[Rev. 1/29/2019 4:04:59 PM]


Statutes of the State of Nevada - Twenty-Ninth Special Session, 2015








AN ACT relating to economic development; requiring the Office of Economic Development to develop and implement one or more programs to provide customized workforce development services to new and existing businesses in this State; revising provisions governing programs of workforce development provided by providers approved by the Office; authorizing certain providers to apply to the Office for approval of programs of workforce recruitment, assessment and training; authorizing certain providers of programs of workforce recruitment, assessment and training and certain local governmental entities to apply to the Office for an allocation, grant or loan of money to defray the costs of the program; authorizing certain businesses to apply to participate in such programs; creating the Workforce Innovations for a New Nevada Account in the State General Fund; specifying the uses of money in the Account; requiring the State Treasurer to transfer certain money to the Account; revising certain provisions relating to the approval by the Executive Director of the Office of applications for certain transferable tax credits; making an appropriation to the Account; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Assembly Bill No. 1 — Committee of the Whole. Approved December 19, 2015



AN ACT relating to commerce; providing for the issuance of transferable tax credits and the partial abatement of certain taxes to a project that satisfies certain capital investment and other requirements; authorizing the governing body of a city or county to grant abatements of certain permitting and licensing fees imposed or charged by the city or county; authorizing the Office of Economic Development to approve an economic development financing proposal under certain circumstances; requiring the State Board of Finance to issue general obligation bonds of the State pursuant to an economic development financing agreement approved by the Office; establishing limitations on the amount of the general obligation bonds of the State that may be outstanding pursuant to an economic development financing agreement; revising provisions relating to the administration of certain tax increment areas, improvement districts and other special districts created by a local government pursuant to an economic development financing agreement; revising provisions governing the creation of districts for the promotion of economic development and the pledge of certain sales and use tax proceeds for those districts; providing for the expansion of infrastructure necessary to provide natural gas to the legal boundary of an economic diversification district; authorizing the creation of an improvement district to acquire, operate and maintain an electrical project and a fire protection project for a qualified project; authorizing a regional transportation commission in a county in which a qualified project is located to acquire, construct, improve, maintain and operate a project to provide freight rail service or contract for the construction or operation of such a project; authorizing a municipality to designate a tax increment area for certain natural resources projects and rail projects conducted in relation to a qualified project; revising provisions governing the allocation of certain sales and use taxes and employer excise taxes for the payment of debt incurred by a municipality that has designated a tax increment area for the purpose of financing an undertaking; revising provisions governing the financing of certain undertakings in a tax increment area; revising provisions governing the issuance of state obligations for certain purposes related to natural resources; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 1 — Committee of the Whole. Approved December 19, 2015



AN ACT relating to economic development; revising provisions governing applications for permits relating to water rights in an area in which a qualified project for economic development is located; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 2 — Committee of the Whole. Approved December 19, 2015



AN ACT relating to economic development; amending the Las Vegas Valley Water District Act to designate the District and the Southern Nevada Water Authority as the exclusive service providers of water for the Garnet Valley Ground Water Basin in Clark County, Nevada; requiring the Legislature to review the effects of this measure and the implementation of certain economic development financing proposals; clarifying the effects of this measure and certain other legislation on the geographic boundaries and jurisdiction of local governments; and providing other matters properly relating thereto. Senate Bill No. 3 — Committee of the Whole. Approved December 19, 2015