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Statutes of the State of Nevada - Thirty-Third Session, 1927








An Act to create a legislative fund. Senate Bill No. 1–Senator Cowles. Approved January 19, 1927.



An Act fixing and regulating the salary of the district attorney of Humboldt County. Senate Bill No. 11–Senator Peterson. Approved February 5, 1927.



An Act to amend section one of an act entitled “An act fixing the salaries of certain officers of Humboldt County, and repealing certain acts in relation thereto,” approved March 11, 1921. Senate Bill No. 12–Senator Peterson. Approved February 5, 1927.



An Act to authorize the transfer of certain moneys from “Mineral County Emergency Loan No. 3 Fund” to the “Mineral County High School Fund,” county of Mineral, State of Nevada. Assembly Bill No. 1–Mr. Hamlin. Approved February 5, 1927.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to incorporate the town of Sparks in Washoe County and define the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishment of city government therefor, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 15, 1905, and as amended by an act approved March 14, 1907, and as amended by an act approved March 16, 1909, and as amended by an act approved March 26, 1915, and as amended by an act approved March 13, 1917, and as amended by an act approved March 8, 1921. Assembly Bill No. 12–Mr. Hall. Approved February 5, 1927.



An Act to incorporate the consistory and other subordinate bodies or lodges of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Free Masonry in this state. Assembly Bill No. 3–Mr. David. Approved February 8, 1927.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide for the protection and preservation of game and wild birds, providing penalties for the violation thereof, and repealing all other acts or parts of acts in conflict therewith,” approved March 21, 1923, as amended March 21, 1925. Assembly Bill No. 5–Mr. Proctor. Approved February 8, 1927.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to incorporate the town of Sparks, in Washoe County, and define the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishment of city government therefor and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 15, 1905, and as amended by an act approved March 14, 1907, and as amended by an act approved March 16, 1909, and as amended by an act approved March 26, 1915, and as amended by an act approved March 13, 1917, and as amended by an act approved March 8, 1921. Assembly Bill No. 13–Mr. Hall. Approved February 8, 1927.



An Act to repeal an act entitled “An act to amend section 1 of an act entitled ‘An act to amend section 1 of an act entitled “An act relating to the location, relocation, manner of recording lode and placer claims, millsite, tunnel rights, amount of work necessary to hold possession of mining claims, and the rights of coowners therein,” approved March 16, 1897, and all subsequent amendments thereof; said section being section 2422 of the Revised Laws of Nevada, 1912,’ approved April 1, 1919, and by adding a section thereto to be known as section 1a,” approved February 23, 1925. Senate Bill No. 9–Senator Scott. Approved February 11, 1927.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to amend an act entitled ‘An act to amend an act entitled “An act to amend section nineteen, as amended March 26, 1915, of an act entitled ‘An act to incorporate the town of Sparks, in Washoe County, and defining the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishing the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishing of a city government therefor, and other matters relating thereto,’ approved March 15, 1905,” approved March 26, 1915,’ approved March 13, 1917,” by dividing section 19 of said act into sections 19, 19a, 19b, 19c, 19d, 19e, 19f, 19g, 19h, and 19i, and amending same by adding thereto a new section to be known as section 19j. Assembly Bill No. 14–Mr. Hall. Approved February 14, 1927.



An Act to amend section 54 of an act entitled “An act to regulate the settlement of the estates of deceased persons,” approved March 23, 1897, the same being section 5910 of the Revised Laws of Nevada, 1919, and to repeal all acts in conflict herewith. Senate Bill No. 5–Senator Henderson. Approved February 14, 1927.



An Act to amend certain sections of an act entitled “An act authorizing the board of examiners to issue and sell bonds to provide money to pay a portion of the cost of constructing a state highway system, and providing for the payment of said bonds,” approved March 28, 1919. Senate Bill No. 19–Senator Henderson. Approved February 15, 1927.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act fixing the salaries of the county officers of Lander County, State of Nevada, and other matters properly connected therewith,” approved March 23, 1917. Senate Bill No. 16–Senator Getchell. Approved February 15, 1927.



An Act to repeal an act entitled “An act concerning certain county offices and officers in the county of Churchill, State of Nevada, fixing the salaries and compensation thereof, and other matters properly relating thereto,” approved February 18, 1925. Assembly Bill No. 44–Mr. Maupin. Approved February 15, 1927.



An Act to amend section three of chapter two of an act entitled “An act to incorporate the town of Las Vegas, in Clark County, and defining the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishing of a city government therefor, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 16, 1911. Senate Bill No. 46–Senator Henderson. Approved February 16, 1927.



An Act to amend section one of an act entitled “An act providing for the publication of all bills allowed by the boards of county commissioners in this state,” approved February 1, 1893, being section 1541 of the Revised Laws of the State of Nevada, 1912. Senate Bill No. 33–Senator Pittman. Approved February 16, 1927.



An Act to amend section twenty-one of “An act to provide for the organization and government of drainage districts, and to provide for the acquisition, repair and development of canals, drains, ditches, watercourses, and other property, and for the distribution of water thereby for drainage purposes, and to provide for the levying of taxes, and for the issuing and sale of bonds thereof,” approved March 31, 1913, as amended. Senate Bill No. 24–Senator Carpenter. Approved February 16, 1927.



An Act to repeal section 2 of an act entitled “An act to amend an act entitled ‘An act to provide for the protection and preservation of game and wild birds, providing penalties for the violation thereof, and repealing all acts or parts of acts in conflict therewith,’ approved March 21, 1923,” approved March 21, 1925. Senate Bill No. 21–Senator Pittman. Approved February 16, 1927.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act authorizing the sale by any railroad corporation owning any railroad in this state, of its property and franchises, or any part thereof, to any other railroad corporation, whether organized under the laws of this state or of any other state or territory, or under any act of Congress; also, authorizing the corporation purchasing the same to operate such railroad, to build and operate extensions or branches thereof, and for the purpose to exercise the power of eminent domain,” approved March 1, 1899. Assembly Bill No. 40–Mr. Kennedy. Approved February 17, 1927.



An Act to repeal sections 8 and 10, and to amend sections 2, 4, 6, 11 and 17, of an act entitled “An act to provide for the incorporation of railroad companies, and the management of the affairs thereof, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 22, 1865. Assembly Bill No. 39–Mr. Kennedy. Approved February 17, 1927.



An Act to amend section 6 of an act entitled “An act requiring all corporations to file annually with the secretary of state a list of their officers and directors and a designation of resident agent, providing a fee therefor, and providing a penalty for the violation of the provisions of this act, and providing for the reinstatement of corporations whose charters have been forfeited under existing or preexisting laws,” approved March 21, 1925. Assembly Bill No. 18–Mr. Kennedy. Approved February 18, 1927.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to prohibit school trustees, state, county, municipal and township officials from employing or keeping in their employ any person or persons related to them within the third degree of consanguinity or affinity, and providing penalties for the violation of the provisions of this act,” approved March 16, 1925. Assembly Bill No. 16–Mr. Mackay. Approved February 18, 1927.



An Act to repeal an act entitled “An act to establish commissioner districts in the county of Lincoln, and providing for the election of the members of the board of county commissioners thereof,” approved March 21, 1921. Senate Bill No. 4–Senator Scott. Approved February 25, 1927.



An Act to amend section 22 of “An act to regulate the settlement of the estates of deceased persons,” approved March 23, 1897, by substituting for said section the uniform foreign probate act. Senate Bill No. 17–Senator Pittman. Approved February 25, 1927.



An Act to appropriate funds to defray costs and incidental expenses in connection with acceptance of lands from the federal government. Senate Bill No. 35–Senator Scott. Approved February 25, 1927.



An Act to amend section 5 of an act entitled “An act fixing the salaries of certain officers of Humboldt County, and repealing certain acts in relation thereto,” approved March 11, 1921. Senate Bill No. 47–Senator Peterson. Approved February 25, 1927.



An Act to authorize the district attorney of Elko County, Nevada, to employ an office stenographer, giving the board of county commissioners power to fix the compensation of said stenographer, and providing for the payment of the same. Assembly Bill No. 34–Elko County Delegation. Approved February 25, 1927.



An Act to amend sections 417 and 418 of an act entitled “An act to regulate proceedings in criminal cases in this state, and to repeal all other acts in relation thereto,” approved March 17, 1911, as amended March 10, 1923. Senate Bill No. 41–Committee on Ways and Means. Approved February 25, 1927.



An Act to amend section 16 of an act entitled “An act regulating the registration of electors for general, special, and primary elections,” approved March 27, 1917, as amended March 8, 1923. Assembly Bill No. 47–Mr. Boak. Approved February 25, 1927.



An Act to amend section 5 of an act entitled “An act relating to marriage and divorce,” approved November 28, 1861, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 58–Mr. Fanatia. Approved February 25, 1927.



An Act authorizing and directing the board of county commissioners of Washoe County, Nevada, to levy, for the fiscal year 1927, an ad valorem tax of twenty cents on each one hundred dollars of taxable property in Washoe County, Nevada, for the purpose of assisting in defraying the cost and expenses of an exposition to be held at Reno, Washoe County, Nevada, during the year 1927, and known as the “1927 Nevada Transcontinental Highways Exposition,” authorizing said county commissioners to appoint a board of governors of said exposition, defining and describing the duties of said board of governors; establishing a fund to be known as the “1927 Nevada Transcontinental Highways Exposition Fund,” and providing a method by which all moneys shall be drawn therefrom, disposing of any balance remaining in said fund after the payment of all expenses of said exposition, and authorizing and empowering the board of county commissioners of Washoe County to negotiate temporary loan or loans for carrying into effect the provisions of this act. Assembly Bill No. 71–Washoe County Delegation. Approved February 25, 1927.



An Act to amend section 1 of an act entitled “An act fixing and regulating the salaries of certain officers of Washoe County, Nevada, and the compensation of deputies and assistants in office,” approved March 23, 1909, as amended March 11, 1915. Assembly Bill No. 72–Washoe County Delegation. Approved February 25, 1927.



An Act to amend sections 2 and 3 of an act entitled “An act relating to the compensation of certain county officers in Washoe County, State of Nevada, and to repeal all acts in conflict therewith,” approved March 20, 1923. Assembly Bill No. 73–Washoe County Delegation. Approved February 25, 1927.



An Act to provide for enlarging and improving the Ely grade school building, and the equipment thereof, of Ely school district number 1, of White Pine County, Nevada, and to provide for the issuance and payment of bonds for the creation of a fund to be used for said purpose. Assembly Bill No. 77–White Pine County Delegation. Approved February 25, 1927.



An Act concerning the discharge of obligors bound for the same debt or liability, and to make uniform the law relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 13–Senator Getchell. Approved February 28, 1927.



An Act relating to transactions between a person acting on his own behalf and the same person acting jointly with others, and to make uniform the law relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 15–Senator J. H. Miller. Approved February 28, 1927.



An Act to amend section 1 of an act entitled “An act relating to the transportation of indigent insane persons and convicts,” approved February 15, 1875. Senate Bill No. 42–Committee on Ways and Means. Approved February 28, 1927.



An Act to repeal an act entitled “An act to provide for the payment of a bounty to encourage the boring of wells in searching for oil, and making an appropriation therefor,” approved March 22, 1921, being chapter 166, Laws of Nevada, 1921, as amended by an act approved March 1, 1923, being chapter 46, Laws of Nevada, 1923. Assembly Bill No. 65–Mr. Yeager. Approved February 28, 1927.



An Act to amend sections 2 and 8 of an act entitled “An act concerning certain county officers in the county of Churchill, State of Nevada, fixing the salaries and compensation, and other matters properly relating thereto,” approved March 26, 1919. Assembly Bill No. 94–Churchill County Delegation. Approved February 28, 1927.



An Act to amend section two (2) of an act entitled “An act withdrawing from sale and contract of sale all lands granted to the State of Nevada by the United States which have reverted to the state and which are subject to sale; prescribing the duties of the state land register respecting the same, and modifying all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith,” approved March 13, 1925. Assembly Bill No. 146–Mr. Hamlin. Approved February 28, 1927.



An Act to authorize the board of directors of the state orphans’ home to pay the expenses of administration of the estate of Henry Wood, deceased, and certain other expenses incidental thereto, and the expenses of any action or actions at law in connection therewith in order to secure to the State of Nevada and the state orphans’ home the benefits of said decedent’s will; and providing appropriations therefor. Senate Bill No. 55–Senator Fairchild. Approved March 4, 1927.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act relating to the office of adjutant-general of the State of Nevada, and repealing all other acts in relation thereto,” approved March 16, 1925. Assembly Bill No. 88–Mr. Hamlin. Approved March 7, 1927.



An Act authorizing cities and towns in the State of Nevada to levy a special tax for the maintenance or employment of a band for municipal purposes. Assembly Bill No. 36–Mr. Tranter. Approved March 7, 1927.



An Act to establish commissioner districts in the county of Mineral, and provide for the election therefrom of members of the board of county commissioners. Assembly Bill No. 99–Mr. Hamlin. Approved March 7, 1927.



An Act to provide for the extinguishment of fires and the organization of fire patrols in the various counties of this state; directing the county commissioners to appoint and fix compensation of fire wardens and other persons; authorizing sheriffs, fire wardens, national forest officers, and peace officers to draft male persons, and fixing penalty for refusing to assist in fighting fires; providing protection for disability to persons so engaged; and other matters relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 52–Mr. Yeager. Approved March 7, 1927.



An Act to empower the Nevada state board of stock commissioners of the State of Nevada to grant certain relief to J. J. Gubler. Assembly Bill No. 109–Mr. McGill. Approved March 7, 1927.



An Act to amend certain sections of an act entitled “An act to incorporate the town of Las Vegas, in Clark County, and defining the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishing of a city government therefor, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 16, 1911, as amended March 22, 1913, and further amended February 17, 1921, further amended March 5, 1923, and further amended March 11, 1925. Assembly Bill No. 33–Mr. Fanatia. Approved March 7, 1927.



An Act to provide for the keeping of slaughterhouses, and other places where meat is handled, in a sanitary condition, defining insanitary conditions, the unlawful possession of meat of sick or diseased animals, or fowls, providing penalties for the violations thereof, and other matters properly connected therewith. Assembly Bill No. 56–Mr. Swallow. Approved March 7, 1927.



An Act to amend section 1 of an act entitled “An act for the establishment, maintenance and operation of law libraries in the various counties of this state, and repealing all other acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith,” approved March 25, 1913. Assembly Bill No. 78–Mr. Fuss. Approved March 7, 1927.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act concerning the courts of justice of this State, and judicial officers,” approved January 26, 1865, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 76–Mr. Hart. Approved March 7, 1927.



An Act to provide for organizing parts of adjoining counties into high school districts, for the transfer of school money, and other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 2–Mr. Neeley. Approved March 7, 1927.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to regulate traffic on the highways of this state, to provide punishment for violation thereof, and other matters properly connected therewith,” approved March 21, 1925, by adding thereto an additional section to be known as section 19 1/2. Senate Bill No. 32–Senator Pittman. Approved March 7, 1927.



An Act to authorize the board of county commissioners of the county of Humboldt to levy a special tax annually for the support of the Humboldt County fair, to provide for the payment of the proceeds of such tax levy, and other matters connected therewith. Senate Bill No. 73–Senator Peterson. Approved March 7, 1927.



An Act to amend section 544 of an act entitled “An act to regulate proceedings in civil cases in this State and to repeal all acts in relation thereto,” approved March 17, 1911. Senate Bill No. 64–Senator Henderson. Approved March 7, 1927.



An Act to amend sections 20, 40 and 47 of “An act providing a general law on the subject of warehouse receipts, to be known as ‘The Warehouse Receipts Law,’ ” approved March 26, 1913. Assembly Bill No. 93–Mr. Whitacre. Approved March 8, 1927.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide a general highway law for the State of Nevada,” approved March 23, 1917, as amended and approved March 21, 1925. Senate Bill No. 82–Senator Peterson. Approved March 10, 1927.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act fixing the salary of the private secretary to the governor and making an appropriation therefor,” approved March 22, 1909, page 167 (Revised Laws, 4192-4193), and to repeal certain acts relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 89–Mr. Hamlin. Approved March 11, 1927.



An Act to amend section 104 of “An act concerning public schools, and repealing certain acts relating thereto,” approved March 20, 1911, as amended Statutes 1917, pp. 398, 399. Assembly Bill No. 21–Mrs. McGuire. Approved March 15, 1927.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide for free public libraries in counties, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 21, 1925. Assembly Bill No. 28–Mr. McGill. Approved March 15, 1927.



An Act to amend section 10 of an act entitled “An act to amend an act entitled ‘An act to provide for the protection and preservation of game and wild birds, providing penalties for the violation thereof, and repealing all other acts or parts of acts in conflict therewith,’ approved March 21, 1923,” as amended March 21, 1925. Assembly Bill No. 95–Mr. Proctor. Approved March 15, 1927.



An Act to amend section 45 of an act entitled “An act relating to elections,” approved March 24, 1917. Assembly Bill No. 108–Mr. Hamlin. Approved March 15, 1927.



An Act to provide for the appointment of agents for the distribution of antitoxin in each of the counties of Nevada, making an appropriation therefor, and other matters relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 110–Mr. Maupin. Approved March 15, 1927.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to regulate the racing of horses in the State of Nevada, and to establish a state racing commission, and to define its powers and duties, and prescribing a penalty for violation therefor, approved February 20, 1915,” approved March 23, 1917. Assembly Bill No. 116–Mr. Maupin. Approved March 15, 1927.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to regulate proceedings in criminal cases in this state and to repeal all other acts in relation thereto,” approved March 17, 1911, by adding thereto a new section, to be known as section 59a. Assembly Bill No. 117–Mr. Maupin. Approved March 15, 1927.



An Act to amend sections 1 and 2 of an act entitled “An act to provide a board of fish and game commissioners, defining their powers and duties; providing for the appointment of fish and game wardens and prescribing their powers and duties, providing for the payment of their salaries and expenses, and repealing all acts in conflict herewith,” approved March 28, 1921. Assembly Bill No. 174–Mr. Groesbeck. Approved March 10, 1927.



An Act to amend sections 20 and 29 of an act entitled “An act to provide for the protection and preservation of fish and game, providing penalties for the violation thereof, and repealing all acts or parts of acts in conflict herewith,” approved March 27, 1917, as amended March 23, 1921, as further amended March 4, 1925; adding two new sections thereto to be known as sections 29a and 29b. Assembly Bill No. 114–Mr. Groesbeck. Approved March 10, 1927.



An Act authorizing the filing of notices of liens for taxes payable to the United States of America and certificates discharging such liens, and to make uniform the law relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 62–Mr. Mackay. Approved March 10, 1927.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide a general highway law for the State of Nevada,” approved March 23, 1917, as amended by acts approved February 21, 1919, March 27, 1919, February 16, 1921, March 11, 1921, March 14, 1921, March 23, 1921, March 23, 1921, March 25, 1921, March 26, 1923, February 28, 1925, March 21, 1925, March 21, 1925, March 21, 1925. Senate Bill No. 85–Senator Getchell. Approved March 10, 1927.



An Act authorizing the issuance of bonds of Las Vegas school district No. 12, Clark County, Nevada. Senate Bill No. 70–Senator Henderson. Approved March 10, 1927.



An Act validating the creation and organization of educational district No. 2, Clark County, Nevada, and authorizing the issuance of bonds of said district. Senate Bill No. 69–Senator Henderson. Approved March 10, 1927.



An Act to empower the board of trustees of Reno school district number ten to purchase a lot at a cost not to exceed one hundred twenty-five dollars, and to erect thereon a small school building. Assembly Bill No. 124–Mr. Hart. Approved March 15, 1927.



An Act to amend section eighty of an act entitled “An act to regulate proceedings in civil cases in this state, and to repeal all other acts in relation thereto,” approved March 17, 1911, as amended by an act approved March 13, 1913. Assembly Bill No. 128–Mr. Kennedy. Approved March 15, 1927.



An Act authorizing and empowering the city of Reno, county of Washoe, State of Nevada, to vacate and dispose of an unused portion of a street in the city of Reno. Assembly Bill No. 147–Washoe County Delegation. Approved March 15, 1927.



An Act to authorize and direct the board of school trustees of Lyon County high school district No. 3, of Lyon County, State of Nevada, to issue bonds for the purpose of liquidating, canceling, and retiring floating indebtedness outstanding in said district. Assembly Bill No. 157–Mr. Yeager. Approved March 15, 1927.



An Act to repeal an act entitled “An act fixing the salary of the constable in and for Goldfield township, Esmeralda County, State of Nevada, and providing for payment thereof,” approved March 20, 1909, as amended March 10, 1913, as amended March 24, 1915. Assembly Bill No. 172–Esmeralda County Delegation. Approved March 15, 1927.



An Act to repeal an act entitled “An act fixing the salary of the justice of the peace of Goldfield township, Esmeralda County, State of Nevada, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith,” approved March 13, 1913, as amended by an act approved March 15, 1915. Assembly Bill No. 173–Esmeralda County Delegation. Approved March 15, 1927.



An Act to provide for the assessment and taxation of the net proceeds of mines, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith. Senate Bill No. 27–Senator John H. Miller. Approved March 15, 1927.



An Act authorizing the board of commissioners of the Nevada hospital for mental diseases to construct a sewage disposal plant for said institution; making an appropriation therefor; and authorizing said board to pay from said appropriation, in addition to construction, costs and expenses of making a survey; and other matters relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 53–Senator Friedhoff. Approved March 15, 1927.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act granting a franchise to Elko-Lamoille power company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Nevada, its successors and assigns, to construct, maintain and operate an electric light, heat, and power line, and a telephone line in connection therewith, from Lamoille Creek, in Elko County, to and into the town of Elko, along, across, and under the highways, streets, alleys and certain lands between said termini,” approved March 12, 1913. Senate Bill No. 61–Senator Fairchild. Approved March 15, 1927.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide revenue for the support of the government of the State of Nevada and to repeal certain acts relating thereto,” approved March 23, 1891, as amended and approved March 26, 1923. Senate Bill No. 65–Senator Henderson. Approved March 15, 1927.



An Act for the relief of the land office of the State of Nevada. Senate Bill No. 74–Committee on Ways and Means. Approved March 15, 1927.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act concerning the courts of justice of this state and judicial officers,” approved January 26, 1865, and as amended February 13, 1907. Senate Bill No. 95–Senator Fairchild. Approved March 15, 1927.



An Act authorizing and directing the boards of county commissioners of the State of Nevada to fix the salary or compensation of township officers, and repealing all acts or parts of acts in conflict therewith. Senate Bill No. 99–Senator John H. Miller. Approved March 15, 1927.



An Act to amend section 8 of “An act prescribing rules and regulations for the execution of the trust arising under the act of Congress entitled ‘An act for the relief of the inhabitants of cities and towns upon the public lands,’ approved March second, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven,” approved February 20, 1869. Senate Bill No. 100–Senator Scott. Approved March 15, 1927.



An Act fixing the method by which the charters of incorporated cities or towns may be amended. Senate Bill No. 101–Senator Henderson. Approved March 15, 1927.



An Act for the relief of Dr. Roy W. Martin, C. P. Squires, E. W. Clark, George W. Malone, and True Vencill. Senate Bill No. 89–Senator Henderson. Approved March 16, 1927.



An Act to provide for an oil portrait of James G. Scrugham, ex-governor of the State of Nevada. Senate Bill No. 98–Senator Henderson. Approved March 16, 1927.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to regulate proceedings on motions for new trial and on appeal in civil cases,” approved March 8, 1923, by adding thereto additional sections to be known as section 1(a) and section 1(b). Senate Bill No. 72–Senator Henderson. Approved March 16, 1927.



An Act to amend section 5 of an act entitled “An act providing for the division of Clark County, Nevada, into educational districts, and providing for the government of the schools therein, and validating certain bonds of educational district No. 1 of said Clark County, Nevada,” as amended, 1921, approved March 29, 1919. Assembly Bill No. 85–Mr. Tobler. Approved March 16, 1927.



An Act to amend section 9 of an act entitled “An act concerning juries,” approved March 5, 1873, as amended March 11, 1925. Assembly Bill No. 126–Mr. Fanatia. Approved March 16, 1927.



An Act fixing the salaries and compensation of the county commissioners of Humboldt County, Nevada, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith. Assembly Bill No. 154–Mr. Mackay. Approved March 17, 1927.



An Act directing the mayor and city council of incorporated cities of this State to erect sewage disposal plants, to levy a tax and provide a fund for the construction of the same; providing a penalty for the failure of such city officers to comply with the provisions of this act; authorizing the removal of such officials from office by procedure in the district court; and other matters relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 54–Senator Friedhoff. Approved March 17, 1927.



An Act to amend certain sections of an act entitled “An act providing for the union of school districts, providing for the government of the schools therein, and providing for other matters relating thereto,” approved March 18, 1925. Senate Bill No. 71–Senator Henderson. Approved March 17, 1927.



An Act to authorize, empower and direct the board of county commissioners of Humboldt County, Nevada, to issue bonds to provide funds for constructing, repairing and improving that portion of route 18, as the same is now, or may be hereafter designated, and lying within said Humboldt County, Nevada. Senate Bill No. 83–Senator Peterson. Approved March 18, 1927.



An Act authorizing the board of county commissioners of the county of Elko to issue bonds to provide for the construction, equipment and furnishing of a high school dormitory in the town of Wells, Elko County, Nevada, and for the purchase of suitable lots for the same, and authorizing the county board of education of said county to purchase said lots and to construct, equip, and furnish said building. Senate Bill No. 94–Senator Fairchild. Approved March 17, 1927.



An Act to amend section 1 of an act entitled “An act proposing a legislative substitute for ‘An act affecting divorce and matters properly connected therewith, providing for interlocutory decrees of divorce in certain cases, and eliminating what are commonly known as short-term decrees in divorce cases, and repealing section 22 of an act entitled “An act relating to marriage and divorce,” approved November 28, 1861, as amended, and all other acts or parts of acts in conflict herewith,’ presented to this legislature by the secretary of state upon initiative petition under section 3 of article 19 of the constitution, and to provide for the submission of a legislative substitute by the secretary of state of the qualified electors for approval or rejection at the next general election,” approved March 28, 1921, enacted pursuant to direct vote of the people, general election, November 7, 1922. Assembly Bill No. 195–Mr. Guthrie. Approved March 18, 1927.



An Act appropriating three thousand five hundred dollars for the better protection of state property from destruction by fire, and other matters in relation thereto. Assembly Bill No. 120–Mr. Ellis. Approved March 18, 1927.



An Act making appropriation for the support of the civil government of the State of Nevada for the years 1927 and 1928. Senate Bill No. 122–Senator Fairchild. Approved March 18, 1927.



An Act providing for quarantine against the importation into or transportation through the State of Nevada of certain agricultural and horticultural crops, products, seeds, plants, trees or shrubs, or any article infected with, or which may have been exposed to infectious, contagious or destructive diseases, or infested with parasites, or insect pests, or the eggs or larvae thereof, dangerous to any industry in the state, providing a penalty for a violation of the provisions of this act, and other matters relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 132–Mr. Yeager. Approved March 21, 1927.



An Act providing for the investigation and control of the alfalfa weevil and other insect pests in the State of Nevada, and making an appropriation therefor. Assembly Bill No. 135–Mr. Fuss. Approved March 21, 1927.



An Act to amend section 42 of an act entitled “An act concerning courts of justice of this state, and judicial officers,” approved January 26, 1865, and being section 4862, Revised Laws of Nevada, 1912. Assembly Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 4–Judiciary Committee. Approved March 23, 1927.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to amend section 105 of an act entitled ‘An act to regulate the settlement of the estates of deceased persons,’ approved March 23, 1897, as amended,” approved March 11, 1921. Assembly Bill No. 31–Mrs. McGuire. Approved March 23, 1927.



An Act to amend section 5 of an act entitled “An act to provide revenue for the support of the government of the State of Nevada, and to repeal certain acts relating thereto,” approved March 23, 1919, as amended March 21, 1925. Assembly Bill No. 75–Mr. Hart. Approved March 23, 1927.



An Act to incorporate the town of Wells, in Elko County, and defining the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishing of a city government therefor, and other matters relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 123–Elko County Delegation. Approved March 24, 1927.



An Act to amend section 289 of an act entitled “An act concerning crimes and punishments, and repealing certain acts relating thereto,” approved March 17, 1911. Assembly Bill No. 63–Mr. Swick. Approved March 23, 1927.



An Act to regulate the salaries of certain county officials of Clark County. Assembly Bill No. 86–Mr. Fanatia. Approved March 23, 1927.



An Act forbidding deputies and employees of state, county and municipal officers from entering into any contracts or performing any acts inconsistent with loyal service, providing a penalty therefor, and other matters connected therewith. Assembly Bill No. 113–Mr. Ellis. Approved March 23, 1927.



An Act to provide quarters in the Nevada state building for all ex-service men’s organizations and their auxiliaries. Assembly Bill No. 127–Mr. Winter. Approved March 23, 1927.



An Act relating to mortgages on real and personal property, and to provide that certain agreements, covenants, obligations, rights and remedies thereunder may be adopted by reference. Assembly Bill No. 130–Mr. Kennedy. Approved March 23, 1927.



An Act relating to bonds issued by counties, cities, towns, school districts, and other municipal corporations, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith. Assembly Bill No. 133–Mr. Tranter. Approved March 23, 1927.



An Act to amend section 10 of an act entitled “An act to provide for the protection and preservation of fish and game, providing penalties for the violation thereof, and repealing all acts or parts of acts in conflict herewith,” approved March 27, 1917, amended March 23, 1921, and as amended March 4, 1925. Assembly Bill No. 139–Mr. Neeley. Approved March 23, 1927.



An Act to amend section 10 1/2 of an act entitled “An act to amend an act entitled ‘An act to provide for the protection and preservation of fish and game, providing penalties for the violation thereof, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith,’ approved March 27, 1917,” as amended by acts approved March 4, 1921, March 23, 1921, and March 4, 1925. Assembly Bill No. 149–Mr. Winter. Approved March 23, 1927.



An Act to amend section 15 of an act entitled “An act to provide a method for voting at any general, special or primary elections by qualified voters who by reason of the nature of their vocation or business or other causes are unavoidably absent from the polls in the county of their residence on the day of election, providing penalties for the violation thereof, and other matters properly connected therewith,” approved March 11, 1921, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 151–Mr. Guthrie. Approved March 23, 1927.



An Act fixing the salaries of the district judges of the second judicial district of the State of Nevada, in and for the county of Washoe. Assembly Bill No. 164–Washoe County Delegation. Approved March 23, 1927.



An Act to repeal an act entitled “An act to provide for the appointment of inspectors of hides, defining their duties and mode of compensation, and repealing a certain act,” approved March 15, 1915. Assembly Bill No. 167–Mr. McGill. Approved March 23, 1927.



An Act for the relief of T. M. Pickett. Assembly Bill No. 180–Mr. Ellis. Approved March 23, 1927.



An Act reapportioning senators and assemblymen of the several counties to the legislature of the State of Nevada. Assembly Bill No. 183–Mr. Yeager. Approved March 23, 1927.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act fixing the salaries and compensation of certain officers of Douglas County, State of Nevada, and matters properly relating thereto, and repealing all acts in conflict therewith,” approved March 28, 1919, and all acts supplementary thereto and amendatory thereof. Assembly Bill No. 190–Douglas County Delegation. Approved March 23, 1927.



An Act to repeal an act entitled “An act providing for the acquiring by the State of Nevada from the war department of the United States of certain war materials and trophies captured from the enemy during the world war,” approved March 16, 1925. Assembly Bill No. 193–Mr. Guthrie. Approved March 23, 1927.



An Act to amend section 29 of an act entitled “An act regulating the registration of electors for general, special, and primary elections,” approved March 27, 1917. Assembly Bill No. 192–Mr. Guthrie. Approved March 23, 1927.



An Act to provide an appropriation for furnishing certain rooms in the Nevada heroes memorial building. Assembly Bill No. 194–Mr. Guthrie. Approved March 23, 1927.



An Act to amend section 11 of an act entitled “An act to provide for the protection and preservation of fish and game, providing penalties for the violation thereof, and repealing all acts or parts of acts in conflict herewith,” approved March 27, 1917, amended March 23, 1921, amended March 4, 1925. Assembly Bill No. 202–Mr. Hussman. Approved March 23, 1927.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide a general highway law for the State of Nevada,” approved March 23, 1917, and all acts supplementary thereto and amendatory thereof. Assembly Bill No. 163–Mr. Hamlin. Approved March 23, 1927.



An Act to amend section 6 of an act entitled “An act regulating the nomination of candidates for public office in the State of Nevada,” approved March 23, 1917, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 201–Mr. Patterson. Approved March 23, 1927.



An Act to provide for the payment of deficiencies of the Nevada school of industry accrued in the year 1926. Assembly Bill No. 203–Elko County Delegation. Approved March 23, 1927.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act concerning the county offices in the county of Lyon, State of Nevada, consolidating certain offices in said county, fixing the salary and compensation of said officers, regulating the appointment of deputies and the compensation thereof, requiring the officers of said county to make report of all fees collected by them to the board of county commissioners, and other matters properly relating thereto, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith,” approved March 5, 1923. Assembly Bill No. 204–Lyon County Delegation. Approved March 23, 1927.



An Act to authorize the board of county commissioners of the county of Elko, State of Nevada, to issue bonds to provide for the acquisition of a site for and for the construction, equipment and furnishing of a high school building, in the town of Montello, Nevada, and authorizing the county board of education of said county to acquire a site for and to construct, equip, and furnish said building, and other matters properly connected therewith. Assembly Bill No. 205–Elko County Delegation. Approved March 23, 1927.



An Act to amend chapter 24, relating to “fraudulent and kindred crimes,” of an act entitled “An act concerning crimes and punishments and repealing certain acts relating thereto,” approved March 17, 1911, by adding a new section thereto to be numbered 439 1/2, respecting fraudulently claiming loss or presenting fraudulent proof of loss under policy of insurance, and providing a penalty therefor. Assembly Bill No. 207–Mr. Hart. Approved March 23, 1927.



An Act to amend section 69 of chapter II of an act entitled “An act to incorporate the town of Elko, in Elko County, and defining the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishing of a city government therefor, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 14, 1917. Assembly Bill No. 208–Elko County Delegation. Approved March 23, 1927.



An Act regulating the filling of vacancies in certain appointive offices or positions in the State of Nevada. Assembly Bill No. 214–Mr. Boak. Approved March 23, 1927.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to establish assembly districts in the county of Washoe, and providing for the election therefrom of members of the assembly for the State of Nevada,” approved February 10, 1917. Assembly Bill No. 215–Mr. Hall. Approved March 23, 1927.



An Act to fix the state tax levy for the fiscal years 1927 and 1928, and to distribute the said levy to the proper fund. Senate Bill No. 136–Senator Fairchild. Approved March 23, 1927.



An Act to amend section 4 of an act entitled “An act regulating the fiscal management of counties, cities, towns, school districts, and other governmental agencies,” approved March 22, 1917, as amended March 4, 1921, as amended February 26, 1925. Senate Substitute for Senate Bill No. 40–Committee on Education, State Library and Public Morals. Approved March 23, 1927.



An Act to amend section 15 of an act entitled “An act providing for interstate and intrastate quarantine with respect to domestic animals and other live stock, poultry, bees, and agricultural and horticultural crops, products, seeds, plants, trees or shrubs, or any article infected with, or which may have been exposed to, infectious, contagious, or destructive diseases, or infested with parasites, or insect pests, or with the eggs or larvae thereof, dangerous to any industry in the state; and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 31, 1913, as amended March 24, 1915, and as amended March 8, 1923, and adding a new section to said act to be known as section 18, making an appropriation for the carrying out of the provisions of said act. Senate Bill No. 106–Senator Friedhoff. Approved March 23, 1927.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to establish at the University of Nevada a state veterinary control service, defining its duties, and providing for the conduct of the same, and stating its relation to the state quarantine laws,” approved March 11, 1915, and to repeal certain sections of the same. Senate Bill No. 107–Senator Friedhoff. Approved March 23, 1927.



An Act to authorize the payment of costs and expenses for stenographic work and transcripts when required by law or court orders, costs, witness fees, or other expenses in connection with adjudication of water rights, creating a fund therefor, and other matters in connection therewith. Senate Bill No. 108–Senator Carpenter. Approved March 23, 1927.



An Act authorizing and empowering the state board of examiners to fix the amount of expense money for traveling and subsistence per day of state, county, district and municipal officers, representatives and employees while traveling on official business. Senate Bill No. 130–Senator Fairchild. Approved March 23, 1927.



An Act to repeal an act entitled “An act to authorize the board of county commissioners of Douglas County, Nevada, to issue bonds for Douglas County to provide funds for constructing and improving roads and highways and constructing bridges in Douglas County, Nevada,” approved March 18, 1925. Senate Bill No. 133–Senator Dressler. Approved March 23, 1927.



An Act to amend section 8 of an act entitled “An act concerning juries,” approved March 5, 1873, as amended March 14, 1879, as amended February 8, 1881, as amended March 16, 1915, as amended and approved March 29, 1919. Assembly Bill No. 51–Mr. Hamlin. Approved March 25, 1927.



An Act relating to the slaughtering of the meat of bovine animals; the keeping of a record by all slaughterhouses and butcher shops, the securing of annual permits by any person who slaughters and sells the meat of any bovine animal; the keeping of the hides intact after slaughtering any bovine animal; the exhibiting of hides when peddling the meat of any bovine animal; providing penalties for the violation thereof, and other matters properly connected therewith. Assembly Bill No. 55–Mr. Swallow. Approved March 25, 1927.



An Act for the advancement of agriculture, the livestock industry, and home economics; and the dissemination of knowledge and information in relation thereto in western Nevada; and making an appropriation therefor. Assembly Bill No. 64–Mr. Yeager. Approved March 25, 1927.



An Act to provide for the control, use and supervision of the Nevada state building constructed under the provisions of the act of the legislature of the State of Nevada entitled “An act authorizing the construction and equipment of a Nevada building in the city of Reno, and the collection of exhibits to be placed therein; authorizing a bond issue and a tax levy for same; and other matters properly related thereto,” approved March 2, 1925; creating a board of control thereof; providing an appropriation for carrying out the provisions of this act; and other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 129–Mr. David. Approved March 25, 1927.



An Act to provide for the erection and equipment of a new kitchen and commissary, for the completion of the men’s ward for the Nevada hospital for mental diseases, providing a bond issue therefor, and other matters properly related thereto. Assembly Bill No. 145–Mr. Proctor. Approved March 25, 1927.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act relating to public printing required by the counties, towns and cities of the State of Nevada, and providing a method of computing prices thereof,” approved March 18, 1925. Assembly Bill No. 150–Mr. Guthrie. Approved March 25, 1927.



An Act to amend section 5 of article IV of an act entitled “An act to incorporate the town of Reno, and to establish a city government therefor,” approved March 16, 1903, as amended March 13, 1905, as amended March 28, 1907, as amended March 24, 1913. Senate Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 161–Washoe County Delegation. Approved March 25, 1927.



An Act to amend sections 359, 360, 361, and 362 of and to add two new sections to be numbered 360 1/2 and 362 1/2 to chapter 19, relating to arson, forest and negligent fires, of an act entitled “An act concerning crimes and punishments and repealing certain acts relating thereto,” approved March 17, 1911. Assembly Bill No. 206–Mr. Hart. Approved March 25, 1927.



An Act to amend section 8 of an act entitled “An act to authorize the board of county commissioners of the county of Lander, State of Nevada, to issue bonds to provide for the acquisition of a site for and for the construction, equipment, and furnishing of a high school building, in the town of Austin, Nevada, and authorizing the county board of education of said county to acquire a site for and to construct, equip, and furnish said building, and other matters properly connected therewith,” approved March 9, 1925. Assembly Bill No. 216–Mr. Maupin. Approved March 25, 1927.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to regulate the settlement of estates of deceased persons,” approved March 23, 1897. Senate Bill No. 26–Senator Scott. Approved March 25, 1927.



An Act to repeal section 3 of an act entitled “An act authorizing the construction and equipment of a Nevada building in the city of Reno, and the collection of exhibits to be placed therein; authorizing a bond issue and a tax levy for same; and other matters properly relating thereto,” approved March 2, 1925. Senate Bill No. 29–Senator Cowles. Approved March 25, 1927.



An Act to amend section 407 of an act entitled “An act concerning crimes and punishments, and repealing certain acts relating thereto,” approved March 17, 1911, as amended April 1, 1925. Senate Bill No. 34–Senator Frank T. Miller. Approved March 26, 1927.



An Act to amend section 558 of an act entitled “An act concerning crimes and punishments, and repealing certain acts relating thereto,” approved March 17, 1911. Senate Bill No. 51–Senator Frank T. Miller. Approved March 25, 1927.



An Act to amend section 131 of “An act to regulate the settlement of the estates of deceased persons,” approved March 23, 1897. Senate Bill No. 86–Senator Berney. Approved March 26, 1927.



An Act fixing the salaries of the justices of the supreme court of the State of Nevada. Senate Bill No. 90–Senator John H. Miller. Approved March 25, 1927.



An Act to amend certain sections of an act entitled “An act to incorporate the town of Las Vegas, in Clark County, and defining the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishing of a city government therefor, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 16, 1911, as amended. Senate Bill No. 102–Senator Henderson. Approved March 26, 1927.



An Act in relation to claims of this state against the general government for war expenditures. Senate Bill No. 109–Senator Scott. Approved March 26, 1927.



An Act authorizing the issuance and sale of bonds for the completion of certain public utilities for Wadsworth school district No. 11, Washoe County, Nevada, the levy and collection of taxes for the payment thereof, and other matters relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 120–Senator Cowles. Approved March 25, 1927.



An Act to provide for the reversion of certain unexpended funds in the State of Nevada into the general fund of the State of Nevada. Senate Bill No. 123–Senator Fairchild. Approved March 26, 1927.



An Act to provide for the reversion of certain unexpended funds in the State of Nevada into the general fund of the State of Nevada. Senate Bill No. 124–Senator Fairchild. Approved March 26, 1927.



An Act to amend section 7 of an act entitled “An act creating a commission to be known as the Colorado river development commission of Nevada, defining its powers and duties, and making appropriation for the expense thereof,” approved February 20, 1923. Senate Bill No. 131–Senator Henderson. Approved March 26, 1927.



An Act to authorize the board of county commissioners of Douglas County to issue bonds to provide funds to aid in improving and constructing the state highway system in the county of Douglas, and other matters properly connected therewith. Senate Bill No. 132–Senator Dressler. Approved March 25, 1927.



An Act to authorize the board of county commissioners of Mineral County to issue bonds to provide funds to aid in improving and constructing the state highway system in the county of Mineral, and other matters properly connected therewith. Assembly Bill No. 212–Mr. Hamlin. Approved March 26, 1927.



An Act to amend sections 3, 19, 27, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 39, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 49, 51, 52, 53, 95, 96, and 97, and to repeal sections 48 and 65, of an act entitled “An act to provide revenue for the support of the government of the State of Nevada, and to repeal certain acts relating thereto,” approved March 23, 1891. Assembly Bill No. 213–Committee on Ways and Means. Approved March 28, 1927.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act concerning public schools, and repealing certain acts relating thereto,” approved March 20, 1911, as amended March 12, 1913, as amended March 22, 1921, as amended March 21, 1923, as amended March 18, 1925, as amended March 21, 1925. Assembly Bill No. 187–Mr. Edwards. Approved March 28, 1927.



An Act to promote the development of the egg industry in this state, to prohibit the sale of eggs unfit for human food, to prevent deception in the sale of eggs, to protect the consuming public in the matter of quality and weight, and to encourage greater consumption of eggs by regulating and standardizing the grading, classification, and labeling of all eggs displayed for sale; providing for the enforcement of this act; providing penalties for the violation of the provisions of this act, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict with this act. Assembly Bill No. 160–Mr. Tranter. Approved March 28, 1927.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide for the payment of retirement salaries to public school teachers of this state, and all matters properly connected therewith,” approved March 23, 1915, as amended 1919, as amended 1923, and inserting three new sections numbered four, five, and nineteen. Assembly Bill No. 143–Mr. Neeley. Approved March 28, 1927.



An Act to amend section 181 of an act entitled “An act concerning public schools, and repealing certain acts relating thereto,” approved March 20, 1911. Assembly Bill No. 142–Mr. Neeley. Approved March 28, 1927.



An Act to amend section 10 of an act entitled “An act to regulate banking and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 22, 1911. Senate Bill No. 60–Senator Dressler. Approved March 28, 1927.



An Act to amend section 4 of an act entitled “An act providing for the union of school districts, providing for the government of the schools therein, and providing for other matters relating thereto,” approved March 18, 1925. Senate Bill No. 66–Senator Henderson. Approved March 28, 1927.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act regulating the nomination of candidates for public office in the State of Nevada,” approved March 23, 1917. Assembly Bill No. 26–Mr. Neeley. Approved March 29, 1927.



An Act to amend section 11 of an act entitled “An act regulating the registration of electors for general, special and primary elections,” approved March 27, 1917, as amended March 27, 1919. Assembly Bill No. 48–Mr. Boak. Approved March 29, 1927.



An Act to amend section 21 of an act entitled “An act regulating the registration of electors for general, special and primary elections,” approved March 27, 1917, as amended March 8, 1923. Assembly Bill No. 49–Mr. Boak. Approved March 29, 1927.



An Act to amend section 2 of an act entitled “An act relating to elections,” approved March 24, 1917. Assembly Bill No. 81–Mr. DeVotie. Approved March 29, 1927.



An Act relating to transfers in trust of estates in real property to secure the performance of an obligation or the payment of a debt and to provide that certain covenants, agreements, obligations, rights and remedies thereunder may be adopted by reference, and other matters relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 131–Mr. Kennedy. Approved March 29, 1927.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to regulate proceedings in civil cases in this state and to repeal all other acts in relation thereto,” approved March 17, 1911, by adding thereto nineteen new sections to be numbered and designated sections 874a to 874r, inclusive, prescribing the procedure and duties of justices of the peace in certain cases, and repealing chapter 149, Statutes 1923, approved March 17, 1923. Assembly Bill No. 140–Mr. Tranter. Approved March 29, 1927.



An Act granting aid to the state agricultural society for the purpose of holding state fairs, the payment of premiums, and other purposes; and other matters connected therewith. Assembly Bill No. 153–Churchill County Delegation. Approved March 29, 1927.



An Act to amend section 5 of an act entitled “An act concerning public schools, and repealing certain acts relating thereto,” approved March 20, 1911, as amended. Assembly Bill No. 175–Mr. David. Approved March 29, 1927.



An Act to amend section 1 of an act entitled “An act to provide for the organization and government of irrigation districts, for the irrigation and drainage of lands and other related undertakings thereby, and for the acquisition and distribution of water and other property, construction, operation and maintenance of works, diversion, storage, distribution, collection and carriage of water, cooperation with the United States; and matters properly connected therewith,” approved March 19, 1919. Assembly Bill No. 176–Mr. Swallow. Approved March 29, 1927.



An Act to amend section 39 of an act entitled “An act to provide revenue for the support of the government of the State of Nevada, and to repeal certain acts relating thereto,” approved March 23, 1891, as amended March 2, 1917, as amended April 1, 1919, as amended March 21, 1925. Assembly Bill No. 177–Mr. DeVotie. Approved March 29, 1927.



An Act to amend section 10 of an act entitled “An act regulating the registration of electors for general, special, and primary elections,” approved March 27, 1917, as amended March 27, 1919. Assembly Bill No. 188–Mr. Neeley. Approved March 29, 1927.



An Act creating the office of commissioned abstracter; providing for the appointment of commissioned abstracters; fixing their term of office; defining the territory within which they may act; providing for fees to be paid for commission, manner of qualifying thereunder, and matter of record of such qualification; providing for an official seal; defining their powers and authority; and the matter of fees for services rendered; and providing for liability and for punishment in cases of wilful violation or neglect. Assembly Bill No. 191–Mr. Mackay. Approved March 29, 1927.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide revenue for the support of the government of the State of Nevada and to repeal certain acts relating thereto,” approved March 23, 1891. Senate Bill No. 38–Senator Henderson. Approved March 29, 1927.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide for the organization and government of irrigation districts, for the irrigation and drainage of lands, and other related undertakings thereby, and for the acquisition and distribution of water and other property, construction, operation and maintenance of works, diversion, storage, distribution, collection and carriage of water, cooperation with the United States; and matters properly connected therewith,” approved March 19, 1919, and all acts and parts of acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto. Senate Bill No. 62–Senator Berney. Approved March 29, 1927.



An Act to amend sections 1, 4, and 5, and to add a new section to be known as and called “Section 7a” of an act entitled “An act concerning mortgages of personal property, providing for their recordation, and other matters relating thereto, and repealing all acts or parts of acts in conflict herewith,” approved March 8, 1923. Senate Bill No. 76–Senator Scott. Approved March 29, 1927.



An Act to amend section 22 of an act entitled “An act regulating the nomination of candidates for public office in the State of Nevada,” approved March 23, 1917, amended March 28, 1921, amended February 27, 1923, as amended March 21, 1925. Senate Bill No. 80–Senator Fairchild. Approved March 29, 1927.



An Act requiring a license for the operation of common carrier motor cars and vehicles on the public highways of the state, and other matters relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 84–Committee on Public Highways. Approved March 29, 1927.



An Act to provide for the recall of directors of any irrigation district in the State of Nevada. Senate Bill No. 87–Senator Berney. Approved March 29, 1927.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide a general highway law for the State of Nevada,” approved March 23, 1917, as amended and approved March 21, 1925. Senate Bill No. 93–Senator Fletcher. Approved March 29, 1927.



An Act creating and defining certain duties and powers of the state bank examiner, authorizing him to fill certain positions, and other matters connected therewith, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith. Senate Bill No. 114–Senator Fairchild. Approved March 29, 1927.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act in relation to public revenues, creating the Nevada tax commission and state board of equalization, defining their powers and duties, and matters relating thereto, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith,” approved March 23, 1917, and all acts supplementary thereto and amendatory thereof. Senate Bill No. 115–Senator Fairchild. Approved March 29, 1927.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide for the appointment of a state auditor, fix his compensation, prescribe his duties, to inspect and audit public accounts and to establish a uniform system of public accounting, cost-keeping and reporting, and matters relating thereto, and to repeal certain acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith,” approved March 10, 1917, and all supplementary thereto and amendatory thereof. Senate Bill No. 116–Senator Fairchild. Approved March 29, 1927.



An Act to amend section 35 of an act entitled “An act to amend an act entitled ‘An act to provide a water law for the State of Nevada; providing a system of state control; creating the office of the state engineer and other offices connected with the appropriation, distribution and use of water, prescribing the duties and powers of the state engineer and other officers, and fixing their compensation; prescribing the duties of water users and providing penalties for failure to perform such duties; providing for the appointment of water commissioners, defining their duties and fixing their compensation; providing for a fee system for the certification of records, and an official seal for the state engineer’s office; providing for an appropriation to carry out the provisions of this act; and other matters properly connected therewith, and to repeal all acts and parts of acts in conflict with this act; repealing an act to provide for the appropriation, distribution, and use of water, and to define and preserve existing water rights, to provide for the appointment of a state engineer, an assistant state engineer, and fixing their compensation, duties, and powers, defining the duties of the state board of irrigation, providing for the appointment of water commissioners and defining their duties,’ approved February 26, 1907”; also repealing an act amendatory of a certain act entitled “An act to provide for the appropriation, distribution and use of water, and to define and preserve existing water rights, to provide for the appointment of a state engineer and assistant state engineer, and fixing their compensation, duties and powers, defining the duties of the state board of irrigation, providing for the appointment of water commissioners and defining their duties, approved February 26, 1907, and to provide a fee system for the certification of the records of, and an official seal for, the state engineer’s office and other matters relating thereto,” approved February 20, 1909, approved March 22, 1913, and all acts amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto. Senate Bill No. 121–Senator Carpenter. Approved March 29, 1927.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to amend an act entitled ‘An act to provide a water law for the State of Nevada; providing a system of state control; creating the office of the state engineer and other offices connected with the appropriation, distribution and use of water, prescribing the duties and powers of the state engineer and other officers, and fixing their compensation; prescribing the duties of water users and providing penalties for failure to perform such duties; providing for the appointment of water commissioners, defining their duties and fixing their compensation; providing for a fee system for the certification of records, and an official seal for the state engineer’s office; providing for an appropriation to carry out the provisions of this act; and other matters properly connected therewith, and to repeal all acts and parts of acts in conflict with this act; repealing an act to provide for the appropriation, distribution and use of water, and to define and preserve existing water rights, to provide for the appointment of a state engineer, and assistant state engineer, and fixing their compensation, duties, and powers, defining the duties of the state board of irrigation, providing for the appointment of water commissioners and defining their duties,’ approved February 26, 1907”; also repealing an act amendatory of a certain act entitled “An act to provide for the appropriation, distribution and use of water, and to define and preserve existing water rights, to provide for the appointment of a state engineer and assistant state engineer, and fixing their compensation, duties and powers, defining the duties of the state board of irrigation, providing for the appointment of water commissioners and defining their duties, approved February 26, 1907, and to provide a fee system for the certification of the records of, and an official seal for, the state engineer’s office and other matters relating thereto,” approved February 20, 1909, approved March 22, 1913, and all acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto, by adding thereto a new section to be known as section 36 1/2. Senate Bill No. 134–Senators Henderson and Carpenter. Approved March 29, 1927.