[Rev. 12/19/2019 5:16:59 PM]





      Act concerning franchises for, 87.


      Appropriation for the examination of, state officers, 232.

      Relative to, against incorporated cities, 6.


      Salary of, 228.

      Appropriation for care of military property, 228.


      Employment by officials within third degree prohibited, 17.


      Counties authorized to advertise resources of, 64.

      Amendments to quarantine law, 332.

      Act for protection of plants, poultry, etc., 424.


      University authorized to receive money and conduct work, 10, 116.


      State fair to be held at Fallon, 26.

      Appropriation for deficiency in 1914, 218.

      Appropriation for improvements, 279.


      Act for relief of, 138.


      To inspector of mines act, sec. 4, 9.

      To crimes and punishments act, sec. 400, 15.

      To act regulating proceedings in criminal cases, sec. 20, 16.

      To act providing for prosecution and punishment by information, sec. 9, 16.

      To act relating to support of poor, sec. 10, 17.

      To act providing state revenue, sec. 123 1/2, 18.

      To act relative to state agricultural society, sec. 5, 26.

      To act relating to marriage and divorce, sec. 22, 26.

      To act concerning crimes and punishments, sec. 253, 31.

      To act regulating banking, sec. 13, 32.

      To act concerning crimes and punishments, sec. 354, 32.

      To act for incorporation of Protestant Episcopal churches, sec. 2, 34.

      To act for incorporation of cities, sec. 105, 35.

      To act concerning wills, sec, 3, 36.

      To act to incorporate the town of Reno, 37.

      To act concerning public schools, 59.

      To act requiring building and loan associations to furnish securities, sec. 1, 65.

      To act providing for the incorporation of cities, sec. 36, 66.

      To act concerning crimes and punishments, secs. 120-121, 67.

      To act regulating the compensation of county officers, sec. 21, 70.

      To act creating board of county commissioners, sec. 3, 74.

      To act concerning drainage districts, secs. 20, 21, 32, 36, 75.

      To act concerning franchises by county commissioners, sec. 3, 78.

      To act concerning insurance company bonds, secs. 4-5, 81.

      To act establishing state printing office, 83.

      To act concerning juries, sec. 9, 84.

      To act for the incorporation of cities, sec. 82, 85.

      To act fixing salary of justice of the peace, Reno Township, 86.

      To act concerning the insane of the state, sec. 7, 88.

      To act providing revenue for the state, sec. 123, 90.

      To act providing adequate train crews, 107.

      To act defining duties of state controller, secs. 3, 4, 6, 19, 20, 22, 23, 94.

      To act fixing salary of district attorney of Nye County, 96.

      To act regulating proceedings in civil cases, 110.

      To act regulating salaries of officers of Washoe County, 113.

      To act regulating sale and uses of poisons, secs. 6-8, 119.

      To crimes and punishments act, sec. 373, 119.

      To public service commission act, sec. 18, 125.

      To act concerning judicial districts, 130.

      To act concerning public schools, 134.

      To act concerning salaries in Lyon County, 136.

      To act regulating salaries of senators and assemblymen, sec. 7, 147.

      To act to promote public safety by railroads, sec. 1, 148.

      For settlement of estates, sec. 259, 149.

      Fixing salary of justice of the peace of Goldfield Township, 153.

      Concerning payment of taxes semiannually, sec. 3, 154.

      To act concerning crimes and punishments, and adding sec. 375 1/2, 155.

      Relative to district judges, sec. 7, 163.

      Civil practice act (bill of exceptions), 164.

      Concerning juries, sec. 4, 167.

      Concerning drawing of juries, sec. 3, 172.

      To revenue act, sec. 1, 174.

      To banking act, sec. 2, 174.

      To revenue act, sec. 8, 178.

      To act relating to hoisting of flag on schoolhouses, sec. 3, 180.

      Regulating banking, secs. 50, 55, 56, 190.

      Criminal practice act, secs. 310, 311, 410, 191.

      Regulating proceedings in civil cases, secs. 104, 115, 116, 133, 192.

      Regulating proceedings in civil cases, sec. 285, 218.

      To civil practice act, sec. 5, 219.

      To state board of health law, sec. 17, 249.

      To Reno incorporation act, 253.

      To crimes and punishments act, sec. 517, 275.

      To industrial insurance law, 279.

      To act regulating sheep industry, 294.

      To civil practice act, sec. 807, 303.

      To school election law, sec. 9, 308.

      To salary act, Churchill County, 309.

      To act relating to state library, sec. 2, 310.

      To civil practice act, secs. 74, 376, 321.

      To marriage and divorce act, sec. 27, 324.

      To mineral land commissioner act, sec. 5, 326.

      To secs. 16 and 23 of revenue law, sec. 3638 of Revised Laws, 328.

      To general quarantine law, secs. 2, 7, 15, 333.

      To Carey act, 333, 335.

      To banking act, secs. 4, 15, 41, 49, 339.

      To text-book commission law, 352.

      To revenue act (supplemental act), 353.

      To act relative to pollution of state waters, 361.

      To road act, 362.

      To public service commission act, 369.

      To act regulating sheep industry, 371.

      To act protecting public roads, secs. 1, 2, 373.

      Purity of election law, sec. 6, 376.

      To act concerning public schools, sec. 23, 377.

      To water law, sec. 25, 378.

      To school act, 386.

      To act as to reports of district attorneys, 387.

      To act for preservation of game, 388.

      To act relative to surety companies, 390.

      To orphans’ home act, secs. 12, 13, 16, 17, 390.

      To act adding sec. 10a to law relative to platting towns, 392.

      To fish and game act, 395.

      To public school act, sec. 139, 402.

      To act to incorporate town of Sparks, sec. 19, 403.

      To crimes and punishments act, sec. 163, 423.

      To act for preventing contagious diseases of animals, etc., secs. 1, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 424.

      To water storage act, 434.

      To railroad commission act, approved March 23, 1911, sec. 21, 449.

      To railroad commission act, sec. 13, act of March 5, 1907, 450.

      To crimes and punishments act, sec. 253, 462.

      To public school law, secs, 6, 9, 508.

      To constitution, proposed, to art. 11, sec. 3, 513.

      To constitution, proposed, to art. 9, sec. 3, 516.

animals —

      Licenses under Reno incorporation act, 267.

      Under general quarantine law, 332.

      Private breeding grounds authorized, 363.

      Infected sheep to be killed, 372.

      Regulations as to pelts, 372.

      Bounties on coyotes, wildcats, and lions, 372, 399.

      Beaver protected, 388.

      Not to run at large, 394.

      Transient livestock act, 417.

      Relative to contagious diseases affecting, 424.


      Bill of exceptions, provisions relative to, 164.

      Not to stay execution without undertaking, 220.

      How taken under water law, 384, 385.

      How proposed and settled, 385.


      For legislature, 3.

      For relief of Wellington Bowen, 12.

      For relief Elko County residents (school of industry), 21.

      For refunding overpayment of taxes by counties, 70.

      For payment of fees to county officers for collecting state taxes, 70.

      For oil painting of Abraham Lincoln, 71.

      For relief of H. C. Jepson, 82.

      For Grand Army cemetery at Carson City, 87.

      For Crittenton Mission, 98.

      For Southern Pacific company, 99.

      For deficiencies bureau of industry, 1913-1914, 99.

      For experiment farm at Logan, 100.

      For relief of Mrs. A. R. Shewalter, 106.

      For relief of estate of T. F. Richardson, 107.

      For relief of W. U. Telegraph company, 108.

      For relief of state university, 108.

      For relief of E. E. Winters and E. J. L. Taber, 109.

      For relief of Sam Caramella, 109.

      For preventing pollution of Truckee river, 112.

      For department of engineering experimentation at university, 114.

      For support of Nevada school of industry, 123.

      For preparing schedules of changes of Revised Laws, 123.

      For relief of Jonathan Payne, 123.

      For relief of Nellie B. Milligan, 123.

      For relief of employees of state engineer’s office, 124.

      For relief of Verdi lumber company, 124.

      For bounties for sinking artesian wells, 127.

      For relief of Virginia City Miners’ Union, 135.

      For relief of California school for deaf and blind, 135.

      For transfer of museum, 137.

      For relief of L. A. Gibbons, 137.

      For relief of J. I. Allenbach fuel company, 138.

      For stationery allowance to members of legislature, 147.

      For state tax commission, 188.

      For relief of state agricultural society, 218.

      For relief of state fish commission, 1913-1914, 219.

      For relief of Gray, Reid, Wright company, 220.

      Shall be applied for purposes named, deficiencies prohibited, 221.

      For James Reid and William Lear, 223.

      For relief of T. J. Edwards, 223.

      For salaries of certain deputy state officers, 224.

      For expenses incurred by tax commission, 224.

      For university revolving fund, 226.

      For relief of Carson Appeal, 226.

      For relief of Gold Hill school district, 226.

      For experiment farm at Logan, 227.

      General appropriation act, 227.

      For reporter of decisions, 277.

      For state agricultural society, 279.

      For regulating sheep industry, 294.

      For railroad commission act, sec. 4, 298.

      For relief of Mrs. J. E. Stubbs, 309.

      For salary of sheriff of Churchill County, 309.

      Relative to state library, 310.

      For labor commissioner, 314.

      For relief of E. T. Krebs, 325.

      For relief of Raycraft Realty company, 326, 330.

      For salary of mineral land commissioner, 326.

      For relief of Paul Gaston, 331.

      For modern prison, 335.

      For Railroad Valley company, 338.

      For lease of college farm, 347.

      For salary of secretary public service commission, 370.

      For educational survey commission, 371.

      For hospital for mental diseases, 389.

      For relief of industrial insurance commission, 393.

      For relief of Remington Typewriter company, 396.


      Of assemblymen, 73.

      Of senators, 74.


      To promote sinking of, 127.

      To be properly encased, 323.

      Bounty paid Railroad Valley company, 338.


      Apportioned, 73.

      Per diem of, 147.

ASSESSOR — See County Assessors.


      Under Reno incorporation act, 41, 260.

      Of shares of bank stock, 175.

      Duties of assessors, 179.

      Duties of tax commission as to, 183, 185.

      Of patented mines, when, 316.

ATTACHES — See Legislature.


      Writ must be issued by justice of the peace, 303.


      To prosecute suits for state against insurance companies, 118.

      To prepare schedule of changes in Revised Laws, 122.

      To maintain water suits in name of state, 159.

      To defend suits for tax commission, 185.

      Salary of, 228.

      Salary of deputy, 228.

      Salary of typist, 228.

      For traveling and contingent expenses, 228.

      For salary as land commissioner, 326.

      Duties of, under water law, 385.

      District attorneys to report to, 389.

      Duties of, under general election law, 503.

automobiles — See Motor Vehicles.


banking —

      Banks prohibited from investing capital in certain ways, 32.

      May invest in federal reserve banks, 32.

      May sell collateral bonds, 32.

      Relative to taxing shares of banks, 174.

      Providing for bank examiner, 190.

      Providing for security in cases of liquidation, 191.

      Buildings, etc., of banks not to exceed forty per cent of capital, 339, 340.

      Borrowers’ liability restricted, 339.

      Board of, two members shall be practical bankers, 339.

      Examiners of banks to supervise building and loan associations, 341.

bank examiner —

      Appointment of, 190.

      Salary of, 230.

      Salary of clerk of, 230.

      Expenses of, 230.

bees —

      Quarantine on, when, 332.

      Act protecting, 424.

beggars —

      When vagrants, 33.

bill of exceptions —

      How perfected and settled, 164.

bills and resolutions —

      Copy to be in triplicate, 4.

      How to be introduced, 4.

      When printed bill becomes original, 4.

      Engrossed copy, when reprinted, 4.

      Enrolled bill, how signed, 5.

      When printed bill may become enrolled bill, 5.

      After approval, how bound, 5.

blind —

      Relief for California school of, 136.

      For support of, 235.

board of health —

      Salary of secretary, 230.

      For support of, 230.

      Duties of doctors as to contagious diseases, 249.

bondS —

      Mineral County to issue for school building at Hawthorne, 8.

      Nye County, for indebtedness, 14.

      Security, to keep the peace, 16.

      Of school districts, how issued and redeemed, 59.

      Counties authorized to issue for construction or purchase of railways, 62.

      Supervisors may issue for drainage districts, 76.

      For school purposes in Churchill County, 79.

      Concerning the giving of by surety companies, 81.

      For high school at Ely, 91.

      For high school at Sparks, 102.

      For school in Lund district, White Pine County, 131.

      For school district of Winnemucca, 160.

      For school district of Preston, 169.

      On appeal in civil cases, 220.

      When to stay execution, 220.

      For current expenses of Mineral County, 314.

      For courthouse at Minden, 319.

      Relating to 90,000-acre, 72-section grant, 327.

      For high school at Gardnerville, 336.

      For high-school dormitories at Elko and Wells, 344.

      For bridge over Truckee River, 358.

      For high school at Winnemucca, 365.

      Surety companies must qualify, 390.

      Relative to, for irrigation districts, 438, 441, 442.

bookmaking —

      At horse-races made a misdemeanor, 24.

bounties —

      For sinking artesian wells, how paid, 127.

      For killing infected sheep, 372.

      For killing certain wild animals, 372, 399.

bowen, wellington —

      Relief of, 12, 13.

boys —

      When vagrants, 33.

brands —

      Relative to recording of, 374.

building and loan companies —

      Nonresident must deposit securities with state treasurer, 66.

      Providing for incorporation of domestic, 341.

      Licensing foreign, 341.

      Domestic, powers of, 341.

      Statement to be filed with bank examiner, 343.

bureau of industry —

      To pay deficiencies of, 1913-1914, 99.

      Appropriation for expenses of, 235.

bureau of industry, agriculture and irrigation —

      Act providing for, repealed, 14.


caramella, sam —

      Act for the relief of, 109.

carey act —

      Amending secs. 2 and 25, 334, 335.

carson appeal —

      For relief of, 226.

catholic university of america —

      Donating certain documents to school of, 130.

checks —

      Passing false, forgery, 15.

christensen, h. c. —

      Franchise granted to, 162.

churches —

      Episcopal vestrymen, how elected, 34.

      May become corporations, 72.

      Officers of, may become corporation sole, 72.

      Succession, how established, 73.

churchill county —

      Authorizing bonds for school purposes, 79.

      Salary of sheriff, 309.

      Relative to Lincoln highway, 428.

cities —

      Claims or accounts against, when presented, 6.

      May be disincorporated at referendum election, 35.

      Act amending Reno incorporation act, 37.

      Officers of, elected and appointed, 66.

      Relating to proposed improvements therein, 86.

      Commission form of, provided for, 294.

      Duty of council of, as to platting of lands, 392.

civil practice act —

      Amendment of, relative to general and special verdicts, 110.

      Relative to bill of exceptions, 164.

      What answer must contain, 193.

      What admitted, if not replied to, 193.

      Questions of fact must be decided within thirty days, 219.

      Appeal not to stay execution, when, 219.

      Waiver of issue of summons, 321.

claims —

      Against cities, when presented, 6.

clark county —

      Relief for farm at Logan, 100.

      Commissioner districts provided for, 146.

      Regulating salaries of county officers, 177.

      Appropriation for experiment farm, 227.

clerk of supreme court —

      Act authorizing deputy, repealed, 65.

      Salary of, 233.

      Salary of stenographer for, 233.

      Equipment of office, 233.

      To be reporter of decisions, 276.

      Duty of, relative to decisions, 276.

      Distribution of Nevada Reports, 277.

columbia river —

      Resolution as to opening of Dalles-Celilo canal, 525.

commission —

      Form of government for cities and towns, 294.

commissions —

      Board for promotion of uniform legislation created, 61.

      Board for care of live stock created, 396.

      For Lincoln highway, 428.

contests —

      Under general election law, 501-505.

consanguinity —

      Employment by officials within third degree prohibited, 17.

constitutions —

      Of United States, 533-555.

      Of State of Nevada, 559-612.

      Resolution amending article XI, sec. 3, 513.

      Resolution amending article IX, sec. 33, 516.

contracts —

      Relative to sale of goods, 194.

      Statute of frauds, when applicable, 194.

      As to existing and future goods, 195.

      As to transfer of personal property as between seller and buyer, 199.

      As to performance of, as regards personal property, 205.

      As to unpaid seller against the goods, 209.

      As to actions for breach of personal property, 212.

      As to interpretation, 215.

copper —

      Resolution regarding shipment of, to neutral nations in war zone, 519.

corporations —

      Tax commission may examine books of, 182.

      Word “company” under tax commission act defined, 183.

corporations sole —

      May hold church property for religion or charity, 72.

      Church officer may become, 72.

county assessors —

      Made members of state board of equalization, 184.

      Classes of property to be assessed by, 184.

      Duties of, relative to motor vehicles, 301.

      Time for printing tax last, 328.

      Duties under livestock act, 420.

county auditor — See Officials.

county clerk — See Officials.

county commissioners —

      Act creating, amended, 6.

      May provide work-houses, 17.

      Of White Pine County authorized to fix salaries, 58.

      Authorized to purchase or construct railways, 62.

      Counties authorized to advertise their resources, 64.

      Of Lander County to furnish offices for justices of the peace, 69.

      When meetings shall be held, 74.

      How franchises may be granted by, 78.

      Authorized to aid district high schools, 97.

      Duty to call elections under referendum, 158.

      To organize industrial school union, 176.

      May establish branch county high schools, when, 188.

      Of Elko County, authorized to allow deputies, 300.

      Of Mineral County to bond county for current expenses, 314.

      When to meet as board of equalization, 329.

      To issue bonds for bridge across Truckee at Reno, 357.

      May issue bonds for road work, 383.

      Duties of under orphans’ home act, 391.

      Duties relative to platting town, 392.

      Duties as to animals running at large, 394.

      Duties as to appointment of fish and game wardens, 395.

      Duties under livestock commission act, 398.

      Duties as to county road work, 363.

      Must levy county school tax, 403.

      Duties under transient livestock law, 421.

      Prohibitions under fish and game law, 434.

      Duties of, under irrigation law, 440.

      Duties of, under general election law, 473, 483, 487, 489, 492.

county treasurer — See Officials.

crimes and punishments —

      Amending sec. 400, uttering false paper, 15.

      Amending sec. 20 of criminal practice act, 16.

      Amending sec. 9 of act providing prosecution and punishment by information, 16.

      Nepotism made a misdemeanor, 17.

      Bookmaking at races made a misdemeanor, 24.

      Bribing jockeys made a felony, 25.

      Unauthorized race meetings made a misdemeanor, 25.

      Section 253 prohibiting certain gambling games, 31.

      Defining word “vagrant” and fixing penalty for vagrancy, 33.

      Penalty for violating act regarding spotters, 61.

      Amending section 120 and 121 defining malice and murder, 67.

      Fee or commission or emolument for employment made a misdemeanor, 69.

      Penalty for prohibiting an employee engaging in politics, 82.

      Penalty for not furnishing water in underground workings, 90.

      Penalty for violation of insurance commissioner law, 117.

      Grand larceny fixed and penalty fixed, 119.

      Regulating traffic in poisons and narcotics, 119.

      Penalty for violation of headlight act, 148.

      Penalty for fraud under indigent mother act, 152.

      Penalty for mutilating hides, 155.

      Penalty for violation of sanitary hotel act, 157.

      Penalty for neglect to make statement under assessment law, 179.

      Penalty for violating provisions of tax commission act, 187.

      Defendant may testify, 191.

      Indeterminate sentence, how fixed, 191.

      Penalty for exceeding official appropriations, 221.

      Penalty for violation of state and county license act, 240, 247.

      Penalty for violation of quarantine rules, 250.

      Penalty for violating fish law, 250.

      Penalty for violating peddlers’ license law, 252.

      Amending sec. 517 relative to discharge of employees, 275.

      Misdemeanor to drive live stock over certain lands, 278.

      Penalties under industrial insurance law, 291.

      Penalty for violation of labor commissioner act, 313.

      Penalty under underground water act, 324.

      Penalty under quarantine law, 333.

      Penalty under building and loan association law, 344.

      Penalty under automobile act, 351.

      Punishing Indian for soliciting to buy liquor, 355.

      Penalty for polluting waters of state, 361.

      Penalty under propagation act, 365.

      Penalty for flooding public roads and streets, 373.

      Penalty for allowing animals to run at large, 394.

      Penalty for violation of livestock act, 422.

      Libel defined and penalty affixed, 423.

      Penalty under act for prevention of diseases of animals, plants, etc., 426.

      Penalty under act forbidding employment of noncitizens in schools, 427.

      Penalty under fish and game law, 432.

      Penalty for violation of primary election law, 461.

      Amending gambling act, 462.

      Penalties under general election law, 496-501.

criminal practice act —

      Amending sec. 20 concerning bonds, 16.

      Amending sec. 310 as to witnesses, 191.

      Amending sec. 242 as to Indians, 355.

crittenton mission —

      Act appropriating money for support of, 98.

cross, v. b. —

      Salary of, as assistant gardner, 235.


deaf and blind —

      Relief for school for, 135.

      Tuition of, 235.

deficiencies —

      By state boards and officers prohibited, 221.

definitions —

      Of a vagrant, 33.

      Of “express malice,” 67.

      Of murder and its degrees, 67.

      Of grand larceny, 119.

      Under personal property act, 217.

      Of “employee,” 276.

      Of term “motor vehicles,” 301.

      Of the word “person,” 324.

      Of term “motor cycle,” 347.

      Of word “stock,” 400.

      Of “live stock,” 417.

      Of “person” under livestock act, 422.

      Of words “plants, trees, and shrubs,” 424.

      Of pronoun “he” in primary election act, 461.

      Of “legal residence,” 463.

      Of words under general election law, 507.

dentists —

      Exemption from jury service, 84.

deputy superintendents of public instruction —

      Appropriation for salaries and expenses, 234.

      Duties of, under teachers’ retirement act, 306.

      Appointment of, how made, 510.

diplomas —

      Granted for life under certain conditions, 134.

diseases —

      Statistics to be reported, 249.

      Prevention of as to animals and plants, 372, 425.

district attorney —

      To report to attorney-general, when, 387.

district judges —

      Creating judicial districts and for election of, 130.

      Traveling expenses of, 163.

      Duty of, in drawing jury list, 168.

      Must decide questions of fact within thirty days, 219.

      Traveling expenses, 233.

      Duties of, under orphans’ home act, 391.

divorce —

      Causes for, six months residence required, 27.

      When dissolved for imprisonment, 324.

      How property distributed for, in case of adultery, 324.

      Alimony to go to children, when, 324.

domestic science —

      When taught in public schools, 176.

douglas county —

      To pay H. C. Jepson fees from fish and game fund, 82.

      Fixing salary of East Fork Township officers, 128.

      Fixing salary of county officers, 128.

      Removing county-seat, 154.

      Bonds for courthouse at Minden authorized, 319.

      To erect high school at Gardnerville, 335.

drainage districts —

      Amending secs. 20, 21, 32, and 36 of act concerning, 75.

      Supervisors may let contracts for, 75.

      Act relating thereto, 434.

drugs —

      Narcotic, sale of, regulated, 119.

      License for sale of, 238.


education —

      State board of, to grant life diplomas, when, 134.

      Branch high schools under control of board of, 189.

      Survey commission created, 371.

      Commission must report to legislature, 371.

      Duties of board of, as to deputy school superintendent, 509.

      Resolutions as to free text-books, 522.

edwards, t. j. —

      For relief of, 223.

elections —

      Cities may be disincorporated, how, 35.

      Under Reno incorporation act, 52.

      County commissioners to canvass returns, 74.

      May be held for issuance of drainage bonds, 76.

      Employers shall not prohibit employees from entering politics, 82.

      Concerning United States senators, 83.

      Providing for referendum in counties, 158.

      Appropriation for election expenses, 232.

      Municipal in Reno, when, 274.

      Under commission form of government, 295.

      Amending school law, 308.

      Relative to high-school dormitories in Elko County, 345.

      For road commissioners, when, 363.

      Political party limited to $15,000 election expenses, 376.

      Of directors of drainage districts, 435.

      Authorizing expense of irrigation districts, 440.

      For consolidating drainage districts, 445.

      Primary, when held, and how conducted, 453.

      As to state and county conventions, 453.

      Electors must specify party, 457.

      Nomination by petition provided for at primaries, 460.

      General laws, 463-507.

      Soldiers’ vote, how cast, 503.

elko county —

      Regulating salaries of justices of the peace and constables, 37.

      Regulating fees of county clerk, 100.

      Relative to appointment of deputies, 300.

      Repayment of school of industry claims, 301.

      Bonds for school dormitories at Elko and Wells, 344.

      Salary of recorder, 393.

elko, town of —

      Authorized to pay claims of school of industry, 23.

ely, city of —

      Bonds, for high school at, provided, 91.

      Compensation of constable, 357.

emeritus positions —

      Established at university, 314.

employees —

      Right to be confronted with spotter, 61.

      Fee or commission for employment unlawful, 69.

      Not prohibited from engaging in politics, 82.

      Statement of cause of discharge, when given, 275.

      Word construed, 276.

      Industrial insurance law, provisions regarding, 279.

engineering — See State Engineer.

england —

      Protest to regarding war seizures, 519-520.

engrossing —

      Triplicate bill for committee, 4.

      Committee shall compare, and chairman certify, 4.

      Engrossed copy, when reprinted, 4.

enrollment —

      Bills, how enrolled, and size of, 4.

      Printed bill may become enrolled bill, when, 5.

episcopal church —

      Vestrymen, how elected, 34.

      Women may be elected on vestry, 34.

equalization —

      Creating board of, 184.

      How constituted, and duties of, 184.

      Board of, when to meet, 184.

errors in bills —

      State printer authorized to correct, 4.

esmeralda county —

      Salary of justice of the peace at Goldfield fixed, 153.

      Fixing compensation for certain officers, 322.

      Fixing salary of constable of Goldfield Township, 354.

      Fixing compensation of employees of Goldfield fire department, 356.

estates of deceased persons —

      How distributed, sec. 253 of act amended, 149.

      Fees, in Humboldt County, 173.

eureka county —

      Act fixing salaries of officers of, 19.

      Relative to Lincoln highway, 428.

      Resolution as to mail service for, 524.

evidence —

      Establishing rule of evidence regarding utterance of false paper, 15.

execution —

      Appeal not to stay without undertaking, 219.

expenses —

      Of public officials limited while traveling, 19.

experiment farm —

      Relief, of, Logan, Clark County, 100.

      Appropriation for, 227.


fallon, city of —

      State fair to be held at, 26.

      Bonds for school building at, 79.

feeble minded —

      Care of, 235.

fees —

      Of clerk of White Pine County, 10, 11, 12.

      Of officers of Mineral County, 138.

      Of office of surveyor-general, 147.

      Of clerk of Humboldt County, 173.

      For recording brands of live stock, 374.

      Under water law, 385.

      Regulating of, clerk of Nye county, 429.

fire department —

      Relating to, at Goldfield, 356.

fire insurance —

      State license for, 117.

      Insurance commissioner to place on state property, 117.

      To regulate rates and make survey for, 40, 118.

fish and game —

      Regulating sale of trout, 250.

      Provisions for establishing breeding grounds, 363.

      Law protecting beaver, 365, 388.

      Relative to wardens and their appointment, 395.

      For the protection of birds, etc., 432.

fish commission —

      To pay deficiency of, 219.

      For support of, 230.

flag —

      Relative to hoisting on schoolhouses, 180.

      Flag of state created, 252.

food and drugs —

      Department of control at University, 116.

      Commission of, to enforce hotel sanitation act, 157.

forgery —

      Guilty of, for uttering false paper, 15.

fortune tellers —

      Must pay license, 18.

franchises —

      Concerning the granting of, by county commissioners, 78.

      For conducting packing-houses, etc., 87.

      For H. C. Christensen, etc., for electric plant, 162.

      How assessed, 179.

      Valuation of to be fixed by tax commission, 183.

      For railroad in Elko County, 330.


g. a. r. cemetery —

      Appropriation for care of, 87.

gambling —

      Prohibiting certain gambling games, 31.

      Certain social games excepted, 31.

      Act regulating, 462.

game — See Fish and Game.

gardnerville —

      High school to be erected at, 336.

gaston, paul —

      Act for relief of, 338.

general appropriation act —

      Governor’s salary, 227.

      Salary of governor’s private secretary, 227.

      For salary of clerk in governor’s office, 227.

      For traveling expenses of the governor, 227.

      For repairs to governor’s mansion, 227.

      For payment of annual dues to governor’s conference, 227.

      For maintenance of governor’s mansion, 227.

      For salary of lieutenant-governor, 228.

      For care of military property and traveling expenses of adjutant-general, and for contingent expenses of adjutant-general, 228.

      For salary of secretary of state, 228.

      For salary of deputy secretary of state, 228.

      For salary of typist, 228.

      For salary of typist and stenographer, 228.

      For salary of attorney-general, 228.

      For salary of mineral land commissioner, 228.

      For salary of deputy attorney-general, 228.

      For salary of typist for attorney-general, 228.

      For traveling expenses of attorney-general, 228.

      For contingent expenses of attorney-general, 228.

      For salary of state controller, 228.

      For salary of deputy state controller, 228.

      For salary of typist of state controller, 228.

      For new records for state controller, 228.

      For new equipment in office of state controller, 228.

      For enforcement and collection of state revenues, 229.

      For salary of state treasurer, 229.

      For salary of deputy state treasurer, 229.

      For salary of clerk of state treasurer, 229.

      For new equipment for state treasurer, 229.

      For salary of surveyor-general, 229.

      For salary of deputy surveyor-general, 229.

      For salary of draughtsman for surveyor-general, 229.

      For salary of typist for surveyor-general, 229.

      For salary of clerk for surveyor-general, 229.

      For transcribing records, 229.

      For purchase of township plats, 229.

      For salary of inspector of mines, 229.

      For salary of deputy inspector of mines, 229.

      For traveling and office expenses of inspector of mines, 229.

      For emergency fund for safety apparatus, 229.

      For salary of superintendent of state printing, 229.

      For salary of bookkeeper in state printing office, 229.

      For support of state printing office, 229.

      For bookbinding of state printer, 229.

      For new material and repairs of state printing office, 229.

      For salary of superintendent of public instruction, 230.

      For salary of typist for superintendent of public instruction, 230.

      For traveling expenses of superintendent of public instruction, 230.

      For conducting teachers’ examinations, etc., 230.

      For expenses of teachers’ institutes, 230.

      For salary of bank examiner, 230.

      For traveling and office expense of bank examiner, 230.

      For salary of clerk of state bank examiner and of adjutant-general, 230.

      For salary of the railroad commission, 230.

      For salary of the secretary of the railroad commission, 230.

      For general expenses of the railroad commission, 230.

      For salary of the engineer of the public service commission, 230.

      For general expenses of the public service commission, 230.

      For salary of secretary of the public service commission, 230.

      For salary of tax commission, 230.

      For support of state fish commission, 230.

      For salary of secretary of state board of health, 230.

      For support of state board of health, 230.

      For support of Nevada state police, 231.

      For salary of state engineer, 231.

      For salary of assistant engineer, 231.

      For support of the department of the state engineer, 231.

      For salary of the warden of the state prison, 231.

      For salary of death watch, 231.

      For improvements, etc., for prison and prison farm, 231.

      For repairs at state prison, 231.

      For payment of convicts for labor performed, 231.

      For support of state prison, 231.

      For salary of superintendent of hospital for mental diseases, 231.

      For repairs and improvements of hospital buildings, 231.

      For relief of discharged patients from hospital, 231.

      For chaplains at hospital, 231.

      For books and support of library at hospital, 231.

      For new equipment for hospital, 231.

      For support of hospital, 231.

      For salary of superintendent and matron of state orphans’ home, 232.

      For repairs and improvements of orphans’ home, 232.

      For salary of physician at state orphans’ home, 232.

      For hospital room at orphans’ home, 232.

      For education of children of orphans’ home, 232.

      For periodicals for orphans’ home, 232.

      For support of orphans’ home, 232.

      For support of historical society, 232.

      For salary of janitor, 232.

      For salary of watchman, 232.

      For salary of gardener, 232.

      For salary of fireman, 232.

      For stationery, fuel, and light, 232.

      For current expenses and transportation of state property, 232.

      For expenses of capitol, state printing buildings and water-works, 232.

      For repairs and improvements on capitol building, 232.

      For payment of rewards, 232.

      For election expenses, 232.

      For examination of accounts of state officers, 232.

      For cooperative investigation fund, 233.

      For cooperative water resources fund, 233.

      For salary of the judges of supreme court, 233.

      For salary of reporter of supreme court, 233.

      For salaries of stenographers in supreme court, 233.

      For salary of bailiff of supreme court, 233.

      For compiling Nevada Reports, 233.

      For printing and binding Nevada Reports, 233.

      For salary of the clerk of supreme court, 233.

      For salary of deputy clerk of supreme court, 233.

      For salary of stenographer in office of clerk of supreme court, 233.

      For salary of reporter of decisions in office of clerk of supreme court, 233.

      For express charges in state cases, 233.

      For new equipment for office of clerk of supreme court, 233.

      For publication of supreme court reports and advertising, 233.

      For typewriter for office of clerk of supreme court, 233.

      For traveling expenses of district judges, 233.

      Salary of deputy superintendent of public instruction, district No. 1, 234.

      Traveling expenses of deputy superintendent of public instruction, district No. 1, 234.

      Office expenses of deputy superintendent of public instruction, district No. 1, 234.

      Salary of deputy superintendent of public instruction, district No. 2, 234.

      Traveling expenses of deputy superintendent of public instruction, district No. 2, 234.

      Office expenses of deputy superintendent of public instruction, district No. 2, 234.

      Salary of deputy superintendent of public instruction, district No. 3, 234.

      Traveling expenses of deputy superintendent of public instruction, district No. 3, 234.

      Office expenses of deputy superintendent of public instruction, district No. 3, 234.

      Salary of deputy superintendent of public instruction, district No. 4, 234.

      Traveling expenses of deputy superintendent of public instruction, district No. 4, 234.

      Office expenses of deputy superintendent of public instruction, district No. 4, 234.

      Salary of deputy superintendent of public instruction, district No. 5, 234.

      Traveling expenses of deputy superintendent of public instruction, district No. 5, 234.

      Office expenses of deputy superintendent of public instruction, district No. 5, 234.

      For text-book commission, 235.

      For tuition and support of deaf and blind, 235.

      For care and education of feeble-minded children, 235.

      For support of public service department, University of Nevada, 235.

      For purchase of the Evans tract of land, 235.

      For salary of teacher of Tonopah school of mines, 235.

      For support of Tonopah school of mines, 235.

      For salary of teacher of Virginia City school of mines, 235.

      For expenses of bureau of industry, agriculture and irrigation, 235.

      For support of commission on uniform laws, 235.

      For auditing state school bonds and securities, 235.

      For payment of insurance premiums of state officers and employees, 235.

      For salary of V. B. Cross as assistant gardner, 235.

gibbons, l. a. —

      Act for relief of, 137.

gift enterprises —

      Act prohibiting, repealed, 7.

goldfield —

      Fixing salary of justice of the peace of, 153.

      Fixing salary of constable of, 354.

      Fixing salary of fire department, 356.

gold hill school district —

      Act for relief of, 226.

goods —

      Uniform law relating to sale of, 194.

governor —

      Salary of, 227.

      Salary of clerk of, 227.

      Salary of private secretary, 227.

      Traveling expenses of, 227.

      Repairs to mansion and maintenance of, 227.

      For dues to conferences, 227.

      Payment of rewards, 232.

      Quarantine duties, 332.

      Member of industrial commission, 335.

      Water commissioners to be appointed by, 382.

      May give permit under fish and game law, 434.

      Duties of, under general election law, 500.

gray, reid, wright company —

      Act for the relief of, 220.


hawthorne —

      Bonds for high school at, 8.

headlights —

      1,500-candle power required on locomotives, 148.

health — See Board of Health.

highways —

      Paris mutuals to pay percentage for, 25.

      To prevent damage by water on, 373.

hides —

      Inspector of, provided for, and duties defined, 148.

      Must be preserved intact, 155.

historical society —

      State museum transferred to, 137.

      For support of, 232.

homeseekers —

      Resources of counties published, 64.

horse-races —

      Act regulating, 23.

      Bookmaking prohibited, 24.

      Not permitted on Sundays, 24.

      Unauthorized race meetings made a misdemeanor, 25.

      Paris mutuals permitted, when licensed, 31.

      Appropriations for fairs not to be used for, 279.

      Paris mutuals permitted, 462.

hotels —

      Providing for sanitation of, 156.

humboldt county —

      Repealing chamber of commerce act, 5.

      Authorizing appointment of certain officers and fixing salary of, 124.

      Bonds for school purposes, Winnemucca district, 160.

      Regulating fees of county clerk, 173.

      High school at Winnemucca, 365.

      May sell present high-school site, 368.

      Fixing salary of recorder in, 393.

      Resolution relative to roads between California and Nevada, 523.

hospital for mental diseases —

      Amending law concerning care of insane, 88.

      Salary of superintendent, 231.

      For support of, 231.

      For addition to building, 389.


immigration —

      Fund created, 222.

incorporation —

      Cities may be disincorporated, when, 35.

      City of Reno, act amended, 37.

      Of cities, sec. 36 amended, 66.

indebtedness —

      Resolution relative to state, 516.

indians —

      Prohibited from soliciting persons to buy liquor for, 355.

      Resolution to Congress relative to asking appropriation for, 526.

indigents —

      Providing for workhouses and poor-farms for, 17.

      Relating to care of insane, 88.

      Dependent mothers provided for, 151.

industry, agriculture and irrigation —

      Act repealing bureau of, 19.

      Relief of bureau of, 99.

      Bulletins of, to be distributed, 221.

      Commission of, who to compose, 335.

industrial insurance commission —

      Appropriation for support of, 235.

      Amendment to law, 279.

      As to employers, 280, 281, 282.

      Commission of, created, 282.

      Limited payments under, 283.

      Allowances of compensation under, 286.

      State fund created for, 292.

      Teachers to come under provisions of, 394.

      Act for relief of, 394.

industry, school of —

      An act for relief of claimants against, 21.

      Appropriation for support of, 122.

      State prison may transfer minors to, 224.

      Elko County to pay claims of, 301.

information —

      Amending act providing prosecution of crimes by, 16.

      How made, and upon affidavit, when, 16.

inspector of hides —

      Provided for and duties defined, 148.

inspector of mines —

      Duty as to code of signals and mineral statistics, 9.

      To enforce drinking-water act, 90.

      Salary of, 229.

      Salary of deputy, 229.

      Expenses of traveling, and rescue apparatus, 229.

insurance —

      Relating to office of commissioner of, 117.

      Licenses of, to go to the state, 246.

      Relating to school teachers’ fund, 387.

investment —

      Companies must deposit security, 66.

      Appropriation for board of, 235.

irrigation —

      Memorial to Congress for state aid for district No. 1, 517.

      Memorial to Congress for relief of settlers on arid lands, 521, 522.

      See State Engineer.



      Act for relief of, by Douglas County, 82.

jockeys —

      Bribing of, made a felony, 25.

judicial districts —

      Creating same and providing judges therefor, 131.

judicial officers —

      Party of, not to be printed on ballots, 507.

juries —

      Amending jury act, 84.

      Exemption from serving on, 84.

      May render general or special verdict, 110.

      May be summoned by mail, 167.

      Relative to, in district court, 172.

      To determine intent of, in libel cases, 423.

justices of the peace —

      Fixing compensation of, in Elko County, 37.

      Rent and office for, in Lander County, 69.

      Fixing compensation of, in Reno Township, 86.

      Fixing compensation of, in East Fork Township, Douglas County, 128.

      Fixing compensation of, in Goldfield, 153.

      Writ of attachment to issue, when, 303.


kindergarten —

      Department in public schools provided for, 126.

krebs, e. t. —

      Act for relief of, 325.


labor —

      Office of commissioner of, created, 311.

      Duties of, 312.

      Affidavit of, on patented mines, 318.

      Memorializing Congress to investigate causes of unemployment, 527.

laborer —

      Fee as condition for employment, unlawful, 69.

      Under industrial insurance law, 279.

lander county —

      Commissioners to provide quarters for justices of the peace, 69.

      Act fixing salaries of county officers, 110.

      Franchise to operate electric plant in, 162.

      Relative to Lincoln highway, 428.

lands —

      Amendments to Carey act, 333, 335.

      Proposed constitutional amendment relative to, 513.

      Memorial to Congress relative to C. P. R. R. lands, 514.

larceny —

      Crime defined, and penalty fixed, 119.

legislation —

      Commission for uniformity of, created, 61.

legislature —

      Funds for, 3, 21.

      Printing of bills for, 3, 5.

      Commission for promotion of uniform legislation to report to, 62.

      Reapportionment of members, 73.

      Regulating salaries of members, 147.

      Fixing compensation of attaches of, 360.

      Educational survey commission to report to, 371.

lemaire, h. r. —

      Franchise granted to, 168.

libel —

      Definition of, and penalty for, 423.

library —

      State commission created, 310.

      Salary of librarian, 310.

      Salary of assistant librarian, 310.

      Relative to purchasing equipment for, 370.

licenses —

      Act requiring fortune tellers, palmists, etc., to pay, 18.

      For horse-racing, regulated by race commission, 24.

      Under Reno incorporation act, 49.

      Of packing-houses, cities may collect, 88.

      For peddlers, etc., 90.

      For solicitors for insurance, 117.

      Act regulating state and county, 236.

      Billiards, pool and bowling, 236.

      Theaters, 236.

      Cigarettes, 236.

      Of houses of amusement, 240.

      For running of sheep, 240.

      County, rural, and state liquor, 237.

      Of traveling merchants and peddlers, 252.

      City of Reno fixed, 265.

      From building and loan associations, how applied, 344.

      Of automobiles, 349.

      For sheep grazing, 353.

      For private breeding-grounds, 364.

lieutenant-governor —

      Salary of, 228.

lincoln, abraham —

      Act providing for oil painting of, 78.

lincoln county —

      Regulating salaries of officers in, 388.

lincoln highway —

      Provisions for construction and repairs of, 428.

liquor —

      Licenses for, 236.

      Licenses for, in Reno incorporation act, 267.

      Indian punished for soliciting to purchase, 355.

live stock —

      Powers and duties of tax commission as to, 183.

      Relative to herding and grazing, 278.

      Rules and regulations as to quarantine, 332.

      Brands of, to be recorded, 373.

      Board of stock commissioners created, 396.

      Duties of commission and inspectors, 398, 402.

      Transient, classified and how assessed, 417.

locomotives —

      Fixing 1,500-candle power headlight for, 148.

logan —

      Relief for farm at, 100.

      Appropriation for farm at, 227.

lyon county —

      Act concerning officials of, 136.


malice —

      Definition of, 67.

manual training —

      To be taught in schools, 175.

marriage — See Divorce.

memorials —

      Passed by twenty-seventh session, 513, 529.

military property —

      Care of, 228.

milligan, nellie B. —

      Act for relief of, 123.

minden —

      County-seat removed to, 154.

      To build courthouse at, 319.

mineral county —

      To issue bonds for high school at Hawthorne, 7.

      Regulating fees of officers in, 138.

      To bond county for paying county expenses, 314.

mineral land commissioner —

      Office created, 326.

      Salary fixed, 326.

mines —

      Establishing a uniform code of signals for, 9.

      To collect statistics relative to, 9.

      To collect specimens and classify same, 9.

      Counties may advertise resources of, 64.

      Repeal of act requiring certain corporations to file statements, 68.

      Providing drinking receptacles for, 90.

      Relief of Virginia City Miners’ Union, 135.

      Mineral cabinets transferred to historical society, 137.

      Proceeds of, assessed by tax commission, 187.

      School of, established at Tonopah, 235.

      Appropriation for school of, at Tonopah, 235.

      Appropriation for school of, at Virginia City, 235.

      For assessment of patented, 316.

      Congress memorialized as to assessment work, 520.

      Memorializing Congress to amend United States laws of, 528.

mothers —

      Partial support of indigent, provided for, 151.

motor vehicles —

      Definition of term, 301.

      Regulating and licensing same on public roads, 348.

      Creating automobile fund, 352.

mortgage —

      Sections requiring affidavit that taxes have been paid, repealed, 68.

      Deemed an interest on real or personal property, 174.

      Provisions of personal property act not applicable to, 216.

murder —

      Degrees of, defined, 67.

      Penalty for, how determined, 67.

museum —

      Of state, transferred to historical society, 137.

mcconnaghy, john —

      Franchise, with others, for railroad in Elko County, 330.


nepotism —

      Act prohibiting, 17.

Nevada-california-oregon railway —

      Increasing board of directors from five to eleven, 13.

nominations —

      By candidates of political parties, 453.

      By petitions, 478.

      Vacancies in, how filled, 479.

nye county —

      Bonds of indebtedness, act repealed, 14.

      Fixing salary of district attorney, 96.

      Bounty to clerk of, for artesian well, 339.

      Salary of clerk of, 429.


oath —

      Deputy bank examiner shall take, 191.

      Of officers prescribed, 275.

officials —

      Employment of relatives by, prohibited, 17.

      Expenses limited while traveling, 19.

      Regulating salaries of, Eureka County, 19.

      Regulating salaries of, Elko County, 37, 101, 300, 393.

      Salaries of, under Reno incorporation act, 58.

      Fixing salaries of, in White Pine County, 58.

      Of cities, how elected and appointed, 66.

      Percentage on money collected for state tax to be paid by counties, 70.

      Feme sole to file commission with county recorder, 73.

      Duties of officers, drainage districts, 77.

      Defining duties of state controller, 94.

      Fixing salaries of, in Nye County, 96.

      Fixing salaries of, in Lander County, 110.

      Fixing salaries of certain officers in Washoe County, 113.

      State insurance commissioner, extending powers and duties of, 117.

      Undersheriff of Humboldt County authorized, 124.

      Fixing salaries of township officers in Douglas County, 128.

      Fixing salaries of certain officers in Douglas County, 128.

      Fixing salaries of officers in Lyon County, 136.

      Fixing salaries of officers in Mineral County, 138.

      Providing for election of commissioners in Clark County, 146.

      Per diem of senators and assemblymen, 147.

      Fixing salaries of justices of the peace of Goldfield Township, 153.

      Fixing salary of the county clerk of Humboldt County, 173.

      Fixing salary of officers of Clark County, 177.

      Fixing compensation of secretary of tax commission, 187.

      Fixing compensation of tax commissioners, 187.

      Prohibited from exceeding appropriations, 221.

      Duty of county auditor under state license act, 239.

      Duties of officers of city of Reno prescribed, 253.

      Oath of, prescribed, 275.

      Salaries of certain officers of Churchill County, 309.

      Salaries of certain officers of Esmeralda County, 323.

      Salary of constable at Goldfield, 354.

      Salary of constable at Ely, 357.

      County recorder to record brands of live stock, 374.

      School trustees to advertise for bids, 375.

      Duty of county clerks under water law, 382.

      County treasurer, duties of, as to school insurance funds, 387.

      County auditor, duties of, as to school insurance fund, 387.

      District attorneys, as to reports to attorney-general, 387.

      Salaries of, in Lincoln County, 388.

      Fixing salary of recorder in Humboldt County, 393.

      Duties of county officers under livestock law, 398.

      Auditors’ duties as to school tax, 403.

      Duties of county clerks under transient livestock act, 417.

      Regulating fees of clerk of Nye County, 429.

      Duty of county clerks under primary election law, 456.

      Duty of registry agents under primary election law, 456.

      Duty of registry agents under general election law, 481, 486.

opium —

      Sale of, regulated, 121.

ormsby county —

      Duties of, relative to Lincoln highway, 428.

orphans — See State Orphans’ Home.


packing-houses —

      Concerning franchise for, 87.

paris mutuals —

      When to pay percentage for care of highways, 25.

      Permitted at licensed race meets, 31

parole board —

      May transfer minors to school of industry, 224.

payne, jonathan —

      Act for relief of, 123.

peddlers —

      Amending license law concerning, 90, 252.

penalties — See Crimes and Punishments.

personal property —

      Uniform law relative to sales of, 194.

pharmacy —

      Orders for narcotic drugs, etc., to be filed with state board of health, 121.

plats —

      In towns, how vacated, 392.

pohl, r. g. —

      Well bounty to be paid to, 339.

poisons —

      Regulating sale and use of, 119.

police — See State Police.

POLLUTION of streams — See Water.

poor-farms —

      County commissioners may provide, 17.

poultry —

      Diseases of, prevented and controlled, 424.

preston —

      Bonds for school at, 169.

probate acts — See Estates of Deceased Persons.

prison commissioners —

      To plan modern penitentiary, 334.

      To employ a stone cutter, 335.

      Wages of convicts fixed, 335.

promotion stock —

      Act concerning repealed, 68.

propagation —

      Of animals and game provided for, 363.

public schools — See Schools.

public service commission —

      May classify service and prescribe rules for, 126.

      Salary of engineer of, 230.

      Salary of secretary of, 230.

      For expenses of, 230.

      Fixing salary of secretary, 370.

      Schedules of public utilities, 448.

      Copy of hearing furnished parties, when, 450.

public service division —

      At university created, 115.


quarantine —

      State officers for, placed under state veterinary control service, 114.

      Rules of, in contagious diseases, 250.

      Of animals and produce, when, 332.

      Powers of state offier of, 332.

      University to administer law of, 333.

      Duties of officers under livestock act, 397.

      Duty of officers and owners under act for extermination of diseases of animals and plants, 424.


racing —

      State commission for, created, 23.

railroad commission —

      To prescribe rules and regulations for public service commission, 125.

      Salary of commissioners, 230.

      Salary of secretary of, 230.

      General expenses of, 230.

      Act creating, amended, 298.

      May regulate fares and rates, 298.

      Secretary of, to be secretary of public service commission, 370.

      Regulating schedules of public utilities, 448.

      Records of hearings must be kept, 449.

      Copy of transcript to be furnished parties, 451.

railroad valley company —

      Act for relief of, 338.

railways —

      Increasing board of directors of Nevada-California-Oregon, 13.

      Counties authorized to purchase or construct, 62.

      Concerning franchises for street, 78.

      Requiring adequate train crews on, 107.

      Requiring 1,500-candle power headlights, 148.

      Excepted under mortgage provisions, 174.

      How assessed, 185.

      Rates or schedule of, must be posted, 298.

      Central Pacific company exempt from Sparks incorporation act, 403.

      Prohibitions of, under fish and game law, 434.

      Memorial to Congress as to C. P. R. R. lands, 514, 516.

raycraft realty company —

      Acts for relief of, 326, 330.

receivers —

      Compensation of, fixed, 507.

referendum —

      Cities may be disincorporated by, 35.

      For county railway bonds, when held, 63.

      Permitting local and special legislation by counties, 157.

      Under commission form of government act, 298.

      Provisions under general election law, 505.

registration —

      Of electors, 464, 478.

      Compensation of registry agents, 473.

reid, james —

      Appropriation for, 223.

relatives —

      Employment of, prohibited, 17.

relief bills — See Appropriations.

remington typewriter company —

      Act for relief of, 396.

Reno —

      Incorporation act amended, 37.

      Compensation of justice of the peace, township of, 86.

      Amending incorporation act, 253.

      Duties of officers of, 253.

      General powers of city council of, 256.

      Special assessment, when, 258.

      Licenses of businesses, 266, 267, 268.

repeals —

      Of acts providing for printing and enrolling bills, 5.

      Of act concerning chamber of commerce, 5.

      Of section 13 of act creating board of county commissioners, 6.

      Of act prohibiting gift enterprises, 7.

      Of bureau of industry act, 14.

      Of act bonding Nye County, 14.

      Of section 3348 of act concerning public schools, 18.

      Of act giving clerk of supreme court a deputy, 65.

      Of act requiring certain corporations to file statements, 68.

      Of sections 143-144 of act to provide for the support of the state government (secs. 3755-6), 68.

      Of section 6783 of crimes and punishment act, 69.

      Of sections 1, 2, 3, 4, of chapter 9 of general election law, 84.

      Of act providing typewriter for clerk of White Pine County, 89.

      Of section 24 of locomotive headlight bill, 148.

      Of act providing for inspector of hides, March 3, 1881, 148.

      To repeal sections 389 to 397, inclusive, of criminal practice act, 166.

      Of tax commission act of 1913, 188.

      To repeal sections 1, 2, and 3 of civil practice act of March 24, 1913, 193.

      To repeal sections 3903 to 3912 of bulk sales act, not affected by uniform sales act, 218.

      Of various license acts, 248.

      Of state flag law, approved March 25, 1905, 252.

      Of act relative to official oath, 275.

      Of act providing for publication of Nevada Reports, 277.

      Of certain acts relative to state library, 310.

      Of certain acts relative to patented mines, 317.

      Of sections 3, 7, 10, 11, and 13 of quarantine law, 333.

      Of building and loan law of March 13, 1905, 344.

      Of automobile act of March 24, 1913, 352.

      Of sections 40 to 44, inclusive, of water law, 382.

      Of revenue act of March 13, 1895, 422.

      Of transient livestock act of March 9, 1903, 423.

      Of sections 2, 3, and 4 of contagious disease act, 424.

reporter of decisions —

      Salary of, 233.

      Duties of, 276.

residence —

      How gained or lost, under election law, 463.

resolutions —

      Passed by the twenty-seventh session, 513-529.

resources —

      Counties may advertise, 64.

revenue —

      Sections 3755 and 3756 of general revenue law repealed, 68.

      Relative to mortgages, 174.

      Taxing shares of bank stock, 174.

      Fixing licenses and manner of collected same, 236.

      State tax fixed, 251.

      Relative to printing list of taxpayers, 328.

      Relative to county boards of equalization, 329.

revised laws of nevada —

      Schedule of changes in, to be prepared, 122.

richardson, t. f., estate of —

      Act for relief of, 107.

roads —

      Paris mutuals to pay per cent for, 25.

      Duties of supervisors of, White Pine County, 356.

      Uniform system provided, 363.

      Water users must protect, 373.

      Culverts and bridges for, 373.

      Relative to Lincoln highway, 428.

      Memorial to California as to Assembly Bill No. 25, 523.


schools —

      High school at Hawthorne, 7.

      Teacher penalty law repealed (section 3348), 18.

      School of industry, relief of claimants, 21.

      Act for consolidating school districts, 27.

      Transportation of children provided for, 29.

      Moneys, how apportioned to consolidated districts, 29.

      Bonds and tax levy for consolidated districts, 29.

      Concerning bonds of districts and tax levy for, 59.

      Bonds for improving, in Churchill County, 79.

      For high school at Ely, 90.

      For aid of district high schools, 97.

      High school at Sparks, 102.

      May establish kindergartens in, 126.

      For school at Lund, White Pine County, 131.

      Teachers’ life diplomas, when granted, 134.

      Bonds for school purposes at Winnemucca, 160.

      Bonds for Preston school district, 169.

      Laws as to forming industrial school unions, 175.

      Flag to be hoisted over, 180.

      High schools authorized under certain conditions, 188.

      High school at Tonopah created, 190.

      Appropriation for auditing bonds of, 235.

      Teachers’ pension act, 303.

      Fund for retired teachers provided, 303.

      Board of education to control pension fund, 305.

      Rules and regulations of pension fund, 306.

      Who may vote at elections, 308.

      Bonds for university may be transferred from state school fund, 328.

      High school at Gardnerville, 335.

      Dormitories at Elko and Wells in Elko County, 344.

      Amending section 16, text-book commission law, 353.

      Relative to school improvements at Winnemucca, 365.

      Educational survey commission created, 370.

      Trustees of, when to advertise for bids for work, 375.

      Defining classes of teachers’ certificates, 377.

      As to apportionment of funds of, 386.

      Relative to county tax for, 403.

      Aliens not to be employed in, 427.

      As to election of trustees of (See 1911, p. 283), 507.

      Duties of superintendent of public instruction, 508.

      Deputy superintendents, how appointed, 510.

seal —

      Not necessary on wills, 36.

      Of industrial insurance commission, 293.

secretary of state —

      Articles of corporation sole to be filed with, 73.

      Shall issue certificates to surety companies, 81.

      Nominations for United States senators to be filed with, 84.

      To furnish printed documents to Catholic University of America, 130.

      Salary of, 228.

      Salary of deputy, 228.

      Salary of clerks, 228.

      Assessors to report as to motor vehicles, 301.

      Duty under building and loan association law, 343.

      Duties of, under automobile act, 349.

      Duties of, under general election law, 490, 491, 495, 504, 506.

senators —

      Number of, 73.

      United States, election of, 83.

      Per diem of state, 147.

sheep —

      Rules regarding, under tax commission, 183.

      Licenses for grazing, 240.

      Grazing on certain lands, misdemeanor, 278.

      Regulating industry of, 294.

      Owners to notify inspectors, 294.

      Grazing licenses provided for, 353.

      Classes of, 353.

      As to nonresident owners of, 354.

      Regulations as to infected, 372.

      Commissioners to pay bounties for killing certain wild animals, 372.

sheriffs —

      Duties of, as to liquor licenses, 238.

      Duties of, as to peddlers’ licenses, 252.

      Sheep inspector to notify, of sheep in transit, 294.

      Duties of, under automobile act, 351.

shewalter, mrs. a. b. —

      Act for relief of, 106.

southern pacific company —

      Act for relief of, 99.

      C. P. track exempted under Sparks charter, 416.

sparks —

      Providing for high school at, 102.

      Amending section 19 of incorporation act, 403.

      Powers and duties of council of, 403.

spotters —

      Employment of, unlawful, 61.

      Employee, right to be confronted with accuser, 61.

state agricultural society —

      Race meetings limited, 25.

      State fair to be held at Fallon, 26.

      State not liable for premiums or debts, 26.

      Granting aid to, 279.

state board of examiners —

      Amount of moneys needed for taxation to be certified to tax commission, 185.

      Duty of, in case of deficiencies, 221.

state capitol —

      Salary of janitor, 232.

      Salary of watchman, 232.

      Salary of gardener, 232.

      Salary of fireman, 232.

      Stationery, fuel, and light, 232.

      Current expenses of, 232.

      Repairs and improvements, 232.

      Salary of V. B. Cross, 235.

state controller —

      Amending act concerning duties of, 94.

      Powers and duties as insurance commissioner, 117.

      Salary of deputy fixed, 224.

      Directed to make transfers, when, 225.

      Salary of, 228.

      Salary of deputy, 228.

      Salary of typist, 228.

      For records and equipment, 228.

      For collection of revenue, 229.

      To provide form of liquor licenses, 238.

      Duties of relative to liquor licenses, 239.

      To aid state university in making abstract of bonds, 328.

      Duty as to Lincoln highway commission, 429.

state engineer —

      Experimentation department established at university, 114.

      Relief of employees in office of, 124.

      To distribute bulletins to homeseekers, 222.

      Duties of as to water users, 378.

      Hearings as to water rights, 379.

      Fees of, 383.

      Member of state board of irrigation, 386.

      Irrigation districts, how organized, 435.

      Irrigation districts, board of directors, and duties of, 436, 438.

state inspector of mines — See Inspector of Mines.

state library — See Library.

state orphans’ home —

      Salaries of, 232.

      For hospital room, 232.

      Education of children of, 232.

      For support of, 232.

      Repairs and improvements of, 232.

      Neglected children received as orphans, 390.

      Idiotic and diseased children not admitted to, 391.

      Duties of board of directors, 391.

state police —

      For support of, 231.

      Superintendent, to be warden of state prison, 452.

      Salary of superintendent fixed, 452.

      Captain of guard acting warden, when, 452.

state printing office —

      State printer to print bills and resolutions, 4.

      Authorized to correct errors, 4.

      Duplicate bills for state printer, 4.

      Duplicate enrolled bills for state printer, 5.

      Superintendent of, must be practical printer, 83.

      To print schedule of changes in Revised Laws, 123.

      To do printing for state tax commission, 188.

      To print bulletins for homeseekers, 222.

      To print Nevada Reports, 277.

      To print forms for labor commission, 313.

state prison —

      Minors may be transferred to school of industry, 224.

      Salary of warden, 231.

      Of death watch, 231.

      For payment of convicts, when, 231.

      For support of, 231.

      Plans for, to be prepared, 334.

      Superintendent of state police made warden, 452.

state treasurer —

      Salary of deputy fixed, 224.

      Directed to make transfers, 225.

      Salary of, 229.

      Salary of deputy, 229.

      Salary of clerk, 229.

      For new equipment, 229.

      For purchase of township plats, 229.

      Duties under industrial commission law, 292.

      To aid university in abstracting lands, 327.

stock —

      Relating to treasury and promotion, 68.

storey county —

      Relief for school district at Gold Hill, 226.

stubbs, mrs. j. e. —

      Act for relief of, 309.

superintendent of public instruction —

      Duties of, as to apportioning school funds, 386.

      Duties of, as to state insurance fund, 387.

      Not to employ aliens, 427.

      Duties of, defined, 508.

superintendent of state printing —

      Authorized to correct errors in legislative bills, 4.

      Must be practical printer, 83.

      To print reports on engineering experimentation, 115.

      To print bulletins advertising resources of state, 221.

      To print Nevada Reports, 277.

supreme court —

      Salary of justices of, 233.

      Salaries of reporter and stenographer, 233.

      Salary of bailiff of, 233.

      Salary of clerk of, 233.

      Salary of deputy clerk of, 233.

      Stenographer for clerk of, 233.

      Reporter of decisions, 233.

      Equipment and expenses of clerk of, 233.

      Publishing decisions, 233.

      Relating to compiling and publishing decisions of, 276.

      State library, placed in control of, 310.

surety companies —

      Concerning giving bonds by same, 81.

      Must qualify in state, 390.

surveyor-general —

      Schedule of fees fixed, 147.

      Salary of deputy fixed, 224.

      Salary of, 229.

      Salary of deputy, 229.

      Salary of clerks, 229.

      To assist university in abstracting bonds, 327.

      Carey act, no compensation under, 334.

      Member of industry board, 335.

      Register of lands under Carey act, 335.


taber, e. j. l —

      Act for relief of, 109.

taxes —

      For high school at Hawthorne, 8.

      Under Reno incorporation act, 46.

      Special levy for school bonds, 59.

      Counties may levy, to advertise resources, 65.

      Percentages to be paid officers for collection of, 70.

      Overpayment of, by counties, how refunded, 70.

      Concerning levy of, for drainage districts, 77.

      For school purposes in Churchill County, 80.

      For school purposes in White Pine County, 90.

      For aiding district high schools under certain conditions, 97.

      For maintenance of kindergartens in schools, 126.

      For school at Lund, White Pine County, 131.

      Amending law for semiannual payment of, 154.

      For school purposes at Winnemucca, 160, 363.

      For school purposes at Preston, 169.

      Shares of bank stock, how assessed, 174.

      Provisions relative to, under tax commission act, 185.

      State levy fixed, 251.

      Assessment of, for Reno, 258.

      For current expenses, Mineral County, 315.

      Of patented mines, when assessed, 317.

      For courthouse at Minden, 319.

      For high school at Gardnerville, 337.

      For high-school dormitories, Elko County, 347.

      For high school at Winnemucca, 368.

      For levy of, for stock-inspection purposes, 398.

      For levy of county schools, 403.

      For irrigation districts, 439.

      Under general irrigation law, 439.

tax commission —

      Created, and who compose, 180.

      Powers specified, 181.

      Rules governing assessments to be prescribed by, 181.

      Witnesses may be summoned by, 182.

      May examine books and administer oaths, 182.

      May require budget of county expenses, 182.

      To have general supervision of the revenue system of state, 182.

      To place upon the assessment rolls untaxed property by assessor, 182.

      When to meet, 182.

      To establish mile-unit valuation of railroads, 183.

      When to sit as board of equalization, 184.

      Taxpayers not deprived of legal remedy, 185.

      Act mandatory, 187.

      Annual report to be made, 188.

      Act for the relief of, 224.

      Salary of commissioners, 230.

teachers —

      Penalties for not instructing relative to birds, etc., repealed, 18.

      Basis for apportioning moneys in consolidated districts, 29.

      Retirement fund for, established, 303.

      Classes of certificates defined, 377.

      Under industrial commission act, 387.

      Must be citizens of United States, 427.

text-book commission —

      Appropriation for, 235.

      Regulating prices of text books, 352.

      Resolution creating, 522.

tonopah —

      School of mines established at, 190.

      Appropriation for school of mines, 235.

towns —

      Commission form of government of, 294.

      Vacating unoccupied plats of, 392.

train crews —

      Amending act relative thereto, 298.

traveling expenses —

      Of state officials, 19.

      Of district judges, 163.

      Of Lincoln County officials, 389.

truckee river —

      Prohibiting pollution of, 112.

      Memorial to Congress as to pollution of, 517, 519.


underground waters —

      Development of, encouraged, 115.

uniformity —

      Relative to wills executed outside of this state, 36.

      Board of commissioners for the promotion of, created, 61.

      Law regulating sales of personal property, 194.

      Appropriation for commission of, 235.

university of nevada —

      Authorized to receive moneys from United States government, 10.

      Authorized to conduct agricultural work, 10.

      Act for relief of, 108.

      Establishing veterinary control service, 113.

      Department of engineering experimentation established, 114.

      Public service division at, created, 115.

      To answer inquiries from prospective settlers, 222.

      University revolving fund created, 225.

      Support of public service department, 235.

      For purchase of tract of land, 235.

      Emeritus positions established, 314.

      Authorized to make abstract of records relative to 90,000-acre grant and 72-section grant sale of lands, 327.

      Bonds to be delivered producing 5% income, 328.

      To administer quarantine law, 333.

      May lease college farm, 348.

      Control service to cooperate with stock commission, 397.

      Not to employ aliens, 427.

      Resolution as to agricultural building at, 526, 527.

uttering false paper —

      Made a felony, and establishing rule of evidence regarding, 15.

u. s. senators —

      Providing for nomination and election of, 83.


vacancy —

      In office of United States senator, how filled, 84.

vagrancy —

      Defining crime of, and fixing penalty therefor, 33.

      Under Reno incorporation act, 55.

verdi lumber company —

      Act for relief of, 124.

vestrymen —

      Of Episcopal Church, how elected, 34.

veterinary control service —

      Established at state university, 113, 116.

      Duties of under stock inspection law, 401.

verdict —

      Jury may render general or special for recovery of money, 110.

      Amending sec. 376 of civil practice act, 321.

virginia city —

      Relief of miners’ union, 135.

      Appropriation for school of mines, 235.

voters —

      Instructions to, 493, 495.


wardens —

      Relative to game, 395.

washoe county —

      Reno incorporation act amended, 37, 253.

      Compensation of Reno Justice of the Peace, 86.

      Regulating salaries of certain officials, 113.

      Bridge bonds, 357.

      Amending charter of Sparks, 403.

      Duties relative to Lincoln highway, 428.

water —

      Must be furnished in underground workings, 90.

      Pollution of streams prohibited, 112.

      Advice to seekers of underground, 115.

      State aid in sinking artesian wells, 127.

      State may intervene in suits at law, 159.

      Appropriation for water resources fund, 233.

      Underground, subject to appropriation, 323.    

      Not to run to waste, 323.

      Relative to pollution of, 361.

      Not to allow to flood public roads, 373.

      Amending general law as to use of, 378.

      Commissioners to be appointed by governor, 382.

      Provisions for, under irrigation district law, 434.

weights and measures —

      Department at university, 116.

western union telegraph company —

      Act for relief of, 108.

white pine county —

      Act fixing fees of clerk of, 10.

      Fees of county clerk to be paid county treasurer, 12.

      Authorizing deputies and fixing salaries of, 58.

      Repealing act providing typewriter for county clerk, 89.

      For completion of high school at Ely, 91.

      Bonds for school district at Lund, 131.

      Bonds for school district at Preston, 169.

      Creating and regulating road districts in, 355.

      Compensation of constable of Ely Township, 357.

      Relative to Lincoln highway, 428.

widows —

      Not disqualified under nepotism act, 18.

wills —

      What shall be valid, 36.

      When executed without this state, 36.

winnemucca —

      Act relating to school district bonds, 7, 160.

      Act for addition to high school at, 365.

winters, e. e. —

      Act for relief of, 109.

witnesses —

      Rules governing in criminal cases, 191.

women —

      May be elected to vestry of Episcopal church, 35.

workhouses —

      County commissioners may provide, 17.

workman —

      Fee as condition to giving employment to, unlawful, 69.

      Under industrial insurance law, 279.