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ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Adopting Assembly Standing Rules for the 61st session of the legislature. Assembly Resolution No. 1–Assemblyman Barengo. |
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ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Provides for the appointment of assembly attaches. Assembly Resolution No. 2–Committee on Legislative Functions. |
3 |
ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Providing allowances to members of the assembly and chairmen of standing committees for periodicals, stamps, stationery and communications. Assembly Resolution No. 3–Committee on Legislative Function. |
4 |
ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Della Larson Schofield. Assembly Resolution No. 4–Committee on Legislative Function. |
5 |
SENATE RESOLUTION–Providing allowances to members of the senate and chairmen of standing committees for periodicals, stamps, stationery and communications. Senate Resolution No. 2–Senators Echols, Close, Ford, Gibson, Wilson and Wagner. |
6 |
SENATE RESOLUTION–Providing for the appointment of attaches. Senate Resolution No. 3–Senators Echols, Close, Ford, Gibson, Wilson and Wagner. |
7 |
SENATE RESOLUTION–Adopting Senate Standing Rules for the 61st session of the legislature. Senate Resolution No. 1–Senator Gibson. |
8 |
ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Amending Standing Rule 40 to change the name of a standing committee. Assembly Resolution No. 5–Assemblyman Barengo. |
9 |
ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Providing for the appointment of an additional assembly attache. Assembly Resolution No. 6–Committee on Legislative Functions. |
10 |
SENATE RESOLUTION–Providing for the referral of all bills concerning the reduction or reform of taxes to the Senate Committee on Taxation. Senate Resolution No. 4–Senator Gibson. |
11 |
SENATE RESOLUTION–Amending the designation of certain senators as regular and alternate members of the legislative commission. Senate Resolution No. 5–Senator Raggio. |
12 |
ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Supporting the creation of a foreign trade zone to encourage industry in Clark County. Assembly Resolution No. 7–Assemblymen Chaney, Bennett, Glover, Stewart, Rusk, Thompson, Foley, Brady, Vergiels, Horn, May, Westall, Hickey, Bergevin, Kovacs, Malone, Polish, Marvel, Cafferata, Nicholas, Mello, DuBois, Craddock, Sader, Rackley, Rhoads, Prengaman, Hayes, Beyer, Schofield, Jeffrey, Redelsperger, Ham, Banner, Bremner, Coulter, Robinson, Price, Dini and Barengo. |
13 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Congratulating the American hostages on their release from Iran. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 11–Assemblymen Barengo, Hayes, Vergiels, Schofield, Brady, Rusk, Prengaman, Polish, Rackley, Foley, Coulter, Rhoads, Jeffrey, Ham, DuBois, Bennett, Beyer, Craddock, Glover, Redelsperger, Sader, Thompson, Chaney, Dini, Horn, Westall, Nicholas, Price, Hickey, Malone, Cafferata, Bergevin, Marvel, Kovacs, Bremner, Robinson, May, Mello, Stewart and Banner. |
14 |
ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Congratulating the new President and Vice President of the United States on their inauguration. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 11–Assemblymen Barengo, Hayes, Rusk, Vergiels, Brady, Banner, Coulter, Bennett, Rackley, Ham, Chaney, Prengaman, Beyer, DuBois, Jeffrey, Redelsperger, Schofield, Horn, May, Hickey, Polish, Cafferata, Marvel, Bremner, Westall, Kovacs, Price, Dini, Foley, Thompson, Rhoads, Craddock, Malone, Mello, Nicholas, Stewart, Sader, Robinson, Bergevin and Glover. |
15 |
ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Providing for the appointment of additional assembly attaches. Assembly Resolution No. 8–Committee on Legislative Functions. |
16 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Adding a joint rule designating the committees responsible for legislative apportionment and limiting certain research to requests transmitted by those committees. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 1–Committee on Government Affairs. |
17 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Congratulating Dr. Alessandro Dandini on receiving the first “Outstanding Nevada Inventor Award.” Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 18–Senators McCorkle, Raggio and Bilbray. |
18 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commemorating Nevada Boy Scout Day, February 9, 1981. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 19–Senator Gibson. |
19 |
SENATE RESOLUTION–Providing for the appointment of an additional senate attache. Senate Resolution No. 6–Committee on Legislative Affairs. |
20 |
SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing to amend section 1 of article 10 of the Nevada constitution by permitting an exemption from property tax for the conservation of energy by using nonfossil resources. Senate Joint Resolution No. 19 of the 60th Session–Committee on Taxation. |
21 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending the Max C. Fleischmann Foundation, its trustees and staff for philanthropic activities nationally and in Nevada. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 11–Senators Ford, Don Ashworth, Keith Ashworth, Bilbray, Blakemore, Close, Echols, Faiss, Getto, Gibson, Glaser, Jacobsen, Kosinski, Lamb, McCorkle, Neal, Raggio, Wagner and Wilson. |
22 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the former Clark County Assessor, James Bilbray. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 22–Senators Echols, Don Ashworth, Keith Ashworth, Blakemore, Close, Faiss, Ford, Getto, Gibson, Glaser, Hernstadt, Jacobsen, Kosinski, Lamb, McCorkle, Neal, Raggio, Wagner and Wilson. |
23 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commemorating February 15 through February 21, 1981, as Nevada Land Surveyors’ Week. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 23–Committee on Commerce and Labor. |
24 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Encouraging judges of juvenile courts to appoint youth services commissions pursuant to NRS 422.300. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 10–Committee on Judiciary. |
25 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Authorizing expenditure from the legislative fund to pay certain travel allowances of the members and the staff of standing committees, special committees and subcommittees of the legislature during the 61st session of the legislature. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 17–Committee on Legislative Functions. |
26 |
ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late John A. Connolly, agriculturist. Assembly Resolution No. 9–Assemblymen Dini and Redelsperger. |
27 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending Dr. R. Guild Gray, former assemblyman, for his service to education and for having a school named in his honor. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 20–Assemblyman Stewart. |
28 |
ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Frank L. Cope, Las Vegas resident. Assembly Resolution No. 10–Assemblyman Kovacs. |
29 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Urging officials of Douglas and Washoe counties and Carson City and the state board of equalization to assess property in light of the moratorium in the Tahoe Basin. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 1–Assemblyman Bergevin. |
30 |
ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Requesting all agencies of the United States to apply for water rights pursuant to state law. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 3–Committee on Economic Development and Natural Resources. |
31 |
ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Commending the United States Air Force for applying for water rights pursuant to state law and urging that only unappropriated water be acquired. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 8–Committee on Economic Development and Natural Resources. |
32 |
SENATE RESOLUTION–Congratulating Genevieve Cronin on her 73d birthday. Senate Resolution No. 7–Senators Kosinski, Don Ashworth, Keith Ashworth, Bilbray, Blakemore, Close, Echols, Faiss, Ford, Getto, Gibson, Glaser, Hernstadt, Jacobsen, Lamb, McCorkle, Neal, Raggio, Wagner and Wilson. |
33 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Welcoming author Louis L’Amour to Nevada. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 29–Senators Gibson, Lamb, Raggio and Close. |
34 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending parent-teacher associations and designating March 2, 1981, as Nevada PTA Day. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 30–Senators Getto, Don Ashworth, Keith Ashworth, Bilbray, Blakemore, Close, Echols, Faiss, Ford, Gibson, Glaser, Hernstadt, Jacobsen, Kosinski, Lamb, McCorkle, Neal, Raggio, Wagner and Wilson. |
35 |
SENATE RESOLUTION–Providing for the appointment of an additional senate attache. Senate Resolution No. 8–Committee on Legislative Affairs. |
36 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commemorating the 50th anniversary of legalized gaming in the State of Nevada. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 21–Senators Glaser, Don Ashworth, Keith Ashworth, Bilbray, Blakemore, Close, Echols, Faiss, Ford, Getto, Hernstadt, Jacobsen, Kosinski, McCorkle, Neal, Raggio and Wilson. |
37 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Declaring March 5, 1981, to be Kiwanis Day in the Nevada legislature. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 31–Senators Jacobsen, Don Ashworth, Keith Ashworth, Bilbray, Blakemore, Close, Echols, Faiss, Ford, Getto, Gibson, Glaser, Hernstadt, Kosinski, Lamb, McCorkle, Neal, Raggio, Wagner and Wilson. |
38 |
ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing to amend the constitution of the State of Nevada by conferring a right upon private citizens to keep and bear arms for their defense and security and other lawful purposes. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 6 of the 60th Session–Assemblymen Robinson, Polish, Bremner, Barengo, Banner, Horn, Rhoads, Harmon, Hayes, Sena, Jeffrey, Brady, FitzPatrick, Fielding and Craddock. |
39 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Expressing the support of the legislature for alternate learning programs, counseling of parents and students in the schools, and vocational education. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 13–Assemblymen Stewart, Hayes, Malone, Bennett, Brady and Horn. |
40 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Encouraging communities to develop activities and programs for youth. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 14–Assemblymen Stewart, Hayes, Malone, Bennett, Brady and Horn. |
41 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Authorizing expenditure from the legislative fund for travel allowances and per diem expense allowances to leaders of the senate and the assembly to attend the Legislative Leaders’ Seminar of the National Conference of State Legislatures in Washington, D.C. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 33–Senator Gibson. |
42 |
ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging the Congress of the United States to ratify the California-Nevada Interstate Compact. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 6–Committee on Economic Development and Natural Resources. |
43 |
SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing to amend section 14 of article 5 of the constitution of the State of Nevada to permit the legislature to authorize courts inferior to the district courts to defer the imposition of sentences and to suspend sentences. Senate Joint Resolution No. 18 of the 60th Session–Committee on Judiciary. |
44 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Encouraging judges, district attorneys, sheriffs and chiefs of police to enforce criminal laws in cases in which the offender is a juvenile. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 12–Assemblymen Stewart, Hayes, Malone, Bennett, Brady and Horn. |
45 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the youth services division of the department of human resources to use advertising and news media to increase the public awareness of the problems among youth relating to juvenile crime and abuse of drugs and alcohol. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 15–Assemblymen Stewart, Hayes, Malone, Bennett, Brady and Horn. |
46 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Urging judges of the courts of Nevada to impose suitable penalties for violations of traffic laws. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 16–Assemblymen Price, Barengo, Westall, Polish and Bremner. |
47 |
ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Arthur S. Pryor, former Sparks city councilman. Assembly Resolution No. 11–Assemblymen Mello, Westall and Sader. |
48 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Nancy Gomes, former Assemblyman. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 34–Senators Wagner, Raggio, Wilson, Kosinski, McCorkle, Neal, Don Ashworth, Keith Ashworth, Bilbray, Blakemore, Close, Echols, Faiss, Ford, Getto, Gibson, Glaser, Hernstadt, Jacobsen and Lamb. |
49 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Eugene R. Pieretti, deputy fiscal analyst in the legislative counsel bureau. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 35–Senators Jacobsen, Lamb, Gibson, Echols, Glaser, Wilson, McCorkle, Don Ashworth, Keith Ashworth, Bilbray, Blakemore, Close, Faiss, Ford, Getto, Hernstadt, Kosinski, Neal, Raggio and Wagner. |
50 |
ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Requesting the Secretary of the Interior to execute the Washoe Project Contract and to release water from Stampede Reservoir for municipal and industrial uses within the Carson-Truckee Conservancy District. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 4–Committee on Economic Development and Natural Resources. |
51 |
ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Thomas Theron Schofield. Assembly Resolution No. 12–Assemblymen Westall, Banner, Barengo, Bennett, Bergevin, Beyer, Brady, Bremner, Cafferata, Chaney, Coulter, Craddock, Dini, DuBois, Foley, Glover, Ham, Hayes, Hickey, Horn, Jeffrey, Kovacs, Malone, Marvel, May, Mello, Nicholas, Polish, Prengaman, Price, Rackley, Redelsperger, Rhoads, Robinson, Rusk, Sader, Stewart, Thompson and Vergiels. |
52 |
SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing to amend article 10 of the constitution of the State of Nevada, relating to taxation, by adding a new section which exempts food for human consumption from sales and use tax. Senate Joint Resolution No. 3–Senators Getto, Don Ashworth, Keith Ashworth, Bilbray, Blakemore, Close, Echols, Faiss, Ford, Gibson, Glaser, Jacobsen, Kosinski, Lamb, McCorkle, Neal, Raggio, Wagner and Wilson. |
53 |
ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Commemorating Saint Patrick. Assembly Resolution No. 13–Assemblyman Hickey. |
54 |
ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Commending the Sons and Daughters of Erin. Assembly Resolution No. 14–Assemblymen Hickey, Schofield, Kovacs, Robinson, Ham, Rackley, Hayes, Jeffrey, Banner, Prengaman, Horn, Coulter, DuBois, Chaney, Beyer, Redelsperger, Bennett, Brady, Rusk, Vergiels, May, Cafferata, Marvel, Polish, Bremner, Malone, Bergevin, Price, Nicholas, Westall, Mello, Dini, Glover, Stewart, Thompson, Foley, Craddock, Rhoads, Sader and Barengo. |
55 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Expressing the mutual consent of the Senate and Assembly to an adjournment from Wednesday, March 18, to Monday, March 23, 1981. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 37–Senator Gibson. |
56 |
SENATE RESOLUTION–Providing for the appointment of an additional senate attache. Senate Resolution No. 9–Committee on Legislative Affairs. |
57 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Authorizing an augmentation of the amount previously authorized for the construction and equipping of a dairy for the college of agriculture of the University of Nevada, Reno. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 23–Committee on Ways and Means. |
58 |
SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging the Congress of the United States to enact legislation which increases controls on the number of wild horses and burros and which authorizes additional methods of removing the animals from public lands. Senate Joint Resolution No. 9–Senators Glaser, Getto and Blakemore. |
59 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Welcoming and congratulating the members of the Legislative Staff Training Program of Nigeria. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 25–Assemblymen Barengo, Banner, Bennett, Bergevin, Beyer, Brady, Bremner, Cafferata, Chaney, Coulter, Craddock, Dini, DuBois, Foley, Glover, Ham, Hayes, Hickey, Horn, Jeffrey, Kovacs, Malone, Marvel, May, Mello, Nicholas, Polish, Prengaman, Price, Rackley, Redelsperger, Robinson, Rusk, Sader, Schofield, Stewart, Thompson, Vergiels and Westall. |
60 |
ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing to amend section 14 of article 5 of the constitution of the State of Nevada, relating to commutations of sentences, by prohibiting the commutation of a sentence of death or life imprisonment without possibility of parole to a sentence which would allow parole. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 30 of the 60th Session–Committee on Judiciary. |
61 |
ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Providing for the appointment of an additional assembly attache. Assembly Resolution No. 16–Committee on Legislative Functions. |
62 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Robert F. Guinn, civic leader and lobbyist. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 39–Senators Kosinski, Don Ashworth, Keith Ashworth, Bilbray, Blakemore, Close, Echols, Faiss, Ford, Getto, Gibson, Glaser, Hernstadt, Jacobsen, McCorkle, Neal, Raggio, Wagner and Wilson. |
63 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Leroy C. (Roy) Schank, former Assemblyman. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 40–Senators Getto, Gibson, Glaser, Echols, Don Ashworth, Jacobsen, Close, Wilson, Raggio, Keith Ashworth, McCorkle, Hernstadt and Blakemore. |
64 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Recognizing the role of women in politics and declaring Nevada Women in Politics Day. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 41–Senators Ford, Wagner, Don Ashworth, Keith Ashworth, Bilbray, Blakemore, Close, Echols, Faiss, Getto, Gibson, Glaser, Hernstadt, Jacobsen, Kosinski, Lamb, McCorkle, Neal, Raggio and Wilson. |
65 |
ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Encouraging the Federal Government to build and maintain routes of access upon federal land. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 10–Assemblymen Rhoads, Glover and Bergevin. |
66 |
ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the Congress of the United States to provide for the return to multiple use of those public lands the Bureau of Land Management finds unsuitable for designation as wilderness. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 15–Assemblymen Rhoads, Hayes, Marvel, Glover and Bergevin. |
67 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Encouraging local governing bodies to adopt regulations for the construction of buildings and the subdivision of land which will promote the use of alternative sources of energy. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 6–Assemblymen Westall and Horn. |
68 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Encouraging the public service commission to provide incentives to customers of public utilities to conserve energy and to use renewable energy resources. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 7–Assemblymen Westall and Horn. |
69 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Encouraging public utilities to investigate alternative sources of energy and to examine the feasibility of spreading energy demand to reduce the need for construction of new power generating plants. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 8–Assemblymen Westall and Horn. |
70 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Requesting that the state board of education sponsor workshops or other training for school librarians who are not professionally trained in library science. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 2–Committee on Human Resources and Facilities. |
71 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Recommending that the board of regents improve classes in fire science at community colleges. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 13–Senator Jacobsen. |
72 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Urging public utilities in the State of Nevada to lend money to customers for purposes of improving insulation of homes. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 9–Assemblymen Westall and Horn. |
73 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Declaring support for the position of the public employees’ retirement board that the public employees’ retirement system should not conform to Statement 35 of the Financial Accounting Standards Board. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 18–Committee on Ways and Means. |
74 |
ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Providing for the appointment of an additional assembly attache. Assembly Resolution No. 17–Committee on Legislative Functions. |
75 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing former Assemblyman Rawson Prince. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 26–Assemblymen Polish, Robinson, Banner, Ham, Coulter, Hayes, Beyer, Schofield, Jeffrey, Prengaman, Redelsperger, Rackley, DuBois, Chaney, Bennett, Brady, Rusk, Vergiels, Horn, May, Hickey, Bremner, Cafferata, Marvel, Kovacs, Malone, Bergevin, Price, Nicholas, Westall, Mello, Dini, Glover, Stewart, Foley, Craddock, Sader, Thompson, Rhoads and Barengo. |
76 |
SENATE RESOLUTION–Providing for the appointment of an additional senate attache. Senate Resolution No. 10–Committee on Legislative Affairs. |
77 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the division of state parks of the department of conservation and natural resources to discontinue the expansion of certain state parks in Lincoln County. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 28–Senators Blakemore, Don Ashworth, Keith Ashworth, Bilbray, Echols, Faiss, Getto, Gibson, Glaser, Hernstadt, Jacobsen, Kosinski, Lamb, McCorkle, Neal, Raggio and Wagner. |
78 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Supporting the adoption by the department of energy of effective standards of energy conservation in the construction of new buildings. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 5–Assemblymen Westall and Horn. |
79 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Keith Hayes, former district judge and legislator. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 27–Assemblymen Barengo, Vergiels, Horn, May, Hickey, Cafferata, Marvel, Polish, Kovacs, Malone, Bergevin, Price, Nicholas, Westall, Dini, Rusk, Glover, Brady, Mello, Ham, Coulter, Banner, Beyer, Schofield, Jeffrey, Prengaman, Robinson, Thompson, Bennett, Stewart, Foley, Chaney, DuBois, Craddock, Rackley, Redelsperger, Rhoads, Bremner and Sader. |
80 |
ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Beverly G. Sinelio. Assembly Resolution No. 18–Assemblyman Coulter. |
81 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the civil defense and disaster agency to study search and rescue operations in this state. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 14–Senator Jacobsen. |
82 |
ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Providing for the appointment of an additional assembly attache. Assembly Resolution No. 19–Committee on Legislative Functions. |
83 |
SENATE RESOLUTION–Providing for the appointment of additional senate attaches. Senate Resolution No. 11–Senator Echols. |
84 |
SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging the Congress of the United States to use the Nevada Test Site for the development of solar and other renewable sources of energy. Senate Joint Resolution No. 19–Senators Wagner, Raggio, Ford, Gibson, Wilson, Blakemore, Kosinski and Jacobsen. |
85 |
ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Encouraging the cities of Reno and Sparks to approve and the Federal Government to provide money for the construction of a system for intercepting and collecting wastewater in Sun Valley, Nevada. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 29–Assemblymen Sader and Westall. |
86 |
SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Memorializing Congress to permit each state to set the maximum speed limits for the highways of the state. Senate Joint Resolution No. 24–Senators Hernstadt, Getto, Raggio, McCorkle, Blakemore, Don Ashworth, Keith Ashworth, Bilbray and Glaser. |
87 |
SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Calling upon the President of the United States to proclaim a national day of prayer for the children of Atlanta. Senate Joint Resolution No. 30–Senators Echols, Don Ashworth, Keith Ashworth, Bilbray, Blakemore, Close, Faiss, Ford, Getto, Gibson, Glaser, Hernstadt, Jacobsen, Kosinski, Lamb, McCorkle, Neal, Raggio, Wagner and Wilson. |
88 |
ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the Congress of the United States to enact legislation which would exempt from the federal income tax certain allowances paid from a public retirement system. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 26–Assemblymen Glover, Barengo, Banner, Bennett, Bergevin, Beyer, Brady, Bremner, Cafferata, Chaney, Coulter, Craddock, Dini, DuBois, Foley, Ham, Hayes, Horn, Jeffrey, Kovacs, Malone, Marvel, May, Mello, Nicholas, Polish, Prengaman, Price, Rackley, Redelsperger, Rhoads, Robinson, Rusk, Sader, Schofield, Stewart, Thompson, Vergiels, Westall and Hickey. |
89 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the state engineer to consult with local governments and impose conditions upon permits for the appropriation of water for uses related to the construction and operation of the “MX” missile system. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 19–Assemblyman Schofield. |
90 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Urging local housing authorities in Nevada to pursue federal aid for certain owners of mobile homes. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 4–Assemblymen Hayes, Barengo, Robinson and Prengaman. |
91 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Urging employers to consider volunteer work of prospective employees. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 16–Senators Ford, Don Ashworth, Kosinski, Neal, Hernstadt, Wagner, Glaser, McCorkle, Wilson, Jacobsen, Getto and Echols. |
92 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Proclaiming April 19 through April 25, 1981, as Secretaries’ Week and April 22, 1981, as Secretaries’ Day and commending secretaries for their valuable contributions. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 45–Senators Faiss, Don Ashworth, Keith Ashworth, Bilbray, Blakemore, Close, Echols, Ford, Getto, Gibson, Glaser, Hernstadt, Jacobsen, Kosinski, McCorkle, Neal, Raggio, Wagner and Wilson. |
93 |
ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Requesting the Congress to recognize the necessity of applying for water rights pursuant to state law for construction and operation of the “MX” missile project and to provide water for Nevada from other sources as compensation for the water appropriated for the “MX” missile system. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 20–Assemblyman Schofield. |
94 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Urging the housing division of the department of commerce to procure lands for the development of mobile home parks for persons of low and moderate income. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 3–Assemblymen Hayes, Barengo, Robinson and Prengaman. |
95 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Congratulating the College of Agriculture of the University of Nevada, Reno, on the occasion of Agriculture Week. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 30–Committee on Agriculture. |
96 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Congratulating John W. Young and Robert L. Crippen and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration on the successful maiden voyage of the space shuttle Columbia. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 46–Senators Gibson, Jacobsen, Blakemore, Glaser, Raggio, Kosinski, Don Ashworth, Keith Ashworth, Bilbray, Close, Echols, Faiss, Ford, Getto, Hernstadt, Lamb, McCorkle, Neal, Wagner and Wilson. |
97 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Joe Louis. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 47–Senators Neal, Don Ashworth, Keith Ashworth, Bilbray, Blakemore, Close, Echols, Faiss, Ford, Getto, Gibson, Glaser, Hernstadt, Jacobsen, Kosinski, Lamb, McCorkle, Raggio, Wagner and Wilson. |
98 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Recommending that public schools teach information concerning fire prevention and fire control. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 15–Senator Jacobsen. |
99 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Continuing the existence of the Nevada select committee on public lands. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 17–Committee on Natural Resources. |
100 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Designating April 29 and 30, 1981, as Senior Citizens’ Days. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 49–Senators Faiss, Don Ashworth, Keith Ashworth, Bilbray, Blakemore, Close, Echols, Ford, Getto, Gibson, Glaser, Jacobsen, Kosinski, Lamb, McCorkle, Neal, Raggio, Wagner and Wilson. |
101 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending volunteers. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 50–Senators McCorkle, Echols and Getto. |
102 |
SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Requesting federal assistance for mitigation of the adverse effects of the “MX” missile project. Senate Joint Resolution No. 16–Senators Jacobsen, Don Ashworth, Keith Ashworth, Bilbray, Blakemore, Close, Echols, Faiss, Ford, Getto, Gibson, Glaser, Hernstadt, Kosinski, McCorkle, Neal, Raggio, Wagner and Wilson. |
103 |
SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Calling upon Congress to enact legislation which permits only reasonable and noncoercive conditions to be attached to federal payments and benefits to the states. Senate Joint Resolution No. 22–Senator McCorkle. |
104 |
ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing to amend sections 9 and 10 of article 8 of the constitution of the State of Nevada to remove any prohibition against the deposit of public money in any bank, mutually owned depository or savings and loan association. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 25–Committee on Commerce. |
105 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Harold Joseph Berger. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 51–Senators Jacobsen, Don Ashworth, Keith Ashworth, Bilbray, Blakemore, Close, Echols, Faiss, Ford, Getto, Gibson, Glaser, Hernstadt, Kosinski, Lamb, McCorkle, Neal, Raggio, Wagner and Wilson. |
106 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Ellis Folsom, former state legislator. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 28–Assemblymen Glover, Banner, Barengo, Bennett, Bergevin, Beyer, Brady, Bremner, Cafferata, Chaney, Coulter, Craddock, Dini, DuBois, Foley, Ham, Hayes, Hickey, Horn, Jeffrey, Kovacs, Malone, Marvel, May, Mello, Nicholas, Polish, Prengaman, Price, Rackley, Redelsperger, Rhoads, Robinson, Rusk, Sader, Schofield, Stewart, Thompson, Vergiels and Westall. |
107 |
ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing an amendment to article 10 of the constitution of the State of Nevada, permitting the legislature to provide separately for the assessment or valuation of certain real property. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 27–Assemblymen Bergevin, Price and Rusk. |
108 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Urging the governing bodies of Nevada’s more populous counties to direct the efforts of their officers and employees to investigate and prosecute properly crimes involving mobile homes. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 10–Assemblymen Prengaman, Hayes and Robinson. |
109 |
ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Protesting the release of water from Stampede Reservoir to promote the spawning of fish during a water shortage. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 32–Assemblymen Barengo, Rusk, Mello, Sader, Prengaman, Beyer, Westall, Coulter, Nicholas and Cafferata. |
110 |
ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Providing for the appointment of an additional assembly attache. Assembly Resolution No. 20–Committee on Legislative Functions. |
111 |
ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Authorizing the payment of a per diem expense allowance from the legislative fund to the chief clerk of the assembly. Assembly Resolution No. 21–Committee on Legislative Functions. |
112 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Recognizing Highway 50 Association’s wagon train. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 37–Assemblymen Bergevin, Nicholas and Glover. |
113 |
ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Mary Wells. Assembly Resolution No. 22–Assemblymen Hayes, Hickey, Schofield, Thompson, Robinson, Banner, Ham, Coulter, Beyer, Jeffrey, Prengaman, Rackley, DuBois, Bennett, Chaney, Brady, Rusk, Vergiels, Horn, Cafferata, Polish, May, Bremner, Marvel, Kovacs, Malone, Bergevin, Nicholas, Westall, Mello, Dini, Glover, Stewart, Craddock, Foley, Sader, Rhoads, Redelsperger and Barengo. |
114 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late K. O. Knudson. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 52–Senators Bilbray, Gibson, Don Ashworth, Keith Ashworth, Blakemore, Close, Echols, Faiss, Ford, Getto, Glaser, Hernstadt, Jacobsen, Kosinski, Lamb, McCorkle, Neal, Raggio, Wagner and Wilson. |
115 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Requesting the board of regents of the University of Nevada to direct he school of medicine to assist in providing adequate health services to rural communities. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 26–Senators Getto, Glaser, Blakemore and Jacobsen. |
116 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Requesting the supreme court to provide a special provision for appeal in probate matters. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 27–Committee on Judiciary. |
117 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending Mrs. Helen C. Cannon for her distinguished service to Clark County schools. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 55–Senators Lamb, Don Ashworth, Keith Ashworth, Bilbray, Blakemore, Close, Echols, Faiss, Ford, Getto, Gibson, Glaser, Hernstadt, Jacobsen, Kosinski, McCorkle, Neal, Raggio, Wagner and Wilson. |
118 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Mrs. Mitzi Grune. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 58–Senators Faiss, Don Ashworth, Keith Ashworth, Bilbray, Blakemore, Close, Echols, Ford, Getto, Gibson, Glaser, Hernstadt, Jacobsen, Kosinski, Lamb, McCorkle, Neal, Raggio, Wagner and Wilson. |
119 |
ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing an amendment to section 1 of article 14 of the constitution of the State of Nevada, relating to the state boundary, to adjust the constitutional boundary of the state to the actual boundary. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 24 of the 60th Session–Assemblymen Hickey, Getto, Bremner, May, Banner, Hayes, Brady, Sena, Bennett, Stewart, Jeffrey, Cavnar, Craddock, Glover, Bergevin, Harmon, Westall, Mann, Rusk, Marvel, Polish, Vergiels, Mello and Weise. |
120 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Supporting the development of recreational facilities based on water. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 31–Assemblymen Rhoads and Marvel. |
121 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending A. A. “Bud” Campos for his services in the field of corrections. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 38–Assemblymen Barengo, Hayes, Mello, Malone, Banner, Coulter, Ham, Beyer, Schofield, Jeffrey, Rusk, Brady, Bennett, Rackley, DuBois, Chaney, Redelsperger, Prengaman, Robinson, Polish, Marvel, Cafferata, Hickey, May, Horn, Vergiels, Glover, Stewart, Craddock, Sader, Rhoads, Westall, Nicholas, Bergevin, Kovacs, Bremner, Price, Dini, Thompson and Foley. |
122 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending Morry Zenoff, newspaper publisher, for his contributions to the cities of Boulder City and Henderson and to the state. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 42–Assemblymen Jeffrey, Thompson, Banner, Bennett, Bergevin, Beyer, Brady, Bremner, Cafferata, Chaney, Coulter, Craddock, Dini, DuBois, Foley, Glover, Ham, Hayes, Hickey, Horn, Kovacs, Malone, Marvel, May, Mello, Nicholas, Polish, Prengaman, Price, Rackley, Redelsperger, Rhoads, Robinson, Rusk, Sader, Schofield, Stewart, Vergiels, Westall and Barengo. |
123 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Encouraging support for a national memorial to the veterans of the Vietnam War. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 59–Senators Faiss, Glaser, Gibson, Neal, Don Ashworth, Keith Ashworth, Bilbray, Blakemore, Close, Echols, Ford, Getto, Hernstadt, Jacobsen, Kosinski, Lamb, McCorkle, Raggio, Wagner and Wilson. |
124 |
ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Thanking the kindergarten class at the Jessie Beck School for the spring flowers and paintings. Assembly Resolution No. 23–Assemblymen Prengaman, Schofield, Redelsperger, Rackley, Jeffrey, Sader, Foley, Thompson, Dini, Malone, Stewart, Beyer, Ham, Coulter, Banner, Hayes, Rhoads, Kovacs, Bremner, Rusk, Brady, Chaney, DuBois, Glover, Mello, Vergiels, Westall, Nicholas, May, Horn, Price, Hickey, Bergevin, Cafferata, Marvel, Polish, Robinson and Barengo. |
125 |
SENATE RESOLUTION–Adding a new standing rule which provides the procedure for deciding contests of election. Senate Resolution No. 12–Committee on Government Affairs. |
126 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the Nevada state library and the department of education to develop joint or shared use of the facilities, staffs or other resources of school and public libraries. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 3–Committee on Human Resources and Facilities. |
127 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Amending Joint Rule 11 to permit the chairman of the legislative commission to appoint an alternate member to replace a member who is no longer a legislator or who is unable to attend a meeting, and establishing certain procedures to be followed by the chairman in the appointment. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 20–Committee on Legislative Affairs. |
128 |
ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Michael Marich, former White Pine county commissioner. Assembly Resolution No. 24–Assemblymen Polish, Mello, Banner, Bennett, Bergevin, Beyer, Brady, Bremner, Cafferata, Chaney, Coulter, Dini, DuBois, Foley, Glover, Ham, Hayes, Hickey, Horn, Jeffrey, Kovacs, Malone, Marvel, May, Nicholas, Prengaman, Price, Rackley, Redelsperger, Rhoads, Robinson, Rusk, Sader, Schofield, Stewart, Thompson, Vergiels, Westall and Barengo. |
129 |
ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing an amendment to section 24 of article 4 of the constitution of the State of Nevada, prohibiting lotteries, by authorizing raffles for charity. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 24–Committee on Judiciary. |
130 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Wishing Pope John Paul II a speedy recovery. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 61–Senators Getto, Neal, Kosinski, Raggio, Bilbray, Don Ashworth, Close, Keith Ashworth, Blakemore, Echols, Faiss, Ford, Gibson, Glaser, Hernstadt, Jacobsen, Lamb, McCorkle, Wagner and Wilson. |
131 |
ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Expressing to Congress this legislature’s opposition to federal control of public retirement systems. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 36–Committee on Government Affairs. |
132 |
ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the Congress of the United States to repeal federal estate and gift taxes. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 34–Assemblymen Cafferata, Rusk, May, Brady, Malone, Hayes, Bennett, Craddock, Robinson, Marvel, Kovacs, Ham, Stewart, Polish, Bergevin, Price, Hickey, Nicholas, Westall, Horn, Vergiels, Rackley, Redelsperger, Beyer, Sader, Glover, Thompson, Mello, Schofield, Jeffrey, Prengaman, Dini, DuBois, Chaney, Banner, Rhoads, Coulter, Bremner and Barengo. |
133 |
ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Expressing the Nevada assembly’s interpretation of the Tahoe Regional Planning Compact. Assembly Resolution No. 25–Assemblymen Nicholas, Dini, Bergevin and Glover. |
134 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Expressing the support of the legislature for using the old Reno post office for cultural purposes. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 62–Senators Wagner, Wilson, McCorkle, Raggio and Kosinski. |
135 |
SENATE RESOLUTION–Providing for the appointment of an additional senate attache. Senate Resolution No. 13–Committee on Legislative Affairs. |
136 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Requesting the governor to name a certain state building in Clark County after Mr. A. A. “Bud” Campos. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 60–Senators Close, Don Ashworth, Keith Ashworth, Bilbray, Blakemore, Echols, Faiss, Ford, Getto, Gibson, Glaser, Hernstadt, Jacobsen, Kosinski, Lamb, McCorkle, Neal, Raggio, Wagner and Wilson. |
137 |
ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing to amend the Nevada constitution to remove the prohibition against increasing judges or changing the number of judicial districts during the term of an incumbent. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 30–Assemblymen Rusk and Barengo. |
138 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Authorizing the expenditure by the state public works board of additional federal money for the capital improvement project at the Army Aviation Support Facility at Stead. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 35–Committee on Ways and Means. |
139 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Requesting the return to the assembly from the governor’s office of Assembly Bill No. 541. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 51–Committee on Elections. |
140 |
ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Alf Sorensen. Assembly Resolution No. 27–Assemblymen Mello, Polish and Dini. |
141 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Providing for the employment of technical assistants by the senate and assembly committees on taxation during the 1981 session of the legislature. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 24–Committee on Taxation. |
142 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Requesting the Council of State Governments and the National Conference of State Legislatures to study the feasibility of holding regional primaries for presidential candidates. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 53–Senator Kosinski. |
143 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending Sister Mary Seraphine for her 50 years of service to the people of Nevada. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 67–Senators Wilson, Don Ashworth, Keith Ashworth, Bilbray, Blakemore, Close, Echols, Faiss, Ford, Getto, Gibson, Glaser, Hernstadt, Jacobsen, Kosinski, Lamb, McCorkle, Neal, Raggio and Wagner. |
144 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending Dr. Friedwardt Winterberg of the desert research institute for his work on the concept of magnetic insulation of intense ion beams for use in the production of energy, missile defense and space propulsion. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 68–Senators McCorkle, Don Ashworth, Keith Ashworth, Blakemore, Close, Echols, Faiss, Ford, Getto, Gibson, Glaser, Hernstadt, Jacobsen, Kosinski, Lamb, Neal, Raggio, Wagner and Wilson. |
145 |
ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the Congress of the United States to balance the federal budget. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 42–Assemblymen Vergiels, Hickey, Horn, Banner, Coulter, Schofield, Robinson, Hayes, Jeffrey, Bennett, Chaney, Polish, May, Kovacs, Bremner, Mello, Dini, Westall, Thompson, Stewart, Foley, Craddock, Sader, Barengo, Price and Glover. |
146 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Requesting the return to the assembly from the governor’s office of Assembly Bill No. 360. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 52–Committee on Ways and Means. |
147 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Authorizing expenditure from the legislative fund to pay for shipping and binding the remaining copies of the Marsh papers. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 41–Committee on Ways and Means. |
148 |
SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing to amend the Nevada constitution to provide for management of state lands for recreational and other purposes, and to restrict the disposal and use of proceeds of the lands. Senate Joint Resolution No. 17–Committee on Natural Resources. |
149 |
SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing to amend the Nevada constitution and to provide for the taxation of minerals by value. Senate Joint Resolution No. 21–Committee on Taxation. |
150 |
SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing to amend article 10 of the constitution of the State of Nevada, relating to taxation, by authorizing the imposition of an estate tax not greater than the credit allowable for such a tax against the federal estate tax, reduced by the amount paid to any other state. Senate Joint Resolution No. 6 of the 60th Session–Senators Glaser, Dodge, Raggio, Sloan, Kosinski and Gibson. |
151 |
ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Memorializing Congress to establish national cemeteries in Nevada. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 18–Assemblymen Robinson, Malone, Bennett, Hickey, Foley, Price, Ham, Horn, Hayes, Chaney and Bremner. |
152 |
SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging Congress and the President of the United States to enact and approve legislation transferring the unreserved, unappropriated public lands to the states in which the lands are located. Senate Joint Resolution No. 18–Committee on Natural Resources. |
153 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Welcoming to Nevada the astronauts who flew the space shuttle Columbia. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 53–Assemblymen Barengo, Mello, Hayes, Ham, Coulter, Banner, Robinson, Polish, Marvel, Cafferata, Hickey, May, Horn, Vergiels, Westall, Nicholas, Malone, Price, Bergevin, Kovacs, Bremner, Beyer, Schofield, Jeffrey, Rusk, Brady, Chaney, DuBois, Rackley, Redelsperger, Rhoads, Sader, Craddock, Foley, Stewart, Thompson, Glover, Dini and Prengaman. |
154 |
SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging the United States Government to supply water from the Pacific Northwest to Nevada in return for taking land and water for the “MX” missile system. Senate Joint Resolution No. 36–Committee on Natural Resources. |
155 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Gorgonia Borda. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 71–Senators Jacobsen, Don Ashworth, Keith Ashworth, Bilbray, Blakemore, Close, Echols, Faiss, Ford, Getto, Gibson, Glaser, Hernstadt, Kosinski, Lamb, McCorkle, Neal, Raggio, Wagner and Wilson. |
156 |
ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Amending Assembly Standing Rule 44 for the 61st session of the legislature. Assembly Resolution No. 26–Committee on Legislative Functions. |
157 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending the United States Air Force Aerial Demonstration Squadron, the Thunderbirds. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 54–Assemblymen Price, Schofield, Hickey, May, Chaney, Horn, Craddock, Malone, Kovacs, Bremner, Bergevin, Nicholas, Westall, Mello, Vergiels, Banner, Robinson, Coulter, Ham, Hayes, Beyer, Jeffrey, Prengaman, DuBois, Redelsperger, Rackley, Bennett, Brady, Rusk, Cafferata, Marvel, Polish, Dini, Glover, Thompson, Stewart, Foley, Sader, Rhoads and Barengo. |
158 |
ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Designating certain assemblymen as regular and alternate members of the legislative commission. Assembly Resolution No. 28–Assemblymen Barengo, Rusk and Vergiels. |
159 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Requesting that library science be included in the program of the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education for this state. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 6–Committee on Human Resources and Facilities. |
160 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the Nevada industrial commission to study the premium rates for certain clerical employees. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 44–Assemblymen Jeffrey, Banner, Foley, Thompson, Rhoads, Bennett, Cafferata, Hickey and Rackley. |
161 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Encouraging the governor to foster the creation of a nonprofit corporation to acquire student loans under the Higher Education Act of 1965. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 45–Committee on Ways and Means. |
162 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Providing for the compensation of clergy for services rendered to the assembly and senate in the 61st session of the Nevada legislature. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 48–Committee on Legislative Functions. |
163 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Urges Clark County and the Clark County Flood Control District to plan for controlling floods. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 49–Assemblymen DuBois, Schofield, Brady, Kovacs, Ham, Jeffrey, Vergiels, Banner, Robinson, Polish, Marvel, Cafferata, Hickey, May, Horn, Westall, Nicholas, Bergevin, Bremner, Hayes, Prengaman, Redelsperger, Rackley, Chaney, Beyer, Rusk, Sader, Barengo, Dini, Bennett, Price, Thompson, Foley and Rhoads. |
164 |
ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging Congress to continue financial support of AMTRAK at a level adequate to maintain nationwide rail passenger service. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 46–Committee on Commerce. |
165 |
ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Requesting the Congress of the United States to enact legislation which exempts the winnings of individual gaming patrons from income tax. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 44–Committee on Taxation. |
166 |
ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the United States Congress to enact legislation requiring the United States to assume its responsibility for persons whose health may have been affected by nuclear testing in Nevada. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 41–Assemblymen Hayes, Schofield, Prengaman and Jeffrey. |
167 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Declaring May 28 as “Darrell Dreyer Day” in the legislature. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 55–Assemblymen Westall, Barengo, Hayes, Bremner, Vergiels, Horn, Rusk, Brady, Ham, Banner, Polish, Coulter, Marvel, Cafferata, Hickey, May, Beyer, Schofield, Bennett, DuBois, Chaney, Rackley, Jeffrey, Thompson, Robinson, Prengaman, Redelsperger, Rhoads, Sader, Craddock, Foley, Dini, Stewart, Nicholas, Mello, Kovacs, Bergevin, Malone, Price and Glover. |
168 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Expressing the support of the legislature for the return of Americans in Vietnam. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 56–Committee on Legislative Functions. |
169 |
SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing amendments to articles 6 and 15 of the Nevada constitution to establish staggered terms for district judges and provide other matters incidental thereto. Senate Joint Resolution No. 32–Committee on Judiciary. |
170 |
SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing to amend the Nevada constitution to exclude from the limitations on state indebtedness obligations incurred by the state to finance the purchase of securities issued by certain municipalities. Senate Joint Resolution No. 33–Committee on Government Affairs. |
171 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the legislative commission to study the provisions of Nevada law governing access to public books and records. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 54–Committee on Legislative Affairs. |
172 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the legislative commission to study the procedures used by the department of taxation in central assessment of property. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 64–Committee on Taxation. |
173 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the legislative commission to study the feasibility and desirability of allowing insurance coverage for workmen’s compensation through private insurance carriers. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 65–Committee on Commerce and Labor. |
174 |
SENATE RESOLUTION–Commending Leola H. Armstrong upon her retirement for her years of distinguished service to the legislature and to the people of Nevada. Senate Resolution No. 14–Senators Jacobsen, Don Ashworth, Keith Ashworth, Bilbray, Blakemore, Close, Echols, Faiss, Ford, Getto, Gibson, Glaser, Hernstadt, Kosinski, Lamb, McCorkle, Neal, Raggio, Wagner and Wilson. |
175 |
SENATE RESOLUTION–Thanking Winnie Slade for providing cookies to the senate. Senate Resolution No. 15–Senators Jacobsen, Don Ashworth, Keith Ashworth, Bilbray, Blakemore, Close, Echols, Faiss, Ford, Getto, Gibson, Glaser, Hernstadt, Kosinski, Lamb, McCorkle, Neal, Raggio, Wagner and Wilson. |
176 |
SENATE RESOLUTION–Designating certain senators as members of the legislative commission and providing for the method of selecting alternate members. Senate Resolution No. 16–Senator Gibson. |
177 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the Nevada industrial commission to conduct a study of the Nevada Occupational Diseases Act. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 33–Committee on Labor and Management. |
178 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Daniel J. Olguin. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 57–Assemblyman Vergiels. |
179 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the legislative commission to study the probable effects of placing the “MX” missile system within the State of Nevada. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 58–Assemblymen Hickey and Schofield. |
180 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Mrs. Josephine Jacobsen. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 59–Assemblymen Glover, Dini, Bergevin, Polish, Robinson, Marvel, Cafferata, Banner, Hickey, Coulter, May, Ham, Horn, Rhoads, Barengo, Vergiels, Hayes, Beyer, Brady, Rusk, Chaney, Bennett, Foley, Schofield, Jeffrey, Rackley, DuBois, Sader, Craddock, Stewart, Thompson, Nicholas, Mello, Westall, Price, Malone, Kovacs and Bremner. |
181 |
ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing to amend section 21 of article 6 of the constitution of the State of Nevada, relating to the judicial department, by limiting the circumstances under which the records and proceedings of the commission on judicial discipline are confidential, and extending the commission’s jurisdiction over judges of lower courts. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 14–Assemblymen Dini, Mello, Glover, May, Marvel, Robinson, Prengaman and Thompson. |
182 |
SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Requesting the Secretary of the Interior to direct the Commissioner of the Water and Power Resources Service to give high priority to the revision of the development plan for Watasheamu Dam and Reservoir. Senate Joint Resolution No. 35–Committee on Natural Resources. |
183 |
ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Requesting an office of the Farmers’ Home Administration be situated within Nevada. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 47–Committee on Agriculture. |
184 |
ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Memorializing Congress to remove the limitations of the United States Housing Act of 1937 which make certain types of housing ineligible for financing at low interest. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 19–Committee on Commerce. |
185 |
ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing to amend sections 6 and 15 of article 4 of the constitution of the State of Nevada to require the legislature to establish procedures for its standing and select committees and to abolish executive sessions of the senate. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 2–Assemblymen Coulter and Barengo. |
186 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the department of motor vehicles to budget for the costs of operating its centralized system of communication for law enforcement. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 39–Committee on Ways and Means. |
187 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending Pauline Topken for her long and dedicated service to the legislature. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 61–Assemblymen Robinson, Polish, Marvel, Cafferata, Banner, Hickey, Coulter, May, Ham, Horn, Rhoads, Barengo, Vergiels, Hayes, Beyer, Brady, Rusk, Chaney, Bennett, Foley, Schofield, Jeffrey, Rackley, DuBois, Sader, Craddock, Stewart, Thompson, Glover, Dini, Nicholas, Mello, Westall, Price, Bergevin, Malone, Kovacs and Bremner. |
188 |
ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging the Congress of the United States not to establish the Desert Pupfish National Wildlife Refuge in the State of Nevada. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 28–Assemblymen Redelsperger, Schofield, Barengo, Bremner, Polish, Nicholas, Horn, Mello, Bennett, Hayes, Chaney, Cafferata, Prengaman, Kovacs, DuBois, Brady, Beyer, Bergevin, Marvel, Rusk, Price, May, Robinson, Banner, Ham, Rhoads, Sader, Foley, Coulter, Glover, Thompson, Stewart, Jeffrey, Craddock, Rackley, Dini, Westall, Malone and Hickey. |
189 |
SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing to amend the Nevada constitution to permit the legislature to delegate the task of reconciling separate bills amending the same provision of law. Senate Joint Resolution No. 39–Committee on Legislative Affairs. |
190 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the department of education to study ways of improving basic and primary instruction. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 66–Committee on Finance. |
191 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Encouraging the board of psychological examiners to certify psychologists on the basis of training in lieu of education. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 69–Committee on Commerce and Labor. |
192 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending the superintendent of the state printing and records division of the department of general services and his staff for their services to the 61st session of the Nevada legislature. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 73–Senators Keith Ashworth, Don Ashworth, Bilbray, Blakemore, Close, Echols, Faiss, Ford, Getto, Gibson, Glaser, Hernstadt, Jacobsen, Kosinski, Lamb, McCorkle, Neal, Raggio, Wagner and Wilson. |
193 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending the persons who assisted in tax legislation. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 74–Senators Keith Ashworth, Don Ashworth, Bilbray, Blakemore, Close, Echols, Faiss, Ford, Getto, Gibson, Glaser, Jacobsen, Kosinski, Lamb, McCorkle, Neal, Raggio, Wagner and Wilson. |
194 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Setting the guidelines for a study by the commissioner of the local government employee-management relations board on the various methods used for collective bargaining in this state. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 76–Committee on Government Affairs. |
195 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Establishing and directing a select special committee on education to study ways to improve the skills of pupils and students in reading and writing. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 77–Committee on Finance. |
196 |
SENATE RESOLUTION–Commending the sergeant at arms of the senate and his staff for their work during the 61st session of the Nevada legislature. Senate Resolution No. 17–Senators Gibson, Don Ashworth, Keith Ashworth, Bilbray, Blakemore, Close, Echols, Faiss, Ford, Getto, Glaser, Hernstadt, Jacobsen, Kosinski, Lamb, McCorkle, Neal, Raggio, Wagner and Wilson. |
197 |
SENATE RESOLUTION–Requesting the return of Senate Bill No. 548 from the assembly. Senate Resolution No. 18–Committee on Commerce and Labor. |
198 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the legislative commission to conduct an interim study toward the development of a master plan for the Nevada prison system. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 56–Senators Wagner and Wilson. |
199 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the legislative commission to study mass transit for cities and means of funding. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 70–Committee on Finance. |
200 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the legislative commission to study the problems and treatment of mentally retarded persons over 18 years old. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 75–Committee on Legislative Affairs. |
201 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the director of the Nevada legislative counsel bureau to grant paid leave to employees of the legislative counsel bureau in recognition of their service to the 61st session of the Nevada legislature. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 62–Assemblymen Price, Mello, May, Thompson, Ham, Bergevin, Malone, Kovacs, Polish, Cafferata, Marvel, Stewart, Banner, Beyer, Schofield, Sader, Barengo, Chaney, DuBois, Prengaman, Rackley, Rhoads, Craddock, Brady, Glover, Redelsperger, Rusk, Vergiels, Nicholas, Foley, Horn, Bremner and Hickey. |
202 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing former assemblyman Leslie Mack Fry. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 63–Assemblymen Bremner, Barengo, Robinson, Mello, Rusk, Vergiels, Horn, May, Hickey, Cafferata, Marvel, Polish, Price, Bergevin, Malone, Beyer, Prengaman, Redelsperger, Rackley, Craddock, Sader, Stewart, Thompson, Jeffrey, Westall, Dini, Kovacs, Brady, Ham, Hayes, Foley, Rhoads, DuBois and Bennett. |
203 |
SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Supporting the study of the possible development of an international trade center in Nevada. Senate Joint Resolution No. 37–Senators Kosinski, Getto, Glaser and McCorkle. |