[Rev. 8/25/2020 1:21:16 PM]




accounts —

      Of state, county, and city officials to be examined semiannually, 276.

acts —

      Certain obsolete, repealed, 413-442.


      To pay deficiencies in appropriation, 24.

      Filing-cases for, 290.

administrators —

      May execute deeds, when, 315.

      May mortgage property, when, 317.

agent —

      May testify for deceased principal, 359.


      To Reno city charter, 5, 57.

      To act concerning legislative attaches, 5.

      To acts concerning White Pine County officers, 8, 9.

      To act concerning courts of justice, 22.

      To act concerning estates, 28.

      To act concerning a fire department fund, 33.

      Concerning disposal of poll tax by counties, 53.

      Concerning Elko County officers’ salaries, 53, 55.

      To act concerning pollution of streams, 56.

      Concerning coroner districts, 58, 59.

      To school law, 67.

      To law regarding guardians, 71.

      To state police law, 99.

      To act concerning state librarian, 117.

      Concerning salaries of Humboldt County officers, 118, 130.

      Concerning county and township officers in Nye County, 134.

      Concerning officers of Lyon County, 137.

      Concerning compilation of state laws, 139.

      Concerning road supervisor in Elko County, 278.

      To act granting franchise to Nevada Telephone-Telegraph Company, 278.

      Virginia City School of Mines, 281.

      Act concerning weights and measures, 287.

      To act in relation to public highways, 357.

      To act establishing educational districts, 357.

      Concerning noxious animals, 358.

      To civil practice act, 359.

      Concerning publication of supreme court decisions, 360.

      To act concerning notaries public, 362.

      To act concerning road inspectors, 368.

      Concerning county commissioners, 368.

      Relating to bridges, 369.

      Concerning salary of Washoe County clerk, 374.

      To general city incorporation act, 374.

      To railroad commission law, 375, 376, 377.

      Act concerning sheep law, 380.

      To act regulating practice of medicine, 380.

      Act defining contributory delinquency and contributory dependency, 382.

      Act relating to dependent, neglected and delinquent children, 384.

      Regarding state revenue, 391.

      To inspector of mines law, 402.

      To act requiring mining incorporations to file reports, 408.

      Act concerning train crews, minimum number in, 412.

      To United States constitution, proposed, 450.

AMENDMENTS to constitution.  See Constitutional Amendments.


      Of state tax levy, 107.

      Of assemblymen, 117.

      Of senators, 117.


      For legislature, 3, 48.

      For copying senate journal, 6.

      To pay orphans’ home deficiencies, 7.

      For reward for arrest of murderers, 16.

      For support of governor’s mansion, 16.

      For relief of Dr. T. F. Richardson, 17.

      For support of experiment farm in Clark County, 19.

      For relief of P. Newgard, Frank Buck, T. E. O’Brien, and H. A. Fravel, 23.

      To pay deficiencies in 1909-1910 appropriations, 23.

      To pay deficiencies in adjutant-general’s department, 24.

      To reimburse Judge P. J. Somers for legal expenses, 25.

      To repay Douglas County Farmers Bank for twice-paid license, 33.

      For care of G. A. R. cemetery in Carson City, 33.

      For concrete floor in library basement, 34.

      For Elko County experiment farm, 35.

      For enforcing weights and measures law, 43.

      To aid Florence Crittenton Mission, 54.

      For new buildings at Verdi fish hatchery, 55.

      For paying Jas. D. Finch for reporting board of assessors’ meeting, 67.

      General road fund, 73.

      To pay Miss N. B. Milligan, 74.

      Additional grounds for governor’s mansion, 75.

      Bureau of industry, agriculture and irrigation, 78.

      For support of state government for 1911 and 1912 (general appropriation act), 78.

      For renovating legislative chambers, 97.

      For removing mineral cabinet, 98.

      To pay Reno for street work at university, 98.

      To pay Ralston and Mullan, 106.

      To pay chief clerk of assembly and secretary of senate for verifying the respective journals, 109.

      To pay Dr. E. C. Krebs for services to Assemblyman John F. Byrne, 109.

      To pay A. W. Clark for extra work as engineer, 110.

      To buy horses for Nevada State Police, 128.

      To pay United States for military property, 132.

      To buy mine-rescue apparatus, 133.

      To pay deficiencies, 134.

      For attendance of state orphans at Carson schools, 135.

      For compiling and printing state laws, 139.

      For electrical building at university, 282.

      To purchase digest and print same, 284.

      For relief of Nevada Ballard, 288.

      For furniture and improvements, orphans’ home, 289.

      For filing-cases for controller, adjutant-general, and superintendent of public instruction, 290.

      For carrying banking law into effect, 312.

      For public service commission, 332.

      For filing-cases, etc., for clerk of supreme court, 356.

      For publication of supreme court decisions, 360.

      For state board of health, 401.

      For relief of Guy Guinan, 402.

      For building for historical society, 411.

ASSEMBLY journal —

      Chief clerk to verify, 108.

assemblymen —

      Reapportionment of, 117.

assignments to state —

      Repeal of act concerning, 3.

assistant state librarian —

      Salary of, 117.

attaches —

      Of legislature, 5.


      Salary of, 79.

      Salary of deputy, 79.

      Salary of, as mineral land commissioner, 79.

      Salary of stenographer, 79.

attorneys —

      To be paid by county for service to indigent defendants, 318.

austin township —

      Fixing salary of justice of the peace of, 20.


badger —

      Bounty for destruction of, 358.

ballard, Nevada —

      For relief of, 288.

ballot —

      Form used at primary election, 341.

bank examiner —

      Act creating office of, 291.

banking —

      Act regulating, 291.

banks —

      Licenses for, 304.

bequests to state —

      Repeal of act concerning, 3.

bids —

      For all public work over $500 must be advertised for, 368.

bills. See Legislative Bills.

births —

      Must be recorded, 392.

bohen —

      Support of, 82.

bond, official —

      Of notary public, filed with county clerk, 362.

bonds —

      Douglas County, for new court-house, etc,, 25.

      Lyon Connty, for buildings at Yerington, 29.

      Lander County, for indebtedness, etc., 30.

      Mineral County, for various purposes, 47.

      Churchill County, for telephone building, 50.

      Nye County, for outstanding debts, etc., 103.

      Washoe County, for bridge over Truckee, 113.

      Humboldt County, for high school at Winnemucca, 118.

      Trustees of East Ely school district to issue, 122.

      Caliente to issue water supply bonds, 125.

      Winnemucca school trustees to issue, 141.

      Churchill County, for roads and bridges, 144.

bridge work —

      Petition for, filed with county commissioners, 369.

      Bids for, advertised, when, 369.

buck, frank —

      Relief of, 23.

building and loan companies —

      Nonresident, must deposit collateral with state treasurer, 283.

bureau of industry, agriculture, and irrigation —

      Created, 75.

byrne, john f., Assemblyman

      Dr. E. C. Krebs paid for services to, 109.


caliente —

      To issue water supply bonds, 125.

capitol commissioners —

      Composition of, and duties, 286.

carey act —

      Conditions of accepted, 84.

carlin township —

      Salary of justice of the peace in, 57.

carson city —

      Authorized to borrow money on notes, 102.

      Children of orphans’ home to attend school in, 136.

caliente township —

      Salary of justice of the peace of, 59.

certificate —

      Of secretary of state, certifying authenticity of statutes, 460.

chaplains —

      For legislature, 4.

charter —

      Of town of Las Vegas, 145.

churchill county —

      To issue bonds for purchase of telephone building, 50.

      Salaries of county officers, 52.

      Salaries of various justices of the peace and constables in, 140.

      To pay W. C. Grimes salary due, 143.

      To issue bonds for roads and bridges, 144.

cities —

      Amending general incorporation act, 374.

cities and towns —

      May acquire public utility systems, how, 348.

city attorney —

      Of Reno, qualifications, 5.

city officials —

      Accounts to be examined semiannually, 276.

clark, A. W. —

      Paid for extra work as engineer, 110.

clark county —

      Experiment farm at Logan, appropriation for, 19.

      Salaries of officers of, 116.

      Incorporation of Las Vegas, 145.

clerk of supreme court —

      Authorizing deputy for, 72.

      Filing-cases for, 356.

      Cases to be catalogued, 356.

cole, walter D. —

      Paid for services in compilation of laws, 139.

commissioners for care of insane —

      To make deeds for right of way, 96.

compensation —

      Of employees in certain hazardous callings for injuries, 362.

compilation of laws —

      Act providing for, 139.

concrete floor —

      In library building, appropriation for, 34.

congress —

      Requested to grant 2,000,000 acres of land, additional, to Nevada, 452.

constitutional amendments, proposed —

      Establishing initiative and referendum, 446-447.

      Establishing the recall of public officer, 448.

      Regarding revenue for educational purposes, 453.

      Concerning indictments on information, 454.

      Making females eligible to certain offices, 455.

      Granting right of suffrage to females, 457.

      Changing form of official oath, 458.

constitutions —

      Of United States, 463-484.

      Of State of Nevada, 487-537.

construction camps —

      Sale of liquor near, prohibited, except by regularly established business, 319.

contracts —

      To state lands, act relating to, 355.

contributory dependency —

      Amending act defining, 382.

contributory delinquency —

      Defined, 382.

convicts —

      May be employed on public road work, 73.

coroners —

      Act concerning justices of the peace as ex officio, 58.

      When to pay money of decedent, 59.

coryell, Senator H. H.

      Reimbursed for expenses in connection with funeral of Senator House, 455.

county commissioners —

      May levy tax for exhibits at expositions, 136.

      Must let contracts for all work over $500 by advertising, 368.

county officers —

      Accounts to be examined semiannually, 276.

county-seat —

      Of Lyon County removed to Yerington, 7.

county taxation —

      Concerning rate of, 28.

coyotes —

      Bounty for destruction of, 358.


dayton —

      County-seat of Lyon removed from, 7.

deaf, dumb, and blind —

      For tuition of, 80.

deaths —

      Must be recorded, 392.

deeds —

      Executors may execute, 315.

delinquent person —

      Term defined, 383.

democratic majority —

      Congratulated on election of republican U. S. senator, 449.

dependent children —

      Act relating to, 383.

deputy coroners —

      When may be appointed, 59.

deputy superintendents of public instruction —

      Appropriation for salaries and expenses, 80, 81.

deputy supreme court clerk —

      Authorized, and salary of, 72.

digest —

      Of Nevada Supreme Court Reports, 283.

district judges —

      Traveling and necessary expenses, 81.

      May sign papers left by predecessor, 321.

dipsomaniacs —

      Not to be served with liquor, 313.

divorce. See Marriage and Divorce.

doctors. See Medicine.

donations to state —

      Repeal of act concerning, 3.

douglas county —

      Bonds for court-house, etc., 25.

      To pay County Clerk Jepson fees from fish and game fund, 50.

douglas county farmers bank —

      Reimbursed for twice-paid license, 33.

drainage districts —

      Act concerning, 248.


east ely —

      School trustees to issue bonds, 122.

educational districts —

      Reorganized, 357.

eight hours —

      Legal day’s work for surface employees of mines, 373.

election expenses —

      Appropriation for, 84.

elections —

      Additional information in registering, 370.

      See Registration, Nomination, Primary and Special Elections.

Electrical building —

      At University of Nevada, 281.

elko county —

      Commissioners authorized to reestablish various districts, 49.

      Concerning salary of treasurer, 55.

      To buy Jarbidge toll-road, 121.

      Road supervisor in, 278.

elko county experiment farm —

      Act concerning, 34.

ely township —

      Fixing salary of justice of the peace of, 21.

employees —

      Compensated for injury or death, 362.

employers —

      Must not issue non-negotiable paper to employees, 66.

      Forbidden to misrepresent labor conditions, 315.

employers’ LIABILITY —

      To employees in certain callings, 362.

engrossing committee —

      Duties of, 60.

esmeralda county —

      Right of way for railroad in, 101.

estates of deceased persons —

      Under $500 not administered upon, 28.

      Concerning deeds, 315.

      Property of, mortgaged, when, 317.

eureka county —

      County Commissioners to fix salaries of all justices of the peace and constables, 128.

examinations —

      For license to practice medicine, 381.

expenses of state officers —

      Appropriation for various, 84.

express companies —

      How assessed for taxation, 391.


fallon —

      Repealing city charter of, 23.

      Validating incorporation of, 111.

      To pay W. S. Wall for legal services, 143.

farrell, m. —

      Paid for putting senate chamber in order, 359.

females —

      Proposed constitutional amendment making, eligible to certain offices, 454.

      Proposed constitutional amendment granting right of suffrage to, 457.

fees —

      Of witnesses in criminal cases, in certain counties, 361.

finances of state —

      State treasurer’s reports of, 541-580.

finch, JAS. D. —

      Paid for reporting board of assessors’ meeting, 67.

fire department —

      Town or city tax, in unincorporated towns, 34.

fireman —

      At library building, salary of, 83.

fish —

      Private hatcheries for, 279.

      See Fish and Game.

fish and game —

      Closed season for fish, 61.

      Certain methods of taking fish prohibited, 61.

fish commission —

      Support of, 84.

florence crittenton mission —

      Appropriation in aid of, 54.

food and drug control —

      Support of, 83.

franchise —

      To Tonopah Sewer and Drainage Company, 43.

      Amending act granting, to Nevada Telephone-Telegraph Company, 278.

      Of express companies, how assessed, 391.

fraternal organizations —

      Unlawful to use name of fraudulently, 65.

      Illegal wearing of insignia of, prohibited, 65.

      Injunction to restrain unlawful use of name, 66.

fravel, H. A —

      Relief of, 23.

freedom of state —

      Extended to ex-President Roosevelt, by joint resolution, 457.

free text-books —

      Appointment of committee to draft law providing for, 457.

freight —

      Certain may be carried free, 375.

fulmer, Assemblyman J. H.

      Reimbursed for expenses in connection with funeral of Senator House, 455.


game.  See Fish and Game.

gardener —

      Salary of, at capitol grounds, 83.

general appropriation act —

      Salary of governor, 79.

      Salary of governor’s private secretary, 79.

      Salary of clerk to governor, 79.

      Traveling expenses of governor and attorney-general, 79.

      Repairs of governor’s mansion and building fence, 79.

      Salary of lieutenant-governor as adjutant-general, 79.

      Salary of attorney-general, 79.

      Salary of deputy attorney-general, 79.

      Salary of mineral land commissioner, 79.

      Salary of stenographer for attorney-general, 79.

      Salary of secretary of state, 79.

      Salary of deputy secretary of state, 79.

      Salary of clerk for secretary of state, 79.

      Salary of stenographer for secretary of state, 79.

      Salary of typists for secretary of state, 79.

      Salary of clerk in state library, 79.

      Furnishing office of secretary of state and state library, 79.

      Salary of state controller, 79.

      Salary of deputy state controller, 79.

      Salary of typist for state controller, 79.

      Salary of state treasurer, 79.

      Salary of deputy state treasurer, 79.

      Salary of clerk for state treasurer, 79.

      Salary of surveyor-general, 80.

      Salary of deputy surveyor-general, 80.

      Salary of draughtsman in state land office, 80.

      Salary of stenographer in state land office, 80.

      Salary of clerks in state land office, 80.

      Purchase of township plats, 80.

      Salary of superintendent of public instruction, 80.

      Salary of typist for superintendent of public instruction, 80.

      Repairs and improvements in office of superintendent of public instruction, 80.

      Traveling expenses superintendent of public instruction, 80.

      Text-book commission, 80.

      Expenses of teachers’ institutes, 80.

      Conducting teachers’ examinations, 80.

      Support of deaf, dumb, and blind, 80.

      Support of Virginia mining school, 80.

      Salary of deputy superintendents of public instruction, 80, 81.

      Salary of justices of the supreme court, 81.

      Salary of clerk of the supreme court, 81.

      Salary of deputy clerk of the supreme court, 81.

      Salary of reporter of decisions, 81.

      Salary of official reporter of supreme court, 81.

      Salary of stenographers for supreme court, 81.

      Salary of bailiff of supreme court, 81.

      Indexing and compiling supreme court reports, 81.

      Official advertising, 81.

      Typewriting machine for Judge Talbot, 81.

      Traveling expenses of district judges, 81.

      Salary of superintendent of state printing, 81.

      Salary of bookkeeper for superintendent of state printing, 81.

      Support of State Printing Office, 81.

      Bookbinding, 81.

      Reserve fund, State Printing Office, 81.

      Printing and binding supreme court reports, 81.

      New material and repairs, State Printing Office, 81.

      Support of State Orphans’ Home, 82.

      Repairs of State Orphans’ Home, 82.

      Salary of superintendent and matron of orphans’ home, 82.

      Salary of teachers at orphans’ home, 82.

      Support of Hospital for Mental Diseases, 82.

      Repairs at Hospital for Mental Diseases, 82.

      Draft horses, Hospital for Mental Diseases, 82.

      Driving horses, Hospital for Mental Diseases, 82.

      Discharged patients, Hospital for Mental Diseases, 82.

      Chaplain, Hospital for Mental Diseases, 82.

      Books and library, Hospital for Mental Diseases, 82.

      Support of Nevada State Prison, 82.

      Death watch, Nevada State Prison, 82.

      Salary of warden, Nevada State Prison, 82.

      Repairs at Nevada State Prison, 82.

      Support of Nevada State Police, 82.

      Payment of rewards, 82.

      Salary of state veterinarian, 82.

      Support of Bohen, 82.

      Salary of railroad commissioners, 82.

      Salary of secretary of railroad commission, 82.

      General expenses of railroad commission, 82.

      Salary of inspector of mines, 83.

      Salary of deputy inspector of mines, 83.

      Traveling expenses of inspector of mines, 83.

      Office expenses of inspector of mines, 83.

      Salary of license and bullion tax agent, 83.

      Traveling expenses of license and bullion tax agent, 83.

      Support of state board of health, 83.

      Support of state board of assessors, 83.

      Support of state engineer’s office, 83.

      Support of historical society, 83.

      Support of University of Nevada, 83.

      Regents’ fund, University of Nevada, 83.

      Support of experiment station, 83.

      Purchase of stock for university, 83.

      Support of hygienic laboratory, 83.

      Support of food and drug control, 83.

      Insurance on State Printing Office, 83.

      Insurance on capitol building, 83.

      Salary of watchmen, capitol building, 83.

      Salary of janitor, capitol building, 83.

      Salary of gardener and assistant janitor, 83.

      Salary of fireman, library building, 83.

      Stationery, fuel and light, state officers, 84.

      Current expenses of state officers, 84.

      Expenses capitol grounds and printing office grounds, 84.

      Repairs of capitol building, 84.

      Election expenses, 84.

      Support of fish commission, 84.

      Care of military property, 84.

      Tuition and support of juvenile delinquents, 84.

gerlach township —

      Fixing salaries of justice of the peace and constable of, 4.

governor —

      Salary of, 79.

      Salary of private secretary, 79.

      Salary of clerk, 79.

      Traveling expenses, 79.

      Member board of capitol commissioners, 286.

governor’s mansion —

      Money for support of, 16.

      Additional grounds for, 75.

grand army of the republic —

      Appropriation for care of cemetery in Carson City, 33.

      Protecting name of, 65.

grants to state —

      Repeal of act concerning, kinds of, 3.

grimes, W. C. —

      Churchill County to pay salary due as district attorney, 143.

guardians —

      To pay ward’s debts from estate, when, 71.

      For nonresident minors, 72.

guinan, guy —

      Relief of, 402.


habitual drunkards —

      Not to be served with liquor, 313.

hawthorne —

      County-seat of Mineral County, 10.

hazardous callings —

      Defined, and employers’ liability in, 362.

highways —

      Protected from damage by water, 96.

      Work on, to be let by contract, 357.

hindu immigration —

      Resolution opposing, 456.

historical society —

      Support of, 83.

holmes, Dr. J. A.

      Thanks to for exhibition of mine-rescue apparatus, 458.

hospital for mental diseases —

      Support of, 82.

      Appropriations for various purposes at, 82.

hot springs township —

      Fixing salary of the justice of the peace and constable, 108.

house, Senator A. C.

      Resolutions of respect to memory of, 451.

humboldt county —

      Authorizing county commissioners to fix salaries of constables and justices of the peace, 19.

      Salaries of officers paid monthly, 118.

      To issue bonds for high school at Winnemucca, 118.

      Acts concerning county officers of, 130, 131.

      Winnemucca school trustees to issue bonds, 141.

hygienic laboratory —

      Support of, 83.


immigration —

      Of Japanese and Hindus opposed by joint resolution, 456.

incorporation of cities —

      Amending law for general, 374.

indictments —

      Concerning, on information (proposed constitutional amendment), 454.

indigent defendants —

      Attorney for, paid by county, 318.

industry, agriculture and irrigation, bureau of —

      Act creating, 75.

information —

      Constitutional (proposed) amendment concerning indictments on, 454.

initiative —

      Constitutional amendment establishing, 446.

inspector of mines —

      Term of office of, extended to four years, 17.

      Salary of, 83.

      Salary of deputy, 83.

      Traveling expenses, 83.

      Office expenses, 83.

      To buy mine-rescue apparatus, 133.

      Duties and powers enlarged, 402.

insurance —

      On capitol and printing office, 83.

investigation —

      Of state affairs, committee for, 451.

irrigation —

      Concerning measurement of water used for, 282.

irrigation districts —

      Act concerning, 248.


janitor —

      Salary of, at capitol, 83.

japanese immigration —

      Resolution opposing, 456.

jarbidge —

      Toll-road to, Elko County to buy, 121.

jarbidge township —

      Salary of constable of, 58.

jepson, H. C. —

      For relief of, from Douglas County funds, 50.

journal of senate —

      To pay Mrs. W. D. McNeilly for copying, 6.

juvenile court —

      Amending act establishing, 382.

juvenile delinquents —

      Appropriation for tuition and support of, 84.


kindergarten school —

      Authorized, in Sparks, 36.

krebs, Dr. E. C.

      Paid for services to Assemblyman Byrne, 109.


labor —

      On mining claim, fees for recording certificate of, 100.

      Act concerning misrepresentation in regard to, 315.

      Rate of pay for work on public roads, 368.

      Eight hours legal day’s work for surface men employed at mines, 373.

lake tahoe —

      Concurrent resolution concerning, 453.

land —

      Minimum valuation for taxation, 101.

lander county —

      Bonds for indebtedness, etc., 30.

land grant —

      Requesting, of 2,000,000 acres by congress to Nevada, 452.

las vegas —

      Act incorporating town of, 145.

laws —

      Repealing certain, 413-442.

leave of absence —

      For state employees, fifteen days each year, 19.

legal day’s work —

      Eight hours to constitute, for surface employees of mines, 373.

legal representative —

      Of employee in hazardous callings to receive compensation, in case of death, 362.

legal residence —

      Act defining, 318.

legislature —

      Fund for twenty-fifth session, 3.

      Chaplains for, 4.

      Officers and attaches of, 5.

      Additional legislative fund, 48.

      Members of twenty-fifth session to receive compilation free, 100.

      Reapportionment of members, 117.

legislative bills —

      Concerning printing of, 60.

      Printed bill becomes official bill, when, 60.

      When printed for enrollment, 61.

legislative chambers —

      To be renovated, 97.

license and bullion tax agent —

      Salary of, 83.

      Traveling expenses, 83.

licenses —

      For practice of medicine, 381.

liens, mechanics’ —

      Act regarding, 320.

lieutenant-governor —

      Salary of, as adjutant-general, 79.

      Member board of capitol commissioners, 286.

light systems —

      Towns may acquire, 348.

lincoln county —

      Certain offices, in 1913, to be consolidated, 124.

      Fire commissioners of Caliente to issue bonds, 125.

      Salary fund for, 129.

liquor —

      Dipsomaniacs and habitual drunkards not to be served with, 313.

      Dealers in, prohibited harboring minors, 314.

      Restriction as to sale of, near construction camps, 319.

live stock —

      Killed by railways, notice to be posted, 358.

lynx —

      Bounty for destruction of, 358.

lyon county —

      Removal of county-seat to Yerington, 7.

      Bonds for county buildings at Yerington, 29.

      Segregating office of sheriff and assessor, 107.

      Fixing salaries in, 137.


marriage —

      Who may perform ceremony, 317.

marriage and divorce —

      Act relating to, 317.

Mcneilly, Mrs. W. D.

      To copy senate journal, 6.

medicine —

      Act regulating practice of, 380, 381.

memorials —

      Passed by twenty-fifth session, 445-459.

midwives —

      Must conform to rules of state board of health, 392.

mileage —

      Of witnesses in criminal cases, in certain counties, 361.

military property —

      Appropriation for care of, 84.

milligan, Miss N. B.

      Paid for reporting, 74.

mineral county —

      Organized out of Esmeralda, 10.

      Bonds authorized, 47.

mine signals —

      Made uniform in state, 407.

      Code of, 407.

mining incorporations —

      To file reports with secretary of state, 408.

mining recorder fees —

      Filing different fees, 100.

ministers —

      Regular, only, to perform marriage ceremony, 317.

      Must procure license, 317.

minor children —

      May have estate set aside for them, 28.

minors —

      Guardians for nonresidents, 72.

      Barred from places where liquor is sold, 314.

mortgages —

      Taxation of, 352.

mountain lion —

      Bounty for destruction of, 358.

mullan, john, estate of —

      Paid for services in securing payment of Indian war claims, 107.

municipal courts —

      Provided for in certain cities, 374.


neglected children —

      Act relating to and defining, 383.

negotiable paper —

      Must be issued by employers to employees, 66.

Nevada historical society —

      Building for, either in Reno or Carson City, 411.

Nevada supreme court reports —

      For indexing and compiling, 81.

      Publication of decisions, 81.

Nevada telephone-telegraph company —

      Amending act granting franchise to, 278.

Newgard, P. —

      Relief of, 23.

nominations —

      For office, how accomplished, 334.

      Primary law, amended, 336.

nonjudicial days —

      Enumerated, 22.

NOTARIES public —

      Oath and bond to be filed with county clerk, 362.

noxious animals —

      Bounty for destruction of certain, 358.

nye county —

      To issue bonds, 103.

      Salaries of justices of the peace and constables, 134, 135.


oath —

      Of notary public, filed with county clerk, 362.

oath, official —

      Proposed constitutional amendment changing form of, 458.

o’brien, T. E. —

      Relief of, 23.

obsolete acts —

      General act repealing certain, 413-442.

officers —

      Of legislature, 5.

ormsby county —

      Salary of district attorney, after 1912, reduced, 110.

overdrafts —

      In banks, prohibited, 301.


panama canal exposition —

      Memorial and joint resolution concerning, 445.

passes —

      Allowed to certain persons, 375.

passports —

      American, resolution regarding, 458.

patents —

      To state lands, 355.

patrick, edward t. —

      Paid for services in compilation of laws, 139.

      Digest of supreme court decisions by, to be purchased and printed, 283.

petition —

      For bridge work must be filed with county commissioners, 169.

      When candidates nominated by, 334.

physicians —

      Must conform to rules of state board of health, 392.

      See Medicine.

pittman, Hon. Key —

      Congratulated on carrying out “gentlemen’s agreement,” 449.

poll tax —

      Persons paying in other states not required to pay in Nevada, 53.

      Total to go to counties, 376.

      Receipts for, furnished by counties, 376.

pollution of streams —

      Prohibited, 56.

potatoes —

      University professor to investigate disease of, 138.

prairie wolf —

      Bounty for destruction of, 358.

primary elections —

      Registration for includes general election, 335.

primary law —

      Amendment to, 334.

      General act amending, 336.

printed bills —

      When become official copy, 60.

prison commissioners —

      Committee to investigate action of recent board of, 449.

private fish hatcheries —

      Act in regard to, 279.

probation officers —

      Providing for, 384, 385, 386.

promotion stock —

      Defined, 411.

public safety —

      As regards train crews, 17.

public schools —

      General law relating to, 183.

public service commission —

      Created, 322.

public utilities —

      Creating commission to have supervision of, 322.

public work —

      Bids for all, over $500, must be advertised, 368.


railroad commission —

      Made public service commission, 322.

      Requested, by resolution, to reduce Wells-Fargo rates, 459.

railroad commissioners —

      Salaries of, 82.

      Salaries of secretary of, 82.

      General expenses of, 82.

      Salaries of, fixed, 377.

railroad commission law —

      Amended, 375, 376, 377.

railroad crews —

      Acts prescribing minimum number, 17, 412.

railways —

      To give public notice of live stock killed, 358.

ralston, Jackson H. —

      Paid for services in securing payment of Indian war claims, 106.

recall —

      Of public officer, constitutional amendment providing for, 448.

records, public —

      May be copied by any person, 290.

referendum —

      Constitutional amendment, concerning, 447.

registration —

      Act concerning, 332.

      Regulations regarding, 333.

      For primary includes general election, 335.

      Act providing for, of voters, 370.

registry agents —

      Other than justices of the peace, may be appointed, 332.

      To give transient certificate, 333.

      Additional duties in registering voters, 370-373.

Reno —

      Amending charter of, regarding city attorney, 5.

      Amendment to charter of, 57.

      Reimbursed for street work at university, 98.

      Amending charter of, 113.

repeal —

      Of act concerning bequests, etc., to state, 3.

      Of sections 3 and 9 of act to facilitate giving of bonds, etc., 21.

      City charter of Fallon, 23.

      Of act creating state industrial and publicity commission, 133.

      Of various acts concerning school and educational matters, 246.

      Of act concerning nonresident joint-stock companies, 285.

      Of act concerning witnesses in criminal cases in Humboldt County, 361.

      Of certain obsolete acts, 413-442.

reporter of decisions —

      Salary of, 81.

residence.  See Legal Residence.

resolutions —

      Passed by twenty-fifth session, 445-459.

      Of respect, to memory of late Senator House, 452.

rewards —

      For arrest of murderers, 16.

      Appropriation for payment of, 82.

right of way —

      For highway through hospital grounds, 96.

      For railroad in Esmeralda County, 101.

road and street work —

      To be let by contract, 357.

road fund, general —

      Authorized in state treasury, 73.

road inspector —

      Payment for work on public roads, 368.

road supervisors —

      In Elko County, 278.

      In certain counties, appointment of, 355.

road work —

      Poll tax to be applied to, by counties, 376.

roosevelt, theodore —

      Given freedom of state, by resolution, 456.


saloons —

      Minors forbidden in, 314.

san francisco —

      Urged as site for 1915 exposition, 445.

      Endorsing selection of, by Congress, 446.

school law —

      Amended, 67.

      General, 145.

school moneys —

      How apportioned, 67.

schools —

      General law concerning, 183.

school warrants —

      When interest-bearing may be issued, 347.

secretary of state —

      Salary of, 79.

      Salary of deputy, 79.

      Salary of various clerks, 79.

      Member board of capitol commissioners, 286.

senate journal —

      Secretary of senate to verify, 109.

senators —

      Reapportionment of, 117.

sewerage systems —

      Cities and towns may acquire, 348.

sheep —

      Regarding tax collected on, 380.

sheep inspection fund —

      County assessors to segregate, and forward to state treasurer, 380

smith, richard —

      Paid for putting assembly chamber in order, 359.

somers, P. J. —

      Reimbursed for legal expenses, 25.

sparks —

      Kindergarten school authorized in, 36.

special elections —

      Primary law does not apply, 334.

state affairs —

      Committee for investigation of, 451.

state board of assessors —

      Expenses of, 83.

state board of health —

      Support of, 83.

      Created, and duties of, 392.

      Appropriation for support of, 401.

state controller —

      With state treasurer to transfer certain money, 35.

      Salary of, 79.

      Salary of deputy, 79.

      Salary of clerk, 79.

      Member board of capitol commissioners, 286.

      Filing-cases for, 290.

State employees —

      Leave of absence for, 19.

State engineer —

      Duties of regarding public road work, 74.

      Support of office, 83.

      Duties of, under Carey act, 84-96.

state fish hatchery —

      Appropriation for new buildings at Verdi, 55.

state industrial and publicity commission —

      Act creating repealed, 133.

state land —

      Act relating to Carey act, 84-96.

      Act relating to, 355.

state mineral cabinet —

      To be removed to Mackay School of Mines, 98.

state money —

      Transfer of certain, authorized, 35.

state officers —

      Accounts of, to be examined semiannually, 276.

state orphans’ home —

      To pay deficiencies for 1909 and 1910, 7.

      Support of, 82.

      Repairs and improvements, 82.

      Salary of superintendent and matron, 82.

      Salary of teachers, 82.

      Children of, to attend Carson City schools, 135.

      For furniture and improvements to, 289.

state police —

      Support of, 82.

      Salaries of sergeants and privates increased, 99.

      To purchase horses for, 128.

state prison —

      Support of, 81.

      Death watch, 81.

      Salary of warden, 81.

      Repairs, 81.

state printing office —

      Support of, 81.

      Reserve fund, 81.

      Printing and binding Nevada Reports Nos. 33 and 34, 81.

      New material for, 81.

state tax levy —

      Act fixing, 106.

state treasurer —

      With state controller, to transfer certain moneys, 35.

      Salary of, 79.

      Salary of deputy, 79.

      Salary of clerk, 79.

      Member board of capitol commissioners, 286.

      Annual (1909) report, 541-560.

      Annual (1910) report, 561-580.

statutes —

      Certain, of legislature of 1911, not published in this volume, 100.

state veterinarian —

      For relief of Dr. Richardson, 16.

      Salary of, 82.

superintendent of public instruction —

      To apportion school funds, 69, 70.

      Salary of, 80.

      Salary of typist, 80.

      Improvements in office, 80.

      Traveling expenses, 80.

      Filing-cases for, 290.

superintendent of state printing —

      Authorized to correct palpable errors in legislative bills, 60.

      Salary of, 81.

      Clerk for, 81.

      To print and bind compilation of laws, 139.

      To print and bind supreme court digest, 283.

supreme court —

      Salaries of justices of, 81.

      Salary of clerk of, 81.

      Salary of deputy clerk of, 81.

      Bailiff of, 81.

      Official reporter of, 81.

      Stenographers for, 81.

      Decisions of, published in Carson City newspapers, 360.

surety companies —

      Repealing act concerning, 21.

surveyor-general —

      Salary of, 80.

      Salary of deputy, 80.

      Salary of typist and draughtsman, 80.

      Salary of clerks, 80.

      State register of lands under the Carey act, 84-96.


tax —

      State levy fixed, 106.

taxation —

      Of land, minimum valuation, 101.

      Of mortgages, 352.

teachers’ examinations —

      Appropriation for, 80.

teachers’ institutes —

      Appropriation for, 80.

testimony —

      Certain, not allowed when opposing party is dead, 359.

text-book commission —

      Appropriation for, 80.

thanks, resolution of —

      To Dr. J. A. Holmes of U. S. bureau of mines, 458.

tonopah —

      Ratifying franchise to sewer and drainage company, 43.

township plats —

      Purchase of, 80.

transfer —

      Of state money authorized, 36.

train crews —

      Act fixing number to constitute, 412.

treasury stock —

      Defined, 411.

truckee river —

      Concurrent resolution concerning, 453.


undertakers —

      Must conform to rules of state board of health, 392.

united states —

      Reimbursed for missing military property, 132.

united states constitution —

      Proposed amendment, electing U. S. senators by popular vote, 450.

united states senate —

      Urged to pass amendment to federal constitution electing U. S. senators by popular vote, 455.

united states senators —

      Proposed amendment, electing U. S. senators by popular vote, ratified, 450.

      U. S. senate urged to pass constitutional amendment, electing U. S. senators by popular vote, 455.

university of nevada —

      Support of, 83.

      Regents’ fund, 83.

      Experiment station, 83.

      Stock for, 83.

      Improvement of grounds, 83.

      Electrical building at, 282.

unsigned papers —

      Of predecessor, may be signed by district judge, 321.


virginia city school of mines —

      Appropriation for support of, 80.

      Act regarding salary of principal, 281.

vital statistics —

      Act concerning, 392.

voters —

      Providing for additional information in registration, 370.


wall, W. S. —

      City of Fallon to pay, for legal services, 143.

washoe county —

      Bonds for bridge over Truckee, 114.

      School trustees (District No. 10) authorized to sell school property, 109.

      Salary of clerk, effective in 1913, fixed, 374.

watchmen —

      Salary of, at capitol, 83.

water —

      Owners of, must not permit damage to highway, 96.

      Act concerning, 248.

      Act providing for measurement of, on irrigated areas, 282.

water storage districts —

      Act concerning, 248.

water systems —

      Towns may acquire, 348.

wells, fargo &co. —

      Railroad commission, by resolution, requested to reduce exorbitant charges by, 459.

wells township —

      Salary of justice of the peace in, 57.

weights and measures —

      Act fixing standards for, 37.

      Fixing time for act taking effect, 288.

white pine county —

      Salary of assessor fixed, 111.

      Amending acts concerning officers’ salaries, 8, 9.

      Constable’s salary for first township in, 9.

wildcat —

      Bounty for destruction of, 358.

“wildcat” mining law —

      Amendments to, 408.

winnemucca —

      Bonds for high school at, 118.

      School trustees to issue bonds, 141.

witnesses —

      Fees and mileage of, in criminal cases, in certain counties, 361.

woman suffrage.  See Females.


yerington —

      County-seat of Lyon removed to, 7.

young men’s christian association —

      Property of exempted from taxation, 127.