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Statutes of the State of Nevada - Thirty-Ninth Session, 1939








An Act to create a legislative fund. Senate Bill No. 1–Senator Robbins. Approved January 18, 1939.



An Act authorizing and empowering the board of directors of Overton power district No. 5, a municipal corporation in Clark County, Nevada, to transfer certain sums of money from the “purchase and extension plants fund” to the general fund of the district. Assembly Bill No. 4–Clark County Delegation. Approved January 24, 1939.



An Act approving and validating a special election held in Elko County, Nevada, to authorize the contracting of a bonded indebtedness for erecting a new gymnasium and additional schoolrooms to the present Elko County high school building, and for the acquisition of fittings, furnishings, heating equipment, and fixtures, which said bonds were to aggregate $165,000, but only such part thereof were to be issued and sold as might be necessary to produce said sum after applying an anticipated P. W. A. grant of part of the project costs; and approving and validating the bonds issued and sold pursuant to the affirmative majority vote cast in said election. Assembly Bill No. 1–Elko County Delegation. Approved January 24, 1939.



An Act authorizing and empowering the board of trustees of Round Mountain school district, Nye County, Nevada, to transfer moneys from the Round Mountain school district “Construction Fund” to the Round Mountain school bonds redemption and interest fund. Senate Bill No. 10–Senator Wittenberg. Approved February 2, 1939.



An Act authorizing and empowering the board of county commissioners of Nye County, Nevada, to transfer moneys from the Round Mountain street lights fund to the Round Mountain school bonds redemption and interest fund. Senate Bill No. 11–Senator Wittenberg. Approved February 2, 1939.



An Act authorizing the county treasurer and the county auditor of Mineral County, of the State of Nevada, to transfer certain funds now in the treasury of said county. Assembly Bill No. 60–Mr. Springer. Approved February 4, 1939.



An Act authorizing and directing the county commissioners, county auditor, and county treasurer of Clark County, Nevada, to transfer funds from the “Lincoln County Bonds” fund to the “Publicity Fund,” and the “Experimental Farm Sale” fund to the “County Road Fund” of said county. Assembly Bill No. 80–Clark County Delegation. Approved February 7, 1939.



An Act authorizing and directing the county commissioners of Lincoln County, State of Nevada, to transfer certain funds from the old courthouse bond refunding fund to a special fund in said county to be used for purchasing equipment and furniture for the new courthouse in said county. Assembly Bill No. 76–Lincoln County Delegation. Approved February 7, 1939.



An Act authorizing and directing the county commissioners of Lincoln County, State of Nevada, to transfer certain funds, raised by subscription and local taxation, for developing water in Cathedral gorge, in said county, to the general fund of said county to be used by the county commissioners thereof for the repair and improvement of that certain project in said county designated as the Panaca flood control project. Assembly Bill No. 77–Lincoln County Delegation. Approved February 8, 1939.



An Act fixing and regulating the appointment and salary of a deputy to the county clerk of Humboldt County. Assembly Bill No. 81–Humboldt County Delegation. Approved February 8, 1939.



An Act to repeal section 3 of “An act to regulate the racing of horses in the State of Nevada, and to establish a state racing commission, and to define its powers and duties, and prescribing a penalty for violation thereof,” approved February 20, 1915, together with the acts amendatory thereof or supplementary thereto. Assembly Bill No. 14–Mr. Kennett. Approved February 9, 1939.



An Act authorizing and directing the county treasurer of Clark County, Nevada, to transfer certain moneys from the Las Vegas high school bond fund to the Clark County educational district No. 2 bond fund, and other matters relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 64–Clark County Delegation. Approved February 9, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act fixing the compensation of certain county officers of Esmeralda County in the State of Nevada; authorizing and empowering the board of county commissioners of said county to regulate the appointment, number, and compensation of their deputies and attaches, and requiring said officers to make reports to the board of county commissioners of Esmeralda County; and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith,” approved February 21, 1929. Assembly Bill No. 29–Mr. Fee. Approved February 9, 1939.



An Act to repeal an act entitled “An act authorizing the district attorney of Lander County to employ a stenographer, providing the duties of such stenographer, and fixing the salary therefor,” approved March 19, 1937. Senate Bill No. 21–Senator Getchell. Approved February 14, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to regulate the settlement of the estates of deceased persons,” approved March 23, 1897, together with the acts amendatory thereof or supplementary thereto. Senate Bill No. 5–Senator Getchell. Approved February 14, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act relating to unemployment compensation, creating unemployment compensation and administration funds and providing for the administration thereof; making an appropriation therefor; defining unemployment and providing compensation therefor; requiring contributions by employers to the unemployment compensation fund; creating the office of director, a board of review, and providing for other officers and employees and defining their powers and duties; and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 23, 1937, by adding thereto a new section to be known as section 9 1/2. Assembly Bill No. 82–Committee on Social Welfare. Approved February 15, 1939.



An Act requiring persons who take from their employees all or any portion of any tips or gratuities, to post in a conspicuous place on their premises a notice of the terms of the contract whereby the employer or other person is to have the benefit of any such tips or gratuities; prescribing penalties for the violation thereof, and other matters properly relating hereto. Assembly Bill No. 72–Committee on Labor. Approved February 21, 1939.



An Act for the determination of the termination of the interests of a deceased person in real property. Assembly Bill No. 33–Committee on Judiciary. Approved February 23, 1939.



An Act to repeal sections 32, 33, and 34 of an act entitled “An act defining the rights of husband and wife,” approved March 10, 1873. Assembly Bill No. 35–Committee on Judiciary. Approved February 23, 1939.



An Act to amend section 177 of an act entitled “An act concerning crimes and punishments and repealing certain acts relating thereto,” approved March 17, 1911. Assembly Bill No. 37–Committee on Judiciary. Approved February 23, 1939.



An Act to define the manner in which joint tenancy may be created. Assembly Bill No. 38–Committee on Judiciary. Approved February 23, 1939.



An Act to amend section 323 of an act entitled “An act to regulate proceedings in civil cases in this state and to repeal all other acts in relation thereto.” Assembly Bill No. 42–Committee on Judiciary. Approved February 23, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act creating and providing an additional cause for divorce,” approved March 23, 1931. Assembly Bill No. 48–Committee on Judiciary. Approved February 23, 1939.



An Act to amend sections 55 and 706 of an act entitled “An act to regulate proceedings in civil cases in this state and to repeal all other acts in relation thereto,” approved March 17, 1911. Assembly Bill No. 36–Committee on Judiciary. Approved February 23, 1939.



An Act to amend sections 25, 27, 28, and 29 of an act entitled “An act relating to marriage and divorce,” approved November 28, 1861, as amended by Statutes of 1915, chapter 211, and to repeal all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith. Assembly Bill No. 49–Committee on Judiciary. Approved February 23, 1939.



An Act to amend sections 122 and 447 of an act entitled “An act to regulate proceedings in civil cases in this state and to repeal all other acts in relation thereto,” approved March 17, 1911, and to repeal all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith. Assembly Bill No. 53–Committee on Judiciary. Approved February 23, 1939.



An Act to amend section 433 of an act entitled “An act to regulate proceedings in civil cases in this state and to repeal all other acts in relation thereto,” approved March 17, 1911, and to repeal all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith. Assembly Bill No. 75–Committee on Judiciary. Approved February 23, 1939.



An Act providing that the 31st day of October shall be known as “Nevada Day,” designating the same as a holiday, and repealing an act in conflict herewith. Assembly Bill No. 74–Mr. Amodei. Approved February 23, 1939.



An Act to amend section 6 of an act entitled “An act to provide for the organization, management, and conduct of nonprofit cooperative corporations, providing for membership therein, and matters properly connected therewith,” approved March 23, 1921. Assembly Bill No. 44–Committee on Judiciary. Approved February 23, 1939.



An Act specifying the hours during which the clerk of the supreme court office shall be open for the transaction of business. Senate Bill No. 35–Senator Gibson. Approved February 25, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act relating to children who are now or who may hereafter become dependent, neglected, or delinquent, to define these terms and to provide for the treatment, control, maintenance, protection, adoption, and guardianship of the person of such child or children,” approved March 24, 1909. Senate Bill No. 18–Senator Gibson. Approved February 25, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to amend section 2 of an act entitled ‘An act to regulate fees and compensations for county and township officers and for official and other services in the county of Mineral, State of Nevada, and to repeal an act entitled “An act to regulate fees and compensation for official and other services in the county of Mineral, State of Nevada,” approved March 15, 1915, and all other acts or parts of acts in conflict herewith,’ approved March 26, 1919,” approved March 25, 1931. Assembly Bill No. 79–Mr. Springer. Approved February 25, 1939.



An Act for the relief of the Miehle printing press and manufacturing company. Senate Bill No. 4–Senator Winters. Approved February 27, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act authorizing and empowering the several boards of county commissioners within the State of Nevada to fix the amount of expense money for traveling and subsistence per day of county and township officers, representatives, and employees while traveling on official business,” approved February 3, 1928. Assembly Bill No. 86–Mr. Kennett. Approved February 27, 1939.



An Act to amend section 57 of an act entitled “An act to regulate proceedings in civil cases in this state and to repeal all other acts in relation thereto,” approved March 17, 1911. Assembly Bill No. 39–Committee on Judiciary. Approved February 27, 1939.



An Act to amend section 295 of an act entitled “An act to regulate proceedings in civil cases in this state and to repeal all other acts in relation thereto,” approved March 17, 1911, and being section 8793 N. C. L. 1929. Assembly Bill No. 45–Committee on Judiciary. Approved February 27, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act authorizing and empowering the state board of examiners to fix the amount of expense money for traveling and subsistence charges per day of district judges, state officers, commissioners, representatives, and all other employees of the state who, under the law, are required to file their claims with the board of examiners for allowance and approval, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith, approved February 3, 1928,” as amended Statutes 1931, 204; 1933, 184, 185. Assembly Bill No. 84–Committee on Judiciary. Approved February 27, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide for the appointment of guardians and to prescribe their duties,” approved March 11, 1899, as amended, by inserting a new section to be designated as section 17 1/2. Assembly Bill No. 104–Mr. Kennett. Approved February 27, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act providing for the issuance of licenses to hoisting engineers; providing a fee for such licenses; creating district boards of examiners; providing for revocation of licenses; creating the hoisting engineers’ license fund in the state treasury; making a temporary appropriation for carrying out the purposes of this act, and providing a penalty for violation of any of the provisions hereof,” approved March 22, 1921. Senate Bill No. 6–Senator Gibson. Approved March 1, 1939.



An Act to provide for an oil portrait of Richard Kirman, ex-governor of the State of Nevada. Senate Bill No. 26–Senator Getchell. Approved March 1, 1939.



An Act fixing and establishing the fees to be charged in certain cases by the county clerk of Storey County and ex officio clerk of the First judicial district court of the State of Nevada. Senate Bill No. 33–Senator Cobb. Approved March 1, 1939.



An Act relating to the fiscal affairs of the State of Nevada. Senate Bill No. 38–Committee on Ways and Means. Approved March 1, 1939.



An Act relating to the fiscal affairs of the State of Nevada. Senate Bill No. 39–Committee on Ways and Means. Approved March 1, 1939.



An Act relating to the fiscal affairs of the State of Nevada. Senate Bill No. 40–Committee on Ways and Means. Approved March 1, 1939.



An Act authorizing and empowering the board of county commissioners of Washoe County, State of Nevada, to convey a certain parcel of real estate to the United States of America and reserving to the State of Nevada civil and criminal jurisdiction and the right of taxation thereon. Assembly Bill No. 127–Washoe County Delegation. Approved March 4, 1939.



An Act authorizing and empowering the county commissioners of Esmeralda County, Nevada, to transfer certain sums of money from the “Interest and Sinking Fund” of such county to the “County Road Fund” of said county, and other matters properly connected therewith. Assembly Bill No. 130–Mr. Fee. Approved March 4, 1939.



An Act to amend the title of and to amend an act entitled “An act to authorize banks, building and loan associations, insurance companies, the State of Nevada, and any city or county or instrumentality thereof, and other financial institutions to make and insure loans, advances of credit and purchases in accordance with the provisions of an act of Congress entitled ‘National Housing Act,’ approved by the president on June twenty-seven, nineteen hundred thirty-four, and the amendments thereto, to exempt such loans, advances of credit and purchases from the application of general statutes, articles of incorporation and bylaws, and to confirm and validate prior transactions, and permitting the use of such loans, advances of credit and purchases as security by any depositary of public funds and as other collateral,” as amended and approved March 17, 1937. Assembly Bill No. 8–Committee on Banks and Banking. Approved March 4, 1939.



An Act authorizing and directing the board of regents of the University of Nevada to deliver a deed for certain property to Robert R. Prescott of Washoe County, Nevada. Assembly Bill No. 96–Mr. Brooks. Approved March 6, 1939.



An Act to authorize the board of county commissioners of Lyon County to transfer money from the general fund as an emergency loan to unincorporated towns situated in Lyon County in certain cases, and providing for the repayment thereof to said general fund. Assembly Bill No. 202–Lyon County Delegation. Approved March 6, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act concerning public schools, and repealing certain acts relating thereto,” approved March 20, 1911, as amended, by inserting a new section to be designated as section 178a. Senate Bill No. 17–Senator Bell. Approved March 6, 1939.



An Act empowering, authorizing, and directing the board of county commissioners of Nye County, State of Nevada, acting as the town board of the town of Tonopah, an unincorporated town, in Nye County, State of Nevada, to make, execute, and deliver to the United States of America a deed in fee simple to certain real estate within the limits of said town of Tonopah, Nye County, State of Nevada, for the purpose of erection thereon of a post office and federal building, and for such other and further uses in connection therewith as may be proper, and other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 57–Senator Wittenberg. Approved March 10, 1939.



An Act ceding to the United States jurisdiction of this state over certain lands acquired by the United States for a post-office site at Tonopah, Nevada. Senate Bill No. 52–Senator Wittenberg. Approved March 10, 1939.



An Act directing the state board of control to purchase additional chairs for the legislative chambers, and making an appropriation therefor. Senate Bill No. 43–Committee on Ways and Means. Approved March 10, 1939.



An Act to provide for the reimbursement of certain persons for the payment of licenses that were reduced after the payment thereof. Assembly Bill No. 59–Mr. Brown. Approved March 10, 1939.



An Act to repeal an act entitled “An Act providing for the payment of bounties for the destruction and eradication of predatory animals, prescribing the manner of payment, providing for cooperation with the federal government in such eradication by bounty payments, other matters relating thereto, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith,” enacted pursuant to direct vote of the people, general election, November 6, 1934. Assembly Bill No. 111–Mr. Richard. Approved March 10, 1939.



An Act to empower county commissioners of counties in the State of Nevada having a population of fifteen thousand or more to employ a county statistician and appraiser, defining his duties, and authorizing the county commissioners to fix his compensation and such other matters pertaining thereto. Assembly Bill No. 237–Washoe County Delegation. Approved March 10, 1939.



An Act authorizing county commissioners in the various counties of the State of Nevada to cooperate with city fire departments for the protection of property and the prevention of fires; providing for the funds necessary therefor, and defining the duties of city councils and boards of county commissioners in relation thereto. Assembly Bill No. 238–Washoe County Delegation. Approved March 10, 1939.



An Act prohibiting the use of certain canes, except by blind persons, providing protection against accidents to such persons, and providing penalties for violations thereof. Assembly Bill No. 123–Mr. Loomis. Approved March 10, 1939.



An Act to amend sections 358, 359, and 360 of an act entitled “An act to regulate proceedings in civil cases in this state and to repeal all other acts in relation thereto,” approved March 17, 1911, as amended, being sections 8856, 8857, and 8858 N. C. L. 1929. Assembly Bill No. 50–Committee on Judiciary. Approved March 10, 1939.



An Act to amend section 5 of an act entitled “An act supplemental to an act entitled ‘An act relating to the state university and matters properly connected therewith,’ approved February 7, 1887, approved March 16, 1895,” as amended in 1925 and 1933. Senate Bill No. 9–Senator Getchell. Approved March 13, 1939.



An Act making an annual appropriation of one hundred fifty ($150) dollars for the watering and care of the Grand Army of the Republic cemetery at Carson City, Nevada, and providing funds for the purchase of flags for decorating the graves therein. Senate Bill No. 48–Senator Winters. Approved March 13, 1939.



An Act to create an additional legislative fund. Senate Bill No. 112–Senator Robbins. Approved March 13, 1939.



An Act to provide further clerical and typist help for the office of the state controller, and make appropriation therefor. Senate Bill No. 41–Senator Wittenberg. Approved March 14, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act relating to insurance companies, providing a tax on premiums thereof, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 28, 1933. Senate Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 52–Committee on Ways and Means. Approved March 14, 1939.



An Act to provide further clerical and typist help for the office of the state treasurer, and make appropriation therefor. Assembly Bill No. 168–Mr. Richard. Approved March 14, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to regulate proceedings in civil cases in this state and to repeal all other acts in relation thereto,” approved March 17, 1911, in respect of section three hundred forty-five thereof (N. C. L. 8843), and to repeal all other acts in conflict herewith. Senate Bill No. 69–Senator Dressler. Approved March 14, 1939.



An Act to provide for cooperation of state and county officers and agencies with the federal government in relation to grazing lands, for the disposition of money received from the federal government, for the creation of state grazing boards to direct and guide disposition of such moneys, and defining their powers and duties, providing for certain duties by state and county officials, and other matters relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 135–Committee on Livestock. Approved March 14, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An Act to regulate traffic on the highways of this state, to provide punishment for violation thereof, and other matters properly connected therewith,” approved March 21, 1925, together with the acts amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto. Assembly Bill No. 57–Mr. Amodei. Approved March 14, 1939.



An Act to amend sections 82 and 83 of an act entitled “An act to regulate civil proceedings in civil cases in this state and to repeal all other acts in relation thereto,” approved March 17, 1911, as amended, and being sections 8580 and 8581 Nevada Compiled Laws 1929, as amended. Senate Bill No. 50–Senator Horsey. Approved March 14, 1939.



An Act repealing an act entitled “An act authorizing the board of state prison commissioners to purchase and install metal bars, where necessary, in the cells at the state prison, making an appropriation therefor, and other matters properly connected therewith,” approved March 22, 1937. Assembly Bill No. 210–Mr. Cahill. Approved March 15, 1939.



An Act relating to the duties and powers of county commissioners in the several counties of this state relative to the operation, management, improvement, and maintenance of public parks, golf courses, and other public recreation centers and areas. Senate Bill No. 136–Senator Heidtman. Approved March 15, 1939.



An Act authorizing and empowering the board of trustees of Round Mountain school district, Nye County, Nevada, to transfer moneys from the Round Mountain school district fund to the Round Mountain school bonds redemption and interest fund. Assembly Bill No. No. 259–Nye County Delegation. Approved March 15, 1939.



An Act to provide for the care and maintenance of the graves of civil war veterans and of their widows in the G. A. R. plot in Hillside cemetery, Reno, Nevada, and making an appropriation therefor. Assembly Bill No. 141–Mr. Burke. Approved March 15, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide for the appointment of a state auditor, fix his compensation, prescribe his duties, to inspect and audit public accounts and to establish a uniform system of public accounting, cost-keeping and reporting, and matters relating thereto, and to repeal certain acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith,” approved March 10, 1917, together with the acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto. Senate Bill No. 44–Senator Dressler. Approved March 15, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to regulate the racing of horses in the State of Nevada, and to establish a state racing commission, and to define its powers and duties, and prescribing a penalty for violation thereof,” approved February 20, 1915, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 11–Messrs. Hazard and Carroll. Approved March 15, 1939.



An Act authorizing and empowering the board of trustees of Round Mountain school district, Nye County, Nevada, to transfer moneys from the Round Mountain high school district fund to the Round Mountain school bonds redemption and interest fund. Assembly Bill No. 260–Nye County Delegation. Approved March 15, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide revenue for the support of the government of the State of Nevada; to control, license and regulate the importation and sale of wines, beers and intoxicating liquors into and within the State of Nevada; to provide for the issuance of importers’ and wholesalers’ licenses; to impose a stamp tax on the sale of such wines, beers, and intoxicating liquors; to provide for state licenses, designating the type of licenses to be issued, the fee for such licenses, and persons to pay the same, the manner of collection thereof, and prescribing the duties to be performed by state and county officials in connection therewith; the disposition and apportionment of the funds derived therefrom; and all other matters relating thereto; to provide penalties for the violation thereof; and to repeal all acts or parts of acts in conflict herewith,” approved March 30, 1935, as amended by chapter 170 Statutes of Nevada 1937. Assembly Bill No. 180–Mr. Cooper. Approved March 16, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act regulating the hours of service and fixing the minimum compensation therefor of females employed in private employment in this state, and providing certain exceptions thereto; providing the mode of payment of the compensation of such females, and providing compensation for female employees reporting for duty but not permitted to enter upon such duties; providing for special uniforms for female employees; defining the duties of certain persons in relation hereto; prescribing penalties for the violations thereof and other matters properly relating hereto,” approved March 29, 1937, being Statutes of Nevada 1937, pages 467-471, inclusive. Senate Bill No. 24–Senator Gibson. Approved March 16, 1939.



An Act to amend the title of and to amend an act entitled “An act to regulate the practice of optometry and for the appointment of a board of examiners in the matter of said regulation,” approved March 17, 1913, together with all acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto. Senate Substitute for Senate Bill No. 3–Committee on Judiciary. Approved March 16, 1939.



An Act authorizing and directing the state board of control and the board of directors of the department of highways of the State of Nevada to convey certain state property to the Ely securities company in exchange for property now owned by said Ely securities company in East Ely, White Pine County, Nevada. Assembly Bill No. 218–Mr. Russell. Approved March 17, 1939.



An Act authorizing and directing the supervisors of the city of Elko, in the State of Nevada, to make emergency loans in the sums of not to exceed ten thousand dollars for sewer extensions and curb and gutter construction, but not to exceed ten thousand dollars for any one project, providing for the payment of such loans and other matters properly connected therewith. Senate Bill No. 140–Senator Robbins. Approved March 17, 1939.



An act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide educational facilities for the children in the state orphans’ home and other matters properly connected therewith,” approved March 20, 1911, together with the acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto. Assembly Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 185–Committee on Education. Approved March 17, 1939.



An Act to authorize and direct the county auditor of Storey County to allow and the county treasurer to pay certain claims from the Virginia City general fund and the county general fund. Senate Bill No. 115–Senator Cobb. Approved March 17, 1939.



An Act authorizing the board of directors of the Nevada state orphans’ home, in the name of the State of Nevada, to issue its quitclaim deed and to receive a reciprocal quitclaim deed for the purpose of clearing title to certain lands obtained under the provisions of chapter 93 Statutes of Nevada 1925. Assembly Bill No. 244–Mr. Amodei. Approved March 17, 1939.



An Act for the relief of the Southern Pacific company. Senate Bill No. 54–Senator Modarelli. Approved March 17, 1939.



An Act relating to spendthrift trusts; defining the same; providing for the construction, operation, and enforcement of the same for the protection of beneficiaries thereunder, and for other purposes. Senate Bill No. 68–Senator Dressler. Approved March 17, 1939.



An Act defining and regulating the method of transmitting claims against public funds by officers and employees of the University of Nevada, defining the powers and duties of the board of regents of the University of Nevada in relation thereto, and other matters properly related thereto. Senate Bill No. 93–Committee on Ways and Means. Approved March 17, 1939.



An Act authorizing and directing the state board of control to convey certain state property to the town of Tonopah, Nye County, State of Nevada, in exchange for property now owned by said town of Tonopah. Senate Bill No. 102–Senator Wittenberg. Approved March 17, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act concerning public schools, and repealing certain acts relating thereto,” approved March 20, 1911, as amended by chapter 65, 1937 Statutes of Nevada. Assembly Bill No. 208–Mr. Brown. Approved March 20, 1939.



An Act entitled “An act to enable the United States to acquire by purchase, or otherwise, land within the Nevada and Toiyabe national forests in the State of Nevada, to facilitate the control of soil erosion or flood damage, and to promote the efficiency and economy of administration of said national forests.” Assembly Bill No. 69–White Pine County Delegation. Approved March 20, 1939.



An Act electing upon certain conditions to accept a fixed sum of money annually for a minimum period of 50 years, as hereinafter specified, in lieu of Nevada’s portion of the excess revenues or surplus, if any there be, derived from the operation of Boulder dam and incidental works and the Boulder dam power plant and incidental structures as provided for in the Boulder canyon project act, and other matters relating thereto. Senate Substitute for Senate Bill No. 60–Committee on Federal Relations. Approved March 20, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act concerning public schools, and repealing certain acts relating thereto,” approved March 20, 1911, together with the acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto. Assembly Bill No. 234–Committee on Education. Approved March 20, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act concerning slot machines, gambling games, and gambling devices; providing for the operating thereof under license; providing for certain license fees and the use of the money obtained therefrom; prohibiting minors from playing and loitering about such games; designating the penalties for violations of the provisions thereof; and other matters properly relating thereto,” approved March 19, 1931. Assembly Bill No. 247–Mr. Amodei. Approved March 20, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act concerning public schools, and repealing certain acts relating thereto,” approved March 20, 1911, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 211–Committee on Education. Approved March 20, 1939.



An Act to create a “civil service commission” in the city of Reno, Nevada; for the regulation of the police and fire departments of the city of Reno, Nevada; defining the powers of the said commission and regulating the personnel of the police and fire department of the city of Reno, Nevada; and other matters relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 272–Mr. Burke. Approved March 20, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to license and regulate insurance business in this state,” approved February 23, 1881. Senate Bill No. 32–Senator Wittenberg. Approved March 20, 1939.



An Act to provide for the recognition of the seventy-fifth anniversary of Nevada’s admission to the union, designating the same as Nevada’s diamond jubilee, making an appropriation therefor, and other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 283–Committee on State Publicity. Approved March 20, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act relating to and providing for the protection, propagation, restoration, domestication, introduction, purchase, and disposition of wild animals, wild birds, and fish; creating certain offices, providing the method of selecting the officers therefor, defining the powers and duties of certain officers, and other persons; defining certain terms; providing for the licensing of and regulating of hunting, trapping, game farming, and game fishing, authorizing the establishment, control, and regulation of private fish hatcheries, state recreation grounds, sanctuaries, and refuges, and the closing, opening, and shortening of hunting and fishing seasons; regulating the transportation and possession of wild animals, wild birds, and game fish; providing for the condemnation of property for certain purposes; providing for instruction in the game laws of this state in the public schools of this state; establishing certain funds and regulating expenditures therefrom, providing penalties for violation thereof, and repealing certain acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith,” approved March 20, 1929, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 248–Mr. Barr. Approved March 20, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act providing for the participation by the State of Nevada in the New York world’s fair to be held in New York City, New York, in 1939; providing for the creation of a state world’s fair commission, defining the powers and duties of said commission, and making an appropriation therefor, and other matters properly connected therewith,” approved March 26, 1937. Assembly Bill No. 284–Committee on State Publicity. Approved March 20, 1939.



An Act to provide an appropriation for furnishing certain rooms in the Nevada heroes memorial building. Assembly Bill No. 140–Mr. Amodei. Approved March 20, 1939.



An Act making an appropriation to assist the state board of stock commissioners in combating certain livestock diseases constituting a menace to the public health. Assembly Bill No. 116–Committee on Livestock. Approved March 20, 1939.



An Act providing for the investigation and control of injurious insect pests in the State of Nevada, and making an appropriation therefor. Assembly Bill No. 117–Elko, Humboldt, White Pine, Eureka, Lander, Pershing, and Washoe County Delegations. Approved March 20, 1939.



An Act to appropriate money for direct relief and work relief in cooperation with the government of the United States of America; to provide for an agency to certify relief labor to the works progress administration and other federal work programs employing relief labor; to assist in the cost of distributing federal surplus commodities to the needy people of Nevada, and other matters relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 227–Mr. Cahill. Approved March 20, 1939.



An Act to amend the title of and to amend an act entitled “An act to amend an act entitled ‘An act authorizing and empowering the board of county commissioners of Mineral County, Nevada, to sell that certain property commonly known as and called the Mineral County power system, providing the method of making such sale, the amount thereof, and other matters properly related thereto,’ approved March 26, 1929,” approved March 18, 1931, and adding four sections thereto. Senate Bill No. 117–Senator Miller. Approved March 21, 1939.



An act to amend an act entitled “An act to amend an act entitled ‘An act to authorize the board of county commissioners of the county of Mineral, State of Nevada, to purchase, acquire, and construct an electrical power and telephone line, extending from the Lundy generating plant of the Nevada-California power company situated in the county of Mono, State of California, to the town of Hawthorne, Nevada, and thence via Luning and Mina to the town of Simon in the county of Mineral, State of Nevada, and branches thereof; providing for the maintenance and operation of said line as a public utility; the issuance and sale of bonds therefor; the levy and collection of taxes for the payment of such bonds, and other matters relating thereto,’ approved March 4, 1921, and acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto,” approved March 20, 1933. Senate Bill No. 155–Senator Miller. Approved March 21, 1939.



An Act to authorize counties of the State of Nevada to issue negotiable interest-bearing warrants for payment of salaries and other necessary expenses of the schools, and other matters relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 99–Senator Gibson. Approved March 21, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide revenue for the support of the government of the State of Nevada; to control, license, and regulate the importation and sale of wines, beers, and intoxicating liquors into and within the State of Nevada; to provide for the issuance of importers’ and wholesalers’ licenses; to impose a stamp tax on the sale of such wines, beers, and intoxicating liquors, to provide for state licenses, designating the type of licenses to be issued, the fee for such licenses, and persons to pay the same, the manner of collection thereof, and prescribing the duties to be performed by state and county officials in connection therewith; the disposition and apportionment of the funds derived therefrom; and all other matters relating thereto; to provide penalties for the violation thereof; and to repeal all acts or parts of acts in conflict herewith,” approved March 30, 1935. Senate Bill No. 100–Committee on Ways and Means. Approved March 21, 1939.



An Act to amend chapter 72, section 742, of an act entitled “An act to regulate proceedings in civil cases in this state and to repeal all other acts in relation thereto,” approved March 17, 1911. Assembly Bill No. 226–Mr. Loomis. Approved March 21, 1939.



An Act to amend the title of and to amend an act entitled “An act relating to unemployment compensation, creating unemployment compensation and administration funds and providing for the administration thereof; making an appropriation therefor; defining unemployment and providing compensation therefor; requiring contributions by employers to the unemployment compensation fund; creating the office of director, a board of review and providing for other officers and employees and defining their powers and duties; and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 23, 1937, and to insert therein two new sections to be known as sections 14 1/2 and 15 1/2. Senate Bill No. 80–Senator Gibson. Approved March 21, 1939.



An Act for the relief of the state controller’s office and making an appropriation therefor. Senate Bill No. 42–Senator Wittenberg. Approved March 22, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act regulating the registration of electors for general, special, and primary elections,” approved March 27, 1917, as amended March 23, 1927. Assembly Bill No. 232–Mrs. Drumm. Approved March 22, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act relating to officers, their qualifications, times of election, terms of office, official duties, resignations, removals, vacancies in office, and the mode of supplying the same, misconduct in office, and to enforce official duty,” approved March 9, 1866, together with the acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto. Assembly Bill No. 271–Mr. Burke. Approved March 22, 1939.



An Act to provide for an appropriation for the Nevada school of industry situated at Elko, Nevada, and other matters properly connected therewith. Assembly Bill No. 276–Committee on State Institutions. Approved March 22, 1939.



An Act to provide for the erection and furnishing of additions to, remodeling, repairing, or reconditioning of certain state buildings; defining the duties of the board of control in respect thereto; providing for the issuance of bonds therefor and the manner of their sale and redemption, and other matters relating thereto. Senate Substitute for Senate Bill No. 55–Committee on Ways and Means. Approved March 22, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act establishing a bureau of mines of the State of Nevada; providing for its control and management; the appointment of a director, and fixing his qualifications; defining the objects, duties, and purposes of said bureau of mines, and providing for an annual appropriation for the support and maintenance thereof,” approved March 28, 1935. Senate Bill No. 106–Committee on Mines and Mining. Approved March 22, 1939.



An Act permitting investments by minors, married women, joint owners and fiduciaries in shares, share accounts or investment certificates of building and loan associations, companies or corporations of federal savings and loan associations. Senate Bill No. 124–Senator Getchell. Approved March 22, 1939.



An Act to amend section 22 of an act entitled “An act to provide for the incorporation of domestic building and loan associations and companies, and certain other domestic associations and companies, to provide for the licensing, examination, and regulation of domestic and foreign building and loan associations and companies, and certain other associations and companies, authorizing the appointment of receivers in certain cases, providing for distribution of assets by sale where the same are without the State of Nevada, and the incorporation of the assets and the distribution of the stock of such corporation to the creditors, and other matters relating thereto, to prescribe penalties for a violation of the provisions hereof, to create a fund for use in carrying out the administration of this act, and to repeal certain acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith,” approved March 4, 1931, as amended and approved March 18, 1935, by chapter 57 Statutes of 1935. Senate Bill No. 126–Senator Getchell. Approved March 22, 1939.



An Act for the relief of the state board of education. Senate Bill No. 135–Committee on Education. Approved March 22, 1939.



To authorize the state controller to use a facsimile signature on warrants issued by him. Senate Bill No. 77–Senator Wittenberg. Approved March 22, 1939.



An Act to provide a method for the division and transfer of title to state land contracts, fixing the costs therefor, defining the duties of the surveyor general in relation thereto, and other matters properly related thereto. Senate Bill No. 66–Senator Foster. Approved March 22, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide for the selection and sale of lands that have been or may hereafter be granted by the United States to the State of Nevada,” approved March 12, 1885, as amended, approved March 11, 1887. Senate Bill No. 67–Senator Foster. Approved March 22, 1939.



An Act providing for a supplemental appropriation to be used by the Nevada world’s fair commission at the New York world’s fair. Senate Bill No. 13–Senator Robbins. Approved March 22, 1939.



An Act authorizing the board of commissioners of the Nevada hospital for mental diseases to lease certain land of the Southern Pacific company for the use of such hospital, and providing for the payment of the rental therefor; and providing for the subletting of said land. Senate Bill No. 58–Senator Wadsworth. Approved March 22, 1939.



An Act for the relief of Western Air Express corporation. Senate Bill No. 113–Committee on Ways and Means. Approved March 22, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to reaffirm ‘An act to accept the benefits of an act passed by the senate and house of representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, to provide for the promotion of vocational education, approved February 23, 1917,’ approved March 24, 1917,” approved March 25, 1919, together with the acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto. Assembly Bill No. 181–Committee on Education. Approved March 22, 1939.



An Act authorizing the city council of the city of Yerington, Lyon County, Nevada, to issue and sell bonds for the construction and improvement of the streets of the city of Yerington, Lyon County, Nevada; providing for the payment thereof by levy and collection of taxes and by other means, and other matters relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 280–Lyon County Delegation. Approved March 23, 1939.



An Act to permit persons who have been designated as agents of a foreign corporation to decline to serve as such, and prescribing the procedure if such designated agent dies, resigns, or moves from the state. Senate Bill No. 144–Senator Miller. Approved March 23, 1939.



An Act granting to jewelers and others a lien upon watches, clocks, or jewelry for labor thereon, providing for the sale of property subject to such lien, designating the manner of sale, directing the manner of applying the proceeds of any sale pursuant to this act, and other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 206–Mr. Loomis. Approved March 23, 1939.



An Act granting to federal savings and loan associations all rights, powers, and privileges, and the exemptions and immunities granted to domestic associations. Senate Bill No. 125–Senator Getchell. Approved March 23, 1939.



An Act providing for the publication of receipts and disbursements and a statement of the finances of every incorporated city in Nevada by the city clerks thereof, providing penalties for the violation hereof, and other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 136–Mr. Germain. Approved March 23, 1939.



An Act making an appropriation for the control of rodents and predatory animals, in cooperation with the federal government, prescribing the duties of the state board of stock commissioners in connection therewith, and other matters relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 112–Mr. Richard. Approved March 23, 1939.



An Act for the protection of proprietors of hotels, inns, restaurants, boarding houses, lodginghouses, furnished apartment houses, furnished bungalow courts, or furnished auto camps, providing a penalty for defrauding any such proprietor, and other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 205–Mr. Loomis. Approved March 23, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act requiring foreign corporations doing business in the State of Nevada to publish annual statements,” approved March 28, 1901, together with the acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto. Assembly Bill No. 173–Mr. Caldwell. Approved March 23, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An Act concerning juries,” approved March 5, 1873, together with the acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto. Assembly Bill No. 164–Mr. Richard. Approved March 23, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to regulate proceedings in civil cases in this state and to repeal all other acts in relation thereto,” approved March 17, 1911, together with the acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto. Assembly Bill No. 161–Mr. Springer. Approved March 23, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to amend an act entitled ‘An act relating to and providing for the protection, propagation, restoration, domestication, introduction, purchase, and disposition of wild animals, wild birds and fish; creating certain offices, providing the method of selecting the officers therefor, defining the powers and duties of certain officers, and other persons; defining certain terms; providing for the licensing of and regulating of hunting, trapping, game farming and game fishing; authorizing the establishment, control and regulation of private fish hatcheries, state recreation grounds, sanctuaries and refuges, and the closing, opening and shortening of hunting and fishing seasons; regulating the transportation and possession of wild animals, wild birds and game fish; providing for the condemnation of property for certain purposes; providing for instruction in the game laws of this state in the public schools of this state; establishing certain funds and regulating expenditures therefrom, providing penalties for violation thereof, and repealing certain acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith,’ approved March 29, 1929, as amended,” approved February 24, 1933. Senate Bill No. 150–Senator Miller. Approved March 23, 1939.



An Act providing an appropriation for the support and maintenance of the Nevada state historical society for the years 1939 and 1940. Senate Bill No. 149–Senator Getchell. Approved March 23, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act providing for the creation of a state welfare department; defining the powers and duties of such department; providing means of cooperation with the federal government and with the counties of Nevada in all matters concerning public assistance to needy individuals; authorizing the administration of funds appropriated or made available to said state welfare department; outlining the duties and authority of the state department and of the officers and employees of that department; making an appropriation for the support thereof; repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith; and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 23, 1937. Senate Bill No. 148–Committee on Ways and Means. Approved March 23, 1939.



An Act to amend section 1 of an act entitled “An act to incorporate Carson City,” approved February 25, 1875, as amended March 2, 1877, as amended March 5, 1879, as amended March 6, 1889, as amended March 8, 1895, as amended March 17, 1905, as amended February 28, 1907, as amended March 28, 1907, as amended March 11, 1921, as amended March 29, 1929, as amended March 24, 1931, as amended March 22, 1937. Senate Bill No. 145–Senator Winters. Approved March 23, 1939.



An Act providing for the conversion of a federal savings and loan association into a domestic building and loan association, company or corporation. Senate Bill No. 127–Senator Getchell. Approved March 23, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act regulating the registration of electors for general, special, and primary elections,” approved March 27, 1917. Senate Bill No. 62–Senator Lattin. Approved March 23, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to prevent fraud or misrepresentation in the distribution and sale of gasoline, distillate and lubricating oil; regulating the distribution and sale of such products; defining the powers and duties of the sealer of weights and measures, or his appointees; prescribing specifications to be required for petroleum or petroleum products sold or offered for sale as ‘gasoline’; providing for taking samples of certain refined petroleum products; providing for sealing of certain containers, pumps and storage tanks connected thereto; providing for labeling of certain containers and pumps; and further providing an annual tax on products sold within this state to secure the necessary revenue to enforce the provisions of this act, and fixing penalties for violation of any provisions contained herein,” approved March 31, 1931. Senate Bill No. 110–Committee on Ways and Means. Approved March 23, 1939.



An Act providing for a supplemental appropriation to be used by the exposition commissioners of the State of Nevada for the Golden Gate international exposition, at the Golden Gate international exposition, to be held at the island of Yerba Buena, located in San Francisco bay, California. Senate Bill No. 14–Senator Getchell. Approved March 23, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide for the organization and government of irrigation districts, for the irrigation and drainage of lands and other related undertakings thereby, and for the acquisition and distribution of water and other property, construction, operation and maintenance of works, diversion, storage, distribution, collection and carriage of water; cooperation with the United States; and matters properly connected therewith,” approved March 19, 1919, as amended, by adding thereto another section. Senate Bill No. 59–Committee on Agriculture, Irrigation, and Reclamation of Arid Lands. Approved March 23, 1939.



An Act granting apartment house and furnished apartment owners a lien upon the goods of tenants, providing the sale of goods seized under such lien, absolving such lien owners from damages, and others matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 204–Mr. Loomis. Approved March 23, 1939.



An Act to create a civil service commission in the city of Las Vegas, Nevada, for the regulation of the police department of the city of Las Vegas, defining the powers and duties of the commission and regulating the personnel of the police department of the city of Las Vegas, defining the duties of the mayor of the city of Las Vegas, and other persons in relation thereto, and other matters relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 183–Clark County Delegation. Approved March 23, 1939.



An Act to amend section 17 of an act entitled “An act to provide a general highway law for the State of Nevada,” approved March 23, 1917, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 167–Mr. Oldham. Approved March 23, 1939.



An Act relating to the powers and duties of the county commissioners of the various counties in Nevada, and to enable them to avail themselves of federal or other aid for the benefit of the counties. Senate Bill No. 134–Committee on Ways and Means. Approved March 24, 1939.



An Act to provide an excise tax on the use of combustible liquids and gases to propel motor vehicles on the highways of this state; to provide for the issuance of permits to users of such liquids and gases; to provide for the levy, assessment, collection, payment and disposition of such tax; to provide for the keeping of records by users of such liquids and gases; to provide for the administration and enforcement thereof by the Nevada tax commission; to prescribe penalties for violation of the provisions thereof; to provide that such tax shall be in lieu of certain taxes imposed by chapter 74 Statutes of Nevada 1935; and to define certain words, terms and phrases used herein. Senate Bill No. 83–Senator Winters. Approved March 24, 1939.



An Act to amend section 2 of “An act to amend sections 5 and 6 of an act entitled ‘An act creating a department to be known as the state parks commission of the State of Nevada, designating the members thereof, the qualifications therefor, the method of appointing the same, their term of office, power and duties, providing for the expense thereof by making an appropriation therefor, providing a penalty for the violation thereof, and other matters properly relating thereto,’ approved March 26, 1935,” approved March 29, 1937. Senate Bill No. 132–Senator Horsey. Approved March 24, 1939.



An Act authorizing and directing the governor of the State of Nevada to accept, on behalf of the state, any conveyance by the United States government of public lands for park, recreational, or other public purposes, and particularly the certain land described in S. 2 (76th Congress, 1st session), as therein or as hereafter may be described, and subject to conditions that are now or hereafter may be included in said S. 2, or any amendment thereof, or substitute therefor, and other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 133–Senator Horsey. Approved March 24, 1939.



An Act to amend section 2 of an act entitled “An act to amend the title of an act entitled ‘An act concerning mortgages of personal property, providing for their recordation, and other matters relating thereto, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith,’ approved March 8, 1923, together with the acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto, and to amend sections 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of said act, and repeal sections 6, 7, and 7a thereof,” approved March 27, 1935. Senate Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 21–Committee on Judiciary. Approved March 24, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act giving the superintendent of public instruction authority to appoint a deputy in his office,” approved March 25, 1919. Assembly Bill No. 184–Committee on Education. Approved March 24, 1939.



An Act to amend section 142 of an act entitled “An act to regulate proceedings in civil cases in this state and to repeal all other acts in relation thereto,” approved March 17, 1911. Senate Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 46–Committee on Judiciary. Approved March 24, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to incorporate the town of Las Vegas, in Clark County, and defining the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishing of a city government therefor, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 16, 1911, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 288–Clark County Delegation. Approved March 24, 1939.



An Act to amend the title of and to amend an act entitled “An act declaring the purpose and policy of the legislature relative to use of the public highways of the state in the carrying of persons and property thereon in motor vehicles, defining such vehicles and public highways, providing for the licensing and regulating of certain carriers thereon by the public service commission of Nevada and providing and defining its duties in relation thereto, providing license fees for the operation of motor vehicles in carrier service for hire and other service on the public highways of the state, providing for official inspectors and salary and allowances therefor, providing penalties for the violation hereof and other civil actions for the recovery of license fees herein, providing for refund in certain cases, providing for the weighing of motor vehicles for license purposes by public weighmasters, and repealing all acts and parts of acts and certain acts of the legislature in conflict herewith; and other matters properly connected therewith,” approved March 23, 1933, as amended; approved March 28, 1935, as amended; approved March 24, 1937. Senate Bill No. 141–Committee on Public Highways. Approved March 24, 1939.



An Act making a supplementary appropriation for the support of the Nevada state prison. Assembly Bill No. 209–Mr. Cahill. Approved March 25, 1939.



An Act for the relief of Gabriel Pahor. Assembly Bill No. 214–Mr. Carroll. Approved March 25, 1939.



An Act establishing the Nevada museum and art institution; creating a board of control therefor; providing for the reception, collection, preservation, housing, care, display and exhibit of examples of the useful and fine arts, sciences and industries, relics, products, works, records, rare and valuable articles and objects, the property of the State of Nevada or to be obtained through gifts, loans, purchases or accession; defining the duties and powers of said board and the duties of other institutions and agencies in relation thereto; making an appropriation to carry out the purposes of this act; repealing certain acts; and other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 188–Mr. Amodei. Approved March 25, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to regulate the occupations and practices of hairdressers and cosmeticians, cosmetologists, and the branches of cosmetology; to create the state board of cosmetology, and to provide for the issuance by said board of certificates of registration and licenses entitling the holders thereof to engage in and to teach such occupations and practices; to insure the better education of hairdressers and cosmeticians; to provide for rules regulating the proper conduct and sanitation of cosmetological establishments, schools of cosmetology, and places where the occupations of hairdressers and cosmeticians are practiced; prescribing penalties for the violation of the provisions of this act,” approved March 27, 1931, together with the acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto. Assembly Bill No. 118–Mr. Davidson. Approved March 25, 1939.



An Act to amend section 2 of an act entitled “An act to regulate traffic on the highways of this state, to provide punishment for violation thereof, and other matters properly connected therewith,” approved March 21, 1925. Assembly Bill No. 177–Mr. Davidson. Approved March 25, 1939.



An Act to provide for the erection and equipment of an engineering building at the University of Nevada; providing for the issuance and sale of bonds therefor and the redemption thereof. Assembly Bill No. 305–Committee on Ways and Means. Approved March 25, 1939.



An Act to provide for the erection and equipment of a gymnasium building at the University of Nevada; providing for the issuance and sale of bonds therefor and the redemption thereof. Assembly Bill No. 304–Committee on Ways and Means. Approved March 25, 1939.



An Act authorizing clerks for justice courts in townships having fifteen thousand or more population, fixing the duties of said clerks, and other matters relative thereto. Assembly Bill No. 309–Washoe County Delegation. Approved March 25, 1939.



An Act providing for an appropriation for the compensation of certain persons for services rendered to the thirty-ninth session of the Nevada legislature. Assembly Bill No. 316–Committee on Claims. Approved March 25, 1939.



An Act to amend the title to and to amend an act entitled “An act making the assignment of wages, salary or earnings under certain conditions conclusive evidence of fraud,” approved March 14, 1917. Assembly Bill No. 313–Mr. Curtis. Approved March 25, 1939.



An Act making an annual appropriation from the general fund and transferring the same to the state distributive school fund. Assembly Bill No. 310–Committee on Ways and Means. Approved March 25, 1939.



An Act to amend section 10e of article XII of an act entitled “An act to incorporate the town of Reno, and to establish a city government therefor,” approved March 16, 1903, as amended March 13, 1905, and as amended from time to time thereafter. Assembly Bill No. 241–Mr. Loomis. Approved March 25, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide for the management and control of the state agricultural society by the state,” approved March 7, 1885, together with the acts amendatory thereof or supplementary thereto. Assembly Bill No. 134–Churchill County Delegation. Approved March 25, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to encourage and promote improvement in quality of livestock in the State of Nevada; to create the Nevada state livestock show board, and to provide for a state livestock show,” approved March 29, 1929, together with the acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto. Assembly Bill No. 133–Elko County Delegation. Approved March 25, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act relating to elections,” approved March 24, 1917, together with the acts amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto. Assembly Bill No. 275–Mrs. Drumm. Approved March 25, 1939.



An act to amend the title and to amend an act entitled “An act to create a board of county commissioners in the several counties of this state and to define their duties and powers,” approved March 8, 1865, together with all acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto. Assembly Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 107–Committee on Education. Approved March 25, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act concerning the courts of justice of this state and judicial officers,” approved January 26, 1865, together with the acts amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto. Assembly Bill No. 56–Committee on Judiciary. Approved March 25, 1939.



An Act to amend section 3 of an act entitled “An act to provide for the assessment and taxation of the net proceeds of mines, and repeal of acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith,” approved March 15, 1927, as amended by chapter 68, 1937 Statutes of Nevada, page 139. Senate Bill No. 121–Senator Wadsworth. Approved March 25, 1939.



An Act relating to and providing for the regulation of fishing in Lake Mead and that portion of the Colorado river below Boulder dam where it forms the boundary between the States of Arizona and Nevada; supplementing the general fish and game laws of the State of Nevada in that regard; authorizing a visitors’ special fishing license and a uniform open season and other uniform regulations for fishing in and upon the waters of said lake and that portion of said river; and providing for reciprocal recognition by each of said two states of fishing licenses issued to residents of the other in fishing in and upon said waters, and other matters relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 243–Mr. Sloan. Approved March 25, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide for the publication of the decisions of the supreme court of the State of Nevada and such other official advertising as is required by the state,” approved March 29, 1907, together with the acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto. Assembly Bill No. 102–Committee on Public Printing. Approved March 25, 1939.



An Act to prevent the manufacture, sale, transportation, and false advertising of adulterated, misbranded, or mislabeled, or poisonous or deleterious foods, drugs, devices, and cosmetics; regulating the manufacture and traffic therein; providing for the enforcement of this act; providing penalties for the violation thereof and other matters relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 149–Mr. Brooks. Approved March 25, 1939.



An Act to provide for the conservation and distribution of underground waters, providing for the designation of artesian well basins and defining such wells and providing the method of appropriating the waters thereof; defining the powers and duties of the state engineer in the administration hereof; providing for the casing and capping of artesian wells and for the prevention of waste of water therefrom; prescribing penalties for the violation of the provisions of this act, and repealing certain acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith. Assembly Bill No. 215–Clark County Delegation. Approved March 25, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act in relation to public revenues, creating the Nevada tax commission and the state board of equalization, defining their powers and duties, and matters relating thereto, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith,” approved March 23, 1917, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 124–Mr. Cooper. Approved March 25, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide revenue for the support of the government of the State of Nevada, and to repeal certain acts relating thereto,” approved March 23, 1891, as amended, by amending section 23 thereof and by adding a new section thereto to be known as section 23 1/2. Assembly Bill No. 254–Mr. Cooper. Approved March 25, 1939.



An Act relating to the establishment of district high schools in counties having a duly established county high school or county high schools, providing the powers and duties of boards of county commissioners with respect thereto, providing a county tax and a school district tax for the support of such schools, defining the powers and duties of county boards of education in relation thereto, providing for transportation of students, and repealing certain acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith. Assembly Bill No. 193–Committee on Education. Approved March 25, 1939.



An Act for the relief of I. M. Springer, Sr. Assembly Bill No. 239–Mr. Springer. Approved March 25, 1939.



An Act relating to the establishment of district high schools in counties not having a duly established county high school or county high schools, providing the powers and duties of boards of county commissioners with respect thereto, providing a county tax and a school district tax for the support of such schools, defining the powers and duties of boards of trustees of such high school districts in relation thereto, providing for transportation of students, and repealing certain acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith. Assembly Bill No. 191–Committee on Education. Approved March 25, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to create a state board of health, defining their duties, prescribing the manner of the appointments of its officers, fixing their compensation, making an appropriation for the support of said board, establishing county boards of health, requiring certain statements to be filed, defining certain misdemeanors and providing penalties therefor, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 27, 1911. Assembly Bill No. 159–Mr. Kennett. Approved March 25, 1939.



An Act relating to foster homes for children; providing a license therefor; providing a penalty for the violation thereof; and other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 2–Mr. Shelly. Approved March 25, 1939.



An Act making an appropriation for the support of the state hygienic laboratory under the supervision of the state board of health of the State of Nevada, from April 1, 1939, to June 30, 1939, and for the first half of the fiscal year 1939-1940, and other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 314–Committee on Ways and Means. Approved March 25, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act relating to the compensation of injured workmen in the industries of this state and the compensation to their dependents where such injuries result in death, creating an industrial insurance commission, providing for the creation and disbursement of funds for the compensation and care of workmen injured in the course of employment, and defining and regulating the liability of employers to their employees; and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict with this act,” approved March 15, 1913, together with the acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto. Assembly Bill No. 257–Mr. Brooks. Approved March 25, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act providing for the creation of a state barbers’ health and sanitation board, defining the powers and duties of said board, defining certain terms, prescribing the terms upon which licenses or certificates of registration, health and sanitation may be issued to practitioners of barbering, creating county boards and declaring their powers and duties, prescribing penalties for the violation hereof, repealing all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 26, 1929, together with the acts amendatory thereof or supplementary thereto. Assembly Bill No. 201–Mr. Burke. Approved March 25, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to amend an act entitled ‘An act fixing the method by which the charters of incorporated cities and towns may be amended,’ approved March 15, 1927, and as amended March 6, 1929,” approved March 17, 1937. Assembly Bill No. 143–Mr. Brooks. Approved March 25, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide for the payment of retirement salaries and annuities to public school teachers of this state; providing and establishing the necessary funds and accounts, authorizing the levy of the tax therefor, and other matters relating thereto; creating the public school teachers retirement salary fund board and giving and granting certain powers unto said board; repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith, and specifically repealing sections 6003 to 6021, inclusive, N. C. L. 1929, as amended,” approved March 29, 1937. Assembly Bill No. 171–Committee on Education. Approved March 25, 1939.



An Act to amend sections 6 and 8 of an act entitled “An act to regulate traffic on the highways of this state, to provide punishment for violation thereof, and other matters properly connected therewith,” approved March 21, 1925, and adding thereto a new section to be designated as section 6 1/2, and repealing all acts or parts of acts in conflict or inconsistent with this act. Assembly Bill No. 249–Committee on Roads and Highways. Approved March 25, 1939.



An Act providing for voluntary apprenticeship. Assembly Bill No. 245–Committee on Labor. Approved March 25, 1939.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act fixing the compensation of certain county officers of Esmeralda County in the State of Nevada; authorizing and empowering the board of county commissioners of said county to regulate the appointment, number and compensation of their deputies and attaches, and requiring said officers to make reports to the board of county commissioners of Esmeralda County; and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith,” approved February 21, 1929. Assembly Bill No. 217–Mr. Fee. Approved March 25, 1939.



An act to amend section 8 of an act entitled “An act to provide a general highway law for the State of Nevada,” approved March 23, 1917, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 300–Committee on Roads and Highways. Approved March 25, 1939.



An Act to amend section 8 of an act entitled “An act to provide for the care, maintenance, medical treatment and hospitalization of expectant mothers and their offspring, creating a board and giving it jurisdiction for the administration thereof, and repealing all acts or parts of acts in conflict therewith,” approved March 30, 1935. Assembly Bill No. 319–Mr. Oldham. Approved March 25, 1939.



An Act to amend section 25 of an act entitled “An act providing a general corporation law,” approved March 21, 1925. Assembly Bill No. 90–Mr. Davidson. Approved March 25, 1939.



An Act to create a “Consolidated Bond Interest and Redemption Fund” in the Nevada state treasury, declaring and restricting the purposes thereof, defining the duty of certain officers and departments in relation thereto, and other matters relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 312–Committee on Ways and Means. Approved March 28, 1939.



An Act to fix the state tax levy for the years 1939 and 1940, and to distribute the said levy to the proper funds. Senate Bill No. 156–Committee on Ways and Means. Approved March 28, 1939.



An Act making appropriation for the support of the civil government of the State of Nevada for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1940-1941. Senate Substitute for Senate Bill No. 25–Committee on Ways and Means. Approved March 28, 1939.