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(References are to Pages)



Accidents —

      Persons involved shall report, 65.

Actions —

      Dismissed, costs allowed when, 33.

      For wrongful death, 17, 18.

      Procedure on offer for settlement of, 16.

Adoption — See Foster Children.

agriculture, state board of —

      Shall direct state fair, 250, 251.

alimony, property rights and custody — See Divorce.

Amendments —

      Agricultural Society —

             Amending section 319 Nevada Compiled Laws 1929, 250.

      Barbers —

             Amending section 763 Nevada Compiled Laws 1929, 307.

      Board of Health —

             Amending act of 1911, 297.

      Building and Loan Associations —

             Amending section 22, chapter 57, act of 1935, 153.

      City Charters —

             Amending section 1257 Nevada Compiled Laws 1929, how amended, 309.

      Civil Practice (Sections refer to Nevada Compiled Laws 1929)

             Amendments to sections 8554 and 9195 regarding actions for wrongful death and measure of damages therein, 17.

             Amendment to section 8821 regarding compromise and procedure thereon, 16.

             Amendment to section 8936 regarding costs and security therefor, 21.

             Amendment to section 9231 providing for certiorari to test constitutionality of ordinance or statutes, 114.

             Amendment to section 8640 concerning default judgments, 205.

             Amendment to section 8793 concerning dismissal of suits, 33.

             Amendment to section 9467.06 providing three years separation ground for divorce, 16.

             Amendments to sections 9463 to 9467 regarding divorce, alimony, and property rights, 18, 19.

             Amendment to section 8843 concerning executions and property exempt, 60.

             Amendment to section 9563 concerning executors and administrators, oath of, 11.

             Amendment to section 9140 concerning forcible entry and detainer, 171.

             Amendments to sections 9495 to 9543 concerning guardians, compromise of claims by; amended by inserting new section, 35.

             Repealing sections 3386, 3387, and 3388 concerning rights of husband and wife, 14.

             Amendment to section 8556 concerning joinder of parties, 32.

             Amendment to section 8407 concerning judges, disqualification of, 255.

             Amendments to sections 8856, 8857, 8858 concerning judicial sales and redemption, 53, 55.

             Amendment to section 8620 concerning pleadings, verification of, 20.

             Amendment to section 8922, regarding service of papers on nonresident attorney, 21.

             Amendment to section 8580 concerning resident agent of foreign and municipal corporation, 66.

             Amendment to section 8581 concerning service of process on foreign and municipal corporation, 67.

             Act concerning termination of interests of deceased persons in real property, 14.

      Cosmetology —

             Amending section 13 of Act of 1931, 242.

      Counties and County Officers —

             Amending section 1945 Nevada Compiled Laws 1929, county auditors, 253.

             Amending section 5650-5867 Nevada Compiled Laws 1929, county boards of education, expenses of, 46.

             Amending section 6434 Nevada Compiled Laws 1929, boards of equalization, 285.

             Amending section 2207 Nevada Compiled Laws 1929, officers, expenses of, 31.

             Amending section 4813 Nevada Compiled Laws 1929, county and township vacancies, 146.

      Elections —

             Amending section 2389 Nevada Compiled Laws 1929, definition of, 178.

             Amending section 2473 Nevada Compiled Laws 1929, voting for president and vice president, 252.

      Esmeralda County —

             Amending section 1, chapter 10, Statutes of Nevada 1929, salaries, 328.

      Fish and Game —

             Amending section 3087 Nevada Compiled Laws 1929, licenses, 103.

             Amending section 3063 Nevada Compiled Laws 1929, restrictions, 172.

      Gaming —

             Amending section 2, chapter 99, Statutes of Nevada 1931, licenses, 95.

      Highways —

             Amending section 4353 Nevada Compiled Laws 1929, accidents, 65.

             Amending section 5340 Nevada Compiled Laws 1929, contractors, 190.

             Amending section 8, act of 1917, routes of, 329.

      Hoisting Engineers —

             Amending section 4625 Nevada Compiled Laws 1929, licenses; qualifications of, 36.

      Horse Racing —

             Amending section 6223 Nevada Compiled Laws 1929, “Take,” 72.

      Husband and Wife —

             Amending section 10124 Nevada Compiled Laws 1929, husband cannot be guilty of rape, 15.

      Insurance —

             Amending section 2703 Nevada Compiled Laws 1929, industrial, 305.

             Amending section 3541 Nevada Compiled Laws 1929, organization and capital, 101.

             Amending chapter 88 Statutes of Nevada 1933, tax on premiums, 58.

      Irrigation Districts —

             Amending act of 1919, 182.

      Judges —

             Amending section 6943 Nevada Compiled Laws 1929, expenses of, 34.

      Jurors —

             Amending section 8479 Nevada Compiled Laws 1929, exemption from duty, 169.

      Liquor —

             Amending section 15, chapter 170, Statutes of Nevada 1937, licenses, 73.

             Amending sections 19 and 20, revenue act of 1935, 113.

      Livestock Shows —

             Amending section 3910 Nevada Compiled Laws 1929, 251.

      Maternity —

             Amending section 8, chapter 171, Statutes of Nevada 1935, 338.

      Mineral County —

             Amending power act 1929, 108.

             Amending section 17, chapter 113, 1933, power act, 109.

      Mines —

             Amending section 6580 Nevada Compiled Laws 1929, taxation of, 256.

      Mortgages —

             Amending section 2, chapter 116, act of 1935, chattel, 204.

      Motor Carriers —

             Amending act of 1937, 227.

      Motor Vehicles —

             Amending section 4351 Nevada Compiled Laws 1929, drunken driving, 243.

             Amending section 4355 Nevada Compiled Laws 1929, safety equipment of, 316.

      National Housing Act —

             Amending sections 1 and 4, chapter 75, Statutes of 1937, 43.

      New York World’s Fair Commission —

             Amending section 2, chapter 191, Statutes of 1937, 104.

      Optometry —

             Amending section 4969 Nevada Compiled Laws 1929, 77.

      Orphans —

             Amending section 7599 Nevada Compiled Laws 1929, education of, 81.

      Schools —

             Amending chapter 209, act of 1937, teacher’s retirement salaries, 310.

             Amending section 5713 Nevada Compiled Laws 1929, trustees, organization of, 94.

             Amending section 5712 Nevada Compiled Laws 1929, vacancies, how filled, 90.

      State Auditor —

             Amending section 7337 Nevada Compiled Laws 1929, duties of, 70.

      State Lands —

             Amending section 5527 Nevada Compiled Laws 1929, 157.

      State Park Commission —

             Amending section 6, chapter 200, act of 1937, 202.

.     State Welfare Department —

             Amending section 6, chapter 127, Statutes of Nevada, 1937, 174.

      Superintendent of Public Instruction —

             Amending section 5868 Nevada Compiled Laws 1929, office deputy for, 205.

      Supreme Court Decisions —

             Amending section 6953 Nevada Compiled Laws 1929, publication of, 263.

      Tax Commission —

             Amending section 6545 Nevada Compiled Laws 1929, meetings and procedure, 279.

      Unemployment Compensation —

             Amending act of 1937, 115, 144.

      University of Nevada —

             Amending section 5, chapter 117, Statutes of Nevada 1933, assaying service, 56.

      Vocational Education —

             Amending section 6048 Nevada Compiled Laws 1929, meetings of board of, 161.

      Wages —

             Amending section 1550 Nevada Compiled Laws 1929, assignment of, 248.

      Women —

             Amending chapter 207 Statutes of Nevada 1937, wages and hours of, 74.

Apartment house ownersSee, also, Innkeepers.

      May have liens on goods of tenants, when, 182.


      Writ of review granted to test constitutionality of ordinance or statute, 114.

ApprenticeshipsSee Labor.


      Administrative Offices —

             Attorney-general, 345.

             Controller and insurance commissioner, 345.

             Lieutenant governor, 344.

             Governor, 344.

             Mine inspector, 346.

             Secretary of state, 344.

             Surveyor general and state land register, 346.

             State printing office, 346.

             State treasurer, 345.

      Boards, Commissions and Appointive Offices —

             Adjutant general and Nevada national guard, 347.

             Board of control, 347.

             Board of health, 354.

             Consolidated offices of superintendent of banks and tax commission, 350.

             Cooperative snow surveys, 349.

             Fish and game commission, 350.

             Labor commissioner, 348.

             Nevada state employment service, 349.

             Nevada state police, 348.

             Public service commission, 348.

             State engineer, 348.

             State library, 349.

             State sealer of weights and measures, 349.

             United States cooperative stream measurements, 349.

      Educational Institutions —

             Department of Education, 351, 352.

      District Judges —

             Traveling expenses of, 355.

      Penal and Charitable Institutions —

             Nevada school of industry, 351.

             Nevada state hospital for mental diseases, 350.

             Nevada state prison, 351.

             Nevada state orphans’ home, 350.

      Miscellaneous State Expenses —

             Care of G. A. R. cemetery, 355.

             Election paper, 355.

             Fire insurance premiums, 355.

             Industrial insurance state employees, 355.

             Interest on possible judgments, 355.

             Promotion of uniform laws, 355.

             Refund of state taxes, 355.

             Rewards of governor, 355.

             State advertising, 355.

             State officer’s bond premiums, 355.

      Promotion of State Resources —

             Agricultural seed control, 353.

             Agricultural society, 354.

             Eastern Nevada agricultural extension, 353.

             Noxious weed control, 353.

             Standardization and grading of agricultural products, 353.

             State board of stock commissioners, 353.

             State park commissioners, 354.

             State planning board, 354.

      Social Security —

             Crippled children’s services, 354.

             Maternal and child health service and dental hygiene, 354.

             Venereal disease control, 354.

      Supreme Court —

             Appropriations for, 354.

      Miscellaneous —

             Bureau of mines, 150.

             Capitol, wiring of, 148.

             Controller, clerk and typist for, 58.

             Controller, deficit of, 145.

             G. A. R. cemetery, care of, 56, 69.

             Golden Gate exposition, supplemental, 181.

             Highway laboratory building, 148.

             Historical society, 173.

             Industrial school, repair of, 146.

             Insect pests, for fight on, 106.


                   Chairs for, 49.

                   Chaplain’s pay, 247.

                   Carpet for chambers, 148.

                   Legislative Fund, 1.

                          Additional, 57.

             Nevada day, celebration of, 102.

             Nevada heroes memorial building, furnishing of, 105.

             New York worlds fair, supplemental, 158.

             Predatory animals, control, 167.

             Relief, appropriation for, 107.

             State board of education, relief of, 154.

             State hospital, for building at, 148.

             State hygienic laboratory, 305.

             State prison, supplementary, 236.

             Stock disease, for, 105.

             Treasurer, clerk and typist for, 59.

             University of Nevada, assaying service, 56.


      Appropriation for university assaying service, 56.


      Of wages, salary, earnings; fraudulent, when, 248.

attorney and client

      Papers may be served on clerk, after appearance, if attorney nonresident, 22.

Auto campsSee Apartment House Owners, Innkeepers.


banks and banking —

      Closed bank deficiency converted into treasury, 40.

      Housing Projects —

             May make more loans and investments, 44.

             Collateral eligible, 44.

Barbers, state board of

      Powers of board, 307.

blind persons

      Only, may use white canes, 53.

bond fund —

      State consolidated bond interest and redemption fund created, 341.

boulder dam —

      Disposition of revenues from, 92, 94.

Bounties —

      Repealing act providing for predatory animals, 51.

building and loan associationsAlso see Banks and Banking.

      Bank examiner shall examine books of, 153.

             Federal audit sufficient, 154.

      Federal savings and loan associations, may be converted, 176.

             Lapse of former status, 177.

             Procedure, 177.

             Voting privilege, 178.

      Federal savings and loan associations, privileges same as state, 151.

      May sell investment paper, 151.

             Joint ownership, 152.

             Liquidation of trust, 152.

             Purchase by minors, married women, fiduciaries, 151.

             Voting power, agency, etc., 151.


carriers — See Motor Carriers, Railroads, Airlines.

carson, city of —

      Boundaries defined, 175.

certiorariSee Appeals.

chattel mortgages — See Mortgages.

childrenSee Adoption; also Delinquent Children; Foster Children.

cities —

      Charters, how amended, 309.

      Service of process on, 67.

      Shall publish fiscal statements, 166.

civil practice act — See Amendments; also particular subject.

clark county —

      Officers to transfer funds to publicity and county road funds, 6.

      Officers to transfer funds to educational district No. 2 bond fund, 9.

cooperatives — See Corporations.

corporations — Also see Building and Loan Associations.

      Cooperatives, nonprofit, may amend articles, 23.

      Foreign, domestic, municipal, shall have resident agent, 66.

             Resident agent of foreign, may resign, 164.

             Vacancies, 164.

      Process, how served in absence of, 67.

      Publication, statements of foreign corporations shall be published, 169.

      Reducing capital of, 339.

cosmetology —

      Fees and charges of application for examination, 242.

      Regulating sale, advertising, manufacturing, etc., 264.

costs —

      Security for, may be demanded, 21.

      Amount required, 21.

      Suit dismissed, costs allowed, when, 33.

counties — Also see particular county.

      Commissioners may obtain Federal aid for public improvements, 192.

             Publication of notice, 192.

             Exemptions from, 193.

             Elections, when necessary, 192.

      To issue negotiable interest-bearing warrants for support of schools, 111.

      Various counties to cooperate with city fire departments, 52.

county officers — Also see particular county.

      Auditors, duty of, 253.

      County commissioners as county board of equalization, 285.

      County commissioners to operate parks, etc., 68.

      Traveling expenses fixed, 31.

      Vacancies, how filled, 146.

court clerks —

      Papers may be served on after appearance, when no attorney, 22.

Crimes and punishments — See particular crime.


damages —

      In actions for wrongful death, 17, 18.

death —

      Action for wrongful, 17.

             Damages, 17.

             Parties, 17, 18.

             Proceeds not liable for debt of deceased, when, 18.

             Proceeds, how distributed, 18.

deceased persons —

      Termination of interest of in real property, 14.

Delinquent children —

      Probation officers appointed for, 24.

             Expenses of, 25.

             Salaries of, 24, 25.

             Power of arrest, 26.

Diesel oil tax — See Use Fuel Tax.

dismissal of actions —

      Costs allowed when, 33.

      Dismissal, when, 33.

             How entered, 33.

District high schools

      Establishing of in county with high school, 288.

      Establishing of in county with no high school, 293.

District judgesSee Judges.

Divorce —

      Alimony, may be paid for benefit of children, 19.

      Court, not jury, to determine custody, alimony, property rights, 20.

      Emergency orders after filing complaint, when granted, 19.

      Orders for allowances and suit money, when made, 19.

      Power of court respecting property and alimony, 18.

      Three year separation, shall be ground for, 16.

      Trial by jury may be had, 19.

      Wife’s name may be changed, 19.



      Act for relief of state board of, 154.

      Traveling expenses of county boards fixed, 46.

      Vocational education, board shall meet, 161.

elections —

      Ballots, 252.

      Election defined, 178.

      Female voters, registration of, 145.

      President, method of voting for, 252.

elko, city of —

      Emergency loan for, 80.

             Levy for repayment, 80.

             Security, 80.

elko, county of —

      Livestock show, appropriation for, 251.

      Validating high school bond election, 2.

ely securities company —

      State board of control to convey property to, 79.

equalization, state board of — See Tax Commission.

Equalization, county boards of

      Commissioners to act as, 285.

             Appeal, 287.

             Costs, 288.

      Discrimination, complaint as to, 286.

             Relief from, 287.

esmeralda, county of —

      Commissioners to transfer money, 42.

      Salaries of county officers fixed, 9, 328.

Evidence —

      Offer of settlement shall not be given in, when withdrawn, 16.


      Exemptions from, 60.

      Property not affected until levy, 60.

      Property reached by, 60.

executors and administrators —

      Official oath

             When person, 11.

             When corporation, 11.

             Who may swear to, 11.

      Termination of interest of deceased person in real property, 14.


Fair, state —

      Appropriation for, 251.

      Under control of state board of agriculture, 251.

Federal Housing administration — See Banks and Banking; Building and Loan Associations.

federal savings and loan association — Also see Building and Loan.

      May be converted to state building and loan companies, 176.

             Lapse of former status, 177.

             Procedure, 177.

             Voting privilege, 178.

      Shall have same immunities and privileges as building and loan associations, 166.

Fire Prevention —

      Counties to cooperate with cities for, 52.

Fish and game —

      Licenses for hunting and fishing, 103.

      Lake Mead, visitor’s license, 258.

      Pyramid lake restrictions, 172.

      Topaz lake restrictions, 172.

      Walker lake restrictions, 173.

forcible entry and detainer —

      Action for, 171.

             Bond, 171.

             Procedure, 171.

foreign corporations — See Corporations.

foster children —

      Adoption of, 304.

      Homes for, 303.

             Inspection of, 303.

             Licenses, 303.

             Standards of, 303.


gambling — See Gaming.

gaming —

      Fixing license fees, 95.

gasoline — See Petroleum Products; Use Fuel Tax.

Golden gate exposition —

      Supplemental appropriation for, 181.

golf courses —

      County commissioners may operate, 68.

grazing —

      Taylor grazing act, state to cooperate, 61.

             Agreements, 64.

             Allocation of funds, 61.

                   Disposal of funds, 62.

             County officials, duty of, 64.

             Grazing boards created, 62.

                   Expenses of, 63.

                   Meetings of, 64.

             Ranges to be improved, 63.

grand army of republic —

      Appropriation for care of cemetery of (Carson City), 56.

      Appropriation for care of cemetery of (Reno), 69.

guardians —

      May compromise claims, 35.

      May invest in building and loan associations, 151.

      Procedure for, 35.

      When real or personal property transferred, 35.


health — See State Board of.

highway contractors —

      Bond of, 190.

      Claims against, 190.

      Subcontractors, 191.

      Unemployment compensation law, compliance, 191.

highways —

      Accidents, persons involved shall report, 65.

      Appropriation for addition to laboratory building, 148.

      Routes of state highways, 330, 337.

historical society, Nevada state —

      Appropriation for, 173.

hoisting engineers —

      Licensing of, classes of license, 36.

      Qualification of, 36, 37.

holidays —

      Nevada day shall be, 22.

horse racing —

      Repealing prohibition of Sunday racing, 8.

      “Take,” percentage taken, 72.

             Division of same, 72.

humboldt county —

      Act concerning appointment and salary of deputy county clerk, 8.

husband and wife —

      Repealing sections 3386, 3387, and 3388 N. C. L. 1929, 14.

      Husband cannot be convicted of raping wife unless accessory, 15.


industrial insurance —

      Rates of, 306.

industrial school, state —

      Appropriation for repairs of, 146.

innkeepers, etc. — Also see Apartment House Owners.

      Defrauding, 168.

insect pests —

      Appropriation to fight, 106.

insurance companies — Also see Banks and Banking.

      Organization of, 101.

             Capital first year, 101.

             Capital in general, 101.

             Powers of companies, 101.

      Premiums taxed, 58.

intoxication —

      Operating motor vehicles, when, 243.

             Penalty for, 243.

irrigation districts —

      Directors may dispose of water, when, 182.


jewelers —

      May have lien for labor, 165.

             How enforced, 165.

joinder of parties — See Parties.

joint tenancy —

      How created, 15.

judicial sales —

      Conveyance, when given, 54.

      Notice, contents of, 55.

      Payment of redemption money, 55.

      Successive redemption, 54.

      When property may be redeemed, 54.

judges —

      Disqualification of, 255.

      Traveling expenses fixed, 34.

judgments —

      Clerk may enter judgment upon offer of settlement, 16.

      Default judgments, may be opened, when, 206.

             Upon constructive service, 206.

             Upon personal service, 206.

jurors —

      Exemptions from duty, 169.


Kirman, richard —

      Appropriation for portrait of, 37.


labor — Also see Minimum Wage-Hour.

      Employer must post notice if he takes tips, 13.

      Voluntary apprenticeships, act providing for, 323, 327.

lander county —

      Repealing act providing for stenographer for district attorney, 11.

las vegas, City of —

      Charter amendment, 206, 226.

      Civil service for police department created, 184, 189.

legislature —

      Act creating legislative fund, 1.

      Additional legislative fund, 57.

      Appropriation for carpeting chambers, 148.

      Appropriation for chairs for, 49.

      Appropriation for chaplains’ pay, 247.

licenses —

      Gaming, amount of fees, 95.

      Hunting and fishing, 103.

      Liquor, amount of fees, 73.

liens — See Apartment House Owners, Innkeepers, Jewelers.

Lincoln county —

      Commissioners to use certain moneys for Panaca flood control project, 7.

      Officers to purchase courthouse furniture, 7.

liquor —

      Allocation of revenues from, 113.

      Cost of administration, how met, 113.

      License fees, 73.

livestock — Also see Grazing.

      Appropriation to combat livestock diseases, 105.

      Appropriation for Elko county livestock show, 251.

lyon county —

      Commissioners to loan general funds to towns, 45.


malley-cole deficiency fund —

      Covered into treasury, 40.

maternity —

      Expenditures of board of, 338.

      Records of board of, 338.

miehle printing press company —

      Act for relief of, 30.

mineral county —

      Allowing treasurer to transfer certain funds, 6.

      Authorizing commissioners to sell power system, 109.

      Fees of county clerk fixed, 26, 29.

      Mineral power system, 110.

             Manager and employees of, 110.

mines and mining —

      Appropriation for bureau of mines, 150.

      Taxation of mines, 256.

minimum wage-hour —

      Regulating female employment, 74.

             Certificate of service mandatory, 76.

             Elapsed time, 75.

             Hours, 74.

             Minimum wage, 75.

             Overtime pay, 75.

             Payment, 76.

             Probationers, 75, 76.

             Value of food and lodging as payment, 77.

mothers — See Maternity.

mortgages —

      Chattel, 204.

             What may be mortgaged, 204.

             Crops may be, 204.

motor carriers —

      Act concerning, 227.

      Contract carrier permits, 230.

      Convoys, 235.

      Licenses, 228.

      Limit, 232.

      Penalty, 232.

      Prorate fee, 236.

      Procedure, 230.

      Record of exemption, 231.

      Revocability, 232.

      Schedule of fees, 233.

      Transfer of rights, 231.

      Trip permits, 236.

      Unladened weight, 235.

      Vehicles applied to, 228.

motor vehicles —

      Brake equipment necessary, 320.

      Horn, when necessary, 322.

      Lighting equipment, 316.

      Operating while intoxicated, penalty for, 243.

municipal corporations —

      Shall have resident agent, 66.

             Service of process in absence of, 67.

museums and art institutions —

      Nevada Museum established, 238.

             Board, 238.

             Appropriation for, 241.


national forests —

      United States to acquire land in Nevada-Toiyabe forests, 91.

Nevada Day —

      Appropriation for celebration of, 102.

      Shall be legal holiday, 22.

Nevada national forest —

      United States to acquire land in, 91.

Nevada heroes memorial building —

      Appropriation for the furnishing of, 105.

new york worlds fair —

      Appropriation for, supplemental, 158.

      Commission created for, 104.

nonsuit —

      How entered, 33.

nye county —

      Allowing commissioners to transfer money to Round Mountain school fund, 5.

      Commissioners to deed federal building site to United States, 47.

      Jurisdiction ceded to United States, 48.


oil — See Use Fuel Tax.

optometry —

      Regulating, 77.

      Registration, 78.

             Certificate; fee, 78.

      Examination and fee, 78.

             Subjects, 78.

      Qualification, proof of, 78.

ordinances and statutes —

      Writ of review granted to test constitutionality, 114.

orphans’ home —

      Directors of to clear title to certain land, 82.

      Providing for education of orphans, 81.

overton —

      Power district directors to transfer money to district, 2.


pahor, gabriel —

      For relief of, 237.

parties —

      Court may relieve defendant, when, 32.

      Landlord may be joined, when, 32.

      Person necessary for complete determination; may be joined as defendant, 32.

      Person with interest may be made party defendant, 32.

      Service of papers may be on clerk when no attorney after appearance, 22.

      Who may be joined, 32.

             Plaintiff may join defendant in case of doubt, 32.

Penitentiary — See State Prison.

Petroleum products — See also Use Fuel Tax.

      Inspection and regulation of, 179.

             Enforcement of, 180.

             Fees for, 179.

             Reports, 180.

pleading —

      Amendments to, 206.

             Time to amend, 206.

      How verified, 20.

             By attorney, 21.

             By corporation, 20.

             By person, 20.

power —

      Directors of Overton power district No. 5 to transfer moneys to district, 2.

predatory animals —

      Appropriation for control of, 167.

      Claims, 168.

      Cooperative agreements, 167.

      Repealing act providing bounty for, 51.

printing —

      Act for relief of Miehle printing press company, 30.

probation officers —

      Appointed by, 24.

      Expenses of, 25.

      Power of arrest, 26.

      Salaries of, 24, 25.

public instruction, superintendent of —

      Salary and expenses of office deputy, 205.

pure food and drugs —

      Manufacture, sale, transportation, advertisement of adulterated, misbranded, mislabeled and deleterious, prohibited, 264, 273.


Racing —

      Repealing prohibition of Sunday horseracing, 8.

      “Take,” percentage of funds that may be taken, 72.

             Division of same, 72.

rape —

      Definition of, 15.

      Husband cannot be convicted of unless accessory, 15.

      Penalty, 15.

Real property —

      Determination of interest of deceased person in, 14.

Redemption —

      Conveyance, when given, 54.

      Notice, contents of, 55.

      Payment of redemption money, 55.

      Successive redemption, 54.

      When property may be, 54.

Relief — See Work.

Reno, City of —

      Charter amendment, 249.

      Civil service commission created, 99.

             To apply to police and fire departments, 99.

      Justice of the peace, salary of clerk, 247.

round mountain —

      Transfer of funds to school district, 5, 69, 72.


school districts —

      County auditor shall audit funds of, 253.

school fund, state —

      Appropriation for, 249.

school teachers —

      Retirement salaries, 310, 315.

school trustees —

      Clerks, salaries of, 95.

      Elections, 91.

      New trustee may be removed, 91.

      Organization and records of, 95.

      Vacancies, how filled, 90.

Schools —

      Counties may issue school warrants, 111.

      To receive liquor revenues, 113.

schools, district high —

      Establishment where county high school, 288, 292.

      Establishment where no county high school, 293, 296.

signatures —

      Facsimiles permitted by controller on warrants, 155.

      Facsimiles permitted on unemployment compensation warrants, 12.

southern pacific railroad company —

      Act for relief of, 84.

      To lease lands to state hospital, 159.

spendthrift trusts —

      Accumulations permitted, 88.

      Construction, operation and enforcement, 86.

      No specific language necessary, 85.

      Restraints on alienation, 86, 87.

      Rule against perpetuities, 87.

      What governed by this act, 85.

      Who may create, 85.

springer, I. M., Sr. —

      Act for relief of, 292.

state auditor —

      Duties of, 71.

State Board of Control —

      To convey property to Ely Securities Co., 79.

      To convey property to town of Tonopah, 89.

state board of education —

      Act for relief of, 154.

      Vocational education; meetings of board of, 161.

state board of health —

      Appropriation for, 354.

      Divisions, 300.

      Hygiene, 300.

      Health districts, 301.

      Health officer, 298.

             Salary, 298.

             Duties, 298.

      Local boards, 301.

      Meetings of, 297.

      Violations, penalties for, 302.

state capitol —

      Appropriation for rewiring of, 148.

state controller —

      Appropriation for deficit of, 145.

      Extra clerk provided for, 57.

      May use facsimile signature on warrants, 155.

state hospital —

      Appropriation for building, 148.

      To lease land from Southern Pacific Company, 159.

state land contracts —

      Assignment of, 156.

      Conditions, 156.

      Minimum to be, 156.

      Splitting, 156.

state lands —

      Patents to assignees, 157.

state officers — Also see particular officer.

      Traveling expenses fixed, 34.

state parks —

      Lake Mead park, 202.

             Department of interior rules to be enforced, 203.

             Governor authorized to accept lands, 203.

state printer —

      Relief of Miehle printing press company, 30.

state prison —

      Repealing act authorizing purchase of metal bars, 68.

      Supplementary appropriation for, 236.

state treasurer —

      Providing for clerk and typist, 59.

state welfare department —

      Appropriation for, 175.

statutes —

      Writ of review to test constitutionality of, 114.

Storey county —

      Fees of clerk fixed, 38, 40.

      Treasurer to pay claims for street grading, 81.

superintendent of public instruction —

      Salary of office deputy and expenses, 205.

supreme court —

      Decisions of, published, 263.

      Time for, 263.

supreme court, clerk of —

      Office hours of, 23.


tax commission —

      Annual reports of, 285.

      Continuing sessions, 283.

      Cumulative assessment, 283.

      Duty of secretary, 284.

      Meetings, when, 279.

             Appearances, 280.

             Notice of, 280.

      State board of equalization, 282.

             Appeals, 283.

             Review of tax rolls, 282.

             Recourse to courts, 284.

      Valuation, 281.

      Undervaluation, 280.

tax levy, state —

      Levy, 1939-1940, set, 343.

tAXATION — See appropriate topic, this index.

taxicabs —

      Providing for rebate of licenses, 50.

taylor grazing act — See Grazing.

textbook commission —

      Contracts, 97.

      Meetings of, 97.

      Sealed proposal required, 98.

tips —

      Employer must post notice if he takes, 13.

toiyabe national forest —

      United States to acquire land in, 91.

tonopah —

      Jurisdiction of federal building site ceded to United States, 47.

      Nye commissioners to deed federal building site to United States, 48.

      State board of control to convey property to, 89.

trusts — See Spendthrift Trusts.


unemployment compensation act —

      Signature of treasurer and commissioner; facsimiles permitted, 12.

      Amended Act of 1939 —

             Actions —

                   Attorney for Commissioner, 144.

                         Civil, 144.

                          Criminal prosecution, 144.

             Administration fund, 137.

                   Disposition of, 138.

                   Employment service account, 138.

                   Treasurer shall give bond, 138.

             Arbitrary assessments, when made, 141.

                   Additional forfeits, 142.

                   Notice of assessment, 142.

                   Petition for modification of, 142.

                          Hearing, 142.

                          No appeal, 142.

            Benefits —

                    Amount, 120.

                    Disqualification, 122.

                    Duration of, 120.

                    Qualifications for, 121.

                    When paid, 120.

            Claims —

                    Appeal, 124.

                    Appeal tribunals, 125.

                    Board of review, 125.

                    Judicial review, 126.

                    Preliminary determination, 123.

                    Procedure, 125.

                    Redetermination, 124.

                    Witness fees, 126.

            Definition of terms, 115-119.

            Employers —

                    When subject to act, 127.

            Federal-State cooperation, 136.

            Fund —

                    Custodian of, treasurer shall be, 128.

                    Depositaries, 129.

                    Establishment and control of, 128.

                    Management upon discontinuance, 129.

                    Railroad account allocation, 130.

                    Withdrawals, 129.

            Limitation of fees —

                    Penalty for solicitation, 143.

                    Penalty for violation, 143.

            Past-due contributions —

                    Collection of, 139.

                         Appeal, 140.

                         Execution, 140.

                         Judgment lien, 139.

                         Procedure, 139.

                         Venue, 139.

                   Liability for contributions, 141.

                   Penalty for, 139.

                   Priority of lien, 140.

                          Attachment of, 140.

                          Debt in bankruptcy, 141.

                          Recordation of, 140.

                   Refunds, 141.

            State employment service, 136.

                    Financing of, 137.

                    Under labor commissioner, 137.

            Transition provisions, 143.

                    Changing over, 144.

            Unemployment Compensation Division —

                    Advisory Council to be appointed, 133.

                         To stabilize employment, 134.

                    Commissioner or representative may administer oaths, 135.

                    Commissioner shall administer act, 131.

                   Employees, how selected, 133.

                         Director shall classify positions, 133.

                         Director shall establish salary schedules, 133.

                    Employers shall keep records, 134.

                    Employers shall make reports, 134.

                    Full-time director, 131.

                    Labor commissioner in charge of, 131.

                    Merit examination board, 132.

                         Duties of, 133.

                    Rules of commissioner, 132.

                         Shall be published, 132.

                    Subpenas may be issued, 135.

                         Contempt, 135.

                    Self-incrimination; not excused for failure to appear, 135.

                         Shall not be prosecuted if claimed, 135.

            Waiver of rights void, 142.

                    Penalty for, 143.

university of Nevada —

      Allocation from liquor license funds, 113.

      Appropriation for university assaying service, 56.

      Board of regents to deliver deed to Robert R. Prescott, 44.

      Bond redemption fund covered into treasury, 41.

      Engineering building provided for, 244.

      Gymnasium building provided for, 245.

      Procedure on claims against, 89.

use fuel tax act —

      Abetting, 201.

      Administration, 200.

      Arbitrary charge and penalty, 197.

      Cancelation, 199.

      Collection by suit, 196.

      Criminal punishment, 200.

      Definition of terms, 194.

      Disclosure, 195.

      Due monthly, 195.

      Expense, 200.

      Gallonage excise, 194.

      Garnishment, 196.

      Fund; receipts and disbursements, 201.

      Injunction, 199.

      Lien, 196.

      Limitation, 198.

      Negativing double tax, 201.

      Penalty, 195.

      Penalty on sign of fraud, 197.

      Permit required, 194.

      Presumption, 195.

      Proceeds of judgment, 199.

             Interest, 199.

             No assignment, 199.

      Records, 200.

      Refunds, 198.

             Laches, 198.

      Remedies, 197.

      Reports, 195.

      Review, 198.

      Secrecy assured, 200.

      Separability clause, 201.

      Transfers, 196.


washoe county —

      Authorizing county to employ statistician, 51.

      Authorizing county to manage parks, golf course, etc., 68.

      County commissioners given authority to convey lands to United States, 41.

             State retains tax power and jurisdiction, 42.

water —

      Directors of irrigation districts may dispose of, when, 182.

      Underground waters, regulation of, 274.

             Administration; state engineer to administer act, 278.

             Casing, 276.

             Definitions, 274.

             Exemptions, 275.

             Order to desist, 277.

             Penalties, 278.

             Permits, 276.

             Right to enter, 278.

             State engineer, duties of, 275.

             Supervisors, 275.

             Waste prohibited, 277.

welfare, state board of —

      Appropriation for, 174.

western air express —

      Act for relief of, 160.

women — Also see Minimum Wage and Hour.

      Registration of as voters, 145.

Work relief —

      Appropriations to cooperate with United States, 107.

      Appropriation for state welfare department, 174.

workmen’s compensation — See Industrial Insurance.


Yerington, city of —

      Authorized to issue improvement bonds, 162.




bills, correction of —

      Correcting assembly substitute for assembly bill No. 185, 384.

bills, recall of —

      Recalling assembly bill No. 176, 385.

      Recalling assembly bill No. 144, 385.

      Recalling senate bill No. 42, 386.

boulder dam —

      Endorsing United States senate bill No. 2 relative to state park, 362.


constitution of Nevada, amendments proposed —

      Counties, abolishing of, 360.

      Elections; canvass of returns, 361.

      Highway funds, 359.

      Taxation, exempting certain mining claims and intangibles, 360.

counties —

      Abolishing of, constitutional amendment proposed, 360.


elections —

      Legislature shall elect in case of tie, constitutional amendment providing for, 361.


federal farm bank —

      Memorializing Congress to relieve debtors of, 372.

fish and game —

      Memorializing Congress to change dates of dove season, 373.


highways —

      Directing highway engineer to erect signs, 385.

      Funds for; constitutional amendment providing for, 359.

      Memorializing Congress to increase federal funds for, 373.


indians —

      Memorializing Congress to pay all old-age assistance out of federal funds, 361.


legislature —

      Money for legislators, 385.

      Prohibiting solicitors from legislative rooms, 382.

      Senate, furniture for, 388.

      Supplies of, directing controller to pay for, 382, 386.


mining —

      Memorializing Congress to erect milling plants, 368.

      Memorializing Congress to pass United States senate bill 1187, 375.

monetary conference —

      Memorializing Congress to call international monetary conference, 376.


national forests —

      Recommending same to be kept under control of national park service, 365.

national patriotic revival —

      Indorsing same, 383.

Nevada day —

      Memorializing Congress to issue commemorative stamp, 371.

Nevada, State of —

      Memorializing Congress to cede Elko County lands to state, 375.

neutrality —

      Memorializing Congress to adopt strong position of, 368.


securities and exchange act —

      Memorializing Congress to amend same, 367.

silver —

      Memorializing Congress to enact United States senate bill 800, providing for purchase of silver at $1.29 per ounce, 380.

sugar beet lands —

      Memorializing Congress to obtain an allotment of acreage, 364.


taxation —

      Exempting intangibles and mining claims, constitutional amendment proposed, 360.

transportation —

      Providing for fact-finding committee to investigate for purposes of taxation, 387.


united states mint building (Carson City) —

      Memorializing Congress to transfer to Nevada, 363.

university of nevada —

      Providing for committee to investigate, 381, 383.