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ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Adopting the standing rules of the assembly for the 64th session of the legislature. Assembly Resolution No. 1–Assemblymen Dini and Bergevin.



ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Providing allowances to the leaders and other members of the assembly for periodicals, stamps, stationery and communications. Assembly Resolution No. 2–Assemblymen Dini and Bergevin.



ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Providing for the appointment of attaches. Assembly Resolution No. 3–Committee on Legislative Functions.



SENATE RESOLUTION–Adopting standing rules of the senate for the 64th session of the legislature. Senate Resolution No. 1–Senators Raggio, Jacobsen and Gibson.



SENATE RESOLUTION–Providing allowances to the leadership and other members of the senate for periodicals, stamps, stationery and communications. Senate Resolution No. 2–Senators Raggio and Gibson.



SENATE RESOLUTION–Providing for the appointment of attaches. Senate Resolution No. 3–Committee on Legislative Affairs and Operations.



SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging Congress to authorize the release of money from the Highway Trust Fund for the construction and maintenance of highways. Senate Joint Resolution No. 2–Senator Rhoads.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Adopting the joint rules of the senate and assembly for the 64th session of the legislature. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 1–Assemblymen Dini and Bergevin.



ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Amending Assembly Standing Rule 23 to provide ethical principles for consideration by Assemblymen when a conflict of interest exists. Assembly Resolution No. 4–Committee on Legislative Functions.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Declaring January 28, 1987, as Nevada Teacher Appreciation Day. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 4–Assemblymen Jeffrey, Dini, Schofield, Thomas, McGaughey, Spriggs, Nicholas, Garner, Kissam, Lambert, Sader, Adler, Nevin, Porter, Fay, Wisdom, Brookman, Callister, Myrna Williams, Thompson, Tebbs, Gaston, Banner, Freeman, Carpenter, Evans, Wendell Williams, Arberry, Triggs, Haller, Craddock, DuBois, Sedway, May, Price, Kerns, Spinello, Marvel, Getto, Bergevin and Humke.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing Harvey N. Dondero, a prominent Nevada educator. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 4–Senators Raggio, Jacobsen, Rawson, Gibson, Neal, Wagner, Mello, Hickey, Horn, Townsend, Vergiels, Rhoads, Redelsperger, O’Connell, Shaffer, Malone, Beyer, Coffin, Joerg, O’Donnell and Jones.



ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Providing for the appointment of an additional attache. Assembly Resolution No. 5–Legislative Functions.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Expressing legislative support of the meeting of the United States Jaycees in Reno in 1987. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 2–Senator Townsend.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Expressing the mutual consent of the Assembly and Senate to an adjournment from Wednesday, February 25, to Monday, March 2, 1987. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 7–Assemblymen Dini and Jeffrey.



SENATE RESOLUTION–Amending Rule 40 of the standing rules of the senate to revise the jurisdiction of the committee on taxation and the committee on government affairs. Senate Resolution No. 4–Senators Raggio, Jacobsen and Gibson.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Assemblyman Lorin D. Parraguirre Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 7–Senators Raggio, Jacobsen, Rawson, Gibson, Neal, Wagner, Mello, Hickey, Horn, Townsend, Vergiels, Rhoads, Redelsperger, O’Connell, Shaffer, Malone, Beyer, Coffin, Joerg, O’Donnell and Jones.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commemorating Black American History Month. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 8–Senators Neal, Raggio, Townsend, Wagner, Vergiels, Rawson, Mello, Hickey, Horn, Coffin, O’Connell, Beyer, Joerg and Malone.



ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Providing for the appointment of an additional attache. Assembly Resolution No. 6–Committee on Legislative Functions.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending Ioannis A. “John” Lougaris on his 100th birthday for his distinguished service to Nevada. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 9–Senators Raggio, Jacobsen, Rawson, Gibson, Neal, Wagner, Mello, Hickey, Horn, Townsend, Vergiels, Rhoads, Redelsperger, O’Connell, Shaffer, Malone, Beyer, Coffin, Joerg, O’Donnell and Jones.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late former Senator Henry W. Berrum. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 10–Senators Raggio, Jacobsen, Rawson, Gibson, Neal, Wagner, Mello, Hickey, Horn, Townsend, Vergiels, Rhoads, Redelsperger, O’Connell, Shaffer, Malone, Beyer, Coffin, Joerg, O’Donnell and Jones.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending former Assemblyman Ed Kovacs for his public service in Nevada. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 11–Assemblymen Dini, Jeffrey, Thompson, Kissam, Arberry, Swain, Craddock, Freeman, Gaston, Carpenter, Banner, Getto, Schofield, Evans, Garner, Humke, Thomas, Nicholas, DuBois, Bergevin, Nevin, Porter, Kerns, Wisdom, Spinello, Myrna Williams, Marvel, Callister, Brookman, Tebbs, Fay, Price, May, Sedway, Sader, Adler, Lambert, McGaughey, Triggs, Haller, Wendell Williams and Spriggs.



SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing to amend sections 1, 2 and 3 of article 19 of the constitution of the State of Nevada, relating to the initiative and referendum by establishing times for the initial filing of petitions with the secretary of state and authorizing the use of statistical methods for the preliminary verification of the sufficiency of those petitions. Senate Joint Resolution No. 16 of the 63rd Session–Committee on Government Affairs.



ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Declaring the week of March 1 as Nevada Thunderbird Week. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 13–Assemblymen Price, Schofield, Myrna Williams, Marvel, Spinello, Garner, Spriggs, Evans, Arberry, Swain, Bergevin, DuBois, Thomas, McGaughey, Nicholas, Wendell Williams, Humke, Triggs, Haller, Craddock, Lambert, Kissam, Adler, Thompson, Sedway, May, Fay, Tebbs, Brookman, Callister, Freeman, Gaston, Carpenter, Wisdom, Banner, Kerns, Porter, Getto, Jeffrey, Sader, Nevin and Dini.



SENATE RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Marietta Tiberti. Senate Resolution No. 5–Senators Coffin, Raggio, Jacobsen, Rawson, Gibson, Neal, Wagner, Mello, Hickey, Horn, Townsend, Vergiels, Rhoads, Redelsperger, O’Connell, Shaffer, Malone, Beyer, Joerg, O’Donnell and Jones.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending Nevada’s former Assemblyman John H. Homer. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 15–Assemblymen Getto, Dini, Brookman and May.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Jack Joseph Lamberti. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 17–Assemblymen Nevin, Dini, Adler, Arberry, Banner, Bergevin, Brookman, Callister, Carpenter, Craddock, DuBois, Evans, Fay, Freeman, Garner, Gaston, Getto, Haller, Humke, Jeffrey, Kerns, Kissam, Lambert, McGaughey, Marvel, May, Nicholas, Porter, Price, Sader, Schofield, Sedway, Spinello, Spriggs, Swain, Tebbs, Thomas, Thompson, Triggs, Myrna Williams, Wendell Williams and Wisdom.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending the firefighters of Virginia City and other members of Liberty Engine Company No. 1. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 11–Senators Jacobsen, Raggio, Rawson, Gibson, Neal, Wagner, Mello, Hickey, Horn, Townsend, Vergiels, Rhoads, Redelsperger, O’Connell, Shaffer, Malone, Beyer, Coffin, Joerg, O’Donnell and Jones.



SENATE RESOLUTION–Providing for the appointment of an additional attache. Senate Resolution No. 6–Committee on Legislative Affairs and Operations.



SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging Congress to enact the Highway and Transit Reauthorization Bill appropriating money to the various states from the Highway Trust Fund for the construction and maintenance of highways. Senate Joint Resolution No. 13–Committee on Transportation.



SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing to amend the constitution of the State of Nevada to clarify those state lands and proceeds which are pledged for educational purposes. Senate Joint Resolution No. 21 of the 63rd Session–Committee on Natural Resources.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending girls’ basketball team of Reno High School on winning state championship. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 12–Senators Wagner, Raggio, Jacobsen, Rawson, Gibson, Neal, Mello, Hickey, Horn, Townsend, Vergiels, Rhoads, Redelsperger, O’Connell, Shaffer, Malone, Beyer, Coffin, Joerg, O’Donnell and Jones.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Urging state agencies to cooperate with other states and regional organizations concerning the transportation of hazardous materials. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 3–Assemblymen Schofield and Dini.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Designating March 21, 1987, as Vietnam Veterans’ Remembrance Day. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 13–Senators Raggio, Jacobsen, Beyer, Coffin, Gibson, Hickey, Horn, Joerg, Jones, Malone, Mello, Neal, O’Connell, O’Donnell, Rawson, Redelsperger, Rhoads, Shaffer, Townsend, Vergiels and Wagner.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Supporting the efforts of the Children’s Cabinet, Inc., to establish a trial program in Washoe County to provide services which are needed to preserve families during times of crisis. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 6–Committee on Judiciary.



ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging the Congress of the United States to establish a center at Stewart, Nevada, for the training of persons who respond to emergencies, particularly those involving hazardous materials. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 2–Assemblymen Schofield and Dini.



ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging Congress to oppose the deactivation of the 474th Tactical Fighter Wing at Nellis Air Force Base. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 6–Assemblymen Thompson, Nevin, Craddock, Brookman, May, Sedway, Price, Arberry, Freeman, Kissam, Spinello, Porter, Triggs, Gaston, Callister, Wendell Williams, Banner, Fay, Haller, Garner, Swain, Jeffrey, Wisdom, Myrna Williams, Schofield, Dini, DuBois, Tebbs, McGaughey, Bergevin, Nicholas, Spriggs, Getto, Carpenter, Kerns, Humke, Lambert, Adler, Sader and Marvel.



ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging Congress to enact legislation which would provide unlimited federal liability for any accident which might occur if a nuclear waste repository is situated in Nevada. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 9–Committee on Natural Resources, Agriculture and Mining.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing Mary Gojack, former state legislator. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 25–Assemblymen Dini, Sader, Triggs, Arberry, Brookman, Haller, Freeman, Evans, Adler, Gaston, Myrna Williams, Sedway, Spinello, Schofield, Porter, Wendell Williams, Callister, Craddock, Kissam, Swain, Wisdom, Price, Fay, Garner, Nevin, May, Tebbs, Lambert, Bergevin, Carpenter and DuBois.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending Mike O’Callaghan for his public service and declaring March 26, 1987, as Mike O’Callaghan Day. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 27–Assemblymen Brookman, Dini, Getto, May, Banner, Craddock, Jeffrey, Price, Bergevin, Marvel, Schofield, DuBois, Nicholas, Sader, Thompson, Humke, Kerns, Nevin, Sedway, Swain, Thomas, Arberry, Lambert, McGaughey, Spriggs, Tebbs, Myrna Williams, Fay, Kissam, Adler, Callister, Carpenter, Evans, Freeman, Garner, Gaston, Haller, Porter, Spinello, Triggs, Wendell Williams and Wisdom.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing a former Justice of the Supreme Court, Jon Collins. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 26–Assemblymen Dini, Getto, Sader, Triggs, Haller, Arberry, Brookman, Freeman, Evans, Adler, Gaston, Myrna Williams, Sedway, Spinello, Schofield, Porter, Wendell Williams, Callister, Craddock, Kissam, Swain, Wisdom, Price, Fay, Garner, Nevin, Bergevin, McGaughey, Nicholas, DuBois, Kerns, Tebbs, Marvel, Thompson, Banner, Carpenter, May, Thomas, Lambert, Humke and Spriggs.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending the boys’ and girls’ basketball teams of Yerington on their recent victory. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 28–Assemblymen Dini, Adler, Arberry, Banner, Bergevin, Brookman, Callister, Carpenter, Craddock, DuBois, Evans, Fay, Freeman, Garner, Gaston, Getto, Haller, Humke, Jeffrey, Kerns, Kissam, Lambert, McGaughey, Marvel, May, Nevin, Nicholas, Porter, Price, Sader, Schofield, Sedway, Spinello, Spriggs, Swain, Tebbs, Thomas, Thompson, Triggs, Myrna Williams, Wendell Williams and Wisdom.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Authorizing certain expenditures from the legislative fund to pay certain travel allowances of the members and the staff of standing committees, special committees and subcommittees of the legislature during the 64th session of the legislature. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 14–Committee on Ways and Means.



SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing to amend the constitution of this state to authorize specifically the legislative review of administrative regulations. Senate Joint Resolution No. 6 of the 63rd Session–Committee on Legislative Affairs and Operations.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the Legislative Commission to continue to participate in the Block Boundary Suggestion Program and to participate in other programs conducted by the Bureau of the Census in preparation for the census in 1990. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 12–Committee on Elections.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Designating the week of April 5, 1987, as Nevada Library Week. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 15–Senators Raggio, Beyer, Coffin, Gibson, Hickey, Horn, Jacobsen, Joerg, Jones, Malone, Mello, Neal, O’Connell, O’Donnell, Rawson, Redelsperger, Rhoads, Shaffer, Townsend, Vergiels and Wagner.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Expressing support for the new maximum speed limit and directing the Governor to ensure the appropriate signs are changed accordingly. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 30–Assemblymen Nevin and Dini.



ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Requesting the President and Congress to select the State of Nevada as the site for the construction of the new atomic particle accelerator called the Superconducting Super Collider. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 14–Assemblymen Schofield, Dini, Banner, May, Jeffrey, Fay, Myrna Williams, Garner, Evans, Spriggs, Arberry, Humke, Triggs, Wendell Williams, Haller, Nicholas, Lambert, McGaughey, Kissam, Thomas, Adler, DuBois, Thompson, Bergevin, Sader, Sedway, Nevin, Price, Porter, Kerns, Tebbs, Wisdom, Brookman, Callister, Spinello, Carpenter, Gaston, Freeman, Getto and Marvel.



SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging the Bureau of Land Management to allow direct, public comment on the draft report regarding the designation of certain federal land as wilderness. Senate Joint Resolution No. 10–Committee on Natural Resources.



SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging Congress to enact legislation prohibiting the federal reservation of water rights within wilderness areas. Senate Joint Resolution No. 9–Committee on Natural Resources.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Designating April 7, 1987, as Junior League Day in Nevada. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 32–Assemblymen Dini, Myrna Williams, Adler, Arberry, Banner, Bergevin, Brookman, Callister, Carpenter, Craddock, DuBois, Evans, Fay, Freeman, Garner, Gaston, Getto, Haller, Humke, Jeffrey, Kerns, Kissam, Lambert, McGaughey, Marvel, May, Nevin, Nicholas, Porter, Price, Sader, Schofield, Sedway, Spinello, Spriggs, Swain, Tebbs, Thomas, Thompson, Triggs, Wendell Williams and Wisdom.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late former Assemblyman Jack Fogliani. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 33–Assemblymen Banner, Dini, Carpenter, Getto, Freeman, Gaston, Jeffrey, Humke, Adler, Haller, Myrna Williams, Garner, Thomas, Swain, Thompson, Sader, Price, Arberry, Schofield, Triggs, Sedway, Nevin, Kissam, Tebbs, Nicholas, Callister, Brookman, Kerns, Fay, Wisdom, Craddock, Lambert, Bergevin, Marvel, May, Evans, McGaughey, Spinello, Porter, Wendell Williams, Spriggs and DuBois.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Designating the week of June 22, 1987, as Imperial Shrine Week in Nevada. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 34–Assemblymen Dini, Marvel, Schofield, Tebbs, Nicholas, Fay, Callister, Brookman, Myrna Williams, Porter, Spinello, Price, May, DuBois, Nevin, Evans, McGaughey, Thomas, Gaston, Garner, Bergevin, Thompson, Kerns, Sedway, Jeffrey, Carpenter, Freeman, Adler, Banner, Humke, Spriggs, Wendell Williams, Lambert, Triggs, Arberry, Wisdom, Getto, Haller, Swain, Craddock, Kissam and Sader.



ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Providing for the appointment of additional attaches. Assembly Resolution No. 8–Committee on Legislative Functions.



ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging Congress and the Secretary of Transportation of the United States to support the establishment of a motor carrier administration. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 10–Assemblymen Nevin, Dini, Thompson, Kerns, May, Carpenter, Myrna Williams, Brookman, Fay, Thomas, Nicholas, Wisdom, Garner, Freeman, Gaston, Haller, McGaughey, Kissam, Lambert, DuBois, Porter, Sader, Bergevin, Adler, Triggs, Wendell Williams, Jeffrey, Arberry, Tebbs, Spinello, Callister, Sedway, Marvel, Getto, Price, Craddock, Humke, Evans, Spriggs and Schofield.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing Leo K. Johnson. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 35–Assemblymen Dini, Adler, Arberry, Banner, Bergevin, Brookman, Callister, Carpenter, Craddock, DuBois, Evans, Fay, Freeman, Garner, Gaston, Getto, Haller, Humke, Jeffrey, Kerns, Kissam, Lambert, McGaughey, Marvel, May, Nevin, Nicholas, Porter, Price, Sader, Schofield, Sedway, Spinello, Spriggs, Swain, Tebbs, Thomas, Thompson, Triggs, Myrna Williams, Wendell Williams and Wisdom.



SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging Congress to support and cooperate with the efforts of the state to acquire gradually its fair share of federal land. Senate Joint Resolution No. 8–Committee on Natural Resources.



ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Requesting Congress to continue to appropriate money under the Santini-Burton Act for the purchase of environmentally sensitive land in the Lake Tahoe Basin. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 18–Committee on Government Affairs.



ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Requesting the United States Forest Service within the Department of Agriculture to include in its determination of fair market value the potential for development of land in the Lake Tahoe Basin. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 17–Committee on Government Affairs.



ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging Congress to enact legislation to transfer any unclaimed property of a resident of one of the several states back to the state of his last residence. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 29–Committee on Ways and Means.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late author, Grace Dangberg. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 18–Senators Jacobsen, Beyer, Coffin, Hickey, Horn, Joerg, Jones, Malone, Neal, O’Connell, O’Donnell, Raggio, Rawson, Townsend and Wagner.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending members of Kiwanis clubs and designating April 16, 1987, as Kiwanis Day in Nevada. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 37–Assemblymen Thomas, Dini, Adler, Arberry, Banner, Bergevin, Brookman, Callister, Carpenter, Craddock, DuBois, Evans, Fay, Freeman, Garner, Gaston, Getto, Haller, Humke, Jeffrey, Kerns, Kissam, Lambert, McGaughey, Marvel, May, Nevin, Nicholas, Porter, Price, Sader, Schofield, Sedway, Spinello, Spriggs, Swain, Tebbs, Thompson, Triggs, Myrna Williams, Wendell Williams and Wisdom.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending the Runnin’ Rebels of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and their coaches for an outstanding basketball season. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 20–Senators O’Connell, Rawson, O’Donnell, Malone, Redelsperger, Gibson, Jones, Townsend, Wagner, Jacobsen, Raggio, Neal, Mello, Hickey, Horn, Vergiels, Rhoads, Shaffer, Coffin, Joerg and Beyer.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Assemblyman Roy Young. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 21–Senators Rhoads, Gibson, Horn, Jacobsen, Mello, Neal, Raggio, Vergiels and Wagner.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing former legislator Warren L. “Snowy” Monroe. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 38–Assemblymen Carpenter, Dini, Brookman, Getto, Myrna Williams, Porter, Nicholas, Kissam, Fay, Banner, Adler, Garner, Gaston, Freeman, Wendell Williams, Spinello, Wisdom, Kerns, Marvel, Nevin, Jeffrey, Bergevin, Schofield, DuBois, Swain, Arberry, McGaughey, Evans, Spriggs, Humke, Lambert, Triggs, Haller, Thompson, Callister, Price, Thomas, Tebbs, Sader, Craddock, Sedway and May.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Authorizing expenditure from the legislative fund for the payment of a speaker to appear before a standing committee of the Assembly during the 64th session of the legislature. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 41–Assemblyman Price.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing lifelong resident and former Senator Kenneth F. Johnson. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 23–Senators Raggio, Jacobsen, Rawson, Gibson, Neal, Wagner, Mello, Hickey, Horn, Townsend, Vergiels, Rhoads, Redelsperger, O’Connell, Shaffer, Malone, Beyer, Coffin, Joerg, O’Donnell and Jones.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending Richard F. “Chick” Perkins for his work with the Lost City Museum. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 44–Assemblymen Thompson, Jeffrey, Nevin, Porter, Kerns, Wisdom, Spinello, Myrna Williams, Freeman, Gaston, Carpenter, Banner, Getto, Schofield, Swain, Arberry, Evans, Spriggs, Garner, Humke, Wendell Williams, Nicholas, McGaughey, Thomas, DuBois, Bergevin, Adler, Kissam, Lambert, Craddock, Haller, Triggs, Sedway, May, Price, Fay, Tebbs, Brookman, Callister and Marvel.



ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Providing for the appointment of an additional attache. Assembly Resolution No. 9–Committee on Legislative Functions.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending volunteers in Nevada. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 45–Assemblymen Dini, Getto, Lambert, Bergevin, Freeman, Adler, Price, Evans, Nevin, Thompson, Kissam, Callister, Gaston, Garner, Kerns, Brookman, Fay, Wisdom, Banner, Nicholas, DuBois, Myrna Williams, Spriggs, Porter, McGaughey, Haller, Wendell Williams, Triggs, Jeffrey, May, Swain, Carpenter, Spinello, Marvel, Sedway, Tebbs, Arberry, Craddock, Sader, Schofield, Humke and Thomas.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending former Governor Charles H. Russell. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 24–Senators Raggio, Jacobsen, Rawson, Gibson, Neal, Wagner, Mello, Hickey, Horn, Townsend, Vergiels, Rhoads, Redelsperger, O’Connell, Shaffer, Malone, Beyer, Coffin, Joerg, O’Donnell and Jones.



SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing amendments to article 6 of the constitution of the State of Nevada to require selection of judges initially by merit and retention by election. Senate Joint Resolution No. 17 of the 63rd Session–Senators Raggio, Ryan, Townsend, Vergiels, Wagner, Robinson, Jacobsen, O’Connell, Rawson, Neal, Gibson, Shaffer and Mello.



SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging Congress to investigate the designation and control of military airspace and enact legislation to enhance public participation in the process of establishing classifications of airspace and restrictions on its use. Senate Joint Resolution No. 6–Committee on Natural Resources.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Expressing appreciation to the Union Pacific Railroad for its gift to Nevada of track near Boulder City. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 52–Assemblymen Jeffrey, Price, Thompson, May, Sedway, Sader, Adler, Kissam, Lambert, Craddock, Haller, Triggs, Humke, Wendell Williams, Nicholas, McGaughey, Thomas, DuBois, Bergevin, Schofield, Swain, Arberry, Evans, Spriggs and Garner.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Honoring the Mexican holiday, Cinco de Mayo. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 53–Assemblymen Schofield, Dini, Jeffrey, Nevin, Bergevin, Sader, DuBois, Marvel, Spinello, Banner, Wisdom, Brookman, Tebbs, May, Lambert, Humke, McGaughey, Kissam, Garner, Myrna Williams, Getto, Kerns, Thompson, Swain, Arberry, Craddock, Price, Callister, Gaston, Porter, Adler, Nicholas, Fay, Carpenter, Wendell Williams, Haller, Freeman, Triggs, Spriggs, Thomas, Sedway and Evans.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending the Nevada Foundation of Women’s Clubs and supporting the establishment of a Bill of Rights for children. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 50–Committee on Judiciary.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Anna E. Dressler. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 54–Assemblymen Getto, Dini, Bergevin, Garner, Spriggs, Evans, Arberry, Schofield, Swain, Banner, Carpenter, Gaston, Myrna Williams, Marvel, Spinello, Brookman, Callister, Wisdom, Tebbs, Porter, Fay, Price, Nevin, May, Jeffrey, Sader, DuBois, Adler, Thomas, Kissam, Thompson, McGaughey, Lambert, Nicholas, Haller, Craddock, Wendell Williams, Triggs, Humke, Sedway, Freeman and Kerns.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Declaring August 13, 1987, as Senior Citizens’ Day in Nevada. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 27–Senators Hickey, Beyer, Coffin, Gibson, Horn, Jacobsen, Joerg, Jones, Malone, Mello, Neal, O’Connell, O’Donnell, Raggio, Rawson, Redelsperger, Rhoads, Shaffer, Townsend, Vergiels and Wagner.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Honoring disabled veterans. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 30–Senators Shaffer, Beyer, Coffin, Gibson, Hickey, Horn, Jacobsen, Joerg, Jones, Malone, Mello, Neal, O’Connell, O’Donnell, Raggio, Rawson, Redelsperger, Rhoads, Townsend, Vergiels and Wagner.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Supporting the recommendations of the United Community Task Force concerning the abuse of substances by adolescents. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 5–Senators Rawson, Jacobsen, Malone, O’Connell, Redelsperger and Townsend.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing Lt. Cmdr. Richard Perry. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 31–Senators Beyer, Rhoads, Coffin, Gibson, Hickey, Horn, Jacobsen, Joerg, Jones, Malone, Mello, Neal, O’Connell, O’Donnell, Raggio, Rawson, Redelsperger, Shaffer, Townsend, Vergiels and Wagner.



ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Amending Assembly Standing Rule 40 to enlarge the membership of certain standing committees. Assembly Resolution No. 10–Assemblymen Dini and Jeffrey.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Approving the execution of a lease of certain state land to the Carson City Chamber of Commerce. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 29–Committee on Government Affairs.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late former Senator James Slattery. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 32–Senators Raggio, Jacobsen, Rawson, Gibson, Neal, Wagner, Mello, Hickey, Horn, Townsend, Vergiels, Rhoads, Redelsperger, O’Connell, Shaffer, Malone, Beyer, Coffin, Joerg, O’Donnell and Jones.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late former Assemblyman Chuck Bourne. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 33–Senators Raggio, Jacobsen, Rawson, Gibson, Neal, Wagner, Mello, Hickey, Horn, Townsend, Vergiels, Rhoads, Redelsperger, O’Connell, Shaffer, Malone, Beyer, Coffin, Joerg, O’Donnell and Jones.



ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Requiring the citation of Atlantic Richfield Company and Paul Richmond to show cause why they should not be punished for contempt. Assembly Resolution No. 11–Assemblymen Callister, McGaughey.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Designating September 17, 1987, as Constitution Day. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 21–Assemblymen DuBois, Thomas, Triggs, Humke, Haller, Lambert, Craddock, Kissam, Bergevin, Sedway, Nevin, Porter, Kerns, May, Fay, Wisdom, Myrna Williams, Spinello, Marvel, Price, Gaston, Freeman, Carpenter, Banner, Garner, Getto, Arberry, Wendell Williams, Evans, Spriggs, Nicholas, Thompson, Swain, Sader, Adler, Callister, Brookman, Tebbs and Schofield.



ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Providing for the appointment of an additional attache. Assembly Resolution No. 12–Committee on Legislative Functions.



ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Suspending Assembly Standing Rule 11 for certain meetings of the Assembly Standing Committee on Commerce. Assembly Resolution No. 13–Assemblymen Callister, McGaughey and Fay.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Urging all cities and counties to establish or expand the 911 emergency telephone system. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 17–Senators Wagner, Townsend, Beyer, Coffin, Hickey, Horn, Jacobsen, Joerg, Jones, Malone, Mello, Neal, O’Connell, O’Donnell, Raggio, Rawson, Redelsperger, Rhoads, Shaffer and Vergiels.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending and supporting the Nevada Jaycees. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 35–Senators Townsend, Beyer, Coffin, Gibson, Hickey, Horn, Jacobsen, Joerg, Jones, Malone, Mello, Neal, O’Connell, O’Donnell, Raggio, Rawson, Redelsperger, Rhoads, Shaffer, Vergiels and Wagner.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 36–Senators Wagner, Townsend, Beyer, Coffin, Gibson, Hickey, Horn, Jacobsen, Neal, O’Donnell, Raggio, Rawson, Redelsperger, Rhoads, Shaffer and Vergiels.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the Nevada Agency for Nuclear Projects to study the regulation of the transportation of high-level nuclear waste and develop a plan addressing the issues related thereto. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 8–Committee on Natural Resources, Agriculture and Mining.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Endorsing and expressing appreciation to agencies and volunteers who help adults learn to read. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 38–Senators Wagner, Raggio, Jacobsen, Rawson, Gibson, Neal, Mello, Hickey, Horn, Townsend, Vergiels, Rhoads, Redelsperger, O’Connell, Shaffer, Malone, Beyer, Coffin, Joerg, O’Donnell and Jones.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Angelo Codella. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 39–Senators Vergiels, Hickey, Beyer, Coffin, Gibson, Horn, Jacobsen, Joerg, Jones, Malone, Mello, Neal, O’Connell, O’Donnell, Raggio, Rawson, Redelsperger, Rhoads, Shaffer, Townsend and Wagner.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing a distinguished Nevadan, the late Wallie Warren. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 62–Assemblymen Kerns, Schofield, Brookman, Wisdom, Porter, Spinello, Tebbs, Fay, Myrna Williams, Marvel, Callister, Banner, Getto, Jeffrey, Price, May, Sedway, Nevin, Freeman, Gaston, Craddock, Swain, McGaughey, Garner, Bergevin, Nicholas, Lambert, Haller, Wendell Williams, DuBois, Arberry, Thompson, Kissam, Humke, Adler, Triggs, Spriggs, Sader, Carpenter, Evans, Thomas and Dini.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Gene L. Scarselli. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 42–Senators Jacobsen, Raggio, Rawson, Gibson, Neal, Wagner, Mello, Hickey, Horn, Townsend, Vergiels, Rhoads, Redelsperger, O’Connell, Shaffer, Malone, Beyer, Coffin, Joerg, O’Donnell and Jones.



ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging the Congress of the United States to require an agreement for the notification of the State of Nevada of the intended entry of hazardous materials into this state. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 5–Assemblymen Schofield and Dini.



ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging the President to support and Congress to consummate the exchange of certain public land in Nevada for private land owned by Aerojet-General Corporation. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 21–Assemblymen Schofield, Dini, Jeffrey, Price, Spriggs and Callister.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing all state agencies to cooperate with efforts to develop the Lagoon at Laughlin. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 48–Assemblymen Jeffrey, Schofield, Tebbs, Triggs, Porter, Gaston, Arberry, Garner, Callister, Wendell Williams, Thompson, Brookman, Fay, Myrna Williams, McGaughey, Nicholas, Lambert, Getto, Craddock, Bergevin, Adler, Marvel, Kerns, DuBois, Nevin, Thomas, Wisdom, Dini, Freeman, Spriggs, Banner, Carpenter, Spinello, Sedway, Sader, Kissam, Haller, Humke, Evans and Price.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending the persons who are continuing the tradition of the Pony Express. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 63–Assemblymen Wisdom, Freeman, Kerns, Thomas, Tebbs, Lambert, Kissam, Thompson, Nevin, Arberry, Brookman, Garner, Bergevin, Myrna Williams, Spinello, McGaughey, Fay, Dini, Marvel, Evans, Callister, Jeffrey, Adler, Getto, Swain, DuBois, Humke, Spriggs, Haller, Wendell Williams, Carpenter, Porter, May, Nicholas, Schofield, Triggs, Sader, Gaston and Price.



SENATE RESOLUTION–Urging the instruction of teachers and pupils in the recognition and reporting of abused or neglected children. Senate Resolution No. 7–Senator Malone.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing Henry “Hank” Gardner, former employee of the Nevada Legislature. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 64–Assemblymen Dini, Getto, Freeman, Brookman, Gaston, Carpenter, Banner, Porter, Kerns, Wisdom, Spinello, Craddock, Myrna Williams, Marvel, Callister, Tebbs, Fay, Price, May, Sedway, Jeffrey, Garner, Spriggs, Evans, Swain, Schofield, Arberry, Humke, Wendell Williams, Nicholas, McGaughey, Thomas, Haller, Lambert, Triggs, Kissam, Adler, Thompson, DuBois, Bergevin, Sader and Nevin.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Requiring the Public Employees’ Retirement Board to conduct an interim study of individual early retirement programs. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 22–Committee on Finance.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the Department of Transportation to proceed as quickly as possible in the construction of a full interchange at the intersection of Interstate 15 and Spring Mountain Road in Clark County. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 19–Senators O’Donnell, Coffin, O’Connell and Vergiels.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing Nevada’s Department of Transportation to carry out the Surface Transportation and Uniform Relocation Act of 1987. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 26–Senator Jacobsen.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending Ella Savitt on her service to the people of the State of Nevada through her generous contributions to the University of Nevada, Reno. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 66–Assemblymen Evans, Adler, Arberry, Bergevin, Brookman, Callister, Carpenter, Craddock, Dini, DuBois, Fay, Freeman, Garner, Gaston, Getto, Haller, Humke, Jeffrey, Kerns, Kissam, Lambert, McGaughey, Marvel, May, Nevin, Nicholas, Porter, Price, Sader, Schofield, Sedway, Spinello, Spriggs, Swain, Tebbs, Thomas, Thompson, Triggs, Myrna Williams, Wendell Williams and Wisdom.



ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing to amend section 3 of article 9 of the constitution of the State of Nevada to raise the limit of indebtedness which the state may incur to 2 percent of assessed valuation. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 34–Committee on Taxation.



SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging the Congress of the United States to enact legislation authorizing enterprise zones. Senate Joint Resolution No. 18–Committee on Taxation.



SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging Congress to pass H.R. 1891 authorizing the states to collect sales and use taxes on interstate sales. Senate Joint Resolution No. 20–Committee on Taxation.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Marcus Joy “M.J.” Christensen. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 69–Assemblymen Callister, Schofield, Freeman, Gaston, Carpenter, Banner, Getto, Swain, Arberry, Evans, Spriggs, Garner, Humke, Wendell Williams, Nicholas, McGaughey, Thomas, DuBois, Bergevin, Jeffrey, Nevin, Porter, Kerns, Wisdom, Spinello, Myrna Williams, Marvel, Brookman, Tebbs, Fay, Price, May, Sedway, Sader, Thompson, Adler, Kissam, Lambert, Craddock, Haller, Triggs and Dini.



ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Providing for the appointment of additional attaches. Assembly Resolution No. 14–Committee on Legislative Functions.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Congratulating Harrah’s for 50 years of contributions to Nevada. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 43–Senators Raggio, Jacobsen, Rawson, Gibson, Neal, Wagner, Mello, Hickey, Horn, Townsend, Vergiels, Rhoads, Redelsperger, O’Connell, Shaffer, Malone, Beyer, Coffin, Joerg, O’Donnell and Jones.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Expressing appreciation to those students from the Western Nevada Community College who served as legislative interns for the 64th Session of the Legislature. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 71–Assemblymen Wisdom, Adler, Myrna Williams, Carpenter, Freeman, Getto, Bergevin, Nicholas, DuBois, Thomas, Humke, Wendell Williams, Triggs, Haller, Evans, Lambert, Sader, Swain, Spriggs, Arberry, Garner, Banner, Jeffrey, Nevin, Porter, McGaughey, Tebbs, Kissam, Gaston, Dini, Marvel, Kerns, Brookman, Spinello, Fay, Craddock, May, Sedway, Schofield, Price, Thompson and Callister.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Providing for the compensation of the clergy for services rendered to the Assembly and Senate in the 64th Session of the Nevada Legislature. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 72–Committee on Legislative Functions.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Expressing support for the efforts of The Biggest Little City in the World Committee. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 46–Senators Raggio, Wagner, Townsend and Beyer.



ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging Congress to continue to support financially the Nevada Test Site. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 23–Assemblymen DuBois, Tebbs and McGaughey.



ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging the Congress of the United States to establish strict standards for training drivers who transport hazardous materials and for tracking shipments of hazardous materials. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 3–Assemblymen Schofield and Dini.



ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging Congress to support Nevada’s right to judicial review as an essential element of Nevada’s responsibilities under the Nuclear Waste Policy Act. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 16–Committee on Natural Resources, Agriculture and Mining.



SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging the President and Congress of the United States to establish a student exchange program with the Soviet Union. Senate Joint Resolution No. 15–Senator Beyer.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the Legislative Commission to complete its interim studies by a certain date. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 28–Committee on Legislative Affairs and Operations.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late pioneer in gaming, Harvey Gross. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 47–Senators Jacobsen, Raggio, Rawson, Gibson, Neal, Wagner, Mello, Hickey, Horn, Townsend, Vergiels, Rhoads, Redelsperger, O’Connell, Shaffer, Malone, Beyer, Coffin, Joerg, O’Donnell and Jones.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending the Superintendent and the staff of the State Printing and Micrographics Division of the Department of General Services for their services this session. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 73–Assemblymen Dini, Adler, Arberry, Banner, Bergevin, Brookman, Callister, Carpenter, Craddock, Dubois, Evans, Fay, Freeman, Garner, Gaston, Getto, Haller, Humke, Jeffrey, Kerns, Kissam, Lambert, McGaughey, Marvel, May, Nevin, Nicholas, Porter, Price, Sader, Schofield, Sedway, Spinello, Spriggs, Swain, Tebbs, Thomas, Thompson, Triggs, Myrna Williams, Wendell Williams and Wisdom.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late William E. Berning. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 49–Senators Jacobsen, Raggio, Rawson, Gibson, Neal, Wagner, Mello, Hickey, Horn, Townsend, Vergiels, Rhoads, Redelsperger, O’Connell, Shaffer, Malone, Beyer, Coffin, Joerg, O’Donnell and Jones.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Honoring the survivors and those who died during the attack on Pearl Harbor. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 50–Senators O’Donnell, Raggio, Jacobsen, Rawson, Gibson, Neal, Wagner, Mello, Hickey, Horn, Townsend, Vergiels, Rhoads, Redelsperger, O’Connell, Shaffer, Malone, Beyer, Coffin, Joerg and Jones.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Urging the Clark County School District to conduct a study of 6th grade centers. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 49–Assemblymen Arberry and Wendell Williams.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Encouraging the purchase and sale of local agricultural products. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 60–Assemblymen Schofield, Dini, Getto, Spriggs, Price, Jeffrey, Bergevin, Swain, Arberry, Evans, Garner, Humke, Wendell Williams, Nicholas, McGaughey, Thomas, DuBois, Thompson, Adler, Kissam, Lambert, Craddock, Haller, Triggs, Tebbs and Gaston.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Urging the board of directors of the Carson Water Subconservancy District to conduct a study of the upstream storage of water on the upper Carson River System and the proposed Comstock Dam. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 70–Committee on Government Affairs.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing Jim Frank, Carson City teacher. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 75–Assemblymen Adler, Haller, Bergevin, Myrna Williams, Spriggs, Gaston, Kissam, Spinello, May, Triggs, Dini, Freeman, Getto, Porter, Banner, Thompson, Kerns, Evans, Brookman, McGaughey, Nevin, Wisdom, Nicholas, Garner, DuBois, Carpenter, Sader, Swain, Thomas, Humke, Craddock, Wendell Williams, Arberry, Lambert, Price, Schofield, Fay, Callister, Marvel, Sedway, Jeffrey and Tebbs.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending the members of the Nevada National Guard for their exemplary record and enthusiastically wishing them a Happy 125th Birthday. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 76–Assemblymen Dini, Adler, Haller, Nevin, Lambert, Wendell Williams, Brookman, Sedway, Arberry, Getto, Bergevin, Sader, Swain, Thomas, Nicholas, Wisdom, Myrna Williams, Marvel, Porter, Carpenter, Kissam, Fay, McGaughey, Tebbs, Banner, Jeffrey, Thompson, Garner, Freeman, DuBois, Spinello, Kerns, Price, May, Callister, Triggs, Schofield, Craddock, Evans, Gaston, Spriggs and Humke.



SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing to amend the Nevada constitution to establish a tax on the net proceeds of minerals extracted at rates separate from the tax on property. Senate Joint Resolution No. 22–Committee on Taxation.



SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing to amend section 6 of article 6 of the constitution of the State of Nevada to authorize the establishment of a family court. Senate Joint Resolution No. 24–Committee on Judiciary.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the Department of Transportation to erect a sign on Interstate Highway 15 at the junction of U.S. 93 announcing the “Great Basin National Park.” Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 29–Committee on Transportation.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing Sister Mary Seraphine. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 51–Senators Raggio, Jacobsen, Rawson, Gibson, Neal, Wagner, Mello, Hickey, Horn, Townsend, Vergiels, Rhoads, Redelsperger, O’Connell, Shaffer, Malone, Beyer, Coffin, Joerg, O’Donnell and Jones.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Congratulating John “Pop” Etchemendy on his 100th birthday. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 52–Senators Jacobsen, Raggio, Rawson, Gibson, Neal, Wagner, Mello, Hickey, Horn, Townsend, Vergiels, Rhoads, Redelsperger, O’Connell, Shaffer, Malone, Beyer, Coffin, Joerg, O’Donnell and Jones.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Urging Mt. Wheeler Power, Inc., to conduct an independent management audit and independent study of its costs in providing services and its rates and temporarily reduce its rates for certain classes of members. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 74–Committee on Government Affairs.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the Legislative Commission to study the provision and funding of special educational programs for handicapped minors and the payment of the costs for the education of certain children in medical facilities. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 3–Senators Beyer and Horn.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Urging the Welfare Division of the Department of Human Resources to determine aid for handicapped persons on a case-by-case basis. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 14–Senators O’Donnell, Rawson, Beyer, Coffin, Gibson, Hickey, Horn, Jacobsen, Joerg, Jones, Malone, Mello, Neal, O’Connell, Raggio, Redelsperger, Rhoads, Shaffer, Townsend, Vergiels and Wagner.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the Legislative Commission to conduct an interim study on public elementary and secondary education in this state. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 40–Senator O’Connell.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the Legislative Commission to conduct an interim study concerning the basing of public utilities’ rates upon anticipated revenues and expenses. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 44–Committee on Legislative Affairs and Operations.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the Legislative Commission to conduct an interim study of franchises. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 45–Committee on Commerce and Labor.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing Richard Rundle and commending him for his act of heroism in saving his friend’s life. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 53–Senators O’Donnell, Raggio, Jacobsen, Rawson, Gibson, Neal, Wagner, Mello, Hickey, Horn, Townsend, Vergiels, Rhoads, Redelsperger, O’Connell, Shaffer, Malone, Beyer, Coffin, Joerg and Jones.



ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing to amend section 9 of article 8 of the Nevada constitution to expand the provisions authorizing the state to lend its money and credit. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 26–Committee on Economic Development, Small Business and Tourism.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the director of the Department of General Services to conduct an interim study relating to telecommunications in Nevada. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 68–Committee on Education.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the Legislative Commission to continue to review the activities of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 16–Committee on Natural Resources.



SENATE RESOLUTION–Directing the board of dental examiners of Nevada to investigate methods of providing affordable oral health care for older persons. Senate Resolution No. 8–Committee on Commerce and Labor.



ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Ceremonially ratifying the 26th amendment to the United States Constitution. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 42–Assemblymen Price, Dini, Fay, May, Tebbs, Brookman, Marvel, Myrna Williams, Spinello, Wisdom, Kerns, Adler, Arberry, Banner, Bergevin, Craddock, DuBois, Evans, Garner, Haller, Kissam, Lambert, McGaughey, Sader, Spriggs, Swain, Thompson, Triggs, Carpenter, Freeman, Getto, Humke, Nevin, Nicholas, Sedway, Wendell Williams, Gaston, Callister and Thomas.



SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing to amend the Nevada Constitution to allow the separate assessment and taxation of facilities for the storage or disposal of high-level radioactive waste and the property on which they are located. Senate Joint Resolution No. 21–Senators Redelsperger, Gibson and Hickey.



SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Encouraging the county school districts and State Board of Education to include a course in family life as part of the basic curriculum for high school. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 48–Committee on Human Resources and Facilities.



SENATE RESOLUTION–Designating certain senators as members of the legislative commission and providing for the method of selecting alternate members. Senate Resolution No. 9–Senators Raggio and Gibson.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the Legislative Commission to conduct an interim study of the laws relating to the financing of public facilities and public works which accompany residential, commercial and industrial development in this state. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 18–Assemblymen Myrna Williams, Wisdom, Getto, Dini, Lambert, Banner, Thomas, Thompson, Adler, Garner, Nevin, Fay, Haller, Kerns, Porter, Brookman, Freeman, Evans, Bergevin, DuBois, Arberry, Kissam, Craddock, Triggs, Humke, McGaughey, Nicholas and Sader.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the Legislative Commission to conduct an interim study of the availability of low-income housing. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 24–Assemblymen Myrna Williams, Wisdom, Banner, Carpenter, Brookman, McGaughey, Nicholas, Thomas, May, Dini, Spriggs, Haller, Humke, Nevin, Porter, Getto, Arberry, Tebbs, Callister, Evans, Freeman, Thompson, Swain, Garner, Sedway, Bergevin, DuBois, Adler, Kissam, Lambert, Craddock, Triggs, Spinello, Sader, Fay and Gaston.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the Legislative Commission to conduct an interim study of the preservation of Nevada’s cultural resources. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 36–Committee on Legislative Functions.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the Legislative Commission to conduct an interim study of the fiscal effects upon counties of the incorporation of cities under general law. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 47–Assemblymen Thompson, Bergevin, Garner, McGaughey, Freeman, Brookman, Kerns, Lambert, May, Adler, Banner, Craddock and Nevin.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the Legislative Commission to conduct an interim study of the relationship between premiums and the actual cost to provide insurance. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 55–Committee on Legislative Functions.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the Legislative Commission to conduct an interim study of the Mental Hygiene and Mental Retardation Division of the Department of Human Resources. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 59–Assemblymen Spinello, Schofield, Marvel, Swain and Tebbs.



ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Designating certain assemblymen as regular and alternate members of the legislative commission. Assembly Resolution No. 15–Assemblymen Dini and Bergevin.



ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing to amend the constitution of the State of Nevada to permit the operation of lotteries under certain circumstances. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 1–Assemblymen Haller, Nevin and Freeman.



ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Commending attaches of Assembly for their dedication and hard work. Assembly Resolution No. 16–Assemblymen Myrna Williams, Dini, Adler, Arberry, Banner, Bergevin, Brookman, Callister, Carpenter, Craddock, DuBois, Evans, Fay, Freeman, Garner, Gaston, Getto, Haller, Humke, Jeffrey, Kerns, Kissam, Lambert, McGaughey, Marvel, May, Nevin, Nicholas, Porter, Price, Sader, Schofield, Sedway, Spinello, Spriggs, Swain, Tebbs, Thomas, Thompson, Triggs, Wendell Williams, and Wisdom.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Urging the division of Environmental Protection of the State Department of Conservation and Natural Resources to expedite the review of the program for the development in Lincoln County of a facility for the thermal destruction of hazardous waste. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 77–Committee on Natural Resources, Agriculture and Mining.



SENATE RESOLUTION–Commending the attaches of the Senate for their dedicated service during the 64th session of the Legislature. Senate Resolution No. 10–Senators Raggio, Jacobsen, Rawson, Gibson, Neal, Wagner, Mello, Hickey, Horn, Townsend, Vergiels, Rhoads, Redelsperger, O’Connell, Shaffer, Malone, Beyer, Coffin, Joerg, O’Donnell and Jones.



ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Instructing the Director of the Legislative Counsel Bureau to grant paid leave to employees of the Legislative Counsel Bureau in recognition of their services to the 64th session of the Nevada Legislature. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 65–Assemblymen Price, Kerns, Fay, May, Thompson, Arberry, DuBois, Swain, Dini, Humke, Thomas, Freeman, Schofield, Nevin, Wisdom, Sedway, Banner, Carpenter, Gaston, Tebbs, Myrna Williams, Porter, Marvel, Callister, Brookman, Bergevin, Sader, Adler, Craddock, Haller, Garner, Spriggs, Wendell Williams, Triggs, Evans, Lambert, Kissam, Nicholas, Getto, Spinello, Jeffrey and McGaughey.



ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging Congress to authorize the states to regulate all gaming on Indian land except bingo and traditional Indian games. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 47–Committee on Government Affairs.



SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging the Congress and the President of the United States to take all measures necessary to mitigate the adverse effects of a facility for the disposal of high-level radioactive waste in this state. Senate Joint Resolution No. 5–Senators Hickey, Gibson, Redelsperger, Mello, Horn, Coffin, Rawson, O’Connell, Joerg, O’Donnell, Beyer, Malone, Townsend, Neal, Vergiels, Shaffer and Raggio.



SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging Congress to oppose the deactivation of the 474th Tactical Fighter Wing at Nellis Air Force Base. Senate Joint Resolution No. 19–Committee on Natural Resources.