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Statutes of the State of Nevada - Twenty-Fourth Session, 1909







An Act to create a Legislative Fund. Approved January 22, 1909.



An Act fixing the number of officers and attaches of the Legislature of the State of Nevada, and to define their duties and specify their pay, and repealing all Acts in conflict therewith. Approved January 27, 1909.



An Act to provide for copying the Journal of the Senate for the Twenty-fourth Session. Approved January 29, 1909.



An Act authorizing the Supreme Court of the State of Nevada to employ two stenographic clerks, and fixing their compensation. Approved February 1, 1909.



An Act to provide for copying the Journal of the Assembly for the Twenty-fourth Session. Approved February 1, 1909.



An Act to provide a typewriter operator for the County Clerk of White Pine County, Nevada, and fixing the salary of said operator. Approved February 1, 1909.



An Act to provide for procuring a portrait of our late Governor, John Sparks. Approved February 4, 1909.



An Act fixing and regulating the salary of the District Attorney of Humboldt County. Approved February 4, 1909.



An Act fixing and regulating the salary of the District Attorney of Ormsby County. Approved February 4, 1909.



An Act to provide for the acquisition, construction, establishment and maintenance of a State Fish Hatchery, and to appropriate money therefor. Approved February 5, 1909.



An Act creating and organizing the County of Clark out of a portion of Lincoln County and providing for its government, and to regulate the affairs of Lincoln County and Clark County. Approved February 5, 1909.



An Act authorizing the appointment of a Deputy Sheriff for Ormsby County, and fixing and regulating the salary thereof. Approved February 8, 1909.



An Act to amend an Act entitled “An Act to provide for the appointment of a State License and Bullion Tax Agent of the State of Nevada, fixing his compensation, and prescribing his duties,” approved March 15, 1905. Approved February 8, 1909.



An Act to authorize the Board of School Trustees of East Ely School District to issue negotiable coupon bonds for the purpose of purchasing or erecting and furnishing school buildings and purchasing grounds therefor and to pay the floating indebtedness of such district, and providing for the payment of the principal and interest of such bonded indebtedness. Approved February 9, 1909.



An Act making an appropriation for the purchase of filing-cases and office furniture for the offices of the Governor, Secretary of State, and Attorney-General. Approved February 13, 1909.



An Act granting leave of absence to A. G. Dawley, County Clerk of Elko County. Approved February 13, 1909.



An Act to amend an Act entitled “An Act to provide revenue for the support of the Government of the State of Nevada and repeal certain Acts relating thereto,” approved March 23, 1891. Approved February 13, 1909.



An Act to fix the salary of the Justice of the Peace of Rawhide Township, Esmeralda County, State of Nevada. Approved February 13, 1909.



An Act to fix the salary of the Constable of Rawhide Township, Esmeralda County, State of Nevada. Approved February 13, 1909.



An Act to provide an Emergency School Fund for new School Districts, prescribing its use and manner of disbursement, and other matters properly connected therewith. Approved February 13, 1909.



An Act to amend an Act entitled “An Act fixing and regulating the salaries and fees of certain officers of Washoe County, Nevada, and providing for the payment of the same,” approved March 28, 1907. Approved February 13, 1909.



An Act to amend section seven of an Act entitled “An Act consolidating certain county offices in Lyon County and regulating the compensation of the county officers in said county,” approved March 16, 1891; approved February 18, 1893; approved March 20, 1895. Approved February 18, 1909.



An Act to provide for the relief of J. W. Sitton. Approved February 18, 1909.



An Act for the relief of Arley B. Show and J. E. Wier for services rendered to, and money expended for, the Nevada Historical Society. Approved February 18, 1909.



An Act making it unlawful for any person or persons, firm, company, association or corporation, either as principal or agent, to charge, or demand, or receive, or attempt to charge, or to demand, or to receive, any money or other thing of value, from any person or persons whomsoever, upon the promise of hiring or retaining such person or persons, in any employment whatsoever, or by threatening to discharge such person or persons from any such employment, and providing for a punishment for the violation thereof. Approved February 18, 1909.



An Act to provide for the maintenance, operation and necessary equipments for the State Agricultural Experiment Farm, situated at Logan, Lincoln County, Nevada, for the years 1909-1910, and making an appropriation therefor. Approved February 18, 1909.



An Act to amend an Act entitled “An Act concerning crimes and punishments,” approved November 26, 1861. Became a law February 20, 1909.



An Act to establish a State Board of Embalmers; to provide a system of examination, registration and licensing of embalmers; to provide for the better protection of life and health; to prevent the spread of infectious and contagious diseases in the State; and to impose penalties for the violation of its provisions. Approved February 20, 1909.



An Act to authorize the Board of County Commissioners of Ormsby County to issue bonds for the purpose of creating a fund for redeeming all outstanding Agricultural Association bonds of Ormsby County as the same become due, also the amount of Ormsby County’s indebtedness to the City of Carson, and for constructing, improving and maintaining public roads and bridges in Ormsby County, State of Nevada. Approved February 20, 1909.



An Act fixing and regulating the salary of the District Attorney of Washoe County, Nevada, authorizing the appointment of an Assistant District Attorney and fixing and regulating the salary of same, and providing for the allowance of certain expenses. Approved February 20, 1909.



An Act amendatory of a certain Act entitled “An Act to provide for the appropriation, distribution and use of water, and to define and preserve existing water rights, to provide for the appointment of a State Engineer and Assistant State Engineer, and fixing their compensation, duties and powers, defining the duties of the State Board of Irrigation, providing for the appointment of Water Commissioners, and defining their duties,” approved February 26, 1907, and to provide a fee system for, the certification of the records of, and an official seal for, the State Engineer’s office, and other matters relating thereto. Approved February 20, 1909.



An Act appropriating moneys for the support of the State Board of Sheep Commissioners. Approved February 24, 1909.



An Act to provide for the appointment of Bailiffs for the District Courts of the several Judicial Districts of this State in the counties polling forty-five hundred or more votes; defining the powers and duties of such Bailiffs; fixing their compensation and repealing all Acts or parts of Acts in conflict with this Act. Approved February 24, 1909.



An Act for the relief of the State Board of Sheep Commissioners. Approved February 24, 1909.



An Act to regulate and license the hunting of game birds and animals, and the taking or catching of fish, and to provide revenue therefrom for game and fish preservation and protection, and to prescribe a penalty for the violation thereof, and to make an appropriation for the purpose of carrying out the objects of this Act. Approved February 26, 1909.



An Act for the relief of W. M. Weathers. Approved February 26, 1909.



An Act creating and confirming Las Vegas School District No. 12, in Lincoln County, Nevada. Approved February 26, 1909.



An Act to provide for the relief of W. C. Ruddell. Approved February 26, 1909.



An Act to amend section one of an Act entitled “An Act to amend an Act entitled ‘An Act permitting the establishment of county high schools in the various counties of this State, and providing for the construction, maintenance and management of the same,’ approved March 4, 1895,” approved March 15, 1907. Approved February 26, 1909.



An Act fixing the salary and compensation for official services of the Justice of the Peace of Argenta Township, Lander County, Nevada. Approved February 27, 1909.



An Act fixing the salaries and compensation of the officers of Eureka County, and repealing all Acts or parts of Acts in conflict with this Act. Approved February 27, 1909.



An Act providing a salary for the County Surveyor of Washoe County, in lieu of all fees, and providing for the payment of the same. Approved February 27, 1909.



An Act to amend an Act entitled “An Act to amend an Act entitled ‘An Act relating to county government and the reduction of the rate of county taxation,’ approved March 17, 1905.” Approved March 1, 1909.



An Act to regulate the hours of labor of persons engaged or employed in mills and other institutions where plaster or cement is manufactured, so as to better protect the health and safety of those engaged in such work or occupation, and providing penalties for a violation thereof. Approved March 3, 1909.



An Act to prevent the interference with, or injury to, any dam, ditch, headgate, weir or other appliance for the diversion, storage, apportionment, measurement, conveyance or delivery of water. Approved March 3, 1909.



An Act to provide for Union School Districts, and matters properly connected therewith. Approved March 3, 1909.



An Act prescribing the method for the entrance of insurance companies, engaged in the business of mutual life, health and accident insurance of live stock on the assessment plan, into the State of Nevada. Approved March 3, 1909.



An Act to amend sections one, two, four and five of an Act entitled “An Act to provide for the appointment of a State Auditor, fix his compensation and prescribe his duties,” approved March 26, 1907. Approved March 3, 1909.



An Act amending an Act entitled “An Act creating and organizing the County of Clark out of a portion of Lincoln County, and providing for its government, and to regulate the affairs of Lincoln County and Clark County,” approved February 5, 1909. Approved March 3, 1909.



An Act to amend section three, as amended March 16, 1905, and as again amended March 20, 1907, and sections six and eight as amended March 20, 1907, of an Act entitled “An Act to provide for the registration of names of electors and to prevent fraud at elections,” approved March 5, 1869. Approved March 3, 1909.



An Act to authorize the Board of School Trustees of School District No. 4 in the Town of Fallon, County of Churchill, State of Nevada, to issue bonds for the purpose of equipping school house, and fencing and improving the grounds surrounding school house in said district. Approved March 2, 1909.



An Act to establish an Agricultural Experiment Dry Farm in the northeastern part of this State, creating a commission in connection therewith, providing for its expenses and conferring certain powers thereon, imposing certain duties on the Governor and Attorney-General in relation thereto, providing for the government thereof, and making an appropriation therefor. Approved March 2, 1909.



An Act authorizing the Board of County Commissioners of Storey County, State of Nevada, to employ additional help and assistance for the various county officers of Storey County, State of Nevada. Approved March 3, 1909.



An Act to amend section eighty-two of an Act providing for the incorporation of cities, their classification, establishment and alteration of their boundaries, the government and disincorporation thereof, and repealing all Acts and parts of Acts in conflict therewith, approved March 27, 1907. Approved March 3, 1909.



An Act to amend an Act entitled “An Act relating to life, health, accident and annuity or endowment insurance on the assessment plan, and the conduct of the business of such insurance,” approved March 23, 1891. Approved March 5, 1909.



An Act requiring certain mining corporations to file statements with the County Recorders and Attorney-General, and to mail copies thereof to stockholders; regulating the issuance and sale of certain treasury and promotion stock and defining the same for the purposes of this Act; declaring certain acts to be unlawful; providing penalties for the violation thereof, and other matters relating thereto. Approved March 5, 1909.



An Act to designate and authorize the work to be done in the State Printing Office. Approved March 5, 1909.



An Act to prevent the running of stock at large within Douglas County, State of Nevada, and providing certain remedies therefor. Approved March 5, 1909.



An Act to provide for the disposal of the funds and property of abolished School Districts. Approved March 5, 1909.



An Act fixing and regulating the salary of the Warden of the State Prison. Approved March 5, 1909.



An Act for the relief of Burke Bros. Approved March 5, 1909.



An Act appropriating three hundred dollars for the watering and care of the Grand Army Cemetery at Carson City, Nevada. Approved March 5, 1909.



An Act authorizing the State Board of Capitol Commissioners to sell and dispose of, at public auction, worn and unused furniture and other personal property belonging to the State. Approved March 5, 1909.



An Act to regulate the hours of employment of working men in open-pit and open-cut mines, so as to better protect the health and safety of those engaged in such work or occupation, and providing penalties for the violation thereof. Approved March 5, 1909.



An Act to prevent throwing, placing or depositing slop, empty bottles, dead animals or other refuse or garbage upon any sidewalk or street and other specified places in any unincorporated town of this State. Approved March 5, 1909.



An Act to amend an Act entitled “An Act regulating the sheep industry in the State of Nevada, creating a State Board of Sheep Commissioners, defining their duties, and prescribing their compensation,” approved March 26, 1907. Approved March 5, 1909.



An Act to amend section four of an Act entitled “An Act defining and classifying transient stock and providing for the assessment, collection and distribution of taxes on the same, and providing penalties for violation of its provisions,” approved March 9, 1903. Approved March 5, 1909.



An Act to amend sections three and six of an Act entitled “An Act to segregate certain county officers in Elko County, State of Nevada, and fixing their salaries,” approved March 27, 1907. Approved March 6, 1909.



An Act to amend an Act entitled “An Act to regulate proceedings in civil cases in the Courts of Justice of this State, and to repeal all other Acts in relation thereto,” approved March 8, 1869. Approved March 6, 1909.



An Act fixing and regulating licenses on automobiles and providing a penalty for a violation thereof. Approved March 6, 1909.



An Act to authorize the City Council of the City of Reno to dispose of certain land known as McKinley Park now belonging to the City of Reno. Approved March 8, 1909.



An Act fixing the fees and compensation of witnesses in criminal cases in and for the County of Lander, State of Nevada, and providing payment therefor. Approved March 8, 1909.



An Act relating to the certification of public records or documents and the fees chargeable therefor. Approved March 8, 1909.



An Act to promote the public safety by requiring common carrier railroads to provide adequate train crews and defining such crews, and prescribing a penalty for the violation of the provisions thereof. Approved March 8, 1909.



An Act for the relief of Daniel Tierney. Approved March 8, 1909.



An Act for the relief of Miss Brown, Miss Georgia Mapes, Miss McNamara, M. F. Jordan, Miss Jack, C. C. Corkhill, Miss Rida Merritt, Miss Smithline, J. W. Connella, John Burke, A. W. Smith, Normand B. Harris, Thomas J. Salter, James Sullivan, Miss V. Roberts, Miss Alice Langwith, Miss H. Clark, J. E. Falconer, Miss Kathleen McCaffrey, James Ritchie, Mrs. Rose Rodgers, Miss M. Hatton, Geo. W. Keith, Alex Wise, Henry Bray. Approved March 8, 1909.



An Act fixing the compensations of county officers in Lincoln County, Nevada. Approved March 10, 1909.



An Act to amend sections eight and nine of an Act entitled “An Act to provide for the selection and sale of lands that have been or may hereafter be granted by the United States to the State of Nevada,” approved March 12, 1885, as amended March 11, 1889, as amended January 26, 1899. Approved March 10, 1909.



An Act to establish a Board of Parole Commissioners for the parole of and government of paroled prisoners. Approved March 11, 1909.



An Act to compel support of wives and children, and for the prosecution and punishment of persons violating the provisions of this Act. Approved March 11, 1909.



An Act requiring any person, firm, company, or corporation now or hereafter using or diverting the public waters of this State, pursuant to law, to install and maintain at or near the point of use or diversion thereof, headgates and measuring weirs, according to the plan and specifications of the State Engineer, and prescribing certain duties for said officer, and fixing certain penalties for failure, neglect or refusal to comply with, or the violation of this Act, and other matters relating thereto. Approved March 10, 1909.



An Act fixing the salary of the Superintendent of State Printing. Approved March 11, 1909.



An Act to authorize Boards of County Commissioners to enlarge the boundaries of certain School Districts or to consolidate two or more into one, and matters properly connected therewith. Approved March 11, 1909.



An Act making the County Treasurer of White Pine County ex officio City Treasurer of the City of Ely; providing for his compensation, and other matters relating thereto; and repealing all Acts or parts of Acts in conflict herewith. Approved March 10, 1909.



An Act to grant the right of way to Jacob Eggers, C. B. Welshons, E. L. Dutertre, and John I. Peterson, and their associates, successors, and assigns, for the construction of a railroad within the County of Humboldt and the County of Elko, State of Nevada, from the Town of Golconda, or thereabouts, County of Humboldt, on or near the track of the Central Pacific Railroad, or Southern Pacific Company’s line, to and through the Towns of Midas, Burner Mining District, Lime Mountain, Edgemont, White Rock, to the northern boundary line of Elko County, Nevada, with branch lines to mining districts contiguous to said towns within said counties, and matters relating thereto. Approved March 11, 1909.



An Act to grant the right of way to C. G. Rothchild, F. L. Reber, E. E. Oldham, E. A. P. Johnson, A. B. Gray, and their associates, for the construction and operation of a railroad in Lander and Elko Counties, State of Nevada, from Gold Circle, Tuscarora, and points north in Elko County to a point on the Western Pacific, or Southern Pacific, to be located by said grantees, and matters relating thereto. Approved March 13, 1909.



An Act to regulate the salary of the Constable of Wells Township, County of Elko, State of Nevada. Approved March 13, 1909.



An Act granting leave of absence to R. B. Henrichs, Sheriff of Storey County. Approved March 13, 1909.



An Act to amend an Act entitled “An Act to prevent the pollution or contamination of the waters of the lakes, rivers, streams and ditches in the State of Nevada, prescribing penalties, and making an appropriation to carry out the provisions of this Act,” approved March 20, 1903, approved March 12, 1907. Approved March 13, 1909.



An Act to authorize the County Commissioners of Washoe County, Nevada, to issue bonds to provide for altering, improving and repairing the existing Court House at Washoe County; for erecting and constructing an addition to said Court House, and furnishing the same, and authorizing the issuance of bonds to provide for paying for the foregoing. Approved March 13, 1909.



An Act to protect the security of school bonds. Approved March 13, 1909.



An Act making it a felony for any banker, or any officer, director, cashier, teller, managing member, manager, clerk, person, party or agent of any bank, banking corporation, association, firm or person engaged in a banking, brokerage, exchange or deposit business to receive, or accept or assent or be accessory to or permit the reception of deposits of money, currency or valuable paper, in banking and other institutions, knowing the same to be insolvent; providing a punishment therefor and establishing a rule of evidence in connection therewith. Approved March 13, 1909.



An Act to authorize municipalities to issue bonds for the purpose of paying the cost of municipal improvements for which special assessments are levied. Approved March 13, 1909.



An Act to authorize the Secretary of State of Nevada to employ a typist, and fixing the compensation. Approved March 13, 1909.



An Act to pay the deficiencies in the appropriations for the University of Nevada for the years 1907-1908. Approved March 13, 1909.



An Act to provide for the government of the State Prison of the State of Nevada, and repealing other Acts in so far as they conflict with the provisions of this Act. Approved March 13, 1909.



An Act to require School Trustees to procure and hoist on public school houses the United States flag. Approved March 13, 1909.



An Act to provide for the purchase of additional land at the University of Nevada, at Reno, Nevada. Approved March 13, 1909.



An Act to pay the deficiencies in the appropriations for the years 1907 and 1908. Approved March 13, 1909.



An Act to amend section eleven of an Act entitled “An Act to secure liens to mechanics and others, and to repeal all other Acts in relation thereto,” approved March 2, 1875, approved March 6, 1903. Approved March 13, 1909.



An Act for preventing the manufacture, sale or transportation of adulterated, mislabeled or misbranded, or poisonous or deleterious foods, drugs, medicines and liquors, and for regulating the traffic therein, providing penalties, and making an appropriation for the carrying out of this Act. Approved March 13, 1909.



An Act making it unlawful for any public officer to accept relief from the State for loss of tax receipts unless affidavits in regard thereto have been filed previously with the State Controller, and providing certain penalties for a violation thereof. Approved March 15, 1909.



An Act to amend section two of an Act entitled “An Act authorizing owners of land to lay out and plat such land into lots, streets, alleys and public places, and providing for the approval and filing of maps or plats thereof.” Became a law March 16, 1909.



An Act amending an Act entitled “An Act creating a Board of Bank Commissioners, defining their duties, providing for the appointment of a Bank Examiner, prescribing his duties, fixing his compensation, providing penalties for the violation of the provisions of this Act, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 26, 1907. Approved March 16, 1909.



An Act amendatory of and supplemental to “An Act to incorporate the Town of Sparks, in Washoe County, and defining the boundaries thereof, and to authorize the establishing of a city government therefor, and other matters relating thereto,” approved March 15, 1905, as amended. Approved March 16, 1909.



An Act granting to the Mason Water, Light and Power Company, a corporation of Nevada, its successors and assigns, a franchise and the right and privilege to lay, construct, maintain, use, renew, repair and operate water mains, water pipes and laterals, with their connections and appurtenances, and culverts, ditches and aqueducts, on, in, under and along the streets, public alleys, public highways and public grounds in the unincorporated town of Mason, in Lyon County, State of Nevada, and all additions thereto and lands in the immediate vicinity of said town and additions; and to supply said town, additions and lands in the immediate vicinity thereof and the inhabitants thereof with water for domestic, municipal, fire protection, irrigation, mining, milling, power, sewerage and other purposes; and other matters relating thereto. Approved March 16, 1909.



An Act creating Coroner Districts, making the Justices of the Peace ex officio Coroners, prescribing their duties and compensation, and repealing all Acts and parts of Acts in conflict with the provisions of this Act. Approved March 16, 1909.



An Act for the relief of D. P. Randall. Approved March 16, 1909.



An Act to enable school districts to issue negotiable coupon bonds for the purpose of erecting, furnishing, equipping and maintaining buildings for industrial training, manual training, domestic science and agriculture, or for any one or all of these purposes, and providing for the payment of the principal indebtedness and the interest thereon, and other matters properly connected therewith. Approved March 16, 1909.



An Act to provide for the appointment of inspectors to inspect lands infected with, or threatened with damage by, field mice, squirrels, or other noxious vermin, to prescribe their duties and fix their compensation. Approved March 16, 1909.



An Act providing for the date of election of School Trustees, and other matters properly connected therewith. Approved March 16, 1909.



An Act to amend section two of an Act entitled “An Act to provide a site for a free public library building in the Town of Reno,” approved March 4, 1903. Approved March 16, 1909.



An Act to amend an Act entitled “An Act to provide revenue for the support of the government of the State of Nevada and to repeal certain Acts relating thereto,” approved March 23, 1891, as amended and approved February 25, 1893. Approved March 16, 1909.



An Act to create an additional Legislative Fund. Approved March 18, 1909.



An Act making an appropriation for the payment of the expenses of the Joint Committee of the Senate and Assembly for the investigation of the University of Nevada, and for the payment for the services and of the expenses of the Senate stenographer as assistant to said committee. Approved March 19, 1909.



An Act appropriating one hundred and ninety-two dollars for extra help for enrolling the Senate and Assembly bills of the Twenty-fourth Session of the Nevada Legislature, and providing for payment therefor. Approved March 19, 1909.



An Act to provide for the compensation and payment of grand and trial jurors, and fixing the fees and compensation of witnesses in criminal cases, Justices of the Peace, Coroners and Constables in and for the County of Clark. Approved March 20, 1909.



An Act regulating the use of marks and brands of stock, and the recording thereof, and providing penalties for the violation thereof and repealing all Acts in conflict therewith. Approved March 20, 1909.



An Act authorizing the Superintendent of State Printing to employ a bookkeeper and typist, and fixing compensation therefor. Approved March 20, 1909.



An Act fixing the salary of Constable in and for Goldfield Township, Esmeralda County, State of Nevada, and providing for the payment thereof. Approved March 20, 1909.



An Act to amend an Act entitled “An Act to regulate railroads, telegraph and telephone companies and other common carriers in this State, creating a Railroad Commission, constituting the Governor, the Lieutenant-Governor, and the Attorney-General a Railroad Board for the appointment and removal of the Railroad Commissioners, prevent the imposition of unreasonable rates, prevent unjust discrimination, insure an adequate railway service, and fixing maximum freight charges,” approved March 5, 1907. Approved March 20, 1909.



An Act permitting the Board of County Commissioners of the several counties of the State, in certain cases, to cause to be compiled a full and complete alphabetical index and page citation of and for its records and proceedings, providing for bidders for compiling the same, where the cost thereof amounts to $500, and for the cost, payment, and approval of said index and page citation. Approved March 20, 1909.



An Act to amend an Act entitled “An Act to create a Board of County Commissioners in the several counties of this State and to define their duties and powers,” approved March 8, 1865. Approved March 20, 1909.



An Act to fix the State tax levy, and to distribute the same in the proper funds. Approved March 20, 1909.



An Act to amend an Act entitled “An Act in relation to common jails, and the prisoners thereof,” approved November 25, 1861. Approved March 20, 1909.



An Act to amend an Act to provide for the creation, organization and maintenance of the Nevada State Police, prescribing the powers and duties of the officers and members thereof in maintaining peace, order and quiet in the State of Nevada, fixing their compensation, providing certain penalties, and other matters relating thereto, making an appropriation therefor, and repealing all Acts or parts of Acts in conflict therewith, approved January 29, 1908. Approved March 20, 1909.



An Act regulating and fixing the compensation of Justices of the Peace and Constables in Lake, Union and Gold Run Townships, Humboldt County, Nevada, and providing for the removal of the same. Approved March 20, 1909.



An Act authorizing and directing the State Controller and the State Treasurer to transfer certain moneys. Approved March 20, 1909.



An Act authorizing and directing the Board of County Commissioners of Lyon County, State of Nevada, to issue bonds for the purpose of providing means to establish, construct and maintain a high school in the City of Yerington, County of Lyon, State of Nevada. Approved March 20, 1909.



An Act providing for compulsory education and other matters properly connected therewith, providing for penalties for the violation of any of the provisions thereof, and repealing any and all prior laws on the subject of compulsory education. Approved March 20, 1909.



An Act authorizing and requiring the State Board of Prison Commissioners, under certain conditions, to acquire a site and premises for a State Prison, fixing its locality, defining its nature, area, certain appurtenances and general character, and upon the approval, by said Board, of plans, specifications and detailed drawings of the State Engineer therefor, who is made the architect and superintendent thereof, to erect and construct upon said site and premises, wholly or in part, by contract or otherwise, said State Prison, prescribing certain duties for the said Board and the State Engineer under this Act, and declaring said State Prison, when erected and constructed, and accepted by the said Board, to be the State Prison of the State of Nevada, and for all courts thereof to take judicial notice of the same, and enter its decrees and sentences accordingly, and authorizing removal thereto, and appropriating certain moneys for carrying out the provisions of this Act, and other matters relating thereto. Approved March 20, 1909.



An Act concerning franchises for furnishing electric light, heat and power. Approved March 20, 1909.



An Act to provide books, equipment and materials, and to encourage the economic use thereof by the pupils of the public schools, and fixing penalties for its infraction. Approved March 22, 1909.



An Act fixing the fees and compensation of witnesses in criminal cases in and for the County of Nye, State of Nevada, and providing payment therefor. Approved March 22, 1909.



An Act to amend an Act entitled “An Act to secure the election of United States Senator in accordance with the will of the people and the choice of the electors of the State, and to obtain an expression of such choice, and to prevent fraud and official dereliction of duty in connection with such election,” approved March 14, 1899. Approved March 22, 1909.



An Act to amend section five of an Act entitled “An Act consolidating certain county offices in Lyon County, and regulating the compensation of the county officers in said county,” approved March 16, 1891, approved February 18, 1893, approved March 10, 1897, approved March 13, 1905. Approved March 22, 1909.



An Act authorizing the payment from the county general fund of certain salaries and expenses in the county high schools of Humboldt County, and matters properly connected therewith. Approved March 22, 1909.



An Act fixing the compensation of certain county officers; authorizing the appointing of a Deputy Sheriff and of an assistant in the County Assessor’s office; creating the office of “Overseer of County Prisoners” and regulating his duties, in Humboldt County. Approved March 22, 1909.



An Act appropriating two hundred dollars ($200) for the checking up and completing the Senate and Assembly records of the Twenty-fourth Session of the Nevada State Legislature, and providing for payment of same. Approved March 22, 1909.



An Act making appropriations for the support of the civil government of the State of Nevada for the fiscal years 1909 and 1910. Approved March 22, 1909.



An Act fixing the salary of the Private Secretary to the Governor, and making an appropriation therefor. Approved March 22, 1909.



An Act to amend an Act entitled “An Act to amend an Act entitled Senate Substitute for Assembly Bill No. 99-An Act relating to the duties, salaries and compensation of county and township officers of Storey County, Nevada,” approved March 11, 1899, approved February 21, 1901. Approved March 20, 1909.



An Act fixing the fees and compensation of witnesses in criminal cases in and for the County of White Pine, State of Nevada, and providing payment therefor. Approved March 22, 1909.



An Act to amend section twelve of an Act entitled “An Act to secure liens to mechanics and others, and to repeal all other Acts in relation thereto,” approved March 2, 1875, approved March 6, 1903. Approved March 22, 1909.



An Act to authorize and require the Board of County Commissioners of Humboldt County, State of Nevada, to issue bonds on the property of the Town of Lovelock, in said county, for the establishment of a sewerage system in said town, and matters relating thereto. Approved March 22, 1909.



An Act for the establishment of Normal Training Schools and for the maintenance and control of the same. Approved March 20, 1909.



An Act to amend section eight of an Act entitled “An Act to segregate certain county officers in Elko County, Nevada, and fixing their salaries, to take effect on the first Monday in April, 1909,” approved March 27, 1907. Approved March 22, 1909.



An Act to amend an Act entitled “An Act to grant the right of way to John T. Reid and his associates, their successors and assigns, for the construction and operation of a railroad within Churchill County, State of Nevada, from either the Town of Hazen or Parren Station therein, on or near the tract of the Central or Southern Pacific Railway Company, as said grantees may select, to the Nevada United Mining Company’s mines at Copper-Reid, in Churchill County, and matters relating thereto,” approved March 27, 1907, and by such amendment to grant the further right of way to said grantees to construct, maintain and operate such railroad to a point at or near the Town of Battle Mountain, in Lander County, State of Nevada, and to extend the same from the said Hazen or Parren Station northwesterly to a point on the Western Pacific Railroad in Washoe or Humboldt County, in said State, and to construct, maintain and operate a branch line from the said Nevada United Mining Company’s mines to the Town of Lovelock, in Humboldt County, Nevada, and matters relating thereto. Approved March 22, 1909.



An Act to amend an Act entitled “An Act to enable the several School Districts of the State to issue negotiable coupon bonds for the purpose of erecting and furnishing school buildings, or purchasing ground, or for refunding floating funded debts, and providing for the payment of the principal indebtedness thus authorized and the interest thereon,” approved March 12, 1907, as amended February 8, 1908. Approved March 22, 1909.



An Act for the relief of J. J. Owens. Approved March 23, 1909.



An Act to authorize the issuance of bonds by unincorporated cities and towns for the construction of sewerage systems. Approved March 22, 1909.



An Act authorizing the Board of County Commissioners of White Pine County to issue bonds to refund the bonds of such county heretofore issued under an Act entitled “An Act to authorize the County Commissioners of White Pine County to issue six per cent bonds to redeem the ten per cent bonds of said county, and other purposes,” approved March 3, 1885. Approved March 22, 1909.



An Act providing for a State loan and its repayment by issuing certain bonds therefor, levying a certain ad valorem tax, and other matters relating thereto. Approved March 23, 1909.



An Act to amend an Act entitled “An Act to amend an Act entitled ‘An Act to create Judicial Districts in the State of Nevada, provide for the election of District Judges therein, and to fix their residences and salary, and to repeal all other Acts in relation thereto,’ approved March 27, 1907,” approved February 8, 1908. Approved March 23, 1909.



An Act to provide surety bonds for State, county and precinct officers. Approved March 23, 1909.



An Act to provide for the establishment of titles to real property and the determination of adverse claims of known and unknown claimants and regulating the proceedings in actions brought for that purpose. Approved March 23, 1909.



An Act for the relief of O. H. Gallup. Approved March 23, 1909.



An Act making an appropriation for the purpose of filing-cases and equipment for the preservation of the records in the State Land Office. Approved March 23, 1909.



An Act fixing the salaries of certain deputies in State offices. Approved March 23, 1909.



An Act fixing and regulating the salaries of certain officers of Washoe County, Nevada, and the compensation of deputies and assistants in office. Approved March 23, 1909.



An Act fixing and regulating the salaries of certain officers of Churchill County, Nevada. Approved March 23, 1909.



An Act to regulate the fees and compensation of the County Clerk of Washoe County, State of Nevada, and to repeal all other Acts and parts of Acts in conflict therewith. Approved March 23, 1909.



An Act to amend an Act entitled “An Act providing a General Corporation Law,” approved March 16, 1903, the same being Chapter LXXXVIII of the Laws of 1903. Approved March 23, 1909.



An Act to provide for the reclamation and occupancy of lands subject to acceptance by the State of Nevada under the provisions of the Acts of Congress approved August 18, 1894, June 11, 1896, and March 3, 1901, and to repeal all Acts in conflict therewith. Approved March 23, 1909.



An Act to define contributory dependency and contributory delinquency, and to make the same a misdemeanor, and to provide for the punishment of persons guilty thereof. Approved March 23, 1909.



An Act to create the office of Road Supervisor in the County of White Pine. Approved March 23, 1909.



An Act making an appropriation for various repairs in the State Prison. Approved March 23, 1909.



An Act concerning the granting of franchises by Boards of County Commissioners, prescribing the terms under which said franchises shall be granted, and repealing certain Acts pertaining thereto, and allowing corporations, associations and persons having franchises obtained under other laws of this State to obtain the benefits of this Act, and providing for other matters properly connected therewith. Approved March 23, 1909.



An Act to amend an Act entitled “An Act to provide for the protection and preservation of different species of wild game, and to repeal all Acts and parts of Acts in conflict herewith,” approved March 28, 1901. Approved March 23, 1909.



An Act to authorize the State Librarian to appoint an Assistant Librarian, fixing the compensation for such Assistant Librarian, and repealing all Acts in conflict therewith. Approved March 23, 1909.



An Act making an appropriation for the relief of George A. Cole, J. E. Bray, George L. Sanford, and A. D. Elliot. Approved March 23, 1909.



An Act providing for the protection and preservation of game, and repealing all Acts and parts of Acts in conflict therewith. Approved March 24, 1909.



An Act defining the rights of bailees for hire of goods in storage, as to disposition of unclaimed or delinquent property. Approved March 24, 1909.



An Act to amend section three as amended March 16, 1897, of an Act entitled “An Act to create a Board of County Commissioners in the several counties of this State and to define their duties and powers,” approved March 8, 1865. Approved March 24, 1909.



An Act to amend “An Act creating the office of Commissary of the Nevada State Police, prescribing his duties, fixing his compensation, and other matters relating thereto,” approved February 8, 1908. Approved March 24, 1909.



An Act creating the office of Inspector of Mines; fixing his duties and powers; providing for the appointment of a deputy and fixing the compensation of both; requiring certain reports and notices of accidents to be made to said Inspector, and defining the duties of the Attorney-General and District Attorneys in relation to suits instituted by the Inspector of Mines. Approved March 24, 1909.



An Act fixing the compensation of county and township officers in Nye County, State of Nevada, and matters pertaining to the collection and disposition of fees arising from such offices, and regulating the conduct thereof, and to repeal all Acts or parts of Acts conflicting therewith. Approved March 24, 1909.



An Act to authorize Boards of County Commissioners to establish District High Schools, and matters properly connected therewith. Approved March 24, 1909.



An Act to amend an Act entitled “An Act to provide for a reorganization of the system of school supervision and maintenance, to repeal all Acts and parts of Acts in conflict therewith and matters properly connected therewith,” approved March 29, 1907. Approved March 24, 1909.



An Act relating to children who are now or who may hereafter become dependent, neglected or delinquent, to define these terms and to provide for the treatment, control, maintenance, protection, adoption, and guardianship of the person of such child or children. Approved March 24, 1909.



An Act permitting the establishment of County High Schools in the various counties of this State, and providing for the construction, maintenance, management and supervision of the same, to repeal all Acts and parts of Acts in conflict herewith, and matters properly connected therewith. Approved March 24, 1909.



An Act providing for the transfer of county and township funds for the support of public schools. Approved March 24, 1909.



An Act authorizing the Superintendent of State Printing to purchase and install a typesetting machine, a power perforating machine, and additional binding machinery in the Nevada State Printing Office, and such other material as may be necessary, and making appropriations for all expenses connected therewith. Approved March 24, 1909.



An Act making an appropriation for the installation of machinery and other appliances at the Nevada State Prison. Approved March 24, 1909.



An Act to amend an Act entitled “An Act to prevent the pollution or contamination of the water of the lakes, rivers, streams and ditches in the State of Nevada, prescribing penalties, and making an appropriation to carry out the provisions of this Act,” approved March 20, 1903, approved March 12, 1907. Approved March 24, 1909.



An Act appropriating fifty dollars out of the Legislative Fund of the Twenty-fourth Session of the Nevada Legislature, to be paid to M. Farrell, Porter of the Assembly, and Clarence Sadler, Porter of the Senate, for cleaning and putting in order the Legislative Chambers after adjournment of said Twenty-fourth Session. Approved March 24, 1909.



An Act to grant a franchise, privilege and right of way to Charles F. Ayer, Arthur Smith, Thomas L. Mitchell, Henry F. J. Knobloch and Samuel W. Belford, their associates, successors in interest and assigns, to construct, operate and maintain a railroad in the counties of Nye, Esmeralda, and White Pine in the State of Nevada, from a point at or near the City of Ely or the Town of East Ely, in White Pine County, to a point at or near Tonopah, in the County of Nye, State of Nevada, along a line to be located and defined by said grantees, and matters properly relating thereto. Approved March 24, 1909.



An Act to provide for submitting certain Acts of the Legislature for approval by the qualified electors of the State of Nevada in accordance with the referendum provisions of the Constitution. Approved March 24, 1909.



An Act making an appropriation for certain improvements in and about the Nevada Hospital for Mental Diseases. Approved March 23, 1909.



An Act for the relief of Mrs. J. W. Guthrie. Approved March 24, 1909.



An Act to define and regulate the business of banking; creating a State Banking Board, and defining its powers and duties, and providing for a Bank Examiner and the examination and supervision of banking corporations; and for the appointment of receivers in certain cases, fixing penalties for the violation thereof; and other matters relating thereto. Approved March 24, 1909.



An Act for the relief of A. C. House. Approved March 24, 1909.



An Act making an appropriation for completion of work on State water supply system and for repairs to State reservoir. Approved March 24, 1909.



An Act pertaining to the compensation of county officers in Esmeralda County, in the State of Nevada, regulating the appointments, number and compensation of their deputies and attaches, repealing an Act entitled “An Act pertaining to compensation of county officers in Esmeralda County, in the State of Nevada, and repealing all Acts and parts of Acts in conflict therewith,” approved March 11, 1907, and repealing all Acts and parts of Acts in conflict with this Act. Approved March 24, 1909.



An Act to amend an Act entitled “An Act concerning conveyances,” approved November 5, 1861, by amending Sections 2, 18 and 30 thereof and also Section 8 thereof, as amended March 3, 1893, and by repealing Sections 19, 22 and 23 thereof. Approved March 24, 1909.



An Act making attorney’s fees taxable as costs in favor of the prevailing party in civil actions in the Justice Courts of Nevada. Approved March 24, 1909.



An Act for the relief of Henry R. Lemaire. Approved March 24, 1909.



An Act to provide for the direct nomination of candidates for public office by electors, political parties and organizations of electors, without conventions, at elections to be known and designated as primary elections, determining the tests and conditions upon which electors, political parties and organizations of electors may participate in any such primary election, and establishing the rates of compensation for primary election officers serving at such primary elections; providing for the organization of political parties and the promulgation of their platforms, and providing the methods whereby the electors of political parties may express their choice at such primary elections for United States Senator, to provide for the registration of voters for said primary elections and the compensation of Registry Agents, and to provide penalties for violating the provisions of this Act. Approved March 23, 1909.



An Act amendatory to an Act entitled “An Act to amend an Act entitled ‘An Act pertaining to compensation of county officers in Esmeralda County, in the State of Nevada, and repealing all Acts or parts of Acts in conflict therewith,’ ” approved March 11, 1907, approved March....., 1909, and requiring the said officers to make reports to the Board of County Commissioners of Esmeralda County, and repealing all Acts in conflict therewith. Approved March 24, 1909.



An Act providing for the removal from office of public officers for malfeasance or nonfeasance in office, regulating the mode of procedure, and other matters properly connected therewith. Approved March 24, 1909.



An Act to prohibit the sale or disposal of opium, morphine and kindred drugs or ardent spirits to any person lawfully confined in the State Prison, county jails or in other public institutions, and other matters relating thereto. Approved March 24, 1909.



An Act to amend an Act entitled “An Act to amend the title of and to amend an Act entitled ‘An Act to incorporate the Town of Reno, and to establish a city government therefor,’ approved March 16, 1903,” approved March 13, 1905. Approved March 24, 1909.



An Act making an appropriation for the support and maintenance of the Governor’s Mansion. Approved March 24, 1909.



An Act to amend section four of an Act entitled “An Act to create Judicial Districts in the State of Nevada, provide for the election of District Judges therein and to fix their residence and salary, and to repeal all other Acts in relation thereto,” approved March 17, 1905. Approved March 24, 1909.



An Act to provide for the collection, arrangement, and display of the mineral products of the State of Nevada, at the American Mining Congress to be held in Goldfield, Esmeralda County, Nevada, during the month of October, one thousand nine hundred and nine, and making appropriation therefor. Approved March 22, 1909.



An Act authorizing Nye County to fund and refund its existing indebtedness, and to repeal all Acts and parts of Acts in conflict herewith. Approved March 24, 1909.



An Act requiring the State Engineer to make a survey of the State Capitol Building and State Printing Office to ascertain the necessity and extent of decorating, painting or other repairs, required to be done, inside and outside, on the State Capitol Building and State Printing Office, and to make specifications for the doing of said repairs, and to supervise the same, and requiring the State Board of Capitol Commissioners to cause said work to be done pursuant to said specifications by the lowest and best bidder therefor, appropriating certain moneys for carrying out the provisions of this Act, and other matters relating thereto. Approved March 24, 1909.



An Act to amend an Act entitled “An Act to prevent pollution or contamination of the waters of the lakes, rivers, streams and ditches in the State of Nevada, prescribing penalties, and making an appropriation to carry out the provisions of this Act,” approved March 20, 1903, approved March 12, 1907. Approved March 24, 1909.



An Act reapportioning Senators and Assemblymen of the several counties to the Legislature of the State of Nevada. Approved March 24, 1909.



An Act prohibiting gambling, providing for the destruction of gambling property and other matters relating thereto. Approved March 24, 1909.



An Act for the relief of J. S. Orr and J. P. O’Brien for legal expenses incurred while acting as District Judges of the State of Nevada. Approved March 24, 1909.



An Act fixing and regulating the fees to be charged by County Recorders and District Mining Recorders for recording certificates of proof of labor on mining claims. Approved March 24, 1909.



An Act for the relief of the Carson Valley Bank for money loaned to State Board of Examiners and the State Board of Capitol Commissioners. Approved March 24, 1909.



An Act to regulate the salary of the Constable of Carlin Township, County of Elko, State of Nevada. Approved March 24, 1909.



An Act for the relief of W. L. Cox for services rendered the State of Nevada under instructions from the Governor. Approved March 24, 1909.



An Act making appropriations for the relief of M. H. Miller, Southern Pacific Company, and D. T. Smith. Approved March 24, 1909.



An Act requiring that certain officers performing legal functions shall possess legal qualifications. Approved March 24, 1909.



An Act requiring all nursery stock shipped into the State of Nevada to have an official certificate of inspection attached, and prescribing the penalty for any common carrier receiving or delivering any uncertified nursery stock. Approved March 25, 1909.



An Act to provide for the issuance of license to honorably discharged soldiers, sailors and marines of the military and naval service of the United States in the late War of Rebellion who desire to carry on the business of peddler or auctioneer. Approved March 25, 1909.



An Act to provide for compiling and reporting the decisions of the Supreme Court of the State of Nevada. Approved March 26, 1909.



An Act to facilitate the giving of bonds and undertakings in certain cases and prescribing conditions upon which surety companies may become liable thereon in this State; fixing penalties for the violation thereof, repealing conflicting Acts, and other matters relating thereto. Approved March 26, 1909.



An Act to enable actions concerning the title to real property situate in this State to be brought and maintained against unknown heirs of deceased persons by describing them as such, and providing for the service of summons in said actions by publication with like effect as if the names of such heirs were inserted in the summons. Approved March 25, 1909.



An Act granting a franchise unto Nevada Telephone-Telegraph Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Nevada, its successors and assigns, to complete and operate a telephone and telegraph line from the Town of Reno, in Washoe County, to the Town of Ely, in White Pine County, via Carson City, Ormsby County, Dayton, Lyon County, Fort Churchill, Lyon County, Tonopah, Nye County, and Goldfield, Esmeralda County, along, across and under highways and certain lands between the said termini. Approved March 22, 1909.



An Act to amend section nine of an Act entitled “An Act to amend an Act entitled ‘An Act to amend an Act entitled An Act to regulate fees and compensation for official and other services in the State of Nevada, and to repeal all other Acts in relation thereto,’ approved February 27, 1883,” approved February 12, 1885, approved February 16, 1887. Approved March 25, 1909.



An Act to provide for the building and equipment of an addition to Manzanita Hall at the University of Nevada at Reno, Nevada. Approved March 24, 1909.



An Act to amend an Act entitled “An Act for the government and maintenance of the State Orphans’ Home,” approved March 1, 1873. Approved March 25, 1909.



An Act to amend section thirty-nine of an Act entitled “An Act to provide for a reorganization of the system of school supervision and maintenance, to repeal all Acts and parts of Acts in conflict therewith, and matters properly connected therewith,” approved March 29, 1907. Approved March 24, 1909.



An Act to protect the properties and products of the owners of water, gas, electricity, and power against theft, interference and injury, and providing a punishment therefor. Approved March 25, 1909.



An Act to amend section forty-four of an Act entitled “An Act concerning crimes and punishments,” approved November 26, 1861, as amended and approved March 4, 1873, approved March 6, 1889, approved March 4, 1905. Approved March 24, 1909.



An Act to establish and maintain a State Hygienic Laboratory at the University of Nevada for the diagnosis of infectious diseases, for research, providing for the appointment of a Director and assistants, and making an appropriation therefor. Approved March 25, 1909.



An Act to amend an Act entitled “An Act to amend section four of an Act entitled ‘An Act to prevent the unlawful destruction of fish and game; to provide for the appointment of Fish and Game Wardens in the several counties of this State, and to define their duties and compensation,’ approved March 12, 1901,” approved March 16, 1903. Became a law March 31, 1909.



An Act repealing an Act entitled “An Act concerning appropriations for the support of the State Agricultural Society, and also concerning the disposition of all money otherwise received by said society,” approved March 16, 1903. Became a law March 31, 1909.



An Act for the relief of Mrs. Nancy Eleanor Sparks, widow of the late Governor, John Sparks, providing for the payment to her of an amount equivalent to the balance of salary which the said Governor, John Sparks, would have been entitled to receive had he lived until the end of his term. Became a law March 31, 1909.



An Act to amend Article V of an Act entitled “An Act to incorporate the Town of Reno, and to establish a city government therefor,” approved March 16, 1903, as amended March 13, 1905, and further amended March 28, 1907. Became a law March 31, 1909.



An Act to authorize payment by Washoe County to Sardis Summerfield for legal services rendered under an express contract. Became a law March 31, 1909.



An Act to provide for revising, compiling, annotating and publishing the laws of the State of Nevada, and the compiling, annotating and publishing therewith certain laws of the United States of particular interest to the State of Nevada, and other matters properly connected therewith, and making appropriation therefor. Became a law March 31, 1909.