[Rev. 5/3/2022 7:49:41 PM]





      Granted to Reinhold Sadler, Governor, 34.

      Granted to W. D. Jones, Attorney-General, 64.

      Granted to J. C. Powell, Assessor of Eureka county, 86.


      Act for relief of, 83.


      Against sureties, when to be commenced, 77.

      Parties aggrieved by decision of State Board of Medical Examiners may appeal, 90.

      Relating to bonds and undertakings, 101.

      Relating to estates, 112.

      Parties aggrieved by decision of Board of Water Commissioners may appeal, 118.


      Relating to National Guard, 31.

      Act to pay deficiency in the office of, 42.

      Act relating to salary, 51.

      Lieutenant-Governor ex officio, 51.

      Appropriation for salary, 64.

      Appropriation for contingent expenses, 67.

      Appropriation for relief of George W. Cowing, 85.

      Duties relating to vote of electors in military service of the United States, 108.

ADVERTISING. See Official Advertising.



      Relating to attorneys, 30.


      Relating to advertising of certain unapproved land, 59.


      An Act to encourage, 32.


      An Act to provide for the purchase of land for, 23.


      Act relating to, 78.


      Act relating to, 26.

amendment to state constitution—

      Concurrent Resolution relative to, 139, 142.


      Act relating to destruction of noxious animals, 61.

      Bovine, when slaughtered, marks to be recorded, 122.


      Parties aggrieved by decision of State Board of Medical Examiners may appeal to District Court, 90.

      Parties aggrieved by decision of Board of Water Commissioners may appeal to District Court, 118.


      Of Senators and Assemblymen, 121.


      Relating to allowance of claims against counties, 60.


      For Legislative Fund, 17.

      For copying Assembly Journal, 18.

      For compiling laws of State of Nevada, 19, 20, 21.

      For printing and publishing compiled laws of State of Nevada, 21.

      For payment of expenses incurred by the Governor in raising volunteers for United States Army, 26.

      For relief of F. P. Langan, 31.

      For watering and care of Grand Army Cemetery, 33.

      For payment of indebtedness incurred by Board of Regents, 35.

      For payment of deficiency in office of Adjutant-General, 42.

      For support of State Government for years 1899 and 1900 (General Appropriation Bill), 64.

      For aid of State Agricultural Society, 78.

      For bookbinding in State Printing Office, 81.

      For relief of Richard Savage, Charles Bain and D. F. Abel, 83.

      For relief of Dr. S. L. Lee, 83.

      For additional salary of Deputy State Treasurer, 85.

      For relief of George W. Cowing, 85.

      For deficiency in salary of Bailiff, 85.

      For copying Senate Journal, 86.

      For salary of State Live Stock Inspector, 98.

      For deficiency in traveling expenses of C. E. Mack, 106.

      For payment of claims of Veterans’ Home, 121.

argente road fund—

      Act relating to, 127.

army, volunteer—

      Act to pay expenses incurred by Governor in raising volunteers, 26.


      Relative to Nevada National Guard, 31.

assembly journal—

      Act to provide for copying, 18.


      Contest for office, 114.

      Apportionment of, 121.

assessor. See County Assessor.

asylum, insane.

      Appropriation for, 66.

      Act to establish a fund for discharged patients, 123.


      Who may practice, 30.


      Granted leave of absence, 64.

      Appropriation for salary, 65.

      Appropriation for enforcing collection of revenue, 65.

      Appropriation of typewriting, 66.

attorney, state—

      Appropriation for at Washington, 65.


bailiff of supreme court—

      Act relating to appointment and salary, 58.

      Appropriation for salary, 66.

      Appropriation for deficiency in salary, 85.

bain, charles—

      Act for relief of, 83.


      Relating to election of United States Senator, how prepared, 87.

      Relating to printing of, 92.

      Number an how bound, 100.

      Number for each registered voter, 100.

      Sample, 100.

      Relating to vote of electors in military service of United States, 108, 110.

board of canvassers, state—

      Relating to military vote, 110.

board of capitol commissioners—

      Act relating to, 80.

Board of commissioners, care of insane—

      Clerk of, 85.

      Duties in relation to fund for indigent discharged patients, 123.

board of education, county—

      Shall consist of, 28.

board of education, state—

      Relating to appropriation for deaf, dumb and blind, 66.

      Act relating to special certificates, 87.

      Act relating to constitution, organization, powers and duties, 95, 97.

      May grant and revoke diplomas, 96.

board of election—

      Shall furnish sample ballot, 100.

      Shall post instructions to voters, 100.

board of examiners, state—

      Shall allow claims relating to Grand Army Cemetery, 34.

      Shall examine and allow claims of Veterans’ Home, 122.

      Shall approve salary and traveling expenses of Live Stock Inspector, 133.

board of health—

      Appropriation for, 67.

      Live Stock Inspector shall be under control of, 131.

      Secretary shall make report to State Legislature, 133.

board of medical examiners, state—

      Act relating to, 88.

      Shall consist of five members, 88.

      Shall be appointed by Governor, 88.

      Vacancies, how filled, 88.

      Terms of appointment, 88.

      Shall meet, when, 89.

      Power to issue certificates, 89.

      May refuse or revoke certificate, 90.

      Majority shall constitute a quorum, 91.

      Members shall receive no compensation, 91.

board of regents. See Regents State University.

board of water commissioners. See Water Commissioners.


      Ormsby county, repeal of Act relating to issuance of, 18.

      State school bond in aid of State University, 36.

      Ormsby county, an Act providing for issuance of, 43, 45.

      Wadsworth school bonds, to issue, 49.

      Relating to irrigation and water storage districts, 55, 56.

      Washoe county, for fire purposes, 56.

      Washoe county, for purchase of reservoir sites, 82.

      Act to facilitate the giving of, 101.

      Lincoln county, to issue railroad bonds, 128, 130.


      Appropriation for, 66.

      Additional appropriation for, 81.


      Of Lyon county, 41

      In relation to irrigation and water storage districts, 52.

      In relation to mines and mining claims, 94.


      For destruction of noxious animals, 60.

Brands ON hides—

      Must be recorded, 122, 123.


      Duties of, 122.



      Joint and Concurrent Resolution relative to construction of, 141.

canvassers, state board of—

      Duties relating to vote of electors in military service of the United States, 110.

canal, nicaragua—

      Concurrent Resolution relative to, 137.

capital stock—

      Relating to corporations, 25.

capitol building—

      Appropriation for, 66.

      Appropriation for repairs, 66.

      Appropriation for insurance, 67.

      Act relating to, 69.

      Board of Capitol Commissioners shall have control of, 80.

capitol commissioners, board of—

      Act relating to, 80.

carson township—

      Salary of Justice of the Peace of, 30.

cattle, slaughtered—

      Relating to brands and hides, 122.

cavalry, nevada—

      First Troop, Act relating to expenses, 26.

      First Regiment, Act relating to expenses, 27.

      Resolution relative to First Troop of, 141.

cemetery, grand army—

      Appropriation for watering and care of, 33.

      Relating to Board of Medical Examiners, 89, 91.


      Marriage, form of, 48.

      Relating to nomination of United States Senator, 87.

      Special, relating to Board of Education, 88.

      Mining claims, 94, 95.

      Act relating to educational, 95, 96, 97.

      Act relating to bonds and undertakings, 101.

      Act relating to insurance companies, 107.

      Relating to water rights and storage, 119.

      Of Senate, in relation to selection and sale of lands, 125.

      Of Secretary of State, in relation to selection and sale of lands, 126.

      Of Secretary of State, relating to appointment of State Live Stock Inspector, 133.

churchill county—

      For District Judge’s salary, 120.

      Apportionment of Senators and Assemblymen, 121.


      Act regulating the allowance and payment of, 60.

      Against City of Reno, to be paid by Town of Reno, 84.

      Act relating to mining, 93.

      Estates of deceased persons, 111, 112.

      Veterans’ Home, 121.

      Relative to United States Court House and Postoffice, 140.


      State Land Office, appropriation for, 65.

      Election, compensation of, 99.

clerk of supreme court—

      Duties in relation to compiling a publishing compiled laws of the State of Nevada, 19, 20.

      Appropriation for salary, 67.

close season—

      Relating to fishing, 63.

      Relating to wild game, 68.

commission, paris exposition—

      Act relating to, 62.

commissioners, care of insane—

      Insane Asylum, appropriation for, 66.

      Clerk of Board, 84.

      Duties in relation to discharged patients’ fund, 123.

common carriers—

      Unlawful to transport wild game out of State, 21.

      Penalty for violation, 21.


      Statutes of Nevada, 19.

      Books to be furnished for purpose of, 124.


      Salary and fees in Storey County, 22, 79.


      Concurrent Resolution relative to amending, 139, 142.


      For Senator or Assemblyman, 114.

coroners’ townships—

      Act relating to, 25.

      Justice of the Peace to be ex officio Coroner, 25.


      Act relating to, 25.

      Act relating to railroads, 32.

      Act relating to bonds and undertakings, 101.

county assessor—

      Storey county, Sheriff ex officio, 22.

      Humboldt county, salary of, 42.

      Duties in relation to irrigation and water storage districts, 53.

      Eureka county, granted leave of absence, 86.

      Act relating to, 92.

      Ormsby county, Sheriff ex officio, 104.

county auditor—

      Washoe county, duties in relation to Agricultural Experiment Station Fund, 24.

      Lincoln county, duties in relation to special jury fund, 29.

      Duties in relation to National Guard, 31.

      Shall draw warrants for claims, 40.

      Duties relating to payment of claims against counties, 60.

      Lander county, shall audit allowance of J. B. Paul, 128.

county clerk—

      Storey county, salary of, 22, 79.

      Humboldt county, salary of, 42

      Duties in relation to Act concerning marriage and divorce, 47.

      To countersign Wadsworth fire bonds, 57.

      Duties in relation to payment of claims against counties, 60.

      Duties relating to destruction of noxious animals, 61.

      Elko county, salary of, 62.

      White Pine county, salary of, 68.

      Duties relating to guardians, 76, 78.

      Duties relating to election of United States Senator, 87.

      Duties relating to Board of Medical Examiners, 89.

      Duties relating to printing of ballots, 92.

      Duties relating to elections, 100, 107, 108.

      Duties relating to estates of deceased persons, 102.

      Ormsby county, salary of, 104.

      Duties relating to contest for Senator or Assemblyman, 114.

county commissioners—

      Storey county, salary of, 22, 79.

      Washoe county, shall levy tax for purchase of land for Agricultural Experiment Station, 23, 24.

      Duties in relation to purchase of land, 24.

      Duties relating to County Board of Education, 28.

      Lincoln county, shall levy special jury fund tax, 29.

      Ormsby county, shall allow salary of Justice of the Peace, 30.

      Duties in relation to National Guard, 31.

      Shall levy annually an ad valorem tax, 33.

      Shall make allowances against Contingent Fund, 40.

      Power to apportion county revenues, 40.

      Humboldt county, salary of, 42.

      Ormsby county, shall issue bonds, 43, 47.

      Ormsby county, duties in relation to bonds, 43, 44.

      Ormsby county, shall levy a tax, 44, 46.

      Washoe county, duties in relation to Wadsworth school bonds, 49.

      Duties in relation to irrigation and water storage districts, 51.

      Washoe county, duties in relation to Wadsworth fire bonds, 56.

      Power to regulate licenses in certain counties, 59.

      Duties relating to payment of claims against counties, 60.

      Elko county, shall authorize County Clerk to appoint deputy, 63.

      Shall extend closed season for fishing, 63.

      White Pine county, salary of, 68.

      Duties in relation to property sold for taxes, 79.

      Washoe county, duties in relation to purchase of reservoir sites, 81.

      Washoe county, shall levy taxes for Town of Reno, 84.

      Authorized to construct telephone lines, 93.

      Shall collect a license from itinerant merchants, 105.

      Duties in relations to elections, 107.

      Duties in relation to vote of electors in military service of United States, 110.

      Members of Board of Water Commissioners, 116.

      Duties in relation to District Judge’s salary, 120.

      Lander county, duties in relation to Argente Road Fund, 127.

      Lincoln county, shall issue railroad bonds, 128.

      Duties relating to State Live Stock Inspector, 131.

County officers—

      Act relating to Storey county, 22, 79.

      Act relating to Humboldt county, 41.

      Act relating to Elko county, 62.

      Act relating to White Pine county, 68.

      Act relating to County Assessors, 92.

      Act relating to Ormsby county, 104.

      Act relating to Lincoln county, 127.

county recorder—

      Storey county, salary of, 22, 79.

      Railroad corporation must file certificate with, 33.

      Humboldt county, salary of, 42.

      Duties in relation to Act concerning marriage and divorce, 48.

      Duties in relation to irrigation and water storage districts, 53.

      White Pine county, salary of, 68.

      Duties in relation to Board of Medical Examiners, 90.

      Duties in relation to mines and mining claims, 94, 95.

      Ormsby county, salary of, 104.

      Duties in relation to Board of Water Commissioners, 119.

county superintendent of schools. See Superintendent Of Public Schools

county surveyor—

      Duties relating to water rights and water storage, 116.

      Member of Board of Water Commissioners, 116.

      Compensation of, 118.

county treasurer—

      Washoe county, duties in relation to Agricultural Experiment Station Fund, 23, 24.

      Lincoln county, duties in relation to special jury fund, 29.

      Duties in relation to National Guard, 31.

      To apportion tax moneys, 39.

      Humboldt county, salary of, 42.

      Ormsby county, duties in relation to issuance of bonds, 43-47.

      Duties in relation to Wadsworth school bonds, 49.

      Duties in relation to irrigation and water storage districts, 53.

      Washoe county, duties in relation to Wadsworth Fire Department Fund, 57.

      Lyon county, duties in relation to relief of J. S. Craig and F. L. Littell, 58.

      White Pine county, salary of, 69.

      Duties in relation to property sold for taxes, 79.

      Duties in relation to District Judge’s salary, 120.

      Lander county, shall pay allowance of J. B. Paul, 128.

      Lincoln county, duties of in relation to railroad bonds, 129.

court house, united states—

      Resolution relative to unpaid claims against, 140.

court-martial cases—

      Act relating to relief of F. P. Langan, 31.

cowing, george w.—

      Act for relief of, 85.


      Act relating to destruction of, 61.

craig, j. s.—

      Act for relief of, 58.

crimes and punishments—

      Violation of game law, 21.

      Violation of law extending closed season for fishing, 63.

      Violation of law relating to State Board of Medical Examiners, 90, 91.

      Sale of intoxicating liquor to minors, 99.

      Violation of law licensing itinerant merchants, 106.

      Violation of Act relating to water rights, water storage, etc., 119.

      Act concerning, 122.

      Violation of Act providing for appointment of Live Stock Inspector, 132.

cutting, h. c.—

      Shall compile laws of State of Nevada, 19, 20, 21.

      Appropriation for compiling laws of State of Nevada, 19, 20.

      Shall be furnished certain books by Secretary of State, 124.


deaf, dumb and blind—

      Appropriation for education, 66.

deceased persons, estates of—

      County Clerk may give notice without order, 102.

      General Act relative to, 110.

      Publication of notice, 110.

      Claims against estates, 111, 112.

      Endorsement of claims, 112.

      Rejection of claims, 112.

      Claims barred, 112.

      Petition for distribution, 112.

      Order of distribution, 113.

      Form of executor’s notice, 114.

decisions, supreme court—

      Appropriation for, 67.


      Act relating to, 69.


      Relating to State University, 35.

      In office of Adjutant-General, 42.

      Salary of Bailiff, 85.

      Traveling expenses of C. E. Mack, 106.

deputy sheriff—

      Humboldt county, salary of, 41.

deputy state treasurer—

      Appropriation for salary, 65.

      Act relating to, 84.

      Shall act as Clerk of Board of Commissioners for Care of Insane, 84.

      Appropriation for additional salary, 85.


      Act relating to educational, 95-97.

director of weather service—

      Appropriation for salary, 67.

district attorney—

      Storey county, salary of, 22, 79.

      Humboldt county, salary of, 42.

      Duties relating to destruction of noxious animals, 61.

      White Pine county, salary of, 68

      Lincoln county, shall be separate from office of County Superintendent of Schools, 127.

      Lincoln county, salary of, 127.

      Duties in relation to State Live Stock Inspector, 131.

district court—

      Relating to guardians, 70-78.

      Parties aggrieved by decision of State Board of Medical Examiners may bring action in, 90.

      Relating to settlement of estates of deceased persons, 102.

      Act providing for stenographer in Second Judicial District, 103.

      District Judge shall appoint, 103.

      General Act relative to settlement of estates of deceased persons, 110-114.

      Parties aggrieved by decision of Board of Water Commissioners may bring action in, 118.

district judge—

      Appropriation for traveling expenses, 66.

      Duties relating to guardians, 70-78.

      Duties relating to settlement of estates of deceased persons, 102.

      Second Judicial District, shall appoint stenographer, 103.

      Appropriation for deficiency in traveling expenses of C. E. Mack, 106.

      Claims against estates, 112.

      Partition and distribution of estates, 112, 113.

      Shall hear and determine appeal from endorsement of Board of Water Commissioners, 118.

      Act providing for election and compensation of, 120.

      Repeal of Act relating to salary of Judge of Fourth Judicial District, 121.

      Relating to Live Stock Inspector, 132.


      Act relating to, 47.

douglas county—

      For District Judge’s salary, 120.

      Apportionment of Senators and Assemblymen, 121.


education, county board of—

      Shall consist of, 28.


      Relating to County Boards of Education, 28.

      How conducted in irrigation districts, 52, 55.

      State expenses, appropriation for, 66.

      Washoe county, for purchase of reservoir sites, 81, 82.

      United States Senator, 86.

      Relative to County Assessors, 92.

      Act relating to printing of ballots, 92.

      Act prescribing compensation, 99.

      To secure secrecy in, 100.

      Duties of officers relating to ballots, 100.

      Duties of officers relating to, 107.

      Vote of electors in military service of United States, 109.

      Act relating to contest for Senator or Assemblymen, 114.

      Repeal of Act to promote the purity of, 128.

election, board of—

      Shall furnish sample ballots, 100.

      Shall post instructions to voters, 100.

elko county—

      Salaries and compensation of officers, 62.

      For District Judge’s salary, 120.

      Apportionment of Senators and Assemblymen, 121.

eminent domain—

      Railroad corporation may exercise power of, 32.


      Estates of deceased persons, 114.

esmeralda county—

      For District Judge’s salary, 120.

      Apportionment of Senators and Assemblymen, 121.

estates of deceased persons—

      County Clerk may give notice without order, 102.

      General Act relative to, 110.

      Publication of notice, 110.

      Claims against estate, 111, 112.

      Endorsement of claims, 112.

      Rejection of claims, 112.

      Claims barred, 112.

      Petition for distribution, 112.

      Order of distribution, 113.

      Form of executor’s notice, 114.


      Of attorneys, 30.

      Relating to practice of medicine, 88-91.

examiners. See Board of.


      Notice of appointment to be given, 110.

      Claims of, 111, 112.

      Endorsement of claims, 112.

      Rejection of claims, 112.

      Claims barred, 112.

      Petition for distribution, 112.

      Form of notice, 114.


      Incurred by Governor in aiding the United States to raise Volunteer Army, 26.

      Incurred by Sheep Inspector for dipping sheep to be lien on sheep, 39.

      Superintendent of Public Instruction, traveling, 65.

      Current, of State officers, appropriation for, 66.

      Election, State, 66.

      Board of Medical Examiner, how paid, 91.

      Traveling, C. E. Mack, deficiency in, 106.

      State Controller, relative to insurance companies, 107.

experiment station, agricultural—

      Act to provide for purchase of land, 23.

exposition, paris—

      Act relating to, 62.

express companies—

      Unlawful to transport wild game out of State, 21.

      Penalty for violation, 21.

eureka county—

      County Assessor granted leave of absence, 86.

      For District Judge’s salary, 120.

      Apportionment of Senators and Assemblymen, 121.



      Storey county, township officers, 22, 79.

      Lincoln county, jurors’ per diem and mileage, 29.

      Ormsby county, Justice of the Peace, 30.

      Humboldt county, Sheriff and County Clerk, 41, 42.

      Relating to Act concerning marriage and divorce, 48.

      Relating to certain unapproved lands, 59.

      Relating to destruction of noxious animals, 61.

      Elko county, County Clerk, 62.

      White Pine county, county officers, 68.

      Relating to guardians, 78.

      Relating to Board of Medical Examiners, 89, 90.

      Relating to bonds and undertakings, 101, 102.

      Relating to stenographer in Second Judicial District, 103.

      Ormsby county, county officers, 104, 105.

      Relating to insurance companies, 107.

      County Surveyor, 118.

      Live Stock Inspector, 132.

ferguson, callie—

      Appropriation for copying Assembly Journal, 18.


      Act extending closed season, 63.


      Relating to railroad corporations, 32.

free coinage—

      Resolution relative to, 142.


      Legislative, an Act to create, 17.

      Agricultural Experiment Station, 23, 24.

      Special Jury Fund, Lincoln county, 29.

      Apportionment of money into county funds by County Commissioners, 40.

      Indigent Discharged Patients’, 123.

      Argente Road Fund, an Act relating to, 127.

      Railway Fund, Lincoln county, 130.


game, wild—

      Act to prevent the shipment of, 21.

      Act for preservation of, 68.


      Act relating to railroad, 34.


      To collect from United States money for expenses incurred in raising Volunteer Army, 26.

      Granted leave of absence, 34.

      Shall sign State school bond, 36.

      Duties in relation to Paris Exposition Commission, 62.

      Appropriation for salary, 64.

      Private Secretary, appropriation for salary, 64.

      Appropriation for enforcing collection of revenue, 65.

      Appropriation for typewriting, 66.

      Duties relating to Board of Capitol Commissioners, 80.

      Duties in relation to Board of Medical Examiners, 88.

      Shall appoint State Live Stock Inspector, 131.

grand army cemetery—

      Appropriation for watering and care of, 33.


      Act relating to, 70.


hawaiian islands—

      Joint and Concurrent Resolution relative to cable, 141.

hides, brands—

      Marks must be recorded, 122, 123.

high schools—

      Act permitting establishment of, 28.

      County Board of Education shall consist of, 28.

home, orphans’—

      Appropriation for, 66.

home, veterans’—

      Claims of, 121.

hospital for mental diseases—

      Appropriation for, 66.

      Act to establish a fund for discharged patients, 123.

humboldt county—

      Act granting right of way for railroad, 34.

      Salaries and compensation of county officers, 41.

      For District Judge’s Salary, 120.

      Apportionment of Senators and Assemblymen, 121.


indigent insane—

      Appropriation for support of, 66.

      Act to establish a fund for, 123.

indigent sick fund—

      Act relating to, 40.

infantry, volunteer—

      Act relating to expenses, 27.

insane asylum—

      Appropriation for, 66.

      Clerk of Board of Commissioners for care of, 84.

      Fund for discharged patients, 123.

insane, indigent—

      Appropriation for support of, 66.

      Act to establish a fund for, 123.

inspector of election—

      Compensation of, 99.

inspector, sheep—

      Act to provide for appointment of, 37.

      Shall examine sheep, when, 38.

      Duties in regard to dipping and redipping, 39.

      Shall notify owners to dip diseased sheep, 38.

inspector, state live stock—

      Appropriation for salary, 98.

      Act relating to appointment of, 131.

      Governor shall appoint, 131.

      Duties of, 131, 133.

      Shall be under control of Board of Health, 131, 133.

      Fees of, 132.

      Salary of, 133.

institute, teachers’—

      Appropriation for, 65.


      To voters, shall be posted by Board of Election, 100.


      Appropriation for, 67.

      Licensing and regulating, 107.

irrigation and water storage—

      Act relating to water storage districts, 51.

      Elections, how conducted, 52, 55.

      Board of Directors, how organized, 53.

      Duties of Secretary of Board, 53.

      Bonds, when issued, 55.

      Act relating to water stored for irrigation, 64.

      Reservoir sites, Washoe county, 81.

      Act relating to water rights, storage of surplus water, etc., 115.

      Standard of measure, 116.

      Board of Water Commissioners created, 116.

itinerant merchants—

      Act relating to, 105.


jones, w. d., attorney-general—

      Granted leave of absence, 64.


      Assembly, Act to provide for copying, 18.

      Senate, Act to provide for copying, 86.

judges of district court—

      Appropriation for traveling expenses, 66.

      Duties in relation to guardians, 70.

      Second Judicial District shall appoint stenographer, 103.

      Appropriation for deficiency in traveling expenses, 106.

judicial districts—

      Act relating to, 120.

jurors and juries—

      Act to create a special jury fund in Lincoln county, 29.

      Lincoln county, jurors’ per diem fees, 29.

justice of the peace—

      Storey county, salary and fees of, 22, 79.

      To be ex officio Coroner, 25.

      Ormsby county, salary of, 30.

      Duties relating to destruction of noxious animals, 61.

      Duties relating to contest for Senator or Assemblyman, 114.

      Duties relating to State Live Stock Inspector, 131.


ladies’ toilet—

      Appropriation for, 67.

lake tahoe wagon road—

      Joint and Concurrent Resolution relative to, 139.


      Act providing for the purchase of by Washoe county for an Agricultural Experiment Station, 23.

      Act providing for advertising of unapproved, 59.

      Public, to provide for selection and sale of, 124.

      Duties of Register, 124.

land office. See State Land Office.

lander county—

      For District Judge’s salary, 120.

      Apportionment of Senators and Assemblymen, 121.

      Act relating to Argente Road Fund, 127.

land register. See State Land Register.

langan, f. p.—

      Act for relief of, 31.


      State of Nevada, to be compiled and published, 19.

      Act providing for free distribution of compiled laws, 102.

      Session, shall be furnished H. C. Cutting, 124.

leave of absence—

      Granted Reinhold Sadler, Governor, 34

      Granted W. D. Jones, Attorney-General, 64.

      Granted J. C. Powell, Assessor of Eureka county, 86.

lee, dr. s. l.—

      Act for relief of, 83.


      Fund appropriated for, 17.

      Appropriation for repairs, 67.

      Act relating to contest for Senator or Assemblyman, 114.

library, state—

      Librarian shall receive ten copies of compiled laws, 21.

      Appropriation for Clerk, 67.

      Appropriation for repairs, 67.


      Not required from residents or citizens of this State for the sale of their own agricultural products, pork and beef by the quarter, fruit, eggs and poultry, 32

      Minister’s, how obtained, 47.

      Marriage, how obtained, 48.

      Regulated by County Commissioners in certain counties, 59.

      Relating to Board of Medical Examiners, 89, 90.

      Shall be paid by itinerant merchants, 105.

      Shall be paid by insurance companies, 107.

liens, mechanics’—

      Act relating to, 98.


      Act relating to, 51.

      Appropriation for salary, 64.

      Member of Board of Capitol Commissioners, 80.

lincoln county—

      Act to create a special jury fund, 29.

      For District Judge’s salary, 120.

      Appropriation of Senators and Assemblymen, 121.

      Act to segregate certain county offices, 127.

      Act to encourage the construction of railways in, 128.


      Act to prevent sale to minors, 99.

littell, f. l.—

      Act for relief of, 58.

live stock—

      From affected districts in other States shall not enter Nevada until inspected by State Live Stock Inspector, 132.

live stock inspector—

      Appropriation for salary, 98.

      Act relating to appointment for, 131.

      Governor shall appoint, 131.

      Duties of, 131-133.

      Shall be under control of Board of Health, 131, 133.

      Fees of, 132.

      Salary of, 133.

locations, mining—

      Act relating to, 93.

lyon county—

      Act relating to boundaries, 41.

      Act for relief of J. S. Craig and F. L. Littell, 58.

      For District Judge’s salary, 120.

      Apportionment of Senators and Assemblymen, 121.


mack, c. e.—

      Appropriation for deficiency in traveling expenses, 106.


      Act relating to, 47.

      Certificate, form of, 48.

mechanics’ liens—

      Act relating to, 98.

medical examiners. See Board Of Medical Examiners.

medicine and surgery—

      Act relating to practice of, 88.

memorials. See Resolutions.

merchants, itinerant—

      Act relating to, 105.


      Election, mileage, 99.


      County Commissioners, Humboldt county, 42.

      Clerk of Board of Commissioners, 99.

      Messenger of election, 99.


      Act relating to vote, 108.

militia. See National Guard.

miller, miss maud—

      Appropriation for copying Senate Journal, 86.

mill sites—

      Act relating to, 93.

minerals, state—

      Act relating to, 69.

mines and mining—

      Act relating to the location, relocation, manner of recording lode and placer claims, mill sites, tunnel rights, amount of work necessary to hold possession of mining claims and the rights of co-owners therein, 93.

      Joint and Concurrent Resolution relative to a National Department of, 138.


      Act to prevent sale of intoxicating liquors to, 99.


      Violation of game law, 21.

      To refuse or neglect to dip sheep, 38, 39.

      To refuse or neglect to redip sheep, 39.

      Violation of law extending closed season for fishing, 63.

      Violation of law for preservation of wild game, 68.

      For School Trustees to draw voucher not authorized by certificate of teacher, 88.

      Violation of law creating State Board of Medical Examiner, 90, 91.

      Sale of intoxicating liquors to minors, 99.

      Violating of law licensing itinerant merchants, 106.

      Violation of Act relating to water rights, 119.

      Violation of Act concerning certain crimes and punishments, 122, 123.

      Violation of law providing for State Live Stock Inspector, 132.


national department of mines—

      Joint and Concurrent Resolution relative to, 138.

national guard—

      Act relating to armories, 31.

      Act relating to, 36.

      Officers, how appointed, 36, 37.

      Major, qualifications of, 36.

      Battalion, how constituted, 36.

      Company, how constituted, 37.

      Candidates, age of enlistment, 37.

      Candidates to pass physical examination, 37.

      Appropriation for, 67.

nevada cavalry—

      First Troop, Act relating to expenses, 26.

      First Regiment, Act relating to expenses, 27,

      Resolution relative to First Troop of, 141.

nevada hospital for mental diseases—

      Appropriation for, 66.

      Act to establish a fund for indigent discharged patients, 123.

nevada national guard. See National Guard.

Nevada reports—

      Appropriation for, 66, 67.

nevada state prison—

      Appropriation for, 66.


      Compiled statutes shall be furnished certain, 102.

nicaragua canal—

      Concurrent Resolution relative to, 137.

normal school. See Board of Education, State.


      Election, in regard to irrigation and water storage districts, 52, 55.

      Relating to appointment of guardians, 70.

      Relating to property sold for taxes, 79.

      Relating to reservoir sites, 82.

      Relating to elections, 108.

      Of appointment to be published, 110.

      Settlement of accounts, 112.

      Of petition for distribution, 112.

      Form of, 114.

noxious animals—

      Act relating to destruction of, 61.

nye county—

      For District Judge’s salary, 120.

      Apportionment of Senators and Assemblymen, 121.


office, STATE printing—

      Appropriation for, 66.

      Appropriation for bookbinding, 66.

      Appropriation for repairs, 67.

      Board of Capitol Commissioners shall have control of building, 80.

      Additional appropriation for bookbinding, 81.

      Shall print blanks required by Board of Water Commissioners, 119.

official advertising—

      Sheep Inspector shall advertise names of deputies, 38.

      In relation to irrigation and water storage, 55.

      Relating to certain unapproved lands, 59.

      Order of County Commissioners relating to closed season for fishing, 63.

      County Commissioners Washoe county, relative to reservoir sites, 82.

      Board of Medical Examiners shall advertise place of meeting, 89.


      Relating to Nevada National Guard, 36.

ormsby county—

      Repeal of Act providing for issuance of bonds, 18.

      Justice of the Peace, salary of, 30.

      Act providing for issuance of bonds, 43, 45.

      Act relating to county officers, 104.

      For District Judge’ salary, 120.

      Apportionment of Senators and Assemblymen, 121.

orphans’ home—

      Appropriation for, 66.

      Appropriation for teachers’ salaries, 66.


paris exposition—

      Act relating to, 62.

      Governor shall appoint members of Commission, 62.

paul, j. b.—

      Act for relief of, 127.


      Violation of game law, 21.

      To refuse or neglect to dip sheep, 38, 39.

      To refuse or neglect to redip sheep, 39.

      Violation of law extending closed season for fishing, 63.

      For School Trustees to draw voucher not authorized by certificate of teacher, 88.

      Violation of law relating to State Board of Medical Examiners, 90, 91.

      Sale of intoxicating liquors to minors, 99.

      Violation of law licensing itinerant merchants, 106.

      Violation of Act relating to water rights, 119.

      Violation of Act concerning certain crimes and punishments, 122, 123.

      Violation of Act relating to State Live Stock Inspector, 132.

philippine islands—

      Joint and Concurrent Resolution relative to cable, 141.

placer claims—

      Act relating to, 93.

postoffice, united states—

      Resolution relative to unpaid claims against, 140.

powell, j. c.—

      Granted leave of absence, 86.

power of attorney—

      Relating to bonds and undertakings, 101.

      Relating to insurance companies, 107.

president of senate—

      Act relating to salary, 51.

      Appropriation for salary, 64.

printer, state—

      Duties in relation to publishing the compiled laws of Nevada, 20.

      Appropriation for salary, 66.

      Duties relating to free distribution of compiled laws, 102.


      Of ballots, 92.

printing, state—

      Compiled statutes, 20, 21.

      Records of State Board of Education, 96.

      Blanks required by Board of Water Commissioners, 119.

printing office, state—

      Appropriation for, 66.

      Appropriation for bookbinding, 66.

      Appropriation for repairs, 67.

      Board of Capitol Commissioners shall have control of building, 80.

      Additional appropriation for bookbinding, 81.

      Shall print blanks required by Board of Water Commissioners, 119.

prison, state—

      Appropriation for, 66.

private secretary, governor’s—

      Salary of, 64.

      Clerk of Board of Capitol Commissioners, 80.

probate. See Estates of Deceased Persons.

Property, state—

      Act relating to, 69.

Purity of elections—

      Repeal of Act relating to, 128.



      Unlawful to transport wild game out of the State, 21.

      Penalty for violation, 21.

      Act relating to, 32.

      Act granting right of way, Humboldt county, 34.

      Act to encourage the construction of, in Lincoln county, 128.

Registry agents—

      Duties relating to elections, 108.

regents of state university—

      Duties in relation to purchase of land for an Agricultural Experiment Station, 23, 24.

      Appropriation for indebtedness incurred for support of State University, 35, 36.

relief of—

      Abel, D. F., 83.

      Aitken, J. F., 35, 36.

      Allen, T. B., 27.

      Arlington Hotel, 26, 27.

      Baker & Hamilton, 35, 36.

      Bain, Charles, 83.

      Bannon, John, 27.

      Bradley, Garrett R., 26, 27.

      Bradshaw, Emma, 36.

      Brault, Mrs. D., 26, 27.

      Bray, C. E., 26, 27.

      Briggs House, 26, 27.

      Campbell, J. D., 27.

      Cattleman, H. C., 26.

      Circe, D., 26, 27.

      Clark, A. J., 27.

      Company A, N. N. G., 27.

      Company F, N. N. G., 27.

      Cousins, W. W., 27.

      Cowing, Geo. W., 85.

      Craig, W. T., 27.

      Craig, J. S., 58.

      Crimmons, Mason, 27.

      Depot Hotel Company, 27.

      Donnels & Steinmetz, 35, 36.

      Ely and Eureka Telephone Company, 27.

      Eureka and Palisade Railroad, 27.

      Falkerson, Harry, 27.

      Fullerton, W. A., 27.

      Galusha, C. H., 26, 27.

      Gardner, Dr., 27.

      Gazette Publishing Company, 35.

      Genesy & Savage, 35, 36.

      Gibson, S. C., 27.

      Guinan, Dr. J., 26, 27.

      Haws, F. M., 27.

      Hayes, William, 27.

      Hill, J. J., Jr., 27.

      Huffaker, Dr. A., 26, 27.

      Johnson, J. M., 27.

      Kinney, William, 85.

      Koppe, Gus, 35.

      Langan, F. P., 31.

      Lee, Dr. S. L., 26, 83.

      Littell, F. L., 58.

      Mack, C. E., 106.

      Meehan, J. M., 27.

      Meyers, George H., 26, 27.

      McArdle, W. T., 27.

      McDowell, Dr. S. H., 27.

      McIntyre, John, 35.

      Nevada Central Railroad Company, 27.

      Nevada Hardware and Supply Company, 36.

      Ormsby Honse, 26, 27.

      Parry, A. A., 27.

      Paul, John B., 127.

      Payot, Upham & Company, 35.

      Peters, Charles H., 27.

      Porteous Decorative Company, 36.

      Reno Mercantile Company, 35, 36.

      Reno Mill and Lumber Company, 35, 36.

      Reno Water, Land and Light Company, 35, 36.

      Risley, W. S., 27.

      Riverside Hotel, 26, 27.

      Sadler, Erwin L., 26, 27.

      Savage, Richard, 83.

      Scheeline & Osburn, 35.

      Skaggs, R. E., 27.

      Southern Pacific Railroad Company, 27.

      Stubbs, J. E., 35.

      Taylor, George H., 35, 36.

      Thaxter Drug Store, 27.

      Virginia and Truckee Railroad Company, 27.

      Wagner, P. A., 27.

      Walsh & Wylie, 27.

      Warren Mercantile Company, F. E., 27.

      Western Union Telegraph Company, 26, 27.

      Whalen, J. P., 27.

      Wilson, Fred, 27.

      Yawman-Erbe Manufacturing Company, 35.

relief fund—

      Established for discharged indigent patients, 123.


      Act to purchase land for an Agricultural Experiment Station, 23, 24.

      Act to disincorporate the City of, 84.


      Appropriations for, 67.


      Act to provide the issuance of bonds by the County of Ormsby and to provide for the payment of the same, in order to provide for the payment of ten thousand dollars of the bonds of said county heretofore issued and now outstanding, which were issued in pursuance and by virtue of an Act of the Legislature of the State of Nevada, entitled “An Act to authorize the issuance of certain bonds by Ormsby county and to provide for the payment of the same,” approved March 9, 1889, approved February 9, 1897, 18.

      Sections 35, 39, 40, 42, 49 and 50 of “An Act relating to the National Guard and the enrolled militia,” approved March 6, 1893; and Sections 1 and 10 of “An Act amendatory of and supplemental to an Act entitled ‘An Act relating to the National Guard and the enrolled militia,’ approved March 6, 1893,” approved March 18, 1895; and Section 4 of “An Act relating to the Nevada National Guard,” approved March 8, 1897, 37.

      Act to provide for the appointment and prescribe the duties of guardians, approved November 29, 1861, 78.

      Sections 10 and 11 of an Act entitled “An Act concerning the office of Secretary of State,” approved February 14, 1865, 81.

      Act to incorporate the town of Reno, approved March 8, 1897, 84.

      Sections 1 and 2 of an Act entitied “An Act in relation to County Assessors, their terms of office and compensation,” which became a law March 24, 1883, 92.

      Section 55 of an Act relating to elections, approved March 12, 1873, 114.

      Act relating to the salary of the District Judge of the Fourth Judicial District of the State of Nevada, approved March 16, 1897, 120.

      Act granting aid to veterans of the late Mexican and Civil Wars in indigent circumstances, approved February 12, 1885, 122.

      Act concerning certain crimes and punishments, approved February 27, 1885, 123.

      Act to require the payment of poll tax by all legal voters under sixty years of age, approved February 9, 1897, 126.

      Act to provide for the election of School Trustees and matters properly connected therewith, approved March 19, 1891, and all Acts and parts of Acts amendatory thereof, or supplementary thereto, 126.

      Act relating to County School Superintendents, approved March 1, 1889, 126.

      Act in relation to County Superintendents of Schools, approved March 1, 1889, 126.

      Act to encourage the mining and milling of ores containing precious metals produced in this State, approved March 2, 1887, 126.

      Act more fully defining the powers and duties of the State board of Regents in connection with the State University, approved March 5, 1875, 126.

      Act authorizing District Judges to appoint Court Commissioners, defining their duties, and providing fees for the same, approved March 2, 1877, 126.

      Act to prohibit camels and dromedaries from running at large on or about the public highways of the State of Nevada, approved February 9, 1875, 126.

      Act to encourage the growth of forest trees, approved March 7, 1873, and Acts amendatory thereof, 126.

      Act to encourage the artificial cultivation and propagation of fish in the State of Nevada, approved March 7, 1873, 126.

      Act to establish the financial transactions of the State upon a coin basis, approved February 2, 1869, and all Acts amendatory thereof or supplementary thereto, 126.

      Act to authorize the State Superintendent of Public Instruction to draw the percentage allowed by the United States to this State, on the sale of public lands sold in the State of Nevada, approved February 10, 1869, 126.

      Act to promote the purity of elections by regulating the conduct thereof, and to support the privilege of free suffrage by prohibiting certain acts and practices in relation thereto, and providing for the punishment thereof, approved March 16, 1895, 128.

reports, nevada—

      Appropriation for, 66, 67.

reports, supreme court—

      Shall be furnished H. C. Cutting for compiling laws, 124.

resolutions and memorials—

      Senate Joint Resolution No. 5, relative to election of United States Senators directly by the people, 137.

      Assembly Concurrent Resolution, relative to the tariff on certain material, 137.

      Senate Concurrent Resolution, relative to construction of Nicaragua Canal, 137.

      Assembly Joint and Concurrent Resolution No. 6, relating to the establishment of a National Department of Mines, 138.

      Assembly Joint and Concurrent Resolution No. 7, relative to requesting the Legislature of the State of California to support the Lake Tahoe wagon road, and urging upon that body the necessity for a suitable appropriation for the proper maintenance of the same, 139.

      Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 3, relative to amending Section 1, Article X, of the Constitution of the State of Nevada, 139.

      Assembly Memorial and Joint Resolution, relative to unpaid claims against the United States Courthouse and Postoffice, located in Carson City, Nevada, 140.

      Resolution relative to the First Troop of Nevada Cavalry, now stationed at Philippine Islands, 141.

      Senate Joint and Concurrent Resolution, 141.

      Senate Concurrent Resolution, relative to amending the Constitution of the State of Nevada, 142.

      Senate Joint Resolution concerning the free and unlimited coinage of silver at the legal ratio of 16 to 1, regardless of the action of any foreign nation, 142.

reservoir sites—

      Washoe county to purchase, 81.

revenue. See Taxes.


      Appropriation for payment of, 64.


Sadler, reinhold—

      Granted leave of absence, 34.


      Protected, 68.

salaries and compensation of state and county officers—

      Storey county, 22, 79.

      Ormsby county, Justice of the Peace, 30.

      Humoldt county, 41.

      Lieutenant-Governor and ex officio Adjutant-General, 51.

      Bailiff of Supreme Court, 59.

      Elko county, 62.

      Appropriation for State officers, 64-67.

      White Pine county, 68.

      Deputy State Treasurer, 84, 85.

      Ormsby county, 104.

      County Surveyor, relative to water storage, 119.

      District Judges, 120.

      Lincoln county, 127.

sample BALLOTS—

      Act relating to, 100.

savage, richard—

      Act for relief of, 83.

second judicial district—

      Act relating to Court Stenographer, 103.

secretary of state—

      Duties in relation to Assembly Journal, 18.

      Duties relating to compiling and publishing the laws of the State of Nevada, 20, 21.

      Appropriation for salary, 65.

      Member of Board of Capitol Commissioners, 80.

      Duties in relation to Senate Journal, 86.

      Duties in relation to election of United States Senator, 87.

      Duties in relation to bonds and undertakings, 101, 102.

      Duties in relation to vote of electors in military service of the United States, 109, 110.

      Duties in relation to contest for Senator or Assemblyman, 115.

      Shall furnish certain books to H. C. Cutting, 124.

selection and sale of lands—

      Act relating to, 124.

senate journal—

      Act to provide for copying, 86.


      United States, Act relating to, 86.

      Contest for office, 114.

      Apportionment of, 121.

      United States, Joint Resolution relative to election of, 137.

schools, HIGH—

      Act relating to, 28.

school trustees—

      Wadsworth, Washoe county, to issue bonds, 49.

      Shall not draw vouchers not authorized by certificate of teacher, 88.


      Act to prevent the spread of contagious diseases among, 37.

      When to be examined, 38.

      When to be dipped, 38, 39.

      See Act providing for appointment of State Live Stock Inspector, 131.

sheep inspector—

      Act relating to, 37.

      Shall examine sheep, when, 38.

      Shall notify owners to dip diseased sheep, 38.

      Duties in regard to dipping and redipping, 39.


      Storey county, compensation of, 22, 79.

      Humboldt county, salary of, 41.

      Humboldt county, Deputy, salary of, 41.

      Duties relating to destruction of noxious animals, 61.

      White Pine county, compensation of, 68.

      Ormsby county, salary of, 104.

      Duties relating to elections, 107.

      Duties relating to contest for Senator or Assemblyman, 114.

      Duties in relation to State Live Stock Inspector, 132.

      Compensation of, 132.


      Joint Resolution concerning the free and unlimited coinage of, 142.

sites, reservoir—

      Washoe county to purchase, 81.

sixteen to one—

      Resolution relative to free and unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio of, 142.


      Act relating to elections, 108.

special jury fund—

      Relating to Lincoln county, 29.

state agricultural society. See Agricultural Society.

State board of canvassers. See Canvassers, State Board of.

State board of education. See Board of Education, State.

State board of examiners. See Board of Examiners, State.

State board of health. See Board of Health.

State board of medical examiners. See Board of Medical Examiners, State.

State capitol building. See Capitol Building.

state controller—

      Shall draw warrants on Legislative Fund, 17.

      Shall draw warrant in favor of Callie Ferguson, 18.

      Shall draw warrant in favor of H. C. Cutting, 19, 20.

      Shall draw warrant in favor of Governor, 27.

      Duties relating to Nevada National Guard, 31,

      Shall draw warrant in favor of F. P. Langan, 31.

      Shall draw warrant in favor of Post Quartermaster, Grand Army Post, 34.

      Duties concerning State school bond, 36.

      Shall draw warrant in favor of Adjutant-General, 42.

      Appropriation for salary, 65.

      Appropriation for enforcing collection of revenue, 65.

      Member of Board of State Capitol Commissioners, 80.

      Shall draw warrant in favor of Richard Savage, 83.

      Shall draw warrant in favor of Charles Bain, 83.

      Shall draw warrant in favor of D. F. Abel, 83.

      Shall draw warrant in favor of Governor, 83.

      Shall draw warrant in favor of George W. Cowing, 85.

      Shall draw warrant in favor of William Kinney, 85.

      Shall draw warrant in favor of Miss Maud Miller, 86.

      Duties in relation to State Board of Medical Examiners, 91.

      Duties in relation to bonds and undertakings, 101.

      Shall draw warrant in favor of C. E. Mack, 106.

      Duties in relation to insurance companies, 107.

      Shall draw warrant in favor of Veterans’ Home, 122.

      Duties in relation to selection and sale of lands, 125.

      Shall draw warrant in favor of State Live Stock Inspector, 133.

state land office—

      Appropriation for, 65.

state land register—

      Appropriation for salary, 65.

      Duties relating to unapproved lands, 59.

      Duties relating to selection and sale of lands, 124.

state library—

      Librarian shall receive ten copies of compiled laws, 21.

      Appropriation for current expenses, 66.

      Appropriation for salary of Clerk, 67.

      Appropriation for insurance, 67.

      Appropriation for repairs, 67.

state live stock inspector. See Live Stock Inspector.

state loan—

      Act providing for, 106.

      Period extended, 106.

state printer—

      Duties in relation to compiling and publishing the laws of the State of Nevada, 20.

      Appropriation for salary, 66.

      Shall perform printing required by Board of Education, 96.

      Duties relative to free distribution of compiled laws, 102.

state printing—

      Compiled statutes, 20.

      Records of State Board of Education, 96.

State Printing Office. See Printing Office, State.

state prison—

      Appropriation for, 66.

state property. See Property, State.

state tax—

      Levy for, apportioned, 17.


      Shall pay warrants drawn on Legislative Fund, 17.

      Shall pay warrant in favor of Callie Ferguson, 18.

      Shall pay warrants in favor of H. C. Cutting, 19, 20.

      Shall pay warrant in favor of Governor, 26.

      Duties relating to Nevada National Guard, 31.

      Shall pay warrant in favor of F. P. Langan, 31.

      Shall pay warrant in favor of Post Quartermaster, Grand Army Post, 34.

      Duties in relation to State school bond, 36.

      Shall pay warrant in favor of Adjutant-General, 42.

      Appropriation for salary, 65.

      Duties in relation to Board of Capitol Commissioners, 80.

      Shall pay warrant in favor of Richard Savage, 83.

      Shall pay warrant in favor of Charles Bain, 83.

      Shall pay warrant in favor of D. F. Abel, 83.

      Shall pay warrant in favor of the Governor, 83.

      Deputy, Act fixing salary, 84.

      Shall pay warrant in favor of George W. Cowing, 85.

      Shall pay warrant in favor of William Kinney, 85.

      Shall pay warrant in favor of Miss Maud Miller, 86.

      Duties in relation to State Board of Medical Examiners, 91.

      Shall pay warrant in favor of C. E. Mack, 106.

      Duties in relation to District Judge’s salary, 120.

      Shall pay warrant in favor of Veterans’ Home, 122.

      Shall pay warrant in favor of State Live Stock Inspector, 133.

STATE university—

      Act to provide for purchase of land for an Agricultural Experiment Station, 23.

      Appropriation to pay indebtedness incurred by Board of Regents, 34.

      Appropriation for support of, 67.

STATE weather service. See Weather Service.

station, agricultural experiment—

      Act to provide for the purchase of land for, 23.

statutes of nevada—

      Compilation and publishing of, 19, 20, 21.

      Act providing for free distribution of, 102.

      Of 1885 shall be furnished H. C. Cutting, 124.


      Act providing for appointment of, 103.

stock inspector—

      Appropriation for salary, 98.

      Act relating to appointment of, 131.

      Governor shall appoint, 131.

      Duties of, 131-133.

      Shall be under control of Board of Health, 131, 133.

      Fees of, 132.

      Salary of, 133.

storey county—

      Act relating to county officers, 22, 79.

      For District Judge’s salary, 120.

      Apportionment of Senators and Assemblymen, 121.

summons, alias—

      Act relating to, 26.

superintendent of public instruction—

      Appropriation for, 65, 67.

superintendent of public schools—

      Member of County Board of Education, 28.

      Lincoln county, salary of, 127.

      See District Attorney.

superintendent of state printing—

      Appropriation for salary, 66.

supreme court—

      Duties in relation to compiling and publishing laws of the State of Nevada, 19, 20.

      Bailiff of, 58.

      Appropriation for salary of Justices, 65.

      Appropriation for salary of Bailiff, 66.

      Appropriation for salary of Clerk, 67.

      Appropriation for decisions of, 67.

      Appropriation for deficiency in salary of Bailiff, 85.

      Duties of Chief Justice relating to vote of electors in military service of the United States, 110.

      Reports shall be furnished H. C. Cutting for compiling laws, 124.

surety companies—

      Act relating to, 101.

      Act relating to licenses, 107.

surgery and medicine—

      Act relating to practice of, 88.

surveyor. See County Surveyor.


      Act relating to Gold Run-Golconda railroad, 34.

      Appropriation for salary, 65.



      Concurrent Resolution relative to, 137.


      State, levy for apportioned, 17.

      Washoe county, Agricultural Experiment Station, 23.

      Relating to Coroners’ Townships, 25.

      Lincoln county, special jury fund, 29.

      Limit for all purposes, 33.

      County purposes, 39, 40.

      Ormsby county, County Commissioners shall levy, 43, 45, 46.

      Washoe county, Wadsworth School District, 50.

      Washoe county, Wadsworth Township, for protection against fire, 57.

      Appropriation for enforcing collection of, 65.

      Act to provide revenue, 79.

      Relating to Town of Reno, 84.


      Appropriation for at Orphans’ Home, 66.

      See Board of Education, State.

teachers’ institute—

      Appropriation for, 65.

telephone lines—

      Act relating to construction of, 93.

      Title shall be vested in county, 93.

toilet, LADIES’—

      Appropriation for, 67.


      Act relating to Coroner’s, 25.

      Justice of the Peace to be ex officio Coroner, 25.

      Carson, salary of Justice of the Peace, 30.

traders. See Merchants.

traveling expenses—

      Of Superintendent of Public Instruction, 65.

      Of District Judges, 66.

treasurer. See State Treasurer, County Treasurer.

trustees. See School Trustees.

tunnel rights—

      Act relating to, 95.


      Appropriation for, 66.


undertakings and bonds—

      Act to facilitate the giving of, 101.

united states court house and postoffice. See Court House and Postoffice.

united states senator—

      Act relating to, 86.

      Shall be nominated same as State officers, 86.

      Joint Resolution relative to election of, 137.

united states volunteers See Volunteers.

university. See State University.


veterans’ home—

      Claims of, 121.

volunteer infantry—

      Act relating to expenses, 27.

volunteers, united states—

      Act to pay expenses incurred by the Governor in aiding the United States to raise volunteers, 26.

      Act relating to vote of electors in service of, 108.


wadsworth, town of—

      School District No. 11 to issue bonds, 49.

      Protection against fire, 56.

washoe county—

      To levy a tax to purchase land for an Agricultural Experiment Station, 23.

      School District No. 11 to issue bonds, 49.

      Wadsworth fire bonds, 56.

      To purchase reservoir sites, 81.

      Act to disincorporate the City of Reno, 84.

      For District Judge’s salary, 120.

      Apportionment of Senators and Assemblymen, 121.

water commissioners, board of—

      To consist of, 116.

      Shall meet, when, 117.

      Duties of, 117-118.

water rights—

      Act relating to, 115.

water storage and irrigation—

      Act relating to water storage districts, 51.

      Act relating to water stored for irrigation, 64.

      Reservoir sites, Washoe county, 81.

      Act relating to water rights, 115.

      Standard of measure, 116.

      Board of Water Commissioners created, 116.

water works—

      Appropriation for pipe, 66.

weather service—

      Appropriation for salary of Director, 67.

white pine county—

      Salaries and compensation of county officers, 68.

      For District Judge’s salary, 120.

      Apportionment of Senators and Assemblymen, 121.

wild game, See Game.