[Rev. 5/3/2022 8:19:12 PM]




Acts Repealed—

      Relative to promote habits of temperance, 16.

      Relative to noxious animals, 39.

      Relative to convict labor, 39.

      Relative to government unincorporated towns, 51.

      Relative to taxation on dogs, 68.

Adams, ex-Governor J. W. —

      Act to purchase portrait, 27.

Additional Territory—

      Act giving consent to acquire, 36.

Advertising, official—

      Rates fixed, 135.

Agricultural associations, district—

      State aid granted to, 103.

      Duty of Board of Directors, 103.

Agricultural Society—

      State aid granted to, 35.

      Duty of Board of Directors, 36.

      Commissioners of Examination and Reward, relating to, 100.

Amendments to the Constitution—

      How submitted, 122.

      Passed in 1885, 165.

      Introduced in 1887, 165.

Animals, DOMESTIC—

      Importation of diseased animals prohibited, 52.

Animals, noxious—

      Destruction of, 25.

      Act for the destruction of, 38.


      Act giving consent for additional territory, 36.


      Close season, 113.

Applicants and Contractors to purchase lands—

      Rights defined, 124.


      Legislative Fund, 13.

      James Williams, 16.

      To pay deficiencies for 1885 and 1886, 21.

      To pay for removing Pacific Coast Pioneers’ cabinet, 28

      For relief of C. S. Young, 29.

      For portrait of ex-Governor J. W. Adams, 27.

      For State University, 30.

      For Agricultural Society, 35.

      For meteorological reports, 70.

      For weather service station, 72.

      For deficiencies in the Contingent University Fund, 88.

      For purchase J. W. Parker’s map, 96.

      For surveying railroads, 97.

      For Commissioners of Examination and Rewards, 100.

      For District Agricultural Associations, 103.

      For payment of O. H. Gallup, 104.

      For payment of Chas. E. Laughton, 104.

      For procuring wild rice, 108.

      For support of civil Government of Nevada, 114.

      For construction of fire-proof vault, 123.

      For Nevada Silver Association, 137.

      For Wm. M. Havenor, 138.

arbor day—

      Established, 51.

artesian wells—

      To encourage sinking, 119.


      Sheriffs to be after 1890, 77.

      Deputies may be appointed when, 77.

      Duties relative to State Immigration Bureau, 91.

      When to assess property, 98.

      Land Register to furnish township plats to, 112.

      To keep plat subject to inspection, 112.

      State Land Register to furnish list of lands applied for, 118.


      See County Auditor.


      District Judge may reside at, 20.


Badge of the grand army of the republic—

      Punishment for wearing same in certain cases, 31.


      Unlawful to kill or trap before April 1, 1897, 45.


      Not allowed to vote, 107.

births and deaths—

      Act to provide for recording, 89.

board of capitol COMMISSIONERS—

      Board created, 40.

      Duties of, 40.

Board of Commissioners to erect fire-proof vault—

      Created, 123.

Board of Commissioners for care of insane—

      Board Created, 39.

Board of Education, state—

      Duties of, 17.

Board of examination and reward—

      Created, 99.

      Duties of, 99.

      Governor to appoint successors, 99.

      Appropriation for, 100.

      Oath of office, 100.

Board of examiners—

      Duty relative to portrait of ex-Governor Adams, 28.

      Duty relative to Agricultural Society, 36.

      To examine into Indian depredation claims, 40.

      To pass upon claim for meteorological reports, 70.

      To pass upon claim of Director weather service station, 71.

      To pass upon claim of J. W. Parker for maps, 95.

      To pass upon claim surveying railroads, 97.

      To pass upon claim Commission of Examination and Reward, 100.

Board of Military auditors—

      Duty of, 131.

Board of Regents—

      Duties of, 30.

      Board constituted, 43.

Board of State Prison commissioners—

      May grant six days a month commutation to prisoners, 9.


      Lincoln county to issue bonds for railroad, 14.

      For Indian school in Ormsby county, 23.

      For White Pine Court House and Hospital, 34.

      Washoe county to issue, to pay for bridges across Truckee river, 48.

      Lyon county to issue, to pay the $25,000 debt, 49.

      White Pine county to issue bonds for Nevada and Southwestern Railway, 60.

      Lincoln county to issue bonds for Nevada and Southwestern Railway, 60.

      Nye county to issue bonds for Nevada and Southwestern Railway, 60.

      Esmeralda county to issue bonds for Nevada and Southwestern Railway, 60.

      Humboldt county to issue bonds for Nevada, Idaho and Montana Railway Co., 73.

Bonds and undertakings—

      An Act to facilitate the giving, 86.


      For destruction of noxious animals, 25.

Bureau of immigration—

      Created, 90.



      Of Pacific Coast Pioneers, donated to State, 28.

Capitol Commissioners—

      To accept Cabinet from Pacific Coast Pioneers of Virginia City, 28.

      Board created, 40.

      Duties of, 40.

Carson City, Nevada—

      A weather service station, 70.

      District Judge may reside at, 20.


      Act relating to, 72.

      False certificates of registration, 105.

central pacific railroad—

      Price of land within and without the limits, 32.


      Doors to open inwardly and outwardly, 135.

      Law to take effect, 135.

Church of jesus christ of latter-day saints—

      Members of same not allowed to vote, 107.

churchill county—

      Commissioners to provide a hospital, 59.

      Compensation of county officers, 106.

cigars and cigarettes—

      Misdemeanor to sell to children under 18 years of age, 80.

cities and towns—

      Act relating to the government of, 117.

city treasury—

      Liquor license to be paid into, when, 114.

civil government of the state of nevada—

      Appropriation for support of, 114.

civil practice act—

      Affidavit on attachment, 55.

      Compensation of jurors, 62.

      Property exempt from execution, 78.

      Misdemeanor for District Attorney and partner to appear as opposing counsel in same suit, 81.

      Giving of bonds and undertakings, 87.

      Motion to dissolve injunction, 91.

      Appeal, when taken, 92.

      Undertaking on appeal, 92.

      Insolvent debtors, when proceedings stayed, 110.

      On recovery of real property, 111.

      Where two or more persons claim the same land, 119.

      Manner of drawing juries, 121.

close season—

      As to fish in Humboldt river, 68.

      As to antelope, 113.

      As to elk, 113.

      As to deer, 113.

      As to mountain sheep, 113.

commissioners for indian school—

      Who appointed, 23.

commission of examination and reward—

      Created, 99.

      Duties of, 99.

      Governor to appoint successors, 99.

      Appropriation for, 100.

      Oath of office, 100.


      When six days a month commutation may be granted to prisoners, 96.

Concert saloons—

      Act relating to, 95.

Consolidation of county offices—

      District Attorneys to be ex officio Superintendent of Schools, 73.

      Law to take effect, 73.

      Sheriffs to be ex-officio Assessors, 77.

      Law to take effect, 77.

      County Clerks to be ex. officio County Treasurers, 86.

      District Attorneys to be ex-officio Superintendents of Schools, 86.

      Law to take effect only in certain countries, 86.


      Act relating to, 37.

      Act relating to, 65.

      Act relating to, 134.

Constitutional amendments—

      How submitted, 122.

      Passed in 1885, 165.

      Introduced in 1887, 165.

contractors and applicants to purchase lands—

      Rights defined, 124.


      See State Controller.


      Act relating to, 66.

convict labor—

      Law relating to repealed, 39.

court houses—

      Doors to open inwardly and outwardly, 135.

      Law to take effect, 135.

      One to be constructed at Ely, White Pine county, 33.


      Bounty on, 25.

county auditors—

      Volunteer reports of meteorological observations, 72.

      To fill out licenses for Sheriff, 33.

      Duty relative to school law, 139.

county clerk—

      To be ex-officio County Treasurer in certain counties, 86.

county commissioners—

      Duties of in Lincoln county, 14.

      Duties of in Nye county, 17.

      Duties of in Ormsby county, 23.

      Duties of throughout the State, 25.

      Duties of in Esmeralda county, 26.

      Duties of in White Pine county, 27.

      Duties of throughout the State, 33.

      Duties of in White Pine county, 33.

      Duties of throughout the State, 39.

      Duties of in Esmeralda county, 42.

      Duties of in Washoe county, 48.

      Duties of in Lyon county, 49.

      Duties of in Elko county, 53.

      Duties of throughout the State, 57.

      Duties of in Churchill county, 59.

      Duties of in White Pine county, 60.

      Duties of in Lincoln county, 60.

      Duties of in Nye county, 60.

      Duties of in Esmeralda county, 60.

      Duties of in Lincoln county, 63.

      Duties of in Humboldt county, 74.

      Duties of throughout the State, 77.

      Duties of in Elko county, 80.

      Duties of throughout the State, 89.

      Duties of in Lyon county, 98.

      Duties of throughout the State, 102.

      Duties of throughout the State, 108.

      Duties of in Eureka county, 111.

      Duties of throughout the State, 111.

      Duties of throughout the State, 120.

      Duties of throughout the State, 121.

      Duties of in Storey county, 121.

      Duties of throughout the State, 123.

      Duties of throughout the State, 125.

      Duties of in Ormsby county, 126.

      Duties of in White Pine county, 131.

      Duties of in Washoe county, 134.

      Duties of throughout the State, 139.

County officers—

      Compensation in Douglas county, 20.

      Compensation in Lander county, 29.

      Entitled to legal opinion from District Attorney without fee, 53.

      Compensation in Nye county, 56.

      Compensation in Lincoln county, 63.

      Compensation in Washoe county, 69.

      Act relating to fees and compensation, 76.

      Compensation of Deputy Assessors, 77.

      Duties in counties through which the Humboldt river runs, 68.

      Duties in regard to law preventing drunkenness in office, 65.

      Compensation in Churchill county, 106

      Only County Commissioners authorized to purchase supplies, 108.

      Compensation of Sheriff in Eureka county, 111.

      Compensation in Lyon county, 117.

      Compensation in Elko county, 125.

      Compensation in Ormsby county, 126.

County officers, consolidation of—

      District Attorneys to be ex-officio Superintendents of Schools, 73.

      Law to take effect, 73.

      Sheriffs to be ex-officio Assessors, 77.

      County Clerks to be ex-officio County Treasurers, 86.

      District Attorneys to be ex-officio Superintendents of Schools, 86.

      Law to effect only certain counties, 86.

County recorders—

      To procure record books, 67.

      To record births and deaths, 89.

      Sworn statement relative to artesian wells to be filed with, 120.

      Relative to assessment work on mines, 136.

County seat—

      Ely, county seat of White Pine county after August 1, 1887, 27.

County superintendent of schools—

      District Attorney to be ex-officio after January 1, 1889, 73.

      Not to be elected in 1888 in certain counties, 86.

      Duty as to J. W. Parker’s map, 96.

      Duty of, 139.

County Treasurers—

      Treasurer not to be elected in 1888 in certain counties, 86.

      County Clerks to be ex-officio County Treasurers in certain counties, 86.

crimes and punishments—

      Defining and punishing embezzlement, 81.

      Conspiracy to defraud, 82.

      Misdemeanor for District Attorney and partner to appear as opposing counsel in same suit, 81.

      To wear badge of the Grand Army of the Republic in certain cases, 31.

      To sell or give liquor to Indians, 37.

      To trap or kill beaver or otter, 45.

      To import or sell domestic animals affected with disease, 52.

      To not enforce law preventing drunkenness in office, 65.

      To not enforce law relative to fish in Humboldt river, 68.

      To not enforce law relative to protecting live stock from disease, 72.

      To violate law relative to selling cigars, cigarettes and tobacco, 80.

      Relative to houses of prostitution, 84.

      To misbrand or mismark stock with intent to defraud, 88.

      Relative to false certificates of births or deaths, 90.

      Relative to violating law relative to boots and shoes, 94.

      Relative to obtaining false certificates of registrations of cattle and other animals, 105.

      Relative to manufacturing or procuring dynamite machines, 113.

      Unlawful to keep a vicious dog, 137.

Criminal Practice act—

      Competent evidence as to houses of ill-fame, 84.


Dance House—

      Act relating to, 84.

      Act relating to, 95.


      Penalty, when, 113.

Deaths and births—

      Act to provide for recording, 89.

Debtors, insolvent—

      Relief of, 94.

      When proceedings may be stayed, 110.

Deceased persons—

      Act to regulate settlement of estates, 31.


      Close season, 113.


      Appropriation to pay, 21.

      Appropriation to pay, 88.

Deputy assessors—

      May be appointed when, 77.

Diseased live stock—

      Not to be driven on public highways, 72.

District agricultural associations—

      State aid granted to, 103.

      Duties of Directors, 103.

district Attorney—

      To give legal opinions to county and township officers without fee, 52.

      To be ex-officio Superintendent of Schools after January 1, 1889, 73.

      Misdemeanor to appear as opposing counsel with partner in same suit, 81.

      Misdemeanor not to enforce the law relative to houses of prostitution, 84.

      Duties relative to law preventing drunkeness in office, 65.

      Duties relative to fishing in Humboldt river, 68.

      To be ex-officio Superintendent of Schools in certain counties, 86.

District judges—

      Where to reside, 20.


      Relative to waste ditches, 83.


      Tax on same repealed, 68.

      Unlawful to keep vicious dogs, 137.

domestic animals—

      Importation of diseased animals prohibited, 52.

douglas county—

      Compensation of county officers, 20.

drunkenness in office—

      Act to prevent, 65.


      Unlawful to manufacture or procure dynamite machines, 113.

      Felony, 113.


education, state board—

      Duties of, 17.


      Oath required, 107.

      Of School Trustees, 139.


      Qualifications to vote for School Trustees, 140.


      Close season, 113.


      District Judge may reside at, 20.

elko county—

      One District Judge may reside in Elko, 21.

      County Commissioners to reimburse paid-up subscribers to University Fund, 53.

      Act relating to fees and compensations, 76.

      Commissioners authorized to pay J. B. Fitch $1,000, 80.

      Leave of absence granted to District Attorney, 82.

      To pay N. Tobias for teaching school, 101.

      Compensation of county officers in, 125.

Ellis, A. C.—

      Member of Commission of Examination and Reward, 99.


      County seat of White Pine county after August 1, 1887, 27.


      Defining and punishing, 81.

Esmeralda county—

      Treasurer to refund certain school money, 26.

      County Hospital to be erected at Hawthorne, 42.

      To issue bonds for Nevada and Southwestern Railway, 60.

estates of deceased persons—

      Act to regulate settlement of estates, 31.


      District Judge may reside at, 20.

eureka county—

      One District Judge may reside in Eureka, 20.

      Act relating to fees and compensation, 76.

      Sheriff’s fees in certain cases, 110.


False Pretenses—

      Punishment for obtaining false registration certificates of cattle and other animals, 105.

Farrell, M. J.—

      Member of Commission of Examination and Reward, 99.


      Officers in Douglas county, 20.

      Officers in Lander county, 29.

      Justice of the Peace, 37.

      Constable, 37.

      Justice of the Peace for bounty certificates, 39.

      In Justice Courts, 63.

      Act relating to, 76.

      Act relating to, 86.

      Recorder for births and deaths, 89.

      Sheriff in Eureka county, 110.

      Officers in Ormsby county, 126.

      Act referring to, 134.

      For Mining Recorder, 137.


      Selling liquor to Indians, 37.

      Embezzlement when, 81.

      Manufacturing or procuring dynamite machines, 113.

      If doors in certain buildings do not open inwardly and outwardly, 136.


      From selling liquor to Indians to be paid into School Fund, 38.

      From violation of penal laws to be paid into the State Treasury, 122.


      Protected in Humboldt river, 67.

Fish commissioner—

      To procure and distribute wild rice, 108.

fitch, J. B.—

      To receive $1,000 from Elko county, 80.


      Relative to waste ditches, 83.


      False certificates of registration, 105.

friend, C. W.—

      Meteorological reports purchased from, 69.


gallup, O. H.—

      Payment for services as State Librarian, 104.

Game, wild—

      Act relating to, 45.

      Act relating to, 113.


      Member of Board for Care of Indigent Insane, 39.

      Regent of the State University, 43.

      Duties relative to Indian war claims, 41.

      Duties relative to lands, 46.

      To make proclamation of Arbor Day, 51.

      To appoint Director of weather service station, 71.

      To appoint successors to Commissioners of Examination and Reward, 99.

      Duties as Commander-in Chief, 101.

      Duties relative to a State loan, 109.

      Member of board to construct vault, 123.

grand army of the republic—

      Punishment in certain cases to wear badge of, 31.

growing crops—

      May mortgage, 66.


      Act relating to, 58.



      Ceases to be county seat of White Pine county after August 1, 1887, 27.

havenor, william M.—

      Reimbursed for money expended as Commissioner to North, Central and New Orleans Exposition, 137.


      Act relative to opening, 56.

      Certain diseased live stock not to be driven on, 72.

      Office of Road Supervisor abolished, 99.

      Act, when to take effect, 99.

hofer, T. R.—

      Warrant for benefit Nevada Silver Association, 137.


      Act relating to, 72.

      False certificates of registration, 105.


      Act relating to, 72.

      False certificates of registration, 105.

Howell, john—

      Member of Commission of Examination and Reward, 99.

Humboldt county—

      One District Judge may reside at Winnemucca, 21.

      To issue bonds for Nevada, Idaho and Montana Railway Company, 73.

      Act relating to fees and compensations, 76.

humboldt river—

      Fish protected in, 67.

      Close season in, 68.

hurdy-Gurdy houses—

      Law relative to, 84.

      Law, where applicable, 84.

      Act relative to, 95.



      Consent to acquire Southern Idaho, 36.

Ill-fame, houses of—

      Not to be kept within 400 yards of school houses, 84.

      Law where applicable, 84.

Immigration bureau—

      Created, 90.

incorporated cities—

      When liquor license to be paid into city treasury, 114.


      School established for, 23.

      Punishment for selling liquor to, 37

      Depredation and war claims to be examined into, 40.

indian school—

      Established in Ormsby county, 23.

indigent insane—

      Board for the care of created, 39.


      Motion to dissolve, 91.

      Appeal when taken, 92.

      Undertaking on appeal, 92.


      Board for the care of created, 39.

insolvent debtors—

      Relief of, 94.

      When proceedings shall be stayed, 110.


      Act to prevent, 65.


      Legal rate seven per cent. per annum, 82.



      Secretary of State to appoint for committee rooms, 22.

Judges, district—

      Where to reside, 20.

      To charge grand juries relative to drunkeness in office, 65.


      District Judges, where to reside, 20.


      Manner of drawing, 121.


      Compensation of, 62.

justice’s court—

      Fees, 63.

justice of the peace—

      Act relating to, 37.

      Fees for bounty certificates, 39.

      Fees in Justice’s Court, 63.

      Act in relation to, 135.



      Act relating to selection and sale of, 32.

      Act relating to selection and sale of, 46.

      Act relating to selection and sale of, 112.

      Act relating to selection and sale of, 118.

      Act relating to selection and sale of, 119.

      Rights of applicants and contractors defined, 124.

Land Register—

      Duties of, 46.

      Duties of, 112.

      Duties of, 118.

      Duties of, 119.

Lander county—

      One District Judge may reside in, 21.

      Compensation of officers, 29.

Laughton, Chas. E.—

      Payment for services as Lieutenant-Governor, 104.

Law Books—

      Prices regulated, 93.

Laws Repealed—

      Relative to promoting habits of temperance, 16.

      Relative to noxious animals, 39.

      Relative to convict labor, 39.

      Relative to government unincorporated towns, 51.

      Relative to taxation of dogs, 68.

Leave of Absence—

      Granted to Assessor of Lincoln county, 31.

      Granted to District Attorney of Elko county, 82.

Legal Rate of Interest—

      Seven per cent. per annum, 82.

Legislative fund—

      Created, 13.

      Surplus to revert to General Fund, 13.


      Auditor to fill out for Sheriff, 33.

      From hurdy-gurdy house, 95.

      When paid into city treasury, 114.


      When to attach for taxes, 98.

      When to assess property, 98.


      Member of Board of Capitol Commissioners, 40.

      Appropriation to pay Lieutenant-Governor Laughton, 104.


      Act to enforce protection in certain cases, 135.

Life assessment associations, mutual—

      Conditions on which to do business in this State, 85.

Lincoln county—

      To issue bonds for a railroad, 14.

      Leave of absence granted Assessor, 31.

      To issue bonds for Nevada and Southwestern railroad, 60.

      Compensation of officers, 63.


      Punishment for selling to Indians, 37.

      License from sale, when paid into city treasury, 114.

live stock—

      Certain live stock affected with disease not to be driven on highways, 72.

loan, State—

      Authorized, 109.

lyon county—

      To issue not to exceed $25,000 county bonds, 49.

      Board of Commissioners authorized to build county hospital, 98.

      Compensation of officers in, 117.



      To be transferred to Surveyor-General’s office, 76.

      J. W. Parker’s purchased for public schools, 95.

Marks and Brands—

      Misdemeanor to mismark or misbrand with intent to defraud, 88.


      Ordering public parade, 101.

      Shall be inspected, 101.

      Shall assemble at least once a month, 102.

      Debarred from exemption, 102.

      Oath, 102.

      Duty of Board of Military Auditors, 131.

Military auditors—

      Duties of, 131.


      An Act to encourage, 102.

Mining recorder—

      Fees of, 137.

Mining records—

      For the better preservation of, 136.


      To wear a badge of Grand Army of the Republic in certain cases, 31.

      To unlawfully trap or kill otter before April 1, 1897, 45.

      To import or sell domestic animals affected with contagious disease, 52.

      To violate the law protecting fish in Humboldt river, 68.

      To drive stock affected with certain diseases on public highways, 72.

      To sell tobacco, cigars and cigarettes to children under eighteen years, 80.

      For District Attorneys and partners to appear as opposing counsel, 81.

      Where two or more persons conspire to commit certain offense, 82.

      To not enforce law relative to houses of prostitution, 84.

      To misbrand or mismark stock with intent to defraud, 88.

      To make false certificates of births or deaths, 90.

      To violate law relative to prison boots and shoes, 94.

      Obtaining false certificates of registration of cattle and other animals, 105.

      If doors in certain buildings do not open inwardly and outwardly, 136.

      To keep a vicious dog, 137.


      Legal rate of interest on, 82.

      Certain surplus may be transferred, 111.

mormon church—

      Member of not allowed to vote, 107.


      Act relating to, 66.

mountain sheep or goat—

      Close season, 113.

mutual life assessment associations—

      Conditions on which to do business in this State, 85.


neat cattle—

      Act relating to, 72.

Nevada, civil Government of—

      Appropriation for, 114.

Nevada silver association—

      Appropriation for, 137.

Nevada, Idaho and montana railway COMPANY—

      Act to encourage, 73.

Nevada And Southwestern Railroad Company—

      Act to encourage, 60.

Nevada and sawyer’s digest—

      Price of, 93.

Nevada State agricultural society—

      Aid granted, 35.

Noxious Animals—

      Bounty for destruction of, 25.

      Act to provide for the destruction of, 38.

Nye County—

      Act relating to the payment of indebtedness, 17.

      Compensation of county officers, 56.

      To issue bonds for Nevada and Southwestern Railway, 60.



      Required from Commission of Examination and Reward, 99.

      Required from militia, 102.

      Required from electors, 106.

      Required from school teachers, 141.


      Consolidation of, 73.

      Consolidation of, 77.

      Consolidation of, 86.

officers, county—

      See county officers.

official advertising—

      Rates fixed, 135.

ormsby county—

      Indian school established, 23.

      To issue bonds for Indian school, 23.

      One District Judge may reside in, 21.

      Act relating to fees and compensation, 76.

      Compensation of county officers in, 126.

orphans’ home—

      Estimate of supplies required, 105.

      Sealed proposals for supplies required, 105.


      Unlawful to trap or kill before April 1, 1897, 45.


Parker, john w.—

      Maps for schools purchased from, 95.


      Certificate showing names to be filed with County Clerk, 46.

poll tax—

      Reduced to $3, 78.

      School money derived from, how apportioned in Storey county, 121.


      Not allowed to vote, 107.


      To purchase portrait of ex-Governor J. W. Adams, 27.

preferred rights—

      When two or more persons claims the same land, 119.

prisoners, state—

      When six days a month commutation may be granted, 96.

prostitution, houses of—

      Not to be kept within 400 yards of school houses, 84.

      Law where applicable, 84.

Public Highways—

      Act relative to opening, 56.

Public Schools—

      Number of children necessary to receive public money, 19.

      Indian school established in Ormsby county, 23.

      Certain money to be refunded in Esmeralda county, 26.

      Normal school in State University, 42.

      District Attorney to be ex-officio Superintendent of Schools after January 1, 1889, 73.

      Relative to houses of ill-fame and hurdy-gurdy houses, 84.

      Apportionment of money in Storey county, 121.

      Relative to School District No. 10., Washoe county, 133.

      Act providing for the maintenance and supervision of, 139.



      Act to encourage construction in Lincoln county, 14.

      Central Pacific, price of lands within and without limits, 32.

      Nevada and Southwestern Railway Company, 60.

      Nevada, Idaho and Montana Railway Company, 73.

      Survey ordered, 97.

Regents of the state university—

      Duties of, 30.

      Board constituted, 42.

register state Land office—

      Duties of, 46.

      Duties of, 112.

      Duties of, 118.

      Duties of, 119.

Registration of electors—

      Oath required, 107.


      For C. S. Young, 29.

      For W. M. Havenor, 137.


      District Judge may reside at, 20.

repealed laws—

      Relative to promote habits of temperance, 16.

      Relative to noxious animals, 39.

      Relative to convict labor, 39.

      Relative to government unincorporated towns, 51.

      Relative to taxation of dogs, 68.


      See Senate Resolutions.

      See Assembly Resolutions.


      Auditor to fill out licenses, 33.

      Poll tax reduced to $3, 78.

      From hurdy houses, 95.

      Lien when to attach for taxes, 98.

      When to assess property, 98.


      Suit may be instituted for depositing sawdust in, 126.

Road supervisor—

      Office abolished, 99.

      Law when to take effect, 99.


      Act relative to opening, 56.

roeder, john, assessor of lincoln county—

      Leave of absence granted, 31.

rulison, william A.—

      Member of Commission of Examination and Reward, 99.



      Officers in Douglas county, 20.

      Janitor of committee rooms, 22.

      Officers in Lander county, 29.

      Act relating to, 37.

      Officers in Nye county, 56.

      Officers in Lincoln county, 63.

      Officers in Washoe county, 69.

      Director weather service station, 72.

      Act relating to, 76.

      Deputy Assessors, 77.

      Churchill county, 106.

      Sheriff in Eureka county, 111.

      Officers in Lyon county, 117.

      Officers in Elko county, 125.

      Officers in Ormsby county, 126.


      County Commissioners to institute suit against persons depositing same in the rivers, 126.

      County Commissioners to levy tax to pay expenses of same, 126.


      See Public Schools.

school houses—

      Doors to open inwardly and outwardly, 135.

      Law to take effect, 135.

school trustees—

      Duties relative to J. W. Parker’s map, 96.

      When elected, 139.

      Duties of, 140.

secretary of State—

      Message from, 14.

      Duty relative to janitor, 22.

      Regent of the State University, 43.

      To contract with C. W. Friend for meteorological reports, 69.

      To transfer meteorological reports to State Librarian, 70.

      To transfer maps to Surveyor-General’s office, 76.

      Message from, 77.

      Restricted in selling State law books, 93.

      Railroad surveys to be filed with, 97.

      Message from, 286.


      Of State School Fund, 17.


      Act relating to, 72.

      False certificates of registration, 105.


      To receive from Auditor licenses filled out, 33.

      To be Assessors after 1890, 77.

      Duties relative to law preventing drunkenness in office, 65.

      Duties relative to houses of prostitution, 84.

      Duties relative to fish in Humboldt river, 68.

      Duties in Eureka county, 111.

      Duties in summoning juries, 121.

      Duties of, 134.

Sheriff’s office at carson city—

      Telephone line from, to State Prison, 76.

Shockley, W. H.—

      Member of Commission of Examination and Reward, 99.

Soldiers’ fund—

      Money transferred to, 16.

State controller—

      To transfer money from General Fund to Soldiers’ Fund, 16.

      Duty relative to State Board of Education, 17.

      Duty relative to Janitor, 22.

      To draw warrant to pay deficiencies, 22.

      To draw warrant for C. S. Young, 29.

      Member of Board for Care of Indigent Insane, 39.

      Member of Board of Capitol Commissioners, 40.

      To draw warrant for C. W. Friend, 70.

      Duties relative to mutual life assessment associations, 85.

      Appointment of lawful attorney, 87.

      To draw warrant for University deficiencies, 88.

      Member of Bureau of State Immigration, 90.

      To draw warrant for J. W. Parker’s map, 96.

      To draw warrant for surveying railroads, 97.

      To draw warrant for Commission of Examination and Reward, 100.

      To draw warrant for O. H. Gallup, 104.

      To draw warrant for Chas. E. Laughton, 104.

      To draw warrant for wild rice, 108.

      Duties relative to a State loan, 109.

      To draw warrant for artesian well bounty, 120.

      Member of board to construct vault, 123.

      To draw warrants for construction of vault, 123.

      Relative to militia, 131.

      To draw warrant for T. R. Hofer, 137.

      To draw warrant for W. M. Havenor, 137.

state board of education—

      Duties of, 17.

state board of immigration—

      Created, 90.

state institutions—

      Boots and shoes furnished to, 93.

state land register—

      Duties of, 46.

      Duties of, 112.

      Duties of, 118.

State librarian—

      To preserve meteorological reports, 70.

      To preserve weather service station reports, 70.

      Payment of O. H. Gallup for services, 104.

State loan—

      Authorized, 109.

state prison—

      Telephone line from to Sheriff’s office, Carson City, 76.

      Warden to construct telephone, 76.

      Boots and shoes to be furnished State institutions and State wards, 93.

      Board of Commissioners may grant commutation to prisoners, 96.

      Monuments to be furnished for railroad surveys, 97.

      Stone for vault to be prepared at, 123.

state school fund—

      Authority to borrow from, 109.

state treasurer—

      To transfer money from the General Fund to Soldiers’ Fund, 16.

      Member of Board for Care of Indigent Insane, 39.

      Member of Board of Capitol Commissioners, 40.

      Duties relative to a State loan, 109.

state treasury—

      Fines from violation of penal laws to be paid into, 122.

state university—

      Appropriation for, 30.

      Act relating to management, 42.

      Normal School in, 42.

      Deficiencies for 1885 and 1886, 88.

state university fund—

      Authority to borrow from, 109,

state university fund, 90,000-acre grant—

      Authority to borrow from, 109.


      Price of, 93.

storey county—

      One District Judge may reside in Virginia City, 21.

      School money, how apportioned, 121.

superintendent of schools—

      District Attorney to be ex-officio after January 1, 1889, 73.

      Duties as to J. W. Parker’s map, 96.

      Of Elko county, to pay N. Tobias, for teaching school, 101.

superintendent of public instruction—

      Regent of the State University, 43.

      Member of Bureau of State Immigration, 90.

      Duties relative to J. W. Parker’s map, 96

superintendent of state printing—

      To print compendium of meteorological reports, 70.

      To print report of Director’s labors, 71.

      To print for Bureau of State Immigration, 91.


      Member of Bureau of State Immigration, 90.

      To survey railroads in this State, 97.

      To file with Secretary of State, 97.

      Appropriation for surveying railroads, 97.

      Warden to furnish monuments, 97.

      Duties of, 46.

      Duties of, 112.

      Duties of, 118.

      Duties of, 119.

      Member of board to construct vault, 123.

Surveyor-General’s office—

      Maps to be transferred to, 76.


Talbot geo. F., district attorney of elko county—

      Leave of absence granted, 82.

tax on dogs—

      Act repealed, 68.


      Lien to attach for taxes, 98.

      When to assess property, 98.

      Levy authorized, when, 126.


      When lien attaches for, 98.

      When to assess property, 98.

      Special levy authorized, when, 126.

telephone line—

      From State Prison to Sheriff’s office, Carson City, 76.


      Doors to open inwardly and outwardly, 135.

      Law to take effect, 135.


      Misdemeanor to sell to children under 18 years of age, 80.

tobias, N.—

      Elko county to pay for teaching school, 101.

Towns and cities—

      Act relating to the government of, 117.


Undertaking and bonds—

      An Act to facilitate the giving, 86.

United States—

      Relative to Indian school, 24.

University, state—

      Appropriation for, 30.

      Act relating to management, 42.

      Normal School in, 42.

      Elko subscribers reimbursed, 53.

      Deficiencies for 1885 and 1886, 88.



      To be constructed, 123.

Virginia City—

      District Judge may reside at, 20.



      Right to enter private lands, 83.

Warden of State Prison—

      To construct telephone line from Carson City to Prison, 76.

      To furnish monuments for railroad surveys, 97.

      To furnish stone for vault, 123.

Wards of State—

      Boots and shoes, where furnished, 93.

Washoe county—

      One District Judge may reside in, 21.

      To issue bonds to pay for bridges across Truckee river, 48.

      Compensation of county officers, 69.

      Act relative to School District No. 10, 133.

Waste Ditches—

      Right to enter private lands, 83.

Weather service station—

      Established at Carson City, 70.

      Director of to be appointed, 70.

      Duties of the Director, 70.

      Appropriation for, 72.

Wells, Artesian—

      To encourage sinking, 119.

White Pine County—

      County seat removed from Hamilton to Ely, 27.

      County Commissioners to construct a court-house and county hospital, 33.

      County Commissioners to issue bonds for a court-house and county hospital, 33.

      To issue bonds for the Nevada and Southwestern Railway, 60.

      Payment of certain indebtedness provided for, 131.

Wild Game—

      Act relating to, 45.

      Act relating to, 113.

Wild Rice—

      Appropriation of $100 for, 108.

      Fish Commissioner to procure and distribute, 108.

Williams, James—

      Money paid from Soldiers’ Fund, 16.


      District Judge may reside at, 20.


Young, C. S.—

      Relief for, 29.