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κ1893 Statutes of Nevada, Page 135κ






No. I.–Assembly Concurrent Resolution, relative to the interests of Nevada and her silver product.


[Passed January 19, 1893.]


      Resolved by the Assembly, the Senate concurring, That irrespective of party affiliations, we hereby send cordial greeting to the Legislatures of the States of Colorado, Idaho and Montana, and ask their co-operation in all measures calculated to secure the free and unlimited coinage of silver and the advancement of the mining interests of States and Territories generally, and especially in the election of no man to the U. S. Senate who is not the honest and earnest friend of the free and unlimited coinage of silver.

      Resolved, That a certified copy of these resolutions be immediately forwarded by the Secretary of State, under the Great Seal of the State of Nevada, to the presiding officers of the Senate and Assembly of each of the States before named, with the request that the same be read in open session to their respective houses.






Looking to unity of action among mining States on the silver question.





No. II.–Senate Concurrent Resolution, relative to the repeal of the Bullion Purchase Act of July 14, 1890.


[Passed January 31, 1893.]


      Resolved by the Senate, the Assembly concurring, That the Representative in Congress from this State, and the Senators in the Senate of the United States from this State, be requested, and are hereby urged to oppose by their votes, and to use all honorable means to prevent the repeal of the Act of July fourteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety, requiring the purchase of fifty-four million ounces of silver per year, and the issue of legal tender notes, redeemable in coin therefor, without the substitution at the same time and in the same Act, of a provision restoring to the people of the United States the constitutional standard of gold and silver under conditions of free coinage, as the same existed prior to the Act of eighteen hundre and seventy three, and that copies of this resolution be forwarded to the Representative and Senators from this State in the Fifty-second Congress, and also the members elected to serve in the Fifty third Congress.






Resolving against the repeal of the bullion purchase Act of 1890.



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Rebellion war claims.

No. III.–Senate Joint Resolution to the Congress of the United States, relative to paying the rebellion war claims of the State of Nevada.


[Passed February 6 1893.]


      Whereas, The Territory of Nevada, under various calls made upon her by the proper authorities of the United States, incurred a large debt in aiding the United States during the war of the rebelion; and,

      Whereas, The State of Nevada, upon its admission into the Union, assumed and has heretofore paid the whole of said debt; and,

      Whereas, Under the proper authority of the United States, the sum so paid by the State of Nevada has been fully examined, correctly ascertained and officially reported by the Secretary of War to Congress; and,

      Whereas, No part of said moneys have as yet been refunded by the United States to the State of Nevada, in consequence of which the burden of said debt has been for many years very onerous upon her citizens; therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Senate and Assembly conjointly, That our Senators and Representative in Congress be requested to urge Congress to fully reimburse this State the amount of money now due her on account of her rebellion war claims against the United States.

      Resolved, also, That the Governor be hereby requested to immediately telegraph this resolution to our Senators and Representative in Congress and to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House of Representatives.
















Relating to fish in the Rruneau river.

No. IV.–Assembly Joint Resolution, referring the Legislature of the State of Idaho to the matter of providing fish-ways or ladders on dams in the Bruneau river in the State of Idaho.


[Passed February 7 1893.]


      [The Bruneau river has its source in Mardis mountains and its outlet in Snake river, flowing a distance of nearly one hundred miles in the State of Nevada and Idaho.]


      Whereas, The waters of said river are teeming with salmon and other food fishes; and

      Whereas, At certain seasons of the year the salmon in great numbers are running up said river for the purpose of spawning; and

      Whereas, Certain corporations, firms, or individuals, citizens and residents of the neighboring State of Idaho have constructed large dams or reservoirs on said river without providing means for the transit of these fish; and

      Whereas, The United States Fish Commission has stocked the Snake river and its tributaries with valuable food fishes; therefore, be it



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      Resolved by the Assembly and Senate of the State of Nevada conjointly, That the Honorable, the Legislature of the State of Idaho, be and it is hereby respectfully requested to consider the premises and enact such legislation that will result in the construction of fish-ways or ladders in all dams or reservoirs on the Bruneau river and other streams that are owned jointly by the two States.

      Resolved, That the Governor be requested to cause a duly authenticated copy of this joint resolution to be transmitted to His Excellency, The Governor of Idaho, with the request that the same be presented to the Legislature of that State at his earliest convenience.

Relative to fish in the Bruneau river.





No. V.–Senate Joint Resolution relative to the construction of the Nicaragua Canal.


[Passed February 10, 1893.]


      Whereas, The construction of the Nicaragua canal would be of great and infinite benefit to the people of the Pacific Coast, as it would afford greater protection to this coast in time of war; open new lines of trade and commerce, and cheapen transportation to foreign and Atlantic seaboard markets, thereby enabling the people of this State to obtain all household, mining and other supplies at greatly reduced rates, and tend to build up new enterprises in this State, and strengthen and maintain those now in existence; greatly increase our population, and thus enhance our wealth and multiply our resources; and

      Whereas, There is now pending in the Congress of the United States a bill providing for the use of the credit of the United States in the construction of the Nicaragua canal, and which bill prescribes, among other things, that the United States shall own absolutely more than eighty per cent. of all the stock of the Nicaragua Maritime Canal Company, previously organized under an Act of Congress of the United States, and that the President of the United States shall appoint not less than ten of the fifteen directors of said company, and that the United States engineers shall direct or control the work of construction of said canal, and, after constructed, that the United States, by reason of its ownership thereof, shall fix the tolls thereon; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Senate, the Assembly concurring, That our Senators in Congress be, and they are hereby instructed, and our Member of the House of Representatives of the United States be requested to earnestly support the passage of this measure insofar as such support does not interfere or in any wise hinder or delay their labors for the free and unlimited coinage of silver.

      Resolved, That His Excellency, the Governor, is hereby requested to forward to each of our Senators and Representative in Congress a copy of these resolutions.





Nicaragua Canal memorial.



κ1893 Statutes of Nevada, Page 138κ








Direct tax, how paid to State.

No. VI.–Joint Resolution authorizing the Governor of the State of Nevada to receive and receipt for moneys due said State from the General Government of the United States on account of repayment of the direct tax.


[Passed February 18, 1893.]


      Whereas, By an Act of Congress approved March third, eighteen hundred and ninety-one, entitled “An Act to credit and pay to the several States and Territories and the District of Columbia all moneys collected under the direct tax levied by Act of Congress, approved August fifth, eighteen hundred and sixty-one, a sum of money was appropriated to the several States for the purpose set forth in said Act; and,

      Whereas, Said Act contains the following provisions: “But no money shall be paid to any State or Territory until the Legislature thereof shall have accepted, by resolution, the sum herein appropriated and the trusts imposed, in full satisfaction of all claims against the United States on account of the levy and collection of said tax, and shall have authorized the Governor to receive said money for the use and purposes aforesaid;” now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Assembly, the Senate concurring, That the Legislature of the said State of Nevada hereby accepts the amount, three thousand nine hundred and three dollars and seventy-seven cents, found to be due said State under the provisions of said Act, in full satisfaction of all claims which said State of Nevada may have against the United States on the account of the levy and collection of said tax.

      And be it further resolved, That the governor of the State of Nevada is hereby authorized to receive and receipt in full for said moneys, in accordance with the foregoing resolution.










Invitation of the Colorado Legislature politely declined.




*No. VII.–Concurrent Resolution relative to an invitation from the Colorado Legislature.


[Passed February 28, 1893.]


      Whereas, The sixteenth session of the Nevada Legislature has received a duly authenticated copy of Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 20 of the Legislature of the state of Colorado, extending a cordial invitation to the Legislature of the State of Nevada to visit its commonwealth, and

      Whereas, The people of Nevada and its Legislature now in session realize the importance of a more united and imperative demand by the Western States and Territories, and particular those silver producing for the fostering of their common interests, by necessary congressional legislation and as specially for the complete rehabilitation of silver as money metal. Now, therefore, be it


      *Title supplied by Secretary of State.



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      Resolved by the Assembly, The Senate concurring, That the Nevada Legislature, now in session, extend to the Legislature of the State of Colorado its hearty thanks for the cordial invitation so received, and greets its sister State with the assurance that Nevada, now as ever, is true to its motto, “All for Our Country,” and will be ever ready and willing to extend its efforts in behalf of all measures having for their object the advancement and progress of the United States, and the social and commercial interests of the Western States and Territories in particular, chiefly among which is the free and unlimited coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1 of gold; and be it further

      Resolved, That this legislature regret its inability, owing to the pressure of public business and duty, to accept said invitation, and that a copy of this resolution be forwarded to the Legislature of the State of Colorado, under seal of this State, by his Excellency, the Governor of this State.






*No. VIII.–Memorial relative to the storage of the surplus waters of the Humboldt river.


[Passed February 28, 1893.]


      Memorial to the Honorable the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States in Congress assembled: Your memorialist, the Legislature of the State of Nevada, respectfully represents that,

      Whereas, The climatic conditions in the state of Nevada are such as will forever prohibit the settlement and cultivation of her land except by the use of artificial irrigation; and,

      Whereas, Such irrigation can only be accomplished by the expenditure of a large amount of money for storage reservoirs, canals, etc., in sums far beyond the means of ordinary settlers, either as individuals or as a community; and,

      Whereas, There are in the Humboldt Valley about one million acres of rich land which can be made productive by such means; and,

      Whereas, There is in the Humboldt river an annual flow of water amply sufficient to fertilize all the lands in its basin which for lack of storage now goes to waste; and,

      Whereas, There are at the headwaters of said Humboldt river, and upon its numerous tributaries, ample sites where storage reservoirs can be economically and safely contructed, thereby insuring an abundant and constant flow in place of floods in spring time and drouth in August, as is the case at present, thereby creating homes for thousands of families, and making the State as successful in agriculture and horticulture as it has been in the past in mining; and,

      Whereas, Without some such aid from the General Government her sister States will see her sinking gradually into a condition of utter helplessness and hopelessness,


      *Title supplied by Secretary of State.






Waters of the Humboldt may be empounded.



κ1893 Statutes of Nevada, Page 140 (NUMBER 8)κ



dition of utter helplessness and hopelessness, owing to the decay of her only industry, mining, on account of the low price of silver, lead, etc.; therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Assembly, the Senate concurring, That for the purpose of procuring the speedy settlement and cultivation of such lands, we do earnestly request that the even numbered sections in the said valley of the Humboldt river be granted to the State of Nevada for aid in the creation of a fund for the reclamation first of the lands in the said valley, the surplus if there be any, to be devoted to a similar purpose elsewhere in said State, in the way most likely to benefit the actual settler.










Walker River Reservation to be opened to settlement.

*No. IX.–Memorial urging the passage of a bill opening Walker River Reservation to settlement.


[Passed March 6, 1893.]


      To the Honorable the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States in Congress assembled: Your memorialists, the Legislature of the State of Nevada, respectfully represent that the Pah Ute Tribe of Indians now possess and occupy, within the boundaries of the State of Nevada, two reservations of great area, namely: The Pyramid Lake Reservation and the Walker River Reservation; that but one of said reservations, the Pyramid Lake Reservation, possesses facilities for the necessary improvement and cultivation of a good proportion of the agricultural lands contained therein, while the other, the Walker River Reservation, mainly embraces within its boundaries mineral lands entirely worthless to the Indians residing thereon. Your memorialist, therefore, respectfully and earnestly urge the immediate passage by your Honorable bodies of the bill introduced in the Senate by our Senator William M. Stewart, which provides for the improvement of the Pyramid Lake Reservation for the general welfare and benefit of said Pah Ute Indians and the abandonment of said Walker River Indian Reservation, and declaring the same open to the citizens of the United States for prospecting and mining and other beneficial purposes.

      Resolved, That the Governor cause to be transmitted a copy of this memorial and resolution to each of Senators and to our Representative in Congress.


      *Title supplied by Secretary of State.






*No. X.–Senate Joint Resolution relative to the indebtedness of the Central Pacific Railroad Company to the United States of America.


[Passed March 10, 1893.]


      Whereas, By Acts of Congress, duly passed and approved, the Government of the United States loaned to the Central Pacific Railroad Company certain bonds to aid said company in the construction of its railroad; and


      *The above resolution was not approved by the Governor.



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the Government of the United States loaned to the Central Pacific Railroad Company certain bonds to aid said company in the construction of its railroad; and

      Whereas, The payment of the principal amount of said bonds, and of the interest thereon, is secured by the second mortgage upon the Central Pacific Railroad; and

      Whereas,In the event said company should be unable to pay said indebtedness when due, foreclosure proceedings may be instituted against said company, which may result in the vesting in the Government of the title to said railroad, and of the unsold portion of the land grant of said company; and

      Whereas,Said properties, should they pass into the ownership of the Government, would be exempt from State and local taxation; and

      Whereas, For many years said company has been a heavy taxpayer, and has paid into the State and local treasuries a very large portion of the money necessary to support the State, county and other local governments; and

      Whereas, The withdrawal of said property from its present ownership, and the vesting of the title thereof in the Government, would deprive the State and local governments of the right to tax the same, and would thereby seriously embarrass said State and local governments, and would threaten the political existence thereof; and

      Whereas, Certain bills are now pending before Congress, relative to the adjustment of said indebtedness; therefore be it

      Resolved by the Senate, the Assembly concurring, That our Senators and Representative in Congress be, and they are hereby urgently requested to do all in their power to promote and secure the passage of an Act of Congress providing for the adjustment or refunding of said indebtedness, to the end that said company shall be enabled to pay said indebtedness; provided, said support does not interfere, or in any wise hinder or delay their labors for the free and unlimited coinage of silver.

      Resolved further, That His Excellency, the Governor, forward engrossed copies thereof to each of our Senators and Representative in Congress.

Central Pacific Railroad asks relief.





No. XI.–Senate Concurrent Resolution, relative to the protection of the mining industry of Nevada.


[Passed March 10, 1893.]


      Whereas, The principal industry of Nevada is mining for gold and silver; and,

      Whereas, The value of gold and silver depends upon the recognition of those metals by the general government as money metals, and their use as money, as contemplated by section eight of Article I. of the Constitution of the United States; and,

      Whereas, To discontinue the use of gold and silver for money would greatly injure the people of Nevada, as well as those of our sister States; and,








Money of the Constitution.



κ1893 Statutes of Nevada, Page 142 (NUMBER 11)κ



      Whereas, The tax against which our revolutionary forefathers fought was a paltry matter compared with the immense sums which have been wrung from the people through the demonetization of silver; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved, by the Senate, the Assembly concurring, That our Senators and Representative in Congress be requested to use all proper efforts to enact such laws as will make gold and silver equally a legal tender for all debts, public and private, and equally the coin of redemption for all paper money; and be it further

      Resolved, That the Governor be requested to forward duly authenticated copies of these resolutions to our Senators and Representative in Congress.










Proposed amendment to Constitution.

No. XII.–Assembly Concurrent Resolution relative to amending the Constitution of the State of Nevada.


[Passed February 27, 1893.]


      Resolved by the Assembly, the Senate concurring, That Section 8 Article I. of the Constitution of the State of Nevada be amended so as to read as follows:

      Offenses heretofore required to be prosecuted by indictment shall be prosecuted by information after examination and commitment by a magistrate, or by indictment, or with or without such examination and commitment, as may be prescribed by law. A grand jury shall be drawn and summoned at least once a year in each county. In criminal prosecutions in any court whatever, the party accused shall have the right to a speedy and public trial; to have the process of the court to compel the attendance of witnesses in his behalf, and to appear and defend in person and with counsel. No person shall be twice put in jeopardy for the same offense, nor be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use without just compensation having been first made or secured, except in cases of war, riot, fire or great public peril, in which case compensation shall be afterward made.










Lottery amendment.

No. XIII.–Senate Concurrent Resolution relative to amending the Constitution of the State of Nevada.


[Passed March 6, 1893.[


      Resolved by the Senate, the Assembly concurring, That the Constitution of the State of Nevada be amended as follows:

      Amend Section 24 of Article IV of the Constitution of the State of Nevada so as to read as follows:

      Section twenty-four.  The Legislature may authorize a lottery company; provided, that the incorporators thereof shall be citizens and residents of the State of Nevada, and said company shall issue to the State thirty-three and one-third per cent.



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citizens and residents of the State of Nevada, and said company shall issue to the State thirty-three and one-third per cent. of its capital stock, said stock to be unassessable. The dividends of said State stock shall be paid into the General Fund of the State Treasury monthly. One-half of the amount thus received by the State shall be paid annually into the several county treasuries of the State in proportion to their respective populations.






No. XIV.–Senate Concurrent Resolution relative to amending the Constitution of the State of Nevada.


      [Proposed and passed by the fifteenth session of the Nevada Legislature, and passed upon and agreed to by the sixteenth session of said Legislature.]


      Resolved by the Senate, the Assembly concurring, That the Constitution of the State of Nevada be amended as follows:

      Amend section 3 of Article XI. of the Constitution of the State of Nevada so as to read as follows:

      Section three.  All lands including the sixteenth and thirty-sixth sections, in every township, donated for the benefit of public schools in the Act of the thirty-eighth Congress to enable the people of Nevada Territory to form a State government, the thirty thousand acres of public lands granted by an Act of Congress, approved July second, A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty-two, for each Senator and Representative in Congress, and all proceeds of lands that have been or may hereafter be granted or appropriated by the United States or this State, and also the five hundred thousand acres of land granted to the new States under the Act of Congress distributing the proceeds of the public lands among the several States of the Union, approved A. D. eighteen hundred and forty-one; provided, that Congress makes provision for or authorizes such division to be made for the purpose herein contained; all estates that may escheat to the State, all of such percentum as may be granted by Congress on the sale of lands, all fines collected under the penal laws of the State, all property given or bequeathed to the State for educational purposes, and all proceeds derived from any or all of said sources shall be and the same are hereby solemnly pledged for educational purposes, and shall not be transferred to any other fund for other uses, and the interest thereon shall, from time to time, be apportioned among the several counties, as the Legislature may provide by law; and the Legislature shall provide for the sale of floating land warrants to cover the aforesaid lands and for the investment of all proceeds derived from any of the above mentioned sources in United States bonds, or bonds of this State, or the bonds of other States of the Union, or the bonds of the counties or municipalities of this State, or the bonds of water districts of this State; provided, that the interest only of the aforesaid proceeds shall be used for educational purposes, and any surplus interest shall be added to the principal sum; and provided, further, that such portions of said interest, as may be necessary, may be appropriated for the support of the State University.




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provided, further, that such portions of said interest, as may be necessary, may be appropriated for the support of the State University. The Legislature shall never release the obligation of payment of any loan or investment authorized by this section.






No. XV.–Senate Concurrent Resolution relative to amending the Constitution of the State of Nevada.


      [Proposed and passed by the fifteenth session of the Nevada Legislature, and passed upon and agreed to by the sixteenth session of said Legislature.]


      Resolved by the Senate, the Assembly concurring, That the Constitution of the State of Nevada be amended as follows:

      Amend Section 2 of Article VI. of the Constitution of the State of Nevada so as to read as follows:

      Section two.  The Supreme Court shall consist of a Chief Justice and the Judges of the District Court, or courts, as hereinafter provided. The Chief Justice and one District Judge shall constitute a quorum. At each term of court two or more District Judges, selected by the Chief Justice, shall sit with him during the trial of causes, but no District Judge shall sit at the trial of a cause tried by himself in the District Court. The concurrence of a majority of the members of the court, sitting in any cause, shall be necessary to render a decision. The decisions of the court shall be in writing, and prepared by the Chief Justice, unless he disagree with the views of the majority of the members of the court sitting in the cause, in which case the majority of such Judges shall determine by lot which of their number shall prepare the decision, and all decisions shall be signed by the Judges hearing the cause and concurring therein. The Justices of the Supreme Court in office at the time of the ratification of this amendment by the people shall continue in office and have the same rights and privileges, and perform the same duties, as are now provided by the Constitution and laws, until the expiration of their respective terms, and when the term of office of any of said Justices expires from any cause his place shall be filled by selection by the Chief Justice as above provided. The District Judges shall not act as Justices of the Supreme Court, except as above provided, until the expiration from any cause of the respective terms of two of the Justices of the Supreme Court in office at the time of the ratification of this amendment.







No. XVI.–Senate Concurrent Resolution relative to amending the Constitution of the State of Nevada.


      [Proposed and passed by the fifteenth session of the Nevada Legislature, and passed upon and agreed to by the sixteenth session of said Legislature.]


      Resolved by the Senate, the Assembly concurring, That the Constitution of the State of Nevada be amended as follows:



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      Amend section 3 of Article VI. of the Constitution of the State of Nevada so as to read as follows:

      Section three.  A Chief Justice of the Supreme Court shall be elected at the general election in the year A. D. eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, and at the general election every six years thereafter, and shall hold office for the term of six years from the first Monday of January next succeeding his election. Prior to the year A. D. eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, the senior Justice of the Supreme Court in commission shall be Chief Justice.






No. XVII.–Senate Concurrent Resolution relative to amending the Constitution of the State of Nevada.


      [Proposed and passed by the fifteenth session of the Nevada Legislature, and passed upon and agreed to by the sixteenth session of said Legislature.]


      Resolved by the Senate, the Assembly concurring, That the Constitution of the State of Nevada be amended as follows:

      Amend section 11 of Article VI. of the Constitution of the State of Nevada so as to read as follows:

      Section eleven.  The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and the District Judges shall be ineligible to any office, other than a judicial office, during the term for which they shall have been elected, and all elections or appointments of any such Judges by the people, Legislature, or otherwise, during said period to any office other than judicial, shall be void.






No. XVIII.–Senate Concurrent Resolution relative to amending the Constitution of the State of Nevada.


      [Proposed and passed by the fifteenth session of the Nevada Legislature, and passed upon and agreed to by the sixteenth session of said Legislature.]


      Resolved by the Senate, the Assembly concurring, That the Constitution of the State of Nevada be amended as follows:

      Amend section 15 of Article VI. of the Constitution of the State of Nevada so as to read as follows:

      Section fifteen.  The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and the District Judges shall each receive quarterly, for their services, a compensation to be fixed by law, and which shall not be increased or diminished during the term for which they shall have been elected, unless in case a vacancy occurs, in which case the successor of the former incumbent shall receive only such salary as may be provided by law at the time of his election or appointment; and provision shall be made by law for setting apart from each year’s revenue a sufficient amount of money to pay such compensation; provided, that District Judges shall be paid out of the county treasuries of the counties composing their respective districts.




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No. XIX.–Senate Concurrent Resolution relative to amending the Constitution of the State of Nevada.


      [Proposed and passed by the fifteenth session of the Nevada Legislature, and passed upon and agreed to by the sixteenth session of said Legislature.]


      Resolved by the Senate, the Assembly concurring, That the Constitution of the State of Nevada be amended as follows:

      Amend section 21 of Article V. of the Constitution of the State of Nevada so as to read as follows:

      Section twenty-one.  The Governor, Attorney General, and State Treasurer shall constitute a Board of State Prison Commissioners, which Board shall have such supervision of all matters connected with the State Prison as may be provided by law. They shall also constitute a Board of Examiners, with power to examine all claims against the State (except salaries or compensation of officers fixed by law) and perform such other duties as may be prescribed by law, and no claim against the State (except salaries or compensation of officers fixed by law) shall be passed upon by the Legislature without having been considered and acted upon by said Board of Examiners.






No. XX.–Senate Concurrent Resolution relative to amending the Constitution of the State of Nevada.


      [Proposed and passed by the fifteenth session of the Nevada Legislature, and passed upon and agreed to by the sixteenth session of said Legislature.]


      Resolved by the Senate, the Assembly concurring, That the Constitution of the State of Nevada be amended as follows:

      Amend section 22 of Article V. of the Constitution of the State of Nevada so as to read as follows:

      Section twenty-two.  The Attorney General, State Treasurer, State Controller, and Superintendent of Public Instruction shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by law.






No. XXI.–Senate Concurrent Resolution relative to amending the Constitution of the State of Nevada.


      [Proposed and passed by the fifteenth session of the Nevada Legislature, and passed upon and agreed to by the sixteenth session of said Legislature.]


      Resolved by the Senate, the Assembly concurring, That the Constitution of the State of Nevada be amended as follows:

      Amend section 1 of Article VII. of the Constitution of the State of Nevada so as to read as follows:

      Section one.  The Assembly shall have the sole power of impeaching. The concurrence of a majority of all the members elected shall be necessary to an impeachment. All impeachments shall be tried by the Senate, and when sitting for that purpose the Senators shall be upon oath or affirmation to do justice according to law and evidence. The chief Justice of the Supreme Court shall preside over the Senate while sitting to try the Governor, or either the President of the Senate or Speaker of the Assembly while acting as Governor, upon impeachment.



κ1893 Statutes of Nevada, Page 147 (NUMBER 21)κ


the Supreme Court shall preside over the Senate while sitting to try the Governor, or either the President of the Senate or Speaker of the Assembly while acting as Governor, upon impeachment. No person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two-thirds of the Senators elected.






No. XXII.–Senate Concurrent Resolution relative to amending the Constitution of the State of Nevada.


      [Proposed and passed by the fifteenth session of the Nevada Legislature, and passed upon and agreed to by the sixteenth session of said Legislature.]


      Resolved by the Senate, the Assembly concurring, That the Constitution of the State of Nevada be amended as follows:

      Amend section 3 of Article VII. of the Constitution of the State of Nevada so as to read as follows:

      Section three.  For any reasonable cause to be entered on the Journals of each House which may or may not be sufficient grounds for impeachment, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and Judges of the District Court or Courts, shall be removed from office on the vote of two-thirds of the members elected to each branch of the Legislature, and the Justice or Judge complained of shall be served with a copy of the complaint against him, and shall have an opportunity of being heard in person or by counsel in his defense; provided, that no member of either branch of the Legislature shall be eligible to fill the vacancy occasioned by such removal.






No. XXIII.–Senate Concurrent Resolution relative to amending the Constitution of the State of Nevada.


      [Proposed and passed by the fifteenth session of the Nevada Legislature, and passed upon and agreed to by the sixteenth session of said Legislature.]


      Resolved by the Senate, the Assembly concurring, That the Constitution of the State of Nevada be amended as follows:

      Amend section 10 of Article VIII. of the Constitution of the State of Nevada so as to read as follows:

      Section ten.  No county, city, town or other municipal corporation shall become a stockholder in any joint stock company, corporation or association whatever, or loan its credit in aid of any such company, corporation or association, except railroad corporations, companies, or associations; provided, that nothing herein contained shall prevent the formation of water districts in this State and the issuance of bonds of such water districts in aid of water storage and irrigation of the arid lands of such districts; and, provided further, that no such investment shall be made, nor credit loaned, nor bonds issued, unless authorized by a petition of a majority of the duly qualified electors representing more than two-thirds of the taxable property of the county or district to be affected.




κ1893 Statutes of Nevada, Page 148κ



No. XXIV.–Senate Concurrent Resolution relative to amending the Constitution of the State of Nevada.


      [Proposed and passed by the fifteenth session of the Nevada Legislature, and passed upon and agreed to by the sixteenth session of said Legislature.]


      Resolved by the Senate, the Assembly concurring, That the Constitution of the State of Nevada be amended as follows:

      Amend section 16 of Article V. of the Constitution of the State of Nevada so as to read as follows:

      Section sixteen.  All grants and commissions shall be in the name and by the authority of the State of Nevada, sealed with the Great Seal of the State, signed by the Governor, and countersigned by the Attorney General as ex-officio Secretary of State.






No. XXV.–Senate Concurrent Resolution relative to amending the Constitution of the State of Nevada.


      [Proposed and passed by the fifteenth session of the Nevada Legislature and passed upon and agreed to by the sixteenth session of said Legislature.]


      Resolved by the Senate, the Assembly concurring, That the Constitution of the State of Nevada be amended as follows:

      Amend section 14 of Article V. of the Constitution of the State of Nevada so as to read as follows:

      Section fourteen.  The Governor, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Attorney General, or a major part of them, of whom the Governor shall be one, may, upon such conditions and with such limitations and restrictions as they may think proper, remit fines and forfeitures, commute punishments and grant pardons after convictions in all cases except treason and impeachments, subject to such regulations as may be provided by law relative to the manner of applying for pardons.






No. XXVI.–Senate Concurrent Resolution relative to amending the Constitution of the State of Nevada.


      [Proposed and passed by the fifteenth session of the Nevada Legislature, and passed upon and agreed to by the sixteenth session of said Legislature.]


      Resolved by the Senate, the Assembly concurring, That the Constitution of the State of Nevada be amended as follows:

      Amend section 17 of Article V. of the Constitution of the State of Nevada by entirely repealing and striking out the same. This amendment shall not shorten the term nor affect the tenure of office of the present incumbent of the office of Lieutenant Governor.



κ1893 Statutes of Nevada, Page 149κ


No. XXVII.–Senate Concurrent Resolution relative to amending the Constitution of the State of Nevada.


      [Proposed and passed by the fifteenth session of the Nevada Legislature, and passed upon and agreed to by the sixteenth session of said Legislature.]


      Resolved by the Senate, the Assembly concurring, That the Constitution of the State of Nevada be amended as follows:

      Amend section 18 of Article V. of the Constitution of the State of Nevada so as to read as follows:

      Section eighteen.  In case of the impeachment of the Governor or his removal from office, death, inability to discharge the duties of said office, resignation, or absence from the State, the powers, duties, and emoluments of the office shall devolve upon the President of the Senate for the residue of the term, or until the disability shall cease, and in case of the impeachment of the President of the Senate while acting as Governor, or his removal from office, death, inability to discharge the duties of said office, resignation, or absence from the State, the powers, duties, and emoluments of the office shall devolve upon the Speaker of the Assembly for the residue of the term, or until the disability shall cease; but when the Governor shall, with the consent of the Legislature, be out of the State in time of war, and at the head of any military force thereof, he shall continue Commander-in-Chief of the military forces of the State.






No. XXVIII.–Senate Concurrent Resolution relative to amending the Constitution of the State of Nevada.


      [Proposed and passed by the fifteenth session of the Nevada Legislature, and passed upon and agreed to by the sixteenth session of said Legislature.]


      Resolved by the Senate, the Assembly concurring, That the Constitution of the State of Nevada be amended as follows:

      Amend section 19 of Article V. of the Constitution of the State of Nevada so as to read as follows:

      Section nineteen.  An Attorney General, who shall be ex-officio Secretary of State, a Treasurer and a Controller, who shall be ex-officio Surveyor General and Land Register, shall be elected at the same time and places and in the same manner as the Governor. The term of office of each shall be the same as is prescribed for the Governor. Any elector shall be eligible to either of said offices.






No. XXIX.–Senate Concurrent Resolution relative to amending the Constitution of the State of Nevada.


      [Proposed and passed by the fifteenth session of the Nevada Legislature, and passed upon and agreed to by the sixteenth session of said Legislature.]


      Resolved by the Senate, the Assembly concurring, That the Constitution of the State of Nevada be amended as follows:




κ1893 Statutes of Nevada, Page 150 (NUMBER 29)κ



      Amend section 20 of Article V. of the Constitution of the State of Nevada so as to read as follows:

      Section twenty.  The Attorney General, as ex-officio Secretary of State, shall keep a true record of the official acts of the Legislative and Executive Departments of the government, and shall, when required, lay the same, and all matters relative thereto, before either branch of the Legislature.






No. XXX.–Senate Concurrent Resolution relative to amending the Constitution of the State of Nevada.


      [Proposed and passed by the fifteenth session of the Nevada Legislature, and passed upon and agreed to by the sixteenth session of said Legislature.]


      Resolved by the Senate, the Assembly concurring, That the Constitution of the State of Nevada be amended as follows:

      Amend section 1 of Article II. of the Constitution of the State of Nevada so as to read as follows:

      Section one.  Every male citizen of the United States (not laboring under the disabilities named in this Constitution) of the age of twenty-one years and upwards, who shall have been such citizen for at least six months, and who shall have actually, and not constructively, resided in the State six months, and in the district or county thirty days next preceding any election, shall be entitled to vote for all officers that now or hereafter may be elected by the people and upon all questions submitted to the electors at such election; provided, no person who has been or may be convicted of selling his vote or of purchasing the vote of another at any such election, and no person who has been or may be convicted of treason or felony in any State or Territory of the United States, unless restored to civil rights; and no person who, after arriving at the age of eighteen years, shall have voluntarily bourn arms against the United States, and no idiot or insane person shall be entitled to the privilege of an elector.






No. XXXI.–Senate Concurrent Resolution relative to amending the Constitution of the State of Nevada.


      [Proposed and passed by the fifteenth session of the Nevada Legislature, and passed upon and agreed to by the sixteenth session of said Legislature.]


      Resolved by the Senate, the Assembly concurring, That the Constitution of the State of Nevada be amended as follows:

      Amend section 33 of Article IV. of the Constitution of the State of Nevada so as to read as follows:

      Section thirty-three.  The members of the Legislature shall receive for their services a compensation to be fixed by law and paid out of the public treasury, but no increase of such compensation shall take effect during the term for which the members of either house shall have been elected; provided, that an appropriation may be made for the payment of such actual expenses as members of the Legislature may incur for postage,



κ1893 Statutes of Nevada, Page 151 (NUMBER 31)κ


expenses as members of the Legislature may incur for postage, express charges, newspapers and stationery, not exceeding the sum of twenty dollars for any general or special session to each member; and, furthermore provided, that the Speaker of the Assembly and President of the Senate shall each, during the time of their actual attendance as such presiding officers, receive an additional allowance of two dollars per diem.





No. XXXII.–Senate Concurrent Resolution relative to amending the Constitution of the State of Nevada.


      [Proposed and passed by the fifteenth session of the Nevada Legislature, and passed upon and agreed to by the sixteenth session of said Legislature.]


      Resolved by the Senate, the Assembly concurring, That the Constitution of the State of Nevada be amended as follows:

      Amend section 6 of Article IV. of the Constitution of the State of Nevada so as to read as follows:

      Section six.  Each house shall judge of the qualifications, elections, and returns of its own members, choose its own officers, determine the rules of its proceedings, and may punish its members for disorderly conduct, and with the concurrence of two-thirds of all the members elected expel a member.





No. XXXIII.–Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 7, relative to amending the Constitution of the State of Nevada.


      [Proposed and passed by the fifteenth session of the Nevada Legislature, and passed upon and agreed to by the sixteenth session of said Legislature.]


      Resolved by the Assembly, the Senate concurring, That the Constitution of the State of Nevada be amended as follows:

      Amend section (7) seven, Article (II.) two, of the Constitution of the State of Nevada so as to read as follows:

      Section seven.  The Legislature shall provide by law for the payment of an annual poll tax of not less than two nor exceeding four dollars from each male person resident in the State between the ages of twenty-one and sixty years (uncivilized America Indians excepted), one-half to be applied for county purposes, and one-half to be applied to the School Fund in the county where said poll tax is collected, and the Legislature may, in its discretion, make such payment a condition to the right of voting.





No. XXXIV.–Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 4, relative to amending section 1 of Article X. of the Constitution of the State of Nevada.


      [Proposed and passed by the fifteenth session of the Nevada Legislature, and passed upon and agreed to by the sixteenth session of said Legislature.]


      Resolved by the Assembly, the Senate concurring, That the Constitution of the State of Nevada be amended as follows:




κ1893 Statutes of Nevada, Page 152 (NUMBER 34)κ



      Amend section 1 of Article X. of the Constitution of the State of Nevada so as to read as follows:

      Section one.  The Legislature shall provide by law for a uniform and equal rate of assessment and taxation, and shall prescribe such regulations as shall secure a just valuation for taxation of all property, real, personal and possessory, except unpatented mines and unpatented mining claims, the proceeds of which alone shall be taxed, and also excepting such property as may be exempted by law for municipal, educational, literary, scientific, religious, or charitable purposes.






No. XXXV.–Senate Concurrent Resolution relative to amending the Constitution of the State of Nevada.


      [Proposed and passed by the fifteenth session of the Nevada Legislature, and passed upon and agreed to by the sixteenth session of said Legislature.]


      Resolved by the Senate, the Assembly concurring, That the Constitution of the State of Nevada be amended as follows:

      Amend section 35 of Article IV. of the Constitution of the State of Nevada so as to read as follows:

      Section thirty-five.  Every bill which may have passed the Legislature shall, before it becomes a law, be presented to the Governor. If he approve it he shall sign it, but if not, he shall return it with his objections to the house in which it originated, which house shall cause such objections to be entered upon its Journal and proceed to reconsider it. If after such reconsideration it again pass both houses by yeas and nays, by a vote of two-thirds of the members elected to each house, it shall become a law, notwithstanding the Governor’s objections. If any bill shall not be returned within five days after it shall have been presented to him (Sundays excepted), exclusive of the day on which he received it, the same shall be a law in like manner as if he had signed it, unless the Legislature, by its final adjournment, prevent such return, in which case it shall be a law, unless the Governor, within ten days next after the adjournment (Sundays excepted), shall file such bill, with his objections thereto, in the office of the Attorney General, as ex-officio Secretary of State, who shall lay the same before the Legislature at its next session in like manner as if it had been returned by the Governor, and if the same shall receive the vote of two-thirds of the members elected to each branch of the Legislature, upon a vote taken by yeas and nays to be entered upon the Journals of each house, it shall become a law.






No. XXXVI.–Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 51, relative to amending the Constitution of the State of Nevada.


      [Proposed and passed by the fifteenth session of the Nevada Legislature, and passed upon and agreed to by the sixteenth session of said Legislature.]


      Resolved by the Senate, the Assembly concurring, That the Constitution of the State of Nevada be amended as follows:



κ1893 Statutes of Nevada, Page 153 (NUMBER 36)κ


      Amend Article XVIII. (eighteen) of the Constitution of the State of Nevada by adding thereto a section to be numbered when added, which shall read as follows:

      Section -.  The Legislature may provide by law that he who exercises the right of registering and voting shall be required to exhibit such a knowledge of the English language, written and spoken, as to enable him to read aloud the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Nevada.






No. XXXVII.–Senate Concurrent Resolution relative to amending the Constitution of the State of Nevada.


      [Proposed and passed by the fifteenth session of the Nevada Legislature, and passed upon and agreed to by the sixteenth session of said Legislature.]


      Resolved by the Senate, the Assembly concurring, That the Constitution of the State of Nevada be amended as follows:

      Amend section 4 of Article V. of the Constitution of the State of Nevada so as to read as follows:

      Section four.  The returns of every election for Governor and other State officers, voted for at the general election, shall be sealed up and transmitted to the seat of government, directed to the Attorney General as ex-officio Secretary of State, and on the third Monday of December, succeeding such election, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and two of the District Judges, to be selected by the Chief Justice, or a majority thereof, shall meet at the office of the Attorney General, as ex-officio Secretary of State, and open and canvass the election returns for Governor, and all other State officers, and forthwith declare the result and publish the names of the persons elected. The persons having the highest number of votes for the respective offices shall be declared elected, but in case any two or more have an equal, and the highest number of votes for the same office, the Legislature shall, by joint vote of both houses, elect one of said persons to fill said office.





No. XXXVIII.–Senate Concurrent Resolution relative to amending the Constitution of the State of Nevada.


      [Proposed and passed by the fifteenth session of the Nevada Legislature, and passed upon and agreed to by the sixteenth session of said Legislature.]


      Resolved by the Senate, the Assembly concurring, That the Constitution of the State of Nevada be amended as follows:

      Amend section 12 of Article XV. of the Constitution of the State of Nevada so as to read as follows:

      Section twelve.  The Governor, Attorney General, State Treasurer, State Controller and Superintendent of Public Instruction shall keep their respective offices at the seat of government.