to a prospective or current employer and the purposes for which such information may be considered; repealing the provisions requiring the Director of the Department of Public Safety to establish a program to compile and analyze data concerning the recidivism of offenders who commit sexual offenses; requiring the Director of the Department of Health and Human Services to establish a substantially similar program within the Department to compile and analyze data concerning the recidivism of juvenile sex offenders; repealing the provisions creating the Repository for Information Concerning Missing Persons within the Central Repository; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 81 — Committee on Corrections, Parole, and Probation.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to offenders; requiring the preservation of certain biological evidence under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 279 — Assemblymen Anderson, Horne, Ohrenschall; Atkinson, Denis, Dondero Loop, Hambrick, Kihuen, Leslie, Manendo, Mortenson, Munford, Oceguera, Parnell, Segerblom, Smith and Spiegel.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to statutes; ratifying certain technical corrections made to sections of NRS; correcting the effective date of certain provisions, correcting and clarifying certain provisions and repealing certain provisions of Statutes of Nevada; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 554 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to manufactured housing; providing for the licensure of distributors of manufactured homes, mobile homes, manufactured buildings, commercial coaches or factory-built housing for resale; providing for the regulation of dealers, manufacturers, salesmen, general servicemen and specialty servicemen with respect to manufactured buildings and factory-built housing; authorizing the auditing of the financial accounts of dealers and distributors; requiring the adoption of regulations concerning continuing education requirements for dealers and distributors; revising the procedure for determining the fair market value of manufactured homes under certain circumstances; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 89 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to real estate; establishing provisions relating to broker’s price opinions; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 184 — Senator Schneider. Joint Sponsor: Assemblyman Christensen.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to real estate; revising provisions governing certain licenses issued by the Real Estate Division of the Department of Business and Industry; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 230 — Senator Carlton (by request).  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to the Private Investigator’s Licensing Board; revising provisions relating to licenses and registrations issued by the Board; revising provisions governing local regulation of such licensees and registrants; removing certain requirements for security guards and certain exemptions for counties whose population is less than 100,000; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 265 — Senator Carlton (by request).  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to trust companies; establishing various requirements for licensing as a retail trust company; establishing certain minimum capital requirements for trust companies; authorizing the Commissioner of Financial Institutions to take various actions relating to the regulation of trust companies; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 310 — Senator Care.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to property; authorizing a landlord who leases or subleases any commercial premises to dispose of any abandoned personal property left on the commercial premises without incurring any civil or criminal liability under certain circumstances; authorizing the landlord to charge and collect certain reasonable and actual costs before releasing the abandoned personal property; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 338 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to trade practices; enacting the Uniform Debt-Management Services Act; repealing the existing provisions governing the regulation of debt adjusters; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 355 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 29, 2009



AN ACT relating to energy; creating the Fund for Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation Loans and the Account for Set-Aside Programs; authorizing the Director of the Office of Energy to administer the Fund; authorizing the granting of partial abatements of certain property taxes and local sales and use taxes to certain facilities for the generation of process heat from solar renewable energy, wholesale facilities for the generation of electricity from renewable energy, facilities for the generation of electricity from geothermal resources and facilities for the transmission of electricity produced from renewable energy; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 522 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 30, 2009



AN ACT relating to animals; requiring notice of any sterilization requirements for dogs and cats required by local ordinance to be posted in a public park and the office of each licensed veterinarian; requiring a retailer or dealer who sells a dog or cat to disclose to the purchaser any sterilization requirements for the animal required by local ordinance; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 15 — Assemblyman Manendo.  Approved May 30, 2009



AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; prohibiting the waiver of certain examinations of applicants for a Nevada driver’s license who are licensed in another jurisdiction but have not attained 21 years of age; providing an exception; establishing fees for the administration of certain examinations for noncommercial drivers’ licenses; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 25 — Committee on Transportation.  Veto Overridden. Date Filed June 1, 2009



AN ACT relating to health care facilities; requiring certain hospitals in larger counties to establish a staffing committee; requiring certain health care facilities to make available to the Health Division of the Department of Health and Human Services a documented staffing plan; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 121 — Assemblywoman Koivisto.  Veto Overridden. Date Filed June 1, 2009



AN ACT relating to business; providing for the establishment of a state business portal by the Secretary of State; revising the provisions relating to the issuance of state business licenses and transferring certain responsibilities concerning state business licenses from the Department of Taxation to the Secretary of State; making an appropriation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 146 — Assemblyman Oceguera.  Veto Overridden. Date Filed June 1, 2009



AN ACT relating to wildlife; providing for the issuance of an apprentice hunting license; prohibiting an apprentice hunter from hunting in this State unless he is accompanied and directly supervised by a mentor hunter; providing an exception from requirements concerning the completion of a course in the responsibilities of hunters; requiring the Board of Wildlife Commissioners to establish a program for the issuance of additional big game tags to be known as “Dream Tags”; authorizing the Board to establish an additional kind of drawing for the existing allotment of big game tags and wild turkey tags; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 246 — Assemblymen Bobzien, Smith, Ohrenschall; Aizley, Carpenter, Grady, Kirkpatrick, Munford, Segerblom, Settelmeyer and Spiegel. Joint Sponsors: Senators Parks, Hardy; and Lee.  Veto Overridden. Date Filed June 1, 2009



AN ACT relating to industrial insurance; allowing the provisions of certain collective bargaining agreements to supersede various statutory provisions relating to industrial insurance; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 410 — Assemblyman Claborn.  Veto Overridden. Date Filed June 1, 2009



AN ACT relating to governmental administration; restricting a department, division or other agency of this State from employing a person as a consultant; providing certain exceptions; requiring certain entities to submit to the Interim Finance Committee a report concerning each consultant employed by the entity; requiring that contracts with temporary employment services be awarded by open competitive bidding; requiring that information concerning the use of consultants and temporary employment services be included and explained in the budget process by a state agency; requiring the Legislative Auditor to conduct an audit concerning the use of contracts with consultants by state agencies; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 463 — Assemblywoman Smith.  Veto Overridden. Date Filed June 1, 2009



AN ACT relating to governmental financial administration; revising provisions relating to the prevailing wage requirements; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 467 — Assemblymen Pierce, Claborn, Koivisto; Manendo and Segerblom.  Veto Overridden. Date Filed June 1, 2009



AN ACT relating to taxation; temporarily redirecting a portion of the taxes ad valorem levied in Clark and Washoe Counties to the State General Fund; revising the provisions governing the imposition and use of a supplemental governmental services tax in certain counties; temporarily redirecting a portion of certain taxes imposed in Clark County to the county general fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 543 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Veto Overridden. Date Filed June 1, 2009



AN ACT relating to taxation; increasing the fee charged by the State for collecting certain local sales and use taxes; establishing the required time for payment to the State of certain proceeds from taxes on revenue from the rental of transient lodging; making permanent a temporary reduction in various allowances for the collection of sales and use taxes and taxes on intoxicating liquor, cigarettes and other tobacco products; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 552 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Veto Overridden. Date Filed June 1, 2009



AN ACT relating to state financial administration; making appropriations from the State General Fund and the State Highway Fund for the support of the civil government of the State of Nevada for the fiscal years beginning July 1, 2009, and ending June 30, 2010, and beginning July 1, 2010, and ending June 30, 2011; providing for the use of the money so appropriated; revising the provisions governing the line of credit from the Local Government Pooled Investment Fund; making various other changes relating to the financial administration of the State; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 562 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Veto Overridden. Date Filed June 1, 2009



AN ACT relating to education; ensuring sufficient funding for K-12 public education for the 2009-2011 biennium; apportioning the State Distributive School Account in the State General Fund for the 2009-2011 biennium; authorizing certain expenditures; making appropriations for purposes relating to basic support, class-size reduction and other educational purposes; authorizing temporarily the board of trustees of a school district to use money raised through its general obligations for the purchase of equipment for the transportation of pupils; revising provisions governing local funds available for certain school districts for the 2009-2011 biennium; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 563 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Veto Overridden. Date Filed June 1, 2009



AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; revising certain provisions governing the fees charged by a short-term lessor of passenger cars; increasing the governmental services fee on short-term leases of passenger cars; revising the definition of “uninsured motor vehicle” to include a leased passenger car under certain circumstances; making various changes concerning the disclosure of certain information relating to the short-term lease of a passenger car; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 234 — Committee on Taxation.  Veto Overridden. Date Filed June 1, 2009



AN ACT relating to public employees; establishing the maximum allowed salaries for certain employees in the classified and unclassified service of the State; requiring employees of the State to take a certain number of days of unpaid furlough leave during the 2009-2011 biennium; providing exceptions to the furlough requirement; making appropriations from the State General Fund and State Highway Fund for the salaries of certain employees of the State; making certain appropriations contingent on specified projections of unappropriated balances in the State General Fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 433 — Committee on Finance.  Veto Overridden. Date Filed June 1, 2009



AN ACT relating to state financial administration; authorizing expenditures by various officers, departments, boards, agencies, commissions and institutions of the State Government for the fiscal years commencing on July 1, 2009, and ending on June 30, 2010, and beginning on July 1, 2010, and ending on June 30, 2011; authorizing the collection of certain amounts from the counties for the use of the services of the State Public Defender; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 431 — Committee on Finance.  Veto Overridden. Date Filed June 1, 2009



AN ACT relating to domestic relations; providing for the registration and dissolution of domestic partnerships in the State of Nevada; setting forth the rights and responsibilities attendant to such partnerships; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 283 — Senators Parks; and Coffin.  Veto Overridden. Date Filed June 1, 2009



AN ACT relating to programs for public personnel; establishing for the next biennium the amount to be paid to the Public Employees’ Benefits Program for group insurance for certain active and retired public officers and employees; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 415 — Committee on Finance.  Veto Overridden. Date Filed June 1, 2009



AN ACT relating to state financial administration; temporarily increasing the state business license fee; temporarily revising the rate of the payroll tax imposed on certain businesses other than financial institutions; revising the provisions governing the calculation of governmental services taxes due annually for used vehicles and allocating a portion of the proceeds of the basic governmental services tax for 4 years to the State General Fund and thereafter to the State Highway Fund; temporarily increasing the rate of the Local School Support Tax; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 429 — Committee of the Whole.  Veto Overridden. Date Filed June 1, 2009



AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; revising provisions governing the verification of motor vehicle liability insurance policies by the Department of Motor Vehicles; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 312 — Senator Mathews.  Approved June 1, 2009



AN ACT relating to common-interest communities; revising certain requirements for limited-purpose associations that are created for a rural agricultural residential common-interest communities; providing that such a limited-purpose association is a public body for purposes of the Open Meeting Law; providing that a study of the reserves of an association may be conducted by a person without a permit under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 207 — Assemblyman Carpenter.  Approved June 1, 2009



AN ACT relating to the judiciary; revising the provisions governing the benefits of a retired justice or judge; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 92 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved June 1, 2009



AN ACT relating to governmental administration; revising provisions relating to certain housing authorities; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 478 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved June 1, 2009



AN ACT relating to public works; revising the provisions governing the terms of certain contracts between public bodies and certain design professionals; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 483 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved June 1, 2009



AN ACT relating to state financial administration; removing the nonreversion clause from the provisions governing the Senior Citizens’ Property Tax Assistance Account; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 555 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved June 1, 2009



AN ACT relating to state governmental administration; revising provisions governing independent contractors with the State; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 31 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved June 1, 2009



AN ACT relating to mental retardation; authorizing the Division of Mental Health and Developmental Services of the Department of Health and Human Services to regulate the provision of jobs and day training services to persons with mental retardation and persons with related conditions; prohibiting the provision of such services without a certificate issued by the Division; deleting provisions governing community centers for training persons with mental retardation and persons with related conditions; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 78 — Committee on Health and Education.  Approved June 1, 2009



AN ACT relating to crimes; establishing procedures for identifying certain funds associated with prepaid or stored value cards; authorizing certain contracts to carry out the provisions relating to the identification of such funds; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 82 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved June 1, 2009



AN ACT relating to general improvement districts; expanding the membership of the boards of trustees of certain general improvement districts; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 124 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved June 1, 2009



AN ACT relating to the Department of Wildlife; providing funding to the Department of Wildlife for certain projects; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 146 — Committee on Finance.  Approved June 1, 2009



AN ACT making an appropriation to the Nevada System of Higher Education for stale claims owed to the Public Employees’ Benefits Program; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 400 — Committee on Finance.  Approved June 1, 2009



AN ACT making an appropriation to the State Fire Marshal Division of the Department of Public Safety for refunds of certain fees; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 401 — Committee on Finance.  Approved June 1, 2009



AN ACT making an appropriation to the Fund for Insurance Premiums, commonly known as the Attorney General’s Tort Claim Fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 424 — Committee on Finance.  Approved June 1, 2009



AN ACT relating to state financial administration; extending the reversion date and reporting requirements for the appropriation made during the 74th Session of the Nevada Legislature to the Institute for Neuro-Immune Disease for the construction of a facility; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 425 — Committee on Finance.  Approved June 1, 2009



AN ACT relating to public health; making various changes relating to the Advisory Council on the State Program for Fitness and Wellness; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 7 — Senator Wiener.  Approved June 3, 2009



AN ACT relating to sentencing; authorizing a city to create a department of alternative sentencing; revising provisions relating to the administration of certain programs of supervision for persons with suspended sentences or persons sentenced to residential confinement; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 84 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved June 3, 2009



AN ACT relating to local governmental planning; providing for the construction of bus turnouts at certain locations in certain counties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 173 — Senator Lee.  Approved June 3, 2009



AN ACT relating to energy; providing for the establishment of the Solar Thermal Systems Demonstration Program; requiring the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada to adopt certain regulations governing the Demonstration Program; providing for rebates to certain participants in the Demonstration Program; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 188 — Senator Schneider.  Approved June 3, 2009



AN ACT relating to counties; removing the requirement that a county fair and recreation board in certain larger counties obtain the approval of the board of county commissioners before engaging in certain transactions relating to real property; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 190 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved June 3, 2009



AN ACT relating to certain public officials; making the district attorney of Humboldt County the ex officio public administrator of Humboldt County; revising certain provisions regarding the administration of certain estates; revising certain provisions regarding the appointment of public guardians; repealing certain provisions relating to public administrators; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 194 — Senators Mathews; Care, Lee, McGinness, Raggio and Rhoads. Joint Sponsors: Assemblymen Anderson, Goicoechea; Grady and Leslie.  Approved June 3, 2009



AN ACT relating to state departments; providing for greater coordination of Nevada’s economic development and workforce development goals; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 239 — Senators Horsford, Woodhouse, Care, Breeden, Parks; Amodei, Coffin, Copening, Lee, Mathews, Raggio, Rhoads, Washington and Wiener. Joint Sponsors: Assemblymen Atkinson, Conklin, Bobzien, Manendo, Aizley; Buckley, Carpenter, Claborn, Dondero Loop, Goicoechea, Hogan, Kirkpatrick, Koivisto, McClain, Munford, Oceguera, Ohrenschall, Parnell, Pierce, Segerblom and Spiegel.  Approved June 3, 2009



AN ACT relating to local governmental planning; authorizing the extension of the validity of certain building permits and development agreements for a maximum of 15 years beyond the original expiration date if the land is leased for renewable energy generation projects; providing that certain changes to regulations or laws which are made after the issuance of the permit or the time the agreement is entered into, and which apply environmental, life or safety restrictions to the land, apply to the permit or agreement; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 248 — Senators Townsend; Hardy, Horsford, Lee, Mathews, McGinness and Rhoads.  Approved June 3, 2009



AN ACT relating to governmental administration; revising the provisions governing the notice of intention to act on a proposed regulation by a state agency subject to the Nevada Administrative Procedure Act; providing that workshops and hearings regarding a proposed regulation of such a state agency are subject to the Open Meeting Law; revising the procedure for the review of permanent regulations and certain temporary regulations by the Legislative Commission or the Subcommittee to Review Regulations; requiring a public body to make available certain documents to the public at a public meeting; eliminating certain nonprofit entities affiliated with a university or college from the definition of “university foundation” for purposes of the Open Meeting Law, the requirements relating to public records, the exemption from the tax on the transfer of real property and other requirements pertaining to university foundations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 267 — Senator Wiener.  Approved June 3, 2009



AN ACT relating to the Nevada System of Higher Education; revising provisions governing tuition paid by persons in the Armed Forces of the United States and by veterans at campuses of the Nevada System of Higher Education; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 318 — Senators Copening and Parks.  Approved June 3, 2009



AN ACT relating to public welfare; revising provisions relating to the disproportionate share payments made to certain hospitals; requiring the Division of Health Care Financing and Policy of the Department of Health and Human Services to prescribe by regulation provisions relating to audits of and other requirements for certain hospitals; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 382 — Committee on Health and Education.  Approved June 3, 2009



AN ACT relating to education; revising provisions governing public schools that are designated as demonstrating need for improvement; revising other provisions related to the accountability of public schools; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 389 — Committee on Health and Education.  Approved June 3, 2009



AN ACT relating to education; revising provisions governing the administration of certain tests, examinations and assessments by the boards of trustees of school districts; suspending temporarily the administration of norm-referenced examinations in public schools; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 416 — Committee on Finance.  Approved June 3, 2009



AN ACT making a supplemental appropriation to the Department of Motor Vehicles for unanticipated shortfalls in revenue for Fiscal Year 2008-2009; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 422 — Committee on Finance.  Approved June 3, 2009



AN ACT making appropriations to the Interim Finance Committee for allocation to assist state agencies in paying electricity, heating and cooling costs; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 423 — Committee on Finance.  Approved June 3, 2009



AN ACT relating to public employees; making various changes to the Public Employees’ Retirement System; making various changes relating to the Public Employees’ Benefits Program; making various changes relating to relations between local government employers and employee organizations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 427 — Committee on Finance.  Approved June 3, 2009



AN ACT relating to state financial administration; transferring certain amounts of money from the Trust Fund for Public Health and the Fund for a Healthy Nevada to the State General Fund; indicating for money transferred from the Fund for a Healthy Nevada the amounts transferred from each particular program to which the money had been allocated for expenditure; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 430 — Committee on Finance.  Approved June 3, 2009



AN ACT relating to State Government; combining the Office of Disability Services of the Department of Health and Human Services and other disability programs with the Aging Services Division of the Department; renaming the Aging Services Division as the Aging and Disability Services Division; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 434 — Committee on Finance.  Approved June 3, 2009



AN ACT relating to statutes; revising certain legislative measures enacted during the 75th Session of the Legislature to correct technical errors and clarify legislative intent; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 435 — Committee on Finance.  Approved June 3, 2009



AN ACT relating to legislative affairs; creating the Legislative Committee on Senior Citizens, Veterans and Adults With Special Needs; prescribing the powers and duties of the Committee; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 9 — Committee on Elections, Procedures, Ethics, and Constitutional Amendments.  Approved June 3, 2009



AN ACT relating to the Lake Tahoe Basin; authorizing the issuance of general obligation bonds to carry out a program for the protection of the Lake Tahoe Basin; extending the period for the issuance of certain bonds to carry out the program; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 18 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved June 3, 2009



AN ACT relating to occupational safety; requiring employees on a construction site to receive certain health and safety training; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 148 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved June 3, 2009



AN ACT relating to public employees; including certain employees of the Department of Public Safety and certain park rangers and employees of the Division of State Parks of the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources in the definition of “police officer” for various purposes relating to industrial injuries and occupational diseases; making an appropriation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 214 — Assemblywoman Parnell.  Approved June 3, 2009



AN ACT relating to gaming; authorizing the Nevada Gaming Commission to prescribe the manner of regulating governmental entities that are involved in gaming; revising the definition of “sports pools”; revising the provisions relating to off-track pari-mutuel wagering; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 218 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved June 3, 2009



AN ACT relating to cigarettes; setting forth the testing requirements and performance standard for fire safety for cigarettes sold or offered for sale in this State; requiring a manufacturer of cigarettes to submit a written certification to the State Fire Marshal concerning the cigarettes that the manufacturer intends to sell in this State; imposing a fee for each cigarette listed in a certification; requiring packages of cigarettes to be marked to indicate compliance of the cigarettes with the testing requirements and performance standard; imposing civil penalties for various violations; creating the Cigarette Fire Safety Standard and Firefighter Protection Fund in the State Treasury; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 229 — Assemblymen Oceguera, Conklin; Aizley, Atkinson, Bobzien, Dondero Loop, Hogan, Kihuen, Manendo, McClain, Mortenson, Pierce, Segerblom and Spiegel. Joint Sponsor: Senator Parks.  Approved June 3, 2009



AN ACT relating to children’s products; prohibiting the advertisement, sale, lease, sublet or distribution of children’s products under certain circumstances; prohibiting certain commercial activity regarding unsafe cribs; providing that a violation of provisions relating to unsafe cribs or to children’s products is a deceptive trade practice; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 430 — Assemblymen Pierce, Koivisto; Arberry, Atkinson, Hogan, Horne, Kihuen, Kirkpatrick, Leslie, McClain, Mortenson, Munford, Oceguera, Ohrenschall and Segerblom. Joint Sponsor: Senator Parks.  Approved June 3, 2009



AN ACT relating to older persons; revising the provisions pertaining to the reporting of abuse, neglect, exploitation or isolation of an older person; providing for the establishment of a multidisciplinary team; making various other changes relating to older persons; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 461 — Assemblywoman McClain.  Approved June 3, 2009



AN ACT relating to local government employers; requiring the Local Government Employee-Management Relations Board to charge and collect a fee from local government employers; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 540 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved June 3, 2009



AN ACT relating to insurance; revising the provisions governing the continuation of health care coverage upon termination of employment with certain smaller employers; allowing an additional election period to continue coverage of health insurance for certain former employees; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 546 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved June 3, 2009



AN ACT relating to projects of capital improvement; authorizing certain expenditures by the State Public Works Board; levying a property tax to support the Consolidated Bond Interest and Redemption Fund; making appropriations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 564 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved June 3, 2009



AN ACT relating to public utilities; providing simplified procedures and methodologies for certain public utilities to change rates for water or sewage disposal; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 355 — Assemblymen Goedhart; Cobb, Gustavson, Hambrick, Hardy, Settelmeyer, Stewart and Woodbury. Joint Sponsor: Senator McGinness.  Approved June 3, 2009



AN ACT relating to courts; increasing the number of district judges in the Second and Eighth Judicial Districts; increasing the number of district judges in the Eighth Judicial District who must be judges of the family court; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 64 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved June 3, 2009



AN ACT relating to courts; providing for the collection and disposition of additional court fees; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 65 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved June 3, 2009



AN ACT relating to firearms; requiring a court to transmit certain records of adjudication concerning a person’s mental health to the Central Repository for Nevada Records of Criminal History for certain purposes relating to the purchase or possession of a firearm; establishing procedures for those persons to petition a court to regain certain rights relating to the purchase or possession of a firearm; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 46 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved June 4, 2009



AN ACT relating to compensation; revising provisions related to compensation for overtime; revising provisions for the collection of benefits required to be repaid to the Employment Security Division of the Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation; establishing a penalty for fraudulently obtaining unemployment benefits under certain circumstances; revising provisions relating to the authorized use of money in the Employment Security Fund by the Administrator of the Division; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 84 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved June 4, 2009



AN ACT relating to cosmetology; requiring certain persons who engage in the practice of threading or who own or operate certain facilities in which threading is conducted to register with the State Board of Cosmetology under certain circumstances; revising various definitions; revising provisions relating to the qualifications for examination as an instructor of aestheticians, an instructor in nail technology, a nail technologist or an aesthetician; revising provisions relating to cosmetologists’ apprentices; increasing the required instruction hours for an aesthetician; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 202 — Assemblyman Hardy.  Approved June 4, 2009



AN ACT relating to criminal offenders; revising provisions relating to the residential confinement of certain offenders; authorizing a court to provide for the forfeiture of credits for good behavior of a probationer under certain circumstances; revising provisions concerning certain credits to be applied to a period of probation or parole; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 259 — Committee on Corrections, Parole, and Probation.  Approved June 4, 2009



AN ACT relating to taxation; providing for the disbursement of a portion of the proceeds of the state tax imposed on certain businesses to regional organizations for economic development; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 317 — Assemblyman Oceguera.  Approved June 4, 2009



AN ACT relating to guardianships; requiring additional information in a petition for appointment of a guardian under certain circumstances; requiring that a proposed adult ward be advised of his right to counsel; revising provisions relating to the attendance of a proposed adult ward at a guardianship hearing; requiring a guardian to petition a court before moving a ward into certain residential facilities under certain circumstances; making various other changes relating to guardianships; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 320 — Assemblymen Pierce, McClain, Bobzien, Ohrenschall; Atkinson, Buckley, Conklin, Denis, Goedhart, Kihuen, Leslie, Manendo, Oceguera and Segerblom. Joint Sponsor: Senator Parks.  Approved June 4, 2009



AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; transferring the authority for the regulation of trade practices of garages, garagemen and body shops from the Commissioner of Consumer Affairs to the Department of Motor Vehicles; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 482 — Committee on Transportation.  Approved June 4, 2009



AN ACT relating to taxation; imposing certain requirements on the enactment of exemptions from property taxes and sales and use taxes; imposing certain requirements on legislation revising the authority of the Commission on Economic Development to approve abatements of taxes; requiring the Commission to notify affected political subdivisions before taking action on such abatements; requiring certain reports from the Department of Taxation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 492 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved June 4, 2009



AN ACT relating to legislative affairs; creating the Legislative Committee on Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice; prescribing the powers and duties of the Committee; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 3 — Committee on Legislative Operations and Elections.  Approved June 4, 2009



AN ACT relating to health care; revising provisions governing the retention and destruction of health care records; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 17 — Senator Wiener.  Approved June 4, 2009



AN ACT relating to public works; revising the criteria that the State Public Works Board is required to adopt to determine the qualification of bidders on contracts for public works; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 43 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved June 4, 2009



AN ACT relating to crimes; allowing a prospective witness who is an older person or a vulnerable person to have his deposition taken for use at a trial or hearing under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 45 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved June 4, 2009



AN ACT relating to public health; revising provisions governing the State Health Officer; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 54 — Committee on Health and Education.  Approved June 4, 2009



AN ACT relating to securities; revising the provisions governing the examination of certain records by the Administrator of the Securities Division of the Office of the Secretary of State; increasing the amount of certain civil penalties for certain violations relating to securities; revising the provisions governing recovery of the costs of investigation and prosecution of certain violations; authorizing the Department of Motor Vehicles to issue a driver’s license to a criminal investigator employed by the Secretary of State who is engaged in an undercover investigation; making various other changes relating to securities; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 101 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved June 4, 2009



AN ACT relating to the criminal justice system; creating statutory subcommittees of the Advisory Commission on the Administration of Justice; transferring responsibility for staff support of the Advisory Commission from the Attorney General to the Legislative Counsel Bureau; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 113 — Senator Horsford.  Approved June 4, 2009



AN ACT relating to professions; revising provisions governing the regulation of massage therapists by the Board of Massage Therapists; prohibiting certain misleading and deceptive practices relating to massage therapy; revising provisions governing the discipline of massage therapists; authorizing the Board to issue administrative citations and to impose administrative fines for certain violations; revising provisions governing the temporary suspension of licenses of massage therapists; requiring governmental agencies and courts of competent jurisdiction to provide certain records to the Board or its Executive Director upon request; authorizing governmental agencies and courts of competent jurisdiction to redact certain confidential information from records provided to the Board or its Executive Director; providing remedies and penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 119 — Senator Carlton (by request).  Approved June 4, 2009



AN ACT relating to initiative petitions; providing a procedure for a petition proposing a statute, an amendment to a statute or an amendment to the Constitution to be placed on a ballot; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 212 — Senator Rhoads.  Approved June 4, 2009



AN ACT relating to convicted persons; creating the Fund for Reentry Programs; providing for the expenditure of money in the Fund for reentry programs for persons released from incarceration; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 236 — Senators Parks, Copening, Horsford; Breeden, Care, Coffin, Lee, Wiener and Woodhouse. Joint Sponsor: Assemblywoman Pierce.  Approved June 4, 2009



AN ACT relating to local governmental administration; directing the Legislative Commission to conduct an interim study of the powers delegated to local governments; requiring the Legislative Commission to appoint an Interim Technical Advisory Committee for Intergovernmental Relations; providing for the administration and specifying the duties of the Interim Technical Advisory Committee; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 264 — Senator Care.  Approved June 4, 2009



AN ACT relating to education; enacting the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children; revising provisions relating to the enrollment and education of certain children of military families in public schools; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 303 — Senators Nolan, Amodei, Copening; Care, Cegavske, Hardy, Parks, Raggio, Wiener and Woodhouse.  Approved June 4, 2009



AN ACT relating to vehicles; revising provisions governing the use of alternative fuels and clean vehicles by fleets owned, operated or leased by certain state agencies and local governing bodies; authorizing a program to provide incentives to acquire clean vehicles and motor vehicles that use alternative fuels; providing for the taxation of ethanol and methanol as motor vehicle fuels and biodiesel and blends of biodiesel and petroleum-based diesel as special fuels; making various changes concerning the licensure and regulation of persons who manufacture special fuel; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 332 — Committee on Energy, Infrastructure and Transportation.  Approved June 4, 2009



AN ACT relating to state financial administration; clarifying the provisions governing the temporary suspension of longevity pay for state employees; making appropriations to restore certain fund balances and for certain costs related to changes in various taxes; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 403 — Committee on Finance.  Approved June 4, 2009



AN ACT relating to wildlife; providing for the permanent revocation of a license, permit or privilege to hunt, fish or trap in certain circumstances; requiring a person to maintain a principal and permanent residence in this State to be eligible for a resident license, tag or permit to hunt, fish or trap; providing for the forfeiture of a bonus point or other increased opportunity to be awarded a tag for making a false statement or furnishing false information in certain circumstances; requiring a person seeking to obtain a license, tag or permit on behalf of another for a fee or other compensation to have a power of attorney to do so; revising provisions governing certain additional big game tags; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 411 — Committee on Finance.  Approved June 4, 2009



AN ACT relating to the Governor; removing the Agency for Nuclear Projects from the list of entities within the Office of the Governor for which the Governor may employ staff; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 412 — Committee on Finance.  Approved June 4, 2009



AN ACT relating to state financial administration; reducing the period for the Administrator of Unclaimed Property to bring an action to enforce certain provisions relating to unclaimed property; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 418 — Committee on Finance.  Approved June 4, 2009



AN ACT relating to health care; authorizing a board of county commissioners to adopt procedures to lease the naming rights relating to public hospitals located within the county; requiring certain hospitals in certain larger counties to report information to the Legislative Committee on Health Care concerning the transfer of patients to another hospital; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 52 — Committee on Health and Human Services.  Approved June 8, 2009



AN ACT relating to public financial administration; authorizing the State Treasurer to deposit state money in out-of-state financial institutions under certain circumstances; authorizing the state and local governments to issue tax credit bonds under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 60 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved June 8, 2009



AN ACT relating to sexual offenses; prohibiting a person from using the Internet to control child pornography; establishing a civil remedy under certain circumstances for a person who appeared in child pornography; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 88 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved June 8, 2009



AN ACT relating to state governmental procurement; establishing a bidder’s preference for local businesses owned by service-disabled veterans with respect to state purchasing contracts and state public works contracts; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 223 — Assemblymen Smith, McClain, Conklin, Buckley, Oceguera, Anderson, Bobzien, Claborn, Dondero Loop, Goicoechea, Hambrick, Hardy, Horne, Kirkpatrick, Manendo and Parnell.  Approved June 8, 2009



AN ACT relating to governmental administration; requiring certain local governmental entities to submit a report to the 76th Session of the Legislature concerning the consolidation or reorganization of certain functions; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 494 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved June 8, 2009



AN ACT relating to housing; establishing provisions for the implementation of the federal Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage Licensing Act of 2008; increasing certain administrative fines; revising certain provisions relating to the grounds of termination for certain rental or lease agreements affecting certain tenants in a manufactured home park; revising provisions concerning the board of directors or trustees of a mobile home park owned or leased by a nonprofit organization; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 523 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved June 8, 2009



AN ACT relating to reorganization of State Government; temporarily eliminating the Consumer Affairs Division of the Department of Business and Industry; temporarily eliminating the position of Commissioner of Consumer Affairs; transferring certain duties and powers of the Division and the Commissioner; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 561 — Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved June 8, 2009



AN ACT relating to criminal procedure; providing that an acquittal of an offense in another jurisdiction may be introduced in evidence by the defendant in the trial in this State for the same offense; eliminating the provision that prohibits the prosecution of a person in this State for a crime after the person is convicted or acquitted of the crime in another country; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 35 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved June 8, 2009



AN ACT relating to floods; authorizing a board of county commissioners to acquire, improve, equip, operate and maintain a flood management project in certain counties; authorizing any revenues derived from such a flood management project to be pledged for the payment of certain bonds; authorizing the governing body of a municipality in certain counties to acquire, improve, equip, operate and maintain a flood management project under certain circumstances; revising provisions governing the acquisition of bonds issued by a flood management authority; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 175 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved June 8, 2009



AN ACT relating to health; providing for the scope of regulation of certain activities related to nonembryonic cells; providing that nothing in this act shall be construed to indicate the status under federal law of the activities authorized under this act; providing for cell or tissue banks; providing for the administration of nonembryonic cells to a person; providing for the compounding of drugs, medicines or health products using nonembryonic cells; providing for the importation and administration of nonembryonic cells under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 273 — Senator Schneider.  Approved June 8, 2009



AN ACT relating to fire protection; imposing various requirements relating to fire protection in the areas of the Lake Tahoe Basin and the Lake Mead Basin that are located in this State; requiring the State Forester Firewarden and State Fire Marshal to cooperate in the enforcement of certain laws and regulations; authorizing the transfer of certain property by the State of Nevada to the Sierra Fire Protection District; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 94 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved June 8, 2009



AN ACT relating to governmental administration; revising provisions governing the issuance of certain permits by the Public Utilities Commission of Nevada pursuant to the Utility Environmental Protection Act; altering the composition of the Commission on Economic Development; requiring the Chief of the Purchasing Division of the Department of Administration to adopt regulations establishing standards for the procurement of certain appliances, equipment, lighting and other devices; requiring the State Public Works Board to adopt certain standards concerning the efficient use of water and energy; requiring licensed vehicle dealers to provide certain information concerning vehicle emissions; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 395 — Committee on Energy, Infrastructure and Transportation.  Approved June 8, 2009



AN ACT relating to development; making various changes pertaining to the preservation of historic neighborhoods; revising certain provisions concerning the Southern Nevada Enterprise Community; requiring the City of Las Vegas and the Nevada Department of Transportation to cooperate to reopen a certain street; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 304 — Assemblymen Segerblom, Ohrenschall; Aizley, Arberry, Atkinson, Claborn, Hogan, Horne, Kihuen, Koivisto, Manendo, Mortenson, Munford, Pierce, Smith and Stewart. Joint Sponsors: Senators Coffin; and Horsford.  Veto Overridden. Date Filed June 2, 2009



AN ACT relating to public retirement systems; requiring the Public Employees’ Retirement Board to identify and report concerning investments of money from the Public Employees’ Retirement System in certain scrutinized companies with certain business activities or connections to Iran’s petroleum sector; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 493 — Committee on Government Affairs. Joint Sponsor: Committee on Finance.  Veto Overridden. Date Filed June 2, 2009



AN ACT relating to industrial insurance; establishing provisions concerning a claim for a catastrophic injury; establishing provisions for the administering of such claims; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 24 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved June 9, 2009



AN ACT relating to real property; revising provisions relating to a notice of sale of real property under execution; establishing the crime of defacing a notice of sale of real property under execution or a notice of sale of real property pursuant to a trustee’s power of sale; establishing rights and duties of a purchaser of real property pursuant to a foreclosure sale and establishing rights and duties of a tenant in possession of such property; revising provisions relating to a sale of real property pursuant to a trustee’s power of sale; requiring a landlord to make certain disclosures to a prospective tenant; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 140 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved June 9, 2009



AN ACT relating to real property; revising provisions relating to costs of collection, interest on certain past due assessments and copies of certain documents; providing that punitive damages may not be awarded against the members of the executive board or the officers of an association under certain circumstances; establishing certain standards for management agreements; establishing the duties, responsibilities and standards of practice for community managers; making various other changes relating to common-interest communities; revising provisions relating to swimming pools; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 350 — Assemblymen Munford, Kihuen, Segerblom; Aizley, Anderson, Claborn, Denis, Gansert, Hogan, McClain, Mortenson, Pierce, Settelmeyer and Stewart.  Approved June 9, 2009



AN ACT relating to prisons; requiring the Board of State Prison Commissioners to adopt regulations pertaining to a facility or institution operated by a private organization; requiring the monitoring of certain private facilities and institutions; providing that certain provisions relating to a prisoner confined in a facility or institution also apply to a prisoner confined in a private facility or institution operated by a private organization; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 385 — Assemblyman Horne.  Approved June 9, 2009



AN ACT relating to occupational diseases; expanding the list of substances which are deemed to be known carcinogens that are reasonably associated with specific disabling cancers for the purposes of the provisions governing coverage for cancer as an occupational disease; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 521 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved June 9, 2009



AN ACT relating to business entities; providing that business entities may cancel filings made with the Secretary of State under certain circumstances; revising the provisions relating to the resignation of a registered agent; revising the provisions relating to the filing of certain lists by business entities; revising provisions relating to the payment of dividends or distributions of stock to a judgment creditor; revising provisions relating to domestication of an undomesticated organization; making various other changes pertaining to business entities; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 55 — Committee on Judiciary.  Approved June 9, 2009



AN ACT relating to real property; establishing the responsibility for the maintenance of certain security walls within certain common-interest communities; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 68 — Senator Schneider.  Approved June 9, 2009



AN ACT relating to energy; providing for the training of persons to perform jobs which promote energy efficiency; requiring governmental entities to perform certain functions to promote energy efficiency; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 152 — Senators Horsford, Schneider, Carlton, Breeden, Wiener; Copening and Woodhouse. Joint Sponsors: Assemblymen Buckley, Oceguera, Conklin, Kirkpatrick, Bobzien; and Leslie.  Approved June 9, 2009



AN ACT relating to common-interest communities; clarifying various provisions of existing law relating to certain provisions of governing documents that violate statutory provisions, elections and the authority of an association to levy certain assessments under certain circumstances; revising certain provisions governing the authority of an association to impose fines under certain circumstances; making various other changes to the provisions governing common-interest communities; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 182 — Senator Schneider.  Approved June 9, 2009



AN ACT relating to common-interest communities; revising provisions concerning voting rights exercised by delegates or representatives; prohibiting an association in a common-interest community from imposing an assessment against the owners of certain tax-exempt property; clarifying various provisions governing common-interest communities; making various other changes to the provisions governing common-interest communities; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 183 — Senator Schneider.  Approved June 9, 2009



AN ACT relating to city elections; amending the Charters of the Cities of Carlin and Wells to specify the dates for filing a declaration of candidacy to become a candidate in the general city election; amending the Charters of the Cities of Carlin and Wells to specify the appropriate appearance of names on an election ballot; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 263 — Senator Rhoads.  Approved June 9, 2009



AN ACT relating to professions; requiring a provider of health care to disclose the results of certain tests to a designated investigator or member of the State Board of Osteopathic Medicine; providing for the licensure of perfusionists; prohibiting a person from engaging in the practice of perfusion without a license issued by the Board of Medical Examiners; providing for the immediate suspension of a license to practice medicine upon the conviction of the holder of the license of certain violations; expanding the definitions of “practice of medicine” and “practice of osteopathic medicine” to include the performance of an autopsy; revising other provisions governing the issuance of a license to practice medicine by the Board of Medical Examiners; authorizing any person to file with the Board a complaint against a physician, perfusionist, physician assistant or practitioner of respiratory care under certain circumstances; revising provisions governing osteopathic medicine and psychologists; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 269 — Senator Carlton (by request). Joint Sponsors: Assemblymen Hardy and Smith.  Approved June 9, 2009



AN ACT relating to dentistry; providing certain exceptions from the list of persons deemed to be practicing dentistry; providing that certain acts are not precluded pursuant to the statutes governing dentistry; providing for the revocation of the state business license, under certain circumstances, of a person who manages the business of a dental practice, office or clinic; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 295 — Senator Carlton.  Approved June 9, 2009



AN ACT relating to insurance; directing the Legislative Committee on Health Care to consider the establishment of a health insurance exchange in this State; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 316 — Senators Copening, Parks, Woodhouse, Wiener; and Carlton. Joint Sponsor: Assemblyman Segerblom.  Approved June 9, 2009



AN ACT relating to crimes; revising provisions relating to the crime of stalking; revising provisions relating to the Nevada Clean Indoor Air Act; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Assembly Bill No. 309 — Assemblymen Koivisto, McClain, Manendo, Leslie, Bobzien; Aizley, Anderson, Arberry, Atkinson, Claborn, Conklin, Dondero Loop, Hambrick, Hogan, Horne, Kihuen, Kirkpatrick, Mastroluca, Mortenson, Munford, Oceguera, Ohrenschall, Parnell, Segerblom, Smith and Spiegel. Joint Sponsors: Senators Carlton, Parks, Copening; Coffin, and Schneider.  Approved June 9, 2009



AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; specifically authorizing constables to issue citations for failure to register vehicles that are required to be registered in this State; increasing the fee to which constables are entitled for removing or causing the removal of abandoned vehicles from public property; revising the penalties for failure to register certain motor vehicles; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 218 — Senators Parks, Coffin, Care, Nolan, Horsford; Breeden, Copening, Lee, Schneider, Wiener and Woodhouse. Joint Sponsors: Assemblymen Spiegel, Atkinson, Koivisto, Anderson, Bobzien; Claborn, Manendo, Mastroluca, McClain, Ohrenschall, Pierce, Segerblom, Settelmeyer and Stewart.  Approved June 9, 2009



AN ACT relating to notaries public; providing for electronic notarization; authorizing the Secretary of State to appoint electronic notaries public; revising provisions for the appointment of resident and nonresident notaries public; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 92 — Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved June 9, 2009



AN ACT relating to industrial insurance; revising provisions relating to the denial or acceptance of a claim for compensation; revising provisions relating to examinations and permanent partial disabilities; increasing certain death benefits; revising provisions relating to the imposition of administrative fines and benefit penalties for certain violations; establishing continuous care coverage as a line of insurance for which a producer may be licensed; revising provisions for the issuance of a certificate of registration as an administrator; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 195 — Senator Carlton.  Veto Overridden. Date Filed June 2, 2009



AN ACT relating to taxation; authorizing certain counties to impose additional taxes on fuels for motor vehicles; providing for the administration, allocation, disbursement and use of the additional taxes; exempting the sale of revenue bonds secured by county fuel taxes from certain requirements; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 201 — Senators Amodei, Washington, Townsend; Horsford, McGinness, Nolan, Raggio and Schneider. Joint Sponsors: Assemblymen Buckley, Smith, Atkinson; Anderson, Bobzien, Gansert, Leslie, Oceguera and Parnell.  Veto Overridden. Date Filed June 2, 2009



AN ACT relating to health care; revising provisions relating to reports of sentinel events; requiring certain investigations relating to sentinel events; requiring the Health Division of the Department of Health and Human Services to prepare an annual summary of the reports; requiring the Health Division to study certain issues relating to the tracking and reporting of near-miss events; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 319 — Senators Breeden, Parks; Carlton and Woodhouse. Joint Sponsors: Assemblymen Segerblom, Leslie and Smith.  Veto Overridden. Date Filed June 2, 2009



AN ACT relating to industrial insurance; authorizing the surviving spouse of a deceased employee to continue to receive death benefits under industrial insurance after the surviving spouse remarries; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 363 — Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Veto Overridden. Date Filed June 2, 2009



AN ACT relating to off-highway vehicles; requiring certain owners of off-highway vehicles to obtain certificates of title and registration for those vehicles; requiring the Department of Motor Vehicles to charge and collect certain fees; creating the Fund for Off-Highway Vehicles; creating the Commission on Off-Highway Vehicles; creating the Revolving Account for the Administration of Off-Highway Vehicle Titling and Registration as a special account in the Motor Vehicle Fund; eliminating the requirement that certain persons obtain certificates of operation before operating off-highway vehicles; providing for the licensing of dealers, manufacturers and lessors of off-highway vehicles and for the consignment of off-highway vehicles; making various other changes relating to off-highway vehicles; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.  Senate Bill No. 394 — Committee on Energy, Infrastructure and Transportation.  Veto Overridden. Date Filed June 2, 2009