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Statutes of the State of Nevada - Forty-Third Session, 1947








An Act to create a legislative fund. Senate Bill No. 1–Senator Cox.  Approved January 21, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to establish a state printing office, and to create the office of superintendent of state printing,” approved March 11, 1879, 138, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 2–Committee on Rules.  Approved January 24, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act providing for the printing and enrolling of legislative bills and resolutions, and other matters relating thereto,” approved January 27, 1915, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 1–Committee on Rules.  Approved January 24, 1947.



An Act authorizing the trustees of the East Ely school district in White Pine County to advertise for and enter in a contract to rebuild the East Ely school building on a cost-plus-a-fee basis. Assembly Bill No. 4–White Pine County Delegation.  Approved February 7, 1947.



An Act fixing the salaries and compensations of the officers and deputies of Eureka County, and repealing all acts or parts of acts in conflict with this act. Senate Bill No. 16–Senator Murray.  Approved February 17, 1947.



An Act validating the proceedings had in the authorization of $950,000 bonds of Las Vegas Union School District, Clark County, Nevada, on behalf of Clark County educational district number 2, and $550,000 bonds of said Las Vegas grammar school district number 12, validating said bonds when issued, providing for the issuance and payment thereof, and giving priority to the taxes to be levied for the payment of such bonds, and validating the organization of said three school districts. Senate Bill No. 22–Senator Baker.  Approved February 19, 1947.



An Act authorizing the state printer to maintain a bill filing and mailing room in order to distribute legislative publications, and other matters properly related thereto. Assembly Bill No. 21–Committee on Rules.  Approved February 19, 1947.



An Act authorizing the state printer to print and distribute bills and legislative publications, providing that the superintendent of state printing shall fix the cost of such bills and publications, providing for the free distribution of such bills and publications to certain agencies, providing for the payment of the expense thereof, and other matters properly related thereto. Assembly Bill No. 22–Committee on Rules.  Approved February 19, 1947.



An Act authorizing the county treasurer and the county auditor of Washoe County, State of Nevada, to transfer certain funds now in the treasury of said county. Assembly Bill No. 33–Washoe County Delegation.  Approved February 19, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act relating to officers, their qualifications, times of election, terms of office, official duties, resignations, removals, vacancies in office, and the mode of supplying the same, misconduct in office, and to enforce official duty,” approved March 9, 1866, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 14–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved February 19, 1947.



An Act to amend “An act to establish a state printing office, and to create the office of superintendent of state printing,” approved March 11, 1879, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 13–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved February 19, 1947.



An Act for the relief of the Shell Oil Company. Assembly Bill No. 42–Committee on Claims.  Approved February 19, 1947.



An Act to repeal an act entitled “An act to authorize the county commissioners of the several counties of this state to build or purchase buildings suitable for county purposes,” approved March 10, 1865. Senate Bill No. 25–Senator Lattin.  Approved February 28, 1947.



An Act authorizing the county treasurer and the county auditor of White Pine County, State of Nevada, to transfer certain funds now in the treasury of said county. Assembly Bill No. 76–Mr. Carlson.  Approved February 28, 1947.



An Act fixing the compensation of county officers in White Pine County, State of Nevada, and matters pertaining to the collection and disposition of fees arising from such offices, regulating the conduct thereof, and to repeal all acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith. Assembly Bill No. 73–White Pine County Delegation.  Approved February 28, 1947.



An Act to repeal that certain act entitled “An act restricting the sale, barter, exchange, or other disposal of liquors, and providing penalties for the violation of the same, and repealing certain conflicting acts,” approved March 22, 1911. Assembly Bill No. 35–Mr. Ryan.  Approved February 28, 1947.



An Act to incorporate the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Department of Nevada, and all Veterans of Foreign Wars posts within the State of Nevada. Assembly Bill No. 3–Mr. Miller (White Pine).  Approved February 28, 1947.



An Act to amend the title of and to amend an act entitled “An act to provide for the issuance of license to honorably discharged soldiers, sailors, and marines of the military and naval service of the United States in the late war of rebellion who desire to carry on the business of peddler or auctioneer,” approved March 25, 1909. Assembly Bill No. 52–Messrs. Free and Englestead.  Approved February 28, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to encourage and promote improvement in quality of livestock in the State of Nevada; to create the Nevada junior livestock show board, and to provide for a junior livestock show, and to appropriate funds therefor,” approved March 27, 1945. Assembly Bill No. 84–Mr. Capurro.  Approved February 28, 1947.



An Act requiring the state board of control to purchase a fire engine for the added protection of state-owned property in Ormsby County, providing an appropriation for such purpose, and providing that such fire engine shall be delivered over to Warren Fire Engine Company No. 1 of Carson City, Ormsby County, Nevada, and other matters properly related thereto. Assembly Bill No. 25–Mr. Folsom.  Approved February 28, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act amending an act entitled ‘An act concerning the county officers in the county of Lyon, State of Nevada, consolidating certain offices in said county, fixing the salary and compensation of said officers, regulating the appointment of deputies and the compensation thereof, requiring the officers of said county to make report of all fees collected by them to the board of county commissioners, and other matters properly relating thereto, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith,’ approved March 5, 1923, as amended.” Assembly Bill No. 114–Lyon County Delegation.  Approved February 28, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act concerning crimes and punishments and repealing certain acts relating thereto,” approved March 17, 1911, as amended. Senate Bill No. 18–Senator Loomis.  Approved February 28, 1947.



An Act fixing the compensation of the county officers of Elko County, Nevada, and regulating the employment and compensation of deputies and other employees of said officers, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith. Senate Bill No. 37–Senator Robbins.  Approved February 28, 1947.



An Act to remove the disability of minority in transactions under the servicemen’s readjustment act of 1944. Assembly Bill No. 79–Messrs. Gray, Beemer, Swackhamer, Hazard, Frey, Monroe, Bisoni, Whitacre, Chapman, Miller (White Pine), and Taber.  Approved March 3, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide for the appointment of guardians and to prescribe their duties,” approved March 11, 1899, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 41–Mr. Wines.  Approved March 3, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act defining public utilities, providing for the regulation thereof, creating a public service commission, defining its duties and powers, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 28, 1919, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 12–Mr. Wines.  Approved March 5, 1947.



An Act authorizing the governing bodies of counties, school districts, municipal corporations, political subdivisions, public corporations, and other public agencies of the State of Nevada to adopt a system of group life, health and accident insurance, and health services for the benefit of officers and employees, and to deduct from the compensation of such officers and employees the premiums upon such insurance. Assembly Bill No. 78–Mr. Humphrey.  Approved March 5, 1947.



An Act to authorize the library board of the Washoe County library to create a library gift fund; providing for the use thereof; providing for the investment of funds therefrom, and other matters relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 59–Washoe County Delegation.  Approved March 5, 1947.



An Act fixing the salaries and compensation of the officers and deputy officers of Clark County, and repealing all other acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith. Senate Bill No. 35–Senator Baker.  Approved March 5, 1947.



An Act in relation to fees or compensation for official services furnished the United States veterans’ bureau. Senate Bill No. 32–Senator McGuirk.  Approved March 5, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act in relation to compensation for official services in cases of pensioners,” approved January 21, 1889. Senate Bill No. 31–Senator McGuirk.  Approved March 5, 1947.



An Act to amend the title of and to amend an act entitled “An act to incorporate the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, the Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and their subordinate lodges in this state,” approved March 3, 1865. Senate Bill No. 40–Senators Duffin, Settlemeyer, Lattin, and Budelman.  Approved March 5, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act concerning the estates of deceased persons,” approved March 26, 1941, as amended. Senate Bill No. 27–Senator Loomis.  Approved March 5, 1947.



An Act relating to public officers in the State of Nevada, commissions, agencies, and employees thereof, representing, acting for, or in the employ of the various public offices, officers, and commissions in the State of Nevada, defining the duties of certain persons, requiring reports and accounts of the business of the offices specified herein; providing for reports of said officers and persons to the legislature, and other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 23–Committee on Finance.  Approved March 5, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act relating to marriage and divorce,” approved November 28, 1861. Assembly Bill No. 67–Mr. Barr.  Approved March 7, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act adding a new section known as section 3 1/2 of chapter II; and a new section 5 1/2 of chapter II; and to amend section 35 of chapter II of an act entitled ‘An act to incorporate the town of Elko, in Elko County, and defining the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishing of a city government therefor, and other matters relating thereto,’” approved March 14, 1917, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 82–Elko County Delegation.  Approved March 7, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to regulate proceedings in civil cases in this state, and to repeal all other acts in relation thereto,” approved March 17, 1911. Assembly Bill No. 112–Mr. Gray.  Approved March 7, 1947.



An Act authorizing the county treasurer and the county auditor of Clark County, State of Nevada, to transfer certain funds now in the treasury of said county. Senate Bill No. 47–Senator Baker.  Approved March 7, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act relating to the sale, by the county commissioners of the various counties of this state, of patented mining claims which have, or may hereafter, become the property of any county of this state through the operation of the revenue laws of this state,” approved March 6, 1933, as amended. Senate Bill No. 20–Committee on Mines and Mining.  Approved March 7, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act concerning certain county officers of the county of Pershing, State of Nevada, providing for their compensation, and other matters properly relating thereto,” approved March 20, 1945. Senate Bill No. 45–Senator Sommer.  Approved March 7, 1947.



An Act fixing the compensation of the county officers of Storey County, Nevada, and regulating the employment and compensation of deputies and other employees of said officers, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith. Senate Bill No. 21–Senator McGuirk.  Approved March 7, 1947.



An Act requiring the attorney general to prepare and assist in the preparation and amendment of legislative measures when requested, defining his duties, providing for the employment of special deputies and stenographers, and other matters relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 14–Committee on Rules.  Approved March 11, 1947.



An Act to amend the title of and to amend an act entitled “An act to provide for the conservation and distribution of underground waters, providing for the designation of artesian well basins and defining such wells and providing the method of appropriating the waters thereof; defining the powers and duties of the state engineer in the administration hereof; providing for the casing and capping of artesian wells and for the prevention of waste of water therefrom; prescribing penalties for the violation of the provisions of this act, and repealing certain acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith,” approved March 25, 1939. Senate Bill No. 6–Senator Tallman.  Approved March 15, 1947.



An Act defining occupational diseases; providing for the creation and disbursement of funds for the compensation and care of workmen disabled by occupational diseases in the course of employment and the compensation of their dependents where such occupational disease results in death; making premium payments by certain employers compulsory; imposing the administration of this act upon the Nevada industrial commission; authorizing the Nevada industrial commission to make such rules and regulations as may be necessary; authorizing the Nevada industrial commission to invest the funds provided for; defining and regulating the liability of the employers to their employees, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict with this act. Senate Bill No. 4–Senators Budelman, Cox, and Robbins.  Approved March 15, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act defining public utilities, providing for the regulation thereof, creating a public service commission, defining its duties and powers, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 28, 1919, as amended. Senate Bill No. 36–Senator Murray.  Approved March 15, 1947.



An Act authorizing the board of county commissioners of Esmeralda County, State of Nevada, acting as a town board for the town of Goldfield, Nevada, to purchase a rotary pump for the Goldfield fire truck without advertising, declaring an emergency, and other matters relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 109–Senator Wiley.  Approved March 15, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act creating high school scholarships for the worthy sons and daughters of deceased service men and women of any war in which the United States is or was engaged, providing for the manner and method of awarding such scholarships, and providing for an appropriation therefor,” approved March 22, 1945. Senate Bill No. 19–Senators Baker, Loomis, and Wiley.  Approved March 15, 1947.



An Act to repeal an act entitled “An act to authorize district attorneys, with the approval of the attorney general and the boards of county commissioners, to compromise and settle claims of the counties and state for delinquent taxes for the year 1931 and subsequent thereto,” approved March 25, 1933. Senate Bill No. 29–Senator Wiley.  Approved March 15, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act authorizing the establishment of a postwar reserve fund by counties, cities, towns and school districts; providing for the investment of funds therefrom, and other matters properly related thereto,” approved March 27, 1945. Senate Bill No. 64–Finance Committee.  Approved March 15, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act relating to children who are now or who may hereafter become dependent, neglected, or delinquent, to define these terms and to provide for the treatment, control, maintenance, protection, adoption, and guardianship of the person of such child or children,” approved March 24, 1909, as amended. Senate Bill No. 34–Senator Baker.  Approved March 15, 1947.



An Act relating to the management, control, and investment of trust funds and to the powers of trustees relative thereto. Senate Bill No. 10–Committee on Banks and Banking.  Approved March 15, 1947.



An Act to provide an additional and supplemental appropriation for general support, equipment, and repairs of the Nevada state prison. Senate Bill No. 46–Senators McGuirk, Murray, Tallman, Baker and Wiley.  Approved March 15, 1947.



An Act authorizing the Colorado river commission of Nevada to make a statewide power survey, defining its duties in connection therewith, and providing an appropriation therefor. Senate Bill No. 57–Senator Tallman.  Approved March 15, 1947.



An Act authorizing and empowering the boards of county commissioners of the several counties of this state to include in their annual budgets an item to provide funds for paying membership dues in the Nevada association of county commissioners and other expenses relating thereto, and confirming the organization of such association. Senate Bill No. 8–Senator Wiley.  Approved March 15, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act concerning wills,” approved December 19, 1862, as amended. Senate Bill No. 73–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 15, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to regulate grubstake contracts and prospecting agreements, and to provide for the recording of the same,” approved March 29, 1907. Senate Bill No. 71–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 15, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act concerning crimes and punishments, and repealing certain acts relating thereto,” approved March 17, 1911, as amended. Senate Bill No. 67–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 15, 1947.



An Act providing for the offices of sheriff and of assessor of Douglas County, Nevada, providing the method for filling vacancies in said offices, fixing the salaries and compensation of the sheriff and the assessor, providing for the appointment and salaries of deputy sheriffs, repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith, and other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 104–Senator Settlemeyer.  Approved March 15, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide a method for voting at any general, special, or primary elections by qualified voters who by reason of the nature of their vocation or business or other causes are unavoidably absent from the polls in the county of their residence on the day of election, providing penalties for the violation thereof, and other matters properly connected therewith,” approved March 11, 1921. Assembly Bill No. 57–Messrs. Miller (Humboldt) and Jacobsen.  Approved March 15, 1947.



An Act making an appropriation to assist the state board of stock commissioners in combating certain livestock diseases constituting a menace to the public health. Assembly Bill No. 90–Committee on Livestock.  Approved March 15, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide for the organization and government of irrigation districts, for the irrigation and drainage of lands and other related undertakings thereby, and for the acquisition and distribution of water and other property, construction, operation, and maintenance of works, diversion, storage, distribution, collection, and carriage of water; cooperation with the United States, and matters properly connected therewith.” approved March 19, 1919, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 128–Messrs. Chapman and Frey.  Approved March 15, 1947.



An Act to further amend an act entitled “An act regulating the registration of electors for general, special, and primary elections,” approved March 27, 1917, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 102–Messrs. Chapman and Frey.  Approved March 15, 1947.



An Act concerning public schools of the State of Nevada, establishing and defining certain crimes and providing punishment therefor, and repealing certain acts and parts of acts relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 8–Committee on Education.  Approved March 15, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act in relation to the state library,” approved February 14, 1865, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 104–Committee on State Library.  Approved March 15, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act relating to the manufacture and sale of ice cream, providing standards for ice cream, providing for the proper care of ice-cream containers, and providing penalties for the violation of this act,” approved March 24, 1931. Assembly Bill No. 61–Mr. Smith.  Approved March 15, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to create a state board of investments of the state permanent school fund, defining its powers and duties, and other matters properly connected therewith, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith,” approved March 24, 1917, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 119–Mr. Stewart.  Approved March 15, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act fixing the salaries and compensation of county officers and deputies in and for the county of Lander, State of Nevada,” approved March 24, 1931, and to repeal certain acts in conflict therewith. Assembly Bill No. 99–Mr. Swackhamer.  Approved March 15, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act regulating the hours of service and fixing the minimum compensation therefor of females employed in private employment in this state, and providing certain exceptions thereto; providing the mode of payment of the compensation of such females, and providing compensation for female employees reporting for duty but not permitted to enter upon such duties; providing for special uniforms for female employees; defining the duties of certain persons in relation hereto; prescribing penalties for the violations thereof and other matters properly relating hereto,” approved March 29, 1937. Assembly Bill No. 47–Mr. Ryan.  Approved March 15, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to authorize and empower aliens and nonresident persons and incorporations to take, hold, enjoy, and acquire real estate in the State of Nevada,” approved February 27, 1879. Assembly Bill No. 157–Mr. Miller (White Pine).  Approved March 15, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act relating to marriage and divorce,” approved November 28, 1861, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 168–Messrs. Gray and Wines.  Approved March 15, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to regulate proceedings in civil cases in this state and to repeal all other acts in relation thereto,” approved March 17, 1911, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 113–Mr. Gray.  Approved March 15, 1947.



An Act prohibiting the keeping of live wild animals, wild birds, or other wild life for display purposes, authorizing the fish and game commission to permit such keeping by certain individuals and bodies politic; providing penalties for violation, and other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 49–Mr. Monroe.  Approved March 15, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act providing for the incorporation of cities, their classification, the establishment and alteration of their boundaries, the government and disincorporation thereof, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith,” approved March 27, 1907, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 108–Messrs. Carlson and Barr.  Approved March 15, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to regulate and make effectual the power of the governor, justices of the supreme court, and attorney general to remit fines and forfeitures, commute punishments, and grant pardons after convictions; create the state board of parole commissioners, define its powers and duties; provide for the appointment of parole officers, define their powers and duties, and make an appropriation therefor, and provide for other matters properly relating thereto,” approved March 22, 1933, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 40–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 15, 1947.



An Act authorizing and empowering the city of Reno to convey to the Nevada state historical society, inc., certain real property within the city limits of said city. Assembly Bill No. 169–Washoe County Delegation.  Approved March 15, 1947.



An Act to authorize the State of Nevada to reconvey to the city of Winnemucca, a municipal corporation, in the county of Humboldt, State of Nevada, a certain tract of land in the said city of Winnemucca, hereinafter described, conveyed by said city of Winnemucca, and authorizing the proper officers to execute the conveyance of said lands and to provide for the payment of the fees of the secretary of state. Assembly Bill No. 142–Humboldt County Delegation.  Approved March 15, 1947.



An Act authorizing the trustees of the Panaca school district in Lincoln County to advertise for and enter in a contract to rebuild the Panaca school building on a cost-plus-a-fee-basis. Assembly Bill No. 258–Mr. Free.  Approved March 15, 1947.



An Act providing for the licensing and regulation of public livestock sales and sales yards, defining the powers and duties of the state board of stock commissioners in connection therewith, and other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 115–Committee on Livestock.  Approved March 18, 1947.



An Act authorizing a transfer of funds from the general fund to the state distributive school fund upon certain terms and conditions, and making an appropriation therefor. Assembly Bill No. 150–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved March 18, 1947.



An Act authorizing a transfer of funds from the general fund to the state high school fund upon certain terms and conditions, and making an appropriation therefor. Assembly Bill No. 149–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved March 18, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act creating a board to be known as the state planning board, defining its duties, powers, and jurisdiction, and making an appropriation for the expenses thereof, and other matters properly relating thereto,” approved March 22, 1937, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 116–Mr. Smith.  Approved March 18, 1947.



An Act authorizing and directing the state controller and the state treasurer of the State of Nevada to transfer certain sums from a specified item in the Nevada state police fund to other specified items in said fund. Assembly Bill No. 66–Mr. Chapman.  Approved March 18, 1947.



An Act providing an appropriation for the payment of street work on that portion of Valley road and East Seventh street in the city of Reno, Washoe County, Nevada, abutting on the property and grounds of the University of Nevada. Assembly Bill No. 106–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved March 18, 1947.



An Act to provide additional compensation for certain elective officers of Ormsby County. Assembly Bill No. 192–Ormsby County Delegation.  Approved March 18, 1947.



An Act to provide for the licensing and regulation of private detectives, detective agencies, investigators, patrols, patrol agencies, guards, and watchmen; providing penalties for the violation of the provisions of this act, and other matters relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 54–Senator Loomis.  Approved March 18, 1947.



An Act authorizing the board of county commissioners of Douglas County to issue and sell bonds for the enlargement of the basement of the Douglas County high school gymnasium and for the purchase and installation of a heating plant in said gymnasium; providing for the payment thereof by levy and collection of taxes, and other matters relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 38–Senator Settlemeyer.  Approved March 18, 1947.



An Act to provide for and to regulate bills of exceptions in criminal cases, and repealing all acts or parts of acts in conflict herewith. Senate Bill No. 65–Judiciary Committee.  Approved March 18, 1947.



An Act providing for an emergency appropriation to supplement the salary of the state health officer; directing the sum of four hundred thirty-seven dollars and fifty-two cents ($437.52) to be transferred from the general fund of the State of Nevada for such purpose, and directing the controller and treasurer of the State of Nevada to make such transfer. Senate Bill No. 70–Senator Johnson.  Approved March 18, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide for the appointment of guardians, and to prescribe their duties,” approved March 11, 1899, as amended. Senate Bill No. 72–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 18, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act relating to unemployment compensation, creating unemployment compensation and administration funds and providing for the administration thereof; making an appropriation therefor; defining unemployment and providing compensation therefor; requiring contributions by employers to the unemployment compensation fund; creating the office of director, a board of review, and providing for other officers and employees and defining their powers and duties; providing for the levy of assessments, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 23, 1937, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 227–Committee on Taxation.  Approved March 18, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act concerning crimes and punishments, and repealing certain acts relating thereto,” approved March 17, 1911, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 140–Messrs. Hall and Wines.  Approved March 19, 1947.



An act to provide for the acceptance of federal aid in wild-life restoration projects, assenting to the terms of the Pittman-Robertson act of the United States Congress, authorizing and empowering the fish and game commission of the State of Nevada to do certain things in relation to such federal aid, and other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 69–Committee on Fish and Game.  Approved March 20, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide for the organization and government of irrigation districts, for the irrigation and drainage of lands and other related undertakings thereby, and for the acquisition and distribution of water and other property, construction, operation and maintenance of works, diversion, storage, distribution, collection and carriage of water; cooperation with the United States, and matters properly connected therewith,” approved March 19, 1919, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 171–Messrs. MacKenzie and Whitacre.  Approved March 20, 1947.



An Act to provide for continued extension work in agriculture, home economics, and rural welfare through cooperation by county, state, and federal agencies in further fulfillment of the acceptance and ratification by the State of Nevada of the provisions and benefits of the Smith-Lever act of Congress approved May 8, 1914; providing for the levying of state and county taxes and the appropriation of moneys to pay for the same, and other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 130–Messrs. Miller (Humboldt) and Munk.  Approved March 20, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to create a state contractors board; defining the powers and duties of said board; defining contractors and providing for the licensing of contractors; fixing the fees for such licenses; providing the method of suspension and cancellation of such licenses; prescribing a penalty for the violation of this act and other matters properly relating thereto,” approved March 31, 1941. Assembly Bill No. 147–Mr. Smith.  Approved March 20, 1947.



An Act providing for service by publication upon defendants in certain cases in actions which relate to real or personal property situate in this state. Senate Bill No. 15–Senator Loomis.  Approved March 20, 1947.



An Act fixing the salaries and compensation of certain officers of Douglas County, Nevada, providing for the appointment and salaries of deputy sheriffs, repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith, and other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 103–Senator Settlemeyer.  Approved March 20, 1947.



An Act to amend the title and the act entitled “An act regulating the practice of medicine, surgery and obstetrics in the State of Nevada; providing for the appointment of a state board of medical examiners and defining their duties; providing for the issuing of licenses to practice medicine; defining the practice of medicine; defining certain misdemeanors and providing penalties, and repealing all other acts, or parts of acts, in conflict therewith,” approved March 4, 1905. Senate Bill No. 55–Senator Loomis.  Approved March 20, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to incorporate the town of Las Vegas, in Clark County, and defining boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishing of a city government therefor, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 16, 1911, as amended. Senate Bill No. 84–Senator Baker.  Approved March 22, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “Nevada Insurance Act,” approved March 31, 1941, by adding thereto a new article to be known as article 15a relative to the regulation of rates for certain casualty insurance, including fidelity, surety and guaranty bonds and all other forms of motor vehicle insurance, and for fire, marine, and inland marine insurance, and to rating organizations and advisory organizations, and by repealing section 121 thereof. Senate Bill No. 5–Senator Loomis.  Approved March 22, 1947.



An Act relating to and providing for the protection, propagation, restoration, domestication, introduction, purchase, and disposition of wild animals, wild birds and fish; creating the state fish and game commission, county game management boards, and certain other offices, providing the method of selecting the officers therefor, defining the powers and duties of certain officers, and other persons; defining certain terms; providing for the regulation and licensing of hunting, trapping, game farming and game fishing; authorizing the establishment, control and regulation of private fish hatcheries, state recreation grounds, sanctuaries and refuges, and the establishment, closing, opening and shortening of hunting and fishing seasons; regulating the taking, transportation and possession of wild animals, wild birds and fish; providing for the condemnation of property for certain purposes; providing for instruction in the game laws of this state in the public schools of this state; establishing certain funds and regulating expenditures therefrom; providing penalties for violation thereof; and repealing certain acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith. Assembly Bill No. 64–Committee on Fish and Game.  Approved March 22, 1947.



An Act to create an agency for the purpose of providing to the Nevada state legislature information, advice, and assistance respecting the needs and functions of the offices, departments, institutions, and agencies of the government of the State of Nevada; providing for the appointment of a legislative counsel; defining his duties; requiring all state officers and employees to provide such information as he may request; and making an appropriation to carry out purposes thereof, and other matters relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 147–Finance Committee.  Approved March 24, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to incorporate the town of Reno, in Washoe County, and defining the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishing of a city government therefor, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 16, 1903, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 205–Washoe County Delegation.  Approved March 26, 1947.



An Act to provide an appropriation for furnishing certain rooms in the Nevada heroes’ memorial building. Assembly Bill No. 191–Messrs. Chapman, Frey, Fairchild, Folsom, Gray, Hazard, Monroe, Starks, Whitacre, and Warner.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to provide an additional and supplemental appropriation for the general support of the Nevada state orphans’ home. Assembly Bill No. 203–Mr. Folsom.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act concerning the resignation of justices of the supreme court and judges of the district courts within the State of Nevada, and providing for a pension for the same, and the manner of payment thereof,” approved March 23, 1937, 216. Assembly Bill No. 96–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act authorizing the board of commissioners of the Nevada hospital for mental diseases to enter into a contract with the authorities of the city of Sparks for the payment of the hospital’s proportion of the sewage treatment cost and other matters relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 125–Committee on State Prison and Asylum.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act providing a method for the consent of the state to the acquisition by the United States of America of land and water rights; providing for the tax commission to be sole bargaining agency in matters of taxation with the federal government, and matters related thereto. Assembly Bill No. 65–Messrs. Cavanaugh, Jacobsen, Swackhamer and McCuistion.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act authorizing the county commissioners of certain counties of the State of Nevada to appoint a county engineer; to appoint such assistants and employees as said county engineer may need; fixing his compensation and the compensation of his assistants and employees, and other matters relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 87–Washoe County Delegation.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to regulate traffic on the highways of this state, to provide punishment for violation thereof, and other matters properly connected therewith,” approved March 21, 1925, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 159–Mr. Wines.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act authorizing the board of county commissioners of Lander County to advertise for and enter into a contract to build a county jail and office building on a cost-plus-a-fee basis. Assembly Bill No. 276–Mr. Swackhamer.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act relating to unemployment compensation, creating unemployment compensation and administration funds and providing for the administration thereof; making an appropriation therefor; defining unemployment and providing compensation therefor; requiring contributions by employers to the unemployment compensation fund, creating the office of director, a board of review, and providing for other officers and employees and defining their powers and duties; providing for the levy of assessments and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 23, 1937, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 226–Messrs. Ryan, Carlson, Englestead, and Jepson.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to limit the cost of state-owned automobiles, to provide for their labeling and use for official purposes only, and fixing a penalty for violation hereof,” approved February 6, 1933, and repealing certain acts in conflict therewith. Assembly Bill No. 244–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act relating to aeronautics; providing for the regulation thereof within this state; making it unlawful to operate an aircraft in a reckless manner; prescribing penalties, and authorizing enforcement thereof. Assembly Bill No. 167–Committee on Aviation.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act for the relief of C. and N. Barengo, doing business as Sierra Wine and Liquor Co., a copartnership, qualified to do business in Nevada. Assembly Bill No. 163–Committee on Claims.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act concerning estray livestock, excepting sheep, goats, and asses; defining the same and providing for their taking up and disposition; defining the powers of the state board of stock commissioners in connection therewith; providing penalties for violations relating thereto; and repealing certain acts; and other matters properly relating thereto,” approved February 19,1923, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 208–Committee on Livestock.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to establish the state 4-H camp institute and exhibit; providing for the acquisition and use of property for the same; providing for the conduct of the same; recognizing the same as a part of the cooperative work undertaken by the State of Nevada in pursuance to the state acceptance of the Smith-Lever act of Congress approved May 8, 1914, and for other purposes. Assembly Bill No. 239–Committee on Agriculture.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act for the relief of Mrs. Janet Daniels, and making an appropriation therefor. Assembly Bill No. 255–Committee on Claims.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to declare the necessity of creating governmental subdivisions of the state, to be known as ‘soil conservation districts,’ to engage in conserving soil resources and preventing and controlling soil erosion; to establish the state soil conservation committee, and to define its powers and duties; to provide for the creation of soil conservation districts; to define the powers and duties of soil conservation districts, and to provide for the exercise of such powers, including the power to acquire property by purchase, gift, and otherwise; to empower such districts to adopt programs and regulations for the discontinuance of land-use practices contributing to soil wastage and soil erosion, and the adoption and carrying out of soil-conserving land-use practices, and to provide for the enforcement of such programs and regulations; to provide for establishing boards of adjustment in connection with land-use regulations, and to define their functions and powers; to provide for financial assistance to such soil conservation districts; to declare an emergency requiring that this act take effect from the date of its passage, and for other purposes,” approved March 30, 1937, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 184–Messrs. MacKenzie and Whitacre.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act fixing the compensation of certain officers in Nye County, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 22, 1945. Assembly Bill No. 266–Nye County Delegation.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to authorize county commissioners in the several counties in this state, with the approval of the state board of finance, to transfer dormant balances in county funds, and repealing a certain act in conflict therewith. Assembly Bill No. 233–Committee on Counties and County Boundaries.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act relating to the licensing of persons operating motor vehicles upon highways and to make uniform the laws relating thereto, providing for a board of examiners therefor, defining the duty of certain officers and other persons in relation thereto, and other matters properly relating thereto,” approved March 31, 1941, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 158–Mr. Wines.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to amend the act entitled “An act creating a commission to be known as the Colorado river commission of Nevada, defining its powers and duties, and making an appropriation for the expenses thereof, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict with this act,” approved March 20, 1935. Assembly Bill No. 161–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act relating to marriage and divorce,” approved November 28, 1861. Assembly Bill No. 252–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act providing that bonds authorized to be issued by the board of trustees of any school districts within the State of Nevada having a population of five thousand people or more for the purpose of erecting and furnishing school buildings may mature in such annual amounts over a period of not exceeding twenty years from the date of issue as may be determined by the board of trustees of the school district, and giving priority to the taxes to be levied for the payment of such bonds. Assembly Bill No. 198–Messrs. Gray and Jepson.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide for the appointment of a state auditor, fix his compensation, prescribe his duties, to inspect and audit public accounts, and to establish a uniform system of public accounting, cost-keeping, and reporting, and matters relating thereto, and to repeal certain acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith,” approved March 10, 1917. Assembly Bill No. 229–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to further amend an act entitled “An act providing for the issuance and licenses to hoisting engineers; providing a fee for such license; creating district boards of examiners; providing for revocation of licenses; creating the hoisting engineers’ license fund in the state treasury; making a temporary appropriation for carrying out the purposes of this act, and providing a penalty for violation of any of the provisions thereof,” approved March 22, 1921, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 145–Mr. Gallagher.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act authorizing the purchase, lease, hire, exchange, transfer, or acquisition by gift or use, from the war assets administration or other agency of the United States government of installations, equipment, rights and other property of and appurtenant to the Basic Magnesium Incorporated enterprise in Clark County, Nevada, and elsewhere; providing for the disposition of property to be so acquired and authorizing use of Colorado river commission funds for necessary expenditures to carry out the purpose of this act, and defining the duties of certain boards, commissions, or others in relation thereto. Assembly Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 162–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act concerning certain county officers in the county of Churchill, State of Nevada, fixing the salaries and compensation, and other matters properly relating thereto, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict with this act,” approved March 22, 1945. Assembly Bill No. 280–Mr. Frey.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act authorizing the purchase of a film-a-record machine to be used by the several departments of the State of Nevada, and the purchase of a dex-i-graph machine to be used by the department of vital statistics of the State of Nevada, and to provide for an appropriation for such purpose. Assembly Bill No. 254–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to require the registration of motor vehicles, trailers, and semitrailers, and to require the payment of fees thereupon, imposing certain duties and obligations upon the owners of motor vehicles rented without drivers, to provide for the transfer of interest in and to motor vehicles, providing for the registration of manufacturers and dealers in motor vehicles, trailers, and semitrailers, regulating the use of motor vehicles by nonresidents, making and constituting county assessors officers of the department and imposing certain duties upon them, creating a ‘Motor Vehicle Fund,’ and providing for the disposition thereof, to prevent the taking or injury of any vehicle without the consent of the owner; to provide for the duties and powers of vehicle commissioner and for the motor vehicle department; to regulate court proceedings in certain civil actions arising under this act; to provide penalties for violations of this act and to make uniform the law relating to the subject matter of this act; and to repeal all acts in conflict or inconsistent therewith,” approved March 27, 1931. Assembly Bill No. 253–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act making an appropriation for the construction of a certain building at the Nevada state children’s home. Assembly Bill No. 270–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide educational facilities for the children in the state orphans’ home, and other matters properly connected therewith,” approved March 20, 1911, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 91–Mr. Folsom.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act providing for the organization of fire protection districts upon certain lands within the State of Nevada, providing for the regulation thereof, defining the duties of certain persons in relation thereto, and other matters properly relating thereto,” approved March 23, 1937. Assembly Bill No. 219–Committee on Livestock.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act concerning crimes and punishments and repealing certain acts relating thereto,” approved March 17, 1911, by repealing certain sections thereof. Assembly Bill No. 176–Committee on Military and Indian Affairs.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act providing for an emergency appropriation for the support of the Nevada school of industry; directing the sum of three thousand, three hundred eighteen ($3,318) dollars to be transferred from the general fund of the State of Nevada for such purpose, and directing the controller and treasurer of the State of Nevada to make such transfer. Assembly Bill No. 95–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act defining certain crimes as misdemeanors, providing a penalty therefor, and other matters related thereto,” approved March 26, 1929. Assembly Bill No. 218–Committee on Livestock.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to provide for the formation, government, operation, organization, combination, dissolution, and alteration of boundaries of sewage, water, and garbage disposal districts in any part of the state, for the construction of sewers, sewage disposal plants, sewage treatment plants, water systems, garbage disposal systems, and other sanitary purposes; the acquisition of property for the foregoing purposes; the issuance and disposal of various types of bonds, the determination of their validity, and making provision for the payment of such bonds and the disposal of their proceeds; to appoint the board of county commissioners of each county as a sanitary board and to appoint the assessor of each county as a sanitary assessor, and to authorize said sanitary board and sanitary assessor to hire or appoint such personnel as they deem necessary to carry out the provisions of this act, and to make and enforce such regulations as are necessary to carry out the purposes of this act, and to promote the public health and safety, and all matters properly related thereto. Assembly Bill No. 86–Washoe County Delegation.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act authorizing and directing the board of regents of the University of Nevada to execute an easement for highway right-of-way over certain lands to the State of Nevada, department of highways, authorizing and directing the board of county commissioners of Washoe County, Nevada, to deed certain lands to the University of Nevada, and other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 243–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide for the organization and government of irrigation districts, for the irrigation and drainage of lands and other related undertakings thereby, and for the acquisition and distribution of water and other property, construction, operation, and maintenance of works, diversion, storage, distribution, collection, and carriage of water; cooperation with the United States; and matters properly connected therewith,” approved March 19, 1919, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 213–Mr. Gray.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act concerning aeronautics and matters pertaining thereto, and to make uniform the law with reference thereto,” approved March 5, 1923, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 121–Messrs. Free and Higgins.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to create a state board of health, defining their duties, prescribing the manner of the appointments of its officers, fixing their compensation, providing for the impartial selection of personnel on the basis of merit, making an appropriation for the support of said board, establishing county boards of health, requiring certain statements to be filed, defining certain misdemeanors and providing penalties therefor, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 15, 1945. Assembly Bill No. 234–Committee on Counties and County Boundaries.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act defining and regulating the practice of optometry in the State of Nevada; providing for the appointment of a state board of optometry, and fixing their duties; providing for the issuance and revocation of licenses to practice optometry; defining unprofessional conduct, and fixing penalties therefor; defining certain misdemeanors, and providing penalties therefor; repealing all other acts or parts of acts in conflict therewith; and other matters properly relating thereto,” approved March 17, 1913, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 148–Mr. Jepson.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act relating to elections,” approved March 24, 1917. Assembly Bill No. 230–Mr. Beemer.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act regulating the nomination of candidates for public office in the State of Nevada,” approved March 23, 1917, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 101–Messrs. Chapman and Frey.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act concerning and relating to certain county officers in Washoe County, Nevada, and fixing their compensation and allowances. Assembly Bill No. 249–Washoe County Delegation.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act relating to insurance, defining certain words and terms, defining domestic companies, foreign or alien companies, unauthorized companies, and other companies, individuals, or corporations engaged in the business of insurance in the State of Nevada; providing for the regulation of insurance companies, insurance business, providing the manner in which insurance companies may operate and conduct business in the State of Nevada; designating the insurance commissioner of the State of Nevada, defining his powers and duties in respect to insurance companies and insurance business in the State of Nevada; defining the different forms of insurance, providing for consolidation thereof; providing for the licensing and qualification of agents of insurance companies, defining their powers, duties, and limitations; providing for fees, costs and expenses for the operation of insurance companies and their agents under the provisions of this act; providing penalties for the violation of the provisions of this act, repealing certain acts, and other matters properly connected herewith,” approved March 31, 1941. Assembly Bill No. 152–Mr. Capurro.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act in relation to public revenues, creating the Nevada tax commission and the state board of equalization, defining their powers and duties, and matters relating thereto, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith,” approved March 23, 1917. Assembly Bill No. 256–Committee on Taxation.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act authorizing the county commissioners of the several counties and the city council of any incorporated city in this state to enter into cooperative agreements for the joint employment of clerical help in certain combined city and county offices; providing for the budgeting of expenses and their payment, and repealing acts or parts of acts in conflict therewith. Assembly Bill No. 250–Washoe County Delegation.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to define, regulate, and license real estate brokers and real estate salesmen; to create a state real estate board, and to provide a penalty for violation of the provisions thereof, and to repeal all acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith. Assembly Bill No. 100–Messrs. Gray, Wines, Stewart, and Warner.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to regulate certain fees of county clerks in the State of Nevada and to repeal acts or parts of acts in conflict therewith. Assembly Bill No. 241–Mr. Barr.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act relating to insurance, defining certain words and terms, defining domestic companies, foreign or alien companies, unauthorized companies, and other companies, individuals, or corporations engaged in the business of insurance in the State of Nevada; providing for the regulation of insurance companies, insurance business, providing the manner in which insurance companies may operate and conduct business in the State of Nevada; designating the insurance commissioner of the State of Nevada, defining his powers and duties in respect to insurance companies and insurance business in the State of Nevada; defining the different forms of insurance, providing for the consolidation thereof; providing for the licensing and qualification of agents of insurance companies, defining their powers, duties, and limitations; providing for fees, costs, and expenses for the operation of insurance companies and their agents under the provisions of this act; providing penalties for the violation of the provisions of this act, repealing certain acts, and other matters properly connected herewith,” approved March 31, 1941. Assembly Bill No. 146–Messrs. Beemer, Taber, Capurro, and Carlson.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act making an appropriation for the support of miscellaneous state expenses for fiscal years ending June 30, 1948-1949. Assembly Bill No. 285–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act making an appropriation of three thousand eight hundred ($3,800) dollars for the support of the child welfare service of the State of Nevada. Assembly Bill No. 283–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide for the management and control of the state agricultural society by the state,” approved March 7, 1885. Assembly Bill No. 172–Messrs. Frey, Chapman, Folsom. and MacKenzie.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act fixing the compensation of the county officers of Humboldt County, Nevada, and regulating the employment and compensation of deputies and other employees of said officers. Assembly Bill No. 202–Humboldt County Delegation.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act creating the Genoa fort and stockade fund in the state treasury, making an appropriation therefor, and authorizing the expenditure thereof, and other matters relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 196–Committee on Public Parks.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act providing the method of supervision over the sanitation, healthfulness, cleanliness, and safety of certain state institutions; designating such institutions; defining the duties of certain officers and persons in relation thereto; authorizing the state board of health to establish rules and regulations, and other matters relating thereto, and repealing all acts and parts of acts insofar as they are inconsistent therewith,” approved March 22, 1945. Assembly Bill No. 261–Committee on Public Health.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide a water law for the State of Nevada; providing a system of state control; creating the office of the state engineer and other offices connected with the appropriation, distribution and use of water, prescribing the duties and powers of the state engineer and other officers and fixing their compensation; prescribing the duties of water users and providing penalties for failure to perform such duties; providing for the appointment of water commissioners, defining their duties and fixing their compensation; providing for a fee system, for the certification of records, and an official seal for the state engineer’s office; providing for an appropriation to carry out the provisions of this act; and other matters properly connected therewith, and to repeal all acts and parts of acts in conflict with this act, repealing an act to provide for the appropriation, distribution, and use of water, and to define and preserve existing water rights, to provide for the appointment of a state engineer, an assistant state engineer, and fixing their compensation, duties, and powers, defining the duties of the state board of irrigation, providing for the appointment of water commissioners and defining their duties, approved February 26, 1907; also repealing an act amendatory of a certain act entitled ‘An act to provide for the appropriation, distribution, and use of water, and to define and preserve existing water rights, to provide for the appointment of a state engineer and assistant state engineer, and fixing their compensation, duties, and powers, defining the duties of the state board of irrigation, providing for the appointment of water commissioners and defining their duties, approved February 26, 1907, and to provide a fee system for the certification of the records of, and an official seal for the state engineer’s office, and other matters relating thereto,’ approved February 20, 1909,” as amended. Senate Bill No. 30–Committee on Agriculture and Irrigation.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act authorizing the board of trustees of the Virginia City school district, Storey County, Nevada, to convey to Storey County a certain old school building for museum purposes. Senate Bill No. 141–Senator McGuirk.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act defining and regulating the practice of dental hygiene; providing for the issuance and revocation of licenses to practice dental hygiene; providing penalties for the violation thereof; and repealing acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith. Senate Bill No. 7–Senator Loomis.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act providing for the vacating, amending, modifying, or correction of judgments, orders, or other judicial acts or proceedings in civil cases, upon notice thereof in certain instances. Senate Bill No. 56–Senator Loomis.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide for the licensing and registration of motor vehicles in the State of Nevada, defining the duties of certain officers in connection therewith, prescribing certain rules and regulations, defining certain powers and duties, and other matters properly connected therewith, and repealing all acts or parts of acts in conflict or inconsistent with this act,” approved March 18, 1931. Senate Bill No. 51–Senator Murray.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act providing for the creation and incorporation of the “Las Vegas Sewage District” as a body corporate and politic; defining the same; prescribing the rights, powers, and duties of said district; providing for its government, the alteration of its boundaries, and its dissolution; providing for the acquisition, construction, improvement, maintenance, and operation of a system of sewers and sewage disposal, the financing thereof, and the issuance and payment of bonds; prescribing the rights and remedies of bondholders; conferring the right of eminent domain upon said district; authorizing it to enter into contracts with and to accept grants from the federal government or any agency thereof, and to make and enforce such regulations as are necessary to carry out the purposes of this act; providing for the enforcement and collection of taxes and special assessments, and rates, rentals and other charges for the use of the sewage facilities of the district, and all other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 62–Senator Baker.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act defining kidnaping, establishing degrees thereof, providing penalties therefor, repealing certain prior acts and parts of acts inconsistent therewith, and other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 99–Senator Loomis.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act making an appropriation for equipment for the division of laboratories of the state department of health and other needs therefor. Senate Bill No. 53–Committee on Finance.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to create a water district in the Las Vegas valley, Clark County, Nevada; to provide for the procurement, storage, distribution and sale of water and rights in the use thereof from Lake Mead for industrial, irrigation, municipal, and domestic uses; to provide for the conservation of the ground water resources of the Las Vegas valley, and to create authority to purchase, acquire, and construct the necessary works to carry out the provisions of this act; to authorize a tax levy for the payment of obligations during the organizational period, and to provide for the issuance of district bonds to be paid solely from the operating revenues of such district. Senate Bill No. 63–Senator Baker.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act creating an industrial insurance commission; providing for the creation and disbursement of funds for the compensation and care of workmen injured in the course of employment; relating to the compensation of injured workmen and the compensation of their dependents where such injuries result in death; making premium payments by certain employers compulsory; authorizing the commission created by the act to make such rules and regulations as may be necessary; authorizing the commission to invest the funds provided for; defining and regulating the liability of employers to their employees, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict with this act. Senate Bill No. 3–Senators Budelman, Cox, and Robbins.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide revenue for the support of the government of the State of Nevada, and to repeal certain acts relating thereto,” approved March 23, 1891, as amended. Senate Substitute for Senate Bill No. 69–Senators Wiley, Schuman. McGuirk, and Baker.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to amend the title and an act entitled “An act authorizing clerks for justice courts in townships having fifteen thousand or more population, fixing the duties of said clerks, and other matters relative thereto,” approved March 25, 1939. Senate Bill No. 85–Senator Baker.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to authorize the board of county commissioners of Churchill County to lease, for an indefinite period, certain lands situate in said county to the Nevada state fish and game commission. Senate Bill No. 131–Senator Lattin.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act reverting certain moneys to the state treasury. Senate Bill No. 117–Committee on Finance.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act authorizing the state engineer to enter into cooperative studies with the State of California and the United States government on matters relating to the waters of Lake Tahoe. Senate Bill No. 101–Senator Johnson.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to provide for the organization and operation of a flood control district in Lincoln County, Nevada; defining the powers of such district, and providing for the financing of the same by assessments, loans, and otherwise; providing for the incurring indebtedness by Lincoln County to provide funds for advancement to the district, and for the levy of taxes to repay such loans, and matters connected thereto. Senate Bill No. 61–Senator Duffin.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An Act to require the registration of motor vehicles, trailers and semitrailers, and to require the payment of fees thereupon, imposing certain duties and obligations upon the owners of motor vehicles rented without drivers, to provide for the transfer of interest in and to motor vehicles, providing for the registration of manufacturers and dealers in motor vehicles, trailers, and semitrailers, regulating the use of motor vehicles by nonresidents, making and constituting county assessors officers of the department and imposing certain duties upon them, creating a ‘Motor Vehicle Fund,’ and providing for the disposition thereof, to prevent the taking or injury of any vehicle without the consent of the owner; to provide for the duties and powers of vehicle commissioner and for the motor vehicle department; to regulate court proceedings in certain civil actions arising under this act; to provide penalties for violations of this act and to make uniform the law relating to the subject matter of this act; and to repeal all acts in conflict or inconsistent therewith,” approved March 27, 1931, as amended. Senate Bill No. 102–Senator Murray.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to provide for the repayment, from the general funds, of an emergency loan made to Mineral County and the Mineral County hospital. Senate Bill No. 121–Senator Schuman.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide revenue for the support of the government of the State of Nevada, and to repeal certain acts relating thereto,” approved March 23, 1891, as amended. Senate Substitute for Senate Bill No. 81–Senator Wiley.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act regulating the registration of electors for general, special and primary elections,” approved March 27, 1917, as amended. Senate Bill No. 86–Senator Baker.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act in relation to public revenues, creating the Nevada tax commission and the state board of equalization, defining their powers and duties, and matters relating thereto, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith,” approved March 23, 1918, as amended. Senate Substitute for Senate Bill No. 76–Committee on Taxation.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to provide for the establishment, maintenance, operation and expansion of nonprofit school lunch programs in public schools of the State of Nevada and making an appropriation therefor. Senate Bill No. 100–Senator Lattin.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act establishing a system of retirement and of benefits at retirement or death for certain officers and employees of the state and its political subdivisions; creating the public employees’ retirement fund and board, and giving certain powers unto said board; providing and establishing the necessary funds and accounts; providing for the integration of other similar systems within this system; providing for the cost of the system; apporpriating money therefor; providing for the superseding and repeal of acts or parts of acts in conflict herewith, and providing a savings clause, and matters properly connected therewith. Senate Bill No. 60–Senators Rowe, McGuirk, Wiley, Schuman, Murray, and Johnson.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to provide for a stand-by electrical plant and the construction, equipment and furnishing of a new building at the Nevada state prison to be used as a cell block and for the care and housing of prisoners confined in Nevada state prison, and for other purposes, and for additions to and improvements of certain other buildings at said state prison, and for remodeling, repairing, reconditioning and furnishing said buildings, and to provide for the work and materials incident thereto and to pay for the same; defining the duties of the state board of prison commissioners in respect thereto; providing for the issuance of bonds therefor, and the manner of their sale and redemption, and other matters relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 105–Senators McGuirk, Murray, Tallman, Baker, and Wiley.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to permit the state to assist, extend, and improve the care of persons in active stages of tuberculosis being cared for at public expense, outlining the powers and duties of the state board of health in controlling tuberculosis and designating approved hospitals for such care, establishing rules and regulations, making an appropriation therefor, and other matters relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 151–Committee on Finance.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act providing for a state board of control, defining their duties and powers, and repealing all acts in conflict therewith,” approved March 20, 1933. Senate Bill No. 148–Committee on Finance.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to provide for the payment of additional compensation for additional duties performed by the late W. F. Helmick. Senate Bill No. 155–Committee on Finance.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act authorizing the participation in federal or other grants-in-aid for permanent constrution at colleges or universities; defining the duties of the board of regents, state planning board, the governor, the state controller and the state treasurer in relation thereto; making an appropriation from the Nevada postwar reserve fund therefor; and other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 154–Committee on Finance.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to further amend an act entitled “An act to provide revenue for the support of the government of the State of Nevada; to control, license, and regulate the importation and sale of wines, beers, and intoxicating liquors into and within the State of Nevada; to provide for the issuance of importers’ and wholesalers’ licenses; to provide for state licenses, designating the type of licenses to be issued, the fee for such licenses, and persons to pay the same, the manner of collection thereof, and prescribing the duties to be performed by state and county officials in connection therewith; the disposition and apportionment of the funds derived therefrom; and all other matters relating thereto; imposing an excise tax upon the privilege of importing, possessing, storing, or selling liquor; providing for the collection of the same, defining the word ‘liquor’ and other terms in this act; to provide penalties for the violation thereof; and to repeal all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith,” approved March 30, 1935, as the same, including the title thereof, has been amended. Assembly Bill No. 151–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to create a legislative fund. Assembly Bill No. 286–Committee on Legislative Functions.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act reapportioning senators and assemblymen of the several counties to the legislature of the State of Nevada, establishing assembly districts in certain counties of the state, and providing for the election therefrom of members of the assembly. Assembly Bill No. 120–Messrs. Norstrom, Smith, Folsom, and Clark County Delegation.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act creating a commission in the State of Nevada to be known as the state board of publicity, providing for the membership thereof, defining the powers and duties thereof, making an appropriation therefor, and other matters properly relating thereto,” approved March 26, 1937. Assembly Bill No. 237–Committee on Publicity.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to encourage and promote mining and industry in the State of Nevada; to create a Nevada state fair of industry show board, and to provide for a state industrial show; making an appropriation therefor; and other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 210–White Pine County Delegation.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to provide revenue for the support of the government of the State of Nevada; to control, license, and regulate the sale of cigarettes into and within the State of Nevada; to provide for the issuance of wholesalers’ licenses; to impose a stamp tax on the sale of cigarettes, to provide for state licenses, designating the type of license to be issued, the fee for such licenses, and persons to pay the same; the manner of collection thereof, and prescribing the duties to be performed by state and county officials in connection therewith; the disposition and apportionment of the funds derived therefrom; and all other matters properly relating thereto; to provide penalties for the violation thereof, and to repeal all acts or parts of acts in conflict herewith. Senate Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 94–Mr. Capurro.  Approved March 27, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act concerning certain county officers of the county of Pershing, State of Nevada, providing for their compensation, and other matters properly relating thereto,” approved March 20, 1945, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 271–Mr. Munk.  Approved March 28, 1947.



An Act making an appropriation for the support of the Nevada state employment service; creating a special fund therefor and providing for the disposition thereof; and other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 235–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act to amend the title of and to amend an act entitled “An act to fix the compensation of the members of the board of county commissioners of Nye County, Nevada, to authorize the appointment of one of their members to act as purchasing agent for Nye County and for the town of Tonopah, and to perform certain other designated duties, to fix compensation for such additional services, and other matters pertaining thereto, and to repeal all acts in conflict therewith,” approved March 9, 1937. Assembly Bill No. 267–Nye County Delegation.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act concerning slot machines, gambling games, and gambling devices; providing for the operation thereof under county and state licenses; providing for certain license fees and the use of the money obtained therefrom; prohibiting minors from playing and loitering about such games; designating the penalties for violations of the provisions thereof; and other matters properly relating thereto,” approved March 19, 1931, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 232–Committee on Counties and County Boundaries.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act authorizing the board of commissioners of the Nevada hospital for mental diseases to sell or otherwise dispose of certain real property in Washoe County, Nevada, and other matters properly connected therewith. Assembly Bill No. 262–Committee on State Prison and Asylum.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to regulate the practice of pharmacy and the use and sale of poisons and drugs in the State of Nevada; providing for a state board of pharmacy, and defining its powers and duties, and fixing penalties for the violation thereof,” approved April 1, 1913. Assembly Bill No. 190–Mr. Norstrom.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act to appropriate money for the support of the state welfare department as created by chapter 127, Statutes of Nevada 1937; providing for the expenditure of said appropriation, and other matters relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 98–Committee on Social Welfare.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide revenue for the support of the government of the State of Nevada, and to repeal certain acts relating thereto,” approved March 23, 1891, together with the acts amendatory thereof or supplementary thereto, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 54–Messrs. Wines and Gray.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act relating to the board of examiners, to define their duties and powers, and to impose certain duties on the controller and treasurer,” approved February 7, 1865. Assembly Bill No. 228–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act regulating the fiscal management of counties, cities, towns, school districts, and other governmental agencies,” approved March 22, 1917, as amended. Assembly Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 126–Mr. MacKenzie.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act authorizing the board of capitol commissioners of the State of Nevada to modify that certain lease granted to the city of Reno and authorizing the city of Reno to modify that certain lease granted to the county of Washoe under an act entitled “An act authorizing and directing the board of capitol commissioners of the State of Nevada to lease to the city of Reno for a period of ninety-nine years the Nevada state building situated in the city of Reno, subject to certain conditions and reservations, and other matters relating thereto,” approved April 2, 1929, and other matters relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 204–Washoe County Delegation.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act creating the office of inspector of mines; fixing his duties, powers and compensation; providing for the appointment of deputy mining inspectors and fixing their compensation; requiring certain reports and notices of accidents to be made to said inspector, and defining the duties of the attorney general and district attorneys in relation to suits instituted by the inspector of mines,” approved March 24, 1909, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 143–Mr. Gallagher.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act to empower municipalities and other political subdivisions to promulgate, administer, and enforce airport zoning regulations limiting the height of structures and objects of natural growth, and otherwise regulating the use of property, in the vicinity of airports, and to acquire, by purchase, grant, or condemnation, air rights and other interests in land; to provide penalties and remedies for violations of this act or of any ordinance or regulation made under the authority conferred herein, and for other purposes. Assembly Bill No. 166–Committee on Aviation.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act making an appropriation for repairs and equipment for the Nevada school of industry, at Elko, Nevada, and other needs therefor. Assembly Bill No. 107–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act concerning public schools of the State of Nevada, establishing and defining certain crimes and providing punishment therefor, and repealing certain acts and parts of acts relating thereto,” approved March 15, 1947. Assembly Bill No. 263–Committee on Education.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act relating to trust receipts and pledges of personal property unaccompanied by possession in the pledgee, and matters relating thereto,” approved March 28, 1941. Senate Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 144–Mr. Gallagher.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act to create judicial districts in the State of Nevada, provide for the election of district judges therein, fix their salaries and compensation for expenses, and repeal all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith. Assembly Bill No. 224–Washoe County Delegation.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act authorizing counties, school districts and municipalities to reinvest in bonds of the United States of America unused funds authorized under bond issues. Assembly Bill No. 134–Mr. Beemer.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act providing for the payment of pensions to certain officers and employees in certain counties of the State of Nevada; providing for the creation of a fund in such counties for the payment of said pensions, defining the duties of the county commissioners of the various counties, and other persons, in relation thereto; providing for the investment of any surplus in said fund, designating the requirements for participation of any person in the provisions of this act, and other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 214–Washoe County Delegation.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act creating and defining certain duties and powers of the state bank examiner, authorizing him to fill certain positions, and other matters connected therewith, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith,” approved March 29, 1927. Assembly Bill No. 257–Committee on Taxation.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act relating to the appointment and salaries of deputies, clerks, and stenographers in the offices of secretary of state, attorney general, state controller, state treasurer, state mine inspector, surveyor general, and superintendent of public instruction, and other matters relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 279–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to amend section 8 of an act entitled ‘An act to provide a general highway law for the State of Nevada,’ approved March 23, 1917; together with acts amendatory thereof or supplementary thereto,” approved March 22, 1945. Assembly Bill No. 207–Messrs. Free, Norstrom, Higgins, Englestead, Warner, Gray, and Jepson.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act relating to aeronautics; providing for acquisition, construction, maintenance, operation, and regulation by municipalities and counties of airports and air navigation facilities within or without the state, and declaring such to be a public purpose; authorizing eminent domain proceedings; providing tax exemptions for municipal airports and income thereof; authorizing leasing of airports, supplying of services in airport operation, and liens to secure payment thereof; granting extra territorial jurisdiction; authorizing penalties for violation of municipal ordinances and regulations; providing for appropriations, levying of taxes, issuance of bonds, and acceptance of federal and state aid; validating prior acquisitions, actions and bond issues; authorizing joint action by municipalities and other public agencies; providing for mutual aid between municipalities; and to make uniform the law with reference to public municipal airports. Assembly Bill No. 164–Committee on Aviation.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act making a deficiency appropriation of one thousand seven hundred fifty ($1,750) dollars for the support of the state board of control. Assembly Bill No. 281–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act providing for the investigation and control of injurious insect pests in the State of Nevada, and making an appropriation therefor. Assembly Bill No. 193–Messrs. Wines, Munk, and Miller (Humboldt).  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act providing for the appointment and employment of certain officers and employees of the State of Nevada and fixing their compensation. Assembly Bill No. 278–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act to provide for the construction, equipping, and furnishing of a new two-unit male ward building, kitchen, bakery, commissary, dining room, laundry, and central heating plant with distribution system at the Nevada state hospital for mental diseases, and for the remodeling of an existing male ward at said state hospital; authorizing the state planning board to prepare plans and specifications therefor, to advertise for, and supervise the construction of such work; providing for the financing thereof from the postwar fund; defining the duties of the board of commissioners of the Nevada state hospital for mental diseases and of the state planning board in respect thereto; and other matters relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 277–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act relating to the number of officers and attaches of the legislature of the State of Nevada, and to define their duties and specify their pay, and repealing all acts in conflict therewith,” approved January 28, 1931, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 247–Committee on Legislative Functions.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act providing for the creation of a state barbers’ health and sanitation board, defining the powers and duties of said board, defining certain terms, prescribing the terms and upon which licenses or certificates of registration, health and sanitation may be issued to practitioners of barbering, creating county boards and declaring their powers and duties, prescribing penalties for the violation hereof, repealing all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 26, 1929, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 201–Mr. Beemer.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act to provide additional and supplemental appropriation for the construction and installation of elevator or escalator facilities in the state capitol at Carson City, Nevada, and other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 110–Senator Robbins.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act concerning slot machines, gambling games, and gambling devices; providing for the operation thereof under county and state licenses; providing for certain license fees and the use of the money obtained therefrom; prohibiting minors from playing and loitering about such games; designating the penalties for violation of the provisions thereof; and other matters properly relating thereto,” approved March 19, 1931, as amended. Senate Bill No. 116–Committee on Finance.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act providing for the incorporation of cities, their classification, the establishment and alteration of their boundaries, the government and disincorporation thereof, and repealing all acts in conflict therewith,” approved March 27, 1907, as amended. Senate Bill No. 96–Senator Tallman.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act creating a commission to be known as the Colorado river commission of Nevada, defining its powers and duties, and making an appropriation for the expenses thereof, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict with this act,” approved March 20, 1935. Senate Bill No. 134–Senator Tallman.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act making it unlawful to sell the carcasses or part carcasses of neat cattle unless the hides thereof are inspected and such carcasses or part carcasses officially stamped as provided in this act; making certain exceptions thereto; providing for such inspection; providing compensation therefor; providing for the adoption and use of official stamps and record books, providing penalties for the violation of this act, repealing an act entitled ‘An act to provide for the inspection of hides, providing compensation therefor, and other matters relating thereto,’ approved March 19, 1929, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 9, 1931. Senate Bill No. 136–Senator Murray.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act making an appropriation for the further support of the University of Nevada; creating the “University of Nevada General Maintenance Fund”; providing for its expenditure; and other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 118–Committee on Finance.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act defining public utilities, providing for the regulation thereof, creating a public service commission, defining its duties and powers, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 28, 1919, as amended. Senate Bill No. 98–Senator Loomis.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act authorizing and directing the director of the Nevada agricultural experiment station of the University of Nevada to enter into a cooperative agreement with the United States department of agriculture under the provisions of public law 733, 79th Congress, making an appropriation therefor, and other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 107–Committee on Finance.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to create a state board of health, defining their duties, prescribing the manner of the appointments of its officers, fixing their compensation, providing for the impartial selection of personnel on the basis of merit, making an appropriation for the support of said board, establishing county boards of health, requiring certain statements to be filed, defining certain misdemeanors and providing penalties therefor, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 27, 1911, as amended. Senate Bill No. 52–Committee on Finance.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act authorizing the directors of the Nevada state bureau of mines to enter into cooperative agreements with the United States geological survey for the purpose of investigating mineral and geological conditions within the state and in the topographic and geologic mapping thereof, and providing an appropriation therefor. Senate Bill No. 120–Senators McGuirk, Rowe, Tallman, Wiley, and Budelman.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act fixing the salaries of certain state officers; providing ex officio duties of certain state officers and compensation for the performance of the same, and making an appropriation therefor. Senate Bill No. 78–Senator Johnson.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act relating to the bonds of the cities, towns, counties, school districts, and other political subdivisions of the State of Nevada, validating all such bonds now outstanding, validating and authorizing the issuance of all such bonds heretofore authorized and not yet issued, and providing for the manner in which taxes shall be levied for the payment of all such bonds. Senate Bill No. 92–Senator Baker.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act to repeal an act entitled “An act to provide for the reconstruction of the heating plant at the University of Nevada; providing for the issuance and sale of bonds therefor and the redemption thereof”; authorizing the state treasurer and state controller to transfer the unexpended balance and money in the university heating plant bond fund of the State of Nevada, and making provisions to carry out the purpose of this act. Senate Bill No. 137–Committee on Finance.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to create a state board of health, defining their duties, prescribing the manner of the appointments of its officers, fixing their compensation, providing for the impartial selection of personnel on the basis of merit, making an appropriation for the support of said board, establishing county boards of health, requiring certain statements to be filed, defining certain misdemeanors and providing penalties therefor, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 27, 1911, as amended. Senate Bill No. 68–Senator Johnson.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act authorizing the board of dental examiners to issue permanent licenses for the practice of dentistry in the State of Nevada, and other matters properly related thereto. Senate Bill No. 142–Senators Schuman and Lattin.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act declaring the purpose and policy of the legislature relative to use of the public highways of the state in the carrying of persons and property thereon in motor vehicles, defining such vehicles and public highways, providing for the licensing and regulating of certain carriers thereon by the public service commission of Nevada, and providing and defining its duties in relation thereto, providing license fees for the operation of motor vehicles in carrier service for hire and other service on the public highways of the state, providing for official inspectors and salary and allowances therefor, providing penalties for the violation thereof and other civil actions for the recovery of license fees herein, providing for refund in certain cases, providing for the weighing of motor vehicles for license purposes by public weighmasters, and repealing all acts and parts of acts and certain acts of the legislature in conflict herewith, and other matters properly connected therewith,” approved March 23, 1933, as amended. Senate Bill No. 88–Senator Murray.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act authorizing the county treasurer and the county recorder of Churchill County, State of Nevada, to transfer certain funds now in the treasury of said county. Senate Bill No. 115–Senator Lattin.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act making an appropriation for the support of the agricultural extension division of the University of Nevada for the period July 1, 1947, to December 31, 1947; defining the manner in which it may be used; defining the duties of the director of the agricultural extension division and the board of regents in relation thereto, and other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 108–Committee on Finance.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide a general highway law for the State of Nevada,” approved March 23, 1917, as amended. Senate Bill No. 87–Senator Tallman.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act supplementary to an act entitled ‘An act to create a board of county commissioners in the several counties of the state and to define their duties and powers,’ approved March 8, 1865,” approved February 19, 1867, as amended. Senate Bill No. 9–Senator Wiley.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act to provide that reports be submitted to the secretary of state by certain charitable organizations. Senate Bill No. 123–Committee on Finance.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act providing for voluntary apprenticeship,” approved March 25, 1939, as amended. Senate Bill No. 44–Senators Rowe, Murray, Wiley, and McGuirk.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act to provide that all regular and special meetings of the board of regents of the University of Nevada shall be opened to the public. Senate Bill No. 129–Committee on Finance.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act authorizing the state board of relief, work planning, and pension control as directors of the state orphans’ home of the State of Nevada to convey to the department of highways of said state all its right, title and interest in and to certain state lands situated in Ormsby County, now under the jurisdiction of said board of directors. Senate Bill No. 133–Senator Murray.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide for the adoption of children, defining the methods of procedure therefor, defining the duties of certain persons in relation thereto, and other matters properly relating thereto,” approved March 28, 1941. Senate Bill No. 144–Senator Cox.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act authorizing the construction of a heating plant at the University of Nevada; defining the duties of the board of regents and of the state planning board in relation thereto, making an appropriation therefor, and other matters relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 106–Committee on Finance.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act providing for the establishment and maintenance of a state postwar reserve fund; making an appropriation therefor; providing for transfers to said fund; making and fixing a tax levy to provide therefor, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 24, 1943. Senate Bill No. 152–Committee on Finance.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to prevent fraud or misrepresentation in the distribution and sale of gasoline, distillate, and lubricating oil; regulating the distribution and sale of such products; defining the powers and duties of the sealer of weights and measures, or his appointees; prescribing specifications to be required for petroleum or petroleum products sold or offered for sale as ‘gasoline’; providing for taking samples of certain refined petroleum products; providing for sealing of certain containers, pumps and storage tanks connected thereto; providing for labeling of certain containers and pumps, and further providing an annual tax on products sold within this state to secure the necessary revenue to enforce the provisions of this act, and fixing penalties for violation of any provisions contained herein,” approved March 31, 1931. Assembly Bill No. 62–Mr. Smith.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act regulating the nomination of candidates for public office in the State of Nevada,” approved March 23, 1917. Assembly Bill No. 109–Messrs. Englestead and Free.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide a water law for the State of Nevada; providing a system of state control; creating the office of the state engineer and other offices connected with the appropriation, distribution and use of water, prescribing the duties and powers of the state engineer and other officers and fixing their compensation; prescribing the duties of water users and providing penalties for failure to perform such duties; providing for the appointment of water commissioners, defining their duties and fixing their compensation; providing for a fee system, for the certification of records, and an official seal for the state engineer’s office; providing for an appropriation to carry out the provisions of this act; and other matters properly connected therewith, and to repeal all acts and parts of acts in conflict with this act, repealing an act to provide for the appropriation, distribution and use of water, and to define and preserve existing water rights, to provide for the appointment of a state engineer, an assistant state engineer, and fixing their compensation, duties, and powers, defining the duties of the state board of irrigation, providing for the appointment of water commissioners and defining their duties, approved February 26, 1907; also repealing an act amendatory of a certain act entitled ‘An act to provide for the appropriation, distribution, and use of water, and to define and preserve existing water rights, to provide for the appointment of a state engineer and assistant state engineer, and fixing their compensation, duties, and powers, defining the duties of the state board of irrigation, providing for the appointment of water commissioners and defining their duties, approved February 26, 1907, and to provide a fee system for the certification of the records of, and an official seal for the state engineer’s office, and other matters relating thereto,’ approved February 20, 1909,” approved March 22, 1913, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 124–Mr. Miller (White Pine).  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act creating the office of veterans’ service commissioner, providing the qualifications, the manner of appointment, duties, salary, and term of office of such officer, providing an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency to exist,” approved March 29, 1943. Assembly Bill No. 27–Messrs. Hazard, Fairchild, Folsom, Miller (White Pine), McCuistion, Monroe, Warner, and Starks.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act to provide for the creation of housing authorities, providing for the appointment of commissioners of said authority, defining the power of the authority, providing for the removal of commissioners, prescribing regulations with respect to rentals and tenant admissions, authorizing the authority to issue bonds and prescribing the manner of payment therefor, exempting certain property from execution sale, authorizing the authority to borrow money or accept contributions from the federal government, and other matters relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 113–Senator Baker (By Request).  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide for a state board of registered professional engineers; creating their duties and granting their powers; requiring all persons who practice professional engineering to obtain certificates and seals; empowering the board of registered professional engineers to hold hearings and providing for forfeiture, revocation, or suspension of certificates; providing penalties for the violation of this act; repealing all acts in conflict herewith, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 29, 1919, as amended. Senate Substitute for Senate Bill No. 48–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act providing for the creation of power districts; prescribing powers and duties of such district, and authorizing such districts to conduct and operate utilities for the production, transmission, or distribution of electric energy, and to issue bonds and providing for the payment of such bonds, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 20, 1935. Senate Bill No. 58–Senator Tallman.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act to regulate the professional nursing of the sick in the State of Nevada, and to regulate schools of nursing in the State of Nevada, providing for a board of examiners therefor; providing for the examination and issuance of licenses or certificates for registered nurses; providing for accreditation of schools of nursing in the State of Nevada; other matters properly relating thereto; providing penalties for the violation of this act, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith. Senate Bill No. 59–Senator Duffin.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act concerning the mentally ill of the state; defining mentally ill persons and providing for their care and treatment at the Nevada hospital for mental diseases. Assembly Bill No. 206–Committee on Prison and Asylum.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act to provide for the construction, equipping and furnishing of a resident physician residence at the Nevada state hospital for mental diseases, defining the duties of the state planning board in respect thereto, providing an appropriation for the balance of the amount required for such construction, and other matters relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 133–Committee on State Prison and Asylum.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act concerning public schools of the State of Nevada, establishing and defining certain crimes and providing punishment therefor, and repealing certain acts and parts of acts relating thereto,” approved March 15, 1947. Senate Bill No. 143–Committee on Finance.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act concerning crimes and punishments, concerning criminal practice, and prohibiting the imposition and infliction of the death sentence upon any person convicted of a crime now punishable by death, who at the time of the commission of such crime was under the age of sixteen years. Senate Bill No. 66–Committee on Judiciary.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide for the creation, organization, and maintenance of the Nevada state police, prescribing the powers and duties of the officers and members thereof in maintaining peace, order, and quiet in the State of Nevada, fixing their compensation, providing certain penalties, and other matters relating thereto, making an appropriation therefor, and repealing all acts or parts of acts in conflict therewith,” approved January 29, 1908, as amended. Senate Bill No. 111–Senator Johnson.  Approved March 31, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act relating to employment agencies, requiring a license for the conducting of such agencies and providing a penalty for the failure to secure such license; prescribing rules and regulations for the conducting of employment agencies and requiring a bond to insure a compliance with the same; making it the duty of the labor commissioner to enforce the provisions of this act; fixing penalties for the violation of this act, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 28, 1919. Senate Bill No. 39–Senator Rowe.  Approved April 1, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act relating to marriage and divorce,” approved November 28, 1861, as amended. Senate Bill No. 124–Committee on Finance.  Approved April 1, 1947.



An Act requiring boards of trustees or boards of education of school districts, county boards of education, and governing boards of district high schools, to publish expenditures. Senate Bill No. 77–Committee on Education and State University.  Approved April 1, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide a general highway law for the State of Nevada,” approved March 23, 1917, as amended. Senate Bill No. 132–Senator Murray.  Approved April 1, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled, “Nevada Insurance Act,” approved March 31, 1941. Senate Bill No. 130–Senator Loomis.  Approved April 1, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide for city, county, and regional planning in a certain class of counties; the creation, organization, and powers of planning commissions and zoning boards of adjustment; the regulation of the use of land and of the subdivision of land; the improvement of streets; the inspection of structures; and providing penalties for the violation of this act,” approved March 28, 1941. Senate Bill No. 94–Senators Baker, Robbins, and Settlemeyer.  Approved April 1, 1947.



An Act creating an advisory board of regents of the Nevada state university, and other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 140–Committee on Finance.  Approved April 1, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to promote the public safety by regulating the use by vehicles transporting inflammable liquids or gasses or acids or explosive substances of grade crossings of public highways over steam railroad tracks within the State of Nevada; and providing penalties for the violation thereof,” approved March 26, 1937. Senate Bill No. 126–Senator Murray.  Approved April 1, 1947.



An Act to provide for an oil portrait of E. P. (Ted) Carville, ex-governor of the State of Nevada. Senate Bill No. 138–Committee on Claims and Expenditures.  Approved April 1, 1947.



An Act to provide that persons under the age of 21 years shall not be assisted financially in procuring liquor, and fixing penalty for the violation thereof. Assembly Bill No. 217–Messrs. Carlson and Hazard.  Approved April 1, 1947.



An Act prohibiting persons under the age of 21 years from purchasing or consuming liquor on premises where sold, and fixing penalties for the violation thereof. Assembly Bill No. 215–Messrs. Carlson and Hazard.  Approved April 1, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act making an appropriation for the control of rodents and predatory animals, in cooperation with the federal government, prescribing the duties of the state board of stock commissioners in connection therewith, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 27, 1945. Assembly Bill No. 238–Committee on Livestock.  Approved April 1, 1947.



An Act to repeal an act entitled “An act to earmark and set aside out of the state postwar reserve fund, moneys for plans and specifications for buildings and improvements authorized by the board of finance and the board of control,” approved March 27, 1945. Assembly Bill No. 282–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved April 1, 1947.



An Act making an emergency appropriation for the support of the office of the inspector of mines. Assembly Bill No. 287–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved April 1, 1947.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide an excise tax on the distribution of motor vehicle fuel and on the use of any other inflammable or combustible liquids, used to propel motor vehicles on the highways of this state; to provide for the payment and collection thereof; to provide for the licensing of dealers engaged in the distribution of motor vehicle fuel and the filing of bonds by such dealers; to provide for the keeping of records by dealers and retailers of motor vehicle fuel, and the examination thereof; to provide for reports of carriers of motor vehicle fuel and imposing duties on such carriers and on consumers; to provide for the administration and enforcement thereof by the Nevada tax commission and fixing its duties in relation thereto; to fix penalties for the violation of the provisions of this act; to provide for the disposition of the said tax; to provide for refunds; to define certain words, terms and phrases herein; to prohibit political subdivisions from imposing similar taxes; and to repeal all other acts or parts of acts in conflict herewith,” approved March 21, 1935. Assembly Bill No. 248–Committee on Taxation.  Approved April 1, 1947.



An Act to amend the title of and to amend section 6 of an act entitled “An act concerning the insane of the state, creating a board of commissioners for the care of the indigent insane, and providing for the care of the insane,” approved March 25, 1913, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 131–Committee on State Prison and Asylum.  Approved April 1, 1947.



An Act making an appropriation for the support of the civil government of the State of Nevada for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1948-1949. Assembly Bill No. 48–Committee on Ways and Means.  Approved April 1, 1947.



An Act to fix the state tax levy for the years 1947 and 1948 and to distribute the said levy to the proper funds. Senate Bill No. 156–Committee on Finance.  Approved April 1, 1947.