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Statutes of the State of Nevada - Thirtieth Session, 1921








An Act to create a legislative fund. Senate Bill No. 1–Senator Cowles. Approved January 20, 1921.



An Act to authorize the district attorney of Elko County, Nevada, to employ an office stenographer, fixing the compensation of said stenographer, and providing for the payment of the same. Senate Bill No. 2–Senator Hesson. Approved February 5, 1921.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to regulate the settlement of the estates of deceased persons,” approved March 23, 1897. Assembly Bill No. 13–Mr. Henderson. Approved February 7, 1921.



An Act to amend section 22 of an act entitled “An act relating to marriage and divorce,” approved November 28, 1861, as said section has heretofore been amended, and particularly as amended by acts approved February 15, 1875, February 20, 1913, and February 23, 1915. Senate Bill No. 4–Senator Scott. Approved February 8, 1921.



An Act to amend sections 129 and 130 of an act entitled “An act to regulate the settlement of the estates of deceased persons,” approved March 23, 1897, and being sections 5985 and 5986 of the Revised Laws of Nevada, 1912. Assembly Bill No. 16–Mr. Lockhart. Approved February 10, 1921.



An Act to amend section 223 of an act entitled “An act to regulate proceedings in civil cases in this state, and to repeal all other acts in relation thereto,” approved March 17, 1911. Assembly Bill No. 18–Mr. Heward. Approved February 10, 1921.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act relating to officers, their qualifications, times of election, terms of office, official duties, resignations, removals, vacancies in office, and the mode of supplying the same, misconduct in office, and to enforce official duty,” approved March 9, 1866. Assembly Bill No. 22–Mr. Pohl. Approved February 10, 1921.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide a general highway law for the State of Nevada,” approved March 23, 1917. Assembly Bill No. 23–Mr. Smith. Approved February 16, 1921.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act relating to the state university and matters properly connected therewith,” approved February 7, 1887. Senate Bill No. 10–Senator Dressler. Approved February 17, 1921.



An Act to amend section 10 of an act entitled “An act to incorporate the town of Las Vegas in Clark County, and defining the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishing of a city government therefor, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 16, 1911. Senate Bill No. 26–Senator Griffith. Approved February 17, 1921.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act for the advancement of agriculture, horticulture, the livestock industry and home economics and for the dissemination of knowledge and information in relation thereto, in southern Nevada; creating the Southern Nevada agricultural board and prescribing its duties; providing for cooperative agricultural extension work in southern Nevada by agreement with the agricultural extension division, University of Nevada; making an appropriation therefor; repealing ‘An act to establish an agricultural experiment farm in the southern part of this state and making an appropriation therefor,’ approved March 2, 1905, and all acts amendatory and supplemental thereto, and for other purposes,” approved March 21, 1917, as amended February 27, 1919. Senate Bill No. 27–Senator Scott. Approved February 17, 1921.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act relating to the office of public administrators, and prescribing their duties,” approved March 7, 1883 (1626). Senate Bill No. 22–Senator Chapin. Approved February 19, 1921.



An Act to authorize the board of county commissioners of Ormsby County to issue bonds for the purpose of creating a fund for the completion and furnishing of its courthouse, county building and jail, authorizing the issuance of bonds and the payment thereof, and other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 23–Senator Harrington. Approved February 21, 1921.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to amend section 9 of an act entitled ‘An act creating and organizing the county of Mineral out of a portion of Esmeralda County, and providing for its government, and to regulate the affairs of Esmeralda and Mineral County,’ approved February 10, 1911,” approved March 28, 1919. Senate Bill No. 32–Senator Miller. Approved February 21, 1921.



An Act to amend section 2 of an act entitled “An act to regulate the fees and compensation of the county clerk of Washoe County, State of Nevada, and to repeal all other acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith,” approved March 23, 1909, as amended March 25, 1911, February 10, 1917. Assembly Bill No. 9–Mr. Spellier. Approved February 21, 1921.



An Act to amend section 9 of an act entitled “An act creating and organizing the county of Pershing out of a portion of Humboldt County, and providing for its government, and to regulate the affairs of Humboldt County and Pershing County,” approved March 18, 1919. Assembly Bill No. 19–Mr. Hart. Approved February 21, 1921.



An Act authorizing the board of county commissioners of Elko County to raise by taxation and donate the sum of fifty thousand dollars as a bonus to aid in the construction and equipment of a railroad from Rogerson, Idaho, to Wells, Nevada. Assembly Bill No. 33–Elko County Delegation. Approved February 21, 1921.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to grant the right of way to John T. Reid and his associates, their successors and assigns, for the construction and operation of a railroad within Churchill County, State of Nevada, from either the town of Hazen or Parren station therein, on or near the track of the Central or Southern Pacific railway company, as said trustees may select, to the Nevada United mining company’s mines at Copper-Reid, in Churchill County; and from any point on said railroad to a point at or near Battle Mountain or Argenta station in Lander County, State of Nevada, and from the town of Hazen or Parren station, as may be selected, to a point on the Western Pacific railroad company’s track, not yet named, in Washoe or Humboldt County, State of Nevada, and a branch line extending into the Silver range for a distance of twenty-five miles in a general northeasterly direction from Copper-Reid or any other point on the main line of railroad, and a branch line extending in a generally northerly direction for fifty miles from Copper-Reid, and a branch line extending from said Copper-Reid, or other point on the main line of railroad, to the town of Lovelock, in Humboldt County, State of Nevada, and matters relating thereto,” approved March 24, 1917. Senate Bill No. 6–Senator Kent. Approved February 22, 1921.



An Act making the district attorney of Mineral County ex officio public administrator of said county and prescribing his compensation as such. Senate Bill No. 33–Senator Miller. Approved February 22, 1921.



An Act to amend section one of an act entitled “An act to define contributory dependency and contributory delinquency and to make the same a misdemeanor and to provide for the punishment of persons guilty thereof,” approved March 23, 1909, as amended March 27, 1911. Assembly Bill No. 11–Mr. Heward. Approved February 23, 1921.



An Act to amend section 346 of an act entitled “An act to regulate proceedings in civil cases in this state and to repeal all other acts in relation thereto,” approved March 17, 1911, and being section 5288 of the Revised Laws of Nevada, 1912. Assembly Bill No. 15–Mr. Lockhart. Approved February 23, 1921.



An Act to regulate junk-dealers and other persons, firms and corporations, engaged in the business of buying and selling hides and second-hand, used or cast-off articles or material, and providing penalties for the violation thereof, and other matters relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 35–Mr. Spellier. Approved February 23, 1921.



An Act ceding the jurisdiction of this state over certain lands owned or to be acquired by the United States and repealing certain acts relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 34–Senator Chapin. Approved February 24, 1921.



An Act to amend section 97 of an act entitled “An act to regulate proceedings in civil cases in this state and to repeal all other acts in relation thereto.” Senate Bill No. 36–Senator Scott. Approved February 24, 1921.



An Act to promote Americanism in the schools of the State of Nevada. Senate Bill No. 43–Senator FitzGerald. Approved February 24, 1921.



An Act providing for the proper observance of “Mother’s Day” by a display of the national colors on said day. Senate Bill No. 44–Senator Ducey. Approved February 24, 1921.



An Act to amend an act to amend section 9 of an act entitled “An act concerning juries,” approved March 5, 1873; approved March 5, 1875; approved March 5, 1877; approved March 7, 1881; approved March 12, 1895; the same being section 4932, Revised Laws, 1912, approved March 6, 1915, approved February 21, 1917. Assembly Bill No. 44–Mr. Brown. Approved February 24, 1921.



An Act authorizing the transfer of certain funds now in the county treasury of the county of Elko. Assembly Bill No. 45–Elko County Delegation. Approved February 24, 1921.



An Act to amend section 8 of an act entitled “An act to provide a general highway law for the State of Nevada,” approved March 23, 1917. Assembly Bill No. 55–Mr. King. Approved February 24, 1921.



An Act to amend section 20 of an act entitled “An act to incorporate the town of Sparks, in Washoe County, and defining the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishing of a city government therefor, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 15, 1905. Assembly Bill No. 60–Mr. Cross. Approved February 24, 1921.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act authorizing owners of land to lay out and plat such land into lots, streets, alleys, and public places, and providing for the approval and filing of maps and plats thereof,” approved March 13, 1905, and all acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto. Assembly Bill No. 62–Elko County Delegation. Approved February 24, 1921.



An Act to amend section 15 of an act entitled “An act relative to attorneys and counselors at law,” approved October 31, 1861, the same being section 512 of the Revised Laws of Nevada, 1912. Assembly Bill No. 64–Mr. Addenbrooke. Approved February 24, 1921.



An Act to amend sections 3 and 5, article IV; section 1, article IX; section 1, article XI; sections 7 and 10, article XII; and section 1, article XIX, of an act entitled “An act to incorporate the town of Reno, and to establish a city government thereof,” approved March 16, 1903, as amended March 13, 1905, and further amended March 28, 1907, March 24, 1909, March 31, 1909, February 1, 1911, March 10, 1911, March 18, 1911, March 24, 1913, March 25, 1913, February 26, 1915, March 22, 1915, March 13, 1917. Assembly Bill No. 17–Washoe County Delegation. Approved February 28, 1921.



An Act relating to bonds of irrigation districts, providing under what circumstances such bonds shall be legal investment for funds of banks, insurance companies and trust companies, trust funds, and any money or funds which may now or hereafter be invested in bonds of cities, counties, school districts or municipalities, and providing under what circumstances the use of bonds of irrigation districts as security for the performance of any act may be authorized. Senate Bill No. 8–Senator Penrose. Approved February 26, 1921.



An Act to authorize the board of county commissioners of the county of Lander, State of Nevada, to issue bonds to provide for the construction, equipment and furnishing of a high-school building in the town of Battle Mountain, Nevada, and authorizing the county board of education of said county to construct, equip and furnish said building. Senate Bill No. 37–Senator Macallan. Approved February 26, 1921.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to regulate the sale and use of poisons in the State of Nevada, and providing a penalty for the violation thereof,” approved March 24, 1913, as amended by act approved March 12, 1915, as amended by act approved February 20, 1917, as amended by act approved March 24, 1917. Assembly Bill No. 42–Mr. Heward. Approved February 26, 1921.



An Act to repeal an act entitled “An act to provide for appointment of a commission to investigate the feasibility of the construction and equipment of a cement plant and state smelter for the State of Nevada; making an appropriation for the expenses of said commission and providing for the issuance of certain bonds,” approved March 26, 1919. Assembly Bill No. 53–Mr. Gentry. Approved February 26, 1921.



An Act authorizing and empowering the county board of education of the Elko County high school to borrow a certain sum of money upon an emergency loan. Assembly Bill No. 57–Elko County Delegation. Approved February 26, 1921.



An Act to repeal an act entitled “An act creating the office of state assayer and inspector and providing for the appointment of such officer, defining his duties and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 27, 1917. Assembly Bill No. 70–Mr. Gentry. Approved February 26, 1921.



An Act to repeal an act entitled “An act creating the office of state ore sampler and providing for the appointment of such officer, defining his duties, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 27, 1919. Assembly Bill No. 71–Mr. Gentry. Approved February 26, 1921.



An Act in relation to jurisdiction of courts. Senate Bill No. 57–Senator Scott. Approved March 2, 1921.



An Act authorizing the acquisition of certain public utilities for the town of Caliente, the issuance and sale of bonds therefor, the levy and collection of taxes for the payment thereof, and other matters relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 108–Mr. Gentry. Approved March 4, 1921.



An Act amendatory of and supplemental to an act entitled “An act to provide for cooperative agricultural and home economics extension work in the several counties in accordance with the Smith - Lever act of Congress, approved May 8, 1914; providing for the organization of county farm bureaus; for county and state cooperation in support of such work; making an appropriation therefor, levying a tax and for other purposes,” approved April 1, 1919. Assembly Bill No. 113–Committee on Agriculture. Approved March 4, 1921.



An Act to amend sections four, five, and seven of an act entitled “An act regulating the fiscal management of counties, cities, towns, school districts, and other governmental agencies,” approved March 22, 1917. Assembly Bill No. 114–Committee on Agriculture. Approved March 4, 1921.



An Act to authorize the board of county commissioners of the county of Mineral, State of Nevada, to purchase, acquire and construct an electrical power and telephone line, extending from the Lundy generating plant of the Nevada-California power company situated in the county of Mono, State of California, to the town of Hawthorne, Nevada, and thence via Luning and Mina to the town of Simon in the county of Mineral, State of Nevada, and branches thereof; providing for the maintenance and operation of said line as a public utility; the issuance and sale of bonds therefor; the levy and collection of taxes for the payment of such bonds, and other matters relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 61–Senator Miller. Approved March 4, 1921.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act providing for the incorporation of cities, their classification, the establishment and alteration of their boundaries, the government and disincorporation thereof, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith,” approved March 27, 1907. Assembly Bill No. 40–Mr. Gummow. Approved March 4, 1921.



An Act to amend certain sections of an act entitled “An act for the protection and preservation of fish and game, providing penalties for the violation thereof, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith,” approved March 27, 1917. Assembly Bill No. 47–Mr. Meder. Approved March 4, 1921.



An Act to amend section seventy-five of an act entitled “An act to regulate proceedings in civil cases in this state and to repeal all other acts in relation thereto,” approved March 17, 1911, said section being section 5017 of the Revised Laws of Nevada of 1912. Assembly Bill No. 72–Mr. Mathews. Approved March 4, 1921.



An Act to amend section 1 of an act entitled “An act to give foreign corporations the benefits of the statute of limitations of this state on certain conditions,” approved March 29, 1907, being section 1355, Revised Laws of Nevada, 1912. Assembly Bill No. 79–Mr. Heward. Approved March 4, 1921.



An Act to amend section 872 of an act entitled “An act to regulate proceedings in civil cases in this state and to repeal all other acts in relation thereto,” approved March 17, 1911, being section 5814, Revised Laws of Nevada. Assembly Bill No. 86–Mr. Henderson. Approved March 4, 1921.



An Act declaring Winnemucca lake navigable and the title to the bed thereof in the State of Nevada. Assembly Bill No. 88–Messrs. Gummow, Heward, and Royle. Approved March 4, 1921.



An Act authorizing the acquisition of a water system for the town of Panaca, the issuance and sale of bonds therefor, the levy and collection of taxes for the payment thereof, and other matters relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 64–Senator Scott. Approved March 4, 1921.



An Act to regulate the fees of the county clerk of Pershing County, State of Nevada. Senate Bill No. 50–Senator Uniacke. Approved March 5, 1921.



An Act to amend section 3 of an act entitled “An act to create a board of county commissioners in the several counties of this state and to define their duties and powers,” approved March 8, 1865, being section 1503, Revised Laws of Nevada, as amended by act approved March 5, 1915. Senate Bill No. 51–Senator FitzGerald. Approved March 5, 1921.



An Act to amend section 1 of an act entitled “An act to provide for the erection of the Nevada heroes memorial building in Carson City, Nevada, defining the duties of the board of capitol commissioners in respect thereto, providing for the issuance of bonds therefor and the manner of their sale and redemption, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 29, 1919. Assembly Bill No. 29–Messrs. Royle, Gummow, and Heward. Approved March 7, 1921.



An Act to amend section 17 of an act entitled “An act relating to officers, their qualifications, times of election, terms of office, official duties, resignations, removals, vacancies in office and the mode of supplying the same, misconduct in office, and to enforce official duty,” approved March 9, 1866, being section 2781, Revised Laws of Nevada. Senate Bill No. 52–Senator FitzGerald. Approved March 7, 1921.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide for the appointment of official reporters for the district courts, their duties, qualifications and compensation, and to repeal all former acts in relation thereto,” approved March 12, 1907, being paragraphs 4908, et seq., of Revised Laws of Nevada, 1912. Senate Bill No. 47–Senator Scott. Approved March 8, 1921.



An Act fixing the salaries and compensation of the county commissioners of the county of White Pine, State of Nevada. Senate Bill No. 48–Senator Chapin. Approved March 8, 1921.



An Act to amend section 117 of an act entitled “An act to regulate proceedings in criminal cases in this state and to repeal all other acts in relation thereto,” approved March 17, 1911; effective January 1, 1912. Senate Bill No. 62–Senator Kent. Approved March 8, 1921.



An Act providing for a state budget. Senate Bill No. 71–Senator Griffith. Approved March 8, 1921.



An Act to regulate the fees and compensation of the county clerk of Lyon County, State of Nevada, and to repeal all other acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith. Senate Bill No. 75–Senator Penrose. Approved March 8, 1921.



An Act to enable the board of county commissioners of Nye County, Nevada, to fix the salaries and authorize the appointment of certain deputies. Assembly Bill No. 20–Nye County Delegation. Approved March 8, 1921.



An Act to create the office of purchasing agent and road supervisor of the county of Nye, and defining his duties and providing compensation therefor as such purchasing agent and road supervisor. Assembly Bill No. 21–Nye County Delegation. Approved March 8, 1921.



An Act to repeal section 602 of an act entitled “An act to regulate proceedings in criminal cases in this state, and to repeal all other acts in relation thereto,” approved March 17, 1911; being section 7452 of the Revised Laws of Nevada, 1912. Assembly Bill No. 51–Mr. Spellier. Approved March 8, 1921.



An Act to amend section 632 of an act entitled “An act to regulate proceedings in civil actions in this state and to repeal all other acts in relation thereto,” approved March 17, 1911, being section 5574 of the Revised Laws of Nevada, 1912. Assembly Bill No. 52–Mr. Spellier. Approved March 8, 1921.



An Act authorizing the board of commissioners for the care of the indigent insane of the State of Nevada to execute a lease to the city of Sparks of certain property of the state now used by the Nevada hospital for mental diseases, and making disposition of the proceeds therefrom. Assembly Bill No. 63–Mr. Cross. Approved March 8, 1921.



An Act to amend section 83 of an act entitled “An act to regulate proceedings in civil cases in this state and to repeal all other acts in relation thereto,” approved March 17, 1911, being section 5025, Revised Laws, 1912. Assembly Bill No. 66–Mr. Addenbrooke. Approved March 8, 1921.



An Act prescribing the procedure to be followed in the presentation and adoption of acts initiated by the people. Assembly Bill No. 80–Mr. Tannahill. Approved March 8, 1921.



An Act to regulate the fees of the county recorder of Washoe County, State of Nevada, and to repeal all other acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith. Assembly Bill No. 81–Mr. Spellier. Approved March 8, 1921.



An Act authorizing, directing, and empowering the board of county commissioners of Churchill County, State of Nevada, to issue bonds to provide funds for the purchase of equipment and supplies, and for the extension, maintenance, and upkeep of the Churchill County telephone and telegraph system. Assembly Bill No. 87–Mr. Gummow. Approved March 8, 1921.



An Act to amend section 2 of an act entitled “An act to regulate fees and compensation for official and other services in the State of Nevada, and to repeal all other acts in relation thereto,” approved February 27, 1883, as amended February 20, 1917, being section 2006, Revised Laws of Nevada, 1912. Assembly Bill No. 91–Mr. Cross. Approved March 8, 1921.



An Act to repeal an act entitled “An act to establish a weather-service station in Nevada and to provide for the appointment of a director thereof, and appropriating money to pay the expenses of the same,” approved February 19, 1887, being sections 4405-4410, Revised Statutes of Nevada. Assembly Bill No. 97–Mr. Bartlett. Approved March 8, 1921.



An Act to amend section 195 of an act entitled “An act concerning crimes and punishments, and repealing certain acts relating thereto,” approved March 17, 1911, being section 6460, Revised Laws of Nevada, 1912. Assembly Bill No. 104–Mr. Spellier. Approved March 8, 1921.



An Act to provide for the dissolution of a consolidated school district and other matters relating thereto, and repealing all parts of acts in conflict herewith. Assembly Bill No. 107–Mr. Byers. Approved March 8, 1921.



An Act to amend section 61 of an act entitled “An act to incorporate the town of Sparks, in Washoe County, and defining the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishing of a city government therefor, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 15, 1905. Assembly Bill No. 115–Mr. Cross. Approved March 8, 1921.



An Act concerning the taking of depositions in this state to be used in any foreign jurisdiction, and to make uniform the law with reference thereto. Assembly Bill No. 118–Mr. Heward. Approved March 8, 1921.



An Act concerning the proof of statutes of other jurisdictions and to make uniform the law with reference thereto. Assembly Bill No.119–Mr. Heward. Approved March 8, 1921.



An Act to authorize the board of county commissioners of the county of Elko to levy a special tax for the years 1921 and 1922 for the support of the Elko county fair. Assembly Bill No. 169–Elko County Delegation. Approved March 8, 1921.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide for the organization and government of irrigation districts, for the irrigation and drainage of lands, and other related undertakings thereby, and for the acquisition and distribution of water and other property, construction, operation and maintenance of works, diversion, storage, distribution, collection and carriage of water, cooperation with the United States; and matters properly connected therewith,” approved March 19, 1919. Assembly Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 96–Committee on Irrigation. Approved March 11, 1921.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act concerning public schools, and repealing certain acts relating thereto,” approved March 20, 1911. Senate Bill No. 41–Senator Chapin. Approved March 11, 1921.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide for bonding counties for building and equipping county high schools and dormitories, or for either one of these purposes, and matters properly connected therewith,” approved February 6, 1917. Senate Bill No. 42–Senator Chapin. Approved March 11, 1921.



An Act to amend section 8 of an act entitled “An act to provide a general highway law for the State of Nevada,” approved March 23, 1917, as amended by act approved February 21, 1919, as amended February 24, 1921. Senate Bill No. 59–Senator Scott. Approved March 11, 1921.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to incorporate Carson City,” approved February 25, 1875, approved March 2, 1877, approved March 5, 1879, approved March 6, 1889, approved March 8, 1895, approved March 17, 1905, approved February 28, 1907. Senate Bill No. 76–Senator Harrington. Approved March 11, 1921.



An Act to amend section 5 of an act entitled “An act to limit expenditures for campaign and election purposes to candidates, their political agents, and managing committees of political parties; to prescribe the manner of appointment of such agents; to limit the contributions, expenditures and liabilities of candidates, political agents and managing committees of political parties; to define, prohibit and punish corrupt and illegal practices in connection with or relative thereto at primary, special and general elections; to secure and protect the purity of the ballot; to prohibit the use of conveyances to carry voters to the polls; to prohibit the peddling or distributing of liquors and cigars by candidates for office; to prohibit and punish the making, publication and circulation of false charges and statements against candidates, the doing of any act tending to deceive or interfere with the voter; and to provide for furnishing information to electors,” approved March 31, 1913. Senate Bill No. 81–Senator FitzGerald. Approved March 11, 1921.



An Act to amend section 105 of an act entitled “An act to regulate the settlement of the estates of deceased persons,” approved March 23, 1897, as amended. Senate Bill No. 87–Senator Scott. Approved March 11, 1921.



An Act to amend section 381 of an act entitled “An act to regulate proceedings in civil cases in this state and to repeal all other acts in relation thereto,” approved March 17, 1911 (being section 5323, R. L. Nevada, 1912). Senate Bill No. 88–Senator Scott. Approved March 11, 1921.



An Act to amend section 14 of an act entitled “An act relating to the office of public administrators, and prescribing their duties,” approved March 7, 1883 (R. S. Nev. 1912, 1627). Senate Bill No. 99–Senator Scott. Approved March 11, 1921.



An Act to establish commissioner districts in the county of Pershing, providing for the election of the members of the board of county commissioners and fixing their compensation. Senate Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 100–Senator Uniacke. Approved March 11, 1921.



An Act fixing the salaries of certain officers of Humboldt County, and repealing certain acts in relation thereto. Assembly Bill No. 56–Mr. Brown. Approved March 11, 1921.



An Act to provide a method for voting at any general, special or primary elections by qualified voters who by reason of the nature of their vocation or business or other causes are unavoidably absent from the polls of their precincts in the county of their residence on the day of election, providing penalties for the violation thereof, and other matters properly connected therewith. Assembly Bill No. 95–Mr. Henderson. Approved March 11, 1921.



An Act to amend section 10 of an act entitled “An act to provide for the adoption of children,” approved February 20, 1885, being section 5834, Revised Laws of Nevada. Assembly Bill No. 123–Mr. Bartlett. Approved March 11, 1921.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act concerning county recorders, and defining their duties,” approved March 9, 1865, by adding thereto an additional section, to be known as section 6 thereof. Assembly Bill No. 130–Mr. Whitacre. Approved March 11, 1921.



An Act to amend section 376 of an act entitled “An act concerning crimes and punishments, and repealing certain acts relating thereto,” approved March 17, 1911, effective January 1, 1912. Assembly Bill No. 135–Mr. Lockhart. Approved March 11, 1921.



An Act concerning the county officers of Lyon County; their duties, salaries and compensation; amending a certain act on the same subject approved March 26, 1919, 191; repealing another act on the same subject approved March 27, 1919, 255, and reenacting a portion of the last-mentioned act. Assembly Bill No. 149–Mr. Whitacre. Approved March 11, 1921.



An Act to amend the title of and to amend a certain act entitled “An act providing for the division of Clark County, Nevada, into educational districts and providing for the government of the schools therein,” approved March 29, 1919. Assembly Bill No. 154–Mr. Smith. Approved March 11, 1921.



An Act declaring the Virgin river to be navigable and the title to the bed thereof within the State of Nevada to be vested in the State of Nevada. Assembly Bill No. 156–Mr. Lockhart. Approved March 11, 1921.



An Act declaring the Colorado river to be navigable and the title to the bed thereof within the State of Nevada to be vested in the State of Nevada. Assembly Bill No. 157–Mr. Lockhart. Approved March 11, 1921.



An Act abolishing the position of stenographer in the office of the governor. Assembly Bill No. 165–Committee on Ways and Means. Approved March 11, 1921.



An Act fixing and regulating the compensation of the district attorney and ex officio public administrator in and for White Pine County, Nevada, providing for the payment of his necessary traveling expenses and providing help in his office, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict with this act. Assembly Bill No. 175–Mr. Lockhart. Approved March 11, 1921.



An Act to amend section 317 of an act entitled “An act to regulate proceedings in criminal cases in this state and to repeal all other acts in relation thereto,” approved March 17, 1911; effective January 1, 1912. Assembly Bill No. 106–Mr. Gummow. Approved March 12, 1921.



An Act to authorize the valuation of bonds and other securities held by life insurance companies, assessment life associations and fraternal beneficiary associations by the amortization method. Assembly Bill No. 110–Mr. Heward. Approved March 12, 1921.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act exempting property of veterans,” approved March 10, 1917. Assembly Bill No. 127–Mr. Royle. Approved March 12, 1921.



An Act authorizing and permitting public utility corporations to purchase water or electric current for public utility uses. Assembly Bill No. 136–Mr. Lockhart. Approved March 12, 1921.



An Act to authorize the board of county commissioners of Lander County, Nevada, to issue bonds to provide aid in improving the Lincoln highway in the county of Lander, and other matters properly connected therewith. Assembly Bill No. 137–Mr. Pohl. Approved March 12, 1921.



An Act to amend section 24 of an act entitled “An act to provide a general highway law for the State of Nevada,” approved March 23, 1917. Assembly Bill No. 128–Mr. Fulton. Approved March 14, 1921.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide a water law for the State of Nevada; providing a system of state control; creating the office of the state engineer and other offices connected with the appropriation, distribution and use of water, prescribing the duties and powers of the state engineer and other officers, and fixing their compensation; prescribing the duties of water users and providing penalties for failure to perform such duties; providing for the appointment of water commissioners, defining their duties and fixing their compensation; providing for a fee system for the certification of records, and an official seal for the state engineer’s office; providing for an appropriation to carry out the provisions of this act; and other matters properly connected therewith, and to repeal all acts and parts of acts in conflict with this act, repealing an act to provide for the appropriation, distribution and use of water, and to define and preserve existing water rights, to provide for the appointment of a state engineer, an assistant state engineer, and fixing their compensation, duties, and powers, defining the duties of the state board of irrigation, providing for the appointment of water commissioners and defining their duties, approved February 26, 1907; also repealing an act amendatory of a certain act entitled ‘An act to provide for the appropriation, distribution and use of water, and to define and preserve existing water rights, to provide for the appointment of a state engineer and assistant state engineer, and fixing their compensation, duties and powers, defining the duties of the state board of irrigation, providing for the appointment of water commissioners and defining their duties,’ approved February 26, 1907, and to provide a fee system for the certification of the records of, and an official seal for, the state engineer’s office and other matters relating thereto,” approved February 20, 1909, approved March 22, 1913, and all acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto. Assembly Bill No. 24–Mr. Lockhart. Approved March 16, 1921.



An Act to provide under certain conditions for the partial support of mothers and their offspring, giving county commissioners and district courts jurisdiction thereof, and repealing all other acts in relation thereto. Senate Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 10–Committee on Judiciary. Approved March 16, 1921.



An Act to provide for the payment of deficiencies of various state institutions and departments accrued during 1919 and 1920. Senate Bill No. 5–Senator Harrington. Approved March 17, 1921.



An Act to provide payment for the services and expenses of the late Oliver W. Tennant. Senate Bill No. 28–Senator FitzGerald. Approved March 17, 1921.



An Act to amend sections six and seven of an act entitled “An act to segregate and to consolidate certain offices in Ormsby County, Carson Township, and Carson City, State of Nevada, fixing certain salaries and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 28, 1919, and adding certain sections thereto. Assembly Bill No. 173–Mr. Meder. Approved March 18, 1921.



An Act to repeal an act entitled “An act authorizing the board of trustees of Carson City, county of Ormsby, to issue bonds to provide for the construction and equipment, purchase or otherwise acquiring and operating an electric-lighting and power plant and water-works and other public utilities, and providing for the ratification thereof by special or general elections before the issuance of any such bonds,” approved March 27, 1919. Assembly Bill No. 226–Mr. Meder. Approved March 18, 1921.



An Act authorizing the board of trustees of Carson City, county of Ormsby, to issue bonds to provide for the construction and equipment, purchase or otherwise acquiring and operating an electric-lighting and power plant and water-works and other public utilities, and providing for the ratification thereof by special or general elections before the issuance of any such bonds. Assembly Bill No. 227–Mr. Meder. Approved March 19, 1921.



An Act providing for the payment for extra services by certain persons. Senate Bill No. 84–Senator Harrington. Approved March 19, 1921.



An Act authorizing boards of directors of irrigation districts to pay a commission for negotiating the sale of irrigation district bonds and other matters relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 9–Senator Penrose. Approved March 21, 1921.



An Act creating a commission to be known as the Colorado river development commission of Nevada, defining its powers and duties, and making an appropriation for the expense thereof. Senate Bill No. 20–Senator Griffith. Approved March 21, 1921.



An Act to repeal section 5 of an act entitled “An act creating the office of mineral land commissioner, defining his duties and fixing his compensation therefor, and constituting the attorney-general ex officio mineral land commissioner,” approved February 26, 1907, as amended March 24, 1915. Senate Bill No. 53–Senator Harrington. Approved March 21, 1921.



An Act fixing and regulating the salaries of certain state officers of the State of Nevada. Senate Bill No. 54–Senator Harrington. Approved March 21, 1921.



An Act to amend section 14 of an act entitled “An act to establish a state printing office, and to create the office of superintendent of state printing,” approved March 11, 1879, as amended. Senate Bill No. 89–Senator Scott. Approved March 21, 1921.



An Act fixing the salaries of certain justices of the peace and constables in the county of Churchill, State of Nevada, and other matters relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 100–Senator Kent. Approved March 21, 1921.



An Act to create a county license board, to regulate the issuance and revocation of licenses for billiard-halls, dancing-halls, bowling alleys, theaters, and soft-drink establishments in unincorporated cities and towns of this state. Senate Bill No. 104–Senator FitzGerald. Approved March 21, 1921.



An Act adding a new section known as section 3 1/2 of chapter II; and a new section 5 1/2 of chapter II; and to amend section 35 of chapter II of an act entitled “An act to incorporate the town of Elko, in Elko County, and defining the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishing of a city government therefor, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 14, 1917. Senate Bill No. 108–Senator Hesson. Approved March 21, 1921.



An Act relating to the ex officio duties of the private secretary to the governor and providing compensation therefor. Senate Bill No. 113–Senator Kenney. Approved March 21, 1921.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act concerning public schools, and repealing certain acts relating thereto, and amendatory thereof,” approved March 20, 1911. Senate Bill No. 114–Senator Kenney. Approved March 21, 1921.



An Act concerning Lincoln County officers and their deputies and fixing their compensation, and to repeal all other acts in relation thereto. Senate Bill No. 119–Senator Scott. Approved March 21, 1921.



An Act to regulate the fees of the county clerk of Lincoln County, State of Nevada, and to repeal all other acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith. Senate Bill No. 122–Senator Scott. Approved March 21, 1921.



An Act to amend section twenty-seven of an act entitled “An act to provide for the organization and government of irrigation districts, for the irrigation and drainage of lands and other related undertakings thereby, and for the acquisition and distribution of water and other property, construction, operation and maintenance of works, diversion, storage, distribution, collection, and carriage of water, cooperation with the United States, and matters properly connected therewith,” approved March 19, 1919. Senate Bill No. 125–Senator Penrose. Approved March 21, 1921.



An Act providing an appropriation for the payment of street work on that portion of North Virginia and Ninth streets, in the city of Reno, Washoe County, Nevada, fronting on the property and grounds of the Nevada state university. Assembly Bill No. 144–Washoe County Delegation. Approved March 21, 1921.



An Act regulating the state library and amending certain acts in relation thereto. Assembly Bill No. 163–Committee on Ways and Means. Approved March 21, 1921.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to prohibit the employment of any person except a native-born or naturalized citizen of the United States by any officer of the State of Nevada, or any political subdivision of the state, or by any person acting under or for such officer, or by any contractor with the State of Nevada, or with any political subdivision of the state, in the construction of public works, or in any office or department of the state or in any office or department of any political subdivision of the state; providing penalties for violations of this act, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 28, 1919. Assembly Bill No. 170–Mr. Heward. Approved March 21, 1921.



An Act creating a commission to be known as the Owyhee river development commission of Nevada, defining its powers and duties, and making an appropriation for the expenses thereof. Assembly Bill No. 178–Mr. Brown. Approved March 21, 1921.



An Act providing for the creation of city (or town) planning commissions for incorporated cities and towns; prescribing their powers and duties, and other matters relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 193–Mr. Addenbrooke. Approved March 21, 1921.



An Act authorizing the board of county commissioners of Esmeralda County to provide for the maintenance of a water supply for the town of Goldfield. Assembly Bill No. 202–Esmeralda County Delegation. Approved March 21, 1921.



An Act to authorize the county commissioners of any of the counties of the State of Nevada to purchase, acquire, construct, and extend telephone lines; and extend and improve telephone lines; to authorize the issuance of bonds by the county to pay for the same, and other matters properly connected therewith. Senate Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 209–Committee on Mines and Mining. Approved March 21, 1921.



An Act authorizing and empowering the board of county commissioners of the county of Elko to allow a certain claim of the Thiel detective agency of Denver, Colorado, against the said county of Elko, authorizing the county auditor of said county to audit the said claim and issue a warrant in payment thereof, and authorizing the county treasurer of the said county to pay the said warrant. Assembly Bill No. 210–Elko County Delegation. Approved March 21, 1921.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act providing for the incorporation of cities, their classification, the establishment and alteration of their boundaries, the government and disincorporation thereof, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith,” approved March 27, 1907, by adding thereto an additional section to be known as section 18 1/2 thereof. Assembly Bill No. 211–Mr. Gummow. Approved March 21, 1921.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act relating to the office of ex officio state insurance commissioner, and extending and further defining his powers and duties; requiring further licenses in connection therewith, other matters relating thereto, repealing acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith, and providing penalties for the violation hereof,” Statutes of Nevada, 1915, 117. Assembly Bill No. 218–Committee on Ways and Means. Approved March 21, 1921.



An Act to amend section 1 of an act to regulate the fees of the county clerk of Humboldt County, State of Nevada, and to repeal all other acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith, approved March 23, 1917. Assembly Bill No. 220–Mr. Brown. Approved March 21, 1921.



An Act to amend section four of an act entitled “An act creating the office of labor commissioner of this state, providing for the appointment of such commissioner and other employees, defining their duties and fixing their compensation, and providing a penalty for the violation of its provisions, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 24, 1915, as amended and approved March 23, 1917, and March 13, 1919. Assembly Bill No. 225–Committee on Labor. Approved March 21, 1921.



An Act to repeal an act entitled “An act to regulate the sale of state law books,” approved March 5, 1907, being section 2937, Revised Laws of Nevada. Assembly Bill No. 238–Mr. Bartlett. Approved March 21, 1921.



An Act to repeal an act entitled “An act fixing the number of officers and attaches of the legislature of the State of Nevada, and to define their duties and specify their pay, and repealing all acts in conflict therewith,” approved January 27, 1909, being sections 4114-4117, Revised Laws of Nevada. Assembly Bill No. 244–Mr. Bartlett. Approved March 21, 1921.



An Act to repeal an act entitled “An act providing for the printing of legislative bills and resolutions, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 14, 1911, being sections 4120-4124, Revised Laws of Nevada. Assembly Bill No. 252–Mr. Bartlett. Approved March 21, 1921.



An Act directing the binding of certain copies of volume number 21 of the Nevada Reports and making an appropriation therefor. Assembly Bill No. 257–Committee on Ways and Means. Approved March 21, 1921.



An Act to amend section 1 of an act entitled “An act in relation to the sale of state law books,” approved February 28, 1913, and repealing a certain act. Assembly Bill No. 258–Committee on Ways and Means. Approved March 21, 1921.



An Act relating to the payment of the state debt, creating a consolidated bond interest and redemption fund, providing for a tax levy, making an additional guarantee for the discharge of the funded obligations of the State of Nevada, and other matters relating thereto. Assembly Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 264–Committee on Banks and Banking. Approved March 21, 1921.



An Act for the relief of educational district No. 1 of the Clark County, Nevada. Assembly Bill No. 266–Mr. Smith. Approved March 21, 1921.



An Act to provide an appropriation for furnishing certain rooms in the Nevada heroes memorial building. Assembly Bill No. 269–Mr. Royle. Approved March 21, 1921.



An Act to establish commissioner districts in the county of Lincoln, and providing for the election of members of the board of county commissioners thereof. Assembly Bill No. 274–Mr. Gentry. Approved March 21, 1921.



An Act authorizing the state treasurer to merge certain special funds in the state treasury with the general fund therein; specifying the funds referred to and authorizing official action to carry out the purpose of this act. Assembly Bill No. 275–Committee on Ways and Means. Approved March 21, 1921.



An Act to provide suitable quarters at the Nevada hospital for mental diseases for the treatment and care of those suffering from or afflicted with shell shock or other mental diseases, and making an appropriation therefor. Assembly Bill No. 282–Committee on State Prison and Insane Asylum. Approved March 21, 1921.



An Act repealing an act entitled “An act defining the duties of the secretary of state in regard to the disposition of certain publications, and other matters in relation thereto,” approved March 15, 1917. Assembly Bill No. 288–Mr. Lockhart. Approved March 21, 1921.



An Act to fix the state tax levy for the fiscal years 1921 and 1922 and to distribute the said levy to the proper funds. Assembly Bill No. 290–Committee on Ways and Means. Approved March 21, 1921.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide for the appointment of a state auditor, fix his compensation, prescribe his duties, to inspect and audit public accounts and to establish a uniform system of public accounting, cost-keeping, and reporting, and mattters relating thereto, and to repeal certain acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith, “ approved March 10, 1917. Senate Bill No. 130–Committee on Ways and Means. Approved March 21, 1921.



An Act to amend section 7 of an act entitled “An act regulating the manner of procedure of obtaining refund of state, county and other taxes which have been twice paid, and making an appropriation therefor,” approved March 14, 1917. Senate Bill No. 18–Senator Sheehan. Approved March 21, 1921.



An Act prescribing a manner of procedure for obtaining a refund of state, county, and other taxes which have been assessed and paid on patented mines in certain contingencies. Assembly Bill No. 39–Mr. Hart. Approved March 21, 1921.



An Act providing for the eradication of noxious animals in the State of Nevada; for the suppression of rabies; for cooperation between the state, the counties, and the bureau of biological survey, United States department of agriculture, in the administration thereof; for the levy of taxes therefor; for the creation of state and county boards for the purpose, and defining their duties. Assembly Bill No. 138–Mr. Hill. Approved March 21, 1921.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act concerning public schools and repealing certain acts relating thereto,” approved March 20, 1911, and acts amendatory thereof. Assembly Bill No. 142–Mr. Henderson. Approved March 21, 1921.



An Act to amend sections 203, 207, 209, and 210 of an act entitled “An act concerning public schools, and repealing certain acts relating thereto,” approved March 20, 1911, being sections 3443, 3447, 3449, and 3450, Revised Laws of Nevada. Assembly Bill No. 195–Mr. Lockhart. Approved March 21, 1921.



An Act for the relief of Geo. G. Schweis. Assembly Bill No. 4–Mr. Mathews. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act for the relief of the Northeastern Nevada agricultural board. Assembly Bill No. 30–Mr. Byers. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act to provide for the relief of the city of Reno. Assembly Bill No. 31–Mr. Heward. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act relating to the compensation of injured workmen in the industries of this state and the compensation to their dependents where such injuries result in death, creating an industrial insurance commission, providing for the creation and disbursement of funds for the compensation and care of workmen injured in the course of employment, and defining and regulating the liability of employers to their employees; and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict with this act,” approved March 15, 1913, and as amended by an act approved March 22, 1915, and as amended by an act approved March 28, 1917, and as amended by an act approved March 28, 1919. Assembly Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 43–Committee on Labor. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act making appropriations for the support of the civil government of the State of Nevada for the years 1921 and 1922. Assembly Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 68–Committee on Ways and Means. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act to provide for the appointment of policemen, with the powers of peace officers, to serve upon the premises and property owned or operated by railroad companies. Assembly Bill No. 112–Mr. Lockhart. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act to amend section 1 of an act entitled “An act to authorize county commissioners, in counties not having high schools, to aid district high schools, under certain conditions, and other matters properly connected therewith,” approved March 9, 1915, approved March 25, 1919. Assembly Bill No. 116–Mr. Cross. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act to provide for the equipment and completion of a mining experiment station building at the University of Nevada; providing for the issuance and sale of bonds therefor and the redemption thereof. Assembly Bill No. 125–Mr. Spellier. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act to provide for the payment of a bounty to encourage the boring of wells in searching for oil, and making an appropriation therefor. Assembly Bill No. 126–Committee on Mines and Mining. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act regulating the manner and method of weighing and testing milk and cream and dairy products; providing standard methods for the determining of butter-fat and other content thereof; providing for the appointment of licensed testers; providing ways and means for standardizing measures, scales, weights, and other apparatus used in creameries or factory of dairy products to determine the amount of percentage of fat in milk or cream; making the commissioner of food and drugs the official in charge of the enforcement of this act; making it unlawful to violate any provision of this act, and other matters properly connected therewith. Assembly Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 139–Committee on Agriculture. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act to provide for the teaching of thrift in the public schools of Nevada. Assembly Bill No. 143–Mr. Henderson. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act to prevent injury to oil-, gas-, or petroleum-bearing strata or formations by the penetration or infiltration of water therein, providing the method of abandoning oil wells, for the appointment of oil commissioners to enforce this act, and fixing penalties for the violation thereof. Assembly Bill No. 168–Mr. Gummow. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act regulating and fixing the fees to be charged and collected by the justice of the peace of Reno township, and repealing all acts or parts of acts in conflict herewith. Assembly Bill No. 171–Mr. Heward. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act to amend section 23 of an act entitled “An act to amend an act entitled ‘An act to provide revenue for the support of the government of the State of Nevada, and to repeal certain acts relating thereto,’ approved March 24, 1915.” Assembly Bill No. 172–Mr. Whitacre. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act granting to contractors for, patentees of and purchasers of lands from the State of Nevada, the oil, gas, coal and oil shales lying within such lands and repealing such acts and parts of acts as are in conflict herewith. Assembly Bill No. 177–Mr. Henderson. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act to amend section 664 of an act entitled “An act to regulate proceedings in civil cases in this state, and to repeal all other acts in relation thereto,” approved March 17, 1911, being section 5606, Revised Laws of Nevada. Assembly Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 180–Mr. Gummow. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act for the relief of the Elko lumber company and the Henderson banking company. Assembly Bill No. 181–Committee on Claims. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act to amend section 5 of an act entitled “An act creating schools of mines in Virginia City, Tonopah, Goldfield, and in the Ely mining district, Nevada; providing for the control of said schools, and making appropriations therefor,” approved March 25, 1919. Assembly Bill No. 186–Mr. Tannahill. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to regulate proceedings in criminal cases in this state and to repeal all other acts in relation thereto,” approved March 17, 1911, as amended by act approved March 24, 1913, as amended by act approved March 17, 1915. Assembly Bill No. 188–Mr. Heward. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide for the establishment of part-time schools and classes and to compel attendance of minors upon such schools and classes,” approved March 25, 1919. Assembly Bill No. 190–Mr. Cross. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act for the relief of Groesbeck & O’Brien Co. Assembly Bill No. 192–Committee on Claims. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act to amend “An act concerning public schools, and repealing certain acts relating thereto,” approved March 20, 1911, and acts amendatory thereof. Assembly Bill No. 194–Miss Averill. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act to authorize the board of county commissioners of Douglas County, Nevada, to issue bonds to provide funds for constructing and improving roads and highways and constructing bridges in Douglas County, Nevada. Assembly Bill No. 199–Mr. Hussman. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act for the relief of the Gray, Reid, Wright Company. Assembly Bill No. 206–Committee on Claims. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act concerning public schools, and repealing certain acts relating thereto,” approved March 20, 1911. Assembly Bill No. 213–Mr. Spellier. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act to provide for the leasing of coal and oil-bearing lands by the state. Assembly Bill No. 215–Mr. Hartley. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act authorizing and empowering the board of county commissioners of Clark County, State of Nevada, to issue bonds to provide for aid in the construction of state highways within said county. Assembly Bill No. 216–Mr. Smith. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide revenue for the support of the government of the State of Nevada and to repeal all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith,” Statutes of Nevada, 1915, 236. Assembly Bill No. 217–Committee on Ways and Means. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act to authorize, empower, and direct the board of county commissioners of the county of Washoe, State of Nevada, to issue bonds for the purpose of creating a fund to be used for the building and furnishing of an addition to, and the repair of, the county hospital of Washoe County, Nevada; to levy a tax for the payment of interest thereon and the redemption thereof; and other matters relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 222–Washoe County Delegation. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act authorizing payment of the claims of the department of the state ore sampler. Assembly Bill No. 223–Committee on Claims. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act to appropriate money for the national association of railway commissioners in payment of services rendered. Assembly Bill No. 224–Mr. Bartlett. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act to repeal an act entitled “An act to prevent the shipment of wild game from this state,” approved February 16, 1899, being section 2113, Revised Laws of Nevada. Assembly Bill No. 236–Mr. Bartlett. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act to repeal an act entitled “An act to prevent the dissemination of disease among apiaries; to provide for the appointment of an inspector, and to define his duties and compensation,” approved March 6, 1901, being sections 477-481, Revised Laws of Nevada. Assembly Bill No. 237–Mr. Bartlett. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act to repeal an act entitled “An act providing for the establishment of private hatcheries for artificial propagation, culture and maintenance of food fishes, for their regulation and licensing, and for the sale, shipment, transportation and disposition of fish raised and propagated therein or thereby, and prescribing a penalty for the violation of the provisions thereof,” approved March 20, 1911, being sections 2076-2084, Revised Laws of Nevada. Assembly Bill No. 240–Mr. Bartlett. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act to repeal an act entitled “An act to provide for the protection and the preservation of trout and other fish in the waters of the State of Nevada, and other matters pertaining thereto, and to state in part what shall be evidence of its violations, and to prescribe penalties for its violation, and to provide for its enforcement, and to repeal all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith,” approved March 15, 1911, being sections 2059-2075, Revised Laws of Nevada. Assembly Bill No. 245–Mr. Bartlett. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act to repeal an act entitled “An act providing for the payment of a portion of the moneys collected for county licenses for the sale of liquors into the city treasury of incorporated cities within such county,” approved February 17, 1893, being section 954, Revised Laws of Nevada. Assembly Bill No. 246–Mr. Bartlett. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act to repeal an act entitled “An act to provide for the preservation of fish in the waters of this state, and matters properly relating thereto,” approved March 14, 1903, being sections 2047-2051, Revised Laws of Nevada. Assembly Bill No. 247–Mr. Bartlett. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act to repeal an act entitled “An act to provide for the payment of a bounty to encourage the boring of wells in searching for oil, natural gas and artesian water in the State of Nevada,” approved March 19, 1901, being sections 712-717, Revised Laws of Nevada. Assembly Bill No. 248–Mr. Bartlett. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act to repeal an act entitled “An act giving authority to the boards of county commissioners of the several counties of this state to extend the close season for fishing in streams and waters of a certain class, and providing for the enforcement of the same,” approved March 16, 1905, being sections 2056-2058, Revised Laws of Nevada. Assembly Bill No. 249–Mr. Bartlett. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act to repeal an act entitled “An act providing for the protection and preservation of game, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict therewith,” approved March 24, 1909, being sections 2085-2100, Revised Laws of Nevada. Assembly Bill No. 250–Mr. Bartlett. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act to repeal an act entitled “An act to regulate and license the hunting of game birds and animals, and the taking and catching of fish, and to provide revenue therefrom for game and fish preservation and protection, and to prescribe a penalty for the violation thereof, and to make an appropriation for the purpose of carrying out the objects of this act,” approved February 26, 1909, being sections 2101-2112, Revised Laws of Nevada. Assembly Bill No. 251–Mr. Bartlett. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide for the establishment of evening schools,” approved March 24, 1917. Assembly Bill No. 259–Mr. Henderson. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act to amend the title of an act and to amend an act entitled “An act to accept the benefits of any act that may be passed by the senate and house of representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, to provide for the promotion of vocational rehabilitation of persons disabled in industry,” approved March 28, 1919. Assembly Bill No. 260–Mr. Henderson. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act to repeal an act providing for the university engineering experiment station building bonds, and to provide for the disposition of moneys collected pursuant to said act. Assembly Bill No. 262–Mr. Lockhart. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act exempting certain motor vehicles from the payment of a license fee and prohibiting the use of such vehicles for other than public business. Assembly Bill No. 268–Mr. Royle. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act to amend section 6 of an act entitled “An act to provide for the appointment of official reporters for the district courts, their duties, qualifications, and compensation, and to repeal all former acts in relation thereto,” approved March 12, 1907, being paragraphs 4968, et seq., of Revised Laws of Nevada, 1912, as amended by act approved March ......., 1921. Assembly Bill No. 270–Mr. Heward. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to regulate proceedings in criminal cases in this state and to repeal all other acts in relation thereto,” approved March 17, 1911, by adding thereto an additional section to be known as section 308 1/2 thereof. Assembly Bill No. 272–Mr. Heward. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act to amend section 1 of an act entitled “An act to provide a fee bill for the office of secretary of state,” approved March 24, 1913. Assembly Bill No. 277–Committee on Ways and Means. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act to provide for enlarging and improving the White Pine County high-school building and the equipment thereof, and for the construction and equipment of an additional county high-school building or buildings for said White Pine County high school or branch thereof, and to provide for the issuance and payment of bonds for the creation of a fund to be used for said purposes, and to repeal an act entitled “An act to provide for the erection, furnishing and equipment of a manual-training building for the White Pine County high school in the city of Ely, State of Nevada, and for the issuance and payment of bonds for the creation of a fund for the erection, furnishing and equipment of said building,” approved April 1, 1919. Assembly Bill No. 280–Mr. Lockhart. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act fixing and regulating the salary and fees of the justice of the peace and constable of Bald Mountain township, Washoe County, Nevada, and repealing a certain act relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 283–Mr. Hill. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act to amend sections 5, 6, 12, 19, 25, 32, 38, 53, 59, 75, 149, 158, 160, 161, 170, 171, and 178 of an act entitled “An act concerning public schools, and repealing certain acts relating thereto,” approved March 20, 1911, and all acts amendatory thereof. Assembly Bill No. 284–Committee on Education. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act to authorize, empower, and direct the board of county commissioners of Washoe County, State of Nevada, to issue bonds for the purpose of creating a fund to be used for the improvement and construction of a highway within said county; to levy a tax for the payment of interest thereon and redemption thereof, and other matters relative thereto. Assembly Bill No. 285–Washoe County Delegation. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act to authorize, empower, and direct the board of county commissioners of Pershing County, State of Nevada, to issue bonds for the purpose of creating a fund to be used for the improvement and construction of a highway within said county; to levy a tax for the payment of interest thereon and redemption thereof, and other matters relative thereto. Assembly Bill No. 286–Pershing County Delegation. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act to authorize, empower, and direct the board of county commissioners of Humboldt County, State of Nevada, to issue bonds for the purpose of creating a fund to be issued for the improvement and construction of a highway within said county; to levy a tax for the payment of interest thereon and redemption thereof, and other matters relative thereto. Assembly Bill No. 287–Humboldt County Delegation. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act to repeal an act entitled “An act prohibiting the sale, furnishing, giving away, or having in possession of any intoxicating drinks; defining the same; making the superintendent of the Nevada state police ex officio commissioner of prohibition and defining his duties; prescribing penalties for the violation of this act and providing for the enforcement of the same,” approved April 1, 1919. Senate Bill No. 16–Senator Kenney. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act providing for the issuance of licenses to hoisting engineers; providing a fee for such licenses; creating district boards of examiners; providing for revocation of licenses; creating the hoisting engineers’ license fund in the state treasury; making a temporary appropriation for carrying out the purposes of this act, and providing a penalty for violation of any of the provisions hereof. Senate Bill No. 24–Senator Miller. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act for the relief of the Southern Nevada agricultural board. Senate Bill No. 31–Senator Griffith. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act for the relief of the Hon. J. A. Callahan, judge of the Sixth judicial district court, for traveling and hotel expenses on official business. Senate Bill No. 38–Senator Uniacke. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act to amend section 4 of an act entitled “An act to provide for the adoption of children,” approved February 20, 1885, being section 5828, Revised Laws of Nevada, 1912. Senate Bill No. 55–Senator Cowles. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act to amend certain sections of an act entitled “An act regulating the fiscal management of counties, cities, towns, school districts, and other governmental agencies,” approved March 22, 1917. Senate Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 58–Committee on Education, State Library, and Public Morals. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act relating to the compensation of injured workmen in the industries of this state and the compensation of their dependents where such injuries result in death, creating an industrial insurance commission, providing for the creation and disbursement of funds for the compensation and care of workmen injured in the course of employment, and defining and regulating the liability of employers to their employees; and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict with this act,” approved March 15, 1913, and as amended by an act approved March 22, 1915, and as amended by an act approved March 27, 1917, and as amended by an act approved March 28, 1919. Senate Bill No. 78–Senator Sheehan. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to prohibit the manufacture, sale, keeping for sale, and gift, of malt, vinous and spirituous liquors and other intoxicating drinks, mixtures or preparations; making the superintendent of the Nevada state police ex officio commissioner of prohibition, and defining his duties; and providing for the enforcement of this act, and prescribing penalties for the violation thereof,” enacted by the people of the State of Nevada at the general election in the year 1918. Senate Bill No. 102–Senator Kenney. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act providing for a license for the operation of motors and vehicles and other matters relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 111–Senator Harrington. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act to prohibit advertisements or manufacture and sale of cures or medicines relating to venereal disease and certain sexual disorders. Senate Bill No. 117–Senator Kenney. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act authorizing and empowering the board of county commissioners of Lincoln County, State of Nevada, to issue bonds to provide for aid in the construction of state highways within said county. Senate Bill No. 123–Senator Scott. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to regulate fees and compensation for official and other services in the State of Nevada, and to repeal all other acts in relation thereto,” approved February 27, 1883. Senate Bill No. 124–Senator Scott. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act to accept the benefits of any act that may be passed by the senate and house of representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, to amend the vocational education act approved February 23, 1917, so as to provide increased funds for the support of home economics education in cooperation with the states. Senate Bill No. 126–Senator Harrington. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act to regulate, protect and encourage apiaries, creating a state apiary commission, defining its duties and powers, providing revenue for the support of same, providing penalties for the violation thereof; repealing an act entitled “An act to create the office of state inspector of apiaries, to provide for the appointment of state inspector of apiaries, and to define his duties and compensation; to prevent the dissemination of diseases among apiaries, and to provide for a system of inspection of apiaries by the state inspector of apiaries, and the treatment and extermination of diseases therein; making appropriations for the expense of the office of state inspector of apiaries; and providing penalties for the violation thereof, and repealing all other acts or parts of acts in relation thereto,” approved March 15, 1917; and other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 41–Mr. Gummow. Approved March 22, 1921.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to provide for the government of the state prison of the State of Nevada,” approved March 7, 1873. Assembly Bill No. 187–Mr. Tannahill. Approved March 23, 1921.



An Act declaring pipe-lines for the transportation of crude oil or petroleum to be common carriers and providing for the regulation thereof; declaring purchasers of crude oil or petroleum within the State of Nevada and operating pipe-lines for the transportation of such crude oil or petroleum to be common purchasers, and providing for the regulation thereof; providing penalties for the violation of this act, and providing an appropriation for the enforcement thereof. Assembly Bill No. 204–Mr. Gummow. Approved March 23, 1921.



An Act to repeal an act entitled “An act to prevent the dissemination of contagious diseases among sheep; to provide for the appointment of sheep inspectors in the several counties of the state, and to define their duties and compensation,” approved February 23, 1893, being sections 2298-2312, Revised Laws of Nevada. Assembly Bill No. 239–Mr. Bartlett. Approved March 23, 1921.



An Act to amend sections 11, 12, and 15 of an act entitled “An act regulating the sheep industry in the State of Nevada, creating a state board of sheep commissioners, defining their powers and duties, prescribing their compensation, and providing penalties for the violation hereof,” approved March 25, 1919. Senate Bill No. 85–Senator Hesson. Approved March 23, 1921.



An Act providing for the prevention of blindness from ophthalmia neonatorum; defining the word ophthalmia neonatorum; duties of attendants at childbirth; duties of state department of health, and duties of local health officers. Senate Bill No. 115–Senator Kenney. Approved March 23, 1921.



An Act to further amend an act entitled “An act to provide a general highway law for the State of Nevada,” approved March 23, 1917, 309, as amended 1919, 23; 1919, 254, and as the same has been further amended. Senate Bill No. 127–Senator Chapin. Approved March 23, 1921.



An Act to grant the right of way to John E. Sexton and his associates, their successors and assigns, for the construction and operation of a railroad within Washoe County, State of Nevada, beginning at or near the station of Reynard, in said county, on or near the track of the Western Pacific railroad company, and running thence in a general northwesterly direction sixty miles, more or less, to a point to be selected by the grantees in township 37 north, range 18 east, M. D. B. & M., in said county, and matters relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 109–Senator Cowles. Approved March 23, 1921.



An Act relating to the payment of licenses for the operation of motors and vehicles, and other matters pertaining thereto. Senate Bill No. 129–Senator Harrington. Approved March 23, 1921.



An Act to amend certain sections of an act entitled “An act for the protection and preservation of fish and game, providing penalties for the violation thereof, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith,” approved March 27, 1917, as amended by act approved March 4, 1921. Assembly Bill No. 61–Mr. Spellier. Approved March 23, 1921.



An Act to amend section 3 of an act entitled “An act in relation to public highways,” approved March 9, 1866. Assembly Bill No. 132–Washoe County Delegation. Approved March 23, 1921.



An Act to provide for the organization, management and conduct of nonprofit cooperative corporations, providing for membership therein, and matters properly connected therewith. Assembly Bill No. 140–Mr. Heward. Approved March 23, 1921.



An Act to amend sections 9 and 33 of an act entitled “An act regulating the registration of electors for general, special and primary elections,” approved March 27, 1917, said act being contained in volume 3, Revised Laws of Nevada, at pages 2736 to 2745. Assembly Bill No. 212–Committee on Elections. Approved March 23, 1921.



An Act to repeal an act entitled “An act to regulate the practice of optometry in the State of Nevada, and to fix the license therefor,” approved March 9, 1903, being sections 2892-2896, Revised Laws of Nevada. Assembly Bill No. 233–Mr. Bartlett. Approved March 23, 1921.



An Act to repeal an act entitled “An act to provide for the creation of a state board of pharmacy; to regulate the practice of pharmacy; to prohibit the use of deteriorated and adulterated drugs, and to regulate the sale of poisons,” approved March 28, 1901, being sections 4495-4514, Revised Laws of Nevada. Assembly Bill No. 243–Mr. Bartlett. Approved March 23, 1921.



An Act to repeal an act entitled “An act for preventing the manufacture, sale, or transportation of adulterated, mislabeled, or misbranded or poisonous or deleterious foods, drugs, medicines, and liquors and for regulating the traffic therein, providing penalties, and making an appropriation for the carrying out of this act,” approved March 13, 1909, being sections 3486-3510, Revised Laws of Nevada. Assembly Bill No. 253–Mr. Bartlett. Approved March 23, 1921.



An Act to authorize and empower banks in certain cases to establish foreign branches and to invest in the stocks of certain banks or corporations principally engaged in international or foreign banking. Assembly Bill No. 261–Mr. Lockhart. Approved March 23, 1921.



An Act to amend section 28 of an act entitled “An act to provide a general highway law for the State of Nevada,” approved March 23, 1917. Assembly Bill No. 281–Committee on Ways and Means. Approved March 23, 1921.



An Act regulating automobiles or motor vehicles in public roads, highways, parks or parkways, streets and avenues, within the State of Nevada; providing a license for the operation thereof, and prescribing penalties for its violation; designating the manner of handling the receipts therefrom, and the purpose for which it may be expended and in what manner; to provide for the registration and issuing of number plates for vehicles; and repealing an act entitled “An act to amend certain sections of an act entitled ‘An act regulating automobiles or motor vehicles on public roads, highways, parks, or parkways, streets and avenues, within the State of Nevada; providing a license for the operation thereof and prescribing penalties for its violation; designating the manner of handling the receipts therefrom, and the purpose for which it may be expended, and in what manner, and repealing an act of the same title, approved March 24, 1913,’ approved March 24, 1915, and approved March 24, 1917, and repealing a certain section of a certain act.” Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 84–Committee on Roads and Highways. Approved March 25, 1921.



An Act to amend section 8 of an act entitled “An act to provide a general highway law for the State of Nevada,” approved March 23, 1917, as amended by act approved February 21, 1919, as amended 1921. Assembly Bill No. 232–Mr. Mack. Approved March 25, 1921.



An Act proposing a legislative substitute for “An act affecting divorce and matters properly connected therewith, providing for interlocutory decrees of divorce in certain cases and eliminating what are commonly known as short-term decrees in divorce cases, and repealing section 22 of an act entitled ‘An act relating to marriage and divorce,’ approved November 28, 1861, as amended, and all other acts or parts of acts in conflict herewith,” presented to this legislature by the secretary of state upon initiative petition under section 3 of article 19 of the constitution, and to provide for the submission of a legislative substitute by the secretary of state to the qualified electors for approval or rejection at the next ensuing general election. Assembly Bill No. 65–Committees on Judiciary and Public Morals. Approved March 28, 1921.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act to regulate proceedings in criminal cases in this state, and to repeal all other acts in relation thereto,” approved March 17, 1911. Assembly Bill No. 230–Messrs. Hart and Bartlett. Approved March 28, 1921.



An Act fixing the compensation of the constable of Union township of the county of Humboldt, State of Nevada, and repealing all acts and parts of acts in conflict herewith. Assembly Bill No. 273–Humboldt County Delegation. Approved March 28, 1921.



An Act amending an act entitled “An act regulating the nomination of candidates for public office in the State of Nevada,” approved March 23, 1917, and set forth in volume 3, Revised Laws of Nevada, 1919, at pages 2713 to 2723. Senate Substitute for Senate Bill No. 12–Committee on Judiciary. Approved March 28, 1921.



An Act to amend an act entitled “An act providing a general corporation law,” approved March 16, 1903. Senate Bill No. 66–Senator FitzGerald. Approved March 28, 1921.



An Act to provide a board of fish and game commissioners, defining their powers and duties; providing for the appointment of fish and game wardens and prescribing their powers and duties, providing for the payment of their salaries and expenses, and repealing all acts in conflict herewith. Senate Bill No. 121–Senator Kent. Approved March 28, 1921.