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(References are to pages)



Agriculture and Horticulture —

      Agriculture seeds, sale of —

             Included, what seeds noxious weed, 85.

             Seeds, secondary noxious weed, 85.

             Seeds, weed, what included, 85.

             Disease, what included, 86.

             Label, what included, 86.

      Insect pests, control of, 291.

      Quarantine Officer —

            Seed potatoes, inspection of, 370.

      Rodents and predatory animals, appropriation for control of, 476.

Airports —

      Leases for, by —

             County Commissioners, 239.

             Agreement, length of may extend beyond term of office, 239.

Amendments —

      Aeronautics —

             Amending section 284 N. C. L., 292.

      Agriculture —

             Amending section 319 N. C. L., Supp., 252.

      Agriculture, Seed, Sale Of —

             Amending section 339 N. C. L., 1941 Supp., 85.

      Animals — See, also, Livestock.

      Board of Chiropractic Examiners —

             Amending section 1084 N. C. L. 1929, 136.

      Board of Health —

             Amending section 5239 N. C. L. 1929, 1941 Supp., 130.

      Carson City —

             Amending section 19 of act to incorporate Carson City, approved February 25, 1875, 164.

      Children —

             Amending sections 1010 to and including 1038 N. C. L. 1929, 191.

      Chiropody —

             Amending section 1070 N. C. L., 369.

      Civil Practice —

             Amending civil practice act, 52.

      Corporations —

             Amending section 1600 N. C. L. Supp., 1931, 41.

      County Clerks —

             Amending chapter 92 Nevada Statutes 1931, 50.

      County Commissioners —

             Amending section 1957 N. C. L., 21.

             Amending section 2192.01 N. C. L., 18.

      Dentistry —

             Amending chapter 9, page 10, Statutes 1923, 46.

`           Amending section 6, chapter 141, Nevada Statutes 1943, 47.

      Elections —

             Amending section 2475 N. C. L. 1929, 165.

             Amending section 2370 N. C. L. 1929, 1941 Supp., 166.

      Elko County —

             Amending section 30 of act incorporating town of Elko, approved March 4, 1917, 131.

      Employer and Employees —

             Amending section 2825.41 N. C. L., Supp., 255.

             Amending section 2825.43 N. C. L., Supp., 256.

             Amending section 2782 N. C. L., 338.

      Estates of Decedents —

             Amending section 9882.49 N. C. L. 1929, 1941 Supp., 175.

      Executors and Administrators —

             Amending section 9882.297 N. C. L., Supp., 349.

      Fiscal Management Counties, Cities —

             Amending section 3020 N. C. L., 1941 Supp., 101.

      Fish and Game —

             Amending section 3062 N. C. L. 1929, 106.

             Amending section 3063 N. C. L. 1929, 297.

             Amending section 3067 N. C. L. 1929, 216.

             Amending section 3103 N. C. L. 1929, 186.

             Amending section 3098 N. C. L. 1929, 231.

             Amending section 3084 N. C. L. 1929, 232.

             Amending section 3057 N. C. L. 1929, 233.

      Governor —

             Amending section 7403 N. C. L. 1929, 246.

             Amending section 7401 N. C. L. 1929, 247.

      Guardians —

             Amending section 9524 N. C. L., 91.

      Highways —

             Amending section 3872 N. C. L., 81.

             Amending section 5327 N. C. L., 275.

      Insane Persons —

             Amending section 3507 N. C. L. 1929, 242.

      Labor Commissioner —

             Amending section 4, chapter 182, 1943 Stats., 221.

      Las Vegas —

             Amending incorporating act, 62.

      Legislature —

             Amending section 7280 N. C. L. 1929, 205.

      Lincoln County —

             Amending chapter 96, Nevada Statutes 1941, page 136, 23.

      Maps and Plats —

             Amending section 1350 N. C. L., 477.

      Medicine, Surgery and Obstetrics —

             Amending section 6 of chapter 120, Statutes of Nevada 1943, page 171, 105.

      Mining —

             Amending section 4309 N. C. L., 351.

      Motor Vehicles —

             Amending section 4355 N. C. L., 268.

             Amending sections 3772-3779 N. C. L., 358.

             Amending section 4377 N. C. L. 1929, 77.

             Amending section 4435.10 N. C. L., 151.

             Amending section 4437.01 N. C. L., 387.

             Amending section 4437.02 N. C. L., 389.

             Amending section 4437.16 N. C. L., 390.

      Nevada State Livestock Show —

             Amending section 3910 N. C. L., 45.

      Orphans’ Home —

             Amending section 7599 N. C. L., 26.

      Paroles and Pardons —

             Amending section 11582 N. C. L. Supp., 253

             Amending section 11583 N. C. L. Supp., 254.

             Amending section 11584 N. C. L. Supp., 254.

      Payment of Attorneys In Certain Cases —

            Amending section 11357 N. C. L. 1929, 103.

      Poor and Poor Laws —

             Amending section 5146 N. C. L. 1929, 129.

      Public Health —

             Amending section 33, chapter 184 of 1939 Statutes, 177.

             Amending title of act, approved March 17, 1943, 213.

      Public Officers —

             Amending section 2426 N. C. L. 1929, Supp., 1941, 167.

             Amending section 2427.01 N. C. L. 1929, Supp., 1941, 172.

             Amending section 2407 N. C. L. 1929, 172.

      Public Schools —

             Amending sections 5658, 5662, N. C. L., 451.

      Public Service Commission —

             Amending chapter 93, Statutes 1943, 214.

      Reno, City Of —

             Amending an Act authorizing city of Reno to vacate and dispose of a portion of an unused street of city of Reno, approved March 8, 1923, 104.

      Revenue —

             Amending section 6447 N. C. L. 1941, Supp., 211.

      Rural Schools —

             Amending chapter 159, 1943 Statutes, section 5, 96.

      Sheep Commissioners, Board Of —

             Amending section 3873 N. C. L. 1929, 81.

             Amending section 3874 N. C. L. 1929, 83.

             Amending section 3875 N. C. L. 1929, 83.

             Amending section 3876 N. C. L. 1929, 83.

             Amending section 3896 N. C. L. 1929, 84.

      Soil Conservation District —

             Amending section 6870.06 N. C. L. 1929, 29.

             Amending section 6870.07 N. C. L. 1929, 29.

      Sparks, City Of —

             Amending sections 20, 22b, 29 and 41 of act incorporating town of Sparks, approved March 15, 1905, 153.

      State Board of Control —

             Amending chapter 107, Nevada Statutes 1935, 44.

      State Board of Examiners —

             Amending section 6943 N. C. L. as amended by Statutes 1931, 204; 1933, 184, 185; 1939, 34, 184.

      State Board of Stock Commissioners —

             Amending section 3795 N. C. L. 1929, 225.

      State Health Officers —

             Amending section 5314.03 N. C. L. 1929, 126.

      State Highway Engineer —

             Amending section 5322 N. C. L., 240.

      State Officers —

             Amending title of act approved March 17, 1943, 241.

             Amending section 2, chapter 118, Statutes 1943, page 165, 242.

      State Parks —

             Amending chapter 81, 1943 Statutes, 113.

      State Planning Board —

             Amending section 6975.05 N. C. L., 1941 Supp., 245.

             Amending section 6975.07, 1929 N. C. L., 1941 Supp., 245.

      State Police —

             Amending section 7435 N. C. L., 267.

      Superintendent of Public Instruction —

             Amending chapter 153, Statutes 1939, 118.

      Supreme Court —

             Amending section 8437 N. C. L., 208.

      Taxation —

             Amending section 6418 N. C. L., 42.

             Amending section 6546 N. C. L. 1931-1941 Supp., 78.

             Amending section 6548 N. C. L. 1931-1941 Supp., 79.

             Amending section 5354 N. C. L. 1929, 80.

      Unemployment Compensation Division —

             Amending section 4 of act approved March 20, 1941, 119.

      Unincorporated Cities and Towns —

             Amending section 1213 N. C. L. 1929, 48.

             Amending section 1214 N. C. L. 1929, 48.

             Amending section 1215 N. C. L. 1929, 49.

      University of Nevada —

             Amending section 7735 N. C. L., 258.

      Vital Statistics —

             Amending section 5280 N. C. L., 39.

      Water Law —

             Amending sections 11, 52, 55a, 63 of water law of February 26, 1907, as amended, 87, 88, 89, 90.

      Weights and Measures —

             Amending sections 8275 to 8306 N. C. L., 259.

      White Pine County —

             Amending chapter 188, Statutes 1913, 96.

AnimalsSee also Livestock.

      Killing of, from airplane, unlawful, 292.

             Exceptions, 292.


      Administrative Offices —

             Attorney-general, 478.

             Controller and insurance commissioner, 251, 479.

             Lieutenant governor, 478.

             Governor, 224, 478.

             Mine inspector, 480.

             Secretary of state, 478.

             State printing office, 480.

             State treasurer, 140, 479.

             Surveyor general and state land register, 480.

      Boards, Commissions and Appointive Offices —

             Adjutant general and national guard, 481.

             Board of control, 481.

             Board of finance, 484.

             Board of health, 442, 489.

             Board of pardons and paroles, 255.

             Consolidated offices of superintendent of banks and tax commission, 483.

             Labor commissioner, 221, 482.

             Public service commission, 482.

             State board of fire control, 237.

             State employment service, 483.

             State engineer, 482.

             State library, 483.

             United States cooperative stream measurements, 483.

      Educational Institutions —

             Department of education, 54, 113, 485, 487.

      District Judges —

             Traveling expenses, 490.

      Penal and Charitable Institutions —

             Nevada school of industry, 485.

             Nevada state hospital for mental diseases, 202, 348, 443.

             Nevada state prison, 485.

             Nevada state orphans’ home, 27, 484.

      Miscellaneous State Expenses —

             Care of G. A. R. cemetery, 490.

             Fire insurance premiums, 490.

             Industrial insurance state employees, 490.

             Interest on possible judgments, 490.

             Promotion of uniform laws, 490.

             Refund of state taxes, 490.

             Rewards of governor, 490.

             State officers’ bond premiums, 490.

             State official printing, 490.

      Promotion of State Resources —

             Agricultural seed control, 487.

             Agricultural society, 252, 488.

             Eastern Nevada agricultural extension, 487.

             Noxious weed control, 487.

             Standardization and grading of agricultural products, 488.

             State board of stock commissioners, 210, 476, 488.

             Western Nevada agricultural extension, 487.

      Social Security —

             Crippled children, 488.

             Dental hygiene, 488.

                   Maternal and child health service, 488.

             Venereal disease control, 488.

      Supreme Court, 209, 490.

      Miscellaneous —

             Blind, needy, 295.

             Boulder dam litigation, 357.

             Bounty for production of commercial oil well, 47.

             Bureau of mines, 488.

             Chaplains of legislature, 259.

             Children of orphans’ home, education of, 26.

             Civil air patrol, 54.

             Deaf, dumb, and blind, 486.

             Elko livestock show, 45.

             Historical society, 290.

             Legislative counsel bureau, 138.

             Legislative fund, 13, 53.

             Nevada museum, 347.

             Quarantine officer, 291.

             State employees salary increases, 206, 207, 249.

             State parks commission, 113.

             State planning board, 245.

             State scholarship fund, 204.

             State welfare department, 288.

             Veterans’ service commissioner, 23, 484.

Army and navy

      Members Missing in Action —

             Conservators, appointment of, for those serving in, 339.

             Jurisdiction, 339.

             Probate court, duties of, 339.

Assembly — See Legislature.

Attorneys at law

             Appointed by court; fee of, 103, 104.

attorney-general —

      Chief clerk, salary increase, 249.

      Chief deputy, salary increase, 249.

automobiles — See Motor Vehicles.


banks and banking —

      Examiner —

             Chief clerk, salary increase, 249.

             Deputy, salary increase, 249.

      blind, needy —

             Appropriation for, 295.

board of education — See Education, Board of.

board of health — See State Health Officer.

      Maternity Hospitals and Homes —

             Births in, who present, 110.

             Child placing by, prohibited, 111.

             Definition, 110.

             License —

                   Failure to produce, penalty, 111.

                   Qualifications, 110.

                   Revocation of, 111.

                   Licensee, duty of, 110.

      Merit system, 131.

      State health officer, 131.

boulder dam —

      Clark County suit against State —

             Appropriation for defense of, 357.


carson city —

      Fees and salaries, 164.

             Claims allowed, warrants to be drawn, 164.

             Notice, treasurer to post, 164.

             Treasurer’s accounts, examination of, 165.

      Storm drain sewer system —

             Emergency loan for construction of, 221.

             State contribution of, 221.

      Charter amendments, 343.

chattel mortgages

      Motor vehicles, registration of, with Department of Motor Vehicles, 469.

children —

      Appointment of officers by district judges, 178.

      Appointments and approvals to be filed, 180.

      Arrests, probation officers authorized to make, 180.

      Counties of less than 15,000 population —

             Salaries in, 179.

      Court and witness fees, 192.

      Disapproval of appointment, court notified, 180.

      District superintendent of schools, appointment transmitted to, 179.

      Expenses incidental authorized, 179.

      Probation officers, duties of, 178.

      Referees, appointment of, 192.

      Salary and expenses, how paid, 179.

      State institution for delinquent boys —

             Board, how created, 230.

             Superintendent, board to appoint, 230.

             Superintendent, salary, 230.


      Defined, 369.

      Exceptions, 369.

      License —

             Application for, 369.

             Fee for, 369.

chiropractors —

      Chiropractic, definition of, 136.

churchill county —

      Officers, salary of, 247.

             How paid, 248.

             Deputies, appointment of, 248.

cities — See Incorporated Cities.

      Commissioners, duty of, 75.

      Educational districts, 455, 458.

      Funds, transfer of, 14, 15.

      Suit against State —

             Appropriation for defense of, 357.

clerks —

      Ormsby county clerk, fees of, 50.

contracts —

      State agencies or municipalities or counties for purchase of material from United States, 52.

contractors, state board of —

      Classification of contractors, 296.

contributions —

      State board of sheep commissioners may accept, 83.

controller — See State Controller.

corporations —

      Corporations (general), provisions apply to whom, 196.

             Railroads, further powers of, 196, 197.

                   Accident, not liable when, 202.

                   Condemnation procedure, 200.

                   Land for use of railroads, rights of county, city or town, 201.

                   Maps and profiles allowed to make, 201.

                   Right of way, how granted, 199.

      Corporations, Nonprofit —

             Articles of incorporation, provisions, 183.

             Attorney-general, examination by, 183.

             Certificate, what to state, 181.

             Powers, what shall have, 182-183.

             Expenses apportioned, 183.

             Five or more persons may associate for charitable or eleemosynary purposes, 181.

             Income, limited on accumulation of, 183.

      Shares, Transfer Of — See Uniform Stock Transfer Act.

counties —

      Contracts with U. S. for purchase of property, 52.

      Fire protection districts —

            Board of directors, may issue bonds, 293.

                   Tax for payment of, 294.

      Lands, acquisition by counties of over 10,000 population for parks, recreation, or memorial purposes, 354.

      Mining claims, owned by —

             Permit to explore, 351.

      Officers Of —

             Offices must be kept open during certain hours, penalties for failure to do so, 340.

      Postwar fund, may establish, 454.

      Tuberculosis facilities, assistance from state for maintenance, 441.

county assessors —

      License and registration of motor vehicles, 77.

             Records, preparation of and forwarding of, 83.

county commissioners —

      Abutment land, how assessed, 142.

      Airports, lease lands for, 29.

      Amendment or correction of assessment roll, 149.

      Assessor, duties of, 144.

             Certificate of, 145.

      Assessments, how apportioned, 141-142.

      Assessment roll, review of, 146.

      Assessment, special roll, 145.

             Publication of, 146.

             Special notice of, 146.

      Assessment, special roll, unanimous adoption, 147.

      Claims, unaudited presented in six months, 21.

      Cost, commissioners to apportion, 145.

      Expenses, how defrayed, 141.

      Funds, final disposition of, 147.

      Highways, may request state engineer to supervise construction, 80.

      Improvements, provision of, 141.

      Property, when delinquent, 149.

      Public improvements, procedure, 142.

             Majority must petition for, 143.

                   Assessment, amount of, 143.

                   Contract, not awarded before notice and hearing, 144.

      Special liens, 147.

             Payable, 147.

      Statistician, employment of, 18.

      Tax, levy fixed by state board of sheep commissioners, 83.

      Uncollected amounts apportioned, 147.

      United States Bonds —

             Purchase of, 150.

             How credited, 150.

county treasurers —

      Duty of —

             Notify state board of sheep commissioners and report in certain cases, 83.

courts —

      Rulings and orders deemed excepted to, 52.

crockett, george —

      Relief of, 238.


dat-so-la-lee —

      Basket collection, purchase of, 455.

             Appropriation for, 455.

Delinquency — See Children.

Dentists —

      Amending chapter 9, page 10, Statutes 1943, 46.

      License to practice dentistry, limitations, 46.

district courts —

      Judicial districts, creation, 447.

             Fees of clerk, First judicial district, 50.

district judges —

      Salaries, amount of, 447.

douglas county —

      Officers, salaries of, 285.


education, board of —

      Contracts with federal agencies —

             Regulations concerning, 97.

      Trustees, Board of —

             Agreements with adjoining counties for education of high school students, 98.

             Term of, limited to one year, 98.

elections —

      Procedure, 165-167.

elko, city of —

      Officers —

             Election of, 353.

             Salaries of, 353.

      Show, Livestock —

             Appropriation, 45.

emergency housing —

      Housing authority, created, 459.

             Powers and duties, 460.

      Legislative intent, 462.

      Persons qualified for, 462.

employer and employees —

      Female employees —

             Hours of service, 256.

            Wages, minimum, 256.

                   Action for, 256.

                   Unlawful to pay less, 256.

      Probationary period, exception, 257.

      Wages —

             Additional by adjustment of notice, posting of, 338.

             Payment of, 338.

ESMERALDA county —

      County commissioners, salaries of, 186.

      Funds, transfer of, 14, 22, 25.

estates of decedents —

      Letters of administration, precedence, 175.

Evidence —

      Courts and officers of state to accept same, 209.

      Finding of presumed death declared sufficient proof, 209.

      Provisions of act declared severable, 210.

      Rulings of court, admissibility, exceptions to ruling on, unnecessary, 52.

executors and administrators —

      Descents and distribution —

             Intestate, separate property, descent of, 349.

                   Number of decedents not to share in estate, 351.


Females —

      Employment Of — See Employer and Employees.

      Emergency measure declared, 176.

      Hours per day, 176.

      Labor commissioner, duty of, 176.

fees —

      Ormsby County clerk, 50.

fiscal management —

      Loan, emergency, now consummated, 101, 102.

Fish and Game —

      Beaver, no hunting of prior to 1957, 187.

      Catfish, limit of, 348.

      Commissioners —

             Jurisdiction in taking of mountain sheep, goats, doe, antelope, 235.

      Fish, season for —

             Humboldt County, 106.

             Lahontan Lake, 297.

             Pyramid Lake, 297.

             Washoe Lake, 297.

             Topaz Lake, 297.

             Truckee River, 233.

      Fund, disposition of, 232.

      Licenses —

             Deer tags, 188.

                   Duplicate required, 188.

      Limits, 186.

forests —

      Board of fire control, created, 235.

             Duties of, 236.

      Forester fire warden, position created, 235.

             Duties of, 236.

      Surveyor general, ex officio, 235.


gambling —

      Definition, 493.

      Licenses —

             Division of between State, county, and city, 492.

             Necessity for, 493.

             Nevada tax commission, jurisdiction, 494.

             State, fee for, 494.

                   Based on gross revenue, 495.

genoa fort and stockade —

      Building of, 472.

      Fund, created, 472.

      State monument, 473.

governor —

      Duty of —

             Appointment of state board of sheep commissioners, 81.

      Western Governors’ Conference —

             Appropriation for, 224.

             Appropriation additional expended by governor, 224.

             Claims approved by board of examiners, 224.

      Clerk, salary of, 246.

      Secretary, salary of, 247.

guardian and ward —

      Real estate of ward, sale of, 91-94.


hawthorne, town of —

      Bonds, issuance of for sewer system, 336.

highway, department of —

      Agreements with U. S. for feeder roads, 293.

      State engineer, duties of, 80.

highways, state —

      Designation of, 275.

             Routes 1 to 82, 275, 285.

             Highway department may supplement, 285.

      Easement for, from university, 382.

historical society, Nevada — See Nevada State Historical Society.

hospital for mental diseases — See, also, Insane Persons.

      Appropriation for, 202.

             Availability of, 202.

Hotels and Lodging Houses —

      Bathing facilities, 385.

      Garbage, accumulation of, prohibited, 386.

      Penalties, 386.

      Portions of, not to be used for living or sleeping purposes, 384.

      Room, size of, 384.

      State health officer, jurisdiction, 386.

      Water closets, 385.

      Water supply, 386.

      Windows of, must be screened, 384.

      Ventilation, 385.

housing — See Emergency Housing.

humboldt county —

      Assessor, salary of, 31.

      Commissioners, land purchases, 342.

      Deputies, appointment of, 32.

             Salaries of, 32.

      Recreational property, acquisition of, 342.

      Sheriff, appointment of, 32.


incorporated cities —

      Councils —

             Power of in requiring removal of unsafe structures and unhealthful matter, 289.

             May move at owner’s expense, 289.

             Lien for, 289.

      Postwar fund, may establish, 454.

insane persons —

      Commissioners board, duties of, created for, 242.

             Care of insane, 242.

             Elect psychiatrist as superintendent —

                   Superintendent, duties of, 243.

             Appoint assistant superintendent, 243.

      Restoration to sanity —

             County clerk or recorder, no fee for, 105.

insurance companies —

      Commissioner —

             Sale of insurance by unauthorized agents, powers concerning, 251.

      Directors of —

             Liability for tax paid under law subsequently held invalid, exemption, 442.

intoxicating liquors — See Taxation.


irrigation districts —

      Directors of, per diem, 298.

             Salaries of officers fixed by, 299.

             Schedule of, submitted to electors, 299.

johnson, charles h. —

      Sale of state land to, 251.

junior livestock show board — See Livestock.


labor — See Employer and Employee.

labor commissioner —

      Deputy Labor Commission —

             Appropriation for, 221.

lander county —

      Assessor, salary of, 35.

      County clerk, salary of, 34.

      County commissioners, salary of, 33.

      District attorney, salary of, 35.

      Sheriff, salary of, 34.

las vegas —

      Amendment to incorporating act, 62-76.

      Assessments, special lien on property, 73.

      Assessments, special, how enforced, 74.

      City court, procedure, 69.

      City assessor, duty of, 76.

      City manager, appointment and duties of, 67.

      City engineer, 64.

      City attorney, deputies, 66.

      Clerk, duties of, 72.

      Commissioners, 62.

      Claims against city, 68.

      Comptroller, duties of, 72.

      Finances, statement of, 73.

      Municipal judge, residence, 69.

             Docket, 70.

      Oaths, 66.

      Officers, election of, 62.

      Police and fire chiefs, 65.

      Salaries —

             Mayor, commissioners, clerk, 66.

      Street superintendent, 65.

legislature —

      Clergy for —

             Appropriation for payment of, 257.

      Members of —

             Compensation, 250.

             Mileage and expenses, 250.

      Senators and assemblymen, apportionment of, 205.

legislative counsel bureau —

      Appointee, qualifications, and salary, 137.

             Duties, 137-138.

      Appropriation, 138.

      Boards and commissioner’s duties, 138.

lehman cave national monument —

      State board of control authorized to execute corrected deed to U. S., 46.

levy and zentner —

      Act for relief of, 273.

library —

      Budget, tax levying bodies may, 229.

      Conflicting provisions of Act not to apply, 229.

      Contract, any established library may, 229.

      Contracts, may be terminated, 229.

      Funds, trustees to expend, 229.

      Trustees, power of, 229.

licenses —

      Gambling — See Gambling.

Lincoln county —

      Bond —

             Issuance authorized for Pioche sewer system, 160.

             Issuance to be voted upon by qualified voters of Pioche, 161.

             Resolution to be published, 161.

             Taxes levied for payment of bonds, 162.

                   Redemption of bonds, 163.

      Commissioners to operate and maintain sewer system, 163.

      Faith of state pledged, 163.

      Deputies, appointment of, 24.

      Officers, compensation of, 24.

livestock —

      Junior Livestock Show Board —

             Created, 466.

             Duties, 467, 468.

Lyon County —

      Clerk and ex officio treasurer, appointment, 193.

             Salary of, 194.

      Commissioners, salary of, 195.

      District attorney, salary of, 195.

             Deputies, appointment of, 195.

      Fees paid into county treasury, 193.

      Funds, transfer of, authorized, 191.

      Recorder and auditor, salary of, 194.

             Deputies, appointment of, 194.


maps and plats —

      Subdivisions, vacating portions of, 477.

marriage —

      Tribal custom validated, 152.

             Certificate, what to contain, 152.

      United States, proof recognized in Nevada, 152.

medicine, surgery, and obstetrics —

      Temporary licenses, examination date extended, 106.

mineral county —

      Claim of Miller and Stoutenburg, auditor Mineral County authorized pay claim, 109.

      Commissioners as board for town of Hawthorne to issue sewer bonds, 336.

      Commissioner districts, repeal of chapter 17, 1943 Statutes, 112.

      County officials, salaries, 107, 108.

      Power system, 330.

mines and mining —

      Inspector of Mines —

             Amendment of title, 244.

             Deputies, salary increase, 249.

      Patented Claims —

             County, owned by, permit to explore, 351.

mining inspector — See Mines and Mining.

motor vehicles —

      Bus, truck, trailers, lamps and reflectors, requirements, 269.

      Head lamp, requirements, 268.

      Licensing and registration, 77.

             Fees for, 391.

                   Exemptions, 389.

      Mortgages on, registration of with department, 469.

             Liens for repair and storage of, 358.

      School bus, signs on, 270.

             Duties of approaching vehicles, 270.

      Tail lamp, requirements, 268.

municipal corporations —

      Amending Las Vegas incorporating act, 62-76, inc.

      Disincorporated cities or towns, 48.

             Mandatory, 49.

      Incorporated cities and towns, 48.

      Purchase of U. S. surplus property, 52.

McLaughlin, T. J. —

      Relief of, 190.


national guard and militia —

      Governor’s medals, 335.

      Service medals, 333.

             Presented by, 334.

             Qualifications for, 334.

             Received by, 334.

Nevada coordinate system —

      Coordinate system, definition of, 127.

             Term, limited, 129.

      United States coast and geodetic survey, definition of, 128.

      Zones —

             Divided into three, 127.

                   Central zone, 127.

                   East zone, 127.

                   West zone, 127.

             Reference to zones, 128.

             U. S. land surveys prevail when, exception, 129.

                   Invalidity clause, 129.

Nevada, state of —

      Clark County suit, appropriation for defense of, 357.

Nevada state department of health —

      Employees, merit system for, 363.

Nevada employment security department — See Unemployment Compensation.

      Employees of, merit system for, 363.

Nevada state historical society —

      Appropriation for, 290.

Nevada State Museum —

      Appropriation for, 347.

Nevada state police — See State Police.

Nevada state welfare department —

      Employees of, merit system, 363.

nurses —

      Applicants, qualifications, 464.

      Board of nurse examiners, created, 463.

             Appointment of, 463.

             Meetings of, 463.

      Examinations, 463.

      Registration of, 465.

nye county —

      District attorney, salary of, 220.

      Clerk and treasurer, salary of, 219.

             Stenographer and deputy, 220.

      Recorder and auditor, salary of, 220.

             Deputies and compensation, 220.

      Salaries to be paid monthly, 220.

      Sheriff and ex officio assessor, salary of, 219.

             Deputies and compensation, 219.

             Fee and mileage, 219.


oil —

      Wells, appropriation to encourage boring of, 47.

old-age assistance — See Welfare, Department of.

      Controller authorized to transfer funds to federal account, 55.

optometry —

      License, revocation of, 368.

             Grounds for, 369.

ormsby county —

      County officials, salary and appointment of, 117.

      Office of sheriff and assessor consolidated, 274.

      Sheriff ex officio constable of Carson Township, 274.

             Deputies, appointment, 274.

                   Salary of, 274.

             Salary, 274.

orphans — See Orphans’ Home.

orphans’ home —

      Appropriation for, 26.

      Appropriation, general support, 27.

      Children to attend Carson City schools, 26.

      Salaries, superintendent and matron, 114.

      State board of relief, work planning, and pension control authorized to convey certain real property, 46.


paroles and pardons —

      Board of pardons and paroles, appropriation for, 255.

      Chief clerk, duties of, 253.

      Office of, 253.

      Parole officers, appointment of, 253

             Duties of, 254.

             Information received privileged and confidential, 254.

             Salaries of, 254.

pershing county —

      Commissioners authorized to issue bonds for construction of school buildings, 58.

      Commissioners, duties of, 58, 59.

      County board of education, duties of, 59, 60.

      County clerk, duties of, 59.

      County officials, salaries of, 139.

             Deputies, 139.

      Treasurer, duties of, 61.

      Faith of state pledged, 61.

      New Pershing County high school building fund created, 60.

      Tax, special, to be assessed, 60.

pershing county water conservation district —

      Funds —

             Surplus, transfer of, 452.

                   Use of, 452.

poor and poor laws — See Pensions.

      Work houses provided by county commissioners, 129, 130.

postwar reserve fund —

      Counties, authorized to establish, 454.

      Cities, authorized to establish, 454.

      State —

             Funds of, transferred to state prison building fund, 453.

                   Portion of, earmarked for plans and specifications, 471.

      School districts, authorized to establish, 454.

prison and prisoners —

      Building fund, transfer to, from postwar fund, 453.

property —

      State board of control authorized to convey certain real property, 48.

      Surplus of U. S. purchase by state or local government, 52.

public highways —

      Department of highways, easement from university, 382.

public schools —

      Clark County, educational districts, 455-458.

      Districts, Trustees —

             Acceptance of students from other states, 454.

             Postwar fund, may establish, 454.

      Students —

             Insurance on those engaged in athletics, 397.

      School laws, recodifying under attorney-general, 113, 114.

      Superintendent of public instruction, deputies, appointment of, 451.

             Salary of, 451.

public service commission —

      Emergency, 214.

      Secretary, salary increase, 396.


Reno, city of —

      Charter, amendments, 398, 440.

      Council to dispose of certain land, 104.

      Land, description of, 104.

Revenue — See License; Taxation.

      Property subject to taxation, 42.

      Property exempt, 42-44.


schools and school districts —

      Continuation of scholarships, 204.

             Assistance discontinued by board, 204.

             Investigation, board of finance to make, 204.

      Educational scholarships, who eligible, amount of, 203.

      Fifth educational district, appropriation, 54.

      Rural school districts, payments, how determined, 96, 97.

      Goldfield School District No. 4 —

             Sale of Sunday school building, 103.

             Payment, disposition of, 103.

secretary of state —

      Chief clerk, salary increase, 249.

      Corporation clerk, salary increase, 249.

      Department of motor vehicles —

             Chief clerk, salary increase, 249.

             Deputy, salary increase, 249.

senate — See Legislature.

sheep —

      Inspection of, 82.

      State board of sheep commissioners, 81.

soil conservation districts —

      Bonds, surety employees, 31.

      Land, wherein more than one county, 30.

      Supervisors —

             Appointment of, qualifications, 29, 30.

             Election for, 29.

Soldiers and sailors — See Army and Navy.

sparks, city of —

      Claims filed with city clerk, 155.

      City attorney, salary of, 154.

      Clerk —

             Election of, 154.

             Powers and duties of, 154.

      Fees and salaries regulated, 154.

      Police judge, salary of, 154.

state bank examiner — See Banks and Banking.

state board of agriculture — See Agriculture and Horticulture.

State Board of Control —

      Authorized to convey certain real property, 48.

      Sale of land to Charles H. Johnson, 251.

      United States —

             Authorized to execute corrected deed to Lehman caves to United States, 44.

State Board of dental Examiners —

      Amending chapter 9, page 10, Statutes 1943, 46.

      License to practice, limitation, 46.

State Board of Examiners —

      Allowances per diem for state officers, 184.

state board of health —

      Hygienic laboratory, establishment of, 177.

             Who may be in charge, 177.

             Investigations, reports of, published, 177.

             Proceeds disposed of, 178.

      Title, amendment of, 215.

state board of relief, work planning, and pension control —

      Authorized to convey certain property, 46.

state board of stock commissioners — See State Board of Sheep Commissioners.

      Appropriation for livestock diseases, 210.

      Claims, how audited, 210.

      Livestock brands-Application of include drawing, 225.

             Recording of, 225.

             Post-office address legal address, 225.

             Property of owner, may be transferred, 227.

                   Change of position, unlawful, 228.

                   Owner may apply for change of position, 228.

state board of sheep commissioners —

      Appointment by governor, 81.

             Duties, rules and regulations of, 82.

      Inspectors authorized to employ, 82.

             Duties of, 82.

             Rules, publication of, 83.

      Tax, county commissioners to levy tax as fixed by board, 83.

             Authorized to accept contributions, 83.

             Cost of commission, how paid, 84.

      Woolgrowers, organization of —

             Predatory animal control districts, 133.

                   Cooperation with federal fish and wild life service, 134.

state controller —

      Chief clerk, salary increase, 249.

      Deputy, salary increase, 249.

      Insurance companies, duties concerning — See Insurance Companies.

      Insurance examiner, salary increase, 249.

      Transfer unexpended balances to general fund, 41.

      Transfer of funds from Nevada state prison fund to general support fund of Nevada state prison, authorized to, 57.

      Transfer of funds —

             Authorized to transfer moneys from state old-age assistance fund to federal account, 56.

      Warrant, authorized to draw to Nevada wing civil air patrol, 54.

state department of health —

      Tuberculosis facilities —

             Approval of, 442.

             Assistance to counties maintaining, 441.

state engineer —

      Agreements, state engineer authorized to enter into, 185.

      Assistants, deputies, and clerks salaries, increase of, 396.

state health officer —

      Duties of, 126.

             Premises, may enter all parts of, 218.

             State institutions, supervision of officers, 218.

state highway engineer —

      Appointment of, 240.

      Bond, engineer to give, 240.

      Bond, assistant engineer and auditor to give, 240.

      Congress, act of acceptance, 241.

      Supervise construction of county highways, 80.

      Salary and expenses, 240.

state hospital for mental diseases — See Insane Persons.

      Building for —

             Construction of, 443.

                   Appropriation for, 443.

state library —

      Librarian, salary increase, 249.

state livestock show board —

      Appropriation for, 45.

state OFFICERS and employees — See Public Officers.

      Appropriation, 206.

      Automobiles, purchase of —

             Amending title of act, 242.

      Purchase price not to exceed $2,000, 242.

      Merit system for certain, 363.

      Salaries of —

             Controller, 207.

             Deputies and chief clerk, 249, 396.

             Mine inspector, 207.

             Public instruction superintendent, 207.

             Secretary of state, 207.

             State superintendent printing, 207.

             Surveyor-general, 208.

             Treasurer, 207.

state of Nevada —

      Contracts with U. S. for purchase of property, 52.

      Faith of, pledged on Pershing County bond issue, 61.

State Park Commission —

      Appropriation, 113.

state planning board —

      Appropriation, 245.

      Functions and duties of, 245.

state police —

      Appointment of, 267.

      Number of, 267.

state printing office —

      Employees, salary increase, 249.

state prison —

      Controller and treasurer authorized to transfer funds, 57.

state tax commission —

      Duties of, 79.

state treasurer —

      Chief clerk, appointment of, 140.

      Deputy, salary increase, 249.

             Appropriation, 140.

state welfare act — See State Welfare Department.

State Welfare Department — See, also, Welfare, Department of.

      Appropriation for, 288.

      Employees of, merit system, 363.

SUPERINTENDENT of public instruction —

      Employ clerk, typist, 112.

      Deputy superintendent, appointment of, 118.

supreme court —

      Justices, salary of, 208.

      Reporter, salary increase, 249.

surplus —

      Property of U. S. purchase of by state or local government, 52.

surveyor general —

      Deputy, salary increase, 249.


taxation —

      Exemption from —

             Boy Scouts of America, 15.

             Church property, 42.

             Ex-service men, women, and organizations, 43.

             Fraternal organizations, 43.

             Fraternities, 44.

             Graveyards, 43.

             Mines unpatented, 42.

             Widows and orphans, 43.

             Young Women’s Christian Association, 15.

      Intoxicating liquors —

             Application for license, 373.

             Defined, 372.

             Fees for license, 376, 380.

             Importer of, defined, 372.

                   License, fee for, 374.

             Retailer of, defined, 372.

             Wholesaler, defined, 372.

      Property subject to, 43.

      Sales —

             Advertising property, 211.

             Certificate to be issued by treasurer, 212.

             Costs, 211.

             Redemption, 212.

      Tax commissioner, duties, 79.

      Valuations, 78.

tax levy, state —

      Set for years 1945 and 1946, 491.

teachers — See Public Schools and Schools and School Districts.

      Retirement salaries and annuities —

             Election of plan, 101.

             Teachers agreeing bound by provisions, 100.

             Teachers rejected may reenroll, 100.

towns —

      Disincorporation of, 48, 49.

      Incorporation of, 48.

treasurer — See State Treasurer.

tuberculosis —

      Assistance to counties maintaining facilities for treatment of, 441.


unemployment compensation —

      Administrative Determinations —

             Appeals from, 120.

             Application for, 120.

             Director, powers concerning, 121.

                   Hearings, 120.

             Director, powers and duties, 119.

                   Personnel, employment of, 121, 124.

             Appeal tribunal, 311.

             Base period, defined, 299.

      Benefits —

             Amount of, 307.

             Disqualification for, 307.

             Duration of, 308.

      Benefit year, defined, 300.

      Calendar quarter, defined, 300.

      Commissioner, defined, 301.

      Contributions —

             Collection of, 320.

      Defined, 300.

             Rate of, 313.

                   Experience, rate based on, 120.

                          Hearings on, 120.

      Dependent defined, 306.

      Employer defined, 301.

      Employment Unit —

             Application for hearing, 120.

             Defined, 201, 315.

             Records, must keep, 121.

             Reports to director, 121.

                   Confidential, 122.

      Employment defined, 302.

             Service excluded and included, 302, 303.

      Employment office, defined, 305.

      Funds, defined, 305.

             Reimbursement of, 322.

             Special, 316, 319.

      Military service —

             Exclusion of from base period, 299.

      Oaths and affirmations —

             Powers to administer, 123.

      Penalties, 322.

      Publication of act and regulations, 121.

      Reciprocity, 125, 126.

      Rules and regulations —

             Directors, power to make, 120.

      Social Security Board —

             Cooperation with, 124.

      State, defined, 305.

             Employees of, 316.

      Unemployment defined, 305.

      Wages, defined, 305.

      War duration of, defined, 306.

      Week, defined, 306.

      Witnesses —

             Power to subpena, 123.

             Self incrimination, protection against, 123.

uniform stock transfer act —

      Act applicable through articles or bylaws provide shares transferable on book only, 325.

      Certificates unlawfully acquired, 326.

             Alteration of, 328.

      Creditor of owner, aid from courts, 327.

      Definitions, 329.

      Lost or destroyed certificates, 328.

      Shares, how transferred, 324.

             Delivery without endorsement, obligation of owner, 326.

             Purchaser for value, rights of, 326.

             Transferee, rights of, 325.

             Warranties, 327.

                   Exception, 327.

university of Nevada —

      Employees of —

             Retirement, 341.

      Governor’s medal, presentation to students of, 335.

      Lands for, purchase of by board of regents, 346, 355.

             Easement over for public highway, 215, 382.

      Regents —

             Building program, authority to initiate, 394.

             Free tuition, power to grant, 258.

             Gymnasium, old, repair and remodeling of, 356.

             Powers and duties of, 448.

             Tuitions, fixed by, 258.

      Retirement of employees —

             Rules, regulations and requirements, 341.


veterans —

      Office of veterans’ service —

             Appropriation for, 23.

             Commissioner, 23.

             Emergency declared, 23.

vital statistics —

      Registrar, duties of, concerning birth and death records, 39.


washoe county —

      District attorney, authority to employ investigator, 158.

      Engineer, authority to appoint, 25.

             Duties and salary, 26.

      Hospital fund, commissioners to create, 155.

             Expenditure of, 156.

             Investment of, 156.

      Officers of, salary, 158.

      Postwar fund, commissioners —

             Authority to create, 20.

      Expenditure of, permitted, 20.

             Investment of, 22.

waters —

      Appropriation of —

            Applications for, 90.

             Quantity limited to beneficial use, 87.

      State engineer, duties of, 88, 90.

             Guards, employment by, 90.

      Water commissioners, appointment of, 88.

             Duties, 88.

             Salary, 88.

      Water Distribution Fund —

            County commissioners, duty concerning, 89.

             Created, how, 89.

             State controller, duties concerning, 89.

weights and measures —

      Bread, standard loaf, 262.

      Butter, weight, 262.

      Commodities, generally, 259-267.

      Containers, weight of contents, 262.

      Meat, 263.

      Penalties, 264, 266.

      Sealer of —

             Duties, 260, 266.

             Records, 260.

      Standard units, defined, 260, 261.

      United States, standards adopted, 260.

      Weights, designation of, 262.

welfare, department of —

      Old-age assistance —

             Amount of, 3.

                   Change, subject to, 12.

             Application for, 5.

             Counties, boards of, duties, 5.

                   Change from, 7.

                   Participation in, 8.

                   Tax, levy for, 8.

             Courts, jurisdiction of, 11.

             Eligibility for, 2.

             Federal funds, 9.

             Fund, created, 9.

             Nonassignable, 6.

             Payment of, mandatory, 11.

                   State, financial participation, 8.

                          Tax levy, for, 8.

             Penalties for violation of act or regulations, 40.

             Records of, confidential, 40.

wells, city of —

      Treasurer, relieved of liability on deposits in closed banks, 19.

wills —

      Proof of, when subscribing witnesses are unavailable, 337.

white pine county —

      Lands in, deed from State —

             Board of control to United States, 44.

             Exchange of, with United States, 159.

      Recorder, fees of, paid to treasurer monthly, 96.


Yerington, city of —

      Airport, acquisition and construction of, 95.





      Congress memorialized to grant statehood to, 524.

amendments to CONSTITUTION —

      Proposal to amend section 11 of article XV, 505.

armed service —

      Acquisition of certain farm lands in Pershing County requested for members, 527.

      Legislative members recognized, 501.

aviation —

      Joint interim committee to make study of, 514.


bowers mansion —

      Committee appointed to arrange for acquiring for state park, 507.


california, state of —

      Asked to cede territory east of summit of Sierra Nevada range to Nevada, 506.

congress, memorials to —

      Alaska, statehood for, 524.

      Constitutional amendments — See amendments to constitution.

      Providing for services of army and navy doctors to civilians during the war emergency, 529.

      Relating to induction of agriculturalists into the armed services, 500.

      Relating to old-age pensioners, 522, 525.

      Relating to postwar establishment of the national guard, 517.

      Relating to sale of liquor to Indians, 523.

      Relating to social security, 503, 526.

      Relating to the mining industry, 509, 510, 519, 520, 521.


forests —

      Congress petitioned to provide protection for, 527.


grazing —

      Increased fees, possibility of, 499, 504.

      Legislative committee to attend hearing at Ely, 499.

             Governor requested to be present, 499.


highways —

      Immediate construction to forest highway No. 16 requested, 512.


immigration —

      Free to Jewish people, 516.

indians —

      Equal privileges regarding sale of liquor to be granted to, 523.

insurance —

      State controller as ex officio insurance commissioner to make study of laws relating to, 515.


landmarks —

      County commissioners asked to preserve, 525.

legislative bills —

      Request for return of, 502, 530.


medical service —

      To be given by army and navy doctors requested during emergency, 529.

memorials to congress — See Congress, Memorials to.

mining industry —

      Change in present laws regarding, asked of federal government, 509, 510, 519, 520, 521.


national guard —

      Postwar military policy advocated, 517.

Nevada taxpayers association —

      Appreciation of service to legislature voiced, 508.


old-age assistance —

      Amendment requested to federal law placing a minimum of $50 per month, 525.

      Memorializing Congress to amend act to allow pensioners to perform light labor, 503.

      Requesting restrictions concerning possession of property and cash be removed, 522.


postwar reserve fund —

      Interim board appointed to handle funds of, 511.


retirement —

      Fact-finding committee appointed to study civil service features relating to state employees, 513.


selective service —

      Agriculturalists asked to be deferred, 500.


war bonds —

      Sale of by citizens commended, 502.