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SENATE RESOLUTION–Adopting Senate Standing Rules for the 60th session of the legislature. Senate Resolution No. 1–Senators Echols, Gibson, Lamb, Wilson and Raggio. |
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ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Adopting Assembly Standing Rules for the 60th session of the legislature. Assembly Resolution No. 1–Committee on Legislative Functions. |
3 |
ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Providing allowances to members of the assembly and chairmen of standing committees for periodicals, stamps, stationery and communications. Assembly Resolution No. 2–Committee on Legislative Functions. |
4 |
ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Providing for the appointment of assembly attaches. Assembly Resolution No. 3–Committee on Legislative Functions. |
5 |
ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Providing for the appointment of an additional assembly attache. Assembly Resolution No. 4–Committee on Legislative Functions. |
6 |
SENATE RESOLUTION–Providing for the appointment of senate attaches. Senate Resolution No. 2–Senators Echols, Gibson, Lamb, Wilson and Raggio. |
7 |
SENATE RESOLUTION–Providing allowances to members of the senate and chairmen of standing committees for periodicals, stamps, stationery and communications. Senate Resolution No. 3–Senators Echols, Gibson, Lamb, Wilson and Raggio. |
8 |
SENATE RESOLUTION–Commemorating the birthday of slain civil rights leader, Martin Luther King, Jr. Senate Resolution No. 4–Senators Neal, D. Ashworth, K. Ashworth, Blakemore, Close, Dodge, Echols, Faiss, Ford, Gibson, Glaser, Hernstadt, Jacobsen, Kosinski, Lamb, McCorkle, Raggio, Sloan, Wilson and Young. |
9 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the former State Senator Rene W. Lemaire. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 2–Assemblyman Marvel. |
10 |
SENATE RESOLUTION–Providing for the appointment of an additional senate attache. Senate Resolution No. 5–Committee on Legislative Functions. |
11 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late J. P. (Tim) Whitmore, mayor of Ely. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 6–Senator Blakemore. |
12 |
ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Providing for the appointment of an additional assembly attache. Assembly Resolution No. 5–Committee on Legislative Functions. |
13 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Jim Roberts, steward of the Las Vegas Press Club. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 4–Assemblymen Bennett, Robinson, Chaney and FitzPatrick. |
14 |
SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Calling upon the Congress of the United States to maintain the friendly relations of this nation with the Republic of China on Taiwan. Senate Joint Resolution No. 10–Committee on Government Affairs. |
15 |
ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the Congress of the United States to refrain from enacting any law which would establish federal supervision over public retirement systems or require public employees to enroll under Social Security. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 5–Assemblymen Glover, Mello, Sena, May, Banner, Barengo, Bedrosian, Bennett, Bergevin, Brady, Bremner, Cavnar, Chaney, Coulter, Craddock, Fielding, FitzPatrick, Getto, Harmon, Hayes, Hickey, Horn, Jeffrey, Malone, Mann, Marvel, Polish, Prengaman, Price, Rhoads, Robinson, Rusk, Stewart, Tanner, Vergiels, Wagner, Webb, Weise, Westall and Dini. |
16 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Nelson A. Rockefeller, forty-first Vice President of the United States. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 8–Senators Raggio, Dodge, Young, Jacobsen and McCorkle. |
17 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commemorating Nevada Boy Scout Day, February 5, 1979. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 5–Committee on Legislative Functions. |
18 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending the attorney general of the State of Nevada for bringing suit to enforce the promises made by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service respecting the management of the Ruby Lake Wildlife Refuge. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 7–Senator Glaser. |
19 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing former Assemblyman John E. (Gene) Sweatt. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 9–Senators Raggio, Kosinski, McCorkle, Wilson and Young. |
20 |
ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing to amend section 7 of article 1 of the constitution of the State of Nevada, relating to bail, by expanding the classification of crimes for which bail may be denied. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 21 of the 59th Session–Assemblymen Hickey, Westall, May, Price and Dreyer. |
21 |
ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Marvel Guisti, educator and humanitarian. Assembly Resolution No. 7–Assemblymen Weise and Wagner. |
22 |
ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late W. W. “Woody” Cole, Las Vegas constable. Assembly Resolution No. 8–Assemblymen May, Chaney, Harmon, Bennett, Mann, Hickey, Horn, Sena, Fielding, FitzPatrick, Brady, Barengo, Wagner, Stewart, Tanner, Bedrosian, Cavnar, Mello, Malone, Rusk, Marvel, Bergevin, Polish, Banner, Coulter, Weise, Glover, Hayes, Craddock, Prengaman, Getto, Vergiels, Robinson, Bremner, Price, Dini, Jeffrey, Webb, Westall and Rhoads. |
23 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Authorizing expenditure from the legislative fund for travel expenses of Herbert L. Thorndall in connection with appearance before committees of the legislature. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 10–Committee on Government Affairs. |
24 |
ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Commending Dr. Kenny C. Guinn for his services to education in Clark County. Assembly Resolution No. 9–Assemblymen Mann, Sena, Hayes, Harmon, Horn, Hickey, Bergevin, Marvel, Polish, Price, Westall, Mello, Dini, Weise, Chaney, Bennett, Wagner, Cavnar, Jeffrey, Stewart, Brady, Bedrosian, FitzPatrick, Rhoads, Prengaman, Fielding, Craddock, Webb, Malone, Rusk, Bremner, Robinson, Getto and May. |
25 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Designating February 14, 1979, as Nevada Alliance for the Arts Day. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 11–Assemblymen May, Banner, Barengo, Bedrosian, Bennett, Bergevin, Brady, Bremner, Cavnar, Chaney, Coulter, Craddock, Dini, Fielding, FitzPatrick, Getto, Glover, Harmon, Hayes, Hickey, Horn, Jeffrey, Malone, Mann, Marvel, Mello, Polish, Prengaman, Price, Rhoads, Robinson, Rusk, Sena, Stewart, Tanner, Vergiels, Wagner, Webb, Weise and Westall. |
26 |
SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing to amend the Nevada constitution to provide for the election of one-third of the district judges at each general election. Senate Joint Resolution No. 10–of the 59th Session–Senators Gibson, Dodge, Close, Faiss, Glaser, Young, Bryan, Foote, Schofield, Raggio, Hilbrecht, Ashworth and Lamb. |
27 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Authorizing expenditure from the legislative fund to pay certain travel allowances of the members and the staff of standing committees, special committees and subcommittees of the legislature during the 60th session of the legislature. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 10–Committee on Ways and Means. |
28 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending Kiwanis International and designating Kiwanis Club Day to be February 15, 1979. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 12–Senators Close, Don Ashworth, Keith Ashworth, Blakemore, Dodge, Echols, Faiss, Ford, Gibson, Glaser, Hernstadt, Jacobsen, Kosinski, Lamb, McCorkle, Neal, Raggio, Sloan, Wilson and Young. |
29 |
ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Memorializing former Assemblyman Michael R. Nevin. Assembly Resolution No. 10–Assemblyman Dini. |
30 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing former legislator Donald C. McGuirk. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 12–Assemblyman Dini. |
31 |
ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing to amend section 33 of article 4 of the constitution of the State of Nevada, relating to certain expenses of legislators, by providing that the monetary limitation may be fixed by law. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 23 of the 59th Session–Assemblymen Goodman, Robinson, Craddock, May, Bennett, Horn, Wagner, Coulter, Barengo, Glover, Sena and Polish. |
32 |
ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Requesting the United States Fish and Wildlife Service and the Congress of the United States to return the portion of Ruby Lake in White Pine County to the jurisdiction of the State of Nevada. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 11–Assemblymen Rhoads, Polish and Marvel. |
33 |
SENATE RESOLUTION–Providing for the appointment of additional senate attaches. Senate Resolution No. 6–Committee on Legislative Functions. |
34 |
ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Providing for the appointment of an additional assembly attache. Assembly Resolution No. 13–Committee on Legislative Functions. |
35 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Expressing the mutual consent of the Assembly and Senate to an adjournment from Thursday, March 15, to Tuesday, March 20, 1979. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 17–Committee on Legislative Functions. |
36 |
ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Memorializing the former Assemblyman Helmer O. Hall. Assembly Resolution No. 14–Assemblyman Polish. |
37 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commemorating the late William F. Harrah and his automobile collection. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 20–Assemblymen May, Mello, Barengo, Harmon, Vergiels, Weise, Getto, Dini, Westall, Cavnar, Rusk, FitzPatrick, Banner, Bennett, Chaney, Bedrosian, Fielding, Price, Bergevin, Hayes, Robinson, Brady, Wagner, Jeffrey, Malone, Bremner, Sena, Coulter, Hickey, Marvel, Craddock, Prengaman, Glover, Horn, Rhoads, Webb, Mann, Polish, Stewart and Tanner. |
38 |
ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing to amend section 3 of article 11 of the constitution of the State of Nevada relating to sources of revenue pledged for educational purposes by permitting the legislature to determine the policies for investment of such revenues. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 26 of the 59th Session–Committee on Government Affairs. |
39 |
SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Requesting the Congress of the United States to call a convention limited to proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United States which would require a balanced budget in the absence of a national emergency. Senate Joint Resolution No. 8–Senators Gibson, Close, Echols, Dodge, Blakemore, Lamb, Keith Ashworth, Glaser, Jacobsen, Raggio, Don Ashworth, Young, Sloan, Hernstadt, Wilson, McCorkle, Neal and Faiss. |
40 |
ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging the Congress and the President of the United States to exempt Nevada and the surrounding area from any requirement that gasoline stations be closed on weekends. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 20–Assemblymen Chaney, Bennett, Hickey, Mann, Hayes, Harmon, Dini, Horn, Price, Webb, Malone, Rusk, Marvel, Bergevin, Weise, Wagner, Westall, Glover, Sena, Fielding, Craddock, Stewart, Brady, FitzPatrick, Prengaman, May, Cavnar, Tanner, Banner, Polish, Robinson, Getto, Mello, Barengo, Jeffrey, Rhoads, Bedrosian, Vergiels, Bremner and Coulter. |
41 |
ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Providing for the appointment of an additional assembly attache. Assembly Resolution No. 15–Committee on Legislative Functions. |
42 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Requesting that school districts gather and analyze information on use of time within the school day by high school seniors. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 1–Assemblymen Horn and Vergiels. |
43 |
SENATE RESOLUTION–Providing for the appointment of an additional senate attache. Senate Resolution No. 8–Committee on Legislative Functions. |
44 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Congratulating the Air Force Academy on its 25th anniversary. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 21–Senators Wilson, Keith Ashworth, Blakemore, Close, Echols, Faiss, Glaser, Hernstadt, Jacobsen, Kosinski, Neal and Raggio. |
45 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Congratulating Bishop Gorman High School on its victory in the state “AAA” basketball tournament. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 22–Senator Keith Ashworth. |
46 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Encouraging Anaconda Company to make available its mine and mill in Yerington to local government. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 19–Assemblyman Dini. |
47 |
ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Memorializing Ronald P. Chelius, slain narcotics agent. Assembly Resolution No. 16–Assemblymen May, Harmon, Barengo, Westall, Vergiels, Mann, Sena, Craddock, Chaney, Bennett, Getto, Price, Jeffrey, Horn, Robinson, Bergevin, Weise, Dini, Banner, Coulter, Tanner, Stewart, Malone, Fielding, Marvel, Bedrosian, Glover, FitzPatrick, Hayes, Rusk, Brady, Mello, Cavnar, Webb, Wagner, Bremner, Hickey, Polish, Prengaman and Rhoads. |
48 |
ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Assemblyman Evan I. DeSpain. Assembly Resolution No. 17–Assemblyman Polish. |
49 |
ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Memorializing Sons and Daughters of Erin. Assembly Resolution No. 18–Assemblymen FitzPatrick, Malone and Hickey. |
50 |
ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Commending University of Nevada at Reno’s swimming and diving team on its victory in the national championship. Assembly Resolution No. 19–Assemblymen Wagner, Bedrosian, Prengaman, Weise, Westall, Mello, Webb, Rusk, Coulter and Barengo. |
51 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending the Girl Scouts of the United States of America on Girl Scout Week which was March 11 through March 17, 1979. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 24–Assemblymen Westall, Hayes, Banner, Barengo, Bedrosian, Bennett, Bergevin, Brady, Bremner, Cavnar, Chaney, Coulter, Craddock, Dini, Fielding, FitzPatrick, Getto, Glover, Harmon, Hickey, Horn, Jeffrey, Malone, Mann, Marvel, May, Mello, Polish, Prengaman, Price, Rhoads, Robinson, Rusk, Sena, Stewart, Tanner, Vergiels, Wagner, Webb and Weise. |
52 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Adopting Joint Rules of the Senate and Assembly for the 60th session of the legislature. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 1–Senators Echols, Gibson, Lamb, Wilson and Raggio. |
53 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing James W. Harbin II, slain police officer. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 25–Assemblymen Malone, FitzPatrick, Sena, Bremner, Rusk, Webb, Price, Mello, Mann, Dini, Glover, Fielding, Craddock, Prengaman, Rhoads, Brady, Stewart, Tanner, Chaney, Weise, Bennett, Westall, Vergiels, Horn, Hickey, Bergevin, Marvel, Polish, Robinson, Banner, Coulter, Getto, Harmon, Barengo, Cavnar, Jeffrey, Bedrosian, Wagner, May and Hayes. |
54 |
SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing to amend article 10 of the constitution of the State of Nevada, relating to taxation, by authorizing the imposition of an estate tax not greater than the credit allowable for such a tax against the federal estate tax, reduced by the amount paid to any other state. Senate Joint Resolution No. 6–Senators Glaser, Dodge, Raggio, Sloan, Kosinski and Gibson. |
55 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Approving augmentation of the amount previously authorized for improvements to the Belrose Building in Las Vegas. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 11–Committee on Finance. |
56 |
ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Providing for the appointment of additional assembly attaches. Assembly Resolution No. 21–Committee on Legislative Functions. |
57 |
SENATE RESOLUTION–Providing for the appointment of additional senate attaches. Senate Resolution No. 9–Committee on Legislative Functions. |
58 |
ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Requesting the Congress of the United States to submit to the state legislatures an amendment to the United States Constitution which would limit federal appropriations for any fiscal year to federal revenues estimated for that year, except during national emergencies. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 21–Committee on Taxation. |
59 |
ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Providing for the appointment of additional assembly attaches. Assembly Resolution No. 22–Committee on Legislative Functions. |
60 |
SENATE RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Nevin E. “Broady” Broadbent. Senate Resolution No. 11–Senators Blakemore, Don Ashworth, Keith Ashworth, Close, Dodge, Echols, Faiss, Ford, Gibson, Glaser, Hernstadt, Jacobsen, Kosinski, Lamb, McCorkle, Neal, Raggio, Sloan, Wilson and Young. |
61 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Designating April 11 and 12, 1979, as Senior Citizens’ Days. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 28–Senators Faiss, Don Ashworth, Keith Ashworth, Blakemore, Close, Dodge, Echols, Ford, Gibson, Glaser, Hernstadt, Jacobsen, Kosinski, Lamb, McCorkle, Neal, Raggio, Sloan, Wilson and Young. |
62 |
ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Nevin E. “Broady” Broadbent. Assembly Resolution No. 23–Assemblymen Polish, Chaney, Marvel, Hickey, Bergevin, Rusk, Webb, Bremner, Horn, Malone, Price, Vergiels, Westall, Weise, Dini, Glover, Hayes, Sena, Fielding, Tanner, Stewart, Craddock, Prengaman, Brady, FitzPatrick, Rhoads, Bedrosian, Jeffrey, Cavnar, Barengo, Wagner, Getto, Banner, Robinson, Coulter, Mann, Mello, Harmon, Bennett and May. |
63 |
ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing to amend section 32 of article 4 of the constitution of the State of Nevada, relating to county officers, by removing auditors and public administrators from the list of elective officers. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 8 of the 59th Session–Assemblymen Mann, Schofield, Bennett and Chaney. |
64 |
ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Memorializing former Assemblyman Henry S. Coleman. Assembly Resolution No. 24–Assemblymen Glover and Polish. |
65 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Admonishing the Bureau of Land Management of the United States Department of the Interior to cease its consideration for designation as wilderness land certain ineligible lands in Nevada. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 25–Senators Dodge, Blakemore, Lamb, Jacobsen, Faiss, Don Ashworth, Glaser, Sloan, Keith Ashworth, McCorkle, Close, Echols and Raggio. |
66 |
SENATE RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Joseph E. Francoeur, former chairman of the Douglas County planning commission. Senate Resolution No. 12–Senator Jacobsen. |
67 |
ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Myron B. Bybee, Sr., former assemblyman from White Pine County. Assembly Resolution No. 25–Assemblyman Polish. |
68 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Authorizing expenditure from the legislative fund for travel, subsistence and honorarium to Professor Jessie Choper for appearance before the senate and assembly judiciary committees. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 33–Committee on Judiciary. |
69 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending secretaries for their services to government and private enterprise and designating April 22 through April 28, 1979, as Secretaries’ Week and April 25, 1979, as Secretaries’ Day. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 37–Senators Keith Ashworth, Don Ashworth, Blakemore, Close, Dodge, Echols, Faiss, Ford, Gibson, Glaser, Hernstadt, Jacobsen, Kosinski, Lamb, McCorkle, Neal, Raggio, Sloan, Wilson and Young. |
70 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Keith L. Lee, former state controller. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 40–Assemblymen Glover, Barengo, Dini, Polish, Banner, Bedrosian, Bennett, Bergevin, Brady, Bremner, Cavnar, Chaney, Coulter, Craddock, Fielding, FitzPatrick, Getto, Harmon, Hayes, Hickey, Horn, Jeffrey, Malone, Mann, Marvel, Mello, Prengaman, Price, Rhoads, Robinson, Rusk, Sena, Stewart, Tanner, Vergiels, Wagner, Webb, Weise, Westall and May. |
71 |
SENATE RESOLUTION–Adding a new standing rule encouraging review of programs of state agencies by the appropriate Senate standing committees. Senate Resolution No. 7–Senator Wilson. |
72 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Honoring Clare W. Woodbury, M.D., on his contribution to public service in Clark County. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 18–Senators Keith Ashworth, Don Ashworth, Sloan, Ford, Hernstadt, Echols, Neal, Glaser, Faiss, Close, Gibson, Lamb, Blakemore, Young, Dodge and Raggio. |
73 |
ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing an amendment to section 1 of article 14 of the constitution of the State of Nevada, relating to the state boundary, to adjust the constitutional boundary of the state to the actual boundary. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 24–Assemblymen Hickey, Getto, Bremner, May, Banner, Hayes, Brady, Sena, Bennett, Stewart, Jeffrey, Cavnar, Craddock, Glover, Bergevin, Harmon, Westall, Mann, Rusk, Marvel, Polish, Vergiels, Mello and Weise. |
74 |
SENATE RESOLUTION–Amending Senate Standing Rule 110 for the 60th session of the legislature with respect to bills recommended for placement on the consent calendar. Senate Resolution No. 10–Committee on Legislative Functions. |
75 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Urging the board of state prison commissioners to use suitable convicts to educate youth against crimes. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 38–Assemblymen May, Hayes, FitzPatrick, Rhoads Prengaman, Craddock, Fielding, Sena, Glover, Dini, Westall, Mann, Price, Webb, Malone, Rusk, Bremner, Polish, Marvel, Bergevin, Hickey, Horn, Vergiels, Harmon, Weise, Chaney, Bennett, Tanner, Stewart, Brady, Bedrosian, Jeffrey, Cavnar, Wagner, Barengo, Getto, Robinson and Coulter. |
76 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Encouraging the training of peace officers to deal with domestic violence. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 29–Senator Ford. |
77 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Requesting all citizens and state officials to join with the Nevada legislature in commemorating Law Day U.S.A. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 44–Assemblymen May, Banner, Barengo, Bedrosian, Bennett, Bergevin, Brady, Bremner, Cavnar, Chaney, Coulter, Craddock, Dini, Fielding, FitzPatrick, Getto, Glover, Harmon, Hayes, Hickey, Horn, Jeffrey, Malone, Mann, Marvel, Mello, Polish, Prengaman, Price, Rhoads, Robinson, Rusk, Sena, Stewart, Tanner, Vergiels, Wagner, Webb, Weise and Westall. |
78 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Clel Georgetta, former district judge and legislator. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 47–Senators Raggio, Young, Blakemore, Hernstadt, Kosinski and Wilson. |
79 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late W. Howard Gray. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 48–Senators Blakemore, Don Ashworth, Keith Ashworth, Close, Dodge, Echols, Faiss, Ford, Gibson, Glaser, Hernstadt, Jacobsen, Kosinski, Lamb, McCorkle, Neal, Raggio, Sloan, Wilson and Young. |
80 |
SENATE RESOLUTION–Providing for the appointment of an additional attache. Senate Resolution No. 13–Committee on Legislative Functions. |
81 |
SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing to amend section 1 of article 10 of the Nevada constitution by permitting an exemption from property tax for the conservation of energy by using nonfossil resources. Senate Joint Resolution No. 19–Committee on Taxation. |
82 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Authorizing the state land registrar to sell or exchange certain real property belonging to the state and situated in Washoe County, Nevada. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 38–Senator Raggio (by request). |
83 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Congratulating Nevada Air National Guard. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 47–Assemblymen May, Banner, Barengo, Bedrosian, Bennett, Bergevin, Brady, Bremner, Cavnar, Chaney, Coulter, Craddock, Dini, Fielding, FitzPatrick, Getto, Glover, Harmon, Hayes, Hickey, Horn, Jeffrey, Malone, Mann, Marvel, Mello, Polish, Prengaman, Price, Rhoads, Robinson, Rusk, Sena, Stewart, Tanner, Vergiels, Wagner, Webb, Weise and Westall. |
84 |
ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing to amend the constitution of the State of Nevada by conferring a right upon private citizens to keep and bear arms for their defense and security and other lawful purposes. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 6–Assemblymen Robinson, Polish, Bremner, Barengo, Banner, Horn, Rhoads, Harmon, Hayes, Sena, Jeffrey, Brady, FitzPatrick, Fielding and Craddock. |
85 |
SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing to amend section 14 of article 5 of the constitution of the State of Nevada to permit the legislature to authorize courts inferior to the district courts to defer the imposition of sentences and to suspend sentences. Senate Joint Resolution No. 18–Committee on Judiciary. |
86 |
SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Requesting the United States Secretary of Defense and Secretary of the Army to maintain the staffing of civil service employees at the Hawthorne Army Ammunition Plant. Senate Joint Resolution No. 17–Committee on Commerce and Labor. |
87 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Continuing the existence of the select committee on public lands. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 5–Senators Blakemore, Gibson, Lamb, Close, Wilson, Dodge, Glaser, Jacobsen, Don Ashworth, Keith Ashworth, Echols and Neal. |
88 |
SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the United States Government to urge the German Federal Republic to abolish the statute of limitations for Nazi war crimes or to extend the period in which the guilty persons may be prosecuted. Senate Joint Resolution No. 21–Committee on Judiciary. |
89 |
SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Memorializing Congress to legislate on geothermal resources and to appropriate money for research and demonstration. Senate Joint Resolution No. 23–Committee on Commerce and Labor. |
90 |
SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the Congress of the United States to repeal legislation requiring that social security benefits payable to a spouse or surviving spouse be reduced by the amount received as a pension from certain public retirement systems. Senate Joint Resolution No. 24–Committee on Taxation. |
91 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Authorizing expenditure from the legislative fund for travel expenses and a subsistence allowance to certain persons for their appearance before the senate and assembly committees on legislative functions. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 57–Committee on Legislative Functions. |
92 |
ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Authorizing the payment of a per diem expense allowance from the legislative fund to the chief clerk of the assembly. Assembly Resolution No. 26–Committee on Legislative Functions. |
93 |
SENATE RESOLUTION–Providing for the appointment of an additional attache. Senate Resolution No. 14–Committee on Legislative Functions. |
94 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Allocating certain proceeds of the 1976 park bond issue for and authorizing the purchase of certain property near Wildhorse Reservoir in Elko County, Nevada. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 13–Assemblyman Rhoads. |
95 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Requesting the department of highways to promptly select route for a certain freeway in Washoe County, Nevada. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 45–Assemblymen Weise, Rusk, Wagner, Webb, Coulter, Mello, Westall, Prengaman, Bedrosian and Barengo. |
96 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Approving an application by the mental hygiene and mental retardation division of the department of human resources to the Max C. Fleischmann Foundation of Nevada to obtain a grant for mental health and mental retardation facilities. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 55–Assemblymen Bennett, Chaney, Wagner, Vergiels and Sena. |
97 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the sale of additional bonds for park purposes and partially allocating the proceeds. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 8–The Washoe County Delegation. |
98 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Clarence L. Young of Lovelock, Nevada. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 58–Assemblyman Getto. |
99 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the legislative commission through the legislative counsel bureau to make a compilation of special and local acts. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 45–Senators Ford and Gibson. |
100 |
ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Requesting the Congress of the United States to submit to each state legislature for ratification a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution which would establish the sovereign immunity of each state from any unconsented suits in the courts of another state except to the extent that the immunity is waived in its own courts or is waived as a matter of comity with another state. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 29–Committee on Ways and Means. |
101 |
ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing to amend the Nevada constitution to create an intermediate appellate court. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 2 of the 59th Session–Assemblymen Barengo, Mann, Hickey, Wagner and Schofield. |
102 |
SENATE RESOLUTION–Commending Albert LaGrande Tyler for his services to education at Stewart Indian School. Senate Resolution No. 15–Senators Neal, Don Ashworth, Keith Ashworth, Blakemore, Close, Dodge, Echols, Faiss, Ford, Gibson, Glaser, Hernstadt, Jacobson, Kosinski, Lamb, McCorkle, Raggio, Sloan, Wilson and Young. |
103 |
ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Providing for the appointment of an additional assembly attache. Assembly Resolution No. 27–Committee on Legislative Functions. |
104 |
ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing to amend section 14 of article 5 of the constitution of the State of Nevada, relating to commutations of sentences, by prohibiting the commutation of a sentence of death or life imprisonment without possibility of parole to a sentence which would allow parole except as may be provided by law. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 30–Committee on Judiciary. |
105 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Expressing appreciation to Bell Telephone Company of Nevada for the services rendered by its message center to the Nevada legislature during its 60th session. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 59–Committee on Finance. |
106 |
SENATE RESOLUTION–Providing for the appointment of additional Senate attaches. Senate Resolution No. 16–Committee on Legislative Functions. |
107 |
ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the Congress of the United States to enact legislation which would return to the states the right to regulate or participate in the regulation of safety and health in mines. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 28–Committee on Government Affairs. |
108 |
ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging the United States Fish and Wildlife Service to abandon certain projects which use large amounts of water from Truckee River. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 36–Assemblymen Rusk, Coulter, Barengo, Polish, Stewart, Jeffrey, Fielding, Prengaman, Weise, Dini, Westall, Mann, Bergevin, Marvel, Bremner, FitzPatrick, Malone, Webb, Rhoads and Getto. |
109 |
SENATE RESOLUTION–Designating certain senators as members of the legislative commission and providing for the method of selecting alternate members. Senate Resolution No. 17–Senator Gibson. |
110 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the legislative commission to study the apportionment of the costs of the Las Vegas metropolitan police department. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 58–Committee on Government Affairs. |
111 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Authorizing the acceptance by the Lost City museum of a grant from the Max C. Fleischmann Foundation for the purchase of certain land. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 60–Committee on Finance. |
112 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Rescinding Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 8 of the 60th session of the Nevada legislature, directing the sale of additional bonds for park purposes and partially allocating the proceeds. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 61–Committee on Finance. |
113 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late E. Frandsen “Bud” Loomis, former state legislator. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 63–Senators Raggio, Don Ashworth, Keith Ashworth, Blakemore, Close, Dodge, Echols, Faiss, Ford, Gibson, Glaser, Hernstadt, Jacobsen, Kosinski, Lamb, McCorkle, Neal, Sloan, Wilson and Young. |
114 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Adding new Joint Rule for the 60th session of the legislature. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 31–Committee on Legislative Functions. |
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ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Prescribing the method of preparing and submitting budgets for certain agencies and for reporting those budgets to the interim finance committee. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 33–Assemblyman Vergiels. |
116 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Providing for the compensation of clergy for services rendered to the assembly and senate in the 60th session of the Nevada legislature. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 61–Assemblymen May, Westall, Stewart, Dini, Banner, Robinson, Harmon, Sena, Jeffrey, Cavnar, Rhoads and Malone. |
117 |
SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Requesting the Congress of the United States to call a convention limited to proposing an amendment to the Constitution to restrict abortion. Senate Joint Resolution No. 27–Senators Gibson, Jacobsen, Close, Raggio, Don Ashworth, Keith Ashworth, Blakemore, McCorkle, Faiss, Lamb, Echols and Glaser. |
118 |
ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Designating certain assemblymen as regular and alternate members of the legislative commission. Assembly Resolution No. 28–Assemblyman May. |
119 |
ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Censuring the assemblyman from District No. 1 for derogatory statements made about other assemblymen. Assembly Resolution No. 29–Assemblymen Tanner, Mann, Brady, FitzPatrick, Jeffrey, Sena, Fielding, Craddock, Chaney, Weise, Dini, Glover, Mello, Harmon, Westall, Horn, Vergiels, Barengo, Bergevin, Marvel, Banner, Robinson, Polish, Bremner, Rusk, Malone, Hayes, Getto and May. |
120 |
SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Proposing to amend section 9 of article 6 of the constitution of the State of Nevada, relating to municipal courts, to allow for municipal courts of record. Senate Joint Resolution No. 25–Committee on Judiciary. |
121 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the legislative commission to study the problems of owners and renters of mobile homes. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 3–Assemblymen Hayes, Horn, Mello, Barengo, Harmon, Stewart, Brady, Glover, Hickey, Jeffrey, Weise, Craddock, Westall, Prengaman, Sena and Coulter. |
122 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the legislative commission to study data processing by the state government. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 21–Assemblymen May, Cavnar, Harmon, FitzPatrick, Price and Barengo. |
123 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the legislative commission to study the public service commission of Nevada and the merits of requiring competitive bidding on large projects of construction or repair by public utilities. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 22–Assemblyman Westall. |
124 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the legislative commission to study motor vehicle insurance rates and rating practices, the increased cost of motor vehicle repair and medical care, possible statutory changes affecting recovery under the tort liability system and related matters. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 29–Assemblymen Price, Mann, Mello, Hickey, Malone, Rusk, Bremner, Polish, Marvel, Bergevin, Horn, Chaney, Sena, Bennett, Prengaman, Bedrosian, Dini, Coulter, Banner, Barengo, Hayes, Wagner, Weise, Cavnar, Jeffrey, Brady, Fielding, Craddock, Stewart, Tanner, Westall, Rhoads, Vergiels, Getto and May. |
125 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the legislative commission to study the maintenance of state highways as administered by the department of highways. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 30–Assemblymen Hickey, Chaney, May, Vergiels, Horn, Bergevin, Marvel, Polish, Bremner, Rusk, Malone, Webb, Price, Mann, Westall, Mello, Dini, Glover, Hayes, Sena, Fielding, Craddock, Prengaman, Rhoads, FitzPatrick, Brady, Tanner, Bennett, Weise, Barengo, Wagner, Cavnar, Robinson, Banner, Getto and Jeffrey. |
126 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the legislative commission to study the requirements of reapportionment in advance of the 1981 legislative session. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 32–Committee on Elections. |
127 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the legislative commission to study juvenile crime and the abuse of alcohol by juveniles. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 34–Assemblymen Brady, FitzPatrick, Hayes, Polish, Rhoads, Prengaman, Craddock, Sena, Dini, Weise, Chaney, Tanner, Stewart, Malone, Marvel, Fielding, Bennett, Webb, Rusk, Banner, Horn, Mann, Mello, Bergevin, Harmon, Cavnar, Bedrosian, Jeffrey, Chaney, Westall, Price and Vergiels. |
128 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the legislative commission to study the problem of access of sportsmen to public land over private land and related problems. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 37–Assemblyman Rhoads. |
129 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the legislative commission to study the Nevada prison system and alternatives to incarceration. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 41–Assemblymen Wagner, Mann, Vergiels, Harmon, Jeffrey, Bedrosian, Barengo, Mello, Glover, Webb, Hickey and Westall. |
130 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the legislative commission to conduct an interim study of possible means of employing continuous recipients of welfare. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 42–Assemblymen Chaney, Bennett, Weise, Brady, FitzPatrick and Westall. |
131 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the legislative commission to study water problems and priorities for water usage in the state. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 46–Committee on Government Affairs. |
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ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the legislative commission to study private providers of care in this state. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 51–Assemblymen Vergiels, Mann and Wagner. |
133 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Requesting the public employees’ retirement board to provide members of the public employees’ retirement system with a planning and counseling program. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 52–Committee on Ways and Means. |
134 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the legislative commission to conduct an interim study of methods used in transporting and disposing of radioactive material. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 62–Assemblymen Bedrosian, FitzPatrick, Jeffrey, Cavnar, Price, Malone, Bremner, Polish, Stewart, Brady, Rhoads, Rusk, Glover, Coulter, Banner, Prengaman, Wagner, Getto, Harmon, Dini, Bennett, Chaney, Vergiels, Horn, Hickey, Bergevin, Marvel, Robinson, Hayes, Sena, Fielding, Craddock and Weise. |
135 |
ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Dana Lee Coffee. Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 63–Assemblyman Getto. |
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SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the legislative commission to study the use of federal money in local governmental programs. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 14–Committee on Finance. |
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SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the legislative commission to conduct a study of child abuse in Nevada, and the services and programs available in the state to prevent it and protect children. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 17–Senator McCorkle. |
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SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the legislative commission to study alternatives for the organization and financing of judicial services involving juveniles. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 19–Committee on Government Affairs. |
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SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the legislative commission to study and develop a statewide master plan for fire protection and control. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 23–Senator Jacobsen. |
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SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the legislative commission to conduct a study of libraries and systems for storing information. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 26–Senators Ford, Gibson, Close, Echols, Raggio, Wilson, Neal, Kosinski, Sloan, Dodge, Keith Ashworth, Don Ashworth, Hernstadt, Glaser, Faiss, Lamb, Blakemore and Jacobsen. |
141 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the legislative commission to study means of obtaining greater efficiency and economy in state public works. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 40–Committee on Government Affairs. |
142 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the legislative commission to study the effects of measures to provide tax relief passed by the 60th session of the legislature. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 42–Committee on Legislative Functions. |
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SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the legislative commission to study the gaming industry. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 49–Committee on Judiciary. |
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SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the legislative commission to study Nevada’s laws relating to local government bonding. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 54–Committee on Government Affairs. |
145 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Amending Joint Rule 7 of the Senate and Assembly regarding resolutions. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 55–Committee on Legislative Functions. |
146 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Lawrence Jackson. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 62–Senators Neal, Don Ashworth, Keith Ashworth, Blakemore, Close, Dodge, Echols, Faiss, Ford, Gibson, Glaser, Hernstadt, Jacobsen, Kosinski, Lamb, McCorkle, Sloan, Wilson and Young. |
147 |
SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending the superintendent of the state printing and records division of the department of general services and his staff for their services to the 60th session of the Nevada legislature. Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 64–Committee on Legislative Functions. |
148 |
ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging Congress to propose a constitutional amendment authorizing the states to enact legislation permitting voluntary, nondenominational prayer in their public schools. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 27–Assemblymen Cavnar, FitzPatrick, Sena, Tanner, Brady, Rhoads, Prengaman, Craddock, Fielding, Jeffrey, Bennett, Chaney, Getto, Harmon, Webb, Bergevin, Hayes, May, Banner, Bedrosian, Horn, Glover, Malone, Dini, Marvel, Polish, Robinson, Westall, Vergiels and Rusk. |
149 |
SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging the Congress of the United States to enact legislation which increases controls on the number of wild horses and burros and which authorizes additional methods of removing the animals from public lands. Senate Joint Resolution No. 29–Committee on Natural Resources. |
150 |
ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Requesting Congress and the President to allow each state the option of administering federal programs and to reimburse the states for costs incurred in carrying out such programs. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 34–Assemblymen Webb, Mann, FitzPatrick, Malone, Rusk, Hickey, Bergevin, Marvel, Polish, Bremner, Getto, Horn, Price, Westall, Vergiels, Mello, Harmon, Dini, Glover, Hayes, Sena, Craddock, Rhoads, Brady, Stewart, Tanner, Bennett, Chaney, Weise, Cavnar, Barengo, Wagner, Jeffrey and May. |
151 |
ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Memorializing Congress to remove certain proprietary privileges allowing the withholding of information on inventories of gasoline and to provide for independent examinations of the inventories. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 37–Assemblymen Wagner, Mello, Mann, Weise, Dini, Cavnar, Price, Webb, Bremner, Sena, Rusk, Malone, Glover, Fielding, Craddock, Prengaman, Rhoads, Barengo, Bedrosian, Hayes, Brady, Vergiels, Jeffrey, Getto, Hickey, Banner, Robinson, Polish, Coulter, Horn, Tanner, Harmon, Bennett, Chaney, Stewart, Marvel, Bergevin, May and FitzPatrick. |
152 |
ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Favoring the merger of Pan American World Airways, Inc., with National Airlines, Inc. Assembly Joint Resolution No. 38–Assemblymen May, Chaney, Hayes, Banner, Robinson, Bremner, Malone, Price, Hickey, Vergiels, Harmon, Cavnar, Jeffrey, Brady, Stewart, Tanner, Bennett, Craddock, FitzPatrick, Wagner, Bedrosian, Rhoads, Fielding, Mello, Sena, Dini, Westall, Webb, Rusk, Polish, Marvel, Bergevin and Getto. |