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ê1968 Statutes of Nevada, 13th Special Session, Page 69ê


Resolutions and Memorials




Senate Resolution No. 1–Committee on Legislative Functions




SENATE RESOLUTION–Relating to the appointment of attaches.


      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, That the following named persons be, and they hereby are, elected as attaches of the senate for the 1968 special session of the legislature of the State of Nevada: Jane Gily, Jean Hanna, Patricia Gatz, Leonelle Lowrance, Viola Bonawitz, Annette Esposito, Genevieve Cronin, Grace Dirrim, Irene Cline, Kristine Ball, Dean Miller and Michael Glenn.





Senate Resolution No. 2–Committee on Legislative Functions




SENATE RESOLUTION–Providing an allowance for each member and the president of the senate for periodicals, stamps and stationery.


      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, That the sum to be allowed each member and the president of the senate for the 1968 special session for periodicals, stamps and stationery, as provided by law, be the sum of $30, and the same be certified by the president and the secretary to the state controller, who is authorized to draw his warrants therefor on the legislative fund, and the state treasurer is thereafter authorized to pay the same.





Assembly Resolution No. 1–Mr. Glaser




ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Providing an allowance for each member of the assembly for periodicals, stamps and stationery.


      Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, That the sum to be allowed each member of the assembly for the 1968 special session for periodicals, stamps and stationery, as provided by law, be the sum of $30, and that the same be certified by the speaker and chief clerk to the state controller, who is authorized to draw his warrants therefor on the legislative fund, and the state treasurer is thereafter authorized to pay the same.





ê1968 Statutes of Nevada, 13th Special Session, Page 70ê



Assembly Resolution No. 2–Committee on Legislative Functions




ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Relating to the employment of attaches.


      Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, That the following named persons be and they hereby are elected as attaches of the assembly for the 1968 special session of the legislature of the State of Nevada: Mouryne B. Landing, Theresa Loy, Carol L. Moore, Pauline V. Topken, J. Wallace Cudworth, Dan E. Scott, Tara M. Romaggi, Harold J. Berger, Gerald M. Freeman, Ila Harvey, Marylou Keever, Barbara J. Wood, Helen T. Boegle, Betty M. Carver, Lavelle I. Johnson, Dorothea J. Rodax and Susan E. Torvik.





Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 1–Committee on Legislative Functions




ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Assemblyman Edward T. (Mickey) Delaney.


      Whereas, On September 9, 1967, the people of the State of Nevada suffered a loss by the death of the beloved and respected former Assemblyman Edward T. (Mickey) Delaney; and

      Whereas, Mr. Delaney was a lifelong resident of Eureka, Nevada, actively serving his community in civic affairs; and

      Whereas, Mr. Delaney served as constable in Eureka in 1926, county clerk of Eureka County from 1927 until 1959 and then served in the 1961, 1963 and 1965 regular sessions and the 1964, 1965 and 1966 special sessions of the Nevada legislature; and

      Whereas, Mr. Delaney cast one of Nevada’s three electoral votes in the 1964 presidential election; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, the Senate concurring, That the heartfelt condolences of the members of the 1968 special session of the legislature of the State of Nevada are hereby extended to the surviving family and relatives of the late Edward T. (Mickey) Delaney; and be it further

      Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be prepared and transmitted forthwith by the legislative counsel to the surviving brother of the deceased, Mr. James Delaney.





Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 1–Senators Lamb, Herr, Bunker, Gibson, Christensen, Brown, Hecht, Alleman, Slattery, Hug, Farr, Young and Harris




SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Urging the state planning board to expedite the authorized construction of cottages for mentally retarded children in Washoe County and Clark County.


      Whereas, The needs to be served by the construction of cottages for mentally retarded children in Washoe County at the Nevada state hospital and in Clark County are a vital concern of the people of the State of Nevada; and




ê1968 Statutes of Nevada, 13th Special Session, Page 71 (FILE NUMBER 6, SCR 1)ê


and in Clark County are a vital concern of the people of the State of Nevada; and

      Whereas, Such construction has been authorized and appropriation made therefor by chapter 520, Statutes of Nevada 1967; and

      Whereas, The state planning board selected architects for the construction on April 27, 1967, 2 days after such law became effective; and

      Whereas, Proceeds from the sale of general obligation state securities were not credited to the state planning board in the state treasury for its use in authorizing the architects to proceed with work on the master plan and design of such cottages until October 17, 1967; and

      Whereas, By projecting the architectural work underway, it is estimated that the Washoe County construction will not be completed until December 1968 and the Clark County construction will not be completed until December 1969; and

      Whereas, It may be anticipated that the procedures involved in obtaining federal approval could occasion further delay in construction; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, the Assembly concurring, That the state planning board take whatever steps may be required in its judgment to minimize further delay in the authorized construction of cottages for the mentally retarded children; and be it further

      Resolved, That copies of this resolution be transmitted forthwith by the legislative counsel to the manager, chairman and each member of the state planning board.





Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 4–Committee on Legislative Functions




ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late District Judge Donald M. Leighton.


      Whereas, The residents of Humboldt County and of the entire state suffered a great loss on June 19, 1967, by the untimely passing of the esteemed Donald M. Leighton; and

      Whereas, Donald M. Leighton was a native of Wells, Nevada, educated in the schools of that city and graduated from the University of Nevada; and

      Whereas, Few persons served the people of his state in so many capacities as the late Donald M. Leighton, who, in addition to being a civic leader and respected attorney, was a major in the United States Army Air Corps during World War II, Winnemucca city attorney, Humboldt County district attorney, and district judge of the Sixth Judicial District; and

      Whereas, Judge Leighton served with distinction for two terms in the Nevada legislature as assemblyman from Humboldt County; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, the Senate concurring, That the members of the 1968 special session of the legislature of the State of Nevada express their sorrow to the family of the late Donald M.



ê1968 Statutes of Nevada, 13th Special Session, Page 72 (FILE NUMBER 7, ACR 4)ê


Donald M. Leighton and tender them their deepest sympathy; and be it further

      Resolved, That copies of this resolution be prepared and transmitted forthwith by the legislative counsel to the surviving widow and children of the deceased.





Senate Resolution No. 3–Senators Dodge, Alleman, Brown, Bunker, Christensen, Farr, Fisher, Fransway, Gibson, Harris, Hecht, Herr, Hug, Lamb, Monroe, Pozzi, Slattery, Swobe, Titlow and Young




SENATE RESOLUTION–Memorializing Abraham Lincoln on the anniversary of his birth.


      Whereas, One hundred fifty-nine years ago today in a primitive log cabin in Kentucky a man was born who would become a great leader of his country in one of its darkest hours of civil strife; and

      Whereas, Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States, through his inspiring and self-sacrificing leadership and the example he set by word and deed caused his country to reject the horrors of involuntary servitude and give true meaning to the dignity of man; and

      Whereas, This body may look to the precepts established by the works of this man and gain courage as it attempts to further his efforts to create a society dedicated to human freedom; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, That when this body adjourns today it do so in memory of Abraham Lincoln and in honor of the day of his birth.





Senate Joint Resolution No. 1–Senators Slattery, Fransway, Monroe, Harris, Hug, Farr, Young, Swobe and Alleman




SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Protesting the discontinuance of passenger services in Nevada requested by the Southern Pacific and Western Pacific railroads.


      Whereas, The Southern Pacific Company has petitioned the Interstate Commerce Commission for permission to discontinue its City of San Francisco passenger service through northern Nevada; and

      Whereas, The Western Pacific Railroad Company has petitioned the Interstate Commerce Commission for permission to discontinue its California Zephyr passenger service through northern Nevada; and

      Whereas, The granting of either of these petitions would be extremely detrimental to the economy of northern Nevada; and

      Whereas, The granting of both of these petitions would have the additional effect of leaving northern Nevada with no passenger train service whatsoever; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Senate and the Assembly of the State of Nevada, jointly, That the Interstate Commerce Commission is hereby memorialized to deny the petitions of both the Southern Pacific and Western Pacific railroads requesting permission to discontinue their passenger train services in Nevada; and be it further




ê1968 Statutes of Nevada, 13th Special Session, Page 73 (FILE NUMBER 9, SJR 1)ê


Pacific railroads requesting permission to discontinue their passenger train services in Nevada; and be it further

      Resolved, That copies of this resolution be prepared and transmitted forthwith by the legislative counsel to the Secretary of Transportation, each member of the Interstate Commerce Commission, each member of the Nevada congressional delegation, each member of the Public Service Commission of Nevada and to the Southern Pacific Company and Western Pacific Railroad Company.





Assembly Resolution No. 3–Committee on Legislative Functions




ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Memorializing Abraham Lincoln on the anniversary of his birth.


      Whereas, The 16th President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, was born on February 12, 1809; and

      Whereas, Lincoln was a man dedicated to the principles of justice and freedom upon which our Nation is founded; and

      Whereas, Lincoln rose to lead the American people through 4 years of internal armed strife during which time the very foundations of our Nation were threatened; and

      Whereas, Because of this service to his country, his words and deeds have lived beyond his age and his memory is revered throughout the entire world; and

      Whereas, The State of Nevada entered the Union of states during this critical period in the history of our Nation when Abraham Lincoln served as its President; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, That when this body adjourns today it do so in honor of the birthday of Abraham Lincoln and that members of this body renew their dedication to the principles for which he stood.





Assembly Resolution No. 4–Messrs. Viani and Smith




ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Commending former Assemblyman Charles A. Hendel.


      Whereas, Charles A. Hendel has served the people of the State of Nevada in many capacities for more than 50 years; and

      Whereas, Charley became well known during his 4 terms in the Nevada assembly as a dynamic voice of the people; and

      Whereas, Former Assemblyman Hendel was constantly on the alert for methods through which problems confronting Nevada citizens and relating to mining, water and veterans could be solved in a manner most beneficial to all of Nevada; and



ê1968 Statutes of Nevada, 13th Special Session, Page 74 (FILE NUMBER 11, AR 4)ê


      Whereas, He has since continued to be a leader in counseling the legislature of the State of Nevada in its efforts to reach solutions to such problems; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, That this body extends its commendation to former Assemblyman Charles A. Hendel for his untiring efforts, both past and present, in behalf of the people of this state; and be it further

      Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be prepared and transmitted forthwith by the legislative counsel to Charles A. Hendel.





Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 7–Committee on Legislative Functions




ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Assemblyman George B. Russell.


      Whereas, George B. Russell, member of a pioneer Nevada ranching family and a dedicated public servant throughout most of his life, passed away on October 18, 1967; and

      Whereas, Mr. Russell, born in 1878, was a native of Elko, Nevada, engaged in the printing and newspaper business there for 25 years, and represented Elko County as an assemblyman in the legislative sessions of 1907 and 1913; and

      Whereas, After his appointment as treasurer of the State of Nevada in 1927 he was reelected for two additional terms; and

      Whereas, George B. Russell founded the Carson City Chronicle in 1934, engaged in other business ventures in Carson City, and received the highest honors which could be awarded by Masonic orders of this state; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, the Senate concurring, That the condolences of the members of this 1968 special session of the legislature of the State of Nevada are hereby extended to the surviving relatives of the late George B. Russell; and be it further

      Resolved, That copies of this resolution be transmitted forthwith by the legislative counsel to former Governor Charles Russell, Col. Russell Chapin, Mrs. Norman Pedersen and Mrs. Ellen Russell, nephews and nieces of the deceased.





ê1968 Statutes of Nevada, 13th Special Session, Page 75ê



Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 2–Senators Titlow, Gibson, Lamb, Brown, Fisher, Alleman, Bunker, Christensen, Dodge, Farr, Fransway, Harris, Hecht, Herr, Hug, Monroe, Pozzi, Slattery, Swobe and Young




SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late District Judge Peter Breen.


      Whereas, On November 24, 1967, the people of the State of Nevada suffered an irretrievable loss through the death of Peter Breen, who was district judge of the Fifth Judicial District for more than 10 years; and

      Whereas, Judge Breen, a native of Eureka, Nevada, entered the field of law in this state in 1923, practicing in several Nevada communities until appointed district attorney of Esmeralda County in 1939, a post he held until his appointment as district judge; and

      Whereas, “Pete” Breen was always respected as a civic leader, as a judge who administered justice fearlessly and fairly and as a person who always worked to better the welfare of the children wherever he lived; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, the Assembly concurring, That the members of the 1968 special session of the legislature of the State of Nevada express their profound sorrow on the untimely passing of the late Peter Breen and tender to his family their condolences; and be it further

      Resolved, That copies of this resolution be prepared and transmitted forthwith by the legislative counsel to the surviving widow and children of the deceased.





Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 8–Mr. Wilson




ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commemorating National Negro History Week.


      Whereas, The study of Negro life and history has served and will serve to highlight the importance of the Negro’s contribution to the development of the United States of America as a Nation; and

      Whereas, For a number of years the Society for the Study of Negro Life and History has sponsored a week during the month of February for the observance of this worthy purpose; and

      Whereas, The Nevada Chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People have requested that the State of Nevada participate in this national effort on behalf of the Negro people; and

      Whereas, The governor of the State of Nevada has proclaimed the week of February 11-17, 1968, as National Negro History Week; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, the Senate concurring, That the legislature joins with the governor in recognition of this period of observance; and be it further



ê1968 Statutes of Nevada, 13th Special Session, Page 76 (FILE NUMBER 14, ACR 8)ê


      Resolved, That the legislature congratulates the Negro people of the United States and of the State of Nevada upon their contribution to the development of our Nation, and wishes them a future of continued achievement.





Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 10–Committee on Legislative Functions




ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late assemblyman and civic leader, John E. Horgan.


      Whereas, The members of the 1968 special session of the legislature of the State of Nevada have learned with profound sorrow and regret of the passing of civic leader and former Assemblyman John E. Horgan, on October 26, 1967; and

      Whereas, Mr. Horgan was born in Bally Bunion, County Kerry, Ireland, on June 14, 1881, and came to Nevada at the turn of the century; and

      Whereas, Mr. Horgan worked in the mining camps of Wonder, Goldfield and Tonopah before moving to Reno in 1907 to work in railroading and eventually in the hardware business; and

      Whereas, During the many years Mr. Horgan was engaged in the hardware business, he found time to serve his community in many ways, being active in civic, service and religious groups, receiving through the latter, membership in the Order of the Knights of St. Gregory, an honor conferred upon him specially by the Pope; and

      Whereas, Mr. Horgan was also active in governmental affairs, serving as assemblyman in the 1935 legislature of the State of Nevada, and as a member of the state planning board and the state welfare board; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, the Senate concurring, That the sincere and deep sorrow of the State of Nevada is hereby expressed to the surviving family of the late John E. Horgan; and be it further

      Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be prepared and transmitted forthwith by the legislative counsel to the widow and surviving sons of the deceased.





Senate Joint Resolution No. 2–Senators Alleman, Brown, Bunker, Christensen, Dodge, Farr, Fisher, Fransway, Gibson, Harris, Hecht, Herr, Hug, Lamb, Monroe, Pozzi, Slattery, Swobe, Titlow and Young




SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging management and labor to bring to a speedy conclusion the copper strikes in White Pine County and Lyon County.


      Whereas, Mining is the industry responsible for the creation of this state and has since made vast contributions to its growth and prosperity; and



ê1968 Statutes of Nevada, 13th Special Session, Page 77 (FILE NUMBER 16, SJR 2)ê


      Whereas, The large copper industries of White Pine County and Lyon County have ceased to operate for several months last past because of differences existing between labor and management; and

      Whereas, Such cessation has wrought devastating economic injury to such counties and resulted in financial loss to all of the residents of this state; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Senate and Assembly of the State of Nevada, jointly, That the representatives of the labor and management forces involved in the copper strikes in White Pine County and Lyon County are urged to make every effort to resolve the differences existing between them and to reach a speedy and equitable decision benefiting all concerned; and be it further

      Resolved, That copies of this resolution be prepared and transmitted forthwith by the legislative counsel to the Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary of Labor, the Director of the United States Bureau of Mines, and the representatives of management and labor of the Kennecott Copper Corporation and the Anaconda Company.





Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 11–Washoe and Storey Counties Delegation




ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Expressing appreciation to the trustees of the Hiram Edward Manville Foundation for the million-dollar gift to the proposed University of Nevada medical school.


      Whereas, The development of a medical school at the University of Nevada is dependent upon support from the private sector of the economy; and

      Whereas, The Hiram Edward Manville Foundation has established an outstanding record of supporting institutions of higher education; and

      Whereas, The recent announcement by Mr. H. Edward Manville, Jr., one of the foundation trustees, that the foundation had made a gift of a million dollars to the University of Nevada for the proposed medical school is evidence of real interest in the promotion of such a school at the University of Nevada at Reno; and

      Whereas, Such generous support is deserving of publicly acknowledged gratitude; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, the Senate concurring, That the trustees of the Hiram Edward Manville Foundation are commended for this substantial gift and the public spirit which has prompted it; and be it further

      Resolved, That this legislature, representing the people of this state, extends its appreciation to the trustees of the foundation for the benefits made possible by this gift; and be it further

      Resolved, That copies of this resolution be prepared and transmitted forthwith by the legislative counsel to each member of the Board of Trustees of the Hiram Edward Manville Foundation.





ê1968 Statutes of Nevada, 13th Special Session, Page 78ê



Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 12–Committee on Legislative Functions




ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the late Assemblyman Robert O. Gibson.


      Whereas, The members of the 1968 special session of the legislature of the State of Nevada have learned with deep regret of the death of former Assemblyman Robert O. Gibson on June 29, 1967, in Las Vegas, Nevada; and

      Whereas, Mr. Gibson was a champion of education in southern Nevada for many years, serving on the board of trustees of St. Thomas School for 14 years and on the board of trustees of the Clark County School District for 12 years and being instrumental in the consolidation of school districts in Moapa and Virgin valleys; and

      Whereas, In recognition of his contribution to education a junior high school in Las Vegas, Nevada, bears his name; and

      Whereas, Mr. Gibson was active in community affairs and served his church as a bishop and patriarch; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, the Senate concurring, That the members of the 1968 special session of the legislature of the State of Nevada hereby extend their condolences to the surviving family and relatives of the late Robert O. Gibson; and be it further

      Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be prepared and transmitted forthwith by the legislative counsel to the surviving family of Mr. Gibson.





Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 13–Mr. Lowman




ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Designating February 19, 1968, as Nevada Boy Scout Day; inviting boy scout representatives to be the guests of the legislature on that day; and commending the Boy Scouts of America for their fine programs.


      Whereas, The Boy Scouts of America, nearly 6,000,000 members strong, is the largest youth organization dedicated to character building in the world today; and

      Whereas, All Nevadans are proud of the outstanding program, in terms of both growth and effectiveness, offered by the Nevada Area Council and the Boulder Dam Area Council of the Boy Scouts of America; and

      Whereas, The self-reliance, good citizenship and personal fitness program of scouting is more important in the world of today than at any other time in history; and

      Whereas, This legislature joins with the people of Nevada in being justifiably proud of Nevada youth who are participating in scouting; and

      Whereas, Nevada boy scouts have a rate of twice the national average in advancement to Eagle Scout, which is the American ideal of high achievement, and have for the past 3 years led all others in the Nation in membership growth; and



ê1968 Statutes of Nevada, 13th Special Session, Page 79 (FILE NUMBER 19, ACR 13)ê


      Whereas, The scouting program has continually emphasized the scout’s responsibilities in the following order-God, country, others and self; and

      Whereas, Boy Scout Week commemorating the 58th anniversary of scouting in America was celebrated from February 7 to February 13; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, the Senate concurring, That February 19, 1968, be declared to be Nevada Boy Scout Day; and be it further

      Resolved, That the custom of state official participation in the citizenship-training phase of scouting be continued by inviting outstanding boy scout representatives of the Nevada Area Council and the Boulder Dam Area Council to sit with members of the assembly during the morning session on February 19, 1968, and that the boy scout representatives be the luncheon guests of the individual legislators on that day; and be it further

      Resolved, That the people of the State of Nevada commend the Boy Scouts of America for the teaching of Americanism, citizenship, leadership and other admirable qualities in our youth; and be it further

      Resolved, That copies of this resolution be transmitted by the legislative counsel to the Nevada Area Council and the Boulder Dam Area Council of the Boy Scouts of America.





Assembly Resolution No. 5–Committee on Legislative Functions




ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Memorializing George Washington on the anniversary of his birth.


      Whereas, February 22, 1968, marks the 236th anniversary of the birth of George Washington, father of our country and first President of the United States of America; and

      Whereas, His life was one of devoted service to mankind and without his devotion our country may not have shed the shackles of tyranny or established a government of the people, by the people and for the people; and

      Whereas, As a citizen, soldier and statesman, he exhibited the virtues of honesty and courage and his dedication to noble purpose will continue to inspire his countrymen throughout time; and

      Whereas, His appearance on the stage of life enriched the heritage of all Americans and created the freedom and liberty we now enjoy; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, That when this body adjourns today it do so in honor of the 236th anniversary of the birth of George Washington.





ê1968 Statutes of Nevada, 13th Special Session, Page 80ê



Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 15–Mrs. Brookman, Messrs. Kean, Schouweiler, Torvinen, Webb, Lingenfelter, Mrs. Frazzini, Messrs. Howard, McKissick, Dini, Wood, Jacobsen, Petrini, Mello and Miss Foote




ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commending the members of the Nevada Air National Guard for their service to Nevada and the United States of America in their recent call to active duty.


      Whereas, On January 27, 1968, the Nevada Air National Guard was called to active duty by the President of the United States; and

      Whereas, The more than 700 members of the Nevada Air National Guard responded to this call to duty at great personal sacrifice to them and their families; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, the Senate concurring, That the members of the Nevada Air National Guard and their families are hereby commended by this special session of the Nevada legislature for their devotion to duty and their service to the State of Nevada and the United States of America; and be it further

      Resolved, That the legislative counsel is hereby directed to prepare a copy of this resolution and to deliver it forthwith to the commanding officer of the Nevada Air National Guard.





Senate Resolution No. 4–Committee on Legislative Functions




SENATE RESOLUTION–Memorializing George Washington on the anniversary of his birth.


      Whereas, George Washington was born on February 22, 1732; and

      Whereas, He was one of the early leaders of our country’s struggle for independence and became its first President, the “father of his country”; and

      Whereas, His success as a private citizen, as a patriot and as a servant of his country have given inspiration to many generations of Americans; and

      Whereas, He is honored and esteemed by all who have studied his noble accomplishments; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, That when this body adjourns today it do so in honor of the accomplishments and contributions of George Washington, the first President of our great Nation.





ê1968 Statutes of Nevada, 13th Special Session, Page 81ê



Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 5–Senators Slattery and Farr




SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Commemorating the 1968 Jumping Frog Jubilee.


      Whereas, The history of the West is replete with accounts of momentous events which have formed and shaped the spirit of our world today; and

      Whereas, One of the most memorable of these was occurring quietly in our neighboring state of California at the time Nevada was emerging as a state; and

      Whereas, In 1865, Mark Twain first called the world’s attention to the jumping frogs of Calaveras County by immortalizing the sad exploits of the greatest of them all, Dan’l Webster; and

      Whereas, Those gallant frogs typify the competitive spirit of our Nation today, and undoubtedly went a long way toward inspiring it; and

      Whereas, The residents of Angel’s Camp, home of jumpin’ Dan’l Webster, not wanting this Spirit of Calaveras County to be lost to mankind, have annually conducted jumping contests between stout-hearted frogs of all nations eager to perpetuate the memory of their pioneer ancestors who did so much to advance and instill in all the spirit of today’s world; and

      Whereas, This contest, which must rank second only to the International Olympic Games in sheer competitive spirit, will be held in May of this year in Angel’s Camp, Calaveras County, California; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, the Assembly concurring, That this special session of the Nevada legislature hereby solemnly commemorates the 1968 enactment of the Jumping Frog Jubilee in Calaveras County, California; and be it further

      Resolved, That copies of this resolution be prepared by the legislative counsel and delivered forthwith to Vrle T. Minto, Mayor of Frogtown, Angel’s Camp, California.





Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 2–Messrs. McKissick and Wood




ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Encouraging adoption and publicizing of “Ski Reno” by certain public agencies.


      Whereas, Reno and the “Silver Circle” of which it is a part are immediately adjacent to the world’s finest winter sports area; and

      Whereas, Of the more than 4 million winter sports enthusiasts many are still unaware of the resorts, accommodations, entertainment and transportation available to them in the Reno area which make such area the true mecca of winter sports; and

      Whereas, Recognition as the mecca of winter sports enthusiasts will cause a great influx of people visiting the “Silver Circle” area with the attendant result of increased economic benefits to the citizens of the entire state; now, therefore, be it




ê1968 Statutes of Nevada, 13th Special Session, Page 82 (FILE NUMBER 24, ACR 2)ê


attendant result of increased economic benefits to the citizens of the entire state; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, the Senate concurring, That cities and counties within the “Silver Circle” and state departments disseminating information about Nevada to other states and areas are encouraged to adopt “Ski Reno” and publicize it throughout North America; and be it further

      Resolved, That copies of this resolution be prepared and transmitted forthwith by the legislative counsel to the boards of county commissioners of Washoe, Ormsby and Storey counties, the city councils of Reno, Sparks and Carson City and the town board of Virginia City, the state highway engineer, and the director of the department of economic development of the State of Nevada.





Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 6–Mr. McKissick




ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Requesting name change of Washoe County Fair to Nevada State Fair.


      Whereas, The only fair held in the State of Nevada approaching the magnitude of a state fair is the one held annually in Washoe County; and

      Whereas, The Washoe County Fair has been held for 14 consecutive years on land owned by the State of Nevada and leased to Washoe County; and

      Whereas, Redesignation of such fair as the Nevada State Fair would stimulate greater attention among persons within and without the state; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, the Senate concurring, That the Washoe County Agricultural and Industrial Fair Board be requested to designate the fair held annually under its auspices as the Nevada State Fair; and be it further

      Resolved, That copies of this resolution be prepared and transmitted forthwith by the legislative counsel to the secretary of the Washoe County Agricultural and Industrial Fair Board and the chairman of the board of county commissioners of Washoe County.





ê1968 Statutes of Nevada, 13th Special Session, Page 83ê



Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 14–Messrs. Ashworth, Bishop, Bowler, Mrs. Brookman, Mr. Dini, Miss Dungan, Mr. Espinoza, Miss Foote, Mrs. Frazzini, Messrs. Garfinkle, Getto, Glaser, Bryan Hafen, Tim Hafen, Hilbrecht, Homer, Howard, Jacobsen, Kean, Lingenfelter, Lowman, McKissick, Manning, May, Mello, Petrini, Prince, Schouweiler, Smith, Swackhamer, Torvinen, Mrs. Tyson, Messrs. Viani, Webb, White, Wilson, Wood, Frank Young, Roy Young and Close




ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the legislative commission to study the narcotic and drug problem and suggest improvements in the state laws to the 55th session of the legislature.


      Whereas, There has been an alarming increase in illegal narcotic and drug use across the Nation and in Nevada; and

      Whereas, An examination of the laws and procedures relating to such use is necessary to cope more adequately with the problem; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, the Senate concurring, That the legislative commission is hereby directed to make a study of laws relating to the illegal use of narcotics and drugs and the policies and procedures relating to the enforcement of such laws and treatment and rehabilitation of offenders, and to report the results of such study, including any recommendations for revision of the Nevada statutes, to the 55th session of the Nevada legislature.





Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 20–Washoe and Storey Counties Delegation




ASSEMBLY CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Congratulating the recipients of the annual awards presented by the Sierra Nevada Sportswriters and Broadcasters Association.


      Whereas, Annually, the Sierra Nevada Sportswriters and Broadcasters Association, recognizes with awards the accomplishments and services of northern Nevada athletes, coaches and sportsmen; and

      Whereas, Such group recently announced that those to be honored at its annual banquet to be held Sunday, February 25, 1968, are George Puce as Athlete of the Year for his outstanding track performances, Senator C. Clifton Young as Sportsman of the Year for his unselfish service to the field of wildlife conservation, and Ray Gonsalves, Wooster High School football coach, and Claude Mabry, Reno High School track coach, as Cocoaches of the Year; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, the Senate concurring, That the members of this special session of the legislature of the State of Nevada extend to George Puce, Senator C. Clifton Young, Ray Gonsalves and Claude Mabry their congratulations on their receipt of the coveted awards annually presented to those outstanding in the field of sports by the Sierra Nevada Sportswriters and Broadcasters Association; and be it further



ê1968 Statutes of Nevada, 13th Special Session, Page 84 (FILE NUMBER 27, ACR 20)ê


      Resolved, That copies of this resolution be prepared and transmitted forthwith by the legislative counsel to George Puce, Senator C. Clifton Young, Ray Gonsalves, Claude Mabry, and the Sierra Nevada Sportswriters and Broadcasters Association.





Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 3–Committee on Taxation




SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the legislative commission to make a study of potential harm in the application of NRS 361.157 and 361.159 and propose corrective legislation to the 55th session of the legislature.


      Whereas, It appears that there are potentially harmful results which may occur as a result of the application of the tax assessed upon initially exempt real and personal property leased, used or made available to a private individual, association or corporation for profit; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, the Assembly concurring, That the legislative commission is directed to study the ramifications of the application of NRS 361.157 and 361.159, report the results of such study and make recommendations for any appropriate corrective legislation to the 55th session of the legislature of the State of Nevada.





Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 7–Senators Brown, Alleman, Bunker, Christensen, Dodge, Farr, Fisher, Fransway, Gibson, Harris, Hecht, Herr, Hug, Lamb, Monroe, Slattery, Swobe, Titlow and Young




SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Extending condolences to Senator Archie Pozzi upon the death of his mother.


      Whereas, The news of the death of Mrs. Leola Pozzi, mother of Senator Archie Pozzi was received with sorrow by the members of the 1968 special session of the Nevada legislature; and

      Whereas, Each member appreciates the additional burden this places upon Senator Pozzi at a time when he is extensively involved with the affairs of this state; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, the Assembly concurring, That the members of the legislature of the State of Nevada hereby extend to Senator Pozzi their deepest regret and sincere sympathy in this hour of his bereavement.





ê1968 Statutes of Nevada, 13th Special Session, Page 85ê



Senate Joint Resolution No. 4–Committee on Finance




SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Calling the attention of the Federal Government to the urgent financial condition of the state resulting from the impact of Title XIX.


      Whereas, The state plan for assistance to the medically indigent, enacted pursuant to Title XIX of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. §§ 1396-1396d), has encountered unanticipated costs; and

      Whereas, It became necessary to place an additional appropriation request therefor on the agenda of the special session of the 1968 legislature; and

      Whereas, The costs of such plan are spiraling and no relief is in sight; and

      Whereas, The people of the State of Nevada are already heavily burdened with taxes and have nearly exhausted all available tax sources; and

      Whereas, Moneys must, therefore, be diverted from other programs essential to the future development of the state in order to continue the state’s participation in the plan for assistance to the medically indigent; and

      Whereas, The State of Nevada does not have a population basis of sufficient size to carry the costs of such a plan without federal matching funds; and

      Whereas, Administrative control of such costs, for all practical purposes, rests with the Federal Government; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Senate and Assembly of the State of Nevada, jointly, That the Ways and Means Committee of the House of Representatives is requested to undertake an immediate study of the cost control provisions of the Title XIX program with a view to recommending drastic reforms in the administration of the program; and be it further

      Resolved, That copies of this resolution be prepared and transmitted forthwith by the legislative counsel to the chairman and each member of the Ways and Means Committee of the House of Representatives and to each member of the Nevada congressional delegation.





Assembly Joint Resolution No. 4–Messrs. Dini, Prince, Howard, Getto, Viani, Bryan Hafen and Swackhamer




ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging modification of the Wholesome Meat Act and seeking financing through the Small Business Administration.


      Whereas, The Wholesome Meat Act, 81 Stat. 584 (1967), amending the Federal Meat Inspection Act, 21 U.S.C. 71, was approved December 15, 1967; and

      Whereas, At the heart of this new federal enactment is the requirement of periodic surveys of nonfederally inspected meat plants; and



ê1968 Statutes of Nevada, 13th Special Session, Page 86 (FILE NUMBER 31, AJR 4)ê


      Whereas, The federal standards established therefor are excessively rigorous; and

      Whereas, Many of the affected local meat packing and processing plants would find compliance with such standards extremely onerous; and

      Whereas, Such compliance would bear no reasonable relationship to any appropriate end to be served by a less ambitiously drawn, albeit effectively drawn, meat inspection act; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Assembly and Senate of the State of Nevada, jointly, That this legislature respectfully but earnestly memorializes the Congress of the United States to amend the Wholesome Meat Act by removing the provisions therein which are unnecessary to a truly effective inspection program and which, presently, place an undue financial burden on many local meat packing and processing plants; and be it further

      Resolved, That, the above recommended course failing, this legislature respectfully but earnestly memorializes the Congress of the United States to make whatever provision may be necessary to allow such local plants ready access to the lending facilities of the Small Business Administration to finance their individual compliance through plant changes; and be it further

      Resolved, That copies of this resolution be prepared and transmitted forthwith by the legislative counsel to the Secretary of Agriculture and to each member of the Nevada congressional delegation.





Assembly Joint Resolution No. 2–Messrs. Glaser, Roy Young, Bryan Hafen, Lingenfelter, Getto and Tim Hafen




ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the Congress of the United States and all agencies of the Federal Government concerned with the acquisition or administration of water rights in Nevada to recognize the paramount authority of the state and urging Nevada’s congressional delegation to support S. 2530, 90th Cong., 1st sess.


      Whereas, The people of the State of Nevada are interested in maintaining the integrity of the state’s authority to control the acquisition and administration of all water rights within its boundaries; and

      Whereas, There is an increasing apprehension over threatened federal encroachment in the area of this historic authority; and

      Whereas, Such threat is associated with the withdrawal or reservation of public lands by the United States Government; and

      Whereas, Such threat is magnified by the fact that the preponderance of the land area of the State of Nevada is owned by the United States Government; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Assembly and Senate of the State of Nevada, jointly, That this legislature respectfully but earnestly memorializes the Congress of the United States and all agencies of the Federal Government concerned with the acquisition or administration of water rights in the State of Nevada:



ê1968 Statutes of Nevada, 13th Special Session, Page 87 (FILE NUMBER 32, AJR 2)ê


      1.  To recognize that the Federal Government shall not be deemed to have acquired any water rights as a result of the reservation or withdrawal of public lands;

      2.  To direct all federal agencies, licensees and project beneficiaries to comply with state water laws; and

      3.  To provide adequate safeguards for water rights established under state water laws against potentially harmful action by federal agencies, licensees and project beneficiaries; and be it further

      Resolved, That the legislature memorializes the members of the Nevada congressional delegation to support S. 2530 as introduced in the Senate of the Ninetieth Congress of the United States, First Session, to the extent that such legislation, as finally enacted, effectuates the policy of the State of Nevada respecting federal recognition of the authority of the State of Nevada to control the acquisition and administration of water rights within its boundaries, as expressed in this resolution; and be it further

      Resolved, That copies of this resolution be prepared and transmitted forthwith by the legislative counsel to the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture, to each member of the Nevada congressional delegation and to the Council of State Governments.





Assembly Joint Resolution No. 1–Messrs. Glaser and Roy Young




ASSEMBLY JOINT RESOLUTION–Urging the Chief of the United States Forest Service to revise the policy statement of the Forest Service to harmonize with state law controlling the acquisition and administration of water rights.


      Whereas, The United States Forest Service has issued a policy statement indicating a claim to ownership of waters underneath, rising upon or flowing across lands of the national forest system based upon the reservation of such public lands by the United States Government; and

      Whereas, This policy statement seriously conflicts with the well-established authority of each state to control the acquisition and administration of water rights within its boundaries; and

      Whereas, The implementation of this policy statement would give the United States Government, as landowner, undue and improper advantage over other water users who are required by appropriate state law to initiate and perfect their water rights under the long-established appropriation doctrine followed by the laws of the western states; and

      Whereas, The watershed management policy of the United States Forest Service can and should be implemented in such a way as to serve the needs of the United States Government without violating appropriate state laws; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Assembly and Senate of the State of Nevada, jointly, That the Chief of the United States Forest Service is urged to revise the policy statement of the United States Forest Service so that the acquisition and administration of water rights on national forest land will be clearly understood to be undertaken in harmony with appropriate state water law; and be it further




ê1968 Statutes of Nevada, 13th Special Session, Page 88 (FILE NUMBER 33, AJR 1)ê


understood to be undertaken in harmony with appropriate state water law; and be it further

      Resolved, That copies of this resolution be prepared and transmitted forthwith by the legislative counsel to each member of the Nevada congressional delegation, the Secretary of Agriculture and the Chief of the United States Forest Service.





Senate Resolution No. 6–Committee on Legislative Functions




SENATE RESOLUTION–Authorizing the payment of a per diem expense allowance from the legislative fund to the secretary of the senate.


      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, That pursuant to the provisions of NRS 218.235, when a proper claim is filed with the director of the legislative counsel bureau and approved by him pursuant to law, there shall be paid to the secretary of the senate, Leola H. Armstrong, from the legislative fund the sum of $300 as a per diem expense allowance for the 1968 special session of the legislature of the State of Nevada.





Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 6–Senator Alleman




SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Urging action by United States foreign policy leaders and citizens of France to repair breach in Franco-American relations.


      Whereas, The alliance between France and the United States has been, for over 100 years, one of the greatest forces on the side of freedom; and

      Whereas, The recent words and actions of Charles deGaulle, President of France, have contributed to a growing disunity among nations long known for their opposition to the tyrannical rule created in countries adopting communism; and

      Whereas, Communism is the common enemy of France, the United States and all other nations comprising the free world; and

      Whereas, President deGaulle has given aid and comfort to those in France who are aligned on the side of communism and by such actions has furthered the cause of communism to the detriment of the citizens of France and elsewhere; and

      Whereas, The people of the United States understandably resent these actions by President deGaulle and such resentment results in reactions which can only be detrimental to the welfare of both peoples; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, the Assembly concurring, That the legislature of the State of Nevada urges the foreign policy leaders of our Nation to do all possible to cement the breach presently existing between France and the United States; and be it further




ê1968 Statutes of Nevada, 13th Special Session, Page 89 (FILE NUMBER 35, SCR 6)ê


leaders of our Nation to do all possible to cement the breach presently existing between France and the United States; and be it further

      Resolved, That this body urges the citizens of France actively to dissuade their president from his present course of conduct by saying in a loud and distinct voice:


Mr. President,

       To aid the supporters of communism is to aid those who would destroy the democratic principles upon which our republic is founded. The United States has long been the acknowledged leader in the battle against tyranny and an ally who has twice saved us from the ravages of despotism. Let us, therefore, go forward together, Mr. President, to help our true friends.

M. le Président,

       Aider les amis du communisme, c’est aider ceux qui voudraient détruire les principes démocratiques sur lesquels est fondée notre république. Les Etats-Unis est depuis longtemps en première ligne — avouons-le — de la bataille contre la tyrannie, un allié qui nous a deux fois sauvés des ravages du despotisme. Marchons alors ensemble, M. le Président, à l’aide de nos vrais amis.





Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 8–Committee on Finance




SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Urging the department of health, welfare and rehabilitation to adopt administrative practices calculated to effect economies in the Title XIX program.


      Whereas, Since the adoption of 1967 of a state plan for assistance to the medically indigent, pursuant to Title XIX of the Social Security Act, the legislature of the State of Nevada has become increasingly aware of the rapidly mounting cost of the plan and its serious implication for the fiscal health of the state; and

      Whereas, It has been the intention of the legislature form the beginning and so remains that the state embark upon an assistance program which will satisfy the bare, minimum requirements of the law; and

      Whereas, The very nature of the assistance offered places a heavy responsibility upon those administering the program to limit its benefits to those actually entitled under the law to such assistance; and

      Whereas, The legislature views with apprehension the limited amount of administrative control that can be exercised by the state; and

      Whereas, Notwithstanding such limitation, the legislature is persuaded that a careful case-by-case approach and a strict observance of certain administrative practices herein urged upon the department of health, welfare and rehabilitation will result in securing the benefits of the program to those lawfully entitled thereto by making the best possible use of the limited funds available to accomplish the true purpose of the program; and

      Whereas, It cannot be stressed emphatically enough that there shall be no extension of the plan for assistance to the medically indigent without direct legislative approval; now, therefore, be it




ê1968 Statutes of Nevada, 13th Special Session, Page 90 (FILE NUMBER 36, SCR 8)ê


be no extension of the plan for assistance to the medically indigent without direct legislative approval; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, the Assembly concurring, That the department of health, welfare and rehabilitation is hereby commended for sensing that the accelerating cost of the state plan for assistance to the medically indigent was leading the state into financial straits; and be it further

      Resolved, That the department is hereby especially commended for initiating steps requiring preauthorization for treatment and care; but be it further

      Resolved, That the department is hereby urged to adopt and adhere to the following administrative practices in the spirit which it has already displayed of recognition for the grave financial position into which the people of the State of Nevada have been thrust:

      1.  Cooperate to the fullest extent possible with the legislative commission in whatever study may be assigned to it by the legislature for the purpose of seeking a solution to the problems associated with the plan;

      2.  Limit the benefits of the plan strictly to those for whom the plan was created;

      3.  Exert maximum effort to require preauthorization for as much of the treatment and care as is permitted within the elasticity of such federal and state regulations as are made; and

      4.  Use every effort, through proper administrative discretion and control, to keep the existing program under constant surveillance; and be it further

      Resolved, That a copy of this resolution be prepared and transmitted forthwith by the legislative counsel to the director of the department of health, welfare and rehabilitation.





Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 9–Committee on Finance




SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Directing the legislative commission to study the state plan for assistance to the medically indigent to achieve greater equity for the state in its participating role.


      Whereas, Chapter 369, Statutes of Nevada 1967, amending chapter 428 of NRS, established a state plan for assistance to the medically indigent, pursuant to Title XIX of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. §§ 1396-1396d); and

      Whereas, This plan has only been in force since July 1, 1967; and

      Whereas, Despite this brief experience under the plan, moneys heretofore appropriated by the legislature of the state of Nevada for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this chapter are woefully inadequate; and

      Whereas, This inadequacy prompted the governor to include in his message to the special session of the 1968 legislature of the State of Nevada a request that additional appropriations totaling $1,800,000 be made from the general fund in the state treasury to the Title XIX fund for the fiscal years 1967-1968 and 1968-1969; and



ê1968 Statutes of Nevada, 13th Special Session, Page 91 (FILE NUMBER 37, SCR 9)ê


      Whereas, Serious misgivings now assail the minds of the members of this legislature regarding not only the skyrocketing costs of this plan for assistance to the medically indigent but also regarding the state’s role vis-a-vis the Federal Government in its administration and control; and

      Whereas, There is a real sense of urgency in the assessment of the state’s ability to discharge its responsibilities under this plan; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, the Assembly concurring, That the legislative commission is hereby directed to conduct a study of the state plan for assistance to the medically indigent established pursuant to Title XIX of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. §§ 1396-1396d) to determine:

      1.  The consequences of restoring plans for public medical assistance in lieu of the Title XIX provisions, including, but not limited to, the possibility of the Federal Government’s withdrawing support in other areas of public assistance as a result of the state’s withdrawal from the Title XIX plan;

      2.  The cost of continuing the plan, recognizing that assistance under the plan may be extended to cover medically indigent of all ages and that the matching funds may be reduced below the present 50 percent participation level;

      3.  Methods of control that may be developed by the state to establish eligibility for assistance under the plan, availability of liens as a method of enforcing responsibility for benefits received and the suitability of rate or fee schedules for medical or remedial care under the plan;

      4.  The cost experience of counties in providing assistance to beneficiaries in the age group from 21 years to 65 years of age; and

      5.  What legislative action is required for the state to achieve greater equity in its participation in this federal-state plan; and be it further

      Resolved, That the legislative commission assign top priority to this study; and be it further

      Resolved, That the legislative commission is hereby directed to make a report of such study and recommend any proposed legislation to the 55th session of the legislature of the State of Nevada.





Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 10–Committee on Finance




SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Requesting the Western Conference of the Council of State Governments to seek congressional relief for states from inequities in Title XIX.


      Whereas, The legislature of the State of Nevada at the 54th session enacted a state plan for assistance to the medically indigent, pursuant to Title XIX of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. §§ 1396-1396d); and

      Whereas, Moneys heretofore appropriated by the legislature for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this plan are glaringly insufficient; and



ê1968 Statutes of Nevada, 13th Special Session, Page 92 (FILE NUMBER 38, SCR 10)ê


      Whereas, Alarming reports are coming to the attention of this legislature regarding the rapidly accelerating costs and the inadequate administrative and control safeguards, seemingly characteristic of this plan; and

      Whereas, The working relationship under this plan between the Federal Government and each of the participating state governments, ideally as well as practically, should be marked by mutually shared administrative control, at least commensurate with the proportionate financial contribution made by each level of government; and

      Whereas, In fact, the state has little or no real administrative control over such vital aspects of the plan as eligibility for benefits and the setting of rate and fee schedules; and

      Whereas, Without a greater share of the administrative control over this plan, the state may well find itself embarked on an involuntary course of financial ruin; and

      Whereas, Undoubtedly the experience of other, participating state governments would bear witness to the universality of the problem and the urgency of its solution; and

      Whereas, It is in the best interest of the people of the State of Nevada to invite other affected states to join with it in prosecuting a vigorous appeal to the Congress of the United States for relief from the many inequities inherent in Title XIX as enacted and as implemented by the Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare; and

      Whereas, It should be abundantly plain that such appeal has mustered the full political power of all affected states; and

      Whereas, The Western Conference of the Council of State Governments is admirably and uniquely suited to the role of advocate in this potentially disruptive aspect of the vital, federal-state relationship; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, the Assembly concurring, That the Western Conference of the Council of State Governments, on behalf of all the states associated with it, is hereby requested to perfect and prosecute an appeal for congressional relief, for all participating states, from the manifold inequities found in Title XIX of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. §§ 1396-1396d), which are presently producing great financial hardship and which have the potential of ruinous consequences if allowed to go unchecked; and be it further

      Resolved, That the Western Conference is hereby requested to place this critical subject on the agenda for its Los Angeles meeting scheduled for November of this year; and be it further

      Resolved, That copies of this resolution be transmitted forthwith by the legislative counsel to the Director of the Western office of the Council of State Governments; and be it further

      Resolved, That the Director of the Western office of the Council of State Governments is requested in turn to transmit copies of this resolution, provided for such purpose, to all member states of the Western Conference and to the other Conferences of the Council of State Governments.





ê1968 Statutes of Nevada, 13th Special Session, Page 93ê



Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 11–Committee on Legislative Functions




SENATE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION–Providing for the compensation of certain clergy for services rendered to the 1968 special session of the Nevada legislature.


      Whereas, During the 1968 special session of the legislature the clergy of the city of Carson City, representing various denominations, have rendered daily religious services to the legislature; and

      Whereas, A reasonable compensation for such services is the sum of $300; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Senate of the State of Nevada, the Assembly concurring, That the state controller is authorized and directed to pay the sum of $300 out of the legislative fund to the following named individuals and in the respective amounts designated, as compensation for religious services rendered during the 1968 special session of the Nevada legislature: The Very Reverend Hugh P. Smith, the sum of $75; the Reverend Robert G. Pumphrey, the sum of $75; the Reverend John H. Emerson, the sum of $50; the Reverend C. Harold Van Zee, the sum of $50; the Reverend Daniel Bloomquist, the sum of $25; and Rabbi Jack E. Frankel, the sum of $25.





Senate Joint Resolution No. 3–Senator Monroe




SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION–Memorializing the Interstate Commerce Commission to investigate the possibility of the joint operation of northern Nevada service by the Southern Pacific and Western Pacific railroads.


      Whereas, The Southern Pacific Company and the Western Pacific Railroad Company have petitioned the Interstate Commerce Commission for permission to discontinue certain passenger train service through northern Nevada; and

      Whereas, Daily passenger train service through northern Nevada may be maintained by a consolidation or pooling of trains of both companies, thereby preserving the growing service areas lying between the San Francisco Bay area, northern California communities, northern Nevada communities and easterly points; now, therefore, be it

      Resolved by the Senate and Assembly of the State of Nevada, jointly, That the Interstate Commerce Commission is hereby memorialized to investigate the possibility of such companies’ consolidating or pooling their operations in order that passenger train service through northern Nevada will be preserved; and be it further

      Resolved, That copies of this resolution be prepared and transmitted forthwith by the legislative counsel to the Secretary of Transportation, each member of the Interstate Commerce Commission, each member of the Nevada congressional delegation, each member of the Public Service Commission of Nevada and to the Southern Pacific Company and Western Pacific Railroad Company.





ê1968 Statutes of Nevada, 13th Special Session, Page 94ê



Assembly Resolution No. 6–Committee on Legislative Functions




ASSEMBLY RESOLUTION–Authorizing the payment of a per diem expense allowance from the legislative fund to the chief clerk of the assembly.


      Resolved by the Assembly of the State of Nevada, That pursuant to the provisions of NRS 218.237, when a proper claim is filed with the director of the legislative counsel bureau and approved by him pursuant to law, there shall be paid to the chief clerk of the assembly, Nathan T. Hurst, from the legislative fund the sum of $300 as a per diem expense allowance for the 1968 special session of the legislature of the State of Nevada.
