[Rev. 5/3/2022 7:47:48 PM]





      Appropriation for salary, 58.

advertising. See Official Advertising.


      Relating to corporations supplying electric power, 36.

      Relating to reclamation and occupancy of lands, 42.


      State Land Register may appoint, 42.

      Registry, shall furnish County Clerk lists of registered voters, 82.

      State Land Agent at Washington, Act providing for, 85.

agricultural experiment station—

      Board of Control shall report to Governor, 44.

      Investigations relating to water storage and reservoir sites, 72.

agricultural society, state—

      Appropriation for, 60.

      Duties of Board of Directors relating to Pavilion at Reno, 113.


      Act providing for in State Treasurer’s office, 17.

AMENDMENT to constitution—

      Relating to election of United States Senators, 99.

      Resolution relative to, 136, 139, 141.


      Act regulating the sale of meat of equine animals, 27.


      Act relating to, 47.

      Appointment of Inspector, 47.


      Of Senators and Assemblymen, 30.

      Of poll tax moneys, 47.

      State tax, 117.


      Relating to allowance of claims against counties, 94.


      For Legislative Fund, 17.

      For purchase of arms and electric alarms for Capitol building, 17.

      For copying Senate Journal, 20.

      For copying Assembly Journal, 22.

      For watering and care of Grand Army Cemetery, 23.

      For Pan-American Exposition Fund, 27.

      For payment of deficiencies during 1899 and 1900, 30.

      For relief of D. C. Wheeler and D. W. Ridenour, 38.

      For building a laboratory at State University, 52.

      For support of State Government for years 1901 and 1902 (General Appropriation Bill), 58.

      For carrying out provisions of Act relating to assessment of property, 64.

      For measurement of streams and survey of reservoir sites, 72.

      For construction of hospital at State University, 80.

      For repairs and furniture of State Capitol building and State Printing Office, 84.

      For payment of State Land Agent at Washington, 85.

      For payment of bounties, 86.

      For payment of claim of Sol Hilp, 88.

      For replacing old water pipe, 88.

      For purchase of interest in Sullivan Water Ditch, 91.

      For relief of J. G. Taylor, 91.

      For construction of hospital at Insane Asylum, 95.

      For relief of Reno Water, Land and Light Company, 111.


      Relative to Nevada National Guard, 70.

arrest, warrant of—

      Act providing for execution, 82.

artesian wells—

      Act providing for payment of bounties, 86.


      Apportionment of, 30.

assembly journal—

      Act to provide for copying, 22.


      Act providing for more uniform valuation of property, 61.

      Of live stock driven into State for pasturage, 116.

assessor. See County Assessor.

asylum, insane. See Insane Asylum.

associations, cooperative—

      Act relating to, 73.


      Duties relating to protection of title of State to property granted to it, 29.

      Appropriation for salary, 58.

      Appropriation for typewriting, 60.

      Duties relating to assessment of property, 63.

      Member of State Board of Irrigation, 73.

      Duties relating to payment of bounties, 87.

      Duties relating to incorporation of fire insurance companies, 111.

      Duties relating to annual statements of foreign corporations, 118.

attorney, state—

      Appropriation for, at Washington, 59.

austin, lander county—

      Resolution relative to establishment of mail route, 137, 138.


bailiff of supreme court—

      Act relating to, 96.


      Act relating to spoiled and rejected, 82.

      How to be marked by voter, 112.


      Act relating to, 47.

belmont, nye county—

      Resolution relative to establishment of mail route, 135.


      Act relating to acceptance of by the State, 29.

berning, a.—

      Resolution relative to relief of, 144.

blanchard, ed.—

      Resolution relative to relief of, 144.

board of capitol commissioners—

      To purchase arms and electric alarms for State Capitol building, 17.

      Duties relating to repairs on Capitol building and State Printing Office, 84.

board of commissioners for the care of the insane—

      Authorized to use rock in State Prison walls in Reno for building purposes, 85.

      Authorized to purchase interest in Sullivan Water Ditch, 90.

      Authorized to construct hospital at Insane Asylum, 95.

      Authorized to grant right of way to Southern Pacific Company, 98.

board of commissioners, pan-american exposition—

      Act relating to, 26.

board of education, staTe—

      Act relating to constitution, organization, powers and duties, 32, 48.

      May grant and revoke diplomas, 33.

      Shall appoint Library Trustees, 38.

      Relative to appropriation for deaf, dumb and blind, 59.

board of examiners, state—

      Shall allow claims relating to Grand Army Cemetery, 23.

      Shall certify claims against Pan-American Exposition Fund, 27.

      Duties in relation to official reports, 44.

      Shall audit statement of expenses of County Assessors, 63.

      Duties relating to the payment of bounties, 87.

      Duties relating to construction of hospital at Insane Asylum, 95.

board of health—

      Appropriation for, 60.

board of irrigation, state—

      Creation of, 73.

board of pharmacy—

      Act creating, 124.

      Governor shall appoint members, 124.

      Power to issue certificates, 125.

board of regents. See Regents State University.


      Washoe county, fire purposes, 28.

      State School bonds in aid of State University, 52.

      State School bonds for building hospital at University, 81.

      White Pine county, Ely, for fire purposes, 114.


      Appropriation for, 59.

boundary line—

      Resolution relative to, between California and Nevada, 143.


      Relating to mines and mining claims, 98.

      City of Reno, 100.


      Act providing for the payment of, 86.


      On stock, Act relating to, 19.

      On hides of equine animals, 27.

bullion and exchange bank—

      Act relating to payment of claims against Lyon county, 24.



      Resolution relating to establishment of bounday line between Nevada and, 143.

campbell creek, lander county—

      Resolution relative to establishment of mail route, 138.

capitol building—

      Appropriations for arms for use in, 17.

      Appropriation for care of, 60.

      Appropriation for insurance, 67.

      Appropriation for furniture and repairs, 84.

capitol commissioners. See Board of Capitol Commissioners.

carson news—

      Act for relief of, 85.

cattle inspector—

      Appropriation for salary, 61.

      Appropriation for payment of claim of Sol Hilp, 88.

cemetery, grand army—

      Appropriation for water and care of, 23.


      Educational, 34.

      Temporary, granted by State Board of Education, 48.

      Relating to cooperative associations, 73.

      Issued by State Board of Pharmacy, 125.

churchill county—

      Apportionment of Senators and Assemblymen, 30.

city assessor—

      Reno, duties of, 101.

city attorney—

      Reno, duties of, 101.

city clerk—

      Reno, duties of, 102, 106.

city council—

      Reno, duties of, 101, 102.

city marshal—

      Reno, duties of, 101, 107, 108.

city treasurer—

      Reno, duties of, 101, 105.


      Bullion and Exchange Bank against Lyon county, 24.

      Against counties, how paid, 93.

      Act relating to mining, 97.


      State Land Office, appropriation for, 58.

      State Library, appropriation for, 60.

clerk of supreme court—

      Appropriation for salary, 60.

      Official report, Act relating to, 83.

close season—

      Relating to fish, 119.

      Relating to game, 121.

commissioners for care of insane. See Board Of Commissioners.

commissioners, pan-american exposition—

      Act relating to, 25.

comstock tunnel company—

      Resolution relative to, 144.


      Storey county, salary of, 21.

      Duties relating to impounding of swine, etc., 47.

      Washoe county, ex officio City Marshal, 101.


      Concurrent Resolutions relative to amending, 136, 139, 141.

constitutional convention—

      Act making application to Congress for calling of, 99.


      Relating to payment of bounties, 87.

cooperative associations—

      Act relating to, 73.


      Act relating to supplying electric power, 35.

      Act relating to formation of, 53.

      Foreign corporations shall publish annual statements, 118.

county assessor—

      Storey county, Sheriff ex officio, compensation, 21.

      Lander county, Act relating to, 25, 71.

      White Pine county, Act relating to, 35.

      Shall meet annually and establish uniform valuation of property, 61.

      Washoe county, salary of, 86.

      Shall prepare printed lists of taxpayers, 89.

      White Pine county, salary, 93.

      Washoe county, ex officio City Assessor, 101.

      Duties in relation to taxation of live stock, 116.

county auditor—

      Lyon county, duties relating to claim of Bullion and Exchange Bank, 24.

      Washoe county, shall draw warrant in favor of Wheeler and Ridenour, 39.

      White Pine county, duties relating to Salary Fund, 40.

      Duties in relation to poll tax receipts, 46.

      Duties relating to assessment of property, 63.

      Humboldt county, shall draw his warrant in favor of J. G. Taylor, 91.

county clerk—

      Duties relating to minister’s license, 20.

      Storey county, salary of, 21.

      Washoe county, to countersign Reno fire bonds, 28.

      Duties relative to election of School Trustees, 54.

      Lander county, compensation of, 72.

      Duties in relation to formation of cooperative associations, 73.

      Shall keep a record of result of elections, 78.

      Duties in relation to lists of registered voters, 82.

      Fees relating to location of public lands to be retained by, 91.

      White Pine county, salary, 92.

      Lincoln county, Act relating to, 94.

      Washoe county, ex officio City Clerk and Clerk of City Council, 102.

      Duties relating to State Board of Pharmacy, 127.

county commissioners—

      Storey county, salary of, 21.

      Washoe county, shall issue bonds for fire purposes, 28.

      Washoe county, shall levy tax in support of kindergarten school, 31.

      Shall levy tax to create a library fund, 38, 39.

      Washoe county, shall allow claim of Wheeler and Ridenour, 39.

      Duties relative to abating nuisances, 39.

      White Pine county, duties relating to Salary Fund, 40.

      Duties relating to apiaries, 47.

      Shall appoint Fish and Game Wardens, 57.

      Chairman of Board shall attend meeting of Assessors, when, 61.

      Shall determine the number of Deputy Sheriffs to serve at elections, 69.

      Shall appoint Sheep Inspectors, 70.

      Duties in relation to National Guard, 70.

      Lander county, compensation of, 72.

      Eureka county, shall allow salary of Justice of the Peace, 78.

      Duties relating to street railway franchises, 79.

      Duties relating to payment of bounties, 87.

      Shall allow bills contracted by Assessors for printing lists of taxpayers, 89.

      Duties relating to Road Supervisors, 89.

      Humboldt county, shall allow claim of J. G. Taylor, 91.

      White Pine county, salary of, 93.

      Humboldt county, mileage of, 96.

      Washoe county, duties relating to the incorporation of the Town of Reno, 109.

      White Pine county, shall issue bonds and levy tax for fire purposes in Ely, 114.

      Ormsby county, authorized to convey to State certain property, 130.

county officers—

      Act relating to Storey county, 21.

      Act relating to Lander county, 25.

      Act relating to White Pine county, 35.

      White Pine county, Salary Fund, 40.

      Lander county, Act relating to, 71.

      Washoe county, Act relating to, 86.

      Lincoln county, Act relating to, 92, 94.

      White Pine county, salary of, 92.

      Distribution of law books to, by Secretary of State, 115.

county recorder—

      Storey county, salary of, 21.

      Corporations supplying electric power must file notice of intention with, 36.

      Railroad corporations must file certificates with, 51.

      Lander county, Act relating to, 71.

      Washoe county, allowance for extra help, 86.

      White Pine county, salary, 92.

      Duties relating to Board of Pharmacy, 127.

county superintendent of schools. See District Attorney.

county treasurer—

      Lyon county, duties relating to payment of claim of Bullion and Exchange Bank, 24.

      Washoe county, duties relating to bonds for fire purposes, 28.

      White Pine county, Act relating to, 35.

      Washoe county, shall pay warrant in favor of Wheeler and Ridenour, 39.

      White Pine county, duties relating to Salary Fund, 40.

      Duties in relation to poll tax receipts, 47.

      Duties relating to Nevada National Guard, 70.

      Shall apportion tax moneys, 71.

      Lander county, compensation of, 72.

      Washoe county, additional salary of, 86.

      Humboldt county, shall pay warrant in favor of J. G. Taylor, 91.

      White Pine county, salary, 93.

      White Pine county, ex officio City Treasurer and Tax Receiver, 101.

crimes and punishments—

      Act relating to, 55.

      Violation of Act regulating marks and brands on stock, 19.

      Violation of Act prohibiting sale of opium and liquor in State Prison, 21.

      Violation of Act relating to nickel-in-the-slot machines, 25.

      Violation of Act regulating the sale of meat of equine animals, 27.

      Violation of Act relating to herding and grazing of sheep, 37.

      Violation of Act relating to kidnaping, 56.

      Violation of Act prohibiting sale of liquor to Indians, 68.

      Violation of Act relating to trespass of patented mining ground, 118.

      Violation of Act for preservation of fish, 119.

      Violation of Act for preservation of game, 121.

      Violation of Act regulating practice of pharmacy, sale of drugs and poisons, 126.

criminal cases—

      Act to regulate proceedings in, 66.

currAnt creek, nye county—

      Resolution relative to establishment of mail route, 139.


deaf, dumb and blind—

      Appropriation for education of, 59.

deceased persons, estates of—

      Act relating to, 45, 95.

      How distributed, 45.

      Intestate, how distributed, 95.

decisions, supreme court—

      Appropriation for, 60.


      Act providing for payment of, 30.

desert lands—

      Act relating to, 42.

dibble’s ranch, eureka county—

      Resolution relative to establishing mail route, 137.


      Educational and life, 33, 48.


      Amendment of Act relating to, 19.

district attorney—

      Storey county, salary of, 21.

      Fees of, relating to nickel-in-the-slot machines, 23.

      Duties relative to abating nuisances, 39.

      Shall bring suit against County Assessors, when, 63.

      Lander county, compensation of, 72.

      White Pine county, salary, 93.

      Washoe county, ex officio City Attorney, 101.

      Duties relating to annual statements of foreign corporations, 118.

district fair—

      Appropriation for, 60.

district judges—

      Duties relating to grand juries, 22.

      Appropriation for traveling expenses, 60.

      Duties relating to appointment of appraisers, 94.

douglas county—

      Apportionment of Senators and Assemblymen, 30.


      State Land Office, appropriation for, 58.


      Act prohibiting use of deteriorated or adulterated, 124.



      Relating to School Trustees, 55.

      State expenses, appropriation for, 60.

      County Commissioners to determine number of Deputy Sheriffs to serve at elections, 69.

      Inspectors shall count rejected ballots on separate tally sheet, 78.

      Registry Agents shall file lists of registered voters with County Clerks, 82.

      Act relating to spoiled and rejected ballots, 82.

      Act relating to Road Supervisors, 89.

      Act relating to incorporation of the Town of Reno, 109.

      Act relating to marking ballots, 112.

Electric alarms—

      Act relating to purchase of, 17.

Electric poles—

      Act relating to, 36.

Electric power—

      Act granting to corporations right to supply, 35.

Electric wires—

      Act granting right to maintain, 35.

elko county—

      Apportionment of Senators and Assemblymen, 30.

ely, town of—

      Protection against fire, 114.

eminent domain—

      Railroad corporations may exercise power, 51.

equine animals—

      Act regulating sale of meat of, 27.

esmeralda county—

      Apportionment of Senators and Assemblymen, 30.

      Relating to trespass upon patented mining ground, 118.

      Resolution relative to mail route in, 136.

estates of deceased persons—

      Act relating to, 45, 95.

      How distributed, 45.

      Intestate, distribution of estate, 95.

eureka county—

      Apportionment of Senators and Assemblymen, 30.

      Justice of Peace, salary of, 78.

      Resolution relative to establishment of mail route, 137.


      Superintendent of Public Instruction, traveling, 59.

      District Judges, traveling, 60.

      Of State officers, appropriation for, 60.

      Elections, State, appropriation for, 60.

      County Assessors, attending meetings, 63.

      For maintaining armory, how paid, 70.

exposition, pan-american—

      Act relating to, 25.


fay, miss annie—

      Appropriation for copying Senate Journal, 20.


      District Attorney, relating to nickel-in-the-slot machines, 23.

      Lander county officers, 72.

      Eureka county, Justice of the Peace, 78.

      County clerks to retain fees relating to location of public lands, 91.

      Lincoln county, Sheriff, 92.

      White Pine county officers, 93.


      Poisoning of springs, wells, or reservoirs, 56.

      Selling liquor to Indians, 68.

fire insurance companies—

      Act relating to incorporation of, 110.


      Teachers to instruct children relative to preservation of, 56.

      Act to prevent the unlawful destruction of, 57.

      Act providing for the preservation of, 119.

      Close season, 120.

      Unlawful to transport out of State, 120.

fish and game wardens—

      Act relating to, 57.

      How appointed, 57.

      Salary of, 57.

foley, miss hattie—

      Appropriation for copying Assembly Journal, 22.

foreign corporations—

      Act relating to electric power, 35.

      Shall publish annual statements, 118.


      Relating to corporations supplying electric power, 36.

      Relating to railroad corporations, 51.

      Relating to street railways, 79.


      Legislative, to create, 17.

      Pan-American Exposition, 25.

      White Pine County Salary Fund, 40.

      State School Fund to furnish money for laboratory at State University, 52.

      Ely Fire Department, 114.


      Appropriation for Capitol building, 84.



      Teachers to instruct children relative to preservation of, 56.

      Act to prevent the unlawful destruction of, 57.

      Act providing for preservation of, 121.

      Close season for, 121.

      Unlawful to buy or sell, 122.


      Act providing for payment of bounties, 87.

geological survey, united states—

      Investigations relating to water storage and reservoir sites, 72.


      Act relating to trespass of, 46.


      Duties in relation to Pan-American Exposition Commission, 25.

      Duties in relation to acceptance of bequests, etc., to the State, 29.

      Duties in relation to official reports, 44.

      Shall sign State school bonds, 52, 81.

      Appropriation for salary, 58.

      Private Secretary, appropriation for salary, 58.

      Appropriation for typewriting, 60.

      Shall act as Chairman at meeting of County Assessors, 61.

      Shall forward report of proceedings to different officers, 62.

      Duties relating to proceedings in criminal cases, 66.

      Member of State Board of Irrigation, 73.

      Shall appoint State Agent at Washington, 85.

      Shall appoint members of State Board of Pharmacy, 125.

grand army cemetery—

      Appropriation for watering and care of, 23.

grand juries—

      Duties of District Judges relating to, 22.


      Appointment of, for absent wards, 54.


harrison, ex-president—

      Resolution in memory of, 139.

hides and brands—

      Of equine animals, 27.

hilp, sol—

      Act for relief of, 88.

home, orphans’. See Orphans’ Home.


      Repeal of Act authorizing destruction of wild unbranded, 18.


      Act providing for construction of, at State University, 80.

      Act providing for construction of, at Insane Asylum, 95.

hospital for mental diseases—

      Appropriation for repairs, 59.

      Commissioners authorized to use State Prison walls at Reno for building purposes, 85.

      Commissioners authorized to purchase interest in Sullivan Water Ditch, 90.

      Commissioners authorized to construct building for hospital purposes, 95.

      Commissioners authorized to grant right of way to Southern Pacific Company, 98.

humboldt county—

      Apportionment of Senators and Assemblymen, 30.

      County Commissioners shall allow claim of J. G. Taylor, 91.

      County Commissioners, mileage, 96.


      Investigations relative to water storage and reservoir sites, 72.



      Appropriation for, at State Prison, 59.


      Of Reno, 100.

      Of mutual life insurance companies, 110.


      Act prohibiting sale of ardent spirits to, 68.

      When competent witnesses, 69.

indian reservations—

      Resolution relative to opening to miners, 136.

insane asylum—

      Appropriation for, 59.

      Appropriation for repairs, 59.

      Commissioners authorized to use State Prison walls at Reno for building purposes, 85.

      Commissioners authorized to purchase interest in water ditch, 90.

      Commissioners authorized to construct hospital, 95.

      Commissioners authorized to grant right of way to Southern Pacific Railroad Company, 98.


      Appropriation for salary of Cattle Inspector, 61.

      County Commissioners shall appoint Sheep Inspectors, 70.

      Appropriation for payment of claim of Sol Hilp, 88.

      Duties relating to collection of fees and dipping sheep, 113.

inspectors of election—

      Shall count rejected ballots on separate tally sheet, 78.

      Duty relating to spoiled and rejected ballots, 82.

      Duties relating to stamped ballots, 112.

institute, teachers’—

      Appropriation for, 59.


      Act relating to resident agents, 40.

      Appropriation for, on State buildings and property, 60.

      Act relating to incorporation of fire insurance companies, 110.

      Act licensing and regulating, 131.

irrigation and water storage—

      Act relating to, 72.

      Resolution relative to, 140.



      Assembly, Act to provide for copying, 20.

      Senate, Act to provide for copying, 22.

judges of district court—

      Duties relating to grand juries, 22.

      Appropriation for traveling expenses, 60.

      Duties relating to appraisers, 94.

jurors and juries—

      Duties of District Judges relating to grand juries, 22.

justice of the peace—

      Storey county, salary and fees of, 21.

      Eureka county, Act fixing salary, 78.

      Washoe county, ex officio Police Judge, 101.



      Act relating to, 55.

kindergarten school—

      Act providing for establishment of, in Washoe county, 31.



      Act providing for building at State University, 52.


      Act relating to reclamation and occupancy of, 42.

      Resolution relative to irrigation of, 140.

land agent—

      Act providing for appointment, 85.

land office. See State Land Office.

land register. See State Land Register.

lander county—

      Act relating to Sheriff and Assessor, 25.

      Apportionment of Senators and Assemblymen, 30.

      Act relating to county officers, 71.

      Resolutions relative to establishment of mail route, 137, 138.

law books—

      Duties of Secretary of State relating to distribution of, 115.


      Fund appropriated for, 17.

      Appropriation for repairs, 60.

libraries, free public—

      Act relating to, 37, 99.

librarian, state. See State Library.


      Ministers, 19.

      Relating to sheep, 65.

      Relating to City of Reno, 106.

      Shall be paid by insurance companies, 131.


      Appropriation for salary, 58.

lincoln county—

      Apportionment of Senators and Assemblymen, 30.

      Act relating to county officers, 92, 94.


      Act prohibiting sale of, in State Prison, 20.

      Act prohibiting sale of, to Indians, 68.

live stock—

      Act providing for assessment and taxation of, 116.

      Taxation of transient stock, 116.

live stock inspector—

      Repeal of Act providing for appointment of, 53.

loan, state—

      Act authorizing, 83.

locations, mining—

      Act relating to, 97.

lyon county—

      Act relating to payment of claim of Bullion and Exchange Bank, 24.

      Apportionment of Senators and Assemblymen, 30.


mail routes—

      Resolution relative to establishment in Esmeralda and Nye counties, 136

      Resolution relative to establishment in Lander and Nye counties, 137.

      Resolution relative to establishment in Eureka county, 137.

      Resolution relative to establishment in Lander county, 138.

      Resolution relative to establishment in Nye county, 139.

marks and brands—

      Amendment of Act regulating, 19.


      Amendment of Act relating to, 19.

memorials. See Resolutions.


      County Commissioners, Humboldt county, 96.

militia. See National Guard.

mill sites—

      Act relating to, 97.

mines and mining—

      Act relating to, 97.

      Act relating to trespass, 118.

      Concurrent Resolution relative to establishment of School of, 135.

      Resolution relative to opening Indian reservations to miners, 136.


      Violation of Act regulating marks and brands on stock, 19.

      Violation of Act prohibiting sale of liquor and opium in State Prison, 20.

      Violation of Act relating to nickel-in-the-slot machines, 23.

      Violation of Act relating to sale of meat of equine animals, 27.

      Violation of Act relating to electric power, 35.

      Violation of Act relating to herding and grazing of sheep, 37.

      Violation of Act relating to apiaries, 47.

      Violation of Act relating to assessment of live stock, 118.

      Violation of Act relating to trespass on patented mining ground, 118.

      Violation of Act for preservation of fish, 119.

      Violation of Act for preservation of game, 121.

      Violation of Act regulating the practice of pharmacy and sale of drugs and poisons, 126.

morning appeal—

      Act for relief of, 85.


national guard—

      Appropriation for, 60.

      Act relating to, 70.

Nevada reports—

      Appropriation for printing and binding, 59.

      Appropriation for compiling and indexing, 60.

Nevada state prison. See State Prison.

Nevada volunteers—

      Resolution relative to equipments furnished, 140.


      Act relating to, 23.

normal schools. See Board of Education, State.


      Act relating to abatement of, 39.

nye county—

      Apportionment of Senators and Assemblymen, 30.

      Resolution relative to establishment of mail route in, 136, 137, 139.


official advertising—

      Appropriation for, 60.

      Relating to street railway franchises, 79.

official reports. See Reports.

office, state printing. See State Printing Office.


      Act providing for payment of bounties, 86.


      Act prohibiting sale of, in State Prison, 20.

ormsby county—

      Apportionment of Senators and Assemblymen, 30.

      Sheriff, Bailiff of Supreme Court, 96.

      County Commissioners, authorized to convey to State certain property, 130.

orphans’ home—

      Appropriation for, 59.

      Appropriation for repairs, 59.

      Appropriation for teachers’ salaries, 59.

      Appropriation for better service of meals, 61.


pan-american exposition—

      Act relating to, 25.

      Governor shall appoint Commissioners, 25.

      Manager of exhibit, 25.


      To have in possession hides of equine animals, 27.


      Death penalty, 68.

      Violation of Act regulating marks and brands, 19.

      Violation of Act regulating sale of liquor and opium in State Prison, 20.

      Violation of Act relating to nickel-in-the-slot machines, 23.

      Violation of Act regulating sale of meat and equine animals, 27.

      Violation of Act relating to herding and grazing of sheep, 37.

      Violation of Act relating to insurance companies, 41.

      Violation of Act relating to apiaries, 47.

      Violation of Act relating to crimes and punishments, 55.

      Violation of Act prohibiting sale of liquor to Indians, 68.

      Violation of Act relating to assessment of live stock, 117.

      Violation of Act relating to trespass of patented mining ground, 118.

      Violation of Act requiring foreign corporations to file statements, 118.

      Violation of Act for preservation of fish, 119.

      Violation of Act for preservation of game, 121.

      Violation of Act regulating the practice of pharmacy and sale of drugs and poisons, 126.


      Act providing for payment of bounties, 86.


      Act regulating the practice of, 124.

pipe, water—

      Appropriation for replacing old with new, 88.

placer claims—

      Act relating to, 97.


      Act regulating the sale of, 124.

poll tax—

      Act relating to, 46.

potts, nye county—

      Resolution relative to establishment of mail route, 137.

president of senate—

      Appropriation for salary, 58.

printer, state. See State Printer.

printing. See State Printing.

printing OFFICE. See State Printing Office.

prison. See State Prison.

private secretary, governor’s—

      Salary of, 58.

      Clerk of meeting of Assessors, 61.


      Act relating to assessment of, 61.



      Act relating to sale of property and franchises, 51.

      Act relating to street railways, 79.

      Commissioners of Insane Asylum to grant right of way to Southern Pacific Company, 98.

      Unlawful to transport game out of the State, 123.


      Act relating to lands, 42.

regents of state university—

      Shall submit Register of University to Governor, 44.

      Authorized to construct laboratory, 52.

      Authorized to construct hospital, 80.

      Authorized to use rock in State Prison walls at Reno for building purposes, 84.

registry agents—

      Shall send County Clerk list of registered voters, 82.

registered voters—

      Lists of, to be sent to County Clerk, 82.

relief of—

      Bancroft-Whitney Company, 30.

      Benton, J. M., 30.

      Bath, H. G., 30.

      Berry, J. W., 30.

      Burlingame, J. S., 30.

      Burlington, E., 30.

      Bergman, A., 31.

      Blanchard, Ed., 144.

      Berning, A., 144.

      Crippen, Charles, 30.

      Carson News, 85.

      Catton, John, 30.

      Cohn, S. B., 30.

      Considine, Joseph, 30.

      California Institute Deaf, Dumb and Blind, 30

      Carson City Gas Company, 30.

      Carney, E. E., 30.

      Day, F. W. 30

      Doane, J., 30.

      Davis & Kirman, 30.

      Electric Light and Power Company, 30.

      Emporium, The, 30.

      Frank Golden Jewelry Company, 30.

      Friend, C. W., 30.

      Farrer, T. J., 30.

      Hofer, Jr., T. R., Postmaster, 30.

      Haisch, S., & Co., 30.

      Hilp, Sol, 88.

      Kayser, William, 30.

      Kroeber, J. H., 30.

      Kelly, J., and Co., 30.

      Lopez, Mrs., 30.

      Meyers, George H., 30.

      Maish, C. H., 30.

      McCrimmon, John, 30.

      Millard, H., 30.

      Martin, J. H., 30.

      Morris, J., 30.

      Morning Appeal, 85.

      Peterson & Springmeyer, 30.

      Roberts, Jo A., 30.

      Robinson, Herb., 30.

      Richardson, J. E., 30.

      Ridenour, D. W., 38.

      Reno Water, Land and Light Company, 111.

      Saffell, J., 30.

      Thaxter Drug Store, 30.

      Torreyson, Ada, 30.

      Taylor, J. G., 90.

      V. & T. R. R. Co., 30.

      Wagner, P. A., 30.

      Walsh, E. J., 30.

      Wells, Fargo & Co., 30.

      Wheeler, D. C., 38.

      Protection against fire, 28.

      Act to incorporate, 100.

      City Assessor, duties of, 101.

      City Attorney, duties of, 101.

      City Clerk, duties of, 102, 106.

      City Council, how elected, 101.

      City Council, powers of, 102.

      City Marshal, duties of, 101, 107, 108.

      City Treasurer, 101, 105.

      Justice of Peace, Police Judge, 101.

      Act relating to Pavilion building and lot, 113.

reno water, land and light company—

      Act for relief of, 111.


      For hospital for Mental Diseases, 59.

      Appropriation for State Orphans’ Home, 59.

      Appropriation for Capitol building and Printing Office, 84.


      An Act authorizing the destruction of wild unbranded horses, mares and colts, over the age of twelve months found running at large on the Government range lands, approved March 9, 1897, 18.

      An Act providing for the appointment of a State Live Stock Inspector, defining his duties and fixing his compensation, became a law March 22, 1899, 53.

      An Act to prohibit the sale of ardent spirits, firearms and ammunition to the Indians, approved December 17, 1862; an Act to prohibit the sale of ardent spirits to the Indians, approved February 25, 1885, 69.

      An Act providing for the appointment of an agent or agents at Washington, D. C., for attending to the certification of lands granted by Congress to the State of Nevada, approved March 3, 1873, 86.

      An Act to regulate the appointment and compensation of Bailiff of the Supreme Court, approved March 6, 1899, 96.

reports, nevada—

      Appropriation for printing and binding, 59.

      Appropriation for compiling and indexing, 60.

reports, official—

      Act relating to, 44.

      Secretary of State, Act relating to, 83.

reports, supreme court—

      Act relating to distribution of, 115.

reservations, indian. See Indian Reservations.

reservoir sites—

      Act providing for survey of, 72.

resolutions and memorials—

      Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 2, relative to the establishment and maintenance of Schools of Mines, 135.

      Concurrent Resolution No. 1, 135.

      Senate Resolution No. 1, relative to establishing a mail route between Silver Peak and San Antonio, 135.

      Concurrent Resolution, relative to the opening of all Indian reservations to miners, for the purpose of mining for gold, silver and other precious metals, 136.

      Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 3, relative to amending Section 1 of Article X of the Constitution of the State of Nevada, 136.

      Assembly Joint Resolution, relative to the maintenance of a mail route between Austin, Lander county, and Potts, Nye county, Nevada, 137.

      Assembly Joint Resolution, relative to establishing a mail route between Eureka on the east side of Diamond Valley to Dibble’s Ranch, Eureka county, State of Nevada, 137.

      Assembly Joint Resolution, relative to establishing a mail route between Austin and Campbell Creek, Lander county, State of Nevada, 138.

      Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 14, 138.

      Assembly Concurrent Resolution, 139.

      Senate Joint and Concurrent Resolution, amending the Constitution of the State of Nevada by adding an article thereto, 139.

      Assembly Joint Resolution, relative to establishing a postoffice at Louis Sharp’s Ranch on Little Cherry Creek, and the establishment of a mail service between said place and Currant Creek, Nye county, Nevada, 139.

      Senate Joint and Concurrent Memorial, 140.

      Senate Concurrent Resolution, relating to the election of United States Senators by direct popular vote, 141.

      Assembly Joint Resolution, relative to the irrigation of arid lands, 142.

      Senate Joint and Concurrent Resolution, relative to determining the boundary line between California and Nevada, 143.

      Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 15., 144.

      Senate Concurrent Resolution, relative to the mineral resources of Storey county, Nevada, 144.

revenue. See Taxes.


      Appropriation for payment of, 58.

      Selling liquor to Indians, 68.

ridenour, D. W.—

      Act for relief of, 38.

road supervisors—

      Act providing for election of, 89.


      Corporations supplying electric power shall pay, 36.


salaries and compensation of state and county officers—

      Storey county, 21.

      Lander county, Sheriff and Assessor, 25.

      White Pine county, Treasurer and Assessor, 35.

      Appropriation for State officers, 58-61.

      Lander county, 71.

      Eureka county, Justice of Peace, 78.

      Washoe county, 86.

      Lincoln county, Sheriff, 92.

      White Pine county, 92.

      Lincoln county, County Clerk, 94.

      Reno, city officers, 105.

san antonio, nye county—

      Resolution relative to establishment of mail route, 135.


      Kindergarten, Act relating to, 31.

      Act providing for uniform series of text books, 50.

      See School Trustees and Board of Education.

school of mines—

      Resolution relative to establishment of, 135.

School trustees—

      Reno, Washoe county, duties relating to kindergarten school, 31.

      Act to provide for the election of, 54.

      Act to amplify the powers of, 97.

secretary of state—

      Duties in relation to Senate Journal, 20.

      Duties in relation to Assembly Journal, 22.

      Appropriation for salary, 58.

      Appropriation for salary of deputy, 58.

      Duties in relation to formation of cooperative associations, 73.

      Shall file lists of registered voters, 82.

      Official report, Act relating to, 83.

      Duties relating to application for calling Constitutional Convention, 99.

      Duties relating to distribution of law books to county officers, 115.


      Apportionment of, 30.

      United States Senator, Act relating to election of, 99.

      Resolution relative to election of United States Senator, 138, 141.

senate journal—

      Act to provide for copying, 20.

sharp’s ranch, nye county—

      Resolution relative to establishment of mail route, 139.


      Act relating to herding and grazing, 37.

      Act relating to trespass of, 46.

      Act relating to license for, 64.

      County Commissioners shall appoint Sheep Inspectors, 70.

      Act relating to fees collected and dipping sheep, 113.


      Storey county, compensation of, 21.

      Lander county, Act relating to, 25, 71.

      Duties relating to impounding swine, etc., 46.

      Lincoln county, salary, 92.

      White Pine county, salary, 92.

      Ormsby county, Bailiff of Supreme Court, 96.

      Duties relative to assessment of live stock, 117.

silver peak, esmeralda county—

      Resolution relative to establishment of mail route, 135.

southern klondike, esmeralda county—

      Resolution relative to establishment of mail route, 135.

state agent—

      Act providing for appointment of, 85.

state agricultural society. See Agricultural Society.

state board of education. See Board of Education.

state board of examiners. See Board of Examiners.

State board of health. See Board of Health.

state board of irrigation. See Board of Irrigation.

state board of pharmacy. See Board of Pharmacy.

state capitol building. See Capitol Building.

state controller—

      Appropriation for salary, 58.

      Appropriation for salary of deputy, 58.

      Duties in relation to annual report, 44.

      Duties in relation to poll tax receipts, 46.

      Duties in relation to insurance companies, 41.

      Duties in relation to assessment of property, 61.

      Duties in relation to incorporation of fire insurance companies, 111.

      Duties relating to State Board of Pharmacy, 127.

      Shall collect licenses from insurance companies, 131.

      Shall draw warrants on Legislative Fund, 17.

      Shall draw warrants for payment of deficiencies, 31.

      Shall draw warrants on Pan-American Exposition Fund, 27.

      Shall draw warrants to pay for alarms for Capitol Building, 17.

      Shall draw warrant in favor of Miss Annie Fay, 20.

      Shall draw warrant in favor of Miss Hattie Foley, 22.

      Shall draw warrant in favor of Post Quartermaster, G. A. R. Post, 23.

      Shall draw warrant in favor of Wheeler & Ridenour, 38.

      Shall draw warrant in favor of Carson News and Morning Appeal, 85.

      Shall draw warrant in favor of Sol Hilp, 88.

      Shall draw warrant in favor of J. G. Taylor, 91.

      Shall draw warrant in favor of Reno, Water, Land and Light Company, 112.

      Shall sign State school bonds, 52, 81.

state district fair. See District Fair.

state land office—

      Appropriation for, 58.

state land register—

      Appropriation for salary, 58.

      Appropriation for salary of deputy, 58.

      Duties relating to reclamation and occupancy of land, 42.

state library—

      Appropriation for salary of Librarian, 58.

      Appropriation for current expenses, 60.

      Appropriation for salary of Clerk, 60.

      Appropriation for insurance, 60.

      Act relating to official report of Librarian, 83.

State live stock inspector. See Live Stock Inspector.

state loan—

      Act authorizing, 83.

state of nevada—

      Act requiring acceptance of bequests, 29.

      Will act as agent, 42.

      Act regulating purchase of supplies by, 80.

      Resolution relative to boundary line between California and Nevada, 143.

state printer—

      Shall perform printing required by Board of Education, 33, 49.

      Shall furnish blanks for State Land Register, 43.

      Shall print poll tax receipts, 46.

      Appropriation for salary, 59.

      Shall perform printing ordered by State officers in regard to assessment of property, 64.

      Duties in relation to report of Secretary of State, 83.

state printing—

      Records of State Board of Education, 33.

      Appropriation for printing and binding Nevada Reports, 59.

      Appropriation for, 59.

      Appropriation for bookbinding, 59.

      Appropriation for care of State Printing Office, 60.

      Appropriation for repairs, 84.

      Relative to survey of reservoir sites, 73.

      Biennial report Secretary of State, 83.

state prison—

      Act prohibiting sale of opium and liquor in, 20.

      Appropriation for, 59.

      Appropriation for improvements, 59.

      Duties of Warden in relation to execution of death sentence, 66.

      Walls at Reno to be used for building purposes, 85.

state tax—

      Levy for, apportioned, 117.

state treasurer—

      Appropriation for purchase of electric alarms for office, 17.

      Appropriation for salary, 58.

      Appropriation for salary of deputy, 58.

      Duties in relation to annual report, 44.

      Shall countersign State School bonds, 52, 81.

      Shall pay warrants on Pan-American Exposition Fund, 27.

      Shall pay warrants for deficiencies, 30.

      Shall pay warrants drawn on Legislative Fund, 17.

      Shall pay warrant in favor of Miss Annie Fay, 20.

      Shall pay warrant in favor of Miss Hattie Foley, 22.

      Shall pay warrant in favor of Post Quartermaster, G. A. R. Post, 23.

      Shall pay warrant in favor of Wheeler and Ridenour, 38.

      Shall pay warrant in favor of Carson News and Morning Appeal, 85.

      Shall pay warrant in favor of Sol Hilp, 88.

      Shall pay warrant in favor of J. G. Taylor, 91.

      Shall pay warrant in favor of Reno Water, Land and Light Company, 112.

state university—

      Act to provide for building laboratory, 52.

      Appropriation for support of, 60.

      Act to provide for building hospital, 80.

      Act relating to support of, 83.

state weather service. See Weather Service.

stock, live—

      Amendment to Act regulating marks and brands, 19.

      Act providing for assessment and taxation, 116.

storey county—

      Act relating to county officers, 21.

      Apportionment of Senators and Assemblymen, 30.

      Resolution relative to mineral resources of, 144.

street railways—

      Act relating to franchises, 79.


      Act providing for the measurement of, 72

sullivan water ditch—

      Commissioners for Care of Insane authorized to purchase interest in, 90.

superintendent of public instruction—

      Appropriation for salary, 59.

superintendent of public schools. See District Attorney.

supervisors, road—

      Act providing for election of, 89.

supreme court—

      Appropriation for salary of Justices, 59.

      Appropriation for current expenses, 60.

      Appropriation for decisions of, 60.

      Appropriation for salary of Clerk, 60.

      Bailiff, Act relating to, 96.

      Act relating to distribution of reports, 115.


      Act regulating the purchase of, by the State, 80.


      Appropriation for salary, 58.

      Appropriation for salary of deputy, 58.

      Member State Board of Irrigation, 73.

sutro tunnel—

      Resolution relative to, 144.


      Act relating to trespass, 46.



      Washoe county, fire purposes, 28.

      Washoe county, kindergarten school, 31.

      Act relating to free public libraries, 38, 99.

      Act to provide revenue relating to poll taxes, 46.

      Annual tax levy for Contingent University Fund, 52.

      Ad valorem tax for State purposes, 62, 117.

      Relating to sheep licenses, 64.

      County purposes, 71.

      For payment of bonds for construction of hospital at University, 81.

      Assessor to prepare printed lists of taxpayers, 89.

      Reno, City Council to levy, 104.

      White Pine county, fire purposes, Town of Ely, 114.

      On live stock driven into the State, 116.

      State, levy for, apportioned, 117.

taylor, J. G.—

      Act for relief of, 90.


      Shall instruct children relative to preservation of song-birds, fish and game, 56.

      Appropriation for, at Orphans’ Home, 59.

      See Board of Education.

teachers’ institutes—

      Appropriation for, 59.

text books—

      Uniform series to be adopted by Board of Education, 32, 48.

      Act providing for uniform series of, 51.

tonopah, nye county—

      Resolution relative to establishment of mail route, 135.

traveling expenses—

      Superintendent of Public Instruction, appropriation for, 59.

      District Judges, 60.


      Of swine, sheep and goats, 46.

      Relating to patented mining ground, 118.


      Corporations, 53.

      See School Trustees.

tunnel rights—

      Act relating to, 97.


      Appropriation for, 60.


university. See State University.

united states senators—

      Act relating to election of, 99.

      Resolutions relative to elections of, 138, 141.

united states geological survey—

      Investigations relative to water storage and reservoir sites, 72.


volunteers, Nevada—

      Resolution relative to equipments furnished, 140.



      Reno, divided, 100.


      Fish and Game, 57.

      State Prison, duties relating to execution of death sentence, 66.

warrant, arrest—

      Act providing for execution of, 82.

washoe county—

      County Commissioners shall issue bonds for fire purposes, 28.

      Apportionment of Senators and Assemblymen, 30.

      Act providing for kindergarten school, 31.

      Act for relief of D. C. Wheeler and D. W. Ridenour, 38.

      Act relating to county officers, 86.

      Act to incorporate the Town of Reno, 100.

      Act relating to Pavilion building and lot in Reno, 113.

water ditch, sullivan—

      Commissioners for Care of Insane authorized to purchase interest in, 90.

water storage and irrigation—

      Act relating to, 72.

      Resolution relative to, 140.

water works—

      Appropriation for, 61.

      Appropriation for replacing old pipe, 88.

weather service—

      Appropriation for salary of Director, 60.

wheeler, d. C.—

      Act for relief of, 38.

white pine county—

      Apportionment of Senators and Assemblymen, 30.

      Act relating to Treasurer and Assessor, 35.

      Salary Fund, 40.

      County officers, salary of, 92.

      Ely, fire bonds, 114.

wild game. See Game.

wild horses. See Horses.