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Statutes of the State of Nevada - Forty-Ninth Session, 1959








AN ACT creating the 1959 legislative fund and making an appropriation therefor. Senate Bill No. 1–Senator Settelmeyer.  Approved January 22, 1959



AN ACT ratifying, approving and confirming the proceedings heretofore taken by the city council of the city of Reno, Nevada, concerning the “City of Reno, Washoe County, State of Nevada, Municipal Recreation Center Bonds, Series of January 1, 1959,” the “City of Reno, Washoe County, State of Nevada, Municipal Airport Bonds, Series of June 1, 1958,” and the “City of Reno 1958 Street and Alley Improvement District Bonds.” Assembly Bill No. 17–Washoe County Delegation.  Approved February 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend the title of and to amend an act entitled “An Act authorizing and empowering the mayor and the city council of the city of Henderson, Nevada, to sell or exchange certain real property; providing for the manner of such sales or exchanges and appraisals of such real property; and other matters properly relating thereto,” approved March 28, 1957. Assembly Bill No. 21–Mr. Gibson.  Approved February 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 19.150 relating to the fees of the county clerk of Elko County, Nevada. Senate Bill No. 11–Senator Monroe.  Approved February 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 226.210, relating to the prohibition against purchasing warrants, scrip and other evidences of indebtedness by the state treasurer and the penalty therefor, by providing that a violation constitutes a gross misdemeanor; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 51–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe), and Pozzi (by request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved February 10, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 281.220, relating to state officers having an interest in state contracts, by specifying the term of imprisonment for officers violating the provisions of the section, and by providing for punishment by both fine and imprisonment; and to repeal NRS section 281.070 relating to state employment of Chinese and Mongolians; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 53–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe), and Pozzi (by request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved February 10, 1959



AN ACT to repeal NRS section 338.120, relating to the prohibition of employment of Chinese and Mongolians on public works under state control. Assembly Bill No. 56–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe), and Pozzi (by request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved February 10, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 201.300, relating to the definition of the crime of pandering and the punishment therefor, by deleting unnecessary wording. Assembly Bill No. 49–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe), and Pozzi (by request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved February 10, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 218.580, relating to the unlawful interests of legislators in contracts authorized by the legislature and the penalties therefor, by specifying a state prison sentence as a penalty. Assembly Bill No. 50–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe), and Pozzi (by request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved February 10, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 123.140, relating to the execution and recording of an inventory of the separate property of the wife, by providing that money need not be included in the inventory. Assembly Bill No. 46–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe), and Pozzi (by request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved February 10, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 200.410, relating to the punishment for fighting a duel when death ensues, by adding a day to the time within which death must occur; to amend NRS section 200.440, relating to posting a person for not fighting, by changing the place of imprisonment for such action to the county jail; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 48–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe), and Pozzi (by request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved February 10, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 107.080, relating to trustee’s power of sale of real property transferred to secure an obligation or debt, by clarifying the application of previous amendments. Assembly Bill No. 43–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe), and Pozzi (by request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved February 10, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 344.070, relating to copyright of publications of the State of Nevada, by conforming law to requirements of United States statutes and by designating the appropriate fund to be charged for costs of copyrighting. Assembly Bill No. 44–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe), and Pozzi (by request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved February 10, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 286.070, defining “public employer” for the purposes of the Public Employees’ Retirement Act, to include the Las Vegas Valley Water District. Assembly Bill No. 40–Mr. Ryan.  Approved February 10, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 258.150, relating to fees of constables of Washoe County, by eliminating specific reference to Justices’ Courts Rule 55. Assembly Bill No. 106–Mr. Humphrey (Washoe).  Approved February 10, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 278.040 and 278.100, relating to the appointment, terms, compensation, removal and number of members of city, county and regional planning commissions, by limiting the terms of members to 4 years and preserving existing terms; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 52–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe), and Pozzi (by request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved February 15, 1959



AN ACT creating the Nevada Silver Centennial commission, providing for the organization of such commission and its powers and duties; creating a Nevada Silver Centennial fund; providing an appropriation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 80–Senators Slattery and Settelmeyer.  Approved February 17, 1959



AN ACT to provide for an oil portrait of Charles H. Russell, former governor of the State of Nevada, to create a fund and to provide an appropriation therefor. Senate Bill No. 75–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Legislative Commission).  Approved February 17, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 34.380 and 34.560, relating to granting and denying writs of habeas corpus by supreme court justices and district court judges and appeals therefrom, and to the power of a judge to commit a party to the custody of another, by providing for a stay of enforcement of such a commitment and a right to appeal therefrom when such party is committed to the custody of an officer from a foreign jurisdiction; and by correcting a typographical error. Assembly Bill No. 76–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe), and Pozzi (by request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved February 17, 1959



AN ACT to appropriate $100,000 for the defense of a certain suit wherein Los Angeles & Salt Lake Railroad Company, Union Pacific Railroad Company and Oregon Short Line Railroad Company, corporations, are plaintiffs and the State of Nevada, the Nevada tax commission, the counties of Clark, Elko and Lincoln, and certain county officers are defendants; and for the defense of any other suit or suits of a similar nature hereafter commenced against the state, the Nevada tax commission or any county of this state. Assembly Bill No. 148–Messrs. Bastian and Swackhamer.  Approved February 17, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 171.155 defining the term “peace officer” to include Nevada highway patrol personnel within the definition under certain circumstances. Assembly Bill No. 81–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe), and Pozzi (by request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved February 17, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 205.065 relating to the presumption of intent in the crime of burglary. Assembly Bill No. 73–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe), and Pozzi (by request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved February 17, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 200.310, relating to kidnaping, to correct an error in punctuation. Assembly Bill No. 71–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe), and Pozzi (by request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved February 17, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 185.090 relating to certain conditions when a justice’s court may proceed to try a criminal action. Assembly Bill No. 70–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe), and Pozzi (by request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved February 17, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 133.090 relating to the requirements for holographic wills. Assembly Bill No. 67–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe), and Pozzi (by request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved February 17, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 7.030 relating to oaths and fees required of attorneys at law. Assembly Bill No. 66–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe), and Pozzi (by request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved February 17, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 40.170, relating to treble damages for the forcible or unlawful entry in or upon, or detention of, any building or uncultivated real property, by providing that damages may be trebled for a forcible or unlawful entry upon, or detention of, uncultivated or cultivated real property. Assembly Bill No. 63–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe), and Pozzi (by request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved February 17, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 154.140, relating to moneys which accrue to the state from escheated estates, by providing that all such moneys shall be paid into the state permanent school fund instead of the general fund. Assembly Bill No. 61–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe), and Pozzi (by request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved February 17, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 108.500, relating to sales of personal property held under an innkeeper’s lien, by specifying the fund into which the proceeds of such sale shall be paid. Assembly Bill No. 59–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe), and Pozzi (by request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved February 17, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 204.010, relating to the unlawful use of public money, by providing that the unlawful use of public money in the amount of $100 or less is a misdemeanor. Assembly Bill No. 58–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe), and Pozzi (by request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved February 17, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 17.190, relating to inserting a computation of interest and costs in a judgment, by providing for insertion in the judgment of a computation of the costs if costs are not ascertained and included in the judgment when it is entered; by deleting the requirement that a computation of interest be included in the judgment; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 57–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe), and Pozzi (by request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved February 17, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 282.200, relating to the forfeiture of office or appointment upon failure to file a bond when required, and to suspension of the functions of sheriff upon release of sureties, by providing that the county clerk shall succeed to the office of sheriff during a suspension of the sheriff’s functions upon release of sureties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 54–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe), and Pozzi (by request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved February 17, 1959



AN ACT providing an additional and supplemental appropriation for the support of the office of the secretary of state for the biennium ending June 30, 1959. Assembly Bill No. 26–Mr. Nevin.  Approved February 17, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 294.365, relating to rules of county and state conventions of political parties, by requiring that a person acting as a proxy for a delegate to a state or county party convention be a member of the same political party as the delegate he represents, and by prohibiting adoption or application of the so-called unit rule of voting in the proceedings of any such convention. Senate Bill No. 85–Senator Lamb.  Approved February 20, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 387.315, relating to statements of purpose accompanying orders for warrants, and to liability of school trustees, by requiring each order for warrant drawn by the clerk of the board of trustees of a school district to be accompanied by an invoice. Senate Bill No. 88–Senator Monroe.  Approved February 20, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 296.335 relating to the opening and counting of ballots in general elections and entries in pollbooks by the clerks of election. Senate Bill No. 58–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers, and Whitacre (by request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved February 20, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 78.105, relating to the duty of a private corporation to keep copies of articles and bylaws and a stock ledger, or duplicate thereof, or statement at its principal office in this state, by providing for availability of information in such statements and providing penalties for the failure to maintain a statement; to repeal NRS section 78.555 relating to the merger of certain railroad and bridge corporations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 45–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe), and Pozzi (by request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved February 20, 1959



AN ACT to repeal NRS section 388.140, relating to the teaching in English of all subjects in public schools except foreign languages. Assembly Bill No. 87–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe), and Pozzi (by request of the Legislative Commission).  Approved February 20, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 662.180, 662.240, 673.280 and 682.340, relating to investments by banks, savings banks, trust companies, building and loan associations, savings and loan associations and domestic insurance companies, by providing that such banks, associations and companies may invest in obligations of federal land banks and federal intermediate credit banks under the authority of the Federal Farm Loan Act, and in obligations issued by banks for cooperatives under the authority of the Farm Credit Act; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 118–Joint Committee of Agriculture and Irrigation, and Livestock.  Approved February 20, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapters 143, 159 and 164 of NRS, relating to powers and duties of executors and administrators, guardians and the administration of trusts, by providing that executors, administrators, guardians, trustees and other fiduciaries may invest in securities authorized by the Federal Farm Loan Act and the Farm Credit Act of 1933; to amend NRS sections 282.320, 355.120, 355.140, 355.170, 662.180, 662.240, 673.280 and 682.340, relating to investments by counties, the state board of finance, state departments and agencies, banks, trust companies, insurance companies and loan associations, by providing that such organizations, associations, companies, departments and agencies may invest certain funds in securities authorized under the Federal Farm Loan Act and the Farm Credit Act of 1933; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 119–Joint Committee of Agriculture and Irrigation, and Livestock.  Approved February 20, 1959



AN ACT providing an additional and supplemental appropriation for the payment of fire insurance premiums on state-owned property. Assembly Bill No. 196–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved February 20, 1959



AN ACT to provide an additional and supplemental appropriation for the support of the state planning board in carrying out the provisions of chapter 336, Statutes of Nevada 1957, relating to the design, construction and furnishing of a classroom building for art, music and drama at the University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada. Assembly Bill No. 209–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved February 26, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 245.040, relating to office hours of county officers, by requiring county clerks to keep their offices open for election purposes on election days during the hours when the polls are open for voting. Assembly Bill No. 16–Mr. Harmon.  Approved February 26, 1959



AN ACT authorizing and directing the state controller to transfer certain funds from the state welfare department administration fund to certain other state welfare department funds. Assembly Bill No. 235–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved March 2, 1959



AN ACT ratifying, approving and confirming all action heretofore taken by the board of trustees of Pershing County School District, in Pershing County, Nevada, by the board of county commissioners of Pershing County, Nevada, and by the officers of such county and district, in submitting at the special school district election held November 4, 1958, at the same time as the general election, the question of issuing the bonds of Pershing County School District in the maximum principal amount of $600,000, and the question of assuming the indebtedness of abolished Consolidated School District No. 1, the territory of which is within Pershing County School District, and in conducting the election and canvassing the returns thereof; determining that the election resulted in the authorization of the bonds and in the assumption of the indebtedness; authorizing the board of trustees of Pershing County School District to issue and deliver such bonds; and declaring the indebtedness assumed. Assembly Bill No. 227–Mr. Knisley.  Approved March 2, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 4.340, relating to temporary vacancies in the office of justice of the peace, by providing that the board of county commissioners of the county in which a vacancy occurs may invite another justice of the peace to fill the vacancy if absent justice of the peace does not, and by clarifying the language of the section. Assembly Bill No. 99–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe), and Pozzi (by request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 2, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 171.405, relating to the examination of witnesses in magistrates’ courts, by providing for an increased compensation to the court reporter. Assembly Bill No. 98–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe) and Pozzi (by request of the Legislative Commission).  Approved March 2, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 303.540, relating to the use of devices to mark, count and tabulate ballots, by providing that such devices, when authorized by the board of county commissioners, may be used in any election. Assembly Bill No. 92–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe) and Pozzi (by request of the Legislative Commission).  Approved March 2, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 218.510, relating to the contents and number of printed copies of the Statutes of Nevada, by providing that the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the State of Nevada be included in copies of the Statutes of Nevada for legislative sessions held in odd-numbered years only. Assembly Bill No. 85–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe) and Pozzi (by request of the Legislative Commission).  Approved March 2, 1959



AN ACT to repeal NRS section 171.050 relating to jurisdiction in the crimes of kidnaping and abduction. Assembly Bill No. 80–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe), and Pozzi (by request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 2, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 227.320, relating to the prohibition against purchasing warrants, scrip and other evidences of indebtedness by the state controller and the penalty therefor, by providing that a violation constitutes a gross misdemeanor; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 77–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe), and Pozzi (by request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 2, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 141.070 relating to the incapacity of executors and administrators of estates of deceased persons and bonds required of administrators appointed by the court. Assembly Bill No. 68–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe), and Pozzi (by request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 2, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 71.030, relating to taking a defendant before a justice of the peace immediately upon arrest, by providing that if the justice who made the order to arrest is absent, unable to try the action, or is a material witness, the defendant shall immediately be taken before the justice of another township. Assembly Bill No. 62–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe) and Pozzi (by request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 2, 1959



AN ACT to repeal NRS sections 587.120 and 587.320, relating to annual appropriations for the administration of the agricultural products and seeds law. Assembly Bill No. 100–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe) and Pozzi (by request of the Legislative Commission).  Approved March 3, 1959



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act to incorporate the Town of Reno, in Washoe County, and defining the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishing of a city government therefor, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 16, 1903, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 171–Washoe County Delegation.  Approved March 3, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 408.535, relating to the description and designation of Nevada highway Route 30, by changing its location. Senate Bill No. 10–Senator Monroe.  Approved March 3, 1959



AN ACT designating certain real property situated in Virginia City, Nevada, and conveyed to the State of Nevada in 1937, for use as a roadside park under the jurisdiction of the department of highways. Senate Bill No. 109–Committee on State and County Affairs.  Approved March 3, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 684.300 and 684.310 relating to grounds for and hearings on the suspension, revocation and refusal to renew licenses of insurance brokers, agents and solicitors. Senate Bill No. 112–Committee on Banks, Banking and Corporations (By request of the Insurance Commissioner).  Approved March 3, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 684.240 relating to examination fees of nonresident insurance brokers. Senate Bill No. 114–Committee on Banks, Banking and Corporations (By request of the Insurance Commissioner).  Approved March 3, 1959



AN ACT to direct the legislative commission to cause a study of the fiscal affairs of the state and local governmental subdivisions to be undertaken; defining the scope of such study; providing for the creation and appointment of a special committee on taxation and fiscal affairs and an executive committee of such committee; providing for the appointment, compensation, powers and duties of a project director; making an appropriation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 97–Committee on Taxation.  Approved March 3, 1959



AN ACT making a supplemental appropriation for the support of the 1959 session of the Nevada legislature. Senate Bill No. 240–Committee on Finance.  Approved March 3, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 673 of NRS, relating to building and loan and savings and loan associations, by restricting the power of such organizations to make loans; to amend NRS sections 673.080, 673.170, 673.250, 673.410 and 673.590, relating to the issuance of licenses, permits and certificates to operate as building and loan and savings and loan associations and to transfer permanent stock, to deposits of money or securities by such associations, to conflict of laws, and to the procedure for delivering assets to permanent stockholders, by eliminating inconsistencies in language; by providing for publication of five notices of meetings of stockholders over a 30-day period; to repeal NRS section 673.400, relating to restrictions on loans; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 27–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 3, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 682.520, relating to excessive commissions and unlawful investments by domestic insurance companies and the penalties provided for unlawful acts of certain directors and officers of such companies, by amending the language and providing place of imprisonment. Senate Bill No. 117–Committee on Banks, Banking and Corporations (By request of the Insurance Commissioner).  Approved March 4, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 78.175, 78.180, 80.160 and 80.170, relating to penalties imposed on domestic and foreign corporations upon delinquency in payment of filing fees and the reinstatement of such corporations upon payment of such fees, by deleting provisions relating to the duties of the governor and providing that the secretary of state assume such duties. Senate Bill No. 77–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Legislative Commission).  Approved March 4, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 695.070 relating to the appraisal of real property securing mortgages, trust deeds deposited with the state treasurer by title insurance companies, and the qualifications and compensation of appraisers. Senate Bill No. 118–Committee on Banks, Banking and Corporations (By request of the Insurance Commissioner).  Approved March 4, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 684.360, relating to penalties for violation of law governing insurance brokers, agents and solicitors, and NRS section 694.380, relating to regulation of rates, by increasing the minimum fine, and by giving the commissioner of insurance discretion to refer violations to the district attorneys. Senate Bill No. 125–Committee on Banks, Banking and Corporations (By request of the Insurance Commissioner).  Approved March 4, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 388.120, relating to schools observing by appropriate exercises certain days, by clarifying language contained therein. Senate Bill No. 133–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 4, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 493.180 and 493.190, relating to the posting and inspection of airman and aircraft licenses and the powers and duties of the state aeronautics commission and state and municipal officers, by deleting references to nonexistent commission. Senate Bill No. 135–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 4, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 160.090 relating to the appointment and bonds of guardians under the Uniform Veterans’ Guardianship Act. Assembly Bill No. 30–Mr. Bissett.  Approved March 4, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 454.010, 454.020 and 454.070, relating to definitions and classification of certain poisons and to labeling required prior to sale of such poisons, by requiring a caution label on carbon tetrachloride products; by prescribing the form of label; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 185–Mr. Bleak.  Approved March 4, 1959



AN ACT providing for the construction, furnishings and equipment of additional portions of a ward building unit at the Nevada state hospital, and making an appropriation therefor; defining certain duties of the state planning board, the superintendent of the Nevada state hospital and the attorney general; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 211–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved March 4, 1959



AN ACT authorizing Storey County, State of Nevada, to establish, construct, otherwise acquire, reconstruct, improve, extend or better, a firehouse, and improvements incidental thereto, to equip and furnish the same, and to acquire a suitable site or grounds therefor; concerning the issuance of bonds therefor in not to exceed the aggregate principal amount of $100,000 and the levy of taxes in connection therewith; prescribing other details concerning such bonds and such taxes; and concerning other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 246–Mr. Nevin.  Approved March 4, 1959



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act incorporating the city of Gabbs, in Nye County, Nevada, and defining the boundaries thereof; authorizing the establishment of a city government therefor; and other matters properly relating thereto,” approved March 29, 1955, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 260–Nye County Delegation.  Approved March 4, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 361 of NRS, relating to property tax, by creating a new provision authorizing hearings before the state board of equalization protesting assessments resulting from property valuations fixed by the Nevada tax commission. Assembly Bill No. 181–Messrs. Bastian and Swackhamer.  Approved March 4, 1959



AN ACT to repeal NRS section 496.190 relating to the authority of the state aeronautics commission to accept and disburse money. Senate Bill No. 136–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 4, 1959



AN ACT to amend Title 34 of NRS relating to education by creating a new chapter relating to the Western Regional Higher Education Compact; by authorizing its execution by the governor; by stating the form and contents of such compact; by providing for the number, appointment, qualifications, compensation and terms of commissioners from the State of Nevada, the procedure for their removal from office and the filling of vacancies; by imposing certain duties upon state officers in connection with such compact; by requiring the commissioners to keep accurate accounts and to make reports; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 18–Messrs. Pozzi and Bailey.  Approved March 4, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 387.125, relating to the apportionment of the state distributive school fund, by changing the method of computing the minimum yearly requirements of school districts by deleting certain provisions relating to the costs of transportation of pupils. Assembly Bill No. 24–Messrs. Giomi and Rowntree.  Approved March 4, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 396.040, relating to the election and terms of office of members of the board of regents of the University of Nevada and the division of the state into districts for their election, by providing that members of the board of regents of the University of Nevada shall be elected by qualified electors within districts rather than at large within the state; by deleting temporary language; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 174–Messrs. Pozzi, Young and Hunter.  Approved March 4, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 301.050 and 301.080, relating to the duties of county clerks with respect to applicants for mailing ballots and to the preparation, posting and delivery of lists of voters, by deleting a provision requiring county clerks to forward, by registered mail, ballots and other voting material to voters in mailing districts; and by requiring county clerks to prepare the list of voters on election day. Senate Bill No. 4–Senator Monroe.  Approved March 5, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 278.110, relating to chairmen, employees and expenses of regional planning commissions, by providing that funds made available through grant or gift may be used in paying expenses. Assembly Bill No. 4–Mr. Humphrey (Washoe).  Approved March 5, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 255 of NRS, relating to county surveyors, by creating a new provision requiring county surveyors elected or appointed after July 1, 1959, to be licensed as registered land surveyors. Assembly Bill No. 29–Miss Herr, Messrs. Dieleman and Gibson.  Approved March 5, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 284.360, relating to leaves of absence without pay for state employees, by allowing the board of regents of the University of Nevada to grant leaves of absence without pay under certain conditions to any member of the academic staff of the University of Nevada. Assembly Bill No. 95–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe) Humphrey (Washoe), and Pozzi (by request of the Legislative Commission).  Approved March 5, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 504.220, 504.230 and 504.320 relating to the establishment of private breeding grounds and private noncommercial breeding grounds for the propagation, culture and maintenance of game animals, game birds and fur-bearing animals and commercial or private shooting preserves; to amend chapter 504 of NRS relating to hatcheries, refuges and preserves, camps and cooperative game management areas by creating new provisions empowering the state board of fish and game commissioners to regulate hunting and fishing in wildlife management areas and declaring the public policy of the state and to regulate the use, access and occupancy of wildlife management areas owned, leased or controlled by the state board of fish and game commissioners; by providing penalties; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 111–Mr. Parks (by request).  Approved March 5, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 616 of NRS relating to industrial insurance by creating a new provision relating to industrial insurance coverage of members of the state board of fish and game commissioners and the county game management boards. Assembly Bill No. 112–Mr. Parks (by request).  Approved March 5, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 502 of NRS, relating to fishing, hunting and trapping licenses, tags and permits, by creating a new provision changing the dates of issuance of fishing, hunting and trapping licenses by the state board of fish and game commissioners; to amend NRS sections 502.030 and 502.110 relating to the form of fishing, hunting and trapping licenses and the issuance of additional licenses after loss or destruction of previously issued licenses; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 116–Mr. Parks (by request).  Approved March 5, 1959



AN ACT to repeal chapter 429 of NRS, relating to aid to expectant mothers. Assembly Bill No. 129–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe) and Pozzi (by request of the Legislative Commission).  Approved March 5, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 361.085, relating to the exemption of totally blind persons from payment of property tax, by defining the term “totally blind persons” and providing for proof of blindness. Assembly Bill No. 160–Miss Herr.  Approved March 5, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 366.380, relating to monthly reports and remittances made by special fuel users, by providing that such reports and remittances be made to the department of motor vehicles. Assembly Bill No. 189–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe) and Pozzi (by request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 5, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 315.790, 324.030, 341.020 to 341.040, inclusive, 390.060, 414.050, 439.030 to 439.050, inclusive, 522.030 and 539.637, relating to the membership, terms of members and vacancies on certain boards, commissions and councils, by removing the governor and attorney general from membership thereon, and providing for new members to replace them; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 201–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe) and Pozzi (by request of the Legislative Commission).  Approved March 5, 1959



AN ACT to authorize and direct the state land register to convey, by quitclaim deed, certain real property situated in Washoe County, to the Marlette Lake Company, without consideration. Assembly Bill No. 205–Mr. Evans.  Approved March 5, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 504 of NRS, relating to fish hatcheries, game refuges and preserves, camps and cooperative game management areas, by exempting commercial mink farmers from the provisions of NRS 504.220 to 504.290, inclusive, relating to private breeding grounds and the regulation and establishment thereof. Assembly Bill No. 230–Mr. Fitz (by request).  Approved March 5, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 483.380, relating to expiration and renewal of licenses to operate motor vehicles, by clarifying the term of a license renewed after expiration. Assembly Bill No. 132–Mr. Pozzi.  Approved March 5, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 111.200, relating to limitations on terms of leases, by deleting limitations concerning lands containing mineral or nonmetallic deposits. Senate Bill No. 9–Senator Monroe.  Approved March 5, 1959



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act fixing the compensation of the county officers of Lander County, Nevada, regulating the employment and compensation of deputies and other employees of said officers, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith,” approved March 13, 1953, as amended. Senate Bill No. 169–Senator Lauritzen.  Approved March 5, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 309.160, 309.180, 309.230, 309.250 and 309.300, relating to local improvement districts, their power to incur debts and liabilities, required approval of improvements by the irrigation district bond commission, sale of bonds, the creation and transfer of funds and annual levies of assessments, by correcting the improper designation of the irrigation district bond commission in such sections; and other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 83–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe), and Pozzi (by request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 5, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 268 of NRS, relating to powers and duties common to cities and towns incorporated under general or special laws; to amend chapter 439 of NRS, relating to the administration of public health, and to amend NRS sections 439.370 to 439.410, inclusive, relating to the creation, composition, powers and duties of district boards of health and district health departments, and to the qualification, appointment and compensation of members of district boards of health, by authorizing the governing bodies of cities and towns to unite with other cities and towns or with the county within which they are located to establish local health districts and health departments; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 243–Messrs. Schouweiler and Dyer.  Approved March 5, 1959



AN ACT appropriating the sum of $35,000 for the purpose of conducting, in cooperation with state and federal agencies, a program of research and investigation of the inflow and outflow of water in that segment of the Humboldt River between the gaging stations of Rose Creek and Comus, together with the Little Humboldt River and other tributaries; providing for planning the utilization of the land and water resources of the area as economically justified and determined to be in the interest of the general health and welfare of the area; providing for the publication of reports; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 258–Messrs. Knisley, Young, Hunter, Ramsey, Pasquale, Swackhamer, Murphy and Buckingham.  Approved March 5, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 311.280 relating to the applicability of chapter 350 of NRS, which relates to county, city and district bonds, to chapter 311 of NRS, which relates to water and sanitation districts, by providing that the provisions of chapter 316 of NRS are implementary to NRS sections 350.080 to 350.200, inclusive. Senate Bill No. 21–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 316.290, relating to the applicability of chapter 350 of NRS, which relates to county, city and district bonds, to chapter 316 of NRS, which relates to swimming pool districts, by providing that the provisions of chapter 316 of NRS are implementary to NRS sections 350.080 to 350.200, inclusive. Senate Bill No. 22–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 385.390 relating to the duties of deputy superintendents of public instruction at teachers’ examinations by deleting reference to a nonexistent board of examiners. Senate Bill No. 23–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 235 of NRS, relating to the official state seal, flag, song and tree, by creating a new provision adopting sagebrush as the official state emblem; to amend NRS sections 235.030 and 235.040, relating to the state song and the state tree, by simplifying language therein. Senate Bill No. 24–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 244.145, 244.295 and 244.325, relating to county election precincts, inventories of county property and county commissioner’s interest in official contracts, by correctly designating election officials, deleting provisions requiring certain officers to make and file inventories, and providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 25–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 266.025, relating to the decree of district courts incorporating cities or towns, by deleting reference to judges of elections and substituting proper designation. Senate Bill No. 26–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 612.630 and 612.645, relating to procedure for recovery from an employer who defaults in payment of unemployment compensation contributions, by correcting the name of a service within the employment security department. Senate Bill No. 28–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 245.080, 245.090 and 245.100, relating to unlawful interests in contracts and purchases of warrants, scrip and other evidences of indebtedness by county officers and the penalties therefor, by changing and clarifying the penalty provisions. Senate Bill No. 29–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 268.330, 268.340, 268.360 and 268.370, relating to unlawful interests in contracts and purchases of evidences of indebtedness by city officers and the penalties therefor, by changing and clarifying the penalty provisions. Senate Bill No. 30–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 361 of NRS, relating to property tax, by adding a new provision specifying the dates when taxes on the secured roll are due and by providing penalties for property tax delinquencies; to amend NRS sections 361.480 and 361.505, relating to notice to taxpayers, payment of taxes in quarterly installments, collection of personal property taxes and the tax rate, by prescribing the contents of the notice to be published or posted by the tax receiver; by deleting a provision relating to the refund of tax when the levy for the current year is less than that for the preceding year; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 32–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 268.070, relating to city printing, by excepting city bonds and other evidences of indebtedness from the requirement of printing by a newspaper or commercial printing establishment within the state. Senate Bill No. 33–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 370.170 and 370.350, relating to cigarette use tax and revenue stamps, by clarifying provisions relating to the imposition of tax on packages containing over 50 cigarettes. Senate Bill No. 34–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 424.080, relating to the transfer of parental rights and duties, by providing that a parent may not voluntarily assign or transfer his rights and duties with respect to a female child under 18 years of age, or a male child under 21 years of age, except in adoption proceedings or when parental rights and duties have been terminated by court order. Senate Bill No. 35–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 516.050, relating to the procedure for acquiring title to mineral land by prospectors, by substituting citations therein. Senate Bill No. 38–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 520.110, relating to the right of a stockholder to inspect mining property, by providing that the person in charge of the mining property shall admit, on certain days, authorized stockholders to examine such property; and by clarifying time limitations; to repeal NRS sections 520.080 to 520.100, inclusive, relating to the consolidation of mining corporations; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 39–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 540.580 and 540.590, relating to the power of boards of directors and officers of drainage districts to incur debts, by clarifying certain provisions relating to limits of the borrowing power of such boards and officers in cases of great necessity or emergency. Senate Bill No. 40–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 252.120 and 252.190, relating to district attorneys appearing as counsel against the state and to punishment of district attorneys for neglect of duty or misdemeanors in office, by providing that a district attorney who appears as counsel against the state or county shall be disbarred by the supreme court; by deleting the provision that fines shall be paid into the county treasury for county purposes; and by correcting a grammatical error. Senate Bill No. 41–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 673.060, relating to the use and transfer of moneys in the building and loan fund, by deleting the requirement that all moneys in the fund in excess of $1,000 at the close of any fiscal year shall be transferred to the general fund of the state, and by correcting a grammatical error. Senate Bill No. 66–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Legislative Commission).  Approved March 6, 1959



AN ACT appropriating $20,000 to the Nevada state museum to acquire furnishings, partitions, exhibit cases, equipment, electrical devices and fixtures for the new annex to the Nevada state museum mint building. Senate Bill No. 101–Senator Dial.  Approved March 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act incorporating the City of Caliente, in Lincoln County, Nevada, and defining the boundaries thereof; authorizing the establishment of a city government therefor if a majority of the electors thereof approve this act; establishing the procedure for such approval or rejection; and other matters properly relating thereto,” approved March 28, 1957. Assembly Bill No. 207–Messrs. Bastian and Bleak.  Approved March 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 234 of NRS, relating to state boundaries, by creating the Colorado River boundary commission of Nevada; providing for the members and officers thereof, their appointment, terms of office, compensation and expenses; defining the powers and duties of the commission and certain officers; providing an appropriation therefor; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 104–Senator Brown.  Approved March 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 267.010, 267.020, 267.030, 267.040, 267.050, 267.060, 267.070, 267.080, 267.090, 267.100, 267.110, 267.120, 267.130 and 267.140, relating to the commission form of city government in the State of Nevada, by authorizing the “council-manager” type of municipal government in incorporated cities, and the incorporation of unincorporated towns and unincorporated areas in the state under the commission form of municipal government; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 212–Mr. Dieleman.  Approved March 6, 1959



AN ACT providing an additional and supplemental appropriation for the support of the Nevada school of industry for the biennium ending June 30, 1959. Assembly Bill No. 307–Mr. Evans.  Approved March 6, 1959



AN ACT ratifying, approving and confirming all action heretofore taken by the board of county hospital trustees, Pershing County, Nevada, by the board of county commissioners of Pershing County, Nevada, and by the officers of Pershing County, Nevada, in submitting at the primary election held in Pershing County on September 2, 1958, the question of issuing the bonds of Pershing County in the principal amount of $400,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, and in conducting the election and canvassing the returns thereof; determining that the election resulted in the authorization of the bonds; and authorizing the board of county commissioners of Pershing County to issue and deliver the bonds. Assembly Bill No. 322–Mr. Knisley.  Approved March 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 426.420, relating to the issuance of an order for and the amount and payment of aid to the blind, by providing for an increase in the amount allowed. Assembly Bill No. 36–Miss Herr.  Approved March 10, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 387.160, relating to the state school construction relief fund, by providing that such fund shall consist of moneys appropriated by direct legislative appropriation in addition to funds derived from bond issues; and to appropriate $29,480 from the general fund to the state school construction relief fund. Assembly Bill No. 120–Messrs. Pozzi and Waters.  Approved March 10, 1959



AN ACT appropriating $16,016 to the state department of conservation and natural resources to be used for the purpose of adjudicating rights in the waters of streams and stream systems. Assembly Bill No. 228–Mr. Knisley.  Approved March 10, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 100.020, relating to preferred labor claims upon levy of attachment or execution, by changing the amount of the preferred claims of certain employees to conform to legislative intent expressed in prior amendment to law relating to preferred labor claims in case of assignment for creditors. Assembly Bill No. 60–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe) and Pozzi (by request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 10, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapters 281 and 338 of NRS, relating to general provisions as to public offices and employees and wages, hours and employment on public works, by creating a new provision in each chapter prohibiting discrimination because of race, color, creed, national origin or sex, and providing a penalty for such discrimination in public works; to repeal NRS sections 281.070 and 338.120, relating to the prohibition against the employment of Chinese or Mongolians by the state or on public works. Assembly Bill No. 122–Misses Frazier, Herr, Messrs. Dieleman, Bunker. Gibson, Christensen (Clark), Harmon and Leavitt.  Approved March 10, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 612.050, defining the word “dependent” as used in the Unemployment Compensation Law, to include grandchildren. Assembly Bill No. 239–Mr. Ryan.  Approved March 10, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 266.680, relating to costs of and limitations on special assessments by cities for public improvements, by raising the limitation on the amount of such assessment which may be assessed against any lot or premises from 50 percent of the assessed valuation of such property to 100 percent thereof. Assembly Bill No. 268–Mr. Dyer.  Approved March 10, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 533.280, relating to the preparation and contents of annual budgets by the state engineer for stream systems and water districts, by adding a limitation that when a stream system irrigates more than 200,000 acres of land the assessment for water distribution expenses shall not exceed a certain sum. Senate Bill No. 147–Senators Black, Lauritzen, McGowan, Monroe and Murray.  Approved March 10, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 472.030, relating to the state board of forestry and fire control, its members and their terms and duties, by increasing the membership of the board and replacing the member representing users of beneficial waters with a member interested in fish and wildlife, providing terms for new members, and providing for a change in the dates of meetings of such board. Senate Bill No. 158–Committee on Federal Affairs.  Approved March 10, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 472.040, relating to the powers and duties of the state forester firewarden, by allowing him to purchase or accept real property for experimental or demonstration purposes. Senate Bill No. 179–Senator Echeverria.  Approved March 10, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 354.410, 354.420, 354.440, 354.450, 354.460, 547.070 and 547.090, relating to temporary emergency loans by cities, towns, school districts and other districts, and the fiscal year and powers of agricultural associations, by permitting agricultural associations to make temporary emergency loans, issue negotiable notes and bonds as evidence thereof, transfer funds to meet emergencies, and to levy an emergency tax; by amending a definition and fiscal year dates; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 202–Senator Gallagher.  Approved March 10, 1959



AN ACT authorizing the purchase of certain books by the Supreme Court of the State of Nevada, and making an appropriation therefor. Senate Bill No. 211–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 10, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 209.040, 209.130 and 209.260, relating to the powers of the board of state prison commissioners and warden of the Nevada state prison, and the classification, separation and clothing of prisoners, by providing that prison employees shall be appointed pursuant to the state personnel and merit system and by deleting the provision requiring prisoners of the third grade to wear certain clothing. Assembly Bill No. 42–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe), and Pozzi (by request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 11, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 426.520 and 426.550, relating to services to the blind, by changing the name of the state bureau of vocational rehabilitation for the blind; and to amend NRS sections 426.450 and 426.610 relating to judicial review of administrative decisions respecting aid and services to the blind. Assembly Bill No. 316–Miss Herr.  Approved March 11, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 205.460, relating to the use of false identification cards by minors by providing that a demand of proof of age by a defendant licensee, his agent or employee is a defense in criminal prosecutions or proceedings for the suspension or revocation of alcoholic liquor licenses and gambling licenses for the illegal furnishing of alcoholic liquor to persons under the age of 21 years or for allowing persons under the age of 21 years to enter a gambling establishment or engage in gambling in such gambling establishment; by changing “minor” to “person under the age of 21 years”; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 214–Miss Herr (by request).  Approved March 11, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 316.080 and 316.250, relating to swimming pool district organizational elections, indebtedness, petitions and hearings, by amending and correcting terminology. Assembly Bill No. 193–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe), and Pozzi (by request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 11, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 311.070, 311.120, 311.240 and 311.370, relating to water and sanitation district organization, reorganization, indebtedness, elections, petitions and hearings, by providing that two members of water and sanitation district’s board of directors shall, upon election, serve until the first biennial election, and three until the second biennial election; by limiting terms of members to 4 years; by preserving existing terms; by amending terminology; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 192–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe), and Pozzi (by request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 11, 1959



AN ACT to repeal NRS section 707.330 requiring telephone companies or corporations to install necessary instruments and appliances and furnish service on application of certain owners of real property or occupants of buildings and premises, and providing for the payment of liquidated damages to such applicants for a company’s refusal or neglect to install instruments and appliances and furnish service. Assembly Bill No. 156–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 11, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 108.540 and 108.550, relating to animal and agistors’ liens, by providing that a person furnishing feed, pasture or board to any animal or animals has a lien for the cost thereof; by providing penalties for the removal of such animal or animals without payment of such cost; by providing for the foreclosure of the lien by sale, the procedure for obtaining a sale and the disposition of the proceeds; by providing for the vesting of title to such animal or animals; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 109–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe), and Pozzi (by request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 11, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 331.060, relating to employees of the superintendent of the state department of buildings and grounds, by deleting provisions relating to the transfer, dismissal and separation of such employees. Assembly Bill No. 82–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe), and Pozzi (by request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 11, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 286.040, 286.070, 286.250, 286.320, 286.420, 286.500 and 286.520, relating to public employees’ retirement definitions, revolving fund, hours of service, military service, deductions and return to employment, by changing definitions; increasing the amount in the public employees’ retirement board revolving fund; changing the amount of service required to allow an employee to become or remain a member of the system; fixing dates during which a member of the Armed Forces may receive credit toward retirement; changing the time when deductions from employees’ salaries may be made; providing for notice of return to employment and forfeiture and suspension of retirement benefits; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 105–Mr. Bailey.  Approved March 11, 1959



AN ACT providing a procedure for participation of the state, counties, cities and public districts with the United States in flood control projects, and in a particular project on the Truckee River; creating the flood control fund; appropriating $250,000 thereto; apportioning costs among the state and political subdivisions; providing for reimbursement of the fund; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 300–Messrs. Humphrey (Washoe) and Nevin.  Approved March 12, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 218.060, relating to Clark County assembly districts and the election of Clark County assemblymen, by providing that Clark County assemblymen shall be elected at large from within the assembly district wherein they reside; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 5–Misses Frazier, Herr, Messrs. Gibson, Bunker, Dieleman, Christensen (Clark), Ryan and Leavitt.  Approved March 13, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 353.265, relating to the expenditure of money by the state board of examiners in certain emergencies, by authorizing the state board of examiners to declare an emergency without applying specific standards and in the absence of certain specific circumstances. Assembly Bill No. 84–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe) and Pozzi (by request of the Legislative Commission).  Approved March 13, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 616 of NRS, relating to industrial insurance, by creating a new provision relating to industrial insurance coverage for members of state departments, boards, commissions, agencies and bureaus, who serve without compensation; by providing the method for payment of premiums under such circumstances; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 130–Messrs. Jepson and Christensen (Washoe).  Approved March 13, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 426 of NRS, relating to benefits and privileges for blind persons, by creating new provisions relating to establishment and operation of vending stands on public property by blind persons; and to amend NRS section 331.100 relating to powers and duties of the superintendent of the state department of buildings and grounds with respect to vending machines. Assembly Bill No. 170–Miss Herr.  Approved March 13, 1959



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act incorporating the city of Gabbs, in Nye County, Nevada, and defining the boundaries thereof; authorizing the establishment of a city government therefor; and other matters properly relating thereto,” approved March 29, 1955, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 208–Nye County Delegation.  Approved March 13, 1959



AN ACT providing an additional and supplemental appropriation for the general support of the Nevada state hospital for the biennium ending June 30, 1959. Assembly Bill No. 210–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved March 13, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 674.150, 674.170 and 674.360, relating to small loan license fees, disposition of fees and charges, and enforcement of out-of-state loans, by increasing the annual license fee, providing for payment into the general fund of fees and charges, and by increasing the amount of loans unenforcible in this state. Assembly Bill No. 262–Mr. Bissett.  Approved March 13, 1959



AN ACT to repeal chapter 572 of NRS relating to livestock transportation, permits and inspection. Assembly Bill No. 269–Messrs. Berrum and Young.  Approved March 13, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 564.020 and 564.050, relating to brands and marks and the recording of brands and marks, by prohibiting certain earmarks on the ears of horses, mules, asses, cattle and hogs. Assembly Bill No. 272–Messrs. Berrum and Young.  Approved March 13, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 378.080, relating to the powers and duties of the state librarian, by allowing the state librarian to render financial assistance to free public libraries within the state, and technical assistance to any library seeking same. Assembly Bill No. 278–Committee on State Libraries.  Approved March 13, 1959



AN ACT appropriating the sum of $2,000 from the stock inspection fund in the state treasury for deposit in the state board of stock commissioners revolving fund. Assembly Bill No. 281–Messrs. Berrum and Young.  Approved March 13, 1959



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act fixing the compensation of certain officers in Nye county, and other matters properly relating thereto; and repealing certain acts and parts of acts,” approved February 26, 1953, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 287–Nye County Delegation.  Approved March 13, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 562.170 relating to the levy and collection of taxes on sheep and goats for the benefit of the sheep inspection fund by increasing the limit of the tax rate; to amend NRS section 562.210, relating to expenditures from the sheep inspection fund for the promotion, protection of sheep interests by associations, organizations, by increasing the limit of authorized expenditures from the sheep inspection fund by the state board of sheep commissioners. Assembly Bill No. 309–Committee on Livestock.  Approved March 13, 1959



AN ACT providing an additional and supplemental appropriation for the support of the state board of examiners for the biennium ending June 30, 1959. Assembly Bill No. 323–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved March 13, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 423.150, relating to the age limitation on the admission of children to the Nevada state children’s home, by changing the maximum age limitation from 14 years of age to 16 years of age in the case of male whole orphans, and to 18 years of age in the case of female whole orphans. Senate Bill No. 37–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 13, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 292.100, relating to the loss of residency of an elector upon removal from the county or precinct, by correcting a grammatical error. Senate Bill No. 42–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 13, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 296.090, relating to vacancies on election boards, by correcting a grammatical error; to repeal NRS sections 296.555 to 296.570, inclusive, relating to actions against persons unlawfully holding public office. Senate Bill No. 43–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 13, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 325.100, relating to the expenses of a survey of a townsite located on public lands, by providing that claimants shall pay the costs of the survey. Senate Bill No. 44–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 13, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 635.170, relating to enforcement and prosecution under the law relating to chiropody, by substituting the appropriate district attorney for the attorney general as the prosecutor of persons who violate such law. Senate Bill No. 47–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 13, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 705.440, relating to illegal rates and charges of railroads and the penalties therefor, by deleting unnecessary wording and correcting grammatical errors. Senate Bill No. 48–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 13, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 248.160, relating to the liability of a sheriff for money held by him after the demand of the person entitled thereto, by providing that the sheriff shall be liable to such person for interest at the rate of 7 percent per annum on such money. Senate Bill No. 49–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 13, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 517.240, relating to filing, contents and time for recordation of affidavit and notice to a delinquent coowner of a mining claim, by extending the time for recordation of notice and affidavit when the notice is given by publication. Senate Bill No. 51–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 13, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 628.020 and 628.050, relating to the state board of accountancy, by eliminating the requirement that the board report to the secretary of state and providing that members of the board hold certificates of qualification to practice as certified public accountants, and by correcting a typographical error. Senate Bill No. 67–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Legislative Commission).  Approved March 13, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 686 of NRS, relating to prohibited insurance practices, by providing for revocation or suspension of Nevada insurance licenses upon proof of unfair practices in another state. Senate Bill No. 126–Committee on Banks, Banking and Corporations (By request of Insurance Commissioner).  Approved March 13, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 454.100, relating to the labeling of bottles and containers for certain poisons, by requiring that any antidote therefor be legibly printed on the poison label or otherwise attached to the bottle or container. Senate Bill No. 155–Committee on Public Health (by request).  Approved March 13, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 639.110 relating to the compounding and dispensing of emergency drug prescriptions. Senate Bill No. 156–Committee on Public Health (by request).  Approved March 13, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 632.290 and 632.430 relating to renewals of licenses of practical nurses and standards, curricula and accreditation of schools of practical nursing; to amend chapter 632 of NRS relating to nursing by creating a new provision relating to the reinstatement of lapsed licenses of practical nurses; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 187–Committee on Public Health (by request).  Approved March 13, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 356.200, relating to the depositing of county money in banks by county officers other than county treasurers, by substituting the department of motor vehicles for motor vehicle division of the public service commission of Nevada. Senate Bill No. 45–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 14, 1959



AN ACT authorizing the State of Nevada to purchase water rights lying and being in the county of Ormsby belonging to the Virginia and Truckee Railway, a Nevada corporation, creating a fund, and making an appropriation of $15,000. Senate Bill No. 78–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of Legislative Commission).  Approved March 14, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 354.060, 354.260, 354.320 and 354.400, relating to unlawful expenditures of money by officials and governing boards of political subdivisions, to the creation and duties of county boards of examiners, to penalties, and to the duty of county auditors to remit an annual statement to the state controller, by permitting officials and governing boards of political subdivisions to purchase comprehensive general liability policies of insurance, which provide for an audit at the termination thereof, without funds specially set aside therefor; by prescribing the penalty for failure of county boards of examiners to fulfill their duties; by changing a date to conform to the fiscal year calendar; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 137–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 14, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 232 of NRS, relating to the state department of conservation and natural resources, by allowing the director of the department to accept, with the approval of the governor, gifts, devises, bequests or grants of property, by requiring the deposit of any funds received in the state department of conservation and natural resources cooperative fund; and by creating such fund; by authorizing a charge for printed matter distributed by the department, and providing for the disposition of such proceeds; to amend NRS section 232.070, relating to the powers and duties of the director, by allowing him, with the approval of the governor, to enter into cooperative agreements in connection with studies related to the development or conservation of natural resources and requiring him to make reports and recommendations to the governor. Senate Bill No. 153–Committee on Agriculture and Irrigation.  Approved March 14, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 640.110, 640.170 and 640.210, relating to physical therapists’ certificates of registration and unauthorized use of symbols by nonregistered physical therapists and penalties therefor, by enumerating certain symbols and providing for injunctive relief under certain circumstances; to repeal NRS section 640.200 relating to physical therapy practice by unregistered persons; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 38–Mr. Schouweiler and Miss Herr.  Approved March 14, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 125.290 and 125.300 relating to void and voidable marriages; to amend NRS section 201.010 relating to the crime of abduction of a woman for marriage or defilement and declaring such marriage void; and other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 72–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe), and Pozzi (by request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 14, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 396.800, relating to University of Nevada Alumni Association, by eliminating the requirement that the University of Nevada Alumni Association be under the supervision of the board of regents. Assembly Bill No. 88–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe), and Pozzi (by request of the Legislative Commission).  Approved March 14, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 281 of NRS, relating to public offices and officers generally, by adding a new section providing that public officers may be paid only one salary for all services rendered to the state, except for salaries for ex officio duties. Assembly Bill No. 127–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe), and Pozzi (by request of the Legislative Commission).  Approved March 14, 1959



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act to incorporate the town of Elko, in Elko County, and defining the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishing of a city government therefor, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 14, 1917, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 166–Elko County Delegation.  Approved March 14, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 484.010, relating to vehicle accidents involving persons or vehicles containing persons and requiring the driver to give information and render aid, by changing the penalty for violation of such section from a gross misdemeanor to a felony under certain circumstances. Assembly Bill No. 175–Mr. Nevin.  Approved March 14, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 707.220 and 707.260, relating to telegraphic copies of warrants of arrest and to the posting and collection of telegraph rates, by providing that a warrant of arrest issued upon an information may be sent by telegraph to a peace officer, and by clarifying the penalty provision of the law relating to the unlawful collection of excessive telegraph rates; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 190–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe), and Pozzi (by request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 14, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 693.110, relating to the control of assets under suretyship agreement, by providing that such agreement be governed by the law relating to agreements between principals and sureties for the control of assets. Assembly Bill No. 191–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe), and Pozzi (by request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 14, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 616.585, 616.590, 616.605 and 616.620, relating to compensation for temporary total disability, compensation and determination of permanent partial disability, and lump sum payments for disabilities under the Nevada Industrial Insurance Act, by increasing compensation for temporary total disability, increasing compensation for the loss of eyes and sight and other cases of permanent partial disability, by increasing the amount of lump sum payments which may be paid; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 202–Mr. Ryan.  Approved March 14, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 617.420, relating to the minimum duration of incapacity from an occupational disease without compensation, by providing that medical benefits shall be paid from the date of application for payment of medical benefits. Assembly Bill No. 203–Mr. Ryan.  Approved March 14, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 391.180, relating to payment of salaries of teachers and other employees of school districts, and absences with compensation, by increasing the number of days permitted for absence with compensation. Assembly Bill No. 213–Messrs. Buckingham, Bailey, Revert, Pasquale, Dyer and Miss Frazier.  Approved March 14, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 573.030, relating to bonds of applicants and licensees of public livestock auctions, by increasing the amounts of such bonds; to amend chapter 573 of NRS, relating to public livestock auctions, by adding a new section requiring each operator of a public livestock auction to give a receipt to each purchaser; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 282–Messrs. Young and Berrum.  Approved March 14, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 353.090, 353.185, 353.205, 353.210, 353.220, 353.230 and 353.240, relating to procedure for payment of claims against the state when legislative appropriation has been made and to procedure and contents of the state budget, by eliminating the requirements that approved claims shall be published monthly and that the governor shall transmit to the state treasurer copies of department allotment revision requests; by requiring annual preparation of state budget; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 306–Mr. Christensen (Clark).  Approved March 14, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 19.150, relating to the fees of the county clerk of Elko County, Nevada, by increasing the filing fee for a civil action. Assembly Bill No. 312–Elko County Delegation.  Approved March 14, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 482.290, relating to new motor numbers, by providing for the assignment of vehicle identification numbers instead of motor numbers when identification numbers are destroyed or obliterated; by providing for the collection of fees; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 317–Messrs. Humphrey (Washoe) and Bailey.  Approved March 14, 1959



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act to incorporate the town of Wells, in Elko County, and defining the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishing of a city government therefor, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 24, 1927, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 342–Messrs. Evans and Murphy (by request).  Approved March 14, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 408 of NRS, relating to the highways and roads law, by describing a route to be designated as Route 90; and by adding such route to the state highway system. Assembly Bill No. 370–Mr. Revert.  Approved March 14, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 171.040 relating to the jurisdiction of public offenses committed within the state on trains and common carriers by adding provisions relating to aircraft. Assembly Bill No. 69–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe), and Pozzi (by request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 16, 1959



AN ACT to repeal NRS sections 122.180 and 122.190 relating to unlawful miscegenetic marriages and providing punishments for persons solemnizing miscegenetic marriages; to amend NRS section 207.080, relating to the definition of a “convicted person” in the requirements of registration and fingerprinting of convicted persons, by deleting references to NRS sections 122.180, 122.190 and 201.240; and to repeal NRS section 201.240 relating to unlawful cohabitation and fornication between certain races. Senate Bill No. 19–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 16, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 393.210, relating to school district printing, by excepting school district bonds and other evidences of indebtedness from the requirement of printing by a newspaper or commercial printing establishment within the state. Senate Bill No. 52–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 16, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 269.150, relating to town printing, by excepting town bonds and other evidences of indebtedness from the requirement of printing by a newspaper or commercial printing establishment within the state. Senate Bill No. 53–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 16, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 244.330, relating to county printing, by excepting county bonds and other evidences of indebtedness from the requirement of printing by a newspaper or commercial printing establishment within the state. Senate Bill No. 54–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 16, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 244.335, relating to regulation of and license taxes imposed on trades, callings, industries, occupations, professions and business by boards of county commissioners, by clarifying purposes for which license tax may be levied. Senate Bill No. 55–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 16, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 240.010, relating to notaries public, by equating qualifications irrespective of sex. Senate Bill No. 56–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 16, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 294.045 defining the term “school officer.” Senate Bill No. 57–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 16, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 484.175 relating to pedestrians subject to traffic regulation by adding cross reference for clarification. Senate Bill No. 59–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 16, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 540.550 relating to equalization of drainage district assessments. Senate Bill No. 60–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 16, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 707.240 relating to certificates to be filed when constructing or maintaining telegraph lines in the State of Nevada. Senate Bill No. 61–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 16, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 481.150 relating to the powers and duties of the director of the Nevada highway patrol. Senate Bill No. 62–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 16, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 682.360 relating to investments of domestic insurance companies. Senate Bill No. 63–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 16, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 483.550, relating to driving without a valid operator’s or chauffeur’s license, by eliminating the provision that a convicted person shall obtain a license or produce notice of disqualification before sentence is imposed, and by changing the verb tense in subsection 1 thereof. Senate Bill No. 70–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 16, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 590 of NRS, relating to petroleum products and antifreeze, by providing that a violation of the Nevada Liquefied Petroleum Gas Act is a misdemeanor; by authorizing injunctive relief by the district court upon application of the Nevada liquefied petroleum gas board; to amend NRS sections 590.555 and 590.565, relating to applications for, denial, issuance, contents and submission of licenses and to license fees, by providing that no person may engage in installing or selling liquefied petroleum gas until he has obtained a license; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 103–Senator Dial.  Approved March 16, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 692 of NRS relating to accident and health insurance by creating a new provision relating to the definition of certain words and terms when used in uniform individual accident and sickness insurance policies. Senate Bill No. 115–Committee on Banks, Banking and Corporations (By request of the Insurance Commissioner).  Approved March 16, 1959



AN ACT to amend Title 56 of NRS, relating to loan associations and lending institutions, by creating a new chapter to be known as the Nevada Installment Loan and Finance Act; by providing for the licensing and regulation of the business of lending in amounts of $2,500 or less by the superintendent of banks; by providing for the issuance, renewal, suspension and revocation of licenses; by providing general regulations applicable to such business; by prescribing loan regulations; by declaring legislative policy and intent with respect to such business; by providing certain exemptions; by defining certain terms; by providing penalties; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 303–Committee on Banks, Banking and Corporations.  Approved March 20, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 247.230, relating to fees of the county recorder of Clark County, by requiring collection of the statutory fee for the copying of any document, including certificate and seal, by such recorder for the State of Nevada, Clark County, or any city or town within Clark County. Senate Bill No. 130–Senator Brown.  Approved March 20, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 349.010, relating to the submission of State of Nevada bond issue or loan proposals to the electors, by providing that such submission is not mandatory. Senate Bill No. 138–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 20, 1959



AN ACT conveying land located in the city of Yerington and owned by the State of Nevada to the city of Yerington. Senate Bill No. 162–Senator Whitacre.  Approved March 20, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 396 of NRS, relating to the University of Nevada, by creating a new provision authorizing the board of regents of the University of Nevada to adopt, amend, repeal and enforce regulations governing vehicular and pedestrian traffic on property owned or used by the University of Nevada; providing that such regulations shall have the force and effect of law; providing penalties; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 172–Committee on Education and State University.  Approved March 20, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 632.270 relating to the qualifications and fees of applicants to practice as practical nurses. Senate Bill No. 188–Committee on Public Health (by request).  Approved March 20, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 555.260, 555.270, 555.280, 555.300, 555.320, 555.350, 555.370, 555.380, 555.390 and 555.410, relating to the custom application of insecticides, fungicides and herbicides by aircraft or ground equipment, by adding provisions for the regulation of the custom application of rodenticides by aircraft or ground equipment; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 196–Committee on Agriculture and Irrigation.  Approved March 20, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 555.010 relating to the investigation of insect pests by the state quarantine officer by providing for the control of plant diseases. Senate Bill No. 197–Committee on Agriculture and Irrigation.  Approved March 20, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 583.110, 583.170 and 583.180 relating to definitions and method of marking egg containers when eggs are offered for sale. Senate Bill No. 198–Committee on Agriculture and Irrigation.  Approved March 20, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 587.050 and 587.060, relating to noxious weed seeds, by defining morning-glory seeds as secondary noxious weed seeds; and to amend NRS sections 587.170, 587.180 and 587.190, relating to labeling of seeds, by deleting the requirement that the approximate number of certain types of seeds be stated on the label. Senate Bill No. 199–Committee on Agriculture and Irrigation.  Approved March 20, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 617.460 and 617.480, relating to claims and compensation for silicosis as an occupational disease, by changing the limitations on the payment of benefits and compensation and providing for the distribution of moneys accumulated because of deaths prior to receipt of maximum compensation; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 203–Senators Lamb, Frank, Duffy, Lauritzen, Seevers, Slattery, Echeverria and Murray.  Approved March 20, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 552 of NRS and NRS sections 552.090, 552.110 to 552.170, inclusive, 552.210, 552.300, 561.070 and 561.080, relating to bees and apiaries, the state board of stock commissioners, powers and duties of the state apiary commission, duties of county assessors, tax on stands of bees, the apiary inspection fund, apiary inspectors, quarantine and treatment of diseased bees, duties of owners and persons in possession of apiaries, indemnity and unlawful importation, duties of district attorney, employment of counsel and to the appointment, qualifications and terms of members of the state board of stock commissioners, by transferring administration of the law relating to bees and apiaries to the state department of agriculture; by defining terms; providing for colony strength inspection and certification; by defining public nuisances concerning bees; by adding a member to the state board of stock commissioners; by providing for permits for importation of bees for pollination service; to repeal NRS sections 552.010 to 552.080, inclusive, and 552.100; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 214–Committee on Agriculture and Irrigation.  Approved March 20, 1959



AN ACT authorizing and directing the state controller to transfer the sum of $300 from the lost warrant fund to the western flood relief fund in the state treasury. Senate Bill No. 234–Senator Settelmeyer.  Approved March 20, 1959



AN ACT authorizing Washoe County, State of Nevada, to enlarge, repair and reconstruct the Washoe County Hospital sometimes designated the Washoe Medical Center, to equip and furnish the same and to acquire suitable grounds therefor; concerning the issuance of bonds therefor in not to exceed the aggregate principal amount of $150,000 and the levy of taxes in connection therewith; prescribing other details and conditions concerning such bonds and such taxes; and concerning other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 261–Senator Echeverria (by request).  Approved March 20, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 387.310, relating to the issuance and signing of orders for warrants by the clerk of the board of trustees of school districts, by allowing a majority of such board to approve such orders without signing each order, and providing for cumulative voucher sheets to be signed by the president and clerk of the board of trustees. Assembly Bill No. 145–Miss Frazier, Messrs. Bailey, Swanson, Monaghan, Gibson, Miss Herr and Mr. Christensen (Clark).  Approved March 20, 1959



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act to incorporate Carson City,” approved February 25, 1875, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 254–Ormsby County Delegation.  Approved March 20, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 380.110 and 380.130, relating to the creation and source of law library funds and the levy of special taxes to discharge law library indebtedness, by increasing the amount of fees from civil actions, proceedings and appeals which may be set aside for law library funds and by authorizing transfers from general funds of the county to the law library fund to discharge certain indebtedness. Assembly Bill No. 311–Elko County Delegation.  Approved March 20, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 361.340, relating to county boards of equalization, by providing that each incorporated city within the county shall have representation on such board. Assembly Bill No. 325–Mr. Ryan.  Approved March 20, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 426.115, relating to the aid to the blind medical and remedial care fund, by providing that there be deposited in such fund a portion of the moneys received from the Federal Government for aid to the blind and allocated by the state welfare board for providing medical care or any type of remedial care to recipients. Assembly Bill No. 330–Committee on Social Welfare.  Approved March 20, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 427.120, relating to the county old-age assistance fund, by defining “assistance” to exclude funds necessary to pay for medical care or any type of remedial care; to amend NRS section 427.155, relating to the old-age assistance medical and remedial care fund, by authorizing the state welfare board to allocate moneys received from the Federal Government to the old-age medical and remedial care fund; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 331–Committee on Social Welfare.  Approved March 20, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 704.270, relating to indemnity bonds of automobile and aircraft common carriers, by extending requirement to motor and aircraft common carriers; to amend NRS section 704.330, relating to certificates of public convenience and necessity of automobile common carriers, by applying such provision to motor common carriers; and to repeal NRS section 704.680 relating to powers of gas companies supplying illuminating gas to cities and towns. Assembly Bill No. 350–Committee on Roads and Transportation.  Approved March 20, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 426.210, relating to the maximum value of real property which may be owned by a person entitled to receive aid to the blind, by removing the limits of value when such real property is occupied as a home and requiring utilization of other property in excess of a certain value to meet current needs; to amend NRS section 426.230, excepting personal effects from the definition of “personal property,” by excluding “necessary means of transportation”; to amend NRS section 426.270, which determines that proceeds of the conversion of real property into personal property to be real property, by adding that such will be the case if such proceeds are retained for the purpose of purchasing a home; to amend NRS section 426.410, relating to evidence of blindness as a prerequisite to granting aid to the blind, by deleting the provision which authorizes the state welfare department to require evidence of blindness from a physician skilled in neuropsychiatry; to repeal NRS section 426.220 relating to limitations of maximum value of personal property which may be owned by a person entitled to receive aid to the blind; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 380–Miss Herr.  Approved March 20, 1959



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act fixing the compensation of the county officers of Storey County, Nevada, and regulating the employment and compensation of deputies and other employees of such officers, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith,” approved March 12, 1957. Assembly Bill No. 388–Mr. Nevin.  Approved March 20, 1959



AN ACT relating to the city of Sparks, Nevada; authorizing and providing for financing improvements, extensions and betterments to the municipal sewer system by bond issues; determining the conditions under which such bonds may be issued; providing for the payment thereof and interest thereon by the levy and collection of general taxes or by rates and charges in connection with the system, or by both; and prescribing other details in connection therewith. Assembly Bill No. 382–Messrs. Christensen (Washoe) and Jepson.  Approved March 20, 1959



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act to incorporate the Town of Reno, in Washoe County, and defining the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishing of a city government therefor, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 16, 1903, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 206–Mr. Humphrey (Washoe).  Approved March 23, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 331.120, relating to the assignment of office space by the superintendent of the state department of buildings and grounds, by providing that the superintendent may, with the approval of the governor, provide and maintain office space for the governor-elect, and expend funds for incidental expenses connected therewith; and by providing that the superintendent may provide permanent space for the use of accredited members of the press and for the installation of communication equipment. Assembly Bill No. 91–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe), and Pozzi (by request of the Legislative Commission).  Approved March 23, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 379.060, relating to the extension of county library service, by requiring library trustees to enter into contracts concerning library services under certain conditions; by allowing library trustees to contract with board of county commissioners of another county relative to any phase of library service; by deleting certain provisions relating to powers of tax-levying bodies to levy taxes to cover costs of library service; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 279–Committee on State Libraries.  Approved March 23, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 379 of NRS, relating to county, city and town free public libraries, by providing for regional libraries and regional library boards; defining a term; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 280–Committee on State Libraries.  Approved March 23, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 387.125, relating to the apportionment of the state distributive school fund, by increasing the amount payable for handicapped children. Assembly Bill No. 284–Messrs. Harmon, Swanson, Schouweiler, Bay, Dyer, Ryan, Gibson, Bunker, Seifers, Collins, Leavitt, Ramsey, Pasquale and Waters.  Approved March 23, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 361.055, relating to exemption of state lands and property from taxation, by excepting certain taxable real property acquired by the state board of fish and game commissioners from such exemption; and by providing for payments by the state board of fish and game commissioners in lieu of taxes and the collection and disposition of such moneys. Senate Bill No. 100–Senator Whitacre.  Approved March 23, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 266.735, relating to special assessments levied by cities or towns, by deleting provision relating to liens of special assessments; to amend chapter 268 of NRS, relating to powers and duties common to cities and towns incorporated under general or special laws, by creating a new provision providing for creation and priority of liens of special assessments levied by cities or towns, whether incorporated under general law or special charter. Senate Bill No. 142–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 23, 1959



AN ACT to repeal NRS section 442.090 relating to district court clerks’ reports to district attorneys concerning birth reports which fail to show instillation of eye solution. Senate Bill No. 144–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 23, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 396.260, relating to the employment by the board of regents of the University of Nevada of alien exchange teachers, and by clarifying the language thereof; to repeal NRS section 396.250 relating to citizenship requirements of teaching personnel at the University of Nevada. Senate Bill No. 173–Committee on Education and State University.  Approved March 23, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 396.540, relating to tuition charge for students at the University of Nevada, by allowing the board of regents of the University of Nevada to grant tuition free to students from other states and countries in a number not to exceed 3 percent of the enrollment at the last preceding fall semester. Senate Bill No. 175–Committee on Education and State University.  Approved March 23, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 396 of NRS, relating to the University of Nevada, by creating new provisions authorizing the establishment of the desert research institute as a division of the University of Nevada; providing for the administration thereof by the board of regents of the University of Nevada and prescribing the powers and duties of such board in connection therewith; providing for the establishment of personnel and fiscal policies with respect to certain aspects of the operations of such institute, and exempting the same from operation of certain statutes relating to public officers and employees and public financial administration; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 182–Committee on Education and State University.  Approved March 23, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 483.460, relating to mandatory revocation of motor vehicle operator’s and chauffeur’s licenses by the department of motor vehicles, by providing for mandatory revocation of such licenses upon a second conviction of violating the provisions of NRS section 484.050 relating to driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of intoxicating liquor or a narcotic drug. Senate Bill No. 205–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers, and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 23, 1959



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act to incorporate the town of Reno, in Washoe County, and defining the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishing of a city government therefor, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 16, 1903, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 264–Washoe County Delegation.  Approved March 23, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 244.090, relating to special meetings of boards of county commissioners, by providing that special meetings may be called by the chairman or upon the written request of a majority of the board; providing for written notice and the contents thereof; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 36–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 24, 1959



AN ACT to repeal NRS sections 381.200 to 381.250, inclusive, relating to the exploration, investigation and excavation of prehistoric ruins, archaeological and speleological sites, conditions for issuing permits, acts of vandalism and penalties; to amend chapter 381 of NRS by creating new provisions relating to the preservation of prehistoric and historic antiquities, the issuance of permits, the definition of certain words and terms, penalties for violation of the provisions of this act, the disposition of materials obtained by permit holders and the enforcement of the provisions of this act; to amend chapter 206 of NRS, relating to acts of malicious mischief, by creating a new provision relating to the preservation of petrified wood, providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 102–Senator Dial.  Approved March 24, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 205.280, relating to receiving or buying stolen goods, chattels, choses in action or other valuable thing and to when such act constitutes a gross misdemeanor, by clarifying the section and providing that receiving or buying any such property which has been wrongfully taken in any manner shall constitute a gross misdemeanor; to amend NRS sections 195.030 and 195.040, relating to accessories to felonies, by incorporating provisions relating to accessories to gross misdemeanors; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 140–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 24, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 393 of NRS, relating to school property, by authorizing the board of trustees of any school district to grant the use of school property for certain purposes; creating restrictions on such use; providing for employing personnel and paying costs of such use; providing penalties; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 149–Senator Slattery.  Approved March 24, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 248 of NRS, relating to sheriffs, by creating a new provision relating to the fees of the sheriff of Lyon County; to amend NRS section 248.290, relating to the fees of sheriffs in counties polling under and over 800 votes, by excluding Lyon County from the operation of such section; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 191–Senator Whitacre.  Approved March 24, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 354 of NRS, relating to county, municipal and school district financial administration, by creating a new provision establishing the procedure for amending a county budget; to amend NRS section 354.395, relating to the procedure for amending a budget for a political subdivision, by specifying when the amendment procedure shall be followed; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 231–Committee on State and County Affairs.  Approved March 24, 1959



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act fixing the salaries and compensation of certain officers of Douglas County, Nevada, providing for the appointment and salaries of deputy sheriffs and other matters properly relating thereto, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith,” approved March 21, 1953, as amended. Senate Bill No. 277–Senator Settelmeyer.  Approved March 24, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 281 of NRS, relating to public officers and employees, by creating new provisions creating a travel revolving fund, and the procedure whereby state officers and employees may obtain advance funds for travel expenses and subsistence allowances, by making an appropriation therefor; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 154–Mr. Pozzi.  Approved March 24, 1959



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act incorporating the city of Caliente, in Lincoln County, Nevada, and defining the boundaries thereof; authorizing the establishment of a city government therefor if a majority of the electors thereof approve this act; establishing the procedure for such approval or rejection; and other matters properly relating thereto,” approved March 28, 1957. Assembly Bill No. 301–Lincoln County Delegation.  Approved March 24, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 706 of NRS, relating to motor vehicle carriers, by creating a new provision relating to indemnity bonds or insurance of contract motor carriers; to amend NRS sections 706.070, 706.130, 706.210, 706.220, 706.260, 706.270, 706.320, 706.330, 706.360, 706.440, 706.450, 706.490, 706.500, 706.560, 706.580 to 706.600, inclusive, 706.680 and 706.710, relating to administration and enforcement of provisions relating to regulation and licensing of motor carriers, regulation of motor carriers and motor carrier rates, contract carrier permits and licenses, liability insurance and bonds, licenses and license fees, exemptions and hours of driving, by defining certain terms; by clarifying the powers and duties of the public service commission of Nevada and the department of motor vehicles with respect to administration and enforcement of laws relating to motor vehicle carriers; by authorizing cease and desist orders to contract carriers; by providing for information to be furnished by carriers engaged in foreign commerce; by providing for supervision, regulation and licensing of carriers and rates charged by carriers; by providing for licensing of motor convoy carriers and prescribing certain conditions thereof; by providing for licensing of persons electing to pay vehicle license fees on a trip basis under certain conditions; by providing for limitation of hours of employment of drivers of all carriers; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto; and to repeal NRS section 706.410, relating to payment of license fees by common carriers. Assembly Bill No. 349–Committee on Roads and Transportation.  Approved March 24, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 518.350, relating to the unlawful employment of miners who cannot understand, speak and read English, by limiting the prohibition against the employment of non-English speaking miners to miners who handle explosives. Assembly Bill No. 373–Mr. Ryan.  Approved March 24, 1959



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act concerning certain county officers of the county of Pershing, State of Nevada, providing for their compensation, and other matters properly relating thereto,” approved March 27, 1953, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 385–Mr. Knisley.  Approved March 24, 1959



AN ACT authorizing and directing the state controller to transfer certain funds from the state welfare department administration fund to the old-age assistance fund. Assembly Bill No. 412–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved March 24, 1959



AN ACT to amend the title of and to amend an act entitled “An Act to amend chapters 143, 159 and 164 of NRS, relating to powers and duties of executors and administrators, guardians and the administration of trusts, by providing that executors, administrators, guardians, trustees and other fiduciaries may invest in securities authorized by the Federal Farm Loan Act and the Farm Credit Act of 1933; to amend NRS sections 282.320, 355.120, 355.140, 355.170, 662.180, 662.240, 673.280 and 682.340, relating to investments by counties, the state board of finance, state departments and agencies, banks, trust companies, insurance companies and loan associations, by providing that such organizations, associations, companies, departments and agencies may invest certain funds in securities authorized under the Federal Farm Loan Act and the Farm Credit Act of 1933; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto,” approved February 20, 1959. Assembly Bill No. 428–Mr. Humphrey (Washoe).  Approved March 24, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 643.010, 643.050, 643.070, 643.080, 643.110, 643.130, 643.140 and 643.200 relating to definitions used in barbers’ act, powers and duties of barbers’ board, qualifications for barbers’ and apprentices’ certificates, requirements of applicants failing barbers’ examination, issuance of barbers’ certificates, renewal and restoration of barbers’ certificates, and unlawful acts of persons operating barbershops; to amend chapter 643 of NRS by creating new provisions relating to licensing and conduct of barber schools, the payment of certain fees by operators of barber schools, and notice to applicant upon the board’s refusal to issue or renew the license or the board’s revocation or suspension of the license; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 135–Mr. Ryan.  Approved March 24, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 379 of NRS, relating to county, city and town free public libraries, by providing for the powers and duties of library trustees of county, city and town free public libraries; to repeal NRS section 379.100, relating to powers and duties of library trustees of city and town libraries; by providing that the librarian shall administer the library; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 82–Senator Monroe.  Approved March 25, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 379.020 and 379.090, relating to the establishment and maintenance of free public libraries and to the terms, number and compensation of library trustees, by increasing the number and terms of library trustees; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 83–Senator Monroe.  Approved March 25, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 706.550, relating to mileage license fees on motor vehicle carriers, by adding a reference in subsection 1 to NRS 706.530. Senate Bill No. 87–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 25, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 681.030 relating to the classification of casualty, fidelity and surety insurance by changing certain provisions relating to fidelity and surety insurance. Senate Bill No. 113–Committee on Banks, Banking and Corporations (By request of the Insurance Commissioner).  Approved March 25, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 683.090 relating to the revocation and suspension of licenses of foreign or alien insurance companies by providing for the imposition of a fine; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 121–Committee on Banks, Banking and Corporations (By request of the Insurance Commissioner).  Approved March 25, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 694.400 relating to the suspension of licenses of rating organizations or insurers in the regulation of insurance rates. Senate Bill No. 123–Committee on Banks, Banking and Corporations (By request of the Insurance Commissioner).  Approved March 25, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 692.140 relating to the form of uniform individual accident and sickness insurance policies. Senate Bill No. 128–Committee on Banks, Banking and Corporations (By request of the Insurance Commissioner).  Approved March 25, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 366.510, relating to remittances in payment of special fuel tax assessments, by providing that such remittances shall be paid to the department of motor vehicles. Senate Bill No. 207–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 25, 1959



AN ACT to repeal chapter 515 of NRS, relating to the mineral land commissioner. Senate Bill No. 209–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 25, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 433.280, relating to commitment of inebriates, dipsomaniacs and drug addicts to the Nevada state hospital for indeterminate periods, by providing conditions under which such patients may be discharged. Senate Bill No. 229–Committee on State Institutions (by request of Nevada State Hospital).  Approved March 25, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 354.025 and 354.360, relating to the tentative budgets of counties and political subdivisions, by requiring the submission of tentative budgets to the Nevada tax commission for examination; by requiring the Nevada tax commission to ascertain whether budgets comply with law, and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 232–Committee on State and County Affairs.  Approved March 25, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 691.040, relating to the standard fire insurance policy, by providing that insurers may include in or affix to such policy a statement that losses or damage caused by nuclear reaction, nuclear radiation or radioactive contamination are not covered; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 257–Senator Dial (by request).  Approved March 25, 1959



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act to incorporate the town of Las Vegas, in Clark County, and defining the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishing of a city government therefor, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 16, 1911, as amended. Senate Bill No. 288–Senator Brown.  Approved March 25, 1959



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act fixing the compensation of county officers in White Pine county, State of Nevada, and matters pertaining to the collection and disposition of fees arising from such offices, regulating the conduct thereof, and to repeal all acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith,” approved February 27, 1953, as amended. Senate Bill No. 307–Senator Gallagher.  Approved March 25, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 501.035, 501.040, 501.045, 501.055, 501.070, 501.075 and 501.095 relating to the definitions of fur-bearing animals, game animals, game fish, migratory game birds, predatory animals, predatory birds and upland game birds; to amend chapter 501 of NRS relating to the application, administration and enforcement of fish and game laws by creating a new provision defining nongame animals; to amend NRS sections 501.110, 501.170, 501.240, 501.320 and 501.330 relating to the classification of wild animals, wild birds and fish, the approval of expenditures made by the state board of fish and game commissioners, reciprocal fishing license agreements with adjoining states, budgets of county game management boards, and the powers of the state board of fish and game commissioners and the county game management boards concerning districts and seasons; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 113–Mr. Parks (by request).  Approved March 25, 1959



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act to incorporate the town of Las Vegas, in Clark County, and defining the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishing of a city government therefor, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 16, 1911, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 335–Messrs. Harmon and Ryan.  Approved March 25, 1959



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act to incorporate the city of North Las Vegas in Clark County, and defining the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishment of a city government therefor, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 27, 1953, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 354–Mr. Ryan.  Approved March 25, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 503 of NRS, relating to hunting, fishing and trapping regulations and miscellaneous wildlife protective measures, by providing that meat or game processors to whom game has been delivered for processing or storage may dispose of such game to the state board of fish and game commissioners if the owner of such game has not paid for such processing or storage; by defining certain terms; by providing limitations of actions by the owner against the meat or game processor; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 304–Mr. Swanson.  Approved March 25, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS 433.240, relating to emergency temporary commitments of the mentally ill to the Nevada state hospital, by requiring certification by two licensed physicians; providing contents of certificate; providing procedure for continued confinement or discharge; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 228–Committee on State Institutions (by request of Nevada State Hospital).  Approved March 25, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 612.550, relating to employers’ future contribution rates based on benefit experience, by defining certain words and terms; by designating the computation date in each year for contribution rates to apply the following calendar year; by changing the conditions for the allowance of assignments of contribution of certain rates; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 212–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 25, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 542.020 and 542.030, relating to the definitions used in and the procedure to petition for creation of a district under the Watershed Protection and Flood Prevention District Act of 1955, by raising the limitation on the number of acres which may be included in such a district to 750,000; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 280–Senator Brown.  Approved March 26, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 370.280, relating to cigarette tax refunds, by providing for refund of taxes paid on stale cigarettes destroyed by wholesalers; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 163–Senator Brown.  Approved March 26, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 361 of NRS, relating to property tax, by requiring associations, firms, partnerships and individuals who furnish storage for property to submit an annual report to the county assessor containing certain information relative to property stored by such companies, associations, firms, partnerships and individuals; providing for inspection of the premises of those who furnish such storage; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 297–Miss Herr, Messrs. Bunker, Gibson and Dieleman.  Approved March 26, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 541.020, 541.080, 541.100, 541.140, 541.150, 541.170, 541.200 and 541.220, relating to water conservancy districts, by amending the definition of “works” to include conduits effecting drainage; by authorizing the board of directors to change the office or principal place of the district; by changing the method of appointment of successor directors; by providing certain powers of boards of directors of subdistricts concerning the levy and collection of taxes and assessments by subdistricts; by changing the date of certification of the rate of levy on class A lands to the board of county commissioners; by changing dates with respect to the levy and collection of taxes on class D lands within a district and the time when hearings shall be held on objections to assessments; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 285–Mr. Dyer.  Approved March 26, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 503.020, 503.100, 503.150, 503.180, 503.200, 503.290, 503.340 and 503.590, relating to daily creel, bag and possession limits, special hunts, unlawful hunting by means of revolvers, self-loading pistols, crossbows and artificial light, unlawful hunting of big game with certain types or kinds of guns and firearms, competitive field trials for hunting dogs, unlawful fishing devices and equipment, limitations on shipments of game fish, and the maintenance of zoos, menageries, private collections of wild animals, wild birds or reptiles; to repeal NRS section 503.280 relating to unlawful fishing near dams containing fishways and fish ladders; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 114–Mr. Parks (by request).  Approved March 26, 1959



AN ACT providing an additional and supplemental appropriation for the support of the Nevada school of industry for the biennium ending June 30, 1959. Senate Bill No. 298–Committee on Finance.  Approved March 26, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 684.350, relating to countersignatures on insurance policies, by excepting therefrom bid bonds issued in connection with the construction of public or private buildings. Senate Bill No. 237–Senator Dial (by request).  Approved March 26, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 224.050, relating to the salary, allowances and expenses of the lieutenant governor, by providing that the lieutenant governor shall receive travel allowances of 10 cents per mile for traveling from his home to the capital during legislative sessions; by allowing him $15 per diem allowance during session; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 233–Committee on Legislative Functions.  Approved March 26, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 555 of NRS, relating to insect and pest control and noxious weeds, by providing that, upon the request of the board of directors of a weed control district, the county commissioners shall assess real property in such district; by providing for liens and loans; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 221–Committee on Agriculture and Irrigation.  Approved March 26, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 609.030 and 609.110, relating to the declaration of legislative policy and to working conditions and maximum hours of female employees, by removing the maximum female hours limitation applicable to female employees employed in an executive or supervisory capacity. Senate Bill No. 201–Committee on Labor.  Approved March 26, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 645.030, 645.100, 645.120, 645.150, 645.280, 645.440 and 645.830, relating to real estate brokers and salesmen, by enlarging the definition of the term “real estate broker”; by redistricting the state; by increasing the amount of the maximum salary of the executive secretary of the Nevada real estate commission; by changing the locations of meetings of the Nevada real estate commission; by changing provisions relating to the employment or compensation of unlicensed real estate brokers or salesmen; by adding an additional ground for the refusal of licenses; by changing the fees for examinations of real estate brokers and salesmen and by deleting the fee requirements for nonresident working permits; to repeal NRS sections 645.006 and 645.008 which define the terms “business opportunity broker” and “business opportunity salesman”; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 14–Senator Dial.  Approved March 26, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 356 of NRS, relating to depositories of public funds and securities, by creating a new provision relating to interest on deposits of county moneys in banks. Senate Bill No. 72–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Legislative Commission).  Approved March 26, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 693 of NRS relating to casualty insurance, fidelity bonds and surety contracts by creating new provisions relating to motor clubs; defining certain words and terms; providing conditions under which motor clubs may do business in this state; providing for certificates of authority and regulating service contracts; regulating and licensing agents of motor clubs; and providing certain penalties; to amend NRS sections 693.010, 693.020 and 693.040 relating to casualty insurance, fidelity bonds and surety contracts by making certain technical reference changes required by the addition of the new provisions relating to motor clubs; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 124–Committee on Banks, Banking and Corporations (By request of the Insurance Commissioner).  Approved March 26, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 396 of NRS, relating to the University of Nevada, by allowing the board of regents of the University of Nevada to purchase public liability and property damage insurance on property supervised and controlled by the university; prescribing restrictions; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 171–Committee on Education and State University.  Approved March 26, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 268 of NRS, relating to powers and duties common to cities and towns incorporated under general or special laws, by creating a new provision authorizing cities to accept loans or grants for the purpose of providing public works and equipment as provided in Title 42, United States Code § 1532. Assembly Bill No. 257–Miss Frazier.  Approved March 26, 1959



AN ACT to amend Title 50 of NRS, relating to animals, by adding thereto a new chapter providing for inspection of hides and carcasses of bovine animals, and providing other matters properly relating thereto; and to repeal chapter 566 of NRS relating to inspection of hides and carcasses of bovine animals. Assembly Bill No. 271–Messrs. Berrum and Young.  Approved March 26, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 598 of NRS, relating to trade regulations and practices generally, by creating a new provision relating to the rights of merchants to request individuals on the merchant’s premises to keep merchandise in full view; by providing that merchants shall be free from liability; by defining certain words; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 338–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 26, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 246 of NRS, relating to county clerks, by creating a new provision authorizing each county clerk, upon the approval of the board of county commissioners, to use a facsimile signature; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 344–Clark County Delegation.  Approved March 26, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 123 of NRS, relating to the rights of husband and wife, by making explicit the present and equal right of each to community property, subject to the right of the husband to exercise control thereof; to amend NRS sections 123.030 and 123.250, relating to rights of husband and wife to hold property and to dispose of community property, by providing that certain provisions are retroactive; by clarifying provisions; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 363–Messrs. McKissick and Swanson.  Approved March 26, 1959



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act appropriating the sum of $28,554 from the state highway fund for the purpose of the design, construction and equipment of a Nevada highway patrol control post at Wells, Nevada; appropriating the sum of $1,691,009.29 from the general fund for various state capital improvements, design and construction, furnishings, land appraisals and acquisitions, advance planning, structural safety surveys and the repayment of advanced federal funds; stating the powers, duties and responsibilities of the state planning board and various officers and boards in connection therewith; providing certain limitations on the expenditure of the funds herein appropriated; and other matters properly relating thereto,” approved March 28, 1957, to authorize the state planning board to dispose of buildings, improvements, furnishings and other personal property on certain lands acquired by it; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 364–Joint Committee of Building and Construction and State Institutions.  Approved March 26, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 369.190 and 369.470, relating to wholesale liquor dealers’ licenses and rights of such licensees, by providing that wholesale liquor dealers must conduct a bona fide wholesale business. Assembly Bill No. 366–Mr. Schouweiler.  Approved March 26, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 286.670, relating to the exemption from tax, process or assignment of rights to benefits under the Public Employees’ Retirement Act, by allowing a person receiving such benefits to waive a portion thereof and to cancel such waiver; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 394–Mr. Parks.  Approved March 26, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 244.145, 296.020 and 303.280, relating to the county commissioners’ election power, the establishment, alteration, consolidation and abolishment of election precincts by county commissioners and the altering of election precincts for voting machine purposes, by providing that no new election precinct may be established and no existing election precinct may be altered within 30 days of any election. Assembly Bill No. 411–Mr. Ryan.  Approved March 26, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 408 of NRS, relating to highways and roads, by adding route 91 to the state highway system; by designating the course of route 91; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 424–Nye County Delegation.  Approved March 26, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 244.710 and 244.720, relating to elections and the incurring of indebtedness by county fair and recreation boards, by requiring election returns to be made to the secretary of the county fair and recreation board and by changing the maximum term of recreation bonds from 20 years to 30 years; by validating all bonds issued pursuant to chapter 383, Statutes of Nevada 1955, and its successor, NRS sections 244.640 to 244.780, inclusive; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 429–Washoe County Delegation.  Approved March 26, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 706.670, relating to exemption of certain motor vehicles from the provisions of NRS sections 706.010 to 706.700, inclusive, by excluding from such exemption those engaged in moving furniture and household effects who were not so engaged on January 1, 1959. Assembly Bill No. 435–Committee on Roads and Transportation.  Approved March 26, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 249.060, relating to the appointment and removal of deputies of county treasurers, by allowing any county treasurer to authorize his deputy or deputies to transact all official business pertaining to the office of county treasurer in the same manner as the county treasurer. Assembly Bill No. 440–Mr. Monaghan (by request).  Approved March 26, 1959



AN ACT providing an additional and supplemental appropriation for the support of the office of the director of the budget for the biennium ending June 30, 1959. Assembly Bill No. 452–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved March 26, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 565.070, relating to fees for brand inspection, their imposition, collection and disposition, within brand inspection districts, by authorizing retention of such fees by the brand inspector or requiring the forwarding thereof to the state board of stock commissioners for deposit in the stock inspection fund, all in accordance with the provisions of regulations of the state board of stock commissioners. Assembly Bill No. 457–Committee on Livestock.  Approved March 26, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 111.025 and 111.100, relating to void conveyances, charges, instruments and proceedings, and to lineal and collateral warranties, by deleting the word creditors and by correcting a spelling error; and to repeal NRS sections 111.030, 111.035, 111.175, 111.180, 111.215, 111.225 and 111.230, relating to fraudulent and void conveyances. Assembly Bill No. 458–Mr. McKissick.  Approved March 26, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 108.200, relating to actions on liens of mechanics and materialmen by requiring service of the complaint and summons on the defendant; by allowing the defendant to answer or defend as provided by the Nevada Rules of Civil Procedure; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 460–Mr. McKissick.  Approved March 26, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 422.200, relating to the fiscal duties of the state welfare director, by increasing the amount of travel allowance for workers of the state welfare department. Assembly Bill No. 461–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved March 26, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 244.210, relating to demands against counties, by providing the procedure for approval of such demands by the board of county commissioners; providing for cumulative voucher sheets; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 464–Washoe County and Clark County Delegations.  Approved March 26, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 561.250, relating to the levy and collection of the stock inspection fund tax, by increasing the maximum tax from 4 mills to 7 mills on $1 per annum. Assembly Bill No. 164–Mr. Young (by request).  Approved March 26, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 355.130 and 355.140, relating to loans to counties, cities, towns and school districts, and bonds, securities and loans in which state funds may be invested, by conforming the term and rate of interest on loans to the provisions of NRS section 354.090, and by giving the state board of finance discretion to determine the rate of interest on authorized loans secured by first mortgages on agricultural lands in Nevada. Assembly Bill No. 199–Mr. Monaghan (by request).  Approved March 26, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 355.170, relating to the purchase of bonds and debentures of the United States by boards of county commissioners, by providing that maturity dates on bonds and debentures of the United States purchased by counties and cities shall not extend more than 10 years from the date of purchase, and by allowing the governing bodies of incorporated cities to make such purchases. Assembly Bill No. 215–Messrs. Schouweiler and Swanson.  Approved March 26, 1959



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act to incorporate the town of Las Vegas, in Clark County, and defining the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishing of a city government therefor, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 16, 1911, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 476–Clark County Delegation.  Approved March 27, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 111 of NRS, relating to estates in property, conveyancing and recording, by creating a new provision requiring prepayment of the proportionate share of the bonded indebtedness of a county applicable to lands conveyed to the United States, the State of Nevada or any political subdivision thereof, as condition precedent to such conveyance; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 159–Committee on Taxation.  Became law without signature



AN ACT to amend chapter 463 of NRS and NRS sections 463.010, 463.020, 463.040 to 463.170, inclusive, 463.210 to 463.230, inclusive, 463.250 to 463.330, inclusive, 463.360 to 463.390, inclusive, 463.440, 463.450 and 463.470, relating to licensing and control of gambling, and NRS sections 464.020 to 464.040, inclusive, 464.060 to 464.080, relating to pari-mutuel wagering, by creating new provisions and amending existing provisions to create the Nevada gaming commission and provide for the powers, duties and functions of the commission and the appointment, qualifications, removal, compensation, powers and duties of the members thereof; by providing for the transfer of certain records of the Nevada tax commission to the Nevada gaming commission; by providing for the administration of the provisions of chapters 463 and 464 of NRS by the Nevada gaming commission and the state gaming control board; by prescribing the powers, duties and functions of the state gaming control board and the appointment, qualifications, removal, compensation, powers and duties of the members thereof; by providing for the adoption, amendment and repeal of administrative regulations by the commission and the procedures therefor; by prescribing administrative procedures of the commission and board; by establishing procedures for the revocation, suspension, conditioning or limiting of gaming licenses and pari-mutuel wagering licenses and the conduct of hearings with respect thereto; by providing for judicial review of actions, decisions and orders of the commission relating to revocation, suspension, conditioning or limiting of licenses; by providing for declaratory judgments with respect to statutes and regulations relating to gambling; by defining certain terms and phrases; by providing penalties; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 144–Messrs. Evans, McKissick, Parks, Humphrey (Washoe), Swackhamer and Pozzi.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend Title 25 of NRS, relating to public organizations for community service, by creating a new chapter relating to general improvement districts; by providing definitions of certain words and terms; by providing the method for the organization of such districts, the methods of financing, the levy of taxes and the issuance of bonds; by providing for the inclusion and exclusion of property and the method of dissolving a district; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 20–Senator Settelmeyer.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT appropriating $29,518 for new furniture, furnishings and tableware for the governor’s mansion, and providing for the method of purchase, the approval of the governor and the style of furniture and furnishings to be selected. Assembly Bill No. 3–Mr. Waters and Miss Herr.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT creating the Western Regional Higher Education Compact fund and appropriating moneys thereto to enable the State of Nevada to become a member of the Western Regional Higher Education Compact. Assembly Bill No. 19–Messrs. Pozzi and Bailey.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 122.040, relating to obtaining a marriage license, by providing that the county clerk shall issue a marriage license to minors if the consent of the parents or guardian is in writing, subscribed to and duly acknowledged before an officer authorized to administer oaths. Assembly Bill No. 31–Miss Herr.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 350.050 and 350.070, relating to qualifications of electors in a bond election and procedure of approving or rejecting proposals to issue bonds, by providing that residency in the precinct for 10 days prior to the bond election is a qualification for voting, and that if a majority of ballots of either color or both colors is against the issuance of the bonds, the bond proposal fails. Assembly Bill No. 65–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe), and Pozzi (by request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 350.380, relating to the issuance of water and sewer revenue bonds, by eliminating inappropriate internal reference to NRS sections 350.080 to 350.200, inclusive, and by clarifying majority vote requirements. Assembly Bill No. 74–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe), and Pozzi (by request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 321.010, 321.020, 321.045, 321.055, 321.210, 321.335, 321.450 and 408.215, relating to state lands, the state land office and state land register, development of Eldorado Valley, and the duties of the state highway engineer, by providing for the appointment of a deputy state land register; reducing the bond required of the state land register; removing land owned or acquired by the department of highways from the state land register’s index; requiring a notice from the county assessor upon a delinquency in tax payment on state land sale contract lands; deleting references to repealed NRS sections relating to bounties for artesian wells, creating a revolving fund to pay necessary expenses of sales of state lands and making an appropriation therefor; providing that land in Eldorado Valley be sold or disposed of by the Colorado River commission; requiring the state highway engineer to index lands owned or acquired by the department of highways; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 125–Mr. Evans.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 623.020, 623.040, 623.120, 623.130, 623.210, 623.230, 623.250, 623.260, 623.270, 623.280, 623.290, 623.310, 623.320, 623.330, 623.360, 623.380 and 623.390, relating to architects, by amending definitions of certain words and terms; by amending provisions relating to the seal of the state board of architecture, duties of the secretary thereof, acceptable qualifications of applicants in lieu of examinations, the official register of certificates of registration, the renewal and revocation of certificates of registration and the procedure therefor; by amending provisions relating to fees of applicants and registered architects and certain exemptions; by amending provisions concerning penalties by adding certain injunctive relief; by amending provisions relating to appeals from actions of the state board of architecture; to amend chapter 623 of NRS relating to architects by creating new provisions relating to employees of the state board of architecture and seals of registered architects; to repeal NRS section 623.240 relating to the duration of certificates of registration; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 137–Mr. Humphrey (Washoe).  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 244 of NRS, relating to county government, by allowing boards of county commissioners to authorize the use of county highway patrols and snowplows on private roads under certain conditions in an emergency. Assembly Bill No. 149–Messrs. Murphy, Hunter, Evans and Young.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 4.350, relating to appointment, salaries, bonds, powers and duties of clerks of justices’ courts, by increasing the maximum limit on salaries of such clerks in townships having a population of 7,000 or more, and allowing the board of county commissioners to fix such salary upon the recommendation of the justice of the peace. Assembly Bill No. 162–Messrs. Jepson and Christensen (Washoe).  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 483.250 and 483.280, relating to persons who may not be licensed to operate motor vehicles and instruction permits and temporary licenses, by requiring applicants for instruction permits to be at least 15 1/2 years of age; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 251–Mr. Bleak.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 244 of NRS, relating to county government, commissioners and managers, by providing that inconsistent provisions of city building codes supersede less stringent provisions of county building codes, with respect to the 3-mile area outside such city; to amend NRS sections 278.340 and 278.580, relating to tentative maps of subdivisions and to building codes, by providing that more stringent provisions of building codes of a city supersede county building codes if not consistent therewith, with respect to the 3-mile area outside such city; by providing the procedure for approving a tentative map of a subdivision within 3 miles of the boundary of a city which has no planning commission; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 275–Messrs. Schouweiler, McKissick and Swanson (By request).  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 142.020, relating to bonds of executors and administrators, by allowing banking corporations to serve as executors and administrators without executing a bond, unless the court otherwise requires. Assembly Bill No. 315–Messrs. Bissett and Swanson.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 423.220, relating to the education of children residing at the Nevada state children’s home, by deleting an obsolete description of the type of education such children shall receive; and by allowing the superintendent of such home to permit such children to attend certain parochial and private schools, at no expense to the state. Assembly Bill No. 371–Mr. Monaghan.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 387 of NRS, relating to the financial support of the school system, by requiring the clerks of boards of trustees to notify boards of county commissioners on or before January 1 of intent to sell bonds in next succeeding year and the amount of such bonds; to amend NRS sections 387.340 and 387.535, relating to resolutions of boards of trustees to call bond elections; by requiring that a notice of the adoption of such resolution be transmitted to the boards of county commissioners; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 391–Mr. Monaghan (by request).  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 706 of NRS, relating to motor vehicle carriers, by creating a new section imposing an additional fee of $2 to be used to defray costs incurred for compensation of inspectors employed pursuant to NRS section 706.180; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 398–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend Title 12 of NRS, relating to wills and estates of deceased persons, by adding a chapter providing procedures for the appointment of trustees of the property of persons missing for 90 days or more, and for the appointment of executors and administrators of and for the administration and distribution of, estates of persons declared to be missing for a continuous period of 7 years or more; by prescribing powers and duties of trustees, administrators and executors; by providing for notices, petitions and hearings; by providing limitations of actions; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 401–Messrs. McKissick and Swanson.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 3 of NRS, relating to district courts, by requiring the county clerk of each county to submit to the clerk of the supreme court a list of all cases submitted to, and remaining undecided by, the district court in the county during the previous month. Assembly Bill No. 403–Mr. McKissick.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 78.475, 78.480, 78.490 and 78.510, relating to the merger or consolidation of domestic and foreign corporations, the agreements therefor, service of process thereafter and the procedure for appraisal of shares in certain cases, by allowing domestic corporations to merge or consolidate with corporations of any foreign country. Assembly Bill No. 408–Messrs. McKissick and Swanson.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 153.020 and 153.050, relating to accounting and administration of trusts and to jurisdiction of courts, by clarifying provisions; by resolving inconsistencies; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 459–Mr. McKissick.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act concerning and relating to certain county officers in Washoe County, Nevada, and fixing their compensation and allowances,” approved March 21, 1945, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 27–Washoe County Delegation.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 284 of NRS, relating to the state department of personnel, by authorizing elective officers and the heads of state departments, agencies and institutions to employ and fix salaries of deputies and employees necessary to fill the unclassified positions authorized by law; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 94–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe), and Pozzi (by request of the Legislative Commission).  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An act to incorporate the town of Reno, in Washoe County, and defining the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishing of a city government therefor, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 16, 1903, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 167–Messrs. Swanson, Bissett, McKissick, Humphrey (Washoe), Bailey, Monaghan and Schouweiler.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 3.310, relating to the appointment, qualifications, salary, powers and duties of bailiffs, by authorizing the appointment of bailiffs in a number equal to one less than the number of judges in each judicial district having more than one judge; and by providing for their salaries. Assembly Bill No. 241–Clark County and Washoe County Delegations.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 333.300, relating to notices of proposed purchases by the state department of purchasing and the award of bids to the lowest bidder, by requiring sealed proposals which shall be received by the director of such department at his office and authorizing the rejection of any or all proposals under certain conditions; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 244–Mr. Dieleman.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 422.050 and 422.290, relating to the definition of “public assistance” and to the preservation and use of records, files and communications concerning applicants for and recipients of public assistance, by including aid to dependent children in the definition of “public assistance” and by providing for the preservation and use of child welfare information. Assembly Bill No. 395–Committee on Social Welfare.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend the title of and to amend an act entitled “An Act authorizing and directing the superintendent of the Nevada state children’s home to sell certain real property owned by the Nevada state children’s home and situate in Lyon County; providing for a method of sale, a minimum sales price and the disposition of the proceeds thereof; and other matters properly related thereto,” approved March 14, 1957. Assembly Bill No. 397–Committee on Social Welfare.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act concerning elected and appointed county officers of Ormsby County, Nevada; fixing the salaries of all county officers in Ormsby County, Nevada; providing for the appointment and salaries of clerks and deputies in those offices; repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith; and other matters properly relating thereto,” approved April 1, 1957. Assembly Bill No. 416–Ormsby County Delegation.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act to incorporate Carson City,” approved February 25, 1875, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 417–Ormsby County Delegation.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act supplementary to and amendatory of an act entitled ‘An Act to incorporate Carson City,’ approved February 25, 1875, as amended, providing for an election by the qualified voters of Carson City to determine whether certain county officers shall be ex officio officers of such city, prescribing the duties of the board of city trustees relative thereto, and providing the duties of the ex officio officers and other matters connected therewith,” approved March 23, 1951, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 432–Ormsby County Delegation.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 353.060 to 353.080, inclusive, relating to the monthly count of money in the state treasury, by requiring the legislative auditor alone to perform a count every 3 months; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 445–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act to incorporate the city of North Las Vegas in Clark County, and defining the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishment of a city government therefor, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 27, 1953, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 448–Clark County Delegation.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act to incorporate the town of Reno, in Washoe County, and defining the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishing of a city government therefor, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 16, 1903, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 451–Messrs. Humphrey (Washoe) and Bailey.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act fixing the compensation of the county officers of Elko County, Nevada; regulating the employment and compensation of deputies and other employees of such officers; and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith,” approved March 25, 1957. Assembly Bill No. 453–Elko County Delegation.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT relating to Churchill County, Nevada; authorizing and providing for financial improvements, extensions and betterments to the county’s telephone and telegraph system, including but not limited to aircraft radar equipment and other military electronic equipment, by the issuance of bonds, and for refinancing, refunding and redeeming outstanding bonds; determining the conditions under which such bonds may be issued; providing for the payment thereof and interest thereon by the levy and collection of general taxes or by rates and charges in connection with the system, or by both; authorizing the acquisition of such improvements, extensions and betterments; specifying powers, duties, rights, privileges, liabilities and limitations in connection with such securities and the system; and prescribing other details in connection therewith. Assembly Bill No. 467–Messrs. Dyer and Fitz.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 673 of NRS and NRS sections 673.060, 673.080, 673.113, 673.260, 673.270, 673.273, 673.278, 673.290, 673.310, 673.327 to 673.329, inclusive, 673.460 and 673.495, relating to building and loan associations, the building and loan fund, articles of association and incorporation, issuance and renewal of licenses, bonds, fees, stock, capital, surplus, certificates, reserves, dividends, purchases and making of loans, subscriptions, security, insurance, examinations, traveling expenses and powers of the superintendent of banks, by providing that fees shall be paid into the general fund and that licenses shall be obtained prior to obtaining insurance; by providing for opposition to issuance of licenses and for the amount of bonds; by requiring a ratio between permanent stock and reserves and the value of outstanding certificates; by allowing a period in which to obtain such ratio; by providing penalties; by changing the types and amounts of loans which may be purchased or made and the limits thereon; by requiring approval of the state board of finance before the superintendent of banks may take possession of an association; by defining terms; by providing for additional loans and advances in connection with existing loans and the limits thereon; by providing for appraisals and for procedures and fees in connection therewith; to repeal NRS sections 673.010 to 673.030, inclusive, and 673.120 to 673.240, inclusive, relating to definitions and to bonds and deposits required to be made by associations with the state treasurer; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 304–Committee on Banks, Banking and Corporations.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 202.340, 202.350 and 202.360, relating to the confiscation, destruction, manufacture, importation, sale, possession and carrying of dangerous weapons and explosives, by providing that possessing a switchblade knife or carrying a pistol, revolver or other firearm or any dangerous or deadly weapon constitutes a felony; by providing that the sheriff may authorize the carrying of any concealed weapon other than a switchblade knife; and by deleting the provision which constitutes the carrying of a dangerous weapon a nuisance; defining “switchblade knife”; to repeal NRS section 202.330, relating to permits to carry concealed weapons; providing penalties; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 93–Senator Lamb.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to repeal chapter 521 of NRS relating to oil and gas wells. Senate Bill No. 94–Senator Lauritzen.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 680.210, relating to the power of the commissioner of insurance or other designated person to subpena witnesses and records, administer oaths and examine witnesses, by providing penalties for willful refusal or neglect to appear or produce books, records or papers, or refusal to be sworn or answer as a witness; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 110–Committee on Banks, Banking and Corporations (By request of the Insurance Commissioner).  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 680.080 relating to the designation, salary, and powers and duties of the chief deputy commissioner of insurance. Senate Bill No. 111–Committee on Banks, Banking and Corporations (By request of the Insurance Commissioner).  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 435.020 and 435.040, relating to the care of feebleminded children, by providing that children in the Nevada state children’s home are entitled to such care at county expense and providing that a county bearing such expense may seek reimbursement from the parents if the child is a dependent child. Senate Bill No. 143–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 532.040, relating to the oath and bond of the state engineer, by substituting the director of the state department of conservation and natural resources for the governor as the appointing authority; to amend NRS section 532.060, relating to the salary of the state engineer; to amend NRS section 532.090 relating to employees of the state engineer; to amend NRS sections 532.140 and 532.170 to 532.190, inclusive, relating to reports and agreements of the state engineer and cooperation by the state engineer with other government agencies, by substituting the director of the state department of conservation and natural resources for the governor as receiving and approving authority; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 152–Committee on Agriculture and Irrigation.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 125 of NRS, relating to divorce, separate maintenance and annulment, by prohibiting persons not parties to a divorce which is binding upon the parties thereto from contesting or attacking the validity of such divorce. Senate Bill No. 165–Senator Echeverria.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 533.370, relating to approval and rejection of applications to appropriate public waters, and NRS section 538.170, relating to the duties of the Colorado River commission of Nevada with respect to waters of the Colorado River, by providing procedures relating to applications to appropriate waters of the Colorado River. Senate Bill No. 167–Senator Brown.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 450.070, relating to the appointment, election and terms of office of members of county boards of hospital trustees, by providing that no more than three members of the board shall be residents of the city or town in which the hospital is located. Senate Bill No. 185–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend Title 50 of NRS relating to animals, by adding a new chapter which defines terms, provides penalties, requires the licensing and bonding of livestock and farm products dealers and brokers, provides for the issuance, renewal, revocation and suspension of licenses and limits the application of the chapter; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 200–Committee on Livestock.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 321 of NRS, relating to the administration, control and sale of state lands, by creating the Fort Mohave Valley Development Law; by providing for the initiation of proceedings to acquire certain lands; by describing such lands; by defining terms; by authorizing the Colorado River commission to acquire and develop such lands; by creating a fund and making an appropriation therefor; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 219–Senator Brown.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 369.090, 369.150, 369.220, 369.300, 369.310 and 369.350, relating to intoxicating liquor licenses and taxes, by providing for payment of license fees on a fiscal year basis; by providing for waiver of importers’ bonds in certain cases; by providing for change of location of licensed premises; by eliminating special permit of conveyance fee; by defining certain terms; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 260–Senator Echeverria (by request).  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 555 of NRS, relating to insect and pest control by counties and inspection of nursery stock shipped into this state, by creating new provisions relating to the definition of certain words and terms, to provide for licenses and license fees, to provide for a director and inspecting officers and their powers and duties, the certification of nursery stock and the inspection of nursery stock; to repeal NRS sections 555.020 to 555.090, inclusive, relating to inspection of nursery stock by the county horticultural commissioner; to repeal NRS section 555.240, relating to the inspection of nursery stock shipped into this state; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 275–Committee on Agriculture and Irrigation.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 244.300, relating to the operation and maintenance of parks, golf courses and other public recreational centers, by allowing county commissioners of counties having a population of 7,000 or more to maintain public parks, golf courses and other public recreational centers. Senate Bill No. 279–Senator Gallagher.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 226.160, 356.010 to 356.070, inclusive, 356.090 and 356.100, relating to the deposits of state moneys in banks on open account and the withdrawals of moneys from a depository bank, by changing references to the state board of examiners to the state board of finance; to amend chapter 356 of NRS, relating to depositaries of public funds and securities, by creating new provisions relating to deposits of state moneys in active and inactive accounts and rates of interest to be received; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 284–Committee on Banks, Banking and Corporations.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 303.230, 303.235, 303.395, 303.465, 303.485 and 303.510, relating to ballot labels, ballots, counter numbers and letters, locking and sealing of voting machines and statements of results, by providing for colored ballot labels in bond elections; by prescribing the form of absent ballots; by increasing the number of statements of result of votes cast required; by allowing the county clerk to simplify such statement when expediency requires; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 286–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 331 of NRS, relating to the state department of buildings and grounds, by providing that the superintendent of such department shall establish a central mailing room for state officers, departments and agencies located in Carson City and supported by legislative appropriation; by providing that other state officers, departments and agencies may use such facilities upon payment of the cost of such use; by providing for the disposition of such payment; by providing an appropriation; to repeal NRS section 333.240, relating to the central mailing room in Carson City established by the director of the state department of purchasing; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 299–Committee on Finance.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 353.275, relating to insurance recovery funds, by providing that moneys received from insurance companies on losses incurred on property controlled by the department of highways be deposited in the state highway fund rather than insurance recovery funds; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 301–Committee on Aviation, Transportation and Highways.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 80.160, relating to defaulting foreign corporations and the forfeiture of their right to do business in this state, by imposing duties on the secretary of state relating to publication of lists; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 306–Committee on Banks, Banking and Corporations.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act to authorize the board of county commissioners of the county of Mineral, State of Nevada, to purchase, acquire and construct an electrical power and telephone line, extending from the Lundy generating plant of the Nevada-California power company situated in the county of Mono, State of California, to the town of Hawthorne, Nevada, and thence via Luning and Mina to the town of Simon in the county of Mineral, State of Nevada, and branches thereof; providing for the maintenance and operation of said line as a public utility; the issuance and sale of bonds therefor; the levy and collection of taxes for the payment of such bonds, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 4, 1921, as amended. Senate Bill No. 310–Senator Seevers.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT authorizing the board of county commissioners of Mineral County to order the transfer of moneys from the Courthouse Construction Fund to the Mount Grant General Hospital Construction Fund to be used for construction uses and uses allied thereto; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 311–Senator Seevers.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 659.020, relating to contents of articles of incorporation of banking corporations, by allowing the superintendent of banks to require incorporators to have capital stock in an amount in excess of $50,000. Senate Bill No. 312–Committee on Banks, Banking and Corporations.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 661.010, 661.020 and 661.150, relating to minimum capital, paid-up capital, surplus, meetings of directors and examinations of books and records of bank and trust companies, by clarifying the law relating to the amount of capital required to organize banks and trust companies; by allowing an annual audit in lieu of a quarterly examination of such books; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 313–Committee on Banks, Banking and Corporations.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 218.200, relating to chaplains for the senate and assembly, by providing that chaplains shall receive a compensation to be fixed by concurrent resolution of the senate and assembly. Senate Bill No. 315–Committee on Legislative Functions.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT transferring moneys in obsolete or inactive funds to the general fund in the state treasury or the state highway fund. Senate Bill No. 321–Senators Settelmeyer and Whitacre.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act to authorize the board of county commissioners of Washoe County, State of Nevada, to issue bonds for the construction, equipment and furnishing of a county library building, in the city of Reno, Nevada, providing a method for acquiring a site therefor, providing for the redemption of said bonds, providing for the method of managing and maintaining such library, defining the duties of certain officers and others in relation thereto, and other matters properly connected therewith,” approved March 27, 1929, as amended. Senate Bill No. 331–Senator Echeverria.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 286.520, relating to the employment of retired persons by the state and political subdivisions, by authorizing a retired person who is elected or appointed as a county commissioner, city councilman or legislator to waive any retirement rights accruing by such service and thereafter to receive his retirement allowance during the entire period of service in such designated offices. Senate Bill No. 335–Senators Echeverria, Duffy, Slattery, Lamb, Monroe, Frank, Seevers and Brown.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 305.230, relating to the selling or furnishing of alcoholic beverages on election days, by exempting elections at which the sole matter voted on is the assumption or creation of any public indebtedness. Assembly Bill No. 28–Miss Herr.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT appropriating moneys for the support and maintenance of the Lost City museum for the year beginning July 1, 1959, and ending June 30, 1960; providing for payment of a salary to the curator, assistant curator and clerical help; providing for the purchase of equipment; providing for capital improvements; providing that the superintendent of the state department of buildings and grounds shall expend the moneys herein appropriated for the purposes mentioned; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 124–Messrs. Leavitt and Harmon.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 317 of NRS, relating to television maintenance districts, by creating new provisions authorizing annexation of territory to such district; providing for the creation, alteration and abolition of divisions within such districts; authorizing such districts to borrow money; providing for an election concerning the issuance and sale of special assessment or revenue bonds, prescribing the form, denominations, security and manner or sale and retirement of such bonds, and by providing for the disposition of the proceeds thereof; to amend NRS sections 317.040 and 317.060, relating to the powers and duties of district trustees and the assessment of television receivers, by authorizing expenditures for capital improvements and providing for the assessment of television receivers or service charges to retire any bonds issued or to repay moneys borrowed; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 176–Messrs. Pasquale and Buckingham.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 244 of NRS, relating to county government, by creating a new provision relating to the right of appeal of a person whose work permit or identification card required for employment in a licensed gambling establishment has been revoked or suspended by the sheriff or other county officer. Assembly Bill No. 336–Messrs. Harmon and Ryan.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 426.290 and 426.440, relating to assistance provided blind persons by persons not liable for their support and income furnished to applicants for and recipients of aid to the blind by relatives, by providing that free items of need furnished blind persons shall constitute income for the purpose of computing grants of aid and that only income actually furnished to blind persons which is not inconsequential or unpredictable may be deemed income available for support; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 378–Miss Herr.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapters 266 and 292 of NRS, relating to registration of electors and incorporation of cities and towns, by requiring primary elections in cities of the first and second classes incorporated under general law; by providing the procedure for such elections; by transferring the provisions relating to registration lists in certain cities from chapter 297 of NRS to chapter 292 of NRS; to repeal chapter 297 of NRS, relating to municipal elections, and NRS sections 266.625 to 266.645, inclusive, relating to elections in certain cities; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 410–Mr. Gibson.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 423.010, 423.050 and 423.060, relating to the Nevada state children’s home, definitions and the qualifications, selection and salary of the superintendent of such home, by defining a term; by providing a salary increase for the superintendent and providing a salary for the matron of such home; by providing that the superintendent and matron of the Nevada state children’s home be in the unclassified service; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 433–Committee on Social Welfare.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 350.020, relating to bond elections, by exempting from the bond election requirement incorporated cities organized and existing under any special legislative act or special charter enacted or granted pursuant to the provisions of section 1 of article 8 of the constitution of the State of Nevada. Assembly Bill No. 450–Messrs. Humphrey (Washoe) and Bailey.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 392.150, relating to the appointment and duties of attendance officers of school districts, by providing that such officers need not be certified employees of the school district. Assembly Bill No. 485–Committee on Education.  Approved March 30, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 37 of NRS, relating to eminent domain proceedings, by defining terms; to amend NRS sections 37.100, 37.170 and 37.180, relating to occupancy of premises by the plaintiff and to abandonment of condemnation proceedings, by permitting occupancy upon motion of the plaintiff and until entry of judgment; by allowing damages to defendant; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 236–Committee on Aviation, Transportation and Highways.  Approved March 31, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 408.235, 408.290 and 408.999, relating to the state highway fund, establishment of new routes and changes of location in state highways and disposal of property, by allowing the chief accountant of the department of highways to certify claims; by deleting references to the Defense Highway Act of 1941 and to changes of location, by providing for a method of sale of real property under certain conditions by the board of directors of the department of highways; to repeal NRS section 405.190, relating to permits to excavate, as being duplicated by NRS section 408.955; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 235–Committee on Aviation, Transportation and Highways.  Approved March 31, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 269.045, 269.050, 269.060, 269.065 and 269.240, relating to prohibitions against interests in contracts and purchases of evidences of indebtedness by town officers and the penalties therefor, and to provisions providing for the creation of a town police department and the finances therefor, by specifying the terms of imprisonment; by clarifying the provision for compensation for police officers; and by deleting unnecessary words. Senate Bill No. 31–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved April 2, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 162 of NRS, relating to fiduciaries, by creating new provisions concerning transfers of securities to and by fiduciaries and liabilities with respect thereto; by defining certain terms; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto; to amend NRS section 162.010, relating to citation of chapter 162 of NRS, to provide for citation of NRS sections 162.010 to 162.140, inclusive; and to repeal NRS section 162.040, relating to registration of transfers of securities held by fiduciaries. Senate Bill No. 273–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 2, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 127 of NRS, relating to adoption of children, by establishing the procedure for and allowing the adoption of adult persons; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 278–Senators Brown and Echeverria.  Approved April 2, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 78.720 and 150.220, relating to the amount of wage claims accorded priority in the dissolution of a corporation and in the order of payment of such claims in the administration of an estate, by providing a uniform amount for such claims; to amend NRS sections 372.565 and 612.650, relating to the subordination of certain claims to claims for sales and use taxes and the priority unemployment compensation contributions upon the distribution of an employer’s assets, by providing that wage claims shall have priority over unpaid sales and use taxes and unemployment compensation contributions. Senate Bill No. 308–Senator Slattery.  Approved April 2, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 220.050, 220.130 and 220.150, relating to employees of the statute revision commission, to the printing, binding, sale and master copy of the Nevada Revised Statutes and to the statute revision commission printing and binding fund, by providing for unclassified employees; by allowing sale of individual volumes, parts or pages of the Nevada Revised Statutes; and by providing that any unexpended balances of appropriations made to the statute revision commission shall be transferred to such fund. Senate Bill No. 334–Committee on Legislative Functions.  Approved April 2, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 258 of NRS, relating to constables, by creating a new section prescribing the fees of constables of Clark County, Nevada. Senate Bill No. 345–Senator Brown.  Approved April 2, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 354.300, relating to annual statements of county auditors, by incorporating therein certain provisions contained in NRS section 361.740, relating to quarterly and annual financial reports of county auditors; to repeal NRS section 361.740; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 198–Mr. Monaghan (by request).  Approved April 2, 1959



AN ACT appropriating the sum of $550,000 from the general fund of the state for the purpose of the design, construction and minimum furnishing of a combined classroom and physical education building at Nevada Southern in Clark County, Nevada; specifying the powers, duties and requirements of the state planning board and the board of regents of the University of Nevada; and other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 259–Clark County and Washoe County Delegations.  Approved April 2, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 616.580 and 616.615, relating to permanent total disability compensation and death benefits under the Nevada Industrial Insurance Act, by raising the limit on the amount of monthly wages taken into account in computing such compensation and benefits. Assembly Bill No. 358–Mr. Ryan.  Approved April 2, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 585.200, 585.230 and 600.050, relating to the commissioner and administration of food and drugs and the filing and publication of trade-marks or trade names, by transferring the administration of food and drug control to the state department of health; and by providing for the appointment of the commissioner of food and drugs by the state board of health; to amend chapter 439 of NRS relating to the administration of public health, by providing that the state board of health appoint the commissioner of food and drugs; to repeal NRS section 396.670, relating to the commissioner of food and drugs; providing for the transfer of personnel and property to the state department of health; by providing for the classification of personnel without examination; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 367–Messrs. Bastian, Knisley, Berrum and Humphrey (Washoe).  Approved April 2, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 396.600, 581.030, 581.040, 581.060, 590.100 and 590.130, relating to the public service division of the University of Nevada, the state sealer of weights and measures and the petroleum products inspection fund, by removing the administration of food and drug control and weights and measures from the University of Nevada and placing the administration of weights and measures in the state board of stock commissioners; by permitting the Nevada highway patrol to take petroleum samples; by providing that petroleum inspection fees be placed in the general fund; by transferring the personnel, equipment, funds and records of the state sealer of weights and measures to the state board of stock commissioners; by providing for the classification of personnel without examination; by making an appropriation; to amend chapter 561 of NRS, relating to the state board of stock commissioners, by providing that the executive officer of such board is the ex officio state sealer of weights and measures; to repeal NRS section 396.680 relating to the appointment of the state sealer of weights and measures; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 368–Messrs. Bastian, Knisley, Berrum and Humphrey (Washoe).  Approved April 2, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 269 of NRS, relating to unincorporated towns, by prohibiting any political subdivision of this state from adopting, as its official name, the official name of any town in the state. Assembly Bill No. 390–Messrs. Buckingham and Pasquale.  Approved April 2, 1959



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act to incorporate the town of Las Vegas, in Clark County, and defining the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishing of a city government therefor, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 16, 1911, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 393–Clark County Delegation.  Approved April 2, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 387.200, relating to the duties of the Nevada tax commission in determining the average ratio of assessed valuation to true valuation of property and the computation of the proceeds of the mandatory school district tax for purposes of apportionments of the state distributive school fund, by changing the method of computing the proceeds of the mandatory school district tax; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 436–Messrs. Bailey, Humphrey (Washoe) and Swanson.  Approved April 2, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 321 of NRS, relating to the administration, control and sale of state lands, by creating the Lincoln County Pilot Land Development and Disposal Law; by providing for the initiation of proceedings to acquire certain lands; by defining terms; by authorizing the state department of conservation and natural resources to acquire and develop such lands; by creating a fund and making an appropriation therefor; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 447–Lincoln County Delegation.  Approved April 2, 1959



AN ACT to amend the title of and to amend an act entitled “An Act to amend chapter 481 of NRS relating to administration of motor vehicle laws by creating new provisions and repealing NRS sections 481.010 to 481.120, inclusive, to create the department of motor vehicles, provide for the powers, duties and functions of the department and the various divisions thereof, provide for the appointment, removal, compensation, powers and duties of the director of the department, to provide for the support of the department, and for the transfer of certain personnel, records and property of the public service commission of Nevada and the Nevada tax commission to the department; to amend NRS sections 481.130, 481.140, 481.150, and 481.180 relating to the Nevada highway patrol to place the same under the jurisdiction of the department of motor vehicles and to increase the number of personnel thereof; to amend NRS sections 482.015, 482.025 and 482.140 relating to licensing and registration of motor vehicles, 483.030 and 483.060 relating to operators’ and chauffeurs’ licenses, 484.030, 484.050, 484.240, 484.460, 484.580 and 484.660 relating to traffic laws, 485.030 relating to motor vehicle safety responsibility, 486.050, 486.060, 486.070 and 486.090 relating to power cycles, and 487.010 relating to reports of stored vehicles to provide for administration of such functions by the department; to amend chapter 365 of NRS and NRS sections 365.090, 365.100, 365.110, 365.120, 365.130, 365.140, 365.150, 365.160, 365.170, 365.180, 365.190, 365.200, 365.220, 365.230, 365.240, 365.280, 365.290, 365.300, 365.310, 365.320, 365.330, 365.350, 365.360, 365.380, 365.390, 365.400, 365.410, 365.420, 365.430, 365.440, 365.450, 365.460, 365.480, 365.500, 365.510, 365.520, 365.530, 365.540, 365.550, 365.560, 365.570 and 365.590 relating to motor vehicle fuel taxes and chapter 366 of NRS and NRS sections 366.090, 366.110, 366.120, 366.130, 366.140, 366.150, 366.170, 366.180, 366.200, 366.220, 366.230, 366.240, 366.250, 366.270, 366.280, 366.290, 366.300, 366.310, 366.320, 366.340, 366.350, 366.360, 366.390, 366.400, 366.430, 366.450, 366.470, 366.490, 366.500, 366.520, 366.550, 366.560, 366.580, 366.620, 366.630, 366.640, 366.650, 366.660, 366.680 and 366.720 relating to special fuel tax to provide for administration and enforcement of provisions relating to such taxes by the department of motor vehicles instead of the Nevada tax commission; to amend chapter 706 of NRS and NRS sections 706.130, 706.150, 706.160, 706.170, 706.200, 706.210, 706.230, 706.260, 706.270, 706.310, 706.320, 706.330, 706.410, 706.490, 706.500, 706.520, 706.540, 706.550, 706.560, 706.580, 706.590, 706.600, 706.610, 706.620, 706.630, 706.640, 706.650, 706.680, 706.690, 706.710, 706.800, 706.810 and 706.820 relating to motor vehicle carriers to provide for administration by the department of motor vehicles of provisions concerning the licensing of motor vehicle carriers and the use of public highways by such carriers; to amend NRS sections 14.070, 392.400, 392.410 and 439.270 to change miscellaneous references to public service commission of Nevada made necessary by transfer of functions to the department of motor vehicles; and other matters properly relating thereto,” approved April 1, 1957, by repealing sections 2 to 20, inclusive, and sections 22 to 43, inclusive, and amending sections 106 and 168 of such act to eliminate provisions transferring the functions of the Nevada tax commission relating to motor vehicle fuel taxes to the department of motor vehicles; to amend NRS section 365.520, relating to reports of carriers of motor vehicle fuel and special fuel; to amend chapter 366 of NRS, relating to special fuel tax and NRS sections 481.023, 481.067, 481.071 and 481.180, relating to the organization and functions of the department of motor vehicles, by providing for execution, administration and enforcement of laws relating to motor vehicle fuel taxes by the Nevada tax commission and laws relating to special fuel tax by the department of motor vehicles; by changing the name of the motor vehicle division of the department of motor vehicles; by abolishing the gasoline and special fuel tax division of the department and transferring its duties to the motor carrier division; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 463–Committee on Roads and Transportation.  Approved April 2, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 360.020 and 360.030, relating to the chairman and qualifications of members of the Nevada tax commission and to appointment and terms of office of such members, by clarifying the provisions relating to appointment and terms of office of such members; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 473–Mineral County Delegation.  Approved April 2, 1959



AN ACT appropriating $15,000 to the department of economic development for the purpose of aiding the Nevada Pony Express Centennial Committee in conducting the Pony Express centennial celebration. Assembly Bill No. 475–Committee on State Publicity and Economic Development.  Approved April 2, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 481.039, relating to the salary of the director of the department of motor vehicles, by increasing the salary after July 1, 1959. Assembly Bill No. 490–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved April 2, 1959



AN ACT authorizing expenditures by various departments, boards, commissions and agencies of the state government for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1959, and ending June 30, 1960; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 492–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved April 2, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 690 of NRS, relating to life insurance, by adding new provisions relating to the regulation of credit life insurance; providing certain penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 119–Committee on Banks, Banking and Corporations (By request of the Insurance Commissioner).  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 683.040 relating to the conditions of issuance of licenses to foreign and alien insurance companies. Senate Bill No. 122–Committee on Banks, Banking and Corporations (By request of the Insurance Commissioner).  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 651 of NRS, relating to public accommodations, by creating a new provision regulating advertising on outdoor or outside signs by owners or keepers of hotels, inns, motels or motor courts; by defining certain words and terms; by requiring owners or keepers of hotels, inns, motels or motor courts to post conspicuously statements of charges or rates of charges by the day for lodging; by requiring the maintenance and use of registration cards and the issuance of receipts; by imposing both civil and criminal penalties for violations; by providing for the operation of the statute only in counties of this state having a population of 25,000 or more persons; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 425–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 569.010, 569.020, 569.030, 569.050, 569.060, 569.090 and 569.130, relating to estray animals, by clarifying applicability of provisions and increasing the allowable charge for care of estrays; to repeal NRS sections 569.140 to 569.250, inclusive, relating to estray jacks and jennies; and to repeal NRS sections 569.280 to 569.350, inclusive, relating to trespassing hogs. Assembly Bill No. 478–Committee on Livestock.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 692 of NRS, relating to accident and health insurance, by adding new provisions relating to the regulation of credit accident and health insurance; providing certain penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 127–Committee on Banks, Banking and Corporations (By request of the Insurance Commissioner).  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 279 of NRS and NRS sections 279.010 and 279.020, relating to urban renewal, by enacting a community redevelopment law; by defining terms; by declaring the policy of the state; by providing for redevelopment agencies, redevelopment plans, powers, duties, contracts, officers and employees of such agencies; by providing for the designation of redevelopment areas, hearings, adoption of plans by legislative bodies and participation of planning commission; by providing for the financing of redevelopment plans, bond issues, appropriations, taxation and the allocation of tax receipts; by providing for the creation of community redevelopment agency administrative funds and redevelopment revolving funds; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 489–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 590.170, 590.325, 590.326 and 590.330, relating to petroleum products, their inspection and the regulation of advertising thereof, by designating specific penalties; by making technical corrections; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 316–Committee on Aviation, Transportation and Highways.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to repeal chapter 674 of NRS relating to the Nevada Small Loan Act. Senate Bill No. 357–Committee on Banks, Banking and Corporations.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 202.010, 210.040, 210.060, 210.070, 210.090 and 210.180, relating to sales of tobacco to minors, powers and duties of the Nevada school of industry advisory board, the appointment, residence, salary, expenses, powers and duties of the superintendent of such school, and the enrollment, employment, commitment and expenses for support of inmates of such school, by allowing the superintendent to sell tobacco to inmates 16 years of age or older, with parental consent; by providing for appointment and classification of the superintendent and broadening his powers and duties; by prescribing the conditions under which a person may be accepted or rejected by the school; by deleting reference to physical examination of inmates; to amend chapter 210 of NRS, relating to the Nevada school of industry, by providing for the powers and duties of committing court and the superintendent of the school; by providing for the care of female inmates; by providing for the rejection, acceptance, release, parole and mental observation of inmates; by providing for the establishment of forestry camps and the labor of the inmates therein; by providing for the powers and duties of employees and officers of the school; by providing penalties; by allowing the superintendent to enter into contracts; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 466–Committee on State Institutions.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 78 of NRS, relating to private corporations, by providing a procedure for the designation of a new agent in event of death, removal from state or resignation of resident agent; by providing for restating articles of incorporation, and the fee for the filing thereof; by providing for the issue, reissue and retirement of treasury shares, rights incident to treasury shares and surplus resulting from reissue of such shares; to amend NRS sections 78.070, 78.090, 78.110, 78.140, 78.150 to 78.165, inclusive, 78.315, 78.320, 78.380, 78.390, 78.395, 78.405, 78.415, 78.550 and 78.785, relating to the specific powers of corporations and to powers and duties of resident agents, procedure for change of location of principal office, common directorships, disclosures of facts, annual and new lists of officers, directors and resident agent, fees, duties of secretary of state, penalties, directors’ and stockholders’ meetings, consent of stockholders and directors in lieu of meeting, amendment of articles of incorporation before and after payment of capital, adoption of amended articles, procedure for dividing shares, reduction of capital and to assumption of name of subsidiary by parent, by providing that corporations may enter into partnerships, general or limited, or joint ventures, by providing procedure for changing resident agent; allowing a majority of disinterested directors to approve a contract; providing fees for filing designation of resident agent and change of principal office; providing for action taken by board of directors or stockholders without meeting; by providing that amended articles become effective upon their filing with the secretary of state; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 183–Committee on Banks, Banking and Corporations.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 228.150, relating to written opinions of the attorney general, by providing that such opinions shall be given to city attorneys of incorporated cities when required. Senate Bill No. 193–Senator Gallagher.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 356.200, relating to conditions and requirements relative to deposits of county moneys in banks by certain county officers, by authorizing county assessors to make checks payable to the Nevada tax commission when remitting motor vehicle use taxes. Senate Bill No. 206–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend that portion of chapter 453 of NRS relating to the Uniform Narcotic Drug Act, by creating new provisions constituting violations of such act and providing for the forfeiture of any vehicle, boat or aircraft being used by persons violating such act; to amend NRS 453.210, relating to penalties for violation of the Uniform Narcotic Drug Act, by changing certain penalties and providing new penalties; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 272–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT appropriating the sum of $200,000 from the general fund to the Olympic Games fund to enable the Nevada Olympic Games commission to further perform its powers and duties. Senate Bill No. 281–Senator Echeverria.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT making an additional and supplemental appropriation to the Nevada Silver Centennial fund created by chapter 17, Statutes of Nevada, 1959. Senate Bill No. 287–Senator Slattery.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 122.070, relating to solemnization of marriages by ministers, by requiring ministers to receive a certificate to perform marriages prior to performing marriages; providing procedure for obtaining such certificates; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 293–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 321.450, relating to the powers of the Colorado River commission of Nevada concerning the Eldorado Valley Development Law, by establishing the procedure for such commission to relinquish its rights to acquire certain lands under such law; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 300–Senator Brown.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 392.350, relating to the payment of money by boards of trustees of school districts to parents and guardians for costs of food and lodging of pupils at places convenient to schools, by providing that payments may be made when pupils attend public school in adjoining states. Senate Bill No. 328–Senator Duffy.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT making a supplemental appropriation for the support of the 1959 session of the Nevada legislature. Senate Bill No. 359–Committee on Finance.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT appropriating the sum of $275,000, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the purchase of certain real property and appurtenances thereto, known as Tule Springs Ranch and located in Clark County, Nevada, together with all buildings, improvements, fixtures, furniture, furnishings and equipment therein or thereon; prescribing the powers, duties and responsibilities of the legislative commission, the state planning board and the attorney general in connection therewith; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 362–Senator Brown.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT making appropriations from the general fund, the state highway fund, the county gas tax fund and the Colorado River commission fund for the support of the civil government of the State of Nevada for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1959, and ending June 30, 1960; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 495–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to fix the state tax levy for the fiscal year commencing on July 1, 1959, and ending on June 30, 1960; providing for the levy and collection of taxes on personal property not placed on the secured tax roll; and other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 503–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 3.270, 4.060, 4.070, 19.120 to 19.280, inclusive, 122.060, 247.230 to 247.310, inclusive, 248.270 to 248.290, inclusive, 251.060, 251.070, 252.140, 258.130 to 258.160, inclusive, 354.160, 362.170, 363.140, 364.050, 364.060 and 463.320, relating to certain fees received or collected by county officers, justices of the peace and clerks of district courts, by prescribing the date on or before which such fees shall be transmitted to the county treasurer; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 384–Messrs. Monaghan and McKissick.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 6.090, 6.110 and 6.120, relating to drawing and summoning of trial jurors and grand jurors, by providing for mailing of summons to prospective jurors in lieu of personal service of summons by the sheriff; and to amend NRS sections 248.270, 248.280 and 248.290, relating to fees of sheriffs, by deleting provisions for payment of fees and mileage to sheriffs for summoning jurors. Assembly Bill No. 240–Miss Herr.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 244.380, relating to tax levy for promotion of county resources and advantages, by authorizing boards of county commissioners to contract for such advertising and promotion and to pay over moneys derived from such tax levy pursuant to such contracts; by lowering the amount of the tax which may be levied in counties in which there were cast for Representative in Congress at the last preceding general election 6,221 or more votes; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 107–Mr. Humphrey (Washoe).  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT appropriating $527,697 from the general fund in the state treasury to the University of Nevada for the purchase of equipment, furniture, furnishings and fixtures for various branches, colleges, departments, schools, bureaus, divisions and other components of the University of Nevada. Assembly Bill No. 493–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT fixing the compensation of the county officers of Mineral County, Nevada; regulating the employment and compensation of deputies and other employees of such officers; providing for travel expenses; repealing certain acts in conflict herewith; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 496–Mineral County Delegation.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT providing that Assemblywoman Maude Frazier be paid the sum of $210 as per diem allowance for 14 days during which she was hospitalized at Las Vegas, Nevada, from March 6 to March 19, inclusive. Assembly Bill No. 497–Clark County Delegation.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT appropriating the sum of $150,000 to the state public hospital construction assistance fund. Senate Bill No. 297–Senators McGowan, Gallagher and Seevers.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 207 of NRS, relating to miscellaneous crimes, by providing that pharmacists may not share or offer to share money received from customers for filling prescriptions with the persons writing such prescriptions; by prohibiting persons authorized to write prescriptions from accepting any share of such money; by providing penalties; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 323–Senators Slattery and Echeverria.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT providing an additional and supplemental appropriation for the payment of traveling expenses of certain district judges. Senate Bill No. 336–Senator Black.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 244.305, relating to acquisition of land for park, recreational and memorial purposes by counties having more than 10,000 population, to permit such acquisitions by counties having a population of 5,000 or more. Senate Bill No. 340–Committee on State and County Affairs.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 125.120, relating to the power of a court to grant a divorce to the party least at fault, by clarifying the applicability of the section. Senate Bill No. 341–Senator Echeverria.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT creating the emergency state distributive school fund in the state treasury; appropriating the sum of $2,229,600 from the general fund in the state treasury to the emergency state distributive school fund; providing the methods for apportioning the emergency state distributive school fund among the several county school districts of the state and providing the times for payments thereof; providing for the deposit and use of such moneys by county school districts; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 349–Joint Committee on Finance and Education and State University and Senators Whitacre and Brown.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT appropriating the sum of $42,000 for the purposes of trimming and spraying all trees on the state capitol grounds, making repairs to the exterior of the state capitol and for remodeling of the basement of the state office building at Carson City, Nevada, for the use of the department of motor vehicles; stating the powers, duties and responsibilities of the superintendent of the state department of buildings and grounds, the state planning board and the attorney general in connection therewith; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 350–Committee on Finance.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 200.030, relating to finding of degrees of murder and sentencing, by providing for the appointment of two additional district judges to participate in determining degrees of guilt and sentencing of confessed murderers; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 353–Senator Brown.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 334.010, relating to state automobiles, by excepting ambulances from the limitation on the purchase price of state automobiles. Senate Bill No. 356–Committee on State Institutions (by request).  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 360.050, relating to compensation of Nevada tax commission members, by providing that members, other than the governor and the public service commission member, shall receive compensation of $25 per day while engaged in tax commission business. Senate Bill No. 358–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act to amend Title 56 of NRS, relating to loan associations and lending institutions, by creating a new chapter to be known as the Nevada Installment Loan and Finance Act; by providing for the licensing and regulation of the business of lending in amounts of $2,500 or less by the superintendent of banks; by providing for the issuance, renewal, suspension and revocation of licenses; by providing general regulations applicable to such business; by prescribing loan regulations; by declaring legislative policy and intent with respect to such business; by providing certain exemptions; by defining certain terms; by providing penalties; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto,” approved March 20, 1959, and being chapter 208, Statutes of Nevada 1959; by amending section 36 of such act to prohibit taking of liens upon real property as security for loans made pursuant to such act; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 360–Committee on Banks, Banking and Corporations.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT appropriating the sum of $5,000 for the use of the director of the state department of purchasing for the purchase of a new motor vehicle for the official use of the governor of the State of Nevada; providing that the used motor vehicle now used by the governor for official business shall be assigned for use in the office of the governor at Las Vegas, Nevada; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 361–Committee on Finance.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT appropriating the sum of $2,572,912 from the general fund in the state treasury for the purpose of the design, contract administration, construction, equipment and minimum furnishings of a library building at the University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada; prescribing the powers, duties and responsibilities of the state planning board, the board of regents of the University of Nevada and the attorney general in connection therewith; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 363–Committee on Finance.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 483.380, relating to the expiration and renewal of motor vehicle operators’ and chauffeurs’ licenses, by extending the time from 30 days to 90 days when an operator’s or chauffeur’s license may be renewed. Assembly Bill No. 263–Mr. Jepson.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 209.110, 223.100, 331.030, 341.100, 353.170, 407.060, 414.040, 607.030, 680.060 and 703.080, relating to the salaries of certain state appointive officers, by increasing the salaries of the warden of the state prison, the executive assistant to the governor, the superintendent of the state department of buildings and grounds, the manager and technical supervisor of the state planning board, the director of the budget, the director of the state park commission, the director of civil defense, the labor commissioner, the commissioner of insurance, and the commissioners of the public service commission of Nevada; to amend chapter 472 of NRS, relating to the state forester firewarden, by placing the state forester firewarden in the unclassified service of the state and fixing his salary; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 498–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 481.140, relating to the composition of the Nevada highway patrol, by raising to 59 the limit on the number of patrolmen and field agents allowed such patrol; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 499–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT appropriating $70,000 from the state highway fund to the department of motor vehicles for use of the motor vehicle registration division. Assembly Bill No. 500–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT appropriating $1,915,518 from the general fund for various state capital improvements, physical plant design, construction, rehabilitation, remodeling, repairs, additions, equipment and furnishings, land acquisitions, safety survey, landscaping, preparation of plans, specifications and contract documents, and other things; stating the powers, duties and responsibilities of the state planning board and other officers; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 501–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 353.090, relating to the procedure for payment of claims against the state when legislative appropriation has been made. Assembly Bill No. 90–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe), and Pozzi (by request of the Legislative Commission).  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 561 of NRS, relating to the state board of stock commissioners, by creating a new provision establishing the livestock disease control fund in the state treasury for the use of the state board of stock commissioners to control infectious, contagious and parasitic diseases of livestock; appropriating the sum of $25,000 therefor from the general fund; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 270–Messrs. Berrum and Young.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT relating to probation and parole; to amend NRS sections 176.220, 176.300, 176.330 and 176.350 relating to probation; to amend NRS sections 213.108 and 213.109 relating to the state board of parole commissioners, its members, chairman, and their appointment and election; to repeal NRS sections 176.230, 176.240, 176.250, 176.260, 176.270, 176.280, 176.290, 176.360 and 176.370 relating to probation and the duties and powers of the chief parole and probation officer and the state board of parole commissioners; to amend chapter 213 of NRS, relating to pardons and paroles and the remissions of fines and commutations of punishments, by creating new provisions which substantially reenact the provisions of NRS sections 176.230, 176.240, 176.250, 176.260, 176.270, 176.280, 176.290, 176.360 and 176.370, herein repealed; providing for the annual salary of the chief parole and probation officer; providing for the restoration to citizenship of paroled prisoners by the state board of parole commissioners; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 283–Mr. Evans.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 354.380, 385.310, 385.330, 385.340, 385.370 to 385.410, inclusive, 386.260, 386.300, 386.310, 386.330, 386.370, 387.315, 388.050, 388.060, 388.100, 388.180, 391.080, 391.180, 391.230, 391.250, 391.350, 392.010, 392.030, 392.080, 392.350, 393.050, 393.100, 393.200 and 393.240, relating to budgets, schools, pupils, deputy and assistant superintendents of public instruction, school trustees and school attendance areas, by transferring certain powers and duties of deputy superintendents of public instruction to the superintendent of public instruction and the state department of education; to repeal NRS section 385.360, relating to visitation of schools; to amend chapter 385 of NRS, relating to state administrative organization by requiring the superintendent of public instruction to investigate claims and to inspect records and school funds; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 413–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act to incorporate the city of Sparks, in Washoe County, and defining the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishing of a city government therefor, and other matters relating thereto, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith,” approved March 28, 1949, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 438–Messrs. Jepson and Christensen (Washoe).  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT authorizing Washoe County, State of Nevada, to establish, construct, otherwise acquire, reconstruct, improve, extend or better, a juvenile detention home, and improvements incidental thereto, to equip and furnish the same, and to acquire a suitable site or grounds therefor; concerning the issuance of bonds therefor in not to exceed the aggregate principal amount of $275,000 and the levy of taxes in connection therewith; prescribing other details concerning such bonds and such taxes; and concerning other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 449–Washoe County Delegation.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 649.060, 649.070, 649.090, 649.110, 649.140, 649.150, 649.160, 649.180, 649.190, 649.200 and 649.210 relating to collection agencies by transferring administration of the laws governing collection agencies from the secretary of state to the superintendent of banks; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 189–Committee on Banks, Banking and Corporations.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend Title 16 of NRS, relating to crimes, punishments and correctional institutions, by creating a new chapter enacting the Western Interstate Corrections Compact and empowering proper state officers to enter into contracts and hold hearings thereunder; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 223–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Legislative Commission).  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 282.230, 282.240, 282.280, 282.290 and 282.330, relating to bonds of public officials, by increasing the coverage of such bonds to include tortious misconduct and other wrongful acts; by providing that the state consents to be sued upon such bonds; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 8–Senator Monroe.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 150 of NRS, relating to compensation and accounting in probate matters, by creating a new provision relating to the use and ownership of certain income received by an executor or administrator during administration of an estate when a testamentary trust, life estate or estate for years is created by will. Senate Bill No. 107–Senator Settelmeyer.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 159 of NRS, relating to guardians, by creating a new provision to permit a guardian to hold corporate stock owned by a ward’s estate in the name of a nominee under certain conditions. Senate Bill No. 108–Senator Settelmeyer.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 244.345, relating to county licensing of places of amusement, entertainment and recreation, by prohibiting issuance of temporary permits for conduct of gambling games or devices. Senate Bill No. 134–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 80.010, 80.070, and 80.110 to 80.140, inclusive, relating to filing of articles of incorporation, list of officers, directors and resident agent, fees, the duties of the secretary of state in respect thereto, and to the designation of resident agent of foreign corporations, by allowing foreign corporations to file restated articles; by providing for the changing of a resident agent by a foreign corporation, and the designation of the resident agent within 60 days after the articles of incorporation are filed with the secretary of state; by providing that the address of the resident agent be the same as that of the principal office of the corporation and that the annual list of officers and directors contain post office box or street addresses rather than residence addresses; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 184–Committee on Banks, Banking and Corporations.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 642 of NRS, relating to embalmers, by adding new sections which combine funeral directors with embalmers for purposes of regulation; defining terms; providing for licensing and apprenticeships; providing penalties; regulating funeral directors and apprentices; to amend NRS sections 642.010, 642.020, 642.070, 642.090, 642.100 and 642.120, relating to embalmers’ licenses, the state board of embalmers, examinations, reports and definition of terms, by defining terms; by changing the name and membership of the state board of embalmers; by increasing fees; by increasing emergency funds; by providing for notice that renewal fees are due; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 192–Senator Monroe.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 538.070, relating to terms of office of the members of the Colorado River commission, by providing that all members shall serve 4-year terms. Senate Bill No. 208–Senators Brown, Gallagher, Seevers and Whitacre (By request of the Statute Revision Commission).  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 41.330, relating to fees charged by county officials in proceedings for judicial declaration of sanity, by providing that such proceedings shall be conducted without cost to the petitioner; to amend chapter 41 of NRS, relating to actions concerning persons, by providing for notice to the superintendent and medical director of the Nevada state hospital in proceedings for judicial declaration of sanity. Senate Bill No. 225–Committee on State Institutions (by request of the Nevada State Hospital).  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 433.200 and 433.270, relating to the commitment of the mentally ill and hearings and examinations in connection therewith, by requiring the district attorney or his deputy to appear in commitment proceedings; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 227–Committee on State Institutions (by request of the Nevada State Hospital).  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 366.260, relating to the validity and transferability of special fuel users’ licenses and permits, by changing the period of validity of special fuel vehicle permits from calendar to fiscal year. Senate Bill No. 271–Committee on Aviation, Transportation and Highways.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 5.050, relating to jurisdiction of municipal courts, by providing for jurisdiction of all misdemeanors. Senate Bill No. 292–Senator Echeverria.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 662.020, relating to minimum operating cash, balances and reserves banks are required to have on hand, by allowing the superintendent of banks to include as reserve 6 percent of all public deposits secured by negotiable securities in determining such amounts; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 314–Committee on Banks, Banking and Corporations.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT providing for the construction, furnishings and equipment of an agricultural mechanics facility and shop building for the University of Nevada; making an appropriation therefor; defining certain duties of the president and board of regents of the University of Nevada, the state planning board and the attorney general; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 338–Committee on Finance.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT providing that Senator John H. Murray be paid the sum of $345 as per diem allowance for the 23 days he was hospitalized at Elko, Nevada, from February 18 to March 9, inclusive. Senate Bill No. 348–Committee on Legislative Functions.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT appropriating the sum of $48,952 to pay expenses incurred and to be incurred for the period January 1, 1958, to June 30, 1959, for the operation, maintenance and repair of the state building in Reno, Nevada. Senate Bill No. 351–Committee on Finance.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to appropriate moneys from the general fund and the state highway fund of the State of Nevada for the purpose of providing salary increases for classified personnel of the State of Nevada for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1959, and ending June 30, 1960; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 20–Messrs. Pozzi and Waters.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 148.320, relating to limitation of actions to recover property sold by an executor or administrator during probate proceedings, by providing that the limitation periods prescribed in NRS section 11.270 apply to actions to set aside a sale, or to recover property sold, by an executor or administrator during probate proceedings. Assembly Bill No. 75–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe) and Pozzi (by request of the Statute Revision Commission.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 439.120 relating to the salary and expenses of the state health officer. Assembly Bill No. 86–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe) and Pozzi (by request of the Legislative Commission).  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 281.160 and 281.170, relating to traveling expenses and subsistence allowances for state officers and employees transacting public business without and within the state, by increasing the amounts to be allowed for expenses and allowances; by imposing certain duties on the state board of examiners; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 96–Messrs. Christensen (Clark), Christensen (Washoe), Humphrey (Washoe) and Pozzi (by request of the Legislative Commission).  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 268 of NRS, relating to powers and duties common to cities and towns incorporated under general or special laws, by creating a new provision authorizing cities to budget and expend funds and enter into contracts for the purpose of promoting and publishing their resources and advantages. Assembly Bill No. 188–Washoe County Delegation.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 482.265 and 482.275, relating to issuance, display and return of motor vehicle license plates, by requiring two license plates on all motor vehicles, except motorcycles and power cycles, after July 1, 1960, and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 377–Mr. Bleak.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 366.080, defining special fuel user, by excluding certain operators of private passenger automobiles and certain pickup trucks from the definition of special fuel user. Assembly Bill No. 379–Messrs. Humphrey (Washoe) and Bailey.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act fixing the salaries and compensation of officers, deputy officers and employees of Clark County, Nevada, and repealing all other acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith,” approved March 24, 1955, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 387–Clark County Delegation.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT authorizing the appointment by the governor of a fact-finding body to investigate financial and administrative problems of public elementary and high schools of Nevada; providing for reports and recommendations by such fact-finding body; making an appropriation; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 389–Miss Frazier.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 244.050, relating to commissioner districts, by requiring a petition to divide a county into commissioner districts to be signed by persons registered to vote, rather than by qualified electors; and by providing that the county commissioners be elected by the qualified electors of the commissioner district wherein they reside rather than by the qualified electors of the county. Assembly Bill No. 402–Mr. McKissick.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 624 of NRS, relating to contractors, by prohibiting the transfer, assignment, or use by another of a license; by providing for automatic revocation of licenses for violations; and to amend NRS sections 624.270 and 624.280, relating to deposits and bonds of new licensees and to fees, by extending the period during which a new licensee shall be bonded; and by increasing maximum fees to $50. Assembly Bill No. 409–Messrs. Swanson and Humphrey (Washoe).  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend an act entitled “An Act to incorporate Carson City,” approved February 25, 1875, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 480–Ormsby County Delegation.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 353 of NRS, relating to state financial administration, by creating a new provision permitting the expenditure of unappropriated moneys for payment of salaries to state officers and employees under certain circumstances. Assembly Bill No. 482–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT relating to Clark County, Nevada; authorizing and providing for financing the development, enlargement, improvement and equipment of the county’s airport by the issuance of general obligation bonds; providing for a number of details in connection therewith; providing for the payment thereof and interest thereon by the levy and collection of general taxes and optionally by rates and charges derived in connection with the airport; authorizing the development, enlargement, improvement and equipment of the airport; specifying powers, duties, rights, privileges, liabilities and limitations in connection with such securities and the airport; and prescribing other details in connection therewith. Assembly Bill No. 484–Clark County Delegation.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 345.050 relating to the sale of state publications by the secretary of state by authorizing the sale of appendices to journals of senate and assembly. Assembly Bill No. 486–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 286.410, 286.450, 286.540 and 286.550, relating to amounts of contributions by public employers and employees to the public employees’ retirement system and disability and service retirement allowances for public employees, by effecting changes in the law to provide for increased disability and service retirement allowances of public employees; to repeal NRS section 286.560 relating to service retirement allowances of persons with 30 years of service who retire at age 55; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 123–Mr. Pozzi.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 286 of NRS, relating to public employees’ retirement, by creating new provisions authorizing the public employees’ retirement board to invest and reinvest the moneys in its funds in certain types of bonds, debentures, notes, equipment trust obligations, stocks, shares, mortgages and other evidences of indebtedness, and to employ investment counsel and designate banks as custodians of investments, with the approval of the state treasurer; by providing for approval and disapproval of investment counsel and review of investment policies by the state board of finance; to repeal NRS section 286.270, relating to the investment of the funds of the public employees’ retirement system by the state board of finance; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 295–Senator Settelmeyer.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 616 of NRS, relating to industrial insurance, by creating new provisions authorizing the Nevada industrial commission to invest and reinvest the moneys in its funds in certain types of bonds, debentures, notes, equipment trust obligations, stocks, shares, mortgages and other evidences of indebtedness, and to employ investment counsel and designate banks as custodians of investments, with the approval of the state treasurer; by providing for approval and disapproval of investment counsel and review of investment policies by the state board of finance; to repeal NRS section 616.465, relating to investments of surplus or reserve funds of the Nevada industrial commission; to amend NRS section 616.470, relating to deposits of surplus funds in banks, by deleting reference to NRS section 616.465 and substituting reference to NRS sections 355.140 to 355.160, inclusive; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 289–Committee on Banks, Banking and Corporations.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 584.345, 584.410, 584.415, 584.505, 584.520, 584.570, 584.595, 584.605, 584.630, 584.635, 584.670 and 584.690, relating to stabilization and marketing of fluid milk and fluid cream, by extending the definitions of “distributor,” clarifying purposes and legislative intent, extending inspection, unfair practices and licensing provisions, providing continuation of plans for wholesalers and retailers, assessment of distributors’ fees when dairy products are imported into the state, increasing bonds and providing additional assessments and penalties; to amend chapter 584 of NRS, relating to dairy products and substitutes, by adding new sections relating to price fixing, selling butter and fresh dairy byproducts below cost, assessments and enforcement; to repeal NRS sections 584.305 to 584.320, inclusive, relating to conciliation of disputes in the milk industry, and NRS section 584.577 relating to price fixing; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 150–Messrs. Leavitt, Harmon and Fitz.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 612.365, 612.485, 612.495 and 612.510, relating to overpayments and recovery, determinations and redeterminations and appeals in the unemployment compensation law, by providing procedures for appeals; by providing for appeals from determinations of liability for overpayments of unemployment compensation; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 386–Mr. Ryan.  Approved April 6, 1959



AN ACT authorizing the board of trustees of the city of Carson City, Nevada, to acquire a sewer system and issue the general obligation bonds of the city of Carson City, Nevada, in an amount not exceeding $336,000 to defray in part the cost of such acquisition; determining the conditions under which such bonds may be issued; prescribing details in connection therewith; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 456–Messrs. Pozzi and Waters.  Approved April 7, 1959



AN ACT appropriating $135,000 for participation of the state in construction of a new sewage disposal plant for the city of Carson City; providing for the distribution of operation and maintenance costs; providing a procedure for the determination of the costs to be borne by the state; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 454–Messrs. Pozzi and Waters.  Approved April 7, 1959



AN ACT authorizing and directing the governor, on behalf of the State of Nevada, to convey to the city of Carson City, Nevada, without consideration, certain real property owned by the State of Nevada; prescribing certain conditions precedent to such conveyance; and prescribing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 455–Messrs. Pozzi and Waters.  Approved April 7, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 482 of NRS, relating to licensing and registration of motor vehicles and trailers, and NRS sections 482.160, 482.180, 482.200, 482.215, 482.225, 482.260, 482.280, 482.320, 482.370, 482.375, 482.400, 482.410, 482.415 and 482.480, relating to the motor vehicle fund, motor vehicle license plates, applications for registration, collection of use taxes and personal property taxes on motor vehicles, renewals and transfers of registration and to fees, by providing for agents of the department of motor vehicles, for disposition of moneys in the motor vehicle fund, for applications for original, renewal and transfer registration, for collection of personal property taxes by the department of motor vehicles as agent for the counties, for the rate of such tax, for exemptions applied to such tax, for the notice to the department of motor vehicles of change of address, for renewal registration by mail, for some original registrations by mail, for transfer of existing registrations to newly acquired vehicles, for a transfer registration fee and for tax information to the county assessors from the department of motor vehicles; to repeal NRS sections 482.150, 482.190 and 482.360, relating to county assessors as ex officio officers of the department of motor vehicles, remittances by county assessors to the department of motor vehicles and registration of vehicles used by franchised new vehicle dealers; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 258–Committee on Aviation, Transportation and Highways.  Approved April 7, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS section 482.180, relating to the motor vehicle fund, creation thereof, deposits therein and transfers therefrom, by providing that the balance remaining in such fund after payment of claims shall be transferred monthly to the state highway fund by the state controller. Senate Bill No. 302–Committee on Aviation, Transportation and Highways.  Approved April 7, 1959



AN ACT to amend chapter 482 of NRS, relating to the licensing and registration of motor vehicles and trailers, by creating a new provision prescribing a penalty for failure to secure registration of residence trailers; to amend NRS sections 482.397 and 482.480, relating to the registration of residence trailers and registration fees, by providing that number plates shall be issued for residence trailers not used on the highways and providing a registration fee and transfer fee for such trailers and other vehicles; to amend NRS section 482.555, relating to misdemeanors for violation of vehicle licensing and registration law, by providing that a violation of such law not constituting a gross misdemeanor or a felony shall constitute a misdemeanor notwithstanding any other penalties provided; providing penalties; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 247–Messrs. Fitz, Pasquale and Buckingham.  Approved April 7, 1959



AN ACT to amend NRS sections 612.460, 612.475 and 612.550, relating to determinations of benefit status of an unemployed individual, notices to employers and employers’ future contribution rates based on benefit experience, by providing for the notification to base period employers of claims by employees; by requiring notified base period employers to submit certain facts to the employment security department under certain conditions; by providing for rulings and appeals; by providing when benefits shall not be charged to the experience rating records of employers under certain circumstances; and by providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 348–Mr. Gibson.  Approved April 7, 1959