[Rev. 12/19/2019 5:11:51 PM]




ABAndonment —

      Of wife or minor child, 445.

accountancy —

      Board of, created, 272.

accounts —

      Appropriation for experting, 189.


      Salary of, 183.

administrator —

      Order of appointment, amended, 28.


      Concerning witnesses’ fees, criminal cases, Lander County, 8.

      Concerning salaries county and township officers, Nye County, 8.

      Concerning justices of the peace, 9.

      Relating to marriage and divorce, 10, 159.

      Regulating insurance business, 11, 243.

      To act creating fire department fund, 12.

      Concerning incorporation of cities, 15.

      Concerning consolidation county offices, Lincoln County, 15.

      Providing for disposition of poll tax in counties, 18.

      Concerning noxious animals, 18.

      Creating boards of county commissioners, 22.

      Providing for appointment of guardians, 27.

      Regulating proceedings in civil cases, 27, 30, 109, 113, 117, 359, 364.

      Concerning estates of deceased persons, 28, 56.

      Providing for a high school in Ely, 30, 225.

      Concerning money of account and interest, 31.

      Concerning notaries public, 31.

      Concerning segregation county offices, Elko County, 33.

      Concerning issuance of bonds in Lincoln County, 34.

      Relating to the organized and enrolled militia, 37.

      To act providing for care of insane, 38.

      Relating to general corporation law, 42, 58, 65.

      To act fixing salary of constable in Goldfield township, 48.

      To act relating to county treasurers, 54.

      Concerning interest-bearing school warrants, 54.

      Concerning courts of justice, 61, 274.

      To game law, 102, 409.

      To revenue law, 103, 162, 265, 358, 367, 423, 578.

      Concerning public schools, 103, 153, 297.

      Concerning district agricultural associations, 105.

      Authorizing ministerial officers to appoint deputies, 108.

      Relating to sheriffs, 108.

      Concerning peddlers’ licenses, 111.

      To act creating state board of health, 126.

      Authorizing municipalities to issue bonds, 114.

      Concerning compensation county officers, Humboldt County, 129.

      Concerning state board of education, 156.

      Concerning honorary board of visitors, university, 158.

      Relating to justice of the peace, Ormsby County, 162.

      Concerning dependent or delinquent children, 173.

      To act providing for a state loan, 189.

      Providing for high school at Ely, 225.

      Concerning glove contests, 234.

      To antigambling act, 235.

      Concerning public roads and highways, 238.

      To act creating Clark County, 246, 302.

      Reorganization of agricultural districts, 257.

      Concerning witnesses’ fees, criminal cases, certain counties, 260.

      To act incorporating Las Vegas, 267.

      Concerning public highways, 268.

      Concerning foreign corporations, 270.

      To act relating to criminal proceedings, 274.

      To Reno city charter, 276, 314, 325, 380.

      Regulating pleadings in civil cases, 300.

      Creating office of inspector of mines, 315.

      Concerning compensation officers in Nye County, 322.

      Concerning standard weights and measures, 325.

      Providing educational facilities at orphans’ home, 347.

      To act concerning elections, 361, 362.

      Concerning maintenance of state orphans’ home, 367.

      Concerning crimes and punishments, 373, 422.

      Concerning work done in state printing office, 377.

      Regulating hunting and fishing licenses, 382.

      Concerning pollution of streams, 405.

      Regulating practice of dentistry, 446.

      Concerning employment of convicts on roads, 577.

      To United States constitution, ratified, 582.

      To state constitution, proposed, 581, 591.

AMENDMENTS to constitution. See Constitutional Amendments.

anderson, geo. E. —

      Relief of, 134.

apiaries —

      Act to prevent dissemination of disease among, 449.

apportionment —

      Of assemblymen in Washoe County, 259.

      Of state tax levy, 191.


      For legislature, 3, 7, 32, 171.

      To pay deficiencies for 1911 and 1912, 24.

      To pay Thomas B. Ramsey, 33.

      To reimburse United States for lost military property, 36.

      For maintenance Florence Crittenton Mission, 39.

      Relief of Wellington Bowen, 41.

      For care G. A. R. cemetery, Carson City, 48.

      Relief of T. N. Evans, 53.

      Granting aid to state agricultural society, 55.

      Relief of Geo. E. Anderson, 134.

      For linoleum for floor in office of secretary of state, 136.

      Relief of Julius Huebner, 153.

      For employment of convicts on prison farm, 158.

      For additional filing-cases attorney-general’s office, 166.

      Relief of A. B. Lightfoot, 168.

      To pay chief clerk of assembly and secretary of senate, 169.

      For California expositions, 1915, 170.

      For relief of Dr. T. F. Richardson, 171.

      To pay H. J. Coogan for copying senate journal, 172.

      To carry out provisions tax commission act, 182.

      For sliver service for battleship “Nevada,” 183.

      For support of state government for 1913 and 1914 (general appropriation act), 183-189.

      Relief of M. S. Bonnifield and T. A. Brandon, 190.

      For hydrographic fund, 204.

      To carry out provisions of state water law, 220.

      To pay M. Farrell and R. Savage for putting legislative halls in order, 220.

      To pay expenses G. A. R. encampment, 220.

      Relief of Guy Guinan, 224.

      To pay Miss Sophia E. Baumann for reporting, 235.

      For fire apparatus for state capitol, 237.

      For Elko County experiment farm, 237.

      For Lincoln County experiment farm, 238.

      For maintenance of governor’s mansion, 238.

      To pay deficiencies in prison fund, 244.

      To pay Nevada’s pro rata of expense governors’ conferences, 245.

      To pay for repairs governor’s mansion, 254.

      To purchase vacuum cleaner for state capitol, 254.

      To pay Mrs. M. E. Johnson for hay furnished state prison, 255.

      Relief of D. P. Randall, 256, 269.

      For measurement of water and study of irrigation, 257, 261.

      Relief of Zellerbach paper company, 263.

      To aid county agricultural associations, 270.

      Relief of the city of Reno, 271.

      To aid investigation of State bank and trust company, 279.

      Relief of Flanagan warehouse, 280.

      To carry out provisions of state automobile license law, 284.

      To purchase mineral cabinet for university and Nevada historical society, 307.

      Relief of Lincoln County for taxes paid to state, 310.

      To carry out provisions of Nevada industrial insurance law, 311.

      To provide amusement and recreation for inmates of asylum, 315.

      To provide domestic and manual training for children at orphans’ home, 347.

      For the enlargement and improvement of the state capitol building, 388.

      For concrete walks around capitol grounds, 448.

      To carry out provisions of quarantine law, 461.

      For care of feeble-minded children, 577.


      Acts concerning, 12, 40.

ASSEMBLY journal —

      Chief clerk to verify, 169.


      Duty pertaining to assessment of property, 162.


      Additional filing-cases for office, 166.

      Member state board of investment, 252.

      Salary of, 184.

      Salary of, as mineral land commissioner, 184.

      Salary of deputy, 184.

      Salary of stenographer, 184.

      To institute proceedings against State bank and trust company, 279.

austin township —

      Salary of constable, fixed, 107.

automobiles —

      Registration and license of, 280.

australian ballot law —

      System of, 549.


ballots —

      Form used, primary election, 518.

      To be printed on tinted paper, 362.

banks —

      State money loaned to, 127.

bank examiner —

      Salary of, effective January 1, 1915, 404.

      Salary of, 186.

battle mountain township —

      Appointment of night watchman for, 13.

battleship “Nevada” —

      Resolution pertaining to, 589.

      Silver service for, 182.

Baumann, miss sophia E. —

      Paid for reporting testimony, 235.

bee culture —

      Act concerning, 449.

bills — See Legislative Bills.

board of county highway commissioners —

      Created, effective July 1, 1913, 390.

board of equalization —

      Duty pertaining to assessment of patented mines, 106.

board of examiners in optometry —

      Act creating, 129.

bonds —

      Cities may issue for street improvement, 114.

      Clark County to issue for public buildings, Las Vegas, 59.

      Clark County to issue for public roads, 49, 249.

      Contractors for public buildings to give, 407.

      Elko County to issue for school building at Wells, 240.

      Humboldt County to issue for school building at Lovelock, 45.

      Lincoln County to issue for fire protection for Caliente, 34.

      School districts generally, to issue, 297.

      Trustees Fallon school district No. 4 to issue, 19.

      To be issued for road government upon popular vote, 391.

      White Pine County to issue for high school at Ely, 4, 30, 226.

bonnifield, M. S. and brandon, T. A. —

      Relief of, 190.

boundary line —

      Between Esmeralda and Nye Counties to be determined, 312.

bowen, wellington —

      Relief of, 41.


caliente township —

      Act concerning justice of the peace in, repealed, 19.

california expositions, 1915 —

      Act concerning, 169.

campaign expenses —

      Act regulating, 476.

carson city —

      Resolution pertaining to United States mint in, 582.

certificate —

      Of secretary of state, certifying to authenticity of statutes, 592.

charter —

      Of city of Reno, amended, 314, 325, 380.

      Of town of Winnemucca, 66.

churchill county —

      Consolidation of certain offices in, 32.

      Salaries of constable and justice of the peace in certain townships, 52.

      Salaries of county officers in, fixed, effective January 1, 1915, 122.

      Trustees school district No. 4, Fallon, to issue bonds, 19.

cities —

      Amending general incorporation act, 15.

city of reno —

      Relief of, 271.

civil practice act —

      Amendment of, pertaining to attachments, 30.

      Amendment of, limiting time of appeal, 113.

clark county —

      Experiment farm at Logan, appropriation for, 238.

      Salaries of county officers fixed, 119.

      To assume share of old indebtedness in Lincoln County, 302.

      To issue bonds for erection of county buildings, Las Vegas, 59.

      To issue bonds for maintenance of public roads, 49, 249.

      Transfer of records to, from Lincoln County, 246.

clerk of supreme court —

      Salary of, 184.

      Salary of deputy, 184.

compensation —

      Of injured employees under supervision Nevada industrial insurance commission, 137.

concealed weapons —

      Act concerning, 116.

concrete walks —

      Construction of, around capitol grounds, Carson City, 448.

congress —

      Requested to grant 1,000,000 acres of land, additional, to Nevada, 587.

constitutional amendments, proposed —

      Changing limit of state debt, 585.

      Granting right of suffrage to females, 581.

      Regarding revenue for educational purposes, 591.

constitutions —

      Of United States, 595-611.

      Of State of Nevada, 621-661.

contagious diseases —

      Act amended relating thereto, 126.

      Prevention of, among plants, trees, animals, etc., 452.

contempt —

      Of court, act amended, 117.

contributory dependency —

      Amending act defining, 173.

contributory delinquency —

      Amending act defining, 173.

convicts —

      Employment of, on public roads, act amended, 577.

county agricultural associations —

      Act concerning, 270.

county commissioners —

      Act creating, amended, 22.

      Authorized to transfer school moneys and levy special tax in aid of schools, 166.

coyotes —

      Bounty for destruction of, 19.


deaf, dumb and blind —

      For tuition of, 186.

deeds —

      Of trust, taxation of, 578.

deficiencies —

      In appropriations of 1911 and 1912, paid, 24.

delinquent children —

      Act establishing state institution for, 384.

dental practice act —

      Amended, 446.

dependent children —

      Amending act pertaining to, 173.

      May be received at orphans’ home, 367.

deputy superintendents of public instruction —

      Appropriation for salaries and expenses, 185, 186.

district agricultural associations —

      County money may be used for, 105.

district attorneys —

      May be informants in criminal cases, 293.

district judges —

      Act concerning, effective January 1, 1915, 223.

      Traveling and necessary expenses, 187.

divorce — See Marriage and Divorce.

domestic animals —

      Act concerning quarantine of, 456.

douglas county —

      To pay County Clerk Jepson fees from fish and game fund, 166.

drainage districts —

      Act concerning, 461.

druggists —

      Exempt from jury duty, 576.

drugs —

      Act regulating sale and use of, 569.


eight hours —

      Legal day’s work for children certain cases, 354.

election expenses —

      Appropriation for, 189.

elections —

      Act concerning purity of, 476.

      General law, 493-568.

Electric wires —

      Act concerning, 440.

elko county —

      Court fees enumerated, 221.

      Office of deputy constable created in Elko township, 125.

      Salaries of constable and justice of the peace, Metropolis township, fixed, 161.

      Salaries justices of the peace certain townships, fixed, 17.

      Salary of sheriff, fixed, 33.

      Support of experiment station, 237.

      To deed site to state for school of industry, 384.

      To issue bonds for high school at Wells, 240.

employees —

      Compensation of for injury or death, 137.

      Limiting hours of labor on railroads, 491.

      Must report injuries to live stock, 296.

      Restrictions on non-English speaking, effective January 1, 1914, 569.

employers —

      Forbidden to misrepresent labor conditions, 448.

      Must allow holiday to employees on election day, 14.

      Must furnish information to Nevada industrial insurance commission, 142.

enrolled bills —

      Resolution concerning, 587.

esmeralda county —

      Boundary line to be established, 312.

      Court fees enumerated, 247.

      Salaries of county officers, fixed, effective January 1, 1915, 363.

      Salary of justice of the peace in Goldfield township, 123.

estates of deceased persons —

      Act concerning, amended, 28.

      Order of inheritance, 56.

eureka county —

      Office of road supervisor created, 239.

      Salary of justice of the peace Palisade, fixed, 135.

evans, T. N. —

      Relief of, 53.

examinations —

      By board of accountancy, 272.

      By board of optometry, 130.

expenses of state officers —

      Appropriation for various, 186, 187.

expositions in california, 1915 —

      Creating commission, 169.

      Appropriation for, 170.

explosives —

      Act concerning handling of, effective January 1, 1914, 569.

express companies —

      How assessed for taxation, 164.


fallon —

      Trustees school district No. 4, to issue bonds, 19.

farrell, m. —

      Paid for putting senate chamber in order, 220.

fees —

      For filing certificates of nomination, 361.

      Of witnesses in criminal cases certain counties, 260.

      Paid secretary of state for filing corporation papers, 58.

feeble-minded children —

      Care of, 576.

females —

      Eligible for appointment of notaries public, 31.

      Proposed constitutional amendment granting right of suffrage to, 581.

finances of the state —

      State treasurer’s reports of, 677-716.

fire apparatus —

      Capitol commissioners to purchase for capitol building, 237.

fire department —

      Tax levy for support of, in unincorporated cities, 12.

fish —

      General law concerning, 436.

fish and game —

      Annual licenses, 382.

fish commission —

      Support of, 189.

flanigan warehouse —

      Relief of, 280.

florence crittenton mission —

      For maintenance of, 39.

food and drugs —

      Act relating to, 316.

food and drug control —

      Support of, 188.

foreign corporations —

      Must publish annual statements, 270.

franchise —

      To Elko-Lamoille Power Company, 105.

free text-books —

      Act concerning, 124.


game —

      General law amended, 409.

      Open season for certain, amended, 102.

      Sale of, prohibited, 366.

gardener —

      Salary of, capitol grounds, 185.

gas engines —

      Of 8 horsepower allowed underground, 315.

general appropriation act —

      Salary of governor, 183.

      Salary of governor’s private secretary, 183.

      Salary of clerk to governor, 183.

      Traveling expenses of governor and attorney-general, 186.

      Repairs of governor’s mansion, 186.

      Salary of lieutenant-governor and ex officio adjutant-general, 183.

             Salary of attorney-general, 184.

             Salary of deputy attorney-general, 184.

             Salary of mineral land commissioner, 184.

             Salary of stenographer for attorney-general, 184.

             Salary of secretary of state, 183.

             Salary of deputy secretary of state, 184.

             Salary of clerk in office of secretary of state, 184.

             Salary of typists for secretary of state, 184.

             Salary of assistant librarian, 184.

             Salary of state controller, 184.

             Salary of deputy state controller, 184.

             Salary of typist for state controller, 184.

             Salary of state treasurer, 184.

             Salary of deputy state treasurer, 184.

             Salary of clerk for state treasurer, 184.

             Salary of justices of the supreme court, 184.

             Salary of clerk of supreme court, 184.

             Salary of deputy clerk of supreme court, 184.

             Salary of reporter of decisions, 184.

             Salary of official reporter of supreme court, 184.

             Salary of stenographers of supreme court, 184.

             Salary of bailiff of supreme court, 187.

             Indexing and compiling supreme court reports, 187.

             Publication of supreme court reports and official advertising, 187.

             Salary of surveyor-general, 184.

             Salary of deputy surveyor-general, 184.

             Salary of draughtsman in state land office, 184.

             Salary of typist in surveyor-general’s office, 185.

             Salary of clerks in state land office, 189.

             Purchase of township plats, 186.

             Salary of superintendent of public instruction, 185.

             Salary of typist for superintendent of public instruction, 185.

             Traveling expenses superintendent of public instruction, 186.

             Text-book commission, 186.

             Expenses of teachers’ institutes, 189.

             Conducting teachers’ examinations, 186.

             Support of deaf, dumb, and blind, 186.

             Support of Virginia school of mines, 186.

             Salary of deputy superintendents of public instruction, 186.

             Traveling expenses of deputy superintendents of public instruction, 186.

             Traveling expenses of district judges, 187.

             Salary of superintendent of state printing, 185.

             Salary of bookkeeper for superintendent of state printing, 185.

             Support of state printing office, 187.

             Bookbinding, 187.

             New material and repairs for state printing office, 187.

             Printing and binding supreme court reports, 187.

             Support of state orphans’ home, 187.

             Salary of superintendent and matron of state orphans’ home, 185.

             Repairs of state orphans’ home, 187.

      Salary of physician, state orphans’ home, 187.

      Support of hospital for mental diseases, 187.

      Repairs at hospital for mental diseases, 187.

      Relief of discharged patients from hospital for mental diseases, 187.

      Salary of superintendent, hospital for mental diseases, 186.

      Chaplain, hospital for mental diseases, 187.

      Books and library, hospital for mental diseases, 187.

      Repairs and rebuilding of outhouses at hospital for mental diseases, 189.

      For moving-picture machine at hospital for mental diseases, 189.

      For receiving hospital at hospital for mental diseases, 189.

      Salary of warden Nevada state prison, 185.

      Support of Nevada state prison, 187.

      Death watch, Nevada state prison, 187.

      For repairs at Nevada state prison, 187.

      For laundry at Nevada state prison, 187.

      Repairs, old prison and farm, 187.

      Repairs at hospital, Nevada state prison, 187.

      Support of state police, 188.

      Payment of rewards, 188.

      Salary of railroad commissioners, 185.

      General expenses of railroad commission, 188.

      Salary of secretary of railroad commission, 189.

      Salary of inspector of mines, 185.

      Office expenses, inspector of mines, 188.

      Office expenses inspector of mines, 188.

      Salary of deputy inspector of mines, 189.

      Support of state board of health, 189.

      Salary of secretary of state board of health, 186.

      Support of state board of assessors, 188.

      Support of historical society, 188.

      Salary of state engineer, 185.

      Salary of assistant engineer, 185.

      Salary of two field engineers, 185.

      Salary of clerk in office of state engineer, 185.

      Salary of typist in state engineer’s office, 185.

      Salary of bank examiner, 186.

      Support of University of Nevada, 188.

      Regents’ fund, University of Nevada, 188.

      Support of hygienic laboratory, 188.

      Support of analytical laboratory, 188.

      Support of summer school at University of Nevada, 188.

      For library building at University of Nevada, 188.

      For dairy building, University of Nevada, 188.

      Support of food and drug control, 188.

      Support of weights and measures at University of Nevada, 188.

      Insurance on state capitol building, 188.

      Insurance on state printing building, 188.

      Stationery, fuel and light, state officers, 188.

      Current expenses, state officers, 188.

      Repairs, capitol grounds, 188.

      Repairs on capitol building, 188.

      Salary of janitor, capital building, 185.

      Salary of watchman, capitol building, 185.

      Salary of gardener, capitol grounds, 185.

      Salary of fireman, library building, 185.

      Salary of teacher, Virginia mining school, 185.

      Expenses, capitol grounds and printing office grounds, 188.

      Election expenses, 189.

      Support of fish commission, 189.

      Care of military property, 189.

      For experting accounts of state officers, 189.

      General expenses of public service commission, 189.

      Salary of engineer, public service commission, 186.

      Support of state controller’s office for collection of revenue, 189.

general corporation law —

      Amended, 42, 65.

gift enterprises —

      Prohibited, 121.

glove contests —

      License, $100; limit 10 rounds, 234.

goldfield township —

      Fees justice’s court, civil cases, 248.

      Salary of constable in, fixed, effective January, 1915, 48.

      Salary of justice of the peace, fixed, effective January, 1915, 123.

government schools —

      Act compelling children to attend, 403.

governor —

      Member state board of investment, 252.

      Salary of, 183.

      Salary of private secretary, 183.

      Salary of clerk, 183.

      Traveling expenses, 184.

governors’ conferences —

      Appropriation to pay Nevada’s pro rata, 245.

governor’s mansion —

      Money for repairs to, 254.

      Support of, 238.

grand army of the republic —

      Appropriation for care of cemetery in Carson City, 48.

      Appropriation for payment of expenses encampment, 220.

granite mountain reserve —

      Resolution asking that same be established, 589.

guardians —

      Act providing for appointment of, amended, 27.

guinan, guy —

      Relief of, 224.


hides —

      Of slaughtered animals exhibited to purchasers, 373.

highways —

      All work on, let by contract, 268.

      Damaged by driving livestock over, owner to repair, 239.

      Protected from damage by water, 303.

historical society —

      Support of, 188.

hospital for mental diseases —

      Appropriations for various purposes, 187.

      Support of, 187.

house of commons, england —

      Resolution congratulating, on granting autonomy to Ireland, 590.

heubner, julius —

      Relief of, 153.

humboldt county —

      Authorizing county commissioners to make an appropriation to chamber of commerce, 275.

      Incorporation of Winnemucca, 66.

      Per diem and expenses county commissioners in certain cases, 64.

      To issue bonds for high school at Lovelock, 45.

      Salaries of constables and justices of the peace, fixed, 21.

      Salaries of certain constables and justices of the peace, fixed, 129.

hygienic laboratory —

      Support of, 188.


illicit resorts —

      Advertisement of, prohibited, 135.

impeachment —

      Proceedings by, 544.

incorporation of cities —

      Act amended, 15.

indeterminate sentence —

      Term defined, 275.

indictments —

      Concerning, on information, 293.

indigent insane —

      General act concerning, 348.

information —

      Prosecution of crime on, same as indictment, 293.

inheritance tax —

      Act relating thereto, 411.

insane persons —

      Maintenance of, at hospital in Reno, certain cases, 38.

inspector of mines —

      Act creating office of, amended, 315.

      Salary of, 185.

      Salary of deputy, 189.

      Office expenses, 188.

      Traveling expenses, 188.

insurance —

      On capitol and printing office, 188.

insurance companies —

      Must have approved capital and securities, amended, 11, 243.

interest —

      Legal rate in this state, 31.

      Rate of on state loans, 43.

investigation —

      Of State bank and trust company, 279.

irrigation —

      Concerning measurement of water used for, 257.

irrigation districts —

      Act concerning, 461.


janitor —

      Salary of, at capitol, 185.

jepson, H. C. —

      Relief of, from Douglas County funds, 166.

johnson, Mrs. M. E. —

      Paid for hay furnished state prison, 255.

journal of senate —

      To pay H. J. Coogan to copy, 172.

judicial DECISIONS —

      To expedite rendition of, 313.

judicial districts —

      Act creating, effective January, 1915, 223.

justices’ courts —

      Jurisdiction in civil cases, amendment, 359.

justices of the peace —

      May call in other justice to preside, 9.

juvenile court —

      Amendment of act concerning, 173.


labor —

      Act concerning misrepresentation of, 448.

lake tahoe —

      Waters of, to be used by United States reclamation service, 35.

lake township —

      Salaries of constable and justice of the peace in, fixed, 129.

land —

      Detailed description of, for assessment purposes, 163.

lander county —

      Salaries of county officers in, fixed, 23.

      Compensation of constable, Austin township, 107.

      Night watchman for Battle Mountain, 13.

land grant —

      Requesting 1,000,000 acres of, by congress to Nevada, 587.

las vegas —

      Amending incorporation act, 267.

law libraries —

      Act establishing, in various counties, 377.

legal process —

      Service of, effective July 1, 1913, 364.

legal residence —

      Defined, 493.

legislature —

      Funds for twenty-sixth session, 3, 7, 32, 171.

legislative bills —

      Concerning printing of, section 3 of act repealed, 3.

      Printed, becomes official, resolution, 587.

licenses —

      Automobiles and motor vehicles, 280.

      County, act amended, 265.

      Fishing and hunting, 382.

      Glove contests, 234.

      Liquor, 423.

      Rural liquor, effective May 1, 1913, 377.

      Various kinds, 358.

      When provided, at option of licensee, 367.

lieutenant-governor —

      Salary of, as adjutant-general, 183.


      Relief of, 168.

lincoln county —

      Appointment of deputy sheriffs in, 15.

      Fees of witnesses, criminal cases in, 8.

      Relief of, refund of taxes paid to state by, 309.

      Salary of district attorney in, fixed, 34, 268.

      To issue bonds for fire protection in Caliente, 34.

liquor —

      Sale of, outside corporate limits of any incorporated city, regulated, 376.

live stock —

      Disposition of, in settlement of feed bills, 258.

      Railroads and employees must report killing of, 296.

      Running at large, in certain counties, prohibited, 406.

locomotives —

      Equipped with headlights, 26.

lyon county —

      Salary of justice of the peace in, 16.


marriage and divorce —

      Act relating to, amended, residence clause, effective January 1, 1914, 10.

      Act not to affect actions commenced before January 1, 1914, 159.

      Separate maintenance, in certain cases, 120.

      Wilful neglect of wife or minor child, misdemeanor, 445.

memorials —

      Passed by twenty-sixth session, 581-591.

metropolis township —

      Salary of constable and justice of the peace in, fixed, 161.

mileage —

      Of witnesses, criminal cases, certain counties, 260.

military property —

      Appropriation for care of, 189.

      United States reimbursed for loss of, 36.

mines —

      Dry, provided with water jets or sprays, 167.

      Sprinkling devices to be provided in, effective June 24, 1913, 305.

      Underground passages connecting contiguous, kept open, 53.

      Safety cages to be provided in shafts over 300 feet deep, 422.

ministerial officers —

      May appoint deputies, amended, 108.

minor children —

      Wilful abondonment of, misdemeanor, 445.

minors —

      Guardians for, amendment, 27.

mortgages —

      Taxation of, 578.

mountain lion —

      Bounty for destruction of, 19.

motor vehicles —

      Terms defined, license of, 280.

municipalities —

      To issue bonds for street improvements, 114.


neglected children —

      Act amended, 173.

      May be received at orphan’s home, 367.

negotiable INSTRUMENTS —

      Act concerning, 111.

Nevada historical society —

      Purchase of mineral cabinet for, 307.

      Support of, 188.

Nevada hospital for mental diseases —

      Act concerning, 348.

      Disposition of funds for amusement of inmates, 315.

      Support of, 187.

Nevada industrial insurance commission —

      Created, 137.

      Temporary appropriation for benefit of, 311.

Nevada national guard —

      Act concerning, amended, 37.

Nevada school of industry —

      Act establishing, 384.

Nevada state highway —

      Route of, established, 112.


      For indexing and compiling, 187.

      Publication of decisions, 187.

Nevada tax commission —

      Created, 175.

newlands river regulation bill —

      Urging passage of in Congress, 586.

nominations —

      For office, how accomplished, amendment, 361.

nonjudicial days —

      Enumerated, 61.

NOTARIES public —

      Females eligible for appointment of, 31.

noxious animals —

      Bounties for destruction of, 19.

nye county —

      Boundary line to be established, 312.

      Salaries of constable and justice of the peace in, fixed, 9.

      Salaries county officers fixed, effective January 1, 1915, 322.


olinghouse township —

      Abolished, attached to Wadsworth, 255.

optometry —

      Act regulating practice of, 129.

ormsby county —

      Salary of justice of the peace in, fixed, 162.


pacific telephone-telegraph company —

      Relief of, 244.

palisade township —

      Salary of justice of the peace in, fixed, 135.

panama-pacific international exposition —

      Commending California on, and recommending government exhibit, 589.

      Contracts on Nevada buildings at, 590.

      Commissioner for, 169.

pandering —

      Crime defined, 356.

patented mines —

      Assessment of, 106.

peace officers —

      Duty pertaining to live stock, 406.

pleadings —

      Civil cases, act amended, 300.

      Form of certain, in civil cases, 29.

poisons —

      Act regulating sale and use of, 284.

political parties —

      Management of, 476.

poll tax —

      Concerning receipts, 103.

      Disposition of, 18.

pollution of streams —

      Prohibited, 405.

prairie wolf —

      Bounty for destruction of, 19.

primary elections —

      Act concerning, 510.

      Registration for, includes general election, 494.

printed bills —

      When become official, 587.

prison fund —

      Deficiencies in, paid, 244.

public cemeteries —

      Care of, 251.

public highways — See Highways.

public safety —

      As regards train crews, 62.

      Acts to promote, 26, 491.

public schools —

      General law, amended, 103.

public service commission —

      Have supervision of rates charged by water companies, 387.

      Salary of engineer, 186.

      Salary of engineer, effective January 1, 1915, 404.

      Support of, 189.

      To have supervision of placing electric wires on poles, 440.


quarantine —

      Act providing for interstate and intrastate, 456.

      To prevent diseases among trees, plants, etc., 452.

quarantine inspectors —

      Experiment station director to be state, 453.

      Office of, created in counties, 452.


railroad commission —

      Support of, 188.

      To have supervision, with public service commission, of water rates, 387.

railroad commissioners —

      Salaries of, 185.

      General expenses, 188.

      Salary of secretary, 189.

railroads —

      Act providing for conditional sale of equipment or rolling stock, 451.

      Day’s work on, limited, 491.

      Locomotives on, provided with headlights, 26.

      To post notice of live stock killed, 296.

      Train crews on, limited, 62.

ramsey, thomas B. —

      Relief of, 32.

randall, D. P. —

      Relief of, 244, 256, 269.

recall —

      Of public officers, 400.

referendum —

      Relating thereto, 566.

registration —

      For primary includes general, 494.

      Of voters, in incorporated cities, 373.

      Regulations regarding, 494.

registry agents —

      Duties of, incorporated cities, 373.

      Other than justices of the peace may be appointed, 494.

      Regulations regarding, 494-510.

      To give transient certificates, 503.

removal from office —

      Act relating thereto, 493.

Reno —

      Amendments to charter, regarding salary city clerk, 314.

      Amendments to charter, 325.

      Amendment to charter, regarding fire department, 380.

      Relief of, 271.

      Salary of coroner and justice of the peace, fixed, 372.

repeal —

      Of section 3 of act concerning printing of legislative bills, 3.

      Of section 14 of act fixing salaries county officers, Lincoln County, 269.

      Of section 106, general corporation law, 58.

      Of sections 114 and 115, crimes and punishment act, 362.

      Of act creating office of state license and bullion tax collector, 182.

      Of act concerning salary of justice of the peace, Caliente township, 19.

      Of act concerning public schools, approved March 20, 1911, 253.

      Of act establishing court fees, White Pine County, approved March 15, 1913 (see p. 159), 383.

      Of act licensing merchants and peddlers, 55.

      Of act providing for appointment of state veterinarian, 452.

      Of act regulating measurement of charcoal, 259.

      Of act regulating purchase of supplies for state, 24.

      Of act requiring railroads to give notice of live stock killed, 29.

      Of act to prevent unnecessary delay in rendition of judicial decisions, 314.

      Of acts providing for more uniform valuation and assessment of property, 182.

      Of acts providing for appropriation, distribution and use of water, 219.

      Of acts relating to insane of state, 354.

      Of certain acts pertaining to elections, 567-568.

      Of certain acts promoting public safety on common carriers, 64.

residence — See Legal Residence.

resolutions —

      Passed by the twenty-sixth session, 581-591.

rewards —

      Appropriation for payment of, 188.

road government —

      Act providing for, 390.

road supervisors —

      In Eureka County, 239.

      In White Pine County, abolishment of office of, 36.

road work —

      Poll-tax money to be applied to, by counties, 18.

rolling stock —

      Of railroads, conditional sale of, 451.


savage, richard —

      Paid for putting assembly chamber in order, 220.

school census —

      Procedure, effective July 1, 1913, 153.

school districts —

      Authorizing county commissioners to reestablish, 306.

      To issue bonds for school purposes, 297.

      Transfer of children from to others, 305.

school fund —

      Board of investment to have supervision of, 252.

school law —

      Amended, 103.

school moneys —

      County commissioners to transfer, 167.

school warrants —

      Issuance of interest-bearing, 55.

schools —

      Bonding of counties for erection of, 368.

      Free text-books for, 124.

secretary of state —

      Duty pertaining to registration of automobiles, 280.

      Fee bill for office, 277.

      Linoleum for office floor, 136.

      Salary of, 183.

      Salary of deputy, 184.

      Salaries of various clerks, 184.

      To furnish certain printed documents free, 7.

      To furnish certain volumes to law libraries in counties, 380.

secular acts —

      Executed and performed, 49.

senate journal —

      Secretary of senate to verify, 169.

sheriffs —

      Appointment of deputies, amended, 108.

special elections —

      Primary law not to apply in certain cases, 510.

stallions —

      Act concerning service of, 236.

      Registration and license of, 289.

state agricultural society —

      Appropriation for maintenance of, 55.

state Bank and trust company —

      Investigation of, 279.

      Legislative investigation of, 584.

state board of accountancy —

      Created, 272.

state board of assessors —

      Support of, 188.

state board of education —

      Duties of, 103.

      Further duties, pertaining to teachers’ certificates, 156.

state board of health —

      Amendment of act concerning contagious diseases, 126.

      Support of, 189.

state board of pharmacy —

      Created, 569.

state capitol building —

      Fire apparatus for, 237.

      Repairs and enlargement of, 388.

state controller —

      Salary of, 184.

      Salary of deputy, 184.

      Salary of stenographer, 184.

      With state treasurer to transfer certain money, 17.

State engineer —

      Office of, created, 194.

      Salary of, 185.

      Salaries of assistants and clerks, 185.

state fish commission —

      Support of, 189.

state institutions —

      May sell their products to other institutions, 265.

state investment board —

      Created, 252.

state law books —

      Sale of certain, 14, 26.

state librarian —

      To furnish certain volumes to county libraries, 380.

state library building —

      Fire apparatus for, 237.

state license and bullion tax agent —

      Office abolished, 182.

state loan —

      Provided for, 43.

      Tax levy for, 189.

state money —

      Authorizing loaning of to banks, 127.

      Transfer of certain, authorized, 17.

state officers —

      Accounts experted, appropriation for, 189.

      Salaries of, effective January 1, 1915, 244.

state orphans’ home —

      Children of, to attend public school in Carson, 347.

      Repairs and improvements, 187.

      Salary of superintendent and matron, 185.

      Salary of physician at, 187.

      Support of, 187.

state police —

      Support of, 188.

state printing office —

      Certain bulletins to be printed at, 377.

      New material for, 187.

      Printing and binding Nevada Reports (35 and 36), 187.

      Bookbinding, 187.

      Support of, 187.

state prison —

      Death watch, 187.

      Repairs, 187.

      Salary of warden, 185.

      Salary of warden, effective January 1, 1915, 404.

      Support of, 187.

state prison farm —

      Convicts detailed to work on, 158.

state tax levy —

      Act fixing, 191.

      Special, for exposition funds, 170.

state treasurer —

      Annual report (1911), 677-696.

      Annual report (1912), 697-716.

      Member state board of investment, 252.

      Salary of, 184.

      Salary of deputy, 184.

      Salary of clerk, 184.

      With state controller, to transfer certain moneys, 17.

state veterinarian —

      Office of abolished, 456.

summons —

      Form of, in civil actions, 109.

superintendent of public instruction —

      Member state board of investment, 252.

      Salary of, 185.

      Salary of typist, 185.

      Traveling expenses, 186.

superintendent of state printing —

      Salary of, 185.

      Salary of clerk, 185.

      To print and bind Nevada Reports (35 and 36), 187.

supreme court —

      Bailiff of, 187.

      Justices of, to make affidavits concerning decisions, 313.

      May make rules governing appeals, 274.

      Salaries of, 184.

      Salary of official reporter, 184.

      Salary of stenographers, 184.

surveyor-general —

      Salary of, 184.

      Salary of deputy, 184.

      Salary of draughtsman, 184.

      Salary of typist and clerks, 185, 189.

sutro, adolph —

      Memorializing, for construction of Sutro tunnel, 588.


tax —

      For fire department fund, in unincorporated cities, 12.

      State levy fixed, 191.

taxation —

      Of deeds, mortgages, etc., 578.

teachers’ certificates —

      Granted by state board of education, 156.

teachers’ examinations —

      Appropriation for, 186.

teachers’ institutes —

      Appropriation for, 189.

telephone companies —

      Must install instruments under certain conditions, 447.

text-book commission —

      Appropriation for, 186.

thomas, lloyd B. —

      Relief of, 244.

tonopah —

      Mine-owners’ association and people, resolution of thanks to, 589.

train crews —

      Act concerning, 62.

transfer —

      Of state money authorized, 17.

transportation companies —

      Prohibited from compelling employees to purchase uniforms of particular firms, 173.

truckee river —

      Divided into fish districts, 436.


union township —

      Salaries of constable and justice of the peace in, fixed, 129.

united states —

      Reimbursed for loss of military property, 36.

united states geological survey —

      With State of Nevada, to investigate water resources, 261.

united states reclamation service —

      Authorized to use waters of Lake Tahoe, 35.

united states senators —

      Ratification of amendment, electing U. S. Senators by popular vote, 583.

university of nevada —

      Experiment station at, 188.

      Honorary board of visitors of, 158.

      President of, member state board of investment, 252.

      Purchase of mineral cabinet for, 307.

      Regents’ fund, 188.

      Support of, 188.

      Support of, certain public moneys to be used exclusively for, 402.


vacuum cleaner —

      For state capitol building, 254.

virginia city school of mines —

      Appropriation for support of, 186.

      Salary of teacher, 185.

voters —

      Employment of, on election day prohibited, exceptions, 14.

      Providing for additional information in registration, 373.

      Registration of, general, 494.

vouchers —

      Requiring all county officers to file for all expenses, 264.


wadsworth —

      Salary of constable in, fixed, 10.

warehouse receipts law —

      Enacted, 424.

warrants —

      County, payment of, barred after two years, 54.

washoe county —

      Additional assistance for county clerk in, 255.

      Compensation of officers, fixed, 263.

      Establishing assembly districts and apportioning assemblymen, 259.

      Salaries of county commissioners, fixed, 277.

washoe indians —

      Asking relief for from United States government, 583.

water —

      Artesian, penalty for waste of, 41.

      Concerning drainage districts, 461.

      General law concerning, 192.

      Measurement of, on irrigated lands, 257.

      Owners of, must not permit damage to highway, 303.

water commissioners —

      Duties and salaries, 205.

water companies —

      Must furnish sufficient water for fire protection, 387.

water permits —

      For appropriation of water, when point of diversion outside state, 256.

water resources —

      Investigation of, in cooperation with United States geological survey, 261.

water storage districts —

      Act concerning, 461.

weights and measures —

      Amending act concerning standards of, 325.

      Support of, at University, 188.

weirs —

      Construction of, in dams, 262.

wells township —

      Act concerning high school at, 240.

white pine county —

      Amending act concerning high school at Ely, 226.

      Bonds for high school at Ely, 4.

      Creating district road supervisors, effective January 1, 1915, 36.

      Court fees in, enumerated, effective May, 1913, 382.

      Interest on high-school bonds fixed, 30.

      Recorder’s fees fixed, 266.

      Salary of district attorney, fixed, 34.

white slavery —

      Concerning, 356.

wildcat —

      Bounty for destruction of, 19.

wild HORSES and burros —

      Destruction of, authorized under certain conditions, 118.

winnemucca —

      Act incorporating, 66.

witnesses —

      Fees and mileage of, criminal cases, certain counties, 260.

woman suffrage — See Females.


zellerbach paper company —

      Relief of, 263.