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Statutes of the State of Nevada - Thirty-Eighth Session, 1937








An Act to create a legislative fund. Senate Bill No. 1–Senator Robbins. Approved January 20, 1937.



An Act empowering, authorizing and directing the city council of the city of Reno, county of Washoe, State of Nevada, to make, execute and deliver to the United States of America a deed in fee to certain real estate within the city limits of the said city of Reno for the purpose of erection thereon of a veterans hospital, and for such other and further uses in connection therewith as may be proper, and other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 1–Washoe County Delegation. Approved January 25, 1937.



An Act to amend section 4 of an act entitled “An act to create judicial districts in the State of Nevada, provide for the election of district judges therein, fix their salaries and compensation for expenses, and repeal all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith,” approved March 27, 1929. Assembly Bill No. 2–Mr. Thruston. Approved February 2, 1937.



An Act to amend sections 1 and 93 of an act entitled “An act providing a general corporation law,” approved March 21, 1925, and being sections 1600 and 1692 Nevada Compiled Laws 1929. Senate Bill No. 2–Senator Foy. Approved February 8, 1937.



An Act for the relief of the victims of floods in the eastern and southern portions of the United States; making an appropriation therefor, and providing the payment of such appropriation to the American National Red Cross, a charitable corporation. Senate Bill No. 9–Committee on Ways and Means. Approved February 8, 1937.



An Act ceding to the United States jurisdiction of this state over certain lands acquired by the United States for a post-office site at Ely, Nevada. Assembly Bill No. 4–White Pine County Delegation. Approved February 9, 1937.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act providing a general corporation law,” approved March 21, 1925, as amended 1929, 1931, and 1935, by amending sections 7, 18, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, and 44 thereof, and by adding thereto a new section to be known as section 18a, and by repealing section 88 thereof. Senate Bill No. 3–Senator Foy. Approved February 9, 1937.



An Act to provide for holding a special election in the State of Nevada, and at such election to submit to the people of the state the proposed amendment to the constitution thereof repealing section 3, article XIII, and other matters pertaining thereto. Senate Bill No. 29–Senator Cobb. Approved February 11, 1937.



An Act to amend section 581 of an act entitled “An act to regulate proceedings in civil cases in this state and to repeal all other acts in relation thereto,” approved March 17, 1911. Senate Bill No. 10–Senator Foy. Approved February 13, 1937.



An Act extending the time of motor vehicle registration, licensing, and payment of license fees for and during the year 1937; providing for a limitation of the act, and other matters relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 89–Mr. Rochon. Approved February 15, 1937.



An Act to amend section 18 of an act entitled “An act to regulate proceedings in civil cases in this state, and to repeal all other acts in relation thereto,” approved March 17, 1911. Assembly Bill No. 25–Mr. Thruston. Approved February 19, 1937.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to regulate proceedings in civil cases in this state, and to repeal all other acts in relation thereto,” approved March 17, 1911. Assembly Bill No. 49–Committee on Judiciary. Approved February 19, 1937.



An Act to amend section 294 of an act entitled “An act to regulate proceedings in civil cases in this state and to repeal all other acts in relation thereto,” approved March 17, 1911. Assembly Bill No. 50–Committee on Judiciary. Approved February 19, 1937.



An Act to amend sections 15 and 43 of an act entitled “An act to create a public corporation to be known as ‘State Bar of Nevada,’ to provide for its organization, government, membership and powers, to regulate the practice of law, and to provide penalties for violation of said act,” approved January 31, 1928. Assembly Bill No. 55–Committee on Judiciary. Approved February 19, 1937.



An Act to amend section 47 of an act entitled “An act to regulate proceedings in civil cases in this state and to repeal all other acts in relation thereto,” approved March 17, 1911. Assembly Bill No. 57–Committee on Judiciary. Approved February 19, 1937.



An Act to amend section 253 of an act entitled “An act to regulate the settlement of the estates of deceased persons,” approved March 23, 1897. Assembly Bill No. 59–Committee on Judiciary. Approved February 19, 1937.



An Act to amend section 872 of an act entitled “An act to regulate proceedings in civil cases in this state and to repeal all other acts in relation thereto,” approved March 17, 1911. Assembly Bill No. 63–Committee on Judiciary. Approved February 19, 1937.



An act authorizing and empowering the board of regents of the University of Nevada to receive grants of money appropriated under that certain act of the Congress of the United States of America, approved June 29, 1935, entitled “An act to provide for research into basic laws and principles relating to agriculture and to provide for the further development of cooperative agricultural extension work and the more complete endowment and support of land-grant colleges.” Senate Bill No. 23–Senator Foy. Approved February 23, 1937.



An Act requiring the use of carbide lamps or candles in all underground mines, and providing a penalty for the violation hereof, and other matters relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 41–Mr. O’Meara. Approved February 23, 1937.



An Act authorizing and empowering the board of education of Las Vegas union school district, Clark County, Nevada, to transfer moneys from the Las Vegas high school building fund to the regular Las Vegas high school fund. Assembly Bill No. 73–Clark County Delegation. Approved February 23, 1937.



An Act to provide for the survival of causes of action for personal injuries upon the death of the person injured or the person liable for such injuries or of both, specifying the measure of damages in such action. Assembly Bill No. 56–Committee on Judiciary. Approved February 23, 1937.



An Act providing for the appointment of a commission to appear before the resettlement administration and other departments of the federal administration at Washington, D. C., in the interests of the livestock and farm conditions in the State of Nevada, designating the manner of selecting the membership of such commission, defining their powers and duties, making an appropriation therefor, and other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 67–Mr. Agee. Approved February 24, 1937.



An Act defining and relating to narcotic drugs, prohibiting the use, sale, distribution, or administration thereof, except under the lawful direction of duly licensed practicing physicians, dentists, veterinarians, manufacturers, apothecaries and others, prohibiting the unlawful possession, use, sale, distribution or administration thereof, and to make uniform the law with reference thereto, prescribing penalties for the violation hereof, and other matters properly relating thereto, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith. Assembly Bill No. 28–Mr. Thruston. Approved February 24, 1937.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to authorize the board of county commissioners of the county of Elko to levy a special tax annually for the support of the Elko County fair, to provide for the payment of the proceeds of such tax levy, and other matters in connection therewith,” approved March 15, 1923, as amended March 4, 1925, and further amended February 20, 1933, chapter 17 Statutes of Nevada 1933. Assembly Bill No. 92–Mr. Agee. Approved February 24, 1937.



An Act fixing the compensation of certain county officers of Mineral County in the State of Nevada; regulating the appointments, number and compensation of their deputies and attaches, and authorizing and directing the county commissioners of Mineral County to allow and pay compensation of such additional clerks and assistants as may be needed in the office of the county clerk and ex officio treasurer and county recorder and ex officio auditor, respectively, as other claims against the county, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith. Assembly Bill No. 34–Mr. Simpson. Approved February 24, 1937.



An Act to amend section 18 of an act entitled “An act concerning wills,” approved December 19, 1862. Assembly Bill No. 53–Committee on Judiciary. Approved February 24, 1937.



An Act authorizing the motor vehicle department of the office of secretary of state to certify refunds to purchasers of motor vehicle licenses for the year 1935 for trucks and trailers, or either, of an unladen weight of three thousand (3,000) pounds or less on the basis of forty-five (45ȼ) cents per hundred (100) pounds, and authorizing the state controller to draw his warrants for the said refunds and the state treasurer to pay the same; and making an appropriation therefor from the state highway fund; and other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 186–Mr. Boak. Approved March 1, 1937.



An Act to amend section 5 of an act entitled “An act to provide for holding a special election in the State of Nevada, and at such election to submit to the people of the state the proposed amendment to the constitution thereof, repealing section 3, article XIII, and other matters pertaining thereto,” approved February 11, 1937. Senate Bill No. 53–Senator Foy. Approved March 1, 1937.



An Act to repeal section 3 1/2 of an act entitled “An act providing for the supervision, management, government, control and maintenance of county hospitals, county isolation hospitals, county homes for the indigent sick, county workhouses for indigents, and county poor farms in each county where a tax has been or is hereafter authorized by the voters to establish and maintain a public hospital,” approved March 11, 1931. Senate Bill No. 6–Senator Bell. Approved March 2, 1937.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to regulate traffic on the highways of this state, to provide punishment for violation thereof, and other matters properly connected therewith,” approved March 21, 1925. Assembly Bill No. 88–Mr. Whalen. Approved March 2, 1937.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act regulating the payment of wages or compensation in private employments, providing for regular pay days therein, making it the duty of the labor commissioner and district attorneys in this state to enforce its provisions, and providing penalties for violations of this act, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 19, 1919. Assembly Bill No. 82–Mr. Bunce. Approved March 2, 1937.



An Act to provide for and to regulate proceedings on motions for new trials and on appeals in civil actions or proceedings, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith. Assembly Bill No. 47–Committee on Judiciary. Approved March 2, 1937.



An Act relating to sheriffs and justices of the peace relative to enforcement of the motor vehicle laws of the State of Nevada and requiring said officers to keep records of certain cases relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 86–Mr. Whalen. Approved March 2, 1937.



An Act authorizing the board of county commissioners of Churchill County, Nevada, to build, construct, and equip a county courthouse; providing for the issuance and sale of the bonds of the county for such purposes; authorizing the county to enter into contracts with the United States; authorizing and directing the levy of a tax to pay such bonds and interest; and authorizing and directing the county commissioners to call a special election submitting said bond proposal to the electors of said county; and other matters related thereto. Senate Bill No. 48–Senator Sawyer. Approved March 3, 1937.



An Act to repeal an act entitled “An act to amend section 4 of an act entitled ‘An act relating to marriage and divorce,’ approved November 28, 1861, as amended,” approved March 8, 1933. Assembly Bill No. 126–Mr. Thruston. Approved March 3, 1937.



An Act to amend section 134 of an act entitled “An act to regulate proceedings in civil cases in this state and to repeal all other acts in relation thereto,” approved March 17, 1911, being also known as section 8362 N. C. L. 1929. Assembly Bill No. 52–Committee on Judiciary. Approved March 3, 1937.



An Act to amend section 8 of an act entitled “An act concerning conveyances,” approved November 5, 1861, as amended by Stats. 1909, page 270, being section 1483 of Nevada Compiled Laws 1929. Assembly Bill No. 97–Mr. Baring. Approved March 3, 1937.



An Act providing for the removal and destruction of old and obsolete state papers, books, pamphlets, documents and other old and obsolete property. Assembly Bill No. 70–Mr. Rochon. Approved March 3, 1937.



An Act concerning certain county officers in the county of Churchill, State of Nevada, fixing the salaries and compensation, and other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 19–Senator Sawyer. Approved March 5, 1937.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to amend sections 17 and 25 of an act entitled ‘An act to require the registration of motor vehicles, trailers and semitrailers, and to require the payment of fees thereupon, imposing certain duties and obligations upon the owners of motor vehicles rented without drivers, to provide for the transfer of interest in and to motor vehicles, providing for the registration of manufacturers and dealers in motor vehicles, trailers and semitrailers, regulating the use of motor vehicles by nonresidents, making and constituting county assessors officers of the department and imposing certain duties upon them, creating a “Motor Vehicle Fund,” and providing for the disposition thereof, to prevent the taking or injury of any vehicle without the consent of the owner; to provide for the duties and powers of vehicle commissioner and for the motor vehicle department; to regulate court proceedings in certain civil actions arising under this act; to provide penalties for violations of this act and to make uniform the law relating to the subject matter of this act; and to repeal all acts in conflict or inconsistent therewith,’ approved March 27, 1931,” as amended and approved March 25, 1933. Assembly Bill No. 79–Mr. Lattin. Approved March 5, 1937.



An Act to repeal an act entitled “An act to promote the organization and self-government of industry, trade and business for the purpose of securing cooperative action among trade groups through the establishment of codes of fair competition, and providing for the enforcement of the provisions thereof, through administrative agencies and otherwise in cooperating with the national government in its efforts to promote recovery from industrial and business depression,” approved March 27, 1935. Assembly Bill No. 125–Mr. Thruston. Approved March 5, 1937.



An Act authorizing and directing the destruction of certain useless and obsolete exhibits in the custody of the clerk of the supreme court, directing the method thereof, and other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 121–Mr. Rochon. Approved March 5, 1937.



An Act to authorizing, empowering and directing the county commissioners of White Pine County, Nevada, to fix the salaries and compensation of certain employees in said county, and other matters relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 137–White Pine County Delegation. Approved March 5, 1937.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to regulate the occupations and practices of hairdressers and cosmeticians, cosmetologists, and the branches of cosmetology; to create the state board of cosmetology, and to provide for the issuance by said board of certificates of registration and licenses entitling the holders thereof to engage in and to teach such occupations and practices; to insure the better education of hairdressers and cosmeticians; to provide for rules regulating the proper conduct and sanitation of cosmetological establishments, schools of cosmetology, and places where the occupation of hairdressers and cosmeticians are practiced; prescribing penalties for the violation of the provisions of this act,” approved March 27, 1931, as amended Statutes 1933. Assembly Bill No. 159–Committee on Labor. Approved March 5, 1937.



An Act ceding to the United States jurisdiction of this state over certain lands in the city of Yerington, Lyon County, Nevada, said lands to be used for a post-office site in said city of Yerington. Assembly Bill No. 139–Lyon County Delegation. Approved March 8, 1937.



An Act to amend section 72 of an act entitled “An act to provide a water law for the State of Nevada; providing a system of state control; creating the office of the state engineer and other offices connected with the appropriation, distribution and use of water, prescribing the duties and powers of the state engineer and other officers and fixing their compensation; prescribing the duties of water users and providing penalties for failures to perform such duties; providing for the appointment of water commissioners, defining their duties and fixing their compensation, providing for a fee system, for the certification of records, and an official seal for the state engineer’s office; providing for an appropriation to carry out the provisions of this act; and other matters properly connected therewith, and to repeal all acts and parts of acts in conflict with this act, repealing an act to provide for the appropriation, distribution and use of water, and to define and preserve existing water rights, to provide for the appointment of a state engineer, an assistant state engineer, and fixing their compensation, duties and powers, defining the duties of the state board of irrigation, providing for the appointment of water commissioners and defining their duties, approved February 26, 1907; also repealing an act amendatory of a certain act entitled ‘An act to provide for the appropriation, distribution and use of water, and to define and preserve existing water rights, to provide for the appointment of a state engineer and assistant state engineer, and fixing their compensation, duties and powers, defining the duties of the state board of irrigation, providing for the appointment of water commissioners and defining their duties, approved February 26, 1907, and to provide a fee system for the certification of the records of, and an official seal for the state engineer’s office, and other matters relating thereto,’ approved February 20, 1909,” approved March 22, 1913, as amended, being section 7957 Nevada Compiled Laws 1929, as amended by chapter 128 Statutes 1931. Assembly Bill No. 85–Mr. Goodwin. Approved March 8, 1937.



An Act to amend sections 2, 5, and 6 of an act entitled “An act regulating the assessment and taxation of banks, and of the shares of stock therein,” approved March 20, 1907, as amended and approved March 16, 1915. Senate Bill No. 16–Senator Robbins. Approved March 8, 1937.



An Act to protect trade-mark owners, their agents, producers, distributors, and the general public against injurious and uneconomic practices in the distribution of competitive commodities bearing a distinguishing trade mark, brand or name, through the use of voluntary contracts establishing minimum resale prices, and other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 130–Mr. Smith. Approved March 8, 1937.



An Act authorizing the county commissioners of the county of Lyon, State of Nevada, to issue bonds for the purpose of purchasing and acquiring road and highway construction and maintenance equipment, providing for the levy and collection of taxes upon the taxable property in the county for the payment thereof, and other matters relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 136–Lyon County Delegation. Approved March 8, 1937.



An Act fixing the compensation of county officers in White Pine County, State of Nevada, and matters pertaining to the collection and disposition of fees arising from such offices, regulating the conduct thereof, and to repeal all acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith. Assembly Bill No. 138–White Pine County Delegation. Approved March 8, 1937.



An Act to authorize the board of county commissioners of the county of White Pine to levy a special tax annually for the support of the White Pine County fair, to provide for the payment of the proceeds of such tax levy, and other matters in connection therewith. Assembly Bill No. 83–White Pine County Delegation. Approved March 8, 1937.



An Act to fix the compensation of the members of the board of county commissioners of Nye County, Nevada, to authorize the appointment of one of their members to act as purchasing agent for Nye County and for the town of Tonopah, and to perform certain other designated duties, to fix compensation for such additional services, and other matters pertaining thereto, and to repeal all acts in conflict therewith. Assembly Bill No. 124–Nye County Delegation. Approved March 9, 1937.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide for the extinguishment of liens of mortgages of personal property or crops except as between the parties thereto,” approved March 27, 1935 (Stats. 1935, ch. 124). Assembly Bill No. 141–Mr. Kennett. Approved March 9, 1937.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act providing for the printing and enrolling of legislative bills and resolutions, and other matters relating thereto,” approved January 27, 1915, as amended and approved February 24, 1931, and as further amended and approved March 13, 1935, chapter 43 Statutes of Nevada 1935. Assembly Bill No. 81–Mr. Tandy. Approved March 9, 1937.



An Act to establish commissioner districts in the county of Storey and providing for the election of members of the board of county commissioners thereof. Assembly Bill No. 183–Mr. Lynch. Approved March 9, 1937.



An Act authorizing the state board of control to sell a building situate in Las Vegas at a public or private sale; and other matters relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 28–Senator Ryan. Approved March 10, 1937.



An Act to provide for the service of process upon nonresidents in actions or proceedings against such nonresidents growing out of any accident or collision in which such nonresidents may be involved while operating a motor vehicle upon the public highways of this state. Assembly Bill No. 194–Mr. Thruston. Approved March 10, 1937.



An Act authorizing and directing the board of examiners to issue and sell bonds in the name of the State of Nevada to provide money for the establishment of a “State Old-Age Assistance Fund,” for the purpose of paying the state’s proportion of old-age assistance in cooperation with the government of the United States of America and the counties of the State of Nevada; providing for a tax for the redemption of such bonds and all other matters relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 230–Committee on Labor. Approved March 10, 1937.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act defining kidnaping, establishing different degrees thereof, providing penalties therefor, and other matters properly connected therewith,” approved March 21, 1935. Assembly Bill No. 155–Mr. Goodwin. Approved March 11, 1937.



An Act to amend section 126 of an act entitled “An act concerning crimes and punishments, and repealing certain acts relating thereto,” approved March 17, 1911, and adding thereto another section to be known as section 126 1/2. Assembly Bill No. 177–Mr. Smith. Approved March 11, 1937.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to incorporate the town of Sparks, in Washoe County, and defining the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishment of a city government therefor, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 15, 1905, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 40–Messrs. Gray and Shelly. Approved March 11, 1937.



An Act to create an additional legislative fund. Senate Bill No. 112–Senator Winters. Approved March 12, 1937.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act in relation to public highways,” approved March 9, 1866, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 109–Mr. Bugbee. Approved March 12, 1937.



An Act to authorize the state department of highways to construct, equip, and maintain a system of secondary or feeder roads within the state under and in pursuance of the act of Congress of the United States entitled “An act to provide that the United States shall aid the states in the construction of rural post roads, and for other purposes,” approved July 11, 1916, as amended and supplemented, and to supplement that certain act entitled “An act to provide a general highway law for the State of Nevada,” approved March 23, 1917, as amended, and other matters relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 208–Committee on Roads and Highways. Approved March 12, 1937.



An Act to amend sections 63 and 64 of an act entitled “An act concerning public schools, and repealing certain acts relating thereto,” approved March 20, 1911, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 250–Mr. Bunce. Approved March 12, 1937.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to regulate proceedings in civil cases in this state and to repeal all other acts in relation thereto,” approved March 17, 1911, as amended, by adding thereto a new section to be numbered 105 1/2, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith. Assembly Bill No. 176–Mr. Smith. Approved March 12, 1937.



An Act relating to and providing for the general welfare of the State of Nevada and of the people thereof by providing for compulsory old-age assistance to needy aged persons in this state, as defined and provided for in this act; defining certain terms; designating the single state agency of this state to supervise the administration thereof, and defining the authority and duties thereof; providing for cooperation with the government of the United States in furnishing such pensions or assistance pursuant to the provisions of the so-called social security act of Congress, approved August 14, 1935; designating the boards, and other agencies, authorized to administer and supervise the administration of such assistance and defining the authority and duties thereof; defining the minimum amount of such need and assistance to each such needy aged person and the qualifications for eligibility therefor; authorizing the making and promulgation of rules and regulations relating to the administration of this act; providing for the establishment of certain state and county funds and regulating the expenditures therefrom; providing penalties for the violation of the provisions of this act; repealing a certain act and all other acts and parts of acts of this state in conflict herewith; and other matters relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 56–Senator Cobb. Approved March 15, 1937.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide for the assessment and taxation of the net proceeds of mines, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith,” approved March 15, 1927. Assembly Bill No. 5–Mr. Boak. Approved March 15, 1937.



An Act to withdraw from entry and sale the W1/2 of the W1/2 of the NW1/4 of section 10, township 36 north, range 38 east, M. D. B. & M., and to grant the same to Humboldt County, and other matters relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 219–Mr. Haviland. Approved March 15, 1937.



An Act relating to bond elections, providing for the manner of holding the same, defining the duties of certain persons in relation thereto, and other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 94–Senator Robbins. Approved March 16, 1937.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to regulate the practice of optometry and for the appointment of a board of examiners in the matter of said regulation,” approved March 17, 1913. Assembly Bill No. 76–Mr. Bacigalupi. Approved March 17, 1937.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act providing for the division of Clark County, Nevada, into educational districts, and providing for the government of the schools therein, and validating certain bonds of educational district number 1 of said Clark County, Nevada,” approved March 29, 1919, together with the acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto. Assembly Bill No. 210–Clark County Delegation. Approved March 17, 1937.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act fixing the compensation of the county officers of Elko County, Nevada, and regulating the employment and compensation of deputies and other employees of said officers, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith,” approved March 30, 1935. Assembly Bill No. 295–Elko County Delegation. Approved March 17, 1937.



An Act to authorize the acceptance of grants and donations to the State of Nevada for the use of the state library, and to accept the donation made by Major Max C. Fleischmann; and other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 298–Mr. Hussman. Approved March 17, 1937.



An Act to amend the title of and to amend an act entitled “An act to authorize banks, building and loan associations and other corporations to make and insure loans, advances of credit and purchases in accordance with the provisions of an act of Congress entitled ‘National Housing Act’ approved by the president on June twenty-seven, nineteen hundred thirty-four, to exempt such loans, advances of credit and purchases from the application of general statutes, articles of incorporation and bylaws, and to confirm and validate prior transactions,” approved March 18, 1935, and to add a new section thereto, to be designated as section 4, permitting the use of such loans, advances of credit, and purchases as security by any depositary of public funds and as other collateral. Assembly Bill No. 31–Mr. Bugbee. Approved March 17, 1937.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide a means of incorporating banks and trust companies; to authorize banks and trust companies to conduct certain kinds of business; to provide for the appointment of a superintendent of banks; to prescribe the powers and duties of the state board of finance relative to the business of banking; to conform the charters of banks and trust companies now operating under the laws of the State of Nevada to the provisions of this act; to incorporate herein the provisions of the general corporation law, as amended; to provide for the reorganization, incorporation of assets, and the liquidation of banks and trust companies in certain cases; to make the violation of the provisions hereof criminal offenses, and to prescribe the punishment therefor; to repeal certain acts and all acts or parts of acts in conflict herewith; and other matters relating to banks and trust companies,” approved March 28, 1933, as amended, together with the acts amendatory therefor or supplemental thereto. Assembly Bill No. 30–Mr. Bugbee. Approved March 17, 1937.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act fixing the method by which the charters of incorporated cities or towns may be amended,” approved March 15, 1927, and as amended March 6, 1929. Assembly Bill No. 185–Mr. Goodwin. Approved March 17, 1937.



An Act to provide for standard group accident and health insurance policies. Senate Bill No. 12–Senator Foy. Approved March 17, 1937.



An Act to amend the title of and to amend an act entitled “An act relative to reinsurance and the transaction of business by fire insurance companies or associations otherwise than through resident agents,” which became a law March 6, 1901, as amended by chapter 217 Statutes of Nevada 1919. Senate Bill No. 54–Committee on Judiciary. Approved March 17, 1937.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act providing for the adoption, recording, rerecording, transfer, and use of brands and marks on horses, mules, asses, cattle and hogs; defining the duties and powers of the state board of stock commissioners in connection herewith; providing penalties for the violation thereof; and repealing certain acts; and other matters properly relating thereto,” approved February 19, 1923, as amended. Senate Bill No. 45–Senator Sadler. Approved March 17, 1937.



An Act for the relief of Fred S. Alward. Senate Bill No. 123–Senator Winters. Approved March 17, 1937.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide revenue for the support of the government of the State of Nevada and to repeal certain acts relating thereto,” approved March 23, 1891, together with the acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto. Senate Bill No. 46–Senator Miller. Approved March 17, 1937.



An Act to amend section 4 of an act entitled “An act to amend sections 32, 34, 36, 39, 45, 53, and 54 of an act entitled ‘An act to provide revenue for the support of the government of the State of Nevada, and to repeal certain acts relating thereto,’ approved March 23, 1891, being, respectively, sections 6440, 6442, 6444, 6447, 6453, 6460, and 6461 Nevada Compiled Laws 1929,” approved March 29, 1933, being chapter 99 of the 1933 Statutes of Nevada, page 120. Senate Bill No. 71–Storey and Lyon County Delegations. Approved March 17, 1937.



An Act fixing the mileage allowances of all county officers of Pershing County, Nevada, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith. Senate Bill No. 97–Senator Foster. Approved March 17, 1937.



An Act to amend section 5 of an act entitled “An act relating to bond elections, providing for the manner of holding the same, defining the duties of certain persons in relation thereto, and other matters properly relating thereto,” approved March 16, 1937. Senate Bill No. 145–Senator Robbins. Approved March 19, 1937.



An Act authorizing the district attorney of Lander County to employ a stenographer, providing the duties of such stenographer, and fixing the salary therefor. Assembly Bill No. 328–Mr. Tandy. Approved March 19, 1937.



An Act to amend section 3 of an act entitled “An act to amend the title of an act entitled ‘An act concerning mortgages of personal property, providing for their recordation, and other matters relating thereto, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith,’ approved March 8, 1923, together with the acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto, and to amend sections 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 of said act, and to repeal sections 6, 7, and 7a thereof,” approved March 27, 1935. Senate Bill No. 33–Senator Miller. Approved March 19, 1937.



An Act to amend section 8 of an act entitled “An act to create a state board of health, defining their duties, prescribing the manner of the appointments of its officers, fixing their compensation, making an appropriation for the support of said board, establishing county boards of health, requiring certain statements to be filed, defining certain misdemeanors and providing penalties therefor, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 27, 1911, 392. Senate Bill No. 25–Senator Foy. Approved March 19, 1937.



An Act to amend section 12 of an act entitled “An act regulating the practice of medicine, surgery and obstetrics in the State of Nevada; providing for the appointment of a state board of medical examiners and defining their duties; providing for the issuing of licenses to practice medicine; defining the practice of medicine; defining certain misdemeanors and providing penalties, and repealing all other acts or parts of acts in conflict therewith,” approved March 4, 1905, said section 12 being section 4101 Nevada Compiled Laws 1929, as amended Statutes 1929, pages 38, 40, and Statutes 1931, pages 345, 346. Senate Bill No. 93–Senator Sawyer. Approved March 19, 1937.



An Act to amend section 2 of an act entitled “An act providing for the supervision, management, government, control and maintenance of county hospitals, county isolation hospitals, county homes for the indigent sick, county workhouses for indigents, and county poor farms in each county where a tax has been or is hereafter authorized by the voters to establish and maintain a public hospital,” approved March 11, 1931. Assembly Bill No. 317–Washoe County Delegation. Approved March 19, 1937.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to define, regulate, and license real estate brokers and real estate salesmen; to create a state real estate board, and to provide a penalty for the violation of the provisions hereof,” approved March 10, 1923. Assembly Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 46–Committee on Insurance. Approved March 19, 1937.



An Act to amend section 3 of an act entitled “An act to fix the fees and mileage of witnesses and jurors, providing the manner of payment thereof, and to repeal all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith,” approved March 26, 1919, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 318–Mr. Thruston. Approved March 19, 1937.



An Act to amend section 266 of an act entitled “An act to regulate proceedings in civil cases in this state, and to repeal all other acts in relation thereto,” approved March 17, 1911. Assembly Bill No. 323–Mr. Thruston. Approved March 19, 1937.



An Act authorizing the state land register to exchange state lands for lands of the United States pursuant to the Taylor grazing act; providing for certain reservation of rights to the state, and other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 268–Mr. Agee. Approved March 20, 1937.



An Act to regulate and fix the fees of the county clerk of White Pine County and ex officio clerk of the Seventh judicial district court, in the State of Nevada, and to repeal all other acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith. Assembly Bill No. 315–White Pine County Delegation. Approved March 22, 1937.



An Act fixing the salaries and compensation of certain officers of Storey County, Nevada, and matters relating thereto, and repealing all acts in conflict herewith. Assembly Bill No. 341–Mr. Lynch. Approved March 22, 1937.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act concerning public schools, and repealing certain acts relating thereto,” approved March 20, 1911, together with the acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto. Assembly Bill No. 209–Messrs. Russell and Wheeler. Approved March 22, 1937.



An Act for the relief of Florence Peacock. Assembly Bill No. 217–Committee on Education. Approved March 22, 1937.



An Act authorizing the board of education of Humboldt County, Nevada, to build, construct, and equip an addition to the Humboldt County high school, said building to be used for a gymnasium and heating plant; make all repairs deemed necessary to said high school building; directing the board of county commissioners of Humboldt County to provide for the issuance and sale of the bonds of the county for such purposes; authorizing the county commissioners to enter into contracts with the United States in relation hereto; directing the county commissioners to make a tax levy to pay such bonds and interest; and authorizing and directing the county commissioners to call a special election, submitting such bond proposal to the electors of said county, and other matters relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 128–Humboldt County Delegation. Approved March 22, 1937.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to amend sections 3, 11, 12, 25, 35, 51, 53, 54, 69, 74, 79, 91, and 92 of an act entitled ‘An act relating to and providing for the protection, propagation, restoration, domestication, introduction, purchase, and disposition of wild animals, wild birds and fish; creating certain offices, providing the method of selecting the officers therefor, defining the powers and duties of certain officers and other persons; defining certain terms; providing for the licensing of and regulating of hunting, trapping, game farming and game fishing; authorizing the establishment, control and regulation of private fish hatcheries, state recreation grounds, sanctuaries and refuges, and the closing, opening and shortening of hunting and fishing seasons; regulating the transportation and possession of wild animals, wild birds and game fish; providing for the condemnation of property for certain purposes; providing for instruction in the game laws of this state in the public schools of this state; establishing certain funds and regulating expenditures therefrom, providing penalties for violation thereof, and repealing certain acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith,’ approved March 29, 1929,” as amended and approved March 28, 1933. Assembly Bill No. 91–Mr. Oldham. Approved March 22, 1937.



An Act providing for an appropriation for the payment for rentals for armory headquarters of companies “E” and “F,” 115th engineers, Nevada national guard, stationed at Lovelock and Winnemucca, respectively. Assembly Bill No. 167–Mr. Tallman. Approved March 22, 1937.



An Act creating a board to be known as the state planning board, defining its duties, powers, and jurisdiction, and making an appropriation for the expenses thereof, and other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 218–Mr. Farndale. Approved March 22, 1937.



An Act to amend sections 6 and 7 of an act entitled “An act relating to officers, their qualifications, times of election, terms of office, official duties, resignations, removals, vacancies in office, and the mode of supplying the same, misconduct in office, and to enforce official duty,” approved March 9, 1866, and repealing all acts in conflict herewith. Assembly Bill No. 246–Mr. Tapscott. Approved March 22, 1937.



An Act to amend sections 1, 10 and 25 of an act entitled “An act to incorporate Carson City,” approved February 25, 1875, as amended March 2, 1877, as amended March 5, 1879, as amended March 6, 1889, as amended March 8, 1895, as amended March 17, 1905, as amended February 28, 1907, as amended March 28, 1907, as amended March 11, 1921, as amended March 29, 1929, as amended March 24, 1931. Assembly Bill No. 275–Mr. Rochon. Approved March 22, 1937.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to enable counties to establish and maintain public hospitals, levy a tax and issue bonds therefor, elect hospital trustees, maintain a training school for nurses, and provide suitable means for the care of such hospitals and of disabled persons, and repealing a certain act,” approved March 27, 1929, as amended by chapter 143 Statutes of Nevada 1931, page 231. Assembly Bill No. 286–Washoe County Delegation. Approved March 22, 1937.



An Act to repeal an act entitled “An act providing for the sanitation of food-producing establishments, places where food is stored, prepared, kept or manufactured and in which food is distributed; regulating the health of persons by whom the materials from which food is prepared or the finished product is handled; providing for the inspection of such places, persons and things; requiring certificates of health for employees therein, defining the duties of certain persons in relation hereto, providing penalties for the violations hereof, and other matters properly relating thereto,” approved March 30, 1935. Assembly Bill No. 313–Committee on State Institutions. Approved March 22, 1937.



An Act requiring persons taking wild animals by means of traps, snares and other devices to remove animals taken therein at least once in each week; providing penalties for the violation hereof, and other matters relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 329–Mr. Tandy. Approved March 22, 1937.



An Act for the relief of Judge J. Emmett Walsh. Assembly Bill No. 17–Mr. O’Meara. Approved March 22, 1937.



An Act authorizing unincorporated towns to acquire, construct, reconstruct, improve, better and extend certain revenue-producing undertakings; to maintain and operate the same and to prescribe, revise and collect rates, fees, tolls and charges for the services, facilities and commodities furnished thereby, and in anticipation of the collection of the revenues thereof to issue bonds payable solely from such revenues; regulating the issuance of such bonds; providing for the submission thereof to the electors of said town, and providing for their payment and for the rights of the holders thereof, and other matters necessary in the premises. Senate Bill No. 159–Senator Keenan. Approved March 22, 1937.



An Act authorizing the public service commission to cooperate with certain designated federal commissions and agencies, creating a revolving fund for the expenses thereof, and other matters properly related thereto. Senate Bill No. 98–Senator Sawyer. Approved March 22, 1937.



An Act authorizing the board of state prison commissioners to purchase a certain lot of land in Ormsby County, Nevada, with the water thereon, adjacent to the state prison farm, making an appropriation therefor, and other matters properly connected therewith. Assembly Bill No. 265–Mr. Townshend. Approved March 22, 1937.



An Act authorizing the board of state prison commissioners to purchase and install metal bars, where necessary, in the cells at the state prison, making an appropriation therefor, and other matters properly connected therewith. Assembly Bill No. 266–Mr. Townshend. Approved March 22, 1937.



An Act to amend section 2 of an act entitled “An act to fix the fees and mileage of witnesses and jurors, providing the manner of payment thereof, and to repeal all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith,” approved March 26, 1919. Assembly Bill No. 61–Committee on Judiciary. Approved March 22, 1937.



An Act authorizing the superintendent of police of the Nevada state police to execute in the name of the State of Nevada an application to the federal communications commission of the United States of America for a radio station construction permit to construct in the city of Reno a police radio transmitter of one kilowatt power to broadcast to mobile police units of the State of Nevada. Senate Bill No. 127–Senator Foy. Approved March 22, 1937.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act providing for the government of the towns and cities of this state,” approved February 26, 1881, the same being sections 1231-1247 Nevada Compiled Laws 1929, by adding thereto a new section to be known as section 1a. Senate Bill No. 85–Senator Getchell. Approved March 23, 1937.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act providing for the creation of a state barbers’ health and sanitation board, defining the powers and duties of said board, defining certain terms, prescribing the terms upon which licenses or certificates of registration, health and sanitation may be issued to practitioners of barbering, creating county boards and declaring their powers and duties, prescribing penalties for the violation hereof, repealing all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 26, 1929, as amended by Statutes 1931, pages 26 and 349. Senate Bill No. 141–Senator Foy. Approved March 23, 1937.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act concerning the courts of justice of this state, and judicial officers,” approved January 26, 1865, together with the acts amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto. Assembly Bill No. 66–Mr. Tapscott. Approved March 23, 1937.



An Act concerning the resignation of justices of the supreme court and judges of the district courts within the State of Nevada, and providing for a pension for the same, and the manner of payment thereof. Senate Bill No. 139–Senator Ryan. Approved March 23, 1937.



An Act making the state board of health the state agency to administer crippled children’s aid program in conjunction with the federal government and providing state participation therein; providing the powers and duties of such agency and of the secretary thereof; making an appropriation therefor; and other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 73–Senator Sawyer. Approved March 23, 1937.



An Act authorizing the county commissioners of Mineral County, Nevada, to issue bonds for the purpose of constructing and equipping a municipal building in the town of Mina, in said county, to be used for such municipal purposes in relation to the public business of Mineral County as the county commissioners may from time to time direct, providing for a tax levy therefor, providing for the method of issuing such bonds and the redemption thereof, and other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 132–Senator Miller. Approved March 23, 1937.



An Act providing for the organization of fire protection districts upon certain lands within the State of Nevada, providing for the regulation thereof, defining the duties of certain persons in relation thereto, and other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 291–Messrs. Gray and Shelly. Approved March 23, 1937.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to incorporate the town of Las Vegas, in Clark County, and defining the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishing of a city government therefor, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 16, 1911, as amended. Senate Bill No. 90–Senator Ryan. Approved March 23, 1937.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act relating to and providing for the protection, propagation, restoration, domestication, introduction, purchase, and disposition of wild animals, wild birds and fish; creating certain offices, providing the method of selecting the officers therefor, defining the powers and duties of certain officers, and other persons; defining certain terms; providing for the licensing of and regulating of hunting, trapping, game farming and game fishing; authorizing the establishment, control and regulation of private fish hatcheries, state recreation grounds, sanctuaries and refuges, and the closing, opening and shortening of hunting and fishing seasons; regulating the transportation and possession of wild animals, wild birds and game fish; providing for the condemnation of property for certain purposes; providing for instruction in the game laws of this state in the public schools of this state; establishing certain funds and regulating expenditures therefrom, providing penalties for violation thereof, and repealing certain acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith,” approved March 29, 1929, together with all the acts amendatory thereof or supplementary thereto. Assembly Bill No. 115–Mr. Russell. Approved March 23, 1937.



An Act to amend sections 27 and 28 of an act entitled “An act relating to and providing for the protection, propagation, restoration, domestication, introduction, purchase, and disposition of wild animals, wild birds and fish; creating certain offices, providing the method of selecting the officer therefor, defining the powers and duties of certain officers, and other persons; defining certain terms; providing for the licensing of and regulating of hunting, trapping, game farming and game fishing; authorizing the establishment, control and regulation of private fish hatcheries, state recreation grounds, sanctuaries and refuges, and the closing, opening and shortening of hunting and fishing seasons; regulating and transportation and possession of wild animals, wild birds and game fish; providing for the condemnation of property for certain purposes; providing for instruction in the game laws of this state in the public schools of this state; establishing certain funds and regulating expenditures therefrom, providing penalties for violation thereof, and repealing certain acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith,” approved March 29, 1929, as amended. Senate Bill No. 111–Humboldt County Delegation. Approved March 23, 1937.



An Act to amend section 29 of “An act relating to and providing for the protection, propagation, restoration, domestication, introduction, purchase, and disposition of wild animals, wild birds and fish; creating certain offices, providing the method of selecting the officers therefor, defining the powers and duties of certain officers, and other persons; defining certain terms; providing for the licensing of and regulating of hunting, trapping, game farming and game fishing; authorizing the establishment, control and regulation of private fish hatcheries, state recreation grounds, sanctuaries and refuges, and the closing, opening and shortening of hunting and fishing seasons; regulating the transportation and possession of wild animals, wild birds and game fish; providing for the condemnation of property for certain purposes; providing for instruction in the game laws of this state in the public schools of this state; establishing certain funds and regulating expenditures therefrom, providing penalties for violation thereof, and repealing certain acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith,” approved March 29, 1929, as amended by the Statutes of 1933, page 283. Assembly Bill No. 173–Messrs. Lattin and Smith. Approved March 23, 1937.



An Act making the state board of health the state health agency for extending and improving the health of mothers and children in conjunction with the federal government and providing state financial participation therein; providing the powers and duties of such agency and of the secretary thereof; making an appropriation therefor; and other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 72–Senator Sawyer. Approved March 23, 1937.



An Act providing for the creation of a state welfare department; defining the powers and duties of such department; providing means of cooperation with the federal government and with the counties of Nevada in all matters concerning public assistance to needy individuals; authorizing the administration of funds appropriated or made available to said state welfare department; outlining the duties and authority of the state department and of the officers and employees of that department; making an appropriation for the support thereof; repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith; and other matters relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 67–Senator Cobb. Approved March 23, 1937.



An Act authorizing the board of county commissioners of each of the several counties in the State of Nevada to transfer surplus money from the county general fund and county indigent fund to the county old-age assistance fund; authorizing each county to issue bonds for the purpose of paying the county’s obligation under the “Nevada Old-Age Assistance Act”; authorizing a tax levy for the redemption of said bonds and to pay interest thereon; and other matters relating thereto; and repealing all acts or parts of acts in conflict therewith. Assembly Bill No. 231–Committee on Labor. Approved March 23, 1937.



An Act relating to unemployment compensation, creating unemployment compensation and administration funds and providing for the administration thereof; making an appropriation therefor; defining unemployment and providing compensation therefor; requiring contributions by employers to the unemployment compensation fund; creating the office of director, a board of review and providing for other officers and employees and defining their powers and duties; and other matters relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 93–Committee on Labor. Approved March 23, 1937.



An Act to amend sections 1 and 2 of an act entitled “An act supplemental to an act entitled ‘An act to regulate the settlement of the estates of deceased persons,’ approved March 23, 1897,” as amended, approved March 20, 1901. Senate Bill No. 95–Senator Foy. Approved March 23, 1937.



An Act to amend section 36 of an act entitled “An act providing a general corporation law,” approved March 21, 1925, as amended. Senate Bill No. 109–Senator Ryan. Approved March 23, 1937.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act concerning public schools, and repealing certain acts relating thereto,” approved March 20, 1911, together with the acts amendatory thereof or supplementary thereto. Assembly Bill No. 357–Elko County Delegation. Approved March 23, 1937.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide books, equipment, and materials free of charge to the pupils of the public schools and to provide for and encourage the economic use thereof, and fixing penalties for its infraction, and repealing an act in conflict herewith,” approved March 14, 1913, together with the acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto. Assembly Bill No. 304–Mr. Bunce. Approved March 23, 1937.



An Act authorizing boards of county commissioners to establish district high schools; granting county boards of education and county commissioners authority to provide funds to aid district high schools and to include in the tax levy for high schools provision for the necessary funds; repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith; and other matters properly relating hereto. Assembly Bill No. 302–Mr. Tapscott. Approved March 23, 1937.



An Act to amend section 81 of an act entitled “An act to regulate proceedings in civil cases in this state, and to repeal all other acts in relation thereto,” approved March 17, 1911, as amended. Senate Bill No. 103–Senator Robbins. Approved March 23, 1937.



An Act to authorize the board of county commissioners of Mineral County, Nevada, to issue bonds to provide for the purchase of certain road machinery designated as “Road Patrol,” for use upon the public highways within said county, providing for the levy and collection of taxes for the payment thereof, and other matters relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 133–Senator Miller. Approved March 23, 1937.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act fixing the salaries and compensation of certain officers of Douglas County, State of Nevada, and matters properly relating thereto, and repealing all acts in conflict therewith,” approved March 27, 1935. Assembly Bill No. 345–Mr. Hussman. Approved March 23, 1937.



An Act to amend section 1 of an act entitled “An act providing for the creation and appointment by the governor of a board to be known as the state board of relief, work planning, and pension control; defining the powers and duties of said board; authorizing the appointment of an advisory committee; authorizing, in counties where the state board deems advisable, the appointment of county boards of relief, work planning, and pension control, and defining their powers and duties; repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 28, 1935. Assembly Bill No. 342–Mrs. Washburn. Approved March 23, 1937.



An Act providing for the adoption of a prevailing wage for employment on state, county, city, municipal or other public work in the State of Nevada, defining prevailing wage, providing a penalty for the violation of the provisions hereof, and other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 36–Mr. Farndale. Approved March 24, 1937.



An Act ceding to the United States jurisdiction of this State over certain lands acquired by the United States for a post-office site at Lovelock, Nevada. Senate Bill No. 158–Senator Foster. Approved March 24, 1937.



An Act concerning and relating to Lincoln County officers, providing for the appointment of their deputies, and defining the duties of said officers and deputies, and fixing their compensation. Assembly Bill No. 358–Lincoln County Delegation. Approved March 24, 1937.



An Act authorizing the board of county commissioners of Lincoln County, Nevada, to build, construct, and equip a county courthouse; providing for the issuance and sale of the bonds of the county for such purposes; authorizing the county to enter into contracts with the United States; authorizing and directing the levy of a tax to pay such bonds and interest; and authorizing the county commissioners to call a special election submitting said bond proposal to the electors of said county; and other matters related thereto. Assembly Bill No. 355–Lincoln County Delegation. Approved March 24, 1937.



An Act authorizing the board of county commissioners of Lincoln County, Nevada, to build, construct, and equip a county hospital; providing for the issuance and sale of the bonds of the county for such purposes; authorizing the county to enter into contracts with the United States; authorizing and directing the levy of a tax to pay such bonds and interest; and authorizing the county commissioners to call a special election submitting said bond proposal to the electors of said county; and other matters related thereto. Assembly Bill No. 354–Lincoln County Delegation. Approved March 24, 1937.



An Act authorizing and empowering the board of county commissioners of the county of Lincoln in the State of Nevada, acting as a town board for the town of Pioche, Nevada, to issue and sell bonds of the town of Pioche, Lincoln County, Nevada, for the purposes of constructing and installing a sewer system in the town of Pioche, providing for the levy and collection of taxes for the payment thereof, and other matters properly relating thereto, and providing for an election therefor. Assembly Bill No. 346–Lincoln County Delegation. Approved March 24, 1937.



An Act authorizing and empowering the board of county commissioners of the county of Lincoln in the State of Nevada, acting as a town board for the town of Panaca, Nevada, to issue and sell bonds of the town of Panaca, Lincoln County, Nevada, for the purpose of constructing and installing a water system in the town of Panaca, providing for the levy and collection of taxes for the payment thereof, and other matters properly relating thereto, and providing for an election therefor. Assembly Bill No. 347–Lincoln County Delegation. Approved March 24, 1937.



An Act to authorize the transfer of a balance of a fund appropriated under chapter 39, 1931 Statutes of Nevada, page 46, for the purpose of a geological recognizance and topographical survey in cooperation with the United States geological survey to the general fund of the state. Assembly Bill No. 244–Committee on Ways and Means. Approved March 24, 1937.



An Act appropriating money to pay the balance of court costs and expenses heretofore allowed by the court but remaining unpaid in the Little Humboldt river water adjudication, and providing for the refund thereof out of taxes levied against the property of the water users along said stream system; and other matters relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 192–Mr. Tallman. Approved March 24, 1937.



An Act making an appropriation for the protection of livestock, game birds and animals, farm and range crops, for the control of rodents and other animal pests, for the control of diseases common to rodents and other animal pests that may be transmissible to other animals, or birds, or human beings, designating the state board of stock commissioners to administer same in cooperation with the federal government, and other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 184–Mr. Agee. Approved March 24, 1937.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide a law for the conservation of underground waters, providing for the casing and capping of artesian wells, defining the underground waters which are governed by the laws relating to the appropriation of the public waters of the state, providing a penalty for the violation of the provisions of this act, and prescribing the duties of the district attorneys in relation thereto,” approved March 24, 1915, together with the acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto. Assembly Bill No. 264–Mr. Cline. Approved March 24, 1937.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide a water law for the State of Nevada; providing a system of state control; creating the office of the state engineer and other offices connected with the appropriation, distribution and use of water, prescribing the duties and powers of the state engineer and other officers and fixing their compensation; prescribing the duties of water users and providing penalties for failure to perform such duties; providing for the appointment of water commissioners, defining their duties and fixing their compensation; providing for a fee system, for the certification of records, and an official seal for the state engineer’s office; providing for an appropriation to carry out the provisions of this act; and other matters properly connected therewith, and to repeal all acts and parts of acts in conflict with this act, repealing an act to provide for the appropriation, distribution and use of water, and to define and preserve existing water rights, to provide for the appointment of a state engineer, an assistant state engineer, and fixing their compensation, duties and powers, defining the duties of the state board of irrigation, providing for the appointment of water commissioners and defining their duties, approved February 26, 1907; also, repealing an act amendatory of a certain act entitled ‘An act to provide for the appropriation, distribution and use of water, and to define and preserve existing water rights, to provide for the appointment of a state engineer and assistant state engineer, and fixing their compensation, duties and powers, defining the duties of the state board of irrigation, providing for the appointment of water commissioners and defining their duties, approved February 26, 1907, and to provide a fee system for the certification of the records of, and an official seal for the state engineer’s office, and other matters relating thereto,’ approved February 20, 1909, approved March 22, 1913,” as amended by Statutes 1915 and by chapter 223, 1931 Statutes of Nevada. Assembly Bill No. 242–White Pine County Delegation. Approved March 24, 1937.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to require the registration of motor vehicles, trailers and semitrailers, and to require the payment of fees thereupon, imposing certain duties and obligations upon the owners of motor vehicles rented without drivers, to provide for the transfer of interest in and to motor vehicles, providing for the registration of manufacturers and dealers in motor vehicles, trailers and semitrailers, regulating the use of motor vehicles by nonresidents, making and constituting county assessors officers of the department and imposing certain duties upon them, creating a ‘Motor Vehicle Fund,’ and providing for the disposition thereof, to prevent the taking or injury of any vehicle without the consent of the owner; to provide for the duties and powers of vehicle commissioner and for the motor vehicle department; to regulate court proceedings in certain civil actions arising under this act; to provide penalties for violations of this act and to make uniform the law relating to the subject matter of this act; and to repeal all acts in conflict or inconsistent therewith,” approved March 27, 1931, as amended, approved March 25, 1933, as amended, approved March 30, 1935. Senate Bill No. 61–Senator Winters. Approved March 24, 1937.



An Act to amend the title of and to amend an act entitled “An act declaring the purpose and policy of the legislature relative to use of the public highways of the state in the carrying of persons and property thereon in motor vehicles, defining such vehicles and public highways, providing for the licensing of certain carriers thereon by the public service commission of Nevada and providing and defining its duties in relation thereto, providing license fees for the operation of motor vehicles in carrier service for hire and other service on the public highways of the state, providing for official inspectors and salary and allowances therefor, providing penalties for the violation hereof and other civil actions for the recovery of license fees herein, providing for the weighing of motor vehicles for license purposes by public weighmasters, and repealing all acts and parts of acts and certain acts of the legislature in conflict herewith; and other matters properly connected therewith,” approved March 23, 1933, as amended; approved March 28, 1935. Senate Bill No. 74–Senator Sawyer. Approved March 24, 1937.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide a general highway law for the State of Nevada,” approved March 23, 1917, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 349–Mr. Boak. Approved March 24, 1937.



An Act to authorize and permit corporations organized for the purpose of engaging in the public transportation of passengers or property or United States air mail by air or for operating a private or municipal airport or air navigation facility, whether intrastate or interstate, to acquire real estate or an interest therein, and prescribing the procedure therefor. Senate Bill No. 101–Senator Robbins. Approved March 24, 1937.



An Act to amend section 664 of an act entitled “An act to regulate proceedings in civil cases in this state and to repeal all other acts in relation thereto,” approved March 17, 1911, as amended in 1921. Senate Bill No. 100–Senator Robbins. Approved March 24, 1937.



An Act authorizing the deletion from the books of the Nevada state prison of an account with the Carson Valley bank in the sum of $873.45, said fund being known as the “Prisoners’ Fund of the Nevada State Prison,” and authorizing the deposit of future dividends received on said account in the general fund of the State of Nevada, and other matters relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 79–Senator Cobb. Approved March 24, 1937.



An Act authorizing an additional allowance for postage, express charges, newspaper, and stationery for the members of the thirty-eighth session of the Nevada Legislature. Senate Bill No. 167–Committee on Labor. Approved March 25, 1937.



An Act for the relief of Clarence Mabey and for the purpose of making an appropriation therefor. Senate Bill No. 163–Senator Ryan. Approved March 26, 1937.



An Act providing for a state fair at Fallon, Nevada, for the year 1938, making an appropriation therefor, and other matters relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 356–Mr. Smith. Approved March 26, 1937.



An Act providing for an appropriation for the compensation of certain persons for services rendered to the thirty-eighth session of the Nevada legislature. Assembly Bill No. 337–Mr. Rochon. Approved March 26, 1937.



An Act authorizing the state board of control to exchange certain state-owned land in the city of Yerington for land there situate belonging to the city of Yerington. Assembly Bill No. 333–Committee on Ways and Means. Approved March 26, 1937.



An Act to provide for the erection and furnishing of an industrial education building at the Nevada school of industry at Elko, Nevada; defining the duties of the board of control in respect thereto; making an appropriation therefor, and other matters relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 171–Mr. Tapscott. Approved March 26, 1937.



An Act authorizing and directing the state board of control to convey certain state property to Mineral County, Nevada, in exchange for property now owned by said county. Assembly Bill No. 335–Committee on Ways and Means. Approved March 26, 1937.



An Act supplementary to an act entitled “An act to incorporate Carson City,” approved February 25, 1875; providing for the construction, furnishing and equipping of a municipal auditorium and obtaining a site therefor; the submission of the question of creating bonded indebtedness therefor to the qualified electors of said city; the issuance and sale of bonds therefor; the payment thereof by the levy and collection of taxes; the acceptance of federal aid and donations; providing for the regulating, operating and maintenance of said auditorium, and other matters properly connected therewith. Assembly Bill No. 348–Mr. Rochon. Approved March 26, 1937.



An Act to amend, revise and reenact an act entitled “An act to authorize and regulate the deposit of state money in banks; to provide for the securing thereof; to provide for the conversion of securities and to repeal an act entitled ‘An act to authorize the deposit of state money in banks in this state, and to repeal all acts and parts of acts in conflict with this act,’ approved February 6, 1928, as amended, being sections 7030 to 7041, inclusive, N. C. L., and all amendments thereto,” approved March 30, 1935, being chapter 161 Statutes of Nevada 1935. Assembly Bill No. 256–Committee on Ways and Means. Approved March 26, 1937.



An Act authorizing the deletion from the books of the Nevada state prison an account with the Carson Valley bank in the sum of $918.57 known as the “Nevada State Prison Revolving Fund,” and authorizing the deposit of future dividends received on said account to the credit of the general fund of the State of Nevada, and other matters relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 78–Senator Cobb. Approved March 26, 1937.



An Act to provide for the payment of an account incurred by the Nevada state prison with the department of highways of the State of Nevada in the sum of $1,222.89, and other matters relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 83–Senator Winters. Approved March 26, 1937.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide for the organization and government of irrigation districts, for the irrigation and drainage of lands and other related undertakings thereby, and for the acquisition and distribution of water and other property, construction, operation and maintenance of works, diversion, storage, distribution, collection and carriage of waters; cooperation with the United States; and matters properly connected therewith, approved March 19, 1919, as amended,” by adding thereto a new section. Senate Bill No. 143–Senator Parker. Approved March 26, 1937.



An Act authorizing the governing authorities of counties, incorporated cities, school districts, and unincorporated towns and cities of the State of Nevada to fund or refund existing indebtedness by the issuance and sale of funding or refunding bonds; providing for the levying and collection of taxes for the payment thereof, and other matters relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 146–Senator Sawyer. Approved March 26, 1937.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide revenue for the support of the government of the State of Nevada; to control, license and regulate the importation and sale of wines, beers and intoxicating liquors into and within the State of Nevada; to provide for the issuance of importers’ and wholesalers’ licenses; to impose a stamp tax on the sale of such wines, beers and intoxicating liquors; to provide for state licenses, designating the type of licenses to be issued, the fee for such licenses, and persons to pay the same, the manner of collection thereof, and prescribing the duties to be performed by state and county officials in connection therewith; the disposition and apportionment of the funds derived therefrom; and all other matters relating thereto; to provide penalties for the violation thereof; and to repeal all acts or parts of acts in conflict herewith,” approved March 30, 1935. Senate Bill 157–Committee on Taxation. Approved March 26, 1937.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide revenue for the support of the government of the State of Nevada and to repeal all acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith.” Senate Bill No. 161–Senator Foy. Approved March 26, 1937.



An Act to amend section 44 of an act entitled “An act to amend an act entitled ‘An act to provide for the organization and government of irrigation districts, for the irrigation and drainage of lands and other related undertakings thereby, and for the acquisition and distribution of water and other property, construction, operation and maintenance of works, diversion, storage, distribution, collection and carriage of water; cooperation with the United States; and matters properly connected therewith,’ approved March 19, 1919, as amended.” Senate Substitute for Senate Bill No. 124–Senator Foy. Approved March 26, 1937.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to amend section 1 of an act entitled ‘An act to provide educational facilities for the children in the state orphans’ home and other matters properly connected therewith,’ approved March 20, 1911, as amended, being section 7599 Nevada Compiled Laws 1929,” approved March 30, 1935, being chapter 181, 1935 Statutes of Nevada. Assembly Bill No. 277–Mr. Rochon. Approved March 26, 1937.



An Act to repeal an act entitled “An act providing for the registering of public works contractors, and defining the term ‘public works contractors,’ providing the method of obtaining licenses to engage in the business of public works contracting, and fixing the fees for such licenses; providing the method of suspensions and cancelation of such licenses; and prescribing the punishment for violation of the provisions of this act,” approved March 27, 1931. Assembly Bill No. 207–Committee on Ways and Means. Approved March 26, 1937.



An Act providing for the transfer of certain moneys from the contractors’ license fund to the state highway fund and to the general fund of the State of Nevada. Assembly Bill No. 206–Committee on Ways and Means. Approved March 26, 1937.



An Act authorizing and empowering boards of school trustees of school districts of the first class, county boards of education, and boards of school trustees in charge of high school districts, and none other, to sell or lease real property owned or heretofore or hereafter dedicated for public school purposes. Assembly Bill No. 309–Mr. Moore. Approved March 26, 1937.



An Act creating a commission in the State of Nevada to be known as the state board of publicity, providing for the membership thereof, defining the powers and duties thereof, making an appropriation therefor, and others matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 316–Mr. Boak. Approved March 26, 1937.



An Act ceding to the United States jurisdiction of this state over certain lands to be acquired by the United States desired to facilitate the administration of the Nevada national forest affairs, reserving the right of taxation, and retaining civil and criminal jurisdiction over persons thereon except in certain cases; and other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 314–White Pine County Delegation. Approved March 26, 1937.



An Act to provide for the control, prevention and cure of venereal diseases; defining the powers and duties of the state board of health with reference thereto; providing for the granting of state financial aid for the control, prevention and cure of venereal diseases; making an appropriation therefor; prescribing penalties for violations of the act and for violations of the regulations issued thereunder by the state board of health; and other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 220–Messrs. Cline, Tapscott, and Bacigalupi. Approved March 26, 1937.



An Act to prohibit the removing, picking, cutting, destroying, or mutilating of any tree, shrub, plant, fern, wild flower, cacti, desert flora or any seeds, roots or bulbs of either or any of the foregoing, from any private land or lands belonging to or under the control of the State of Nevada or from any privately owned land, without permission; and providing a penalty for the violation hereof; and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith, and other matters relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 251–Mr. Hussman. Approved March 26, 1937.



An Act authorizing and empowering the boards of county commissioners of the several counties of this state to take care of, preserve, or promote the agricultural, mining, and other resources and advantages of their respective counties; providing ways and means for these purposes, and repealing acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith. Senate Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 271–Clark County Delegation. Approved March 26, 1937.



An Act providing for the investigation and control of injurious insect pests in the State of Nevada, and making an appropriation therefor. Assembly Bill No. 148–Committee on Agriculture. Approved March 26, 1937.



An Act making an appropriation to assist the state board of stock commissioners in combating certain livestock diseases constituting a menace to the public health. Assembly Bill No. 145–Committee on Livestock. Approved March 26, 1937.



An Act providing for the exhibits of the State of Nevada at the Golden Gate international exposition to be held near the city of San Francisco, California, in 1939, providing for the appointment of a board of commissioners and honorary directors, creating a board of directors, and making an appropriation for such exhibits, and other matters properly connected therewith. Assembly Bill No. 132–Mr. Baring. Approved March 26, 1937.



An Act relating to the transportation of neat cattle, horses, mules, asses, sheep or hogs, either dead or alive, upon the public highways of the State of Nevada; requiring a permit therefor, and providing penalties for the violation of this act; providing for the enforcement hereof, and other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 22–Committee on Livestock. Approved March 26, 1937.



An Act to promote the public safety by regulating the use by vehicles transporting inflammable liquids or gases or acids or explosive substances of grade crossings of public highways over steam railroad tracks within the State of Nevada; and providing penalties for the violation thereof. Senate Bill No. 165–Senator Bell. Approved March 26, 1937.



An Act for the relief of Russell Daggs (Al Russell Sport Shop), Aston Mattress Company, Huntington Laboratories of Colorado, Armanko Office Supply Company, A. W. Hesson Company, Compton Book Supplies. Senate Bill No. 166–Senator Robbins. Approved March 26, 1937.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to encourage and promote improvement in quality of livestock in the State of Nevada; to create the Nevada state livestock show board, and to provide for a state livestock show,” approved March 29, 1929. Senate Bill No. 164–Senator Robbins. Approved March 26, 1937.



An Act providing for the division of Douglas County, Nevada, into three county boards of education districts. Senate Bill No. 144–Senator Dressler. Approved March 26, 1937.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act defining public utilities, providing for the regulation thereof, creating a public service commission, defining its duties and powers, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 28, 1919. Senate Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 72–Senator Foy. Approved March 26, 1937.



An Act providing for the participation by the State of Nevada in the New York world’s fair to be held in New York City, New York, in 1939; providing for the creation of a state world’s fair commission, defining the powers and duties of said commission, and making an appropriation therefor, and other matters properly connected therewith. Senate Bill No. 142–Senator Robbins. Approved March 26, 1937.



An Act to amend section 41 of an act of the legislature entitled “An act to provide revenue for the support of the government of the State of Nevada and to repeal certain acts relating thereto,” approved March 23, 1891. Senate Bill No. 135–Committee on Agriculture, Irrigation, and Reclamation of Arid Lands. Approved March 26, 1937.



An Act to provide against losses to the state and its respective counties, townships, incorporated cities and irrigation districts through defalcation, misappropriation of funds or other wrongful acts on the part of officials; to provide for the issuance of surety bonds for state, county, township, city and irrigation district officials, establishing a fund therefor, and other matters relating thereto; and to repeal all acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith. Senate Bill No. 96–Committee on Agriculture, Irrigation, and Reclamation of Arid Lands. Approved March 26, 1937.



An Act fixing the salary of the judge of the First judicial district court of the State of Nevada. Senate Bill No. 81–Senator Dressler. Approved March 26, 1937.



An Act making a supplemental appropriation for certain miscellaneous purposes and for the use of the state board of control for the support of the civil government of the State of Nevada for the months of January, February, March, April, May, and June 1937. Senator Bill No. 27–Senator Winters. Approved March 26, 1937.



An Act making appropriation for the support of the civil government of the State of Nevada for the biennium ending June 30, 1939. Senate Bill No. 26–Senator Winters. Approved March 26, 1937.



An Act to amend section 5 of an act entitled “An act supplemental to an act entitled ‘An act relating to the state university and matters properly connected therewith,’ approved February 7, 1887, approved March 16, 1895,” as amended in 1925 and 1933. Senate Bill No. 32–Senator Marsh. Approved March 26, 1937.



An Act to provide for the disposition of community property. Senate Bill No. 106–Committee on Judiciary. Approved March 26, 1937.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act creating the office of labor commissioner of this state, providing for the appointment of such commissioner and other employees, defining their duties and fixing their compensation, and providing a penalty for the violation of its provisions, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 24, 1915, as amended, and by adding thereto a new section to be designed section 4 1/2b, approved March 27, 1935. Senate Bill No. 41–Senator Gibson. Approved March 26, 1937.



An Act to amend sections 5 and 6 of an act entitled “An act creating a department to be known as the state parks commission of the State of Nevada, designating the members thereof, the qualifications therefor, the method of appointing the same, their term of office, power and duties, providing for the expense thereof by making an appropriation therefor, providing a penalty for the violation thereof, and other matters properly relating thereto,” approved March 26, 1935. Assembly Bill No. 332–Committee on Ways and Means. Approved March 29, 1937.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act regulating the salaries of certain employees in the various state offices and departments,” approved March 30, 1929, as amended, approved March 24, 1931. Assembly Bill No. 263–Mr. Rochon. Approved March 29, 1937.



An Act to amend section 25 of an act entitled “An act defining the duties of state controller,” approved February 24, 1866, 96. Senate Bill No. 151–Senator Keenan. Approved March 29, 1937.



An Act to amend section 3 of an act entitled “An act concerning the office of secretary of state,” approved February 14, 1865, 149. Senate Bill No. 152–Senator Keenan. Approved March 29, 1937.



An Act to amend sections 2, 3, 4, and 5 of article III, sections 3 and 4 of article IV, section 2 of article V, section 2 of article IX, sections 7, 9a, 10, 10a, 10b, 10c, 10d, 10e, 10f, 10g, 10i, 10j, and 10k, of article XII, sections 3, 4, and 5 of article XIII, sections 3 and 4 of article XIV, section 3 of article XVI, section 2 of article XVII, sections 2 and 3 of article XVIII, and section 6 of article XIX, and to repeal section 10b 1/2 of article XII, and to amend article XVIII by adding thereto new sections to be known as sections 4 and 5 of article XVIII of an act entitled “An act to incorporate the town of Reno, and to establish a city government therefor,” approved March 16, 1903, as amended March 13, 1905, and as amended from time to time thereafter. Assembly Bill 133–Washoe County Delegation. Approved March 29, 1937.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act concerning the insane of the state, creating a board of commissioners for the care of the indigent insane, and to provide for the care of the insane,” approved March 25, 1913, as amended, and repealing certain portions thereof, and other matters relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 121–Senator Sawyer. Approved March 29, 1937.



An Act relating to employers, employees, workers and laborers and associations and combinations thereof; providing the right of adversary parties in labor disputes and negotiations to representation by representatives of such parties’ choosing; providing a penalty for the violation hereof. Assembly Bill No. 343–Mr. Whalen. Approved March 29, 1937.



An Act regulating the hours of service and fixing the minimum compensation therefor of females employed in private employment in this state, and providing certain exceptions thereto; providing the mode of payment of the compensation of such females, and providing compensation for female employees reporting for duty but not permitted to enter upon such duties; providing for special uniforms for female employees; defining the duties of certain persons in relation hereto; prescribing penalties for the violations thereof and other matters properly relating hereto. Assembly Bill No. 156–Mr. Whalen. Approved March 29, 1937.



An Act of the legislature of the State of Nevada consenting to the acquisition by the United States of certain described lands within the state for national forest purposes; reserving the right of taxation, and retaining civil and criminal jurisdiction over persons thereon except in certain cases; and other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 202–Mr. Tapscott. Approved March 29, 1937.



An Act to provide for the payment of retirement salaries and annuities to public school teachers of this state; providing and establishing the necessary funds and accounts, authorizing the levy of the tax therefor, and other matters relating thereto; creating the public school teachers retirement salary fund board and giving and granting certain powers unto said board; repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith, and specifically repealing sections 6003 to 6021, inclusive, Nevada Compiled Laws 1929, as amended. Senate Bill No. 42–Committee on Education, State Library and Public Morals. Approved March 29, 1937.



An Act directing the state treasurer and the boards of county commissioners of the several counties of the state to cancel certain claims for liability against the county treasurers of the various counties of the State of Nevada, directing the attorney-general of the State of Nevada, and the district attorneys of the respective counties of the State of Nevada, to perform certain acts in relation thereto and other matters properly connected therewith. Assembly Bill No. 282–Messrs. Haviland and Goodwin. Approved March 29, 1937.



An Act to amend the title of and to amend sections 2, 3, 5, and 6 of an act entitled “An act to provide for a state board of registered professional engineers,” approved March 29, 1919, and to add sections 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13; said sections being added providing for the granting of certificates to applicants desiring to practice professional engineering, requiring members of the profession to obtain seals, providing for the suspension or revocation of certificates; the board of registered professional engineers to hold hearings requiring all persons who practice professional engineering to obtain certificates, and providing penalties for the violation of the act, and other matters relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 84–Senator Ryan. Approved March 30, 1937.



An Act to declare the necessity of creating governmental subdivisions of the state, to be known as “soil conservation districts,” to engage in conserving soil resources and preventing and controlling soil erosion; to establish the state soil conservation committee, and to define its powers and duties; to provide for the creation of soil conservation districts; to define the powers and duties of soil conservation districts, and to provide for the exercise of such powers, including the power to acquire property by purchase, gift, and otherwise; to empower such districts to adopt programs and regulations for the discontinuance of land-use practices contributing to soil wastage and soil erosion, and the adoption and carrying out of soil-conserving land-use practices, and to provide for the enforcement of such programs and regulations; to provide for establishing boards of adjustment in connection with land-use regulations, and to define their functions and powers; to provide for financial assistance to such soil conservation districts, to declare an emergency requiring that this act take effect from the date of its passage, and for other purposes. Senate Bill No. 126–Senator Dressler. Approved March 30, 1937.



An Act relating to the liability of common carriers by railroad to employees and the dependents of such employees in cases of personal injury or wrongful death. Senate Bill No. 137–Senator Gibson. Approved March 30, 1937.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act relating to the national guard and the enrolled militia; to provide for the custody and care of the state armory building and grounds; to prevent the desecration of the flag of the United States and the flag of this state; providing penalties for the violation of the provisions hereof; repealing certain acts in conflict herewith, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 27, 1929, together with the acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto, and repealing sections 67 and 126a. Senate Bill No. 86–Senator Miller. Approved March 30, 1937.



An Act to fix the state tax levy for the years 1937 and 1938, and to distribute the said levy to the proper fund. Senate Bill No. 170–Senator Winters. Approved March 30, 1937.



An Act making appropriation for the support of the civil government of the State of Nevada for the fiscal years ending June 30, 1938-1939. Senate Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 99–Committee on Ways and Means. Approved March 30, 1937.