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Statutes of the State of Nevada - Fifty-Second Session, 1963








AN ACT appropriating $250,000 from the general fund in the state treasury to the legislative fund. Senate Bill No. 1–Senator McGowan.  Approved January 24, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 218.130 and 218.230, relating to the number and compensation of officers and employees of the senate, by increasing the number of such officers and employees; by specifying the title and compensation of the additional employees; by providing for increase in the compensation of such employees on the basis of merit; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 2–Committee on Legislative Functions.  Approved February 5, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 202.300, relating to the use of firearms by a minor under 14 years of age, by permitting such a minor to use a firearm while accompanied by or under the immediate charge of an adult person. Senate Bill No. 52–Committee on Fish and Game.  Approved February 12, 1963



AN ACT to amend Title 30 of NRS, relating to public borrowing and bonds, by adding a new chapter relating to uniform facsimile signatures of public officials; defining terms; providing for facsimile signatures of public officials on public securities and instruments of payment; authorizing the use of facsimile seals on such securities and instruments; permitting the continued use of facsimile signatures presently authorized by law; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 43–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved February 14, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 19.090, relating to the duty of the county clerk to prepare quarterly financial statements and file them with the board of county commissioners, by providing for filing of the statements with the board of county commissioners rather than the clerk of the board. Senate Bill No. 38–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved February 19, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 247.120, relating to the manner of recording specified instruments, by providing that any instrument permitted or required by law to be recorded shall be submitted to the county recorder in a form suitable for photographing; providing exceptions; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 20–Senator Monroe.  Approved February 19, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 218.210 and 218.220, relating to the compensation and expense allowances of senators and assemblymen, by providing for compensation, commencing on January 20, 1965, of $40 per day for each day of service, with the total not to exceed $2,400 at any one session of the legislature; by increasing their per diem expense allowance to $25 per day for the first 60 days of each regular session and for the first 20 days of each special session; providing exceptions; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 57–Senators Fransway and Lemaire.  Approved February 19, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 125.040, relating to the application of the wife for allowances and suit money during the pendency of a divorce action, by providing that service of the notice of the application shall be made upon the attorney for the husband, if he has an attorney, rather than upon the husband or attorney in the alternative; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 51–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved February 19, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 266.530, relating to incorporated cities, by providing that appointment of the chief of police in cities of the third class shall be by the mayor, subject to confirmation by the council, in the same manner as in cities of the first and second classes. Senate Bill No. 42–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved February 19, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 205 of NRS, relating to crimes against property, by adding a new section providing that it is unlawful for any person to damage television or microwave systems or to use or attempt to use the electrical signal from television or microwave systems; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 19–Senator Monroe.  Approved February 19, 1963



AN ACT appropriating $1,540.85 from the general fund to reimburse Lyon County for the expenses and costs paid in prosecuting Robert F. Hancock, who escaped from the Nevada state prison. Senate Bill No. 4–Senator Whitacre.  Approved February 19, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 704.020, which defines “public utility,” by clarifying the definition as applied to common carriers upon railroad lines and public highways. Senate Bill No. 33–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved February 19, 1963



AN ACT to repeal NRS sections 590.325 and 590.326, relating to the manner in which the price of gasoline and other petroleum products may be displayed at places of sale. Senate Bill No. 32–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved February 19, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 220 of NRS, relating to the statute revision commission, by adding a new section allowing the commission to accept gifts or bequests of money for printing and binding; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 45–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved February 20, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 417.010 and 417.020, creating the office of veterans’ service commissioner and deputy veterans’ service commissioner and defining terms, by changing the title of the veterans’ service commissioner and deputy veterans’ service commissioner to Nevada commissioner for veteran affairs and Nevada deputy commissioner for veteran affairs. Assembly Bill No. 42–Miss Herr.  Approved February 20, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 629.050, relating to the powers and duties of the state board of examiners in the basic sciences, by authorizing the board to hire employees; by providing for salaries for board members; by modifying the provisions relating to travel expenses of board members; by providing for consolidation of the offices of secretary and treasurer; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 24–Mr. Bailey.  Approved February 20, 1963



AN ACT providing an additional and supplemental appropriation from the general fund in the state treasury for the support of the state department of conservation and natural resources for the California-Nevada compact commission for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1963; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 155–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved February 20, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 218.460, relating to distribution of bills and other legislative publications, by increasing the number of officers and agencies eligible to receive free copies of single legislative publications; by providing that the cost of distributing complete sets of legislative publications to certain local officers and agencies shall be paid from the legislative fund; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 13–Committee on Legislative Functions.  Approved February 20, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 116.020, relating to plat and subdivision maps and selection of public school property, by providing for exchange of such property; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 39–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved February 20, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 151.110, relating to decrees of distribution, by requiring recording rather than filing with the county recorder of decrees of distribution conveying real property. Assembly Bill No. 37–Messrs. Swanson and Parraguirre.  Approved February 20, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 281.350, relating to grafting by public officers, by including a public employee as one subject to a penalty for asking or receiving any compensation in exchange for a promise to act in any particular manner in connection with his official duties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 44–Messrs. Bishop and McNamee.  Approved February 20, 1963



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act to incorporate Carson City,” approved February 25, 1875, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 132–Ormsby County Delegation.  Approved February 20, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 562.170 and 562.210, relating to levy and collection of taxes for the sheep inspection fund and expenditures from the sheep inspection fund for promotion and protection of sheep interests by associations and organizations, by providing that the taxes levied for the sheep inspection fund shall be levied at the rate of 8 cents per head on all sheep assessed by the taxing authorities of the various counties for the year concerned; by providing that the state board of sheep commissioners may spend from the sheep inspection fund for the protection and promotion of sheep interests of the state not to exceed 2 cents of such levy; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 73–Committee on Livestock.  Approved February 22, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 247 of NRS, relating to the powers and duties of county recorders, by adding a new section establishing a fee schedule for the county recorder of Elko County; and providing duties for the county recorder of Elko County; to amend NRS sections 247.290 and 247.300, relating to fees of county recorders for chattel mortgages and fees in counties polling under and over 800 votes, by excepting the county recorder of Elko County from the provisions of both sections; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 29–Elko County Delegation.  Approved February 27, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 244 of NRS, relating to county government, by adding a new section authorizing boards of county commissioners under certain conditions to enact ordinances regulating traffic in federal military installations. Assembly Bill No. 7–Mr. Viani.  Approved February 27, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 239.010, relating to the public inspection of state and county records, by adding the same requirement for records of incorporated cities; and providing a penalty. Assembly Bill No. 2–Messrs. Valentine and Christensen.  Approved February 28, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 268.020, relating to the presentation of claims against incorporated cities, by providing that no claim, except those for personal injuries, property damage, and any other claim arising out of a tort need be certified before presentation and payment; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 48–Washoe County Delegation (by request).  Approved February 28, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 218.580, which prohibits legislators from having interests in contracts with the state, by permitting a legislator to sell, or enter into a contract to sell, a commodity to the state or any department thereof if he is the only source of supply of such commodity within the state; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 59–Messrs. Bastian and Knisley.  Approved February 28, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 115.040, relating to encumbrances and abandonment of homestead property, by providing that a mortgage or alienation of homestead property is valid where given with the consent of both husband and wife. Senate Bill No. 14–Senator Parks.  Approved February 28, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 209.135, 210.085, 423.095 and 433.135, relating to charges and perquisites of officers and employees of the Nevada state prison, the Nevada youth training center, the Nevada state children’s home and the Nevada state hospital, by providing that the governor shall notify each regular session of the legislature of the existing charges and perquisites. Senate Bill No. 41–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved February 28, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 586.120 and 586.270, relating to economic poisons, by redefining the term “ingredient statement,” and authorizing the executive director of the state department of agriculture to fix annual registration fees. Senate Bill No. 64–Committee on Agriculture and Irrigation.  Approved February 28, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 244 of NRS, relating to county government, by adding a new section authorizing boards of county commissioners to execute contracts or agreements with and to make funds and contributions available to the state department of agriculture for the administration of various programs of the state department of agriculture. Senate Bill No. 66–Committee on Agriculture and Irrigation.  Approved February 28, 1963



AN ACT authorizing the board of hospital trustees of the Mt. Grant General Hospital in Mineral County, Nevada, to amend the hospital operating budget for the fiscal year 1962-1963; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 106–Senator Parks.  Approved February 28, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 317.060 and 317.070, relating to duties of the trustees of television maintenance districts and district assessments, by deleting a provision whereby the television maintenance district must reimburse the county for the cost of collecting district assessments; by providing that the trustees may pay the county assessor for extra time spent and mileage traveled in collecting district assessments; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 53–Senator Gallagher.  Approved February 28, 1963



AN ACT to repeal NRS section 361.250, relating to assessment and taxation of mortgages, deeds of trust and other contracts; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 44–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 5, 1963



AN ACT to amend act entitled “An Act to authorize the board of county commissioners of the county of Mineral, State of Nevada, to purchase, acquire and construct an electrical power and telephone line, extending from the Lundy generating plant of the Nevada-California power company situated in the county of Mono, State of California, to the town of Hawthorne, Nevada, and thence via Luning and Mina to the town of Simon in the county of Mineral, State of Nevada, and branches thereof; providing for the maintenance and operation of said line as a public utility; the issuance and sale of bonds therefor; the levy and collection of taxes for the payment of such bonds, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 4, 1921, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 133–Mr. Viani.  Approved March 5, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 588.040, 588.080, 588.170 and 588.180, relating to commercial fertilizers and agricultural minerals, by redefining the words “brand” and “grade”; by authorizing the executive director of the state department of agriculture to fix brand and grade registration fees; by deleting certain required information in registration applications; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 65–Committee on Agriculture and Irrigation.  Approved March 5, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 248 of NRS, relating to sheriffs, by adding a new section providing a fee schedule for the sheriff of Pershing County, and authorizing such sheriff to charge and collect such fees. Senate Bill No. 94–Senator McGowan.  Approved March 5, 1963



AN ACT placing under the jurisdiction of the state land register a parcel of land distributed to the capitol commissioners of the State of Nevada by the terms of the decree of final distribution in the estate of Joseph Poujade, deceased, filed in Ormsby County on December 19, 1930. Senate Bill No. 109–Senator Dial.  Approved March 5, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 218 of NRS, relating to the state legislature, by adding a new section authorizing the legislative counsel to employ required personnel to carry out legislative functions between sessions; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 136–Committee on Legislative Functions.  Approved March 5, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 207 of NRS, relating to miscellaneous crimes, by adding new sections making it a crime to molest any child under 18 years of age or to loiter about any public place frequented by children; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 65–Mr. Posin and Miss Dungan.  Approved March 5, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 218.080, relating to Washoe County assembly districts, by providing for the inclusion of the City of Reno in the Reno assembly district and the inclusion of the City of Sparks in the Sparks assembly district; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 50–Washoe County Delegation (by request).  Approved March 5, 1963



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act fixing the compensation of certain officers in Nye county, and other matters properly relating thereto; and repealing certain acts and parts of acts,” approved February 26, 1953, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 125–Nye County Delegation.  Approved March 12, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 266.220 and 266.629, relating to election of councilmen in cities of the third class, by providing that city councils in such cities may by ordinance provide for election of councilmen at large from the wards in which they reside; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 135–Mr. Howard.  Approved March 12, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 353 of NRS, relating to state financial administration, by adding a new section authorizing the state controller to order the return to the general fund of any moneys which remain in a specific fund after the accomplishment of the objective for which the specific fund was created upon obtaining the recommendation of the state board of examiners and the consent of the agency having control of the specific fund involved; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 129–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved March 12, 1963



AN ACT appropriating $15,000 from the general fund in the state treasury to the state department of conservation and natural resources for the continuation of a study for the proper location of future wells in Las Vegas Valley; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 68–Messrs. Tyson, Gibson, Bunker, Posin, Glaser, Knisley and McNamee.  Approved March 12, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 17.180, relating to judgment liens, by extending the lien of a judgment recorded in a county other than the county in which rendered from 3 to 6 years. Assembly Bill No. 16–Mr. Swanson.  Approved March 12, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 171.030 to 171.040, inclusive, 171.055 to 171.065, inclusive, and 171.075, relating to local jurisdiction of certain public offenses, by substituting venue for jurisdiction in such provisions; by providing for venue for offenses committed on private motor vehicles; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 40–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 12, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 333.020, relating to definitions, and NRS sections 333.462, 333.463, 333.466, 333.480 and 333.490, relating to the sale and distribution of federal and state surplus property, by granting volunteer fire departments the authority to purchase and receive such surplus property; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 74–Messrs. Harris and Wood.  Approved March 13, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 245.210, relating to vacations and leaves of absence for county employees and appointed officers, by requiring counties to enact ordinances providing for annual, sick and disability leave for elected and appointed county officers and county employees; specifying provisions of the required ordinances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 28–Washoe County Delegation (by request).  Approved March 13, 1963



AN ACT authorizing and directing the division of state lands of the department of conservation and natural resources to convey to the Nevada state prison, without consideration, certain real property owned by the State of Nevada. Assembly Bill No. 154–Mr. Pozzi.  Approved March 13, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 361.455, relating to the submission of budgets of political subdivisions to the Nevada tax commission for auditing and approval, by requiring any political subdivision affected by a tax rate adjustment which necessitates a budget revision to file a copy of its revised budget within 20 days after the approval and certification of the rate by the Nevada tax commission. Assembly Bill No. 112–Committee on Taxation.  Approved March 14, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 361.090, relating to the veterans’ tax exemption, by limiting such exemption to veterans who are residents and were residents for more than 3 years before December 31, 1963, or who were residents at the time they entered the Armed Forces; imposing other conditions of entitlement; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 36–Messrs. Giomi, Swanson and Bastian.  Approved March 14, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 527.090, relating to tagging of trees cut for use as Christmas trees, by allowing the state forester firewarden to charge a fee of not more than 10 cents per tag for tags for trees cut for commercial purposes; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 108–Mr. Johnson.  Approved March 14, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 552.210, relating to importation of bees, used beehives, honeycombs or appliances, by authorizing the state department of agriculture to transport such items unlawfully entering the state to the owner at his expense, destroy them or offer them for sale; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 109–Committee on Agriculture and Irrigation.  Approved March 14, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 360 of NRS, relating to the Nevada tax commission, by adding new sections authorizing the secretary of the tax commission to open accounts in banks throughout the state for the deposit of sales and use tax receipts and other funds pending their transmittal to the state treasurer; placing limitations on the opening of such accounts and making other statutory provisions applicable thereto; restricting transfers and withdrawals from such accounts; requiring representatives and employees of the Nevada tax commission who collect sales and use taxes and other moneys promptly to deposit them in the nearest or most convenient bank in which the secretary of the tax commission has opened an account; requiring the secretary of the Nevada tax commission to designate personnel in the offices of the general administration of the commission to administer the funds and moneys deposited in accounts opened by the secretary, to make timely transfers or withdrawals from such accounts to the state treasurer, and to maintain in such accounts sufficient funds to assure payment of any checks deposited therein; authorizing the Nevada tax commission and the state board of finance to engage the services of armored cars to transport to the designated banks any funds and moneys collected in the offices of the commission; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 114–Committee on Taxation.  Approved March 14, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 225.140, relating to the fees payable to the secretary of state, by increasing from $2 to $5 the fee for a certificate of filing a label, trade-mark or form of advertisement. Senate Bill No. 92–Senator Dial.  Approved March 14, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 16.130 and 175.390, relating to the evidence jurors may take with them upon retiring for deliberation, by permitting the jury to take, with certain exceptions, all items and materials received in evidence. Senate Bill No. 90–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 14, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 111.200, relating to limitations on terms of leases, by increasing the term of agricultural and grazing leases and deleting an exception relating to oil, gas and hydrocarbon leases; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 222–Messrs. Knisley, Young, Howard and Bastian.  Approved March 14, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 176.300, 200.360, 201.190, and 201.210, relating to suspension of sentence, prerequisites to probation, rape, the infamous crime against nature, and open and gross lewdness, by requiring a psychiatric examination as a prerequisite to probation in some instances of such crimes and to parole in other instances; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 227–Mr. Posin.  Approved March 14, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 361.110, relating to exemption of the property of certain organizations from taxation, by providing that the property of the Camp Fire Girls, Inc. shall be exempt from taxation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 246–Mr. Gray.  Approved March 14, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 86.130, relating to sale and hypothecation of real property by incorporated religious, charitable, literary or scientific associations, by exempting incorporated religious, charitable, literary or scientific associations or societies from court costs and filing fees in petitioning for approval of sale or hypothecation of real property; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 103–Washoe County Delegation (by request).  Approved March 14, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 78.040, relating to the period during which a name may be reserved for the use of a proposed corporation, by extending the period during which a name be reserved from 10 to 30 days; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 91–Senator Dial.  Approved March 14, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 501.330 and 503.090, relating to the powers of the state board of fish and game commissioners, by providing that the commissioners may establish a regular season for the hunting of deer by bow and arrow; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 55–Mr. Swanson.  Approved March 14, 1963



AN ACT authorizing the state park commission to accept certain land for addition to Fort Churchill Historic State Monument and, in exchange therefor, to transfer, either alone or coupled with a sum of money, certain land owned by the state; to repeal an act entitled “An Act authorizing the state park commission to accept certain land for addition to Fort Churchill Historic State Monument and to transfer certain land owned by the state in exchange therefor,” approved April 5, 1961; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 112–Senator Whitacre.  Approved March 14, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 482.322, relating to investigation of applicants for motor vehicle manufacturer and dealer licenses, by providing that no person may engage in the business of a motor vehicle manufacturer or dealer unless licensed by the department of motor vehicles; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 203–Committee on Roads, Transportation and Aviation.  Approved March 14, 1963



AN ACT to repeal NRS section 482.185, relating to the motor vehicle refund revolving fund; and transferring moneys in such fund to the motor vehicle fund. Assembly Bill No. 199–Committee on Roads, Transportation and Aviation.  Approved March 14, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 482.215, relating to applications for registration of motor vehicles, by allowing exceptions to the requirement that applications for original registration of motor vehicles be made in person. Assembly Bill No. 201–Committee on Roads, Transportation and Aviation.  Approved March 14, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 78.030 and 78.055, relating to articles of incorporation of private corporations, by allowing county clerks to microfilm rather than file copies of such articles; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 232–Washoe County Delegation (by request).  Approved March 14, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 532.090, relating to appointment of a staff by the state engineer, by providing that snow survey employees shall be exempt from the provisions of the state personnel act; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 267–Messrs. Knisley, Bastian and Glaser.  Approved March 14, 1963



AN ACT authorizing the board of county commissioners of Mineral County, Nevada, upon the recommendation of the board of hospital trustees of the Mt. Grant General Hospital, to sell the old hospital building and site; providing for the disposition of the net proceeds of such sale; and providing others matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 93–Senator Parks.  Approved March 14, 1963



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act fixing the salaries and compensation of certain officers of Douglas county, Nevada, providing for the appointment and salaries of deputy sheriffs and other matters properly relating thereto, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith,” approved March 21, 1953, as amended. Senate Bill No. 175–Senator Berrum.  Approved March 19, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 403.430, relating to the procedure for opening, changing or vacating county roads, by providing that the board of county commissioners may, rather than shall, locate, open to public use, reestablish, change or vacate a road, highway, street or alley upon receipt of a petition therefor. Assembly Bill No. 258–Messrs. Bastian and Knisley.  Approved March 19, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 269 of NRS, relating to unincorporated towns, by adding new sections authorizing the revision and codification of general town ordinances; providing for the adoption of a town code, its amendment, extension and judicial notice thereof; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 67–Mr. Petrini.  Approved March 19, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 427.160, relating to the procedure for drawing and paying old-age assistance warrants, by eliminating a requirement that the welfare director furnish the governor with a list of persons who receive assistance and the amount paid to each; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 159–Committee on Social Welfare (by request).  Approved March 19, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 396.540, relating to tuition at the University of Nevada and at Nevada Southern, by defining “bona fide resident” and “tuition charge” as applied to students at the state university; providing free tuition for public school teachers employed full time by school districts in this state and for full-time teachers in private schools; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 235–Committee on Education.  Approved March 19, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 387.090, relating to the powers of school trustees concerning school lunch programs, by authorizing school trustees to deposit school lunch funds in bank accounts; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 271–Committee on Education.  Approved March 19, 1963



AN ACT authorizing and directing the conveyance, without consideration, of certain real property located in Nye County from the board of trustees of the Nye County school district to the board of county commissioners of Nye County. Assembly Bill No. 347–Nye County Delegation.  Approved March 19, 1963



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act fixing the compensation of county officers of Humboldt County, Nevada; regulating the employment and compensation of deputies and other employees of officers; repealing a certain act; and providing other matters properly relating thereto,” approved March 12, 1960, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 358–Mr. Howard.  Approved March 19, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 631.170, relating to the examination of applicants by the board of dental examiners of Nevada, by providing that such examinations shall be given at least twice a year and authorizing the board to conduct examinations outside the state. Senate Bill No. 22–Committee on Public Health.  Approved March 19, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 634.030 and 634.040, relating to the Nevada state board of chiropractic examiners, by providing for the election of a vice president and a secretary-treasurer; by changing the dates for regular meetings to the 2nd Monday of September and the 2nd Monday of December of each year; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 160–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 19, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 617 of NRS, relating to occupational diseases, by adding a new section providing supplemental compensation for persons suffering from silicosis who have received the maximum sum payable under NRS section 617.460; to amend NRS section 617.460, relating to silicosis as an occupational disease, by making a technical amendment to conform with added supplemental compensation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 58–Senators Lamb, Slattery, Lemaire and Frank.  Approved March 19, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 443.155, relating to benefits for persons suffering from silicosis, conditions for entitlement, applications for benefits and required physical examinations, by extending the date for filing applications for benefits. Senate Bill No. 16–Senators Lamb, Slattery, Lemaire and Frank.  Approved March 19, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 686 of NRS, relating to disability insurance, by adding new sections defining terms; authorizing joint action by insurers in underwriting group disability insurance for persons 65 years of age or older; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 178–Senator Dial.  Approved March 19, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 207.080, which defines “convicted person” for the purpose of registration and fingerprinting, by correcting an erroneous internal reference. Assembly Bill No. 256–Messrs. Knisley and Bastian.  Approved March 19, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 202.350, relating to permits to carry concealed weapons issued by the sheriff, by eliminating the requirement of affixing the county seal to such permits; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 283–Mr. Jones.  Approved March 19, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 159.150, relating to oaths and bonds of guardians, by providing that if a banking corporation is appointed guardian of the estate of a ward, no bond shall be required of such guardian unless specifically required by the court; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 287–Mr. Parraguirre.  Approved March 19, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 257.010, relating to the division of a county into townships, by providing for the publication of the township division; providing that when real property lying within one established township is annexed by an incorporated city lying within another established township the boundaries of the township wherein the city lies are automatically extended to include such annexed real property; to repeal NRS section 244.140, relating to the power and jurisdiction of the board of county commissioners concerning townships; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 156–Clark County Delegation.  Approved March 19, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 659.020, relating to the articles of incorporation of banks and trust companies, by providing that banks and trust companies may issue capital stock with the par value of not less than $1 per share, with the approval of the superintendent of banks; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 156–Senator Lemaire.  Approved March 19, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 662.020, relating to cash and balances of banks, by providing that the superintendent of banks may waive the reserve requirements on amounts of public deposits when banks have pledged securities for the protection of public funds; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 155–Senator Lemaire.  Approved March 19, 1963



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act to amend chapter 443 of NRS, relating to tuberculosis, by adding new sections establishing a special silicosis program to be administered by the state department of health; establishing standards of eligibility; creating a fund; and providing for benefits; to repeal NRS section 617.480, relating to special silicosis cases; appropriating moneys; and providing other matters properly relating thereto,” approved April 6, 1961. Senate Bill No. 99–Committee on Finance.  Approved March 19, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 321 of NRS, relating to the administration, control and sale of public lands, by adding new sections providing for the confirmation of title to minerals in persons, corporations or associations, or their heirs, assigns or lawful successors who have purchased state lands subsequent to March 3, 1887, from the State of Nevada, subject to the royalty provisions in NRS section 321.300; authorizing such persons, corporations or associations, or their heirs, assigns or lawful successors, to bring an action for declaratory judgment to determine the state’s interest in the minerals in such lands, including gas, coal, oil and oil shales; providing that if the state is determined to have any interest in such minerals, other than the royalty interest referred to in NRS section 321.300, the patentee, his, her or its heirs, successors or assigns may purchase such interest of the state within 1 year from the date of such judgment; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 159–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 20, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 244.640 and 244.645, relating to county fair and recreation boards, by authorizing such boards to advertise, publicize and promote county recreational facilities; by changing the composition of such boards in counties with populations of 9,000 or more and less than 11,000; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 130–Senator Gallagher.  Approved March 25, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 575.050, relating to agreements with the United States concerning granting of emergency financial aid to the livestock industry, by providing that the executive director of the department of agriculture may expend money in the livestock aid fund without federal fund participation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 121–Committee on Agriculture and Irrigation.  Approved March 25, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 278 of NRS, relating to planning and zoning, by adding a new section requiring the subdividers of city land in counties with a population of 120,000 or more where there is no regional planning commission to file tentative maps with the county planning commission; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 301–Clark County Delegation.  Approved March 25, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 482.320, relating to special dealer plates for motor vehicles, by permitting the issuance of special dealer plates to used vehicle dealers. Assembly Bill No. 214–Committee on Roads, Transportation and Aviation.  Approved March 25, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 484.0081, relating to traffic control signals, by authorizing motor vehicle operators to make right turns on “Stop” signals after stopping and yielding right of way; empowering local authorities to enact ordinances prohibiting such turns; requiring local authorities to post signs at intersections where such turns are prohibited by local ordinance; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 216–Clark County Delegation.  Approved March 25, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 488 of NRS, relating to regulation of watercraft, by providing that a vessel shall not be operated in a restricted area; providing exceptions; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 206–Committee on Roads, Transportation and Aviation.  Approved March 25, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 482.3212, relating to special permits for movement of vehicles for sale outside the state, by requiring that dealers obtain special permits to move or allow nonresident purchasers to move vehicles out of the state; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 191–Committee on Roads, Transportation and Aviation.  Approved March 25, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 706.600, relating to display of motor carrier license plates, by providing that license plates shall be attached to the front of the vehicle during the registration year; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 183–Committee on Roads, Transportation and Aviation.  Approved March 25, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 248 of NRS, relating to sheriffs, by adding a new section providing for fees of the sheriff of Elko County; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 176–Elko County Delegation (by request).  Approved March 25, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 590 of NRS, relating to petroleum products and antifreeze, by adding new sections adopting specifications for diesel fuel and authorizing the use of motor fuel blending pumps; to amend NRS sections 590.060, 590.080, 590.090, 590.105, 590.170 and 590.210, relating to adulterated petroleum products, lubricating oil specifications, heating oil specifications, measurement tables for testing petroleum products, and display of prices of motor vehicle fuel, by providing that the S.A.E. classification number of motor or lubricating oils shall conform to the latest Society of Automotive Engineers viscosity classification; by providing that petroleum products to be used for heating purposes shall conform to the latest standards of the American Society for Testing and Materials; by requiring labeling of containers for heating fuels; by providing standards for the use of numerical grade designations for heating fuels; by requiring that motor vehicle fuel price advertising contain certain words; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 140–Committee on Agriculture and Irrigation.  Approved March 25, 1963



AN ACT authorizing Clark County, State of Nevada, to establish, construct, otherwise acquire, reconstruct, improve, extend or better a juvenile detention home, and improvements incidental thereto, to equip and furnish the same, and to acquire a suitable site or grounds therefor; concerning the issuance of bonds therefor after an election in not to exceed the aggregate principal amount of $850,000 and the levy of taxes in connection therewith; prescribing other details concerning such bonds and such taxes; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 117–Clark County Delegation.  Approved March 25, 1963



AN ACT authorizing Washoe County, State of Nevada, to issue general obligation bonds in the aggregate principal amount of $1,250,000 for the purpose of enlarging, repairing, reconstructing, improving, extending or bettering the county courthouse, equipping and furnishing the same, and acquiring a suitable site or grounds therefor, and establishing, constructing, otherwise acquiring, reconstructing, improving, extending or bettering a branch county library building in the city of Sparks, Nevada, equipping and furnishing the same, and acquiring a suitable site or grounds therefor; limiting the costs thereof; providing for the levy of taxes in connection therewith; prescribing other details concerning such bonds and such taxes; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 1–Washoe County Delegation.  Approved March 25, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 247.230 to 247.260, inclusive, and 247.280, relating to fees of certain county recorders, by providing that such recorders shall charge no fee for services rendered the state or the county; to amend chapter 247 of NRS, relating to the powers and duties of county recorders, by adding a new section establishing a fee schedule for the county recorder of Elko County; to repeal section 1 of chapter 24, Statutes of Nevada 1963, entitled “An Act to amend chapter 247 of NRS, relating to the powers and duties of county recorders, by adding a new section establishing a fee schedule for the county recorder of Elko County; and providing duties for the county recorder of Elko County; to amend NRS sections 247.290 and 247.300, relating to fees of county recorders for chattel mortgages and fees in counties polling under and over 800 votes, by excepting the county recorder of Elko County from the provisions of both sections; and providing other matters properly relating thereto,” approved February 27, 1963; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 186–Committee on Aviation, Transportation and Highways.  Approved March 25, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 209.350, relating to the employment of convicts at the Nevada state prison, by authorizing the board of state prison commissioners to allow the employment of prisoners in construction, under the supervision of the state planning board, at the state prison and prison farm; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 72–Senators Lamb, Bay, Frank, Dial, Fransway, Gallagher, Humphrey, Monroe, Lemaire, McGowan, Slattery and Whitacre.  Approved March 25, 1963



AN ACT to amend Title 10 of NRS, relating to property rights and transactions, by creating a new chapter relating to condominiums; defining terms; providing for the conveyance and incidents of condominiums, the partition of condominium projects, declarations of restrictions, assessment and other liens, common personality, the interpretation of zoning ordinances and the applicability of zoning laws; to amend chapter 361 of NRS, relating to the property tax, by adding a new section providing for the separate assessment of condominiums; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 172–Mr. Swobe.  Approved March 25, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 336.110, relating to the motor pool revolving fund, by creating the motor pool working capital fund; and by providing for the uses of the motor pool working capital fund; transferring funds; making an appropriation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 126–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved March 25, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 331 of NRS, relating to the state department of buildings and grounds, by adding a new section creating the mail service working capital fund; and providing for the sources of the fund; to amend NRS section 331.105, relating to the central mailing room, by providing that revenue received from state officers, departments and agencies shall be deposited in the mail service working capital fund; making an appropriation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 127–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved March 25, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 268 of NRS, relating to powers and duties common to cities incorporated under general or special laws, by adding a new section requiring that invitations for sealed bids of an amount of $1,500 or more be published for the purchase of goods and services for an incorporated city; providing for informal bids in certain situations and for the waiver of required notice publication in cases of emergency; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 47–Committee on State, County and City Affairs.  Approved March 25, 1963



AN ACT authorizing and directing the state land register to sell for cash or by contract of sale certain described state lands situated in Mineral County, Nevada, to the County of Mineral, a political subdivision of the state, for a sale price of $5,397.02; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 263–Mr. Viani.  Approved March 25, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 482.220, relating to inspection certificates for certain motor vehicles, by providing that inspection shall be performed at service stations designated by the department of motor vehicles as authorized inspection agents; by providing fees; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 198–Committee on Roads, Transportation and Aviation.  Approved March 25, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 41.200, relating to compromise by parents of disputed claims for money by a minor against a third person, by providing that if the parents of the minor are living separate and apart and the mother has care or custody of the minor, the mother shall have the right to compromise such claim, or if a guardian of the minor has been appointed, the guardian shall have the right to compromise such claim; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 36–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 25, 1963



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act fixing the compensation of the county officers of Lyon County, Nevada; regulating the employment and compensation of deputies and other employees of county officers; repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith; and other matters properly relating thereto,” approved February 7, 1955, as amended. Senate Bill No. 189–Senator Whitacre.  Approved March 25, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 467.040, 467.055, 467.060 and 467.120, relating to the Nevada athletic commission, its funds, compensation and expenses of its members and employees, and contracts of contestants, by authorizing the commission to employ a full-time executive secretary; by providing that the executive secretary shall not be a member of the commission; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 62–Senators Lamb, Slattery and Lemaire.  Approved Mach 25, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 266.220, 266.623 and 266.626, relating to election of councilmen, nomination of candidates and primary and general elections in cities incorporated under general laws, by allowing city councils of cities of the second class to provide for election of councilmen at large from the wards in which they reside; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 46–Mr. Gibson.  Approved March 25, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapters 218, 623, 624, 625, 628, 629, 630, 631, 632, 633, 634, 635, 636, 637, 638, 639, 640, 642, 643, 644 and 645 of NRS, relating to the state legislative department and certain professions, occupations and businesses, by adding new sections requiring independent audits by public accountants of the fiscal records of such boards and commissions; providing for audits by the legislative auditor under certain conditions; requiring such boards and commissions to operate on the basis of a fiscal year; providing for salaries and expenses of members of such boards and commissions; and authorizing such boards and commissions to maintain offices in as many localities in the state as they find necessary and to employ attorneys and other professional consultants and clerical personnel necessary to the discharge of their duties; to amend NRS sections 281.160, 623.070, 623.090, 623.135, 623.160, 623.170, 624.110, 624.140, 624.150, 625.110, 625.120, 625.150, 628.090, 628.110, 628.140, 629.050, 630.110, 631.180, 631.190, 632.060, 632.080, 632.090, 633.020, 633.030, 634.050, 635.020, 635.040, 636.075, 636.090, 636.100, 636.110, 637.050, 637.060, 637.070, 638.040, 638.050, 638.070, 638.080, 639.050, 639.070, 639.290, 640.050, 640.070, 642.030, 642.070, 643.030, 643.050, 643.060, 644.070, 644.080, 644.150, 644.170, 645.110, 645.130 and 645.140, relating to the boards and commissions which regulate certain professions, occupations and businesses, by making an exception to the general law relating to travel expenses and subsistence allowances of state officers and employees; by providing for salaries and expenses of the members of such boards and commissions, authorizing such boards and commissions to maintain offices in as many localities in the state as they find necessary; by authorizing such boards and commissions to employ attorneys and other professional consultants and clerical personnel necessary to the discharge of their duties; and by requiring such boards and commissions to deposit their funds in banks or savings and loan associations in the State of Nevada; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 60–Senator Dodge.  Approved March 25, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 108.210, relating to discharge of mechanics’ liens, by clarifying the provision relating to recordation of an acknowledgment of satisfaction by lien claimants. Senate Bill No. 144–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 25, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 339 of NRS, relating to contractors’ bonds on public works, by adding new sections defining terms; requiring the posting of a performance bond and a payment bond by contractors awarded certain contracts for the construction of public works; authorizing actions upon such bonds; providing for the furnishing of certified copies of such bonds; and providing penalties; to amend NRS sections 244.285, 309.340, 318.150, 403.490 and 543.480, relating to the awarding of contracts for the construction of certain public buildings, works, improvements and structures, by requiring the posting of a performance bond and a payment bond by contractors awarded certain contracts for the construction of such buildings, works, improvements and structures; to repeal NRS sections 279.506, 339.010 to 339.090, inclusive, 539.257 and 540.390, relating to the posting of contractors’ bonds by successful bidders on certain contracts; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 105–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 25, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 108 of NRS, relating to statutory liens, by adding new sections providing for liens on clothing and household goods where charges for cleaning or laundering are not paid for more than 90 days, or where such items are stored but charges are not paid for more than 12 months; providing for sale of such property after notice to satisfy charges for work and storage; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 15–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 25, 1963



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act fixing the compensation of the county officers of Lander county, Nevada, regulating the employment and compensation of deputies and other employees of said officers, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith,” approved March 13, 1953, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 289–Mr. Swackhamer.  Approved March 25, 1963



AN ACT providing additional and supplemental appropriations from the general fund in the state treasury for the support of the state department of education, the state department of health and the state distributive school fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1963; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 223–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved March 25, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 482 of NRS, relating to licensing and registration of motor vehicles and trailers, by adding a new section creating the motor vehicles working capital fund; providing for its uses; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 181–Committee on Roads, Transportation and Aviation.  Approved March 25, 1963



AN ACT relating to the City of Sparks, Nevada; authorizing and empowering the city to improve, extend and better the municipal sewer system by constructing, installing and otherwise acquiring a sewage treatment plant, with equipment and appurtenances; providing for the payment of the cost thereof by the issuance of general obligation bonds; specifying powers, privileges, rights, liabilities and duties of the city and its inhabitants and of other public and private bodies in connection therewith; validating, ratifying, approving and confirming all acts and proceedings heretofore had and taken insofar as the same may be consistent herewith; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 169–Messrs. Christensen and Valentine.  Approved March 25, 1963



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act making appropriations from the general fund, the state highway fund, the county gas tax fund and the fish and game fund for the support of the civil government of the State of Nevada for the fiscal years beginning July 1, 1961, and ending June 30, 1962, and beginning July 1, 1962, and ending June 30, 1963; and providing other matters properly relating thereto,” approved April 6, 1961. Assembly Bill No. 146–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved March 25, 1963



AN ACT appropriating the sum of $1,057.52 from the state highway fund to pay a special claim for electricity furnished by the United States Air Force. Assembly Bill No. 131–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved March 25, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 331 of NRS, relating to the state department of buildings and grounds, by adding a new section creating a central telephone working capital fund; and by providing for the sources of the fund; appropriating $20,250 to the fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 128–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved March 25, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 258.150, relating to fees of constables of the townships in Washoe County, by increasing some of such fees; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 51–Washoe County Delegation (by request).  Approved March 25, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 247.270, relating to fees of the county recorder of Washoe County, by establishing fees to be charged by the Washoe County recorder for photostatic recording of documents, instruments or papers; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 101–Washoe County Delegation (by request).  Approved March 25, 1963



AN ACT to amend Title 54 of NRS, relating to professions, occupations and businesses, by creating a new chapter establishing the board of psychological examiners; providing for certification of psychologists; defining terms; providing for appointment, qualifications and terms of members of the board and for its powers, duties and employees; providing for examinations, qualification without examination and fees; creating a formal liaison committee of members of the board of psychological examiners and the board of medical examiners and stating the purposes of such committee; and providing exceptions and penalties; to amend chapter 48 of NRS, relating to witnesses, by providing for the protection of confidential communications between psychologist and client; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 68–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 25, 1963



AN ACT appropriating the sum of $10,000 from the general fund in the state treasury to the Nevada centennial fund. Assembly Bill No. 371–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved March 29, 1963



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act to incorporate the Town of Yerington, in Lyon County, and defining the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishing of a city government therefor, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 14, 1907, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 359–Mr. Giomi.  Approved March 29, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 284.350, relating to annual leave of state employees, by providing that accumulated annual leave in excess of 30 days shall be forfeited on January 1 of each year; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 205–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 29, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 503 of NRS, relating to the regulation of hunting, fishing and trapping, and to other wildlife protective measures, by adding a new section making it unlawful to hunt waterfowl without carrying a federal migratory bird hunting stamp; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 238–Committee on Fish and Game.  Approved March 29, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 244 of NRS, relating to county government, by authorizing boards of county commissioners to create by ordinance the office of county coroner; to amend NRS sections 259.010 and 451.010, relating to coroners’ districts and to the dissection of human bodies, by providing that the chapter on coroners and coroners’ districts shall not apply to coroners appointed pursuant to county ordinances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 170–Mr. Bishop.  Approved March 29, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 684 of NRS, relating to insurance brokers, agents and solicitors, by adding a new section providing that funds received by the broker, agent or solicitor, surplus line broker, motor club agent or bail agent or solicitor as premiums or return premiums are held by him in his fiduciary capacity, and shall be remitted to the insurer or person entitled thereto within 15 days or maintained in a separate depository or account; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 98–Committee on Banking, Insurance and Corporations.  Approved March 29, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 686 of NRS, relating to general insurance provisions, by adding a new section providing that an insurer proposing to use a name on an underwriter’s policy differing from that of the insurer shall file an application with the commissioner of insurance for his approval, and pay a fee of $25; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 94–Committee on Banking, Insurance and Corporations.  Approved March 29, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 247.190, relating to county recorders, by providing that all instruments shall have the names of all signers thereto typed or printed underneath their signatures, or that an affidavit be filed giving the correct spelling of such signatures prior to recording; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 303–Clark County Delegation.  Approved March 29, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 692.060, relating to classification of group accident and health insurance, by adding thereto a classification for group policies issued to creditors insuring a group of debtors; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 81–Committee on Banking, Insurance and Corporations.  Approved March 29, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 690.110, relating to policies of life insurance issued to creditors on the lives of debtors, by increasing the amount of life insurance which a creditor may obtain on the life of a debtor from $5,000 to $10,000, unless the amount of installments owed is less than $10,000, in which event the amount of insurance obtainable shall be the same as the amount owed in installments. Assembly Bill No. 85–Committee on Banking, Insurance and Corporations.  Approved March 29, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 683.050, 684.300, and 686.230, relating to service of papers on foreign, alien and unauthorized insurance companies, and on brokers, agents and solicitors, by allowing the commissioner of insurance to use certified mail to serve such papers; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 91–Committee on Banking, Insurance and Corporations.  Approved March 29, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 682.470, relating to investments of excess funds by domestic insurance companies, by allowing such companies, with prior authorization of the commissioner of insurance, to invest in excess of 25 percent of admitted assets in the stock of other insurance corporations organized under the laws of any state or the Dominion of Canada and supervised by a state or dominion insurance commissioner; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 93–Committee on Banking, Insurance and Corporations.  Approved March 29, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 684.190 and 684.200, relating to insurance brokers, by providing that the commissioner of insurance may issue restricted brokers’ licenses; by providing that life insurance brokers’ bonds shall be contingent on accounting by the broker for moneys collected by the broker; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 96–Committee on Banking, Insurance and Corporations.  Approved March 29, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 680.200, relating to examinations, investigations and hearings conducted by the commissioner of insurance, by providing that formal rules of pleading and evidence are not required to be observed in any hearing conducted by such commissioner; and to amend NRS section 694.410, relating to hearing procedure when an insurer or rating organization is aggrieved by an order of the commissioner of insurance, by deleting reference to formal rules of pleading and evidence. Assembly Bill No. 99–Committee on Banking, Insurance and Corporations.  Approved March 29, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 365.060, defining the term “motor vehicle fuel,” by broadening the definition to include liquids usable for propelling motor vehicles, motorboats or airplanes; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 111–Committee on Taxation.  Approved March 29, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 361.225, 361.260 and 361.310, relating to assessment of taxable property, by requiring assessment of such property at 35 percent of full cash value; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 168–Committee on Taxation.  Approved March 29, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 483.660, relating to the Driver License Compact, by substituting the word “conviction” for the word “violation” in certain portions of the section; by enlarging the scope of reports of violations; by enlarging the effect of convictions upon the issuance, suspension or revocation of driver licenses; by extending the requirements of interchanging information between party states; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 282–Mr. Bailey.  Approved March 29, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 287.010 and 287.020, relating to group insurance for officers and employees of political subdivisions, by authorizing coverage for dependents of such officers and employees under such policies; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 332–Mr. Harris.  Approved March 29, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 482.385, relating to the exemption of nonresident owners of motor vehicles from registration, by providing for recognition of dealers’ and manufacturers’ license plates from other states or countries; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 10–Mr. Pozzi.  Approved March 29, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 481 of NRS, relating to the administration of motor vehicle laws, by adding a new section permitting the director of the department of motor vehicles to keep the office of the drivers’ license division open on weekends and at times other than 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. in counties with a population in excess of 75,000; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 386–Mr. Valentine.  Approved March 29, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 503.180, relating to unlawful hunting of big game with certain types or kinds of firearms and bullets, by prohibiting hunting with full steel core (armor-piercing) bullets. Assembly Bill No. 240–Committee on Fish and Game.  Approved March 29, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 78.105, relating to corporate books and documents required to be kept at the corporation’s principal office and defining the rights of creditors and stockholders, by imposing certain conditions on the right of a stockholder to examine the corporation’s stock ledger; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 115–Committee on Banks, Banking and Corporations.  Approved March 29, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 82 of NRS, relating to fraternal and other orders, by adding new sections incorporating the Nevada Library Association; providing for the powers of such corporation; providing for distribution of proceeds of property on dissolution; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 166–Senator Monroe.  Approved March 29, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 485.105, 485.210, 485.304, 485.3091 and 485.3095, relating to the Motor Vehicle Safety Responsibility Act, by increasing the amount of security required of drivers involved in accidents; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 157–Senator Dial.  Approved March 29, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 482.265 and 482.280, relating to renewal of registration and licensing of motor vehicles, by providing that the department of motor vehicles may issue, upon renewal of registration, stickers, tabs or other suitable devices in lieu of new license plates; by eliminating the requirement that the department of motor vehicles notify the legal owner of the renewal registration number upon registration of a motor vehicle by one other than the legal owner; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 202–Committee on Roads, Transportation and Aviation.  Approved March 29, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 682 of NRS, relating to domestic insurance companies, by adding new sections defining terms; providing for the adoption of emergency bylaws by any domestic insurance company; providing for a change of location of any such company during an emergency and for the creation of an emergency board of directors; providing for the powers of the commissioner of insurance during an emergency; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 78–Committee on Banking, Insurance and Corporations.  Approved March 29, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 688 of NRS, relating to fraternal benefit societies, by creating new provisions defining terms; providing for the formation, regulation, consolidation and merger of domestic societies, admission of foreign or alien societies and licensing of agents; establishing benefits a society may provide and standard provisions to be included in the benefit contracts; providing for the powers of the commissioner of insurance and for notices, hearings and other proceedings; requiring reserves; and providing penalties; to amend NRS section 690.200, relating to definitions concerning unclaimed funds of life insurance companies, by changing a reference; to repeal NRS sections 688.010 to 688.500, inclusive, relating to the regulation of fraternal benefit societies; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 77–Committee on Banking, Insurance and Corporations.  Approved March 29, 1963



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An act fixing the compensation of the county officers of Eureka county, Nevada, and regulating the employment and compensation of deputies and other employees of said officers and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith,” approved February 25, 1953, as amended. Senate Bill No. 235–Senator Bay.  Approved March 29, 1963



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act fixing the compensation of the county officers of Mineral County, Nevada; regulating the employment and compensation of deputies and other employees of such officers; providing for travel expenses; repealing certain acts in conflict herewith; and providing other matters properly relating thereto,” approved April 6, 1959. Assembly Bill No. 430–Mineral County Delegation.  Approved April 1, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 488.175, relating to the exemption of certain classes of motorboats from registration under the Nevada Boat Act, by providing that the department of motor vehicles may issue exempt numbers for motorboats not required to register under such act. Assembly Bill No. 322–Committee on Roads, Transportation and Aviation.  Approved April 1, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 207 of NRS, relating to miscellaneous crimes, by adding a new section providing that it is unlawful for any person, firm, company or corporation to sell, offer to sell, or display for sale any motor vehicle unless such person, firm, company or corporation is the legal or registered owner of such vehicle, is a licensed manufacturer or dealer, or a repossessor of such vehicle offering it for sale on a bid basis; providing exceptions; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 284–Messrs. Pozzi and Valentine.  Approved April 1, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 482.345, relating to motor vehicle dealer’s licenses and bond requirements, by requiring that dealer’s and manufacturer’s bonds contain a provision allowing actions on the bond by any person injured by the acts of the dealer or manufacturer; by changing the bond requirements for such dealers; by placing limitations on recoveries on such bonds; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 215–Committee on Roads, Transportation and Aviation.  Approved April 1, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 706.710, relating to hours of employment of motor carrier operators, by authorizing the public service commission of Nevada to extend to private carriers of explosives and other dangerous articles the safety rules and regulations of the commission governing for-hire carriers; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 211–Committee on Roads, Transportation and Aviation.  Approved April 1, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 488 of NRS, relating to regulation of watercraft, by providing that vessels shall not be equipped with sirens, except for emergency vessels; by limiting the use of such sirens; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 187–Committee on Roads, Transportation and Aviation.  Approved April 1, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 616.395, relating to payment of premiums of industrial insurance, by requiring that the Nevada industrial commission accept savings bank certificates from employers for advance premiums in lieu of cash; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 352–Mr. Swanson.  Approved April 1, 1963



AN ACT to be designated as the 1963 Public Securities Validation Act; validating, ratifying, approving and confirming outstanding public securities of the state and all corporate subdivisions and agencies thereof, and acts and proceedings had or taken thereby and appertaining to public securities; repealing acts in conflict herewith; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 31–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 1, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 408 of NRS, relating to state highways and roads, by adding a new section providing for reimbursement by the state to utilities for the relocation of utility facilities located in or on highways in the federal-aid primary or secondary systems or in the interstate system on order of the state highway engineer; defining certain terms; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 134–Committee on Aviation, Transportation and Highways.  Approved April 1, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 439.240, relating to the state hygienic laboratory, by eliminating a reference to the director of the division of laboratories of the state department of health; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 143–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 1, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 243.335, relating to the creation and boundaries of Storey County, by providing that such boundaries shall remain as they existed on January 1, 1963, regardless of future changes in the course of the Truckee River; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 120–Senator Slattery.  Approved April 1, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 644.200, 644.203 and 644.205, relating to the qualifications of persons for examination as hairdressers and cosmeticians, electrologists and manicurists, by authorizing the state board of cosmetology to accept equivalent education in lieu of formal high school education from applicants for examinations as hairdressers and cosmeticians, electrologists and manicurists; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 216–Senator Slattery.  Approved April 1, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 690 of NRS, relating to life insurance, by adding a new section providing a basis for calculating adjusted premiums and present values on industrial insurance policies in accordance with the Commissioners Industrial Mortality Table; and to amend NRS sections 690.520, 690.540, 690.570 and 690.600, relating to surrender values, calculation of premiums, exceptions, and valuation of policies, to conform to such new section. Assembly Bill No. 86–Committee on Banking, Insurance and Corporations.  Approved April 1, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 684 of NRS, relating to insurance brokers, agents and solicitors, by adding new sections requiring that managing general agents and service representatives obtain licenses from the commissioner of insurance; to amend NRS sections 684.270 and 686.020, relating to licenses and license fees for insurance brokers, agents and solicitors, by including managing agents and service representatives within the provisions of such sections; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 87–Committee on Banking, Insurance and Corporations.  Approved April 1, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 422.150 and 422.170, relating to appointment and salary of the state welfare director, by providing that the state welfare director shall be appointed by the governor; by removing the state welfare director from the classified service of the state; by providing that the salary of the state welfare director shall be fixed by the legislature; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 8–Senator Slattery.  Approved April 1, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 634.130, relating to chiropractic license renewal fees, by requiring practicing chiropractors to attend one 2-day educational seminar each year to qualify for renewal of licenses; by providing exceptions; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 113–Senator Dial.  Approved April 1, 1963



AN ACT creating the Virginia City restoration commission; directing the commission to make a study regarding restoration of Virginia City and problems of financing and to report to the 53rd session of the legislature of the State of Nevada. Assembly Bill No. 406–Messrs. Petrini, Parraguirre and Viani.  Approved April 1, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 705.390, relating to the requirements of full train crews, by changing certain requirements concerning the number and duties of crews of freight and passenger trains; providing no person employed as a flagman on the effective date of this act shall be discharged or lose his employment by reason of the provisions of this act with some exceptions; to repeal NRS section 705.400, relating to the qualifications of flagmen; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 242–Messrs. Swackhamer, Jacobsen, Knisley and Pozzi.  Approved April 1, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 412.020, 412.040, 412.120, 412.125, 412.230, 412.255, 412.520 and 412.525, relating to age limits for and periods of enlistment in the Nevada National Guard, the staff of the National Guard, the grade of the adjutant general, expenses for armories, and the oath of enlistment, by changing the age limits and the periods of enlistment; by creating positions of assistant adjutant general for Air National Guard and assistant adjutant general for Army National Guard with the commissioned grades of brigadier general; by authorizing the grade of major general for the adjutant general; by increasing the expenses allowed for armories; by changing the oath of enlistment; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 121–Mr. Howard (by request).  Approved April 1, 1963



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act fixing the compensation of certain county officers of Esmeralda County, Nevada; authorizing and empowering the board of county commissioners of Esmeralda County, Nevada, to regulate the appointment, number and compensation of deputies of county officers and other county employees; repealing certain acts and parts of acts; and other matters properly relating thereto,” approved March 21, 1957, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 32–Mr. Ames.  Approved April 2, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 4.350, relating to clerks of justices’ courts, by deleting limits on salaries of such clerks and providing for the appointment and fixing of compensation of such clerks by boards of county commissioners. Assembly Bill No. 34–Messrs. Christensen and Valentine.  Approved April 2, 1963



AN ACT allowing the board of county commissioners of Mineral County to waive appraisal of certain lands to be acquired from the Federal Government. Assembly Bill No. 408–Committee on State, County and City Affairs.  Approved April 2, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 422.300, relating to county advisory welfare boards, by providing that the judge of the juvenile court rather than the state welfare director may establish such boards; changing the composition and duties of county advisory welfare boards; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 116–Committee on Social Welfare (by request).  Approved April 2, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 281.060, relating to preferential employment by the state and to the employment of aliens, by providing that the University of Nevada is exempt from the prohibition against the employment of certain aliens by the state. Senate Bill No. 84–Committee on Education and State University.  Approved April 2, 1963



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act concerning Lincoln county officers, providing for the appointment of their deputies, defining the duties of said officers and deputies, and fixing their compensation; and repealing all acts and parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions of this act,” approved March 13, 1953, as amended. Senate Bill No. 162–Senator Lamb.  Approved April 2, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 443.105, relating to the care of indigent persons infected with active tuberculosis at state expense and legislative appropriations therefor, by requiring the state department of health to confine such expenditures within the limits of legislative appropriations. Assembly Bill No. 446–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved April 2, 1963



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act to amend an act entitled ‘An Act to incorporate the Town of Reno, in Washoe County, and defining the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishing of a city government therefor, and other matters relating thereto,’ approved March 16, 1903, as amended,” approved April 6, 1961, and to amend an act entitled “An Act to incorporate the Town of Reno, in Washoe County, and defining the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishing of a city government therefor, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 16, 1903, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 423–Committee on State, County and City Affairs.  Approved April 2, 1963



AN ACT making an appropriation to the city of Las Vegas, Nevada, in reimbursement of the costs of curb, gutter and sidewalk improvements and street paving on 25th Street made by such city, adjacent to the National Guard armory. Assembly Bill No. 436–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved April 2, 1963



AN ACT appropriating $118,300 from the fish and game fund to the state planning board for the purpose of construction work at the fish hatchery at Verdi, Washoe County, Nevada; stating the powers, duties and responsibilities of the state planning board; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 402–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved April 2, 1963



AN ACT authorizing Washoe County to construct and otherwise acquire public parks, playgrounds and other recreational facilities; concerning the issuance of bonds for such purpose in not to exceed the aggregate principal amount of $1,000,000 and the levy of taxes in connection therewith; providing other details concerning the bonds and the taxes; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 385–Washoe County Delegation.  Approved April 2, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 426.440, relating to income furnished to recipients of aid to the blind by relatives of such recipients, by providing that a portion of the net earnings of the spouse of a recipient of aid to the blind shall not be considered community property; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 6–Miss Herr.  Approved April 2, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 404 of NRS, relating to road districts, by adding new sections authorizing the levy of a tax on property within road districts in counties polling not less than 1,800 votes and not more than 2,999 votes and the exchange of maintenance equipment between districts and the county; to amend NRS sections 404.070 and 404.080, relating to the establishment and designation of road districts and election of road supervisors, by making permissive rather than mandatory the establishment and designation of road districts; by deleting the provision for election of road supervisors and providing for their appointment by the board of county commissioners; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 75–Mr. Jacobsen.  Approved April 2, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 361.030, defining the term “personal property” as used in the property tax law, by excluding from the definition calves and lambs that have not been weaned. Assembly Bill No. 348–Committee on Livestock.  Approved April 2, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 159 of NRS, relating to guardianships and trusts, by adding a new section providing for the transfer of guardianship proceedings to the district court of the county in which the guardian and ward reside; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 200–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 2, 1963



AN ACT fixing the minimum and maximum salary limitations for officers of Churchill County, Nevada; providing for the appointment of deputies; providing for certain travel expenses; and providing for the collection and accounting of fees; to repeal chapter 316, Statutes of Nevada 1953, as amended, relating to compensation and fees of Churchill County officers; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 190–Senator Dodge.  Approved April 2, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 37.100, relating to occupancy of property to be condemned by plaintiff prior to judgment, by allowing the State of Nevada to deposit with the clerk of the court a sum equal to the value of the property to be condemned; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 188–Committee on Aviation, Transportation and Highways.  Approved April 2, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 81.350, relating to the procedure for formation of a nonprofit corporation for advancement of state and local interests, by deleting the provision which limits to 25 the number of trustees which such a nonprofit corporation may have. Senate Bill No. 152–Senator Brown.  Approved April 2, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 18 of NRS, relating to costs and disbursements, by adding new sections providing procedures for filing memoranda of costs consisting of statutory fees and costs supplementary to execution and in collection of judgment, for taxing of costs upon motion of a dissatisfied party, and for a motion and order allowing costs supplementary to execution and in collection of judgment; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 140–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 2, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 446.050, relating to the state health officer, by defining “health officer”; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 138–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 2, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 281 of NRS, relating to public offices and officers, by adding a new section exempting members of boards and commissions which regulate certain professions, occupations and businesses from the provisions of NRS sections 281.220 and 281.230, relating to conflicts of interest of public officers and employees; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 82–Senator Dodge.  Approved April 2, 1963



AN ACT to repeal NRS sections 82.460 to 82.510, inclusive, relating to incorporation of councils of the Boy Scouts of America; providing for organization of existing councils as nonprofit corporations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 71–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 2, 1963



AN ACT to repeal NRS sections 41.140, 41.150 and 41.160, relating to liability for personal injuries or death of employee or fellow servant by the wrongful act, neglect or default of a fellow servant or employer, and relating to the comparative negligence of the employer and employee, and to insurance and indemnity contracts as a defense to an action by an employee; and to preserve existing rights. Senate Bill No. 46–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 2, 1963



AN ACT relating to members of the legislature who are parties or attorneys for parties to actions and proceedings in courts and before administrative bodies or witnesses therein; to amend NRS section 1.310, relating to continuances of actions or proceedings during legislative sessions if a party or an attorney for a party is a member of the legislature, by providing that the attorney shall have actually been employed prior to the commencement of such action or proceeding; to amend chapter 218 of NRS, relating to the state legislature, by adding a new section providing that subpenas issued by administrative bodies shall not command members of the legislature to appear and testify or produce tangible things during legislative sessions; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 10–Senator Berrum.  Approved April 2, 1963



AN ACT authorizing and empowering the mayor and the city council of the city of Henderson, Nevada, to sell, lease or exchange certain real property; providing for the manner of such sales or exchanges and appraisals of such real property; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 373–Mr. Gibson.  Approved April 2, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 426.010 to 426.030, inclusive, 426.260, 426.270, 426.320, 426.340, 426.380, 426.390, 426.550, 426.560 and 426.600, relating to benefits and privileges for blind persons, by restating the purposes of the law and providing for liberal construction; providing that receipt of services shall not constitute pauperism; that a place of abode and sale proceeds thereof are considered real property; providing for the assignment of state welfare department employees whenever possible to administer aid to the blind cases; providing when aid shall be granted and the contents of applications for and payment of aid; delineating the duties of the bureau of services to the blind and the rule-making power thereof; and extending services to the blind; to amend NRS chapter 426 of NRS, relating to benefits and privileges for the blind, by adding a new section providing for payment of administrative costs; to repeal NRS 426.530, 426.540, 426.580, 426.620 and 426.730, relating to the position of field worker for the blind, programs of the bureau of services to the blind and costs of administration; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 343–Committee on Social Welfare.  Approved April 2, 1963



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act fixing the compensation of the county officers of Elko County, Nevada; regulating the employment and compensation of deputies and other employees of such officers; and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith,” approved March 25, 1957, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 307–Messrs. Young and Glaser.  Approved April 2, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 378.120, relating to charges the state librarian may collect from persons requesting copies of documents from the state library, by authorizing the state library to collect a fee not exceeding $2 for each duplicate roll made of microfilm belonging to the state library; providing for the disposition of moneys collected; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 255–Mr. Johnson (by request).  Approved April 2, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 706 of NRS, relating to motor vehicle carriers, by adding a new section providing that applicants for or holders of mileage licenses or one-trip licenses may be required by the department of motor vehicles to obtain bonds conditioned upon payment of taxes, fees and penalties and faithful performance of the requirements of the motor vehicle carrier laws; providing for cash deposits and savings certificates deposits in lieu of bonds; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 197–Committee on Roads, Transportation and Aviation.  Approved April 2, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 281.210, relating to the prohibition of employment of relatives by officers of the state and its political subdivisions, by requiring the approval of the state department of education in an exception concerning the employment of school teachers and other employees by boards of trustees of school districts. Assembly Bill No. 166–Mr. Ames.  Approved April 2, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 474 of NRS, relating to fire protection districts, by adding new sections allowing boards of county commissioners to establish fire protection districts for unincorporated areas not included in any other fire protection district; providing for the appointment of a county fire chief; providing for the financing and management of fire protection districts; and enabling other fire protection districts to be dissolved to come within the provisions of such new sections; to repeal NRS section 475.120, relating to county firewardens; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 144–Committee on State, County and City Affairs.  Approved April 2, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 395.010, 395.040, and 395.050, relating to the education of the deaf, dumb or blind, by providing for maintenance by the state of such persons in foster homes or other residential facilities in a county which has a program for the education of the deaf, dumb or blind; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 33–Mr. Christensen.  Approved April 2, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 433.240, relating to emergency temporary commitment of mentally ill persons, by providing that where a district judge is available he may order examination and temporary commitment of mentally ill persons in a hospital to be designated by him; by providing that where a district judge is not available two licensed physicians may authorize examination and temporary commitment of mentally ill persons to a hospital to be designated by them; requiring the district judge to be given notice immediately of such emergency commitments; by extending the limit on temporary commitments to 15 days; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 120–Mr. Christensen.  Approved April 2, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 645.030, 645.120, 645.190, 645.310, 645.450, 645.460, 645.630, 645.690 and 645.780 to 645.830, inclusive, which define terms and relate to the salary and qualifications of the executive secretary of the Nevada real estate commission, powers of the Nevada real estate commission, moneys received by real estate brokers and salesmen, real estate licensing generally and license fees, increasing the maximum salary of the executive secretary of the real estate commission; by providing for a reference manual; by providing for auditing trust and custodial accounts of brokers; and by amending provisions relating to examinations, license expiration, licensing and fees; to repeal NRS section 645.470, relating to salesman’s examinations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 219–Mr. Swanson.  Approved April 2, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 269.276, 269.278, 269.286, 269.288 and 269.308, relating to public improvements in unincorporated towns, the payment of expenses of such improvements by funds or special assessments and by the town, notices of hearings and special assessments and limitations of costs to property owners, by permitting unincorporated towns to spread assessments throughout a district for the cost of improving intersections; permitting unincorporated towns to levy assessments against public property when the consent of the public body is obtained; making a legislative determination of what constitutes adequate mailed notice, and permitting unincorporated towns to levy assessments up to the reasonable market value of the property; providing that the amendment of NRS sections 269.276, 269.278 and 269.288 shall expire by limitation on December 31, 1963, and that such sections shall then revert to substantially the same language contained therein prior to their amendment; validating, ratifying and approving all action taken by any unincorporated town preliminary to and in the levy of special assessments and preliminary to and in the issuance of special assessment bonds; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 409–Committee on State, County and City Affairs.  Approved April 2, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 454 of NRS, relating to poisons, by adding new sections regulating the delivery, possession and use of dangerous drugs; defining terms; and providing penalties; to amend NRS section 453.020, which defines terms in the Uniform Narcotic Drug Act, by deleting the definition of “barbiturates”; and by deleting the word “barbiturates” from the definition of the term “narcotic drugs”; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 27–Committee on Public Health.  Approved April 2, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 450.160, 450.180 and 450.440, relating to rules and regulations adopted by boards of hospital trustees of county public hospitals and to the employees and staff of such hospitals, by conferring authority upon the boards of hospital trustees to control the admission of physicians, surgeons and internes to the staffs of such hospitals; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 100–Committee on Public Health.  Approved April 2, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 387.400 and 387.595, relating to limitations on the total amount of bonds issued by school districts, by increasing the debt limit from 10 percent to 15 percent; excluding motor vehicles from the total assessed valuation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 208–Committee on Aviation, Transportation and Highways.  Approved April 2, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 259.080, relating to coroners’ juries, by increasing the fees for members of such juries from $3 a day to $6 a day. Senate Bill No. 217–Senator Berrum.  Approved April 2, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 482 of NRS, relating to vehicle licensing and registration, by adding a new section defining terms; to amend NRS sections 482.210, 482.260, 482.397, 482.480, 482.555, relating to registration, licensing and collection of personal property taxes on vehicles, by exempting from registration mobile homes not used on highways; by providing for collection by county assessors of personal property taxes on mobile homes; by providing for registration of mobile homes used on highways; and by providing penalties; to repeal NRS section 482.517, relating to penalties for delinquent registration of mobile homes; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 224–Committee on Taxation.  Approved April 2, 1963



AN ACT authorizing the city of Elko, Nevada, to develop, enlarge, improve and equip the city’s airport; concerning the issuance of bonds for such purpose in not to exceed the aggregate principal amount of $500,000 and the levy of taxes in connection therewith; providing other details concerning the bonds and the taxes; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 266–Senator Monroe.  Approved April 2, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 41 of NRS, relating to actions and proceedings in particular cases concerning persons, by adding a new section relieving any physician or nurse from civil liability who renders aid at the scene of an emergency gratuitously and in good faith; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 165–Mr. Posin.  Approved April 2, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 473.035, 473.050 and 473.060, relating to the alteration of boundaries of Clarke-McNary fire protection districts, the preparation of budgets for such districts, the collection of fire taxes and the issuance of bonds to provide fire-fighting equipment, by authorizing the state forester firewarden to change boundaries to conform to annexations by incorporated cities and certain land use zoning; limiting the amount of fire taxes; clarifying provisions relating to tax assessment and collection; providing for the deposit and use of fire tax moneys; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 41–Mr. Johnson.  Approved April 2, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 11 of NRS, relating to limitations within which civil actions may be commenced, by adding a new section providing the time limits within which actions may be commenced in the name of or for the benefit of the state; to repeal NRS section 11.230, relating to actions by or for the state; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 139–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 4, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 3.310, relating to bailiffs in district courts, by providing that the number of bailiffs in district courts shall be at least equal to the number of judges of such courts; by providing for the appointment of additional bailiffs in district courts under specified circumstances; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 368–Clark County Delegation.  Approved April 4, 1963



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act to incorporate the town of Wells, in Elko County, and defining the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishing of a city government therefor; and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 24, 1927, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 341–Messrs. Glaser and Young.  Approved April 4, 1963



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act to incorporate the town of Elko, in Elko County, and defining the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishing of a city government therefor, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 14, 1917, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 339–Messrs. Young and Glaser.  Approved April 4, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 171.085, relating to limitations of criminal prosecutions for felonies other than murder, by providing that the filing of an information or complaint satisfies the requirements of the statute; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 297–Clark County Delegation.  Approved April 4, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 684.020 and 684.030, relating to licensing of insurance brokers, agents and solicitors, by adding definitions of managing general agent and service representative; by exempting from licensing persons delivering certificates of coverage under inland marine insurance contracts under certain circumstances; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 82–Committee on Banking, Insurance and Corporations.  Approved April 4, 1963



AN ACT relating to the City of Reno, Nevada, authorizing and empowering the city to improve, extend and better the municipal sewer system by constructing, installing and otherwise acquiring a sewage treatment plant, with equipment and appurtenances; providing for the payment of the cost thereof by the issuance of bonds; specifying powers, privileges, rights, liabilities and duties of the city and its inhabitants and of other public and private bodies in connection therewith; validating, ratifying, approving and confirming all acts and proceedings heretofore had and taken insofar as the same may be consistent herewith; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 234–Washoe County Delegation (District No. 3).  Approved April 4, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 252.050, relating to offices and office hours of district attorneys, by requiring that district attorneys in certain counties spend not less than 1 day each week at the county seat and make themselves available to county officers on a day certain; requiring such district attorneys to attend all meetings of the board of county commissioners; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 78–Senator Humphrey.  Approved April 4, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 2.120, relating to the rule-making power of the supreme court, by providing that the supreme court may make rules for the government of the State Bar of Nevada; to amend chapter 7 of NRS, relating to attorneys at law, by adding new sections continuing the State Bar of Nevada as a public corporation under the exclusive jurisdiction and control of the supreme court and providing penalties for practicing law without active state bar membership; to amend NRS section 252.120, relating to district attorneys, by deleting references to disbarment properly within the jurisdiction of the supreme court; to repeal NRS sections 7.010, 7.020, 7.040 to 7.240, inclusive, relating to attorneys at law, and NRS sections 7.270 to 7.600, inclusive, constituting the State Bar Act; providing that the provisions of the State Bar Act shall remain in effect as rules of the supreme court until modified or superseded by supreme court rules; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 214–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 4, 1963



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act to incorporate the Town of Reno, in Washoe County, and defining the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishing of a city government therefor, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 16, 1903, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 480–Washoe County Delegation (District No. 3).  Approved April 5, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 6 of NRS, relating to juries, by providing that the district court in and for any county with a population of 75,000 or more may by rule of court designate the clerk of the court or one of his deputies as jury commissioner and assign him administrative duties relating to trial juries and jurors; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 447–Mr. McNamee.  Approved April 5, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 680.150, relating to the powers and duties of the commissioner of insurance, by investing the commissioner of insurance with the power to classify certain records and information as confidential and unavailable to the general public. Assembly Bill No. 89–Committee on Banking, Insurance and Corporations.  Approved April 5, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 576.010, 576.030, 576.040, 576.060, 576.120, 576.140 and 576.150, relating to livestock and farm products dealers, brokers and commission merchants, by changing the definition of “dealer”; providing for the appointment of the executive director of the state department of agriculture as the attorney for licensees for service of process; providing that applicants for licenses may file a copy of the bond required by the United States pursuant to the Packers and Stockyards Act; providing a method of service of process on licensees; providing that copies of bonds shall accompany license fees and for the automatic suspension of licenses on the cancellation of bonds; fixing venue for the prosecution of persons who violate any provisions governing livestock and farm products dealers, brokers and commission merchants; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 165–Committee on Livestock.  Approved April 5, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 205 of NRS, relating to crimes against property, by adding a new section providing that a person who willfully fails to return a leased or rented vehicle within 72 hours after the lease or rental agreement has expired is presumed to have embezzled the vehicle. Assembly Bill No. 395–Miss Herr.  Approved April 5, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 694.020, 694.030, 694.050, 694.070, 694.080, 694.130, 694.150, 694.190, 694.200, 694.280, 694.290, 694.330 and 694.380 to 694.400, inclusive, relating to the regulation of rates for all forms of casualty insurance, including fidelity, surety and guaranty bonds and for all forms of fire, marine and inland marine insurance except as otherwise provided, and to rating organizations; amending certain provisions relating to the making of rates, rate filings, the disapproval of filings, deviations, appeals by minorities, examinations, false and misleading information, assigned risks and penalties; to repeal NRS sections 694.040, 694.060 and 694.210, relating to the filing of designations with the commissioner of insurance, rate filings for casualty insurance, and the disapproval of manuals and rating plans for fire, marine and inland marine insurance; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 79–Committee on Banking, Insurance and Corporations.  Approved April 5, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 690, relating to life insurance, by adding a new section providing that a group life insurance policy may be issued to certain associations insuring at least 25 members of the association for the benefit of persons other than the association or its officers or trustees as such. Assembly Bill No. 142–Mr. Bailey.  Approved April 5, 1963



AN ACT placing taxicabs in cities under the jurisdiction of the public service commission of Nevada; to amend NRS sections 266.355, 704.030, 706.120 and 706.430, relating to the licensing and regulation of lawful trades and businesses by cities incorporated under the general law by deleting the power of the city to regulate charges of public vehicles; to include taxicabs within the definition of “public utility”; to increase the number of passengers from five to six in the redefinition of “taxicab motor carrier”; to require taxicabs to obtain certificates of public convenience and necessity; to repeal NRS sections 706.470 and 706.610, relating to the substitutions and additions of facilities of contract carriers and the waiver of licensing of standby equipment; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 384–Mr. Bishop.  Approved April 5, 1963



AN ACT authorizing the board of county commissioners of Ormsby County, Nevada, to convey certain real property to the Ormsby County 4-H Leader’s Council. Senate Bill No. 249–Senator Dial.  Approved April 5, 1963



AN ACT fixing the salaries of certain White Pine County officers; providing for the appointment of deputies and other personnel and providing for travel expenses; repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 107–Senator Gallagher (by request).  Approved April 5, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 353.090, relating to payment of claims against the state where legislative appropriation has been made, by eliminating the requirement that a list of claims for services or advances for the preceding month, approved by the state board of examiners, be posted monthly in the state capitol building. Assembly Bill No. 130–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved April 5, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 244 of NRS, relating to counties, by adding new sections providing that counties with a population of 75,000 or more may create county park commissions; providing for the composition, powers and duties of such commissions; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 294–Messrs. Bailey and Swobe.  Approved April 5, 1963



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act to incorporate the Town of Reno, in Washoe County, and defining the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishing of a city government therefor, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 16, 1903, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 437–Washoe County Delegation (District No. 3).  Approved April 5, 1963



AN ACT authorizing Clark County, State of Nevada, to issue general obligation bonds in the aggregate principal amount not to exceed $1,000,000 for the purpose of development, construction, improvement and equipment of a type of hospital facility for nursing home patients, for ambulatory patients and for patients who are old and senile; concerning the issuance of bonds for such purpose and the levy of taxes in connection therewith; prescribing other details concerning such bonds and such taxes; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 432–Clark County Delegation.  Approved April 5, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 433.537, relating to contracts for treatment of certain mentally ill persons outside the state, by providing that reasonable physicians’ fees shall be paid for examination of such persons prior to confinement outside the state; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 119–Mr. Christensen.  Approved April 5, 1963



AN ACT authorizing and directing the superintendent of the Nevada state hospital to convey to the City of Sparks, Nevada, without consideration, certain real property owned by the State of Nevada and lying in Washoe County, Nevada; authorizing and directing the department of highways of the State of Nevada to accept certain real property from the City of Sparks; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 57–Messrs. Christensen and Valentine.  Approved April 5, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 159.110 and 159.250, relating to petitions by the state welfare department for appointment of guardians of the estate of incompetent persons, and to the period of guardianship, by providing that a citation shall be issued and served before the hearing on the petition; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 162–Committee on Social Welfare (by request).  Approved April 5, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 425.030, relating to definitions in the Aid to Dependent Children Act of 1955, by redefining assistance to include medical and remedial care; to amend chapter 425 of NRS, relating to aid to dependent children, by adding a new provision creating the aid to dependent children medical and remedial care fund in the state treasury and by providing the purposes and uses of such fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 163–Committee on Social Welfare (by request).  Approved April 5, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 282 of NRS, relating to official bonds and oaths, by adding a new section requiring all employees of incorporated cities who handle public funds to furnish a surety bond; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 252–Mr. Harris.  Approved April 5, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 387.175, 387.235 and 393.320, relating to the composition of county and joint school district funds and deposits of money therein when received by school districts for sales, leases of real property, by deleting references to receipts from the sales of school property and to federal money received for school construction; to amend chapter 387 of NRS, relating to the financial support of the public school system, by adding new sections creating county and joint school district buildings and sites funds in the county treasuries; specifying the composition of such funds and authorizing expenditures therefrom by boards of trustees of school districts for specific purposes and without budgeting; directing county treasurers to transfer certain funds; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 351–Mr. Johnson.  Approved April 5, 1963



AN ACT authorizing Clark County, State of Nevada, to issue general obligation bonds in the aggregate principal amount of $2,000,000 for the purpose of altering, constructing and reconstructing the existing courthouse by an addition of two more floors and the equipment and furnishing thereof, and for the purchase of and remodeling of or the construction of a building or buildings in diverse locations of Clark County to be used in conjunction with the Clark County courthouse and the equipment and furnishing thereof; concerning the issuance of bonds therefor and the levy of taxes in connection therewith; prescribing other details concerning such bonds and such taxes; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 431–Clark County Delegation.  Approved April 5, 1963



AN ACT authorizing Clark County, State of Nevada, to issue general obligation bonds in the aggregate principal amount of $1,000,000 for the purpose of the developing, enlarging, improving and equipping of its public airport known as McCarran Airfield, including the purchase of lands for runways; concerning the issuance of bonds therefor and the levy of taxes in connection therewith; prescribing other details concerning such bonds and such taxes; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 433–Clark County Delegation.  Approved April 5, 1963



AN ACT authorizing Clark County, State of Nevada, to issue general obligation bonds in the aggregate principal amount of $1,200,000 for the purpose of the development, construction, improvement and equipment of a Clark County district board of health building; concerning the issuance of bonds for such purpose and the levy of taxes in connection therewith; prescribing other details concerning such bonds and such taxes; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 434–Clark County Delegation.  Approved April 5, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 238.070, relating to rates for official state and county advertising, by increasing the rate for such advertising; by changing the unit of measurement upon which the rate is based; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 450–Committee on Legislative Functions.  Approved April 5, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 254.010, relating to the appointment and compensation of county engineers, by increasing the maximum compensation payable to county engineers in counties with a population of 50,000 or more; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 456–Clark County Delegation.  Approved April 5, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 258.065, relating to the salary for a constable’s clerk, by removing the limitation of $300 per month upon such salary. Assembly Bill No. 460–Clark County Delegation.  Approved April 5, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 450 of NRS, relating to county public hospitals, by adding a new section authorizing boards of hospital trustees to establish interne-training programs in county hospitals; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 239–Committee on Public Health.  Approved April 5, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 354.010 and 450.230, relating to the method of transaction of county business and to the budgets of county public hospitals, by authorizing the board of hospital trustees of any county public hospital to employ either the cash or accrual method of accounting; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 238–Committee on Public Health.  Approved April 5, 1963



AN ACT conveying the title to the Olympic ski chalet on Slide Mountain in Washoe County from the State of Nevada to Washoe County; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 376–Washoe County Delegation.  Approved April 5, 1963



AN ACT relating to savings and loan associations; to amend NRS sections 673.018, 673.029, 673.0351, 673.0355, 673.0357, 673.047, 673.070, 673.080, 673.110, 673.112, 673.250, 673.260, 673.273, 673.276, 673.316 to 673.318, inclusive, 673.326, 673.328, 673.329, 673.333, 673.430, 673.750 and 673.840, relating to savings and loan associations, by redefining the terms “investment certificate” and “residential property”; defining “accumulative,” “full paid” and “minimum term” investment certificates; increasing the salary and qualifications of the commissioner of savings associations; changing the qualifications for members of the savings associations board; prohibiting other than savings and loan associations the conduct of savings and loan business; authorizing extensions of time in appeal hearings; providing for applications for permission to organize associations and the procedure therefor; authorizing the change of association names; deleting the requirement that an association must be operated from the home office; requiring the commissioner to approve sales of additional permanent capital stock; decreasing the amount of the annual assessments which the commissioner may levy against associations; deleting required ratios relating to total permanent stock, surplus, undivided profits and reserves; authorizing investments in real property for subdivision purposes; adding additional provisions relating to appraisers; authorizing loans for furniture and fixtures; providing for additional classes of savings accounts; and providing additional penalties for chapter violations; to amend chapter 673 of NRS, relating to savings and loan associations, by adding new sections authorizing the issuance of investment certificates and specifying the rights and liabilities of holders thereof; authorizing associations to purchase property for office buildings; providing associations may act as trustees and invest trust funds; defining “short term” loans and authorizing their making; requiring associations to have annual audits; prohibiting the commissioner, his agents and employees from having an interest in an association or being a borrower therefrom; requiring the commissioner to make annual reports to the governor; and providing certain information obtained by the commissioner to be confidential; to repeal NRS sections 673.0352, 673.0358, 673.100, 673.321, 673.323 and 673.760 to 673.800, inclusive, relating to the qualifications of the commissioner of savings associations, the nomination of persons to fill vacancies on the savings associations board, the renewal of association charters, required applications to the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation for insurance on accounts, loans on improved real property and the applicability of chapter 673 of NRS to corporations registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940; authorizing a successor commissioner to act on applications filed prior to February 18, 1963; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 164–Committee on Banks, Banking and Corporations.  Approved April 5, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 639 of NRS, relating to pharmacists and pharmacy, by adding new sections declaring the practice of pharmacy to be a profession and authorizing the state board of pharmacy to adopt rules of professional conduct for registered pharmacists; to amend NRS sections 639.030, 639.070, 639.120 and 639.220, relating to pharmacists and pharmacy, by changing the terms of office of members of the state board of pharmacy; by requiring that an applicant for registration as a pharmacist be a graduate of a school of pharmacy approved by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy and the state board of pharmacy; by authorizing the state board of pharmacy to allow licensed pharmacies to be without a pharmacist for limited periods to allow the pharmacist to take meals; to repeal NRS section 639.110, relating to the compounding and dispensing of emergency prescriptions by general dealers in rural districts; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 26–Committee on Public Health.  Approved April 5, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 244 of NRS, relating to county government, commissioners and managers, by adding a new section authorizing boards of county commissioners to enact ordinances requiring physical examinations for food handlers; limiting the cost of physical examinations by food handlers during any one 12-month period; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 250–Miss Herr, Messrs. Manning and Godbey.  Approved April 5, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 353 of NRS, relating to state financial administration, by adding a new section requiring that every state agency, department and institution deposit all moneys received from the Federal Government, counties and other sources in the state treasury to work program accounts or holding accounts; providing for transfers therefrom and reversions thereof; excepting the University of Nevada and the Nevada state museum; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 344–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved April 5, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 281.230, relating to unlawful commissions and compensation of officers, deputies and employees of the State of Nevada, counties and municipalities, by increasing penalties. Assembly Bill No. 143–Committee on State, County and City Affairs.  Approved April 5, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 281.160, relating to traveling expenses and subsistence allowances of state officers and employees, by allowing transportation expenses within the municipality where the office of the officer or employee is located; by decreasing the travel allowance for use of private vehicles used as a matter of convenience in conducting state business; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 147–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved April 5, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 354.400, relating to unlawful contracts of a city, town, municipality or school district, by expanding the area in which such political entities may contract without previously budgeted funds; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 254–Mr. Harris.  Approved April 5, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 474.200, relating to the levy, collection and use of taxes for fire protection districts, by subjecting all property, except livestock and certain farm equipment, to the tax levy of county fire protection districts; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 410–Committee on State, County and City Affairs.  Approved April 5, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 483.330, relating to examination of applicants for operators’ or chauffeurs’ licenses, by authorizing the department of motor vehicles to accept reports of ophthalmologists, oculists, or optometrists in lieu of eye tests by drivers’ license examiners; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 416–Committee on Roads, Transportation and Aviation.  Approved April 5, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 484.080, relating to speed limits in unincorporated towns and cities, by authorizing boards of county commissioners to fix the maximum speed limit at 50 miles per hour; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 457–Clark County Delegation.  Approved April 5, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 433.090, relating to the qualification and selection of the superintendent of the Nevada state hospital, by decreasing the prior administrative experience requirement; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 488–Committee on State Institutions and Libraries.  Approved April 5, 1963



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act to amend an act entitled ‘An Act to incorporate the city of Sparks, in Washoe County, and defining the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishing of a city government therefor, and other matters relating thereto, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith,’ approved March 28, 1949, as amended,” approved April 6, 1961; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 499–Committee on State, County and City Affairs.  Approved April 5, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 284 of NRS, relating to the state department of personnel, by adding a new section providing that the provisions of such chapter do not apply to agencies and officers of the legislative and judicial departments of the state government; to amend chapter 333 of NRS, relating to the State Purchasing Act, by adding a new section allowing agencies and officers of the legislative and judicial departments to use the facilities of the state department of purchasing on a voluntary basis; to amend chapter 353 of NRS, relating to the State Budget Act, by adding a new section providing that the provisions of such chapter do not apply to agencies and officers of the legislative and judicial departments of the state government, and providing for the submission of budgets of such agencies and officers to the legislature; to amend NRS sections 218.690 218.700, 218.760, 284.010 to 284.020, inclusive, 284.105, 284.125, 284.130, 284.139, 284.140, 284.147, 284.150, 333.020, 333.440, 333.480, 353.185, 353.195 to 353.230, inclusive, and 353.245, relating to the salary of the legislative counsel, appointment of employees of the legislative counsel, the salary of the legislative auditor, legislative declaration of the purposes of the chapter governing the state department of personnel, definitions of terms used in such chapter, duties of state officers and employees, duties of the director of the state department of personnel, composition of the unclassified service and the classified service, investigations, assistance of state and local officers, definitions of terms used in the State Purchasing Act, department of purchasing agencies, purchase of federal surplus material by the director of the state department of purchasing, general powers and duties of the director of the budget, examination of accounts and investigations of work duplication of state departments by the director of the budget, the state budget, submission to the director of the budget of estimates of expenditure requirements of state departments, submission to the governor of work programs of state departments, revision of work programs, reserve funds, reviews of estimates, and submission of budgets of state departments making requests for federal funds, by limiting the applicability of the State Purchasing Act, the State Budget Act, and the provisions relating to the state department of personnel to the executive department of the state government; to repeal NRS sections 218.750 and 218.765, relating to classification of the position of legislative auditor, the creation and salary of the office of deputy legislative auditor; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 225–Mr. Pozzi.  Approved April 5, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 205.130, relating to issuance of checks, drafts or orders without sufficient funds or with intent to defraud, by providing that the issuance of such an instrument or instruments in an amount of $100 or more is a felony under certain circumstances; by providing penalties; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 312–Messrs. Von Tobel, Gibson and Bunker.  Approved April 8, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 62 of NRS, relating to the juvenile court, by adding new sections giving such court jurisdiction over adults incidental to its jurisdiction over children; regulating the issuance and service of orders; and providing penalties; to amend NRS sections 62.200 and 62.240, relating to orders which may be made by the juvenile court, by empowering the court to order persons to refrain from conduct or neglect bringing a child within the provisions of the Juvenile Court Act; by making a technical correction; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 230–Miss Dungan, Messrs. Young, Posin, Gibson, Bunker and Hafen.  Approved April 8, 1963



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act to incorporate the Town of Reno, in Washoe County, and defining the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishing of a city government therefor, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 16, 1903, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 389–Mr. Harris.  Approved April 8, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 62.040, relating to the exclusive original jurisdiction of the juvenile court, by deleting a provision which excludes motor vehicle violations from the jurisdiction of such court. Assembly Bill No. 316–Messrs. Swanson, Parraguirre and Miss Dungan.  Approved April 8, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 422 of NRS, relating to the state welfare department, by adding a new section providing that the attorney general and his legal staff shall be the legal advisers for the state welfare department; providing for partial compensation from the state welfare fund for services rendered by the office of the attorney general; providing that certain other necessary expenses incurred by the office of the attorney general in rendering services to the department shall be paid from the state welfare fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 412–Committee on Social Welfare (by request).  Approved April 9, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 236 of NRS, relating to holidays and days of observance, by adding a new section providing that May 1 of each year shall be designated as Law Day U.S.A. Assembly Bill No. 72–Messrs. Swanson, Parraguirre, McNamee and Swobe.  Approved April 9, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 432.020 to 432.040, inclusive, relating to powers of the state welfare department and maintenance and special services for children, by allowing the state welfare department to provide maintenance and special services for children referred by the Nevada girls training center; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 30–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 9, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 598.030, relating to the right of merchants to request that persons keep merchandise in their possession in full view, by allowing merchants to detain persons for the purpose of recovering merchandise which the merchant has probable cause to believe has been wrongfully taken; requiring the posting of notices by merchants to entitle them to immunity from liability; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 146–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 9, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 333.310 and 333.470, relating to advertising for bids for state purchasing contracts and to the availability of the facilities of the state department of purchasing to political subdivisions, by requiring that the specifications for bids for items to be purchased through such department by such subdivisions be written so that all suppliers of the market in the industry or business concerned are given an opportunity to bid; by changing the notice requirements for such bids; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 9–Mr. Pozzi.  Approved April 9, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 350 of NRS, relating to borrowing and bonds of counties, municipalities and districts, by adding new sections authorizing counties, cities, towns, school and other districts to issue bonds for the purpose of refunding general obligation bonds and for the payment of expenses in connection with the refunding of such bonds; providing that an election shall not be required on the question of the issuance of such bonds; providing the form and details of such bonds; providing that payment of such bonds may be additionally secured by pledges of revenue; providing conditions of exchange and sale and the application of the net proceeds of sales; authorizing the State of Nevada and others to invest moneys in such bonds; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 482–Clark County Delegation.  Approved April 9, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 7.260, relating to fees and expenses of attorneys appointed by courts, by limiting the amount of fees for attorneys appointed by the courts where the defendant is charged with a crime; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 210–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 9, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 309.070, 309.090, 309.100, 312.150, 312.160, 474.130 and 474.140, relating to elections of directors of local improvement districts, power districts, and county fire protection districts, by providing that such elections shall be held in conjunction with general elections; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 445–Mr. Giomi.  Approved April 9, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 482.280, relating to expiration and renewal of vehicle registration, by permitting registration of certain trucks and trailers for half years under certain circumstances; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 194–Committee on Roads, Transportation and Aviation.  Approved April 9, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 244.125, relating to the appointment, salary and removal from office of county managers, by providing that boards of county commissioners in counties having a population of 120,000 or more may fix the compensation of the county managers; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 463–Clark County Delegation.  Approved April 9, 1963



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act to incorporate the town of Las Vegas, in Clark County, and defining the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishing of a city government therefor, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 16, 1911, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 470–Clark County Delegation.  Approved April 9, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 616 of NRS, relating to industrial insurance, by adding a new section providing that persons engaged in selling or delivering newspapers, magazines and periodical publications pursuant to an agreement or contract shall be deemed employees of the publisher or distributor with whom such agreement or contract exists at a wage of $50 per month for purposes of industrial insurance; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 428–Committee on Labor.  Approved April 9, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 212.160, relating to furnishing weapons, drugs or intoxicants to prisoners in the state prison or state prison farm, by broadening the applicability of the section to include any place where prisoners are authorized to be or are assigned by the warden; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 418–Messrs. Bastian and Knisley.  Approved April 9, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 463.320, relating to collection and disposition of gambling license fees, by allowing boards of county commissioners to apportion among incorporated and unincorporated cities and towns and the county gambling license fees based on number of games operated; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 393–Mr. Giomi.  Approved April 9, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 281 of NRS, relating to public officers and employees, by adding a new section requiring that public officers and employees accept photographic, photostatic, microfilm or other similar reproductions as originals; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 400–Mr. Swanson.  Approved April 9, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 49.050, relating to certification by public officers as to the authenticity of originals or copies of public records received in evidence, by eliminating the requirement that the official seal of such officers be affixed to such certification; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 330–Mr. Jones.  Approved April 9, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 706 of NRS, relating to motor carriers, by adding new sections defining terms; providing for joint and several liability of lessors and lessees of motor vehicles for taxes, fees, penalties and interest; and exempting tow cars from certain provisions; to amend NRS sections 706.400, 706.520 to 706.540, inclusive, 706.650 and 706.670, relating to certificates of public convenience and necessity and licensing of motor carriers, by eliminating consideration of rates in hearings on applications for motor carrier certificates of public convenience and necessity; by establishing special license fees for ambulances, hearses and tow cars; by eliminating the requirement of annual weighing of carrier motor vehicles; by clarifying language relating to transfers of certificates of public convenience and necessity; by requiring certificates and licenses for certain carriers operating within incorporated cities; and by eliminating some exemptions from the motor carrier laws and creating others; preserving existing rights of city and town draymen; to repeal NRS sections 706.470 and 706.610, relating to substitutions and additions of contracts by motor carriers and standby equipment; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 325–Committee on Roads, Transportation and Aviation.  Approved April 9, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 451 of NRS, relating to dead human bodies, by providing for the creation of a committee on anatomical dissection; providing that the members of such committee shall serve without salary; providing for the procurement and handling of human remains; authorizing any person to direct the disposition of his own body to prescribed institutions and organizations; providing for the handling and disposition of unclaimed bodies; providing for specified persons to claim human bodies in the hands of the committee; and providing for written authorization for autopsies to remove parts of bodies for therapeutic or scientific use; to amend NRS section 451.010, relating to the dissection of dead human bodies, by authorizing dissection in cases provided for in this act; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 326–Committee on Education.  Approved April 9, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 322.050, relating to leases of and easements over state lands, by authorizing the director of the state department of conservation and natural resources to lease or grant easements over contract lands with the consent of the contractee; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 296–Messrs. Knisley, Johnson, Delaney and Howard.  Approved April 9, 1963



AN ACT authorizing the state planning board to purchase certain land in Carson City for the state and making an appropriation therefor; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 191–Senator Dial.  Approved April 9, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 439.137, relating to the director of the bureau of mental health, by placing the director in the classified service of the state; fixing his salary; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 203–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 9, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 311 of NRS, relating to water and sanitation districts, by placing such districts under the jurisdiction of the public service commission of Nevada in regard to rates, services and facilities; to amend NRS section 311.130, relating to general powers of boards of directors of water and sanitation districts, by providing that the board shall apply to the public service commission to fix, increase or decrease any rates; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 298–Clark County Delegation.  Approved April 9, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 2.220, relating to the salary of the clerk of the supreme court, by authorizing the supreme court to set the salary of the clerk of the supreme court within the statutory limit. Senate Bill No. 111–Committee on Finance.  Approved April 9, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 710 of NRS, relating to utilities and carriers owned by local governments, by adding new sections providing for an extension of the territorial limits of a telephone system and permitting the county commissioners to issue revenue bonds; providing the procedure for the sale or lease of county-owned telephone systems after general or special elections; to amend NRS sections 710.010 and 710.040, relating to the purchase and construction of county telephone systems, by allowing a charge to provide a reasonable reserve for expansion; authorizing the issuance of bonds after special election; increasing the limitation on issuance of county bonds to 10 percent of assessed value of county property; to repeal NRS section 710.150, relating to the sale or lease of county-owned telephone systems; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 182–Senator Dodge.  Approved April 9, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 125.070 and 125.110, relating to the use of juries and verdicts of juries in divorce proceedings, by providing that all questions of law and fact in such proceedings shall be determined by the judge of the court; by eliminating references to jury verdicts in such sections; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 489–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 9, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 282.230, 282.240, 282.280, 282.300, 282.320 and 282.330, relating to the bond trust fund, conditions in surety bonds of public officials, payment and disposition of premiums on such bonds, and the procedure for restitution in case of losses caused by the breach of conditions in such bonds, by providing that the bond trust fund shall cover losses resulting from certain acts of God, nature, fire, theft and other causes; by providing that such bonds shall not assure against losses caused by tortious misconduct or other wrongful acts; by making it permissive, rather than mandatory, for public officials to apply to the state board of examiners for surety bonds; by establishing a minimum for the premium on such bonds; by providing that no premiums or interest in the bond trust fund may be distributed to the state general fund; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 213–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 9, 1963



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act to create a water district in the Las Vegas valley, Clark County, Nevada; to provide for the procurement, storage, distribution and sale of water and rights in the use thereof from Lake Mead for industrial, irrigation, municipal, and domestic uses; to provide for the conservation of the ground-water resources of the Las Vegas valley, and to create authority to purchase, acquire, and construct the necessary works to carry out the provisions of this act; to provide for the issuance of district bonds; to provide for the levy of taxes for the payment of operation and maintenance expenses and to supplement other revenues available for the payment of principal of and interest on such bonds of said district; granting said district the franchise to carry on its operations in municipal corporations within its boundaries; exempting the property and bonds of said district from taxation; validating the creation and organization of said district; and for other purposes related thereto,” approved March 27, 1947. Assembly Bill No. 509–Committee on State, County and City Affairs.  Approved April 10, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 692 of NRS, relating to accident and health insurance, by adding new sections providing for the issuing of blanket accident and sickness insurance policies covering certain groups of persons; setting forth minimum required provisions to be included in any such policy; eliminating the necessity of individual applications therefor; and providing for the payment of benefits; to amend NRS section 692.060, relating to group accident and health insurance, by restricting coverage of certain partners and corporate officers; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 124–Committee on Banking, Insurance and Corporations.  Approved April 10, 1963



AN ACT providing an additional and supplemental appropriation from the general fund in the state treasury for the support of the Nevada youth training center for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1963. Assembly Bill No. 501–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved April 10, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 408 of NRS, relating to highway and roads, by adding a new section defining terms, authorizing the department of highways to make relocation payments in connection with federal aid highway projects; specifying limits on such payments; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 244–Committee on Aviation, Transportation and Highways.  Approved April 10, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 482.240, relating to certificates of registration and ownership of motor vehicles, by providing that a title fee of $2 shall be paid by each applicant upon issuance of a certificate of ownership. Assembly Bill No. 212–Committee on Roads, Transportation and Aviation.  Approved April 10, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 484 of NRS, relating to traffic laws, by adding new sections enacting the Vehicle Equipment Safety Compact; defining terms; creating a commission; providing powers; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 391–Committee on Roads, Transportation and Aviation.  Approved April 10, 1963



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act to incorporate the town of Elko, in Elko County, and defining the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishing of a city government therefor, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 14, 1917, as amended. Senate Bill No. 150–Senator Monroe.  Approved April 10, 1963



AN ACT fixing the compensation of the county officers of Pershing County, Nevada; empowering the board of county commissioners of Pershing County, Nevada, to authorize the employment of deputies, clerks and assistants by county officers and providing for the allowance of compensation for such employment; repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 167–Senator McGowan.  Approved April 10, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 318.050, 318.055 and 318.255, relating to general improvement districts and the jurisdiction of boards of county commissioners, ordinances initiating the organization of districts and the prohibition against the formation of a district within 7 miles from an incorporated city or unincorporated town, by authorizing the organization and creation of general improvement districts within 7 miles from incorporated cities or unincorporated towns if such cities and towns have refused to annex the lands within 7 miles from the city or town boundaries; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 169–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 10, 1963



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act authorizing and directing the state planning board to sell or exchange certain parcels of real property in Ormsby County, Nevada, belonging to the State of Nevada; defining the powers and duties of the state planning board, the chairman thereof, and the attorney general in connection therewith; and providing other matters properly relating thereto,” approved March 17, 1960, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 401–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved April 10, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 543.150, relating to loans to governmental subdivisions from the state flood repair and disaster relief fund, by increasing the period which may be allowed for repayment of loans and authorizing the director of the state department of conservation and natural resources to determine the schedule of repayment of such loans. Assembly Bill No. 476–Committee on State, County and City Affairs.  Approved April 10, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 408.160, relating to the state highway engineer, by providing that the state highway engineer shall be head of the department of highways. Senate Bill No. 241–Committee on Aviation, Transportation and Highways.  Approved April 10, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 239 of NRS, relating to the storage, inspection, microphotographing, disposal and restoration of public records, by adding a new section authorizing the state highway engineer to destroy obsolete records of the department of highways; to amend NRS sections 239.050, 239.080, 382.060 and 408.215, relating to microphotographing and destruction of public records, the preservation of old public records by the Nevada historical society and the keeping of department of highways records, by authorizing the state highway engineer to destroy department of highways records which have been microphotographed; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 187–Committee on Aviation, Transportation and Highways.  Approved April 10, 1963



AN ACT to amend Title 40 of NRS, relating to public health and safety, by adding a new chapter relating to the state radiation control agency; defining terms; designating the state board of health as the state radiation control agency; authorizing the board to develop programs and formulate, adopt and promulgate rules and regulations compatible with federal programs for the licensing and regulation of byproduct materials, source materials, special nuclear materials and other radioactive materials; providing for exemption from licensing requirements under certain circumstances; authorizing the board to inspect public and private property for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with the rules and regulations of the board; requiring persons using or possessing sources of ionizing radiation to maintain certain records; authorizing the governor and the board to enter into certain agreements with the Federal Government, interstate agencies and other states; providing for hearings by the board; authorizing actions to enjoin violations of the rules and regulations of the board; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 495–Committee on Public Health and Public Morals.  Approved April 10, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 62 of NRS, relating to procedure in juvenile cases, by adding new sections allowing appointment of a director of court services in certain judicial districts; defining his duties; establishing the method of his appointment; providing for his compensation; enumerating his powers; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 300–Clark County Delegation.  Approved April 12, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 484 of NRS, relating to traffic laws, by adding a new section requiring that the state highway engineer adopt a manual and specifications for a uniform system of traffic control signals and devices; providing for such manual to be correlated with the system approved by the American Association of State Highway Officials; providing for the erection of such devices by the department of highways; requiring local authorities to conform to the requirements of such manual, except where such authorities have exclusive jurisdiction; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 246–Committee on Aviation, Transportation and Highways.  Approved April 12, 1963



AN ACT to amend Title 7 of NRS, relating to corporations, associations and partnerships, by creating a new chapter prohibiting public intrastate offerings of securities unless disclosure statements are filed with the secretary of state; providing for filing fees; requiring the registration of certain broker-dealers and agents; designating fraudulent and other prohibited practices; defining words and terms; providing for administration, enforcement, investigations, subpenas, injunctions, criminal penalties, civil liabilities and service of process; to repeal NRS sections 205.425 and 205.430, relating to the publication of false financial statements and fraud in stock subscriptions; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 76–Senators Brown and Dodge.  Approved April 12, 1963



AN ACT authorizing Clark County to develop, enlarge, reconstruct, improve and equip the Clark County hospital, sometimes designated as the Southern Nevada Memorial Hospital of Las Vegas; concerning the issuance of bonds for such purpose in not to exceed the aggregate principal amount of $8,500,000 and the levy of taxes in connection therewith; prescribing other details concerning such bonds and such taxes; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 512–Clark County Delegation.  Approved April 12, 1963



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act to incorporate the city of North Las Vegas in Clark county, and defining the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishment of a city government therefor; and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 27, 1953, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 498–Committee on State, County and City Affairs.  Approved April 12, 1963



AN ACT concerning certain county officers of Washoe County, Nevada; fixing the salaries of such officers until January 1, 1967; providing that such salaries on and after January 1, 1967, shall be fixed by ordinance enacted by the board of county commissioners of Washoe County, Nevada; providing for travel expenses for certain county officers of Washoe County, Nevada; repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 496–Washoe County Delegation.  Approved April 12, 1963



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act fixing the compensation of certain officers in Nye county, and other matters properly relating thereto; and repealing certain acts and parts of acts,” approved February 26, 1953, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 472–Nye County Delegation.  Approved April 12, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 391.130, relating to reemployment of teachers, by providing that notice of reemployment be given on or before the 1st day of April of each year; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 87–Senator Parks.  Approved April 12, 1963



AN ACT relating to public education; to amend chapter 386 of NRS, relating to the administrative organization of school districts, by adding a new section authorizing boards of trustees of school districts to acquire and maintain membership in school board associations and to pay dues, travel expenses and per diem allowances in connection therewith; to amend NRS section 386.290, relating to compensation and travel expenses of trustees, by deleting certain provisions relating to travel expenses and per diem allowances; to amend chapter 387 of NRS, relating to the financial support of the public school system, by adding a new section authorizing payment of travel expenses and per diem allowances for travel performed by school district trustees in the transaction of official business of school districts; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 88–Senator Dial.  Approved April 12, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 632.010 to 632.040, inclusive, 632.060 to 632.110, inclusive, 632.140, 632.160, 632.180 to 632.200, inclusive, 632.220, 632.230, 632.250, 632.270, 632.290 to 632.300, inclusive, 632.320 to 632.350, inclusive, 632.410 and 632.450, relating to the state board of nurse examiners, nursing, disciplinary proceedings and nursing schools, by changing the name of the state board of nurse examiners to state board of nursing; by adding two practical nurse members to such board; by amending provisions relating to the board generally; by clarifying terms; by increasing fees; by amending provisions relating to the practice of nursing generally; by providing for 2-year schools of professional nursing; to amend chapter 632 of NRS, relating to the licensing and regulation of nursing, by adding a new section requiring every hospital employing nurses to submit a list thereof to the state board of nursing three times annually; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 18–Senator Gallagher (by request).  Approved April 12, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 397.050, relating to the sources and uses of funds appropriated for participation of the State of Nevada in the Western Regional Higher Education Compact, by creating the Western Regional Higher Education Compact fund, and by establishing the non-reverting status of the fund; transferring funds; to repeal chapter 321, Statutes of Nevada 1959, relating to the Western Regional Higher Education Compact fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 29–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 12, 1963



AN ACT authorizing and directing the superintendent of the Nevada state children’s home to convey to the State of Nevada, department of highways, without consideration, certain real property owned by the State of Nevada; providing that the department of highways may convey any portion of such property to the state department of buildings and grounds; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 184–Committee on Aviation, Transportation and Highways.  Approved April 12, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 408.135, relating to the powers and duties of the board of directors of the department of highways, by providing that the board shall approve certain instruments and documents; by providing that the members of the board, acting individually, may execute or approve certain instruments and documents in the name of the state or department under certain circumstances; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 243–Committee on Aviation, Transportation and Highways.  Approved April 12, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 284.115, relating to administration costs of the state personnel system, by providing that state agencies subject to federal law or regulation may pay administration costs to the state department of personnel in accordance with such federal law or regulation; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 142–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 12, 1963



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act to incorporate the town of Las Vegas, in Clark County, and defining the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishing of a city government therefor, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 16, 1911, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 471–Clark County Delegation.  Approved April 12, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 122.070, relating to solemnization of marriages by licensed ministers holding a certificate of permission to perform marriages, by authorizing the district judge with whom an application for a certificate has been filed to request evidence from the congregation of the applicant and assistance from the district attorney and the sheriff in conducting an investigation of the applicant; by establishing the period of validity of such certificates and requiring their annual renewal; by providing for revocation of the certificate of a minister who severs ties with his congregation or moves from the county in which his certificate was issued; by authorizing district judges to revoke the certificate of a minister for good cause shown after hearing; requiring ministers holding certificates issued prior to July 1, 1963, to secure new certificates; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 337–Mr. McNamee.  Approved April 12, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 318 of NRS, relating to general improvement districts, by adding new sections granting additional district powers concerning street lighting and garbage and refuse collection and disposal; providing procedure for collection of service, water drainage and sewer connection charges, a procedure for including in bond issue amounts special service charges, bond reserves, working capital and capitalization of interest for a limited period; providing for the appointment of paying and fiscal agents, in rem court-validating procedures, substantive provisions for acquisition of improvements, payment of cash assessments after bond issuance and calling of bonds prior to maturity; to amend NRS sections 318.100, 318.200, 318.320, 318.330, 318.370, 318.420 and 318.460, relating to general improvement districts, by adding substantive provisions for improvement acquisitions; enlarging provisions for the collection of sewer charges to include water, lighting and garbage and refuse; permitting single-issue multipurpose revenue bond issues; changing rate pledge procedures and the limitation on the amount of assesments; changing interest rates and providing for bearer bonds; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 138–Mr. Parraguirre (by request).  Approved April 12, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 366.610, relating to the priority of the lien attaching to a motor vehicle for nonpayment of the special fuel tax, by providing that such lien shall be subordinate to certain private liens or encumbrances upon such vehicle; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 320–Committee on Roads, Transportation and Aviation.  Approved April 12, 1963



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act fixing the salaries and compensation of officers, deputy officers and employees of Clark County, Nevada, and repealing all other acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith,” approved March 24, 1955, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 218–Clark County Delegation.  Approved April 12, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 267 of NRS, relating to cities having the commission form of municipal government, by adding a new section authorizing the governing body of such a city to create a land improvement fund; specifying the sources and uses of such fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 269–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 12, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 463.027, relating to the organization of the Nevada gaming commission, by increasing the authorized maximum salary of the secretary of such commission. Senate Bill No. 261–Senator Bissett (by request).  Approved April 12, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 361 of NRS, relating to property taxes, by adding a new section providing for abatement of taxes on real property acquired by the state for highway purposes; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 245–Committee on Aviation, Transportation and Highways.  Approved April 12, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 408.295 to 408.842, inclusive, describing the routes comprising the state highway system, by describing the routes uniformly in westerly to easterly and southerly to northerly directions; changing certain termini and eliminating the overlapping of certain routes; modernizing locational and directional words describing the routes; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 240–Committee on Aviation, Transportation and Highways.  Approved April 12, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 232 of NRS, relating to the state department of conservation and natural resources, by adding new sections creating the state department of commerce, incorporating the functions of the superintendent of banks, the department of insurance of the State of Nevada, the Nevada real estate commission, and the department of savings associations; to amend chapters 645, 657, 673 and 679 of NRS and NRS sections 278.630, 645.010, 645.050, 645.110 to 645.140, inclusive, 645.170 to 645.230, inclusive, 645.310, 645.322, 645.343, 645.350, 645.370, 645.390, 645.410 to 645.470, inclusive, 645.490, 645.500, 645.520, 645.540, 645.570, 645.580, 645.600 to 645.620, inclusive, 645.680, 645.690, 645.760, 645.770, 645.830, 645.850, 658.010, 658.030, 658.080 to 658.100, inclusive, 658.120, 659.030, 661.020, 662.270, 662.280, 664.030, 665.040, 667.100, 673.003, 673.035, 673.0351, 673.0354, 673.0355, 673.039, 673.040, 673.060, 680.010, 680.060 to 680.080, inclusive, 680.100 to 680.140, inclusive, 680.200 and 680.220, relating to various functions of the superintendent of banks, the department of insurance of the State of Nevada, the Nevada real estate commission, and the department of savings associations, by making technical changes necessitated by the creation of the department of commerce; to repeal NRS sections 658.040, 679.080, 680.020 and 680.030, relating to the superintendent of banks, the department of insurance, and the insurance commissioners; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 102–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 12, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 706 of NRS, relating to motor vehicle carriers, by adding new sections providing for actions against delinquent licensees for fees and other obligations; providing for issuance of a writ of attachment without bond; providing that a verified claim by the department of motor vehicles is prima facie evidence of the obligation; providing that delinquent fees and other obligations are a lien on the motor vehicle to which the fees apply; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 355–Committee on Roads, Transportation and Aviation.  Approved April 12, 1963



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act creating the Nevada centennial commission; providing for the organization of such commission and its powers and duties; creating a Nevada centennial fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto,” approved March 29, 1961; making an appropriation to the Nevada centennial fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 334–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved April 12, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 482.480, relating to registration fees for vehicles, by changing the registration fees for certain trucks and trailers; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 397–Mr. Pozzi.  Approved April 12, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 244 of NRS, relating to county government, commissioners and managers, by adding a new section authorizing boards of county commissioners to lease real property not needed for public purposes to nonprofit organizations for charitable or civic purposes only and for a period not to exceed 30 years; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 302–Clark County Delegation.  Approved April 15, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 463.330, relating to the costs of administration of gambling laws, the state gaming control board revolving fund and limitations on expenditures, by providing that the limitation on expenditures from the state gaming control board revolving fund shall be for a fiscal year rather than for a calendar year; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 98–Committee on Finance.  Approved April 15, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 624 of NRS, relating to contractors, by adding a new section requiring the payment of registration fees for all motor vehicles owned by the board; to amend NRS sections 334.010, 482.365, 482.505, 624.220, 624.270, 624.290 and 624.300, relating to identification, registration and license fees of state-owned vehicles, classification of contractors, contractors’ bonds, joint ventures by contractors, and suspension and revocation of contractors’ licenses, by exempting automobiles owned by the state contractors’ board from the requirement of carrying the label and license plates of state-owned vehicles; by exempting certain state-owned vehicles from the payment of license fees; by permitting the board to take certain measures limiting the scope of operations of licensed contractors; by increasing the amount of bonds or cash deposits required of licensed contractors; by limiting the right of licensed contractors to engage in joint ventures; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 67–Senator Dodge.  Approved April 18, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 207.030, relating to vagrants, by adding new elements to the definition of a vagrant in relation to persons without visible or known means of living; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 465–Clark County Delegation.  Approved April 18, 1963



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act to incorporate the city of Sparks, in Washoe County, and defining the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishing of a city government therefor, and other matters relating thereto, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith,” approved March 28, 1949, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 502–Messrs. Christensen and Valentine.  Approved April 18, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 538.100, 538.150, 538.180, 538.190, 538.210, 538.220, 538.240 to 538.260, inclusive, relating to the Colorado River commission, by changing procedures for payment of claims; by providing that the compensation of legal advisers may be fixed by contract; that power shall not be sold for less than actual cost to the state without determination of the Secretary of the Interior; that revenue from certain sources shall be deposited in the Colorado River commission fund and the Colorado River commission research and development fund created by this act; that the commission is empowered to request installation of water service facilities and electrical generating machinery and equipment; and that revenues may be disbursed to other entities; eliminating approval of disbursement vouchers by the state board of examiners; further limiting the power of the commission concerning contracts with other entities; to repeal NRS section 538.200, relating to the Nevada state power fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 151–Committee on Finance.  Approved April 18, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 616.070, relating to volunteer firemen covered by the Nevada Industrial Insurance Act, by increasing from $200 to $300 the theoretical wage upon which benefits of volunteer firemen are based. Senate Bill No. 75–Senators Dial and Slattery.  Approved April 18, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 484.670, relating to display of red flags on loads carried on vehicles, by requiring the driver of a vehicle carrying a load extending 4 feet or more beyond the end of the vehicle to attach two red lights to such load at night and a red flag in the daytime; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 255–Committee on Aviation, Transportation and Highways.  Approved April 18, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 446 of NRS, relating to food and drink establishments, by adding new sections defining terms; providing for the sale of only unadulterated, wholesome, properly branded food; regulating the sources of food; establishing sanitation standards for food, food protection, food service personnel, food service operations, equipment and utensils, sanitary facilities and controls; requiring permits for the operation of food service establishments; regulating the issuance of such permits; regulating the inspection, grading and regrading of such establishments; providing for the examination and condemnation of food; providing for notice and hearings regarding actions by the state health officer; and authorizing the state board of health to promulgate and adopt regulations; to amend NRS sections 446.010, 446.020, 446.050, 446.080, 446.100, 446.170 to 446.190, inclusive, 446.630 and 446.640, relating to food and drink establishments, by making technical changes necessitated by the addition of such new sections; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 392–Committee on Public Health and Public Morals.  Approved April 18, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 483 of NRS, relating to operators’ and chauffeurs’ licenses, by adding a new section which permits a former nonresident to use his out-of-state driver’s license until such time as his vehicle must be registered in the State of Nevada; by authorizing the department of motor vehicles to waive examinations or issue Nevada licenses under certain conditions; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 324–Committee on Roads, Transportation and Aviation.  Approved April 18, 1963



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act authorizing and empowering the board of county commissioners of Mineral County, Nevada, to sell that certain property commonly known as and called the Mineral County power system, providing the method of making such sale and the minimum offer authorized to be accepted, prohibiting said commissioners in the management of said power system from engaging in any business other than that of selling or distributing electric energy to consumers, providing for the bonding of employees entrusted with money, and prohibiting said commissioners from using any of the proceeds from the management of said power system for any use other than the purchase of power, the payment of interest on bonds and redemption of bonds, and the actual operating and maintenance expense of said system, authorizing the commissioners to sell certain property, authorizing the county commissioners to transfer surplus proceeds to the general fund of Mineral County, and other matters properly connected therewith or appertaining thereto,” approved March 26, 1929, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 514–Mr. Viani.  Approved April 18, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 541 of NRS, relating to water conservancy districts, by adding new sections authorizing boards of directors of water conservancy districts to accomplish irrigation, flood control, drainage, safety and health projects pursuant to petitions filed by counties, municipalities, irrigation districts, persons or corporations; providing for the financing of such projects; enumerating the powers of such boards concerning the management, control, operation and use of such projects; to amend NRS sections 541.030 to 541.050, inclusive, 541.140 to 541.160, inclusive, and 541.340, relating to declaration of benefits accruing from water conservancy districts, jurisdiction of district courts to establish such districts, establishment of districts, powers of the boards of directors of such districts and subdistricts, levy and collection of special assessments by such boards, and the procedure for creating indebtedness for the construction of improvements by water conservancy districts, by adding urban use of water or development of water resources by flood control to the benefits to be achieved by water conservancy districts; authorizing boards of directors of such districts to contract with the State of Nevada for the construction of certain projects, including ditches and waterways, and to borrow money from the State of Nevada; by authorizing water conservancy subdistricts to levy and collect taxes to pay costs of surveys and plans; by authorizing boards of directors of certain water conservancy districts to levy and collect special assessments for the accomplishment of irrigation, flood control, drainage, safety and health projects undertaken by such districts; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 486–Washoe County Delegation.  Approved April 18, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 611.100, relating to the employment agency fund, by authorizing the labor commissioner, subject to some provisions of the state budget act, to use the moneys in such fund for investigations of applicants for licenses, and to apply any excess of the administration of the office of labor commissioner; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 370–Mr. Manning.  Approved April 18, 1963



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act to incorporate the city of Sparks, in Washoe County, and defining the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishing of a city government therefor, and other matters relating thereto, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith,” approved March 28, 1949, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 164–Messrs. Christensen and Valentine.  Approved April 18, 1963



AN ACT appropriating $95,000 from the general fund in the state treasury to the legislative fund. Senate Bill No. 283–Committee on Finance.  Approved April 18, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 488.075, relating to the application and issuance of motorboat numbers and the boat licensing fund, by providing for expenditures from the boat licensing fund to the extent authorized by the legislature; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 237–Committee on Finance.  Approved April 18, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 80.240, relating to the acquisition of loans secured by real property situated in this state by foreign corporations not qualified to do business in the state and service of process on such corporations, by clarifying terms; by providing for notice to any such foreign corporation of any process against it served upon the secretary of state; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 141–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 18, 1963



AN ACT conveying a certain parcel of real property and improvements thereon located in Reno, Nevada, and commonly known as and called the “state building,” from the State of Nevada to Washoe County, Nevada, on the express condition that the Nevada historical society will be provided a minimum of 13,000 square feet of rent-free space and quarters therein as long as the Nevada historical society may require the same; to repeal chapters 40 and 195, Statutes of Nevada 1925, chapter 149, Statutes of Nevada 1927, chapter 215, Statutes of Nevada 1929, chapter 129, Statutes of Nevada 1931, and chapter 203, Statutes of Nevada 1947; to repeal NRS section 419.030, relating to quarters in the state building in Reno for veterans’ organizations; to repeal all other acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 444–Washoe County Delegation.  Approved April 18, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 62.200, 62.230 and 210.580, relating to procedure of the juvenile court upon entry of an order, compensation for care of juveniles, and commitment of delinquent female minors, by providing for commitment of female minors to private institutions within the state at state expense within the limits of legislative appropriations; by requiring approval by the superintendent of the Nevada girls training center or the Nevada youth training center prior to commitment of children to private institutions; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 354–Messrs. Gibson, Bunker, Posin, Gray, Hafen, Bishop, Godbey, Christensen, Tyson, Petrini, Viani, Giomi, Parraguirre, Von Tobel, Jacobsen, Manning, Delaney, Ames, Harris, McNamee, Misses Dungan and Herr.  Approved April 18, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 244 of NRS by adding a new section providing that county fair and recreation boards in certain counties shall not conduct real property transactions without approval of the board of county commissioners; to amend NRS sections 244.335, 244.645, 244.685 and 268.095, relating to county fair and recreation boards and business license taxes of counties and cities, by changing the composition of county fair and recreation boards in certain counties; by providing that county fair and recreation boards may sue and be sued; by providing that business license taxes for county fair and recreation board purposes constitute liens; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 268–Messrs. Swobe, Bailey, Swanson, Johnson, Christensen and Wood.  Approved April 18, 1963



AN ACT appropriating moneys for the support of the Spring Mountain Youth Camp in Clark County, Nevada, established pursuant to the provisions of NRS 244.297; providing a procedure for the expenditure of such moneys and the purposes for which they shall be expended; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 279–Clark County Delegation.  Approved April 18, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 534.040, 534.140 and 534.150, relating to employment of well supervisors, licenses for well drilling, and the well drillers’ advisory board, by providing that license fees may be used to pay the compensation and expenses of the members of the board; by providing for the levy of a special tax to pay compensation and expenses of the board if fees from licensing are insufficient; by providing compensation of $25 per day; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 261–Messrs. Knisley, Young and Glaser.  Approved April 18, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 41 of NRS, relating to actions and proceedings in particular cases, by adding a new section limiting the liability of owners, lessees and occupants of premises to persons using the premises for hunting, fishing, trapping, camping, hiking or sightseeing; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 236–Committee on Fish and Game.  Approved April 18, 1963



AN ACT to repeal NRS sections 482.425 to 482.455, inclusive, relating to deposit of chattel mortgages on motor vehicles with the department of motor vehicles; and to amend NRS section 488.095, relating to changes of ownership of motorboats, by deleting a provision requiring deposit of chattel mortgages on motorboats with the department of motor vehicles. Assembly Bill No. 209–Committee on Roads, Transportation and Aviation.  Approved April 18, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 14.070, relating to service of process on operators of motor vehicles involved in collisions or accidents, by requiring that a return receipt be requested of a defendant who has been notified by mail of the service of process upon his statutory agent, the director of the department of motor vehicles; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 37–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 18, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 248 of NRS, relating to sheriffs, by adding a new section providing that sheriffs in counties with a population of 650 or less shall cooperate with police officers in patrolling unincorporated towns in such counties; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 131–Senator Slattery.  Approved April 18, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 40.470, relating to proceedings to establish termination of interests of deceased persons in property, by providing that notice shall be given to heirs at law by personal service or publication of hearings to establish termination of interests of deceased persons in property; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 209–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 18, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 267.030, 267.040 and 267.070, relating to petitions for the adoption of a commission form of municipal government, the election of electors to frame charters, the nomination and election of electors to frame charters and elections for the adoption or rejection of charters, by extending certain times within which such elections shall be called and held; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 516–Committee on State, County and City Affairs.  Approved April 18, 1963



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act to authorize the board of county commissioners of the county of Mineral, State of Nevada, to purchase, acquire and construct an electrical power and telephone line, extending from the Lundy generating plant of the Nevada-California power company situated in the county of Mono, State of California, to the town of Hawthorne, Nevada, and thence via Luning and Mina to the town of Simon in the county of Mineral, State of Nevada, and branches thereof; providing for the maintenance and operation of said line as a public utility; the issuance and sale of bonds therefor; the levy and collection of taxes for the payment of such bonds, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 4, 1921, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 507–Mr. Viani.  Approved April 18, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 443 of NRS, relating to tuberculosis and silicosis, by adding new sections declaring legislative intent; empowering any health officer to investigate persons believed to have tuberculosis; authorizing the health officer to issue isolation, confinement and quarantine orders; providing that the state health officer may advise state institutions regarding the control of tuberculosis; providing that it is unlawful for a person afflicted with tuberculosis willfully to expose others to the disease; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 487–Committee on Public Health and Public Morals.  Approved April 18, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 704.020, 704.030, 704.270, 704.280, 704.300, 704.328, 704.330, 704.370, 704.390, 704.410, 704.450 and 704.670, relating to the regulation of public utilities, by amending the definition of “public utility”; deleting the requirements of bonds and insurance for aircraft common carriers; conforming the powers of the public service commission of Nevada over utility lines and tracts; providing that regulatory provisions concerning stocks and security transactions of utilities are inapplicable if 15 percent or more of operating revenues are derived from interstate commerce; providing for extensions to serve telephone toll stations within certain limits without certificates and extensions within service area boundaries; authorizing cease and desist orders by the public service commission concerning certificates of public convenience and necessity; dispensing with hearings under certain circumstances concerning certificates of public convenience and the discontinuance, modification or restriction of service; authorizing the transfer of certificates upon control of corporate voting securities; reducing the rate of interest payable by utilities on customers’ deposits; providing that corporations and individuals engaged in the production and sale of natural gas, other than sales to the public, or engaged in the transmission thereof other than as a common carrier transmission or distribution line or system are not “public utilities”; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 129–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 18, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 686.420, relating to practices which are unfair competition and deceptive acts in the insurance business, by authorizing a lender or vendor to furnish insurance or to renew insurance and to charge the account of the borrower or purchaser if the borrower or purchaser fails to deliver such insurance to the lender or vendor; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 176–Senator Dial.  Approved April 18, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 623.070, 623.100, 623.110, 623.185, 623.190, 623.210, 623.220, 623.250, 623.270, 623.310, 623.320 and 623.330, relating to architects and the state board of architecture, by providing for the waiver of notices of special meetings of the board; requiring the use of architects’ seals; changing the qualifications of applicants for registration; providing acceptable qualifications in lieu of examinations; changing provisions relating to certificate renewal cards; changing the conviction of a felony as a ground for certificate revocation to conviction of a crime involving moral turpitude; providing a fee for writing a treatise; requiring persons who have previously failed examinations to retake only the subjects failed; delineating persons exempt from the operation of the architects’ law; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 374–Mr. McNamee (by request).  Approved April 18, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 516.010, relating to prospecting on public lands and mining as a public use, by deleting provisions relating to prospecting on public lands; to repeal NRS section 516.020, relating to reservation of certain mineral rights; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 222–Senator Whitacre.  Approved April 18, 1963



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act to incorporate the town of Las Vegas, in Clark County, and defining the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishing of a city government therefor, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 16, 1911, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 493–Clark County Delegation.  Approved April 19, 1963



AN ACT incorporating the Nevada state park system in the state department of conservation and natural resources; to amend chapter 232 of NRS and NRS sections 206.320, 232.073, 232.090, 381.205, 381.221, 407.011, 407.015, 407.017, 407.027 to 407.047, inclusive, 407.055, 407.057, 407.065, 407.077, 407.120 to 407.150, inclusive, 407.170, 407.200, 407.210, 408.285 and 503.640, relating to various functions of the Nevada state park system and the state department of conservation and natural resources, by making technical changes necessitated by the incorporation of such system in such department; to repeal NRS section 407.180, relating to the state ichthyosaur park board; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 197–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 19, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 458 of NRS, relating to alcoholism and the state alcoholism agency, by adding new sections authorizing the director of the state alcoholism agency to fix reasonable fees for the sale of printed materials pertaining to alcoholism; authorizing the state alcoholism agency to accept funds, contributions, gifts, grants and devises; creating the alcoholism receipts fund in the state treasury and providing for the sources thereof and disbursements therefrom; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 477–Committee on Public Health and Public Morals.  Approved April 19, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 311.230, relating to the power of water and sanitation districts to issue general obligation bonds, by increasing the due date of general obligation bonds of such districts from 30 years to 40 years; to amend chapter 311 of NRS, relating to water and sanitation districts, by adding new sections relating to revenue bonds and their issuance for acquisition, improvement of the sanitary sewer system and their payment from net revenues; providing for a schedule of rates, fees, tolls and charges and covenants to be contained in the resolution providing for the issuance of revenue bonds; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 504–Committee on State, County and City Affairs.  Approved April 19, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 616.585, relating to payment of benefits under the Nevada Industrial Insurance Act, by increasing the maximum limit on monthly wages to be taken into consideration by the Nevada industrial commission in determining the amount of monthly benefits to be paid an employee who is temporarily totally disabled; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 503–Messrs. Von Tobel, Hafen, Jacobsen and Pozzi.  Approved April 19, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 487 of NRS, relating to garages and repair shops, by adding new provisions relating to automobile wreckers, defining “department”; providing for the licensing and regulation of automobile wreckers; providing for the methods of transfer and registration of vehicles by automobile wreckers; providing for the denial, suspension or revocation of licenses; providing for hearings; requiring the maintenance of records; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 285–Messrs. Pozzi and Valentine.  Approved April 19, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 483 of NRS, relating to operators’ and chauffeurs’ licenses and driving schools and driving instructors, by adding a new section authorizing the director of the department of motor vehicles to appoint a medical board to assist the department in determining the physical or mental ability of a person to operate a motor vehicle; to amend NRS sections 483.290, 483.330, 483.340, 483.370, 483.380, 483.410, 483.470, 483.500, 483.530, 483.550, 483.710, 483.720, 486.040, 486.070 and 486.080, relating to applications for operator’s licenses, examination of applicants, form and content of licenses, duplicate licenses, expiration and renewal of licenses, amounts, payment and disposition of license fees, suspension of licenses, surrender and return of licenses, unlawful use of licenses, driving without a valid license, requirements for driver training school operators and instructors, power cycle operator’s licenses for minors, and form and expiration of power cycle operator’s licenses, by requiring certain minor applicants for operator’s licenses to furnish proof of their age; by making it permissive for the department of motor vehicles to examine applicants for operator’s licenses in the county of their residence; by eliminating the requirements of a chauffeur’s badge and a provisional license for minors; by providing a penalty upon renewal of certain expired operator’s licenses; by authorizing the department of motor vehicles to establish a demerit system for traffic violations and to suspend the license of persons convicted of certain misdemeanors; by altering the penalty for operating a motor vehicle without a license; by adding requirements for driver training school operators and instructors; by prescribing the form of applications of minors for power cycle operator’s licenses; by increasing the fee for operator’s licenses and extending the date of expiration of such licenses; by providing exceptions; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 207–Committee on Roads, Transportation and Aviation.  Approved April 19, 1963



AN ACT relating to insurance; to amend chapter 681 of NRS, relating to classification of insurance businesses, by adding a new section creating a separate classification for health and accident insurance; to amend NRS sections 681.010 to 681.050, inclusive, 682.040, 682.160, 682.170, 682.250, 682.560, 683.010, 683.070, 684.070, 684.260, 684.350, 686.020, 691.010 to 691.030, inclusive, 691.070, 692.010, 692.130, 693.010, 693.030 to 693.050, inclusive, 693.100 and 693.110, relating to classification of insurance business, authorized kinds of insurance business, minimum capital and surplus requirements of domestic insurance companies, original surplus and applications of mutual insurance companies, legal reserves of life insurance companies, kinds of reinsurance reserves requiring approval by the commissioner of insurance, qualifications and conditions for foreign insurance companies, renewal of licenses, written examinations and qualifications for agents and solicitors, countersignature on policies, fees and charges for insurance companies and agents, unearned premium reserve for policies in force, loss reserves, optional appraisal clauses, supplemental or comprehensive contracts, the definition of accident and sickness insurance, unearned premium reserves, loss reserves, loss reserves on business other than compensation or liability insurance, corporate bonds to satisfy legal reserves, and joint control of assets, by providing for a separate classification for health and accident insurance by prospectively increasing the capital and surplus requirements of domestic insurance companies; by making renewal of licenses of alien companies dependent upon maintaining minimum required capital and surplus; by providing that certain policies of insurance on property or business activities or interests located within the state shall be countersigned by a resident agent licensed to represent the insurer; authorizing a licensed agent to countersign on behalf of two or more insurers; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 174–Senator Dial.  Approved April 19, 1963



AN ACT to amend Title 7 of NRS, relating to corporations, associations and partnerships, by adding a new chapter relating to professional corporations; defining terms; establishing requirements for the formation of professional corporations; regulating the membership and scope of activity of professional corporations; providing restrictions on the issuance and transfer of shares; requiring that annual statements be filed with the secretary of state; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 263–Senator Bissett.  Approved April 19, 1963



AN ACT to amend the title of and to amend an act entitled “An Act authorizing and directing the state planning board to acquire by purchase certain parcels of real property in Clark County, Nevada, and making an appropriation therefor; defining and limiting the powers of the state planning board in relation to the acquisition of such property; requiring the state planning board to study the use of such property after acquisition in relation to the future expansion of the University of Nevada, Nevada Southern regional branch, and empowering such board to sell a portion of such acquired property under certain conditions; and providing other matters properly relating thereto,” approved March 17, 1960. Assembly Bill No. 442–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved April 19, 1963



AN ACT authorizing the board of regents of the University of Nevada to execute a lease with a federal agency of a building to be constructed on lands of Nevada Southern, the regional branch of the University of Nevada in Clark County, Nevada; authorizing the issuance and sale of revenue certificates by the University of Nevada for a certain project and the use and repayment of the receipts thereof; defining certain words and terms and additional powers of the board of regents of the University of Nevada; providing for securing such revenue certificates and providing remedies for the holders of such revenue certificates; containing prohibitions against obligating the State of Nevada; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 513–Clark County Delegation.  Approved April 19, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 617.440, relating to diseases arising in the course of employment for the purposes of the Nevada Occupational Diseases Act, by removing certain restrictions on eligibility of persons suffering from radiation poisoning or illness for benefits under such act; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 474–Messrs. Godbey, Jacobsen, Hafen, Manning and Miss Herr.  Approved April 19, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 218.060, relating to Clark County assembly districts, by creating a fifth assembly district comprised of North Las Vegas Township and providing for the election of one assemblyman at large therein; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 304–Clark County Delegation.  Approved April 19, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 394 of NRS, relating to private schools and universities, by adding new sections defining terms; requiring a permit to operate any private correspondence school in Nevada or to represent any such school located outside Nevada; providing for the revocation of such permits; providing for the accreditation and licensing of private business and trade schools by the state board of education; prescribing standards for accreditation and licensing; providing for investigation of such schools and for the revocation of licenses and accreditations; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 231–Mr. Gray and Miss Herr.  Approved April 19, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 481 of NRS, relating to the administration of motor vehicle laws, by adding new sections authorizing the motor carrier division of the department of motor vehicles to employ enforcement personnel; and prescribing certain powers, duties and benefits of such personnel; to amend NRS sections 4.370, 171.155, 171.300, 481.051, 481.140 and 481.180, relating to jurisdiction of justices’ courts, peace officers, arrests without a warrant, appointment of vendors as agents of the department of motor vehicles, and the composition of the Nevada highway patrol and the duties of its personnel, by extending the jurisdiction of justices of the peace in certain cases; by including in the definition of peace officers and in the provisions relating to arrests without a warrant certain personnel of the motor carrier division of the department of motor vehicles; by authorizing the appointment of inspectors of the public service commission and Nevada highway patrolmen as vendors for the department of motor vehicles; by authorizing employment of personnel, including patrolmen, by the Nevada highway patrol; and by relieving personnel of the Nevada highway patrol of certain duties; transferring field agents from the Nevada highway patrol to the motor carrier division of the department of motor vehicles; making an appropriation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 179–Committee on Roads, Transportation and Aviation.  Approved April 19, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 205 of NRS, relating to crimes against property, by adding to the vehicle antitheft laws a new section defining the word “owner”; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 49–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 19, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 232 of NRS, relating to the state department of conservation and natural resources, by adding new sections creating the department of health and welfare, incorporating the functions of the Nevada state children’s home, the state department of health, the Nevada state hospital, the state alcoholism agency, the state welfare department, the Nevada youth training center and the Nevada girls training center; to amend chapters 210, 232, 422, 433, 439, 441, 442, 443, 444, 449 and 452 and NRS sections 62.200, 62.310, 127.050, 127.057, 127.120, 127.130, 127.185, 127.200, 127.210, 128.040, 159.110, 210.010, 210.020, 210.060, 210.065 to 210.085, inclusive, 210.160, 210.200, 210.230, 210.400, 210.450, 210.470 to 210.490, inclusive, 210.510, 210.560, 210.650, 232.150, 244.263, 281.150, 281.210, 284.140, 310.100, 313.525, 313.530, 318.170, 422.030, 422.040, 422.060 to 422.090, inclusive, 422.110, 422.120, 422.140, 422.160, 422.180 to 422.230, inclusive, 422.250 to 422.310, inclusive, 422.340, 423.010, 423.030, 423.050, 423.065, 423.100, 424.020 to 424.070, inclusive, 425.030 to 425.050, inclusive, 425.070 to 425.120, inclusive, 425.150, 425.170, 425.200, 425.220, 426.090, 426.115 to 426.130, inclusive, 426.300 to 426.330, inclusive, 426.350 to 426.390, inclusive, 426.410, 426.420, 426.440, 426.450, 426.470 to 426.490, inclusive, 426.520, 426.530, 426.550 to 426.570, inclusive, 426.610 to 426.650, inclusive, 426.670 to 426.690, inclusive, 426.710 to 426.730, inclusive, 427.020, 427.090, 427.130, 427.140, 427.155, 427.160, 427.190, 427.210 to 427.280, inclusive, 428.090, 431.010 to 431.100, inclusive, 431.120, 432.010 to 432.040, inclusive, 432.070, 432.080, 433.070, 433.120, 433.130, 433.140, 433.410, 436.010, 436.020, 436.050 to 436.070, inclusive, 436.090, 439.010, 439.020, 439.080 to 439.100, inclusive, 439.130, 439.135, 439.140 to 439.180, inclusive, 439.240, 439.260, 439.270, 439.310, 439.330, 439.340, 439.390, 439.480, 439.550, 439.570, 439.580, 440.240, 440.260, 440.600, 440.660, 441.060, 441.070, 441.090 to 441.160, inclusive, 441.180, 441.200, 441.250, 441.260, 442.080, 442.120 to 442.230, inclusive, 443.075 to 443.165, inclusive, 444.070 to 444.110, inclusive, 444.190, 445.050, 445.060, 445.080 to 445.100, inclusive, 446.050, 446.130, 447.190, 449.040, 449.060, 449.080, 449.090, 449.140 to 449.180, inclusive, 449.200, 449.220 to 449.245, inclusive, 449.260, 449.340, 452.210 to 452.240, inclusive, 457.020, 457.070, 457.170, 457.180, 458.010, 458.030 to 458.115, inclusive, 458.170, 488.335, 488.355, 543.590, 583.020, 583.040, 583.080, 584.180, 584.190 to 584.200, inclusive, 584.210, 585.200, 630.285, 631.270 and 631.310, relating to various functions of the Nevada state children’s home, the state department of health, the Nevada state hospital, the state alcoholism agency, the state welfare department, the Nevada youth training center and the Nevada girls training center, by making technical changes necessitated by the creation of the department of health and welfare; to repeal NRS sections 422.150, 422.170, 423.060, 433.080, 439.260, 443.035 and 443.045, relating to the state welfare director, the superintendent of the Nevada state children’s home, the superintendent and medical director of the Nevada state hospital, distribution of diphtheria antitoxin, and the medical director of the tuberculosis care program; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 104–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 19, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 408.175, 408.910, 408.920, 408.925, 408.970 and 408.999, relating to employment of assistants, compliance of highway contractors with state and federal law, partial, withheld and final payment of contractors, acquisition of property for highway purposes, and disposal of property acquired for highway purposes, by authorizing payment of industrial insurance premiums and unemployment compensation contributions of certain highway contractors from moneys withheld for that purpose; by including additional property in estimating progress for partial payment under highway contracts; by allowing payment to highway contractors of retained percentages; by allowing condemnation of property for relocation of structures in the paths of projected freeways; and by providing for participation by the Bureau of Public Roads in proceeds of the sale of certain highway property; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 185–Committee on Aviation, Transportation and Highways.  Approved April 19, 1963



AN ACT supplementary to and amendatory of an act entitled “An Act to incorporate Carson City,” approved February 25, 1875, as amended, providing for an election by the qualified voters of Carson City, Nevada, to determine whether certain county and township officers should be relieved of their duties and offices as ex officio officers of such city; prescribing the duties of the city council of such city relative thereto; repealing certain acts; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 223–Senator Dial.  Approved April 19, 1963



AN ACT fixing minimum and maximum salary limitations for the elected county officers of Ormsby County, Nevada; providing for the appointment and salaries of clerks and deputies of officers of such county; repealing chapter 376, Statutes of Nevada 1957, as amended; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 252–Senator Dial.  Approved April 19, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 538.050 and 538.110, relating to the number of commissioners comprising the Colorado River commission of Nevada and the organization of such commission, by placing the director of the department of conservation and natural resources on the commission instead of the governor; providing that the commission shall select a chairman; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 508–Committee on State, County and City Affairs.  Approved April 19, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 286 of NRS, relating to public employees’ retirement, by adding new sections providing for optional benefits for the surviving spouse, children and parents of members of the public employees’ retirement system with 2 years of accredited contributing service who die before retirement; to amend NRS section 286.660, relating to the distribution of contributions upon the death of a member before retirement, by making the distribution of such contributions subject to optional benefits for the surviving spouse, children and parents of members with 2 years of accredited contributing service who die before retirement; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 346–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved April 19, 1963



AN ACT relating to public employees’ retirement; to amend NRS sections 286.250, 286.300, 286.320, 286.410, 286.430, 286.440, 286.450, 286.520, 286.530, 286.540, 286.550, 286.580, 286.600 and 286.610, by providing that a public employer may elect to pay the matching employer contribution for previous service of a public officer in a lump sum at the conclusion of payments for previous service by the officer; providing that for employees to be eligible for membership in the public employees’ retirement system they must earn a minimum of $150 per month; removing the $600 salary limit for calculations of contributions and allowances; providing that persons on leave of absence without pay for 30 or more consecutive days may withdraw their contributions during such period and clarifying language relating to withdrawals upon separation from public service; providing that public employees who leave covered employment and withdraw contributions, even though they have failed to elect within 6 months after return to service to repay such contributions, may, after 5 consecutive years of contribution following their return to employment, repay previous contributions in a lump sum plus interest; increasing the maximum allowed earnings per year for a retired employee who returns to the employment of the state or a political subdivision without forfeiture of retirement benefits; establishing dates and ages for various calculations; decreasing the number of years upon which retirement allowances are calculated; increasing contributions from employers and employees; to amend chapter 286 of NRS, relating to public employees’ retirement, by adding a new section providing for the payment of post-retirement allowances from additional employer and employee contributions; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 483–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved April 19, 1963



AN ACT authorizing the Walker River Irrigation District, with the consent of the California-Nevada interstate compact commission of the State of Nevada, to issue its bonds in an aggregate principal amount not exceeding $957,000, to improve the District’s irrigation works by the construction and other acquisition of a dam and reservoir at Hoye Canyon on the West Walker River, and of other works appurtenant or incidental thereto; otherwise relating to such bonds and to the levy and collection of annual assessments and general taxes for their payment; specifying powers, duties, rights, privileges, liabilities and limitations, and prescribing other details in connection therewith; making provisions pertaining thereto and relating to finances, loans, bonds and other obligations, special assessments, and general taxes; ratifying proceedings and actions previously taken; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 86–Senator Whitacre.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 539 of NRS, relating to irrigation districts, by adding new sections relating to general (ad valorem) taxes; providing for the levy and collection of such taxes to secure additionally the payment of bonds of such districts issued after the effective date of this act and prior to March 1, 1965, to defray accruing defaults or deficiencies therein, and to create a reserve fund therefor; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 85–Senator Whitacre.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT resolving conflicts in statutes resulting from the consolidation of the legislative counsel bureau and the statute revision commission; to amend the title of and to amend chapter 14, Statutes of Nevada 1963, entitled “An Act to amend chapter 220 of NRS, relating to the statute revision commission, by adding a new section allowing the commission to accept gifts or bequests of money for printing and binding; and providing other matters properly relating thereto,” approved February 20, 1963; to amend the title of and to amend chapter 40, Statutes of Nevada 1963, entitled “An Act to amend chapter 218 of NRS, relating to the state legislature, by adding a new section authorizing the legislative counsel to employ required personnel to carry out legislative functions between sessions; and providing other matters properly relating thereto,” approved March 5, 1963; to amend the title of and to amend chapter 117, Statutes of Nevada 1963, entitled “An Act to amend chapters 218, 623, 624, 625, 628, 629, 630, 631, 632, 633, 634, 635, 636, 637, 638, 639, 640, 642, 643, 644 and 645 of NRS, relating to the state legislative department and certain professions, occupations and businesses, by adding new sections requiring independent audits by public accountants of the fiscal records of such boards and commissions; providing for audits by the legislative auditor under certain conditions; requiring such boards and commissions to operate on the basis of a fiscal year; providing for salaries and expenses of members of such boards and commissions; and authorizing such boards and commissions to maintain offices in as many localities in the state as they find necessary and to employ attorneys and other professional consultants and clerical personnel necessary to the discharge of their duties; to amend NRS sections 281.160, 623.070, 623.090, 623.135, 623.160, 623.170, 624.110, 624.140, 624.150, 625.110, 625.120, 625.150, 628.090, 628.110, 628.140, 629.050, 630.110, 631.180, 631.190, 632.060, 632.080, 632.090, 633.020, 633.030, 634.050, 635.020, 635.040, 636.075, 636.090, 636.100, 636.110, 637.050, 637.060, 637.070, 638.040, 638.050, 638.070, 638.080, 639.050, 639.070, 639.290, 640.050, 640.070, 642.030, 642.070, 643.030, 643.050, 643.060, 644.070, 644.080, 644.150, 644.170, 645.110, 645.130 and 645.140, relating to the boards and commissions which regulate certain professions, occupations and businesses, by making an exception to the general law relating to travel expenses and subsistence allowances of state officers and employees; by providing for salaries and expenses of the members of such boards and commissions, authorizing such boards and commissions to maintain offices in as many localities in the state as they find necessary; by authorizing such boards and commissions to employ attorneys and other professional consultants and clerical personnel necessary to the discharge of their duties; and by requiring such boards and commissions to deposit their funds in banks or savings and loan associations in the State of Nevada; and providing other matters properly relating thereto,” approved March 25, 1963; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 299–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 218.085, 218.185, 218.190, 218.240 to 218.260, inclusive, 218.480, 218.500, 218.510, 218.620 to 218.640, inclusive, 218.660, 218.670, 218.690, 218.700, 218.720, 218.740, 218.770 to 218.890, inclusive, 220.040, 220.080 to 220.170, inclusive, 233.080, 331.105, 353.060 to 353.080, inclusive. 353.210, 353.263, 354.380, 412.235, 458.080 and 482.200, relating to bill, resolution, journal and history books, the amendment clerk, the preparation of legislative measures and the Statutes of Nevada, the legislative counsel bureau, the legislative counsel, the legislative auditor and their powers and duties, the director, employees and powers and duties of the statute revision commission, the preparation, contents, printing and sale of Nevada Revised Statutes, the central mailing room, counts of money in the state treasury, estimates of expenditures by state agencies, the state board of examiners emergency fund, the state alcoholism agency, inventories of federal military property, and destruction of unused motor vehicle license plates, the legislative fund, the compilation of legislative journal indices, the legislative commission, its meetings and secretary, the availability of information and records concerning public funds with respect to the legislative counsel, and the Nevada commission on equal rights of citizens, by creating the office of the director of the legislative counsel bureau and three divisions within the legislative counsel bureau; providing for the appointment, compensation and qualifications of the legislative counsel, the research director and the fiscal analyst and their powers and duties; and by abolishing the statute revision commission and the position of legislative auditor; to amend chapter 218 of NRS, relating to the state legislature, by adding new sections prescribing the duties of the heads of the divisions of the legislative counsel bureau; transferring funds; to repeal NRS sections 218.710, 218.730, 218.760, 220.010 to 220.030, inclusive, and 220.050 to 220.070, inclusive, relating to the legislative counsel, the legislative auditor, his appointment and salary, and to the statute revision commission; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 24–Senators Berrum, Bissett, Brown, Dodge, Fransway, Lamb, McGowan, Monroe and Parks.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 232 of NRS, relating to the state department of conservation and natural resources, by adding new sections creating the state department of administration incorporating the functions of the director of the budget, the state department of buildings and grounds, the state department of purchasing and the state department of personnel; to amend NRS sections 210.065, 210.470, 220.060, 230.020, 281.160, 284.015 to 284.030, inclusive, 284.045 to 284.055, inclusive, 284.065, 284.075 to 284.085, inclusive, 284.100 to 284.135, inclusive, 284.140, 284.145, 284.155 to 284.165, inclusive, 284.175, 284.185, 284.190, 284.200 to 284.210, inclusive, 284.220, 284.230 to 284.255, inclusive, 284.265 to 284.275, inclusive, 284.285 to 284.295, inclusive, 284.310, 284.320, 284.325, 284.335 to 284.355, inclusive, 284.365, 284.375 to 284.385, inclusive, 284.400, 284.405, 284.420, 331.010 to 331.030, inclusive, 331.050, 333.020, 333.030, 333.060 to 333.310, inclusive, 333.330, 333.350 to 333.400, inclusive, 333.420, 333.430, 333.450 to 333.464, inclusive, 333.466, 333.467, 333.470 to 333.500, inclusive, 336.010, 336.040, 353.155, 353.160, 353.175 to 353.200, inclusive, 353.210 to 353.230, inclusive, 353.245, 381.270, 385.340, 407.057, 419.030, 422.200, 423.110, 463.028, 463.100, 481.055, 482.145, 561.235, 612.230, 673.0354 and 703.120, relating to various functions of the director of the budget, the state department of buildings and grounds, state department of purchasing and the state department of personnel, by making technical changes necessitated by the creation of the department of administration; to repeal NRS sections 284.070, 284.090, 284.095, 333.040, 333.050, 333.440, 353.165 and 353.170, relating to the director of the state department of personnel, the director of the state department of purchasing, central purchasing agencies in departments and the director of the budget; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 103–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT resolving conflicts in statutes resulting from enactment of chapter 339, Statutes of Nevada 1963; to amend the title of and to amend an act entitled “An Act to amend chapter 232 of NRS, relating to the state department of conservation and natural resources, by adding new sections creating the state department of commerce, incorporating the functions of the superintendent of banks, the department of insurance of the State of Nevada, the Nevada real estate commission, and the department of savings associations; to amend chapters 645, 657, 673 and 679 of NRS and NRS sections 278.630, 645.010, 645.050, 645.110 to 645.140, inclusive, 645.170 to 645.230, inclusive, 645.310, 645.322, 645.343, 645.350, 645.370, 645.390, 645.410 to 645.470, inclusive, 645.490, 645.500, 645.520, 645.540, 645.570, 645.580, 645.600 to 645.620, inclusive, 645.680, 645.690, 645.760, 645.770, 645.830, 645.850, 658.010, 658.030, 658.080 to 658.100, inclusive, 658.120, 659.030, 661.020, 662.270, 662.280, 664.030, 665.040, 667.100, 673.003, 673.035, 673.0351, 673.0354, 673.0355, 673.039, 673.040, 673.060, 680.010, 680.060 to 680.080, inclusive, 680.100 to 680.140, inclusive, 680.200 and 680.220, relating to various functions of the superintendent of banks, the department of insurance of the State of Nevada, the Nevada real estate commission, and the department of savings associations, by making technical changes necessitated by the creation of the department of commerce; to repeal NRS sections 658.040, 679.080, 680.020 and 680.030, relating to the superintendent of banks, the department of insurance, and the insurance commissioners; and providing other matters properly relating thereto,” approved April 12, 1963; to amend the title of and to amend an act entitled “An Act to amend NRS sections 645.030, 645.120, 645.190, 645.310, 645.450, 645.460, 645.630, 645.690 and 645.780 to 645.830, inclusive, which define terms and relate to the salary and qualifications of the executive secretary of the Nevada real estate commission, powers of the Nevada real estate commission, moneys received by real estate brokers and salesmen, real estate licensing generally and license fees, increasing the maximum salary of the executive secretary of the real estate commission; by providing for a reference manual; by providing for auditing trust and custodial accounts of brokers; and by amending provisions relating to examinations, license expiration, licensing and fees; to repeal NRS section 645.470, relating to salesman’s examinations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto,” approved April 2, 1963; to amend chapter 232 of NRS and NRS sections 645.190, 645.310, 645.450, 645.460, 645.690, 645.830, 673.003, 673.035, 673.0355 and 673.040, relating to the state department of conservation and natural resources, real estate brokers and salesmen, and building and savings and loan associations, by incorporating previously enacted conflicting amendments to such chapter and sections; providing duties of the director of the statute revision commission; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 293–Committee on Banks, Banking and Corporations.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act to amend chapter 321 of NRS, relating to the administration, control and sale of public lands, by adding new sections providing for the confirmation of title to minerals in persons, corporations or associations, or their heirs, assigns or lawful successors who have purchased state lands subsequent to March 3, 1887, from the State of Nevada, subject to the royalty provisions in NRS section 321.300; authorizing such persons, corporations or associations, or their heirs, assigns or lawful successors, to bring an action for declaratory judgment to determine the state’s interest in the minerals in such lands, including gas, coal, oil and oil shales; providing that if the state is determined to have any interest in such minerals, other than the royalty interest referred to in NRS section 321.300, the patentee, his, her or its heirs, successors or assigns may purchase such interest of the state within 1 year from the date of such judgment; and providing other matters properly relating thereto,” approved March 20, 1963. Assembly Bill No. 532–Committee on Mines, Mining and Public Lands.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 685.020, 685.070, 685.080, 685.100 and 685.140, which define terms for the purposes of the Nevada Insurance Adjusters Act and relate to qualifications for, types of, and denial, suspension and revocation of, insurance adjusters’ licenses, and adjusting by nonresident adjusters by increasing the length of residence and years of experience prerequisite to licensing; by deleting provisions allowing dual licensing as an independent and public adjuster and representation of both an insured and an insurer in the same transaction with consent of the parties; by providing that a license is not required of a nonresident salaried or independent adjuster for adjustment of single losses or adjustment of losses arising out of catastrophe common to all such losses; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 372–Committee on Banking, Insurance and Corporations.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend Title 57 of NRS, relating to insurance and insurance companies, by creating a new chapter relating to nonprofit hospital or medical service corporations; defining terms; authorizing nonprofit corporations to establish and operate nonprofit hospital or medical service plans; providing tax exemptions for such corporations; establishing requirements for incorporators; providing composition of boards of directors; fixing procedure for mergers of such corporations; requiring consent of hospitals and physicians in state prior to the operation of hospital or medical service plans; providing for licensing and regulation of such corporations by the commissioner of insurance; establishing requirements for reserve funds and limitations on the number of individuals entitled to benefits; requiring such corporations to enter into and maintain contracts with hospitals and physicians; providing for insolvency determination affecting such corporations; requiring annual statements; providing for acquisition and administrative costs; providing conditions precedent to execution of hospital or medical service contracts; providing for the execution by such corporations of family hospital or medical service contracts and group hospital or medical service contracts; requiring specified provisions in hospital or medical service contracts; providing for blanket hospital or medical service contracts to be issued to schools by such corporations; providing for approval or disapproval of such contracts by the commissioner of insurance; establishing conditions precedent to the issuance of such contracts; providing for temporary coverage prior to approval of contracts and certificates by the commissioner of insurance; requiring individual certificates of coverage under group contracts to be issued to individuals covered; providing for suspension and revocation of authority of such corporations by the commissioner of insurance; providing for contracts between such corporations and public agencies; providing that nonprofit hospital or medical service corporations shall be subject to the same taxes, licenses, fees and supervision as a domestic mutual insurance company; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 119–Committee on Public Health.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 424 of NRS, relating to foster homes for children, by adding new sections defining terms; making it unlawful for any person to operate a child care facility in this state for compensation without having secured a license from the state welfare department; requiring the department to establish minimum standards for the conduct of child care facilities; authorizing the department to grant and renew licenses for the operation of child care facilities; providing such new sections are applicable only in counties having a population of less than 80,000; requiring boards of county commissioners of counties having a population of 80,000 or more and governing bodies of cities therein to establish minimum standards for the conduct of child care facilities and to provide for the licensing of such facilities; requiring the department to conduct hearings in certain cases and to establish rules for the conduct of such hearings; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 274–Senators Gallagher, Brown, Lamb and Whitacre (by request of Legislative Commission).  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT authorizing the issuance and sale of revenue certificates by the University of Nevada for certain specified projects at Nevada Southern, the regional branch of the University of Nevada in Clark County, Nevada, and the use and repayment of the receipts thereof; defining certain words and terms and additional powers of the board of regents of the University of Nevada; providing for securing such revenue certificates and providing remedies for the holders of such revenue certificates; containing prohibitions against obligating the State of Nevada; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 201–Senator Brown.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT appropriating $15,000 from the general fund in the state treasury to the legislative fund. Senate Bill No. 300–Committee on Finance.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT appropriating moneys from the general fund and the state highway fund for the purpose of effecting pay grade adjustments for employees of the State of Nevada in the classified service for the biennium commencing July 1, 1963, and ending June 30, 1965; imposing certain duties on the director of the state department of personnel and the state board of examiners; providing for the reversion of unexpended appropriated moneys; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 277–Committee on Finance.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT providing an additional and supplemental appropriation from the general fund in the state treasury for the support of the office of the superintendent of banks for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1963. Senate Bill No. 295–Committee on Finance.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 426.430, relating to net earned income to be disregarded in computing amounts of aid to the blind, by providing that net earnings and other income and resources shall be disregarded to the extent required or permitted by federal law or regulation; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 262–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Whitacre, Monroe, Frank, Parks, Lemaire, Humphrey, Bissett, Bay, Lamb, Dial, McGowan, Slattery and Fransway.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT appropriating $246.36 for the relief of the heirs and creditors of Forrest D. Lemley. Senate Bill No. 260–Committee on Finance.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT authorizing and directing the conveyance, without consideration, of the maintenance yard buildings south of Carson City from the department of highways to the Ormsby County school district, and requiring the school district to move them from their present location in such time as the department of highways designates. Senate Bill No. 173–Senator Dial.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT appropriating money from the state highway fund for the payment of power and water heretofore furnished by P. A. Simon to the Nevada highway patrol checking station at Jean, Nevada. Senate Bill No. 281–Senator Brown.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 212 of NRS, relating to prisons and prisoners, by adding a new section establishing powers of California correctional officers transporting California prisoners from one California correctional facility to another via Nevada; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 285–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act to incorporate the town of Las Vegas, in Clark County, and defining the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishing of a city government therefor, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 16, 1911, as amended. Senate Bill No. 286–Senator Brown.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend the title of and to amend an act entitled “An Act placing taxicabs in cities under the jurisdiction of the public service commission of Nevada; to amend NRS sections 266.355, 704.030, 706.120 and 706.430, relating to the licensing and regulation of lawful trades and businesses by cities incorporated under the general law by deleting the power of the city to regulate charges of public vehicles; to include taxicabs within the definition of “public utility”; to increase the number of passengers from five to six in the redefinition of “taxicab motor carrier”; to require taxicabs to obtain certificates of public convenience and necessity; to repeal NRS sections 706.470 and 706.610, relating to the substitutions and additions of facilities of contract carriers and the waiver of licensing of standby equipment; and providing other matters properly relating thereto,” approved April 5, 1963. Senate Bill No. 288–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act to amend an act entitled ‘An Act to incorporate the town of Las Vegas, in Clark County, and defining the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishing of a city government therefor, and other matters relating thereto,’ approved March 16, 1911, as amended,” approved April 12, 1963. Senate Bill No. 294–Senator Brown.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 209 of NRS, relating to the Nevada state prison, by adding a new section creating the honor camp fund; designating the source of the moneys to be placed in such fund; providing that such fund shall be a continuing fund; authorizing the state forester firewarden, as executive head of the division of forestry of the state department of conservation and natural resources, to expend the moneys in such fund for the renovation and repair of buildings at honor camps; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 267–Committee on Finance.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 353 of NRS, relating to state financial administration, by adding a new section creating the reserve for statutory contingency fund; providing that such fund shall be administered by the state board of examiners; and specifying the purposes for which the moneys in such fund may be expended; to amend NRS sections 176.610, 178.435, 179.310, 212.040, 212.050, 212.070, 214.040 and 353.120, relating to the payment of costs and expenses of pregnancy investigations of female prisoners sentenced to death, payment of expenses of examination and transportation of county charges, payment of rewards for the apprehension of robbers and escaped prisoners, payment of expenses of recapture and prosecution of escaped prisoners, payment of claims arising in connection with the interstate compact on juveniles, and authorization of refunds by the state board of examiners and payment of the state’s proportion of such refunds, by providing that such costs, expenses, rewards, claims and refunds shall be paid from the reserve for statutory contingency fund; making an appropriation from the general fund in the state treasury to the reserve for statutory contingency fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 259–Committee on Finance.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 704 of NRS, relating to regulation of public utilities, by adding new sections providing for an annual assessment on all public utilities, except motor vehicle carriers, based on gross operating revenues from intrastate operations; prescribing methods of notice and collection of such assessment; prohibiting the levy of such assessment under certain circumstances; creating the public service commission regulatory fund; providing for the sources, uses and disbursement of moneys in such fund; and bringing certain cooperative associations and nonprofit corporations within some of the laws governing public utilities; to amend NRS sections 704.020 and 704.330, which define “public utility” and relate to certificates of public convenience and necessity, by clarifying such definition and providing for elimination of duplications of service by public utilities; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 258–Committee on Taxation.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend Title 32 of NRS, relating to revenue and taxation, by adding a new chapter imposing a vehicle privilege tax in lieu of personal property taxes on vehicles; to amend chapter 361 of NRS, relating to property taxes, by exempting vehicles from property taxes; to amend NRS sections 361.030, 361.320, 361.325, 482.180, 482.215, 482.260, 482.265, 482.275, 482.280, 482.321, 482.361, 482.380, 482.399, 482.400 and 482.410, relating to registration of and personal property taxes on vehicles, by providing for calendar year licensing of vehicles; and by making changes necessitated by the imposition of the vehicle privilege tax; to amend an act entitled “An Act to amend NRS sections 482.265 and 482.280, relating to renewal of registration and licensing of motor vehicles, by providing that the department of motor vehicles may issue, upon renewal of registration, stickers, tabs or other suitable devices in lieu of new license plates; by eliminating the requirement that the department of motor vehicles notify the legal owner of the renewal registration number upon registration of a motor vehicle by one other than the legal owner; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto,” approved March 29, 1963; to amend the title of and to amend an act entitled “An Act to amend chapter 482 of NRS, relating to vehicle licensing and registration, by adding a new section defining terms; to amend NRS sections 482.210, 482.260, 482.397, 482.480, 482.555, relating to registration, licensing and collection of personal property taxes on vehicles, by exempting from registration mobile homes not used on highways; by providing for collection by county assessors of personal property taxes on mobile homes; by providing for registration of mobile homes used on highways; and by providing penalties; to repeal NRS section 482.517, relating to penalties for delinquent registration of mobile homes; and providing other matters properly relating thereto,” approved April 2, 1963; to repeal chapters 68 and 284, Statutes of Nevada 1963, relating to registration of motor vehicles; to repeal NRS sections 482.261 and 482.263, relating to application of property tax exemptions on vehicles; providing penalties; providing that certain sections of this act shall become effective or shall not become effective depending upon whether or not the Sales and Use Tax Act is amended by the people at a special election; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 256–Committee on Aviation, Transportation and Highways.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend and act entitled “An Act to incorporate Carson City,” approved February 25, 1875, as amended. Senate Bill No. 248–Senator Dial.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 649 of NRS, relating to collection agencies, by adding new sections defining terms; providing additional qualifications for applicants for licenses as collection agents and agencies; and regulating the deposit of funds collected and business practices of collection agencies; to amend NRS sections 649.060, 649.090 and 649.150, relating to collection agencies, by changing the contents of applications for licenses; by providing for examinations and examination fees; by requiring the superintendent of banks not to issue a renewal license if license revocation proceedings are pending; providing for the issuance of renewal licenses to certain licensees notwithstanding their lack of qualifications; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 221–Committee on Banks, Banking and Corporations.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 616.615 and 616.625, relating to death benefits and the prospective payment of increased compensation to permanently disabled persons, widows and dependents, by prospectively increasing death benefits; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 202–Senators Slattery, Lemaire, Bay, Humphrey and Bissett.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 78.070, relating to specific powers of private corporations, by deleting provisions authorizing private corporations to issue certificates of investment or participation certificates; to repeal NRS section 78.305, relating to issuance by private corporations of certificates of investment or participation certificates; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 193–Committee on Banks, Banking and Corporations.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 609.030, 609.040 and 609.060, relating to wages, hours and working conditions of female employees, by increasing minimum wages for women. Senate Bill No. 147–Senators Slattery, Lamb, Bay, Frank and Parks.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 433 of NRS, relating to the Nevada state hospital, by adding new sections authorizing acceptance of gifts; establishing a patients’ commissary; providing for appointment of deputies to pay claims in absence of the superintendent; and restricting use of confidential information concerning patients; to amend NRS sections 433.190, 433.200 and 433.440, relating to the state hospital revolving fund, commitment of mentally ill patients, and the patients’ personal deposit fund, by providing for an increase in the state hospital revolving fund to $7,500; by providing for commitment of the mentally ill to private and public hospitals with proper facilities; and by providing for a patients’ petty cash fund; to repeal NRS section 433.150, which restricts the superintendent and staff to a total of three out-of-state professional meetings and seminars; making an appropriation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 89–Committee on State Institutions.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT creating the 1965 state general obligation bond commission and authorizing such commission to issue and sell the general obligation negotiable coupon bonds of the State of Nevada in not to exceed the aggregate principal amount of $1,456,000, for the purpose of constructing and furnishing in a minimum manner a social science (history) building at the University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada; prescribing other details and conditions concerning such bonds; requiring annually the levy and collection of a special property (ad valorem) tax to pay the interest on the bonds and to pay and retire the same and providing for the keeping of the proceeds of such tax in special funds; authorizing the use and investment of the proceeds of the sale or sales of such bonds; prescribing powers, duties and responsibilities of the 1965 state general obligation bond commission, the state planning board, the state board of finance, the state treasurer and other state officers; creating the 1965 state general obligation bond commission fund in the state treasury and making an appropriation therefor; to repeal chapter 358, Statutes of Nevada 1961; providing that this act shall not become effective if the Sales and Use Tax Act is amended by a majority of the registered voters of the state voting at the special election to be held June 11, 1963; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 534–Committee on Ways on Means.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 269 of NRS, relating to unincorporated towns of the State of Nevada, by adding new sections authorizing the boards of county commissioners acting as town boards of unincorporated towns of this state having a population of less than 7,500 to issue and sell, after approval of the registered voters at an election, general obligation bonds of the town for specific purposes; providing for the form, conditions, maturities and other elements of such general obligation bonds; setting a debt limit for unincorporated towns; authorizing unincorporated towns to have common seals and to change the same at pleasure; to amend NRS sections 269.115, 269.281 and 350.100, relating to the power of the boards of county commissioners to levy taxes for town purposes, the payment of costs of municipal buildings from the town general fund, and the maximum term of town bonds, by authorizing the levy and collection of town taxes for the payment of interest and redemption of outstanding bonds of unincorporated towns; providing that municipal buildings may be paid for by the use of proceeds from the sale of town general obligation bonds; by extending the limit on the term of town bonds from 20 years to 30 years; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 531–Committee on State, County and City Affairs.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act to incorporate the town of Las Vegas, in Clark County, and defining the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishing of a city government therefor, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 16, 1911, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 500–Committee on State, County and City Affairs.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 403.420 and 403.430, relating to county road rights-of-way, by removing the 80-foot limitation on the width of county road and highway rights-of-way. Assembly Bill No. 464–Clark County Delegation.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 201.250, relating to obscene publications and exhibitions, by limiting the applicability of the provisions of such section to persons who knowingly engage in acts which violate such provisions. Assembly Bill No. 280–Clark County Delegation.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 218.230, relating to the compensation of officers and employees of the legislature, by increasing such compensation for legislative officers and employees; eliminating provisions for pay increases on the basis of merit; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 342–Committee on Legislative Functions.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT resolving conflicts in statutes resulting from the enactment of chapter 393, Statutes of Nevada 1963; to amend the title of and to amend an act entitled “An Act to amend chapter 232 of NRS, relating to the state department of conservation and natural resources, by adding new sections creating the department of health and welfare, incorporating the functions of the Nevada state children’s home, the state department of health, the Nevada state hospital, the state alcoholism agency, the state welfare department, the Nevada youth training center and the Nevada girls training center; to amend chapters 210, 232, 422, 433, 439, 441, 442, 443, 444, 449 and 452 and NRS sections 62.200, 62.310, 127.050, 127.057, 127.120, 127.130, 127.185, 127.200, 127.210, 128.040, 159.110, 210.010, 210.020, 210.060, 210.065 to 210.085, inclusive, 210.160, 210.200, 210.230, 210.400, 210.450, 210.470 to 210.490, inclusive, 210.510, 210.560, 210.650, 232.150, 244.263, 281.150, 281.210, 284.140, 310.100, 313.525, 313.530, 318.170, 422.030, 422.040, 422.060 to 422.090, inclusive, 422.110, 422.120, 422.140, 422.160, 422.180 to 422.230, inclusive, 422.250 to 422.310, inclusive, 422.340, 423.010, 423.030, 423.050, 423.065, 423.100, 424.020 to 424.070, inclusive, 425.030 to 425.050, inclusive, 425.070 to 425.120, inclusive, 425.150, 425.170, 425.200, 425.220, 426.090, 426.115 to 426.130, inclusive, 426.300 to 426.330, inclusive, 426.350 to 426.390, inclusive, 426.410, 426.420, 426.440, 426.450, 426.470 to 426.490, inclusive, 426.520, 426.530, 426.550 to 426.570, inclusive, 426.610 to 426.650, inclusive, 426.670 to 426.690, inclusive, 426.710 to 426.730, inclusive, 427.020, 427.090, 427.130, 427.140, 427.155, 427.160, 427.190, 427.210 to 427.280, inclusive, 428.090, 431.010 to 431.100, inclusive, 431.120, 432.010 to 432.040, inclusive, 432.070, 432.080, 433.070, 433.120, 433.130, 433.140, 433.410, 436.010, 436.020, 436.050 to 436.070, inclusive, 436.090, 439.010, 439.020, 439.080 to 439.100, inclusive, 439.130, 439.135, 439.140 to 439.180, inclusive, 439.240, 439.260, 439.270, 439.310, 439.330, 439.340, 439.390, 439.480, 439.550, 439.570, 439.580, 440.240, 440.260, 440.600, 440.660, 441.060, 441.070, 441.090 to 441.160, inclusive, 441.180, 441.200, 441.250, 441.260, 442.080, 442.120 to 442.230, inclusive, 443.075 to 443.165, inclusive, 444.070 to 444.110, inclusive, 444.190, 445.050, 445.060, 445.080 to 445.100, inclusive, 446.050, 446.130, 447.190, 449.040, 449.060, 449.080, 449.090, 449.140 to 449.180, inclusive, 449.200, 449.220 to 449.245, inclusive, 449.260, 449.340, 452.210 to 452.240, inclusive, 457.020, 457.070, 457.170, 457.180, 458.010, 458.030 to 458.115, inclusive, 458.170, 488.335, 488.355, 543.590, 583.020, 583.040, 583.080, 584.180, 584.190 to 584.200, inclusive, 584.210, 585.200, 630.285, 631.270 and 631.310, relating to various functions of the Nevada state children’s home, the state department of health, the Nevada state hospital, the state alcoholism agency, the state welfare department, the Nevada youth training center and the Nevada girls training center, by making technical changes necessitated by the creation of the department of health and welfare; to repeal NRS sections 422.150, 422.170, 423.060, 433.080, 439.260, 443.035 and 443.045, relating to the state welfare director, the superintendent of the Nevada state children’s home, the superintendent and medical director of the Nevada state hospital, distribution of diphtheria antitoxin, and the medical director of the tuberculosis care program; and providing other matters properly relating thereto,” approved April 19, 1963; to amend the title of and to amend an act entitled “An Act to amend chapter 62 of NRS, relating to the juvenile court, by adding new sections giving such court jurisdiction over adults incidental to its jurisdiction over children; regulating the issuance and service of orders; and providing penalties; to amend NRS sections 62.200 and 62.240, relating to orders which may be made by the juvenile court, by empowering the court to order persons to refrain from conduct or neglect bringing a child within the provisions of the Juvenile Court Act; by making a technical correction; and providing other matters properly relating thereto,” approved April 8, 1963; to amend the title of and to amend an act entitled “An Act to amend NRS sections 62.200, 62.230 and 210.580, relating to procedure of the juvenile court upon entry of an order, compensation for care of juveniles, and commitment of delinquent female minors, by providing for commitment of female minors to private institutions within the state at state expense within the limits of legislative appropriations; by requiring approval by the superintendent of the Nevada girls training center or the Nevada youth training center prior to commitment of children to private institutions; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto,” approved April 18, 1963; to amend the title of and to amend and act entitled “An Act to amend chapter 443 of NRS, relating to tuberculosis and silicosis, by adding new sections declaring legislative intent; empowering any health officer to investigate persons believed to have tuberculosis; authorizing the health officer to issue isolation, confinement and quarantine orders; providing that the state health officer may advise state institutions regarding the control of tuberculosis; providing that it is unlawful for a person afflicted with tuberculosis willfully to expose others to the disease; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto,” approved April 18, 1963; to amend the title of and to amend an act entitled “An Act to amend NRS section 425.030, relating to definitions in the Aid to Dependent Children Act of 1955, by redefining assistance to include medical and remedial care; to amend chapter 425 of NRS, relating to aid to dependent children, by adding a new provision creating the aid to dependent children medical and remedial care fund in the state treasury and by providing the purposes and uses of such fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto,” approved April 5, 1963; to repeal chapters 181, 189, 207 and 278, Statutes of Nevada 1963, relating to county advisory welfare boards, aid to the blind, nepotism, and maintenance and special services for children, to amend chapter 443 of NRS and NRS sections 62.200, 210.065, 210.470, 281.210, 422.140, 422.200, 422.300, 425.030 and 426.440, relating to tuberculosis and silicosis, procedure in juvenile court proceedings upon entry of judgment, the Nevada youth training center, the Nevada girls training center, nepotism, powers and duties of the state welfare director and state welfare board, county advisory welfare boards, aid to dependent children, and aid to the blind, by incorporating previously enacted conflicting amendments to such chapter and sections; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 539–Committee on State, County and City Affairs.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 218 of NRS, relating to the state legislature, by adding a new section placing limitations upon the drafting of bills by the legislative counsel and the legal division of the legislative counsel bureau; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 541–Committee on Legislative Functions.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT providing that where names of state officers, employees and agencies in Statutes of Nevada 1963 do not conform to the names adopted in bills reorganizing the executive and legislative departments of the state government, such names shall be deemed to be the same as those adopted in such reorganization bills; providing powers of the legislative counsel; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 542–Committee on State, County and City Affairs.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 228.110, relating to the attorney general, by providing that the attorney general and his deputies shall be the legal advisers on all state matters arising in the executive department of the state government; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 543–Committee on State, County and City Affairs.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT appropriating the sum of $50,000 to the state public hospital construction assistance fund for the purpose of constructing the Churchill Public Hospital at Fallon, Churchill County, Nevada; expressly limiting the use of such appropriated funds; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 81–Senator Dodge.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act authorizing the director of the state department of conservation and natural resources to acquire certain lands from the Federal Government and other owners and lease them for the purpose of disposing of radioactive materials; providing limitations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto,” approved April 7, 1961. Senate Bill No. 108–Committee on Finance.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT appropriating $944.32 from the general fund to reimburse Ormsby County for the expenses and costs paid in prosecuting Jack O. Green, who escaped from the Nevada state prison. Senate Bill No. 114–Senator Dial.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 501.255, relating to the fish and game fund, by providing for deposit at interest of certain moneys under the control of the state board of fish and game commissioners; to amend chapter 501 of NRS, relating to the fish and game laws, by adding new sections creating a reserve fund for the use of the state board of fish and game commissioners, and placing limitations upon the obligation of moneys under the control of such board; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 247–Committee on Finance.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act to create a water district in the Las Vegas valley, Clark County, Nevada; to provide for the procurement, storage, distribution and sale of water and rights in the use thereof from Lake Mead for industrial, irrigation, municipal, and domestic uses; to provide for the conservation of the ground-water resources of the Las Vegas valley, and to create authority to purchase, acquire and construct the necessary works to carry out the provisions of this act; to provide for the issuance of district bonds; to provide for the levy of taxes for the payment of operation and maintenance expenses and to supplement other revenues available for the payment of principal of and interest on such bonds of said district; granting said district the franchise to carry on its operations in municipal corporations within its boundaries; exempting the property and bonds of said district from taxation; validating the creation and organization of said district; and for other purposes related thereto,” approved March 27, 1947, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 533–Mr. McNamee.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act to incorporate the city of North Las Vegas in Clark county, and defining the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishment of a city government therefor, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 27, 1953, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 452–Clark County Delegation.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 484 of NRS, relating to traffic laws, by adding new sections authorizing the Nevada highway patrol to remove and destroy red or amber lights and sirens unlawfully installed or operated and to issue permits for the use of amber lights on certain vehicles; forbidding any person to display amber warning lights except under certain circumstances; authorizing public utility vehicles to display amber warning lights under certain circumstances and prescribing other warning devices which may be used by such vehicles; defining the term “tow car”; enumerating the equipment and warning devices to be carried by tow cars and used by their operators; and prescribing the type of fusee which may be placed on the highway; to amend NRS section 484.255, relating to issuance of authorized emergency vehicle permits, by prohibiting the issuance of emergency vehicle permits for certain vehicles; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 185–Committee on Roads, Transportation and Aviation.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 159.070, 159.410 to 159.430, inclusive, and 159.460, relating to the appointment of guardians and sale of guardianship property, by requiring that notice of guardianship proceedings be posted at the front door of the courthouse of the proper county; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 228–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 146.070, relating to distribution of estates upon which administration is not required, by providing that the court may distribute such an estate to the parent or guardian of any minor heir or legatee; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 212–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 361.505, relating to the collection of personal property taxes the payment of which is unsecured by real estate, by requiring the county assessor to close his assessment roll on December 31; by providing, with some exceptions, that personal property coming into the county after that date shall not acquire situs for taxation for the current year; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 113–Committee on Taxation.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT appropriating the sum of $125,000 from the general fund in the state treasury to the University of Nevada for the purpose of purchasing and binding library books and periodicals for the library on the Reno campus; appropriating the sum of $125,000 from the general fund in the state treasury to the University of Nevada for the purpose of purchasing and binding library books and periodicals for the library of Nevada Southern, the regional branch of the University of Nevada in Clark County, Nevada; providing that the moneys herein appropriated cannot be expended except for the express purposes authorized; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 171–Mr. Bailey.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 369 of NRS, relating to intoxicating liquor licenses and taxes, by providing that no excise tax shall be imposed upon the sale of beer by licensed wholesale dealers to Army, Navy or Air Force exchanges, messes or clubs located in the State of Nevada; by providing for refunds or credits for taxes paid on the sale of beer to such instrumentalities; to amend NRS section 369.470, relating to wholesale liquor dealers’ licenses, by authorizing licensed wholesalers to sell to such instrumentalities; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 115–Committee on Taxation.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 482 of NRS, relating to licensing and registration of motor vehicles and trailers, by adding a new section authorizing the motor vehicle registration division of the department of motor vehicles to issue special use permits for new, unregistered and unlicensed vehicles for the purpose of enabling such vehicles to be operated in connection with special events; prescribing the form of such permits and the manner of their affixation to the vehicle; and fixing the fee for the issuance of such permits; to amend NRS section 482.205, relating to the requirement of registration of vehicles, by exempting from such requirement certain vehicles intended to be operated on the highways of the state; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 182–Committee on Roads, Transportation and Aviation.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 481 of NRS, relating to the administration of the motor vehicle laws, by adding a new section creating the position of field dealer inspector in the motor vehicle registration division of the department of motor vehicles; by specifying duties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 195–Committee on Roads, Transportation and Aviation.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 503.610, relating to the protection of the American eagle, by extending protection to the golden eagle; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 239–Committee on Fish and Game.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT resolving conflicts in statutes resulting from enactment of Senate Bill No. 103, 52nd session of the Nevada legislature; to amend the title of and to amend an act entitled “An Act to amend chapter 232 of NRS, relating to the state department of conservation and natural resources, by adding new sections creating the state department of administration incorporating the functions of the director of the budget, the state department of buildings and grounds, the state department of purchasing and the state department of personnel; to amend NRS sections 210.065, 210.470, 220.060, 230.020, 281.160, 284.015 to 284.030, inclusive, 284.045 to 284.055, inclusive, 284.065, 284.075 to 284.085, inclusive, 284.100 to 284.135, inclusive, 284.140, 284.145, 284.155 to 284.165, inclusive, 284.175, 284.185, 284.190, 284.200 to 284.210, inclusive, 284.220, 284.230 to 284.255, inclusive, 284.265 to 284.275, inclusive, 284.285 to 284.295, inclusive, 284.310, 284.320, 284.325, 284.335 to 284.355, inclusive, 284.365, 284.375 to 284.385, inclusive, 284.400, 284.405, 284.420, 331.010 to 331.030, inclusive, 331.050, 333.020, 333.030, 333.060 to 333.310, inclusive, 333.330, 333.350 to 333.400, inclusive, 333.420, 333.430, 333.450 to 333.464, inclusive, 333.466, 333.467, 333.470 to 333.500, inclusive, 336.010, 336.040, 353.155, 353.160, 353.175 to 353.200, inclusive, 353.210 to 353.230, inclusive, 353.245, 381.270, 385.340, 407.057, 419.030, 422.200, 423.110, 463.028, 463.100, 481.055, 482.145, 561.235, 612.230, 673.0354 and 703.120, relating to various functions of the director of the budget, the state department of buildings and grounds, state department of purchasing and the state department of personnel, by making technical changes necessitated by the creation of the department of administration; to repeal NRS sections 284.070, 284.090, 284.095, 333.040, 333.050, 333.440, 353.165 and 353.170, relating to the director of the state department of personnel, the director of the state department of purchasing, central purchasing agencies in departments and the director of the budget; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.”; to amend the title of and to amend an act entitled “An Act to amend NRS sections 218.085, 218.185, 218.190, 218.240 to 218.260, inclusive, 218.480, 218.500, 218.510, 218.620 to 218.640, inclusive, 218.660, 218.670, 218.690, 218.700, 218.720, 218.740, 218.770 to 218.890, inclusive, 220.040, 220.080 to 220.170, inclusive, 233.080, 331.105, 353.060 to 353.080, inclusive, 353.210, 353.263, 354.380, 412.235, 458.080 and 482.200, relating to bill, resolution, journal and history books, the amendment clerk, the preparation of legislative measures and the Statutes of Nevada, the legislative counsel bureau, the legislative counsel, the legislative auditor and their powers and duties, the director, employees and powers and duties of the statute revision commission, the preparation, contents, printing and sale of Nevada Revised Statutes, the central mailing room, counts of money in the state treasury, estimates of expenditures by state agencies, the state board of examiners emergency fund, the state alcoholism agency, inventories of federal military property, and destruction of unused motor vehicle license plates, the legislative fund, the compilation of legislative journal indices, the legislative commission, its meetings and secretary, the availability of information and records concerning public funds with respect to the legislative counsel, and the Nevada commission on equal rights of citizens, by creating the office of the director of the legislative counsel bureau and three divisions within the legislative counsel bureau; providing for the appointment, compensation and qualifications of the legislative counsel, the research director and the fiscal analyst and their powers and duties; and by abolishing the statute revision commission and the position of legislative auditor; to amend chapter 218 of NRS, relating to the state legislature, by adding new sections prescribing the duties of the heads of the divisions of the legislative counsel bureau; transferring funds; to repeal NRS sections 218.710, 218.730, 218.760, 220.010 to 220.030, inclusive, and 220.050 to 220.070, inclusive, relating to the legislative counsel, the legislative auditor, his appointment and salary, and to the statute revision commission; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.”; to amend the title of and to amend an act entitled “An Act incorporating the Nevada state park system in the state department of conservation and natural resources; to amend chapter 232 of NRS and NRS sections 206.320, 232.073, 232.090, 381.205, 381.221, 407.011, 407.015, 407.017, 407.027 to 407.047, inclusive, 407.055, 407.057, 407.065, 407.077, 407.120 to 407.150, inclusive, 407.170, 407.200, 407.210, 408.285 and 503.640, relating to various functions of the Nevada state park system and the state department of conservation and natural resources, by making technical changes necessitated by the incorporation of such system in such department; to repeal NRS section 407.180, relating to the state ichthyosaur park board; and providing other matters properly relating thereto,” approved April 19, 1963; to amend the title of and to amend an act entitled “An Act resolving conflicts in statutes resulting from enactment of chapter 339, Statutes of Nevada 1963; to amend the title of and to amend an act entitled ‘An Act to amend chapter 232 of NRS, relating to the state department of conservation and natural resources, by adding new sections creating the state department of commerce, incorporating the functions of the superintendent of banks, the department of insurance of the State of Nevada, the Nevada real estate commission, and the department of savings associations; to amend chapters 645, 657, 673 and 679 of NRS and NRS sections 278.630, 645.010, 645.050, 645.110 to 645.140, inclusive, 645.170 to 645.230, inclusive, 645.310, 645.322, 645.343, 645.350, 645.370, 645.390, 645.410 to 645.470, inclusive, 645.490, 645.500, 645.520, 645.540, 645.570, 645.580, 645.600 to 645.620, inclusive, 645.680, 645.690, 645.760, 645.770, 645.830, 645.850, 658.010, 658.030, 658.080 to 658.100, inclusive, 658.120, 659.030, 661.020, 662.270, 662.280, 664.030, 665.040, 667.100, 673.003, 673.035, 673.0351, 673.0354, 673.0355, 673.039, 673.040, 673.060, 680.010, 680.060 to 680.080, inclusive, 680.100 to 680.140, inclusive, 680.200 and 680.220, relating to various functions of the superintendent of banks, the department of insurance of the State of Nevada, the Nevada real estate commission, and the department of savings associations, by making technical changes necessitated by the creation of the department of commerce; to repeal NRS sections 658.040, 679.080, 680.020 and 680.030, relating to the superintendent of banks, the department of insurance, and the insurance commissioners; and providing other matters properly relating thereto,’ approved April 12, 1963; to amend the title of and to amend an act entitled ‘An Act to amend NRS sections 645.030, 645.120, 645.190, 645.310, 645.450, 645.460, 645.630, 645.690 and 645.780 to 645.830, inclusive, which define terms and relate to the salary and qualifications of the executive secretary of the Nevada real estate commission, powers of the Nevada real estate commission, moneys received by real estate brokers and salesmen, real estate licensing generally and license fees, increasing the maximum salary of the executive secretary of the real estate commission; by providing for a reference manual; by providing for auditing trust and custodial accounts of brokers; and by amending provisions relating to examinations, license expiration, licensing and fees; to repeal NRS section 645.470, relating to salesman’s examinations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto,’ approved April 2, 1963; to amend chapter 232 of NRS and NRS sections 645.190, 645.310, 645.450, 645.460, 645.690, 645.830, 673.003, 673.035, 673.0355 and 673.040, relating to the state department of conservation and natural resources, real estate brokers and salesmen, and building and savings and loan associations, by incorporating previously enacted conflicting amendments to such chapter and sections; providing duties of the director of the statute revision commission; and providing other matters properly relating thereto.”; to amend NRS section 407.057, relating to offices of the state park system, by incorporating previously enacted conflicting amendments to such section; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 538–Committee on State, County and City Affairs.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 268 of NRS, relating to powers and duties common to cities and towns incorporated by general or special act, by adding a new section requiring governing bodies of cities and towns to place in school zones posted with speed limits signs showing the hours during which the speed limits are to apply; to amend NRS sections 269.185 and 484.090, relating to regulation of vehicular traffic by unincorporated cities and towns and by the department of highways, by requiring that in each school zone where a speed limit has been posted there shall be posted signs showing the hours during which the speed limit is to apply; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 3–Messrs. Valentine and Christensen.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 245 of NRS, relating to county officers and employees, by adding a new section providing that boards of county commissioners may fix salaries of all appointive county officers and employees in certain cases; to amend NRS sections 3.310, 244.125, 254.010, 256.010 and 258.065, relating to compensation of various appointive county officers and employees, by providing that the boards of county commissioners may fix the compensation of such appointive officers and employees; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 248–Washoe County Delegation (by request).  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 127 of NRS, relating to adoption of children and adults, by adding new sections directing the welfare division of the department of health and welfare to establish standards and prescribe rules for child-placing agencies; prohibiting persons without licenses to operate child-placing agencies from placing children for adoption or permanent free care and from requesting or receiving compensation for such placement; providing for the issuance and renewal by the welfare division of the department of health and welfare of temporary and permanent licenses to operate child-placing agencies; providing for the refusal to issue licenses, refusal to renew and revocation of licenses after notice and hearing; providing for appeals to the district court; providing for notification to the welfare division of the department of health and welfare of the placement of a child in the home of his prospective adopting parents, and authorizing the division under certain circumstances to seek a court order prohibiting such placement; providing penalties; to amend NRS sections 127.050, 127.120 and 127.185, relating to agencies which may accept relinquishments and consents to adoption, the filing of petitions for the adoption of children with the district court, and advertising concerning placement of children for adoption by unlicensed persons, by authorizing licensed child-placing agencies to accept relinquishments and consents to the adoption of children; authorizing licensed child-placing agencies to verify allegations of court petitions for adoption; providing a penalty for placing children for adoption without a license to operate a child-placing agency; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 272–Senators Gallagher, Brown, Lamb and Whitacre (by request of the Legislative Commission).  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 244 of NRS, relating to county government, by adding a new section authorizing the boards of county commissioners to budget, contract and pay for special censuses taken under federal supervision; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 275–Senator Brown.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT authorizing the issuance of $1,650,000 of the state’s negotiable, coupon, general obligation bonds and their delivery to Marlette Water Company, a Nevada corporation, for the purchase of the company’s water rights, land, easements, pipelines, flumes and other fixtures and appurtenances used in connection with the collection, transmission and storage of water by the Marlette Lake Company in Washoe, Ormsby and Storey Counties, Nevada; finding and declaring that the acquisition by contract between the State of Nevada and Marlette Water Company of such property is both expedient and advisable for the protection and preservation of the natural resources of the State of Nevada and for the purposes of obtaining and continuing the benefits thereof now and in future years for the state and its citizens; authorizing the issuance of such bonds within the provisions of the second paragraph of section 3 of article 9 of the constitution of the State of Nevada and notwithstanding the limitation of indebtedness imposed by the first paragraph of section 3 of article 9 of the constitution of the State of Nevada; authorizing the state land register to execute a contract of purchase for such property with Marlette Water Company and delineating some of the provisions of such contract; creating a state bond commission and directing such commission to issue and deliver the negotiable, coupon, general obligation bonds of the State of Nevada in the principal amount of $1,650,000, for the purchase of such property; prescribing other details and conditions concerning such bonds; requiring annually the levy and collection of a special property (ad valorem) tax to pay the interest on the bonds and to pay and retire the same and providing for the keeping of the proceeds of such tax in special funds; making an appropriation for the use of the state bond commission; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 284–Committee on Finance.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 332 of NRS, relating to public buildings and property, by adding new sections creating the Marlette water system and defining its purposes; providing for the supervision and administration of such water system; requiring the state department of conservation and natural resources to cooperate in the supervision and administration of the water system; creating the Marlette Lake water system working capital fund in the state treasury, designating the sources and uses of moneys therein and making an appropriation from the general fund in the state treasury to such working capital fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 296–Committee on Finance.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 213 of NRS, relating to pardons and paroles, remissions of fines and commutations of punishments, by adding a new section providing an annual salary for certain justices of the supreme court as members of the state board of pardons commissioners. Senate Bill No. 297–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT making an appropriation from the general fund in the state treasury to the legislative commission for the purposes of engaging the services of engineers and appraisers to make engineering studies and appraisals of the Marlette Lake water system if and when such water system is acquired by the State of Nevada pursuant to law; requiring that reports and recommendations resulting from such studies and appraisals be made available to the 53rd session of the legislature of the State of Nevada; requiring the state department of conservation and natural resources to cooperate with the legislative commission and the engineers and appraisers employed by the commission; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 302–Committee on Finance.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 616.130 and 616.135, relating to the commissioners representative of labor and employers on the Nevada industrial commission, by increasing the salaries of such commissioners. Senate Bill No. 307–Committee on Finance.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 692.135, relating to definitions as used in policies of accident and sickness insurance, by including services rendered by a chiropractic physician within the definition of “medical or surgical services”; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 95–Senator Dial.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 108.300, relating to liens of dealers, repairmen, garagemen and trailer park keepers, by establishing liability of insurance companies for the cost of towing or repair of certain vehicles; by requiring notice to such companies; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 257–Senator Monroe.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT authorizing the execution of bonds of any school district in the State of Nevada by the facsimile signature of the county treasurer of the county in which the school district is located; validating and ratifying bonds of any such school district so executed prior to the effective date of this act with the facsimile signature of such county treasurer; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 545–Committee on State, County and City Affairs.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 287 of NRS, relating to group insurance and social security, by adding new sections creating the committee on group insurance; providing for the composition of the committee; requiring the committee to purchase group policies for all state officers and employees who elect to participate in such program; providing for payment by the state of a part of the cost of the premiums of group insurance; prescribing the qualifications for eligibility of state officers and employees to participate in the program; authorizing such officers and employees to retain their membership in the program after termination of their employment; making participation in the program voluntary; creating the group insurance premium fund and authorizing disbursements from such fund; appropriating sums of money from the general fund in the state treasury and from the state highway fund to the group insurance premium fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 345–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 439.090, relating to the appointment, qualifications and removal of the state health officer, by changing the qualifications for the office; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 279–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 686.010, relating to state taxes on insurance and annuity companies, by providing that where, under the laws of other states, fees, taxes or licenses are imposed upon Nevada insurers which are in the aggregate in excess of those imposed upon similar insurers by Nevada, the same fees, taxes and licenses shall be imposed upon insurers of such states doing business in Nevada, except for ad valorem taxes on real or personal property and personal income taxes; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 80–Committee on Banking, Insurance and Corporations.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 381 of NRS, relating to the Nevada state museum, by adding a new section authorizing the trustees to establish a procedure for extraordinary purchases from donated funds; to amend NRS sections 381.020, 381.070, 381.090, 381.110 and 381.120, relating to the objects and powers of the museum, compensation of trustees and employees, funds, bylaws, memberships in the museum, and travel expenses of employees, by providing for the establishment of a gift and souvenir shop; by providing for compensation, travel expenses and subsistence allowances for trustees and employees of the museum; by clarifying the language relating to sources of funds for the museum; by authorizing the trustees to make direct and specified uses of private funds and profits received by the museum at the discretion of such trustees; by enlarging the scope of the bylaws required by law; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 215–Senator Dial.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT authorizing expenditures by various officers, departments, boards, agencies, commissions and institutions of the state government for the fiscal years commencing July 1, 1963, and ending June 30, 1964, and beginning July 1, 1964, and ending June 30, 1965; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 303–Committee on Finance.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 209.110, 213.1094, 223.100, 232.050, 341.100, 360.120, 382.020, 385.170, 414.040, 417.060, 472.025, 481.039 and 703.080, relating to the salaries of the warden of the Nevada state prison, the chief parole and probation officer, the executive assistant to the governor, the director of the state department of conservation and natural resources, the manager and technical supervisor of the state planning board, the secretary of the Nevada tax commission, the executive secretary of the Nevada historical society, the superintendent of public instruction, the director of civil defense, the Nevada commissioner for veteran affairs and the Nevada deputy commissioner for veteran affairs, the state forester firewarden, the director of the department of motor vehicles, and the commissioners of the public service commission of Nevada, by increasing such salaries effective July 1, 1963; to amend NRS section 231.080, relating to the salary of the director of the department of economic development, by deleting obsolete language; to amend chapter 339, Statutes of Nevada 1963, entitled “An Act to amend chapter 232 of NRS, relating to the state department of conservation and natural resources, by adding new sections creating the state department of commerce, incorporating the functions of the superintendent of banks, the department of insurance of the State of Nevada, the Nevada real estate commission, and the department of savings associations; to amend chapters 645, 657, 673 and 679 of NRS and NRS sections 278.630, 645.010, 645.050, 645.110 to 645.140, inclusive, 645.170 to 645.230, inclusive, 645.310, 645.322, 645.343, 645.350, 645.370, 645.390, 645.410 to 645.470, inclusive, 645.490, 645.500, 645.520, 645.540, 645.570, 645.580, 645.600 to 645.620, inclusive, 645.680, 645.690, 645.760, 645.770, 645.830, 645.850, 658.010, 658.030, 658.080 to 658.100, inclusive, 658.120, 659.030, 661.020, 662.270, 662.280, 664.030, 665.040, 667.100, 673.003, 673.035, 673.0351, 673.0354, 673.0355, 673.039, 673.040, 673.060, 680.010, 680.060 to 680.080, inclusive, 680.100 to 680.140, inclusive, 680.200 and 680.220, relating to various functions of the superintendent of banks, the department of insurance of the State of Nevada, the Nevada real estate commission, and the department of savings associations, by making technical changes necessitated by the creation of the department of commerce; to repeal NRS sections 658.040, 679.080, 680.020 and 680.030, relating to the superintendent of banks, the department of insurance, and the insurance commissioners; and providing other matters properly relating thereto,” approved April 12, 1963, to increase the salary of the director of the department of commerce effective July 1, 1963; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 304–Committee on Finance.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT making appropriations from the general fund, the state highway fund, the county gas tax fund, the fish and game fund and the boat licensing fund for the support of the civil government of the State of Nevada for the fiscal years beginning July 1, 1963, and ending June 30, 1964, and beginning July 1, 1964, and ending June 30, 1965; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 305–Committee on Finance.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT fixing the state ad valorem tax levies for the 2 fiscal years commencing July 1, 1963, and ending June 30, 1964, and commencing July 1, 1964, and ending June 30, 1965; providing for the levy and collection of ad valorem taxes on personal property not placed on the secured tax roll; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 535–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 370.260, relating to the cigarette tax fund, by appropriating 35 percent of the cigarette tax to the state and 65 percent to the cities and counties of this state during the year 1963-1964, and thereafter appropriating 2 percent of such tax to the state and 98 percent to the cities and counties; providing that this act shall only become effective if the Sales and Use Tax Act is amended by the people at a special election; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 313–Messrs. Swanson and Harris.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT authorizing boards of county commissioners, governing bodies of incorporated cities and boards of trustees of school districts in this state to file amended budgets before July 15, 1963, with the Nevada tax commission if the Sales and Use Tax Act is amended by a majority of the registered voters voting at the special election in June 1963; placing certain limitations on such amended budgets; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 519–Committee on Taxation.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 427 of NRS, relating to old-age assistance, by adding new sections providing for medical assistance for the aged; defining terms; imposing duties on and granting powers to the state welfare department and board; creating the medical assistance for the aged fund in the state treasury and providing for its sources and uses; providing for applications and qualifications for assistance, appeals, confidential records and contracts for medical care; making an appropriation from the general fund in the state treasury to the medical assistance for the aged fund for the fiscal years commencing July 1, 1963, and ending June 30, 1965; specifying and authorizing the amounts of expenditures from the moneys so appropriated; imposing conditions on transfers of appropriated moneys; providing that this act shall only become effective if the Sales and Use Tax Act is amended by the people at a special election to be held on June 11, 1963; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 479–Committee on Public Health and Public Morals.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT appropriating the sum of $180,000 from the general fund in the state treasury to the state planning board for the purpose of the construction of a show and sales pavilion and attendant facilities in Reno, Nevada, for the use of the Nevada junior livestock show board; specifying the powers, duties and requirements of the state planning board and the Nevada junior livestock show board; providing that this act shall become effective only if the Sales and Use Tax Act is amended by the people at a special election held June 11, 1963; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 528–Committee on State, County and City Affairs.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT creating the 1963 state general obligation bond commission and authorizing such commission to issue and sell the general obligation negotiable coupon bonds of the State of Nevada in not to exceed the aggregate principal amount of $2,150,000, for the purposes of acquiring an inmate dormitory, related structures and site improvements at the state’s minimum security prison located in Ormsby and Douglas Counties, Nevada, a social science building at Nevada Southern, the regional branch of the University of Nevada in Clark County, Nevada, and physical education facilities on the Reno campus of the University of Nevada in Washoe County, Nevada; prescribing other details and conditions concerning such bonds; requiring annually the levy and collection of a special property (ad valorem) tax levy to pay the interest on the bonds and to pay and retire the same and providing for the keeping of the proceeds of such tax in special funds; authorizing the use and investment of the proceeds of the sale or sales of such bonds; prescribing powers, duties and responsibilities of the 1963 state general obligation bond commission, the state planning board, the state board of finance, the state treasurer and other state officers; creating the 1963 state general obligation bond commission fund in the state treasury and making an appropriation therefor; providing that this act shall not become effective if the Sales and Use Tax Act is amended by a majority of the registered voters of the state voting at the special election to be held on June 11, 1963, pursuant to law; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 292–Committee on Finance.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 428 of NRS, relating to indigent persons, by adding new sections providing that in motor vehicle accident cases wherein nonresident transient indigents traveling through the State of Nevada suffer injuries the cost of medical aid and hospitalization provided by the county shall be reimbursed, within limits, by the State of Nevada; defining words and terms; creating the motor vehicle accident indigent fund in the state treasury and making an appropriation therefor; imposing duties on the state board of examiners concerning claims against the motor vehicle accident fund; providing that this act shall become effective only if the Sales and Use Tax Act is amended by a majority of the registered voters voting at the special election to be held on June 11, 1963; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 97–Senator Parks.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 387.127, relating to the apportionment of the emergency state distributive school fund, by limiting expenditures of school districts within this state for maintenance and operation of the public schools; creating in the state treasury the emergency state distributive school fund and authorizing payments therefrom to school districts by the state board of education; appropriating moneys from the general fund in the state treasury to the emergency state distributive school fund; providing that this act shall become effective if the Sales and Use Tax Act is amended by the people at the special election to be held in June 1963; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 537–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT appropriating moneys from the general fund and the state highway fund in the state treasury for the support of the state planning board in carrying out a program of capital improvements for the State of Nevada; stating the powers, duties and responsibilities of the state planning board and other state officers; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 290–Committee on Finance.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT providing for holding a special election in the State of Nevada on June 11, 1963, and for the submission at such special election to the people of the State of Nevada the question whether the Sales and Use Tax Act of 1955 should be amended to increase the sales and use taxes from 2 percent to 3 percent, effective July 1, 1963; imposing certain duties on the secretary of state, county clerks, boards of county commissioners and other officers; providing the details of such special election; making appropriations for the payment of such special election and other necessary expenses; making certain acts unlawful and providing penalties therefor; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 520–Committee on Taxation.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 244.760, relating to the maximum bonding limit of counties for county recreational purposes, by increasing the maximum bonding limit in counties having a population of 120,000 or more persons from 3 percent to 5 percent of the total last-assessed valuation of the taxable property of the county. Senate Bill No. 287–Senator Brown.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapters 293 and 295 of NRS, relating to elections and initiative and referendum, by adding new sections limiting candidacies of persons who have changed party affiliations, providing the procedure upon the death of a candidate, prohibiting electioneering at polling places, providing for payment of expenses of certain election board officers, providing a procedure for certain recounts, and conforming the initiative and referendum provisions to the constitutional provisions relating to initiative and referendum; to amend NRS sections 293.073, 293.127, 293.177, 293.217, 293.297, 293.350 to 293.355, inclusive, 293.387 to 293.393, inclusive, 293.460, 293.560, 293.570 to 293.580, inclusive, 306.020 to 306.040, inclusive, 314.110, 314.140, 314.160, 386.250, 387.345, 387.360, 387.370, 387.540, 387.555 and 387.565, relating to elections, by redefining “political party”; by broadening the provisions relating to construction of the election laws; by changing the form of declarations of candidacy; by prohibiting appointment of candidates to election boards; by clarifying provisions relating to ballots, ballot labels, mailing precincts and canvass of votes by boards of county commissioners; by changing the provisions relating to compensation of election officers in certain counties; by changing the dates of closing of registrations; by clarifying provisions relating to municipal elections, cemetery district elections and school district elections; by clarifying provisions relating to recall of public officers; and by providing for judicial hearings to determine validity of recall petitions; to repeal NRS sections 295.010 to 295.130, inclusive, relating to initiative and referendum; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 280–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 293.063, 293.175, 293.180, 293.200, 293.257, 293.260, 293.265 and 293.267, relating to independent candidates, nominations of candidates, and primary and general election ballots, by changing the procedure for nomination of independent candidates for partisan offices; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 278–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 219.020, relating to the commissioners on uniform state laws, by providing that the commissioners shall be the legislative counsel and two attorneys appointed by the legislative commission; by providing for appointment of attorneys who are legislators where possible; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 264–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 407 of NRS, relating to state parks and monuments, by adding a new section creating the state parks land acquisition fund in the state treasury for the purposes of negotiation for the purchase of real property on and near Lake Tahoe in the State of Nevada for state park purposes, the acquisition of options to purchase and the procurement of appraisals of the value of such real property; delegating powers and duties to the director of the state department of conservation and natural resources after approval by the governor; limiting the use of the state parks land acquisition fund and making an appropriation therefor; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 525–Messrs. Knisley, Pozzi, Jacobsen, Swobe, Glaser and Gibson.  Approved April 26, 1963



AN ACT to amend chapter 341 of NRS, relating to the state planning board, by adding a new section providing for inspection of state buildings by the state planning board; providing for reports of the results of such inspections; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 289–Committee on Finance.  Approved April 27, 1963



AN ACT to amend NRS section 78.580, defining the procedure for dissolution of domestic corporations, by revising the procedure to provide for action by holders of stock entitled to exercise a majority of the voting power and by deleting the special provision regarding consent of stockholders in lieu of meeting. Senate Bill No. 298–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 27, 1963