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Statutes of the State of Nevada - Sixtieth Session, 1979









AN ACT relating to taxation; extending the period of time during which county boards of equalization conduct business; preserving the validity of assessment and collection of taxes under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 2–Senator Dodge.  Approved January 17, 1979



AN ACT making an appropriation from the state general fund to the legislative fund. Senate Bill No. 1–Committee on Finance.  Approved January 18, 1979



AN ACT authorizing the Washoe County School District to issue general obligation bonds in an aggregate principal amount of not more than $36,000,000 to improve school facilities; validating, ratifying, approving and confirming acts and proceedings taken in connection with such issuance; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 33–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved January 18, 1979



AN ACT relating to the state legislature; establishing the legislative committee for the review of federal regulations; prescribing its powers and duties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 653–Assemblyman Rhoads.  Approved January 25, 1979



AN ACT relating to alternative methods of budgeting; requiring as an experiment that certain agencies submit to the legislative finance committees their proposed budgets for the next fiscal year containing specified, detailed justifications therefor; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 104–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved February 9, 1979



AN ACT relating to transportation; providing that the procedures for obtaining an injunction suspending or staying an order of the public service commission of Nevada are exclusive; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 73–Assemblymen Hayes, Glover, Jeffrey, Barengo and Horn.  Approved February 9, 1979



AN ACT relating to county recorders; authorizing the alternative use of electronic methods of indexing; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 10–Assemblyman Harmon.  Approved February 14, 1979



AN ACT relating to depositories of public money; requiring approval of the state board of finance and review by the state controller respecting certain accounts maintained by state agencies; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 43–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved February 14, 1979



AN ACT relating to the Marlette Lake water system; transferring the responsibility for determining water rates; redesignating a fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 16–Senator Jacobsen.  Approved February 14, 1979



AN ACT relating to coroners; clarifying that provisions governing certain duties of coroners apply in all counties of the state; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 8–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved February 16, 1979



AN ACT relating to state financial administration; changing the designation of certain funds; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 44–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved February 16, 1979



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act incorporating the City of Henderson, in Clark County, Nevada, and defining the boundaries thereof, under a new charter; and providing other matters properly relating thereto,” approved April 13, 1971, as amended. Senate Bill No. 121–Senator Gibson.  Approved February 22, 1979



AN ACT to amend an act entitled, “An Act relating to trusts for the furtherance of public functions; repealing the provisions of chapter 242B of NRS for their creation; adding similar provisions to the charter of the City of Henderson; preserving existing and certain potential rights and liabilities; and providing other matters properly relating thereto,” approved May 26, 1975. Assembly Bill No. 166–Assemblymen Jeffrey and Sena.  Approved February 22, 1979



AN ACT to amend the title of and to amend “An Act relating to certain water services and facilities and electric properties complementary thereto; supplementing chapter 268, Statutes of Nevada 1967; authorizing the acquisition of certain water service facilities, properties appurtenant thereto and electric works, properties and appurtenances complementary thereto, and the issuance of bonds and other securities by the State of Nevada, acting by and through the division of Colorado River resources of the state department of conservation and natural resources; relating to the construction, other acquisition, equipment, operation, maintenance, improvement and disposal of properties appertaining to such facilities and properties; otherwise concerning such securities, facilities and properties, and revenues, taxes, pledges and liens pertaining thereto by reference to the State Securities Law; and providing other matters properly relating thereto,” approved May 17, 1975, as amended. Senate Bill No. 61–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved February 22, 1979



AN ACT relating to county engineers; changing their qualifications by removing residence requirements; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 9–Assemblyman Harmon.  Approved February 23, 1979



AN ACT relating to county government; removing requirement to mail certain county license regulations to licensees and attorneys in the county; providing for public inspection of those regulations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 176–Assemblyman Harmon.  Approved February 23, 1979



AN ACT relating to the state public works board; transferring to the department of energy certain duties relating to standards for the conservation of energy in buildings; repealing statutory provision relating to the power of eminent domain; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 15–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved February 23, 1979



AN ACT relating to state publications; extending free distribution of certain publications to libraries in the University of Nevada System; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 56–Senator Ford.  Approved February 23, 1979



AN ACT relating to the secretary of state; removing his power to commission notaries public; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 96–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved February 23, 1979



AN ACT relating to evidence; broadening the scope of examination of adverse witnesses; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 155–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 1, 1979



AN ACT relating to the admissibility of evidence; broadening cases in which inquiry may be made into specific instances of conduct; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 156–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 1, 1979



AN ACT relating to foreign corporations; resolving a conflict in the description of the document to be filed by such a corporation with the secretary of state; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 110–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 1, 1979



AN ACT to amend the title of an act entitled, “An Act relating to controlled substances; revising penalties for various unlawful activities; adding certain crimes; removing age distinctions in certain crimes; prohibiting probation and restricting parole eligibility for certain offenders; and providing other matters properly relating thereto,” approved May 16, 1977. Senate Bill No. 112–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 1, 1979



AN ACT to amend chapter 561, Statutes of Nevada 1977; making a technical correction; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 113–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 1, 1979



AN ACT relating to statutes; ratifying technical corrections made to multiple amendments of sections of NRS; correcting the effective date of and repealing certain provisions in Statutes of Nevada 1977; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 115–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 1, 1979



AN ACT relating to licenses to hunt or fish; removing certain restrictions from fishing licenses issued to blind persons; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 140–Committee on Human Resources and Facilities.  Approved March 1, 1979



AN ACT relating to traffic laws; prohibiting parking within 20 feet of a fire hydrant in places where angle parking of vehicles is permitted; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 19–Assemblymen Mann, Horn and Sena.  Approved March 1, 1979



AN ACT relating to procedure in criminal cases in justices’ courts; clarifying the grounds for dismissal of a complaint in justice’s court and on appeal; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 185–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 1, 1979



AN ACT relating to evidence; modifying the requirement for a cautionary instruction on evidence of a related crime; clarifying the authority for proving the contents of a missing original document; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 153–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 1, 1979



AN ACT relating to traffic laws; limiting the time that law enforcement agencies must maintain records of the disposition of each traffic citation by the court or its traffic violations bureau; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 4–Assemblyman Harmon.  Approved March 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to state employees; entitling employees of the supreme court or legislative branch of the government of the state to transfer, under certain circumstances, to the classified service on the same basis as employees may transfer within that service; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 92–Assemblymen Getto and Dini.  Approved March 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to crimes against the person; defining kidnaping for the purpose of sexual assault as kidnaping in the first degree; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 169–Assemblymen Barengo and Hayes.  Approved March 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to prisons; providing for the establishment of criteria for a reasonable deduction from the personal funds of an offender to pay for state property which has been willfully damaged or destroyed; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 160–Assemblymen Mann, Sena, Brady, Harmon, Jeffrey, Getto, Marvel, Cavnar, Rusk, Mello, Dini, May, Craddock, Westall, Tanner, Wagner, Webb, Bergevin, Robinson, Fielding, Weise, Coulter, Stewart, Horn, Vergiels, Malone, Polish, FitzPatrick and Hayes.  Approved March 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to energy resources; removing duplicative provisions of law concerning the appointment of the state energy resources advisory board and its functions; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 214–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 2, 1979



AN ACT to amend an act entitled, “An Act making an appropriation to the state public works board for certain improvements to be made at the Nevada state prison in Carson City, Nevada; and providing other matters properly relating thereto,” approved April 15, 1977. Assembly Bill No. 7–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved March 6, 1979



AN ACT relating to estates of decedents; resolving a conflict concerning fees charged by the county clerk in small estates; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 157–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 6, 1979



AN ACT relating to hearsay; limiting the admissibility of certain statements against interest; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 159–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 6, 1979



AN ACT relating to metropolitan fire departments; repealing chapter 455, Statutes of Nevada 1977; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 206–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 6, 1979



AN ACT relating to statutes; ratifying technical corrections made to various chapters of NRS; correcting the effective date of and repealing certain provisions in Statutes of Nevada 1977; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 208–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 6, 1979



AN ACT relating to public officers and employees; providing an exception to the limitation of one salary for all services rendered to the state; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 12–Senator Raggio.  Approved March 6, 1979



AN ACT relating to planning and zoning; deleting a redundant requirement for posting notice; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 216–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 6, 1979



AN ACT relating to judges; reinstating in Nevada Revised Statutes the provision for one change of judge upon filing of an affidavit alleging bias or prejudice; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 111–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 6, 1979



AN ACT relating to lost warrants of the state; revising the accounting procedure; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 150–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved March 6, 1979



AN ACT to amend an act entitled, “An Act incorporating the City of Las Vegas, in Clark County, Nevada, and defining the boundaries thereof, under a new charter; and providing other matters properly relating thereto,” approved April 24, 1971, as amended. Senate Bill No. 169–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved March 6, 1979



AN ACT making an appropriation to the secretary of state for additional expenses incurred in registering lobbyists and performing other services for the 60th session of the Nevada legislature; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 276–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved March 6, 1979



AN ACT making an appropriation to the state board of examiners for the stale claims fund account; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 329–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved March 6, 1979



AN ACT making an appropriation to the Nevada state library for repair and overhaul of bookmobiles; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 404–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved March 6, 1979



AN ACT relating to costs; allowing costs to a prevailing defendant in certain actions for the recovery of money only; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 88–Senators Close, Wilson and Raggio.  Approved March 6, 1979



AN ACT relating to trial by jury; limiting peremptory challenges of jurors to four such challenges by each side in a trial; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 101–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 6, 1979



AN ACT relating to public employees’ contributions for retirement; authorizing refund of additional contributions abolished in 1977; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 140–Assemblymen Wagner, Mello, Barengo, Cavnar, Weise, Bremner, Coulter and Glover.  Approved March 7, 1979



AN ACT relating to the state legislature; creating a service division within the legislative counsel bureau; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 165–Assemblymen Mello, Dini and May.  Approved March 7, 1979



AN ACT relating to data processing; changing certain accounting procedures used by the state computer facility; changing the name of a fund; making an appropriation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 149–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved March 10, 1979



AN ACT relating to emergency medical services; directing the state board of health to establish certain standards for ambulances and attendants; prohibiting misrepresentation by uncertified emergency medical technicians and ambulance services; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 68–Senators Blakemore, Jacobsen and Dodge.  Approved March 10, 1979



AN ACT relating to state purchasing; providing for additional locations for the receipt of bids for state purchases; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 290–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved March 12, 1979



AN ACT making an appropriation from the state general fund to the emergency fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 295–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved March 12, 1979



AN ACT relating to the superintendent of public instruction; permitting an outside occupation only if approved by the state board of education; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 125–Committee on Education.  Approved March 13, 1979



AN ACT relating to motorcycles; repealing NRS 486.321 and thereby making motorcycle mufflers subject to NRS 484.611; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 44–Assemblymen Webb and Malone.  Approved March 13, 1979



AN ACT relating to the state board of education; revising the limitation on the number of meetings for which members may be compensated; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 132–Assemblyman Malone.  Approved March 13, 1979



AN ACT relating to public purchasing generally; revising limitations on the purchase price of state automobiles; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 274–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved March 13, 1979



AN ACT making an appropriation from the state general fund to the legislative fund. Senate Bill No. 283–Committee on Finance.  Approved March 14, 1979



AN ACT relating to the office of secretary of state; creating a revolving account for the refund of revenue; making an appropriation to that account; providing for the deposit of certain fees into the state general fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 35–Committee on Finance.  Approved March 17, 1979



AN ACT relating to the property tax; eliminating the tax on certain personal property through annual reductions; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 77–Senators Glaser, Don Ashworth, Keith Ashworth, Blakemore, Close, Dodge, Echols, Faiss, Ford, Gibson, Hernstadt, Jacobsen, Kosinski, McCorkle, Neal, Raggio, Sloan, Wilson and Young.  Approved March 17, 1979



AN ACT relating to the state forester firewarden; authorizing him to provide meals to certain employees fighting fires under specified circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 179–Senator Jacobsen.  Approved March 17, 1979



AN ACT relating to greyhound racing; resolving a conflict concerning the authority of political subdivisions to regulate greyhound racing; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 193–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 17, 1979



AN ACT relating to the inspector of mines; authorizing him to accept and administer certain money; providing for certain notification of mine operators; removing obsolete references; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 139–Assemblyman Dini.  Approved March 17, 1979



AN ACT relating to annuity contracts; resolving conflict concerning certain operative dates; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 207–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 17, 1979



AN ACT relating to dental examiners; reconciling the number of members appointed to the board of dental examiners of Nevada; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 215–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 17, 1979



AN ACT relating to the local government purchasing act; enabling local governments to purchase motor vehicle fuel to sell to nonprofit organizations which provide transportation specially for the elderly or handicapped; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 247–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved March 17, 1979



AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; requiring persons operating vehicles required to be registered in this state to provide security; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 283–Committee on Transportation.  Approved March 17, 1979



AN ACT relating to vehicles; extending the optional registration of motortrucks by anniversary; clarifying the meaning of “fee” for a certificate of title; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 284–Committee on Transportation.  Approved March 17, 1979



AN ACT relating to cities incorporated under general law and to the City of Yerington; changing requirement for publishing ordinances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 288–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved March 17, 1979



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act relating to the settlement of intergovernmental payments; requiring the state controller and the board of county commissioners of certain counties to make an agreement for such transfers; requiring the state controller and the board of county commissioners to prepare a report for the legislative commission evaluating any savings realized by using such transfers; and providing other matters properly relating thereto,” approved April 19, 1977. Assembly Bill No. 374–Assemblymen Mello, May and Dini.  Approved March 17, 1979



AN ACT relating to barbers and barbering; raising the limit on the salary of the secretary-treasurer of the state barbers’ health and sanitation board; increasing certain fees; changing provisions relating to the discipline of barbers; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 194–Assemblymen Bennett and Chaney.  Approved March 20, 1979



AN ACT relating to drivers’ licenses; clarifying a provision which requires the signature of a responsible person on a minor’s application; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 280–Committee on Transportation.  Approved March 21, 1979



AN ACT relating to license plates for vehicles; providing a new registration code for license plates; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 282–Committee on Transportation.  Approved March 21, 1979



AN ACT relating to meetings of state and local agencies; requiring that persons responsible for such meetings make reasonable efforts to accommodate physically handicapped persons; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 141–Committee on Human Resources and Facilities.  Approved March 21, 1979



AN ACT relating to governmental surplus property; broadening the provisions for the purchase of that property among governmental entities; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 168–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved March 21, 1979



AN ACT relating to public finance; revising the designations of various accounts and funds; relaxing limitations on the use of the insurance division national association fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 171–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved March 21, 1979



AN ACT relating to professional corporations and associations; relaxing restrictions on the use of fictitious names; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 182–Senator Young.  Approved March 21, 1979



AN ACT relating to the state fire marshal; restoring his office and amending his powers and duties; reorganizing the state fire marshal division of the department of commerce; making an appropriation; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 198–Senators Jacobsen, Blakemore, Dodge, Glaser, Faiss and Neal.  Approved March 22, 1979



AN ACT relating to subpenas; providing a method for witnesses to accept delivery of certain subpenas in lieu of service; clarifying that failure to obey a district attorney’s subpena is contempt of court; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 183–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 22, 1979



AN ACT relating to elections; prescribing the order in which offices and questions must be set out on ballots for general election; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 13–Assemblymen Mello, Weise, Barengo, Bremner, Westall, Harmon, Wagner, Coulter, Dini, Glover, Rusk, Webb, Mann, Price, Getto, Hayes, Sena, Jeffrey, Vergiels, Horn, Hickey, Robinson, Banner, Bedrosian, Prengaman, Rhoads, Craddock, Fielding, FitzPatrick, Brady, Stewart, Bennett, Tanner and Chaney.  Approved March 23, 1979



AN ACT relating to property taxation; abolishing the requirement of an annual claim of exemption for fraternities and sororities at the University of Nevada from the property tax; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 55–Committee on Taxation.  Approved March 23, 1979



AN ACT relating to transportation; providing for uniformity in the standards employed by the public service commission of Nevada in regulating the charges and practices of motor carriers; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 76–Assemblymen Hayes, Glover, Horn, Barengo and Jeffrey.  Approved March 23, 1979



AN ACT relating to child custody; adopting the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 115–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 23, 1979



AN ACT relating to missing persons; removing an implication that such persons are males only; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 229–Assemblymen Hayes, Sena, Wagner, Cavnar, Getto, Horn, Malone and Stewart.  Approved March 23, 1979



AN ACT relating to the compromising of claims of minors; removing distinctions based on sex from NRS 41.200; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 244–Assemblymen Hayes, Stewart and Malone.  Approved March 23, 1979



AN ACT relating to the support of families of decedents; removing distinctions between widows and widowers as to rights of support; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 245–Assemblymen Hayes, Coulter, Westall, Wagner, Getto, Sena, Horn and Stewart.  Approved March 23, 1979



AN ACT relating to criminal responsibility; removing a special provision for married women; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 246–Assemblymen Hayes and Coulter.  Approved March 23, 1979



AN ACT relating to facilities of the division of mental hygiene and mental retardation of the department of human resources; providing the authority to establish and operate canteens for the benefit of clients and employees; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 253–Assemblymen Prengaman, Mann, Brady, Coulter, Sena, Polish, Banner, Fitzpatrick, Malone, Hayes, Price, Bergevin, Marvel, Fielding, Stewart, Wagner, Robinson, Horn, Craddock, Rusk, Hickey, Chaney, Bennett, Tanner, Cavnar, May, Westall, Harmon, Rhoads, Dini, Jeffrey, Vergiels, Getto, Bedrosian, Bremner, Glover, Weise, Barengo, Mello and Webb.  Approved March 23, 1979



AN ACT relating to partnerships; extending provision for annuity to both widows and widowers; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 259–Assemblymen Hayes, Westall, Wagner, Getto, Horn and Stewart.  Approved March 23, 1979



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act relating to Carson City; consolidating Ormsby County and Carson City into one municipal government to be known as Carson City; providing a charter therefor; and providing other matters properly relating thereto,” approved April 1, 1969, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 345–Assemblymen Glover and Bergevin.  Approved March 23, 1979



AN ACT relating to the public service commission; removing the requirement for prior approval by the state board of examiners and removing an obsolete provision respecting the attendance of public service commissioners at certain hearings; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 351–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved March 23, 1979



AN ACT relating to the public service commission; consolidating certain provisions of NRS regarding the public service commission regulatory fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 352–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved March 23, 1979



AN ACT relating to county hospitals; providing that dentists may be members of the staff of physicians of a county hospital; removing dentistry from the list of allied health professions; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 74–Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved March 23, 1979



AN ACT relating to control and sale of state lands; clarifying provisions concerning the resolution of inconsistencies between the land use plans of local government entities; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 175–Committee on Natural Resources.  Approved March 23, 1979



AN ACT relating to county officers and employees; permitting a district attorney who resides outside the county he serves, but within a specified distance of the county line, to draw the same salary as if he were a resident of that county; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 197–Senator Blakemore.  Approved March 23, 1979



AN ACT relating to grand larceny; including in grand larceny the theft of a motor vehicle regardless of its value; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 181–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to professions and occupations; transferring the recording of licenses of certain professions from the county clerk to the county recorder; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 20–Assemblymen Mann, Horn and Sena.  Approved March 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to crimes against public safety; prohibiting discharging a firearm at or into a structure, vehicle, aircraft or watercraft; prescribing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 168–Assemblymen Hayes and Barengo.  Approved March 27, 1979



AN ACT making an appropriation to the state public works board for remodeling the Octagon building in the Capitol Complex in Carson City, Nevada; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 183–Committee on Finance.  Approved March 29, 1979



AN ACT relating to historic preservation; permitting disbursement of money paid by the federal government as financial assistance for historic preservation to organizations, persons and enterprises; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 116–Committee on Human Resources and Facilities.  Approved March 29, 1979



AN ACT relating to health and care facilities; providing for the licensing, regulation and inspection of home health agencies; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 79–Committee on Human Resources and Facilities.  Approved March 29, 1979



AN ACT relating to the administration of public health; repealing an obsolete provision relating to the composition of the health division of the department of human resources; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 76–Committee on Human Resources and Facilities.  Approved March 29, 1979



AN ACT relating to the administration of public health; revising provisions requiring notice and hearing for proposed regulations of district boards of health; requiring such boards to file adopted regulations with certain county clerks; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 69–Committee on Human Resources and Facilities.  Approved March 29, 1979



AN ACT authorizing the state land registrar to exchange or sell certain state land situated in Lincoln County; providing for conditions of transfer; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 229–Senator Blakemore.  Approved March 29, 1979



AN ACT relating to the Lovelock Meadows Water District; validating, ratifying, approving and confirming acts, action and proceedings taken by the board of trustees of the Lovelock Meadows Water District in increasing the maximum allowable rate of interest on general obligation bonds and other general obligation securities to be approved at a special election; authorizing the district to issue such general obligation bonds at the increased rate of 9 percent if approved at an election; validating, ratifying, approving and confirming acts, action and proceedings taken in connection with such election and such issuance; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 345–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved March 30, 1979



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act relating to administrative regulations; providing for their codification; and providing other matters properly relating thereto,” approved May 15, 1977. Assembly Bill No. 330–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved March 30, 1979



AN ACT relating to the control and sale of state lands; abolishing the state land registrar appraisal and publication revolving fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 443–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved March 30, 1979



AN ACT relating to parole and probation; conferring power to administer oaths and issue subpenas on certain officers; providing for judicial enforcement of the subpena power; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 458–Assemblymen Barengo and Hayes.  Approved March 30, 1979



AN ACT relating to pardons and paroles; defining status of escaped prisoner; excluding certain time as time served on a term of imprisonment; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 460–Assemblymen Barengo and Hayes.  Approved March 30, 1979



AN ACT relating to chiropractors; standardizing the fee for licensing chiropractors; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 188–Senator Jacobsen.  Approved March 30, 1979



AN ACT relating to crimes and responsibilities regarding fires; authorizing fire departments to investigate causes, origins and circumstances of fires; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 21–Assemblymen Mann, Horn and Sena.  Approved March 30, 1979



AN ACT relating to purchasing by local governments; raising the estimated value of contracts exempt from advertising; requiring requests for bids on certain contracts; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 86–Assemblyman Getto.  Approved March 30, 1979



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act relating to boards, commissions and similar bodies in the executive department of state government; establishing uniform provisions for the appointment by the governor of members to these bodies; changing the composition of various bodies; transferring certain powers and duties; abolishing certain bodies; providing for the expiration and reestablishment of the terms of members; and providing other matters properly relating thereto,” approved May 14, 1977; correcting conflicting provisions relating to the appointment of members of the commission on crimes, delinquency and corrections. Assembly Bill No. 212–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 30, 1979



AN ACT relating to state purchasing; eliminating requirement for consultation prior to purchase of schoolbooks and for production of certain reports; requiring certain state agencies to provide annual equipment listing to purchasing division; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 289–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved March 30, 1979



AN ACT relating to state purchasing; increasing the limit on the amount which may be authorized for local purchases; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 286–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved March 30, 1979



AN ACT relating to elections; clarifying procedure for transferring certain registrations by voters; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 38–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved March 30, 1979



AN ACT relating to public records; transferring the division of state, county and municipal archives of the office of the secretary of state to the Nevada state library; providing certain powers and duties for the state librarian; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 84–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved March 30, 1979



AN ACT relating to underground water and wells; providing for a waiver of a permit to appropriate water for exploratory wells under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 266–Senator Dodge.  Approved March 30, 1979



AN ACT making an appropriation from the state general fund to the Nevada highway patrol division of the department of motor vehicles for the law enforcement communications network; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 216–Committee on Finance.  Approved April 3, 1979



AN ACT making an appropriation from the state general fund to the secretary of state to convert certain records to microfiche, replace missing files and repair and maintain microfiche equipment; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 223–Committee on Finance.  Approved April 3, 1979



AN ACT relating to private corporations; changing time for filing certain annual reports from July 1 to anniversary month of incorporation or qualification to do business in this state; providing for a transition period; removing the requirement for certain publications; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 109–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 3, 1979



AN ACT relating to trade practices; providing additional remedies to the recipient of unsolicited goods; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 23–Assemblyman Banner.  Approved April 4, 1979



AN ACT relating to nursing; increasing the maximum and minimum license fees for nurses; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 50–Assemblymen Getto, Dini, Horn, Price and Hickey.  Approved April 4, 1979



AN ACT relating to transportation; empowering the public service commission of Nevada to compel the production of records of carriers which are not maintained in this state; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 65–Assemblymen Hayes, Glover, Horn, Barengo and Jeffrey.  Approved April 4, 1979



AN ACT relating to transportation; clarifying the requirements for a permit to operate as a contract motor carrier; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 77–Assemblymen Hayes, Glover, Horn, Barengo and Jeffrey.  Approved April 4, 1979



AN ACT relating to public education; assigning to the superintendent of public instruction the responsibility for establishing programs and curricula to meet the special educational needs of American Indians and for coordinating efforts and developing materials and programs for environmental education; deleting statutory references to special consultants on Indian education and environmental education; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 123–Committee on Education.  Approved April 4, 1979



AN ACT relating to licenses for insurance; removing distinctions based on sex from application forms; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 261–Assemblymen Hayes, Sena, Wagner, Getto, Horn and Coulter.  Approved April 4, 1979



AN ACT relating to state parks and monuments; permitting an advance from the state general fund for capital construction financed in part by the Federal Government; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 309–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved April 4, 1979



AN ACT relating to the regulation of public utilities; removing obsolete references to general improvement districts; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 350–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved April 4, 1979



AN ACT relating to state publications; revising the schedule for the changing of mailing lists of certain state publications; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 482–Assemblyman Barengo.  Approved April 4, 1979



AN ACT making a supplemental appropriation for the support of the governor’s mansion; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 219–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved April 4, 1979



AN ACT relating to admissibility of evidence; eliminating the requirement for corroborative evidence to support evidence of transactions or conversations with or actions of a deceased person. Assembly Bill No. 158–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 5, 1979



AN ACT relating to the property tax; redefining the property taxes for which senior citizens are entitled to property tax assistance in certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 250–Committee on Taxation.  Approved April 5, 1979



AN ACT making an appropriation from the state general fund to the division of water resources of the state department of conservation and natural resources to pay for certain costs of litigation and for consulting independent experts; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 301–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved April 5, 1979



AN ACT relating to the public service commission of Nevada; redefining the duties of the attorney general and the district attorneys with respect to the legal services they provide to the commission; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 354–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved April 5, 1979



AN ACT relating to the regulation of public utilities; permitting each board of county commissioners to regulate certain suppliers of sewer services; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 355–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved April 5, 1979



AN ACT relating to transportation; permitting a public utility or common carrier to give free or reduced rates of transportation to elderly or handicapped persons; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 79–Assemblymen Hayes, Glover, Jeffrey, Barengo and Horn.  Approved April 9, 1979



AN ACT relating to convicted vagrants; removing distinctions based on sex from NRS 207.040, authorizing labor on public properties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 264–Assemblymen Hayes, Getto, Horn and Stewart.  Approved April 9, 1979



AN ACT relating to roadside parks and safety rest areas; authorizing the regulation thereof; prohibiting commercial activity therein; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 308–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved April 9, 1979



AN ACT relating to taxation of open-space real property; specifying the division of historic preservation and archeology of the state department of conservation and natural resources as the agency which may designate sites as historic for tax purposes; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 405–Committee on Taxation.  Approved April 9, 1979



AN ACT relating to programs for public employees; increasing the amount which public agencies may pay for group insurance for employees; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 498–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved April 9, 1979



AN ACT relating to health and care facilities; providing for the deposit of certain licensing fees into the state general fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 80–Committee on Human Resources and Facilities.  Approved April 9, 1979



AN ACT relating to vocational rehabilitation; increasing the amount in the vocational rehabilitation revolving fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 138–Committee on Human Resources and Facilities.  Approved April 9, 1979



AN ACT relating to the bureau of services to the blind; increasing the amount in the services to the blind revolving fund; making an appropriation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 139–Committee on Human Resources and Facilities.  Approved April 9, 1979



AN ACT relating to chiropractic; authorizing certain officers of the Nevada state board of chiropractic examiners to issue subpenas duces tecum; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 187–Senator Jacobsen.  Approved April 9, 1979



AN ACT relating to health and care facilities; broadening the definition of group care facility; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 78–Committee on Human Resources and Facilities.  Approved April 10, 1979



AN ACT relating to the examination of prospective jurors in criminal cases; altering the conduct thereof; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 258–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 10, 1979



AN ACT relating to crimes against the person; redefining the types of battery which may be charged as misdemeanors; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 316–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 10, 1979



AN ACT relating to vehicle licensing and registration; authorizing personalized plates for motorcycles; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 468–Assemblymen Coulter, Sena, Banner, Bedrosian, Tanner, Getto, Mann and Wagner.  Approved April 10, 1979



AN ACT relating to the desert research institute; removing the requirement of an annual audit by the legislative auditor; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 495–Assemblymen Dini and Harmon.  Approved April 10, 1979



AN ACT relating to corporations; allowing corporations to fix in their bylaws the manner of holding the annual meeting of stockholders; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 412–Assemblyman Glover.  Approved April 11, 1979



AN ACT making a supplemental appropriation to the state board of parole commissioners for travel expenses within the state; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 320–Committee on Finance.  Approved April 11, 1979



AN ACT relating to the legislative counsel bureau; correcting the names of certain divisions; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 97–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 16, 1979



AN ACT relating to property tax; providing for the exemption from property tax of leases for geothermal development; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 144–Committee on Taxation.  Approved April 16, 1979



AN ACT relating to disclaimers of property interests; clarifying procedures and requirements for valid disclaimers and waivers of the right to disclaim; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 105–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 16, 1979



AN ACT relating to hearing aid specialists; enabling the board of hearing aid specialists to establish requirements for the continuing education of its licensees; prohibiting any person who is not licensed from engaging in the business of a hearing aid specialist; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 170–Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved April 16, 1979



AN ACT relating to administrative regulations; removing the requirement for the legislative commission to review temporary regulations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 205–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved April 16, 1979



AN ACT relating to crimes; prohibiting probation for persons convicted of using a deadly weapon in the commission of certain crimes; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 192–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 20, 1979



AN ACT making an appropriation from the state general fund to the division of forestry of the state department of conservation and natural resources to purchase special equipment; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 296–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved April 20, 1979



AN ACT relating to the determination of death; adopting the Uniform Brain Death Act; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 5–Senators Close and Wilson.  Approved April 20, 1979



AN ACT relating to Nevada Reports; making an appropriation for their reproduction; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 144–Committee on Finance.  Approved April 20, 1979



AN ACT making an appropriation from the state general fund to the Western Regional Higher Education Compact fund. Senate Bill No. 207–Committee on Finance.  Approved April 20, 1979



AN ACT relating to administration of stream systems; revising the limitation on assessments for certain expenses of water distribution; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 235–Senator Dodge.  Approved April 20, 1979



AN ACT relating to Carey Act lands; clarifying and amending the procedure for disposing of such lands; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 248–Senator Dodge.  Approved April 20, 1979



AN ACT to amend an act entitled, “An Act authorizing expenditures by various officers, departments, boards, agencies, commissions and institutions of the state government for the fiscal years commencing July 1, 1977, and ending June 30, 1978, and beginning July 1, 1978, and ending June 30, 1979; and providing other matters properly relating thereto,” approved May 20, 1977; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 330–Committee on Finance.  Approved April 20, 1979



AN ACT relating to placement of children for adoption and permanent free care; revising provisions for licensing of child-placing agencies; simplifying procedures for placement; clarifying provisions; deleting obsolete provisions; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 172–Assemblymen Bennett and Chaney.  Approved April 20, 1979



AN ACT relating to the militia; removing exclusive references to men; requiring personal privacy between members of opposite sexes; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 235–Assemblyman Hayes.  Approved April 20, 1979



AN ACT relating to state purchasing; providing for the purchase of land adjacent to the purchasing warehouse building in Las Vegas, Nevada, and for repayment of the purchase price; making an appropriation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 254–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved April 20, 1979



AN ACT relating to the appropriation of public waters; conferring discretion upon the state engineer to waive a permit to appropriate water for use in highway construction; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 312–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved April 20, 1979



AN ACT relating to utilities, railroads and other carriers; consolidating various provisions of law pertaining to their regulation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 353–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved April 23, 1979



AN ACT relating to public employees’ retirement; allowing retired employee to change certain retirement options and designate his current spouse as his beneficiary; allowing a retired employee to revert from a selected option to the unmodified allowance; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 356–Assemblyman Dini.  Approved April 23, 1979



AN ACT relating to administration of mental health and mental retardation programs; expanding the provisions for safekeeping of a client’s money and personal property to include clients of all division facilities; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 414–Assemblyman Prengaman.  Approved April 23, 1979



AN ACT relating to vehicle licensing; permitting agreements with other states for exchange of license plates for investigators of certain law enforcement agencies; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 430–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved April 23, 1979



AN ACT relating to the public employees’ retirement system; making technical corrections; providing a salary for the interim retirement committee; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 478–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved April 23, 1979



AN ACT relating to the Lost City museum; transferring certain functions relating to this museum from the division of buildings and grounds to the board of trustees of the Nevada state museum; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 500–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved April 23, 1979



AN ACT relating to elections; making various changes to the election laws; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 37–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved April 24, 1979



AN ACT relating to historic preservation; providing qualifications for and changing the number, method of appointment and duties of members of the advisory board for historic preservation and archeology; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 136–Committee on Human Resources and Facilities.  Approved April 24, 1979



AN ACT relating to historic preservation; providing for a state register of historic places; providing that certain duties of the division of state parks extend to historic places listed in the state register which are on land administered by the division; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 147–Committee on Human Resources and Facilities.  Approved April 24, 1979



AN ACT making an appropriation to the data processing commission for the acquisition of new computer equipment; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 215–Committee on Finance.  Approved April 24, 1979



AN ACT relating to the attorney general; creating an administrative budget account in the state general fund; requiring certain state agencies to make certain payments to the account and to provide certain facilities and supplies to deputy attorneys general assigned to them; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 242–Senator Wilson.  Approved April 24, 1979



AN ACT relating to revenue and taxation; abolishing the county appraisal and mapping assistance revolving fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 369–Committee on Finance.  Approved April 24, 1979



AN ACT relating to taxes on agricultural and open-space real property; clarifying the requirement to file a new application for continued differential assessment; removing interest on deferred taxes; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 107–Committee on Taxation.  Approved April 24, 1979



AN ACT relating to unincorporated towns; providing the authority and procedure for certain annexations by towns having a population of less than 25,000 in counties having a population less than 200,000; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 113–Assemblyman Marvel.  Approved April 24, 1979



AN ACT relating to peace officers; designating group supervisors of juvenile correctional institutions and security officers of cities and counties as peace officers; extending the powers of security officers of the legislature and of the department of general services as peace officers; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 177–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 24, 1979



AN ACT relating to homestead exemptions; removing distinctions based on sex from NRS 115.040, 115.050 and 115.070; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 262–Assemblymen Hayes, Westall, Sena, Wagner, Getto, Horn and Stewart.  Approved April 24, 1979



AN ACT relating to state lands; establishing the boundary between Lake Tahoe and adjoining lands; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 234–Assemblymen Weise, Bergevin and Glover.  Approved April 24, 1979



AN ACT relating to public employees’ labor relations; providing certain reporting requirements; reducing the number of members of the employee-management relations advisory committee; changing certain administrative and arbitration procedures; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 285–Assemblyman May.  Approved April 24, 1979



AN ACT making an appropriation to the legislative commission for the automated system of text processing; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 331–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved April 24, 1979



AN ACT relating to official bonds; authorizing each county to furnish blanket bonds for all of its elected and appointed officers and employees; increasing the amount of minimum coverage; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 343–Assemblyman Banner.  Approved April 24, 1979



AN ACT relating to the state legislature; creating a petty cash account for the legislative counsel bureau; authorizing a checking account and expenditures from the legislative fund to pay for certain improvements; changing certain duties of the legislative auditor; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 387–Assemblymen Dini and Mello.  Approved April 24, 1979



AN ACT relating to injurious and noxious weeds; placing the financial responsibility for removing noxious weeds on federal land on the federal agency which controls the land; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 406–Committee on Agriculture.  Approved April 24, 1979



AN ACT relating to agriculture; extending the authority of the executive director of the state department of agriculture to adopt procedures for collecting fees for services of the department; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 407–Committee on Agriculture.  Approved April 24, 1979



AN ACT relating to cattle; increasing the beef promotion tax from 5 cents to 10 cents per head; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 409–Committee on Agriculture.  Approved April 24, 1979



AN ACT relating to grand injuries; revising the method of their selection in counties having a population of 15,000 or more; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 483–Assemblyman Barengo.  Approved April 24, 1979



AN ACT relating to the commission on crimes, delinquency and corrections; creating the committee on standards and training for peace officers; providing for its organization; providing its powers and duties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 497–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved April 24, 1979



AN ACT relating to duties of school trustees; requiring collective negotiation where school boards do not prescribe regulations respecting leave for personnel; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 531–Committee on Education.  Approved April 24, 1979



AN ACT relating to court records; extending provisions for the microfilming and disposal of records to justices’ courts; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 569–Assemblymen Harmon, May and Horn.  Approved April 24, 1979



AN ACT making an appropriation from the state general fund to the department of administration for bill drafts for executive agencies and the judicial department for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1979; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 575–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved April 24, 1979



AN ACT relating to the public school system; authorizing school districts to spend money for traffic signs or devices; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 610–Committee on Education.  Approved April 24, 1979



AN ACT relating to fish and game; establishing a state duck stamp program; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 116–Assemblymen Wagner, Mello, Barengo, Bedrosian, Coulter, Prengaman, Polish, Hickey, Fielding, Price, Bergevin and Marvel.  Approved April 24, 1979



AN ACT relating to identification cards for persons without drivers’ licenses; reducing the age of eligibility for the cards to 10 years of age; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 117–Assemblymen Wagner, Hayes and Sena.  Approved April 24, 1979



AN ACT relating to prostitution; removing distinctions based on sex from statutes regulating prostitution; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 227–Assemblyman Hayes.  Approved April 24, 1979



AN ACT relating to salaries of school teachers; prohibiting distinctions based on sex; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 260–Assemblymen Hayes, Horn, Coulter, Sena, Wagner and Getto.  Approved April 24, 1979



AN ACT making an appropriation from the state general fund to the Nevada historical society for the preservation of historic photographs; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 303–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved April 24, 1979



AN ACT relating to the department of prisons; requiring monthly reports to offenders of the amount of money in the offenders’ store fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 391–Assemblymen Mann, Sena, Chaney and Polish.  Approved April 24, 1979



AN ACT relating to prisons; transferring the responsibility for the establishment of educational and vocational training programs at the prison from the director to the governing board of the department of prisons; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 435–Assemblymen Mann, Sena, Chaney and Polish.  Approved April 24, 1979



AN ACT relating to vehicle licensing; authorizing special plates with owners’ radio call letters for trailers and travel trailers; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 465–Assemblyman Prengaman.  Approved April 24, 1979



AN ACT relating to industrial insurance; providing for the salary of the state industrial attorney; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 501–Assemblymen Mello and Barengo.  Approved April 24, 1979



AN ACT relating to the state legislature; providing for payment of salaries to members of the legislature for attendance at presession orientation conferences; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 557–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved April 24, 1979



AN ACT relating to public works projects; removing the limit on the number of hours a person may work pursuant to a public works contract; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 581–Committee on Commerce.  Approved April 24, 1979



AN ACT relating to court proceedings; repealing a prohibition against televising, broadcasting or filming criminal proceedings; repealing a provision requiring a court on motion to ban such activities in proceedings generally; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 571–Assemblymen Coulter, Hayes, Banner, Sena, Wagner, Fielding, Weise, Jeffrey, Craddock, Barengo and Prengaman.  Approved April 24, 1979



AN ACT relating to state boundaries; repealing a provision concerning the western boundary; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 627–Assemblymen Hickey, Chaney, Getto, Bremner, May, Banner, Hayes, Brady, Sena, Bennett, Jeffrey, Cavnar, Craddock, Mann, Rusk, Marvel, Polish, Vergiels, Mello and Weise.  Approved April 24, 1979



AN ACT relating to public schools; providing for state board of education regulations concerning submission by school districts of certain information related to the achievement of pupils; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 38–Assemblymen Horn and Vergiels.  Approved April 24, 1979



AN ACT relating to the writ of habeas corpus; eliminating certain appeals from the denial of a writ of habeas corpus; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 129–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to immunization of children; providing for the exclusion from public and private schools of children who have not met statutory requirements for immunization; extending immunization requirements to children in child care facilities; increasing powers of health division to enforce requirements relating to immunization of children; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 117–Committee on Human Resources and Facilities.  Approved April 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to contractors; adding to the causes for disciplinary action the submission of a bid, by or to a contractor, for a contract beyond the limit of his license; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 423–Committee on Commerce.  Approved April 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to contractors; broadening grounds for and remedies in disciplinary actions; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 424–Committee on Commerce.  Approved April 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to contractors; changing the standard used to measure the monetary limit on a contractor’s license; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 425–Committee on Commerce.  Approved April 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to secondhand dealers; exempting certain charitable organizations from the provisions of chapter 647 of NRS; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 450–Committee on Commerce.  Approved April 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to criminal procedure; authorizing an arresting officer to immediately release under certain circumstances a person he arrests without a warrant; providing for a record of release; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 459–Assemblymen Barengo and Hayes.  Approved April 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to programs for public employees; extending group insurance and medical and hospital service coverage to retired public employees who are eligible for coverage under the federal Health Insurance for the Aged Act; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 87–Assemblyman Robinson.  Approved April 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to domestic relations; authorizing district courts to grant certain relatives of a deceased or divorced parent a right to visit that parent’s unmarried minor child except under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 231–Assemblymen Westall, Mann, Sena, Tanner, Craddock, Brady, Chaney, Getto, Dini, Banner, Cavnar, Bergevin, Horn, Malone, Price, Fielding, Barengo, Rusk, Vergiels and Glover.  Approved April 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to the duties of the commissioner of veteran affairs; extending to widowers the duties owing to assist widows; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 263–Assemblymen Hayes, Westall, Sena, Horn and Getto.  Approved April 27, 1979



AN ACT making an appropriation from the state general fund to the department of prisons for the purchase of equipment for the renovated maximum security prison; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 326–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved April 27, 1979



AN ACT making an additional and supplemental appropriation from the state general fund for the support of the department of prisons; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 373–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved April 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to prisons; provides for the establishment of procedures for allowing offenders to retain reasonable amounts of personal property in prison; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 393–Assemblymen Mann, Sena, Chaney and Polish.  Approved April 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments; including the willful and malicious burning of natural or cultivated flora or other flammable material as arson in the third degree; redefining certain other related public offenses; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 512–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to blind persons; providing for the operation of vending facilities when blind operators are unavailable or an operator is temporarily unable to conduct business; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 142–Committee on Human Resources and Facilities.  Approved April 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to jurors; entitling jurors to the same allowances for lodging as are received by state officers and employees; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 196–Senator Blakemore.  Approved April 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to proceedings after commitment and before indictment; making a technical change concerning challenges to the sufficiency of evidence before a grand jury; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 108–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to silicosis; creating a fund for care of certain victims of silicosis; making an appropriation to the fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 212–Committee on Finance.  Approved April 27, 1979



AN ACT making an additional and supplemental appropriation to the mental hygiene and mental retardation division of the department of human resources for the payment of salaries at the Reno mental health center; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 211–Committee on Finance.  Approved April 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to gaming licensing and control; declaring that the public policy of the state with respect thereto includes fostering the stability and success of the industry; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 293–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to the Uniform Commercial Code; removing the office of the county recorder as an additional place to file security interests in certain cases; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 296–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 27, 1979



AN ACT making a supplemental appropriation from the state general fund to the health division of the department of human resources for support of the tuberculosis control program; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 328–Committee on Finance.  Approved April 27, 1979



AN ACT making an appropriation to the state department of education for the development and scoring of tests for the proficiency of pupils; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 341–Committee on Finance.  Approved April 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to actions concerning persons; providing a legal proceeding for confirmation of domicile in Nevada or another state; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 355–Senator Don Ashworth.  Approved April 27, 1979



AN ACT making an additional and supplemental appropriation from the state general fund to the special fund of the attorney general; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 370–Committee on Finance.  Approved April 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to residency for election purposes; removing distinctions based on sex; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 467–Assemblymen Hayes, Westall, Sena, Getto, Horn and Stewart.  Approved April 30, 1979



AN ACT relating to county officers and employees; permitting boards of county commissioners in counties having a population of less than 100,000 to establish employee merit personnel systems; deleting certain specific provisions relating to grievance procedures and providing for the operation of collective bargaining agreements; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 496–Assemblyman Dini.  Approved April 30, 1979



AN ACT relating to the department of prisons; increasing the amount in the prison revolving account; making an appropriation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 533–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved April 30, 1979



AN ACT relating to Clark County; removing the requirement that the county offices be erected and maintained at the county seat; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 645–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved April 30, 1979



AN ACT relating to presidential electors; providing for payment of costs of presidential preference primary elections from the reserve for statutory contingency fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 40–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to pharmacy; permitting an agent of a prescriber to transmit oral orders for prescription; prohibiting false personation as an agent or prescriber; prohibiting transmission of orders without authorization; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 95–Senators Ford and Echols.  Approved May 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to water pollution control; authorizing municipalities to recover certain costs of sewage treatment and to refuse to receive wastes from entities not complying with a plan for areawide waste treatment management; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 227–Committee on Human Resources and Facilities.  Approved May 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to professional engineers and land surveyors; revising the provisions on renewal of certificates of registration; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 232–Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments; defining the crime of commercial bribery; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 346–Senator Kosinski.  Approved May 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to compensation, wages and hours; providing a penalty for the failure of a producer-promoter of an entertainment production to obtain a permit from the labor commissioner and post a bond for payment of wages; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 350–Senator Blakemore.  Approved May 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to hunting, fishing and trapping; requiring registration or other identification of traps; setting fees; prohibiting moving or disturbing traps legally set by a holder of a trapping license; limiting possession and transportation of certain furs and wild animals; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 15–Assemblymen Dini and Getto.  Approved May 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to transportation; repealing provisions of law relating to the issuance of securities or assumption of obligations by common or contract motor carriers; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 81–Assemblymen Hayes, Glover, Horn, Barengo and Jeffrey.  Approved May 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to parole; requiring the publication of a list of persons eligible for parole; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 192–Assemblymen Hayes and Barengo.  Approved May 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to the state motor pool; revising the allocation of costs to include depreciation of vehicles; making an appropriation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 411–Committee on Finance.  Approved May 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to anatomical gifts; authorizing certain persons to enucleate eyes of dead persons in order to carry out purposes of anatomical gifts; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 414–Senator Jacobsen.  Approved May 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to the attorney general; authorizing him to charge state agencies not supported from the state general fund for the services of his office; requiring him to deposit in the state general fund all money not authorized for expenditure by the legislature; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 576–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved May 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to county government; authorizing the boards of county commissioners to create advisory boards; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 628–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to county officers and employees; removing the limit on the accumulation of sick leave which a county may provide for its officers and employees; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 666–Assemblymen Jeffrey, Mann, Sena, Craddock, Malone, Robinson, Hayes, Banner, Horn, Harmon, May, Fielding, Stewart, Bennett, Glover, Hickey, Polish, Bremner, Dini, Mello, Westall, Price, Barengo, Vergiels, Getto and Brady.  Approved May 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to vagrants; increasing penalties for subsequent commission of certain acts of vagrancy; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 687–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to pharmacies; requiring all pharmacies to post a notice advising customers that a price list of drug prices and professional services is available upon request; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 484–Assemblymen FitzPatrick, Cavnar, Getto, Malone, Mello, Marvel, Bennett, Harmon, Chaney, Coulter, Rusk, May, Banner, Bremner, Bedrosian, Weise, Sena, Fielding, Prengaman, Vergiels, Craddock, Hayes, Westall, Mann, Price, Polish, Barengo and Wagner.  Approved May 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to the state personnel system; prohibiting a provision for unemployment compensation coverage in state contracts for services of independent contractors; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 265–Committee on Finance.  Approved May 3, 1979



AN ACT relating to the state personnel system; entitling aggrieved employees to have certain decisions of the chief of the personnel division of the department of administration reviewed by the advisory personnel commission; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 316–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 3, 1979



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act concerning the University of Nevada System; authorizing the acquisition of certain specified facilities at various campuses within such system, the issuance and sale of revenue bonds and other securities of the University of Nevada for such purpose, and the use and repayment of the receipts of such securities; defining certain words and terms and additional powers of the board of regents of the University of Nevada; providing for the payment of such securities, the security therefor, and other details in connection therefor; otherwise providing powers, rights, privileges, immunities, liabilities, duties, disabilities and other details in connection with the university, such facilities, such securities, such revenues for their payment, securities proceeds and other moneys, and pledges and liens pertaining thereto, including, without limitation, by reference to the University Securities Law; and providing other matters properly relating thereto,” approved May 6, 1977. Senate Bill No. 421–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 3, 1979



AN ACT relating to the University of Nevada System; amending the University Securities Law; pertaining to revenues which may be pledged for the payment of bonds and other securities issued thereunder; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 422–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 3, 1979



AN ACT relating to county, municipal and district financial administration; allowing certain electric light and power districts to submit to the department of taxation, in satisfaction of certain requirements of the Local Government Budget Act, copies of budgetary documents which the districts have previously submitted to the Rural Electrification Administration of the United States Department of Agriculture; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 430–Senator Gibson.  Approved May 3, 1979



AN ACT relating to transportation; exempting nonprofit carrier of elderly and handicapped persons from requirement of obtaining certificate of public convenience and necessity; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 66–Assemblymen Hayes, Glover, Jeffrey, Barengo and Horn.  Approved May 3, 1979



AN ACT relating to crimes against public decency and good morals; revising the test for obscenity; exempting certain institutions and persons from prosecution for obscenity; providing for an injunction as an alternative to criminal prosecution and for other civil remedies; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 143–Assemblymen Stewart, Hayes, Horn, Sena, Brady, Tanner, Fielding and Wagner.  Approved May 3, 1979



AN ACT relating to health insurance; entitling an insured to reimbursement for certain treatments by a certified psychologist; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 163–Committee on Commerce.  Approved May 3, 1979



AN ACT relating to child custody; abolishing the “tender years” criterion in custody cases; making the best interests of the child the sole consideration; expressly authorizing joint custody; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 265–Assemblymen Hayes, Wagner, Cavnar, Getto, Horn, Malone and Stewart.  Approved May 3, 1979



AN ACT making an additional and supplemental appropriation to the health division of the department of human resources for the purchase of a plasma spectrograph and related equipment; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 371–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved May 3, 1979



AN ACT relating to county government; providing for fixing the time and meeting place of the board of county commissioners by ordinance; providing certain exceptions; providing for meetings of the board of county commissioners as a committee of the whole; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 379–Assemblyman Vergiels.  Approved May 3, 1979



AN ACT relating to the legislature; prohibiting employers and organizations from considering employee’s or member’s service as a member of the legislature as a break in service for the purposes of a private pension plan; requiring a reduction in the number of working hours required to qualify for the plan proportionate to the length of the legislative session; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 556–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 3, 1979



AN ACT relating to planning and zoning; authorizing the governing bodies of counties and cities to appoint part-time hearing examiners; authorizing boards of adjustment to act by majority vote; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 634–Assemblymen Rusk, Mann, Glover, Hickey, Malone, Bergevin, Webb, Marvel, Vergiels, Bremner and Weise.  Approved May 3, 1979



AN ACT relating to county government; changing the procedure for handling certain claims against certain counties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 664–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 3, 1979



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act relating to a civic auditorium and convention center within or proximate to the City of Elko, Nevada; creating the Elko City-County Civic Auditorium Authority and providing for the governing body thereof; providing for the issuance of the bonds thereof in a principal amount not exceeding $2,500,000, for the payment of such bonds by the levy and collection of general (ad valorem) property taxes within the boundaries of the Authority; providing for the acquisition and construction of a civic auditorium and convention center, including incidental improvements, equipment, furnishings and appurtenances; generally describing the boundaries of the Authority, and providing a procedure for the precise definition of such boundaries and for the addition of lands to such boundaries; providing for an approving bond election; and providing other matters properly relating thereto,” approved April 18, 1975. Senate Bill No. 49–Senator Glaser.  Approved May 3, 1979



AN ACT relating to fiscal notes; requiring such notes on joint resolutions of the legislature under the same conditions as they are required on bills; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 55–Senator Ford.  Approved May 3, 1979



AN ACT relating to judgments; specifying when sums may be paid directly to parents or must be paid to appointed guardians upon judgments entered or compromises approved in favor of minors; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 89–Senators Close, Wilson and Raggio.  Approved May 3, 1979



AN ACT relating to disqualification of judges; providing that a judge sought to be disqualified must be served with a copy of the affidavit for disqualification; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 102–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 3, 1979



AN ACT relating to civil actions, permitting actions against political subdivisions and other governmental agencies without naming the members of their governing bodies; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 114–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 3, 1979



AN ACT relating to corporations; limiting incorporators to natural persons; precluding renewal or reservation of corporate names for a period immediately after reservation expires and changing the period of reservation; increasing certain fees and prescribing a fee; barring certain actions by a corporation until it has filed a list of its directors, officers and resident agent; removing the requirement for certain publications; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 124–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 3, 1979



AN ACT relating to elections; providing for the nomination of independent candidates for President and Vice President of the United States and selection of their electors; designating the proper courts to determine challenges to independent candidates generally; increasing the number of signatures to qualify a presidential nominee for a partisan primary ballot; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 128–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 3, 1979



AN ACT making an appropriation from the state general fund to the department of parole and probation for the employment of additional personnel; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 224–Committee on Finance.  Approved May 3, 1979



AN ACT relating to public employees’ retirement; extending certain temporary increases and providing additional temporary increases; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 258–Committee on Finance.  Approved May 3, 1979



AN ACT relating to the administration of trusts; providing that a trustee has the power to sell, convey or encumber property to which he has title; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 353–Senator Don Ashworth.  Approved May 3, 1979



AN ACT making an appropriation from the state general fund to the reserve for statutory contingency fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 372–Committee on Finance.  Approved May 3, 1979



AN ACT relating to taxation; providing for an election concerning the Sales and Use Tax Act and contingently amending other statutes; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 616–Committee on Taxation.  Approved May 4, 1979



AN ACT relating to the region of Lake Tahoe; limiting licensed gaming therein; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 323–Senators Wilson, Gibson, Neal and Jacobsen.  Approved May 4, 1979



AN ACT relating to nurses; limiting permanent licenses by reciprocity to nurses who have passed examinations which are at least equivalent to those required in Nevada; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 49–Assemblymen Getto, Dini and Horn.  Approved May 9, 1979



AN ACT relating to outdoor advertising; prohibiting the posting of advertising signs on certain property of public utilities; providing that temporary political signs erected during a period before and after elections are exempt from the payment of certain fees to the department of highways; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 89–Assemblymen Getto, Dini, Marvel, Bergevin and Mello.  Approved May 9, 1979



AN ACT relating to crimes against the person; creating the separate offense of using a minor in producing pornography; broadening the definition of sexual abuse; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 142–Assemblymen Stewart, Horn, Sena, FitzPatrick, Brady, Tanner, Hayes, Fielding and Wagner.  Approved May 9, 1979



AN ACT relating to legislators; increasing certain allowances to legislators for travel and telephone calls; broadening the purposes of reimbursable travel; granting additional allowances for communication to certain officers of the houses of the legislature; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 161–Committee on Legislative Functions.  Approved May 9, 1979



AN ACT relating to planning and zoning; requiring a description of property by metes and bounds on the surveyor’s certificate on final maps of subdivisions under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 428–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 9, 1979



AN ACT relating to industrial insurance; providing coverage for paid firemen injured while performing certain voluntary services off duty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 470–Assemblymen Getto and Dini.  Approved May 9, 1979



AN ACT relating to indigents; reducing the requirement of residence; providing for involuntary changes of location; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 502–Assemblyman Horn.  Approved May 9, 1979



AN ACT relating to toilets; empowering the governing bodies of counties and cities to enact ordinances regulating the installation of toilets in certain structures; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 566–Assemblyman May.  Approved May 9, 1979



AN ACT relating to county hospitals; permitting the employment of certain medical personnel as independent contractors; authorizing certain purchasing arrangements; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 588–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 9, 1979



AN ACT relating to dairy products; establishing county milk commissions to regulate the production and sale of certified raw milk; requiring the state board of health to adopt regulations governing inspections of the production process; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 600–Assemblymen Rusk, Polish, Bergevin, Rhoads, Price, Weise, Marvel, Mann, Horn, Sena, Craddock, Prengaman, Fielding, Banner, Robinson, Brady, Glover, Westall, Jeffrey, Malone, Webb, Bremner, Harmon, Bennett and Bedrosian.  Approved May 9, 1979



AN ACT relating to public investments; authorizing local governments to invest in certain securities; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 632–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 9, 1979



AN ACT relating to probate; extending the means allowed for the proof of service in probate proceedings; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 290–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 9, 1979



AN ACT relating to actions concerning property; authorizing the award of a deficiency judgment directly to the beneficiary of a deed of trust; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 291–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 9, 1979



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act incorporating the City of North Las Vegas, in Clark County, Nevada, and defining the boundaries thereof, under a new charter; and providing other matters properly relating thereto,” approved April 26, 1971, as amended. Senate Bill No. 359–Senators Faiss and Echols.  Approved May 9, 1979



AN ACT relating to estates of deceased persons; removing the requirement of a supporting affidavit for certain small claims against estates; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 364–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 9, 1979



AN ACT relating to fiduciaries; conferring certain additional powers on fiduciaries and their successors; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 368–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 9, 1979



AN ACT relating to economic development revenue bonds; modifying the requirement of a financial rating of certain persons; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 468–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 9, 1979



AN ACT relating to civil actions for wrongful death; consolidating various statutory provisions; clarifying the damages recoverable in those actions; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 99–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 9, 1979



AN ACT relating to privileges; authorizing the testimony of one spouse in a criminal proceeding against the other, as to events which occurred before the marriage; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 338–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 10, 1979



AN ACT relating to justices of the peace; authorizing substitution of a police judge when a justice of the peace is disqualified or unable to serve, in counties having a population of 100,000 or less; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 526–Assemblyman Getto.  Approved May 10, 1979



AN ACT relating to the civil liability of parents and guardians; increasing the amount of that liability for certain willful misconduct of minors; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 605–Assemblymen Hayes and Sena.  Approved May 10, 1979



AN ACT relating to trial jurors; allowing service of summons by ordinary mail; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 669–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 10, 1979



AN ACT relating to jails; requiring a prisoner to pay the cost of medical treatment for any self-inflicted injury; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 735–Assemblymen Rusk, Westall, Malone, Webb, Price, Mello, Dini, Barengo, Weise, Wagner, Tanner, Hickey, Marvel, Bergevin and Fielding.  Approved May 10, 1979



AN ACT relating to pari-mutuel betting; increasing the commission deducted and the tax payable by a licensee; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 122–Senator Lamb.  Approved May 10, 1979



AN ACT relating to property tax; providing for the conveyance of an undivided interest in an allotment of Indian land upon which taxes are delinquent; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 158–Senators Blakemore, Neal, Dodge and Glaser.  Approved May 10, 1979



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act relating to Douglas County; authorizing the county to levy, collect and otherwise administer lodgers occupancy taxes; providing for exemptions thereto, the collection of delinquencies, penalties, the purposes for which such tax proceeds may be expended, and other details pertaining thereto; providing for airport facilities, for recreational facilities and for the issuance of bonds and other securities by the county in connection with airport facilities; providing for the creation of a commission relating to airport facilities, recreational facilities or such combined facilities, the procedure to be followed in the organization and reorganization, and the composition, powers and duties of such commission, providing civil and criminal penalties; otherwise providing powers, rights, privileges, immunities, liabilities, duties, disabilities and other details in connection therewith; and providing other matters properly relating thereto,” approved April 28, 1969. Senate Bill No. 226–Senator Jacobsen.  Approved May 10, 1979



AN ACT relating to easements for the collection of solar energy; providing for creation of such an easement; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 289–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 10, 1979



AN ACT relating to the oil, gas and mining board; providing a salary of $40 per day for its members; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 329–Committee on Finance.  Approved May 10, 1979



AN ACT authorizing the state public defender to collect certain amounts from the counties for the use of his services; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 340–Committee on Finance.  Approved May 10, 1979



AN ACT relating to vital statistics; providing for issuance of birth certificates to replace evidences of birth written in a language other than English; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 344–Senator Dodge.  Approved May 10, 1979



AN ACT amending the general appropriation made for the supreme court by transferring a certain amount from the sum specifically appropriated for the court to the sum specifically appropriated for the state board of pardons commissioners; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 435–Committee on Finance.  Approved May 10, 1979



AN ACT relating to the department of prisons; authorizing the director to transfer certain offenders to correctional institutions outside Nevada; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 448–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 10, 1979



AN ACT relating to gaming licensing and control; prohibiting affiliates of licensees from paying remuneration to, contracting with or employing certain unsuitable and unlicensed persons; eliminating an exemption from requirements for suitable or licensing; permitting certain agreements if the prior approval of the gaming control commission is obtained; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 165–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 10, 1979



AN ACT relating to industrial insurance; requiring the Nevada industrial commission and the rehabilitation division of the department of human resources to conclude annual agreements for rehabilitation services to disabled persons; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 275–Senator Wilson.  Approved May 10, 1979



AN ACT relating to estates of deceased persons; providing the form, procedures and effect of the affidavit required to obtain possession of the assets of certain small estates consisting of personal property; providing for a court order directing the transfer of certain property in such estates; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 352–Senator Don Ashworth.  Approved May 10, 1979



AN ACT relating to irrigation districts; increasing to 20 acres the number which must be owned to qualify as an elector in irrigation districts; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 441–Assemblyman Dini.  Approved May 11, 1979



AN ACT relating to bailiffs; authorizing their appointment in counties polling less than 4,500 votes, under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 504–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 11, 1979



AN ACT relating to county motor vehicle fuel taxes; authorizing the use of the proceeds of motor vehicle fuel taxes for surfacing and resurfacing of highways as well as new construction; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 549–Assemblymen Getto, Dini and May.  Approved May 11, 1979



AN ACT relating to property taxes; deleting the requirement that local governments and the University of Nevada System pay penalties, interest and costs upon the acquisition of tax-delinquent properties; also deleting the requirement to pay the taxes in certain instances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 590–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 11, 1979



AN ACT relating to marriage; requiring in certain counties that offices issuing marriage licenses be open to the public during specified hours, and that they be set in other counties by the county commissioners; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 598–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 11, 1979



AN ACT relating to election campaign practices; limiting the reports of campaign contributions and expenses which must be forwarded to the secretary of state to reports from candidates for legislative and judicial offices; adding provisions on filing reports by mail; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 601–Committee on Elections.  Approved May 11, 1979



AN ACT relating to assessment districts; providing for the financing of certain assessment districts in cities without the issuance of bonds; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 606–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 11, 1979



AN ACT relating to elections; prohibiting change in a candidate’s party affiliation under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 648–Assemblyman Barengo.  Approved May 11, 1979



AN ACT relating to certain health care facilities and agencies; establishing a procedure for the review of certain decisions involving their licensing; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 667–Assemblyman Price.  Approved May 11, 1979



AN ACT relating to abandoned vehicles; extending the time for appraisal and requiring notice to the owners by the towing operators; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 695–Committee on Transportation.  Approved May 11, 1979



AN ACT relating to the Juvenile Court Act; requiring parents to pay for counsel appointed to represent their child in certain circumstances unless they are indigent; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 714–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 11, 1979



AN ACT relating to industrial insurance; removing the requirement of actuarial experience for the chairman of the Nevada industrial commission; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 732–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved May 11, 1979



AN ACT relating to the public employees’ retirement system; providing for full service credit for part-time employment of public employees who are otherwise eligible for retirement; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 738–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved May 11, 1979



AN ACT relating to the property tax; limiting the charitable exemption for certain corporations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 741–Committee on Taxation.  Approved May 11, 1979



AN ACT relating to punchcard vote recording systems; authorizing the secretary of state to purchase and lease such systems to counties; making an appropriation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 41–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 11, 1979



AN ACT relating to classifications based on population; defining population; changing the population basis for the exercise of powers by local governments when based upon population; changing the basis for certain classifications based on the total number of votes cast to a population figure; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 72–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 11, 1979



AN ACT making an appropriation from the state general fund to the central data processing division of the department of general services to develop a computerized licensing system for certain state agencies; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 221–Committee on Finance.  Approved May 11, 1979



AN ACT relating to crimes against property; establishing possession of items on which identification has been removed, altered or defaced as prima facie evidence of knowing possession of stolen property; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 228–Senator Kosinski.  Approved May 11, 1979



AN ACT relating to railroads; authorizing the department of highways to develop and carry out a state plan for rail service; providing powers and duties of the department to preserve, rehabilitate and restore rail lines; providing allowances for taxes on operating property of lines of railroad whose owners and operators agree to suspend service for a specified time as an alternative to abandonment; permitting the state to contract for the acquisition of rail lines by lease or purchase and the operation of them; permitting the state to contract for the construction, improvement or rehabilitation of rail lines; providing certain restrictions; authorizing counties and cities to lease, purchase, construct and provide financial assistance to rail lines; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 335–Senators Blakemore and Dodge.  Approved May 11, 1979



AN ACT relating to tow cars; allowing the operator of a tow car to make a cash or other deposit in lieu of maintaining a policy of cargo insurance; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 349–Senators Blakemore and Jacobsen.  Approved May 11, 1979



AN ACT relating to experimental vehicles; providing for their licensing and registration; exempting them from certain emission and pollution control requirements; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 360–Senators Blakemore, Jacobsen, Gibson, Wilson, McCorkle, Neal, Keith Ashworth, Hernstadt, Dodge, Raggio, Echols and Close.  Approved May 11, 1979



AN ACT relating to corporations; providing for service of process on a corporation which is continued by law as a body corporate after dissolution, expiration or forfeiture of charter; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 362–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 11, 1979



AN ACT relating to general improvement districts; correcting an internal reference concerning registration for elections; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 515–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 14, 1979



AN ACT relating to public investments; removing the reference to corporations in regard to investment of state permanent school fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 514–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 14, 1979



AN ACT relating to state lands; clarifying the provisions of law under which state land may be leased; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 513–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 14, 1979



AN ACT relating to general improvement districts; authorizing general improvement districts to provide space heating; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 506–Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 14, 1979



AN ACT relating to crimes against the person; correcting the omission of the word “anal” from the definition of statutory sexual seduction; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 492–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 14, 1979



AN ACT relating to communications; reorganizing the system used by the state; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 475–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 14, 1979



AN ACT relating to development corporations; revising the law relating to those corporations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 464–Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 14, 1979



AN ACT relating to general improvement districts; revising certain provisions of law governing issuance of bonds; extending the permissible periods for collection of installments on special assessments; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 446–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 14, 1979



AN ACT relating to victims of sexual assault; requiring counties to provide counseling and medical treatment to the victims; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 437–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 14, 1979



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act to create a water district in the Las Vegas valley, Clark County, Nevada; to designate such district as the agency responsible for water distribution; to provide for the procurement, storage, and distribution and sale of water and rights in the use thereof from Lake Mead for industrial, irrigation, municipal, and domestic uses; to provide for the conservation of the groundwater resources of the Las Vegas valley, and to create authority to purchase, acquire and construct the necessary works to carry out the provisions of this act; to provide for the issuance of district bonds and other securities; to provide for the levy of taxes for the payment of operation and maintenance expenses and to supplement other revenues available for the payment of principal of and interest on such bonds and other securities of said district; granting said district the franchise to carry on its operations in municipal corporations within its boundaries; exempting the property and bonds of said district from taxation; validating the creation and organization of said district; and for other purposes related thereto,” approved March 27, 1947, as amended. Senate Bill No. 431–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 14, 1979



AN ACT relating to guardianships; expanding the powers of guardians; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 395–Senator Don Ashworth.  Approved May 14, 1979



AN ACT relating to nursing; authorizing the state board of pharmacy to issue registration certificates to registered nurses for the prescription, possession, administration and dispensing of controlled substances, poisons, dangerous drugs and devices; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 145–Committee on Human Resources and Facilities.  Approved May 14, 1979



AN ACT relating to trade-marks, trade names and service marks; providing for their registration; prohibiting certain acts; providing civil remedies for infringement or dilution; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 90–Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 14, 1979



AN ACT relating to planning and zoning; revising the notice requirement for vacation or abandonment of streets or easements; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 772–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 14, 1979



AN ACT relating to the preservation of public highways; authorizing appropriate county officials to remove obstacles and encroachments from the public highways; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 633–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 14, 1979



AN ACT relating to dispensing opticians; reducing the age of eligibility to qualify for examination and certification; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 509–Assemblyman Westall (by request).  Approved May 14, 1979



AN ACT relating to legal holidays; providing for the observance of Veterans’ Day on a weekday when November 11 falls on a Saturday or Sunday; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 341–Assemblymen Harmon, Dini, May, Getto, Weise, Mello, Banner, Barengo, Hickey, Bremner, Robinson and Sena.  Approved May 14, 1979



AN ACT relating to crimes against public decency and good morals; prohibiting the advertisement of prostitution where its practice is unlawful; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 141–Assemblymen Stewart, Hayes, Horn, Sena, FitzPatrick, Brady, Tanner and Fielding.  Approved May 14, 1979



AN ACT relating to public child welfare services; repealing the requirement for counties to participate in payment of the nonfederal share of the cost of certain such services; providing for the state to pay the entire nonfederal share; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 319–Committee on Finance.  Approved May 14, 1979



AN ACT relating to state financial administration; requiring all state positions to be classified into broad occupational classes and approval of interim finance committee to change those positions from one class or subclass to another; prohibiting certain state agencies from accepting gifts or grants except under certain circumstances; requiring approval of interim finance committee to alter authorized expenditures of state money and to alter work programs; revising provisions for compensation of members of the legislature for certain meetings between sessions; requiring all state money to be deposited in the state general fund unless otherwise specifically authorized; providing for the determination of salaries for unclassified positions by the legislature; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 255–Senators Kosinski, Gibson, Lamb, Close, Don Ashworth, Keith Ashworth, Blakemore, Dodge, Echols, Faiss, Ford, Glaser, Hernstadt, Jacobsen, McCorkle, Neal, Raggio, Sloan, Wilson and Young.  Approved May 15, 1979



AN ACT relating to state departments; establishing a risk management division in the department of administration; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 24–Assemblyman Banner.  Approved May 17, 1979



AN ACT relating to transportation; permitting taxicabs in large counties to transport light express; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 68–Assemblymen Hayes, Glover, Horn, Barengo and Jeffrey.  Approved May 17, 1979



AN ACT relating to prisons; requiring that the state health officer examine periodically certain activities of the department of prisons and report his findings to the governing board; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 431–Assemblymen Mann, Sena, Polish and Chaney.  Approved May 17, 1979



AN ACT relating to medical-legal screening panels; expanding the membership of tentative panels to include hospital administrators; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 546–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 17, 1979



AN ACT relating to elections; removing the declaration that a party candidate intends to support the principles and policies of his political party; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 596–Committee on Legislative Functions.  Approved May 17, 1979



AN ACT relating to marriage; increasing certain fees for marriage licenses; requiring the separation of the offices issuing licenses and the office of the commissioner of civil marriages; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 599–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 17, 1979



AN ACT relating to county ordinances; extending the time allowed a county to adopt a proposed ordinance; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 682–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 17, 1979



AN ACT relating to historic districts; amending the Comstock Historic District Act; authorizing counties to establish historic districts; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 704–Assemblyman Dini.  Approved May 17, 1979



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act incorporating the City of Reno, in Washoe County, Nevada, and defining the boundaries thereof, under a new charter; and providing other matters properly relating thereto,” approved May 6, 1971, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 730–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 17, 1979



AN ACT relating to gaming licensing and control; authorizing the immediate appointment of two additional deputy attorneys general for the Nevada gaming commission and the state gaming control board; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 744–Assemblymen Barengo, Mello, Bremner, Mann, Hickey, Vergiels, Cavnar and Rhoads.  Approved May 17, 1979



AN ACT relating to the taxicab authority; requiring the taxicab administrator to conduct a background investigation of an applicant for a permit as a taxicab driver before issuing the permit; requiring the applicant to submit fingerprints; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 775–Committee on Transportation.  Approved May 17, 1979



AN ACT relating to control and sale of state lands; requiring an appraisal of land to be acquired by the state; clarifying other procedures for obtaining such land; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 259–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 17, 1979



AN ACT relating to industrial insurance; requiring the Nevada industrial commission to recognize chiropractic care; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 303–Senator Jacobsen.  Approved May 17, 1979



AN ACT relating to casualty insurance contracts; requiring insurers who issue policies covering the liability of manufacturers or sellers for defective products to report to the commissioner of insurance; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 327–Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 17, 1979



AN ACT relating to physicians; authorizing the board of medical examiners to require compliance with certain continuing education requirements as a prerequisite to the renewal of a license to practice medicine; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 348–Senator Jacobsen.  Approved May 17, 1979



AN ACT relating to limitations of actions; limiting certain actions against estates for which no letters of administration have been issued; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 354–Senator Don Ashworth.  Approved May 17, 1979



AN ACT relating to liens; adopting the revision of the Uniform Federal Tax Lien Registration Act; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 59–Senators Close, Dodge, Keith Ashworth and Glaser.  Approved May 17, 1979



AN ACT relating to handicapped persons; providing for the appointment of interpreters in judicial and administrative proceedings for persons with hearing and speech handicaps; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 143–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 17, 1979



AN ACT relating to planning and zoning; extending certain area limits respecting the development of parks and playgrounds; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 280–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 17, 1979



AN ACT relating to crimes against decency; prohibiting the solicitation of a minor to engage in acts which would constitute the infamous crime against nature if performed by an adult; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 305–Senators Hernstadt and Close.  Approved May 17, 1979



AN ACT relating to real estate brokers and salesmen; requiring inactive brokers and salesmen to meet certain continuing education requirements as a prerequisite to reinstatement to active status; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 310–Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 17, 1979



AN ACT relating to the state department of conservation and natural resources; revising certain accounting practices; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 332–Committee on Natural Resources.  Approved May 17, 1979



AN ACT relating to public utility regulation; limiting what is considered a utility facility for purposes of the Utility Environmental Protection Act; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 386–Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 17, 1979



AN ACT relating to the Public Accountancy Law; clarifying provisions relating to membership on the Nevada state board of accountancy, to the registration of corporations and partnerships, and to the qualifications of applicants for certification; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 410–Senator Keith Ashworth (by request).  Approved May 17, 1979



AN ACT relating to physicians; allowing the issuance of limited licenses to practice medicine to resident physicians in certain postgraduate programs of clinical training in hospitals; authorizing county hospitals to institute and maintain such programs; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 389–Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 17, 1979



AN ACT relating to hunting and fishing licenses, tags and permits; requiring issuance without charge of hunting and fishing licenses to veterans who have a 50 percent or more service-connected disability; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 432–Senators Kosinski, Don Ashworth, Echols, Faiss, Gibson, Glaser, Hernstadt, Jacobsen, Lamb, Neal, Raggio, Sloan and Wilson.  Approved May 17, 1979



AN ACT relating to electricity; providing specifically for the issuance of revenue bonds by counties or projects for the generation of electricity; requiring certain payments in lieu of taxes; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 253–Senator Blakemore.  Approved May 17, 1979



AN ACT relating to physical evidence; providing for certification by the prosecuting attorney of certain property held as evidence, and for its delivery to its owner or a person entitled to possession of it before trial; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 378–Assemblymen Hickey, May, Bergevin, Harmon, Sena, Horn, Barengo, Hayes, Dini, Chaney, Cavnar, Jeffrey, Fitzpatrick, Mann, Rusk, Bremner, Malone, Marvel, Polish, Robinson, Banner, Coulter, Getto, Mello, Vergiels, Weise, Glover, Bennett, Fielding, Tanner, Stewart, Craddock, Prengaman, Brady and Wagner.  Approved May 17, 1979



AN ACT relating to the public employees’ retirement system; limiting the withdrawal of certain judicial officers from the system; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 181–Senators Young and Raggio.  Approved May 18, 1979



AN ACT relating to the state board of agriculture; adding two members to the board; establishing their qualifications; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 14–Assemblymen Dini and Getto.  Approved May 18, 1979



AN ACT relating to public officers and employees; increasing allowances for subsistence and travel expenses; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 197–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved May 18, 1979



AN ACT relating to private postsecondary education; prohibiting unauthorized use of certain terms in names of postsecondary educational institutions; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 399–Committee on Education.  Approved May 18, 1979



AN ACT relating to private postsecondary education; adding to the express powers of the commission on postsecondary institutional authorization; providing that a postsecondary educational institution may be required to pay certain necessary costs in connection with its application for issuance or renewal of a license; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 401–Committee on Education.  Approved May 18, 1979



AN ACT relating to private postsecondary education; changing the name of the commission on postsecondary institutional authorization; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 402–Committee on Education.  Approved May 18, 1979



AN ACT relating to elections; authorizing counties and cities to submit advisory questions to the registered voters within their respective jurisdictions; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 766–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 18, 1979



AN ACT relating to local governments; providing for the pooling of money of local governments for investment by state treasurer; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 806–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 18, 1979



AN ACT relating to public health; clarifying the authority of the state board of health to adopt regulations for the control of sewage disposal; revising provisions on the respective duties of the health division of the department of human resources and the state department of conservation and natural resources in certifying approval of subdivision and condominium maps; providing for cooperation in preparing regulations governing the granting of such approval; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 184–Committee on Human Resources and Facilities.  Approved May 18, 1979



AN ACT making an appropriation from the state general fund to the state communications board for working capital purposes; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 218–Committee on Finance.  Approved May 18, 1979



AN ACT relating to industrial insurance; requiring notice and an opportunity for the claimant to be heard before a claim for which full benefits have not been paid may be closed; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 384–Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 18, 1979



AN ACT relating to financial institutions; authorizing banks and savings and loan associations to make loans secured by interests in cooperative housing corporations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 451–Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 18, 1979



AN ACT relating to the state public works board; limiting the submission of certain reports of inspections of state buildings; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 512–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 18, 1979



AN ACT relating to underground utility services; making a technical correction; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 528–Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 18, 1979



AN ACT relating to physical therapists; correcting a reference to another section of NRS; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 529–Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 18, 1979



AN ACT relating to traditional Oriental medicine; making a technical correction concerning the terms of the members of the Oriental medicine advisory committee; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 530–Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 18, 1979



AN ACT relating to corporations; amending certain time limits relating to corporate takeover bids; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 321–Senator Young.  Approved May 18, 1979



AN ACT relating to state printing; requiring repayment of certain costs of modernizing the state printing plant; making an appropriation for those costs; extending the date of reversion for the unexpended balance of an appropriation for the automated text processing system; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 6–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved May 21, 1979



AN ACT relating to nursing; setting certain requirements for the continuing education of nurses; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 51–Assemblymen Getto, Dini, Horn, Price and Hickey.  Approved May 21, 1979



AN ACT relating to crimes; providing a penalty for the solicitation of certain crimes if no criminal act is committed; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 187–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 21, 1979



AN ACT making an appropriation from the state general fund to the division of environmental protection of the state department of conservation and natural resources to purchase monitoring equipment; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 299–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved May 21, 1979



AN ACT making an additional and supplemental appropriation to the mental hygiene and mental retardation division of the department of human resources for support of children’s behavioral services in Washoe County; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 372–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved May 21, 1979



AN ACT relating to the state personnel system; reducing the amount of annual leave accrued by state employees hired on or after July 1, 1979, and who have less than 3 years’ service; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 385–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 21, 1979



AN ACT relating to the state personnel system; expanding the number of years for which payments for length of service may be increased; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 445–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved May 21, 1979



AN ACT relating to public investments and depositories of public money; authorizing the state treasurer to make certain investments, sell certain securities, and make certain deposits of state money; requiring the state board of finance to prescribe policies under which the state treasurer may exercise certain of those powers; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 802–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 21, 1979



AN ACT relating to emergency medical services; requiring filing of rate schedules for ambulances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 376–Senator Jacobsen.  Approved May 21, 1979



AN ACT relating to the department of prisons; authorizing the transfer of an alien prisoner to his native country in certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 559–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 21, 1979



AN ACT relating to county government; removing sheriff from license board and liquor board in certain counties; authorizing those counties to establish county license departments; changing the list of establishments required to be specially licensed; authorizing the merger of licensing and liquor boards; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 396–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 21, 1979



AN ACT relating to displaced homemakers; establishing a center to provide them with education, counseling and services relating to employment, health, financial and legal matters; providing for periodic evaluations; making an appropriation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 151–Assemblymen Wagner, Hayes, Coulter, Rusk, Bedrosian, Prengaman and Price.  Approved May 21, 1979



AN ACT relating to the department of prisons; authorizing the establishment of restitution centers; providing a procedure for determining restitution and for its payment by offenders to the victims of their crimes; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 804–Assemblymen Mann, Sena, Webb, Wagner, Vergiels, Horn, Brady, Bremner, Harmon, Hickey, Westall, Mello and Coulter.  Approved May 21, 1979



AN ACT making an appropriation from the state general fund to the state department of education for certain capital improvements in local school districts; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 304–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved May 21, 1979



AN ACT relating to retirement; making administrative changes in the Public Employees’ Retirement Act and the legislators’ retirement system; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 475–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved May 21, 1979



AN ACT relating to industrial insurance; increasing benefits for death resulting from industrial accident; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 489–Committee on Commerce.  Approved May 21, 1979



AN ACT relating to apprentices; reducing the minimum hours of experience required to be provided apprentices under indentures; setting a time limit for submission of indentures to the state apprenticeship council; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 831–Committee on Commerce.  Approved May 21, 1979



AN ACT relating to the Nevada Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association; providing limitations on certain contractual obligations; providing for uniform collection of certain assessments; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 11–Senator Raggio.  Approved May 21, 1979



AN ACT relating to the sale of state lands; placing limitations on the authority of the division of Colorado River resources of the department of energy to dispose of land in the Eldorado Valley; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 42–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 21, 1979



AN ACT relating to property taxation; reducing the time in which an action to recover property sold for delinquent taxes may be brought; providing for the disposition of surplus proceeds from the sale of property sold for delinquent taxes; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 163–Senator Jacobsen.  Approved May 21, 1979



AN ACT relating to the licensing and control of gaming; making various changes to the laws regulating gaming; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 236–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 21, 1979



AN ACT relating to guardianship; adding a circumstance under which nonresidents may serve as guardians; changing certain notice requirements; providing for sales of certain property of a ward; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 379–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 21, 1979



AN ACT relating to annexations by cities in counties having a population of 200,000 or more; providing an alternative procedure when all of the property owners within the area petition for annexation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 427–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 21, 1979



AN ACT relating to general improvement districts; providing exceptions to the general prohibition against any purchase of supplies or contract for services for such a district from a member of its board of trustees; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 479–Senator Jacobsen.  Approved May 21, 1979



AN ACT making a technical correction to a bill of the 60th session of the legislature; supplying subsection 10 of NRS 482.480 which was omitted in S.B. 171 before its enrollment. Senate Bill No. 516–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 21, 1979



AN ACT relating to underground water and wells; conforming the amount of compensation which may be paid to the members of the well drillers’ advisory board to that specified in section 51 of chapter 241, Statutes of Nevada 1975; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 520–Committee on Natural Resources.  Approved May 21, 1979



AN ACT relating to fairs and exhibits; correcting a reference in a statutory provision to the administration of the Nevada Fair of Mineral Industries; removing an obsolete provision of law; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 521–Committee on Natural Resources.  Approved May 21, 1979



AN ACT relating to the district judges’ salary fund; correcting the description of the fund as a county fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 536–Committee on Transportation.  Approved May 21, 1979



AN ACT to amend an act entitled: “An Act relating to the University of Nevada, Las Vegas; authorizing the board of regents to agree to lease or lease to the Federal Government facilities to be acquired at the university; authorizing the issuance and sale of securities in accordance with the act and with the University Securities Law to pay for such acquisition; providing for the payment of the securities, operation and maintenance expenses and ground rent; and providing other matters properly relating thereto,” approved April 11, 1975, as amended. Senate Bill No. 558–Committee on Finance.  Approved May 21, 1979



AN ACT relating to public employees; revising certain provisions of law concerning deferment of compensation by state employees; adding provisions concerning deferment of compensation by employees of political subdivisions; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 336–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 22, 1979



AN ACT relating to public utility regulation; establishing procedures for placing certain types of public utilities and general improvement districts into receivership under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 463–Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 22, 1979



AN ACT relating to gaming establishments; providing for the appointment of a supervisor following the lapse, revocation or suspension of a gaming license and for management of the establishment by the supervisor; providing for sale of the establishment by the owners or supervisor; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 500–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 22, 1979



AN ACT relating to mental health and mental retardation; reorganizing the mental hygiene and mental retardation division of the department of human resources; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 508–Committee on Finance.  Approved May 22, 1979



AN ACT relating to transportation; exempting equipment of contractors used in constructing or reconstructing a highway; conferring powers of investigation and subpena on the public service commission and the department of motor vehicles, and providing for enforcement of those subpenas; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 67–Assemblymen Hayes, Glover, Jeffrey, Barengo and Horn.  Approved May 22, 1979



AN ACT relating to public schools; extending attendance requirements to include certain children enrolled before the age for compulsory enrollment; removing the requirement that a child who has attained the age for compulsory enrollment be placed in the first grade; requiring a meeting with parents of pupil before he may be retained in same grade for succeeding school year; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 90–Assemblymen Malone and Horn.  Approved May 22, 1979



AN ACT relating to assessment and taxation of net proceeds of mines; requiring the filing of an annual statement and annual estimate of taxes, and simultaneous payment of the actual and estimated taxes owing; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 112–Assemblyman Marvel.  Approved May 22, 1979



AN ACT relating to broadcasting; limiting the circumstances for permissible blackout of television broadcasting in an area of certain sporting or special events; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 150–Assemblymen Horn, Vergiels, May, Mann, Price, Hayes, Hickey, Robinson, Harmon, Sena, Chaney, FitzPatrick, Tanner, Brady, Craddock, Jeffrey, Bremner, Westall, Cavnar, Bedrosian and Barengo.  Approved May 22, 1979



AN ACT relating to real property; providing the circumstances under which mobile homes and factory-built housing become real property; providing for the making of installment loans on them as real property; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 211–Committee on Taxation.  Approved May 22, 1979



AN ACT relating to interest; increasing the rate which applies when there is no express written contract; increasing the rate on judgments; providing that interest on judgments runs from the service of the summons and complaint except in certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 255–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 22, 1979



AN ACT relating to crimes; providing an additional penalty for certain crimes against aged persons; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 267–Assemblymen Coulter, Sena, Wagner, Fielding, Horn, Prengaman, Malone, Polish, Banner, Brady, Hayes, Getto, Dini, Jeffrey, Price and Westall.  Approved May 22, 1979



AN ACT making an appropriation from the state general fund to the drivers’ license division of the department of motor vehicles for the employment of additional personnel; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 294–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved May 22, 1979



AN ACT creating the Commission on the Future of Nevada; providing for its organization, powers and duties; making an appropriation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 451–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved May 22, 1979



AN ACT relating to criminal procedure; extending the authority of peace officers to arrest without a warrant under certain circumstances indicating physical abuse of a spouse; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 480–Assemblymen Wagner, Hayes, Coulter, Cavnar, Barengo, Bedrosian, Weise, Bennett, Horn, Prengaman, Banner, Chaney and Malone.  Approved May 22, 1979



AN ACT relating to handicapped persons; extending the provisions for special education outside of the state to persons having other types of handicaps; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 529–Committee on Education.  Approved May 22, 1979



AN ACT relating to traffic laws; requiring the department of motor vehicles to adopt regulations governing loading and securement of loads on vehicles and combinations of vehicles; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 591–Assemblymen FitzPatrick, Webb, Bennett, May and Mello.  Approved May 22, 1979



AN ACT relating to public schools; authorizing local school districts to adopt an elective course on the human reproductive system and related subjects; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 650–Assemblymen Chaney and Bennett.  Approved May 22, 1979



AN ACT relating to taxicabs; prescribing a nonrefundable fee and payment of investigation costs for applicants for certificates of public convenience and necessity; requiring all taxicabs to have pollution control systems conforming to all applicable laws in effect at the time of manufacture; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 662–Committee on Transportation.  Approved May 22, 1979



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act incorporating the City of Sparks, in Washoe County, Nevada, under a new charter; defining the boundaries thereof; and providing other matters properly relating thereto,” approved May 16, 1975, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 675–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 22, 1979



AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; creating a classification of vehicle with three wheels, two of which are power driven; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 679–Committee on Transportation.  Approved May 22, 1979



AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; limiting the use of studded tires to conform to laws of states adjacent to Nevada; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 771–Assemblymen Mello, Dini, Sena and Glover.  Approved May 22, 1979



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act incorporating the City of Reno, in Washoe County, Nevada, and defining the boundaries thereof, under a new charter; and providing other matters properly relating thereto,” approved May 6, 1971, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 801–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 22, 1979



AN ACT authorizing certain employees of counties and cities to prepare, sign and serve citations on persons accused of violating ordinances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 803–Committee on Elections.  Approved May 22, 1979



AN ACT relating to public schools; requiring the fingerprinting of certain applicants for employment with school districts; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 839–Committee on Education.  Approved May 22, 1979



AN ACT relating to juvenile offenders; creating the youth parole bureau in the youth services division of the department of human resources; consolidating parole officers into that bureau; making certain other reorganizations within the department and in its advisory boards; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 824–Assemblymen Mello, Vergiels, Bremner, Mann, Wagner, Barengo, Glover, Webb, Hickey, Rhoads and Cavnar.  Approved May 23, 1979



AN ACT relating to the department of prisons; requiring the establishment of programs for the training and employment of most offenders; creating an offenders’ store fund and a prison industries enterprise fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 346–Assemblymen Stewart, Hayes, Fielding, Craddock, Polish, Horn and Sena.  Approved May 23, 1979



AN ACT relating to fish and game; changing the name of the Nevada department of fish and game to the department of wildlife; changing the name of the state board of fish and game commissioners to the board of wildlife commissioners and reducing the number of its members; eliminating the fish and game fund and the fish and game reserve fund and creating the wildlife account in the state general fund; transferring certain functions to the state land registrar; changing the procedure for allocation of revenue from taxes on fuel used in watercraft; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 333–Senator Gibson.  Approved May 23, 1979



AN ACT relating to transportation; permitting taxicab motor carriers to transport light express; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 78–Assemblymen Hayes, Glover, Jeffrey, Barengo and Horn.  Approved May 24, 1979



AN ACT relating to examinations of prospective jurors; prescribing the conduct of initial and supplemental examinations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 257–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 24, 1979



AN ACT relating to transportation; providing a graduated schedule of minimum penalties for the violation of certain laws relating to weight limitations and to the regulation and licensing of motor carriers; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 80–Assemblymen Hayes, Glover, Horn, Barengo and Jeffrey.  Approved May 24, 1979



AN ACT making an appropriation from the state general fund to the department of prisons for purchase of equipment for the northern Nevada correctional center and the southern Nevada correctional center; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 328–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved May 24, 1979



AN ACT making an appropriation from the state general fund to the contingency fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 302–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved May 24, 1979



AN ACT making an appropriation to the University of Nevada for construction of an agricultural research laboratory in the Pahrump Valley; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 521–Committee on Agriculture.  Approved May 24, 1979



AN ACT relating to the department of prisons; increasing the amount of money which may be provided to an offender upon his release; authorizing the provision of certain clothing for an offender upon his release; authorizing payment of costs of transportation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 396–Assemblymen Mann, Sena, Chaney and Polish.  Approved May 24, 1979



AN ACT relating to hunting and fishing licenses; providing such licenses for a nominal fee to elderly residents; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 558–Assemblyman Wagner (by request).  Approved May 24, 1979



AN ACT relating to state financial administration; requiring the Nevada industrial commission to submit its proposed budget to the chief of the budget division of the department of administration; removing the provision that certain budgets need be submitted only at the request of the chief; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 725–Assemblymen Mello, Bremner, Barengo, Glover, Hickey, Mann, Vergiels, Cavnar, Rhoads, Wagner, Webb, Jeffrey, Bedrosian, FitzPatrick, Prengaman, Stewart, Craddock, Brady, Fielding, Tanner, Sena, Hayes, Weise, Dini, Harmon, Horn, Malone, Bergevin, Marvel, Rusk, Polish, Robinson, Banner, Coulter, Getto, May, Westall, Price, Bennett and Chaney.  Approved May 24, 1979



AN ACT relating to county government; authorizing the boards of county commissioners to establish fire departments; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 749–Committee on Elections.  Approved May 24, 1979



AN ACT relating to the public employees’ retirement system; creating a fund to provide investment income to pay for additional post-retirement increases; making an appropriation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 34–Committee on Finance.  Approved May 24, 1979



AN ACT making an appropriation from the state general fund to the motor pool division of the department of general services for the purchase of additional vehicles; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 222–Committee on Finance.  Approved May 24, 1979



AN ACT relating to the health division of the department of human resources; requiring the health division to maintain records of dental examinations of unidentified dead bodies and to compare those records with the dental records of certain missing persons; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 278–Committee on Human Resources and Facilities.  Approved May 24, 1979



AN ACT making an appropriation from the state general fund to the legislative fund. Senate Bill No. 459–Committee on Finance.  Approved May 24, 1979



AN ACT relating to the private investigator’s licensing board; authorizing a requirement for firearm safety training; increasing license fees; authorizing registration fees for unlicensed employees; providing for the accounting of certain receipts; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 196–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved May 25, 1979



AN ACT relating to motor vehicle registration; exempting from the privilege tax all emergency vehicles operated by volunteer fire departments and volunteer ambulance services based in this state, and vehicles used exclusively for the benefit of the elderly or handicapped; broadening exemptions from the marking of publicly owned vehicles; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 222–Assemblyman Weise.  Approved May 25, 1979



AN ACT relating to public officers and employees; increasing the amounts payable by the state for group insurance coverage of officers and employees; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 224–Assemblymen Mello, Bremner, May, Dini, Glover, Jeffrey, Bedrosian, Bennett, Chaney, Barengo, Westall, Getto, Coulter, Horn, Hayes, Polish, Banner, Vergiels, Malone, Mann, Tanner, Sena, Fielding, Craddock and Rhoads.  Approved May 25, 1979



AN ACT relating to minors; prohibiting the employment of minors only in those public dancehalls in which alcoholic beverages are dispensed; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 225–Assemblyman Hayes.  Approved May 25, 1979



AN ACT relating to taxicabs; conferring the power of subpena upon the taxicab authority and the taxicab administrator; increasing the number of members on the authority; revising duties of the authority and administrator; increasing fees charged to holders of certificates; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 269–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 25, 1979



AN ACT relating to state parks; making an appropriation and authorizing expenditures for capital improvements to state parks and for improvement of boating and other outdoor recreational facilities associated with boating; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 327–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved May 25, 1979



AN ACT relating to the state personnel system; changing the amount of and eligibility for payment for sick leave not taken; prohibiting use of sick leave during first 6 months of employment; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 444–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved May 25, 1979



AN ACT relating to the Public Employees’ Retirement Act; making fiscal changes thereto; requiring that certain public employers pay employee contributions for police officers and firemen; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 474–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved May 25, 1979



AN ACT relating to injunctions; providing for a temporary restraining order in certain situations of domestic violence; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 479–Assemblymen Wagner, Hayes, Stewart, Coulter, Cavnar, Barengo, Bedrosian, Weise, Bennett, Horn, Prengaman, Chaney, Malone and Banner.  Approved May 25, 1979



AN ACT relating to surviving spouses of supreme court justices and district court judges; lowering the age at which the survivors’ benefits are payable; increasing the amount of the benefits; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 534–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved May 25, 1979



AN ACT relating to industrial insurance; clarifying the compulsory coverage of musicians; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 564–Committee on Labor and Management.  Approved May 25, 1979



AN ACT relating to optometry; authorizing the certification of licensed optometrists to use certain drugs for diagnostic purposes; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 580–Committee on Commerce.  Approved May 25, 1979



AN ACT relating to the superintendent of banks; requiring reasonable fees to be collected for certain examinations; increasing the maximum amounts chargeable for certain examinations and investigations; reducing the required frequency of certain examinations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 712–Committee on Commerce.  Approved May 25, 1979



AN ACT relating to rural electric cooperatives; authorizing certain cooperative corporations to install power lines along public roads; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 716–Assemblyman Rhoads.  Approved May 25, 1979



AN ACT relating to professional licenses; abolishing the requirement of filing or recording certain professional licenses with the county clerk or county recorder; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 780–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 25, 1979



AN ACT relating to animals; making various changes in the law relating to the taxation of sheep; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 796–Committee on Agriculture.  Approved May 25, 1979



AN ACT relating to landscape architects; increasing the number of members of the board of landscape architecture necessary to constitute a quorum; increasing the maximum amount of certain fees which may be prescribed by the board; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 805–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 25, 1979



AN ACT relating to the Nevada Thrift Companies Act; increasing the license fees and abolishing the requirement of refunding those fees if a license is not granted; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 812–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved May 25, 1979



AN ACT relating to interest; increasing the maximum contractual rate; defining the components of interest; providing separately for mortgage companies; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 26–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 25, 1979



AN ACT relating to public officers and employees; revising procedures for applications to the interim finance committee for exceptions to certain limitations on salaries; permitting elected county officers to submit such applications; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 51–Senators Ford, Sloan, Blakemore, Neal, Hernstadt and Faiss.  Approved May 25, 1979



AN ACT relating to fire protection; making an appropriation to the state forester firewarden for grants to assist rural fire departments; setting conditions for those grants; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 16–Assemblymen Dini and Getto.  Approved May 25, 1979



AN ACT relating to public health; removing a limitation on certain reports; providing an additional circumstance under which approval of licenses for health facilities and agencies is required; requiring the submission of applications for certain construction projects to the appropriate health systems agency; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 146–Committee on Human Resources and Facilities.  Approved May 26, 1979



AN ACT relating to nuclear affairs; authorizing fees and security respecting operations involving uranium; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 237–Committee on Human Resources and Facilities.  Approved May 26, 1979



AN ACT relating to administrative procedure; requiring a periodic review of rules of practice by administrative agencies; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 285–Senator Wilson.  Approved May 26, 1979



AN ACT relating to county, city and district finances; permitting local governments to establish trust funds with respect to certain employee group life, accident or health insurance; requiring placement in a trust fund of certain deductions and contributions to maintain a program of self-insurance; providing for the deposit and administration of the trust funds; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 299–Senator Sloan.  Approved May 26, 1979



AN ACT relating to state museums; creating the joint board of museums and history and the department of museums and history; establishing the Nevada state museum and the Nevada historical society as institutions within the department; adding to the powers of the Nevada state museum; abolishing certain boards of trustees; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 306–Committee on Finance.  Approved May 26, 1979



AN ACT relating to pharmacy; providing for the return of drugs not used by the patient; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 331–Senators Ford, Wilson, Blakemore, Don Ashworth, Close, Hernstadt and McCorkle.  Approved May 26, 1979



AN ACT relating to the commencement of actions; providing a hearing to oppose a notice of the pendency of the action; authorizing the court to order the notice canceled upon posting of a bond in certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 343–Senator Close.  Approved May 26, 1979



AN ACT relating to homesteads; increasing the limitation on the value of property subject to the exemption for homesteads; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 442–Senators Faiss, Lamb and Gibson.  Approved May 26, 1979



AN ACT relating to mobile homes, commercial coaches and travel trailers; requiring smoke detectors in all such units rented or leased for residential purposes; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 484–Senator Faiss.  Approved May 26, 1979



AN ACT relating to the Nevada state board of veterinary medical examiners; providing for the appointment of an additional member; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 465–Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 26, 1979



AN ACT relating to county and city jails; allowing prisoners who perform work a credit against their terms of imprisonment; providing for forfeiture of the credit under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 538–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 26, 1979



AN ACT relating to air pollution; changing the date after which certain motor vehicles must be inspected for compliance with standards for engine emissions; allowing boards of county commissioners in certain counties to require earlier compliance; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 543–Committee on Human Resources and Facilities.  Approved May 26, 1979



AN ACT relating to the Housing Authorities Law of 1947; including certain activities relating to mobile home parks and mobile homes in the definition of “housing project”; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 550–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 26, 1979



AN ACT relating to traffic laws; repealing certain provisions relating to warrants issued for violation of written promise to appear in court; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 555–Committee on Finance.  Approved May 26, 1979



AN ACT relating to public administrators and guardians; making the office of public administrator appointive in the largest counties, contingent upon a constitutional amendment; revising various provisions and adding others for applicability to those counties; making certain changes applicable to counties generally; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 556–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 26, 1979



AN ACT relating to thrift companies; amending provisions of the Nevada Thrift Companies Act relating to definitions, requisites for approval of applications, reserves, branch offices, licensing, limits of outstanding certificates, charges, insurance and loans; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 710–Committee on Commerce.  Approved May 26, 1979



AN ACT relating to Carson City; authorizing the creation of a second department of the municipal court; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 783–Assemblymen Glover and Bergevin.  Approved May 26, 1979



AN ACT relating to metropolitan police departments; reapportioning the costs of certain metropolitan police departments; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 816–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 26, 1979



AN ACT relating to motor vehicle carriers; exempting certain employers who operate vehicles for the transportation of his employees from the provisions regulating motor carriers and taxicabs; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 462–Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 26, 1979



AN ACT making an additional and supplemental appropriation from the state general fund for the payment of perquisites to the director of the department of prisons, pursuant to former law; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 208–Committee on Finance.  Approved May 26, 1979



AN ACT relating to traffic laws; providing for special permits to operate vehicles, or vehicles with loads, exceeding legal maximum width on highways during weekends and holidays; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 455–Committee on Transportation.  Approved May 26, 1979



AN ACT relating to sanitation; requiring the state board of health to adopt regulations concerning the sanitation, healthfulness, cleanliness and safety of jails, correctional institutions performing similar functions; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 351–Committee on Human Resources and Facilities.  Approved May 26, 1979



AN ACT relating to instruments issued without sufficient funds; revising the requirements for notice of nonpayment; limiting the instruments affected; increasing certain penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 174–Senators Glaser and Keith Ashworth.  Approved May 26, 1979



AN ACT relating to gaming; providing for revocation of licenses for certain violations; increasing the penalties where certain interests are held in gaming establishments in violation of licensing laws; changing provisions for examination of a licensee’s records; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 131–Senators Sloan, Raggio and Wilson.  Approved May 26, 1979



AN ACT relating to bail; requiring bonds and undertakings to continue for a given time period for the same or a substantially similar charge until appeal, though prosecuted through different proceedings; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 103–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 26, 1979



AN ACT relating to the county motor vehicle fuel tax; authorizing boards of county commissioners to impose an additional tax if approved by the voters of the county; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 750–Washoe County Delegation.  Approved May 26, 1979



AN ACT relating to licensing of vehicles and vehicle dealers; revising certain requirements governing the sale of certain vehicles; defining and regulating branches of vehicle dealers; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 453–Committee on Transportation.  Approved May 26, 1979



AN ACT relating to water pollution; provided for the control of water pollution from diffuse sources; providing certain protection for water of high quality; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 572–Committee on Environment and Public Resources.  Approved May 26, 1979



AN ACT relating to parole; increasing the amount of time which must be served in some instances as a condition precedent to parole; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 198–Assemblymen Horn, Barengo, Getto, Hayes, Vergiels, Stewart and Malone.  Approved May 26, 1979



AN ACT relating to employment agencies; increasing the maximum fee which a private employment agency may charge for finding employment; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 203–Committee on Labor and Management.  Approved May 26, 1979



AN ACT relating to constables; changing the amounts of certain of their fees; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 277–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 26, 1979



AN ACT relating to air pollution; providing for the regulation of authorized inspection stations and the grounds for suspension or revocation of licenses of inspection stations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 281–Committee on Transportation.  Approved May 26, 1979



AN ACT relating to industrial insurance; permitting self-insurance against liability for industrial accidents and occupational diseases; providing for administrative hearings and appeals; creating for this purpose a hearings division in the department of administration; providing for a review of proposed rate changes; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 84–Committee on Labor and Management.  Approved May 26, 1979



AN ACT relating to the property tax; removing the provision for interest on penalties and costs on delinquent taxes; lengthening the time within which notice of delinquency must be given; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 32–Committee on Taxation.  Approved May 27, 1979



AN ACT increasing salaries of employees of the State of Nevada in the classified service; providing for salary adjustments in the classified service; making appropriations for such salary increases and adjustments from the state general fund and the state highway fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 417–Assemblymen Mello, Bremner, Barengo, Hickey, Wagner, Glover, Rhoads, Webb, Vergiels, Mann, Dini, Harmon, May, Robinson, Sena, Rusk, Price, Polish, Tanner, Westall, Bennett, Chaney, Banner, Bedrosian, Bergevin, Brady, Coulter, Craddock, FitzPatrick, Getto, Hayes, Horn, Jeffrey, Malone, Prengaman, Stewart, Fielding and Marvel.  Approved May 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to unemployment compensation; providing for ineligibility for benefits of a person discharged from employment for misconduct under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 241–Committee on Labor and Management.  Approved May 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to crimes against property; providing a penalty for stopping payment on a check under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 389–Assemblyman Glover.  Approved May 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to education; creating the commission on professional standards in education; prescribing its duties; making an appropriation; providing for expiration of the act by limitation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 388–Assemblyman Glover.  Approved May 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to group insurance for members of the public employees’ retirement system; authorizing local governments to pay all or part of the group insurance premiums of their retired employees; requiring the state to pay $15 per month of the cost of the group insurance premiums of its retired employees; making an appropriation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 249–Assemblymen Glover, Dini, Coulter, Mello and Bedrosian.  Approved May 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to motor vehicle carriers; changing exemptions for licensing of motor vehicle carriers; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 476–Committee on Transportation.  Approved May 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to real estate licenses; correcting an error in a 1977 provision of law concerning the fees for renewal of licenses; providing credit for or refund of certain payments made pursuant to that law; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 520–Assemblymen Mello and Jeffrey.  Approved May 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to justices of the supreme court and judges of district courts; changing the eligibility for and the amount of pensions for certain justices and judges; providing for certain post-retirement increases in the pensions of retired justices and judges; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 535–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved May 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to coverage for expenses of health care; requiring that group insurers and medical service corporations permit persons whose group health coverage is terminated to convert to individual policies; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 594–Assemblymen Bennett, Mann, Chaney and FitzPatrick.  Approved May 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to casualty insurance; specifying the limit of recovery, and requiring proration, when two or more policies cover a loss or injury; requiring uninsured motorist coverage to the limits of bodily injury coverage of the policyholder; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 617–Committee on Commerce.  Approved May 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to aeronautics generally; requiring the department of economic development to prepare and publish a navigational chart for pilots of private aircraft; transferring money from the aviation fuels tax revolving account to the department to pay for the chart; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 672–Assemblymen May, Price, Webb and Malone.  Approved May 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to mechanics’ liens; requiring that copies of notices of materials supplied or work performed be delivered to general contractors; making persistent failure to do so a ground for disciplinary proceedings against the errant subcontractor; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 691–Committee on Commerce.  Approved May 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to the attorney general; extending power of attorney general in criminal prosecutions; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 777–Assemblymen Barengo and Bremner.  Approved May 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to mortgage companies; increasing fees for renewal of licenses and for filing; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 792–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved May 27, 1979



AN ACT authorizing the sale of part of the 1976 park bond issue, allocating certain proceeds of that sale and making an appropriation for and authorizing the development of certain land within the Wildhorse Recreation Area in Elko County, Nevada; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 809–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved May 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to taxicabs; requiring an insurer to provide a certificate holder with 30 days’ notice before canceling insurance; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 819–Committee on Transportation.  Approved May 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to the estates of decedents; revising the method of determining attorneys’ fees respecting those estates; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 822–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to the Nevada highway patrol; fixing the maximum number of highway patrolmen permitted during specified fiscal years; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 845–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved May 27, 1979



AN ACT making an appropriation from the state general fund to the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, for limnological research at Lake Mead, Lake Mohave and the waters of the Colorado River Basin; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 220–Committee on Finance.  Approved May 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to professional engineers and land surveyors; revising the provisions for renewal of certificates of registration; providing for certification of land surveyors-in-training; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 233–Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to professional engineers and surveyors; renaming the state board of registered professional engineers and land surveyors; revising the qualifications of certain members; revising prerequisites for practice of professional engineering by certain organizations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 234–Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to the district courts; providing for the addition of judges to the second judicial district; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 243–Senators Wilson, Young, Raggio and Kosinski.  Approved May 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to public funds; requiring that interest earned on certain funds for which the division of Colorado River resources of the department of energy is responsible be allocated to those funds; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 315–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to public utilities regulation; changing certain procedures required for an increase in rates and for the use of deferred accounting; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 387–Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to the public service commission of Nevada; allowing the deputy commissioner to conduct certain public hearings upon direction of the commission; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 388–Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved May 27, 1979



AN ACT providing for oil portraits of Denver S. Dickerson, Frank Bell and Morley Griswold, who became acting governors of Nevada by virtue of their office as lieutenant governor; creating a fund; making an appropriation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 404–Senator Lamb.  Approved May 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to public employees’ retirement; broadening eligibility for participation; changing the cost of purchasing credit for certain prior service; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 415–Senator Faiss.  Approved May 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to the district supervisor of water commissioners; providing that the salary of the district supervisor be paid entirely from legislative appropriations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 436–Committee on Finance.  Approved May 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to care of the dying; adding special provisions for institutions which care for terminally ill persons; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 466–Senators Sloan, Don Ashworth, Keith Ashworth, Blakemore, Close, Dodge, Echols, Faiss, Ford, Gibson, Glaser, Hernstadt, Jacobsen, Kosinski, Lamb, McCorkle, Neal, Raggio, Wilson and Young.  Approved May 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to public accommodations; providing further limitations on the liability of owners or keepers of public accommodations for the theft, loss, damage or destruction of the property of a guest; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 491–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to the financial support of the public school system; providing for state financial assistance for school construction in certain school districts; making an appropriation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 511–Committee on Finance.  Approved May 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to parole; making the chairman of the state board of parole commissioners the executive officer of the board; defining the decision of the board; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 548–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to traffic laws; conforming the law requiring certain vehicles to stop at railroad crossings to federal regulations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 553–Committee on Transportation.  Approved May 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to the administration of motor vehicle laws; prohibiting the use of the files and records of the department of motor vehicles for commercial solicitation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 560–Committee on Transportation.  Approved May 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to drivers’ licenses; providing for the disposition of fees collected therefor; providing for transfers from the motor vehicle fund to the state general fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 569–Committee on Finance.  Approved May 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to municipal airports; providing the manner in which general obligation bonds and revenue bonds may be sold; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 570–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to judgment and execution; providing for the commitment of certain convicted felons to the department of prisons for evaluation before sentencing; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 575–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to metropolitan police departments; removing certain obsolete references; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 576–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to the perpetuation of survey corners; abolishing the fee for filing a record of a survey corner; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 580–Committee on Taxation.  Approved May 27, 1979



AN ACT relating to the region of Lake Tahoe; further defining the powers and duties of the Nevada Tahoe regional planning commission; contingently repealing the Tahoe Regional Planning Compact; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 513–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 28, 1979



AN ACT relating to the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency; changing the composition of its governing body and the requirements for making decisions; restricting certain gaming activities to certain places within the region; changing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 503–Assemblymen Dini, Mello, May, Wagner and Weise.  Approved May 28, 1979



AN ACT relating to insurance; increasing certain fees collected by the commissioner of insurance; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 723–Assemblymen Mello and Jeffrey.  Approved May 28, 1979



AN ACT relating to corporations; providing appraisal rights to holders of a specified proportion of outstanding shares before a consolidation of shares; prescribing the required notice to stockholders; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 130–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved May 28, 1979



AN ACT making an appropriation from the state general fund to the division of forestry of the state department of conservation and natural resources to provide aid in the management of the Marlette-Hobart watershed; reserving related water rights; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 357–Senator Jacobsen.  Approved May 28, 1979



AN ACT relating to the public school system; shortening the time period required for notice of adoption, repeal or amendment of certain policies and regulations of boards of trustees of certain school districts; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 407–Senator Blakemore.  Approved May 28, 1979



AN ACT relating to traffic laws; requiring blood or urine tests for persons suspected of driving under the influence of a controlled substance whether or not the smell of alcohol is present; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 429–Senators McCorkle, Don Ashworth, Close, Faiss, Neal, Kosinski, Blakemore, Wilson, Echols, Lamb, Jacobsen, Gibson, Hernstadt, Ford, Glaser and Keith Ashworth.  Approved May 28, 1979



AN ACT relating to responsibilities concerning fires; allowing fire departments to recover certain costs of fighting fires on property owned by the state; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 469–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 28, 1979



AN ACT relating to certain unincorporated towns; providing requirements for appointment of town advisory boards; requiring the amendment of certain ordinances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 472–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 28, 1979



AN ACT relating to licensing; prohibiting the denial of licenses for liquor and gaming solely for lack of citizenship; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 551–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved May 28, 1979



AN ACT relating to civil proceedings; abolishing the cause of action for criminal conversation; changing the cause of action for seduction; limiting the duration of a writ of execution; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 27–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to public roads; requiring notice and a public hearing before any designation, reclassification or abandonment of a public road; creating a new class of minor county roads; recognizing public roads by prescriptive use, and granting a cause of action to prevent denial of public use thereof; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 47–Senator Glaser.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to insurance; requiring that optional coverage for treatment for the abuse of alcohol be provided in group insurance policies; creating a temporary advisory task force; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 75–Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT making an appropriation to the department of economic development to assist in developing industry and tourism throughout the state; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 123–Senator Glaser.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to the housing division of the department of commerce; enlarging its powers and duties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 127–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to arrests; providing that if an arrested person is not brought before a magistrate within 72 hours after arrest, the prosecuting attorney may explain the delay and the magistrate may release the person if he determines the delay was unnecessary; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 154–Senator Neal.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to public health; requiring license for the manufacture or processing of drugs, devices or cosmetics; imposing fees; providing a penalty; increasing the penalty for certain violations of the Nevada Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 159–Committee on Human Resources and Facilities.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to dispensing opticians; providing for special certification of persons who fit contact lenses; providing for an application fee for registering apprentices and for increases in certain other fees; repealing certain grounds for suspension or revocation of a license; removing criminal penalties for certain acts; providing for injunctions; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 172–Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to manufactured housing and mobile homes; establishing the manufactured housing division in the department of commerce; providing for its organization, administration, powers, duties and functions; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 173–Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to governmental finance; fixing statutory limits on the state budget, on expenditures by local governments and on the general tax rate; making appropriations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 204–Committee on Taxation.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to professions, occupations and businesses; regulating the practices of audiology and speech pathology; creating the board of examiners for audiology and speech pathology and providing its organization, powers and duties; providing for licensing and disciplinary actions; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 231–Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to general improvement districts; providing that a person residing in a district need not register anew for a district election if he is otherwise registered to vote; clarifying that registration to vote in a district election is not separate from county registration under the general election laws; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 239–Senator Blakemore.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to highway construction; authorizing the issuance of bonds to provide funds to complete highway construction projects; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 260–Committee on Transportation.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to the leasing of vehicles; requiring disclosures and specifying the rights and liabilities of the lessor and the lessee upon the termination or expiration of a lease; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 262–Senator Blakemore.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to the state legislature; providing for the remuneration of members and staff during certain adjournments; increasing the per diem expense allowance for members of the legislature; increasing the remuneration of employees of the legislature; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 263–Senators Faiss and Echols.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to parentage; providing for the establishment of parentage; providing for enforcement of obligations of support of children; establishing a state register for adoptions; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 294–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to the state judicial department; prohibiting the private practice of law by district judges; restricting the practice of law by certain justices of the peace; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 295–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT making an appropriation from the state general fund for the use of the Carson-Tahoe Hospital to help finance the construction of rooms suitable for the hospitalization of prisoners; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 304–Senator Jacobsen.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to public buildings; authorizing a tax on residential construction for the purpose of erecting or adding to school buildings; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 356–Senator Dodge.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to savings and loan associations; making various changes in the law regulating savings and loan associations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 394–Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act relating to the Marlette Lake water system; authorizing the state board of examiners to issue and sell state securities in not to exceed the principal amount of $5,000,000, for the purpose of acquiring with the proceeds thereof certain facilities for and improvements to the Marlette Lake water system; prescribing other details and conditions concerning such securities; prescribing powers, duties and responsibilities of the state board of examiners and the state public works board; otherwise concerning such securities and properties by reference to the State Securities Law; authorizing the execution of a contract between the State of Nevada and Carson City for supplying water to Carson City from the Marlette Lake water system; making an appropriation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto,” approved May 23, 1975. Senate Bill No. 408–Senator Jacobsen.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to private education; providing for the exemption of certain educational seminars from the licensing requirements of the Postsecondary Educational Authorization Act; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 412–Committee on Human Resources and Facilities.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; enlarging the class of disabled veterans which is exempt from the vehicle privilege tax; reducing the registration fee on certain vehicles owned by certain disabled veterans; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 433–Senators Kosinski, Don Ashworth, Echols, Faiss, Gibson, Glaser, Hernstadt, Jacobsen, Lamb, Neal, Raggio, Sloan and Wilson.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to elections; requiring that the results of certain elections indicate the number of votes each candidate received in each precinct; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 444–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to dairy products and substitutes; providing for allocation of certain interest to the dairy commission fund to retain interest; prohibiting the sale of a substitute dairy product below cost; providing that certain price lists must show minimum prices; increasing a license application fee; providing credit for certain assessments against other assessments; increasing the time records must be retained; preserving the state dairy commission and its authority until 1983; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 447–Senator Jacobsen.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to energy; authorizing the director of the department of energy to adopt regulations which prohibit the sale of appliances with standing pilot lights; exempting appliances contained in recreational vehicles; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 458–Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to controlled substances; establishing a program to research the therapeutic effects of marihuana on certain patients; establishing a board of review for the program; requiring the state board of health to adopt regulations for the program; establishing requirements for admission into the program; authorizing the health division to contract to receive marihuana; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 470–Committee on Human Resources and Facilities.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to public securities; amending the definitions of overpass project and underpass project in the City Bond Law; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 498–Senator Raggio.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT making an appropriation to the department of energy to economize the use of energy in state facilities. Senate Bill No. 509–Committee on Finance.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to the control and sale of state lands; clarifying the authority of the chief of the buildings and grounds division of the department of general services to lease offices outside state buildings for the use of state officers and employees; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 522–Committee on Natural Resources.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to public employees; increasing the salaries of certain state employees; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 537–Committee on Finance.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to lobbyists; transferring responsibility for the regulation of their activity to the legislative commission and director of the Nevada legislative counsel bureau; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 542–Committee on Legislative Functions.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to retarded persons; revising the requirements for training centers for retarded persons to receive aid; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 554–Committee on Human Resources and Facilities.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to the legislative counsel bureau; making the records of travel expenses of legislators and officers and employees of the legislative counsel bureau available for public inspection; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 581–Committee on Finance.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to sources of energy; enabling the State of Nevada to acquire crude oil and petroleum products for use in the state; creating a revolving fund for their acquisition and the proceeds of resales; authorizing the borrowing of money and making an appropriation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 582–Committee on Finance.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to population; conforming by technical changes bills of the 60th session which classify counties according to population with Senate Bill No. 72; and increasing the population which qualifies a township to have two justices of the peace. Senate Bill No. 583–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT authorizing expenditure for capital improvements from the higher education capital construction fund; authorizing expenditure of university capital improvement fee funds; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 585–Committee on Finance.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT making an appropriation for the economic development of small, economically depressed counties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 587–Committee on Finance.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT making an appropriation from the state general fund to the state public works board for carrying out a program of capital improvements for the State of Nevada; authorizing the expenditure of grants of money for certain projects; specifying certain powers, duties and requirements of the state public works board respecting the program; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 588–Committee on Finance.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT authorizing expenditures by various officers, departments, boards, agencies, commissions and institutions of the state government for the fiscal years commencing July 1, 1979, and ending June 30, 1980, and beginning July 1, 1980, and ending June 30, 1981; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 590–Committee on Finance.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to pharmacy; allowing pharmacists to fill prescriptions according to generic name under specified conditions; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 98–Assemblymen Coulter, Banner, Barengo, Getto, Bremner, Robinson, Hickey, Rusk, Price, Prengaman, Vergiels, Mello, Bedrosian, Westall, Dini, Malone, Mann, Bergevin, Rhoads, Bennett, Sena, Cavnar, Fielding, Chaney, FitzPatrick, Jeffrey, Craddock, Marvel, Glover, Polish and Webb.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to elections; changing certain provisions of law regarding the place and notice given of precinct meetings; requiring election of delegates to county political conventions; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 147–Assemblymen Hayes, Stewart, Harmon, May, Barengo, Sena, Malone and Bedrosian.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to psychologists; revising the board’s schedule of fees; providing for confidentiality of applicants’ records; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 191–Committee on Health and Welfare.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to the state personnel system; revising certain disciplinary procedures; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 210–Assemblyman Westall.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT making an appropriation from the state general fund to the department of highways for replacement of obsolete road maintenance equipment and vehicles; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 325–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to liability in tort; creating joint as well as several liability of multiple defendants where plaintiff is contributorily negligent; changing a provision for contribution among tortfeasors; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 333–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to administrative regulations; permitting the legislative commission to appoint a committee to examine adopted regulations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 348–Assemblymen Robinson and Mello.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to fish and game; making certain revisions to the schedule of fees for licenses, permits and tags; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 365–Committee on Environment and Public Resources.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to planning and zoning; changing the scope of certain unlawful acts relating to the subdivision of land; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 366–Committee on Commerce.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to public lands; creating a board of review; providing for state control of certain lands within the state boundaries; providing penalties; making an appropriation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 413–Assemblymen Rhoads, Hayes, Mann, Marvel, Bergevin, Polish, Robinson, Banner, Hickey, Horn, Brady, Dini, Glover, Chaney, Bennett, Tanner, Stewart, FitzPatrick, Price, Prengaman, Fielding, Sena, Craddock, Barengo, Cavnar, May, Getto, Bremner, Malone, Westall, Vergiels, Weise, Harmon, Rusk, Webb, Jeffrey and Mello.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to coroners; providing that sheriffs rather than justices of the peace are ex officio county coroners in counties where the office of coroner has not been created by ordinance; providing separately for coroner’s inquests; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 416–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to local government budgets; extending the time for the preparation of those budgets; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 426–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to prisons; providing for the establishment of programs of research, statistics and planning to review the effectiveness of programs for the rehabilitation of offenders; provide information on the programs and effect appropriate changes therein; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 436–Assemblymen Mann, Sena, Polish and Chaney.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to boxing and wrestling; revising certain fees for promoters; abolishing the Nevada athletic commission fund; adding requirements for regulation of ring officials and employees of the commission; increasing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 439–Committee on Taxation.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to residential design; authorizing certain temporary credentials to be made permanent; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 510–Assemblyman Glover.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to planning commissions; authorizing payment of certain compensation to the members for attendance at meetings and to pay travel expenses based on amounts allowed to state officers and employees; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 589–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to banks; enlarging permissible holdings of real estate; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 597–Committee on Commerce.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to motor vehicles; requiring a seller to notify the buyer if the seller knows or has reason to believe that the odometer of the vehicle to be sold has been replaced or turned back; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 696–Committee on Transportation.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT making an appropriation from the state general fund to the director of the agricultural extension department of the public service division of the University of Nevada System to make certain improvements at the state 4-H camp in Douglas County, Nevada; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 700–Assemblymen Getto, Hickey, Weise, Wagner, Horn, Dini, Bergevin, Marvel, Polish, Rusk, Bremner and Coulter.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to public utility regulation; prohibiting public utilities which provide water from requiring more than one watermeter for connecting to multiple occupancy units; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 717–Committee on Commerce.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to county officers; increasing the salaries of county officers in Pershing County; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 718–Assemblyman Getto.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to elections; authorizing county clerks to employ any reasonable means to verify a registered voter’s current address; revising the procedure for notification of cancellation of certain affidavits of registration; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 726–Assemblymen Webb, Malone, Rusk, Marvel, Price, Hickey, Weise, FitzPatrick, Getto, Rhoads, Bremner, Banner, Vergiels, Tanner, Sena, Robinson, Prengaman, Mann, Hayes, Glover, Fielding and Dini.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to animals; providing for liability of owners of dangerous animals which injure or kill livestock in certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 745–Committee on Agriculture.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to mortgage companies; revising certain requirements for obtaining a license; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 753–Committee on Commerce.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to summary proceedings for obtaining possession of real property and mobile homes; clarifying the role of affidavits in those proceedings; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 769–Committee on Commerce.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to bail; clarifying and strengthening procedures and grounds for exoneration of sureties; enumerating grounds and requiring a hearing before setting aside or remitting a forfeiture; amending provisions relating to licensing of bail bondsmen; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 808–Committee on Commerce.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to public revenue; allocating the entire proceeds of the real property transfer tax and county gaming license fees to local governments; imposing a liability upon county recorders; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 268–Committee on Taxation.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to county hospitals; authorizing the boards of hospital trustees to offer certain assistance to physicians; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 825–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT establishing a committee to study the feasibility of establishing a program for continued professional development of teachers; making an appropriation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 848–Assemblymen Mello, May, Dini, Bremner, Vergiels, Harmon, Cavnar, Wagner, Rhoads, Horn, Mann, Glover, Sena, Weise, Price, Westall, Jeffrey, Barengo, Rusk, Malone, Hickey, Robinson, Marvel, Polish, Coulter, Banner and Hayes.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to public schools; apportioning the state distributive school fund for the biennium 1979-1981; making an appropriation; authorizing certain expenditures; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 849–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved June 2, 1979



AN ACT relating to the property tax; increasing certain allowances to the elderly for payment of property taxes; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 48–Senators Kosinski, Don Ashworth, Ford, Glaser, Hernstadt, Lamb, Raggio, Sloan and Wilson.  Approved June 5, 1979



AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments; providing or increasing supplemental fines for certain felonies; simplifying the categories of fines for misdemeanors and gross misdemeanors; consolidating the respective statutes on perjury, public records and malicious mischief; revising certain other penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 9–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved June 5, 1979



AN ACT relating to foreign judgments; providing for their filing and enforcement; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 98–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved June 5, 1979



AN ACT relating to the division of land; revising the provisions governing certain large parcels; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 120–Senator Jacobsen.  Approved June 5, 1979



AN ACT making an appropriation from the state general fund to Art Hill, an auditor of the state gaming control board, for reimbursement of the deductible on his motor vehicle insurance; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 219–Committee on Finance.  Approved June 5, 1979



AN ACT relating to justices’ courts; transforming them to courts of record; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 267–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved June 5, 1979



AN ACT relating to motor vehicle insurance; repealing the Nevada Motor Vehicle Insurance Act and related provisions of law; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 313–Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved June 5, 1979



AN ACT relating to industrial insurance; providing for increases in benefits previously awarded certain persons; making an appropriation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 405–Senators Faiss, Jacobsen, Sloan, Ford, Close and Neal.  Approved June 5, 1979



AN ACT relating to licensing and control of gaming; providing for licenses for limited partnerships; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 420–Senators Dodge, Close and Sloan.  Approved June 5, 1979



AN ACT relating to real estate brokers and salesmen; providing for licensing and regulation of certain brokers and salesmen; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 443–Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved June 5, 1979



AN ACT relating to the casino entertainment tax; limiting refunds; broadening the exceptions; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 453–Senator Sloan.  Approved June 5, 1979



AN ACT relating to the department of energy; giving the department general authority to participate in federal programs; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 503–Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved June 5, 1979



AN ACT relating to cemeteries; relaxing restrictions upon the power of cities to order disinterment and removal of human remains from cemeteries in certain circumstances and reinterment of the remains in other burial places; extending the power to all cities; repealing a special act concerning the Hillside Cemetery in the City of Reno; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 527–Senator Wilson.  Approved June 5, 1979



AN ACT relating to education; revising provisions relating to public elementary and secondary education, private elementary, secondary and postsecondary education and education of handicapped persons; clarifying that the function of the state board of education is to establish policies and the function of the superintendent of public instruction is to carry out administrative, technical and procedural activities in accordance with such policies; similarly clarifying the functions of the state board for vocational education and its executive officer and the commission on postsecondary institutional authorization and its administrator; deleting obsolete provisions; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 539–Committee on Human Resources and Facilities.  Approved June 5, 1979



AN ACT relating to airports; amending the Washoe County Airport Authority Act to change the name of the authority; specifying terms of office for the board of trustees of the authority; authorizing the authority to exercise the power of eminent domain and to adopt vehicular traffic regulations; providing for the enforcement of those regulations; authorizing short-term financing and relating to the sale of bonds; amending the Airport Zoning Act to authorize the creation of joint airport zoning boards; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 545–Committee on Government Affairs.  Approved June 5, 1979



AN ACT relating to controlled substances; defining and redefining words and terms; adding and deleting certain substances to and from schedules of controlled substances; amending provisions relating to the regulation of the manufacture, distribution and dispensing of controlled substances; providing for injunctive relief; reducing the time in which certain prescriptions may be refilled; providing a penalty for manufacturers, distributors and dispensers of controlled substances who fail to register with the state board of pharmacy; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 563–Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved June 5, 1979



AN ACT relating to dangerous drugs, poisons and hypodermic devices; defining and redefining certain words and terms; amending provisions relating to the filling and refilling of prescriptions for dangerous drugs; authorizing the state board of pharmacy to seek injunctive relief; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 564–Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved June 5, 1979



AN ACT relating to pharmacists and pharmacy; defining and redefining words and terms; relating to meetings, expenses and general powers and duties of the state board of pharmacy; providing for the issuance of temporary certificates, licenses and permits by the secretary of the state board of pharmacy; specifying fees and requirements for operation of hospital pharmacies; extending disciplinary powers of the state board of pharmacy; providing the requirements for labeling of prescription drug containers; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 565–Committee on Commerce and Labor.  Approved June 5, 1979



AN ACT revising the annual salaries of certain officers and employees of the state; making appropriations for salary increases from the state general fund and the state highway fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 586–Committee on Finance.  Approved June 5, 1979



AN ACT to conform by technical changes various provisions of bills of the 60th session with Senate Bills 120 and 294 and Assembly Bill 389 of that session. Senate Bill No. 591–Senator Gibson.  Approved June 5, 1979



AN ACT relating to public utility regulation; requiring the commission to adopt regulations providing a simplified procedure for changes of rates of small suppliers of water or sewer service, or both; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 17–Assemblymen Dini and Getto.  Approved June 5, 1979



AN ACT relating to industrial insurance; establishing an advisory board to review the functioning of the Nevada industrial commission; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 27–Assemblyman Banner.  Approved June 5, 1979



AN ACT relating to municipal and justices’ courts; raising the monetary limit of their respective jurisdictions; authorizing garnishment in aid of execution of judgments of small claims courts; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 28–Assemblymen Robinson, Bremner and Mello.  Approved June 5, 1979



AN ACT relating to constables; limiting the authority of the board of county commissioners of certain counties to abolish the office of constable; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 358–Assemblymen May, Price, Chaney, Hickey, Horn, Harmon, Sena, Mann, Fielding, Hayes, Bremner, Robinson, Getto, Craddock, Marvel and Bergevin.  Approved June 5, 1979



AN ACT relating to actions concerning persons; extending the provisions for the indemnification of public officers and employees; providing for their defense by insurance carriers; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 30–Assemblyman Barengo.  Approved June 5, 1979



AN ACT relating to gaming licensing and associated revenue; imposing an additional state tax on slot machines contingent upon the expiration of the federal tax on slot machines; revising the distribution of revenue from this source between the public schools and the state university; authorizing the issuance of bonds for certain projects supported in part from this revenue; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 63–Assemblymen Mello, Price, May, Barengo, Dini, Bremner, Robinson, Polish, Hickey, Harmon, Rusk, Horn, Vergiels, Westall, Coulter, Mann, Webb, Malone, Marvel, Glover, Sena, Weise, Hayes, Craddock, Fielding, Prengaman, Rhoads, FitzPatrick, Jeffrey, Wagner, Bergevin and Getto.  Approved June 5, 1979



AN ACT relating to transportation; redesignating the “regional street and highway commission” as the “regional transportation commission,” vesting in the commission the authority to establish and operate regional systems of transportation and exempting the commission and counties under certain circumstances from the requirement of obtaining a certificate of public convenience and necessity; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 70–Assemblymen Hayes, Glover, Barengo, Jeffrey and Horn.  Approved June 5, 1979



AN ACT relating to transportation; providing the circumstances of an accident under which operators of motor carriers must submit reports to the public service commission of Nevada; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 75–Assemblymen Hayes, Glover, Horn, Barengo and Jeffrey.  Approved June 5, 1979



AN ACT relating to unclaimed property; adopting the Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act with modifications; establishing an abandoned property trust fund; providing penalties; making an appropriation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 85–Assemblymen Robinson, May and Barengo.  Approved June 5, 1979



AN ACT relating to transportation; providing for the creation of a department of transportation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 103–Assemblymen Hayes, Glover, Jeffrey and Horn.  Approved June 5, 1979



AN ACT relating to motor vehicle insurance; requiring a statement from the insurer that mandatory insurance is in effect; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 108–Assemblymen Sena, Horn, Mann, Hayes, Stewart, Malone, Fielding, Banner, Brady, Wagner, Rhoads, Westall, Dini, FitzPatrick, Barengo, Tanner, Bennett, Mello, Craddock, Vergiels, Hickey and Bergevin.  Approved June 5, 1979



AN ACT relating to divorce; extending the jurisdiction of district courts in divorce cases to the adjudication of rights in property held in joint tenancy; eliminating distinctions based upon sex for eligibility for alimony and support; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 334–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved June 5, 1979



AN ACT relating to cosmetology; making various changes to the powers and duties of the state board of cosmetology; changing certain fees and educational requirements; providing for a staggered renewal of certain licenses; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 420–Committee on Commerce.  Approved June 5, 1979



AN ACT relating to certain personnel of the public school system; revising the procedure for their demotion, suspension, dismissal and a refusal to reemploy them; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 519–Committee on Education.  Approved June 5, 1979



AN ACT relating to the state executive department; scheduling the termination of certain boards, commissions and similar bodies; providing a method for continuing or reestablishing those bodies by express act of the legislature; providing for performance audits and other studies of those bodies and requiring that the audits contain certain information; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 523–Assemblymen Wagner, Getto, Mann, Bremner, Barengo, Weise, Cavnar, Mello, Rhoads, Webb, Harmon, Jeffrey, Bedrosian, Bergevin, Marvel, Westall and Tanner.  Approved June 5, 1979



AN ACT relating to crimes and punishments; providing procedures for maintaining and disseminating certain criminal records and for challenging their accuracy; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 524–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved June 5, 1979



AN ACT relating to Carson City; amending its charter; changing the duties of certain officers; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 609–Assemblymen Glover and Bergevin.  Approved June 5, 1979



AN ACT relating to podiatry; increasing the number of members on the state board of podiatry; requiring the continuing professional education of podiatrists; lowering the age of eligibility for podiatry hygienists and removing the limit on the number who may be employed by a podiatrist; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 673–Committee on Health and Welfare.  Approved June 5, 1979



AN ACT relating to landlords and tenants of mobile home lots; revising provisions governing the renting and leasing of mobile home lots; changing the procedure relating to unlawful detainer of mobile home lots; restricting renting of lots by dealers, installers and salesmen of mobile homes; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 784–Committee on Commerce.  Approved June 5, 1979



AN ACT relating to savings and loan associations; broadening the authority for deposit of public money in savings and loan associations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 814–Committee on Commerce.  Approved June 5, 1979



AN ACT relating to the practices of architecture and residential design; making various changes in the law regulating architects and residential designers; providing a penalty; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 833–Committee on Commerce.  Approved June 5, 1979



AN ACT making appropriations from the general fund, the state highway fund, the state insurance fund and the fish and game fund in the state treasury for the support of the civil government of the State of Nevada for the fiscal years beginning July 1, 1979, and ending June 30, 1980, and beginning July 1, 1980, and ending June 30, 1981; making supplemental appropriations for the support of certain state officers and agencies for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1979; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 850–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved June 5, 1979



AN ACT relating to control of water pollution; defining and providing for licensing and regulation of package plants for sewage treatment; requiring surety and authorizing assessments to ensure continued operation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 541–Assemblymen Bedrosian, Wagner, Prengaman, Westall, Webb, Rusk, Coulter and Barengo.  Approved June 7, 1979



AN ACT relating to insurance; making various amendments to the Nevada Insurance Code; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 826–Committee on Commerce.  Approved June 8, 1979