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ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Adopting the Joint Rules of the Senate and Assembly for the 65th session of the Legislature. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 1–Assemblymen Dini and Bergevin.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commemorating Martin Luther King, Jr. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 2–Assemblymen Wendell Williams, Arberry, Swain, Adler, Banner, Bergevin, Bogaert, Brookman, Callister, Carpenter, Chowning, Diamond, Dini, DuBois, Evans, Fay, Freeman, Garner, Gaston, Gibbons, Humke, Jeffrey, Kerns, Kissam, Lambert, McGaughey, McGinness, Marvel, Nevin, Porter, Price, Regan, Sader, Schofield, Sedway, Sheerin, Spinello, Spriggs, Thompson, Triggs, Myrna Williams and Wisdom.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending those persons responsible for the inventory of legislative supplies and equipment, and the members of the staff of the stockroom, and the building and grounds unit of the administrative division of the legislative counsel bureau for their dedicated service in preparing the legislative building and the surrounding grounds for the 1989 session of the Nevada Legislature. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 1–Senators Raggio, Beyer, Coffin, Getto, Hickey, Horn, Jacobsen, Joerg, Malone, Mello, Neal, O’Connell, O’Donnell, Rawson, Rhoads, Shaffer, Smith, Titus, Vergiels and Wagner.



ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Adopting the Standing Rules of the Assembly for the 65th session of the Legislature. Assembly Resolution No. 1–Assemblymen Dini and Bergevin.



ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Providing allowances to the leadership and other members of the assembly for periodicals, stamps, stationery and communications. Assembly Resolution No. 2–Committee on Legislative Functions.



ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Providing for the appointment of attaches. Assembly Resolution No. 3–Committee on Legislative Functions.



SENATE RESOLUTION–Adopting Standing Rules of the Senate for the 65th session of the Legislature. Senate Resolution No. 1–Senators Raggio, Jacobsen and Neal.



SENATE RESOLUTION–Amending Senate Standing Rule 40 to authorize the chairman of the Standing Committee on Finance to assign any portion of a proposed executive budget to any other standing committee of the Senate for review. Senate Resolution No. 2–Senators Raggio, Jacobsen and Neal.



SENATE RESOLUTION–Providing allowances to the leadership and other members of the senate for periodicals, stamps, stationery and communications. Senate Resolution No. 3–Senators Raggio, Jacobsen and Neal.



SENATE RESOLUTION–Providing for the appointment of attaches. Senate Resolution No. 4–Committee on Legislative Affairs and Operations.



ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Providing for the appointment of an additional attache. Assembly Resolution No. 5–Committee on Legislative Functions.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Urging Delta Air Lines to reconsider its decision to deny a request for unpaid leave for legislative service. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 12–Committee on Legislative Functions.



ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Congratulating George Bush on his election to the office of President of the United States and wishing him success in leading our nation. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 7–Assemblymen Schofield, Dini, Bergevin, Porter, Wisdom, Spriggs, Garner, Fay, Carpenter, McGaughey, Diamond, Freeman, Lambert, Adler, Gibbons, Bogaert, Kissam, McGinness, Gaston, Chowning, Brookman, Triggs, Wendell Williams, Sader, Swain, Jeffrey, Callister, DuBois, Humke, Kerns, Evans, Regan, Marvel, Price, Spinello, Myrna Williams and Sheerin.



ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Providing for the appointment of additional attaches. Assembly Resolution No. 6–Committee on Legislative Functions.



SENATE RESOLUTION–Commending the Junior League of Las Vegas and the Junior League of Reno for their contributions to the State of Nevada and the nation. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 11–Senators Malone, Beyer, Coffin, Getto, Hickey, Horn, Jacobsen, Joerg, Mello, Neal, O’Connell, O’Donnell, Raggio, Rawson, Rhoads, Shaffer, Smith, Titus, Townsend, Vergiels and Wagner.



ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Providing for the appointment of an additional attache. Assembly Resolution No. 7–Assemblyman Dini.



SENATE RESOLUTION–Commemorating Boy Scout Government Day. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 14–Senators Malone, Beyer, Coffin, Getto, Hickey, Horn, Jacobsen, Joerg, Mello, Neal, O’Connell, O’Donnell, Raggio, Rawson, Rhoads, Shaffer, Smith, Titus, Townsend, Vergiels and Wagner.



SENATE RESOLUTION–Congratulating Marianne del Castillo for her outstanding performance in national competitions for weight lifting. Senate Resolution No. 5–Senators Townsend, Beyer, Coffin, Hickey, Horn, Joerg, Malone, Mello, Neal, O’Donnell, Raggio, Rhoads, Shaffer, Smith, Titus, Vergiels, Wagner and Getto.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Expressing the mutual consent of the Assembly and Senate to an adjournment from Wednesday, March 8, to Monday, March 13, 1989. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 18–Assemblymen Dini and Bergevin.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the Department of Human Resources to establish a formula for sharing, between the state and the counties, the costs of housing juveniles in certain facilities. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 7–Committee on Judiciary.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Urging the judges of the juvenile divisions of the district courts to consider persons recommended by the boards of county commissioners when appointing members of the probation committee. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 10–Committee on Judiciary.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Congratulating the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority on the 30th anniversary of the Las Vegas Convention Center. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 19–Assemblymen Regan, Porter, Fay, Gaston, Myrna Williams, Wisdom, Jeffrey, Sedway, McGaughey, Sader, Wendell Williams, McGinness, Arberry, Triggs, Kissam, Adler, DuBois, Thompson, Callister, Brookman, Gibbons, Marvel, Chowning, Kerns, Bogaert, Price, Banner, Humke, Garner, Freeman, Lambert, Diamond, Schofield, Carpenter and Sheerin.



ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Victor Goodwin, conservationist and historian. Assembly Resolution No. 8–Assemblymen Adler, Sheerin, Dini, Schofield, Swain, Evans, Wendell Williams, Porter, Callister, Gibbons, DuBois, Lambert, Kerns, Bogaert, Nevin, Myrna Williams, Thompson, Garner, Gaston, Sedway, McGaughey, Bergevin, Price, Fay, Jeffrey, Brookman, Humke, Marvel, Kissam, Wisdom, McGinness, Arberry, Diamond and Regan.



ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging Congress to improve programs to prevent the smuggling of illegal drugs into this country. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 1–Assemblymen Wendell Williams, Arberry, Garner, McGinness, Adler, Schofield, Kerns, Fay, Lambert, Wisdom, Freeman, Triggs, Swain, Diamond, Thompson, Nevin, Porter, Jeffrey and Humke.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending the Air Force Association for its World Congress of Flight. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 20–Assemblymen Regan, Porter, Fay, Gaston, Myrna Williams, Wisdom, Jeffrey, Sedway, McGaughey, Sader, Wendell Williams, McGinness, Arberry, Triggs, Kissam, Adler, DuBois, Thompson, Callister, Brookman, Gibbons, Marvel, Chowning, Kerns, Bogaert, Price, Banner, Humke, Garner, Freeman, Lambert, Diamond, Schofield, Carpenter and Sheerin.



SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing to amend section 6 of article 6 of the constitution of the State of Nevada to authorize the establishment of a family court. Senate Joint Resolution No. 24 of the 64th Session–Committee on Judiciary.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending Frank E. Scott for living his life filled with service to his family, community and state. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 18–Senators Horn, Beyer, Coffin, Getto, Hickey, Jacobsen, Joerg, Malone, Mello, Neal, O’Connell, O’Donnell, Raggio, Rawson, Rhoads, Shaffer, Smith, Titus, Townsend, Vergiels and Wagner.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Declaring the week of February 27 as Nevada Thunderbird Week. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 22–Assemblymen Price, Spinello, Sedway, Callister, Bogaert, Brookman, Gibbons, Marvel, Sader, Freeman, Humke, Wisdom, Regan, Spriggs, Kissam, Lambert, Chowning, Gaston, DuBois, Evans, Fay, Porter, Wendell Williams, Carpenter, Arberry, Triggs, Thompson, Kerns, Schofield, Swain, Dini, Jeffrey, McGinness, Bergevin, Sheerin, Garner, Nevin, Adler, Myrna Williams, Banner, Diamond and McGaughey.



ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Thanking Dr. Paul E. Meacham for his participation in the Legislature’s ceremony on opening day honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Assembly Resolution No. 9–Assemblymen Wendell Williams, Garner, Jeffrey, Kissam, Thompson, Adler, Schofield, Banner, Gaston, Arberry, Humke, Triggs, McGinness, Freeman, Swain, Callister, Fay, Nevin, Porter, Sedway, Myrna Williams, Wisdom, Spinello, Brookman, Dini, Carpenter, Diamond, Kerns, Bogaert, Regan, Chowning, Price, Sheerin, Evans, Sader, Bergevin, Marvel, Spriggs, Lambert, McGaughey, DuBois and Gibbons.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Urging the state board of education to require that pupils be given the opportunity to participate in youth organizations for occupational education. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 9–Assemblymen Jeffrey, Dini, Spinello, Sedway, Evans, Marvel, Price, Humke, DuBois, Swain, Kerns, Arberry, Callister, Myrna Williams, Freeman, Gaston, Gibbons, Chowning, Garner, Porter, Wendell Williams, Diamond, Banner, Thompson, Nevin, Triggs, Carpenter, Regan, Spriggs, Bergevin, McGaughey, Brookman, Adler, Sheerin, Schofield, Lambert, Kissam and Bogaert.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Urging the local school boards to provide the necessary resources for occupational education of children with special educational needs. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 7–Assemblymen Jeffrey, Dini, Spinello, Sedway, Evans, Marvel, Price, Humke, DuBois, Swain, Kerns, Arberry, Callister, Myrna Williams, Freeman, Gaston, Gibbons, Chowning, Garner, Porter, Wendell Williams, Diamond, Banner, Thompson, Nevin, Triggs, Carpenter, Regan, Bergevin, Adler, McGaughey, Brookman, Sheerin, Schofield, Lambert, Kissam and Bogaert.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Urging the board of regents of the University of Nevada System to review programs for the education of teachers of occupational education and to increase the availability of those programs. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 8–Assemblymen Jeffrey, Dini, Spinello, Sedway, Evans, Marvel, Price, Humke, DuBois, Swain, Kerns, Arberry, Callister, Myrna Williams, Freeman, Gaston, Gibbons, Chowning, Garner, Porter, Wendell Williams, Diamond, Banner, Thompson, Nevin, Triggs, McGinness, Carpenter, Regan, Bergevin, Brookman, Adler, McGaughey, Sheerin, Schofield, Kissam, Lambert and Bogaert.



SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing to amend the Nevada constitution to establish a tax on the net proceeds of minerals extracted at rates separate from the tax on property. Senate Joint Resolution No. 22 of the 64th Session–Committee on Taxation.



ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing to amend section 3 of article 9 of the constitution of the State of Nevada to raise the limit of indebtedness which the state may incur to 2 percent of assessed valuation. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 34 of the 64th Session–Committee on Taxation.



ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Adopting the condensation, explanation and arguments for Assembly Joint Resolution No. 34 of the 64th session. Assembly Resolution No. 10–Committee on Taxation.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Declaring the month of March as “Mental Retardation Month.” Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 19–Senators Townsend, Beyer, Coffin, Getto, Hickey, Horn, Jacobsen, Joerg, Malone, Mello, Neal, O’Connell, O’Donnell, Raggio, Rawson, Rhoads, Shaffer, Smith, Titus, Vergiels and Wagner.



SENATE RESOLUTION–Adopting the condensation, explanation and arguments for Senate Joint Resolution No. 22 of the 64th session. Senate Resolution No. 6–Committee on Taxation.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Encouraging the county school districts to increase their use of techniques to test and diagnose conduct-disordered and emotionally disturbed children. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 8–Committee on Judiciary.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commemorating African-American History Month. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 15–Senator Neal.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commemorating Girl Scout Government Day. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 20–Senators Titus, Beyer, Coffin, Getto, Hickey, Horn, Jacobsen, Joerg, Malone, Mello, Neal, O’Connell, O’Donnell, Raggio, Rawson, Rhoads, Shaffer, Smith, Townsend, Vergiels and Wagner.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Proclaiming March 15, 1989, as Veterans’ Affairs Day. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 24–Assemblymen Dini, Jeffrey, Sader, Nevin, Myrna Williams, Banner, Callister, Diamond, Porter, Chowning, Gibbons, Triggs, McGinness, Brookman, Adler, Regan, Carpenter, Wendell Williams, Spriggs, Kerns, Sedway, Fay, Spinello, Arberry, Bergevin, Gaston, Marvel, McGaughey, Freeman, Lambert, Humke, Thompson, Sheerin, Evans, Wisdom, Garner, Bogaert, DuBois, Price, Swain, Schofield, and Kissam.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Encouraging the state public works board and the state fire marshal to use certain standards when dealing with historic resources. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 6–Senators Horn, Beyer, Getto, Neal, Hickey, O’Donnell, Raggio, Coffin, Vergiels, Rawson, Shaffer, Smith, Titus, Mello, Malone, Joerg and Jacobsen.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Congratulating the University of Nevada School of Medicine for its accomplishments on its 20th anniversary and paying tribute to its creators and supporters. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 27–Assemblymen Evans, Brookman, Sedway, Sader, Jeffrey, Thompson, Kissam, Price, Swain, Freeman, Wisdom, Sheerin, Spinello, Callister, Nevin, Porter, Diamond, McGinness, Spriggs, Fay, Myrna Williams, DuBois, Bogaert, Banner, Garner, McGaughey, Bergevin, Lambert, Adler, Dini, Chowning, Triggs, Gibbons, Gaston, Arberry, Carpenter, Kerns, Wendell Williams, Humke, Regan, Marvel and Schofield.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Declaring March 20, 1989, as Kiwanis Day in Nevada. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 28–Assemblymen McGinness, Wendell Williams, Spriggs, Freeman, Lambert, Spinello, Adler, DuBois, Bergevin, Diamond, Arberry, Kissam, Thompson, Sader, Price, Callister, Bogaert, Brookman, Gibbons, Marvel, Fay, Chowning, Regan, Kerns, Porter, Nevin, Jeffrey, Sheerin, Garner, Banner, Myrna Williams, Swain, Evans, Carpenter, Triggs, Humke, Gaston, Wisdom, McGaughey, Schofield, Sedway and Dini.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Encouraging the county school districts to seek sources of money for programs for children whose parents are employed after school hours. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 14–Assemblymen Humke, Gaston and Sader.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Senator James I. Gibson. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 22–Senators Raggio, Jacobsen, Beyer, Coffin, Getto, Hickey, Horn, Joerg, Malone, Mello, Neal, O’Connell, O’Donnell, Rawson, Rhoads, Shaffer, Smith, Titus, Townsend, Vergiels and Wagner.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commemorating the 30th anniversary of the Desert Research Institute of the University of Nevada System. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 23–Senators Wagner, Beyer, Coffin, Getto, Hickey, Horn, Jacobsen, Joerg, Malone, Mello, Neal, O’Connell, O’Donnell, Raggio, Rawson, Rhoads, Shaffer, Smith, Titus, Townsend and Vergiels.



SENATE RESOLUTION–Creating a Senate Hall of Fame and inducting Senator James I. Gibson as the first member. Senate Resolution No. 7–Senators Raggio, Jacobsen, Beyer, Coffin, Getto, Hickey, Horn, Joerg, Malone, Mello, Neal, O’Connell, O’Donnell, Rawson, Rhoads, Shaffer, Smith, Titus, Townsend, Vergiels and Wagner.



SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing to amend section 33 of article 4 of the constitution of the State of Nevada by removing the limit on authorized reimbursement of legislators for postage, stationery and other expenses and by removing the additional allowance provided for leaders of the legislature. Senate Joint Resolution No. 3–Senators Raggio, Neal, Rawson, Vergiels and Jacobsen.



SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging the Congress of the United States to expedite ratification of the amendments to the Tahoe Regional Planning Compact made by the State of California and adopted by the Nevada Legislature in 1987. Senate Joint Resolution No. 5–Committee on Natural Resources.



ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging Congress not to use or increase the federal excise tax on gasoline to reduce the deficit of the federal budget. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 15–Assemblymen Nevin, Dini, Myrna Williams, McGinness, Wisdom, Evans, Callister, Price, Wendell Williams, Schofield, Gaston, Jeffrey, Thompson, Sader, Sedway, Humke, Bergevin, Gibbons, Spinello, Banner, Adler, Kerns and Fay.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Urging the National Cowboy Hall of Fame to induct Henry Van Sickle. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 29–Assemblymen Adler, Dini, Thompson, Carpenter, Myrna Williams, Wisdom, Bogaert, Spriggs, McGinness, Marvel, Wendell Williams, Gaston, Sheerin, Bergevin, Diamond, McGaughey, Freeman, Humke, Triggs, Nevin, Brookman, Porter, Chowning, Garner, Kerns, Callister and DuBois.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commemorating March 28, 1989, as Optimists International Day. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 30–Assemblymen Bogaert, Humke, Chowning, Thompson, Garner, McGaughey, Brookman, Schofield, Diamond, Myrna Williams, Gaston, Nevin, Adler, Regan, Lambert, Spinello, Sheerin, Bergevin, Freeman, Fay, McGinness, Carpenter, Marvel, Wisdom, Arberry and Kerns.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Welcoming Zheng Wanzhen, Consul General of the People’s Republic of China, to Nevada and encouraging further social, educational and cultural exchanges between the United States and China. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 31–Assemblymen Dini, Fay, Kissam, Garner, Gaston, Spriggs, Evans, Diamond, Marvel, Bogaert, Wendell Williams, Regan, Freeman, Carpenter, Gibbons, Brookman, Schofield, McGaughey, Thompson, Price, Humke, Banner, Triggs, Bergevin, Lambert, Adler, Swain, Jeffrey, Arberry, Myrna Williams, Kerns, Sedway, Spinello, Nevin, Chowning, Wisdom, DuBois, Porter, Callister, Sader, Sheerin and McGinness.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending Robert Barrett for his outstanding service and contributions to his community and the state. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 26–Senators O’Donnell, Beyer, Coffin, Getto, Hickey, Horn, Jacobsen, Joerg, Malone, Mello, Neal, O’Connell, Raggio, Rawson, Rhoads, Shaffer, Smith, Titus, Townsend, Vergiels and Wagner.



ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing to amend the constitution of the State of Nevada to permit the operation of lotteries under certain circumstances. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 1 of the 64th Session–Assemblymen Haller, Nevin and Freeman.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending Madame Jehan Sadat for her quest for peace. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 33–Assemblymen Swain, Adler, Arberry, Banner, Bergevin, Bogaert, Brookman, Callister, Carpenter, Chowning, Diamond, DuBois, Evans, Fay, Freeman, Garner, Gaston, Gibbons, Humke, Jeffrey, Kerns, Kissam, Lambert, McGaughey, McGinness, Marvel, Nevin, Porter, Price, Regan, Sader, Schofield, Sedway, Sheerin, Spinello, Spriggs, Thompson, Triggs, Myrna Williams, Wendell Williams, Wisdom and Dini.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Dr. Mary Ruth Fulstone. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 27–Senators Raggio, Jacobsen, Beyer, Coffin, Getto, Hickey, Horn, Joerg, Malone, Mello, Neal, O’Connell, O’Donnell, Rawson, Rhoads, Shaffer, Smith, Titus, Townsend, Vergiels and Wagner.



ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Proclaiming April 28, 1989, as “Workers’ Memorial Day” in Nevada. Assembly Resolution No. 11–Assemblymen Jeffrey, Dini, Wendell Williams, Banner, Carpenter, Regan, Porter, Triggs, Diamond, Chowning, Gibbons, Gaston, McGinness, Kissam, Sader, Callister, Spinello, Myrna Williams, Price, Nevin, Sedway, Kerns, Arberry, Bergevin, Marvel, Freeman, Fay, Adler, Spriggs, Lambert, Thompson, Swain, Evans, DuBois, Bogaert, Wisdom, Schofield, Garner, Sheerin, Brookman and Humke.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Congratulating the Boulder City High School’s boys’ basketball team for winning state “AA” championship. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 36–Assemblymen Jeffrey, Myrna Williams, Sheerin, Adler, Nevin, Kerns, Freeman, Chowning, Regan, Thompson, Wisdom, Gaston, Carpenter, Kissam, Spinello, Dini, Spriggs, Marvel, Evans, Diamond, Triggs, Swain, McGinness, Arberry and Wendell Williams.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Congratulating the Rancho High School’s football team for winning the state “AAA” championship. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 37–Assemblymen Chowning, Arberry, Price, Wendell Williams, Regan, Wisdom, Carpenter, McGinness, Spriggs, Triggs, Diamond, Kissam, Porter, Sader, Kerns, Marvel, Jeffrey, Thompson, Gaston, Banner, Adler, Myrna Williams, Spinello, Dini, Evans and Swain.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing former senator and statesman Alan Harvey Bible. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 28–Senators Raggio, Beyer, Coffin, Getto, Hickey, Horn, Jacobsen, Joerg, Malone, Mello, Neal, O’Connell, O’Donnell, Rawson, Rhoads, Shaffer, Smith, Titus, Townsend, Vergiels and Wagner.



SENATE RESOLUTION–Commending the men’s and women’s ski teams from Reno High School. Senate Resolution No. 8–Senators Wagner, Beyer, Coffin, Getto, Hickey, Horn, Jacobsen, Joerg, Malone, Mello, Neal, O’Connell, O’Donnell, Raggio, Rawson, Rhoads, Shaffer, Smith, Titus, Townsend and Vergiels.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Congratulating the Carson High School’s girls’ basketball team for winning the state “AAA” championship. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 34–Assemblymen Adler, Sheerin, Nevin, Kerns, Freeman, Chowning, Jeffrey, Regan, Thompson, Myrna Williams, Wisdom, Gaston, Carpenter, Kissam, Spinello, Dini, Spriggs, Marvel, Evans, Diamond, Triggs, Swain, McGinness, Arberry and Wendell Williams.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Congratulating the Elko High School’s girls’ basketball team for winning the State “AA” championship. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 38–Assemblymen Carpenter, Triggs, Sader, Chowning, Kerns, Banner, Garner, Freeman, Thompson, Myrna Williams, Kissam, Wisdom, Regan, Gaston, Jeffrey, Marvel, Fay, Adler, Spinello, Dini, Wendell Williams, McGinness, Evans, Arberry, Diamond, Spriggs, Swain, Brookman, Schofield, Nevin, Gibbons, Lambert, Porter, Bergevin, McGaughey, Humke, Price, DuBois, Callister, Bogaert and Sheerin.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending the participants and volunteers who have contributed their time and skills to help make the 1989 International Winter Special Olympics Games a success. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 29–Senators Townsend, Beyer, Coffin, Getto, Hickey, Horn, Jacobsen, Joerg, Malone, Mello, Neal, O’Connell, O’Donnell, Raggio, Rawson, Rhoads, Shaffer, Smith, Titus, Vergiels and Wagner.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending Basic High School’s Marine Corps Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps for being selected as the top unit in the nation. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 23–Assemblymen Thompson, Jeffrey, Banner, Carpenter, McGaughey, Porter, Chowning, Fay, Kerns, Garner, Nevin, Regan, Schofield, McGinness, Brookman, Swain, Callister, Bergevin, Price, Freeman, Lambert, Marvel, Diamond, Wendell Williams, Gibbons, Kissam, Gaston, Myrna Williams, Wisdom, Spriggs, Evans, Adler, Sheerin, Spinello, Arberry, Triggs, DuBois, Sedway, Dini, Bogaert, Humke and Sader.



ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Commending former Assemblyman Paul W. May, Jr. for his extensive public service to Nevada. Assembly Resolution No. 12–Assemblymen Chowning, Brookman, Wendell Williams, Regan, Freeman, Thompson, Banner, Diamond, Lambert, Jeffrey, McGaughey, Triggs, Bogaert, Adler, McGinness, Nevin, Bergevin, Garner, Gibbons, Wisdom, Dini, Fay, Kissam, Myrna Williams, Spinello, Sedway, Humke, Gaston, Sheerin, Marvel, Arberry, Evans, Spriggs, DuBois, Sader, Kerns, Callister, Schofield, Price, Swain, Porter and Carpenter.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending Philip F. Anschutz for purchasing the Southern Pacific Transportation Company and thereby guaranteeing its continued operation in Nevada. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 30–Senators Mello, Beyer, Coffin, Getto, Hickey, Horn, Jacobsen, Joerg, Malone, Neal, O’Connell, O’Donnell, Raggio, Rawson, Rhoads, Shaffer, Smith, Titus, Townsend, Vergiels and Wagner.



SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing to amend the constitution of the State of Nevada to provide for the election of the chief justice by the justices of the supreme court. Senate Joint Resolution No. 11–Senators Raggio, Neal, O’Donnell, Hickey, Horn, Rawson, Shaffer, Smith, Malone and Jacobsen.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Congratulating Dr. Dwight Billings for receiving the Nevada Medal given by the Desert Research Institute. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 31–Senators Wagner, Beyer, Coffin, Getto, Hickey, Horn, Jacobsen, Joerg, Malone, Mello, Neal, O’Connell, O’Donnell, Raggio, Rawson, Rhoads, Shaffer, Smith, Titus, Townsend and Vergiels.



ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging Congress to supplement its financial support for the Essential Air Service Subsidy Program to maintain air service to Ely, Nevada. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 17–Assemblymen McGinness, Dini, DuBois, Chowning, Garner, Triggs, Kissam, Spriggs, Swain, Wendell Williams, Freeman, McGaughey, Diamond, Wisdom, Gaston, Banner, Fay, Carpenter, Gibbons, Kerns, Regan, Brookman, Nevin, Lambert, Myrna Williams, Bergevin, Sheerin, Porter, Bogaert, Callister, Schofield, Adler, Thompson, Jeffrey, Marvel, Sader, Humke, Spinello, Sedway, Arberry, Evans and Price.



ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Expressing the Legislature’s refusal to consent to the placement of a repository for high-level radioactive waste in Nevada. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 6–Assemblymen Adler, Dini, Myrna Williams, Thompson, Porter, Brookman, Diamond, Wendell Williams, Chowning, Gibbons, Gaston, Garner, Lambert, Arberry, Sedway, Spinello, Sader, Sheerin, Kissam, Fay, Callister, Bogaert, Price, Freeman, McGinness, Triggs, McGaughey, Wisdom, Jeffrey, DuBois, Evans and Kerns.



ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging Congress not to allow the location of a repository for nuclear waste in Nevada. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 4–Assemblymen Myrna Williams, Dini, Sedway, Diamond, Wisdom, Lambert, Humke, Garner, Swain, McGaughey, Freeman, Evans, Adler, Sheerin, Gaston, Schofield, Jeffrey, Porter, Kerns, Chowning, Fay, Gibbons, Brookman, Callister, Price, Spinello, Thompson, Kissam, Arberry, McGinness, Triggs, Wendell Williams and Sader.



ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging Congress to extend the state ceiling on the tax credit for low-income housing. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 10–Assemblymen Arberry, Brookman and Price.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Congratulating the Mineral County High School’s girls’ basketball team for winning the state “A” championship. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 41–Assemblymen Spriggs, Dini, Myrna Williams, Marvel, Banner, Kerns, Carpenter, Freeman, Chowning, Thompson, Kissam, Wendell Williams, Regan, Wisdom, Gaston, Jeffrey, Adler, Spinello, Evans, Arberry, Diamond, Triggs, Swain, Brookman, Schofield, Nevin, Gibbons, Lambert, Porter, McGinness, Bergevin, McGaughey, Garner, Fay, Humke, Price, DuBois, Sader, Callister, Bogaert, Sheerin and Sedway.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending Hugh H. O’Young on his tireless efforts in promoting Sino-American relations and conferring upon him and his wife honorary residency in the State of Nevada. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 42–Assemblymen Dini, Spinello, Carpenter, Wisdom, Diamond, Gaston, Jeffrey, DuBois, Fay, Brookman, Regan, Triggs, Schofield, Spriggs, McGinness, Chowning, Nevin, Myrna Williams, Lambert, Arberry, Bogaert, Wendell Williams, Banner, Bergevin, McGaughey, Garner, Kissam, Sedway, Gibbons, Marvel, Swain, Sheerin, Adler, Porter, Price, Evans, Kerns, Humke, Callister, Sader, Thompson and Freeman.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending the parent-teacher associations in Nevada. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 32–Senators Hickey, Beyer, Coffin, Getto, Horn, Jacobsen, Joerg, Malone, Mello, Neal, O’Connell, O’Donnell, Raggio, Rawson, Rhoads, Shaffer, Smith, Titus, Townsend, Vergiels and Wagner.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Urging the boards of trustees of local school districts to allow academic credit for courses of occupational education and urging the board of regents to allow those credits to apply toward admission to the University of Nevada System. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 10–Assemblymen Jeffrey, Dini, Spinello, Sedway, Evans, Marvel, Price, Humke, DuBois, Swain, Kerns, Arberry, Callister, Myrna Williams, Freeman, Gaston, Gibbons, Chowning, Garner, Porter, Wendell Williams, Diamond, Banner, Thompson, Nevin, Triggs, McGinness, Carpenter, Regan, Spriggs, Bergevin, Brookman, Adler, McGaughey, Sheerin, Schofield, Lambert, Kissam and Bogaert.



SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing to amend the Nevada constitution to clarify and extend the jurisdiction of the district courts relating to the writs of prohibition and habeas corpus. Senate Joint Resolution No. 13–Senator Raggio.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending Hugh O’Brian and the Hugh O’Brian Youth Foundation. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 43–Assemblymen Bogaert, Sheerin, Fay, Lambert, Nevin, Thompson, Garner, McGaughey, Bergevin, Schofield, Freeman, Brookman, Banner, Myrna Williams, Kerns, Marvel, Price, Dini, Kissam, Spinello, Chowning, Wisdom, Regan, Carpenter, Evans, McGinness, Arberry, Porter, Gibbons, Gaston, Spriggs, Humke, Triggs, Diamond, Wendell Williams, Swain, Callister, DuBois, Jeffrey, Sader and Adler.



SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging Congress to retain the current formula used to establish fees for grazing on federal land. Senate Joint Resolution No. 6–Committee on Natural Resources.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Urging the University of Nevada to continue to address the problem of whether certain credits earned at a community college in this state should be accepted by the university. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 12–Senators Getto, Beyer, Coffin, Hickey, Jacobsen, Malone, Mello, Neal, O’Connell, O’Donnell, Rhoads, Shaffer and Wagner.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Congratulating Yerington High School’s boys’ basketball team for winning state “A” championship. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 44–Assemblymen Dini, Kerns, Myrna Williams, Marvel, Banner, Chowning, Carpenter, Freeman, Thompson, Kissam, Regan, Wisdom, Gaston, Jeffrey, Adler, Spinello, Wendell Williams, McGinness, Evans, Arberry, Diamond, Swain, Spriggs, Triggs, Brookman, Schofield, Nevin, Gibbons, Lambert, Porter, Bergevin, McGaughey, Garner, Fay, Humke, Price, DuBois, Sader, Callister, Bogaert and Sheerin.



SENATE RESOLUTION–Memorializing former Senator Fred H. Settelmeyer. Senate Resolution No. 9–Senators Jacobsen, Raggio, Beyer, Coffin, Getto, Hickey, Horn, Joerg, Malone, Mello, Neal, O’Connell, O’Donnell, Rawson, Rhoads, Shaffer, Smith, Titus, Townsend, Vergiels and Wagner.



SENATE RESOLUTION–Proclaiming April 28, 1989, as “Workers’ Memorial Day” in Nevada. Senate Resolution No. 10–Senators Townsend, Shaffer, Beyer, Coffin, Getto, Hickey, Horn, Jacobsen, Joerg, Malone, Mello, Neal, O’Connell, O’Donnell, Raggio, Rawson, Rhoads, Smith, Titus, Vergiels and Wagner.



ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging Congress to transfer the federal land near Apex to Clark County for use by heavy industry. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 26–Assemblymen Jeffrey, Thompson, Gaston and Fay.



ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Ratifying a proposed amendment to the Constitution of the United States providing that increases in compensation for Senators and Representatives may take effect only after an election of Representatives has intervened. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 22–Assemblymen Bogaert, Bergevin, Wendell Williams, Sheerin, Wisdom, Freeman, Carpenter, Porter, Chowning, Gaston, Thompson, Gibbons, Arberry, Marvel, DuBois, Lambert, McGinness, Jeffrey, Price, Nevin, Dini, Schofield, Kerns, Regan, Brookman, Triggs, Evans and Garner.



ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Providing for the appointment of an additional attache. Assembly Resolution No. 13–Legislative Functions.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Donald A. Moody. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 38–Senators Getto, Beyer, Coffin, Hickey, Horn, Jacobsen, Joerg, Malone, Mello, Neal, O’Connell, O’Donnell, Raggio, Rawson, Rhoads, Shaffer, Smith, Titus, Townsend, Vergiels and Wagner.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late William H. Heinrich. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 39–Senators O’Connell, Beyer, Coffin, Getto, Hickey, Horn, Jacobsen, Joerg, Malone, Mello, Neal, O’Donnell, Raggio, Rawson, Rhoads, Shaffer, Smith, Titus, Townsend, Vergiels and Wagner.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Honoring the Mexican holiday, Cinco de Mayo. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 50–Assemblymen Schofield, Dini, Garner, Spriggs, Swain, Wisdom, Evans, Myrna Williams, Gaston, Banner, Carpenter, Sheerin, Fay, Chowning, Regan, Kerns, Porter, Nevin, DuBois, Diamond, McGaughey, Freeman, Wendell Williams, Humke, Triggs, McGinness, Arberry, Lambert, Kissam, Adler, Thompson, Bergevin, Gibbons, Brookman, Bogaert, Callister, Jeffrey, Spinello, Sader and Price.



ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Commending Ruthe Deskin for her outstanding public service and contributions to the State of Nevada. Assembly Resolution No. 14–Assemblymen Brookman, Dini, Sedway, Myrna Williams, Chowning, Thompson, McGaughey, Wendell Williams, Spinello, Schofield, DuBois, Kissam, Wisdom, Jeffrey, Regan, Fay, Price, Callister, Garner, Arberry, Gaston, Porter, Triggs, Lambert, Diamond, Evans, Humke, Sheerin, Freeman, Swain, Spriggs, McGinness, Kerns, Carpenter, Marvel, Gibbons, Bogaert, Bergevin, Adler, Nevin, Sader and Banner.



ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging Congress to enact legislation allocating federal land for affordable mobile home parks. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 11–Assemblymen Arberry, Brookman and Price.



ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging the Federal Government and the United States Forest Service to cooperate with certain agencies of the State of Nevada to consummate the exchange of environmentally sensitive public lands located within the Lake Tahoe Basin. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 14–Committee on Government Affairs.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Requesting the Western States Water Council to study the interregional transfer of water. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 21–Senators Smith, Getto, O’Connell, Beyer, Coffin, Hickey, Horn, Jacobsen, Joerg, Malone, Mello, Neal, O’Donnell, Raggio, Rawson, Rhoads, Shaffer, Titus, Townsend, Vergiels and Wagner.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Urging public officers, members of the Nevada Congressional Delegation, state legislators and other residents of this state to develop a good neighbor policy for blind persons. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 21–Assemblymen Brookman, Gibbons, Marvel, Bogaert, Callister, Price, Spinello, Sedway, Jeffrey, Nevin, Porter, Kerns, Regan, Chowning, Fay, Sheerin, Carpenter, Gaston, Myrna Williams, Kissam, Schofield, Humke, Garner, Swain, McGaughey and Dini.



SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing to amend the Nevada constitution to create an intermediate appellate court. Senate Joint Resolution No. 12–Senators Raggio, Neal, Getto, O’Donnell, Hickey, Wagner, Horn, Rawson, Shaffer, Malone, Smith and Jacobsen.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Congratulating Dr. Steven P. Shearing on being selected as Nevada Inventor of the Year for 1989 and being inducted into the Nevada Inventors’ Hall of Fame. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 51–Assemblymen Humke, Myrna Williams, Kerns, Regan, Garner, Diamond, Bergevin, Banner, Carpenter, Callister, Wisdom, Adler, McGinness, Triggs, Marvel, Bogaert, Nevin, Thompson, DuBois, Evans, Porter, Chowning, Wendell Williams, Arberry, Swain, Kissam, Fay, Freeman, Spinello, Price, McGaughey, Dini, Brookman, Gibbons, Schofield, Spriggs, Sader, Sheerin, Jeffrey, Gaston and Lambert.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending Economic Opportunity Board of Clark County and Community Services Agency of Washoe County. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 43–Senators Neal, Malone, Beyer, Coffin, Getto, Hickey, Horn, Jacobsen, Joerg, Mello, O’Connell, O’Donnell, Raggio, Rawson, Rhoads, Shaffer, Smith, Titus, Townsend, Vergiels and Wagner.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Approving the execution of a lease of certain state land to the owner of adjoining property. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 40–Committee on Ways and Means.



ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging Congress not to reduce payments to Medicare providers below the current level and to reconsider the differing rates of reimbursement. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 25–Assemblymen Dini, Evans, Swain, Adler, Porter, Chowning, Banner, Arberry, Spinello, DuBois, Gaston, Sader, Callister, Triggs, Wendell Williams, Kissam, Bogaert, Carpenter, Wisdom, McGinness, Diamond, Freeman, Kerns, Fay, Marvel, Nevin, Bergevin, Brookman, Gibbons, Lambert, Myrna Williams, Sheerin, Schofield, Garner, McGaughey, Sedway, Price, Regan, Thompson, Jeffrey and Humke.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Designating the week of June 1 as “Polio Awareness Week” in Nevada. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 45–Senators Raggio, Beyer, Coffin, Getto, Hickey, Horn, Jacobsen, Joerg, Malone, Mello, Neal, O’Connell, O’Donnell, Rawson, Rhoads, Shaffer, Smith, Titus, Townsend, Vergiels and Wagner.



ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing to repeal article XVIII of the constitution of the State of Nevada which prohibits withholding the rights of suffrage and officeholding from any male citizen of the United States by reason of his color or previous condition of servitude. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 28–Assemblymen Price, Brookman, Evans, Swain, Myrna Williams, Lambert, Freeman, Chowning, Diamond, Spriggs, Wisdom, Bogaert, Marvel, Callister, Spinello, Adler, Porter, Kerns, Sheerin, Banner, Arberry, Nevin, McGaughey, DuBois, Jeffrey, Sedway, Bergevin, Dini, Humke, Fay, Garner, Schofield, Kissam, Regan, Carpenter, Sader, Wendell Williams, Gibbons, McGinness, Triggs, Gaston and Thompson.



SENATE RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Victor Goodwin, a conservationist, historian and forester. Senate Resolution No. 11–Senators Jacobsen, Beyer, Coffin, Getto, Hickey, Horn, Joerg, Malone, Mello, Neal, O’Connell, O’Donnell, Raggio, Rawson, Rhoads, Shaffer, Smith, Titus, Townsend, Vergiels and Wagner.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Designating May 19, 1989, as National Employee Health and Fitness Day. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 59–Assemblymen Bogaert, Dini, Adler, Arberry, Myrna Williams, Nevin, Spinello, Lambert, Marvel, Fay, Callister, Wisdom, McGinness, Carpenter, Gaston, Thompson, Garner, Kissam, Price, Regan, McGaughey, Gibbons, Chowning, Jeffrey, Humke, Freeman, Wendell Williams, Kerns, Bergevin, Triggs, Spriggs, Diamond, Swain, Schofield, DuBois, Sader, Porter, Brookman, Sheerin and Evans.



ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Providing for the appointment of additional attaches. Assembly Resolution No. 15–Committee on Legislative Functions.



SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing to amend section 14 of article 5 of the Nevada constitution to remove the justices of the supreme court from the state board of pardons commissioners and to require the legislature to designate five persons, not including any judicial officer, to serve on the board. Senate Joint Resolution No. 14–Senator Raggio.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending the Las Vegas Gold Swim Team. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 64–Assemblymen Brookman, Fay, Dini, Sheerin, Carpenter, Evans, Myrna Williams, Wisdom, Swain, Spriggs, Wendell Williams, Kissam, Schofield, McGaughey, Thompson, Bergevin, Porter, Kerns, Regan, Garner, Humke, Price, Callister, Nevin, Triggs, Jeffrey, Spinello, Sader, McGinness, Lambert, DuBois, Bogaert, Marvel, Gibbons, Chowning, Gaston, Freeman, Diamond, Adler, Arberry and Banner.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Recognizing May 25 as National Missing Children’s Day. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 50–Senators Wagner, Beyer, Coffin, Getto, Hickey, Horn, Jacobsen, Joerg, Malone, Mello, Neal, O’Connell, O’Donnell, Raggio, Rawson, Rhoads, Shaffer, Smith, Titus, Townsend and Vergiels.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing former legislator Harvey R. Humphrey. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 51–Senators Getto, Beyer, Coffin, Hickey, Horn, Jacobsen, Joerg, Malone, Mello, Neal, O’Connell, O’Donnell, Raggio, Rawson, Rhoads, Shaffer, Smith, Titus, Townsend, Vergiels and Wagner.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Encouraging the purchase and sale of local agricultural and dairy products. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 45–Assemblymen Schofield, Dini, Bergevin, Gaston, Jeffrey, Garner, Myrna Williams, Regan, Marvel, Spriggs, Freeman, Diamond, Sader, Adler, McGinness, Triggs and Carpenter.



SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging Congress to pass legislation prohibiting each state from imposing an income tax on the pension income of any person who is not a resident of that state. Senate Joint Resolution No. 15–Senators Joerg, O’Connell, Beyer, Coffin, Getto, Hickey, Horn, Jacobsen, Malone, Mello, Neal, O’Donnell, Raggio, Rawson, Rhoads, Shaffer, Smith, Titus, Townsend, Vergiels and Wagner.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending the UNLV Runnin’ Rebels for an outstanding basketball season. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 66–Assemblymen Brookman, Dini, Freeman, Thompson, Wendell Williams, Jeffrey, Wisdom, Kissam, Gaston, Banner, Sheerin, Regan, Garner, Diamond, Gibbons, Schofield, Adler, McGaughey, Bergevin, Nevin, Lambert, McGinness, Fay, Kerns, Sader, Myrna Williams, Porter, Callister, Arberry, Spinello, Bogaert, Spriggs, Carpenter, Chowning, Evans, Swain, Triggs, DuBois, Humke, Marvel and Price.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending the men’s baseball team of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 67–Assemblymen Brookman, Dini, Freeman, Thompson, Wendell Williams, Jeffrey, Wisdom, Kissam, Gaston, Banner, Sheerin, Regan, Garner, Diamond, Gibbons, Schofield, Adler, McGaughey, Bergevin, Nevin, Lambert, McGinness, Fay, Kerns, Sader, Myrna Williams, Porter, Callister, Arberry, Spinello, Bogaert, Spriggs, Carpenter, Chowning, Evans, Swain, Triggs, DuBois, Humke, Marvel and Price.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending the women’s basketball team of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 68–Assemblymen Brookman, Dini, Freeman, Thompson, Wendell Williams, Jeffrey, Wisdom, Kissam, Gaston, Banner, Sheerin, Regan, Garner, Diamond, Gibbons, Schofield, Adler, McGaughey, Bergevin, Nevin, Lambert, McGinness, Fay, Kerns, Sader, Myrna Williams, Porter, Callister, Arberry, Spinello, Bogaert, Spriggs, Carpenter, Chowning, Evans, Swain, Triggs, DuBois, Humke, Marvel and Price.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing former Assemblyman Eric Palludan. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 53–Senators Getto, Beyer, Coffin, Hickey, Horn, Jacobsen, Joerg, Malone, Mello, Neal, O’Connell, O’Donnell, Raggio, Rawson, Rhoads, Shaffer, Smith, Titus, Townsend, Vergiels and Wagner.



ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Providing for the appointment of an additional attache. Assembly Resolution No. 16–Legislative Functions.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing former Assemblyman Richard J. Ronzone. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 63–Assemblymen Dini, Brookman, Callister, Marvel, Sheerin, Carpenter, Gaston, Swain, Spriggs, Triggs, Arberry, Kissam, Thompson, Garner, McGaughey, Kerns, Freeman, Wendell Williams, Lambert, Bogaert, Wisdom, Jeffrey, Gibbons, Chowning, Bergevin, Schofield, Regan, Myrna Williams, McGinness, Diamond, Fay, Evans, Adler, Humke, DuBois, Spinello, Porter, Sader, Nevin, Banner and Price.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Urging America West Airlines to provide affordable, efficient and economical air transportation between Reno and Las Vegas. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 54–Senators O’Donnell, Beyer, Coffin, Getto, Hickey, Horn, Jacobsen, Joerg, Malone, Mello, Neal, O’Connell, Raggio, Rawson, Rhoads, Shaffer, Smith, Titus, Townsend, Vergiels and Wagner.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Designating March 1, 1990, as Conservation Day. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 55–Senators Titus, Beyer, Coffin, Getto, Hickey, Horn, Jacobsen, Joerg, Malone, Mello, Neal, O’Connell, O’Donnell, Raggio, Rawson, Rhoads, Shaffer, Smith, Townsend, Vergiels and Wagner.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late William W. “Bill” Galloway, former Clark County treasurer. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 73–Assemblymen Schofield, Brookman, Dini, Jeffrey, Nevin, Gaston, Fay, Kerns, Regan, Banner, Carpenter, Sheerin, Chowning, Marvel, Gibbons, Bogaert, Callister, Price, Spinello, Sader, Thompson, Adler, Kissam, Lambert, Arberry, McGinness, Triggs, Humke, Wendell Williams, Freeman, McGaughey, Diamond, DuBois, Bergevin, Garner, Spriggs, Swain, Wisdom, Evans, Myrna Williams and Porter.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Declaring June 1, 1989, as Nevada Speakers’ Day. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 75–Assemblymen Dini, Bogaert, McGinness, Marvel, Regan, Kerns, Chowning, Wisdom, Banner, Wendell Williams, Price, Humke, Fay, Gibbons, Gaston, Schofield, Carpenter, Spriggs, Triggs, Swain, Sader, Porter, Diamond, Kissam, Freeman, Nevin, Thompson, Lambert, Adler, Sheerin, McGaughey, Bergevin, Jeffrey, Spinello, DuBois, Garner, Callister, Myrna Williams, Evans, Arberry and Brookman.



SENATE RESOLUTION–Commending Sue Marchiano for her accomplishments in competing in worldwide marathons. Senate Resolution No. 12–Senators Smith, Beyer, Coffin, Getto, Hickey, Horn, Jacobsen, Joerg, Malone, Mello, Neal, O’Connell, O’Donnell, Raggio, Rawson, Rhoads, Shaffer, Titus, Townsend, Vergiels and Wagner.



SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging Congress to refrain from enacting legislation which imposes a tax on the interest earned on state and local bonds and otherwise to respect the sovereignty of the states. Senate Joint Resolution No. 10–Committee on Finance.



SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging the California Legislature to enact a law allowing a peace officer of the State of Nevada to retain jurisdiction over a prisoner that he transports into California to receive emergency medical treatment. Senate Joint Resolution No. 23–Senators Jacobsen, Beyer, Coffin, Getto, Hickey, Horn, Joerg, Malone, Mello, Neal, O’Connell, O’Donnell, Raggio, Rawson, Rhoads, Shaffer, Smith, Titus, Townsend, Vergiels and Wagner.



ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Providing for the appointment of an additional attache. Assembly Resolution No. 17–Committee on Legislative Functions.



ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging Congress to pass a Mint Act. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 34–Committee on Government Affairs.



ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging Congress to pass a Coinage Act. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 33–Committee on Government Affairs.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Authorizing the State Public Works Board to use certain federal money for the design of the Combined Support Maintenance Shop in Carson City. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 56–Committee on Ways and Means.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing Mabel Hoggard, Nevada’s first African-American school teacher. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 78–Assemblymen Wendell Williams, Diamond, Brookman, Arberry, Gaston, Chowning, Kissam, Carpenter, Regan, Porter, Schofield, Marvel, Evans, Dini, McGaughey, Callister, Wisdom, Thompson, Garner, Jeffrey, Price, Sader, Adler, Nevin, Fay, Banner, Humke, Lambert, Myrna Williams, Bergevin, Kerns, Freeman, Swain, Sedway, Spinello, Sheerin, Gibbons, Bogaert, DuBois, Spriggs, McGinness and Triggs.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing John D. Brooks, long-time Nevada conservationist and Fish and Game Agent. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 79–Assemblymen Kerns, Dini, Marvel, Humke, DuBois, Swain, Price, Gaston, Myrna Williams, Arberry, Evans, Wisdom, Banner, Carpenter, Chowning, Gibbons, Regan, McGinness, Wendell Williams, Diamond, Spinello, Callister, Porter, Bogaert, Bergevin, Brookman and Schofield.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Congratulating Bertha Scott on her 100th birthday. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 80–Assemblymen Dini, Bogaert, Spinello, McGinness, Marvel, Regan, Kerns, Chowning, Wisdom, Banner, Wendell Williams, Price, Humke, Gaston, Fay, Carpenter, Gibbons, Schofield, Spriggs, Triggs, Swain, Sader, Porter, Jeffrey, Kissam, Thompson, Lambert, Diamond, DuBois, Nevin, Evans, McGaughey, Garner, Freeman, Arberry, Adler, Bergevin, Callister, Brookman and Sheerin.



ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging Congress to adopt pending legislation repealing the Medicare Catastrophic Coverage Act of 1988. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 38–Assemblyman Wendell Williams.



ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Memorializing Willie “Young Abe Atell” Clar. Assembly Resolution No. 18–Assemblyman Brookman.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Approving the execution of a grazing lease for certain state land. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 49–Committee on Finance.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the national advocate for the elderly, Claude Pepper. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 81–Assemblymen Dini, Nevin, Brookman, Garner, Kerns, Triggs, Gibbons, Wisdom, Jeffrey, Spinello, Diamond, DuBois, Evans, Spriggs, Swain, Carpenter, Sedway, Kissam, Arberry, Regan, Wendell Williams, Gaston, Price, Humke, Fay, Schofield, Bergevin, Freeman, McGinness, McGaughey, Porter, Myrna Williams, Lambert, Thompson, Chowning, Banner, Callister, Marvel, Bogaert, Sader, Sheerin and Adler.



ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging Congress to designate the California National Historic Trail and the Pony Express National Historic Trail as components of the National Trails System. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 30–Assemblymen Gibbons, Kerns, Bogaert, Banner, Wisdom, Garner, McGinness, Lambert, Adler, Regan, Fay, Thompson, Jeffrey, Humke, Gaston, Nevin, Price, Marvel, Porter, Myrna Williams, Evans, McGaughey, Swain, Diamond, Carpenter, Chowning and Brookman.



ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging Congress to expedite review by the federal courts of capital cases originating in the state courts. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 32–Committee on Government Affairs.



ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging Congress to impose sanctions against countries that fail to cooperate with the United States in efforts to control the production of illegal drugs. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 42–Assemblymen Wendell Williams, Chowning, Wisdom, Arberry, DuBois, Kissam, Adler, Triggs, Humke, McGinness, Freeman, Porter, Kerns, Nevin, Gibbons, Regan, Schofield, Carpenter, Fay, Sheerin, Banner, Callister, Spriggs, Garner and Brookman.



SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging Congress to provide additional funding for the implementation of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986. Senate Joint Resolution No. 20–Committee on Commerce and Labor.



SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging Congress to authorize a study of the interregional transfer of water. Senate Joint Resolution No. 17–Senators Smith and Getto.



ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging the California State Legislature to exempt any impacts or effects of a Nevada upstream storage project on the Carson River System from the California Wild and Scenic Rivers Act. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 41–Committee on Natural Resources, Agriculture and Mining.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending Captain David Cronin for his bravery and skill in landing a damaged Boeing 747 and saving the lives of the passengers on board. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 83–Assemblymen Gibbons, Nevin, Price, Sader, Freeman, Diamond, Triggs, Regan, Porter, McGaughey, Thompson, Bergevin, Spriggs, Carpenter, Garner, Marvel, Schofield, Jeffrey, Arberry, Kissam, Bogaert, Dini, Callister, Myrna Williams, DuBois, Wisdom, Kerns, Gaston, Wendell Williams, Lambert, Banner, Sheerin, Fay, Humke, Swain, McGinness, Spinello, Adler, Chowning, Evans and Brookman.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Approving the execution of a lease of certain state land. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 60–Committee on Ways and Means.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Expressing the intent of the Legislature concerning legislation requiring additional occupational education. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 61–Assemblymen Brookman and Spinello.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending Michael “Chub” Drakulich for his outstanding service and contributions to his community and the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 84–Assemblymen Chowning, Wisdom, Diamond, Brookman, Thompson, Fay, Porter, Callister, Arberry, Myrna Williams, Schofield, Regan, Carpenter, McGaughey, Garner, Wendell Williams, Price, Dini and McGinness.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Acknowledging the anniversary of the Magna Carta. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 85–Assemblymen Price, Schofield, Gaston, Carpenter, Sheerin, Fay, Chowning, Regan, Kerns, Porter, Nevin, Jeffrey, McGaughey, Garner, Wendell Williams, DuBois, Myrna Williams, Triggs, Brookman, Diamond and Wisdom.



ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging Congress and the National Guard Bureau to establish a National Guard Training Center, along with a multipurpose range complex, at Hawthorne, Nevada, for the training of Reserve and National Guard units. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 40–Committee on Natural Resources, Agriculture and Mining.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Urging the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers to encourage manufacturers to preset water heathers at a certain temperature and affix certain warnings. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 70–Assemblymen Evans, Freeman, McGaughey, Swain, Wisdom, Humke, Spriggs, Garner and Diamond.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending the Churchill County Telephone and Telegraph Service on its 100th birthday. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 60–Senators Getto, Beyer, Coffin, Hickey, Horn, Jacobsen, Joerg, Malone, Mello, Neal, O’Connell, O’Donnell, Raggio, Rawson, Rhoads, Shaffer, Smith, Titus, Townsend, Vergiels, and Wagner.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Authorizing the state land registrar to dedicate certain land within the South Fork State Recreation Area to Elko County. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 56–Senator Rhoads.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Urging the board of regents of the University of Nevada System to establish a cooperative program of education involving subjects related to the study of alternative sources of energy. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 76–Assemblyman Kissam.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the Legislative Commission to complete its interim studies by a certain date. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 72–Committee on Legislative Functions.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending Bert L. Cooper for his public service in education in Nevada. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 86–Assemblymen Carpenter, Banner, Chowning, Marvel, Gibbons and McGinness.



ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Providing for the appointment of an additional attache. Assembly Resolution No. 19–Committee on Legislative Functions.



ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Expunging a certain call for a Constitutional Convention from the records of the Assembly. Assembly Resolution No. 20–Assemblymen Price, McGaughey, Gaston, Schofield, Sedway, Thompson, Adler, Lambert, Spinello, Callister, Fay, Marvel, Gibbons, Chowning, Regan, DuBois, Bergevin, Myrna Williams, Jeffrey, Kerns, Garner, Freeman, Swain, Arberry, Humke, Wendell Williams, Wisdom, Nevin, Porter, Bogaert, Spriggs, Diamond, Triggs, McGinness, Kissam, Sheerin, Carpenter, Evans, Brookman, Sader and Dini.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the Executive Director of the Department of Employment Security to develop contingency plans for alternative employment of the workers at the Nevada Test Site in case operations are substantially reduced or closed. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 48–Assemblyman Wendell Williams.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Requiring the Department of Transportation to conduct an interim study of school zones and school crossings. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 55–Assemblymen Evans, Nevin, Marvel, Kerns, Price, DuBois, Brookman, Callister, Fay and Carpenter.



ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging Congress to require the amount of nutritive carbohydrate sweeteners in foods to be listed on containers of packaged foods. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 31–Assemblymen Brookman, Arberry, Sader, McGinness, Lambert, Bogaert, Gibbons, Kerns, Regan, Chowning, Fay, Nevin, Thompson, McGaughey, Spinello, Kissam, Wisdom, Jeffrey, Myrna Williams, Humke, Evans, Price, Gaston, Sedway, Swain, Sheerin and Callister.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Declaring the week of July 29, 1989, through August 5, 1989, as Old Car Week and August 3, 1989, through August 6, 1989, as Hot August Nights. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 89–Assemblymen Bogaert, Humke, Lambert, Marvel, Swain, Freeman, Sader, Kerns, Sheerin, Nevin, Gibbons and Evans.



ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging the Federal Communications Commission to allow the introduction of cellular radio communications services into rural areas. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 39–Assemblymen Arberry, Dini, Marvel, Gibbons, Carpenter, Spriggs and Adler.



SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging Congress to extend authority of states to issue tax-exempt private activity bonds and qualified mortgage revenue bonds. Senate Joint Resolution No. 24–Committee on Government Affairs.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Instructing the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau to grant paid leave to employees of the Legislative Counsel Bureau in recognition of their services to the 65th session of the Nevada Legislature. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 74–Assemblymen Price, Brookman, Spinello, Bogaert, Gibbons, Marvel, Fay, Chowning, Regan, DuBois, Nevin, Sheerin, McGaughey, Triggs, Schofield, Wendell Williams, Kerns, Kissam, Garner, Evans, Bergevin, Myrna Williams, Freeman, Dini, Lambert, Jeffrey, Arberry, Callister, Adler, Swain, Porter, Gaston, Wisdom, Carpenter, McGinness, Humke, Sader, Spriggs, Thompson, Diamond and Banner.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Urging the preservation of the historical records of Nevada. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 42–Committee on Human Resources and Facilities.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Urging the preservation of the historical records of Nevada. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 49–Assemblymen Dini, Myrna Williams, Banner, Kerns, Thompson, Humke, Arberry, Bergevin, Garner, Freeman, Brookman, Fay, Price, Spinello, Schofield, Adler, Nevin, Evans, Sheerin, Carpenter, Lambert, McGaughey, Swain, Wisdom, Gibbons, Bogaert, Porter, Gaston, Triggs, McGinness, Spriggs, Wendell Williams, Kissam, DuBois, Jeffrey, Chowning, Regan, Sader and Callister.



SENATE RESOLUTION–Designating certain senators as members of the legislative commission and providing for the method of selecting alternate members. Senate Resolution No. 13–Senators Raggio and Neal.



ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Designating certain assemblymen as regular and alternate members of the legislative commission. Assembly Resolution No. 21–Committee on Legislative Functions.



ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing to amend section 9 of article 8 of the constitution of the State of Nevada to eliminate the prohibition against lending the money or credit of the state to businesses. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 23–Committee on Government Affairs.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Urging local governments to revise their zoning ordinances and building codes to encourage the construction of more affordable housing. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 17–Assemblymen Arberry, Brookman and Price.



ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Commending the interns of the Assembly for their dedicated service during the 65th session of the Legislature. Assembly Resolution No. 22–Assemblymen Swain, Marvel, Gibbons, Brookman, Bogaert, Callister, Price, Spinello, Sader, Thompson, Adler, Kissam, Lambert, Arberry, McGinness, Garner, Humke, Triggs, Spriggs, Wendell Williams, Freeman, McGaughey, Wisdom, Diamond, Evans, DuBois, Bergevin, Nevin, Schofield, Porter, Gaston, Kerns, Banner, Regan, Carpenter, Chowning, Fay, Sheerin, Jeffrey, Dini, and Myrna Williams.



SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging Congress or the Secretary of the Interior to modify guidelines relating to sanctuaries for unadoptable wild horses and burros to authorize the establishment of sanctuaries on a combination of public and private lands. Senate Joint Resolution No. 7–Committee on Natural Resources.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending the Superintendent and staff of the State Printing and Micrographics Division of the Department of General Services for services rendered to the Legislature. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 92–Committee on Legislative Functions.



ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing to amend the constitution of the State of Nevada to require that the Governor and the Lieutenant Governor be affiliated with the same political party, to require that they be elected on the same ballot, and to remove the Lieutenant Governor from the position of President of the Senate. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 5–Assemblymen Dini, Myrna Williams, Sader, Sedway, Swain, Evans, Callister, Wisdom, Diamond, Thompson, Gaston, Porter, Adler, Nevin, Schofield, Banner, Arberry, Kissam, Garner, Chowning, Regan, Sheerin, Brookman, Fay, Wendell Williams, Freeman, Spinello, Jeffrey, Triggs, McGaughey, Carpenter, Marvel, Lambert, McGinness, Kerns and Bergevin.



ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Commending attaches of the Assembly for their dedicated service during the 65th session of the Legislature. Assembly Resolution No. 23–Assemblymen Dini, Adler, Arberry, Banner, Bergevin, Bogaert, Brookman, Callister, Carpenter, Chowning, Diamond, DuBois, Evans, Fay, Freeman, Garner, Gaston, Gibbons, Humke, Jeffrey, Kerns, Kissam, Lambert, McGaughey, McGinness, Marvel, Nevin, Porter, Price, Regan, Sader, Schofield, Sedway, Sheerin, Spinello, Spriggs, Swain, Thompson, Triggs, Myrna Williams, Wendell Williams and Wisdom.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the Legislative Commission to study the requirements for reapportionment in Nevada before the legislature convenes in 1991. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 15–Committee on Elections.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the Legislative Commission to conduct an interim study on teenage pregnancy in this state. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 32–Assemblymen Evans, Sedway, Marvel, Price, Humke, DuBois, Swain, Kerns, Arberry, Myrna Williams, Callister, Spinello, Porter, Wendell Williams, Jeffrey, Nevin, Freeman, Bogaert, Brookman, Lambert, Adler, Dini, Sheerin, Garner, Chowning, Diamond, Regan, Wisdom, McGinness and Gibbons.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the Legislative Commission to study the availability of affordable child care in this state. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 47–Assemblymen Freeman, Brookman, Evans, Myrna Williams, Lambert, Adler, Swain, Price, Nevin, McGinness, Chowning, Wendell Williams, Wisdom, Fay, Diamond, Spriggs, Arberry, Humke, Triggs, Gibbons, DuBois, Kerns, Bergevin, McGaughey, Sader, Thompson, Garner, Sedway, Kissam, Porter, Gaston, Regan, Callister, Bogaert, Schofield, Spinello, Sheerin, Jeffrey, Dini and Carpenter.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the Legislative Commission to conduct an interim study of the Mental Hygiene and Mental Retardation Division of the Department of Human Resources. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 52–Assemblymen Spinello and Myrna Williams.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the legislative commission, the committee to consult with the legislative counsel, and the legislative counsel to take all actions necessary to ensure that 1,000 bill drafts are completed before the first day of the 66th session of the Nevada Legislature. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 54–Assemblymen Sheerin, Dini, Jeffrey, Bergevin, Price, Myrna Williams, McGaughey, Banner, Gaston, Evans, Wisdom, Swain, Spriggs, Garner, Fay, Carpenter, Chowning, Regan, Kerns, Porter, Nevin, Gibbons, Marvel, Brookman, Bogaert, Sedway, Spinello, Callister, DuBois, Schofield, Sader, Thompson, Lambert, Adler, Kissam, Arberry, McGinness, Freeman, Wendell Williams, Triggs, Diamond and Humke.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the Legislative Commission to conduct an interim study of the problems of owners of mobile homes who rent space in mobile home parks. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 57–Assemblymen Myrna Williams, Brookman, Jeffrey, Spinello, Dini, Lambert, McGaughey, Sedway, Regan, Gibbons, Gaston, Thompson, Swain, Spriggs, Garner, Triggs, Wendell Williams and Adler.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the interim retirement committee to conduct a study concerning post-retirement increases and group health insurance for retired public employees. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 71–Committee on Government Affairs.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Amending the joint rules of the senate and assembly adopted for the 65th legislative session to impose certain limits upon the number of measures a legislator may request after a regular legislative session begins and to regulate the introduction of certain measures. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 82–Committee on Legislative Functions.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the Legislative Commission to study and review certain laws and regulations relating to transportation. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 91–Committee on Transportation.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Providing for the compensation of the clergy for services rendered to the Assembly and Senate during the 65th session of the Nevada Legislature. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 93–Committee on Legislative Functions.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing popular Las Vegas television personality, Gus Giuffre. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 94–Assemblymen Regan, Brookman, Garner, Myrna Williams, Arberry, Wisdom, Gaston, Banner, Schofield, Wendell Williams, Triggs, Kissam, DuBois, Fay, Chowning, Price, Porter, Jeffrey, Callister, Diamond, Kerns, Carpenter, Spinello, Dini, Bergevin, Thompson, Adler, McGaughey, Lambert, Freeman, Sader, Nevin, Bogaert, Gibbons, Marvel, Sheerin, Evans, Swain, Humke and McGinness.



SENATE RESOLUTION–Commending the interns of the Senate for their dedicated service during the 65th session of the Legislature. Senate Resolution No. 14–Senators Raggio, Jacobsen, Neal, Beyer, Coffin, Getto, Hickey, Horn, Joerg, Malone, Mello, O’Connell, O’Donnell, Rawson, Rhoads, Shaffer, Smith, Titus, Townsend, Vergiels and Wagner.



SENATE RESOLUTION–Commending the attaches of the Senate for their service during the 65th session of the Legislature. Senate Resolution No. 15–Senators Raggio, Jacobsen, Neal, Beyer, Coffin, Getto, Hickey, Horn, Joerg, Malone, Mello, O’Connell, O’Donnell, Rawson, Rhoads, Shaffer, Smith, Titus, Townsend, Vergiels and Wagner.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Amending the Joint Rules of the Senate and Assembly for the 65th legislative session to require early introduction of bill drafts requested by state agencies and local governments. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 2–Senators Raggio, Mello, Horn, Neal, Jacobsen, Rawson, Coffin, Getto and Vergiels.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Limiting the number of requests that may be submitted to the legislative counsel for drafting and regulating the introduction of certain measures. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 4–Senator Raggio.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the Legislative Counsel Bureau to conduct an interim study of the classification of peace officers. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 5–Senators Malone, Raggio, Jacobsen, Getto, Rawson, O’Donnell and O’Connell.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the Legislative Commission to conduct an interim study of the laws, regulations and policies relating to water and waste water resources of this state. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 24–Senators Smith, Getto, Rawson, O’Connell, Beyer, Coffin, Hickey, Horn, Jacobsen, Joerg, Malone, Mello, Neal, O’Donnell, Raggio, Rhoads, Shaffer, Titus, Townsend, Vergiels and Wagner.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the Legislative Commission to conduct an interim study of traumatic head injuries. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 41–Committee on Finance.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Requiring an interim study of the state budget process. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 44–Senators Rhoads, Raggio, Rawson, Jacobsen, Mello, Hickey and Beyer.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the Legislative Commission to conduct an interim study of alternative methods of resolving disputes. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 46–Senators Wagner, Smith, Joerg, Horn, Neal and Titus.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the Legislative Commission to conduct an interim study of bicycle safety and bicycle trails in this state. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 47–Committee on Legislative Affairs and Operations.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the Legislative Commission to conduct an interim study of the Youth Services Division and the juvenile justice system in Nevada. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 52–Committee on Finance.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the Legislative Commission to conduct an interim study of health insurance benefits required by law and self-insured employers. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 58–Committee on Commerce and Labor.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Requiring an interim study of the merit pay program of the University of Nevada System. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 61–Committee on Finance.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending Senator Lawrence E. Jacobsen for his service as chairman and member of the Legislative Commission. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 63–Senators Raggio, Neal, Beyer, Coffin, Getto, Hickey, Horn, Joerg, Malone, Mello, O’Connell, O’Donnell, Rawson, Rhoads, Shaffer, Smith, Titus, Townsend, Vergiels and Wagner.



ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging Congress to allow members of the Armed Forces covered by the Vietnam Era Veterans’ Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974 a period of 10 years to use educational benefits. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 43–Committee on Government Affairs.